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No. 445663[Reply]

Discuss goth music, makeup, fashion that you love. People you admire, gossip, news, etc.

previous thread:
492 posts and 139 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 512230

This is cool.

No. 512263

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DIY is the best. It takes time to make something but totally worth it.

No. 512414

Do you have any recommendations for leather paint you like. I've looked at reviews but none are done after the work has been sitting for a while.

No. 512530

What do you all think about this whole "goth conservative" topic that seems to be a thing being discussed in recent times? I've seen a few videos popping up about this topic, funny enough all being made by zoomers who spend too much time on TikTok and maybe it's because I'm a millennial but I really think that this is not a big deal at all and is being blown out of proportion. I understand the history of why back in the 80s through the 90s and 00s why a lot of goths (including myself) tended to be more left leaning since a lot of the conservative & republican side of the political party (here in America) was ruled by Christian &/or Catholic religion and fundamental traditionalism, these were the people who had the biggest issue with alternative looking people regardless of sub-cultural background but I feel like with where the political spectrum is now, its' a lot more nuanced than it was back in those days.

I mean for example, if you're someone who mostly has left leaning views but do not support trans ideology or illegal immigration, you're automatically viewed as a conservative when that is just not true at all. Personally I know I'm still left leaning but I don't agree with the extremism of the far left like the aforementioned topics and while I wasn't thrilled wit hTrump winning the election, I don't act like he's the second coming of the anti-Christ.

No. 512537

Most well recommended and widely available I know about is "Fiebing’s Leather Dye". Pretty available in Europe. It may differ depending on your location. Watch some youtube materials about repainting/painting leather products (boots/shoes included) by people with leatherwork experience and see if you can buy stuff they are using. Also there are different types of finish you can apply after painting. Each gives different look from very matte to more shiny. As for finishing layer - the one containing silicon may accelerate aging of leather.

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No. 475221[Reply]

Previous Threads: >>>/g/429453

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.
606 posts and 120 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 512477

It depends on the country. Some countries have issues with Islam at an alarming level, almost all of them have corrupt politicians willing to sell out their own people in an instant, further worsening the disparities in wealth distribution. Some need their borders redefined, there's a lot of residual tribal conflicts. A lot of people struggle a lot with finding work and often leads to them leaving their country to find work in Europe, the US or in Canada. I know that Dr Congo has an insane exodus rate because of genocide in the east and no jobs being available. When i say no jobs, my dad showed me a picture of a whole entire room filled to the brink with resumes, all from people trying desperately to get a job. There are people who find themselves essentially working as slaves in an unpaid internship with the hopes that one day they will get paid, which isn't guaranteed. This issue is why i personally would never move back to my country of origin aside from insane crime rates from bandit gangs that deter anyone from wanting to set up a business and horribly underpaid police who don't get paid enough to put up with bullshit and will take bribes since they barely get by. Imo, Congo has no chance of improving and getting better as long as it's filled with shitty politicians who go over to other countries to lobby and get them to come and fuck up their country even more, along with willing allowing China to come in and steal resources so they can pump out shitty temu electronics. Idk why anybody would want to move to Africa tbh, my mother who grew up said she even hated her own country because it's filled with criminals and she's not wrong. the only people i know who still live there only do because they can't stand to be away from home or need full time carers which would cost a ton in the US/Europe. Bare in mind this is only one perspective of one country. I just think a lot of people need to manage their expectations about Africa and do research on the particular country they want to move to and avoid Congo, also, you'd need to learn like 3 languages to properly live there and one of them is tonal, kek.
It's not that simple. A lot of the time politicians within the country will also be the one to invite the foreign intervention and countries like the US will comply bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 512527

Become an ugly black best friend so you don’t trigger feelings of envy.

No. 512740

Literally never do this voluntarily, you will be treated like less than garbage when it actually matters and they will ruin your life without even thinking twice. Never never never let an insecure racist keep you around to make them feel better about themselves if you can avoid it.

No. 512981

>insecure racist keep you around to make them feel better about themselves if you can avoid it
If it helps you survive a corporate workplace then why not?

No. 513243

>you will be treated like less than garbage when it actually matters and they will ruin your life without even thinking twice.
Like if you enjoy being backstabbed or thrown under the bus, go on letting an insecure racist weirdo to use you to convince themselves that their life and circumstances aren't that bad because they're not you. It seems annoying yet innocuous until it's not. Especially in a professional setting.

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No. 418500[Reply]

thread #1 >>56468
thread #2 >>199767
thread #3 >>333126

if you're still extremely unsure if you're bisexual, the questioning thread is likely a better fit. talk about your gender preferences, how you discovered you were bi, what's your type in men and women, how you feel in the community, any struggles you've had with bisexuality, etc.
1097 posts and 78 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 510503

Don't be a coward. Talk to her about it first. You're dating a woman that can be reasoned with, not some retarded moid.

No. 510580

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>be me
>want fellow tomboy girlfriend
>can't find one irl because of shit conservative country
>look online
>every site and app is full of male trannies and handmaiden fem women
>only tomboys i can find are tifs and theyfabs
>fuck it, whatever
>make profile that makes it clear i'm only looking for tifs
>tifs ignore it because i'm a woman and all of them are either straight or prison gay with other tifs
>dms flooded with illiterate moids instead

there's no fucking hope for me it's so over

No. 510892

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i feel your pain nona. i went on a friend finder/dating app recently and every woman my age i saw could be put into either of these categories:
>extremely put-together feminine normie straight woman looking for a bestieeee
>"wlw sapphic" she/they caked in tiktok makeup who is "attracted to ALL women and one man - her boyfriend of three years", TERFS DNI!!!
>self-diagnosed autism adhd depression ptsd he/she/it aroace genderfluid hamplanet looking for people to infodump about her fictional blorbos to
my country is somewhat conservative too but tiktok rotted everyone's brains

No. 512455

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Feels bad nonnas. I'm a britbong and recently got Tinder back and I'm honestly surprised by the amount of "baesic" single women on there who seem to be looking for their first same sex experience after having kids. They're sort of like picrel but 10ish% less hyperfeminine, idk how else to describe it

No. 512456


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

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No. 433552[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/378038

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.
879 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 511691

It could be because of your menstrual cycle and hormonal changes.
Okay, I ordered a bodycomposition scale. It even has a handpiece (?) I hope it's accurate.

No. 511715

Toning isn’t a real thing by itself. It just means building a smaller amount of muscle than the super big amount of muscles you’d build if you wanted that area to look huge. It’s still all just building muscle. So if your arms are fat you’ll never get toned arms, as the amount of muscle you’d have to build to show muscle through + your natural arm fat, will give you super big arms. If you want your arms to be slim, but have a tiny amount of muscle showing, such as the “toned arms” of slim women, then you need to lose weight/fat overall. If you’re skinny enough, then yes just biceps and triceps exercises are perfect, but with higher reps and lower weights. Just go on TikTok and search up arm exercises, or ask ChatGPT to summarize a routine. If you’re comfortable using those.
>inb4 TikTok’s a zoomer app

No. 512280

Nonnas, what do you guys wear as headphones? I own airpods but my earholes are small so when I run or even move, they fly out of ears. I recently tried my boyfriend's XM5's and they were the best things I've tried. Noise cancelling, and doesn't have that weird ear popping feel. They're kinda costly at 400$ Canadian, but I really loved it. Anything similar or should I just buy it.

No. 512786

How do you guys overcome persistent cravings? I'll get through the day managing not to give in and go to sleep feeling good but then the next day I'll be thinking about it again and I feel like this goes on until I give in then I'm good for a bit but then it starts again. It's usually junk food that I have to order, I even crave it if the last time I had it it was a let down. I found when I was eating 3 meals a day with snacka, about 2000kcal, I felt satisfied with what I was eating (not to strict but over all pretty healthy) I didn't have as many cravings but that's simple too many calories. Even with lifting weights and cardio I'd lose weight so slowly I feel.

No. 513036

if you want sugar, you could try cherries or any fruit alternative, i go for small ones so i can snack throughout but not have it be too unhealthy

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No. 447644[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive men you would enjoy having sex with.

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No. 510491

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No. 510544

He does look pretty here

No. 511463

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(no kpop)

No. 511993

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wish i was a casting director so i could strictly cast qts like this one. no more scroital bearded specimens

No. 512120

Nta, it's called 'The New Legends of Monkey' from 2018. Character is called 'Font Demon'. Did reverse image search to find out myself

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No. 437064[Reply]

You know the drill
Previous thread >>>/g/404050
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No. 511642

Like I said it's not the exact same thing. Also I'm not linking it but it's an original work (i.e. not fanfiction of anything) and it takes place in a gas station bathroom. That should be enough to find it.

No. 511643

>As in, he’s making fun of you for being a horny loser
yeah basically, in a affectionate/horny/taking advantage of it way

No. 511682

i want an older woman to tie me up, drug me and molest me. i just love the thought of a woman twice my age fucking me against my will, eating me out and thinking I'm cute for struggling and telling her to stop. i have a crazy hard fetish for women in their early-mid 40s. It's embarrassing how much of a turn-on older women are for me. I want wrinkled, perverted cougar lesbian rapists who coax me into a false sense of safety reeeeee

No. 512007

>Funnily enough there is a story on ao3 with nearly this exact premise, although it’s more humorous than sexy.
Ayrt nonna, I'm not asking, I am TELLING you to tell me what the fic is called because I need it

No. 512873

i have a thing for women raping cuntboys, shame all cuntboy content is heterosexual.

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No. 107505[Reply]

This is a thread for crochet and knitting, and other yarn-related crafts.

Anyone starting any new projects or completing old ones? Share some patterns!
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No. 481371

Yep they’re twisted. You might be knitting through the back loop instead of from left to right in the front. Uneven tension between purls and knits is really common, it’s called rowing out and I find it generally blocks out fine. Other than that it looks good nona!

No. 483498

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Fixed my technique! Feels amazing to finally get this right!!

No. 483519

there are so many knit-a-long tutorials on youtube for the sentro! i have a silver reed LK150 flatbed machine, but sort of wish i saved up for the silver reed SK280. what kind of flatbed machine do you have?

No. 511782

I know, I know. Not the designated thread for sharing socials. That's not what I'm doing. Has anyone else heard rumors of a huge pattern sharing discord? I've only seen it in the context of people hand wringing about muh stolen art but no one actually posting invites…

No. 512840

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I've never knit lace before, but I'm kinda obsessed with this pattern from these monster high doll stockings… Is this possible to replicate, like by hand for human scale? I have no idea where I would even start or what to look up. Does anyone maybe know of a similar pattern I could follow to get this shape?

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No. 315174[Reply]

To the lesbian anon with a 2D crush, here is something to consider:
>think of your husbando
>really visualise him
>remember all the things you like about him
>now… ask yourself
>what if there were boobies under there?

Welcome to the Lesbian Hornyposting Yumejo Thread, the illegitimate daughter of the Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting Thread and the Female Fantasies Thread. Here you are free to imagine your favourite fictional woman in any scenario, sexual or otherwise, and post about her to your heart's content. Even better if, in her source material, that woman is a guy.

Example posts
>I just know Komaeda's pussy tastes like battery acid
>I want to fuck Goro Akechi until she is too overstimulated to monologue
>(3 paragraph description of a romantic date with Neku TWEWY which ends in passionate tribbing)

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
697 posts and 323 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 509940

AYRT. Damn it, I've been convinced to give the show another go when I finish my backlog. I don't think she would be a full blown waifu since I've been exclusive to mine for years, but it's been awhile since I had a side blorbo. I want to draw her so bad.

No. 510072

Why do you like horse pussy, anon?(bait)

No. 511539

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Usually I hate shit like this since they're overexaggerated trash but this one actually turned me on, it helps that she's not blushing like a retard or smiling coyly in a way she would never do. I just wish she was drawn with pubic hair too

No. 511542

That's AI. You could try and generate your version with pubes and with a toilet that's not tiny with broken perspective

No. 511695

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I need her so bad. Wish she'd condescend to me and make me feel stupid and powerless. praying she comes back in the last movie even if its only a small appearance

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No. 264598[Reply]

A thread to write about the things you're grateful for, no matter how small it is. Don't be shy to post daily!

"One of the early research studies on gratitude journals by Emmons & McCullough found that "counting one's blessings" in a journal led to improved psychological and physical functioning. Participants who recorded weekly journals, each consisting of five things they were grateful for, were more optimistic towards the upcoming week and life as a whole, spent more time exercising, and had fewer symptoms of physical illness. Participants who kept daily gratitude journals reported increased overall gratitude, positive affect, enthusiasm, determination, and alertness. They were also more likely to help others and make progress towards their personal goals, compared to those who did not keep gratitude journals."

We used to have a thread like this, but it died on /ot/ and I think it could find a better home here on /g/.
Please keep cynicism and sardonic comments to a minimum.
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No. 476904

Thank you Vyvanse, thank you beer, today I'll work without a fear. Thank you mom and thank you dad, your health is good and I am glad. Thank you boss and thank you friend, thank you Foldger's Morning Blend. Thank you cat and thank you mouse, there's furnace heat running inside my house. Thanks to the sun, the moon and the stars, thanks to the people who gave me these scars. Thanks to my ex and my former friend too, I needed to learn to stand up to you. Thanks to tofu and thanks to beans, thank you discount JC Penny jeans. Thanks to my roommate and thanks to my brother, thanks to the illustrator of KoRn's third album cover. I love my friends and I love Sonic, I love a very strong gin and tonic. I'm grateful for winter, I'm grateful for fall, I'm grateful for the wardrobe of Aaron Paul. I love the summer and I love the spring, I love when I get into an argument with Bing. My money is short, my clothing is old, thank you for lead paint and bathroom mold.

No. 476914

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i'm grateful for having friends and family that love me, even if they're not a huge group of people, their love is still there.
I'm grateful for the moments where i appreciate the simple, everyday things in life and they actually make me calm down a bit.
I'm grateful for my cute cats.
I'm grateful for all the moments where i've laughed my butt off with friends, even if i won't see some of them again.
I'm grateful that i'm a healthy young girl and i should be happier about that, honestly.
I'm grateful for my life experiences cause in the end, they make me stronger.

No. 479685

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though I have not been taking care of my body lately, I would like it to know that I am grateful to have it, and I will treat it with the respect it deserves when I have the time to do so. I hope I haven't let you go too far, I will get back to going outside and following my exercise routine soon. I'll read more, because I am grateful to have a brain and I figure that it desires some better treatment as well. I hope all of you are well and will be well. I am grateful to have found such a nice forum for people like me.

No. 484831

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Expressing some birthday gratitude!
>Got birthday wishes at work, even a running gag for the day
>People also respected my wishes of being very low-key, which I appreciate a lot
>My friend paid for my açaí bowl
>My bus wasn't late despite the rain
>Got a lot of gifts from my parents, brother and fiance which I genuinely wasn't expecting at all, they were all pretty nice
>Got a cake and party sandwiches
>Rainy day, not too hot and beautiful full moon at night
I'm so damn lucky!! I can't even express this enough!

No. 511541

Feeling grateful for having finished this drawing that was taking me such a long time to finish. I am now excited to start coloring it tomorrow. It's a gift! I hope she likes it!

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No. 220643[Reply]

A thread for the loners here (all of us). Venting, how you deal with it, how you spend your time etc.
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No. 511277

seeing other women with a big group of nerdy friends they go out to eat with, the park, taking pictures of their anime boy merch makes me so sad. I'm so fucked, so miserable. Even seeing all my online friends having such busy lives, always going out to something, makes me feel dead inside.

No. 511449

if it helps large groups usually end up toxic as fuck nona. Someone will always have drama going on. Small groups are better, and having different 1to1 relationships help explore different sides of yourself with different people. I hope you find your people soon.

No. 511475

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I really mourn the loss of the best friends I ever had, which I havent talked to in 3 years. I remember how I met each of them and all the course of our friendship, I really want them back nonnies, I feel so lonely. Sometimes I dream about them, either we talk again and reconcile or they just act cold towards me. Today I dreamt that I was passing by and made eyecontact with one of them, then we both got so happy and started screaming and hugging, she changed her haircut in my dream and I made a few comments about it. Im very sad today! I feel I will never click with nobody else like I did with them and I just miss them. Every year when my birthday gets close I pray that they say happy birthday to me, but it never happens.
I want to update them about my life, that I had my first kiss and talk about the guy im dating now, see if they approve of him! I want to tell them that I hate my job and how college stresses me. I want them to tell me how their classes are going and how much they missed me. I want to discuss kdramas with one of them and husbandos with another one of them. I get worried when I visit their hometowns, even though a part of me wants to see them just to see if they would even smile at me if we saw eachother. Hopefully they still think about me and feel the same way, hopefully we get lucky and meet again someday!! If we do, we would have a drink and a sweet at a cute bakery, take a pic of our food and post it online (like we used to do when we met). I want to look at another dimension where we are still friends and watch it like a movie. Im done ranting now, sorry if this was cringe, just missing them!

No. 511535

im confused why cant you just message them

No. 511641

Dont have any of their numbers anymore! plus my last message was me begging them to answer me so maybe I wont do that again kek

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