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No. 2154863

Make fun of weird ass fetishes and the degenerates who like them and no you can’t crosspost nonas from /g/

Last Threads

No. 2154865

Hypnosis is honestly really deranged and is just as fucked up as Somnophilia imo since usually it involves some kind of paralysis like state or making someone deluded from what I know

No. 2154891

I've looked into the communities a few times and it is rife with abuse primarily in the form of hypnotists trying to milk their victims out of money

No. 2154916

Why do kinksters push the narrative they're oppressed rebels going against the heteronormative patriarchy? If anything, they upheld it by subjugating women into their sexualized forms of slavery. You see this all the time in "sex positive" progressive spaces where only form of horny allowed is the type expressed in bdsm terminology. Aftercare, top and bottom, fucking safewords. I still remember that "asexual" blog that liken having sex with an allosexual as a bdsm session right down to the motions used for such acts. How mad has the world become if sex is regarded as no different to bondage and sadomasochism? It's what keeps humanity alive.

No. 2154920

'Cause they're bored and want to feel ~yoonique~ for once in their lives.

No. 2154965

the amount of anons from /g/ who gets off to nazis is alarming.(didn't read the op)

No. 2155026

It's really pathetic and needs to stop

No. 2155173

Because they think they're still living in the days when kink was primarily a thing among gay moids and they actually were oppressed… because they were gay and participating in a post-WWII underground sex scene. Straights mass infiltrated the scene back in the 80s-00s. It was already all about the (male) top's dick, but in the old scene that was only being inflicted on other moids. Now that same dick worship is being enforced on women and you have a bunch of whiny hetty eddies acting like they're oppressed because most jurisdictions have laws that don't allow a consent defense for battery and they think this makes them the next pioneers in the new era of gay rights.

No. 2155208

Dyke breaking Is rape and moids who are into should be ass raped to make them understand if bi he should be raped with a pole

No. 2155209

Why is it banned to mention /g/ anyway? Not like farmers are exempt. And besides, you’re right.

No. 2155213

Physical abuse isn't analogous to two consenting adults having sex. It isn't transgression to abuse someone because it felt "sexy". The amount of bdsm language that has found itself in our own vocab is alarming that even normies that don't know any better use out of misplaced affection. I get some words can't encapsulate everything, but saying you want to "peg someone" for having a great butt is frankly strange.

No. 2155228

why would a dyke be broken by dicks that fail giving straight women orgasms, moids and their overconfidence

No. 2155716

As the anon who made this thread I added that in because we already have “Lolcow’s own screencaps” for de/g/en shaming >>>/ot/2072706 if so many nonnas want that part removed from the OP then go right ahead to /meta/ and request farmhands/admins to remove it as it’s being discussed there currently >>>/meta/82578, >>>/meta/82613

No. 2157321

What the fuck is with men being into “nipple penetration” I’ve never tried to put anything into my nipples (and unless it’s for medical reasons I have no plans to) but seriously the idea that you can put a dick into your breast through the nipples sounds like body horror

No. 2157334

That thread is for funny posts, not kinkshaming so i dont understand what it has to do with this thread.

No. 2157447

I met someone on a blogging website (not tumblr, I mean old-school blogging) who's 49 and poly. It's really her whole personality and she goes on about how much sex she needs. Honestly, I can't even imagine such a state of constant horniness and I'm glad I don't experience it.

Of course one of her children is a TIM too, which really doesn't surprise me.

No. 2157455

Sounds like mental illness runs in that family kek

No. 2157845

It's a hentai fetish, it's impossible in real life. the actual nipple holes are about the size of pores, you really couldn't insert anything through them

No. 2164451

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The entire city of SF doesn't get kinkshamed enough. They have an entire fucking "Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District" with the bdsm pride flag everywhere (I guess the mayor thought this was a good idea a few years ago). I just hate the conflation of LGB people with kink, and the lumping in of straight kinksters under the "queer" label. The city is also the former hq of kink dot com, which when that company bought the armory building was next to a women's shelter and had been planned as a location for low-income housing. Kink won out though. Of course the company had a lot of controversy about abusing their female performers (including multiple lawsuits). People say the place is woke, but it really has a culture where male sadism trumps everything else. So much so in fact, it's part of the "cultural heritage".

No. 2165556

>watching true crime video
>uwu please dont compare this rapist pedo moid to other rapist pedo moids who get off to ''consensual'' rape and choking
i am so fucking tired all of them are mentally ill

No. 2165572

Mommyshit. If someone already brought it up I'll post about it again because it's so cringe it deserves several callouts. Imagine being a male (already pathetic) now you're also into getting taken care off by "mommy"?? Wtf moids don't deserve care they deserve to be chained and put to work at mines, fuck you mean you want a ""mommy"" to spoil you?? With your big ass ape build?? Give me a damn break this is shameless behavior, go die on a war you useless bitch made xy chromoid

No. 2175441

It’s weird how many women are into it too. Like you really wanna make your boyfriend act like you’re his “mommy”? Half the time men are just leeching off their GFs and making them do all their work like they’re their moms anyways so I don’t see why we’re enabling it

No. 2177393

Whenever i read a recent (auto)biography and SF is mentioned it's always the beginning of a slow descent into hell, usually something to do with drugs, troon shit and/or prostitution. I had no idea this district was a thing, though

No. 2195501

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why do they all look like this

No. 2195585

>how to track them back to each family member
I really want to know how he tries to explain this

No. 2195623

Any sadocoomers who are into ryona, guro, and other degenerate shit should be locked in solitary confinement and never allowed to see sunlight. After 90 days, a switchblade is put under the door after they go completely insane. Completely useless to society wastes of oxygen.

No. 2195626

Those moids should be fucked Nero-style. All the way to the mouth and then set aflame.

No. 2195696

I thought that was Jodie for a second and got excited kek.

Probably means child molesters.

No. 2195728

>I thought that was Jodie for a second and got excited kek.
Me too, but unfortunately it’s just some lame tiktok screenshot.

No. 2195775

shotacon/lolicon ryona/gore fags should be put on a list and never should have access to children, it takes someone to be extremely braindead and disgusting to be a pedophile but a sexual sadist aswell? they should be investigated and thrown away in a ravine. i genuinely think people who like that are psychopaths who kill small animals as their hobbies and will eventually kill a child or human

No. 2195779

This. Especially since the thing that lolicons insist never happens keeps repeatedly happening.

No. 2195854

The shotacons and ryona fags on here acting superior like they're a "based stacy" because they're directing that violence towards moids. No, you're just as sick as them.

No. 2195955

Unironically yes they are based. There is nothing wrong with women being violent towards moids in a patriarchal society. I don't care, moids are demons and should be treated as such.

No. 2195970

Shota and loli is gross, but what's so bad about ryona? Who cares?

No. 2195994

Isn’t Ryona violence inflicted onto women? No one is talking about doing it to men they’re talking about men brutalizing women

No. 2195997

I think OP is referring to ryona where the abuse is happening to women. No one gaf if it's ryona towards a male character

No. 2196001

This is controversial but it’s because they were sexually abused as a child and that explains their hypersexuality. No normal person is that occupied about pronouns, kinks, all of that is for dumpy people with a whole host of childhood issues or trying hard to be different from the rest, so basically a lack of self-esteem.

No. 2196003

I love how one of them just proved your point instantly. I’m also tired of the shotafags here. They talk like they’re over-compensating, like a wounded dog licking its wounds going “I’m based! I’m based!” when they’re redirecting their anger because they’re rightfully treated as bottom of the barrel fujoshi. Not only that, it’s even more pathetic when they have their lesbophobic fits or get pissed off when other het women don’t wanna fuck little boys. I’m glad people are starting to point out their retarded behavior around here.

No. 2196006

They refer to ryona/guro that features children.

No. 2196012

Stfu yuripedo you literally like Strike witches

No. 2196018

Wasn't this thread in /g/?

No. 2196023

>claims to hates moids
>cant stop obsessively thinking about them
>always frustrated about lack of animoid pics
>entire life is dedicated to worshipping media of moids

Lol. Lmao even.
If you hate them so much, why don’t you just distance yourself from them?

No. 2196029

AYRT and lol I’m not even whoever tf you’re talking about. I legit hate Strike Witches because some pedomoid I knew liked it, also I have zero attraction to little girls in their underwear. Sorry you have to start pointing fingers at people accusing them of stupid shit, because you’re finally being read. You’re not based for liking pedo shit and you never will be.

No. 2196035

>claims to hates moids
>cant stop obsessively thinking about them
Sounds pretty coherent to be honest. Hate is closer to love than indifference
kek can you stop assuming every anon you don't agree with is part of a hivemind/one specific person

No. 2196039

Because polilez autist, I am attracted to men. You can't control your sexuality.
I'm not even a shotafag but the hate they get here is ridiculous, I've never heard of a female shotafag molesting kids like male loli/shotafags do. Go to Tumblr.

No. 2196047

>claims women must be polilez to not center men
>going through ad hominems and hoping of them is correct because everyone else is right about her
>still caping for pedoshit even though men also like shota


No. 2196054

>I've never heard of a female shotafag molesting kids
so whos going to tell her about that one korean shotafag who did..also children arent likely to tell theyve been molested by women.. girls and boys alike.they may not molest "children" at the rate moid lolicons do but theyre still masturbating to drawn children thats not owning the "moids" thats becoming one of them.

No. 2196055

>”I’m attracted to men. You can’t control your sexuality.”
>gets mad at yurifag women here
>thinks women must just be polilez

babygirl go touch grass seriously. nobody is gonna take away your south park yaoi away from you.

No. 2196059

She’s just going to call molester women “giga Stacy” to “own the moids”, who are likely jacking off to the idea anyway.(infighting)

No. 2196062

How the fuck is masturbating to anime men centering them? Are you retarded?
>still caping for pedoshit even though men also like shota
There's a man out there who's bound to like anything a woman does, what's your point?
What Korean shotafag? I've never heard this story. Either way I doubt most of these female rapists are shotacons.
Twittard tourist moment. Genuinely don't understand where any of you guys care about male victims when they think of women so disgustingly.(infighting)

No. 2196066

I'm sure moids who draw skinning anime women and making leather out of them have a few skeletons in their closet.

No. 2196091

The fetishization of gyaru is insane. Moids can't imagine girls purposefully being unattractive and thinks it's for them and makes up a fanfiction how they're "used goods". At the same time sexualization of shrine maidens is text book Japanese Madonna Whore. I used to tolerate "vanilla" hentai but now whenever an out of character TnA FOTM art shows up in my feed, I get filled with rage and disgust that I do not have the words to express. Moid sexuality is so tactless, uninspired, predictable.

No. 2196094

>Go to tumblr!!!

Like one nona already said, stop acting like everyone is a specific person or hivemind. Lolcow isn’t one either. Just because someone disagrees with your behavior doesn’t mean they’re some sort of tourist. Not all of lolcow are shotafag fujoshi, yet here you are acting like it is because you want it to be so you can shoo away people who think you’re insane for liking pedophile anime crap. You can say “it’s not as bad as the moids!” yet get confused why people here still get a visceral reaction to sexual material with little children in it? You’re weird as fuck and need to stop shitting up the site.

No. 2196098

Tbh the fact that people are into porn of the South Park characters is vile enough on its own

No. 2196099

let's be real the majority of ryona is a male inflicting it on a female. men are FAR more likely to seek out tortured girls/women than a woman is likely to seek out "whump" or anything related to men in pain/being tortured. men are also the ones who act out those fantasies irl and i'm speaking as someone who finds it cute/hot when good looking moids cry so it's not like i don't understand what you're saying

No. 2196101

I recently saw a post where someone was complaining that they weren't allowed to post shota South Park fanart here. I genuinely don't know what the appeal even is. Is it just because they're boys? It makes me think of bronies being into horses just because they're girls.

No. 2196111

Restraints like using leashes or handcuffs is just very gross to me. Why do you feel the urge to trap someone you love?

No. 2196120

Genuinely think that vasectomies and tubals/bisalps should be a required prerequisite to participate in BDSM. I knew too many people in that scene (they're in your nerd spaces, playing your D&D) and literally none of them are suitable parent material. I bout screamed when my friend told me that one of the local group leaders had a baby and was bringing them to "munches" (what they call it when they all get together in normie spaces like coffee shops but still talk about kink out loud and show up with collars on).

No. 2196148

Whenever moids get obsessed with a character, be it male or female, I just start to dislike the character itself or avoid it. Ankha, 2B, Bowsette, that retarded clown from the tranny cartoon, Astolfo, whatever. It's like they have the reverse Midas touch where everything they touch turns to shit. All the porn they mass-produce is so samey whenever these characters get hyped up online, and then they cry on the side about how they're lonely and "men just want to be loved" blablabla while drawing the most vile shit imaginable. Their obsession with degrading "pure" figures like shrine maidens or nuns is also so telling why they're majorly pedophiles. I don't understand how most women aren't put off by men forever just by the way they act or what they post online, but instead they fantasize about one being nice to them one day, or protect them liking those things even. Every dude claims that every man loves jacking off to the worst porn imaginable and they'll protect their right to do so too. Too many Reddit posts where dudes will make fun of women who say they don't want to be with a man who watches porn. Part of me is glad I'm a homo (though moidslop FOTM unsexy anime shit still seeps its way into my timelines/dashboard/fyp via algorithm), but I do feel bad for other het women out there seeing what they're forced to deal with. Seen too many women get with a guy and he instantly turns into a freak weeb pervert wifebeater the moment he shackles her down and weds her.

No. 2196174

What is the difference between ryona and bdsm? Is it just called ryona when it's in hentai?

No. 2196182

I hate footfags and how they insert their retarded fetish into everything even if it's not as disgusting as other more extreme ones. This guy I know will literally brag in public online about how much he loves footjobs as if it's something to be proud of and any time he likes a character I just shudder because I already know the next sentence out of his mouth is gonna be "(insert character name) should have a footjob scene/fanart". He also admitted that if he became an artist, he would just draw fetish porn. Then despite acting like this and shoving his fetish at any chance he gets despite how disgusting and inappropriate it is he'll still somehow say he's not a coomer, just because he isn't as bad as the other coomers who have multiple fetishes or post porn more often. Men are so retarded and shameless. I'm sick of these libshit men pretending they're progressive and feminist while objectifying women like this and parading their fetishes out in the open.
100% true, I feel the exact same way except I'm not a lesbian. I hate how their sexuality functions and how they always go to these extremes and ruin everything around them. They don't even bother hiding any of their degeneracy anymore and are proud of how disgusting they are which really gets on my nerves, not to mention how they equate it with having a healthy sex drive when it's really just them being coomers and not normal about sex at all

No. 2196187

I will never understand people who are into eating ass. It's disgusting. Literal shit comes out of that hole and you are bragging about licking it. An ex friend of mine once told me how she went on a date with a guy who wanted her to rim him so she did, and his hole faintly smelled like shit and had a "spicy" taste to it too. Once in a while that story comes to my mind and I need to dry heave like crazy.

No. 2196194

I honestly do not believe any opposite sex attracted women like to eat moid ass, this is something I genuinely believe is porn brainrot.

No. 2196203

>>2196187, >>2196194
From what I know it comes from the degrading factor, a sort of “you’re beneath me, now eat out my shit hole” type of thing. Or it’s a femdom / femboy / sissy type of thing where it’s feminizing the guy, a lot of the time it’s a precursor to pegging

No. 2196215

Consensual, egaletarian sex is so boring, something has to be dirtied, degraded and taken to be sexy. A lot of "silly" kinks like inflation, bodymod, TF, genderbending, etc. is about taking a woman's will and turning her into a pure object of lust, either with or without her brain going dizzy bimbo mode. I was so naive to think the desire for older women was respecting how they were older and wiser. And I realize it was just about making the wise conffident woman dirtied and marked by moids younger penis (Yeah, right. KEK.)

No. 2196230

gyaru isn't being purposefully unattractive, it's literally the opposite with the exception of one "substyle". gyaru is about wearing lots of makeup and trendy skimpy clothes, gyaru brands used to sell clothes for women who work as a hostess and gyaru magazines are making content for pedophiles today

No. 2196242

Ryona has emotionally sadistic, degrading undertones of somebody "falling from grace" and being killed or mindbroken forever, basically. BDSM practitioners don't tend to think as deeply about it and usually prefer the physical aspects like tying each other up and shit.

No. 2196248

I swear footfags and cuckfags are incapable of being normal. Most coomers are annoying about it of course but it's like these two groups just CANNOT ever turn it off.

No. 2196251

To be fair most ryona featuring male characters is nothing compared to the goreshit that moids draw.

No. 2196271

You really cannot compare farmers who share pictures of some bloody nerdy guys with the men who draw straight up torture porn and mutilated women whose eyeholes get fucked and cummed on like straight out of a serial killer's fantasy. It's like saying women who read smut fanfiction are as bad as porn addicts who consume irl stuff

No. 2196272

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I once went to a "Kink in Anime" panel at a con to watch the shitshow. I thought it would be about kink in anime, but instead it was an unintentionally hilariously awkward demo plus q and a session where assorted nerds lined up to ask about how they could meet girls with their kink.
>host says he wants to fuck a spider lady from some monstergirl thing
>at one point a girl in Demon Slayer cosplay stands up and complains that she's been shamed for her necrophilia fetish, no one knows how to react
>a bunch of nerds complain that they can't meet a chick with their specific anime fetish, sometimes mentioning that they are still virgins
>host gets a bunch of fat weeb girls (and one skinny weeb guy) to line up in front of the stage and turn around while he slaps their asses at high speed with a leather whip thing while walking down the row
>host ends by asking where the local kink clubs are so he can meet women and "experience the local kink culture"
It was a shitshow, just not in the way I expected.

No. 2196284

Yes I hate cucks too, cuck retards can't shut their mouth about NTR and I'm so fucking sick of how they act like it's their quirky little thing. Like haha he's just a cuck right guys so funny. Then in the same breath they complain they have no gf, like gee I wonder why when you keep talking about your fetishes around women. They seem to think it's their god given right to expose us to their filth and get a kick out of it. The dumbest shit I saw one of these do was claim he's soo much better off now that he's "freely expressing his sexuality" than back when he was actually a normal guy. It's funny because he used to be kinda cute and it's like the mental degradation influenced his looks as well, he became ugly and fat. In their mind it's really like it's an upgrade now that they're "being true to themselves" and you must be the prude stuck up person who hates sex and is lying about having fetishes or something if you aren't the same.

No. 2196302

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Most gyaru are hostesses anon, aside from niche joke styles from the 90s like yamanba gyaru/ganguro has always been about looking sexy for club douchebags.
The whole ‘feminist gyaru’ is just a weird cope from western girls looking in on what’s basically the Japanese equivalent of the jersey shore or chavs.

No. 2196314

I still don't understand the psychology of cucks. What do they derive from it? Is it the humiliation part? Do they enjoy women being "degraded" by other men while he watches? I don't get it.

No. 2196329

I think they are heavily into voyeurism, submission and humiliation, also objectification of their girlfriend/wife. The retarded cuckold derives pleasure from feeling powerless and inferior to the "bull" who is fucking his woman. How does one even discover they have a fetish like this, it's so bizarre.

No. 2196348

>gyaru magazines are making content for pedophiles today

No. 2196453

if you think about it, men getting off to porn is basically a form of cucking, i think it's only natural that they end up only being able to get off watching someone else have sex with the woman he's with. porn is basically voyeurism and they become attached to not being involved. they are also likely lazy as fuck in bed too, like many men. it's effortless and they are degenerates who see their partners as sex objects, because porn primes them to do so.

No. 2196509

I can't help but think this feels a little homoerotic. If he enjoys the power imbalance and feeling humiliated while another guy fucks his wife, whats to stop him from fantasizing being dominated and degraded by another man. I think most cuckolds are one step from admitting that they want another man to fuck them.

No. 2196515

I think she means those junior idols they put in gyaru

No. 2196603

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this vile shit

No. 2196618

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I remember a bunch of anons defending this in the gyaru thread

No. 2196626

gyaru literally started off as a fucked up pedo subculture for outcast girls. it was worn by 'bad girls' from middle and high school in japan, often with bad home lives or from poverty, who would resort to enjo kosai and prostitution for money, often while they were under 18. it's why gyaru had such a bad rep in japan for so long, until the late 2000s when it was revived as a cleaner, more cutesy aesthetic. but the og gyaru were fucked up girls. one of the most famous ganguros at the time in the 90s gave an interview about how people would spit at her and call her a whore and a cockroach because it had such bad connotations. it also became associated with general delinquency, failing school, and even not bathing because ganguro either didnt want to wash their tans off or couldnt afford to have hot baths.

No. 2196631

If you think thats bad dont even get me started on the Russian child gymnast side of youtube/instagram, and their parents. And yt/ig NEVER takes it down.

No. 2196636

Oh I know. Russian "child models" and influencers are next level. Some of the shit they post on Instagram looks like softcore cp

No. 2196637

A lot of them treat their girlfriends like shit too, even if she wants to stay loyal and only goes along with his fetish because he asked. I remember reading a kiwi thread where this was the case but I can't remember what the scrote was called. In the worst case scenario they become psychotic racial supremacists.

No. 2196638

I used to work in a bar where 'munches' that were advertised on fetlife happened. Midweek so always while it was quiet and they had the same corner they stuck to. They didn't follow their own bs rules they claim to have about discretion at munches, like not showing up to a regular ass bar basically wearing their kink as a signal.

Still somehow had a couple occasions where people not in the know about it.. thought it was an intellectual disability group.

No. 2196649

women who play into raceplay fetishism make my skin crawl and should be euthanized alongside their disgusting scrotes

No. 2196659

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most of the time men with mommy kinks have unwashed long hair and look like betas
>I want a goth mommy gf with big milkies to dominate and spit on me

No. 2196687

>They didn't follow their own bs rules they claim to have about discretion at munches
They never do. It's why all the halfway normal people get chased out of the community within a few years (if the drama and mental illness and literal abusers don't do it first). They don't want to get outed just by existing in the same space as the abdl guy who has a 10' reeking cloud of baby powder and the cringe college girl who won't loudly stop calling her boyfriend "daddy" in public.

No. 2196763

he looks cute i would let him call me mommy if he shaves the beard

No. 2196771

yes, for years i've noticed/believed that moids with fetishes are often bisexual in some form. porn addicted ones have bisexual tendencies too, i've known and seen guys literally do gay shit because porn normalized it to them when otherwise they really only like women. it's creepy

No. 2196774

> No, you're just as sick as them.
you say it like its a bad thing. Maybe if men feared women the way women fear men they wouldnt be such rapists abusers.

No. 2196776

can we not do this in the kinkshaming thread?

No. 2196777

i am sorry i just like cute nerds with long hair, plus i will take soem guy that wants to call me mommy over the moids that want to do anal and want to dominate you

No. 2196781

Thank god this is the kinkshaming thread where I’m allowed to shit on mommyfaggotry. Even if a woman does it.

No. 2196783

Anon has anyone taught you about inside thoughts and outside thoughts?

No. 2196784

File: 1728261590443.gif (59.85 KB, 220x122, 1722549139839.gif)

>"will take soem guy that wants to call me mommy over the moids that want to do anal and want to dominate you"
>assuming everyone doesn't know you're a turbo virgin from your first reply alone

No. 2196797

>trying to use virgin as an insult
i am sorry you had the disgrace to touch a dick nonny, couldnt be me

No. 2196799

>proud of being a virgin (based)
>wants a scruffy nerd to call her mommy (not based)
you can't have both

No. 2196801

you know i cant pull that guy from the screen right? i am not going to fuck him kek

No. 2196829

File: 1728265462815.mp4 (1.65 MB, 720x1280, Video-692.mp4)

has anyone else come across this girl deorebby? i typically get random videos of autists on my instagram reels page and i came across this girl when one of her videos went viral because of how many people were calling her retarded for a video like "things to call your non-binary dom". shes the epitome of a pick-me bdsm n-log, she writes shitty "bratty" music that she uses in all her reels. she occasionally post 3deep5you shit about she's so alienated for getting off to the thought of acting like a little girl. i dont understand how she can genuinely get off to saying retarded shit like "them-peror" or "goddexx".

No. 2196846

Kekkk knew it

No. 2196946

What is this infight I just woke up to. Anyway I'm gonna look at my husbando bruised and bloody and beaten up and begging and he's hot and it's nowhere on the same level as actual moids paying for snuff livestreams

No. 2196974

I don't think he looks bad but/g/ is over there.

No. 2198506

Women into femdom who only equate it to anal on male are disgusting shit-eaters. They are unimaginative to make a male submissive to them without resorting to homosexual moid behavior.
>but moids can't be humiliated with just pussy-
You're a fucking idiot. You're throwing a blanket statement. Instead of properly dominating a guy you're just whoring it up with multiple bi partners thinking you'll always be in the honeymoon phase of dominance where anything you do is embarrassing, refusing to understand change is inevitable.
You're not a dominate woman, you're just a whore those moids tricked into becoming their troon/futa/dickgirl fantasy

No. 2198527

The femdom thread on /g/ needs this. A lot of "femdoms" are just cucks. It's not "empowering" or slightly dominating for you to feel zero pleasure while you jerk off a moid for hours even if it's slightly painful for him. Men's pleasure will never be humiliating.

No. 2201641

Race play in general, though I remember something really weird about it was finding out that a very small minority of them were white women pretending to be non-white women into race play. Such a strange thing to be into

No. 2201648

Kek, what in the world? Were they grifters?

No. 2214514

File: 1729406639715.png (401.24 KB, 748x761, O6bjS0h.png)

No. 2214528

link the tweet or article

No. 2214565

I don't think so. Just some weird porn sick women

No. 2217375

Is it a girl though

No. 2219116

>sexualization of shrine maidens
I really hate how there's targeted sexualization of any woman that's like a nun, shrine maiden, muslim, or just conservative, etc. You don't need to agree with a religion or ideology to recognize that women who have dedicated their lives away from men's sexuality deserve to have their lack of consent respected. of course that applies to all women but I'm talking specifically about how when a woman makes a public decision to be non-sexual, men jump on the idea to sexualize their attire even more, like they just can't stand the idea that a woman is not available. There are plenty of women who I profoundly disagree with but it's never an excuse for debasing them for their womanhood.

No. 2225003

I’m convinced this is what is going to happen to Trisha Paytas’ kids when they get older

No. 2225021

She’s ugly

No. 2225128

bad example this one looks too clean

No. 2225248

File: 1729978750108.webp (83.93 KB, 438x640, IMG_9895.webp)

Make him fat and a weeb with acne nonna, you were way too generous.

No. 2225255

File: 1729978984494.jpeg (64.85 KB, 526x640, IMG_9899.jpeg)

Or like this. And these men are almost always bisexual too kek, I don’t know what’s up with them, but not only are they into the degrading stuff that straight men are , but they are somehow more degenerate too in the sense that they’re into these mommy stuff, piss kink, doggy play and other shit like that.

No. 2266215

File: 1731965360745.png (174.7 KB, 1396x743, election2.png)

/r/SubSanctuary is funny

No. 2266220

File: 1731965681329.png (393.43 KB, 1476x1285, issues.png)

No. 2266229

she’s so fucking close to getting that no man deserves her submission or to degrade her… yet impossibly far from not catering to these degenerates anyways

No. 2266242

File: 1731966629709.png (377.62 KB, 1453x1320, ldr.png)

Last one. Discord relationship gone wrong

No. 2266250

>ears stretched so loose a man couldn't even properly fuck them
Absolutely grotesque

No. 2266283

>I don't call my partner "daddy" just bc it's supposedly sexy. I call my partner "daddy" be my own father never cared enough to protect me from either my brother or my mother. Bc he never cared enough to walk 20 ft into my bedroom and ask me how I was doing. Bc I have a deep and >>2266220
abiding need for approval and acceptance.
That is unironically worse than calling your partner daddy because it's sexy.

No. 2266395

why the fuck is she calling her boyfriend "queer" he is literally in an extremely standard dominant/submissive relationship with a woman i hate redditors so much

No. 2266406

Maybe she said that because he’s bisexual. Although I don’t know how that has anything to do with him being a nice person. Bisexual men are awful kek.

No. 2266857

Weight gain fetish, vore, messy eating

No. 2268397

those types believe that having retarded fetishes makes them Not Like Other Straights basically

No. 2268503

Anything to do with body waste. How to get sick and infected 101.

No. 2268544

File: 1732100845763.mp4 (17.43 MB, 640x640, tumblr_qzb5id2bto1yjjroe.mp4)

>enby puppy girl with her "master" who looks like he smokes meth
what's even sadder is that this is probably the most attractive kinkfags tend to get get

No. 2268545

File: 1732100872191.mp4 (18.47 MB, 640x640, tumblr_qzb5id2bto1yjjroe(1).mp…)

No. 2268608

What's with the cheap wig kek. Is she balding under that?

No. 2268612

Must be nice to not live with social anxiety. In all seriousness I am disgusted and there's something so plain about both their faces I suspect some hidden genetic deformity

No. 2268683

eww this moid looks like scott pilgrim wtf

No. 2268688

Why do weird bitches like this always look like they have a combination of downs and fetal alcohol syndrome

No. 2268691

because most of them do. the kink scene is chock full of developmentally disabled women being preyed upon by smelly scrotes that they're too retarded to realize is bad news

No. 2269324

Anyone else have a “dominant” ex admit to you that they most prefer women who are not into being submissive or compliant? It really fucks with me that my ex said I was the best or his “favorite” because I would fight him off and tell him I hated the sex acts that he would force on me. He was one of those guys who would randomly mention his kinks and then say it was fine if we didn’t indulge them even though “all of his exes were into it”, then when we would have sex he would start strangling me or pinning me down. Given how many stories I’ve seen of dominant men going too far, I think dominant men are rapists. Does anyone have any more insight on this? Apologies if I sound uneducated as this is purely based upon my experience and reading some stories from women who actually identify as submissive and end up getting raped in these arrangements.

No. 2269332

File: 1732140337128.png (428.73 KB, 702x681, IMG_4791.png)

>coom anime hoodie
we need to bring back public shaming

No. 2270001

Nonas, this guy reminds me too much of Jill/pixielock's boyfriend Steven. It's spooky. The face and mannerisms that both of these pornsick scrotes have is like a replica of each other.

No. 2270016

obvious bait

No. 2272285

Her boyfriend looks gay

No. 2272293

erin is back?!

No. 2276322

>look them up
>the girl is an "ftm femboy" now

No. 2276365

>the girl is an "ftm femboy" now
KEKKKK I felt bad for thinking "damn this girl might be a troon now" when I watched the video but I never knew I'd be right kekkk

No. 2276709

>femboy hooters
When you crave male attention but you crave male attention in a way where you want them to pretend to view you as something you absolutely are not and they will never view you as but it gets them a crumb of pussy so they're happy to feed your retarded NLOG delusions. Seriously though, they're always missing completely that men who actually like femboys do so for the cock and balls. Faggot womb tattoo incoming

No. 2304302

File: 1733950534950.jpg (163.8 KB, 1080x1180, trading.jpg)


No. 2304307

This is so funny lmao

No. 2304320

I can kind of understand this, it must have to do with the sort of charisma and person skills it takes to barter, but that being said this is absolutely fake kek it's gotta be.

No. 2304321

shameful fetishes thread-core

No. 2304324

Imagine them trying to do foreplay with an OCD/OCPD sufferer and they just keep going up to higher and higher prices

No. 2304325

I don't even gaf if it's fake, this is fucking funny kek. At least trading is pretty morally neutral unlike most fetishes here.

No. 2304326

kek moids are so retarded, at least this one is funny

No. 2304353

Your scrote likes nonconsensual acts. He had a rape kink and that was his round about way of saying it.

No. 2304567

How does that have anything to do with ocd/pd?

No. 2305017

Now he needs to get with an extreme cheapskate who constantly undervalues his wares to the point that he's selling himself for pocket change.

No. 2321255

Male footfags need the rope. I know it's one of the tamest fetishes but I don't care. All of them, from the worst who draw real life people with nasty unwashed filthy toenails to the "decent" ones who want to cuddle up to their girlfriend's feet. I don't know why it grosses me out so much on the psychological level, but it does. Maybe something about their own degradation.
Also why are they into dirty and extremely gross feet, going so far to enjoy the smell and taste? When I was younger I thought it was just "shape is hot, looks like genitals" but nope.

No. 2321258

Feet are ugly imo so I'm also disgusted by footfags no matter what. Just reading your post made me want to kill myself, it was too detailed.

No. 2321259

Thats called rape and he is a rapist

No. 2321268

I mainly hate that they try to insert their fetish everywhere, almost every single one I've had the displeasure of seeing would just talk endlessly about how much they love feet and want a footjob in completely unrelated conversations and saw nothing wrong with it, they're gross. Couldn't ever mention a female character without bringing up her feet

No. 2321277

Kek that was too detailed? Welp. Here's some tea to revive you and make you feel better. And same I hate seeing them, I think my own are ugly and I don't want to see anyone else's in public, sandals included. I have the opposite of a fetish, get those ugly things away from me.
As a kid I used to wonder how nice life would be if I just had flat slabs for feet or hopped around with a single combined leg because I hated feet KEK

No. 2321278

He was just a rapist trying to find a plausible deniability loophole, sorry. Doing it to his girlfriends instead of randoms is how he got away with it. He exploited your trust. If he regularly did things you had to fight him off for doing then that's not "play" for anyone but him. It made him horny and got him off, he didn't care about you.

No. 2321289

Vile. That type of moid's kink is manipulation and abusing someone to change who they are, to put it broadly. There's no fun in forcing someone who already consents to consent. But there is fun, to them, in forcing someone who doesn't, because it feels like a challenge and accomplishment in their moidy brains. It's under the same general umbrella as moids who fap to the idea of converting lesbians, turning "pure" women like nuns into sluts, etc. It's creepy shit

No. 2328429

Feet and toes are so ugly to me. How are people attracted to them.
Then again genitals of both genders are objectively not that pretty and the horny human mind forgets that in its state of horny, so I guess I can pretend to understand.

No. 2329879

It’s because of the fact that the parts of people’s brains that have to do with genitalia and arousal are right next to the part that processes feeling in the feet and toes

No. 2330435

nearly all of them are obsessed with children's feet as well

No. 2338545

File: 1736339969675.mp4 (2.1 MB, 480x854, lizbuG7.mp4)

>A trans diaper influencer, whose fetish involves acting like a little girl in public, is recommending wearing diapers to Pride parades.

No. 2338614

Weight Gain: gluttony
Wearing Diapers: sloth
Pissing: envy
Scat: wrath
Anilingus: greed
Choking: pride
Hybristophilia: lust

No. 2338623

Kek explain the three in the middle

No. 2338630

Let's try
- Envy of the penis which is engineered better for disposing of liquid waste
- Uncontrollable rage of the stomach and digestive system
- Greed of sexual contact to the point of using tongue on bacteria-laden butthole

No. 2338634

Seconding this and please explain how choking is pride, unless you mean the choker not the chokee then I can kind of understand.

No. 2339260

i feel molested

No. 2339268

I was half expecting StefOnKnee

No. 2339916

File: 1736423756634.png (5 KB, 1239x48, 1.png)

I wanted to connect the seven sins with kinks so I tried to make some sense of it

No. 2339918

>lc screencap
So we had the furfags then the incestfags and now we have literal pedo fags..make hellmass a hellyear

No. 2340374

File: 1736453339730.jpg (77.47 KB, 677x598, tumblr kinks.jpg)

this picture will never cease to be relevant

No. 2340396

Literally shoe0nhead

No. 2367640

File: 1737939587203.jpeg (181.49 KB, 945x2048, IMG_0969.jpeg)

Send the flood

No. 2367676

Is there scientific proof for the genetic part? Maybe epigenetic could make sense but I can only see it as trauma in a single person.

No. 2367721

Women like this just sadden me.

No. 2367739

None at all. Male fetishists pull this too when they say their sissy porn addiction is a paraphilia caused by genes

No. 2367812

File: 1737948484395.jpg (140.53 KB, 755x827, mousetrauma.JPG)

Yes, there was a study done where they were able to traumatize mice with the smell of almonds and that trauma was passed down to their children. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fearful-memories-passed-down/
I don't see why they think that excuses it though. Trauma is trauma, you should try to fix it, not indulge in it.

No. 2368170

yeah this is what people are referring to when they say “generational trauma” usually, but I don’t think the mice got kinky with almonds

No. 2368512

Don't get this "muh trauma" excuse so much. If you have trauma then mayyyybe it would be a better idea to find a way to heal yourself from it rather then engaging in the traumatic event over and over again.

Rape victims who self-harm either by cutting themselves or deliberately getting into sexual situations as a form of taking back power are also trauma responses too—should that be okay too because "muh trauma"?

No. 2373540

Spit is gross as hell to me and I have no idea where the appeal comes from, especially drool that actually makes me gag

No. 2374899

Why do so many moids have foot fetishes? They keep quoting the "ackshually it's because feet and genital recognition is close in the brain" but is that even true or just bogus pseudoscience?

No. 2374903

It's because men subconsciously know they should be at our feet

No. 2374953

I've been asking myself the same thing for a long time, but it finally made sense when I heard this explanation: feet are kind of a secret. They are usually hidden behind shoes. Now combine that with male predatory sexuality and you will have them lust over feet, the thrill is to see something you are not supposed to see. And combine that also with the fact that IF you do see feet, it's usually innocent (like in summer when a woman wears sandals) and you can basically eye-fuck the person without them even knowing. Basically non-consent, which is another appeal.

It explains why males are so obsessed with collecting pictures of celebrity feet. They can't get full nudes, they don't want the bikini pics that are posted by the celebs themselves, they want the conquest of finding something that they are not supposed to see in full HD.

Oh and also that's why they get off on soles so much. Why not the toes or view from the top? Easily visible. Soles are even more hidden. Of course they pull the whole "feet and genital recognition is close in the brain" shit because they don't want to admit the real reason behind it, which is that foot fetishism is just another play on pushing boundaries, going one step further than they should, sexualizing innocence. And it's an easily achievable goal, no woman truly gives a fuck if someone has feet pics of her laying around somewhere.

I swear I'm not a foot fag kek just trying to explain my thoughts on this

No. 2374958

Its because feet are sensitive and also for some they denote submissiveness. There is a reason why most footfags are into femdom and if they are dominant leaning they are into tickling.

No. 2374963

watersports exists and body fluids are sexy, so why are squirters so in denial that squirt is pee?(wrong thread)

No. 2375019

A pattern I've noticed is usually the scrotes with this fetish tend to be the more submissive, beta male types. They'll want to be stepped on and be into feet in a femdom way a lot of the time. They're usually lazy and passive types and want women to do everything for them in sex and pass that as femdom. If a guy is more normal and doesn't have a fetish for being submissive usually he won't really be as fixated on feet in my experience. But there are also ones like >>2374953 where they like feet in this way too, I just think I see the former more frequently.

No. 2375180

Why was this redtexted kek. To answer your question, they get off to the idea that it's something rare so it's like an achievement unlocked in a game. People with urine fetishes are different because they're all about losing control or the filth of it or some shit

No. 2376687

Why do men sexualize anthro characters so much? Like what could possible be attractive or sexual about them?

No. 2376688


No. 2383078

Moids who like footjobs. Why the hell do you want toes on your dick?
>inb4 "they're just retarded perverts who'll stick their dick into anything"
Like logistically, there's no stimulation, there's no lubrication, and a grip can hurt.

No. 2383122

The taboo?

No. 2387603

The fact that shaving kinks exist baffles me. Not even people having smooth bodies but the actual process of shaving body hair off gets some people off when it’s extremely annoying and I usually have a shitton of cuts whenever I shave so that’s also obnoxious to deal with

No. 2387607

I think most women who claim to have kinks are lying and just want to seem edgy or they just like the aesthetic of bdsm.

No. 2387656

Late reply but a while ago I’ve read an infographic that explains why moids love feet so much. The main reason why is because they correlates your pussy = your feet since they are on the lower half of your body, sth about feet that makes them think you’re very submissive, docile, and helpless too due to the fact that they’re so close to the ground.

No. 2387721

i think kinda similar but i think most women with kinks just like it in a safe fantasy in their mind or in a story than irl

No. 2392460

What's lc's take on futa on male?

No. 2392464

Pretty sure most users would consider that to just be gay porn

No. 2392471

I honestly believe that's the greatest distinction between most male and female fetishists. 9 times out of 10, most women with strange, gross, and degenerate fetishes tend to keep it to themselves and in fiction or stories along with this a lot of women have the tendencies to stop their fetish from developing into worse or more comorbid fetishes and they also have a sense of shame and dignity with their fetishes too. That's why you don't see a lot of female sissy fetishists but you see a whole lot more male sissy fetishists.

No. 2422711

I know this is a little taboo to ask, but are racial fetishes a lot more common among men than women? It doesn't seem to be very common among women based on what I see on AO3.

No. 2422721

Absolutely. Men are just deviant shits like that so yeah

No. 2422722

Yes. And even when women do it's usually not sexual like men do. It's just preference

No. 2422724

Where's that meme comparing the two with the woman saying "he's cute" to a kpop idol while the moid is saying "i want a submissive japanese child wife" or something

No. 2423373

File: 1740774477562.jpg (162.93 KB, 945x941, memeasian.jpg)

No. 2423376

Kek so true

No. 2423471

About time one of these weirdos was thin.

Same. It would've been worse looking at Jabba the Hutt pulling up his skirt though

No. 2423550

I feel like women have stronger racial preferences than men but don't really sexualize that preference on a meta level, if that makes sense.

With men it's all entirely hypocritical.They feel entitled to sexualize other women but will seethe constantly if anyone sexualizes "their" women.

No. 2430464

I don't understand how men can be into crush, What's erotic about stepping on a piece of fruit or birthday cake? I get that the women are in ~sexy~ heels/dresses but it's still stupid

No. 2430480

if it's a fruit or a birthday cake it's weird af but innocuous. back in the days I saw someone crushing a small kitten with their heels. every moid who jerked off to it should've been executed.

No. 2430520

yeah I've heard of hard crush before. I've never seen kitten videos outside of censored news, but I unfortunately once learned child crush was a thing after a video of a latina woman crushing her toddler aged daughter in heels went semi viral. It's more obvious why men jerk off to that shit though

No. 2441672

File: 1741822247325.png (1.02 MB, 1479x1179, latexpsergs.png)

I think these suits are hella cool in the ''outfits that a creepy villian would wear'' way, but who the actual fuck is getting off to this? what mento illness do you need to get off to Unisex Inflatable Latex Egg Capsule? these look straight up demonic

No. 2441674

Old rich faggots like ryan murphy who have tried literally everything else and are bored by their own existence

No. 2441675

that one is for those furries who have an egg laying kink

No. 2441678

File: 1741822620530.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.48 KB, 600x900, IMG_0005-600x900.jpg)

are there really furfags to get off to the idea of hatching out of an egg? why do i even ask, i know there is probably a fruitful community of those degens

No. 2441700

Egg kink reminds me of that tif who thought she was Hitler

No. 2441736

Oh god don't remind me

No. 2441774

Why is this so fucking funny kek

No. 2441778

Because of how bizarre it is. The idea that anyone would be sexually aroused by something that is humanly impossible never fails to outrageous. Plus, it doesn't even look like an egg and also we as human will never know what that's like. See how there's layers to this insanity?

No. 2441779

>We recommend entering the Alien Egg before it is fully inflated. Once inside, you put the respiratory mask on and you can either sit down, kneel or adopt a foetal position which add the full dimension to the inside-egg experience, just like being held in a womb. The four panels are then zipped up enclosing you completely. Once inside, although your movements are tightly restricted, you will still be able to move your arms with a little effort in order to reach the inside zip runner. This is a security feature that we thought necessary to ensure a safe emergency exit in case your play partner was unexpectedly unavailable.
>As a sub inside, you are sure to appreciate the complete sensory deprivation and the utter isolation. From outside, you will enjoy the multiple two way zip runners which open to allow full access anywhere inside the Egg without having to open it from the top down. The player outside may use this feature to startle the wearer inside with random tickles, pinches or in anyway you can imagine. The Alien Egg can be enjoyed naked or in full rubber gear. Sharp objects should however be avoided.

No. 2448119

File: 1742185211708.png (1.43 MB, 1487x1987, sdsadadsadsadad.png)

I am sorry nonnies i found more of these and i wanted to share them. Their dead fish eyes are the cherry on top. I am so morbidly curious about this subculture now, its fucking terrifying.

No. 2448123

This isn't even a kink, just mental illness. I really want to interview people who buys these.

No. 2448127

Idk everyone has seen crazy fetishes at this point. There were widespread entertainment-style documentaries on people who want to fuck amusement park rides and furries will probably have an official letter in the lgbeefabet soon. I'm not saying this to be rude, I actually think you might be into this and that's why you keep looking at it and posting it here bc I don't find it that fascinating tbh(infight bait)

No. 2448134

Some instagram moron is salivating at the chance to buy this and wear ironically for #avant-garde fashion purposes

No. 2448135

I can barely get behind women doing this sub kink shit, But doing it for a fugly, deformed acne ridden hideous goblin, queer looking ass scrote like this? Wtf?

No. 2448138

>posts weird kink i find mega cringe in the kinkshame thread
>Reeee this means you get off on it!
why even come to this thread if you dont want to see people laugh at weird fetish weirdos

No. 2448150

Yeah, that anon might be a little stressed or something. I think you've posted like, 4 screenshots of these outfits at most.
I find it interesting. I haven't seen stuff like this before, especially the weird egg. Thanks to whichever anon included the product description and how it worked. I never would have imagined it was kinky for the person inside of it, or the emergency safety measures they had the foresight to implement kek

No. 2448157

I only posted two, actually kek. I found out about this retarded fetish thanks to tokyo gore police. There is a scene where a chick wears one of these with demon horns and i found it cool, i thought it was something the author made for the film honestly i had no idea it was a fetish subculture until a friend told me.

No. 2448167

I really had no emotional reaction at all anon, that's why I posted itt I normally ignore. I thought "hm that isn't very interesting" and that you might have repressed feelings about it or something, since you said you find it "fascinating" and have posted it more than once. Not to be obvious but your reaction is kind of making me go with my gut on this

No. 2448172

Anon i am sorry you have been subjected to so much degeneracy online you are currently desensitized by it. Normal people find it weird and the world doesnt revolve around you. Its actually concerning you dont find it weird because of the amount of shit you must have seen online, i am sorry.

No. 2448173

Absolutely that could be it. I really wasn't trying to offend you nona, I meant that. I wanted to help by making you aware of your fetish. I think it's really nice that you guys didn't have access to all these tlc shows and porn pop ups on regular things in your formative years(bait)

No. 2448174

Nta but holy fuck you're obnoxious as hell and your weird delusional assumption that finding weirdos fascinating means you have some sort of repressed sexual curiosity is SO male

No. 2448177

Posting weird porn that you consider "fascinating" isn't male but ignoring porn completely is? Your overreaction to another person being questioned (delicately) about whether they have a fetish and taking that very personally is a bit male too anon

No. 2448178

I'm absolutely bewildered that the fetish thread is full of reactionary users accusing others of being male. That is crazy. See you fellas later

No. 2448179

>I know you are but what am I
You're trying very hard to come off as rational and intellectual. It's actually very common to make fun of retarded fetish autists, especially on lolcow dot farm. You sound socially stunted, botlike even.

No. 2448181

> I wanted to help by making you aware of your fetish
why are you projecting onto me, i am not the one that confessed to seeing so much fucked up shit they cannot feel disgust at weird latex egg suits anymore

No. 2448185

It literally sounds like chatgpt slop

No. 2448188

You've posted over multiple days >>2448150 so that means you're going back to look at it. It seems like you actually want my take on this, as much as that's angering your weird fan club. And yeah, a lot of older users who grew up with cable tv were exposed to crazy shit they wouldn't have looked up themselves or consented to, if they had awareness of the long-term of effects of being exposed to material like that. LC also has a high number of autists, who enjoy the appearance of smooth things. You all keep ignoring that explanation and continuing to sperg, I guess bc I'm interrupting "us girls get grossed out by fetishes" time(baiting)

No. 2448189

Hey newfag, at the top left of a thread there is a ''-'' symbol. Hide it instead of sperging about the topics of a thread.

No. 2448190

You legitimately sound like a lost man offended that your interests are being made fun of.

No. 2448196

This shit is terrifying. Sexy is about the last word I’d use. I’m autistic and grew up in the 2000s with cable TV and free internet and this is a sensory nightmare for me

No. 2448197

They're telling on themselves. Autistic men may like that absolutely retarded shit

No. 2448239

Your whole argument is such a bizarre hill to die on especially when multiple people have called you out lol. Saying that the anon being weirded out by the latex fetish means she has said fetish is literally the you want to fuck spiders 4chan meme

No. 2448243

>multiple people have called you out lol
No offense but that doesn't mean anything anymore. If a bunch of anons "called me out" before last december, I might reconsider something I said or did but lately that doesn't mean anything at all to me. You guys keep dogpiling that it's not weird to post over multiple days about the same kink, esp. one that isn't very interesting or funny so it stood out for that reason. If an anon pointed this out to me, after I had posted repeatedly about the same kink, I would realize it was kind of weird, just say it wasn't my kink and then move on(ban evasion)

No. 2448247

File: 1742199212951.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.23 KB, 1032x774, meg_griffin_buff_powerful_by_s…)

Men with fetishes for extreme body types creep me the fuck out. With the exception of the ones into musclepigs because they make magnificent works of autism like picrel. I wonder why moids have fetishes for extreme bodytypes, body expansion, etc? it seems like one of the most ''exclusively male'' fetishes. Even gay moids inject their balls with oil to make them bigger. Kinda explains why men obsess over their dick sizes so much.

No. 2448385

Progressive body transformation from thin to fat and fat to thin

No. 2448440

men have the luxury of fetishizing any kind of body type they want because they werent reliant on their partner for protection and survival like women were

No. 2448559

kek what is the appeal?

No. 2448659

>Even gay moids inject their balls with oil to make them bigger
There is no way, anon. You are lying to me on the internet.

No. 2448662

I get you, anon. Musclefags at least fixate on something attainable (ish) and have "I want a woman to dominate me" undertones, which is still pretty gross coming from a coomer autist but not serial killer-tier.

No. 2448668

Honestly, safe horny is just as retarded as unsafe horny. Who literally wants a woman with that body type combined with some vague idea of a alt vibe.

No. 2448671

Oh yeah, 100% just as retarded but very very funny

No. 2448704

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No. 2448769

>anon also now wishes she didn't know about Dylan Hafertepen
What a massive piece of shit. I guess I am glad I know now because that feels like all you can do, but wow, I really want to alog kek
Thinking about it, I'm also glad I don't have "degenerate scrote sexuality", to quote another anon. Happy the worst I could potentially do to myself is troon out, and that's never gonna happen. well, and nullification, but I consider that a deeper mentally ill subset of trooning kek

No. 2448842

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Relationship update lmao

No. 2448846

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No. 2448859

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No. 2448874

All it took was a dog ear headband and cringe roleplay for a moid to try and make her fuck dogs in real life and he probably fucked dogs himself. This is why male furfags and men into kink shit in general should not be given the benefit of the doubt.

No. 2448880

if only you knew how bad things really are

No. 2448892

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All of his content is also guy on guy, really wonder what was going on there tbh

No. 2448915

>he was a zoophile and wanted to make me fuck dogs
>but uguu dont kink shame, kink is safe and consensual!
god these people are so retarded. Moids can justify getting off to child rape and bestiality as long as its under the ''kink'' umbrella now thanks to thse pickmes.

No. 2449620

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Why do furries insert their fetish into every political art they make

The red demon one looks like it belongs in a contemporary art museum

No. 2449623

I was thinking about this the other day. If furries were more normal about the furry thing I don’t think it would be as big of a deal as it is. But they can’t be normal about it and instead also make it about inflation, feet, feederism, diapers, and whatever other degeneracy that is normalized in that sphere. Imagine a world where being a furry just meant you liked cute animal mascots and nothing else.

No. 2449634

The worst part about it is that they don't even care that people like them are now considered the faces of "the radical left" and conservitards have used them to push their own agendas and say all leftists are mentally ill retards like this.

No. 2449643

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LMFAOOOOO who could have known this would happen????

No. 2449654

My guess is they're too autistic to appreciate normal proportions and see in black and white, plus influence from media, porn, shooped pics etc. they see all the time with exaggerated proportions, so they crave more of it and want to create their own extremes. Normal bodies are probably too "boring" for them.

No. 2449840

What is the appeal of stuff that's literally dirty, like unwashed body parts or bodily waste? Like are they into it because it's gross and they're masochistic about that or what

No. 2449978

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Wanted to shit on cuck fetishists for having no honor but woolies are more unique. For some reason this shit is popular in germany.
>desperate attempt to seem youthful despite looking like an 80 year old woman at best
Why are troons like this

No. 2449980

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I just looked this up and honestly I want something like this. I get such a cold face in winter. It looks cute.

No. 2449984

it has no legs…

No. 2449986

I've personally noticed from my non-scientific sample size of (2) that two different men I know had foot fetishes, and they both came "out" as autistic at some point and one of them came out as being a troon. I wonder if it's a hormone/fucked-up wiring in the brain that causes this autism and troonism at the same time

No. 2450082

It does, it’s wearing gold leggings.

No. 2450085

In my personal experience there is no man who isn’t at least a little bit attracted to feet. They swear they’re not but suddenly your toes are in his mouth during missionary or he gets on his knees and starts kissing your stinky feet after you get in from work.

No. 2450089

I unironically want one, it looks comfortable.

No. 2450091

Ew I didn't need that image kek

No. 2450160

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Gross and masochistic (betawomen subreddit)

No. 2450462

Why though

No. 2450532

I think it's that and also about the contrast it creates for them. You know how men say women don't poop or pee and get grossed out by us having normal bodily functions? It's basically the opposite of that, they know it's gross but get off on the contrast between a pretty woman they built up as untouched, clean and pure having that "disgusting" side to her. The filth becomes appealing to them precisely because it's coming from a beautiful woman. They see it as an intimate thing that they would be able to feel and touch her dirty things that are usually hidden to the public and get off on the idea of being able to see bodily waste coming from something they consider beautiful. In a way it's like bringing the woman down to their level too since they're aware they're disgusting themselves, so that also gives them a thrill. This is also why I believe not as many women are into men's dirty socks, underwear or bodily waste, because most men are gross and portrayed as such to begin with, so there's no contrast to be had.
I can vouch for this too, all the males I met that were into feet were also autistic and into troonism. I think it's because most men into feet tend to be more submissive and beta types, so they're more likely to be swayed by troon ideology from being told they must be women if they're not a big, dominant type of male.

No. 2450562

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Ever heard of the cortical homunculus? Sensory processing for feet is done right next to where processing for genitals is done, so their wires can get crossed easily.

No. 2450806

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How do you even develop a cannibalism kink? Like what's the psychological reasoning here?

No. 2450809

sounds like an edgelord more than a fetishist

No. 2450814

Most human meat isn't safe to consume

No. 2450819

No. 2450839

Adult for sure. She was a Cartoon Network artist.

No. 2457749

Anyone who thinks femdom is genuinely empowering or should be considered a feminist thing is an actual idiot

Wow someone who’s into pet play wants to fuck pets what a shock

No. 2457843

It pisses me off just how ugly this is. The ACAB isn't even good graffiti, the face is terrible, I could forgive it being furry art if it was drawn well, the lettering was nice and the tits weren't engorged.

No. 2457966

I forgot about these. I wish I didn't know it was a fetish because they do look pretty cool sometimes. I hope no poor wife is being tricked into knitting this stuff for their degen scrote.

No. 2458002

I feel like if someone manages to trick a woman into knitting this for him, she should be legally allowed to beat him in the head with a hammer. The agony of knitting a good sweater for someone, could you even imagine how much work this full body bullshit is?

No. 2458005

The left one is terrifying omg

No. 2458067

I used to know a lot of so-called femdoms and it always baffled me just how male-centric the kink and its venn diagram overlaps are: Chastity caging, cock-and-ball torture, forcefem, queening (idc if it's cunnilingus, it's cunnilingus that forces the woman to perform instead of actually enjoying herself). Like all of it is centered around and for the benefit of moids. Femdoms don't really seem like they ever get to relax, probably because they're too busy fulfilling their moid's sexual proclivities instead of just doing what she wants. (And no, sorry, I don't believe any woman legitimately wants to "force feminize" a man. That's some psyop shit.)

No. 2458072

NTA but thats not ''male centered''. Thats like saying bdsm is female centered because its the woman that gets the beatings lmfao. I am not into femdom but the whole point of domination fetishes is to watch someone get humilliated, that doesnt mean maledom is suddenly female centered because it focused on the woman wearing a dog collar.

No. 2458076

Anon you can't seriously think the men in those positions are actually humiliated, do you? It's all an act. If they didn't want to be there, they wouldn't. Most of them get a power trip off of making a woman do what they want and "dominate" them in this way.

No. 2458080

I didnt say that, learn to read. I was just pointing out that in theory its not 'male centered' because the domme is getting the pleasure out of humilliating the scrote. A lot of pickmes defend maledom bdsm shit under the same pretence ''uguu its all centered on the sub, the sub is the one that actually has the power!!1!'' when its not true and the whole point of the fetish is to humilliate the submissive.

No. 2458096

I want to know how much they sell for but idek what to google. If it's a lot, we should tell the retired older women so they can start their own knit mafia.
>For some reason this shit is popular in germany.
German moids truly are built different kek, we never catch a break when it comes to the level of fetishistic autistism.

No. 2458977

Not surprising actually

No. 2459429

I used to follow an account I thought was cool and didn't know is a gay gear fetish account. Lots of people featured there are from Germany. Apparently there are a lot of gay mask kinkers and fetish events being held there kek

No. 2460974

Imagine knitting all that and then it accidentally getting all stretched out of shape so it no longer fits. Laundering those things would be so tedious (and gross).

No. 2461019

Ya’ll better hope a humiliation fetishist doesn’t find this thread kek

No. 2461045

That's a cute pfp tho. But also human meat probably doesn't even taste that good.

No. 2461046

I know degeneracy exists everywhere but why is it more common in germany?

No. 2461050

The amount of work is why I think nobody is committing to knitting these full-body nightmares unless they 100% know and are making bank imo. It'd take hundreds of dollars worth of yarn and spending 100+ hours just to complete this thing. It's not something you can just make over a weekend. Nobody is doing that for a friend of acquaintance out of the kindness of their hearts, and I feel like you'd have to be really stupid to not realize your Nigel has a fetish if he starts begging you to make something like this.

No. 2461067

Idk maybe “he” is a troon or bi
It was pretty popular with gay dudes during the HIV crisis because it didn’t require intercourse. It’s also where hyper-masculine “leather daddy” culture emerged as a response to stereotypes about gay men being effeminate and AIDS-ridden. I think a lot of them noticed the sadomasochistic nature of masculinity and the police and embraced it as a way to gain power over those things. Supposedly, a maledom/femsub relationship parodies strict gender roles, purity culture, etc. Tbh I think outlawing kink is justified, but it’s weird that some US states do that but allow corporal punishment for schoolchildren for example.

No. 2461069

This looks so unsexual I cant even be grossed out by it. Moid sexual autism is truly something.

No. 2461663

Femdom is very patriarchal. 19:21 in vid, (also RunawaySiren940 RIP)

No. 2461669

Why do none of you actually read the posts you respond to? retard. You are the reason so many traumatized women get groomed into in maledom.

No. 2462259

>men find it humiliating to be dominated by a woman.
>a-acktually, being spat on and called a whore isn’t humiliating at all for women!!!

No. 2462293

Are you speaking from personal experience, kek.

No. 2462421

There are more options than just maledom and femdom. You could just not be involved in BDSM whatsoever. Which I imagine is the view of most people posting in the kinkshaming thread.

No. 2463307

I don't understand the orc fetish. How are there people unironically attracted to orcs?

No. 2463313

I can kinda, kinda see it if the orc is buff/not an uggo in a booktok dark fantasy way but aren't orcs (at least in porn) portrayed as ugly rape monsters?

No. 2463332

I see it more like a self-harm thing, I'm not into that but I get why some women would want an orc to feel some sort of catharsis with the characters that would feel disgusted. Like how some women like ugly looking monsters or ugly bastards, it's just a wish to feel like shit because we're taught to feel disgusted by our own sexuality.

No. 2463459

Orcs tend to be portrayed as rapists ravaging elves in hentai. Same with goblins. It's just a symptom of hentai brain fry.

No. 2463559

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The only orcs I can see sane women being attracted to are the ones that a just recolors of your generic ripped anime bishie like picrel. Anything else is self harm.

No. 2463575

Tbh I don't know why I like these recolored bishie orcs/oni so much. It's just, they're green! And have fangs. I like that.

No. 2463745

She started her post with "in my personal experience" so I would assume so

No. 2463749

Again, failing to properly understand the point i am making. Just stop responding if you dont have the reading comprehension neccesary.

No. 2463806

Then what point are you making? Multiple anons seem to be misunderstanding you, so you must not be as clear as you think you are.

No. 2464139

drop the sauce sister inshallah

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