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No. 2159692[Reply]

For burgers to unite and talk about the greatest nation on earth.

>no infighting

>no baiting
>just mclovin

Previous threads:
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No. 2198842

i didn’t say if they fired you. i said if something life threatening happens. they are moving towards considering an evacuation order a law legally in florida, there was one case that was dismissed and one that was considered over this.

however the important thing is if you are injured because you are forced to work in unsafe conditions, then you can sue. that’s what i meant.

No. 2198865

West Virginia is paying people to move there and it’s a very pretty area

No. 2198882

NEW THREAD, BURGERINAS! >>>/ot/2198863

No. 2200758

mid sized cities in the midwest

No. 2200760

what pisses me off about posts like this is that you same people will probably hold it against anon(s) for struggling financially after demanding them quit

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No. 1366720[Reply]

for all your stoney baloney needs

previous thread >>>/ot/542085
smoker salt goes here >>>/ot/1307162
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No. 2198239

Mentioned to my boyfriend I've never tried a gravity bong and now he is currently making one lol

No. 2198248

No. 2198650

I've stopped smoking daily and it's much more enjoyable now, excited for tonight.

No. 2198671

can't wait to get toasty tonight and watch the Metallica documentary where they all fight with each other

No. 2203367

what if "nigga jim" from tom sawyer was asian and his name was chigga kim.

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No. 2154863[Reply]

Make fun of weird ass fetishes and the degenerates who like them and no you can’t crosspost nonas from /g/

Last Threads
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No. 2196974

I don't think he looks bad but/g/ is over there.

No. 2198506

Women into femdom who only equate it to anal on male are disgusting shit-eaters. They are unimaginative to make a male submissive to them without resorting to homosexual moid behavior.
>but moids can't be humiliated with just pussy-
You're a fucking idiot. You're throwing a blanket statement. Instead of properly dominating a guy you're just whoring it up with multiple bi partners thinking you'll always be in the honeymoon phase of dominance where anything you do is embarrassing, refusing to understand change is inevitable.
You're not a dominate woman, you're just a whore those moids tricked into becoming their troon/futa/dickgirl fantasy

No. 2198527

The femdom thread on /g/ needs this. A lot of "femdoms" are just cucks. It's not "empowering" or slightly dominating for you to feel zero pleasure while you jerk off a moid for hours even if it's slightly painful for him. Men's pleasure will never be humiliating.

No. 2201641

Race play in general, though I remember something really weird about it was finding out that a very small minority of them were white women pretending to be non-white women into race play. Such a strange thing to be into

No. 2201648

Kek, what in the world? Were they grifters?

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No. 672223[Reply]

For everyone who wants to move on with their life outside of lolcow, aka graduating.
Here is where we thank the website that accompanied us for months or years of our life, and we finally say one last goodbye to never look back. Try to not bring negativity into the thread.
>Your favorite lolcows
>What thread you loved the most
>How much time did you spent here
>What are you looking foward in the future
>Would you come here occasionally
>Etc etc etc

Or the reverse, why you would never quit this place. Please don't infight, don't vent, some people are just trying to stop being neets.
819 posts and 184 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2191571

all women experience misogyny. There was a study in the UK that estimated 99% of woemen were subjected to sexual violence at least once.

No. 2191576

and sometimes getting molested isn't "enough" per se to make a woman want to become purposefully feminist because shes just been traumatized

No. 2191594

You don't even need to be molested to be a feminist at all. Just willing to push the status quo and not worry about what men think of you. That's the primary reason why radical feminism naturally attracts strange women and crazies, most normal women are hopelessly obsessed with male validation to some extent, even if they never get it. The tranny debates are what are attracting tradthots in the making more than anything.
Ngl, this sounds like a repackaging of the assertion made by moids that good dick will make a woman quit feminism. I don't like to believe that women are that susceptible to folding for male approval, but maybe that's the reality of our sex.

No. 2198313

i’ve been here for six years, and i’m going to try to stop coming (outside of a few threads i lurk on /snow/). the userbase is genuinely worse than it’s ever been, the high levels of needless aggression and the constant whining and the general unpleasantness are getting to be too much, in many ways it feels like i’m on twitter. i mean i know it’s bad when the 4chan generals i browse are easier-going than here. and the farmhands are just useless and unfunny. “if you aren’t a farmer you are a guest here [sic]” like okay, you sound 12. it’s so bad that i’ve tinfoiled they’re moderating this badly on purpose, just to see /ot/ burn so the cow boards get more focus. but i digress…

it’s like lc has become a toilet that’s not good for anything but dumping bad emotions and acting shitty. i’ve contributed to that culture in my worst moments, but i’ve also moved past it. and i’ve outgrown it. dgmw yes there are definitely good and insightful anons here but that’s 1 interesting person out of 9 ESL tards impotently pissing everywhere. that’s a short, decent convo out of a million infights about bullshit that doesn’t matter irl or even anywhere off the internet off of lolcow. not even the occasional schizo meltdown is entertaining anymore, it’s pitiable and stressful. like i now realize it’s more stubbornness and habit than actual enjoyment that keeps me here, but what’s the point of stubbornly eating shit thinking it’ll become gold when i can do literally anything else. i have a good job, my social skills are slowly getting better, i’m not some miserable loser NEET anymore, i shouldn’t be circling the drain of this site like i’m still that deadbeat nobody. in fact i’m only here rn because i’m cramping bad and feeling awful. i never come here unless i’m feeling awful but that should stop, goodbye

No. 2198470

Couldn't agree more. I don't know how they delude themselves into thinking it's better than standard boy-crazy behavior, when it's the same degree of obsession but with a twist.
>there's more to life than dating and romance tf?
Right? It's like they realized het dating sucks but instead of developing a feminist outlook and moving on they overcorrect and obsess over their perceived loss. I really get the feeling they're saying 'i wanted a perfect conventional heterosexual relationship and it didn't work. Why me???' over and over. They clearly still care a lot about men, desirability, conformity etc.

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No. 2052549[Reply]

A thread to post about looksmax.org and looksmaxxing communities in general. Filled to the brim with insane levels of nitpicking and mental illness. Also a place to post incels/"femcels" in general, since both overlap.
https://loPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2186320

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No. 2187450

so he was totally gonna jump but called his family before doing it? If he lives long term I hope he is kinder to his family for helping him bc to me it looks like it was a cry for help.

Genuinely extremely gay, like dude thought he had a shot with Lucky Blue had it not been for Nara.

No. 2198243

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No. 2198256

these retards come up with the silliest nicknames

No. 2198259

>they have no one to protect them
who wants one these whiny faggots to protect them lmfao

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No. 2168370[Reply]

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events that have recently happened in your life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2141639
1203 posts and 207 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2197623

chocolate and almond already go well together, so it sounds yummy, but it could also taste like a cardboard box dissolved in chocolate milk kek, but it exists in my country so i'll order it sometime nonnie

No. 2197625

it is actually entirely justified for you to hate indian men, especially as a SEA woman, prostitution and sex tourism are common joke subjects among indian scrotes, they don't respect their own country's women and they disrespect you even more.

No. 2202049

I always thought my calves were slightly disproportionate to the rest of my leg (esp since I have small ankles), recently I started wearing compression socks because I stand a lot at work and now they look more balanced even after removing the socks. I guess they were just slightly swollen or the skin was kinda loose, since they're not actually fat?

No. 2202079

I thought I was just terrible at makeup and doing it wrong, but I was just looking at it under extremely harsh lighting. I am actually OK at it.

No. 2206877

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Tori Vega strikes me as the type of girl that brags about how cool she is with her boyfriend watching porn because she prioritizes moid validation.

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No. 1813019[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!
507 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2181342

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doublepost sorry but i just read the new article (https://web.archive.org/web/20240814113712/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/14/magazine/canada-brain-disease-dementia.html) and i feel sick with fear, i hate this province and government so much. irvings poisoning people and giving them dementia at 20 and nobody gives a shit. fuck my life.

No. 2182147

I'm super stressed about it too. I love the east coast but I am so fucking sick of this province. I'm terrified of having an emergency and dying because the ER closed at 8. Don't even get me started on all the cult shit. We are doomed.

No. 2183662

The Irving family, perhaps not de jure but de facto, owns New Brunswick. They fund the tertiary educational facilities, they own the majority of the provincial media producers, they own virtually all engineering and construction firms in the province, etc., etc.. The Irvings have dominated New Brunswick since the late 1800s, and in the 21st century the province is little more than their personal fiefdom. It's been nearly 150 years, and the family still insists on keeping the company private because of the immense benefits it reaps for them. The premier of New Brunswick, in fact the entire political framework of the province, is just another facet of the Irving company. That's why they were allowed to pour waste into the river in the 1950s, it's why they were given tax breaks in the 1970s that still remain to this day, it's why they can poison the people without consequence, etc., etc.. It's a very sad state of affairs for the people of New Brunswick; to be so politically and economically helpless.

With that being said, I believe in the veracity of the doctor and the people that have noticed the disease. I doubt the integrity of the Irving family; the Irving company; and, the provincial parliament and governing bodies. The brain disease has been developing since at least the mid 00s, it was only recognized by officials and experts as a cause for concern in the mid 10s, and the information leaked to the public in the late 10s (iirc). I do fear that this disease will be used by lazy and incompetent doctors as a sort of "catch-all" diagnosis, since it's easy to hate on the Irvings and it's hard to provide good quality medical care.

The conservatives and the liberals are two sides of the same coin. Both parties have virtually the same stances on immigration, the one real issue that the country faces, and both parties support the Century Initiative. If Pollievre and the Conservatives win, the GDP will continue to be artificially propped up by the housing market. No party wants to admit that we are facing a looming catastrophe vis-à-vis the quality of life and the cost of living that will commence when the great die-off begins in the next 10-15 years. They don't want to admit it because every party is composed of very wealthy individuals that have Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 2192752

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No. 2197438

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>While a Pakistani man living in the Toronto area was allegedly planning a mass murder of Jews in New York, he was also seeking refugee status in Canada, according to an immigration consultant.
>Qadeer said Khan was in the process of claiming refugee status on the basis of his sexual orientation. "He said he was gay," Qadeer told CBC News in a recent interview.
Say it with me:

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No. 1773054[Reply]

Post sane takes and common sense. Ignore bait, adhere to the rules. Have fun.
219 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2194819

I’m convinced there is no such thing as a good Korean scrote atp. They all seem disgusting and piggish to me. Same applies for other similar countries, but Korea really frightens me.

No. 2194870

How do you, not only get overweight as a male, but also get overweight as a Korean male?

No. 2194890

Family Guy is funny

No. 2196923

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calicos are the best cats

No. 2196927

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they're nice and all but everyone knows black cats = best cats

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No. 2178436[Reply]

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
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No. 2197016

It's always the husbandofags with the parasocial attachment issues that take every single thing as a personal attack against them and their cartoon Nigel.

No. 2197023

Anons complain about being spammed with annoying mpreg jokes
>That didn't happen.("you have paranoid farms brainrot!")
Anons post examples
>And if it did, it wasn't that bad."you are joyless and bitter and just jealous!"
Anons elaborate and give recent examples
>And if it was, that's not a big deal. "It's just husbandofags, everyone else doesn't care cuz I said so"

Accept that others dont share your lame sense of humor, narc-chan. Aren't you the one who is taking people hating a meme as an excuse to play armchair psychologist?

No. 2197044

NTA but the original joke was done by a Japanese artist and the two people were two female students and the child they had was this hardened yakuza type

No. 2197093

Take your meds.

No. 2197178

isn’t this a teenager?

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No. 2195213[Reply]

Share men's brainlet takes on anything women related

Previous thread:
33 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2196495

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I'm pretty sure he was retarded when he wrote that, brain damage from the anorexia

No. 2196516

Jesus Christ that looks like some highschooler, why are so many people spouting hateful stuff against women online moidlets?

No. 2196522

Jesus, those are some advanced psycho eyes.

No. 2196839

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No. 2196855

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Funnily enough, no deaths were reported and injuries were minimal, all passengers reported to be safe. Multiple sources are saying a power outage caused the crash. Moids love pointing out whenever women are involved in something bad… but if we bring up their crime rates kek

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