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No. 437064

You know the drill
Previous thread >>>/g/404050

No. 437104

am I a terrible person for finding this hot?? Because yikes https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8djrl18v81o

No. 437113

Gaslighting hung boys into thinking they're small

No. 437122

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She was so out of his league, no wonder he did all that like a dog. She could have found a cuter, younger moid with hair to torture she's wasting her dark triad stacy energy on bald fatties.

No. 437135

She made him lose weight at least, was kinda doing the dude a favourite. Also kek at the idea a man can be abused by a woman half his size and weight

No. 437142

>Strict controls on his diet meant he lost 4.5 stone (28kg) in two months
dark triad ana coach stacy

No. 437145

new shameful fetish unlocked

No. 437161

As much as I loathe men, I don't think narcissist abusers of any gender should be idolized or glorified. If you knew that woman irl you probably would have found her insufferable and I'm sure she hates women as much as she hates men.

No. 437166

Women cannot abuse men because men can overpower women easily. If she was ugly he would have dumped her the microsecond she said anything even slightly toxic. He stayed with her because he liked the schizo pussy, i am not going to feel sad for an ugly bald fatso.

No. 437169

>helps him lose 28kg
how is this dark triad he should be grateful

No. 437172

I find it hard to believe he was abused. He probably has a humiliation fetish and when it became too much, he decided to act like a victim to relieve himself of some of the embarrassment.

No. 437175

yeah, I think this too. Either that or he was too horny to say no (so many moids stay with women because they shrivel up and die without sex kek)

No. 437176

He saw Baby Reindeer and went "literally me"

No. 437190

its like the fag that jodi killed. Mf could have walked away easily but jodi's pussy game was too strong.

No. 437236

Same. Those weird masochist fantasies about dick size/masculinity that men brew up to cope with rejection are really annoying but i find them erotic sometimes. Imagine mindbreaking a hung guy with condescending dirty talk until he's aroused by demeaning comments about his dick. I have a similar fantasy about exploiting a man's fear of cheating

No. 437270

I have compulsive fantasies of a woman I think is very attractive getting pregnant and having a baby. yes you read that right, I'm somehow not even involved in the fantasy and yet I'm addicted to it. FML i hate being a freak

No. 437277

I have this except it’s an angst where I’m crying and her scrote is a turd who doesn’t treat her like she deserves but she looks all cute with a little tummy aaah. I don’t know why but she would look so adorable breastfeeding, I wish that were me

No. 437278

What the hell she lives near me. Anyway this is so agepilling, they’re both in their early 40s but the scrote looks gross while she looks beautiful. Everything men say about women is projection and overcompensation. Still, whenever I see “abuse” towards scrotes I always laugh, does anyone actually take it seriously?

No. 437285

Ok are we the same person because that's exactly the same for me kekkk. The fucking tummy. damn it. I also fantasize about her being desperately horny when she's ovulating and begging her scrote to help her. What level of brain damage do I have and how do I stop?

No. 437286

Cheating. Not in a cucking or the most traditional way perhaps, but having multiple boyfriends who all think they are "the one". Ideally they wouldn't know the truth, but if they find out it'd just motivate them to desperately be better. More so emotional cheating than sex.

No. 437338

According to this logic, literally no woman has been abused in the United States. She can always just get a gun. What's he gonna do, overpower a bullet?

No. 437346

No, I do feel bad for his mother though. For being with a woman so out of his league he deserved worse kek

No. 437375

This is so stupid because shooting an abuser can land you in prison and men can still overpower women and take the gun away. Meanwhile that fatty could have just walked away, she wasnt even inflicting physical abuse on him he just told him to lose weight. Stop caping for moids so hard, they will never return you the favor.

No. 437540

churkanon my beloved

No. 437574

>men can still overpower women and take the gun away
Men can move faster than the speed of sound now?

>Meanwhile that fatty could have just walked away

Why can't any woman just do this? Just walk away and the abuse magically stops.

I don't get why you're caping for women too dumb to escape their own abuse. You've already explained how easy it is for them.(bait)

No. 437632

>Spanking. It’s cringe and corny but I love reading about it in fics.
>Traps. I’m primarily attracted to women, so they’re just the best of both worlds to me. When they top or otherwise dominant, that’s even better. With a woman it’s visually yuri even though it’s het — with a guy it’s visually het even though it’s technically yaoi. I like the flexibility of it.
>Choking/asphyxiation. See confession one.
Honestly I’m not even particularly ashamed of any of this kek life is too short.

No. 437680

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I want 2 boyfriends. One is a tall himbo with nice long hair, probably in the military, we go to the gym together and do outdoor activities the other one is a lanky nerdy guy with glasses who shares my autistic hobbies and also has long hair. I make them make out in front of me and they fight to see who gets to cook for me today. It's only shameful because irl poly scrotes are hideous and because the type of men i like dont exist irl so i am basically just coping.

No. 437685

No. 437707

Big himbos and skinny dudes in glasses are my two types, based

No. 437766

So based nonna, though my type is only feminine men so I want 2 twinky anorexic looking bfs whom I force to makeout. Bonus points if they're not gay and get no pleasure out of fucking each other but they do it just to please me.

No. 437820

How is this bait? Mods please kys(alogging)

No. 437821

Girl just date one of those types and then break up and date other when you're bored

No. 437843

No. 437977

they dont exist

No. 437985

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I like the chav/gopnik look in men like with the buzzcut and bad teeth and shit. I think they're really hot and kind of naive about how tough they really are. I like how they smoke and I like the shitty clothes they wear and I like the insane way they speak and I like how skinny they usually are from drugs, like no muscle definition at all. I don't even know how to explain why I like it, it's just gross. It sucks because the only other people who like it are gay guys

No. 437991

I respect your fetish, but I come from a slavic country and this is how all the drunks sitting in front of corner stores shouting obscenities at women passing by look.

No. 438100

Lmao, I know an engineering PhD student who exclusively dates guys like this. She could definitely get with better men but I guess it's what she likes.

No. 438130

I think I have a teen fetish… this is the only fetish I’ve posted I’m truly ashamed of I think. I was a teen not long ago so it’s not as bad as it could be but it still feels creepy. The actual age doesn’t turn me on just things associated with teenness eg braces, glasses, rosy fresh skin, cute faces, skinny etc

No. 438135

>It sucks because the only other people who like it are gay guys
The whole 'Balkan violence' thing on Tumblr had a lot of those aspects and was popular with basically exclusively girls.

No. 438143

You're not alone I find them attractive too but I really don't know where to find any man like that, since I'm not from a Slavic country..

No. 438159

I half-relate. This kind of man really isn't attractive to me in real life but i like looking at pictures of them tied up (especially if they're fit and pretty)
>the only other people who like it are gay guys
I know tons of women who only like these men and only date them. They grow out of it after they wise up though
KEK this would be really cute if she managed to find a decent chav

No. 438169

I'll just say it, I really wanna rape a guy

No. 438171

Me too.

No. 438693

I waited a full two days before replying in case you got banned but I definitely get what you mean. I'm not particularly attracted to younger guys but there's definitely something magnetic about them. It's like they glow with energy, potential, hope for the future, something else, who knows. It also doesn't hurt that lots of them are lanky and have mild acne/acne scars (things which activate my neurons).

No. 438941

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I want whatever this is…

No. 438943

This is literally just the average right wing influencer couple (although the real ones have more emotional abuse obviously)

No. 438979

I fantasize about raping gay men

No. 439027

I went on a walk today and found myself behind two qt young chavs with bubbly asses, i thought of this post kek. I love how bouncy and high-energy their walk is

No. 439232

I can't believe I found this scene kinda hot

No. 439301

I'm not ashamed but does anyone remember that youtuber killing his friend prank? The one that was freaking out screaming and crying was kinda cute. I wish I could inspire that kind of terror in a scrote, sigh.

No. 439650

Idk but listening to certain music (something like cyberpunk judging from what I have most on my spicy playlist) and have horny fantasies playing in my head. Like for this one, I imagine myself getting ravished by a hot vampire or demon guy while being on my period into some unholy bloody sex. I guess it has something to do with those character thirst edits or moids having those fap to the beat kind of porn. It's kinda hypnotic.

No. 439690

I have a rape fetish because I'm ugly and a virgin so I imagine people would only want to have sex with me if they're forced to

No. 439692

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I like the ugly bastard trope expect instead of an UB it's a ugly scrawny nerd

No. 440251

I definitely have some kind of hybristophilia; for as long as I can remember I have been almost exclusively attracted to violent men (mass shooters in particular), and I hate myself for it not because of some moral reason but because it seems so embarrassing and conflicts my general personality and self-image. It frustrates me when I see moid posts on 4chan about how all women are only attracted to "dark triad" men and whatever other ridiculous rhetoric they espouse because I can't even honestly deny it since for me it seems like my attraction really is contingent on violent behavior more than anything else. When I was 13/14 I used to think I was so much better than le cringe serial killer groupies because of my patrician NLOG mass shooter taste but realistically I am probably just as bad even though I try to hide it.

No. 440263

Kekk same. I will never act on this and will take it to the grave but I could have written this post down to the preferring mass shooters thing. It's so embarrassing.

No. 440357

I mean, I'm probably into fucking guro of all shit… It isn't the violence/non-consent/necrophilic aspect of it that draws me in nor is it the sadism/masochism aspect of it…

I always had a morbid curiosity about the human body and I have been exposed to gore and shit like that since I was a preteen. It always made depressed and cynical but that's just the way I am.

I just want to cut open a cute man, the wound and dissection spilling no blood and leaving no permanent injury. I want to see the organs inside him that make his little heart and mind tick and keep him alive like clockwork. I don't want him to suffer from any pain, I just want to see his viscera, see his insides, feel them and worship them in a way. I want to caress him and ask him if he feels good, if he likes it and with his weak arms, he tries to lean in closer for a hug as I hold his pliant body. I later sew him up and the cut instantly heals to perfection.

Maybe it's because I'm both emotionally and physically starved, maybe it's because I like a person to be pliant and lying in my arms or maybe because I have always loved the macabre and gothic… It's a strange thing.

No. 440367

yep nona me too. i thought i’d grow out of it.

No. 440440

I asked my gf to rape me and to roleplay a CNC scenario and I got insanely turned on from it. Makes me feel like a degen but I also came twice from the dirty talk kek

No. 440450

I love it when hot guys are aggressive with each other. Fighting, as long as it doesn't result in blood, turns me on so bad. Organized sports aren't as sexy though, I like it when they're actually mad at each other.

No. 440555

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I shat on yuripedo for liking oneeloli but I recently fell in love with one oneeloli ship even though it's not a fetish of mine. Promise I'm not a lolifag but fuck I'm such a degen coomer for this there's no coming back kek

No. 440578

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Honestly oneloli can just be beautiful at times. Dominura/Rimone is peak example, start as master-student, progress into some pseudo-mommy relationship and end up defying all the odds across space and time. True fucking love.

No. 440748

A while ago I listened to this audio of a guy choking himself with a belt, and something about his clear desperation and excitement to continue paired with the actual sounds of struggling to breathe and wheezy unhinged laughter did something to me and now my appreciation of msub has started to turn more violently sadistic in nature.

No. 440752

Recently I have been revisiting my emetophilia fantasy more and more often. It's gross obviously but I like when a man is sick and in pain. He would feel so used and dirty if I started groping him on the bathroom floor, taking advantage of him in a weakened state.

No. 440809

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Zesty isis niggas

No. 440815

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ISIS videos have always been hot to me, especially executions. It's a combination of the masks/outfits and weapons and whatever else.

No. 440817

Link it

No. 440840

He has a heavy accent and some parts of it aren't in English (I'm fine with both, but just to inform in advance)

No. 440997

YES i have a piss fetish NO i am not a scrote

No. 441026

hot. do you know who it is?

No. 441027

is this touhou?
I masturbated to the idea one time and came crazy hard. I think the idea of another woman raping me turns me on - I think it’s especially the… contrast? That it’s a woman and not a man. And I’m so so attracted to depravity and perversion in women, I want her to be fucking disgusting. But also because I’m really horny and I’m always trying to suppress sexual feelings around girls I’m attracted to. It’s kind of hot to imagine someone hot teasing me about how I’m totally enjoying it and getting so wet, while I’m telling her to stop but spreading my legs wider kek. Or waking up to a friend fingering me in my sleep after she’s been making me slightly uncomfortable all night.
I don’t know if I’ll ever have the confidence to ask to roleplay this.

No. 441037

I like peeing on men's face and saying I came

No. 441042

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I'm a huge germophobe irl and would honestly rather die than indulge in my fetish but rimming/farting.Im aware its disgusting. I'm such a germophobe I'm turned off from the idea of kissing someone else on the lips. I couldn't ever stomach living with a moid no matter how clean. I have absolutely no fucking idea where this fetish even came from and I actually just hate it. I want to be cured of this. I hate bad smells and unsanitary things so I'm wondering if this is like some sort of retarded side effect of repression. Regardless I'll never indulge in it because I don't actually want to.

No. 441043

If a girl I like or a best friends ends up getting knocked up by a gross moid I hope she at least lets me eat her placenta.

No. 441048

>I couldn't ever stomach living with a moid
>I'm turned off from the idea of kissing
>this is like some sort of retarded side effect of repression
It 100% is. You're like a textbook case of what repression does to people, i hope you become more comfortable with intimacy nona. Maybe try to do something about your germophobia. Rimming sucks. I hate that i even tried it. I might do it again for a woman but idk, it's really not that special

No. 441049

Explain the appeal

No. 441056

hi ntayrt but where can I learn more about repression and how to undo it, I know I'm extremely repressed and I worry a lot about my 'true' sexuality and the shit I might be doing that's harmful because of it but feel scared and completely unable to break it open

No. 441087

Fake how
Mm… something something cannibalism true love… legal.

No. 441122

Whiteredandblack on reddit, usually posts on GWA.

No. 441126

Full of baby poop

No. 441135

I'm the same way about rimming well minus the fart aspect kek. But the idea of rimming someone really turns me on but I can bring myself to do it irl. Whenever I lucid dream I always imagine me rimming someone and I wake up so wet, this is the closest thing to me actually doing it

No. 441141

>the idea of rimming someone really turns me on

No. 441143

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Wow, same, I can't believe there are others kek, I thought I was alone in my insanity. In essense, guns and the inherit masculine vibe that isis/other masked soldiers carry is SO fucking hot to me. Please don't judge me

No. 441172

The idea of licking and stimulating a "vulnerable" area for my partner drives me wild, especially if they feel embarrassed about it. I'm also into anal (giving) as long as there's nothing coming out of it lol and I think buttholes look cute when they're pinkish

No. 441196

god bless your soul nonnita

No. 441215

After watching isis burn multiple women in niqab alive in cages masked men are an instant turn off for me now. I hope the vids you guys watch are of them killing moids…

No. 441265

nothing crazy, but I'd say for me it's AB/DL. i think about it everyday and it's my biggest fetish, i think I've been into it since i was preteen age. For your sake i won't explain in depth but most of my fantasies are to wear big thickly padded diapers, getting spankings and suckling on pacifiers. +Degrading elements like straitjackets or hand-restrictive mittens combined to the fetish are hot too. But being coddled and loved makes heart all so horni aswell.

No. 441441

period sex i want to see a man's cock covered in my blood. bonus if he's disgusted or feels queasy. i kinda want to roleplay as a vampire girl during it

No. 441444

based. i have a bloodplay kink but don't want to be cut for it

No. 441473

im a bisexual woman currently in a relationship with a man.

i still fantasize about women and would love to share my boyfriend's cock with another woman. also i just want to have one on one sex with a woman in general. i think men and women are both really sexy and i love the act of partaking in and watching a man and woman fucking.

ummmm i also want to dp a woman either with dildos or use a strap on while my bf fucks her in the other hole. im ashamed of this because i love him very much and he is my world, but something about being sexually adventurous like that while in a committed relationship has always been so hot to me.

No. 441482

fuck yes, I accidentally discovered this a while back. I rode a guy's face while on my period and seeing blood all over him surprisingly turned me on like never before. It being specifically period blood and getting everywhere is hot

No. 441583

So this is the thought process of an average unicorn hunter…

No. 441587

I’m bisexual but my fantasy is flipped. I’d like to share a moid with a girlfriend. But this would never work in reality because 1) it would make a moid too happy to sleep with two women who are dating each other and I won’t give him that 2) irl I would still probably get violently jealous if my gf seemed too into him.
So it’s my fantasy-only fetish because in fantasy land I know for sure my fantasy gf loves me the most and the moid is just our pleasure tool.

No. 441601

I hate your kind. Nasty

No. 441719

I feel bad for whatever woman ends up the disposable sex toy for you two, if you freaks can even manage that.

No. 441755

I think I might genuinely want to eat people I love

No. 441761

Reminds me of that la creatura looking cow in the poly thread who would collect "girlfriends" for her crusty ass Nigel to fuck all the while simultaneously coping how he's such a catch. I swear, bisexual handmaidens are the worst breed of handmaiden.

No. 441768

same tho

No. 441773

I’d like to eat a woman out on her period. Think the blood would taste interesting, idk

No. 441780

women in tanktops
smoker voices
butches with big butts and thighs

No. 441788

Killing all of you

No. 441791

No. 441797

Wouldn’t it be smelly? I mean my period blood doesn’t smell that good, maybe the first day?
What I mean to say that it isn’t fresh blood and it also has tissue lining in it, although mostly dissolved. What if you end up eating a clot too kek.
It sounds good in the head but doesn’t seem that practical.

No. 441798

Kek that cow ha stanky breath too, if she eats your pussy you might get flesh eating bacteria.

No. 441799

No worries, her scrote is probably ugly as fuck, that’s how usually unicorn hunters are.

No. 441807

Are you serious? I read this thinking “this is hardly a fetish kek. Period blood sex is incredibly vanilla and not some unpractical idea, a lot of people do it… For me it just makes little difference

No. 441814

I want to puke together with a gf. Seeing each other in such a vulnerable state is such a turn on.

No. 441833


No. 441834

Mine just smells really bloody. Idk not overwhelmingly of anything other than blood. Jerking off on my period feels amazing though, too bad it can really only be done in the shower. I like to imagine a handsome doctor husbando fingering me with white gloves on.

No. 441867

There’s this really cool thing called showering

No. 441898

I thought we were talking bloody here , showering kind of defeats the whole point. And it’s the period blood I’m talking about, it doesn’t have the same smell as fresh blood.

No. 441899

Get some sushi with salmonella , yum.

No. 442037

dont know why im so embarrassed about it but i want to fuck covered in blood so bad. it could be fake blood but i just wanna feel like a degenerate vampire

No. 442050

It disgusts the rational part of my mind but I am attracted to incels, like the really awful woman-hating ones. Sometimes when I'm horny I lurk their sites like incels.is and read through the threads but as soon as I'm not in that mood anymore I feel ashamed lol

No. 442064

It might be because you know you’d be the best thing to happen to them kek, I see it

No. 442065

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>smoker voices
Bless so there’s still a chance for me

No. 442092

i get it, its basically like being into virgins.

No. 442098

They’re way too disgusting , they won’t even be grateful anyway kek, you have to have big boobs, small waist, big butt, be sexy , but a loli and moan like the pornstars. He won’t eat your pussy because a real man doesn’t eat that!
You’d rather take a shy, virgin boy who isn’t as retarded.

No. 442099

Smokers are always smelly when they smoke a packet a day, or rolled tobacco cigarettes. The breath is deadly too.

No. 442106

Anyone else love men with high pitched voices? I’m not talking about gay guys. Just naturally high pitched, especially when paired with stupid accents. The contrast of a beautiful face and the comical voice coming out of it is really neat. None of the guys I have a crush on has ever had a deep voice and I just noticed this right now. Maybe I’ve been picking up on it subconsciously?

No. 442107

I think high voices can be kinda endearing sometimes, and I don't care for comically deep voices in general. It's also especially cute when a guy's voice gets higher when he talks to you (because he likes you).

No. 442108

yes all my crushes are the same way. or if their voice is more on the normal side at least they should have a wide range. squealing is a requirement.

No. 442114

Normal range is better for me, super deep voices are unattractive and so are pitchy high voices.

No. 442124

opposite for me, i love a deep voice and even the average guys voice is too high pitched for me. unironically into black dudes b/c i think they have the sexiest voices

No. 442173

I use to be this way, and I realized it was because it made me feel special and valued. Even though incels hate women, they hold them up on this giant pedestal and will worship any girl that gives them attention. I loved how grateful they were to have me, and I assumed they'd be extremely loyal to me, because I was their only chance at love/sex. Lot's of them will do anything for you lol. I also loved not being compared to any past woman they'd been with, because I was their only gf. I was a really insecure teen/young adult.

No. 442174

Samefagging but I also had a giant savior complex for "misunderstood lonely men" Looking back it was kind of like adopting a sad stray dog that's been at the shelter for 2 years straight.

No. 442176

Yes. I like deep voices but high, whiny voices activate something in my brain. I have an autistic friend who has this really atypical, high-pitched, soft voice, i love hearing his emotions shine through his pitch.

No. 442248

It really depends, high-pitched male voices can be extremely annoying. But I really like soft or nerdy voices in men.

No. 442293

I'm happy that the consensus isn't "baritone is best." I thought I was the weird one for being grossed out by the same voices girls go crazy for, like the corpsehusband situation was incomprehensible to me. Why are we thirsting over men who sound like terminal throat cancer patient? Youthful voices FTW

No. 442358

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I’m so ashamed that feeder shit turns me on so bad. I imagine myself having a fat girlfriend who eats like shit while I watch her get fatter as I stay thin because I’m vegan and ana-chan adjacent. I’m not even particularly turned on by fat women, it’s just the whole control thing that turns me on…

No. 442368

hot. my ex was an abusive ana-chan

No. 442541

Having a harem of hawt moids

No. 442561

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I think I might be capable of being an object fucker. Maybe because I'm bisexual and was also into aliens/monsters in my formative years, so the idea of different genital configurations excites me.
It makes sense to me why someone could get turned on by the idea of their sentient computer being aroused by having a usb plugged into it, for example. I could get off to that.
Yeah, I like manlets and some have "short man voice," the nasally high-pitched kind. Since I fetishize small men so much it becomes hotter when they have this voice. It's one of the first things I noticed about my nigel and it's so cute when he moans and whimpers. Sometimes even when he's talking seriously I just want to squeeze him, it's that adorable.
Not ashamed of this though, I'm a loud manlet chaser irl.

No. 442563

>Maybe because I'm bisexual

No. 442566

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Join the ranks of robotfuckers nona!
>sentient computer being aroused by having a usb plugged into it
Yes. I like the idea of a machine malfunctioning and becoming way too horny and demanding, or desperate and pleading for release. I also like when fic writers take it further and imagine human-environment interaction as a trigger for robot pleasure (something like HAL9000 or Portal robots)

No. 442607

That's nothing to be ashamed of, nona.

No. 442640

pretty sure kelly ficarra is a troon

No. 442647

Explains the coomer female design

No. 442648

Weirdly I understand what she means kek

No. 442669

I'm so ashamedI wanna get groomed by a teacher

No. 442687

Play any R18 otome game with a teacher, lol

No. 442689

I've seen anons talk about this but i couldn't find proof… She comes across as an extreme handmaiden, not a troon if that makes sense

No. 442734

There is a post about her winning an art award in high school and she seems like a normal young girl.

No. 442765

lacation is probably my worst.

No. 442777

I love seeing men desperate to pee and eventually wet themselves. It's the only thing that gets me off. I was able to get a guy I was sort of seeing to do it and I don't know, while I got turned on by it I got off even harder to the fact I was able to convince him to do it for me kek.

No. 442780

My bf when he was 13. I have a fantasy of knowing him when he was 13 and taking his virginity when he starts getting interested in sex. I want to be his mommy gf too.(keep your pedo thoughts to yourself)

No. 442792

Have you asked him about acting it out? Or do you suspect it would feel too real to actualize some of the pedo thoughts?

No. 442795

I looked at too much feet and giant fetish art of a character I like as a joke and I think it gave me an actual fetish for both.

No. 442827


No. 442844

if you scroll his? her? media tab on twitter far enough there are some selfies that look very clocky to me. their obsession with lesbianism and several girlcock drawings also point to kelly being a troon. i still have some doubts bevause transbians are usually very self-obsessed and won't shut up about muh transness while this one never talks about themselves at all.
can you (or anyone else) please link the post?

No. 442847

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>> 442640
I remember following her on tumblr back in 2018-2019 and having the same confusion. The selfies she posted on there (don’t think there were any face pics) made it seem like she was female and just was a bit chubby with a lazy-artsy style.
Definitely a handmaiden regardless though, and she liked a ton of stuff from mtf troon creators and had extremely obvious transbian characters

sage for this, but my artsy female “lesbian” ex was incredibly similar and ended up dating our dumpy mtf troon mutual friend after we broke up. That’s the one thing that makes me truly question this, sounds crazy until it happens to you

No. 442864

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Found it: https://archive.is/BnX8V

I was right all along lol, not trans

No. 442869

There was a shitty mobile game where you were a taxi driver that had to drive people to different places, and one of the characters was a guy that really needed to go, and he pisses himself if you don't hurry. He became popular on TikTok and some people drew him and made c.ai fetish chatbots of him kekk

No. 442883

small dicks, i love love love small dicks but it seems like such a moid fetish with humiliation and all. but i just think they're pretty.. huge dicks just look gross and malformed

No. 442902

cock and ball torture but not in a coomer dominatrix way, i just want to kick a moid in the balls so he falls down and curls up in a ball and then i can kick him in the stomach. i want to beat up a moid so badly but i'm too small to do so realistically so i like to imagine i've degraded the self esteem of one of them so bad that he just lies there and takes it. i want him to be crying in pain but knowing he deserves it.

No. 443248

No. 443303

There's this young blonde moid at work, finance bro type, who's always yapping about stuff and acting like an overconfident little brat. I know he's a total menace who would prob jump to exploit me or suck the energy out of me but i ache to humiliate him. I would give a lot just to see him bloodied, beaten and sobbing, and yet I can only sit and watch him swagger through the office. Sad!

No. 443318

Simply put I want to rape a man

No. 443341

How do you even rape a man when he needs to get hard for it to even happen?

No. 443351

stick something up his ass, duh

No. 443353

Pegging would only be worth it if he's cute and cleans out his ass. Otherwise… nothing but doodoo and shame.

No. 443357

You get it.

No. 443360

make deepfakes of him

No. 443409

make goatse deepfakes of him

No. 443422

I like the feeling of having more weight, both fat and muscle, on my body, and especially being larger than my partner.
This sounds cringe and autosexual, I know. It's just a weird element of my sexuality. It enhances the experience to overwhelm a small person with my mass. When I'm slimmer I feel more aesthetically attractive but I don't feel sexy.

No. 443430

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A man can get hard by accident, while incapacitated, and even while he desperately tries to not get hard. Modern technology makes penis in vagina sex with unwilling men easy. Various accounts from as early as the bronze age documents that it always was possible.

No. 443433

All it really says is that men are sluts who can't be raped because they always want it.

No. 443499

Fun fact: you can give a dead boy a boner by injecting his dick tubes with water. Now you know!

No. 443515

why is his dick a triangle

No. 443571

i think you are talking about sam and colby. just search sam and colby kidnap prank on youtube

No. 443989

Thank goodness I quit and I just have the voice now

No. 443991

Catfish him online, men still fall for it to this day because they are retarded

No. 444146

i love oneeloli so much when it's non sexual, very cute. i also sadly like shotacon because it's the only way i can see boys with small penises get raped and get hard from it. real porn with real human beings grosses me out too much i can only do fictional. something is deeply wrong with me.

No. 444225

I have a huge bloodplay kink but my nigel is scared of knives.

Unfortunately, that just feeds into it for me.

No. 444252

I have a fetish for being kept as a pet, especially by aliens. I would like a stupid asexual (as in the species reproduces asexually with no sex organs) alien who has to look up everything i do ever on the internet and jerks me off all the time because it thinks i'll die if it doesnt.

Honestly i would like to assrape a man and make him shit on my fist/dildo/whatever im using. It would be so hot to see him cry and get embarrassed about that and maybe have him be reminded of me every time he takes a shit. He'd never ever tell anyone about that because, one, why would you tell anyone you got raped and two, because he shit himself while being raped.

Holy shit nona this opens up so many possibilities. Maybe i should become a mortician.

No. 444260

>Honestly i would like to assrape a man and make him shit on my fist/dildo/whatever im using.
no you wouldn't kek. the smell will never leave no matter how much you wash or you'll end up like that girl who got an ear infection from the shit after pegging her moid. like i get the rape appeal but it's not worth the absolute stench

No. 444300

Well its not like it'll ever be anything but a fantasy so who cares

No. 444301

favorite post here. maybe ever. love u nonna kekkk

No. 444307

KEKK would the alien come to enjoy it? Or would it just view the process as completely sterile and/or kind of gross but necessary

No. 444311

Playing BG3 for the first time and I can't stop thinking about the quest where this guy lets himself be possessed by the dead traitor, asks you to punish her through him, and you can make him stab himself. I wish he wouldn't become hostile when you pass the check to make him stab himself more. I want to make a weird goth elf twink stab himself and have him be grateful for it, not mad (but I know realistically that moids that would stab themselves would be ugly and insane and kill me, probably).

No. 444313

Robots. There's a pretty common trope in scifi of robots that are humanoid to the extent of being indistinguishable from humans (played by normal actors, like Michael Fassbender as David 8 in Prometheus). Scrotey scifi authors always turn it into some annoying angsty-man-electrocutes-robot-gf trope, completely contrary to the whole point. I could see a scifi utopia where women are finally acknowledged at being scientifically better-suited for space travel, with lower physical needs, better tolerance for solitude, emotional regulation, less ego, less risk-taking, more balanced intelligence, etc. And nice-looking humanoid robots take care of the few male-specific needs of the all-female astronaut crews.

No. 444314

ear infection??? do you have a link I really want to read about this lol

No. 444316

No. 444321

The alien would enjoy it in the same way humans enjoy petting cats and watching them purr

Love u too, need more love in the world <3(emoji)

No. 444580

lesbian training, like a group of dykey looking lesbians training women to eat women out n shit.

No. 444613

Having a lady tease me about how cute I’d look with a baby bump. I’d be squirming at the awkwardness of the conversation and she’d be cooing about how adorable I’d look with a little baby in me. Additionally I could also be pregnant and just beginning to show and she could be obsessed with my bump. The fantasy would feel creepy and invasive coming from a man but it feels more like teasing if a woman does it. Plus there’s something about another woman becoming fascinated by my reproductive machinery.

No. 444787

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I feel so bad for admitting this. But i've been dealing with this specific fantasy of getting a real human skull, detaching it from the jaw, and licking the underside. Pic related. I've dealt with animal skulls for art studies before, but touching it feels so vulnerable. I've also touched real human bones before, and it feels so erotic, thinking about gently licking close to the hole base, feeling the dirt and how fragile the bone is in such a condition. I love love love the feeling of being able to tell when a skull is brittle, and I don't actually want to have sex with a skull or skeleton, but I want to feel close with the underside of a skull. I'm not a necro I just have a weird fixation.

No. 444791

The thing about small penises is so true. Why do they always draw them the size of a forearm? It’s not hot, it’s just gross. On the other hand, small is cute and sensual.

No. 444798

Such a retarded attraction point but i love flexible women. This qt woman was standing near me in the subway and her feet were in an unnatural angle. She walked to the door and she kept swinging her legs and landing them in odd positions, like a gymnast. My heart started beating faster and my clit almost twitched. I don't know if it's because i'm a legfag but i find it so gracious and attractive

No. 444800

reminds me of the catacombs 4chan guy kek

No. 444829

I'm not if this is even a fetish but I strangle myself til I can't see anything or I pass out. It feels like it kinda ruins a lot of enjoyment in my life because nothing ever feels as good as that. Would recommend but I have noticeably gotten stupider.

No. 444831

You mean wouldn't recommend right? You're going to end up in the hospital if you keep this up anon, especially if you're getting stupider/brain damaged..

No. 444837

Sorry didn't mean a full endorsement. I intend on kicking the bucket eventually so I just do it whenever I'm really angry or sad. I used to do it like 4-5 times a day but now it's only every few weeks at the least.

No. 444839

lel I remember there was this guy in a hobby I was in that was super into this, he'd date girls and try to fatten them up. He was into plenty of other gross stuff but that one stuck out to me because he has a big youtube channel now.

No. 444840

Men pissing themselves, either accidentally or being forced too. It has to be humiliating, embarrassing and unwanted though, I am not into guys liking pissing themselves.

No. 444897

I want to really hurt a man but the idea of him wanting it is a major turn off, something about it disgusts me and also it wouldn't be the same because I'm not talking about BDSM coomer stuff but actual torture. The only way to execute it in a way that is satisfying would be non consensual so unfortunately it will just have to remain a fantasy

No. 444927

What if he doesn't like the torture itself and is not a coomer, but he mentally enjoys the fact that it gives him a chance to prove himself to you and gain your approval? I realized I hate coomer masochistic men but I like the fantasy of a moid enduring anything for me, even torture, out of a twisted sense of admiration and love.

No. 444931

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Nyart, but personally I'd like it more if he felt shame and self-hatred if he angered/disappointed me and thought that he deserves to be hit. I.E. he's sad not because of the pain, but because he let my dissatisfaction with his performance get to the point where I need to resort to violence to correct him (but my standards are unrealistically high, i mean perfectly reasonable kek).

No. 444938

My worst nightmare but I’d love to fatten up a guy like this. i once went on a date with a man and he joked that he’d love it if I fattened him up and I’m ashamed to say it made me super horny

No. 444939

I keep thinking about men in Lycra and it’s driving me insane. I have a severe control fetish and I’d love to see a bulky guy piss and fart in his bike shorts in front of everyone because I told him too. Bonus if he’s the type to get super flustered and cry when he’s humiliated.

No. 445168

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I have a massive full BR incest fetish and all of the media that has it in for the horror factor just makes me coom instead

No. 445248

I think when all girl says it to a guy it insinuates that you'll take good care of him. I don't get that idea when a guy says it to a girl.

No. 445281

Yooo omorashi / wetting nonas, you're not alone kek

I actually don't like desperation, but intentional wetting. I have this long standing fantasy (literally before puberty) of cute guys just pissing their pants on purpose and pretending they did nothing wrong. Then puberty made me a bislut, so I have this for girls too. Guys/girls with stereotypical teen delinquent look, pissing themselves in front of the toilet, just looking at it, an not even bothering to change afterwards.

No. 445282

Full BR?

No. 445294

different anon but it means blood relatives/blood relations

No. 445300

I've discovered that I love choking and sex so rough it leaves bruises

No. 445316

I want to strap a man to a table and give him electroshock "therapy", gradually increasing the voltage over time until he ends up brain dead. Or a shock collar, or electrocuting him with jump cables, something about it is so hot to me

No. 445331

The shock collar scene in Garfield did this to me …

No. 445435

One time my boyfriend was telling me about how he doesn't really get drunk, just clumsy. And it turned me on so much because I have this thing for getting guys drunk and then raping them.. I have a rape kink in general, but just the thought of him being all clumsy and unable to fight back or get me off. I'd just love to see his cheeks flushed from being drunk, his body wobbly and unstable, he can't even move correctly. The idea of him trying so hard to stop me from raping him mmmmhghggg. I guess it's just similar to someone being fucked silly to the point that they can't think

No. 445501

How does a man even get raped by a woman kek

No. 445642

Either the guy doesn't want to have sex or it happens while he's not fully conscious

No. 445657

I've heard of a guy who was raped when his gf put his penis in her vagina when he was super paranoid about getting her pregnant, so he didn't want to do it. I think he cried.
I also had a bf who claimed to have been raped one day when he was stoned and two of his female friends gave him a blowjob, but I dunno. He didn't call it rape but he told me he didn't consent to it.

Same, nona. I think we are fucked up. Being obsessed with raping can't be healthy, even if it's just against adult moids. At least I'm celibate so I'm sure I wouldn't do it.

No. 445698

>guy doesn't want to have sex
…That's possible? Aren't all moids just apes that think about sex 24/7 and that's why they fuck anyone, animals, corpses, objects, etc.

No. 445754

I'm generally attracted to younger sea guys who are nerdy and inexperienced. I get a bit sad if I find out they're not a virgin.

>>439692 If you take away the rapey troupe, this is my type.

No. 445757

There was a boy I went to school with who looked exactly like that and customised a jacket with a 6 digit nhentai code for a lolicon doujin

No. 445762

I wish women were as sex-oriented as men. Sometimes I read vent posts by women that make me wish I could pity-fuck them and make them feel better.

No. 445784

I get so confused when people say they have a rape kink then describe something that isn’t rape, ignoring that a woman can’t rape her own boyfriend

No. 445793


except my specific fetish was introduced to me by a bugs life so rip

No. 445794

Integrate but also elaborate what the fetish is

No. 445848

>ignoring that a woman can’t rape her own boyfriend
I think shoving something up a guy's asshole for sexual gratification is what most people would consider rape. Like what do you think prison rape is all about?

>B-b-but that's with a penis

So if a moid forcibly put his fingers inside your vagina because he was horny you wouldn't consider it rape? If that's what you believe that's fine but I think its reasonable to think differently.

No. 445903

you’re right, neither did I but it was still hot imagining myself making him fat kek

No. 445947

I am a massive cuckquean (hate that word though) and have been for years. Some women just find it hot but for me it's all about the humiliation. Lately I've also gotten really into orgasm denial, chastity, basically anything that implies I don't deserve his love and affection.

I think it's because I have never been able to imagine a guy actually desiring me and always picture him with another girl instead.

Also off-topic but would anyone be interested in a general nsfw recs/sharing thread? Doesn't have to be video but things like audios, doujins, subreddits, fics/erotica, etc. We already have the eroge thread so I don't think it's too much of a stretch.

No. 445954

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i want to go back in time and colonize this guy's ass cheeks

No. 445961

did you enjoy the bunker thread on the cuckquean board?

No. 446001

blood. I want to him to write his initials with a razor under my nip or on my inner thigh or like a tramp stamp and lick the blood. I'd want him to cut my wrist and lick the blood…

No. 446039

No. 446045

Lol, I actually used to browse /cuckquean/ back when it was on 8chan and I was glad to see it's still around

No. 446155

I wish I was dominant so bad. It's so embarrassing being submissive, I wish I could get off on raping and abusing men like the based women on this website, but no matter how hard I try I still want to be dominated by moids. Fuck my baka life

No. 446389

Nonna you need to start listening to spicy audios. I was so turned off by the idea of moids being even slightly submissive, looking cute etc. until I got into those audios. And I would only listen to the sub stuff because I liked their voices so much but eventually I started to actually enjoy it. That combined with reading so much about nonnies’ femdom fantasies, the psyop thread and my extreme misandry enabled that even more thank you nonnies for that, ly I legit feel like I’ve escaped some sort of matrix. I still like the idea of being dominated the majority of times, which is hard to get rid of cause of shitty life stuff that shaped me plus socialization but I’d also love to dominate a cute younger guy and I’m sure that desire will only increase, as this is a new discovery for me. It’s also worth thinking about how cringe those moids are who insist on taking a dominant role all the time. Pretty much all the time they’re fugly, abusive and insecure irl.

No. 446702

I am into both domination and submission but I still feel you, nona. I know my more submissive tendencies are because of my childhood and that alone disgusts me so much I would never act on it. I feel sick even fantasizing about it sometimes. Not to mention the fact no man would ever respect you if you let him hurt you as badly as I think about.

No. 447301

I have a beautiful goth boyfriend, he's hairless except for his long black hair. He's sensitive to my feelings and is thin in a lithe way. He is a vampire and he hates himself. Anyway he's beautiful and pathetic. When we have sex its all about me because he feels guilty about getting hard. I never suck his dick or interact with it. I lock it up and instead he wears a strap and pleases me that way. He goes down on my whenever I ask and is really into my period pussy, but because he hates himself he tries to resist but always ends up going at it like an ice cream Sunday but he also cries. It's the only time he gets to eat lol. He cooks and cleans for me, and can amuse me by painting me pictures or playing an instrument. Sometimes he gets wild so I have to chain him up and muzzle him.

No. 447302

Fuck, I thought this was real until you said he's a vampire.
I've had a similar fantasy. I wish hot vampire men eating you out when you're on your period was a more popular fantasy.

No. 447310

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I think I got rotted by watching too much porn (male catered). When I'm horny, I always think back to sex with my ex moid that was also very pornrotted, and how sex with him was so degrading and hot. He would do all the stereotypical porn brainrot things like fish hooking my mouth, slapping me, and just general degradation. My current bf is the exact opposite sexually, he refuses to degrade me and only sees sex as lovemaking and never just for fun.

No. 447347

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I don’t know why, but I have a huge fixation on male assholes. Obviously I’m only into ones that are clean, pretty, pink and clean-shaven, but anyway there’s just something about the vulnerability of a man, with all the masculine expectations placed on him by society, being forced to bend over and spread himself open while going red in the face; not knowing what you’ll do to him next, being completely vulnerable to your whims. I like it regardless of the context: yaoi or hetero fantasies. It’s just sooo delicious to think about and almost kind of cute in a way. That perfect moment of anticipation before he gets fucked or eaten out or spanked or any number of options is just too perfect. I’m not drooling, I swear.

No. 447351

Bikinis which don't cover the parts very well or fail to cover

No. 447407

Holy shit finally someone who gets me

No. 447469

Buzzcuts. My Nigel got one and it was objectively ugly because he has a massive forehead and a weird head shape, everyone was clearly offput by it and everyone thought it was ugly. It was not his best look. In fact he looked really bad. But it turned me on a lot. What can I say

No. 447500

i have a buzzcut fetish too but only if the guy looks a certain way. it's hard to explain. it's very dehumanizing and fucktoy-like to me

No. 447597

You wearing it or another woman, nonnie?

No. 447908

I genuinely cannot come unless I’m thinking about becoming fat or watching another girl get fat. I’m not even that into superfat women irl, I have no idea what’s wrong with me

No. 447910

Omg hairy inbred Arab terrorist cock is so swoonnnn kek

No. 447921

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something about a man being a Russian-speaking Muslim is inherently attractive to me.. I’m serious. He doesn’t even have to be Russian speaking, white Muslim boys in general are soooo cuteee. My first crush was a pale blonde blue eyed Bosnian boy with the most delicate angelic features I had ever seen but I couldn’t bring myself to talk to him… i am so into deceprit inbred dagestanis too, khabib is my sweet sweet baby..he’s so intelligent and talented and humble. Churkanon come back plz I love wrestlers TOO. Wrestling is the hottest fucking sport ever. Any time a man/woman says they’re into wrestling I immediately am attracted to them. I don’t get how you can engage in wrestling without getting extremely horny. Sorry.

No. 447923

me when dzhokhar gets posted in unconventional attractions for the thousandth time

No. 447925

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I am exclusively sexually attracted to anime girls. Cannot get turned on by irl men or women, or fictional men. I just read yuri manga and watch yuri hentai to get off, everything else repulses me. Picrel is my biggest crush and has been since I was 14, the fact that I'm still so attracted to an underaged cartoon character makes me want to kill myself. Am I a pedophile for this? I really don't want to be a pedophile. Sometimes I wonder if I should kill myself for this since pedophiles should die, but I don't wanna die.

No. 447986

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Are you literally me 10 years ago Nonna? Tho I eventually found 3DPD women attractive because I'm weak to cute girls in general. My gf said you sound based btw.

No. 448117

I hate having a weight gain fetish because people think I’m either a stunning and brave virtue signaler for body positivity or a safe horny handmaiden. At its core it’s fetishization and I just think seeing my thin husbando gain 30 pounds is hot and cute and funny
No anon you aren’t a pedophile, shes a cartoon character and you aren’t a moid who lusts after underage girls. Homura is a character that can clearly consent too.

No. 448130

Imagine if a shotafag said this(infight bait)

No. 448135

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AYRT and I don't really mind shotafags, I don't really have a right to judge them after all. yurifag-shotafag solidarity.

No. 448136

no one would care.

No. 448144

I think if a shotafag posted here about being ashamed just like this anon, or said that she's still attached to an anime teenage crush who is underage, and weren't going around in every thread saying shota is based, no one would mind. Just like this anon isn't saying loli is based, just that she still hasn't gotten over her 2D crush.
I also kind of find an anime boy I had a huge crush on during my puberty cute/hot, which does make me a bit ashamed, but I'm not a shotafag.

You could age her up, if it makes you feel that bad.

No. 448167

A few threads ago a shortfag was absolutely massacred so I disagree

No. 448467

I’m not attracted to the puke itself but the faces made after puking are attractive. the exasperation

No. 448511

So, i've always liked the idea of a homophobic uptight religious man being mindbroken by forceful gay sex and realizing (after considerable horror) he loves being the uke. This morphed into a scenario where a religious moid marries a normie loving woman, they have a lovely trad marriage at first but then she mysteriously grows a penis (i know but i'm not a troon i swear, i was exposed way too early to hentai so this might be why.. whatever). What follows is similar to the former fantasy but there's a crucial part where the man is distraught, prays to god, vents and cries about 'fighting this demon' to his reassuring wife while she's secretely happy she gets to fuck him so hard he forgets his name. I get off to these scenes, to the husband's torment, shame, the fact he has to hide this ugly secret, assuming this is really abnormal and not just a 'teehee we live in futa world' story. I have a slew of similar fantasies about a religious serious man finding 'abhorrent' things arousing on a physical level but loathing them, like being suprise dommed, coerced into weird sex acts, always focused on how mindbroken and distressed he is from getting hard over sinful things. I also get off to the idea of an autistically chaste man who believes in sex for reproduction only but has a high sex drive wife, for whom he meekly accomplishes his marital 'duty' (when the wife isn't forcing herself on him). Aside from futa shit most of my shame comes from the fact these are clearly DV situations but reversed + related to religious misogyny

No. 448558

I agree. I like when guys make that helpless face right before they throw up. That, and that they're suffering.

No. 448588

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i keep looking up videos of motorbikers dying

No. 448604

Male victim domestic violence and abuse.
I know it's based here but the shit I want is not based in the eyes of the law, nor the moral code I've written for myself. It may not naturally feel like men are equally human but I KNOW they are.
Anyway this includes all the classic abuse shit, even the slow buildup of toxic controlling behaviors is hot. Slowly cutting him off from others, ruining his self-esteem, isolating him from society, making him rely on me solely for everything from finances to affection, etc. Then beating and terrorizing him over shit he does which escalates to taking out aggression over anything on him, then always being there to comfort afterwards so he knows I love him. I started listening to "Why Does He Do That?" and imagining a woman doing all of that to a man is hot to me.
I'm a BPDfag so it also aligns with my desires and patterns of behavior, and it's what I witnessed my BPDfag father do to my mother (which I naturally recognize as evil because I hate female suffering). But it's fucking bad.
I'm in a slight power exchange relationship with my boyfriend and it's a test to see how well I can control my urges. Aside from flipping on him during episodes I've done well at trying to enjoy caring for someone/only causing consensual pain and it works for me. But I still feel like Icarus any time I have these fantasies.

No. 448610

Hot. In another thread some nonnas were posting screenshots from /r/BPDlovedones/ and all the men posting there about their BPD girlfriends made me hot and bothered. Even hotter is that most of these men are still thinking about their BPD exes years later. I don't have BPD but I love the idea of leaving my mark on a man so that he is obsessed with me for the rest of his life and can't even be in a normal relationship anymore, he needs to be abused by me.

No. 448624

writing all that and then attaching an image of the ugliest creature ive ever seen in my life should be considered an act of terrorism

No. 448628

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NTA, is this better… Chechen moids either look like this or scraggly goat-men

No. 448630

I think I know who you are on Tumblr

No. 449007

I have fantasies of being a man and having a wife who has really bad baby fever and wants to have lots of sex where she begs me to get her pregnant. I also have fantasies about her being pregnant and getting to take care of her and hold her growing belly. It’s like my strongest desire in my soul and I feel like I will always ache for it.
Feels bad.

No. 449084

fellow retarded female. i get it nona

No. 449102

I don't have a gain weight fetish, just a slight chubby fetish. I don't wanna fatten anyone up but I do like fatties if they got a cute face and everything is perfectly soft and round.
But still, I get how you feel. I hate when others think it's because I've been psyopped to accept and like ugly men or that I'm a low self-esteem TIF-adjacent loser handmaiden protecting male feelings (it's not like I'm exclusively attracted to these types, I'm attracted to young and beautiful men too, I like many things), or that I'm a body positivity retard (I'm against that shit when it's about portraying fatness as a harmless thing).
But two things: I'm aware that being fat is unhealthy, and I would hate to be in a long-time relationship with a fat man due to his terrible habits and inevitable health problems. It's literally just a fetish for me, not my default attraction. Kinda like how some people are attracted to feet, I'm attracted to men with cute faces that have the perfect amount of roundness and their soft bellies and limbs, as long as they're not unwashed, their facial features are cute, and they don't have a rancid personality. Obviously these are rare in real life and more likely to happen in fiction, but even in fiction they're so hard to find. It's not a normal attraction and I'm aware that it grosses other people out.

No. 449129

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I see you are nonnas of culture as well

you know what is the funny thing with this ? i usually dislike yaoi and gay porn, the only artist that get my male anal stimulation vision right is dhibi

No. 449147

having a ukro refugee houseboy. He cleans the place & does dishes & cooks. I can do literally anything to him because if he disobeys I get him deported or something.. obviously it doesn't work like that IRL but still. He would begin 100% despising me yet unable to articulate/argue because he can't speak english to a malleable housedog that gets anxious without a collar because his ego has been ripped away and crushed.
His blushing, indignant face when he's made to stand or pose in some degrading position, crouched over like a litl otttoman with his butt out..
IDK i've been fixating on this idea a lot lately.. I've got a lot of bad ideas. When I finish it makes me feel bad because I've been kinda personally invested in what's going on there and I've got a Ukrainian friend. Most ukrainian moids are ugly ofc but in the fantasy he's cute and softspoken.

No. 449152

Imagine teasing him with a toy drone. You’re flying it in the backyard while having a pina colada, straight up chilling. Meanwhile he’s hiding under a couch, whimpering like a puppy and pissing himself simultaneously.

No. 449164

No. 449222

he looks like a gay pornstar but anything is better than the first pic

No. 449291

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>Reading abusive gf posts on reddit
I love reading these too

No. 449308

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I am someone who absolutely loathes TIMs but I am also into futa. To be fair, I don't associate one with the other at all. I still see futas as women. To me, they're just ones that have penises. I can justify my attraction to them because I'm bisexual. I know hermaphroditism, where some women are born with penises, is also a naturally occuring phenomenon and does not equal troonism. I wouldn't be so ashamed of it, if it wasn't so closely linked with troons now but I don't think it should be anyway.

No. 449315

correct me if i'm wrong but i thought hermaphroditism only occurred in animals and insects, while human women born with male parts don't necessarily have a full-on entire dick.

No. 449322

I honestly think about it more as something that also existed before trannies became a thing, but also, it is separated from trannies because you don't see it getting called "tranny" it's always "futa" or "futanari" It's only the actual trannies that are trying really hard to change the name/category but no one wants to see it that way because trannies are fucking disgusting.
Hell, if you join porn discord servers, you can see how they are considered separate categories and how people just don't want to relate one to another, it's honestly funny because a woman is a woman regardless of how retardedly drawn she is, but they know that a woman with a dick will always be a woman and not a moid pretending to be a woman.
Like, everyone is pornsick but even they themselves know that reality is unavoidable and that saying that a futa is a tranny makes the fantasy/fetish unsexy as fuck.

No. 449324

futanari has nothing to do with troon though, it literally means "hermaphrodite" in japanese, its just Japanese moids drawing women who have dicks. Trannies wish they could look like that but they dont look like women to begin with

No. 449325

Futas are impossible in real life in the same way that traps who look and sound exactly like girls but with a dick, or people with wings, or people with magic powers, are impossible. It's still pornsickness but at least some coomers can tell fiction from reality kek

No. 449329

Yeah, technically futanaris have a fully functional penis AND a vagina. That's not possible in real life, as a far as I know.
It's funny how trannies like to get butthurt over futa, like calling it transphobic and people who are into it "chasers" when it has nothing to do with them. lol Once again, the TIM just thinks everything is about him.

No. 449350

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>I know hermaphroditism, where some women are born with penises, is also a naturally occuring phenomenon

No. 449373

tossing my hat in with you, except for me its obese not just chubby, and i cant get turned on by men who are normal weight. like i straight up wont get wet. at best it will be enough so that getting fingered doesnt feel like sandpaper. but if hes fat my pussy decides its a slip n slide

No. 449380

I considered joining the military to experience this.

No. 449388

Bpdfag here too but imagine how hot it would be to slam a moid against a wall when I split or maybe choking him scratching him with sharp acrylic nails. Then I would comfort him with his head in my lap. Would also be hot to make out with a moid who’s extremely drunk and then smother him with my tits.

No. 449476

it's not me, I wouldn't fetishize them speaking r*ssian and I hate Shara because he's an ugly misogynist unlike my favorites.

No. 449526

this gif on the front page is what brought me to this thread kek. what a read. standing in solidarity with my fellow piss kink nonnas. i’ve been this way since before i ever got in the internet so i don’t know what’s wrong with me

No. 449600

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There’s at least two other churkanons here, excluding you KEK. Here’s the million dollar question: do you also fantasise about force feeding them alcohol. Halal boy corruption fetish is simply superior. Priests are way overdone

No. 449608

Guys who are super sweet, gentle, shy irl, so much so they come across as major subs, but are actually really mean sadistic doms

No. 449610

Futa meaning hentai futa? Because at least the recent hentai of them definitely correlate with trannyism

No. 449739

Bombarding moids I have done sex with before, like constantly asking for body photo requests (stomachs) or semi-silent phone calls while I masturbate. I don't really receive sexual gratification from them itself but by making him uncomfortable. I've only successfully accomplished it once since I'm not sexually active, but I like fantasizing about it. I'm too lazy to try it again. He blocked me kek

No. 449867

>Since I fetishize small men so much
Why tho?
Are you a tall woman that feels deeply attracted to the opposite of yourself?

No. 449921

>some have "short man voice," the nasally high-pitched kind.

Omg nona I get it. This is what makes me want to bully Ben Shapiro until he cries and cums

No. 449923

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I was looking at old threads and this made me blush and made my stomach feel weird. I’ve never had a sexual fantasy or anything that turns me on that has religious/race (well besides church grooming yaoi) as a focus. Am I a bad person?

No. 449925

You get it. I don't fantasise about being a scrote, but I do fantasise about literally everything else you said kek. I daydream about doting on my pregnant gf, and sometimes I am the pregnant gf (by IVF or something idk) whose wife is overprotective. Mostly it's the other way around though and it's just so cozy. Sigh.

No. 449926

why did he block you

No. 449927

>Am I a bad person?
Only if you think one is acceptable but not the other.

No. 449928

What do you mean? I think moids objectifying women for their race/religion is disgusting but that’s because they’re scrotes and I don’t think they deserve anything.

No. 449930

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no its ok nona live your life

No. 449940

I sort of have a fantasy like this, except as the wife. I want a gf with AAP brain poisoning who is desperate to get me pregnant. Although in my fantasy it's just us having constant sex with her insisting I'll definitely for sure get knocked up this time.

No. 449979

Imagine a magical shekel that rolls wherever you want it to. Drop it in a crowded square in the tri-state area and watch the liddol joos be delivered to your footstep!(bait)

No. 449986

fucking kek

No. 450211

Aww, I’ll certainly find a submissive Jewish boy with this

No. 450224

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I thought I had gotten over my hybristophilia by purposefully never indulging it (no reading about killers, no looking up pics, text posts, edits, or art of them) but recent events and the general public response has me relapsing so hard, I just watched a fucking jihadi john edit. I thought I moved past this juvenile and unhealthy retardation.

No. 450244

I have a stuffing/feedee fetish and I gained over 20 lbs in a year because of it. I don’t know why I’m like this.

No. 450282

No judgment but I’m genuinely curious about what you find arousing about feederism.

No. 450288

Loss of control, hedonism, and overeating.

No. 450315

I've never participated but I found feederism content at a very young age online and unfortunately I just can't get over it. I've always been attracted to fat women but it just feels like such a coomer thing to be into, I wish I could stop being into it.

No. 450545

I briefly had a fling with a guy that encouraged it and in a way it was hot that such a handsome fit guy would encourage me to binge drink diet coke and begged to hear my stomach gurgle. But health wise it just wasn't constructive for my goals. It felt like I was hiding from reality the whole fetish is cope and unhealthy. I can't really talk since I'm obsessed with forest fucking I'm no angel but there's gotta be a line

No. 450564

Same, though I haven’t actually gained any weight. It would be nice to gain a little and not be so cold all the time. Inb4 no im not anachan

No. 450642

A lot of fetishes and paraphilias in the modern era are born from repression - either cultural or internal - and the more you shame yourself or try to abstain, the worse the urges will be. Don't let puritans (including your inner one) dictate what you feel or do. Also, relatable.

No. 452543

Male humiliation of any type, including tranny shit, but only if it looks as pathetic and laughable as possible and stays away from any "becoming a woman" talk. I want to throw rotten tomatoes at them, punch them in the face, smush their faces around, and laugh at how retarded they look and how nobody could love them and I'm blessing them with favor by giving them any attention at all. I want to force them to kneel like a dog and thank me for it. To choke them until they change color, I want to use them as a chair, to force them into giving me their paychecks naked with a smile, bruises, and a hard on.
Definitively stays in the fantasy brain, can't possibly be able to do this irl. Though the smushing face thing is safe, probably. I find myself playing with ears and cheeks, fiddling with their fingers, nails, lips, and even eyebrows. I think it has something to do with being given control of someone's faces or hands.

No. 452901

Being in a relationship with an antinatalist redditor type when he accidentally gets me pregnant. Not only does he decide to stay with me and raise the baby, it also unlocks a massive breeding kink for him, and we fuck raw constantly.

This was inspired by hearing a youtuber say he doesn't want kids

No. 452902

Same here. No idea what's wrong with me but I can't help but be into it

No. 452903

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I bet I can guess what your favourite banner is kek based taste btw

No. 452932

>including tranny shit
Can you elaborate? I'm also into male humilliation, but any tranny/sissy shit is an instant turn off. I hate that they ruined some things for me that I would've otherwise not disliked if I didn't associate it with trannies/sissies, but it's just so disgusting to me even if the man was %100 heterosexual and wouldn't troon out, I just can't get into it. I hate the association of womanhood with degradation, and I hate that it turns them on more than humilliates them.

No. 452940

I have an ignore fetish. I want a moid to jerk off to me have sex with me while I ignore him. I hate that I’m expected to make facial expressions and be vocal during sex.

No. 452942

This is definitely a scrote’s wank fantasy. Nonnies don’t feel bad for liking scrote abuse stories because so many of them love it too.

No. 452957

It's more of how it's a pathetic try at an escape from reality and their status as losers. How it ruins their lives and destroys their relationships all in order to pursue a gross perverted fantasy that doesn't actually exist and will never exist. The fact that they keep trying to live in delusion when they're still completely male and doing the most "thinking with dick" thing ever, they just ruined themselves too.
Basically, the "ywnbaw" part. Either way, I'd never admit to this irl since it's fucked up and is still trannyshit regardless.

No. 452986

i've terfed out so much that my new fetish is detransitioning a troon. I got this idea browsing 4tran4 and watching a troon talk about their self-harm fetish of detransitioning and becoming a husband and dad and realizing their wife is the only real woman, but I love the idea of just existing as a woman effortlessly in front of a self-hating troon until they detransition. idk if this even counts as uniquely shameful or just being a girl on lc

No. 452992

Someone threatening to kill themselves because I'd leave them is so hot to me. Yes I realistically know this is abusive and straight up manipulative, especially if a moid does it. But I've just always been so turned on by the idea that if I broke up with someone they'd go fucking insane so they'd very seriously threaten to hurt themselves and cry, grovel and sob into my skirt or my chest for me to stay with them. Especially with that "please please please, I can't live without you, I'll be alone without you baby" whiny voice they'll make as they hysterically cry. But it's even angstier if it comes from someone who might believably attempt to , so I'm just agonizing over whether to believe them or not. And then I believe them and then we have sad but passionate "I love you, I'll never leave you, I'm so sorry" sex where we're both crying and moaning, and sloppily making out as our tears mix together. Lowkey had a bpd situationship with a girl who tried that when I didn't wanna talk anymore but it didn't hit the same cause we were e-gfs, and also she was suicidal all the time so she admitted it wasn't special. No I need the real thing, I want angst and turmoil.

No. 453157

>idea of a homophobic uptight religious man being mindbroken by forceful gay sex

Me too me too me too

No. 453169

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my god, after reading this thread mine seems tame by comparison but masks and jumpscares just do it for me. i would never be able to go to a fright night or halloween event at a theme park because the scare-actors they hire would probably make me lose my mind. i would be drooling like a damn hound. it's actually a problem. like every halloween when my fyp gets filled with those types of videos i get so shocked, it's like looking at porn. i'm checking over my damn shoulders making sure no one can see the screen and everything. no joke, i start praying mind-readers aren't real and never will be real because i never want some random psychic stranger to be reading my fucked up thoughts about fake-bloodied up theme-park actors like some weirdo loser degenerate

No. 453301

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I want to rape correct a misogynistic moid but he also has to be a pretty cute guy.I want to physically overpower him as I force him to eat me out and keep him from touching himself.I especially would like to choke him out as ride ontop of him while I tell him how pathetic and retarded he is.not too ashamed really but femdom is very male centered and what I really want to do is actual,full on rape correction but that’s not socially acceptable sooo

No. 453422

i have a piss kink but i think thats pretty normal ? just want a hot man to piss on me and degrade me my ex would never do it for me he wouldnt even take a shower with me i also have dd/lg kink since forever being a kid on tumblr since 2011 so i was exposed to that kind of thing i made my ex spank me in early stages of dating but he didnt seem to care or really try and i have a rape festish and wish a dude would rape me but as a roleplay i love forceful sex i want a shy cute tall dude to act like hes all nice and shit and then rape me i also love public sex and want to fuck a swedish or Norwegian twink in the woods,also love bloodplay and i want to be choked and hit. one can only dream nonnas

No. 453460

I am into humiliation and cucking, but in a way where the guy cucking me isnt even in a relationship with me, (i dont know if theres a better word for it). I really want a hot guy to make fun of me for being a sexually frustrated virgin and only flirt with me to entertain himself with my reactions to it, he makes me flash him only to make fun of how flat my chest is, he says weird shit to me in a suggestive way then laughs at my face that it turns me on. I'd like to think that he would invite me to his house and to get my hopes up only to reveal that he just had sex with another girl, and fishing out their used condom from the trashcan is the closest i can ever get to having sex with him, than he laughs at the idea that i even thought i had a chance with him.

No. 453477

Hawt, especially the choking

No. 453480

nonas on here calling us zoomies turns me on, I'm sorry

No. 453483

The only shameful part is thinking a moid would be corrected by sex kek

No. 453581

Exquisite taste, nonichka. I have a similar fetish but I want cute misogynistic moids to be forced to eat out my dirty pussy

No. 453584

That is so hot but in my fantasies as I comfort him in my tits or thighs I’d want him to get really turned on and put his mouth to work

No. 453630

>ignoring that a woman can’t rape her own boyfriend

Sorry I know this is from a while ago. I came back here because I was having a rape sperge again. But he doesn't rlly want me to touch him or have sex. Kissing, holding hands, and other things like that is different. He said if I tried to rape him then he would just restrain me. That's what makes me want to rape him even more, especially if I get him drunk or drug him.

He'll be so weak and can't stop me from doing whatever I want to his body. it's so hot, I really wanna take advantage of him. Also I know drugging someone is immoral but the thought of getting him unconscious … He would look so precious and cute it'd be like I have a sex doll or my own that can't move or say no. I might be a necrophile tbh, the idea of just squirting all over his corpse and using it however I please (speaking of squirting, I'd love to do it all over his glasses then push him to the floor like a little bitch and make him lick it off). I don't know what turns me on more, the thought of him trying to fight back or the unconscious thing. Oh I can't take it anymore, I'm definitely raping him one day. I need to take him out drinking sometime. I want him to wake up realizing what happened to him while I pretend to be the good guy and let him cry in my chest, making a fake promise that I'll never do it again. And just keep abusing and using him. I've been squeezing my thighs together so hard while writing this

I don't know what it is with me wanting to manipulate guys, and if it's a fetish or not. Because I also pointed out that he has a jew nose from being polish (some of them are mixed with jews) and he started getting all insecure lol. Then, like I said, I acted like it was an accident and pretended to be the good guy

No. 453745

would you make him admit that women are superior to men and that he needs women more than you need him?
if so, then thats hot.

No. 453753

No. 453755

I've been introducing more malesub into my fantasies but I always circle back to the most degrading humiliation on myself it makes me feel disgusted with myself and then creates a vicious cycle of more self loathing it doesn't help that I was groomed into hardcore humiliation throughout my teen years, my fantasies always circle back to it even with years of therapy, atleast torturing cute boys in my head brings some catharsis

No. 453871

Guys with big foreheads, I don't know why

No. 454261

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This image alone made me able to masturbate again after being completely devoid of libido for almost a year. I don't even find fat moids particularly handsome but the idea of being forcefully suffocated by a huge fat hairy stinky moid's balls and then suck on his gigantic man tits sends me way over the edge. Has a boyfriend once who was an abusive asshole but he was such a hot fatass that by the end of the relationship I had near damn sucked his nipples right off. I masturbate about him to this day.
I also have kind of a crossdresser/troon kink, in which I fantasize about having sex with a very bimbo-ey big dick tranny or where I fantasize about me actually having a dick and wearing it in lingerie. Never been able to act upon it as it seems that all the trannies i've encountered are into men.

No. 454292

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I am exactly the same, nonnie. Got groomed into being a hardcore masochist after a rough upbringing that made me perfect for the pick, and now even after extensive therapy I still can't rid myself of it. I am really glad that I came to the awareness that it's unhealthy, but I do sometimes miss not having so much shame and constant internal conflict over it to the point it renders me almost asexual. I genuinely don't feel entitled to enjoy myself sexually considering so much of my sexuality revolves around a perverse fetishization my own subjugation as a woman. I hate it so much. I know it "isn't my fault" but that doesn't negate the anguished cognitive dissonance that comes with being aware of the roots of something like this.

Anyway, all of that is to say that I feel for you and I'm glad you're trying to let yourself explore more of what you're not as familiar with. I have noticed that, although I'm now less sexual in general now, after so much therapy I am definitely more open to male submission, whereas in the past it made me want to vomit. I think at this point my hypothetical ideal is just total "equality" though, but I know that isn't possible. When I've tried to achieve that, it's usually just me acting bratty until a man forces me into submission anyway (which is what I secretly want all along). Sigh.

No. 454294

Honest question, do/did you watch a bunch of tranny porn or something? I cannot imagine a woman actually having a kink for troons unless she was extremely pornsick, and the fact that you fantasize about having a dick without any interest in pegging or lesbianism just seems sus. I don't want to jump the gun and assume you're a covert moid/tranny so I need to ask kek.

No. 454340

I don't really watch much porn anymore, but when i was a teen and discovered youporn, the shemale category was my first fixation. I think for me it's just porn brainrot + maybe some freudian thing about wanting the 'power aspect' of having a penis idk

No. 454380

been there nona. it gets better, i promise. one day youll be completely repulsed by any form of submission

No. 454385

i don’t even wanna have sex i justwanna beat the shit out of a cute guy until he’s begging me to stop

No. 454490

Late as fuck but one of my biggest kinks is being on the other side of this. I fantasize about being with someone who would want to do this to me, but then I think, no way someone would have a fetish for that specifically, and then I feel retarded lmao. Honestly I think I’d rather be smothered by someone than actually have sex.

Def related but I have a huge fat/wg fetish and used to only be into extreme weights but was eventually able to start liking regular chubbiness. And I can now get turned on by normal weight people too, it just doesn’t feel as “easy.” I had a weird upbringing so I think I was repressed and didn’t let myself look at people that way, which probably fueled my fetish. I used to think I’d feel forever broken but now I feel a little less broken kek.

No. 454516

Not ashamed but I want to have lesbian sex outside I’m the rain.

No. 454705

I really want to bite a dick. Not full-on CBT, just a little nibble. Are there dudes who are into that?

No. 454742

it would be too cold

No. 454765

Oh yeah,that sounds fuuun hehe

No. 454870

File: 1734586735257.jpg (82.61 KB, 934x1231, dazai1.jpg)

Not the worse but I'm attracted to some tif cosplayers. I'm in some fandoms with a lot of fujos, so I come across a lot of them on my insta feed. I used to have fantasies about them, but they are all into men so I'm kind of fucked lol.

No. 454972

tfw you will never roleplay with a tif fujo in cosplay as her favorite characters

No. 455043

I did this as a teen and honestly it was very fun nostalgia in retrospect.

No. 455491

there are people with lives greater than i can imagine. le sigh. hate being retarded and weird. who did you cosplay as heh

No. 455624

Nta but it does sounds like a lot fun. I'd like to do that kind of stuff nowadays but I think I've already aged out of the primary demographics kek (I'm in my early 20's).

No. 456473


This post has been ruminating in my mind for over a week now, nonnie. I should have replied earlier honestly. I feel a need to thank you for being the first person I’ve ever seen perfectly articulating what I find the appeal of guro/dissection/medical/biology/vore (whatever this is all under the umbrella of) kink to be.

>I want to see the organs inside him that make his little heart and mind tick and keep him alive like clockwork.

You’ve hit the nail on the head so perfectly. An extra appeal for me personally that goes along with this is if the subject is some monsterboy and has internal anatomy completely foreign to human knowledge too… it doesn’t get tiring to imagine.

No. 456502

I fantasize about kidnapping him for hours. I have lots of fantasies about him but the most vivid and detailed are about making him my long-term petvictim. At first he’d be strapped in a chair and eventually, on good behavior, he’d get a collar chained to the wall and a mattress. I don’t necessarily have a “feeder” fetish in the sense that I want to force him to gain weight but I would like to feed him nice sweet things by hand. Pour water or milk into his mouth. Watch him wrap his lips around a straw and suck. It would all feel very maternal. If he’s ever mean to me I’ll deprive him of as much stimulation as I can for a while to teach him what not to do. I wouldn’t want him to go insane but I want him to be glad to see me when I come back and let him feel the touch of another human. Eventually I want him to beg for it. He’ll be so lonely and bored and sad that he’ll want me to touch him, even though he hates me for taking him away from his former life and all the things he loves.

No. 456655

hot as fuck.

No. 456663

Cute moids need to be banned from getting nosejobs

No. 456760

I wish I could click my fingers and give whatever guy I find attractive a pussy and proceed to eat him out whilst he wonders what the fuck just happened. I can't date a tif it's not the same. I need a male body with a vagina, so it's strictly fantasy.

No. 456780

This is not in any way less weird than being attracted to tifs.

No. 456891

I definitely have a fantasy about hooking up with a guy, and when he wakes up I've got him locked in a cock cage. I'll tell him that it's to prevent him from cheating on me but really it's just because I'm into it. He begs me daily to take it off and I scold him and sit on his face and tell him that if he is especially good, I might take the cage off (but I don't and ruin any orgasms he might have). In public I'll wear the key to his cage around my neck and just play with it while we're out at dinner and he's so miserable thinking about when the next time he can come (never).
I feel like chastity is such a moid-dominated area, and the men who actually like chastity cages are all either homosexual or gooners

No. 457524

I was raised really Christian so I low-key do want to date a Christian guy so we have to like wait until marriage and stuff. But he has to be a huge pushover and eventually he doesn't realize how abusive I am until we're actually married and he basically becomes my househusband who's only hobby is working out or handy work or some dumb guy shit. When he fucks up I get to hit him, and not even in a sexual way. He doesn't really like to fight back because he just feels like he deserves it. That'd be so hot.

I don't think I could ever do this in real life because I don't think there's any christian guys who'd put up with this shit but if I could, maybe.
I feel like my hatred of moids has maybe ruined my sexuality because I have these weird degen expectations

No. 457540

Weird thought I had this week while on the toilet but why is female futa so common and male futa nonexistent? The male "equivalent" according to most people seems to be cuntboys, but technically that's the opposite sex version of dickgirls, which are basically fantasy MTF trannies and they only have a dick, not a vagina. A male futa would have both a penis and a vagina but I've never seen this depicted in either drawings or writing. Weird freaking thought I had and I wanted nonnies' opinion so I could only post it in this thread kek

No. 457598

Incest, and I'm deeply ashamed. Meeting my half-brother for the first time as a teenager broke something in my brain and it stayed broken. He's just so fucking handsome and athletic and cute and funny and respectful. He has absolutely no idea and just thinks I'm a very affectionate, totally normal person who likes to cuddle in bed with few clothes on in private as a means of showing that affection. I would never break his trust by doing anything unseemly, but he likes having another sibling so much that he's willing to go along with anything I want, even if it's objectively weird, and I have to constantly rein myself in from taking liberties.

No. 457604

AYRT, I would not like this. Too complex, if I wanted a moid with a dick I'd just find one…

No. 457616

They do exist but it's extremely rare. I've seen this portrayed probably maybe about 4 or 5 times in my entire life, but even that could be an overestimation.

No. 457621


Since I was a small child I had a weird fixation on belly shit I associate mostly with moids: intentional bloating/stuffing/weight gain, sometimes samesize f/f vore, pregnancy stuff

Have never successfully engaged anyone else in these fantasies and barely explored them myself until very recently (mid 20s)

This constitutes like 90% of my sexuality and I wish I could do something with it in a way that made me happy

No. 457632

What the actual fuck, anon

No. 457917

With weird fetishes, fujos make up 99% of female-made content that isn't MMD models or shitty edits and male futa only appeals to women who want a boyfriend with both genitals so there's nothing for fujos there, especially when cuntboys already exist. This is the same reason you never see cuntboy x female content even though there's a lot of women who want to fuck them since they don't create content which makes it seem like its less popular than it actually is.

No. 458112

File: 1734994143531.jpg (26.17 KB, 639x360, 1000030425.jpg)

I think I'm developing a transformation fetish or just stopped repressing it if I'm being completely honest kek. I keep having odd, almost intrusive daydreams about turning into a monster (sometimes I'm a cute but powerful monster, sometimes I'm scary) and fucking smaller, weaker humans. It's so autistic but I come up with entire storylines on the fly to bolster the fantasies kek. This is strictly an imagination-only thing though, I find most transformation "art" repulsive and weird. I promise I'm not a furry.

No. 458222

I hate that I found this cute.

No. 458360

When you say "willing to go along with anything I want" what do you mean? What has he been willing to do so far? And what do you wish you could do with him? Disclaimer I'm not into incest, plus I'm an only child anyways. Odd people just intrigue me which is why I go to places like this in the first place

No. 458428

File: 1735016592260.jpg (203.72 KB, 769x807, ui5zVr9dNQ4.jpg)

Saya ?

No. 458559

KEK I'm not quite at this level of degeneracy fortunately

No. 458600

I feel like this is a trap, but honestly I just want a lot more body contact. He's happy to do a lot of girlfriend-y activities, will hold hands, bridal carry me etc. but shies away from full body contact when we swim together or cuddle. I know it's weird, but we're not doing anything he's uncomfortable with or which is morally/legally/ethically wrong. If we'd grown up with each other I'd probably find him disgusting, but we didn't, so I feel like I'm less weird for feeling this way than the real freaks out there.

No. 459107

>he has absolutely no idea
nonnie are you genuinely retarded? even the most brain dead social retard would know cuddling in bed together isn't normal for adult siblings of opposite genders. he's gooning to incest porn waiting for you to make a move.

No. 459501

Would never do it obviously, but sometimes I fantasize about being cut across the belly and having the wounds fucked by a modelesque angel man with pretty hair.

No. 459502

Men crying. I'm not sure if I secretly hate them, or if it's just so rare to see that I've developed this weird fetish. The way they cry. Their faces, the sounds… They feel so sexual to me, almost like moaning.

No. 459537

No, really. He takes everything I say at face value with total trust because we're family. When we first met I just sat next to him while watching movies because I was cold and he just accepted it, so it grew from there as he became more comfortable. He now just thinks that's the way I am and indulges me. I feel bad for taking advantage of that trust, but I refuse to lie to him about anything else or do anything with that advantage.

No. 460050

There was a brief period where I almost exclusively fantasized about a man with bloated, silicone filled balls face fucking a woman and getting so lost in his pleasure that he doesn't realize until after he's ejaculated that the woman has died from suffocation. Another aspect of this fantasy could never work because I don't think their genitals get firm enough to literally clobber someone - but the idea of the balls being hard enough that when he's face fucking her, he ends up not only suffocating her, but bashing her face in with his balls like nose broken, face bruised and bloody and he ends up horrified and freaking out but unable to pretend it wasn't the best orgasm he's ever had. Preferable fantasy ending would be him becoming some combo rapist/serial killer with his bloated, ugly genitals. I developed this fantasy after I found a man on twitter who injected so much, his genitals sag to his knees and could fill up an entire sink. Unfortunately he hates that he ever did it and wants to get the foreign substance removed from his body. He attributes it to an addiction he had/has, and loathes it. Good for him but also wow that sucks for my orgasms. Sometimes I love how men are at the whims of their sexual desires, especially and particularly when it's at their own espense. I'm not ashamed of this fetish, I just figured I'd be crucified if I posted it in the non-ashamed thread. Rightfully, I guess.

No. 460068

What the actual fuck

No. 460070

Get help

No. 460071

Kek wtf anon

No. 460075

Live your truth nona

No. 460089

I think about my yaoi boys dying like this

No. 460097

You and the poop passing through the exposed bowels fetish nona: who would win?
Unless… you're both the same fucked up anon

No. 460102

The pillbug anon for sure, at least no women died in her fantasy

No. 460103

Yeah this one’s violence towards women is really disturbing. I hope I never run into a woman like her.

No. 460117

same. i’ve been this way since literal childhood. for some reason, seeing a man cry feels more intimate than anything even directly related to sex, to such an intense degree that i get outwardly flustered just from seeing crying scenes in movies. i used to avoid dramas and i’d freeze up during emotional moments because of this, until a switch flipped during puberty and i finally accepted the feelings for what they were. now i just roll with it. plus, moids talk about getting off on women’s tears all the time, so i don’t even feel particularly degen about it.

No. 460127

That's it. I'm taking an undefined break from this fucking website

No. 460163

>post fetish in fetishes you are ashamed of thread
>nona oh my goodness sweetheart this is so sickening i.. i just.. wow. (hand on mouth)
as jesus said: whover among you has not sinned gtfo the thread

No. 460168

Maybe because most of us have fantasized about countless scenarios, none of which include other women being murdered?

No. 460173

Save your whining moralfaggotry for something that is actually happening or at least has the possibility to. So much bawww over nothing

No. 460176

No I think I'm going to continue living as a normie woman and calling out creepy or moid-brained behavior when I see it

No. 460179

No fanks, as they say in Britain

No. 460181

We are on lolcow and I am going to point and laugh at silly things when I see them

No. 460183

How hot the angry sex with an arab cokehead was

No. 460184

My friend did that, regrets it

No. 460185

This is the fetishes you're ashamed of thread and you said you're not ashamed of your scrote tier fetish of a woman choking to death with a cock, then act offended when others react accordingly, you're the odd one out here

No. 460186

I do too, I don't recommend it

No. 460210

I'm trying to think about the logistics of these nose-breaking balls and it's gone from horrifying to hilarious super fast

No. 460731

File: 1735358381263.jpg (126.15 KB, 800x600, Гопник.jpg)

I have something for gopniks. There is something erotic about their trashiness that I can't explain. But I find russian scrotes exotic and hot in general, probably because watching tiktoks with cute ones fried my brain kek
My fantasy is that I am a lost tourist in a impoverished post soviet neighborhood and find one of them drinking, he is hot and very hostile to me and foreigner in general and demands in russian for me to give money to him so he can buy more vodka, when he sees that I don't speak russian he insults me and asks for the money again and when I answer I have none with me, he tells me to jerk him off and suck his dick and I oblige

No. 460759

I like this but not that

No. 460768

Impregnation/breeding fetishes actually really turn me on. I blame the Sims.

No. 460775

I like some things like this.
>I blame the Sims

No. 460786

I want to devote myself to my girlfriend mentally but also never let anyone find out about her or even know I'm in a relationship and I'd treat her well but we'd probably not even talk or anything, I'd just go eat her out every day after work and hang out and play games and read a book with her and she'd do some housework or something. Like we'd have some kind of trust that feels like telepathy with each other.

No. 460801

Well, it's just like… the characters in the Sims are always so happy to have a baby…

No. 460809

No. 460861

I like the sight of bloody pads. Fetish? Not from what I've provided. I really don't want to elaborate on how and why it is. The color contrast is what started it.

No. 460862

Ngl, blood is really aesthetically pleasing.

No. 460998

I know this is common and not as strange as the ones in here but I think I'm a footfag and I don't really want to be. At first I thought it was me finding them dainty because I like seeing my soles, especially in semi-opaque tights and socks (No, I'm not getting off on my own feet, I just find them pretty.) but when it's other women's feet in porn it turns me on? Not the weird kind of porn, just women wearing them naked with the soles being in focus. It makes me feel like a creepy perverted man or something nonas what do I do?

No. 461065

File: 1735419918008.gif (956.82 KB, 554x640, foodie-beauty-chantal-marie.gi…)

No. 461289

I don't understand why liking feet is a problem though ? is it because you think they're dirty ? There are more bacteria (and diversity of them) inside mouths than on feet. I don't think its possible to get rid of a fetish, I've tried, as have many others, without great results. You feel like a "creepy pervert man" for liking feet ? even though many of them aren't even attracted to it ? Do you feel like that for liking ass too ?, I have a fetish that I used hate too, but eventually you just get used and learn to laugh at it, or just avoid/ignore.

No. 461319

Nonny pls lmaoooo

No. 461340

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I want to keep a vampire boy in my basement and keep him fed off my period blood he has to eat out from my pussy. In general the idea of making men eat me out while on my period turns me on.

No. 461345

I legitimately like sucking dick and while I do prefer dating women I'm almost sad sometimes that I will likely never suck dick again.

No. 461414

File: 1735487472683.jpg (102.42 KB, 736x705, 17fc7d7e706431c49c245f5a60f83b…)

New fetish unlocked

No. 461477

File: 1735497199669.jpg (28.01 KB, 377x479, thought-id-piece-the-face-toge…)

Being bullied in high school and having homophobic straight girls say I'm disgusting and bad, and spread rumors that I'm a sexual predator, made me develop a kink for actually being a predator. I want to be a powerful CEO with a cute secretary that I get to grope and harass. I want to kidnap women and throw them in the trunk of my car. I want to break into their homes and tie them up. I love leaning into the violent aggressor role, it just feels so freeing. Like the weight of having to act harmless and do customer service woman personality who never ever has bad thoughts ever I'm always uwu good pure girl always concerned with morals - and other female socialization retardation to everyone can finally fall away. It feels like a fist in my chest finally unclenching. I want to say: They made this monster. But, I'm too shy irl to enact any of these fantasies. Hell, even as an adult I can tell straight women love to nag and moralize against lesbians, I'd love to really give them something to complain about.

No. 461510

File: 1735504586475.webp (60.13 KB, 640x479, he-pulled-up-with-a-hostage-v0…)

I've been obsessing over this guy who does short videos and has black psycho eyes and cute upturned lips, he inspired some good scenarios. I'll make it short because this took days in my head and I have enough material for a dozen chapters of fic. I fantasized about stalking him (usually I prefer yandere male scenarios but this was a fun change). At first I stayed discreet, but became more and more brazen until he started to notice me. I keep a journal to write every encounter, new details I notice about him, add creepshots and memorabilia that I steal. He confronts me at some point, being too annoyed with the situation, and ends up stealing my journal. After a few days he leaves me a note with his adress to come get my journal back. Of course I can't pass on the offer even though I know something's fishy. He's cold towards me but curious, and asks about my obsession and stalking. I make it clear that I won't stop stalking him and can't keep him out of my head for a minute. As I let my guard down gradually, he finally tricks me and traps me in a corner of the room : one hand grabbing both my wrists, the other holding a knife under my chin. He asks me why he shouldn't just kill me right now and I say that I wouldn't mind dying in his hands. After some tense exchanges, he starts to understand the power he holds over me and becomes both intrigued and disgusted by it. Anyways, he starts to grope me and puts his hand on my pussy - obviously very wet already, which amuses him - which makes me come very quickly. The climax is fucking intense with the mix of shared fear, disgust and excitement unfolding in this powerplay.

All this to say I can't come without long-winded complex scenarios that I repeat in my head until I perfect them then use again and again with small variations or new protagonists. New scenarios take a lot of time to come out but instill new fetishes that I never thought about (here, knifeplay and being a stalker) before and progressively become darker and darker. I'm scared of my mind having to come up with darker and darker scenarios and fetishes to stay stimulated.

No. 461613

Yes, they usually are ugly and smell bad to people too.
>You feel like a "creepy pervert man" for liking feet ?
I don't know how to explain it but men who like feet are believed to act really weird and freak women out, and it's such an uncommon fetish among women that I have no basis to reference from for the reaction to females into foot fetishes among other women that I just look at their reaction to males, and therefore project onto their disgust of it and feel ashamed? In any case, I guess I'll try to ignore it.

No. 461634

>actually really, really enjoy sucking cock
>boyfriend doesn't like them
>finally convince him to let me try
>he takes so long to cum that my jaw cramps
Life is suffering.

No. 461719

this is so hot

No. 461765

Sometimes I fantasize about doing a reverse loverboy scheme where I date young zoomer moids around 18-20 years old and convince them to do onlyfans with me. The brand I create is owned by me where I sometimes star as a headless anonymous femcel experimenting on cute boys, but the moids are the actual talent. Porn addiction is increasing in women too and we are at the frontier creating a new fujo adjacent niche within 3dpd porn, so they need to look very attractive in both the face and the body. The boys like and trust me because the ones I pick are kinda simple minded and I'm an older experienced woman. I tell them they're gonna make so much money, trust me on this.

We tweak things until we find the ultimate femcel porn formula then exploit the algorithms to make it viral. When I film a scene, the moids oftentimes don't know where the plot is gonna go to ensure a genuine reaction from them, and as time goes on I slowly push their boundaries and make them do more and more embarrassing and humiliating stuff in the videos. Eventually me and my reverse harem gain a considerable following of degenerate women, alphabet soup people and actual homosexual men, but by the end of it they feel trapped into this lifestyle. They are ashamed and conflicted because it's all consensual and contractual, and to some extent they get off on the activities I make them do but, but their spirit is crushed. They become addicted to the fast cash and, because their images are all over the interwebs now, they start getting recognized off the streets and they worry about their future. Unfortunately once the moids are past their prime I need to replace them with fresh young meat because that's the nature of my business. I become rich allowing me to retire early and my legacy is hailed by the liberal left as a pinnacle of gender equality.

No. 461769

Something similar to this idea, but way, way more bizarre actually happened irl a few years ago, a documentary eventually was made about it. Called "Tickled".
Think it came out in 2018? Made by some New Zealand journos, well worth a watch for sure.

No. 461941

I was really into ari from class of 09, ive masturbated to her character multiple times. I really want a low self-esteem pathetic girlfriend who'll do anything for me. Since she was shy about even seeing a nipple the idea of teasing and bullying her turns me on a lot, i really wanna sexually abuse a cute girl who'd do anything to please me but is too shy to respond to anything i put on the table.

No. 462003

this is why straight women don't like you

No. 462142

I feel so narcissistic, but the best organs I’ve ever had have been just looking at myself in a mirror or phone screen while masturbating. I don’t like watching porn of other naked women but something about myself just makes me so horny. It’s gotten to the point where my biggest wish in life is to have a clone of myself so I could have sex with her. I don’t think anything else will ever compare so I’m ashamed that I put myself in an impossible situation .. I just want to come home to my clone naked on the bed and fuck her.

No. 462154

moralfag harder I'm so close

No. 462157

Ok cringy mcedgelord

No. 462180

Meanwhile gay scrotes
>Omg this straight boi called me a faggot, beat me up and told me to die im cumming buckets and i need him

No. 462182

This picture is a million times more disturbing than the actual creepypasta image jfc

No. 462201

that's because gay scrotes are beta fags

No. 462233

I liked her character but she hit too close to home sometimes kek. Preferred Jecka.

No. 462243

This is probably because I was groomed by them when I was young but I want an older fujo NEET with bad boundaries to be in an awful relationship with while I'm still in my early twenties.

No. 462255

id love to be your victim

No. 462256

I've had a similar fantasy but the highlight for me is killing off moids that are past their prime and covering up their death as an od or car crash or whatever, then id sell their snuff films to take revenge for all the women these retards have killed

No. 462258

Holy shit are you me? I love looking at my body in a camera and get off on it. I would fuck me!

No. 462265

File: 1735647956842.jpg (104.22 KB, 900x496, 1312346-600787571.jpg)

>I would fuck me!
Not scrotefoiling, you quoted it

No. 462267

I knew Nicole posted on here.

No. 462270

Kek nona

No. 462573

Skip to 1:47 to see the exact moment which awoke something in me as a kid.

No. 462659

It really makes you wonder where fetish comes from. I remember being very young and having a fixation on tying people up and being tied up.

No. 462775

me too! when i was in middle school and was just starting my puberty tying up my dolls for turned me on, i didnt use the internet that much so i didnt even know how sex worked but for some reason i really liked completely covering my dolls bodies with those plastic ribbons while they're "kidnapped" and then making the other dolls touch them

No. 462891

File: 1735746724431.png (284.74 KB, 1080x439, 1000003123.png)

Who wants to join me?
A part of me will always long to inflict these horrors onto men, it's a natural urge in me. I wonder if I've ever met a woman in real life who has similar desires.

No. 462894

I will join you.

No. 462908

I hope we shall meet one day.

No. 462921

File: 1735753789592.jpg (59.13 KB, 1080x1048, 1000024317.jpg)

I don't know why but I have a genuine attraction to wide open spaces that are empty of people, like 'liminal spaces' and empty fields, and even abandoned low-poly video game spaces. The isolation feels so freeing in a way I guess and that's what arouses me, that I can do anything without the fear of judgement from others. I really want to go to Turkmenistan and explore how empty downtown is.

No. 463079

You are in the same category as that one 4chan post where a guy had a folder of kitchen tile photos to fap to.

No. 463158

No. 463373

I can somewhat related but I don't know if I could classify it as a fetish. It's just calming to be alone, I can be free, but I wouldn't think of masturbating in those places. I might, but it wouldn't be a main thought.
However I do like how some of these places evoke an eerie sense; the little bit of adrenaline and dopamine can make me feel things. Just a little bit is just right.

No. 463765

the act of bathing or being bathed really turns me on, i like that it is a vulnerable but very casual thing we do.
the thing is, i have a non-sexual thing for bathroom designs and tiles kinda like this nona >>462921 and i've been dreaming of tiled places and different types of bathrooms ever since i was a little kid, way before this backrooms thing came in (i mean, i think it's a common thing to dream of these open spaces with tiles, that's why it's popular) and i don't know if i'm going insane for only liking sexual encounters in a bathtub or shower rather than a bed or elsewhere. i don't know if it's something i've had since i was a kid or i just reeeally like bathrooms and therefore i ended up including it in the sexual aspect of my life.

No. 463797

File: 1735887538261.png (Spoiler Image,126.84 KB, 1004x653, Discord_HjHGnICHru.png)

i write all of my fantasies down in my discord diary in the half-awake moments before sleep. here is one of my many bedtime stories about husbando as a captive that i cleaned up to post. it's stiff and uncomfortable and awkward cuz i like it that way. also i am a khv. all of this is so vibrant in my head that it probably makes less sense to anyone else because i forgot to mention certain details but this is my diary and you know, you can read it if you want,…

No. 463869

I'll be honest I read this like an English teacher grading a narrative and I gave the sentence structures an A.

No. 463953

Group molestation is disgusting. Part of the appeal of drugging men is that they're totally yours

No. 464333

File: 1736006940312.jpg (53.68 KB, 736x738, 1000179631.jpg)

I think I'm pretty vanilla for it, but I'm really embarrassed because I'm already 30 & suddenly my overall attraction towards men changed over night. I saw Deadpool & Wolverine last summer. I got invested in X-Men so I binged all the X-Men movies afterwards. Jesus something happened inside of me when I saw Hugh Jackman as Old man Logan & the idea of seducing an older scrawny mentor is incredibly hot. I've been with my girlfriend for over a year, but fuck, how often do I dream about seducing an older man and corrupt his train of thoughts. That he'll say I'm too young for someone like him & I would be better off /w someone my age. But I'd stay determined, peeling off his Trousers and giving him the best Blowjob ever while wearing my favourite lipgloss and sugary perfume.

Secretly hoping this will pass, nonas. Am I doomed?

No. 464335

Yes, you are doomed. Schedule an MRI as soon as possible

No. 464350

break up with your girlfriend please

No. 464354

i'm convinced most "lesbians" are actually straight and don't realize it because 99% of moids are fugly gutter trash

No. 464360

oh yeah. men are naturally cuckbrained but not women

No. 464594

he's a closet case so you won't be able to seduce him regardless

No. 464595

Kekkk nonna I love you. Do you have a "preference" for which liminal spaces are better?

No. 464621

She didn't say she ever identified as a lesbian anywhere in that post. Really weird of you to assume that.

No. 464625

>invite man over for sex
>burn his clothes so he can't leave

No. 464694

Fare evasion. I live in nyc and have to take the subway often, and when they hiked the price up to 2.90 i started crawling under the turnstile each time i had to get through, or, alternatively, pulling back the girthy steel rod so it leaves a gap just wide enough for me to force myself through, bruising my knees in the process. I've done it hundreds of times. Sometimes a person on the other side will open the emergency exit door for me but i refuse to walk through it. That's too easy. I like it hard.

No. 464806

she implied it in her post dummy

No. 464880

>But I'd stay determined, peeling off his Trousers and giving him the best Blowjob ever while wearing my favourite lipgloss and sugary perfume.
This is so boomerish kek

No. 464887

I'm not sure if you'll still reply since it's been 2 weeks, but I for some reason I want to be friends with you. I just want to hear you talk about this more because it's interesting. What type of features does he have, is he cute? Where did you touch or cuddle him that made him uncomfortable and shy away?

No. 464888

the capitalized Trousers is making me fucking lose it now. I agree that there's no way this post was written by a 30 year old holy kek.
you're wild for this kekkkk

No. 464890


No. 464941

I fear it is

No. 465055

Omorashi, on others or myself. I tried it out once in the shower and my body refused to comply, as soon as i felt the urge to pee my arousal shut down, as if there was a mechanism that prevented peeing and orgasms from happening in close succession. It's what i deserve for having such a cringe fetish kek
There's a world of difference between finding them pretty/arousing and acting like a fetishist. I know one other female footfag and neither of us has ever asked women for feet pics nor pressured women into sexual acts involving feet, never engaged in behavior like cataloguing women's feet in movies or whatever it is that obsessive footfags do. I believe women are incapable of being a creepy footfag because there's a level of fetishism that's near-entirely exclusive to men. Women are mainly disgusted by footfags' willingness to trespass boundaries to chase their high so you shouldn't be ashamed of something that you'll never do

No. 465573

>cataloguing women's feet in movies

I forgot that I used to see men do things like this back when I used certain imageboards, I was always so confused why there was a collage of several armpit pictures. You're overall right with this nona, I will remember this and keep it in mind whenever I am feeling ashamed about it, I notice the kind I like seems to be less common than I have thought so I don't think I'd go that far either. Also based omorashi enjoyer.

No. 465922

File: 1736281580103.jpg (763.69 KB, 2400x3000, GLOWUP-BRETMAN.jpg)

I like feminine buff men that look straight out of Jojos bizarre adventures. There is something about the mix of a buffed up body and very revealing sensual clothes that just drives me nuts. I obviously dont mean ugly faggots like james charle or pedophilic drag queens, i mean guys like bretman rock. It sucks because literally no man ever will dress like this for me without ulterior motives(either fag or agp that think its degrading and gets off to it).

No. 465936

bretman rock is also an ugly faggot though

No. 465941

I find him hot. I hate how he looks in makeup though.

No. 465969

File: 1736286230258.jpg (60.61 KB, 736x920, f68d3ab9f05a385ff17f6f49a00db9…)

it seems that you like buff tan asian guys with soft faces so here's one that's actually cute and not a fag

No. 465974

File: 1736287350897.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1284x1606, IMG_1119.jpeg)

Ntayrt, but Bretman Rock is objectively more attractive than him. He looks just as gay as bretman but with the addition of looking the type of fag to leave skid marks in his underwear.

Also picrel is the straightest looking picture of Bretman I could find kek. He’s already hitting the wall but the good bone structure is still there.

No. 465975

i agree with >>465974 that rock is hoter imo, i also like guys with long hair. That korean guy has a ghot body but his face looks a bit special needs.

No. 465976

bretman rock never had good bone structure, he looks like a monkey and he should pluck his caterpillar eyebrows

No. 465979

his eyebrows are the best thing about him, they are cute

No. 466164

I truly feel pain in my heart for you because with a slight cultural/social/fashion shift you could have this but it's just unlikely right now. Really, I feel like you are being robbed by living in this timeline. I'm so sorry.

No. 466181

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I want to tie a girl down after catching her smoking, and force her to chain smoke an entire pack of cigarettes. I want to see her become sick and exhausted.

No. 466262

suburban 70's dad if he were a lesbian

No. 466293

Wow, so I'm not the only one who does that. I take a step further by having them dressed in sexy attire, tied up while still be dominant, while interact with small boy dolls.

No. 466385

This is so fucking weird and lame you've just ruined the karma of all lesbians and set your rights back 80 years

No. 466451

I find anthromorphic men attractive but don't jive with most furries so idk what to do with this fetish?

No. 466456

kek my favourite part about the new generation of LGB is how they love steamrolling over and goodwill and progress gay people have cultivated by not being predatory degenerates. Then some gen-z shows up in a "RAPE STACY" shirt and doesn't get why everyone is mad

No. 466480

my favorite thing about the new generation is how they unironically believe in thought crime and spend their time nagging and purity policing women while probably dating men who are worse

No. 466487

>set your rights back 80 years
As if het women haven't been setting feminism back with their pickme antics and tardthottery.

No. 466488

If i was born 4 decades ago i could have had this, 80s men were so whory. A shame zoomer moids are super faggots.

No. 466521

>lesbians with weird fantasies deserve to have their rights revoked 80 years (aka be subjected to lobotomies, rape conversion therapy, and forced het marriage)
It's incredible how straight women have so much hate for other women. How foul and embarrassing.

No. 466526

I wish I was this based. When other girls bullied me for liking women, I just became a beta masochist from it.

No. 466580

Has anyone had any luck with destroying a fetish? I feel so sick and terrified whenever I get aroused. As a child I was abused by an older female cousin. She would also sit on me until I couldn't breath. Growing up seeing anything related to choking/smothering/asphyxiation would arouse me and it's the only thing that arouses me. I never had a normal sexual relationship, as I could never feel properly aroused. I hadn't connected it to the abuse until recently. Now every time I get aroused I'm brought back to those moments. I've never been able to bring this up in therapy. I feel so disgusted with myself, and I don't know if my therapist would report it or something. I've put a lot of space between my cousin and myself. I don't want to have to see her again or get any other family involved. I just want to be normal. Is there away I can train myself to be into anything else?

No. 466736

Familial abuse is so difficult, I'm sorry nona. You don't even get the guiltless anger and to hate your abuser if they were also a child who didn't know better.
Anyway, I think it's possible. I've heard of people weaning off of fetishes in steps.
1. Use the fetish stimuli, and then look at what you want to get you off right when you finish. If you want vanilla sex, watch a soft porn video while finishing.
2. Slowly wean off fetish stimuli until you're only using normal material to finish.
3. Take a month or two off from masturbating or orgasms at all, until your target stimuli is enough to excite you to orgasm. You have spent years being attracted to your fetish, so recovery will be a long process. The good news is that our brains have more neuroplasticity than we first thought. I fully believe you can rewrite yourself to be only attracted to safe, gentle, or whatever sex you want, it will just take time and hard work.

No. 466780

No. 467173

I would love to try a porn widower thing where a man’s only sexual purpose is to hold my phone up for me so I can watch male-only porn and play with my toys while completely ignoring him. He can’t touch me and I act disgusted by him if he tries to even if I know he’s cute. Bonus points if I can make it known how hot I think the stars are and ogle traits that I know he doesn’t have.

No. 467293

This is stereotypically a fag fetish which is why I'm ashamed but I'm 100x more attracted to men and male characters when their faces are obscured by a mask or helmet. It's probably autism.

No. 467294

I don't think this is uncommon for women either, don't worry.

No. 467320

there are so many maskfags here and in general you're not alone

No. 467349

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I have a deeply autistic new scenario about being cursed and turned into some kind of demon (scarier than picrel) but finding someone, like a scientist or occultist, who is just fascinated by me and does, like, dark magic, sacrifices and schemes to keep me in their life, even going so far as to find ways to trap me. Somehow, the most embarrassing thing in all this is that being accepted is probably the most important part of the fantasy kek

No. 467440

Nona, there are thousands if not more women gushing about masked men online, men do thirst traps for this particular audience on tiktok and IG. They're hilarious and the replies are full of horny middle-aged women, young women, everyone, there was a woman who LARPed as a masked man on IG and she had such pretty eyes she skyrocketed in popularity before being exposed, please join your sisters

No. 467509

DA but if anyone finds a fic or novel of whatever with this premise and its two women please don’t keep it to yourself

No. 467516

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I was watching some russian arrest/court footage and one of the guys was pretty hot, and it got me thinking. I'd love to be a cop who could handcuff and arrest a hot petty criminal guy. He's powerless now, and can't do anything about it when I push him around and grope him. He knows it's wrong but he can't complain or fight back because then I could beat him for resisting arrest and extend his jail sentence. I could keep him in the interrogation room for hours and do whatever I want with him. I could even threaten him with my gun if he didn't comply.
And I wouldn't feel bad slapping him around, or beating him up a little bit, because he's kinda a bad guy and he knows he deserves it. The best would be if he got kinda turned on from now helpless he was.

I keep thinking about that one guy, his facial features were uniquely attractive to me. He was allegedly extorting money out of people. This was a decade ago though so he's almost certainly ugly now.

No. 467557

woah. new fantasy unlocked

No. 467568

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I want to get fucked and/or impregnated by aliens.It ranges from thoughts of long,spindly limbed insect looking creatures to large and scaly to smaller,fuzzy aliens having their way with me.Just the thought of an otherworldly creature wanting something as simple as a human woman gets me off so much.I either want to be their newly selected human machine being used to create new drones or get intensely romantically involved with an extra terrestrial despite our biological and social differences.I want to be wrapped in tentacles as I’m filled with eggs and have a personal harem of those who treat me as a queen and spoil me.Just imagine all the sensations that would come with it too.How an alien’s skin/fur/scales would feel pressed against your body as you heat up or all the different kinds of genitals they could have.Having the opportunity to eat out the cloaca’s of more aquatic aliens or the aphrodisiac effects a species can expel so you two can have the most mind numblingly amazing sex no human man could offer.One fantasy I have often is getting to mate with an alien or the alien forces itself upon me and degrades me for being a lowly human who’s a slut for alien cock while it pumps me it’s semen,making me loyal to their kind.There’s a part of me that wholly believes in the Occulonimbus edoequus,xenomorphs and “prawns” so that they can watch from above as I Jill off to them and my fantasies of us together.

No. 467570

Cuntboys, honestly. I just want to lick their clits.

No. 467578

i want to have a normie monogamous relationship with an alien. although i'd want to completely dominate him because i'm the superior lifeform (great ape) and i'd treat him like a mix between boyfriend and an undomesticated pet. it can be any kind of alien but preferably a slightly retarded one, a bit smaller than me and with cute non-human features. i never learned how a cloaca works because i would feel super weird googling it with the intent i have.

No. 467616

I've started playing D&D for the first time with some friends, including a guy I really like, and playing a wizard has made me realise I'm a total fucking degenerate. Giving me access to spells like Polymorph and Enlarge/Reduce has made me realise I have a huge transformation fetish, but I think I have a kind of weird domination streak, too. The guy I like is playing a fighter and needs my help, but I made a joke early on about my conceited character only spending spell slots on people who kiss her ass, so he's been doing it in-character. God it feels good to be able to control a man through desire and dependency. I just love making him praise, protect and serve me so that I'll cast Haste on him. I've also used Polymorph far more than necessary for things like turning him into a bear to keep me warm during a blizzard, then a horse I could mount to save my delicate feet from walking down a rocky hill, and recently I turned him into hound to track someone through a town, but flawlessly slid in "I'll just tie a leash so no one gets upset" and no one batted an eye. Having hot guys compete to pleasure me the most, then turning them into subservient, loyal animals until I want to fuck them again is now front and center in my mind. True Polymorph is way too high level, but I can turn him into some inanimate item indefinitely, and the idea of turning him into a cloak to wear around is so fucking hot.

No. 467635

>i'd treat him like a mix between boyfriend and an undomesticated pet
Anon I’ve been having this kind of thought too,this whole post is so good.It would be so nice to have a cute lil pet alien bf you could also bang.also I just don’t think to hard about cloacas,they’re just basically buttholes where everything is passed through.Kinda grody but the human body does weird stuff too

No. 467652

I have a fantasy where dangerous violent male aliens attack me, but luckily in this species males are naturally submissive to females and women have similar pheromones as the female aliens. When the aliens get close enough to smell me they instinctually turn into simps. They would calm me down after being scared and then get really carefully and curiously touching my body…

No. 467656

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New scenario unlocked.

No. 467742

I have had this fantasy since I was a teenager where I'm sent as an ambassador to an alien race we have just made contact with. I had just played Mass Effect, so of course I was imagining Turians (Garrus marry me) For some porn logic reason, it is agreed that the best way to ease tensions would be for one human (me) to have sex with one of the aliens. But the encounter had to be very clinical for some reason . Sometimes I liked to imagine a lab experiment with scientists watching every detail, or a formal diplomatic protocol. And little by little we both lose our composure and just end up fucking like animals.

No. 467926

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every single alienfucker/monsterfucker nonna in this thread needs to unpack why they feel they only deserve love and sexual attention from an ugly, inhuman creature.

No. 467929

This reminds me of the episode of Star Trek where Riker is undercover on an alien planet and he's discovered by a female doctor who lets him go but only after he fulfills her fantasy and has sex with her.

No. 467962

>ugly, inhuman creature
Strange of you to assume they might be ugly? I'm not a huge ugly monster fucker but cute guys with inhuman features are cute, I will die on that hill.

No. 468007

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Stop projecting. My reverse harem would be diverse and numerous as the stars.

Also, some monsters are just cute.

No. 468011

He looks like an anthropomorphized bug. Mass Effect couldn't even give us some cute human men.

No. 468019

Bug men are hot

No. 468169

stop lying to yourself

No. 468182


Mind you, the lab setting/hyperformal fuck is a long time fantasy of mine, I'm not sure why. It doesn't take an alien for it to work, just the idea if having sex with someone hot while a bunch of people watch nonchalantly and make detailed observations. I'm not even into general exhibitionism, so idk. I cant be the only one though?

No. 468188

Stop spacing after you quote people, it makes you identifiable every time.

No. 468214

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Damn it does no one else in this thread want to tie up/handcuff and take advantage of men?

No. 468216

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Sure but you kinda have to be more elaborate on that sis i.e. erotic asphyxiation, body marking on his restricted body, edging etc etc.

No. 468217

I tied up barbie dolls and made them do naughty things, is that close enough?

No. 468221

that's one of the most common fetishes here anon

No. 468222

I think it's the most common fetish moids have, even though everyone assumes it's rape. They're lazy though and would prefer this fantasy

No. 468235

I am extremely into noses. I always have been, all the way back since adolescence. When I mentally visualize my crush's nose, the shape of it from all angles, I get so turned on I have to touch myself. I get crushes very rarely and I think it's because the nose is the deciding factor above all else, and the type of nose I'm into is not very common. all my crushes have had the same type of nose. I'm bisexual but sometimes i wonder if i'm just nose-sexual, as in i can be attracted to anyone with the type nose I like and it doesn't matter their age, sex, or race.

I'm currently pissed off because my crush has the sexiest nose ever, but she's an unachievable crush for about 7,000 separate reasons and I'm mad i can't have her because i will never find anyone with a sexier nose. Everything is perfect and sexy about it right down to the shape of her nostrils. Why live if I can't feel up her nose. FML. Not that anyone would ever let me feel up their nose. kek. Anyway as I said, FML

No. 468255

Teeth. I like weird teeth as long as they arent dirty. My first crush was a shy nerdy guy in high school with buckteeths, he kinda looked like James Rolfe. One time i found the courage and i invited him to the mall When we were graving something to eat he asked me what i liked about him and i confidently answered ''i like your rat teeth''. He looked so shocked. I didnt meant for it to sound so harsh, but i wanted to be honest. We dated for a while and he was cute but i had to change schools the year after. I have never been able to find another guy that looks like him, with cute mouse teeth and i havent scored since then because i dont like men with normal teeths. To this day i wish i could have lost my virginity to him, i wanted to stick my fingers into his mouth so badly but he wasnt as open to sexual acts as me, maybe he was a fag dunno.

No. 468256

I’ve fantasized about being on the receiving end of this sort of thing, it’s embarrassing but it’s not unheard of.

No. 468324

I really like mouth breathing and find it super sexy for some retarded reason kek. I remember feeling funny every time I saw a kid mouth breathe. Want to punch him in the mouth or stick my finger in there or womanhandle his jaw.

No. 468331

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I only understood cuckqueaning when I thought of two men. That would be ideal, preferable to actual sex. Getting close to the action, cupping feels of them maybe. Groping their butts and thighs, outside the splash zone of course.

No. 468338

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If you've spent time with gay moids and their aftermath you wouldn't think that. Unless you're turned on by fecal matter on all upholstery and bedding. You're either look at balls, anal penetration or picrel. It's not really something where you can get the burger without seeing the cow slaughtered, they always give in to some kind of inner moid-on-moid friction and it gets weird

No. 468342

Contrary to popular belief, not all gay male sex involves butthole. My friend and his partner suck each other off

No. 468357

And? It's better than banging dogs.

No. 468367

That's much less gross, yeah. It still gets weird after a couple minutes. The noises they make are hilarious though

No. 468368

there's no shit if the asshole is cleaned properly

No. 468370

Based on a dream I had recently about two characters
>paternal half-brothers who didn't grow up together
>have no familial feelings towards each other just because they happen to share a sperm donor
>drunken hook-up
>notice their dicks look the same
>realize they're likely both hung like their father
>can't unthink of their shared father
>sex ruined
>neither can unthink of their father every time they see their dicks
>they both go asexual and insane

No. 468376

please describe the perfect nose for you.

No. 468385

Yeah thats more my thing actually.

No. 468607

Not putting this in the female fantasy thread because I would just get called a troon kek. I really want a woman to be obsessed with my butt, do me with strap on and put butt plugs in me. Something about her objectifying me so much she even wants my shitting hole is very hot. And I like the physical sensation cant help it.

No. 468637

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Very long vertically but not pointy, instead rounded/blunt ended, with defined ala/alar creases, and a slight bump in the bridge. Sort of like the beauty standard in old Japanese paintings.

No. 468798

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I am the inhuman creature who decides which humans get my love and sexual attention in my fantasies, thank you very much. Unarrest me at once.

No. 468836

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I'm not actually ashamed of this, but I don't want to get redtexted for bumping the non-shame thread.

I really love the idea of watching a really jock-y, fratty type guy being dominated, mostly by another guy, but femdom works, too. Picture a buff guy with a fat ass, naked except for a backwards baseball cap and a jock strap, crying as someone fucks him with his face pressed against the wall. Look me in the eyes and tell me that doesn't sound extremely hot.

No. 468841

This is so retarded but I enjoy watching violent gay porn, not even for sexual reasons but because I like seeing men treat other men the way men treat women. Femdom disgusts me because 90%+ of the time, it's the man getting off on how "scandalous" it is to submit to a woman. I don't want men to feel pleasure. I want them to suffer. I can't admit this to anyone irl, not even a therapist because it's so insane.

No. 468846

Got any recommendations?

No. 468855

I imagine it depends on the hygiene of the particular guys involved. I've heard from the grapevine that bottoms tend to be more neurotic about that type of thing, whereas tops care a little less about poop. Idk how true that is, though. That said, moids (of either orientation) who don't wear condoms when doing anal are fucking retarded. It's like they're trying to get a UTI.

No. 468919

>not even a therapist
Really? I've told my therapist that I have violent fantasies about men for the same reasons and harmed my bf and she's cool about it. They won't report you if you're not an immediate threat to yourself or others. Depending on your country, I guess.
But maybe she's fine because I cushion it with "but I love him and want to get better," which is true. Your therapist will likely want you to stop hating men so much.

No. 468935

Fuck anon that’s so hot,I would kill for a subby harem of male aliens

No. 468952

i don't watch 3dpd porn but i feel you on the need for real violence. i don't like femdom because the moid gets off on it. I just want these mfs hurt. they're not supposed to like it.
ive been fascinated by violence for as long as i can remember despite having had a normal upbringing.
i don't see the need to talk about it to a therapist tho. i just write fanfiction where moids get tortured kek

No. 469108

I walked into a Catholic church and there was no one there but then this guy about 19 or 20 walked in and he was handsome in that young and meek kind of way, blonde and skinny. He knelt at the altar and the look of submission and devotion on his face and body language was pathetically adorable. I wanted to slap him so bad. Make him whimper like a little bitch. I bet if I did, he would have thanked me.

No. 469154

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No. 469157

Being loved and made love to while I get complimented.

No. 469159

Why are you ashamed of this

No. 469160

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No. 469173

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I was picturing the character from ed Edd and eddy

No. 469317

Buff shotas and animal men (not quite the furry kind.) The former is mostly manlets because I'm under 5ft tall (sorry burger units) and I have the hots for men my height. Muscles required on both, no negotiation.

No. 469332

KEK that's who I thought it was too

No. 469337

if you try anal and there's still some shit in your ass then it's unpleasant with burning sensations and feels like you have to take a shit. If it's been completely cleaned out it can feel better than piv. So unless someone has a of fetish of having shit stirred you'd want to have your bowels as empty as possible during anal

No. 469412

This but with an adopted son and I unfortunately understand.

No. 469897

could you elaborate? im struggling to discern what makes this a)desirable or b)better if its adopted

No. 469943

The fact that a son is dominating his mother and the best cum in the world is coming from the person you'd least expect.
I'm into adopted sons because I hate the moids of my race even in fiction and adopted sons work better for sondom because they're usually depicted as being more grateful, loving and conscious of their mothers than biological sons and have more reason to be possessive and obsessive so its hotter to see one try and fail to control his desire for his mother and use something like cum hypnosis or drug laced cum to claim her.

No. 469945

Maybe some stones are better left unturned and you should step away from this stuff

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