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No. 66545[Reply]

I couldn't find a recent thread similar enough on here so I wanted to start one myself.

Do any of you struggle with addiction to drugs/alcohol etc? Do you have advice for those who do?

Personally I don't think i have an 'addiction' but a habit which could turn into one. I struggle to go to sleep at night by myself without a few bottles of wine or weed. For the last couple of months I've been going out drinking/smoking every other day. I also picked up smoking because of the people around me even though I don't necessarily like it. I'm still a teenager and I have alcoholics and ex drug addicts in my family so this worries me. I've tried other drugs like Coke and Molly very briefly so I know it isn't very extreme case. Advice/thoughts are appreciated
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No. 458423

Ever since I was a child I've been afflicted with a horrible disease: collecting.
For as long as I can remember I've been addicted to buying and collecting things from toys to clothes. Right now my focus is clothes. I spend all day refreshing mercari and hopping through my list of sites over and over. It's so exhausting. Every time I make a purchase I tell myself "This is the last one," but it's never true. I see something I want and it's like a horrible itch on my brain that I can't scratch unless I buy it. I hate it so much. I've bought and resold thousands of things, I get rid of one collection just to spend the money on a new one. I literally do not know how to stop myself, because I'm constantly selling things so I'm always exposed to other things to buy on these sites. How do I stop this has been a vicious cycle for over 20 years for me.

No. 464487

anon I feel for you. I have ideas, but they're ideas that come from an addict's brain (mine lol) so please take them with a grain of salt. I'm currently doing OCD-based therapy. Shopping and collecting, when it's uncontrollable and compulsive, takes some notes from OCD. However, you may benefit from something like CBT or DBT, only because it's designed to pull your thought process out of your brain, put it into words or display it so it's visible, and piece it apart. It's therapy that retrains your brain. And before I go any further.. your brain can ALWAYS be retrained. Don't listen to people that say otherwise (it's been so long, you're a lost cause). We tortured a lot of monkeys to come to the conclusion that neuroplasticity is a thing, and our brain can stop using certain pathways and create new ones.
Right now, I'm taking Exposure Response Prevention therapy. I'm using it partially to retrain myself to not abuse drugs every time I have a moment to myself. I wish you the best, and I'm bumping this in the hopes you see it and more people contribute.
I'm addicted to speed and alcohol. I'm about to run out of speed. I hate myself for this. I hope I can find my way out of the hole that is leaning on powder and liquor to make me feel like life is worth living

No. 464506

how can my fatass stop binge eating? Should I start vaping is it true that vaping reduces appetite? I’m too broke for ozempic

No. 464516

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Vaping made my skin look dull and chalky so I started smoking cigarettes again. I'm not recommending them and plan to quit before spring but vaping wasn't really enjoyable anyways and feels harsher on my lungs. It's like the sugar-free gummy bears of smoking imo. I thought it might have been in my head but Lana Del Rey is a vapetard and an anon pointed out the same thing in recent celebricow thread

repost for ESL-tier sentence structure

No. 465048

don't start vaping. If you struggle with the urges to binge eat and the regular methods of not buying what triggers you, not starving yourself, exercising, etc. aren't being maintained well, you can take an SSRI (way cheaper than Ozempic) or go to a psych and ask about Vyvanse.

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No. 308073[Reply]

A thread for women who are asexual or want to discuss asexuality.

I made this thread because unfortunately other community's on the internet that were made for asexuals got overtaken by trannys, kinksters and other degens. So there are rarely places for people that actually struggle with asexuality to talk about
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No. 454586

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I not only find anyone sexually attractive, even when I fantasize about intercourse, I'm literally not a participant in it, just a story that unfolds - sadly over the years it draws me to weird and taboo fantasies (yeah I'm still not an active participant in them)

No. 464709

Have any of you ever thought about settling down with another woman in a platonic childfree relationship? That's what I want in life (since a normal hetero relationship with a man is unappealing to me) but I don't know how to go about finding something like that. I wonder if I have to involve myself in separist feminist communities to find something like that. I'm not asexual btw just voluntarily celibate but I figured anons itt would be most likely to relate.

No. 464813

Sadly I have yet to find a person I would be willing to share a space with regardless of their gender

No. 464968

I don't really feel anything during sex. It's like drinking a glass of water

No. 464969

A beard relationship where everyone thinks you're together but then in private you're doing your thing and she's out and about/he's out with strippers? Just together for the economical benefits?

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No. 248328[Reply]

The good, the bad, the ugly. Share your experiences here, what are the best apps to use, your success stories, cringeist interactions, horror, etc.

Previously >>>/g/82463
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No. 460084

>"Oh, Date-kun, I like bourbon"
>"You must be so rich, anon"
KEK what world is this guy living in?

>match with a guy with a chris-chan reference in his profile
This was your first mistake though. You did this to yourself. Stop dating men who are terminally online, it's not the same as any of the nonnies here being terminally online. Scrotes are too retarded to handle the internet

No. 464963

>Scrotes are too retarded to handle the internet
This, the only scrote who knew how to deal with Chris was Liquid. All the others go at least slightly mad.

No. 464972

I would like to know what your worst date was if that one's not it then

No. 464973


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 465109

Ngl if I saw Liquid Chris on an app, I would message him.

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No. 380577[Reply]

A thread for all nonas of Middle Eastern, Arab or North African ethnicity to discuss topics pertaining to being a MENA woman. A place to chat, vent, share, ask and give advice or discuss problems pertaining to being a MENA woman. All religions and nationalities welcome to post, as long as you are of MENA ethnicity.
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No. 462035

Thank you Nonas, I am sameanon as >>461958 and you’ve given me the bonk on the head I sorely needed. I’ve resolved to keep my engagement to internet / books / tv / movies / music and the odd holiday. I had also considered Jordan but assume from the vibe of your replies that similar applies. Appreciate your thoughts, thank you.

No. 463017

yasmin is a bad example since she has a white mom

No. 464910

What are y’all’s thoughts on Bashaar being overthrown? At first I was happy (and all of my family was) because that meant a lot of our relatives who protested could come back, but the more the new government officials speak the more I feel awful for my working female relatives who will be affected by this. Especially since they’ve given a lot of non-answers about whether or not women will have certain jobs because they don’t want to be controversial until after they’ve destroyed most opposition. It also sucks that they’re turning one of the few officially secular MENA countries into a Muslim one. Don’t get me wrong Bashaar (and his father) has done a lot of damage to this country and I know so many individuals who have had their most of their entire families killed off, tortured, imprisoned, separated, etc. for opposing him. My aunt (through marriage) was separated from her brother for years and had no way to contact him because he was on the run and only got to visit him once after a decade before the area in turkey he was living in got completely destroyed by an earthquake and killed him. But I can’t help but resent the fact that the only way they got rid of him was through an Islamist group. I at least appreciate the fact that Joulani has made active efforts to defend Arab Christians and to recognize their holidays officially, and even some Syrian Jews came back and talked about plans of rebuilding.

No. 464912

I don't think he was good but I think his replacement is worse

No. 464915

I don’t want to think this way but there’s rarely been a religious MENA government that hasn’t ended awfully. The Syria subreddit gives me hope, but it is also run by a bunch of moids who live overseas, and whose last concerns are what will happen to women.

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No. 289276[Reply]

previous thread >>>/g/193846

the anticipated second containment thread for the irl husbandofags is here! sperg freely about your trash men here and don't forget to have fun
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No. 461908

Ramifag, I've always enjoyed your posts but I've never been able to join in because he reminds me so much of my ex, but I do find him extremely attractive and cute and I enjoy his work.

No. 464833

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He's pretty cute and the accent helps

No. 464839

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I’m gonna see him in concert and hopefully he can sense me and pull me back stage and realize we were destined(kpop)

No. 464852

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Apparently there's trouble in paradise with his band, damn haha that sucks wanna go grab a pint and then maybe chill at your place haha

No. 464954

I support you nonna

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No. 443146[Reply]

Post men who are shilled as attractive but you think are ugly/overrated.
prev thread
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No. 464826

i have a fetish for huge eyebrows, huge noses, moles and curly hair so he ticks off my boxes basically (plus has a decent body and nice lashes as a bonus)

No. 464829

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His biopic is a good addition to the franchise

No. 464843

He is a thousand times more good looking than what the anons on here thirst over usually, imo.

No. 464964

interesting. i'm not into italian men, but luigi is an exception. i don't know what's wrong with your vision or your taste, he's objectively beautiful

No. 465323

He objectively has giant flaring nostril on an upturned pig nose and slug eyebrows

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No. 303045[Reply]

Previous thread: >>170544

Post anything and everything makeup here: product reviews, product questions, cool looks, etc. Thinking of compiling a document with products that get mentioned a lot for future OP posts so feel free to suggest your faves!
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No. 464229

Could be you are allergic to something they use that isn't in high-end brands, like something more natural. I haven't have issues with their shimmers or metals or special pigments. I have about almost all their 9-pans except for purple and blue [terrible colors more my complexion as I'm warm toned] and a few larger pallets. You might need to go back to special ones? Perhaps you're developing eczema on your eyes or something that this is triggering?

No. 464237

Update. I gave in and bought this eyeliner and wow it's really good. Creamy, very black and stays intact for hours. I have used a few eye pencils but this one is by far one of the best.

No. 464279

Their eyeliner is so underrated. It's my constant re-buy.

No. 464566

Anybody used Girlcult? I've been wanting to buy their black blush and one eyeshadow palette, but I'm kind of unsure about the palette since it's hard to find a lot of good swatches of them.

No. 464646

i am gonna die curious about what was deleted that made >>462761 go from posting a paragraph per reply to 'thanks' but gj nona either way, you have way more patience than me.

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No. 464530[Reply]

Like the title says.
Previous Thread: >>253921
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No. 464547

Your vagina's PH and bacteria culture might just hate your boyfriend. Semen can make the vagina smelly fishy, which some bio-troofers have theorized is a reproductive defense mechanism.

Since you've ruled out every other denominator but your boyfriend and his semen, it's probably safe to say that's what's causing it. If you have wildly different ph levels and bacteria (i.e, he is too acidic and your levels are too base, he's a meat eater and you're a vegan), you'll either find an equilibrium and symptoms will subside or you'll have to live with symptoms. You can also change your diet to make your vagina's PH balance more acidic, which could counteract this and probably reduce your chances of getting pregnant (not BC tho, ofc)

No. 464550

Unless you mean precum, I did rule out semen during the last visit, and unfortunately it still happened. The closest it came in contact was when he ejaculated on my vagina externally one time, but this was after the other symptoms had already started. We're both omnivores and eat almost exactly the same food when we're staying together, however he also consumes a lot of protein on top of everything else as he goes to the gym, so maybe that makes him even more acidic than he should be? You could be onto something there. I'm also thinking of taking d-mannose supplements daily when we're together to see if that helps prevent any bacteria from growing, though not sure if it'd do anything for my vagina, maybe I'll try a probiotic too. Thanks for your response.

No. 464551

Np anon, I should have mentioned that it's skin and semen. You're more likely to have a bacterial outbreak from semen but unprotected dick skin has it's own bacteria/yeast culture. So could be a possibility, hope you get it figured out either way

No. 464558

Do any nonas deal with "postcoital dysphoria"? Any tips on how to deal with it? I get really anxious and really sad after having sex. Start to hate my body and sometimes end up crying over feeling ugly. The sex is good btw so it's not that I'm not having fun or anything.

No. 464627

Probably not the case if it looks clean underneath the foreskin but could it be that his idea of good hygiene is standing underneath the shower and just letting water run down there, nothing else while you've been thinking he's actually been washing his dick this whole time? I'd consider getting him to use intimate wash to 1000% rule out the possibility his hygiene is the issue.

I don't know how valid these claims are but I've heard before that shower gel can mess up the pH of genitals, maybe there's something going on there?

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No. 445681[Reply]

Support for nonas going through breakups/divorce and moving on.

Previous Thread >>121656
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No. 463988

Thanks for the feedback ladies. We’ve had a couple of very difficult, painful conversations over the past month and we’re gonna try making some changes to the way we do things and give the relationship some time to get back on track. We’ve started having sex more frequently (like we’ve had more sex in the past month than probably the last 3 years combined) and that’s been really nice, I hope we can keep it up.

No. 464196

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Please help me nonas, i am so confused and need to hear input as to what the hell just fucking happened to me.
>> Meet cute guy at school, don’t think much of it because he is much younger (23) me(28).
>> Talk at the school bar a few times, amazing chemistry.
>> times goes by, see eachother on different occacions, he always says that we should watch a movie together.
>> he asks me finally if we should watch a movie at his place on messenger and we do and hit it off very well.
>> watch a few movies together a few more times, at his or mine. We eventually start to like eachother and he finally tells me that he likes me and if he can kiss me.
>> we hang out, days go by. We are lovey dovey a bit in public (school, bar etc)
>> asks me if we are a thing, i say sure.
>> few days go by, asks me if he is a “secret lover” or if i have mentioned him to my parents, because he had mentioned me to his. i hadn’t yet obviously.
>> during this whole time he has offhandidly talked about his ex, listened to songs about missing people etc etc
>> i ask if he is over his ex, he says yes and i decide to believe him (lol)
>> days later asks me to be his girlfriend, i say ok sure.
>> talks about his ex being abusive, getting angry if he didn’t answer texts right away. (When they were together)
>> says he feels like he loves me already but knows i would be freaked out if he said it so early and that it was to early to say it.
>> Go to bar one night, have a fight because i get jealous because other girls flirt with him and he isn’t pushing them away but being friendly albeit not flirting back at all.
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No. 464288

I'm leaving my partner of many MANY years. He said he wants to try again, but his words and actions are not showing that. He just wants freedom to go play without checking in with his wife while I do the cleaning, cooking, making sure the bills are paid on time, waking him up (because he physically cannot do it without help. Not that he's crippled just a hard sleeper.)

I'm done. I just need an escape plan and to be foolproof. It will take some time but I will do it. He destroyed my confidence in myself. Never again. I don't even want to hurt him anymore. I just want to be free.

No. 464492

nonnie, don't do it. He's naive, he's a bit obsessed, he doesn't know how to be a lover or a boyfriend or really a responsible adult. He wants to move fast and then he doesn't. He's a walking red flag.
He's clearly not over his ex and also not mature enough to move on or handle a regular relationship without diving headfirst into one. Protect yourself.

No. 464525

Good on you nonnie, it's never too late to get out. Actions really do say everything about a person's true character. Every moment of peace after leaving is always worth it. It may not be easy at the start, but trust in the grieving and growing process. You will heal with time so long as you have faith in yourself and in your perceptions. Take care nonna

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No. 255346[Reply]

thread for harm reduction, support and venting
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No. 445342

Full recovery is possible. I was never severely underweight as you are so it might look different for you but i can honestly say i even forget i was ever sick. I do still vomit more than most people, maybe once a month or so, but its never intentionally after eating i think i just fucked up my guts so i easily gag. I managed to stop on my own when moving apartment to a place where i couldnt purge. Took about a year where i still did it occasionally when not home but gradually it just wasnt a part of my routine anymore and now it never even crosses my mind. Im very grateful i was able to move and change my routines that way i dont think i couldve done it with no change of environment. Just wanted to share since i do agree its very rare to hear about recovered bulimics.

No. 445393

Theres nothing more humiliating than being a fail anachan. I hate that ive grown overweight, looking at pictures of my current state disgusts me, but I just cant seem to abstain from eating all the time, and Im deathly afraid of throwing up so I cant even purge it out. I know binge eating is considered an eating disorder but it feels embarrassing to say you have an ED and people scoff or ridicule you because you dont look the part.

No. 461712

i used to have a friend i would hang out with almost every day but she has a new boyfriend and family and has since recovered but with we were both bulimic and never fully encouraged other but would vent almost daily about our weight/eating habits and now she is recovered and I’m not and I feel so fucking alone. Especially because she is quite a bit younger than me and I’m almost 24 and have been dealing with this since I was 18. I have a new friend who also has bulimia but the other kind (she is 310lbs and binge eats daily and then purges only at night/when stressed on top of what she eats during the day) and I will restrict during the day then purge at night. I feel so fucking alone even though it wasn’t healthy to have a friend I was so close with about my disorder but my other friend I just feel so guilty because my disorder is so different I can’t help but judge her. Like for example when I see people drink full sugar soda I get so fucking irrationally angry and I want to break things it seems like a ‘waste’ of calories to me and I get so upset when I see her drinking those and eating unhealthy food during the day and in the back of my head I feel like she’s ‘faking’ even though I know she uses purging as a form of self harm when I also do that but also use it to obsess over and control my weight.

No. 461743

I have felt like you. I promise a better life exists. I can't claim to be fully recovered like other anons, I still live with a lot of food noise and I don't know if the desire to b/p will ever fully go away for me, but I have hobbies and a life again. I did not have specific ED therapy, I just moved and got a regular therapist and white knuckled my way into curbing the habit. I am now so far out from being actively sick (3 years or so?) that my life is more or less normal now, I feel out of the woods. I think it's a mistake to believe that it's full recovery or bust and that life isn't worth living if you still have to fight the impulses. Even with the thoughts still haunting me from time to time, I feel like a person again. I can participate in society, I can be happy, I can have relationships, and sometimes I even forget and feel completely normal. I want that for you too, nona. Don't fall into the trap of thinking this is it for you. Fight for whatever help you need.

No. 464226

Just in advance I know I am retarded for doing any of this I just can’t talk about it with any irls. I’ve been buying adderall from my friends and usually basically daily to curb my appetite and it also keeps my energy up working long hours with less food (which is a cycle im aware of) at first the XR used to last all day but now I’ve been getting the urge to binge and then purge at night but my tongue is fucking destroyed from stimulant jaw/involuntary movements so it makes purging so much difficult and painful. I feel fucking trapped in a cycle of gaining and losing the same 8lbs, i miss being in high school when i initially dropped the weight and would regularly do 3-4 day fasts/was restrictive. I’ve damaged my body from it and also am doing much more activity at my job than school so it’s a never ending fucking balancing act of being obsessed with losing weight and also trying to keep my life together/not lose my job and friends.

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