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No. 54209[Reply]

Maybe it's just me, but I feel as though birth control is something that women don't talk enough about despite it being so complex and many people using it regularly. Let's post our comments/questions about birth control!

- contraception
- acne control
- PCOS management
- hormonal treatment
- ring vs. pill vs. non-hormonal
- side effects/benefits
- weight gain/loss
- etc.
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No. 488470

No, this is a scrotoid myth. I've never once tried hormonal birth control but I've always preferred pretty boy type men who almost look like butch lesbians sometimes. Most women start to prefer 'manlier' men as they get older, it's normal for teenage and adolescent girls to prefer cute boyband types over hairy older muscular men. Also, both of those moid pics are ugly lol.

No. 488473

Yeah, it might also be because I'm getting older and my biological clock is ticking. It's just such a surprising thing to happen, before I scoffed at bodybuilder type high-t men but now it's like there's this primal urge to procreate with one KEK

No. 488477

This. I've never used hormonal birth control either and used to prefer pretty boy types during my teen years, but got more into conventional masculinity during my 20s. OPs pic looks neanderthal kek. That said i do think hormonal birth control can affect your libido, so if there is any correlation at all it's tied to the menstrual cycle. You might feel more sexually aggressive during follicular phase vs luteal phase, but i don't think the effect is so big as to matter within a relationship. That is to say i'm attracted to my nigel every day of the month. My ex was more of a pretty boy and I found him more tolerable during certain days of the month when i was less horny but sadly he wasn't my type in general

No. 488508

Yeah, I have always preferred cute men. Before birth control, during birth control for 10 years, and after no longer taking birth control for 3 years I still prefer cute men. Preferences can change but they also might not, it has nothing to do with birth control.

No. 488522

Idk I liked ugly men on birth control and now that I am off it I like prettyboys

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No. 366897[Reply]

A place for Asian women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss Asian culture.
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No. 487282

most Japanese immigrants to US go to Hawaii, West coast like SF/LA/Seattle, or NYC. Majority of Japantowns are in California. Japanese are super quick to assimilate, they have good PR so ppl are super happy to accept and tokenize them rather than reject. (Ppl get annoyed by Chinese who can't speak English but enamored with the similarly ESL Japanese) and since they usually have more money tend not to create immigrant enclaves like poor Chinese and Koreans, etc.

Japanese immigrants also seem to be black sheeps who didn't fit well into Japanese society, so they're less likely to use chain migration and bring the whole family over. Japanese who are happy about Japan just stay there. Most exchange students leave after their studies.

Also because of the Japanese internment in WWII, more recent Japanese immigrants are cut off from the generational Japanese Americans so there's like two separate groups. And a lot of the generational Japanese Americans whitewashed the fuck out of themselves because of the internment prosecution trauma. So there's a lot of weird beef where the new immigrants don't feel the JAs are "real Japanese", but the JAs control all the Japantown associations and are the gatekeepers and stuff.

I think Japanese immigrants have a bit of a snowflake issue, or maybe it's the sudden attention for being kawaii Japanese uguu, but they don't group up like other immigrant groups and seem to prefer to be tokens.

No. 487945

>>483555 so true, and I even smell like garlic and onion. I got the dry earwax too which is where the supposed no BO gene is connected to.

No. 488413

She lays out Asian beauty standards without making it a woke breadtube video essay word salad regurgitation. I'm happy to support this newer female creator!

No. 488446

It's sad how much other Asians like Koreans and Chinese are bullied and been racist to. Meanwhile just about everyone worships Japan and the Japanese. Their soft power is extremely strong.

No. 489464

Wym? she's living in Toronto. I've recognized places she's been in her videos.

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No. 255346[Reply]

thread for harm reduction, support and venting
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No. 461743

I have felt like you. I promise a better life exists. I can't claim to be fully recovered like other anons, I still live with a lot of food noise and I don't know if the desire to b/p will ever fully go away for me, but I have hobbies and a life again. I did not have specific ED therapy, I just moved and got a regular therapist and white knuckled my way into curbing the habit. I am now so far out from being actively sick (3 years or so?) that my life is more or less normal now, I feel out of the woods. I think it's a mistake to believe that it's full recovery or bust and that life isn't worth living if you still have to fight the impulses. Even with the thoughts still haunting me from time to time, I feel like a person again. I can participate in society, I can be happy, I can have relationships, and sometimes I even forget and feel completely normal. I want that for you too, nona. Don't fall into the trap of thinking this is it for you. Fight for whatever help you need.

No. 464226

Just in advance I know I am retarded for doing any of this I just can’t talk about it with any irls. I’ve been buying adderall from my friends and usually basically daily to curb my appetite and it also keeps my energy up working long hours with less food (which is a cycle im aware of) at first the XR used to last all day but now I’ve been getting the urge to binge and then purge at night but my tongue is fucking destroyed from stimulant jaw/involuntary movements so it makes purging so much difficult and painful. I feel fucking trapped in a cycle of gaining and losing the same 8lbs, i miss being in high school when i initially dropped the weight and would regularly do 3-4 day fasts/was restrictive. I’ve damaged my body from it and also am doing much more activity at my job than school so it’s a never ending fucking balancing act of being obsessed with losing weight and also trying to keep my life together/not lose my job and friends.

No. 470835

Really late response but just want to reply just to say I totally get it (even the part about not having anyone IRL to talk about it with, so excuse if my post is raving mad). I've been in the same position myself of trying to lower my intake through any means necessarily to lose more weight without ruining my whole life in the meantime. I know I need the calories to function and whenever I drop them, I feel like my entire life stops and everything becomes about my eating disorder. Anything that inhibits my ability to starve myself becomes superfluous, and I hate that. I should care about hanging out with friends and trying to succeed in my career, but starving myself comes first, apparently, even if everything else in my life suffers.
Not much advice to give you, but I really felt for your post. Wishing the best for you, nona.

No. 488079

I'm really sorry for posting this and shitting up the thread. I don't feel like I have a support network and I'm not doing well right now. I still live with my parents in my late 20s due to a few reasons but mostly the cost of living vs the wage I make even as a full time employee. Ever since I was little my dad has been verbally and emotionally abusive, mostly to my mom but plenty to me. I think it fucked me up really early and I've been treated for anxiety and depression since elementary school. It was bearable when I came back from living on my own in college. There were plenty of bad times but lately for some reason it's so much worse. I feel like my depression is as bad as it's ever been because of his abuse. All I have energy to do after work every day is sleeping. Most of the time things are fine but times like tonight he just makes me wish I had the courage to kill myself.

I'm sorry.

No. 488211

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I'm over 37 years old and live with my parents, no eating disorders except I'm getting too fat from grazing shit food all the time

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No. 414433[Reply]

Since a lot of posts in the relationship advice thread are concerning their bf's porn habits, I thought I'd make a spinoff of the subreddit LAP: a support thread for nonas who have dealt with or are currently dealing with a bf/husband who is a porn user/addict.

Feel free to vent, ask other nonas for advice or advise others, etc.

Please keep it respectful and avoid raging at others, as it's a sensitive and all too common problem for many modern women.
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No. 485724

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No. 485755

there are romance books for men? I didn't know that

No. 486484

It's been a year since my ex and I broke up. I feel so much more at peace like I can finally breathe and enjoy life. I've slowly gained my confidence back. I sleep so beautifully now that I don't have to go to bed wondering what that demonic entity is doing and waking up thinking about the same thing again. I'm not the same person I used to be before everything happened and went downhill, but I can at least say I am a happier version of myself right now. If you're looking for a sign and you have the privilege to leave, GO. I promise you can live without him. You'll be okay.

No. 488163

you can't change him into being a better man or steer him away from his addictions. Just dump him.

No. 488430

Same. Are men even capable of getting off to romantic/erotic literature with no illustrations? I can't imagine it. Men are able to separate love and sex very cleanly.

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No. 402287[Reply]

Discuss plastic surgery and your plastic surgery goals here. This is not a thread to brigade on regarding your dislike of plastic surgery - please create a plastic surgery hate thread to talk about that.

Previous plastic surgery threads below:
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No. 488380

We should do this technique on ballsacks and see what happens

No. 488393

I'm aware, but the scars being permanent still stands. Such surgeries as the one anon posted will either leave post inflammatory hyper/hypopigmentation that will never leave even with lasers. The main reason why most people with breast augmentations do not have crazy scars is because as said, breast implant surgeries have been perfected to do a small incision that is very easily hidden, the same cannot be said about breast lifts or surgeries in general that reconstructs the breast tissue and reposition nipples.

No. 488398

No the fuck they do not. I have literally never in my life seen a breast lift result that looked remotely natural. The nipples always look like chopped pieces of pepperoni stuck onto an oddly shaped ball of fresh mozzarella. Yes, even when fully healed.

No. 488409

Stay out of relationships with men and don't have children. Stay inside as much as possible. Reducing sun exposure and more importantly reducing stress will keep you looking younger. Single women with no children have less stressful lives so don't age as quickly. I wouldn't worry about it too much though. It just wastes your time while you're young.

No. 488709

>I have literally never in my life seen a breast lift result that looked remotely natural.
How many have you seen? kek

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No. 462334[Reply]

Gentleman Jack Edition

This is a thread for gold star lesbians. If you're not a gold star, please refrain from posting in this thread. If you're unsure about your sexual orientation and would like to talk about it, post in the Questioning Sexuality thread to avoid infighting and derailing itt.

>what is a gold star lesbian?

a "gold star lesbian" is a female homosexual who has never had sex with a male.

>picrel is from the historical drama television series 'Gentleman Jack', set in the 1830s in Yorkshire. The series is based on the diaries of 19th-century Englishwoman Anne Lister, which span an estimated 5 million words, about a sixth of which are written in a secret code, documenting her lifetime of lesbian relationships. She was famously dubbed "the first modern lesbian" for her groundbreaking revelations from her diaries.

>Lister was from a minor landowning family at Shibden in Calderdale, West Riding of Yorkshire. She openly engaged in same-sex relationships and had several female partners— the first when she 15 years old.

>Anne’s journals detailed a lesbian lifestyle many thought had not existed in the past. Her promiscuity showed not only that women found her attractive but that sexual lesbian desire had been far more commonplace than was thought. Anne’s diaries and their explicit sexual details were so shocking that some even believed they were a hoax.

>Her final significant relationship was with Ann Walker, to whom she was notionally married in Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, York, which is now celebrated as the birthplace of lesbian marriage in Britain.

Read more about Anne Lister here:
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No. 488265

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I love Suzie and Noelle's little romance in Deltarune but coomers ruined both of them sadly.
Somehow Undyne was spared most of the coomerwrath (probably because Toriel protected her)

No. 488303

Everyone knows that homosexuality is about sharing coom material with the same sex duh.

No. 488408

Yeah, it's true that many female characters are poorly written, but somehow even in media where this isn't the case (Undertale, Arcane, etc.), they still find a way to fixate on a man. Every fucking time. It's obvious this is a convenient excuse, not the actual reason.

No. 488454

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I will say that I think it’s fair that some people simply aren’t into butchy characters, and personally I didn’t get much appeal from the female Undertale characters either, but that means I especially wasn’t drawn to the male characters. Sans was my favourite character along with Toriel and some of the minor characters (Temmie, Napstablook) but I don’t even understand his design appeal to straight women let alone proclaimed lesbians.
For Deltarune though, I loved Susie and Noelle. Kris and Ralsei’s designs would be cute if they were female (I assumed the former was initially but everyone schreeched “They/Them!!!” while drawing Kris as a guy kek).
Luckily I don’t hang around fandom spaces much so I haven’t seen the coomerificarion of Susie and Noelle. Sucks to hear though.

No. 489279

Even if a female character is badly written sometimes your body doesn't give a shit about that if she looks hot. These fakebians completely lack that sexual reflex for obvious reasons.

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No. 220643[Reply]

A thread for the loners here (all of us). Venting, how you deal with it, how you spend your time etc.
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No. 488327

No. 488344

That married men want to fuck 18 years olds to feel stronger and also try to recreate their first time moment, because it's going to be inside their heads forever(?)

No. 488374

Does anyone simply not give a damn about their family? There like ex roommates to me.
I know I would feel less lonely if I kept in touch with my brother and acted as a good aunty to his kid.

No. 488402

My sibling, yeah. IDGAF about that useless bastard. He never showed an ounce of consideration towards anybody.

But today I was thinking, that if my mother died, I'd have literally nobody in the whole world to talk to. I don't have a single friend and haven't had any since high school, which for me was almost a decade ago. I am so incredibly sad and ashamed but at the same time, I have given up. Once you are this age, there is no more making close friends. I feel I've basically failed at life as a social hominin. Community members this isolated were meant to die as a form of natural selection, but because of modern life allowing loners to survive unnaturally, I still exist whereas if this were 100,000 years ago I would have rightfully perished. I literally shouldn't even be alive.

No. 488410

I pretty much have HUNDREDS of people in my extended family and i do not care about any of them too much. I don't relate with them in any capacity and i am careful with how much about myself i share with them. I don't completely hate them because they are the only reason i go outside my room once in a blue moon when they invite my family to go out for dinner. I don't like my family, particularly my parents. I was very naive and leaned on them heavily for life advice. That advice really ruined my life and they take zero accountability for it. Sure it's partially my fault too, but i also have a huge need to make them proud of me, but they never care. Instead, i get told everyday by my dad that i am worthless and useless. They would unironically rather i be a baby mother because at the end of the day, all they ever wanted was grandkids to wave around. I honestly feel violent thoughts towards my father, but the only thing keeping me from doing so is that i live in his house rent free pushing 30 and it would be very selfish and inconsiderate if i did it. I often think the best way for me to live my life is if i started living out of an rv and constantly kept moving around the US, doing literally whatever, making sure i own nothing and make zero connections with anyone. I think it's my destiny to be forever alone and every time i try to escape this destiny, i get punished by the universe for not knowing my place. It's especially shameful because right now i have been taking a break from taking antidepressants and adhd meds. All of a sudden, i am having intense dreams of wanting to have a romantic partner, but again, it is my destiny to be alone. Any romantic relationship will inevitably fall apart in dramatic fashion, either in my death or being dumped on bad terms. I think i am completely unlovable, even the people who are supposed to love me unconditionally hate me for not being who they want me to be, i don't think i can get love even conditionally.

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No. 418074[Reply]

Last Thread: >>331392

Thread for:
>femdom images and media
>femdom fantasies
>female subs interested in women
>advice and stories

Some things to get us started:
>What are your main kinks?
>What is your ideal sub like?
>What experiences have you had?
>What advice do you have for new dommes?
>Where to find subs? How to avoid unhealthy ones?
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No. 484606

this is so damn true, real fear will always beat the fake "mommy" taking care of the gooner bullshit, i wish there was more media of it (if any of you have recommendations please share)

No. 488342

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I just started watching Smallville and I cannot recommend it enough for nonas who like watching cute, slim-yet-muscular guys writhing and moaning in pain. Sadly Tom Welling is walled beyond belief now but he's adorable in this - perfect big watery blue eyes for expressing pain. Also it's pretty well written and watchable even if, like me, you don't really give a shit about superhero stuff generally.

No. 488347

I binged watched smallville a couple of months ago. Literally all the heavy hitter CW sexy men are in smallville.

No. 488358

God, he was beautiful then…

No. 488401

damn fujimoto's art style tanked dramatically. what the fuck is going on with denji's eyes in the last panel

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No. 203705[Reply]

I believe we should have a thread about binge eating. A lot of women suffer from this issue and it is very embarrassing to discuss. The rona virus hasn't helped a lot of us binge eaters, and in my case personally, it's only increased my eating.
Feel free to discuss whatever you want, what you binge eat, how long you've been doing it, how does it affect your day to day life, how long have you gone without having a binge etc.
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No. 474957

I find that drinking diet cola with no sugars and no caffeine works to fill the stomach and to keep the binging habit away. Also drink more water

No. 475980

Today was a bad day nonas. Well, it's been bad for a week now, maybe more. I don't have it in me to care anymore. I hate eating, I hate not eating. I hate food, I love food. I can't get away from it. Everywhere I turn there is mention of food. Family gatherings, friend gatherings, meetings, anything social. I've been starved, I've been stuffed. I've been at both sides of the spectrum. I am tired. I don't know what to do anymore.

I don't know what to do.

No. 476689

I started taking Lexapro for depression last week and my urges to binge disappeared. I can't promise the same result for anyone else - I've even heard of the opposite happening to some people - but I very strongly recommend trying psych meds if you can.

No. 476873

Those days before her comments may be behind you but you'll come back even stronger. I have a feeling fluctuations like these are a part of life, and it's how we move through them that matters the most. What's your meditation routine?

No. 488343

Does anybody here also has disordered eating running on the family? Both my mum and my grandmother binge eat and are overweight. I’ve struggled with the exact same behaviors ever since I was in my early teens. Now I’m 22, did years of CBT and I’ve done a lot of progress. I used to buy food, ice cream, binge eat, sometimes purge on my worst moments, hide food and trash in my bedroom, cook/bake huge amounts of foods, eat secretly. Even though I still sometimes overeat or “emotional eat”, I no longer engage in those more drastic behaviors and for years already have been following a balanced nutrition, pretty much only eat whole foods on my day to day and exercise regularly.

Weirdly, just now I’m realizing I grew up discovering hidden sweets on my mum’s bedroom (still to this day if I go through her drawers I found chocolates and cookies) and eating them secretly, seeing my grandmother’s body absolutely deteriorate (she’s obese and has to walk assisted by a wheeled chair), my mum even had a geriatric bypass (that she regrets) as she was going on the same path.

It’s so interestingly sad to me to see how the three of us reflect on each other. My grandmother is the extreme, my mother is doing better (she swims/walks everyday, eats a little bit better even if she’s still overweight), but this chain is absolutely ending with me.

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No. 303045[Reply]

Previous thread: >>170544

Post anything and everything makeup here: product reviews, product questions, cool looks, etc. Thinking of compiling a document with products that get mentioned a lot for future OP posts so feel free to suggest your faves!
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No. 488078

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Seems like the way you build black cherry with a red base and black gloss, just more black gloss. Look at the upper lip, pure black. The red base gives it dimension and is probably why I like it

No. 488089

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I don't keep up with k-artists but chungha is consistently so cute

No. 488090

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No. 488092

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No. 488169

Nta but the upper lip is the same color as the lower lip, its just a dark burgundy lipstick with gloss on top

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