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No. 2154863
Make fun of weird ass fetishes and the degenerates who like them
and no you can’t crosspost nonas from /g/Last Threads
>>392418>>453716 No. 2154891
>>2154865I've looked into the communities a few times and it is rife with abuse primarily in the form of hypnotists trying to milk their
victims out of money
No. 2155716
>>2155209As the anon who made this thread I added that in because we already have “Lolcow’s own screencaps” for de/g/en shaming
>>>/ot/2072706 if so many nonnas want that part removed from the OP then go right ahead to /meta/ and request farmhands/admins to remove it as it’s being discussed there currently
>>>/meta/82613 No. 2164451
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The entire city of SF doesn't get kinkshamed enough. They have an entire fucking "Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District" with the bdsm pride flag everywhere (I guess the mayor thought this was a good idea a few years ago). I just hate the conflation of LGB people with kink, and the lumping in of straight kinksters under the "queer" label. The city is also the former hq of kink dot com, which when that company bought the armory building was next to a women's shelter and had been planned as a location for low-income housing. Kink won out though. Of course the company had a lot of controversy about abusing their female performers (including multiple lawsuits). People say the place is woke, but it really has a culture where male sadism trumps everything else. So much so in fact, it's part of the "cultural heritage".
No. 2195501
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why do they all look like this
No. 2195696
I thought that was Jodie for a second and got excited kek.
>>2195585Probably means child molesters.
No. 2196023
>>2195955>claims to hates moids>cant stop obsessively thinking about them>always frustrated about lack of animoid pics>entire life is dedicated to worshipping media of moidsLol. Lmao even.
If you hate them so much, why don’t you just distance yourself from them?
No. 2196035
>>2196023>claims to hates moids>cant stop obsessively thinking about themSounds pretty coherent to be honest. Hate is closer to love than indifference
>>2196003>>2196012kek can you stop assuming every anon you don't agree with is part of a hivemind/one specific person
No. 2196039
>>2196023Because polilez autist, I am attracted to men. You can't control your sexuality.
>>2196029I'm not even a shotafag but the hate they get here is ridiculous, I've never heard of a female shotafag molesting kids like male loli/shotafags do. Go to Tumblr.
No. 2196062
>>2196047How the fuck is masturbating to anime men centering them? Are you retarded?
>still caping for pedoshit even though men also like shotaThere's a man out there who's bound to like anything a woman does, what's your point?
>>2196054What Korean shotafag? I've never heard this story. Either way I doubt most of these female rapists are shotacons.
>>2196055>babygirlTwittard tourist moment. Genuinely don't understand where any of you guys care about male
victims when they think of women so disgustingly.
(infighting) No. 2196148
>>2196091Whenever moids get obsessed with a character, be it male or female, I just start to dislike the character itself or avoid it. Ankha, 2B, Bowsette, that retarded clown from the tranny cartoon, Astolfo, whatever. It's like they have the reverse Midas touch where everything they touch turns to shit. All the porn they mass-produce is so samey whenever these characters get hyped up online, and then they cry on the side about how they're lonely and "men just want to be loved" blablabla while drawing the most vile shit imaginable. Their obsession with degrading "pure" figures like shrine maidens or nuns is also so telling why they're majorly pedophiles. I don't understand how most women aren't put off by men forever just by the way they act or what they post online, but instead they fantasize about one being nice to them one day, or protect them liking those things even. Every dude claims that every man loves jacking off to the worst porn imaginable and they'll protect their right to do so too. Too many Reddit posts where dudes will make fun of women who say they don't want to be with a man who watches porn. Part of me is glad I'm a homo (though moidslop FOTM unsexy anime shit still seeps its way into my timelines/dashboard/fyp via algorithm), but I do feel bad for other het women out there seeing what they're forced to deal with. Seen too many women get with a guy and he instantly turns into a freak weeb pervert wifebeater the moment he shackles her down and weds her.
No. 2196182
I hate footfags and how they insert their retarded fetish into everything even if it's not as disgusting as other more extreme ones. This guy I know will literally brag in public online about how much he loves footjobs as if it's something to be proud of and any time he likes a character I just shudder because I already know the next sentence out of his mouth is gonna be "(insert character name) should have a footjob scene/fanart". He also admitted that if he became an artist, he would just draw fetish porn. Then despite acting like this and shoving his fetish at any chance he gets despite how disgusting and inappropriate it is he'll still somehow say he's not a coomer, just because he isn't as bad as the other coomers who have multiple fetishes or post porn more often. Men are so retarded and shameless. I'm sick of these libshit men pretending they're progressive and feminist while objectifying women like this and parading their fetishes out in the open.
>>2196148100% true, I feel the exact same way except I'm not a lesbian. I hate how their sexuality functions and how they always go to these extremes and ruin everything around them. They don't even bother hiding any of their degeneracy anymore and are proud of how disgusting they are which really gets on my nerves, not to mention how they equate it with having a healthy sex drive when it's really just them being coomers and not normal about sex at all
No. 2196203
>>2196194From what I know it comes from the degrading factor, a sort of “you’re beneath me, now eat out my shit hole” type of thing. Or it’s a femdom / femboy / sissy type of thing where it’s feminizing the guy, a lot of the time it’s a precursor to pegging
No. 2196248
>>2196182I swear footfags and cuckfags are
incapable of being normal. Most coomers are annoying about it of course but it's like these two groups just CANNOT ever turn it off.
No. 2196251
>>2195854To be fair most ryona featuring male characters is
nothing compared to the goreshit that moids draw.
No. 2196272
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I once went to a "Kink in Anime" panel at a con to watch the shitshow. I thought it would be about kink in anime, but instead it was an unintentionally hilariously awkward demo plus q and a session where assorted nerds lined up to ask about how they could meet girls with their kink.
>host says he wants to fuck a spider lady from some monstergirl thing
>at one point a girl in Demon Slayer cosplay stands up and complains that she's been shamed for her necrophilia fetish, no one knows how to react
>a bunch of nerds complain that they can't meet a chick with their specific anime fetish, sometimes mentioning that they are still virgins
>host gets a bunch of fat weeb girls (and one skinny weeb guy) to line up in front of the stage and turn around while he slaps their asses at high speed with a leather whip thing while walking down the row
>host ends by asking where the local kink clubs are so he can meet women and "experience the local kink culture"
It was a shitshow, just not in the way I expected.
No. 2196302
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>>2196091Most gyaru are hostesses anon, aside from niche joke styles from the 90s like yamanba gyaru/ganguro has always been about looking sexy for club douchebags.
The whole ‘feminist gyaru’ is just a weird cope from western girls looking in on what’s basically the Japanese equivalent of the jersey shore or chavs.
No. 2196618
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>>2196603I remember a bunch of anons defending this in the gyaru thread
No. 2196638
>>2196120I used to work in a bar where 'munches' that were advertised on fetlife happened. Midweek so always while it was quiet and they had the same corner they stuck to. They didn't follow their own bs rules they claim to have about discretion at munches, like not showing up to a regular ass bar basically wearing their kink as a signal.
Still somehow had a couple occasions where people not in the know about it.. thought it was an intellectual disability group.
No. 2196659
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>>2165572>>2175441most of the time men with mommy kinks have unwashed long hair and look like betas
>I want a goth mommy gf with big milkies to dominate and spit on me No. 2196784
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>>2196777>"will take soem guy that wants to call me mommy over the moids that want to do anal and want to dominate you">assuming everyone doesn't know you're a turbo virgin from your first reply aloneKek
No. 2196797
>>2196784>trying to use virgin as an insulti am sorry you had the disgrace to touch a dick
nonny, couldnt be me
No. 2196829
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has anyone else come across this girl deorebby? i typically get random videos of autists on my instagram reels page and i came across this girl when one of her videos went viral because of how many people were calling her retarded for a video like "things to call your non-binary dom". shes the epitome of a pick-me bdsm n-log, she writes shitty "bratty" music that she uses in all her reels. she occasionally post 3deep5you shit about she's so alienated for getting off to the thought of acting like a little girl. i dont understand how she can genuinely get off to saying retarded shit like "them-peror" or "goddexx".
No. 2214514
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No. 2225248
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>>2196659Make him fat and a weeb with acne nonna, you were way too generous.
No. 2225255
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>>2196659Or like this. And these men are almost always bisexual too kek, I don’t know what’s up with them, but not only are they into the degrading stuff that straight men are , but they are somehow more degenerate too in the sense that they’re into these mommy stuff, piss kink, doggy play and other shit like that.
No. 2266215
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/r/SubSanctuary is funny
No. 2266242
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>>2266215Last one. Discord relationship gone wrong
No. 2266283
>>2266220>I don't call my partner "daddy" just bc it's supposedly sexy. I call my partner "daddy" be my own father never cared enough to protect me from either my brother or my mother. Bc he never cared enough to walk 20 ft into my bedroom and ask me how I was doing. Bc I have a deep and >>2266220abiding need for approval and acceptance.
That is unironically worse than calling your partner daddy because it's sexy.
No. 2268544
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>enby puppy girl with her "master" who looks like he smokes meth
what's even sadder is that this is probably the most attractive kinkfags tend to get get
No. 2269332
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>>2268544>coom anime hoodie we need to bring back public shaming
No. 2304302
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No. 2321277
>>2321258Kek that was too detailed? Welp.
Here's some tea to revive you and make you feel better. And same I hate seeing them, I think my own are ugly and I don't want to see anyone else's in public, sandals included. I have the opposite of a fetish, get those ugly things away from me.
As a kid I used to wonder how nice life would be if I just had flat slabs for feet or hopped around with a single combined leg because I hated feet KEK No. 2338545
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>A trans diaper influencer, whose fetish involves acting like a little girl in public, is recommending wearing diapers to Pride parades.
No. 2338630
>>2338623Let's try
- Envy of the penis which is engineered better for disposing of liquid waste
- Uncontrollable rage of the stomach and digestive system
- Greed of sexual contact to the point of using tongue on bacteria-laden butthole
No. 2339916
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>>2338634I wanted to connect the seven sins with kinks so I tried to make some sense of it
No. 2340374
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>>2266395this picture will never cease to be relevant
No. 2367640
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Send the flood
No. 2367812
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>>2367676Yes, there was a study done where they were able to traumatize mice with the smell of almonds and that trauma was passed down to their children. don't see why they think that excuses it though. Trauma is trauma, you should try to fix it, not indulge in it.
No. 2368512
>>2367640Don't get this "muh trauma" excuse so much. If you have trauma then mayyyybe it would be a better idea to find a way to heal yourself from it rather then engaging in the traumatic event over and over again.
victims who self-harm either by cutting themselves or deliberately getting into sexual situations as a form of taking back power are also trauma responses too—should
that be okay too because "muh trauma"?
No. 2374953
>>2374899I've been asking myself the same thing for a long time, but it finally made sense when I heard this explanation: feet are kind of a secret. They are usually hidden behind shoes. Now combine that with male predatory sexuality and you will have them lust over feet, the thrill is to see something you are not supposed to see. And combine that also with the fact that IF you do see feet, it's usually innocent (like in summer when a woman wears sandals) and you can basically eye-fuck the person without them even knowing. Basically non-consent, which is another appeal.
It explains why males are so obsessed with collecting pictures of celebrity feet. They can't get full nudes, they don't want the bikini pics that are posted by the celebs themselves, they want the conquest of finding something that they are not supposed to see in full HD.
Oh and also that's why they get off on soles so much. Why not the toes or view from the top? Easily visible. Soles are even more hidden. Of course they pull the whole "feet and genital recognition is close in the brain" shit because they don't want to admit the real reason behind it, which is that foot fetishism is just another play on pushing boundaries, going one step further than they should, sexualizing innocence. And it's an easily achievable goal, no woman truly gives a fuck if someone has feet pics of her laying around somewhere.
I swear I'm not a foot fag kek just trying to explain my thoughts on this
No. 2375019
>>2374899A pattern I've noticed is usually the scrotes with this fetish tend to be the more submissive, beta male types. They'll want to be stepped on and be into feet in a femdom way a lot of the time. They're usually lazy and passive types and want women to do everything for them in sex and pass that as femdom. If a guy is more normal and doesn't have a fetish for being submissive usually he won't really be as fixated on feet in my experience. But there are also ones like
>>2374953 where they like feet in this way too, I just think I see the former more frequently.
No. 2392471
>>2387721I honestly believe that's the greatest distinction between
most male and female fetishists. 9 times out of 10, most women with strange, gross, and degenerate fetishes tend to keep it to themselves and in fiction or stories along with this a lot of women have the tendencies to stop their fetish from developing into worse or more comorbid fetishes and they also have a sense of shame and dignity with their fetishes too. That's why you don't see a lot of female sissy fetishists but you see a whole lot more male sissy fetishists.
No. 2423471
>>2338545About time one of these weirdos was thin.
>>2339268Same. It would've been worse looking at Jabba the Hutt pulling up his skirt though
No. 2423550
>>2422711I feel like women have stronger racial preferences than men but don't really sexualize that preference on a meta level, if that makes sense.
With men it's all entirely hypocritical.They feel entitled to sexualize other women but will seethe constantly if anyone sexualizes "their" women.
No. 2430480
>>2430464if it's a fruit or a birthday cake it's weird af but innocuous. back in the days I saw someone
crushing a small kitten with their heels. every moid who jerked off to it should've been executed.
No. 2441672
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I think these suits are hella cool in the ''outfits that a creepy villian would wear'' way, but who the actual fuck is getting off to this? what mento illness do you need to get off to Unisex Inflatable Latex Egg Capsule? these look straight up demonic
No. 2441678
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>>2441675are there really furfags to get off to the idea of hatching out of an egg? why do i even ask, i know there is probably a fruitful community of those degens
No. 2448119
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I am sorry nonnies i found more of these and i wanted to share them. Their dead fish eyes are the cherry on top. I am so morbidly curious about this subculture now, its fucking terrifying.
No. 2448150
>>2448138Yeah, that anon might be a little stressed or something. I think you've posted like, 4 screenshots of these outfits at most.
I find it interesting. I haven't seen stuff like this before, especially the weird egg. Thanks to whichever anon included the product description and how it worked. I never would have imagined it was kinky for the person inside of it, or the emergency safety measures they had the foresight to implement kek
No. 2448188
>>2448181You've posted over multiple days
>>2448150 so that means you're going back to look at it. It seems like you actually want my take on this, as much as that's angering your weird fan club. And yeah, a lot of older users who grew up with cable tv were exposed to crazy shit they wouldn't have looked up themselves or consented to, if they had awareness of the long-term of effects of being exposed to material like that. LC also has a high number of autists, who enjoy the appearance of smooth things. You all keep ignoring that explanation and continuing to sperg, I guess bc I'm interrupting "us girls get grossed out by fetishes" time
(baiting) No. 2448197
>>2448196They're telling on themselves. Autistic
men may like that absolutely retarded shit
No. 2448247
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Men with fetishes for extreme body types creep me the fuck out. With the exception of the ones into musclepigs because they make magnificent works of autism like picrel. I wonder why moids have fetishes for extreme bodytypes, body expansion, etc? it seems like one of the most ''exclusively male'' fetishes. Even gay moids inject their balls with oil to make them bigger. Kinda explains why men obsess over their dick sizes so much.
No. 2448769
>>2448704>anon also now wishes she didn't know about Dylan HafertepenWhat a massive piece of shit. I guess I am glad I know now because that feels like all you can do, but wow, I really want to alog kek
Thinking about it, I'm also glad I don't have "degenerate scrote sexuality", to quote another anon. Happy the worst I could potentially do to myself is troon out, and that's never gonna happen.
well, and nullification, but I consider that a deeper mentally ill subset of trooning kek No. 2448842
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>>2268545Relationship update lmao
No. 2448892
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>>2448874All of his content is also guy on guy, really wonder what was going on there tbh
No. 2449620
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Why do furries insert their fetish into every political art they make
>>2441672The red demon one looks like it belongs in a contemporary art museum
No. 2449643
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>>2448842LMFAOOOOO who could have known this would happen????
No. 2449978
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Wanted to shit on cuck fetishists for having no honor but woolies are more unique. For some reason this shit is popular in germany.
>>2338545>desperate attempt to seem youthful despite looking like an 80 year old woman at bestWhy are troons like this
No. 2449980
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>>2449978I just looked this up and honestly I want something like this. I get such a cold face in winter. It looks cute.
No. 2450160
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>>2449840Gross and masochistic (betawomen subreddit)
No. 2450532
>>2449840I think it's that and also about the contrast it creates for them. You know how men say women don't poop or pee and get grossed out by us having normal bodily functions? It's basically the opposite of that, they know it's gross but get off on the contrast between a pretty woman they built up as untouched, clean and pure having that "disgusting" side to her. The filth becomes appealing to them precisely because it's coming from a beautiful woman. They see it as an intimate thing that they would be able to feel and touch her dirty things that are usually hidden to the public and get off on the idea of being able to see bodily waste coming from something they consider beautiful. In a way it's like bringing the woman down to their level too since they're aware they're disgusting themselves, so that also gives them a thrill. This is also why I believe not as many women are into men's dirty socks, underwear or bodily waste, because most men are gross and portrayed as such to begin with, so there's no contrast to be had.
>>2449986I can vouch for this too, all the males I met that were into feet were also autistic and into troonism. I think it's because most men into feet tend to be more submissive and beta types, so they're more likely to be swayed by troon ideology from being told they must be women if they're not a big, dominant type of male.
No. 2450562
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>>2450462Ever heard of the cortical homunculus? Sensory processing for feet is done right next to where processing for genitals is done, so their wires can get crossed easily.
No. 2450806
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How do you even develop a cannibalism kink? Like what's the psychological reasoning here?
No. 2457749
Anyone who thinks femdom is genuinely empowering or should be considered a feminist thing is an actual idiot
>>2448842Wow someone who’s into pet play wants to fuck pets what a shock
No. 2458096
>>2449978I want to know how much they sell for but idek what to google. If it's a lot, we should tell the retired older women so they can start their own knit mafia.
>For some reason this shit is popular in germany.German moids truly are built different kek, we never catch a break when it comes to the level of fetishistic autistism.
No. 2461067
>>2266395Idk maybe “he” is a troon or bi
>>2154916It was pretty popular with gay dudes during the HIV crisis because it didn’t require intercourse. It’s also where hyper-masculine “leather daddy” culture emerged as a response to stereotypes about gay men being effeminate and AIDS-ridden. I think a lot of them noticed the sadomasochistic nature of masculinity and the police and embraced it as a way to gain power over those things. Supposedly, a maledom/femsub relationship parodies strict gender roles, purity culture, etc. Tbh I think outlawing kink is justified, but it’s weird that some US states do that but allow corporal punishment for schoolchildren for example.
No. 2463559
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>>2463313The only orcs I can see sane women being attracted to are the ones that a just recolors of your generic ripped anime bishie like picrel. Anything else is self harm.