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No. 542226>>542246
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trying to slowly reduce my intake by smoking CBD which is legal in my country, actually feels better. doesn't impair my ability to work during the day too much and I only have a sense of being "body" high and not braindead retarded in my head
No. 542247>>542249
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>>542246I'd argue that internet and shopping addictions are far more prevalent on LC, and much more damaging to the brain than weed ever will be.
No. 542249
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>>542247Agreed. I'm stoned right now but I don't think I'll be smoking much other than socially after quarantine anyways.
No. 542254
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Smoking weed helps me focusing on work and being more creative. I miss smoking, since quarantine started I haven’t had a clue how to get it. I don’t want CBD.
No. 542273>>542279>>542307
I’m not surprised neets think pot is the devil. All the anons complaining literally sound like nerds. (Yes I just called you guys nerds, you sound SO dorky yelling about pot). I smoke weed, Not planning on stopping. Just fucking CHILLIN doods.
>>542266Cannabis is completely legal where I live, sold in pot stores etc. it’s incredibly nice and makes it harder for kids to get it. Also makes it so sketchy drug dealers don’t sell it, so everyone gets to try if they want, safely. My mom now uses a little oil pen and so does my sister which is insane for them. My grandma has even thought about trying it! It’s not something you get hooked on, it’s like having a sip of a beer. I think it’s a really good thing for it to be legal. It’s so shocking that more than half my country (America) it’s illegal still. I feel bad for all my fellow Americans getting put in jail for something I can go to the store and buy.
No. 542310
hello fellow stoners.
i love pot. i'm a daily smoker but am trying to cut down to weekends. my tolerance isn't what it used to be and i'm trying to smoke less, but it's so damn hard.
>>54266i live in the US and marijuana legalization is up to the individual states. where i live medical is legal, recreational is illegal. if you really want it, find a therapist who will refer you for anxiety. it's not a long or complicated process, just expensive.
people as a whole don't really care. i have people close to be who are totally against it, i know more who are totally for it.
it frustrates me how much it costs when it will become legal though. i was recently in a state on the east coast where recreational was legal and prices were insane. i read they don't have much competition so they can charge what they want.
it's cool being able to pick and choose different strains with a medical card, but i can save a good chunk of change getting the same amount of a mystery hybrid that gets me just as high from the guy across town.
No. 542312
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I'm a little sad cause I'm smoking the rest of my leaf and carts, so I probably won't have anything for 420. I gotta flush my system of thc in case I need to search for a new job next month anyway. Every company in my state drug tests. I was actually a piss collector for awhile so I know how to beat the tests, I just think it would be really humiliating to fail at faking it (I've seen it obv and how pathetic people act) and I'd prefer to have zero anxiety over something so petty. It's about time I had a break anyway, I've been smoking almost daily since December so I don't get those fun head highs anymore. It helps with my sleep and food regulation but I miss being able to lose my mind to some music.
Sometimes for funsies I'll go on Etsy and hunt for new glass. I have a little collection and I love unique pieces.
No. 542382
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One thing that kinda makes me sad about being stoned is that I'm a much better person personality-wise when I am. It just takes away all my social aversion and hinderance. I don't fear as much what other people think so I interact more knowing that if it's not a hit with them I can laugh it off and not take it so personally.
When I come down I go quiet again. Often people think I'm straight up a bitch. Not because of what I say (or don't say) in particular, but because I'm less smiley and animated. Otherwise I just got this resting bitch face and these squinty almond eyes and half smile that make it look like I'm arrogantly smug 24/7. At least a little extroversion and perkiness takes the edge off people so I'm not constantly presenting like I'm a threat. It's really just my neutral state, I don't know how to change me permanently despite having worked on it.
No. 542384>>565050
>>542376My friend had the best advice:
>ride it, don't let it ride youYou have complete control over your trip. As soon as you remember that, it's easy to chill out.
No. 542396>>542407
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>>542376I get this when smoking with others. I learned over time that I'm simply a solitary smoker.
No. 543822
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>>543703My process:
You need a thermometer that goes up to 150*C min.
Grind your stuff up, its usually 1g (or like one nugget) for 50g of butter the way I've done it
You want to add a little bit of water to your pan, than add the butter and melt it.
Add the herb.
You want to warm it for about 40-60min at around 115-130
C. Do this on very low heat to control the temperature. The butter will initially froth up and then slowly change colour. When the froth/bubbles are all gone, plant matter is brown and the butter is brown or amber it is done. You can use it in anything or consume it on its own, just remember to not exceed 140C when cooking.
I wish you a happy cooking!
No. 543860
>>543801i'm sorry, anon. that's pretty shitty and i can understand how you feel. do you ever listen to music while you smoke? one of my favorite things that really contributes to my high is putting on some great music, especially older music i used to love but haven't listened to in a while. throwbacks are always so much more entertaining when stoned.
do you have these feelings even when you're with your friends?
>>543803i'm jealous anon. i gained a decent amount of weight due to pot and munchies. it got to a point where i'd not eat anything all day, get high, and BINGE. i'm still trying to get over it. it's tough but unfortunately i've come to associate eating with being high and if i don't have snacks, it's all i can think about. i'm trying to stop this though.
No. 546505>>546514
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can you smoke dab from a regular ol bowl? i'm finally running out of bud (i've had the same g bag for two months) but i have a little bit of dab too. idk if i'd be able to use my bowl to smoke it tho or if i'd need some other device. problem is, im hunkered down away from home, so i dont have anything to smoke with other than my bowl and my lighter.
No. 546698
>>546692Depends on what strain you smoke but you become generally very relaxed. There's obviously a head high too where you think differently but in short you'll absolutely notice it when you're high especially on your first time.
Also you can't get addicted in the sense of a physical addiction like other drugs so no withdrawal symptoms like that but you can get psychologically addicted where you can get cranky and moody for a while if you're not smoking but it's nothing horrible. Kind of like giving up coffee if you've been a long time drinker maybe?
No. 546699>>546732
>>546692It’s a different version of high now that I’ve smoked a lot. At first, it really does make you HIGH, everything is warm, bright, and like fuzzy I guess. You feel like everyone can tell you are high. Now, it’s just a muted version of the feeling unless I don’t smoke for like a month and than it hits me like bricks. I just get way more engrossed in things, like scrolling on instagram is 100% more interesting and can lock you in entertainment wise. You can have fun just looking at the wall. You can grow an emotional attachment to being high but there are no physical withdrawals. I have never experienced a single withdrawal from cannabis at all (I have smoked for 10 years, some years daily some years once a month), some say they have but I think it’s an emotional thing because a lot of people have mental illness’s their self medicating and burying. It takes form in “withdrawals” but it’s really just getting out of the emotional dependence and now that your not high, you experience your body illnesses or mental illness again. Cannabis is a good medicine for pain so if you are hurt and smoke 24/7 you might not feel it until you sober up. If you are depressed or hopeless, you might definitely get dependent on cannabis. Especially because it so quickly and drastically changes your mood without making you sick or hurting you like alcohol or other drugs. You have to have a strong sense of self, or you’ll just want to be stoned all the time. And you have to be sober sometimes, it’s not good to be constantly under the influence of anything. It does not give you caffeine withdrawal headaches, those are 100% different and worse than stopping cannabis. Plus if you just smoke a j once and wake up the next day, you will feel absolutely nothing. It will not give you a hangover and there is no emotional dependence to “withdrawal” from.
No. 546757
>>546732Addiction and dependence are two different things. I would never rob someone because I’m about to have a seizure from not
smoking pot. Alcohol, herion, even nicotine, coffee, and sugar cause more physical addiction and withdrawal symptoms than cannabis. Marijuana “withdrawal” is less harmful and less painful than caffeine withdrawal. If I stop drinking coffee I have a painful eye gouging migraine instantly, if I stop cannabis, never had a single withdrawal symptom. Thats enough right there to make me reconsider any sort of “information” people try to spew. Cannabis and cannabis withdrawal has not been effectively studied. Until we have consistent, effective, reliable research and legalization to research, I’m going to take any information with a grain of salt. I know mine and countless others personal experiences and I’ve never met someone in real life that says they have had withdrawals or addiction to marijuana. I think I explained emotional dependence pretty well in my other post. I’m not going to read some article that automatically changes what I have personally experienced, it doesn’t work like that when trying to convince people.
No. 546760>>546767
>>546732i'm a daily smoker. when i take a break, i usually get withdrawal symptoms: anxiety, cold sweats, trouble falling asleep, and loss of appetite. the anxiety and sleep issues usually last for about 3 days and my appetite comes back after a week. after that, i'm good to go until i start smoking and take my next t break again.
it sucks, but it makes it a lot easier knowing my anxiety and lack of appetite is due to not smoking rather than something actually being wrong with me. the first couple times i thought i was coming down with some kind of illness because i felt so shitty.
for me, taking a t-break = crash diet if i'd ever want to lose a few pounds. i get crazy munchies when i'm high and associate smoking with eating so during breaks i can easily go 1000 kcal or less per day without feeling hungry. trying to eat gets me so nauseous it's easier not to when i'm not smoking for more than a day or two.
No. 546767>>546785
>>546760How do you know you don’t experience anxiety in general, stopping cannabis peaks that anxiety that’s been building up, and than your mind regulates back out so you don’t experience the anxiety as dramatically. How do we know that it’s the weed causing that anxiety or if it’s just your mind doing that to it’s self, ya know? You can convince yourself of anything. I’m not trying to diminish your experience, it’s completely
valid and I hear you! But there is just so many factors in play and I don’t know you personally enough to say “yes the pot is causing this”. I guess I would just like solid science based evidence before I say yes this is causing this. Personally I just decided to stop smoking one day and didn’t experience any cravings or symptoms, I just went on as normal. And it’s like why would it cause someone to feel withdrawals and others not, that’s not how withdrawl or addiction works. If you smoke crack you going to experience the same pain as anyone else who does (shitty example). I hear, I do. And I don’t get why you would continue if it causes you such hard times when you use it?
No. 546785
>>546767i do have anxiety from time to time, but i can usually pinpoint it to something going in my life - it's not a constant thing (fortunately).
i do see your point through. now that i'm thinking more into it i don't experience these symptoms nearly as strongly as when i'm on away on a vacation than when i'm taking a break when in places that are familiar to me. hmm…
i'm trying to wean off from daily to only on the weekends. as much as i love it, i know smoking every day is me doing a disservice to myself personally. so hopefully by cutting down my use it'll eliminate the withdrawal/pent up anxiety coming out/whatever it is that happens when i stop.
i guess to circle back to
>>546692, my advice is enjoy it and don't worry about becoming addicted or being a degenerate. you won't get addicted like you would to alcohol or cocaine no matter how much you smoke, but like anything else, if you make it part of routine, it can be really uncomfortable for a few days to eliminate it from your routine.
No. 546882>>546891
>>546863Thanks anon! How much is a lot? I have stems left over from maybe half an ounce's worth of weed.
>>546865Good idea! Will that make a smell?
No. 546958>>546964>>546973>>546975>>546980>>546991>>547022
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I wanna smoke in my apartment but I live in a no smoke area, any tips?
I live in a second story… my patio faces the parking area.
I’m more of an edible taker but lately they haven’t been doing much…
No. 546975
>>546958Do you have good ventilation in your bathroom?
I used to smoke in the shower right under the ventilation, no odors, worked like a charm.
No. 546980>>547170
>>546958>>546973Seconding the vape/smoke buddy. I smoked for years in my dorm by blowing the vape out the window. Keep in mind wind direction if you do this though, but vape smoke doesn't nearly stick or is as potent as much as a joint or bong. You can also DIY a smoke buddy using laundry sheets and a toilet paper tube.
Stay away from joints for sure. Your hair will reek, your clothes will reek, your fingers and everything you touch will reek.
No. 547022>>547170>>549032
>>546958like the other anons have said, a smoke buddy is effective.
a cheap DIY smoke buddy - cover one end of a toilet paper roll with dryer sheet or two and secure it with a rubber band.
make sure you don't inhale into it, only exhale
No. 547660>>547725
>>547240Don't be mean, a friend of mine who was a much more experienced smoker told me to make one.
On that subject, is a legit smokebuddy worth it? I hate having to go outside and hotbox or take a walk in shitty weather every time I want to smoke.
No. 547772
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hey all you anons either dry or on a t break, don't forget to do all those corny self care things like stay hydrated and get a little exercise while you're readjusting to sober life! it really does help.
No. 547876
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>>547813this here Yocan Uni has lasted me about a year, i totally recommend it anon
>>547831i wish you luck with finding true dab carts! if it helps, real carts should taste like grass, plant matter, not like a flavoured oil (fake). usually if they're real, the dealer will specify that they're dab or distillate carts of higher quality and not "dank vape carts bro".
No. 548645>>548648>>548655
>>548621I’ve been using an APX for 2 years and it still works nice, it was only $75. It’s the only one I’ve ever used that’s purely for bud and I love it!
Side note, I love having this thread. talking about weed with girls is 100x better than anywhere else on the Internet <3 <3 ily my fellow ganja girls <3
No. 548793
>>548655What other anons said, compared to a bowl or spliff it only smells for a minute tops and not like burning, just weed.
Depends what kinda vape you're using too. Oil cartridges barely noticeable, but if you've got a heating chamber and using flower it will smell a bit more
No. 548804>>548848
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>>548621I've had the Arizer Solo for close to a decade now and it still works great. Very user friendly, a decent range of heat settings too.
No. 549146
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>>548845I can't believe you guys have weed lounges what the fuck do they look like is it wrong that I am just imagining them like airport lounges when really they're like the cafes in Amsterdam?? but then who the fuck wants to get high in a cafe? wait who am I kidding it probably looks like an airport lounge it's North America.
No. 549348
>>549277make a Tinder/popular dating app profile and indicate you're a stoner who recently moved here. just (obviously) be careful where you pick it up.
that's how i found my current plug.
No. 550053
>>550041i used to be really into indica but recently i've been appreciating sativas a lot more. indicas have been making me super sleepy as of recent.
my favorite indica dominant strain is huckleberry soda and my favorite sativa is pineapple muffin. pineapple muffin is a shining example of why you shouldn't go by THC %. it's under 10% and still provides a really nice high.
No. 550530>>550838
>>549088not a tv show but I love watching people build miniatures and other crafty shit. HMS2 and 植物男子 Asu are both pretty good, no commentary and no music/cutesy toy piano like a lot of craft channels.
as far as actual shows go, I think flight of the conchords and mr. show hold up pretty well. on the flipside, watching letterkenny high kind of ruined it for me, but ymmv.
No. 550569
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>>548621I went for the Airis Herborn and I LOVE it.
No. 550998>>551528
>>550840Nah, man. I think that way sometimes too but really, as long as the transaction is chill (nice fun convo during trade-off works for me), you don’t need to worry about being impolite or having to hang out with him. He’s making some cash in the end, that should suffice. At least that’s usually what I tell myself.
On the other hand, one of my plugs and I keep planning to hang but we always have an excuse not to. Keeps us friendly with each other lol
But please don’t feel obligated to hang out with him unless he seems cool and you’d actually want to!
No. 551802>>551808
>>550840Depends if you have already bought for him. If you have, then you can ask.
I’m saying this because some people have tried to buy weed from me, just because they know that I smoke, and I hate it. I’m not anyone’s weed guy.
I’m generous to offer smokes for my friends when we are spending time together but when someone hits me up just to score it’s big nope.
Some people get friendly with their weed guys but for me it’s always been very fast with minimal contact. My friend had a fwb/fuckbuddy kind of relationship with his weed guy. They smoked together, had sex and the guy gave her some weed to bring home also.
Yeah before radfems attack: I know it’s borderline prostitution. I wouldn’t be comfortable with that kind of transaction , personally.
No. 551808
>>551802imo that sounds like a sweet set-up for your friend IF she's into it.
(hopefully) good, no strings attached sex, free weed. win win.
>>550840it's totally fine to only hit them up to buy. obviously when you're with them be kind and make conversation, but don't feel you need to have a more personal relationship just because they sell you weed.
No. 552834
>>552826I have this with drinking, I go to the bathroom constantly because I'm paranoid about getting drunk and pissing myself in public. I go to the bathroom so much even though I don't need to that it looks like I actually do have a bladder problem.
I wish I could find a solution but it's nice your friends responded that way
No. 553295
>>552826Lol at this anon, I have pelvic floor disfunction but weed never effects it, might be your body's own special response to the weed anxiety? Big hits used to effect my ears specifically
Any other everyday weed users (I vape) getting mild stomach problems? I ammm
No. 553360
>>542085i'm stoney balonely
but i just ordered a vape so that's something to look forward to
i should bake something
No. 553375
>>553305I mean unless you get a stoner friend or some kind of acquaintance who could do it for you it would be pretty hard. There's probably some nice dealers in your area though. Some are sketchy obviously, but a lot are just fairly normal people earning some extra money to get by. Do you know anyone who smokes? Would be the best place to start.
Reminds me of the time me and my boyfriend ended up giving some change and talking for quite a while to this heroin addict in London. We ended up asking if he could help us get some weed and he happily obliged. So we followed him for a while, he called up his dealer who came driving in a car and fixed the transaction for us. He could've easily fucked us over though.
No. 553437
>>553357Birmingham! Funnily enough I’m in a area where I know they do sell a lot of weed! I do know
some people who know dealers but sadly their wack… I have asked an old neighbour today but he tried to sleep with my mum LOL so!!
No. 555232>>555238>>555333
Anyone feel like sharing some law enforcement stories?
For example, a few years ago my friend and I rolled up 3 or 4 blunts to accompany us on a trip to the mall in a city an hour away. We smoked on the way and my paranoia got incredibly bad since I usually smoke at home/familiar places. On the way back, we contemplated smoking the rest of our blunts but I insisted we should have a sober ride home for the sake of my anxiety.
Next thing you know, we're like a few miles outside of our town and she gets pulled over. Her car is definitely a beater; the front bumper had fallen off a week ago and her tail lights were all kinds of fucked. Not to mention she had no power steering!
Cop comes to my side of the car and looks in at us with a flashlight. He points out her shitty car and runs her license. Meanwhile, our Mason jar of blunts is right at my feet, a few feet below his gaze, and he never even saw.
Apparently her license was suspended or expired, so I had to drive us home, and I got to truly appreciate the invention of power steering from that point on.
Other than that, I've never been caught by police/had weed confiscated, yet all of my friends have at one point or another.
No. 555333
>>555232Only time I got caught was for some text messages with a friend. Police in my city had a huge operation to catch teens smoking/selling weed or whatever.
I was still 17 at the time so my mum had to come with me to the station for the interview. I said I'd only smoked a few handful of times. When I went back to approve what she'd wrote down from the interview she read up that I'd said "Weed is a good drug" basically and I looked at her like what the fuck.. I never said that in our conversation. Saying that to a police officer like some retard? She deleted it but I found it very interesting that she wrote that down somehow. They wanted me to go to a drug program for teens but I didn't have to since I already went to mental health treatment. I was let off with a temporary warning if they caught me again it would have consequences basically.
I was also drinking and smoking with some friends in a park once. Police woman comes over and tells us to pour out our drinks and that was that. The joint wasn't burning very well at that point but still have no idea whether she just didn't smell it or chose to ignore it honestly.
No. 556157
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I invested a portion of my stimulus check in half a p for fun and profit! I'm on disability so it's all Mad Money to me!
No. 556163>>556165>>556206
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This is the flower vape I bought almost a year ago (I posted about it in the other weed thread last year). It's butane powered which I definitely prefer over batteries, cords, and the hunt for electricity. And in colder weather the heat generated nicely warms your hands. The entire site was 50% off for July 4th so I also got an extra screen kit and their best grinder. No. 556165
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>>556163Oh, and since I last posted about it I've used it in several legit clubs (as opposed to underground venues) and it passed the sniff test. No one smelled it at all. And holding it cupped in both hands under your chin looks like your sipping a drink.
Orderings extra screens was definitely the way to go.
No. 556243
>>556205Here's hoping you find the ganjaman!
>>556206Truth be told I decided to get it after seeing a review by altcow Of Herbs & Altars.
I had no idea it was coming from Ireland when I ordered it, ya know, on their July 4th sale, and didn't know until I got the shipping info via email!
No. 563450
>>563447yes, by far! to be fair i have an issue with letting my thoughts spiral but instead of sobbing and having a mental breakdown like when drunk, i just get a bit anxious and then watch youtube to distract myself lol. there's no nausea, no headache, no gross sweatiness or overheated feeling, and no hangover. i used to have an issue with drinking too much until i switched to weed and now i hardly drink at all.
being drunk makes me wanna do stupid destructive shit and send dumb texts i'll regret. being high makes me wanna eat saltines and listen to music for three hours. the latter is highly preferable to me!
No. 565017>>565107>>565253
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did anyone watch the Magic Bullet infomercial growing up? my friends and i were fucking obsessed with it. we'd quote it all the time. god i'm gonna watch it now.
>>564452you go anon. that's good motivation. i'm trying to cut down so my highs are better and i save more money.
No. 565253
>>565017I always quote the Magic bullet with my sister lmao
I thought we were the only ones
No. 565572>>565578>>565579>>565606>>565690
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Why every time I eat an edible I feel so dumb I wanna quit pot altogether?
I'm not quite sure if it's because of the shitty strain edibles have over here but it doesn't matter how much or how little I eat them, I feel like my brain is melting. I feel so dumb and numb and depressed that makes me seriously reconsider weed and it sucks. I'm high rn after smoking and the difference in my mood is abysmal.
Are any anons having the same problem?
No. 565606>>566033
>>565572I've been smoking near-daily for over a year now to the point where my tolerance is becoming concerning but I'm still terrified of edibles. I really don't get it. I see people in legal states, who could get their hands on as much herb/carts/wax as they could ever want, buying edibles and posting bragging about it and I want someone to tell me what the appeal is. If you're a pussy who "doesn't want to smoke/inhale anything", sure, but literally why else? Why would you choose a method of consuming weed that can easily lead to too-large doses, and that you have to wait so fucking long to get high, when smoking/vaping is so easy and you get immediate feedback as to how high you're getting?
I also get the sense that a lot of normie-type weed newbies do edibles as their 1st exposure to weed, and maybe this is because I'm in an illegal state and people think it's less risky to sneak them over state lines than flower would be, but it's still insane to me. Telling someone that they should do edibles if they want to try weed for the first time seems like horrible advice.
No. 565995>>566004
>>565712>Do y'all think it's possible to tell the difference between fake carts made with synthetic cannabinoids vs real ones based on the high?Probably not, but you should be able to tell by the aftertaste, appearance, and packaging. I really wouldn't recommend buying carts from online, it's much better to buy them in person so you can inspect them yourself. If your dealer won't let you pick your own and handle them then it's a bad sign.
Checking for cart authenticity is a bit like checking for knockoff makeup. You want to observe the packaging. Never buy "indie" brand carts that aren't searchable, don't list manufacturing or ingredient info, and aren't available in shops in legal states. Observe the packaging, look for markers that the carts are bootleg and not professionally filled. Such markers include fingerprints, no rubber stoppers, and just sloppy packaging in general. You should be able to compare the packaging to what's listed on the brand website and it should be the same.
If the price for cart is too low, then it's too good to be true. If the cart tastes bad, don't use it.
Known fake brands:
> No. 566140>>566214>>566432
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>>554777This is a really late reply, and I don't have advice as to how to manage your tolerance as I'm really struggling with that myself rn, but getting a vaporizer instead of smoking is easily the most effective thing you can do to stretch your weed supply, seriously. Vaping herb takes a little getting used to but it's a lot more efficient than burning it - think of the smoke that inevitably doesn't make it into your lungs with a pipe, joint, or bong. Also, the leftover vaped herb can be consumed as an edible because the heat breaks the THC down into a form that can be absorbed orally, although I haven't worked up the courage to munch on my pile of it yet. I have an Arizer (pictured) and I love it but they're a little pricey, something cheaper would also do. As someone who lives in an illegal state and worries about my weed supply constantly, I'll never go back to smoking unless it's someone else's weed kek
>>563447It realllllllly depends anon. Honestly, I'm a huge stoner, but I was very let down as I started getting into weed like 2 years ago because I had heard my whole life how relaxing it was and how much it helped anxiety and I was taken aback by how it could CAUSE anxiety in some circumstances. You really need to try it for yourself and see how you feel with different amounts in different circumstances because too much, or the wrong setting, can be an anxiety nightmare. For myself, and many other anecdotes I've read, being high in public or around people you don't feel comfortable around, is NOT relaxing at all. Like, if I needed to loosen up before going to a party where I didn't know anyone or something, I would drink, not smoke.
But, weed does help my anxiety by helping me take my mind off of things, and I've found that smoking regularly seems to have reduced my anxiety overall even when I'm not high, but that's very subjective. I think you should look into it but don't expect it to be some overwhelming benzo-like relief (I seriously expected this after hearing people talk about what wonders weed did for their anxiety my whole life. I think there's not enough talk about the caveats of that)
No. 566432
>>563447>>566140this, and if you’re sensitive or new to it, be careful to not take too much caffeine when you plan to get high. the combo can
trigger anxiety attacks in some people. (been there, it sucks.)
other anons here who had similar experiences?
It took me ages to realize that shit came from the caffeine
No. 566439
>>565323there are so many different strains, and the effects can vary quite drastically in my experience. from trippy af to just what you described.
It would be great if you could go to the pharmacy or coffeeshop and experiment with/get what suits you best, but if that’s not the case where you live and you don’t have good sources i’d say better no weed than bad weed which makes you feel like shit and fucks up your lungs for nothing.
No. 566455>>566637
i think the key is a higher ratio of cbd to thc in the flower itself. people generally need both in measurable quantities in order for it to be effective. some of the most anxiety free, truly happy times in my life were accompanied by harlequin or cannatonic.
you've really got to check those ratios, though. in 2016, harlequin was 12:1 and cannatonic 5-7:1. idiot growers fucking with the plants have screwed those pooches and i've seen thc predominant cannatonic and harlequin, which is dumb af.
companies that market carts like care by design will sell by ratio. they work, but it's also not the same as smoking bud that's the right ratio. everyone has their sweet spot.
most people i know will admit that you can be way more paranoid and fucked during a green out than if you were say, dropping acid or taking shrooms. valium will stop the bad acid trip, hell, vitamin c can stop a bad acid trip, and beer can blunt shrooms completely but it's way harder to put the brakes on weed once your mind has turned that corner. i've seen many people say you should crunch a few black peppercorns whole–it can help, but it doesn't always. being greened out fucking sucks.
No. 572448>>572469
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For apartments and such:
- One hitter straight pipe pic related
- Inflatable toy
It takes a while to get used to so start with little cannabis. Take all the smoke in one hit. Blow the smoke into the inflatable toy.
The toy will absorb all the smelly resin and you can keep the valve slightly open by sticking a wire.
PS. I use dried orange peel as filter which burns different.
No. 572469
>>572448Bruh just get an herb vaporizer. There are a couple of posts about them itt. They don't leave any lingering smell and produce almost no excess vapor to even worry about smoke alarms or anything, plus it's a more efficient way to use weed.
>>571884God I miss last summer before the bad vape panic happened and I felt safe using carts (illegal state). There's nothing better.
No. 574356
>>574346I thought this was the stoners thread
>inb4 I smoke hella weed/used to smoke so much/have stoner friends/famno need for the negativity. If it helps that anon and its legally prescribed along with anything else they take then who gives a fuck
No. 575032>>575051>>575054
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What would you guys do with a bunch of bulk weed coconut oil? I'm going between making some homemade chocolates or mixing it with PB2. I'm bored of cereal treats and brownies and also I don't feel like gorging on baked goods rn I'm trying to lose weight
No. 576392
>>576381I either just don’t go grocery shopping and let my cupboards run pretty bare so I never find anything enticing to eat, or I just make myself a fruit bowl to eat.
I haven’t been eating much when stoned anyway since whenever I smoke I can’t swallow as well and I’m at risk of choking on anything that isn’t liquid. It’s fuckin lame
No. 576710
>>576381I used to get major munchies and now I only get them when I consume an edible instead of just smoking. When I take an edible I pretty much prepare for the munchies by not eating a lot the day before and getting some genuinely delicious food like sushi.
Ever since I started smoking spliffs every day the munchies went away, it's probably a combination of the tolerance and the tobacco suppressing my appetite.
No. 577016>>577341
>>576719First read I thought you meant your tits were growing kek. That’s a sweet generous thought though, bless u.
It’s not legal where I am.. I ordered some auto-flowering humboldt seeds a couple months ago but I’ve been too pussy to try planting them yet…. any tips from the green-fingered are welcome!
No. 577091>>577148
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Got accepted for a BA in programming and my guy restocked pretty much the same day because sometimes the timeline adds up i guess so im about to be clapped. (would love to see grower anons talk their shit on here)
No. 577148
>>577091Congrats anon! I'm about to graduate with my BS in computer science so I'm sending you fellow female stoner programmer love and good wishes.
I'd also love to hear from growers… can someone tell my dumb ass if it's possible to grow plants from stray seeds in purchased flower? Even if you need to have a whole setup to get a decent THC content I'd love to have a little plant for decoration/good vibes.
No. 577341>>577816
>>577016Just do it anon! I put some autos on my balcony and they are growing just fine. Put some lavendel and tomatoes there to cover up the smell/sight. Autos stay really small.
You can just treat them like normal plants, or you could buy specific soil and food and then its really a nobrainer.
No. 577840>>577973
>>577816Direct sunlight, more is better, use special fertilizer like biobizz (use a little less then they recommened), pot 11litre or so can be always less or more. (Smaller pot, smaller plant in the end, doesnt damage to use to big pots). I use fabric pots. I use biobizz allmix soil, mixed with a bit of soil from the woods (lightmix for seeds and seedlings) put worms and mykorrhiza in there. Water, less then tomatoes I'd say.
But you can grow without fertilizer and special soil. I would at east use house remedis.
No. 579477
>>579463Cube up a sweet potato or garnet yam and put it in the oven at 375 for like 20 minutes
Best munchies ever
No. 579770
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u know what time it is girls?
No. 579985>>579988>>580030
are one hitters worth the effort? i want to make my flower last as long as possible but i don't want to invest in an expensive vape and a bong isn't feasible for a few reasons.
>>579954ntayrt, but thanks for the info. i think i'll skip buying vapes.
No. 580030>>580055>>580310
Anyone with a flower vape have experience consuming the vaped flower as edibles? I've never done it but my roommate told me it was possible. I'd like to try it but I'm apprehensive because I don't know what amount would be a proper dose. I vape it till it's very dark brown (sometimes burnt) so I imagine I'd have to eat a lot to feel anything but I have no clue how much.
>>579954 said, snaps are more efficient than bowls but you can do snaps out of a one-hitter or a regular pipe so the advantage of a one-hitter is mostly that it would force you to be more disciplined about doing snaps that aren't so big that you're gonna cough and exhale immediately instead of holding the smoke in. I tend to overestimate the amount I need when I do snaps out of a bong but maybe that's just me being retarded, other than that idk what the difference would be.
No. 580310
>>579988unfortunately i'm not, although i've been considering driving out of state to a dispo. it would be a big trip/investment though so for now it's just an idea. thanks tho anon!
>>580030gotcha. i've mostly been concerned with wasting a ton of weed letting it burn whenever i'm not taking hits off a joint, so i think maybe it would help with forcing me to really pay attention to how much/when i'm smoking. thanks guys
No. 580539>>580561
>>580289I wouldn't recommend smoking ur ABV anon! It tastes like shit and you won't get high off it.
I have a pretty high tolerance and I've found 1-2 tbsp of ABV to get me nice and cooked, but ofc everyone's experience is different! If you can get those microwave mug cake mixes those are a great way to consume – I just mix the ABV in with the batter before I cook it. Or you can sprinkle it on toast w/ peanut butter/Nutella on it.
Also be warned that if you eat ABV you'll have weedy poops the next day.
No. 580561>>582041>>587938
>>580539Thanks for the tips. I'm actually smoking AVB rn and I have before. I know it's kind of cursed to do but I think it's worthwhile at least if you're already high. It definitely makes me feel somewhat higher, but idk how much of that is whatever amount of residual THC there is and how much of it is the placebo effect from the physical sensation of smoking. Because I usually vape and only smoke occasionally, the lung feeling and taste of smoking have become somewhat intensified and weirdly nostalgic, which is dumb and makes me sound like a weed addict but either way it enhances the experience.
Also idk if this is weird or not but bad tastes from consuming weed just never bother me enough to put me off of something? I still choke on alcohol but I've inhaled some gross shit in the name of getting as much out of weed as humanly possible lmfao.
No. 582041
>>580561 omg no anon every word u wrote absolutely resonated with me, I totally get the "alcohol burns but I will do anything short of drinking bong water to get stoned" vibe.
I also get the diff feeling between vaping/smoking – after vaping for a while I find bongs/pipes/joints hit harder? I have terrible bronchitis so I rly shouldn't smoke period but I find switching it up keeps me from getting fucked by my tolerance levels
hmm maybe i am a pos stoner lmao
No. 583364
>>582211aw anon i really feel u – i already had a high tolerance before quarantine started and now it's been upped to like 11 because everyday is a wake-n-bake day just to get through whatever fresh hell the news is gonna bring.
do you have access to CBD flower/distillate/etc? I find that sticking to CBD-dominant stuff in the mornings/afternoons and using high-THC only in the evenings keeps me from being completely nonfunctional all day/not getting anything from my evening sessions while still allowing me to enjoy my morning smoke. But I'm also lucky to live somewhere where it's legalized so it's very easy to find product – my heart goes out to all of u in this thread having to cop weed from the streets. stay safe my fellow stoney baloneys <3
No. 584433>>584777>>584779
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I love cooking while high. I just cooked some turmeric chicken and pasta with vegetables. I loved it. Delicious and nutritious. I haven't smoked since January, so i'm really chilling.
No. 584777>>584779
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>>584433Cooking while stoned is the best. Especially with munchies the longer you spend preparing the food the more hyped up you get about the prospect of getting to eat it. When I cook stoned I always feel like a damn genius whenever I find some ingredient in my pantry that I forgot about and figure out how to incorporate it.
Then when you're done making it you get to sit down and put on some music or whatever and finally dedicate all your attention to enjoying the food. Very cathartic experience really.
No. 584871
>>584784anon i hope i'm not stating the obvious here but if ur tryna be discreet abt the smell indoors incense is a rly nice option for covering up the smoke. i used to smoke up regularly in my dorm room and never had an issue w/ getting caught because i'd light incense afterwards. ofc incense is already rly associated with stoner/new agey types so maybe it's not what would work best for ur situation, or if ur bf has asthma or something and the smoke itself is the issue not the smell.
i hope ur smoke sesh was enjoyable regardless :^)
No. 587938
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>>548065Mix high CBD flower with your bud. Seen this question several times but only one post loosely suggesting it. I used to get anxiety until I made 1:1 ratio shakes. The bonus to this is making your weed last longer cause you can get decent CBD for relatively cheap. Up the CBD ratio if you still feel anxious.
>>562651Inhale with your diaphragm, slow and deeply fill your lungs, take one small gasp of fresh air through your nose after the hit, and keep the clouds in there for about 5 seconds before slowly exhaling. You may be unknowingly holding it mostly in your mouth/throat/nose.
>>580561Throwing ABV into a cup of yogurt is the easiest way to consume it.
No. 601658>>601664
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just inhaled a bite of pizza send help
No. 601664
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>>601658lol hang in there anon
No. 606981>>606986
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Withdrawal anon back again, hope I get some sleep tonight.
No. 606986>>607002>>607039
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>>606981Second sleepless night. My heart is with you
No. 607002>>607039
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>>606986I hope we make it, anon. I’m rooting for you.
No. 607039>>607501
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>>607002>>606986wishing you luck, anons! i've been dry for a couple weeks so i'm finally starting to level out/readjust.
i take melatonin to knock my ass out when i get the withdrawal insomnia but it's not for everyone, esp if you're having vivd nightmares it can make them more intense
on the flipside sometimes you blink and suddenly it's morning and you're somehow refreshed so that's pretty great
pic unrelated
No. 608567>>608596>>608603
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I’m finally coming to terms with the fact that I’m an addict. I put away about an ounce a month and i don’t even feel like I get a high off it any more. I feel like absolute shit but I’m going to try to stretch this tolerance break out into a real stop. Maybe if I can keep that up for a substantial amount of time I might eventually try to dip my toes back in the water and enjoy weed as I used to back in the day i.e. just one smoke in the evening for a nice buzz rather than throughout the day from waking just to feel ‘normal’. I found a reddit thread /leaves/ for folks doing the same, but I’d appreciate any of my anon sisters’ wisdom if you have it.
No. 609356>>609364>>613502
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>>609330Hey anon, I’ve been chatting about giving up a little further up the thread. I’m in a similar position to you but I’ve been smoking a decade, and of that probably the last 4/5 years has been blazing through most of the day every day. Really hoping to ‘reset’ my neuroreceptors to some kind of normal with a substantial break (at least through to the end of 2020, where I used to take a few days to a week off every few months before) and then I’m planning to consider if I can/want to re-negotiate my relationship with weed next year and get back to one or two smokes of an evening. Lately I’ve been feeling like I don’t even get stoned any more even though I smoke loads, it’s just silly. If there isn’t a soberfag thread and people don’t mind us shitting up the stoney thread I’m happy/keen to chat about it more!
No. 610730
>>610707>what kinds of regrettable purchases have you guys made while high?i bought cities skylines with at least $40 worth of dlc. haven't played it since because my computer can't handle it lmao.
i also bought a couple lifetime movies once, only regrettable because they're so easy to find online. for free.
No. 610738
>>610707>what kinds of regrettable purchases have you guys made while high? Fun question, I love all other anons answers too.
I also buy a lot of stupid snacks, especially when my best friend and I are high together and go to the store. Other than that, clothes, especially leggings for some reason–probably bc they're off Aerie. I once also did some horny clothes shopping while stoned and dating my stoner ex and bought a bunch of cringey collars, fishnets, and lingerie bodysuits, though those are still quite cute tbh.
No. 610808
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>>610788Smoke w me anon we'll have the chillest time ever
No. 613502>>613507>>613543>>613947
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sameanon as
>>609356My lovely mom had a stroke this weekend and is in hospital awaiting transfer to another one, so I’ve been desperately worried for her. This evening I picked up an ounce, rolled, and bunned a fatty on top of a hill behind my house: I regret nothing.
No. 614143
>>613947Stay strong anon, this will pass and hopefully she will be able to recover nicely.
If you need to vent or chat or anything I will drop discord info
No. 616904
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I'm currently dry as a bone and it's the worst.
I always get extremely tempted to drink when I don't have any weed. And drinking sucks.
No. 618232>>618240>>618245>>678713
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I found a weed shop that’s literally across the street from my apartment.
Hell fuckin yes, no more 10 minute drive
No. 618243>>678713
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>>618240I love the robin cosplayer guy
No. 618245>>618247>>618249
>>618232lmfao anon how long did it take you to find it?
I can't wait to smoke tonight. I'm staying at my parents house, and they are vehemently anti-weed. I put rum into my tea and waiting for the right time so I can sneak into the attic and light tf up.
I wish I could smoke with my parents. It would be fun af……
No. 618247
>>618245That is adorable anon, I hope it’s a pleasant visit besides the non smoking.
& it took me two years to find the store! kek it’s super discrete though.
No. 618249
>>618245Samefag yeah smoking with my mom is a super cool experience because we’re more open & patient with each other.
Maybe some day they’ll lighten up!
No. 619744>>619747>>620094
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>>613947Hi, it’s me again. Really grateful that I took a 2 week tolerance break when I did (though I framed it as ‘giving up’ at the time before everything happened). I’ve been sticking to just one smoke before bed and it’s been great tbh, staying straight the rest of the time is easy because I went to be mentally present to communicate with my Mom. Anyway, today I’m on holiday and going to sew myself some clothes so I’ve allowed myself a little wake and bake… feels good, man. Hope everyone is ok and able to smoke if they want to x
No. 619751
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>>619747I’m glad you’re experiencing similar benefits, it’s such a relief after running into a receptor burnout. I’m trying to be disciplined in allowing morning smoking (just one) only on rare holidays, and staying productive with it too. On that note, I’m away to get sewing, [pic related] - Have a great day stoneranon(s)!
No. 623406
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it is time for me to hop in the shower and smoke a bowlllll
No. 627902>>628075
Food will instantly make it a good trip, every time.
No. 630412
>>629393I've read in various articles/anecdotes that changing your routine or method can affect your high when you're starting to feel burnout, but I thought it was all bullshit! Although it probably is just different for each body.
Anyway I thoroughly enjoyed your post anon, RIP your bubbler (????-2020) forever in our hearts
No. 634361
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anons, i don't know who else out there has a slobbery you-know-what but as a late bloomer as i'm sure many of you are as well, here's something I just figured out: no water, only ice. that's it. no tricks, no gimmicks, just about five ice cubes and that's it, thanks for your time. have a good night n a good mornin, go easy on yourself.
No. 641057
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>have problems>do dab>no longer have problemsthanks weed
also RIP
>>637978 come up to canada anon the weed is bountiful and legal
since i'm bumping the thread: anyone have any personal favourite (or least favourite) strains?
No. 641079>>641481
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>>641077honestly this is a question for you and your finances and your personal life. everyone has a different threshold and lets it control their life to a different degree and has different financial flexibilities. find the balance where it's not draining you dry but is still giving you all the benefits you want without impacting your life outside of it, i think that's key.
fwiw we smoke at about the same rate, funnily
i hope everyone itt is having a great night~!
No. 641116>>645430
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pulled a double match from my matchbox and i'm feeling pretty lucky! luck to all of you anons tonight too!
No. 641562>>641639
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>>641481nah don't ever take shit about being "super slow" like that's awesome??? it's the weed equivalent of getting drunk off 1-2 drinks instead of having to empty your wallet at the bar to get a buzz? anyone saying that is in some weird "who can toke the most" contest and probably jerks off to the joe rogan podcast. dont ever let anyone pressure you into doing more of a substance than you're happy with, it's about what feels good to you not impressing someone who blew up their tolerance.
No. 652696
>>651552Could be. But I mean, it had to start at some point, right?
>>651881I kinda assumed it’s because I’m nervous or excited to smoke. (Idk if this theory holds up though, I smoke every day and it’s not like I get panicky or anything from it.)
No. 656135>>659833
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>>655862Tumblrfag begone. This shit is not funny, don't bring it here
No. 659829>>659832
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I was really enjoying the new strain I got last week, but suddenly tonight it's making me anxious
No. 662958>>662967
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It just occurred to me that I haven't shared a joint with anyone since the pandemic started, and that I obviously won't in the foreseeable future. That whole puff puff pass thing is germ swapping galore, but I still want to do it again. It's so nice to share.
No. 668966
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>>605310This turned into a regular thing and I haven't had to buy weed for a couple months now. I even have a bit too much so I'm going over to my friend's place sometime soon to make a bunch of edibles.
No. 678537>>678717
>>678533How is it better? I've been thinking of buying a vaping pen for weed, I've switched from regular cigarettes to e-cigs, and similarly want to switch from joints to pens.
I'd like to know is the high different and in what way? And does the same amount get you equally high.
No. 679990>>679994>>679996
This might be a dumb question, but my area has been pretty dry lately. I've bought carts and gummies from dispensaries, and they're expensive but worth is because I generally can't get them reliably from dealers, but is it worth it to buy bud from there too, or should I be patient and hope my dealers(!) come back around after the holidays? It's just so expensive, but my rationalization is that it's certified good shit, I guess. Ugh.
>>678870Also, this is a really good idea. Thanks anon/anon's friend, I'm going to do this.
No. 680008
>>679993My favorite online shop (Shop Burning Love) sells the cutest cones, but I'd never really given them much thought. Do you just pack it in there and smoke like a joint/blunt? I can live with that, haha.
>>679996Ah, gotcha! I agree about the carts. I've only bought a from my dealer once, and I read up on fake carts and won't be doing that again. I'm happy to make a daytrip to the dispensary (illegal state bordering a legal) to stock up. Noted about the flower, though. It really is just abysmally more expensive, it was impossible for me to justify to myself, so I'm glad to hear that others agree, especially since my dealers grow and sell beautiful bud. I'll look into that vape, though, I'd never heard of one before! Thanks, anon ♥
>>679997Cheers, bitch, enjoy yourself!!
No. 680033>>680053
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Started smoking this year, entirely through bumming a hit or two from some friends. But my insomnia’s getting real awful so I ordered a vape so I can smoke at home. There’s some video games and music I’ve always wanted to experience stoned so I’m mad excited,
No. 680080
>>680053Thanks for the advice! Yeah, I hear edibles are great for insomnia, but I've never tried them (they hit differently, from what I understand?) so I wanted to stick to something familiar. And it'd be a hassle to make them myself since only medical use is legal here.
Getting a license is so fucking absurdly expensive. It costs like $300 to get a card and on top of that, it needs to be renewed for $100 more every 7 months.
But for safety and convenience, I'll probably get a license when I resume working. No. 685742>>686099
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Obviously same anon from before but holy shit, anons. So pretty. Just had to sperg about how cute these are and how bad I want them.
No. 686099
I'm high right now and remembered this ad from like 7 years ago. idk why I find it so funny when the guy acts like he really ate the chicken bone
>>685742Those look nice
I miss smoking out of the bong I used in college (RIP)
No. 690967
>>690964I rarely get anxiety when high but God damn when I do, it's awful.
Sorry you experienced that anon, maybe do some research about mixing your meds with Marijuana
No. 694556
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I just got one of those Mighty vaporizers and I feel like I need to vent a little about it.
I never smoked tobacco and so doing a bong has always been somewhat of a pain. Because of that, I've decided to get something with the best "vapor quality", whatever it was worth. And that thing is absolutely incredible in that regard. Literally, zero discomfort, unless I pack it full, and you never have to do that, even 1/5th of the tank (just enough to cover its bottom) is more than enough for a session. It was so good that I accidentally got too high and had to lie down for a few minutes or maybe an hour. Apparently, you can also use leftover weed to make edibles or spliffs.
It's so freaking ugly. Easily the ugliest thing I own period. It is "portable" but there's absolutely no way to fit it anywhere other than my backpack. There are no programmable options and apparently no way to switch batteries without soldering either.
And so I'm sitting here with this huge ass chonker I paid $300 bucks for and… I guess I don't even know how to end this post. Thank you for reading.
No. 702734
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>>693319sounds like such a good time anon
No. 702986
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i'm about to roll a FATTY doink i love being a Complete piece of shit stoner
No. 708820>>708913
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Tfw I still don't know how long I should wait to double text my plug
No. 715176
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REEEEE my expensive e rig melted sometime in the last 24 hours. I'm pretty sure something shorted which is extremely frustrating. I hate using a torch for dabs and if this company says they can't do anything for me, I'm going to spend ANOTHER 250 on a new one because I hate butane that much.
Pic related, the piece of shit that melted.
No. 715460>>715745
>>715435I smoked weed all day long for many years & am finally cutting it down to just in the evening.
The best thing you can do is create tasks or chores for yourself to complete throughout the day, or even do a bit of pampering like doing your nails or whatever. You'll feel much more productive & the high in the evening will be very chill
No. 715745
>>715375most of the time i enjoy smoking with others, but occasionally i'll get super paranoid, especially if i'm in public. i've gotten better at reminding myself that i'm hyperfocusing because i'm high, and it's helped redirect the focus from myself and what i say to whatever is around me. it's easy to spiral when you're high, so catching it ahead is the best bet to not wigging out. also, being less high will decrease the chances of wigging out.
>>715435>>715460been having the same fucking problem, but i make a checklist of stuff i have to do that day before i get to smoke. it's really hard not to cheat, and i have, but i agree it makes you more productive and the payoff much sweeter
No. 720349>>720400
>>720337Everyone around me smokes spliffs and I can't deal with the tobacco, it makes it feel like an instant stoneover and I hate it. But vaping is amazing. Everything tastes clean and delicious, my lungs feel great, the high is never ever too much, and I can make a 20 bag last forever.
>annoying fuckhead who can't stop talking about vapingHey that's me!
No. 727881
>>727872Thank you so much!!!
I hope you'll get home safe and soon~
Ohhh fruit is amazing. I'm a suckered for grapes when stoned the texture is so satisfying and it's so refreshing too! I should check my fridge, maybe make a mini charcuterie board. With some fruit, nachos, cheese and veggies (if I have some definitely some hummus to dip thank you for the recommendations!!!).
Getting the best of all the worlds
No. 734683>>734692
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There is a snow storm outside, I'm cuddled up in bed, I have my fairy light on and just smoked a big fat joint.
I'm gonna play Animal Crossing now and just relax, life is good.
No. 734765
>>734692That sounds like an amazing plan anon~
I hope you're having a great time
No. 740335>>740348>>740353>>740359
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Live in a shitty 3rd world country where this shit is haram but I finally managed to get me some gummies. Kinda nervous, wish me luck lasses.
No. 740353>>742292
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>>740335Is this your first time? Start small and remember they can take a while to kick in. Have fun and stay home anon.
No. 750896>>750909>>750938
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honestly this site iss a fucking nightmare but tbh i love all you guys anyway. you're all like sister's to me, like this little petty mean girl gang i can always bitch to and fight with. i think women need places like this to go to, and be catty and mean but to also support one another and spill their darkest secrets to one another
No. 750979>>751009
>>750975Nta I don't know shit about weed but I've heard it messes with how anaesthesia works and if you don't tell the doctors you smoke, you could wake up in the middle of surgery
Probably could result in shock?
Don't know if this is real though or if it killed anon's aunt
No. 751009
>>750975also nta, wasn't aware it could kill (sorry to the anon in
>>750956), but had some experience with this and can corroborate some of
>>750979, at the very least that it inhibits the effectiveness of the anaesthesia…
nightly stoner, sometimes start earlier
sometimes all day kek. my appendix burst, and i was put under for the appendectomy. wasn't stoned when it burst or for the op, but i knew vaguely about this and live in canada so wasn't too worried about being honest in advance about my weed habits; sure enough when i came to after the operation they told me that i would be groggier for a longer period of time because a larger amount of anaesthesia was required to put me under.
you might find this useful if you haven't already started googling: would recommend getting stoned in the recovery period after surgery though, especially if you have edibles (coughing from smoking might be an issue depending on the surgery).
they gave me opiates for my recovery but i didn't even bother with them and just spaced on edibles for a week and was pretty pain free and blissed out No. 752743>>752800
Am I crazy or do all of the boutique weeds like "cake mintz" or "banana cookies" definitely just have artificial scents/flavor spritzed on them?? Obvuously theres variation in scent and taste by strain but in the last couple years way too many of these things have appeared for them all to be real things.
I got something called "banana cookie" or something close to that a while ago, and when I used it in my herb vape, I got hit with this big blast of what I'm certain was artificial banana flavor (isoamyl acetate, like the banana in banana laffy taffy - I've done a synthesis of it in chen class (it was invented in like 1902 so it's not complicated) so I am far too familiar with its scent).
Let's be honest, weed growers havent been gene splicing banana smell into weed plants or anything, much less somehow breeding them to smell exactly like birthday cake flavoring. It's not like it's dangerous really, the scents are probably the same stuff used in vape juice, but I'm almost certain that a lot of boutique weeds are just a normal weed strain with a vapejuice flavor spritzed on. Normally when you smoke the weed, most of the scent is combusted, so you only get a faint banana-ish smell/taste in the smoke, but with a dry herb vape, since the scents are much easier to vaporize than the weed itself, I get a big lungful of artificial scent at first. After that it's fine, but I'm not gonna buy fancy strains anymore cause I swear it's just flavored normal weed. Maybe everyone already knew this but me though.
I guess the corollary is, feel free to make up your own weed strains called like "caramel apple kush", spritz some bottled caramel apple flavoring on normal weed, and sell it for double to suckers…
No. 752829
>>752823(Samefag) for example if you see like gorilla glue classic on the shelf next to "premium banana gorilla" or w/e that says shit like "the latest from dankseeds, potent head high with hints of banana" they lyin'. Its the same stuff, just has banana smell on it.
On a related note my conspiracy theory is that starbucks coffee is so bitter and burnt in order to make it barely drinkable without paying more for flavored coffee.
No. 753674>>753679>>754200
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>>720337I really would love to try vaping but weed is illegal here. is it still possible or should i just avoid it? do any anons have exprience with vaping in an illegal country?
if i could i would get a cute one like picrel… it looks so comfy
No. 754200>>754210
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>>753674>>753679I switched like 6 months ago from smoking to this (vleaf go), its a dry herb vape so no carts. Downside is you cant pack very much at a time (carts are way more concentrated ofc) but I'm a lightish smoker anyway. And you can use kief or moonrocks or w/e if you want which is probably still easier to find anywhere than carts. Its usb-battery powered and has a reasonable battery life (can smoke like 3 loads 3x each). It doesnt toast it very hard, the herb is like beige afterward, so it's still got a lot of thc left behind, but you can save it up to make edibles etc with. It's kinda flimsy seeming but they have a 2year warranty, and its only like $60-70, so even if I have to buy a new one every year I wouldn't really care. I also used some random coupon code on a blog review of it, not sure if it still works but it was like "stephen20" for I think 20% off. Biggest advantage tbh is I only go through my weed like half as fast compared to smoking…
No. 760045>>760047>>760073>>760087>>762440
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I made the mistake of getting high and then reading a bunch of articles on the horrific shit men put women through. Sorry if this is the wrong thread for it. lol Last time I got high (on shrooms), I was making a connection between sex & cannibalism. I was trying to put together sex & destruction. I think the sex & cannibalism connection for women is different between women than men.
For women, It's like a desire to fully become one to fully integrate another being into yourself. You love it so much you want to become fully one with them, morph into one being.
I feel like men are just inherently destructive, something in them wants to tear everything apart and destroy it. They want to take what is beautiful and pure and destroy it. The sex & cannibalism connection is more of a desire to, go beyond the regulars of proper society. You can only inflict so much damage with sex & violence, but cannibalism is seen as an even more extreme, grotesque taboo. It's a desire to desecrate their very soul, their very being.
inb4 crazy radfem bitch but i had to share
No. 770236>>770240
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I need to get out of this fucking state fck12 FCK12. Any enthusiasts have close-call with authorities stories? My bf and I had a cop knocking the other week (looking for someone who used to live here I guess) and I had never moved so fast to scurry away/cover up visible illegals.
No. 770249>>770262
>>770240phew! I wish my cat would act as an alarm but she's pretty useless for that lol. Also fuck nosey neighbors if it's not a meth lab stay tf out.
We have a plant (that is now hidden even more in our tiny apartment) that was my main worry during the event. I think this will be our only grow for a while before we're able to move to a legal state. It's pretty frustrating but you can't really fight the law like that.
Do you remember what strain you were growing? I wish we had more space/freedom to plant more variety.
No. 770279>>770435
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>>770262You could purchase a northern lights auto. And same, I've left most of the practical work to my S/O and financed some of it myself. I'd like to educate myself more though. That's too bad he took the stuff! You don't need too much room to actually grow but it depends on what kind of yield you're looking for (and security that is needed).
Not mine but pic related is a kind of space bucket that you can make yourself for cheap. We built something similar that has the light + plant contained within it and fans to help with the heat. Snow melting on the roof is probably from people with bigger, open grow spaces like a room with lights and such.
No. 773064>>773088
>>773012Yes. Smoking or vaping gives you wayyy more control over how much THC you're consuming because each hit only takes a few minutes to kick in, so you can start with 1 hit and go from there to get whatever intensity of effects you want (this takes some practice tho). How long the high from smoking lasts depends on how fast your metabolism is and your tolerance but it should wear off faster than edibles. Plus the duration of the experience should be more predictable because edibles are affected by how fast you digest them.
I would recommend a bong or a THC oil cart (if you can get them safely), these are probably the easiest ways to experiment with figuring out how much you want to consume to get the high you want.
No. 773088
>>773012>>773064Seconding on the cart suggestion. The ease and control of consumption is ideal if you're unfamiliar with your tolerance.
>>770435It is a bit of money to spend (mostly on lights and equipment you might not have already) and labor to actually put it all together. Def not worth it if you're not committed though, as it's a project to take care of. I've decided not to grow any more after this harvest because of growing legal concerns, which sucks. It'd be more fun if it didn't have to be a threatening secret.
No. 774739
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Stoned after a 3 month t-break god bless
No. 774951
>>774926It happens, it's just part how it messes with your senses. It can go both ways - you can suddenly become too sensitive to noise and everything starts sounding too loud, or everything can become muffled and it gets hard to hear.
Tl;dr you're imagining it. you're just tripping
No. 774960
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I love smoking weed. I never feel bad while high. I am genetically suited for being high as balls
No. 774973>>775020
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I just had pickles for the first time in my life yesterday and I gotta say, these might be my new favorite snack. Or that could just be weed talking.
No. 774998>>775020>>801212
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Some questions for you stoneys:
>What shows or videos do you watch?>What music do you like to listen to when you're high as shit?
>Do you prefer to smoke alone or with people?
>How do you combat cotton mouth?
When ever I wind down with a bowl I usually prepare popcorn and default to some old shows I've seen a hundred times already. If I don't put something on quick I'll end wasting the high scrolling for something. Don't have any friends irl so I don't what its like smoking with people. I'd imagine I would be a lot more self concious than usual.
No. 775020
>>774919For years I never liked smoking with anyone and only took tiny baby hits (of flower) because that's all I could handle. When I first started dabbing I'd get waaay too high and would get sick or have to sleep it off. I fixed this by just taking only what I need and only smoking in a safe place. Do not feel like you have to smoke bc it just fucking ruins it if you go over you're threshold. After I sort of "learned" how to navigate while being super stoned I've gotten so much more comfortable smoking. Idk if would help at all, but I've been smoking instead of drinking alcohol too
>>774973Pickys are def the superior snack selection. Excellent taste.
>>774998>What shows or videos do you watch?My go-to is Star Trek (TNG or DS9) or RedLetterMedia lmao. I love watching those middle-aged men suffer at the hands of schlock movies.
>What music do you like to listen to when you're high as shit?Usually ambient house garbage or funky R&B. I like to just plug in and dance around my apartment.
>Do you prefer to smoke alone or with people?Alone or with my sweetie. I feel comfortable enough to smoke with most, but I'd rather chill out in my own space.
>How do you combat cotton mouth?It doesn't bother me that much. I'm usually eating or drinking some after I've smoked. Just drink more water or pop a hard candy or something lmao.
No. 777036>>777049
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>>777021Yes anon! I had this exact same experience. You were couch-locked (or if you were on the bed, bed-locked). You took too high of a dosage. Gradually, as your body began to succumb to the dosage, you lost the ability to move without experiencing that shit.
Ever since then, I've done smaller doses but I haven't felt anything. sO I'm gonna try and do 25mg again.
No. 781478>>781506
>>777021 here
Huh. I haven't consumed/smoked anything in a while, but right now my brain feels almost the exact same way as it did on those gummies. Like it faintly feels good. The only out of the ordinary thing that's happened is I got my second Pfizer shot yesterday afternoon. Fuckin weird.
No. 781506
Me and my friend both agree that this cart I got from a dealer smells and tastes weirdly of curry, what's up with that
>>781478My cousin told me once about getting high the day after smoking from physical exertion, supposedly since metabolized THC deposits in body fat, burning the fat can release it? idk if this is a myth or not
No. 782647>>782651
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Stoner anons, would a weed pipe like this be a nice gift for a friend? I don't know shit about smoking weed, so I have no idea if it would be comfortable to use, but I thought it looks cool.
No. 787561>>787645
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What do you mean no thread bumps on 4/20 yet?
No. 787645
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>>787561Happy 4/20 farmers!
May your weed be dank and your bowls full! Naturally, I'll be celebrating by lighting up a joint.
No. 787794
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My weed isn't coming till Midnight and it's supposed to be really good stuff
I'm going to vibrate off of the table with anticipation
No. 787824
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I literally smoked resin and I’m scoopity poop woop woopity scoop
S/o to alcohol and calorie counting
No. 787982>>788007
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I tried some delta-8 thc today & it's pretty fire. Or it could be the regular reggie I smoke. Either way
No. 788020>>788056
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about to spend 420 rest of it with my 2D husbando
had some bar food it was actually good but greasy as fuck so I went home and drank ramune mixed with powerade to wash it down… yeah……. Going to watch anime now
No. 791763
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nothing much to say except i don 't even feel like a real person right now
No. 792078
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>>791957>The hallucinations started kicking in while I was feeding him then I no longer recognized my nephew and started screaming “that’s not my baby!!!!” while crying and sobbingWow cool
No. 793992
>>791957Anon that was not marijuana.
also your sister is a terrible parent
No. 794012>>794014>>794081
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>>791957>>791969anon, I am dead serious I think you were given a cum cart unfortunately… a boof and poof, a poop chute boof poof.. it really sucks anon but you know, at least you can rest assured you got staoney as fuck… checck out the r/cumcarts fir more
No. 794058
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I find Dua Lipa to be very overrated, don't get me wrong, if I woke up tomorrow looking exactly like her my ugly ass would be delighted!kek but as a celebrity I don't understand why everyone says she's so beautiful, her lack of carisma doesn't help one bit. smokinggg doooobbbbsssss
No. 794081
>>794012>bewfchewtKEK wtffff SO nasty.
Child Neglect Anon please never do drugs if you think it's ok to get high while taking care of a child jfc.
No. 797246>>801318
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>>797084Yum yum. Gonna make anything tasty with it? I've got some potent reclaim that I was planning on making rice krispy treats with. Not exciting but I know I will eat more than I'd like if it's too delicious.
No. 800619>>822455
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I have a journal I like to write on whenever I’m high and my brain is too full to remember things. Nothing too deep, just vague thoughts and stuff I come up with. When I’m sober I like to read whatever I wrote and get clean ideas and work on stuff I sketched there, it has come in handy when I have to get work done but have no material lol
Anyone does something like this? I think it’s fun and somehow have grown fond of my shitty stoner journal
No. 801212
My plan for a relaxing Friday evening is to light up a joint and play the sims.
>>774998>shows, videos, musicNone of that. I only ever smoke when I play videogames and I only ever play videogames when I smoke lol
No. 817440
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I don’t know if it’s because of the single bite of rice kweedspie i had for breakfast or what but the egg mcmuffin might just be the greatest fast food ever invented. I’m moved to tears. It’s perfect.
No. 817509>>817516
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Big mad because my licence expired on my birthday and I haven't gotten my renewed one in the mail yet so I can't enter my dispensary and buy shit. Bruh I just wanna get baked and fuck off into loaded land
No. 817825
>>817541Kek good for you, I've had to get snippy over carts too and I'm glad you got some free joints out of the deal.
Any other anons smoke for chronic pain and have trouble with tolerance issues? I used to carry around a D8 vape with me because it gives me a mild, almost CBD-like high that helps with daytime pain. But it also boosts my tolerance just like D9 so I can't get super stoned at night to help with sleep, so it's a bit of a double edged sword.
No. 819178>>819233>>819311>>819476
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bumping this tonight, some1 else stoned say hi. always wanted to make my own cannabis butter/oil but too afraid to fuk up and waste the weed
No. 819311
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>>819178This has everything you need to know, I make coconut oil exactly how this chart says and it's always super strong, it's idiot proof
No. 819457>>819602
>>819321How do you check for maturity? As the trichomes (little sticky beads of thc/oil stuff on the surface of the plant) develop, they're clear when they first appear and grow, and then as they continue to grow they start to get an amber color that darkens as they mature. You can examine the trichomes with a jeweler's eyeglass thing to judge the maturity of the plant. Typically, the weed is harvested when the trichomes have reached a dark-honey-amber sort of color, hecause that's when the yield of thc by weight is highest.
However, what's happening as the truchomes darken is that the compounds are changing in some way. I suspect THC (clear when pure) starts to break down into other degraded cannabinoids that make you feel not so good. Personalky, if the trichomes are too dark brown in color, the weed makes me feel bad the same way you do, but if the weed is harvested when the trichomes are still clear, or have only just started to get an amber tint, the weed is so much better to me - clean, energetic, focused, way less tiredness and nausea. However, you might have to harvest the plant at only half the size to get the light & clear good stuff.
The hidden secret is, the difference between an early harvest of clear-trichome weed and a late harvest of darker amber higher-yield weed, from the same seeds, is a way bigger difference than indica vs sativa or whatever. It's basically the same concept as fingerling potatoes (seeet, fresh, light flavor, but smaller yield per potato) vs big old brown potatoes.
When weed growing was more illegal, growers would harvest plants at a younger age because they didn't have the space to let them get big, so you tended to get young weed with clearer trichomes. But now, growers can let the plants get to the full mature size, which means the weed you get tends to have darker trichomes and make you feel at least a littlw shitty. I basically have to grow it myself to get clear-trichome earlier-harvest weed these days.
No. 819476>>819602
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>>819178I just ate a tasty weed stroopwafel. Hi.
I highly recommend making cannabis oil in a pressure cooker. You can control the temperature better. It also won't make your house reek if you put it in a plastic bag or mason jar. No. 819602>>819718
>>819457Damn thanks for leaving such an elaborate reply, I appreciate it. I think harvesting too late might be at least partially the problem. I was under the impression that you had to wait until the trichomes were a dark amber colour all the way through, I didn't know you could also get good results by harvesting them at an earlier stage. Next time I'm growing a plant I'll definitely try cutting it off when the trichomes are still clear. I don't mind the smaller size really since a single plant still yields plenty.
>>819489>It's very important to "burp" your jars while curingThis is also part of the issue I think. It was completely dry when trimmed but afterwards the jars were probably left without refreshing the air for a bit too long. Thanks!
Also do you happen to know if not completely trimming (eg not getting rid of those tiny little leaves that grow in the buds themselves but still removing the bigger leaves) before curing impacts the weed? I had a bunch where I meticulously took the small stuff off with tweezers but for most of it there was still some left that I just picked off before using.
>>819476>weed stroopwafelThat sounds really good. Did you make it yourself or buy it somewhere (if so: where)?
No. 824499>>824503>>824506
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every time i smoke, my stomach gets upset or i get wave of nausea. am i going to get weed syndrome, vomit and die? or just hungry and paranoid?
No. 824507
>>824503thank you
nonnie… i had some grapes and water and the upset stomach passed, now i will go to sleep… goodnight!
No. 824560
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If I am around people, I pick at their flaws, and if I am alone I will pick at my own.
I find varying my surroundings can help, providing it can be done in a non-idiotic manner. No matter how much one might feel like she is about to explode if she doesn't run around with glee, if she's also standing near traffic her odds of not exploding will probably be better if she stands still.
By the way, since I know some of us struggle with paranoia, the last part of that isn't actually directed at any of you. Please do not run into traffic.
In conclusion,I apologize for sounding like this guy when I'm high.
No. 824563
>>824528I'm generally a well-liked person with friends in various different circles, but I was also a bully in school. I've since corrected my behaviour and try my best to not lash out or intimidate people around me, but when I get combative I immediately pick up on the other's flaws and make them known. When I'm high however I hyperfocus on my own flaws, which are more often than not identical to the ones I take note of in other people: weird posture, bad rhetoric, stupidity, being an underachiever etc etc
sage for blogpost
No. 824660
>>824528Yes. I try to avoid dating apps for that reason when I'm high kek.
I also have a harder time watching movies and media because I'm way more critical of it.
No. 827560>>827645>>837461
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Sitting here totally blasted off my ass thinking about how much I love women, mmm, women ….. women are magical ….. i love women ….. it's hard to put into words but, i just, i really love women, everytime i get high that's what i think about. sorry for being a weird lesbian but i just love women, all (real) women in every possible way with my whole heart …. women …….
No. 827645>>827647>>833079
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>>827560nononono anon u don't have to apologize for loving women EVER… especially not in the stoney baloney thread. picrel
i make rly good edibles and every day i pray for a gf to share them with… someday…
No. 827647>>827648
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>>827645or perhaps… 3 gfs…
No. 828353
>>828205Late to the party but I've always had good luck with cannacured [dot] co
They sell shrooms too if that's your thing! Ordered several times and never had a problem, fast shipping too! Have fun anon!
No. 828481>>828534
>>828418It's really not the same, delta 9 is well worth the effort.
Any anons have any advice on how to stop coughing like a pussy? I smoke all the time but I can't do rips or even little puffs without coughing super hard.
No. 828578>>828582
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>>828549that sucks anon. when I take t-breaks I usually take a tablet of melatonin and have a cup of valerian root tea and it helps get me nice n tired. I hope you can get some good rest soon!
No. 828582
>>828549>>828578Seconding the melatonin, it's the best sleep aid.
I personally don't like valerian (it makes me feel heavy) and know of others who don't, same for other sleep aids, but I never heard anyone saying anything bad about melatonin.
No. 828589
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i should have plugged in my vape before i left for work. its gonna be dead when i get home… why do bad things happen to bad people
No. 829958>>832185
>>829706Like a Dragon
Touched for the very first time
No. 833001>>833004
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>>832187anon your soulmate is out there
No. 833004
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>>833001I have to find her.
Manifesting our paths to cross.. No. 835692
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i wish i had a house with a raised deck with a roof and screens like pic related, my grandma lives in a house like this surrounded by bamboo in her backyard and it looks really beautiful and exotic even though we live in appalachia, would be lovely to be able to smoke in a room like that with a fan on instead of having to go fully outside in the heat. would be bliss.
No. 837461
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>>827560Late but love you too anon, gonna smoke w you in spirit today
No. 837881>>837898
>>837675Aw this is gonna sound dumb but Adventure Time, it's become my go-to. I also like Breaking Bad while stoned for some reason, it just hits different.
I just came here to bitch about tolerance, it's annoying to moderate my intake when I'd be a daily user if I could. That sounds bad lol but the truth is I just have chronic pain and like to get baked at night so I can sleep.
No. 837898
>>837881can also confirm, breaking bad and also better call saul are much better while high
also a movie not a tv show, i watched the movie horns (2013) while high recently and it didn't even feel like it was a real movie and was fucking hilarious
No. 837944
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>>837675Always Sunny or any 80s movie. Any nonnies who play vidya, got recs? RDR2 while high is amazing. I can spend hours in that game just chilling with my horse and taking photos. SoT and Deep Rock Galactic are sick too if you want to get lost as fuck. Wouldn't recommend SDV (too fast) or Animal Crossing (no tasks to focus on and no exploration). I haven't tried Cyberpunk high yet but I think the pace might be a little too fast. I'm going to try Yakuza 0 this weekend!
No. 838550
>>838541about to eat an edible (homemade butter) but was too impatient for it to take two hours to hit so am smoking joint in the meantime
>>838543theme song slaps but I want to slap all the love interests
except for maybe Logan, team Logan forever in terms of least worst, Jess is a piece of shit
No. 838554>>838559>>838592>>838765
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Opinions on this bowl from some girls thread in snow?
No. 839377>>839380
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How fast acting do you think edibles are in the form of liquid vs solids? Right now I have some as a chocolate bar but I find that it's hard to pace myself in addition to the fact that I'm too impatient to wait for roughly an hour for it to take affect.
Should I eat the chocolate bar as is or will it work faster if I turn it into hot chocolate?
No. 839380>>839391>>839602
>>839377Nonononono don't even think about doing that. I ate multiple edibles once and had the worst fucking trip of my life.
I would stick to solid stuff too, don't drink it, it's nasty shit that made me throw up uncontrollably. Be patient please, the edible high is a nice one but only if you don't risk it
No. 839391
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>>839380Lol. I should have more specific. The chocolate bar comes in breakable servings like in picrel. I was thinking of breaking off a serving or half (each contains around 10 mg) and then mixing it with some regular chocolate to make hot chocolate.
I've done waht you're talking about when I was first trying to get into weed and no it wasn't fun. It was the first time I actually understood what couch lock and dissociation was.
No. 839602>>839699
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>>839380I just want to let it be known to all nonnies who read this to disregard the anon I'm replying to. she's just a
hater and that edible ain't shit. it never is. always eat a second dose immediately after the first. if it doesn't put you out for a few hours and leave you shivering with hot/cold chills when you wake up then you
were right. that edible wasn't shit.
No. 839685>>839799
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Ganja Girls, what's your preferred way of consuming your cannabis and how frequent of a user are you?
I live in an illegal state so I'm used to just smoking flower, but I've gotten so into concentrates the last couple years. I love dabbing quality shit when I can get it and don't really care for distillate pens as much as when I first learned about concentrates (other than for convenience). Don't like how long you have to wait for edibles to kick in but the body high really helps with pain. I'm hoping to move to a legal state within the next few years so I can get a medical card and live my stoned life in peace.
No. 855541>>855548>>855565>>855574
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I like my reflection so much better when I'm high. My usual resting expression is pretty deer-in-headlights and often makes people think i'm scared/confused. But when I'm stoned, the lips drop low enough to give me a aloof, mysterious vibe and it's so good. Who is that hottie in the mirror and why can't she be me.
No. 855573>>856853
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>>855548It was in some school newsletter (AATJ ??) by some art student. I've been considering it for a tattoo kek
No. 856317
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>>855574I get this thing where my top lip will get stuck on my gums and stay there because dry mouth so if I’m talking it’s all teeth like picrel, I’m sure you look fine in comparison
No. 856320>>856330>>856344
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I get the worst case of cotton mouth when i smoke and always have to have a bottle or two of water near me.
No. 856344>>856364
>>856320Your blood sugar dips when that happens. I went blind in Amsterdam for not eating and the man that owned the shop gave me some sugar water to get my sight back. Came round and I was sitting outside like a wipe out
victim and tourists staring lol. The visuals before I went blind were cool tho
No. 856407
>>839799Damn i have the same problem, most edibles dont do anything unless i eat 200-300mg if not more. I think for me, this is because I don't digest or absorb oils/fats very well - idk if i dont have enough bile or what but it just comes put the other end.
Anyway, I realized that cheeba chew-type edibles, the small hard-ish candies that are like a slightly soft jolly rancher type thing, are way more effective for me than other things of the same labeled dose. I think this is because the hard candy dissolves more slowly and more evenly, and it just totally dissolves like a pill rather than being unevenly chewed like a foodstuff. One 50mg one of these was way stronger for me than any of the 200-300 mg whole bags of gummies i forced down. Fair wsrning though that the chews do taste a bit rank, but honestly as a hard candy it's not thaaat bad, kind of like a slightly stank licorice.
No. 856598
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what's that, NONNY? you didn't save any Marijuana FLOWERS for THEY/THEMS/US?
No. 861041>>861054
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i bought a glow in the dark pipe on etsy kek
No. 861879
I love my new cart, it tastes like spice gumdrops.
>>861054I hate how everybody says this about spoon pipes. Doesn't look like any dildo I've ever met but ok keep repeating the same joke every time you see a pipe.
No. 868473>>870435
>>868468Practice makes perfect lol. People have critiqued my technique but I like it. I fold the paper up a bit so there's a base to fill the joint. Like a flat base taco. I put the roach in before rolling and hold the ends. Use tips of my finger to roll the joint and smooth it over.
Recently I've taken to using long skins, using a filter and then a roach for that fancy filtered elongated toke (I use roll with tobacco).
No. 868507>>870435
>>868468The cones you just pack yourself
nonnie and don’t have to roll? Sorry
nonnie my high ass can’t tell what you meant.
No. 868989>>870435
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>>868468buy one of these! you can find it by looking up “cigarette roller” or “hand cigarette roller”, they’re cheap and easy to use. some people just never get the hang of rolling, short blog but I found out about these because I used to roll my own cigarettes and a girlfriend of mine in those days was always asking me to roll hers too so I got her one of these for when I wasn’t around. she had (I guess has) arthritis and rolling was not something that came naturally for her hands, but she had no trouble operating one of these. they make king size length as well if you dont want short joints. best of luck!
No. 869416>>870437>>870708
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make sure you get some potassium ok
No. 869432>>870435
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>>868468Forget everything else, get a cone artist (picrel). They're absolutely foolproof, look it up and hf <3
No. 870435
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>>869432>>868989>>868507>>868473Thanks for the suggestions stonernons
No. 873654
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>>870708love you
nonnie. would share Pina coladas above the pacific with you any night
No. 874248>>874278
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I'm losing my mind over this bong I love it
No. 874278
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>>874248I need this for my Italian countryside eating an orgasmic orange larp for late summer
No. 874608>>874774>>874798
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Do you guys feel like edibles vary so much? Like, my edibles are good. Everyone gets high from them. I do a great coconut oil extraction technique with soy lecithin and freezing cycles. They are just ok, to me. But I got this tiny gummy from a dispensary before and it made me so high I was like a frightened child- it was incredible despite it's size. I have never gotten a gummy that strong again. How do they do this?
No. 874774>>875743
>>874608I think my metabolism is fucked and don't really like edibles I need the shit straight to my bloodstream.
On another note, does anyone know what to do with the weed I vape? Or should I just vape that shit to black idk
No. 875900
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best ways to eat/consume hash whilst self-isolating in student dorms?
No. 876930
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eggy weggy bread and reggie
No. 877316>>877329
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>>877299Good for you stoner chan, you should feel proud! I’m about to eat the rest of my edibles and fuck off again
No. 878339>>880553>>880569
>>878326Hell yeah anon me too!
Dae get annoyed that you have to learn a whole new skill set however you choose to smoke weed? I feel fucking dumb trying to figure out how to take a deb and clean my pen and shit, like I'm a grandma with a cell phone lmao. Even rolling joints takes practice and bongs are pretty fool proof but there's still a learning curve. I've been looking into growing shrooms and weed at home and I feel the same way learning about gardening techniques.
No. 880575
>>880553it's been heavily documented that shaynus CANNOT dab properly,
No. 889443
>>880553>>880569I never said I couldn't just that I hate learning how lol. Stoner yt has helped me a lot for sure.
No. 893460
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Threshold and the Limit
open pit pastels
yonder to farther
that's where you'll find me
sage because there are no bumps where I am at, only smooth
No. 896532
>>874270I should figure out the date I quit tobacco from this post lol, but it's been 25 days!
It hasn't been hard. I smoke way less weed now and haven't waked and baked in so long because i don't wake up gagging for a smoke. I feel like I've been higher too when I do smoke. I've been keeping my strains separated and smoke indica at night for bed and have sativa during the day. It's been working amazingly for me. I got high af the other night with some friends and lectures them all that tobacco made me depressed. I don't know if that's true but damn, smoking pure green is actually more economical, healthier and better for me. If anyone else mixes tobacco with weed for "economical" reasons or whatever, just stop. Trust me. I also feel like I can manage days off weed now much better because I was never craving a hit of weed I've been craving nicotine and now my high feels more durable if you get me. Like I can wake up the day after being high and still feeling the good vibes. I was properly smoking way too much and buying every week and I haven't bought any in the past 3 weeks. I've been able to spend my money on better things.
No. 898142>>898177>>898245
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Is there any way to enjoy weed if you've got asthma? I know I could make edibles but I hear it just hits differently and isn't as controllable as just smoking weed so it's not my first choice in alternatives. Any ideas or am I just shit out of luck?
No. 899168
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My new carts taste sweet and get me nice and stoned. It's going to be a relaxing weekend
No. 899302
>>899022yeah we all get that shit somestimes
nonnie best to just roll with it and enjoy your marijuana induced psychosis
No. 900024>>900026
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Anons I need to figure out if someone pulled a fast one on me- I got dabs from a guy I admittedly barely know and I just tried them and literally feel nothing. Like 0 anything. And I know I took them the right way and all that I’ve done dabs multiple times before and enjoyed the strong effects. Is there any likelihood this dude gave me like CBD dabs or something because I’m absolutely stumped
No. 900212
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sometimes when I hold my dab in I can taste Swiss cheese and I like it
No. 904826
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I broke my glass pipe. I loved it like a daughter…it's all so painful…
No. 907450
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tfw your torch blows most of your kief down the bowl before you can smoke it
No. 908588>>908592>>908598>>909377>>910407>>912215
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hello nonnies. what do you like watching while high? i feel like i'm running out of stuff to do
No. 913701>>913723>>913773
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>>913694I got it off amazon since my last one broke due to wear and tear. It was on sale! Works better than my last vape and the one the broke was more than double the price.
No. 914025>>969746
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I've never used a vape, would anyone here recommend the Dynavap? I've heard vaping bud is less intense than igniting it. Can you still use the AVB from a Dynavap to make edibles?
No. 914100
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>>914079i just use their branded grinder that they sell on their website. it's a little pricey but i got the whole bundle as a gift a while back.
No. 914274>>977320
>>914256Ugh anon I'm sorry.
Sometimes when I'm high I feel like one of my teeth are loose…like I could feel it wiggling it with my tongue. It's horrible but I've learned that it's all in my mind and my tooth wouldn't spontaneously come loose.
I really hope I don't fall asleep early on the couch again tonight. I've been passing out so early recently. I know it's the weed… So to treat myself I got a pizza and chips and I'm getting ready for a huge munchie/binge sesh tonight. Can't wait!
No. 919647
>>918487>>914332Thank you, one day I found a little from my storage (in a bag not loose but anyway haha) and it was nice.
Anyway I have cleaned my whole apartment, re-decorated and felt kinda wholesome. But still waiting for my weed fairy to txt and go back to my normal grim routine lol… SAD
No. 922022>>922028>>926166
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Last night, I took a dab of wax and that shit destroyed me the moment immediately after I exhaled, I could not open my eyes and I couldn’t tell if they were welled up with tears from the rip. So I’m just collecting myself and then I realize that I am high as a kite and instead of feeling good, I tense up. I become weary of everything. My boyfriends friend gave me a soda to drink after the hit and it made my throat even worse. The ride home was so quiet, It was quiet when we came home. And my boyfriend see if I was paranoid and I was pretty much a bumbling retard incapable of stringing together a sentence and shaking and breathing heavy I was embarrassed and he got sort of frustrated because we were putting laundry away and I was just sitting there for a while.I think I am done with weed for a while especially wax and like strong ass stuff I don’t like how wax smells it almost gives me a headache. I felt like a complete retard, schizo, shaky, Tourette’s syndrome, everything tingly my heart racing, my mind going a mile a minute. I don’t recommend wax. Does anyone else have a bad experience from it, it sucks that I think weed doesn’t have good effects on me because people who say it helps you socially, it just stunts me and I’m already a shy autist.
No. 922072>>922097
>>922047Not to ruin your Panera moment, but I worked there… it’s all premade and sodium/sugar filled, nothing is made there except for the frozen deserts they bake.. I know they give off the healthy vibe, but it’s all marketing. Maybe find local restaurant options moving forward?
But enjoy your smoke break!
No. 922097
>>922072The choices are horribly limited it's Panera or Wendys or the grocery store and I really wanted some soup. I know they are kinda shit tier even though they desperately don't want to be. my boyfriend despises Panera.
The smoke break was wonderful
No. 922944>>923475
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>>918490I also took a nice trail photo while smoking! Turns out we accidentally wandered down a hunting trail but it was fun. All the flowers we saw along the way really popped
No. 925471>>926166
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y'all ever snort this shit?? I'm rockin on 5g of kiddy cocaine
No. 925567>>925634
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Yesterday's smoke had a prettier backdrop than today
No. 925634>>926166
>>925567Chefs Kiss, looks amazing
Anyone else smoke to help with migraines? I struggle so often with them and green tends to make it easier to at least function.
I get 3-4 migraines a week.
No. 926166
>>922022Sounds like you took way too much. Do not be afraid to only have a tiny bit of weed!! I had a crazy low tolerance for years with just flower. I had to start with very little wax when I started dabbing or else I would get really sick like you described. Don't take any more if you don't want to either.
>>925471Lol das an expensive snuff. I'm actually looking to purchase CBN isolate for appetite regulation. Don't get the munchies as easily because of my tolerance and health issues.
>>925634My bf gets migraines and the weed definitely helps, plus Excedrin. I'll smoke for pain too, but it doesn't make it go away exactly. Much easier to tolerate while stoned and comfy tho.
No. 935466
>>935023Lol are you me? I did that last night, finally got my shit together and smoked a bowl, voila! Mental illness resigned.
>>935050Seriously, I hate it and I only go in if I need something short notice. At mine the employees are all men and they're either unpleasant/aggressive or go on and on about nothing and act high.
No. 944645>>944648
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grapple my napple but don't bite the apple ok
No. 946293>>946312>>946544
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What the fuck are these people doing to where this is even an option? Callused throats? I'd be in the bathroom puking peeing crying after half that amount
No. 946312
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>>946293maybe weed is the new crack?
much love to whichever one of you beautiful nonnerinos originally posted this gif No. 946333>>946338
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Teehee I'm so high. I have no pictures on this tablet other than this. Hi
No. 946338
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>>946333We're playing webkinz instead, nonnies!
No. 954196>>957030
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Bumping this thread just to say how amazing it is to eat a homemade cheddar jalapeño bagel after a fat rip.
So anyways, what do you stoners have planned for halloween?
No. 956999>>957004
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Nonitas, do you have any good dab torch recommendations? I honestly have no idea wtf to look for. Pic for attention.
No. 957004>>957006>>957125
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>>956999I got this one because it has a
trigger (allows you to STOP the flame immediately vs twisting a knob like most others, that feature saved my ass twice already) and it's light yet good looking. I also use it to roast marshmallows on steel chopsticks. Haven't made creme brûlée yet but I must.
No. 958970>>959014>>959044
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A new weed place opened up really close to me and right beside it is a Mexican grocer I had no idea existed. Picked me up some of these and a manzanita sol
No. 959014>>959031>>959044
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>>958970Mexican junk food doesn’t do it for me. Like their pastries - they look tasty but they all taste identical to each other, and that flavor is basically sugary white bread.
No. 959044>>959052
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>>959014The worst example of looking delicious but tasting like nothing is chocolate Hostess snacks. Cupcakes, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs or Swiss Rolls are extremely disappointing compared to how they look.
>>958970What's the texture of these like? It's crazy to me to put lime on snack foods.
No. 959045
>>959031You gotta improve the legacy of Mexican pastries,
nonnie, the future is in your hands.
No. 959647
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>>957125ha, I wish. I have pointed it at myself in the mirror like a gun when I'm feeling dramatic though
No. 961009>>961026
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I saw picrel on the front page and it broke the bowl of oatmeal where my brain used to be
Guys GUYS I don't trust this vape man. Last time I took 3 puffs and felt fine, on the same setting I took one puff, felt like my throat burned out like I deep throated an erupting volcano, I got so fucking high I forgot my own name or what my legs were, I went to sleep woke up and can still barely rejoin muh society
No. 962192>>962200
>>962185Fuck yeah anon, getting an edibles batch right is so satisfying and cost effective as you say!
You probably already used it if you made gummies, but letting all anons know, use soy lecithin in your edibles! Just a tiny amount lets the active chemicals "bloom" more and you'll get even more bang for your buck. Plus it helps the texture if you make long lasting things like gummies or butters.
No. 962200>>962212
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>>962192Yes, thanks for adding that! It's important. I used a liquid soy lecithin, picrel. It's pricy ($18) but cost effective if you plan on making several batches, because my recipe called for only 1 tsp. It'll last at least a year.
No. 962228>>962252>>962256
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>>962221for starters there's that old (and honestly very true) saying that goes "you are what you eat" and frankly,
nonnie, I would question anyone who chooses to be soy adjacent when they could be beautiful like picrel
No. 962252>>962261
>>962185Good job. What flavor? I made gummies a while back using cherry flavored jello and while they were too firm I liked how easy they were to eat, not as messy or filling as chocolate and brownies. I just cleaned my kitchen and found three mason jars of shitty homegrown a friend gave me I forgot about I'm about to copy you
>>962228You remind me of my old pot dealer that only used PURE ANIMAL FATS! for his edibles because everything else is poison for the body. We got into it a bit because I think coconut oil comes out stronger but whatever. I get what you mean about the lecithin, but I use sunflower too just because my health store had a giant tub of it. I have made oil without lecithin and the freezing/heat/freezing/heat cycle and it just wasn't the same
No. 962256>>962261
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>>962212>>962228But what if I want to be a bean?
And did u know judgy vibes are scientifically worse for you than beans and bean derivatives
No. 962330>>983965
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Most of the time getting high makes me giggly, relaxed and hungry lol. Pretty standard stuff. But now and then something is different and I get an altered state of mind. Often when I get high around my period. I don't hallucinate, but I'm so intensely present I lose all sense of time, it's like my higher brain shuts down and I can't even read because I have to remember the meaning of the words I just saw, and I can't because they're not in the present anymore. If I let go of how confusing it is, it's really fun, feels like being a tiny little kid or animal living moment to moment and enjoying being alive, just the simple experience of watching a funny show, eating popcorn or wearing comfy clothes feels like a miracle. I get sad coming back to myself after and remembering how complex and cerebral real life is. Anyway picrel is the closest I've seen anyone else describe it, it's a quote I randomly found on a recipe blog lol
No. 977312
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No. 977523
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No. 983965
>>962330I love this recipe blog anon kek. Good find.
I’m not smoking today but it’s SO HARD. Like. Smoking makes shit more fun. But I don’t feel like I have as much fun if my bf isn’t getting stoned with me. Usually I just sit around high and watch YouTube and browse lc. The latest weed we’ve bought is like a stimulant, i was smoking it before bed bc that’s what I usually do, but then I’d be up for hours on my phone and the time would just pass right by. It does help with doing housework though, my house is a wreck.
No. 984433
>>983960I puked a couple times just from smoking a big doink combined with my friend watching adult swim very loud on a giant tv. So it was just kind of being too high and geting overstimulated in that case.
I would think eating nothing else makes you more likely to get sick… and you should eat other stuff with edibles as a rule anyway, you need to stiumlate bile production which helps your body absorb fats and oils like thc. If you eat just an oily thc edible, which is a bit of a noxious unpleasant substance to your digestive tract, it kind of just passes through you and doesnt get digested that well. A whole wheat peanit butter sandwich is a good accompaniment b/c it has fiber to help digestion and fats to stinulate bile, and to mix & help dissolve the thc oil.
I get a sinilar feeling to what you described if I drink green tea on an empty stomach, so I wonder if it's just simple stomach irritation that you're feeling.
No. 1001483
>>986331You've actually ordered weed off the dankwebs? NTA but explain
weed is finally legal here and I have a medical license. I'm curious
No. 1032735
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Who else feels this
No. 1033252
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I got a desktop vape for cheap and its been pretty nice. Smoking with the hookah attachment means I can literally smoke while laying down, and vaping gets me so turnt. Might transition to vaping entirely just because of how much easier it is on my lungs, only problem is its more steps to refill it then with a bong. anyway i cant get up
No. 1041606
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Made good friends with my dealer and now I get my shit for free and we just vibe. Always gives me some to take home with me.
No. 1057490
>>1050785I fuck that up every time, idk how. Heat for thirty seconds, cool for thirty seconds, sensibly sized beginner's dab, practically throw up from coughing, feel nothing. Maybe I need to let it cool longer?
Does anybody here mix their weed with anything? I've started cutting mine with damiana and the effect is basically the same but I go through weed slower now. I'm a daily smoker due to chronic pain and nausea so it's a pretty good system for m, I can't recommend it enough. At night I mix in skullcap to help me sleep, and I get nightmares all the time so I've been experimenting with mugwort and it seems to make the dreams brighter in a way? The elements of the nightmare are still there but what's happening isn't as scary anymore. I bought some kanna leaf from an etsy vendor a bit ago and so far I hate it lol, the taste/smell is bad when you smoke it and I can't feel a difference.
No. 1065526
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Happy Tuesday all, I am sleep deprived &very high off some d8 edibles I got at a smoke shop. They're pretty good, I mean Id rather some d9 flower from a dispensary but unfortunately the weed prices in the failed state of Illinois are fucking abominable. cannabis taxes alone are higher than anywhere else practically. IL is a fucking embarrassment to the entire Midwest and that's saying something bc the Midwest in general is a miserable wastland and the environment is unfit for humans for about 3/4ths of the year, if you condense the bad weather days. If it weren't for Chicago the economy downstate would fall apart, but now Chicago itself is falling apart because the police are completely useless and so are the prosecutors and literally no one in the local government has a brain cell to spare
D8 is a handy loophole but it's just not the real thing…well I enjoyed the rest of my jack herer bud this morning, I was desperate so I used AVB to try and revape it. Worked surprisingly well.
No. 1066225
>>1065856As long as it's not totally brown it's probably gonna be fine. Might not taste the best but it'll do the job.
Speaking of doing the job I'm gonna stuff some of this shake I got at a discount into my vape and pray I didn't get ripped off
No. 1070249>>1070328>>1070380
I posted a bit in the dumbass shit thread while high last night, but I got high for the first time last night and it was a god awful experience.
I ate 1/4th of this edible gummy but after an hour nothing happened, so the girl gave me the other 1/4th to eat. Half an hour after that it started to kick in. It felt like a buzz when I drink, but I don't drink alcohol because I don't feel the buzz or getting drunk anymore, I skip right to feeling sick. I think it was feeling like this and associating this with feeling terribly sick so I was like "I don't like this, I don't like feeling like this." I felt like I was hyper aware of what I was saying, and kept trying to explain myself then interrupting and explaining myself explaining myself. I started doing weird body shit kind of like tics, where I kept turning my head like "d'oh!" like Homer does when I kept catching myself "being high" and overexplaining. I felt like I was picrel, where the high is the fun and I'm the robot trying to stamp it out of my body. I didn't want fun anymore. Then it got worse.
My whole body was tense, and I kept having to rub my hand over something and kept moving my feet too. I tried to watch something to zonk out but I couldn't concentrate on it, the overwhelming feeling that I wasn't in control of my body anymore was too strong. I've never disassociated before but I guess the closest thing this feeling was like was feeling like I was disassociating. I'd feel like I moving in and out of my own body and at some point decided I was also having a depersonalization episode (which I've been through before). I tried to sleep but I kept jolting awake because I was afraid I'd fall into sleep paralysis, which does happen, and I have a system in place to stop it from happening (once it starts I will fall back into it until I fully wake up) but I knew I couldn't do it while high so I didn't want to be paralyzed too. Then I kept saying "if I fall asleep I'll die" while fighting off the feeling of wanting to pass out. Then I thought I had stopped breathing (I was breathing very heavily) and thought if I stopped breathing I'd die. The scariest part was went I felt numb, not emotionally but physically. I kept frantically rubbing the bedsheets or my own body and I couldn't feel anything. I'd be able to feel things for a second or two then I couldn't again, again like I was fading in and out of my own body. I think at one point I did fall asleep but I felt like I was jolting awake while trying to sleep again.
I don't know what strain I ate, I don't know if I took too much (the size of the gummy I had was like a gummy bear) although it had some pieces of actual weed stuck to it that I tried to take off as much as I could. I don't really think I want to try a different strain or different method again. I think I experienced the high (feeling buzzed) and it just set me off. I'm not very stressed or anxious in my everyday life, I actually think my life is really easygoing and carefree and I'm quite happy being a boring person but I felt like all the guardrails I'd set up for myself to be able to function happily were suddenly torn away and I was a young, stupid idiot again who didn't know how to cope or exist like a normal function human being.
No. 1070274
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have you guys masturbated while being zooted? I did and it took long but it was so intense and I had spit stop myself from making noise
No. 1070328>>1071728
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>>1070249You got a nice gummy. It's funny I find the smallest ones like you had will be the strongest somehow. I recently got a tiny blue raspberry one from the dispensary and I only had half and I was gone, and I usually have a high tolerance for weed. I feel for you though I'm sorry you had a rough night the "if I fall asleep I'll die" part made me kek but I get what you meant. I've freaked out about my heartbeat before
No. 1070380>>1071728
>>1070249I smoked dabs once and had a similar experience, although I'm already a hypochondriac with anxiety who dissociates so for me it probably makes more sense. I've smoked weed in the past about 4-5 times and it didn't really do anything except make me lightheaded and absent minded, but I smoked so much weed as this little party and then smoked dabs on top of that and had a horrible experience.
I started to panic and felt like I was dying. I felt like the room was moving, even though it wasn't. the best way I can describe it is that my eyes weren't properly adjusted in my head. I felt like I couldn't talk or say anything either. it felt like sleep paralysis because I felt like I was asleep/dreaming but at the same time I was awake. never again
No. 1071728
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>>1070328>>1070380kek I forgot to attach the pic, maybe I was still high when I posted
Thanks nonas, I'm happy my stupidity was funny heh. I do still live with my parents so I embarrassingly had to deal with a lecture but the 3-4 hour nightmare was enough of a punishment so I think I'm just gonna stick to my boring normie hobbies.
No. 1072399>>1072401>>1072741>>1073856
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Approaching day 2 of no weed because job hunting and I am so SWEATY. My bf and I have been daily users for a couple years now but are taking a break to get jobs that utilize our degrees. I’ve already failed one drug test because I’m retarded and thought dilution plus Vitamin B and Redbull would be enough. Any other heavy users have physical symptoms while taking a break??? I’ve gone through alcohol withdrawals before (over a year without a drink now) so this has been a piece of cake in comparison. But I still wasn’t expecting to get chills and fevers. The nausea and lack of appetite was expected especially because I have IBS, but still a pain to deal with.
No. 1074041
>>1073856Thanks and good luck to you too! My sleep aid pills got delivered today so hopefully that will combat the insomnia. Hope you can get some rest too.
>>1072741I was trying to avoid using synthetic urine because I get nervous, but def keeping this in mind. Also lmafo monkey whizz
>>1072946Dedicating my first dab after this break to you. Jealous of the healthcare though lol.
No. 1074840>>1098223>>1098300
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kinda a rant but ive been recently chatting up this guy and he gets so mad at anything weed related. he knows ive smoked before (only able to obtain it irregularity where i am right now) but he acts like weed is hard drugs or something.?says he “lost friends” or family ruining their lives due to it.
i don’t want to be insensitive and correct him by saying that it sounds more like those people were doing actual life ruining drugs or just wastes of lives to begin with and weed isnt the villain here but im just holding back. im gonna be living in a place where im gonna have easy access to it again and im worried that it’ll be obvious im smoking more and i don’t wanna deal with his nasty attitude about it
i dont enjoy drinking so smoking is my preferred social activity and im not willing to give it up. im seriously surprised it’s current year and people are still acting like enjoying weed is like smoking crack when its literally the same as having a drink or cigarette to wind down.
also smoking related ive recently beaten weed psychosis after a year and it feels so nice to enjoy being high again. i recently obtained an edible after only being able to smoke delta 8 for the past year and i literally rolled around in my bed just smiling and giggling to myself till i dozed off. it was really nice.
No. 1098628>>1098649
>>1098608expected intelligence level of a stoner.
It can cause permanent paranoia on some individuals.
No. 1098649
>>1098628everyones paranoid
every now and then
No. 1106482>>1106624>>1117941
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Made firecrackers with my AVB for the first time earlier tonight, but instead of putting the PB on a graham cracker I put it on brioche and made a PBJ and man I could not taste the burnt weed at ALL and it was like a 40:60 weed:PB mix. Highly recommend doing this with yr leftovers as long as they aren't too dark brown/black. Anyways it's kicked in and I've also been vaping some ice cream cake & GG#4 & listening to my music really loudly even though it's 2am bc I'm at home and no one else is here so I don't have to worry abt thin apartment walls or annoyed fun.
I'm gonna go to the dispensary tomorrow bc I'm almost out of weed and would literally rather spend my money on that than food. On the bright side I've lost 5 pounds this month without even trying! I feel like it's just falling off I can't believe I spent years abusing stupid Adderall trying to lose weight and failing when all I needed was weed lol.
No. 1117730>>1117733>>1117752
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Anons im riding out a pretty intense high rn off of half a goddamn joint watching Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse cause I had a month long break between january and march and it has rocked my shit since, wish me luck ily kek.
No. 1117733>>1118101
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>>1117730This sounds like so much fun, have a good time!
No. 1117752>>1118101
Getting some cartridges tonight and super pumped
>>1117730That sounds great, anon! Indulging after a long break is always the best
No. 1132441>>1132509
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I am livid. I spent all yesterday night making crockpot cannabutter and this morning the shit didn't separate from the water in my fridge. I know why, it's because I added the lecithin before I separated the weed from the butter and water, I forgot lecithin is an emulsifier so now the shit's married and I'm left with a cauldron of green slime. I usually make coconut oil where no water is involved so it doesn't matter. Like I strained my mess with cheesecloth but it's buttery water sludge. Smells horrible too I used really cheap weed that's been in my cupboard for a while. I'm a glutton for punishment so I will try to make some cereal treats with the firmest part on top, methinks fruity pebbles for flavor masking
No. 1141425>>1141448
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Merry Christmas to all the weedhead reefer bitches I'm honking on that bobo for you girlies today xxx
No. 1141448>>1141470
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>>1141425Happy 420! I'm going to get white castle and do a ton of dabs today
No. 1141470
happy 420 faggots blaze that shit.
>>1141448I hope you have a blasted blessed day
No. 1141476
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Happy 420 fellow stonie balonie hippie heads
No. 1141550
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Ayooooo happy 420 nonitas!
No. 1141668
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nonny, feeling better every day! Happy baloney day, love you
No. 1142018
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Nonnitas I said to myself this morning "I gotta post in the stoner thread and wish the stoner chans a happy 420" and now its the PM fuck I'm high as shit. I'm so sorry queens, may your weed be dank, your pens charged and cartridge filled, your edibles be delicious, and your wax hit just right. Happy 420!
No. 1155836
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Well nonnies I just bought picrel and smoked a joint and gave myself heart palpitations, shakiness, and a clammy sweat! I guess I am having a slight panic attack but I feel fine emotionally. It's just very uncomfy physically. reee
No. 1158223>>1158245>>1158363
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Y'all ever roll too small of a joint?
No. 1169613
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>>1169586I think God smokes weed
And she was high when she made me
And I think she gave up halfway
I can feel it in my DNA
No. 1191864>>1191868>>1191890>>1191897
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I've felt like shit all day so I'm excited to finally be home. Gonna eat an edible, make a pizza sub with extra jalapenos, and play Rune Factory 5. I unironically love the ahegao succubus.
No. 1191868
>>1191864That sounds like a really fun night,
No. 1191890
>>1191864I am excited to join you
nonnie, I too bought edibles tonight
No. 1196933
>>1196925Will report back if I try! Tbh I don't rlly see the point of it, although I would think it would enter the bloodstream quickly kek.
>>1196929Lmao anon. Idk, I don't think it would, plus it goes so far into the vaginal canal as to not be felt? Idk tbh
You can just take a sublingual tincture instead so I don't rlly get it but I'm glad it exists!
No. 1196966>>1207168
>>1196908How much did it cost?
Edibles don't work for me so I'm wary of everything that's not flower. I could take a shit ton of edibles but if I'm paying double digits for a high I start feeling like a real drug addict.
No. 1206974>>1207029>>1207034>>1207174>>1208026
Friend gave me some medical grade cookie over the weekend, just a crumb I swear to god, and it took like 2 hours to kick in but when it did, damn. I've only had edibles three times in my life and each time has been wildly different. First time was really psychedelic with lots of colors, slowed down vision, tails/trailing after objects, faces morphing, stalactites/mites etc. Second time was a true hell on earth, voices, extreme fear, unsteadiness, truly controllable emotions, whole body tremors and could not be held down etc. Third time contained a little of both of the previous experiences but was manageable. This time I felt like I had heart burn, and could feel the heat in my entire digestive tract. Wasn't painful but it was weird as hell. First two times were packaged gummies from California, third was medical stuff grown who knows where. Do experiences with edibles ever calm the hell down or is it a dice roll every time? I've never smoked.
No. 1207034>>1207044
>>1206974How much did you take? I had a similar experience when I ate a few gummies (80mg), it was a mixed bag of feeling fear and happiness, when I microdose I have a much more chill trip. But yeah edibles can knock you on your ass.
I just ordered a giant gummy cola bottle and some golden teachers, hopefully they get here before the weekend
No. 1207044
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>>1207034I want to say between 30-35MG the first time around and 35-45MG the second time. I think my issue is, it takes a while to kick in so I just keep adding 5MG gummies until it all hits. Third time it's hard to say. The stuff passed hands a few times before ending up as butter in some cookies. I ate roughly 20-30G of cookie. It was a laughably small amount.
No. 1207168
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>>1196966>how much?$14 for 2 and $47 for 8! I have not tried since posting them though. I don't think I would try unless I was very ill tbh. I'll stick with tinctures! Which I have yet to try… any nonnies have a sweet spot for thc:cbd content?
(Spoilered for redundancy.)
No. 1207335
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>>1207174Hard to say. I mean, I haven't been diagnosed with anything besides general anxiety. I had a weird episode back in February though that freaked me out enough to finally be seen and that appointment is coming up in a week. The first time was 2018, second time was 2019, and the most recent was last Saturday. Also, the first time was incredible. Whole body felt amazing. Zero complaints. I had one single moment where I felt kind of paranoid but it was less than 10 seconds. Second was bad from the get go. It felt like my heart was beating so loud/fast that I was going to die which sent me into a complete panic. I woke everyone in the house up because I was so scared, that I couldn't inhale and it sounded like I was drowning in mud. It felt like there was something inside of me trying to push it's way out through every pore. I was not in control of my legs at all. I kept having these flashes of being really high up and thinking I was about to fall to my death. When the tremors would ease up after a few minutes I would hear the whispering. No distinguishable words though and I distinctly recall that it wasn't threatening. I cycled through emotions and could not control the laughter which felt similar to nitrous oxide. I have no blank periods, I remember everything and I also feel like I was completely lucid and logical inside my head but just could not make my body behave the way I wanted it to. I wasn't on any other medication or drugs or alcohol. Needless to say, I don't do this very often and after this third time I probably won't ever again. Maybe microdosing who knows.
No. 1207851
>>1207839I also was dx bipolar disorder type two and on antipsychotics so that is also what confuses me. I have never experienced that in an episode either (except for the persecutor delusion) but it didn't send me into psychosis (maybe because I forced myself to sleep and relax?).
I hope this doesn't get me blog banned, I just hope to share the details as well because it was so strange! The fake weed is called SPICE/K2
No. 1208750
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>>1208026I can't vouch for what was in the cookie though it tasted very weedy. The other two items were sealed candy packets that I opened. I'd never done any drug before in my life and each experience was 1-3 years apart. Picrel, never again haha.
No. 1208928
I want to smoke less, mostly because I miss how "special" weed used to feel if that makes sense. Only thing is I'm a medical user so I usually end up ending my T breaks early for shit that I just don't feel like living with that day. D8 drives my tolerance up too so I feel like I'm a little stuck rn.
>>1208358Two hour mark is usually when it hits for me too.
No. 1209641
>>1208939lmao when i'm in public.
>>1208987i love hiking and baking
No. 1219276
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No. 1219330>>1219476
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I had to take a new drug test for a job and used someone else's urine to pass and it felt good walking out and preparing a bowl an hour later when i got the text that I passed. New job. Same bowl.
No. 1219471>>1221445
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>>1219259Every single (strong) edible I've ever tried tasted like shit, or I had to eat an entire giant nasty dry brownie in order to get the dose (regular brownies are excellent tho; it's the infused ones that are always dry and taste like ass). Over it. I'm gonna try a tincture instead next time.
I will say - the edibles that are sour candies, like picrel, were the most tolerable for me. The citric acid helps with the bitter THC oil taste.
No. 1219476>>1221445
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>>1219330Hell yeah! Congrats on the new job
>>1219259oops I iust posted abt sour belts but I just realized you were asking for chocolate candies. My bad
>>1215629see picrel
No. 1221445
>>1219471I agree. When it comes to edibles, sours taste better.
>>1219476Thank you so much. Smoking a bowl now . kek
>>1220833You sound awesome, lifting anon
No. 1243169>>1243185>>1243189>>1243192>>1243329
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So my grammy gave me these. I have "Smoked" but it has to be like 10 years ago and I don't think I got "High". I'm always around weed smoke though, what will this do to me? How much should I eat and what does being high feel like? Is it like being drunk?
No. 1243192>>1243197>>1243329
>>1243169I'd say start with half of one tbh. 600mg is a lot if you have no tolerance. Eat half, wait an hour or two, see how you feel, and if you're at a comfy level, maybe eat the other half.
Doing too much will scare you away from wanting to do more. I personally have never had great luck with edibles. I always overdo it.
If you do end up taking too much, don't panic. Drink lots of water and just try to go to sleep. It's not forever, and it will end.
No. 1243292
>>1243188I hope you get better. Trading in one addiction for another isn't healthy, but at least you can control weed. Please be safe,
nonnie. Alcoholism is no joke
No. 1243329>>1243493>>1249289
>>1243192>600mg is a lot 600 mg is a metric fuckton for a single edible but a lot of these bags list the entire packages' worth of THC unless it specifically says "each." I would think that's the case here. She should check the serving amount on the back and what it lists there.
>>1243169What a sweet gran. To make it easy anon 100mg is a typical recommended newbie dose, 200 once you've done that a few times is acceptable (might make you more spinny but tolerable). Figure out the THC per O snack and eat them accordingly but always better to err on the side of caution to see how you react. Weed is way better than being drunk, you don't feel sick and it's not as hard on your body. For me it's like the giddiness of being buzzed but more soothing and without the uncomfortable wooziness and headache afterwards. Honestly I've said way more embarassing (and unfortunate) shit while drunk than high. It actually makes me pretty clear-headed for the most part. The only downside I've ever experienced is edibles do give me a bit of dry mouth sometimes.
No. 1260840>>1260849>>1261624
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pls enjoy this little baby doink, on me nonnas! pass it to the left ♥
No. 1261624>>1264975
>>1261596Hi nona, I'm sorry you're feeling so scared right now. I developed CIP after T-breaking too and had to go the hospital (I do have bipolar on top though). My advice right now is just to ground yourself, find shows you like and remember that this moment isn't forever. I also had a really hard time sleeping on my T-break but I really do recommend chugging sleep-aid (not literally chugging but melatonin/zzzquil) and getting some sleep. Along with trying to eat properly (2000cals) despite whatever your brain is telling you right now. That's how I get myself out when I start feeling kind of psychosisy or too high up myself. If it lasts for more than 3 days of consistency (also put your phone down at a certain time and try to more in nature or with humans) then I would talk to a doctor or call the nurses line. You can do this nona.
>>1260840>>1260852I love you
nonnie, puff puff passing!
No. 1264975
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>>1261624Ty for the encouragement, nona! This and some other problems have been a wake up call for me to do something about my anxiety and the things it makes me do (like smoking maybe too much weed…). I can't ingest any without it making me more paranoid than calm. I had a ~15mg edible (dumb dumb of me trying again) and it just did the same thing that vaping or dabbing does to me. I'm sad because I used to take 50-100mg edibles and be completely fine, but my body is just processing it differently now I guess? I think I may have an undiagnosed mental illness, so I guess I should be careful if I want to be healthy, which I really do. I also love sleep aids LOL I'm very sensitive, so even if a lot of cortisol is flowing through my body, it'll put be right to bed. I think I will focus more on going outside, like you said. I feel sad that weed might not play as big of a part in my life now, but honestly I kind of want that time to be doing other things now. I spent a good majority of my time during the covid lockdowns smoking and drinking, so it feels like it's time to move on from those habits. I still love weed and use topicals for my back pain (SUCH a life saver). Smoke one up for me, nonnies!
No. 1296537>>1296540
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Babes I'm zonked. I just moved and have everything in a great place on the way cheap. Smoked a fat bowl in a new bootleg angry birds pipe. Take it to the head!
No. 1296554>>1296578>>1296617
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>>1296540bootleg angry birds pipe for your viewing pleasure. nothin like smoking out of a brand new pipe.
No. 1305685>>1305718
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gettin blazed, love you nonnies
No. 1311481
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Gonna finish the rest of my live resin tonight
No. 1317463
>>1317446> harrowingly autistic> stoney baloney threadyes
>>1317447that but twice and this song goes out to you nona come vibe
No. 1317553
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Anyone seen this documentary? It's rly good
No. 1320706>>1321290
>>1320563You still alive over there
No. 1320799
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stoned, ordered pizza, watching picrel
No. 1320821>>1321120
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I bought a bag of THC-O gummies, now I’m having cold feet about actually trying them after reading some negative stories online. I’m old enough to remember the spice era so some of the things I read sent up red flags. Have any nonnies tried THC-O edibles?
No. 1321692>>1321700
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What up stoneitas, I ate a lot of edibles and I’m making curry. It’s simmering right now and my roomie went to go get some rice. All hail curry!
No. 1321785>>1322134
>>1321779Your art sounds really cool nonna! I love minimal (3 colors max) but striking color palettes so I have kind of a hard time coming up with one that I like as much as I do bright red/cobalt blue. It does usually need some black and white spaces as you mentioned but when done well it looks so nice.
>>1321717Ayrt, slightly too stoned. I couldn't find the dumbass shit thread so figured the circumstances this was close enough lol
sorry stononitas I am one of you. I picked up my sketchbook again today and realized I only really use one and most of my paintings/drawings look the same from a distance and it went from there.
No. 1322048>>1322553
>>1321708Literally yellow and blue shut up. Come on now don't play dumb.
No. 1322223
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>>1321700Lol was so high I forgot to respond. It was tikka masala and it slapped
No. 1322553
>>1322134I love it too, seriously the best color! I don't draw very much when I'm stoned (it makes me relaxed and braindead more than creative) but I have actually made some somewhat interesting sketches while tipsy and worked them out after, it's pretty cool actually. I'm just never in the mood to do anything when I'm stoned, sometimes I go on a cleaning spree but when I pick up a pen nothing much comes out unless I'm watching a movie or using a cool reference picture but I suppose that's more like studies. If anything I draw way more when I skip a week or 2 of smoking kek, I know some people get very creative while high and honestly I'm kind of jealous.
>>1322048Blue and yellow just don't do it for me, I don't know I just find it really ugly and it can turn into a green muddy mess quite quickly (if you're me anyway). Red and yellow can be pretty if well done. I'm doomed to primary colors I guess.
No. 1339479
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Nonas pls someone send weed. I use it as pain relief and my back is KILLING me. I ran out of my muscle relaxer scrip despite making it last 2 months. Hope it doesn’t spasm ueh ueh ueh.
No. 1348044>>1348087
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what do other nonnies do with kief? I have 3 grinders full like picrel and cant smoke it fast enough
No. 1359243>>1360979
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>>1358788ey i have one of those! it's pretty great. the bags can be replaced with turkey bags to hold a huge amount of vapor. love using the hookah attachment while I draw too, very chill
No. 1360979
>>1359243I'm excited now I'm definitely going to get some turkey bags
Also so happy the dispo game is going strong in my state I've been having a good weekend. This cart I have tastes like spice drops and I got this edibles chocolate bar with pop rocks embedded in it that tasted so good