All I ever get are retarded metalheads, crypto conservative christians, and animefags. I don't even know at this point, maybe I look easy or plain. Most of them aren't even ugly, they're just so weak that it pisses me off. They start talking to you and get angry or submissive when they can't counter you. They're braggarts who get humbled easily. I know some of you nonas like this but it's disgusting to me. I'm not even that smart, it just feels like they don't even have one original thought.
I just want someone who will take care of me, I will take care of him, and we can take care of others together. Someone strong who doesn't fold and can support me, the type of person who can tell if something's wrong, who will be gentle and patient. I also want someone I can learn from. I don't like men you can order around or who order you around like tradfags.
I don't think I'm the sort of person this kind of man goes for, though, I'm not kind or understanding or even assertive enough. All I get are retarded incel subs but I guess like attracts like, kek.
>>498471 I got a lot of metalheads with good hair, we can exchange notes if you want nona, kek. They weren't too bad but they needed hardcore mommying, even during the talking stage, at least in my experience. They're not as initially agressive or disgusting as your average moid but can be deeply insecure, and a good amount treated me like shit once I rejected them.