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No. 453716
Past thread:
>>392418Point and laugh at fucktarded fetishes. The more unusual and bizarre the better.
No. 454002
A friend who I work with keeps on needlessly suggesting that I try "kinky" sex to Improve my sex life,as I know were both the only self Identified feminists and in the office but our beliefs are complexity different
she believes TIM's are women and TIF's are men,she dated numerous (mostly porn sick) men and suggests that I try some BDSM becasue she thinks my marriage is failing,(its not btw) and even if it was BDSM would never ever be the solution
before she used to suggest that I try spanking,handcuffs,blindfolds,leather gear e.t.c and I would tell her that I'm not interested in that type of stuff,now lately she says that I should try femdom because she says I have dominant personality,(  ̄ヘ ̄) apparently a woman being self confident and not taking shit from people means she's a dominatrix
how do I convince her that tops, bottoms, switches, dominant, submissive is not how relationships should work and that many people are prefer "boring" vanilla sex rather then anything kinky
No. 454005
>>454002Ask her why she believes sex must be
abusive in order for it to supposedly be enjoyable
No. 454016
File: 1566823822427.png (43.16 KB, 806x791, average dwrp kinklist.png)

I RP on Dreamwidth and reading kink lists make me feel so disgusted and repulsed. Pic related is an average, unremarkable example.
I like RPing sex and weird, dark stuff when it's suitable for the characters and the narrative we have going. I just hate kinkshit for the sake of kinkshit. I wish DWRPers would stop turning the culture into Fetlife-lite.
No. 454019
>>454011>>454002which is why she believes that I should peg/finger my SO as his way to prove that he really loves me by letting himself be "vulnerable" for my sake
This sounds
abusive and Manipulative to me,either way pegging is so gross and I have no desire to give myself a false dick. let alone put it inside a man's asshole? and what kind of man gets off to that? what kind of girl gets off to that? its disgusting.
No. 454021
>>453887I'm grossed out by all the step-mom and step-sister porn out there
My last bf had a 12 year old son and one weekend that he was visiting my underwear went missing. This was around the same time that his dad discovered he'd been looking up porn even when he knows the dad monitors his online activity and already warned him. We told him our bedroom was off limits after a couple of items went missing and then we found him 'sleep walking' into our bedroom one evening… his dad believed his sleep walking story and insisted I must've lost my own underwear..twice on weekends he was staying with us
Now he has a new step-mom and new step-sisters and that thought bothers me cos his dad covers up his behaviour instead of addressing issues like that
No. 454024
>>454011>trusting them to not be abusive The clown world we live in when being hit by a sexual partner isn’t considered
No. 454289
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>>454016MMO RP is plagued with the same shit. Used to be everyone dunked on Second Life for being full of sex weirdos, but it's literally every game with an RP server now. F-list is normalized and it's always some weird shit. It's doubly funny because everyone likes to pretend their shit is super deep and literary gold when they're all having orgies in player housing or w/e. Don't participate in the hobby anymore cuz of all the grease.
Another "tame" one from a member of a community I left but I lol at cervical penetration and realism being "yes"es but crying being a "no".
I get it got memed into reality thanks to hentai but what in the fuck is the actual appeal of womb fucking
No. 456261
>>456224Even if it is fake, these people are literally programming their brains to get off to seeing women murdered with videos that can be mistaken for some weird racist snuff film. There isn't even anything sexual about it at that point, it's just pure sadism and evidently no one sees anything wrong with this. They just call it "raceplay" and get on with their day.
We live in the worst timeline.
No. 456939
>>456238LJ knockoff Dreamwidth. There's a lot of high quality RP, but it's confusing to know where to start - the closest to a centralized jump-in point are the anon comm and the monthly RP ad comm:
No. 457773
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>>457757>>457761These filthy scrotes would have to stay in their backrooms masturbating to hentai if it weren't for girls like you and those sick women in your story catering to them and making their sick fantasies a reality. This makes it worse for those who never indulged and spreads more sick memes about women.
This stories gross me out tbh and that includes you too, you also probably spend a shit ton of time shilling and defending your uwu lifestyle to other girls. i went to high school and college with girls like this and it really grinded my teeth to watch this filth going on and being validated by other girls and women of all people. In my country the age of consent is 15, so a 16 yr old girl and a 30yr old is morally wrong but not illegal, i kept getting attacked and treated like a reactionary, a tradthot or a bigot by even close friends just for telling them how retarded it was that they were falling for and sometimes chasing these sick old fetishists themselves.
Its what drove me away from tumblr, i was there for cartoon fandom sperging and eventually could not stand the perverse bdsm kink garbage anymore. I will always be salty about it and it only gets worse with more and more kink acceptance BS by the mainstream.
No. 457775
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>>457768They are doing Shibari with guts, they’re swimming in animal organs and one girl is wrapped in bacon or something. Japanese porn at its finest.
No. 457787
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Men who eat their own cum disgust me to no end. Cum is disgusting enough, so what mental defect does a man have to have to wanna do that in the first place?
No. 457801
>>457787I find forcing a man to eat his own cum kind of a turn on though.
You can shame me.
No. 457899
File: 1567633704708.png (Spoiler Image,23.04 KB, 1000x215, buttery shit.PNG)

/d/ has globalized Fetish threads and it's just…
No. 457902
>>457896I'm so sorry about your cousin, I hope he can come back from it oneday.
Exhibitionists are the worst. Everyone has kinks but I wish we could go back to making fetishists keep their hobbies behind closed doors, I feel like we're heading to some biblical hell.
I don't think I could allow anyone near minors after knowing that they were engaging in ABDL even if I somehow trusted that they had no interest in real children.
No. 457910
>>457902Really anon, even though he’s family, I find it hard to say I disagree with you- it would make me super uncomfortable to know he was around little kids, and getting off to acting like they do as their natural behavior- it’s like an ageplay version of being a troon, I feel like.
His parents are very depressed, and my aunt and I talked about it for a while not long ago. He was spending tons of their money, apparently under the guise of going to college, on diapers and onesies and little kid stuff. He has a room full of paw patrol and thomas the train stuff- fucking creepy and nasty.
He’s almost 23 now. My wish is that something happens- maybe he loses his job he just got, or someone rats him out to his work, and he is able to take a cold, sobering look at how objectively fucked up and disgusting what he’s doing is.
“But he’s not hurting anyone!!!1” is like the stock cry of wokies when I tried to voice my discomfort with this whole stupid diaper shit. He is hurting someone- himself. He used to have hobbies and be a vibrant, fun guy. Now all he does is post online and make diaper stories and live in his baby-hovel with a fellow “Little”. That’s not even mentioning the pain his family feels watching him just disappear.
Enough blogging- sorry. But kinkshit hurts real people, and with so many of these freaks grooming teenagers and younger into these lifestyles, I felt like sharing the side of someone who is watching a family member slip away might help some others understand that it’s not black and white, and there are other people in the world besides themselves.
No. 457979
>>457899Free lipo, male servants, I'm allowed to eat what I want,
and I'll have a harem of men? Oh ok-
>and have nipple ports all over the body to suck out the fembutterLmao, scrotes ruin everything good.
No. 458785
>>458758boohoo , every pervert has a sob story, i heard them all, the scrotes will say the same bs about being bullied as kids too. Everyone has a fucked up time growing up darling, i suffered all sorts of shit and yet i didn't turn out like any of these middle class hoes that are going with orgies full of 12 yr olds and looking to meet "daddies" twice their age. Most people in shitty situations didn't.
>>458744This is the kink shaming thread, not "validate my gross kink because my childhood sucked " thread.
This may sound like "we live in a society" sperging but i am sick of this fucked up standard of giving every junkie an award when they stop being junkies, how about an award for all the people who never did this shit in the first place and we shame wrong behaviour, like it should be. Every one of those bdsm night clubs should be burned with every single person inside.
No. 458788
>>458785Shame people (aka men) exploiting women with mental illness.
A lot of women into BDSM use it to self-harm. The male doms just revictimize them.
I am all for kinkshaming, but I honestly believe you are focusing on the wrong thing.
No. 459041
>>457773I knew a girl like that in highschool who was 16 and dating a guy in his 20s (24 I think), she'd constantly bitch about her mom and pretend to be a cat and brag about how much she loved rope and being tied up. Later on she wore a binkie to school which I of course was like 'what the fuck' about, to which her friend then smacked me in the face for some reason.
Kinksters are waaaaay to accepted in society and it's beyond disgusting, keep that shit in hentai dude.
saged for blogpost.
No. 460426
>>460424If I knew this girl irl and saw this video I'd blow a raspberry whenever I'd see her in public.
Reminds me of this 4chan greentext story of some dude who fapped to brapqueens online but when he finally tried it irl, the girl he was with made him eat her farts and he was actually disgusted by it ahahahaha.
No. 460502
>>460430It's so sad that she still calls him her beautiful son and wants to take him on the family vacation even after all of this, the despair in her voice cuts like a knife.
On YouTube there are comments about how she's a judgmental,
abusive bitch for being angry that he chooses to fuck a tiger plushie instead of go on the family holiday.
No. 461889
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Ik i mentioned this in other threads but I work with these ddlg fucktards, they're so fucking pretentious and cringey. How the fuck do they not have any shame? Why do they go out of their way to let everyone know they enjoy pretending to be parent/child with their SO and roleplay child molestation?
every time I try to bring this up to a friend they pull the "oh it may not be sexual for them" card, sexual or not, mimicking a parent-child relationship with your SO is cringey and problematic, despite it most of the time when people do it with their SO it's sexual
the whole fakeness just tops it all off, fake reactions, fake voice, fake tails, cheap bdsm accessories, how are these people okay with living such an artificial life?
also kinda superficial but why does DDLG attract the most hideous yet delusional annoying fucks possible? they have the worse bodies, skin and face possible but their shitty cheap fashion makes it worse and their horrid personalities
No. 461893
>>461884I don't know, she apparently has her own fursonas and characters so…
>>461889I have noticed that people into kink seem to be mostly ugly in general
No. 461894
>>461882'finds pokemon hot'
Those people are worse than furries
No. 462195
>>462144I collect the odd beanie boo (in a non-perv way where I'm still a functional adult) and the intsagram tags related to that are all a mixture of actual little girls holding up their new beanie boo from Claires.. and ddlgs that need to use every possible tag to spread their shit in otherwise child friendly tags
Half of these women mention being sexually abused as children so why can't they respect the idea of not exposing kids to bondage gear and panty pics
No. 462602
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Self explanatory
No. 462680
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>>462619Attractive girl wants to become less attractive
>no more makeup>eat crap and drink weight gain shakes at night>no exercise>get flabby belly>shower less>wearing bad looking and ill fitting clothesNot a "glow up" but a "glow down"
No. 462699
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pregnancy kink makes me nauseous and i judge men who are into it. i don't understand what's sexy about a uterus with a fetus inside of it or why you want to fuck pregnant women but it freaks me out. not to mention how awful pregnancy is in general for women and how it's still surprisingly easy to die during childbirth.
No. 462702
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Anyone heard of this "Bambi Sleep" stuff? It's apparently a series of videos that are designed to "hypnotize" the listeners into becoming a "beautiful, obedient, mindless Bimbo named Bambi". Apparently it works so well that it can actually give the listeners symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder and other personality problems. I don't even know what to say anymore, these people are fucking retarded.
No. 462748
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>>462702It does sound like a meme but I was just reading on r/GC about a woman who's husband started saying he was trans and acting distant and in her follow up thread it turns out he's been listening to that shit. That entire subreddit that post it from is about men frying their brains with "sissy hypno" porn.
No. 462757
>>462749even so, the idea of being aroused by the image of a swollen stomach and thinking about the baby inside it is just… gross. i know obviously couples shouldn't stop having sex while one is pregnant but the
fetishism of it is what squicks me
No. 462758
>>462699I'm probably going to get so much shit for this, but I find the idea of getting pregnant, or being fucked while pregnant, hot. It's just a fantasy, completely selfish and moronic to drag a child into this world for a kink (or in general), but it just feels very intimate. However, I find it hot from the perspective of loving someone a very long time and I picture myself married when thinking about it.
I'd imagine for men with this fetish, it's another way for them to feel superior, "This guy got her pregnant and left her, now I'm going to use her too" or "This woman is a slut, she's carrying another man's child, but now she's here with me."
No. 462761
>>462702found this pastebin transcript
what the fuck No. 462765
>>462760i agree with
>>462758. the fetus is a non-entity. for women with pregnancy or breeding kinks i think the idea is that
>pregnancy is the ultimate sign of love/devotionin a romantic, ideal scenario, a baby is made when a couple is in love and wants to grow and star their own family. it's the ultimate declaration of love and devotion
>pregnancy is the body at its most femininethe body changes during pregnancy and that gives some weight gain, widens hips, increases the size of the breasts. the masculine/feminine dichotomy is in effect.
>theres a slight tabooness there and also pregnancy sex is potentially reassuringmothers are supposed to be pure, sexless and holy. being sexy/sexual during this time. also because of said body changes, women like to imagine being with a man who will still love and be sexually attracted to them despite being "fat"/different.
of course, this ONLY exists for women with pregnancy kinks and these are just tropes and patterns i've picked up by reading fanfiction. if you go to a pregnancy thread on some shitty degenerate male imageboard, it'll be gross domination porn.
also the harsh reality is most men outside of those imageboards are disgusted by pregnant women. just look at reddit boards and you'll see countless posts about women who recently had a baby and are now coping with their husbands finding their changed bodies disgusting or unsightly.
No. 462771
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>>462760I can see why someone might find it weird, but the image doesn't disturb me. I don't see fetuses as living, and I don't think it would impact the developing child, as far as I know (I know there's always rare exceptions). My mother told me she had sex while pregnant, I obviously have no memory of this or problems related to it. Pregnancy doesn't scare me either, it just seem like a part of life.
Hey, I think it's weird, when you remove the skin, we're fucking a bunch of ugly meat carts (pic related). People have sex with spouses who unknowingly may have tumors growing inside them, more severe or foreign than a fetus.
As for the stomach… I have a feeder fetish, so that's probably where I'm biased. The idea of feeding a guy and watching him get bigger turns me on. For him to watch me get bigger with his baby, is just… holy fuck.>>462765 is correct in their observation.
>their husbands finding their changed bodies disgusting or unsightlyI'm so horrified of this; I'm scared of men in general for reasons similar. I hate that many men pressure for kids, but not only become disinterested in them when born, but also you. He can cheat on you with the next woman, and you're left to tend to a child you painfully carried for 9 months, in addition to most men never wanting to be with you because your body has changed and you are a mother of another man's child.
I must be really gay, because I still find women beautiful during, and after pregnancy. My mother hates her after-pregnancy body, and blames me for it, but I think she looks nice? She was an "up and down" flat A/B cup waif like me, but grew large DD breasts and hips after I was born. The fuck are you complaining about? I watch guys flirt with my mom constantly while I routinely get ignored. My last partner wanted me to get a tit job. Men are never satisfied.
No. 462821
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>>462748>I offered to try and have lesbian sex with him despite my hetero-desiresI want to feel sad for this woman but she is so damn stupid if she thinks her husband wearing a wig counts as lesbian sex…
Actually, it can be both. I feel sad for her and she is stupid.
>>462802Might as well go in here since anons think a kink shaming thread is an opportunity to defend their fetishes. Lol.
No. 462893
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>>462748The stories about sissy porn changing everything about men are so scary even if they smell like /x/ copypasta. To imagine you could have a loving relationship with a man only to watch him suddenly become a braindead misogynistic bimbo who won't even touch you is like the internet version of a successful husband who becomes a dicklimp crack junkie.
What's worse is that most of the stories on that subreddit started as boys that got indoctrinated at age 13 like pic related instead of grown adult men, which means underage boys are engaging with adults in sissy roleplay since most of the 'recovering sissies' mention chatting online and even bottoming for older guys.
I'm so scared for every kid with an unattended internet connection.
>>462802Lmao have to wonder what else has this anon been posting in other posts for a mod to redtext this seemingly innoculous one
No. 462950
@mods, why did
>>462802 get redtext but
>>462758 didn't? are you drunk?
No. 463354
>>463335Men have been cheating on women since the beginning of time. More than 90% of rapists have been male and always will be and some small group of Sissy's aren't going to make it bigger.
Men will always oppress women wherever that man is in a skirt or in pants. Like men dominating all female sports in the guise of "trans people" is just a excuse because men will always find a excuse to put women in their place and lower them with whatever they can find.
Women were not allowed to compete in sports 60-90 years ago, that should tell you how women were viewed as low in society.
No. 463383
>>462893About ten years ago I dated a guy older than me who confessed that he wanted to dress as a woman (lolita) when we went to anime conventions together. This was before trapping, sissification, or autogynephilia were talked about issues. I didn't have the vocabulary to describe what he was making me do at the time, cross-dressing didn't seem to fit because it wasn't outwardly sexual and it certainly wasn't done for me or other men. I remember being extremely embarrassed by it because I was being forced to hang out with a weird ugly dude in a dress for hours. I thought it didn't matter because the conventions were so few and far between, but the few times I went with him were so humiliating.
My breaking point was when he forced me to go into a store to buy makeup for him and have me apply it even after I said I wasn't comfortable doing that. I was crying. He insisted. I broke up with him not long after. The pictures were straight up Buffalo Bill tier. I recall seeing his hairy man legs through his stockings and thinking how he clearly wanted people to know he was a man in a dress because he certainly didn't care about presenting as a woman. It made me so angry at how he likely got off to that shit and basked in the attention it got him at my expense. He wanted all the glamorous parts of being a woman but did nothing regarding the nitty gritty parts like shaving and applying makeup. He just wanted the instant gratification of 'wearing' a woman's appearance at a superficial level.
He doesn't pull that shit anymore as I managed to anonymously shame him out of lolita and dressing as a woman. So at least publicly, he doesn't subject people to that to this day.
No. 463398
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>>463383reading your post and all I could picture was this guy
No. 463481
Don't go without a buttplug. It's a mandatory tool for school.
No. 463486
>>463383Love how even when men are 'being femme' they are still
abusive and pushy to the point of making actual women cry
I had a forty year old ex who gave me an ultimatum to fist his ass that day or get out of his house (I had nowhere else to go) He got in a huff cos a few mins into doing it he noticed me crying.. must've really ruined the mood for him
No. 463926
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Some people really, really want f for "furry" and k for "kink" to be included in the LGBT, lmao.
No. 464145
File: 1569024225312.png (44.37 KB, 988x334, american dad.PNG)

I've got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day,
The sun in the sky has a smile on his face,
And he's shining a salute to the American race,
Oh boy it's swell to say, Good morning USA!
No. 464887
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>>462893>>462966I'm that anon and I don't think that's the case because I hardly ever post from this wifi signal. all I posted that day was some stuff about my mental health in another thread and stuff about music on /m/. I don't get why the mods redtexted me especially because I was only replying and wasn't even defending my fetish but then again I don't really understand anything the mods do.
No. 467366
>>467318>check out asmr for littlesAn instant way to ruin a good day.
Does anyone else get paranoid that checking out this stuff will get them put on a government watch list of some kind? Or is it too hopeful to think that the government even cares enough to track potential pedophiles?
>>464887Don't take it personally we all get banned eventually. Sometimes the mods really hate a post for whatever reason, or maybe the moderation queue was filled with unusually awful spam that day.
No. 471519
>>471480smh @ u kinkshamers they're just roleplaying an
abusive relationship 24/7 dummy
No. 471521
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I just went down the rabithole that is Sefonknee. It takes a lot for me to be truly disturbed by fetisheists because I'm so desensitized, but this one is so unsettling it literally made me cringe.
>in his 50's but identifies as a 6yo girl
>"adopted" by fetishist old couple who take part in his ageplayer lifestyle
>woman pretends to be his mother, while man pretends to be his father but also has sex with him
No. 471523
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>>471521This is why Christ comes back with a sword in Revelation
No. 471587
>>471480The BDSM "community" is trash and has no understanding of nuance or even basic decency like not exploiting the trauma of girls and young women. And obviously when you build your entire relationship around a deeply
abusive extreme power imbalance she is going to "consent" to being abused.
I've seen a lot of run of the mill abusers use BDSM as an excuse for their disgusting violent sexist behavior or even transition their relationship into a so-called dom/sub one when they already were controlling and beating their girlfriend to begin with.
No. 471927
>>471294I had an ex who was obsessed with anal, not my thing but ok. One day he's trying to get me to have anal and I explain my ibs situation to him for the hundredth time, I say that I'm currently constipated and certainly not feeling sexy. He tells me that his ex would let him do it while she was constipated and feeling the hardened shit inside her only added to the stimulation for him ..
Now I don't want to know any guy that wants anal, I just can't unhear that
No. 472061
File: 1570959154382.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1704x2438, 1570452702035.jpg)

found this recently
No. 472278
>>471587consenting to abuse is a good way to put it. 24/7 is fucked up. i used to go on BDSM reddit and people there glorify having their lives ruined for sex. fuck any man who tells you what to do all the time. they treat a woman's life like a goddamn sex object with no desires of her own. i'm still traumatized from being in a 24/7 for a few months with the shittiest human being ever
>>471927anon, if he was so into anal, you should have done anal on him instead haha
No. 473227
File: 1571187177220.png (Spoiler Image,134.44 KB, 708x680, Screenshot_2019-10-15-20-49-56…)

0 to 100
No. 473328
>>473291I agree that all men super into anal are gross but can you explain this to me? Like the reasoning? I'm not trying to be dense I'm actually curious.
Because while I do find it degenerate everyone has an asshole so it's not like gender specific? Kind of like saying gay men into nipple play are secretly het/bi?
No. 473339
>>473328Anon is dumb and probably homophobic.
Guys who want anal aren't secretly gay, they have developed extreme tastes that constantly escalate as a result of constant access to porn. They enjoy women's pain, they like the idea that they're being 'allowed' to do something nasty and unpleasant, they want to act out the scenes they jerk off to. They don't prefer assholes to vaginas, they just prefer taboo to 'vanilla'.
No. 473414
>>473235There's so much of that 'gag and slobber on it' shit in porn but I've been lucky enough never have a guy even dare to push my head down
I'm curious, how common is this in real life?
No. 473416
>>473339In my experience it's been a result of pornsickness, they start out obsessed with your ass and then after a while they suggest you play with theirs too.. slippery slope where eventually genitals don't even factor into sex anymore
I'm never going to orgasm or get a thing from being rimmed so dating an ass obsessed guy really highlighted the fact that sex with me was 100 percent about him acting out porn and not about me at all
No. 473682
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Most likely a LAPR but still cringy
No. 473803
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Thought y'all would appreciate this
No. 473804
File: 1571307728420.jpeg (Spoiler Image,17.27 KB, 187x269, images (2).jpeg)

No. 473823
>>473803>>473804analfags get rekt
seriously. the anal meme needs to die. unless you have a prostate no non medical object needs to go in your asshole ever
No. 473907
>>473833Also the fact that it supposedly supposed to feel better than a vag because it’s “tighter”
My ex told me that it’s tighter in the beginning when you enter it but then it’s looser once you are inside it.
No. 474056
>>474053It really is, although I dream of a guy who would be comfortable with my period so much as to not mind getting some blood on his fingers/mouth, and just seeing it as another thing to find intimate about me (stupid I know)
But this guy is just a freak, rummaging through for his sister's/mother's pads and thinking it's ok to buy used ones online… People with fetishes like that creep me out, they don't care about being intimate with one special person, anyone will do as long as they go along with their degeneracy.
No. 474275
>>474066When you think about it yeah it's strange how men will get off on the taboo of putting their dick in a literal shithole but they often won't do period sex
And I love how men are under the impression that womens asses are good to go most of the time, porn stars clean out and restrict their diets in advance of shoots. My friends who've had guys just put it in.. haven't had such clean fun lol
No. 474750
Just wanna remind everyone that anal sex can cause anal prolapse which is basically when your asshole turns inside out. Never look up pictures of it.>>474120Haha, I love it when guys try anal and have horrible experiences from it and never want to try it again. Like the guy in this video.
>>473907Yeah but it's only the entrance that's tighter, and since most of the penis nerve endings are in the tip, I don't really see the benefit of that.
>>474275That's because they know the woman will probably enjoy it too so it doesn't feel as taboo.
No. 474984
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No. 474992
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>>474984For the last few years among the top searched terms on porn sites were Fortnite, Overwatch or whatever videogame is trending among tweens.
>Well a lot of a-adults play f-fortnite, is definitely not 12 yr olds looking for it on porn sites along with "mom and sister incest" videos No. 475031
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>>475022>>475027Lot is said about scrotes on here, but gay scrotes are on a whole new playing field, where to even begin.
>As part of the sexual fetish they also often injected their penises with saline to temporarily enlarge them. They later switched to silicone to permanently engorge their penises to make themselves look a certain way to each other and participate in the fetish. The procedure is illegal and dangerous, and Tank died of a pulmonary embolism induced by his injections in October 2018. No. 475775
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Imagine trying to explain how this is sexy to your friend
No. 475780
>>475023There is korean porn but it slips under the feds radar if that makes sense.
So yeah it is illegal but it is still made.
But most of the people who search for gay korean porn ARE ALL STRAIGHT GIRL FUJOSHIS who insert their fave kpop ship in the video they are watching which is fucked up.
No. 475794
>>475785A lot of men claiming to be submissive are really just bottoms, who aren't looking for dominant women but service tops to replicate what they see in porn. When I was looking for a submissive boyfriend (yeah, go ahead and cringe) I talked to and vetted at least 60 different "submissive" men and almost all of them were pretty much all the same: promiscuous, selfish, lazy, focused entirely on their fantasies/fetishes without caring about reciprocation, terrible listeners/communicators, passive-aggressive, etc… There were maybe 3 people that seemed decent, and 1 who I was in a relationship for a year. Ultimately he showed me his true colors and turned out to have a huge ego and couldn't stand me making decisions even as simple as what food to eat or what show to watch (despite me asking him a million times if it was okay with him, and him agreeing). I found out his submission was based on how horny he was, something he NEVER told me and I had to deal with the subsequent random baby tantrums until I finally got up and left. So yeah, add emotionally stunted and immature to the list as well.
A lot of "submissive" men are like this, they have huge egos that won't allow them to truly submit and they can't think outside their dick. Honestly my advice is to look for a guy who doesn't identify as submissive but look at his personality and how he treats you overall, since they are more likely to be what you're looking for than men who are just looking for a dominatrix to roleplay porn scenes with them. Chances are as well if you are into light domination, you will find some normal guys into that too.
No. 477612
>>475785Your fault for being into bdsm to begin with honestly, the majority of those people are just either girls with horrible trauma and ptsd going about it in a horrible way or guys who will do anything for a 'mommy gf' to baby them and suck their dick.
I really don't know what you people expect.
No. 478290
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I hate shit like this, how is this sexy to people? Your 'loving' partner suddenly raping you and then impregnating you thus tying you to him makes my vagina shrivel up and die. This is a nightmare, not some uwu sexy rope play or something.
No. 478379
Joining the BDSM Scene makes you 50% more likely to be raped/sexually assaulted.>The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom did a survey this Fall on consent. Results are in. The survey got over 5000 respondents. It was broadly focused on people’s views of what constituted consent, and not experiences of violation, but there were two questions about experiences of violation. Here are those questions, and the responses:
>“Have you ever had a pre-negotiated limit violated in a BDSM scene or relationship?” Of 4,115 respondents (1,552 missing
>“Have you ever negotiated a safeword or safesign with a partner who then ignored it during play?” Of 4,110 respondents
>Taking the two questions together, 33% of respondents that answered these questions answered yes to one, or the other or both. 33% of kinksters who responded reported that their consent was violated. More than 11% responded yes to both.
>So … this is very, very bad. Of kinksters responding to this question, 30% had had a prenegotiated limit violated. Those numbers are even worse than victim self-reports of rape in the general population; which the New York Times reports as about 20% based on a study supported by the National Institute of Justice.
>Communities ostensibly based on consent, with more consent violations than the general population. If you combine the 20% figure from the NY Times referenced in the article with the results from NCSF's survey, then there are 50% more consent violations in the BDSM Scene than outside of it. What happened to "safe, sane and consensual"?
No. 478683
>>478290I remember on tumblr when I used to browse fetish blogs and there were a ton of ones with breeding fetishes. They would say they'd go on tinder dates and one night stands etc and not use any birth control in the hopes that they woukd get pregnant/impregnate someone. I think they were just being edgy and didn't actually do that, but its still disturbing to think that some people probably do that.
And some people have a fetish for going out and infecting people with their std.
No. 478894
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But were would you put it?
No. 478930
>>478532honey this is the kinkshaming thread not the "sometimes BDSM is good" thread
also if some "uninformed" people did that survey….good??? what are you on about?? MOST people aren't pro subs/doms with years of experience. If you only picked those people how the hell would you know that data wasn't skewed from years of kinky brainwashing.
No. 478962
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Don't forget anons fetish's are a low IQ thing
No. 478991
>>478982Not bdsm. Kink maybe.
>>478962What is this from?
No. 479041
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the author of the article (who is male) that promotes this idea is not suggesting that people just start opening their marriages.the headline is click bait. Instead, the author suggests that people in marriages who are not happy with monogamy have basically 2 options right now
>Continue to live the monogamous married life with an unhappy sex life and thus an unhappy marriage
>Divorce, whether because of a secret affair that is discovered, or as a preemptive decision because of the unhappiness with the sex life
The author of the book the newspaper is reporting on suggests a 3rd option. If you are unhappy about monogamy, have a conversation about it with your partner about opening up sex in the marriage. More than likely you still end up picking option 1 or 2, but at least you've tried something else. The author argues that it could potentially save a marriage if both partners are open to the idea, and that if one partner is unhappy with the sex life it doesn't do any harm because an affair would eventually happen anyway.the author cited a statistic where 20% of UK marriages faced an affair.and even cites statistics that say women become "bored" with a monogamous relationship faster than men, hence the click bait headline. And that is the answer to the question, "Why even get married at all if you don't like monogamy?" Well because people think they want and enjoy monogamy at first and go into a marriage with all the best intentions. But according to the statistics presented in the author's book, women can get bored after about 4 years compared to men after 7 years.
however he forgets option 3 which is try to Work on your marriage as a relationships without proejecting your wierd cuck fetish into it
No. 479044
>>479028…Are you 14? Fucking while pregnant is normal and encouraged by midwives. I say as a pregnant woman who just had sex yesterday. The fetus doesn't know anything is going on. The dick is not literally popping up next to their head and they feel nothing aside from gentle rocking. They're asleep 80 percent of the time in there.
Sex is great for relaxing your muscles and towards the end of pregnancy can help induce labour if you've gone past the due date.
I'm genuinely baffled you think this is weird. This isn't a kink either. This is literally just the cycle of life. You think everyone just refrains from fucking for 9 months?
No. 479045
>>478930no one said its bad that uninformed people filled the survey? just means people need to be more aware and do more research. also i thought this thread wasn't about mindless shaming but talking about the objective wrongs with some fetishes. nowhere did i say "sometimes bdsm is good", i was just mentioning where some of the data might come from.
also maybe calm yourself with that tumblr writing style, makes you look hysterical.
No. 479138
>>479028Obviously it's not going to do any harm to the child and it's not like it knows, but it can still feel the movement indirectly and it's unsettling. The baby is literally inches away lmao. People simply don't think about the moral implications of things like that, most people shouldn't be parents
>you wouldn't fuck next to a popped out new born, why would you fuck when it's still in there?I'd still like to see an answer for this.
No. 479278
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>>479041here's the full article
No. 479305
>>479138Because the baby is literally stuck inside her body, if she wants to have sex she can't just leave it in one room and go to another one to fuck.
Also the baby isn't fully conscious at that point either, so it's not like it's going to see something and get traumatized.
Otherwise she'd just have to not have sex for 9 months because "it would be weird". Which is true but it's kind of weird to be carrying a living being around inside your body for 9 months straight anyway if you think about it. If having sex when pregnant isn't gonna harm the baby or anyone else in the long run then I don't get what the big deal is.
No. 479587
>>479028>>479484I'm all for kinkshaming but some of the people in this thread are just kids who are grossed out by anything sexual.
>>479138>women who have sex while they're pregnant shouldn't be parentsSo then I guess as soon as a woman knows she's pregnant she shouldn't have sex for 9 months straight? even though there's literally no evidence anywhere that sex while pregnant is bad for the baby. Do you remember your mom fucking while you were in her women? Do you remember ANY thing from when you were in the womb? Didn't think so.
You seem like someone who walked in on your mom fucking once and can't get over the fact that moms have sex.
No. 479648
>>479587>some of the people in this thread are just kids who are grossed out by anything sexualso fucking true anon lol
but also on the whole on the whole fucking while pregnant thing if it calms you anons, most women will do it at the point into the pregnancy while the baby probably can't even sense it. of course there are women who might do it in the later stages too, but when they already have a big stomach it can get difficult.
No. 479760
>>479028>>479044>>479130Jesus guys I wasn’t expecting this much negativity, I typed that right after I got grossed out when somebody reminded me pregnancy porn exists. I just don’t get what exactly is a turn on about a heavily pregnant woman from another perspective. I don’t expect the parents to give up sex for 9 months for the sake of the baby.
>>479032This is pretty much my sentiment
>>479034Actually considering her circumstances then, I can assuredly say "no my mum didn’t fuck while pregnant". Maybe you’re delulu for not thinking that maybe I was in fact talking about other people with a kink for seeing already-pregnant women getting fucked?
>>479104I know that but my wording didn’t express my thoughts too well. What I was thinking was: why isn’t the fetishist stopped by the thought that there’s kind of a third party hanging around? 99% they’re not the father either, so they’re okay with their dick very close to some unrelated fetus.
No. 480351
>>479760>you guys calm down I was just talking about pregnancy porn/fetishes lel stop being so negativeWhile I agree that pregnancy fetishes are gross, it was your reasons that people were responding to. You sperged about how parents who have sex while the mother is pregnant shouldn't be parents and insinuated that fucking while pregnant is the same as fucking right next to your baby after it's born. Nice backtracking tho.
>my mum definitely didn't fuck while pregnantHow do you know she didnt masturbate though?
No. 485318
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One of the origins of BDSM, specifically the 'S' part, sadism, has it's origins in Marquis de Sade. He was a rapist and a child molester.
>Sade is best known for his erotic works, which combined philosophical discourse with pornography, depicting sexual fantasies with an emphasis on violence (particularly against women and children), suffering, criminality and blasphemy against Christianity. He became infamous for numerous rapes and sexual abuse of young men, women and children. He claimed to be a proponent of absolute freedom, unrestrained by morality, religion or law. The words sadism and sadist are derived from his name.
Even from the start, this kink shit was tied to actual abuse. How can Kink-shills look past this?
No. 485512
>>485318I know this is a kinkshame thread, and I think kinksters are annoying and pretentious too.
But, does anyone else think his writing is pretty interesting? I've read some of his short stories and I really like it; it shows a different view than the much tamer writing of the time.
I don't find it sexually appealing, more like horror/drama, but I do like reading his work.
No one should be using his writing as sexual inspiration, obviously.
No. 487009
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I don't usually post in these threads but I'm kinkshaming whatever the fuck this is
No. 488913
>>488885No, as others said it's just that murderers are overwhelmingly male. are not immune to sociopaths. Look at this policeman (!) getting flustered at a serial killer flirting with him in this link.
No. 488921
>>488885British serial killer Rose West "gets at least one marriage proposal every month" despite being 64 "from men as young as 20", female killers Alyssa Bustamante and "Nevada-tan" are vintage 00s 4chan waifus and articles with a female mexican drug cartel sicario boasting about fucking her
victims corpses was getting "wish that was me" comments. Never underestimate the cumbrain.
No. 488931
I swear to fucking god, some submissive people are so annoying. All they do is take, take and take, but never give anything back. They only think about themselves, especially the people who milk that entire "sub" thing out and proceed to act like little manipulative faggots.
I'm speaking out of experience here.
A few years ago I met a girl who was claiming to be a sub. We started dating normally though, no BDSM thing related, but then she told me she's a sub and would like for me to be her dom girlfriend/caretaker, and me being stupid enough I agreed to it. Worst mistake of my entire life.
At first things started pretty normal like in every other relationship, but then she asked to call me "Mommy" and I agreed to it, because she told me before that she's a victim of child sexual abuse and trauma, so I didn't want to ruin things for her. She even claimed that it's completely nonsexual, her calling me "Mommy" only makes her feel comforted and safe.
Everything turned out to be a big lie, because she kept using that word in a sexual way whenever we got intimate, would get mad and catch an attitude whenever she was like "Mommy" and I didn't respond with "Yes, baby?" (Fucking cringe I know) also expected for me to respond to her messages immediately. She was also one of those people who bashed DDLG for being pedophilia/incest, but then acted like every single person who participates in it.
I was really "focused" on my role as her dom (more like normal girlfriend tbh), because I really had feelings for her and only wanted the best for her, which always ended up in me doing whatever she asked me to and when I asked her for something, she never did a single thing and only gave me excuses. I was stupid enough to buy her things from her Amazon wish list, but then she couldn't even bother to come to my place to comfort me when one of my relatives died and I was really depressed.
It was really a massive roller coaster of emotions, I'd rather die than date anyone like that ever again.
TLDR: I hate submissive people and that entire dom/sub thing. It's just bullshit. You shouldn't have a certain role in a relationship, because it ruins everything.
No. 488950
>>488931>some submissive people are so annoying. All they do is take, take and take, but never give anything back. They only think about themselvesIt's ironic because subs are the ones who are supposed to be the ones serving but a lot of the time the dom ends up in the care-giver/subservient role. A lot of them are just selfish I think.
In an ideal world I would want a submissive bf, but I realize anyone who identifies under any BDSM terms is probably a degenerate faggot who doesn't want to have a genuine loving relationship like you described.
No. 488975
>>488957I would cry. Reading that anon's post made me very sad. Clearly wasn't her thing yet she indulged it anyway and even get a loving relationship out of it. She was too good for her.
Unfortunately what you describe sounds like what a lot of men into femdom expect, especially gentle femdom. I am never looking for a guy into that again bc his mind will have been tainted by porn and the fucking echo chambers where other men think it's ok for your gf to be your mommy.
No. 489001
>>488931Instagram is always recommending DDLG accounts to me (I kinda collect old toys) and I have to laugh when they list that they are non kink and non sexual blah blah and then they post pics wearing nothing more than little girls panties and stockings or close up shots of them sucking on pacifiers. Like if it's sexual then don't bs and lie about it
I know alot of them have abuse in their past and I don't think that regressing is as therapeutic as they'd like to claim. It can be too much. An unhealthy level of escapism
No. 489459
>>489455"she asked for it, she loved it" He'd only talk the usual shit that guys talk to further humiliate assault
victims. Like how they slut shame women they've raped
No. 489496
>>489493I'm glad you're ok anon.
But how can a method murderers use to kill other people ever be "vanilla"?
No. 489595
>>489560I used to like porn and tumblr was a good way to access porn without going to porn sites, I'd find niche porn that wasn't all about violence and cumshots and follow them. But ddlg and bdsm were/are rampant on Tumblr like a highly contagious virus and 9/10 porn blogs were themed around that, and you'd just have to scroll and scroll and scroll until you found one that wasn't. I've also seen some highly disturbing shit there
I saw literal cp once and it has permanently scarred me. People loved to post long, long blogs of fantasies they had. Like they would post a gif of two people having sex and then write a long story under it about how they ended up fucking their stepbrother while their mom was gone, or just write a disturbing caption like "mommy always wonders why my panties are soaked when I get back from daddy's". I was so pleased when tumblr pulled the rug from those degenerates, it was funny to see them all get upset over it and act like their lives were being ruined.
That being said, I lurk tumblr now and then and there's still some porn there.
No. 489618
>>489455>>489489I didnt go to police because I didnt know if they would have believed me. It wasnt hard enough to leave bruises or anything. But I never spend time with him alone again.
>>489493That sounds scary, good thing nothing worse happened. I remember doing this dumbass thing as a child where I would squat and breathe fast and quickly stand up. Next thing I know Im on the floor legs convulsing. Not something to play with at all.
>>489595It always creeped me out people would sexualize acting like children/young teens on a site full of actual young teens. They say "18+ consenting adults only" but dont even try to keep their shit out of minors eyes.
No. 489755
>>489618>It always creeped me out people would sexualize acting like children/young teens on a site full of actual young teens.1) it's creepy that they do it at all
2) that's WHY they're doing it, as someone else pointed out it was/is a groomer's paradise. unfortunately there's still lots of ddlg blogs, they just don't have actual porn on them.
No. 489764
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>what Incest leads to
No. 490291
>>490281True. I went to some kink events a few years ago (purely because there was no real gay scene in my area but alot of bi women at these events)
One 'male dom' was on the sex offenders register and another was in the newspapers after a particularly nasty incident of domestic violence. The rest were just gross
No. 490293
>>490129Replace this with anything and it's a typical insecure man wanting a controllable woman scenario.
Substitute fat for being poor, low self image, drug addicted, desperate, homeless, etc. doesn't matter.
Men will exploit women with less power. While making it seem like a consensual kink.
No. 493036
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Rip again
No. 493415
>>493380Of course but the question is: how do you convince girls NOT to be choked? It appears that these days many are so pickme or so aroused by the mere thought of being choked, that they're enabling males doing that practice.
And this is doing no favours to anyone.
No. 493418
>>493415I've read plenty of girls who said "I thought I was into choking and rough sex, then I got a boyfriend who refused to do that. I much prefer gentle sex and feel sorry for my past self for enduring that." (paraphrased)
All men need to do is not try and act out porn fetishes in real life and we're good.
No. 493422
>>493415>how to convince girls to not be chokedMaybe they crave the sexual aggression of the male because it makes them feel desired. Do they actually like the choking, or are they addicted to the feeling of giving up control to someone else?
As a substitute they could ask their male partner for some manhandling. I personally like vulnerable parts of my body being held or pinned, but it's not choking or putting me in any real danger.
No. 493478
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And there are so many like this. Whyyyyyyy
No. 493510
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>>493478Fucking Pennywise would probably be extremely painful
No. 493526
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>>493478>>493510I wonder what the next step of her plan is
(Happy big day)
No. 495856
>>495613>I don't think it's okay to call people kids for being different and not as sexual as you are. How is disliking something a bad thing and a reason to be called a kid?No one called anyone a kid for not liking something or for not being sexual. It was that somone said people who have sex when they're pregnant shouldn't be parents. Also, couples having sex when they're pregnant isn't really a kink by itself anyway.
>I'd rather be a nonsexual person who dislikes it rather than a porn or sex addict getting in danger either physically or mentally.Pregnant sex isn't physically or mentally dangerous. And yeah, the only two types of people who exist are people who dislike sex and full blown porn/sex addicts, for sure. Also, you're taking all of this too personally.
No. 497322
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I keep on reading, but it makes no sense
No. 497346
>>495823a million times this
i honestly believe it's also the same for women who are into that entire ddlg "daddy" thing
No. 497352
>>497346A lot of male "subs" are just lazy.
In my experience female littles have often experienced CSA in their past. DDLG is a way for predatory men to easily find
victims to re-victimize.
No. 497372
>>497352every single fucking female ageplayer claims CSA or SA to justify their gross fetish. i'm sure some of them were
victims, but most of them are just weebs who want attention and know the easiest way to do that is acting like a kawaii loli. uwu loli ageplayers are just costhots that have smaller bodies.
No. 497737
I dated a guy for a full year, and he was a looner. For those of you who don't know, it's someone who is aroused by balloons.
He was always somewhat uninterested in actual sex acts; always performed his duties but seemed distant. After about a month I asked him, like, what's up, buddy?
"I have a fetish."
He explaned that he needs to watch a woman either blowing up a balloon until it pops, or when we're having sex, I need to be chewing gum and making the biggest bubbles possible as he fucks me.
Now, listen. I used to have shit self-esteem (I don't anymore). I decided to indulge him in this fetish for 11 months and I blew up hundreds of balloons for this guy. I learned to blow bubbles while being fucked.
He was constantly critical of the way I chewed gum. My bubbles were never "big enough." If I didn't blow a big enough bubble, he'd lose his erection and start whining at me, saying I just didn't care.
He showed me his pr0n collection. Zero naked people involved. No sex. Just short videos of women, fully clothed or dressed in sexy lingerie at the least, blowing up balloons until they got too big and popped. The women were old, young, fat, skinny, black, white … as long as they were poppin' balloons.
To this day, I am so very grossed out by balloons and I haven't chewed a single piece of gum in 5 years. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. I mean, what a FUCKING FREAK.
OK done.
No. 497748
>>497744This is balloon fetish anon here, and that did occur to me while I was writing it. I didn't quite know how to
not sound like a scrote. Apologies.
>>497743Yes. There was. I went to therapy and got my self-esteem fixed. I used to just do whatever guys wanted. It was not fun.
No. 497945
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>>464477>>471294I'm into scat but I'm selective about it. Boy poop is my favourite but unfortunately there's hardly any content that isn't just fat old men when what I want is something like gif related.
The kinks I don't get at all are petplay because I think it's cringe, ageplay stuff like the creepy pedo dude who calls himself Stefoknee and I suppose anything that people are overly performative and edgy about liking, like common SJW kinks. I've also known two girls who were into fictional necro and they were both fucking assholes. It doesn't gross me out but I find it boring.
No. 498285
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>>497945Kill yourself you worthless shit-lover
No. 498286
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>>497958>>498241>>498246>>498285Lots of
triggered petplay lovers here. Anyway, boy poop is based.
No. 498289
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>>498286Seconding. Scat is an acquired, refined kink.
No. 498293
>>498286We were
triggered by the scat part, retard.
No. 498294
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>>498293I like it when beautiful men poop. What's so wrong with that?
No. 498307
>>498294>>497945>petplay is gross but poop is awesomeNice shitposting anon. (get it,
No. 520231
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This belongs here
No. 520432
>>520231This is why I forever hate anime and anime artists
No. 520493
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I was once messing around on Devianart doing a cringe ride and I literally found a fanfic of Shaggy x Fred and everything was so weird and off-putting, Fred was apparently this arrogant jock who was bullying Shaggy into fucking him and the fanfic was so focused on how Fred was such a dumb himbo and how "musky" his jockstrap was and I don't even want to think about the hyper-detailed, scat-tier anal stuff, not so remarkable because obviously anyone here have probably seen worse but the mental image of it all was so gross, I could literally smell that fanfic.
No. 520773
I hate how easy access to hardcore and niche porn has become normalized behavior were it is now the norm to like:
>Anal, with the risk of tearing and prolasped along with fact that feces comes from there and I as someone who has to seek it out and have it in mind while working it is not fucking appealing. >Aggresive domming/BDSM where it's not playfull at all and the dom person always and I mean always as to be mean towards their partner, jealous, and so physicall with them that I see it as abuse.
>Submissive men, while I do prefer them however I do not want to partner up with a useless/ jobless man that is a baby and I DON'T WANT TO FUCK A BABY>Feederism, why do you want your partner to have health problems along with not being able to take proper care of themselves. With them being overweight barely able to move with out being out of breath, the uncleanliness and the clothing they have to wear since nothing fits them.>Furries >>460430 and >>460502>>520493Why didn't you stop… Like did you fully read it or skim it…
No. 520844
>>520773It was a cringe ride for a reason, anon, that's like the whole point, it's gross, but you can't take your eyes out of it, it's like asking a person on /pt/ why they wont stop looking at cows, it's the whole absurdity of it all.
>>520814Lmao the guy who wrote it just deleted it from Devianart
No. 523963
File: 1583968991182.png (123.63 KB, 1137x760, 25625343.PNG)

Slob fetish is weird. It's people writing about the daily lives of people who don't brush, shower,a and are usually morbidly obese. It isn't some humiliation fetish thing either because the stories are about the slobs being happy in their life or completely dominating everyone else. It isn't some neckbeard writing their fantasy world either, men write stories about slobby women. The weirdest thing about these works is that some of them read like horror stories. Pic related was about an average dude struggling with their weight turning into this.
No. 525986
File: 1584317471299.png (20.27 KB, 706x159, Screenshot_2020-03-15-18-30-03…)

Not as degenerate, but reddits romance novel subreddit is full of women looking for their oddly specific fetish.
No. 528231
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>>528217How is this not cartoony looking.
No. 528268
>>528231yeah this looks goofy.
>>528245yeah but tbh if youre a short woman and shorter guys are into you, you can expect they will use your height as a powertrip. they are horribly insecure and target short women, and they get a power-rush over being taller than someone for once so they seem to end up being shitty towards you. they have such bad complexes. the only sane men i've met were 5'9 and up. tall enough to not have a complex. short men dating taller or the same height women don't have those complexes, generally.
No. 528300
>>528245tall men and short women gravitate towards each other because "omg height gaps are cute" plus both parties make a huge deal out of being so smol and tall. they make it their whole personality.
the most annoying thing in the world is when a tall guy repeatedly humble brags, "anon, i'm so tall i attract attention wherever i go" or "anon, you do you need help reaching the top shelf? i'm so tall i can do it" and interjects the adjective tall in every. single. sentence.
No. 529906
>>453716Fuck it, my ex once beat off and asked me to talk about their dad.
They were just shouting and wanting me to talk about / pretend to be their dad.
Their mum was in the next room too.
(For the record I didn't do it, it was pretty fucking horrifying)
No. 530764
>>530685Pretty glad for you that
he got hurt from the suprise anal (rape) and not you. Karma. Also he's a pedophile as mentioned above.
No. 537896
File: 1586270207903.png (1.19 MB, 1342x861, 343423.PNG)

DA's pintertest pins the sites fetish porn too. This isn't some mistake either the site has hundreds of these tf things pinned. I even saw one were the girls turned into an ice cream sunday
No. 539171
>>539168i'm anti kink because it does perpetuate abuse - but i feel like saying it only increases abuse from men ignores abuse in same-sex relationships.
same reasons, really. but it seems a little silly to say women are completely unaffected.
No. 539200
>>539165I have no thoughts, I'm not a lesbian nor a gay man and don't know anything about their relationships.
I don't think BDSM is inherently
abusive (it is inherently lame and tacky), I just think many men are
abusive and BDSM is one of many ways in which they abuse women. The main problem is that it's suddenly acceptable to do so if they call it kink.
No. 539395
>>539236i know you said you're straight, so i don't blame you at all, but the way you worded that was a little weird. i don't know exactly how to describe it but it seems a little condescending.
as for a little more on-topic, i hate piss fetishists. especially ones who spread the "pee is sterile so me pissing in my girlfriend is fine" shit.
No. 545321
File: 1587716606346.jpg (54.77 KB, 720x340, 20200424_011428.jpg)

I just can't take subs seriously when they try to claim that BDSM is not real abuse/violence and they're so confident and strong outside of the bedroom uwu. How is shit like this NOT evident of low self-esteem, sexual conditioning, and a pattern of self-harming behavior?
No. 545345
>>545321God, I always hate tweets like this normalizing this behaviour. I mean, I got groomed as a kid and molested and it has had effects on my sexuality but I would never post about it on my social media because i know it is not healthy and i dont want young people to see this liked a thousand times and think its totally harmless. These retards think it is so kinky uwu to get turned on my threatening situations/
abusive men.
No. 545386
>>542261Fucking this lol. No mercy towards pornsick degenerate pickmes.
>like majority female fandomDoubt.jpg
I dunno Anon, the genuinely female fandoms I've been in are mostly chill. You seem to be confusing fandoms of (groomed) teenage girls and shiton of predatory males with fetishes who pretend to be female online. There are way, waaay more of those guys out there than you think, believe me, I used to think like you.
No. 545666
>>545455I hate how it's being promoted as a superior relationship dynamic and that people are cooler for doing it rather than having "vanilla" sex.
I have harmful paraphilias and instead of acting on them I get therapy.
No. 545786
>>545782They live in Fifity-Shades-of-Gray fantasy land where male doms are super successful assertive business men who take what they want when the reality is they're super frustrated losers who hate women.
>>545455I sometimes wonder if its because these people can only see relationships in black and white with hard rules to guide them. They don't have the social skills to appreciate the subtly of an equal partnership with a consistent give and take and so devolve into master and servant dynamics to simplify things.
No. 545789
>>545437Me too. It's like, at absolute worst it's violent and
abusive/encourages violence and abuse, but at best it's lame and cringeworthy, I get secondhand embarrassment thinking of loser males trying to act dominant. I think it's because it's babby's first fetish and that makes them seem like tryhard losers as well as perverts. Not that advancing kinkiness beyond BDSM is good, but at least weirdos with fart fetishes probably didn't get it from reading 50SOG or seeing women reading 50SOG and striving to be the dom of their dreams.
No. 546905
>>461889what is with people into the DDLG community being ugly and or fat?
I never see more attractive people partake in it. Also they really do play up fake noises, on both ends. Fake whining and fake growling in an attempt to sound more 'manly' when it sounds really fucking stupid.
Do fat girls like it because the whole LITTLE girl aspect. You know makes them feel little, small…thin? Seriously though most girls into it are fucking fat and the guys that are into are either fat themselves or very fucking ugly. I also notice how most people have standards in terms of sexual partners but these fucks go for whatever they can get their meaty hands on.
Theres one guy who does audio porn, a bag of tricks itself (it's full of ddlg shit so a waste of time), and he is all about "UWU energy" he is 30+ years old, fat with thinning hair and call himself a cat dad…that should let you know what he is all about. "Anon, sure seem invested." I wanna know deets on the person I wanna shit talk. He admits he was abused by his mom. He is into spanking, choking and eating his own cum…I guess any guy who is so into "sex positive, ddlg community is great and so rewarding." sets the alarm bells off quickly.
No. 547135
>>546905I feel like only a few years ago most of them were thin, the littles were actually little.. but in the last 2 or 3 years I guess body positivity is bringing all the fat ones out of hiding?
Some of the tags I follow on insta can end up with DDLG shite in them (gotta spread the kink far and wide by tagging totally normal tags, thanks guys) so lately I'm seeing all these chunky diaper wearing cows. Saw one today wearing a diaper mixed with fishnet lingerie.. like girl what are you meant to be exactly?
No. 547154
>>546905Yes anon, only fatties and uggos are involved in ddlg, it's never the case that attractive people get caught in these fetishes from their own repressed and traumatized childhoods.
Is this the answer you wanted? Nobody is dumb enough to think that "little" in the title of their fetish roleplay magically makes their bodies appear smoll to others.
No. 547156
>>547155chill out lol and no you didn't answer my fucking question.
I know damn well anyone of any body type gets into the community but it seems like fattys dive right into it and there are more than ever. so Low self esteem. A Lot of fatties wish they weren't fat and want to be seen as little. Any fatty fuck who calls themselves little is delusional and absolutely wants to be seen as a smoll precious bean.
further up on the board others seem to agree that the community consists of uglies. The DDLG is not a good coping mechanisms for TRA-MUH using the DDLG community will not empower you in anyway.
No. 547157
>>547156>but it seems like fattys dive right into it and there are more than everYour anecdotal perspective isn't proof that this is what's happening. I could easily sit here and tell you that every type of interview and documentary I've seen that addresses this fetish always has average people with clear mental illnesses involved, but will you take my word for it? Hell no. You're using a pretty serious topic to rally about which fatties you think are acting delusional. In reality,
spoiler alert the thin to average women who participate as "littles" don't come off as any more tiny or smol either.
You're more concerned about some fatty tricking a balding even fatter man that she's thin (lol @ this nonsense logic) than being disgusted by the fact that this fetish is about sexualizing a child and parent relationship at the end of the day.
Nevermind the fact that you must be perusing these types of content frequently enough to even have such a strong opinion. You must secretly like it.
No. 547179
File: 1588118160748.png (83.51 KB, 1212x401, why.png)

I came across this forum where it's filled to the brim with people like this and I just … have no words
It is interesting to see how these people function or what their definition of "normal" is but it's also so fucking weird
Also, the majority of them are like
>hello everyone (blushes under my fur) i wanna ask my wife to peg me
>hewo everyone i love pissing in my diaper :3
>umm .. how do i tell my partner i'm actually into babyfur/cubporn?…
No. 547462
>>547456If you were to ask any of them if they're actually gay or at least
bisexual, they'd strongly deny it so fast because t-girl dick is real woman dick!!!11!!!11
No. 547518
File: 1588186199037.jpg (782.87 KB, 1080x1817, 20200429_214706.jpg)

From an old as fuck reddit thread called "TIFU by admitting to my girlfriend that I pretend she is a giant cockroach when we have sex."
No. 547519
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I want to believe this is a troll because the idea of someone like this existing is too disgusting
No. 547737
File: 1588219836740.gif (2.12 MB, 245x281, 1457267087151.gif)

>Falk, along with several others, somehow got hold of her contact information and started hammering her with obscene mail containing various sex fantasies about the characters she voiced.Fuck me, why are furfags so weird?
No. 547971
>>461889>that picI've been getting a lot of anti-vaping PSA ads on YouTube lately and people who write crap like this really need to see those PSAs lol.
DDLG's and ABDL's tend to have horrible hygiene and bad levels of self-care. So many diaperfreaks get sick and even die horribly because of how physically unhealthy their kink is.
No. 551126
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Weebs belong in body bags
No. 551128
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>>551126destroy the whole person
No. 551430
>>551422How do you even know him? He's from a pedo forum.
I got that screenshot from the KF thread dedicated to it.
No. 551459
>>547505I hear you on that last sentence. I apply it to anyone really, man or woman.
Remind me of when I started going on a few dates with a guy. He seemed normal and had similar interests in metal, art, etc. Start getting more intimate and I find out he doesn't want to have PIV sex with me at all but rather was only interested in me pegging him. Nah, nope no thanks. He claimed he was bi but I got the feeling he was just gay and me being a tomboy was close enough to it without actually dating a guy because that's gay. (nothing against that because I am also bi but you know. Be honest with yourself dude and don't lead people on.) Also learned that his "art" was Zone-tan wannabe tier garbage and his OC was a herm devil girl. He wanted to make a living out of that somehow. That was my first real life experience with someone like that and it was so awkward. Left pretty quick.
No. 551539
File: 1588893131826.jpeg (Spoiler Image,35.41 KB, 344x269, BEC30AA8-2FA8-48F0-B7E4-A2ED5D…)

I thought this was a joke at first but idk reminds me of the movie Sorry to Bother you No. 551541
File: 1588893537398.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.39 KB, 121x125, 3c92c38facab3887856195c1982148…)

>>551539And here I thought that I'm already desensitized from everything I've seen on the internet.
This is my favorite one.
No. 551549
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>>551547This tumblr post explains it a lot.
No. 554101
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how's this for ddlg talk?
No. 554241
>>553241Consent doesn't automatically mean it's safe. I doubt everyone participating in choking fetishes are completely aware of the right amount of pressure, how much is too far, when to stop, etc. Choking someone to death is an extreme case, but depriving the brain of oxygen even in short amounts can be risky. Also how does choking (you are referring to that right?) deepen your breathing? Like
>>554127 said, you can learn how to breathe better in healthier ways.
No. 554281
>>554127i've been to therapists (including sex therapists) and i don't think my mindfulness over my breath when i orgasm is something I need to discuss with them, i also do breathing exercises non-sexually. but thanks for your concern.
>>553241you're not wrong, a lot of people who participate in choking don't do it safely or have experience in settings that show them how to engage in it safely. it's less about deepening my breathing during choking and more about pressure/building up breath.
I've participated in kink long enough and been to enough educational sessions to know how to get choked/choke safely without depriving oxygen or choking in dangerous ways.
despite what prudes on this forum will say, it's possible to engage in kink safely and it's possible to be into kink without being mentally messed up or sexually unhealthy.
not everyone needs to be a sex addicted degenerate, and not everyone needs to be a missionary position tradwife. nuance and balance exists and it's possible to have sex in ways that are healthy while still engaging in kink.
No. 554457
>>554281Yeah, because the only possible issue with sexualized violence is physical safety… the fact that anyone wants to choke or be choked is a fucking massive red flag to begin with. Even if you somehow didn't have serious mental health issues or trauma that caused it, it's still some pathetic shit that sacrifices your dignity and self respect while elevating a man to be in a position of dominance and superiority.
I will take being a missionary position prude over the sort of woman who would let a man hurt and degrade her for kicks any fucking day. Submissive women are an embarrassment and need to love themselves.
No. 554497
File: 1589629197178.jpeg (184.39 KB, 750x373, 2E67E2FC-F110-41AB-9D5F-3832B5…)

>>554281>>553241 What the fuck is wrong with you
You are either
A) extremely ugly; the only way you can get laid is by having rapey weirdos choke your fat neck to get off
B) mentally fucked
Or maybe both. Why the fuck did you come here to try to justify your gross fetish
> I've participated in kink long enough and been to enough educational sessions to know how to get choked/choke safely without depriving oxygen or choking in dangerous ways. > it's possible to be into kink without being mentally messed up or sexually unhealthy. Why would any normal person want to be choked or have restricted breathing in order to orgasm? Get a better therapist or gain some confidence or get with a regular man who doesn’t wanna put his hands on you . Calling people “prudes” because we don’t like to be strangled. Go back to Twitter, annoying ass bitch
No. 554514
>>554511It sounds like you're taking things too literally.
Ugliness is commonly used as a descriptor for general undesirability and unpleasantness, not just a lack of aesthetic beauty. Hence phrases like "Let's not get ugly" (which is a way of saying "let's not get violent", or otherwise escalate an undesirable situation to even worse levels).
Portraying somebody as super obese/ugly in a meme drawing about this topic is just an immediate, obvious way of driving home the point that it's an ugly personality trait to have, on top of adding humor value precisely because they're so exaggerated-looking. Did you think the picture should've been an anime girl or something?
I haven't met a single person who unironically thinks attractive people can't be retarded or apologists for gross shit, either, so I can't say I know where you're coming from.
No. 554517
>>554505>>554497NTA but I don't think women into violent sex are "ugly" or "sluts." However, I do think it's self-destructive behavior that may be indicative of a deeper problem. Plus I feel like women who are into that are vulnerable to be exploited by actual abusers– it's literally teaching men that violence is sexy and okay. Women have literally died from choking during sex. I have no idea how someone can look at a woman who enjoys being choked and
not think, "wow, she has serious psychological issues."
Why is there such a strong stigma against autoerotic asphyxiation, but not against other "breathplay" or choking? They're both self-destructive behaviors that shouldn't be normalized.
No. 554519
>>554514>an immediate, obvious wayAnon I get what you're saying but I disagree because this is my point entirely right here. It's "obvious" because clearly people associate literal ugliness with bad character. It's a real phenomenon. If someone drew the meme attractive, coomers would interpret it as encouragement. Trust me I wish cringe kink memes would go away entirely.
Anyways I didn't intend for this to go so ot I feel like it's enough that I stated my piece so I'll just bow out now.
No. 554654
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>>554530>Implying that "good sex" needs to involve shit like anal and chokingSo what you're basically saying is that you've never actually had good sex.
No. 556484
>>554455no, but calling anything that isn't missionary under the covers in the dark where some anime husbando is caressing you while whispering sweet nothings into your ear "mind destroying" and harmful DOES make someone a prude. again, nuance exists, and y'all seem to think anyone who DOES engage in kink is automatically some kink extremist degenerate into whatever ddlg or coomer strawman you fester over in your mind.
>>554470where did this anon say her orgasms were mind destroying? y'all are just proving the point. it's possible to be attracted to your partner, have great mind blowing orgasms, AND participate in kink.
>>554497shocking relevation: people have kinks. that's why people want to be choked, or spanked, or called names during sex. try having sex sometimes and maybe you'd get it.
No. 572822
File: 1592681040609.webm (2.6 MB, 640x1138, 1592679436312.webm)

Why would you do this shit in public
No. 584904
>>583085Not all foot fetishists would actually touch or lick a foot in real life lmao you know how many people don't wash their asses or underwear?worse,don't even wipe!
Men who want to "eat" a woman's ass are repugnant,degenerate,freaks,I hate the culture revolved around big asses ew
No. 587436
File: 1595327544618.png (64.58 KB, 819x274, 1105kevviepregkink.png)

I will never NOT be disgusted by men with pregnancy kinks. Even gay men who wanna be 'bred', it's so fucking gross. It's even gross when the male wants to make someone else pregnant. Just an all around degenerate kink fetishizing pregnancies. Yuck.
No. 587541
I dunno if this is really a kink but I find licking/sucking ass extremely gross and I can't really understand why anyone would want that or wanna do that to someone. I don't care if you had a shower, swear on your life it's super clean etc, you're still putting your mouth on an ass. Where shit comes out of nearly every day? Fucking gross. How did that get normalised exactly
>>587436Omg this fucking guy lmao. Have you read his thread on Kiwifarms? He's said even more disgusting and creepier things than this believe it or not
No. 587556
>>587541 > you're still putting your mouth on an ass. Where shit comes out of nearly every dayAs a bisexual woman I have moments where I question why exactly nature would put our vag and our assholes so fucking close to each other. Like I only each pussy in certain positions because I don't want my nose to be in someones asshole, even a freshly showered one.
Meanwhile every guy that I date wants to rim me for hours despite the fact that I personally gain nothing from it. I don't get it.
No. 587605
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>>587541For one, it feels good.
Secondly, yeah, I wanted to eat my bf's ass so I got
A. Super duper wasted to where I didn't think about sh*t
B. Made him shower and watched him scrub with soap and ate it right after he got out of the shower.
C. Added peanut butter for taste and texture.
In the same vein it's like forcing myself to eat a food I don't like but boy did he cum buckets instantly
No. 587615
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>>587541I've had a man give me a rimjob but I think it was mostly hot cuz he was completely uninhibited abt it. Like, I would've declined to return the favor if asked lol
No. 587623
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>>587616your disgust amuses me.
I am degen, I know
No. 587634
>>587623go to /g/ or something jesus
adding peanut butter, gag
No. 589011
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Anons, I genuinely feel like crying right now. Can't there be a single space safe from the invasion of degenerates? They are everwhere and so proud and so vocal, they genuinely feel like their subhuman tastes are normal. The worst thing is, that they already succeeded in brainwashing way too many normies into accepting that too.
I'm not even really part of any fandoms, only a tiny subreddit about a books series I like. Somebody else started a conversation about how much she hates a sex scene added to that novel for fanservice - that sex scene being straight out rape. The amount of other fans who defend the author's fetish to death is insane, I thought that all of us are teen girls and young women who like romantic stories? "People are allowed to like things in bed, let's not kinkshame" "Uhm that character actually liked it, if that wasn't the case I'm sure they would've stopped" "I'm actually a dom and bleeding is completely normal". That person getting "fucked" while begging to stop was a virgin, how could they know what they like beforehand? I also made the mistake of criticising porn (because somebody said "just admit that y'all hate porn")… It's just so sad, can't I have nice things? I'm so disappointed in them, I really would've wanted to stay there but now I'm likely getting downvoted to hell. There's not a single site on the internet that isn't perverted, whether it's reddit, twitter, tumblr and so on.
Maybe I should switch to those cheesy romance paperback novels for middle aged ladies, I bet they have nice sex scenes, but where do they discuss those? lol
No. 589018
>>589011So real. I’ll admit I like my spicy things here and there, but…the real nasty shit like you described and the obvious shit like “watersports,” scat, extreme bdsm, and pretty much anything of that caliber and above of degeneracy is just unpleasant! I don’t get it! You probably don’t have to resort to those frilly paperbacks, though I do actually know people my age (mid 20s) who like reading that sort of erotica. If you’re into fanfic, just delve into the fics of author’s stories you like, mind the tags, and you’ll usually be fine. I’ve found so many sweet and still sexy works out there. Ugh, it’s not all bad—just a lot. I’m sorry, anon.
No. 589040
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On the topic of erotic literature.
I'm always so annoyed when I stumble over erotica that seems decently written until it reaches the sex part. It's like a horny demon takes over the writer and within the course of one paragraph the penis has entered three different holes, the woman has "exploded" ten times and there's for some reason a stranger in the corner dousing himself in gasoline and setting his dick on fire while watching.
Like slow the fuck down. How did we even get here?
No. 589259
>>589018>>589053Thanks for the sympathy anonettes.
I also don't have anything against normal sex scenes, I'm not a total prude, but it seems as if "vanilla" barely even exists anymore nowadays.
Maybe I didn't word it correctly but despite being disappointed in the author (who's actually female too) I don't really have a problem with the books themselves, there are hundreds of chapters without anything happening, I could just skip that extra scene. My problem is that I would've liked a community to "discuss", e.g. when there's an open ending for certain characters etc. But knowing just how degenerate the majority of those people are, I obviously no longer want to be part of that.
>>589040In that series it's similar, probably thousands of pages of tender romance and suddenly boom they're on the floor screaming. Seriously why? Do authors think they must add those scenes? Do they realize just how badly written they are in comparison to the rest of the story? Or do they force themselves to come up with a plot just to finally be allowed to insert whatever fetishy shit they actually wanted to write?
>>589059Sadly, I'm very certain that these people really are women or even underage girls, they're simply brainwashed to accept extreme kinks as the new normal because not being inclusive is seen a worse than the sweet male lead suddenly turning into a monster.
No. 595719
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I can’t anymore 1/2
No. 595720
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No. 597896
>>597879nothing of this kind I swear.this is why I was puzzled myself.unless jojo videos from parts 1-3 count kek
also those are the keywords
>muscle, flex, flexing, rip, ripping, tear, tearing, shirt, sleeve, destroy, hulk No. 598391
File: 1596751162395.jpg (33.47 KB, 358x310, 1472709167779.jpg)

>>597896> unless jojo videos from parts 1-3 count kekThat is 100% why this was recommended to you, anon.
No. 617370
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>>617341kek, he also says that any one who partakes in DD/lg is a pedophile. It's really reassuring to have an actual psychologist state the obvious.
No. 617440
>>617418I can't put a finger on it. The way he expresses himself, how he writes, he doesn't really sound like he knows what he's talking about. So many spelling mistakes (even words that are almost the same in German), so many vague replies, evasion of certain questions, the uneducated and ill conceived phrasing of many of the replies. He talks in a lot of extremes, throws random statistics out there, his answers to some good and interesting questions are so empty in substance. The way this person writes makes me think of a teenager who is larping as a psychologist after having spent a full week in the Epstein rabbit hole.
I can't say that this is fake for sure, of course. I don't buy it though.
No. 617915
>>617440I agree with you anon
>can't even spell psychology (would be Psychologie in German, so he has no excuse to mess it up that badly)>germany = eastern europe??>informal lingo for things that a psychologist should know how to express in a more precise waysounds like larp.
No. 622354
>>622303I have a fetish that I don't like sharing but I can clearly link it back to my uptight parents shaming something when I was a kid. My fetish stems from basically my mother overreacting and screaming her head off at me once over something completely mundane. I hate that fact
From what I've read alot of fetishes come from either childhood shame or a frightening experience.
>>622325I mean all he really had was abandonment issues. Dead bodies can't leave you ..
No. 622410
>>622325Should’ve specified I meant that Dahmer when he was exposed to dead animals during his development he became fascinated with them.
No. 632757
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i think this is cute
No. 632888
>>622303One look at 4chan shows that this is a pandemic but I never see it mentioned anywhere else, most normal girls don't even know about it which worries me. Bring back mainstream kinkshaming
>>622367Doubt, if that was the case he would have tried to make dolls or wax statues or something instead of just killing people
No. 632963
We are really defending/excusing Dahmer ITT
>>632757Why are you posting this in the kinkshaming thread jfc
No. 633282
>>632963No, we aren’t “really” defending Dahmer in this thread, take a very clear joke.
Probably has sometime to do with miniaturization as a kink.
No. 640670
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>>640646I used to draw eroguro and i was kinda with that online crowd a few years back. Personally i cant stomach RL gore and i mostly enjoyed it for aesthetics. So unless the artist is actively endorsing/romanticizing such violent acts i wouldnt worry about it.
No. 646428
M/F anal is pure degeneracy and I hate the way modern porn and media made it mainstream
>>646369A huge percentage of men who like getting pegged later troon out. No thanks
No. 669885
>>669867Talking about porn like a part of normal life has sadly become normal. Except now if you mention it's an uncomfortable joke, you're not just a "prude" but also shaming him.
To add my own. The beauty of digital remote education now is that there are plenty of memes born out of people leaving their mics and webcams open accidentally and saying dumb shit in the middle of a lecture. But of course, some young guys just see the opportunity to show off their dicks to a whole classroom, and these also get shared around like hilarious accidents, so their exhibitionist selves are obviously over the moon. Like yeah, dude, I believe you entered the call with a cam, put it on the floor, and just happened to pull down your blanket from over your naked lower half and then keep your dick in shot while you struggle to turn off cam. Please castrate yourself.
No. 669984
>>669947holyshit anon what a fucking disgusting coomer i hope they kick him out like wtf? I dont get how people can not see that is not a joke and they are being used for his fetish ugh.
On my daily life when someone comes with this porn jokes memes or whatever i just shut them off and shit on their whole existence i dont like it and i dont care how my reaction makes them feel honestly it drives mad how this stuff is so normalize porn jokes and sexualization of minors.
No. 716330
>>716291I've stumbled across some weird gay shit before where alot of their fetishes revolve around around smells or 'man musk' Smells that go way beyond what most would consider pleasant. Unwashed assholes and dick cheese. Letting their hygiene go to shit (actual shit stained underwear being the worst I saw) and then huffing their own stink while jerking off.
As a gay woman I can't say my own scent or juices do anything to excite me. Kinda has to be someones elses and kinda has to not be shitstains or the smell of long unwashed body parts. Men have to take everything to the absolute extreme.
No. 718730
>>718625What I wonder about men with an aversion to outies is… do they ask women about their set-up on the first date? Do they let it get to the bedroom and just cross their fingers for an innie?
I'm gay and have somehow only been with innies… but you don't know what you're going to get in advance and it should be a pleasant unveiling the first time you see it, not treated like a dreaded toss of a coin
No. 760518
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Many fetishes have roots in childhood. Is Animorphs the culprit behind transformation fetishes?
No. 781296
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No. 781470
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>>781313I also took a peek and found this. I feel so bad for this woman cause this is clearly her way of grieving, but this is so bizarre No. 781765
>>781470If heaven were real does this woman honestly believe that scat fetishes accompany you into the afterlife and beyond? That he's watching over her and enjoying her shits still??
I've grieved before, I've been in a weird headspace from the shock of it happening suddenly but this is still.. Quite the find.
No. 781979
kinkshame me, anons.
i have a fetish for priest porn. i dont watch it that much anymore cause im not a coomer and dont look up porn regularly. but in my hormonal days it was my thing, gay priests, heterosexual priests, priests on concessionaires, priests with nuns. one i dont watch are priest and altar boy shit, it does make me feel icky. but im not saying im above to those who watch it, its the same shit. watched a vid in middle school and it fcuked me up. i dont watch it now, cause i dont like consuming porn often but if i watch one i will legit get off immediately.
i will never in my life tell a sexual partner about this, its my gross little thing, its so embarrassing i dont tell my partners. also, i dont come from a religious background whatsoever. my mom was christian my dad was atheist and i grew up atheist and im still to this day and do not know anything about actual priests and never seen one irl
No. 782083
>>781979I was raised catholic and I feel this. I don't even consider it shameful tbh. Like I'd gladly tell a partner about it. Irl I think I've met one priest that was actually super attractive. They're usually all gross, old.. or gross and old. Or pedos.
Some of the priest porn out there is pretty hot though. I do enjoy some unrealistically attracive screen priests
No. 782108
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>>781979What is it exactly that gets you going though, anon? The religious subtext, d/s dynamics or?
I have a thing for men in long robes and that includes priestly clothing. Not sure where I got it from, probably anime or video games.
No. 783456
>>670838Simply call them a degenerate.
Or you can say stuff such as "this would make your mommy proud". Remember that moids have that weird madonna/whore complex, they enjoy seeing women as whores, except when it's their mother or daughter. This is very useful to know to shut down malicious moid behaviour.
No. 783742
>>670838Keep asking them to explain stuff. Just constantly ask why. And don't do it in the annoying way. If they insist you're pulling their leg, try your best to sound absolutely genuine. "Wait, no I'm serious? I genuinely don't understand"
works for most topics
No. 787860
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>mommy suicideI don't really even have words for this one, it speaks for itself. Don't know how I'm supposed to respect men. No. 840781
File: 1624920557644.png (1.1 MB, 2876x2504, m4f posts.png)

Can we talk about erotic roleplay audios? All of the M4F audios have BDSM power imbalances–they're overwhelmingly maledom with a few sprinkles of malesub and a droplet of switch or no BDSM term at all. Women seem to like these or else they wouldn't be the top posts on the subreddit. you wanna listen to some then the link is here. Picrel is the all-time top M4F posts based on upvotes. To show the difference in what's demanded I highlighted red for Mdom and
abusive/"kinky" shit and blue for Msub. As much as I think men overstate that women like "kinky" sex, I think a number of women also are 'into' it. I've seen more than a few posts from men who can't find a girl that doesn't wanna be choked or spanked.
No. 840796
>>840781I don’t know if you knew this but These are also popular with anime audios as well unfortunately. What’s kinda worrying is that there are obvious teens in the comments of these things. A lot of them involved choking, and name calling. I have no idea how anyone gets off to this tho lmao. A lot of it is so corny and you know the dude doing it is unattractive.
Tbh If my favorite anime man called me a slut, I would end his life.
No. 840798
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>>840781The one time I went to an audio porn subreddit out of curiosity I heard a clip from a man roleplaying as an executioner in the salem witch trials. I hate kinkfags so much.
No. 840856
>>840781So what would fix this , have more male sub audios ?
have more audios done well with scripts written by women for women ?
personally I'd like to just remove all the shitty Dom and uwu types of posts and then whatever left is rated fairly.
No. 840865
>>840856>So what would fix this?>first Make sure kids are not allowed in such servers/subreddits at all
>secondStop with the shitty violent fetishes, there’s plenty of that bullshit out there, the market is over saturated, there’s probably nothing new to make since it’s repetitive as fuck with the same retard going “g-good girl” like an absolute tool while he thinks to himself that he’s a sex god or some shit.
>thirdCreate more content for women by women or at least thought for actual women.
>fourthYeah, more sub stuff would be nice, and more audios with actually normal prompts that won’t make people cringe to oblivion just by reading the fucking title.
Of course, that will never happen but it’s nice to think about such things changing for once.
No. 840871
>>840865>>840865>Make sure kids are not allowed in such servers/subreddits at allI don't really visit those subreddits much but I assumed that is enforced or I would hope so at least.
>Stop with the shitty violent fetishes, there’s plenty of that bullshit out there, the market is over saturated, there’s probably nothing new to make since it’s repetitive as fuck with the same retard going “g-good girl” like an absolute tool while he thinks to himself that he’s a sex god or some shit.Yeah I don't even listen to those just hear for the halfway decent subguy
>Create more content for women by women or at least thought for actual women.I think checking for scripts and who wrote them can help with that but again reddit is oversatturated with guys so its tough to sort through the river of shit
>Yeah, more sub stuff would be nice, and more audios with actually normal prompts that won’t make people cringe to oblivion just by reading the fucking title.But my monster boy can stay right ??
>Of course, that will never happen but it’s nice to think about such things changing for once.Its a nice dream to imagine anon
>tfw no shy asmr bf No. 842584
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No. 842705
>>840781This is the worst one I've ever heard kek I love listening to these and laughing my ass off
24:40 is iconic hahahahaha
No. 845319
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>but anon kinkshaming is bad mmkay
No. 846081
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Same OP as
>>840781, I found a community even worse than GWA called r/DarkSidePlayground which is a community of exclusively "kinky" aka fucked up audio porn. Lots to unpack here: notable user on this community is beloved for his realistic rape and kidnapping audio and his occasional necrophilia. He sounds like a wimpy comedic relief character in a straight-to-TV children's movie which makes it all the more unsettling. I can't believe any woman would listen to this wtf.>>845348>>845962Glad you liked it anons, here's his reddit account that I managed to find just the other day! course he likes BOURBON No. 876256
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This just sounds really fucking cringy and autistic, "I looked at him with my pure alpha Domme energy and he knew I was in charge" I mean so many kinksters (male/female) always end up coming across as weird and sad with these posts about themselves
No. 876598
>>876256You browse /g/ and that mild post is what bothered you?
I want to kinkshame Ko-chan. Go outside a bit please.
No. 876773
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>>876598She is still going strong.
No. 876884
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Idk how anons can keep encouraging her when she's so fucking disgusting. Every time I read one of her posts I have to go wash my hands.
No. 877086
>>877010this is so fucking funny
No. 879896
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As fun as it is to post big pec himbos, I find things like this repulsive. ESPECIALLY when lactation is involved. Gay scrotes are something else.
No. 881739
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No. 881799
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>>881748I'll hold him down for you anon.
No. 899204
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>>884898More on that.
They're probably all 20 or so
No. 916482
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Is it just me or does anybody else feel like strangling in like crime shows/movies is way more prevalent now? I know violence against women is completely normalized in this genre, so, as sad as that is, that doesn't even faze me anymore, but I feel like it really had an uptick after the surge in popularity of choking, which leaves an extra bad aftertaste for me, and makes me suspicious that it's just put in there for sexual gratification of the director.
No. 916746
No. 928675
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Man beats up woman, woman ends up consoling him.
BDSM is mental r*tardation, you can't convince me otherwise
No. 928700
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>>928675absolute brain rot. These retards need therapy asap
No. 928726
>>928675He hurts himself with his actions, it's literally masochism.
But we know BDSM people are not logical or smart, so nothing new.
No. 931039
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based neighbor
No. 931044
>>931039Why do /pol/tards need to yell "nigger" to cum??
Pity the pickmeishas who choose to date them.
No. 931110
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This is from a Fallout:New vegas mod, it took over 8 years making this mod and even had some professional voice actors in bit roles and they choose to include shit like this
No. 931156
>>931110>>931139There's a segment of this mod where you have to console/recruit a woman who was a former NCR ranger who was captured by the legion, had her arm cut off, made a sex slave and was "mindbroken"
like jesus fucking christ
No. 931248
I'm the one anon who said she visits LGBT groups and meetups in her city for the sake of research and oh my god.
I hate how pornographic influences have hijacked children. The kids in these communities will just say shit about their sex lives out loud, as if it's a race to have the kinkiest sex. They're clearly doing it because kink is now synonymous with being progressive: the kinkier you are, the more politically noble you are, and so on.
Kinks have become a form of political praxis. To jack it to furries is to raise a middle finger to prudish, boring traditionalism. It's so fucking vapid. So many progressives love to pretend that pornography consumption isn’t still overwhelmingly male. The suggestion that “women can be into porn now” is synonymous with announcing that women can be into sports, be video gamers, or skateboarders now too. We have collectively decided that the adoption of any masculine traits—no matter how unfavourable—is always a positive sign of female liberation’s progress, and as such, the female consumption of pornography is seen as just another positive example of women’s lifestyles expanding to fill the male world’s volume. I fucking hate it. I've seen women think that their distaste for being choked constitutes a problem with themselves.
And holy FUCKING shit I hate this obsession with femdom and "please step on me mommy" bullshit. It's all an expression of male progressive guilt. The man trying to de-fang his sexuality because he now considers it problematic. They look to lesbianism (the feminine attraction to women) and copy all of its aesthetic desires to seem more progressive and cool: advertising how you love women with muscles, or women in menswear, etc. It's all fucking guilt. Orgasm as absolution.
I hate all of this shit so much. Indifference to pornography is seen as indifference to sex itself.
No. 931253
>>931248The way I wrote this made it sound like I was calling lesbianism the feminine attraction to women, what I meant to say is that lesbianism constitutes an attraction to women which isn't driven by male sexuality (which is what these guilty men want to erase in themselves)
But they don't know how to erase it, because you can't. They can't just fucking see women as active, conscious actors in normal sex. They have to do all these fucking role reversals to scrub sex of all its inconvenient political suggestions.
No. 947597
>>947587>>947588You lucky bitches.
Clicks…oh, a chick with a butt plug in, lovely.
she pulls it out - wait, there's something on it-
Pulls it up to her mouth and eats it-'s shit.
Happy Saturday anons!!!
No. 976058
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I hate it here, oh my god
No. 976060
>>976058How can
anyone type all that out and not think that maybe there’s something wrong??
No. 976644
>>976058the horrible thing is, I'm pretty sure that even this completely degenerate list is actually a reddit-friendly false flag, because
>braces, gingers, and occasionally DD/LGmeans that this guy's 100% a pedo as well
No. 976679
>>976670 BDSM is some white people shit and popularized by westerners/white people
Africans and Asians hit their kids all the time (not to the point of beating them to a pulp obviously) but most dont turn out to be sexual deviants.
No. 976680
>>976679>asians don't turn out to be sexual deviants all the timedamn, I just realized I'm racist
I'm also not wrong though, we've all seen japan
No. 976684
>>976680Japan is like 1 example out of what? Like 40 countries in Asia?
Do you think the average person in Mongolia or Kazakhstan is jerking it to tentacle hentai? Ameri-tard shows she dont know shit about the rest of the world, again.
No. 976775
>>976696Tragic. She’s pickme enough to ask him and tolerate him being a coomer and she tries to get closer to him and he says ‘pissing in assholes’ is what gets him off.
If that woman did not run the second he said the word gape she’s almost dumb enough to deserve it.
No. 978364
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People who want to get fat on purpose and damage their health.
No. 978365
>>978364You know, when it comes to fat people, I'm happy when they want to lose weight for their health even if it takes them a lot of guts (pun not intended) to put down the fork and be commited to a weight loss routine. There's plenty of reasons why a fat person might be fat, like abuse and addiction, not just hormones.
But reading this shook me. Just, who the fuck would even want to be fat to jack off to it????? Disgusting.
No. 978716
>>978364I can't imagine too many women having this fetish, when it's so mainstream instead for people to be dieting and starving themselves into unnatural thinness.
At that, I'm sure these women all want the 'upsides' to weight gain like bigger boobs and asses instead of the typical downsides like unsightly flab and cellulite.
Someone who wants to look like My 600 Pound Life is just mentol.
No. 1007921
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No. 1020846
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>>1020757Stop falling for obvious bait
No. 1033621
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If you've been raped you have the right to publicly speak about your fantasies of raping and murdering other people. Okay. Got it.
No. 1037639
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This type of thing happens constantly. Accusations thrown around. Apologies made. It's a cycle that repeats over and over again. Who would have thought that amongst a bunch of people pretending to be child molesters and rapists the real thing would be lurking? As someone else said probably two years ago in this thread most of the female identified participants in this kind of thing do it to self harm. Behind almost every account I find like this is an obviously suicidal person. They make frequent announcements about wanting to end it on their own which is all Twitter really cares about, those get deleted quickly. Posts about wanting to be violently raped and have your throat slashed are mostly ignored though.
No. 1037954
>>1037947I think it's about feeling old and insecure when with younger guys since those types of women are scared he'd go for a younger and more beautiful woman? I don't get why women date older men either but I think it's mostly rooted in insecurity, the delusion that older men are more mature and ready to settle down, etc.
Also the internalized misogyny and thinking he's more likely to be in love with her because she looks better than other women his age and classic pickme shit.
No. 1039047
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Of course this dork who spends all his time tweeting about "dominating chinks" and posting WMAF porn is a libertarian. I am not the least bit shocked.
No. 1039084
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>>1039076Even more so on his pfp
No. 1039486
I hate men with a mommy fetish and submissive guys in general. It's just an excuse for a man to be a lazy lover.
>>1039484I'd rather date a guy with a weird fetish like pee than a bisexual guy that might give me aids.
No. 1040401
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Really? You can't believe the hate you get when your entire account is dedicated to hating your own race to extract money out of pathetic scrotes? You're shocked when it comes back at you?
No. 1040431
>>1040401she's not wrong though
No. 1040510
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>>1040477Submitted without comment
No. 1040524
>>1040401>>1040431>>1040510Honestly the funniest part about this is the fact that only the lowest value white guys seem to go after these women, the type of white men she fantasies would never go after her
only the fattest porn rotted white weebs go after asian women, any man or woman into raceplay of any race is bound to be subhuman in general though
No. 1040543
>>1040537> think a lot of the time asian women are almost as accepted as white women in western beauty standards. That might be true for the US (where a lot of the white yellow fever losers reside) but in Europe, it's different.
Otherwise I agree with most of your post.
No. 1040546
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>>1040537low value white guys fetishizing asian women has been going back since the 20th century, also its more that black men fetishize white women rather then vice versa(There are some white women who are definitely into black guys but the amount of black guys who into white women is disproportionately higher)
No. 1040560
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>>1040556I mean at one point Sessue Hayakawa a Japanese American was considered a sex symbol in America, mostly cause he was considered exotic and foreign, the whole thing is just kinda stupid
also funnily enough in was Tenda Spender(a half asian guy) who spammed blacked 24/7 on 4chan and redidt cause he had some complex against his own father
No. 1040564
>>1040551You think Arab Sheikhs and Nobel's who bought and sold European and African women as slaves and wives even understood about the concept of fetishism, they liked "exotic" women
hell even now African women are enslaved in Arab nations and often sexually assaulted by their Arab masters
No. 1040579
>>1040572half agree, you shouldn't bash/exclude someone for their race but its stupid to ignore certain cultural aspects of your own race and others, I'm likely never gonna marry a guy of my own race cause 90% of them are Muslim and the few that aren't are often racist and just degenerate coomers
I might find a guy of my own race who might not have the usual baggage but I'm mostly realistic
No. 1073945
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No. 1101983
>>1101973They are the outliers and failures of evolution. A lot of fetishes concern things that humans have adapted avoiding in order to survive. From piss to shit to vomit to necrophilia. Even anal.
Our ancestors had a reason for being homophobic tbh. Biologically certain activities are dangerous therefore dirty, but now there are condoms and healthcare so it's less risky. Kinda calms me to think about how humans are animals as well, and these kinks are just byproducts of our brains fucking up. I'm pretty sure it's always as a result of some impactful experience, usually in childhood, sometimes from porn (in which case it's much easier to overcome the fetish).
No. 1111174
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No. 1111210
>>1111174is this legit because i would 100% do this
i'll crush feeder mice with my barefeet
No. 1111290
>>1111241This. I think killing mice is too much but killing bugs? Seriously?
Plus depending on where and how you live and which horrors you've seen, killing mice doesn't seem that bad compared to having to avoid starving to death. In a truly desperate situation I think it would be preferable to selling your own body.
No. 1111293
>>1111290I grew up in a literal third world country with high crime. You can sell oranges, sew, live with family members, etc instead of abusing mice or other small animals, or even insects. Job opportunities are scarce but not impossible. There really is no excuse, just pieces of shit making excuses on this earth kek. Just like cartel members who weren't actually forced, just edgelords with no concern for human life
Also, FYI, most animal torture rings are also linked to child pornography rings. The same women who can kill an animal on camera also lack compassion for children and other human lives, to no one's surprise
No. 1111298
>>1111293>I grew up in a literal third world country with high crime. You can sell oranges, sew, live with family members, etcYeah? Me too.
But no, that's not what I meant by "truly desperate situation". I mean something worse than that, where you literally have to choose between dying (or letting another person die) or killing a mouse. Though I doubt that anon is in such a situation, I was just saying that there are cases where you have no choice but to do cruel things like harming animals to survive (not because it brings you pleasure)
No. 1111322
>>1111305Okay? Did I ever say anything that contradicted that? Of course I didn't.
>doing this just allows sickos gateway pleasure into more fucked up things.Unfortunately sometimes you just can't avoid doing unethical things like this. Most, if not all of us can choose not to kill an animal for perverts who get off to it, and thankfully we don't need to think about whether we'd do it or not, but I'm not talking about us. The people who have no choice aren't responsible for the system that has forced them to do things like that, it's all I'm saying.
And if you're poor and can make easy money stepping on some bugs, obviously it's going to be tempting. I don't like blaming poor people for being desperate for any money they can get, but apparently you do.
>>1111308>Most aren't in this situation whatsoeverSee above. Actually, I said the same thing you did, that the OP can most likely choose not to do it.
>If they're that desperate, they'll either end up being coerced into selling their body regardless (if they weren't doing it before and later found out there's a market for "niche", illegal acts), or they'll be worn down until they have to do more and it gets worse and worse.>Anyone who's truly done these things against their will to survive doesn't defend it or even want to have those acts defended. They just want to forget, not tell anyone and never return to it. If they try to tell you otherwise, wield it as a "woe is me" weapon or brag about it, it's a massive fucking red flagAgain, I never claimed the opposite.
No. 1111326
>>1111322People who have done this aren't the choiceless
victims you're pretending they are, and you don't just magically run into someone who offers you animal abuse for money if you're poor enough like a genie in a bottle. Anyone who's actually seen this shit and how it functions won't whiteknight the way you are right now.
Do you cape this hard for the adults in poor countries who make money off shit like Daisy's Destruction? Because it's the same fucking people 99% of time. Just quit, stop trying to virtue signal
No. 1111345
>>1111326>Anyone who's actually seen this shit and how it functions won't whiteknight the way you are right now.>Do you cape this hard for the adults in poor countries who make money off shit like Daisy's Destruction?Point to where I actually defended the system, the scrotes who get off to that shit, or the ones who create that kind of pornography. Or even where I defended people who would abuse children for money. I'll wait. But you can't because I never defended any of that.
You just keep blaming poor people for wanting money since everything is about money and you need it to live, and they would do something like crush bugs on video for who the fuck knows what or who. I don't want people to keep feeding human trafficking or animal torture rings but I wouldn't blame someone for stepping on a bunch of cockroaches for money because they need it, either (even though I would never do soemthing like that myself since I know what it's for and who makes those videos).
Is it that hard to understand?
No. 1116656
File: 1648604516010.png (Spoiler Image,466.51 KB, 582x689, disgust.PNG)

>furries/petplayers having gay sex in a public sex shop
No. 1436220
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I have awful news.
Went down the twitter degenerate rabbithole as a form of self-harm and found this alleged FTM zoophile who claims she discovered her dad is also a zoophile in the worst way possible. Hoping this is all fanfic but I'm blackpilled on the ways of men that this is easy enough to believe.
No. 1436229
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>>1436220I don't want to live on this planet anymore
No. 1436231
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>>1436220It gets worse. She "came out" to him as a zoophile and he's going to show her the ropes or something. Whatever the fuck that entails can't be good.
No. 1436235
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>>1436231Now they are conveniently getting two male huskies (favorite dog breed of zoos). I'm not only worried for those dogs but also for what kind of dark pipeline this relationship is gonna be going down.
No. 1436250
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>>1436240She's also a minor. I'm trying to report the account but Twitter makes it difficult to specify the exact reason when it's promoting harmful paraphilias. Fuck I just saw this also
No. 1447049
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>>1447027I remember when the YourMovieSucks guy, who's very open about attending furry conventions, tried to argue that animals can totally consent, since they fuck each other too, and you can't prove they suffer. And if you murder and eat animals, you should be able to fuck them too, because murder is worse than sex. And that's a fucking public figure kek, I can't imagine what discussions go on in private discords.
No. 1515196
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Futanari. I don’t care if it’s not technically troon shit. I just stumbled upon fanart of my husbando getting assfucked by a catgirl with a macropenis and I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
No. 1515241
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Bald fetishists
It's so bizarre to me, the only thing that makes sense is that maybe they get off to the idea of humiliating/"defeminizing" women or something but then i found out this moid who just simply uploads videos of a coomer game with a bald mod he made.
What is the appeal?? How does this even become sexual? Is it something they find comforting because men start to become bald once they turn 20?
No. 1524098
>>1524085I'll take the bait. I'd say his dick was above average though as we know the average penis is disappointingly small, so normal sized. Was content with his size and dick game. Like
>>1524073 claims, normie straight women prefer PIV and that's at least true in my case, so I wouldn't really let him eat me out. Feels bad, but hopefully he's with a woman now who's able to appreciate this side of him lol.
No. 1524160
>>1524146Anon if you're
>>1524126 you said I'm a lesbian just because PiV is physically uncomfortable for me and I like oral more. I never said women can't orgasm from PiV, moreover, pretty sure many lesbians use fingers and toys so they're able to enjoy penetration too. You're either trolling or you're simply retarded.
No. 1524990
>>1111229/u/ stinkyjobthrowaway
1500$ a day for getting farted in the face
No. 1528728
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No. 1718245
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They call her abusive in the comments but I just now they would defend a wifebeater, would call him "kinky".
No. 1746475
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Gen V is a new superhero show and it's completely retarded. One girl has the superpower to become small and her one night stand has a fetish for it. Obviously she agrees to do it and becomes his cumrag. They don't even have normal sex…
No. 1746495
>>1746489Are you a moid?
This is the kinkshaming thread. If you have nothing bad to say about kinks then go and suck off your dumb porn addict moid.
No. 1746567
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Behind the scenes.
This pickme is so proud.
No. 1746603
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>>1746475This show has crazy dialogue.
No. 1746663
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>>1746475>>1746501Between showing a minor watching porn and the “tiny women” fetish I’m afraid we’ll have to call picrel.
No. 1795577
File: 1701384442506.gif (8.8 KB, 220x191, bored.gif)

Everytime I search for fan art of my favorite characters (even with Safe search on) I see diaper fetish shit from Furaffinity,DA and Twitter..every fucking time.. worthless subhumans all of them,fuckin pedos.Google isn't worth shit anymore.
No. 1834467
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whatever the fuck this is(from the bad/hideous fetish art thread)
No. 2040868
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>>2040798did you mean to post this in the Things You Hate thread??
No. 2044639
>>2044615I get her point though.
Penetrative sex shouldn't be a norm because it hardly serves any purpose except pleasing moids. Normalize men only rubbing the clit and then hiding in a corner to jerk off on his own.
No. 2045040
>>2044837>pulling the "but I like it!" libfem cardlike I get it, piv can feel nice with the right person. but it's just not good to encourage male recklessness, and piv without first ensuring a moid has taken the steps to sterilize himself for your protection is reckless. it rewards males for performing below the bare minimum (the bare minimum is ensuring he has removed his ability to get women pregnant or has adequate resources set aside to provide for any woman unfortunate enough to get pregnant by him or any children that result.)
>>2044900it's the effect of endorphins from pain-causing activities. "subspace" is basically runner's high except instead of coming from healthy exercise it comes from letting some unwashed greaseball flog your butt.
No. 2050238
File: 1718475956325.png (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 2508x1950,…)

>>2050219Sharing it because if I have to suffer then everyone else does. The whole evolutionary dominance thing is just hilarious if it weren't gross.
No. 2050240
>>2050235honestly I like the idea of
pegging men just to hurt them sometimes. just in my fantasies but it counts.
No. 2050243
>>2050219if a moid asks for anal i will
give myself worms and then shit on his dick and one of the worms goes into his bladder because that's lovely intimacy
No. 2050271
>>2050267it's child slang for butt, i've never heard it where i'm from though so maybe a strictly US thing
basically a moid calling his ddlg gf's vulva her private special ittybitty princess parts
No. 2056912
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All of this over some fursuiter wearing sandals lmao you can't make this shit are inherently pathetic.
No. 2056918
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This is why I wish r/ABDL and other repugnant subreddits were taken down.what a worthless,waste of oxygen,anyone who is into diapers is a pedo.all of them don't deserve to screwed up must you be to let this happen to you???
No. 2057054
File: 1718859329685.png (96.06 KB, 720x378, Tony_Richards.png)

A comment from a weird "Dominant Woman" Facebook fetish page.
No. 2057064
>>2057054Reads like a shitty spambot, although
>butt worldmade me laugh
No. 2057132
>>2050212I feel you nona. I hate how I'm forced to look at people's naked feet whenever I go outside during the summer. I'm mostly used to seeing my friends and family's feet but strangers feet? no thanks. wear some fucking socks under your sandals you whore. ESPECIALLY men because they often have the nastiest crustiest feet imaginable.
I also really hate seeing hairy toes. I have no problem with most body hair but hairy toes make me sick. Absolutely disgusting
(derailing) No. 2063354
File: 1719325666193.jpg (199.79 KB, 850x1176, 1000035786.jpg)

Traps are such a retarded concept, someone into traps is just into being lied to
>Oh I look like a woman but I'm actually a moid!
So what? It's just idiotic, would someone also be into being told something like
>I look healthy but I'm actually terminally ill and I will die in a few months!
Because it's literally the same, plus you have to be really fucking faceblind, like autistic levels of faceblind to not differentiate between a man and a woman, even the ridiculously skinny ones are obviously their own sex, the only way it works is on fantasyland where men are drawn like women and women are drawn like men, and where everyone has such simplified, flat features thay it actually becomes hard to know what is each one.
But suspending your belief to the point of thinking that an anime boy looks exactly the same as an anime girl and going "ohhhhhhhhhhhh this girl is sooo pretttttiu" standing side by side, is so idiotic, if anything, it feels like the authors are just calling those into traps/reverse traps absolutely retarded, and that they would never be able to differentiate between a real cop and a 50 cents fetish cop.
It just looks dumb as fuck, I want someone to tell me the mental gymnastics that goes through her/his head when looking at a trap and how you even keep the arousal when the story progresses and everyone already knows that the character just wears clothes that are marketed for the opposite sex or that are just comfortable stuff that anyone would wear irl like pants and a jacket.
Hell, at least nazi shills are literally into the uniform and power dynamics (still cringe though). But trap lovers are into being seen as a fool and being lied to.
No. 2063456
>>2063380This, “femboys” just look like underage boys. It does feel misogynistic that they want a female-but-not-female-actually.
>>2063354It reminds me of the men obsessed with that Gio girl. Obviously female, but for some reason they get off fantasising that this is a boy.
Slightly unrelated but TiFs are always obsessed with femboys/traps for some reason.
No. 2073928
File: 1719862010959.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.56 KB, 1463x2048, 1719776544955.jpg)

repost from fetish art thread on /m/. how does one even realize they're into something like that. what triggers this (1/2)
No. 2073930
File: 1719862054751.png (Spoiler Image,185.63 KB, 1000x1000, 1719776648053.png)

>>2073928bizarre. incredible (2/2)
No. 2114910
Been thinking recently about what it is that sets my teeth on edge about fetish clothing, and I've come to the conclusion there's something fascistic about the whole BDSM thing. There were "sexy" lingerie stores in Europe prior to WW2, but they sold frilly nightdresses and corsets and the like. After WW2, soldiers came back and then the "leatherscene" kicked off in major cities. There has to be a connection to Nazi uniforms at play, specifically the Gestapo's leather coats and rubberized materials that were used a lot in the war. It's so strange that the whole community is filled with "progressive" libs, considering every facet of BDSM is so explicitly fascistic? Someone is in dominant charge, there's an underling that is degraded verbally and told what to do. "Master", "slave", whips, chains, it honestly sounds like these types are hankering for a plantation. Wonder how these people square the contradiction between their allegedly "equality"-based politics, and the very real hierarchical dynamics involved.
No. 2115143
>>2114910Yeah, with shit like leather, latex, uniforms i understand it as it feels 'special', even people with a healthy sexuality can get it. But all the slavery imagery? Recently i came across a book discussing 'black women and fetish' (written by a black libfem). It focused on 'depathologizing' kink (wow, such a pressing issue in 2024), not even adressing the constant reference to slavery in BDSM gear and practices. It felt very strange because i expect degen white leftists to look away since they hold kink and male sexuality as something sacred, but black leftists?
>considering every facet of BDSM is so explicitly fascistic? Exactly. You have to be an idiot to not see the connection between the two, it's all about worshipping hierarchies. Weird RW extremists are also very into BDSM, but at least in their case it doesn't go against their professed ideals of equality etc. I guess nothing can get in the way of male boners to progressives, even if it results in schizophrenic rhetoric
No. 2117017
I love all the anti-BDSM posts here.
Recently my retarded ex tried to text me again and after a couple friendly messages he suddenly brought up some topics that he knows nothing about and I had so much to rant about. One of these topics was BDSM and "uhhhhhhhhhh respect women's freedom to choose how to live their lives", "as long as they're consenting adults!!!!11" and "uhhhhhhhh if you don't like it just don't do it! it doesn't affect you so why are you so mad about it?!" except it DOES affect me because those women and that fetish do not exist in a vacuum, they influence society and are themselves a symptom of systematic issues that mostly affect women, including me. But scrotes are incapable of understanding and empathizing because their boners get in the way. And on a less general note, the women who get into BDSM are subs most of the time and the vast majority of them suffer from BPD or some other disorder and mental illnesses due to trauma. Scrotes might find it ridiculous that everything seems to be related to trauma, but it's just that prevalent and common among women, moids will just never get it because they weren't born with a vagina. Anyway, how does the normalization of BDSM
not mean a worse future for women? "Consenting adults" my ass, it's a woman with severe issues diving head first into a sea of abuse because she has no self-love left, and a male with higher than usual sociopathy taking advantage of her. Anyone who defends BDSM as harmless or even """""therapeutic""""" (KEK) is a certified delusional porn addict and is probably coping about their own issues. I especially hate that everyone and their grandma these days is trying to make this kind of fetish look acceptable by "depathologizing kink" like this anon said
>>2115143Kink is fucking retarded and dangerous and being so much into it is indeed some sort of pathology that doesn't help any of your purported causes AT ALL
How is allowing self-hating sexual abuse
victims to reproduce their trauma over and over going to help anyone? I also fucking hate how those demented wokeoids think "vanilla" is an insult. Why should I be proud of wanting to be choked to death during sex? And this is somehow considered "queer", therefore part of the LGBTQIA++++++++, which means it's
good and the opposite is bad. So fucking disgusting and non-sensical, there's no damn reason why kink shit should be considered on the same level as being homosexual. Being gay isn't wrong, but fetishizing hierarchies, pain, abuse, etc. very obviously is. Kinksters act like porn-addicted imageboard moids when they see someone else share their fetish and call them "based", kink defenders automatically consider all kinds of depravity a good thing and normal sexual relations as bad because they find it personally boring or "heteronormative" or some bulllshit excuse. They just want more people to share their fetish.
>>2116976Normalize moids eating pussy during periods
>>2063354I think I saw this artist on Pixiv or something one day. I thought it was so obvious it was drawn by a scrote but I couldn't quite tell why.
>I want someone to tell me the mental gymnastics that goes through her/his head when looking at a trap and how you even keep the arousal when the story progresses and everyone already knows that the character just wears clothes that are marketed for the opposite sexI couldn't tell you the appeal of reverse traps for women (for moids it's a different story), but the appeal of traps for scrotes is that they consider it degenerate. That's literally it. Moid fetishes are always due to men being turned on by what they know is wrong and depraved. Add to that the fact that traps not only are a sort of "it's against nature for men to dress like women" kinda deal, but also traps and the bishoujo they're drawn as have childlike features.
>>2057054>beautifulOf course it's always about the moidgaze and the woman being the object, never the other way around, not even with pathetic "masochistic" scrotes like this one. The moid always has to control the fetish/relationship/situation whatever and everything has to cater to him and not to the woman.
>>2063380What peaked me about moids and planted the
TERF seed in me was seeing trapfag moids constantly talk about tranny rights, pornography and finally pedophilia. It's all misogyny and pedophilia after all.
Ever notice how Boku no Pico, an explicitly
shotacon anime acknowledged by everyone as such at the time, used to be seen as the worst kind of degeneracy in anime and used as shock material, but after traps and trannyshit exploded in popularity, it's now considered regular "trap" content? lmao
No. 2117463
>>2117061>You don't feel safe when someone ties you up and spanks you against your will.Exactly this, by normalizing kinkshit they're normalizing violence. How the fuck is that a good thing?
What I don't get either is why the hell these people are so terrified of being seen as "vanilla". They push so hard for every fetish ever to be considered "queer" therefore the same as being gay. For what reason are they so obsessed with being "queer"?
No. 2117625
>>2117061>>2117017Also tired of the "missionary piv in the dark solely for reproduction" / BDSM (unsurprisingly most of the time dominant sadistic male with submissive masochistic female but even the other way round it's extremely male gazey because ofc it has to be) dichotomy being perpetuated. It's really bleak how BDSM is shilled to women who are fed up with unsatisfying most "vanilla" sex tends to be (it's the phallocentrism luv) instead of, you know, actual clitoral stimulation… Legit deranged how mainstream "sex positives" a few years ago talked about hetero cunnilingus for like a whole minute and then all of a sudden very conveniently it was pegging and rimming that gained traction, along with even more extreme maledom ofc. The clitoris is so erased and devalued even in so-called "sex positive" discourse it's genuinely depressing. The truth is that penetration often does not feel that amazing for most women and instead of pretending otherwise (or that it's the "vanilla" part that is the problem and not the phallocentrism of even most "vanilla" sex) in order to feel "sexually liberated" we should actually promote actual cliteracy.
>it's not gay to like sadomasochistic leatherplayYou tell that to them and they'll just show you sadomasochistic leatherplay gay moids as proof that "kink has always been queer!!!" like these two groups happening to have some overlap really means anything. It's like those furfags who insist that hating furries is homophobia even though most furries are straight moids who want to fuck Gadget Hackwrench or Rouge the Bat. It's just that straight moids are so used to female characters being by default unnecessarily sexualised even regardless of species that they're basically NLOF, after all it's totally normal to coom over anything with tits, amirite
No. 2117760
>>2117463Thought the whole "handholding is kinky" was a overrated shitpost, but the more I examined it, the more I realize the inherent insidiousness of the meme. It posits that being normal and wanting normal wholesome sex is analogous to their degenerate goonbait.
>>2117625A moid would rather be stomped to death than find the clit. I hate this timeline.
No. 2119675
>>2119065Not only that but those books always have such awful writing too. Content aside, aren't you ashamed of admitting your standards for literature are this low when you're an adult?
No. 2119878
>>2119677A lot of these books are based on terrible relationship dynamics though. Majority of the male leads are
toxic and moody at best and actually
abusive at worst. So many of them have these elements of female lead fixing male lead. It’s not exploitative like real porn but I don’t think it’s good for women at all. It’s just another form of indoctrinating women into giving themselves up in pursuit of trying to make some loser moid stable.
No. 2120220
>>211967550 Shades Of Grey and its consequences. Seriously I heavily blame the 50 Shades series for why BDSM and fetishized violence against women is such a big thing now. The entire series just sent the message of “it’s ok for a moid violate a woman’s boundaries, coerce her, do some of the most depraved acts imaginable to her, and essentially use her as his plaything so long as he’s rich and hot” which Christian Grey isn’t even imo cuz in the movies he legit looks so baby faced and uncanny
No. 2120597
The point isn't whether shitty dark romance makes women believe it's real goals or not, it's that being into it so much in public and turning it into your whole personality is cringe and not the kind of behavior that deserves to praised. I've never seen these people reading any other kind of literature and when they do read it (which is just other type of crappy YA romance) they judge it to be "too vanilla" as if that's all they can value in writing.
No. 2120605
>>2119065When I first heard about them I thought they were like… edgy but harmless? Idk like a vampire love story. Or a forbidden romance (
NOT incest but think Romeo and Juliet). But then I find out a ton of them have rape and shit and… idk nonas. It isn't as bad as porn obviously, but it genuinely disgusts me that other women are into that. The worst moment of my entire life is someone else's "sexy" fantasy. It's a very gross feeling to realize that.
No. 2124353
Well, I read the whole thread…. This slob fetishism, that's new and had me laughing harder than anything else ever did. I think it fried my dopamine receptors and even made me wonder if perhaps that's how the fetish starts in the first place, which is the only reason I'm not looking for more of that literature b/c it was honestly amazing. Everyone should hit CTRL+F, type slob, and read that post in here. So good, worth the entire 2 day read.
2. I don't get how DDLG is supposedly rampant everywhere while in my experience it's about as rare as ABDL, but furries and cartoon child porn seem everywhere to me. Maybe you're using the wrong platforms…. Maybe get off DeviantArt, instagram, twitter, dumb subreddits, and the other dumb social media platforms you find that shit on. I unfortunately run into the furries/kiddie hentai on steam and twitch and can't avoid it.
3. TIL that 18% of "straight" ppl have experimented with scat in some capacity and now I want to die.
4. Why does it seem like so many in here who apparently view themselves as feminists have a moid's view of PiV? It's like they think sex is what you see in porn - a dick going in and out. That's not real sex in my experience… it goes all the way in, stays mostly all the way in, and just kind of grinds against the clit with the base. That's normal sex, an angled grinding motion, not an in-out thing where your clit just gets hit. I don't think it's usual for anyone to cum from the in-out motion (except for obviously the guy). If a guy starts doing the porn thing with you, maybe learn to say NO and show him how it's done. If you don't want him to cum anywhere near you, tell him to finish himself off in the toilet. He'll prob get off on your bossiness anyway, or quickly learn to. Humans are adaptable AF animals, especially guys, ESPECIALLY when it comes to what turns them on.
No. 2124424
Oops, I almost forgot to contribute to this thread, how selfish…. Has anyone ever heard of a deli fetish? It might even be a joke, perhaps a parody of absurd fetishes, it's unfortunately hard to tell b/c so many real fetishes are so absurd, funny, and/or gross. The bottom of the rabbit hole of this fetish involves the idea of being force-fed rotten deli meats like ham, pastrami, and cream cheese until your body becomes mostly deli meat and magically tied up from neck to feet, at which point you end up hopping around trying to lick others with your bloated and diseased tongue, which will cause the same process to happen to them, eventually turning the entire population into these "delitized" zombies. I had to read the word "delitized" a few times before I even understood what it meant. Deli + itized.
It's even funnier b/c this guy, "Rafe15," who popularized this, doesn't speak very good english. It's clearly not his native language, as instead of saying "eternally," he says, "foreverially" and sometimes shortens it to "forevially." He says it a lot. you think this one's real or are you as clueless as I am due to the absurdity of other fetishes?
No. 2124495
File: 1722968397509.png (117.08 KB, 1012x782, disgusting scrote.png)

Polyamory is disgusting and I wish these subhuman trash would keep their disgusting lifestyle out of mainstream media. It is becoming normalized to cuck on your SO. The fact that this worthless obese insulin resistant dark necked balding scrote felt comfortable enough to make this post pisses me off. I hope he catches a nasty venereal disease that kills him
No. 2124508
>>2124444I'm guessing you don't understand the instructions to hold CTRL and press F. It's the find function. Hold the CTRL button on your keyboard and press F. A window will pop up. Type, "slob" in that window. It will show all instances of the use of the word "slob" in this thread. Click through until you find the funniest post of all time.
If that's not what you were talking about and it was something else you didn't understand, then you'll have to clarify, but I don't see what else you could have misunderstood.
>>2124407I would never say that feminists think like that…. I asked why so many ppl who view themselves as feminists IN THIS THREAD have the same view of piv as moids do. I was lowkey calling them out as moids larping as feminists but didn't want to come off as concern-trolling.
>>2124428I'm currently going deeper and unfortunately coming to the same conclusion. Instead of laughing my ass off, I now feel pity for him and even a bit guilty for laughing at a mentally challenged person. I wish I hadn't continued, I thought that shit was so funny. Completely ruined it. My mind is still kind of blown by the fact that it's really the loser's fetish.
No. 2125050
File: 1722991660356.png (29.69 KB, 545x330, OR3c02s.png)

what the fuck
No. 2125526
>>2124353point 3 is 100% based and correct, thank you anon
>>2124508>I was lowkey calling them out as moids larping as feminists but didn't want to come off as concern-trollingyeah… nope. no point in scrotefoiling when there really is such a bleak amount of actual confirmed biological women who have internalized the patriarchal notion that penetration (especially piv) is and should be the main definition of sex. A lot of self-professed online radfems who are rightfully against porn, prostitution, BDSM etc. draw the line at piv criticism because apparently that is "too extreme" even for them.
>inb4 "but that's how we reproduce!!"OK and…? humans are a sociosexual species, most sex we have especially nowadays is not even meant for reproduction, why put yourself at risk of unwanted pregnancy when there are other ways to have sex and also avoid that, and are also more likely to physically feel good to you? Does piv even feel that good for that many women or did you too just fall for the "piv is the one true main form of sex" meme? A meme that spawned from patriarchal religion demonizing all kinds of non-reproductive sex and especially the women who engage in it, mind you.
Speaking of, it's time to admit that most wannabe "transgressive" coomers actually have way more in common with the "puritans" that they pretend to be "sticking it to" than they want to admit, they both define sex as penetration and/or female degradation. No wonder so many so-called conservative/"trad" moids are actually terminally porn addicted behind closed doors, because in fact porn not only does not actually clash with conservative views of female sexuality, it actively validates them because porn in itself was inspired by such views. When "trad" scrotes say they want "pure virgin waifus" it's the Madonna/whore complex speaking, and it actually doesn't take much for the "Madonna" to be knocked off her pedestal and become a "whore" in the eyes of moids, but of course never the other way round.
tl;dr you cannot truly be critical of porn/prostitution/bdsm without also being critical of piv being seen as the ultimate standard of sex and the phallocentrism resulting from that
No. 2125643
>>2125526PiV IS the "normal" sex. Look at literally every single other species of animals - the most common sex each of them has is the sex that leads to reproduction. You could argue that there's no point in reproduction of this filthy species as a misanthropic anti-natalist and I couldn't logically argue with it, but you can't really argue that PiV isn't by far the most common sex in every species that has penises and vaginas, and is therefore the most "normal" sex by definition. It isn't a "patriarchy" thing, it isn't the agenda of anyone - it's in every species and I can't think of ANYTHING more natural, common, and normal. Just b/c something that you prefer is less normal doesn't mean you have to be in denial about it. Just admit you're less normal and stop being in denial. Why would you even want to be normal? Average IQ is 100 and ppl are barbaric, religious, and kill over it. Fuck normal ppl.
Also, your conclusion that PiV being the standard of sex leads to phallocentrism doesn't logically follow. PiV can absolutely be centered entirely around the woman and in my particular relationship it is - penis cums in the toilet after the female cums. Sex also only happens when the female wants it in my relationship and what the male wants doesn't matter. I'm talking about it in the 3rd person purposefully b/c I don't want anyone to know what's between my legs as that is irrelevant and even being curious about that is moid-brained. I'm sort of baiting moids by wording it the way I do. I know it's still weird to say it like that but there's really no reason you need to know my sex.
I believe that if you see PiV and think it's "focused on the dick," you're probably projecting. That's what YOU are focusing on. I'd argue that it's more commonly focused on the female b/c she usually gets the foreplay, she's usually the one to be approached for it, it happens on HER terms and if it doesn't then it's RAPE and illegal and the moid will go to jail where he will be raped 100 fold. Totally female centered. Male centered sex sounds narcissistic and disgusting to me. Like he's going to pathetically beg for it as is usually the case, work so hard for it in every way he can, then expect to be the star of the show? What? No way, that's absurd and unnatural.
No. 2125661
>>2125643>you can't really argue that PiV isn't by far the most common sex in every speciesI can because surprise, surprise, this is actually not even true! Especially in primates, our closest relatives, such as bonobos.
>You could argue that there's no point in reproduction of this filthy species as a misanthropic anti-natalistI'm literally not even arguing that. I'm just saying that there is not much of a point in having PIV unless actually actively intending to get pregnant.
>calling non-piv clit stimulation "foreplay"so close, yet so far
>I know it's still weird to say it like that but there's really no reason you need to know my sexlmaoooooo go back
No. 2126892
>>2125661You assumed that I meant clit stimulation when I said foreplay. That's not foreplay. Just b/c bonobos sometimes go down on each other that doesn't mean that most commonly, it's not PiV (it is and that's the case in our species as well).
I see you like to parrot the lifeless degens in 4chan, "go back"? I guarantee that a moid was the first person to say that. It's a 2 word sentence with an average of 3 letters per word. Clearly moid caveman shit, and in your case, also parrot/sheep shit.
>>2125660Imagine comparing the best sex to cancer b/c you don't know how to have sex.
>>2125647PiV, even when shown in (non-porn) movies, is a grinding motion, not an in-out motion as would be the case with a fleshlight.
>>2125677BJs are literally already out of it. Female already gets everything she wants and nothing more. Male actually wants mouth to vagina more than female in the case of my relationship. It doesn't matter that you don't believe this, your moids just suck at sex and don't aim to please.
>>2125695If male, doesn't want to be banned. If female, doesn't want you to know. 100% moid that I'm responding to btw, don't know why I'm doing it.
>>2126121Are there any examples of hilarious erotic literature written by a looner though? You can't really get into their heads through a 2nd hand anecdote. It's the absurdity of the headspace that keeps me laughing. Honestly your example just pisses me off though, it sounds to me like he needed her to be an ignorant, stupid, scared little girl b/c anyone else couldn't possibly end up even talking to that smooth-brain moid and it needs to be realistic for his unimaginative ass.
No. 2126941
>>2125703Forgot to address this one, paranoia has nothing to do with it. My relationship is a 6 year marriage and I know what both parties in it would think of everything in this thread. I could easily be either one of us and say this same shit. It simply doesn't matter what's between my legs and focusing on that is moid shit. Males can be feminists just as easily, it's a mindset. Why should anyone NOT be disgusted by the fact that males are paid more for the same jobs? Also, it doesn't take a woman to look at female leaders' track records and favorably compare the tranquility to shit like WW2. Women very obviously make better leaders and anyone can admit this regardless of what's in their pants. Being a feminist requires nothing more than a functioning brain. Actually, okay, it does make a difference what's in my pants. See, if I were the male, a bunch of you would assume that it's simply a fetish of mine to pretend to be female like a crossdresser or you'd assume that I'm into femdom. If I was the male, to even mention it would almost validate those assumptions, but I'm done talking about sex in here unless it's to laugh at someone else's kink and/or psychoanalyze it (unless the kink is adjacent to a humiliation fetish in which case I'll simply ignore). This thread was getting derailed.
So, back on topic.
You're not going to like this one, it's the opposite of funny…. Breast Cancer Fetish: link is to a forum discussing the fetish site, not the actual fetish site. The actual fetish site seems to have disappeared, but I bet you could access it through the WayBackMachine. I kind of hesitate to hit reply here…. I know I'm going to do it eventually…. I'm so, so sorry….
(blogging/derailing) No. 2127752
>>2126968LOL, "if you don't count sex for reproduction, then PiV isn't the most common!" Irrelevant, we're not only looking at recreational sex, we're looking at all sex. The only reason to take any kind of sex out is to make your argument easier, ridiculous. We're also not counting all foreplay as sex b/c not all foreplay is sex. The fact that you have to manipulate the meaning of words to continue arguing proves you wrong. Recreational sex is sex and not all foreplay is sex - go argue with a dictionary now. The mental gymnastics ppl will go through before admitting they're wrong. Pathetic.
>>2127037There's a difference between something that happens to have been invented by a male (usually b/c it was invented in a time when females weren't even allowed to be scientists/engineers), and something that only a brainless caveman could come up with like, "go back."
No. 2128478
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Does anyone else find safe horny to be no different than unsafe horny? It always came off as forced, like a overcorrection for the long checkered history of typical beauty norms. If people liked them young, safe horny people liked them old, if the liked women to be dainty and weak and men to be sturdy and strong, reverse that and have the women be a muscle mommy whereas the guy is a defenseless femboy. Rinse, repeat, and safe horny enters the world in a trojan chariot towards new demented horizons. I'm sick of seeing it in every woke space I've been in. A woman with the slightest hint of muscle will have comments demanding they break their necks in a act of lust while older women are being called mommies regardless of relationship status. Pickmes will do the same but for bara and older men or meme themselves into porn induced bisexuality and proclaim their "love" of women. They never say they likes pussy or just wants sex. It's always divorced from any desire to initiate intercourse let alone actual foreplay. I often wondered if these people experience arousal. They have to. A lot of weridos have odd taste which naturally preludes some form of sexual gratification but I feel none of that in all the safe horny content I've witnessed. It's as though any hints of sexuality are scrubbed in favor of bdsmesque interactions, further reinforcing their broken mental states.
No. 2128491
>>2128478I hate safe horny. It's no less dehumanizing than regular horny, just obscured in a veil of "empowering".
>nooooo it's not objectifying to comment "step on me mommy" on some rando's instagram photo, wym? it's a compliment! just take the fucking compliment you ungrateful whore!!Although maybe I'm just sensitive because I hate when any moid expresses sexual interest or preferences unprompted (nobody asked you boy, now get back to the salt mines) and I hate how women have begun to express interest in a very moidy way because that's all they're exposed to.
>It's as though any hints of sexuality are scrubbed in favor of bdsmesque interactionsLike usual, males poison everything they touch and corrupt it into some kind of power play.
No. 2129207
>>2129182I mean if according to comments like
>>2129173 it’s mostly women into watching other moids do it to each other but still I view that like being into gay incest, like sure you didn’t normalize moids hurting women but you’re still fueling their degeneracy. I’ve seen a few women say they wanna do it to a moid
many on lolcow believe it or not but I don’t get it, like it’s not only disgusting but where’s the romance factor? It would just make me anxious I’m about to rip his dick apart, so I don’t see how it’s romantic unless he gets off on seeing you stressed. The fact women are into it is the same as women into rape play, just cuz some women wanna be open about getting down to the moids’ level doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be disgusted by it
No. 2129727
>>2129378The Cure's Disintegration is the greatest!
>>2129216It's a masochist thing, if there's pleasure it's only from pain.
>>2129376I've seen dominatrixes do that to guys online, it's baffling. Woman: He'll hurt himself for me, what a turn on! - Insecure as fuck. Moid: Look, I'll do anything for you! - Pathetic as fuck. That's all there is to it. I think if they realized that then they'd get over it, what's baffling is that they don't know the implications of their own fetish. There is def a high in getting someone else off but when she's only getting off b/c he's proving he'll hurt himself just to be in her vicinity and this proves how great she is, it's just pathetic and insecure.
No. 2133428
>>2133395I can get maybe just tonguing and licking the outside of it but going
inside is just a no, it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, an asshole is an asshole, there’s gonna be shit inside of there. That’s why so many gay guys still wear condoms. You can clean the outside hole but you can wipe and douche the inside of your ass all you want, shit will be in there no matter what
No. 2139428
File: 1723840233875.jpg (287.26 KB, 1080x1100, animal crossing porn is for se…)

Speaking of nintendo coomers this post about Animal Crossing sums it up perfectly
No. 2150211
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what part of this makes someone go “oooh fuck yeahh”?
No. 2150253
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>>2150211bdsm michelin man?