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No. 2198863

America, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!

>no baiting

>be a good american citizen

Previous threads:

No. 2198870

Fuck yeah!

No. 2198871

matt damon

No. 2199051

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No. 2199082

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This is because people called her out for going on a podcast about sucking cocks while hundreds are missing, presumed dead, from Helene. She can fuck right off with her fake concern, we made it through the last few just fine without her and Biden (you know, the actual president) has already signed off on federal emergency aid so idk what the VP thinks she can accomplish here.

No. 2199090

Damn we're at burger thread 15, lets keep fucking going nonnies!!

No. 2199096


Love the threadpic, nona

No. 2199100

Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!
Freedom is the only way-yeah!
Terrorists, your game is through
Cuz now you have to answer to:
So lick my butt and suck on my balls
Whatcha gonna do when we come for you, yeah!

No. 2199107

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are you retarded? she has been helping the areas affected by hurricane helene. she also went on the view, 60 minutes, and is going on stern and colbert later today. she’s on a media tour. CHD is one of the most listened to podcasts in the US by women which is why she went on it. They didn’t even discuss “sucking dick”. they talked about reproductive rights, DV, and CSA. Also before you bring up the 750, that’s for immediate needs like food and water and does not need to be paid back. It’s october, of course she’s going to be doing interviews kek

No. 2199109

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Fucking kek

>President Kamala Harris
>Don't call me body positive
>Blow jobs, hall passes and frat daddies

No. 2199114

Podcasts are truly the lowest tier content there is, Jesus.

No. 2199138

Appealing to upper-class Asians in California, of which there are a fuckton. Vance can parade his Indian wife around for extra points.

No. 2199157

She saw what Trump was doing and tried to recreate it. It's pretty embarrassing to be sandwiched in between that kind of content. She could've picked plenty of other female oriented pods to go on instead. I don't think it'll matter much one way or another, though. Most people have made up their minds and won't be swayed by some retarded podcast.

No. 2199169

Aurora, Colorado is where that Venezuelan gang took over a part of the town. I think Coachella, California has a similar issue going on, but I'm unsure. He's appealing to people fed up with illegal immigration by going there.

No. 2199190

I mean it’s not gonna do anything, california and colorado aren’t flipping in 2024. and ESPECIALLY not in october. Both are dark blue states. it’s like if kamala thought alabama was in play or some shit kek. This is an objectively bad campaign decision. It’d make sense if he was doing media but he’s not. If he wants to talk illegal immigration he needs to take it to arizona which is a swing state. He has, of course, but either way it’s an objectively bad decision for him to be campaigning in colorado and california right now.

No. 2199216

It isn't to flip the state but more-so to remind his voter base about places that have been effected by illegal immigration and keep that issue fresh in their minds.
He has been to Tucson, Arizona fairly recently, too, for the same reason. It's where half the people on the stage had some unknown chemical damage their eyes. I think the Secret Service is still looking into what that was.

No. 2199327

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I love when kiwitards love mansplaining about states they don’t even live in. This makes my eyes roll, if this was true then the entirety of Florida would’ve been submerged into the ocean by now, why do they act like reddit nerds when it comes to hurricanes they act like they could lift their fat asses off their greased up gaming chairs to run away from the flooding anyways kek

No. 2199330

you know damn well she doesn’t give a fuck, her recent clip of her condescendingly telling tampa natives to “listen tew dah science!!!” while simultaneously trying to shill her own campaign by saying trump’s spreading misinformation disgusted me so much it’s really not the time to be bitching and seething about trump while a catastrophic hurricane is tumbling in the gulf right now she’s so incredibly tone deaf. trump at least knows how to be entertaining while this bitch is more focused on her girlboss campaign running her annoying mouth, i hope she fucking loses so her whiteknights in this thread can finally stop being her fake fans kek

No. 2199342

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oh blah blah. trump doesn't give a fuck either. why do you think he's better than her when he's literally shilling his cryptocurrency and trump merchandise? he's a fucking grifter through and through.

No. 2199343

not to mention he's a scrote kek

No. 2199344

wouldn't it be incredible if hurricane milton destroyed disney world? disney adults would band together to create their own disaster relief unit to salvage their fantasy land

No. 2199348

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ntayrt but I live in WNC. I’m tired of seeing my home talked about online by people who act like they care, just to promote some personal cause. fwiw shit was really bad for about three days after the hurricane. It wasn’t until the national guard and fema came on Monday that things started improving at all

No. 2199352

don’t care, hopefully he gives the states total power to dictate abortion rights so you can finally close your fucking legs and shut the ever living fuck up. nobody cares who you’re voting for(spamming bait)

No. 2199353

Suck him off harder anon, you're almost a real feminist!!

No. 2199354

its so funny how you fags instantly reveal yourselves when you get outplayed. kys moid. women don't want to vote for your retarded orange scrote. stop posting on imageboards meant for women. you're kind of giving gay vibes

No. 2199393

Does anyone think Trump actually has a chance? I've seen people say that they're nervous about it but I don't see how Kamala won't win by a landslide based on her large fanbase of zoomers, swifties, immigrants and LGBTQ+ people along with people who are voting because "at least it's not Trump". I just don't realistically see him winning

No. 2199401

A Trump lighter should look like a burger or something. Missed opportunity.

No. 2199411

>I don't see how Kamala won't win by a landslide
It's called misogyny and it pretty much guarantees Trump will win. Even the wokest men still hate women and don't believe a woman is capable enough to lead. It's in their nature.

No. 2199423

People thinking "realistically he can't win!" is exactly how he won in 2016. As long as enough blue voters give up and stay home Trump will win. I think he might win because of people slipping back into thinking "Trump's not really gonna win so it's fine if I don't go vote" and also retards deciding whether or not to vote over muh palestine

No. 2199427

i doubt it’ll be a landslide but she’s definitely gonna pull biden 2020 numbers with north carolina and georgia swapped. election circumstances seems to be in her favor

No. 2199430

It seems obvious to us that Kamala should win but you’re forgetting how hateful men are towards women, even the nicer ones would prefer a male president. Men who normally vote democrat would probably prefer trump because it’s more comfortable for them. There also seems to be a rise in conservative beliefs in my opinion, I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed it.

No. 2199431

I agree with >>2199411. Hillary was more qualified, well-spoken, and had a longer campaign. Look how that turned out. Youth turnout is typically low, not all immigrants can vote and even then they're not all democrats, and even though they're loud, the alphabet mafia is still a minority. Plus there's a cohort on the far left that is refusing to vote for her. I don't see how she can win tbh

No. 2199432

Why would you have more freedom?

No. 2199434

also samefag but you’re retarded if you think this is gonna be close to 2016 consider kamala’s favorability numbers are a net positive rn while shillary’s were deep in the negatives. Early votes are already happening same as absentee ballots, turnout is not the same as 2016 at all. Also do people forget how bad hillary’s campaign was? she barely campaigned in winconsin and michigan. Why can’t trump supporters let go of 2016?

No. 2199436

>Hillary was more qualified, well-spoken
No she fucking wasn't. Hilary Clinton is an evil cunt who deserves to be executed.

No. 2199439

kek nonny there's no world in which trump or any other scrotes for that matter are making provisions for you to have "freedom" as a woman

No. 2199441

proof or gay

No. 2199444

>There also seems to be a rise in conservative beliefs in my opinion
I noticed that too. Lots of young men obsessed with finding a tradwife and the whole passport bro shit. They aren't even political conservatives or anything, men are just like this now. They hate to see women having any power or autonomy.

No. 2199447

kek. lesbians exist nonny and unlike you we are not kissing men's feet begging for your "freedom"

No. 2199448

Okay sure. But that post was about Kamala. Try to read past the first few words next time before you rage and sperg out

No. 2199449

love how they always pull out the “stop fucking scrotes thing” when the anon they’re replying to doesn’t even mention fucking scrotes. its funny to see especially if you’re a lesbian. it’s all they have, ad hominem. Just slinging shit and hoping it hits. Just don’t engage in it if they’re not baiting it’s in bad faith

No. 2199472

The passport bro "movement" isn't even that big though

No. 2199493

Finally, another anon who saw through her bullshit. No surprise that every whistleblower about her has wound up dead.

No. 2199513

Does anyone remember that weird episode of Broad City where Ilana gets fired from her job and goes to work for Hilary Clinton's campaign and she makes a super awkward cameo at the end? kek

No. 2199521

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Not everyone who disagrees with you is male and not every woman is a single-issue voter on abortion like you obviously are. I'm not voting for Zion Don either so save your screed about Orange Hitler.

No. 2199551

>not every woman is a single-issue voter on abortion like you obviously are
as the twitterfags say, drag them nonny. i’m tired of being manipulated into voting for a candidate just because we share the same sex, it’s so stupid she’s not your sweet neighbor or aunt she’s a fucking government puppet it’s completely different i don’t understand why people can’t get this through their head

No. 2199557

remember when hillary clinton bragged about using slave labor to keep costs down at the Arkansas governor's mansion when she lived there? that was cool. but she's a woman so we had to vote for her (not that that strategy even worked for her)

No. 2199560

As a swiftie zoomer immigrant fag, I am simply doing my part

No. 2199561

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Is this nationally or swing states? Swing state voters lean democratically on abortion. Abortion is democrat's immigration. There's many single issue voters who only vote based off of immigrations, as there is with abortion. The economy seems to be the overarching issue most voters care about no matter their party, though.

No. 2199563

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samefag but this too

No. 2199567

What's your response to swing states that already protect abortion

No. 2199568

Good for them i guess

No. 2199569

NTA but more men are harboring redpill ideas. Ive heard plenty of guys talking about being afraid of 'false rape accusations'

No. 2199572

wow reall6?? her demeanor was always condescending to me and her husband is obviously a creepy rapist. it’s fine if women get fucked just so we can have some powerful woman with some actual status and privilege gain more status and privilege. a lot of women are incredibly self-hating jfc

No. 2199585

kek don't care. id rather a woman than a man even if she's committing atrocities. imagine voting for an old scrote KEKKK

No. 2199589

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AYRT, here's their data: https://www.kff.org/2024-survey-of-women-voters-dashboard/?entry=topline-methods-and-additional-reports-topline-and-methodology
Looks like a national sample, with additional samples in AZ and MI. It was also taken during the summer before Biden dropped out, but I don't know how much opinions may have shifted since.

No. 2199591

based 6b4t. At my core I'm sexist. I especially hate epstein's boyfriend. If males can want a male leader, I can want a female one, even if she's a reptilian. total woman victory, seize scroid power.

No. 2199592

AYRT and interesting, I think that the issues voters seem to care about fluctuates between abortion and immigration as time passes. They always tend to be the second/third most important issue to voters as time passes. Of course, in both of our studies that we linked the economy tends to be the overarching issue. I think that trend is uniform in every swing state.

No. 2199674

Was watching tiktoks from people in Florida about the upcoming hurricane. It sounds truly horrendous. Not being able to leave because there’s no flights left and no gas left and being told that if you stay you will die is so terrifying. I hope as many people got out as possible.

Also I think it would be very funny if Disney world was destroyed because the Disney adult meltdowns would be hilarious.

No. 2199693

>remember when woman did bad thing
who gives a shit

No. 2199697

Stop tonguing Hilary's asshole, you retard.

No. 2199754

Sorry you’re going thru this nonnie, genuinely. I’m on the gulf coast and no stranger to hurricanes but your area does not have the infrastructure for it AT ALL (hell ours doesn’t even really…) I’m scared this is gonna be a new pattern of huge storms that not only eclipse the gulf but travel up the east. Tornado Alley is moving east too. Good luck out there

No. 2199782

I hate Shillary and think she's very close to being as shitty as Trump (she's not a subhuman) but if you bring up the fact that Shillary was buddies with Epstein, it's all well and good but if you mention that Trump was buddies with Epstein AND was on a certain island it's all seethe. Hillary and Trump got the same dirt on them. These people want Kamala to be Hillary so desperately so they can relive 2016. If anything, Trump is more similar to Hillary scandal-wise than Kamala.

No. 2199936

I hope you and all the other Floridanons update after the storm passes through. This is so scary, I know the damage will be bad but I hope it's not another Katrina.

No. 2199938

Anon said decent and affordable. I don't think New York was coming to mind for anyone.

No. 2200174

sadly, yes.

No. 2200205

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>The porn industry has come out in support of Kamala Harris, launching a $100,000 ad campaign claiming that a Donald Trump victory would lead to a crackdown.
>Ads will run on porn sites in seven swing states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada) and claim that conservatives will ban pornography and imprison those who are involved in the production of adult content.

>“We must fight back against this ultra-conservative agenda that is rooted in religious conservatism, fearmongering, and the suppression of women’s rights. Don’t let these zealots destroy my career and your right to enjoy adult entertainment,” one statement from director Casey Calvert reads.

This has to be intentional sabotage of her campaign.

No. 2200222

No, it just shows what a fucking mess the democratic party is and how much it lacks an identity that you have stupid shit like this pass through. Not that the republican party is any better with how adamant they seem on scaring away female voters.

No. 2200231

wish we had more parties to choose from

No. 2200242

I wonder if those birds that were caught flying in the eye of the storm are still alive

No. 2200254

I hope they're okay too especially any migrating hummingbirds. Coping by believing that most of them can sense the change in weather and will avoid migrating at the moment.

No. 2200289

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median voter lol
this is funny to me considering she’s not even running on protecting porn, just vague anti project 2025 stuff. reminds me of them putting pro-israel shit about her in muslim populated areas.
Milton after helene sounds scary as fuck too i hope everyone was able to evacuate

No. 2200300

Of course moids only care where their coom is concerned. Typical.

No. 2200322

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wtf damn. she’s really gotta go all out with this money

No. 2200489

It’d be so hilarious if she kept her mouth shut on this to secure the scrote vote, and then as soon as she’s in office channel her inner prosecutor and come down hard on the porn industry and impose strict regulations. Make the license requirement apply to all 50 states. Moids will still use VPNs but hopefully it’ll be a lot harder for little kids to stumble across that shit.

No. 2200504

I love the fact that at least three of us have been thinking about this today.

No. 2200520

Watched a shit ton of political videos last night, found it all very entertaining seeing politicians talk. I wish I could break every political sentence and jargon down with every minute for the VP presidential debate, and the Kamala Harris 60 minutes interview; but i'm afraid i'll get temp banned.

No. 2200526

No offense, but white women need to do better because wtf.

No. 2200529

>reminds me of them putting pro-israel shit about her in muslim populated areas.
I knew I wasn't hallucinating it I live near dearborn mi and was feeling schizo noticing it

No. 2200537

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I want this to be real so bad but he's not live on the official channel… they just don't care about gamers huh.. WHERE IS IT!!!

No. 2200543

wait wtf. please post a link if you find it that would be so amazing to watch

No. 2200549

Porn is a severely brain damaging and socially damaging substance as much as any drug, and needs to be under strict control. Honestly we were better off when it could only be viewed in the kind of sketchy theaters where people would have glared and laughed at you if you were spotted near them. You just need to read about that Amazon tribe that got internet and suddenly all the males became lazy rapists to know the truth: the male brain cannot handle porn. They blame the downfall of society on feminism yet this is their real poison. There was nothing harder about their lives when it could only be viewed in magazines, yet an ID check to view it digitally is enough to make scrotes riot. Yes YOUR identity will and should be tied to your porn viewing. Otherwise we may as well give meth to 11 year olds (the average age of first porn viewing).

No. 2200573

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I think it's gonna start soon idk when though (https://www.twitch.tv/kamalaharris)

No. 2200583

Samefag but I don't think this'll be an AOC thing where she played among us, it's looking like the rally footage will be playing as WOW is played by some streamer idk

No. 2200684

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her face LMFAOO

No. 2200686

She gives GREAT reaction pics.

No. 2200692

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when did i say she isn't pro-israel, it's just true that pro-trump PACs are putting her pro-israel track record in places like dearborn. like this is literally a thing that happened retard

No. 2200694

Whenever i see her i feel the need to sperg in /g/

No. 2200708

Not surprising

No. 2200739

>not sure if a woman should run
it really sucks to see women say shit so blatantly sexist.

No. 2200747

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If Trump came out as bi this week, would it hurt his position in the polls?

No. 2200756

it depends on how sincere his coming out is kek I think most magats would just think he's le epicly trolling the lefties and love it

No. 2200802

Any Floridanonas weathering the hurricane tonight? How is everyone holding up?

No. 2200810

If Vance came out as bi-curious it would get them a ton of votes. A lot of gay men find him attractive. JD is probably the only tif who can actually live out their fujoshi fantasies irl.

No. 2200811

I hope his haters would have enough integrity to show up for him and remind everyone that bi folx who've never been in a same sex relationship are still valid

No. 2200818

maybe this is cringe but i am in the horse world and I've been seeing a lot of posts from horse owners in Florida and how they have had to leave some of their animals behind and what they do is essentially attach some form of ID and contact info to them with an airtag and just set the animal free. I've been reading these kinds of posts all day and it's just been making me weep. i cant imagine how awful it would be to have to do a thing like that. i don't blame the people its just a horrible situation to be in. Thankfully most animals are smart enough to get to higher ground but sometimes it's not always feasible + the animals could still get killed by debris or something else that is completely random. Some woman made a post about how during one of the bigger hurricanes a few years back she had to leave one of her horses behind and when she finally returned she found her horse had been predated on by an displaced alligator. Her horse had actually survived the direct blast from the hurricane but it was the alligator that ended up betting it.

No. 2200820

>adorable humble trailer park beginnings
>yale dark academia
>hit netflix movie
>star in presidential yaoi alongside bi blonde with a juicy ass

She'd be living every Gayden's dream

No. 2200825

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So much shit going on in the east coast, I didn't even know Wyoming is being burnt to the ground right now

No. 2200833

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Cards Against Humanity is giving out up to $100 to people who didn't vote in 2020 through a Super PAC.
Text from the website:
"Stop masturbating and listen up, America. Four years ago, half of you didn't vote. We don't care what your excuse was—My vote doesn’t matter! Both sides are the same!—it all sounds like WAAAHHHHH! to us.

It's time to face reality, get off your ass, and cast your fucking ballot this year. If you didn't vote in 2020, Cards Against Humanity will PAY you to apologize, make a voting plan, and publicly post "Donald Trump is a human toilet"—up to $100 if you live in a swing state and lean blue.

If you’re a real American who actually voted in 2020, support the cause by getting our all-new 2024 Election Pack for just $7.99. 100% of the profits will directly pay blue-leaning non-voters to give a shit."
Website: https://www.apologize.lol/
Get your bag swing state nonas!

No. 2200835

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This is where I saw it https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1fzel6c/cards_against_humanity_pays_you_to_apologize_for/
Apparently it's in retaliation to Elon Musk's Super PAC that he keeps advertising on twitter

No. 2200839

This is exactly why I don't judge anybody who decided they had to stay. If it was me I would just not be able to leave my pets behind knowing that I've abandoned them to fend for themselves. Animals do have instincts, but honestly I think most people tell themselves that as a cope because I know for sure my pets wouldn't survive without me. I doubt many domesticated animals would be able to survive on their own, especially not animals that have spent their entire lives looking to humans for care and rescue. I wouldn't be able to evacuate knowing that when my beloved pets begin fearing for their lives they would be looking for me who's always taken care of them, desperately hoping to be saved and having no idea I just left them behind. I couldn't do it. I don't care if people say it's stupid. I would have to risk it because I couldn't live with myself after. I feel terrible for the people who are forced to do it.

No. 2200847

God this made me think of that high rise apartment building that partially collapsed a few years ago in Miami. There ended up being a bunch of people’s pets completely stranded in parts of the building that were still standing and there was a lot of talk about what to do with them since the building was on a timeline to get demo’d. The structure where all the pets were was too badly damaged to have rescuers safely go inside or something iirc the city was not being willing to let ANYONE go back into the building. I actually can’t remember what ended up happening…

No. 2200849

I'm not a trumpie but is this… legal??? same with elons retarded PAC

No. 2200851

I don't know anything about Elon's Super PAC, but this looks like bribing people to vote a certain way and sounds illegal for him to do. They're probably using some kind of legal loophole in order to do this, but it still seems like this should be illegal. Hope people who take him up on this can get their money and not get roped into any possible legal issues.

No. 2200853

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It’s crazy how we can watch live updates of a hurricane

No. 2200854

Thinking about the animals always makes me cry with hurricanes, they don’t even understand what’s going on. So many people just leave their animals behind and don’t even set them free to give them a chance, it’s so evil. There was a wedding venue in one of the states affected by Helene that left their horses tied up, and when neighbors called them to ask about the horses the owners said to just leave them there because they could afford to buy new horses instead. The neighbors swam over and set the horses free and helped them. I don’t know how someone could be so heartless and just abandon animals like that.
There’s also tons of footage of animals swimming in the floods and people can’t always get to them to help, it breaks my heart every time. With the hurricane footage in Mexico though I’ve seen a lot of people go out of their way to help the animals, there was even a video of a man carrying a huge dog on his back as he climbed a ladder onto a roof

No. 2200857

Both the CAH and Elon PAC are legal because they haven't explicitly said "Vote for this candidate and we will pay you X money". So "technically" it's not illegal because they're not explicitly influencing your vote. It's fucked up which seems like what the CAH website is trying to point out, they have a section on their website talking about how the Supreme Court ruled money is speech, so Super PACs can receive and distribute money from and to whomever they please.

No. 2200859

(sage for samefagging >>2200857)
That's monstrous. I don't understand people who see their pets as just. Idk fucking assets. I watched a video the other day of a couple guys saving a dog and her puppies after the last hurricane. The puppies were stuck in the house (that was 90% flooded) while the mama was stuck on the porch outside, trying to get in to them. It's heartwrenching

No. 2200861

Has anyone heard about the people who were just rescued from a barn in North Carolina? There were dozens of people trapped there for over 12 days due to flooding and a pilot found them. I haven’t seen it from any news outlets yet so I’m not 100% sure about the accuracy, but I have gotten a lot of accurate information on tiktok from the actual people in those areas so far. Especially now that it’s being overshadowed by Milton and the tornados

No. 2200865

File: 1728538562376.mp4 (3.72 MB, 480x848, MiltonTornados.MP4)

At least 30 tornados caused by Milton have formed in Florida, here is the aftermath of one of them

No. 2200871

Can the Florida anons update please? I saw a few posts about anons not evacuating

No. 2200872

These weather events really showcase some people don't deserve to have pets.
There's a video of Florida Highway Patrol rescuing a dog that was tied to a fence on the side of the highway. It was found standing in a ditch with water that went up to its shoulders as the rains from Hurricane Milton started. It just seems to me that whoever tied it up there wanted it to die during the storm.

No. 2200880

That’s so evil. Dogs already have a low chance of survival and tying it means they literally just decided to let it die. The flooding is supposed to be like 12 feet deep in this one and cats and dogs have to not only swim for long periods of time but they have to navigate heavy or sharp debris in the current as well as deal with gators, saltwater crocodiles and sharks. I hate people who abandon animals, I don’t understand how anyone can be that heartless.

No. 2200887

Can't people take their animals with them? I understand not being able to take horses (but I also wouldn't tie them up so they have no means of escaping) but cats, dogs and other small animals? Is it because they may not have space in the hotel/house they're evaquating to? It still feels like a small problem. I've seen anons in the dog hate thread thinking people attempting to bring their pets or staying behind with them are retards and fuck that, if you abandon your pet like that you don't deserve to be called a human.

No. 2200892

Someone should give that fag a pacifier.

No. 2200898

KEK was thinking the same thing and wondering if he's blubbering about the house being focused on in the video which is at least still standing.

No. 2200900

A lot of people take their pets with them to hotels even if the hotel doesn’t allow animals, the people who leave them behind do it intentionally because they don’t care about them. They don’t see animals as having value and treat them more like accessories or something, they don’t give a shit about the animals life or how much it will suffer. People will pack up all their important belongings and just leave with the pets left behind, and when they return home they’ll just buy a new pet

No. 2200920

Does anyone in California hear loud booming noises in the sky? We’ve been hearing them around California for over a week now

No. 2200925

You're only hearing them that recently? It has been such a thing for so long where I am at that I barely think about them anymore. I just assume it's teens playing with fireworks.

No. 2200931

Do you live near a military base that might be doing training exercises?
Or you know fireworks/thunder/assholes with loud cars/gunshots/transformer exploding

No. 2201036

i've heard of people being charged with animal cruelty for leaving their dogs chained up to drown during floods. i understand that not everyone feels love for animals but if that's the case then those people shouldn't own a pet in the first place

No. 2201037

This has been happening for years. It's a mix of idiots with "fireworks", military testing, aerospace testing, and rock quarries.

No. 2201040

I don’t live near one. I thought it might be fireworks at first but it’s louder than that.

No. 2201081

Girl where in California this place is huge kek

No. 2201112

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Thanks for thinking of us nonnies. I'm on the East Coast, I lived and I still have power, but the news is insane. The wind and rain are still fierce so I'm staying indoors until it's fully over!

No. 2201238

Kinda based actually kek

No. 2201424

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Can't spurge in other threads so will spurge here about my psuedo commie waifu. She made a post defending the FTC chair Lina Khan and as usual the maga crowd is upset and the liberal crowd is telling her to wait. I just hope that blue team wins the house and when they win the house, Hakeem doesn't bully her and the progressives like Nancy did. I heard someone say that Hakeem was only being more cordial to them because they weren't in the majority in the house. I hope that's not true.

No. 2201429

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No. 2201434

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And MTG is accusing the biden of controlling the weather

No. 2201464

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just 25 more days till one half of the country implodes and i dont have to hear about politics again

No. 2201475

oh and trump can totally win, he just needs to keep Pennsylvania. this election is a nailbiter for sure.

No. 2201490

why is she so retarded? i genuinely wonder if she’s schizo
She’s defending her like they fuck. kind of cute

No. 2201499

I ship it.

No. 2201504

I spoke to my relatives living in the US and they think the NC floods were caused by the mining industry to get rid of people in the area. They also think hurricane Milton was man-made because it wasn't as destructive as they claimed it would be. Tf is wrong with your country, why do people end up like this. My relatives turned into full-blown conspiracy theorists.

No. 2201523

your relatives are just retarded, many such cases

No. 2201540

I might be retarded but I have no idea where all of that campaign money goes. It seems so wasteful

No. 2201548

I was just thinking about how worried I am for all of the animals. All of those poor cats, dogs, and horses just trapped there, it makes me too sad to think about

No. 2201550

Do horse owners not have trucks to transport their animals? What do they do if the horse needs a vet?

No. 2201551

It sounds insane but if I couldn't evacuate with my cats or take them somewhere safe I'd stay and try to protect them as well as I could. At least they wouldn't be alone and wondering where I was, I'd rather die protecting them.

No. 2201612

Some people here hear about something and then play extreme telephone to the point of nonsense.
Cloud seeding has been a thing for awhile, but I doubt it can create a Cat 5 hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. And it wouldn't benefit the current administration since the storm hit mostly blue counties.
As for them thinking the flooding was intentional, maybe they meant the handling of the situation after the flooding since I don't know how anything but misfortune and mother nature could have caused a mountain to flood like that. That area has large deposits of lithium and Kamala's husband has a vested interest in the company that wants to mine there, so it puts any improper handling of aid to the area into question.
It gets pocketed.

No. 2201631

Yeah, most horse owners should have a truck to transport them but I guess if someone owns multiple horses they wouldn't be able to take all of them, or maybe they usually don't have transportation and rent a truck for when they need one. Either way it's still more difficult to move a horse and find space for it afterwards but honestly I'd still attempt to take it with me. Unfortunately a lot of horse owners see them as assets for competitions or objects.

No. 2201702

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No. 2201707

Single issue voters are retarded but single issue voters who don't vote because of foreign affairs are the most retarded. They're especially retarded if they don't vote in state elections (for people closest to their beliefs on foreign affairs). I doubt they live in a swing state though

No. 2201757

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AOC is unfortunately straight. I'd definitely peg her as someone who would experiment. Lina gives me lesbian vibes though. They did a townhall together recently.

No. 2201772

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No. 2201790

You are one of the retard relatives in question I see. Her husband having investments isn't going to stop FEMA from going over there. Biden was praised for his and FEMA's response to the hurricane. They used up 110 million in the first day and then he said he'd get more and cover all costs for reconstruction which is usually covered by the states.

The money is spent on staff, transportation, renting spaces for the rallies, performers and speakers and down ballot races so she can get a majority house and senate and also kept for the next campaign, when she runs for reelection. A major reason why there was so much drama over who would be president was because the funds Biden raised would only be able to stay with him and maybe Harris since she was a part of the ticket but no one was sure.

No. 2201791

The major problem with Americans is that they think being nihilist makes them smart. It turns them into conspiracy theorists

No. 2201793

no, the major problem with americans is that they're fat(infight bait)

No. 2201822

MTG is a farmer?

No. 2201832

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based lets just get it over with already

No. 2201833

Leftover money literally gets pocketed. It gets transferred as "gifts" and "campaign donations" as a form of legal money laundering. It's why people were pissed at Bernie Sanders's campaign since all his money came from small donations and he kept all the unused funds. All politicians do this. It's why Biden's family kept trying to keep him in the race for as long as they did so they could keep access to the campaign funds. Trump does this. Blue or red, they all do this.
If there was any possibility mishandling of aid to a disaster area that the person in power has a direct benefit from people not being there, then it should be looked into. It should be done no matter the party, just like the Ohio and Pennsylvania Governors got looked into after that train explosion.

No. 2201844

are you not scared at all? i also really need to check if i’m still registered to vote, i’ve read shit about trumpettes deleting people’s registrations

No. 2201850

i have a friend who sent me a text about this yesterday and i wanted to throw my phone across the room. it's so brain dead. on top of it being ridiculous and easily disproven, i want to tell them that the US gov can take your land without having to create a devastating natural disaster. but i realized it makes no difference to attempt to argue some sense into her. these types aren't actually interested in facts.

No. 2201874

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I love American politics

No. 2201881

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No. 2201909

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I seriously think both him and biden have dementia. Here's a video of him dogging on detroit, in detroit.

No. 2201937

people in Detroit know what happened to Detroit was bad and they wouldn't want it repeated anywhere.

No. 2201980

it takes 5 seconds with an internet connection nonna

No. 2201989

Ok yeah I think the telephone thing is true. I did read that the situation in NC was being mishandled, but that's different from causing a flood and killing people. But no they actually think it was all a psyop or whatever.

No. 2202015

>But no they actually think it was all a psyop
That sounds like they have terminal schizo brain if they think hurricanes happening during hurricane season is a psyop. Hope they aren't bugging you about their crazy theories too much and return to normal once the election is over.

No. 2202050

You sound just like him

No. 2202087

I was asking anyone anywhere in the state, I’ve heard it in multiple areas and I’ve seen people mention it all over the state, and videos recording the same sound

No. 2202093

I’m glad you’re ok anon

No. 2202149

LOL I thought the exact same thing. Could trump-san be lurking..?

No. 2202257

I feel like I’m gonna be the only one feeling this but the fear mongering for Milton was way over the line and left me with a bad feeling. Like something about the way it was treated and people were talking about it felt so gross. I understand that Helene was really devastating and underestimated, but none of the efforts for Milton called back to Helene. Instead it was shit like
>category 6
>pushing mathematical limits for a storm
>will KILL everyone if you stay you are STUPID and DESERVE to die
>sharpie your name on your body if you stay so your body could be identified
>evacuate and if you don’t evacuate you are the dumbest person alive and this means you should die and not be rescued because you had a warning
I saw the way people, and especially those not from Florida spoke to people from Tampa and St. Pete, like if these are people that just exist like they loaded onto a map and had no prior existence. A lot of people already evacuated and while the roads did clear up it was stuck for a while and that’s scary too. Plus no gas, price gouged tickets, booked hotels. Sometimes you can’t just evacuate. No one thinks about how you have to choose between prepping and the cleanup and damage repair afterwards, or all that plus the expenses of evacuating. I know there were stubborn people, but that doesn’t mean they deserve to die in a storm. I hate when fear hype takes over because it makes prep and knowing what to do so much harder. Even my neighbors were super scared and we are in Miami, but I don’t think it’s right. I think telling people that stayed that they need to sharpie their names on their bodies was so obscene. No resources, no help even in just outlining what you can do yourself, just oh you’re gonna die. The community strengthens during hurricanes and saying shit like that doesn’t do anything but make things worse, it’s not sensible at all. And then everyone wants to put in their two cents and talk about how people are gonna die. I’m glad Milton was not that bad and wasn’t the catastrophic storm of the century it was made out to be, also because it makes all these people eat their words. There's always hurricane hype but never have I seen such sensationalized hype like this before. Lots of people expected deaths due to worry but nonnas I swear many were looking forward to people dying.

No. 2202314

The sharpie thing is because it’s the best way to identify the dead, it’s nothing for you to get upset about. If you’re about to experience a natural disaster then yes, you should try to make yourself identifiable in case you don’t survive. And yes, if you don’t evacuate then it isn’t fair or reasonable to expect someone to come save you during the storm, that’s ridiculous. It doesn’t matter why you didn’t evacuate, it’s simply too dangerous for first responders to risk their lives to save someone who stayed behind, and it’s incredibly expensive too, that money would be better spent helping the victims who survived and rebuilding.

While it’s tragic that some people were unable to evacuate, the truth of the matter is that most people who stayed behind elected to do so because they thought they would be fine. There was a young man who stayed behind in his high rise apartment just to film TikTok content, and he went outside during the storm just for likes and views. It’s ignorant.
There was also some rich lady who said she and her husband and adult children were all staying behind because their beachfront house had been built by her husband to withstand storms. People think they were just trying to advertise her husband’s business so that more people hire him to build their homes. What’s she didn’t realize is that hurricanes can change the landscape and erode beaches, so her beachfront home could end up in the ocean from the shoreline changing. Her account got banned because of how dangerous it was. Some people choose to stay behind and then start panicking once they’re alone in the storm, and start crying and screaming about how they need to be rescued, which just puts more lives at risk and wastes everyone’s money.

Milton was downgraded to a cat 3, but was predicted to be an unprecedented cat 6, people were correct to panic about that. It isn’t fear mongering to be afraid of a natural disaster, nor is it fear mongering to warn people that they won’t survive a cat 6.

No. 2202335

Nta but I thought another part of the sharpie thing was that you should write your blood type, so that if you get caught in the flood or otherwise maimed and separated from your identification then you can still get treatment even if you're not conscious. I don't know if that's actually true though, just what I heard

No. 2202341

this might be a radical take but stupid stubborn misinformed or arrogant people don’t deserve to die or be sentenced to live with their mistakes because of a personality flaw. money is better spent saving human lives than on infrastructure. people and animal lives are more important.

No. 2202346

That might be part of it. I just know that a lot of the time in natural disasters many of the dead are never identified. People come to try and identify their loved ones but sometimes there are just too many bodies, most of them end up unrecognizable, especially in hurricanes where they end up submerged in water, partially eaten by animals or sometimes dismembered by the debris floating around.

No. 2202354

I don’t think they deserve to die either, but you’re forgetting that the lives of the rescuers are put at risk by having to go save them. They help people evacuate before the storm, it isn’t fair to make them go help people during the storm when they’ll most likely die. There’s also the logistical aspect of it which you’re forgetting- they can’t use helicopters because of the wind, they can’t drive because of the flooding, they can’t use air boats because of the debris (cars, parts of structures that broke off, random poles and things that broke, literally anything that was outside during the hurricane will float around and can easily kill people), so how are they supposed to get to them? How do they move through several feet of water with winds moving over 100 mph, with giant sharp objects flying through the air and giant sharp objects drifting in the water?

No. 2202404

radical take but we shouldn't be saving retards who have chosen to die

No. 2202415

No. 2202616

Emergency services and rescuers obviously don’t have to go right in the thick of the storm or when it’s still dangerous. But if they see someone in need they’re not going to be like yo this dumb faggot stayed behind let her die no don’t give out that aid. Some seem to think they should but I disagree. Never during a hurricane has there been any rescues, that is always the next day when the storm has passed since hurricanes are usually a few hours. But as the day goes damage is assessed. I guess my wording of “deserved to die in a storm” was confusing but I just mean that someone shouldn’t be marked for dead for choosing to stay behind. Like if a tree falls on someone’s house, no, a rescuer shouldn’t have to come in a sweep the person away right away. But if they’re killed by the tree it doesn’t make them stupid or a retard or deserving of it because they didn’t leave. And if they’re found once the storm is gone they will be rescued. I am retard, but I’ve seen and heard many people have this lost cause line of thinking that I’ve never seen for a hurricane. Maybe I’m wrong. I had family who don’t live in the US call my mom scared and worried asking if we’re leaving when we were away from the path. No one called before or after Irma which for my area had some kind of impact. I’m not gonna act like I saw horrors and lost my house especially when devastation is real and when it comes to the east mainly destroys the Caribbean and bad hurricanes like Ian and Helene happened but like I just found everything with Milton to be kinda ridiculous. Death is possible and no I don’t like cloutchasers but even though there can be a bunch of blame on a person like it’s their fault they didn’t leave, didn’t secure the house enough, their fault for even living in Florida, it’s not their fault the storm happened to cross their path.

Do you live here and evacuate every time a hurricane comes? I’m not trying to be facetious, I just see it differently

No. 2202622

I'm really glad Hurricane Milton didn't hurt as bad as everyone thought it would. Although, this and Hurricane Helene (which did hit my state) is gonna make me finally put together a little emergency supplies bag.

No. 2202630

Did anyone get hurt by the fallen crane? Also why would they not put that crane down before the hurricane started!?

No. 2202636

It takes like a week to lower huge cranes like that, they didn’t have enough warning to take it down. I don’t know why they didn’t take it down as much as they could though, it could have fallen on a residential building

No. 2202641

Thank you for answering! They are beyond lucky it didn’t fall on residential homes wow.

No. 2202699

They don’t deserve to die, but they are still really fucking stupid to stay behind if they have the option to evacuate.

No. 2202735

It's too late, they also now believe in reptile people and that aliens made the pyramids. I'm so sad this happened to them, we used to get along so well.

No. 2203362

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kek burgers. what is your response? this is probably the kindest thing said about you in this video(ragebait)

No. 2203366

probably the wrong time to post this with the hurricane and everything

No. 2203390

I don't care what foreigners have to say because I've never encountered one that knows how to apply deodorant. They all smell like BO and therefore don't matter.

No. 2203402


Yes I feel like for all our issues we are less xenophobic on average as a nation.

No. 2203485

America is far ahead of other countries in terms of race relations, despiste having had slavery. We at least talk about racism, when other groups won’t even discuss it or listen to the people being oppressed. African American culture is at the core of American culture and they’ve made huge changes in terms of civil rights, and they’ve also been behind other important causes like disabled rights and welfare. European countries are living in the 1950s in terms of racism and misogyny, it’s like a different planet. Other areas are even worse. I always thought America was an incredibly bigoted, racist, misogynistic country but while those things are definitely a problem, we have less racism and bigotry than anywhere else. People are the most open to foreigners and immigrants here, while Europeans specifically are incredibly xenophobic.

I don’t really care about what Russians of all people think of Americans because they’re living in a literal nightmare of a culture. Domestic violence was decriminalized, and they’re on a different level of misogyny over there. I remember one story about a woman trapped in a marriage with a ln abusive psycho, and he ended up cutting both of her hands off with an axe. She was victim blamed for it by Russian men and women, the usual things say like “she must have done something first” or “what did she do to him to make him snap in the first place” and of course saying that if he had been abusive then she should have left, ignoring that it’s even harder for Russian women to escape DV situations. Everyone sided with him. There are misogynistic victim blames in America too but not to that extent, someone would have to be a literal psychopath to blame the woman in that scenario here. I’ve also heard multiple stories of girls or young women trying to disfigure their pretty female friends out of jealousy, there was a Russian model who went back home for a visit and her friends gathered to wait for her and tried to cut her face with blades, because they were jealous of her success. I’ve heard of other instances of it happening too it’s like their version of an acid attack. Russian men are all violent pedos and the women become hardcore pickmes to cope. They also allow teenage girls to legally prostitute themselves and it’s sen as normal, women will encourage their daughters and granddaughters to do it.

No. 2203491

We're worried about the multiple natural disasters happening across multiple states and the upcoming election right now, who the fuck cares about this literal who. "Americans are fat and dumb" is the same old stuff people say all the time, what do you want us to say?

No. 2203513

I hate when non Americans come to shit up the thread with their retardation

No. 2203693

Why do NEETs on welfare make American wage slaves seethe so much? They are willing to let poor children starve just to punish some imaginary NEETs abusing the system. Is it jealousy? Being a NEET sounds better than being a wage slave imo. Working hard just to live in a roachy apartment and only being able to afford walmart is more embarrassing than living with your parents or using welfare. Me and my mom are both NEET twinz and when I mention this anywhere online or irl some1 seethes.

No. 2203733

Forgive them nona they are delirious from the BO and shithole country swamp ass fumes

No. 2203735

I know people like you and your mom in real life and all anyone thinks is you make shitty decisions and dig your own holes, can't go anywhere, can't drive or have your own cars, refuse using the public transit because it gives you anxiety, order an Uber and Uber Eats all the time and own pets and wonder why the PETS get disabled because you're too agoraphobic to take them out for exercise. What are the upsides to this life

No. 2203743

It is factual that we're one of the fattest countries and have some of the lowest K-12 test scores of any first world country. Can't be mad at facts tbh.

No. 2203807

Neither of those things are true, we are not one of the fattest countries and haven’t been for a while. The UK is fatter than the US, most other European countries are very close to us. The fattest countries are in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East.

Our test scores are among the top in the world, only a few European countries are ahead of us and the rest are behind. East Asian countries are far ahead of everyone else in terms of k-12 education, but they think American k-12 education is great. Seething Eurodivergents are the only ones who think American education is bad, and that’s because they fabricated an internet rumor that American education is on par with third world countries, which is completely false.

No. 2203808

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Die mad Eurodivergents

No. 2203812

She looks like Mexico's president

No. 2203814

Nonnies which males do you think have the highest likelihood of being gay on the DL? I personally think athletes and men who like to go on hunting trips and camping trips with their ugly male friends, because I’ve heard countless stories of them brokeback mountaining with each other on hunting/camping trips. And frat bros all rape each other, there is no such thing as a frat bro who isn’t gay and raped.

No. 2203820

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With just a month to go, what's the craziest thing that could possibly happen on election day? We've already had two alleged assassination attempts, Joe nearly dying as well and the world's first TIF VP.

No. 2203821

fat balding males. they are too ugly to be picked by a man so they settle for women because women don't have standards. but they still fuck tranny prostitutes behind their wives back.

No. 2203822

No. 2203827

True. Conservative men are also huge fans of troon prostitutes

No. 2203828

>the world's first TIF VP
Wtf did I miss?

No. 2203829

If trump is elected he’ll make himself a dictator and Elon Musk will be his sex slave and right hand man, and will also end up taking over when he’s had enough rape

No. 2203833

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No. 2204004

Good for Estonia and Canada damn.
Clearly doesn't scale to relative wealth of the population, Norway is surprisingly abysmal for such a wealthy economy.

No. 2204114

In Norway, scores are probably brought down by all the immigrants.

No. 2204121

That would be true of many countries on that list though anon

No. 2204123

JD Vance

No. 2204126

Yea, it probably is true of many countries. Some vet their immigrants to take more educated people though, whereas Norway took refugees without strong educational/financial backgrounds

No. 2204144

NTA. It's true that Middle Eastern and specifically North African countries have very high obesity rates, and so do some Latin-American countries, but America still obesity-mogs them.
There are a handful of islands like Tonga and Palau that are fatter, but America still wins. The United Kingdom is not fatter.

No. 2204166

Wikipedia isn’t an accurate source, the US hasn’t been one of the most obese countries in a long time. In this you can see the top countries and America’s ranking. The average bmi in the US is 26.5 for women and 27.2 in the UK for women

No. 2204167

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Dropped the image

No. 2204272

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Idk about you guys but I don't think Arnold Schwarzenegger should've been allowed to be a governor, especially not for as long as he was. He wasn't even born or raised here.

No. 2204296

me too anon. I had a friend (we all live in central FL) who was mad that he did all this hurricane prep for nothing to happen and I chewed him out for thinking that way. I know a moid is gonna moid but jesus christ i'm so tired of people frothing at the mouth wanting hordes of people to die and experience total destruction of their lives

No. 2204299

>should've been allowed
Someone without any power whatsoever shouldn't be using those words.

No. 2204306

Would you say they shouldn't be allowed?

No. 2204360

No. That's besides point.

No. 2204472

I'm a teacher here in America. It is bad, and we all know it. Common Core has been a cancer killing our education system these last couple decades. Pushing kids through to the next grade even though they failed literally everything in the previous grade. It's insane how fucked things are here. East Asia is doing it right and we need to take a page out of their book.

No. 2204474

He was better than Newsom at least. Aynone and everyone is better than Newsom. Dude's batshit insane and passing the most asinine laws at a lightning fast rate.

No. 2204693

kek ok anon

No. 2205669

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Idk how reliable this is but looks like Trump is winning. Again, take it with a grain of salt cuz I heard the website this came from isn’t reliable but looks like the tradwives are winning the day

No. 2205840

It's going to be a while before American men will accept having a woman, a non-white one at that, for a leader. Harris really doesn't stand a chance.

No. 2205879

Yup, I've had this feeling for awhile now. And either way, it feels like a losing situation for any female presidential candidates (at least for awhile). If Kamala gets elected, everything she does will be heavily scrutinized. Then they'll say, "see this is why we can't have a woman president." If she loses, they'll say, "see women aren't electable! Look at Hillary, look at Kamala!"

No. 2206072

Sounds about right. All this "get out and vote" shit is so pointless. Electoral votes are all that matter and people need to accept it.

No. 2206073

100%, which is sad when you realize that even Middle Eastern countries have had female leaders. The misogyny in America is next-level ridiculous.

No. 2206414

It's not about her being a woman, it's about her being a shit candidate. She was never popular even among democrats so why anyone thought that she would have wider appeal is a mystery. To add to that, her entire campaign has been a poorly managed fuck up.

No. 2206808

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The life expectancy in the south is worse than most third world countries.

No. 2206812

As a southerner myself, our food is very delicious but not very nutritious.

No. 2206815

The life expectancy is worse than Palestine's, how does that even happen

No. 2206824

Probably a mixture of things. Like in Louisiana specifically, there’s Cancer Alley and a huge drinking culture. Then there’s other stuff that’s universal in the south like terrible healthcare, really delicious but bad for your health food, a shit ton of poverty, etc. It’s a recipe for terrible life expectancy.

No. 2206837

poverty, drugs and alcohol, bad healthcare, and obesity. I hate red necks so much they're an unmannered disease. I'm on the border where it's considered actual south and redneck boomers are so quick to anger and being offended by such little things, but still will yell at you like you're a retard. There's a really old farmer near me with arthritis and the only people that help him out are women yet he'll still spew the most Trump pro-life sexist comments you'll ever hear

No. 2206838

Regardless of who gets elected in November I hope our next president blows up every European country so they can’t talk shit and spread inaccuracies about Americans anymore

No. 2206856

kamala only appeals to a very small subset of people, usually those upper middle class or ultra wealthy liberals who live in their own tiny bubbles on the east or west coast. they have no connection to anyone's life outside of their little inner circle of friends so they always shoot themselves in the foot by being snobby, elitist, or just straight up mean to anyone who isn't just like them. and the black community won't accept her because of her questionable history, so they can't push her on us either despite them trying very hard to suddenly shoehorn her into blackness. but it's really anyone's guess what will happen on election night. a part of me thinks she will become president since there seems to be a push from the "system" to get her into office. i don't feel the same push anymore behind donald trump like i did in the past. him getting involved with the christian nationalists is not a good look since they're trying to send the country back into 1718. at the end of the day, whoever upholds the capitalist interests of ceos and billionaires in this country wins. they might like what trump represents but these men are not interested in living in a fascist theocracy since they're guilty of having affairs and doing all sorts of crazy things.

No. 2207000

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Part of the problem is the pollution in the Mississippi River and it's tributaries, including the Ohio River and the Red River. By the time it reaches Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi it's liquid poison loaded with carcinogenic pesticide run off, effluent from petrochemical plants and leachate from landfills.

No. 2207003

Trumper cope
She has 80 percent of the black vote and appeals to the majority of women. Why does a rapist moid seem better to you. He diddles kids

No. 2207010

What are you talking about. You'd have to be a brainwashed tradwife to think this

No. 2207159

If I was incorrect we wouldn't be having this conversation and she would be ahead in the polls. She doesn't have mass appeal and her campaign has realized this too late.

No. 2207287

+ early voting statistics are out and she's doing amazing in michigan. Black female turnout is expected to be really high, same for female turnout in general

No. 2207343


She would not be ahead in the polls in a country as sexist as america. It's funny how you rage at moids all day but suddenly they are completely logical in this moment. They voted for a rapist over hillary and they're gonna do it again. Keep sucking them off, one of them will marry you

No. 2207378

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She's right nonnie, Kamala couldn't even get her own state's primary in 2020 and dropped out before endorsing and working for a man she previously called a rapist (or was it racist?). She's only a presidential candidate this time because the party primary rules apparently don't matter when DeMoCraCy Is On ThE lInE. She's going to lose because she was everybody's last choice last time and Trumpers are ultra big mad about 2020. Before you call me a moid or tradwife, I'm not voting Republican either, and I hope the DNC is at least paying you to shill her here.

No. 2207418

It's not shilling, it's being a realistic person. You being a nonvoter/third party voter doesn't make you less of a retard who thinks being contrarian makes you smart. Thats actually the issue with most americans, they are fucking stupid and chose to believe the most outlandish shit just because it's different. Kamala not being the best of the Democrats does not make her worse than Trump. The fact is, America is full of retards, and when more women are forced to carry babies they don't want to term, at least you can pat yourself on the back for being so enlightened.
Just to debunk: she won senator in her state, and then she ran out of money because she was going against heavyweights like Warren, Bernie, and Biden. She also addressed the busing situation and said that Biden apologized to her. But I know how simply mentioning racism is a damned if you do, damned if you don't. Would you rather she seethe at him for the rest of her life? Aren't white feminists like you super gung-ho about being forgiving of racism? Her favorability ratings are also higher than bidens, biden was everybody's last choice. Trump should be everybody's last choice but again, they are fucking retards like you.

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