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No. 331392[Reply]

Last Thread: >>252508

Thread for:
>femdom images and media
>femdom fantasies
>female subs interested in women
>advice and stories

Some things to get us started:
>What are your main kinks?
>What is your ideal sub like?
>What experiences have you had?
>What advice do you have for new dommes?
>Where to find subs? How to avoid unhealthy ones?
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No. 416249


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 416679

Anyone here into size difference? I’m pretty petite and I love the thought of dominating a tall, toned man. The contrast between his imposing frame and his submissiveness is so hot, sadly men like this don’t exist

No. 416920

other nonnas warned you about what could go bad - being his kink dispenser, but I think that if you feel good with exploring with him, go for it and don't worry too much just try stuff you find interesting from his suggestions and see how you feel about it
BUT if you don't want to do something, like ball stuff then don't force yourself, but you can try by slapping, squeezing and the like… he would probably tell you if that is too much, use safe word and have fun
and the most important part - think about what YOU want to do for yourself as a domme, never let him be a lazy pathetic sub! guys love to pretend that they have femdom kink and in reality it means they just want to be lazy. Experiment if being dominant is for you and never force yourself if it is not, or if this specific guy is not good enough to be your slave

No. 417882

Muscular submissive men being made to physically exert themselves are quite sublime. I find it loathsome how men take their base-level of strength for granted so it's nice to see them have to move objects that command some level of focus from them, even if it's minor. Of course, doing it in service of me is nice (e.g. moving my furniture, carrying me, etc.), but honestly it's nice as long as it's not in direct service of themselves. I especially like seeing them work out given it's a normal guy and not a bodybuilder, since they look nasty and it's blatantly too self-serving for me as an observer. I know some anons might say regular lifting is also self-serving, but it's a level low enough for me to still enjoy it, especially when I look at the typical lifestyles (and waistlines) of men who truly have no outside forces making them exercise vs men who can actually bite a bullet for once in their lives and commit to something they don't necessarily like. The skinny ones especially I associate with shitty faux-femdom energy vampires. My ideal man is a sisyphus who has to suffer me leering at his hard pointless work before having to serve me.

No. 418530

perfectly put

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No. 141299[Reply]

previous thread: >>>/g/49363

Discuss your shitty brain here.
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No. 414697

I relate to this. Lately I've gotten much better about it, where I tell myself that I don't have to do anything if a scary email is there, I just have to look. That's all and when I look I can close it right away.
My instance of this spiral-panic over potential scary emails resulted from a specific event, so I think time really helped. I also practiced being uncomfortable in small, easy-to-handle doses via other things, like working out and doing progressive overload, creating more structure and discpline in other areas of my life, etc. I hope it gets better soon anon - it will get better for sure!

No. 416125

My therapist sent me to neuro/psych testing because she told me she was sure I had adhd. She was the second therapist to say that, so I finally did it and got tested. Instead, I got diagnosed with cptsd because I have admittedly had a lot of traumatic experiences (rape, bad car wreck, previous abusive relationship where I got hit and yelled at a lot). I hadn’t heard of it before, but online a lot of people seem to equate it to bpd. Now I find myself wondering if the dr who did my testing gave me cptsd label to avoid the bpd one and if I’m actually just fucked up that way. Is it just a bullshit diagnosis? Is it even a real thing? Can adhd/bpd/cptsd look the same? The testing made me more confused than before.

No. 416157

To be completely honest, cptsd sounds like such a bullshit diagnosis to me. It’s like they decided to throw every mental health condition caused by a traumatic event into one pile and call it cptsd. It annoys the fuck out of me because I have bp2 and whenever I look for resources online, I randomly come across ppl who were “misdiagnosed” and actually have cptsd instead. Misdiagnosis happens, but when it comes to cptsd it sounds like a) doctors are lazy and/or simply bad at their jobs and come to the wrong conclusion or b) people are in denial of having a severe disorder like bp2 or bpd and get diagnosed until they land on cptsd instead of whatever they actually have. In your case I don’t understand why they didn’t diagnose you with both cptsd and adhd? Like, one doesn’t exclude the other. Not that I believe cptsd actually is a thing kek, but this exemplifies how dumb the concept of it is as cptsd is completely different from adhd. Especially when it comes to treatment! I myself don’t have adhd but I’m really annoyed in your behalf because it’s so hard for girls and women to get that diagnosis and instead of actually getting to the root of it, now doctors just slap a cptsd diagnosis on you instead. It’s ridiculous because you literally only see women with it. Like you said, lots of ppl equate it to bpd, but I’ve seem others claim it’s completely different. If you’re able to, I hope you can see another doctor for a new assessment.

No. 416162

Samefag, but as a result of the horrific events in your life you most likely have ptsd. Apparently that’s different from cptsd, which is so fucking stupid because it means that people who should be diagnosed with ptsd instead of cptsd don’t get the kind of help they need.

No. 416174

As someone who has been treated for both, the only difference is duration of trauma. Children who grew up in war zones, abusive families, repeated assault in childhood over years, all qualify. Someone tortured for months or years also qualifies. A single instance of rape or extreme violence would be PTSD, the cutoff is a duration of a week or 2. The longer you experience trauma, the more it alters your brain. Because it isn't officially in the DSM, and isn't widely studied aside from trauma specialists, I'm not surprised it's not well understood by normie therapists.

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No. 391273[Reply]

Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction toward males it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog, they're usually not on the front page but I promise they exist!). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc rage bait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight the trannies win! If you suspect a poster is XY pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (use a VPN, incognito mode, be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?
>what’s your local lesbian scene like?
>cute stories about your gf
>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?
>coming out stories
>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?
>bitch about being lonely
>tips for coping with being lonely
>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?
>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?
>what's your type?
>when did you know you were gay?
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No. 416159

And calling "women her age" at 32 basically ruined goods with numerous kids like they were closer to their late 40's and married with a man. Pathetic ragebait.

No. 416184

If you had kids from a man then you're damaged goods tho

No. 416196

I have chosen to no longer care about celebs who have only been shown to be into men calling themselves lesbians. I wasn’t spending hours thinking about it or anything. It was a little bothersome but I’m still at peace having made this decision.

No. 416201

NTA but this is exactly why I called you a Bertha. You’re either a man or an ugly lesbian who desperately wants to be a man(infighting)

No. 416204

Nta but what in the LChat

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No. 215207[Reply]

Post men who are shilled as attractive but you think are ugly/overrated. Timmy was posted frequently last thread.
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No. 409530

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Not ugly but meh

No. 409558

He looks like he's holding in a fart

No. 416112

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He wasn't ugly but young Leo looked like a giant baby

No. 416113

He looks like the punchline of a joke is just starting to dawn on him.

No. 416116

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No. 62165[Reply]

Post loser ex-boyfriend (or ex-gf for gayfags) stories here.

>Online neckbeards you met in chatrooms at 15, that one autist you depression-dated when you had no self esteem and then couldn't shake off, the lanklet dude who played xbox all day and couldn't hold down a job and forgot your birthday. Vent or share funny stories ITT!
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No. 415464

Help, what if I also despise sensitive artsy hipster types BUT I still want someone who is intelligent and passionate about the arts. I'm doomed aren't I? Like, I myself am passionate about literature and art history and languages, and I cannot feel any romantic attraction or soul connection to any man whose hobby is CoD and binging tv shows. But it feels like its either that or twitter-liberal hipster covert-misogynist with dyed hair and narcissism. Someone commiserate with me.

No. 415479

I feel the same way. I can’t settle. I get frustrated and bored with people I don’t connect with. I’d rather be alone and able to do what I want instead of using all of my emotional energy on trying to illicit some thought out of some loser. People are too afraid to be alone because they don’t know themselves and people pair up because they don’t know themselves. IMO I think most people in long term relationships have a really shallow bond.

No. 415511

I got in a "relationship" with this 28 year old loser I met on /r9k/ when I was 16, 2 years ago. He was the most whiny, pathetic little bitch, it's insane how much of a loser he was. And I knew, but I was so lonely and desperate I stuck around for a year. Eventually he visited my country and raped me and that finally convinced my idiotic self to leave him along with me quitting weed, which I was smoking every single day to cope with life in general and it somehow made me more oblivious to how disgusting he was. He was insanely fat and monstrous looking as well.

No. 415620

One time a guy I was living with proudly told me that when he showered that day, he took the time to actually scrub his legs and feet and everything. When I said "you're supposed to do that every time, though?" I didn't even intend for it to sound mean, it was more of a question because he genuinely confused me. He then got all sulky that I wasn't praising him for his effort. It's basic hygiene, I'm not your mother and you're not a 5-year-old that's just learning to take showers by himself. Was I supposed to say "good job buddy!!"

No. 415684

You can find this type of guy but he's usually fat.

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No. 394891[Reply]

A thread for butch lovers, by butch lovers.

>Post images of butches you find cute please

>Opinion on the terms butch? Masc?
>Vent for troonism within the community?
>History with butches or current crushes?
>Butch Lesbian Scene?
>Media with butches?
>Are you butch4butch, butch4femme, or butch4both?
>Are you stone, switch, or a bottom?
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No. 410535

She's still a woman of course, but she just looks too much like a man so many anons not knowing her TIF status would assume she's a man at first glance and not be attracted to her

No. 410547

It's the way she painted her nails short like a gay male that disgusts me

No. 410918

Of course anons don't have to find her attractive, but it speaks about their integrity regarding the gendercrit ideology when they're willing to fully accept her as a man just because she looks like one in her social media selfies.

No. 415664

I'm a tomboy bi and I wish I knew other women that were like me. I wouldn't call myself Butch because I've only ever heard that word used in the lesbian scene but I frequently am mistaken for a man in public by strangers. From what I've read online there seems to be a lot of discussions that imply bi and lesbian women have a bit of contention between the groups and don't get along for many many reasons but I can't tell if that's just niche internet echo chambers filled with hyper pozzed idpol retards or if there's a grain of truth to it. Either way, I wish there was a way for bi and lesbian women that were butch/masc/tomboy to get together and hang out without making anyone else feel like they're being crowded out. I just want all my fellow gender non conforming ladies to hang out and maybe flirt a little if they want I just love butch women okay

No. 415669

They could fully be a cis man just larping and you wouldn’t be able to know, be honest. No one’s saying they ARE a man, but anyone who would be attracted to something that looks identical to a man would be attracted to men, just like how someone who is attracted to something identical to a child is attracted to children even if they weren’t actually one.

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No. 230474[Reply]

This is a thread for biologically born women who decided to transition or play a part in the gender scene at some point and since have decided to stop. This thread welcomes women who chose to take hormones, have surgeries done, crossdress as a man, live as a man (on the internet/irl), or simply once thought to transition and then refrained from it no matter how far/not far into the process you were. Women who self identified as nonbinary or similar can also join the discussion.

Talk about your journey from transition to detransition and how it is going for you now.
>What made you do it?
>What made you go back?

Anyone is welcome to participate.
278 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 408431

It's not about using it here on lc, it's about allowing them to slip away from their responsibility in hurting you and other people

No. 414359

Part of me wants to keep identifying as trans just long enough to get a mastectomy covered by insurance. Someone psych me outta it.

No. 414373

Can you get a reduction covered by insurance? That feels less extreme if you have issues with your breasts.

No. 414374

It's cosmetic surgery that you don't actually need and comes with long list of potential complications (dog ears, excessive scarring, mobility issues with arms/shoulders, standard surgery risks like infection/anesthesia complications.). Everyone who ends up with a bad outcome went into it 100% confident that it would be a good outcome. You are not special. You are not immune to bad outcomes.

No. 415652

Shamefully ID'd as NB for almost a decade until I had an honest conversation with myself to investigate why I ever came to that conclusion. Turns out being a tomboy that likes other girls doesn't in fact mean you're actually a man trapped in a woman's body. Who knew? kek

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No. 399516[Reply]

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No. 415642

you aren't shitty, she is. she is manipulating you into feeling like you have no choice but to be with her. saying that she'll fuck random moids if you aren't around is an abusive threat. what kind of reaction do you think she wanted when she told you that? it sounds like she has some kind of personality disorder and if you stay she will drag you down with her. unfortunately there is no clean way to break up with someone like this no matter how mature and gentle you try to be about it but what would you rather endure, her shit talking you and throwing a tantrum or more time stuck in a relationship that's making you miserable? you can't sacrifice your own wellbeing just to keep her happy.

No. 415682

How do you get your retarded ass nigels to get in touch with their feelings enough to talk with you when something is up but they're too emotionally stunted to put it into words?
For my astrology nonas out there, my nigel is such a peacekeeping libra it drives me nuts. He has given me a speech before about how acting normal and not talking about stuff is the right way, and his north node is all about how he needs to let go of perfectionism. I love the guy but I wish he'd pull his head out of his ass and realize bottling shit up and needing to be perfect are really fucking unhealthy and not something to be proud of. I just feel like if there's anything this will make him implode one day.

Not a question but why can't men just be less retarded and horny? If only…

No. 415685

I would be careful. Not to be a woowoo astrologyfag but think about his sign for a second: Libra, the scales. Perfectionists are never actually perfect they are just in a constant struggle with themselves to only be happy with perfection which is one side of his scale and the other side of the scale is "completely failure why even try". They live in extremes. If you tip his "scales" too far and he starts wallowing and oversharing you're gonna hate it and he's gonna be in a spiral that's hard to get out of. If you think he needs that… maybe, but don't be surprised when it's fucking awful to witness. I would much rather have a stoic partner who picked a path than someone who wallows in self hate constantly or ricochets back and forth.
What are the things he's not talking about? Is it something real like he has PTSD and needs to go to therapy or is it minor stuff? You're not giving a lot of details.

No. 415690

It's more like in fights he's said things about not being satisfied with his place in life (he has a younger coworker who's a trust fund baby while we're scraping by) and afterwards it's like he's being stoic about everything. I ask him what's sitting down deep in his mind and he'll just say nothing. I wonder if he's actually not thinking about anything like he says he is or if he's struggling with something by himself. He's done it before and not told me to "not Rock the boat".
He also started woodworking and I'm afraid he'll mess something up and spiral about wasting money and time. I hoped telling him he needs to let go of perfectionism is healthy would prevent that kind of thing.
So like, do men actually think about nothing and have no reflective thoughts sometimes? He'll make a comment that sounds like something is bothering him and his body language will be all shut off but he won't say anything. We've been together for 9 years by the way. Should I try probing him less and communicate differently?

No. 415712

I was gonna say leave it alone because it sounds a little like he's just trying not to wallow, but then I tried to stop empathizing with him and empathize with you instead and… actually something is kinda off there. The thing I would personally probe deeper on is why in a fight with you his wife/gf would he bring up feeling unsatisfied with his place in life? Is he unsatisfied with you? because for men, having a wife/gf is a major accomplishment, it's a core "I succeeded at that" thing. The way he goes silent after bringing that up gives me pause. Maybe he thinks it's something that would hurt you if he said it outright, like maybe he doesn't feel financial secure enough to marry you or start a family with you and that makes him feel inadequate, or worst case he's not happy with you but that's just a dark thought I would have, not trying to make you insecure if that's not the case. He should be able to communicate about this a little better.

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No. 406216[Reply]

Chartposters, this is your new home. Post your charts and let's see if anyone cares.
Best resources for creating and interpreting your birth chart:
General/Various Systems: https://www.astro-seek.com/
Vedic: https://www.astrosage.com/freechart/
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No. 408569

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yeah I'm just at a weird crossroads in life where I'm feeling very lost and have no idea how to process moving on from something. But your read is reassuring!

I've got this weird spiritual sensation something is gonna go awry right now and while my intuition isn't always correct, I feel a drain on me physically. I've had these before.

No. 408571

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Trying my luck

No. 408703

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please and ty wise and kind nonna

No. 408736

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My relative said my chart was interesting but didn't get a chance to go into it with me and lives far away. If anyone cares, thank you.

No. 415393

Is it true someone could curse or hex you through your birth chart? What to do to prevent and manage that?

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No. 413813[Reply]

Post your favorite examples of men who have aged like milk or ‘hit the wall’.

Discuss the “men age like wine, women age like milk” cope meme, common amongst undesirable men

Old thread >>>/g/152993
46 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 415251

his eyes were too small to start with anyway

No. 415287

A lot of them were propositioned by David Geffen who's still out there doing it today

No. 415289

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No. 415292

Always thought he was uggo even in the Disney days

No. 415304

the beard does not work at all with his girly eyes kek

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