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No. 463830[Reply]

Post about your guilty fashion pleasures, those green polka dot shorts you like to wear at home, that three wolves t-shirt at the back of your closet, and that awkward cyberpunk or emo phase you went through in high school.

Post bad/weird/questionable fashion you like/wear/enjoy, etc.
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No. 493212

I mean not really.

No. 493370

Adam Sandler lesbian fashion is top tier and can only be upgraded as partisan-core from >>464613, sportswear is for winter. Idgaf. Fuck old money and all that shit for mascs. Being comfy is the most important thing

No. 493420

D-slut? What does that mean

No. 493421

Your closet sounds fun. I had a couple of those button down shirts with the anime prints on them. They are comfy. I saw some flame shirts at an FYE recently.

No. 494706

Cosplaying as Sam and Dean in public is so based. I wish I knew you back then, because I had a jacket I called my "Dean jacket" and wore it every day.

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No. 492830[Reply]

(horrific thread)
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No. 493057

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MR. Crawling….

No. 493058

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he is so

No. 493064

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No. 493078

My current husbando is a demon but I would not summon him. He's only perfect in my head. Irl his personality when integrated into modern society would be very obnoxious and annoying. Think antisocial gangster meets high school jock turned 3dpd. Gross.

No. 493419

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No. 305399[Reply]

Post and discuss all of your sexual fantasies! Don't turn this into "fetishes you're ashamed of #2" though.
Old thread: >>>/g/182352
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No. 491326

Yeah, that's why this 2 years old thread is the most active on this site.

No. 492712

You should check the Luigi general

No. 493298

heres a thought that i had, try not to get horny : impotent guy desperately eating your pussy because he feels worthless as a man

No. 493307

a guy who doesn’t want to have sex or is asexual, we’re in a relationship and 1 day while he’s drunk I semi force him into sex, tying his hands behind his back, he swears he doesn’t want it but is hard at the same time.
I’m also insanely turned on by crying, unconscious or scared men and men who have just been slapped or treated roughly by a woman who they thought could never hurt them

No. 493308

Then make the comment in that thread, not in this dead thread.

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No. 418074[Reply]

Last Thread: >>331392

Thread for:
>femdom images and media
>femdom fantasies
>female subs interested in women
>advice and stories

Some things to get us started:
>What are your main kinks?
>What is your ideal sub like?
>What experiences have you had?
>What advice do you have for new dommes?
>Where to find subs? How to avoid unhealthy ones?
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No. 493085

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Have any nonas considered recruiting submissive men from among the supporters of Donald Trump? I have observed, with great interest, their submissive tendencies; for example, their unquestioning obedience to their leader and "good boy" energy (see picrel). Perhaps they exhibit these submissive tendencies in intimate relationships, as well?

No. 493087

Not with women.

No. 493088


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 493121

They hate women tho. Give them an inch of attention and they'll use that as an opportunity to dunk on you to get clout with other guys because thats who they fundamentally care about and reserve their submission for. Never fall for that trap.

No. 494681

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are all men gay?

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No. 203705[Reply]

I believe we should have a thread about binge eating. A lot of women suffer from this issue and it is very embarrassing to discuss. The rona virus hasn't helped a lot of us binge eaters, and in my case personally, it's only increased my eating.
Feel free to discuss whatever you want, what you binge eat, how long you've been doing it, how does it affect your day to day life, how long have you gone without having a binge etc.
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No. 476873

Those days before her comments may be behind you but you'll come back even stronger. I have a feeling fluctuations like these are a part of life, and it's how we move through them that matters the most. What's your meditation routine?

No. 488343

Does anybody here also has disordered eating running on the family? Both my mum and my grandmother binge eat and are overweight. I’ve struggled with the exact same behaviors ever since I was in my early teens. Now I’m 22, did years of CBT and I’ve done a lot of progress. I used to buy food, ice cream, binge eat, sometimes purge on my worst moments, hide food and trash in my bedroom, cook/bake huge amounts of foods, eat secretly. Even though I still sometimes overeat or “emotional eat”, I no longer engage in those more drastic behaviors and for years already have been following a balanced nutrition, pretty much only eat whole foods on my day to day and exercise regularly.

Weirdly, just now I’m realizing I grew up discovering hidden sweets on my mum’s bedroom (still to this day if I go through her drawers I found chocolates and cookies) and eating them secretly, seeing my grandmother’s body absolutely deteriorate (she’s obese and has to walk assisted by a wheeled chair), my mum even had a geriatric bypass (that she regrets) as she was going on the same path.

It’s so interestingly sad to me to see how the three of us reflect on each other. My grandmother is the extreme, my mother is doing better (she swims/walks everyday, eats a little bit better even if she’s still overweight), but this chain is absolutely ending with me.

No. 489757

I refuse to go back on SSRIs because the emotional blunting and anhedonia is too much for me, but if anyone has other meds that worked for them I'd like to know. I just can't afford stimulants or Wellbutrin.

No. 491731

Anyone binge so hard that their body hurts from water retention the next day? I've never met anyone that has related to this but it's like my whole body retains water and my skin hurts from stretching. My binges are upwards of 5-6k calories

No. 493060

kind of, at my worst there were days I had to call in sick the morning after a binge because I was so bloated everything hurt + the emotional pain from it probably worsened those symptoms too

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No. 141299[Reply]

previous thread: >>>/g/49363

Discuss your shitty brain here.
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No. 490794

Thank you nonna. It's not that I think they are against me including that first psycihatrist who I still think he was a massive bitch with me it just annoyed me that they didn't want to give me an answer.

Imagine feeling something wrong in your stomach and having multiple sessions. And you get meds, and it somehow gets a little better. But you still know something is not right because compared to your closests people, they all seem to not have anything on their stomachs.

Sorry if this is retard but idk how to explain it better.

Even so, I won't search for a specialist. I doubt there is one in my country and if there is, it's probably expensive as hell. I love my psychologist, and my psychiatrist is amazing (I'm only on escitalopram now!)

No. 491307

difference between low self esteem vs borderline personality disorder? Think I have some form of bpd going on that I want to see someone about but idk

No. 492705


This is literally my life except I got fired last week kek. I do not have the energy to tell my family and I just go to the library and edit my resume, looking for another job… My dream is to work in fashion on the corporate side but I am 28 and I feel like I am running out of time. My best friends bachlorette is in May and If I do not get a job by then, I will not be able to go.

Making friends past undergrad is HARD and you definitely will not be able to make the connections past 25, but you can still make friends. I met a group of people and other mutual friends when I was around your age. They arent super, close meaningful relationships but still worth it. Try putting yourself out there. It is corny but true.

No. 492706


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 493155

One of my providers keeps pushing me towards therapy and I really don't want to go down this road again. I know nothing will ever change with me. I was in therapy since I was super young and I got no benefits out of it, if anything it just encouraged me to trauma dump at people because I was raised to think that talking about feelings=good, and even in later years it just ended up making me worse. I'd be too scared to talk about how I feel about anything without spiraling, fearing that they'd just give me some life ruining diagnostic impression (because I'm a suspected BPDfag), and talking about my traumas or anything just makes me jump from 0 to 100.
I also have insomnia, which makes me grumpy and unstable during flare-ups. I've had therapists try to turn me to crisis counselors and try to section me during these times, which I had to talk my way out of. I get dysregulated so easily and devolve into self-loathing talk so they just assume I'm going to kill myself. I hate it. I just want to ghost these intake people.

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No. 248328[Reply]

The good, the bad, the ugly. Share your experiences here, what are the best apps to use, your success stories, cringeist interactions, horror, etc.

Previously >>>/g/82463
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No. 486119

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i expect all the male users to be this

No. 486170

kekkk you're probably right!
The subreddit for this app is talking about how it's still quite buggy (I think it's in early access or something) and moids complaining about there being too many findom women looking for betabux

No. 492468

Can any nonnies make more collages of hideous men they find so we can continue to laugh at them together? Kek

No. 492470

>Hey, babygirl…

No. 493756

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All I have is this bumble troon who wrote he "didn't like people paying attention to him". Maybe don't walk around in this makeup then.

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No. 214213[Reply]

Preferably not the poisonous green dresses
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No. 491478

You pretty much predicted this coming back. I hope you’re still around anon

No. 491796

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No. 491802

>Oh grandmother, what big ears you have!

No. 492503

Wrong. This is giving walking to a tavern on a rainy late night

No. 492624

if there's bingo on at the tavern I guess

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No. 408697[Reply]

Explain why you‘re against plastic surgery, discuss its influence on women and society as a whole, share stories of botched plastic surgery, expose evil plastic surgeons etc. etc.
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No. 491736

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I think you can see the caps over them here too

No. 491887

>casting uwu smol bean arianna grande as audrey hepburn
if this happens i will riot. let tall women have something nice for once, please.

No. 492506

Why is she always skinwalking other women? First the baddie, mexican shit, then the asian stuff, now audrey?

No. 493096

It’s literally plaque. She clearly had not had a dental cleaning for a long ass time. Nicki also probably smokes, which stains teeth. Go to your yearly dental cleaning nonitas

No. 493097

she also has mandibular tori here which are harmless bone growths on the inner surface of the jaw from either hormones or mechanical stress. Not a bad thing, and perfectly harmless, but picrel is a pretty good example

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No. 469977[Reply]

>What is this thread
By popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread which talks about husbandos and/or horny shit about fictional men in general.
>Why was this made / what is the difference
The difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D (as in characters from live action movies or shows) and 2D crushes so you don't clog /ot/. Post memes, be frisky, whatever. Be as mild or as spicy as you feel like.
>But why
Farmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here
-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
-I want to cuddle Reigen
>Examples of posts that DO NOT go here
-Actual real life men hornyposting
-Your husbando is trash/ugly/cringe/moid-tier etc
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No. 491636

If I had sewing skills I'd sew my wedding dress and get a cardboard cutout of mine.

No. 491638

Alright what's the new threadpic gonna be

No. 491639


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 491642

No. 491645

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