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No. 2099122
Biden just fell out of a coconut tree. Kamala is unburdened by what has been.
Previous thread
>>2088051 No. 2099158
File: 1721609814863.jpeg (649.55 KB, 1588x2000, IMG_5490.jpeg)

>>2099142yall would literally rather have a guy who rapes 13 year olds and said he'd like to commit incest with his daughter
No. 2099192
>>2099171He's using presidency for legal immunity only. All politicians lie in order to gain votes. Look at what the conservatives did to get Brexit support. Look at his previous track record when he was in office. Why do you think he would follow through with anything he promises? Do you really think it would be any different now? Come on,
No. 2099207
File: 1721613913743.jpg (92.36 KB, 716x722, my queen.JPG)

>>2099138You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?
No. 2099234
File: 1721615304951.png (180.72 KB, 1024x576, Kamala-Harris-Epstein-1-1024x5…)

>>2099142this is edited, silly. you guys have to edit photos of her in an attempt to get dirt on her kek
No. 2099236
File: 1721615360036.png (1.23 MB, 1125x901, brat president.png)

Let’s go girls
No. 2099353
File: 1721622416711.webp (38.6 KB, 800x1200, Kamala-Harris.webp)

>>2099346me too girl
No. 2099371
File: 1721623481307.jpg (34.25 KB, 784x1000, 316CAb7MG-L._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

>>2099365Sorry you're straight and blind. But I'm having fun. She's hot as fuck.
No. 2099375
File: 1721623600724.jpg (84.81 KB, 573x1087, EfLqIwxU8AAcUQw.jpg)

>>2099371I need her so bad it's not even funny
No. 2099414
File: 1721628650158.gif (209.08 KB, 200x232, cute bike gondola.gif)

what a crazy couple of weeks its been
>trump attempted assassination
>biden stepping down
kamala is part of the clinton faction behind the scenes, you might have noticed obama didnt endorse kamala. I wonder if they will attempt to get a not kamala candidate
No. 2099423
File: 1721629817773.mp4 (1.28 MB, 640x360, cutiepie.mp4)

kamala is such a cutie patootie.. such a ball of sunshine
No. 2099465
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>>2099423Aw her laugh at the end
No. 2099473
File: 1721635355857.jpg (634.4 KB, 1068x947, 1000015594.jpg)

>>2099466I can't, I'm sorry
No. 2099474
File: 1721635520963.jpg (104.84 KB, 640x640, 8fb03e1b15bf9226da35776fd38e37…)

>senile, balding, demented man out
>Comparatively young woman with good hair who actually has the credentials to justify running for president (I'm looking at you, Trump) in
Things are looking up.
No. 2099477
File: 1721635879141.png (49.44 KB, 585x380, kekw.png)

>>2099474I kind of feel like biden purposefully waited until after the RNC so republicans would spend the entire thing making fun of him instead of her. Also trump was complaining about republicans spending all of their money on dragging biden kekw
No. 2099534
File: 1721640006761.png (10.96 KB, 762x520, happy.png)

No. 2099617
File: 1721647658298.jpeg (650 KB, 726x1572, IMG_6865.jpeg)

>>2099613the way anons have been posting the same exact shit about trump here for like months but now it’s a problem? tired of the retarded “dis is muh girlboss feminism” tankie moid points. Anyways kamala is hot
No. 2099632
File: 1721649057715.png (74.67 KB, 680x437, GTEHEZCWIAEqv4O.png)

>>2099631Well here’s this for a start which is based
No. 2099643
File: 1721650109575.png (1.7 MB, 800x1067, ZUihGcp.png)

Kamala isn't the Democratic party's nominee yet, there are other candidates that could be chosen, but a few of the major candidates have dropped out, with the exception of Marianne Williamson
No. 2099678
File: 1721652315712.jpg (41.66 KB, 960x648, EmTlT2RW8AIVqk5.jpg)

>>2099617I need her so badly
No. 2099689
File: 1721652856580.jpg (229.94 KB, 1908x1146, 235930CB00000578-0-image-34_14…)

>>2099639i still remember the #thanksmichelleobama posts where retarded kids blamed her for the shitty lunches their school served when in reality districts were just too tight wadded to provide them with meals that both met the healthier standards she was trying to implement and weren't absolutely disgusting
No. 2099690
>>2099670As a Michiganon I know that Whitmer is very pro-troon, but how does Harris compare to her on the issue?
(Still planning to vote for Harris over Trump obviously)
No. 2099735
>>2099634>>2099670Don't you just
love how the party that's constantly REEEEEing about democracy might nominate a candidate who hasn't been elected in the primary? God bless the USA!
No. 2099848
File: 1721660254973.mp4 (3.27 MB, 640x360, kamala harris working together…)

>>2099809I also wanted a female president in 2016 but it was like…. why does it have to be Hillary? The WIFE of a former president (and an especially gross former president at that)? Spouses and close relatives of presidents should be banned from running for president, sorry but we are not a monarchy, that's fucked up. Also I just can't ever forget that time she bragged about saving money by using unpaid prison labor to clean the Arkansas governor mansion (yeah no shit legal slavery loopholes save a lot of money).
At least Kamala isn't related to any former presidents. I agree she seems high sometimes, but that applies to a lot of politicians. whoever writes her speeches is also not doing her any favors because there's a bunch of clips where she doesn't seem high but she is repeating words way too many times for some god damn reason and it makes me feel like I'm going insane (vidrel)
No. 2099867
File: 1721660931128.jpeg (27.38 KB, 675x224, IMG_1990.jpeg)

This is Kamala HQ’s Twitter header right now. Cringe
No. 2099874
>>2099867cringe as fuck but at least it'll get the zoomie vote
>>2099870if we all say this obviously it's not gonna matter. go vote
No. 2099943
File: 1721663996093.jpeg (806.67 KB, 1170x1537, IMG_1992.jpeg)

>>2099923I miss my girl Tulsi. I think she would have done a good job, we were robbed
No. 2099945
File: 1721664020817.mp4 (377.08 KB, 1280x720, kamala harris wakanda forever.…)

>>2099904>>2099867in case you want to see some other goofy thing she did kek. I don't know why politicians are like this
No. 2099961
File: 1721664556204.png (13.84 KB, 290x198, 1719695661701.png)

>>2099945I'll vote for her but jfc
No. 2100002
(retard) No. 2100043
File: 1721666623400.jpg (98.71 KB, 628x628, 1686604050285703.jpg)

If we don't reply to people who don't sage, do you think they'll get bored and go back to /pol/? Seeing people here support muh wall is weird. Who the fuck buys that crap?
Okay tourist.
No. 2100061
>>2100052It's not as if he would completely stop men from entering this country illegally either. It'll happen regardless of who's in office.
>>2100056>and then get a democrat to undo whatever damage he does to womens rightsHaha, that will definitely happen for sure. You really think that'll happen? We definitely won't have an influx of young republican scrotes in the supreme court that will immediately block anything positive that could be passed for women.
No. 2100074
File: 1721667685129.jpg (378.11 KB, 2048x1162, 1000002233.jpg)

I give up on liberals, just don't move to red states after yours get fucked.
No. 2100135
File: 1721670769184.jpeg (97.84 KB, 566x386, IMG_0097.jpeg)

Are breakfast diners a dying American tradition? I don’t see them anywhere in my city, it’s all foreign food establishments.
No. 2100151
>>2100149Samefagging but, by you, I don't mean you whom I was replying to,
nonny, but the tradtards in this thread
No. 2100164
>>2100156Yes. Now it's up to you to stop everything bad that will happen between now and 2024. Good luck.
>>2100158You have to be 18 to use this insult.
>>2100154Rape apologist hands typed this.
No. 2100198
File: 1721672470326.gif (1.67 MB, 480x270, it's that time.gif)

I see we finally reached the point in the election year where it's time to hide this thread. okie dokie, see you in February.
No. 2100226
Who stops drunk drivers?
No. 2100265
>>2100250it's a joke
>>2100149ayrt and yeah exactly. lolcow's turning into pol lite with all this conservatard shilling and it's tiresome
No. 2100336
>>2100320Women will always get abortions and have always had methods to induce miscarriages for unwanted pregnancies. You're retarded for thinking the entire woman kind of america will just
GASP stop having sex and stop becoming pregnant with unwanted pregnancies. Grow the fuck up.
No. 2100372
File: 1721678515663.jpg (57.8 KB, 720x720, pitbull9.jpg)

Oh boy a contest to choose which bourgeoise manager i want to preserve the status quo.
Im nothing ever happens gang, and nothing will ever happen barring a bloody revolution, but everyone is too fat and stupid to do that.
The only reason people will vote for kamala is for idpol reasons, they will ignore any atrocities she does like obama and his drone striking and call you racist/sexist if you speak against them
Im going to go hide in the woods under a rock were i will be grill pilled, politics annoys me.
No. 2100404
>>2100388I've scrolled on the fucking cesspools of the internet and I cannot fathom what would make women go full conservitard, if anything it's only strengthened the progressive side of my beliefs seeing what fascist leaning moid extremists say and think and how they view women.
inb4 tradthot says "lefty men worse because they hide their misogyny behind smug liberal politiks" your mental gymnastics do not work on me, I've lived in Texas all my life and conservatard men mask off are so much worse kek
No. 2100410
File: 1721679482417.jpeg (114.57 KB, 732x523, image0.jpeg)

>>2100404The only real exception to the rule is that "leftist" famous men are real monsters behind closed doors, but they're usually crypto conservatives anyway
No. 2100454
>>2100404i used to be a really liberal when i was younger. i'm older now (almost 30), so i've had some interesting experiences over the past 10 years that made me question my previous idealism and while i wouldn't say i'm a hard right winger by any means, i've become a lot more conservative over time. it happens. particularly concerning economic issues, foreign policy, and and certain social issues. not all, but some.
personally i don't really worry too much about what other "republicans" say or think, i don't even interact with most "conservatives" outside of my family and i barely even talk about politics with them. most people don't even know i am considering voting for donald trump other than a few close friends and god, so it isn't like i'm going around with a trump badge stamped on my car and shouting at minorities (which i am also). i don't even like to call myself "conservative" cause i don't really think i am, i just don't particularly care for democrats as a black woman and i've had some really shitty experiences with racist liberals in my time who think i owe them something because of my race and it's only gotten worse over the past few years.
and before people get upset with me, i don't personally care all that much about project 2025 because for black people, we've already been living our own version of this for some time now so to me this is nothing really new. people will never stop hating me for being black so to me it's just another day in america…just now all the racist nuts are coming to the surface instead of hiding in their little log cabins like they used to do in the past. i also have a few personal issues i've developed with feminists over the years as the average white feminist does not care about women like me; in fact most people do not care about women like me so even though i believe in women's rights and will always speak up against it when i can, i do wish white women would also consider the plight of black women as they like to use us as their mules when they want to get votes or woke points.
i guess for me the whole reason why i've become more conservative over time is i personally feel like my blackness gets exploited by white liberals (vote blue no matter who), who then toss me to the side once they get what they want from me and i am just tired of it. on top of that i come from a wealthy family, so whenever liberals find out how much money i have, they seem angry about it which i find bizarre. at the end of the day,i want to be my own person, with my own individual values, not just another mammy shucking and jiving for massa on the democratic plantation. i don't feel entirely represented by the democratic party and i'm tired of people trying to say i must relate to kamala harris (i don't, i think she's weird as fuck) because she's "biracial" like me, or that aren't i scared because of project 2025/trump? and all i can is no. i've dealt with a lot of bullshit in my life, i will survive. but that's just me…
No. 2100461
File: 1721680641142.jpeg (440.22 KB, 1170x970, IMG_5611.jpeg)

>>2100454Trump isn't on your side if you're not white, anon…
No. 2100467
>>2100454> i personally feel like my blackness gets exploited by white liberals (vote blue no matter who), who then toss me to the side once they get what they want from me and i am just tired of it. on top of that i come from a wealthy family, so whenever liberals find out how much money i have, they seem angry about it which i find bizarre.Amen. I’m over it and don’t give a fuck anymore.
Also, anons here used to be
slightly more nuanced..but this site is full of angry misguided youngsters and it’s become tiring with all the namecalling and infighting.
No. 2100477
File: 1721680989687.jpeg (684.3 KB, 1170x1945, IMG_5613.jpeg)

>>2100461>>2100468How many receipts need I post
No. 2100495
File: 1721681299107.jpeg (246.71 KB, 1170x772, IMG_6869.jpeg)

based, this with her hating pimps and johns
No. 2100499
File: 1721681444408.jpeg (564.58 KB, 1070x1475, IMG_5615.jpeg)

I still have yet to see a credible reason why we should re elect a felonious pedophile who said he wanted to fuck his own daughter?
Some of you have a few screws loose, and yet you called me fucking schizo?
No. 2100515
>>2100501>Yeah and Joe Biden called us supercriminalsAnd Joe Biden isn’t rerunning kek
>im sure you would've conveniently forgot aqbout that bc you want the black vote to do all the work for you, No. Go fuck yourselves shitlibs, You idiots seriously underestimate what the fuck we go through even under a democratic president. Im voting for trumpHell yes sister, vote for trump to own the white shitlibs!
>cry about itAnon is seething kek
No. 2100522
Whoever is paying you to lick the crevice of the aipac funded democratic party's ass isn't paying you enough.
>>2100510>black women dont use that term you must be scroteyeah ok
>>2100515I hate leftists, I genuinely hate you idiots who have been using us as stepping stool to throw away once you get your shitty
checks notepad tranny rights and dehumanization of
woc for your personal benefit, see you retards at the polls
(infighting) No. 2100530
>>2100516Yeah but then someone's just going to completely misconstrue their views and start crafting lies about them. They did that with a politician in my state. He's not entirely against guns if I recall, I think he just wants to regulate them, but the conservative media interpreted his views as wanting a ban. In fact most of his views are quite "moderate" by dem standards but living in a red state, it doesn't matter, the narrative is constantly twisted. The evangelicals have such an iron grip on where I live that they'll do anything to screw anyone out of the party who wants progress. They also cannibalized a republican politician who was willing to reach across the aisle by sabotaging his election campaign and exposing dirt on him, then electing an evangelical in his place who didn't even technically win except by default when he dropped out
I'm fucking tired of this shit
No. 2100549
File: 1721682227483.png (181.15 KB, 828x612, for the delusional retard.png)

>>2100522>Whoever is paying you to lick the crevice of the aipac funded democratic party's ass isn't paying you enough.Pretty sure this is the anon seething about Jews all the time after spending too much time on /pol/. You’re so dumb lol. Trump is very pro-Israel and firmly tied to AIPAC. He even shames American Jews who are anti-Zionist.
No. 2100553
File: 1721682275958.jpeg (645.02 KB, 1170x1729, IMG_5616.jpeg)

>>2100544Trump does not like black people pls wake up again
No. 2100556
File: 1721682319263.png (220.15 KB, 655x753, image-0.png)

>>2100479>who have been behind all the improvements to human rights in the modern history? Not conservativesSomeone needs to read a history book. The African American to voted into the Senate was a republican. The first African American state governor was a republican.
No. 2100560
>>2100549Our entire government is under the jewish thumb but not every republican primary is literally funded by israelis
>>2100553Democrats have Never liked us kill yourself with this guilttrip bullshit. It only makes me not want to vote blue even more. fucking leftist manipulating assholes like you only push us further away from your shitty politcal slavery
(infighting) No. 2100565
>>2100549Probably one of those antisemitic users from LSA's conspiracy alley who thinks DA JOOs run the world and thinks that being Jewish automatically means you're a Zionist kek.
Can you guys please leave my ancestors alone? I'm very poor and work a wagie job, my dad was the least successful person in his family with a middling job and horrible marriage and nobody who's Jewish actually gets sorosbux irl
No. 2100586
>>2100572>>2100579The post I'm replying to says
>but who have been behind all the improvements to human rights in the modern history?Which is false.
No. 2100602
File: 1721683242166.jpg (139.75 KB, 850x1032, __lillie_and_rich_evans_pokemo…)

I've been in a bad mood ever since this morning. Fuck it(wrong thread)
No. 2100605
>>2100602Me too anon
I'm about to take out the glass again
No. 2100617
File: 1721684000893.jpg (147.66 KB, 1284x1600, 1000047935.jpg)

>>2100610basically she's trying to say muh both parties bad
No. 2100630
File: 1721685020432.jpeg (487.29 KB, 2000x1112, Wri4zur.jpeg)

>>2100622talladega nights ass outfits
No. 2100634
File: 1721685263153.jpeg (122.95 KB, 800x462, cxtUo5r.jpeg)

>>2100630It kind of goes hard though, the style is quintessentially american, the patches are a cute idea. The ralph lauren blazers feel so 2010 though
No. 2100643
File: 1721686007484.jpeg (355.17 KB, 1080x1340, IMG_4532.jpeg)

>>2100630compare to mongolia. they might not get medals but that drip is amazing
No. 2100667
>>2100634I like the blazers but the jeans feel off to me. It also looks so, so heavy for summer. Europe has been in heatwave after heatwave. I just can't imagine wanting to wear this in July/August. That said I know there are some customs about the outfits and idk if they have to be this layered/heavy. Guess I'll go look up other summer years.
Is there an Olympics thread? I'm a huge gymnastics nerd and of course I love the US WAG team (despite the being sad about the injuries at trials), but I'm not exclusively rooting for them.
No. 2100762
>>2100654Ayrt, Wisconsin is a state by and for alcoholics kek. Did you know that in Wisconsin the first time you are caught drunk driving it is by law a "civil infraction" and not a crime? Only the fourth offense is a felony.
Wisconsin is the old drunk, fat fuddy duddy state so of course literally nothing will be done about the retarded DUI laws.
If you live in Wisconsin, have family in Wisconsin, have friends in Wisconsin, you will always be at the very most 3 degrees removed from someone who
has driven drunk at least a handful of times.
No. 2100785
File: 1721695851399.png (48.93 KB, 1175x448, snap.png)

Ms. Harris plans on passing the John Lewis Freedom to vote act in her first term, if she is elected.
No. 2100825
File: 1721698940690.png (57.29 KB, 594x543, delegates.png)

The delegates are secured!
No. 2100828
File: 1721699226561.jpg (123.45 KB, 1024x702, v6xaeiaynpp91.jpg)

>>2099946you're right, I'm going to get cozy and take lovely autumn nap come november. the leaves look so pretty in my state and my room has a great view, I love autumn.
No. 2100848
File: 1721700012574.png (103.96 KB, 683x595, lift.png)

>>2100835There's more on her proposed economic policies, this is really only her history. However she is for green new deal, and with the things shown in the screenshot she's very left leaning fiscally. You should put your own research into this, though. I'd also wait like a month before making any conclusions because she just started running. I'd also think it's pretty fair to assume that she'd probably have fiscal policies similar to Bidens. Personally I like her because of her views and understanding on tech and AI, she understands how recent technologies could be a threat unregulated. I didn't even learn about that until I researched her, so doing your own research is always the best.
No. 2100853
File: 1721700198311.png (462.17 KB, 480x720, pg8rUOw.png)

>>2100835the economy will never be good for normal people so long as oligarchs act unchecked and unregulated. both candidates assure that never happens
i was thinking about it recently after watching this movie, but the economic world american boomers grew up in was an anomaly in the entirety of human history. i can't imagine a society where everything manufactured and purchased was made in america.
No. 2100935
File: 1721706578417.png (16.7 KB, 588x160, guns.png)

I am like moderately pro gun, i think certain guns are great for self defense and are very good for women especially. But assault weapons need a ban, ever since i saw the photos of the blood of the victims of the robb elementary shooting I've been very anti-assault weapon. There need to be a big red line drawn when it comes to what weapons can be used for mass murder and what weapons can be purely(well, majority of the time) be used for self defense. I'd agree with this ban.
No. 2100979
File: 1721711415772.png (67.64 KB, 840x848, FT_23.04.20_GunDeathsUpdate_3.…)

>>2100935>>2100941Have either of you by chance looked up gun violence statistics?
Suicide has always been the majority of gun violence, and in the cases of homicide, pistols are involved almost 60% of the time, compared to 3% of rifles.
103 people died from mass shootings in 2021, compared to 47,548 suicide deaths. If anything you should be arguing to ban pistols since they are clearly being used to injure/kill at a much higher rate.
Ultimately banning either is retarded considering your risk of dying in a mass shooting is roughly a 1 in 11,125 chance. Even dying from forces of nature is more likely for gods sake.
No. 2100994
File: 1721712484997.jpg (120.88 KB, 1024x821, incidents-by-gun-type-1024x821…)

>>2100983Do you actually research anything you believe, or is it entirely based on how you feel?
>Of 190 incidents dating back to 1966, perpetrators in 80 percent of attacks used at least one handgun, while 28 percent used a semiautomatic assault weapon, like an AR-15 or its variants. Of those shooters who used an assault weapon, 73 percent also carried a handgun. Again, from your own point of causing harm to the most people, handguns are literally the most responsible for this, in both mass shootings (because handguns and rifles are almost exclusively BOTH carried) AND non mass shootings.
This stuff is literally a 5 second Google search. No. 2100998
File: 1721712739155.png (99.75 KB, 784x372, gun-infographic.png)

>>2100994>5 second google searchIf you did
research you would know the use of semi-automatic rifles (which are what assault rifles are) result in more deaths. That is my point. They are always used in shootings with more than 10
No. 2101067
>>2101062Please not Whitmer. She loves troons so much it’s unhealthy
t. Michiganon from earlier
No. 2101099
File: 1721728046890.webp (38.29 KB, 488x423, IMG_6872.webp)

No matter what your political opinions are, we can all agree zoomer commies are genuine fucking retards who don't understand how politics work
No. 2101282
File: 1721740584875.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1284x3852, QC0kLcT.jpeg)

No. 2101421
>>2101419They don't need to because he has a cult of literal subzero IQ retards willing to lay down their lives for his fat rapist pedo ass.
Bait a bit harder next time.
No. 2101456
File: 1721749518242.png (42.54 KB, 597x405, IMG_0551.png)

what a fucking joke
No. 2101472
>>2101460Loyal to the state, sure, but there's a limit to that. Women aren't out there dragging their own life through the mud and media scrutiny just to make a false rape accusation towards a politician (which is what
>>2101441 claimed). We have a hard enough time getting consequences for real rapists, there's nothing to gain and everything to lose for making a public accusation at all, even more loss if things don't go in her favor.
No. 2101473
>>2101441It's been multiple women
nonny don't play dumb
No. 2101480
>>2101474i'd believe a bitches-saying
nonny is a woman, but parrot lines about false rape accusations like some mra fresh from reddit? nuh uh.
No. 2101482
File: 1721750401426.jpeg (511.04 KB, 750x901, IMG_1862.jpeg)

Just imagine how much people are moving because her terrible leadership will influence and trickle down to the states kek. Just get your passport and suitcase ready
>>2101472>dragging their own life through the mud in the media Unless they’re getting paid big time to do it. We’re dealing with a government that has the FBI/CIA, stop approaching it like these are regular people.
No. 2101490
File: 1721750726742.jpeg (146.88 KB, 736x880, IMG_1863.jpeg)

>>2101485Nonners is big mad!
(shitposting retard) No. 2101578
>>2101577Do you know what ball sweat smells like because you’re constantly under them
No. 2101595
>>2101590Thats not retarded it’s just the truth. Did someone make you suck their dick when you went to vote
(bait) No. 2101614
File: 1721754470578.jpeg (45.51 KB, 739x415, IMG_5710.jpeg)

Are you looking forward to pic related?
No. 2101640
>>2101282Omg guys I can’t believe Kamala is racist
sad emoji!!! Jk don’t see the issue with anything here, genuinely based. Funny how she still makes the rightoids seethe when these policies are the most sensible and bipartisan of any candidate (I wonder why!)
No. 2101649
File: 1721755233196.png (561.16 KB, 952x564, capitol flag.png)

>>2101643And the flag is at half staff…so….
No. 2101664
File: 1721755428245.jpg (29.93 KB, 564x400, lol.JPG)

>tradthots when they realize some women are not deranged and don’t spend all their time virtually dickriding for incels on 4chan who hate them and instead interact with people normally irl
Y’all aren’t slick kek(infight bait)
No. 2101678
>>2101673I’m a lesbian, and you’re clearly
triggered KEK
No. 2101680
>>2101665I think you might’ve misunderstood what I said. Walking around for your whole life like
oh god I’m so scared of being raped omg omg omg is fucking insane and if you do genuinely feel that way all of the time I seriously recommend you seek emotional help.
No. 2101682
>>2101636Disgusting fat pig behavior thinking carrying a moid’s trophy is enjoyable. This is why abortion should be entirely restricted to women with dangerous pregnancies and rape
victims, not your whore ass bragging about going to Planned Parenthood because you worship men.
(infighting) No. 2101690
File: 1721755963073.jpg (1.09 MB, 1377x1378, illust_110826838_20240723_1203…)

All this infighting reminds me of middle school haha
No. 2101710
File: 1721756321203.jpeg (70.18 KB, 600x600, IMG_1867.jpeg)

>>2101707>come on ladies go back to kiwifarms, faggot
No. 2101715
>>2101712It’s just
femcel seethe
No. 2101719
>>2101713It’s our duty to defend and protect ourselves
nonny, if there are women who for some reason choose not to buy a gun or other weaponry in a country where it’s essentially open carry, that is their gamble.
No. 2101733
>>2101727shhhh we’re not allowed to share who we’re voting for it’s against the democratic process
No. 2101745
>>2101742Only in your
femcel daydreams.
No. 2101752
>>2101749Then explain this
>>2101747 behaviour.
No. 2101753
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nonnie, so you don't have to touch him while you do it. Have fun!!
No. 2101762
>>2101756You tell yourself that to cope, but the men you like don’t make like you back, which makes you a
No. 2101763
>>2101753Thanks queen, I prefer using a baseball bat with splinters in it to really tear him up though yknow>>2101755
No. 2101771
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>>2101755i love that image so much
(derailing) No. 2101773
>>2101768> There’s always a man that will go for you, nonna.Do you really think being in a loveless relationship makes women immune from being
No. 2101779
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>>2101745femcels don't exist, but INCELS definitely do
No. 2101889
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How do you guys feel about Kamala’s stance on tech? She’s younger and clearly has a lot more understanding of it demonstrated before. I like how she recognizes the fact AI can very much be used for harm against other humans. I do think we need a president who can’t address the issues with AI. From what I’ve researched her ideas on big tech are quite muddy
No. 2101949
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>>2101917Her speeches give me so much hope, I don’t care what people say about her speeches they resonate a lot to me. So much more than joe biden’s speeches. I think her speaking skills have definitely improved over these few months. Trump just pisses me off, he’s just a grifter now. His whole rant about all of the money being spent on taking down joe biden only for him to be swapped gave me major baby vibes. Personality wise he’s just unlikeable. Anyways, look at picrel. Some women make me put my head into my palm because what the fuck is this. shit like picrel just deters normie voters from voting for trump because of how insanely retarded and reactionary it sounds.
No. 2101953
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>>2101889She said she doesn’t use Bluetooth because of its vulnerability and I think that makes her more knowledgeable than 90% of the people around her when it comes to tech
No. 2102006
>>2101889same fag but
>I do think we need a president who can’t address the issues with AIcan* not can’t
No. 2102127
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No. 2102428
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I'll never understand right wing women. Imagine siding with the kind of scrotes who make these images.
No. 2102431
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>>2102428>ill never understand right wing womenhe would get it every night for breakfast, lunch dinner!
No. 2102446
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>>2102444Don’t anon he’s gonna fuck you in some way or another
No. 2102448
>>2102446>he’s gonna fuck you oh fuck yes
nonny oh fuck yes, yes yes ohhhh yes fuck yesssssssss oh my god ahhh right there
No. 2102451
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based kamala. KAM 2025
No. 2102453
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Anyways I would vote for Alfred even if he’s kinda retarded.
No. 2102458
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>>2102444Don't worry nonna he's coming home
No. 2102476
>>2100983>>2100986>>2100998First of assault rifles are select-fire (i.e. fully automatic capable, not semi-automatic) intermediate cartridge rifles, and are de facto illegal in USA, because new ones have been illegal since 1986, and prices of old ones make them only available to rich. I don't think there has been a shooting involving a legally owned assault rifle in US in last 40 years.
Assault weapons is a meaningless term which boils down to scary looking rifle. Best example is that they left Ruger Mini-14 legal, which is in capabilities identical to AR-15, purely because Ruger Mini-14 has wooden furniture so it looks nice.
Lastly battle rifles are full power cartridge rifles, and can't be banned, since they're hunting weapons. It's often illegal to hunt with .223/5.56 since it can't kill game readily.
What would make sense is a complete ban on semi-automatic weapons, handguns included, but that will never pass.
No. 2102495
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>>2102474tbh i wouldnt mind this one
No. 2102497
nonny, why dont you just go for barron
>>2102475based, barron is 18 prime age for the ugly man psyop ladies
No. 2102501
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I do wonder why so few women in our country choose to arm themselves, something like only 22% of women are registered gun owners
No. 2102506
>>2102489Yes and I showed a statistic earlier highlighting the fact that semi-automatic rifles result in more deaths in the situation of a mass shooting. What solution do you give to the issue of mass shootings with over 10 deaths, which are becoming increasingly common in the united states. 99% of mass shootings are committed by moids too, but sadly it's impossible to take away only their guns sigh.
>>2102501Women are scared of guns in general, they accossiate it with mass shootings which are perpetrated by moids. I think women should arm themselves, reminds me of that one episode of bojack horseman where women actually do arm themselves and males get scared and ban guns kek
No. 2102530
>>2102506You said assault rifles, assault rifles are already banned, use proper terminology.
Assault weapon ban will ban scary guns, and then shooters will just switch to identical non-scary guns that are legal.
You could ban all semi-automatic firearms, rifles and handguns, like the British did, but it will never pass in the US. You could ban only men owning guns, similar to how Swiss banned gun ownership for Serbs, Bosnians, Turks, Albanians, Algerians, and other "bad" nationalities, but that will also never pass in US.
Why is it that in Europe where assault rifles are actually readily available and for cheap on the black market, and which does see shootings involving assault rifles and other fully automatic weapons, you see way less mass shooting.
There are two solutions, dealing with root cause of shootings and providing public healthcare for ones that want it, and act preemptively for the ones that don't want it and arrest them ahead of time., or get 3/4ths of states to agree to repeal the second amendment.
No. 2102535
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No. 2102545
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>>2102537lmao continue malding
No. 2102583
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>>2102537She was literally perfect
No. 2102659
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>>2101282>>2101099In their infantile view, anyone who doesn't abolish all prisons and open the borders for every single criminal is immediately labeled a Nazi. they are childishly naive about basically everything
No. 2103090
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>>2102659>>2101282these are often the same people in vidrel btw.
No. 2103100
>>2103098Thats why you pull the
trigger on the gun,
nonny. If he did some reason is willing to risk his own death to try to have sex with you, then kill him.
No. 2103116
>>2103090Certified twitterfag classic
>>2103106This. I find it hilariously retarded when leftists don’t realize how much marxism is entirely at odds with idpol. Anything that threatens class solidarity/disloyalty to the party is purged. Under a communist government, minorities are forced to assimilate. Ethnic nationalism is eradicated, often by literal ethnic cleansing. The only thing I think western lefties get right about Marxism is that trannies should be castrated, but not because they’re akshually women—but because they’re sexual deviants that should be sterilized and prevented from procreating
No. 2103122
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>>2102530NTA but are you from the US?
No. 2103126
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The only kind of gun that citizens can't have that I know of is the big fat machine guns with the long clips
No. 2103183
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>>2103106>>2103116>>2103160tbf western communists and socialists since the 40's have opposed the eastern block, basically after the end of ww2 more knowledge about the atrocities of communist nations was more widely discussed and hard to ignore and the hypocrisies of the ussr were also put to light, which led to all the traditional old guard communist parties in the west being abandoned and more people were going to universities than in any other generation, and here the ideas of both traditional marxism and ml were rejected.
>"Workers in the West will not liberate and bring about communism; it has to be students, black and other marginalized people"this all came to ahead with the massive scale of anti-Vietnam war protests. From this came the hippies, second-wave feminists, critical race theorists, queer theorists and other miscellaneous movements and intellectuals that still dominate academia today emerged. What's most important about them is that while they rejected western values, they were not fans of eastern bloc communist governments, they were considered fascists by them
No. 2103306
>>2103092Kek you've clearly never been in situations like that with men. Once a trusted man has you in his grasp, you won't just be able to wiggle free and go grab your gun. And even if you did, he can easily just knock it out of your hand, grab your wrist, shove you over etc. Not to mention all the hesitation and confusion you will be feeling over it being your family member/boyfriend/whatever which will distract you from pulling the
No. 2103355
>>2103306Don't you know, anon? Gun nonnies would immediately kick the rapist away like a badass, reach for their gun that's always at their hand's reach and will shoot him without hesitation. They would never freeze in fear or be assaulted when not carrying their gun in their hand, and the would definitely be able to aim and pull the
trigger in a cold, assassin-like manner to kill or incapacitate someone, just like in the movies. If you're not like that, then that's your problem you pussy! Guns are the answer and will not breed more gun violence!
No. 2103378
>>2103306I have personally been in a situation like that several times, also
>wiggle free to grab your gun You keep the gun on your hip,
nonny. And, why would you feel confused over pointing your gun at an attempted rapist?
No. 2103402
>>2103369Agreed. When I was raped, I was thinking only about my own survival, like “how can I survive this without being killed or brutalized.” I’ve always considered myself a fighter, and I’ve even trained in self-defense, but in that moment, I froze. It’s not an action movie. My rapist was someone who I let my guard down around, like you said—and then I was drugged. During the days following my assault, I took a plan B pill and got tested for STIs, but I didn’t report it to police because on some level, I was still in denial and blamed myself for trusting the moid who raped me. I’m sharing this because I think some nonnas don’t really understand what it’s like when it happens to you. It destroyed my own self-perception. It destroyed me, for a long time. There is a real psychological trauma that can’t really be explained and that you can’t really be prepared for. My advice is to never accept a drink from a moid unless the bartender is handing it to you directly. Also, if it happens to you, get tested for date-rape drugs. There is a narrow timeframe where that kind of evidence can be compiled, but afterwards, you’ll have nothing and you won’t win in court. Maybe carrying a gun with protect you, and maybe it won’t. You probably won’t react how you think you will, and it shatters everything when you don’t.
No. 2103445
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>>2103431I think women should be armed
and trained to fight. Having no reflexes makes it harder to even get out the gun if you're in an attack. Women should look into martial arts.
>>2103440Something I hate about mass immigration is that males immigrate much more than women and children who need to get out of shithole countries. Women face it the worst in third world countries yet males immigrate to first world countries the most. There should always be more women and men, but now theres more men than women in canada. It sucks. gender should be factored in when it comes to immigration laws. I remember hearing about men taking women's place in afghanistan when they had the chance to leave the country. Gender needs to be factored in
No. 2103498
File: 1721868859902.jpg (93.67 KB, 1500x1000, kamala-harris-8-2000-79b1d1ebf…)

>>2103186Three things off the top of my head that I'd assume:
>move to renewable energy, focus on climate. She has supported the green new deal before.>harsher on israel (believes two-state solution). Refused to go to netanyahus recent speech, has called for a temporary ceasefire, some of her speeches comdemning certain actions of israel have been watered down by administration, is told by aides that she plans to convey her plan to "free the hostages while ending suffering of palestinians" to netanyahu, However, she has accepted AIPAC funding.>More of an understanding towards technology, would likely regulate generative AI. Regulation on how america uses technology in general.It's up to debate whether you guys agree with these things or not, I'm simply saying what'd she do differently based on her recent actions + her time as VP and senator.
No. 2103499
>>2103378>>2103395You're gonna keep a gun on your hip at all times even when you're lounging around your apartment with your bf? Or when you go visit your family/friend's house for a get-together? Those are the kind of situations where rape is most likely to happen. And yeah most people would in fact hesitate to pull a gun on their own bf or uncle or whatever.
>>2103388Again this is NOT how most rapes happen. More like you're sitting on the couch with your bf, said no you're not in the mood, then he grabs you and forces himself on you anyway. Or you wake up to your bf raping you while you were asleep. Stuff like that. It's NOT some random guy coming at you in public.
No. 2103505
>>2103339>this just sounds like fantasy ngl>>2103377>I think you guys have a weird perception of female self defense.>>2103395>Guns are literally proven to be effective for self defense.Every study that has been done on this, in the US, shows that a woman who has a gun in the house is much more likely to be shot by that gun than defend herself with that gun. If you are woman who wants to get a gun, you need to take some kind of "how do I shot someone I care about class?" self defense class.
Let me put this way, how many times have heard a woman say some dumb shit like "I didn't report the rape because I didn't want to ruin his life", or why aren't women out there murdering their rapists right now. There is nothing preventing women from getting a gun and shooting their rapist after the fact. Men will kill a woman for leaving them or for turning down a date, but women can't even murder their rapists. Women are socialized to be way to empathetic to men.
No. 2103568
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I can't legally vote because I'm an immigrant. I think Kamala would be the best choice because it will make men mad.
No. 2103596
>>2103564except, many women are victimized by men that believed they truly loved her too and make people around them feel at ease. I don't think women should live in fear and I do believe many make bad choices when given more information…but many talk about how they fully trusted someone for many years only to be betrayed eventually. there's even people that work with criminals that talk about how there's a lot of sex offenders that come across as kind, normal men compared to other criminals–because they often HAVE to be to get closer to their
No. 2103686
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>>2103596>there's a lot of sex offenders that come across as kind, normal men compared to other criminalsTed Bundy is one example
No. 2103810
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>>2103779A big ass disabled old lady KEK. How dumb were those damn women?
No. 2104234
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american anons I had a realization last night, IDK if anyone else empathizes with it, but it's soul crushing
>the popular vote doesn't actually "matter" so I'm a fool for arguing with women about voting for Trump
>the people I most align with are essentially doomers who will throw their hands up in the air and say "well they both support genocide so x y z" with no possibility of at least grasping the idea that women will be under a slightly less oppressive government if they aren't under the wing of the GOP - and on the other end, I find myself asking "is there merit to them saying that it truly doesn't matter?" as a woman in the USA, and wondering if I'm giving into their propaganda or someone else's, and wondering if these people are real in the first place
>"but genocide" is starting to be grating and self defeating, about something that has been going on since the 1970s and our country has aligned themselves with Israel unquestionably, and it seems absolutely nothing that has been done (so far) will change that, including: protest actions of any kind (protest votes, sit ins, rallies, marches) and the things that MAY change that seem like they'll have bleak outcomes (refusing to pay taxes, general strike, or a more disruptive protest that actually risks your life or someone else's) so we're left with the extent of people's protesting being bitching on social media or sharing fliers for protests that do nothing.
>"Vote for local elections" means nothing with the locals in the elections are constantly women selling their souls to the GOP or an ex-cop who is afraid of his own shadow
>unionizing can just lead to entities shutting down a branch of their service and moving elsewhere, wasting your time and leaving you destitute
>unionizing is fraught with issues as long as the company can run their own propaganda campaign to convince people otherwise, and other coworkers clearly don't want to do all that bullshit and instead are fine with not rocking the boat so they can disengage with their job as soon as possible
>I'm now under the impression that people who are shocked by the horror of war are naive, as I was and still am, and genuinely wonder if war is an inevitability, whether its abroad or domestically, because it's a natural conclusion when people take issue with the actions of their own country
>and most likely I will die at the hands of my own government if I do anything substantial to demand change
No. 2104388
File: 1721920389962.png (1.23 MB, 757x1222, kharris.png)

Think of how powerful America could be if it elects a hot president.
No. 2104562
>>2103762As I'm sure you know, the "housing shortage" situation is completely manufactured. This isn't even including shit like BlackRock existing or foreign non-citizens buying up land - that's its own problem. New apartments/townhomes/other multi-family homes are illegal to build in many cities due to zoning laws, and it's done nothing but fuck up everything for everyone - current citizens included. Urban sprawl and traffic are the way they are because of extremely poor city planning. If more cities had viable public transit and apartments/multi-plexes, we would have a lot more space to handle more people. Aren't more workers generally better for the economy anyway? A lot of cities would greatly benefit from HSR/LRT/etc, which would free up the roads, lead to less car accidents because there are fewer people driving, save the city money in the long run because they don't need to repair the roads as often, etc. Our infrastructure could definitely handle more people, it's just being handled poorly, which leads to this misconception.
Also, in terms of limited jobs for citizens, what about companies who outsource work (mainly IT) and employ individuals who don't and will never live in the US? Shouldn't that be the first to go, so we can actually have some jobs available for residents?
No. 2104570
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>>2104562Sorry for samefagging, but for example, I saw this recently. knows how many more of these operate within the US.
No. 2104923
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genuine fucking retards saying shit like this. this has to be a GOP op theres no way these people are this retarded. im not even pro israel but like shut the fuck up. they don't even care about palestine
No. 2105277
Just gonna cross post something I said in the Trump assasination bunker thread as it fits here too and I wanna get my thoughts out
>>2105264I do have some hope for Kamala despite thinking she had 0 chance before since she seems to be trying to appeal to the younger generation with her collabs with Charli XCX and stuff. The only thing stopping her is she accusations of falsely imprisoning black men though from what I know only a few were actually convicted. And she accusations of being Zionist/pro-israel but she seems to want people's approval so I believe she might end up changing just to win people over. Regardless the "don't vote Kamala" PSAs are retarded anyways because if you don't vote her you're either voting for Trump or wasting your vote. Even as someone who supports Palestine chances are Trump also supports Israel and he wants to strip women, lesbians, etc. of their rights as well so Kamala is at least the lesser of two evils
No. 2105300
>>2105295>more noble actions she could take to boost her approval ratingYou really think that's what the average amerifag cares about? Kek
Optics, likeability and charisma is what gets high approval ratings, it's why Trump is so popular despite being objectively horrible and the complete opposite of noble
No. 2105301
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>>2105277Agreed, I strongly dislike the retarded "dont vote kamala" rhetoric but I guarantee it'll die down as time passes. As a lesbian it's super frustrating to see people say that though, especially if its a tranny. I've already seen leftists calling kamala "cunt" and "bitch", even though trump believes israel needs to "finish the job" while kamala has recognized the fact palestinian children are dying, televised, right after a meeting with netanyahu. It's so telling, and I hate to be spew idpol but it all feels misogynistic. we all know online leftists are misogynistic. I don't remember them doing this with biden in 2020, or maybe i just didn't pay attention.
>>2105276It wasn't even created by her team in the first place though, the brat stuff, some zoomers made a bunch of edits of her weeks before biden even dropped out. Zoomers just tend to express what they like through memes, although I do agree that she should be seen less as a novelty and more so as an actual political figure.
No. 2105444
>>2105442depends on how many people hate trump enough to vote for anything other than trump
kamala harris literally stands for nothing, her only value is being "not trump" or being a "
poc woman" who is endorsed by democrats
No. 2105453
>>2105442It currently seems to be a toss-up, but the US has been suffering from the 'shy Tory effect' for the past couple election cycles and support for Kamala needs to be healthy in swing states in order for her to stand a chance, so the odds are probably leaning towards Trump.
However, Biden's step-down completely derailed Trump's election strategy, Vance is a historically unpopular VP pick, and there are still a few months where a lot can change, so the dems do have a chance. Definitely a much stronger one than they had with Biden.
No. 2105491
>>2105453Vance is a fantastic pick for the groups he was meant to appeal to. The unions and the libertarian silicon valley types. That's always been his specialty. It's no accident O'brien of the teamsters union spoke at the first night of the rnc. Trump has been hunting these two groups since 2016.
He really only chuffs the normies and people personally effected by his agenda.
No. 2105495
No. 2105501
>>2105497You don't teleport to the location of battle to shoot at your enemies from your gamer chair or recliner
You need organization, infrastructure, leadership, training, AT THE VERY LEAST
Half of the people supposed to be fighting the war would fucking leave after a day of training and responsibilities
No. 2105525
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>>2105501A civil war is about more than battles, it's about resource control. Any civil war in the US would quickly descend into siege warfare. Democrat controlled urban areas would be besieged by rural republican areas. Everything needed to sustain life in a city is located outside of the city itself. This type of warfare doesn't require a large fit and fighting standing army, it requires control of the areas were resources are located, which the republicans already have. To win all they would need to do would be to siege urban areas, maybe fire a few shells and wait for the cities to either surrender or starve.
No. 2105532
File: 1722000082233.png (767.12 KB, 2301x1550, populationadjustment.png)

>>2105525I think you're forgetting about population, nonna. A bunch of grass and sand and wheat can't conquer shit. Cities are way more densely populated. That map when adjusted for population centers looks like this.
No. 2105535
>>2105525big cope
i'm sure libtards in the government and positions of power would do nothing while farmers "siege" urban areas
are you twelve or something lmao
No. 2105536
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>>2105465It's because pure democracy (as opposed to a democratic republic, which we actually have) is essentially mob rule. Our system is designed to prevent the majority from always having its way intentionally, because our founding fathers thought people were too stupid to make decisions purely based off their popularity. It's not a bug, it's a feature. Honestly I do think we are too stupid as a species, so I get what they were thinking. But since the current system isn't working and we're on the verge of political collapse, we have to change it. At this point I would support getting rid of the electoral college anyway.
No. 2105545
>>2105532Having a large population, especially a civilian population during siege warfare is not an advantage because it means that there are more people to sustain on limited resources.
>>2105535In a civil war, government control breaks down. The administration of a city or state can give out orders but unless there are people that are both willing and capable, it's not going to matter.
No. 2105549
>>2105545the government is majority libtard-aligned, so is the managerial class, intelligentsia, and the non-rural population
the power structure wouldn't crumble just because a bunch of rural people without institutional power decided they didn't like the government
seems like an ideal situation to shove their faces into the mud using military force if anything
No. 2105553
>>2105494There isn't going to be a civil war your euro friends are just being hyperbolic. Nobody is going to go to war to put Trump in office if he loses.
He is undoubtedly definitely trying, right now, to rig the election.
No. 2105565
>>2105549>the government is majority libtard-aligned, so is the managerial class, intelligentsia, and the non-rural populationThese people are worthless unless they have people below them that are capable and prepared to carry out their orders. Do you think that the working class people in cities are just going to share their resources and do whatever they're told? Law and order would break down and the government would lose control. Within cities there could even be conflict between criminal gangs which would challenge the authority of the government and would require the use of already limited resources to suppress.
>the power structure wouldn't crumble just because a bunch of rural people without institutional power decided they didn't like the governmentThe rural people are the ones growing food and they also live where things like power plants are located. Cities are dependent on the rural areas around them. Republicans could cut power and water supplies to a city and block food from entering. What the US military and intelligence services would do is a big question and it has the same problem. The higher ups may be democrat aligned but without the people below them to carry out their orders, they are rendered impotent.
No. 2105575
>>2105565again, why would the establishment allow such circumstances to take hold in the first place? assuming that the conservative right wing whatevers even manage to organize themselves to credibly try to beseige cities, which is extremely unlikely in itself considering how flaky and picky right wingers are about their alliances, why the fuck would the establishment allow these people to cut off supplies and "beseige" centers of power, which by the way would be a time-consuming process where there would be plenty of time to react?
what did the military do during covid, before the military was purged of the most ideological right wingers with vaccine threats etc, regarding lockdowns, vaccine coercion, etc? they followed orders. what would the military do, when a bunch of rural retards decide it would be a good idea to threaten the majority of the country by holding back food? also the presumption that "red states" are completely republican/right wing, without significant populations who would be against whatever the right wingers are doing is false.
not to mention the imbalance of power between civilians and the military is extreme now. muh ar 15s aren't going to do shit against modern military equipment.
No. 2105584
File: 1722003103484.jpg (57.02 KB, 736x917, 1000013667.jpg)

>>2105568How about this as next threadpic?
No. 2105586
>>2105494It’s disturbing to know how well propaganda works even overseas, guess it’s naive to think it wouldn’t since it’s undoubtedly being driven by the global elite.
I heard trumps going to eat everyone’s first born son the first day he gets into office! Idk why he didn’t do it the first time but he’s gonna do it this time I guess! I heard too that if he loses this time Russia is going to send us their experimental Optimus prime to help purge all the thetans from earth so that trump can find the zeo crystal and destroy the universe instead!
We all remember he was in office once right and there weren’t any concentration camps? There was no civil war the first time he lost either? We should all be concerned why the media wants to encourage and envision an America in the midst of civil war, why are all the news stations so gung-ho and excited to see Americans killing each other about bullshit politics? Especially when most of us have seen behind the curtain and know the “people” aren’t really choosing shit, something the media is more intimately aware of. I’m not worried about trump, I’m concerned about the media and their billionaire overlords frothing at the mouth in delight every time they talk about all the human rights abuses they hope trump will perpetrate while pretending that no one is currently unable to feed themselves, afford housing or necessities.
Anyway, I heard trumps in talks with Atlantis to send everyone who eats cheese there so they can’t eat cheese any more but we all know he’s going to keep eating the cheese. If he loses though Atlantis is going to send their merfolks to hunt down all the cheese eaters, which is good because I hear the democrates are planning to summon cathulhu and that’s everyone’s problem!!! Especially if they summon the old ancient ones and trump gets in and moves ahead with his Faustian deal of summoning satan. I don’t think the demon summoning is a true concern though because democrats already have that child eating owl demon thing on their side. Who knows how it’ll all pan out! What I do know is that both sides agree we all owe them more money, more time and more of our freedoms so they can dictate how we live our lives while they continue to do whatever the fuck they want. America, fuck yeah!
No. 2105603
>>2105575>why would the establishment allow such circumstances to take hold in the first place?Do you think governments in previous civil wars just allowed it to happen? In a civil war the government looses control. This has already happened to a certain extent in red states where they seek to limit the authority of the federal government. Some states have passed laws that allow the use of gold and silver as legal currency in place of the dollar for example.
>assuming that the conservative right wing whatevers even manage to organize themselves to credibly try to beseige citiesIn certain red states there are already power structures that would usurp federal control.
>what did the military do during covid, before the military was purged of the most ideological right wingers with vaccine threats etc, regarding lockdowns, vaccine coercion, etc? they followed ordersTaking a vaccine is not an order to kill.
>when a bunch of rural retards decide it would be a good idea to threaten the majority of the country by holding back food?Those rural retards are the boots on the ground that would be needed to carry out those orders. Do you think they are going to be loyal to the federal government or they going to abscond and join the militias in their own states? Governors in red states already have control over their state's national guard.
>also the presumption that "red states" are completely republican/right wing, without significant populations who would be against whatever the right wingers are doing is false.It's likely that both sides would purge their opponents. Any republicans in democrat controlled areas would either be interned or killed and the same would happen to democrats in republican controlled areas.
>not to mention the imbalance of power between civilians and the military is extreme now. muh ar 15s aren't going to do shit against modern military equipment.Where are these military bases and arsenals located? Any military bases or equipment would be seized by the authorities in the state in which is located. Military bases in democrat areas would be controlled by the democrats and military bases in republican areas would be controlled by republicans.
No. 2105769
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>>2105750Which one is that? The party who wants to take away abortion, or the party who wants more women to join OF and be sexually available to men? Neither party supports women, republicans want women to be private property and democrats want women to be public property. Being married and/or having children correlates with women voting republican, almost every other group of women majoritively votes democrat.
No. 2105891
File: 1722018589646.png (754.82 KB, 966x952, Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11.21…)

>White Women: Answer the call
is it just me or is this cringe?
Also can someone explain to a total idiot (me) why any of these politicians, especially the most well-known ones like Kamala or Trump, need fundraisers to rake in millions upon millions of dollars? Doesn't everyone in the country already know who the top candidates are? It doesn't take millions to "raise awareness" about who they are right? What on earth do they need all of this money for?
No. 2105916
>>2105891>is it just me or is this cringe?It's unbelievably cringe.
In other news, JD Vance in an interview writing fanfiction out loud of George Soros flying black women out of red states into blue states for abortions onboard a 747. Gotta pretend to care about black women and their fetuses. George Soros 747 just flew over my house, everyone!
No. 2106383
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TruBiden shippers, how are we feeling? My heart hurts……
No. 2106444
>>2105891Cringe doesn’t matter. Women are heeding the call and showing up to the polls this year. The fundraising is small chips, it’s more about us unifying and showing up to the polls. We have the numbers and need to stand behind Kamala.
Trump is also old af with questionable health and an assassination attempt, if you aren’t imagining the potential of JD Vance assuming the Presidency then it would be best to consider that timeline as well. Trump is a populist who didn’t really outright reverse our rights, but Vance is an extremist who would do so in a heartbeat. Even if you don’t mind Trump you should be very very scared of JD Vance on the ticket.
No. 2106454
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>>2106383My heart hurts. Kamala could never fill the void in his heart.
No. 2106456
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Kamala is for sure yuri with pelosi. Biden never wanted to leave trump… kamala had to get involved to satisfy pelosi it's just so fucked up. It just hurts so much. I know trump misses him. FUCK.
No. 2106711
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He looks like someone just pulled down their pants, spread their buttcheeks open, and then just started shitting pure waste on his beard. He looks so stinky and fat. Did they just choose him because they were comfortable and thought biden would lose anyways?
No. 2106758
File: 1722046399142.png (121.27 KB, 1334x430, FUCK YOUR PORN!!.png)

THIS is what we need to be doing. Inconveniencing and inflicting difficulties upon porn websites to the point where they have no choice but to concede and stop hosting content altogether. I feel like if enough states did this, say, 31 out of 50 for example; Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, Indiana, The Carolinas, Maryland, Tennessee, Montana, Louisiana, Mississipi, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Wyoming, Oregon, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, DC, Nebraska, The Dakotas, Iowa, Florida, Porn websites, all of the top porn websites would pull their availability in the US and pivot towards boosting their popularity in Asia
No. 2106759
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i was thinking of voting trump because i hate biden but i hate vance even more so im thinking of switching to kamala now..confusing
No. 2106768
maybe i just wont vote at all because both options seem like theyll be shit lol
No. 2106775
>>2106759>i was thinking of voting trump because i hate bidenbiden isn't in the race anymore, unless you mean you don't like kamala bc of her association with biden
>>2106763slippery slope fallacy lol as a lesbian stop using trannies to scare us out of being left wing. trannyism is a social contagion, they're hippies. will die off when the culture shifts.
>>2106771that is true, watching porn should get you fined, im being too utopian though
No. 2106785
>>2106779is a mandatory ban on vpns in relation to sites hosting pornography what ur suggesting? if so i agree.
>>2106782again, slippery slope fallacy. there is no proof that a troon is going to be the next democratic nominee. its just nothingness. woman being president =/= tranny president
No. 2106788
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>>2106785i'm just saying i wouldn't be surprised. everyone wants a woman president right now because that's the current woke rage, and then 4 years from now all of the leftards and sjw's will be pushing hard for a troon candidate, which her weird al looking daughter Ella would probably heavily endorse. i'm not a fortune teller by any means, i'm just saying it doesn't sound outside of the realm of possibility, and putting a heavy left, lady president in that office would be a slippery slope in and of itself.
No. 2106802
>>2106797samefag but the chances of a tranny being prez are the same as cornell west being prez. only mentally ill people would vote for either
>>2106800KEK true
No. 2106859
>>2106850I agree, I'm just pointing out the "reee don't want a female president because trannies" poster is doing that because you know exactly what he/she thinks how we should actually be living. The crux of their logic is that we should be forced to carry some ugly inbred moid babies, that lesbians are either non-existent or need to be "correctively" raped, and that none of us should have have rights, at the end of the day.
They want to pretend Iran and its deranged pro-troon laws don't exist because they don't actually care about trannies (some of the misogynists blaming feminism ARE trannies who just hate "cis foids" and envision a utopia for gay pedophiles ala Greek culture where they can troon out underage boys, kek). They just want any excuse to shit on women's rights existing.
No. 2106872
>>2106865So choose: Would you rather women of America have no abortion rights, political power except to regurgitate whatever scrotes say or freedom (but trannies are more hidden - note, not gone, just hidden), or that women do have those rights, but trannies are still around and everyone can still peak eachother and fight it on the ground, lobby, etc?
Like, would you shoot all women in the face in hopes that there'd be splashback on troons? If you are a man, this is easy because you hate both, or the former more than the latter anyway.
No. 2106883
>>2106874i feel like it'd be better to deal with the tranny issue statewise rather than federally tbh
>>2106880As a lesbian it's super annoying that "queer friendly" countries only really recognize fags, its not a recent issue though. the culture caring more about fags than lesbians is just a thing thats been happening for years
No. 2106991
>>2106676Send a huge chunk of them back to Mexico and the other shitholes they came from, for one. Won't get rid of all of them but it's a big step in the right direction.
>>2106677Military vets appeal to many voters, plus he's in an interracial relationship and has biracial kids which can be exploited to appeal to nonwhites.
(racebaiting) No. 2107007
>>2107000Samefag, there's literally more incentive to keep them around so you keep complaining about them, and he and other conservatives can keep repeating "Woah! We gotta do something!" to get you to clap like monkeys, and then just not because they don't give a shit about the populace, just their money and who's doing their chores.
It's the same way you tards kept going on about how he'd "drain the swamp", jail all the pedos and something something "da jews", but he gladly facilitated corruption in office, was chilling on Epstein's island with the rest of them, he held up the pride flag with a big smile, and there are tons of Jewish people in his extended family and marrying into it. He does not give a fuck about you, no one on the right does.
No. 2107088
are schizo tradfags posting in bad faith.
>yeah sure republicans are planning to take away health care, affordable medication and women's rights but those DEMONCRATS!!! are gonna force us into onlyfans brothels and suck tranny dick!!!! is that really any better??? No. 2107096
File: 1722068417684.png (118.59 KB, 504x595, kek.png)

this woman is whoring herself out just so people don't vote for kamala kek (she's a leftoid for reference). No way this isn't a psyop, or this is just peak whoredom. Leftoids are pathetic, no actual beliefs. she says everyone rightfully calling her weird is "bombing children", none of these lefoids actually care about palestine.
No. 2107133
>>2107096you're right
all leftoid women are showing their tiddies in public and literally no leftoid woman cares about anything at all
No. 2107203
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I had a dream about Trump and Kamala facing off each other during the election season. It had something to do with the debate specifically and it was very strange and weird because in my dream we were in some arena with people cheering and screaming (burgerland sportsball game theme?) on both sides of the parties people were supporting and whoever won the questions won a raffle of balls and for some reason it was always Kamala who won so her raffle of blue balls were always drawn. What was the strangest in my dream was that both Trump and Kamala had little black girls on the side of them during this strange overly celebratory sports-themed debate speaking for them (could they have been spirits around them trying to help them both and my dream was trying to tell me??) they both looked different though one of the little girls looked slightly older and darker and the other younger but I don’t remember if she was dark or Kamala’s skin tone. Anyways I thought I would share this in the amerifag thread since it’s relevant, welcome to the mind of a typical burgerfag’s dreams.
No. 2107543
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Did anyone see this? JD Vance is not only a retarded extremist but a grifter who is willing to spout Fox News talking points and usher in the era of Gilead for a vice presidential nomination.
> Summary: J.D. cultivated a friendship with a trans human during his Stanford days. He actually had quite a diverse friend group. He had vastly different views then than he expresses now. He complained about police brutality, attended Pride Fest, and of course discussed his deep disdain for Trump. He fell out with his trans friend after he expressed support for a ban on gender affirming cafe for minors.
No. 2107815
>>2107130>white woman named czarina>latin americanAnon…
>>2107543Nothing weird about this. Once you've personally known a troon for while, you'll turn on them. You see up close how they're degenerate pervs and groomers.
No. 2108280
>>2108275No you're right, voter registration has gone up 700% or something like that 24 hours after biden dropped out.
i like beshear alot too, i think he can appeal to both progressives and moderates. all of my friends from kentucky say he's great
No. 2108318
>>2108275As a dem I really think there's no chance and a Trump win is basically guaranteed at this point, but the amount of hope you anons manage to scrounge up is impressive ig. If a white woman couldn't win against Trump, a brown woman sure as hell can't. You are underestimating how racist and misogynistic men are, even liberal ones.
>someone closer to our age groupShe's still elderly. A little less elderly than Trump or Biden but still, not close to younger people at all.
No. 2108349
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>>2108318The doomerism needs to stop when it comes to democrats. Relax and drink some coconut juice. Let’s keep the spirit uplifting, we shouldn’t let idpol take over our opinion of kamala and her chances of winning. we should focus on her campaign. personally i think she’s doing great.
No. 2108351
>>2108338But people
did vote for Hilary in droves. She won the popular vote. It's just that our votes don't mean anything, sadly.
No. 2108963
>>2108338And even with the horribly constructed campaigning she did get more votes than Trump but lost on a technicality.
That said, I completely refuse to believe that anons here are on such a schizo level of delusion that they think that if democrats win trannies will take over all bathrooms and classrooms in droves nationwide and destroy all women's rights or that all women will be forced into sex work and so forth, it's absolutely a /pol/fag scrote psyop to scare women into either apathetic defeatism or voting right wing when they hush-hush on the Project 2025 issue and try to downplay Trump's involvement in it despite his name being mentioned 300 times in the document. Remember that troonism is a bipartisan problem and a lot of rich, prolific trannies like Caitlyn Jenner and Jennifer Pritzker are republican. Republicans have outright said that they learned their lesson with Trump's last term and are planning to go even harder installing draconian conservative rule this time and have an entire roadmap planned out for a 6-month takeover. Trump has said that he vouches for a dictatorship where people don't get to vote anymore. Anons, spit up that fucking blackpill and get to voting.
>>2108795Republicans are already scrambling trying to come up with attacks being informed that they can't use her gender nor race against her, they're terrified. Yet even despite that the "best" they can do is have a couchfucker complain about how she can't be a president because she has no biological children.
No. 2109098
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>>2108963I'm so tired of the right trying to scare women into doomerism, trying to make us fear ourselves and our own abilities. They want us to think a woman isn't capable of leading and that any female leader would succumb to male demands. They want us to think women cant be strong leaders and only the pedophile man that throws temper tantrums can. I can't believe people genuinely think Trump isn't involved in project 2025 and I cant believe they just lie about what it contains like we haven't read any of it. Most americans disapprove of project 2025, the only people who truly love it are retards, grifters, and autistic tech billionaires. Having a female leader who leans left would be a net positive for women no matter how hard moids try to spin it. I've already seen moids seething about "childless cat ladies" because it's all they got. Kamala is a better human being than Donald no matter how much they call her a whore. I'm so tired of trannies being used to scare us like trannyism isn't just hippies 2.0 (the 2.0 update is that they mutilate themselves). It's a social contagion, it will die. Laws that treat women like cattle aren't social contagion, they're law, they will be there for as long as misogynists run this country. And as a lesbian I for one do not want gay marriage taken away from me. I want to be legally married to my girlfriend one day. I'm so tired of republicans trying to act like we're cool with them just because we hate trannies and they see us as "pure". These conservatives (including female conservatives) think lesbians are just girls with husbands who meet up privately to kiss. I fucking hate conservatives.
I've seen handmaidens online trying to make Trump "aesthetic" too. He's been running in every single election now, it's not cute anymore it's time to wrap it up. It's always some ana-chan wearing a MAGA has + the whole lolita aesthetic. it's just old and tacky now. I want Trump gone from American culture for good, he's a stain on it.
I've been convincing all of my friends from swing states to vote for kamala harris and I'm proud of myself, they're really excited to vote for her. Every woman I know including myself was so excited after biden dropped out.
No. 2109121
>>2109098> I'm so tired of trannies being used to scare us like trannyism isn't just hippies 2.0 (the 2.0 update is that they mutilate themselves). It's a social contagion, it will die. Laws that treat women like cattle aren't social contagion, they're law, they will be there for as long as misogynists run this country. This, a hundred percent. No democrat running has said that if a democrat candidate will win presidency, they will force all children into trooning and make degenerate AGPs flood the locker rooms or any nonsense like what conservatives love to fearmonger about. But there's an entire republican movement saying that
they will make it a law to forbid abortion, limit access to contraceptives, make health care and medicine unaffordable to everyone but the rich, give the president dictatorship-like power, end student loan forgiveness programs and cut federal funding to schools, destroy acts to fight climate change and environmental issues, roll back same sex marriage and workplace harassment laws, take away gender quotas in places where they actually matter (such as legislative boards) and so forth. And they have an actual plan to implement
all of this as fast as possible, they're talking about six months. And it's not like they're trying to hide it, it's all there in the document.
No. 2109150
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>>2109121AYRT and exactly. Exactly. They are a genuine threat to us and the absolute audacity they have to pretend that they’re not. They keep shouting “repeal the 19th!” and expect us not to say “FUCK YOU”. They hate us, do people think women only think about trannies? Do they seriously think we’re all single issue voters? No, smart women are not voting for the people who hate us and want our autonomy to be stripped from us. Literally what woman sees this and thinks “oh! Might as well vote for Trump!”. Like suddenly the beer question doesn’t exist when applied to a woman? fuck these sexist subhumans and fuck anyone who thinks women are lesser.
I love kamala’s quote of “we’re never going back”, it fills me with pure optimism.
>>2109146They already have, it’s both leftist and rightoid moids doing it too. I heavily agree with AOC for putting legislation through the senate that’ll ban AI deepfake porn and protect the
No. 2109202
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>>2109199Honestly Kamala has literally almost no dirt on her so them doing it just speaks for itself. Or we could make nasty stuff of Trump!
No. 2109297
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>>2109205The odds are against us
No. 2109329
>>2109328iirc theres legislation created by AOC thatll ban it + help
victims of it that just unanimously passed the senate. I'd assume it'll get passed while biden is still in office or really early on in kamala's presidency (IF she becomes president ofc)
No. 2109476
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Anybody else have this jackass poster on their wall when they were 12 or so and then just left it up there until they moved out? The grip jackass and viva la bam had on annoying teenage boys everywhere
No. 2109518
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>>2109476thankfully we've seen the conclusion of bam margera's life and also of the band HIM - apparently Ville Vallo is sober (or at least well adjusted) and doing his thing, and Bam is a walking talking never ending shitshow. I think last time I checked, he was in Virginia or some other state, hanging out with some freaky woman who's trying to wring what little relevancy he has out in the form of a podcast, and complaining about how his ex won't let him see his kid while doing absolutely nothing to prove he can be trusted around children
picrel I found it on google and he's looking haggard
No. 2109546
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>Oh you're voting for kamala? WELL GUESS WHAT! You're a soyjak!
It's so old, like the whole cuck thing is so old. Like i said earlier trumpian "aesthetics" or "memes" are all old and recycled from 2016, and this guy has been running in every election so it gets older and tackier every time. For women it's coquette anachan with a maga hat and for moids its grainy analog groyper edit with soyjaks (See: Ron Desantis internet culture campaign). It's just not cute anymore. This shit isn't new, Trump hit his polling ceiling, they won't gain anyone by posting this stuff.
No. 2110184
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>>2109836i didn’t say they were lol. Hence the “we need to”.
>>2109848Yeah exactly, they keep pushing and pushing in an attempt to make it a thing again. It doesn’t really work because it’s already associated with a certain type of person plus it’s old. also they keep making their avis look like picrel and it’s just too corny. It makes sense as to why elon changed it back kek it’s just weird and cringe.
>>2110019Honestly the whole “fall of western civilization” crap they’re obsessed with is just another way of competing with each other. that’s why it sounds like such a cuck fetish. because it is. they don’t care about black moids raping women because they care about the women, no, it’s because it feels like they’re getting cucked when it happens. it’s so gross and gay
No. 2110206
>>2105276i deleted the post you replied to because of a typo but here’s the rewritten thing
>>2105277Just to ease the confusion for any
nonny of the future
>>2105431Collab is not the best way to word it but it’s more of a crossover, Charli and her music (especially her new Brat album) are pretty big with young adults at the moment, especially gay ones. I get why it would put people off but it’s a smart move to appeal to the youth like she does and it seems to be working for her as it’s not been long since she came in and already she is rapidly gaining followers on her new TikTok
>>2105301Yeah I agree with you a lot, it’s crazy how the online left, the trans spaces especially, cry about being oh so oppressed and then when we finally get the chance to maybe just ease up some of that oppression they try to label the one that could actually help “just as bad” or “even worse” than their opponent. I would like to know where she supported Palestine though because that would be useful for when dumbasses try to claim her as a Zionist. I doubt many online leftists even support Palestine though and just hate Kamala cuz she’s a woman going for power, it’s clear none of them care about women’s rights or anything, they’re only on the left so they can watch porn, get high, and fuck all they want with no interference. I’m pretty sure the only reason some of them are pro-gay rights is because they wanna be able to pull the “I’m being oppressed by homophobes/transphobes” whenever they’re criticized and they wanna fuck and be openly degen without anyone complaining about it
No. 2110572
>>2110423Also building more housing and zoning reform.
>>2110470Literally this, it makes sense as to why only retarded autistic tech billionaires shill trump
No. 2110664
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>>2110604I notice every attack is either schizophrenic, misogynistic, or racist so here are the attempts at attacking kamala i've seen so far, there's probably a lot i'm missing too kek:
>If you vote for her youre a cuck or a tranny! (schizophrenia)>She's a whore! (misogyny)>She's gonna start ww3! (schizophrenia)>We need someone with masculine energy to lead! A woman can't lead this country! (misogyny)>She's a DEI hire! (racism and misogyny)>She's indian! (racism)>She's a marxist! (schizophrenia)>She laughs too much! (schizophrenia and misogyny)>She wants to ban plastic straws! (schizophrenia also who cares)>She's stupid and underqualified! (misogyny, especially if you compare her career history to trump)>Christianity will die if she is elected! (Schizophrenia)>Women will be forced to date trannies and do OF if she wins! (Schizophrenia)>Her husband is white! (racism + who cares)>Her husband is jewish! (racism + who cares)>She will ban red meat! (schizophrenia)>She will make the human race extinct! (Schizophrenia)>We should repeal the 19th because women only vote for her because of her personality! (Misogyny + Did they just forget about the beer question?)>She will destroy america and we will go into a civil war! (schizophrenia)>makes ai porn of her (misogyny)>She was terrible as a DA and AG! (Wouldnt consider this one either schizophrenia, misogyny, or racism, but trump donated 5k to reelect her as AG, so even he thinks she did a good job) No. 2110708
File: 1722297210802.png (210.57 KB, 588x477, megan.png)

Watch her perform a semi-clean version of Weak ass bitch (WAB) because of trump chickening out of debating kamala on ABC KEKKKK
No. 2110745
Obama was supposed to better than Bush but things just stayed the same, Biden was supposed to better than Trump and things actually got worse. It doesn't matter who you vote for, it all leads to the same decline. Kamala will be no different.
No. 2110749
>>2110745clearly too young to remember when insurance used to call literally everything a pre-existing condition in order to not pay out
clearly too braindead to remember when Trump's judges overturned Roe
No. 2110759
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>>2110664samefag but the fact i see people in the thread going on about the ww3/civil war and her forcing trannies in the women’s bathroom schizophrenia things LOOOOOOOOOOL. do conservatrolls even read the thread before they poop in it?
No. 2110765
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>>2110745I mean seriously, it’s pathetic seeing 100k women declaring to vote for that useless hillary clinton clone. Yay to more trannies and economic/social decay!!!!! At least we have our rights (that mostly still remain except for abortions). I’m also laughing at this idea of “women’s rights”, their rights were always there and never stripped, if they stripped away our rights they couldn’t use us as a targeted demographic to get them into office. The lack of critical thinking makes me scared kek. Let’s look at what these ambiguous women’s rights even are besides legally being able to vote and own property.
>the right to live free from violence Well, if you would stop congregating, fucking, and having relationships with the very class of people who commit violence on you and your daughters every day…
>to be educated Wasn’t there a statistic saying that women were the most enrolled in university?
>slavery This is only applicable to Western countries and mainly America who have outlawed slavery and indentured servitude (unless you want to clarify internships as such kek)
>to voteAgain they need our vote for them to be in office. These people can go and look at the demographic who was also voting for Republicans, a good chunk of that wasn’t just roided up angry men it was also women.
>earn fair and equal wage LOL
They’re crying about “women’s rights” which are mainly here and the few could be obtainable if many women took further measures to instill them. It’s clearly yassified and girly to let a woman who has no intentions of uprooting this cancerous, patriarchal diseased system and is only going to be a placeholder for it to let more trannies and crazies slip-n-slide and hijack our country. It’s absolutely over on so many levels it’s not even possible
No. 2110769
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>>2110764remember when this trumpie pretended to be a black woman
No. 2110779
>>2110766>writes own opinion down>YOU’RE HAVING A SCHIZO MELTDOWN!!! Retardation at its finest and it’s befitting for a brainless Kamala shill who’s not even cognizant of her policies or past. Oh look, another woman who knows how corrupt and twisted this bitch is (that got her btfo’d out the 2020 race for president but ended up becoming Joe’s hospice nurse kek)
>>2110768Dont care about kamala
No. 2110782
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>>2110770Why do you guys act like Biden's title IX rewrite was only about trannies? It was blocked too anyways. It was meant to make institutions address sexual assault/harassment claims better and protect survivors of it
i fucking hate trannies as a lesbian but they're not like the core of the united states, nor are they the most pressing issue ever. Trannyism is a culture issue, they're hippies as i've said before. Statistics show most people do not care about trans rights. We've been talking about her policies in this thread for a while yet people still go "HUH WHY YOU NO TALK ABOUT LE POLICIES HUH YOU ONLY TALK ABOUT HER BEING BLACK WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!" it's a major cope. They always use the same debunked shit about her over and over because they have no dirt on her.
No. 2110790
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>>2110779why do conservafarts love that one tulsi clip so much
No. 2110806
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>>2109546samefag but more, even grosser "memes" (totally not their fetish art) from these scrotes kek. American scrotes are gonna be such cows this election season, they already are right now.
No. 2110813
>>2110695He's from
Bangladesh kek, similar to Indian scrotes but they're Muslim so it's even worse… They fucking better not accept him. This guy is evil as fuck. Moids like him are a plague on the earth and he needs to stay quarantined in his shithole, not spreading the disease to the rest of the world.
(racebait) No. 2110854
>>2110813Oh ok, I doubt he will get in then unless he has amazingly impressive grades/achievements. We are full to the brim with South Asians and there's actually a new hard limit on how many visas can be given to them now because it was unfair to other countries how many they were being given.
>>2110835Bay Area?
No. 2110861
>>2110835I've told him that, but of course, in true moid fashion, he couldn't care less. He doesn't care that America is clearly full, his selfish animalistic brain only cares for himself. This guy has absolutely no morals and is obsessed with going to either America or Europe because he genuinely thinks he can easily get money, a house, and free shit handed to him, KEK. Don't know where this motherfucker got these ideas from. Retarded beyond belief. He used to seek out random girls on Facebook to make them believe he 'loved' them, so he could get a green card. Once, he even had the gall to ask me to marry him so he could come to Europe. BARF. I said no obviously, and the motherfucker called me selfish… The entitlement is hilarious. I can't believe these are the type of lowly subhuman filth our countries are importing in masses.
Also, I'm jealous because Hetalia America is my husbando, and no way is this faggot gonna be inside him before I am… No. 2110875
>>2110854Music to my ears, nona. This motherfucker hasn't studied a day in his life because he was too busy trying to illegally immigrate. Hope karma gets this tard.
>>2110862Thank you
nonnie ♥
No. 2110954
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No. 2112261
>>2110338North Carolina; as someone who has driven across the country a few times, I can assure you bad driving is everywhere now.
I tell you what though, when I lived in north hollywood, I was consistently surprised with the insane drivers flying through red lights
No. 2112405
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>>2111957Because populating a new country with their own is part of the plan. They hate non-muslims and women and think we're weak and stupid, and believe that God tells them to "take" the land and women because they're better than us. The goal is to spread Islam to every corner of the world so that their "rightful" religion will be the only one. The city Hamtramck, Michigan is similar, it was once a city where many Polish immigrants settled and today it's the first US city with an all-Muslim government.
Hamtramck just voted last year to allow residents to legally torture and sacrifice animals "for religious purposes" in their homes.
No. 2112600
1. Attempts to hinder democratic process in future.
2. Some attack on reproductive rights.
3. Reinstating Muslim ban, possible deportation of non-citizen propallies.
4. Ban on trannies in female sports.
5. More arms to Israel, less to Ukraine.
6. Ineffective measures at containing illegal immigration on the southern border.
No. 2112605
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trump is so fat. complaining about cheesecake factory prices and the "too big to rig" sign in the back KEK. FATTTT
No. 2112649
>>2112405>Hamtramck just voted last year to allow residents to legally torture and sacrifice animals "for religious purposes" in their homesHoooly shit that's wild. Next it'll be laws saying it's fine to beat and rape your wife for religious reasons.
>>2112516The wall, abolishing sanctuary cities, and mass deportation of illegals. At least getting all that started if not fully implemented.
No. 2112753
>>2112731I totally get you but wait three to five years and re-evaluate. Please. For your own sake, and if he's a true nigel even for his sake. It seems good at first or like he got a financial advantage for being born male or older or whatever
psyop you got caught in but it's not always long term or sound like you think it will be. Not working is awesome but it's not very american and there are many ways to be punished for living as if single-income is still a thing (it's not for most people.) Always have a backup plan of two years MINIMUM in savings. You should have two years of wages or expenses saved up if you're about to let a man become your sole provider, it will take at least a year for you too see how he really handles it.
What is his job field? If it's not recession-proof or if he's relying on overtime hours, it's not stable.
No. 2112754
>>2112743>>2112731i feel the same way kek and sometimes people i know irl jump down my throat whenever stuff like that comes up in conversation and are like
> reee but womens suffrage!!! i don’t care
No. 2112770
>>2112753ntayrt but did your nigel stop providing for you
No. 2112785
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>>2112776I hear a jealous dog barking loudly
(bait) No. 2112793
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>>2112790You know damn well what I meant and yea you people will be pedantic over dumb shit like this then shame women for having “manly” interests or hobbies.
No. 2112830
>>2112826nta but
>being provided for is bait!! i'm sorry no ones ever wanted to take care of you, anon
No. 2112848
>>2112831bait, ignore it and here's how i expect the future replies to go because im telling you to ignore them:
"this is bait"
"um sorry no moid wants you!" (>>2112830 for example)
(im a lesbian with a girlfriend and i make most of the money)
So just ignore them and change the topic lol. tradthot psyop shit is so annoying