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No. 986544
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No. 986707
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>>986642Debunked? We got milk in bags when I was a kid. The milk guy would bring it, and he brought us sippies too.
No. 986719
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I hate Canada. I have begun to unironically enjoy the boomer memes my dad sends me. We pay out the ass in taxes and get nothing in return. My family doctor is like a 40 minute drive but I'm still keeping her because I'll never be able to find a new one. I feel like we have Nordic-tier tax rates but American-tier social programs.
No. 986781
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(Not racebait ok) Anyone in Ontario notice a ton of Indian ppl moving in these past few years? Boomer family literally want to move away because "there's too many browns".
No. 986789
>>986781yes kek theyre everywhere. my area is currently being infiltrated by all the rich chinese people, theyre the only ones who can afford homes right now as
>>986762 said, but brampton is VERY indian (its also a shithole but thats another thing).
No. 986855
>>986511I lived in Toronto for a little while and that's where everyone who is any race other than white goes.
Girls would talk about their amazing Indian culture nonstop and just hang with their own cliques. Someone once even told me they'd never seen blue eyes.
No. 986865
>>986826kek is the pedo religion islam?
>>986832good thing you left! the crime there is so bad there, i see something about a shooting there every few days.
>>986855ehh thats half true. there are rich white people if anything because it is so unaffordable. though, like everywhere in ontario nowadays the non-white population is definitely outnumbering the white people who live there. as a kid it was a cool thing for people to want to live there, but holy shit i would never want to live there, only visiting is good enough!
No. 986873
>>986832Same thing in Mississauga
>>986853Just as expensive, everyone hangs out in their own cliques and treats you like scum on their shoe. To get anywhere you have to be in one of those tribes.
>>986865Officially I'm not allowed to say or the brown police will run my door through.
No. 986913
>>986892(I swear if mods ban for race baiting) Canada is literally letting ~5 ethnicities conquer land and turning it into their homeland 2.0. Whole neighborhoods are just SEA, or Indian, or Polish, or Muslim, with their own businesses and everything where they only hire their own ethnicity. I wouldn't care, if they didn't act like everyone else is trash and their culture is superior, and the job market wasn't squeezing out qualified ppl bc ethnicities are giving jobs to only same ethnicities (no matter how qualified).
The Muslim girls I roomed with for a while literally said they wanted islym state in Canada bc everyone is a degenerate. Idk why they told me this though, did they think I was a degenerate?
Chinese exchange students literally flaunted that they had the answers for homework and tests from the TAs and nothing was done.
No. 986964
>>986950One of my family breaks herself doing elder care and the Nigerian immigrants at her work do nothing and get away with it, bc the hiring manager is Nigerian too. I swear anons
>>986936 have never been in a workplace once in their life.
No. 986971
>>986963"Whities discriminate!1" doesn't exist in Canada, except when ppl want to use it to play
victim/gaslight about real problems in certain communities. The only ppl I think race still impacts is Native Americans.
No. 986986
>>986971Oh it definitely does
"Minorities" can discriminate openly against white people but the reverse will get you targeted for racism
No. 987813
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I believe the abuse, but resulting in death? I find this pretty convincing. Sorry, I know it's long. On Kamloops.
>To account for the 200 graves, there is no need to assume the high annual death rates put forward in Jeff Rosenthal's study, certainly not one out of twenty pupils.
>The school had no deaths at all during its first nine years. For the next fourteen years, it had an annual death rate of 1.34%—in line with the annual death rate of Canadian Indigenous people at that time. The gap between the school’s death rate and the Canadian average then widened. First, the school’s death rate may have risen to 1.7% because of the growth in enrolment and a corresponding growth in opportunities for infection. Second, and more importantly, the Canadian death rate fell dramatically during the early to mid-twentieth century. The gap then narrowed after the 1940s with the introduction of streptomycin and other antibiotics.
>To reduce the school's death rate to a level below that of the pupils' home communities, the school would have had to impose medical screening on incoming students, particularly for tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. This was one of Peter Bryce's recommendations. However, a reliable test for latent TB would not be developed until the 1940s. Bryce also recommended increased ventilation of the dormitories, but that measure would have been possible only in summer. At that time, the most effective measures against TB were preventive: regular hand washing, daily bathing, no spitting, etc. Those measures took decades to inculcate into Euro-Canadians, and it would have taken just as long to incorporate them into Indigenous culture.
>Yes, there was a vaccine against TB, but it did not enter widespread use until the late 1920s and did not prevent primary tuberculosis infection. In hindsight, the best preventive measure would have been to cap school enrolment at thirty pupils, in order to reduce the number of possible hosts for TB and other infectious pathogens.
>The Kamloops Indian Residential School was not a death camp. The risk of death was about the same there as in the pupils' home communities. Nor was there a "mass grave." The burials took place over the eight decades of the school’s existence. The “unmarked graves” originally had wooden markers, which decomposed and disappeared over the years. The graveyard itself was abandoned with the closure of the school in 1969.
>The residential school system was wrong but it was wrong for other reasons.
No. 988192
>>986913haha, canada is going to be exactly like america sooner than later. The govt will sell out all the native citizens out for cheap labor from immigrants and blame it on capitalism.
Fair warning to the black/brown canadians who've lived there for several generations, these people from other countries will attempt to replace and demonize you. Best of luck!!
No. 988833
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Is it true Sophie and Idris bang while Justin watches?
No. 989807
>>989794well, im not sure about in the whole world, but i went there for a few days and it was really boring yeah. the food sucked, i felt like there was nothing to do, and on top of that the people were weird.
>>989800i think that hes straight, but hes just a nasty dude. theres those stories about him sexually harassing ladies and i think a student too at one point, but theyre all brushed under the rug. hes just a shit person.
No. 990073
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What do you all make of Carrie Bourassa?
> For decades, Bourassa has identified herself as Métis — a group recognized as one of Canada’s aboriginal peoples, along with First Nations and Inuit. She also claims some traces of Tlingit and Anishinaabe heritage in her background.
> Bourassa was one of the most important indigenous health experts in Canada. In addition to her teaching position at the University of Saskatchewan, she was scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health, a federal agency that helps distribute millions of dollars in grants for indigenous health research in Canada.
> “When I was very young, I knew I was not a Caucasian person,I knew there was something very different about me.”
> In a 2019 Tedx Talk, Bourassa wore a blue woven cloak and held a feather as she introduced herself as Morning Star Bear, a spirit name translated from the Tlingit language. She said she grew up in a dysfunctional family that struggled with alcoholism and violence in the western Canadian city of Regina. Her only saving grace was the Métis grandfather she called “gramps,” who took her on excursions to tan hides, pick berries and gave her moccasins and mukluks
> In her personal narrative, Bourassa has long credited Clifford LaRocque, a Métis elder, long deceased, with helping her identify with the group when she was in her early 20s. She said LaRocque adopted her after he claimed to have researched her ancestry in 2002.
> “He did his due diligence. He didn’t just give me a Métis card,” she said in an interview with the Saskatoon StarPhoenix just a few days after the CBC News exposé was originally published. Larocque died in 2018, and this “due diligence” has yet to materialize.
> Family photographs tell a different story. Bourassa is pictured as a little girl with her white maternal grandparents, Ladislav and Gertrude Knezacek. Ladislav, who was born in Saskatchewan in 1928, his family originated in Hungary, and Ladislav appears nothing like the Métis “gramps” Bourassa describes in her speeches.
> a recent report by Canada’s national broadcaster, the CBC, raised serious questions about Bourassa’s heritage, the University of Saskatchewan announced last month that it had placed her on paid leave while it conducts a sweeping independent investigation into her origins.
> both CBC News and the New York Post traced her family ancestry to Eastern Europe, and her own colleagues have investigated with similar results. As Winona Wheeler, an associate professor of Indigenous studies at U of S told CBC News in October, “There was nowhere in that family tree where there was any Indigenous person.”
No. 990243
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>>988833kek just like Pierre and Maggie.
No. 990553
>>990073This is the first time I heard of her, interesting to know there's a Rachel Dolezal: Canada Edition
>>990090I think it would depend on where you lived in Canada, but when I came to the USA I noticed a lot of differences in terms of things being convenient/available all the time. Like you can go to pretty much anything on a Sunday. It might just be coincidence but I also barely ever get ID'd in the states compared to in Canada. In hindsight weirdly I think Canadian fast food was actually better, I don't get takeout a lot in either place but Taco Bell was for sure better in Canada, so many more options. Other than that things are mostly pretty similar, the biggest difference is of course healthcare and stuff but that's going to be so variable depending on what your insurance is like in the states.
No. 990579
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I'd love to visit your national parks. You're so lucky. Where have you been? What was it like? Make me jel!
No. 990777
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>>990579this is one of my favourite national parks to hike in. its so lush and green, covered in flowers in the spring and the lakes are crystal clear! i want to try hike it in the winter.
No. 990785
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>>990579another one of my favourites is pacific rim. the west coast is so beautiful
No. 995056
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I’m not Canadian but why is Quebec this way? Is it just because of their French twist?
No. 995803
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I'm Eastern Euro and have been dreaming about moving out to Canada actually. Is it really that bad? I work in IT but not qualify for express entry yet. Would Calgary be a good place at least?
No. 995834
>>995808Thank you!!
>>995810>>995817Yeah that's mostly why I prefer to not go into these options. Would probably choose Vancouver if not the fact that it's so expensive. I just want to have stability + 'salary : real estate prices' situation in Calgary looks way better than the one in my country so it gives me some vision of the future.
No. 997039
>>996958As a french person, their accents are funny and Canada as a whole feels like the new American dream for us. Lots of people go there or want to, and come back with lots of stories on how it's so much different but so much better.
After reading all this, I'm wondering if it is still possible to move there as a french person and have an enjoyable experience. We do have extremely high taxes as well
No. 997097
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so I go to u of t and they cancelled the last two days of in-person exams, and are making the first month of the winter session online. most people seem to think that all of next semester will be online and I am dreading that. I hate Ontario
No. 997117
>>997097>>997104I'm honestly so, so, so glad I graduated way before covid. Good luck, my beautiful anons.
What I'm sad about are the restrictions put in concert venues due to omicron… I wonder if concerts will get cancelled (again) or rescheduled (again). I was just enjoying getting into the flow of going to shows, too.
No. 997118
>>995056Because theyre based. People talk shit about quebec all the time but montreal is very multicultural and people dont know thier history so they dont get why quebec people care about french lol its the most unique place in canada to me. I grew up in mtl and new york and mtl metro is a thousand times better.
Also religion is retarded pedo shit made for scrotes
No. 997120
>>996958Many want to be an independent country because its nothing like france or the rest of canada. Quebec pride is very big but keep in mind most people who want quebec to be an independent country are old people.
Also for me, french (from france) accents sound funny to me so i guess quebec accents sound funny to french people lol
Irl no one worries about any of this shit. Mtl is very diverse. Now if you go to some places nowhere in quebec it will be mostly white people
No. 997149
nonny, did you really expect otherwise? u of t has to be one of the snootiest schools ever but on top of that, they arent even as lefty as york (where i went) but everyone i knew from there is very sjw-esque and still hate white people unironically (even my friends who went there, note: one was half-white but anyway)
fuck that person
No. 997150
>>997117samefag but im also glad i graduated just before it too!
>>997122where are you from? this is not true at all, especially not woke-tario
No. 997173
>>997150super subjective but you have to bear in mind with the polarized culture war rubbernecking nonsense that anywhere with an aggressively "woke" populace has an equally aggressive and deeply resentful reactionary underbelly. it is only even really a "crypto" tendency among a certain class background due to fear of ostracization; a number of people are quite overt and brash about it.
you know what they say about leftist men too. there are different subtypes of misogyny but it's still there. some of it is just viewed as regressive or impolite, so people have to approach it with disingenuous finesse.
similar dynamic with racism in canada, i think. we do have actual textbook white supremacist groups, and i don't say this as a hysterical twitter retard at all. we import a lot of distinctly american schisms and conspiracy-mongering too… completely incoherent in context. again, i don't have any stakes in this, just my observations as someone who can blend unnoticed into most groups because of being quiet and socially invisible.
No. 997412
>>997368sorry but what does it explain? ive never been but my bf tells me that whenever he goes he sees needles in common areas or even at mcdonalds
No. 997521
>>997409I wouldn't rent one of the "luxury" apartments. They are usually filled with Air BnBs, they are also very cheaply made, also you would have to worst landlord (probably a chinese man that doesn't even live in Canada). Do not rent from hassidic jews, they are awful landlords and do not care about you or making the apartment liveable (I have made this mistake and many friends too). Also landlords cannot ask you for any deposit (no first and last month, pet fees, etc). The only thing you pay is your rent every month. The landlord can ask you to pay for the credit check but it is deductible from your first rent. Scummy landlords love to charge illegal fees to immigrants and anyone that don't know better. Electricity is only expensive during the winter, cellphone/internet services are crazy expensive, food is also more pricy now. Montreal only looks cheap to outsiders, rents have doubled in the last few years. We are also used to cheap rents so to us the new prices are not affordable. If you make around minimum wage/low middle class you cannot live alone anymore. For 1.5K here you can get a 3-4 bedrooms in most neighborhoods. Don't rent in Laval or Longueuil even if it seems like it's near everything. Also learn French if you want to move here. It is possible to only speak English if you stay near the downtown area (McGill/Concordia ghettos, NDG, Mile-End, St-Henri, Griffintown), but it is very dumb to not mix with the majority of the population.
No. 997746
>>997446Hey, americanon, you are welcome here. Rent laws differ from province to province, with some having stronger renter rights than others. I know that Quebec has strong rental rights, but where I live in Ontario, you need to be a bit careful. Thanks to Doug Ford, he made weird changes to rent control laws that only helped his rich, developer cronies. So. A lot of new fancy condos aren't covered by rent control if they've been built/occupied for rent on and after November 18, 2018. What happens is that some people get suckered in by the lower rent and nice amenities then get fucked over by greedy landparasites that increase their rent by 20%. It's not super frequent, but it does happen and you need to ask the landlord/rental company when it was first occupied or built. I will also add that white collar, big city Canadian salaries are lower than white collar, big city American ones so it might seem like it's cheaper but it all balances out.
No. 1000766
>>1000650nonita, i'm very, very worried. i traveled outside the country for a month to visit my folks for the holidays. i'm just crossing my fingers they don't close the border after the holidays, as i'll be traveling back on the first week of january. i've been following the news there and QC went straight to hell and i'm worried about another curfew,
No. 1000806
>>1000792Omg same. My friend got a bunch of rapid tests from uni though so I'm picking one up tomorrow. Do you have student friends that you can get one from? I'm also going to wake up early tomorrow to try and grab a pcr test from a hospital.
>>1000801Haven't you been checking the news?? LCBOs have basically run out unless you live in the middle of nowhere northern Ontario. Also, scalpers are gonna scalp. Fuck them.
No. 1001271
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nonas I'm supposed to travel from Ontario to Europe on the 26th and I'm so anxious that they will ban international travelling. what are your predictions?
No. 1001273
>>1001271Shit’s getting all locked down everywhere,
nonnie, if you go there, you will need lots of money to stay there for who knows how long.
No. 1001318
just sending good vibes, noni. i just got my third dose today, because the gob here rolled the third doses in october. i just keep on checking arriveCAN and the news in Montreal.
also, bonjour/hi to all monty nonas!
No. 1001360
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>>1001327nta but if you are a citizen they have to let you back in. CBSA site at this time is saying you will need to take a molecular test before returning. No. 1001407
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Your fave?
No. 1001523
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>>1001407These little pricks. I love them.
No. 1001546
>>1000650Curfew annoucement when?
C'est crissement rendu ridicule. On est exactement au même point que v'là un an. Legault arrête pas de nous mentir. Où est la ventilation dans les écoles? Il a fuck all rien fait pour améliorer la situation dans les hôpitaux et pour ses travailleurs. Il patine autant que Mélanie Joly depuis le début et en plus nous infantilise. Check le ben nous annoncer un nouveau défi 28 jours demain et après nous punir à nouveau parce que ses ostis de mesures ne changent rien à la propagation. En plus, avec les élections qui approchent, il va faire plein de moves politiques idiots et faire des promesses dans le vide pour plaire à la personne moyenne qui lit le JdM.
No. 1001661
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>>1001546Serieux! J'en peut plus. As-tu vu son dernier tweet? I'm sure he's gonna mention something among the lines of curfew, and how gathering will now be banned. I fucking hate this province now.
No. 1001728
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>>988268the 90-iq midwits populating this thread probably consider this woman to be “privileged” and “lazy” compared to the average middle-class white canadian. this country is so gay
No. 1010355
>>1010016AND commerce closed on Sundays, leaving local businesses up the river without a fucking paddle all over again.
>>1010258I was thinking about the printemps d'érable too. At this point a lot of people who previously supported restrictive measures are saying ça suffit, life can't continue this way, there needs to be another solution. Putain de Legault can't believe his approval rating is so high in QC.
No. 1010444
>>1010016it's just ridiculous. while it doesn't affect me (with the exception of shops closed on sunday), the last time the police screwed up workers returning home from night shifts, taxi drivers, elderly care and healthcare workers. the curfew does nothing. people will find a way to twist it (remember the kids having dance-offs in La Fontaine last February?).
hope my local stores won't close during regular hours.
No. 1011366
>>1011325What crazy laws are you speaking of? Other than that, I feel like any nursing/PSWs jobs should be crazy in demand due to covid but also not well compensated despite working a lot of hours etc.
Toronto's nature is really shitty compared to Vancouver, but it's hard to compete when one city is located near mountains and beaches! Toronto does have some interesting landscapes but you have to go east in Scarborough for the bluffs. Kind of crazy that that kind of scenery exists in the GTA, honestly. Otherwise if your sister decides to get a car, she can drive to Tobermory or Algonquin or to any of the national parks. They are quite beautiful but they're neither beaches nor mountains. Camping, kayaking/canoeing, and climbing are huge if she's into that. Ontario has a ton of lakes too.
No. 1011433
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Well it looks like Douglas has given up on fighting covid. Good luck Ontario anons, let's see how long this takes to blow over.
No. 1011505
>>1011366Huh, I guess Vancouver may work. She wanted me to move there too, and I guess she could easily get a job. It looks like Toronto is kind of an interesting city, although my dad said there was a little griminess (weed and sex shops), but the places you mentioned? Beautiful. Plus, closer to northern USA, that must be fun!
With crazy laws I mainly mean stuff like kids getting harassed by police for playing hockey because ‘le covid’ and weed being easily accessible. Maybe that’s a really sweeping opinion coming from a non Canadian, and a little inaccurate.
Regardless, thanks for such a detailed Canada review, I always wanted to know more about it and may your cheese gravy chips be fresh and cheesy in 2022
No. 1011587
>>1011505> police for playing hockey because ‘le covid’ Oh, yeah, that was more true last year when covid wasn't really known. Now no one really cares if kids are out and playing on the streets.
>and weed being easily accessibleIt's not that bad! I do have to say that there are way too many weed shops, and it's kind of ridiculous. It's a lot of weed shops, chain store fast food, and pharmacies (Shoppers, Rexall).
I do enjoy
living in Toronto just because there's a lot of diversity and I don't feel too out of it since there are a lot of people of my ethnicity. The food is really great and enough musicians come here to play. The downside is that it's getting expensive even for some white collar professionals as no viable solutions are being considered by politicians. I think Vancouver has similar problems as well, with a bunch of foreign investors buying up a bunch of condos inflating rent and property prices. I think either the municipal or the provincial government tried to add some fees for foreign investors but I don't think it worked since Vancouver is still very expensive.
Glad I could help you. Enjoy Vancouver or wherever you end up in Canada! Happy new year, btw!
No. 1011712
>>1011433what do u mean?
are you mad we dont have lockdowns
No. 1011775
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>>986637yes, we have milk in bags.
>>986646people place the bags in a pitcher prior to cutting it open.
No. 1016158
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its for your health!
No. 1019068
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mfw quebec annouces anything
i've always defended quebec slander but im at a breaking point. just announce that we need a 4th dose already and shut up
No. 1026405
nonny! Starting on the 24th, we're going to be need proof of vaccination to go stores that are over 1500m2. Kinda crazy, non?
Curfew being lifted means nothing, but I do feel a lot more free.
No. 1026642
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Any shortages in your area?
No. 1029978
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>>1026642With the news that unvaxxed truckers can't cross the border I'm waiting to see if there are going to be shortages.
No. 1031065
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My Canadian brother-in-law introduced me to Nanaimo bars. Thank you Canada for contributing this product to our planet.
No. 1031076
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>>1031065If you're American, thanks for cornflake cookies
No. 1032127
>>1026642i work in a grocery store and there have been endless supply chain issues paired with striking factory workers, dock workers and truck drivers. customers keep harassing our produce department and demanding to know why we don't have certain shitty processed foods on the shelves but the warehouses are just kind of unpredictably empty. shortages really depend on where it is sourced from and how it's shipped. sometimes i ask retail wagies in other stores if they have something and they just straight up tell me they haven't had it in a long time and don't know if or when they will again. we do rain checks in my store and i was instructed to let customers know we might never get certain things back in stock and that i don't know whether their product will come back in.
a lot of domestic products from out of province are up in the air too, depending where from. the big chains are trying to keep things well stocked and do some sneaky facing and layouts and i think a lot of the sales they do are sort of deceptive and placating because they can eat a certain margin without losing profit to maintain appearances. don't think major cities will become food deserts but prices are definitely going to go up more than they already have. guess we'll see how it goes
No. 1033021
>>1031065I wish I had the necessary ingredients to bake some right now even if it would make me gain 5 pounds. I use the recipe from the Nanaimo website but double the chocolate on top.
I haven't been to a cabane à sucre in years. My boyfriend is vegan so I want to find a good one with both options. Any other Québec anon can suggest a good one?
No. 1033239
>>1033021Dump your boyfriend, cabane a sucre is life and is missing out.
Where are you located
nonnie? and how far are you willing to go for it? About half of them closed down iirc, so it's a lot more difficult.
No. 1034233
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hate him or love him, this is a good article and i agree especially looking at the direction i see even hospitals going No. 1034481
>>1034455Ford is gonna open up indoor dining and stuff soon, though:
Starting Jan. 31, a host of indoor settings will be able to reopen to the public with 50 per cent capacity limits, including:
>Restaurants, bars and other food establishments without dancing.>Retailers, including shopping malls.>Gyms and non-spectator areas of sports facilities.>Movie theatres.>Meeting and event spaces.>Museums, galleries, aquariums, zoos and similar attractions.>Casinos, bingo halls and other gaming establishments.>Religious services, rites and ceremonies.I just want to go to the gym, anons.
No. 1034595
>>1034560Yeah, I'm putting the present blame on the Conservative government because they've always cared about profits over anything and well, they're currently the government that's doing the flipflopping of mandates and freedom. I do agree that the Liberals or NDPs wouldn't have done things differently, though I feel like they wouldn't have tried to privatize health care like the Cons (knocking on wood).
>1. REMOVING the mandates in health care because they dont make sense nor are they about health and they costed hospitals/long term care homes, etc. their workersI'm not sure how it costed hospitals or long term care homes? Like you said, the ERs were always at capacity due to a lack of funds, so the mandates helped it keep it under control (for a lack of better word) compared to the States or India. Public long term care homes also benefitted since they were such a vulnerable group.
>2. opening up more clinics/hospitalsWith the privatization of health care and the limited supply of underpaid and underworked health staff, I don't think it's actually viable. It's an obvious and correct solution but qualified personnel that never tire don't grow on trees. Ontario just doesn't have the funds and the manpower.
No. 1040037
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I’m moving nonnies! By spring I’ll be gone from Canada and living in the states. Selling stuff and moving via Canada post kek.
No. 1040080
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>>1040040I haven’t had a bad experience with Canada post (except for my mailbox being stolen a few times kek). Moving + custom fees are $4500 for one bedroom.
I couldn’t even use Pods because I live too far out of their service area. I’m in rural west Alberta but moving to a southern state.
No. 1040215
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>>1040101Thank you!! I’m pretty HYPE.
No. 1040311
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Make sure to get your opinions in
No. 1040349
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>>1040229>>1040230I'm that "mail order bride" from earlier in the thread kek. My bf came over and we got mom's blessing to proceed with immigration. It's 99% for love and 1% for better job prospects.
No. 1048294
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No. 1049218
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>>1048294Won’t be long until the convoy eat their own. I’ve heard Tamara who organized the gofundme is MIA according to the other organizers kek. People were stupid to trust her again after she got the last convoy stranded in 2019. Serves them right.
No. 1049239
>>1049232She either took all the money or the 1million that was taken out. Not sure but we’ll see kek.
I’ve been trolling their convoy Zello for the past few days. But man, listening to them speak so highly of themselves is so hilarious to me.
No. 1049249
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>>1049240You just gotta verify your info in a browser. If you get booted just use a different phone etc.
No. 1049259
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>>1049249Thanks, babely anon!
No. 1049345
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The blockage by truckers at the Alberta-Montana border right now actually has the potential to get a lot uglier than the Ottawa convoy
No. 1051109
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Provinces were going to lift mandates next month. This entire convoy has inconvenienced everyone.
No. 1051157
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Do Canadians really sweetened condensed milk on cereal?
No. 1051645
>>1051109kek you actually believed any of the gov's promises this whole time?
>>1049294embarrassing watching people whine about people protesting against tyranny
whats with
No. 1052324
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No. 1052627
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I fucking hate rednecks. I fucking hate truckers. I'm thankful the gofundme got taken down.
rest in piss, cunts.
No. 1052678
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anons i crave red velvet cakes regularly but can't bake them. any places to buy them in toronto you would recommend?
No. 1055536
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Over the weekend there was an attempted arson attack in an apartment lobby downtown Ottawa. It was two men and one blatantly admitted to being part of the protests. No. 1055570
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>>1055546The tone changed after the first week, nonna. Gofundme shouldn’t let any protests be funded on their platform.
Seems like every time a protest says “uwu we’re peaceful” is a red flag that shit is going to hit the fan. Remember when BLM said that? I do.
No. 1056631
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>>1056449I’m surprised that it hasn’t gotten more violent tbh. The amount of time that has passed I’ve been expecting someone to just go apeshit.
I think the greatest rebellion against the Canadian Govt was the natives burning down the ticket booths on David Thompson highway. When Jasper national park was being established they banished the natives to go live in Grande Cache. Unfortunately after the booths were burned they recently built new ones. Such a shame.
No. 1062103
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No. 1062175
I’m so glad I’m moving away from Canada holy shit.
>>1062170Why do you write like a scrote?
No. 1062183
>>1062174that anon and liberal/ndp/green party voters kek
>>1062175how is this like a scote? pretty common terms
>>1062178canada is huge, im just fine! ottawa is boring as hell anyway, they should be glad to get some business and some actual action for once
No. 1062191
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Who cares how people politically align. I just want more action between protestors and disgruntled citizens.
>>1062183I’ve had an inkling for a while that this thread has scrotes in it. The smegma is close and I can smell it.
No. 1062202
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>>1062183You wouldn't feel the same if it happened in your city, unless you're an unemployed welfare case or criminal like most of the people in the rally.
No. 1062208
>>1062199>>1062192Listen I’m not calling people out for having a different opinion. Last two posts have me being glad I’m eventually leaving the chaos. Up until the convoy I mentally checked out from hearing Canadian politics lol.
It’s the terminology used in this thread is what gives me the doubt I’m talking to women.
>>1062202I’m sorry nonna. I feel for the citizens held hostage by the madness. I do love the fighting but I also hope they leave your city.
>>1062204Dude I’m autistic and have tardbux. My govt could give us more but they’d rather cut us back every now and then.
No. 1062213
>>1062202i would join in when i have time. people are genuinely have a good time, theres lots of kids too, why does it bother you if youre not there? also, you do realize if we all laid back and did nothing this all wouldnt end. im employed and many of the protesters are too (hence why the media jokes that theres hardly anyone there throughout the weekdays during the day) and those who arent employed often lost their job for refusing the jab. if theyre getting unemployment money, they paid into it while working so theres no problem especially when many people are trying to find work or are self employed now.
>>1062208leftist? butthurt? ive seen those be universally used i still dont know how those are boy words. also where are you moving?
>>1062204i dont know how people falsely convinced themselves that the gov are the good guys after screwing us (trudeau mainly, but doug ford has been a complete failure too)
No. 1062216
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>>1062170Same here anon. I fucking love it. The irate lefties and Marxists screaming at the working class for rising up against the oppressor. It's a great litmus test for revealing fakers. I also sincerely hope Parliament gets wiped clean and there's a new, fresh slate.
No. 1062316
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I see this pic all over 4chan and I want a female one lol.
>>1062213I'm the same anon as
>>1040037 So far all of my packages have arrived safely lol. Only thing now is I can't say I'm moving there publicly because the US is concerned about Intentions. Wish I knew that part sooner because I found out last week. kek
>>1062267ugh they also blast ram ranch as if that isn't a dated meme.
No. 1106382
>>1106370I'm glad you're happy,
nonnie. I don't care if people don't wear masks anyways.
>>1093759I was driving on the trans canada today and saw a lot of the "timbit taliban" aka truckers driving by. Had no idea they were still able to afford gas kek.
No. 1109434
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This morning I was watching the Vancouver Olympics closing ceremony and felt visibly disgusted by Hedley performing. Fuck Jacob Hoggard and his basic ass music. He gave me creepy vibes ever since I saw him spend the day with “lucky” fans on MTV.
No. 1118873
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The U.S. is going to build a wall and make Canada pay for it
No. 1175962
nonny! I hope you have fun. I don't like amusement rides but Heritage Park seems interesting!
No. 1175966
>>1175881Oh, there's also a beerfest happening sometime in July I think.
The most recent date I went on was to an All You Can Eat Brazilian BBQ house called Minas. Was really good, especially the endless supply of roasted meats. Some asshole went up to the dessert bar and blew his germs all over the food though. There are crazies at ayce places smh
No. 1196256
>>1196085There was a program for rich people that would grant them citizenship if they lived in Quebec for x amount of time and invested money in the province. It ended up with rich chinese people buying a lot of land, pretending to live in Québec while they either fucked off to Toronto or Vancouver or just never actually officialy moved away from China.
>>1196244These people won't have any fun when they realise that outside of the greater Montreal (also Hull/Gatineau and some small villages along the Ontario border), people can barely speak English. Most people in Quebec City hate foreigners and are not very good English speakers. It is also very conservative.
No. 1208031
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Introduced my mother to Tiger Tail ice cream which she never heard of. Now it’s her favourite flavour and she always buys it.
No. 1208056
>>1175823Go to Golden,
nonnie. I used to live there and it's fun when you're a tourist kek.
No. 1211566
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I have to choose somewhere to live between Toronto/GTA and Eastern Ontario but everywhere seems depressing and expensive and I just want to save money for a while. The last place I lived before covid was cheap at the time but so isolating and boring that I ended up spending most of my time in Toronto and wasting money that way. I wish there were even one small to medium city with affordable housing and some secular local events that aren't just country and folk music. It's also difficult to discuss some of this without race baiting, I feel like people from Ontario and BC should be given more leniency on that. Everything about living here has become so frustrating and stifling tbh
No. 1214807
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No. 1215240
>>1214743As long as you try, people won't mind you not being great with French at first. Hang out with French people and tell them to not speak in English to you (I know we tend to do that cause we think it will be easier for you, but in the end it doesn't help). With the new bill, it is requirted to speak in French at work unless it is a very small business. The best way to be fluent is to fully immerse yourself. Montréal has changed a lot in the past years, I don't love it as much as I did when I moved here 15 years ago. It is becoming a very ugly city, all the new constructions don't fit with the beautiful old buildings. I wish they'd keep building triplexes instead of ugly condo towers that nobody wants to live in. I loved that Montréal was a big inexpensive city with a low population. Now it is becoming another Vancouver or Toronto.
>>1208727What have we done this time?
>>1214807It was fucking time, how long has it been since it came out that he is a disgusting scrote that likes teenagers?
No. 1216990 clown world
>People who do not consider themselves men or women will now be able to legally check the 'X' box on official documents provided by the Quebec government, without having to go through surgery. People who identify as non-binary when giving birth to a child will also be able to identify themselves as the child's "parent," rather than the father or mother of their baby, if they wish.Was more important than this:
>After protests from fellow legislators that there would not be enough time to complete the process before the National Assembly adjourns on June 10, the minister decided last week to withdraw two important parts of the bill: the rules of filiation and the regulation of surrogate pregnancies. No. 1218908
>>1217032Legault wants a lot of immigrants because they are often willing to work jobs that nobody wants. It's easier for him to do that than raise minimum wage and work towards better workings conditions.
He also likes to demonize
poc and get the boomer votes this way, win-win from his perspective.
I hate him so much.
No. 1220600
>>1215240This was notttt not not my experience re: "just try and they will be nice to you!!11!"
I could not believe the fairly common responses I got when I was trying to improve my french while there; stink eyes, eyerolls, and even open mockery of my mistakes in the worst cases. Obviously this was not the majority of the experiences, but it became totally discouraging. I am an immigrant who truly wants to make an effort to integrate but it was such a horrible first experience in Canada– I moved west and never looked back.
No. 1233519
>>1211566When I move back home I'm going to settle in Ottawa. I like how there's a distinguished city yet lots of smaller suburbs around, but definitely a lot smaller than Toronto. I will say it sucks that most people in Ottawa speak French though, and a lot of jobs request literacy in French. I haven't worked in Ottawa though so I'm not sure if they
actually need it.
No. 1238945
>>1220600lol canadians aren't extra specially nice like they make out and make their whole identity around. they are just average politeness at best but they are next to bottom of the barrel america so seem politer in comparison
canadians just love to make their whole identity around how ~different~ and ~special~ they are with the stupid provinces and fucking timbits and hockey and healthcare (like every other civilized country on the planet) and whatever other boring things they like to parrot to each other
in reality the only thing that sets them apart in a notable way are their nails down a chalkboard nasal as hell accents. no one in europe knows anything about canadian culture but canadians walk around going "ehhh hahahah" expecting everyone to get their lame inside jokes when no one fucking cares
fuck, i hate canadians so much
No. 1255629
>>1252606Isn't Niagara Falls massively contaminated with
toxic waste from the Hooker Chemical factories that used to operate there?
No. 1257848
>>1257727They may have no admitting beds or surgical theatre availability in the hospital, I'm a brit and this has happened many times at my local hospital in the last few years but it would only increase driving times by a very small amount for us in comparison.
That's such a long drive for an emergent situation, must be so stressful, I hope they are okay.
No. 1258001
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>>1257735In 10 years there won't be public healthcare I bet on it. Private healthcare for the rich, and "illegal" midwives/herbalists/etc for the poor. No one wants to study or work in healthcare because the field has become so corrupt and fucked up. They've given up and are importing nurses.
No. 1263945
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Trudeaus new hair
No. 1263981
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>>1263945everyone's trying to rock the Shinji look huh
No. 1265571
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I been thinking about this and now I'm mad. I hate how backwards the public transportation is in Canada, how they need to copy America on everything including its car-centric suburban culture. It's weird to me how Ontarians need to do hours of driving just to visit friends and family.
No. 1270461
>>1264284ive been in canada for a year now (burger married to a canadian) and the only true canadian culture ive encountered is that all of you like to passive aggressively say nice things in an argument to act like you're more polite than the other person. like "fuck you buddy, drive safe".
its not like im not trying to learn about canada's history or culture but none of the people around me seem very interested in talking about it and they just want to ask me stuff about the US, or tell me their opinion about stuff about the US. canadians love to blame all their problems on the states and act like the culture from the states is infecting their perfect country but you guys arent interested in your own shit anyway so why would you expect anybody else to be. trying to get you guys to talk about canadian food for example is like pulling fucking teeth. you can only blame yourselves. the most milquetoast country in the world.
No. 1271032
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>>1270711Correct, it's culture is the lack of culture, everything is sterile and boring and censored to hell (Russia and China tier media bullshit). There is culture in the immigrant pockets but they mostly keep to themselves and don't even speak to other ppl outside their culture, have their own little economies too (esp asians indians and africans, and muslims).
No. 1271174
>>1271039This, posters like
>>1270711 and
>>1271032 could benefit from getting out of Toronto or wherever the fuck
No. 1271405
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No. 1271568
>>1271461Anywhere outside of Toronto basically. Toronto and Vancouver ideally would be a melting pot of different cultures but different races stay inside of their own communities and FaceTime chats and don't interact with "outsiders". It's a pot but not much melting going on.
Montreal does get a bad rep but their culture is very strong.
The smaller towns, cities and countryside have a typical southern culture.
No. 1271583
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I hate this retard province so god damn much
No. 1272101
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It's not like French is actually the only official language in Québec. Anglophones have been trying to assimilate us for centuries and still havn't worked. Even if we got butfucked countless of times, we are still going strong. Not so long ago we were considered a minority in our own province and were treated as such. There's a reason why anglos are still rarely not upper middle class in the province. The richest Montréal neighborhoods were anglophone and still are.
No. 1272586
>>1272564nayrt, I'm
>>1270711, but none of the people in Canada who have a culture (mainly Quebeckers, indigenous groups) want to be called Canadian. Usually for good historical reasons. So yeah, Canada has no real culture. Including rural Canada, sorry to the anon who said that but that was such a dumb take. I'm saying all this as an anglo + immigrant canuck who has lived in either the suburbs or rural canada my whole life. It's America But Blander, even with regional differences. IMO the country was formed too late and anything that was developing was annihilated by the TV and internet age, but it could be other things as well. Try going anywhere like taiwan, japan, france, even australia or the UK and US and trying to explain what oh-so-special culture we have compared to their festivals, foods, language, history, pop culture past and present. Worldwide every culture is getting rather killed by the internet but at least they still had it to begin with. Will always remember the hilarious "…that's it?" I got in taiwan when I described poutine and nanaimo bars and a spanish exchange student getting a flustered angry response when he asked "so how is it special?" to an edmontonian.
Canadians like to pretend we're chill but we're the most insecure people-pleasers on the planet. I wish I could leave but I have no useful in-demand skills that other countries want and I don't want to get shot up in the US. Sorry for sperg
No. 1272894
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>>1272851AYRT. I don't agree with hardly anything you said KEK that is not what I was going for at all. Oh well, you do you
I'm guessing you're a burgerfag or what? Since you're talking about us in second person
No. 1273074
I miss being in Canada. I recently hung up my The North Face winter coat and moved to the states. The heat here is abysmal compared to Kelowna/Shamloops. It's all thanks to the humidity.
>>1271568Vancouver is just little Hong Kong. Not saying that because Vancouver is full of Chinese it literally looks and feels like Vancouver.
>>1272586Dude I used to live in DEADmonton too and the culture is just the homicide count and good food. You could also say it has a lot of protests at the Govt building lol.
>>1271583kek me too but the quality of life certainly is better than BC.
>>1271405Timmies run has a whole new meaning
No. 1274133
>>1273691boohoo you cant stop me i qualify for this thread and you cant do anything about it kek. more americans infecting your perfect united country.
>>1274111it's not that i think they're acting out of respect, to me it seems like it's a big part of how modern liberal canadians are distinguishing themselves from the US. in canadian media for example theres a very heavy handed cursory sort of tone when it comes to talking about native people and news but it feels very insincere. keeping the flag at half mast for a year for example, people stopped caring about it after a week but they kept it going for ages because canadian liberals have to be incredibly extra.
No. 1274839
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>>1272586>Canada has no real cultureother than the culture brought here and modified by European settlers. The culture that dominated the 17-20th centuries and invited the mass migration here we see today. Also resulting in what people universally recognize as "Canadian culture" to this day.
>and trying to explain what oh-so-special culture we have We're not allowed to race bait. Of course you wouldn't know anything about the non-Eurocentric communities who've immigrated here, they're completely closed off to outsiders. Unlike us bland and cultureless "old sock" Canadians, who have always welcome others to our festivals, traditions and communities. Our world famous hospitality allowed for disrespectful guests and dirty monarchical politicians who trashed the place. Of course no one will claim it now.
also can we all take a moment to google the definition of "culture" and what that actually means? I get the impression some people have a twitter-based misconception. Like what happened to the word "equity".
No. 1274895
>>1274839>what people universally regard as Canadian cultureLike? Can you give an example of this oh so specifically canadian culture of which you speak? Is it poutine? Maple syrup? Maybe moose? Will you perhaps say it's the national passion for hockey, despite the fact it is not an actual canadian invention? Your inferiority/superiority complex on the fact that nobody actually thinks of canada and it's culture and how you have to lie to yourself about it is absolutely riddeled thoroughout your paragraphs,
>always welcome others to our festivals, traditions and communities>world famous hospitalitykek
No. 1277479
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This is pretty gross
No. 1278117
>>1274895That world famous hospitality is probably what got you here so you could whine about how unwelcoming this country is,
No. 1280615
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How true is this?
No. 1281204
>>1280615I'd say the drugs and homelessness is true. Drugs are a huge problem in Canada to the point where we have safe injection clinics. I wouldn't just chalk it down to Vancouver there's lots of towns/cities from B.C. to Manitoba with these problems.
it's not impossible to own a house here it just depends what area you want to reside. Lots of people in my age group have houses but I also used to live in Alberta until recently lol.
No. 1284181
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>>1280615100% of this is true, every fucking word. The people saying it's not or calling everyone retarded probably aren't Canadian, are old (gen x+) or are the very people this is about. I'm the
nonnie who's sad about our culture being wiped out but I thought this was all common knowledge? Even our propaganda network, CBC has reported on the some of these points like needles in every park, our high tax rate, multiple people dying in emergency rooms, whether to shun "anti-vaxxers", depleted economic sector, etc. I'd like to add that the only people who thrive here are landlords now and one in every two properties sold in ON is sold to an immigrant (China/India) so we're basically their rent serfs. This is why we have a "supply problem": We can't supply enough houses for the endless newcomers to hoard and rent back to us/each other. As I said up thread, we have the highest immigration rate in the G7 something like 8X the rate of the USA so our housing bubble never pops and the average home in Ontario costs almost a million fucking dollars today.
The part about uni/college being mills for citizenship is reported on all the time. It's definitely lonely as fuck for residents but wasn't that way for the boomers or even gen x. You come across lots of Canadians online who will tell you our severe decline doesn't exist, bother them, was inevitable or benefits them personally (landlord) so they'll openly mock you about it. Even though the decline really picked up in the last 8-10 years, I'm not surprised this person has wanted to leave their whole lives, we've probably always had "brain drain". I remember thinking how much higher salaries were in the US, especially in places with great weather but at least it was pretty cheap to live here. This is what I mean by everything about here has become stifling. You can't even talk about it because half the population is brainwashed, unaware or complicit. I just hate it all so much, it was never perfect but there were pockets you could find real happiness and fulfillment. That's gone now.
No. 1284400
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>>1272586American culture is a greasy corn syrup condiment-drenched hamburger with GMO vegetables and the cow being fed soy and corn. Canadian culture is a sandwich consisting of lukewarm stale white bread, a single slice of processed ham and single slice of plastic cheese.
No. 1288650
>>1288645I'm gonna shit on you too
Get ready
No. 1290738
>>1290261In case you're trying to get out of this shithole where gas is over $2/L. Australia (+others) are even paying more for our common services (nursing, childcare) than here, so its a suggestion.
>>1290269They want you to do some " agricultural" work out there but my friend " heard " you can pay farmers to sign you off on it KEK
No. 1294588
nonnie! At least it's warm there
No. 1362980
>>1274418I missed your response and yes I'm in NC as well
No. 1461100
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Reviving this thread just to say that quadrupling our immigration rate since JT took power in 2015 (and soon doubling it again) has ruined my province and probably the country irreparably. Are there any services or basic needs that aren't completely broken down and dysfunctional because too many people came here at once, too quickly? 1.5 million more by 2025 during a fucking housing, healthcare and cost of living crisis. Traffic on the 401 worse than LA, our colleges/universities transparently becoming citizenship mills, even our waste and sewage systems can't keep up. We already have the highest rate than any country in the G7 and now we'll have even more. Fuck our wage suppressing, house hoarding fake government, all parties but especially LPC.
No. 1462443
>>1462390This. It's like everyone has been brainwashed into accepting being slowly murdered. Free will has been bred out of these people. Everyone laughs at burgers for being gun-wielding lunatics but you have to remember, their country was founded by men who believed and
were willing to die for personal freedom, and freedom from a tyrannical government. Canada wasn't.
No. 1462558
>>1462277The amount of muslims we're getting is egregious but mostly we're just turning Canada into India. China has allegedly slowed down their takeover in the past few years but I doubt anyone living in BC or the GTA notices a difference.
Honestly what surprised me is that I don't just hate the moids of these countries. Most of the women are bitchy pick-mes and judgmental/rude to Canadian women for dumb reasons. It's probably because their sleazy, predatory men oggle and harass us openly so they blame local women for tempting them by existing or being white.
>>1462390Are you noticing this locally or referring to our gov sponsored media and social media bot farming? Homeowners and a lot of old people LOVE it because they own bloated assets. How could an idiotic boomer afford their retirement spent on a cruise + 25 yr end of life care if shitty moldy bungalows weren't "worth" a million dollars?
The vast majority of younger people get
nothing out of this. Who the fuck looks at India and thinks "I want this, but colder and more expensive". Fucking hell, it absolutely enrages me but wtf can we do??? This is happening pretty much everywhere, we're just speeding through the collapse as quickly as possible.
No. 1462986
>>1462558Honestly, I do not agree with a few things you've said, mainly about the women.. maybe because I am in QC and people are less likely to move here. Fuck the moids, all of them.
I hope my province continues to stand against Trudeau..
No. 1463019
why is this thread /pol/ 2.0? not saying there arent massive problems in canada but i have lived in several cities and never experienced anything close to what
>>1280615 describes and half of it is blatantly contradictory anyway ex. "there are no good canadian women anymore" while also having been married to a good canadian woman, his wife dying of a mystery terminal illness the government "refused to treat" (what illness? why? what treatment?), he's made hundreds of thousands of dollars on crypto but goes to trade school and then tries to become a firefighter in a different country because??? a lot of it is just untrue as well. no one fucking starts a convo with a stranger by going "ARE YOU VACCINATED" kek, the only part of this i believe is that he has brainfog and no friends. this reads like the rant of a mentally ill racist living in vancouver. how is it that the canadian government can be euthanizing the disabled to save money but all the posts on this thread are "reee muslim women hate me because their husbands love white women." this is why our country is going to stop existing within our lifetime, goodbye.
No. 1463100
>>1462945It's easy to convince idiots we have no culture because they're within it. They genuinely view "difference" as culture kek Canadians enjoyed similar values, religion, music and interests so they lacked our understanding of "culture". I wish I were joking but this is pretty much the summation.
>>1462986It's relentless and absolutely no one gives a fuck about the safety of women. You can discuss the negative aspects in most Canadian subreddits now but accounts of harassment from women are still censored or removed. Not if a moid posts an anecdote peripherally from his spouse or daughter though. So I think the men are pretty happy to import the mentality of treating women as domesticated pets to Canada.
No. 1463270
>>1463100My neighbour separated from her husband, and was hosting a few rooms in her big big home, and invited a home who recently immigrated (not trying to bait) and he TRIED to bring that misogyny thing here.
>Begged my Neighbour for a room because his wife left him, probably after she realized she gets to have an actual life and breathe here>He never cleaned or did his dishes, insist it's the women who have to do that>Got in a fight over his cleanliness among other things which resulted in him bitching about women here being awful and accuses the other people + neighbour of stealing his Rolex>Comes ringing our doorbell because he refuses to get his items without another man (in this case my boyfriend)>Refuses to give her back the key till another man is here, she says leave it in mailbox, he doesn't want to>BF is away so he leaves it with a stranger, just a man who was repairing her study.Anyway, I just hate the whole sexism he had and tried to push onto here, while insulting women here. Not the first time I've seen that. Do not move here if you hate women standing up for themselves.
No. 1463459
>>1463417idk, nonna, imo people on both sides of the debate neglect the fact that there are lots of countries out there that are between the capitalist sjw utopia and the literal shithole with no running water or electricity. i'm not sure if i regret moving to canada, but i don't think i can make it here if i stay after i finish school. there's just too many significant dealbreakers, like a collapsed healthcare system, extremely bleak housing market, shit wages, homelessness and the same 50 deranged junkies terrorizing cities by their violent behaviour that goes unpunished, etc.
truly feels like the majority refuse to acknowledge that the government doesn't even hide the fact that they do not give a flying fuck about its people. instead people are pointing fingers at the boomers, antivaxxers, immigrants, jew, whites and so runs the circle.
i'm "lucky" to work in such a nieche field that i wouldn't be able to find a job back in my home country, but for an average joe or jill that come here to work the till at a&w or do some lame accounting job, going back to their home country wouldn't be a step back in terms of quality of life. idk, even the literal indians that flood canadian diploma mills have their families sell property back home to get here and get absolutely nothing. surely living a minimum wage life in canada can't be any better than being somewhat well-off in india. especially if they are misogynistic twats that want to bring their morals with them.
No. 1463593
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Oh look the True and Honest Canadians have arrived. Nope no problem here. Especially not immigration numbers. It's 50 junkies, the same politicians we've always had and definitely not 3 million asians kek Imagine India wasn't overpopulated somehow and I moved there with millions of my buddies in a couple years, colonized entire cities and openly resented/eliminated their culture. When social cohesion, schools, infrastructure, housing and healthcare collapse under our weight, I tell everyone they're being tricked into blaming us by their politicians and idiotic minds. Only in fucking Canada could this happen (and an immigrant tell you it didn't) jfc
No. 1464255
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>>1463711Maybe because we our slaves were predominately from the UK/Ireland? For the love of god, please look up Barnardo's children and read reports prior to the formation of Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. You can find archives documenting Indian Agents
begging Canadian government to open residential schools because tuberculosis was fucking decimating their reserves. Native people have always had less immunity to this (and most European diseases) and the standard "treatment" at the time was quarantine, which meant putting people in asylums with adults.
Crown TRIED to shut to shut down schools for budget reasons several times but reopened because so many children were dying. This is archived in newspapers around the nation and pretty much impossible to not find first hand historical accounts (if you care). Canada was a shit deal all over, "butter box babies", bride buying, diddler priests… I realize writing this has probably been a complete waste of my short wagie break but there's more to the story than a committee seeking to justify its existence/budget lets on. Many children arrived with TB or developed from living in the schools anyways. Should Canadians have just ignored Indian agents and left the children to die? It's such an oversimplification of a brutal and desperate period of history and absolutely no one cares to learn more about it.
No. 1465619
Most people would look at this paragraph and be like "racist!"
I swear the majority of immigrants have no freaking brain cells, probably because of the quality of their education. Would be nice if they were actually spent more time learning shit about Canada than absorbing and gurgitating the same trash from social media again and again.
No. 1466287
>>1465622This is true, everything from them is positioned from race and hierarchy while (the average and
VAST MAJORITY of) Canadians are doing their best to ignore those differences and carry on. Yet we can't because we're reminded every fucking two seconds of exactly where we all stand, thanks to the media and the immigrants themselves. I'm paying over half my pay cheque to rent a poorly maintained condo from a person in China who hasn't been here in 15 years. I can't get to know my neighbours because they're awkward or sexist and the only other white Canadians on my floor are also renting from Asian people here or abroad. It is very clear that they are not oppressed here, in any way other than troon rights, like us being mean by not letting them fuck, literally enslave or eat us. Considering the Greyhound guy that got released after a couple years and our rising rape rates, I'd say two out of three is pretty impressive. More ground covered than even the trannies in a relatively short period of time.
It is such an insane time to be Canadian. Our news and journalism have been replaced with government sponsored media running years of cycles headlining diversity and troonism over deteriorating CoL, infrastructure, housing, healthcare and education. Using our Native population as shorthand to fuck over white middle to lower class with impunity, mostly descendants of indentured servants mentioned in
>>1464255I ignored comments from immigrant-chans about immigrant-chans during my serf hours but clearly these people have never lived in a majority Asian city or neighborhood before? When you don't leave the fucking house except to take your infinite kids to the park or buy food and supplies for your owner, you tend to become a bit delusional, competitive and incredibly resentful of "Other", free women. I have no idea if part of that is because they expected more independence in Canada, then became more isolated than ever here or if being selected out billions of your clones to live in a developed country where your murder would be investigated is some kind of ego boost. Maybe they see all the fucking porn their husbands watch in public on their phones, always starring white women. Then assuming Canadian women and young girls in elementary school walking home are filthy, degenerate whores desperate to get their hooks into the smelliest moid imaginable. Maybe they just genuinely believe their culture is superior. It wouldn't be difficult to come to that conclusion, considering how economically and culturally devastated we are. There are a million reasons but the end result is the same and
I do not give a fuck.
No. 1466298
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>>1465623Ohhh I think you know.
No. 1467466
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>>1466812Anglophones support this because they're making the same people we all hate seethe. We're united in that. It's hilarious some of you buy the idiotic media spin that French-speaking Canadians are suddenly desperate to keep out English-speaking Canadians. Or haven't figured out what "Toronto people" means in polite Canadian. The rest of us are just jealous we can't do the same.
No. 1470346
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This comment would have been removed or at least the most controversial five years ago. Honestly great to see that even idiot redditors are getting it, that gives me hope.
No. 1487940
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Kamloops Kamloops Kamloops
No. 1487942
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Shout out to our indigenous population. They're the real OG
No. 1491046
>>1490642If only Canada was founded by men more like your cousin-husband. They'd do the "right thing" and keep their rape
victims as topless shed slaves. Housing crisis solved!
No. 1491179
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>>1491171jesus fucking KEK
No. 1491201
>>1491184Repeating the same insult this soon? Do you lack a sufficient vocabulary and yet still pontificate about how your ancestors were somehow superior making you elevated? You can't even display superiority just meekly squawk in a feeble attempt to get others to believe the lie that you swallow yourself.
My ancestors are smiling upon me imperial, can you say the same?
No. 1494779
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Speaking of trudeau, 600 posts in and still no mention of the blackface incidents? this country and its government is an absolute joke
No. 1494801
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What you ordering, nonnies?
I'm still grieving the Hazelnut hot smoothee.
No. 1499401
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Well two of the most undateable losers I know (one in my family/one coworker) married Philippina women. Is anyone else seeing this a lot more often? It's like "passport bros" but imported. won't this create a new generation of even worse moids, comparable to boomers? The women have very little recourse when the scrote inevitably abuse or mistreat her because she isn't even in her own country and doesn't have family support or money. The family never understand how expensive it is here so they're always living on bare necessities, have no savings or way to travel/get home.
We've been hearing forever how women finally won back the right to sexual selection and that would improve society by the next generation. With our "feminist" government focusing on mass-immigrating single women who find our unwashed nasally Canadian deathfats and scoliotoids irresistible, how can that happen? From what I've seen the women are family oriented and submissive but this is combined with barely-human moids who are collecting disability for personality/psych disorders or physical disabilities. So basically you have a captive slave producing tons of kids with dangerous/socially malignant human scum and carrying his genes into the next generation (where they wouldn't exist otherwise). People always say the second/third generation changes everything but at what point will the culture here change? I'm genuinely worried the future of Canada will be a nation of foreigners and dangerous pick mes and scrotes. If you told me 4 years ago I would be making eugenic arguments on an image board, I would have told you to fuck off and called you a bigot or something. Wild.
(also not that I'm saying we need more moids in Canada obviously but am pointing out how a consequence of """helping""" third world women has been giving the worst men here the ability to easily reproduce, often without even having to leave their crust cave)
No. 1499469
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>>1490642Québec is great though
No. 1499498
>>1499495The one my family member married always makes a big display of being "dutiful" at family events she isn't hosting and won't fucking relax. It sounds endearing or sad but it's weirdly competitive, awkward and you can't have a non-hostile conversation with her.
I don't see how we can possibly build a stigma when the overwhelming propaganda from our gov./corp. is that there are no "real Canadians" and we're all exactly the same. So not only is the stigma reversing but I am the socially reprehensible on in this situation: the racist who won't accept her family member's new wife. I've decided to just cut them off than deal with it any of this, they're not direct family anyways.
No. 1499697
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>>1499495my dad had a coworker who got a mail order bruise from the Philippines. Dude was a big pushover and she bossed him around and had him buy her expensive gifts. After a year and some change being married he came home to a house that was completely empty aside from his clothes. All the furniture was gone, the multiple vehicles he had were gone, and of course his new wife was gone. She sold everything and drained his bank account, bounced from the country and was never seen again. This was in the 90s so dude wasn’t sure how to pursue this legally and had to start his life over. I think all mail order brides should bully their husbands and take them for everything they got, pure stacy shit right there.
No. 1499700
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i hate it here.
No. 1499769
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>>1499697Glorious. This brightened my day
No. 1502283
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Post your favourite Canada pics. Unless it’s Quebec
No. 1502289
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No. 1502292
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No. 1502293
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No. 1504006
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TIL these screws with the square were invented in Canada and are really common here but they aren't used much in other countries. One small way Canada is actually unique kek
No. 1505442
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Why are old Quebecois TV shows so kino?
No. 1505703
>>1505702You used nearly the exact same sentence word for word
>>1490073. Don't "wewuz fightarz n shiet" again either please.
No. 1505710
>>1499537The moids doing those things are unwanted at home, so they take advantage of women from poor countries. That's not jealousy, even if it sounds bitter.
>>1499697Fucking based.
No. 1505721
>>1505718Once again assuming we’re all the same singular person.
My dislike for mass immigration comes from my hatred for rapist scrotes getting away with anything because they are immigrants. That is it.
No. 1506068
>>1506027We've complained about crabs-in-a-bucket third world women attitudes >>1466387 and deteriorating healthcare (bc of 3rd world nurses)
>>1485996 just fyi
Sheltered retards can pretend it's one person racebaiting for months/years but you can just visit
any leaf subreddit at this point and see the exact same conversation with slightly more censorship there too. Or any comment section in our mainstream news, left or right. Even neo-lib tranny neckbeard nests like r/onguardforthee and r/ontario agree that mass-immigration is presently crippling healthcare, housing, labour and gdp per capita.
The only people who aren't on the same page about that are new immigrants, academic boomers, housing investors, 99% of government, 50% of Big Corp. and idiot burgers who can't comprehend our plight because they have infinite livable cities to exist in. ex: hate SF? go to TX! Texas seen too conservative? Try Austin or Dallas. Don't like blackouts or guns? Try Maryland (and on and on).
We have like 10 fucking usable cities that at one point felt and looked like different parts of Canada and our gov/private sector refuse to build more. These few cities are
rapidly becoming foreign-majority, mainly Chinese/Indian (or Muslim). We have
already been pushed out of several smaller cities as they became unwelcoming or outright hostile ethnic enclaves. Our entire pre-2000's population are collectively losing their shit, particularly women with any sense, who need somewhere to vent. No one gives a fuck about culturally setting us a back a century, what matters is that women must be "inclusive" to the whole fucking world. The real problem is when we complain.
I'm so sick of idiots on the internet using the same words and tactics our government use to shut down criticism and DARVO people getting fucked by our immigration/student MLM.
No. 1506101
>>1506068Anon there’s no point, all of us who disagree with immigration are the same anon and nothing will change that to them. We’re just stinky racists who hate
POC for no reason other than them being
POC apparently! It couldn’t be because international students are constantly breaking laws and getting away with it (like the guy who just killed multiple of his friends in a reckless driving incident after having MULTIPLE vehicular charges against him already in his middle eastern country), or the sexual assaults and human trafficking that have absolutely risen since Trudy let everyone in.
No. 1506115
>>1506045There's tons of trafficking of white and native American women that isnt stopped bc muh sacred brown men.
>>1506068The ethnic enclaves are always so creepy to see, the stares glares and not even concealed contempt you get especially are like wtf is going on. Even in professional settings like stores and work.
No. 1506123
>>1506120Nta but these anons aren't shitting on immigration laws. They're also shitting on Asian foreigners for dating canadian guys or brown women for living there. It's obvious they're being misogynistic
>>1505411 because no sane woman gets this mad over a foreigner girl for dating local men. Anon thinks this girl is mentally ill just because she made some jokes about her culture and dated Canadian guys. I feel like there are some weird racist femcel/incels here.
No. 1506130
>>1506128You’re right, boomers are causing the housing crisis, not all the middle easterners/south asians buying up condo units left and right and renting them out for exuberant prices.
No. 1506180
>>1506137I appreciate severe autism make relating difficult, so will keep this empathy exercise as relevant to your low-stim. environment as possible: imagine I enter your home unexpectedly and explain your parents invited me. they tell me you're
super friendly and also very successful. Your dad
insists we will be great friends and that I've love living here, sharing a room with you. I follow up by making fun of your outfit and mocking most of what you say or do. I begin hauling my massive luggage into the living room, chipping away at the walls and floor and paint as I go. Your parents arrive and embrace me, warmly. They ignore your questions and protests about their extreme decision. Your parents and I begin gathering your cherished belongings, replacing them with my own dusty, offensive and unfamiliar trinkets and furnishings. When you ask where your valuables went, I laugh and ask "what belongings? you never had anything like that to begin with"
Getting a bit more literal now, I begin the chaotic process of moving into your bedroom, while sending mass-invitations to my family and friends to join me there. Your parents tell me to go relax, they'll take care of invitations and everything. I explain my violent spouse hates women and your dad texts him the address. My decrepit parents and in laws arrive and begin raiding the small bathroom cabinet for medical supplies. Any formerly quiet or private space is now occupied and your parents remind you that's the best way to use free space.
I head to the kitchen for my livestreaming event where I eat all your food. I title the video "How to Get Free Food". I know the food is not actually free and that you're broke, I just don't care. Then to really fuck with you, I take a big jar of honey from the shelf and spread it all over the clean floor with my feet. Without a shred of irony, I ask why you don't like honey before licking it off my toes, staring at you disapprovingly. I finish off by taking a big dump on your floor, asking once again why you don't like honey
No. 1506443
>>1506133You are so fucking full of shit.
NEWCOMERS own 1/5 residential units in Canada, immigrants own 40% and 50% in Van & TO. Absolutely fucking NOWHERE does it say anything about "white Canadians" owning the most investor properties. Stats Can. cites "Canadian-born". This includes second generation immigrants, non-residents and Vancouver anchor babies.
Canada did not have an investor problem until the mid-late 80s, when P. Trudeau and Mulroney opened the flood gates to Asia. A generation later, suddenly "Canadian born individuals" are rent-seeking for the first time in their history and you will think of this cohort as white.
A fucking
century of majority-Euro immigrants creating high quality, affordable housing for everyone in the who needed it. What is happening to my country and the avg. non-leaf (or boomer leaf) reaction is worse than any moid relationship I've ever had. The fucking gaslighting, darvo, all of it but you can never escape, even on a fucking image board in the smelly corner of the internet. I just hate this all so much anons.
No. 1506632
>>1506582>"In exchange for settling in western Canada, immigrants were promised 160 acres (64.7 hectares) of “free” land to homestead on and greater economic, religious and political freedoms than they had in their home countries" - TC2 & The Canadian Encyclopedia basic knowledge of Canadian history so you don't look like a low-info moron: literally at your fingertips. European Canadians were invited and brought their sense of community, pleasant social skills, values, stewardship and (most importantly)
quality building skills. The similarities end at "were invited".
No. 1506658
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>>1506632And today land in the remote northern prairies is still cheap if you want to live there. But most people talking about housing crisis talk about the cities. That was shit back then during the wave of non-anglo europeans immigrants. For example the Winnipeg General Strike in 1919 was caused by low wages and the terrible housing conditions. No. 1506687
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>>1506658Immigrants came here to settle land and create farms, metro cities and mining/forestry villages. So no, they didn't arrive here only to fester on gov benefits until they could rent houses to people. The gov also didn't plop people randomly in the tundra and flip them off like in movies.
>Governments have determined which lands would be settled, how, and by whom. They set the rules for the size and shapes of farms and aided in the development of primary source industries like mining. Governments also determined where roads, canals and bridges would be built, as well as the location of town sites, military bases, and First Nation reserves. - CAD EncyclopediaThis post-war strike is a great example of class consciousness that would be impossible to achieve today. hard to organize a general strike when your neighbours call you a spoiled/entitled brat for even addressing deteriorating working conditions or high rents. Or they're afraid of being deported, when useful or intelligent. white academics will make asian immigrants the forefront of whatever toothless corporate "workers rights" movement they initiate but this will only further push (dumber but skillful) Canadians from organizing too. they associate corp/gov initiated civil rights movements with lower quality of life and 3rd world assimilation, for good reason.
No. 1506918
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>>1506443>source: my assHere I'll spoonfeed you since you're obviously too retarded to research facts yourself.
> agree that foreign ownership has increased in the past 10 years which is why I think the recent ban is a only a small good thing but you're overstating the reason for a problem that's part of a bigger problem and why this ban won't impact much in the long run. But sure keeping sperging out about immigrants if it helps you sleep better at night.
No. 1506973
>>1506918Holy shit, this is the dumbest and most confidently incorrect commenter we've had in the thread. Let's clear this up since you clearly can't read:
The "foreign ownership ban" doesn't mean it bans all foreign-appearing people from buying houses, you fucking dolt. It bans non-residents (i.e any rich fuck, anywhere in the world) from buying our homes for a couple years if they miss the massive loopholes. To reiterate: "foreign ownership" doesn't mean shit when rent-seeking cultures buy citizenship through our student mills. After this, they're included in domestic or "white people" stats.
I said 1 in 5 homes are purchased by NEW IMMIGRANTS which you can google and read on all of our official stats pages or even propaganda like cbc: numbers you're looking for will never be found because our Stats and gov do not want us to have that information. Our CRA did however bury a report for a few decades about the problem growing in Vancouver 25 years ago can tell I'm wasting energy explaining this to a burger or 12 year old since any Canadian who's rented wouldn't start an argument about this in a million years
No. 1506987
>>1506973>I said 1 in 5 homes are purchased by NEW IMMIGRANTS which you can google and read on all of our official stats pages or even propaganda like cbc:And how do you know those don't include white immigrants from other countries? Oh wait you can't, because you'd rather sperg out about Indian people because your ex probably left you for a brown girl.
>Our CRA did however bury a report for a few decades about the problem growing in Vancouver 25 years ago So which is it? Your arguing that immigrants are stealing your houses but it's also foreign investors who do? Real smart.
No. 1507037
>>1506842I also agree the filipino women working at Timmies are a blessing.
My roommates told me some black woman sang the national anthem and changed "our home and native land" to "our home on native land". Like ok cool I dont think it really matters either way tbh. I mean as a kid you just kind of yell what everyone else is yelling so you would end up saying things that just rhyme
No. 1516649
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Is anyone else noticing a huge shift in acceptable views on this irl too? from r/canada
>>1516161They need to leave Canadians alone. We're being colonized so we get different rules anyways.
No. 1516720
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canadanons help me out what is this discussion? (chris is my personal cow sort of I just want to know why the fuck he's discussing anything having to do with canadian politics, pretty sure he's never even been to canada)
No. 1516735
>>1516729Shhh anon that goes against her
victim narrative that the entire world is
poc vs white people. Her small mind can't possibly take the reality that
poc are sometimes racist against Indigenous people lol
No. 1516774
>>1516658I'm more invested in the indian hate than the idea of disableds being euthanized honestly. Since that is what is materially diminishing my quality of life right now
>>1516681Indigneous people hate mass immigration more but I guess the ends justify the means when you hate white people enough
>>1516746>Nah Canadanons would rather seethe at immigrants because they just can't let go of the fact that they got rejected by home-owning Indian landlordsIt's gross that they're even allowed to own homes at all here, let alone turn our beautiful country into a crabs in the bucket shit hole like home. Especially considering what they did to brampton and surrey, which have become canadian no go zones. what a retarded comeback anyways, completely proving my point. you guys always sound like proud boys larping when you attempt to dunk on us
No. 1520842
So in my city some scrote was arrested for throwing a brick at a woman's stomach who was 34 months pregnant at the time, he also has 110 prior offenses of other crimes not detailed. He did around 200 days of jail time, but because he's mentally ill he's being released back into the public with only one year probation. The woman and her baby are okay thankfully, that's the only good news to this story. I'm so angry because shit like this keeps happening and the men aren't sentenced properly. A few years ago in the city across from mine some fat disgusting piece of shit abducted a prostitute, tied her to his bed and assaulted her for days before being arrested, served barely any time and when released on day parole abducted 2 middle school girls, assaulted them, broke one girl's wrist and then dumped them in a ditch. I don't understand why these men aren't given more time, especially with so many previous offenses. And I don't understand why the people in my city aren't protesting over it, but they'll protest over police brutality occurring in America, fucking retard land I stg.
No. 1521906
>>1521434i don’t take him to the city anymore, simple as that. furthest we’ll go is the science center and we avoid all public transportation. it’s such a shame too because Toronto used to be such a fantastic city but the housing crisis and mental health crisis that goes along with it has really ruined it. i’m timid to even take the train in by myself for a show because random attacks have been on the rise.
don’t even get me started on the vehicle thefts and such…
No. 1522003
>>1516713>>1516735>victimizingThat's funny because white people are the only ones screeching at how "BROWN PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY COLONIZING US"
You can join in with troons and their persecution fetish
No. 1522012
>>1521434>it's not someone's fault for being schizophrenic or whateverthat's the thing, nonna, more often than not it's a junkie whose brain has been fried by meth and not a result of an unfortunate draw in the genetic lottery. i'm personally just done feeling sympathy for anyone being unhinged in the streets. it really doesn't take a monstrous effort to recognize you are developing a severe mental illness and at least try to seek legitimate meds to curb it.
>>1521915this anon is right
>>1521927 the violence has drastically increased with the pandemic. i believed initially that it was due to lack of tourists in the streets giving away food and money to sustain the homeless, since i'm on the west coast, but having traveled across alberta and ontario since then it seems the problem is more than that. maybe it's the "scary new meth" that's been talked about in the media lately idk, because at this point it seems like irreversible brain damage.
No. 1522185
>>1521915Same nonna, I lived in downtown Toronto (Annex) till 2019. After the pandemic, there is a huge divide between the wealthy Torontonians (or anyone that owns a home in Toronto) and the homeless/poor, and the homeless just lash out in hostility. Before, like when I was living there, you still had a lot of the 'homeless-friendly' areas of Toronto that were comfortable, like Trinity Bell-Woods, Kensington, and Honest Eds. Now they're gone/transformed to accommodate the wealthy Torontonians/investors, and there is no where else for the homeless to go. CAMH is over-capacity, no one wants to deal with them, there are no more shelters even though the homeless is growing. Literally one of the deciding moves for me to leave the city was rising rent costs and feeling like Toronto lost what was special to it. Homeless people were also getting way more harassing than before. I used to fall asleep on the TTC, take it home after drinking.. I would never use it now. It's crazy.
Funny enough I moved to downtown fucking Hamilton of all places and that was a mess. Now I'm out in Calgary and don't regret it one bit.
No. 1523173
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>>1522257I used to work a camp job in grande prairie and it’s shitty. The only thing nice about it is the valley but that’s about it. I’ve had friends who moved to high level and fort mac. They obviously hated it since they’re just minimum wage workers.
No. 1536366
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victim asked the perpetrator to not right next to his three-year-old daughter so the piece of shit decides to stab him.
I won’t say everything I want to say for risk of a ban but violence has certainly risen in the last few years.
No. 1539259
>>1539231our medical workers are grossly understaffed and underpaid, you’d be better off somewhere else.
>>1539097>>1539131Careful, saying anything vaguely negative about middle eastern immigrants of any kind tends to get anons out of the woodwork that instantly call you racist.
There is no reason that moids should be allowed to have knives on them in schools or colleges and I see the religious exemption used all the time by them, it’s fucking disgusting. What religious purpose is it serving while you’re in school or in public? At that point it’s a weapon, I don’t fucking care.
No. 1539267
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>>1536366>>1539259I've always been a lefty, everyone in my family is very leftist, for the first time in my life I'm considering voting conservative in the next election. It will probably just give us more problems but I'm so sick of people's weird nonchalant attitude towards this shit. I miss when Canada was quiet and boring, it feels like my home is not the country I used to love not even 10 years ago. All these diehard liberals are pretending that they love the state of this country right now and they are so full of shit.
>>1539231You probably won't have any issue getting a job, but the quality of life here is getting worse every day. Just go to the states you'll get paid more
No. 1539280
>>1539267I consider myself extremely liberal and honestly have always been overly accepting of things until it started becoming an every day occurrence that I’d be harassed in public by a dude who barely speaks English, then plays it off as “sorry, I don’t understand!” when I finally get fed up. The cities have become cesspools, the housing market is absolutely fucked (good luck finding an apartment or a unit in a condo that hasn’t been bought and subletted by some prick bankrolling from money he got from rich family overseas, renting it out for 3k + utilities)
It’s not like we’re saying “all Indians and Chinese immigrants are bad” but believing that they aren’t a part of the bigger problem is ignorance at best.
No. 1539596
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>>1539259>>1539131>>1539097I'm not joking, I have like a dozens cousins on my mother's side living in Canada and they are all actual village Idiots who can barely speak Urdu(the national language of Pakistan) let alone English, I'm genuinely surprised how easy they managed to get visas and are provided for by the State, plus there's a lot of how to guides with high viewerships
No. 1539773
>>1539231>Anons I'm a med studentPlease move here, we are desperate for doctors and nurses. Just avoid Vancouver and Surrey, Toronto isn't looking too great either right now. Smaller cities are probably a better option, Vancouver Island is pretty nice but expensive as shit.
>>1539267>I miss when Canada was quiet and boring, it feels like my home is not the country I used to love not even 10 years ago.God I feel this so hard anon, I miss the way my city used to be a couple decades ago.
No. 1540933
>>1539259>>1539267>>1539773I don't want to live in US because of political reasons, I'm also guessing I'd face more racism there because most Americans I've spoken to boast about wanting to kill my people once I mention I'm partially Arabic so saving their lifes as a doctor isn't really my goal obviously. I'd rather get paid less and serve someone who doesn't wanna kill me, kek.
I'd prefer a smaller city anyway and I don't plan on living lavishly at all, abuse towards medical staff is super common in my country and I don't plan on marrying a man from my culture, because of martial abuse rates, so I don't see a future in staying here.
No. 1542018
>>1542008Doctors get killed on the daily here, you're privileged if you don't realize Healthcare workers get abused more in third world countries like mine. I don't live in America. And by abuse I mean literally stabbing to death.
I'm also white passing with natural blonde hair, aside from my name I don't really look like a foreigner.
No. 1542032
>>1542018Canada is shit for CANADIAN nurses who have not experienced a third world country, there, fixed it.
Why would you ask about our opinion on this if you’re going to say “well it’s better than where I live now” anyways?
No. 1542245
>>1542019>skyrocketing house prices + fucking insane rents since the pandemicAre you serious lol
Canada is experience the same crises
You're better off going to the states or an EU country. At least you can have a better COL of life there.
>>1542037There's a lot of racists in this thread who have a vendetta against immigrants and anyone from third world countries
No. 1542277
>>1542245I'm not even an immigrant as I'm not escaping war and trying to get free money in Canada. I literally have a higher job title than that anon as I'll be a doctor once I graduate and I'm not saying this in a condescending way but rather that it's insensible for her to hate foreign doctors because most countries need educated people such as doctors, engineers, etc
regardless of race. I'd understand anons getting angry at unemployed and uneducated refugees as my country also gets those and they're not well liked but hating on a Healthcare worker who's going to help your people because she's not white enough is stupid.
I've seen a lot of racist anons itt but racist people are very common online regardless of country so I don't think it's a Canada thing, moreso anonymity bringing out worst in some people.
I hope it gets better for you guys economically, my country's economy got screwed over terribly during covid as well and the cheapest rent is like two times an average persons salary. Do you know any countries where the living expenses are cheaper? I've heard Italy was better but I'm not quite sure.
No. 1542340
>>1542277I hope you're not getting the wrong idea from this thread anon, I'm one of the anons who told you to consider somewhere else and I'm only thinking about your best interest. We could use more skilled/educated immigrants(especially doctors), but Canada is notorious for underpaying doctors compared to other countries. We do have a lot of problems here, most of them the same as other countries right now (housing crisis and residual bs from covid times), as well as tranny policy being out of control here.
Personally I'm telling you to consider another country because personally I'm looking to leave Canada in favor of a country that's actually pleasant to live in. If you're really set on Canada just do a lot of research and know what to expect first, obvs it's far from the worst country in the world but if you're going through the trouble of moving across the world and settling in a new country there are nicer first world countries with more culture where you won't deal with as much street harassment and won't freeze your ass off every winter. It's a big decision and you have so many options.
No. 1542447
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>>1542399I'm on my way to becoming an EMT, so tbh I'm scared that my chances of obtaining long-term work in other countries will be low. Ideally I'd move somewhere in central/east Europe, or east/SE Asia. I'm not picky, when I have all my certifications I'll do some research and pick the best option, but realistically I know my chances of finding a decent place to live with what I have to offer is low. I'm kinda scared I screwed myself for life by not getting a proper post secondary education.
No. 1542603
>>1542245Another UK nonna here. I'm always bewildered by how many Brits seem to think that Australia, Canada, and NZ are promised lands of low house prices, functioning public services, and fantastic cost of living. So many people here talk about fucking off to Canada as a panacea for all their problems, but to be honest, it's not much better on the continent. Rents in Amsterdam or Dublin are higher than fucking London while being infinitely more boring.
All in all, the entire western world seems to be declining at a breakneck speed, and there's no escape from spending over 50% of your wages on housing. I legitimately feel sorry for all the immigrants we're importing these days based on false advertising from a bygone era.
No. 1542723
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My family is visiting me (I’m Canadian, duh) in the USA and my American husband thinks it’s hilarious how racist they are.
No. 1543058
>>1542747You are Pakichan. There is not "one" racist shitposting anon but several Canadians commiserating about the direction of their country due to recent and escalated mass immigration of people from India. Any rational person reading this would not want that and anyone experiencing it is rightly pissed off or upset. You invent the same fantasy scenarios, chimp out eventually no matter what is said and admit you want bad things to happen to us because we're all racist (but somehow only one anon is posting racist things). You have coiled yourself so pervasively into this thread and every single discussion by interrupted so many topics relevant to
actual Canadians while asserting your own victimhood and calling anyone who doesn't buy your bullshit or lick your asshole racist that the thread itself now symbolizes and represents what is happening to Canada and Canadians irl overall, congrats
(Try to stay on topic, talk about Canada rather than certain anons) No. 1543154
>>1542447I wish you the best of luck anon. I'm not familiar with EMT training but I've heard you can take your credentials anywhere in the world.
For me, I'd really like to live in a place that's not so car dependent like the whole of Canada is.
No. 1543318
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>>1543058Kek. How is a random kinda mentally ill brown girl like pakichan finally escaping her shitty country and moving to Canada a "terrible thing to happen to canadians" if you're not racist?
I'm not pakichan, I'm Turkish but ethnically I'm half Arabic which I don't look like much. I've had kurdish relatives who are less white passing than me tell me they faced really bad racism in foreign countries such as England and that was why I was worried. I mean literally being suspected terrorist in airlines and such and being asked if they're kidnapping kids because their kids had lighter hair than them kind of weird racism.
Please take your pills and quit having mental breakdowns when you're told it's not ok to be openly racist.
The post I linked was literally calling brown people shitskins and got banned for race baiting, it's not "rightly being upset", it's being blatantly racist.
I attached an image giving median household income separated by ethnicity, look at it and then tell me how you feel about "shitskins" working harder for your country than you ever will.
No. 1543350
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>>1543058she's not me
>>1543318I really don't have any issues with the conversation, but I'm probably not moving to Canada(I have to many relatives living there) and can't say what will happen in the future if a conservative government gets elected. plus I suck at handling the cold
also regarding the chart you posted, people don't realize how hard it is to immigrate to the United States if you're not from LatAM, I have 2 cousins who live there and both are smart educated working professionals there (so they came already with a ton of benefits) while I have literal tribal hick cousins moving to Canada and god knows how many relatives live in the UK (probably about 50-80)
also it's a consequence of the south asian education system prioritizing either being a doctor or engineer, so both professions are over sutured here but this also leads to brain drain.
No. 1543365
>>1543318You're using "Household Income" to prove Indians are more hardworking, kek are you fucking retarded? We all know they live 50 people to a house because they're taking over our neighborhoods so we can see that. Pretty easy to be a top income household when 5 families are living under one roof. Even if this isn't pakichan spamming the thread again and replying to herself and you guys just share a universal entitled mindset to our homes and thoughts, people notice patterns. I can't imagine being such a loser that I would camp in another country's thread waitng to call people racist or try to make them feel bad for not begging me to come live there based on my alleged third world medical skills. You entered this discussion by describing your country and circumstances as such:
>Doctors get killed on the daily here, you're privileged if you don't realize Healthcare workers get abused more in third world countries like mine. I don't live in America. And by abuse I mean literally stabbing to death.I'm also white passing with natural blonde hair, aside from my name I don't really look like a foreigner.
This could absolutely be written by Pakichan and even if you exist in different bodies, you share one mind and can't participate in any discussion without awkwardly reminding everyone how you are the
victim in any given situation. Because this is the Canada thread, I actually can believe people would side with you and agree we should continue running medical standards into the ground, instead of actually prioritizing Canadian born and trained doctors. Reminder they wait years for residency placement bc of imposed bottlenecks and foreign drs/nurses keeping medical wages low and intensify brain drain to the US. And just like Pakichan, you didn't get the response or reassurance like you expected and narc rage about it - same old 3rd worlder shit as always ITT.
>>1543318>I attached an image giving median household income separated by ethnicity, look at it and then tell me how you feel about "shitskins" working harder for your country than you ever will.Okay this is just dripping with that familiar Pakichan resentment and tranny-like obsession with being superior and replacing us so if you're really not her, you're doing a great job at affirming my belief in stereotyping people, thanks!
No. 1543370
>>15433583 months, wow. I've never gotten a ban that long even after consistent shitposting and raiding. 4chan is honestly completely unusable, most boards are garbage and the jannies would rather ERP in their trooncord server than do their unpaid job. And if a site will give up their users info for their arrest (the chitwood thing) there is no way I'm trusting it with my IP.
Also I wish Trudeau would be assassinated. It's ridiculous that he's been in for so long, unironically kill all the boomers and everything would be fine.
No. 1543374
>>1543350Kek pakichan I've been defending you so hard judt for you to shit on Canada.
>>1543365I'm not going to read that. How much do you make a year? I doubt it's comparable to any of those people and you should realize that most of those are small households with a wife and a husband but %70 of them have bachelor's degree which is why they earn more than you.
No one wants to replace you they are just wanna earn more money and live comfortably which they're doing, you're just earning less because you have lower education as proven by the graphic. Again, how much do you earn a year? Do you really think you can earn as much as those Asian surgeons or engineering professors if you keep shitposting and being racist online instead of actually working?
No. 1543376
>>1543374>>1543365comparing Indian Canadians to Indian Americans is moronic, for e.g even in Pakistan most people that go to America are muhajirs(urban middle class) while immigrants to Canada are usually Punjabi's(rural inbreds)
not at all the same people
No. 1543378
>>1543365Samefagging but aside from you, most anons like this were reassuring and nice such as
>>1539773 and
>>1539267 anon.
I'm not a
victim, I'll earn much more than you ever will in any given country and work harder than you ever had, I don't understand how I'd possibly be a
victim when that's the truth? I just dont wanna face racism which is a common theme, even you're mad at foreign doctors ruining things as if it's our fault you chose nursing instead of a better paying career that suited your needs better. I wasn't there holding your hand and helping you get through nursing school, you knew you'd earn very low money and overwork for your whole life but still did it. Probably because you weren't academically successful enough for a better paying career. Blaming your failures on random people won't make you feel any better.
No. 1543379
>>1543376see this post:
>>1539097 no one cares here. Try Kiwifarms as a 4chan replacement, they love hearing about this topic every day
No. 1543393
>>1543378Canada is full of people who will be nice to you and never be your friend or accept you. You will face racism here because Canadians are overwhelmed by immigrants and don't want them coming here in hordes for now or the foreseeable future. There is a housing, healthcare, infrastructure and education crisis and all of our systems are collapsing under the weight of politically motivated mass immigration. You've pretty much taken over the one place where we can almost discuss this openly and made everything about yourself or how we're lazy racists except the anons who agreed with you and were "nice" like you wanted. This is why I think you're a cunt and don't want you coming here. Sorry!
>>1543381Describing Canadian "brain drain", a phenomenon that has existed since mass immigration ramped up in the 70s/80s from Asian countries is not complaining that I personally make less in my career for this reason and not once did I say I'm a nurse or work in the medical profession. I would never come to lolcow to discuss my career or seek reassurance in a foreign country discussion thread. Wealth and status is how you perceive everything because you come from a shitty culture where that defines who you are and whether you'll be sold to someone else
No. 1543394
>>1543370Honestly, I even appealed the ban and got nothing. 4chan was horrible for a thousand different reasons in the past, but it's literally just bot spam threads on every board now. Any board you go on, or if you look at archives, has the exact same topics rehashed over and over. It's surreal and was really weird to see after such a long hiatus. I hated what troon9k turned 4chan into over time, but even those days were a blessing vs whatever the fuck it is right now. I actually kind of believe the whole 'us government spams it to make it unusable and avoid organized free/anonymous speech' conspiracy now… We're living in a really weird time.
Sorry, got a little off topic - big agree on the boomer death, though. Not even just for the tax on resources due to their high population.. After working with so many of them, it's hard to believe there's a single redeemable person in that generation. Canadian boomers are the most selfish, out of touch, parasitic wastes I've ever witnessed. I've literally never seen such a mentally stunted group of people who seem to exist purely to harm the generations that come after them. Pretty sure Canadian gov gave that gen some kind of IQ decreasing, brainmelting chems in their food or something. I just have no other way to explain the weird ass boomers I've encountered, who all seem mentally defunct in the same ways.
No. 1543403
>>1543393You're the one whos obsessed with money because you're complaining about random asians stealing opportunities and causing you to be broke when it's likely that you just have a bad career and low education compared to the immigrants who earn better. If you had a good career, you could go abroad to a country with better opportunities and earn more instead of blaming imaginary nonwhites for your own shortcomings. Did you get brainwashed by the asian immigrants into choosing the career that ended up making you go broke? If not, you're the one to blame.
I'm not even asian or an immigrant so stop projecting your mental illness onto me. And stop complaining about earning too little money, you sound like the one who's materialistic and there's nothing more pathetic than a materialistic person who's fucking broke as fuck, kek.
>you'll never be accepted here! Stop coming into our places where we can openly talk about hating Non white foreigners! Ok why do you hate me? Because I'm asian? Which is a thing I'm not. Because I'm not white? Which I technically am. Because I want to be a doctor? Kek. You're the only anon who's butthurt and you don't even have any reasons to hate me aside from your clear delusion that you could've been rich if it weren't for the random foreigners.
Also aren't you the retard who threw a ragefit because she can't shitpost in 4chan again? You really did get brain poisoning from 4chan. Normal people aren't racist like you, we have a lot of foreign students and whether they're white, asian or black, we don't have this sort of weird attitude towards them in our country aside from the few incels who surprisingly think like you. Coincidence?
You're not superior to me and you never ever will be superior to any Canadian or Non-Canadian. No matter how many incels tell you on 4chan that immigrants/foreigners are subhuman, both you and those incels will die from poverty while normal well adjusted Canadians and foreigners will both live a normal average life not being hateful to one another. You'll never be better than those Asian immigrants you hate so much because while you spend your time hating on them, they're living their lifes and not even acknowledging your existence.
You'll always be lower than both me and those immigrants because we wish to live better lifes while you wish others to live worse than you. You'll never truly be happy, even if everyone hated immigrants in Canada, you wouldn't magically get a good job or sort out your mental illnesses.
No. 1543409
>>1543403>you could go abroad to a country with better opportunitiesSuch as?
NTA but you are getting angry because people in this thread told you the truth. The west is at the start of severe economic and political crises and the native populations of western countries are beginning to reach breaking point with regards to immigration. You're not achieving anything by spouting bullshit about being better than anyone else, all you're doing is confirming their already existing beliefs.
No. 1543418
>>1543403>even if everyone hated immigrants in CanadaNtayrt but most of us do, because as someone else said up thread, our shitty dictatorship has brought in such a mass amount that it's entirely crippled all of our public sectors.
Immigrants are given priority over Canada's own citizens in a lot of ways and they frequently alienate and discriminate against those not in their own community instead of naturally assimilating. Even if you aren't one of those who are like that, you're planning to come here when we're already overloaded and many have begun having negative feelings towards immigrants for those reasons. It will indeed end up how anon describes: you're only going to be treated nicely at face value because Canadians are overly polite by societal norms, while you'll be resented and alienated in actuality.
That's the reality of it. If you live in some war torn country, then in comparison it might be worth coming here, but even then Turdy seems to be hellbent on making Canada no different from Venezuela.
You won't be liked or welcomed by the vast majority of native born Canadians, simple as. Probably won't be liked or welcomed by the vast majority of immigrants, either. If what that anon is posting is getting your panties in a knot, then you might be too sensitive to even leave your house - yet alone move to a foreign country. Frankly as an outside party just reading up until this point, you sound like you're having some kind of narc rage after your ego was bruised.
No. 1543446
>>1543418>Immigrants are given priority over Canada's own citizensIf you didn't need people for the workforce, this wouldn't have happened. Stop blaming random immigrants for stuff your own people in the government decided upon.
Telling a foreigner foreigners get treated better will only invite more immigrants so you guys really are stupid for telling this to everyone online.
>>1543409I never said I was better than everyone, I said any non hateful person who lives their life normally is better than people who spend their time hating on others for their race which is what anon is doing.
If you believe blaming random immigrants for your poverty instead of realizing it's your own government screwing you over, you're just simply too stupid to hold a job that pays anything more than minwage salary.
No. 1543462
>>1543454If you could go to a country that'd pay you 3-5 times the amount you earn now even though it'd mean the people in that country would earn %10 less because of people like you taking jobs for cheaper, you'd still go and take that opportunity. Anons here are complaining about Canada's current situation and saying they'd wanna leave for another country if it meant they'd live more comfortably so you're contradicting yourselves.
You're struggling economically because of your governments poor decision making skills and your inability to get high paying positions either because of your background, education or lack of proper skillset required. A random woman moving to your country has very little effect compared to these two competents.
No. 1543538
>>1543487The best part is that Canada doesn't recognize most medical degrees from other countries and anon would probably end up another Ubereats driver at best, completely dismantling her entire argument
Play stupid games win stupid prizes: the saga
No. 1543547
>>1543538Even better: the fact she went into it claiming she's a "white passing natural blonde" would just further dismantle the idea anons in this thread are racist white supremacists vs normal Canadian citizens seeing the issues caused by mass immigration.
I honestly wish I could believe this was a trolling anon playing 5d chess trying to prove those things, but I'm leaning towards agreeing with the anon calling them pakichan, Kek. Can't imagine the mental gymnastics they must have to jump through to cope with that people might not like them for reasons beyond their race.
Honestly, wouldn't be shocked if pakichan ended up being some larping pol scrote
No. 1543549
>>1543538Canada does recognize my degree, thanks for the worry though.
>>1543491The amount of doctors don't affect Nurse salaries, we're not in the same position. This is like me blaming abundance of dentists who work for lower salaries and claim they're the reason I don't get a high pay. The reason you get an average pay is because you're a nurse working in a country with collapsing economy.
>>1543473>the public won’t like youYeah the same public that loves you because you were…
Checks notes born in Canada? Most people don't care about strangers whether that be loving or hating them unless they commit crimes so I'm not worried. Go on though, tell me how everyone's gonna hate me for daring to go to a country and work there. I'm so evil right? How dare I travel? How dare I use my degree and do my job even though someone from that country dislikes me?
No. 1543559
>>1543549:^) I'm sure Canada recognizes the medical degree of places that
checks notes 'stab their medical professionals daily'
Then again, that's what Canada's current goal of becoming seems to be. So I'm sure you'll do fine, kek. Just don't ask any immigrant scrotes to stop vaping around toddlers if you end up here, or it might start feeling too much like home…
(emoji) No. 1543565
>>1543559Don’t worry, she’ll feel at home soon enough when she gets harassed walking to her car/on public transport because our country has essentially said “fuck you” to the mentally ill homeless people who are now attacking people at random on the streets.
>>1543549So come over here. Why did you ask our opinions in the first place if you were going to instantly be a cunt when you got answers?
No. 1543576
>>1543565I did take advice from the first anons who seemed well adjusted.
I don't take financial/career advice seriously if it's coming from those like you guys who admit they're financially struggling themselves. I thought that'd be common sense.
So nice of you to wish harassment upon me though, really showing off your modern and civilized side right there.
Ironic for you to call me a cunt right after alogging me, oh well.
No. 1543582
>>1543576Cute you think that's wishing harm on you and not just daily life in Canada. Whole world truly revolves around pakianon…
Must be fun spending all day fantasizing ways to get replies from Canucks on lolcow.
No. 1543586
>>1543576Pointing out what happens to Canadians on the daily isn’t wishing harm on you, but okay, continue your
victim narrative.
No. 1543617
>>1543586Aren't you the one who's blaming immigration for your failed career and economic situation? You're the one who's playing
victim instead of coming to terms with your inability to hold a job that'd pay well.
No. 1543676
File: 1680967680870.jpg (123.62 KB, 1024x682, istockphoto-180817867-1024x102…)

>>1543654Oh, yeah? Well, I can see your IP. I'm coming over.
No. 1543702
>>1543691Anon it's very mean of you to make fun of a very obviously autistic person, shame on you. Don't you know low functioning autists can't tell tone and writing styles over text? You should be nicer towards the disabled.
>>1543698That's not me either, kek. You guys really are struggling to tell anons apart. Is autism like super common in Canada or something?
No. 1543726
>>1543418>our shitty dictatorshipKek Canadians are so dramatic
Please tell us again how Trudeau genocided all those truckers
No. 1543737
>>1543726>tell us again how Trudeau genocided all those truckersCan I get back story to this?
>>1543728This isn't the escaping NEETdom thread.
No. 1543775
File: 1680974637620.jpg (69.47 KB, 526x610, ottawa-police-trample.jpg)

>>1543737Nta but story is as follows:
(I'm sleep depraved anon in a bumpy truck rn so bare with me)
>Truckers meet to block off Ottowa streets outside parliament building to protest the COVID rules enforced by our government>Originally had to do with truckers being forced to get the vaxx to pass through US-Canada border>The entire country relies heavily on truckers transporting goods across Canada and it's a grueling job with a shortage already>Protest transforms into a general cause against the COVID restrictions in Canada, which break our charter of rights (not allowing people to travel within country without vax, for example) >Truckers park their trucks and honk for weeks on end, as show of peaceful protest >Local authorities direct truckers to park in residential areas despite them not intending to, causing the ire of citizens who have to listen to said honking >Trudeau calls them all racist Nazis for protesting>Multiple anti protestors become violent, hit people with cars, try to frame these actions as part of the protest but protestors do their best to disassociate themselves with these people and avoid poisoning>Protestors begin joining in with this cause in other major cities and across the world (against their own restrictions) >Trudeau throws everything at them trying to stop it >Local police refuse to stop the protest, chief of even resigns >Tow truck companies refuse to toe them >Army refuses to remove them for Trudeau >Trudeau's own secret service type body guard is found to have donated to the protest, among other noteable figures who don't agree with Trudeau's actions>Trudeau pulls out the war emergencies act, which is literally only meant for the country to defend itself in active war/terrorism situation>Abuses it to freeze bank accounts of all protestors and supporters >Huge outrage of this gross misuse, but like all things, Trudeau never faces justice >In spite of this, protests continue >Trudeau brings in police from all over the country and has them forcefully remove the protestors>Has Mounties run horses through crowds of peaceful protestors, of which a man is trampled (and never heard from again) as well as a disabled elderly indigenous woman who had a walker >Police use violence against protestors including man who is having a heart attack >All of this tries to get covered up on social media/by media outlets (in Trudeau's pocket), but it's all caught on film and broadcast by bystanders >Multiple members of other world governments call out Trudeau's actions for being disgusting and tyrannical >Protests are finally over after being broken up by violence >Multiple members were jailed for protest organization >Many regular citizens couldn't pay bills etc due to bank freezes for donating (some of which donated long before it became an active protest with honking, so may of not even been for that part)>But anon sees no problem with this because not everyone was yet thrown into the gulags That's the jist
No. 1543781
>>1543775Icing on the cake: while this went on, Trudeau left the country to vacation and hide and then came back
with covid (lol)
He was also supporting BLM protests and the protests in China
Just not the same when it's his own people, I suppose
No. 1543790
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>>1543781Lmao actually I take that back, pic rel was the true
chef's kiss
>Tweet is from Trudeau's bpd whore mother kek No. 1543798
File: 1680976147472.jpg (240.6 KB, 1495x1060, Trucker-protest-twitter.jpg)

>>1543775>>Multiple anti protestors become violent, hit people with cars, try to frame these actions as part of the protest but protestors do their best to disassociate themselves with these people and avoid poisoningYeah sure. Let's forget all those countless stories online of people and min wage workers getting harassed by protestors even right at the beginning of this event and residents getting tired of truckers blocking highways for weeks when all they want to do is get to work without some assholes harassing them. But sure totally not an act of terrorism
No. 1543811
>>1543798The main core of protestors tried to alienate those people and many were later shown to be bad faith actors, part of antifa, etc
There's a thousand videos and there were constant, multiple livestreams of what was actually happening 24/7. Even if it there were legitimate protesters well poisoning, you can't justify the extremist actions which were taken due to the negative actions of a few. Those few should have faced consequences while the remaining peaceful majority continued.
If Trudeau wasn't using illegal and underhanded tactics to stay in power, his actions would've had him imprisoned long before this all even took place.
No. 1543815
>>1543801Did you know that in Canada even with the emergencies act being invoked, indigenous people still have the right to protest?
You know, like the indigenous elder who was trampled by Mounties…
Then the government/Mounties tried to cover it up and claim it didn't happen, til video evidence was shown…
Wild, ain't it
No. 1543822
>>1543816The neat thing about Trudeau's tyranny is that it makes people of all backgrounds suffer.
I realize you're trolling but I'm not the same anon talking about pakichan, even though I agree with them that there's some samefagging weirdo baiting this thread for some reason (probably you to be fair, as you'd have to have an agenda to look at the objective facts and evidence and still have the take away be 'hurr durr' Nazis)
(Replying to troll) No. 1543826
>>1543819This is literally so unhinged.
>>1543822I do realize you're a different anon that sent some screncaps and info about protests but racist-chan is obviously supporting the nazi part as well judging by her unhinged replies and general disdain for asian and brown women. If you suspect that I'm samefagging, you can just report my posts. Not that hard.
(Stay on topic) No. 1543938
>>1543935Yes they're watching you from the corner of your room anon, if you look closely you can see
pakichan laughing at you in the corner of your room.
No. 1543944
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Any ideas why the birth rate got back up to 1.7 in 2008? Whatever the government did they should do again instead of bringing over so many immigrants.
No. 1544768
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So I don't know much about Canadian politics, but I have a feeling the liberals are gonna lose the next elections.
No. 1545305
>>1544534>even their babies always look suspicious and unhappyAnon how do you know this? Do you babysit for immigrant parents or something?
>>1544768If it'd be anything like Americans experience with conservatives, wouldn't that be worse? Didn't America ban abortion?
No. 1545540
>>1545527I mean earthquakes can happen anywhere in the same sense tornadoes can—they’re just more and less likely in certain places. It’s good to be prepared for any natural disaster with a basic kit regardless of where you live though, even if you’re unlikely to have any sort of natural disaster.
It’s also super hard to tell nowadays, places that weren’t usually getting weather phenomena are now getting them because of climate and atmospheric change.
No. 1545542
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>>1545527as long as you're on earth, yes
they're called earthquakes, not countryquakes
No. 1545895
nonnie all babies get that homicidal poached egg expression
No. 1546173
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>>1546105>but what she left out is that shouldn't exist here or be allowed by anyoneKEK this is hilarious why do you need a baby to smile at you so badly? It's a fucking baby who cares what it thinks. Hell I don't smile at strangers either.
No. 1546546
>>1546313Do most Canadians enjoy visiting Brampton or Surrey anon?
>>1546387It gets where they're making the same arguments as trannies: "we're better Canadians than
you'll ever be!!" and how we're all really just jealous of them kek
>The truth will always be the a good way to put it, I don't even feel like it's worth responding to most of the time here or irl
No. 1546596
>>1546387>>1546105This is why I believe whoever's been claiming there's been one racist sperg frequently samefagging ITT. Literally the same scat obsession shown in
>>1490073 too. No one is this deranged. Baby microaggresions, ffs.
No. 1546612
>>1546596Check out r/canada and sort by top posts of the week. What do you see? Is it tons of articles and comments about how Canadians love immigration and totally want more? Or does there seem to be a general consensus right now that it's fucking everything up and Canadians are pretty angry about it?
and here we go again, one anon is racist and samefagging but all Canadians are racist and deserve to have "their crushes stolen" by third worlders. Even though all Canadians are racist, they should make an exception for pakichan and admit she is The One true and honest Canadian and actual Canadians are just jealous of her dusky beauty
No. 1546721
>>1546702>i know schizophrenia counts as mental retardation but you have eyes and a set of observational skills please get real. Wow this like Apple call center level spoofing, I'm impressed.
>at this point you're going to start thinking your family is "pakichans" in disguiseMy family defecate indoors, wash both hands and don't have plaque breath so that hasn't occurred to me no
No. 1547284
>>1544768Not if china is sponsoring our elections top kek
Tinfoil but they’re destroying the west from the inside out
No. 1547387
I agree with accelerationist chans, so many people won't admit immigration is a problem because Canadians are approval seeking and lack empathy
>>1547059 like this retard, you're really going to pretend you don't care about changing culture and demographics so people don't think your racist on the internet? It's legitimately pathetic and I wish there were a way that only people like you had to deal with the consequences but everyone will.
No. 1547479
>>1547284While I do believe outside forces might intervene, what would China gain from this?
>>1547387You're telling people they lack empathy yet you don't respect others and call them retarded and wish they suffer because they disagree. Please drop it anon. Maybe you can use the nationalist thread in /2X/ to be openly racist there? Complaining about random refugee babies ruining your life is so weird.
No. 1547588
>you're really going to pretend you don't care about changing culture and demographics so people don't think your racist on the internet?No I just genuinely don't care, it's not like they're booting out Canadian culture.
>I wish there were a way that only people like you had to deal with the consequences but everyone will.Calm down lol, what do you want me to say? "Oh yeah these East Indians and Asians moving here are really destroying the country by going about they're daily lives and minding their business." What is the issue? Seeing other races? Seeing people celebrating different holidays? I truly do not care.
No. 1547878
>>1547870you called her "this retard"
(I'm just here for insight on vicious Canadian babies)
No. 1548689
>>1547878"Canadian" lmao
>>1547884I was being polite, when I made it sound like the only problem with the baby was its expression when the truth is that it had no redeeming qualities at all. Have fun sperging about that for another week though kek
>>1547878I called her "this retard" because she is one
No. 1548743
>>1548064You don't have to say NTA, this is anonymous so you should automatically assume that any anon replying to you could be a different person.
>>1547884I thought so too, and then I come into this thread and they're being racist to literal infants.
No. 1548962
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>>1547755I have a friend in Yellowknife and have visited in the summer. Some of the issues NWT/NT have might not apply to YT since Yukon has fewer (huge) lakes and a better highway.
-AMAZING scenery
-Lots of wildlife
-Small, friendly population
-Culture preservation
-Not a lot to do if you don't like being outdoors in the cold
-Price hikes on pretty much everything
I don't think I could ever live there (though I definitely want to visit again!); but if you're the kind of person that lives for the seclusion, the north is pretty neat.
No. 1549009
>>1547884We were until third world fucks came here and started harassing our local population and starting their own culture wars everywhere
We don’t respond to it anywhere but the internet though because we are kind of pussies
No. 1549596
>>1549004kek for saying I hate record immigration from India and won't lie and say I think their babies are cute and friendly on an image board? I made one passing comment
>>1544534 and a certain user who flies into narc rage over even peripheral criticism chose to awkwardly imitate western mocking for days after that
No. 1549635
>>1549624If anti-immigration anons ask for that, they will be banned.
Is it at all possible to just ignore the other discussions and still have your weather conversations since no one cares or is interfering with thme? I see anons do it in more popular threads all the time so it shouldn' be that difficult. I could see if it was the same thing being rehashed incessantly like the pakispawn topic but the grievances are pretty unique and yet relatable. Like Ottawa-chan fleeing the homogenous Asian city Toronto only to find herself in another ethnic enclave
>>1549023 I'm also in this situation and pretty tired of family and friends having to move as far as north/east as possible only to find the same shit (sorry) everywhere. It's extremely demoralizing and you guys come off as belittling, sheltered or the c word (colonialist) when you dismiss us or support pakichans ongoing harassment/pestering of actual Canadians. Pakichan permits small talk and encourages conversations about weather so I don't even get what you're complaining about tbh
No. 1549652
>>1549635>If anti-immigration anons ask for that, they will be banned.You won't if you phrase it properly. You haven't gotten banned itt yet have you? And if you're that concerned just use a vpn and incognito.
>Is it at all possible to just ignore the other discussions and still have your weather conversations since no one cares or is interfering with thme?I wasn't talking about the weather? And bold of you to pull the "just ignore it" card when you can't seem to stop yourself from injecting your opinion to every post that mentions immigration or over-population.
>Pakichan permits small talk and encourages conversations about weather so I don't even get what you're complaining about tbhThis is the Canada thread so if the anons are talking about Canadian weather then I don't know why you're whining about it tbh
No. 1549654
>>1549652>You haven't gotten banned itt yet have you? She got banned a few times but she just loves playing the
victim like a little dumb narc
No. 1549670
>>1549514I saw a lot of birds that are just… bigger lol. The seagulls are bigger. The ravens are bigger. The loons are louder. Had a nightly artic fox who would visit. So cute!
I can't actually say much about the highways, but I've heard it's a nicer drive. (BC>YT is probably more scenic than AB>NWT) I've only flown in because I'm weak city scum. Also Alaska is like, right there.
Sounds like you'd fit right in!
No. 1549693
>>1549691That’s exactly it haha
Anon is based though at least she’s not denying what’s going on
No. 1549719
>>1549698Why do they even come to Canada if they’re so rich in their home countries? Especially now that things have gotten so shit
Wouldn’t most of them just peace out with their Canadian degree?
No. 1549727
>>1549719A lot of wealthy people from Asian, Middle eastern, Eastern European, etc. countries send their kids to live and study abroad if the kids wants it. It's a common practice in my country anyway, a girl who couldn't get into any college here is now studying in Italy in a med school for dirt cheap and living comfortably there. You're probably not going to understand it because you think being rich fixes everything but even though they might be rich themselves, if their country is in a bad place politically they won't be able to live comfortably. That's why a lot of Arabic rich parents send their children to study in America and European countries for example.
They might even live better in Canada than average Canadian because they come from a worse country so they don't take things for granted, they also probably have more money to spend if they come from a wealthy family or graduate from a major that earns well.
No. 1549740
>>1549728You can see in this post
>>1549646 she spergs about 10 pakichans parking in front of her house(?) so I think pakichan is a nickname she has for asian women. It's creepy that she's this obsessed with a random woman online and claims all refugees are her.
>"Privatization of basic necessities"? kekkkk is this your impression of a basic Canadian college girl, pakichan? So naïve and incapable of presenting a substantial argument. Do you think anyone in Canada even wants to be thinking about pakichans, let alone dealing with them as the source of our societal collapse You know what I find annoying? 10 pakichan cars in every SFH driveway and 20 grope moids on every lawn in towns that used to be liveable and safe. Good thing outside of this one weird lolcow thread most people agree with me No. 1550252
>>1549728Pakichan is a poster and now a mentality. She won't allow me to identify her in this or the vent thread so I've taken to referring to all brown entitlement as pakichan behaviour.
>>1549902You "can't believe" you missed that? I don't believe anyone is this low sensory
>>1543912>>1549902Do people say numpty a lot now? I never see anyone using this word except itt and it's always someone aggressively correcting someone that they're nta.
Pakichan - we know that vpns exist and you probably earn your money through mturk. I concede that there may be more than one person itt who doesn't know how to spell or read words and uses a thesaurus for insults. It just doesn't seem likely.
No. 1550786
>>1550703>Why do you keep saying this?I said it once in the comment you tagged last miss schizo chan. Not everyone that doesn't want to read your sperges is the same anon. And I didn't reply to that comment, I ignored it like I said until another anon pointed out the pakichan sentence and then I replied to her comment, not OP's.
>narc rageHa, ironic.
No. 1551427
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>>1551267Rig pigs, cowboys and meth heads are the worst.
No. 1551435
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>>1551414Did you find Craig's
abusive dad on Degrassi cute? Toronto is crawling with this phenotype and they're usually quite tall. They'll cheat on you with an escort but they'll buy you a cottage so
No. 1551638
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CBC got the BBC/NPR treatment after Poilievre campaigned for it
No. 1552001
>>1551414Anon so you only pull brown men? I think a lot of brown men, especially those who aren't locals, have very low standards and go for any white women, might be why you usually attracted that type. It's like weebs dating super ugly asian guys just because they're asian, self hating minority men do the same to ugly women who are white passing.
>>1551903Nta but I agree European guys are usually better. Though I might be biased cause I find them cuter. I usually find greek or eastern euro guys attractive and they seem to be into me more than other nationalities of men which works out well for me.
No. 1552141
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>>1552001shhhh… Do you guys hear insecure race baiting? It must be Polkaroos lesser known friend Pakichan!
No. 1552276
>>1552146Loves it.
>>1552155Do you have autism? Should anon use tonetags next time she makes a joke+
No. 1552304
>>1552249Why would we all be her though? That anon replied to a Pakichan post, did you read it
>>1552001 >Anon so you only pull brown men? I think a lot of brown men, especially those who aren't locals, have very low standards and go for any white women, might be why you usually attracted that type. It's like weebs dating super ugly asian guys just because they're asian, self hating minority men do the same to ugly women who are white passing. It's needlessly aggressive and race baiting like all of her posts. The polkaroo thing is pretty mild compared to calling someone ugly completely unprovoked. If you say anything mildly negative about brown people, Pakichan will pop out of nowhere and call you ugly or jealous
No. 1552534
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lmao all of bancroft's parks are closed because of the mass influx of homeless people. we can't even enjoy going outside to a fucking park because of the housing crisis.
No. 1558867
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I'm sad that Tucker Carlson got fired because I wanted to see this kek
No. 1562616
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No. 1568938
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My family had to evacuate tonight because fire season has started yet again and it’s dangerously close to their town now. All this because some retard wanted to burn his garbage. I’m in another country watching this unfold and can’t do anything. I legally can’t go back to see them until my PR processes or somebody dies. It’s not fucking fair.
No. 1574527
File: 1683867445316.jpeg (59.3 KB, 828x461, ABB8B5E5-69C5-400E-A743-6FF396…)

what a fucking joke our judicial system is. this piece of shit should have been locked up a long time ago and i genuinely hope he suffered in his last moments. another person was just randomly stabbed in broad daylight a few towns over from me in a “safer” area.
No. 1574529
>>1574527samefag, hit enter too quick:
same thing, person had a track record of assaults and thefts. why have a prison system if we don’t use it?
No. 1598325
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Guess wildfire smoke in cities every summer is normal now. Maybe I have bad memory but I don't remember this before like 2019.
No. 1599403
>>1599374I also thought about Netherlands too. It makes me jealous to see Europeans having great social benefits like 30+ vacation days off, working 6 hours a day, great compensation, etc plus Netherlands doesn't have the shitty car culture and urban sprawl the same way Canada does.
But it seems to have the same problem as Canada does with housing and cost of living crisis. Also I don't want to have to deal with racist people if I end up living there for life.
Honestly, ideally I would not want to move out of the country but it's
impossible to advocate for social improvements that you've seen other countries do right.
No. 1600046
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>>1599327Strangely I think NYC got it the worst. Sorry burgers.
No. 1600052
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>>1600046Sorry is not enough, my throat is itchy
No. 1603311
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I work with Americans and they’ve been complaining about the smoke nonstop. Meanwhile my family has been evacuated TWICE!!
No. 1603389
>>1603311Hey, fellow leaf-nona. I'm sorry that your family's lives have been directly impacted by these wild fires. If they haven't already, I hope that they get to return home soon, safe and sound.
>>1603313If you mean those "the government is/China is using lasers mounted on satellites to start fires" conspiracy theories, then I've only seen them spread about in weird online spaces. Beyond that most people blame climate change or the points already covered in these anons' posts (>>1603340
No. 1603427
>>1603412;dr: before the turn of the century all of North America periodically caught fire. Even the swamps of the Florida Everglades and the Pacific temperate rain forests would catch fire. Once we gained the technology to put out fires in wild areas we stared doing so, partly to save man-made structures, partly to preserve the "beauty" of these areas, and partly because ecologists/land managers of the time falsely believed fire was harmful. This has lead to numerous detrimental effects, from changing plant (and thus animal) communities and habitat layout (because many species either outright need fire to germinate or grow, or do far better when their seeds are fire exposed), to creating much thicker and unrully undergrowth, to creating layers of dead, dried dentrius that can be 15-20 feet deep, to effecting the vitality and resistance of varous ecosystems, making an insane feedback loop where the same placea that need fire do worse after a fire than they normally would. When fire inevitably does break out it has much more fuel to burn far hotter and nothing natural to stop or contain its spread. Instead of dealing with this issue people continue to oppose controlled burns and clearing because ">muh property values muh multimillion dollar house muh view" while the laptop class buys carbon credits while crying about the end of the world listening to Greta Youtube videos.
No. 1604228
>>1603856People really want both things to be true like a compromise or something but we have no idea if climate change is contributing to this situation or not. What data would we even compare it to? Forest fires have decreased in Canada since the last century but forest management has practically been defunded since then too.
It'd be like a smoker getting shot point-blank in the head but people keep saying cancer might also have caused their death. The number one question we should be asking (in every country) is why tf politicians are allowing preventable moidmade disasters to occur and desperately trying to convince their populations the sole cause is climate change? Does this not seem weird to anyone other than the tinfoil thread?
No. 1604326
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>>1604228It's about money and control. Companies want to profit from carbon credit schemes and man made global warming is part of the WEFs "Great Reset". In reality the Earth is getting colder and the polar ice caps are expanding. with a IQ above room temperature knows it's bullshit. Carbon is not bad for the environment. Nearly all life on Earth is carbon based and carbon dioxide is what plants need to photosynthesize. This reaction is responsible for maintaining oxygen levels in the atmosphere.
No. 1605556
>>1605439Honestly it is like a fucking fleet of these people. The way they antagonize anyone who questions their junk science legitimately pisses me off. It's the same way redditors, trannys and CCP agents communicate with people because they have no real experience with that. The smugness while also calling
you retarded while being outright wrong and spreading propaganda that will reduce QoL for the avg. person more than anything else could just makes me fucking insane.
No. 1606189
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The most useless police service is getting a show. The sames who let a serial killer run free for 7 years. Toronto detectives will leave rape and murder cases unsolved for years but catch someone shoplifting or speeding within an hour. I swear they do it on purpose
No. 1620597
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>>1614543People outside of the country have no idea. These are 2 well-known American political pundits (the link is a blog by another pundit named Noah Smith) who think Canada has the best policy in the world, which most Canadian citizens agree with, and want the US to copy us. They seriously said we have a "nation building strategy" to emulate. I've also seen similar articles in the New York Times. People are completely misinformed and believe everything the federal government says.
No. 1621269
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>>1621246Half the thread is about how much immigration is destroying quality of life and the country followed by the same pieces of shit trying to gaslight and shame Canadians for bringing it up. I'm glad you point out that they would be considered illiterate back home because this is a huge part of the problem rn and wasn't like this before. I think about this shit from the second I wake up (unable to move out of my parents house, fully employed) til when I go to sleep again, angry. Last week the immigration minister announced we'd be bringing in
more. I hope he becomes an example in my lifetime.
No. 1645190
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Was reading tv tropes and laughing at this
No. 1646223
>>1645353i’m starting to see why people fly “fuck trudeau” flags everywhere
they’re shipping homeless and refugees away from toronto now and into smaller cities (the durham area is getting encampments everywhere, you can’t even walk to the store without being hassled). what a fucking shitshow.
No. 1647735
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He’ll be out again in two months without and other repercussions.
No. 1647860
>>1647776Peterborough used to be
fun and trashy, what happened? It seems like all anyone does there is protest about drag libraries or opiates
No. 1647909
>>1647860I drove through there because it’s the closes craft store to me—ended up having a flat tire because the roads are so unbelievably garbage. You can’t walk from one spot to another without being hassled by a fucking homeless person, and for some reason there’s Catholics picketing with signs along the main road.
Peterborough is like…Poopyborough.
No. 1649195
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am i like the only one who is fed up with this drug legalization bullshit? when weed shops were first popping up, people were foaming at the mouth that this was such a necessary commodity and the begging would stop once weed became legal, although it was clear to everyone this shit would only escalate. now it's happening with shrooms. every time an illegal shroom store gets posted on my city's subreddit, some retard will always chime in with "now if only i could get some mdma". mark my words, when shrooms and mdma get legalized, people will beg for cocaine, then meth, then heroin and so on. i get it, akshually every drug on earth is natural and better for you than alcohol, but do we really need to expand the addict demographic with 50 more shades of high and drunk? like this isn't turning people away from alcohol, it's only creating more incentives for more people to get high. not to mention that you can't chug some beer in a park or smoke a fag behind the school without being called a fag, but blowing weedy skunk stench in people's faces 24/7 is a-ok. and shooting up in broad daylight or harassing strangers high on meth is also a-ok. istg this is some serious brainwashing. why did we have to legalize recreational weed anyway when all it does is breed non-productive members of society like shayna clifford? if you think that it's impossible to have a good time without getting high or drunk, bestie the problem is YOU. bruh, even fucking caveman mentality immigrants are getting duped by this propaganda. several of my hardcore muslim acquaintances wouldn't touch a glass of wine with a 10-foot pole, but happily consume edibles and microdose and find a way to justify it with quran or muh mental health. i also can't with the "science is fucking awesome" attitude where illiterates cherry pick half-legitimate studies to jusitfy this narrative like they know two shits about research. man, the other day my coworker was giving my boomer boss advice on where to buy acid and shrooms to deal with stress too. like yeah, you have money for top dollar therapy to learn some real long-term coping skills, but this is exactly what your alzheimers-bound ancient ass needs the most rn. okay, sorry for the wall of text, nonnas, i just can't wait to move back out of this hellhole that's been turning into an irl zombie apocalypse state for the past 10+ years in front of my eyes.
No. 1649249
>>1649195Most normies I know who smoke weed do it responsibly, the smoke weed erryday ones just stand out because they're so obnoxious about it. So no I don't think we should punish the majority of weed consumers just because an extremely vocal and annoying minority exists. There's no drug in the world (even opiates tbh) that turns a totally healthy and functional person into an addict overnight, drug addicts are drug addicts because they have preexisting mental illness or lack personal responsibility. Prohibition for normies is just giving into the demands of lazy addicts, wah wah I did 20 dabs a day and got CHS so nobody is allowed to smoke a joint on the weekend, wah wah I beat my wife when I get drunk so nobody is allowed to drink wine with dinner, wah wah I am not responsible for my choices because the evil drugs made me do it.
> if you think that it's impossible to have a good time without getting high or drunk, bestie the problem is YOU. Bestie humans have been enjoying recreational substances since the dawn of civilization, you are not morally superior to the person who has a couple drinks or a joint to loosen up at a party.
No. 1649392
>>1649249>Bestie humans have been enjoying recreational substances since the dawn of civilizationand you point is? back then people had no pastimes other than staring at fire or torturing war captives. degenerate fetishes have also existed since humans evolved from apes, but we make fun of them here anyway.
maybe i don't have too much of a problem with very occasional weed smokers, but more and more i've been seeing this narrative that even shit like cocaine is fine in moderation. we need to stop pretending like it doesn't fry your brain and there are healthier ways to cope with life in 2023.
No. 1649397
>>1649249>Bestie humans have been enjoying recreational substances since the dawn of civilizationKek where my grandparents come from they still remembered vodka being this evil new drink that causes madness. Tobacco and wine were the strongest substances. They knew you could get high on poppies, but it was considered something only animals do.
The sheer number of junkies in the year of our lord 2k23 is terrifying, and so is the normalization. I'm saying this unironically.
No. 1650142
>>1649195There is just so much shit available. The 'b-but our ancestors' argument doesn't work because there used to be like one or two drugs proper accessible to your average Joe. Now it's everything from hashish to ungodly designer death cocktails. Besides, said ancestors were into some pretty gruesome degeneracy, should we justify that too?
Drugs are fucking evil.
No. 1650611
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lol Facebook and insta can’t be used to share news anymore
No. 1650653
>>1649392>cocaine is fine in moderationI’ve seen this shit too and it infuriates me. Even if you don’t get addicted cocaine is fucking dangerous and destructive is wreaks havoc on your body, yes even in moderation. Plus it’s NEVER pure it’s always cut with other shit. Even if it was pure it would still be damaging even in moderation but the fact that it never is just makes to even worse.
The normalization of cocaine makes me lose my mind whenever I see people casually referencing it. I think that’s why zoomers are aging like shit kek, the nic vapes and the coke.
No. 1650939
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No. 1651080't you people ashamed of yourselves and your country? A pedophile who was trading child porn and sitting in chat with other pedophiles fantasizing about hurtcore child rape and working for a (of course) pro-queer "youth-friendly sexual health" network is given a slap on the wrist. But if you dare misgender a tranny or say something racist or honk your horn in Ottowa you can sit in prison for years, even decades.
Can't be like the US after all eh? Canada and Canadians are a downright evil.
(hide thread) No. 1652260
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TrudHOE has to be the first head of state to get divorced while in office. Not even Hilary left Bill.
No. 1654006
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>>1653363Used to be good. If you have low standards for quality like most people these days you'll be fine. I find their sweatpants extremely threadbare and comparable to generic shit on Amazon lately. And they're not made in Canada, in case you were under that impression. 99% is made in India and now Bangladesh and looks that way too.
No. 1662199
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Are we supposed to feel guilty for having guest bedrooms or home offices now? Yeah obviously the majority of people don't want a random stranger sharing their kitchen and bathroom, how selfish and bourgeoisie.
No. 1662267
>>1662199Thank the people that normalized renting 4 students to a single bedroom. There’s a reason housing is so fucked and the government is only part of it, hobby-landlords continue to pile onto it.
You shouldn’t be forced to have randos living with you. One thing the fucking provinces need to do is stop building massive developments of single family McMansion homes with finished rentable basements and instead build ACTUAL apartment buildings.
No. 1663839
>>1662267I'm sorry, is there a shortage of shitty apartment units for rent I wasn't aware of? Because it definitely seems like the only housing available are in stupid apartment buildings no Canadian with dignity would ever want to live in past age 25.
How about the 1.1 million immigrants coming at once fuck off for a bit? Does that sound okay to you or
No. 1663851
>>1663839Actually, yeah, seems like every fucking apartment listing is in someone’s shitty basement or it’s a shitty apartment that is being put up for the price of a high end condo. And yeah, the immigration needs to be completely stopped unless it’s spousal. No more diploma mill schools, stricter entry rules, no more foreign property buyers unless they live in the country for a minimum of five months out of the year, and a cap on how many immigrants from each country can come in. This isn’t an “I hate immigrants” thing, this is a “we are literally on the bring of a collapse” thing.
This next part isn’t just for you nona it’s more just in general because of what we’re talking about
>inb4 YoU’rE rAcIsT No, I’m just a realist. I know that our government is really fucking up, they are doing incredibly shady things, but the immigration is a huge fucking pressure on the people of Canada and the fact that a majority are from one specific place is literally creating a hate-scapegoat that is allowing the gov to shift attention. We do not need a couple hundred thousand people coming into this country, let alone a bunch of unskilled fucks all from one area (because let’s face it, we aren’t getting doctors and nurses, we’re getting Tim Horton employees and tractor truck drivers who can’t fucking drive). International students are clearing out food banks in the GTA because they’re because being taken advantage of by greedy landlords. Crime has been on the rise and you’d be living under a rock if you don’t think all of it correlates to the mass amount of people being shoved into the southern parts of the country.
No. 1663875
>>1663851>we aren’t getting doctors and nurses, we’re getting Tim Horton employees and tractor truck drivers who can’t fucking driveThat's what makes the immigration scheme extra retarded, who in their right mind would import the equivalent of inbred hillbillies that have literally nothing to offer except income tax? Especially when the situation for regular Canadians is as dire as it is. The government does not give a shit about us and they will not help us when it all reaches a breaking point.
>>1663852Every time there's a targeted public gang shooting in my city the criminals are always from the same problem demographic. They literally shoot up restaurants and playgrounds with civilians and children around, this never used to happen here.
No. 1666155
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I’m a Canadian who’s living in the states and I’ve been seeing more Canadians moving here. I moved for love and felt bad about leaving Canada behind but yesterday I could finally say with confidence that I didn’t regret leaving. If I stayed my life would be in shambles right now. Used to be living on disability and barely make ends meet but now I’m making $20 USD and looking into buying a house with my husband.
No. 1666209
>>1664300It's because there's one racebaiting anon who comes and shits thw thread for days when immigration is mentioned. Everyone is scared of the thread derailing into a shit fight so they try to shut it down earlier.
These are the posts of the racebait-chan I'm talking about. She tried to touch people's babies and got mad when the foreigners/immigrants didn't let her touch their kids.
>>1548689>>1490073>>1545742>>1544534 No. 1666325
>>1666155This is what I'm planning to do as well. I've heard so many
stories of Canadians earning 2x as much and being able to buy a house when they otherwise couldn't if they stayed here.
No. 1666387
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Switching topics…
Have you anons travelled much in the country/your province? My parents and I, with some family friends, used to drive to nice places like Algonquin Park, Lake Huron, Niagara Falls (yeah cliche but the falls ARE nice), etc but with how expensive gas and time has become, we haven't been anywhere. I'd love to visit Tobermory and hike the trails in Hamilton (I live in the big city, guess where) but one of them is just not possible as I don't have a car and technically I'm not allowed to drive. Where have you anons been so far?
No. 1666392
>>1666387I love love loooove Algonquin, it’s easily one of my favorite places in Ontario. Out Northumberland way is pretty too—not Cobourg (gross) but if you go further out, Presqu’ille is gorgeous.
I really want to go to Newfoundland and see some icebergs and out to Banff one day.
No. 1666873
>>1666209How far did you have to go back for those, ignoring the dozens of other people who have brought up immigration?
>>1666260Everyone I know is talking about it because they can't afford to live here anymore and all the jobs/apartments are going to foreign students or new people. So if this thread represents CANADA, people should be allowed to discuss issues that pertain to Canada without race baiters shitting up the thread. Being against the current immigration rate is not being against immigration in general
No. 1667537
>>1666873Americans and non-Canadians who are not aware of the diploma mill schools and ‘immigration vendors’ out in other* countries don’t seem to see the problem. The entire system is so horribly corrupt that we’re bringing thousands and thousands of people over and then they’re either living in a one bedroom with five other people or they’re living on the streets. Don’t worry though, they’ll be worked to the bone because our government increased the hours an international student can work to nearly full time—not for regular wage, silly! The corporations know that more immigration means more people taking whatever job they can which means an excuse to pay piss poor wages.
On the other side of that, I read a thread about an immigrant who is already applying for OW because he “doesn’t feel like working at Tim Horton’s” even though he’s only been here for four months. We essentially have no vetting process for immigrants anymore. If you can fake the funds, you can get entry. Anything to give the government cheaper labor to exploit.
And I have to start this next comment by specifying that I AM NOT RACEBAITING, JANNY but all of this immigration is only going to further strain the relationship that Canadians have with immigrants because yes, they should be angry at the government but it’s also hard to not be angry with the symptoms when you’re fighting a whole disease.
Housing developers are backing out left and right because they’re losing funding, more small towns have little to no lasting infrastructure. Where’s Canada going!
No. 1667646
>>1667545Technically I can drive, but I only have my G1 and failed the G2 driving test (lmao) five years ago. I also lost my driver's license last year and have yet to replace it, out of sheer laziness. Additionally, I currently don't have a job to pay for driving lessons. If I really wanted, I could weasel my parents to drive somewhere on the weekend. Believe me, I'd love to drive to Tobermory or Algonquin, but like
>>1667546 said, it's just too expensive especially as a jobless neet.
No. 1667949
>>1667537They don't realize our country is collapsing rn (seriously there is no infrastructure, service or basic need that is not) and henpecking people into discussing Canadas geography is belittling as fuck. I have two working friends who have never even paid rent late who are becoming homeless within the month. Aug/Sept has always been brutal for Canadians to find housing because of the infinite foreign students but now it's literally impossible. It all makes me so fucking angry and it's crazy how outdated opinions are here versus
reddit ffs. Every news outlet is discussing this here, left and right. How is it STILL a controversial topic, here of all fucking places? At least on reddit you can tell it's just shilling from the gov and everyone downvotes it. Here I have no idea why everyone is so retarded
No. 1669718
>>1667966I tend to assume anyone who immediately cries ‘racism’ in response to even a slight criticism of immigration is either a try-hard, a new immigrant themselves, or someone who is simply afraid to even for a second not look like a human rights activist.
They’ve just opened a diploma mill school right around the block from where I live—within the last few months, I’ve seen rent skyrocket and apartments begin to advertise PER ROOM. I doubt any actual Canadian will be going to that ‘college’ because it in no way is a real, accredited institution—it’s a quick buck for the government and another couple thousands of people filing into our already tight housing market, being paid garbage wages because they’re international students and will take what they can get, only furthering the problem.
So anyways, how about Jagmeet Singh’s wife being outed as a fucking slumlord? Nothing like him calling out the “housing crisis” while actively facilitating it.
No. 1687752
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Gigakek at this dude's incel physiognomy
No. 1688381
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>>1687752This guy looked easy to draw, but I accidentally made him way better looking.
No. 1688518
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>>16884725 minutes of MSpaint
No. 1692167
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Nothing like already being homeless and having to sleep in your car only to be kidnapped and raped by some third world piece of shit.
Love it though, with our pisspoor justice system he’ll be out in less than 6 months, ready and willing to assault more women.(racebaiting)
No. 1702793
>>1692907Agreed anon
Anyone look at the recent protest in Ottawa?
No. 1703584
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>>1702793the anti-troon protests? theyre happening canada wide and the trannies are doing a counter protest. a part of me is happy that people arent putting up with their nonsense but i know this will negatively affect lgb members who want nothing to do with the t