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No. 452130[Reply]

For anything skincare related.

Previous thread >>>/g/317231
64 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 480833

Personally I don't recommend microdneedling even though you will see it touted ubiquitously as a solution. It's quite a bit of expense for very temporary results.

No. 483783

>bring down benzoyl peroxyde from twice to once a day so i can apply actives against the brown spots
>instantly get new acne thatll give me brown spots for months
this is so tiresome, when will my skin stop acting up ffs. i'm 23

No. 485710

Are there any reliable ways to remove old hypertrophic scarring aside from microneedling and laser treatment?
I heard good things about silicone patches but it's a painfully slow process. I've been using them for 2 months and don't see any progress.

No. 485738

This is so annoying. I’m biracial (half balck half white). I’m quite pale since it’s winter time but I still have pigment in my skin and every pimple leave a scar. Even when I don’t pick on them it does. I have horrible PIH right now because I had a random breakout two weeks ago. I’ve went through this many times before. No skincare products have ever really healed my PIH effectively. They just eventually fade away after some weeks to months. I’ve tried everything from vitamin C, alpha apurtin, niacinamide, AHA, BHA ect. The only thing that I’ve actually gotten effective results from is medical skincare treatment like micro needling and PRP, but it’s pricey.

No. 486559

I would get a weaker prescription.

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No. 380577[Reply]

A thread for all nonas of Middle Eastern, Arab or North African ethnicity to discuss topics pertaining to being a MENA woman. A place to chat, vent, share, ask and give advice or discuss problems pertaining to being a MENA woman. All religions and nationalities welcome to post, as long as you are of MENA ethnicity.
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No. 476955

>"criticizing religion" as if 99% of their criticisms aren't just cultural
I feel you but religion is culture, culture is religion. Criticizing cultures is perfectly fine

No. 482612

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Anyone from the Levant who laments that their country was arabized? I was reading about MENA history and traditions and it sucks how we don’t even speak those languages anymore and a lot of our original traditional dress is gone. How do American museums have more Syrian traditional clothing than the average syrian household does (abayahs don’t count).

No. 485924

Late and a bit off topic, but why would you even consider learning the ugliest fakest language with 0 history? Go and learn an actual language instead. Arabic, in all its dialects, is a disgusting language just like its speakers.(racebait)

No. 486299

Somalia isn't MENA

No. 486302

Its the map of the Arab league which is why it was included, Sudan Djibouti and Mauritania aren't Mena either

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No. 392054[Reply]

Post anything you can think of. Specific clothing, styles, whatever.
>button down shirts
>more suits
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No. 475499

Normie af but suits like this make me horny beyond reason

No. 485054

No. 485055

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Wrong webm

No. 486231

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No. 486236

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No. 166904[Reply]

This thread is for discussing cosplay, seeking advice, and sharing resources on all things cosplay!

If you want to complain about costhots take it to /w/

What are some of your dream cosplays? What are you working on currently?
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No. 342880

Honestly, the skirt looks like it is made of tulle. It's super easy to make a tulle skirt. You don't even have to be able to sew. (Although sewing one would work too). I've mad a tulle skirt when I was little. Just get red and black tulle, and cut it into strips. Tie the strips around a belt or a circle of elastic, until you have enough to look like the picture. There's tutorials that can show you what I mean if you search for them. The top of the outfit might be a little harder to find or make. You could check local thrift stores for something similar maybe.

No. 344220

Fabric paint is a nightmare and I wouldn't use it on foam. Acrylic is better or just using spray paint.
If you have brush strokes sometimes your paint is shit, but sometimes it's your brush technique. Plastidip is annoying and hard to get even and smooth in general, I get annoying bubbles all the time.

No. 344398

Would you recommend acrylic spray for this? Do you need a top coat? The plastidip top coat started peeling after it dried. Just awful.

No. 486130

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So many trannies…

No. 486139

As a massive higurashi and uminekofag this makes me upset. At least the women cosplayers are cute and look like the characters. That fucking Ange kek

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No. 248328[Reply]

The good, the bad, the ugly. Share your experiences here, what are the best apps to use, your success stories, cringeist interactions, horror, etc.

Previously >>>/g/82463
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No. 486102

>I had a guy try to neg me a while ago by telling me my body count of 6 was "incredibly low"
That's pretty bad. Did he ask about it or did you bring it up? If you were the one who brought it up then I think it's okay
>the first one asked if i like spiders because they're emotionless (i said i refuse to kill spiders in the house and just put them outside) and the second one said "are you going to attach your head when we go out on a date"
The first one I guess is kinda neggish but the second one sounds like innocent kidding

No. 486108

second ayrt, i guess but it was a pretty lame joke and tbh at this point i see negging as anything that tries to make a woman second-guess herself or otherwise feel weird even if it's not a backhanded compliment. the "low body count" thing is crazy though. 6 is not "low" it's pretty average and normal. most men are fucking weird if you've had more than 1 relationship anyway. maybe he got mad that anon is clearly more experienced than him and tried to make it seem bad

No. 486113

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Instagram showed me a reel of some dating app that's supposed to be geared towards femdom. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Also I'm wondering if the male userbase there is the "wanting to be mommied" type of entitled msub that the women in our femdom thread talk about.

No. 486119

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i expect all the male users to be this

No. 486170

kekkk you're probably right!
The subreddit for this app is talking about how it's still quite buggy (I think it's in early access or something) and moids complaining about there being too many findom women looking for betabux

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No. 486097[Reply]

Post couples where both halves are equally conventionally attractive
>do not post couples where the guy is clearly uglier(shit thread)

No. 486099

Already failed with the threadpic

No. 486111

>>486099 is right, also >>>/m/423262 already exists

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No. 397833[Reply]

It’s quite difficult to find a good reliable bra that’s good for your back and posture in many places in the world, what are your favorites?
What makes out a great Bra to you?
What makes a terrible one?

Tips for places/websites to buy from highly recommended
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No. 482852

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I know many nonnies here are from places where padded bras are the norm but I'd like to shill pure cotton bras with zero padding like picrel. I'm from a hot region where most women wear pure cotton bras, padded bras are very rare. These bras are very lightweight and breathable, and might be suited for nonnies who don't like the bulk of padded bras and/or dislike the feel of synthetic fabric. All of the brands I've worn (Like-me, Guddi, Juliet) are indian brands though, so I'm not sure how available they are in the rest of the world. I did find some nice chinese cotton bras on aliexpress but I haven't tried them out myself.

No. 482945

This is so damn cute but I just know it would never fit my saggy boobs properly kek

No. 482960

what's the best t shirt bra? I hate having an outline

No. 486085

asking the real questions. Esp when mine are saggy and everything goes to the bottom of the cups of the bra, leaving a gap on the top half.

No. 486093

I recently bought a couple of bras like that from snagtights (I'm a fatty and they cater to my sizing) and they're extremely comfortable. I'm never wearing wired bra again.

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No. 159633[Reply]

For anyone who is anti-porn, a recovering porn addict, or wants to lower their usage.

>Why are you anti-porn?

>When did you decide to quit?
>Did porn make you depressed?
>Are people around you supportive of this choice?
>and whatever else you want to say
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No. 484583

Men absolutely know what they're doing when they rub their porn addiction in your face. They're not stupid. They react negatively if you compliment or watch other men. its 100% a conscious choice to dreadgame and neg their gfs self esteem. Porn creates an illusion of abundance, and many men get off on making their gf feel like she has to compete with these pixels of women.

No. 486006

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Any recovering/recovered addicts have any advice or resources on how to break the habit? I’ve been a chronic masturbator for like 8-9 years since high school, it used to just be fanfic, but I’ve been using videos for the past few years and it’s starting to take a really heavy turn. The content I’m engaging with has been getting more niche and hardcore and I feel like I’m on the edge of a big fall. My fyp looks like it belongs to an entry-level gooner because all these companies are selling my data and searches to each other, which is also impacting my perception of what is and isn’t normal. I have so much shame and self-loathing over this which only makes the urge worse. What are some practical first steps that I can take to nip this in the bud?

No. 486076

You can’t quit any addiction cold turkey, you need to replace it with something healthier that fills the time you used to spend with the addiction. Exercise, gardening, books, art, dance group, choose something that’s not screen-related so you don’t get tempted.

Delete any accounts you have (purge as much personal data from them first). Once you do that, put locks on your browsers/devices to stop yourself easily accessing porn. Or literally physically lock the devices away overnight. Make it as inconvenient as possible for yourself. Remind yourself how disgusting and exploitative the porn industry is whenever you get a craving, and how rich these people get from it, and then do literally anything else except watch porn. Fight with your brain everyday to rewire it, it will get easier the more consistent you are.

No. 486522

I'm about to hit three months without watching porn. I had developed a very specific, extreme fetish over the course of 10+ years of watching porn, starting during puberty. Without porn, though, when I masturbate I just fantasize about the fetish content, not even visualizing porn, but coming up with imaginative, original scenarios. It's better than before, but I still consider myself to have a paraphilia. Nothing else gets me off. I think I just need to take a break from masturbating altogether. Has anyone else eradicated a deeply ingrained fetish like this? I've seen that it sometimes works to "replace" the imagery with something else at the moment of orgasm.

No. 486635

go on antidepressants and you won't want to or be able to masturbate

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No. 434936[Reply]

Previous thread:
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No. 481924

Forgot how to spell it kek

No. 482332

Does anybody have trouble recognizing sexual arousal? Sometimes I get randomly horny and I freak out because it feels strange, and then I'll end up in my room at some point and then flick the bean as a last resort and it goes away. And I am surprised every time.

No. 485726

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Nonas, i really need advice for something. Around last year i had a really bad case of scabies for over 4 months (i literally learned what scabies was when i got diagnosed by the doctor, yikes) and since i went so long without treatment the bugs attacted me in the joint that connects my legs to my hips creating really nasty scars that were really itchy for days and left a bad hyperpigmentation and some interesting pinched skin look that it visible from the front when i am standing with my legs closed (similar to picrel). I know this question isnt really about the vagina itself but its in the general vaginal area and i dont know where else or how to ask this. The scars left are only on the very front of my joint, as a circle-ish area aligning with where my vulva starts and i can sort of pinch the swollen scar tissue with my hands (its not that much and not visible with my legs open), so the problem is i am extremely insecure and upset by this sudden change in how i look, and i dont know what i can do to get rid of or get over it. Its not even about the general appearance of my vulva but the idea that i am disfigured permanently by those little fuckers makes me really mad honestly, is this issue something anyone has heard of? Is there some surgery or technique i can do to get rid of it? If not how can i cope because i really dont know how to cope rn.(spoiler your shit)

No. 485733

I have this too nona due to contracting scabies as a child. unfortunately the pigmentation and scarring is still there and never went away :( even though I tried many whitening creams. sucks(emoji)

No. 486449

sigh, we are in this together nona

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No. 66545[Reply]

I couldn't find a recent thread similar enough on here so I wanted to start one myself.

Do any of you struggle with addiction to drugs/alcohol etc? Do you have advice for those who do?

Personally I don't think i have an 'addiction' but a habit which could turn into one. I struggle to go to sleep at night by myself without a few bottles of wine or weed. For the last couple of months I've been going out drinking/smoking every other day. I also picked up smoking because of the people around me even though I don't necessarily like it. I'm still a teenager and I have alcoholics and ex drug addicts in my family so this worries me. I've tried other drugs like Coke and Molly very briefly so I know it isn't very extreme case. Advice/thoughts are appreciated
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No. 464506

how can my fatass stop binge eating? Should I start vaping is it true that vaping reduces appetite? I’m too broke for ozempic

No. 464516

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Vaping made my skin look dull and chalky so I started smoking cigarettes again. I'm not recommending them and plan to quit before spring but vaping wasn't really enjoyable anyways and feels harsher on my lungs. It's like the sugar-free gummy bears of smoking imo. I thought it might have been in my head but Lana Del Rey is a vapetard and an anon pointed out the same thing in recent celebricow thread

repost for ESL-tier sentence structure

No. 465048

don't start vaping. If you struggle with the urges to binge eat and the regular methods of not buying what triggers you, not starving yourself, exercising, etc. aren't being maintained well, you can take an SSRI (way cheaper than Ozempic) or go to a psych and ask about Vyvanse.

No. 485717

Interesting animation, but would people be able to do a couple hits and stop at 1:40 and then reduce any dose to avoid problems in the long term?

No. 485912

wonder how this anon is doing
i'm another idiot that started vaping first and moved to smoking.
i quit yesterday. no smoke, no vape, i am sooo irritable and honestly don't even want to quit. i'm qutting because i know i should and because it's gross. but i dont actually want to stop.

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