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No. 2052549

No. 2052559

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No. 2052560

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No. 2052564

If mark Zuckerberg didn't have autism

No. 2052566

he just got fat

No. 2052567

His face looks like those 80s action figures. Of fucking course this is what moids think beauty is kek.

No. 2052569

File: 1718615800366.jpg (316.76 KB, 640x2454, kyv1ci1vsfdb1.jpg)

The new guide was deleted, but r/truerateme is so god damn autistic about rating properly. They'll ban anyone for overrating or underrating, there's also the shit about people stealing women's photos to post them there

No. 2052609

Everyone from 6.0 to 9.5 looks easily interchangeable for me, they are all model-tier gorgeous. Idk how you can see this as anything but nitpicking and misogynistic.

No. 2052613

We need to make a male tier. Most that I've seen online are too forgiving of male looks.

No. 2052616

Why do they only look at face? What about body?

No. 2052621

I would love to see the autist who made this

No. 2052624

File: 1718620449254.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.29 KB, 1000x562, yep.jpg)

KEK you know they probably looked like this while making it

No. 2052625

>visit sub
>very first posts are clueless conventionally beautiful 18 year olds(or catfishers) being rated as 5
I hate men so much it's unreal. They shouldn't have rights to use the internet.

No. 2052634

Notice how the moids asking to be rated get little to no replies. They only want to break down women.

No. 2052635

Actually, when you google the mod's username, the third result is him asking to be PMed nudes of teens and incest shit. Checks out.
Can't believe this shit is so out in the open:

No. 2052643

I feel like this thread is gonna attract the worst moids and tiktok zoomies…

No. 2052753

Kek, isn’t this unintentionally calling all women attractive since there are basically clones across different levels. Also if there’s no 10, then it’s out of 9 duh, may as well make it out of 20. Men like the idea of there being this supposed detailed rank but it’s looking rather arbitrary from here. These Reddits exist for them to roleplay being able to not fawn over women, maybe like a buddhist exercise or something.

No. 2052755

Probably but at least they won’t be able to pretend they aren’t crazy given the context.

No. 2052779

You keep saying this about every thread at this point tbh.

No. 2052857

Lmao thanks for making this thread op

No. 2052909

He unironically looked better before kek

No. 2052973

I didn’t save any screenshots but I remember going on that subreddit and in the rare occasion an attractive guy ever got posted you would have other moids rating him a 6 or below and saying that he’s average looking when he’s clearly not. They want to tear down both women and men who are good looking while uplifting ugly scrotes.

No. 2052980

The ones who get bogged from Eppley tier surgeries are my favorite. The fact that they do this to themselves only to end up with bone resorption and becoming fully deformed within 5 years brings me boundless joy.

No. 2052993

File: 1718649510290.jpg (224.84 KB, 718x528, 1714429169278.jpg)

>paying this hijra looking mfer to tell you to botch yourself

No. 2052996

It's pretty obvious that all of these people have deep psychological issues. Years of physical unattractiveness probably did add to it, but aside from a super shallow folks, all they have to do is look halfway decent, and that's the basic physical requirement for most other human beings

No. 2052999

These subreddits exist so they can practice the "I didn't want to fuck you anyway you ugly bitch" cope in an even more retarded way kek

No. 2053027

File: 1718650875591.png (53.01 KB, 1194x552, 34243.png)

my thoughts exactly. the sweetie pie beta male who orbits me has a similar face and gets more action than these retards who still think their looks are the problem kek

No. 2053042

File: 1718651436028.png (1.97 MB, 1786x1202, 1592826944855.png)

Anyone remembers a page called mybeautyconsultant? They were somewhat popular in 2020-2021.

No. 2053058

I don't get the purpose of this. If a person wanted their attractiveness to be rated in such an autistic way, they might as well just input their pic into one of those beauty algorithm sites that measure symmetry and facial proportions. I'd be way simpler than asking a bunch of redditors.

No. 2053081

>low estrogen
This man is fucking retarded. Plus, the face on the left is obviously much more attractive. Anyone who disagrees probably has terminal male brain with pedophilic tendencies.

No. 2053122

File: 1718655553274.jpeg (184.78 KB, 946x2048, NKRqGQs.jpeg)

mbc was also an anachan. many girls who are into looksmaxxing are also anachans.
it claimed to be a woman but it could have been a man/tranny

No. 2053142

>Plus, the face on the left is obviously much more attractive.
It isn't at all to me. She is obviously beautiful in both, but that's the thing. Liking her with a shorter face is a personal preference and not an obvious fact.

No. 2053145

what is the point of the rate me sub if all the responses are 5.something?

No. 2053147

So fat ugly neckbeards can pretend to be in any position to judge.

No. 2053148

To put others down as a way to cope with their own insecurities.

No. 2053151

they rate men that amount too but yeah probably that

No. 2053210

Nana Komatsu is a 6/10? Yeah fucking right. And Saorise Ronan is supposedly a 5/10 while having one of the most ethereal and breath taking faces in Hollywood.
You can tell a moid made this because moid picks like Jung Hoyeon and Emily Ratajkowski are rated so high compared to other women that surpass them in the face department. Jung Hoyeon is homely looking as fuck, I think her hype is most moids seeing an youngish Asian lead actress in Squid Game and going crazy due to their bizarre asian fetishes. They are so retarded that they go crazy over the first Asian girl they see in a viral show. And that isn’t to forget Madison Beer’s creepy ass face either; she’s naturally a pretty girl but something about her looks so unsettling/uncanny with her filler creating a weird dichotomy of chiseled and plump that only filler can do—like having a strangely chiseled, square jawline with puffy large “cheekbones”.

No. 2053278

you sound just as disgusting as them for shitting on random female celebrities

No. 2053298

File: 1718664486881.png (479.07 KB, 680x593, eab.png)

kek they all end up looking like faggots

No. 2053305

File: 1718664896881.png (1.01 MB, 900x1600, Untitled374_20240617155334.png)

Looking at some of the self posting males on looksmax.org

No. 2053306

I’ve been admittedly a r/vindictapoc lurker for a while and it’s just kinda sad. There’s this subtextual, pervasive yearning to escape sexism and racism through ‘pretty privilege’ and trying to fight against the masculinization poc women face

No. 2053307

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No. 2053308

File: 1718665048756.png (963.68 KB, 900x1600, 4186754_4186494_bdc1932b-6419-…)

Apparently how he'd look if he was a "Chad" lol

No. 2053311

There’s an attempt to create objective barriers but in the end the image is basically meaningless. I think a lot of 5.5-4.5 are basically interchangeable, same goes for the other columns

No. 2053312

Even then, I think most fags would go for left than right

No. 2053313

Looks like an alien. His current appearance isn't even bad.

No. 2053317

He'd get better results in the chadification thread

No. 2053319

most of these guys could find someone irl but they're too autistic and asocial and probably have insanely high standards (likely from porn addiction and social media brainrot)

No. 2053325

The nose and eyes are objectively down grades. Men have such stupid fucking taste.

No. 2053330

Alot of self admitted pedophiles on looksmax, so it more like they can't legally chase after their type lol

No. 2053336

File: 1718666469165.png (180.11 KB, 1080x1444, Screenshot_20240617-161827~2.p…)

Samefag, a lot only want virgins specifically. They talk about "JB" a lot, which stands for jailbait

No. 2053338

>hmm how can I improve my appearance to attract women
>I know! I'll ask all the other virgins on reddit

No. 2053363

I actually think this is an improvement but I’m a scrote brained autist so I don’t expect my opinion to be popular. He still needs to shave those facepubes though

No. 2053386

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No. 2053392

lmao went out of his way to pick a girl with no experience, tried his best to manipulate her and still got played. incels are so pathetic

No. 2053398

Sorry but I think Jung Hoyeon is incredibly beautiful as a woman who dates women, I don't know how anyone could call her face 'average' and she doesn't even fit the typical moid standard of big eyes/male-pandering makeup and style. On the other hand I never thought Saorsie Ronan was that beautiful although she is one of the better actresses in Hollywood so I always liked her. I thought she got to where she was because of talent. Their entire rating scale is retarded because everyone from a 5 to a 9.5 is about equally beautiful just to different people's taste.

No. 2053399

>”find a girl worthy of being my girlfriend”
Do they hear themselves? Why do they think they’re such hot shit? It’s hilarious that some of the most narcissistic moids are the ones you find in spaces specifically made for people who feel like losers irl. They need a reality check.

No. 2053401

To be honest, from what I saw all her hype came from fellow women. All the men I saw talking about her would say “I don’t get the hype”, in a similar way some guys are with Zendaya. So I’m pretty surprised she was rated high by the incels, I also like women and she’s probably one of the most attractive celebrities for me.

No. 2053410

To be honest their insecurity is cute to witness and makes me feel better after seeing a countless amount of women doing the same to themselves. Men need to be pressured into doing this shit the same as women

No. 2053413

Yeah especially since in squid game she had a quite GNC/no-makeup look I saw a lot of hype about her from women going 'who is she' and not so much from men who often seem offended by any woman looking kind of natural. I'm surprised in general by some of the ratings the incels come up with but I do think it's funny that they take top 1 in 1000 models/actresses famous for their incredible looks and put them all the way down to 5, then everything below a 4.5 is 1 in 100,000 facially deformed people. Like they give almost no examples of actually normal looking people you'd see on the street everyday

No. 2053417

If only they actually made themselves look better for women instead of taking the gay route and deforming themselves to look good for other men lmao maybe they'd have more success? Who am I kidding incels will never have success with women and it has nothing to do with what they look like

No. 2053430

At least it's enjoyable to make fun of the bogged ones

No. 2053497

bro didn't get the memo that models in general, of both sexes are generally scouted for being androgynous and tall - the classic doll type of beauty is for acting in movies maybe. Not for fashion.

No. 2053640

He needs a leg breaking surgery. Manlets never fucking learn. Also lmao wtf is that hideous stretch mark on his delt?

No. 2053645

File: 1718683218324.jpg (95.96 KB, 350x440, figure-drawing-proportions.jpg)

his head now looks enormous making him look even more like a fucking midget holy shit. Moids deem themselves "aesthetes" and can't even grasp picrelated, certified defective whychromo moment.

Never fucking trust what a moid thinks of anyone's appearance. They're only capable of simping for beauty that already exists. They cannot CREATE anything that isn't an abomination, it always ends up looking fucking retarded as proven by the horrors that male plastic surgeons churn out.

No. 2053648

moids can only think about appearance in a sexual way. they can't think of someone having a different type of beauty that doesn't rely on sexual dimorphism or purely self expression without the purpose to attract a mate. for them the ultimate and only goal of appearance is for breeding. they're animalistic.

No. 2053687

>puts poor girl through a million tests because of his trust issues, even records her screen during calls
the level of delusion is unmatched, holy fuck

No. 2053821

>I'm an expired whore but I totally deserve a good woman

No. 2053899

Male existence in one sentence

No. 2053994

Agreed, I’m kinda glad it went viral and whenever I see those looksmaxxing posts where it shows an ugly man hitting on you =sexual harassment whereas a cute guy hitting you is just a cute guy hitting on you, I’m like “yes.” In the comments. I hope these freaks weed themselves out and ropemaxx

No. 2053998

Would do terrible thing to him, he looks like a small version of a regular man he should lean into that. He’s like and elf. Men don’t understand anything.

No. 2054052

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Why does he have a hapsburg jaw?

No. 2054089

I used to judge r/vindicta until I saw the thread 'what made you realize you are ugly' and in most posts they were describing being treated like trash or air since childhood. Growing up as an ugly woman really fucks with your head.

This is so funny, I support impossible beauty standards for moids if they're really insecure enough to care about opinions of other incels.

No. 2054100

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I hate how they act like negative canthal tilts are objectively ugly even though they were the beauty standard in the past. They say it makes you look ill but down syndrome people literally have positive canthal tilts and everybody praises their beauty. I think all canthal tilts are great.

No. 2054107

File: 1718723712862.jpeg (296.78 KB, 2560x2560, 230C9701-0982-4747-A1FF-DE13B5…)

>what surgery do I need

No. 2054109

He is clearly a faggot

No. 2054116

File: 1718724197455.jpeg (2.1 MB, 1500x2000, 1712523627510.jpeg)

He wishes he could be Hapsburg-sama

No. 2054122

It's always the sluttiest scrotes that think you're cheating.

No. 2054128

Small chins who shave their beards are making it worse, beards give the illusion of a chad chin

No. 2054137

chad chins are ugly so he’s shit either way but at least he wouldn’t have face pubes

No. 2054138

File: 1718725362932.jpg (643.38 KB, 1080x1080, GGYRom6WIAAhKnn.jpg)

agreed. its even worse when they try to use their beards to give themselves a gigachad jaw

No. 2054139

I forgot about him KEKK

No. 2054171

File: 1718726561539.webp (24.31 KB, 500x450, IMG_3980.webp)

Human Shrek looking ass, but uglier. Do scrotes still shill him despite him being a poser fraud?

No. 2054217

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The subliminal brainrot is so embarrassing. How can you be this stupid past the age of 11?

No. 2054280

File: 1718730027381.jpeg (254.86 KB, 750x1250, IMG_8422.jpeg)

I’m pretty sure the main demographic of these are teenagers. It reminds me of how I’d google potions/spells to become a mermaid when I was 9 and the community seems a lot less harmful than the male looksmaxxing community

No. 2054301

That's just insecure desperate teengirls anon, I feel bad for them

No. 2054309


I feel like this stuff is getting worse year by year..

No. 2054314

I wonder how many are watching the "become Asian" subliminal kek

No. 2054320

File: 1718731328937.jpg (311.06 KB, 736x876, kpopfans.jpg)

>kpop fans

No. 2054403

I dont consider myself particularly beautiful or have strong self confidence but when I read these posts from insane people it makes me feel better. Like why would I freak out about being ugly when there are people nitpicking the looks of some of the most beautiful women alive.

No. 2054655

File: 1718743891871.jpg (96.64 KB, 606x854, 2 out of 10.jpg)

Same, it calmed me down a little when i saw literally even the most beautiful can be easily devalued like this, kek. So it doesn't even matter that much at the end of the day, you won't be able to escape this anyway, so whatever.

No. 2054661

>those bimbo lips
my sides

No. 2055021

File: 1718754151027.jpg (100.97 KB, 563x847, d91247e79a8139c0bd8ae1c6adfdb6…)

I just dont think mirrors should exist. simple as

No. 2056000

You forgot to put /r9k/ in the thread description

No. 2075396

File: 1719960936673.jpg (110.78 KB, 962x584, Capture1111.JPG)

that definitely happened

No. 2075407

>moral of the story women are more perverted than moids
>it made me horny, it made me hard
>she was hot
>i'm a bloated ogre, but she totally wants me
He deperately wishes it happened, but needs to render to fanfiction instead.

No. 2080918

File: 1720381983025.jpg (156.62 KB, 1088x645, 1720381328935.jpg)

Sad to see this girl almost get used so the scrote could have something to brag about. Hope she's doing better.

No. 2081491

These scrotes are so inept kek, like the dating equivalent of watching DSP play video games

No. 2084583

>woman who recently broke up with cheating boyfriend
>was raped, is self-conscious about her body
>says she thinks she looks fat, he replies yea a little
>woman feels shitty and leaves
God these men are so inept. I bet if a woman agreed with a scrote after he said he thinks his penis looks small, they would call her a callous bitch

No. 2084607

> now she's dating a dude she says is nice to her
Aaaaand there it is kek. Seething, envious little fingers typed this post.
Scrotes make it way too easy to do this. Nowadays they all love to play the "you clearly wouldn't miss me if I left, I should kill myself uwu" card for sympathy and you can rock their whole world just by saying yes.

No. 2085348

the psychology between men looksmaxxing and women looksmaxxing is different, and i find that it’s much more understandable for women to do it tbh

No. 2085483

I kind of like blackpillers (I think they're called?) because they shit on other scrotes all the time

No. 2085486

Wrong video

No. 2096452

File: 1721410838816.png (884.31 KB, 1080x1246, 1000013312.png)

No. 2096453

KEEKKK that is not a 'few millimeters '

No. 2096461

The entire head shape is changed + eyes and slightly eyebrows, kek

No. 2096472

I know for a fact that several women would be into the top picture's "rat boy" look kek

No. 2096473

So to be a Chad he needs to turn into Dream kek

No. 2096475

Both are ugly, bottom one looks like he belongs in a porno magazine. They edited him to have an uglier haircut, bigger forehead, smaller eyes, and weird idents with a huge jaw. The top ones' eyes are much more cuter and preferable, and he'd be a nice looking moid if he didn't have facial hair, uneven nose, and a facial framing haircut that covers his forehead. These retards seriously need to stop internalizing these faggot chad memes

No. 2096485

LMAO now that you mention it they do basically just turn themselves into gay porn star expies

No. 2096494

An incel's idea of an attractive male aligns more with what gay men find attractive because they prefer to believe that women don't know what they want/what women find attractive is too feminine or gay for them

No. 2096554

Men prefer very strict sexual dimorphism from what i've noticed. Women prefer less dimorphism, even androgyny. So all of those super masculine-looking guys end up looking kind of gay because they're male gaze.

No. 2098466

Mental illness

No. 2099559

I used to sit in incel discords and chad edit them whenever they would post a selfie so it breaks their confidence knowing what could have been.

No. 2099596

Latino looksmaxxing community is literally a radioactive cesspool, specially if argentinian men are involved. The obsession with "fenotypes" (literal racism) and aesthetics while refusing to actually change for the better instead of autistically focusing on dumb meaningless shit is actually baffling

No. 2099599

Where can I observe them in their natural habitat?

No. 2099606

TikTok mostly, just search for "andino phenotype", it will take you into a rabbit hole of extremely autistic "analysis" done to random celebrities and sometimes regular people, unfortunately

No. 2099637

Hm, thank you. I don't have a TikTok but I'll search it up elsewhere. No way I'm downloading that shit kek

No. 2103101

I was expecting this guy to be some lolcow before watching this vid but his story is actually pretty bleak and sad. Why are moids so shit to each other

No. 2109964

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No. 2109966

File: 1722263311170.jpg (36.37 KB, 739x585, 1000005928.jpg)

> Eve: taking us out of Eden
KEKKKKKK this guy is truly leaving no grievance unaired

No. 2109971

Mentioning competitive sports and lack of physical activity in the same breath, kek.
Also, abusive moms are abusive to both sons and daughters, so moot point there.
Men just like to whine.

No. 2109980

And we already know that it's the older fathers, not older mothers, that cause them, topkek. Also
>mothers aborting male children
I wish. It's the opposite.
>abusive moms are abusive to both sons and daughters
He doesn't care when daughters get abused, they're the most important little boys.

No. 2109993

The biblical part kek

No. 2109996

Who is that? He looks familiar.
Also, nice to spot a fellow desi nona.

No. 2110007

Why did he fatten his lips up? Looks like a cocksucker now.

No. 2110009

He should just go for the twink look. Some women dig that.

No. 2110024

It's Qoves, nonny, kek

No. 2110026


No. 2110142

So, basically he's outlining every reason women are evil—but also putting "high standards" aka him not being picked. I don't get incelitos being convinced women are the spawn of the devil… but at the same breathe want one? Isn't that masochistic? Incels really are the tsunderes of the world.

No. 2110175

File: 1722276102451.jpg (34.96 KB, 735x456, Consider.jpg)

More than 80% of de novo germline mutations are paternal in origin. The effect worsens with advanced paternal age. Sons of old fathers are dweeby, shy and less likely to reproduce.

If your mom got "p&d" by a young Chad you wouldn't be an incel. So technically she ruined you by being a nice girl who listened to her dysgenic old daddy.

No. 2110237

Lmao he looks like one of those Armenian flea market guys in Moscow that sell old soviet ephemera, it’s honestly a upgrade at least now he looks like he has a backstory that isn’t all steroids and vape pens

No. 2112021

File: 1722359375636.png (676.3 KB, 1712x626, ricecel.png)

If you look up random buzzwords like Looksmax celebrity or whatever all these self posting retards come up KEK

No. 2112023

File: 1722359543970.png (460.19 KB, 1347x722, bimbo.png)

Another funny one I found

No. 2112027

this shit would be sad if I didn't know they were all complete assholes

No. 2112040

File: 1722360524751.png (319.79 KB, 1833x681, shrek.png)

If you feel an ounce of pity just look up any term regarding women on the site. They're faggot attention whores for solely other scrotes

No. 2112053

i have no clue what they're saying but i'm convinced they're gay

No. 2112065

Is "morphing" what they call plastic surgery?

No. 2112077

File: 1722362035571.png (65.65 KB, 1042x387, lie.png)

Here's the thread, I think he was photoshopping himself? They genuinely want to look like bimbo gigachad. Also you can see basic scrote sabotage in all these threads

No. 2112421

Published a day ago. omegalul:


>Interestingly, we discovered that maternal age intensifies the purifying selection, suggesting that older maternal age may offer a protective effect against the transmission of deleterious mtDNA mutations, contradicting the conventional notion that maternal age correlates with increased transmitted mtDNA mutations

How do frontpoles manage to have such an amazing biological instinct for being wrong? I can't think of one gender related truthism they believe that's actually empirically correct. If I didn't know better, I'd assume they're being wrong on purpose as part of some social experiment.

No. 2112458

No. 2112607

morphing is just photoshopping the outcomes of a surgery. ie using liquify to move around your facial features kek. there’s no science behind it but they do it because some surgeons do it + their hubris and wallets do not allow them to actually get surgery

No. 2114240

Incels are gayer than the regular homosexuals

No. 2116394

File: 1722576890305.png (422.71 KB, 1080x2090, trueratediscussions.png)

No. 2170014

File: 1726701022283.png (301.19 KB, 1080x975, 1000015893.png)

The amount of men this guy thinks women has sex with is insane, jesus christ

No. 2170017

are these literally just fanfic ideas he wrote KEK holy obsessed

No. 2170044

144000 posts holy shit this dude needs to touch grass

No. 2170085

Where the fuck do you find this many moids who aren't fugly? I've seen FIVE in my entire life, and I rejected the three that approached me. This coom chimp is "redpilled" yet really thinks moids are as attractive to women as women are to moids. Top kek

No. 2170532

They always project how many people they would fuck onto women since they assume women are sex crazed like them. Even the most normie girls I know didn't fuck more than 10 men in their entire life, let alone 90. Pretty much exposing that their only "contact" with women is prostitutes, OF girls and porn actresses since it's actually really not that common for an average pretty woman to have fucked that many guys unless she's one of those. They can looksmaxx all they want but with a mentality like this they aren't going anywhere

No. 2170577

Kind of weird all of these fictional women have decent lives after ~le cock carousel~. I thought he was going to write a whole essay of how miserable they were 'cause they didn't save their virginity for their uwu Nigel.

No. 2170579

>Women's standards are too high and won't give an average guy a chance! They only find 1% of men sexually attractive!
>They're also whores who has fucked 100+ men from their teenhoods and will cheat on you after getting married!

I keep seeing redpillers go on on both scenarios at the same time. Do they not realize how contradictory it is?

No. 2170580

Moids who are convinced women are fucking men left and right tend to have schizo-level paranoia of cuckoldry. I'm a virgin (because I don't want a scrote to touch me) so seeing these men believing that the average woman has ten fuckbuddies at her disposal is scary, amusing and confusing at the same time.

Who wants to bet he jacks off unironically to NTR hentai? Place your bets now!

No. 2170591

Same. I'm at an age where most moids would say I've had 100 partners and am a ran through roastie or something but I didn't have sex. Had plenty of opportunities to do so and they aren't stopping with age either. If you tell them this they either don't believe you or they'll act like it means no one wanted to fuck you though, even though neither are true. They can't fathom that you can actually just reject sex because they themselves are ok with fucking anything and if they didn't get sex it's because they're unfuckable (unlike women who reject sex).

No. 2170593

The essays are for the public/women. In private it's all seething about how there's 0 downsides for the cock carousel.

No. 2170596

Technically, all porn is NTR. You're watching another man fuck the woman you want.

All males are programmed to be aroused by the sight of cuckoldry, you don't really have to be an out and proud NTR enjoyer for that.

No. 2170603

It's really strange because they act like a woman cheating on her bf is the worst thing ever and justifies him murdering her but then jack off to it and love watching porn at the same time

No. 2170604

Also a virgin (mid twenties) and intend to stay one. A lot more women than you'd think are celibate by choice, my best friend is as well. I'm sure they assume any woman that's college aged or over has a long string of lovers but the fact is that women are wising up to the fact that men ain't shit, casual sex is crap, and gen Z are statically having less sex than older generations did at our age.

No. 2170606

Yeah I'm wondering about that too. Can someone explain the psychology of that to me?

No. 2170632

Arousal at the sight of females mating with other males is a selected for trait that facilitates sperm competition. Simultaneously, male fitness is reduced by cuckoldry so there's also selection for psychotic obsession with being cucked.

Tl;dr moid evolved to be a cuck but hates it, hence the neurosis.

No. 2170657

wait, how does cuckoldry reduce male fitness?

No. 2170661

Genetic fitness not physical fitness.

No. 2170663

ooooohhhh, it makes sense now. They get aroused by being cucked because that's their brain recognizing competition and telling their balls to get ready to participate. But they hate being cucked because their brain also knows that their desired women are more likely to have children with males that AREN'T the cucks. They have evolved a form of cognitive dissonance, like you said.

No. 2170675

Just my thoughts and not really a proper explanation of the psychology behind it or anything like that but I feel like when a random woman cheats on her bf outside of porn it's bad to them because the act itself wasn't available for them to jerk off to and isn't just their fantasy anymore. In their fantasies they feel like they're more in control of the situation and that the woman was already a whore and wouldn't be their gf to begin with so "nothing was lost".

Meanwhile, if it's another man being cheated on irl they immediately think she's a whore in a bad way (even though they're fine with jerking off to whores in porn, madonna/whore complex in action) and feel like it's a betrayal because they insert themselves as him due to male solidarity, like what if it was my (usually non existent) gf cheating on me? They start feeling scared of being inadequate and this can especially enrage them if they're the type who feels entitled to women sucking their dick while they're unwashed incels and use these stories to further validate their toxic, lazy mentalities (all women are actually secretly whores anyways and fucked 90 guys so why should I bother).

Like how dare this foid fuck other men when she had a nice guy like (insert guy they see themselves as) to be with?! It really touches on those core insecurities they have about themselves and men never like being reminded that women have choice and can leave you for a better man. They tend to see women as property (of either themselves or other men) so a woman cheating to them is like getting a dog who they expect to be 100% faithful to them even if they mistreat them but then the dog runs away to another owner and is "going against its nature" of being submissive to its owner. They expect a gf to always be faithful to her man in general even if they themselves aren't because they assume women don't really have (or shouldn't have) any bigger sexual urges like men do, so when a woman cheats it's always "worse" to them or they must just be a whore because they don't understand or are even outright enraged by the idea that she would have sexual desires of her own that don't include just being his personal fleshlight. They make up all these cuckholdry fantasies about all normal women actually being whores to cope with this and not have to look into their inadequacies instead of not being retarded and just accepting women have sexual needs too without shitting themselves over it (even though they expect women to put up with theirs 24/7 and it's "just male nature" to cheat).

With porn as I said it seems they already go into it not seeing them as a potential gf so even if they're attracted to her they don't feel bad about it and can instead self insert as the man doing the fucking because it's "just porn". They aren't even really aware all porn is technically some form of cuckholdry too, I told that to a guy once and it's like a lightbulb went off in his head and he was like "oh" (still continues to watch it though). When you try to explain to them that jacking off to porn is actually a "beta" behavior and that a real chad would be out there having sex with the women he wants instead of watching them on a screen it takes the modern male a while to get it too even though I feel like this used to be common sense. Porn is so normalized and pushed as something every guy engages in nowadays otherwise he's asexual or a closeted gay that they unironically tend to see any criticism of it as it actually being you who is the one that hates sex and is a virgin loser if you don't watch it, which makes no sense. Especially when in the same breath some of them can still acknowledge coomers are virgin losers but somehow can't understand depending on porn at all makes you a loser too even if you aren't at a porn addiction level. They also seem under the impression that since they're self inserting into the men in porn it makes them less of a cuck when in reality it doesn't change that they're still jacking off to another man fucking a woman they want to fuck. They see those women as property they will never get access to irl so they might as well just jack off to them anyway and don't care about how pathetic it actually is since it's not like they could've fucked her in the first place.

For men into specifically cuckholdry porn I genuinely don't get it though besides what other people in this thread said and it being some sort of humiliation fetish or taboo thing for them that they indulge in and feel is "hot" due to how much they contrast it with their irl attitude of not wanting their property stolen and it absolving them of their need to compete with other males in their fantasies. It comes off as gay to me too like being into a big strong man fucking your gf which doesn't surprise me since a lot of men are just closeted homosexuals. I knew a guy into cucking where part of the appeal for him was the guys having big dicks and I feel like that really says it all

No. 2170729

>In their fantasies they feel like they're more in control of the situation and that the woman was already a whore and wouldn't be their gf to begin with so "nothing was lost"

Worth noting that most moids are comfortable with this if it's framed as them "pimping out" the woman that's cucking them. It's a way for a neurotic male to safely enjoy a humiliating experience.

No. 2170740

Safe to say examining the male mind for about five minutes is all it takes to dispel any notions of “rationality” or “superior intellect”.

No. 2170745


No. 2170758

kek why does his fanfic suck this bad? Not only are the numbers stupid obviously but all the women seem to have fulfilling lives.
It's always like that. Apparently women only date the top 1% and they all have countless of options which unless every 1% guy is dating every women on earth at the same time, doesn't even work in their own damn theory.

No. 2170776

Beautifully written.

No. 2170778

Lmao. So the "ran through" narrative was just negging all along.

No. 2177915

File: 1727200389990.png (215.45 KB, 720x812, Wot.png)

I need to stop browsing incels.is. It's wild, even when they say the most racist, violent, misogynistic (and plain retarded) shit I can't help but read more. I'm not even offended (guess I got desensitized) it's so… fascinating to delve into the minds of these types of men.

The most interesting reads are always the ones about being jealous of """chads""". Male jealousy is next level holy shit.

No. 2177917

Are we absolutely sure this one isn't a troll kek

No. 2177936

Don't think so judging by his post history. Is this what peak male autismo is like?

No. 2179934

File: 1727330128307.jpeg (343.23 KB, 1170x1671, fw7ah3bvggpd1.jpeg)

No. 2179935

Yes. I like men who look like humans

No. 2180563

Incel discovers OCs

No. 2180809

File: 1727380743443.jpg (1.26 MB, 1059x6089, myEdOR9.jpg)

This is so gay I'm convinced incels are just mad they can't get hot men like women do

No. 2180821

this makes me laugh because if you are into kbeauty people get their jaw shaved to look like the before pic and get those nose jobs too.

No. 2180838

Idk why but it feels weird knowing this most likely was written by a self hating brown/mixed guy. Regardless their parents are both tall, have good bone structure and I'm pretty sure both his kids came out with blue eyes. Not that it should matter but I don't think they'll grow up to be ugly

No. 2180857

I swear they don't even like women, they just want Stacy so they can show her off like a teacup poodle to the Chad of their dreams. Men are bizarre.

No. 2180860

I think it's interesting that people playing coach on other people's genetics are rarely the ideal "white family" they talk about. Like nigga, where's your wife and kid? I wanna see what they look like since you apparently know all about who should be reproducing with who.

No. 2180863

Once again, this is why I believe women are the only members of the human race that can be straight. Males are so innately gay no matter what they do or talk about. Even when they're racist, they're so fucking gay about it.

No. 2180865

Seriously, he's acting like this white guy cucked him for a black woman.

No. 2180866

I notice that they seem to be more mad over the woman getting the man than the man getting the woman. Very gay

No. 2180870

I think he genuinely believes that. Look at how obsessed he is. You can tell he loses some sleep because he's mad at random black women for "cucking" him in his delusions. Jesus, I almost wanna pray for him.

No. 2181827

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No. 2181829

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No. 2181831

File: 1727420391952.png (604.16 KB, 1080x1646, Da_Yunez.png)

No. 2181833

File: 1727420558449.gif (116.45 KB, 150x120, 1715982887246.gif)

No. 2184533

I don't blame them for laughing

No. 2184555

I'm laughing so hard

No. 2184557

Decided against posting a screenshot, but I just saw another post on incels.is about some kid who was 'mogged by Chad' at 13. Why are there so many children on these sites?

No. 2184596

This makes me sad tbh

No. 2184709

Because they’re impressionable and their parents don’t monitor their internet. It’s not uncommon to hear about people discovering 4chan at 14.

No. 2185216

not at all, they want it more narrow when looking from the front, not recessed from the profile

No. 2186320

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No. 2187450

so he was totally gonna jump but called his family before doing it? If he lives long term I hope he is kinder to his family for helping him bc to me it looks like it was a cry for help.

Genuinely extremely gay, like dude thought he had a shot with Lucky Blue had it not been for Nara.

No. 2198243

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No. 2198256

these retards come up with the silliest nicknames

No. 2198259

>they have no one to protect them
who wants one these whiny faggots to protect them lmfao

No. 2258111

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No. 2258137

As someone who lives in a country where abortion isn't legal men can get bent. There's services so women can travel to neighbouring countries for them safely. Restricting access to health services is never going to improve some ugly incels personality and sex appeal. What woman will pity fuck an ugly cunt now when she can get prosecuted for it. Men voting to worsen everyone's lives, power for the course the stupid ugly retarded fucks. 4 years of a Trump term is not going to change your gay highschool experience of being a friendless loser. Incels lose the war again wah wah. Stupid pricks. They call themselves ugly fucks too why exactly do they expect to get laid

No. 2258908

hilarious post, reminds me of a tv drama stereotypical geek who wants revenge on the popular jocks and cheerleaders.
some women have dealt with much worse than what he describes even before 14, many girls came/come home from school to lay in bed in the darkness and many don't have friends and play video games/watch anime to pass the time. girls get bullied and ignored by the girls that bully and ignore these guys. the lack of humanization of women simply for being female is ridiculous.

No. 2259363

File: 1731533657540.jpg (53.93 KB, 1190x376, 687559686868.JPG)

Both groups are reprehensible but the looksmaxxers are somewhat better since they at least try self to improve themselves, even if its often by moid standards. The normal incels are more entertaining though, thier insecurity and hatred is unhinged that it becomes entertaining.

No. 2259367

What a resentful fatty

No. 2260865

File: 1731615604042.jpg (40.67 KB, 898x412, df9876545678.JPG)

Topic is about a moid using some sort of clavicle lengthening device on looksmaxx for context

No. 2260871

File: 1731615848179.png (2.17 MB, 1242x1211, 1731413522235.png)

Looks like a medieval torture device

No. 2260873

How are wide shoulders attractive? Tbh I like smaller shoulders on a moid it's more androgynous

No. 2260875

>Men putting themselves into torture contraptions for my viewing pleasure

No. 2260878

How come men break their legs to be 2cm taller and do this retarded shit but when you tell them to get a nice haircut or take a shower to be more appealing to women they throw a tantrum? they are so fucking low iq

No. 2260882

Unironically because breaking your bones and mutilating yourself is #MANLY

No. 2260886

We need to encourage this behavior

No. 2261017

>Hates women to such a schizo degree
>Also wants women to want them/lust after them back

Why are they like this desu. This is probably the one thing that separates misandrists and misogynists. Women hate men for not leaving them alone and men hate women for not giving them attention.

No. 2261020


HAES: Male Edition

No. 2261046

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No. 2261056

The skank bitch scene from Mean Girls but instead it's this moid screaming all the way home to his computer

No. 2261070

i give it one year before he gives up and gives up those roidcell cheeks to some other roidcell on the gym

No. 2261077


Kek, him again. I lurk his account and he's a goldmine. What do you think his reaction would be if some evil foids find his posts entertaining?

No. 2261080

I assume liberal use of the words "bitch" and "whore" kek

No. 2261083

>Be a normie girl finding a normie boy cute and fit
>Not realize there's a raging future homosexual going suicidal about you online

No. 2261107

FINALLY someone who gets it! I felt like the only straight woman who didn’t like the super broad shoulders it seems like everyone is obsessed with.

Imagine getting this angry over seeing two random strangers talk to each other.

No. 2261169

The copium is insane.

No. 2269798

File: 1732155816660.png (205.15 KB, 698x600, 4chan lgbt.png)

No. 2269801

If women only date chads, how come I see so many beautiful women with the most ugly man that's ever existed when I go outside? I wish it were true that women only dated chads, then I wouldn't feel so embarrassed and disgusted by couples irl.

No. 2269848

>I wish it were true that women only dated chads, then I wouldn't feel so embarrassed and disgusted by couples irl.
You should be happy about it. Those women are doing you a favor by leaving more hot people for you.

No. 2269853

>misogynistic, misandrist,
>cis/trans woman
KEK at him trying to be equal for some reason

No. 2269955

I saw this playing out like a cartoon in my head

No. 2270032

he should accept his fate as subhuman waste and join faggotry. injecting estrogen is next. hoping to see him on the mtf thread in a couple months

No. 2270054

Nah they're increasing inflation, I, a horse faced uggo with fucked up teeth and a big nose, can't get an average almost cute man because they're too busy with models

No. 2270055

kidding btw I am not kidding about being a horse face but I managed to find a man with stunning features, he looks like a girl in the face but he has acne and he's short and he has incredibly low self esteem. I struck gold.

No. 2271009

I’ll never understand this binary of “handsome Chad who’s also a pedophile rapist murderer” and “ugly nice guy”. It’s been years and the “hot felon” guy is still in their minds rent-free. I feel like incels have a self-inflicted version of the Madonna/Whore complex—the Fuggo Nice Guy/Sexy Asshole.

Is the concept of a woman fucking and dating a handsome man who’s also a good guy and is not them that incomprehensible? Then again, it’s probably just another one of their projection revenge fantasies—“that woman who went off to fuck another man that isn’t me will eventually get beaten by said man because that's what I want to do!“

No. 2271026

It’s competition cope. These men are mad that “chad” is getting picked over them so they vilify him to feel better about themselves.

>Is the concept of a woman fucking and dating a handsome man who’s also a good guy and is not them that incomprehensible

I’m pretty sure they’re aware they just refuse to acknowledge it because the thought of a woman dating a sweet handsome guy is mkultra levels of torture for these fuggos

No. 2277675

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No. 2277678

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No. 2277680

File: 1732648395437.png (66.26 KB, 491x516, nkR5zKx.png)

No. 2277682

File: 1732648461960.png (66.17 KB, 500x457, 8MGRwt2.png)

No. 2277696

5'7 is a completely inoffensive height for a guy (imo) and his sister is probably like 5'1, wtf is he mad about?

No. 2277699

Calling your sister "the foid" is crazy.

No. 2277732

>sees women laughing with each other like what friends do
>average attention-whore narc scrote: THEY'RE LAUGHING AT ME!!

No. 2278138

It's more comforting than accepting that those women don't know he exists

No. 2291821

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No. 2291832

What causes this kind of autism seriously

No. 2291880

Moids complain about this shit when literally most facial deformities occur because of bad habits and terrible diets. They eat nothing but sugar and mushy foods because they’re scared of eating any kind of raw vegetables so their jaws and upper face plates are weak and they all have poor posture from being on their phones and pcs all day so they develop hunchbacks. They’d rather cry than sit up straight, eat healthy, and go outside. They’ll bitch about chad and say he was the chosen one but 99% of the time he grew up with a family that cares about him enough to make sure he’s active in sports and has a good diet instead of letting him rot away inside

No. 2291901

ive been thinking about it lately but i really do think a lot of mental illness and poor habits are caused by not constantly playing sports as a child and thru high school.

No. 2291921

Moids need to create problems for themselves because they need something to bitch about. They are top of the food chain yet still want to be victims, its crazy.

No. 2292211

I have never read a single more vagina-drying question in my life.

No. 2292317

>Men immediately becoming suicidal when faced with 1/10th of how society treats women every day
You love to see it!

No. 2292647

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Dbdr. He is kind of a looksmaxxing channel but more blackpill. He has been diagnosed with klinefelter syndrome so now he knows the cause of his disfuntion. I hope he starts uploading videos again but he does still do community posts on his second channel saint Dbdr. And if you want to hear his voice like a few of us like it most of his old vids are on 'The Real Batman'.

No. 2292871

File: 1733513694117.jpg (59.44 KB, 735x548, 1000017571.jpg)

It's strange seeing the moid version of Vindicta.

No. 2292885

Where are the numbers showing an anorexia epidemic in men and why do most heterosexual couples include a beautiful woman with an ogre of a man

No. 2292894

Oh and also why are most plastic surgery victims female and why is the whole beauty industry aimed at women

No. 2292908

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No. 2292920

Both disgusting in different ways

No. 2292989

> wahh I'm a manlet because my mom is short
Well, my mom is 5'8 and my dad is 5'6. I'm shorter than both of them at 5'4. My nigel is 6'2 even though his mom is 5'0 and his dad is 5'9. It's almost like genetics are complicated. I'm pretty sure 5'8 is the average for men in the usa too, so he's bitching about being barely below average. My dad is a true manlet and has been with my mom since they were 15.

No. 2293014

They are such sensitive manchildren it's incredible

No. 2293060

Women go through the triple of this daily since our childhoods and we whine less about it

No. 2293086

both are deformities

No. 2294184

as much as i try to have sympathy due to many children getting exposed to this type of thinking, male or female, it's hard to not feel like it's justified because girls have been going through extreme body nitpicking for decades and males never say a word or roll their eyes at it. i was treated like a cringey repulsive retard for developing anorexia in middle school. at that time at my school, if girls showed any effort, desire to be pretty, or weren't a tryhard turbo NLOG they were mocked. it's about time it ramped up for boys. i just don't feel sorry for them. enjoy your eating disorders faggots.

No. 2299621

File: 1733774383120.png (376 KB, 1080x1380, 1000017776.png)

Crazy seeing incels side with a healthcare CEO responsible for the suffering of millions just because women found the shooter attractive

No. 2299662

It's so funny seeing them seethe over him, keep wishing us foids horrible rape and deaths as if they wouldn't slurp a turd through a reusable straw just to sniff our pussies.

No. 2299669

They're finally realizing. It's all true, front poles: we don't give a shit about your personalities, you're all annoying misogynistic faggots anyways. If you're not attractive and you're packing peanuts, you're useless. Seethe harder, and don't forget to inhale a healthy dose of copium!
>Icon is that faggot from Da Boyz
Never has a tv show looked so unappealing.

No. 2299672

i love their seethe

No. 2299683

File: 1733775299555.png (623.51 KB, 1080x2431, 1000017779.png)

More dead ceo seething

No. 2299998

They're worried about being sub 4 when they should be more worried about being sub iq

No. 2300003

File: 1733779156580.jpeg (61.79 KB, 637x358, IMG_0220.jpeg)

Finally, another year of the Luigi

No. 2300015

the wife is probably glad she doesnt have to pretend to like that ugly fuck for his money anymore, shes gonna be fine. Hope she gets herself a man that doesnt look like a bloated squirrel

No. 2300024

Honestly, rich people like her don't have empathy like normal people do and are incredibly ruthless, so she will move on very fast.

No. 2301927

cry more, that hot guy is not only leagues better looking than you but he actually did something you fags can only dream of doing kek. the jealousy is so palpable.

no, at this point most americans do not care about the ultra rich or what happens to them. we all agree our healthcare system is abysmal, it's about time someone did something. no one cares that some random egirl hurt men's feefees.

No. 2306876

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No. 2306892

Kek it’s been 5 years since he posted that, I wonder if he’s roped yet. He sounds unemployed.
That being said, I find it interesting how pretty much every 99% male space always has self-admitted pedophiles in the majority. Especially looksmaxxing/incel spaces, but pretty much every male space at least doesn’t take pedophilia seriously. Only in spaces where women frequent too do men put on the guise of being anti-pedophilia.

No. 2306923

File: 1734121479992.jpeg (378.33 KB, 1610x602, IMG_8969.jpeg)

Incel mindset is so interesting to me. Have to look for validation? From who? Women? Then why are you talking about how much you hate everything about them? By their own words they are literally causing their own problems.

No. 2306929

File: 1734121946535.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1602x1662, IMG_8970.jpeg)

Also this seethe is so fucking funny. I was hating on the Luigi-train because I thought he looked walled but seeing all these scrotes bawl their eyes out in jealousy is too enjoyable. I hope at least a few of them committed suicide because of it

No. 2306932

Kekkkk did he really have to photoshop Luigi hanging

No. 2306959

Hold up a minute.
>Joined:Feb 16 2024
>Posts: 2,791
>9.27 posts daily
Holy shit, eternal seethe.

No. 2306970

Did these men ever consider that they have no one in their lives because they never leave the god damn basement? How are people suppose to know you exist?

No. 2306974

Kek Luigi is becoming based to me just for making incels seethe

No. 2307026

>rich women are ruthless
lol I wish

No. 2310368

File: 1734388799652.png (695.83 KB, 816x665, Screenshot_29.png)

this made me laugh cuz both of them are unattractive

No. 2310411

Men have absolutely no idea what makes a man hot.

No. 2310419

> eyes make or break
> every single feature is different

lmao what flavor of cope is this?

No. 2316843

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No. 2316846

Well for starters, Luigi didn't miss.

No. 2316851

>Trump assassin
He didn't even kill him, assassin fucking where? Kek.

No. 2316855

Stupid faggot missed his shot. His next bullet should have killed himself

No. 2316863

No. 2316911

No. 2316946

The failed Trump assassin didn't even have a personality

No. 2316960

The fact that they’re whining about him makes me like Luigi even more out of spite kek.

No. 2317095

Excuses excuses. There's only one trump and he's still alive but there are so many corrupt CEOs still out there, boys. There's even a new United CEO if you wanted to do something really sexy.

No. 2317096

File: 1734829493106.jpg (47.47 KB, 735x712, 0e8033f96948980f68d99f4e86f14f…)

>There's even a new United CEO
Wow, they couldn't even wait until the body got cold. Just goes to show they don't give a fuck about the CEO either lmao

No. 2317119

Italian Stallion vs Elizabeth Warren

No. 2317126

Pumpkin Spice Latte god

No. 2318220

Who are these "women"? It's a lie you ugly faggots fed to yourselves while hoping to psyop women into ignoring how fugly you are.

No. 2331999

A youtuber who is sort of known in looksmax circles called Frank Tufano got 4 procedures (Orbital decompression, Orbital rim implant, lower eyelid lift and Upper eyelid repair) by the famous Beverly Hills Dr. Taban to fix his downturned eyes (it seems he wanted to get meme hunter eyes). Tufano claims Taban heavily downplayed the potential side effects of the procedures and botched him. He had to get numerous corrective surgeries but still looks weird and has vision problems.

No. 2333108

None of his siblings or parents look like him either, will these retards realize genetics is just random and lucky blue smith wasn’t even able to use like 40% of his “potential” because he can’t learn anything. If he was able to act or even decently sing he could have been the next Leonardo DiCaprio/Jude Law. But instead he’s gonna be an aging male model/influencer competing for 25 year olds for Brooks Brother shoots at 50 while Nara will have long aged out of being a hot mommy content creator. How is that an enviable life?

No. 2350896

File: 1737144572520.jpg (106.39 KB, 1187x396, holy_projection_batman.JPG)

No. 2350899

>women have nothing to offer but their pussies
>moid posting on an incel forum during peak work/school hours

No. 2350920

Random but he looks like a tif. He has such a womanly looking face.

No. 2351052

You are so cool I wish I had that idea myself

No. 2351061

Kek, this is hilarious.

No. 2351068

Based Queen

No. 2351071

Definitely just projection kek. Men are the ones constantly talking about how they don't care about women's interests, careers and personalities that much and only see us as walking baby machines and as he himself put it, only good for pussy. He tries to make a point about women but ends up revealing that the entire post he was just talking about himself with that line, it's ironic. Men are also more likely to be obsessed with getting "hot women" to boost their perceived status to other males than women are, most women will date some mid or ugly guy their friends and family don't even consider attractive at all.

No. 2351904

If women are good only for pussies why don't they date a landwhale femcel looksmatch then?

No. 2351941

>It is my nature to disregard any of the assistance that I beg and pray for that to universe throw my way
Kek he's already self aware

No. 2351977

It'd drive home how ugly and undesirable they really are. Personally i think they should just admit to being homosexuals and live laugh love themselves into AIDs.

No. 2351984

He has a video of himself shoving stuff up his ass. Not a joke for real kek.

No. 2351986

Exactly, how are they supposed to maintain the larp of being superior to women if they date a looksmatch who doesn't have the social credits to enable their delusional fantasies?

No. 2352010

>They really only care how you make them feel
did this mfer just come out of the womb? welcome to mankind, where people don’t give a shit about what you do unless it benefits them in some way

No. 2361331

File: 1737606871447.png (171.84 KB, 1080x1002, 1000019535.png)

How incels react to the Tennessee shooter

No. 2361333

File: 1737606977649.png (176.91 KB, 1080x1042, 1000019536.png)

No. 2361335

Jesus fucking Christ the high IQ meme. I swear that most of these moids are just bots

No. 2361337

>what does a 16 yo hispanic has to do with my looks
More reasonable than I was expecting

No. 2376724

File: 1738437611825.png (616.76 KB, 1080x2844, 1000019724.png)

Lmao they made a message to women

No. 2376727

I'm going to do the opposite of all those things.

No. 2376738

>stop holding men to different standards than you hold women to
I dont get it, does this mean moids want to be forced to shave, dress slutty, stick to strict dietary routines(no nuggies) and be told to put on makeup and be submissive? what double standards are they talking about.

No. 2376751

If men treated me the way I treated men they'd never talk to me outside of work related things, they'd be distant but polite and cross the street whenever they see me. I wouldn't have to even think about sexual harrassment lol

No. 2376756

They want you to stop having sex with dozens of 'chads' and stop dating people for their looks, a common thing that women do as seen by the UMP thread

No. 2376762

>want women to die in war
>want women to have babies
the more logical gender at work!

No. 2376772

File: 1738439509452.png (1.25 MB, 1080x3476, 1000019726.png)

No. 2376780

>Born into horrible world because your mom got fucked
>Women are evil
>Men are not evil
Ah yes, those horrible lesbians, somehow homosexually reproducing without male intervention. They are truly why the world is a terrible place.

No. 2377031

File: 1738448682879.jpg (240.02 KB, 482x699, Not-Reading-Allat-meme-7l1cnb.…)

attentionwhores kek

No. 2377037

>princess shitty
Are they STILL seething over princess kitty? Istg they've been talking about her for over 5 years now

No. 2377048

Who is Princess Kitty?

No. 2377775

This only applies to white women, pocnonnas we're free

No. 2384493

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No. 2384502

kek very milky community I remember the older sub was just 30 something anorexics bragging about how every man asked to marry them and every woman was so jealous because they went from healthy to like 5 pounds underweight

No. 2385173

A redditor they really disliked for posting on r/inceltears and being a ugly woman with an OF

No. 2385924

File: 1738894449335.png (108.48 KB, 1211x355, incels1.png)

No. 2385925

File: 1738894489805.png (70.19 KB, 1207x340, incels2.png)

No. 2385926

File: 1738894521204.png (145.01 KB, 1212x637, incels3.png)

No. 2385928

File: 1738894601758.png (107.28 KB, 1205x371, incels4.png)

No. 2385961

I don't think this man has ever worked a day in his life.

No. 2385992

Moids are absolute fags. Not even the pickiest woman out there obsesses this much about height KEK

No. 2386873

Retarded incels are getting raided right now lmaoooo

No. 2386875

No. 2386879

File: 1738953919012.jpeg (269.47 KB, 828x462, IMG_5542.jpeg)

Finally their pedophilic shitty site will be shown to the world soon by the soys

No. 2392984

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No. 2392989

File: 1739247230959.png (189.68 KB, 924x623, rate the unabomber.png)

No. 2393001

File: 1739248384433.jpeg (378.27 KB, 1200x675, IMG_1182.jpeg)

it’s always funny when ppl post killers looking their absolute best. picrel is what that mushmouth mf looked like for most of his life.

No. 2393371

>he was blah blah blah
who the hell cares. super fugly, 3/10

No. 2395549

File: 1739390446653.jpeg (589.06 KB, 1125x1397, IMG_3474.jpeg)

They truly just want a mommy bangmaid KEK

No. 2395806

i love their total lack of nuance. also, most people want someone who is loyal to them, loves them, prioritizes them… the question is guys that use these types of sites do not bring anything to the table themselves. they just want someone to obsess over them and pine over them, it's a very immature idea of what love is.

No. 2396592

>Copexodius Maximus

No. 2397271

>loyal traditional wife who will never leave me even when I fail at absolutely everything that a traditional man is supposed to achieve.
They should just rope already.

No. 2400268

The only thing that holds up in these moid's claims is that they want something that'll never leave them. But the second a real tradwife comes along who wants to remain celibate until marriage, they'll just go fuck other women anyway

No. 2400987

File: 1739634868497.png (192.18 KB, 1064x594, Fantastic_Coast_3059.png)

No. 2401049

I used to work at a pharmacy and some of the elderly women were so relieved when their husbands died, because it meant they could finally take care of themselves instead of their spouse.

No. 2401883

File: 1739674082394.png (99.84 KB, 720x640, lol, lmao even.png)

No. 2401885

Men are so fucking easy to psyop lol any word + "pill" and they will instantly believe it

No. 2401886

men fuck dogs, cats, goats, children, etc…

No. 2401947

They're easy to psyop if it fuels their hatred towards women*. I've seen them believe random incel-y articles from fucking FOX NEWS, the news station that admitted they post a lot of lies if it makes women look bad but they wouldn't believe anything that makes men look bad unless there's a 50 page ivy league, peer reviewed study from 2025 and after

No. 2401953

This just in:the sex that regularly rapes and murders children and even babies out themselves for looking at extreme porn categories

No. 2402066

Menpilled psyopmaxxer.

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