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No. 444697[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>393926
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No. 483766

Does he live in the UK by any chance? Don't move here if so, the country is going to shit and you'll regret it. I'm trying to get out ASAP.

No. 483781

Majority of people who are depressed have adjustment disorder which is triggered by life stressors, sometimes its easy to pinpoint the stressor(death of a parent, getting fired) and sometimes its more insidious and difficult to pin it on a single major event. Adjustment disorder is a maladaptive response to sadness (never getting over your parent's death and being depressed for 10 years is beyond grief, it's a maladaptive response). Antidepressants don't fix depression, as corny as it sounds exercise and socializing does(it's true). It's a real catch 22 because depression constitutionally makes you fatigued and passive, hence why you don't have the motivation to exercise which ends up feeding back your depression. It is a vicious cycle and extremely difficult to break with sheer willpower. Antidepressants are really helpful in breaking the cycle and allowing you time to build healthy habits like exercising, socializing, going to therapy which will resolve depression long term to the point where you won't need that little push from the antidepressants anymore because you would have built healthy coping mechanisms. Think of antidepressants as scaffolds that support construction(new habits) of a building(your happy self).

I would suggest seeing a therapist for the above reasons regardless, but if not possible + depending on how bad your depression is at the minute(can't get out of the bed level vs able to shower/cook/get out the house etc. level) if you can manage to force yourself to exercise and socialize every day consistently for at least a month, you would genuinely see great improvement in your mental health. Do it while hating it, do it without motivation, just push through and do it, you will see change in your mental wellbeing very fast.

No. 483811

it's not just about voting rights, you conveniently glossed over the many other things that women specifically weren't allowed. that kind of shit is not done by someone who likes women, there is no reason for why rape within a marriage was legal for so long until the 90s unless they hated women. the same goes for not allowing abortion in some places, not allowing women bank accounts until the 70s, child marriage (involving girls specifically, not boys. and only women decided to raise the aoc) all of that is done out of hatred. it is hate, there's no other excuse.
>why don't you want to date him if you like him?
did you meant to quote another anon?

No. 485514

How do some nonnas know what career they want to do in life?

Im really struggling to figure out what career to choose. I have a bunch of scattered ideas, but each one takes time and money to pursue. By the time I spend years and lots of money into a certain field, I might realize I dont like it. Im not smart enough for stem, and Im very introverted, so thats very limiting. I have no idea what profession I should be doing.

Im sorry to hear that nonna. Wishing you a happy belated birthday, even if that happiness comes at some point in the future. Not sure the exact reason youre crying, but if its about being near 30, dont let moid projection about getting old get to you. Easier said than done, for me anyways. Getting older made me prioritize having healthier habits than I previously did, so maybe set a goal like that?

No. 485918

At what age are you too set in your ways to be in a relationship if you have never dated before?

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No. 396128[Reply]

Share your favourite lewd mp4s, voice actors, websites, etc.
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No. 483789

No. 484121

ty nona! This was really good up until the "free use" (didn't even know this was a thing)/using listener as a toy stuff, that's not my cup of tea at all. But the first 20 mins were really hot with him taking care of the listener. I didn't know mere kissing sounds could turn me on so much kek
Also thank you for introducing me to that site btw! ♥ Didn't know you could stream Patreon paywall stuff like that

No. 484699

post anything i'll listen to it tonight

No. 484726

No. 485423

valentine's day is a special day and on special days we listen to msub https://soundgasm.net/u/VAMP667/M4F-Your-Dominant-BF-Turns-Into-A-Needy-Whimpering-Slut-For-You-MSub

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No. 482816[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.

Previous Thread: >>>/g/411848
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No. 485157

Wanna join a cult where the initiation takes place in some dingy basement and I have to eat out multiple robed women wearing baphomet masks, sadly as hot as this is now I know once my libido is back to normal I'm gonna find it incredibly unsexy and retarded

No. 485159

> incredibly unsexy and retarded
Kek anon that made me laugh so hard

No. 485183

Me dressed up in a lingerie with a large keyhole top that lets my girlfriend get my tits out. I'm straddling and humping her thigh while she plays with my boobs and has an air of smugness about her that I'm trying to fuck myself stupid on her without coming off as too desperate, but I'm soaking through the lingerie and leaving wet trails on her leg anyway. I'm desperate and out of weird stubborn pride, I shove her face-first into my tits to get more skin-on-skin anyway and she leaves a bunch of hickies that only get me more keyed up. When I finally come I make her do me again this time, properly, and she gathers up all the juice I left on her thigh to feed it back into me.
But I have psychological problems so I should work on myself first before any of that.

No. 485190

I want to have a friend with whom I have insane sexual tension with, but none of us will admit it. Until one day we're being suspiciously touchy, one thing leads to another and she's suddenly straddling my lap, agressively kissing and biting my lips and grinding into me. Bonus points if she's stocky and shorter than me.
I would also like to have a girlfriend send me under-the-desk photos of her working while commando, or a photo where she has panties on and the panties are visually holding some sex toy in or against her pussy - like a suction base dildo or a mini wand.

No. 485409

Nonas I’m in love with the most beautiful girl in the planet, I wish I could post her to just gush over her face she looks like a painting, the most delicate yet nobly handsome fairy. I don’t believe in God but it makes me marvel that if he were real he really poured the most heavenly, most transcendent elements into making women. I feel like I’m witnessing an angel. How something can bless this earth is beyond me… it’s almost painful to behold. I think it is painful actually.

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No. 391531[Reply]

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread:>>>/g/296708
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No. 484409

Beautifully said!

No. 485094

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I try to do the occasional spreads for his birthday and Valentine's Day. I really want to do more in general because I have so many unused journals going to waste.

I follow a lot of junk journal and Korean deco journal accounts on Instagram. I don't really try to go for aesthetic anymore. I just do whatever and if I fuck it up I can always rip it out and start over. This is why glue sticks exist.

No. 485123

happy valentine's day nonas! today I had some free time and I went to a cute cafe and had some little cakes and I daydreamed my waifu was with me. I'm currently doodling something too, hope you all had a good day today

No. 485353

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A bit of a late celebration on my end, it's February 15th already where I am, but I'm dead inside and too depressed to get myself to do anything. I still found the energy to make this little simple thing to celebrate Valentine's day with him, and it did put me in a better mood along with listening to the playlist I made for him. Despite everything around me being chaotic, he will always be the one constant and consistent thing in my life. My safe space. The place I run to whenever I need some uplifting. Always been, and will always be.

No. 485600

I wish I could shower my husbando with gifts, but he's a member of a ruling class in his universe and he has access to pretty much everything already. If I were to gift him something, it would be like a small child feeling accomplished after gifting their mother some stupid drawing lol

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No. 378181[Reply]

Not everyone can be beautiful, and for some, even "average" is out of reach. If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?

I'm reviving this thread series since the last one has long since closed and I think it's a topic a lot of women could use a place to vent about.

Previous thread: >>>/g/114320
711 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 485271

Sounds like cope. Countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan are incredibly inbred but still have lots of attractive individuals (even based on Eurocentric beauty standards)

No. 485275

Maybe some of the women, but not the moids for sure. How is it exactly a cope to acknowledge one's reality though? You don't live it so you don't get to dictate if it's true or cope.

No. 485546

I've met some beautiful Pashtun men.

No. 485603

They dont want us to acknowledge were ugly so they can keep the status quo and entartain themselves by looking at us deeming our ugly features such as: hooked asymetrical big nose, flat maxilla, sunken cheeks, protruding sunken eyes, small forehead, low set cheeks, flat downturned upper lips, big pores, sallow or olive appering skin, hyperpigmentation, short height, bulky short bones, sparse thick hair, skin problems and scar prone skin etc. as beautiful. Its fake

No. 485615

I will never forget staring at myself in the mirror after I tried plastering makeup on myself in a desperate attempt to see myself as anything other than ugly, and I just started grabbing & ripping at my face in a retarded rage. Like genuinely I get so pissed of at my genetics, my father's side for passing down such inbred ugly traits. & I'm a happa so I don't even have desirable body, just flat. I look like an amab tranny. And I thought my acne would go away when I got older but now I have acne & pigmentation. Fml

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No. 392054[Reply]

Post anything you can think of. Specific clothing, styles, whatever.
>button down shirts
>more suits
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No. 469701

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I don't know what to call this but I love those moids that dress in oversized sweaters and pants (bonus points for having the hood over their heads and wearing a cap). I think it's mostly east asians dressing like this and I love how it looks. Sorry for shitty pic i couldn't find a better one kek

No. 469855

Saw a guy wearing this on pinterest and wanted to post it to ideal male body thread but didn't post it since the page reloaded. I should try to look for it again

No. 475499

Normie af but suits like this make me horny beyond reason

No. 485054

No. 485055

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Wrong webm

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No. 355760[Reply]

Post characters/actors that you had a crush in your youth but may or may not have any feelings for now

Previous Thread: >>136699
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No. 484932

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I spent hours drawing her kek

No. 485032

Omg same nona I was head over heels for him kek

No. 485034

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Don't judge me. I was like 11.

No. 485061

>i was watching someone's ORAS playthrough and the shock of seeing a handsome bishonen show up did something to my 10 year-old self.
>10 year old
Holy shit, I feel so old. It's impressive that you didn't know he was a bishonen, did you never watch that part of the anime/manga or look at the official art?

No. 485481

I love her design, shame she's in a shit show

No. 484942[Reply]

Vaping like a freight train edition

Previous threads:
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No. 475221[Reply]

Previous Threads: >>>/g/429453

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.
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No. 484864

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This is how I know the the thread attracts non-black interlopers, the lack of nuance. The average, modern day black person doesn't care about Jewish people. Some don't even know they exist. Their historical dislike of the community stems from its mistreatment toward black people. James Baldwin has discussed this. It's also just a sad fact of American history that Jewish people did participate in slavery, and today, they enjoy the fruits of white presentation and statistically disproportionate wealth compared to other groups. That's life, whether anyone hates them for it, likes them, or wants to argue about how many participated. Nowadays, since there's less of a distinctively Jewish presence in majority-black areas, Jewish people are not a hot topic. A few black people do enter specific fields and integrate with certain groups, have racist experiences and start naming problems.

Talk to a random, everyday black person in 2025, and Jewish people are a nonentity. If you show them a Jewish person, they may say "Oh, it's a white person", "Oh, it's an Arab" or "Oh, it's an Ethiopian/African" respectively, while a white person may make a comment on a Jewish person's nose or say that Ethiopian Jews aren't Jews because they are black. You might be able to bring up the Palestine topic, but even that is a movement spearheaded and mostly populated by white and Arab people, who routinely complain about black non-participation in their fight, kek.

In attempting to avoid accountability for all the occasions their parents and grandparents complained about negroes, "schwartzes", etc and some of their behaviors even today, some members of the Jewish-American community make jabs on Twitter about how black people are licherally anti-semitic nazis, with their "proof" being things like Cardi B (a non-black woman cosplaying) mentioning her Jewish lawyer in a positive light.
Kanye is completely different from any of the black people mentioned, because his dislike of Jewish people stems from Nazism and white worship. Malcolm X never walked around donning a swastika, and that's because he understood Hitler as his enemy, and the German/WASP conflict with Jews as a separate battle from his own people's.

tl;dr: Those of us who even recognize Jewish existence in daily life tend to dislike them because they're pretty racist. Even the pro-Palestine ones started Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 484915

>look up makeup on tumblr
>an uncomfortable majority of images featuring black women underneath the tag are sexual and porny in nature
I hate this.

No. 484935

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Need some opinions. Is it gross to wash your hair in braids? I do my own knotless braids and last time I did my hair, I braided my natural hair and then braided the natural braid into the weave. Now that it's time to do them over, I just want to keep my natural hair in braids so that I can wash it and won't have to spend time pre-parting it next time I do my hair. Do you guys think my hair would get thoroughly clean this way? I know it seems dramatic, but doing this whole process every 2 weeks is killing me.

No. 484953

no just be very through, use clarifying shampoo

No. 485315

Not "gross" necessarily, you just need to be slightly more mindful of the drying process. That's where braid cleanings seemingly go wrong, because the hair within the braid stays damp a little longer if you just air dry. My mom sometimes uses an old Waterpik she deep cleaned to get in between her parts for that exact reason. I guess it works, because her hair doesn't smell or look ratty.

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No. 445663[Reply]

Discuss goth music, makeup, fashion that you love. People you admire, gossip, news, etc.

previous thread:
312 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 484778

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So, hmmm. What exactly was the point about makeup that one of nonas was trying to make?

No. 484779

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As I'm not exactly sure

No. 484906

>Today people are going to pay pennies for a cheap copy than pay extra because it's top quality
I have a pair of tripp pants that fit me sometimes. I paid for a second pair to Frankenstein them together but the new pair was faded. I bought a knock off from ali for 8 bucks. I saw the same pants in Hot Topic for sixty dollars with their private label inside. I pointed it out and the cashiers knew they were knock offs. The stitching and fabric quality is poor and people seem to not know. I feel bad for younger kids who aren't getting an education on this. I'm glad people like Bernadette Banner and Angela talk about garment quality.

No. 484957

>They make videos about us being "elitists" and find other Zoomers to agree with them on it. I wish they'd been around in the 2000s because the trads didn't tolerate tantrums from us. If we had the attitude Zoomers have, the trads would've called us posers or not wasted their time.
Oh for sure, these zoomers who are trying to use goth and/or punk as their little costume for cool points wouldn't have lasted a day if they lived in the 90s and 00s. They get off easy because us millennials are trying to be a little more warmly welcoming by helping them out compared to how a lot of us had to go in blind because of lack of resources back in that time.

>She said her and her friends used to buy those lacey wire corsets(picrel) and either sew fabric on top of it, or remove the wires and make a new one.

Very nice and that is lovely corset. That actually reminds of this one neat black lacey bustier corset I found in a thrift shop that was one of my favorite finds. I ended up selling it years later but boy it was so fun to just head out on a Saturday morning or afternoon hitting the thrift shops.

>I couldn't believe it when I heard that. All the original thinkers in movie making are passing. When they die, so does their art and that's scary.

They really are and it feels so depressing that we're going to see more of them dropping like flies as we head for 2030.

>Yeah and I think they care about what other people think. If their friends say "omigod, you're not wearing that are you?" they kinda fall into thinking a certain way so they don't get criticized. I mean, the thing with goth is being creative, and we didn't give a shit if people didn't like it. Zoomers are scared of getting laughed at for being different and they go for the "safe" option, which is some cookie cutter stenciled look made popular by an influencer.

That makes a lot of sense and it's unfortunate but that is why the backbone is so important to have when you're alternative. Again they have it a little easier since in more populated places the alternative look is a lot more tolerated than back then but back then, you really had to have the gumption to rock with it because you really were going against the grain and the reception wasn't always going Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 485194

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So have any of you had to deal with guys fetishizing you because of the whole "Goth GFM" meme that has been circulating for a few years now? It's annoying how this is a thing even though it's nothing really new because there have been men who always fetishized goth women even back in the day but I think the whole "GF" is just a more manipulative way instead of outright sexualizing on the spot like men used to do.

I haven't dealt with it too much personally but to be honest, I don't go out much. But I definitely got it when I used to have Instagram and it would perplex me because my style looks nothing like an e-girl or is overtly sexualized but you know how it goes, these dudes see a woman in all black and dark makeup and will slap that fetishization onto you goth or not (especially the "not" with the women who play into this fetish and aren't actual goths).

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