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No. 2195213

Share men's brainlet takes on anything women related

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No. 2195215

>my reproductive system is being destroyed by estrogens put into our food and water
This made me laugh, this is so schizophrenic

No. 2195218

most of these are caused by other men tbh

No. 2195222

Imagine this being even among the top 20 of the biggest threats your gender faces. All of this list is 'muh pee pee is in danger' and 'a fringe group of girls says mean things to me'. Moids really have it too easy.
>If war breaks out, I know I will be forced to stay and fight while most women will just run away.
If only that were true. The refugee crisis would be solved within a day kek.

No. 2195243

>I have to sign my rights away to get basic voting rights
Wtf does this even mean? Men are allowed to vote, what the fuck are you talking about. Anyways this explains conservative women’s dilemma ironically enough except it isn’t more voting rights but more privileges within the patriarchy.
>My reproductive system is being destroyed by estrogens
And who put those estrogens in there? I also don’t care, I hope it turns every single male into a de-sexualized eunuch to the point it raises their suicidal rates at a global level. It would benefit these creatures by not thinking about sex for once in their pathetic short lives.
>Male fertility has dropped
This is good, if only women would make wiser and more conscious and informed decisions
about deciding to infect their eggs and vaginal pH just to bear your scrotelings.
>Male testosterone is dropping
Funnily enough this isn’t contributing to the drop of crime, it’s almost like it’s in an XY’s blood to commit crime no matter the hormonal imbalances he has.
>I am openly discriminated enough
HAHAHAHAHAHA basically tldr “I’m too incompetent/lazy/retarded and fed lies by my coddling parents that I deserve the roles I apply for and automatically expect to get them because I was born a male”. There have been plenty of MRA-adjacent advocates who’ve tried to defend this piece of shit lie that men are being discriminated against in the education system because they simply cannot sit down and fucking shut the hell up during a lecture like women can, it’s like those shitbulls who act completely nutters and people make excuses for it having the cute little “zoomies” when it’s just a fucking poorly put together genetic mess that everybody makes excuses for, sound familiar?
>My gender is inherently seen as toxic
Yeah because it is, it contributes to crime, warfare, racism, ecological and economic disasters, you’re the sex that wants to lay claim to the creation of everything but can’t take the consequences of these creations that are thankfully destroying your kind and altering your DNA to ash day by day.
>I’m a disposable wench who’s purpose is to die for women
Thank you for knowing what your role is so stop lying to everyone with the male superiority larp. You also die to make rich men richer kek
>I will be forced to be deployed in war
In western countries this is false, we aren’t living in the fucking 1800s anymore they allow women into the military as well and that still has scrotes pissing and crying because they still don’t see us as qualified enough but then cry when no woman wants to go into those field. Copy paste with STEM fields, trade, construction, anything predominantly occupied by moids and rinse and repeat, I don’t think women want to die for wars men have created and then get raped/murdered in the military and have their rapes and murders buried through bureaucratic mess.
>I receive longer and harsher sentences in prison
Is this even true? If so, deserved.
>Family court is stacked against me
Because most men want to cum inside a woman and then evade all responsibility when the child is born or shack the entire childrearing duties on to women and then get shocked when the family court doesn’t want to hear his loser shit. Retard gets shocked at the problems his sex/gender has created for the millionth time!
>No one cares if a woman hits me
Because it’s always 100% deserved and anyone trying to equalize this matter is misogynistic and doesn’t care about the safety of women, men will always be the predator and women will always be the prey who has to do anything she can to fight back and preserve her humanity. Men can’t be physically abused, case closed.
>If I defend myself I will be mauled and imprisoned
Good, because compared to the woman she virtually has no kind of power the male has and that’s how the legal system should proceed with viewing heterosexual domestic abuse/rape/sexual assault cases.
>My gender is ritually mutilated at birth
If only they chopped off your dicks completely, would’ve save so many women’s lives.
>My peepee foreskin is cut for women’s cosmetic gunk
Is this true or just another scrote tinfoil?
>Girl power equates to violence and mockery towards men
Men don’t like the treatment they give to women on a systemic and personal level and this point is a great example of that. Male power equates to violence and mockery towards men but will men ever address this? Because men don’t give a shit about the other wellbeing of other men and who blames them? You’re a disgusting species only out for themselves.
>Shamed for being a man shamed for not
You just sound like a fucking loser.
>It’s considered funny when I get raped
>Men over represented with suciides and underrepresented in college
Again who knows how statistically true this is and this is GOOD, nature is healing!
>I have no hope, no joy, no future
Take the rope and do it

No. 2195251

I wonder if these creatures ever stop to realize how retarded they look making shit like this. Probably not kek

No. 2195256

This is why they should all be euthanized and put down, I’m tired of those fucking camera in the public bathroom pedophiles and creeps

No. 2195257

>if I defend myself I'll be imprisoned
That mostly happens to women. More like:
>if I chimp out and kill a woman there's a free kill legal concept specifically for coom chimps called "passion defense"

No. 2195261

>education makes men humble
Demonstrably untrue, some of the most cocky, arrogant, and insufferable men are highly educated

No. 2195262

Isn't this a pick me

No. 2195268

>>I have to sign my rights away to get basic voting rights
>Wtf does this even mean?
In the United States, failure to register for the draft is a felony. That means men can't vote unless they "sign their rights away" lol. Men haven't been drafted since the 70s so this is a literal non-issue LOL.

No. 2195283

>”male only areas”
>naturally still have hookers roaming around
>implying any male can handle male only company

No. 2195315

what is the heterosexual excuse for not wanting to see or interact with the gender you are supposedly attracted to

No. 2195339

i like how hes crying about not being taken seriously and not being cared for and then proceeds to depict as womans issue as a joke and not take it seriously, i wish men didnt have the empathy of an autistic 5 yr old

No. 2195344

Bait used to be believable.

No. 2195346

It isn't even a baby yet.

No. 2195350

Nta but whether it’s a baby or not, we don’t need more of them in this already overpopulated world. Who cares if people abort? It should be encouraged.

No. 2195359

Lolcow users go one single day without taking the abortion/childfree bait challenge:

No. 2195367

..its still an issue that only affects women, what is your point?

No. 2195373

The stupid piece of slimy cartilage cooking in the womb can't even feel pain. Who cares if they get yoinked. It should be legal and free off of taxpayer dollars. Yoink those stupid babies who gives a fuck.

No. 2195379

I have lived a life and have family and friends who care about me, a retarded barely formed human doesn't have that, therefore I would be a bigger loss therefore I'm more important than some parasite leeching off of a woman. Yoink those babies! Yoink those babies!

No. 2195380

Because I’m a person with thoughts, emotions, and a mental world. Are you unironically comparing an embryo to actual people? Idiot.

No. 2195383

Not what I said retardchan but you're really making the case for post-natal abortions right now. Maybe we should start legalizing those too.

No. 2195384

>erm acshually what about people on life support
They get taken off too when the odds are proven not to be in their favor. How do you not know this, are you 12?

No. 2195386

Abortions should always be legal because even if you are a pro lifer if something goes wrong in the pregnancy the mothers life comes first before the "fetus" and retards who force rape victims to keep it should pay on due too because if they care so much for the "child" to be born they should support it too all its life,hell make it as necessary tax from them. You can always have another child but not another adult woman.

No. 2195392

kek current discussion reminds me that my online mormon friend (male) has been obsessed with the abortion topic for about a week now. he obviously harbours his parents beliefs, go figure, but i managed to have a fairly productive conversation with him where i pointed out flaws in that way of thinking. any rational human can come to the conclusion that rape and incest = bad and abortions should be allowed in those circumstances. however him and those he share that way of thinking really seem to care more about a fetus that cant even think more than a girl or woman with her entire life on the line. it’s so ridiculous when they say ‘if it’s not life threatening, they can just get a c section or put it up for adoption!’. what about 9 months of your body changing, and accomodating a foreign life form whilst still trying to live like a normal human.
my next talking point to him will be;
‘what if a developed out of the womb human suddenly had a tumerous growth that turned out to be their unborn, yet sentient twin. if the option was life or death, who's life would we value more to save?’

No. 2195397

>just get a c-section
I hate how they act like c-sections are no big deal, don’t get me wrong, it’s a valuable surgery that has saved the lives of countless women and children, but it is still a surgery and like every surgery it carries risks and can have long term effects on your health and the chances of something going wrong increases with every subsequent c-section. Plus you can only have so many c-sections in a lifetime because the walls of the uterus become thinner every time.

No. 2195617

I wouldn't have been born without a c-section due to complications and I still don't think any woman should have to get it and have a baby she doesn't want to. These people are just insane and hate women

No. 2195622

I hope whoever made that "meme" finds a rope and a chair. Probably some faggot waste of oxygen who watches that milleniathinker loser.

No. 2195625

>milleniathinker when he finds the secret formula on how to get thousands of dollars from loser men obsessed with ryan gosling

No. 2195740

>Is this true or just another scrote tinfoil?
Kek its actually true. I remember Sandra Bullock mentioning in an interview that she and Cate Blanchett would do beauty treatments that uses stem cells from the discarded foreskins of Korean babies.

No. 2196265

The funny thing is, most of the syrians and other arab trash turn out to be deserters or draft dodgers anyway.

No. 2196274

> Male fertility is dropping
> Male testosterone is declining every year
Okay but genuinely wtf are women supposed to do about that kek
> It's considered funny when I'm raped
Selective hearing, there are COUNTLESS "dark humour" jokes where the punchline is about sexual violence against women. Also, who's doing the raping in most of those cases?

No. 2196488

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>Woman trying to escape from homicidal moid says "he is going to shoot me"
>"Uhm, acktually, he was targeting a group of people not a specific person, him trying to shoot you was completely random, you are selfish for not wanting to get shot"
>Homicidal moid shoots her, proving her point
This has to be on purpose, this level of retardation hurts my brain

No. 2196495

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I'm pretty sure he was retarded when he wrote that, brain damage from the anorexia

No. 2196516

Jesus Christ that looks like some highschooler, why are so many people spouting hateful stuff against women online moidlets?

No. 2196522

Jesus, those are some advanced psycho eyes.

No. 2196839

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No. 2196855

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Funnily enough, no deaths were reported and injuries were minimal, all passengers reported to be safe. Multiple sources are saying a power outage caused the crash. Moids love pointing out whenever women are involved in something bad… but if we bring up their crime rates kek

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