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No. 2168370
ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events that have recently happened in your life.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2141639 No. 2168377
File: 1726601068098.jpg (42.4 KB, 895x627, hehehaha.jpg)

My dad has a cooking channel where he makes tutorials for recipes and he used to post videos in his own language but now he wants to make English videos and asked me to watch it to make sure he made no mistakes but I couldn't stop laughing because of his goofy thirdie accent kek. He sounds so faggy
No. 2168383
I'm watching this show and I keep feeling tempted to get a free trial on the streaming service so I can binge it but it's also been nice to wait for a new episode every sunday so idk. I'll probably wait it out.
>>2168377Aw that's kind of cute tbh.
No. 2168608
File: 1726610985647.jpg (22.33 KB, 466x360, 1000063292.jpg)

I went to the beach and my skin, hair and scalp are always so nice afterwards, I'm sure this isn't my dermatitis flaring with my allergies getting cured by the sea, it must be that I'm a mermaid.
No. 2168611
I kind of want to put up a camera and record myself in my sleep I wonder if I sleep weird or snore or something.
>>2168601It's so beautiful, there's supposed to be a partial eclipse later too.
No. 2168612
>>2168601Are you looking forward to the eclipse in 2.5 hours
No. 2168630
>>2168612I didn't know when exactly was it happening, I'll try to see it
If I'm awake, it's past midnight and I'm getting tipsy from Guinness
No. 2168673
>>2168655Thank you
nonnie you're the best ♥
No. 2168948
>>2168928im very short
nonnie i only burn 1600-2000 cals but ive been more sedentary lately
No. 2168991
>>2168578You’re kind of chill with it. It’s more than okay, you don’t need to do grandiose things to have a good life or be happy.
Your routine sounds dope and I’m honestly imagining you as like those cute cartoons where the episodes are centered around mundane things.
No. 2169125
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Any nonny watching the partial eclipse? Hope you're having a magical night ♥
No. 2169146
File: 1726628397065.jpg (59.23 KB, 560x564, 1648335477688.jpg)

I am so frustrated. I spent the entire day drawing and i suck so much, i am starting to believe talent is real and that i am too retarded to ever be a good artist. I genuinely started crying from the frustration. I am going to cool off, watch a movie while drinking some coffee then try again.
No. 2169226
File: 1726637177436.jpeg (309.35 KB, 807x755, sad horsee.jpeg)

>>2169146Why did i watch million dollar baby? i thought it was going to be girlboss hajime no ippo but it was depressing as shit and now i feel worse
No. 2169235
File: 1726637761527.png (Spoiler Image,2.38 MB, 4667x2085, asdaf.png)

>>2169227It was really good, i liked it. It just wasn't what i expected, i was hoping it was oing to be female rocky. I really like boxing so i wanted to see some girlboss punch herself to the top. I still have yolo to watch, and that movie seems to actually be about boxing so i am looking forward to it.
>>21692314 years lol thats why i am so depressed. For context i am trying the method where i draw something, then make three copies, one i lie over the original and fix it, then try fixin it again without tracing. Right is the original, middle is the one i fix without tracing and the left is traced.
No. 2169250
nonny, sorry if i sounded rude i am just a bit depressed that i cant draw anything good after 4 years.
No. 2169251
File: 1726639308011.jpg (14.42 KB, 256x305, 9Iy4XEAAOtIy.jpg)

Just found out I can buy physical copies of re-prints of Andrea Dworkin's works. I read a lot of them online already as pdfs, but I'm excited to be able to buy physical copies! (Not trying to politisperg, just genuinely enjoy reading and owning feminist texts)
No. 2169377
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I love the roo threadpic
No. 2169384
File: 1726659421332.jpg (307.12 KB, 1355x903, average australian.jpg)

>>2169377Same, I feel so represented
No. 2169392
File: 1726660388235.jpg (185.22 KB, 1544x924, rrtrtr.jpg)

>the google incognito lawsuit actually wants to know what kind of stuff I looked up in incognito mode
Ok nevermind I don't need damages
No. 2169562
File: 1726672113117.jpg (38.52 KB, 720x684, 2c130fcc3146981cea46056cb74e3c…)

When I started uni last year I was so afraid of not getting any friends in my class, that they could practically smell that I was an autistic weirdo and that I would never fit in like it was for me back in high school (which felt silly since I'm 30) so I would sorta sneak away and eat lunch on my own at the start.
But now I think my group of friends are the biggest one and we see each other a lot during our free time to either play games or watch movies. I was so scared that we were just friends out of convenience but during this summer, when the trains temporarily didn't stop at my station due to reconstruction which caused it to be fairly convoluted to get to my place from the city - unless you have a car - they still came by to visit. It even took a couple of them almost 3 hours to get here! No one has ever done that for me, most of my other friends just moan and complain over how long it takes to get to my place during summer because of the train issue as if it doesn't take me just as much time to get to them. These classmates have even opened up a lot to me about things they aren't really comfortable talking to most others about.
I hope these friendships will last. Not only are these people absolutely wonderful, but they are also my first (mostly) normie friends and it really helps me to touch grass and realize how much bullshit my other friends say come from a terminally online place.
No. 2169647
File: 1726678820253.jpg (23.01 KB, 525x414, F6sl6gnacAAsCK1.jpg)

i saw attractive women on my FYP, day ruined
No. 2169678
>>2169125>>2168630Aw man, I missed it, I did fall asleep just half an hour after I made that post
I dreamt I flied to reach the most ripe mangoes on top of a mango tree so that's cool
No. 2169709
File: 1726681921243.jpg (238.56 KB, 1039x1345, IMG_9757.jpg)

I was playing dti online and I recreated the Corpse Bride. I was standing on the runway taking screenshots of my outfit in different poses when someone came up and said "Go" "Next" "Leave" and I didn't move because I was there first and I wasn't done. She eventually said "Your outfit is ugly" and walked away. I know it was most likely like an 8 year old but it pissed me off so I made it my mission to just follow this kid and her friend around in the game until they left the server kek. Someone needs to teach these kids some manners, they're so fucking rude sometimes.
No. 2169883
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Pretty sure buying a new hamster will improve my mood by at least 70% so I'm going to start calling stores and asking what days they get hamster shipments. I fucked up last time adopting an older hamster and we didn't get enough time together I want a baby this time
No. 2169917
File: 1726695038973.jpg (74.11 KB, 500x405, icanfixthiz.jpg)

my old laptop from 2013 is dead and has been for many years but i can't stop thinking about all of the forgotten files on there. so today i finally took out the hard drive and ordered an adapter which will hopefully arrive tomorrow so i can transfer the files. i'm excited and will be severely disappointed if i can't access the files
No. 2169995
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Im probably the only one who wasn't doing this, but I just saw how much gunk was on my kitchen faucet, so i grabbed a toothbrush and scrubbed it and now its squeaky clean. So gross to think that was in my food and drinks and I didn't even know.
Mine was dirtier than the one in picrel, but its just an example. Mine had a grey sludge all over it, I wonder if it was biofilm or minerals from the water or what. I'm just glad it was black or pink mold which is what usually grows in wet areas.
No. 2170012
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I'm watching a video about wish and I'm still mad because we couldn't get pic related.
No. 2170091
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>>2170012and instead, we got a dude who looks like if you put Steve Raglan through a Disney filter.
No. 2170112
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>>2170107i thought they already tried that with picrel
No. 2170114
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>>2170107They already did an Angry Birds movie even though it was 3D animation. What if they start doing movies where they have websites as personified characters? Does LC get a movie? What would the plot even be?
No. 2170115
>>2170112what the FUCK. no but
nonnie it will extend beyond food, like the charmin bears or something. theyll start giving these mascots a storyline
No. 2170130
(integrate) No. 2170139
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>>2170134theres a montage of them improving some aspect of their little m&m asses for a battle in the movie
No. 2170153
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>>2170141Anyone remember Damien Dawn and their gang of emo friends?
No. 2170456
>>2170333>MILD perspiration in deep REMReally? What does sweating have to do with good sleep? If it's not dead of winter and I accidentally sleep with my thick comforter fully over me, I wake up drenched with sweat and panicking because I'm half asleep. It's the worst, I really can only tolerate light covers. I also can't stand the feeling of a heavy cover on my feet, either it pushes them down and I have to sleep with my toes pointed or it feels super heavy on the tips of my toes.
God I really am the worst at sleeping. Any tiny discomfort fucks my shit up.
No. 2170623
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Just ordered instacart and the shopper is a woman, yay! She did have to replace two items but not her fault. I'm about to feast on some dumplings once my order arrives.
No. 2170694
File: 1726760065916.jpg (144.11 KB, 949x966, 1000008077.jpg)

i was comforting a friend bc she couldn't get into our college's modeling group/club over text and she sent a message like "i really like you" and my eyes almost popped out my head.
No. 2170728
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>>2170715its ok
nonnie kek, she did say that platonically and i'm not SSA kek, i was just in the middle of class and looked down on my phone to see that message and i was just flabbergasted
No. 2170761
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I had a dream that Melania Trump became a DJ lol.
No. 2171019
File: 1726771918621.jpeg (549.82 KB, 1125x1311, CBD527ED-9F8C-4930-AFA4-452865…)

I was involved in a minor fender bender today. It was a non-event, my car and the car that hit me have at most a minor scratch. What was notable about it was that immediately after the car bumped into me at a stop sign someone began screaming. When I looked in my rear view mirror there was an older woman driving and an early to mid twenties man in the passenger seat hitting her and yelling at her. I was about to call the cops when he got out of the car and proceeded to punch the window while continuing to scream at the woman about how he hated her. He then ran into the woods while still screaming.
The woman was super shaken and I asked her if I needed to call the police or someone she knows. She said no and that it was her son who hit her and that he has autism. She has tried to get him committed but they won’t take him. He had been yelling at her all day and the car crash just sent him over the edge and he began beating her. I stayed with her until her other son got there to help her, but holy shit I feel so bad for her…
No. 2171022
>>2171019I'm glad you were there to provide her with company while her other son was on the way. You did good nona.
This is why mental institutions should have never been phased out.
No. 2171061
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I tried flinging the bubble blower instead of blowing into it.
No. 2171251
File: 1726780923223.png (88.8 KB, 640x635, 1668763117788.png)

>compliment my cousins nails
>now my aunt is determined to take me to get my nails done too
i really dont want to i am just terrible with compliments and i didnt know what to say. What did i get myself into.
No. 2171480
>>2171424It's as the other anon said. They're not spicy at all (though I did put curry on them) but many people can't digest them properly sometimes (I just woke up cause I felt my mouth water in my sleep… Uhoh…)
>>2171385>>2171407Thank you for the support
No. 2171562
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I'm seeing Weezer this weekend with my mom
No. 2171727
Making a cheesy scrambled egg with red pepper flakes and regular pepper.
>>2171629Nona please tell me the cats get adopted together
No. 2171728
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Transformice is so dead. I'm heart broken. All the kids are playing Fortnite instead of TFM.
No. 2171733
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I feel like i am too low iq to be a good artist. How the fuck do my favourite artists manage to think about all the fundamentals at once when making a piece? i can barely form a coherent sentence.
No. 2171772
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things i am going to do tomorrow
>get a haircut
>try the coke flavoured oreo and the oreo flavoured coke
>have a burger
>draw husbandos with fat asses
No. 2171824
File: 1726818243656.jpg (539.18 KB, 1317x1080, 1683354682498321.jpg)

Downloading a time tracker is the best decision i ever did. I went from lazing around all day and either not drawing at all or only putting 30 min a day to drawing for 3+ hours every day in a matter of weeks! Now I only need to put in another 9950 hours until i can actually draw.
No. 2171832
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>>2171827track toggl. Ignore it says procastinating instead of procastination i am a dumb ESL.
No. 2171875
>>2171872there is nothing wrong with being an older woman
nonny. I cant wait until i can look like mac's mom.
No. 2172008
>>2171862There's an exercise thread in /g/.
Not enough people on this site for such a specific thread.
No. 2172044
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>>2172040Samefag, anons I just got the delivery and I am so pissed kekkk. I thought I was getting a fucking pint, It's literally 4 oz of ice cream. It was $1.25 so I probably should've known something was up but I ordered from the Dollar Tree so I just thought it was a steal. I didn't even know they sold them this tiny. I'm so sad, but I'm on a diet anyway so oh well.
No. 2172095
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I know I’m supposed to be a chill girl and lowkey not really care about anything but, I’m tired I’m trying to be something that I’m not. I want you to think of something right now that makes you happy. That thing you see, the thing that lights you up, chase that, with all of your soul. Chase it. Because it’s easy to brush off life’s potential, and I’m not trying to say that life is easy. In fact, I’d argue that the only way that something is meant to be is if you’re willing to commit to the difficulty of bringing it to life, otherwise it wasn’t meant to be anything but just a missed opportunity. It will be a difficult road but here’s what we come to learn: Everything of Value Is Difficult. Think About That.
No. 2172109
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I hate that my job's radio station of Pop Rocks from late 90s-early 2000s has successfully psyoped my brain into liking Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. It's better than no music playing at all, but still.
No. 2172146
No. 2172243
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I want to alog whoever thought this was a good handle shape for a curly detangling brush. You can barely even grab onto it let alone holding on tightly while raking it through thick ass hair. I can't believe I spent money on this.
No. 2172425
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A website I've been checking out turned out to be ANOTHER fucking dropshipping front, it looked pretty legit by how consistent it was at first glance (all clothes had same style, same models, clearly same photo studio, etc) but the fact they had "naive" felt a bit too on the nose in a world filled with these scammers so I checked the website further and yep indeed their main office is located in a chinese province. Also googled for reviews and turns out the quality is as shitty as expected with that in mind.
So I asked my seamstress friend if she could make something similar to one of the skirts there that I've obsessed over for weeks if I paid her for materials and her time, and she said no prob!
No. 2172683
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The woman I'm seeing grabbed my butt earlier and I'm still blushing about it
No. 2172870
File: 1726878862352.jpg (912.81 KB, 1080x2129, 1000001952.jpg)

I spent half an hour on a tiktok live where we pretend to be students on a bus while the bus driver yells at us for misbehaving. I had fun.
No. 2172940
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I feel scammed. It tastes exactly the same as the Rosalia coke.
No. 2172942
>>2172940I just tried that a few minutes ago! I actually thought it did have an identifiable background oreo flavor.
Better than the coke flavored oreos.
No. 2172961
File: 1726883185587.webp (37.51 KB, 828x629, nzy53crlvts41.webp)

Nonnies nonnies nonnies cleaning when your high is amazing. Cleaning is mudance so im ok to post here
I went out to a gig with two of my friends, dropped two pill.s
Amazing gig, amazing night. I'm virating.
Now I'm at home. I figure I must put my out bound energy to soundthing
I feel like the holy angel descended from the skies threw me to clean up clean the filth from my apartment
I'm blarely nightcore and I dont care I love this. I've got another hour before I come down and I amd going to have the best cleancore night ever.
Ill hate ever inch of my body tomorrow but I dont' care not I will have a lcean apparent for my flatmates to retur nto
Taking my vits c, b, 5htp so I don't go psycho but I wana be like this all the time. I'm so produvce
I have limited reavtie pics on my phone this is how i feel
No. 2173167
File: 1726902115265.webm (155.81 KB, 588x432, Moid_PSA.webm)

i came across a reel of someone saying they were "ranked best hole out of 57" in their high school, and i didn't even need to unmute to know that was a troon, ugh
No. 2173264
>>2173159Even if I'm not facing the toilet? I literally want to scrub my face off, ugh. If water really did get on my mouth, hopefully the lip oil at least would've acted as a barrier between the water and my skin. Gross.
>>2173262My toothbrush goes in my room, I don't really keep anything in my bathroom besides soap and toilet paper. Also fortunately my sink and toilet are really far apart from each other.
No. 2173348
File: 1726918188308.jpg (101.69 KB, 1080x976, i2isk9eoendow.jpg)

>>2173177>>2173262I'm going to get called OCD for this again but poo particles fly out regardless of whether the lid is closed or not and can last several days on surrounding surfaces. The poo air cube is real and ever present and the only way to completely avoid having microscopic poo on you is to undress in a different room, poo, then shower. But don't use conditioner because it binds the poo to your hair. If your shower is less than a metre from your toilet this will not work.
No. 2173963
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I should eat something for lunch but nothing appeals.
No. 2174219
File: 1726951455653.jpg (48.55 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-668288668-612x612.…)

Has anyone else noticed that moids of any age fucking LOVE to rip leaves off trees and bushes? No matter old or young, they all turn into retarded monkeys the second there's a branch within their reach. It's like their primal instincts are telling them to RIP. RIP IT OFF. RIP THAT LEAF OFF LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. They just absent-mindedly ruin nature for no reason. I never see women do that.
No. 2174257
File: 1726952093601.png (1.15 MB, 1878x1862, 8896318.png)

I'm getting sent picrel (Replica mini perfume set) but I'm seeing people say it's not like a regular perfume bottle with an atomizer but a vial with perfume in it. I can't be mad because it's free but that's so weird if so. I guess I'll buy some mini perfume bottles to decant them in.
No. 2174369
>>2174246It happens all the time. I know what i saw
No. 2174519
File: 1726965757492.jpeg (117.71 KB, 979x867, IMG_6593.jpeg)

I did a couple of those season color analysis thingies and they keep saying I'm a cool winter. I'm kind of shocked because I've spent so much time avoiding all of these colors except for royal blue and burgundy
No. 2174602
File: 1726969983421.jpg (58.19 KB, 651x655, 1655432159386.jpg)

>be poorfag with a high impulse to collect stuff
>cannot collect anime figures or dolls cuz expensive
>start collecting limited edition cans
>having fun, like trying weird drinks and they look cool on my shelf
>my country decides to pass a law to print giant warnings on all foods
>they start printing giant ''THIS DRINK CONTAINS HIGH AMOUNTS OF SUGAR'' on all cans
>tfw soda cans now have giant ugly warnings printed on them that look hideous
FFS i cant have shit
No. 2174663
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I'm so excited about Christmas.
No. 2174674
File: 1726972826537.png (159.26 KB, 700x350, image.png)

Just bought these, so excited!
No. 2174704
>>2174670Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween aren't all about consooming
nonny. It's about taking the time to slow down and choosing to enjoy yourself during that short amount of time. Sure there are some people who choose to make it all about consumption but that doesn't really change the origins of our holidays
No. 2174755
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/ot/ is my last bastion of real social interaction that isn't shallow pleasantries at work but it feels like all the oldfags are either leaving or only using cow boards these days. maybe it's time to follow suit. never thought i'd grow to hate the off topic boards however they have become a malignant carcinoma of personalityfags, newfags, attentionwhores bordering on being cows themselves. kind of sad that no matter how hard jannies try the culture is changing (for the worse). or maybe i'm getting my period and feeling pensive. who knows.
No. 2174760
File: 1726984355951.gif (935.97 KB, 200x190, rage.gif)

I was going to invest in my art by buying some thot's cosplay sets on gumroad to study and the bitch deleted everything and now you can only get his photosets through patreon. Fuckkkk i hate that this whore knows he's the only male cosplay thot with a nice body so he turbo paywalls everything he does. I just want some sexy pics of men to study i am tired of all the flabby old men and fatties from professional croquis studios.
No. 2174810
>>2174804neither, there's one where a lot of our resident personalityfags hang out. must be interesting to be a fly on that wall. what's marginally more annoying are the newfags and idiots who are physically incapable of not replying to bait. scrote raids can be deleted but the embarrassment of watching anons jump to debate them is eternal.
>>2174808automod might be a good idea actually. related to spoonfeeding, why do farmers even reply to obvious newfags? if they can't be bothered to read the rules or refuse to integrate they can go post on tumblr, why encourage them to stay here? you're on to something, instead of hellweek jannies should host a battle royale where they pay airfare to fly random anons out and film them beating the shit out of each other. i'm glad there's still gems like you here, anon.
No. 2174819
>>2174814are you upset because you keep getting banned for rulebreaking,
nonnie? surely automod would free up time for farmhands to deal with more important reports. whatever they're using to prevent spam has been wonderful, in case you forgot what the front page used to look like.
No. 2174879
>>2174858She saw a infight in Unpopular Opinions and got upset.
Also unrelated but I was looking through old files and found a screenshot of mine of rancefag on duolicious, my jaw dropped kek.
No. 2174940
File: 1727006334998.jpg (41.59 KB, 596x628, 343.jpg)

the slaveboy thread in CC is so funny bc what is "a spooky European night"? kekekek
No. 2174951
>>2174937Kek, greedy slut indeed. Give me an hour
nonnie, I'll upload it.
No. 2174959
File: 1727007995936.jpg (Spoiler Image,570.73 KB, 1062x800, la creatura.jpg)

>>2174951you are my life saviour
nonny i love you so much!!!. This is the kind of nightmarish monster i have been using in my fig drawing sessions. Bitch built like an expired block of cheese.
No. 2175628
File: 1727043903580.jpeg (366.68 KB, 1056x988, BDA7A2F8-02D2-4E8F-985A-F99208…)

Things are starting to get better after a long time. And maybe for the first time I feel happy about who I am and value myself. I think things are going to be okay nonnies
No. 2175834
File: 1727057446138.webm (1.55 MB, 480x852, 1724793414968213.webm)

How it feels to shitpost in the mundane thread
No. 2175836
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>>2175834Fuckin' Ty Lee kekk
No. 2175957
File: 1727074767923.jpg (155.4 KB, 1200x1800, Australia-The-Tallest-Trees-in…)

its sad that posters arent hand-drawn anymore. I am 100% more enticed to check australia if i see something like this rather than some HD 4k photo of a kangaroo
>>2175955whos diddy?
No. 2175980
File: 1727078631902.jpg (59.83 KB, 394x271, kek.jpg)

I am glad this site exists, i feel like it made me more confident. I recently fought with a friend and he sent me walls of text trying to threaten me into either ending the friendship or rekindling it under his own terms, past me would have forgave him but i just told him to kill himself and blocked him. I am done with men for good. I am going to start uni soon and i need to spend my time more wisely anyways so i am going to fully focus on art and gayming from now on.
No. 2176040
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i used to think that women that could smell when another woman needs to change her pad were full of shit, but i just entered the women's coach in metro and the entire coach smells like a used pad
No. 2176128
File: 1727099304798.gif (379.11 KB, 128x128, 1714319681547.gif)

its not fair, why do i have an mid term assignment due every day this week, is not fair
No. 2176158
File: 1727101117463.jpg (221.19 KB, 1572x2048, 1679627603552094.jpg)

Today marks the day i become a furry artist to pay the bills. Wish me luck.
No. 2176164
File: 1727101347296.jpeg (10.04 KB, 279x180, 1641950451058-2.jpeg)

Doing edibles for the first time in months tonight, I'm just gonna watch cartoons and stuff my face but I'm excited nonetheless.
No. 2176173
>>2176161nah i plan on drawing vanilla crap
>>2176163>>2176165thanks nonnies i just posted my first drawing and i already got 5 faves! i hope its a good omen
No. 2176177
>>2176164I wish I could be you
nonnie, have fun
No. 2176182
File: 1727102476575.png (399.31 KB, 680x680, Ehk9-gHXYAAoh1A.png)

>>2176158Hustle those furrys for every penny they have nonna.
No. 2176191
I woke up and went to work and I was fine,the second I sit at my desk I feel completely exhausted.
>>2176182Why do furries have so much money and I don't?
No. 2176193
>>2176182nta but I wasn't even a particularly good artist. 99 percent of the time I used to trace my art from other people's porn. It didn't matter, I would have dozens of furries asking for commissions of their oc's getting fucked, at one point I was out-earning most adults in my third-world country so it's pretty easy to dupe them but you still feel dirty afterward
>>2176185It depends, unless you're a really talented artist who can perfectly capture their overly complicated oc's, wne you're not you end up resorting to drawing porn commissions
No. 2176215
File: 1727104022052.jpg (8.79 KB, 275x259, 1648192013166.jpg)

can someone explain the retardation Ned from the Try Guys had when he'd always be saying "my wife" instead of just talking about her by name or literally anything else? because my father does that exact same shit, like i'd have an extension cord above and to the side of my bed back board and he'd insist on moving it further to the side and instead of just saying "i don't want you get electrocuted", he'd say "i don't want my daughter getting electrocuted" to me, if i went off to college in a hurry without telling anyone(unintentionally), instead of saying "why didn't you tell me? i was worried", he'd say "you know i'm really worried about my kids", sometimes i'd do retarded shit like pull on my mother's hair bc i was annoyed, he wouldn't say "stop hurting/hitting your mother", he'd say "stop hurting my wife". he's like troons that they have specific coom trigger words that they like to use bc it gets them aroused just by saying it(stuff like using "girly girl" every other sentence, "euphoria", even mentioning their own "bust") except it gives him some weird moral validation.
No. 2176253
>>2176242it's okay
nonnie, ill buy you rat poison
No. 2176377
File: 1727112411951.jpg (908.28 KB, 3024x4032, orange cat staring.jpg)

BUMP(do not bump threads)
No. 2176379
File: 1727112435169.jpg (693.87 KB, 1125x1217, done with vidya ready to settl…)

SCROTES AT IT AGAIN(do not bump threads)
No. 2176380
File: 1727112458222.jpg (3.6 MB, 4624x3468, 20240818_141941.jpg)

BUMP BUMP(do not bump threads)
No. 2176435
File: 1727115740965.jpg (151.4 KB, 1200x1800, mexican-cornbread-1.jpg)

i made chili, mexican cornbread, and glazed broccoli for dinner. i am so stuffed i can barely breathe.
No. 2176439
>>2176435sounds awesome
nonnie, i wish i could have chili someday
No. 2176463
File: 1727116898685.jpg (91.15 KB, 960x960, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

nonnie, ill try!
No. 2176477
>>2176452any ground meat, if ground beef is totally inaccessible to you i would suggest ground pork or a mix of ground pork and chicken
No. 2176523
File: 1727121099276.jpeg (27.14 KB, 320x320, IMG_2589.jpeg)

>buys apple fritters from store
>had them before and they tasted weird
>reheats them in airfryer
>tastes like fucking heaven in my mouth
holy shit why haven’t I done this before???? WTFFF
No. 2176541
File: 1727121980245.jpeg (354.21 KB, 750x912, IMG_2590.jpeg)

noooooo how tf am i supposed to read funny articles about lolcows now???? why are these websites always ran by broke crackheads kek
No. 2176591
File: 1727124929997.gif (200.51 KB, 200x136, IMG_4742.gif)

Remembered to take my anxiety meds BEFORE I started to spiral for once
No. 2176812
File: 1727133538274.jpeg (15.22 KB, 242x239, 1658359599511.jpeg)

i got banned on roblox
No. 2176840
>>2176814some asshole destroyed my nest in skyven right as my chicks were about to grow up so i called them a stupid cunt and a retard. then they called me
toxic and i said what's really
toxic are whatever drugs their mother was taking when pregnant
No. 2176841
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>>2176838What's the point of this game?
No. 2176855
File: 1727134572595.jpg (31.99 KB, 736x736, 0130d00ffc01f7fc900ebe6ddb0cf5…)

I recently found out I can't say statistical. It's too many s sounds and I sound like a snack.
No. 2176862
File: 1727135068697.png (251.11 KB, 512x512, Site-community-image (1).png)

>>2176849probably but i don't care enough to do that. it's a one day ban anyway, i'll just wait
>>2176838its current state just makes me sad. i want to have a good time not grieve over my childhood
>shit gamei was playing a pretty bird game not some Giant Fat Furry Pregnant Hyena Transformation
SUS Race Cart Ride Tycoon okay
>>2176827because it's fun
No. 2176864
File: 1727135249305.png (106.56 KB, 540x250, 1665562777749.png)

>>2176841its high iq gameplay. You are a chaman who has to make pathways to get the cheese and end the level. Now the hard part is that you are playing with crayon eating 8yos that sniff glue 9 times out of 10 they will either fuck it up or go AFK out of shame and you wont get the cheese. You can get cute things with cheese like pinkie pie's hair
No. 2176887
File: 1727136013168.jpeg (161.6 KB, 900x675, IMG_4496.jpeg)

Keep meeting struggling millennial/late gen x parents who moved from their affordable little flyover cities in Oklahoma and Kansas to my HCoL city “for their lgbtqwtfever+” offspring and I just have to laugh.
I mean, I feel kinda bad because they clearly want to preserve their relationship with their kids, but they literally can’t make ends meet and their dipshit children are ultimately themselves out of future inheritance. Unless they’re clueless little alpha kids, in which I don’t feel bad for their idiot parents at all.
No. 2176899
File: 1727136452303.gif (3.28 MB, 365x498, leon s kennedy.gif)

drawing male anatomy is so hard no wonder hack artists just slap a dick into a loli and call it a man
No. 2177507
File: 1727169469219.gif (368.4 KB, 200x200, CaipirinhaDance.gif)

They are giving out 100 free pulls in my fav gacha and i already pulled 2 5 stars i am so, so happy. One of them even has like 2 pixels featuring my husbando. Its been such a rough month so i am happy there is something to cheer me up.
No. 2177571
File: 1727176635654.png (Spoiler Image,544.77 KB, 1812x1728, shitily drawn anime catboy.png)

>>2174951nonny never delivered…wah
No. 2177653
File: 1727181986133.jpg (229.8 KB, 1143x415, dumb whore.jpg)

>>2174937What's his problem?
No. 2177666
File: 1727182517629.jpg (83.31 KB, 900x600, look back.jpg)

watched picrel in the cinema today and ended up crying so hard. i felt bad for a couple that were seated near me for having to hear me sobbed.
No. 2177940
File: 1727201953093.jpg (11.38 KB, 275x183, images.jpg)

Just ate onigiri. Bet you wish you were me.
No. 2177944
File: 1727202129622.gif (1.74 MB, 480x270, FABULOUSSSS.gif)

playing old Pewdiepie Outlast videos as background but GOD is it painful to endure, not just bc of the ancient cringe humor but bc i just keep getting reminded of the 2010s, i was retarded, i was a loser, i had exactly 2 friends but hell be damned i was happy, i wish i'd gotten into gaymes and making online friends so i could have memories of the 2010s beyond watching a bisexual Swede yell in an effeminate Spanish accent.
No. 2178190
File: 1727213650109.jpg (27.64 KB, 378x266, IMG_20240924_232933.jpg)

My cat was playing with his brush kicking it around and now I can't find it to groom him
He's grooming himself right now which I hate because he'll cough up furballs on the couch
No. 2178221
>>2178190My boy loooooves his scalp brush similar to that one. It’s not very effective on his long hair but I guess it feels nice. For any anons with long hair cats, especially if they resist being brushed, I can’t recommend the Philocomb E3 highly enough. Kinda pricey for a little comb but worth every penny. I’ve had mine like 8 years and use it daily. They make versions for short hair cats but I’ve only ever used the E3 and it’s great on long and short hair imo.
Sorry for sperg, I love cats.
No. 2178349
>>2178323This seems fun
What tarot cards represent faggotry?
The two of wands?
No. 2178418
File: 1727224728519.png (443.46 KB, 520x519, 1000016623.png)

>>2177960he also used to make a ton of rape jokes nonna..makes me wonder
No. 2178473
>>2178435I have those too but I’m pretty sure eating them would be really bad.
>>2178440No meat because I’m a lame vegetarian. Oh shit, you reminded me I have a frozen bag of Beyond Meat steak strip things I’ve been holding onto to eventually make Philly cheesesteaks but I might have to break into it now.
No. 2178597
File: 1727231695425.png (358.7 KB, 1920x1080, proko minion.png)

i dont know if its dunning krueger or if i am legit getting better at drawing but i feel much more comfortable drawing now
No. 2178936
>>2168370Just found out that fujos have been masturbating to gay porn this whole time? My and my best friend have both been fujos since middle school, but she only yesterday mentioned masturbating to her yaoi stash in passing. I looked confused and then
she looked confused and asked me the fuck was I doing while watching gay shit? Nothing! Then she asked me whether I was just sitting in a dark room no lights watching gay porn like a serial killer. No one told me that masturbating to gay porn was something I could even do. Should I? Now I feel like a fake fujo
No. 2179403
File: 1727293082684.jpg (104.28 KB, 1170x1044, tumblr_47f611a290fbbf015a03acf…)

I was rejected for a job I really wanted on Monday morning. All I can do is keep going and keep trying. I won't take no for an answer goddammit
No. 2179412
File: 1727294322405.png (7.38 MB, 3104x2152, okdfkdf.png)

Help me choose nonnies
>plaid I've been developing a slight obsession with and would work perfectly in my apartment
>limited edition sailor moon blazer I already have pictured a few outfits with
Both are the exact same price, I can only have one
No. 2179432
>>2179412One of those is limited edition and the other is not
Get the blazer get it NOW
No. 2179710
>>2174959>>2177571Sorry I'm still trying to deliver
nonnie, my laptop just shits itself everytime I try to upload them all to Mega. I also scaped his twitter and ig as consolidation once I found a way to get it to finish uploading. Also that drawing is not shitty nonna, very nice.
No. 2179714
>>2179710you are lovely
nonny thank you so much.
No. 2179724
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Its been 3 months since the last uploaded chapter of my favourite comfort manga. I am going insane.
No. 2179751
File: 1727315136718.jpg (787.92 KB, 938x938, 16906584_1217598725023067_2043…)

>>2179403Ganbatte, my dear anon! Don't give up
Also, random but I just had to tell you that I love bjenny montero lol No. 2179810
File: 1727320404703.png (1.18 MB, 1440x1080, IMG_7686.png)

Seeing my husband fall for one of those “primitive building” style channels gave me the ick so bad I had to leave the room. Especially after I said those videos are staged and he doubled down.
No. 2179837
File: 1727323192871.jpeg (228.16 KB, 565x458, IMG_2608.jpeg)

>>2179810>ouran high school host club picture >husband >putting up with his caveman interests >literally can’t stand being in the same room with him you’re stressing me out, just going to pretend that this is just one of those fake stories anons love to use so they can larp as a doormat online and keep it pushing
No. 2179843
File: 1727323431900.jpg (139.39 KB, 699x1004, 1696454267124888.jpg)

>woaw i am feeling the gains i am actually improving in art!!
>try to draw something
>it looks like it was drawn by a 5yo crayon eating toddler
back to the drawing board it is
No. 2179878
>>2179832Anon she she hasn't been here in months. No one is summoning her.
>>2179848>>2179858Funny, but does anyone know what actually happened to cause her to stop posting?
No. 2179880
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I should be drawing but i cant concentrate so i am going to watch duckman aka good bojack
No. 2179887
>>2179859i rather take the alcohol over the primitive pool watching nigel, thanks but you’re always free to kill yourself instead of being retarded
>>2179860nobody cares, you’re on lolcow you’re practically talking to a bunch of druggies and alcoholics
No. 2179898
File: 1727325712087.gif (114.89 KB, 80x80, 1654814382540.gif)

>>2179887>you’re on lolcow you’re practically talking to a bunch of druggies and alcoholics Speak for yourself. You gonna double-down on that next shot of whiskey too, misery-chan?
No. 2179933
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I recently met the frontman/guitarist of one of my favorite bands, who also happen to be hugely influential even if somewhat lesser known. Anyway, in my case meeting my hero went amazing! He was very kind and took a silly photo with me, and I have just been happy about it for days.
No. 2180190
File: 1727358216626.png (181.88 KB, 685x521, 1644368054350.png)

Does anyone have sfw cow recs to read while on the train? i got like an 1:30 of travelling and i absolutely despise taking the train
No. 2180263
File: 1727364503623.jpg (110.38 KB, 1080x478, IMG_20240918_014437.jpg)

>koopa gets cowtipped
>hoomie gets cowtipped
>bossman gets ratted and goes to jail
why cant i have one single thing in my life? i just want to laugh at retards. At least i still have shaynus, jill and fanny.
No. 2180281
File: 1727366032716.mp4 (366.12 KB, 258x162, 6149369-34c49a117f5949879864c8…)

>>2180273> this is like Andrew Dobson being cast out of the internet all over again.dont remind me, he would be t4t bimbo tranny cat girl by now if he didn't have good parents. There are so few genuine lolcows left.
No. 2180486
>>2180359I love this idea, nona.
Orange, dark blue, greens, pinks. Beach at sunset, last days of summer vibes.
No. 2180537
File: 1727373416569.jpg (502.37 KB, 1080x1838, 1000066096.jpg)

>>2180446I hope this migration of witches is cool,
No. 2180573
File: 1727374047612.jpg (707.96 KB, 1080x2335, 1000066100.jpg)

>>2180447I hope you like it, nonna.
No. 2180658
File: 1727376123825.jpg (970.49 KB, 1080x2160, 1000066102.jpg)

>>2180471These one has dark colors.
No. 2180665
>>2180658Thank you
nonnie, I love it, so cute and nostalgic ♥
No. 2180700
>>2180691I hear this same exact thing from every woman with a sewing machine that doesn't know the basics of sewing with the machine. Why is it so daunting? Just look up tutorials of your specific machine, get comfortable with the machine's abilities, then find a tutorial on how to make a reusable grocery bag or something. Cmon
nonnie. I know you can do it.
No. 2180710
File: 1727378206153.jpg (891.93 KB, 1080x1917, 1000066118.jpg)

>>2180486I hope you like it
No. 2180808
File: 1727380667376.jpg (368.92 KB, 1600x1157, 1000018972.jpg)

I may not have it all but today I found an actual pepper when I thought my pepper plant would never give me any.
No. 2180882
>>2180691Just get it out of the box and set it up where you want to sew
nonny. Babby steps. We'll be here when you're ready to thread it.
No. 2180945
File: 1727384728309.jpg (12.96 MB, 5435x6732, 58936454_ This month's reward …)

>>2174760>>2179714Alright, here you go finally! It's from oldest to newest. In case you're wondering, I didn't accidentally download thumbnails from his patreon, he just sometimes shooped them so bad that they're blurry kek. No. 2180994
>>2180992Best of luck
No. 2181353
File: 1727393371160.jpg (166.41 KB, 600x787, 1000018134.jpg)

Since black people are called black and white people are called white, as a child, I always thought that half black and white people should be called "gray" just for the color naming. I felt like that would clear up a lot of identity confusion with them.
No. 2181590
File: 1727409272688.jpg (755.76 KB, 1080x1921, 1000066282.jpg)

>>2181562Strawberry tea party.
>>2180751>>2180729>>2180665>>2180585I'm glad you all liked yours, nonnies.
No. 2181684
File: 1727414248871.png (27.71 KB, 234x240, bear hug.png)

No. 2181722
File: 1727415679585.gif (749.58 KB, 500x373, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

is my nausea being caused by lack of sleep, stress, or that mutton i may not have prepared right? who knows?
No. 2181907
File: 1727424103403.gif (414.25 KB, 488x498, 1000011294.gif)

Sleeping on the floor is good for you. It's natural. It's healthy. It's fun. I have one night of the week where I bring out my floor mattresses, gather my comfiest pillows and blankets, get a few books, sketchbook, movie going on my laptop, and scroll lolcor and youtube. Occasionally pausing to read a bit or draw. It's so much fun. It's like a sleepover but with myself and I will miss out on plans sometimes because I just can't miss out on my floor nights lmfao. I also like to take an edible too sometimes. My cat will chill with me as well; he loooves floor night because I always use his favorite blanket so he'll be making hella muffins.
I just had to sperg about floor night. I will never give it up.
No. 2182014
>>2180945nonnie, you're amazing truly, a woman for the women, the
nonnie for the nonnies
No. 2182042
File: 1727433413203.jpg (20.11 KB, 480x480, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

why was i walking alongside an ex-friend trying to get ahead of her unironically thinking "notice me when im ignoring you bitch"
No. 2182045
File: 1727433617572.jpg (53.8 KB, 506x516, 1643902892392.jpg)

Having some coffee while watching true crime vids, after that i am going to study art using that male ethot pics nonny provided. Today's going to be good.
No. 2182128
File: 1727438681409.png (77.72 KB, 211x242, 1660118948798.png)

the coke oreos taste like medicine
No. 2182298
File: 1727447151793.gif (1.08 MB, 358x360, 1724139801213.gif)

i told my granny i was going to cook for her today but i ended up ordering food
No. 2182314
>>2181914You are invited any time my nonna
>>2181955JEALOUS, the floor is so comfy! Back sleeping is whatever on my bed but on the floor it's so damn cozy.
>>2182092I have two cheapo temu floor mattresses I just stack for maximum coziness. One is a firmer three-fold floor mattress with structure and the one on top is one of those fluffy ones to use on top of beds. I hope you enjoy the wonders of floor nights nonna.
No. 2182381
File: 1727450707694.jpeg (387.26 KB, 1140x1020, IMG_2777.jpeg)

I’ve been wanting to wear my virgin hair color and cut all the colored bits off for a long time but I was afraid of having super short hair, but I finally bit the bullet and now have hair like pic rel and surprisingly nobody gives a fuck. Idk what I was worried about lmao
No. 2182502
>>2182381Imo pixie hair cuts make softer features even more soft somehow and on the other hand sharper features even more sharp. I love girly girls with pixies and buzz cuts, they’re so cute and GNC women with pixies and buzz cuts too!
If you’re beautiful you’re going to be beautiful even bald nonna kek. It’s your face that carries.
No. 2182559
File: 1727460599991.jpg (10.16 KB, 235x236, 81bb6df12473e60f4f37e74e0c76e0…)

I was feeling sad and anxious last night so I decided to give Smiling Face a shot. I watched both seasons and uh… I didn't quite care for it, I don't really get why people are so charmed by it. But also, lying in bed with the rain hitting the window while watching something that required zero commitment from me was just what I needed. I need more stuff like this just so I can distract myself these coming nights until I stop feeling blue
No. 2182701
File: 1727467270090.jpg (101.24 KB, 1080x1080, Untitled.jpg)

>see that an obscure thread fav of mine is in catalogue
>its a bot necroing
feels bad.. i wish all those nonas with the same fav cow as mine could come back..
No. 2182975
>>2182877Ask, and ye shall receive for I am a benevolent nona
No. 2183521
File: 1727490245053.png (123.58 KB, 386x649, Screenshot_247.png)

i'm kind of built like this. if i lost like 30 more pounds i'd feel better
No. 2184190
File: 1727521985467.jpg (63.13 KB, 910x1280, IMG_20240829_005330_007.jpg)

it's my birthday today. i'm going to get some sushi
No. 2184198
File: 1727523004236.png (1.71 MB, 1280x771, happy birthday.png)

>>2184190happy birthday
No. 2184229
File: 1727527709160.jpg (127.33 KB, 1080x1080, 1646807316404.jpg)

yesterday i order from some place and i liked it so, so much i wanted to order again today. I checked the reviews out of curiosity and all of them were shitting on the restaurant for the bad quality. Now i dont know if i have shit taste or if they improved their food in like 4 days.
No. 2184240
File: 1727529256811.jpg (54.93 KB, 640x768, 1000018129.jpg)

No. 2184243
File: 1727529514276.jpg (456.35 KB, 1153x2048, 1000003620.jpg)

I'm at tokyo game show and saw this retard walking around. All of the booths were turning him away and refusing to let him play any games.
No. 2184268
File: 1727531771819.jpg (576.89 KB, 1079x1031, 1000018332.jpg)

I played that Hunger Games simulator based on the fun we had last night. I used every single character that was ever either my husbando, a spare character from my husbando's media, or a character that reminds me of the husbando. Lord Tirek murked Jeff the Killer in his sleep, Alfred F. Jones got betrayed by Matthew Williams, Fluttershy got the drop on Jason Voorhees, and EmoBob was the last one standing after killing Plankton and acting like a lost puppy to the other participants.
No. 2184270
I got a new tinted lip balm and my lips have never been so soft and smooth.
>>2184190>>2184240Happy birthday nonnies! ♥
No. 2184271
File: 1727531962066.jpg (23.79 KB, 539x561, crying.jpg)

i am going insane with no new pixy thread i need to read something while i eat
No. 2184282
File: 1727532844856.jpg (4.31 MB, 4000x3000, 1000003606.jpg)

>>2184277It's packed, way more than the last few years. I liked a lot of the cute indie games. Palworld had a super cute setup.
No. 2184326
>>2184313i bet he's salivating over the idea of being kicked out to play
victim on twitter with his fellow homosexual rightoids
No. 2184363
>>2184198>>2184199>>2184200>>2184212>>2184218>>2184270thank you nonnies i ate so much sushi a can barely move
No. 2184609
Nonas, I'm supposed to go on a first date tomorrow but I've been completely unable to function today. Like it's been one of those days where it's been a battle to even get up from the couch to refill my water bottle or even something simple as grabbing a snack from the fridge, so doing as much as putting in fresh hair dye is not going to happen tonight.
Help me come up with a good excuse or something to say so I can reschedule it for monday or tuesday afternoon instead.
>>2184586Congrats nona! Now this will be my motivation to finally start doing some weightlifting!!
No. 2184622
>>2180945I'm not used to male sluts that actually have nice bodies (or aren't disgusting in other ways) so I caught myself making a little audible gasp when I saw some of the patreon images kek thanks for delivering
nonnie, you are the heroine of lolcow!
No. 2185185
File: 1727569454523.png (1.92 MB, 1200x800, ECF0FEB4-DCBD-4EF1-AE9A6143C66…)

just finished eating some stir fried noodles. im gonna take a nap now
No. 2185245
File: 1727572353695.jpg (13.07 KB, 500x375, 55eb2a63b19163b3a9aedb094b982e…)

i tried a floating/sensory deprivation tank today (it was more like a small room than a tank i have mild claustrophobia kek). i did it just because and had 0 expectations, but it was surprisingly relaxing and cathartic in a way.
No. 2185419
File: 1727579053086.gif (961.22 KB, 1193x900, a39f586326e49540e5e4c76b178fc7…)

>>2185417Damn someone read her chart quickly!
No. 2185424
File: 1727579285795.jpg (185.04 KB, 1280x1519, image-w856-1.jpg)

i finally decided to go for it and bleached my brows. i'm so happy because it actually suits me so much, more than i or anyone else thought it would. it looks better than the colour of my natural brows rofl. i guess i just have features that can lend themselves to pulling off the contrast between light eyebrows and super dark brown hair.
No. 2185435
File: 1727579663859.jpg (78.78 KB, 500x650, 4fd3334b09dd0bf8a5dafa9f5d47be…)

>>2185424Thats so nice
nonnie, I've been bleaching mine for a few years now and I dont know how I didnt do it earlier. Its so weird when I have them my natural colour kek. Plus its not a very expensive product and for me personally it lasts quite some time!
No. 2185439
>>2185435>Plus its not a very expensive productthats one of the reasons i did it! a small container of bleach powder and a bottle of 6% activator ran me about $5. they're gonna last me at least a dozen bleachings.
now specifically produced "eyebrow dye" that were one use, were about $10 each. so absurd.
No. 2185460
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I got an idea for a little, like 3 minutes short, horror video and scared myself a bit.
No. 2185502
>>2185470It’s not even worth it which is why I stopped doing that because I grew out of it. The only solution is burying it in, trying to find “outlets” for it is just pure normie cope. I think the genuine way to get rid of anger and pain is literally hitting and physically hurting people, we should bring back duels in public squares instead of social media and websites. Would solve a lot of issues.
>>2185477Same. It really causes me anger because my schizo vents are sometimes a desperate cry for help and they get no response while other anons don’t have to put in the effort to get a reply. Born to be always irrelevant ig
No. 2185771
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>>2185763i think about pillbug
nonnie ever so often
No. 2185852
>>2185809thats unfortunate
nonnie, how much were they? did they come with any warranty card?
No. 2185934
File: 1727614482516.gif (3.52 MB, 150x150, 1000010711.gif)

>be a few months ago
>coworker i haven't met before does pressers on tv
>watch them cuz he's hot
>finally see him irl at a meeting
>yeah he's hot
>be today
>hot coworker shouts out an offer for a ride back to our work city in our carpooling gc
>i'm the only one who replies
>gonna be spending 2 h in a car with him alone
not in the positivity thread because his department is a bit scary..
No. 2185941
>>2185900i feel you
nonnie, till date the best pair of earphones i've ever owned were these Barbie wired headphones i got from Hamley's, lasted like 2 yrs, good sound, and came with a cute matching case.
No. 2185945
>>2185934bestest of luck
nonnie, i hope he's got a hot bod and nice bepis to go with it. even if you don't get that lucky, i hope he wears smtg real sexy
No. 2185955
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currently sitting studying with an ice pack between my legs bc i have a small test tmrw and my brain is trying everything in it's power to distract me including making me horny.
No. 2186155
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i will remember to wear makeup for college tmrw i will remember to wear makeup for college tmrw i will remember to wear makeup for college tmrw(unintegrated posting style)
No. 2186243
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i middle-parted my hair and now i look like a Native American man
No. 2186245
Was thinking today about the various men at concerts I’ve been to and their varying levels of ugliness.
>the chats
2nd Least ugly, 6/10 ranking over all. I think this crowd was the least ugly because it’s the band with the youngest fanbase, the moids there were young and fit for the most part.
4/10, exceptionally ugly men, mostly obese old ones, but even the young men there were gross. There was one qt there and he had a Phish shirt.
>Skinny Puppy
4/10, very few moids there, most of them middle aged but not too hideous just old. LOTS of beautiful girls though.
-2/10, my favorite band but the Ween moids are so fucking ugly. Which makes sense, it’s a druggy band with an aging fan base. Even the women there are not great.
>Ariel Pink
4/10, surprisingly very average crowd. Men were ugly but not horrifyingly so, the women were pretty.
4/10, again fairly average. No stand out qts but no one is too ugly, just old. Lots of old married couples, which is cute but the younger moids are usually ugly.
6.5/10, surprisingly the highest number of qts. Lots of old farts to ofc but the young men there were actually mostly tall and cute with long hair.
>All Them Witches
5/10, straight up average crowd. Mostly older guys, a few younger ones, but not exceptionally ugly or pretty.
4/10, expected better tbh but mostly just slightly ugly to plain moids.
That’s all I can remember the crowds from, but the crowds at the other ones were probably ugly too.
No. 2186271
>>2186250I wouldn’t know, but metal seems to be dangerous territory in general. For every one tall pretty twink there are 100 lardos!
>>2186251This is disappointing but not surprising. I’m going to see sunn o))) soon and I anticipate more ugly moids.
No. 2186281
>>2185945thank you
nonnie! he was hot, although i daredn't look at him much, and fun to talk to although there was a job interview vibe at one point (he did offer me a job though lol), he said he was glad to meet me. me! i'm really nobody…no bepis either but he is married w/kids so i'm not bummed about it
No. 2186472
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For once several YT channels I'm subscribed to have uploaded interesting topics, a couple of them are even from channels I previously thought had been abandoned.
I'm already all cozied up in bed so I'm ready to start watching but I have trouble choosing which one to start with, and wonder if I should slowly savor these in case I'm in for another long period of "meh" uploads.
No. 2186690
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found my old fashion "designs" again
No. 2186825
File: 1727646132540.jpg (1.48 MB, 3075x2050, download (1).jpg)

Recently came back from a mini road-trip to a small town in the West U.S. and god damn, I need myself a hot redblooded American Chad to sweep me off my feet. Plenty of them down here to choose from.
No. 2186833
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>>2186825Need this phenotype in my life fr
No. 2186958
File: 1727652052557.webp (19.27 KB, 488x488, GUEST_9fe6f71d-9c24-4546-8d4a-…)

Just tried picrel for the first time, it's so good and creamy. I wanted the organic version but the grocery store didn't have it. the hoarder in me wants to repurpose the bottles because they're nice looking, but they're plastic and I have no use for them so I'll likely just throw them out.
I need to buy a new bookshelf as storage for my room. And a new curtain rod.
No. 2187005
File: 1727654282712.jpg (331.58 KB, 1080x1080, 1000067235.jpg)

I had such a cozy day with my aunt, I will try to research some stuff for work and go to sleep early while hugging a cute cat pillow that my friend got for me, it's so cute, it's small, but not too small, so it's perfectly huggable, I will get a ribbon so I can tie it to the neck of the cat.
Now I don't need to buy one online, that also makes me happy. I'm such a simpleton tbh, such simple things give me so much joy.
No. 2187313
>>2181590I'm 3 days late but ty
nonny! I'll admit I'm not much of a sanrio cvnt but I'm putting this as my wallpaper anyways. Ty ty~
No. 2187374
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life is truly ironic, have higher testosterone as women, be hornier but also be uglier, have higher estrogen, less hornier, but prettier
No. 2187575
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Been in this phone queue for 30 minutes and they don't give you any estimates on how long until it's your turn, and I really have to go to the bathroom. I'm in hell.
No. 2187689
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I will have so much work this week, I'm already feeling sleepy.
No. 2187819
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Love when I get work assignments done quickly so I’m basically getting paid to do nothing until I’m assigned something new.
No. 2187881
File: 1727714998369.png (1.34 MB, 2396x2479, Suomillankitty1.png)

i want to make country cats again but i don't have photoshop anymore and it takes me like 10 tabs of "research" just to decide on one stereotypical thing, my thought process behind giving french kitty a bottle of Orangina was more convoluted than i wish to admit, like why did i spend minutes looking for pngs of Kaarija earrings
No. 2187978
>>2187881I love you,
nonnie, I wish I could be your friend so I could send you a cat t-shirt.
No. 2188377
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I got pulled over for the first time today
I assumed the cop car pulling out behind me was just a coincidence, turns out I didn't realize the speed limit changed and was going 72 in a 55
I think he could tell I didn't realize I was speeding so bad, and also I'm cute so I just got a warning
It shook me up though, I imagined I was immune from any traffic violation
Everyone drive safe
No. 2188896
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I haven’t had cell service or internet since Thursday night because of Hurricane Helene. What’d I miss nonnies?
No. 2188934
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>>2188901Better off than most, my home is on a generator and on top of a mountain. We’re still under curfew. There’s been looting and shooting at areas with resources. We still don’t have power or water. I ran out of my medications earlier in the week but I have a number I can contact tomorrow for someone from the county to bring me refills. I’ll be okay. I missed you guys>>2188903Excellent intel, thank you nona
No. 2188980
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I drew for 3 hours today, fuck yeah. I feel like drawing for a bit longer, too!
No. 2189082
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I'm so tired of every social media turning into corporate money grabbing slop. I loved using instagram back in 2014-2016, but now I barely open it anymore, let alone post pics because I barely see content from the people I follow on my feed. I can't believe this happened with tumblr too and that you're unable to read people's blogs without being logged in as a registered user. On one hand this is good as it makes me live more in the real world, but on the other hand it's unfortunate because I loved posting about my everyday life online and interact with people who did the same.
No. 2189109
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I don't really use social media, I avoid twitter and instagram like the plague so I never recognize "twitter speech" and shit like that. Some of the expressions I use apparently falls under that category and they are something I've adopted from when I've seen/heard friends or users on other places on the web use it. I haven't been accused of being a twitterfag yet, but I'm sure I've accidentally made a handful of nonnas seethe kek
No. 2189142
File: 1727777268304.png (2.28 MB, 1703x1028, wallpaper.PNG)

I love my wallpaper. It's so beautiful, it motivates me to do my work kek. When I get tired, I just minimize everything and stare at this beautiful wallpaper. I wish it was a real place…
No. 2189159
nonnie, you're right, reading this made me sad. I'm going to get back to studying now. I guess I've been taking it for granted. My issue is serious procrastination… Does your country have any sort of student grant program for people who are under a certain income? You could try looking into that. I hope you get to return to college someday ♥
No. 2190137
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>>2190126Become obsessed with embroidery. Like, isn't this shit cool? If you could become obsessed with embroidery, you would be able to make this and even more things.
No. 2190220
I'm getting sick I hope it won't be worse tomorrow, this is super annoying. I was going to enjoy myself and make a nice meal but I can't taste anything lol, at least I didn't get the groceries yet.
>>2190126Try crochet! It's really relaxing and there's so many cute patterns, when I first got into it I made so many stuffed animals.
No. 2190293
File: 1727831810536.jpg (111.07 KB, 1164x1177, 20240930_200028.jpg)

>be me, atheist
>in bed at night
>looking at conspiracy icebergs
>find one with terrifying image at the bottom tier
>it's not that scary lookd-wise but it just exhudes a disturbing aura
>definitely cursed in some way
>feel scared and threatened
>look up prayers
>whisper one in hopes it'll protect me
No. 2190436
File: 1727843346637.png (299.2 KB, 639x492, 1535655481495.png)

I am watching orange is the new black and i am loving it so much! I have been looking for a female-only non comedy for a while. I was a bit scared of it having too many milennialism but thankfully its only the parts with the cringe fiancee scrote. I am only on ep one but i hope Piper lesbianmaxxes herself out of that cringe ass relationship. I also like the qte womanlet from the start. Only on ep one but i already knowing i am going to binge watch at least 2 more eps tonight.
No. 2190465
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I hate how most makeup tutorials I see use false eyelashes. The makeup look doesnt look the same without them but I cant be bothered to buy and use them its just an extra expense
No. 2190539
>>2190538also who do you like
nonny? i still need to met lots of characters but most of them seem interesting so far. Also i liked they hired real latinas that can speak spanished, it pissed me off so much they couldnt hire fluent spanish speakers for breaking bad.
No. 2190951
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Was sitting in a tightly packed hall today and smelled most vile sweat stench around me. At first I was paranoid, and thought it was me and felt horrible for 30 mins until the guy next to me lifted his arm and I realised the stench was coming from his pits. Thank god it wasn't me. Checked myself afterwards to make sure, and I smelled like I stepped out the shower kek. Is it that hard to take a quick shower? What is wrong with moids? Even just wash your pits above the sink if you can't be bothered to shower kek.
No. 2190959
>>2190951I have noticed a huge uptick in stinky people of all genders and ages since the covid lockdowns.
It seems to me people didn't shower when they didn't need to go out, and that made them used to their own stench and erased previous hygiene habits.
No. 2191023
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>>2190465this is $5 on Amazon. life changer. I would never wear falsies either.
No. 2191716
>>2191635Might be the neighbour's fire pit?
I'm pretty sure the street I live on has at least one, cause sometimes on weekends the smell of wood smoke finds its way in through any open window.
No. 2191835
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>Two people I know broke up awhile ago
>Both in new relationships
>Still Venmoing each other money for bills
Am I reading too much into this because this seems so fucking weird kek. I get phone contracts can have high fees but like there’s really no way to separate the lines? They both do a lot of traveling and leisure activities so I really don’t think they couldn’t scrape the money together by now. They’ve been broken up for 8 MONTHS. Still on the same internet plan despite not living together anymore. Maybe I’m sensitive but if my new partner was still on the same phone plan as their ex 7 months into dating I’d be pissed.
No. 2191883
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Depressed and stressed about various things, gonna get higher than a kite and play some of the haunted PS1 demos. Even though I look forward to watching other people play it every year it for some reason never occurred to me to play it myself, or maybe I just thought I had to pay for it idk. But I'm gonna try to ignore my feelings and have some fun. I hope everyone is having a better day than me.
No. 2191974
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I might be put on birth control and I’m scared about the side effects, I know its common for weight gain and other hormonal issues all for the fact that I have an irregular period. It doesn’t help that gynecology is shit and the highest rated hospital accepts new patients in december at the earliest. I’ll trade off my bloodless life for a bloody and hormonal one for the sake of “health”. Fuck me
No. 2192005
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Dumpling, gyoza, perogies, are so good.
No. 2192703
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I didn't have to do anything for the last hour of work because my job was having tech issues that they fixed like 4 minutes before the end of my shift. Nice.
No. 2192728
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>>2192710She's obviously going to throw it at a doctor.
No. 2192840
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>>2190951i feel you
nonnie, the wretched experience of having to stand next to a stinky moid is one i wouldnt wish upon my worst enemy, it actually motivates me to get up early to go to college too, because i avoid moids in the metro by always going the women's coach, but if i'm late i get desperate and i go to the mixed coach instead bc the mixed coach is usually closer to the exit gates since the women's coach is always the first coach. The few times i was in the mixed coach were nightmarish, stinky foul and ugly moids just crowding around you with the awareness of a sloth so you can't even walk to the women's coach within the train because it's like trying to get a bunch of fat dwarfy bears to move. never again.
No. 2192856
>>2192852join us for moovie night
No. 2193073
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i dont know why but i feel myself getting dumber and i dont like it
No. 2193133
>>2193113sometimes I do this typo and it still works and sages the post, I think maybe admin allows it to work knowing itd be a common typo/autocorrection
also did you know sage is pronounced sah-gay and not like the herb sage?
No. 2193192
>>2193073>>2193117That sounds like vitamin D deficiency.I wouldn't bother getting your levels tested because it will sometimes show low normal to normal for women, even if we have a deficiency. Just start taking a bunch of vitamin D, and if I'm correct, you'll see a change after two weeks.
>>2193131This sounds like lack of restful sleep and low iron. Download a sleep app to see what type of sleep you're getting, and start taking iron supplements. Do you have bad periods?
No. 2193196
File: 1728055297616.jpg (20.44 KB, 391x280, 1000011447.jpg)

>stumble on that Technology Connections youtube channel
>think it will be interesting
>mfw most of these videos make me feel like a dethawed cave woman when I watch
I didn't know electronics worked like all of that. They're like magic……
No. 2193511
I'm gonna graduate from university soon and I can't stop fantasizing about my family and relatives throwing me a party because I worked so hard this year, and things were a bit of a mess at home and I took care of everything and juggled my studying with the household affairs, and they acknowledged this so it's giving me hopes they'd do it, renting a celebration hall and getting fancy catering services and inviting my friends. I even planned an outfit for it and gathered all the pieces online and saved them to a wishlist to not lose them, and fantasized about a setlist of songs I'd either sing and practice with the band of the hall or rent a band to do it with me, or just play them on the speakers. I'm such a narcissist but I deserve some rewards for my hard work.
On an unrelated note, when I was a kid, I saw a show about some guy traveling the world and trying theit cuisines or something, and he went to Oman and they showed him how they pour tea in a way where the fuller the cup, the further upwards the teapot will be to avoid steam scalding their hands, and I've been using this technique ever since and it worked like magic with my favorite broken teapot that has a hole in its lid where the steam escapes, I use a towel but if I forget to do the technique, the steam still manages to scalde me.
>>2193481Relatable, I went with my friends to a restaurant a while ago and had lunch there, 2 of them had old digital cameras and showed me their pictures, they both look gorgeous irl and in the pictures, so I thought it would be cool if they take a picture of me and show me what I look like on a real camera rather than a phone one, and I still look like a goblin. Even a friend of mine who always tells me I'm above average and should stop being upset about my looks told me I look unfortunate in those pictures kek. The sad part is I think these pictures are close to what I look like irl, just like in the mirror, and it makes me so sad. I wish I was normal looking at least, not even pretty, just not deformed.
No. 2193515
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i promised to draw something retarded for my friend but i can't force myself to do it
No. 2193896
>>2193713If there's a convenience store near you nona you might wanna pick up a cheap sammich, or pie, or a sosig (sausage) roll.
I used to stop by the convenience store across the road from my work all the time and get something cheap to chew on during my break.
No. 2193918
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It pains me that i will never be popular enough for some autist to make a tribute with his favourite cartoons crying for me when i die
No. 2194076
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I got a new miffy today! (blue dress)
I really want to get the Gustav Klimt one
No. 2194158
File: 1728110617576.jpeg (44.6 KB, 736x963, download (1).jpeg)

there's a scrote in my class and i don't know why i end up with him sitting by me, probably bc i pick the frontmost seat for the more fun classes and the middle side seat for boring ones(if you end up in the way back when there's still empty seats in the front row, the teacher will make you move to the front), and MY GOD, he's so unbearable to be around, and for several reasons.
like, he stinks so bad, like, that spikey spicy smell that assaults your nostrils the moment you smell it, and when he had a cold, the damn retard couldn't get a mask to wear so when he was close i just had to listen to his sniffling and swallowing sounds UGH. the other day the faggot tried getting me to do some of his drawing assignment that he was submitting late full-jokingly that he pretended was half-jokingly, and i just refused, the entire point of me fucking over my sleep schedule to finish my assignment on time was to not have to spend more than two days doing it, literally fuck off. And he was literally the one person that attempted doing that, the few other scrotes in my class didn't do that shit. i almost feel bad for not doing it, not bc i actually feel sorry for him but bc i think he might shittalk me to other girls in my class, but idc anymore, my sleep deprivation killed my braincells and gave me a migraine.
No. 2194312
File: 1728123317672.webp (125.65 KB, 1080x1080, cat-blinds.webp)

Some tourists or maybe a walking group are gathering on me street. It's been like 20 mins. Go away. Ughh I need to get a place with a private back garden so I can smoke some weed in peace.
No. 2194369
>>2186549This game is a rip off of the actually once obscure game that the video is playing of its ost in the background; Yume Nikki.
But this raises a good point of meta entertainment being so common nowadays. Apparently even meta games were made like this one based off of far older ones. I wonder if the goal of this is to trick younger generations or something. Yume Nikki came out 2004 ish, this one 2010 during a RPG maker boom. Earthbound/Mother came out in 1995 when the more successful rip off Undertale 2015. As we all know graphics were all pixel based and GPUs were on lowly commodores in the old age of 2015.
No. 2194768
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>>2194757I have a fidget ring like picrel and cannot leave the house without it now. Which toys are you thinking about nona
No. 2194785
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>>2194768Thank you, someone to sperg about fidget toys with!!! I was looking at fidget spinners just now but noticed a bunch of these ring things. I wasn’t sure about them because on amazon and similar sites they’re shilled as ‘Female Fidget Toys’, but if it works for you I might try one out. + You can have them anywhere without getting looked at like a tard. I also want a stress ball but not one with the netting on it, doesn’t do it for me. Also considering getting into butterfly knives but never tried it before. Do you have a collection of toys?
Picrel making me cum rn
No. 2194969
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Just watched the movie Life because it was free on youtube. Gonna have nightmares now.
No. 2195040
I've been watching Young Sheldon and Mary looks so much like my mom, now I have a bunch of tbbt videos in my recommended and I just realized Leonard looks like a young version of my dad. Same nose, glasses, hair, it's crazy.
>>2195007Do you have an example nona? I know people do it with coffee and tea but I've never seen anyone do it with soft drinks, that's super weird.
No. 2195057
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>>2195051Oh my god kek, for some reason I imagine them wearing picrel.
No. 2195099
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>>2195040in regards to the soft drink thing, i feel like i see it more with energy drinks, at least recently. not sure if thats also what op was referring to but boy i can’t stand people who make monster/redbull their entire personality. the monster thing is primarily egirls as of late, it’s so tacky and embarrassing.
No. 2195110
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>>2195040>>2195099there's also the girls who do it with diet coke. not the worst thing but god i do not care about your vape and your battery acid tasting drink.
No. 2195164
>>2195099Not specifically but it does include them imo. That’s been a thing for a long time though. When I was in high school a guy got the monster logo tattooed on his bicep for his 16th birthday. I generally associate that with white trash and egirls more recently.
>>2195113Target demographic for the 2000s older brothercore playlists
No. 2195226
File: 1728180221229.gif (970.89 KB, 340x343, Nail Care Essentials_ Your Go-…)

Bought some new perfume, can't wait for it to arrive in the mail
No. 2195228
>>2195226What perfume
nonnie! What is your signature/go-to scent prior to this, and what draws you most into the scent that you're excited for?
No. 2195235
nonnie. Maybe we will be sniffing at the same time…
No. 2195238
File: 1728181264104.png (293.4 KB, 921x574, perfume.png)

>>2195228Bought these from a brand called Camille Beckman. They were cheap as fuck and I saw people hyping up their perfumes so I was like fuck it!
>What is your signature/go-to scent prior to thisI've been wearing Mugler Angel Fantasm a lot these days
>what draws you most into the scent that you're excited for?I thought I would be most hype for mango beach, but I'm most excited for Tuscan Honey. It's notes are honey, amber and vanilla. It just sounds like it'll be sweet and classy.
>>2195235What'd you buy anon?
No. 2195241
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>>2195238Tuscan honey sounds really intriguing. I haven't smelled many perfumes with a honey note. You will have to come back and let me know how it smells because now I'm wanting to buy a honey perfume kek. I blind bought everlasting magic by b&bw since it was offered to me for a discount and I've been needing to replace my on-the-go body spray. I hope it's better than vampire blood lol.
No. 2195614
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i made plans and now i have to go out today, of all days, the day that i really dislike myself, bestest of luck to myself i guess
No. 2195661
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Anãs, hoje tem eleição. Vote ou cale-se.
No. 2195759
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>be me, in school
>retarded so no friends
>new girls gets into my class
>she is kinda awkward nerd so we make friends instantly
>around 11 years go by
>we still chat almost once a month
>she tells me she started reading harry potter books
>I tell her that's interesting and and proceed to vaguely let her know about my queen jk rowling
>"yeah, i don't like that, I can't believe she has such negative opinions on trans people"
>mfw I realize that my friend for more than a decade is not a wholesome terf
No. 2196339
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I watched those Minecraft Parkour Civilization movies this weekend but I think they were absolutely worth it
No. 2196365
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>>2195948It’s easier to peak someone the longer you have known them in my experience. I’m incredibly close to peaking my best friend and I attribute the majority of it to being friends for over two decades.
No. 2196395
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thinking about how quickly the vibe in the moovie room switched up when Cher went from telling off Jack Nichodeson to fucking him, absolutely tragic
No. 2196397
>>2196365It really depends on the friend. In my case, I was close friends, almost best friends with her for nearly 15 years and she dropped me instantly when she found out I was a
terf and tried to peak her. The handmaidenry runs deep.
No. 2196904
>>2196683It was during covid wasn't it? I feel like the general public just burned through tons of series during that time. By the time it was Halloween and there were all the Squid Game costumes it already felt kinda dead
Also my tummy hurts sooo bad I went out with some friends and was craving some coke and I ended up drinking almost the whole thing. Which is fucking bad because I've never been able to make myself burp (I may do a tiny burp every few months occasionally). Now its 4am and I'm bloated as fuck and I'm sitting here farting
No. 2197150
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i like almond milk, not as an alternative to actual milk, but just plain almond milk on it's own, not because the taste is particularly good, i just kind of like how it tastes like a cardboard box dissolved in milk. it also has this weird thing where there's a moment where it starts to taste like chocolate milk but then stops and you realize it's still almond milk
No. 2197261
>>2196327Honestly considering she's a girl that goes to curch and has very conservative behaviors (and her family too) I automatically assumed she was a
terf like me. I don't know what I was thinking lel
No. 2197289
>>2197261Isnt rf in
terf means radical feminist? Radfem can't be conservative. It's like pretty much opposite kek
No. 2197296
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>>2195661O número de abstenções foi grande onde eu moro, tava tudo super vazio. Mas também né, sair de casa pra votar entre merda, bosta, cocô e excremento.. eu mesma quase não saí. E agora vai ter a porra do segundo turno, tô putaça.
No. 2197305
>>2197278It's not bad karma to have pattern recognition, lol. That's like saying it's bad karma to recognize that males are more violent than females.
Though, considering men invented religion because of their womb envy, they probably would claim that not putting them on a pedestal means their god hates you.
No. 2197309
>>2197296>Sair de casa pra votar é ruim Porra cara, abrir mão do teu voto por causa de
preguiça??? A menos que a pessoa tenha um problema real que impeça de sair, não tem desculpas não. Krl. Aí a pessoa chora por causa das consequências dos atos dela. "Aaaahhh mas várias outras pessoas tb não saíram pq tavam como preguicaaaaaaa meu voto nem ia contar mesmoooo" vai tomar no cu. Quem não vota não tem direito de reclamar de NADA relacionado a política pelos próximos 4 anos
No. 2197315
>>2197261>conservative>going to church>terfYou weren't thinking at all, she's the opposite of a
terf by default.
No. 2197401
>>2197309Discordo totalmente. O governante não vai governar só quem votou nele, tem que meter o pau, eles tem que ser criticados sem um segundo de descanço por todos. Entrar pra política foi uma escolha deles, não foi o emprego que eles acharam pq tavam precisando, não é um favor e o compromisso de politico é com todos, não o contrário.
Isso não tem nada a ver com preguiça, tá todo mundo extremamente desiludido. Que diferença vai fazer qual cara vai sentar na cadeira do prefeito quando todos os candidatos são farinha do mesmo saco? Literalmente só o que muda é a data de fabricação. E todo ano de eleição é exatamente a mesma coisa, promessa atrás de promessa, tem gente que aparece e diz que faz e acontece e no fim das contas só acontece, e os anos passam exatamente com todos os mesmos problemas. Daqui a pouco começa chover e já tô até vendo as enchentes que o ex prefeito por diversas vezes prometeu que ia resolver, os onibus caros que todos eles dizem que vão dar um jeito e o jeito é sempre deixar mais caro, e me lembro até quando o ex prefeito em sua campanha pra governador justificou os altos preços das passagens nos onibus com "eu tentei" e logo em seguida foi implicado num esquema que favorece empresas de onibus. O candidato "menos pior" (atual prefeito e ex-vice do picareta anterior) é ridículo e não leva nem sua campanha a sério. A abstenção me parece um problema com os candidatos se vc pensar no número de votos nulos e brancos e os indecisos durante a época de campanha, e os debates foram o prego no caixão. Sem falar que ninguém mais vota no candidato que quer, votam "pro outro não ganhar" e tudo continua o mesmo, e agora temos o segundo turno com duas das merdas mais fedidas, não há escolha, o voto literalmente não faz diferença quando vc tem essa mentalidade de usar seu voto pra impedir "o outro time" e o candidato escolhido é alguém que vc nunca votaria se não fosse por essa situação que o povo se coloca.
No. 2197436
Nada do que tu falou justifica não ir votar???
No. 2206877
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Tori Vega strikes me as the type of girl that brags about how cool she is with her boyfriend watching porn because she prioritizes moid validation.