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No. 394660

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
Old threads

No. 394673

Is baby fever real? I would probably never have kids because I don't think I'm the right person to have them (so much generational trauma and issues of my own) but I wonder if any nonna here has felt baby fever before and what did you exactly feel (I cry)

No. 394703

It’s an ache, a longing, and a deep sadness. A bitterness, perhaps, even.

No. 394715

Does anyone here have any experience with getting an early bloodtest to determine the foetus' sex?
I have one daughter now and would love to have more but the chances of having a son make me not want to risk it. So the earlier I would know in a pregnancy the more time I would have to make up my mind whether I would want to go through with it or abort. There's no way a OBGYN or midwife here would offer such a test though so I would have to find a commercial provider. Something like SneakPeek, although I don't think they ship to Europe
Sorry I'm rambling a bit, I'm stressing the fuck out because my period is becoming more irregular over the years and I feel like my time is running out

This is a good way to decribe it anon. Baby fever is not something you have, but rather a feeling of wanting

No. 394731

I've gotten 2 and both were accurate. Not sure what European laws are but both were done along with genetic testing in the first trimester. Personally I wouldn't get it done unless you know it's being sent to a quality lab

No. 394743

Do IVF in a country that's not cucked to guarantee a female baby.

No. 394755

just keep getting pregnant than abort potential male fetuses, IVF preys on women and the hormonal cycles can mess you up

No. 394775

But how can you allow your body to abort that much? Isn't that dangerous?

No. 394781

I keep having these depressing dreams that I’m pregnant, raising my baby daughter, I watch her grow up, only to wake up and realize she never existed. I end up in tears clutching my pillow because I want nothing more than that baby to be real. Is something wrong with me?

No. 394782

Im not even trying to be rude, but "just keep getting abortions" is pretty terrible advice. Abortions are not always an easy procedure to get. They can be physically taxing, not to mention the emotional toll it can take on a woman. Unironically this is probably more viable/less harmful advice >>>/ot/846472

No. 394783

>Not illegal. You have to eat a vegan low calories diet trying to conceive because male babies are weak as shit and get aborted if they don't have enough food. Sperm that makes male babies also dies easier in an acidic environment, so eat lots of citrus. Try to conceive 3 days before your ovulation because sperm that makes girls lives longer than sperm that makes boys. At the 2 month mark you can do a blood test to see the sex of the kid and abort if it's xy. If it's xx then stop the low cal vegan diet and eat normally. There's also ivf which is more expensive but 99.9% accurate.

Had to repost so others can see without clicking

No. 394784

Sorry, I forgot posts from other boards don't show when you scroll over them

No. 394793

Since we are making wild suggestions, I suggest you have the father cum in a cup then spin the cup around like a centrifuge (gently if possible), take an oral syringe and collect the sperm at the bottom of the cup. X sperm cells are heavier and would ostensibly be at the bottom of the cup and thus you'd have a syringe full of X sperm cells.

But to be serious, please don't restrict nutrients deliberately for 2 months. I hate that idea for you and the fetus/baby.

No. 394795

I think a lot of women have baby dreams, I've definitely had some where I wake up disappointed that my children aren't real. If it's really stressing you out or happening a lot though there might be a reason?

No. 394836

Kek this is so fucking hilarious to me because I keep having baby dreams too, but mine are all nightmares of bottomless horror. For example, I had one where I had a son and had to raise him in a war zone, then when he was like 16 he was crushed by falling rubble right in front of me, and I wasn’t sad at all, instead I was instantly so incredibly happy to be free again. I always wake up from baby dreams in a panic, followed by relief when I realize it was just a dream and I have no children. Clearly we are different animals— people who try to generalize women are retarded

No. 394858

I cant wait to be a mom, I have dreams of having a baby, just lying in bed or holding my baby, taking my toddler on hikes, teaching my kid how to play their first guitar chords, but I feel a little hopeless about it. I really really really want to so bad but I don’t want to have children if I’m not married, I feel like that would be the hard part for me. But I’m not going to let my negative self doubt get in my way, hopefully one day I’ll find a good man and we’ll get married and have children. Hopefully one day!!!

No. 394866

>>394715 here. Yeah but the point is in my country you normally only find out the sex at the 20 weeks ultrasound. Maybe a few weeks earlier if you find a willing midwife. I might hate having a boy, but not to the point that I would risk my health having multiple abortions that far into the pregancy. Hence the reason asking about early bloodtests

No. 394885

It's ok, I only did it out of convenience + spread of information

No. 394901

How do you survive the constant toddler tantrums? I feel like my toddler screams nonstop all day long unless she is eating or sleeping. She demands my attention 24/7 and doesn't want to play with any of her toys, she just wants to do things she can't do like play in the toilet, eat firstfuls of mud outside or climb onto dangerous high places. I am so exhausted.

No. 394961

is she sleeping/napping correctly? a lot of tantrums can be chalked up to simply needing a nap

No. 395010

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how do you manage? I feel like a hot mess and forget appointments and such (nothing too important ofc, I just feel bad) what is a "checklist" of everything you need to do as a parent

No. 395037

Do any of you ever think about the possibility what if you were just being extremely horny at the thought of getting impregnated by your Nigel now you have to devote the rest of your life to a whole ass human being for minimum like 2 decades? Or what if that maybe is what most of humanity went through?

No. 395039

Nonna its alright just calm down. You don't need to be doing all of that and pressuring yourself either. Honestly at least I just focus on hanging out with and making sure the baby is fine. That's already more than enough work! Yes sometimes the dishes stay overnight in the sink and get washed during the next naptime, yes sometimes there's toys all around and at the end of the day you're too exhausted to do anything about that and there's absolutely no reason to feel less accomplished. The baby for sure won't mind. Honestly imo the mega organized clean girl aesthetic açai bowl green smoothie era of life is when you're not currently facing the biggest challenge life can give you, which is raising a little human. Nonna its okay just relax dont make yourself crazy.

The thing about appointments, I use telegram as a chat messenger and there you can make a channel for yourself + your husband and schedule messages. So I write every appointment in there and then schedule a message the day before/the morning of the day to repeat the appointment text again so I get a notification.

No. 395079

I am sure maaaany women have had children due to extreme horniness throughout history. Biological imperative.
I wanted children in my life - specifically, I wanted children that were older than 4 and not a baby or toddler. So I didn't think it through fully and having a baby is hard but not the hardest thing I've done.
I will say that pregnancy was the least sexy experience of my life and, because we planned our baby, copulative sex was no where near as much "fun" as the spontaneous sex I've had. Maybe if our baby had been unplanned I'd think differently about this entirely.

No. 395080

Is your husband or partner helping you with childcare? I get everything done by eating simple meals, and asking my husband to help with laundry and cleaning (he does) i only have one kid, but I don't keep a checklist. I do agree with this list's idea of not having a phone around at specific times - but I have a phone addiction and need that sort of rule.
As for appointments, I have a google calendar widget on my phone and I add the appointment to my calendar as soon as the appointment is made (at the doctor's office or whilst still on the phone). You can add attendees to the event too, if someone else needs to remember. I like the other nonna's idea about the telegram channel

No. 395081

Why are standards for mothers so extreme nowadays? And it's never for the better either, first you have the extremely crunchy people foaming at the mouth quite literally claiming feeding a child anything other than breast milk until they're 2 will kill them or false medical advices that somehow get tossed around as real without anyone questioning it, the worst one IMO is that the huge hate boner for single moms have caused women to be extremely co-dependent on their husbands to the point where a lot of moms are afraid of even going in public without their husband due to the fact even being seen without a man is enough for a lot of people to assume you're single and hate you because of it, you're expected to mindlessly listen to every single piece of deranged judgement you read online unless it's not right! Then it's why are you trusting stuff online over yourself but these same people will be ready to execute you for NOT listening to others. You can't have a social life, if you go out a single time without your children you're a bad mom but also how dare you make your personality about being a mom and women suck for losing themselves to motherhood. Even just asking for a break or help from others is enough to have people treat you like you're neglectful or too stupid to take care of kids you chose to have even though this has never ever been the case at any point in history. You need to work but also not really, stay in shape but don't neglect your children to take a break and workout, always have energy, always be perfect, etc.

It's not hard to see why infanticide rates have gone up rapidly. Of course when you make new and scared mothers feel like they will never be enough during one of the most dangerous mental times for them you're gonna get exactly that

No. 395219

Did you guys circumcise your son or not? Im having a son and wondering this myself. My husband also has a botched circumcision + I'm scared it will make him fussier as a baby

No. 395231

Why the fuck would you? Imo it's literally unthinkable It's such a barbaric practice which originates from an ancient desert religion that used it to mark their slaves.(No bs, look it up) Would you cut parts of your daughters clitoris off for no reason as well? And the muh hygienic meme is ridiculous as well like yeah if you cut your ears off you wouldn't have to clean them either.

No. 395233

Literally why would you even consider it. I thought everyone agreed now that it’s basically child abuse? I don’t have boys but if I did I would never have. my mom said my brother was less fussy because she didn’t have his done

No. 395241

Saying the baby could be "fussy" already a lowkey abusive and deranged way to play this down. Like the baby is so dramatic?? that along with the basically trauma of being born and having to be adjusted to the world itself he also got part of his anatomy removed in an area with a A LOT of nerve endings and is in constant pain that doesn't get any relief until his tiny body can grow scar tissue over it.

No. 395268

You get so much mixed information on both sides tbh. I've seen people who are pro circumcision swear not circumcising your baby will kill him and that it's basically child abuse, I've always been anti circumcision but I'm so scared something will go wrong

No. 395321

You're fucking retarded and I hope your scrotlet will get a necrotic peen and needs to be trooned out as a result.(infight bait/a-logging)

No. 395330

Is this the right thread for this idk, but this is such a strange thing for me cause I’ve never wanted kids before and never really imagined myself one day being a mother and figured it’s just a future problem for me to figure out but ever since I started dating my boyfriend and seeing pictures of him when he was a kid, he was just so cute and I feel like we’d make the most adorable mixture ever and have really cute kids. But not yet though cause I’m still way too young to have kids imo and I want to wait until im at least in my late 20s but this is insane to me bc I’ve never felt like ‘motherly’ urged or anything in my life, like yeah kids are cute and stuff but I don’t think I ever wanted one. And now the only reason I want one is cause I saw pictures of my boyfriend when he was a child and he was the cutest thing in the whole world, so I think we can make a really cute kid too. So this is for purely selfish reasons. But that’s why I think if I somehow got pregnant maybe I wouldn’t get an abortion just cause I would want to see how cute our kid would be our little baby mixture!!!! It would have huge brown eyes cause me and him both had really big cute brown eyes when we were kids, I hope it’d have his curly hair and his generally adorable babyish face too.

No. 395339

We are born as we should be, americans are so weird. Bc a guy who made cereal told you to chop the tip of a babys penis off you all think its normal

No. 395344

If he gets phimosis or whatever he can always get circumcised later to fix it. There's really no downside to not getting it done at birth.

No. 395415

"Something going wrong" for an uncircumcised penis is pretty rare and like the other anon said, your son could get it corrected when they're at least old enough to consent to the procedure. I imagine any potential issues would arise around puberty and treatment could involve several options beyond removing the entire foreskin - like streching with numbing cream added or something.

No. 395418

>I thought everyone agreed now that it’s basically child abuse?
On other pregnancy and new mom forums, there are alot of women who still do. Like babycenter or what to expect, where the normies are. I think chronically online women (I don't mean that as an insult. I am one) tend to not circumcise their sons.

No. 395502

To be fair, we also get all of our information and even majority of our education is exclusively online now. That being said, because of this internet moderators need to be more careful with fear mongering/false information as that's how most people get their research but you also can't necessarily blame new moms for asking questions and curiosity before making a decision. Truth is most of you are just as credible as women are mommy forums swearing babies need to be circumcised for their health, calling someone abusive for asking questions about common birth decisions sounds pretty unhinged imo but you also can't necessarily treat women like they're villains for not immediately knowing the "right" choices over things that have such debated choices

No. 395520

I can't think of any reason to circumcise a child.. most of the world doesn't do it and they don't have an epidemic of penis gangrene or whatever else, right? I think it's better to let the kid decide what he wants to do with his penis when he's older.

No. 395571

No. Genital mutilation is wrong. Simple as.

No. 395695

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Not a mom yet and won't be anytime soon but want to be. How do parents now cope with climate change and how quickly the earth is changing for the worse? Random but it's something I always think about. I would feel so guilty if I have kids and in a few decades the earth is barely habitable and they have to eat roaches cause those are the only thing that manged to survive. Or is it just knowing that there's always something terrible happening and that shouldn't necessarily stop you from having children because chances are everything will be ok?

No. 395741

I am so sad because my toddler HATES being read to. She never liked it. I have been reading to her since she was in my belly still, as an infant she was Uninterested, it didn't calm her down and she didn't look at the pages. When she got old enough to flip the pages it became all she wants to do. She doesn't even look at the pictures she just wants to flip the pages and when I try to read she gets frustrated and slams the book shut. Now that she's a toddler and can walk she won't even sit with me to read, when I pick up a book to just read while she plays she comes over and slams it shut. I have tried all kinds of interactive books but she will have none of it.

It makes me sad because everyone always says reading to your kids is so important and she doesn't talk yet so I want to help her learn. My parents read to me so much but recently I have just given up because it feels like I am just torturing both of us. Maybe it will change when she gets older?

No. 395747

We are coming out of an ice age, humans affect on the environment hasn't actually done as much damage as its being made out to. The world isn't going to end from climate issues in a few decades. I understand your worry but not having children because of "what ifs" is very silly to me, life finds a way, humans are resilient.

No. 395748

Well for starters don't be a dumbass and move to an area that will be heavily targeted by global warming

No. 395755

Your toddler sounds lowQ. Some kids are just born dumb and there is no helping it.(infighting)

No. 395760

There's also a pretty decent chance the circumcision hurts hetero women in the long run too.
Making genitals less sensitive sure sounds like a great way to push someone towards more extreme ways of getting their rocks off.

No. 395761

Just sing a song with her or simply talk to her in full sentences and it will be beneficial for her development, it's not necessarily reading a book that is important for her language and communication skills. Also in case you didn't ever hear about Sold A Story and you think reading to her will make her more literate or will make it easier for her to learn to read, it doesn't really do that the way people say it will (in a roundabout way it would help build her vocabulary to expose her to more words but just talking also does that.)

No. 395766

Reminder most anons are not trained properly in child development and take all medical advice given on here with a grain of salt. Perhaps it's the way you're reading it that comes off as boring?

No. 395767

I can believe this, I see so many stories of western women who have to jump through hoops to get their partners rocks off, even in European countries where moids still watch porn, you don't have an influx of young men unable to fuck their own partner

No. 395772

literally teach him to slide and move the skin once he's old enough to shower by himself. my brother got phimosis because nobody ever told him he should do it and dirt grew under it so it became infected. that's literally all the maintenance a foreskin need.

No. 395781

I mean the flipping pages thing is normal tbh, it's novelty they seek. What if you try to make it a bit more exciting instead of just reading the text thats there just point at stuff and name it, what colour it is etc and the ASK and let them time to reply

No. 395784

This thread is honestly so hostile and awful I don't think I will be posting again.

No. 395786

This is probably the calmest of threads compared to others kek. Unpopular opinions have multi daily infights and the photoshoppers thread is filled with people calling anons fat trannies

No. 395789

>calling someone abusive for asking questions about common birth decisions sounds pretty unhinged imo
Anon read the comment chain more closesly. No one said she was abusive for asking abiut circumcision. They called her retarded though and said the practice is abusive. Reading comprehension is important but is a skill that can be learned

No. 395792

What part is hostile and awful?

No. 395829

How old is she? Some kids may not just like reading, but you might be able to get the same effects with face to face interactions and things like singing together. But if she reached toddler age without talking you should talk to a doctor about it, she might have a speech delay.

No. 395893

nothing, anon probably just said something stupid and got called out. Also who even posts that they're no longer going to post on an anonymous imageboard in a certain thread? kek. Even more delusional version of "excuse me I'm ignoring you"

No. 395915

Probably things like this? >>395755 In the last thread someone was wishing miscarriages on anons too. There are either some childfree retards hate reading these or moids

No. 395950

it's rough but certainly not even compared to the unhinged shit that happens in the other threads. Other threads will straight up call women's attention whores and traitors for having miscarriages. At least it seems like bait here is banned/ called out very quickly

No. 395954

I diyd my maternity photos today, I think the male baby hormones in me has made me less neurotic and self concious because I'm pretty happy with them.
I couldn't imagine paying someone to do it though, while taking the photos I felt super awkward. I had some stomach pain while sleeping but he's kicking around today so all must be well. It's hard to know what's normal and what's not.

No. 395973

Aw congrats Nonna. It can be a bit of a splurge but I regret having almost no photos of me pregnant esp nice ones. I'm sure you will cherish them!

No. 396698

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It's been hard getting baby to sleep and husband wants to do CIO. I have had luck getting him to sleep quietly and within 30 min by cosleeping or laying next to him before he falls asleep and then transferring him to his bed (pretend cosleeping, if you will). We've been using the snoo but he is about to grow out of it. I want to delay or avoid CIO if possible and want to pursue cosleeping/pretend cosleeping.

What sort of crib should I get for my baby that will let me do this cosleeping/pretend cosleeping thing with him for as long as possible? I see cribs like pic related but I only want to get 1 crib until he ages out to a real bed. I'm willing to do just a matress on the floor or anything bootleg/not esthetic

My priorities are
>pretend cosleeping over actual cosleeping, or the ability to cosleep for naps but not at night
>not transferring baby to his bed (risks waking him)
>needs to be something not too inconvenient or else husband might not do it
>baby ideally sleeps in room separate from adults so one adult can have deep sleep while other feeds baby (low priority)

No. 396703

Cry it out is abuse. Like you're just causing adrenaline and cortisol spikes in the baby which is detrimental long term for their health, and disrupts ability to sleep even further until they become so exhausted that they give up knowing that no one is coming and dissociate until they basically pass out. Literally abusive shit and just further proof that moid takes have NO business in anything related to childcare. Do not give in to this absolute garbage. How old is your baby also? I have been cosleeping and then changed to putting simply the baby mattress surrounded by pillows on the floor next to our bed. So when my daughter wakes at night, I lay with her to breastfeed and then slide away once she's asleep. No transfer and nothing and safe solo sleep.

No. 396706

From my experience it's all about switching up different methods of sleep until you find something that works, I wouldn't recommend co sleeping though. For a short while the only place I could get my baby to sleep is the swing with a swaddle and lullaby music. Definitely experiment with different sounds, pacis, swaddling/sleep sacks, etc

No. 396710

Yeah I know CIO is shit

With a mattress on the floor, I'd have to prevent baby from rolling off? Other than hitting his head (say i have soft carpet or something) is there a risk from baby rolling off and sleeping on carpet? When does suffocation risk from mattress/carpet disappear (google seems to suggest either after 6 months or 12 months)?

Do you recommend against cosleeping because any reason other than suffocation? I favor pretend cosleeping (I'm next to him but get up after he falls asleep) for that reason.
We have been trying different stuff but I agree we should try to be more flexible about it. Bouncing him in a carrier works but it takes longer than me laying next to him and he cries sometimes with the carrier. I don't have a swing yet but I feel like the swing would end up being similar the snoo.

No. 396755

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Protip for new moms: the kids preferred Mickey Mouse high contrast collection has some of the highest quality newborn toys I have been able to find. I am disappointed I didn't find out about it until my kid was past the colorblind stage and hope this post will save other women this grief.

Pic related can be used as high contrast cards when the baby is small and a tissue box emptying game when she is older. They also have high contrast books that can be used as stuffed animals once the baby is bigger and a really nice tummy time mirror/car mirror with high contrast dangling toys.

No. 396757

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Have you tried interactive books like this one? What if you make wacky faces and sounds while reading? My baby thinks normal books are lame but books that make mommy act like a clown are fun.

No. 396891

A lot of swings move faster and the position is more comfortable for some babies, even just switching sleeping space can be beneficial like switching to the crib or pack and play. Co sleeping can intensify PPD and make sleep schedules even harder

No. 396907

I found cosleeping absolutely helped with sleeping. Because I just fed the baby while laying on the side and rolling up my top and positioning comes so easily after a while that I managed to do it with barely waking up and falling asleep while feeding as well. Literally a lifesaver in the newborn phase. And what do you mean it makes PPD worse? You would feel miserable being closer to the baby? Weird af arguments.

No. 396918

hi anons, i'm childfree but not hateful of parents or anything. i'm 30 and have never, ever felt like i wanted to have a baby. did you guys feel like you wanted kids from a young age or did it come in time? did you want a baby even without having a partner to help raise it? i have absolutely zero "baby fever" feelings so i'm just curious how it feels(The OP literally states to refrain from posting if you are childfree)

No. 396923

I am keeping the gender a surprise until birth. I had the anatomy scan at my last appointment, going forward do I need to begin each session by telling the midwife to not mention baby's sex? I don't want to be annoying but I don't want this ruined for me either.

No. 397075

>what do you mean it makes PPD worse? You would feel miserable being closer to the baby? Weird af arguments.
for me I took care of baby around the clock and felt suffocated if I wasn't able to get a minute alone, literally no breaks, I couldn't get a single minute to myself at times and started feeling resentful. You shouldn't shame mothers for choosing methods that help their mental health ESPECIALLY during a time when we're having a huge spike in infanticides. Women need to know options that prevent infantcide/postpartum suicide

No. 397254

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Am I the only one who feels like she should alter her wardrobe for her baby? I saw a fugly rainbow dress at the store the other day and I kind of regret not getting it because my baby likes rainbows. I'm thinking I should probably start looking for cute running shoes too so I can follow her efficiently when she starts being mobile.

No. 397256

Protip: if your baby is over six months old, you can share your mother's day cake with them. If they can't handle the cake part of the cake yet you can just let them lick frosting. It's really cute to watch.

Yeah you should probably tell the midwife every time just to be safe. Sometimes they are so busy they forget to ask.

I knew I wanted kids since I was a kid myself, but it was more about not wanting to miss out on an experience and not wanting to be alone at 80 years old than about liking kids. I hated kids, actually. But now that I'm a mother I love mine very much.

For me it made PPD better because it allowed me to get more sleep. My baby often only sleeps in one hour chunks unless she is on a human.

No. 397281

Anons who have kids old enough to give gifts, what did you get for Mother’s Day? My daughter tried to pick flowers for me, but she’s 3 and not really aware of what flowers are, so she just handed me a bunch of weeds. I have them in a glass on my table.

No. 397286

That's so cute nonna do it

No. 397291

You can wear what you want after having kids, just because you're a mom doesn't mean you're confined to beige tents and workout clothes

No. 397294

That's actually really cute kek

No. 397377

husband and I have an almost 2 year old, he didn't make me a mother's day card together with her, I know she can't do much except scribble with crayons but I made him a wonderful father's day card last father's day with our handprints and I even wrote a poem for him from me and her. I am so sad that he made me nothing, am I wrong to expect this? I just wanted to read some nice words of appreciation and what a good mom I am with some crayon scribbles… I am crying over this

No. 397413

nta but I married a chad and got an expensive spa day, tons of books and a sewing machine I wanted for mothers day kek. It's typically the uggos not doing shit

No. 397442

ah yeah the usual levels of empathy in this thread

No. 397497

I get what you mean about potential to make ppd worse - it's a delicate thing and all women have different histories/biology that make their risk and symptom intensity different so some women are sensitive to things others aren't.
We're about to move but I'll definitely look into swings to buy after if baby is small enough for them still.

No. 397499

That is so cute.
Sorry nonna that would suck. you should talk to him about it - expect the possibility that he'll get defensive and feel criticized but if it's important to you it's worth it. You don't want this feeling to get dragged out through the years

No. 397535

Your husband is a pathetic man.

No. 397537

I'm sorry, nonna. Men are really the worst at giving gifts and being romantic when it matters. I'm sure you're a great mom and your daughter is lucky to have you.

No. 397547

I tried to talk to him and he just got mad saying he had no time because I am always around (well fuck I would love to take an hour or two off to sit by myself while he does crafts with her) and then just said "I guess I am just the worst" usual moid deflection and inability to apologize and accept responsibility. I think he really just doesn't care.

No. 397575

Don't make him anything for his birthday or any Father's Days until he gets his shit together, be just as DARVO as he is. You deserve better, you really do.

No. 397598

If he doesn’t care there’s no fixing it imo, throw the whole man out as they say. You gave him a child and are raising it for him and he takes it all for granted.

No. 397659

>"I guess I am just the worst" usual moid deflection and inability to apologize and accept responsibility. I think he really just doesn't care.
Not suprised at all.
I got my husband to snap out of this pattern of behavior by calling him out whenever he'd use logical fallacies (had to look them up first/memorize the names, what the signs are, why they're shit) and then shame him for it.

My husband sees himself as ~smart~ so I knew that making it clear that
>I'm trying to solve a problem I'm having and instead of collaborating to find the solution /help me find some objective truth that we can both agree on, he is derailing the conversation and keeping us stagnant
>I see him as weak-minded when this happens

would motivate him. Idk if your husband would respond the same way but it's worked for me (this one thing he still disappoints me in other ways). I could see it making things worse if your husband has some other issues

No. 397673

Can you tell someone else to talk to him about it? Sometimes shame works better. If you tell him you’re sad about it he could think of it as a you problem, but if someone else tells him he’s a failure for not doing it he might understand it’s a him problem.
Unless you wanna just tell him directly he’s supposed to do that, that’s fine too.

No. 397835

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Americans will have meltdowns about how you need to be rear facing until your kid is 4-6 on the dot and if the buckle is even slightly below their nipple line they'll literally die… Just to throw their kids on a seatbeltless school bus that throws around little kids kek

No. 397853

>seatbeltless school bus
? most american school buses have seat belts

No. 397907

I have not once rode a school bus with seatbelts. Once I fell off the seat into the isle because of a crazy turn kek

No. 397991

What's with anons who clearly aren't amerifags trying to comment on what happens in America? Only 8 states require seatbelts and that's only been a thing since 2019, the states that do have those need to go through loads of approval to install those anyway. Majority of American school buses don't have seatbelts

No. 398008

nta but the best way to get this to work is to quite literally start pulling away. Majority of moids don't give a flying fuck about how they treat you unless they actually realize you have one foot in the door one foot out the door. The whole "sorry I'm not prince charming" type deal almost sounds like a weird sick inside joke about you and how much you're willing to deal with and not do anything about it

No. 398091

>who clearly aren't amerifags
I'm American and all the school buses in my area have them so it's probably a location thing.

No. 398099

No. 398100

Postpartum rage is kicking my ass right now. I love my baby, I really do, but sometimes I get so frustrated that I see red, and I have to step away to cool down. I had a breakdown today because she just kept spitting up on every onesie I put her in, until there were literally none left. I couldn’t even cry, because my crying makes her cry, so I have to do it silently. I wish people talked about these parts of motherhood too. It sucks, I’m tired, I’m sleep deprived. I am never gonna hurt my baby, but I no longer look at those infanticide cases from a mother with postpartum mental illness with disgust anymore. If I didn’t have support, I could be a monster too. It’s so bad. I’m afraid that one day, I’ll be alone and I’ll do something stupid in this rage. I wish I could be the patient mother she deserves.

No. 398110

doubt, I live in one of the only states that supposedly made them a thing and even school buses here don't have them

No. 398119

Deep breath anon, you’re doing a wonderful job. It won’t always be like this, this is an incredibly big adjustment and it’s beyond understandable to feel angry etc. Especially when sleep deprived.

Be patient with yourself, you’re doing great

No. 398120

If you feel like you have the capacity to hurt your child, then you need to get help.

No. 398128

I can't take a photo of it since I haven't been to school in years so idk how to prove it kek. I didn't know it was that rare here…like even the teachers would occasionally go down the bus aisle to make sure everyone was buckled.

No. 398148

I've been to every midwife at the center I chose and to be honest I feel really safe with all of them and enjoy the qualities of each and can't pick which one I'd like to see for the rest of the pregnancy. Is it fine if I just keep choosing whoever has availability on the dates, or is that weird? Should I be choosing one for the long haul of these appointments?

No. 398162

If you know it's not usual why would you try to put your own input? Makes no sense

No. 398168

Interview heavily about how they are with scheduling anon. My first midwife put me on an awful feeding schedule that damn near drove me insane and turned out to not even be necessary (wanted me to pump after every single feed despite baby being EBF, almost called CPS claiming my milk supply would be dropping and I'd be starving my child despite the fact I had an oversupply). Not the first time I've heard of midwives pushing "pump after every feed from day one".

Also pain management - make sure you get pain management and midwives aren't going to fight against opioids if you need it, make sure they realize the importance of proper post partum care and sleep, etc. all of this can make or break your experience

No. 398214

Every time I get annoyed with my baby it has been because I have set expectations that aren't realistic. Working on accepting substandard-to-you conditions might help you and it isn't forever. Baby can wear spit-upy outfits, for instance, or maybe a drool bib would help buffer some of the mess?
Also saying outloud "oh you're having a hard time right now, aren't you" over and over when my baby is fussy helps remind me that my baby is having a hard time and needs my help, and is not giving me a hard time.
If you need to walk away from baby and let her cry or sit in spit up for 5 minutes, it is better than getting mad.
I am sure you know but it's really important that you dig deep and try to find a solution that doesn't involve you getting mad or harming baby. Do anything and everything to not let the annoyance turn to anger and spiral. Wear earplugs, listen to goofy music, let her stay dirty and call her stinky butt until you calm down, whatever it takes to diffuse the tension.

No. 398489

I really want to have my first baby but just general hygiene chores, the 2 hours in the gym and general house cleaning chores completely exhaust me and all I want to do is lie down the rest of my time. I'm worried that I won't be able to cope with how much attention the baby will need.

No. 398510

This 100% sounds like me before I started taking methylcobalamin (b12) and iron. It isn't normal to be exhausted like that. Have you ever gotten a blood draw to check for deficiencies?
The acceptable ranges for ferritin are misleading. "Normal" for women is 13 to 150 ng/mL but anything less than 30 ng/mL is considered iron deficiency without anemia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8002799/

The lack of sleep is exhausting but I am not overhwlemed because my husband helps me. The most important decision you will make in your life is selecting the man to have kids with. Pick someone who will help you with chores and the baby and who is mentally/emotional mature. Your experience will be alot better and you won't be crazy tired.

No. 398707

Why did I have to be a mother in the most anti-mom place and time? All I ever wanted was to be a mother now it just feels like the world hates me for it. In my next life I hope to be something nice like a bird mom so I can be a mother without feeling like everyone hates me

No. 398709

I’m confused, what do you mean?

No. 398714

Have any nonas had experiences with their babies measuring small around 20+ weeks? How did it go for you and baby?

No. 398727

>>398707 You will be a good and fierce killdeer in this life and the next nona

No. 398736

>All I ever wanted was to be a mother now it just feels like the world hates me for it.
Find new friends or find a new part of the internet to hang out in. I had a similar impression but people (other parents) are really supportive.

No. 398766

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I'm having crazy baby fever right now. I keep seeing the cutest baby videos on the internet and even the thought of the tiny little clothes makes me want to cry from cuteness. Even something as stupid as baby toys or socks of all things make me emotional from how cute they are.

No. 398788

Has anyone successfully made mom/parent friends with strangers? None of my other friends have kids. The only people eager to be mom friends with me turned out to want to recruit me into their church. Any tips would be appreciated

No. 398848

How do I start feeling like a woman again? I lost the baby weight and am a year postpartum, but I feel like a gutter crawler. When my Nigel found out I felt this way he took the baby out so I could shower and shampoo and shave without heating screaming, and told me to find a salon so he can get me a haircut. He’s also taking me to buy a bra that actually fits, as I’m still nursing and have been in stretchy letter size monstrosities this whole time. He also wants to help me get some pants, as I’ve been stuck in my first trimester clothes for the past 10 months. (I do have my own income and never thought to ask him to help with this; with baby expenses I just haven’t spent anything on myself.) What else can I do to feel better, keeping in mind I have no time between work, baby, and chores. Exercise and the like isn’t something I can do on weekdays.

No. 399012

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Today I found out you can play vidyagaems to strengthen your pelvic floor after having a baby. I'm kind of disappointed nobody is doing let's plays or twitch streams.

No. 399013

Mine measured big one month and tiny the next, there was no consistency in her size. In the end she was born tiny but healthy.

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