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No. 2159692

For burgers to unite and talk about the greatest nation on earth.

>no infighting

>no baiting
>just mclovin

Previous threads:

No. 2159695


No. 2159718

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No. 2159733

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No. 2159734

What is this world I'm living in. Am I even alive? Is any of this real? Do I only exist because Chris imagined me?

No. 2159738

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My dad kept trying to talk about the debate and I had to tell him I gave no shits because I knew he wanted to wax poetic about how great Trump is and how eebil and satanic Kamala is. He believes the animal eating bullshit when sir to them you are illegals. I hate having boomer parents.

No. 2159747

File: 1726053824032.webp (55.8 KB, 1500x1125, B4B5B73ABA0F139E3BA006421AA399…)

Man, this shit makes me laugh so hard.
>Canadian Maple Syrup
>most stereotypical burgerfag design ever

No. 2159749

This is objectively a bigger endorsement than Taylor Swift’s endorsement. She could get a 50 state landslide because of this.

No. 2159761

Ahhh, scenic East Cowtown.

No. 2159804

Ask you dad the last time he watched the TV show Alf, and then follow up asking if it’s possible that DJT confused the plot of Alf with real life.

No. 2159878

I was scrolling through the instagram page of a German guy who exclusively makes videos showcasing “American food” to make fun of (aka bulk sizes and Heart Attack Grill style food) and it’s interesting to see the nationalities also making fun of burgerfags in the comments. Mostly Indians and South Americans. Don’t those groups have high immigration rates to the US? Doesn’t the US have the greatest rates of immigration in the world? Why do you want in if we’re so bad?

No. 2159939

File: 1726064517508.png (318.21 KB, 714x409, 0YTgs6E.png)

kamala ate his ass up. he couldn't help but take every single bait she threw at him

No. 2160140

I was out last night and missed the debates, does anyone want to give me a rundown of how it went? Also wtf is this about eating cats?!

No. 2160141

>kamala ate his ass up
I'm sure she did.

No. 2160143

An anon in the last thread gave a great rundown about why people don't like kamala and I agree with a lot of it and it needed to be said (no I'm not voting for Trump, don't come at me)
However, it is undeniable that she killed
Trump looked like a complete fool, and her facial expressions during his meandering horseshit were priceless

No. 2160148

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No. 2160170

>lolcow is back up
>pics are gone
>OP delivers the best amerifag threadpic yet
>OP is the GOAT

No. 2160186


you understand that orange man saying they're eating cats and dogs to pull outrage != geese, which have been commercially farmed around the world for the purpose of food for ages of human history right?
inarguably shitty to kill wild animals on no notice, but it's absolute rage bait to tell citizens people are coming to their houses to steal and then eat their housepets.

No. 2160196

Yeah they should be talking about how to fix the poverty that drives people to do these things instead of making it into racially charged fear fuel for karens and conservitards with guns
Like I'm sure that skinny ass guy in picrel didn't go fowl hunting in a residential neighborhood for fucking kicks

No. 2160207

We're so barack, farmers rise up

No. 2160212

Apparently, the rumor might have partially stemmed from this news story. https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/local/canton/ohio-woman-eat-cat-canton-police-bodycam-footage-arrest-springfield/95-204df879-5de1-4a07-9aab-10d19aca3ba4

>CANTON, Ohio — The Canton Police Department released bodycam footage on Wednesday of 27-year-old Allexis Ferrell being arrested after allegedly eating a cat in Ohio.

>The incident happened on Friday, Aug. 16, in the 1100 block of 13th Street SE in Canton. After receiving multiple calls about the incident, police arrived at the scene and arrested Ferrell on animal cruelty charges.
>In all, Ferrell was charged with the following:
>Prohibitions concerning companion animal
>Cruelty to animals
>Disorderly conduct
>According to a police report obtained by 3News, officers allege that Ferrell “smashed the cat’s head with her foot and then began to eat the cat.”
>In addition, the officer says he saw blood on her feet and fur on her lips. Following the incident, the humane society came and picked up the cat.

>Recently, Springfield, Ohio, which is over 170 miles from Canton, has been at the center of the immigration debate.

>With claims circulating that Haitian immigrants in Springfield are stealing and eating pets, our VERIFY team has reported that the Springfield Police Department says there is no truth to the viral claims.
>It is worth noting that this incident in Canton is completely unrelated to the false claims being made in Springfield.
>Following the debate, the Associated Press also reported that Ferrell is not Haitian. She was born in Ohio and graduated from Canton McKinley High School in 2015.
>Ferrell, who is currently being held on a $100,000 bond, is expected to appear in Stark County Common Pleas Court on Oct. 15 for a competency hearing.

No. 2160214

why are you defending these people being obstructive in tax paying american neighborhoods? i’m sick and tired of you libshits, your answers would be solved if you actually went the fuck outside and didn’t watch kamala clips every damn day

No. 2160216

My heart couldn’t really enjoy the debate cause LC was on my mind too heavy kek

No. 2160221


consider reading >>2160214.

literally pick anything else than the THEY TOOK OUR JERBS AND ARE EATING OUR CATS!11 narrative.


>Springfield police also responded forcefully: "There have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community," they said in a statement. "Additionally, there have been no verified instances of immigrants engaging in illegal activities such as squatting or littering in front of residents' homes."

i hope whatever scrote you're pandering to picks you. i bet you think they're making immigrants trans, too.

No. 2160232

yes because they are quite literally taking our jobs, these government officials and corporations shipping off our jobs overseas for foreigners to do for a penny, and import dangerous ideals into our country and have no interest whatsoever to properly integrate or assimilate. i don’t believe what police have to say because they cover up things all the time and pick and choose which reports they consider as something to move forward with, do you think these citizens are lying about something happening in their own neighborhood? of course you don’t give a fuck because if it isn’t reported by piggy policemen or verified and filtered through biased news outlet you wouldn’t give a fuck if those immigrants decide to plant bombs in their lawns and decide to blow them up and it never gets reported and the police decide to brush it off because the police are known for being truthful, right, the same police who decide to turn a blind eye to reports of child abuse, child rape, rape, domestic abuse? kek okay

No. 2160239

go touch grass and stop reading breibart. it's fun to assume that i'm some kind of libfag when the reality of the situation is you just aren't looking at facts - immigrants are the fabric of the country in the workforce. if ten idiots told you they all saw bigfoot when they were methed out and already angry about awful shit, would you go out and spend millions of taxpayer dollars on an exhibition? stop chewing on tinfoil, nonnie, you're going to ruin what's left of your teeth.

No. 2160243

>immigrants are the fabric of the workforce
yes, and how does that happen?? work it down slowly, how would they become the “fabric” of the workforce (if this is even true)… they had to be imported to my country… to replace people… hmmmm

No. 2160245

nta but "police cover things up all the time so nothing they say is true" is such a lazy logical fallacy. The same crooked police who cover things up have absolutely zero incentive to protect immigrants since they so famously have no regard for anyone who isn't a white, straight male.

No. 2160248

>doesn’t know the police are connected to the FBI/CIA/military and other various government operations
oh, we can’t have a discussion, just shut your retarded ass up honestly

No. 2160258

And who is undercutting Americans by hiring immigrants? Corporations and business owners big and small. It's an economic issue where we're all being screwed by business entities across the political spectrum who refuse to pay working Americans what we're worth. It's not the fault of poor-ass people who came here because they thought it would be a better life, and now they're working for pennies on the dollar like slaves, doing all the jobs that you and your pride prohibit you from doing, sorry

No. 2160259

>immigrants are the fabric of the workforce
Because immigrants work for lower wages. America's economy is based on stripping wealth from ordinary people and putting it into the hands of the elites. This isn't tinfoil, it's what is observably happening. Not that it matters, the US economy is fucked beyond saving at this point.

No. 2160263

I didn't say that isn't sometimes the case, I'm just saying that it isn't always the case. Reading comprehension goes a long way.

No. 2160267

Yeah, who will the government give handouts to if not the poor little immigrants running away from the problems they created in their own countries? They need helpies from white countries to send money back to their families and this causes no stress the economies and cultures of the countries they take from. They're just good nice family focused people trying to do the right thing.

You may want to consider the ideas in this video.(racebait)

No. 2160269

sooooooo my country is just going to continue to die and rot for israel, food is going to be fucking $1000 per month to buy, you have to rent by placing your blood into a reserve and if you fail to pay they will come after you and kill you, you won’t own anything and be happy all because some women don’t know how to close their legs…. i’m tired(ban evasion)

No. 2160274

Ah yeah: all those school shoot.. um, live abortions at work, right?

No. 2160286

yeah and it’s guns and not letting young scrotes run wild without any supervision or punishment, it’s not the news cycle feeding into these mass murder events, it’s not the social degeneration and decay causing any of this, sure! it’s always women removing tools they could use to defend themselves and they cheer them on, why are we so susceptible to hysterics and fear

No. 2160288

i feel like the biggest challenge kamala faces is name recognition. americans are stupid as fuck and literally will vote based on names alone. nobody really knows kamala. i also think its still major long shot she wins. i just cannot see this country electing a woman

No. 2160298

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She IS Biden.

No. 2160299

i really wish the eurofags would stop interjecting their unwanted opinions on AMERICAN politics and also it’s so obvious they send people from CNN and those other news sites to post here, so ridiculous kek

No. 2160308

why did i laugh at this retarded shit am i finally going insane

No. 2160310

>they send people from CNN
Anderson Cooper post reveal now, admin

No. 2160313

nayrt but immigrants do bring a lot to the economy, even on a smaller and local scale, like opening restaurants and whatnot.

No. 2160316

that’s why the website went down retard, go read the admin’s explanation they stated someone from a mainstream news team was trying to get us taken down

No. 2160322

so you want your whole country being displaced and full of crime just so you can have tasty kebabs or something?? kek that’s the crux of this conversation, we shouldn’t be depending on these illegals to fuel our country in the first place but it’s easier to exploit people who dont speak the native language instead of just paying american citizens what they are long overdue. fuck them and get them out, idgaf

No. 2160331

How the fuck do you even get that from this?

>Who did this?

>We have not been able to find anyone claiming responsibility for the attack online (but please let us know if you have!), although we believe it may have been someone without any history with the site. We received an email from someone trying to ransom money in exchange for details about a vulnerability, but it's unclear whether they were the attacker or an opportunist trying to take advantage of the situation. They have made no further contact.

No. 2160332

Anderson Cooper hacked the website??!!!

No. 2160335

That's NOT what they said kekkk

No. 2160338

the attacker was from a news source, you just didn’t see the post so why do you keep responding? it was one of those people from those news outlets and she stated it, people responded to it, but you keep repeating the wrong thing because she omitted that anon
no!! it was someone else!!!(ban evasion)

No. 2160343

that is quite literally EXACTLY what they said, they just added another tidbit to that statement of someone holding the sit ransom and it ended up being someone from some news website

No. 2160365

Literally nowhere in >>>/meta/82856 or the full thread, but go off.

No. 2160366

maybe your browser is messed up, trying reloading because the new statement should be there???

No. 2160368

Nta but can somebody fucking link where they said the attacker was some retard from a massive news source? What? Am I having a stroke?

No. 2160372

That anon is joking

No. 2160375


Not having a stroke, it's nowhere in the thread (CTRL + F, search Admin and Farmhand). Prime schizo posting from >>2160366; wouldn't be surprised if it's the same 80+ baiting post anon from said thread.

No. 2160379

why can leftists understand how scabs destroy the ability for workers to unionize for better conditions but can't apply the same logic to mass immigration?(racebait)

No. 2160383

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No. 2160385

trump supporters in this threads are moids(scrotefoiling)

No. 2160386


No. 2160388

Ok yeah no fucking thanks kek

No. 2160405

fuck trannies, fuck kamala, fuck everything

No. 2160410

you don't have to support trump to criticize dem policy and journalists burying their heads in the sand.

No. 2160425

Inb4 the self post allegations happen but this was the only TikTok I could find about the pet thing. It was some Twitter rumor that started from some person on Facebook

Crystal Cafe’s election thread is worse than this one if you can believe it

No. 2160430

Anyone who believed they were eating cats and dogs en masse is a genuine retard

No. 2160434

I supported trump in 2016 cause he was an outsider making the stale neocons of the gop eat shit. I could probably had been a liberal if it were the clinton years. Life in general became shit around obamas second term when liberals became mentally ill retards obsessed with identity politics, and wanting to dictate how you can speak and act. This sort of mentality infected every form of entertainment, so there was no escaping it.

trump had his chance and he failed, his first term was awful. Im not a kamala fan, but she will win.

I think kamala is just another empty suit neoliberal, obama said he was bringing hope and change and he didnt change shit, dont get how anyone can fall for kamala and her "joy" bullshit.

No. 2160438

also Back when haiti was falling apart i saw a video on twitter of a guy eating a part off a dead body. Wouldnt put past a hatian to eat a cat(racebait)

No. 2160453

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Can confirm that immigrants eat cats though. I am an immigrant and I eat lots of pussy.

No. 2160459

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subhuman moid finds way to blame fake story on women more at 10
the immigrant pussy eating epidemic….

No. 2160460

Heh, a good one

No. 2160477

I’m sorry but this is so fucking deranged that it made me kek.

No. 2160500

ppl will eat anythung when they starve

No. 2160508

Apparently this photo was taken when hunting season for canadian geese was open in Ohio. There should be no reason for the outrage here.

No. 2160509

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No. 2160513


No. 2160541

>noiz route

No. 2160555

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No. 2160557

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Kamala will be our first hot president

No. 2160566

Any nonnas here have stories about remembering 9/11 when it happened? i was a baby so i only heard secondhand from my parents

No. 2160571

i hate her because she confirms every bad thing that men say about women in leadership positions. if she is elected she will absolutely be a diversity hire, vibes only president neoliberal ghoul exactly like obama and things will absolutely get worse for the average person in either her or trump's administration. on the other hand, if we get one women elected it will open the doors in the future for more qualified candidates, maybe. did obama really break the glass ceiling for men of color? it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that smaller western vassal countries of the US have had multiple impressive female leaders yet all we have to represent us are these shameful grifters. hillary really was our best representative because of how strongly men howled and screamed about her. any female candidate that has men doing their little sorry mommy, mommy sorry bullshit is not going to be good for women as a class.

No. 2160573

I’m not gonna lie i’m embarrassed because i got kind of flustered looking at her during the debate. My friends say she’s hot too. All we can be sure of this year is that she won the lesbian vote kek

No. 2160593

I was in preschool and kept completely in the dark about it by my parents and brothers, I didn't know anything about it until years later. My brothers were in elementary school and the teachers turned on the live news in class and traumatized everybody kek

No. 2160597

I love her but
>wearing heels with the heel on the back of the heel
Kamala please for the love of God invest in comfortable footwear. Anyway she gives me butterflies and I think she is so fucking beautiful and funny.

No. 2160599

I remember seeing it on TV before going to school. Didn’t know what was going on and why teachers were making a big deal about it.

No. 2160600

File: 1726087306610.jpg (79.53 KB, 704x539, gooselist.JPG)

I admit I am not a native ohioan but I found this pdf from a government website which said that early hunting for canadian geese is legal during Sept 7-15. There were several other sites I found referencing this pdf.


No. 2160623

I’ve been reading 9/11 stories and I can’t stop crying now.

No. 2160631

Shame it’s turned into basically a meme now

No. 2160638

I know this is gonna receive a lot of
> why are you crying over some random scrote!!1!1!1
responses but I was reading about the Todd Beamer story and what he was saying to the 911 operator and it just broke my heart. His wife, his children, everyone in his life probably miss him so goddamn much.

No. 2160643

I really hate remembering the fact that there were children who died in 9/11

No. 2160654

Fuck you just broke my heart. I'm going to replace my grief with rage over this evil woman

No. 2160658

I was in middle school in California, far away from the incidents, but EVERYONE thought another landmark would be next – Golden Gate Bridge, Disneyland, SFO, LAX.

I saw it on TV before school, it was on every channel. I had no idea what the weight of the situation was, and was given a poor understanding of what was happening.
When the Pentagon was burning, I remember my mom thinking she may not need to go into work because she worked for a government contractor.

I was in Catholic school, they made us pray in the gym. It was raining during lunch and a teacher kept turning on the TV to watch smoke.

It's weird to remember a time before where your family could walk with you to your airline gate…

No. 2160659

I was upset I had to watch the news when getting ready for school rather than a Pup Named Scooby-Doo. My mom then told me I didn’t have to go to school but I still couldn’t watch Scooby-Doo

No. 2160663

File: 1726089607287.png (1.29 MB, 1170x806, tribute to the kids of 9:111.p…)

In case any of you wanna remember their names or faces

No. 2160671

Great, now I'm crying.

No. 2160693

All my nonnies who lost someone today, I’m praying for you. My heart is with yall.

No. 2160725

say heel one more time, I dare you

No. 2160733

Honestly, how "conspiracy theory" shifted from being predominantly left wing to being a right wing "dogwhistle". Yeah, I don't believe that Rhianna and Taylor Swift are shape shifting Satanists or whatever because that's retarded. But you're a retard if you don't realize there's a shadow government and that there's psychotronic weaponry and that the economy is collapsing. The DNC is pro-censorship and pro-zionist, so I will not be giving them my vote. I live in a blue state so I'm just voting 3rd party.

Considering kamala is a member of CFR (and went to Bilderberg I believe) and the CIA successfully infiltrated and destroyed the left and the democratic party, I think she'll win. But I also believe they want the MAGA cult to start a civil war. I'll side with them bc I can keep my guns and not have to live with pedophiles giving puberty blockers to 8yos.(tinfoiling goes in tinfoil general)

No. 2160739

I grew up in the NYC suburbs and was in middle school. We didn't start until like right around Labor Day, so it was within the first couple weeks of classes.

I was in my science class when the first plane hit, and we didn't know shit was going on outside of the teacher picking up the intercomm phone and immediately running out of the room crying. Pretty sure her husband/fiancee was working in WTC. Given how long she was out of school after that, like the rest of the year, I don't know if she was okay or not.

Kids kind of got picked up through the day sporadically. A lot of people had family that were cops, firefighters, or generally worked in lower Manhattan.

I got picked up with a friend by their Mom super close to the end of the day, and we didn't talk in the car ride on the way home at all.

My uncle is NYFD was was more or less unreachable for a week but he's okay overall. Another uncle was an EMT and really involved in search and rescue and won't talk about it. My friend's dad was a cop and died of cancer in his early 50's and probably would have lived much longer otherwise.

It was weird as fuck as an adult to work/commute down there, and it felt like a big hole was just in the ground for years until they built the new WTC.

No. 2160746

Sage for addition but even working down there -
Fuck anyone riding through that area on segways and using selfie sticks to take pictures next to the memorial pools. If you fall in, you get what you get.

No. 2160775

File: 1726092751965.png (3.54 MB, 1170x1490, bridin.png)

Lookin good joe KEK

No. 2160779

File: 1726093079139.jpeg (107.34 KB, 314x399, IMG_2490.jpeg)

oh my god the way this walled grandpa scrote smiles freaks me the fuck out, you could leave him the middle of your front lawn as a halloween decoration and nobody would notice

No. 2160786

Is this the original Jeff the Killer image???

No. 2160791

I'm so glad they switched him out for a normal looking woman. Old scrotes look so scary

No. 2160793

I think this is the happiest he’s looked in a long time

No. 2160797

File: 1726093516981.webp (26.95 KB, 400x400, IMG_2492.webp)

he’s using his reptilian mind control eye gaze to get you to wipe his butt and change his diaper confusing you for his turkish bathhouse child slave

No. 2160815

Voting for the Green Party, which is just a spoiler party for the Republicans, is just as retarded. Voting third party accomplishes absolutely nothing in the way of changing things.

No. 2160843

yeah, in the same screenshot it says that it is legal to hunt geese on your private ranch property far outside a city center within a certain timeframe in the fall, but that does not include the suburban neighborhood within a city center which is what is pictured upthread.

No. 2160855

kamala kamala kamala kamala kamala chameleoan….

No. 2160861

KEK thank you for this nona

No. 2160870

Not gonna lie her voice is so podcast worthy

No. 2160878

It's because he's gotten facelifts, makes his smile look unnatural

No. 2160879

I agree, I like her accent.

No. 2160883

if you're gonna vote third party just vote Republican, Jill Stein doesn't do shit until it's time to run and has been photographed having dinner with Putin she's a plant.

No. 2160888

I was going to mention that, that's such a funny fact to me
Jill Stein is such an annoying fucking grifter, retards fall for her shit every year. Most third party candidates are bullshit but Stein is like peak bullshit. She just shifts her opinion to whatever the big leftie talking points are on xitter

No. 2160896

He just wanna look good for ya nonny!

No. 2160899

It's a shame there isn't a serious third party candidate. Both main candidates are viscerally repulsive for various reasons.

No. 2160903

Very niche question, but have any of you worked in a Burlington Coat Factory before? I'm trying to get a part time job and I'm scared of it being a tough one.

No. 2160910

tulsi gabbard but nobody wanted her because americans are extremely fucktarded and love drama

No. 2160920

File: 1726096934539.png (2.59 MB, 1170x1550, kekkalita.png)

kek his head is funny

No. 2160956

what's crazy to me is how student loans were such a huge issue last election cycle and this time not a peep. even trump brought it up during the debate but no one cared to address it

No. 2160965

I'm going to drive my car off the tallest car park I can find if the SAVE plan stops being a thing.

No. 2160981

it's 100% over for us i think. pretty sure that's why even dems aren't talking about it anymore.
trump says he'll abolish the department of education when he gets back in office, so who knows what the fuck happens then

No. 2160984

File: 1726098518180.jpeg (34.2 KB, 236x214, IMG_6477.jpeg)

>Me as Francine comes and wrecks the shit out of my power and floods my yard.
Internet is so slow, I hope the cell towers don’t go down too this time.

No. 2160988

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No. 2160992

>some women don’t know how to close their legs
I hate when people blame women for this, they never point the finger at men for not keeping their dicks in their pants. Probably because that would mean criticising themselves.

No. 2161001

>all because some women don’t know how to close their legs
Damn okay nonnie, when you begin your transition?

No. 2161003

>A set of conservative policy proposals developed by The Heritage Foundation, called Project 2025, calls for significant changes to how student loans are managed, including the phasing out of existing income-driven repayment (IDR) plans. And while Trump has tried to distance himself from the project, according to Reuters, many of his closest policy advisers and those likely to take high-ranking positions in his administration are heavily involved in the project.

removing all IDR plans is crazy. honestly i feel like everything in this country is going to be right wing tilt for 100 years since the courts have been packed with conservatives and we all know the courts run this country with a gridlocked congress. regardless who wins trump or kamala, trump and his fascist party already won during his last term just through the courts alone.

No. 2161015

They're really trying to sabotage the entire country. It's going to be a civil war, and they're betting on all the lefties dying.

No. 2161037

goddamn have yall read this shit? it's insane

No. 2161040

I'm honestly scared to. I'm already doomerpilled enough kek

No. 2161047

I know anons are gonna jump down my throat for this but I agree with a lot of stuff on this plan. I’m not aligned with every single thing sure but, these are things I’d rather the government be focused on instead of letting dudes troon out in jail

No. 2161050

I hate scrotes for whipping their dicks out and hate women for whipping their legs open for them every time, both are trash and irresponsible

No. 2161052

pornography ban i agree with. privatizing national parks? wtf?
i hate trannys as much as anyone else but this is issue affects like what 0.000000005% of the population? do you realize they want to make all forms of contraceptive illegal for women?
get real

No. 2161055

i don’t understand the national park part either tbh, and i also don’t get what is warranting it?

No. 2161056

trump did the usual schpeal but then veered wildly off-topic into a rant about how horrible, violent criminals are swarming the country, and they're eating people's dogs and cats. There have been news articles floating around everywhere where JD Vance says it's some Haitians in Ohio eating dogs and cats. Istg. It's like a weird desperate tactic, somehow attempt to agitate people before the debate. But it didn't work I guess. But also, they were both very robotic. Everything sounded like they had practiced those lines over and over again. It was honestly grim. They both act like they're meat puppets willing to fill a roll as symbolic leader in a cult. I'm high af and I have the alex jones banner repeating over and over again, so as I type this I'm making eye contact with him, and I think it's affecting my opinion

No. 2161057

What do pregnant women have to do with any of this? Serious question

No. 2161062

the fact we can’t get to the real truth or extent of this project 2025 that was clearly written up by foreign shadowy agents just like the protocols of elders of zion and don’t say i’m antisemitic because apparently this wasn’t even created by jewish people in the beginning so shush without going into tinfoil territory, let’s be real neocons are not that socially conservative compared to libtards, they still accept troons, tradthots, gay people and those that continue to get bullied by more radical right-wing camps all the time because they aren’t as exclusive or discriminatory enough for them, there are many conservatives who do have reservations about gay people and women because they’re evangelistfags but besides that many of them would not be okay with this project being fulfilled because it would obstruct freedom and liberty. i’m so tired of people being easily mind controlled and lead by fear through the media with this evil scapegoat hanging over their heads, hehehehe these few mysterious cabal of people wrote radical propositions on how they want to change the country and they seem conservative, trump = conservative and by association he got the full brunt of this plan. there’s so much more to this beyond just believing a bunch of bullshit on a website, this requires you to go full tinfoil and schizo going through multiple rabbitholes, tracing the intimacies of many religious secret societies and cults with worldly government entities, the jesuits, Rosicrucians, you have to dig deeper beyond what everybody is saying and your manipulated fears to get to the real truth about these things, this is not an era where you can fully rely on what’s being dictated without being aware that they spend lots of time, money and resources to manipulate all of us. it’s inevitable that many americans are going to have to jump through the forbidden “conspiracy theorist” box that’s meant to shut down opinion (because they rather distract you then get to the real root on who really created and funded project 2025)(tinfoiling)

No. 2161063

Democrats should seriously run on that national park issue, a lot of people would turn out simply for that. It is weird to think Nixon created the EPA but his party today wants to get rid of it, and he'd be considered a leftist in today's political climate.

No. 2161065

women who lack accountability rather have this whole country burn to ashes than make it better and that’s what disgusts me about female liberals

No. 2161067

men are evil because they have female sidekicks, men’s evil wouldn’t be perpetuated if their sidekicks just stopped working for them but ig that’s actually controversial to say(samefagging)

No. 2161068

but we know its the heritage foundation and what they've stood for since reagan. this entire country is run by special interests groups and has been since inception

No. 2161070

Nobody posted about this but a ton of people got 10k worth of loans relieved with seemingly no notice, I know pell grants were a qualifier. It is absolutely over for us SAVEfags. My parents made slightly too much for me to get any grants. I am actually killing myself.

No. 2161072

the 10k thing never happened supreme court struck it down, as they will with the SAVE plan, probably next year

No. 2161073

What does this mean

No. 2161075

the government pays to maintain national parks that could be used otherwise for fracking and resources so they're total free game for real estate and whatever the fuck else as soon as they're privatized.

No. 2161085

The 10k thing did happen kek, my boyfriend and his college friends got 10k taken off their student loans.

No. 2161086

My mom went back to college as a mature aged student (in her 50s and it actually got her a job so she’s able to support herself) and all of it got forgiven. She was so incredibly relieved but at the same time I agree it’s not fair to others who had to pay. True fairness imo would be to stop the loans being predatory and have a zero or incredibly low interest rate since it’s an investment in the countries future and intelligent people make for competitive countries (and since everyone’s dead set on being a global economy this is important)… that said such a boon would be lost on zoomies because of their disturbing lack of curiosity and accountability, most of them thinking it’s no biggie to use AI and other cheater tactics, so it’s hard to say at this point what’s fair and worthwhile. Someone needs to start a Luddite community whereupon once the kids graduate their low tech university they can go out in the wider world, there’s something to be said for adversity.

No. 2161111

nah I'm good
thx tho <3(emoji)

No. 2161125

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I agree. She's easy on the eyes unlike all these ugly old men I've been forced to stare at. I love women so much it's unreal.

No. 2161133

imagine the future nurses and doctors that only got through college thanks to chatgtp

No. 2161139

wtf? i didn't get my gibs then and i got a pell grant. how long did they have their loans?

No. 2161143

File: 1726104576155.png (2.16 MB, 1600x1215, drqXYdN.png)

this needs some oil wells, a walmart and a 5 lane highway expeditiously!!!

No. 2161145

File: 1726104731336.webp (208.01 KB, 1425x1093, IMG_1214.webp)

in the spirit of this shit potentially being gone within the next decade: what are some of your favorite national parks?
pic related. white sands is so fucking beautiful.

No. 2161147

>this needs some oil wells, a walmart and a 5 lane highway expeditiously!!!
So no mcdonalds? You want people to starve? Honestly I look at this photo and just imagine how much people are starving from the lack of big macs

No. 2161154

i really need to visit new mexico. i feel like that state is calling to me

No. 2161169

Does it feel kind of like no one is talking about 9/11 this year because everyone is distracted by the election?

No. 2161193

File: 1726108066914.png (2.05 MB, 2732x2048, IMG_3419.png)

Me consuming all the shitbulls whilst blaming illegals

No. 2161198

Ayrt, my boyfriend and his friends in the same major graduated this year. I wonder if it has anything to do with career? They are all government workers now.

No. 2161211

File: 1726109184277.png (2.8 MB, 1170x1854, good ol joe.png)

Kek poor joe… he has no idea what’s going on ever https://x.com/theroyalserf/status/1834007715342934335?s=46

No. 2161217

shitbull fried rice and fried shitbull chicken wings

No. 2161223

If McDonalds, KFC and other fast food chains replaced chicken and beef with dog meat, I doubt amerifags would even notice.

No. 2161244

You can literally hear him say "hope he wins" KEK amazing

No. 2161252

I think I would notice

No. 2161254

Well aren’t you special

No. 2161289

Ooh, this place is really pretty! I bet it’s so quiet and peaceful.

No. 2161297

Kek they put so much weird shit in our food that people just tolerate for some reason. I doubt they would even care.

No. 2161309

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Sequoia National Park is probably my favorite because Im a basic bitch. Crater Lake is next on my list. I like Death Valley for meteor showers but being from the southwest I get tired of the Desert and the heat

No. 2161312

Pretty unrelated but it reminds me of how transplant new yorkers only want gridded skyscrapers with a load bearing (affordable luxury) undercity, parks and functionality be damned. I don't care anymore my votes will only go towards the protection of plants and animals now fuck this gay country

No. 2161381

>>2160385 or retards

No. 2161709

nobody seems to care that boar's head recall/plant with insects, mold and blood in puddles on the floor. and now people are dead from eating their deli meats.

oh by the way, it was the trump admin that rolled back USDA inspections + gutted farm/food protections. so, yes, there is one administration that is literally trying to kill us all

No. 2161716

File: 1726155527708.png (775.48 KB, 666x1000, jU508P1.png)

the USDA and FDA will be completely defunded and dismantled under Project 2025 so there would be NO 3rd party inspections or oversight whatsoever. we will literally be going back to The Jungle again

No. 2161724

I'd rather not vote than vote scrote.

No. 2161729

Why do they say fracking instead of oil drilling?

No. 2161740

Because they’re not the same thing my sweet nona

No. 2161787

I think I got food poisoning from Boars Head or one of the other big deli meat companies because I eat salami every single day and I’ve had insane liquid diarrhea the whole time that this has been a big news story kek

No. 2161801

What do you think of JD vance?

No. 2161811

I don’t particularly like Kamala but I hate this scrote-tier talking point and the political incoherency that plagues this thread so I shall engage.
>i hate her because she confirms every bad thing that men say about women in leadership positions. if she is elected she will absolutely be a diversity hire, vibes only president neoliberal ghoul
Women are always subject to more criticism than men. Welcome to misogyny.
>exactly like obama
Do you not see how you just contradicted yourself here? Is everything wrong with her because scrotes say misogynistic things about her, or is everything wrong with her because she’s exactly like Obama? In other words, is the issue, in your opinion, that she’s a ~bad woman~ or that she represents a similar political faction to Obama? Because I can see the latter perspective, but it contradicts the former.
>did obama really break the glass ceiling for men of color?
Why do you only mention men of color? I highly doubt the DNC would run a woman of color had they not successfully elected and reflected Obama first. Regardless of your opinion on Obama, he does represent a shift in who is considered a viable presidential candidate. So yeah, I would say he “broke the glass ceiling,” but not for just black/biracial men.
>hillary really was our best representative
Aaaand you’ve lost me.
>because of how strongly men howled and screamed about her.
This completely contradicts your first point.

No. 2161812

He's ugly, fat, and a fucking idiot.

No. 2161820

Unironically I think he has a breeding fetish and that's why he obsesses over childless women so publicly

No. 2161959

Fracking and oil drilling are two different ways to extract oil, you can't use them interchangeably. Fracking is like power washing a giant hole in a very large rock until it forms a crack (or cracks) in the rock from which point you can get oil, natural gases, etc.

No. 2161961

Seeing videos of Joe Biden makes me cry he’s too old to be out here like this

No. 2161963

Samefag and he was like
>Dont eat dogs and cats!!!
too. I wish I could sad face emoji here this old man needs to be sitting in a rocking chair not going on tour.

No. 2161965

my tinfoil is that 9/11 isn't relevant anymore for a lot of reasons. We can't use it to incite anti-arab sentiments because we are pulled out of Afghanistan and the new enemy flavor of the month doesn't mesh with the old flavor of 9/11 patriotism. The main target demographic of the elections either makes fun of 9/11 or is too young to remember it, and there's so much blood being shed everywhere else that nobody really gives a fuck the way they did during the early 2000s. If 9/11 could be milked anymore, it would be, but it's clear that nobody's being brainwashed by it the same way anymore.

No. 2161969


yeah, it's really kind of bothersome that some women cape so hard for patriarchal structure under the guise of virtue that they'd rather me carry a rape baby or a fetus with no developed frontal cortex but you know, it's all the libs fault and i lack self control. same/diff.

No. 2161972

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People fail to realize that it can take 3-4 years for decision-making from prior administrations to be impactful. Shocker - rolling back regulations and letting businesses police themselves isn't effective.

Choo choo.

No. 2161984

yeah it seems like nobody talked about it that much compared to last year

No. 2161985

I warmly welcome all shitbull-eating migrants, and also encourage them to eat the shitbull owners, too.
>People fail to realize that it can take 3-4 years for decision-making from prior administrations to be impactful.
Most people are very uneducated when it comes to politics and economics. It's why we need to emphasize civics and U.S. history in K-12 schools across the country.

No. 2162003

>Women are always subject to more criticism than men. Welcome to misogyny
EXACTLY!! Men will hate women no matter what. They get on her for laughing, it’s so unnecessary
fat and is def fucking peter thiel

No. 2162012


looks like my ex, affirms my decision to break up with him and lament the poor decision making of my past. acts like he has a tiny penis and is compensating.

No. 2162070

File: 1726176336084.jpeg (176.98 KB, 1170x601, IMG_7420.jpeg)

Thiel’s hoes are seething lol

No. 2162092

I couldn't figure out if this was a dementia move, or spiteful towards Harris, or if he's just doing classic diamond joe trolling for fun? I hope it's the last one but I have a feeling it was spite.

No. 2162112

I just wanted to say thank you for the OP pic not being American dad, because I kept getting confused thinking the unpopular opinion thread was the amerifag thread

No. 2162231

i will just be glad when the election is over so i can go back to pretending that they both don’t exist.

No. 2162579

The edited Trump photo makes me viscerally uncomfortable ughhhh

No. 2162589

Not me, but a family member worked there as his first job. From what he described, I wouldn’t recommend it; the customers sounded pretty terrible compared to those at my job at Michael’s (which itself was pretty chaotic but not too bad).

No. 2162601

Maybe he has a crush on him…

No. 2162795

>we need to emphasize civics and U.S. history in K-12 schools across the country
they want to keep americans stupid for a reason

No. 2162819

People would rather fight other working class groups and immigrants instead of directing their anger toward that which are actually affecting their quality of life—lawmakers, businesspeople, corporations, etc. but I guess trying to fight "the Man" requires too much effort. If only people had the same energy they did during the miner strikes, the '50s/'60s, and so forth.

No. 2162940

My hot take is that younger generations (gen z/gen alpha) don’t remember 9/11, so it’s not important to them naturally, and are extremely naive with regards to political islam/islamism. When you see the mass protests in europe against muslim immigrants, followed by more immigration reforms being implemented, it’s easy to write off all those people as xenophobes/islamaphobes/racists, from an american perspective. But the reality is that anyone who is familiar with islamism knows the harm to society it brings. It is not conducive to democracy or peace. Yes, 9/11 was also heavily propagandized to justify foreign interventionism, but that doesn’t mean the visceral reaction so many americans had to a foreign attack on US soil was also fabricated.
>anti-arab sentiments
Afghanistan isn’t an arab country.

No. 2162981

Unfettered immigration will absolutely destroy our country. I'm tired of people pretending it isn't a problem. Lynching all the businessmen won't do anything about crop dieoffs and mass starvation in 20 years. We need to close the border yesterday.

No. 2163082

right? it was something out of upton sinclair's the jungle and no one gave a shit. that expose birthed the FDA in the 1900's. today people are just happy no human fingers were found. i bet there is still "safe levels" of formaldehyde in milk.

No. 2163084

men like kamala, i mean momala, because they know nothing will change for them.

No. 2163103

File: 1726255558787.jpeg (56.8 KB, 500x404, 9fLaxrQ.jpeg)

Your sensationalist rhetoric is more likely to doom the country than any ordinary American.
>Unfettered immigration will absolutely destroy our country. I'm tired of people pretending it isn't a problem.
Nice, typing up shit that I never even wrote. You don't even know what my stance is on immigration (and I'm not going to go there because it's only going to devolve into shitflinging). I still don't think blaming immigrants for all of one's problems is the way to go.
>Lynching all the businessmen won't do anything about crop dieoffs and mass starvation in 20 years.
Also not what I wrote, but whatever. You can thank climate change for your second point. Who do you think permits and engages (and did in the past) in environmentally hostile behaviors to promote the crop die-offs and "mass starvation" (doomerism BTW) in 20 years? Who do you think has the money and clout to promote research and education efforts to find mitigatory solutions to one of the foremost issues of the 21st century and enact them? It's not the poorfags and migrants who are working the land, that is.
Refer to these posts: >>2161709 >>2161716
The American populace is deliberately undereducated and kept unaware to reinforce the status quo and ensure that the "government" and "corporations" (it's typically specific people throughout history, but it's more complicated than just that) maintain their power. Picrel is my favorite prez

No. 2163141

File: 1726257970787.jpg (151.17 KB, 1079x603, upliftingnewsmomandpopfactory.…)

your point by point breakdowns out you as a reddit shill. go be champagne socialist somewhere else.

No. 2163157

Nice bait. If that's all you got out of my response then you are even more retarded than I thought. Have a day, I guess.

No. 2163273

A lot of pro Kamala ads are actually designed to make you against her. Like why is there an ad screaming at me DID YOU KNOW KAMALA HARRIS'S HUSBAND WOULD BE A BIG DEAL BECAUSE HE'D BE JEWISH IN THE WHITE HOUSE
Who the fuck is this appealing to? There was another ad similar that spun something mundane about her in a weird way but I can't remember it as I don't keep a spreadsheet of the ads I get
Sorry to delete and repost I forgot we had american thread

No. 2163281

>Your sensationalist rhetoric is more likely to doom the country than any ordinary American.
This is insanely right, i’m so tired of hearing “we are a failing country” all of the time, “muh falling birth rates”(which to these moids is just measuring how much women get fucked), and fake stories about immigrants doing what fuck ever, i’m so tired of people trying to get me to care about this reactionary shit. I’m not even very pro immigration either i’m just tired of shit surrounding it being blown out of proportion. It makes republican politics so unappealing to me, they need to drop that shit

No. 2163306

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No. 2163319

Reactionary is the right way to put it. The political climate has shifted so far to the right that you have tards like the one I was conversing with calling people "champagne socialists" for suggesting that megalomaniac politicians and think tankers act deceptively toward the general public in order to consolidate their power. The average American is daily confronted with many issues, obviously, but TPTB seek to mislead us on what those issues actually are. Too many Americans have an inability to think critically, which is how the hysteria over Haitians eating pets and "Venezuela has a lower crime rate than the U.S.!!!" has managed to consume the entire country. Trust and believe, it's all the Trump campaign's doing. And I'm no open borders enthusiast myself, but at least I can tell when it's raining from someone pissing in my face.
Can't wait for our first female U.S. president! Kek

No. 2163359

>A lot of pro Kamala ads are actually designed to make you against her. Like why is there an ad screaming at me DID YOU KNOW KAMALA HARRIS'S HUSBAND WOULD BE A BIG DEAL BECAUSE HE'D BE JEWISH IN THE WHITE HOUSE
>Who the fuck is this appealing to?
Jewish voters, probably? Trump has stated repeatedly that Jewish Americans should vote for him if they’re a “good Jew” because he’s more pro-Israel than Kamala, so the DNC is trying to keep Jewish voters, who have consistently been Dems. That’s just how political campaigns work. And yeah, there’s never been a Jew in the White House before. Calm down, kek.

No. 2163360

Wonder if they live in an area with a high jewish population tbh, thats what came to mind when they said that

No. 2163362

Probably. I just find it funny how anons see Jews mentioned and immediately sperg out.

No. 2163387

What do you do when you don't want to be forced to stay home and have kids but also don't want Haitians in your neighborhood eating your cats?

No. 2163390

There’s only one solution. YOU should eat the neighborhood cats before the Haitians get to them

No. 2163392

I live in Detroit

No. 2163394

Aw, I'm sorry anon

No. 2163395

I would never live outside Michigan we have the best land and people. Save your sorries for your scrote

No. 2163397

I don't have a scrote

No. 2163399

i’m a lesbian, i probably eat more cat than them ngl

No. 2163402

just don't stay home and have kids if you don't wanna do that nonny

No. 2163409

File: 1726272349642.jpg (67.39 KB, 844x932, DCIM_509c80a4_1280.jpg)

I went to mighigan one time and everyone was fat and miserable looking and when you walked into the grocery store it was totally beige. where veggies should be were endless plastic tubs of macaroni salad.

No. 2163411

Yea now sure but what do you think will happen if republicans get what they want? Theyre freaking over birth rates

But like, I dont want thousands of immigrants air dropped in my city and then have democrats plug their ears if they cause problems

No. 2163412

this is how i imagine how whichever candidate loses michigan will act

No. 2163415

nonny what do you think is going to happen? i know they're upset over birth rates and how pregnancies are continuously gettting older and older but i don't think they're gonna lock you in your house and assign you a husband to have a bunch of babies with kek

No. 2163419

i can attest to this i spent some time there and most people were fat, miserable, and white trash. fast food was everywhere (more than the other states i have been to) whereas grocery stores and non chain restaurants were few and far in between. people never smiled or had manners and hardly spoke. i assume the richer parts arent like this.

No. 2163420

We’ll be fine. Deport illegal immigrants, deport criminal immigrants, etc, but plenty of immigrants assimilate just fine, which has been the norm throughout American history. Countries like China and Japan are the countries that actually need to worry about declining birth rates because they have no immigrant population to make it up.

No. 2163421

>plenty of immigrants assimilate just fine
No they don't, lol. I'm from one of the big cities and things have changed dramatically. There used to be a social pressure in the US to assimilate, but nowadays it's been all but beaten out of American culture. Stuff like globalism and "multiculturalism is our strength" has been spun around and used as a way to tell immigrants "you don't need to adopt our social norms or apply for citizenship or speak English." Like I said, it USED to be like that, but nowadays it's not at all.

No. 2163424

That sounds nice and all, but I don't think our country does much to deport criminals or force assimilation. Im expecting large waves of illegal and refugee immigration in the coming years, and honestly its pretty easy for a large bunch of immigrants to overwhlem the local culture and do things their way instead of assimilating. And like half of our country doesnt even want to admit this could happen and that some cultures suck

No. 2163426

I seriously don't think we need more immigrants, they do not benefit our society in any way. Many of them do not work, commit several crimes, and have nothing but contempt for normal American society.

No. 2163429

There have been multiple periods in American history where people have said the same thing about new immigrants (such as widespread anti-Irish sentiment in the 19th century). These periods have been followed by increased pressure to assimilate, which I agree is important to a cohesive culture, like you imply. Nowadays, would you said “Irish-Americans” are unassimilated? No, they’re literally identical to any other American. It’s cyclical. I do think we should talk about immigration as a policy issue, but fear-mongering is a political tactic that inflates this current wave of immigration as something entirely unprecedented. It’s not. Unless you’re a full-blooded Native American, your ancestors were either immigrants or enslaved. America, baby!

No. 2163430

TBH it really depends on their culture and why theyre coming in the first place. But yea I really am not looking forward to masses of men from backwardistan coming here and making it uncomfortable to just be in public if youre female especially if youre white. And then liberals will tell you youre racist while they form white and qwhite enclaves far away… its all so tiresome

No. 2163438

Full blooded native Americans aren't American though, they're Asian(racebait)

No. 2163441

Bro come on. Irish were disliked for being poor catholic foreigners, but they were able to assimilate pretty fast because irish were similar enough culturally to the other northern europeans who made up most of america at the time. Now were bringing in people with starkly different cultures and just hoping it all works out…

No. 2163451

irish people were compared to dogs and not allowed into many businesses, im failing to see how its that different to how immigrants are treated these days.

No. 2163462

When america has waves of migrants it destroys upward mobility and creates a race to the bottom for wages. No one wants to sacrifice their one life for strangers halfway across the world or in the name of future equity. You seem to hand wave this away because you probably don’t work and labor rights don’t concern you.

No. 2163474

I think your missing nonnas point. The Irish could easily slip in into ok flavours of white. Anglocise the name, speak received English and they could blend in as any other white. Other minorities don't have the luxury.

No. 2163476

My response was about the likelihood of assimilation not how immigrants are treated.
Also no one is keeping immigrants out of businesses these days, come on. If anything if what you say is true it just bolsters my point of how the rapid assimilation of irish was possible. Now immigrants are treated so much better yet some are very slow to assimilate becuase the culture is too different for their liking

No. 2163477

Is mod not American? This isn't racebait this is just a fact kek…"Native Americans" migrated from Asia to the West.(ban evasion)

No. 2163479

>posts rotten food and baseless bullshit
Coastie detected

No. 2163488

I mean its not just "being white" its also that irish culture was similar enough to melt into the new culture all the other northern euros had formed.
This idea that irish are so unique from the cultures around it is really dumb

No. 2163491

I'm starting to think with topics like women's rights, alcoholism, the civil rights movement and (currently) immigration there's a huge percentage of Americans that are uneducated of their own country's history. Like when I was in school the history books only went up to the reagan presidency so fuck knows what anyone is learning now

No. 2163492

What I don’t get is why vote Trump because Kamala’s gonna give AGPs in prison surgery? Voting for Trump is gonna get more women raped outside of prison and inside plus cutting an AGP’s dick off takes all their power away anyways. Most aren’t serious about getting the cock chop and fear it so if anything I see forcing that on them being a good thing

No. 2163502

how is voting for Trump going to result in more rapes

No. 2163508

Half of the doctors and nurses at your nearest hospital are immigrants.
NTA but this is true. I was naturally a curious child, but I'm also glad that I was in a decent school system in a wealthy state, but while it was decent in my state it is one of the top districts in the nation—which says less about my school and more about how much worse the education system in other parts of the country could be.

No. 2163512

I don't know where you think I live but that is not the case in my city, actually.

No. 2163513

If Trump wins we’ll be regressing to the 1920s and feminism will be back to square one, it’s pretty easy to see how that will happen when you look at it like that

No. 2163515

nonna i don't know how old you are and if you remember the 2016 election but, this is what everyone was moaning and wailing back then too kek…and somehow we all survived!

No. 2163517

Did a twitter thread tell you that

No. 2163520

Which nonna is voting for Trump I’m honestly curious kek

No. 2163521

I don’t know why anyone needs a reason to vote Kamala beyond the fact that it means a man won’t be in power

No. 2163523

Not really because you don't have african genetics anymore, but English, Indian, Asian, or wherever your people happened to come from. "Native American" DNA doesn't exist, it's just Asian DNA with a different title based on the location and not actual genetic differences

No. 2163524

I'm sure your hospital has many immigrant workers, unless you live in Bumfuck, Wyoming. And even if it doesn't, go to any major hospital in the U.S. and it'll have a substantial number of immigrant doctors and nurses. Many of our nation's top researchers are immigrants. Be serious now.

No. 2163525

except roe v wade got overturned and red states already banned abortion except for incest. Then birth control will be next since these retarded old rapists think some birth control are abortifacients

No. 2163526

>muhh top researchers are immigrants!!
Anon, immigrants only account for about 17% of the medical industry. I’m pretty sure we’d recover if they went back home kek

No. 2163528

NTA but how does that magically result in more rapes occurring

No. 2163531

By that logic, technically we’re all African. Or you can go even further back…

No. 2163532

This logic is flawed because our genetics actually changed over time, which was not the case with the Asians who migrated to the Americas.

No. 2163533

sea people?

No. 2163534

why are you fucking scrotes to begin with? ewie(bait)

No. 2163536

project 2025 plans to get rid of no fault divorce and one can imagine marital rape being made legal is on their radar, not that i think it would necessarily get that bad but at this point i dont know what the future holds, either way i can kind of see where shes going with that.

No. 2163537

Let's do the maff here, nonnie.
>There were a record 44.8 million immigrants living in the U.S. in 2018, making up 13.7% of the nation’s population
According to your number, assuming it's true, then immigrants, who make up 17% of the "medical industry", are overrepresented in the medical industry population. Why do you think that is, anon? The same industry that's desperate for workers? If 17% of the "medical industry" (?) disappeared tomorrow, what do you think would happen?

No. 2163540

Hundreds upon thousands of jobs would open up for actual born citizens to take, that is what would happen kek

No. 2163541

don’t get married to a guy who you think is going to rape you then? i’m not sure how to protect you nonnica(bait)

No. 2163542

NTA but it absolutely would get that bad. Straight Men have no boundaries and will do whatever they can to make women’s lives living hell. Want proof? Look at literally every major event in the last 2000 years

No. 2163546

anon, all of those things happen already though. people voting for Trump wouldn’t magically make that happen more. everyone’s claimed this again and again since 2015. also
> abusive moids won’t pretend to be nice to make you feel safe in a marriage
…? do some of you guys just marry the first guy who’s nice to you KEK?

No. 2163547

men have been grouping together to terrorize women and children for centuries nonnie, "dont marry" isn't going to stop violent males. Remember trumps famous line "I moved on her like a bitch and grabbed her by the pussy". Imagine being a red state rape victim and have to carry the rapists baby bc of roe v wade overturned, a woman's literal hell

No. 2163548

obviously if left to their own devices men would absolutely make marital rape legal, i mean just look at india. what i meant is that hopefully people would riot before we let that happen. i never thought roe v wade would get overturned either but it did, thats why i said i dont know what the future holds. it seems like everything ive thought "theres no way that could happen" we're inching closer to, we live in very scary times.

No. 2163551

Posting dumb victim blaming shit like this after what's happening in France, shame on you

No. 2163552

Trump has come out in several interviews and even stated at the debate that he believes abortion should be allowed for rape, incest, and life of the mother btw

No. 2163555

Ntayrt but anon…you really expect Americans to care about French people kek? Get real

No. 2163557

the judges he chose for the supreme court believed differently

No. 2163559

i don’t know what’s happening in france because im not french nonna

No. 2163561

didnt he also say that it doesnt matter what he believes because it should be up to the state to decide? we've seen how that went.

No. 2163562

It’s not really “victim blaming” if you aren’t a victim and are just fucking stupid kek

No. 2163563

I didn’t learn until recently that my state allows the late term abortion and it actually really disturbed me to learn that it was practiced

No. 2163565

>>>/ot/2159715 if it can happen to her it can happen to anyone.

No. 2163566

>>2163541, >>2163562
Damn who invited Rose Mulet lol. You’re implying forced/arranged marriages don’t exist, abusive moids won’t pretend to be nice to make you feel safe in a marriage and abuse you once it starts, and heavily abusive moids won’t literally threaten you with revenge porn or even threaten your life unless you marry them. Rape usually happens from people you know and trust and don’t think would rape you so “just avoid people who would” isn’t the smart comeback you think it is

Actions speak louder than words and none of his actions have led me to believe that’s anything more than a false sense of security

No. 2163567

So if 17% of the medical industry disappeared tomorrow, we wouldn't have to worry about a complete collapse of the healthcare system because there will be an equivalent number of highly educated individuals to replace said 17%? Yet, the medical industry is constantly hiring. Why aren't they taking them now, then? Why are these hardworking Americans just sitting around not applying for jobs in a field that is notorious for being understaffed?

No. 2163568

> implying forced/arranged marriages don’t exist, abusive moids won’t pretend to be nice to make you feel safe in a marriage and abuse you once it starts, and heavily abusive moids won’t literally threaten you with revenge porn or even threaten your life unless you marry them
Yes, you’re right, all of those things already exist. Voting for Trump won’t magically make them end or start.

No. 2163570

No. 2163571

You do understand that you can’t just apply to be a nurse or a doctor right kek?

No. 2163572

True but you can’t deny it’s likely law enforcement will start caring even less if Cheeto Dust has his way

No. 2163573

Please take it to the france thread; this is the American thread

No. 2163574

late term abortion is pretty much only for medical reasons because virtually no woman is carrying a baby almost to term and then deciding at the last second actually you know what fuck this baby, its very much not disturbing.

No. 2163575

But I thought the 17% could be easily replaced if it disappeared tomorrow? Why can't people just apply to be doctors and nurses?

No. 2163576

i’ve said it multiple times and i will say it again: this is exactly what everyone was saying when he first ran kek?

No. 2163579

execute the baby

No. 2163580

And how did his run end? And that was without a deranged Project 2025 manifesto

No. 2163581

You can’t just apply to be a doctor or nurse because you need to go to medical school, and yes there are American citizens who’ve concluded their schooling who could apply and be hired by tomorrow. Also, I’m not really a customer to the medical industry so if 17% of the medical industry left tomorrow I would be unaffected, either way, so I don’t particularly give a shit as long as they leave

No. 2163583

what’s disturbing is the fact that you do have the freedom to say you know what? fuck this baby dumbass

No. 2163585

>yes there are American citizens who’ve concluded their schooling who could apply and be hired by tomorrow.
So why aren't they applying now? Why wait for tomorrow? Where are these Americans who want to be working doctors who aren't applying to work at a hospital?
>Also, I’m not really a customer to the medical industry so if 17% of the medical industry left tomorrow I would be unaffected

No. 2163586

It ended shitty because of the disgusting pandemic that was started by the pangolin eating immigrants who drip their blood all over the country(baiting /pol/fag)

No. 2163587

That's not disturbing you retard, it's free will

No. 2163590

But the point is that nobody's doing it and doctors aren't signing off on elective third trimester abortions. The reason the freedom exists is so that a woman who just did her 21 week scan and discovered serious fetal anomalies that mean her baby, if they even live through birth, will have a short and painful life, can choose the humane option to terminate her pregnancy without worrying about criminal prosecution.

No. 2163591

Goodness you’re retarded. They do try to get jobs, and it is continually harder and harder to get hired places precisely because mud eating fat Haitian nurses are taking all the fucking jobs. How does this not click for you? Sometimes I forget that the majority of people who use this website are like 21 and under(back to /pol/)

No. 2163592

nonnna is doing a social service if its male

No. 2163596

if “nobody is doing it” then why are their professionals who specialize in performing this operation?
> murdering a full term baby moments before it exits the womb is free will!!
so me killing your mom is free will too, isn’t it?(/pol/ bait)

No. 2163598

Oh but nonnie everyone says the immigrants are all illegals rapist moids that don't know english and milk the system because they can't get jobs but suddenly they're now all educated nurses stealing jobs?

No. 2163599

Because those are the specialists who deal with the high risk cases I just talked about?

No. 2163600

File: 1726280432017.jpg (6.78 KB, 460x140, xeYzahc.jpg)

are you denying that things have gotten worse for women since trump was elected?
if you can show me an article of even a single woman having an abortion in the 7th month of pregnancy or later simply because she decided she didnt want it anymore after sacrificing her body for all those months then i will eat my words, until then no i dont think its disturbing because i dont think thats something that anyone does.
shes talking about the insurrection retard, people were killed.
pic related

No. 2163602

buuut if they’re only allowed to be called upon in those specific situations, then why am I allowed to call my abortion clinic and request an abortion for a 34 week pregnancy right now?

No. 2163603

Because better you abort and spare the world another generation of your retardation than a woman who has to abort for medical reasons risk criminal prosecution.

No. 2163604

>they’re all educated nurses stealing jobs now?
Oh no not all of them, only 17% of the medical industry is made up of immigrants. And it’s only like, 12% of the entirety immigrant community that contributes to the healthcare industry.

No. 2163605

Kek, I already knew you were just a mongoloid /pol/fag. Nobody says shit like
>I seriously don't think we need more immigrants, they do not benefit our society in any way.
>mud eating fat Haitian nurses
unless they're retarded or baiting, but you're both in any case. I only entertained you out of boredom. Have a nice life, kek
It's bait.

No. 2163606

>Irish were disliked for being poor catholic foreigners, but they were able to assimilate pretty fast because irish were similar enough culturally to the other northern europeans who made up most of america at the time. Now were bringing in people with starkly different cultures and just hoping it all works out…
Two things. 1. I think you vastly underestimate religious and ethnic divisions among Europeans during the 19th century. Not only did they often consider each other racially inferior, they were literally trying to kill each other in Europe kek. Our understanding of race is much more “black and white” (literally) today. It’s not even comparable. 2. Yes, white people were the majority back then. Did you know white people are estimated to be a minority in the US by 2045? The racial demographics of this country are already changing. White (and Asian) people tend to have fewer kids, for instance.
>You seem to hand wave this away because you probably don’t work and labor rights don’t concern you.
Yes, I have a job. I even pay my own rent. Lmao. Rather back up your argument with anything meaningful, you have to rely on schizophrenic projections about me? I really detest anons like you, tbh.

No. 2163608

Anon, you’re not acknowledging the topic of discussion now kek. You’re changing the topic to being about me as a person instead of the fact that you can go request a late term abortion, unneeded, no questions asked. Are you able to comprehend why that’s disgusting? I understand if not.

No. 2163609

Lucky you if you’ve never encountered immigrants in large cities…

No. 2163610

you’re ignoring the fact: i can call an abortion clinic right now as we’re having this conversation and tell them I’m 32 weeks pregnant and want to abort my child, and i will have the freedom to do exactly that. obviously we have know way of knowing if anyone is practicing this, but it is still something that you’re legally allowed to do. is that registering?(baiting /pol/fag)

No. 2163611

No, actually. Because I would rather live in a world where a woman who is unhinged enough to want a late term abortion for shits and giggles be allowed to have it because such a woman (who I and another anon will continue to claim don't exist until you provide proof otherwise) would make a horribly unfit parent. The fact that it prevents innocent women who are already mourning that their babies are too sick to live from being criminalized for terminating their pregnancies only makes it better.

No. 2163612

How have things gotten worse for women in America since Trump has been elected…? My life has been uninterrupted in the 8 years since his initial run

No. 2163614

There's one or multiple shitstirring /pol/tards ITT. Report and ignore, nonnies.

No. 2163615

Anon I don't see whats wrong with me reaffirming that my life has continued to go perfectly fine since Trump was elected. I'm sorry if for some reason your life got worse but, the likelihood of those two things being related to each other is extremely low…

No. 2163616

come on nonny

No. 2163618

if you want other anons to pearl clutch about it youre gonna have to go and find us some proof that anyone is doing that, have you ever even been pregnant before? actually better yet do you even have the ability to gt pregnant?

No. 2163620

i’m pregnant right now actually, i’m not 32 weeks kek but even if i was, i would still be legally allowed to have my daughter ripped out and thrown in the trash. i don’t really think i’m somehow in the wrong for “pearl clutching” over that.

No. 2163621

Why does the legal right matter if you're not gonna do it? No one is making you get an abortion.

No. 2163624

oh so the hormones are just making you delusional then

No. 2163625

> why do you care
because it still matters to me that this is a legal procedure that psychotic individuals are allowed to perform/have performed upon them? we’ve gone over this like 3 times already please just lurk if it somehow isn’t clicking for you still

No. 2163626

Ntayrt but it's not really delusional to be capable of recognizing that old scrotes murdering children for a living is a little bit gross?(bait)

No. 2163627

delusional about what though? it’s a fact that elective late term abortion is allowed in my state

No. 2163628

>thinks women who get abortions are psychotic
I don't think we're going to be able to reach any sort of agreement, sorry.

No. 2163629

Nta but you do have to have some kind of mental illness/issues to be capable of just going through with a fullblown abortion and feeling nothing over it.

No. 2163630

Is this is the same kind of biological hijacking that makes boymoms act the way they do?

No. 2163632

Do you guys just hate moms across the board or something kek?

No. 2163635

> what a loser for not wanting children conceived via consensual sex being murdered for no fucking reason (retard)

No. 2163636

we can keep having this cyclical argument but youve still yet to provide any kind of evidence that anyone is getting elective late term abortions
providing medical care to a woman whose child is going to die painfully isnt gross to me but maybe thats just an opinion thats unique to me

No. 2163637

in what way is that letting men regulate women’s bodies? If you don’t want to get pregnant, don’t have sex. Then you don’t need an abortion.

No. 2163639

Nowhere has anyone said that women don't feel anything about having an abortion. I really don't get what's so hard to understand that having the legal right to do something does not mean that you are:
a) automatically going to do that thing, or
b) have zero regrets, bad feelings, complicated emotions, or any other negative consequences of the thing you did
It just means that you have the legal right to do so without getting harassed by the court system. By the way, this protects women who miscarry too, so police can't just say "we think she had an abortion" and prosecute her.

No. 2163640

I deleted my post so that I wouldn’t take a ban for infighting. But I’ll repost because you are retards. ♥

I’m so thankful I don’t have a mom who spends her Friday nights baiting teenagers on an ib and advocating for policies than allow men to regulate women’s bodies. What a fucking loser honestly lmao

No. 2163641

Reporting a miscarriage and receiving care for that isn’t the same as electively requesting an abortion though, those are two different procedures and are handled differently.

No. 2163643

File: 1726282019238.png (119.13 KB, 1700x390, abortional age.png)

Eighty five late term abortions were performed in the state of Oregon in 2024. Do with that information what you will

No. 2163646

i don’t feel like doing research on this because i’m gonna end up upsetting myself kek

No. 2163647

I don’t think you know how abortion works tbh
Men passing legislation that criminalizes women’s choice to be in control of their own pregnancy is harmful to women. I genuinely don’t understand why tradtards like you even come here. Why do you want to be in a women’s space if you don’t actually care about or like women? It really doesn’t make sense to me

No. 2163648

> criminalizes women’s choice to be in control of their own pregnancy
your ability to control your own pregnancy is not criminalized, your ability to murder the child you conceived is criminalized. can your brain handle that, dumbass?(retard)

No. 2163649

No. 2163650

File: 1726282251591.jpg (118.96 KB, 1451x869, 1000016415.jpg)

lmao this thread is unironically:

No. 2163651

There are 50 states anon kek I do not live in cat eating land

No. 2163653

And what were the circumstances of these late stage abortions? Because states generally have laws that only permit late stage abortions when complications arise that could threaten the life of the mother (and child)
This is why retards like you are so ignorant. You don’t want to research anything. You just take stats out of context at face value. Room temperature IQs are really permeating this thread rn

No. 2163654

You are not American

No. 2163657

why are you here if you're not American, genuinely

No. 2163659

when you are hot but poor in this country people only give a fuck to help if it benefits them in any way and otherwise they are excited to see you suffer and this counts your own mother in majority of cases I speak from experience it sucks

No. 2163660

women shouldnt have to report their miscarriage to the government, women have been arrested after having miscarriages that they didnt even do anything to cause. republicans want women afraid.
and was there any information of if these were elective or not?

No. 2163661

we're talking about abortion now foreign nonnie, keep up

No. 2163662

Please go back to the bong thread or wherever the fuck
In Oregon, you can have an abortion no matter the circumstances. If you wake up one morning and decide you don’t want to be pregnant anymore, you can just get an abortion, no questions asked.

No. 2163663

This is from an article about elective induced abortions

No. 2163664

What has my precious lolcor come to? Why do we have retards moralfagging about abortion?

No. 2163665

Kinda depends on which part of India and South America they're from. Like there's a ton of Mexicans desperate to come to the US, but you'll meet much fewer of any other SA nationality. There's not a million Uruguayans desperately trying to come here or w/e in the same way. Plenty of those other SA countries look down on US. For India, most of the people desperate to come here are South Indians. Many North Indians look down on us.

>criticizes Trump for racism
>proceeds to use the racist phrase "Chinese whispers" herself

No. 2163666

its not really moralfagging to be grossed out by abortion nonna

No. 2163667

Based Oregon!

No. 2163668

no one does late term abortions for fun you retard. these are medically necessary abortions of wanted pregnancies.

No. 2163670

Anon, this is from an article about elective abortions.

No. 2163671

nta but wow can you fucking read kek?

No. 2163672

>Subsequently, Oregon has become an abortion destination state
KEEEK sorry this wording has me rolling

No. 2163673

They've been doing this since July unfortunately. It'll never end until election season is over.

No. 2163675

There are like two tradthots sperging out, just ignore them

No. 2163676

if you don't want to see American opinions don't open the Amerifags thread ♥

No. 2163678

where does it say theyre elective? the word elective doesnt show up in this article even once
i dont think you know what moralfagging is

No. 2163679

>no article was linked
anon >>2163663
this is an article about induced abortion, not medically necessary abortions.

No. 2163680

elective doesn't show up in that article once.
it's the boymom-microchimerism messing with their heads and making them act like someone's gonna make them abort

No. 2163681

Are you reading the article or did you just command F the word "elective" kek? Come on nonny

No. 2163684

No one cares about your opinion, nonny ♥ enough with the samefagging, it’s getting old. Is your hubby neglecting you during your pregnancy? Is that why you’re lashing out at other women who haven’t made the same life mistakes as you? Kek(infighting)

No. 2163685

Soo how does this apply to mothers of female children though

No. 2163686

Induced abortion just means the procedure. Miscarriage used to be called spontaneous abortion, that's why the procedure is called induced. Induced is not a synonym for elective.

No. 2163687

NTAYRT but huh? This conversation is about abortion, not choosing to go through with pregnancy kek what

No. 2163688

just because they're induced doesn't mean they're not motivated by medical reasons. It's extremely rare for women this far into their preganancy to just go "oh bye lol", it's usually for disabled or malformed fetuses.
in any event women should be allowed to abort for any reason at any time, as long as it's inside them they get to decide. it's not like it's paying rent.

No. 2163690

> the article is about how people go to Oregon specifically to receive abortions

No. 2163691

ive read the article 3 times looking for where the fuck it says that. all "abortions" as we think of them (surgical or from a pill) are induced.

No. 2163692

>its extremely rare
85 late term abortions is still too many, to me(infighting)

No. 2163693

I’m replying to the anon who claims to be pregnant, types in lowercase, and has been derailing this thread about how abortion is evil. I’m not sure what you think I’m replying to.

No. 2163694

Why do people who aren’t American come into this thread if they hate seeing American thoughts

No. 2163696

that baby really is taking all your grey matter

No. 2163697

AYRT, your post says
> Is your hubby neglecting you during your pregnancy? Is that why you’re lashing out at other women who haven’t made the same life mistakes as you? Kek
In response to her post which said
> if you don't want to see American opinions don't open the Amerifags thread
after someone seemingly accused her of being trad, and I'm just kind of confused by the response as an observing party because I don't see how those two things relate to each other kek

No. 2163698

Perhaps not all Americans have the same thoughts and those are in fact, other Americans

No. 2163699

NTA but “induced” abortions have nothing to do with whether or not they’re medically necessary, illiterate retard

No. 2163700

My intuition was telling me that it’s the anon who I suspected it was, given the context of that post. She hasn’t said otherwise, so I’m not sure why you’re WKing her kek.

No. 2163702

If you’re apparently American and complaining about how much you hate other Americans and seeing what they have to say about their country then why would you frequent the thread

No. 2163703

Don’t call me ‘nonna’, you will never be one of us.

No. 2163704

the article is literally about how Oregon is an optional abortion destination state kek. How many times does this need to be repeated?

No. 2163705

Where do these tardthots come from
This is why we need to have bullied nigelfags more

No. 2163706

> t. someone who found out about lolcow from twitter a week ago
Kek go back to listening to Aespa or something, child

No. 2163708

The stats included don’t actually tell us much, but you’re trying to spin a certain narrative. Until you can provide the circumstances of those abortions, this debate is pointless and in bad faith

No. 2163709

if you consider getting pregnant to be a mistake, then why have sex with men at all? i don’t really understand why people are so hateful towards pregnant women when the only reason you exist is because a pregnant woman gave birth to you
then kill yourself if that’s how you really feel, nonna ♥(infighting)

No. 2163711

They have to travel interstate because late term abortions are likely banned in their own states, even for medical reasons.

No. 2163712

Then leave ♥ please go back to tiktok(infighting)

No. 2163713

You’re a retard who can’t construe an actual argument other than misinterpreting stats without context like a ragebait tiktoker. Get fucking real

No. 2163714

If abortion was banned though how would that affect any of you? The majority of you do not have boyfriends, aren’t sexually active, etc, so..(bait)

No. 2163716

you know that women in states where abortion has been made illegal have been refused medical care after their pregnancy stopped developing (that means it died since you apparently dont know anything about pregnancy despite claiming to be pregnant) because the doctors in those states are afraid of being arrested if they remove the dead fetus right? you know that those stats are not seperated from other abortion stats right?

No. 2163717

This. Unfortunately, our resident tradtards can’t comprehend anything that goes against their narrative.

No. 2163718

it affects other women and young girls, which i care about

No. 2163719

Now I’m sure we have scrotes among us. This isn’t the femcel site you think it is.

No. 2163720

My fellow Americans: for the love of God and country, stop using the fucking little black heart as fucking punctuation

No. 2163721

And its also those women and young girls jobs to not have sex if they dont want to get pregnant and have a child so badly, because thats the whole reason sex exists and physically feels orgasmic. So that you keep doing it and populate the earth.
I know this isn't a femcel website, also I'm not really sure how its scrotish to assume that the majority of you don't choose to have sex with men when that is a narrative I've seen repeatedly on this website for the last 7 years kek

No. 2163722

If you can't think of the unspoken reason as to why a non-sexually active woman would want access to abortion, you need to go back.

No. 2163725


No. 2163726

and let me guess tradthot, women and children who are victims of male violence and rape and got pregnant shouldn't caused the rape in the first place?

No. 2163727

ive had an abortion and if i got pregnant tomorrow id have another one

No. 2163728

Abortion is always legal in the situations of rape, incest, and life of the mother though(retard)

No. 2163729

i can't really think of a reason why you'd be so obsessed with getting an abortion, no

No. 2163730

depends on the state laws now

No. 2163731

>And its also those women and young girls jobs to not have sex if they dont want to get pregnant and have a child so badly,
And what happens when they get raped? (which is how young girls get pregnant in the first place). You're saying "it's their jobc not to do it as if they chose it
Not in every state, no. Many girls have been forced to give birth to rape babies

No. 2163732

werent you baiting about this exact same topic a few months ago. how have you not gotten bored kek

No. 2163733

You're either very sheltered, or you don't belong here. iykyk

No. 2163734

why even have PIV if you don't want to get pregnant though

No. 2163735

File: 1726284209683.jpeg (Spoiler Image,248.71 KB, 1242x504, IMG_4602.jpeg)

This is the same retard who camps out in the America threads for some reason that types exclusively in lower case with no punctuation and baits about abortion and pregnancy endlessly. Please guys don’t keep feeding it.

No. 2163737

anon you have to remember that the majority of zoomers including me are lowercase fags kek

No. 2163738

im sorry i thought this was america. land of the brave, home of the free.

No. 2163742

So is it unbelievable to you that people would discuss similar topics that are repeatedly brought up in the news?

No. 2163743

oh i never said you don't have the freedom to have sex; i'm just asking, why would you have unprotected penis-in-vagina sex if you don't want to get pregnant…when the whole reason it exists is for the purpose of creating more people.

No. 2163744

Ntayrt but I think it’s funny you call other anons speds for having the brain capacity to understand that you shouldn’t have sex if you don’t want to get pregnant so bad

No. 2163745

fair enough, I know I sound a bit schizo but the typing style and the topics and the playing dumb repeatedly tell me it’s the same person and a troll, because it’s an easy way to get replies and farmers can’t help themselves

No. 2163747

ayrt, you never know if someone is "playing dumb" or if they're being sincere with you and idk to me it seems kind of like they're being sincere but i could also be wrong kek

No. 2163748

Some anons are beyond reason and mentally handicapped, so there’s really no point in engaging. Maybe they should try moving to a country with sharia law so they don’t have to live in an evil secular western country that permits abortion. Problem solved kek

No. 2163749

no you're right its the same person and they've been doing this for months, they always use the exact same argument

No. 2163750

different anon, im gonna be honest i dont even think this is a pregnant woman but i wont scrotefoil

No. 2163751

It's because the other anon said
>Abortion is always legal in the situations of rape, incest, and life of the mother though
which is factually incorrect

No. 2163752

nta but i agree with you, just ignore and report if you see the same sperg shitting up the thread with shit about PIV and abortion. Nona's who keep arguing with them probably don't know that
It's so annoying it does it at the same time too, it's always 10-11pm est

No. 2163753

I’ve never had an abortion, so you’re simply projecting. We have an entire board for you speds to cry about women having sex. Please go there

No. 2163754

ntayrt but i’m not pregnancy revealing just for the sake of other anons opinions kek

No. 2163755

Oh my god kek. It isn't a specific, direct you its a general you as in the people who obsess over having the ability to get an abortion for no reason. Lurk moar.(bait)

No. 2163756

to me it was cemented when someone was talking about disposable soma and she refused to to acknowledge the existence of the concept.
Also when they just denied pregnancy complications can happen.
Funny how women never pretend to be men online to shill their views

No. 2163757

no one wants your pregnancy reveal omfg we dont care if youre pregnant it wont change the fact that we think youre retarded

No. 2163758

Why would a woman pretend to be a man for the sake of a conversation though? And, in what way is understanding that you shouldn't have sex if you don't want to get pregnant "shilling" anything?

No. 2163759

Yeah but unfortunately in Oregon they also give the methheads free needles and a little instruction pamphlet on where best to shoot up. And don't even get me started on Portland.
t. Oregonfag

No. 2163761

NTA but
>i dont even think shes pregnant
>omg we dont care if you're pregnant!!
? If you don't care, why are you bringing it up?

No. 2163762

Because I care about the rights and well-being of other women. According to you, that means I’m obsessed with sex and abortion kek. Average IQ of a bpchan

No. 2163763

Yeah…Oregon is literally where Americans go to kill themselves kek

No. 2163765

This was also the election where everyone, including a FUCKTON of celebrities and actors, said, "If Trump wins I'm moving to Canada." Crybaby faggots.

No. 2163766

Women do have the right to choose not to get pregnant though, and many women choose to have consensual sex and get pregnant despite knowing that they desire the opposite. They are infringing upon their own interest.(ban evasion, chronic baiting)

No. 2163767

Anons, stop taking the infight bait. Please.

No. 2163769

File: 1726285190394.png (38.43 KB, 1024x1024, 04557.png)

Everyone itt has ruined the heart emoji for me. I hope you're happy.

No. 2163771

> every conversation is infight bait
This rhetoric being repeated for the last like 6 months has begun to read as infight bait on its own kek(ban evasion, chronic baiting)

No. 2163772

Why are they like this. It already got redded.

No. 2163773

it was just that one anon using it but ill admit most of the time when anons use it they over use it and you can tell when its the same anon in a thread using it over and over again, very cringe

No. 2163774

You didn't even do the Fortnite floss dance in your reveal video

No. 2163775

Cute how mods are lickety split redtexting this shit but CP stays up for a solid 47 minutes before it’s deleted

No. 2163777

Do the boards still have different mods? I assumed that was why.

No. 2163780

I might get called a bootlicker for this, but you must be a newfag. CP filters have improved so much with the current mod team. Like sure, they might be offline sometimes, but it’s much better than before AND better than most other IBs. I do appreciate that.

No. 2163781

I would just like to say I was right so there.

No. 2163782

yeah i realized during the bunker that i dont even think ive seen any raid posts since cerbmin took over

No. 2163783

Newfags cannot even fathom the raids we used to regularly endure kek

No. 2163785

Also it took like the same amount of time for those posts in this thread to get red texted iirc, mods were probably offline and are online now duh

No. 2163786

Are we really rationalizing child pornography being left up for almost an hour?(ban evasion)

No. 2163789

I hope this is bait, but in case it isn’t—no one is defending CP. Unfortunately, cyber attacks are frequent here, as we rely on literal volunteers to combat those attacks. If you can’t handle the reality of that, you probably shouldn’t be on an IB, to be completely honest with you.

No. 2163790

File: 1726286550747.jpg (26.22 KB, 320x500, f7a058e347be29c9c4af7f29382926…)

Post the hottest dude/lady who lives in your home state

No. 2163793

File: 1726286882801.jpg (53.67 KB, 564x639, f1ea664d4f4c7d3967b3be0f7feeb0…)

a little off from the OG question however SZA doesn't live in st louis but she was born there, she's very cute. also i may be wrong karlie kloss was raised in st louis, she's hot too.

No. 2163795

File: 1726286980707.jpg (40.23 KB, 396x594, 9c65a4fd4c98655807a96afb6b9abe…)

hello twin

No. 2163799

File: 1726287385199.webp (20.07 KB, 741x495, riverphoenix.webp)

Does lived in past tense count kek

No. 2163801

File: 1726287653808.webp (312.66 KB, 900x508, mark hamill.WEBP)

He’s the perfect mix of irl bishonen protag and dweeb……..

No. 2163802

um n-nonnie i was at the SZA concert in stl…do you want to be friends

No. 2163803

unfortunately MO is just my home state I live on the east coast now.. sorry nonny

No. 2163807

>Many of our nation's top researchers are immigrants
America has the best universities and research institutions in the world which attracts smart non-americans who use it as a path to citizenship. The world of academia and research actually kind of sucks and smart Americans are able to avoid it
17% vs 14% is only slightly overrepresented… and immigrants in the medical industry includes doctors from other countries who will work for less because it's still more than what they make at home, and nurses and techs who too often went to bad quality schools compared to american standards or are just faking their credentials, and are willing to work for less money because they want citizenship
These people could all be replaced by Americans in a phased approach if the government wanted it to happen. They do take jobs from us and lower our wages while causing social friction, which the powers above us like. I'm not even against immigration of the education or career kind within reason but we don't need to act like we Have to have immigrants or else…
People are really more concerned about lumpenprole immigration and failures of immigrants to assimilate anyway, a smart working immigrant who isn't fucking up our culture isn't really what's being discussed

No. 2163811

Maako Hamiru!!

No. 2163820

1. Everyone knows northern europeans had divisions and fought, even today there are tensions, but they still had enough cultural similarities to assimilate quickly to each other in a new country
2. I said northern european, not white, intentionally. and ok? what does that have to do with anything

No. 2163825

The irish were being genocided by british elites when they came to america. They were not seen as a germanic (northern european—using your term) people. Like they were absolutely seen as distinct, even if today we don’t see it that way

No. 2163832

You still haven’t tackled wage deflation caused by immigration and instead talk about how you feel as if this is your website and anyone gives a shit. Ooh a rentoid, so impressive.

No. 2163842

>includes doctors from other countries who will work for less
Do you understand how much physicians make? It's still higher than the average American, even when they're making "less". We're not talking about fruit pickers here kek
>nurses and techs who too often went to bad quality schools compared to american standards or are just faking their credentials, and are willing to work for less money because they want citizenship
Doesn't happen, and if it does it's rare. Degrees from outside the U.S. are not looked at very favorably, even when they come from top schools like Oxbridge (to a lesser extent, but it won't have the same clout as an Ivy or big R1 public school).
>These people could all be replaced by Americans in a phased approach if the government wanted it to happen. They do take jobs from us and lower our wages
Hospitals are literally always hiring. There are more openings than there are people to fill them. If Americans wanted those jobs, they would take them, and I can assure you doctors and nurses are making as much, if not more, as ever.
>we don't need to act like we Have to have immigrants or else…
No one said otherwise. The fag who started it all claimed that immigrants contributed nothing to our society, which is categorically false. While I'm not saying we shouldn't have a cap on immigration, there are added economic benefits to increasing the size of the working population.
>failures of immigrants to assimilate anyway […] fucking up our culture
This sounds like a Eurofag talking point. There is no uniform "culture" in the United States. America, out of all countries, does the best job in assimilating immigrants and their offspring, and by the second generation, immigrant-origin Americans normally fall in-line with their racial counterparts of non-immigrant origin.

No. 2163853

nta but it's pretty obvious she means she won't be able to own anything because people are having too many kids. but the birth rate is below replacement, the only reason our population is still increasing is due to migration. she should really be complaining about millions of people entering our country every year, which is only going to get worse during the global climate crisis.

No. 2163871

kamala chaaaaaaan

No. 2163872

Every time I see someone imply that America has no culture my eyes roll so hard into the back of my head. Of course Americans have a culture! It’s ignorant to suggest otherwise.
Have you spent any time abroad? While the culture here isn’t steeped in traditional ceremonies or the like there are still vast differences to other places. The car culture, the gun culture, the tribalism in regards to politics, freedom of speech, womens freedoms, small community cultures that are able to thrive (frats and sororities, to a greater extent black American culture, latam culture, Christian communities, the Amish, etc), probably plenty of other things I can’t think of right now.
Why don’t Americans think they have a culture? I came from another English country and things here are very different to how they were in my home nation. It’s probably more accurate to posit that American culture is subsuming every other culture because of the internet.

No. 2163940

She didn't say we have no culture, she said there isn't a uniform culture in the States which is true. Every region has its own culture. All of the things you mentioned are subcultures and not something common to all Americans.

No. 2164001

File: 1726312423576.gif (569.98 KB, 500x500, 2024cow.gif)

samefag but i was inspired and spent WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time making this kekkekekekek

No. 2164005

they should hire chris chan as the next president potrait artist

No. 2164010

>if it can happen to her it can happen to anyone.
Don't listen to the trump/pol retard baiting but no it can't. The France thing happened to a married women from her fucking husband. Did you not read the story you linked to? Don't marry men. After reading it more accurately its less don't marry men, don't interact or fuck men but rather KAM.

No. 2164124

kamala chan is best girl she will win desu

No. 2164319

File: 1726334265551.jpeg (97.43 KB, 923x959, image.jpeg)

Do you ship them?

No. 2164323

Laura Loomer looks like a TIM.

No. 2164338

Yes!! OTP ♥

No. 2164339

File: 1726334815177.mp4 (787.03 KB, 360x360, ssstwitter.com_1726334748515.m…)

this video of her and mike ma kills me every time I watch it
>i love your aryan genes

No. 2164350

is this from a documentary or something? holy shit.

No. 2164393

Girl you're just twisted up about everything. There are uniform cultural expectations in America as well as regional ones. The expectation to assimilate in America has died and when you have a large number of immigrants who believe the same things they can just ignore the culture pressures of the new country. Maybe you'll get it once your town gets some air dropped haitians and you start facing constant harassment and disrespect from men every time you leave the house

American women have become so accustomed to not being treated like shit they take it for granted, and are in for a huge wake up call that many other cultures are very different in this regard. This is especially true for the european descended

No. 2164402

and your state has the highest population of muslims in the country, they're appealing to the anti-muslim demographic obv

No. 2164408

>America, out of all countries, does the best job in assimilating immigrants and their offspring, and by the second generation, immigrant-origin Americans normally fall in-line with their racial counterparts of non-immigrant origin.

This line is just funny. American is only decent at assimilation into the broader european descendent culture when there is a small number of immigrants from a culture because then they are practically forced to assimilate, they cannot easily retreat into enclaves and ignore the local culture.
And if the immigrants just assimilate into their non-immigrant racial counterpart, really whats happening is that becomes a third culture which is a mix of the new culture with the culture back home. This means that racial group can still hold onto shitty things from the old world even when they're 2nd, 3rd gen and then put their bs on others. This is actually happening in europe right now.

No. 2164418

no kek, just a random vid of her trying to flirt with some edgy micro celebrity scrote because he’s white and tall

No. 2164423

File: 1726339235293.png (1.1 MB, 1500x1000, 8Y7N0ZK.png)

I know so many jewish women like her. They never fit in as kids and were obsessed with the attractive white guys who never gave them attention, this was usually compensated by trying to act hyper-sexual with those boys. but just because those boys would sleep with them didn’t mean they wanted a relationship, which messed them up even more.
They usually ended up settling for some loser their mom set up with and most end up as boring liberals, but laura loomer's still trying to appeal to the men who will never interested in her, I also don't know why they always bring up about how amazing their tits are

No. 2164429

File: 1726339631414.jpeg (530.67 KB, 1284x2209, hivcmdxbxrod1.jpeg)

No. 2164433

This is retarded. There is no uniform cultural expectation in the U.S. Zero. None. We don't even have an official language.
>The expectation to assimilate in America has died and when you have a large number of immigrants who believe the same things they can just ignore the culture pressures of the new country.
Never existed to begin with. How do you think Tejano and Cajun cultures came about? Pennsylvania Dutch? Are you even trying to make your argument make sense?
>Maybe you'll get it once your town gets some air dropped haitians and you start facing constant harassment and disrespect from men every time you leave the house
Utterly braindead. There are entire Haitian-American enclaves in Florida and the Northeast which have existed for decades now. This is not a new population. Where were these cat-eating Haitians 5 years ago? 10? 30? Who's the next immigrant community you're going to sperg about having a libertine moid population in two weeks, the Burmese? Knock it off, retard.
>America is only decent at assimilation because blahblahblah
Ridiculous cope. Absolutely everything you just wrote makes zero sense and is clearly written from the perspective of a non-American who lacks the historical knowledge and cultural context of our country.
>And if the immigrants just assimilate into their non-immigrant racial counterpart, really whats happening is that becomes a third culture which is a mix of the new culture with the culture back home.
This doesn't happen you pathetic mong. Maybe you should worry about paying taxes for your own country's defense instead of relying on Uncle Sam to do the heavy lifting and hip-hobbling into the Amerifag thread to share your shitty, uninformed "commentary".

No. 2164436

If I remember correctly, the guy wasn't even a rw nazi, he was some random journalist

No. 2164441

>There is no uniform cultural expectation in the U.S. Zero. None.
That's just plain untrue. Explain what happened to Indian tribes who were forced to assimilate throughout the 1800s and 1900s. Explain the children who were forced to give up their tribal religions for Christianity, and forced to learn English in schools. Crack open a history book once in a while, anon.

No. 2164445

No. 2164449

Christ the amount of accidents must be through the roof. How the fuck do they even get the money to buy cars???

No. 2164450

Huh, Indian tribes were forced to learn English and convert to Christianity, the dominant language and religion in the United States. Nice to know. In which case, Argentina, Spain, and Mexico are all Spanish-speaking Christian nations, so by your metric of "cultural expectations", we should see that these countries all have uniform cultural expectations, right?

No. 2164453

*Catholic, but whatever. And yeah, they do have commonalities in their cultures. That's what happens when you have one country colonize a shit-ton of others and rule them for hundreds of years. Their culture is imprinted into their colonies. That's why all of Latin America, for instance, is highly misogynist.

No. 2164457

Sorry I'm an american who's actually lived and interacted around immigrants and diverse populations. Not all immigrants, regional cultures, third cultures in American are bad at all but at the same time you sound very naive or in denial. Whatever, when the bad comes to you just shed your naive attitudes first before you run to somewhere better

No. 2164458

… anon, why are you lying???? that wasn’t a journalist, that was mike ma and i’m sure that video was recorded and posted by him before he deleted his youtube channel

No. 2164462

I have a question. Who would you choose between a wealthy non-white immigrant with a STEM degree, and a poor white American without a degree?(bait)

No. 2164475

>*Catholic, but whatever.
Catholics are Christians. Are you retarded or something?
>And yeah, they do have commonalities in their cultures.
By this line of reasoning, Haiti was colonized by France, therefore they share commonalities, and thence "uniform cultural expectations". Commonalities aren't the same as uniform. South Korea and Japan also have commonalities. If these countries had uniform "cultural expectations", then they should be essentially identical. Don't try to tell an Argentinian, a Spaniard, and a Mexican that their cultures are the same KEK
Sorry, you're remedial. I'm not naïve, just not a gullible Trumptard who believes everything they see online unquestioningly. Hopefully you can drop in on a class at a community college someplace, they might teach you how to use critical thinking.

No. 2164521

>11 minutes of redneck whining and grievances

No. 2164564

I barely know anything about this girl but i’ve been seeing the thing with her and trump all over my feed

No. 2164652

The libs who love to use thirdies to virtue signal that they are so evolved and compassionate absolutely despise the poor of their own race. Guess only some poor people are noble.

No. 2164657

File: 1726352377532.gif (572.41 KB, 608x360, zmNpoq.gif)

kamala chan~ youre so sugoi desu nya~ desuuu anata will win this election desunyaaaa

No. 2164659

Getting people to hate Kamala by tranny codifying her is a brilliant psyop. Nicely done.

No. 2164660

how have you not watched nyan neko sugar girls? it's the best anime of all time… nona you got some catching up to do

No. 2164670

You people say anything is tranny shit

No. 2164709

So many ways I could respond, but I'll leave it at this:
If I really believed that a person or group of people in my town were in such desperate straits that they were stealing housepets to eat, I would do all that I could to help them, no matter who they were, not make youtube videos to the effect of "What about me?" and whining about car horns.

Also, nothing in that video indicates definitively that the whiner is poor.

No. 2164727

Yes we get it, you are so virtuous when it comes to non countrymen because you think it makes you morally superior in some way and that your class position is so secure that you’ll never have to lie in the mess you’ve made for anyone poorer than you, except if you’re the reddit rentoid who doesn’t own property, it really isn’t as secure as you think. You are hitting so many notes of smug bigotry of low expectations libness that it almost seems like you’re baiting. He is “whining” about how the rules are applied unevenly between citizens and non citizens. Why do citizens have to obey laws and obtain drivers permits by completing hours and taking a driver’s test when non citizens aren’t expected to, with the results being that these unlicensed, untrained drivers cause accidents and potentially injure innocent people on the road who have been obeying the laws. It’s called anarcho-tyranny when the managerial state punishes law abiding citizens while favoring criminals in order to keep people in their place by occupying their time trying to manage the chaos.

No. 2164746

Has anyone been to/ live in Mississippi? Idk why republicans shit on California when Mississippi looked like a 3rd world country. I pass through there every few years to get to Louisiana and literally everything is dilapidated. Driving outside the Interstate, the roads are covered in potholes so old that fucking trees are growing out of them. The gas stations were always shitty and terrifying, There are polluting factories right next to houses(China is constantly getting shit for doing stuff like this) and the city of Jackson(the literal capitol) i went to was devoid of people and full of dilapidated buildings. I know personal anectodes are not really concrete facts but i never seen this in any other state(been to 7). Even Louisiana, which is one of the shittier states(some of my family lives in cancer alley) isn't so blantantly bad. Why the fuck do i never hear about this state in the media.

No. 2164750

I know what you mean. The Delta is especially bad. There are many places around the country where people are still living as though it were the Great Depression. Unfortunately, racism (in many cases) and corruption keep things the way that they are, and the general public has no clue about it because nobody wants to hear that their shit stinks. And because there are few major industries or cities in these places, the people who live there are essentially forgotten and expendable.

No. 2164758

Anon, in all seriousness, you don't know me, and I bet you don't know the person in the video, either. Do you live in Springfield? I don't, but here are some questions that came to mind while I was listening to that video: How does he know that all of the people driving without licenses are immigrants? Do non-citizens/immigrants really get a pass for causing wrecks and injuring people with their cars? Is there evidence of this? Is there an actual statute on the books that codifies this favoritism toward certain groups of lawbreakers? What motive(s) would Springfield police have to promote or enforce this favoritism? And back to the original pet-eating issue, what motive would they have to go on record to say that there were no reports of such a thing if there were? I honestly don't get it, but more importantly I believe that certain claims, if they are sincere, require proof. Otherwise, yes, I'm going to ridicule or at least roll my eyes at the speaker.

Anyway, I just discovered vid rel today and hope we can all agree that it's a banger.

No. 2164850

File: 1726364032725.jpeg (78.26 KB, 474x559, e52.jpeg)

No. 2164961

I can't believe she's only 31. She looks so botched. I thought she was in her 40s or 50s at first. Trump is 47 years older than she is and Ivanka is 11 years older. Utterly vile.

No. 2165087

SHE'S 31??? Holy shit dude I thought she was like 45 or some shit kek. Also trump is a fucking unit

No. 2165645

Cancer alley? I’m afraid to ask

No. 2165649

File: 1726429556011.jpeg (288.01 KB, 1125x929, IMG_4807.jpeg)


No. 2165651

File: 1726429789403.jpg (40.44 KB, 404x250, 6405211-642c31f66aa4e732452022…)

Kek, fucking embarrassing

No. 2165723

File: 1726434700324.png (157.5 KB, 720x1220, tt.png)

So this happened

No. 2165729

IMO the first one was real, but this shit is laughably fake. First the Taylor Swift copycatting, now "gunshots in the vicinity" (like a "concept of a plan").

No. 2165730

File: 1726435009504.webp (47.7 KB, 240x240, IMG_0987.webp)

No. 2165738

Do you like your state?

No. 2165740

It's an area on the banks of the Mississippi between Baton Rouge and New Orleans that contains lots of petrochemical plants and oil refineries.

No. 2165749

Samefag I’ll go first I guess kek I love my state but it is not perfect. If I had the power to make large scale change I would do so because I love it here very much and immigrants tend to come here because it is beautiful and a good place to live but there’s a lot of problems too

No. 2165758

I've lived in a lot of states at this point and there have been things I liked about each one. The only one I truly hated and could find no redeemable qualities in was Florida.

No. 2165765

File: 1726438145060.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1789x1091, 9ymPnEp.jpeg)

Yeah, it's a pretty good state—take a wild guess from picrel.

No. 2165771

fuck you masshole, love a fellow new englander

No. 2165772

if he were skinny i'd believe they missed for a second time kek
yeah but I don't think I'll live here forever, asian food here is on top tho

No. 2165777

Sorry about that, we get wicked feral without our morning Dunks

No. 2165779

For the most part, yes. It has it's flaws like anywhere else, and is unfortunately getting more and more expensive, but I don't think that's unique to my state. It's growing a lot though, and our infrastructure is having a hard time keeping up with the sheer numbers of people moving here.

No. 2165813

unpopular opinion but i do like Florida. It has a shit ton of problems (like our dumb fuck governor) and has gotten severely overpopulated in the last 10 years, but there is a lot of beautiful nature and beaches. I was also born and raised here so maybe it's just that it's familiar. Don't want to die here though

No. 2165825

I'd like it more if there were less homeless people and tranny flags everywhere. And if it wasn't expensive as fuck to live in kek But it is really pretty and I love the beach.

No. 2165842

if the cost of living weren't so high, it'd be perfect. all four seasons baby

No. 2165850

Thats something I hate about my state too. Every. Single. Day. without fail I come across at least 4 or 5 transvestite males. And they’re so fucking ugly in person, I’ve posted some of the disgusting fruits that I’ve encountered and it’s just ugh. I always make my disgust visible too kek.

No. 2165899

Let’s revive the Trump Assasination Bunker every nonny! >>2165896

No. 2165904

File: 1726452593660.jpg (Spoiler Image,793.88 KB, 2400x3592, PS.JPG)

No. 2165929

The tradwives are invading it, fun is over every nonny

No. 2165939

Why are they even here kek where do they find this place from

No. 2166194

Originally this picture was can't have shit in Cincinnati. Just saying.

No. 2166283

File: 1726496152486.jpeg (749.42 KB, 1536x2048, 3eoi6Zh.jpeg)

she's so going to lose

No. 2166290

This looks like one of Shayna's business cards.

No. 2166321

I love the nature, it's diverse and beautiful. I also love the rural parts and the general Wild West presence that's still strong in many parts. But I hate the cities. The architecture, layouts, people, jobs, general culture in them are bleak, especially where I was raised. I also hate the weather 75% of the year.

No. 2166336

This is what happens when you radicalized half the country

No. 2166365

Ladies have been running for president for almost 200 years, I don’t think we’re sitting in the big chair anytime soon kek

No. 2166437

No comment apart from how cuuuute that little dog is

No. 2166441

Yea, but I wouldn't mind moving to another state as long as it's not in the West or South.

No. 2166462

I'm kinda sad cuz I love where I live but I don't really like politics. Everyone is getting so heated and get mad when I don't want to state my political opinion. Call me stupid but I think we're fucked no matter who sits in office.

No. 2166506

>coming across 4 or 5
Damn that’s really high nonny. I actually came across one whole grocery shopping the other day kek. He was an older but now I’m fearing with all the tranny stuff these men are getting braver. At least with older trannies they don’t insist that they’re biological women and acknowledge they’re still men.

No. 2166522

I dont care if it makes me a fag I think this is really cute and way more decorative/fun than a normal boring campaign sign that just looks like advertising trash in your yard. I know all of us are professional haters but i like their creativity

No. 2166527

KEK I agree, this is fun. There would be no issue about whether or not Kamala would win the election if we could get rid of that bullshit electoral college. DT has never won the popular vote.

No. 2166534

I've only been to two cities within my state, including my home city. I love the city 2 hours away and it's like a second home to me and I wish I could move there someday, but I despise my actual city with every fiber of my being. I don't really care if people figure it out either, but I hate how much sportsfaggotry is in my state too. Absolutely obnoxious to deal with, there's nothing much else to do.

No. 2166624

File: 1726514673313.webp (598.45 KB, 2560x3840, IMG_7627.webp)

Kaitlyn Olsen. She’s so funny and sweet, I love her.

No. 2166762

Having a british voice sounds kind of embarrassing kek

No. 2166777

okay, but go post about it in the bong thread

No. 2166845

anyone else been to arizona? i went for the first time last month and it is incredible

No. 2166860

I live here, glad you liked it! Whereabouts did you visit?

No. 2166963

does anyone else remember when Trump was only famous for being super rich and always saying “you’re fired”?

No. 2166979

File: 1726532317547.png (993.05 KB, 1170x1474, trumbly.png)

> Perhaps, it’s God. Wanting me to be President to save this country
Trump on the topic of his assassination attempts during an interview with a crypto bro this evening

No. 2167007

>Candidate of a major political party for president of the United States of America hanging out on Twitter Spaces with a bunch of no-name techbro influencers
I want out of this timeline

No. 2167070

down the hall and to the left… also didn't he have a campaign in 2000 that flopped?
This is so gay I hate scrotes

No. 2167103

Most Americans ideas literally revolve around whatever makes people mad the most. And I don't that they have reasons or logic to side with what they believe, just that their entire reason for siding with someone is to upset people. It's bizarre

No. 2167109

I 'member. I remember him making cameos as himself as the "rich guy" in movies and commercials in the 90s, and then The Apprentice in the 2000s

No. 2167214

This is an astute observation nonna

No. 2167559

File: 1726550443717.png (218.04 KB, 960x981, xszjunvug9pd1.png)

No. 2167627

File: 1726551461730.png (732.62 KB, 649x751, ZliYVRN.png)

Liturally Hitler omg triggered thats it Im moving to Canada (yes for real this time)

No. 2167897

JD Vance is pulling old-school racism against the Irish, and the Irish have also had alliances with Indigenous nations over the years because of a shared struggle.

No. 2168009

I really enjoy talking to my European internet friend because 95% of our conversations are normal and funny but they’re so prone to believing American stereotypes and so invested in American culture wars (despite never having stepped foot here) that it drives me crazy. They think we don’t have “real bread” despite me ordering from bakeries and showing them, and that all we have access to is store bought wonder bread. And more seriously, they’re pro-gun despite coming from a country with zero gun violence, where people don’t own guns, and then try to debate lord me when I say I don’t want normies to own guns because people have gotten domed over dumb shit. I can tolerate having this conversation with actual pro second amendment Americans but Europeans? Hell no lmao

No. 2168032

has anyone actually went through with moving to (insert progressive country)? whenever i tell those kinds that some of these countries have strict migration laws they get mad

No. 2168115

This picture is so fucking ugly I wish you had never posted it

No. 2168197

Kek was stormfront from "The Boys" based off her? Shes just like stormfront except way less attractive.(i had to transvestigate her)

No. 2168216

His fascist shit is probably the most ironic and bit-like fascism yet, all so his mindless cocksuckers suckle that much harder. Kekkkkkk.

No. 2168226

It hurts my soul everytime i think of how the USA has such beautiful nature but the ugliest fucking cities ever. You think it would be easier to build beautiful cities with all the money and technology we have. You look at beautiful old cities like Venice or France and wonder why people who had a lifespan of 30 years and no technology were more capable of making beautiful cities than modern America. Also why do people insist on having boring green grass lawns in my fucking desert state instead of a beautiful desert landscape with cactuses and shit to match the fucking biome? And why does everyone want a tall ugly McMansion? Its one thing for the house to be ugly but another thing for it to be BIG AND UGLY! Dont even get me started of big box stores and their egregiously large parking lots. You could build maybe 500 or more single family homes on one walmart parking lot kek. I had to rant about this because i just saw a beautiful purple victorian house that had hideous grey contemporary townhomes built right next to it .

No. 2168239

Thats what the kids like to call "No Rizz"

No. 2168247

>cities like France

No. 2168278

Probably because no one’s really focused on beauty or aestheticism they’re just worried about functionality

No. 2168298

you're literally just complaining that the architecture in your area isn't your specific ideal and tastes. america was built up hundreds of years later after those places and had to build up quickly to match the rate of population growing. its also one of the most populated countries in the world, things are too fast paced to make things like gargantuan stone buildings with intricate carvings, the contractor wants it done yesterday. the modern city as we know it didn't come about until recently, and the architectural trends were very in favor of concrete during that time. the culture around building aesthetics will change again with time.

No. 2168309

I agree with you on every part except
>You look at beautiful old cities like Venice or France
America was founded by Protestant Anglos and Germans, gaudy architecture was never their forte. It just had to be functional and spacious.

No. 2168311


Kek im a retard i meant to say Paris.

No. 2168325

I read gaudy as gay kek

No. 2168335

My city is beautiful with greco-roman architecture, green parks, historic canals, and colonial rowhouses. Sorry to hear about y’all though!

No. 2168343

y’all-chan fuck off southern bitch

No. 2168344

I think where I live is beautiful but the people who live here make it unenjoyable. The homeless, the troons, the mentally ill…

No. 2168346

let me guess: san francisco or seattle?

No. 2168351

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Struck a nerve huh? Unfortunately even southerners don’t consider me a true southerner… caught in between both worlds. Regardless, dc stays superior

No. 2168366

same thing

No. 2168375

Portland kek, TroonTown USA

No. 2168389

lol same but with Boston and the Boston metro area.

No. 2168391

Ayyye Portland farmer! I also love it here, but hate the trannys.

No. 2168398

angry anime girl

No. 2168399

I don’t ever try to start any shit with them but when I do see an AGP out in public I do make it visibly obvious that I’m not okay with what they’re doing. I’ve posted some of the fruits I’ve seen on the street and kek it’s always a hoot to see everyone’s responses to something we encounter so frequently

No. 2168415

I can't stand Kamala but there's no way she's going to lose. Even just with the fags and trannies and handmaidens, and Taylor Swift's army of millions of Swifties following her lead there's no chance that anyone but Kamala will win.

No. 2168424

You severely underestimate the amount of normies that never post online but have subtle prejudiced thoughts towards trannies/immigrants/minorities. All it takes is one bad experience to make you want to vote for Trump.

No. 2168427

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No. 2168429

Same. I love California as a state. We have so many beautiful ecoregions all in one state, from deserts (like Mojave), to the Mediterranean climate of the central valley, the snowy forested mountains of the Sierra Nevada, to the foggy coastal forests, to the beach/ocean. There is so much natural beauty here. I just can't stand the politics and the people.

No. 2168432

let’s pray the troons all die from a heart attack from the HRT they take

No. 2168436

um OP why is the burger breathing in this threadpic?

No. 2168442

I feel this way about New Jersey adjacent to nyc. Newark is like a giant ghetto.

No. 2168525

Non-Amerifag so please excuse my intrusion. America does have beautiful buildings but there doesn't seem to be the same culture of building preservation that there is in Europe. Most European countries have registers of historical buildings and this includes everything from major public buildings to single family homes. The American historical buildings registry doesn't seem to be as comprehensive and only includes especially notable buildings. I would also guess that weather and climate such as tornadoes and hurricanes have destroyed historical buildings and this isn't a significant factor in Europe.

No. 2168527

File: 1726607409088.png (951.86 KB, 959x1016, 957B1C19-4301-4664-8FC5-ED7F41…)

I liked DC more than I thought I would when I lived there. There wasn’t as much of an art scene as I would ideally want but it’s a nice city. That said I am a southernona and the real south begins at Manassas kek

No. 2168538

File: 1726607865895.jpg (63.93 KB, 595x680, virginiamiku.jpg)

Talking about Virgnia, we finally got a VA Miku!! There were some other ones but this was this was the cutest and un-coomiest. I love the cardinal on her shoulder

No. 2168540

Many US states do have strict regulations that prevent historic buildings from being destroyed. The difference is that America is just a much younger country, so there isn’t the same breadth of historical architecture as in Europe, so I get why you might assume that the lack of historic architecture means it isn’t being preserved. Where I live, there are entire neighborhoods (old town alexandria, georgetown, etc) that have been preserved for 200-300 years very close to commercial areas. Also, since there hasn’t been a war on US soil in a long time, old buildings here are still in pretty good condition usually
Dc anon here. Yeah, I definitely agree our art scene is lacking. I’d suggest richmond, va for a much better art scene! I visit all the time, even though it’s a couple hours outside of dc

No. 2168544

The neighborhood I live in is "historical" you aren't allowed to tear down a house and rebuild it. It only started because someone tore down a house to build a McMansion and it pissed everybody off kek

No. 2168548

My city had a bunch of cool old buildings that had to be torn down to comply with fire codes.

No. 2168550

Oh she’s so cute! The dogwood blossoms in her hair are a nice touch. Also the JMU keychain is so much more appropriate than a UVA one but I could see VCU for her too.
I no longer live in DC but I heard a lot of good things about Richmond. I visited Charlottesville and it was nice but felt a little too polished I suppose for my taste. I usually like college towns but Charlottesville just didn’t have the feel I expect from them.

No. 2168558

Oh I’m a certified charlottesville hater kek. Most overrated city in virginia imo

No. 2168563

The guy I was seeing at the time was a UVA grad so he wanted to show me the town. I had to pretend I liked it for the entire weekend we were there and it was torture. Also all of his friends were from UVA and they got really upset when I told them I never heard of it until I began dating that guy kek

No. 2168568

File: 1726609086869.jpg (218.53 KB, 1583x2048, princepsed.JPG)

Cute. Howdy from TX.
Anyone else enjoy the milk in their local FB groups? My favorite moment of this year in mine is probably the clashing of two small "freshie" businesses going at it. I wish I could post everything without doxxing myself. It was pretty entertaining watching it happen live.

No. 2168569

>they got really upset when I told them I never heard of it
Kekkk classic UVA moment

No. 2169057

Idk about that, she’s kinda been going viral on TikTok for supposedly “contradicting” herself when it came to saying she’s wasn’t gonna take away guns (she said she was gonna put restrictions on assault rifles specifically not guns as a whole but TikTok can’t read). Also the Zoomies are calling her a Zionist so she may not get all their votes (there’s clips of her saying she supports a permanent ceasefire in Gaza but again TikTok doesn’t have any reading comprehension) same goes for Taylor cuz she endorsed Kamala
Tbh it’s nice to see she has an actual personality unlike most other presidents, even ignoring all the “I wanna have basic human rights” stuff I’d still rather Kamala win because she’d at least bring some life to this country that, for hundreds of years, has been ran by elderly moids who are 3 breaths away from collapsing. That’s something you gotta give Kamala, love her or hate her she does know how to leave an impression.

No. 2169060

Why is he so hot, WHY IS HE SO HOT??

No. 2169122

An anon made that pic right? I'm trying to remember where I saw it

No. 2169136

I'm not sure. Filename is the source though.

No. 2169156

I hope you are feeling better nonnie.

No. 2169570

agree with your last part, it seems like when trump and biden were gonna run everyone was like nooooo we hate both of these senile old geezers with dementia!! we don't want any of this! now we have someone younger with a working brain who can actually speak competently and answer simple direct questions without rambling like a schizo. She is a breath of fresh air

No. 2169583

>now we have someone younger with a working brain who can actually speak competently and answer simple direct questions without rambling like a schizo
I don't think Jill Stein is going to have much of an impact. She already ran in 2016 and Trump won.

No. 2169604

>Afghanistan isn't an arab country
bah thanks anon my bad. I agree that the reactions Americans had weren't fabricated, but they were certainly agitated. There's always a serious and complex conversation to be had that is cast aside and replaced with simplistic racist slop because it attracts more people to it. A terrible thing happened and people were afraid and the media capitalized on that fear, holding hands with politicians, to get manufactured consent to do whatever without protest from Americans (not that it would change anything…)

No. 2169616

yeah but that's because a lot of people are emotionally immature and illiterate when it comes to history, politics, or the machinations of their own economy. They get their information about people unlike themselves from politician-peddled slop, parrot something someone else said as if it's their own idea, and then get upset and run to their racist maga hugbox when people call them out for how stupid they are. Look at all the one-bad-experience people who revitalized their career by denouncing "wokism" AKA subscribing to a grift manufactured by think tanks and the exact same groups of people they rally against.

No. 2169617

IDGAF who the intellectualist is but they're right, that's textbook dehumanization

No. 2169797

kek, why does her face look so southern? Is it based off someone? It kind of looks like Paula Deen

No. 2169867

File: 1726692112818.jpeg (246.13 KB, 1170x966, IMG_7512.jpeg)

trump has been saying retarded shit and you don’t even need to be angry to notice that tbh. His debate performance was laughable and he’s still saying the same shit he was saying there outside of it. His campaign team is trying to pull MOC over white women so him pulling this makes his whole campaign a dumpster fire. Genuine retardation, this guy needs a PR team the size of the pentagon. It looks like the ayrt is just trying to damage control by going “WELL IF YOU THINK THIS IS STUPID YOURE ACTUALLY A STUPID SJW WHO THINKS EVERYTHING IS HITLER!!!!!!!”

No. 2169944

JD Vance isn't Appalachian Scotch-Irish himself?

No. 2170195

Scotch-Irish aren't ethnically Irish but I would be shocked if Vance didn't have any Irish ancestry

No. 2170346

File: 1726721786252.jpg (219.14 KB, 2294x2295, 69.jpg)

If you had to bet money on it, who would you predict will win the election and why? Pic outdated but I'm a fujo and don't care

No. 2170349

Trump, I don't really like how Kamala's accent always changes

No. 2170350

Trump because America is still way too misogynistic at this point to elect a woman.

No. 2170353

kamala from the looks of it

No. 2170354

I remember everyone thinking that Hilary would definitely win kek..America likes Trump more than many of Americans care to admit

No. 2170360

I think there will be more riots regardless of who wins. Something like another Kyle Rittenhouse situation (rioters getting shot and dying) seems depressingly realistic to me

No. 2170363

My area and the surrounding area is full of Trumpies so probably him.

No. 2170364

And I just feel like nobody really wants that, even women. I, as a woman, don't really want to be expected to girlbossify myself.

No. 2170372

Her campaign is aimed at millennial moms nearing or in their 40s, not 20something autistic terfs

No. 2170374

trump lost the popular vote twice kek
he just got lucky with the land area electoral vote in 2016
People hated trump so much until 2020 even vanilla Biden won the most popular votes in president history
Kamala will probably get the popular vote, but electoral.. anything can happen right now

No. 2170378

File: 1726724562784.png (210.43 KB, 1050x670, IMG_7517.png)

people kind of have this mindset that trump is some omniscient god that everyone secretly likes when the 2020 election would disagree lol. i don’t know why people only put 2016 into account when in 2020, biden was projected to win and he won. Polling was off in 2016 + hillary’s campaign and approach objectively was not as good as trump’s. Why do anons just forget about 2020?

No. 2170383

if it makes you feel better, I bet nobody expects you to achieve anything even if we do get a female president.

No. 2170391

Yeah, idk what that anon is talking about kek who the fuck expects a woman to be a girl boss just because there'd be a woman as president…? No other country that has had female presidents does that kek. Such a random thing to think

No. 2170394

Kamala literally wants to transgender prisoners and illegal aliens in detention centers

No. 2170688

I think hillary lost primarily because so many people didn't think a trump presidency was possible and that hillary as a guranteed victory - therefore low turnout.
it's always how it goes. low turnout = republicans win
high turnout = democrats win

why else would republicans try to make voting more and more difficult in their red states?

No. 2170690

I agree, and hopefully this year people realize that with his fanbase + the shootings, Trump has a pretty good chance of voting if people don't vote.

No. 2170696

File: 1726760088644.png (522.51 KB, 1904x1492, Screen Shot 2024-09-19 at 8.34…)

remember this map!

No. 2170708

Gonna buck the trend here and say that I think Kamala is going to win, but it'll be a tight race.

No. 2170711

I’m not voting but I hope Trump wins just to piss off so many people, fuck everyone

No. 2170717

Voter fraud. These people would do anything to stay in office, at least with Trump he rather try to get his life placed on the line instead of DEI Kamala. Based scrote putting his life in danger

No. 2170721

He would be a based scrote if he ratted out his rapist pedo buddies then castrated himself live on television just before killing himself for raping young girls who remind him of his daughter.

No. 2170731

And what was Kamala, Hillary, and all of those other female politicians doing keeping their mouths shut on them too, acting like these women don’t mingle in these same elitist circles? Kek they virtually have the same power as these men unlike many of these female victims, let’s be real. I’m not voting for a retarded shaken baby woman as my president who prefers trannies and immigrants over women and the american people, sorry!

No. 2170736

Kek he's going to fuck over healthcare so bad. People with "pre-existing" conditions will die and get sick. Go and suck his orange peel dimpled cock even more.

No. 2170767

It already sucks here retard, you eurofags make yourselves so obvious

No. 2170773

Kamala: I have a plan!

Ok, so what is it, then?

No. 2170782

go on her website. but it's the same "plan" that every other president sans trump has danced around, and that doesn't mean she won't rescind it or plans won't change once she's elected. I feel like this is the "tell me sweet lies" stage of the election

No. 2170784

I'm not a eurotard just a burger with a health condition that will kill me if I don't get my meds. Trump is going to allow insurers cost more for "pre-existing conditions", and if you are unaware (because you clearly are if you love deep throating him so much) that will include things like health complications from birth, which is not "pro women", fucking microcephalic retard.

No. 2170788

just bidenomics 2.0 so expect more unemployment, more inflation, more tax dollars going to flying in immigrants, and possibly a war kek, good god we’re fucked

No. 2170789

File: 1726764590413.webp (42.65 KB, 695x727, IMG_2562.webp)

>I'm not a eurotard just a burger with a health condition that will kill me if I don't get my meds
I don’t care. Also nobody told many of these women to get pregnant

No. 2170790

ily nonna

No. 2170791

Kek there we go
>he is going to put Americans with health conditions in debt and makes them poor
>This includes women with health conditions from birth
You are quite literally a low IQ retard.

No. 2170793

Could you link to his platform where you got this information? I want to send it to my maga heart condition dad.

No. 2170798

File: 1726765084665.gif (529.34 KB, 165x197, IMG_2563.gif)

You’ll be dead before you even see anything what he or Congress decides to propose if he even wins the presidency, retard kekk

No. 2170802

>going to emotionally manipulate my father into voting for the candidate i’m personally betting on because i’m such a sweet and caring daughter!!!1
just let your father die honestly, just stop using all of these false rationalizations you clearly hate and rebel against your daddy, so lame and pathetic

No. 2170803

Just look it up, Vance is his speaking utensil now. They want to return to how it worked prior to 2014, and if you don't remember it meant that insurance companies could charge up the ass for pre-existing conditions because, like how Vance said, "a healthy 65 year old is going to have different needs than a 65 year old with chronic conditions". He stated that they were going to enact "disregulating measures" on health insurance, which gives the insurance companies more leeway to make the cost of living for a person with a chronic condition even worse than it is.

No. 2170804

Nta, you can barely form a coherent sentence. Maybe you shouldn't be calling other anons retard.

No. 2170805

Buy the rope wurstie(?)

No. 2170808

>just look it up
No proof, no source, just making shit up because you’re hyper-emotional.

No. 2170810

that’s what your scrote father is going to be doing when he can’t afford any medication or treatments because that’s just another lie from weirdos trying to get you to have some woman who hasn’t done anything for women into the office(infighting)

No. 2170811

What about "disregulating" insurance companies sounds even remotely in the interest of the American people and not a huge cut for their rich, upper-crust cock sucker buddies?

No. 2170831

Trump: "I have a concept of a plan"

No. 2170847

File: 1726766360533.jpeg (980.03 KB, 889x1201, IMG_4902.jpeg)

Does anyone know why it is we hang gay flags everywhere now? I understand American flags being hung up but, why gay flags? Being gay isn’t a nationality or ethnicity?

No. 2170848

Nta but he does kinda have a plan though, p25

No. 2170851

Don't know, but notice how we never really did this before the trannies put the retarded tranny triangle on there and then slapped a brown stripe to pretend to be progressive and diverse and not just a retarded wokie MRA movement? Basically just a different form of moid worship at the end of the day.

No. 2170853

Samefag I just wanna add I remember back in 2015 when Obama okayed faggism and people started hanging them up everywhere but I don’t really understand what being gay has to do with being a burger?

No. 2170855

Ayrt, jesus kek someone rolled out of bed cranky this morning..

No. 2170860

They're being overly hostile because they can't prove any anons itt wrong about their epic rapist moid best buddies with Epstein.

No. 2170876

Of course the infighting sperg who supports p25 wishes it was a moid.

No. 2170882


No. 2170888

Are you unfamiliar with the exchange of information, not in an attempt to indoctrinate but instead discuss? Sorry my hyperbolic snark caught you off guard, my father and I like poking fun at politics and our motivations for voting for who we are vs why we should consider not voting for them. I also don’t support either side, I think they’re both lunatics and so are their extremist brain dead supports (such as you seem to be).
So nothing? This is project 2025 all over again. You’re aware trumps plan is called Agenda 2025 not Project 2025 (who endorsed Pence btw)? Don’t just regurgitate shit without thinking about where it came from.

No. 2170896

Anon, Vance literally said they were going to enact "disregulatory measures" on insurance companies. America is so fucked because there is literally no discussion to be had with anyone about politics. As soon as you bring up any concerns it's always
>no, you're wrong, he didn't say that and you're worried for no reason!
Anon, I'm worried because if I can't afford my fucking meds I will die. You're fence-sitting rhetoric is doing nothing to calm my very valid concern. If you are too lazy to look shit up just say that.

No. 2170899

To add on to this, the reason why Trump supporters love Trump is because he's a (failed) business man. Of fucking course him and his lackeys will be in favor of insurance companies upping the cost of insurance for "pre-existing conditions", of which birth complications and even fucking broken bones will qualify, because guess what, it has fucking happened before.

No. 2170901

it takes about three to four years before we see the impact of regulatory changes (see: all the boar's head bullshit).

try not to eat any more paintchips, nonny.

No. 2170907

Ntayrt but anon I don’t really think a 3.9 billion dollar net worth really means “failed” kek, and I know people frequent the Trump tower daily I can’t speak for his other companies though

No. 2170910

He's filed for business bankruptcy six times.

No. 2170914

Bankruptcy is just a word which doesn’t really have much of a ring when you put it up next to 4 billion doll hairs

No. 2170915

Hillary lost because she was a shit candidate that's married to a rapist and mired in corruption.

No. 2170916

is there any proof that trump raped women, particularly that one girl who came out anonymous in a video? I AM NOT DEFENDING HIM OR SAYING IT DIDNT HAPPEN! i only ask because i imagine its really hard for those girls to come out with proof while keeping their identities hidden, rightfully so.

No. 2170919

I don’t really think there is any solid proof/evidence that’s been released to the public

No. 2170923

You speak like all sides don’t have medical concerns and preexisting conditions? Leftists aren’t the only ones that would be left in the lurch if trump were to pull the rug. As for who would be better on that front it’s a toss up, as it is medical care is currently subpar and prohibitively expensive and beyond reach for many.
I understand sticking with the devil you know, I won’t shame someone for liking where things currently are for fear of them getting worse, I can understand that. I fence sit because I don’t want to dictate my life based on a group of people who couldn’t give a shit about me and mine, do I think Kamala is going to improve my life by getting into office? Fuck no. Do I think trump will improve my life? That’s laughable. They couldn’t care less about the little people if they tried. They’re both so out of touch it’s unbelievable that people keep thinking they understand and relate and care about anyone not in their circles. They don’t care about you or me. They care about wealth, power and the advancement of those things only for themselves.
I just want to understand where people are getting their stances; I want to know what motivates people to go to such extremes when I just can’t see it (being stuck on the fence and all).

No. 2170925

Of course there's been no "solid proof" aside from testimonials from alleged victims and flight records to Epstein's island kek, if you think him and his team would allow any actual, tangible proof to be released or kept you are pretty naive.

No. 2170928

Well anon my very profitable life-long illness and my identity as a female is my motivator to not vote for the sex slave rapist.

No. 2170930

erm thats simply the reason i asked, democrat i assume? *smirk(integrate)

No. 2170935

You have the entire internet at your disposal to research your question but you decided to ask lolcow /ot/, notorious moid haters, instead. What answer did you expect?

No. 2170939

I'd argue that Trump being involved in politics is enough evidence that he's done something horrible to someone. This goes for all politicians. They're only allowed to get that level if they have adequate amounts of material that can be used to blackmail them. Kamala Harris's husband Doug Emhoff is also highly questionable.

No. 2170941

someone mentioned the rapes and i assume nonnies might have a better idea due to their own conducted research i didnt care to delve deeper into!

No. 2170947

That sucks about your medical condition, mines definitely not as severe I’m sure but I’m meant to get regular blood tests which I can’t afford. Can’t afford insurance or get free insurance either, it’s a nightmare but I just continue on with my medication and if anything starts going weird I fork out for the blood test. It’s not a fun way to live.
I’m hoping that Kamala has a plan that will see improvements on that front but given the dems track record I’m not overly optimistic or invested. Things really do seem bleak when I think about it but I can’t keep wasting energy hoping the feds going to actually take my suffering seriously. I just try my best to improve my circumstances in this ass backward nonsensical greed run corrupt company of a country.

No. 2170962

You get it. This is why I think politics is bullshit and sit on the fence. The only way you get that powerful is by being a piece of shit because that’s what gets rewarded, being a stooge for mega corps and billionaire perverts. They’re all guilty of something heinous and they prove it again and again by lying and backtracking. Their bank accounts alone should cause anyone to side eye them add to that their stock portfolios. We could all be millionaires if we just copied Pelosis financial genius and invested in what she did when she did.

No. 2171055

Cringiest post I’ve ever read on here

No. 2171128

File: 1726776695203.png (163.14 KB, 1101x872, cnn.png)

No. 2171131

How much for one night?

No. 2171137

File: 1726777381870.png (196.79 KB, 1312x923, Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 13-22…)

Stop being so 'tarded

No. 2171148

I’ll let your inability to detect tongue in cheek humor slide being that the user base of lc is made up largely of autists

No. 2171164

I wish there was a non-rude way to tell some of the people I talk to, "I know it's frustrating and doesn't make sense to you why our government would allow people from other countries to take asylum here, but it's because you don't fucking work and if you did, you wouldn't fill the empty positions the workforce sorely needs to be filled. You won't wipe a stranger's ass, you won't make shoes in a factory, you won't do laundry in a hospital, and you won't work for minimum wage cleaning houses, and there are so many Americans like you. They won't raise the minimum wage or make any assurances for Americans. If you want to work on the cheese farm for pennies plus a cot and food to eat, maybe the farms will stop hiring migrants and asylees, but until then, shut the fuck up and stop targeting an entire group of people". Bonus points if the person complaining is on SSDI or retired.

No. 2171196

You should say that to people and listen to their response. It should expand your perspective.

No. 2171210

He has always sounded so schizophrenic but i’m not surprised. How did this guy even get a government position? It reminds me of those two fags who were fucking in congress or something like that kek

No. 2171258

Just dropped in to ask how in the fuck does Lolcow have any this fucking dense Trump supporters here? Or Trump supporters at all? He crossed from the "heehee witty funnyman" territory to full on insanity, I refuse to believe even contrarians this versed in the current political situation would defend his politics at this point, even his equally nutty right wing conspirators have denounced his and Loomer's antics. You genuinely have to be either trolling or really, really deep in denial.

No. 2171263

Do you think it's a good thing that they won't raise the minimum wage?

No. 2171266

This is a lolcow website and the original user base was from 4chan. It is not a political website, it's main attraction is lolcows. This means that the site has a varied user base of women from all over the world that have each had different life experiences. If you want a conformist hugbox that's devoid of opinions that challenge your world view, you can always visit reddit or tumblr.

No. 2171268

So most of the Trump supporters are woefully ignorant non-Americans who have absolutely no idea about the country's internal politics and its effects on their foreign policies and international affairs? Makes sense.

No. 2171269

Ignoring baiters and trolls (although I think that's most of them) some people are really just one issue voters. Getting rid of illegal immigrants or troons is the only important thing. Maybe if there was more than two options you'd see less extreme parties that align with their agenda.

No. 2171273

if trump didn’t have his retarded cult following he’d make for a perfect cow, i’m talking post-2020 trump. everything he says recently reminds me of Daniel Larson kek

No. 2171276

And the republicans say the exact same shit about democrats. As a non-American observer, any American presidential election is an exhibition of collective mental illness on a massive scale.

No. 2171279

Deep denial of what, though? Americans are allowed to vote for who we want to kek

No. 2171282

> as a non American
Leave kek

No. 2171286

My apologies, I have too many tabs open and thought I was in the unpopular opinions thread.

No. 2171302

>Maybe if there was more than two options you'd see less extreme parties that align with their agenda.
I mean it really wouldn't. The more parties, the more the votes are divided and the party spewing the most fearmongering propaganda and populism will win over the people who wouldn't otherwise bother to vote, granting them victory by a very small margin. It's proven by multiple studies (such as this one https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abf1234 ) that people identifying as political (right wing) conservatives are more susceptible to the spread of misinformation and more likely to ignore physical facts to keep up their own fabricated view of the world. It's not because they're conservatives, but because people who are stubborn, uneducated and fearful are more likely to align with conservative ideas. So a right wing party threatening them with imaginary left wing terror of Haitian immigrants eating cats on the streets is going to work on them and scare them enough to go vote. If you've ever read up on the Borda method, it demonstrates how the more candidates you have the more meddling can be introduced into the elections.

No. 2171315

damn you were right >>2170711

No. 2171321

File: 1726783347651.webp (44.9 KB, 810x456, ranked-choice-voting-how-it-wo…)

Sorry I should've added that it with would need a switch in voting methodology. Something like ranked choice would lead to more variety in senators which could break up parties. The current system means that even if I like candidate C I'm going to vote for A because I don't believe C have a chance to beat B and I'll be throwing my vote away. I think your link is saying the same thing but I can't open it.
You could have potentially less extreme conservative parties and even a party that mixes fiscally right with socially left.

No. 2171329

Because gas was still in the $3 range when he was president and I’d like that back

No. 2171331

kek i hate retards who think like that

No. 2171340

The fact the haitians eating pets thing just started from a metaphorical game of telephone yet retards like vance still try to shill it because it’s really all they got after the debate kek. Tired of these retarded waves of hysteria over fake stories like every other week. people are so easy to believe shit they see online without even looking further into it. either that or they just keep pushing it and trying to debatelord it into existence because they’re embarrassed about believing in it

No. 2171450

Amerinonnies who are your favorite celebrities to fangirl over? Feels like they're all uggo now

No. 2171482

File: 1726790150164.png (367.27 KB, 653x500, affirmative action.PNG)

Seeing how all this affirmative action stuff is playing out is so interesting to me. The group that sued and got affirmative action banned is now suing Yale because the rate of Asian-American students getting accepted has gone down. They are claiming Yale is not adhering to the ruling. Keep in mind, some schools saw a rise in Asian applicants being accepted, so it just seems like SFFA is being pissy kek.
>The group behind the lawsuit that brought down affirmative action in college admissions is demanding answers from universities that saw almost no change in the racial breakdown of their classes after the ban took effect, arguing that the similarity is evidence of discrimination and possible grounds for a lawsuit.

>Yale, Princeton, and Duke signed an amicus brief in 2022 stating that black and Hispanic enrollment would plunge in the absence of affirmative action. But when those schools released data on the first classes they admitted after the Supreme Court decision, the number of black and Hispanic students was virtually unchanged.

>The number of Asian students, meanwhile, declined at all three schools—by 2 percentage points at Princeton and 6 percentage points at Yale and Duke. Both outcomes would have required dramatic and hitherto unannounced changes to the admissions process, according to the letters, which ask each school to explain what "new, substantial race-neutral alternatives" were adopted after the affirmative action ban.

>"Without that information, SFFA will conclude that you are circumventing the Supreme Court’s decision," the letters say. "SFFA is prepared to enforce Harvard against you through litigation."


No. 2171501

If black and hispanic admissions didn't go down at those universities, it's because they're bent on ignoring the new ruling until they're forced not to

No. 2171511

Samefag but let me correct myself because the beginning of my post is misleading, they're going after Princeton and Duke as well. Black enrollment dropped slightly at Princeton, rose slightly at Duke and stayed the same at Yale.

No. 2171519

IIRC the ruling said they can't explicitly select on race. They could still select in such a way that would favor certain racial groups.

No. 2171529

because even though lolcow is a radfem site, doesn't stop conservatives, trads, men trying to integrate and hide, etc coming here for the cow threads. Also the one thing conservatives and radfems share in common is shitting on trannies and farmers do it the best

i hope kamala wins so redpillers, incels, delusional alpha males, trads scrotes and etc get pissy their commander in chief or supreme commander is a woman kek

No. 2171534

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>because even though lolcow is a radfem site
wouldn't say it's a radfem site but it definitely does have a lot of radfems and just left leaning women in general because it's woman-only.
I just want to see scrotes seethe about "NOOO NOW ILL NEVER GET MUH 14 YEAR OLD TRADWIFE!!" just like how they did in 2020 kekw. i hate moids so fucking much. Korean women are based for idpol, total woman victory, blah blah blah

No. 2171588

I don't think it's weird conservatives are here, in some ways the right is better for women then the left, like certain policies against crime or immigration

No. 2171665

File: 1726803249770.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.59 KB, 959x599, GX3qYLcWYAAV05W.jpg)

Our politicians are not real people.

No. 2171677

the last part about the pussy scent is pretty hot ngl

No. 2171684


No, if the minimum wage was raised in each state to better reflect the new cost of living, that would be excellent, and I think it would encourage people to work. I also think it would encourage people to work jobs that they refuse to now. Like a care worker or something. The people that we ironically need the most we pay pennies to, and it's easier to indoctrinate people new to the country. I'm annoyed that there are so many "they took our jobs, the haitians are eating dogs" chants, as if they're "corrupting" America, and this is ironically coming out the mouth of a person who doesn't work. It's annoying as fuck.

No. 2171695

Ew what politician wrote this?

No. 2171697

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No. 2171703

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Mark Robinson

No. 2171713

Not surprised

No. 2171721

It's so fucking funny when yuropoors make fun of Americans for not knowing geography but when they come here to America they think they can just take a road trip from New York to Miami in a day.

No. 2171723

Do Americans outside the internet actually care about Israel/Palestine? I really don’t but I was hate watching a Hasan stream and he’s acting like Kamala is gonna lose if she doesn’t openly support Palestine. Even during her DNC speech when she said something along the lines of “I’m gonna be a president for all Americans” and he was like “ok what about Palestine” like stfu damn

No. 2171726

that's my favorite kek. When they want to see the Grand Canyon and Disneyland in a day

No. 2171740

Anyone with a personal connection to Israel or Palestine, or knows someone who fits the bill (i.e. a lot of people) will have an opinion on I/P. These people probably form the bulk of Americans who actually care. College students care, too, of course, and many people in major cities. But average Americans who are largely apolitical with no I/P connections? They definitely don't care, not a year later at least.

No. 2171744

Yeah tbh. I really think he and others are severely overestimating the Arab/Muslim vote. They’re like a turbo minority.
But bleeding heart college students are a different beast, I wonder how that will play.

No. 2171746

As a non middle eastern american, I personally do not give a shit about the muslims and feel as though they should be exterminated(racebait)

No. 2171747

I wonder if it'd make any difference. I mean college aged people already hardly vote. I don't even think her "publicly supporting" Palestine would get that crowd to go vote for her. Maybe it'd make them talk about her on TikTok in a performative way like "go vote for her!", but idk.

No. 2171749

Are you implying those Americans on the internet are all bots or something? Because people who sperg endlessly online about Palestine or Ukraine or whatever exist IRL. I've seen them. Of course Hasan is retarded and overestimating the amount of people who care and their options.

No. 2171751

Not necessarily bots but tbh the Palestine stuff comes off the same as 2020 BLM support. Instead of #blm people put watermelons in their usernames and bios.
I also think a lot of pro-Palestinians are further ruining their cause by harassing people irl.
Kek same but idk why, I have no personal beef with them but I don’t like them for some reason. I think it’s ancestral for me to not give a shit about Muslims and their misfortunes.

No. 2171759

I know what you mean, a lot of it comes off as very performative and sanctimonious.

No. 2171765

I hate all religionfags and hate that WWIII will probably be started because religionfags can't keep their retard ideologies and muh birthright politics in their pants. Communist states are actually right to go with state sponsored atheism or at least force religionfags to keep shit quiet. People can't help but use their religion to justify terrorism and war and atrocities and don't deserve the right to worship.

No. 2172013

TBH if religion didn't exist they would be fighting over some other stupid topic like nationality, ethnicity, ideology, career, etc. The common denominator is retards and men.

No. 2172263

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KEK he’s such a cow, worthy of his own thread, even. He posted this on a porn forum btw.

No. 2172266

> posted 10/10/10
Wow, 14 years late

No. 2172268

his profile picture was an actual photo of him

No. 2172280

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They’ve been married since 1990… think he was pissing on her or his side hoes?

No. 2172311

Or perhaps black and Hispanic students getting admitted was never the real problem, and Asian students benefitted from affirmative action more than SFFA realized… If the admission rate for black and Hispanic people has barely changed but the Asian admission rate has gone down, Asian applicants spots aren't being taken by black and hispanic applicants

No. 2172322

Sometimes I wonder if politicians were always this weird or if this is just a new thing because of the internet.

No. 2172330

>noooo the blacks and browns aren't supposed to be able to go to uni!! you're supposed to be rewarding meeeeee!!
Kek, you shot yourself in the foot. Let it go, suing universities is pathetic. Perhaps you're not as impressive or unique an applicant as you thought.

No. 2172336

I'm sure they were always this weird. think of what kind of fake job it is and the kind of person who would be attracted to it and excel at it

No. 2172368

Politicians have always been weird, the job itself attracts degenerate men with narcissism who want to feel important.

No. 2172396

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Black and hispanic students getting into universities with lower SAT and GPA because of AA is well documented, so it doesn't make sense for it not to change if AA is repealed

No. 2172433

Why would they accept more Asians when they can accept more white people? Asians are not a very highly concentrated demographic in the USA. For every Asian with a good SAT score, there are 10 white people with good SAT scores.

No. 2172436

Triden believers, where are you all at?

No. 2172441

What many people don't seem to understand is that Ivy League schools are foundationally classist and not merit-based. There are more kids with perfect stats than there are spots at these schools. The Ivies emphasize "holistic" admissions because they are a front for the scions of wealthy families to mingle with one another—the plebs need to be movers and shakers who will either become famous and make the school look good or donate money to the school in the future. You don't need high stats for that; the 1400 threshold is just a weed-out mechanism for aspirational poors. The Ivies have always been the rich white man's playground.
>t. went to an Ivy League school for undergrad

No. 2172446

because Asians are still considered minorities (especially east asians as being the "model minority") and they're not allowed to accept more white people because that would be 'racist'

No. 2172450

do you think the numbers could be skewed, maybe, because something like 1 in 10 people are declining to provide demographic information? garbage in, garbage out, you retard.

right, things like offering more aid, income assistance, etc. are indirect ways to procure diversity by casting a wider net on who has the ability to apply and attend.

ding ding ding. this poster has it.

No. 2172453

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Also keep in mind having a high test score and GPA isn’t the only thing that matters in admission to these schools. The admission process is more centered on personal essays, accomplishments, and activism than before. It’s how Jazz Jennings ended up graduating from Harvard with an art degree despite making work like picrel. His activism work was considered sufficient enough to make up for any personal shortcomings academically. Whether that’s a better approach than prioritizing academics solely is up for debate.

No. 2172455

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No. 2172457

i don’t get this obsession with ivy leagues anyway. unless you’re of the 1% or some incredibly self-motivated super genius talent what the fuck do you think you’re going to get out of going there that you wouldn’t get from attending another uni? yeah connections are important but if you have nothing to really offer (you aren’t a rare super genius/talent) and are just a pleb, like…how much connecting will you really be doing

No. 2172458

Lmao I was just going to bring up Jazz. I didn't think he graduated yet though? He took off a lot of time due to medical problems.

No. 2172463

Having an Ivy on your job application opens doors anon. I agree going to one is not indicative of anything regarding someone’s aptitude towards a given task, but pretending they don’t do anything is being willfully ignorant.

No. 2172464

is a 2%-6% difference really noteworthy enough to cause concern?

No. 2172467

Ivy anon again.
That's right. You'll learn the same basic shit at an Ivy as any big public school. As for connections, those benefits won't immediately fall into your lap. Just because you get into one of these schools doesn't mean you'll be hobnobbing with the upper-class; the student body is still highly stratified by race, socioeconomics, etc. etc. People tend to hang around those with similar backgrounds and/or interests. The main benefit you'll get is the name recognition and a large alumni network that you can use to your benefit (if you've got any social skills, that is).
It does, but not as much as you'd think, especially after your first job.

No. 2172472

File: 1726864952382.jpg (190.56 KB, 1116x802, 299c1247-de45-4acf-97e0-5d0acc…)

Because Asians have the highest scoring average out of any race, and they tend to try harder to get into these schools than whites

Um ok? Are you trying to say there are tons of rich upper class black and hispanic people going to these ivies which would justify the 33% number? If that were true AA wouldn't be a thing lmao. This sounds like a megacope

No. 2172475

I went to a prestigious school and am surrounded by others who also went to prestigious schools. The difference in our job searches and careers is vastly different from my friends who did not go to these schools. Yes it eventually evens out but early on it is immensely helpful.

No. 2172487

While you're mentioning class, I would like to see one of these charts include wealth. It's no secret that being poor has a direct impact on grades. Like do trailer trash whites preform equally badly as other races?

No. 2172488

Second anon YRT. Not sure I can say explicitly what I'm trying to get at or else I'd get b&, but focus on the
>The Ivies have always been the rich white man's playground.
There's a reason that the Ivy Leagues went through all that hassle historically to reduce the number of ~ethnics~ at their schools. They obviously can't make it super apparent in this day and age, but the reason is still there if only subconsciously.
Maybe it's because I'm a STEMcel but I can't say the same for my experience (except for the compsci dorks and FAANG). Probably the difference is more profound with humanities kids.

No. 2172508

Okay, and there are still 15 times as many white people, most of which also have something more to offer than being good at math and their parents forcing them to play piano.
As an aside, I can't help but notice that men make up a much larger portion of both the 1200-1390 range and 1400-1600 range, and yet, Harvard is split 50/50 on gender. Obviously, SAT scores don't mean everything, dumbass, kek.

No. 2172511

File: 1726866253207.jpg (145.8 KB, 907x877, ww.JPG)

This is the most recent I could find, but the gap is persistent across wealth levels. The red lines are damning

>Okay, and there are still 15 times as many white people, most of which also have something more to offer than being good at math and their parents forcing them to play piano.
That's not really true? For whites and asians, Ivies take years of intentional prep to get into and less whites will push their kids to jump through the hoops even if they're smart
Can you post your numbers? Honestly curious what you mean

No. 2172513

>Okay, and there are still 15 times as many white people, most of which also have something more to offer than being good at math and their parents forcing them to play piano.
Ntayrt, but dumb racebait. I also don’t believe you’re white for a second because we really don’t care about Asians going to college kek

No. 2172518

It's 2024, you can say what I think you want to say as long as you loop it back to Palestine

No. 2172523

I honestly do think SFFA wants Asians to have a special privilege over other minorities. If it was just about getting admitted, why not address the issue of legacies?

No. 2172529

>That's not really true? For whites and asians, Ivies take years of intentional prep to get into and less whites will push their kids to jump through the hoops even if they're smart
Being forced to study many hours more than others on top of academic obligations does not make for a well-rounded or smarter applicant. It just means that the potential student is well-practiced because their parents either had more resources, or are abusive. Ivy Leagues, when not engaging in nepotism, look for exceptions of exceptions. Most will not get in. Asians cannot "prepmaxx" their way in to dominate universities. It's not about meritocracy, it's about making an impression or coming from a good family.
>Can you post your numbers?
I'm a Euro lmao

It's "racebait", but the anon I'm replying to agrees with me? That doesn't add up. Also
>complains about "racebait"
>uses "you're not white" to discredit others
Hmm, what's the relevance?

No. 2172530

i wish i could find that post a nona wrote about most asians who immigrate into the us have bachelors degrees and are affluent already. like the cream of the crop from their countries and they come over here and give the sense that asians are just overall smarter when in truth asian countries have just as many retards as everyone else

No. 2172532

Eurodivergent gtfo

No. 2172533

>I'm a Euro lmao
Please stop colonizing our thread

No. 2172536

Did you know that basically every European country has a university as good as any Ivy, but with 100% less unhinged and Satanic hoops to jump through? Really makes you think, doesn't it, burger nonnies?

No. 2172541

9/10 of the top 10 universities are american lmao

No. 2172542

>I'm a Euro lmao
Eat burgers or gtfo

No. 2172548

Top 10 ranking by who? US news? Lmao, half of their metrics are fucking retarded anyway. The """Top 100""" are probably almost equivalent in education, anyway. Also, you don't even have to be in Europe to not have such a retarded system. The University of Toronto is in the Top 20, but has a 50% acceptance rate.
Also, it's funny how obsessed you are with the "Top 10" universities when you probably didn't even go to a Top 200, Top 100, or to any university at all.(baiting/infighting)

No. 2172549

White people want to go to white schools… in Palestine?
You know these schools are paying for those ranks, right? I don't disagree that America has most of the top schools but Euros don't care as much about gaming the system.

No. 2172571

>Also, it's funny how obsessed you are with the "Top 10" universities when you probably didn't even go to a Top 200, Top 100, or to any university at all.
Sorry to powerlevel, but I did. Cope more. Europoors are so annoying, but I kind of love when you out yourselves here because it just exposes how your smug entitlement betrays itself to your inferiority complex. Regardless of what you personally think about American universities, the entire world knows they’re the best of the best. It’s a huge boost to our economy when foreigners like yourself shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars just for the privilege of attending an American university. Thanks for the economic boost!(infighting)

No. 2172572

Figure who starts infights and it'll always be a europoor kek

No. 2172576

If you really did (which I doubt), it's kind of shameful for your institution that you're racebaiting on an underground basket-weaving forum. Shouldn't you be curing cancer or something? Oh, let me guess. You went to Yale for some dogshit liberal arts degree? Or worse, yet: Mommy and daddy are $300k poorer for it? Many such cases(baiting/infighting)

No. 2172579

Ignore that anon. They are using deliberately incendiary language to cause an infight.

No. 2172587

Why do europeans come to this thread

No. 2172592

NTA but I dislike it when eurofags come in and announce themselves too, it just feels obnoxious. I don’t often see Burgers go into the bong thread or the francais thread

No. 2172593

>even go to a Top 200, Top 100, or to any university at all.
Little curious about your comma usage here. In America we use a comma before the "and" or "or". British English they drop it out. Are you an American larping as a Euro to whip up infighting?


No. 2172598

Americans do go into the british thread to bait.

No. 2172599

seems like they always come to try and start infights

No. 2172600

Oh. I didn’t know that because I don’t really check them and don’t see them get bumped often

No. 2172602

>In America we use a comma before the "and" or "or".
It's called the Oxford comma, but it isn't that specific to either side of the Atlantic. Many Americans do not use it at all. Same with the "grey" vs. "gray" spelling, lots of Burgers use the former.
The euro wasn't the one who brought up the topic to begin with, if I'm following the conversation correctly.

No. 2172611

File: 1726868678192.gif (2.41 MB, 480x270, rich-piana-busted.gif)

Kekkk, you got me. The part about Euro universities being better and more accessible is sadly true, though.(ban evading retard)

No. 2172615

You should go to your own country’s thread and tell them all about that

No. 2172616

Yeah nah, I got clocked. It's fine kek

No. 2172621

I am here.

No. 2172622

I think AYRT is saying they're a Burger larping as a eurofag.

No. 2172623


No. 2172634

I got banned for infighting with you. I know you’re ban-evading too. So let me just say this. I know I got played. Still, I went to a better college than you, most likely. Fuck off to Europe if you love their schools so much. Also, KYS!!!!!!!!!!!(ban evading/infighting)

No. 2172639

>Still, I went to a better college than you, most likely.
Correction: Mommy and daddy paid for you to go to a better college than me ♥(ban evading/infighting)

No. 2172640

No. 2172643

no you have to be baiting the whole reason why affirmative action got axed in california was because a white man didnt want to go to school with asians LOL. i believe it was at UCLA

No. 2172666

also I know white people like to believe that they are on the same side as asians when that is sorely and never been the case in the history of this country ever. The real reason why they fought to get rid of affirmative action was because too many asians were going to Ivies and it was sckewing the numbers and making white people look bad. You cant have the top Ivies in all of WHITE America and the world be majority Asian led. White America will not allow it. So White people did what white people do best and sowed a seed. The seed they sowed was to tell asians that the reason their kids are not getting into school isn't because they lack extra curricular or volunteer work or even that millions of rich white kids are paying their way into their spot. Hell and more and more Asians from their motherlands are making enough money to pay their way into ivies as well. But no its because a black kid took their spot. And we all know everyone comes into this country hating the dirty ghetto stupid low iq having negroes. Thats all that Asian from CANADA needed to hear in order to be the scapegoat for rolling back affirmative action. Something that helped white women more than it ever helped black people. But EVERYONE is too disgusted with sharing space with black people they'd rather shoot themselves in the foot if it means they can kill a black person. Rememeber kids America can't prosper without a permanent underclass

No. 2172668

Ntayrt but anon you can’t really pay for admission to a university in Burgerland, you have to be accepted by the board before they’ll take any of your tuition money.

No. 2172669

Are you talking about the case from 1978? Pretty sure anons were talking about the recent affirmative action ban that was led by an Asian American and conservative lobby group

No. 2172672

it's all connected stupid

No. 2172673

Aggro for no reason kek. Sure, everything is connected. Doesn’t change what I said? Most of us here weren’t even alive in the 70s.

No. 2172676

who gives a shit if you werent alive in the 70s most of you werent alive in the 50s but you still glamorize the ideologies

No. 2172677

You don't pay for admission, but if your 'rents can drop a pretty penny to the school beforehand, you can bet that their kid will get fast tracked to the front of the line.

No. 2172679

Dear nonny, I was referring to her being advantaged due to her extremely privileged socioeconomic status, whether that be going to a nice private school, having tutors, or not having any stressors hampering her academic progress. On top of that, after getting in with mommy and daddy's help, they paid for everything too. Did you know that a lot of people in America have no such support system, and they pay for everything by themselves/with scholarships? Food for thought. It's almost as though getting into an Ivy is more of a measure of the quality and financial status of your parents than anything else.

No. 2172680

these people are slow and don't realize there is a rat race they aren't even a part of because they still believe the myth that college is based on merit and not race and class. Most nonnies probably dont even know college was free until black people started attending. funny

No. 2172682

Samefag to add, it's not like it's a moral failing to be privileged, but holy shit, be aware of it.

No. 2172691

I think it should be illegal to speed loudly

No. 2172696

This is all true. Realistically, rich people and legacy admissions are the ones snatching spots in prestigious schools. Not to mention, out of all the applicants, how many of the people getting rejected actually have interesting applications? I remember just a few months ago seeing some guy complain about how he didn't get accepted into Ivy's despite having amazing scores, but he didn't do or say anything about himself that was really unique. It's unfortunate but when a bunch of really intelligent people are applying to these schools, it's usually not enough to JUST be smart.

No. 2172699

Several outer towns around here have decibel limits for vehicle noise and it's great. Should be a human right to be free from loud vehicle assholes.

No. 2172701

That's insane, holy shit

No. 2172704

College was most definitely not free until black people started going kek I guarantee you they’ve been milking money out of citizens ever since academia became a thing

No. 2172706

No. 2172708

Oh yes peoples world.org definitely sounds like a credible source

No. 2172715

Nta, People's World is a publication from the 1920s. It's not really any different from an article from any other big news publication.

No. 2172720

No. 2172723

reeee this isn’t from fox, newsmax, cnn or wapo so it must be invalid reeee

No. 2172728

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Also found this article from Time:
While it doesn't explicitly say that the installment of tuition in the UC system was due to race, it does imply that Reagan had cut funding as a way to weed out "undesirables" and mentions a racial biases as a reason for some taxpayers' reluctance to support taxes which would lead to no-tuition schools.

No. 2172732

File: 1726872703998.gif (1.84 MB, 600x338, WheresMyJool.gif)

Nonnies do you own a gun? If you did what gun would you recommend? I'm living on my own for the first time and I'm considering on having something just to keep in my home. I'm planning on doing training and safety courses. I've used a shotgun once but besides that I have no experience here.

No. 2172738

If it's just for personal defense? Regular handgun should do. Go to your local weapons store and ask them about what they recommend.

No. 2172760

are drivers in america becoming more aggressive and impatient? today someone tried to intimidate me in the grocery store parking lot while i was fast-walk crossing by speeding up to hit me so that id jump out of the way. some old man near me witnessed it and we both looked at each other in shock…not to mention im seeing an increase of people running stop signs i just dont feel it was as bad before but maybe im oblivious

No. 2172767

>If it's just for personal defense?
Yeah pretty much. I'm not sure I would even put bullets in it. I just want something in case of a break in to point around. I won't be taking it outside of my home.

No. 2172771

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No. 2172776

Yes. Autopilot features and infotainment centers are a serious distraction so some drivers just don't notice stop signs anymore. Not even touching on all the people who use their cell phone while driving. And people are just more aggressive in general lately.
Mega based. Hope this passes in the Senate and leads to many moids being deported.

No. 2172783

Is anybody interested in creating a separate Amerifag thread without politics. There's some fun posts here but they are getting drowned out by political/racial/immigration shit.

No. 2172786

same, kek. Maybe we should have a Politics thread and Amerifag thread

No. 2172791

I was just reading about this. Apparently the reasoning for voting against this is it could impact permanent residents or green card holders (good), it will create a chilling effect and cause women to not report domestic violence, and the definition of domestic violence is too broad and includes economic and other forms of coercion.

No. 2172802

Just gotta wait until a few months after november. Then political talk will die down for the most part.

No. 2172806

I have a Smith & Wesson .38 special revolver (I don't know the model number, I think 386?). It's very small and lightweight, so that's nice if you're a smaller woman/not strong. It doesn't have too bad of a recoil or anything like that. The only thing I do NOT like about it is no safety. From what I've been told, it's extremely unlikely a revolver can accidentally discharge, but I'm a child at heart and be out there rolling around in the first like a chimp and so I won't carry it in those situations, which sort of defeats the purpose for me having it kek. But if you want it for general home defense, or if you aren't a tard swinging through the forest, it'll be fine.

No. 2172807

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I don't think we should have a general politics. Half the users here are non-US and it's going to become a mess. Like I don't know whats happening in France. Let this thread become America anything including politics and another thread where anything US political is banned. On Reddit (bleh) a lot of country Subreddits have a casual sub where you can talk about whatever as long as it is relevant and not political. It's more "Popeyes better than Chick-fil-A" rather than sperging about immigrants or Trump

No. 2172809

If it's just to keep at home just get a shotgun. You don't have to get close and it's virtually foolproof, just aim in the general vicinity (the torso) and shoot.

No. 2172811

I don’t think we need a whole separate thread nonna kek it’s just election season, I’m sure after november passes we’ll see less political sperging

No. 2172835

What do we as Americans talk about if not politics? How we're the best country on earth?
Actually not a bad idea

No. 2172836

>it could impact permanent residents or green card holders (good)
Lul what. You can’t be serious. I’m speechless.If someone holding a green card commits DV child abuse the concerns should not be about their immigration status but about their crime and the safety of others. You know you’re expected to follow the law to become a citizen here. I shouldn’t even need to explain why logic that we shouldn’t pursue or punishing dangerous offenders because it might so or how deter victims from coming forward is flawed. Idek why victim would be less likely to report abuse under these circumstances. If anything, knowing that abusers will be removed from their environment would have the opposite effect

No. 2172852

The fact that only 25% of dems voted for this is why I hate politics here
>Um sweaty I know this immigrant raped you but america is for EVERYONE
Meanwhile the reps who want me to quit my job and make a brood voted 100%

This is summer 2020 "stop policing smaller crimes because racism" tier logic

No. 2172869

I really just want a calm America thread so I can ask how to plan my road trip from Michigan to San Diego next Spring without every other word here being political shit. I don't really care about the big things I wanna see little weird places on the way. Image boards is the low level places you here about them. Everything else is puffed and scuffed.
I also need recs on a car to rent.

No. 2172883

That sounds like a good idea, like I'm only looking to intimidate.
No accidental discharge sounds great. Revolvers are pretty intimating so that might be the fear factor I'm looking for.

I'm probably going to go with whatever is cheapest. Thanks for weighing in nonnas.

No. 2172894

please dont rely on intimadation, if you have to pull out the gun to protect yourself you have to accept that someone is going to get shot.

No. 2172902

I agree with >>2172894 You'll learn in your firearm safety class, but you should never point your gun at anything or anyone you do not intend to destroy. You don't know if the intruder is armed; whipping out your firearm is an escalation and sign of aggression. There is no such thing as a warning shot; if you draw your gun out, be prepared to shoot and to kill.

No. 2172918

>road trip from Michigan to San Diego
Drive through Arizona! The I-17 passes through two national forests that I know of and Flagstaff and Sedona are gorgeous. You can choose to go down the 89 if you prefer to drive on curvy mountain roads. Taking the I-8 from San Diego to Phoenix will also help you avoid LA traffic. (The I-10 isn't very fun to drive and has routine traffic too.)

No. 2172928

Google says that's 34 hours of straight driving so depending on how much time you have it's probably easier to just follow what google says. Every detour to see something quirky will just add up. The route google gives looks interesting enough anyway

No. 2173000

Be so fr(go back)

No. 2173019

Go back.

No. 2173433

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I’m in need of some honest testimony straight from the burgers mouth - if any of you were from any other country in the world, and you had the means, would you move to the USA? I’m planning on moving abroad in the next 2 years (Ausfag) and my top options right now are either a classic London stint or giving New York/LA a try. I have a good career with in-demand skills so money and Visa issues are negligible. I’ve spent some time in London and while the art and architecture were amazing I was really put off by the locals (super cold and unfriendly, heaps of starey scrotes just hanging around). Is the migrant crisis truly as bad as the media is making it out to be? Is nightlife still a thing in the big cities or have they all been wiped out by COVID? If you were sitting where I am would you go to the US, go to London, or sit tight at home?

No. 2173437

Depends on where you are with nightlife. I'm from NYC and we def got hit hard with covid. Most places that were 24/7 or closed around 2-3am now close around 11 or midnight. Some places just never recovered. I think we are gradually getting back to normal, but nightlife was hit hard. It's most back to normal in places like DC however

No. 2173438

Don’t go to England. It sucks.

No. 2173439

Don't go to LA. Overrated. Maybe try San Diego or Atlanta, Georgia. Or in NY try Albany. Or come to Philly and live life on the edge.

No. 2173442

If you have infinite money and want lots of things to do, then NYC is fine.

No. 2173443

Why do you consider living in Philly an edgy life?

No. 2173444

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See I hadn’t even considered DC, ATL or SD, good to know they’re worthwhile options. One of my mentors worked in DC and he still raves about it so I might have to ask him more about it
I thought as much kek. Even my cousins who had a blast there 10-15 years ago are telling me I’d be wasting my time and money heading over there now.

No. 2173446

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Crime. Has a lot of fun locations though and a night-life definitely, it's also close to a lot of other things like NJ and the beach

No. 2173459

Damn I thought the good schools and Ivy people walking about would somehow make them tougher on crime but I guess not

No. 2173535

Philly is the scariest, most dangerous feeling city I've been to in the US. there were people passed out on drugs in the street in tourist areas.no one batted an eye. people followed me asking me over and over for money to get high with. they didn't even pretend it was for something else. no joy dwells in Philly.

No. 2173611

How does it compare to Detroit?

No. 2173654

What good schools? I'd say police here are tough on crime, but there's just so much of it. Not even mentioning the druggies, there is a bunch of gang violence from males as young as 14 shooting each other in the middle of the street.

No. 2173669

UPenn, an Ivy League, is in Philly.

No. 2173895

I think she'll win because of the Chris Chan endorsement.

No. 2173917

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Did anyone else think your city would look like this when you grew up? My City(Denver) got this new skyscraper(one river north) that is supposed to have greenery on it and it's probably the only building in the city that actually looks like it was from picrel. Im kinda disappointed our cities still look mostly the same. picrel looks like it smells good.

No. 2173919

i love these old cgi renders.

No. 2173920

I can't wait for DOnald cump to encourage a federal ban on abyortion. and then I'm going to write in blowjob-chan for local office and we'll really get this women-hating campaign off the ground

No. 2173921

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not a burger but I wish we had a frutiger aero future

No. 2173927

i was gonna vote for joe biden but the chris chan endorsement for kamala made me reconsider… do i really have any other choice if JESUS CHRIST CHAN SONICHU endorsed her?

No. 2173928

Id actually want to live in a city if they were like this.

No. 2173933

Kek I was looking up Y2K futuristic aesthetics and was thinking the same thing.

No. 2174062

I moved from NYC to London, so my choice is obvious, but the one you prefer is going to be contingent on a bunch of different factors. For single childless people who are able to make a boatload of money and prioritize that (or nightlife) over factors like beautiful surroundings and lower stress, I'd recommend NYC. London is much better when you've already built wealth or want to settle down a bit but without leaving a major city.
The people in the cities you mentioned are also all dickheads in their own special ways, so it's a matter of what you can put up with. Londoners are actually the kindest by miles; New Yorkers are abrasive but very easy to interpret. People in LA suffer from the worst unwarranted self-importance in the USA and are worth avoiding entirely.

No. 2174198

Oh yeah

No. 2174202

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China is making bigger strides toward that tbh

No. 2174203

Building giant Lego pants?

No. 2174205

This is what I thought America looked like when I was 5 kek. So beautiful

No. 2174213

I mean America is a huge country with different life styles depending on where you want to go. Sorry I know that's an annoying answer, but for example I've lived in 2 major cities on opposite sides of the country and the vibes are pretty different
>or giving New York/LA a try
I don't like major American urban cores honestly… but if you're going to live in a "nice" neighborhood I guess it's fine? Or if you like the urban vibe… I mean there's a reason people move to suburbs tho
>I have a good career with in-demand skills so money and Visa issues are negligible
I will say I think America is the best country in the world if you're "upwardly mobile". We have the highest salaries and best economy for educated well paid white collar people
>Is the migrant crisis truly as bad as the media is making it out to be
In NY it's an issue but I think it's concentrated in certain areas? Btw if you move to urban LA you will be dealing with Alot of homeless people

I would move to America but make sure you research where you want to move to alot before you do. Find out about suburbs and good/bad neighborhoods. Don't trust redditors who make everything sound fine. Finally there are dynamics I don't think an Aussie will get right away, good luck figuring it out because people won't say it to your face

No. 2174226

Chinese century soon.

No. 2174343

And cool manta ray looking curly roof wiiiide buildings

>In NY it's an issue but I think it's concentrated in certain areas? Btw if you move to urban LA you will be dealing with Alot of homeless people
I think AYRT may have been asking about the migrant crisis in London/UK, it's a hot button issue and I don't know I feel like Americans/American media use the term immigrants for theirs, and Europe migrants for theirs.

No. 2174500

good. i hope Adrienne Shelly's killer finally gets deported.

No. 2175053

What chris chan endoresement?

No. 2175064

No. 2175088

… he isnt in jail?

No. 2175188

It's crazy how much China has developed in my lifetime, assuming it isn't all smoke and mirrors. It's no wonder why our government is so concerned about them. I just wish our country would figure out how to build High speed rail instead of seething about China kek.
Speaking of rail, would you guys take public transit if we had more of it and if it was better?
Our transit is pretty crappy compared to other 1st world nations. But personally if we had High speed rail without any junkies and homeless scrotes on it then i would definitely choose it for traveling to work over driving. I personally find driving very frustrating with all the stopping and random bullshit that isn't really a problem when on a train. I also like looking out the window without worrying about driving safe.

No. 2175191

This could be accomplished if we had no moids, no tranny shit and anons stopped basket-weaving and went in trades or engineering. This would automatically turn into a steaming shithole within a year if it existed

No. 2175412

>would you guys take public transit if we had more of it and if it was better
Already do (did, because now I'm out in a suburb and bus is no longer an option, let alone subway) and tbh junkies and homeless are just part of the package to deal with

No. 2175478

Why are you fleeing strailya

No. 2175501

He got out earlier this year.

No. 2175695

Look at atlas obscura or roadside america if you want to see weird obscure shit along your route. There are some cool places that end up being just 20 minutes out of the way a lot of the time and they make for the best trips. I always look on there before I go anywhere.

No. 2175886

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>roadside america
Your post reminded me of a little place off-the-beaten path in Pennsylvania called Roadside America. It wasn't a very large building, but inside it contained an enormous and very intricate model of a little village and its natural surroundings. I went and looked it up just now to see it again and it saddens me to say that the place had closed down permanently during the pandemic. It's too bad, but I'm very glad to have witnessed a piece of quirky and authentic Americana in living color.

No. 2175889

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What it looked like inside. There were little people in the diorama as well. The village had a 1940s vibe to it.

No. 2176155

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No. 2176762

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Why does he keep tweeting this? Is there an "its time public school teachers get a raise" bot? kekekek

No. 2176787

In college I met this snooty international student from Eastern Europe in my on-campus apartment complex, she always joked and talked shit about America/Americans a lot (why was she even here then? kek). She wanted to take a "quick visit to LA" for a weekend and acted like we were all stupid for saying that the places she wanted to go in LA are all in distant, sprawling neighborhoods and she'd need a car to get around (this was in the pre-smartphone era of the 2000s, Uber/Lyft wasn't a thing yet and taxis were still a pain in the ass). Spoiler alert, she eventually made the trip and got to her hotel in Downtown LA (kek), assuming that "downtown" meant that everything must have been centralized there and she was absolutely SHOCKED that she couldn't just walk everywhere and she missed some of her classes that next week because it took her forever to get back, kek.

No. 2176825

I was 15 years old, living in Harlem New york when it happened. Went to first period home room and everyone was gathered around the radio. I thought it was a joke like war of the worlds type shit. My mom was in that area because she went to pick up her paycheck. She got caught in the all the smoke after the second plane hit. She told me she saw people jumping from the building. I dont think she ever got over that trauma.
The air was really thick with smoke for a few days. It actually smelled… really bad. Someone told me it was the smell of bodies. I'll never forget that.

No. 2176925

Junkies are practically a given where I live, driving a car is nice but I hate how badly people drive in my state, and traffic is stressful

No. 2176944

Hey fellow millennial nona! Holy fuck, that's absolutely chilling and I'm so sorry your family had to be there firsthand. I was 14 and on the west coast when it happened. I remember leaving the house to catch the bus right as my dad had the tv on and said something about a plane crashing into the world trade center. I was dumb and hadn't taken time zones into account, so my first thought was "Well at least its like 6am, so maybe nobody was in the building yet?" As far as we knew for the first few minutes, it was a freak accident and I assumed there was a malfunction or something causing the plane to go off course and crash. 15 minutes later, on the bus one of the girls started freaking out and said that the second tower was hit by another airplane. One of my friends had a portable radio and we all sat huddled around to hear what was happening. It was an insane day, especially in the pre-smartphone times so all we had was the news to tell us what was happening. I remember a few girls were crying because their parents were in New York and nobody could get a hold of their families there. We went to a Catholic school, so the school held an "emergency liturgy" for us all to gather and pray for everyone involved. It was unreal.

No. 2176955

Also this video is insane and gives me chills

No. 2176965

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We deserved Tulsi as our first woman president. I feel embarrassed that Kamala is our choice now.

No. 2177185

I'm a public school teacher and we get guaranteed raises every year. That's the whole point of being unionized. What we actually need is the power to suspend/expel disrespectful or violent kids.

No. 2177187

It’s probably the trainees or assistants or idk the other word for them kek

No. 2177211

so like 80% scrotelets? then they would complain boys are being discriminated against kek

No. 2177215

It's always a shame when these odd little places end up closing. It looks like it was really cool. I'm happy you got to experience it! All the wacky roadside attractions are my favorite part of American culture. They don't really have such things in other countries, at least not to the same extent.

No. 2177248

Seasons changing is so crazy and fascinating to me. Just two months ago the sun was high in the sky at this time of day and now the sky is completely black..

No. 2177614

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Any other Floridanons out here? Future Helene might ruin our week.

No. 2177628

I'll be right outside of Helene's path. I hope you and your family stay safe nonnie!

No. 2177793

Whyyy on earth can’t I find a place to live that’s:
-at least somewhat affordable
-not full of creepy/crackhead/junkie scrotes
Seriously is it so much to ask?

No. 2177801

Uh most places in the suburban Midwest and south

No. 2177819

Trump kept referring to big strong men last night at his PA rally, it was hilarious.

No. 2177835

im right outside of the path so here's to hoping it doesn't shift kek

No. 2178182

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my future car

No. 2178187

Not a Floridanona, sorry I'm a Yoopanona. Please make sure you have cases of water, and are safe ♥

No. 2178191

I always thought vehicles like this were staged. I've never in my life seen one with more than 1 sticker on it.

No. 2178206

Where I live we would have bi weekly protrump protests until like last summer about the 2020 election and there were at least 2 vehicles like this that make laps in town, one with a huge loudspeaker system that could be heard inside stores as it thundered through parking lots. They've mostly calmed down but down the street my neighbor has a giant sign of an eagle holding joe bidens decapitated head in his front yard

No. 2178264

what state do you live in without the occasional bumper sticker collector? y'all got a law over it or something?

No. 2178304

i think that car looks fun compared to anime cars with hentai girls on them kek

No. 2178308

>the israel flag
kek, never change amerigolems

No. 2178316

hey would they put an illegitimate palestinian flag on their card? retard, isreal. seethe

No. 2178339

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Thanks nonnies, I'm on the Space Coast so I should be fine (and I'm a NY transplant so my family is safe kek) but I appreciate the well-wishes. Tampa is going to get spanked though.

No. 2178351

right side is when you go to the beach and go to publix and left is when you go to a dimly lit walmart full of haitians and cuban employees

No. 2178542

Yep kek. I wish all-girl schools were a thing and I could just work at one of those.

No. 2178556

I assume you mean all-girls public schools? Unless there's states without all-girls private schools out there.

No. 2178609

In my area, even the private schools are co-ed. No option for all-girls either way.

No. 2178629

um im on the gulf coast of florida nonnie

No. 2178647

The only all-girls schools I have seen have been in high population areas and or an area with a large Catholic population. I wish they were more common, girls do better not only academically but socially as well in all-girls schools.

No. 2178677

That's interesting. In my area, there are quite a few single-sex private schools for boys and for girls. It's probably because I'm in New England, however; the attitudes up here can be a bit more preppy or old school compared to other parts of the nation, and I think single-sex schools are more traditional which is why they prevail.

No. 2178804

so depressing that this is the average american take. It's been proven to death that economic policy takes years to actualize, so prices while he's in office were inherited from previous years policy. Remember, Trump appointed Jerome Powell over the Federal Reserve who raised rates on everyone. Also tariffs are inflationary and cause the cost of goods to rise. Seriously how do you think that works???

No. 2178974

It's extremely depressing, but also sort of hilarious to me. To the general population, the moment a new president is in office everything currently happening in the country is the new president's fault whether good or bad kek. A president could be in office less than 1 day and the price of food goes up, and most of the country will blame that president who wasn't even officially there for 24 hours kek. Makes you realize most people around you are horrifyingly dumb.

No. 2179003

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Unironically praying for you nonna

No. 2179031

i’m in miami but francine’s storm bands fucked up my apartment’s plumbing so bad that my shower didn’t work for 10 days … i’m hoping miss helene has a bit more composure

No. 2179072

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When the Perot mueseum in Dallas went up I was fascinated by just how it was a cube with plants . It is kinda frutiger

No. 2179091

This thing is depressing, it looks like my first attempt at a house in minecraft. The architect is a massive grifter hack.

No. 2179104

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We have the ugliest suburban houses in the world. God this shit makes me want to hurl. I have an Australian friend who builds kitchens for a living and she said these were her least favorite houses to work on when they're all empty and being mass produced in a creepy, inorganic neighborhood because they are all built the exact same and she'd have to memorize which house has this door, which one has these specific windows, etc. She also said they almost always have the ugliest kitchens too kek.

No. 2179454

So is the economy recovering? I heard recently that it’s doing far better now than it has in years and is even helping out countries on the other side of the world. Which is weird cus I remember it being talked about how it was unstable and on the edge of collapse

No. 2179466

I live in the NOVA area, and I'm seeing more and more of these being built. They are absolutely hideous, and ruin the soul of the neighborhood.

No. 2179479

I grew up in that area. Every time I come home to visit, I get so depressed seeing these everywhere. They’re also built so close together it feels claustrophobic.

No. 2179485

I'm considering moving to Alabama for 3 years. What are the odds I get hit by a hurricane?

No. 2179488

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NOVA nonna! ♥ Every time, I get so excited when NOVA nonnas post here kek. Sorry if I’ve replied to you before… but yeah there are some hideous McMansions going up all the time. Personally, I like the colonial style brick homes you can find around NOVA like picrel. They’re hardly built any more because our housing market is all about pumping out huge houses as quickly and cheaply as possible, just to be torn down 10 years later and rebuilt.

No. 2179524

They are building more new condos too. In Chantilly, Sully station area. It all looks the same, done by Ryan townhomes. Fuck you Ryan
I hate how they build a cluster or homes next to each other with nothing but highway on all sides. America is retarded and doesn't urban plan in advance.

No. 2179525

Yeah, the homes in Ashburn, old Herndon and Alexandria are really pretty, but that seems so few and far between now. Ashburn has been getting built up like crazy, including new IT/data centers. Now everyone is moving to South Riding and Brambleton to escape the insane price hikes on homes and rent.

No. 2179526

Oh my god NOVA nonnies… The homes in my neighborhood are very pretty. I know what you guys are talking about, though. I hate how ugly many homes being pumped out are. Everything feels so bland

No. 2179565

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The office was empty too, shooter was probably retarded. However, she was scheduled to have a campaign event on friday.

No. 2179621

I'd go to San Francisco rather than La it's much nicer and at least from my expierence friendly ish. New York is nice too though, if you decide to go to New York you should visit up state new York it's beautiful. Sleepy hollow especially is gorgeous. Make sure to rent a car don't fully rely on public transit if you visit America.

No. 2179744

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>Wallnau is a major leader in a coalition of Christians who believe that Trump is prophesied to play a critical role in the nation’s spiritual reformation—that the former president is destined to be a catalyst for the next Great Awakening, even. These Christians see Trump as a modern-day Cyrus the Great, the powerful empire builder and nonbeliever who is credited in the Old Testament with returning the Jews to the Holy Land. They believe that under Trump’s protection, American Christians will rise up, defeat their demonic enemies, and take their rightful place of power in the country.

>Wallnau’s ideas have taken off in particular among a group of Christians often referred to as neo-charismatics, evangelicals who speak in tongues and believe that the Holy Spirit has possessed them with supernatural gifts, including prophecy and healing; this religious cohort is also one of the fastest-growing segments of Christianity in the U.S. Now, four years after an election that many of these Christians continue to think was stolen, Wallnau and his faithful are on the campaign trail. “People don’t know. They’re going to look back on it in the future,” Wallnau promised the crowd in Michigan, “and they’re going to say the populist civic awakening began when believers prayed in Trump to disrupt the status quo.”

>The host church, Floodgate, is known in the area for its strident politics—according to an article in the Atlantic, its membership overwhelmingly comprises new arrivals attracted by its pastor’s anti-COVID ravings; pastor Bill Bolin told the magazine that “a lot of people from our church” traveled to D.C. for the Jan. 6 riots.

>Over the next hour and a half, he primed the audience (and the 100,000 viewers he said were watching the livestream) for the hours of seminars ahead of them that weekend. There was a lot to cover; many hours would be dedicated to strategies for preventing the left from stealing the next presidential election. He called on the Christians to engage in “spiritual warfare,” a kind of religious practice meant to defeat evil forces through fervent prayer, praise, and other displays of faith. For neo-charismatics, these rituals are more effective when physically directed toward and in close proximity to the evil they are meant to address. This is why, ahead of the certification of the 2020 presidential election results, leaders in Wallnau’s movement traveled to D.C.: They felt called to pray as close as possible to the evil forces that were keeping the election from Trump. Many other Christians, inspired by this mission, followed them there.

>During the COVID pandemic, neo-charismatic churches run by NAR prophets swelled in numbers as they remained defiantly open despite lockdown rules. They attracted converts from mainstream Christian parishes that remained closed, and politically ambitious prophets in this network soon became Facebook celebrities. Some gained real-world influence: Sean Feucht, a Christian singer who led massive COVID-era worship events across the country, as well as a pro-Israel counterprotest at Columbia University this past spring, is an acolyte of the movement. So is Ché Ahn, whose Pasadena-based Harvest Rock Church successfully sued Gov. Gavin Newsom over the lockdown there in 2020.

>According to neo-charismatic prophets, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13 had been foretold. Several months earlier, on March 14, an Oklahoma prophet with 359,000 subscribers posted a podcast episode to YouTube in which he discussed the spiritual ramifications of the impending solar eclipse. In it, he also mentioned a vision he’d had: “I saw Trump, rising up, and then I saw an attempt on his life,” the prophet said. “This bullet flew by his ear, and it came so close to his head that it busted his eardrum.”

>After Trump did indeed survive an assassination attempt that wounded his ear, neo-charismatic evangelicals spoke of the incident as “proof” of “miracles.” Jentezen Franklin, the pastor of a Southern megachurch, compared the moment with Moses’ anointing Aaron as his high priest in Leviticus because the book mentions placing blood on Aaron’s ear. And as Wallnau would later tell his Facebook followers, when Wallnau learned of the assassination attempt, he went to his prayer closet, “where he keeps a cardboard cutout image of Trump,” and, “as he prayed, he cupped Trump’s cardboard ears with both hands.” He told his followers that he hadn’t yet known where Trump had been shot. It all added up to an irrefutable message to those plugged into this world: Trump was favored by God.

>“She represents an amalgam of the spirit of Jezebel in a way that will be even more ominous than Hillary because she’ll bring a racial component, and she’s younger,” Wallnau said in a video about Harris. In another, he said that she appeared presidential only because of “witchcraft.” Murillo appeared on Wallnau’s podcast to discuss the “demonic power” at work in the new Democratic nomination. “That’s why God spared Trump’s life, for such a time as this,” Murillo said.

>Again and again, he identified people who were being healed, with remarkable specificity. He directed a woman with a blond ponytail to place her hands on a second woman’s head and tell her that the Lord was curing her in her neck, back, chest, and legs in Jesus’ name. The healing, Murillo said, was backing up through the blond woman’s arm, in turn repairing her spine and eyes. The damage she had from a car accident, it’s all gone, he said. She began sobbing. “This is where cancer starts to vanish,” he cried out as the whole tent began speaking in tongues. “This is where diabetes starts to become a thing of the past.”


No. 2179763

She probably won't milk this like shameless Trump did.

No. 2179772

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>red MAGA hats

No. 2179783

The thought of ever owning a house is so foreign to me that I can't even judge stuff like this. I'd be happy to have a boring house, or a small house, or just… any house. It feels like I'll be stuck living in apartments until I die, at this point.

No. 2179787

No. 2179809

you're no fun bitch
oh he'll definitely be the catalyst for something alright

No. 2180126

Where do you guys get your news? I find myself feeling like a total brainlet who wants to be more generally aware of what's going on, but then I hear everyone saying that every news source sucks. I get that bias is unavoidable in media, but where to go if I just want to get a general sense of what's going on? Usually I just look at New York Times and Time and then like whatever comes up on my social media feed

No. 2180239

If I'm really trying to get news, Axios or Intercept, but I also just try and parse the language given to me in local news (usually owned by Fox or another huge company)

No. 2180248

I get what anons mean when they say they want Trump to win just because they want the people around them upset because I mostly want Kamala to win so that my retarded Trumpoid parents can either shut the fuck up or plan a group suicide or something, it's like talking to toddlers or gendies at this point.

No. 2180258

i like watching the local news on tv like a grandma

No. 2180261

Kamala wouldn’t be a good president though. She’d be so busy doing magazine interviews and going on talk shows she’d forget about sending pedophiles to the electric chair, the way the Donald did for 4 years.

No. 2180264

Anon I just want my parents to kill themselves or shut the fuck up about it. Every conversation devolves into Muh Glorious Leader Trump and how That Woman is a horrible piece of shit who will let immigrants rape school children and my parents themselves. It's genuinely like speaking to trannies and it makes me want to blow my brains out.

No. 2180279

Same. I want Kamala to win just so all the incels and right-wing redpiller women haters have a meltdown. I don't care about policy because both presidents are essentially the same, congress and lobbyists run this country, not the president.

No. 2180308

Trump unironically won the first time because of 4chan memes and because the American right is chock full of retards with the empathy and awareness if toddlers. I could not care less if a woman wins presidency because of the same thing. In fact I think it's based.

No. 2180366

Depends on how close to the beach you are. The hurricane blow over ain’t so bad, otherwise. Tornados are particularly deadly here due to the terrain, however.

No. 2180394

lately i've been using ground.news, clicking on whatever interests me, sorting by factuality, and reading from a few different sources. i don't have it in me to pay for a subscription, but i think it's been pretty informative even without one.

No. 2180421

I was considering using this. How much can you read without a subscription?

No. 2180542

if there's a limit on articles, i haven't hit it, and i've read a lot. as far as i know, there are just certain features you can't access unless you have a subscription (like the "blindspot" feed, hiding paywalled sources, and additional factuality and ownership data). definitely worth a try imo.

No. 2181117

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NY Post for right-leaning, The Hill for left-leaning, RCP for a mix, Xitter for rage bait, here and KF for internet drama. Post Millenial, Federalist, /pol/, Vox, Atlantic for fringe lunacy. I am legally insane, yes.

No. 2181358

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I care about policy and I like kamala, but I care about total woman victory more than anything. Retards on /pol/ were seething so much in 2020 and after the 2024 debate with kamala and trump because trump sounded like a schizo on stage while kamala was laughing at him, imagine how much they'd seethe if a woman won kek
>a woman wins presidency because of the same thing. In fact I think it's based.
Yes exactly, seize male power through shitposts. I've seen many people talk about this being a reverse 2016, to me it seems more like a 2020 without the culture surrounding the pandemic. I wouldn't be surprised if she won the states biden won just switch georgia with north carolina. Nobody liked shillary or trump, Kamala's approval rating has recently became a net positive. I'm not surprised that she has internet culture to back her up, could this translate to votes from the median voter though? we will find out..

No. 2181369

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grad orientation at UCLA

No. 2181377

why does taco bell taste like literal feces now? It's not just one menu item or area, all of it tastes like actual fucking shit

No. 2181396

> I'm not surprised that she has internet culture to back her up
Is this the first time you've stepped outside of your twitter bubble in months?

No. 2181397

How do you know what shit tastes like?

No. 2181402

I have terrible vision and am deaf, so my "heightened" sense is smell and taste. I never tasted shit per se but anytime something has a very strong smell I can taste it

No. 2181424

Sounds like the person that wrote this lives in a tiny rich bubble where they've never met anyone outside of it. Seriously, do they think poor parents don't expect their kids to go to college?

No. 2181433

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No. 2181435

Depends on how/what type of poor. There's plenty of families who've had every daughter in the last 3 generations drop out of high school to raise her teen pregnancy baby.

No. 2181436

Is there anything juicy? Read a summary and it appears to be just shit already known.

No. 2181438

two books I think American nonnies should read
>disposable domestics
>let them eat ketchup
and report back like it's book club

No. 2181446

Nona is it just 1 location? Or did you go to different locations and they all taste bad? I haven't encountered this so I'm wondering if maybe one of the employee's hygiene is bad at the place you went…

No. 2181450

My mom said that she got food poisoning twice from the soft tacos at Taco Bell. I’ve never been to Taco Bell and do not plan to go there ever.

No. 2181453

The document is opposition research, there's not really anything new. JD vance being gross and fat as usual

No. 2181460

They fuck up a lot, often they let the oil go rancid and you will get a mexican pizza that tastes like old oil. I complained online and management called me on my personal cell and interrogated me about it. I was like what the fuck

No. 2181465

I like my local NPR station, otherwise I like MSNBC and ABC

No. 2181543

Stay safe Florida nonnies ♥

No. 2182482

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Barely disguised political actors/shills in the comments like picrel makes me hesitant to trust and download some random .pdf

>It looks like Vance has a lot of well thought out, and independent of ideological, opinions.

>He is an intelligent centrist who leans somewhat conservative due to his Appalachia roots.
Yes, such an enlightened based centrist he is, not at all a backwards weirdo more concerned with making women mandatory birthing vessels.

No. 2182748

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yeah lmao JD Vance is a joke. He's clearly a "politician" like everyone else, with no morals or ethics, following whatever ideology gives him more attention and money, at the expense of the people he lies to and needs the support of. A scumbag. He's not a centrist lmao he's a little freak that can't even defend his own wife against racism with balls. His wife is a joke, too, but he's the chosen VP of the Republican candidate and a Senator. He's been neutered by whoever pays for him and now falls in line with whomever. Anyone who genuinely thinks he stands for anything other than his selfish wishes for power and money is stupid. People who are this stupid always ruin everything for the rest of us, and yet, it's not their fault. It's people like JD Vance's fault. It's infuriating. I would like JD Vance to trip and fall on his dick and die from sepsis after an untreated hematoma rupture

No. 2183180

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>I would like JD Vance to trip and fall on his dick and die from sepsis after an untreated hematoma rupture
Same, nonna

No. 2183187

JD Vance was such a bad pick for VP and I can only assume it's because they didn't expect kamala harris to swap out joe biden(although it was extremely obvious) + the fact vance is thiel's bottom bitch. His approval ratings are so bad, sometimes it feels like Kamala's campaign is attacking Vance more than Trump. He's a really easy target

No. 2183421

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No. 2183433

Thats actually kind of gross

No. 2183436

this is a little kekky

No. 2183641

He looks exactly like someone who would borrow somebody else's kids.

No. 2183842

>management called me on my personal cell and interrogated me about it.

No. 2184063

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Autistic women are what make this world spin

No. 2184065

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This is so endearing they talk about politics so fandom-like

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