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No. 433552[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/378038

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.
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No. 487001

I am. I just eat a lot of protein. I haven't excluded any food groups or anything.

No. 487034

… that's unbalanced
It's called high protein diet because the protein is high compared to a balanced diet.
Eating too much protein is bound to give you stomach issues because we're not made to eat like that.
That kind of diet is primarily for rapid muscle gain, and isn't eaten constantly, only while the bulk phase lasts.

No. 487044

How much should I be eating for balance?

No. 487047

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These are the official recommendations for balanced macros from medical bodies

No. 487077

According to this I'm eating within recommended protein range so I must be doing something else wrong.

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No. 447644[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive men you would enjoy having sex with.

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No. 487025

His small hands lose hold and he drops you. He bursts into tears. Every night he cries himself to sleep next to you, agonizing over his delicate fingers

No. 487026

Small hands, short stature, shrimp-ish physique despite the roids, and because of the roads his hair is being pushed back centimeter by centimeter and inch by inch. No thanks.

No. 487040

I'll grant you the small hands but those muscles would never drop me
He's like 6'2. Perfect male height. And balding is just a moid thing unfortunately

No. 487045

Looked him up and this mf is 20, 19 in the pic. Now I feel gross

No. 487076

Because he is so walled for that age?

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No. 475221[Reply]

Previous Threads: >>>/g/429453

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.
268 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 486801

A friend of mine, Chinese-American, always has to hit me with a solid insult any time I get a compliment. I don't know if it's just her or something but I always just presumed it was because I have bad luck or am genuinely too ugly to deserve compliments. Thought she was doing me a favor by dishing out the harsh truth.
I know for a fact it isn't jealousy though. What's there to be jealous of when it comes to me? (personally) Maybe just outright distaste towards the idea of me as a cohabitator of this planet idk kek

No. 486804

I think my own self esteem is entirely too low to even try any of your suggestions. I mostly lurk this thread every once in a blue moon, but maybe a lot of users here have low self esteem too. I'm probably a wonderful 2 if we really are ranking ourselves, but I feel more comfortable portraying myself as some fictional creation online than having someone perceive me face to face.
It's easier to escape from reality than to face it for some, and I think that's okay. (moid desirability is a bit strange though)

No. 486816

>Chinese-American, always has to hit me with a solid insult any time I get a compliment. I don't know if it's just her or something

I will say Chinese/Asians are weird about compliments in general because their families constantly compare and pit them against each other. They're always in competition with each other, but it becomes one sided when dealing with people from other cultures who don't have those experiences, which is what I think she's doing with you.

No. 487062

Why be friends with a retarded pickme?

No. 487109

Literally break up with her. You don’t have to be friends with one who talks down to you like that.

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No. 437064[Reply]

You know the drill
Previous thread >>>/g/404050
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No. 486979

I have a thing for women and men in uniform

No. 487010

Ayrt. Scandinavians are taller on avargage, and is one of the tallest people groups in the world. If I recall correctly. The men being above 1.85 isn't uncommon. Many dress formal and nice. But sleeping around and hookup culture is really widespread and normal, and Scandinavian countries have the highest STD rates. I'd say they're really slutty. I remeber being in high school, and literal 15 year olds had 5+ bodycounts.

No. 487049

That's barely a fetish. Or at least it's a very common one
Can you get a ruler and estimate it? Better yet just measure his? My latest hookup here was above average but thicc (15x14cm) which was really surprising given these guys apparently have small penises

No. 487055

>long ass fingers
You think those stubby things are long? Kek what the fuck nona, mine are longer. You can have me instead. I'm an appropriate age too, unlike her

No. 487057

I feel this exact same way but about white moids kek. Only the hot ones though, of course.

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No. 220643[Reply]

A thread for the loners here (all of us). Venting, how you deal with it, how you spend your time etc.
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No. 486606

I could never get married. Once you get married you don't just marry the person, you marry their entire family and the thought of interacting with in-laws makes me sick. The only chance I'd have is some neet who lives alone.

No. 486739

I'd hate to introduce an SO to my parents, and I know it's a huge red flag if you keep your partner a secret, so celibacy it is for me.

No. 487023

I'm in the same boat. My parents are um nuts, and they would also go insane if I brought some guy to their house anyway. Dating is off the table until I can afford to move out

No. 487051

I've never wanted to date or have any deep relationships, and I want to tell myself it's me being a doomer or something but I've had it since I was a child. I've been screened for autism multiple times and it's not that, while the symptoms of schizoid personality disorder seem suspiciously me. But it's not like any mental health professional around knows the term or they think it's schizophrenia because of the similar prefix.

No. 487052

I just don't trust men who approach me. I have babyface, look youthful and have a shy and non-confrontational personality at first until I actually get comfortable with a person. I am not trying to larp as some "uwuu ugui waofu" type, the reason I am like that is I had to grow up with a violent emotionally and physically abusive mother who would yell at me and sometimes even beat me while guilt tripping me how I am ruining her life because I dared to ask her something while she was watching mexican telenovelas.
Anyways men who like me and approach me tend to always be controlling creeps and lunatics, because I guess they see me as an easy target. Now that I am older it's happening less often, but I wish I was stronger and more "badass" - but I look ridiculous when I try to be. Loner life for me I guess but it sucks that it feels my only options are either be alone or be with some lunatic who is going to put you through abuse.

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No. 444697[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>393926
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No. 486488

sounds like you two autists are made for each other.

No. 486491

Well, now he probably thinks that you really don't like him based on that one interaction, so I'd say keep ignoring him for the sake of consistency. On the other hand, men are totally oblivious to most social engagements, so if you wanted to get to know him, you could just start smiling at him when you see him, and he probably won't question it at all.

No. 486960

Really need some advice here, nonas. To make a long story short, my scrote brother is liking photos of an old internet friend of mine who is also an onlyfans whore. He is a married man with a family and a beautiful wife who I love dearly and I'm aware that they have seperate bank accounts. He's bad with money and a neglectful husband and she deserves far more than him. Do I tell her?

No. 486995

Why does my family misunderstand me as depressed for wanting a quiet life?
I just want to work a job that doesn’t stress me out and watch tv or read books in my spare time.

No. 487009

Find a way to make her aware without directly telling her.

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No. 482816[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.

Previous Thread: >>>/g/411848
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No. 486612

I want an andro or masc cannibal girlfriend.
I've always thought that attraction to serial killers was dumb until I saw this stupid vocaloid song.
I can't even logic the fact that she would want to literally kill me. I just find the concept of a confident, efficient, overlypowerfull woman interested in me so hot.

I know cannibalism is not new on wlw media, but I've never felt it so strong until a non hyper femenine woman was in the equation.

No. 486678

I wanted to add this to a fantasy I’ve written on here before but thought better of it so I’m glad someone relates. In my case, I would want her to be kind of weird, with an intense fascination with anatomy or death or something. And I would be along the ride making her worse for accepting her. She’d be really funny and wouldn’t care about people think (lol). Maybe she’d be kind of wacky with her sense of humour. She would also be unabashedly into women and kind of inappropriate. So some people would ostracise her for being the predatory stereotype but she wouldn’t give a fuck in the slightest. Honestly it’s the same for me in that it’s actually the personality that’s attractive here so I have no excuses haha, but I have concluded she would occasionally express the desire to kill me, but hold back, and whenever she’d lose control a bit it’d be kind of intimate.

No. 486998

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I have a foot thing. I have jerked off to addison rae's feet before, I genuinely think she's trying to appeal to foot fetishists. Anyways, feet and foot worship is so attractive. There's just something about giving a woman pleasure like that, it turns me on.
Exactly nona you get it

No. 487011

this is really dumb, but i specifically want to have matching keychains/charms/accessories with a gf. i legit get turned on by the thought of always having an item that reminds me she belongs to me and i belong to her, but in a sweet way not in like a bdsm way

No. 487020

This is so funny because I’m obsessed with this too but I could never imagine getting turned on by it… I kind of understand though.

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No. 303045[Reply]

Previous thread: >>170544

Post anything and everything makeup here: product reviews, product questions, cool looks, etc. Thinking of compiling a document with products that get mentioned a lot for future OP posts so feel free to suggest your faves!
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No. 484647

Wanted to say thank you for the brow recs nona! Anastasia has been working really well for me, I also started using Winky Lux brow gel. But the actual miracle was that I've been applying olive oil to my brows with a spoolie and using Vaseline as an occlusive, and my brows have pretty much grown back! I've never had this much growth this fast before.

No. 486938

put some makeup on for the first time going back to uni and meeting new people. my skin isn't the best at the moment and i just feel gross. if my skin isn't near perfect my makeup just doesn't look right, i can't just hide blemishes and pimples with concealer. my eyelashes also turn down even though they're super long so when i wear mascara it just makes my eyelids look even heavier, and i don't get the desired effect of my eyelashes lifting up

No. 486944

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Thanks for reminding me of something I always wanted to know: How do I get the glossy eyelid look? What are some good products? I would like to be able to put it over concealer and possibly eyeshadow if possible.

No. 486981

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Has anyone tried Glossier Futuredew or similar products like Glow Recipe's Dew Drops and Saie Glowy Super Gel? I ordered some elf Halo Glow Liquid Filter and Power Gel primer to see if I could get the desired effect (dewy/clean/lightweight) for much cheaper than those products, but I'm still curious on if I should splurge on them sometime in the future.

No. 486988

Danessa Myricks Colorfix glaze is what you're searching for

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No. 91535[Reply]

I can't seem to find the astrology thread, so let's make a new one! I hope everyone is having a lovely Leo season. Post PDFs and book recommendations, your favorite sites, youtubers, and advice etc.
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No. 484281

is the hype about capricorn male/scorpio female pairings true? i know it's more about birth chart than just sun signs but i'm curious

No. 486596

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Thoughts? This person is bj-chan by the way.

No. 486731

>this person is bj-chan

No. 486774

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I hope you come back and post those descriptions… fire sign descriptions always seem lacking nuance, even from fire sign specific accounts lol.

I used to never relate to Aries descriptions, but the older I get the more I feel like I want to embody the (good) traits more. I felt closer to fellow Aries when I downloaded that social app Boo where they show ppls sun sign and all the Aries had 1 sentence profiles with shit pictures like me kek.

I feel like fire signs are so IRL, I don't come across them very much online. Like how certain MBTI is overrepresented on forums

No. 486987

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No. 249630[Reply]

Find your body type and what suits you best!
>it is not based on weight or height and curves so much as height and bone structure and your limb length and proportions
>Aly Art has some good videos on all the body types
>r/kibbe is a good place to reference and find your body
> if you do post your body, make sure you do not include your face and not include background.
>kibbe body type applies to men as well as women.

please do not accuse anons ITT of being troons or insult their bodies

496 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 486310

Aphrodite belly supremacy

No. 486603

Nonnas please help, I don't want to ask reddit

No. 486696

classic/soft classic

No. 486983

Then what are women's looks defined by? The only purpose of beauty is to attract people to date.

No. 487022

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Does anyone have like actual guide on how to read your sketckline results. I'm 5'4, is there any actual resource to help with typing? That is not reddit….

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