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No. 493752[Reply]

Dungeon Slave Edition

Previous threads:
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No. 496218

Lmao what the fuck

No. 496221

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Yes. I pay attention to Luigis cock so much that the feds have forced him to cover it by handcuffing his hands to his rapebelt every time he makes an appearance

No. 496223

KEK yeah it’s my right to thirst over this slut

No. 496226

should say nonnies thirst over my rights

No. 496240

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No. 306574[Reply]

I keep encountering this problem in my dating life, Im becoming hopeless.
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No. 496142

How are their moids? Any different from the Indians ?

No. 496153

Are you being ironic about picrel? White men running pedo rings doesn't mean they rape more than non-white men from other countries, or that non-white men are better or less abusive. It just means white men have more money and better resources, so it's easier for them to organize and run pedo rings.
No, most groomers/rapists/abusers in Asia are not white. That's a huge generalization. There are 48 countries in Asia, and white men represent a tiny fraction of all the men in Asia. By numbers alone it's obvious most rapists are in fact natives.
This is 100% NOT a race issue, it's a MALE issue. If they could, they would all offend at the same rate.

No. 496179

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I like: Hardworking, practical, grounded, hates social media, strong build or lean, handyman, realistic, down-to-earth, no nonsense man. Or tall big nosed, academic men who aren't annoying or pretentious, focuses on their career, they are realistic about their goals.
What I seem to attract: stick-thin, unemployed, clingy, very emotional, wannabe artist men. Or techbros who invest in crypto.

I'm done with the "I'll be famous one day" men. For some reason they are super annoying kek I used to think artistic types were nice and that is love them, until I had the chance of dating/meeting some.

No. 496210

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I want a thoughtful, sensitive, kind type of guy, but I only seem to attract fuckboys and creeps. I'm a NEET now but the few guys that liked me in school were all popular guys who were considered the most handsome in our area. The thing is that their personalities are crap. One of them was a 4chan user that used to send me shock videos to fluster me like a psychopath, and another one made rap songs on SoundCloud about gangbanging. Why can't any normal guys like me? My dream guy is a sweet boy-next-door or a shy gentleman.

No. 496246

Skinny sensitive nerdy men are generally into big muscular sporty women or tall glamorous sexy women. Or submissive anime lolis.
As far as I'm aware no man has ever been attracted to me and I'm not especially broken up about the fact but I wouldn't mind a boyfriend. But only a boyfriend who is happy with a sexless romance (<-99.99% men disqualified by this standard) and doesn't try to take a role as the "masculine assertive partner".

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No. 70148[Reply]

Is anyone a gold digger? Not a sugar baby. The type of gold diggers I talk about are basically scammers because they never give up sex.
How did you get started and what was the biggest gift/request you received?
I've started reading the book Ho Tactics and it's pretty good.
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No. 496149

Come on nonna, seriously? That's not gold digging, that's being an underpaid full time bangmaid, carer and therapist to a drug addled BPD schizo who's more walled, less hygienic and less articulate than all the residents of a meth house put together. He'll have issues leaking out of his ass and somehow it's going to be your fault. If you like the fantasy of dating an ultra rich moid, go read some fanfic.

No. 496152

My sister dated one. He was a love bombing narc and eventually cheated on her. He still tries to contact her to this day.

No. 496154

Am I supposed to know who that is?

No. 496155

That's literally the opposite of gold digging

No. 496162

hi sivi

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No. 462334[Reply]

Gentleman Jack Edition

This is a thread for gold star lesbians. If you're not a gold star, please refrain from posting in this thread. If you're unsure about your sexual orientation and would like to talk about it, post in the Questioning Sexuality thread to avoid infighting and derailing itt.

>what is a gold star lesbian?

a "gold star lesbian" is a female homosexual who has never had sex with a male.

>picrel is from the historical drama television series 'Gentleman Jack', set in the 1830s in Yorkshire. The series is based on the diaries of 19th-century Englishwoman Anne Lister, which span an estimated 5 million words, about a sixth of which are written in a secret code, documenting her lifetime of lesbian relationships. She was famously dubbed "the first modern lesbian" for her groundbreaking revelations from her diaries.

>Lister was from a minor landowning family at Shibden in Calderdale, West Riding of Yorkshire. She openly engaged in same-sex relationships and had several female partners— the first when she 15 years old.

>Anne’s journals detailed a lesbian lifestyle many thought had not existed in the past. Her promiscuity showed not only that women found her attractive but that sexual lesbian desire had been far more commonplace than was thought. Anne’s diaries and their explicit sexual details were so shocking that some even believed they were a hoax.

>Her final significant relationship was with Ann Walker, to whom she was notionally married in Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, York, which is now celebrated as the birthplace of lesbian marriage in Britain.

Read more about Anne Lister here:
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No. 495842

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it's so annoying and prudish, 99% of lesbians no matter what do all of their shit in the bedroom and talking about it online doesn't mean you have to engage with it. they get insecure about our existence and feel like us only liking women and only ever fucking with women is us powerscaling lesbianism. the type of women we like makes them insecure too. the purity wars they start and incredibly annoying

No. 496146

is that chappelle roan?

No. 496147

Of course it is

No. 496173

A big root cause of the problem of policing lesbianism with a constant background paranoia of 'the male gaze' and 'trooniness', is the politicisation of sexuality- I understand that many here are radical feminists, but some, I feel, have gaslighted themselves into 'lesbianism' because it's 'based' and means they don't need men, and insist that fawning over their husbandos is normal lesbian behaviour- to have been exposed to such a narrative as a lesbian struggling to accept herself was really confusing- if I have not been able to have these feelings about the male form, am I not a lesbian like them? Am I just 'p0rn brained' if I like seeing 'scrotey' characters, and women in skimpy clothes sometimes, and not a real lesbian?
It's been really good to divorce sexuality from politics and what is acceptable. And to see this thread, to be allowed to express sexuality, and appreciation of the female form, is really refreshing. It actually felt homophobic to be told that's 'man brained, scrote brained' whatever- that was the core source of insecurity about my sexuality.
I think making this thread 'gold star' takes away from the focus of simply only liking women, and frames it as a reaction to pretenders and homophobic bisexual women- I think if we had stricter parametres, and maybe were in a less political space (this site is quite political) people would be less desperate to take on this lesbian label to be 'based', and there would be more focus on homosexual women just chatting about life and s*x and whatever, having fun. I want to see these threads become silly again. That's all.
Also, to the bi women that insist on using the label- there is nothing wrong with you if you like men. You don't have to be ashamed, and you can still choose who you date based on your political alignments- it's just that, when you use a label that's not yours, you confuse people who actually belong in that group, and people may find is less believable that a woman is a homosexual, when they see a 'lesbian' thirst over men or switch sides back to men- that could really hurt the community. I really hope you guys can accept yourselves in peace, and love yourselves as you are, there is nothing wrong with you (bi women), I just hope you can label yourselves more honestly.

No. 496325

ayrt and yeah she’s really ugly lol

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No. 445663[Reply]

Discuss goth music, makeup, fashion that you love. People you admire, gossip, news, etc.

previous thread:
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No. 495937

I remember that show haha. I didn't watch it a lot but I do remember when he was on it, handsome devil he was. Yeah I think he has hung up his vampire cape because seeing what's he's like now going off his Instagram like I mentioned before, he doesn't seem to be into it anymore and if the scene has gotten really weird compared to the 90s and early 00s, I can see why he preferred to move on form it. Shame though because he rocked the look.

No. 495943

WAIT, WHAT? Vampires get even weirder then they already been in the '90s? How de fuck is it even possible?

No. 495971

Ever hear about the catgirl manor?

No. 496112

No, but what's on wikipedia looks pretty normal compared to what I remember vampire crowd doing.

No. 496196

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Wow I love how their homes have such character and express their personality! Interior is so hard for me to do. The coffins actually look cozy with the cushioning.
Kek at the lady
>its my favorite suicide

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No. 348009[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/174637
Talk about sex toys, stimulation, techniques, etc.
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No. 496065

Do it sitting on the toilet? Do it over a bucket?

No. 496066

I might just kill myself

No. 496075

Buy a plastic tarp

No. 496089

practice kegels

No. 496133

schlick in the shower. that's how other women i know deal with it

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No. 303045[Reply]

Previous thread: >>170544

Post anything and everything makeup here: product reviews, product questions, cool looks, etc. Thinking of compiling a document with products that get mentioned a lot for future OP posts so feel free to suggest your faves!
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No. 488092

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No. 488169

Nta but the upper lip is the same color as the lower lip, its just a dark burgundy lipstick with gloss on top

No. 494746

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Any recommendations for a budget friendly navy/dark blue or grey mascara? I used to get Kiko's smart colour mascara in navy blue but it appears to be discontinued

No. 496046

What's your favorite eyeshadow primer? I've been using the Urban Decay ones for like 10 years but I'm wondering if there are better ones out there

No. 496069

Kek are you me? I was thinking about this yesterday after using Too Faced for so long.

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No. 444697[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>393926
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No. 496041

At my old job a regular customer was a retired firefighter and he was always (politely) annoying about offering to help when anyone had a flat tire or other car problem he noticed. He was nosy but never did anything over the line.

No. 496049

Tell her you're a virgin straight away. If you don't she'll probably want to take a look inside by putting in a speculum and you will suffer. It's uncomfortable even for women who have had sex already because it stretches your vagina so she can see all the way to your cervix. It's also relevant for the kinds of exams she'll ask (e.g. intravaginal ultrasound which also involves being penetrated by a tool).

No. 496052

Thank you, I'll definitely do that.

No. 496159

I don't know where you're from but in my country we have a website that list "safe" gynecologists and midwives, ie they won't give you shit for your appearance, your lifestyle or your beliefs. I'm also a 30+ year old virgin and I went to see a midwife and a gynecologist for the first time on suspicion of ovarian cysts and everything went well.

No. 496170

Oh thank you. I just can't help but feel cautious about things like this. I will keep my distance for now tho

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No. 447876[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/418013
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No. 496016

Can you download tinder? It's kind of a garbage and probably even worse now but I met my husband on there… I don't get out a lot and couldn't figure out how else to meet men. You might not be undesirable either, most people use dating apps nowadays and don't think to approach a woman outside of that context.

No. 496023

I make the first move, that doesn't mean I make all the moves.

No. 496026

NTA (that anon was probably reply OP and responded in my stead) but: CUCK.(infight bait)

No. 496028

i tried dating apps a few years ago and found them extremely uncomfortable, plus i got little interest. im so scared at even the thought of going on a date if im being honest, i feel so inadequate. so i probably shouldnt be dating at all. i feel like the only way i could do it is if i was friends with a guy first, but at the moment i have no guy friends.

No. 496104

Giving subtle signs and flirting is just coaxing the guy to make a move though and I do encourage it, my point still stands.

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No. 392054[Reply]

Post anything you can think of. Specific clothing, styles, whatever.
>button down shirts
>more suits
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No. 492552

Zhupan + Kuntush FTW

No. 493070

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No. 493501

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No. 495969

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No. 496205

As faggy as it looks… leather daddy outfit, the one with leather harness and jockstrap

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