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No. 1813019
Previous Thread:
>>986511Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!
>Favourite parts of Canada?>Hated parts of Canada?>Best/Worst food?>Best/Worst of culture?>hottest men/women of Canada?Remember, play nice!
No. 1813026
>>1813024please explain
>>1813025There should be plenty to do, it's a big city. Only downside I can think of is lack of money?
No. 1813035
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13y/o girl was raped and murdered in daylight in a popular burnaby central park, found with Ali's semen inside of her and injuries consistent with childbirth. His lawyers are fighting for an appeal on the first-degree charge saying she had consenual sex with him- he would have been 27 at the time. but I hope they lose their licenses tbh
>>1813026 The only thing I enjoy these days is the aquarium tbh. theres also this conservatory thats got some cool birds in it but growing up here, idk what to do anymore lol
No. 1813162
>>1813081Same boat here
nonnie. I haven’t been back to Canada in over a year because my green card is processing. When I left my town of 8k Main Street was basically a ghost town (same like precovid). People describe the town as being a truck stop and yeah I agree. I hope when I come back there’s more stores open and the town isn’t as empty.
No. 1813400
>>1813025as a small town nona i loveeeee going to vancouver and never get bored when im there, even if its for work. theres so much to do! beautiful views, hikes and walks, the aquarium, great shopping, playland, the conservatory, all the random shit that goes on on granville every weekend, lots of concerts, shows and events, tons of great and unique restaurants, i could go on and on.
i wouldve moved there already if it wasnt so fucking expensive
No. 1813769
>>1813490In my case it's just being lucky in having an American parent, which fast tracked me to permanent residency… not helpful advice, sorry
I don't know your situation but being accepted to a university and getting a student visa worked for a lot of people I've known, it's easier to go somewhere to study than to go there to work when you haven't settled far into a professional career yet. Either undergraduate or graduate school. They'll then try to leverage the connections they made or the degree they picked up to secure a work visa if they want to stay longer. but of course that all depends on if extra education is a good fit for you personally, international student tuition can run really expensive
No. 1813790
>>1813019Based threadpic choice.
>>1813035This is horrendous. RIP to that poor girl. This needs to be a lesson as to why liberal countries need to stop letting in third world refugees.
No. 1816249
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Why is Ottawa the most cucked city in the nation?
No. 1817452
>>1813490As a QC, please don't come here. It's probably not as bad as the rest of Canada, but it's still Canada. I actually want to move out of the country too. My dad's an American so I am hoping I can get my dual citizenship started up.
If you do want to move here, it's ideal you learn French as you mentioned, you're doing the first major step, which I can't say about a lot of newcomers unfortunately.
No. 1867726
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Canada no offense but what the fuck is going on with your cucked country??
No. 1867731
>>1867726A 50 year old MAN trying to change with girls as young as 8? Oh my god, this is actual a dystopia for women. wtf canada
It breaks my heart knowing a lot of these girls are hoping to get swimming scholarships, but then they allow men in. like wtf is going on and how is this legal?
No. 1873617

>>1869957Oh look another appearance Polkaroo sighting!
Are there any actual Canadians here or just Americans who think our muppet PM is funny? It would be nice if we could discuss the country imploding instead of 2015-era political theater
No. 1873618
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>>1869957Oh look another Polkaroo sighting!
Are there any actual Canadians here or just Americans who think our muppet PM is funny? It would be nice if we could discuss the country imploding instead of 2015-era political theater
No. 1873638
>>1816249Visiting Ottawa for the first time makes you realize what a joke this entire country is. I'll never forget seeing camps of homeless people in front of the World War memorials and Senatorial chambers.
>>1867585Ottawa is one of the most depressing cities in this country. The "cohesive culture" you experienced must have short-circuited your brain if you thought there was any sort of culture in that city. When I lived in Ottawa in the mid 2010s it was literally a collection of people from small-towns with cliquish small-minded attitudes who refused to integrate into a larger city atmosphere. The crime rate was insane then, I remember walking once at night and having being followed by not just one homeless crackhead, but
two homeless crackheads! Ottawa's downtown core literally has less than 10k people living in it… yet the same homeless population as Toronto's downtown. The majority of Ottawa's population live 40 minutes west, east, or south of downtown in the suburban communities filled with NIMBYs and socially-inept government workers that would eat Justin Turdeau's whole big sweaty shitty asshole for an hour straight if they ever got the chance.
>>1873618I wish I could comment more in this thread but last time I tried to comment I ended up writing a 2000 word schizopost discussing what "Canadian culture" is and I didn't post it because I came off really spergy in the post, but I ended up saving it as a word document in case I ever wanted to post it again.
No. 1873693
Vancouver sucks. The Van suburbs suck. Edmonton sucks. Toronto sucks HARD. The GTA sucks. Ottawa sucks. North ON sucks (mostly). Montreal is aight. Fredericton sucks. Charlottetown sucks. Halifax sucks, but is kind of interesting if you ignore the screaming hobos.
I have lived all over this country and the only places that I have genuinely enjoyed are the territories, Kelowna, and Calgary.
There are so many bums on meth everywhere. I don't mind talking to nice hobos, but we do not have those kind of hobos. We have the stabby kind.
You can't even defend yourself when you get attacked by degenerate moids because the only people that the Canadian government throws in prison are domestic normies ones who actually have a future & who are acting in self defence. Serial killers, pedos, rapists and violent immigrants get off scott-free.
Nowhere has affordable rent. High-skill jobs have 100s of applicants. Low-skilled jobs are even worse. The jobs that our homegrown teenagers depend on, like working at McD's, are now completely impossible for domestic kids because of all of the cheap labour we're importing from India. These international students are devaluing our degrees with RECORD amounts of cheating. It is literally a part of their culture to cheat & to get ahead hand over fist. Their cultural values are completely opposite to our own. And they still graduate after they cheat. They just get a slap on the wrist (trust me, I TA'd for multiple grad level courses). Our major cities are crowded af. When you get East of Ontario it's full of wannabe gangsters even though our whole country is backwoods. I thought that NB would be more rural but no, all the moids there are just poser street-rats like in Ontario who worship rappers and play GTA all day.
This whole country is shit honestly. You can only escape the shit by travelling to either small pocket communities or by going North up to the territories.
I can't wait til I get my Norwegian passport because it's only getting worse.
No. 1873709
>>1873700Canada is the worst part of the former British Empire and its dealing with a lack of real culture into the modern era. We had more than 1.5 million immigrants enter the country in 2023. Our welfare state is collapsing and our government wants to bring in as many low-wage workers as possible to extract tax money from them to continue to fund the baby boomers' retirement funds.
>>1873693I agree with you so hard
nonnie, I've lived from sea to sea and nowhere in Canada is worth settling down. I'm trying to get out of here permanently by the time I'm 30 before the government begins to raise their Exit Tax to higher than 25%.
>>1873697>>1873707Why would you want to move to the territories where you get no government representation, no reliable way to escape via road or air, expensive groceries, and surrounded by people who only moved there to get away from their shit lives? The territories just don't make sense from my perspective: roads that go places are really important to me, it's my neurosis I suppose.
No. 1873715
>>1873707Samefag to say that even 'into the bush' is a not ideal once you pass the mountains of YT & get to the tundra of NWT/NU. The small towns are all Inuit villages there. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I like Inuit people. But I am not one of them. So it would be awkward af for a single white gal to try to make a life there.
>>1873709I feel you nonners. The territories are a personal preference in my case. I hate crowds and cities. I like being isolated and self-suffiencient. I am not a people person at all. I prefer to hunt & fish rather than buying meat from the store. I do buy vegetables though because I'm shit at growing things. I fly helis for work so road access is not something that worries me.
Government representation is a fair worry in a real democracy, but honestly I feel like it is a moot point with the system that we have now. We are not represented either way. None of our candidates are for the people. We're just given the illusion of choice to make it seem like a democracy. We don't even get to vote on who our PM is. We just vote on either the red/blue team, then whoever is the most popular makes the decision for us of who our leader is. There is no realistic way that an independent candidate with honourable values can win in our current system. It's all rigged. I'm just trying to gtfo this cursed country.
No. 1873857
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>>1873715>I feel like it's a moot point with the system we have now.Yeah I agree but for some reason the façade of real democracy is important to me which is why I have to stick to the provinces, at least there's that stupid farce of representation down here that I can look towards to delude myself.
No. 1875810
>>1874289Just chiming in to agree with all you other nonners. Rebel News is trash for sure, but they should still be allowed to speak their piece like any other citizen or news org. All news orgs have a slant. It's nothing new.
That is something that rubbed me the wrong way about the whole Freedom Convoy fiasco. I don't align with the right wing on 90% of issues. But they still have the right to protest just like anyone else. It is a part of being a free country. The fact that they FROZE PEOPLE'S BANK ACCOUNTS just for participating in the convoy should scare every single Canadian. It is totalitarian and disgusting. None of our citizens should have to worry about having their life's assets nullified just because they voiced a political view that does not align with our government. That was a huge regressive overstep, and I am glad that JT is finally being punished (albeit softly and too late) for it.
Not only that, but he straight up called them Nazis. I remember there was a Jewish MP at the time who supported the convoy, and he called her a Nazi to her face with no self-awareness.
I hate what most conservatives stand for, but they are still citizens of our country. This kind of "you are a bigot, full stop" rhetoric is doing nothing but harming us. We used to be able to coexist in a mostly centrist way. Now the liberals are just stoking the fire for extremism.
It makes me scared for our future. They are destroying our ability to disagree civilly.
No. 1875862
>>1875810Classic Canadian move:
>Call protestors nazis.>Invite verified nazi soldier into parliament and give him a standing ovation.I lived in downtown Ottawa during the convoy and 95% of media I see about the convoy is falsified and dramatized to insane levels. The left-wing make it seem like it was violent riots meant to destroy democracy, the right-wing make it seem like it was a valiant effort to restore democracy suppressed by the evil autocrats of Parliament Hill. What was it actually, you may ask? It was a group of clueless, confused, disorganized, drunk people. It was pretty obvious from the start that the majority of protestors were just sniffing their own farts and upset because of meme-formatted disinformation that they read on Facebook. There were no "riots" or "demonstrations" so to speak, it was really just a bunch of (very obviously) lower-class people honking in their cars and screaming "FREE-DUMB!!" (whenever they chanted "freedom" they said it in a weird two-syllable way that made it sound like "free dumb" which was pretty funny) congregated in the downtown core, which is a relatively small and unimportant area in the Ottawa metropolitan area. Midway through the protest (about 10-14 days after it began) more than half of the protestors that came realized it was pointless and left the city, and the remaining stragglers were too busy getting off on "pwning the libs" to accept that their participation (and the whole event, really) was devoid of any definitive meaning. It was actually HELL going into an LCBO or a dispensary during the convoy because the lines were so long all-day due to all the people from out-of-town who acted super obnoxiously. They treated the workers/everyone who lived in Ottawa like they were parliamentarians themselves and took out a lot of their frustration on us. What shocked me the most was how many clearly paranoid-schizophrenic moids dragged their wives and children across the country to participate in the event. The large number of cold hungry kids not attending school and living in their parents' cars was one of the only things that really shocked me about the convoy. It made me feel sad for the kids, most of them had this really melancholic and dissociated look in their eyes whenever I'd pass by them on my way to get groceries or booze or wherever I was walking at the time.
No. 1882158
>>1876048In the same vein, apparently the 401 is the busiest highway in the world.
>>1881715>>1881728>>1881730>>1881750I always tend to vote with whatever party offers the best platform for working-class people. I voted NDP in the past because I liked the idea of universal dental & optical care, plus Jack was a really personable leader. I think the major problem I have today with the NDP is their leader. He's my definition of "everything wrong with the modern leftist." I wish that the federal NDP realized that their leader is what's been costing them election after election. I don't like Pierre because I've under the impression that conservative/liberals are two sides of the same coin (literally just rich people LARPing as politicians so they don't have to do work), and from his party's platform it doesn't seem like he wants to curb immigration or the amount of student visas issued. I don't feel like wasting my vote on the conservative party just because of the trans issue, just because I don't think its a big deal in the grand scheme of things. I don't think I'll vote for anybody in the upcoming election. I just don't see a point in doing so when no party has issued a comprehensive platform for a person in my demographic, as well as the FPP system (something Turdeau said he'd get rid of back in the mid-2010s ugh). I'm feeling very removed from the current political landscape, and I guess that's in line with my aspirations to emigrate. The majority of my friends have begun to work towards emigrating as well, so maybe I'm in a sort of echo chamber when I say I don't believe that there's much left for me in this country.
No. 1888512
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The meme diploma mill college presidents must be feeling the pressure. They are arguing with each other on podcasts now.
No. 1888521
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>>1888512>Talk about a whoreI'm a retard, is this an actual saying or is he just calling people whore for no reason? This guy John Tibbets makes like $400k a year (picrel is from the Sunshine List), that's about the same salary as Doug Ford makes as premier, and it's something like $70k less than the president of the University of Waterloo makes as salary. The craziest thing to me about the leaders of the diploma mills is how much money they're making as salary.
No. 1900045
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Damn. Keep in mind the scale is net migration. Wonder how much bigger the deficit can get in the future especially for people in their 20s
No. 1901016
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Apparently this is making its rounds on here, but how the fuck is there only 366 of us? We're the size of an average highschool gym? I really felt like there were more. I'm curious what cities you're from
No. 1903716
>>1901016I feel like that's more than I expected tbh. I guess you never know where posters are from unless they say it but I never got the vibe there were many Canadians here.
>I'm curious what cities you're fromNot gonna say the exact city but I'm from Ontario. Can't say I've ever met someone who I would suspect of being a fellow farmer though
No. 1905159
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>>1905133>Trusts news media.Kek. Everything reported in the news is to act as a distraction from the fact that Canada has no houses, a shit economy, incredibly high inflation rates, and a floundering nationalized medicare system. The news media will sensationalize anything and everything else before reporting on those aforementioned faults so as to save the Laurentian elites' British sensibilities. In 2023 Canada had a growth rate similar to failed states. Canada has a population of 40 million, the USA has a population of 330 million, yet Canada took on more immigrants than the USA did in 2023. Picrel is an example of that immigration policy in action when compared to amount of housing units completed per annum. It's why any Canadian with a brain is planning their escape from the country before shit really hits the fan in the late 2020s. I envy you Burgerfag because every American I've come across has this idea that Canada is like any blue state but better, but really Canada is a third world country LARPing as America Lite without any of the parts that make America a good place to live.
No. 1905715
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Gosh I love Canada, where everything is unaffordable, perpetrators of crimes are given more privacy and care than the
victims, and no one is allowed to disclose the race of a wanted criminal. 30 to 50 year old man with a large build, gee that narrows it down to almost a third of the male population in Vancouver. No. 1925630
>>1925608Literally feel the exact same way the women deserve to escape india because they can't walk down the street without a male escort without fear of violence thats literal human rights stuff but the men can all get fucked honestly why are we letting them in? I want to leave so bad
>>1925590I'm sorry and you're right they are doom fuel so that's why im asking cause I agree im sure they are painting a worse picture than reality but at the same time it is so blatant how many fucking indian men are here, they are everywhere at all times. I am sincerely not trying to race bait and I feel bad for the racism that the good ones will experience
No. 1925637
>>1925630>I'm sure they are painting a worse picture than realityNona this is reality right now. On those subreddits, particularly canadahousing2, a lot of the posters have resigned themselves to just being bitter, racist, and complicit in the ongoing issues we're facing. If you don't own a home right now in this country, you will never own one. Even if you get a good job, the same position will pay twice as much in the USA and you'll pay less taxes too. Canada is a rinse, it's one big money laundering scheme. Don't be like the reddit losers. I am telling you, please, seriously look into emigrating to a different country. There are avenues to do so, whether that be education, job offers, or even fraud marriage. I have been saving up for a while now and I'm planning to leave by June or July at the latest.
No. 1925982
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>>1925673>>1925728>>1925906>>1925914>"It's not even racebaiting anymore"Yeah it is kek, refer to global rule 7. Canada has an immigration problem, but it doesn't matter which nationals are immigrating here. It could be Indians, Chinese, Germans, Mexicans, etc., and it would all be the same. The problem is there is way too many people being allowed into the country ever year for what our economy can handle. This is more of a class issue, but the rich and powerful try to dress it up as a race issue so the dumb people get rilled up over the wrong things.
>"I don't think anyone who vents about this topic is condemning good people or saying they believe it's #allmen. "Unfortunately it is all men. This line especially makes you sound like a newfag or just a tourist. We should all know by now that all men will be violent and will rape if given the chance, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Disgusting scrote behaviours are not localized, they're global.
>"Also if you can't talk about it among women without immediately being shut down and ostracized, how are you supposed to learn how to express these feelings or opinions in a healthy or non-offensive way?"You can go onto the canadahousing2 subreddit if you want to specifically talk shit about Indian people, there you will be met with open arms. LC isn't the place for these types of discussions.
No. 1926575
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What's your favourite flavour of Miss Vicky's? Mine is the chili and sour cream flavour
No. 1926737
>>1926715Yeah but it's a Canadian chip company, also please reveal your favourite flavour if you're going to engage.
>>1926726I think most of us are too fed up with the cost of living and housing crises to care about the bills being passed right now, it's part of their plan.
No. 1927023
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>>1926575Can we vote on Old Dutch flavours instead?
No. 1931778
File: 1710898344683.jpg (727.35 KB, 1080x1412, Screenshot_20240319_211736_Chr…) hate these people. Works long enough to obtain residency, stopped working (it was the plan all along), got lucky enough to get one of the now very rare cheap rent in Quebec City (even in bumfuck nowhere it's hard to pay that for a decent sized clean apartment) and pretends you can live well with only 1000$ a month in the province. I hope he gets renovicted and never obtain his citizenship. I make around 2200$ a month and I have a hard time saving money.
No. 1931785
>>1931778As mass immigration continues to contribute to the free-fall of our welfare state, nationalized healthcare system, and housing market, there's been a definite push in the media to present Canada as a prime destination for immigrants. A highlight of the article for me was:
>"within five years I was going to move to a slightly more civilized country with better healthcare and a cheaper standard of living."Notice that Canada is always presented as the USA
but better, all the while affording Canadian citizens with none of the things that make the USA great in the first place. The "more civilized" bit is so crazy to me as well because it's such an ignorant outsider's perspective. No knowledge of Brittanic history nor the faults of our criminal system.
No. 1934127
>>1933317Canada (besides Quebec) is a Brittanic culture, so the idea of protest, riots, revolt, etc., is incongruent with the cultural psyche that frames order and respect for tradition as ideal. Look up the "tall poppy syndrome" phenomenon that plagues post-Empire cultures. The majority of Canadians are very politically uneducated, and they don't care about the major political parties nor their platforms. Canadians are more likely to form protests in response to foreign problems, like the Masha protests you mention or the spill-over of the BLM protests back in 2019/20, rather than protest national ones like food price inflation, subpar housing numbers, etc..
No. 1935856
KEK this country is a joke
No. 1937751
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I found this site yesterday and read through a bunch of it in horror and need to talk to someone about it.
This website basically profiles and chronicles Canadian crime and gangsters, including tons of videos of them jumping people or videos of men who appear to have been kidnapped, stripped naked and beaten. I don't get how they get all this footage, it must be compiled by an informant or someone in law enforcement right? or in collaboration with guys who roll in packs so one can shoot and another can literally film their enemies dying. Why can I click a link and see a video of a powerful Canadian drug lord screaming his brother's name while he dies in front of him? (link related) It's also written by someone whose clearly kind of retarded but trying to sound professional, here is an example:
"Whenever we wake up these days, we race to our phone to see if anyone else has just got shot. The last few days have honestly felt exactly the same as when we were reporting on homicides almost daily; back when Harb/KG were murdered (excellent write-up, make sure you’ve tuned in if you haven’t)."
This isn't racebait because if you grew up here you know that it's a reality that a lot of Indians and Somalians are involved in crime. I am not singling them out but I am complaining about the justice system here because everyone knows how it is such a joke in this country. This website also shows how the majority of the Indian men who turn to crime are from middle class families and there is absolutely no necessity for them to live that life, but it seems their uncles and cousins recruit them at a young age and they want fast money. I have so little sympathy for men who get killed being involved in a gang lifestyle, literally the only ones they have to blame is themselves. Shown on here many times is men who kill for money next to pictures of the Mcmansions they grew up in and their moms who look like normal classy Indian women.
If you're going to read it, the old links on the blog are better and more interesting, they are running out of content so they're covering vintage crime now. Be warned there is videos of extreme violence on here. No. 1939644
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No. 1939652
>>1935856ive seen the most retarded videos from this account pop up on my fyp. i literally thought it was a joke account, i cant believe its real.
No. 1939853
>>1939849Canada is more violent than America kek. In Canada only criminals can have guns, so the meek are defenceless. At least in the USA everyone has an equal chance to protect themselves.
>>1939818I'm currently in the process of getting my work visa for an East Asian country, I should be gone for good by summer. Eventually I'd like to settle down in Chile, Uruguay for the good weather and good economy, or Australia if they ever fix their housing crises. I've been talking to an immigration lawyer for about 2 months now about my longterm goals, and he says I have a good chance to get out before shit hits the fan. Even he's planning on leaving once his kids graduate, my family doctor of 20+ years is leaving this year as well. A lot of the highly educated and financially well-off people are gearing up towards leaving but won't mention it until you bring it up first. Most people I know are talking about leaving too but it's all just empty words, like how a lot of Americans said they were gonna evacuate when Trump won. If you really want to get out, do it within the next year or two before the government raises the exit tax higher than it already is.
No. 1946528
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No. 1947076
>>1946528I want to punch him in the face so badly.
>>1939818I wouldn't recommend Ireland since it has gone up in price for housing, or there is no housing (similar to our case), and a few other fucked issues I'm fuzzy on. I know for a fact their immigration issues are also all over the map. My boyfriend is Irish and he believes in the last few years the politics have gotten way worse and doesn't find it appealing to live there anymore.
No. 1949110
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>>1813035Still not letting this case die until he drops dead. I hate this man with a burning passion and have sent all energy I have to finding justice for her. Poor girl. His lawyers as of today are trying to get his case tossed for taking too long. I hope he gets beat to death in prison. I have a feeling he's in a special unit so he doesn't get killed. Throw him in with the dogs. I hope he dies soon. And painfully.
No. 1958396
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not a canadafag but this photo of your arctic operations is so metal
No. 1996503
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where in Canada do people talk like this?
No. 1997512
>>1991526People are more likely to protest for foreign countries than do it for domestic issues because protesting domestic issues admits there are flaws in the country.
Protesting for Palestine or Ukraine doesn't damage superiority complex Canadians have about being so much kinder than the americans
No. 1998852
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Was anyone able to see the northern lights last night? It was my first time seeing them, I usually always sleep through them. They were gorgeous
No. 2008428
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Question for Canadafags
I've been a client of RBC and CIBC for most of my life. Right now, I have a chequing account with RBC and CIBC, and then and I have credit cards and TFSA with RBC. Lately I've been thinking about closing my CIBC account and opening a new account with a different bank. Before I do, I just wanted to ask a few nonas about what bank they use. My questions are:
>Which of the big 5 banks do you deal with right now?
>Do you have any negative experiences with a certain bank?
>What are the pros/cons of your current bank?
>Do you know if certain banks have the best offers, deals, etc., when compared to other banks?
I think it's crazy we only have 5 major banks here! Sometimes I feel like they're all the same anyway. I got a free pair of Airpods from RBC two summers ago for opening a new account with them, so that was cool. I was just hoping to gauge others experiences with banks before opening a new account with one of them. If you have anything you wanna share or complain about, I hope you reply!
No. 2013658
>>2008428I really like RBC, they're always professional and friendly. I've been with them since I was a young teen starting my first job in 2014. I have a basic credit card and its not bad at all. Good luck
No. 2017304
>>2016779>I'm a poorfagStart saving everything you can. My advice on how to save money as poorfag is: 1) Plan your meals (only have 2 a day and no snack items) around what's on sale in flyers at grocery stores. Compared to my friends I spend 40% less on groceries just because I stick to sale items and don't buy junk. 2) Switch to the cheapest phone plan, for me that means switching my carrier every year once the "cheap 1st year" contract runs out. It's not as big a hassle as it seems because usually you can keep your number. 3) If possible, sign up for KOHO and use that as your main chequing account since they offer the best cash-back deals right now especially with grocery stores (I also think the pink debit cards are cute kek). 4) Quit weed, alcohol, and nicotine if you're addicted to any of those. I used to smoke 2 oz/month because I was trying to cope with being a poorfag in a decaying country but then I realized that it was just a money sink and that a lot of countries have the right to test you for drugs on arrival and can revoke your visa if you don't pass. 5) Make a weekly or monthly budget and
stick to it, this is the major thing that separates me from my more financially irresponsible friends and I credit my budget and sticking to it with helping lift me out of poverty.
>I feel like I fucked up by not going to uni/studying abroad instead.Studying abroad is the biggest scam out there. It's like how all the international students have to pay 3x the amount national students pay here. All of my friends that did a year abroad hated the experience. Why bother going abroad just to be stuck in a crap uni-town and focused more on studying than experiencing the culture or saving money. Once of my friends went to France for a year in uni and she ended up spending 45k. She's still paying off her credit card debts to this day. Don't bother having regrets about what could have been because it's just retarded - the past doesn't exist anymore, only the idea of a future does. Remember it's ALWAYS better to do your education here in Canada as a citizen because you get a much more cost-effective experience and because most countries will recognize Canadian diplomas or degrees.
>The state of the Ontario job market makes me wanna rope.Unfortunately this is just what the business-owner and politician-class want. They want a slew of under-educated workers from foreign countries that don't understand the labour market or culture here, that way they can pay them very cheaply and give them a shit life here for cheaper than just paying a born-Canadian for the job. At my old workplace, next door was a Pizza Pizza, and of the 25 people that worked there 23 worked illegally and were only being paid $6/hour. It's crazy because a lot of people don't actually want to admit how disastrous the immigrant problem is, even though it hurts both immigrants and citizens. They have to live like slaves and we have to live like broke bitches. It sucks, but the rich get richer this way so they won't change it. It's not just an Ontario problem, it's a national problem and no political party wants to address it because they all profit from it.
>I don't know where to startFirst of, if you don't have your passport get it now. Start looking into countries that are safe and secure, and that you'd be interested in inhabiting. Then, look into which countries have a need for legal admins. Most countries that offer work visas will provide a list of jobs that are "in demand" that you can browse. From that, Look into the COL between various cities in the countries and start deciding where you'd like to go. Look into the work visa situation in the various choices you have, and choose which one is best for you. Before you go, if you don't have at least 10k saved, take out a Mastercard or Visa credit card for at least 8-10k and use that for your launching pad. All the best.
No. 2020515
>>2020440Avoid Lowertown and Sandy Hill after dark because it's where all the crackheads live. Ottawa has a third the population of Toronto but the same amount of homeless people, they're congregated in a much smaller area. Most people are either from Ottawa or from small-towns and moved for uni, so the atmosphere is very cliquish and it'll he hard to make friends. There's no night life, and you will hear everybody complain about this, so get ready to buy VIA rail tickets to Montreal or Toronto for the weekend. The O-Train is alright but Rideau station smells really bad, I'm not sure if they ever fixed it but when they built the station they built it in a naturally occuring sulphur deposit. Byward Market is overpriced and not worth the hype, but you'll have to listen to people hype it up as cope. The National Gallery is fun the first time you go, but all other museums are trash and the ones in Toronto and Montreal are way better. If you see any cars with red license plates, those are diplomatic mission cars and they will not follow the rules of the road and if they hit you or run you over they have diplomatic immunity so do not stay close to those cars. You will see many protests downtown about retarded non-issues that will block off traffic and make moving around difficult. Kanata and Orleans aren't even part of Ottawa they're two towns 40 minutes each way from downtown that get included in Ottawa like how Oakville and Ajax are considered part of Toronto. Likewise Nepean was once it's own city but now it's just another neighbourhood, and people that live in Nepean will always remind you of this fact. uOttawa and uCarleton are filled with retards that rent most of the nicer apartments in the neighbourhoods close to their campuses, in September they clog things up and will cause a ruckus as all they do is pop pills smoke weed and drink, so if you live near them you will be kept up late. Besides students most people are government workers with no personality or zest for life and they will be in bed asleep by 9:00PM, the city dies after 11:00PM. I'm not sure if it's different now, but when I lived there the city didn't plow the sidewalks for snow in winter, or salt them for ice. There's a lot of snow in winter so be prepared to crawl through it and get your pants and boots soaking wet. Winter was always harsh, really cold and really snowy, and I saw a few corpses of the homeless people that had frozen to death in the night when I lived there. They say you can skate on the canal when it freezes over in winter, but usually that's only for 3-4 in days per year that they'll open it for skating. It felt like the city was extra dead between October and April due to the weather. Gatineau across the river is just as bad as Ottawa, but the Quebecois there won't appreciate your presence in their turf if you do decide to go over. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Honestly living in Ottawa was really bad. It was the worst years of my life, not for any reason besides where I was living. I've been all over the country Atlantic to Pacific coast, and through the US too, but Ottawa is my least favourite city that I've ever experienced. Even tourists can't have fun; when I was there homeless people would camp outside the parliament in tents and defecate on the world war memorial grounds. Good luck. I feel bad for you because our capital city is one of the worst cities in the country.
No. 2024722
>>2020440Samefag as
>>2020515 but another thing I forgot to mention is that don't drink the tap water. I never had problems with my tonsils before moving to Ottawa, but in the few years I lived there I had such bad issues develop that I had to have my tonsils removed. My surgeon in Toronto said it was most likely caused by dirty or poor-quality tap water.
>>2020796Another good recommendation is Corner Gas, it's a sitcom focused on the lives of people in a small prairie town and it offers a nice look into Western Canada culture.
No. 2025630
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I was chatting in my discord server how depressing the small town albertan women have it. When I graduated hs and my friend turned 18 her mom was basically bringing her to bars and meet the local rigpigs because their money would take care of her. She ended up getting with a 40 year old man and after they inevitably broke up she is now engaged to an American woman. Another friend around the same age was pushed by her mom to go home with a man who had two children and she’s become their stepmom at 21 or so. Most of the women I went to school with have all ended up like this where they settle for ugly rigpigs. Yes, it’s nice money and they can stay at home but they’re also setting themselves up for failure and have deal with their husband’s addiction problems. It’s sad that a lot of these women aren’t encouraged to pursue their own careers and lives.
No. 2036237
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>>2020515Dear God this is depressing. I went to Ottawa for a weekend trip with my class in 2012 and we had a nice time visiting museums, historical sites, touring the parliament building etc. I don't remember seeing really any homeless people, although even through rose-coloured glasses I can't imagine it was as bad back then as you describe now. How could we let it get like this? Isn't a country's capital city supposed to be its shining pride?
On a similar note, London ON fucking sucks. The downtown area is full of homeless druggies who shout shit at people constantly and closed down businesses. I once saw a crackhead attempt to snatch a woman's bag on the street in the middle of the day, and when her taxi driver grabbed it back (he was helping her unload her stuff) the crackhead threatened to report him to his work and get him fired for "assaulting" him. I was told that got like that within the past 15 years or so.
No. 2036278
>>2036237>I went for a weekend trip with my class in 2012If it was with an elementary school tour group (like the ones from ON that go to QC for a weekend in 8th or 9th grade), the homeless population could have been swept beforehand for safety. They do the same thing when certain groups like broadcasts or ambassadorial regions. From what I've heard and seen though, the problem really started in 2013/2014 when the opiate crisis started ramping up in ON. Probably the most egregious instance is there is a large (20-30) population of Inuit that are homeless in Lowertown specifically, what happened there is the federal government had some education program for Nunavut where participants could come to Ottawa to work or learn, but after the program ended the federal government neglected to give the participants a way to return home (tickets to go were free but tickets to go home weren't), so a lot of them ended up stuck on the streets homeless where they developed addictions and mental health afflictions. A few of them had left by 2018, but most remain stuck on the streets with no way to make it back home. It's really a sad story and it highlights how mismanaged the federal government can be.
>How could we let it get like this? Isn't a country's capital city supposed to be its shining pride?Basically Ottawa the city is split from Ottawa the capital. Like, the municipality of Ottawa is a separate legal entity from the sites that the federal government owns and controls, so the municipality has no jurisdiction over the federal portion and vice versa. The municipality only controls 89% of the landmass that is Ottawa. They always get stuck in petty arguments and they have dichotomous ideas of how the city should be, and how to design the city.
The original master-plan of the city (remember, Ottawa was meant to be a constructed capital like Washington D.C. or Brasília) was developed in 1950 after Canadian home-rule was assured. It was called the
Gréber Plan, and this Gréber guy had designed a capital city modeled on the "City Beautiful" movement and the garden city idea, along with a comprehensive on Beaux-Arts architectural design. He had also worked on some of the more well-known areas of Philadelphia in the U.S.A., and his design was very wonderful but, it was never followed through on. The municipality and federal government couldn't agree on what parts of the plan to implement, which ones to change, etc., so although Ottawa has many winding scenic parkways and some architecturally beautiful buildings in its downtown core, it is plagued by the problems of deviating from a plan and from stupid disagreements between two powers that can't figure out how to share land. It sucks because the original Gréber plan was very wonderful and it could have led to us having a capital designed after Paris or Philadelphia, but because the municipality and federal government have developed the city so far from the original plan, we're left with a city that's too spread out, not well connected, disjointed, and poorly-managed.
>>2020440Also another thing to mention to you that I remember when typing this diatribe out: the buses are shit. When I lived there in the late 10's and early 20's, the buses were always at least 30 minutes late. There was never, not once, that I experience a bus coming on time (and I used to take the bus 2 or 4 times a day). Once I was waiting on a bus that's supposed to come every 15 minutes for 2 hours. I wasted so much time waiting that eventually I decided to not to anything but wait and see how long it'd actually take, and it was 2 hours before I saw a bus should have been at that stop 8 times within those 2 hours. The bus system is just horrible, you're better off walking and taking the train because at least that is reliable. Don't rely on buses for any important meetings or for winter travel.
No. 2040228
>>2036278Thank you for this explanation, that makes a lot more sense of things.
>>2036368I managed to avoid most of the crazy moids by wearing headphones and sunglasses unless it was actively dark out. I switched to earbuds for a couple of days and I had to switch back, it was night and day how many homeless or mentally ill people bothered me because it looked like they could get my attention. And I don't know what it is about eye contact with these people? Crackheads meet your eyes and make a beeline for you immediately. I feel for you having to live there.
No. 2040757
>>2036249I’m debating cancelling my gym membership because I literally cannot go without being ogled by men who have never seen a woman’s shoulder skin uncovered. I went in the evening about a week ago and ended up leaving because I had gotten so uncomfortable with the glares.
It’s only a matter of time before we get a gang rape in the news. But remember! Anything negative about Indian moids and you’re a filthy racist and racebaiter!
No. 2040807
>>2040757I quit my unisex gym in Australia for a female only one since there were groups of jeans and flip flop wearing men staring at me and gossiping about me in another language.
I love my current gym. No lines for the weight, plenty of cardio class options and nice bathrooms.
No. 2046262
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I know she's an alcoholic, but am I the only one who thinks she's legit autistic? There are so many signs
No. 2047478
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To think people are actually stupid enough to help them.
No. 2048112
>>2048076>Visit NewfoundlandNo offense but there's nothing there. Every person I've ever met from NL either moved away when they were 20 or they stayed and hated their lives. No in between. NL is like 2 decades behind the real world.
>>2048079It's a third world country with a veneer of stability. The whole purpose of this country was the extraction of raw materials to send them to Britain to be processed and made into manufactured goods. That's the whole point of this country. Everything is laid out in such a way that our whole country's design and history can be summed up as: cheap resource bank for rich Europeans. Now that there is no British Empire, instead of that it's just rich multi-national corporations that rob the land and give nothing back. The Canadian government and economy serve the multi-national corporations, not the people that live in Canada. Canada has the third largest oil reserves in the world but some of the most expensive gasoline; the most expensive phone and internet plans in the developed world; the population growth rate of an undeveloped country like Afghanistan; a corrupt and mismanaged government system; Canada's household debt is the worst of the G7 nations; and, Canadians have some of the highest rates of credit card debt in the world. Canada is basically America but without the rights and freedoms or the good economy. Wake up and smell the roses. It's a country that's designed to make rich foreigners richer and poor citizens poorer. It's been going on since this place got colonized. From our very beginning the wealthier Canadians would eventually move on to Europe or America after their youth in Canada, even back then they knew there was nothing worth it here for successful people, and that's true even into the modern day. Canada just isn't worth it if you want something more for yourself.
No. 2048139
>>2048123>Canada steals more from the third worldThis would be nice if at least Canadians got to see some of the benefits of stealing, but alas it's all in the interest of multi-national corporations and their American stock owners. 3/4 of
all mining companies in the world are "Canadian," but their owners are Americans or Europeans, they base it here because of our own natural resources as well as the tax benefits of Canadian businesses. It's crazy because so the "country" of Canada is so so rich in resources but the population don't even understand that and the government would rather 10k people studying "graphic design" than start advertising the logging or mining industries. God forbid we start processing materials here or manufacturing. Country is so wealthy but the people are all so poor. Sad.
No. 2048185
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>>2048112I wouldn't recommend trying to live in Newfoundland but it's a beautiful place to visit, especially if you like the outdoors. Visit in the summer, beautiful landscapes. Also the accent is fun.
No. 2048284
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>>2048161>the poverty rate is 10% hereLol. Are you serious? 10% is objectively a low poverty rate. You sound very out of touch
No. 2048296
>>2048284>>2048291>3 million people in poverty is GOOD it is LOW poverty!Okay okay I get it sorry I struck the patriotism nerve I get it I'm sorry okay
>>2048291Just because some countries are worse off than others doesn't mean those better-off countries can't complain about their own. It's not a
victim competition.
No. 2049283
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No. 2053469
>>2053012>All of the Indian people are just here temporarily on visas, right?This is somewhat true. Canada issues the most student visas in the world in 2023. Most young immigrants you'll see in urban areas are here on student visas to attend private colleges. Often times, they'll begin illegally working when they land and by the time they've finished their college diplomas, they'll be ready for permanent residency. Besides that, since graduation from any tertiary education program grants the holder of the student visa the right to a 3-year work permit, it's basically just an easy-way into permanent residency. The tertiary education scene in Canada is a shit-show. To explain it succinctly: in Canada, most universities are open to the public and are funded in part by government grants alongside tuition from students. Since most universities are more stringent in terms of whom they accept, there are sizeable minorities of international students that attend these universities that pay a lot more money than a citizen. In a way, universities prefer international students because they can rinse more money out of them. Yet, universities can't take in too many international students because they need room for domestic students and because the guidelines to attend university are much stricter. Colleges, on the other hand, are mostly privately run. They can charge however much they'd like for international students, and there's no cap on the amount that they'll take. That's why most international students in Canada right now are attending private colleges, like Sheridan, Humber, Conostoga, etc.. It's very lopsided in the sense that the chancellor of Ryerson University actually makes less money than the CEO of Humber College, even though the former is vastly superior in terms of education quality and research output when compared to the latter. Colleges are held to much much laxer guidelines than universities are, so by proxy their students are held to much laxer rules and regulations as well. Some recent research has shown that as many as 50% of people here on student visas actually don't attend the colleges they say they do, and that 40% of all international students in the country go to the same half-dozen private colleges in Ontario. These colleges basically act as an affordable low-stake environment for immigrants to gain permanent residency in Canada as a semi-legal loophole. Most of these colleges offer subpar education in fields that aren't useful in the Canadian job market, i.e., if you weren't Canadian and you had about CA$30,000, you could apply for a cake decorating course at a private college, get a student visa, come into the country, never attend the class you signed up for, and after 2 years of illegally working under the table you'd be granted the right for a work permit at which point you could send for 5-6 members of your extended family to join you here and after 3 more years of labour you'd have citizenship. All without ever having to do any college work at all. All without having any skills viable or competitive in our economy. It's a very corrupt and lackluster system, but there is so much money tied up into the private college industry that the government is very hesitant to step in (for example, a lot of Ontarian MPs and MPPs have stock in these businesses).
>Why they all came at once and from the same regionThe major place that international "students" are coming from right now is a state of India known as Punjab. Since the early 2000s, ethnic and religious tensions in Punjab have become amplified by political extremism. There was a period of time in the early 2000s when Punjabis wanted to separate from India and become their own country, but this was squashed by the central Indian government. Since that point in time, a lot of Punjabis have been trying to leave India because they're upset at how it all turned out. Punjab is one of the least developed and most dangerous states in India, it has some of the highest rates of female infanticide, rape, and bride-murder in the country. Interestingly, Punjabis are strongly disliked by Indians. If you know any Indians from other states like Goa, Telangana, etc., you ask them their thoughts on Punjabi people and they'll tell you the same complaints you've heard from Canadians: no manners, tribalism, sexual deviancy, staring, littering, lying, cheating, etc.. Punjabis are well-known in India for being the least civilized of any Indian. The Punjabi mentality and culture is incompatible with mainstream modern Indian society, and especially incompatible with western cultures. I'm not saying every Punjabi is like that of course, but even in India people don't like to deal with them which I think says a lot about the cultural mindset. Interestingly, the Punjabi independence movement never died down and it's still going on today. Now, Punjabi separatist leaders hold non-binding referendums for the diaspora in Western countries (you may have noticed the "VOTE FOR KHALISTAN" (Khalistan is their name for the independent Punjabi homeland) signs around Punjabi-majority neighbourhoods, they were doing a lot of political work mid-Pandemic. Imagine if all the American people here got together and decided to hold a referendum to decide whether Michigan should secede from the USA, but only Americans outside the USA and Michigan could vote. That's how retarded it is.
This is also a source of Canadian-Indian diplomatic issues, because so many people considered to be ethnic and religious terrorists by the Indian state for their work at destabilizing the Punjab region find themselves at home in Canada, as permanent residents, due to our country's ultra-lax and irresponsible immigration scheme, and these people are supposed to be untouchable to the Indian government while on Canadian soil. Obviously, this pisses off the Indian government. There was a diplomatic spat last year when Indian government officials killed a well-known terrorist here in Canada without the approval of the Canadian government. I.e., some random people from India came into Canada, killed a Canadian permanent resident, and never faced any legal consequences. I don't think that this was a one-off event. As Canada continues to allow terrorists and other social undesirables into the country as citizens or permanent residents, other countries will continue to work in the shadows and work against the authority and sovereignty of the Canadian government. Essentially, if a foreign government doesn't like you, should they be allowed to come to your country to kill you? That's the question. Already in some countries, like Australia and New Zealand, they no longer issue student visas to Punjabis because of all the headache and crassness involved with dealing with them. There's just too much lying, too much bribery, too much cheating the system, it's not worth it.
If you're interesting in learning more, these are some articles that go more in-depth about what I'm talking about: No. 2053643
>>2053584>Wow, great explanation nona. You really gave a clear non-biased perspective on the issue. Thank you. I've seen this topic spring up a few times on LC, and it always turns into petty racebait (e.g., reeee Indians smelly reee) but there's actually a lot more to it. Racism in Canada is different than American racism. How it works here is that every decade or so, a new ethnic group becomes the "main immigrant" supply group for whatever reason, and for that decade they will be universally loathed and hated on by the established Canadian society. Right now it's Punjabis, but in 5-10 years it'll most likely be a different ethnic group. The problem isn't the ethnicity or the race of the people coming, although their culture can create issues, it's solely the fault of a mismanaged education system bolstered by a bureaucratic government that is afraid to take responsibility for anything (yes, even clapping for Nazi veterans). The government uses poor racial relations and ethnic divides to further distract the public from the idiocy and failure of the federal and provincial bureaucrats.
>Do you think the new student visa rules will help quell the permanent resident scam going on with the colleges?Not at all. It's too little and too late. For the past decade or so, Canada has been issuing more student visas than the USA does, a country with a population 9 times greater than Canada. For the past three years, Canada's population growth rate has mirrored the growth rate observed in failed states like Afghanistan during the civil war. Surprisingly, admitting over 3 million people over 3 years is bad for any country's economy and infrastructure. Who would have guessed. It's not sustainable. Trudeau's master housing plan ( ) suggests building at least 800k houses by 2031, but by that time if the immigration trends continue, by that time there will have been over 2 million (I'm using the low end) student visa applications approved, and more than likely 2 million work permits issues. The Canadian housing crisis is more than likely to continue into the 2060s or 2070s.
It's not looking good. The federal government's immigration plan is unsustainable and predicated on denial of intrinsic issues with the country, especially the way the government system is laid out and how it reacts to national problems. Although the federal government blames the provincial governments for not checking these diploma-mills, at the end of the day it's the federal government that is responsible for handing out the visas and work permits. The government officials know what's happening is unpopular and bad for the country, but they will always downplay the severity of the issue and point the blame at others instead of the system that allowed this all to happen to begin with. The federal minister mentioned that he plans to decrease the amount of student visas issued by upwards of 30%, but 70% of 2024's 435,000 visas is still 304500 people each year, and once they finish their fake diploma they're free to get a work permit and permanent residency. At this point, the only thing that would work is the provincial and federal governments working together to create a new tertiary education system that is majority public and does not allow for the massive profit-making that currently goes on in private colleges across the country.
No. 2053990
>>2053643Is it racism or is it anons pointing out legitimate concerns?
I don’t understand the complaints of “Indians are smelly” but i DO understand the complaints coming from women who now feel unsafe because they’re practically surrounded by men from one of the rape capitols of the world. It is only a matter of time before we have gang rapes being reported.
No. 2055011
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>>2054057Thank you for your kind compliment. I wanted to write a longer post about it because a lot of Canadians don't realize what's going on with the tertiary education sector and how the crazy greed and corruption of this sector is a big contributor to the major problems the country faces. A lot of people want to point to one single problem and blame the state of the country on that, (e.g., "it's all immigrants' fault!!) instead of looking at life with a wide lens and realizing that there's a web of many different interconnected issues that is causing the decline in QOL and standard of living here.
>>2053990It can come across as racebait because believe it or not, white 6th-generation Canadian men are also capable of gang rape. The problem isn't the colour or creed of scrote, it's the fact that they're scrotes. It hearkens to this false sense of security that the scrotes you're familiar with are
good but the scrotes that are strangers are
bad, when really
all scrotes are bad. It's this idea that nature of a scrote is dependent on his race, which is racist in a way because all scrotes have that innate fucked up evil nature. I.e.,
>It is only a matter of time before we have gang rapes being a silly line of thinking because there are
already gang rapes here that aren't reported and aren't dealt with due to the horrible joke of a justice system that we have. It's not just one race or ethnicity that contributes to these problems, it's the fact that there's an immigration issue, an education issue, a government issue, a justice issue, etc., and those all work together to create a bad country. Hopefully that makes sense.
No. 2055165
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Another reminder to all the nonas: if you haven't already, start planning your exit strategy and try to get out before the government raises the exit tax.
No. 2055539
>>2052998After I left Ottawa I stayed in Montreal for about 6 months, then I moved back to the GTA to live with my sister while I get all my documents and affairs in order before leaving. I've lived across the country: GTA, MTL, Ottawa, Calgary, Halifax, Fredericton, St. Catherines, Edmonton, etc., and I can safely say that this country isn't for me. No place in this country has every impressed me or left any impact on me. This country is soulless. You can wander into a bum ass town in the middle of nowhere, USA, and find more soul, atmosphere, vibrancy, life, culture, and art than you could ever even hope to find anywhere in Canada. I was originally planning to leave by June, but someone in my family decided to die so I had to prolong the plan. I'm just excited to get out of here and start living my life in the real world.
No. 2055615
>>2048284Idk why they said this. A brand new study said at LEAST 25% of Canadians are currently living in poverty.
>>2055603Hurtful and disagree, I love northern Canada and Alaska is too mainstream
No. 2055624
>>2055615I actually said that because I hadn't seen the brand new study because it didn't exist yet. Sorry. The point I was making is that 10% or 25% of people in poverty is still too much poverty. It seems like you can never actively admit that the country is shit without some rando coming in and saying "well they have it worse in the developing world so stfu and you're dumb" which is just so dismissive and obtuse.
>Hurtful and disagreeSorry I was hurtful, my bad.
No. 2055632
I hope canadafags stop trying to move to the US. Sorry your country sucks and you hate yourselves so much, but you sound whiny and obnoxious. We’re good without you trying to leech off of us lol
>>2055603>affordable food >AlaskaAlaska is literally a meme in the states for having unaffordable food since everything is shipped in, the fuck are you talking about
>>2055601I’m sure Scandinavians care where your grandparents came from. You just sound racist
(bait) No. 2055669
>>2055667Nta but I don't think she wants to move to Scandinavia to
be Scandinavian, I think she just doesn't wanna be homeless and broke with no food in Canada.
No. 2055679
>>2055677>do you have enough money to afford rent and buy foodyes, but the government wont let you stay solely on the basis of working in a farm, warehouse or pushing mail. I was only allowed to stay because I proved I had money enough to sustain myself for a long time if I got jobless (I had an inheritance so even if I was doing poverty jobs I was not poor). if don't have the right type of visa (basically either asylum seeker or relative/spouse visa) they won't help you at all.
anyway best of luck to any nonnas coming here but unless you already have family living here, marry a local or grab an IT job (the only work field where english only is acceptable but it's full of nepotism and it's a boys' club so) immediately when coming here, it's not easy.
No. 2056117
>>2056087It's capital not capitol.You're very focused on what variant of men commits more crime and figuring out which race of men is more rape-y (instead of just admitting all scrotes are rape apes), I'm trying to focus on
why the justice system doesn't take these crimes seriously, why rapists in Canada aren't convicted, why are they given a few hours of community service instead of prison time, etc.. See it's easy to blame people that are a different colour than you, but it's hard to realize that the real enemy is the courts, the justices, and the system itself. The whole "if we let x in the country there's gonna be more crime!" is just a retarded distraction from the fact that all that crime already happens and that the justice system doesn't give a crap about it b/c it's already a pile of crap.
No. 2056346
>>2056324i moved back in with my parents so i pay them $800/month
they renovated the basement into a self contained suite for me. when i move out again we're looking at around $1700 for a 1 bedroom. i live in a small town with like 3 apartments to choose from though. i also live with my bf and our combined salary is a little under 100k/year
No. 2057112
>>2057059>What do you think is gonna happen to the rent prices?As more and more people are given student visas and work permits, the housing market is gonna continue to constrict and worsen. Right now the average home costs ~$720k, by 2030 it'll most likely be in the ~$1.4-1.6 million range. Rent has skyrocketed from an average of <$1000/month to a new average of >$2200/month over the course of a decade. If trends continue, the average rent will be over $3500 for a 1 bedroom by the early 2030s. If you're not making over $150k as a single adult in 2024, you're not gonna 'make' it here in any meaningful way. Remember, a 1/4th of Canadians are already living in poverty according to recent statistics conducted by the Food Bank of Canada (presented as truth in parliament as of 20 June 2024), and that number is going to continue to grow in the next decade. The thing about poverty is it always seems like such a distant problem until it's not anymore. It sneaks up on a person.
>Most people think it's gonna get worse and the middle class will die outYep, everything they're saying is true. The middle class won't completely die out, but the quality of life for them will continue to decrease exponentially. I presume by the late 2030s, the difference between middle and lower class will be about housing and food. By that time, only the middle class will be able to afford rent (buying a home will be limited to the upper echelons of society and the rental corporations) and food everyday while the lower class will be stuck in government funded homeless shelters and will eat slop once every other day or so.
You're best bet is to work on an emigration plan right now and get out ASAP. I'm in the same boat as you where my mum is gonna be left behind when I emigrate. I really don't wanna leave because I really love my mum, but we've both talked it over (with a lot of tears) and although it's gonna really suck for a year or two, I'm still better off emigrating. With the job I have lined up overseas, after a year or two of work I'll have enough savings to be able to buy her her own place in the USA or Uruguay until I can afford to bring her over to where I'm going. The housing/economic crisis is not gonna get better no matter how many people are in denial about it. ATP it really is a race against the clock. When you leave Canada to emigrate RN, the government will tax you 25% on everything you own (e.g., real estate, jewellery, savings, artwork, etc.,) but I'm sure they'll raise the tax before 2027/2028 to make it even more unaffordable to leave. Likewise, as more Canadians begin to emigrate other countries will start creating quotas on the number of new Canadian immigrants accepted. As more and more Canadians leave and the economy continues to worsen in the coming years, our government will take steps to prevent citizens from leaving. My family has been in this country since the late 1600s, it really hurts me to leave the land that my family has worked and kept for nearly 4 centuries, but I know that if I stay here I'm cursing myself and my children to a life of poverty and suffering. I don't want that for myself or for my children. My ancestors came here because their homeland was decaying and corrupt: I want to follow in their bravery and leave my homeland because it is decaying and corrupt.
Again, your best bet is to work on an exit strategy right now. Leave while your father is still alive, save up enough overseas so that when your dad does die (hopefully not for a while!) you can take care of your mum in his absence. Start looking into other countries with high QOL and check out their immigration requirements + the professions that they need to fill through immigration. A popular one with the people around me right now is medical technicians, e.g. X-Ray techs, Ultrasound techs, etc., because it's usually a <2 year college course and a lot of other developed countries have a shortage of people in these fields. Usually you can find a list of these professions for each country on their government websites. This country really is a lost cause. It's best to just realize this now and start preparing to leave instead of holding on to this false sense of security that somehow someway things here will improve. They won't. QOL continues to degrade year after year. The economy continues to falter year after year. The government grows more and more bureaucratic and alienated from the public with each passing year. If you have any respect for yourself and love for your family, please start thinking about how you will leave. It will be hard but it will save you and your heirs from the shit storm that's brewing.
No. 2057148
>>2057127>BreakfastA serving of back bacon alongside savoury toutons from NL drizzled with A-grade maple syrup from QC and molasses on the side. If you're still hungry, maybe a Montreal-style bagel with Montreal-style smoked meat too.
>LunchDonairs with a side of garlic fingers from NS, and a big poutine from QC with real cheese curds and Pineapple-flavoured Crush brand soda to drink.
>DinnerA fresh lobster or two from the Maritimes with chicken wings tossed in honey-garlic sauce and BC dried smoked-salmon, maybe with a side of bannock from NT. A Canada Dry branded ginger ale for drink.
>DessertNanaimo bars from BC and butter tarts from ON. If you've a real sweet tooth, then a maple taffy from QC would hit the spot.
>SnackKetchup-flavoured potato chips and
oreilles de crisse from QC.
No. 2057150
>>2056324I feel relatively lucky that my roommates, bf and I found an apartment right before everything went up. When I was employed I was around 57k and paying 1k a month. Our rent total is 4k at around 1100 sq/ft. Unfortunately I'm on ei since my industry is so scarce atm, so I'm probably closer to 24k a year now.
If I have any advice to anons is just live with your parents as long as you can. I've been on my own since I was a teenager and comparing how expensive everything is from 10 years ago to now genuinely feels like I'm being robbed in broad daylight. Its not just your rent you'll find difficult. It's food, utilities,and anything frugal. If you have no loans to pay off as well that's a plus, the only thing that puts me in the hole is my student loan. Also a big regret, don't choose private colleges lol
No. 2057160
>>2057150>comparing how expensive everything is from 10 years ago to now genuinely feels like I'm being robbedKek if this isn't the truth. I also moved out of my parents' place before I was 18, back in the mid 2010s. At the time I felt very confident that I could survive and thrive, and for a while I did. Had my own place, could afford 3 meals a day, kept the lights on for long periods of time, all the things that middle class life affords a person. Each year got harder and harder. Everything around me kept getting more expensive while my wages stagnated and my industry soured. I'm making less now as a mid-level employee in 2024 than I did in 2017 as an entry-level employee. Salaries got fucked so badly in the past 6-7 years. I was making $19 when I started in entry-level, but now that same position only pays minimum wage. The pandemic made everything a lot worse. By 2021 I could only afford to buy enough groceries each week to eat once a day, now in 2024 I rely on the local food bank for a lot of my food. I remember having to start conserving energy by 2022 because the hydro prices were too much, so in winter I have to wear a winter coat and snowpants when I go to sleep so I wouldn't get frostbite because I can't afford to keep my heat on overnight. I thought I did everything right: I went to uni, I got a good job, I pay back my debts, but it still isn't enough. I get so angry sometimes at the food bank because I see all the old women there that are starving to death and I can't imagine or grasp what could have done in life to deserve this fate. If I didn't rent my apartment when I did, I'd be homeless right now. It's so scary. I don't think people realize how close they are to destitution until it's too late.
No. 2057223
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>>2057209Sorry if my post scared you. I just didn't want to bullshit you. I wanted to reply to you because the bit about your mum really hit home for me. I'm not ashamed to say I've cried almost every night thinking about moving across the world and leaving my mum behind. At the end of the day though, I want to be able to provide my mum with a good standard of living in her old age in gratitude for everything she's done for me and out of love. If I stay here, that's just not possible. I know in my heart that if I stay here, my QOL will be shit and I'll never be able to give back to her like how I would like to. It's hard to leave, but I know that if I don't all the struggle and dedication my mum put in raising me will be wasted, all her sacrifices would have been in vain. I don't want that. I'm just very grateful we live in the age of information, where video calling is so easy now. The world gets smaller and smaller. Even so, it's difficult for me to think about separation because family is important to me.
As a side note, if anyone is curious looking for prices and costs between different cities, I use this website: ( ). It's a great little calculator and it's been accurate so far for when I've used it. Picrel is an example of what I mean when I say Canada isn't worth shit. Tokyo is the biggest city in the world but it's infinitely cheaper than bummy ass Toronto. I used it to find cheap cities to look into when I emigrate later this year and I'm happy with the tool so I wanted to share with others.
No. 2057331
>>2057224>Is there anywhere else in Canada worth migrating to?At this point in time, no. Everywhere in Canada will be affected by the same problems: lackluster wages, high taxes, faltering medical system, lack of housing, high unemployment rates, etc.. These sorts of issues spread slowly at first and then at all once. An example is Halifax: a few years ago when the housing crisis was ramping up (especially in Ontario and BC), a lot of people started looking at Halifax as an example of a nice-ish city that still had affordable housing stock, so they all started moving in and now in 2024 Halifax has an insanely expensive housing market, not enough jobs, and not enough doctors. Basically, migration between different cities in Canada is pointless because the same issues you wanna escape from one city are either just as present in a different city, or if they aren't yet they soon will be.
The issues our country faces are multi-faceted, of course, but the housing crisis is probably the most pertinent. To give more global context, Ontario accepted about 200k immigrants in 2023, and there were around 140k births. in that same year across the province only 70 thousand residences completed construction across 17 of the largest municipalities (my source is: ). It's a similar story with all the other provinces. When you factor in the birth rate, internal migration, and external immigration, it becomes very obvious that the private sector construction companies and the provincial governments can't handle the influx of people and they're struggling to build enough residences to house a growing population. Since housing will continue to exponentially grow in demand and outpace the supply, the prices will continue to grow and grow without wavering. Without context, these numbers might not seem bad, but if we look at the stats for a place with a similar population it becomes clearer how bad the problem is. In Dallas, a single city in Texas, USA, has completed construction on over 60 thousand new residences in 2023. One city in the USA built just about as many residences than all 17 of the largest municipalities of Ontario did in that same time. That's why housing is more affordable in places like the USA, because their economy is much stronger and their private sector can adequately respond to the demands of the population.
Another issue is the economy. I'll just start by saying whatever profession you may have here in Canada, you'd be getting paid 10-20% more in the USA and be paying a lot less taxes on that money too. Just for this example, I'll use a grocery store produce manager and take information from popular job posting websites: In Niagara Falls, ON, the average produce manager earns about CA$23 an hour. In Niagara Falls, NY, (just across the river) that same profession has an average wage of CA$26.50. Besides the CA$3.50 difference, the manager in ON will be paying CA$0.13 on every dollar towards sales tax while the manager in NY will only pay CA$0.10 on every dollar. At every level, working in the USA will be more beneficial for your wallet. This is the case with almost any job: more money, less tax, more purchasing power. Obviously food in Canada is another big issue right now because of the unhinged raw power that corporate monopolies hold on our country. If you wanna look at how the cost of food compares, just go on the Canadian Walmart site and create an online basket of your weekly grocery list, then go onto the American Walmart site and put the same items in your basket. From my experience, by the end the American basket will usually be about 10-15% cheaper than the Canadian basket. And that's just considering the USA; in other countries you can be making even more money, paying even less tax, afford even more food, all while doing the same job with the same qualifications. In my profession, where I live in Canada now I'd be making less than CA$40k a year after tax working 40 hours a week with no dental or vision benefits, the job I have lined up overseas will be paying me CA$90k after tax working 30 hours a week and with benefits. Same qualifications, same experience, same skills, same me, but a CA$50k increase in pay and with less hours spent working besides.
>I’m not sure where I’d move toAs an exercise, create a list from 1 to 10 of things that you would really dislike in the place you'd want to live. 1 being the thing you would dislike the greatest and 10 being the thing that you'd dislike the least. Think about things like population, public transportation, job opportunities, culture, weather, etc.. Now that you have your dislike list, the like list will be easy to create because it's just an inverse of the first list. Start researching places you'd like to live, and see how they relate to your two lists. You're never gonna find a place that has everything that you'd like to have, but at least you can find a place that doesn't have everything you'd dislike to have. I found this exercise to be helpful for me narrowing down where I'd like to move. After you have a few places that you're interested in, start comparing them by job markets, taxes, rental prices, crime, etc. (you can usually find this info on government stats websites) and your options will become even more narrow.
>>2057275I'm happy that you found my posts informative and detailed. I know that it's very difficult to think about leaving your family behind, but remember that this is
your life and you have to try and make the best decisions for
yourself. Your mum and dad want you to succeed in life and want you to do well for yourself. I think it should be the goal of every parent to want their children to do better than they did. Personally speaking, it's my goal to finally buy my mum a house somewhere that she can enjoy her retirement without having to worry about all the problems this country is facing. The only way I can do this is by spending some years abroad working, and by the time I'm done with it I doubt I'll be coming back to Canada.
No. 2057592
>>2053469Thank you for taking the time to explain it so well
nonnie. There's so much I learned about your post!
I'm an immigrant myself (not from India) and I was surprised to see so many comments about Indians when I got here a couple of years ago. I thought I was going to have it hard because it seemed like Canadians were openly racist. However, time has passed and I have many Canadian friends and most of them say they don't have issues with immigrants except Indians/Punjabs for that same issue. Even the ones who are 2nd gen Indo-Canadians. At first, I thought my Canadian friends saying "Not all immigrants" was because they didn't want to be seen as racists or didn't want to hurt my feelings but then I noticed some of them legit are okay with controlled immigration and having a more diverse pool of immigrants.
I've been studying in college for a while and I even though my class is half Canadian (I guess because it's a "legit" program, not those business management ones), half immigrants, 3 out of the 5 Indian students just came to the first class and barely attended to plead for extensions to not get kicked out of the program. Also, they only socialized with other Indians while the ones who went to class wanted to integrate, instead of just hanging out with other Indians which I have heard that's also very common.
Heck, there's even a PCPP college nearby where I live that is, no joke, 90% Indians and people refer to it as a "diploma mill" or something.
It's kind of sad for the people who want to actually immigrate here for a better future and integrate to the workforce instead of trying to find loopholes and cheat to get PR.
My experience has been great here so far and I really wish to settle here as I have a promising future in my field of work, mostly because the industry where I work looks for very specific profiles and isn't really that affected by immigration, and seeing this is honestly discouraging.
No. 2057940
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>>2057497>FHSAHonestly your best bet is to just put your money into a TFSA and invest into stock. The FHSA has a limit of $40k. The average home costs $700k, so even that $40k you could save in the FHSA isn't enough for a 10% down payment on an average home. I do have a few friends that use the FHSA to save more money once they exceed their yearly TFSA contribution, even though they don't plan to buy a house with the money. The problem is, if you don't buy a house in a certain time after maxing out the FHSA I'm pretty sure all the money you put in is taxed upon withdrawal. The other problem is, all the houses here are kind of crap. CA$400k can get you a beautiful detached 4 bedroom home in some regions of the USA for example, whereas here I've seen one half of a 2-bedroom duplex with 900sq ft on a busy road selling for 1.1-1.2 million CAD. Your money will take you a lot farther in other places than it will here and afford you a much better quality of life as well.
>>2057430Look into the "Century Initiative" lobby group that has bought out every federal political party. Their goal is to have a population of 100 million people by 2100. Things won't change, they'll only keep getting worse and worse. Even in the past 10 years, the QOL here has noticeably declined. A very small number of immigrants return back home, the vast majority stay and bring 3-4 extended family members (usually elderly people with health conditions) after they get their PR or citizenship.
>I'd like to think things might not get that bad.I also felt this way for a long time but at a certain point it becomes important to trade in your rose-coloured glasses for a wide-lens. For context, of the dozen people I still talk to from my university days 5 of them have already left the country and another 4 are working on leaving. Even my family doctor is planning on leaving soon. It seems like everyone I talk to (from the perspective of a worldly university-educated professional) knows shit is going to hit the fan by the late 2020s or early 2030s and they're trying to find a way out before then.
>>2057536The process might be a bit complicated; if you ever find yourself struggling to understand something about it, don't hesitate to talk to an immigration lawyer. They can be a bit expensive (I had to pay mine $350 per hour for consultations and discussions), but they're worth it in the end because they have a lot more experience and knowledge on the subject. To try and answer your questions succinctly though, look at picrel.
>What would you suggest a strategy be to find work overseas and leave Canada?Spend time researching the place you want to emigrate to. In the case of the USA, it's a really big country with lots of different climates and job opportunities and wages and taxes, so it's important to research places you could move to. After deciding where you want to go, look up professions that that country needs. Usually you can find this through government websites under a title like "skilled occupation list," or "specialty occupation list." If you plan to emigrate to a country, if your profession or field of work is on that list it'll be much easier for you to obtain a work-visa and eventually PR status. Start saving money now, as much as you can. I've been saving ~CA$1000 per month for about 2 years to fund my exit. Since our economy continues to worsen and the value of our dollar continues to decrease, I've personally started converting 1/3rd of my savings into USD, because the USD remains strong and the value of my savings will be protected even as the CAD declines.
>Do you apply for a work visa there and hope to get hired by a local company?How it worked for me is that I started talking to job recruiters from the country I'm going to, once I talked to them and they helped me find a good job I applied for it from Canada and they accepted my application, so now I'm in the process of getting my work visa issued to me and straightening out my affairs before I leave. In most cases how it works is that you apply for a job from Canada, once a company accepts your application they'll help you file for a visa (or offer sponsership). You won't be able to get a work-visa without a job offer. One of my friends left for Australia in late 2023 to work for an Australian management company, by March 2024 the company she works for offered to sponsor her for PR. Now she lives 10 minutes from the beach in a place where it's always warm and sunny and she makes twice the salary she was making in Canada doing the same exact job.
>Do you work for a Canadian company with overseas ties (like US) and hope they'll relocate you to their office?Don't bother with this route. Canadian companies are jokes in the international job market. They'll offer you shit pay even in your the other country, and they
will report your earnings back to the Canadian government so you'll have to pay tax on your earnings in 2 countries.
>I'd like to move to the USA because the industry for my field just has so much more opportunitiesSince we're Canadians, it's easier for us to live and work in the USA thanks to the USMCA agreement (the thing that replaced NAFTA). Part of this agreement is that you're eligible to apply for a TN visa, a type of visa that will allow you to work and reside in the USA for up to 3 years at a time (it's also possible to renew it while you're there for an indefinite time) and grants the holder an expedited process to become a US citizen. The TN visa is limited to certain professions, you can find that list here: ( ). If your current profession is on the list, great, you can start applying for those jobs today. If not, you could benefit from using the education system here to begin studying for new credentials. A popular option I've seen is going to college to become a registered nurses, since some nursing courses take only 1.5 years to complete here, and once you complete it and you get registered you can immediately start applying for nursing jobs in the USA and try for a TN visa. There are other paths to work-visas in the USA too, of course, but the TN visa is probably the best option if you already work as one of those skilled occupations. If you can't get a TN visa and you don't wanna go back to school, look into the H-1B visa.
>The other thing I can do in my case is to go to graduate school in the USAvoid this. Even though Canada has a lot of issues, the cost of tertiary education for citizens isn't one of them (surprisingly). Graduate programs are a lot cheaper here than in the USA, and student visas are more difficult to navigate in the USA as well. Your best bet is to try and complete all pertinent education in this country, and then get out.
It really is a lot of work to research emigration, visas, places to live, etc., and all that comes along with it. I've spent hundreds of hours researching and planning and at this point I have a special diary that I write all my notes in. Even though it's a lot of work, it's very possible to emigrate, no matter what some naysayers may think. It takes time, dedication, research, and some cash, but in the end it's always worth it to leave.
No. 2058300
>>2057617Canadians won't protest for anything. Too busy working all day and night for scraps and smoking cheap weed. 1 July will come and go and there will be no mention of protests in the news or anything. You should stop browsing that subreddit, it's filled with the worst type of brainrotted tard.
>i dont know how people aren't marching in the streetsSee this post
>>1934127 for more info on why protests aren't popular here.
No. 2061527
>>1873638It wasn't always like that
I was born and raised in Ottawa (early 90s) and it seemed like a paradise then compared to now
I used to bike all over the city when I was a teenager, though even back then things were starting to become less safe with the "safe injection sites" and refugee housing being placed near residential neighborhoods
I remember we had a bunch of Somali families placed in low income housing a couple blocks away from my neighborhood, and then within a month my bike was stolen off my front lawn
We used to just leave our bikes on the front lawn or park them beside the door overnight, that's how safe neighborhoods like Nepean were in the 90s and 2000s
No. 2062339
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the tiramisu cold brew from timmys is really good
No. 2062578
>>2062339>Tiramisu cold brewKek isn't tiramisu just coffee flavoured cake? So this is just a coffee flavoured cold brew? I don't get it. I kinda hate Tims.
>>2062500I used to work at a dispensary in a city and we'd regularly sell ounces on promotion for 89-99 dollars. It was bush, but still not too bad for an ounce. I used to get my weed from a dealer and go to the rez for the cool edibles though.
>>2062500No, you don't have to be indigenous to buy on a rez kek. You shouldn't worry about "flooding the market" either, if anything they'll be glad to see you and get another sale. It's wild that an ounce in BC is so crazy, I assume it's a lot more $$$ there because more people have dealers and the black market industry is still so strong there.
No. 2064020
>>2063508>Everything sold here is sold under monopolies for the most part.This is true for the entire country nona not just in BC.
>I still feel like legalizing pot was a poor choice and decriminalizing it would have kept the prices low.I think the ideal would have been decriminalization. It would have been better if the stoners could just grow their own plants and sell it to other stoners. Now, everyone and their grandpa is hooked on 35% THC distillate-infused pot. It made the whole community so consumerist. I really don't think weed should be as publicly available as it is. Before, if you wanted to blaze up you'd have to know some people, and it kept the the circle small. Now, they're on every corner and 18 year olds can't function without smoking a HQ a day. It's really sad. Working in a dispensary is actually the reason I quit weed, it was just so depressing seeing people come in every day buying the same shit over and over, scrapping for dimes and in tears when they couldn't get their fix for the day. I sold so much weed to people on their lunch breaks before they went back to working their dangerous jobs, and I remember thinking like "This can't be normal or good," like I knew people smoked weed before legalization but I don't think it was THAT present or all-encompassing as it is now.
No. 2074304
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Happy Canada Day everyone. It's the last one I'm celebrating before I move. So excited to escape this shithole country before stuff really starts to get bad.
No. 2074319
nonny, I hope I can find a way out myself before it's too late (I'm a poorfag)
No. 2076115
>>2074336Jesus Christ, really? Racebaiting for bringing up a legitimate problem that the country is facing?
Okay janny, I understand. Everything about immigration is racist to you and you can’t tell the difference between actual racism and criticism of a country’s lax immigration methods.
No. 2076177
>>2074304I understand where anons who want to go stateside are coming from, but as someone who did it I'll offer my two cents. There are different tensions in the USA than ours that are also getting worse. The economy is better, so if you want to go based solely on that then fair enough and hopefully it works out great for you, that's a solid reason on its own. But if any of you want to escape Canada because you fear things are going to pop off really badly socially, you may want to consider that the states is on more of a hair
trigger in that regard. There's tension with all the newcomers specifically in Canada, obviously, but it's not the same as the outright worsening hatred for each other that I observe in people in the US, which stems from a variety of issues.
No. 2076217
>>2076190What word choice would be better?
Third world wave? Third work tsunami? Third world overcrowding? Third world overinflation?
No. 2076277
>>2076264Regular immigration isn’t what’s happening though and I’m assuming you do not live in Canada, otherwise you’d be privy to just how bad it’s gotten.
Also, using third-world to describe immigrants from a third-world country isn’t treating them as subhuman, it’s literally just using the correct terminology. India is a third world country, they are responsible for the majority of our immigration congestion.
No. 2076324
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>>2076317Nyart but it was so surreal! I didn’t even know it was happening, was out for a walk and looked down for something—next thing I knew the sky was full of colors!
No. 2076793
>>2076777The same thing happened to me, I was working somewhere for 2 years I ended up being let go (I was being paid $23/h, new-hire was getting $15). I tried filing for EI a week after I got let go, when EI called my old manager he lied and said I hadn't worked there for 4 months and I abandoned my post, EI called me back and the conversation went basically like:
>"Hello, do you have anything you want to tell me?">Um no?>"Well I was on the phone with your old manager, and he told me that you abandoned your job 4 months ago and stopped showing up for work.">Oh that's weird, I think he's lying you can check my bank statements and I have pay stubs, I only stopped working last week.>"Listen, your little game isn't going to work with me. Your manager told me that you abandoned the post, why would he lie? You don't qualify for EI because of this.">But my last shift was a week ago I have the timestamps and everything>"Miss don't get an attitude with me, you're lucky he didn't press charges against you. If you want to appeal this case, good luck."I tried appealing the case and even sent my pay stubs, bank statements, etc., to show them I didn't abandon my job, but there was no use. It's crazy that the system exists to help people that get fired or let go, but then they trust the old managers that fired or let them go to tell the truth. I ended up having to go on Welfare instead, so the money I put into EI for 2 years never helped me and instead I had to get the tax-payer to bail me out. That's why our system is so overrun and bloated.
No. 2076806
>>2076793what the fuck nona lol that's crazy. your old managers a total cunt. i would have lost my shit on the phone tbh.
the first time i tried to apply for medical EI because i was in the hospital for a few months, but because i had requested my job pay out my vacation pay while i was in there they denied my EI request. i was too young to know any better to try and fight it.
the second time i was living with my parents who were moving and i couldnt afford to live on my own in the city we lived in and they denied me again. I tried to dispute it but the girl on the phone basically blamed me for living in a city i couldn't afford in the first place. as if i had a choice to have grown up there
No. 2077727
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Lately every day I wake up and there's something new to be embarrassed about this place
No. 2078428
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>>2076390I don't know what to say, the news reports (when they don't hide names or faces) speak for themselves
The usual response I get from liberals and libfems is "white men do it too" and sure that's true but a) the rates are much higher for some groups than others and b) why should we be importing
more of them into our country and making the problem worse?
If Rajwinder never set foot in Canada, that woman would not have been SA'd
No. 2078444
>>2076637I'd be fine if it was immigration from compatible cultures
There were millions of eastern Europeans who wanted to come to Canada in the 1990s after the collapse of communism
No. 2078545
>>2078444Even if all of these immigrants were Brits or Americans or whatever things still wouldn't be fine because we don't have the infrastructure to handle this much growth this fast
You can totally make the argument that things would be better with immigrants that aren't from a culture where SA is extremely normalized, but even bringing in over a million model citizens a year wouldn't work without some serious changes to this country
No. 2078553
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>>2078520We're now seeing enrichment everywhere else since post-COVID
>>2078545I agree completely, I'm talking in the context of us actually needing immigration for whatever reason.
No. 2079937
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I was looking at population statistics today, and I noticed the number of emigrants is rising again after the decline seen during the pandemic. I'm wondering what the stat is gonna be for the 2023/2024 year, I'm thinking the rate is gonna grow higher than the 2016/2017 peak.
No. 2080655
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Is anyone else struggling to get a basic minimum wage job? I've applied to 60+ jobs since April and have only gotten 3 interviews. Being a zoomie in 2024 is truly the worst. I can't even afford to go on outings. I feel for the students who have to work to pay their tuition and can't find anything
No. 2080673
>>2080655I read that the official poverty rate in Canada is sitting at 25% now
It really feels like we're sliding into second world status, probably much of eastern Europe is better off than us if you deflate our massively overleveraged housing market
No. 2100939
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Does anyone know if we have our own cute mascot characters like Snoopy or Hello Kitty? I can only think of the vancouver olympic mascota and Anne of Green Gables
No. 2101028
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>>2100939I'm from Van but anytime I think of Canadian mascot I'm reminded of this terrifying creature kek. When we learned about him as a kid I was so freaked out by that face
No. 2101881
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>>2101028Bonhomme has his own day of celebration where the mayor gives him the key to the city and they all build igloos and dip maple syrup in the snow with popsicle sticks. I miss when it was only QC culture that seemed weird and creepy.
Did this guy ever come to your school? He hit on hit on our french teacher in gr. 6
No. 2104269
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I got a text from my sister at 3am. Someone told her they can’t save the town of Jasper from fire. Buildings are crisp, gas station exploded and the town will never be the same. Justin Trudeau is helping out but lol of course he is it’s a national park. No. 2104661
>>2101493Aw I loved this show and I love her. In my imaginary inside world me and my husbando Kermit the Frog adopt her.
No. 2104667
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>>2101493I LOVE NANALAN. Her dog fucking kills me, so stupidly silly and cute. I'd do anything for Russel.
No. 2105605
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>>2078553Another good ol born and raised Canadian, right? Can’t even get dental work safely.
No. 2106622
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>>2101028As a québécoise I was gonna post the Bonhomme Carnaval so I will show this creepier version instead.
No. 2109465
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Love that my country is getting more and more unsafe by the day for me to go about my life! Can’t wait to be harassed at the grocery store because I showed my ankle in the presence of men who can’t stand women existing (if not existing for them)(racebait)
No. 2109942
>>2109465Wow, a racebait ban for posting a legitimate graph of our immigration intake? I’m so sorry that I’ve offending the delicate moderators and admins with my concerns for my, and other women’s, safety.
>>2109884It absolutely is not a 50/50 split, especially when the men overpopulate their native countries. Sorry though, nona, we can’t talk about this because we’re apparently racebaiting.
No. 2110188
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I'm surprised more anons aren't posting about the recent Jasper fires. I feel really bad for the people that live there, and even though I've never been it seems like a really beautiful place to visit. The last two years have been really crazy for forest fires in the Western provinces, I wish that their governments would dedicate more of their annual budget towards firefighting services. I think as the climate continues to change it's gonna keep getting worse and worse, so it's better if we start preparing for the worst ASAP to mitigate the most damage.
I read once that in Australia, where wildfires are a problem, that the government invited indigenous peoples to start practising their traditional controlled burning practises to help control larger uncontainable blazes. It ended up working well IIRC, and it makes me wonder if the indigenous peoples in that area of Canada have a similar practise that could help with our wildfires.
>>2110000>Actually thinking Pierre is against immigration when he's explicitly stated time & time again that the Conservatives align themselves with the Century Initiative & won't decrease immigration numbers.Kek found the tourist. It's crazy that poltards are obsessed with talking about immigration like it's the only problem the country faces.
No. 2110218
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>>2110000That guy isn't gonna do shit, Canada is swirling the drain. Sorry for the awful screenshot format, but worth knowing.
No. 2111335
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I don't even have words. This moid assaulted at least 12 but possibly over 30 women and children in a public area in broad daylight and they still released him.
No. 2112168
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We’ve been having a horrible rise in anti-semitic hate crimes lately but because Canada is fucking stupid, we don’t see any of it on the news. No. 2114011
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>>2113859>>2113866Canadafags don’t even know their own supreme leader wtf….the disrespect
No. 2114884
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Has anyone ever traveled to the Magdalen Islands before? It's a tiny archipelago about 100km north of PEI.
I've always wanted to travel there, it seems like such a nice place to stay for a convalescence. I wonder what it's like to live on those islands, it must be such a small-town atmosphere and so limiting. The natural scenery is gorgeous, and apparently it's a hot-spot for marine life in Atlantic Canada. I heard they fish and serve really good lobster too. I've been all over the Maritimes, but I've never been to the Magdalen Islands and it's something I'd like to do before shit hits the fan here.
Is there any particular place in Canada that you've always wanted to visit? Or, what was you're favourite travel experience in Canada?
No. 2115156
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FML nonnies. Make sure to consistently check your CRA account after leaving. I look on my CRA yesterday and despite not living in Canada anymore I owed 3k worth of taxes. They want me to pay back my carbon/GST payments as well. I literally have no money in my Canadian bank account so I had to ask my family.
>>2114884I've always wanted to see Yukon and Jade City. My mom got me a jade owl from there but I want jewelry too.
No. 2115614
>>2115602>>2115604I know that it's not like the US expatriate taxes, and I'm happy about that, but still I don't like the idea and it perturbs me somewhat. I own some land and a house, so it's a bit different too because I think I'll still have to pay property taxes or a departure tax if I leave forever. My plan right now is to work overseas for two years to save up for an eventual final leaving, because I know I'm gonna have to pay into that stupid departure tax. It's crazy that to leave you have to pay tax on everything expensive you own. I'm giving my jewellery collection to my mum for safe-keeping, and I think I'll just try to slowly smuggle it out bit by bit through visits and holidays.
>next thing you know my ass is being shipped back.Let's hope it's at least express mail
Kek jk but I hope it all works out for you and your love No. 2116316
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These are so good, so simple but addicting. And so nostalgic because I remember these were always at kids birthday parties when I was growing up.
No. 2127560
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>Lotto Max Jackpot for 9 August is $70 million with 37 extra draws for $1 million.
Is anyone else buying a ticket? This is the longest its gone without being won in a while. If anyone else is playing, what are your numbers? I like to play the lottery when the jackpots get big because it's fun to daydream about what I'd do with the prize.
No. 2147710
>>2147001General stereotypes:
>BC scrotesHas a high-paying job but wastes all his money on petty luxury, complains about crackheads in Vancouver but snorts 10 lines every weekend, way too invested in their parents because most times they fund his a portion of his lifestyle.
>Prairie moidsWeed, beer, and trucks. That's pretty much it. They have a very strong sense of neurosis about not living in either BC or Ontario, so they will mention BC or Ontario at least 3 times a day when they talk about how much they hate BC or Ontario. They usually get paid good, but most of their money goes into their gas-guzzling trucks. They are afraid of authority figures, government, and climate change, and that slides into almost all of their behaviours. They see women as people, but only if she is pregnant or illiterate. If you're more than that, you're either a stuck up bitch or a dumb city whore to them.
>Ontario wastemenTotally brainwashed by American media, they think that every suburb is part of the mythical ghetto hood. They will speak in the most obnoxious fake-accents possible because they are all obsessed with being Jamaican, no matter the colour or race. They are broke and will be broke forever. 1/2 of their money goes towards weed, a 1/4 on fast food, and the other 1/4 on insurance. They live with their mothers and see no issue in using her as their personal slave until they "wife up." An example of Toronto loser speech: "Ahlie fam bare tings cheesing me dawg finna hop in my whip and link these shawties rizz them up bad." They see nothing cringey about speaking like that in the streets, but as soon as they go home they're speaking perfect English or Punjabi.
>QuebecoisSmelly. Just bad with hygiene. Something is always smelling, their teeth, their bodies, their hair, their clothes, something. They are close-minded and will make that your problem. They will resent you for knowing English at anything more than a 10th grade level.
>Any scrote east of QuebecAny & all whitetrash stereotype about the southern states applies here.
No. 2149122
>>2148875is it just the canadian men that stink, or women too?
>white CanadiansIdk but everytime I go grocery shopping, I either get a whiff of some moids BO, or see some moids boxer shorts or buttcrack or front gunt, since men arent even expected to have their pants up to a normal height anymore. Once I saw a guy picking his bum by the bread section. The other day there was a moid on fentanyl or whatever picking his butt and rubbing it against the exterior wall of the grocery store in a relatively safe area.
Absolute bottom of the barrel scum. Canadian men and men in general dont get enough hate.
No. 2153346
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his is more of a vent, but I'm so sick of everything being geared towards recent immigrants.
Like I'm sorry, but why do "newcomers" get special treatment constantly everywhere? I've been trying to find a job for 3 months, and I go on Indeed and I see this at the top and I feel so jaded. Maybe I'd be able to find a job if the government didn't let in >2 million people over the past 3 years while refusing to build the economy or create new jobs or build new housing units. It's seriously so frustrating because nowhere else in the world is catering to immigrants as hard as this country. And for what??? Banks give them special promotions, credit companies give them special prices and ratings, jobs give them unique offers, universities and colleges look the other way when they cheat, etc etc etc. Meanwhile people that are born here get jack shit. The job market is so oversaturated at this point that I can't even find a job in my field, and there's no sense in applying for retail because 9/10 the employer will find an illegal immigrant to work the job for pennies instead of hiring a legal candidate. I'm so sick of it. All I want is a job and an apartment, I want to work for my society and to improve it with my labour, but there is nowhere for me to go. I've applied to 150+ jobs in 3 months and I haven't gotten a single call back, and it's not my resume or my cv or my cover letter.
No. 2153422
>>2153409Well I mean if you wanna get real with it the problem started with block settlements when the Laurentian elites wanted to colonize the interior plains. But ofc you don't wanna talk about that, you wanna sperg about Indians.
Indians oooga booga roti chicken masala, BOO! Did that make you shit your pants in fear?
No. 2160264
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Québec is so beautiful.
No. 2166416
File: 1726503128037.png (281.85 KB, 597x685, Screenshot 2024-09-16 090501.p…)'m so fucking sick of this shit. This made me mad to read. A 12 year old has the right to decide that she doesn't want help for her drug addiction and mental health issues? FHA giving 13 year olds safe injection kits? Fucking insane
No. 2167001
>>2166416I saw this and was so sad. How could this happen? Her poor parents.
>>2165470I'm voting conservative.
No. 2167336
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Why should I care about the carbon tax
No. 2167355
>>2147710>Ontario wastemen>they are all obsessed with being Jamaican, no matter the colour or race. No? Maybe for Torontonian moids but outside of Toronto and shitzones like Vauhgn, NO ONE is like how you mentioned. It's mainly ugly white men trying to act more country than they really are. Acting ghetto is rare among the white Canadian moid and if he does act this way, it's mainly as a teenager.
>Totally brainwashed by American medianow that is 100% correct regardless of race
>>2167336are you insane? do you pay any bills? You should care. It's a contributing factor as to why shit is expensive in this country.
No. 2171389
>>2148905I was just on a flight (westjet jfc worst flight ever) and the stank ass white ladies besides me would like to differ (and they all had jobs so I don't see why they had to smell like bo/rank clothes/garlic and god knows what else
back to canada as a whole, does anyone get sad at just how little we get paid? I'm so jealous of my american friends because they all can afford to have lives meanwhile I'm getting like a 1 percent raise of 2 years of work and good luck finding a job in our shithole economy
No. 2181342
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doublepost sorry but i just read the new article ( and i feel sick with fear, i hate this province and government so much. irvings poisoning people and giving them dementia at 20 and nobody gives a shit. fuck my life.
No. 2183662
>>2179020The Irving family, perhaps not de jure but de facto, owns New Brunswick. They fund the tertiary educational facilities, they own the majority of the provincial media producers, they own virtually all engineering and construction firms in the province, etc., etc.. The Irvings have dominated New Brunswick since the late 1800s, and in the 21st century the province is little more than their personal fiefdom. It's been nearly 150 years, and the family still insists on keeping the company private because of the immense benefits it reaps for them. The premier of New Brunswick, in fact the entire political framework of the province, is just another facet of the Irving company. That's why they were allowed to pour waste into the river in the 1950s, it's why they were given tax breaks in the 1970s that still remain to this day, it's why they can poison the people without consequence, etc., etc.. It's a very sad state of affairs for the people of New Brunswick; to be so politically and economically helpless.
With that being said, I believe in the veracity of the doctor and the people that have noticed the disease. I doubt the integrity of the Irving family; the Irving company; and, the provincial parliament and governing bodies. The brain disease has been developing since at least the mid 00s, it was only recognized by officials and experts as a cause for concern in the mid 10s, and the information leaked to the public in the late 10s (iirc). I do fear that this disease will be used by lazy and incompetent doctors as a sort of "catch-all" diagnosis, since it's easy to hate on the Irvings and it's hard to provide good quality medical care.
>>2167548The conservatives and the liberals are two sides of the same coin. Both parties have virtually the same stances on immigration, the one real issue that the country faces, and both parties support the Century Initiative. If Pollievre and the Conservatives win, the GDP will continue to be artificially propped up by the housing market. No party wants to admit that we are facing a looming catastrophe vis-à-vis the quality of life and the cost of living that will commence when the great die-off begins in the next 10-15 years. They don't want to admit it because every party is composed of very wealthy individuals that have a lot to gain from the immigration crisis, the real estate crisis, and the labour crisis. It's sort of like how when COVID-19 was happening, the government refused to ground the planes and halt international flights because 70% of senators had large holdings in Air Canada, and they knew that it would harm their personal finances. It doesn't matter who makes the government, whether they be liberal or conservative, majority or minority, etc., because the hidden figures that pull the strings from behind never change; they're always the same and they're always in charge. This country is a sham that only stands for capital.
The thing that is so striking about Pollievre is that he exudes the same inane smugness that Trudeau emanates. These dunces are both so far removed from the average Canadian that it almost makes me wince.
No. 2192752
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No. 2197438
File: 1728320945838.png (203.71 KB, 374x416, 2024-10-07_11-13.png)>While a Pakistani man living in the Toronto area was allegedly planning a mass murder of Jews in New York, he was also seeking refugee status in Canada, according to an immigration consultant.>Qadeer said Khan was in the process of claiming refugee status on the basis of his sexual orientation. "He said he was gay," Qadeer told CBC News in a recent interview.Say it with me:
No. 2214181
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No. 2214416
>>2214166Nona you HAVE to vote!!!!! Every election is important! In our country of FREEDOM we all need to make sure our voices our heard. Thank God we live in a DEMOCRACY where we have all sorts of different parties and leaders to vote for! Here, if you aren't political I'll describe the big three political parties for you. They're all pretty different so it's hard to keep track of which one is which, but they're all so distinct it's important to remember who is who!
>Conservative PartyThis party is run by a moid named Pierre and he is retarded and he gets paid by big corporations to screw you and your country over.
>Liberal PartyThis party is run by a moid named Justin and he is retarded and he gets paid by big corporations to screw you and your country over.
>New Democratic PartyThis party is run by a moid named Jagmeet and he is retarded and he gets paid by big corporations to screw you and your country over.
See! With all these parties and leaders, you can tell we live in a healthy democratic developed nation! Even though all the political parties share the same basic stances on the issues that face the country (e.g., all three parties subscribe to the Century Initiative and want to speed up the rate of immigration), and all of them are run by the same businesses and corporate sponsors, and all of them want to destroy the country, and all of them hate the citizens, and all of them are working against your interests: remember that your vote matters!
No. 2216854
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>>2215069I'm already planning to move to a dictatorship actually. I just think it's more honest than what we have here. At least in dictatorships we don't have to pretend otherwise and prop up a farce.
No. 2217163
>>2215069>Go move to a country where everything is decided for you without your inputNot to be this anon but you realize that the way the Canadian government is set up, that the real power is vested in the senate. Citizens have no say in the selection of senators, they aren't voted for, and it's not democratic. Even beyond the senate, we are literally ruled by a foreign monarch who is represented by the governor-general. If the elected parliament decides to pass a law, it can always be modified or shut down by the non-elected senate. Even if the law passes through the senate, it still must be approved or disapproved by King Charles III.
>Inb4 "reee it's all just empty pomp and ceremony the senate and King doesn't have real power ree!!" Okay but that's not really the point. The point is that even if everyone votes in this country, there is still a chance that any law put forth by the elected persons & parliaments can still be rejected by non-democratic elements that exist in the framework of our government. Some people say that the non-elected senate only acts as a "sober second thought" for laws passed, but why do we
need to hear the second thoughts of random people that nobody elected? On top of that, why do we need everything to be rubber-stamped by another non-elected official that represents some foreigner? I don't think Canada can be considered a full democracy as it is now.
No. 2218965
>>2218949I know this woman that came to Canada as a refugee, she’s proclaiming that she has no money and that she’s a LGB. None of that is true , she’s as straight as a ruler kek, but the government has provided her with a house and weekly/monthly money, her daughter has started school too. She’s pretty much settled once she gets her documentation.
It’s that easy, no wonder everyone comes here. Canada is the new America.
No. 2219369
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I like browsing my city's subreddit every so often and I came across a post in r/canada talking about immigration and what an issue it is were just importing a shit load of Indians . Surprisingly the post isn't downvoted to oblivion and everyone seems to agree. It's more comforting that more and more Canadians feel the same way about it. I'm fucking tired of seeing so many of them. The men make me so uncomfortable because they hang out in big groups and stare at you. I'm also tired of them fucking up my coffee orders kek. I'm fucking lactose stop giving me milk
No. 2219594
>>2219044Kek really? This woman came with a ticket that she bought. She’s not poor.
She didn’t want to come back and instead opted to pretend to be a refugee because she met an African who told her that it would work. She faked being a lesbian , she told them that she was being abused and escaping kek and they provided her housing.
It’s possible because by the time she’s applying to obtain documents the government has already provided her tons of money and even if she doesn’t get accepted she can try again.
No. 2219599
>>2219369what's comforting about it though?
canada is already filled with indians. even if canada stopped importing indians right now it's way too fucking late.
No. 2220745
>>2219596No joke, I was born here and am desi, but my female relatives heavily cautioned against men and obviously most of their interactions are with Indian men, but now they're wondering why all these Canadian-born desi girls are just getting married to white dudes (oddly mostly Eastern European in background). Gee. I wonder why aunty #100. It's not like most Indian scrotes that come here and even born here grew up with little prince syndrome and think that white girls are easy and basically hate any desi girl that doesn't fit what they think a girl/woman should be. Do they not follow all of the rape cases in India? Literally immigrating scrotes from a place where rape culture is so hardcore.
Indian guys in clubs are also really fucking creepy.
No. 2221060
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I'm not even going to post the details because this is so disturbing and read at your own risk. This young woman died inside walmart in the most horrific way possible and there are no clear details as to how. This is genuinely one of the most disturbing things I have ever heard.
No. 2221113
>>2221060Huh. I've heard all about this recently but I didn't know it happened in Canada. I just assumed it was in the States as usual.
Tragic, hopefully they get some answers soon.
No. 2222098
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Indians are scared dogs because in India they’re feral. If you have a decently sized one they won’t go near you.
Dude I don’t even live in Canada anymore and have just bought a townhouse in the states. It’s an unattainable dream in Canada and feels super surreal.
No. 2225143
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How long do you think until other first world countries are going to impose visa requirements now that our economy is going into shambles?
No. 2225278
>>2225143It's not this that you should be worried about. You should be more worried about the exit tax. The government WILL raise the exit tax by the late 2020s. The canary stopped singing but it seems a lot of miners are too busy working to notice.
>other first world countries.Kek.
No. 2233343
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The thought police are on their way
No. 2233355
>>2233091It got bumped to page 1 dumbass
>>2231964Also that wasn't me and I can post anywhere, you can post in the latina thread if you want, I welcome you there even though you're mad at me
No. 2255556
remembrance/veterans day is nothing more than a way for the poppy cultists to glorify the needless horrors of war orchestrated by judeofreemasonic moids for profit and power, carried out by common moids on behalf of their moid masters. The same "HEros" being sickeningly worshiped probably raped, stole, and did who knows what else to innocent civilians.
The remembrance day ceremonies are eerily similar to cult rituals, with symbols, programmed behavior, emotion based thinking, and "us vs them" "youre not allowed to question this" mentality.
Its a way for modern day average moids to virtue signal to everyone that theyre a Good Person/Nice Guy™, by wearing their poppies right after Halloween or even earlier, to force everyone to remember HIS-Story. Youre not allowed to forget the propaganda, is the message.
If the wars somehow only negatively affected women, for example if there were only women who died, the same moids wearing poppies now would go out of their way to disrespect remembrance day.
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." — Gutle Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and mother of his five sons.
On the bright side, less and less people are wearing poppies and perpetuating the ridiculous veteran moid worship.(schizopost)
No. 2271670
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If you needed another reason to GTFO before it's too late: Trudeau government has announced a tax break for a two month period beginning next month. I can't think of a lazier way to virtue-signal than this. There's something so insidious knowing that the majority of Canadians are in such bad financial situations that the government feels the need to bail them out for the Christmas season. I just had to laugh when I read:
>"The government can’t set prices at the checkout"You retards. The government CAN do that. It's the fucking government. It can do anything. God, I hate politicians. They'd rather give us a bogus tax break than just break up the monopolies 3 companies have on groceries in this country.
The majority of items on this list for the tax break are children's Christmas gifts, things like toys, jigsaw puzzles, children's clothes, etc.. Even Christmas trees will be tax-exempt. It's just so sad to me. I think a lot of families will give up gift-giving for Christmas soon. Maybe this will be the last proper Christmas for a lot of kids. This country is such a dumpster fire.
No. 2274569
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This really racist, hateful page mysteriously starting gaining traction online after Trudeau passed his online hate bill. Cause of this a lot of people are thinking this is a fed Honey pot run by a lackey of Trudeau, what do you think?
No. 2302139
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Is it finally happening? Will Trump-sama free us of our suffering?
No. 2302461
>>2302216I know a good chunk of family that is. One has been trying to convince all of my cousins to move to US since the unemployment rate is an all-time high. Conversely, I know a few Americans who come to Canada for university, especially if they have dual citizenship because it's cheaper. But usually they go back.
>>2302191Tbf the brain drain has been going on since at least the 2008 recession. It's just most more spoken of because of social media, immigration wave and rising unemployment. On a different note, I am loving the Mexican president calling out Trudeau about tarrifs and the border. Maybe she can bully him into not running again (doubtful).
No. 2305466
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>>2304470Compared to anywhere else in canada it is incredibly cheaper (besides maybe saskatchewan or manitoba)
No. 2317070
File: 1734827000821.gif (156.62 KB, 640x640, angry-pepe-pepe-the-frog(1).gi…)

Why the hell do I hear so much Spanish being spoken now? I was walking in downtown and I hear this couple speaking Spanish. Then 5 minutes later I entered the mall and I hear this group of people speaking Spanish. Then I rode the metro and there was a family there with their young kids speaking Spanish. What the hell is happening?? 10 years ago I would not hear a lick of Spanish being spoken at all on the streets. WHERE THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE COMING FROM.
No. 2324865
>Feeling festive so decide to buy a treat for myself.
>Buy a bag of potato chips.
>It's labelled as 235g.
>Get home, weigh the potato chips.
>It's 158g.
I'm so tired. Every time I go grocery shopping, it's a new humiliation. Why are groceries such an issue? I don't think there's anywhere else in the developed world where food presents this large of a problem. Where else do grocery companies get a free pass at lying to the consumer and ripping them off? It's not just chips, it's everything. I weigh all my groceries when I get home, and anywhere from 30% to 40% of my groceries weigh >20% less than the weight they're advertised as. I see videos like vidrel all the time, and news stories too, but nothing ever changes.
I used to go to the food bank once every two weeks, but since 2023 they changed it so that you can only go once a month. It changed because now there's triple the amount of people that go, so they don't have enough food to give away.
The worst part about it is that I know it'll never change. It'll only get worse and worse. I can't wait to GTFO of this shithole country.
No. 2325422
>>2325411Here are some news reports that touch on this issue:
>a package of bacon — labelled at 325 grams — weighing in at only 275 grams (packaging included).
>a bag of frozen vegetables labelled 750 grams that he bought from Loblaws weighed much less than advertised – at 434 grams.
>a $14 two-pack of raw salmon filets that was supposed to be 537 g can be seen clocking in at only 476 g on the individual's home scale in the container, and a mere 323 g outside of the packaging.
>product weight is listed as 142 grams on the package, but when placed on the scale it weighed in at 58 grams. is a serious problem with grocery stores across the country, from BC to NL. Try it yourself next time you go grocery shopping, look at the advertised weight of the product and then use your scale at home to weigh it yourself. You might be surprised by what you see. I've been weighing my food ever since I read an article about it in January 2024. I've returned to stores and gotten refunds for this sort of stuff, because it's not right. It's an attack on the consumer.
I'm so tired of Canadians being in denial about the issues in this country and pretending like every problem is "fake ass bs," even when we have a wealth of evidence that suggests it's a serious issue. It's why nothing will ever get better in this country.
No. 2334773
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>>2326309Love you too
nonnyGoodbye Trudeau, I never voted for you and never wanted you to win. People were dumb and afraid, that's the only reason you got voted the second time. The only thing you had going for you was that you were hot then you got really gross. Although now I'm worried about what's going to happen now. Will it really make a difference? Who knows, probably still doomed
No. 2334805
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>>2334773I'm blackpilled. PeePee won't do shit because the entire government is captured by the real estate lobby, the boomer pension gibs lobby, public union lobby and now ethnic interest group lobbies. At best things will get slightly less shitty but there's no indication the government will actually shut down immigration, because that might make wages go up
No. 2334813
>>2334773A lot of people that I knew, myself included, originally voted for Trudeau because of his promise to re-haul the voting system and to remove the FPTP system. He never did what he promised to do, so I never voted for him again.
>Will it really make a difference?No, it won't. Every major political party is backed by the Century Initiative lobbyist group. The Laurentian elites that control the majority of wealth and that have the most influence on national politics will continue to bow to capital and to prioritize their bank accounts over the quality of life of their fellow citizens.
Pierre has gone on record saying that he supports the current Student Visa programs and has admitted that he wants to raise the number of visas issued. The Liberals and the Conservatives are two sides of the same coin. Both parties function to enable the Laurentian elites to line their pockets while selling out the country to large British/American corporations.
If Trudeau does step down now, which is just speculation so far, it would be a serious "fuck you" moment towards us all. We're being threatened with a tariff war, we need to project an image of internal strength that's capable to fend for our national rights and securities, for him to step down now would make the country look even more weak and inferior. If he is stepping down, it's gonna be a mess, and there's more chance that we'll get fucked harder during the upcoming tariff fiasco.
There should be term limits in this country. One person shouldn't be able to have the entire country in a choke-hold for an indeterminate amount of time. Trudeau overstayed his welcome, that was obvious since 2017.
>still doomedYup. I'm leaving the country at the end of February. I've been working on leaving for nearly a year and a half now, and it's finally happening. Anyone that's serious about life, anyone that has the means, and anyone that looks at the world as it is, should look towards leaving and begin to develop an exit strategy.
No. 2335282
File: 1736182172064.png (411.72 KB, 686x503, retarded man crying about quit…)

Well, he's gone!
This is somehow more satisfying than if he had just lost the election. Seeing him tear up made me sick to my stomach. How do you think that we feel, Turdfuck, after 10 years and 3 elections? Why do politicians think that they're God's gift to the nation. He was an embarrassing joke to everyone.
Parliament will be suspended until 24 March 2025. We're gonna get fucked again by Trump's USA. We won't even have a functioning government when Trump is inaugurated. Guess we already lost the Tariff wars. Of course, all the members of parliament will still be getting paid even though they aren't working!
No. 2335828
>>2335365Being a member of the working class at any age in this country is depressing. Plan your way out now, don't wait and put it off. The government and the mega-corporations want you to be a doomer - they want you to stay here and be poor forever and work for peanuts so that your labour can enrich them. It doesn't have to be that way, you can start the process of leaving today. There are lots of posts in this thread already with valuable information about how to begin this process.
>>2335778Yes, the liberals need to elect a new leader. The liberal party is still in power, albeit in a minority government, and they have until 24 March to elect a new leader that will assume the position of prime minister of Canada. This is why the parliament has been suspended. The opposition can only call for a no-confidence vote once the parliament resumes in March. His resignation is just another power play to keep the liberals in power for a little while longer. Right now, there is no basis for an election. The new leader would have to call for one, or the opposition would have to support a no-confidence vote.
>>2335806Have you been living under a rock?
No. 2335917
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>You must be fluent in English and Punjabi
No wonder why nobody can find wagie work. The job posting was for a salesperson.
No. 2337301
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Pierre Polievre needs to get a different plastic surgeon. Whoever it was that did the work fucked up his face.
No. 2337892
>>2337860Job postings and rental postings too. We are officially India 2.0.
I don't even see French on menu's at restaurants anymore, only English or "Hinglish". How long before they declare it's our third official language?
No. 2338092
>>2337833kek, I didn't know that nona. Thanks for making me actually check. This is what I get for not paying attention enough to federal politics.
>>2337860Indians are the first to exploit each other. White Canadians exploit migrant workers while Indians exploit themselves. Though, I think it's funny that the Indian gov is accusing Canadian universities and colleges for human trafficking when Indian "immigration lawyers" in India are doing most of the legwork in trafficking/encouraging them to come here by any means.
No. 2347863
File: 1736971558242.png (681.38 KB, 732x594, 200g? no 103g.png)

>>2325422CBC did an investigation recently on how grocers overcharge the consumer through under-weighted meat products. Loblaws, Sobeys, and Walmart, have all been caught scamming the consumer yet again. It reminds me of the bread scandal that happened years back.
Now, there's a proposal for a class action lawsuit happening in response to this. Keep an eye out for news regarding this, you might be entitled to some financial reimbursements if the lawsuit goes through.
Seriously, for every anon in this thread, start weighing your groceries. The total weight of the food is
not supposed to include the packaging. E.g., a 200g bag of chips is supposed to weigh in at 203-205g (the extra grams being the plastic). Save your receipts, as in the event that you've been overcharged for incorrectly weighed food, you can go back to the store you bought it from and get a refund. No. 2348009
>>2347863I'm going to try to remember to do this next time I go to superstore, I've been meaning to for a while but I always forget. I've seen so many complaints from people saying their produce is overweighed on the scale at the store and to check your receipts to see how much it says your veggies weigh and then try again at home. It's fucking ridiculous that we have to do this in the first place.
And on top of that they made it harder to rack up points. I used to be able to get at least a couple hundred dollars worth of points a year and now i get maybe $50 a year.
No. 2353200
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>Statistics Canada's Canada population clock (real-time model) has stopped showing the population numbers nowThe gov. of Canada has stopped updating other relevant stats so we can't see there's a recession. I wonder if it will stay this way No. 2353785
File: 1737298145348.jpg (3.86 MB, 1733x2692, 1781 french proposal.jpg)

At a certain point in history of North American wars there was a proposal for British North America/Canada to look like this, which included all the lands down to the Ohio river and to the Mississippi
No. 2354355
>>2354304I miss PWYC shows at Death Church and Lofts St-Rémi. I dread the day Sala Rossa, Casa Del Popolo and the Ritz shut down (couldn't care less about Turbo Haus cause fuck Sergio). I used to go to shows almost every day even if I was poor.
The city is being run by landlords and we are powerless to it.
No. 2368056
File: 1737969633535.jpg (37.85 KB, 329x379, troon.jpg)>A trans-identified male in Edmonton, Alberta, has been charged after allegedly sexually assaulting multiple women at a women’s shelter in the city. Mika Lin Katz, 37, is also known as Michael Collins.>Despite the serious nature of the charges, Katz was then released with conditions, including to not contact or communicate with any of the complainants; not possess any weapons, firearms or ammunition; and not be within 50 meters of any women’s shelter in Alberta.>However, two additional victims have since come forward and reported that Katz had also victimized them in August of 2024 at the same shelter. The incidents took place on different days. On Thursday, January 23, Katz was re-arrested by EPS and faces two additional charges of criminal harassment and sexual assault. No. 2370476
>>2370433I’d like to live in a rural small town area on the west coast but doubt I’ll ever be able to afford it.
Victoria and Vancouver island sound beautiful but expensive.
No. 2370492
File: 1738117743220.png (567.3 KB, 697x489, victoria bc.png)

>>2370476You can live on the west coast for cheap, just not in Canada. Picrel is the cheapest house for sale right now in Victoria, BC, it's $875k for 800 square feet. You can find more info here:
By contrast, just 30km south of the border in Bellingham, Washington, you can find this 1000 square feet house for $380k. You can see the listing here: No. 2371087
>>2371027I’m in geoscience and want to move to a small quaint islandy place, would kill to live there. Or the United States equivalent. Cold misty mornings, salty sea spray, fog… waves crashing at night… yeah, my dream location, Canadian or US. Maybe San Piedro… Pacific Northwest just has those comfy cozy vibes, you know? Doesn’t have to be immediately near the coast but somewhere close enough to drive down to a beach is enough for me. Bonus points if it has a touristy historic downtown / main business street. I just love old buildings.
>>2370492I mean Bellingham isn’t very comparable to Victoria imo, more like Langley if you ask me. Still, that is depressing af
No. 2375946
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Have you guys ever gotten this woman algorithmed to you on IG? She seriously makes like 10 of these exact posts every single day. I thought I was the only one getting her shit because of her relatively small following but I showed my coworker her and he instantly knew all about her kek
No. 2377169
>>2376179> Why are most canadian moids gay or closeted?Blame the progressive education system here. Post secondary schools jam down pro troon propaganda too.
> Especially in VancouverHow is it like with troons there? Are they rampant?
Yes. They’re everywhere, even more so in ON. And crazy to see them in AB too. Just go to your local Walmart and you can see their greasy hair and short skirts.
> Also your take on Trudeau? I notice everyone hates him, what did he even do for the country thats on the positive side?He did jack shit. He was going to change the voting system to make it more proportionate and equal for number of seats but then backtracked when a Conservative party threatened to get more seats so yeah, he didn’t do what he promised.
> Also why does he sit like a fag?Wants to show off his socks like a faggot
No. 2377325
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No. 2377381
>>2376179>Why are most canadian moids gay or closeted? Especially in Vancouvernonnie, vancouver is the canadian san francisco. gays flee here, especially the boomers. the rest of them are probably more pornsick than gay though
>How is it like with troons there? Are they rampant? honestly, no. probably like an average western country amount. maybe it's just my circle, but i never see them outside of anime stores and shitty artist alleys. tbf most of them are neets or ITfags and i am neither
>Also why does he sit like a fag?he's french
No. 2378569
>>2377298It's not going to be good in the short-term, but there are long-term benefits if the Canadian federal government responds appropriately (which they probably won't do since they're incompetent). Trump was correct when he said that without the Canada-US trading relationship, Canada is not a viable country. It's true: no country should depend entirely on one other country for economic purposes. Canada should have branched out ages ago and worked to establish stronger economic relationships with East Asia and South America. Instead we've been stuck in this quasi-dependency status, and that prevents our industrial capabilities and economic status from improving. Canada needs to step away from the neocolonial economic plan. Our economy should not entirely depend on resource extraction. We need to move away from a raw resource economy and move towards increased industrialization for the good of the national economy.
As for effects, there will be many but perhaps the most pertinent are:
>Many, many, food items will increase in price. It's advisable to begin stockpiling non-perishables and shelf-stable food prior to the expected increase. Food prices are already a hot-button issue, but with these new tariffs almost all food will increase in price. Almost all of the produce that we see in grocery stores from October to June is sourced from the USA or Mexico.
>The price of fuel will also skyrocket. Since Canada sells unrefined gas to the USA, and then the USA refines it and sells it back to us at a premium, that means gasoline will be tacked with two tariffs (one after leaving Canada, one after leaving the USA). If you have a car, try to stock up on gasoline now while the prices are cheap.
>>2377577The federal government should be much more invested in courting a positive relationship with China. As the USA continues to decline, both as an economic partner and a global power, Canada needs to seriously re-evaluate its relationship with the USA and turn to more viable allies and trading partners. Ever since the 90s when Free Trade was first established, everything that the opponents said would happen has happened. It's been a disaster for the country.
>>2377384Wish it were true.
No. 2379096
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>>2378937Canada housing prices are similar to California.
No. 2379187
>>2376179> Why are most canadian moids gay or closeted?Most moids are bi leaning gay romantic, they’re just more comfortable showing it off in Canada (compared to the States where they have to hide it). Or maybe I’m just biased from living in Canada. Guys in America are more attractive and straight leaning I’d agree.
> Also your take on Trudeau? I notice everyone hates him, what did he even do for the country thats on the positive side?He crippled our country to the point where America could swoop in and clear house. Trump should be thanking him.
> Also why does he sit like a fag?Because he is a fag.
No. 2379206
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>>2379096ntayrt but I would definitely believe that in heavily populated areas and big cities. My understanding is that Canada doesn’t really have much in between the middle of fucking nowhere and those cities however, is that right?
Sorry to intrude on your thread, I come in peace No. 2379607
>>2379206Average national price for homes is $700k and average national rent price is $2.1k.
>>2378937Were you tricked? Or, did you just never bother looking into it or talking to Canadians? It's probably the latter.
No. 2392688
>>2391361I'm voting for Doug Ford. I don't have faith that any of the other party leaders has what it takes to confront Trump's tariff threats and continued aggression. I voted against Doug in the past, but this time I was impressed by his heavy-handed approach to the tariffs. I know that he gets a lot of flake for the greenbelt, but honestly: I don't care about the greenbelt. Right now, I care about the tariffs and the threats of American aggression.
No party is going to build affordable homes or pause immigration, and those are the two issues that I'm most concerned about, so I'm voting for Doug because of his strong reaction against the tariffs and his approach to dealing with them.
No. 2402931
>>2402650I can't believe the liberals are again leading in the polls. Liberals have done nothing but fuck the country over since the dawn of time. I hate the conservative party but I hope they win but with a minority.
I miss Jack Layton, I believe he could have made great things if he was elected.
No. 2405061
and a question for you, how do you say garbage or car? (here it’s gerbedge, kehr. I think living in the prairies we’ve been influenced by the Minnesota accent)
No. 2406746
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So proud to see all these patriotism while boycotting America, it's bringing a tear to my eye. On guard for thee Canada
No. 2407046
File: 1739953597153.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.7 KB, 1920x1080, wp4735414-3681874653.jpg)

>wake up very early
>decide to check reddit canada news
>literally all bots or picrel
>at least we don't live in somalia!!
>Cucknada is still a far better place to live than the Congo or Canada 200 years ago
I've been through this shit before and nothing makes me want to a-log more than useful idiots/government bots that make up our Canadian online "general consensus". Housing and immigration are dead topics. US anthem booing is top news (again). I hate them sfm. Last time all my wrath was focused on Trudeau but I swear these bots are Freeland's and scripted to concern-troll like a third grade teacher who knows better than everyone, yet shows up to work high on meth
No. 2407814
>>2407803I lived through that in Ottawa. It was nothing like how it was presented. It was just a bunch of scrotes drinking copious amounts of alcohol and smoking ounces of weed while partying through the streets acting like asses and then sleeping in their cars. Nobody was fighting for what they believed in. The very idea that Canadians would do that is laughable.
Figure out your exit strategy. Get off the sinking ship while you still can. Don't be blinded by nostalgia or beguiled by the false hopes for the future.
No. 2409052
>>2407868I actually don't really like this thread for that reason. Mostly feels like a bunch of Canadian transplants that live in the U.S. camp on this thread. It's good to actually discuss the problems in Canada without constantly advocating to move out because it is not feasible or, shocker, preferrable for most people.
>>2407701Yeah, it pisses me off too especially with the Ontario elections looming and the federal election. I can't believe people are buying Ford's schtick about being "anti-American" when he's actively destroying education, the already over-taxed healthcare system and other social services. It bothers me that we barely know the other candiates.
No. 2416996
>>2407868>I'm not delusional enough to think that moving will magically solve everythingBut you are delusional enough to stay here even though it's not working. Nobody is saying that other countries are utopian paradises. What we're saying is that if you have the means, emigration is a better option than staying here. The social contract in this country is broken, especially for young people. If you want to thrive and live the life that you deserve, it's a better choice to emigrate than to remain.
>>2407913>other French countries are mostly hell holes.This French country is also a hellhole. You got used to this hellhole, so you can easily get used to another.
>>2409052>It's good to actually discuss the problems in Canada without constantly advocating to move outNo amount of discussion will solve the problems. The problems aren't going to be solved, at least not in our lifetime. In fact, they're only going to get worse as time marches on. The ship is sinking, we're all aware of this. If you want to go down with the ship, then that's your choice - but don't look down on the people that chose to board the lifeboats.
No. 2419929
File: 1740587170205.jpeg (578.55 KB, 1289x2454, IMG_2893.jpeg)

Saw this posted in a female support group I’m in. Of course every comment is about how “this has nothing to do with HER being trans!!!!! Don’t misgender HER and disrespect the trans community!!!!!!”
Fucking hell
No. 2419961
>>2419929If someone in your community has committed rape, sexual assault, violence against children etc you should be immediately ousting them, not worrying about their pronouns and lecturing other people to respect their pronouns. If someone stabs.a.child. you should not be more concerned with mentioning or correcting pronouns than you should be them being completely excommunicated from your community. You shouldn't be more empathetic and compassionate toward predators than you are their
victims. Anyone who thinks it's okay to violate the bodies of children should not be anywhere on your priority list when it comes to respect and compassion. LGBT community always talks about religious trauma and how the church shields and protects predators but they're literally doing the same thing by not distancing themselves from these kind of people. If someone is being discussed for STABBING CHILDREN you should not be correcting people in their pronoun use, it's delusional and really shows what you prioritize. If you acknowledge yourself as completely different from someone willing to harm children, you shouldn't be so angry at other people calling them a man. Sinking your own ship.
No. 2437243
>>2436743All the parties are the exact same. They're all filled with career politicians that will say anything to get the job because they have no morals or ethics. It's always Liberals versus Conservatives because the other parties are just as useless as those two are, the two other parties everyone always talks about are the NDP and the Greens, but they're both just as shit as the Liberals and Conservatives.
I liked Jack, and his NDP party, but it's been 14 years since he died. The party has changed too much and it's no longer the same. Nobody is gonna seriously vote for the NDP while Jagmeet Singh is the leader. Nobody wants a Punjabi prime minister. That's the simple fact of the matter. Do you think after all the mess in this country caused by rampant Punjabi migration, that older people or rural people are gonna vote for a Punjabi? No, of course not. He's not even popular with the youth. So why is he still the leader? Even if he stopped being the leader, he'd still be the highest paid member of parliament. I'm pretty sure it's an ego thing. He is one of the most unlikable politicians I've ever seen.
As for the Greens, they're just retards. The were led by an alcoholic for years and years, and they seem very content to be the tiny unimportant party that they are. They'll always win those 2-4 seats and they're happy with that mediocrity, so why should anyone vote for them?
No. 2437958
>>2418597This is the funniest thing I’ve EVER read. Pure delusion
No chance whoever said this is a leaf
>>2418425Another incorrect comment but depends on what other country (planet earth had many different ones!)
No. 2438380
File: 1741625913097.png (462.25 KB, 724x531, carney.png)

Well, it's official!
Mark Carney is now the Prime minister–designate! He will become the new leader of the federal Liberal Party. He does not hold a seat in the house of commons, nor was he elected. He has spent the majority of his adult life living outside of Canada. Before entering politics, he worked in the financial world and banking industry. He has worked as a governor for the Bank of Canada during the 2008 financial crisis, and more recently he was the leader of the Bank of England.
How is everyone feeling about the new Prime minister–designate? Will this affect your voting plan in the upcoming federal election? Do you think Carney has what it takes to deal with aggressive American policies?
Source:>>2437958A lot of Canadians would rather put their heads in the sand. When I told people I was moving overseas for work, the response was almost always one of confusion and disdain. Like Carney, I realized that the real $$$ is outside of Canada, so I'm going where the money is!
No. 2438404
>>2437958>No chance whoever said this is a leaf I can believe it, I know a lot of people who think this way. They tend to be rich or the children of full-time government employees / senior union members. Utterly insulated from what day-to-day life is like for most of the country and reared on a steady diet of 'America bad' 'America scary' 'America no healthcare' from birth.
Their yards are invariably a mess of 'Support Public X!' yardsigns and their windows filled with flags and slogans. Bonus points if they live in a historic neighborhood near the trendy part of town.
>>2438380>Mark Carney is now the Prime ministerLet's be honest. Was there ever any doubt that this 'leadership race' was anything other than a coronation? This is just further reinforcement of my position that voting and paying attention is a waste of time, at least I'm not living under the pretense that I actually have any influence or choice.
No. 2439336
>>2438455It wouldn't be so bad if they respected local culture and customs, but they don't. They always look down on the locals and treat them poorly, and then they wonder why nobody appreciates their presence. The provinces of the Maritimes have a unique culture. Since Ontarians are so used to the whole "post-national" state of mind, they refuse to believe it or to integrate into it. They'll end up leaving sooner or later, and then there will be a bunch more out-of-province landlords renting overpriced lodgings to the locals that they hate.
>>2438571It always makes me laugh seeing the anons calling you delusional.
>>2438404It's usually the people that make $100k a year and still call themselves "middle class" too.
No. 2439749
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I love seeing Trump seething.
No. 2441254
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>>2441226Less than 10% of the population of Canada makes $100k or more per year. About half of the population makes under $25k a year. Someone that has a salary of $100k makes more than 90% of Canadians, so they are in no way "middle class." They are in the upper class.
No. 2441434
>>2441414Yeah? And?
>>2441417It really doesn't. 100k in the city is upper class. The reason $100k doesn't feel like a lot of money in the cities is because our economy is so shit that $100k still can't buy you a lot. In most major urban centres you need an income of above $110k to buy a home. The top 10% of earners constitute the upper class, not the middle class. That's the reality of the shithole known as Canada. It's why everyone with a brain is leaving.
No. 2441493
File: 1741816609315.png (245.95 KB, 608x645, how much you need.png)

>>2441452I found this article that had some information about it: we look at the graph in
>>2441254 which you can also find at: then we can see that for cities like Toronto or Vancouver, only around 500k people (out of 40 million) would be able to afford to buy a home in those cities.
>>2441471No, not really. We are talking about individuals, not households. Everyone that files taxes belongs to a class, regardless of whether they work part time or full time. The middle class in the States live better lives and have more purchasing power than the upper class in Canada.
No. 2441540
>>2441502>why anon a-logs on random moderators and feels so angryWhat? kek
>>2441504An individual should be able to afford a place to live without having to be married or in a common law relationship. Toronto has a population of ~3 million and the average home is 1.1 million CAD. Chicago has a population of ~3 million and the average home price is ~430k CAD.
No. 2441548
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>>2441540Dw about that nona. I am just here supporting you and your points about forced cohabitation in our limited number of cities
No. 2441612
>>2441609Nobody that I know votes according to the tranny policy. On the federal stage, it's a non-issue. The vast majority of voters are more concerned with threats of American trade wars, the cost of living crisis, and immigration. Nobody really cares about troons that much.
>>2441579Me too. I also laff at Canadians that put their nose up at the USA and act like our country is somehow better.
No. 2441897
>>2438790Yup that’s true. The dollar is stronger but they’d have to live in Texas for it to work out as he has oilfield experience. It would never happen as she hates the states and thinks I abandoned her. She never comes out to visit me despite being offered a paid trip.
>>2439782Yup the states. I wish I could go live in Europe that would be cool.
No. 2441960
>>2441897>but they’d have to live in Texas for it to workYou know Canada is a frozen shithole like most of the year right? And now the summer is filled with beach-shitting so I would definitely rather live anywhere in Texas. I get that it would come between me and all of my abortions but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make I guess
>>2441939leaving the thread open bc I want to know if any anons have achieved this as well
No. 2442026
>>2441960So why don't you move? There's nothing stopping you from applying for a TN visa in the States if you have an in demand job.
Really seems like 95% of the Canadians in this thread only want to whine about how our country is a third world shithole while barely making an effort to do anything about their living situation.
No. 2442308
>>2441939Obtaining a foreign citizenship or PR is part of my 10 year plan. It's not really hard to do if you have the means and the will. Look into which country you want to emigrate to and research what it takes to become a citizen or a permanent resident. Before I try attempt to get foreign citizenship (or PR,) I'm trying to make money overseas on work visas to fund the process. Ideally, I'll have a foreign citizenship (or PR) by the time I'm 31 or 32.
There's been a few posts already up thread that have detailed the process, you can check those out.
>>2442074>Is it Canada day already?I laughed at this.
No. 2442873
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>>2442074I literally just gave you advice. Look up the TN visa and requirements for applying. It allows you to work and live in the US as a Canadian once you have a job offer. You would apply at the border and the whole process would take you a day.
>fleeingKek so dramatic. It's always these people who want to feel like hopeless persecuted
victims in their first world country while making no effort to look into the process. Picrel
No. 2447702
>>2447660Anon, if you are genuinely too pedantic to be unable to infer what I mean, go get tested for autism. I'm at my limit lately with the autism here. I'm autistic and even I'm over it.
The voters didn't vote for Mark Carney's Liberal party, they voted for Justin Trudeau's Liberal party. To suggest that the leaders of parties don't have an impact on voters' choice is stupid. Why do you think people voted for the NDP with Layton but not Singh? Why do you think Campbell's Conservatives faced such a devastating loss? Use your brain for one singular minute.
No. 2459958
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Fellow leafs, do you have any good CanCon to suggest? I've gotten rid of my Netflix and Prime subs recently and have been binge watching the shit out of CBC Gem, and am especially loving Murdoch Mysteries. It's a little cheesy sometimes but it's a very comfy watch. Feels like something I could have watched with my grand-maman who loved detective shows and books. Great characters and beautiful period costuming.
No. 2459992
>>2459958its on tubi but I just rewatched my childhood classic fav, Black Hole High (like x files for the teens.)
Also any of Green Gables adaption, its my fav thing to watch with my mom
No. 2459999
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>>2459958I mentioned to my family how that faggot wears way too much bb cream and how creepy/hilarious he gets whenever he talks to female characters on the show and they stopped watching it kek I kind of feel bad now, it was cute when they liked this gay little series. Anyways degrassi is pre-TNG is the best can-con, obviously
No. 2460002
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>>2459958Série Noire is the best thing.