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No. 672241
>>672223Lmao this thread is cute
I hope you can move on from here peacefully anon
No. 672513
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what do u mean by """"leaving""""?
u can always pass by lol the farms for me are like any social media u can get in,see some shit,kek to it and go.
No. 672719
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>Your favorite lolcows
Shayna, Yumi King, PT herself of course
>What thread you loved the most
dumb bitch memes
>How much time did you spent here
I shudder to say, at least six years, I've been here literally since the beginning, I remember the first time I saw it linked on /cgl/
>What are you looking forward in the future
Moving out and having a clean, tidy place to live, making food for myself, not disappointing my family constantly, lots of things I fear I don't deserve
>Would you come here occasionally
yeah probably honestly
>Etc etc etc
I lived my teen years on 4chan, my young adulthood on lolcow, and now I'm probably gonna die of adhd and loneliness. As long as I get away from home, it's all I ever wanted.
No. 672744
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I was slowly but surely graduating from lolcow, just occasionally popping in to see what was happening but nothing peaked my interest. Then the fucking pandemic hit and now I have way too much time on my hands and I'm back at square one staring at this page. I need a damn hobby already.
No. 672825
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I've been trying to quite lolcow so maybe if I post itt I'll actually leave and live a productive life free of bitterness and nitpicking…
>favorite cows
Shuwu, stefany aka elsa frozen, pear, moo
>what thread you loved most
like above anon, I love dumb bitch memes. Also keekweek is a fond memory.
> how much time have you spent here?
5 years. I have spent way too much time here tbh.
>would you come here occasionally?
Yes because I feel like it's more fun to read new threads when you haven't been on in a while.
>What are you looking foward in the future?
I will become Stacy and be normal.
Arigatou lolcow-chan it's been good! jk I will probably be back tomorrow when I want to procrastinate
No. 672829
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quitting lolcow
you're here forever, bitch
No. 672843
>>67266I got bored at work so here's a long ass list of the dumb shit I read on KF. I have an autistic fascination with gross and retarded things.
Threads I keep up with:
-Kevin Gibes (tranny pervert, current fav)
-Stephanie Cianfriglia (the womb wizard)
-Kelly Ronahan (munchie that will not stop fucking with legs. Posts nasty pictures and videos of her wounds)
-Tess Holliday (white trash HAES EYBS "model")
-Amanda Turcol (she's been described as female chris chan)
-WogglebugLoveProductions (autistic woman obssessed with obscure wizard of oz character, pic related)
Threads I only occasionally look at when I remember them:
-Tearzah Hayes (pastel goth artist dollieguts)
-Abby Brown (I check her thread for updates on her and to read about the crazy Facebook losers that hate her)
-Ashley Isaacs (also for updates)
-Manic Pixie Nightmare Girls (tranny cartoonist that made New Guy)
-Kayla Marie Waller (tumblrina, not very interesting. I check the thread every so often to see if she's changed, the answer is always no)
-Jennifer Gwen Ann Armstrong (deathfat with a hobosexual alkie bf, got bored)
-Kelly Lenza (obese woman posts selfies that are intentionally as ugly as possible, got bored and grossed out at the same time)
Threads I used to read but don't anymore for one reason or another:
-Chloe Wilkinson (DID larper, deleted everything and went into hiding)
-Jazz Jennings (trans kid, his show I Am Jazz is probably over so there aren't many updates)
-Desmond is Amazing (drag kid, not many updates, just makes me angry/sad)
-Schofield Productions (munchie parents insist their kids are schizo, drugs them into disability. Depressing, there's no happy ending.)
-Anna Johnson (vegan anorexic that purged her way into a colostomy bag, just got bored of her)
-Jonathan Yaniv (I could only take so much)
-Jude Valentin (entitled HAES woman-child trying to make a living as a successful twitch streamer. Boring and irritating)
-Amy Ramadan (white trash muslim deathfat, beats her kids with a wooden spoon, stopped being funny)
Specialized threads that aren't about a specific person, self explanatory:
-Munchausen's by Internet
-Tard Baby General
-Personal Lolcows: Tumblr Edition
-Dissociative identity disorder on tumblr
-Enbie (non-binary genders) on tumblr
-Tranny Sideshows on Social Media
-SJW Art and Extremes
-Plurals / Clusters / Systems
-Fat Acceptance Movement / Fat Girlcows
-Random Pics and Gifs
-Blue Moon Nursery by Smurf in Hand (thread about a fucked up comic with a mysterious author. A trip, to say the least)
No. 672851
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>>672843Ignore that I said pic related and then didn't upload a pic lol
No. 672882
>>672829lmao shut up
this place isn't too hard to leave if you have hobbies and shit. So many of the good cows are dry anyway and farmers can be awful and draining.
Fuck KF though. Most of the posters on there are retarded.
No. 682012
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Is this thread another psyop? First it was the “muh broken childhood” thread and now this?
Can’t y’all glowniggers just leave us alone and stop collecting our data? Go back to stalking 4chan.
Edit: was
No. 695806
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Everyday I outgrow this website more and more and I'm a bit sad about that.
Drama is not entretaining anymore
I get to talk to other women who think like me but there's so much infighting
It's nice to ask for advice and recieve it but at what point can people from here truly help me
I love looking at new resources that lovely anons sometimes post but idk, its not like I see actual interesting stuff all the time
I love having people to talk to anonimously but this site also carries the risk of admins compiling all your posts
And I need to move on with my life to get a job and make all my goals come true etc
I think I'm just addicted to coming here, yeah it sounds dumb but I am prone to getting addicted to webpages very easily
Idk, what do.
No. 696115
>Your favorite lolcows
Kiki, formerly Dakota (tho I know she's not dried up forever! I have hope!), Venus/Margo, JC&Syd, Yukapee, Himezawa, Sheina, Sere & the Kabukihoes, Taylor for her kotaphase, and recently Fat Elsa, Kate Davis (I remember her from her /cgl/ days, wild shit) and the Celebricows/J-music threads. My focus went from specific cows to general drama and wank.
>What thread you loved the most
The vent thread, personal lolcow thread, historical figure lolcows. Once upon a time we had a shortlived selfpost thread that was pure gold.
>How much time did you spent here
I don't even know how long it's been, I came here from /cgl/ during the height of the Dakota Drama when she was banned from being ppsted or discussed there, so 5-6 years ig.
>What are you looking foward in the future
From lolcow? I don't have high hopes for this site ever becoming much more than it is now.
>Would you come here occasionally
I mean I do, I think Covid has more people coming back here more often than they'd like, but who knows if this shit will ever end?
No. 696277
>>695806>>696107>Drama is not entretaining anymore>I get to talk to other women who think like me I feel this way too
I mostly use the ot/g/m threads more than any drama boards lately. I'm in my mid 20s and have a career and normal life now and can't easily remain engaged with dirt about random e girls any more but its so nice to have a place to talk to other snarky female autists. I also couldn't really get into the lolcow discord because the vibe is so different from the main boards, a ton of weird infighting. Where do we go??
No. 696667
>>696277If I had the resources (aka money), I would make my own all female imageboard. But I just don't know if people would be interested, lolcow doesn't have that many users I feel like, and ahserasgarden is pretty empty.
My dream imageboard would have a place for everyone here, the weebs, koreaboos, random autists and pink pilled radfem anons. And it would be comfy as hell.
No. 696679
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Goodbye, anons! You helped me through my tough times, and made me laugh when I felt down. It was a nice distraction, but I've spent too much time on this site kek. I wish you all well!
No. 696773
>>696667is it possible to make an imageboard on one of those free hosting sites?
or a textboard.
No. 696809
>>696773But a textboard has no pictures lol
You need a hosting site like cloudflare or whatever. I wish I knew more
No. 696821
>>696667I think the problem with trying to make something that advertises itself as an exclusive space for women is that men will always invade and try to agenda push. See:
It's better to have a space with a traditionally female interest/hobby zone that men are more likely to not be interested in. The whole reason LC even exists as it is is because it was an offshoot from /cgl/ (more female orientated hobbyist space) and gossip threads.
No. 697268
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I'm doing this on a whim but, I think it's finally time for me to leave. I've had fun here, but I need to stop wasting so much of my 20s and time and braincells here. There's another gossip website I visit, but the community is more likeminded for me, and I don't waste as much time there. I was just gonna leave, but I feel like making this post really means I have to commit to this and gtfo.
>Your favorite lolcows
I don't really browse the cow boards anymore but, I really love the weirdo ot anons. Roommate and discharge/Nagito kin anon were my favorite. I hope discharge anon is doing well.
>Which thread you loved the most
Dumbass shit thread
>How much time did you spend here
like 3/4 years or so. That number is kind of embarrassing for me honestly. That's how much time I've been wasting here.
>What are you looking forward to in the future
Settling in my career, spending more time on my hobbies and working on my mental health. Also hopefully acquiring an animal companion. That's all basic stuff, but I think I'll be more productive.
>Would you come here occasionally
I hope not but, If I come back in a month I'll update on my utter failure
and um…. i wouldn't mind if farmhands ♀️ gave me a ban ♀️. Thank you
I'll miss all you girls. Even if some of y'all were annoying. Bye ♥.
No. 697270
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No. 697280
>>697268anon what gossip site are you talking about
>>696821I mean, I still wanna give it a shoot. I would be calling it something not super obvious and maybe center it on some hobby so scrotes don't flood there or something. I mean, judging by the threads on /w/ there's also a lot of men here
>>696936 No. 697628
>>697581Unironically for this!!!
I used to be turned off by extremely small and dead imageboards but honestly, they’ve grown on me!!! They can be comfy secret hangouts and being slow discourages me from obsessively refreshing the page every hour.
No. 697950
>>672223fave lolcow: TND, Shayna, MTF thread
Fave thread: MTF
Little bit less than a year
abusive boyfriend, starting new job, moving to a new state
Nope, too much of a drain. I'm checking in on TND one more time before I go.
No. 698118
>>697280Thank you for the link anon
>>697581I’d love that.
No. 700664
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Everyday I get more and more sad and disappointed here but getting out of here is really hard, I've tried so many times and I keep coming back. I wish I was permabanned
No. 700673
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>>700666I have asked mods, and they didn't permaban me or anything. I'm still here.
Even /ot/, /m/ and /g/ are getting on my nerves, it feels grating to come here sometimes, I can only imagine it getting worse. It's not even the borzoi or driver posters, because I quite frankly think they add to the imageboard culture, and that's always interesting and fun to watch, every other imageboard has its own lingo and memes and I quite frankly find the ones here endearing, and the anons getting mad at them kinda silly themselves. But that's the thing, there's a lot of negativity and people who infight out of nowhere, and then the anons who minimod or try to "keep the status quo" when an imageboard is meant to mutate over time. Just how many posters in the earlier years of lolcow were anachans and very nitpicky, now we have a lot of radfems and terfs. I feel like in the future, lolcow posters will become different again. I always see anons on the pixielocks thread being a bit of libfems, etc. And then there's some anons that are so angry that I'd rather not interact with. I'm here for the girls who post random memes and are unapologetically themselves, the ones who just sound dumb and own it. I love that. I love this kind of interaction between women. I'm tired of picking women apart. I will kinda miss this if I go away, but I really hope I go away soon.
No. 701860
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I think I'm the one who should leave this website instead of wanting it to get better, I'm not having fun anymore. Bye girls, the borzois and drivers were my favorites!
No. 703708
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>>701860Sorry to hear you don't have fun here anymore, anon. We love you! Come back whenever you want to.
No. 704384
>>703525I hope you don’t come back either anon
You sound just like them!
No. 704520
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Taking a break from here made me realize I’m better off not visiting this site. It’s been fun but time to move on. All the cows I used to follow have been inactive for years anyway rip. I did love the mtf/ftm threads though. I love u TERF anons
See ya ♥
No. 704734
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posting here to mostly hold myself accountable.
I have taken month long breaks here and there, but i’m going to make it a resolution of mine to stay off all gossip websites and reddit for at least half a year after coming and going for the last few years. who knows, maybe i’ll never be back. i’ve come to realize these sites get me into nasty habits of checking in on my old cow friends that were really awful to me and i should just put them out of my life completely. it’s not good for me and is really distracting me from living in the moment and focusing on my own life instead of what they’re up to in theirs.
my only fave cow was pixielocks and i can always keep up with the milk away from away from this website if i’m really thirsting for it. i’m mostly going to be sad about not having an anonymous place to vent about various things I can’t share anywhere else but hopefully keeping out of gossip and drama will lessen those needs to just throw it all out there, maybe i’ll let myself come here just to vent but that might be too much of a temptation. idk yet.
it’s been real, hopefully i won’t see any of you on the other side.
No. 704835
>>704831lolcow > 4chan
I never browse 4chan anymore. Browsing 4chan is like begging to become mentally ill.
No. 704842
I stopped using 4chan years ago. When I do go to revisit all the posters seem like pantshitting retards now. And in my age bracket, the ones still going there religiously come off as absolutely pathetic and in crisis.
No. 704847
>>704831> the endless nitpicking affects peoples self esteemI don’t really get this particularly, I mean, why take it personally? The people posting here are just saying whatever they want without any terrible social consequences, being the “worse” getting banned from the site.
It’s not like we’re posting pictures of ourselves and asking for everyone to rate them and such.
And if it’s because of the people nitpicking about the cows, they’re talking about the cows, not everyone will find them attractive and not everyone will think what they do is actually not that bad and whatnot.
No. 704877
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>>704847Plenty of people posted are genuinely attractive or at least average, yet farmers will act as if any slight imperfection makes someone hideous. A pretty girl with slight smile lines will get called haggard, basically any nose is 'unfortunate', etc. Every once in a while someone is so good looking that even farmers can't find anything ugly about them, in which case they are dubbed 'average'. Calling any cow pretty will usually lead to accusations of whiteknighting or selfposting.
This creates an incredibly skewed perception of what is considered normal or average. When you read that sort of discourse on the regular, thoughts like 'if her nose is already considered big, mine must be gargantuan' pop up. It's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and think that people irl have the same insane standards and secretly judge you the same way as they would on here. Before you know it you're extremely self-conscious about something like a slightly square jaw, because any chin that isn't completely dainty gets called mannish on here, whereas in reality it's so mild that nobody would notice that or think anything of it.
I get what you mean and obviously you have to be prone to insecurity to take it that seriously, but all the exaggerated bashing of perfectly normal features isn't going to make you feel better about your own.
No. 705115
>>704877People trying to roast Lori's perfectly normal nose on /w, someone tried that with Taylor R as well.
Alythuh is a good example of someone nobody can actually find fault in her appearance (her dodgy reselling keyrings as weapons is another story) and she gets called Auntie and average.
No. 707129
>>704882It's by little-tunny on tumblr, also known as Gogarty.
>>705222I think it's a bit of a vicious cycle. You see all the nitpicking and it makes you more self conscious and focused on looks, which in turn causes you to notice and post about tiny physical imperfections that you wouldn't have considered before, eventually becoming part of the problem.
I can't say I've ever made these types of posts before, but I have caught myself thinking 'ouch, that face is rough' at photos of for example Pixielocks, even though her looks are entirely normal.
No. 730634
>>704877This, for some reason this always happens.
>>712964Sometimes I feel like lolcow has the potential to be as big as 4chan but I'm not sure if that would be good or not. Tbh I wish we had well moderated GC threads where we could tell people to hide the thread and not be retarded, but for some reason that basic kind of moderation isn't allowed when it comes to those topics? I guess because lolcow wants to be free of ideologies but is it really?
No. 733100
>>705115If you look at Alythuh's posted images vs. her tagged photos from other people, she looks different. She shoops so much, people are disappointed her proportions and face don't match her images. Farmers drag her for her r/InstagramReality worthy photos , which makes her real face look plain even when it's just fine. She's just probably insecure of herself, really.
Back to topic. I've stayed off of most cows' threads because it's such a time rabbit hole. I only go back to lolcow because it's anonymous and easier to access & read. Also there's barely any internal drama, compared to PULL, GG, etc. I only get to check on the cows if I randomly thought of them after a while or if something about them came up on my timeline kek.
No. 766181
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I love the current imageboard culture we have in lolcow, truly an anti-male statement, love it. Hate the genderspecial twitterfag infiltration in some threads though, wish they could die.
But goddamn today was a tired day for me. Couldn't read any thread because literally every single thread was plagued with the same infighting, even meta has a tini tiny post that calls us feral animals. I won't continue the discourse, and I expect you not to either, because I'm tired, and I don't want to argue anymore. It gave me a headache, it made me want to throw up, I haven't been this upset in ages, my shoulders hurt from the stress. And I don't want any other woman in this website to feel the same way. I want to stop infighting, I want to support everyone, even the ones I don't agree with. I just get so upset when women are insulted. I hate seeing people defending those insults. I'm so tired.
I wanted to quit lolcow for so long but I keep coming back, this website is like my 4chan. I need somewhere to talk to others because I'm so damn alone, and there's topics I can't talk with other people irl or online. It has to be here. There's some real nice women here and we don't even know each other, and we don't have to. I wish I could give a hug to every single person who has been nice to me here, cause I appreciate it so much. But then I think to myself, what if the people that were nice to me infighted with me once? Idk, I'd rather ignore it and keep myself optimistic. I'm so tired… I'm so tired of everywhere I look, everything turns out to shit… I want to stop having to see so much doomer shit everywhere, I want this upside down timeline to stop… I just want to be happy, not oblivious, but optimistic and thinking everyone could be a good person if they really wanted to. I want to believe women are nice. I also want to believe men can be nice but that's besides the point. I want to believe in a better world. I don't know anymore… I want to quit this website, somehow.
No. 766255
Omg I can't believe we're graduating already! Another year older and none the wiser, am I right ladies?
>Your favorite lolcows
Huge shout out to TND, who led me here when GuruGossip proved to be inadequate and I needed my nitpick fix.
I was here for the very first Pheebz post in personal cows and yes, she became my absolute holy cow.
Wandering around the farm waiting for Pheebz to update her stories (usually 15 minutes) I discovered Vicky and man, what an underrated gem. She always gives me hearty keks, I even read her whole back catalogue and it taught me a bit about tattooing and day drinking, too. Special mention for the hours she spent posing in the snow with an unopened bottle of champagne, and that time she lied about tattooing her own face.
>What thread you loved the most
Besides Vicki and Pheebz who are always reread-worthy, I have to say the Dumb Bitch Memes threads in /m/ belong in an internet museum.
>How much time did you spent here
Every toilet session, and I have IBS so that's a lot.
>What are you looking foward in the future
Re-assimilating into normie culture after my years here, and no longer being afraid to say "kek" "retard" or "faggot" in front of other humans
>Would you come here occasionally
Absolutely not, you're all a bunch of crazy hater bitches x
No. 766269
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>>766181I know exactly how you feel, anon. It fucking sucks, and it's like there's no real escape except for the brief nice moments.
No. 766354
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>Your favorite lolcows
Holly Brown and the water color children's artist, forgot their name. I only like cows in a hobby I'm in, if they aren't I don't get whats happening, so that limited me a lot.
>What thread you loved the most
The lolcow caps thread
>How much time did you spent here
2-3 years, so I'm on the newer side considering this sites history. I spend 1 hour a day here average, 2+ if I'm bored. Last year I quit the site for 6 months because I was busy, missed the whole "OT is shutdown drama", but I'm back on.
>What are you looking foward in the future
Want to focus more on my classes, post art online, and spend more time on my hobbies (art, reading, code). I'd rather read then spend my time on LC. To relax I'd rather just watch a random show then browse this site
>Would you come here occasionally
Basically I have no self control, so the only way for me to use sites is to quit them entirely. The only real reason I use this is for venting my dumb annoyances which would get "just let people have fun" on any other site. I might be able to visit LC once a week
>Why quit?
I think my main problem is LC gets derailed to easily. I've skipped browsing the sites somedays because I see one bad post that will derail the thread so hard no other topics can take place. It's a weakness of LC having a few active threads
Also said deraling isn't even good. LC debates have the school debate feeling. You know how everyone is talking out of there ass with a dangerous amount of confidence while thinking random yt sperg =research. I've never felt anyone debating on LC new basic info on what they're debating. This is true of all sites, but on LC it's worse because it attracts more neets.
No. 766360
>>672223I don’t want to graduate, I’ll stay for summer school
>Your favorite lolcowsOnion and creepshow, I genuinely liked creepshow before, but she’s too aggressive to listen to casually now
>What thread you loved the mostAncient lolcows
>How much time did you spent hereToo much, try to check in daily
>What are you looking foward in the futureLove or death
>Would you come here occasionallyMy soul is trapped in this purgative farm
>Etc etc etcI saw someone say “andandand,” instead of using ellipses, thought that was cute
No. 766645
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I've really enjoyed LC, especially during the quarantine, because I needed these interactions and to be able to talk to someone. The fact that there are no men here is my favorite thing, and majority of anons have been so kind, funny and interesting
I've learnt a lot of different things here, too. I don't regret coming to this site at all
However, I can't ignore that I've wasted a lot of time here and that in the end, it doesn't add that much direct value to my life. I've even become more judgmental, negative and critical of others, something I'm ashamed of and really want to change.
Also, I have this feeling of numbness on my brain, like I have collected all this useless information that I've absorded from here, and is taking so much space.
I want to invest in my life, my habits, my relationships, my health, my career and studies. The thought of looking back to my youth and just having so many memories of being glued to a screen, consuming this content; instead of doing sane, wholesome things that make me progress and improve, scares me.
It's not surprise that more often than not, I've felt like shit after visiting the site and procrastinated on important, personal things in favour of being here
I've also reflected on how it has affected my cognitive capacities, along with social media, and I simply can't have it anymore.
All in all, the cons of being here are bigger than the pros, and I feel like I've outgrown this place. I keep coming back, much less than before, because I've gotten used to it and made it a habit but it's just not worth it anymore
> Your favorite lolcows
I used to follow the celebricows, mtf and k-pop threads, but I didn't keep up with particular cows
> What thread you loved the most
The dumbass shit thread and I've really enjoyed all the threads focused on self-improvement, but they never lasted
> How much time did you spent here
I've been here for two years, not that much, but I have spent at least 1 hour here everyday. And many, many times I've spent 4-6 hours on a day
> What are you looking foward in the future
I'm looking foward to becoming a more considerate person and not being influenced by the stuff talked about here. I'm also excited to being more productive with my time and taking care of my soul
> Would you come here occasionally
Yes, but not for entertainment, only if I have a need for something (there's a lot of useful info and insightful nonnies in some /ot/ threads, /g/ and /m/). I'm never coming back to the other boards tho
> Etc
I genuinely wish everyone here success on their endeavors! Stay healthy, happy and confident. Don't waste your time in any activities and relationships that don't contribute to your wellbeing. I hope this will be a good year for all of us!
Ps, I know I'm being dramatic but I liked writing this down, it feels like taking a more official stance
No. 767234
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>Your favorite lolcows
special spot for lurking the holly brown saga, i think that was a rare time where i saw anons being actually supportive/looking out for other women and not tearing them down and genuinely hopeful she would finally get a real job, lose some weight and move on from her edgy artist youtube personality phase kek
>What thread you loved the most
celebricows will always be my fav because of the amount of newfags pissing off the oldfags, anachans obsessively nitpicking lana's weight gain, and shitty saged non-milk will always be hilarious
>How much time did you spent here
let's be real I would forget about this place if I had classes on campus but I have too much time on my hands. i remember lurking here and occasionally posting but then forgetting this place existed
>What are you looking foward in the future
even though this website is fun and all I can't wait until it's finally gone, I honestly can't stand the userbase sometimes and the repetitive convos you stupid fucking autists
>Would you come here occasionally
No, do not recommend for anyone with a healthy mental state of mind. Too much confidence larping and white girl queebies here.
>Etc etc etc
If you are 20+ year old and still on here, you have absolutely no reason to be shit-talking anyone lmfao
No. 767264
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>>767259A lolcow welcome back party!!
No. 767273
>>767234 >If you are 20+ year old and still on here, you have absolutely noAh yes we all hit the 'not allowed to gossip anymore' wall at 20, followed by the 'not allowed have any fun' wall at 25 and the 'eggs all gone, total infertility' wall at 30
Taking notes everyone?
No. 767306
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>>767273Don’t forget about the either Milf or sad 40’s, the frumpiest 50’s and the sexless 60’s in which we all take pic related’s shape the moment we turn off the candles.
No. 767924
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It's the start of a new year where I'm from and I've decided this is as good a time as any to quit visiting this place once and for all. The general board culture and it's gradual gravitation towards twitter faggotry has really put me off from using Lolcow lately. Incidentally, I've found other smaller imageboards that suit my palate a bit better. I figure it's time for me to move on to greener pastures heh
>Your favorite lolcows
I'm not familiar with that many lolcows but I would mostly lurk the shoe0nhead and holly brown threads. The troon threads were eye-opening as well. Thanks for the pinkpill Lolcow.
>What thread you loved the most
Lolcow's own caps had many hidden treasures. Also that one thread with the demon worshipper anon gave me a hearty kek; I hope she's well wherever she is. Oh and the femdom thread on /g/ but I now realize that most of the posters were probably larping moids.
>How much time did you spent here
Almost a whole year which isn't much in comparison to others ITT but it's still a whole year I could have spent doing something worthwhile. Some days, I'd spend hours scrolling through threads reading the opinions of anons I didn't give two shits about just to procrastinate. It really did a number on my sanity.
>What are you looking forward to in the future
Wealth and prosperity kek. I hope to at least get my life a little bit in order and gradually wean myself off of imageboards altogether. Baby steps.
>Would you come here occasionally
I sure as hell hope not. I'll kick my own ass if I do, you can be sure of that. But I'll miss shitposting with you, anonettes. Here's to hoping I never have to look at the jungle theme ever again. Goodbye Lolcow, it's been a riot xoxo
No. 768021
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I actually really enjoyed lc. It's a women-only space, which is something that's near impossible to find now. This board, weirdly enough, gave me the female presence in my life I felt that I needed but never got until i discovered this place.
But this place is also a gigantic time sinkhole. I don't realise it when I just refresh the same 5 boards for 3, 4, 5 hours, and when I do, the time for actually doing more productive things is, of course, lost to the sands of time. Shitposting here when you have an hour of free time is fun, but its extremely unhealthy when it becomes a habit, and sometimes lc made me want to kill myself when i realised how much of my time it wasted. I just want to remember my youth as a time where I interacted with the outside world and became… Someone! Not a time when I stared at a screen and seethed at whoever. It's a fun place to visit, but a miserable place to live.
>Your favorite lolcows
Probably Shoe, Varg, the whole tradthot thread, and especially gimpgirl's - i've been following her ever since she was posted on one of the reddit hate threads. I was so morbidly intrigued that I ended up asking her for 'lifestyle advice', and she actually gave me some. I deleted my reddit account where we had that mini-chat (and thank god), so you'll just have to take my word for it. I always felt really bad for her, but at this point I just hope her kids get taken away from both of their parents, lol.
>What thread you loved the most
Not even gonna lie, I'm a filthy /g/ poster. The unconventional/attractive men/women threads gave me a sense of catharsis. Also, I'm bisexual, and my country has a pretty strong anti-LGB sentiment, so I needed to get my thirst out somewhere. Femdom thread, too. Yeah, im a work of art, i know. Other than that, the MTF/FTM threads peaked me (and also gave me a really unhealthy obsession with researching trans agenda topics), so that was fun.
>How much time did you spent here
Around 2, almost 3 years, which is embarrassing.
>What are you looking forward in the future
Hopefully becoming very slightly more of a normie in a good way, greater and faster improvement in my creative endeavours, choosing and sticking to an actual career, seriously studying for school, growing up and moving on.
>Would you come here occasionally
Yeah, just to check on certain threads. My goal isn't to leave forever and not look back, but to lose the habit of being on here way too often.
>Etc etc etc
Lolcow is not a bad place. But it made me into an unnecessarily bitter person, and obviously got me addicted to it.
Also, a word to all the graduands (which is all of you) - don't listen to the nitpick anons. You honestly know yourself they're making most of their shit up.
No. 770696
>>770399the reason is they don't exist
I wanna make an imageboard for women only and the theme will be crafting. With a secret xx board of course
But I know no coding and I'm not willing to administrate that shit considering all the gore posted here etc. So please if anyone knows and wants to do that stuff please do it. I give you the rights to my idea kek
No. 770804
>>770737Yeah uh, I want to have a whole site for myself, not some site that I have to share with scrotes with a /pol/ board there. I want it to be by women for women from day 0, and like I say, with crafts&arts/cooking/girlstuff/media/homelystuff/health&fitness boards from the get go. A happy and healthy place for women. 0 gossip boards. and the hidden xx board. Yeah, that's the dream. No more, no less boards.
Maybe I will make that site one day or maybe not, but that's all I want in life really when it comes to imageboards.
No. 771506
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Alright, here's my full idea for a women-only arts and crafts imageboard:
General rules: No racebaiting, no infighting, no doxxing, no a-logging, no loli/shota/harcore porn, no illegal shit, no scroteposting, no troonposting.
Visible boards
/art/ - Arts and Crafts
/girl/ - Girl Talk
/life/ - Home and Lifestyle
/fit/ - Fitness and Health
/media/ - Media General
/weeb/ - Weaboo media
/kpop/ - Koreaboo media
/adv/ - Advice and helpful links
/ot/ - Off Topic
/meta/ - Site discussion
Hidden boards
/degen/ - Where we all can be degenerates *
/hot/ - A place to share hot shit **
/xx/ - Pinkpilled Palace
/fem/ - Feminism General *
/trad/ - Tradwives **
/trash/ - Shit threads
*This board is for women who don't feel like they fit anywhere else. Be your unfiltered self without worrying about people judging you. No porn or gore allowed (blood and nudity depictions must be tasteful). No self harm, pro-suicide or thinspo threads.
**This board is for hot shit. It's strictly moderated, everything that is nsfw must be spoilered and we have a 0 tolerance policy for contentious content, including loli, shota, hardcore porn, dubious consent, furry, scat, gore, torture and rape. This goes for drawn media as well.
*For talk about feminism outside of radical feminism (like ecofeminism etc)
**For tradwives.
No. 771516
>>771506I think /health/ would be better than /fit/ because of the 4chan name.
Also /fash/! I know we have a couple here but with a whole board, it would perhaps be more active. Reddit fashion subs, /fa/ (too male) and fashion spot etc all fail to to be the right mix of interesting / informative
No. 771557
>>771516>>771509Definetely adding /fash/ and /health/!
I wish, maaaaybe, I could make a mockup of it, but don't trust me please. I have ADHD and I tend to come up with ideas and never following through lol. Plus I have 0 coding experience, I would need some other anon to guide me and then someone else who would want to be admin cause I'm not administrating that shit in its entirety lol. But I can make a mockup for sure when I have time.
>>771509sisterchan is very cute! For me this place would be somewhere all women can be free to be themselves no matter the ideology they have.
I think I might also add another art board for people who are more on the professional side of the business, it might be fun.
No. 771720
I agree with
>>771575 like it doesn't need to have that specific theme. In the end it is just a women-only imageboard, not an arts & crafts board.
No. 776045
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>>771506Ok I came here to add more stuff to the general idea of what this imageboard might be
I'll add these visible boards
/pic/ - Picture Dump, to dump a large ammount of pictures of any kind, including wallpapers for example
/srs/ - For women interested into discussing things like philosophy, maths, history, coding, psychology, language learning, etc
/fash/ - Fashion generals
/alt/ - Alternative fashion (including jfashion)
/celeb/ - Celebrity talk
Hidden boards to be added
/blp/ - For blackpilled feminism (containment board so it doesn't mix with pp)
I also wanna mention, /degen/ is for women to discuss their personal problems or stuff without being judged. For example, detransitioned women, or women who were groomed from childhood and cope in
weird ways, etc. For women who feel like they don't belong and want to be unapologetically insane. It will be a judgement free zone, I hope everyone likes it! It comes from a place of love and wanting to get better.
But a lot of people might not like this board and might go there to purposedly infight, so I think I'm also adding another hidden board called /vent/ (working title, I need suggestions), it's a board to talk about things you hate and dislike, and if you see a topic on /degen/ you absolutely hate, you vent and don't cause an infight. Venting is also important for your soul to feel free so this is why I think it's good to add it.
Besides that, I think that's it? I just want this place to be for every woman no matter the background or lifestyle they live. Of course, shit like racebaiting, posting illegal shit and disgusting porn, or being super nasty is off limits. Like, you can talk about
anything but don't post ugly crap like hentai womb tattoo fetish or whatever, just talk about it if you really must without everyone else having to see it. I also want to implement a system that unless you have 500 posts on the other boards, you cannot post on the hidden ones even if you have the link, this will prevent spam and scrotes wanting to invade.
In /hot/ you can freely upload things like, idk, movie sex scenes. Or tasteful porn (I'm anti porn myself but I know other women might not be). Or hot yaoi guys if you like them. But anything that degrades women is off limits. I hope it makes sense?
I also want to implement a rule where you can call other anons scrotes and report for scrotery and any sign of proven scrotery will result in a permaban of the scrote, but baseless asumptions of scrotery will result in a 30 minute ban on your behalf. For example, a woman saying something nlog-ish won't be banned, but a scrote instantly will.
Anyways, sorry for sperging. Hoping maybe one day I'll get to do a mock up of this. But I don't promise anything lol
No. 776948
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I've been getting into art again and I recently realised it makes me super happy. I stopped drawing a long time ago because I thought I was a bad person. Lolcow made me paranoid and think I was a bad person because I kept comparing myself to cows.
Drawing entretains me, it makes me super happy, it feels like I'm me when I draw. I never followed the art salt thread because I think those people don't really love art, nor the cows or the posters. Me not being able to draw for a long time because I hated myself because I thought I was a cow that would be eventually posted here was a big mistake. I'm finally free from that…
Anyways, I think visiting this website made me be more bitter. There's some upsides to lolcow but honestly spending time here reminds me of how depressed I am/was. I just want to move on and look into a brighter future!
I hope this makes sense, sorry if I sound retarded.
No. 776965
>>776948>Anyways, I think visiting this website made me be more bitter. There's some upsides to lolcow but honestly spending time here reminds me of how depressed I am/was.I relate to this a lot. I feel like since I've started using LC, it's made me more negative
and funnily enough, I made a post here saying I was gonna quit, but came back. Something about this site is addictive to me, which is weird because websites like KF, 4chan, CC, and AG have never been appealing to me in any way. Anyway, I know you won't see this, but I hope you enjoy your time away!
No. 776969
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>>776961let them use pinterest
No. 776975
>>776961anon you're replying to
It's both a contaiment thread and a way to let more women of different backgrounds have their own place to talk. I want racebaiting, racism and political talk (and religious too tbh) to be banned
No. 777904

I just finished watching A Ghost Story… holy fuck. I feel both empty, satisfied, and just thinking. Pondering.
I recommend it a lot for anyone to watch. It just made me think about my future, the future, and what I'm doing with my life… and not in a condencending way, not in depressive way. Just. What the hell am I doing? What the hell am I doing in this website?
Why the fuck am I not drawing, or animating, or writing or designing instead of scrolling through the same threads making fun of people? since when did I care so much about what other people do? Or what they say, or what they might think about me?? What the actual fuck?
Why did I let lolcow consume all my thoughts?
Why do I still keep coming back?
Why do I care so much about some memes, gossip, advice etc? If I can have better things somewhere in my life.
I mean yes I love the advice the radfems give, being radfem leaning myself. I love the niceness of some anons… but like… Why do I still keep coming when I have better things to do?
Nonsense. I want to do better things with my life.
Anyone reading this post please watch A Ghost Story. No it's not the magical revelation of the century. It's just very atmospheric and it made me think of many things. I love you all nonas, god I hope the best happens to you all.
No. 777955
>>777908AYRT and I like consuming media a lot-
but for me being on lolcow isn't consuming media; there's so many good movies, books and videogames to watch but instead I'm gossiping. I think I should be better than this, I should really invest my time into some better hobbies to be frank
Also I'm very unproductive myself, I love creating for the fun of it but I'm just sleeping and browsing youtube/lolcow all the time. Like I said I love you all nonas but… maybe I should put down this website for a while… I hope you all have a nice time here though!
No. 778278
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I think I'm finally gonna leave this site. I've been browsing for 3 years or so, and I feel like overall LC has had a negative impact on my life. I've said this in a post from a different thread, but I don't understand what makes site so addictive to me, because I don't truly love it here. It'll be hard to break the "addiction" of browsing but I think I will be a lot happier when I'm not wasting time here, but being productive and working on things like my hobbies and work/school instead. I am a little worried that I will just replace wasting time on LC with wasting (more) time on social media, but I think I'll be fine.
and ngl, what pushed me to finally stop coming here is seeing an anon say she wants to start a site for suicide tips and some anons encouraging it. Some pro ana tier shit and an anon posting a pic of a dead baby Farewell farmers!
>>778277sorry anon lol. Reposted for grammatical error No. 778284
>>778278I can understand what you mean. But I inly browse vent / stupid questions / positive vibes threads. Honestly every other thread will cause a depression. I hope you'll be able to be able to break the addiction
No. 778343
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/ot/, /g/ and /m/ can be chill and really funny and nice to socialize anonymously but the bitchiness and infighting get old. many farmers are really just desensitized, holier-than-thou gossipers and looking for people to bitch about and at. I sank too much time into this website anyway, so I'll see myself out again.
No. 778423
>>778368I was going to say that nobody who's suicidal truly wants to die at the crux of the matter. People don't wish for death just for the fuck of it. We do it because living a better life seems so impossible that death feels like a better solution to end our suffering. I was suicidal as a child and teen because I had a shitty
abusive family who neglected my mental health. If we could travel back to a decade ago and give the younger version of myself the option of a successful suicide or a happy and loving family, I can say with certainty I would have chosen the latter.
Yee I'm aware those sites exist which is part of the reason why I thought it was pointless to respond anyway.
No. 779831
>>778278I'm happy for you anon.
Turn around and don't look back.
If you're here now, let these be your last moments here, you are pure
No. 807066
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>Your favorite lolcows
Leftthots, tradthots, FTM/MTF, Youtubers, Shuwu, Breadtube, some more I forgot
>What thread you loved the most
Early leftthots thread because they were hilarious and I was the one who called Jack ugly and caused him to rage. Other than that Unpopular Opinions.
>How much time did you spent here
I've been here since Jan 2018 and I spend a few hours a day here. I spend way too much time on here and I know I just use this site to replace social interaction. I'm thinking of just starting a diary on Word for me to write down the stupid thoughts I would normally post on here.
>What are you looking foward in the future
Getting a job and moving out, getting fit, spending more time on my hobbies which are literature, film, guitar, outdoor activities, etc.
>Would you come here occasionally
Probably not soon because I have a history of compulsive internet use so I really need to control that. I might come back here when I encounter a cow in the wild that I just know has a thread on here. But in the first month or so I'll be blocking this site on my computer and phone.
No. 888217
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I tried to quit this website so many times yet I'm still here fuck
No. 888762
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>your favorite lolcows
shayna, lillee jean, nemu for horrorcow, chris for revived horrorcow, used to like moo but she got stale
>what thread you loved the most
dumbass shit, shitposting, celebricows, unconventional male thread, a bunch of /ot/
>how much time did you spend here
too much, and frankly some of that I should've spent doing something else. I really fell into this rabbit hole where at the worst times of my life it felt second nature to resort to using lc as a repository for my shit thoughts. I have a terrible home life, my family sucks, and I felt disconnected from my friends for awhile, so lolcow was often my crutch during mental downtimes
>what are you looking foward in the future
my life after quarantine hopefully getting itself together, to get my degree and work in my desired industry. Don't wish to be the loser I thought of myself being a few years ago, to succeed in life if I can. If not I want at least one of my manifested dreams to come true, and I can somehow die by myself with purpose fulfilled if I don't otherwise succeed.
>would you come here occasionally
after leaving for awhile I came back on and off cuz of the bella janke drama and still peep threads. given what I might be doing in the future is demanding, I may not have time to come back much
I want to have my manifested dreams come true and I would love for life to go my way, I doubt it will but I hold out for my desires to land. I think by remaining here if the site is truly dying, I'm flushing potential and positive energies down the toilet. Maybe one day my presence will be immortalized somewhere or someone will remember me. I'm not sure how long I'll live. I predicted things for myself that I now doubt and fear, I am trying to live a life outside of the excessive amount of time I used to spend on lc and the internet. Like I hate myself for lack of productivity and verifying my existence in ways that'll lead to success and not failure. I was glad that amid disagreement and controversy and abuse in my life that I had you all, even if we didn't always see eye to eye. I'm sure there are some people here that are truly worse off than me, the site made me realize that, I'm a broken and shitty person, but I believe I can succeed if I really try and stop wasting time. there are a lot of evil and heinous things lurking at the back of our minds, and embarrassing things that don't necessarily befit those descriptors, but all things we can't state aloud. I understand why people flock here. As aforementioned this site would sometimes be a repository for my own embarrassment. Thank you for putting up with me nonas, wish me luck with my life as it goes ahead. I have decided there's a lot I would change about myself if I could go back, even in the last year and a half of quarantine hell, but sadly I can't
No. 893131
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I've been on lolcow for 5 years and enjoyed mt time here. Some fun times were had and I got to learn cool, useful things from some cool anons, but yknow some things have to come to an end and lolcow is one of them. I have to stop being so terminally online and try to read a book or something. Anyway… bye!
No. 894293
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I'm ready to quit lolcow and every other site like it bc it's a terrible time suck and I can't be trusted to moderate my internet usage. I come here to procrastinate and I once I start browsing threads it's difficult to stop. I like that it's basically a female centric 4chan full of other malcontents and faildaughters, but I gotta chose me. My favorite cow and subject of literally the only thread I'm happy I read top to bottom was that schizo black girl with the terrible skin. Onision thread was entertaining circa Sarahgate. I also enjoyed the celebrity threads. Peace out ✌🏼
No. 894363
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Been here since 2016, I've wasted so much time here. I've been trying to quit for a while now. I'll miss being able to come here to complain about scrotes and trannies, but maybe I need to find a healthier way to channel my anger at this world. In the past I've gotten over my urge to come here by first thinking about how it would make me feel, and what it would accomplish. Every time I think about it I realize that coming here makes me feel like shit. The only reason I came back was because I had some issues in my personal life, and browsing LC has become like a coping mechanism/self harm for me.
>Your favorite lolcows
I mostly kept up with a lot of threads casually, I guess Moo was my favourite when the milk was still flowing
>What thread you loved the most
I don't know, maybe dumbass shit
>How much time did you spent here
In the last year, sometimes as much as 10 hours, when I ran out of posts to read I would just refresh over and over
>What are you looking foward in the future
Moving to a new city, starting college, making friends and hopefully cutting my internet usage to next to nothing
>Would you come here occasionally
Every time I have after quitting I only end up getting hooked again, so no.
I don't know what else to say. The internet is where dreams go to die and I feel like my life is worth so much more than this.
No. 898536
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As I’ve gotten my life back together, I’ve been slowly leaving the past few months only to lurk a few threads for a couple minutes and possibly leave a few posts every once in a while. Maybe this already counts as graduation. I don’t think I would ever completely leave no matter how hard I try. I’ve found out that this website would have to officially die for me to permanently stop coming here, neetdom or otherwise. Between the first and second year I spent tens if not hundreds of accumulated hours on lc. This post will likely be the catalyst to make me use it again even more.
>>893131I wish I could have sperged about Spirit Fingers with you before you left. Goodbye anon, I hope wherever you go you show your own colour brightly.
No. 940089
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No. 940215
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I've been here since staminarose fell in….2014 I think?
I don't browse or post as I used to, but I'm still here. I was only 20 back then and now I am 27, have gone through a lot while being a part of this site.
I usually just browse /ot/ and /m/ nowadays but favorite cows used to be Kiki and Kota, Ashley (spooky skeleton), various weebs from 2014/2015 like yukapon, himezawa etc, euthanizeallwhitepeople (that thread was a blast lmao) and of course Queen PT. I think the last time I was active on following a cow was shoe0nhead.
Site does feel different as it kind of was just an a gossip imageboard extension of 4chan's /cgl/ and everyone and everything could be posted at first but as traffic became bigger, more rules popped up so it's understandable.
Anyways I don't think I'll ever completely stop browsing this site unless it dies. I am content knowing there is an anonymous image board where I can post freely and vent without it being scrote central.
Anyways I went to a little nostalgia trip through /pt/ archive and found one of the oldest threads on this site that I remember lol.
>>>/pt/6271 No. 941155
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I would honestly like to stop spending as much time on here and just become a normie. I want to take better care of myself physically so that I look and feel better, may as well focus on the mental side of things too, which means spending less time online. Had a lot of great laughs on here, but enough is enough. See you all on the other side I guess.
No. 941420
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Having been here since the pandemic began I just want to move on with my life. It's very hard for me not to check the site. I did stop for awhile and now I'm back. I want to leave. Its hard to leave but I want to and plan to. As shit as life is I have to act like it's going to improve and I don't know if I can linger on lc much longer knowing it contributes to my doomer mentality. Sorry girls
No. 941570
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I believe my time has come. Not even the celebricow thread can keep me entertained, and I have nothing to share on other threads. I must take the path to becoming the ultimate, educated, and mentally stable Stacy and do other important things with my freetime. It's been fun ladies! thanks for teaching me that men don't deserve my time if they can't even put any effort into themselves, and thanks to all the radfems that terf-ified me. Peace bitches!
Jannies, do your thing(don't use emojis)
No. 951792
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Lolcow has a very special place in my heart. I grew up on /cgl/ and eventually found out this place in 2015. This place helped me open my eyes to many things… like how not to be an attention whore (kek) and why you should be wary of men.
But also, going on here feels like a drug to me. I think I have an addiction to the internet because my real life is very shitty. Poor, living with my abusive brother, not being able to move out, on the verge of neetdom. This place keeps me both "sane" and "depressed" at the same time. I love venting here and not telling shit to my friends so I don't bother them… but then I spend way too much time here instead of doing what I really want with my life. I want to be an artist and a writer. It's been a journey to me, and all I can say is I started using this site to cope when way too much. Instead of doing what I truly want in life I keep getting side tracked on here. I press f5 like a beast and wait until someone says something funny or interesting so I can reply. I keep making banger threads though. The first and second retarded shitpost thread? My baby. The husbando smell thread? My most recent creation. I designed a lot of the new banners. And so on (won't disclose more). I'm happy my retardation will live on forever for future generations of farmers who just want to pass the time over here. I just continue wanting to stop coming on here, but like any addiction I keep coming back. Before you say "HOW CAN YOU BE ADDICTED TO THIS PLACE LMAOOO" I have very hardcore addiction tendencies thanks to my family. My mom is addicted to cigarretes and my brother is an alcoholic. Going on here is not the only thing I do to satiate the itch to escape reality either, but that's besides the point.
I'm turning 26 next month… I'm tired of feeling like a nuisance, like a loser. I have no money to my name. I have many dreams but it's hard to pursue them when my enviorment is this harsh. People keep telling me I am a wonderful and creative girl, I don't trust them because of how fucking depressed I am. I want to correct this. I want to do something, and I think I need to stop coming here as the first step. It's just fucking hard. I wish there was another place on the internet that was 1.Anonymous 2.Women-only 3.With people who have brains 4.Cozy 5.Somewhere you can vent without it being a hugbox. Can't say this website isn't toxic for your brain but also this is such a cool and almost perfect place to share with other like-minded women. But I not only need a break, I need to quit…
I don't know. I want to say I'll miss this place. But I've tried countless times to move on from here, to become better, to do something with my life. All that keeps making me come back is having a place to vent, so I'll have to search for somewhere else where I can do it in an anon way. And I also love shitting on internet things together. I think I'll miss that the most.
I wish you all luck, I hope I can make it this time. Life is changing fast. Things aren't what they weren't before. I must move on, I must do something. Goodbye nonnies. I hope I can find somewhere else as wonderful as this place.
No. 951849
>>951792We'll miss you
nonny, good luck in life!
No. 967479
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I came here after my sibling was murdered. I had a hard time functioning like I used to. I found this site by mistake, but I’ve found it entertaining.
I’ve deleted my social media a few years ago, but I really liked the /ot/ and /g/ threads. Some of you are really wonderful and nice. I even really enjoyed the JC and Syd shitshow thread in snow, but at this point it’s less fun and more sad.
However, I will say, there’s alot of anons with clear issues that shit up the threads.
I don’t really understand being so mean and lacking empathy when someone isn’t on the same wavelength as the OP. I think spending time here went from fun to cringy. Reminds me why I deleted fb and insta in the first place. I’ve made time for hobbies more important- to me. Gym, painting, screaming at dark souls 3 because I suck, and reconnecting with friends I lost in my Great Depression. My boyfriend and I are working on a little side business for the farmers market, and I got a good, stable job.
Being here feels like a step back for me. I’d rather write for me, privately. I don’t need or want interaction, or need validation one way or another from people on the internet anymore.
Thank you anons active in the cat and dog threads, the employment, the fitness and diet acc thread. I hope all nonnies achieve what they want in life!
Oh, and Watch your screen times!
No. 967540
>>967479Good luck anon!!! Wishing you all the best on the new way of your life
>My boyfriend and I are working on a little side business for the farmers marketkek
No. 967653
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Back when I started to browse this site, I followed pt because I felt sorry for her and looked forward to seeing her life improve. I realize now that the reason I would follow these threads was because I needed hope that even the most unstable people can change for the better despite how ludicrous their situations were. After watching an episode of a woman who hoards cats because she needs something, anything at all, to be there when the inevitable downfall of her relationship ending. She had very low esteem and didn't believe anyone could love her, not even her husband who has stuck with her for 17 years. She didn't have the ability to truly love her husband because she believed he would leave her eventually. She was afraid of committing all of herself because she wad afraid of the pain of being abandoned. So her solution was to have a backup comfort, all 15 cats, that she obsessively took care of when that time would come. For the past 4 years, I have done that with lc and various video games. To me, creating the perfect game account is very important because I needed it to be just as I wish for when the time comes of my downfall. In my mind it's like, well at least I have this going for me so, x situation won't hurt as much. The Internet is only a scapegoat from learning how to cope healthily in my experience. This site had many funny moments and some of you are honestly hilarious with your shitposts. K bye!
No. 970935
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I love lolcow. I love imageboards, but all of them are overrun by scrotes, and if they are not heavilly moderated AND hobbie oriented any type of discussion or even shitposting ends up in /pol/ and porn ad nauseum. Lolcow is a legit oasis. Even lurking here is a pleasure.
I don't want to leave, ever, but i have to do important shit now. I hope from the bottom of my heart that when i'm free again lolcow has not been nuked from the internet.
Hope to see you on the flipside nonnies, take care.
No. 984798
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Yesterday a friend of mine came to my house and I told her about how much I use this website. It felt oddly freeing. I talked about all the good times I had in here and how I love the sense of community and how I found people who think the same way as I do here. Nice people, smart people, cool people. I also told her how much this website exausts me. Constantly. I lose my time here and I'm always coming back. It's addictive and it's consuming my entire life.
She said "your website sounds like a cult" and even though she was joking, it kinda made me think, it kinda makes sense that she thinks this way. I have nowhere else to belong to, in a world where everything is hypersexual, pornified, disgusting, yucky, and everyone stupid and plain wrong, this place makes me feel at home. Everywhere else is full of fucking brainrot. There's still things I don't agree with and shit happens, but overall I like this website a lot. I also hate myself though and I have no discipline. I need to go back to doing what I'm most passionate about in life and move on. I'm tired of coming back, lolcow has taken like 7 years of my life and while I don't regret it I'm also not that proud. See ya everyone, I might hop around on movie nights (that's the most fun I've had in a loooooong time since the pandemic started) and love you all my precious cows.
No. 984808
>>984798>like a cultPeople in cults agree on more than we do. I think of this place like a playground where all different types of kids just come and waste time but don't make any effort to make real friends because when summer is over we're all going our separate ways
Enjoy your movies anon
No. 1011697
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Been here for like 5 years or even more, lots of iconic moments, laughs and good memories, here i finally found women who could understand me, they made me realize i wasn't so alone, they were crazy, funny, smart and made the whole experience great, they are all gone now tho, and it shows.
I don't think i can't enjoy this place anymore, too much infighting and circlejerking, it doesn't feel like a imageboard, just tumblr/twiter 2.0 but with more undercover trannies/moids and way more mentally ill people.
I've found new hobbies, and irl friends, i'm not as mentally unstable as i used to be, I've a lot to do irl, i don't have as much free time nowadays.
Thanks lolcow for everything, special mentions to komaeda-chan, driverfags, manifesto-chan, TF2fags, flugfags and spamtomfags, you guys rock
No. 1011702
>>1011697Love you
nonnie, have a nice new year…!
No. 1011795
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i am a newfag but my new year resolution is to be an offline girl with no social media at all, my time here was short but sweet, thank you nonnies, especially the terf ones
No. 1012074
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It was a nice 2 years together lc. It's time to move on for me now. This website makes my brain fog worst and i've been disconnected from so many friends because of it. I'm sure there are more healthy ways to cope with my own existential dread than to mindlessly scroll on there. I love you lc, it was fun riding this pandemic with you.
No. 1031958
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I think I'll stick around forever as I'm terminally online. This place is filled with negativity, but I feel like it's the only safe space for my spergy ass. The internet is pretty much dead nowadays. I've seen so many websites being shut down, so many blogs have been deleted and since TikTok took over I just feel like shutting down my PC to never return. I might do that if I manage to overcome my internet addiction.
No. 1038788
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IM GONNA DO IT BITCHES IM FINALLY GONNA DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 1045593
>>1045448>>1045451Same. I was more of a lurker until late last year, and even though I tend to just give offhand comments on the gossip boards it still makes me feel icky. Admittedly it's fun to give a reality check to some of these cows, Pixie especially, and I started to participate more. At least I'm not choosing to die on the hill of DID.
Blegh there's enough people to spill the milk for the cows, pray for me nonatellas.
No. 1052628
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I love you, lolcow, but I think it's the end between us.
>Your favorite lolcows
I first came upon this site after looking for LoL girl drama. That got boring and I read a lot of Luna Slater threads. I would cycle upon cows that seemed interesting, but these days I only really visit /ot/ and /g/. I feel shitty when I go on /pt/, /snow/ to be honest. I guess I owned up to my cognitive dissonance and did something about it.
>What thread you loved the most
Most of the /ot/ threads were pretty nice, bouncing between snarky and comforting to funny to absurd. /g/ was alright too but there were some very naive anons there.
>How much time did you spend here
Overall, I've been here for just under 6 years. There were days where I would just refresh lolcow endlessly and there were times where I didn't visit lolcow in a month. I visit here regularly when work is slow or when I'm bored at work. Browsing during work, mostly.
>What are you looking forward in the future
Practicing the guitar, working on my career, starting various projects (both on- and off-computer), going to shows, learning to rollerblade, reading, swimming, what have you. Basically, being in the present and making most of my time is what I'm looking most forward to after some psyche-induced navelgazing.
>Would you come here occasionally
I'm not sure. There were some cool anons, but I find that nuanced discussions can be buried due to people going "SCROTE" or "LIBFEM" and potentially good debates are suppressed for that reason. So, probably not. Perhaps for some more nuanced advice or help, but thankfully my problems are rarely very complex.
>Etc etc etc
I'm happy to have been one of the anons who posted a bunch of borzoi pictures to annoy that one anon. I didn't think it'd become lolcow tradition. My (and others!) legacy will live on, with or without me. I'll miss the vent threads to let out my anger and annoyances, but I figure I can write that shit down in a journal or relay it to my irl friends over a messaging app. Bye anons! Stay healthy, happy, and try not to be online too much. Thank you for a fun, sometimes educational, and welcoming experience.
No. 1106341
Sorry for bumping the thread but I will be spending much less time here. You all are wonderful women and have helped me so much when I was going through a rough time, but it's time for me to move towards more positive things in life than sitting on gossip boards all day. I feel like it's making me a more negative person overall, also very critical of both others and myself (I usually browsed the cow threads religiously). I recently have picked up new hobbies, sorted out my life somewhat and all that stuff. I've been wanting to be less terminally online and lc is my most visited website aside from yt which I use mostly for music lol. I have gotten amazing advice on here though and love you all so much ♥
>Your favorite lolcows
Luna, Pixie, Lucinda
>What thread you loved the most
Mtf, I learned so much from it (straight up, I was caught up in the whole tranny 'inclusive' shit before but don't believe anything about it anymore. Fuck trannies.) Also Luna's old threads, and all of /ot/ and /g/
>How much time did you spend here
I've been here since one of the first artist salt threads, I remember being underage and googling 'I hate Baylee Jae' or some bullshit lol and ended up here. Started following more cows like Toopoor and the Altcows thread. I've become a bit addicted over the years, checking my favorite cow threads right when I wake up. I noticed myself a lot happier once I stopped doing that the past few weeks, which is mostly why I'll stop coming here as much. I think I overall spent hours a day on here, reading and reading old threads lol.
>What are you looking foward in the future
Being a more positive thinking and less terminally online person mostly, really focus on school, art, music, friends and get the most out of life instead of sitting on my laptop all day refreshing and refreshing.
>Would you come here occasionally
Yes! I definitely see myself going back to /ot/ and /g/ sometimes for random questions (since it's one of the only all women's spaces) but not as much as I used to. I might check up on my favorite cows occasionally, but I won't 'follow' them anymore.
I had a lovely time here, thank you all nonatella's ♥
No. 1108561
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I am done with social media. We were never supposed to know this many people’s opinions, especially the shit they write without thinking on a whim. As an older zoomer social media have been my whole personality for so long, but it has answered very few questions and made me bitter. I am an offline bitch now.
Keep on hating moids and read BL. God bless nonnies. Bye
No. 1116794
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I doubt I'm leaving for good I mean, I literally can't. I'm involved with community stuff here and I can't leave anyone hanging, but it's time for me to take a nice break. Not to be dramatic but some anons really truly disgust me, and I think I'm finally at my limit with the things people say here. I do still love this site though. See ya later nonnies, ily
No. 1116981
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Sorry nonitas for the random image but bumping this for y’all don’t scroll
No. 1121981
>>1119824you're obviously trolling, you're not that
nonny. you're not my
nonny at least. git out bitch
No. 1122039
>>1122023This is what you get when troons insist that everyone who doesn't kiss their ass is a "
TERF". Most people don't even know that it's an acronym, let alone what it stands for, and so we get literal anti-feminists calling themselves "trans exclusionary
radical feminists"
No. 1122045
>>672223No one cares that you think you're above lolcow.
It's a gossip forum, you can't actually think that reading for pleasure is beneath you, can you? Kek
No. 1147733
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I've been slowly getting away from this website and posting less and less. I've created many well regarded threads and helped around and posted so much funny shit that I felt very much part of the community. The days I have spent away from online spaces have felt amazing though, and coming back here feels weird. There's definetely some pickmeism pro troon nlog shit going atm on and it's boring. This website is becoming boring and different as time passes. I love the radfems, the nice nonnies, the husbandofags, and the fujos too. But I'm sure I've outgrown this website, sometimes it feels like I'm talking to 18 year olds constantly (as proven by the friend finder thread of course) and I'm in my late 20's now. I like talking to the mature nonnies and those who are 25+. I also love the drawing board and the movie nights. Basically lolcow is a big part of my socialization because I'm kind of an hermit. But that's seriously unhealthy and I just want to move on and focus on what I'm truly passionate about. That's all.
No. 1150298
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I love you bitches and you've seen me through some hard times, but I see now that I'm outgrowing this place as a daily scroll.
I used to love the chaotic /ot/ energy, you never know if you'll get a sweet helpful response or merciless hilarious bullying. But now I get grumpy seeing the same four vents and derails play out over and over again, and that's not how I want to spend my precious toilet time. I live a blessed scroteless existence and I don't want to be reminded how awful they are all the time. I want to focus on things that make me happy. So I'll probably dip back when I have something to contribute to the perfume, fashion, sewing and career threads. I've really enjoyed the sense of family here, but since I'm feeling more and more of a black sheep, I won't stay and grind my teeth that this place isn't what I want it to be. Later.
No. 1150342
>>1147733>But I'm sure I've outgrown this website, sometimes it feels like I'm talking to 18 year olds constantly (as proven by the friend finder thread of course) and I'm in my late 20's now.I felt this
nonny, I started coming here when I was in my mid 20's and now I'm in my early 30's. Sharing this place with teenagers and people in their early 20's just isn't appealing anymore, I dealt with the phases they're going through years ago and I get tired of trying to explain the same things over and over again and their polarized way of thinking gets me frustrated like I was arguing with, well, someone in their teens.
>>1119534>>1122056>>1119821I agree, and I think it's exactly because of a.) the moderation team being understaffed and not quick enough to ban and redtext budding infights between users and b.) the growing younger userbase and us oldfags growing more mature and finding more nuance in issues we have already dealt with for so many times. The black and white thinking with edgy takes is something underdeveloped people with no perspective on things have and they will learn the shades of grey between them eventually because the world doesn't work in absolutes and they will have to learn to deal with compromises. But for someone who has already grown past that it's beyond maddening to deal with brats acting and speaking on their impulses alone.
I hope this site will remain as somewhere for these young women to grow, find other women, learn about feminism and pinkpill themselves, but the amount of weird conservatism and extremism that has been creeping up makes me worried. Just because you a-log degenerate trannies doesn't mean you're a "radfem".
No. 1153485
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I'm burnt out on this website, everyday I scroll way too much waiting for something to happen. I think the Kaitlyn Tiffany thread was enough fun for me and I'm finally ready to retire. I feel terminally online and want to move on. Wasted my entire evening having hearty keks but it isn't very healthy. Maybe I'll become a turbo stacy once I quit my internet addiction who knows.
No. 1153491
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I hope if I quit this website I never get cancelled and posted over here. I know I can have cowish behaviors like being a turbo autistic weeb but I genuinely love this place as a place for women to help each other and I also love the free organic manhate. It would sour me a lot to know I was posted here kek I think only the nonnies here truly understand me even though I'm a stupid retard. I'm going to try to better my life and I really really hope I don't come back.
No. 1174000
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Thinking I will leave soon. I'll miss the fun times had with fellow nonnies, but the negatives have truly piled up. There's obviously the admin issue, in addition we have even worse raids, our userbase is too polluted with newfags and drama-stirring namefags, and a highly obvious male presence to boot. I love the good times I've had on LOLCOR but also I've decided not to say mean things anymore online if I can help it, life's too short. I can still come here and be nice but it hangs over me. Not to mention the attitudes here have made me too critical of people, too negative. So it isn't any one factor but a bunch that might soon break the camel's back. I'm still coming here for now, you are all my sisters but it may be someday soon. Who knows maybe I won't be able to until this site really goes under. I've tried leaving before and failed like many of you
No. 1174368
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>>1033437I'm still thinking of Jail anon, I wonder if she's ok.
No. 1190699
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I'm going to try and see how long can I go without coming here. I hope to make it to a month or two. When I come back please update me on shit.
No. 1209345
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Okay nonnies this is it for me I think. Lolcow has been a sort of sanctuary for me since I was a teen, I started browsing lolcow forever ago, I think it’s been about 7 or so years but it’s time I call it quits. When I first found LC it was a great way to pass the time, I loved reading about cows and it was just fun to read all the gossip, it had such a different feeling back then but I can’t really put it into words. Later on I discovered the off topic boards and was even more pleased, that’s when I finally started to actually post on the site and I had a lot of fun most of the time. I also met some really amazing nonnies on here during the first round of the friend finder thread back in 2019 and I still talk to a few of them. I’ve had a lot of fun with nonnies in the movie and drawing rooms and i’ve made a few pieces of art that I see used around here sometimes and it makes me very happy. But this place has become absolutely insufferable, all of the nonnies I met who were also old fags have abandoned the site and now I see why. I took a long break myself during the raids because I was sick of encountering cp, seeing moid spam and posts but when I came back and saw it had slowed down I was a bit happy about it. But sadly it just doesn’t feel the same, it feels like all the anons who made this a fun and interesting place have vanished and abandoned the site, understandably so, and the new anons are not really my cup of tea. At first when people complained about twitterfags I thought it was dumb, shouldn’t we be happy that they are peaking and coming here? They’ll assimilate eventually just give them time! But I was stupid to think so and wrong, this place has become absolutely infested. I just can’t stand how everything turns into an infight. I am so sad to leave because this felt like the only place left online where I could openly express my opinions about troons, males and media that otherwise would get me cancelled in normie social media spaces. I feel defeated too because it feels like this was the only site left where I could feel like I was surrounded by only women, sure men can come here too but they’re usually called out and ostracized, which I always loved, so abandoning the site in a way feels like letting the men who so badly want to kill this place win. Thankfully I have a good solid group of terf friends who share my interests and won’t need this place anymore. I’ll miss the board culture, the memes, making art with and for other nonnies and the farm in general, but I can’t deal with how awful this site is, coming on here now feels like a chore. Every thread is clogged with infighting about very stupid topics to the point that they are unusable. You can’t even really shit on males anyone without getting some butthurt anons defending men. Image board culture is dying and the new generation of it is absolutely rancid. I will always be grateful to this website for peaking me, letting me openly shit on men and giving me people to discuss my interests with. Goodbye nonnies and may you all have a good life ♥
No. 1216064
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I say this with some unironic tears in my eyes- I've spent 7 years on this website and it's done nothing but make me a more bitter, tired, ugly person. I want to learn how to connect with people without being so cold and hateful and heal the abused teenager that managed to find solace here in the first place. I've made some nice friends through the friend-finder thread and I'll always be grateful for that, and I'll always be grateful to the nonas who answered my insane schizoposts in the vent and advice threads. I'm going to breathe in the fresh air and run my fingers through the tall grass for the first time in years and I encourage anyone else reading this who also has the urge to be free from this hell to just pack up your little handkerchief, put it on a stick, and hop the nearest train out of here. love yourself and love others and live your life putting empathy first
No. 1246765
>>1216064No offense
nonnie, but that's a you problem, not a LC problem. This is just a website. I've become more confident in myself, made more friends, and appreciate myself more than I did before I came to lolcow. Maybe the difference is that I spend all my time in /ot/ and /m/.
No. 1246780
>>1246765>>1246771The OP clearly realizes it's a problem she has with this site, that's why she's leaving. To deny that being on Lolcow can have an negative effect on some people's mentality or say that leaving behind sites that have negatively impacted you is pointless, is just stupid.
>it discourages all of our shitty, dopamine-go-up attention-whoring fragile-ego-driven impulsesSure, that's why we have recognizable namefags.
No. 1246788
>>1246783Who cares about other sites? This is about Lolcow.
>But still, you can easily just…..not go onThat's literally the whole point of this thread, anons who are leaving.
No. 1273410
>>1273403I was just about to say something similar
>>1273399/ot/ is just a sub board created for the women you’re complaining about. This board originates from gossip and if you think you’re somehow separate or morally superior because you came to loiter in /ot/ and not be a poo poo meanie head~ on other boards you’re just annoying.
No. 1274552
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Goodbye, my early 20s. Goodbye Goodbye, movie nights and drawboard. No. 1275683
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One day, when this website doesn't exist anymore, I'm going to make a novel about you all.
The good, the bad, and the awesome. I'll tell everyone about the smart women I had the priviledge of talking to.
And hopefully, I'll be able to convey everything I felt when I got to spend 7-8 years of my life on this website.
It'll be a novel inspired by female-only imagebaords. I'll publish it under a pseudonim and change the name of the website, of course.
But I will mention nonny in it. Because I love my nonny. I hope you all look foward to it.
No. 1288388
Not graduating yet, but will be going into a period of my life where I will be spending less and less on the internet, especially with social media and imageboards.
>favorite lolcows
I came here because of either Bree or Venus, stayed for Shayna, Suzy, soon Holly. I was a big time Shaynafag.
>what thread you loved the most
Honestly the husbando threads and food threads. As well as the movie nights and draw rooms!
>how much time did you spend on here
Way too much, even now haha. It is becoming less and less now since life is changing for me.
>what are you looking for in the future
Honestly just enjoying my medical career and growing closer to friends and having more irl experiences that are fulfilling and nice. Hopefully moving in with my Nigel and getting our little life started together.
>would you come here occasionally
if LC is still around in a couple years from now, yeah probably.
I’ve spent a lot of time here laughing with my nonnas around the world, cringing at cows and husbandoposting Kek. LC has also pinkpilled me and helped me with seeing my value as a woman, and that there is nothing wrong with being one. That women are lovely and intelligent people who create wonderful things. They are strong and amazing, sweet and kind. That I should love all parts of myself and that I can truly stand above what society puts on me (kek) and I can have fulfilling relationships with other women. That ways I’ve always felt about myself isn’t just an alone experience. I’m really thankful for LC. There will be a day where I won’t post or ever look here again. That isn’t now, but the transitional period of life has started for me and like I said, I’ll spend less time here. Thank you nonnitas!
No. 1331074
I've been here since, I would say mid 2017, and coming here way less over the months. I really feel like the celebrity thread completely changed the dynamics of the site lol, it attracted embarrassing teens from Twitter with their cringey lingo. People here complain about sites like Twitter and Tumblr but lolcow really isn't all that different to me personally. Idk it's like something fundamental has been altered forever in the way people interact here and the whole userbase. To be honest I was never fully part of the demographic on lolcow, I don't give a shit about people embarrassing themselves online, I don't care about thread drama or social media drama. But I enjoyed lolcow back in the day just to casually chat and rant about things we found annoying, sharing cool pictures, interesting discussions, attractive men threads etc, it was the simple things I liked. But I've just grown increasingly irritated and sour with almost everything having to do with lolcow because people just won't stop fighting and nitpicking over the dumbest shit - no thread is immune to this, so many anons are so weirdly aggressive and snarky for no good reason. The tone shift has just grown and grown over the years and I'm so over it now. I feel like I'm too old for this place lol, or more likely the demographic has been somehow dumbed down and de-aged. I like browsing the old threads from 2015 and I can't believe how calm people were (not that this site was ever perfect). I spent too much wasted time on here, and although I've had fun times and good talks this site just makes me feel bitter when I visit it. I regret opening it up the rare few times I do these days, and where's the good in that? Any time I'd have a thought I'd think about posting it on lolcow, and that doesn't happen anymore, and it feels so damn freeing. Though I still miss certain aspects of lolcow from time to time. I doubt I'll completely stop visiting for eternity, I only spend about two minutes on here anyway, but the days of browsing mindlessly for hours are long gone. It's really for the best.
No. 1340652
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Life's a shit and I've tried to quit this website multiple times now but this time I think this is harming my mental health in ways I didn't think would be possible. I love this place and the good nonnies but goddamn I feel ike I lose braincells when I keep scrolling every single day waiting for something to happen. I hate being terminally online so much, I don't have social media, I only use this place to communicate to people on the internet, because I love that there's no men in here and we're all anonymous women. But I feel so fucking immature and emotionally stunted at some points, I think this website is literally making me more autistic, no offense to anyone please. It's like I'm too much of a weird neet to even be here anymore. I feel ugly, sad, frustrated, alone, and I'm developing anxiety it seems. But I'm happy I came across this website when I did, and I'm happy I learnt new shit in here (mainly pinkpilled things). Still if I had made a better choice to not be a weirdo who browses gossip imageboards and comes across as retarded then I would had taken that chance. Sorry for everything, I guess the final lesson I got from this website was: don't fucking interact with anyone because no one will get you. Bye nonnas let's see how much I last without coming in here again to be retarded (the insightful and kind nonnas keep pulling me back in but I need to move on asap or I'll become even more stupid)
No. 1353774
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>>134065212 days later and I'm still here. But I'm quitting now, exiting my flop era now nonnies.
No. 1353775
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>>1353774also sharing my most wholesome ban just because I really loved it so much and thought it would be funny to share.
No. 1353789
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Just deleted a bunch of lolcow related memes off my computer, I'm trying not to look at this website much anymore but I love you all, I love all the good nonnies. I just want to move on and do shit and not be a neet anymore
No. 1356532
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No one cares but here's some of my story. I got here around 2016, possibly 2015. It was a weird time because men still posted sometimes, and they were called robots instead of scrotes. We were anon-chans and not nonnas. Btw this new nickname is adorable. I even "graduated" at some point in 2017. I stopped coming here for years and was satisfied lurking KF every now and then, but the Cloudfare drama happened and I came back to see what was going on. Big mistake, I have been browsing the boards non-stop for the last few days because there's something addictive about reading people's opinions when they're not attached to useranames. But frankly, I think it's time to fuck off again.
I've noticed that some things about the userbase have changed. Some for the best, some for the worst. It looks like there are has less handmaidens pandering to men now, which is a relief because the site was infested with that shit a few years ago. They either left or have woken up. That seems to be a rarer occasion now and nonnies are quick to call others out on that. I've noticed that the prostitution/"sex work" thread has a lot of people trying to leave that shitfest of a world, so that's good and I hope it serves as a warning to women considering "working" as rentable sex slaves for grotesque immoral men. But overall, I don't see a point in coming here as often anymore.
I haven't followed anyone that closely since 2017 or so, my favourite internet weirdos are never mentioned, or have dead threads here.
The other boards aren't that appealing to me. In fact, they haven't since my first graduation. The intense nitpicking of women's bodies really contrasts with the feminist views of the board, along with the occasional hypocritical thread can be enraging. Yeah, I've always hidden the threads, but it still sucks to know your fellow anon-chans think or feel that way.
I cannot say if it's the same group of anons doing that and I understand the temptation of shitting on people's looks because they're nasty pieces of garbage because I had my days too, but this behaviour can get to ridiculous levels here. It's not good for anyone's mental health long term, even if you avoid looking at it. Women already get shat on and everywhere else on the web and the real world, so I don't want to see other women doing that to us when pornsick and misogynistic men do it in nearly every other online space. "Ugly", "fat", "haggard", "old" women can be happy and lovable and their value isn't solely based on their bodies and looks. Your life isn't over at 25 and your eggs don't turn into dust when you turn 30. If you've ever felt that way, it is time to wake up, nonna.
If any anons have been thinking about quitting or taking a long break from here, I cannot recommend it enough. It will do you wonders. I'll also try to quit that subhuman infested website called Reddit again because I hate those misogynistics, but I keep lurking since there aren't many good online spaces anymore. I guess I gotta focus on my real life again now, oh shit KEK.
Also here's a secret: you're all beautiful on the outside because you're women and all women are beautiful, and all men are fugly (even when they're "attractive") kek. Just do your best to keep yourself beautiful on the inside too.
>Your favorite lolcows
>What thread you loved the most
I cannot remember any old threads right now, but I've always liked the advice and vent threads. Not every reply is helpful, but I've always liked how people try to be supportive to one another here, or wake them up to reality
>How much time did you spent here
Way too much time lol I've seen some old contributions I made here
>What are you looking forward in the future
Forgetting this chan exists for a while. I need a little bit of normieness in my life
>Would you come here occasionally
Whenever some big news breaks and perhaps a handful of times a year, but that's about it. Though I doubt I will, I need a 4+ year long break again
No. 1358953
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I have tried to “graduate” like the beginning of this year, I even made a post about it on this thread but I failed. But this time I’m determined. I wanna get into med school nonnas. Which means I need to start taking college more seriously and actually have a good gpa and also study for the entrance exams. It’s gonna be a tough journey but I know I have what it takes.
Covid lockdowns made me really bitter as a person, and I developed crazy video game/image board addictions. But I think it’s time I leave this period of my life behind. I want to thank y’all, you i opened my third eye, I enjoyed the terf shit, and also shitting on scrotes. I got banned a few times but honestly it was deserved.
Anyway nonnas, wish me luck. I will go over some of my fave threads and then nuke this website off my memory forever (or some for a few years at least)
No. 1358971
>>1358953good luck
nonnie I believe in you.
No. 1362716
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>>672223I came here on and off over the last few years. It was nice to have an all-female community that did not excessively self-censor, but now I'm becoming tired of the pettiness and negativity, and I'm just not that interested in internet drama anymore, so I come here more out of habit than out of enjoyment. I'm definitely gonna miss the unabashed manhating though. I'm going to focus on my STEM degree now. Bye nonnas.
No. 1368447
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Fuck this shit, I'm out of here, I love you nonnies but this is the last raid I can handle. I don't ever want to see that shit ever again, the absolute lack of communication from the admin is starting to feel suspicious at this point, thanks to all of the good farmers and farmhands who are trying their best but it just not worth it at this point. I've learned a lot from this place and had a lot of fun talking with likeminded women but I need to go now.
No. 1368459
>>1368447I stopped using LC for a week after seeing CP
that reminded me of my own childhood abuse I mean we have multiple NEETs who'd be more then willing to become full time moderators, it seems like such an avoidable problem
No. 1377599
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It's been fun nonnies but I think I'm ready to move on. I found lolcow when googling some alt cows, I wasn't too familiar with image boards and I was really fascinated and got kind of obsessed reading up on cows I knew when I first found lolcow. I lurked for maybe 1-2 years before ever commenting because the majority of you terrified me. Still sort of do. I'm just autistic and I take things a bit too seriously. I've been here for maybe four years. I spent a long time reading all the threads for Momokun, Vicky, and Luna. Luna remains my favorite cow, I have too much sympathy for her because I lost my best friend to heroin and it's basically a form of self harm following Luna's antics. I don't want to follow the activities of strangers anymore. I started posting and hanging out in it and g, but being so retarded, I get anxious to say shit then get dogpiled. I guess I just feel like I don't necessarily fit in with board culture despite having lurked for so long. I love all the terfy-ness, I've learned so much and it's truly solidified some of my stances. I will always be thankful for the nonas for helping me hone my man hating kek. One thing lolcow really helped me with, ironically, was body image. I'm tech illiterate and I really had no idea you could edit your selfies this much on your phone. I thought Photoshop was something only professionals could do. I had no idea you could change your face shape, make your waist so tiny, so easily without massive signs giving you away. It made me feel a lot better about myself.
I will probably come back from time to time to read the MTF thread, because it's the only place online to have food discussions and see news about that kind of shit. I'm always five threads behind, so I never run the risk of seeing cp or gore, something I've thankfully never seen but have no interest in being here for that.
Anyways thank you nonas for this community
No. 1396474
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My second attempt at leaving. Goodbye anons, and thanks for the keks. /ot/ janny, I'll miss you because even though you've banned me quite a bit, I have no hard feelings.
No. 1397105
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I was going to write a heartfelt message, but in the middle of writing it, my computer decided to crash and I lost all the words I was going to say.
But anyways… Goodbye nonnies. I finally quitted this website for good. I have nothing to look forward to in here anymore. Kudos to the nice helpful nonnies, but I'm glad I don't feel the need to come here and interact with this website just because I feel lonely, bored and misunderstood. I feel more satisfied now that I'm focusing on things that matter more to me personally and have people that care and listen to me elsewhere. Specially because I never felt deeply understood in here, though I'm glad for the times you all gave me your kind words and support. I'm not really fond of other times though, it's incredibly easy to find things that upset you in this website, and I think I was turning more bitter for a while. The constant raids specially took such a big toll to my mental health and I had to really quit it, you never know when that shit is going to show up. I also saw more people defending troonism, and threads going to shit/falling apart, so I'm afraid this website is only going to get worse in the future when more people with their own agenda come in. The constant infighting, paranoia, and scrote accusations also get tiring once you see them so often, it's grating to see innocuous shit get told off for no reason, trolling or not. I understand where these things come from, and I love the pro-radfem and 0 scrote policy this forum has though. Sometimes the prudeism from some anons that shows up when people talk about sexuality in a normal way is also pretty annoying, like, I get it. But it's annoying nonetheless. And also, not being able to vent without someone saying shit kek. It's all very little stuff that makes me not want to come back, but being honest, the raids is the main reason why I don't need this website in my life. I don't want to see that shit again, I need my peace of mind.
I closed this website on my browser for the last time over 2 months ago, and just today I'm saying goodbye, because I wanted to see how long I could go without it. Turns out, I'm better this way. If anyone needs help quitting your internet addiction, or any addiction really, search for the easypeasy method online, it's easy to find. I still feel the little urge to share a dumb post or meme, or some useful info somewhere, or talk about shit in a thread. I do get that feeling. But I cannot afford to have a peek, so I don't do it. And doing this has helped me great lengths. Every time I want to do it I remember about the raids, and then I think how this website will eventually change cultures again, and then I also remember that I'm tired of infighting and being misunderstood. So I don't do it. I feel sorry about this, but I must look out for myself, too.
So, yeah. Not the heartfelt response I wanted to leave. But the one that I needed to write out. Have a good one everyone. Bye ya'll
No. 1397118
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This website made me more bitter and crazy so I'm dipping out, already feel better and less insane now
No. 1418527
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My art and way of thinking, and the way I relate to others, and my overall mood has become better after quitting this website. I'm not afraid of drawing shit that most people might think is questionable anymore. I don't feel bad about the person I am and the things I like and I don't want to be policed ever again by strangers on the internet. I'm done with the mentality of "but what would people of lolcow think" that made me so afraid and paralized before. Everyday I'm full of creativity and I feel way happier. I disliked how much lolcow and the moralfags here hindered on my creativity. "You can't draw that because _____!!!!!!" Sincerely gtfo. It's okay to have a good set of opinions and morals but the way you must act or think a certain way in here makes me sick. And, the thing is, it's not like I don't share the same views as everyone else here about troons, protecting women, consoomerism, not making a fool of yourself etc. But it's the prudeism that really killed my enjoyment, you can't like anything because someone comes in and tells you you're a scrote or etc one of those buzzwords. I wish lolcow was a place where weird, creepy, artsy women were truly cherished and encouraged. Instead it seems everyone pretends to be a normie while secretly being fucked up. You're not a normie, you use lolcow.
No. 1418530
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I killed all of my internet and social media usage and lolcow had to be the first one to go. I have other hobbies now that aren't dependant on scrolling and reloading multiple times a day, I feel great now. Bye!
No. 1436808
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Let's be real, who else has jumped ship or is thinking of jumping ship? someone on another thread mentioned that they see fewer regular posts. I wonder if the bad moderation, lack of updates, and constant raids did kill some part of the website. Or if we just massively moved onto better things. Or maybe it's just a fluctuation in the userbase?
No. 1436857
>>1436808i feel the same way and i think soon will be my time to jump ship. i used to spend a lot of time on here and i really miss the "original" vibe this site had. i'll be sad when i finally leave because i'll have to accept that the old internet is dead and there's nowhere fun to visit except normie social media now. but the lack of moderation or any kind of transparency from admins has driven a lot of people away, and it just doesn't feel the same on here. we've been taken over by zoomers who act like this is twitter and there are conversations on here that would have never happened a few years ago. when did anons started saying "r-slurred" because they're too scared to say retard?
also i agree the cows now are super boring, there are only like 2 threads i come here for. i don't know if that's part of the overall vibe shift in the site's climate and userbase or if i'm just older and can't get into cows the way i used to.
>>1427956good luck
No. 1445444
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Please ignore my post.
Lolcow has become a place where you can't step out of the line, be weird, snarky, or unhinged for fun because you always have to behave a certain way, like similar things, and have a certain type of thinking. Act different for a second and you’ll be put in place. Lolcow nowadays feels ‘too normie’ and ‘immature’ to me, akin to plenty other social media websites. I don't mind the hugbox and I love the gender critical and radical feminist content, but make the wrong type of post and you'll be persecuted on for everything you are. I always avoid infighiting for this reason. No wonder no one wants to post here anymore. Some anons just love replying with their personal moral coded corrections. One of my friends who also uses this website saw people calling lesbians “scrotey” for liking vulvas. (in between for, "that never happens!", I’ve seen similar things done to straight women as well). This place got turned into a mix of tumblr with twitterisms and also oddly conservative. Sometimes there’s no place for civil disagreement. I would had expected more freedom from an imageboard for women where camaraderie is encouraged. I honestly think lolcow is less an imageboard in the traditional sense and it's more of a gossip magazine for online washed out celebrities. There's been moments of unhinged female brilliance here and there, like when Kaitlyn Tiffany made her retarded ass thread. The problem here is, the website wasn't designed for all women out there including outsider ones. I'm not talking about posters like pakianon or romanianon who are absolutely infuriating, I'm more or less talking about women who don't fit a certain mold. I don’t know what I was expecting, this website was designed from the start to make fun of out there women. One of the things that irks me the most is how everyone says lolcow isn't a hivemind but jesus christ it might as well be. To be honest it also depends because from time to time you get the very strange libfem who defends men in dresses (absolutely disgusting). I know I'm being overly negative with this post, sometimes you need to let your heart out in an anonymous way. That's another thing… it's like you can’t just ignore any actively retarded post like mine that you don't agree with and move on because there’s a poster that always finds a way to reply to it and accuse you of everything. Chill out. Some people only use this website to speak a couple words and let the steam out without revealing their identity, but there will always be someone in the background who ends up having a problem with you. My vent here is only because I feel like an outsider in this website that I used to call home, perhaps the type of person I am was never fully welcomed to begin with. I will finish this post saying none of you should be afraid to be who you truly are, and none of you should be afraid of breaking the established mold, and none of you should be afraid of speaking your truth out. None of you should be afraid of saying, liking, doing, or being the wrong thing. Don’t just let some anons dictate who you are and what you can be like, walking on eggshells so you don’t hurt their sensibilities. I hope in the future, if there comes to be any new female only imageboard that replaces lolcow, they decide to celebrate smart, insightful, artsy, creative, angsty and weird women from all backgrounds without restricting their speech.
No. 1445615
>>1445444Bless you nonnerz, I'm returning from a couple year LC hiatus myself and am sad to see the threads in a state of perpetual bickering or actively bumping to cover up gore/cp posted by a a moid. There's so much power to these interactions when anons are being cooperative and conversational with each other. It's all just misdirected aggression.
To those who are remaining, let's use this as an example of why we should perpetuate the sisterhood aspects of the ot and g threads because that do exist, but are often buried under needless arguments and blind accusations. We can do better for each other and ourselves.
No. 1445640
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>>1445620Nta, but, all I want is a fun imageboard for women with no dumb infighting and just funny shit all around. Somewhere lighthearted where you can also post dumb anime image reactions without someone being like "ew anime" or assuming shit or whatever. I've seen so many anons being so defensive over what pictures you can post that I started saving cat pictures just so I didn't make anyone mad. It's like everyone wants to be hyper girly and normie that they forget dumb gnc nerdy women with shitty sense of humor also exist
No. 1445693
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>>1445444>>1445640Agreed, I wish I could just post dumb memes and anime and art and transgressive shit and be stupid and crazy and talk about doing ecstasy in my female only safe space.
No. 1445718
>>1445444>This place got turned into a mix of tumblr with twitterisms and also oddly conservative.True. It's weird how you could read the most liberalist take ever and it's followed by a conservatard moral panic post straight out of /pol/. The infighting is everywhere and I don't know if it's the staff allowing it again or remnants of XY kiwifags who think they're being super smart and macho for starting fights all the time. Or maybe it's just me getting older and having less tolerance for some anon trying to pick a fight with me over things that don't matter. I could post about eating cereal and an anon would call me a retarded fat bitch for not eating fruit instead and fight me for an hour about it.
>>1445640The "ew anime reaction image get out tranny" is the most autistic shit I swear, overall the anti-anime crowd is either a bunch of 19-year olds just getting out of their weeb phase or some small-minded LSA/Radblr/FDS regulars.
>It's like everyone wants to be hyper girly and normie that they forget dumb gnc nerdy women with shitty sense of humor also existAgree. I'm an oldfag /cgl/ migrate like
>>1445679 and I simply can't comprehend where the masses of all these effeminate girlbosses with their normie stacy larp came from or why they would feel at home here.
No. 1445733
>>1445718>I simply can't comprehend where the masses of all these effeminate girlbosses with their normie stacy larp came from or why they would feel at home here.It was funny at first
maybe still is but at some point people need to stop and realize they're not the only kind of women using this website. I get it, being a female only imageboard and the #girlboss shit being popular on the internet at the moment it would only be natural that we have that type of stuff here.
>>1445669The movie room having so many boring normie girly movies and the fact that these movies are the ones that get the views can only mean we have a lot of boring normies lurking lolcow. It feels more difficult to suggest anything else.
No. 1445739
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>>1445718>The "ew anime reaction image get out tranny" is the most autistic shit I swearI hate this too. Sometimes I just want to post stupid anime girls doing stupid shit. I just want to like shit in peace.
No. 1445740
>>1445733>The movie room having so many boring normie girly movies and the fact that these movies are the ones that get the views can only mean we have a lot of boring normies lurking lolcow. It feels more difficult to suggest anything else.Well this is kind of asshole-ish anon. No one is stopping you from suggesting movies you would like, and if you talk to the anons in the movie room you'd see that a lot of them are different with different/unique interests. But yes, women on a female imageboard are more likely to like movies geared towards a female audience.
Also, I've only seen anons judge someone for their movie recommendations twice, and both times they got shut down.
No. 1447002
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I was always afraid of becoming a cow. I think this is one of the things that kept me captive and coming back to this website. I wanted to make sure that what I was doing wasn't something that would be posted here. I didn't want to be cringe and I didn't want to be made fun of. I don't want to hurt anyone. I'm human and I make mistakes, I'm not perfect and I'm not pure, and I have my secrets. But I also want a career where I can post things online and I want to be successful doing it (art and webcomic related). I think it's time for me to leave, whenever I stop using lolcow, the paranoid thinking about me becoming a cow gets lesser and lesser until it stops. I hope y'all have it good.
No. 1447069
>>1447002I've been thinking about this a lot lately. The anxiety over not doing anything "cow-like", triple-thinking my every interaction in order not to give people gossip fodder and so forth has poisoned my mind to the point I'm fast becoming a recluse. Anons nitpicking everything people post in threads that have literally no genuine milk is, for the lack of better terminology,
toxic. I know it's probably them projecting their own insecurities into other people but it gets under my skin. Which is probably cow-like behavior when I think about it. Look, it's happening again.
No. 1447509
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>>1447069>triple-thinking my every interaction in order not to give people gossip fodder and so forth has poisoned my mind to the point I'm fast becoming a recluse.This mentality is something I've had before too. I am a recluse IRL because I do hate me some society but online I've been trying to open myself a little more. Not everyone is worthy of discussing and not everything is as bad as you might think. Just be careful, and if they end up discussing you, just namaste ce la vie しょうがない. It's just gossip. Sorry to everyone in this website but to put it like this: don't let some salty bitches larping as mean girls ruin your life. Some of it is projection anyway. Most people in this website are afraid of becoming cows too. Morals are kinda skewed in this website and I know I will get shit for saying that but it's true, feels like everyone wants to pretend they're completely well adjusted and free of sin while keeping skeletons in their closet. We've all done at least 3 publicly cowish things in our lifetime dude. It's called being human, no one is perfect.
No. 1447544
nonnie. Same
No. 1447556
>>1447002>I wanted to make sure that what I was doing wasn't something that would be posted here. I didn't want to be cringe and I didn't want to be made fun of. I don't want to hurt anyone. I'm human and I make mistakes, I'm not perfect and I'm not pure, and I have my secrets.In a way I credit the farms for giving me more self awareness, but I think it has become too much. I'm always hyperanalyzing everything I do. I don't dare to make a social media profile, because I would definitely be a potential cow and it almost feels arrogant to do so (I know that's retarded to think). I've almost completely dropped alt fashion and became more normie looking. Hyperanalyzing everything I say. Everything to avoid being too cringe I guess and have someone make me their personal cow. It feels like being a cow is almost a moral failing to me (which is my own problem).
On the other hand I don't want to leave, because there's no other place like this and nonnas can be very sweet, supportive, uplifting and hilarious.
No. 1448720
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Too much hostility lately, cant post anything without someone infighting with you or baiting, on some days i feel like there are more scrote/troon posters than there are anons, alot of threads feel very dead and inactive (especially on m/) and it just feels like the general userbase has left.
I used to come here to let steam out but now its having the opposite effect on me and i feel worse after visiting so i dont see this place as a way to spend free time anymore, even if its 10 minutes i rather not.
Ive seen so many anons leave this year and i cant believe that im finally done with this site too.
Bye i will miss the normal farmers. Im not a oldfag but i have used this site since 2018 and will probably stop using it now.
No. 1449187
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>>1448279it's not just about posting too much about your personal lives on the internet. In this day and age, your friends, family, school, and even strangers can film you or post pictures of you online, sometimes without your consent. This has happened to me a lot, my college would take a SHIT TON of pictures at events and I would have to beg them to not include mines because I am hyper aware of some fuckers online being creepy and eventually finding them. I don't want my candids online because I know by visiting both farms what people are capable of doing. Even if you have good days and take nice selfies, someone will make fun of your insecurities.
It's also not just 'dont post any personal detail' because if anyone wants just a little bit of relevance online (this specially happens if you're an artist, you NEED a social media presence sadly) you will be subject to stupid shit and someone will end up cancelling you. I want to make youtube videos about art but the mere fact that someone will probably have a stupid problem with me makes me so upset. Growing up in this website on my early 20s really did a number in my head.
Idk if this makes sense, I'm posting this while being extra tired and sleepyy. Just a heads up.
No. 1449216
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>>1448859>having no self awarenessOften when someone tries to change or do things better on the internet they'll be reminded of past mistakes and your reputation will be tainted forever. Even in a moment of weakness you can become a cow.
>about the shit in anons' closets if they're that paranoidMine has to do with addiction and the fact that I was really mean on the internet on my teens. I also have sexual trauma that makes my addiction even worse. I feel impure. I'm not exactly mentally sound. I have my bad days and things I deeply regret. Even if I don't talk about it online, it follows me and I feel paranoid of someone finding out.
Visiting lolcow itself is also a skeleton in your closet for people on social media too.
>being an attentionwhoreIf you are someone who wants to remain with 0 online presence, sure you will never be labeled an attention whore and your chances to become a cow are lesser. But there's also discord servers, there's online friendships, everything is a potential cancellation. Some people need social media for their own jobs or whatever too like
>>1449187 said. Linkedin and facebook are as unsafe and even more unsafe as instagram and tiktok are. You can't even post personal things, it takes one thing for someone to put out of context. It's easier to make fun of others on the internet than it is to fix your own mistakes, I think this is why lolcow has been my copium for so many years. "At least I'm not as bad as _____ cow" you know, but deep inside I know my faults. I just want to one day live guilt and paranoia free and forgive myself. The thing is who knows if others WOULD forgive me. The way the internet is structured now, I doubt it.
>>1449187Even your private life can be revealed by some fucker who stalks you if they find you amusing enough. That's the sad reality.
No. 1449220
>>1448859Idk we're all human and we all have shit we regret
nonny. Might not be as bad but some of us really carry guilt complexes
>>1448909I do that too. That's why I hate when people online/irl push me to talk about my life. Feels so violating. I hate intrusive people so freaking much.
No. 1449231
>>1449187>Even if you have good days and take nice selfies, someone will make fun of your insecurities.In a way this is why I have (undeserved) empathy towards some cows. The least offensive ones anyway. They just keep being attacked online and made fun of their insecurities, maybe this is why they eventually become super insane. It's true they all have attention whoring behaviors but some of them also carry issues that made them attention whores online in the first place. I know that if I became a cow and was made fun of because of my insecurities I would also become really stupid. I know the whole "just walk away from the screen bro" is real but some things do in fact stay with you forever.
If anyone else here believes in karma, this is also why I feel so guilty about visiting the farms. Maybe one day things will turn around and I'll be the one being made fun of. Inb4 some rude ass bitch replies to my post with "get over it" kek
No. 1449281
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nonny, I wish you the best
No. 1450670
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I really don't like the rude/immature anons, chill tf out. I hope we can make this place more chill somehow or else I really want to quit coming.
>>1449231Some cows really don't deserve empathy but when it comes to cows who are clearly mentally ill women, I always get some sense of "wish they could get help and fix their lives". What makes them cows is that they never do though.
No. 1450759
>>1449220it makes me wonder how bad the things you guys have done is, if you're really that paranoid
not all of us have massive presences
No. 1450763
>>1450759NTA sometimes it doesn't need a real big presence or a big mistake to
trigger someone into witch hunting you
nonny… look at what they do to terfs and radfems on social media
No. 1450773
>>1450765>people mentioning addictions and SA as if that is cow like makes me think that a lot of anons ITT don't know what being a cow actually meansMaybe it's not the reason but the cause, maybe their addiction made them do the wrong thing at some point. Who knows tbh
Also, I know being a radfem doesn't make you a cow obviously, it's just that besides lolcow there's very unhinged people on the internet willing to make your life hell if you catch their attention. Even over here on /ot/ we have like a stalking thread, it just takes some weirdo to follow you
No. 1452107
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>we hate the infighting it's killing our website I wish female solidarity
also nonnies:
>actually we love the infighting it's so fun let us be infighting retards women aren't a monolith
I'm tired of that black and white thinking so much, wish everyone kept themselves to their own business without having to self insert in a conversation. Live and let live, I don't want a hugbox but neither I want to keep using a website where everyone is on edge fighting for hours across multiple threads.
No. 1452374
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Once again, lolcow has taught me an invaluable lesson: no matter how much you try to explain yourself to others they will never listen and it's way better to be a loner, that way no one can bother you. People will take your words out of context because they always prioritize their own minds and their own experiences over yours. In that case just prioritize your life and don't let them see, don't let them know. Just as humanity will never change, this site will never change.
It's so cringe when people make this website their only hobby, only outlet, only way to talk to likeminded women, and only personality trait. No wonder everyone is so bitter all the time. This is just a really stupid imageboard and the way people infight is just as bad as 4chan. To pretend it is not is mere wishful thinking and delusional. If you don't think a certain way you will be put down simply put, because everyone who uses the website is the same or wants everyone to be the same. People talk about female solidarity and how this website is like a hug box but it's so not that. People keep saying women are not a monolith but then everyone here forgets there's literally women from all over the world using this forum with different life experiences and yet everyone keeps the black and white us vs them mentality alive, putting everyone in a right or wrong box without any other further thinking. Whatever you post there will be some motherfucker trying to discredit you simply because fuck you, that's not what they have been through therefore you're invalidated.
This is so boring, I don't know why I even come back to what feels like a glorified version of an online chat room, I hate chat rooms and I hate socializing on the internet, I don't know what I expected coming here. If you want to keep your retarded infights because they're "fun" then keep doing that and lose some more braincells and valuable time of your day to some petty internet arguments. It would be so different if the disagreements were civil and everyone stayed in their lanes, but the stubbornness and apprehension of some really ignorant users really drives people nuts. If you have fun infighting so be it, but you're in the minority. I don't fucking want a hug box, what I want is different women with different opinions to coexist without a bitch flipping out. I don't give a fuck about what type of rude language you use to express your point (I don't mind women being rude or having strong opinions for fucks sake), just stop being insufferable to others.
Yes, you can disagree, yes you can have your own opinion and say it, everyone fucking does. But unity, respect, and fun in this website is just impossible though. How the fuck people find this website fun is beyond me. It's like you all want to fight and be in the right all the fucking time without even letting the other person explain their viewpoint. That's not a conversation, that's being a stupid troll on purpose. Literally learn to chill and have a life outside lolcow, your mean girl mentality will not take you anywhere.
No. 1452390
>>1448720>on some days i feel like there are more scrote/troon posters than there are anons, alot of threads feel very dead and inactive (especially on m/) and it just feels like the general userbase has left.It feels like this for me too. It feels like everyone left, or most of them did anyway. And then they were replaced. I don't care anymore though, I'm leaving and not looking back. It all feels cringe, immature, boring, repetitive, and so alien to me now, I can't believe I wasted so much time in here.
>I used to come here to let steam out but now its having the opposite effect on me and i feel worse after visiting so i dont see this place as a way to spend free time anymoreSame. I don't see fun things going on anymore. It's not worth it and it just keeps you bitter. Once the movie nights and drawing boards are done, this website is completely done for. It already feels like a carcass, so I'm leaving before it completely turns to dust.
No. 1454630
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No. 1454642
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>>1454630why can't everyone just leave us alone??
No. 1457444
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My lolcow friends.
I am leaving, I have been trying to do so for ages. but I come crawling back every time! Although I am not constantly typing lolc- autonomously whenever I go to search for something. I was a neet since leaving uni in 2020, but this year in Sept, I returned to uni to do my Master's Degree and got my first part-time seasonal sales advisor job in October.
This place has made me laugh often and I have been able to chat with like-minded nonnas. I only really browse /ot/ and /g/ because I have never really got into any cows and only found this place when I was searching for what happened to Jess Woods.
But overall, I think this place has made me more negative. In 2023, I want to be more positive and move forward in life with these new opportunities and I think lolcow will remind me of my neet and lonely days.
I wish all of you nonas happiness and I hope good things happen to you in 2023.
No. 1457455
nonnie, I wish you health and happiness in this new year
No. 1457787
>>1457444I wish you all the best,
nonnie! Get out there and get your happiness!
I've been on lolcow for going on 5 years and I have to admit that it hasn't helped me better myself. I grew negative and checking the site in the morning could ruin my day because anons would be so ugly to each other for no reason at all. I think it's really true that anons grew paranoid and cruel because of all the scrote raids. Every other comment is an accusation of being a tranny and the infighting is so embarrassing.
It was nice to get celebrity tea but I'm almost ashamed to read up on cows because they're strangers to me and I could be doing something productive. I would literally spend hours on end catching up with 100+ threads of single cows, years of past irrelevant milk. I don't like the pathetic person it makes me.
I'll stay for the retarded husbando threads because they actually make me happy and are generally accepting, but I need to stop observing other crappy people's lives. It's lame.
I'll be in g gushing over and finding new husbandos! I'm deleting the negative threads I have bookmarked and I honestly hope for the best for all of us! Love you, nonnies.
No. 1459126
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think I’m finally gonna cut off LC for the year, this year I’m going to try to get my shit together kek. I spend a lot of time here. I’ll try to hang by the doodle boards/ movie room when I have free time but can’t spend time scrolling. Will miss u nonnies! I’ve had many laughs here and learned so much. I’ll return in 2024!! ♥ hopefully the site is updated and better by then!
No. 1459170
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After the site migration I will start calling this website Nu-Lolcow or Neo-Lolcow
No. 1459949
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Goodbye nonas. It's fun but time for me to move on. See you all in greener pastures.
No. 1460641
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I feel like I can officially close my lolcow chapter behind. I don't know if I'll probably come back ask a niche question in the stupid question thread, it was REALLY nice to have a space to vent my frustration together with other people about the troonery, but as the years pass it gets old. I want to get my life together this year and I've done baby steps to far, so I want to distance myself from here since it's like a double edged sword, there's a side of toxicity and negativity and I essentially came back to see bad news to be sad or mad about. I'm letting things go now. See you never hopefuly!
No. 1460753
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After Lolcow's recent long downtime I realized how much healthier of a headspace I was in and once I came back I was immediately smacked in the face by the overwhelming negativity, anons being hostile and judgemental towards each other and the suspicious amount of homophobia and racebaiting. So my new year's resolution is to stop wasting my time here for at least a year. Like
>>1460641 said I'll probably drop in some thread occasionally or when there's a major drama fallout but my days of lurking lolcow for hours on end are over for good. Goodbye nonnies, I've been here since 2015, learned a lot, met a few nice people, had great moments but now it's time to move on. I just wish there was a female-centric place to discuss anime in anonymously, that's the only thing I really miss.
>>1452374>It would be so different if the disagreements were civil and everyone stayed in their lanes, but the stubbornness and apprehension of some really ignorant users really drives people nuts.>Yes, you can disagree, yes you can have your own opinion and say it, everyone fucking does. But unity, respect, and fun in this website is just impossible though. How the fuck people find this website fun is beyond me. It's like you all want to fight and be in the right all the fucking time without even letting the other person explain their viewpoint. That's not a conversation, that's being a stupid troll on purpose. Literally learn to chill and have a life outside lolcow, your mean girl mentality will not take you anywhere.Amen, anon. It didn't use to be like this all those years ago, it definitely got exponentially worse post-Creepshow art drama. It's the combination of retarded male kiwifags and young women who think being a "troll" or a mean girl on the internet makes up for them barely functioning in real life. It was much better when the oldmin banned infighting and even though I got hit a few times with the hammer myself when arguing got too heated it was definitely for the better.
No. 1463853
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the fact that mods didn't permaban and redtext the kpopies and left the thread open for DAYS that then invited the choachan retards with their stupidity and racism was the final nail in the coffin to me. I will probably check this place just to see how it looks after they find a new admin but I'm afraid that NUcow is here to stay
No. 1465915
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Dear Nonnies,
I'd like to offically apologize for my ironic and unironic Josh-fagging. I've seen the error of my ways and now on the outside looking in, I've seen how utterly retarded being a Josh fag/Chan/"Simp" is. I have seen the light a long time ago and I no longer even find the "Joke" of it all funny. There's nothing there, nothing to laugh at or fight for. Also seeing legit unironic Josh simps really is kinda…ew.
Im also considering leaving lolcow but I don't know when. I plan to finish my Google Doc on "Drake" and I may drop the proof on my way out.
I've done months of investagations into "Drake" and this fake persona/gender. I've only wanted to speard love not hate to my nonnies.
I'm not leaving yet, but I'm afriad my time is near. I'm beginning new things and i must leave the FAT weight behind. I'm not sure when the end will come but it will happen.
Love you Nonnies, Nona, Nonas.
No. 1465942
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>>1465915Please drop your truth bombs
No. 1466001
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>>1465915Thank god
>>1465942Elsie belongs to 2X!
No. 1466424
>>1465915>But Josh…the troons…Please keep exposing the truth about Drake and his shapeshifting ways. You have entertained me in 2022. I hope to hear more of your theories. However, if you wish to take a new path on your life quest, I wish you luck, Josh-stan-chan. Much Love,
Schizo Chan, formerly Homophobe chan. ♥
No. 1468487
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Goodbye my lovely nonnies. It was fun while it lasted but it is now time for me to live my own life happily. Vicariously living through others' life isn't a life worth living. My dear sisters, we will find each other again. I will always be cheering for your happiness. Love will always win.
No. 1468666
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People who don’t even know who Elise is are taking over the site while admin and any sort of moderation are nowhere to be found. There’s a lot more than can be said but for those that know, the first line says enough. It’s been a wild ride but the time has come for me to go.
No. 1510413
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Well some good amount of time has passed since my last interaction here and I gotta say I finally do not miss this place. Anons here are completely different now and I've heard nasty shitty rumors about the new administration, but since I have no way to confirm this I'm not going to say anything. I was 8 years stuck in this place and I can tell there's a lot of newfags now, there's no point in talking with people who are way different to me. I also got the nastiest of surprises when I used the friend finder thread, I swear to God, do not use that thread to make friends because out of 10 people I met there, 7 were like, absolutely fucked. People who were lowkey racist, people into ddgl, brainrotted 4chan users, people with weird emotional problems seeking trauma bonding, extremely judgemental people (no fun allowed), people who gossip behind your back in secret discords, unironic femcels, etc. I even saw someone overtly into l0li shit once. Just overall weird internet users. Do not interact with them. Even in the secret discord server I was in with other girls from here, someone got almost doxxed.
All in all, I feel mentally healthy. I only have some few friends from here added anymore. People who are actually nice. But anyway, ever since I stopped coming here I am in a better mind space. I do more of the stuff I actually care about, I don't lose time mindlessly scrolling, I have seen my mood recover because I'm not constantly angry at anons or cows, I am less judgemental and just live happy. I don't even care about certain groups of people anymore, they don't live rent free in my head. I think quitting was the best thing I've done. I regret spending so much time here and I kinda feel stupid and bad for doing so. I regret writing so many posts that were mean because I just don't see myself being like that anymore. And it was just the biggest time sink I've ever had in my life, I was never addicted to social media as bad as I was addicted to this gossip website.
No. 1510414
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>>1510413I feel free. And I encourage you to be free too. Specially if you're an oldfag stuck in here. Let's graduate together.
No. 1510430
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I just don't hate trans people anymore and I regret hating them and I regret gossiping about so many other people here and I regret getting into infights and I regret spending time in here worrying about how others would perceive me while being mean to cows as a way to justify my self hate and making my insecurities even bigger and not accepting myself, and I regret hating on groups of people as a whole instead of just trying my best to live happy and not be judgmental on a one by one cases. I don't feel like wasting my time being mean to individuals anymore. Though part of me is still wary of people at large, my bf keeps insisting that I should not hate individuals and I disagree since some people in certain communities are always the same but he encourages me to only judge the actions of the nasty ones and not treat all of them bad, because I should be fair and know that everyone is just different, again, treat them on a one by one base case. He's a pussy but he's right. This is how I stopped hating trans people and now I regret my entire life here. It can't be helped I guess
No. 1510441
>>1510430>gaslit by bf into ignoring self preservation instinct towards skinwalking troonsBye
nonny, I'm praying for you in the future and don't let your boyfriend think for you all the time and shame you for having eyes and a brain
No. 1510451
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I can't be here any longer without wasting my time. I used to lurk mostly for most of my time here before 2021 happened and I got afraid of losing the farms forever and started interacting with fellow farmers, image dumping and more before it quickly consumed all of my time that I could have used for something more productive for myself. I'm thankful for making me more aware of myself, that it was okay not to like certain things and that other peoples opinion of me doesn't matter in the long run.
My biggest regret on here is the fact I started posting more then just image dumping and reading. By that I mean I tried to adapt to the new behaviourism and etymology when I didn't care much about it before and didn't want to miss out on the final days of, I'm glad that we didn't lose the site, that cerbmin is doing great as an admin compared to the previous and that /m/ got restored. It's just not the same as it was for me years ago. I know that I've changed and so has the farms and the farmers themself. I waste a lot of time here and I think it's time to go.
No. 1510476
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I was never very into having female friends due to autism and this place kinda made me more judgmental and made me lose the few (male) friends I had. I don't know if that's good or not but I feel lonelier irl. Dunno what to say besides that. Thoughts? Am I better without them or did I fuck up because manhate got the best of me? In any case I just don't use this site as frequently because me losing friends was making me sad.
No. 1511389
>>1510430most nonas here don't hate trannies we just understand the culture they push is
toxic, maybe your bf can explain that to you one day
No. 1514034
>>1511389>most nonas here don't hate trannies we just understand the culture they push is toxicwrong, hating them all the way
>maybe your bf can explain that to you one daynta but normies who don't get why we hate trannies don't get it you bitch
No. 1521192
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This place is dark-sided and I keep ignoring the voice in the back of my head telling me not to be mean, it's really dragging me down. I think of if people I know irl knew the mean things I say online and it makes me feel deeply ashamed. I'm not a mean person irl at all and am in fact quite timid so it's particularly cringe for me to act this way online. It's making me into a bad person and it's legitimately a dark and unsettling feeling. I've been telling myself not to post really mean shit for the past week or so but I continue to do so. It's bad karma. Words matter. I don't really care about shit talking cows but I've been really mean to other nonnies and it's haunting me, in a way. Time to 23 skidoo
No. 1521210
>>1521192I want to leave for that reason too, I think I've become a worse person in addition to all the trauma I've endured the past year coming back here. Right now it's hard to stop, though.
Wish you luck,
nonnie oh
nonnie No. 1521250
>>1510430i feel kind of bad about how transphobic this site is making me because i live in the libtard capital of the world, so i have quite a few people close to me who are trans and nonbinary (its not even new my best friend has been trans since like freshman year of hs) and i know that the cows in those threads are nothing like my trans friends but i dont know, i feel bad engaging with it, reddit troons just disgust me and i cant change that. i feel scared sometimes because all my friends would never see me the same if they knew what i get up to on here, even my own mother would probably be madder than when i tattled on my brother for saying the n word all the time when we were teens.
i dont want to leave, i like lolcow way more than any social media and any other imageboard i could go to would just be worse, but i also think i was happier when i took a 6 month break from the site. at the same time though, i have nowhere else to discuss this. i brought up how i think euphoria boners weird me out and 2 of my friends were straight up like "its not weird." of course the nonbinary girl in the groupchat didnt say anything lel, and then theres the fact that for women transitioning or even just being nonbinary is often just a way to try to escape being female because its uncomfortable and scary, but i could never bring that up to anyone other than my boyfriend. im at a loss, i guess ill have a better idea of if i want to stick around after the new site is up, but the quality of the cow boards are seriously in the toilet, the main draw for me at this point is m and ot. of course none of this is even getting into how some anons constantly nitpick completely normal looking womens appearances which does nothing for anyones self esteem.
No. 1526211
Unlike some of you, I only joined a couple of years ago and felt at home knowing I wasn't the only unhinged woman out there kek. As someone who always struggled with making female friends due to my dorkier interests and unchecked autism, I felt pretty at home here. It was cozy as fuck and part of me wishes I got to experience the "golden age" of the site some of you have described. I'm very timid in real life so it was nice to let myself be cringe and free with other unapologetically cringy women. I'll miss the sisterhood here. Won't miss all the stupid infighting.
That said, I do think this site made me an angrier person. I'm not proud of it in the slightest. I used to be very empathetic, and I feel as though visiting this site slowly chipped away at that over the years. It has brought out the worst in me, and as some nonas have described, it feels wrong. I want to gain my empathy back, and I think leaving this site, and social media as a whole, is the only way to do that. I want to have faith that people can be good. Living my life as angry as I have for the past few years (including before I found lc) has completely destroyed my happiness and will to live. I don't want to be unhappy anymore. While it will be lonely since I don't have any IRL friends, I think it's a necessary step for me to take to get better.
As fucked as it sounds, thanks to all the cool women here at lc for making me feel normal, even if for a time. Maybe one day another cool site like this without the infighting will spring up. Maybe I'll be there. But either way, good luck and goodbye to everyone here! It's been a weird couple of years, but I'm glad for the experience. For anyone curious, I'll be spending the rest of my twenties learning how to draw (finally!), reading, playing the games in my endless backlog, and maybe getting back into anime! It's time to get back in touch with my younger, less depressed self.
No. 1531163
>>1526715I did that too nta btw but my moid still thinks I should be fair to them all. I fucking hate this shit
nonny, you can't win with retarded moids who just want to be -uwu non jugamental uwu-
No. 1531169
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>>1531161>It just doesnt feel the same anymore. The conversations have all become repetitive, all the cows have gotten boring, anons constantly get shit on and attacked for their hobbies and interests, the cool anons that used to post have left the site etc etc.I agree with you
nonnie>>1526211>That said, I do think this site made me an angrier person. I'm not proud of it in the slightest. I used to be very empathetic, and I feel as though visiting this site slowly chipped away at that over the years. It has brought out the worst in me, and as some nonas have described, it feels wrong.I feel the same
nonnie. I used to be way more accepting of people, but I wonder if after all I was just letting shit slide more easily… I've been getting better but part of me simply cannot go back. I'm too farmpilled to accept shit like polyamory or genderism and it's everywhere like the plague, and I see scrotal shit more easily too. I just want to live in peace from now on… just focusing on myself instead of others… I miss being blissfully ignorant. I would not change what lolcow taught me for anything in the world though, I just want to reach a balance that doesn't make me feel bad or lonely.
>>1521192>This place is dark-sided and I keep ignoring the voice in the back of my head telling me not to be mean, it's really dragging me down.God I've been there
nonnie, I feel exactly the same. I drowned the voice down at some points but I just don't want to be mean anymore. "Dark sided" is a very good way to describe it. Part of me wonders if it's my own female socialization but tbh I just don't want to be mean anymore. I became more spiritual recently and I just don't want the bad feel either.
pic is me whenever I am mean online. I become a couch grouch. I just wanna have fun…
No. 1531172
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My goal is to be cringe and happy like some autistic yet normie people out there (yes they do exist) and unfortunately this website doesn't go with that idea anymore. Does anyone get what I'm saying?? Like, some normies are very silly and not completely "normal normie" and not at all "girlboss", they're just dumb and unaware. I wish I was like that.
No. 1532386
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>>1436887I was able to take a break for a bit and it worked. Meow I do it for longer, hopefully forever. Maybe. Goodbye.
No. 1543242
>>1532429Not everyone has the energy to hate all day long. That's all. Nta, but I get her.
Now for my graduation post:
This website in general was my cope during the pandemic and it did make me more hateful towards
anyone that lolcow doesn't like. This has nothing to do with troons, since I still find some of their actions incredibly disgusting, but, once you get out of here you start seeing how browsing lolcow all day everyday affects the way you think and interact with others. It does feel like any other chan website in that way, maybe you don't see it because we aren't as retarded as moids are, but there's some kind of hivemind here even if anons deny it. I really don't like how much missinformation about mental illnesses is spewed everywhere, for example. I dislike how people talk about women here too. It all became exhausting to read. I was here for years even before I got addicted to posting constantly, and I did see myself morphing into what the "average farmer mindset" is like. Wish I could elaborate but I see no point in it since I really do not care anymore. I got too involved in this community. I don't want to say more because I don't want to out myself. But nowadays I am at more peace with myself because I don't let an imageboard dictate part of my views on life anymore.
No. 1557721
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I've stopped using lolcow recently and I feel so much better for it. The environment's become way too hostile. I'm tired of seeing anons pick infights because of their own bad reading comprehension, or one stupid post that they just have to reply to (they just have to okay??), or because someone posted something that the lolcow hivemind doesn't like and now that means they're a moid or tranny or faggot or whatever the boogeyman of the day is. And I'm especially sick of seeing people who want to curate and control lolcow and think the mods will obey them like they're their little sensitive princess who needs to be protected from possible offences and shut down conversations and threads they personally dislike. I really only post in image threads with minimal to no discussion in /m/ now. I still read some threads in /snow/ to keep up but I just don't have the will to post anymore. I used to have so much fun here.
No. 1557801
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I really just want to leave. I don't feel safe here anymore. I don't feel safe anywhere. I intermittently came back on and off when I endured a lot of personal trauma, and from about 2020-2021, and even earlier in 2022 this site was more supportive. It's shifted into a soup of catty and reactive infighting. I've lost a lot of friends outside of lolcow and pillars of support and came back here out of desperation, I didn't want to.
It was the one place I felt like besides private chats I could discuss what was hurting me. I was the original one who started the meme and now I regret her and owning that label. I don't even feel safe under the cover of anonymity. It's vomit inducing. Want to believe all anons are real, not just trolling, not astroturfing, not moids, and that we have struggles and disagreements like anyone else, but some of the things that have been said here and the lack of empathy and ableism, just blatant misunderstanding of mental health like anon said, have been upsetting. The hatred I've seen from some anons regarding BPD in particular is gross
We're acting like cows. Speaking of cows, they are no longer entertaining either. I don't like how this behavior is reflecting on me either. I was going to apply to be a janny and then I realized I probably couldn't handle modding lc in its current state without slitting my throat
This place isn't what it used to be. I have severe PTSD, I am a longtime abuse survivor and I admit I'm dwelling in a furious fragility. Even the lighthearted once silly nature of celebricows is fucking grating. Tinfoil thread is filled with too much racebaiting and also false accusations of racebaiting and calling everyone schizos. Other threads filled with random thinly veiled right wing, misogynistic women hating. I don't know what anons are doing this, but you don't have to flaunt your opinion at every corner nor hate on other women so much. Why are some of you so fucking internally sexist that you have to repost random bitches from reddit who didn't do anything to you? Why do you stomp on other women without a vendetta? Do you see yourself stooping to that level? This place used to be slightly more supportive and some of y'all are acting like men.
The final straw is people accusing me of being something I'm not, it actually hurts to have my sociopolitical opinions misconstrued when I did my research and wrote a very informative, apolitical wall of text only to be responded to with chatgpt like replies accusing me of bigotry. I did my research. I was apolitical. Get the fuck out of here with your bot sounding ass. If anything bad happens or I'm proven right, I told you people. I told you and I told you and was called crazy and there were so many who refused to listen. I'm afraid he's going to hurt another woman or murder someone.
It was disgusting, especially knowing how important my views are to me. Whoever accused me of antisemitism for questioning and researching a fucking white Catholic spiritualist straight male celebrity, or questioning hollywood and the abuse people within it commit, especially when I'm part jewish myself, and any other disparaging remarks about me thereafter, you can shove it up your ass. I didn't have ancestors fight in WWII for nothing, dipshit, it was so they didn't get fucking gassed by Hitler. Some of you filthy tourists need to crawl the fuck back to 4chan
Pretty much every other thread has people infighting. I've been on here longer than I even cared about this rubbery druggie. I've been posting here on and off since 2018 and it's never been this bad.
You know what's apolitical? Weasel Face killed his girlfriend. it shouldn't be a branded issue, or a divided issue. The faggot just objectively killed a woman. drove that woman to suicide, or worse yet, he actually killed her or put a hit out on her. I'm not sure which one I believe to be more probable.
This man murdered a promising, beautiful young woman, who by all means was young, sweet, and a girl compared to the man she dated who was twice her age. Her name was Cathriona. Cathriona, Cat, was abused until she no longer found life worth living, or until he decided to end it. She wasn't even 30, her life was cast away to protect a scrote. Even if she weren't pretty or if her story weren't known, the misogyny dripping from the case is enough to leave a knot in my stomach. Prior to it before I left my denial behind, I did my research and watched his content for years to the point where I grew to hate him, he triggers me, and I'm now scared of him. nobody believes me and I'm just called schizo, crazy, psychotic no matter where I wander. It hurts me. I had a panic attack when I saw a video of him unexpectedly pop up today. Lied shivering and crying for thirty straight minutes, with my arms crossed around me, like a sordid childhood memory, like i was 8 again and my mother struck me red and locked me in my room. Despite being triggered and angry I was still up until recently willing to spread what I know about him and Hollywood and I didn't come to the conclusion he was a massive abuser by vices of schizophrenia or psychosis, it was what I'd seen and heard. I'm not crazy for that.
What's worse? I used to like that fuck. I wanted him to be a better man, I thought underneath it he was very talented, I thought him beautiful, and now there's no trace left of the man I once adored to enjoy. All I see is a killer. I am angry that weasel fuck has deceived and swindled and abused so many people and just gets to move to Alaska or Peterborough or god knows where and nobody ever stops him from spreading his disease and desecrating more lives!
I abandoned every social platform, lolcow is worse than ever, there's no anchors or lifeboats to cling to. I want to throw my phone from the roof and watch it fucking shatter. If the device didn't cost a thousand to replace and if I didn't value its contents, I would've smashed it down to the circuits. Would've taken a baseball bat to my laptop screen. Sometimes I really want to watch the yacht I'm on, this vile testament to waste, sink and for me to drown.
For personal reasons and partially thanks to picrel starring as my sleep paralysis demon, and all the horrendous denial I've seen, my own demons, I don't know how much longer I can tolerate life. There are polyps on my soul that may no longer rest benign and develop into cancers.
If you want to help me, manifest his death for me, anons, whether you think I'm crazy or schizo or not. If this is my last post please manifest jim carrey dies soon. I'm done.
This cadaver deserves nothing. A killer does not deserve to live.
No. 1567733
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Another oldfag heading out! I had a lot of fun drawing for you, comforting you, sperging with you, and meeting with some of you and making deep connections with you lovely anons. I thought I was going to stay on LC forever as it is one of the few mostly female spaces, but unfortunately I no longer feel safe here. There is only so much one can take before they hit their breaking point. This is going to be hard because LC was my go-to place to browse online, but I will replace the time spent browsing with my hobbies and maintaining and making connections offsite. Farewell my nonas. Thanks for everything.
No. 1567775
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i think im going to quit lolcow as well i got on here through the anti kpop thread because it was the first time i ever heard people shit on kpop and it was so fucking refreshing. Same with the man hate thread! Im still upset the manhate thread got ruined by gender critical talk. What's really making me done with this site is i have seen 2 instances of little black kids being mutilated and i can't take ever encountering that again. Its too much for my mental health and makes me genuinely seethe with hatred for white people. Even though i know the site is being raided by filthy scrotes. Its just too disgusting to have to not know what i'll be subjected to. I am hopoing i can replace this with crochet and maybe tumblr again (i honestly just like reblogging fashion). But it was fun while it lasted. I just can't take the gore, racism, and overall bitchiness anymore. Im too old and life is too short. But i wish you all the best and thank you for letting me see the light on men and kpop LMAO.
No. 1583053
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Goodbye, sweet nonas. I haven't been spending a lot of time of here lately and have moved on to Tumblr to just focus my online time on my actual things I enjoy. I might come back for the cytube hangs once and awhile bc those can be cozy.
Pixielocks is what brought me to LC in the first place, and she's just stalled out in this weird Groundhog Day of bizarre, childish behavior. Boring.
This is fucking embarrassing but I've been dabbling in Gaylorism and Larry Stylinson shit and it's so stupid, my brain loves it. So no more snarking, it's only celebrity conspiracy theories for me.
No. 1593578
Thanks for all the interesting information. Browsing here helped me understand and sympathize with women more. I feel bad for the man-haters, but I understand they feel that way because they've been hurt just like a lot of men out there. This site has helped me quit pornography out of ethical concerns and I ended up quitting masturbation completely, and I now see women more humanely. It's not as difficult as one may think, I just avoid my triggers and it's mostly smooth sailing.I'm a 22 yo conventionally good looking guy as well as a volcel, I've had the opportunity to sleep with women who were beautiful but would have made my life much worse. Thankfully, I didn't go through with any of that as I also think it wouldn't have been fair to them either. I've been a semi-neet for a while, I'm cleaning up my act. I think the path that'll be the most fulfilling for me will be dedicating my life to earning a high income so that I can either provide for my family one day or help my future nieces and nephews. I've been through a lot, like many of you, and have made choices that I deeply regret. However, I don't think it's ever too late to turn a new leaf, but be aware not to waste your time. I hope you all have a beautiful long life to live. Goodbye.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1593704
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>>1593578post a video of you putting your wiener inside this thing and squeezing if you're a real male
No. 1594776
>>1593578This post seems disingenuous. Anon talks about life changes with an air of modesty, but the focus on virtues and achievements seems self-congratulatory. Then again, this is a graduation party thread. They paint a specific picture of themselves and it comes off like an idealized dating profile. Cliches like "I don't think it's ever too late to turn a new leaf" and "I hope you all have a beautiful long life to live" might be true, but they're some of the lamest platitudes you can type out. Perhaps providing specific anecdotes might have personalized their narrative making it more authentic. Too late for that though.
In typical young 20s style, they seem to create a false dichotomy between living a life dedicated to earning a high income and wasting time. Money isn't everything. Pornography definitely has some ethical issues, but abstaining from porn/fapping doesn't necessarily lead to viewing women more humanely. Example: religious father beating the shit out of your mom (NOT THAT I WOULD KNOW). Personal changes based on ethical concerns are good, but it's a leap to assume mere abstinance makes you more humane. It sounds like virtue signaling.
I realize I probably banged out as many words as Anon did here, but I'm having a gut feeling about this post I can't quite pinpoint.
No. 1608372
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I do not and have not respected the opinions of anons on here ever, since inception, but moreso now than ever I've never seen such a stupid batch of anons. I expect nothing from anyone here though, but sometimes I read half-baked over-emotional projections that result in baseless argument and I am reminded that a lot of newer anons are truly dumb as fuck. I've considered myself graduated for ages because I will never see imageboard frequenters as my peers and I will always acknowledge that me myself visiting them is an abberation I'd be much healthier for never visiting. I dont think im better than anyone I just do not respect a lot of anons for their retarded opinions and never, ever will which I think is the most logical and sane view you can have of any imageboard.
No. 1612872
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I guess when the oldfags left after shaymin it was a point of no return. Is a shame because lc is/used to be a really fun place, now the hostility and paranoia is a little bit high. Maybe after august things go back to "normal" again, but right now is beyond repair. I'll never forget the amazing real nonnies I met here, the connections we made and the warm feeling of finding someone with the same interests as you. I've used IB's for a long time and lc is the one I like the most but the last decade and a half, since the popularisation and normalisation of the internet, everything has gone downhill.
No. 1662544
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I’ve only spent a few months here. I’m leaving not because of infighting or anything but because I feel like most people who use this site are incredibly insecure about themselves and have a lot of hate for the world, and I feel like it’s spreading over to me. I don’t need any more of that.
Although lc is anonymous I also feel like hypocrisy is completely normal here. People will say they struggle with autism or whatever and then call someone a retard over the dumbest thing the next second. They will complain about being ugly and insecure and then nitpick things like “nasolabial folds” the next. I could go on. It really just feels like a bunch of people projecting and trying to shun away the outside world as much as possible so they don’t have to face their issues. That’s the exact opposite of what I want to become.
So goodbye. I will slowly stop coming here, cc as well. I’ve had a good time, but nothing good ever comes out of having an echo chamber.
No. 1683364
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i haven't come here much since i got a job last december and i think i might be graduated for good. i'll read a couple posts in the shayna thread and realize half of the anons in there type like retarded 35 year olds stuck in 2005 forum culture.
becoming a wagecuck also made me want to prioritize things in my life and i fear criticizing dumb e-whores isn't what i want to do with my free time.
i hope we can all become super based alpha stacys irl instead of browsing the internet forever.
see ya
No. 1683370
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>>1683364Goodbye and good luck nonna, you'll be in our hearts.
No. 1689131
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>>1532386Now I think I've had enough this time. I'm tired so goodbye, nonitas. I need to get my life together. Take care and good luck to all.
No. 1705341
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I think I might’ve grown out of using this website
No. 1706970
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It's like only the meanest, most ridiculous anons are left in here. Each post I make is met with a mean or entitled response. Too much black and white thinking. Too much immaturity, too many younger anons, but all 4chan clones attract that. I was wrong to return to this website.
No. 1708646
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I hate that I'm doomscrolling lolcow again after months of being free from my internet addiction, I just feel really alone at the moment
No. 1708744
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>>1708684Thank you nonna, wishing you the best
No. 1710080
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I have tried to leave so many times and have even posted itt several times, but I can't lol. It's pretty embarrassing, but I like certain threads too much because I feel connected to the anons in them even though we probably hate each other outside of them. I think the moment I do decide to leave I won't post a goodbye because I think I jinx myself.
No. 1710547
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All I used to know is now gone
All I used to believe is now dumb
Everything I used to do is no longer a thing
Everyone I used to talk to has moved on without me
I'm isolated and I just think none of this matters anymore
I'm in a limbo, I don't belong anywhere, I have nothing, I don't even know why I keep coming back here if in the end none of this matters, I just need something new with new people and new outlets and new friends, but I'm so stuck, I'm stuck inside the familiarity of this place and the fact that there's nothing else going on in my life, I just hope next year is better and that I won't keep fucking it up, or get abandoned by the few people I have, or I'll really kms, because every year is just more disappointed in almost every regard, almost
No. 1710583
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>>1710547we'll miss you and hope you come back and hopefully things will be better then.
No. 1711120
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Well..I think I've hit a new low when it comes to my depression and everything else in my life and I feel like I need to get rid of things to move forward. I've been dumped by someone who I was very much in love with and I haven't been doing well when it comes to my health and studies, so I feel like I'm back to square one. I'm grateful for all the nice interactions I've had with nonnies here but for me it's time to say goodbye.
No. 1726884
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i've had enough of you retards. i think the collective IQ on here is probably in the double digits at this point. i only came here for a few threads and they're just getting worse and worse. seeya dickheads!
No. 1727832
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I think most of us agree with this, the overly mean anons are the ones who can't integrate for shit. Everytime those faggots are like MUH MEAN LOLCOW LOL I just side eye so fucking hard
No. 1727835
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this anon is also right btw, for what I've seen and talked about with other farmers (and I also was like that myself for a while) it's not too farfetched actually.
No. 1728775
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not leaving forever, just taking a little break from the spiraling doomer cycle that is the internet and social media because it's horribly impacting my mental health. i want to get back to my hobbies instead of spending my free time sperging about conspiracies and disgusting moids. love you nonnies i hope to come back soon and maybe just hang around the positive threads!!
No. 1744271
>>1743403Assuming the anon has problems with their mother for having their opinion. Baseless catty and misognistic.
>>1743224I was defending no one. And both anons use misognistic language and arguments. I'm not here to defend anyones individual arguments but free speech. The anon makes the point quite harshly with horrid language but their point isn't wrong; the most misognistic thing you can do is birth and gestate a males young.
You've proven that anons argument right that farmhands consider it an affront to argue against this shit anyway so why bother trying to argue anything controversial ever here? This site is and never was "free speech friendly" for women. Let's be honest, it's free speech to bitch about men in dresses without repercussions and tear down mentally ill women, that's it. Aside from the nice hobby based threads, interests and news the remainder of discussion has to be carefully vetted and approved because any opinions that hit too close to home when connecting braincells of some of the userbase here are suddenly redtextable because offensive. I'm nta but this is absolutely pathetic from the farmhand and you all are too for not even challenging it. Much of this site is just ovarit with a younger userbase and meangirl shit throwing. The inconsistency of what is considered misognistic is sad. I've seen dozens of comments saying others have mommy and daddy problems unpunished yet overt language is always banned. Rather than banning dissenting opinions for language; challenge them, it clearly gains this much traction that people see it as worthwhile and worthy of discussion. If you aren't going to ban snide comments that contribute nothing to the discussion but carry just as much misognistic weight as those slurs you shouldn't ban poorly controlled arguments with misognistic language either.
No. 1744291
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>>1744271This is the same anon derailing the unpopular opinions thread right now, ignore them please.
No. 1745599
>>1744291No? I am nta in that thread I don't know what you're talking about. Is it too much to believe that multiple people may hold this opinion? peak schizo. You'd think if people did disagree and en masse this much with interest in posts they'd respond with an actual argument instead of "bait because I can't rub my brain cells together to formulate a response". Bait was originally supposed to be incredibly fucked up obvious male/tranny posting and low effort shit now apparently it's expanded to opinions I don't like and want to go away.
>>1744305Excellent response you really challenged my argument there. There's a clear interest in this topic but no one actually willing to have a discussion kek. Continue calling opinions you don't like and want to hear bait. Sad and pathetic.
No. 1770774
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I don't feel super good. LC has been my emotional support for some weeks now and I think it's been nice these days, nicer than ever. But part of me blames myself for coming back. I've been thinking of killing myself, again, everything, everyday, I'm afraid I don't feel good, it has nothing to do with LC itself and for that I'm sorry, but it just might be making it worse in a weird brain underlayer way. I just think I might really be at risk if attempting if I don't control my mental health, and maybe I need to be less online. I just love the fun whenever anons are fun and kind. In any case yeah I don't know where my life is going. I'm scared. I'm afraid. I need a hug or something. I'm sorry.
No. 1813110
My life is slowly but surely going to shit and wasting time here is not exactly the best way to fix it. I have so many goals and aspirations but they will remain just dreams if I don't actually get off my ass and do something about it. Another big reason is the negativity, it's getting tiring. Life is already hard and tiring, seeing all the infighting every time I come here is the last thing I have the energy for right now so it's time for me to go. It was nice to interact with all the kind nonnas and I wish everyone here all the best in the future!
>>1812742>>1812748I absolutely agree with all of this, you worded it better than I could.
No. 1825737
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this site is just depression that is all. if i want to be a better woman whom others admire one day i cant have my days spent on lolcow reading the most depressing things known to man. If i stay here my soul will die and ill probably end up killing myself. WHen im far too cute, talented and funny to just end it during the prime of my life. All you need to achieve anything in this life is confidence and the belief in yourself always. I dont hate lolcow I just realize i dont relate to you girls and never will and thats probably for my greater good.
No. 1827637
>>1827636>nonny era Wtf are you even talking about,
nonny was a petname that started because newfags would whine about how "harsh" and "scrotish" anon was
No. 1827664
>>1827654Literally no. Why do you think
nonny is redtexted?
No. 1827668
>>1827664Because meta retards got
triggered by it, but I remember us starting to use it like 2-3 years after lolcow creation because it sounds cute.
No. 1833695
>>1832145>anonsyou lost?
anyway i said healthy because so much of this thread is pointless falseflagging about how zoomers ruined the site when everyone else is still having a good time. stay mad scrote. i hope all the nonas leaving on their own terms have a wonderful and fulfilling life.
No. 1868388
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This is a little bit hard but I am here to confess that I am slightly underage and have been here for about a year at this point. In less than a month I turn 18, but I don’t care. I want to be banned. This site is terrible for me and I keep saying I’m going to quit it/block it but I always keep coming back no matter what.
Every older adult on here is has no hope for the world and it’s really rubbing off on me. I’m so tired of hating people (even annoying ones) and I just want to be free. I came here originally because I hated trannies and autists and felt like I didn’t fit into society but having an echo chamber helps no one and if anything its making me more pessimistic and depressed. Like I said in a different message, everyone on here seems as if they are projecting (even me!) and this is especially evident in the cow yourself thread. To the anons that are in a bad situation or still living with their parents, I hope it gets better but I also hope you begin to accept help and aren’t blaming others for your problems. To the anons that have it all together, I don’t know how you still use LC but keep going. This site is no better than me than mainstream social media and I’m hoping I can have a better social life and be more open minded in college. LC is counterproductive to that and I need to think about my actions in a more proactive way then “everyone including must be retarded and the world is ending”. Have a good day.
And there it is. I ripped the bandaid.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1868393
>>1868388*to me than
*including me
No. 1868450
>>1868388>I came here originally because I hated tranniesMakes sense
>and autistsDoesn't make much sense
No. 1907901
I've been here for 7 or 8 years, maybe a bit more. I stopped being a regular some time before the pandemic, as I slowly grew out of chan culture, but I lurk for a few minutes a couple times a year to see if anything happened to Kota, etc. The site is too different now. There's too many zoomers and it's just not as fun anymore, not only for the lack of milk due to the ever changing nature of the internet, but because oldfags were just more fun to be around. I can't believe I'm saying this about the OG users, but it's true. There's almost no joy and banter anymore and small things turn into massive stupid fights all the damn time. At least
>>1868388 admitted that they're underage because you can tell there's a lot of kids here now. I've been sick the last few weeks so I started browsing and posting again to keep myself entertained, but I wish I hadn't because it's just argument after argument now. Good luck to the current staff, I like how you've been more transparent with bans and redtexting.
No. 1916156
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>Your favourite lolcows
Celebricows, Western Industry Animation Cows, Lucinda, PT, and general cows to be found in the different fandom/online artists/personalities gendershit neocities etc threads. Some nonnas in the fandom/fujo threads become cows on their own KEK
>What thread you loved the most
Hard to choose. I'll miss a lot of the /ot/, /m/, and /g/ threads because Nonnas genuinely post lots of helpful advice and nice stuff, and it's rare to find women speaking so candidly about female topics, sometimes thoughts I'd never ever seen reflected online before. It made me feel less alone. I'll also miss the banger reaction images I've got from here
>How much time did you spend here
Lurking around a year and a half, probably only actually posted about 3 times
>What are are looking forward to in the future
I want to as well as leave lolcow just stop being chronically online because it's ruining my life lol. I want to just live a normie life where I look back on life and find I don't regret the things I did. I don't want to look back and think "wow I wasted so much time on lolcow/online when I could've been doing something else". I want to live my dream life and work on passion projects, but also enjoy free time with some hobbies and look after myself and just enjoy the real world and relationships I have. I think the negativity and gossip here has done a number on my overall attitude and mental health that I don't like and I do have this sort of 'you are what you consume' mentality and this isn't how I want to be, so I need to step away.
>Would you come here occasionally
I wish I could have the self restraint to just check on one certain thread once every few months, but every time I try it my brain gets obsessed with it and I slowly descend into checking multiple times a day lol. So hopefully I won't come back because I don't want to risk that. If I come back then FML.
Peace out lolcow
No. 1918140
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I'm leaving bc I'm sick of indulging my worst impulses, gawking at shitty or weird people, and wasting time judging when I could be doing something much better with my time if I had less of a cruel and critical character that needs to judge others in order to feel better about my own inadequacies. I want to make art and be a positive influence in other people's lives rather than someone who gossips, starts pointless arguments online and is an anonymous, sadistic energy vampire. I want to stop self-sabotaging my chances at happiness because I'm depressed and think the world is filled with horrific shit due to excessively doomscrolling and repeatedly seeking out content that confirms my worst trauma-based fears. I judge and bully others because I absolutely fucking hate the choices I make and I'm too emotionally retarded to start acting like a decent person. I've lost so much precious time doing this shit, and I don't want to be a miserable crab in the bucket that is lolcow anymore. I want to try to be a decent person for once, even though that's unknown territory to me. It's enough, I need to stop spewing the pain I've gone through onto the world and start trying to help others and improve things instead. To anyone considering doing the same: I hope you make it. Goodbye you big, black, beautiful women
No. 1922098
>>1918140You probably won't see this (or at least I hope you won't because that would mean you've returned) but it feels like I could've written this post. I am stuck in this vicious cycle where I come here -> waste hours of my day -> don't make any life progress -> feel like shit because of it -> come here to either vent about it or escape my mess of a life at least for a bit -> repeat. Maybe my main problem is extreme procrastination and lack of discipline in general and the lolcow addiction is just a symptom, not the actual issue, but I still want to quit because for me the negatives of lolcow outweigh its positives by a huge margin. Here it's so easy to stumble on something that will anger me, be it troons or redditards or nitpicking or another unnecessary infight. I'm also not too fond of the moderation during the last few months, I've seen way too many posts get redtexted for the dumbest reasons but I won't open that can of worms. I also gotta admit this is not my first post in this thread, I've tried leaving a few times before but I always end up coming back. This time I need to make even bigger effort because having a nice life is something you need to work very hard for and wasting precious time doomscrolling an imageboard is the last way to achieve that kek. I'm very thankful to all the kind and helpful nonnas (especially in /g/ and /ot/) who offered me their advice and compassion when I was at my lowest, I'll really miss you all but I have to leave this place once and for all for my own good.
Fare you well and I wish you all wonderful lives ahead!
No. 1961972
I think I'm just ready to leave because despite this place being the only other place where I can vent or write a small paragraph after reading a book I've been lurking for like 10 years almost and it's so hard to quit but it must be done. I feel like in order to become a better person I just need to quit this website, I have stuff to fix in my life and dreams to realize and I just don't vibe in here anymore because idk, I'm older, I want to do more stuff than getting into dumb arguments with others where everything just feels wrong, even if I'm not the one getting mad anymore and the other party is the one reading too much into it. I guess I simply don't care anymore… I still wish I could see the community thrive and contribute but I don't know, just like everything else in my life, this became joyless pretty quick. I want the advice and I want the cool stuff but I can't keep coming back to nothing when nothing is being done in my life. I really think I should die too, tmi I guess but kek that's truly how I feel, I think I wasted too many years of my life online and unfortunately most of them were wasted checking this forum. I don't like myself and maybe lolcow also shaped me into not liking myself. If I kms lolcow will be the first the one to know through a vent post, and future anons will probably tell me to stream it, or tell me that I deserve it. Either way we'll see.
No. 1966099
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The thing is tiktok zoomers are coming in without fucking integrating and then acting like complete idiots with a fake mean girls personality and still demand to get coddled and the rules of certain threads bended, they act in an inflammatory way then say "muh imageboard hostility lol!!" as if they weren't acting like that on every social media and discord server they are permanently glued on to. When gen alpha finds this site it is over
No. 1972910
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i used to find you all relatable. now every time i’m on i think you guys are freaks. maybe i outgrew this website, maybe i got normified, maybe you guys got more retarded. i don’t know, not that it matters. bye.
No. 1973438
I wonder if it's time for me to leave soon.
I've been trying to figure out what exactly motivates me to spend so much of my time here (probably 1-2 hours a day on average, despite working full-time). The reasons that I follow most lolcows are embarrassingly personal, and I feel like I justify the (absolutely ridiculous) amount of time I spend reading about them by creating "content" on other cows so that I feel like I'm giving back. I would really be much better off if I worked on developing an actual skill.
Truthfully though, it's hard for me to leave because I genuinely think that I am a naturally hateful person to an abnormal degree. It's kind of cathartic that Lolcow is so full of people like myself in this regard. I've been strangely bitter ever since I was a child, which ironically further alienated me from my peers, making me feel more different and alone. The sense of community and belonging that I get from Lolcow actually means a lot to me. Which is pathetic, I know.
Additionally, I actually think that funneling my hatred into people that I do not interact with and would never meet in real life is a much healthier outlet for it than seething at the people in my immediate vicinity. Obviously it'd be better if I could just be less angry all the time, but I never really had much success with that. However, I really would like to stop wasting my time on something so unproductive. I'm going to try to titrate down the time I spend here, especially on lolcows, and make a best effort to keep being patient with the people around me irl and to resist the urge to waste my time on a different, shittier website.
No. 2002452
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I'm not entirely graduating the farm as there's one or two threads I'll keep using but this place is no different from any other mainstream social media to me now. 8 years of my life I gave to you lolcor…ot was my main but it has become so hateful and negative I have to hide so many threads, it's just no fun anymore. I'm done.
No. 2008056
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No. 2019841
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I can't remember when i stumbled across here the first time, it was surely because of Venus but i'm not one of those people that get really interested in social media figures.
Some time later i found out the spaces that were not related to cows and i was so surprised, even more when i finally found out that moids and trannies are not allowed.
Back then i was still all too soft, too shy, too insecure, too alone but reading all those posts made me feel like other women finally understand me and feel the same way i do, share my same interests, came across new interesting things, i loved the anonymity because it means that people just care about what you're saying, i eventually decided to start posting too very later on because i wanted to be able to make other nonas feel less alone like i did and finally say what i really think and share what i love.
I was a bit all over in the weeb/gamer threads, waifu/husbandos and the moid related ones, dumbass & shitposting in las vegas ones, i've had a lot of fun, i'm more confident now, i was always too weak to interact in 2X but i've proudly came to even influence other women i knew irl to stand up, i have much more love and hope for the world but i just have to move on to focus on my life and i can't leave without saying a final goodbye.
I love all the nonnies i've messed around with and i hope others will be able to have my same experience, thank you ♥
No. 2057389
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I've been on here for over half a decade, and honestly I think it's about time I retire. My favorite cows are you guys; despite being the so-called "radfem" (kek) site, all you do is shit on other women and talk about which hideous men you want to fuck. Of course it's not always been unwelcomed, since I got the most laughs reading moid horror stories and being bewildered by everyone's choice of dim-witted, ugly-as-sin boyfriends, but I think I get enough of that IRL. It's about time I find other women with braincells and miss out on my daily dose of mantalk. I'll likely still check a few threads on occasion, but other than that I'm gone. I hope everyone here stays miserable, so if ever I fully come back, I can laugh about you all with my wife. Some of you are genuinely, painfully retarded and I would never want it any other way. Peace.
No. 2061335
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Nobody cares but here we go. Been here for like a decade if not more, my activity was always low because lurking is way more fun, but I think I'm at a point where I don't want to bother with any kind of commenting, including ot. The place has always been somewhat hostile but in the recent years you can't post shit without some retard picking apart every word screeching and trying to infight.
You like something?
>no no anon, you're wrong this thing totally sucks and here's my personal opinion nobody asked for and is off topic
or it's all
>men men moid men men scrote men men
Maybe I'm just getting too old for all of this. Not even the cows are entertaining these days. I've found some new hobbies so hopefully my autistic ass will be entertained enough. See ya all in a week when I have to make my monthly vent post kek
No. 2066400
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>>2066305>something happenedYeah, funny shitpostong got banned so now all we can do is "scrote this moid that" and engage in recreational outrage. Some try to help by bumping boring threads like mundane shit or talking about food or poop, but it's never gonna be the same.
No. 2066484
>>2066451>It’s very easy to ban evadeThis is the biggest problem of them all. It doesn't matter how hard the farmhands try to control it, or how many people report it, the same exact baiters are gonna come back again and again to ruin the site. It's hard not to feel abandoned by the admin now, because it's been 3 months since the last time they updated us and promised reworked site features and improvements. I saw data in /meta/ that suggested that only 10% of anons use VPNs, whenever you talk about banning VPNs though it's pandemonium. I'm sorry to the 10% of posters that use VPNs, but it's fucking over the other 90% of us.
>>2066428>This site is just a chatroom for retards now.Yep, basically that's the issue I'm having right now. I used to really like browsing /ot/ after spending some time on the cow boards, but now it feels like there's only ~5 threads that get any attention (Vent, Unpopular Opinions, Bechdel, Things You Hate, & Mundane Shit) and they're all just chatrooms. I don't disagree with the Dumbass Shit autosage, I actually really get annoyed with all the dumbass shit posters that go around fucking the site up, but it was short-sighted of the moderation team to piss off a group of NEETs with VPNs and a love for baiting. Oh well. I just hope in the coming months things start to improve here.
No. 2066593
>>2066590Yep, it doesn't help that cerbmin has been inactive since announcing that there were going to be site upgrades in the Post-Hellweek thread. It's frustrating because you can't even discuss the site on /meta/ anymore because the threads are all just crazy schizo rants.
>>2066591Nobody wants to create an IB is the problem, and even if they did: the same retards that bait here will find a way to bait in the new environment. It's a lose-lose.
No. 2066598
>>2066451I don't disagree but. I've "only" been here for 6 years and I can remember a time when /ot/ was better. Hellweek worked, and there were less obvious baiters overall. The ease of ban evading was the same even back then, but there weren't as many annoying obvious ban-evading spergs, so I feel like VPNs aren't the only issue. I think the main problem is lc getting attention for being a "
femcel website" now more than ever and that's attracting the wrong type of user. at that point it's hardly the fault of VPNs or moderation tbh
No. 2066613
>>2066598VPNs weren't as accessible or affordable back then. You're right about the advertising though. This site is mentioned on TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, 4ch, there's articles about this site and podcasts that name-drop it. There's a lot of anons that are posting on /ot/ that act how they
think imageboard posters
should act, based on years of seeing stereotypes about us on social media. A VPN ban or mobile-posting ban would solve mostly all the ban evasion issues. I'd be interested in seeing a VPN ban during the next Hellweek, just so we can see if there's a noticeable difference.
No. 2066950
>>2066484>I don't disagree with the Dumbass Shit autosage, I actually really get annoyed with all the dumbass shit posters that go around fucking the site up, but it was short-sighted of the moderation team to piss off a group of NEETs with VPNs and a love for baitingI thought dumbass shit posters were all twitterfags and newfags which is why it got that hellweek treatment in the first place? Make up your minds.
If they wanted to upset the bored neets, they'd give that treatment to unpopular opinions who actually attracts awful ass posters. There was barely even any baiting or infighting in dumbass shit until a very specific point.
No. 2067154
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The influx of clearly underage people on here makes me think it’s time to graduate. Goodbye my dear nonnies
>Your favorite lolcows
They all ran out of milk so it hurts to mention them
>How much time did you spent here
4 years or 5? Not sure
>What are you looking foward to in the future
There is no future for this site if farmhands don’t put more effort into gatekeeping
>Would you come here occasionally
I doubt it. With the way things are going the lc userbase will only get younger and troonier so what’s the point
No. 2077550
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This place has become really mean spirited. I don't mean towards cows. (although that too, because a few cows aren't that milky anymore and it is all just nitpicking) But across all boards now, you can't vent, post a pic of a conventional or unconventional actor, even on the unpopular opinions, anons even start infighting over your literal unpopular opinion. So much baiting and infighting clogging up threads, it is exhausting.
I did leave here for a while a year or two ago, (when it was bad, but now it is wors), but I since became a NEET again after finishing uni. I think I luckily won't be a NEET much longer, so boredom and irritability won't bring me back here to browse and then get sucked in. I am trying to do more positive things, a few things have happened irl that made me realise life is too short. (Please no "see you next week")
I wish you kind nonnies the best in life, I hope you also leave this place too at some point, or limit your time here and find happiness.
No. 2077560
>>2077550I remember you, sylvanian
nonnie, you're really cute, and sylvanian posting always imrpoved my mood, i didn't know about their existence before. I'm happy you're starting a new chapter, good luck!
No. 2077709
>>2077550>>2077698If the unpopular opinions thread disappeared, would the baiting anons disappear too or would they bleed into other threads? We're seeing an increase in /pol/tards and that thread has constant retards (and moids) in it so I wonder. Would anyone truly miss that thread, but like, genuinely though? Would people say shit about muh freedom of expression? And post their bait in every other thread.
I think it would be fair to get rid of it just like they got rid of other chat threads but doing so might be even more messy and it would come back with another name attached anyway. Or people would start trolling for fun which is never good.
No. 2079186
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im probably leaving this site for good, the constant moid discussion is getting really annoying, i just dont give a fuck anymore. i hate moids too but i dont want to be thinking about them 24/7.
No. 2079512
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I always come back here when my mental health takes a dive. This place always makes me feel anger and self hatred, which is what I crave when im really hating myself. Promising myself that tonight is gonna be the last time I open lolcor dot farm, at least this cycle. I'll probably come back next time my mental illness hits though. See you then!
No. 2095888
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i tried to graduate last year and was unsuccessful because i got sick and browsing lolcow was the only thing i could do. i'm going to try again. lc was the last place i could freely vent about men harassing me because i've been banned from every other social media site for simply saying "i hate men" and i don't even have that now, so it's pointless to keep coming here. i don't know if the new jannies are handmaidens or newfags or whatever else, but i'm seeing downright baffling bans left and right. my favorite threads aren't fun to me anymore either so i'm done here. i regret nothing and i met a lot of amazing women here. with my time usually spent browsing and posting on lolcow, i will pick up a new hobby. thanks for everything anons.
No. 2098793
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I've been here since 2018 and a lot of stuff happened since then, user base also shifted, so these days I find myself more annoyed than ever with some farmers, newfags, summerfags, tradfags, scrotes, scrotefoilers etc. I'll watch how the infight goes down in one thread, then I'll close the tab and hopefully never come back. Feels bitter to leave this place, but it's not like it will get better anyway.
No. 2114515
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>>2077550>getting infighted about your unpopular opinion in the unpopular opinion thread This happens all. the. time.
I’ve been here since forever. My favorite cows were Venus, Dakota and Taylor. Their milk has dried up a long time ago though so I tried giving the non-cow boards a chance, which was a waste of time to say the least.
Everybody on this site is desperate for a fight it‘s so exhausting. People were debating, mobbing and insulting me over my confession in the fucking confession thread. What the fuck? No wonder so many anons here are lonely antisocial losers and NEETs. Because nobody in the real world wants people as bitter and chronically angry as them in their environment. What is the point of social boards when people try to debate you on literally every single thing you post? How are you guys offended by everything? You respond to the most minor differences in opinion with such vile reactions and lingo. Bye you little children
No. 2114959
>>2114515>Everybody on this site is desperate for a fight it‘s so exhausting>What is the point of social boards when people try to debate you on literally every single thing you post? How are you guys offended by everything? You respond to the most minor differences in opinion with such vile reactions and lingo. You are right and it
triggered the newfags kek. I don't think posting in the unpopular opinions or confessions thread means you're immune from judgement or disagreement, but it's true that anons infight over every fucking thing now and it's literally so unpleasant to use this site anymore.
No. 2115430
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I've been here on and off since 2017. Some friend on a forum linked me this site, began as a lurker, janked up my usage significantly shortly before COVID started. Obviously circa 2017 I wasn't known as who I am now. Independent of the persona I developed I've done quite a lot of mundane posting.
It was a safe haven for me at rock bottom. Nowhere else on the internet has made me feel welcome to express the depth of my emotions the way LC has
All my life I have felt like I've had to put up a front that I'm alrighty, but i shouldn't exist. I've never belonged anywhere. I've felt this on and off since I was 8 years old that I can recall. I can't maintain irl friendships, I lost my old job because of a mental break involving Jm Crrey, my family loathes me and are the root of my trauma, my college education is virtually useless without me going back for a higher level degree, every relationship I've had has crashed and burnt, I don't trust men not to harm me, and I'm so accustomed to abuse I say I masochistically don't deserve affection. I am a solitudious and unlikable bitch at the moment and my life is so lonely I have a spergy sobbing attack almost everyday when I'm left to my own devices. It's very hard to unlearn these habits and thoughts and addictions. It's hard to forge a personality out of a useless person. at least when all else failed post COVID and I was crumbling, I could turn to LC.
I'm at peace with suffering. Since over two decades passed, no suicide attempt or self sabotaging dangerous situation has killed me. So I guess I have to move on, somehow. I'm trying to find a therapist who won't judge me because my current ones methods even though I love her are no longer working for the intensity of the fear and paranoia I feel
There are aspects of this site I've never fully liked or agreed with, and I think the tide of its recent negativity is hurting me. I was gone for months at a time and beat the shit out of myself for returning. I should've never come back.
Please let this be the last time. It probably won't be. I'm sorry if I ever offended any of yall, you found me grating, called me schizo, don't care, didn't believe me etc. I really don't want to think or care about that man anymore and I'm sorry for ever trying to make you care about the evil things he did like it'll matter anyway. Please just understand I would not lie about how vicious he is and my conclusions are not solely interpreted through the lens of mental illness.
I don't want him to hurt anymore women. I know he's probably hurting one right at this moment. I know he probably won't be exposed, no matter the depth of peoples pain. Money and power always wins in the end. Nobody listens to a useless person pipe up about money and power. On an underwater basket weaving forum it's an annoying disruption above all else.
I wish I could just forget it all.
No. 2115450
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>>2115430and yes I was the main one from the husbando thread, I've been posting about him since 2020, I was writing subs and threads and posts insulting him while still praising his looks or joking about the content of memoirs and misinformation because I had no idea how to handle the fucking existential whirlwind of it all. I was extremely extremely sexually attracted to him and had an obsession with his face that was so intense it should probably be studied by scientists. that is hard to overcome. I was the one who got harassed off twitter and reddit, I was the one who used to run stan accounts, that's all me, and I am an incredibly messed up, broken woman. My history makes me look two faced and unstable and I'm sure it makes people want to discredit every word I say
If I could afford it I would've gone to a psych ward by now but I've been medicated again for months and still stand steadfast that regardless of what the actual sitchiation is, I'm not wrong about him being the
abusive person that he is. Nobody in the media or industry fucking cares about exposing him. All those bitches do is fucking whisper. If it didn't work with cathrionas death years ago, it won't work now.
If you're rich and white enough you can literally just get off scotfree with driving a woman to suicide, raping minors, spreading STDs, beating people shitless, stalking women for fun and anything else under the sun. I'm the stupid idiot for trying to circumvent this social expectation by screaming into the internet void.
No. 2115576
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>>2115468I've been medicated for a couple months on the same med, but I was on 6 different
pills over half a year before I found one that worked. All the rest of them gave me terrible reactions (Lamotrigane worked for almost 2 months, then it landed me in the ER, Abilify made me want to kms, Caplyta made me piss my pants, Buspirone gave me constipation from hell, Latuda worked for about a month then hit me with the worst restlessness ever, Trazo and benzos were as needed to transition between meds and for panic and insomnia). I'm currently on Trileptal/Oxcarbazepine, but it feels like it's beginning to lose effectiveness.
I am afraid to go on antipsychotics again. Every one gave me akathisia. It's probably due to my self harm nerve damage since I read akathisia is nerve related.
I was medicated from the time I was diagnosed up until early 2021, I went off for insurance reasons, when I went back on it, it gave me an allergic reaction. I think the main
trigger besides Jim was the fact that covid isolation retraumatized me living with my
abusive mother, having to deal with my generally contentious family relationships, and being forced to abandon my social life. I don't think I ever recovered, so I kept up my obsession with him until it turned on me
The therapist im considering contacting does ketamine and other alternatives. At my final legs I'm considering ECT because I'm so fucking fed up. It's very hard for me to function on my days off from my job because I can't stand being alone but this has all socially isolated and disimpassioned me so much it's extremely hard to find a hobby or skill group I actually want to do or anywhere where I can heal. I really wish I'd just gone to the psych ward when I had better insurance. I wish I'd gone in 2021 My new insurance is shit and I owe thousands for my ER visit. I'm too old to be in this situation. It's just embarrassing for me.
I'm embarrassed by what happened and that it traumatized me. I don't want to be laughed out of someone's office because I fear this public figure, or because they think he's a nice guy or whatever. That's the problem. He reinvented himself in this "guru" image wherein he tries to paint himself an advocate as if he actually cares about anyone but himself. If it were just a normal person, not a public figure, I wouldn't fear discussing it in real life, but because it's a public figure I fear and hate, I don't think anyone who didn't know me before it would understand how and why it hurt me
No. 2116175
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>>2115475honestly I understand what you mean nona and I appreciate the advice I just wish I hadnt had try seven different meds. I literally have been medicated and I'm still not over it and I don't know why. I am starting to feel treatment resistant and hopeless. I hate
looking back at what happened I will never know what the full story is, but I do think something was wrong with the situation that was more than just my mental health. I've dealt with run of the mill trolls and doxers, ive been doxed and dealt with past internet drama… it was way worse.
No. 2145521
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I need healthier coping mechanisms
No. 2147979
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I've been a poster for like six years and I think it's time for me to move on. My favorite cows were Nemu, PT, and Lori when she actually went to conventions. I personally loved the bunker threads, shitpost threads, the early retarded husbando threads, and the danofagging threads, especially the early ones.The Kaitlyn Tiffany thing was really funny too. That whole era of lolcow feels special to me because I spent my NEET years shitposting but this place just feels rotten now. A majority of the discussions taking place can be summarized as groundhog day infights, misogynistic blackpillers, neurotic moralfaggers, and loads of horrible bait all cobbled together. Lolcow has always been a bit vitriolic, of course, and that's something that I found charming. But now the negativity is all-encompassing and I don't enjoy it anymore. I will miss having a place where I can be open about hating gendies and males, and I wish Lolcow the best in continuing to provide that sort of outlet. Sending love to all my nonnies.
No. 2147987
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I'm leaving this website since there's too much infighting and not enough sperging. It's not the same as it used to be. Nobody posts images anymore. Porn topics are too common. I am altogether taking a break from social media because it destroys human connections. People used to be happy to run into each other and share their lives or even go on a walk together and show photos to each other when they met. Now we don't think of friendships as privileges and there is no society. If anyone is bored and attention starved they can shitpost and attention farm on social media. It is so over. I am achieving nothing by scrolling on lolcow. It is funny and I had some good memories here, which I thank the community for. As weird as the Internet is, this felt like a community for me. I got good keks, advice and entertaining memes and ideas. I am just too old I guess. The whole Internet feels empty lately and when it is not, its a moid sexually harrassing and trying to coerce me. It is time for me to graduate. Many thanks.
No. 2148002
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>Your favorite lolcows
Venus Angelic, Onision, Laineybot, Shoe0nHead, Ariana Grande, Doja Cat, Henry Cavill
>What thread you loved the most
Confessions, vent, paranormal, Onision saga
>How much time did you spent here
Almost 6 years now
>What are you looking forward to in the future
Doing more things irl. I waste too much time scrolling and consuming niche interests. Weeks go by and I get depressed from not getting enough sun.
>Would you come here occasionally
Yes, but I don't want to rely on lolcow for entertainment and emotional regulation via vents.
>Etc etc etc
My favorite cows' milk has dried
No. 2156268
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LC used to serve me as a nice place to get distracted after a long and tiring day and it used to be fun participating in some chill threads. But now? Now it feels like over 80% of the userbase is extremely bitter and comes here only to troll and infight. I've had anons try to start an infight over my questions, vents and even my thoughts in the "get it off your chest" thread when my posts were in no way offensive.
I've been trying to offset some of the negativity by actively contributing to normal discussions positively but my efforts ended up being in vain because now most of the kind and/or helpful posts get buried by pointless infights. I guess that's what happens when so many of the well-meaning anons end up leaving and I can't blame them, spending time here makes me angry and anger is the last thing I need more of in my life, especially right how. It's for my own good to leave as well.
Thank you dear kind nonnies who answered my stupid questions and who gave me advice when I was at my lowest and vented here. Take care and I wish you all the best in life!
No. 2157792
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I'm leaving OT. Does that count? Thanks OT for filling my time when I had nothing better to do. I wrote once that I loved you for being who you all are, it's like all the nonnas who were there back then are gone. Intelligent deep discussions aren't worth having with who stayed or newly came. I wish there was a place like what lolcow was back then.. it wasn't even long ago lol.. and maybe I'll find it in the future, maybe another dissapointed nonna will create that space where we can chat and not project on everybody. I belive in women, we can do it, and some of you nonnas who want to fight and insult everybody all the time will get better eventually. I just wont be there to see it because I respect myself enough to not be among such sad broken people anymore.
No. 2161224
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Welp this blackout really helped me get rid of some of my internet addiction and now I think it's time to abandon this place at least for now. I feel like my lolcow abstinence was for the best so I'm going to try and see how long can I go without coming back, good luck nonnas and if I come back please update me on whatever new shit happens in here while I'm gone, I'm happier offline
No. 2162567
>>2159472Do you go back and reread the ot threads lmao? I feel like ot is the least consequential board to lose content
>>2162395Wish you the best nona!!
No. 2170434
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It was fun checking up on this place. Now I leave again. Goodbye all.
No. 2182164
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>>672223I just got back here after a year of inactivity but ive pretty much been here since right before covid so not that long, really enjoyed it all since i found people with similar interests but as with the internet in general its all going to shit and im trying to work on myself by getting new hobbies and not being such a schizoid irl, goodbye every
nonnie ♥
No. 2189639
>>2189631i agree with your entire post but
>worshipping japan isn’t true, retards sperg about it being a nation of pedophiles all the time
No. 2189762
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No. 2190718
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>Your favorite lolcows
venus angelic,fanny perret,pixyteri and holly
>What thread you loved the most
the art boards (every rach one of them were so creative)
>How much time did you spent here
4 years
>What are you looking forward in the future
actual milk on cows
>Would you come here occasionally
maybe if i have some info to share but i will stop being a regular farmer
>my feelings on the current state of lc
tbh lc was kind of my escape from the hellsites of the mainstream internet, i grew up as a person who was told anonmty is key and living in a world that prioritizes you to "be" something overwhelmed me and burnt me out lc came in my life just at the right time it was fun and exciting to interact here ive made many contribution to lcs short memes and banners because i truly loved the culture but nowadays it just feels like twitter all over again something i was running all felt so tiring again and repetitive, this site is full of troons and moids and nlogs just like how twitter is and its truly sad..the farmhands dont understand key ib culture and the posters refuse to integrate so whats the point of me being here im going to go and look for better pastures seeyu nonas, i had fun!(ai shit outside of containment )
No. 2191594
>>2191576You don't even need to be molested to be a feminist at all. Just willing to push the status quo and not worry about what men think of you. That's the primary reason why radical feminism naturally attracts strange women and crazies, most normal women are hopelessly obsessed with male validation to some extent, even if they never get it. The tranny debates are what are attracting tradthots in the making more than anything.
>>2191513Ngl, this sounds like a repackaging of the assertion made by moids that good dick will make a woman quit feminism. I don't like to believe that women are that susceptible to folding for male approval, but maybe that's the reality of our sex.
No. 2198313
i’ve been here for six years, and i’m going to try to stop coming (outside of a few threads i lurk on /snow/). the userbase is genuinely worse than it’s ever been, the high levels of needless aggression and the constant whining and the general unpleasantness are getting to be too much, in many ways it feels like i’m on twitter. i mean i know it’s bad when the 4chan generals i browse are easier-going than here. and the farmhands are just useless and unfunny. “if you aren’t a farmer you are a guest here [sic]” like okay, you sound 12. it’s so bad that i’ve tinfoiled they’re moderating this badly on purpose, just to see /ot/ burn so the cow boards get more focus. but i digress…
it’s like lc has become a toilet that’s not good for anything but dumping bad emotions and acting shitty. i’ve contributed to that culture in my worst moments, but i’ve also moved past it. and i’ve outgrown it. dgmw yes there are definitely good and insightful anons here but that’s 1 interesting person out of 9 ESL tards impotently pissing everywhere. that’s a short, decent convo out of a million infights about bullshit that doesn’t matter irl or even anywhere off the internet off of lolcow. not even the occasional schizo meltdown is entertaining anymore, it’s pitiable and stressful. like i now realize it’s more stubbornness and habit than actual enjoyment that keeps me here, but what’s the point of stubbornly eating shit thinking it’ll become gold when i can do literally anything else. i have a good job, my social skills are slowly getting better, i’m not some miserable loser NEET anymore, i shouldn’t be circling the drain of this site like i’m still that deadbeat nobody. in fact i’m only here rn because i’m cramping bad and feeling awful. i never come here unless i’m feeling awful but that should stop, goodbye
No. 2198470
>>2189886Couldn't agree more. I don't know how they delude themselves into thinking it's better than standard boy-crazy behavior, when it's the same degree of obsession but with a twist.
>there's more to life than dating and romance tf?Right? It's like they realized het dating sucks but instead of developing a feminist outlook and moving on they overcorrect and obsess over their perceived loss. I really get the feeling they're saying 'i wanted a perfect conventional heterosexual relationship and it didn't work. Why me???' over and over. They clearly still care a
lot about men, desirability, conformity etc.
No. 2218063
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Once I finally get a new job, hopefully move and consider going back to school I’m finally going to stop using this website permanently. Actually probably not permanently I might come back a few times but I just don’t want to be here anymore, it’s like you can’t even hate men without the handmaidens coming out of the woodwork to stereotype you because you’re not focused on having sex which is somehow bad for a woman to not want to have sex and have goals beyond that. I’m just really tired of it and having my language policed and my thoughts shaken down before it could ever be considered. I want to have a healthier lifestyle in the future and being surrounded by handmaidens and male-obsessed women is not apart of that, so this is an early goodbye to lolcow until the official leave. Goodbye, you’ve made me laugh so hard and also pissed me off so bad but it really isn’t that serious and that’s what I like about this website, it’s hard to take anything seriously and you could always have a good laugh about things.
No. 2232761
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i love lolcow, but recently this place has been overrun. bait biting all over the place, and the bait isn't even good. schizos and people who clearly hate women vomiting their useless opinions all over the place. seeing how polarizing and angry some of the newfags are is tiring and no matter how much you report and scroll, it doesn't seem to be getting better. this probably isn't a forever goodbye, but i do need a break. i love my nonnies and i'll probably keep the cytube bookmarked so i can watch movies but the newfags are insufferable. hopefully the mods get serious about cleaning up /ot/. love you nonas, see you again one day.
No. 2247886
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It's not really graduation but I just need to take a break from social media until the election sperging is over. I'm glad to have endured the shitposting, grief, and fury with you all over the US election outcome. I posted way too many times in the past 2 days. I just need to sort my shit out and touch a bit of grass. Breathe in some fresh air and stop letting the ragebait get to me. I hope when I come back that lolcow is even stronger than it was before. Never give up hope. It's all we truly have. I love you all.
No. 2264809
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>>940089>>1032743>>1396474>>1436887>>1532386>>1689131>>2170434>>2179962I actually need to stop coming here and to CC. Goodbye, anons. I'm able to take breaks, but unable to leave fully and I want to try to change that. Thank you to everynonny that has helped me. ♥
No. 2271939
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i accidentally graduated from this website by curing my PMDD by taking pepcid AC, I no longer feel miserable. i hope you guys get better soon too. this place is a tar pit.
No. 2274672
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>>2264809I failed. Can't I do anything right? I'm trying again. I've been depressed so I keep wanting to linger around, but I need to stop. Goodbye.
No. 2278086
>>2271945are you autistic
>>2274672girl just get off it’s not that hard
No. 2282396
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>>2282367>ignored the troon and moid hateGtfo troonoid and remember to 41%, yourself
No. 2299635
>>2282376>you never belongedI don't use online shit and ideological shit as a weak substitute for actual belonging
This was only ever a passtime for me
I find it really
interesting that the only places online where you can speak your mind without any kind of corporate input like ads or subscribing or paying are inundated with hate towards some group(s)
Is human nature really to hate? Or are you all getting played
No. 2299660
>>2299635>I don't use online shit and ideological shit as a weak substitute for actual belongingthis is literally what troonism is though and why it spread like wildfire among insecure teens with no identity and autists kek stop trying to act holier than thou
>Is human nature really to hate? Or are you all getting playedreal profound thinking as if moids dont hate women to the point of raping and killing us but waaah moid hate think of the poor babies. you honestly sound like a tranny yourself and you will not be missed
No. 2299688
>>2299660I don't know you so I can't miss you
But I bet you'll miss my posts. They made you laugh, they made you think, they made you cringe, they made you go wtf, they made you go awww
No. 2299801
>>2299774There are ADS EVERYWHERE except here
I try to leave, but I hate ads more than I hate hate
No. 2299837
>>2299810I browse on Brave which takes care of it
It still doesn't get rid of sponsorships or other corporate agenda pitting the plebs against each other
No. 2300004
>>2299635So how do you deal with how hateful and nasty people irl are? There's a reason why ragebait and propaganda against numerous demographics does very well. It's because people are filled with hate. I don't believe it's natural, it can sometimes have some
valid reasoning behind it when it's against people who are undeniably morally bankrupt, but mostly people hate because it makes them feel good. You rub shoulders with people who need hatred to sustain their self worth more often than not. The point being is that what you hate about this site is purely a manifestation of what real people think.
No. 2304674
>>2304636You need to take a break
nonnie, and remember that its an anonymous imageboard with a great deal of mentally ill females. A lot of those nitpicks are projection or for nonnies to feel better. Personally once I realized this and utilized lc positively and less as a means of hurting myself my overall experience improved.
No. 2317588
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Wrote an incredibly long-winded and overwrought goodbye letter venting all my frustrations with LC and when I hit reply there was a system error and it was all deleted. How poetic.
Anyway I just woke up from a nightmare of something I saw in the null/fanny thread and I think that’s as good a sign as any that I need to move on. All my favourite cows have gone dry and the new ones (null, Dana etc) are too horrifying to be entertaining. Mods plz <3 permaban me <3, I need to move on with my life and the amount of time I spend here and the negative emotional response the content here gives me day after day genuinely puts my life plans in jeopardy. I also don’t want to spend this Christmas self-pity posting in the vent thread any time my family irritates or upsets me. Happy Holidays nonnies, May all your dreams for 2025 come true.(wishing you the best, enjoy your life anon)
No. 2395187
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I want to leave. My tinfoil is this place hasn't been safe after last years hacking, I don't even trust it anymore and I'm sick and tired of visiting. Everytime I come back to LC it drains me mentally. Please let me escape from this prison and rid me of my ability to post jannies
No. 2407153
>>2407146thank you
nonnie you too
No. 2437000
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I've been coming to this site for almost 10 years now, and I think it's time for me to move on. I always feel a bit bad reading about cows, and I want to live a more positive life. I thank the nonas here for making me laugh for almost a decade now. One day, maybe I won't be a NEET anymore. I still love my husbando, and I'll miss talking about him on here. I wish everybody a joyful life. May I please get a permaban?
No. 2439908
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Goodbye lolcor. I will miss all the rare sweet moments I had with you, this is the final decent female space that will eventually get its final death knell with that ban. Are any of you going to stay to watch the inevitable decline or eventually leave? What websites will you become a refugee to/visit? I hope my ex-lolcow poster era is decent
No. 2444793
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>>2444791Oh that Jonathan.. I just got here, my bad
No. 2454083
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I get really heated about child sexual abuse and the effects it has on women as they grow into adulthood, but a lot of nonnas on this website just see clearly traumatized behavior and give them no sympathy unless they go in depth about their experiences. I think it's because it's something you have to actively live through and attempt to work through your issues and finding coping mechanisms that work for you to be able to spot these same things in others, ie: self awareness, which I've noticed is a lot to ask for from a lot of the general population. I don't say that in a backhanded sort of way, it genuinely is a lot to ask for from a lot of people because it's painful, and to push someone into a painful experience they're not ready for is nothing short of cruelty, even if you think you're doing them a favor. I've gotten into a lot of arguments on this website this way and it only causes me pain, and I always seem to be in the minority, especially if the CSA survivor was a man.
I don't think I can completely stop coming here because it's one of the few places I can talk about certain things unrestricted, but I'm definitely going to have to limit my usage. It was a valuable lesson, at least.
No. 2454147
>>2454083>I think it's because it's something you have to actively live through I can sympathize with a lot of things I've never been through so I think it's just a general lack of basic empathy a lot of people have. When you have a solid basis of empathy you can approach multiple scenarios with kindness (so even stuff you haven't gone through) instead of instantly wanting to act agressive and blaming
victims, but most people lack this and are like you described. Because they lack that foundation and are typically more self centered they need it to be something they personally relate to in order to extend any empathy and they can't fathom seeing things from the perspective of others who had different problems from theirs. These types also only pretend to be kind if they can get something out of it or if they risk being punished socially, so when they're anonymous it makes sense they will stop caring and just say whatever.
No. 2456867
>>2454083csa can alters any adults life forever but when they propagate those same pedophiliac tendencies that harmed them then they become contributor's to the same abuse, no matter of csa justifies you consuming child porn drawn or real nor does it justifies those who then pander to pedophilias, theyre only a
victim of their circumstances till their underage when they become adults its their responsibility to deal with that trauma and not to become the abuser in turn, not others job to coddle their gross pedo behavior
(off-topic) No. 2456871
>>2454203Same, I find them revolting and I'm puzzled by ones who claim its coping for their childhood. How would that not
trigger you or induce fight or flight in your body. There are certains things that still make me freeze and tremble and I've done every possible thing I can to not react that way. It's like a physical response I have no mental control of. I couldn't imagine simulating child abuse and saying it was for "comfort purposes" wtf I'd rather die