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No. 1773173
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nonny you beat me to it, based opinion
No. 1773324
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Having a boyfriend is a waste of time and energy if he's not adding anything tangible/meaningful to your life. Especially when you're in school or working on building your life, the vast, vast majority of men will only drain your energy and disrespect you.
No. 1773415
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Ponyo makes me cry she’s so precious
No. 1773537
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scooping the innards out of your bagel is retarded
No. 1773826
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Cillian Murphy is attractive
No. 1774479
>>1774105to be fair some of those posters are his haters rather than fans. he's popular enough that's it's probably multiple people on both sides posting instead of just one
>>1774417i agree but i thought this was an unpopular opinion lol. don't most people still hate mary sues?
No. 1774500
>>1774476fantasizing about getting an
abusive bf is cringe as fuck
No. 1774887
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>>1774048I've seen people tear out the inside of bread to make more space when making sandwiches like picrel, so I guess that's the idea with scooped bagels. Although, it still doesn't really make much sense because sandwiches usually have a lot of toppings whereas bagels don't ever have more than like 3.
No. 1775243
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>>1775204Sorry for stupid meme but you reminded me of this
No. 1775248
>>1775244To add: children with no siblings are spoiled and are going to become weird adults with no social skills.
(I don't agree with this, but I'm mocking the people who do believe it).
No. 1775268
>>1775260For sure. I’ve been noticing that too. I still think homeschooling is a step further towards weirdness
>>1775248Not true (unless they’re homeschooled lol)
No. 1775272
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>>1775268i was a homeschooled only child
No. 1775273
>>1775272And here you are posting on lolcow. Point proven
Jk nonna you tha best
No. 1775350
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>>1775248This cold ass take usually comes from people living in dystopian hyper-individualistic countries like North America and Scandinavia where every family is like an island and you have to arrange play dates and gatherings months in advance. Even then, kindergartens exist and if your parents aren't mental they'll let you play outside, which is how most normal people meet their friends, siblings or not.
area since we were a low-income neighborhood. I had all the cousins and friends I could possibly want, and then I came home to peace and quiet without siblings throwing tantrums because they felt jilted over something. If anything, not having siblings made me socialize more.
No. 1775359
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>>1775350Your lifestyle was pretty based in that regard then. People seriously overestimate how necessary siblings are to a family unit. As long as kids have access to socializing with other children, they're gonna be fine. Kids do not
need siblings to accomplish understanding others and how to behave.
No. 1775439
>>1775350>This cold ass take usually comes from people living in dystopian hyper-individualistic countries like North America and Scandinaviahomeschooling isn't even allowed in my scandinavian country lol and we all played with the other kids on the street like normal people.
Idk if popular or not but I think phones are the biggest reason kids are gonna grow up with no social skills. Kids these days don't play with toys, nor do they play outside with each other the way we did. They're literally just on their phones and tablets instead. Going past my old school does actually feel dystopian, every kid is just sitting around on a bench looking at their phone.
No. 1775544
>>1775248Well, I have a sister and if anything that made me more socially retarded.
>>1775244I tutor a homeschooled boy sometimes and he's surprisingly sociable and generally well behaved, if a bit too spoiled, he's going to grow up dumb as bricks tho.
No. 1775794
>>1775784Your skin isn’t going to cook underneath say, 80-100 degrees of outdoor heat. As long as you’re wearing moisturizer and have some kind of sunscreen on you’re not gonna be roasted kek
>>1775786I layer on a gentle moisturizer before putting on a thick sunscreen (I use a baby sunscreen called babo because it’s fragrance free)! usually that locks it in and protects your skin from sun burns/damage
No. 1776076
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>>1775248Tbh I'm a spoiled only child who became a weird adult, although I managed to teach myself some social skills. It took me awhile, though, and I think I'm still off-putting at times.
I wish I grew up with siblings instead of having my own room and material objects. I think high school would have been better and I would have been less sensitive and selfish.
Blogpost, but
my parents are divorced and I'm estranged from most of my cousins because of inheritance drama, and I'm worried about how I'm going to take care of them when they get even older. They're both in their early 60's atm, but in 10 or so years, I could see their health declining, especially my mom, because she has MS (it's currently in remission because she's sort of an almond mom and eats super healthy and makes sure to walk + move around a lot).
They didn't want to have another child after me because my mom had a traumatic birthing experience with a dash of medical malpractice, but I'm still a little resentful that they're going to be leaving me all alone in the world after they pass.
Especially after making me a super weird only child, which has made it harder to make friends and/or get a boyfriend or girlfriend.
I know it could be worse, and I'm doing fine currently, but I'm worried about the future. No. 1776584
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>>1775471Kek nona your argument reminded me of swedengate where people complained that they never got fed as kids whenever visiting their swedish friends
Also unrelated but related popular opinion: I think guests should always be offered food and drink regardless if they accept it or not
No. 1776713
>>1776584Why is there a red blob between Spain and France? Where did you get this? kek
>>1776693Guests are fed in England and Wales anyway. It's bs.
No. 1777324
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Being a fatass is not feminist
No. 1778415
>>1778394Seems like an overreaction. She’s got a point — I’ve definitely seen guys chase or stay with a girl for years even though she’s
toxic, just because she’s hot.
No. 1778445
>>1778415You're right, its likely i'm overreacting.
That aside, i wouldn't feel smug over having in my palm some simp with low selfesteem and
abusive mother issues.
No. 1779345
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>>1779341I already got my Christmas list prepped. Ready when you are.
No. 1779524
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There needs to be a global pornography ban.
No. 1813684
>>1813670kek but for real though i just had such an amazing apple yesterday
that infight reminded me of the experience i just had to post about it here as it's a popular opinion. haven't had cherries because i don't trust them (can be sour meanwhile apples never are. raspberries are the superior berry. or strawberries. grapes are comme ci comme ca depends on firmness)
No. 1813711
>>1813684I'm a sick fuck and like the sour cherries.
I ate moldy raspberries a few days ago without realising (it was in middle where the stem gets pulled out)
I've never had an apple that's made me think I liked it
No. 1814603
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>>1813670>>1813711Guess what I'm eating right now nonnies
No. 1830678
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saged because i'm just annoyed and dumping this here after reading the grimes/elon thread.
this mentality is just retarded, most people who went through trauma become extremely mentally and even physically fragile, it's well known that people who endure childhood trauma have poor outcomes in life. i've found that, almost infuriatingly, coddled people have this delusional confidence and strong support system that massively works in their favor.
No. 2071348
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Broad City was dog shit
No. 2184483
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The second half of Full Metal Jacket is indeed more boring than the first half, even though It had some interesting moments (the sniper scenes, the interview scene, the last scene).
No. 2184538
>>2184512Agree so hard nona. I read that shit in 6th grade and then again in college and had to give up halfway through. Lisbeth is such a retarded Mary sue goth lesbian (with mediocre male exception) anachan wankbait NLOG and the parts with the guy are so fucking boring it might as well just instruct you to eat cardboard instead. The end with Lisbeth going on a retarded blackpill NLOG rant about how the rape
victim was ACKCHYUALLY THE VILLAIN BECAUSE IF SHE TOLD ON HIM HE WOULD HAVE NEVER RAPED ANYONE ELSE despite the fact that Lisbeth herself didn't even tell the authorities about her very own anal rape, nooooo she just enacted her DARK TRIAD STACY REVENGE and he never raped again, the end!
So fucking stupid and retarded and I'm glad the author died.
No. 2191859
>>2191858I don't understand your point?
Access to rape = sex
No access to rape = not sex
??? Why are you basing sex on the possibility of rape kek
No. 2191861
>>2191859Reading comprehension, practice it. I'm looking at that infight about that dumb dyke saying she wants to torture other women, and anons freaking out about rapey lesbians. My point extends off of the fact that lesbian sex is just third base: that how can a lesbian truly be a threat to another woman anyway if the maximum sexual ability she can use is just touching below the waist and not truly
fucking you? Go eat a cinnamon roll.
No. 2194205
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Return to dumbass shit, lock unpopular opinions
No. 2194744
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Aileen Wuornos was based and there will never be another woman like her
No. 2194781
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Korean men should all choke on their saliva. Misogynistic, abusive uggos who expect to have women fall at their knees. The average Korean man is ugly and has a small dick too kek, cha eunwoo is one in a million.
No. 2196923
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calicos are the best cats
No. 2196927
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>>2196923they're nice and all but everyone knows black cats = best cats
No. 2292622
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Back moids are fucking pigs.
No. 2342291
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Pewdiepie is the only man on youtube who is a good person and deserves the happiness he currently has. Most of the other youtube e-moids are disgusting pigs who don't deserve anything, pewdiepie is a great dad and great husbando for Marzia.
No. 2342364
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>>2342291not true the only good male streamer on youtube is coryxkenshin he just plays games he doesnt even curse. I would become religious for him kek.
No. 2342369
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>>2342291He dated a 16 year old called Progley when he was 21.
No. 2342373
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>>2342364My vote for most wholesome goes to Caseoh my beloved
No. 2342411
>>2342401And? It's still gross for a man in his 20s to have dated someone who was still in high school.
>Some countries have even lower age of consentIt's still pedophilia. In the Philippines the age of consent is 12 but that doesn't make it any less creepy and fucked up. Weirdo.
No. 2342478
>>2342463Did you ever leave the us? Most people here don't move out to live on a campus when they graduate high school to live in a bubble full of same aged people, people mingle here in a wide spectrum of ages. Life is completely different here and if you haven't grown up here then you can't really project your ideas like that.
>Everyone accepting it =/= no longer fucked upIf there's no one telling you to not do something and it's treated like something completely normal, how the hell do you come to the conclusion it's wrong and you shouldn't do it? Do you not understand how culture works? Yeah maybe it's not the best by US cultural norms and standards. Here, it's normal. There are really much bigger issues than a couple with that age difference peacefully dating. I'm very much against anyone taking advantage of anyone else but you can't introduce a concept that was not widely spread at the time it was happening about something that is not obviously harmful to another person or group of people (like physical abuse, SA, slavery etc), and project it more than 10 years into the past when it was considered a commonplace and normal behavior (and still is in my country at least) and use it to prove someone is evil or worth less. This is really reaching and would only make sense if she herself came out with allegations that he was abusing her during the relationship
No. 2342591
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>>2342478>If there's no one telling you to not do something and it's treated like something completely normal, how the hell do you come to the conclusion it's wrong and you shouldn't do it? Sheesh I'd fear to see your opinions on middle eastern countries kek. Unrelated country but pic related used to be legal
No. 2423467
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>anons UNIRONICALLY pulling the sweaty scrotoid "muh age of consent" card to defend a fucking YOUTUBER
You are all the female version of picrel.(learn2reply)
No. 2447961
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I love it when babies hold my finger. So cute!
No. 2451690
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I don't really care for Love and Deepspace, I tried playing it and it just wasn't for me, it might be ugly man psy-op in effect idk. But it makes me so happy to see nonnas finally have a game that really panders to them, I love browsing the LADS thread because nonnas affection for the characters is so cute.
The fact that LADS makes men seethe is also a bonus.