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No. 425085[Reply]

A thread for anons who do not want kids in any context, whether biological, adopted, or step. Discuss anything relevant to a childfree lifestyle here. Antinatalist viewpoints/discussion welcome.
Previous thread: >>>/g/156622
Please abstain from posting if you have children.
181 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 483961

Society, since it's ruled by moids, doesn't want women to be happy and free.
I came across that comment on reddit, exhibit like this one should take place in every city.

>There's this exhibit in the museum of surgical science in Chicago where they display a collection of letters written by women to planned parenthood in the 1920s.

>They were asking for advice on how to stop having babies as resources for sex education were abysmal back then.
>Almost any time a woman had this many kids the letter would be like "I'm 25 and I have 8 children. I love them but if I have to have another one I will end my life. Please tell me how to not have anymore babies."

No. 484246

seeing my sister in laws family makes me so happy to be childfree. she got knocked up soon and got three kids to a shitty scrote, so now she's a single mother. she's always a burden on her parents because she drops them off day and night at their grandparents place. the two older kids are brats and the oldest acts straight up evil. the tv is on with cocomelon on all day. it's pure hell. just visiting for an evening is bad enough, i couldn't do it full time. i'm just happy to have a partner who is happy with having cats and doesn't want kids either.
i'd rather not be a parent at all than be a shitty one like that, it's so easy to fuck up a kid for life

No. 484407

I absolutely absolutely hate baby fever. They're ugly. And how my parents want grandchildren. Like nooo, they're fucking ugly and annoying.

No. 484456

Moids want women to have +8 kids.

That's why french government is so lazy with immigration.

No. 484815

he should be taxed extra for being fat

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No. 394891[Reply]

A thread for butch lovers, by butch lovers.

>Post images of butches you find cute please

>Opinion on the terms butch? Masc?
>Vent for troonism within the community?
>History with butches or current crushes?
>Butch Lesbian Scene?
>Media with butches?
>Are you butch4butch, butch4femme, or butch4both?
>Are you stone, switch, or a bottom?
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No. 481865

God I wish it were me and not you.

No. 483754

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No. 483970

I love butches but they don’t love me back

No. 484247

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syd ily 4eva

No. 484405

Why not anon? I'm sure you're fine

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No. 444331[Reply]

Welcome to the Emergency Room! Experiencing symptoms and need some quick guidance? This thread is here for anyone looking to discuss health concerns, symptoms, or urgent questions. While this isn’t a substitute for professional medical care, farmers can share insights and personal experiences to help you navigate your next steps. But remember, when in doubt, always seek immediate help from a healthcare provider!
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No. 483846

Cant even stretch my calves and feet upon waking, without getting a muscle cramp. Got both calves at once, and almost a left foot cramp. I can still feel the soreness on my calves.

I eat healthy, little to no junk food, I eat veggies. I could drink more water, but not sure that would be enough to cause it.

Even doing chores, or walking on uneven ground surfaces outside esp when cold, can trigger a foot cramp.

Its getting ridiculous, I should be able to do more than that without that happening.

Could it be a magnesium deficiency, or something else?

No. 483867

Can you stand with both feet flat on the floor?

No. 483959

You should eat magnesium every day, I have cramps in my calves too and it's impossible to live without magnesium. If i get a cramp my leg hurts for couple of days too.
Coffee eats up your magnesium so if you drink coffee you need to eat even more magnesium.
If that doesn't help in 2 weeks of magnesium every day i'd go to the doctor.

No. 484157

Yes mostly. But ever since that calf cramp yesterday, upon waking, standing with my one foot flat on the floor is uncomfortable and I have to avoid doing so. Usually it doesnt do this, its just recent after the bad calf cramp.

Ill look into it, and yes, I love coffee. Ive heard of epsom salt feet soaks, but Im not sure that would be enough magnesium.

Thanks nonnas.

No. 484197

I have had intense calf and foot cramps for a year and once I cut caffeine out it disappeared (that, and buying new shoes). My ballerina flats were 5-years old and constant wear and tear diminished their arch support.

Any med or pharmaceutical nonnies here willing to give me some info on Advil-abuse? I’ve been taking Advil extra strength like 4x every month on my period week for massive hormonal headaches. Apparently taking them long term like that isn’t good for you and they can cause non-serious chest pains, which I’ve been having. I went to the doctors and they thought I was crazy since my vitals are all good and I do not have a heart problem.

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No. 48533[Reply]

Please feel free to vent or ask for advice in this thread pertaining to sexual abuse or harassment, etc

I'm looking for advice on how to build a healthy sexual relationship with my partner after my bad past. We've been married two years and he's fantastic. But my libido is very low and I have a feeling it might be tied to poor sexual relationships I'd had before. Starting at 8 years old and then on out. I'm not really bothered by the past but I think my mind is instantly associating sex with bad times, which shouldn't be the case since my husband is lovely. But my brain instantly is telling me that I dont want to do this or that its just a hassle. Often times when we begin fooling around I get stomach aches that will go away basically instantly when we stop, like he can tell I'm not in the mood so we wont continue. I never thought much of it, I always thought it was just something I ate. But today I figured out maybe it could be anxiety related.

I just want to be able to have a normal sex life with him where we can fool around and have fun, but I feel so bad for having something -wrong- with me. If anons have any advice i'd love to hear. I'm too poor for a therapist and I've scoured the internet for advice as well
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No. 469899

would identifying as sexually abused help you in any way or would it reinforce a victim and inferiority complex within you? not sure why youd want to turn the situation violent in your mind when it was merely awkward. youre just flattering yourself

No. 469908

Personally I wouldn't trust the intentions of any male gyno, they're all creeps. Even when it comes to regular male doctors, I've experienced more that've acted creepy in some way than ones that have acted professionally. Regardless though, I am sorry that happened to you, and I would suggest you file a complaint as it is inappropriate regardless of his intentions. To answer your question, I wouldn't consider it sexual abuse, but rather harrassment.

No. 482330

A man who raped me when I was 18 and groomed me when I was 16 is a YouTuber. He’s not famous in the sense that he’s well liked. He pretends to be an amateur paleontologist online and makes “dinosaur sound recreations” that is usually a lower pitch jeep or alligator. His videos get reposted a lot.
He pretends to his fan base that he is “dying” and I can’t wait for this fucker to actually die like he says he is. I met him because he was a family friend of a family member of mine that committed suicide. This disgusting man held a gun to my head and lied to me to get me into his house because he claimed to have my loved ones belongings. When I saw the gun after he took me upstairs to grab what I thought would be my family members belongings I froze. He then jumped on me and started kissing me and undressing me. He managed to grab a knife and held it against my neck and I begged him to stop. When I kept dissociating and refusing to kiss him, he started to strangle me and I can still feel how bad my head felt and my eyes were going to burst.
Also he wears a wig on his livestreams. He’s completely bald. I wish I could expose him but I can’t. I lack evidence. He has multiple restraining orders from ex girlfriend’s and his own sister. I feel so fucking lost and I wish my family member never committed suicide so I wouldn’t have met this fucking freak.

No. 483719

So I just found out that more than 50% of people have oral herpes, and around 12% have genital herpes. I was raped as a child by a man who had a body count in the hundreds. Given this, is it pretty much impossible for me to not have contracted it? It has been almost a decade since what happened and I've never had any oral or genital sores, but I know that it's also possible to never have any symptoms. My boyfriend who had no sexual experience prior to me and is the only other sex partner I've had, also does not have any symptoms. I'm really worried about this, and considering I have no lesions, it isn't possible for me to get it tested under the NHS. I'd have to pay to get a blood test done privately, which seems to be unreliable anyway. Is it still worth looking into, or should I just let go of it?

No. 483942

If you have never had any physical symptoms, even after all this time, I think you are fine and have nothing to worry about. It is not impossible that you haven’t contracted it, even if that man did have herpes himself. If you did have it, you would have had at least one physical outbreak by now, either orally or genitally. In my opinion, it’s not worth getting a blood test, but I know that it’s probably hard to feel at ease. If you think you will not be able to let this go until you know “for sure,” and if you can afford a blood test, there’s no harm in getting one.

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No. 393378[Reply]

A thread to discuss your attachment style, attachment issues, venting, how it impacts your life, how you deal with it etc.
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No. 474355

Disorganized with a hard swing toward avoidance these last few years. I've put a lot of work into fixing anxious attachment patterns and push-pull tendencies. Now I'm having to confront the fact that too much avoidance is straining my relationships. I'm angry and frustrated about the whole thing even though I'm still going to do the work because I feel like nothing actually works.

No. 483577

No. 483581

Yes, I can relate to that. I also get attached very quickly and get very clingy. I tend to apologize a lot and if my boyfriend's tone of voice changes or he behaves slightly different I immediately sense it and it gives me a tremendous amount of anxiety. The shitty thing is that I attracted a lot of moids in the past that emotionally abused me and that made me feel like I wasn't good enough. When I was a kid I got bullied a lot and my parents were very controlling and immature. Sometimes minor things upset them and then I had to make myself invisible to not get yelled at. I've also been a crybaby since childhood. My mother complained a lot about me crying and throughout my whole life I heard "you are too sensitive" or "you need too much". I developed recurring depression and an avoidant personality disorder. I am on meds and seeking therapy which made it a lot better though

No. 483582

Your mom's right though, you do need to toughen up and stay away from moids until you are. Otherwise they'll see through it and keep abusing you

No. 484092

I've had a string of overly enmeshed toxic codependant relationships so I'm trying polyamory and it's working better tbh. I feel like I'm keeping my sense of self and not losing myself in the other person. It's kind of nice to just have loving semi attatchment without this feeling of ownership or like I need us to "complete" each other. It's probably what monog relationships are like for non bpd ptsd addled folk. No idea if I'll be into this structure long term but it seems to be helping me with this issue. I need to work on myself majorly anyway and I think one day i could handle a monog relationship with the right person after I get to a more established place with my identity and ability to take care of myself in general.

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No. 107505[Reply]

This is a thread for crochet and knitting, and other yarn-related crafts.

Anyone starting any new projects or completing old ones? Share some patterns!
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No. 481314

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I’m learning to knit. Are my stitches twisted? Is there anything I can be doing better? I feel like my purl row is always much tighter than my knit one.

No. 481318

Definitely twisted

No. 481371

Yep they’re twisted. You might be knitting through the back loop instead of from left to right in the front. Uneven tension between purls and knits is really common, it’s called rowing out and I find it generally blocks out fine. Other than that it looks good nona!

No. 483498

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Fixed my technique! Feels amazing to finally get this right!!

No. 483519

there are so many knit-a-long tutorials on youtube for the sentro! i have a silver reed LK150 flatbed machine, but sort of wish i saved up for the silver reed SK280. what kind of flatbed machine do you have?

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No. 464530[Reply]

Like the title says.
Previous Thread: >>253921
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No. 483088

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Endo symptoms vary person to person. I have it and I personally don't have any problems with pain during sex, but many women do.

No. 483104

No, he’s east asian and I’m not

No. 483106

No. 483135

1. For me it never hurt but also dont find it very enjoyable. You can try penetration with fingers/sex toy if you want to know how it feels.

3. Asexual men are very rare if they exist at all. There are mostly closeted gay men and men who are so porn addicted they cant be turned on by sex anymore.

No. 483136

I would recommend seeing how you go with penetration by yourself if you’re really nervous. Also there’s nothing wrong with being celibate.

I would be very suspicious of any man who claims to be asexual. 99% of the time he’s saying that to bide his time/make you let your guard down/some other sort of weirdo.

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No. 411848[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.

Previous Thread: >>>/g/342326
1198 posts and 102 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 481498

Don't bother with that anon, she's the same retard who always shows up in lesbian and bisexual threads to shit them up.
>implying farmers aren't pathetic and male-obsessed.
First time here?

No. 481971

I kinda want a power dinamic, one night thing, with an ex highschool bully of mine.
She wasn't a goddess but after all our seniors graduated, she was undeniably attractive.
I want to casually meet her somewhere and have her getting intetested in me to the point where she begs me to have sex.
And I would accept with the condition of me eating her out without her touching me.
I want to ravage her all night while listening to her whimpy moans while I restrain her hands with my own.
And just when I feel sleepy and she can't take more, I would go on with my life and ignore her.
This is probably crap but I feel so horny trying to imagine how she looks now and having fantasies of her desiring me after all those "great" memories

No. 482771

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this, but I'm the imaginary boyfriend. (if you wrote this and you see this post while scrolling, I'm sorry)

No. 482772


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 482821

New thread >>>/g/482816

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No. 305399[Reply]

Post and discuss all of your sexual fantasies! Don't turn this into "fetishes you're ashamed of #2" though.
Old thread: >>>/g/182352
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No. 462928

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I can't breathe meme

No. 463336

I need to find a man with a small to non existent refractory period so I can get cummed in 10 times a day while I'm ovulating and probably get on some cautionary antibiotics during this period so I don't get a UTI. I don't know if it's hypersexuality but I can never be satisfied by having sex once, but most moids can't stay hard because of porn brain etc. Feeling a guys dick throb and spasm inside me and moan about how much he wants to fill me up (especially if he's shy about it at first and then loses control like an animal) makes me feral levels horny. I want him to kiss me all over afterwards, lick the sweat off my body, and eat his own cum out of my pussy when it's too sore from sex. Plus massage my belly and body afterwards.

No. 466207

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So, it's between the middle of autumn or beginning of winter. We go for a short hike in the forest. We don't bring much, because we're not planning to stay for long anyway - so just the basics. We go far enough as to not be able to see anyone or anything other than the trees themselves, and we start our little campsite. We build a fire; we make apple, clove and cinnamon tea; we smell the moss very thick. The tip of my nose starts to get cold as the sun lowers, and I can even see a bit of fog. He cups my face to get it warmer, he kisses me gently in my forehead, nose, mouth. We start making out, the bonfire crackling next to us, the smell of smoke and cinder and resin mixing with the pine needles, wood, soil, moss. I can feel my cheeks very hot now. He only takes his dick out, out of desperation and maybe cold. I ride him until we both finish and his clothes are all dirty of earth and sticks. We clean up and go back before it's too dark.

No. 472541

I wonder how the anon who wanted to have sex with David Lynch's brain feels with the news.

No. 482390

Honestly I just want a guy to take good care of me without being pressured to do anything in return. Let's say I had a rough week, and the weekend came around and my imaginary boyfriend tells me "dearest tonight you will relax". He set a massage table and asks me to get undressed and lay down, and starts massaging my stiff body. Maybe he starts kissing me all over, gettting a taste of my nipple, or even rubs himself onto me a little bit. Then he kisses me softly, carries me to a hot bath he started pouring during the massage. He gets undressed too and joins me, and we wash each other, kiss, touch each other all over. After all that teasing we dry up and go to the bedroom. I lay down and he climbs on top of me, kissing me. I get blindfolded and he starts licking me all over. He makes his way down to my pussy and gives me the best head I've ever had while fingering me similtaneously. After I came, he fucks me while rubbing his thumb on my clit and we cum together. Then we just curl up in each other's arms and fall asleep.

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No. 478280[Reply]

1203 posts and 228 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 482286

People acting territorial over a complete stranger is so cringe. He’s not even a celebrity where you can argue he curated a following, these psychos just latched onto this man and are acting like his reps now.

No. 482287

only thing gayer than being a plebbit janny
is aspiring to be a plebbit janny
and you can tell this one wants it bad

No. 482288

"anyway here is a dedicated subreddit that uncovers all of his childhood photos!!!"

No. 482289

Funniest part is these same retards will turn around and kiss Tracy’s ass despite her sharing private text messages between her and Luigi and justifying it by saying they’re not “personal” or “private”

No. 482458

And the way she put a watermark over the texts between them and solely made a tiktok to post a video of him. And people circulate the nickname she made up for him even tho she’s a phony attention-seeker.

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