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No. 1518678
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No. 1518721
File: 1678333527903.jpg (287.69 KB, 1110x982, gym moids.jpg)

No. 1518724
File: 1678333876165.png (46.7 KB, 1089x378, moid poetry.png)

No. 1518729
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No. 1518742
>>1518678You mean to tell me I can get moids to stay the fuck away from me without having to ruin my body? Count me in
>>1506368What does this tweet even mean ??
>They lied because they didn't meet their quota for for onlyfans (I assume?)>They feel humiliated and ashamed >They then blamed Tate for not meeting their onlyfans quota>Therefore all women are weak and stupidIt almost seems like word vomit written by a 4th grader. So many questions to make this make sense. Aren't Andrew Tates only female supports cam whores? Do they think people just started calling him misogynistic for no apparent reason? It wouldn't surprise me if Tate made social media bots to support him, which would explain so many of them make zero sense
No. 1518744
>>1518742Yes, lets keep on eating and enjoying it,
No. 1518856
>>1518721ngl he's right, the only retarded part is when he thinks women are in the wrong for not considering a short man's feelings when she posts to get a tall man's attention.
>She's not thinking about the billions of guys who aren't 6'4 that might get upset about thatROFL who cares? Not everything is about you. But yes fully made up duckface pick of a stranger is fully narcissistic. The funniest part is that men feel like they are Sherlock fucking Holmes for figuring this out.
No. 1518866
>>1518803>>1518851It took me until my adult years to realize just how much of male takes are full on projection. Just look at this one
>>1518729 for example, men are obsessed with social capital and reputation and would rather kill their wife and children than go through the humiliation of divorce yet they really claim it's actually the women who don't care about things beyond social status.
No. 1518869
>>1518866Well I hope you're in a better place now.
Nonnie is right, we shouldn't take these screenshots too seriously since they're from 4chan.
No. 1518872
File: 1678349274163.png (594.72 KB, 1500x3719, moid take on feminism.png)

No. 1518885
>>1518876>>1518882this is a hylic moment
Why would wages be lower with fewer people to work? Wouldn't this make wages higher?
No. 1518915
File: 1678356236952.jpg (391.82 KB, 690x829, image.jpg)

>>1518872What always gets me with this people is do they really think that in the past women didn't work ? Like do they picture medieval women being enclosed in their house instead of working in the field ? The immense majority of women were poor and have always worked.
No. 1518983
File: 1678363623614.jpg (96.78 KB, 828x838, 1674462359764581.jpg)

>>1518979The far too common reaction. Go beyond your base instincts to run away. Not one of you has successfully refuted any of the points in
>>1518872We're anonymous users posting over the internet. You can't muster the courage to speak up here?
>>1518975I love how you outright admit that you want to go back to a time where women still worked the same labor as now but instead rarely got paid or couldnt own anything.
You and your kind really are parasites. Mentally retarded parasites. You dont even realize that you are giving us fresh examples of moidtakes right here and the moid is you.
>>1518983Schizo ramblings are not points, GO BACK SCROTE.
No. 1519003
>>1518721Attractive women taking selfies of themselves is the bane of moids existence. This woman has demonstrated that well. Though I find it a dick move to take photos of others without their consent, this single photo pales in comparison to the amount of perversion moids have over women's bodies on a daily basis and constant surveillance they have over all women as he's demonstrated in this unasked, retard analysis.
This woman is clearly poking fun at a pathetic ugly short cunt, there is no deeper meaning to this post which is justifiable. She also is attractive though which spells a spiralling crisis in the moids mind. We have no way of knowing if he is striking poses vainly like her caption suggests, but regardless we can all laugh at his pathetic short stature, his bulging ugly ogre face, his old face, his receeding hairline and oversized disproportionate inflated hammy limbs that look like inflatable water wings. I see why this photo stokes such a strong response in moids; it shows that the incel mythos is an exercise in futility. By making this comment he has exercised just as much "shallowness" and obsession with bodily appearences as the woman who posted this picture, if not more because he has attached his own narc analysis of two complete strangers. This moid in the photo has exercised, strengthened his body and done everything he can and yet he is still unattractive.
He is still worthless and deemed less than a fickle-posting, gym going, selfie taking pouting lips womans opinion. Her opinion is worth far more than is ever will be by these moids own admission, as demonstrated by this moids post. He is so worthless that even the moids posting to defend him have completely lost the plot and are instead engrossed in her beauty utterly; her cuteness, the fact that she isn't appreciating of him and is mocking him (rightfully). No matter how many weights moids will lift, and how many moids will "go their own way", mock women and dehumanize them on a daily basis they will ultimately seethe and cope themselves into believing it is the attractive womans fault that everything in their life is a failure. "It is her fault that I am obsessing over her beauty like a product to be consumed". They have it engrained In them that a beautiful woman existing is somehow their entitlement and is a fault. That we should not appreciate her beauty honestly, and she should be shunned and ashamed for mocking a ugly male while being proud of her own beauty.
She is shallow despite you not knowing her at all. She is cruel and mean despite the mass amounts of cruelty that moids express on a daily basis and have made careers out of, but one attractive woman taking a photo of a hogbeast dwarf male somehow represents all women. While this short ham of a man represents all males; he is the helpless pathetic underdog as you've made him. All moids are him, he is apparently not vain but we don't know this either. Either way the shallow vanity of the argument is irrelevant, it is a red herring. The obsession of the womans beauty itself is what upsets these moids, it is a paradox they have trapped themselves in. To see reality; that an attractive woman has standards and that they find her attractive.
In all this it is nice to see that this photo with a one line caption and a single crying tears emoji was enough to set off a fucking fuse of poor grammar, childish thought processes and upset the short fag moids in this thread as well as no doubt a million other moids with fragile egos. I thought women were shallow and only cared about their appearences? yet this entire post obsesses over this attractive womans beauty then proceeds to argue and imply that the moids obsessing over her beauty are not shallowly obsessed in the same way she is.
The lesson to be learned from this post is to keep going strong as women, keep humiliating, embarrassing ugly, cringe moids. Draw attention to their cruelty and hideous appearances; they are weak and will cherry pick everything to make women look like they are to blame for their failure in life as failsons.
And remember that peak moid intelligence is calling a full grown woman a girl like an infantile child then proceeding to shallowly obsess and sperg over her beauty while simultaneously getting angry at her for flaunting her beauty to the detriment of ugly, fat, short, old, gym bro moids.
No. 1519010
>>1518721So, women are obliged to care about the feelings of millions of manlets. Meanwhile, men are fine when they do the same thing describing what traits they're attracted to, outright bashing women who don't have them, making shitty graphs comparing specific women to each other like bargaining chips, calling women "butterfaces", etc etc.
These men can dish it out, but they really can't take it kek.
No. 1519049
>>1518721Why are men so stupid? Women constantly make fun of ugly and creepy men like this girl is doing and that's not bad at all when you compare it to what men do to women they find unattractive.
I swear nothing upsets men more than a hot chick saying a guy is ugly or looks in men matter. They wanna pretend looks don't matter because they're men and therefore they can score any hot girl if they trick her well enough.
No. 1519068
>>1518678I genuinely believe being fat is mostly genetic. All women in my family up to their late forties are naturally super skinny and none of them did any kind of hardcore sports or anything. They also eat normally and mostly eat fastfood and stuff so his points make no sense.
That's why I'll never shame fat women, like yeah overeating is usually the reason but like most women who overeat in extremes have some sort of trauma or issue that causes such behavior. Whilst for men, the fat men tend to have worse personalities and usually tend to be arrogant, rude and unhygienic compared to average men. They're fat because they spend their time playing retarded games and eating whatever the fuck they can find instead of going out and doing physical activities which is their nature.
No. 1519082
>>1519080Nta but sperm ages worse and after a point, women can't have babies whilst old men still can and the babies they have will be very likely to have birth defects or a cluster of mental disorders.
The disease that's chance increases with older mother is downs which can easily be detected and aborted whilst older men's autistic, schizophrenic or mentally disabled babies can't be detected by any tests.
No. 1519104
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No. 1519564
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No. 1519582
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No. 1519764
>>1519584>>1519582I've actually been selected for jury service and got on a case as a juror which was neat experience. I don't study law formally, the extent of my legal knowledge is the two lectures on the jurisprudence I went to with a friend studying law however I still think it's a neat experience that elucidated how the court system works in my country.
It is my opinion that courts favor criminals because the criminal justice system is set up as such; that the accused are innocent until proven guilty within a reasonable doubt by a jury of their peers. Within a reasonable doubt means evidence must be convincing to the jurors. If a case has insufficient evidence then the accused is pretty much automatically found as innocent, if the evidence doesn't align exactly with the
victims story then they are ignored and once again the accused is found innocent.
The jury has little control over this process, the judge has little control; they only preside over the case and ensure the lawyers aren't being too deceitful and the case goes as planned. The lawyers have little control over this both the defence and the plaintiffs, they only present what they find is convincing evidence which again since it is set up to benefit criminals the defence nearly always has a more convincing argument; the abscence of evidence.
In cases like sexual assault it's no wonder the outcome is always shit for women. The assertion that "courts favor women" shows a mass lack of life experience and the critical thought capacity of a retard. Courts favor perpetrators/the defence which are usually surprise suprise moids.
No. 1519789
>>1519584This. My sister's ex terrorized them, hit her, hit the kids, has violated restraining orders, was caught on camera shoving her, but is still granted visitation rights for a few hours a week unsupervised and his lawyer is trying to push the "parental alienation" crap
MRAs literally pull shit out of their ass and the collective male population thinks their rights are under attack. Even though moids give no fucks about rights to children, they only want to duke it out in court to stress the mother out and to taunt her by taking the children.
No. 1521287
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No. 1523816
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No. 1526372
>>1519564>first argument is semantics/etymology bullshitfailing to form a coherent argument literally in the first sentence kek
>next argument is another fallacy, calling the women they sleep with "whores" while the man is not a whore even though he is the one who sleeps around in this situation>>1519582>Men value puritytrue
>a woman who sleeps around has no valueonly true in the opinion of moids but taken as a fact because scrotes think their shit opinions are the only ones that matter ever (naturally, since it benefits them). They're saying a woman's worth is only in their virginity, while men are exempt from these standards, apparently. I guess that's why they're all shit fathers and shit husbands and they only care about spreading their seed like a wild animal even when they're supposedly committed to a relationship. That's why no woman wants them but these retards fail to realize it. Moids should be held to the same standards as women and be valued for their purity, funny how incels rarely suggest that.
>>1521751>What is the point of moids posting this shit over and over again?Infinite cope
No. 1526374
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No. 1526385
>>1526374God redpilled incels keep saying this shit in social media comments. The wall is 25, women peak at 25, if you date a 25+ woman you got leftovers, only young fertile women are beautiful, etc etc. Then they say men peak at 35+ and age like wine. But at 35 and over 50% of men get erectile dysfunction and lose potency so i dunno what they're on kekk they get
triggered if you say this to them kekk
No. 1526389
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>>1526374its not females going to turkey for hair transplants thats for sure
No. 1536048
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No. 1541521
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No. 1541523
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No. 1541527
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No. 1568186
File: 1683255393804.jpg (76.31 KB, 1024x484, incel_logic.jpg)

This woman didn't even mention having sex with strangers. Moids literally make themselves sick by obsessing over trivial shit like a woman taking birth control.
>>1526374Then can he tell me why so many men are depressed, suicidal, and go on murder shooting rampages
because they're so lonely and only become morelonely as they get older?
Men are such a meme lmao
No. 1568381
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No. 1569304
File: 1683379451217.jpeg (105.29 KB, 1170x802, IMG_7520.jpeg)

Nice mother kindly posts about a mood boosting herbal blend recipe for all of the postpartum mothers who’ve just been through extreme physical trauma and are continually having to get used to feeding their babies using their literal bodies, the same body that just cellularly constructed and gave birth to a living breathing human being
Some random man, that nobody asked to hear from
>Ok but what about the dads tho
No. 1569305
>>1569304Ok one more thing i’m sorry for samefagging and double posting and twitterfagging but I saw this interaction and was shocked at how this was the only response telling him that postpartum healing is not about the father. All of the other responses were like
>Oh replace blue vervain with holy basil! Like no, replace it with some fucking cyanide you soyjack loser
No. 1569647
>>1569581They think that if they manage to pee without touching their dick their hands stay clean. Despite the fact they go into public bathroom and inevitably touch at least door and flush handles that someone else's poopy hands touched.
I've never seen shit trails in the toilet bowl in women's room or in the public room (in the office or hospital) after a woman was there, but after a man it's just classic. It's like they can't be bothered with using a brush, that's just too much. Even my ex did that once and told me that he thought he used the brush "enough", well did you do that with your eyes shut, because clearly some shit was left there?
No. 1570064
>>1569647>if they manage to pee without touching their dickIf they do that then they're literally splashing pee everywhere. They have to touch their dicks to aim and they have to wash their hands because they inevitably get piss/sweat/shit (all the same, their dicks share bacteria with their anus) particles on their hands. But no, washing your hands is way too much to do, you can't expect literal retards to keep the toilet clean AND wash their filthy hands.
Them not washing hands is also why men's beards have shit particles in them. They refuse to wash their hands after peeing/shitting (again, even if they just pee they're still touching their dicks, which have shit on them because of shared sweat) and touch their faces, so the shit goes into their beards.
No. 1570996
File: 1683525209470.jpg (122.26 KB, 1016x1440, justmoidthings.jpg)

As if moids don't lie and hide their abusive ways until they got the girl under their thumb and it's getting harder for her to leave (i.e. being for many years together, married, pregnant or having kids with him).
This type of moids are saying this as if they don't enjoy this power trip themselves.
And no, moiderson, an autistic guy isn't the better option jfc
No. 1571028
>>1570996moids sniffing out female
victims of abuse vs moids sniffing out
abusive moids. it's crazy how obsessed they are with women who have been abused but are so quiet about the men who abuse them (who they are sometimes friends with themselves!)
No. 1571675
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No. 1571679
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>>1571675These were some moidtakes I got in the wild from one trying to convince me to fuck him. How tempting!
No. 1571749
>>1571678He's a sex trafficker who sells pro masculinity anti-women rhetoric on-line. We've all seen them, they all tell young men to hate and suspect women but still seek as much sex as humanly possible.
I don't care if he's not in prison right now, there's more than enough red flags to let me know he's a piece of shit. Let's not pretend you have to be in jail to have committed crimes or be scum in general.
No. 1571758
>>1571679Sounds like one of those "egoist" edgelords. They dream of telling society to go fuck itself and live a hedonistic life but these poor faggots can't even get 1 woman to like them back kek
>>1571749Oh alright, I was asking about what the scrote said about the women supposedly lying and making up false accusations but I don't even need a source to know scrotes always cling onto counter-accusations they made up in their heads
No. 1572270
File: 1683652573471.jpg (38.93 KB, 1080x346, fuckoffscrote.jpg)

This fucking take on some viral tiktok tradwife influencer comment section.
>women rage at the idea of submitting to a husband instead of a 9-5 boss
Lemme break this off for the scrotes out there:
1. Most of us have seen and heard stories of how our mothers/grandmas/aunts/great grandmas etc. were mistreated while they were submitting to their husbands and we don't want to live those lives and these women always told us to not depend on a man (particullarly our grandmas and guess what? Those moids didn't appreciate them at all).
2. With a 9-5 (assuming if the woman is single) you have time to do whatever you want after work, meaning that if you want to clean the house or not that day for example, it's ok, you don't have a moid commenting about it.
3. With a 9-5 you have 2 days off/week and ~3 weeks off/year (idk about other places, this is how it is where I live). If you submit to your moid, you have no day off.
4. You get paid under some laws and rights, with submitting, you basically have to beg the scrote for money to get yourself something nice from time to time. And then, some of them will accuse you for golddigging. Ironic, isn't it? They want to provide only when it's convenient to them.
5. When providing isn't convenient to scrotes anymore, they will resent you too.
6. Since when women haven't worked outside the home? Has this moid heard about farmers, nurses and theacers etc.? Do they genuinely think that we lived the 1950's tradwaifu life since the dawn of time?
No. 1588061
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mainly posting this as a warning lol
No. 1589973
File: 1685268818076.png (502.8 KB, 828x1792, IMG_1491.png)

oh shoot guess i better burn my degrees since they don’t make this easter island head’s pp hard
No. 1594752
>>1589973Focusing on your looks will never work because they will eventually fade. If men believe that they dont need to commit once they dont meet thier standard of good like in
>>1519582, you will be vulnerable.
Also he could geniunly look okay if he took care of his beauty and god rid of that haircut why are men so negligent with thier looks
No. 1594794
>>1589973Considering most women married to successful and nice men are usually plain and educated, i think i will hold off on the botox and bbls.
>>1571679Isn't funny how trve masculinity and narcissistic personality disorder are highly interchangeable concepts? Men are doomed, we need to start purging them.
No. 1594856
>>1518872There's no way he's actually researched the subject and came to the conclusion that the way wealthy American families lived in the '50s/'60s is representative of the way things have always worked perfectly until women destroyed everything by suddenly and collectively asking for work at a time when there was no labor shortage. Throughout history, women have more often worked than not, it's just that they've never had the same status, rights and jobs as men. Also, the labor market and the economy were more affected by wars than by women asking for rights, women
had to work because of this. I love the way he pretends to care about the poor women who now slave away at work and haven't managed to find freedom, but his ideal society is one where women are entirely dependent on their husbands all their lives, with no way of expressing themselves politically, financially or intellectually - all they can do is to stay at home and have children. But I mean, you can't expect much honesty from someone claiming that men produce healthy sperm until the day they die.
No. 1595023
>>1589973>>1594766It's a new money redpiller manosphere take, they repeat this shit all the time. They say they'll happily date or marry a young pretty girl even if she works at Walmart or Target. Maybe Miami crypto millionaires will, but a majority of wealthy people would never, it'd be embarrassing in their social circle. Especially if they're old money types. We tend to date within our social circles. Wealthy and high status tend to date within that circle and look down those outside of it. And the new breed of crypto millionaires tend to date girls off of OF or sugaring sites because in the eyes of high status women they're still losers kek.
Can't wait for this redpill shit die off, i think most people realizing their advice on dating is bullshit now kek
No. 1595504
File: 1685757510007.jpeg (118.24 KB, 828x1229, IMG_0395.jpeg)

KEK I can’t believe that photo is still going around.
No. 1595514
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No. 1603319
File: 1686447655234.png (16.5 KB, 719x436, qué.png)

>muh feminism muh declining birthrates muh niggers muh stalin
All of this over a homophobic slur being censored…?
No. 1604403
File: 1686565975365.jpg (281.66 KB, 2880x2880, 20230612_123016.jpg)

Or well this was actually about dogs but men try not to compare women to dogs challenge [impossible]
and he/him men are always the worst. classic case of wolf in sheep clothing
No. 1626163
File: 1688652403217.jpg (123.61 KB, 1263x456, 23rfwdf.JPG)

Why are moids so stupid? They think that by having a penis and two balls they are superior morally, physically, economically, and similar shit. And adding that narcissism disguised as "moralism" is the worst garbage there can be.
No. 1627968
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No. 1628011
File: 1688808218308.jpg (Spoiler Image,140.41 KB, 1080x1200, 8ed3dbf12fd79caac8626aebcd4e17…)

Moid takes never fail to baffle me. He actually thinks it's more likely that women blamed some random guy all together rather than a man who pays off cops was sex trafficking women via onlyfans. What can you expect from the gender that literally thought a 30 yr old woman pooped the bed to get revenge on her husband who was out of town just because the maid said the poop was big rather than a dog popped in bed
No. 1628071
>>1518872Old post, but I find it hilarious that for him
>only the husband getting a wage = family is wealthy beyond their needs>both mom and dad bring 50%-50% of the same wage = family's poorIt's just screeching over not having financial control over your wife at that point. Although the whole post is just screeching about the world not bending to his needs.
No. 1631694
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At least this moid received the death penalty
No. 1635001
File: 1689490369820.jpeg (399.85 KB, 743x904, BF35E4F5-018B-4BA2-9577-1E0DDA…)

Men are so fucking stupid lmao
No. 1647105
File: 1690527360255.png (54.76 KB, 599x277, 2010.png)

>2010-2016: rise of hatred for monogamy and long term relationships and creation of PUA/seduction/redpill
>2017-2023: backlash to failed PUA ideology, rise of trads and incels "who just want one girl who loves me", discourse about "bodycounts" and "enforced monogamy" for the good of civilization
>2023: unhappy with trad ideology, begin to return to PUA ideology which will work out this time
These dumb ass scrotes went full circle. Following this timeline trad will come back in 2029.
No. 1648653
File: 1690685644555.png (93.32 KB, 733x445, retard_alert.png)

>oh yeah, you don't want self-ID? well, I could just rape you anyway. don't be a bigot
No. 1652021
File: 1691000550913.png (54.37 KB, 1889x339, wanting to have sex with 14 ye…)

tl;dr "i am a pedophile"
No. 1652026
File: 1691001029209.png (204.61 KB, 1430x540, seethingoverakidsmovie.PNG)

The retardation surrounding Barbie is truly something to behold
No. 1652083
File: 1691007106819.jpeg (588.45 KB, 828x1555, IMG_3517.jpeg)

People simp for hot fictional characters all the time it’s not that deep, only on 4chan can you find such deranged takes.
No. 1652157
>>1652083Men are truly retarded. It's a fictional character, so I don't get the complaining and besides don't men do the same as well with attractive female characters who have
toxic personalities traits?
No. 1652387
>>1652026>If barbie has no vagina why does she go to the gyno later?KEK, scrotes showing they are incapable of following a popcorn movies plot. Truly the retard class.
>muh male suicide rateThe number of males composing a society correlates with the level of violence the society faces. How awful, less wars and violent crimes, oh no. The dramatic retards only succeed (women attempt more) because they resort to violent chymp methods of suicide, being selfish tards to those who have to find the body.
No. 1653925
File: 1691174050694.jpeg (131.05 KB, 1046x1499, IMG_3534.jpeg)

This might sound exaggerated but I believe this screenshot still applies because weeb scrotes have this strange sense of entitlement over Japanese women, it’s so weird. Like you’re not gonna see an article about Thai women growing bigger tits or whatever, also it’s funny whenever they get upset hearing about Japanese feminists or women who don’t fit their ideal of being a cute animu waifu. They really think these random women from across the globe owe them shit it’s hilarious.
No. 1653944
>>1653943I doubt it. It's probably fake new or asian brands using vanity sizing so the sizing appears larger although it's not.
For example I'm a C cup in European brands but in my country's brands I'm a B cup, sizing changes from country to country, the first sample was most likely taken using a western brand while the second was done using an Asian brand.
No. 1678105
File: 1693073709496.jpeg (402.26 KB, 1170x1039, IMG_3658.jpeg)

>If you put yourself through extreme birth trauma before your brain is even fully developed, you might be able to be rid of your barely functional spawn by the time they’re 19! If they’re fiscally capable of leaving you, who raised them as a teen parent with limited resources, that is.
Every single man on earth is literally retarded. They “care” so much about children that they want them to live in complete poverty with teen mothers.
No. 1689873
File: 1694070574828.jpeg (590.42 KB, 1170x1620, IMG_1645.jpeg)

>>1519080>Isn't it more likely that women over the age of 35 are the ones who perpetuate autism?No. No. 1689939
>>1519104Imagine being balls deep inside a woman and the only thing you can think about is another man's penis.
>>1589973>pajeetColor me surprised kek. I feel so bad for south asian and middle eastern women, all men are shit but theirs are on a whole other level.
>>1595504Why are moids discovering that women respond favorably to hot guys like, every day.
No. 1692766
File: 1694302905550.jpeg (425.03 KB, 750x881, AD6CC716-661C-4455-8565-5671CD…)

Well why would you put naked pics of yourself or put videos of yourself being degraded. Even the faceplAy vids are very cringe.
Don’t kids get bullied for this? I can’t imagine doing the same
No. 1692768
>>1689939How so? The moid was honest.
There’s so many husbands that leave their wives for a young dumb waitress.
Even so called feminist men lie to themselves that they care. Maybe unless he wants to b off your coach
No. 1693361
>>1693352You said, and I quote
>He’s being bullied because his mom is a disgusting whoreAlso disgusting freak? You're the one trying to deter attention from the fact little kids had access to porn if it means shaming a woman for trying to keep a roof over her kids head
No. 1693465
>random prostitute posts her nudes on the internet
>her child gets bullied and shown her pictures, and then wants to kill himself
>”imagine caring about something like that kek what an idiot”
>bullying is serious, kids are bullied for less all the time, and being shown nude pictures of his (disgusting and trashy) mom would be genuinely traumatic
>omg his mom openly being a prostitute doesn’t matter! The fact that teenage boys know what porn is is all that matters! You feel bad for the victim? That means you’re happy that the bullies saw the porn and showed it to the boy they were bullying! You’re lazy about protecting kids from porn!
>again, the fact that the teenagers saw the porn in the first place is disgusting and sad, but the fact that the son was shown the porn is a serious form of bullying, and he literally feels suicidal over it.
>you’re misogynistic and you’re happy that the teenagers saw porn!!!!
Your reading comprehension is abysmal and you’re an idiot, stop defending onlyfans and the women who use it.
This would be like if someone brought up how common it is for teenage boys to sexually harass teenage girls by sending them porn, then someone said “yeah that’s actually really serious, porn is disgusting and that’s a serious form of sexual harassment. I feel so bad for the poor girls” then you start screeching about how the teenage boys are the actual victims, and saying “wow so you’re happy that the teenage boys watch porn? You’re lazy about protecting kids from porn!” When nothing like that was ever said
No. 1694004
>>1693713>>1693768Reread the thread then, because I did before I wrote that post. You just have poor reading comprehension and didn’t understand the original conversation, so the summery is confusing to you.
I said
>>1692986 >the main problem is that the bullies showed a kid his moms porn, which is disgusting
Then this person responded
>>1693326 > so let me get this straight you think the main problem is that the mom had an onlyfans
I literally said that the fact that teenagers were looking at porn and showing the kid porn of his mom is the worst aspect of the situation, and people immediately acted like I said that them viewing the porn doesn’t matter, when that’s the opposite of what I said. Then your comments escalated to saying that I didn’t care about them watching porn, that I’m lazy about protecting kids from porn, and that I’m happy that kids are watching porn. It’s literally the opposite of everything I said. You just got offended that I called the mom disgusting for having an onlyfans, I wonder why that would be?
No. 1694030
>>1693791The mom is just a privileged woman who wants attention, like most e-whores. Idk why people like to pretend that e-whores are coerced as if they’re akin to trafficking
victims or something. No one feels bad for any of you, and everyone looks down on you. Clean up your life and stop degrading and selling yourself instead of seething about some e-whore being called disgusting.
No. 1694291
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>>1694252Nope. This was my original response to the person who made fun of him for being suicidal after being bullied and exposed to his moms porn.
No. 1694295
>>1694252My original point was that the teenager being exposed to porn is a big deal and not something to make fun of him for. The anon then freaked out and accused me of being happy that the bullies had access to porn in the first place (wtf?) and claimed that I cared more about the OF whore, which is ridiculously far from what I said. Calling her disgusting doesn’t change the fact that I said a child being exposed to porn is very serious and not something he should be made fun of for. Why people are attacking me instead of the anon who made fun of him is beyond me.
She also claimed I was “happy about the bullies accessing porn” when I said that teenagers accessing porn is duishusting and sad, I didn’t treat it as an “oh well type deal” in any imaginable way.
No. 1783475
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No. 1783522
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I feel called out nonnies…
No. 1783528
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>>1783522>"you are wrong and you owe an apology"No.
No. 1850713
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No. 1853197
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No. 1863844
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No. 1865767
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>absolute typical predditor moid post
No. 1865772
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>>1865767This pathetic freak posted this in /r/writing too, and in typical reddit fashion they were very supportive.
No. 1867296
>>1652083Other than Miguel is a "sexy 2D spic with red flags".
He's also a kind father who tragically lost his daughter. So yes, if an attractive man is great with kids then that's already a plus and there are women out there who wanted to comfort him from his loss. He isn't so much of a bad guy tbh. This moid is seething that he'll never be loved or drown in pussy like Miguel or any attractive 2D/fictional men with "severe personality flaws".
No. 1868045
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The situation at the US border has nothing to do with gender but that’s how he (and the 16k who liked it) primarily perceives it. Scrotes can’t understand anything outside of a “women bad” framework.
No. 1868069
>>1652021what is it with men and comparing themselves to literally anything, animals, then gods, then machines, why don't they understand themselves to be people of flesh and blood that are neither invincible and superior nor completely useless? it's like everything they believe in is both to make people think they're so cool and superior and awesome but if they mess up it's also fine. they compare themselves to animals so they can consider themselves superior bc of bloodlust and animalistic strength but if they fuck up it's fine bc "they're only slave to their instincts", they compare themselves to machines, so they think they're better bc machines are unyielding and immortal and perfect but it's fine if they fuck up bc machines rust and get hick ups sometimes, they compare themselves to gods, so they're perfect and super powerful but it's fine if they're terrible people bc most gods have done terrible things and there's nothing you can do except forgive them bc they're gods.
why don't they realize themselves to be the adult human males that they are? you're a damn adult there's no being incapable of what is clearly in your power to do, so no skipping out on household work or being incompetent, you're a damn human, there's no excuse for being a terrible person, what is the point of considering humans to be the most intelligent animal if you're supposedly privy to your instincts, if you're so animalistic, live in a zoo or wildlife sanctuary, you're a male, there's no comparing you to women, there's no reassuring you of your maleness or masculinity.
No. 1868276
>>1868069Males are programmed to not see themselves taking up space. They are an inert force of the universe,for good and bad, that is why they get mad when a woman mentions the increase in responsibilites in married life. Bitch, you're another whole human being not a tumor that grew on your wife. In fact, a mark of the machild is getting angry when you remind them that they are humans taking up space. They see it as a failure.
This trait was a good thing back in the days of infantry and coal mines, now is just a red flag, in a way it always was because moids like that can't maintain and raise a family for shit, but at least they used to die early.
No. 1868448
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>>1868045This guy is now charging $7/month for his lessons on success, political hot takes, and Dilbert comics edited to include naughty words. Truly a figure men can aspire to!
No. 1869143
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Review for the film Alien
No. 1878685
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This is from 'the more rational gender'
No. 1878723
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Porn brained men need to kill themselves. I’m not even a-logging, I just think they’re so far gone that there isn’t a way for them to even live in society anymore because they rotted their brain to view an entire half of society through the lens of porn.
No. 1878733
>>1863844He mentions realistic reasons for women to worry and then fixates on the pissing aspect kek
>>1878723Holy shit, did he spend half of his life watching porn or what?
No. 1878795
>>1878685it's extra hilarious because most of those "femanon here" posts are usually made by other moids who are amused that posting some low effort bait is able to cause such a massive chimpout. some are also made by gay male troons as well. if you make one of those "femanon here" threads on r9k it will hit bump limit with angry scrotes being catty, shitflinging, attentionwhoring, low quality tardbabbling - basically everything they accuse women of doing.
takes less than a minute to type some garbage and put "femanon here" in front of it yet moids will camp out in the thread and piss away countless hours of their lives screaming into the void.
No. 1879036
>>1878778It's disappointingly common the amount of women that straight up allow obvious porn addicts to see them naked.
And it's weird, moids are so obsessed with Chad but chads are lusting after and going for the women they don't find attractive. Majority of NFL players, rich men, etc are typically dating women who are older than 35, all breast size variations including completely flat, and even with body types majority of porn moids likely consider unattractive. If those men are willing to pay top dollar for "weird boob ladies" despite having access to any female body type possible why can't they realize something in their mind is broken which is why they're unable to be attracted to women?
No. 1885089
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I didn’t want to give this thing attention but yeah sure. Good thing we don’t live in a world where every moid with an internet connection looks at porn, relationship or not. I wish women were as ruthless as this creature thinks we are.
No. 1885122
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Damn sometimes I understand why so many straight men are homophobic
No. 1893097
File: 1708299377116.jpeg (555.6 KB, 1170x1125, IMG_8759.jpeg)

This commenter constantly has incelish shit to say about women and women's media and then shoves this out. Don't try and play "both sides" when it's clear you hyper focus on hating women
No. 1893100
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victim blamey and anti women in general. Then has the audacity to say "b-but scrote aimed media creates unrealistic expectations for men too". Dude you type like a psychopath incel when you talk about women, no1curr if you claim men's media does the same thing.
He writes walls and walls of text just shitting on women on a fucking gossip blog comment section of all places, I have no idea what he's even doing there.
No. 1893220
>>1893177some of the men the women end up with in SATC are ugly. a nona pointed this out in another thread but I'm inclined to agree, and none of the women are particularly mediocre looking either (some nonas may argue sjp is unconventional looking but she's still prettier than an ugly man).
the above poster always sounds like a bitter "rationalist" sexist in his walls of text and like he's trying to one up the opposite sex and then default to "it's both sides". his posts make my eyes glaze over. dude this is a celebrity gossip website and the commenter before you mentioned this celebrity is an abuser (it was about chris brown), don't try and justify his bullshit with the pretense of blaming women when men are the ones writing so much of the media that objectifies women and glorifies assault abuse and femicide anyway. its a gossip blog, nobody wants to read your meaningless novel.
No. 1899348
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More porn sickness from the swamp.
No. 1901978
File: 1708927566796.jpg (23.82 KB, 720x158, 1000003001.jpg)

Just reminding you all that this is the kind of men camping here, and that it will benefit you to accept that it's better to ignore the bait than argue. As much as that infighter you are arguing with claims to be a Stacy, this is what they likely really are.
No. 1902113
>>1902070A lurking male said something about raping young girls, and your response was to say any anon who says she’s attractive or says a celebrity is mid is a lurking rape ape? Wtf
>>1902086What psychological fantasy?
No. 1902153
>>1902113Because anon literally said in the post “As much as that infighter you are arguing with claims to be a Stacy, this is what they likely really are”
If you’re going to be so combative then please address your fucking dyslexia first.
No. 1902160
>>1902142That’s objectively untrue, women joke about it and I’ve seen women joke about it on other websites like tumblr
> The same men who are coming here and shitposting about rape are no different from the ones that come here and larp as women to shit on women under the guise of ~solidarity~You’re the one who is new to imageboards, this website was created to shit on women. You need to leave your house and interact with others for the first time in years because people make mean jokes and judge each other constantly, haven’t you gone to school and had a job? People can be mean
>>1902153You need to calm down kek. I was asking why you jumped from point a to point b. try not to compare women to rape apes if you don’t want people to think you’re stupid, have some tact and awareness
No. 1902165
>>1902160You're clearly an ex-tumblr or twittertard because you're taking a very specific post and applying a bunch of vague whataboutisms to it. Shut
up omg
No. 1902208
>>1902203I’m not OP of this infight retard, I’m
>>1902166 and
>>1902181 my god just take your loss and go, this is just sad kek.
No. 1902226
>>1902213when did I samefag? You don’t even know what that means
>>1902024 >>1901978 I didn’t exaggerate or change the sentiment, you can reread the posts and see how stupid they sound
No. 1908187
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More degeneracy from 4chan
No. 1908206
>>1908199what board? it's over for him if you
recognize his fetish posts on an anonymous forum lmao
No. 1908683
>>1908676Um what?
>>1908667It's hilarious. I LOVE those reddit posts by guys ages like 27-40ish that are talking about how they feel like their lives are ruined and they lose their real lives because they are alone and won't have any children. Of course you wont!! It's what you deserve.
No. 1908699
>>1908690usually they find a
victim from a poorer country if they're not completely ugly or some mentally ill woman from an
abusive home if they're able to afford the tradlife. then they will proceed to shit on western women or women of their own age.
No. 1909087
>>1909033Then theres the older guys who go online and are like omg I just realized in retrospect that all my exes probably had bpd.. no stratch that they def had it. All 3 of them including 2 ex wives. Take my word for it. I was sitting around seething about being single when I realized every woman I've ever had an argument with must've just been bpd.
The eureka moment of 'all my exes had bpd' is the new all my exes were crazy bitches till I met you babe. Run if you hear that because you'll be next to lose your mind with him and it won't be coz you have some personaility disorder that you didn't know about.
No. 1909772
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Men are so worthless
No. 1910672
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Apparently we hate housewives now.
No. 1910685
>>1910672kek I think this moids brain has melted because this post barely makes any sense.
>work a worse job for another man's familyLike, what? Most women who do both use the money they make for their kids kek Also why do scrotes think kids are cheap? Especially in our shitball of an economy? Logical sex my ass.
No. 1910716
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I understand what hes saying here actually
No. 1910831
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No. 1910844
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>>1910831Girl enroll in a trade and replace your iPhone with a Nokia from 2005 you look like ass
No. 1910889
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>>1910868I was just thinking about how if we had the whole looksmaxxing/vindicta thing a decade ago girls would be so fucked up. They would have been bonesmashing and thinking it would make them look like this.
No. 1912007
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joined a utena server thinking it was going to be fun but of course it's gendie haven. here's a trannies opinions on the inherently faulty nature of radical feminism. once again amazed that everyone who hates it doesn't understand it
No. 1912102
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I'm done with humanity.
No. 1912330
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Found a bunch of AVGN a-logs and this one had an insightful take that positive traits = masculine and negative traits = feminine
No. 1913204
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Average Telegram moids
No. 1913983
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Gay incels are so viciously retarded. It's one thing to hate women because they wont fuck you, but hating them because you're jealous men give them attention is somehow even more pathetic.
No. 1914137
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No. 1917060
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No. 1917068
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Women only valuable if me want fuck
No. 1917155
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No. 1917315
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No. 1919898
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No. 1920111
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No. 1921848
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i just don’t get why incels think the male loneliness “epidemic” is real or that women live easy lives. it’s like they live in some alternate reality where even the “hardcore” female ideology (radical feminism) isn’t full of women who still center men in their lives and fuck them lol. whole thread is a goldmine of stupidity however. just a lot of whining over women only wanting chad and also running the world somehow
No. 1921868
>>1921848Utter retardation typical of the puny moid brain. 4chan scrotes are such miserable and pathetic people, they project onto women rather than confront their failings as human beings
>Even the AI shit will not harm them.Women are clearly the most affected by AI. There’s literally an entire board on 4chan dedicated to creating deepfakes of random women. 4chan scrotes are truly the scum of the earth
No. 1922503
>>1922487The predator behaviour actually happens at a much younger age, around the time they are 15 when they grope random girls at school or make sexual jokes at them.
victim complex that males have is absolutely insane. Men live life on easy mode. Everything they could possibly want in life is available to them on a silver platter. A wife, family, a job, they can pick any profession and get praised despite being painfully mediocre and useless. They don't have to work hard for a single thing they have, just be friends with the right bros and talk a bunch of shit, that's it. They get away with rape, violence and being the ultimate oppressors, even to their damn selves. Yet women as a collective still are madly in love with them and think they can change or think they will be the golden ticket to change them. It's tiring.
No. 1923461
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I don't read what men say because it's like seeing the other side of things - heaven (men live in heaven) while I'm stuck in hell. Anytime I scroll through their accounts I struggle to breath and often I end up crying even if they dont talk about anything triggering. I feel like if we live in hell we should torture ourselves by looking at the pov of these living on easy mode men do. I was exposed to this tweet where a moid admits… To things. He dates women, he called his exes pretty like men are so privileged they are pieces of shit but get to date pretty women. I'm absolutely terrified of men and the power they have is intimidating. I have the most extreme male phobia I've ever seen in anyone. I fear reading their thoughts.
No. 1924202
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>>1923461I understand where you’re coming from but you’re giving them too much power and credit by saying this tbh. Also I scrolled through this guy’s account and you can tell he is a borderline ricecel so I wouldn’t give his opinions any thought. Picrel.
No. 1925525
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Weirdo white men are so fixated on black men. Mind you it was a girl who beat her up.
No. 1925554
>>1924202Woah you made me go look and
>loves the n word>loli anime images>miladyAnyways he doesn't look bad by any means he's just a product of his environment… ew though
No. 1926846
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I do love philosophy, but only when it reinforces worldviews that directly serve me
No. 1926976
>>1926846Heh. Genetic dead end if i ever saw one. He even agrees that back in the day he couldn't have been happy either, thats rare. Loser moids usually don't understand that they had been the ones who committed suicide-by-alcohol before dealing with the unloving gaze of their cold wife rather than chads. At this point i can't even be angry, being mad at loser 4chan moids is like being mad at starving dogs.
I want neither on public spaces, however.
No. 1927052
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post ur score
No. 1927707
>>1927123I so rarely see people bring this up but this is my experience. And when I say this they'll cope by claiming it was gay men and while that certainly happens, it was mostly straight men doing this.
>>1927208I always wonder why these guys think that every woman has an army of rich men at her disposal. What a bizarre delusion.
No. 1930143
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No. 1930210
File: 1710793080346.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1170x1801, 514D8B1A-E4E8-4DFC-9257-1A2AA6…)

Haha you’ll get UGLY and used-up while I’ll be easily able to bag a younger hotter version of you, Barbie/my ex-gf who went no contact
No. 1930353
>>1570996Tbh this one is true and I say this as a lesbian. One close lesbian friend is in an
abusive relationship and low-key loves it. My (LDR) ex is addicted to shitty women and the emotional roller coaster that they cause her. Meanwhile I'm autistic, somewhat socially retarded and women avoid me like the plague IRL. And before someone accuses me of being a shitty
abusive incel, I literally have never mistreated any woman I have interacted with, and I also never mistreated my ex or have plans to do so in the future with any woman. I don't actually hate women, I just have come to the realization that women really really hate autists. They hate when you try to talk to them, try to help them out or just exist in the same room, and it's even worse when you're a woman because you provide absolutely zero value to them (specially if they're het). I get it that women love overly-confident unstable retards that make every day with them seem like a spicy adventure, so I understand that I will never be chosen over them and it doesn't anger me anymore. The amount of times I've warned the women in my life about redflags in the partners and was "ignored" is just astounding. Pretty sure they are aware of it actually, they just get addicted to the toxicity of
abusive relationships.
No. 1930586
>>1930353To be fair, it's also cause "
toxic women" are glamorized or written off as fun. The issue with women and shitty men stems from the fact the average man is extremely low effort and
toxic moids start off relationships with effort and making women believe they're nice guys (Andrew Tate was actually very honest about manipulating women using the nice guy method). A lot of women see it as green flags that they don't have to jump through hoops for attention for once and then the red flags don't start flying until she's trapped emotionally or physically.
On top of that propaganda from other moids about "cycling through men" or shame about dating an
abusive man keeps women silent since they know they'll immediately be blamed for choosing him even if they were planning to leave, or they're scared of "whoring around" by giving up on relationships too easily.
I also know a lot of women who are unfamiliar with healthy relationships will sometimes question others asking if certain behaviors are normal (ofc the reason why moids prey on previously abused women or women from broken homes since they don't know what healthy behavior is) and then people around her will tell her it's normal and that she's crazy for thinking it's ever a problem or tell her if she's doubting her relationship in the first place she should just leave
No. 1930602
File: 1710818054824.jpg (56.68 KB, 640x763, 1000000094.jpg)

Everytime I see men complain about women's accountability they almost immediately start naming things that are mens faults
>Muh single moms
Men statistically cheat most, abandon their children at far higher rates and ofc rape the most. The idea of a stupid 20 yr old girl just getting pregnant with any old deadbeat loser is definitely not the normal situation for why women end up single moms
>Abusive relationships!1!!
Once you blame women for an abusive relationship you already lost
>Men failing out of school!
Mens fault
>Men are criminals because of single moms!!!
Once you become an adult you got no one to blame but your own damn self. If you shoot someone and start crying about your parents relationship status idk what to tell you
>But 80% of women go for 20% of men!!
Literally only on dating apps only because men dominate them looking for hookups and affair partners. Also anyone who uses apps as an accurate representation of dating is insane
No. 1931529
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Word salad from the incels on /lit/
No. 1942558
>>1942557Men just wanna be
victims because they know admitting that men commit the most crimes hurts their ego.
No. 1943300
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I don't know where else to post this. I'm gonna hurl
No. 1943632
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“There’s still hope” for anticipating a scene of a woman raping a man… lol
No. 1943668
>>1927052>>1927056>>1927063These guys write shit like
>wears make-up daily>wears excessive cake-face foundation make-up>sexually experiencedBut then jerk of to pornstars caked in make-up with an body count of 100. They're just really had hypocrites and project their own insecurities onto women.
No. 1943696
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>>1589973not the moyai lookin mf saying this shit
No. 1944121
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>>1943632kek in the comic the female rapist has giant tits. Of course
No. 1955719
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From schizo jim Donald
No. 1976484
File: 1713893022618.jpg (89.76 KB, 719x514, 1713885795331847.jpg)

the fuck?
No. 1979615
File: 1714053670035.jpeg (1.04 MB, 828x1562, IMG_2164.jpeg)

>incel who calls himself “demisexual”
No. 1979648
>>1976484strangest thing is the girl in that image is underaged (or i guess was since this vid was years ago and she doesnt have an internet presence).
moids are creepy
No. 1980574
File: 1714120839095.png (106.67 KB, 722x380, aryan buttsex.png)

No. 1980620
File: 1714125792858.png (437.51 KB, 724x1010, d102ZJt.png)

>>1980574posted by a fat mixed-race puerto-rican
No. 1980624
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>>1980574please ignore my sperg but
this reminded me of every time I see rightoid's art, photo of them or video I can't help but KNOW they need cock in their ass. like stonetoss for example, I've never truly read any of his comics but I just know his ass is filled to the brim with semen, at all times, there's always this sad, fragile look in a rightoid moid's eyes that activates my fujo brain, they're hyper homos, is in their dna. No. 1981142
File: 1714156259319.png (156.83 KB, 661x545, Oh_no!!!.png)

This dude thinks prostitutes "take advantage" of lonely men.
No. 1981150
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No. 1981205
>>1981150I notice he brings up Australia and is this post in response to the terrorist attack against women in Sydney in the shopping centre? It would make this pathetic whiny post even more pathetic, much like the loser who conducted the crime did it only because he couldn't get a girlfriend and it was a female police officer that put the handcuffs on him. I swear men always see themselves as
victims and can't accept any kind of responsibility for the fact that anything they don't like about their lives is the fault of other men, not women.
No. 1981424
File: 1714169461242.jpeg (514.9 KB, 750x834, IMG_0204.jpeg)

If I was on facebook I would have replied to this moid’s comment with his ip address
No. 1981439
>>1981424Strange isn't it that most moids commit suicide after they get raped by other moids? and women tolerate the pain and try to cope with the horrific act, to live with the never closing wound to still live on in the world because every woman has been told this world favours rapists and no one cares for your pain? yet moids like these are so arrogant thinking they know how rape affects a person
because they're probably rapists themselves fucking scum.I don't want to alog but god do I want to, fuck moids
No. 1986921
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No. 1987084
File: 1714575995514.jpeg (261.06 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_3695.jpeg)

>>1917068potato head looking retard
No. 1997017
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On a moid video about Lauren Southern no longer being a trad wife
No. 1998435
File: 1715389090208.jpeg (400.82 KB, 1125x1244, are these people okay.jpeg)

No. 1998596
>>1998435Look up masturbation related deaths on google.
Almost all men.
They don't understand how bodies work.
No. 1998718
File: 1715422523997.jpg (25.52 KB, 911x156, dfgdsfgfgd.jpg)

About men choosing AI "relationships". Love how the guy is trying to turn imaginary relationships, that are perfect for them while requiring literally zero effort instead of minuscule one that they're usually willing to make (reluctantly), into something oh so beautiful like unselfish love kekk
No. 1998744
File: 1715426038172.jpg (96.41 KB, 979x584, selfiewithmovingtrain.JPG)

>>1998435>women don't understand how physical objects work>picrelReposting because I dropped the pic but also just noticed that the Wikipedia page itself states that the mean age is 23 years old, with male deaths outnumbering female about three to one. It's telling because selfie is supposedly something that women do much more, so it would make sense for them to be over-represented in selfie-related deaths, but they aren't because men are that reckless and retarded.
No. 2005542
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No. 2005546
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No. 2005830
File: 1715904246214.jpeg (784.11 KB, 1170x1745, 1709512470084.jpeg)

>>1981150>I can't be privileged because I'm lonely and can't fuckkek he's so fucking retarded
No. 2005855
File: 1715906188497.gif (408.15 KB, 220x160, 1000016759.gif)

>>1980620>>2005845Wait, Stonetoss is actually latino? So I guess that makes him and Nick Fuentes. I also know of a racist who had a brown Mexican for a biological father. Then there's those poltard meet ups with a suspiciously high number of latino-looking moids. I'm noticing a pattern of white-supremacists possessing an ironic likelihood of being latino. They're white-supremacists, but they're not
white supremacists if you catch my drift. At least not the kind of white that whitey white supremacists would want.
No. 2006008
File: 1715918353502.png (41.55 KB, 597x303, Screenshot 2024-05-16 235843.p…)

>>2005910Autistic moids always think autistic women have it easier just because some women are able to have boyfriends and social groups, as if there aren't autistic men capable of doing the same thing. I used to feel offended at the idea that maybe it's bad to tell people they are neurodivergent, but with moids, unless they are very low functioning, telling them they have stuff like adhd or autism is something they can use for their
victim complex. Autistic women on the other hand are out here trying to provide other people support, whilst autistic men just want to beat everyone down.
No. 2006184
File: 1715936301739.png (428.12 KB, 1080x1984, Screenshot_20240517-015114~2.p…)

Warning for incoming dump, originally from 4chans /g/ board.
No. 2006186
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No. 2006187
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No. 2006188
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No. 2006189
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No. 2006190
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No. 2006191
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No. 2006192
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No. 2006193
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No. 2006195
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No. 2006196
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No. 2006197
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No. 2006198
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No. 2006199
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No. 2006200
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Okay I'm done now, sorry if I unintentionally cropped some stuff out. This was a trip to read for me
No. 2006250
>>2006200>>2006204Biotroof Time:
1. Did you know only around 8% of men are supposed to reproduce?
2. Did you know the male penis is shaped like a shovel because their natural role is a cuckold cleaner?
3. Did you know that sperm quality increases when they think about getting cucked?
4. Did you know that sperm has immunosuppresive properties and is essentially a parasite?
5. Did you know men aren't really supposed to be alive past, say, 30?
No. 2007053
File: 1715987661135.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 828x6970, IMG_2631.jpeg)

There was a post like a farmer thread on the incel board. Mostly retarded but a few replies made me kek a bit ngl
No. 2007076
File: 1715988748220.webp (9.37 KB, 300x413, waif.webp)

>>2007053The ugly man psyop thread hurts their feefees. Hilarious to witness.
No. 2007179
>>2007173I've ever said I wanted a "gigachad" boyfriend, I never said I got off on "abusing cute boys", I never typed "kill all men" in a twelve year old's vocabulary, I never claimed that all men are pedos and rapists, and I never used emoticons. So no,
none of this applies to me. The test failed.
No. 2007183
File: 1715996129721.jpg (30.6 KB, 600x338, 1680882130630.jpg)

>>2007053>lolcow only wants gigachad!!!>Lolcow has entire containment threads dedicated to Paul Dano, Adam river, and ugly/old men in general.I wish I was this blind and retarded
No. 2007206
File: 1715997776236.jpg (58.81 KB, 1280x720, 1589949791706.jpg)

>>2007053This is so disappointingly mild and uncreative, they could come at us much harder than this, but it would require them to lurk around here long enough before having an emotional breakdown at the psyop thread. I absolutely would love to fuck a 6' nicely built man and i will shout it from the highest building. Anons who say they think men peak at 20 don't give a fuck about what anyone says, heck anons here argue with them and they double down. Crazy lesbians telling us to convert to their sexuality are just part of the ride and add character to this god forsaken pixyteri fan site. I don't think they have said anything we could really deny about ourselves aside from the rape stuff, that's just them being completely unable to contain their own fantasies. Overall, the fact that they couldn't even copy our writing style or dissect the psychology of certain types of anons further proves that men completely lack the ability to empathise with women.
No. 2007208
>>2007202Not even sure of what you're trying to say. All I said was that there's some angry, bitter lesbian that regularly comes on this board to act unhinged and
victim-blamey about women in straight relationships. So when those 4chan moids did the "all women should only fuck each other" imitation, that shit was weirdly accurate because we really do have that one lesbian who would say some shit like that. Confused on how you managed to digest this any other way, but I'm gonna go look at interesting things now.
No. 2007248
File: 1716000996109.gif (847.96 KB, 400x225, 1706195205010.gif)

>>2007218Don't tell me what to do!
No. 2007766
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No. 2007915
>>2007053>muh gigachad!!!/r9k/ retardation
women don't want that, that's a male ideal
you were psyopped by gay men
No. 2009522
File: 1716140713327.png (349.38 KB, 1241x861, moid takes.png)

Keked at this. If Integra was a man, they'd make her into a femboy akin to Griffith and "joke" about how hard they want to fuck him. They truly are all faggots.
Doesn't the second actress play a kid? "Desirability"? And they can't symphathize with her if she doesn't make their dick hard, nothing new really, but they wouldn't sympathize with her even if she did.
No. 2009914
File: 1716154721365.webp (49.16 KB, 1920x816, P3-Berserk-Golden-Age-Arc-II-T…)

>>2009884Yes, she would. They made Adonis on picrel into a femboy. Pip has a square jawline, like Alucard. Integra has a smooth face outline. She's also slimmer and more sophisticated, Pip is huge and looks rugged. She looks closer to the usual bishonens, which are called "feminine" very often.
No. 2012699
>>1955719Holy fuck, I hope this man dies an excruciating death asap. That's peak male mentality btw - these types of men genuinely believe that in most cases, it is the prepubescent girl who seduces the older man, because that's the only way they can live with the fact that they are pedophiles; by blaming the
No. 2016003
File: 1716456246968.jpeg (157.07 KB, 1080x1405, IMG_3852.jpeg)

No. 2016009
File: 1716456675615.jpg (6.23 KB, 400x400, EdAtOkEUEAExd1j.jpg)

>>2016007I think you're getting mixed up, this is the zoo symbol
No. 2021373
>>2021332Kek I laughed just seeing all the titles for his videos, it's one of those weirdos obsessed with narcissism from a
victim's viewpoint while being completely unaware of their own
very pronounced narcissistic traits.
>narcissists this, narcissists that, they'll destroy you, they'll eat you alive, they'll SHRIVEL AND DIE WITHOUT YOU MUAHAHAHAA>oh by the way I remember every single time someone looked at me or passed me by while humming or mumbling to themselves sooooo creepy so weird, totally unique experience>that's because I'm the chosen one and they're matrix NPCs>it's moth to the flame thing, they can't resist the shine>they're FASCINATED by me No. 2027421
File: 1717069113488.jpg (222.28 KB, 1057x619, 66677.jpg)

>>1635001I know this is old post but i just want to point out women lose the majority of eggs before puberty even begins, so the whole 90% is a great exaggeration because most the eggs were lost before she was even fertile.
No. 2029507
File: 1717189159662.jpeg (444.99 KB, 750x923, IMG_1024.jpeg)

What the actual fuck. Men really are truthful when they feel like they’re alone
No. 2032062
File: 1717341424981.jpg (213.84 KB, 508x538, RDT_20240603_01160686239948661…)

Idk where this belongs but I was scrolling this subreddit out of boredom.
Since when do we invalidate male survivors? Moids love to act as if we're all secret pedophiles who wish for little boys to be raped.
No. 2032066
File: 1717341668851.jpeg (166.31 KB, 522x333, IMG_1055.jpeg)

>>2032062>invalidating male “survivors” males deserve to be abused if they just sat there and took it
No. 2032112
>>2032091>male seee something for women>must make it clear that he, as a male, will be better than women at it because of his defective chromosomeI would've alogged him, telling him his ugly retarded ass would never be able to put together beautiful coords and that maybe Team Fortress 2 is more his speed. If you don't want to get banned, I'd take the fall for you
No. 2032445
File: 1717362107730.jpeg (577.02 KB, 1170x1103, IMG_4402.jpeg)

>>1910716KEK over for who exactly? these moids genuinely think that they are the prize that women strive for. years of jacking off to caricatures of women written by other men is catching up
No. 2035236
File: 1717503674288.jpg (721.6 KB, 1080x1072, IMG_20240604_222005.jpg)

Average meme subreddit post with 10K likes.
As someone who knows AI decently, fix the collarbones and stop using the detail enhancers, fucking coomers.
No. 2037669
>>2037430How was I even outsmarted? They offered no argument and just said I was a woman post tits etc. Meanwhile homeboy still couldn't explain why he thinks it's masculine as fuck to own a toy breed kek
>>2037533Yeah that's a fair point and I see what you mean but, they literally just said dogpill meme and implied only women like big dogs because they like to fuck them.
No. 2037709
File: 1717636177944.jpg (52.81 KB, 504x362, 0GO6pMD_d.jpg)

Extremely random and incited by a clip I saw on Twitter but besides gay men being pathetically obsessed with straight men that find them nauseating, it's so funny to me how so much gay porn that caters to these types requires a scene of women being angry about them having sex with their bfs. It like validates the delusions in the back of their mind that they can steal straight men from women and that their existence makes them seethe because of weird, pent up one-sided competition with them. You're jerking off and require a scene of women screaming and angry at you for fucking their man? Like lol it's tickling the same part of your brain that girlfriend experience asmr does for neckbeards.
No. 2039558
File: 1717765622328.jpeg (297.32 KB, 599x604, IMG_1155.jpeg)

>claims to be the most rational sex
>can’t rationally understand no woman owes them a response and to have common human decency that’s just inherently built in women
grown man btw (I think it was obvious with his stringy hair, receding hairline and aging like a prune when he’s probably 20 KEK)
No. 2039581
>>2039579Really? Modern women don’t start having kids until 18 so it felt like a weird way to compartmentalise time, even though a 12 year old
could get pregnant… oh well
No. 2044370
File: 1718053671848.webp (194.47 KB, 1080x1440, misogynistic_screeching.webp)

No. 2045088
File: 1718113778068.jpg (484.72 KB, 1440x899, Screenshot_20240610_115700_Fir…)

(daily scrote blackpill)
No. 2047441
>>2047429Not exactly, but moids priding themselves on NOT doing something creepy or shitty (when they easily could've, not necessarily to you) to the point they can't help but share is very common, even if it happened in the past. And it's very clear they expect you to respect them for overcoming such a
difficult moral dilemma lol
I might be wrong/you know better but what you describe feels like a typical rape "joke" that in the sick moid's mind is supposed to work as a compliment.
No. 2048956
File: 1718381518118.jpg (1001.93 KB, 1000x1397, RDT_20240615_02103970367269057…)

Relevant meme I found. And the moid will then use his angel status to manipulate her further I bet.
No. 2049004
File: 1718386034031.jpg (588.53 KB, 827x888, RDT_20240615_03260547804916006…)

Bored and scrolling through Reddit again and found this gem. Now this is funny because men really do think their screeching and whining is on the same level as being emotionally vulnerable. Things never change, I guess.
No. 2049010
>>2049004for real. do they think the male tears in the meme are serious therapy session tears or something
we're laughing at their retardation, but retards can't tell they're retards
No. 2050696
File: 1718497812066.jpeg (415.06 KB, 750x883, IMG_1254.jpeg)

What trash-infested political flag covered man cave dump do these retards live in where employee uniforms aren’t used? Oh god oh dear, fashion styles change! And who’s going to tell them they hire models and not actual everyday people for these pictures. Men are so mind boggingly stupid and lacking in common sense it’s amazing they were able to stay alive for this long, we just live in a more advanced slop society that the 80s and 90s was just the precursor of
No. 2054669
File: 1718744543380.jpg (131.2 KB, 657x294, 5644684636358.jpg)

No. 2055573
>>2054701That plus the fact that they refuse to accept compliments from other moids and will call each other gay and faggots. Why do their compliments
specifically have to be from women? Just say you want something to fuck, scrotes.
No. 2056602
File: 1718829528874.png (13.47 KB, 1828x135, moidtake.png)

>bpd is a hyperfeminine pattern of thinking for the brain and autism is hypermasculinity
No. 2056949
File: 1718849554510.jpg (375.61 KB, 1198x1156, 928b5b462d4a43ccbcbe9df21c6df2…)

>>2050696>as their civilization collapsedAh yes, nothing screams "high culture" like the majesty of the 1970's Popeyes employee uniform
No. 2058753
File: 1718986184701.jpeg (472.81 KB, 750x826, IMG_1339.jpeg)

Wtf is even happening in this pic
No. 2058790
>>2058753Honestly mind numbing how scrotes are able to display themselves as poor
victim in this situation while STILL treating women like pokemon evolutions or some shit. Imagine having the idea to create an image like that, I literally can't wrap my head around it.
Also leave the cat alone kek.
No. 2059351
File: 1719027487892.png (14.92 KB, 1399x164, women hobbies.png)

i need to stop going on 4chan
No. 2059504
File: 1719044101014.jpeg (905.76 KB, 1242x1542, 7A13526D-46D8-404F-8D14-238A24…)

No. 2059516
>>2058753I actually love this fat girl/plapjak meme but not for the reasons you think kek.
Basically moids from 4chan are so undesirable that only morbidly obese desperate women would consider giving them a chance. You can see endless posts of men from that board talking about how they couldn they a gf and eventually settled for an obese woman.
This meme is to shame them into not settling for an overweight woman or dumping their overweight gf, increasing the male loneliness epidemic. Porn works the same way: makes moids think they should never settle for anything less than jailbait Stacy with giant tits and a perfect innie. Same with /pol/ and telling men they must never settle for less than 10/10 16 year old unvaxxed virgin Stacy. Thus raising these moids standards to an impossible degree and increasing the chances these men will never reproduce and thus die alone.
No. 2059799
>>2059351Oh yeah I guess that's why women never pursue their hobbies and become best-selling authors, oh wait. Also imagine considering 4chan as a fucking
No. 2060368
File: 1719095517025.jpg (357.14 KB, 1075x3282, bleh.jpg)

No. 2060439
File: 1719098946496.jpeg (Spoiler Image,528.95 KB, 1191x1618, s1.jpeg)

Hoping this is the right thread, spoilered for text you do not want to read when you eat but this is why women dont trust lefty guys anymore (no im not advocating for right moids either, all moids are shit) a lot of these moids try to pretend they care about people but then show they dont actually give a shit about womens suffering if it gives them a boner.
No. 2060451
>>2060439People who trust leftist moids are retarded, it’s so obvious they’re no different from right wingers with how they view women as commodities except instead of housewives it’s “liberated sex-workers” who definitely aren’t being abused at all you guys!!
I’d say they’re even worse than rwers, at least rw scrotes make their intentions clear while the lefty ones are just wolves in sheep’s clothing.
No. 2060478
>>2059351>Actually it's women who are obsessed with sex 24/7!Why do they say this
>>2059504>No the reason is they were abused emotionally and physically as fuckSo tru-
>the more you treat a human like shit the kinder they getWhat
No. 2060565
File: 1719105710345.jpg (257.53 KB, 1600x901, l-intro-1692388118.jpg)

>>2060371Pass the gender rolls, please
No. 2060812
>>2060529On the one hand we have gender ideology which comes out of believing women and men are exactly the same psychologically, mentally and even physically (thank god this is dying off now) and on the other hand we have these conservatives who stumble in and ramble about the good old days when women were held hostage as economically dependent "tradwives" by
abusive moids without any other options
It really does feel like we are being slowly trapped between having to deal with this tranny nightmare or being forced back under open patriarchy
Why can't we acknowledge that men and women are different in important ways but also women should be equal in social status to men? Nothing else has this fake dichotomy forced onto it
Everyone accepts that short people and tall people have some differences and that professional basketball will always have tall people, but that doesn't mean they should be treated differently in society because of it
No. 2063246
File: 1719317699995.jpeg (176.7 KB, 750x1096, IMG_1402.jpeg)

nietzsche and those other boring male philosophers practically said the same things that a 12 year old girl has said to her friends during a sleepover but with fancy dramatic words. get over yourself kek
No. 2063262
File: 1719318732419.jpg (28.22 KB, 675x154, cope.jpg)

No. 2063274
>>2063246Kek nothing makes scrotes seethe more than finding out their 2deep philosophical ramblings that took them several books and youtube videos to copy an opinion from were already thought of by women at a gradeschool level. Retards.
They'll flap gums about how they want an intellectual woman until they actually get one which then forces them to realize they are brainlets.
No. 2064467
File: 1719366497043.jpeg (370.15 KB, 750x822, IMG_1416.jpeg)

No. 2064549
>>2059516I was lurking in a 4chan thread where they were talking about TERFs being allies with nazis against trannies or not
One nazi was saying something along the lines of "we need to negotiate with feminists and compromise" and immediately he got jumped on by half a dozen other scrotes attacking him personally and the usual "enslave all women" stuff
I guess the nazi didn't get the memo that the big scary far right was just a larp for basement dwelling incels (as if it wasn't always this way)
No. 2064561
File: 1719370835788.png (468.03 KB, 1079x967, 1000001205.png)

No. 2064657
>>2059516>only fatties date 4channersLmao, cope. You ana retards give them plenty of attention including the passive aggressive slant towards other women that you disguise as punishment for moids who are tickled like pigs in shit that you are interacting with them period.
Pickmeism with extra steps. You aren't clever and get help for your disease.
(infighting) No. 2070240
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No. 2073005
I was internet archive after something I was searching led me to 8chan archive, it wasn't interesting but I did find this whole page. Which is filled with pedo moid takes sure this was what null defended years ago as free speech
No. 2074242
File: 1719875947347.jpeg (876.26 KB, 1170x1085, IMG_4348.jpeg)

No. 2074538
I find it especially irritating whenever men claim women are just as capable of evil on social media, but since when do women go onto every post of a man's just to sexualise and harass him, when do women randomly doxx or make porn of random men online, insult every interest a man has, etc.? A woman posts something cool she can do? A moid immediately insults it and says it's for children and "real men" do smart things, meanwhile all they do is watch porn and jerk off and play video games.
Everything women do is mocked. All hobbies, music we like, games, fashion, memes, you name it. Take Taylor Swift hate for an example; I don't like her for my own reasons but the majority of the hate is because she's enjoyed by teenage girls and women. Also leftist moids can say the most vile misogynistic shit but it's okay because they said white women and not women.
Even the moids who try to be woke still cannot acknowledge that the male sex is inherently more violent and just harmful in general.
No. 2075240
File: 1719952342640.jpeg (57.67 KB, 650x611, IMG_1065.jpeg)

>>2074538I hate hate when moids and pick mes are like >ummm there are women serial killers too
>hehe but there was a Nazi woman!!!>there are women in the cartel who are even worse and more violent than the menAs opposed to the large groups of men who participated and are infamous for these acts??
Wish I could beat moids who lie like this with hammers.Every single well know famous American serial killers were all male. The Nazi party was started by and run by men (Hitler was male HELLO). The most famous violent drug cartels are run and headed by men and the e-famous videos they make feature (you guessed it) all men participating in the murders.
No. 2075334
File: 1719958282237.jpg (77.49 KB, 575x487, Andrew_Anglin_1_203x172.jpg)

>>2075247Tbf it was written by Andrew anglin, not a farmer
No. 2081200
File: 1720401482734.jpeg (476.64 KB, 750x815, IMG_1615.jpeg)

The fact that there’s going to be billions of men with early onset male pattern baldness and premature signs of aging and only a few million that look like pretty boys and have already been taken by lovely beautiful women or gay men should radicalize you beyond measure.
No. 2081220
>>2081200Truly, plus it's funny how moids always pick pictures like those two, left side woman is probably having a bad time and the picture is taken from a really unflattering angle unless you're a model that looks great from that angle, right side woman is posing for a picture, has makeup on, filter, surely photoshop and has good lighting.
If you made two completely different women pose exactly the same, same lighting, same angle, same camera lens, same clothes, same makeup, same hairstyle. And then one woman looked extremely better than the other, then yeah, you can make that comparison and bait as much as you want.
But it's obnoxious how moids just use their retarded cherrypicked statements to somehow move the whole internet and sometimes the world so everyone slapfights each other.
No. 2081272
File: 1720405712265.jpg (36.14 KB, 581x720, Beautiful SSA Woman.jpg)

>>2081230Literally. Imagine if they used a photo like this instead? Or a photo of an unattractive white woman? The entire argument would flop. Shame this retarded propaganda trick works on many people.
No. 2082225
>>2081230>>2081228honestly who even gives a fuck if she's ugly or not. all of this shit is just arbitrary as
>>2081220 stated and looking ugly for moids is actually a good thing in the grand scheme of things. not to mention they say this shit but then go around fuck sandwiches, animals, or old women. their standards literally don't even matter kek no matter how much they pretend they're the selector sex, any woman that looks like the left one has a much higher chance of reproducing or having sex compared to the average moid. I'm not black but I'm also unironically thankful I've never been some giga stacy to moids even if I've still had my run ins with creeps (because again, their "high standards" aren't real). it's also funny because they'll demonize white women as ugly roasties depending on what type of moid it is
No. 2082879
File: 1720534570439.png (165.26 KB, 720x710, Gloriously_retarded_(1•2).png)

No u.
No. 2082938
>>2082236TA. I understand this, anon, and i agree with you, but i suspect he's talking about USA, and she's a descendant of american black slaves. Where tf are they supposed to go? They can't just go back to Africa, they're too different from them at this point. It wasn't even the choice of their ancestors to come.
He thinks it's bad that the country would be full of black people because he thinks they're inferiour to whites, not because they're different. They might get replaced by lations (already around 18-19% of population now, and projected to become higher) in reality, while black population would likely stay the same (~13%), but he uses a black woman for his racial superiority propaganda because their hate boner for blacks is a lot stronger. This meme could theoretically easily be made by a non-white too, even by a black man! They make them the same.
The realistic version of this meme should be a photo of native people in their cultural environment outnumbered by foreigners who look bizarre and contrasting in that environment, who slowly rebuild and mold it to suit their tastes, then it'd show how sad it is to see how your genetic line and culture dissappears, and not how sad it is that White Goddesses from Extraterrestria are replaced by "animalistic" black women. If tomorrow his entire city would be replaced by beautiful foreign models, i truly think he'd be quite content.
>>2082264It's just a normal animal instinct really, we're territorial. But i, too, would rather live with women of all races than sharing living spaces with any kind of men, including my own.
>>2082930KEK How can you say this, anon, while the stats of women divorce raping random men in forests are so high!
No. 2082998
File: 1720541723204.webm (2.94 MB, 404x720, creepyjeet.webm)

>>2082985>If anything white women are those who have more options due to the country being flooded with brown menNTA but
Brown men aren't exactly good options for us
No. 2083007
>>2083003>Have fun getting surrounded by white menI was already surrounded by white men since I was born? My country is supposed to be white and it was almost entirely white at the moment of my birth which wasn't that long ago
>quick and easy safety that ends up being their own oppressionYou want me to bend over for immigrant men who were raised in hyperpatriarchal society and play diplomatic pussy and you think that would make me safer?
>you can reframe your racism in a million words and it would still be the sameNever said I wasn't racist. My point is that I would be much happier surrounded by exclusively white people, you're the one who brought dating politics into it because you have scrotes living rent free in your mind
No. 2083008
>>2083003>Have fun getting surrounded by white men and then getting shocked when they want you stay barefoot in the kitchen and want you to get a bangmaidWell nonna NTAYRT but having grown up with white moids, all moids are gonna moid but you're stuck with them either way
Its just a fact that white moids are the least worst option when it comes to moids
That being said I would still rather be in a country full of brown girls and no moids than a country with white moids
No. 2083028
>>2083022Yeah I agree, obviously my hypothetical is not supposed to be realistic
I'm Canadian, I have to deal with this problem every day as my city went from almost entirely white with some Lebanese here and there to being swamped with Indian "students" roaming around in packs glaring at women and children
I'm just saying that pointing out this problem doesn't mean that you hate all other races or a specific race in general, some of my best friends are Middle Eastern and Indian (I know, typical "I'm not racist because" cliche, but its true)
I also think its fine for any country to preserve its ethnic or racial supermajority, this used to be the standard position even for liberals in the post-war era. The redrawing of European borders along ethnic lines post-WW2 was motivated by ethnonationalism in the first place
No. 2083043
>>2083030Did your ban expire already?
>>2083039That anon is from the UK, so go there specifically kek.
No. 2083047
File: 1720543931502.gif (3.03 MB, 500x338, smilerape.gif)

>>2083035I had the misfortune of finding one of their chans from a linked thread on 4chan, an Indian girl made a post talking about the situation of women in India and comparing it unfavourably to Europe
Indian scrotes then proceeded to post rape gore videos and threaten her
I'm not going to say our moids are perfect or even that great but that level of misogyny is something I've never experienced
>>2083036I remember even as far back as the 2000s we had brought over Afghans and there was an honor killing of an Afghan scrote's daughter in downtown Ottawa where I lived at the time
Some moids are just not reformable, we should have separate immigration categories for men and women and men should only be allowed in from countries with acceptable records on women's rights and status
No. 2083063
>>2083053>stealing all their resources!Like what?
Europeans didn't even make a dent on those resources, to this day Africa and India are resourch rich
Europeans did build the infrastructure to make use of those resources, and they either fell apart due to lack of maintenance in Africa or they have been barely maintained but not improved upon in India
>>2083054There were no borders in Africa, before Europeans arrived it was just groupings of tribes massacring each other up and down the continent
One of the biggest mass slaughters in the 19th century was the expansion of the Zulu empire, which was stopped by the Dutch blowing them to pieces when they invaded South Africa
In the case of the Middle East, all those ethnic tensions would periodicially explode into mass violence and the region was only kept under control by brutal Ottoman occupation
As the Ottoman empire was declining rapidly before WW1, if it had collapsed on its own the Middle East would have exploded into regional wars just like it did anyways when Europe decolonized them
No. 2083067
>>2083063>There were no borders in Africa, before Europeans arrived it was just groupings of tribes massacring each other up and down the continentYeahhh, right. Modern ethnic conflict in Africa definitely has
nothing to do with borders created by Europeans that divided same the same tribal groups between different countries and joined rival tribes together within the same border explicitly to divide and conquer. All pre-colonial civilizations were simply primitive hunter-gatherers that had no laws or kingdoms! Jk. Open a history book, you utter faggot
No. 2083069
>>2083067>All pre-colonial civilizations were simply primitive hunter-gatherers that had no laws or kingdoms!In Africa the pre-modern kingdoms were driven by the slave trade, they imported goods from the Middle East and later Europe in exchange for captured slaves
We only have contemporary eyewitness accounts because they didn't have their own records, but explorers and slave traders estimated up to 2/3 of the entire population in kingdoms like Dahomey were slaves
What you can thank the Europeans and British in particular for is ending the slave trade across the entirety of Africa
No. 2083074
>>2083066Anon please let me correct my typos before you reply .01 seconds later. I didn’t say there was absolute peace before, but that European colonizers intentionally increased ethnic tension in order to prevent unity among colonies that would threaten their hegemony. This happened time and time again, from South Africa to the states of British India. It seems like you’re
triggered by the very idea that Europeans haven’t been a blessing upon the world? I’m white myself, but I’ve never seen a white American deny reality to such an extent. Eurodivergents really are special…
No. 2083080
why are you guys even arguing about Europe and brown men when the original post
>>2081200 was about the US and black women (who are a minority and thus aren't "replacing" anyone)
No. 2083085
File: 1720545693684.jpg (137.23 KB, 1024x724, Wealth_Year_1500-1024x724.jpg)

>>2083074>European colonizers intentionally increased ethnic tension in order to prevent unity among colonies that would threaten their hegemonyI keep hearing this but its just not true
If you look at a map of colonial Africa, there were no countries at that time but rather the kingdoms like Dahomey, Benin or Kongo would become client states of European powers in exchange for protection from other powers and favourable trade agreements
Decolonization was not some kind of nefarious plot, it was forced by the US with a great deal of resistance by some colonial powers like France post-WW2
In the case of India, it was even less direct, with princely states retaining their borders and governments
Prior to East India Company rule, India was ruled by the Mughals who were Muslim and had been ruled by Muslims for nearly 1000 years
If anything, the British were too idealistic in releasing India as a single country rather than multiple countries, as its an extremely divided and corrupt country due to ethnic power struggles and infighting
>>2083081>Ah yes, we should all thank the Europeans for ending the slave trade after they brought it to new heights and built their entire empires off of the wealth European countries were rich before they even left Europe, you've got the whole thing backwards. European countries were only able to build colonial empires in the first place because they had a great deal of wealth to invest in expansion
Even then, the cost of maintaining colonies like the British Raj and colonial Africa were a net negative, the only actually profitable British colonies were North America, Australia/NZ and South Africa
You are just starting from the position that Europeans are evil and re-interpreting history to fit your ideological bent
No. 2083094
>>2083086It’s clearly a
triggered britbong. Read the post above yours. She’s seething that we’re not blindly worshipping the mighty British empire and instead have functional braincells that recognize the evils of colonization. Hilarious if it’s the same anon who called American history “perverse and evil,” when those “evils” were introduced because it was a British colony… KEK
No. 2083100
File: 1720546487604.gif (603.39 KB, 400x400, god bless america.GIF)

>>2083097Ok. No1currs about your irrelevant country anyways
No. 2083113
>>2083103Given the irrational hatred of Europe I'm thinking its a moid of the melanated variety
Nonnas who know their history know how much worse the conditions of women were in their countries before the modern era and wouldn't be caping for them
(scrotefoiling) No. 2083118
>>2083113>irrational hatred of EuropeWhere? Is saying European colonization wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows “irrational hatred”
>moid of the melanated varietyScrotefoiling cope. Also, do you actually think any “melanated” women would kiss your ass after you’ve been sperging about how they’re tainting your ethnostate by existing? Kek
>Nonnas who know their history know how much worse the conditions of women were in their countries before the modern era and wouldn't be caping for themPlease link me to where anynonna has caped moids from the global south, or any moids at all, other than the white eurofags of your ilk
No. 2083128
File: 1720548155060.jpg (103.75 KB, 403x600, Axis.Powers_.Hetalia.600.15210…)

>>2083123They're just cranky because we don't let them top.
No. 2083137
>>2083059Africa prior to European colonization was constant tribal warfare, where the victors would sell their captives to to either Arab slave traders on the east cost or white slave traders on the west coast. Colonization was bad, it led to some of the worst human rights abuses in history and it should not be repeated but anyone thinking that anywhere was peaceful before Europeans arrived needs to read a history book. It was the constant conflict between local populations that allowed Europeans to take control because the Europeans would often exploit this for their own gain.
>>2083121Extreme ignorance. 9/11 was committed by muslim immigrants, the Boston Bombing was committed by muslim immigrants, the Pulse Nightclub shooting was committed by the son of muslim immigrants.
What happens in Europe is already starting to happen in the US>Orlando, Florida Friday Sermon By Sheikh Abu Usama At-Thahabi: The Jews Resemble Satan, They Trick And Deceive You; Jews Are Poisoning Our Community, Are Slumlords; I Make Supplications Against Them Every Day>Muslim immigrant rapes 15 year old girl in New York>Lafayette, Louisiana Imam At Friday Sermon: 'Oh Allah, Annihilate The Jews And The Christians… Their Helpers, Kill Them One By One, Do Not Spare A Single One' No. 2083151
>>2083141I point to a muslim calling jews satan as an example of something bad and you're response is to tell me to go back to /pol/? Do you lack reading comprehension?
>>2083143The links are sermons given by actual muslim imams living in the US.
No. 2083154
File: 1720549438729.png (153.09 KB, 887x1024, sorry for calling you a :pol:t…)

>>2083151Ok ngl I didn’t read it lmao. The title just made me chuckle. Kisses for you
No. 2083164
File: 1720549993495.png (599.82 KB, 800x600, 1718248994700.png)

>>2083161and you're failing each one. even the ones in your own country
No. 2083167
File: 1720550142292.png (66.98 KB, 1818x730, lies.png)

No. 2083175
>>2083118>Where? Is saying European colonization wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows “irrational hatred” You had to confabulate some BS to dismiss Britain ending slavery worldwide just so you could deny them any positive qualities
>do you actually think any “melanated” women would kiss your ass after you’ve been sperging about how they’re tainting your ethnostate by existing?I'm not that nonna but ok
I do know
WOC would not be caping for scrotes who were buckbroken by western powers into giving their women basic rights
>Please link me to where anynonna has caped moids from the global southThey don't, that's the point
You're not a nonna so you're an exception, moid
No. 2083181
File: 1720551063875.jpg (139.4 KB, 800x580, canon art of us ft japan.JPG)

>>2083169Damn, I wish there was more fanart to celebrate our love,
nonny. But at least this is canon
>>2083175Kek. Retard
No. 2083184
File: 1720551421745.gif (2.76 MB, 450x278, manlybadge.gif)

>>2083183Arranged marriages mean there's no selection for attractiveness so the moids get uglier and uglier with each generation
No. 2083189
>>2083185Yeah abdullah sanchez, the British empire is the reason slavery is almost nonexistent now
>The Act created fines for ship captains who continued with the trade. These fines could be up to £100 per enslaved person found on a ship. Captains would sometimes dump captives overboard when they saw Navy ships coming in order to avoid these fines.[25] The Royal Navy, which then controlled the world's seas, established the West Africa Squadron in 1808 to patrol the coast of West Africa, and between 1808 and 1860 they seized approximately 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard.[26][4] The Royal Navy declared that ships transporting slaves would be treated the same as pirates. Action was also taken against African kingdoms which refused to sign treaties to outlaw the trade, such as "the usurping King of Lagos",[citation needed] who was deposed in 1851. Anti-slavery treaties were signed with over 50 African rulers.[27]
>In the 1860s, David Livingstone's reports of atrocities within the Arab slave trade in East Africa stirred up the interest of the British public, reviving the flagging abolitionist movement. The Royal Navy throughout the 1870s attempted to suppress "this abominable Eastern trade", at Zanzibar in particular. In 1890 Britain handed control of the strategically important island of Heligoland in the North Sea to Germany in return for control of Zanzibar, in part to help enforce the ban on slave trading.[28][29] No. 2083193
>>2083181Aw me too
nonnie… But this one is so cuuuuute ♥
No. 2083206
File: 1720552335621.gif (2.04 MB, 337x272, pushard.gif)

>>2083200An Indian friend of mine sent me a video of this guy going around interviewing people in Uttar Pradesh and letting them speak for themselves
I didn't believe her at first when she told me how bad India was for women and she sure as hell proved me wrong
No. 2083213
File: 1720552851728.gif (2.2 MB, 488x338, rapeconsent.gif)

>>2083208>>2083210Ahhh, I figured the anti British seething must have come from a curryscrote
Must suck that the British came in and stopped you burning your widows alive, huh raj
>>2083212Thank you, this was years ago and I lost the original video
(scrotefoiling) No. 2083240
File: 1720554843686.png (956.11 KB, 950x1050, mhm.png)

>>2083222>>2083218This was an obvious moid, he even went over to the bong thread to cry about me posting his abhorrent countrymen's moidtakes on marital rape
And besides, he couldn't actually argue my points anyways so I'm not "moidfoiling" to dodge an argument
(ban evasion) No. 2094078
File: 1721229947693.png (486.1 KB, 1080x1192, 1000013177.png)

4chan is great for finding these
No. 2095294
File: 1721315250484.jpg (30.34 KB, 480x473, 1000013267.jpg)

Sorry for shit quality, took this from the 4plebs thread on the moid ls thread
No. 2095298
>>2095294> Come up with no inventions and discoveriesSaid the moid using a descendant of Ada Lovelace's wildly successful invention.
> Aborted tens of millions of infantsSource? Also so does nature, most pregnancies don't make it past the 1st trimester
> Blamed all their problems on menProbably because men have gatekept politics for all of history and commit 97% of the crime, wild how women notice things
> Voted leftists into officeAnd?
> Become excessively promiscuousIt's either this or we're not fucking men enough, moid, pick a struggle.
> Gotten worthless college degreesKek wagie seethe
> Demanded equally worthless jobsAs opposed to shit like sportsballers, podcasters and crypto scammers?
> Believed that wealth falls like mana from heavenWait I thought we were too busy working in our useless made up jobs? Also the audacity of a /pol/ scrote whining about entitlement kek
> Come to believe marriage is temporaryMaybe if you were a better spouse…
> Destroyed children's lives through easy divorceAs opposed to letting their kids flourish in an
abusive and loveless home where the moid abuses and possibly kills them ofc
> Muh single parenthoodSorry that your dad left you, /pol/ moid, maybe you should have been a more loveable son
> And rationalized every bit of itFacts don't care about your feelings moids, sorry we have endless statistics and studies and collective lived experience to justify our actions kek
No. 2096555
File: 1721417997698.png (262.05 KB, 1080x1209, 1000013324.png)

This account is a gold mine for this sort of thing
No. 2096612
>>2095298>Said the moid using a descendant of Ada Lovelace's wildly successful invention.Don't forget about Hedy Lamarr.
>Aborted tens of millions of infantsNothing new, we were leaving them in forests before. Plus, death of children is not what they truly care about in this situation, if they were killed by a man, which happens much more often and is always much more violent, it'd rise no emotion out of them, because it's not the reason and they know it. Men are also responsible for a number of abortions, they pressure their girlfriends into it.
>As opposed to letting their kids flourish in an abusive and loveless homeAs opposed to a mother taking more care of her moid and not her children, kek
>Facts don't care about your feelings moidsKeeeeek
No. 2096893
File: 1721444823999.mp4 (686.31 KB, 476x270, 1720308484766f-1.mp4)

No. 2096896
File: 1721444965051.mp4 (6.52 MB, 718x1280, 5843028-f897d2b63794d304e7f41a…)

No. 2096971
>>2096555this is all cope kek. moids are whores. they can only prove their "oppression" through terms of dating (being single, being rejected), it explains their obsession with tinder statistics. They're too scared to admit their purpose in life is to leech off women. why else would they kill themselves, shoot up schools, and go broke whenever they're single? It would be better for both women and men if there were much more females than males globally. I'm sure het/bi women would be less """picky""" if there were less moids, but no, they're favored in society so of course they shoot themselves in the foot by duplicating. straight/bi women do not have the same desire for a moid as straight moids have for a woman. It explains why single women are more successful than single males. You literally never see straight/bi women acting like this because they can't get moids, women usually start hating men after interacting with them, not because they can't interact with them. Moids are in surplus, they're much more whorish than the average woman. They will start whining like this whenever they can't be a whore. It's cope, I ignore it.
No. 2097199
File: 1721479007805.jpeg (39.82 KB, 739x267, IMG_1813.jpeg)

this pisses me off everytime they ask this shit in female spaces or under videos mostly women would watch. NO NIGGA, THAT SHIT IS FOR FEMALES!!! FUCK OFF SOMEWHERE
No. 2097203
>>2097178So many reddit posts about
abusive moids mention that he was annoyed by her being close to her mom or tried to keep her from seeing her mom often. Stereotypical scary protective dads are one thing but moids know exactly that close moms and daughters share everything and that the mom will do everything to keep her daughter safe.
Nowadays there's so much talks about "
toxic boy moms" but I still stand by the point that a man loving his mom and loving your mom is one of the safest green flags. If he even dares to talk shit about the woman who birthed and raised him… throw him away, chances are high he will treat you even worse.
No. 2097218
File: 1721480167131.jpeg (575.76 KB, 750x1011, IMG_1817.jpeg)

liberal men figuring out republicans can be faggots too
No. 2097220
File: 1721480336247.jpeg (706.39 KB, 750x1025, IMG_1818.jpeg)

>>2097218>male faggot’s political discourse made with mean girls references this is why you never listen to men about politics. lowest hanging fruit because they’re retarded
No. 2097590
File: 1721506086279.jpg (654.83 KB, 1059x3495, Screenshot_20240720_152609_Red…)

I cant fathom how someone can be so
triggered about not being allowed to watch porn No. 2097605
File: 1721506962849.png (202.4 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_20240719-215822~2.p…)

No. 2097612
>>2097605Reminded me of a post that was linked in the community happenings about a man who r*ped a little girl and the first comment, with lots of postitive reactions, was about how the mother was an evil whore and women were destroying society. Not a single word about the actual rapist.
Men are sick in the head and a detriment to society. Men are destroyers. Men are incapable of empathy.
(do not self censor) No. 2098148
File: 1721564690848.jpg (210.71 KB, 864x725, 74zvclpm88uc1.jpg)

No. 2098302
File: 1721574402526.jpeg (246.66 KB, 750x604, IMG_1836.jpeg)

>independent strunk logical sex that wants to be left alone
>likes promoting beliefs and opinions where you want women to be chained to you so you can parasitically zap the life out of a woman
it’s almost like you believe you would be incomplete without women. you’re already born incomplete, fuck scrotes
No. 2098311
>>2098302>Suck at every career in their domain Is that why patients treated by female physicians had better morality rates?
Is that why women are better childcare workers or any social work?
Inb4 le oilrigs or whatever
Those are the jobs scrotes should have.. where they're isolated from society and putting their life on the line for the big rich moids… We would live in such a civil state if women did the actual jobs while moids went out and died
(biologically predisposed to as well)
No. 2098708
File: 1721592968971.jpg (165.54 KB, 1080x492, Screenshot_20240722-061258_Chr…)

No. 2101528
File: 1721752161908.png (234.14 KB, 592x859, 1721089747678.png)

Crossposting Shuwu's husband having a meltdown on Twitter
No. 2103134
File: 1721845487142.png (65.99 KB, 597x251, effect.png)

How do you just realize this in 2024? This has been discussed for decades and what he mentioned is just the first layer of effects. This take isn't even that bad but just demonstrates how so many scrotes are living in a delusional state.
No. 2103262
File: 1721851784653.jpg (289.98 KB, 1568x970, most retarded moid.jpg)

No. 2103472
File: 1721866137086.jpg (108.82 KB, 1012x876, shortcock.jpg)

>>2103262Short, ugly redpill incel.
No. 2103484
File: 1721867028779.png (60.1 KB, 945x738, kek4.png)

>>2103472He is posting in a retard football subreddit and then having an interval and posting about how he needs a bangmaid in the purplepill(?) subreddit
No. 2104051
File: 1721909075387.jpeg (83.75 KB, 746x324, IMG_1902.jpeg)

>washed up deathfat youtuber is worse than washed up deathfat tranny who raped his elderly grandmother
>moid thinks lying about cancer is worse than rape and abuse of elderly women
it’s too early for this, i have to calm down
No. 2104057
>>2103768Same, I'm fascinated with the mentality of the women in that sub because how tf do you not become pinkpilled by the constant
but what about meeeee attitude of Reddit males.
No. 2112450
File: 1722377671928.jpg (11.83 KB, 275x136, 1722223389832.jpg)

No. 2126710
File: 1723105685259.jpg (109.7 KB, 720x900, 1000004277.jpg)

Sharing this since it will be deleted to remind you idiots that the posters who are spamming about women being whores and sluts are these retarded apes. Stop taking everything at face value.
No. 2126734
>>2118833Tbf, women have been so barred from any STEM field minus biology that most don't even bother. We have the capacity, but the knowledge isn't widespread enough to use it. I'm a bit inclined myself but not to the same degree as some autist with a tech special interest. And frankly, what's wrong with being skeptical with technology? Tech has literally turn moids into porn addicts, others into attention whores, and retards into celebrities. We shouldn't be platforming this crap yet tech made it happen. It's still a source for good but like any double edged sword it's often used for repugnant evil.
Not suggesting that after this so-called female liberation that all tech be compromised, but tech might be called back to account for environmental development and ensuing humans are able to co-exist with nature without any of the barriers that prevent us from doing so.
No. 2127045
File: 1723136532046.jpeg (380.89 KB, 828x1217, IMG_8248.jpeg)

No. 2127049
File: 1723136966115.png (179.58 KB, 674x682, Male shelters wouldn't shelter…)

Look at this motherfucker, he know perfectly well why they don't want male "shelters" around schools, daycare centres and senior housing. He knows that none of them want those shelters, that they're suggested simply to spite women. There's no need to waste money on useless male shelters that wouldn't even work.
No. 2127062
File: 1723137845737.png (161.72 KB, 659x651, Really.png)

>>2127049Also this. He really couldn't find a better example than women degrading themselves this hard?
>>2127045>I'D TOTALLY TURN GOJO INTO A MEGACUCKKek, sure, incel.
No. 2129550
File: 1723280649907.png (177.55 KB, 2519x302, Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 10.02…)

Moids giving each other dating advice on /pol/ is always a hoot.
No. 2129573
>>2127049Why do men keep doing this? It's like how people are crying misandry about how Indian airlines are allowing women to choose not to sit next to men, but not offended at the fact SA was so high on that airline and all the cases were men assaulting women. only moids will have zero self awareness to the point that businesses having to put up boundaries due to mens behavior is offensive to them, but the fact there was that many men acting that way should just be swept under the rug
Let's be honest too - most moids in the shelter will just be hobosexuals who got kicked out their gfs apartment after getting caught cheating or some shit like that, very rarely will it be men escaping abuse. Adding mens shelters will increase abuse against female breadwinners since men will have back up plans
>>2127062I love how moids will only admit the street interviews are fake/rage bait if it makes men look bad, but will treat the content as normal and real if they can use it against women.
No. 2130421
File: 1723341181105.png (274.71 KB, 592x585, tranime.png)

I love seeing moids chimp out at eachother over their boring tranime kek. Two sides of the same XY coin, rightoid tradcath larpers and troons. They all have the same exact personalities it's just that the only thing that makes them different is their political stances. Both types are narcs, love tranime, use /pol/ or used to use /pol/, and autistic. It's so stupid kek
No. 2130439
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>>2130421Female antelope ("deers" as this retard said it) do sometimes have horns/antlers. Reindeer does have antlers, for instance: you can see one here nursing a baby.
No. 2132141
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No. 2132146
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>>2132141Fuck your mother I hate how you can't post anything without flood detected
No. 2132195
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The fuck is this attention whore fag even trying to say? White women turn into [17 year old Kiki Kannibal as photographed by her father in the early 2000s] when they're 30
No. 2132415
File: 1723472180341.png (269 KB, 1063x481, not the same.PNG)

Insane. On a video about the rise of labiaplasties and how a natural part of the body has been made out to be a condition that needs treatment. I genuinely wish the men whining about this shit experienced even half of the societal pressure and shame that women do.
No. 2133666
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Some of the (VPN, not mine) bans I see are… something.
No. 2136775
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>>2094078>sexual market place valueTerminally online scrotes sure are amusing kek
No. 2136913
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Faggots love to be like "white women [deragotry]" when they are essentially the white women. Bonus points that they're obsessed with collecting weird images meant to humiliate women
No. 2146079
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No. 2148213
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>women are just ticking time bombs
says the gender ACK-ing at unprecedented levels and who can't endure a bad day without shooting up a kindergarten
moids try not to project challenge
No. 2148219
>>2094090>>2094160Are men not ashamed that they are so shit nowadays that they genuinely cant even compete with 'fur babies and boxed wine'? Does it not say a lot about how awful moids are, that 'dying alone' seems a genuinely preferable choice to being married to one for a lot of women?
Rhetorical question, men are incapable of self reflection or shame, LOL.
No. 2148699
File: 1724345023200.jpeg (771.78 KB, 1179x1330, IMG_3650.jpeg)

facebook throws the weirdest shit at me
(no i did not search for/click on/participate in redpill shit
No. 2148709
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No. 2152144
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some retard censored this moid's handle in picrel so i edited it back in
No. 2152306
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>>2152144Well he seemed to get a bunch of backlash on Twitter (and got suspended) so that's something I guess
No. 2152388
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No. 2152403
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>>2152388First Roblox gooners and now unfunny scrotes
No. 2155265
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gotta love scrotes cucking themselves out of the gene pool by refusing to settle for less than a 10/10 woman
we should keep encouraging them to never lower their standards so the male loneliness epidemic increases
No. 2155268
>>2155265When they say they're being 'rejected by sub-5s' you just know they are 3/10 moids hitting on 7/10 women
porn has increased moids standards to ridiculous levels
No. 2155760
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No. 2155778
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No. 2161826
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r/nicegirls subreddit is funny because men seethe over based women
why do moids seethe so hard over women prioritizing themselves
literally no other female mammal dedicates resources to her mate
No. 2162216
>>2155265most incels standard is just that she shouldnt be fat
thats it
No. 2162232
>>2161826How is this "nice girl" behaviour? Lmao. I do think it's exists, but it's not this, it's mainly just bpd chans who post those "i'm not the one you marry" memes about some random fling in high school or scratches some guys car because he talked to a female co-worker. Men are never able to actually identify these women and actually enjoy being chased by weirdo mentally ill women, that's why it doesn't phase them, but a woman who is sick of financially shit men
triggers them every time because god forbid those ebil gold diggers want to come after the gold of the McDonald's worker who works 20 hours a week. Actually crazy behaviour from women towards men is typically seen as novel or even exciting to men. God forbid a woman tells you to get a fucking job and that $7 an hour isn't going to cut it for a growing family in most cities.
No. 2162262
>>2162232>Actually crazy behaviour from women towards men is typically seen as novel or even exciting to men. no its not lmao
why the fuck would you assume that?
No. 2162269
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>>2155265Based. Scrotes that would otherwise cheat and abuse their wives should have their arrogance fueled.
No. 2162292
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>>2162268Have you not seen the classic donald glover screenshot? Men bragging about crazy gfs is one one of the most typical comedy bits, whilst you never see women doing the same. Plus, as the other anon said, mentally ill women tend to be sexually promiscuous and do not value their sexual health. it's literally a diagnostic for a lot of mental illnesses in women. What's so hard to fucking understand? I'm sure you can unironically ask moids online about this and they will confirm what we are trying to say more often than not. A lot of moids just want sex, that's it. They will date a woman they hate just for sex. what's not clicking?
No. 2163074
File: 1726253762612.jpg (147.56 KB, 582x1061, ChestertonsFence.JPG)

This guy's take on Chesterton's Fence is such a male way of thinking. They have to be overly logical about everything, like a robot or a computer program. Chesterton's fence can be true, and it can also accommodate common sense.
No. 2164194
File: 1726329028085.jpeg (150.28 KB, 562x761, IMG_2516.jpeg)

KEK I know this is a meme but this kind of made me laugh
No. 2164744
File: 1726355624524.png (372.09 KB, 2283x420, Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 22.49…)

i like knowing my skin texture is triggering incels in public
i feel powerful
No. 2164989
>>2164744not like he'll get to see that many women up close though, outside of porn anyway kek
>skincare products that make them temporarily look betterby this logic, everything is temporary. it's like exercising or maintaining muscle mass, of course the effects will diminish if you stop your routine.
>LONG TERM DAMAGEyeah, some are too harsh with their skin and don't know what they're doing. meanwhile.. men won't even use a basic moisturiser or wash their faces. some can't even wash their ass cracks.
No. 2165192
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No. 2165198
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>>2165192the dude who wrote all that is definitely addicted to the smell of his own farts. ive never seen such pretentious bullshit before
No. 2165224
>>2165211What I find funny is that the topic is about school shootings and this autist starts seething about an inability to relate to “male problems”. “Male problems” compared to the mass murder of children and teens kek.
>heavy reference to social opinion or identification with the interest of peersYou can tell this guy was socially outcasted so he just decided to pretend it’s trivial to him, when it’s clearly not because of the total seethe being produced whenever social status is used as an insult. I can’t believe insignificant ad hominem about social status makes moids seethe so much honestly, I see them seethe over insults like “loser” too. Very irrational to get so angry over insults you’d see used by a bully in a movie made in the 90’s
No. 2167331
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nonnie, you don't find this tasty piece of stud attractive?
No. 2169087
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>>2167331Pretty boys age like MILK, it's so sad.
No. 2170412
>>2167305>Girls who get angry over this give major incel energyDios mio, the projection. Maybe it's because those old, jealous, ugly hags have experienced themeselves being creeped on by gross old men and/or were taken advantage of when they were younger i.e. in a vulnerable state due to the power imbalance and don't want what happened to them to befall to the younger generation…? No! They're just jelly that
they're not the ones getting attention anymore!
No. 2171025
File: 1726772248531.png (305.46 KB, 849x1244, mra.png)

Ah yes silly women with your ideas from books not direct experience. Normal men like your coworkers can't possibly agree with Andrew Tate, ignore all his tens of millions of followers
No. 2171039
File: 1726772994397.png (162.19 KB, 660x632, moids are the dumbest.png)

Where to start…
No. 2171111
>>2171025this is basically just "not all men" kek. he's absolutely wrong, as a bi woman i always struggle to relate to the ways straight men talk about women even though i also find women attractive. i'm constantly cringing at how they talk about women and how they can't just be normal for 5 seconds and just say idk "that woman is hot/pretty" instead of some retarded dehumanizing shit like "mommy milkers". they're incapable of being normal about women while a bi/lesbian woman actually loves women without being disgusting about it. i've been in many groups of men and literally ALL of them act creepy about women around "the boyz" like that reply said, especially if they think they'll get away with it or you won't say anything about it. "you just need to find better groups of men" they're all the same, the only thing that ever changes is how much misogyny there is and what kind of it. for some you have the conservatard type of misogny and for others the libshit misogyny. even the rare less bad men in those groups never call out each others's misogyny and coomshit either so they're not any better in the end.
>>2171039"men being blamed for everything" as if they're not the ones blaming everything on women and feminism
No. 2173607
File: 1726932131708.jpg (458.25 KB, 1080x1494, robot waifu.jpg)

>robot waifu fantasy
>still about real women and how they'll regret rejecting him
No. 2173773
>>2172328The excuse they give for why they won't put in any effort is that "women aren't feminine anymore" which is not even true, most women including the "white western roasties" all engage in makeup, shaving and defend femininity constantly. I genuinely don't get what they're complaining about whenever they try to pretend like women aren't feminine anymore when white women will call you a pick me if you just say you don't wear makeup or get dressed up. It's either that or how women aren't obligated to birth their children or can divorce them, have their own money, so they don't need to earn well anymore and any woman demanding that is just a spoiled gold digger. It's like unless they get to have you as a slave codependent incubator they don't have to put in the effort in their mind.
>>2173607This is always hilarious to me too, it's just those 4chan 3D is disgusting and 2D is better but now with robot waifus instead. It just makes any retard that says it look insanely pathetic and shows they can't pull women who can actually consent or have more agency of their own because they'd reject them. Same for the losers who want to date asian women because they think they'll be more "submissive", all it does is expose their inability to pull women in general. It's also always so odd how they have that strawman about women wanting 6ft tall, abs and 6 figures guys when most women end up dating men way below their league who don't even make that much money nowadays. One of the only places on the internet I've seen women having standards about looks is the ugly man psyop thread here, otherwise it's just women sucking the dick of any ugly moid as long as he doesn't beat her and saying they LOVE dad bods or some retarded shit like that. It's also almost adorable how they think it's women that are gonna be the ones seething about not having men around (in this hypothetical reality where they actually left women alone) when men are the ones shooting up schools and going insane from not having access to pussy
No. 2173964
>>2171039really had it with the "muh ww2 male heeeroes" BS, its cult like veteran worship
No. 2174025
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>>2174023Samefag but lmfao
No. 2174102
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>>2174023This moid was probably completely serious but this is unintentionally funny as hell. Do they really think like this?
No. 2174171
>>2173932The level of entitlement is insane
>>2174023Imagine shitting yourself over a 2D male character being hotter than you. This is probably why scrotes project at women and say if a woman criticizes their 12 year old loli waifu who gets panty shots every 5 seconds she must just be jealous, because they themselves can't handle seeing an attractive male character in an anime solely because of their jealousy and bitterness at women liking him. Meanwhile women's criticism actually comes from
valid reasoning (pedophilia pandering, extreme objectification, etc) rather than jealousy. No woman wants a guy who wants to fuck lolis in the first place, unless she's an extreme pick me in which case she wouldn't mind him liking lolis so it doesn't even track. Something I noticed is usually women like adult male characters too (Gojo being one of them) while moids want to fuck teenage and little girl anime characters
No. 2174484
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Not posted by a man, but the husband described in this post qualifies for this thread
No. 2174485
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No. 2174496
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>>2174486Picrel are some of the comments.
WHERE did she claim to be “not like other girls”? What internalized misogyny? Why are these people blaming her?
No. 2174531
>>2174496Redditors are actual speds holy shit, apparently playing an fps game means you have internalized misogyny.
And yeah it’s hilarious how her husband’s mad at her for simping fictional men when he not only has tons of nsfw cartoon pics saved but also follows real pornstars. Scrote hypocrisy at its finest good riddance.
No. 2177790
>>2177727As a thirdie poorfag, I
seethe anytime I see these low-life coomer consoomers. I want to drug and rob them of their money Cardi B style. Give me that money I can put it to actual good use I need it reeeeeee—
No. 2177794
>>2174023JJK is mid but God bless Gojo for his fangirls and the seethe he generates from incels.
Seriously, being jealous of a 2D character? Did you see """
femcels""" getting suicidal when waifus like Zero Two, Yor, and Marin were popular to the point of writing essays about it? Same thing happened with Miguel from Spiderverse lmao
No. 2177803
>>2174486this just made me not want to get pregnant even more. i'd be wanting to abort at the first sign its father treated me poorly out of the sheer humiliation of carrying some loser's spawn inside me
>>2175275yeah, as a woman who never really fit in with other women it frustrates me how people will shit on people like me and say i'm an nlog/pick me who just wants male attention when i just genuinely am gnc and got bullied by other girls growing up. it sucks because you basically get shit from all sides except repulsive males who think you're gonna be their waifu if you like the same things and I'd give anything to not be this way but unfortunately it's just how i am.
No. 2178230
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>>2174484makes me think of pic rel (the enemy is men btw)
No. 2178777
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No. 2181838
File: 1727421151467.png (1.37 MB, 737x2252, Screenshot 2024-09-27 085652-i…)

so while keeping up with celebrity drama (offset accused cardib of cheating him after Offset has been cheating on cardi for like 7 years with hundreds of different women) i decided to look at what people on twitter had to say about it and i stumbled upon the african side of twitter talking about it and the misogyny is crazy there like what??!
No. 2182180
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No. 2182184
>>2182180Little girls had My Little Pony, but guess what? Scrotes invaded
that. Women invading everything men like is just reparations.
No. 2182199
>>2182180women had mahou shojo - men invaded it and turned it into a 3deep5u lolislop ryona shit
women had my little pony - men invaded it and turned it into goonfuel waifuslop
women had sports - men invaded it and sent women to the hospital because of their caveman strength
women had mezzo piano and other girly cute fashion - men invaded it and turned it into a pedo fetish
women had lolita/gyaru/jfashion - men invaded it and turned them into waifu coom categories
No. 2182230
>>2182199Accurate. I'm so sick of them taking over everything women like but then crying and shitting themselves if a woman likes something they like and isn't even "ruining it" in comparison. A woman mentioning she doesn't like objectification in a video game and wanting more varied female characters for example isn't even close to being on the same level as men turning child cartoons into coomslop and gore to the point where if you googled things about them as a child you'd be exposed to that shit. I hate liking cute things in general even though it's completely natural for me to like them, because men always inevitably want to ruin, twist and degrade them no matter what or just make them their own. I hate how they take the aesthetics and cuteness of female fashions (or just women's looks in general) and turn them into coom categories. The worst is when they'll "make it their own" so then you aren't allowed to get mad because "it's not for you" even though they literally just took women's aesthetics and cute things that
you liked first and just put it into their coomslop. Males overall genuinely can't be fans of anything female, innocent or cute because they're too controlled by the coom, anytime you share anything with them that's cute they'll find some way to pervert it and scream WOULD even when it's not sexual whatsoever or just looks like a child/innocent. It's disgusting so I really don't give a shit about them crying about women "invading their spaces" when if you're female and like anything that remotely has scrotes into it this is what you have to deal with
No. 2182445
>>2182192Kek, nice. I stopped feeling any empathy for them too after i allowed myself to see them for what they are. You can't make me care. Not gonna question where tf did you get the vid though, keeeek.
>>2174023>>2174102Oh my god, i'm pissing, this is too fucking funny.
>>2182356I'd like to know too. It'd need to be altwered a bit to fit women more, so i'd be curious to see.
No. 2189923
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No. 2189949
>>2178777>>2178782Men will write paragraphs upon paragraphs defending their pedo drivel and then scream about MUH DOUBLE STANDARDS when women don't trust them around kids lmao
>>2189923The fact he runs a lolcow site and
still doesn't understand why not every human should reproduce is actually, unironically mind blowing.
No. 2190163
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>>2190033Late but null defends his right to have tard babies by saying male sperm doesn't go bad until 60 lol
No. 2190223
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From what I've seen nulls entire reasoning for wanting kids is because he's one of those "white replacement" people. In the same thread he rants how Africans are going to outbreed white people lol
No. 2190469
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>>2190214>>2190223it's always the walled sperging about how everyone's purpose is to reproduce. We are also here to evolve a fat, old, autistic male provides nothing to speed up evolution. The "great replacement" theory is at it's core a mass cuck fetish shared among males and nothing else. The blame and projection of the moids one true purpose to get picked, splooge, and die, however, will be placed on women. When pertaining to humans, it's specifically the male's only purpose to reproduce while it's the woman's purpose to speed up evolution through multiple things such as being selective with who to reproduce with or by creating structure to raise their children, or other women's children communally (usually the case with menopausal women, gay women [helper theory], or infertile women). Societies with more women than males will end up better and less crime ridden for the same reason.
I am tired of human males creating useless racial dynamics to create mass hysteria over their cuck fetishes to put the blame on heterosexual women for being rightfully selective. If he truly believed in bettering the future generations of humans he would've committed to a heterosexual woman and would have started a family when he was 20. Boohoo.
No. 2192966
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No. 2193045
>>2189923Why do they always assume kids would make everyone's life better? So you're "staring down the barrel of 30 more years on this fucking planet" and you hate your life already, how is adding a kid into the equation gonna make it any better? Kids are cute and can brighten up your day sure but at the same time, if you're depressed or mentally ill in a major way and can barely take care of yourself already, what makes you think you'd be able to take care of children or go through pregnancy if you're a woman, if you can't even perform basic tasks? "Nobody is a perfect mother/father" but some parents are worse than others and permanently traumatize and abandon their children to the point where it'd have been better for them to just not exist in the first place, especially when they either end up killing themselves or other people (including their own parents KEK). How does he explain the amount of parents who regret having children and don't even want to take care of them as being somehow better than someone who just chose to not have kids in the first place, knowing they'd regret it later and that had the intelligence not to do that to themselves or the child? Reproduction is meant to be selective especially if you're a woman and not everyone is meant to reproduce, if anything it's a lack of selection and women being raped and forced to breed for centuries that got us to where we are today with millions of disgusting dysgenic males for every normal/good looking woman who were never meant to exist running around and making life terrible for everyone else. All because of this entitlement that EVERYONE should get to reproduce and they aren't able to. Incels literally exist because of this kind of mentality where reproduction is always good, if they were intelligent and thought to themselves "maybe I shouldn't pass on my defective genes, it's best if I don't have kids actually and women don't owe me anything" there wouldn't be a problem. It's also annoying how he acts like some fat lolcow woman speaks for all women or "that'll be you soon", as if every woman is just eating herself to death or choosing to not have kids just because she's a lazy fat fuck or something.
No. 2193056
>>2193045They literally don't give a fuck about kids. Their modus operandi is to stick their dicks inside a warm vagina and bust a nut in it. Literally.
That's it.This waaaah muh legacy waaah muh birth rates waaaah muh miserable cat ladies are nothing but a smokescreen to hide their real intentions.
Access to pussy.If women are educated have their own money and can buy their own sex toys to "goon" themselves to how else will the average scrote get them? Well, by scaring us with the crazy cat lady stereotype—which,
remember is nothing but projection for their own fear of loneliness. Men need women more than women need men.
No. 2193091
>>2193060>White replacement has to be one of the most retarded things I’ve ever heard.That's 'cause it's their cuck fetish, kek. "BNWO" (
Black New World Order) is what they call it.
No. 2193092
File: 1728048120056.jpeg (896.07 KB, 1170x2181, IMG_3392.jpeg)

>>2190163Keeeeekkk you’re 32 now null how’s that hypothesis going for you. I had my shit ripped out because I don’t want kids and I’m older than him. I also have a partner and am married, is null? The cat lady insult is so tired, moids are literally mad we prefer the company of animals to them. “Hurrr male sperm is fine from crusty retirees” mmkay every study seems to say otherwise? You know more than Stanford University null? One quick google search proves him completely incorrect kek. The real cope is coming from inside the house. Fathers over 35 are considered geriatric and cause more defects. He’s got 3 more years before he will give himself a tard baby keeeeek.