>>466933you’re lucky i even decided to come into this sad thread but yeah the reason why is because most of it is occupied by a bunch of pink-pilly divine feminine weirdos obsessed with celebrities, fame and beauty so of course talks of regular life and life scripts is completely out of the question with those people but i have found some very useful info on the web, i would suggest honestly starting from absolute scratch and reading beginner books and guides and then work your way up to more advanced knowledge. idk how i read your stuff, like i said I’m just a sloppy intuitive and can only do it
sometimes. sun-uranus would be an abruptive force against the father, the masculine, some people think this is an aspect for gay people and trannies (idk why? maybe because of the rebellion or because Uranus in his myth had his penis chopped off by his own son creating venus-Aphrodite kek) but again uranus along with aquarius feels like the planet of taboos imo and not that sexual trauma is consensual or anything i just personally felt like it was some sort of sexual abuse or moral violations happening under the home also your father being incredibly flighty and the lack of commitment to your mother. think of Lilith as the negative aspects of womanhood or the collective junkyard of womankind where we find bpdettes, disordered women, pixyteris, sex workers, jealous women and even men, sexual predation,
victim-prey dynamics, imo hidden enemies and bullies and things that hold you back, abortions, female socialization in her early years again bringing back the darker side of her own mother that reflects into herself because you are her daughter. sometimes with this lilith especially what i’m getting now and what i’ve heard from many women talking about their upbringing is that you may be a painful reminder of your mother’s wishes and what she wanted her life to be, in some aspects it could mean she didn’t really want children in the first place but it feels like cyclical events when Lilith is reflected back to the child, now that Lilith as your mother has traumatized you, you’ve kind of adopted the same feelings and imo you’re using it to transform yourself using your own mother’s wishes which is probably why you abhor the thought of giving birth or being pregnant, also like you said your traumatic birth where you said yo
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