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No. 317231[Reply]

For anything skincare related.

Previous thread >>>/g/225928
1094 posts and 150 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 438991

Throw it away

No. 439028

I tried their anti-bump exfoliating urea cream, it fucking sucks. No results whatsoever. Give it away, with a warning

No. 439054

No joke, is cerave some sort of psyop or scam? Why is every derm and skincare influencer shilling them in every video the past couple years, when i never even heard of them before that? I've tried a couple of their products and hated both of them, and my skin isn't sensitive in the slightest but they still irritated and dried out my skin. Overpriced as hell for a drugstore product too.

No. 439055

>And I have this Skin Aqua sunscreen I need to get to using before it expires (my Cerave moisturizer sunscreen just isn't running out). It goes on well & doesn't leave a white cast thank god. Why can't Western brands create elegant sunscreens like this?

Skin Aqua is holy grail level. The only sunscreen I've used for years. And it's super affordable too. The essence is more moisturizing, the gel is lighter and smells a bit like alcohol but I love both. No other sunscreen even compares tbh.

No. 439180

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>Why can't Western brands create elegant sunscreens like this?
I've had better experience with this loreal sunscreen than with any of the popular asian ones. No weird feeling/cast on skin and doesn't pill. Way cheaper also.

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No. 297242[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>215102

>Don't forget to stay anonymous. Don't give key details about you like your real name or address. Have basic cyber security common sense.
>Don't organize any type of discord/telegram/etc group in this thread or anywhere else on lolcow. Organize it elsewhere.
>Don't get discouraged if you get ghosted or don't immediately click with someone, shit happens. Keep trying.
>This website is 18+ only, don't post here if you are a minor.

Guidelines to consider:
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
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No. 438657

If I can't say for certain if someone who added me is a man or not, do I still post their discord here to caution people? They have their steam account linked with friends making references to being attracted to minors.

No. 438668

even on the off chance it is a woman no sane person wants to be friends with a woman that hangs out with pedos, may as well post it

No. 438681

Please share. I've also encountered a lot of pickme anons who added me and they were friends with the most lowlife 4chan men ever. You can always tell from the linked profiles on their account (Steam especially), if not they eventually namedrop their 4chan moids in the middle of a conversation, expecting you to act like it's nothing uncomfortable

No. 438710

Alright, @psychiana on discord. I dunno if the minor thing is ironic or not but in any case it was kinda weird to see.

No. 439010

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> Contact
From there we can go to discord
>How long
As long as I remember to check it
CET +1
>Age range
Someone around my age would be best, but it's not a must
>Describe yourself
Shy and calm humanities student. Probably socially inept in some ways. I like to chat and discuss with others. I like learning stuff about people, just curious about the world. I am just very closed off in public, not a fan of putting myself out there
>Hobbies, pastimes
I like going on walks, watching movies, reading books or listening to music. I play some video games too, but not as much. I tend to get tired by them easily. I like to edit videos. Interests include: history, mostly ancient stuff, politics, languages (currently learning German), looking at animals. I paint and doodle a little too and try to cook
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No. 203417[Reply]

thread for talking about and celebrating (or simply being willing to accept, if that's where you are) our bodies in their natural form. completely unedited and unflitered. all bodies welcome - skin conditions such as acne, body hair, stretch marks, fat, lumps and bumps. you name it! all is welcome here.

picture and video editing is becoming more advanced and detecting what is real from what is fake is getting harder. posting of truly unedited pics is highly encouraged. if you know of any online accounts focused around the idea of embracing of the natural self, please share!
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No. 438082

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Bumping this thread since this is a topic that's really dear to me. I'm done with shaving entirely, the last thing I gave up was shaving the light mustache I have. It's hardly noticeable unless someone is really close to begin with so why feel insecure about it? I got a genuine unprompted compliment on it recently and was encouraged to continue to keep it, which made me really happy.

Tbh, sometimes I can't relate to body positivity stuff because it's coming at this angle of "let women be ugly! It's ok to have hideous nasty features!" Which I guess I agree with but I have genuinely grown to have not just neutral or accepting feelings about several things like body hair, stretch marks, and scars but actively positive ones. It makes me feel feminine and kinda naturalistically free. This might sound kinda autistic but when I see wild creatures of the earth with fur and patterns I find it really beautiful and I've evolved to see my own body in a similar light, of course women are more important than animals but my point is that we are still organic beings and not plastic figures or imagined concepts. The grass really is always greener on the other side because I honestly think I'd like to grow a little more, I genetically don't produce much and my hair is straight everywhere so it appears less dense

I admit though that it's easier to be positive about this stuff when you're young and healthy… I hope that I can maintain a confident outlook as I age and my body inevitably changes.

No. 438112

Interesting thread, I'm a total "legbeard" as the moids would put it, never got into the habit of shaving them, never cared, never will.

No. 438123

I agree with you. I think body neutrality is much more relatable than body positivity or people saying “it’s okay to be ugly”. Why can’t I just exist.

No. 438947

20 years of only washing my hair with water and unfortunately it's starting to become smelly and unmanageable, I hope the no-poo method will surprise me in a few more days

No. 438964

I understand being paranoid about parabens and the like but maybe you should switch to an all natural shampoo/conditioner

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No. 434936[Reply]

Previous thread:
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No. 438929

Is it normal that you don't feel anything inside of your vagina? I had sex today for the first time and other than an unpleasant stinging feeling at the start there was literally nothing else except for a slightly uncomfy feeling? I sat on top of him and the guy is completely normal sized and I couldn't feel anything inside, I didn't even realize that it was completely inside me at first. People always rave that sex feels oh so good but it was rather underwhelming and there is literally no pleasant feelings inside the vagina?

No. 438931

I never really understood what the hell roast beef was.

No. 438934

Yes it's common. My first time was also underwhelming. You could try exploring yourself with your fingers in private while you are thoroughly aroused, that's how I figured it out. I have several erogenous spots inside my vagina, enjoy piv and prefer piv orgasm. Obligatory disclaimer that some women don't orgasm from penetration tho and that's ok bla bla

No. 438944

It differs from one person to another. I understand what you mean with the stinging sensation, that happens to me when I'm not aroused or wet enough. I masturbate only with my fingers and never had sex, but I know the sensation you're talking about because that's when it happens. But when I'm really horny and into it after my period is finished and during the time leading up to ovulation, I get super aroused and the stinging disappears completely and I can fit more fingers and it feels so good from start to finish, even the opening itself getting anything touching it is pleasurable. Inside my vagina, I find it most pleasurable when I angle my finger upwards towards my abdomen whether a bit further inside or in the beginning of the canal, and raising my hips upwards really helps tightening it in a pleasurable way and it feels so intense, it's a bit overwhelming at times, so I still haven't orgasmed from it because I chickened out and gave up half way through leading up to an orgasm, lol. But I know that if I keep doing it that way and get used to it, it will be amazing.

No. 439082

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Can a nona recommend some masturbation strategies? I only know how to masturbate by flexing my lower body really hard and tbh it’s not that good and hardly worth the effort. I’m a virgin but I worry that once I have sex I won’t be able to enjoy it because I just do not understand my anatomy. I stuck a finger up my vagina once out of curiosity. I barely got past the first knuckle, and it was painful.

I don’t really get horny except in my sleep. I only really get off sexually while dreaming. I blame this on not having the right man in my life but idk. Anyone relate? Is something wrong with me

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No. 371060[Reply]

Talk about all things perfume, share your favorite scents, and get recommendations.

Previous thread
371 posts and 139 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 438187

Has someone some recommandations for parfum thet smells like nutmeg or cinnamon?

No. 438388

Skip that and get Babycat. I was able to finally get a bottle yesterday and I am in LOVE. It's the sexiest perfume i've ever ha. So good that I broke my "only niche perfumes" rule for it.

How much you want to pay? Kilian's Angels Share smells like that (and apple pie)

I got a 50ml bottle of Erba Pura because when I smelled it in store it was delicious and fresh, and its a total powerhouse since ONE spray is enough for me and it lasts for days. But when I wore it a week later I realized it was just TOO strong for me, so I don't know what to do with it! Tried selling it on fb but nobody wants to buy it :(

No. 438667

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Thoughts on Imaginary Authors? I love how unique and mysterious their scents are. I tried a sampler in the store and noticed the scent still on me hours later. I know the packaging technically doesn't matter, but I love seeing it on my perfume shelf.

No. 438674

I’ve never smelled Lost Cherry but every time I see photos of it my mouth starts watering

No. 438886

Its a bit diy but if you grind cinnamon and put it in argan oil and let that infuse for a few months you have a scented moisturiser. the cinnamon smell stays for a very long time. might not be what youre looking for.

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No. 429453[Reply]

Previous Threads: >>>/g/418638

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.
517 posts and 69 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 438855

Do you not know how to use context clues??? You’re in luck though because I’m feeling generous today. Black people online like to accuse other black people of being yt whenever something is said that they don’t like. You posted that picture of yt ppl trying to look more black or whatever in response to my post. I’m telling you if I were yt I wouldn’t be able to bring up keke and her endeavours because only black people care about what she’s up to like that. And nobody needs your permission to post about anything.I can bring up whoever I want.

And exactly my point. Abbott is for the older crowd. No one in my circle is watching that show and thinking wow this show is so cool I feel so represented!!! Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good show but it’s full of old people.

No. 438873

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THIS OFFENDS ME as a once black little girl with 2 older brothers I can assure you my brothers gave 0 fucks about dbz unless they were playing budokai tenkaichi. it was ME AND MY SISTERS who were obsessed with DBZ and would watch it religiously. Black men don't know shit about dbz fr. Trust me I have talked with many their knowledge is extremely limited and only goes to "i bet they cant beat goku tho" The true dragon ball z fans in the black community our us black women and girls. Stop letting the men steal our thunder. They don't know shit. My brother the other day gonna ask me who would win in a fight Nappa and Radditz or Goku and Vegeta. LIKE WHAT!? 2 niggas that thought super saiyan was a myth vs 2 niggas that can go super saiyan!? Also Vegeta killed Nappa. My brother wouldnt know that because he doesnt watch dbz. Im telling you talk to a black man who claims to love dbz he dont know shit about it.

No. 438911

what race do the black girls you went to school with date?

No. 438990

>And exactly my point. Abbott is for the older crowd. No one in my circle is watching that show and thinking wow this show is so cool I feel so represented!!! Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good show but it’s full of old people.
I hate this kind of attitude. If that's really how you feel then make something yourself? We are in the digital era so be the change you want to see

No. 439045

HBO had that show written and starring a young attractive black woman. Did you like that? I never watched it but I heard it was good

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No. 303045[Reply]

Previous thread: >>170544

Post anything and everything makeup here: product reviews, product questions, cool looks, etc. Thinking of compiling a document with products that get mentioned a lot for future OP posts so feel free to suggest your faves!
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No. 437337

If you like pearl shadows check out natural makeup brands like boho and lavera. They really don’t work well with my eye shape but they’re everywhere in the green makeup world, especially eyeshadow singles.

No. 437764

i love smokey/goth makeup but im really not a fan of that ultra neat, 'snatched' instagram goth makeup, or e-girl/tiktok goth makeup.

does anyone know how to do high fashion type goth makeup? i love a dark/black shadow smokey eye but hate when it looks too overdone or perfect.

No. 438864

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please nonnies help - how do i hide this black eye? this with my concealer. please teach me some tips how to do it

No. 438890

i hope it doesnt hurt too bad <3
besides just trying to get the swelling down with ice, id say to put concealer on your upper eyelid and on the corner of your outer eye. doing that alone will make it quite unnoticable(emoji)

No. 439262

Why are you trying to hide a black eye

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No. 355199[Reply]

A home to post your nerdy crushes here. Whether he just wears nerdy glasses, or if has nerdy hobbies, or is just, a plain nerd.

Previous Thread: >>287864
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No. 435457

>How can a woman be attracted to a morally impure man? You’re supposed to be a prize for well behaving men! Stop having hormones- reeeee!

No. 438590

It's been a few years now and I still think of this girl's brother. I want to push him down the stairs for fun. ♥

No. 438591

Close up.

No. 438609

Late reply but this post is such a weird projection kek a true "so you hate pancakes" moment.

No. 438850

What a cutie anon thank you for sharing

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No. 418500[Reply]

thread #1 >>56468
thread #2 >>199767
thread #3 >>333126

if you're still extremely unsure if you're bisexual, the questioning thread is likely a better fit. talk about your gender preferences, how you discovered you were bi, what's your type in men and women, how you feel in the community, any struggles you've had with bisexuality, etc.
371 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 438838

It's amazing how some farmers assume being bi makes you some kind of maneating siren OF girl by default. I have a single digit body count even though I'm over 30 and have never had a bf in my life but in their eyes I might as well suck 500 dicks a week.

No. 438860

I'm tired of anons immediately calling you a bislut as soon as you mention being bi, I'm still a virgin at 30+ years and it's highly unlikely it'll change.

No. 438930

it’s pretty obviously one schizo. duh most people on this board are KHHV regardless of sexuality

No. 438972

This, they are actual schizos who escaped their containment lel
Saw that niche side of tumblr before and they are genuinely psychosis-tier mentally ill and just like having a scapegoat, either that or painfully edgy retards overcompensating for their shit life. In both cases the seethe for just existing is pretty incredible.

No. 438974

Once I made an off-hand mention of being bisexual so I could AGREE with an anon's point and they replied with a fanfiction about all the dicks I supposedly suck kek, genuine schizophrenia

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No. 366897[Reply]

A place for Asian women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss Asian culture.
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No. 438354

I really hate going outside in my city because the amount of white moids who have given me dirty or perverted looks is vile. I have conventionally attractive features which is nice but it makes me an easy target to their eyes. I want to wear a mask but that'll just get me more curious attention since nobody wears them nowadays.
Kill all porn addict moids.

No. 438824

If you’re invisible to them how do you know their size kek

No. 439035

sometimes I hate being Asian but at least the food is flavorful and I'm not overweight or obese

No. 439402

>self-hating asian
>asian culture = food
>petit asian self-stereotyping
Must be bait. Otherwise, that's pretty sad.

No. 439427

also, the food isn't actually good. Every culture thinks their food is the greatest ever yet when you go to other countries all you see is McDonalds and KFC

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