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No. 501419[Reply]

>How often do you visit Festivals/Concerts?
>How far have you traveled for an event?
>Do you ever go alone?
>Do you have an interesting story to share?
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No. 501567

get em non

No. 501656

Went to a small metal show under a highway one time and there was an obese child smoking a giant cigar.

No. 501783

Nta but this feels like an /m/ thread to me though, we also share experiences there, and the media is music. Just like move going. But alas, that's irrelevant, I just hope this thread doesn't get buried between a thousand horny posts

No. 502244

Aww this thread is cute. I used to go to so many concerts in my youth. I had a bestie who basically nepo babied her way into every venue for free and her mom was just grateful that she had a tall friend with her that I got in free too. Since becoming a broke adult, I go to shows and concerts as a fan very rarely, but for the last couple of years I have worked part time at venues just to be around for artists I like and buy the occasional $50 tour shirt and sneak peaks at the shows.

No. 502427

tour shirts and merch are so expensive it's insane! I follow a few festivals and orga companies on social media and I sometimes see that they're looking for volunteers. I always kinds wanted to join but I'm too lazy tbh kek
kek at the drive home nonna I totally get it! I had to drive through insane fog in the middle of the night coming from a show and it was the most scary shit. I was so exausted when I arrived home.

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No. 462334[Reply]

Gentleman Jack Edition

This is a thread for gold star lesbians. If you're not a gold star, please refrain from posting in this thread. If you're unsure about your sexual orientation and would like to talk about it, post in the Questioning Sexuality thread to avoid infighting and derailing itt.

>what is a gold star lesbian?

a "gold star lesbian" is a female homosexual who has never had sex with a male.

>picrel is from the historical drama television series 'Gentleman Jack', set in the 1830s in Yorkshire. The series is based on the diaries of 19th-century Englishwoman Anne Lister, which span an estimated 5 million words, about a sixth of which are written in a secret code, documenting her lifetime of lesbian relationships. She was famously dubbed "the first modern lesbian" for her groundbreaking revelations from her diaries.

>Lister was from a minor landowning family at Shibden in Calderdale, West Riding of Yorkshire. She openly engaged in same-sex relationships and had several female partners— the first when she 15 years old.

>Anne’s journals detailed a lesbian lifestyle many thought had not existed in the past. Her promiscuity showed not only that women found her attractive but that sexual lesbian desire had been far more commonplace than was thought. Anne’s diaries and their explicit sexual details were so shocking that some even believed they were a hoax.

>Her final significant relationship was with Ann Walker, to whom she was notionally married in Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, York, which is now celebrated as the birthplace of lesbian marriage in Britain.

Read more about Anne Lister here:
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No. 501392

I wish Natasha Lyonne was a lesbian

No. 501485

sorry for the reply to an old pic but i love this one so much because it looks like me and my gf

No. 501486

sorry for the reply to an old pic but i love this one so much because it looks like me and my gf

No. 501715

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Bjork, I would fangirl over her even harder. She's already a bifag

No. 501904

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No. 499582[Reply]

Luigischizo I Swear Edition

ITT: Post pictures, new developments and conversation about Luigi

Previous threads:
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No. 501105

>someone wanted to buy him reg clothes. Do they not know he’s in a detention center with a prison uniform?
These people are so fucking stupid and insane. It's like none of them even realize he is fucking prison and not summer camp. Who the fuck are these people and where did they come from? They probably believe the Kr comics are reality too.

No. 501106

can retardigi reply to one of our letters already, i wanna see what he says ugh

No. 501107

That's all anything of this is all about and really the only true way these dumb bitches can support him. Just donate you losers.

No. 501108

>Not married? Not divorced? No kids? Blacklisted.

No. 501109

She's living in a fantasy world

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No. 61334[Reply]

Post your stories about when you lost your virginity and thoughts about virginity/fist time sex in general.
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No. 500593

Can I lose my virginity to my hairbrush or something to get my vaginismus out of the way?

No. 500634

pretty sure this is just talking about character design. Bouba/kiki effect. Dick piercings definitely don't look like that, other nona is being gross/mental.

No. 500663

Masturbating with penetration won't make you stop being a virgin, you need to have sex for that.

No. 500997

yes, you can lose your virginity to an object/penetrate yourself for the first time/practice penetration in order to feel more comfortable. I'd actually really recommend this so you aren't quite so vulnerable and inexperienced the first time you have sex. please remember that the vagina is a sensitive and delicate organ that can get infected or hurt if you put random gross things in it and either use a sex toy (that you wash with soap and water before and after) or at least cover your hairbrush with a condom, though. you can pick up cheap sex toys from the shelves of CVS or target nowadays (if you're in the US).

No. 502464

>you can lose your virginity to an object
No you can’t. Unless you’re saying that men are objects

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No. 380577[Reply]

A thread for all nonas of Middle Eastern, Arab or North African ethnicity to discuss topics pertaining to being a MENA woman. A place to chat, vent, share, ask and give advice or discuss problems pertaining to being a MENA woman. All religions and nationalities welcome to post, as long as you are of MENA ethnicity.
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No. 496132

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Doesn’t pay to be Pocahontas

No. 496631

I found the Arabic dubs of Romeo Blue Sky and One Piece so thanks I think I will do that instead!

No. 496644

This is how I feel watching keemokazi’s sister and her boyfriend. Bro knows Arabic better than them, and yes he could’ve learned the language just for another reason but I really do think it’s to get girls. That or he was in the military but that’s even worse.

No. 500395

Anyone else finds middle eastern music to be absolute trash? The only exception was Spacetoon/Spacepower, Rasha Rizk, and Tareq Alarabi Tourgane. Majority of the songs have shit lyrics, mention topics that just takes me out of it, goes for boring genres/keys/beats/rhythms, even the folk music is lame. I'm so jealous of the rest of the world for having actual culture and art. The way they sing is also obnoxious and overdoing it most of the time, very showoff-y, and not impressive to anyone who knows anything about singing.

No. 500480

>That or he was in the military
That's how my boyfriend got me with his cute and clumsy "Hey there, fellow kids" usage…taught to him so he could read people's private correspondence and help with interrogation…

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No. 497878[Reply]

Haters Edition

Previous threads:
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No. 499573

yes thank you its honestly embarrassing

No. 499574

Yeah it's embarrassing how the recent schizo is obviously a tourist from twitter or some shit. "WHY DO YOU LIKE A HOT MOID KILLING UGLY MOIDS?!" like fuck offffffffff
The worst part is they make the threads move artificially fast because of their schizoposting and self replying.
I miss the VPN ban so much

No. 499575

He has shit taste and he's a cringe midwit. Cry about it.(infight bait)

No. 499576

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can we please go back to having fun

No. 499577

No don’t. Rape about it instead.

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No. 448891[Reply]

Anything you want or desire, the Universe will provide you with it.

Post your desires, affirmations, about your manifestation journey, goals and successes.

Tips for anons:
>Do not write it in the future tense (I will, they will, etc). Do it in the present or even the past tense.
>Avoid negatives (I don't, I can't, I won't, etc)
>Avoid "wish" or "want", think of it as if it's already happening and you don't have to wish or want anymore
>Keep your mind relaxed, focus on the good feelings of the outcome. Desperation attracts more desperation
>Trust the process

Advices and inputs are welcomed!
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No. 499326

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I'm pretty shocked when he gives it to me. He insists, he doesn't have a record player, and he knows I'm a huge fan. It's an over a month belated birthday present. I barely have words, I just say it's so expensive as I flip the record over and over, almost moved to tears in shock and awe. He says it's really a coincidence how he got this vynil just now, and how everything aligned, basically. How I should actually try to get it signed. Holy shit, it's the special edition even. The record itself is a beautiful teal, looking more blueish or greenish depending on the lighting. Not only that, but it has my favorite song as a bonus track. I hold it close to my chest, and I later buy him a cake to show my gratitude. I think I even need a new record player to get this baby going, my old one wouldn't do it justice at all. I can't stop looking at it.

No. 499542

>be me
>decide I’m tired of doomscrolling and digital decay
>embrace feral monk mode
>no social media, no smartphone, no notifications
>embrace that analog life

>gym? religiously.

>hair? long, flowing, borderline mythical.
>vibes? immaculate.
>spend my days near water like some kind of poetic cryptid

>one day, at the beach

>dream girl™ appears
>she’s tanned, effortlessly cool, prolly a beach bum
>smells like coconuts and rebellion
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No. 499783

They call to tell me they loved meeting me last week. They offer me the job. I excitedly accept on the spot. Within a few days the paperwork is cleared and I hand in my formal resignation at my current job. I work out my notice, go on vacation with my dear childhood friend and return to a new role where I meet great new coworkers and make some friends amongst them. Remote work means I can move to a new city and buy my first home. 2025 is everything I have longed for and more.

No. 500534

Manifesting I get hit by a bus badly enough to survive but not have to work ever again.

No. 505950

I get pregnant in april

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No. 65010[Reply]

Does anyone else go crazy over 'em?

For me there's just something so fucking hot about it, especially if it looks very round and perky.

I think the key is where the lower back meats the bottom; if it sticks outward there it just looks super cute to me.
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No. 487822

Like two perfect globes holy shit

No. 487824

No. 488058

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He failed the squat but gawd dayum zaddy

No. 498932

why are they so dirty? what kind of weird fetish video are you watching

No. 498974

Relax, it was a staged nudist video
I mean you can't get any more "natural state" than that, no butt lifts, no implants

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No. 464530[Reply]

Like the title says.
Previous Thread: >>253921
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No. 495025

Kek I'm not an incel, I just have a shallow pussy and want to figure out a decent baseline

No. 496323

I think I'm bad at sex. For context I'm straight and don't watch any kind of porn. How am I supposed to move when I'm the one in control? Should I go up and down? How far up and how far down? Do I just grind? Is it awkward if I ask my partner "hey do you think I'm bad at this? How should I act?"

No. 496324

I'm on the same boat. Started dating a man with a big dick about 5 months ago. I recommend lube and asking him to go slow. Vaginas are actually able to stretch in depth if you're aroused enough so foreplay and oral can help you, but there's a limit of course. Tell him if he's hurting you. If he disrespects you or disregards your comfort dump him.

No. 498618

Communication is key, you can't figure it out without a dialogue.

No. 498629

I'm sensing bait but whatever. Do you enjoy sex at all? Just let the good feelings in your vagina guide your movement. Think of him as a human dildo if that helps. I find it's an easy position to orgasm in, if guys are hopeless at fucking I usually get on top of them to finish myself off. But if you're incapable of it then do a different position instead

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No. 306574[Reply]

I keep encountering this problem in my dating life, Im becoming hopeless.
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No. 498471

The most influential factor in my "type" is men with (well groomed) long hair. For concrete examples, metal heads and goth men. Honestly, if a guy doesn't have at least shaggy hair I literally feel nothing. Body type is not as big of a deal, other then not too skinny, not too overweight, and not too roided. Balance.

I happen to also be into metal, and enjoyer of goth music and fashion (albeit without the budget to dress more like it). I look like a slightly overweight white woman with blonde hair that dresses like a casual nerd in flannel. I figure my interests align with guys that are my type, but I don't know what they're actually attracted to. I don't get out much so I rarely ever have guys try to talk to me. I suppose I attract socially awkward nerdy guys that have too much facial hair and are too chubby/skinny fat for my tastes. Like 20-something neckbeards.

I'm going to the gym because I want to be more fit, and thrifting to build a better wardrobe for myself. I'm wanting to get more band shirts to fill in my everyday clothes, so maybe aside from showing what artists I really enjoy, it could be a conversation starter if another fan takes note.

No. 498484

All I ever get are retarded metalheads, crypto conservative christians, and animefags. I don't even know at this point, maybe I look easy or plain. Most of them aren't even ugly, they're just so weak that it pisses me off. They start talking to you and get angry or submissive when they can't counter you. They're braggarts who get humbled easily. I know some of you nonas like this but it's disgusting to me. I'm not even that smart, it just feels like they don't even have one original thought.

I just want someone who will take care of me, I will take care of him, and we can take care of others together. Someone strong who doesn't fold and can support me, the type of person who can tell if something's wrong, who will be gentle and patient. I also want someone I can learn from. I don't like men you can order around or who order you around like tradfags.

I don't think I'm the sort of person this kind of man goes for, though, I'm not kind or understanding or even assertive enough. All I get are retarded incel subs but I guess like attracts like, kek.

I got a lot of metalheads with good hair, we can exchange notes if you want nona, kek. They weren't too bad but they needed hardcore mommying, even during the talking stage, at least in my experience. They're not as initially agressive or disgusting as your average moid but can be deeply insecure, and a good amount treated me like shit once I rejected them.

No. 498557

Long hair anon here. You summed up my ideal relationship philosophy absolutely perfectly. I want a "partner", who will fight at my side while I have their back as well. That's corny, but yeah. I'm constantly trying to work on myself, with the expectation of wanting a man who does the same. Maybe that's nigh impossible, but I don't mind waiting. I spent so long in a relationship where I was never cared for even when I tried to be caring, that I won't settle for it again.

I definitely see past the veil that a lot of metalheads aren't as hardcore as their music tastes seem to show. But I also don't want someone who's meek/insecure either.

No. 498575

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I just want a cute introverted guy who will let me abuse him. He needs to be a virgin because I cannot have my first time with someone who also isn't. I may sound really Christian for this but whatever, I find it hot when we get to lose our virginity together. But its so impossible to find a guy im genuinely attracted to, and especially one that'd be ok with my weird fantasies kekk it makes me feel so awkward. I've found one guy im into like that that's a total kissless virgin and really catholic and I find that hot but as I get to know him more I realize hes probably gay kek. he kind of has that voice. I'm having such a hard time not being into him though its making me frustrated

No. 498621

You perfectly describe an ISTP/INTP, go on a personality type dating app and find one nona

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