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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 425085[Reply]

A thread for anons who do not want kids in any context, whether biological, adopted, or step. Discuss anything relevant to a childfree lifestyle here. Antinatalist viewpoints/discussion welcome.
Previous thread: >>>/g/156622
Please abstain from posting if you have children.
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No. 500531

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No. 500554

I'd be more impressed if you could post some moid celebs who are childfree. The childfree community feels like it's 95% women in general, so these aren't surprising. Moids deciding to be childfree is the rare thing (which fucking sucks when it comes to dating as a straight woman)

No. 500618

Yeah, I had this issue as well. I dated a guy years ago who had a vasectomy and he was cute, but unfortunately was a coomer and addicted to porn so it didn't last long. My current Nigel is childfree but doesn't want a vasectomy. Not 100% ideal but so many guys supposedly want kids - mainly because being a father means you get praised for doing the bare minimum and most don't even do that.
If more women were childfree then moids would be forced to be childfree or better fathers imo.

No. 500808

oh there are some, like john hamm, but i don't particularly care about men's opinions on having kids. actually when moids say "i want to have kids" all i can think is "okay so you're hoping a woman likes you enough to let you use her womb to have a child"

also in my personal experience a lot of men actually don't care whether they have kids or not, a lot of them will say they're open to it or otherwise not have a strong opinion because they assume most women want them and don't want it to be a dealbreaker. i only see shitty weird control freak guys use it as a dealbreaker.

No. 513304

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I feel like I am one of the few woman who really don't like children. I don't find them cute or adorable. I don't like baby sized clothes or all that stuff.
I have no maternal instinct, for human babies. I get angry when children cry, like irrational angry. Their not fully developed brains and therefore how they act is so irritating for me. I have some mental problems that my child would have to suffer through.
So it would make me a horrible mother. Still people insisting on me being a good mother and that I should have children. It baffles me.
Just because I am not running around pushing strollers of bridges or kick children I would be a good mother? I know it is not the childrens fault that they act that way they do, so I try to not be angry or aggressive. I do things like I would with a person that has dementia. People are blind when it comes to children. It makes me so angry.
Plus instead of being happy that they can now easier filter out the woman who don't want children from the woman who doesn't, moids piss their pants about all woman now are responsible for the downfall of society, because they don't want to have children with them.
So many moids that complained that woman never should have gotten any rights because we are too stupid to make good decisions. Moids are to deranged to understand that some woman don't want to ruin their lifes and rather be wageslaves than a slave to a man.

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No. 208345[Reply]

Since /cgl/ has been invaded by scrotes and trannies, let's discuss general things about the fashion here, from new releases to your dream dress. Share makeup looks and diy's, or your favorite coords. Talk about the comm you are in and your lolita friendships. Ex lolitas and newbies are welcomed too. Etc.
For drama, check out the tread on /w/: >>>/w/143376
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No. 512956

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nah, classic won't "look" any better if you are short and have roundness, as it requires the same amount of elegance unless you gravitate towards sweeter classic looks (older innocent world, for example, versus mary magdalene). if you like gothic, honestly, just wear gothic and own it.

No. 513020

Thanks nona, this was helpful.

No. 513069

there is no such thing as right phenotype for each category. just wear what you like as long as you're not a man.

No. 513074

men have no ethics or even care for each other (they only care about other men when it's to make a point about how women hurt their feefees) but I don't expect lolitas in this website to care about each other since people itt would rather have ED and project their insecurity on random people instead of admitting owning their dream dresses won't fix their body dysmorphia and go to therapy kek

No. 513264

Having a round baby face is perfect for innocent world, and it’s really affordable at present! You should live your elegant classical dreams. Of course you’d fit Mary Magdalene perfectly but that’s expensive so you should work up to it by starting with IW

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No. 444331[Reply]

Welcome to the Emergency Room! Experiencing symptoms and need some quick guidance? This thread is here for anyone looking to discuss health concerns, symptoms, or urgent questions. While this isn’t a substitute for professional medical care, farmers can share insights and personal experiences to help you navigate your next steps. But remember, when in doubt, always seek immediate help from a healthcare provider!
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No. 511640

Why does my stomach keep rumbling? It sounds like air bubbles moving along or something. It usually happens after I drink something and then sit down. It's just so weird and I want it to stop

No. 512375

This popped up today and it made me think of your situation. The video is a tldr of about 6 papers in the video description. I hope your having a good day nonny.

No. 512629

Nta cool video. I noticed when it's sunny i feel much better with my illness.

No. 513246

Not urgent, but I have had this for over a year and a half now where both of my hips hurt super bad when I lay on them too long. I am a side sleeper so this has really fucked my sleep and quality of life. It feels like pressing on a bruise at first, that gets more intense over time and after a few hours becomes a deep unbearable burning. I have tried so hard but cannot make myself a back sleeper through the whole night. I have had an xray, CT scan, and MRI. MRI showed a bursitis in one hip but not the other I guess? I went through PT but it didn't help. Ibuprofen and aspirin don't help, I don't think/know gabapentin did because it helped me sleep a bit better at first but then I would wake up in awful pain from having slept on a hip for so long without my body being able to wake me up to stop it. I am not overweight. I don't know what to do now, like the next step. Pain specialists just want to give me shots, the PT didn't help. GP just wants to refer me to an orthopedic specialist, which I am waiting to see but they have a stupid long waitlist, high price, and when I do have my appointment they are only planning a steroid injection into the bursa. I really don't think it will help. My gut says there so many muscles around the hip that maybe I am fucking one of them up day to day, mindlessly, and this is actually a simple fix but I have no idea where to turn to anymore and this is really lowkey destroying my life and sanity. I want a specialist on, I guess, muscles and tendons to spend time with me on a consult.

No. 513256

Are you sleeping on the correct type of mattress for your body weight? Have you tried a body pillow for between your knees to keep your hips aligned? are you certain it isn't referred pain from sciatic compression? It may sound odd but some light mobility and massage before bed could help.

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No. 93899[Reply]

Inspired by >>>/g/93056
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No. 513002


What's the blue egg thing?

No. 513038

not gonna lie, it does kek

No. 513045

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A portable hair brush. Is good when you have long ass hair.

No. 513206

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made this instead of working on a project thats due on thursday

No. 513332

8/10. It’s cheap and does its job, but I’d suggest you buy the essence one , it’s even cheaper and performs exactly the same, slightly better maybe as it leaves less residue and you can reapply it with no problem.

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No. 452130[Reply]

For anything skincare related.

Previous thread >>>/g/317231
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No. 510292

microneedling with a dermapen at 3mm needle length did wonders on my 20 year old deep stretch marks, I really recommend it but it is painful (you can use a numbing cream) and takes about 3 weeks to heal each session and the skin is tender throughout while healing. needs a lot of sessions but the results are visible after just one session in terms of skin density. The skin can get darker after doing it in places because of hyperpigmentation but this goes away after it's healed.

No. 510294

No. 510401

the formation and healing of stretch marks has nothing to do with the hydration of the skin and hyaluronic acid won't do much for it. supplements that improve collagen production would be more effective (not topical creams since collagen is not absorbed into the skin)

No. 510407

samefagging but dry brushing every day should stimulate your skin to heal faster also

No. 513205

I have a very specific issue. I used to have dermatillomania and one of the ways it manifested is I used to bite at the inside of my mouth a lot. There's a spot I liked to bite but I needed to push my cheek quite hard against my teeth to accomplish that. At that spot, something like a varicose vein formed. It looks like a purple thread and is quite small. I don't think anyone else notices it, but I notice it. It reminds me of the damage I did to myself via skinpicking. Is there a way to get rid of it?

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No. 507540[Reply]

ITT Post male bodies you find attractive. This thread is just for bodies, so faces must be omitted via cropping or camera angle. If you want to include the face, please use one of the other male attractions threads.

Previous: >>445482
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No. 512808

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No. 512860

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No. 512866

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No. 512876

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No. 513161

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Wide shoulders narrow waist gets me so fucking horny, even off a screen

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No. 402287[Reply]

Discuss plastic surgery and your plastic surgery goals here. This is not a thread to brigade on regarding your dislike of plastic surgery - please create a plastic surgery hate thread to talk about that.

Previous plastic surgery threads below:
474 posts and 64 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 503440

I've always had droopy breasts since puberty and have been considering a breast lift for my entire adult life, but the scarring is fucking terrifying

No. 503554

This, they were beautiful and suckable. Women need to stop internalizing men’s deranged tastes, one look at their drawn porn that looks like a fucking sensory homunculus and you can tell there’s something fucked up about how they perceive human form. It’s like making yourself into their fucked up mind golem.

No. 512855

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I just noticed this pic and I don't know where to post it but holy cow that plastic surgery to the butt and general change

No. 513152

I really hate when some people out there get plastic surgery and end up actually good looking but for some reason aren't satisfied with it and they keep on getting more procedures until they look botched. Why would anyone do that to themselves? I mean I know the answer but it's still frustrating. Do they think the butched look is genuinely better or something? Is it following trends? I'll never understand this. Especially when they keep getting filers, botox, and lip fillers or multiple unnecessary nose jobs.

No. 513215

Can you seriously not tell the after is shooped to all fuck? Zoomers are scaring me.

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No. 397215[Reply]

What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.

Last thread: >>>/g/158895
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No. 510829

>makes me diamonds
Ew… I know what you are

No. 511008

I mean, yeah its bad, but like we said, she's just retarded

No. 512394

I don't love the music but I need her so bad

No. 512512

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>listening to charli's old bbc music podcast where she has tove lo as a guest
>talking about getting married to moid picrel and charli saying "you two are soooo in luuuurve" (insert slight vocal fry)
>mfw she's never dated a woman in her own words
>mfw his name is twaddle and she married him anyway

Thanks, I hate it

No. 513140

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Not really ashamed, it’s just kind of specific. The women in playboi carti’s “magnolia“ cover are really hot. Especially the one on the left, her bangs are really cute. I stare at her alot

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No. 396128[Reply]

Share your favourite lewd mp4s, voice actors, websites, etc.
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No. 487836

you guys keep spamming previews so yeah i've heard of it, i simply will not register my credit card and start paying for porn just because you're too lazy and call uploading audios "spoonfeeding". this kind of laziness is the reason this site is dead tbh
i mean i don't even like audios that i can't understand either way, so i couldn't care less that you actually do upload it, i'm just notifying you that you're extremely lazy

No. 487931

I know this is a very late reply (sorry for that, nona!) but I kinda like this idea, would be a fun resource to have. Although I don't know how we'd be able to choose which categories to include and which to filter out, which content creators' voices are hot enough/which are too cringe etc. All of those things are quite subjective and deciding on the standards might be difficult.
I know r/gonewildaudio has had a couple of those filtering tools to search for audios, such as https://mrbrumbly.github.io/gwasearch/ but this doesn't store the audios anywhere, only directs to the reddit post. Were you thinking of hosting content on a site?

No. 501855

I hope i find F4F audios that aren't terrible, voiced by troons, written by troons or requested by troons. And that don't feature stone tops, pillow princesses or any similar gendie lite bullshit. Like why is my horny audio content tagged with "anorgasmia" and "no touch"? I'll post them if i do find them (i haven't searched a lot to be honest)

No. 502987

No. 513009

you can try requesting on the FSA threads on 4chan https://boards.4chan.org/soc/thread/33739689

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No. 369903[Reply]

A thread for discussing hair care, hair problems, hair styles, and hair product recommendations.

Previous threads:
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No. 512549

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working through my next fucking hair challenge: water hardness.

apparently where I live, the water is super hard. normally my hair is 3a/3b. I'm currently in a place with soft water and now my hair is fluffy 2b-3a mess. normally my hair doesn't like to keep straight and I need a long time with a flat iron, but now the curls just fall out and I can straighten so fast with a blow dryer. Crazy.

it's basically like my childhood hair texture (it curled more and got a bit coarse after puberty). now it's just soft and a mess. and apparently all my products are too much and I risk over conditioning it. What the hell!

has anyone ever dealt with this, and should I look into a water filter for my shower? I could apparently save on product with softer water. but at the same time, now it's a new texture I'd have to learn to deal with

No. 512788

>Is that the trade off of moisturized hair: moisturized hair but it also gets oily faster?
No it shouldn't do that. Shampoo doesn't really matter that much in hair care, it's job is to wash your scalp and scalp ONLY thoroughly (so you don't rub the shampoo in your hair at all). You're supposed to wash the scalp, rinse and wash again with half as much shampoo as you used the first time. To keep the moisture inside the hair you use conditioners and oils to seal the hair. I'm sure you can get the same result and decrease greasiness by oiling your hair AND SCALP once a week, using a leave-in conditioner and using herbal lotions on the scalp. Which ones I cannot specifically tell you because the products vary depending where you live.

No. 512951

My hair is 2a-2b, healthy and very thick but very frizzy as well. The top of my head has the most intense frizz, it forms a halo that refuses to go down. I need an uncomfortable amount of oil to make it settle which makes it look dirty. I wash my hair 2x a week and always do a mask or it becomes super dry. After washing I put on an anti frizz leave in which helps a little, then only if I go out I put on a bit of hair oil which also helps but like I said I'd need to put way too much for the frizz to actually go away.
I want to do more in the drying/dry phase to try to get it to behave but I don't understand mousses/sprays/gels. Can anyone recommend anything?

No. 512959

how do you dry your hair?

No. 512965

I just let it air dry.

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