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No. 475221

Previous Threads: >>>/g/429453

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.

No. 475253

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Black women are too beautiful to this world.

No. 475254

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No. 475256

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No. 475257

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No. 475264

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No. 475272

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No. 475332

No. 475347

this aint even a real person, phottoshopped to shit

No. 475361

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Every time someone says this, it just makes me like her a bit more, idk. South Sudanese women are just beautiful, they can't help it.

No. 475422

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I'm trying to avoid the news and just focus on myself. I know I should have done this earlier last term, but I'm serious now. Back in school and the gym. What about you guys?

No. 475793


Who is that?

No. 475823

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Her name is thenyla_ on Instagram. I thought she wasn’t real either at first but she very much is.
This south Sudanese people are the most beautiful people in the world and they are currently being genocided by Arabs who want to take over Sudan. They already took over north Sudan which is why most people assume Sudanese people look Arabic or lighter skinned when they are originally one of the darkest people in the world. This genocide is even larger than Palestine but no one cares because it’s happening to dark people. 100 women killed themselves this past winter after all the men died in that village because they didn’t want to be used as sex slaves.they set themselves on fire. White feminism won’t teach you that smh. Black women we are still suffering the worst of the patriarchy and capitalism. Never forget

No. 475824

I got a new city job and start Monday. I am trying to go back to school by summer but I want my own apartment first I can’t live with my family anymore I will never grow.

No. 475832

i don't go here, but had to stop scrolling because she was so pretty! who is she?

No. 475975

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I knew the mlk files would be pretty bad since we knew he had a white mistress but holy shit moids are absolute dogshit even with the CIA literally trying to suicide bait them.

No. 476216

Eugena Washington!

No. 476221

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I recall seeing the Sudan conflicts so much on the news when they decided to split the country in two and i feel like everyone acted like the problem was solved and moved on. I also remember seeing some cringy tiktok saying that radfems "over focusing" on genital mutilation in Africa was transphobic and promoted gender essentialism so there is very little hope that the plight of black women will ever get the attention it deserves.

No. 476238

As a melanated Stacy I find it cute when non blacks try to knock me down a peg for mogging them.

No. 476279

Gendies and TRAs don’t give a damn about black African women. They’d rather worship males on estrogen than recognize sex based oppression. And they love saying that black African women are just like TIMs kek.

No. 476280

Kek, I don’t really care about being in competition with women, but it’s kind of funny when you can see the jealousy and how they seethe about “a blackie being beautiful”. It’s not really racist per se, but some white women really see their whiteness as an automatic win over any POC.

No. 476346

One of the biggest insults really. Trannies relate to people who get ugly facial tattoos rather than any kind of woman but their idealogues treat their comparison to us as a aha moment because no one involved sees a fellow human in a black woman.

No. 476376

Imagine being more offended but he female part in female genital mutilation

Stupid trannies and their handmaidens were a major reason why trump is back in office and now we have to suffer, fucking hell

No. 476564

>it's not really racist per se
Are you retarded? Someone thinking they're more attractive than black women solely because they're not black themselves is absolutely racist. You need to spend less time on this site if you're starting to bargain with whether or not to label obvious racism as…racism.
Auntie tom.

No. 476688

I expressed myself wrong kek. English is not my first language nonnita.
It’s still racism, just not the out there kind. Is it called a “micro-aggression” maybe?

No. 476691

Kek I love that pic

No. 476721

Not to be doomer but in reality, whiteness is seen as a win over beauty. It's why you'll see POC chasing after and dating the middest of whites. A black woman being beautiful won't stop her getting shot by cops, picked over Beckies, or mainstreamly regarded as beautiful. The comments from both white men and women under articles about black female celebrities are always incredibly cruel and disparaging. Black people roast the shit out of each other, black men value fat white women over slim in shape pretty black women. Truth is blackness is a constant uphill struggle, even in African areas not exposed to white nonsense, colorism is a huge issue and lighter skinned women are still prized over darker skinned women, every singe time. It's honestly sad how many beautiful black women I know who struggle incredibly hard finding dates or men who want them for anything other than a one night experiment. The world is a cruel place for black women.

No. 476732

Thread pic is so beautiful, prettiest woman I've ever seen

No. 476739

Neff from Inventing Anna is a paid, glorified mamm*e and I hate how dedicated she was to this scamming white woman.

No. 476746

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NTA. I'm not going to say the things you're talking about don't ever happen just because I haven't personally experienced them all (maybe I'm just incredibly lucky?), but even with all those risks in mind, I'd still rather be me, a ""pretty"" black girl, than some of these other people I've been seeing around that are (supposed to be) more privileged or "winning over" my kind in a way. Idk, life isn't always so bleak. I wish I could give you a hug nonna

No. 476793

that's why i'm glad there's a study saying 64% of black gen z women are celibate. Most men in general are useless and unattractive. and men in the US despise black women and do nothing for us, so it makes no sense to entertain them. they have more wisdom than i thought. I hope the next study says it's 80%.

No. 476818

Living life as a black woman is hard , but I still don’t want to adopt this doomer mindset. When I had it I was miserable and always felt inferior, but I started thriving and being more happy when I decentered from it all, I know that my life is harder due to my skin color, but if I’m at least able to be in love with myself and take care of myself it’s good enough, I can only change my own mindset.

No. 476819

And like soma non as I’ve said, I’ve just been focusing on myself and bettering myself. I’m studying and I hope I’ll be able to be financially comfortable; I have good friends too, so I’m satisfied.

No. 476821

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Being a black out girl is aaah! its so fucking frustrating I hate it I hate it! Today a woman came up to me and told me my mom shouldn't let me go out with my hair looking so disheveled (Im 23) and that "Us black women need to keep up appearances" or something along those lines. This was an employee at a grocery store…I'm so tired of the looks other black women have been giving me since going natural. I am learning to braid, I literally just washed and blow dried my hair, I was on a snack run so I just went out with my short blown out hair. Anyway I'm gonna attempt cornrows today but I am thinking about buying a wig until my hair gets long enough to actually do shit with again. Starting from scratch is tough, I don't need aunties telling me I look bad. It's not like this was any better when my hair was long but relaxed. One time I was at walmart, checking out at the self checkout. I was looking around waiting for an employee to take something off of the machine for me and I noticed this woman with a little boy in her cart staring at me. I half smiled and looked away but before I knew it she was walking over to me. She came over to me and asked me a very strange question, "Do you like asian boys?" And like an IDIOT I said "Sure. I had an asian boyfriend once." I'm not kidding, she looked me up and down and said "I can tell."…??? Huh? She told me asian guys like black girls who act like black girls and to stop trying to be something I'm not. I was pretty befuddled. I half heartedly said something like "You've got the wrong idea, my boyfriend is mexican" and she gave me this weird smile, she put her hand on my shoulder and followed it up with this weird soft nod like this was some kind of intervention or something. I was so utterly BAFFLED I must have just stood there with my mouth open for a few minutes. When I got into the car I realized why she'd been so concerned. Now I laugh looking back but at the time I was so embarrassed I could die. I had relaxed hair with straight wispy bangs (They were trendy at the time and I wanted to try something new) I'd also been wearing my boyfriends hoodie. It had a dragon on it with some japanese on the sleeves and on the back. I felt so embarrassed when I got into the car. I was wondering if I looked like a weird asian cosplayer to her and started regretting the bangs. Like I guess I can either have bangs or where my boyfriends hoodie but never 2 of those things at once kek. It's nice that older black women are concerned for me, don't get me wrong, it's kind of them to want to look out for me but I'm so tired of it. I try to take it in good faith (I'm guessing they just want to help) but sometimes it feels like they're just concerned about how I make black women as a whole look with my imperfect awkward looks. Like they think "That girl is so disheveled, she's the kind of girl that drags us down." and that makes me feel profoundly insecure when around other black women. I always wonder how I can avoid looking like a freak in the eyes of my own ilk. I wonder if women of other races go through the same thing, my korean friend said something similar happens with older Korean women but it doesn't seem to be at the same level of insane invasiveness.

No. 476877

are you implying that singleness is voluntary and not simply caused by shortage of quality men and the innate guard that black women are forced to develop for self preservation? newsflash but most women, nay people, don't want to be alone. its actually a very unnatural phenomenon. I'm pretty sure nearly all of those black women wouldn't mind a handsome wealthy husband who spoils them. people are lonelier and more unhappy than ever.

No. 476882

the singleness is voluntary for black gen z women because they realize how much men hate them and how useless and repulsive men are. most men are not handsome or wealthy anyway, so they're not missing much. being alone is not the same as being single when you have a whole network. and even then, being alone is better than being with a man who hates you and sees you as biologically inferior because of your race.

No. 476895

that sounds like another psyop to keep black women down, asexual, alone, touch starved, forced to be 'strong and independent'. other races of women get spoiled, simped for, romanced, etc. why should black women be forced to suck it up and forego the basic human experiences of love and relationships?

>the singleness is voluntary for black gen z women

and what are your stats to back that statement up?

No. 476896

Truth is non-black women have tried to force the asexual foreveralone cucked Mammie role who raises the non-black woman's children onto black women for centuries. Every generous, caring, loving man that ends up with a black woman is one less quality man for themselves, and they can't have that.
Every beautiful black woman who recognizes her value and believes she is entitled to the best treatment is a direct threat to the non black woman and a form of competition. Non-black women benefit greatly from keeping black women at the bottom of the pile in order to elevate themselves. They're fine with black women never experiencing being wined and dined, indulged, flattered, treated well, romanced, or having high expectations. That would only take more attention, love and indulgence away from themselves. Non-black women live to sabotage black women through fake empowerment. It's also why you'll see them shoving obese black women in undies in ads to try and reinforce the idea that BW are unattractive and low value. The Wicked movie was a perfect example of that. Pretending to be woke and about acceptance and humanizing the other, while also deliberately pushing the contrasting imagery of the pure angelic blonde white woman vs the ugly black ogre woman that we're supposed to pity. Non-black women excel at this backhanded behaviour against BW and it's vile.

No. 476899

>The Wicked movie was a perfect example of that. Pretending to be woke and about acceptance and humanizing the other, while also deliberately pushing the contrasting imagery of the pure angelic blonde white woman vs the ugly black ogre woman that we're supposed to pity.
Nta but both of the characters mentioned in the above are average looking.

No. 476901

Most women of other races don't get spoiled, that's a delusional fairtytale. most women in the US have to work and split bills 50/50. more women of all races are paying alimony. And almost 50% of women have been sexually assaulted by a partner in their sleep.

No. 476910

agreed. we all just get varying degrees of shittiness from men, I think the only difference might be for other women is that men take longer to show them their true colors. It sounds warped but I think we're at an advantage on that end with knowing where men stand with us tbh

No. 476929

I don’t think it’s about that. It’s about the optics. People who are raised with the mass media and propaganda culture of black women=lesser are more inclined to punish black women who don’t fit that mold or even treat them badly because they’re modeling things they see. And when people think you’re inherently undeserving you’re expected to do more for less.

No. 476943

if people are dumb enough to let media form all their opinions about bw, they're doing you a favor weeding themselves out

No. 476945

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Yeah, they want to take you down a couple of notches and put you in what they see as "your place". Some start getting triggered and genuinely think that if things are going well for you (whether it be in finances or beauty), it means they must be literal serfs of the earth, or that you somehow snatched something they "deserved". They shouldn't be entertained.
People, at large, are very retarded and easily malleable through media conditioning. I don't hold it against them (humans are just animals), but it has to be noted, and it's why I've never fallen for copes that "representation doesn't matter!!1". In fact, the people who seethe the hardest when black women talk about how we're portrayed (even in our own spaces) are typically the main ones who have sperg fits about how their own demographic is viewed by the public at large these days (eg white men who feel like they're constantly and solely being made the butt of jokes in movies and TV shows, black men who think they're constantly being "emasculated" in the same media, white women who see white men on Twitter make jokes like "white women amirite?" to feel better about themselves and face little to no social punishments, etc).
I don't like it when black women deliberately play into stereotypes for personal gain because I feel like it harms all of us (the ones who do it with our most damaging stereotypes and help to dehumanize us are basically enemies IMO), but I understand it. I think it's good for black women to be aware that a lot of these people (not all) operate on some kind of bizarre cartoon cookie-cutter logic instead of reality. It's not a simple matter of not seeing you as human, they literally design a blueprint for you in their heads and range from pleasant surprise to confusion and rage if you don't conform to it. It's literally more effort for them to view you as an individual person than it is to craft these bot-tier narratives. You can either be upset, ignore it, purposely distance yourself from them or try to figure out how to use it to your advantage. I don't really fault any option. It's really weird, and it took me a while to accept these things because I was raised to think people are just people, not "types", and that I could assume others felt the same looking at me (very naive, but it helped me in some ways, and kept me from becoming too jaded).

No. 476971

>figure out how to use it to your advantage
Black women who profit from anti black racism (e.g. Candace Owens) throw every other BW under the bus for their own personal gain.

No. 477015

>Other races get spoiled
I need every divestment black girl to go actually make some non-black friends instead of getting envious at whatever superior treatment y'all think they’re all experiencing. Like the things separating you from being “spoiled” isn’t race, it’s class. The spoiled white girls have access to rich scrotes, same as the baddie ATL type girls who date rich black boys. Your fantasy isn’t happening not because you’re black but because you’re middle class. Go be pretty enough to be plucked by a richer dude, or go spend so much time in rich people spaces, making friends with rich black kids, that one of them catches feelings for you, despite you being mid. There. But stop fantasizing about some random Ashley’s life with men when her experience with men is also boring and pathetic. Lmao, you see white girls crashing out on TikTok everyday on about how their men don’t do enough for their birthday, Valentine’s Day, don’t plan dates, not emotionally available etc. You’re envying the wrong demographic. You’re looking across, start looking up.

No. 477021

Dumb people don't weed themselves out. There is no place in the world comprised of all the smart people. You will deal with dumb people at your workplace, in your home, in whatever organizations, shops you go to. It’s not about their opinions frankly it’s how their opinions affect your opportunities.

No. 477025

but YOU can cut them out of your personal life or ignore their existence as soon as they say something stupid. work and home? stop living with racists and get a remote job. Or trade crypto or start dropshipping. you have options. and you don't need to be in an organization with dummies either.

No. 477028

Yeah, I agree. I don't really know where this narrative that on average, women of other races easily get spoiled without even trying comes from, besides lack of experience and internalized inferiority complexes. IMO it's not much different from when white people claim we get free everything and endless opportunities because we're black women. For both viewpoints, you have to be disconnected from reality and only pay attention to what emotionally touches on you to end up believing it.
Men drag women of all races through the mud, and said women will be the first to announce it when they feel emotionally safe to do so.

No. 477037

>black men value fat white women over slim in shape pretty black women
Statistically, the most successful/wealthy black men (all men, really) marry within their own race and are more attracted to fit/slim women, but porn addicts and incels try to obscure this fact to scare the women of their own respective races into "behaving well" and pedestalizing them. It's always the same script of "This other group of women are so much better and more submissive, I will leave you for them" (eg white incels love to attack white women by saying this about Asian women).
The kinds of black men who make a huge show of preferring white or other non-black women over black women largely end up treating those women as poorly as the "inferior" black women (eg single motherhood, cheating, domestic violence - this is according to data on interracial relationships). I think this is further compounded with the obesity aspect. The type of man who'd go after an obese woman over one of a healthy weight is typically not very desirable, forward-thinking or stable to begin with, but the extra hurdle of a racial and/or cultural difference would also indicate poor planning. Tbh, outside the stats, actually listening to how black men discuss this killed any narrative of other women "getting the good black men" for me. The way so many of them brag about relying on those women (and sometimes even their families) for money, how "easy" and open to all kinds of sex they are, etc is fucked. I know men say things about us too, but I don't want to be seen the way black fetishizing males see white women. It really is some sadistic ego/pump and dump or "carry my baby, fuck you" game to a lot of them.
I also don't comprehend the white pickme types who pine for it. Maybe they're just unaware of what goes on (which I kind of doubt, the information is everywhere by now), they just don't know what these men are saying, or they don't care because they like the sex. Either that, or it's not just that they specifically look down on black women and think they'll be treated differently, they also feel like they're better than other white women up until they get their wake-up call.

No. 477049

but even if you do manage to get a wealthy guy, life still isn't cupcakes and rainbows, a moid is a moid regardless of wealth, it will never actually be spoiling, it comes with a cost.

No. 477155

Do you have a remote job? You still have superiors. Even if you own a business, you have clients. Also, some of them have enough common sense to not go spewing their awful opinions. They get it out through tiny ways. You won’t even know till it’s too late.
Unless you literally live in a homogenous place in Africa you will inevitably deal with the repercussions of our lack of social capital. Anyway, the best thing to do isn’t to isolate yourself the best thing to do is increase your social, financial capital to the best of your ability and if you’re socially aware enough, you can spin this to your advantage and weed out the racists. Money can couch you from racism but it won’t get rid of it completely.

No. 477179

Right, but remote work or being self-employed is still a lot better than being bullied IRL. that's the point. finding an alternative way to live is better than wallowing in self pity.

No. 477184

Devils advocate: will you learn to enforce personal boundaries if you only work remotely?

No. 477201

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Saw this on Twitter. I assumed it was a horror, historical tragedy or something. It’s a romance. The writing is so shit and I don't understand how any Black woman (or any woman in general) could find this sexy.

No. 477202

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This is the author Jamila Jasper.

No. 477203

Yes, through therapy

No. 477209

I don't understand why this biracial woman is specifically and seemingly exclusively writing black women for her fetishes and fantasies. Tbh, I don't even see why she'd have this insane raceplay fetish. I don't care about the one drop rule, dating white men shouldn't be any more out of the ordinary for her than dating black ones because both races are part of her immediate family.
Apparently, her mom is white and her dad is black too. I really wonder.

No. 477211

What is this bullshit kek? It sounds like a virgin white chaser wrote it.

No. 477212

>her mom is white and her dad is black too
This combo somehow always produces retard, the one exception I can think of is Zendaya.

No. 477217

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From her website.
That's nice of her and everything, but can't she just write nice stories? On the representation thing, maybe include both black and biracial women as sisters or friends? Stuff that isn't fucked up interracial porn? Whatever happened to The Cheetah Girls lol

No. 477220

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Who is buying these?

No. 477226

It's gross. IMO everyone should date whoever they want, I just can't stand raceplay people. Imagine if people did this intraracially and sperged over like, their spouse being Habesha while they're Dahomey, or being fucking Occitan while their partner is Sami. In fact, why stop at ethnicity? Let's extend it to eye, nose and foot shape, too. Monolid/double-lid dark romance, hunter eyes/prey eyes omegaverse, Egyptian feet/Greek feet mpreg, Roman nose/e-girl nose proshipping. Shit is so fucking autistic.

No. 477247

Black girls fucked up lowkey by overly complaining about being "fetishized" by non-black moids to be honest. Now, as a radfem I don't really care about scrote validation as caring about it strongly is ant ethical to my core values of female liberation. But if I were strictly to think about this from a young black girl's perspective who'd want more confirmation of her desirability from more than just taper-fade wearing black men, then yeah those conversations lowkey could've ostracized us away from a larger dating pool. Fetishization is real and can be especially egregious when a moid dates you because they have a caricature of you they want you to play. But I also remember a few years back, online where mid-20's to 30's black women were complaining LOUDLY if a non-black man was heavy handed with the compliments. A white man earnestly saying "God, Black women are so sexy, I've always wanted to date one." Would've had all of black twitter firing up their mentions for days, and would've had academic black women writing tweets long thinkpieces or tiktok videos. Reread that earlier sentence again, but replace "Black" with "Asian" or "Latina." All of a sudden the sentence sounded less malicious right? Now replace it with "Brazilian" or "French". Still feels less weird, why? Because those other groups of women wouldn't fight every single fetishy comment ever made online, especially the less creepy or delusional ones. Latina's are fetishized for being "fiery" but you don't see anyone but the 'latinx' Latin Americans screeching online about how it harm's them. They either lean into it, or ignore it, and continued doing so for so long, until considering their group as sexy and desirable from moids of all races became commonplace. Ya'll started getting mad at every Connor who wanted ya'll. Which I get, because white people's intentions are always suspicious, but ya'll did that shit so loudly ya'll killed the oxygen in the flame of desire before it could really spread. Non-black moids aren't part of our race, and don't know many of us intimately, what did you want them to say? That they were sexually attracted to us because of our hobbies or something? No, they could only describe the cause of their desire, with what they could see, which is that Black women were "physically" attractive. That's why all these terms: 'Brown, Black, thick, sexy, rich, dark, chocolate, fine.' come up in their vocabulary and nothing meaningful or deep. All I'm saying is that maybe some of the zoomer black girls today, would've been on their third shaggy brunette haired Tyler if ya'll let those little boys fantasize a little longer like…
Ya'll wanted to fight them for calling us "thick, ebony, chocolate etc" Got ya'll wish lmao, because now they're back to calling us what they been calling us. Which is intimidating, so idk ya'll…obvs this isn't a perfect theory, just thinking out loud.

No. 477255

having a scrote view you as a novelty fleshlight is not flattering at all

No. 477259

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black women are hypocrites about fetishization when it comes to skin color. if a man likes a woman darker than him, it's a fetish. if he likes a woman lighter than him, it's a preference or type. it's obvious low self-esteem talking. women who think they're this repulsive should not date and just stay celibate the rest of their lives.

No. 477264

Interesting how these posts are made immediately after that nasty, poorly written fic above was posted

No. 477265

Reread >>477259 and try again

No. 477280

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It's because black women on Twitter (and on certain black news publications) are obsessed with being woke and proving their allegiance to black men. Unfortunately, there's no reward to it because moids, as a rule, don't really care about anything that isn't directly benefiting them. They'll come out for fellow black men, but they're largely not going to raise the torch to support black women en masse, and a sad number of them are happy to sell us out for pennies and validation from white/non-black people. I still remember when black women started that #BlackBoyJoy thing to uplift black men in their lives (especially their sons), and how to this day, black men who live on Twitter and speak on "black issues" have done nothing of the sort in turn. Like, they can't even be on code with the good-natured little bits of internet activism and goodwill, but black women are out marching for them IRL and sacrificing their whole lives to carry their stupid seed, even when they have no money or are in poor health.
No other race of woman is so loyal to their male counterparts that they'd not only reject other men and constantly seethe about being fetishized by them, but also debase themselves to the point where they happily accept the label of whore/baby mama at the exact same time (see: rap culture), insist that sort of fetishization/objectification and abuse is empowering and defend it with stupid cope arguments about how marriage simply "isn't part of black culture" and that the pimps exploiting them/their daughters are "actually guiding young black girls". These women even take it upon themselves to do mate-guarding for black men by bashing both black and biracial women and calling them "white man's whores", traitors, etc for dating white men. I've never seen this kind of mentality outside of horrible Arab states that tolerate shit like child marriage. But let those same black men tell it, black women are all disloyal sluts and "bedwenches" regardless, kek.
Normal, high self-esteem women just see compliments, accept what's positive, reject the destructive/negative and go, but shea butter twitter wants black women constantly doing political labor, always in the fucking trenches fighting for or with someone, maintaining position in the mammy/slave/warrior class, broodmares and underdogs holding up the world. They think it's noble to be miserable and act as the stand-in for "ugliness" in society. It's like they get some sort of martyr's high from it, and resent anything that challenges that notion. It's so dumb. I can't really blame them, some of them learned to make money through these "self-victimizing grifter" tactics they picked up from people with last names ending in "berg" or "stein" in university, and half of them would be jobless if they couldn't follow the pattern (write think pieces that make all social situations worse, write new think pieces complaining about the result, worsen things even more, rinse and repeat).

No. 477307

retard, imagine thinking wanting to be treated humanely and normally is a sin. No one normal ever calls white girls "mayo babes" or something stupid like that. The fact that men struggle to give normal compliments to black women is proof they can't conceive of us as normal human beings

No. 477308

fuck off can dance owens, again with the jew whining

No. 477310

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I want her to fucking die, hope her precious white man t-bones her car and she suffers from permanent brain and spinal damage an she can never write this fucking drivel again. Dead serious(a-logging)

No. 477315

>Reread that earlier sentence again, but replace "Black" with "Asian" or "Latina." All of a sudden the sentence sounded less malicious right?
Not really. Yellowfever moids and the ones going on about "big booty latinas" are rightfully mocked
Plus the self esteem argument makes no sense, women with high self esteem expect basic decency and respect

No. 477316

Idgaf, you fuck off and eat a rubber. I can't stand Candace Owens because she's a pickme and I hate Sexy Redd and shea butter pickme twitter even more. As for "the jews", the truth is the truth. There are normal Jewish people, and there are obnoxious faggots infesting universities with stupidity. We all know which is which by now.(infighting)

No. 477324

Am I applying double standards if I am more bothered by anti-black racism from a black person compared to someone who isn’t black?

No. 477325

samefag, you think latinas are genuinely mocking men for saying they have big booties? Oh you're dizzy

No. 477326

it's preferred to them calling you a she-beast. So yeah, try again.

No. 477329

samefag, and I love you nonna. I found myself nodding along to every single sentence. You didn't miss once. I love the way you articulate yourself because every sentence was a (positive) smack in the face, set my head on right. Especially when you said that black women "mate-guard" for black men by shaming black women who date out. It's so true! Just in the last thread alone there was a black anon shaming another black girl because she said "I prefer dating white boys to black boys." That black anon was seething, telling her that same boring old script of "it must be self-hate, how can you not be attracted to your own people?" Thankfully some other nonnas told her to shut the fuck up and stop looking for proof of socially taboo explanations to define a black girl's likely attraction. Leave that caping shit on black twitter. Also reminds me of the thought experiment I had earlier where I imagined that if I told a small crowd of black people my age that I like white boys you'd see the girls turn up their nose in disgust, and start bickering with me, before the black boys would even get a word in. That's how retarded black women are, to be offended on behalf of black men… not being able to fuck me. Also to add this discussion, I was thinking about how the "#black love" era on twitter wasn't even about black love, it was a political middle finger to whatever imaginary white man those black girls who made those posts were imagining in their head. Black women live their life through political campaigns and political optics, and get mad when other black women like me don't want to roleplay the same life as them. These women were so hurt when black men didn't join them in their "revolutionary, us against the world, dystopian YA novel" black love idealizations. Black men chose their personal sexual desires over this live action roleplay, and black women looked foolish as fuck letting those men call us "bitter, jealous, bald" 3,000 times before it clicked in their head that black men didn't bind themselves to some imaginary race loyalty for their choice in partners or even friends, like we did. They weren't holding themselves to some stupid pro-black soldier oath like we were, and those black women became hurt when the men refused to play along. No ones wasting their one life on earth, during the kindest century ever to exist for black people in years, to bind themselves to cosplaying members of the black panther party, instead of actually living their lives. Realizing that black men enjoyed the mandingo dick fetishization as it affirmed their manhood, loved dating out and didn't think they owed us anything just for sharing a race, and thought we were bitter busy bodies who couldn't ever mind our own business, and enjoyed disparaging us in front of non-black women in order to boost their ego up, was a much needed wakeup call for black women. Slow ass group who need people to be outright cruel and violent to us before we learn to stop caping and just be selfish with our lives and happiness. We seriously ruined our optics the past few years. Black men were happy to let us do it too, in their little groups with non-black men saying "black women are such sjw's, they're annoying and bitter as shit."

No. 477332

leave if you're not black

No. 477333

Nobody irl calls us this get off the internet. Literally only 5'4 incels do this

No. 477334

>get made fun of for constantly complaining about jooz
>y-you're not black for making fun of me!
The state of lolcow everyone

No. 477335

Are you dumb you faggot? No one's calling white women they're attracted to "mayo babes." the same way no one's calling us nutella babes, because no one says those phrases as compliments. But don't lie, they absolutely describe white women as "snow bunnies" right now. They also describe them as "porcelain skinned" "skin like milk" etc. Exaggerating the metaphors when describing women's skin tone isn't unique to black women you dumb fag. But when they call black women "ebony skinned." "chocolate skinned." or even "black goddess" ya'll be sharpening your pitchforks. Dumb ho's are going to beg to be called "nubian" again when this trump presidency has everyone comfortably calling us tranny's.(infighting)

No. 477336

and are black women and young girls not on the same internet to see it? Are they not also witnessing and comparing how other races of girls aren't getting hit with such cruel insults by people? Like what is this retarded "get off the internet" cope, as if this is 2006 when it was just pockets of weirdos on the internet and not a network in 2025 that every fucking human participates in. According to this anon things said on the internet never make their way into real life.

No. 477337

you're definitely not black. Shoo ugly

No. 477341

Agreed. They probably think all those young girls should just "get over it" (eg internalize it in silence and pick-me hard for black men to "prove a point").
>According to this anon things said on the internet never make their way into real life.
Literally. Boys say and repeat all that garbage to their face in real life anyway, so the "It's just the internet" nonsense is just that. The "your body, my choice" shit leaking into schools should've been a wakeup call.

No. 477342

samefag but I really despise the "it's only happening on the internet therefore it's not real" argument. They have pronouns as part of university policy now, as if that didn't literally start from troons on the internet aggressively complaining online about how bad it is to assume people's pronouns without asking. There's also a pendulum swing towards conservatism happening right now, that's been brewing on the internet for years if you've been paying attention. Yet you're convinced that no rhetoric circulating the internet will ever have an impact on the real world?
You have to have a record breaking low IQ, to genuinely believe that in 2025. After everything that's happened in the past decade alone.

No. 477343

NTA. Are you Jewish? Get over it lol, no one said shit about all Jews here but you right now.

No. 477344

It's the same jew baiter who had a meltdown a few months ago. just ignore and report from now on whenever you see her/him mention jews out of nowhere

No. 477345

This! Like teachers are complaining that boys are more aggressive to girls in classrooms nowadays because of Andrew Tate rhetoric coming across their feed. Do they want these young black and non-black boys to start picking up new slurs to call black girls in class? The internet literally molds how even adults see other humans, nevermind youth. Instead of seeing young black girls and women as nice or cute, or fun or friendly, pretty etc like the other female peers, their brains will be uniquely primed to see them as target practice for cruel racist jokes they learned online. That anon was brain-dead.

No. 477346

can't there be a middle ground to this? why are the only options either extreme insults or extreme fetishism

No. 477349

being called chocolate is not extreme fetishism. Relax.

No. 477357

On /ot/ they are. Maybe it's different on social media idk

No. 477378

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I think a lot of you need to go outside and stop doom scrolling on the worst apps known to man. Men say the worst shit about women they know they can’t get. I know the kids are being cruel and saying it to black girls but that’s why you gotta teach black girls how to roast. No boy popular or otherwise could step to me as a kid because my roasting game was Immaculate. Popular boys even started to respect me because I knew how to come for their insecurities by simply studying what made them tick and using it against them. Did it almost get me beat up? Sure but did I earn respect and they stopped coming to me with disrespect? HELL YEAH. Start teaching black girls the art of roasting again. As an adult it’s always been crickets irl because men have conned y’all into believing they have racial types. THEY DONT. Even the most racist man has been obsessed with and fallen for me because at the end of the day I’m a pretty woman with a soft voice, hourglass figure and witty humor. A lot of you don’t use your “fetishization” to your advantage and it shows. I always use it to get me jobs,raises, get out of work etc, the caveat is to never stop being yourself and advocating for black women starting with yourself. The second a man compliments me by bringing other black women down I make sure to embarrass him by saying I do that too. I do the same thing if a man from another race brings down their women to uplift me. I don’t play their games but I will play the “I’m just a girl” game to get what I want. Personally I don’t have a type and never have. Fine is fine and has no racial lines. But I’m currently with an Asian guy and he’s never called me no “chocolate queen” the most he’ll do that i guess is fetishy is that he is obsessed with my ass. He likes smacking it and touching it. But I have a big butt so everyone does that to me even girls kek. But he is also equally obsessed with my legs because they are skinny. In fact dare I say he likes my legs more than any other body part. One time I wore a long maxi dress that was figure hugging and showed how big my butt was and he literally pouted and said “why would you wear such a long dress I can’t see your legs”. A black man would’ve seen how nice my ass looked and thanked me kek. I was shocked because black men love long figure hugging dresses as long as it shows the butt curve. This proves my theory true that all guys just have a body type and not a race type. They just use race to guilt trip women from their race into being loyal to them. But I’m telling you every date I’ve gone on with an Asian wether they were FOB or American as soon as they saw my legs they couldn’t stop touching me and wanting to be with me. Race be damned. Black guys love thick curvy women and appealing to nonblack men’s types. White guys love oppression, boobs and hair. Latino guys I haven’t done the research on them but I feel like they like hair ass and tits. But Asian guys I know for a fact like long skinny legs. Honestly Asian people in general and randomly white women go crazy for my thigh gap kek. It’s interesting how different races view women’s bodies. Whatever body type you land on find what group of men like it and go from there. It’s never steered me wrong. I think I don’t attract black men as much as other races of men because while I do have a butt and boobs I’m too skinny and I don’t have thick thighs. I think that’s what black men like more than anything is thick thighs. Notice how they always date thick versions of every race of woman. Men have body types! I think we all do but we’ve all memed ourselves into having racial types when again Fine is fine!

No. 477388

Fetishization is only useful if the stereotypes are beneficial. Unfortunately, ‘hypersexual aggressive woman’ is not a beneficial stereotype. Regardless how other people view us as romantic partners is a reflection of how they perceive our social capital much more than it is about personal preferences. Sexual preference≠ romantic preference.

No. 477398

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I’m inclined to agree with you, but I just hate the idea of saying white guys are the best type of guys. You’re like “oh this is the largest group of men, you have to go out with them and pander to them.” And I feel like there’s this sentiment that you can never really be honest with a white guy. I get that trying to speak for black guys has not been the best plan, but I feel like running to the other side is just stupid. There are anons defending that pro-slavery bwwm drivel upthread. I think many black women just need a long time to just be alone self reflect and actually learn to love themselves first.

No. 477404

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I think this is the real reason we push back so hard. There is no benefit to us being stuck or forced back into our stereotype. Stupid, slutty big booty retard? Who wants to be seen like that? That’s why I encourage younger black women to focus on education and fitness and therapy.

No. 477476

The most boring humble brag to read ever.

No. 477487

>That’s why I encourage younger black women to focus on education and fitness and therapy.
Why not include love as a goal?

No. 477495

Even now, on the topic of fethisization yall can’t help yourselves but to create a more dramatic boogeyman version of the examples anons used earlier. Anons were saying that being called “beautiful, ebony, chocolate” by non-black men isn’t that deep and didn’t warrant angry mobs. Unlike other, more harmful fetishistic stereotypes. And now ya’ll schizophrenic asses are shifting the conversation to “big booty retard jezebal” because you’re so committed to the paranoia of thinking the sky is falling everytime a non-black person interacts with you positively instead of ignoring your existence or being rude to you.
>being called chocolate isn’t that deep. We need to loosen up on what we call fetishization.
>it’s the same as being called a fat booty mammy jezebal retard!! Stay guarded!
No one’s asking you to kiss white male feet, we’re just saying stop having pitchforks up at the ready at the slightest hint that someone’s attracted to us. You guys are always looking over your shoulder like someone’s out to get you by saying ya’ll have big butts, or your complexion is beautiful. Mind you this was shit ya’ll was BRAGGING about having “naturally” all over the Internet for YEARS, now you’re fuming because the men who are attracted to you started using the same language you used to describe yourselves?
Black women:
>we’re the only race that has X,Y,Z
Non-black men:
>I want black women because they’re the only race that has X,Y,Z
Black women:
>no that’s bad.
Just because some black girl online had a Twitter storytime about having a racist boyfriend, doesn’t mean the rest of us have to stay guarded the moment a white boy even so much as smiles at us.
The black men be fetishizing your wide hips and fat asses, and y'all jump up and cheer. Black women fetishize the men’s big dick, and say that “I want a man who has dark skin, and white teeth” shit. Which is fetishization as well.
Now if a non-black man says he wants black girls because of their nice skin, hair, and big ass, the whole community, but black women especially, will shame him until he represses it. But if a non-black woman, wants black men’s big dicks, and their dark skin, black men RUN to hop in their pussy. Ya’ll will be seething in the corner by yourselves because you thought this “getting angry with non-blacks for being attracted to us” shit was gonna be a group project. Kek.
You wanted to be acknowledged for the desirability of your natural features, until more than just black men started finding that desirable. Now yall crying online about how other races get chose. Maybe take a page out of their book and let the compliments go to your head, gas you up and pad your self-esteem. Unless you’re a radical feminist monk committed to never seeking validation from your desirability, then stop pretending not being loudly desired won’t make y'all feel more confident, especially when it’s not that creepy. It does for black men, it does for white “everybody wants us” women and men, it does for latinas, and it does for Asian women. But ya’ll want to be in the invisible pile alongside Indian men.

You guys are such cucks.

No. 477499

I’m actually mad you came into this thread just to write the most painfully dull blog post on lolcor. I wasted all that time reading just to read
>I’m skinny with a big butt!
Repeated in 6,000 different ways.

No. 477505

nobody here defended black men, non-black men were only mentioned because that's what the original post was about. i can't speak for the other anons but personally i get annoyed when black men say this stuff too.
>But if a non-black woman, wants black men’s big dicks, and their dark skin, black men RUN to hop in their pussy.
that's because men in general are desperate and will fuck anything. not everyone wants to be like them. also consider that the women bragging about butts or whatever aren't the exact same women who are against it. people aren't a monolith

No. 477522

Sorry you are illiterate with a flat ass. Try Pilates and a book club!

No. 477540

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I want to be desired for who I am, as a person. I don’t want to be looked at through stereotypical lens. I try to judge people case by case, but I fear today is the worst time to date. It was easier to do to date in the 1990s.

I see myself as a normal person and I’m attracted to normal people. I want a normal person to be attracted to me.

No. 477543

This. Literally stop the hyper-autism around "fetishization".
>You're very beautiful, your skin looks like chocolate
>Aww haha thanks
Done, it doesn't matter. We do have pretty skin, nice bodies and super curly hair. These aren't bad to acknowledge unless the person is being disrespectful. It's not the same as actual racism and the "big booty retard" fetishization, it's so insane how weird autists psyopped so many black women into thinking being found pretty by anyone non-black is evil or fake. It's fine.

No. 477555

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No. 477564

I don't want o be called slurs or chocolate. Even a "you're cute!" is much more meaningful than the -igger/hotep approach

No. 477571

I just don't see the comparison point between slurs and the word "chocolate". Golden brown and super dark tones are beautiful, especially when they're well-maintained. In the same vein, "Your skin's like porcelain" isn't considered an insulting comment on white fragility or something when said to a white person, it's just that porcelain is pretty.

No. 477572

Ayrt, you’re in the black girl thread and you thought “sorry you have a flat ass!” is a viable insult to use? Kek, the irony.

No. 477586

mods should just shut down this thread

No. 477597

No they shouldn’t and stop mini modding

No. 477618

NTA but I don't think it's about the word itself, but the way it's said. Like this >>477543 sounds fine imo but >>477201 in the screencap is way too vulgar

No. 477838

Seriously this shit is just cringe at this point

No. 477846


No. 477931

It’s rarely obvious how most men who call black women chocolate typically are sexualizing them. It’s not inherently a bad thing but it would be dumb to not acknowledge the connection there.

No. 477955

My thing is if someone you are interested in or not calls you chocolate and it makes you feel uncomfortable TELL THEM. People won’t know that they are making you uncomfortable if you don’t tell them right then and there. A lot of Black women like being called chocolate and refer to themselves as such. So it makes sense if other people do it too. I just don’t see the issue when more dangerous words like bed wench and mammy are being used to describe us online.
It’s just funny to me that you refute having a flat ass and that’s where you feel the most offended but you don’t refute being called illiterate you don’t even bring it up. I would personally be more offended at my intelligence being questioned but that’s just me kek.

No. 477960

Womp womp

No. 477961

No. 477997

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NTA but screenshot gives an idea of the story

No. 478201

Tried to find out if she participated in any other roles, but nothing showed up. I wouldn't be suprised if she got blacklisted. Based on what she's said about her childhood sexual abuse, her life sounds horrible. Hope that she is happier now

No. 478222

Would any of you say you have low self esteem or nah?

No. 478235

Does anybody remember that link to a blog an anon posted a few threads ago where a black woman wrote excellent points about how black women deny not loving their own hair? I would ask in the appropriate /ot/ thread but maybe that same anon still lurks in this board

No. 478247

I think it's average for me. I can get pretty gloomy sometimes, but at the end of the day I don't genuinely hate myself

No. 478263

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>south Sudanese people are the most beautiful people in the world(racebait)

No. 478264

Perfect skin and beautiful teeth in spite of poverty. I feel sorry for racists.

No. 478312

I’m sort of getting the impression that a lot of people view straight hair (unrealistic hair texture) on a black woman as similar to giant overfilled lips or big hard breast implants. At best, high maintenance. At worst, indicator of low self-esteem. The nice people pretend to ignore the dissonance. But at the end of the day, if they’re angry enough, and racist enough, they’ll call you names using your hair as a source of insecurity.
I can understand the need for wigs but I don’t understand why straight/wavy/curly texture to be honest.

No. 478316

I was gonna say these people look like supermodels compared to the impoverished people you see in first world poverty. If that pic was supposed to be the worst example of what that race has to offer then they really are just confirming that south Sudanese people ARE the most beautiful people in the world.

No. 478338

>straight hair (unrealistic hair texture) on a black woman
1/10 bait. Apply yourself.

No. 478356

I didn't address my literacy because that was such a ridiculous assertation I waved it away. I'm a PHD candidate, but I don't need to advertise that on lolcor. As for the ass comment, I have an ass but that actually made me laugh considering the racial context of me being black. I don't expect you to know I'm an academic just because I thought your paragraph was insipid, but I at least expect you to not assume anons in here have "flat asses" like they're caucasian kek.

No. 478362

>I can understand the need for wigs but I don’t understand why straight/wavy/curly texture to be honest.
Legacy of white people sperging and seething at black people over their hair texture, trying to kick them out of school, refusing to hire them, etc. We have natural hair, it's a problem. We straighten our hair or wear wigs, it's still a problem. I have long hair naturally, and grew up with non-black people weirdly raging about it and accusing me of having fake hair. I didn't talk about hair because I just wasn't raised that way, so it weirded me out every time. It's like seeing my hair somehow hurt their feelings, idk. I don't know why, but other people are just weird and fixated on our hair, our skin, our features and our bodies, and they'll say anything, even if they contradict themselves.
I want natural hair uplifted over the alternatives, but not from the standpoint of "reee what do the non-blacks think?!" because those people shouldn't be taken seriously. They'd rather talk about black women's hair than address their insane rates of head lice infestation compared to us, or the issue of their males balding at younger and younger ages (if baldness at 13 is part of your bloodline, stop it). They'll always find an excuse to bash you because you committed the sin of being black and female. Black women look the most beautiful with variations of the hair that naturally comes with our phenotypes, but straight hair and other textures can look good too. I also like that we can kind of do anything with our hair, it's fun and creative. The more important problems are black girls not being taught to care for their real hair, and dumb black people who bash our natural textures within the community.

No. 478369

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What's with the retarded psy op against Angela Davis do white people sit around raging about random celebs? Mental illness is a national concern

No. 478441

No. 478473

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On the subject of black hair care, I believe there should be more of a discussion on the alarming amount of hair products marketed to black people with cancer causing and endocrine disrupting chemicals

No. 478502

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Thoughts? I do believe that some white women do not realize that they are affected by misogyny, though that might just be because of their race and that sexism is so undermined (reason why white women are considered acceptable targets even on the left)

No. 478504

I think that this topic is beyond tired. How many more times do these exact phrases, word for word, need to be parroted? If ww didn't care the first 500 times this point was made, I doubt they'll suddenly start to care ever. And if they do, google is an option. I'm so tired of bw making it their business to "educate" people who clearly dgaf just to then whine about muling when nobody asked them to in the first place.

No. 478508

These chemicals are also more common in the skincare products that black women use as well. Many of these chemicals are known to cause girls to get thier first periods at earlier ages, and researchers have found elevated levels of pthalates in black and hispanic children.

No. 478512

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I was trying to find what this was all about and kinda unrelated but didn't know she was 5'8". Damn she's tall

No. 478520

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This is what happened with affirmative action, too. White women were statistically the biggest beneficiaries of it by far, but tons of dumb grifters made a whole show of it being a "minority thing", and they either followed along, or ultimately decided that they hate The Blax more than they love succeeding. Over the next few years, get ready for useless think pieces asking why there aren't as many (white) women in successful positions, kek.
You just have to accept that a high amount of people hate you, and some of them are so stupid that they'll happily take Ls on the promise that you'll be harmed even more. The general populace will continue to fall for dumb, easy tricks. Black women really don't need to be at the forefront of any social justice stuff, because very few people are actually pro-social, most of them actually start malding when an "N" tries to tell them anything, and they'll just let you take the heat when things get rough. 99% of your attempts to talk sense into people who hate you will go ignored, punished or backstabbed. I think more black women would benefit from "These people are fucking retarded, how can we quietly leverage the current situation to save ourselves and our own loved ones?" than "We need to help all these people, explain everything, be open about all that we do, march in the streets and discuss all these political issues on public platforms".

No. 478561

Anyone looking old in their 30s?

No. 478623

Not bait.
I think we need to start saying straight hair doesn’t look good. This whole idea of ‘let us do what we want’ isn’t helping anyone because it refuses to interrogate why we default to a straight wig. If a wig at all.

No. 478759

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See what I mean when I say that men of color are lames. If they weren’t black they would be rightoid racists.
So many black men are like this compared to black women.

No. 478762

white women think they benefit from the same privileges as white men. white men will literally treat other men of color on the same footing if they're equal on hierarchy level but they will never do it to women, no matter what is the color of their skin.

No. 478766

Yeah, all these trad women forget that women are used as bargaining chips and merchandise to sell. Conservative white women forget that their white men gave the black man the right to vote before them, and they especially like to ignore how those same men sold them as cargo to other men across history and continents (and that they're still doing it, sex trafficking is no joke). Oh well, it's not black women's fight. All of these things are grim, but we have our own struggles with misogyny and abuse, and it doesn't seem like the majority of them are into female solidarity. They don't even have solidarity with eachother, even as they watch men shake hands over their exploitation, so there's little hope they'll give a shit about ours in a hundred years. We just have to figure out how to survive and thrive.

No. 478781

all men are lames*
there is no non lame MOC

No. 478783

No. 478858

I wish I knew about this behavior much earlier in life, I spent my teen years being a loud SJW for black men, I was so obsessed with them and their rights, embarrassing

No. 478981

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For you nonna

No. 479000

Slavery still happens to women of all races and lots of men don't care

No. 479055

Yesss thank you so much anon

No. 479479

I always find it funny when other minorities, like Indians, Mexicans or Asians complain about the rising racism against them , not that I enjoy it or condone it, but these groups never give a fuck when it happens to black people, in fact they are ones perpetuating racism against us along with white people. They cackle at us while thinking that they’re part of the white club.
I don’t believe in POC solidarity and never will.

No. 479481

Like there are Latinos and latinas yapping about black women not calling speaking out about ICE etc..as if 58% and 32% of them didn’t vote for Trump kek? Or the rampant racism they have in their communities.
Lay on the bed you made and stop expecting black people, especially black women to fight your fight.

No. 479551

i do but only on an individual basis

No. 479655

Same. Do I want to see families in my neighborhood broken up? No. Do I want otherwise productive people scared to go to work? No. But at the same time, a good chunk of these people waited 20+ years just to vote for the man who wants to pack them up, and ship them all back. There's something to be said about this call to arms for groups with decently sized amounts of people within them that think civil rights is a "Black American DEI thing", and therefore superfluous at best and detrimental to America at worst.

No. 479688

I've seen it too. It's so weird for them to complain about black women not doing enough, because they do absolutely nothing for black women, kek. The entitlement is insane. Like, an entire political group of people with a mammy complex. "Reeeee where is the strong independent black slavewoman to fix it?!?!?!". Cringe.

No. 479765

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The crazy thing is Black women are speaking up about it still because a lot are teachers and are seeing their kids not show up and it goes viral every time. These people complaining about us are just rage baiting because if you go outside it’s always Black women in social work. For Latinos someone made up a good point that their whole existence is predicated on anti Blackness. They purposely breed out their Black DNA hence why it’s only their grand and great grandparents that are 100% Black. Look up the history of Argentina and that’s just one country of many. You look at Argentina today and it’s filled with the most racist white looking Hispanics but if you read their history you’d see Black people were there as slaves since at least the 1500s but were bred out and murdered. Colombia has
whole cities of Black people in fact it’s the third largest Black population in Latin America but you’d never know since the Latinos that always get highlighted are the white ones. Pic related is a Black Colombiana. They don’t even big up Mestizos only Latinos mixed with white get praised the rest get called slurs….oh sorry I mean “nicknames” and are hidden from the public and placed in ghettos. Sound familiar? And don’t get me started on the men being some of the most sexist men on the planet. Machismo is toxic af. The femicide rates in Mexico are depressing and fucked up. Bring all that together and you see clearly why they voted for trump with 0 cognitive dissonance. And even still I still don’t think they should be ripped from their families and I’ve met many undocumented immigrants who were the sweetest kindest people and I pray they are okay. But at the same time there is literal centuries of evidence that this country only uses non Anglo Saxons for indentured work but no one listens to Black people until it’s time to feel. Oh well

Also everything I said about Latinos can be said about south Asians and what they do to their darkest population, literally call them untouchables and put them at the lowest caste. All of these countries are anti Black and therefore my opps kek lol. But sadly I was born with empathy and I realistically assume the best of people when history should have me assuming the absolute worst smh

No. 479811

Something I'm really enjoying about not dating 3DPDing is not having to put up with racism anymore. I've had male friends tell me I'm visibly mid (without me asking) simply because I'm black and "rate" their balding/overweight female friends higher than me because they're white

No. 479820

I would honestly prefer a 2D boyfriend, especially in a nice robot body….

No. 479844

Me too nonnie. Keeping myself healthy long enough to see the robot bfs

No. 479870

Jasmine Crockett is so funny, I love how she's making the alt right seethe by existing

No. 479873

I wish she was thinner and less ghetto(bait)

No. 479876

By 2D, I was thinking of fictional characters and simulating their behavior via AI

No. 479904

just gonna put my opinions here since there’s no new celebricow thread at the moment and i’m only gonna talk about the black nominees/winners;
>chris brown won r&b grammy
expected, his only real competition was usher whose recent album was fucking ass! in fact, let me go off a little bit - 2024 was supposed to be usher’s fucking year; he headlined the superbowl - which while not a complete mess like the weeknd’s, was not all the way put together and his guest performers were not good - proceeded to release his trash ass album afterwords, which everyone agrees is ass and then do a world tour off of it and nostalgia, tickets sell good, but then usher gets caught on one of the very first dates for using an offbeat doppelgänger with a spanish accent singing ¡yeah! this isn’t including multiple reviews saying the shows were cringe due to a certain part in the show i shall not mention, but iykyk. i will end this review by saying usher is 45 fucking years old, he needs to put his goddamn shirt on
>beyonce won album of the year, apparently
undeserved, her album only charted for 3 months, even her stans aren’t crazy about it, her huzzband is going to jail!!! in fact, that’s probably why they gave her album of the year
>doechii got a grammy
idgaf nobody can ever get me to like this cringe tryhard
>kendrick lamar won two grammys for ‘not like us’
final thoughts; i wish normani got an award for her album, not necessarily a grammy, just anything really, cuz my ass was playing her shit back to back to back, that shit was nothing but bangers!!! but it’s clear to see that her record label hates her entire existence, so i don’t expect much. im still mad tho

No. 479909

You are such a coon. Begone fag

No. 479962

By 2D, I was thinking of fictional characters and simulating their behavior via AI

No. 479977

Anyone pleasantly surprised when a non black stranger doesn’t treat you like a potential thief?

No. 480026

idea I have for an AI black people movie that doesn't rub blackness/oppression in your face: man and woman have beautiful relationship, but she got him through voodoo. the man has an ex-wife and young child (3-4). he divorced her because of her infidelity and moved on. the ex-wife pretends to be cordial until she finds out he's under voodoo love spells and starts to get angry and it reminds her how much she still wants him. ex-wife doesn't want to kill anyone directly so she uses hypnosis to make her kid lie about being SA'd by the new gf. She records it and sends it to him. he ends up killing the gf anyway out of anger. the ex-wife panics about him being a murderer. instead of telling him the truth, she tries to plot an escape with him. when he uses a psychic for something unrelated, he finds out about the SA lies. he turns on her and frames her for the murder using his connections and flees with his kid.

can't wait for AI to be good at making up people and scenes so I can make this movie.

No. 480053

why do u consider them your friends?

No. 480071

I would like this idea if it wasn't created with ai. AI currently has this 'cheap' atmosphere around it, which I don't see disappearing anytime soon

No. 480107

Any nonas here with relaxed hair? Why are the prices so suddenly high for a box? This couldn't possibly be tariff related, could it…?

No. 480142

is it just me or a lot of black hairstylists nowadays very lazy and shady? especially when dealing with thicker hair. later this week I'm going to this "natural hair" salon for the second time ever to get my re-twist, but they have a $25 fee for "thick hair" like wtf??? natural hair salon but charge for 4c hair they're out of their dick sucking mind. the total bill adds up to $135 for a simple wash and twist…I'm not paying for it this time so I can't complain too much ig.
Almost all the previous stylists I've been to complain about my hair being too thick at some point, even when I spend hours detangling it's never enough. Is this how the hair industry is now or am I just going to the wrong people?

No. 480144

i've had a stylist that made everyone wash, detangle, and blowdry before appointments kek. it's like they don't want to actually do hair anymore

No. 480171

Black women brought the Democratic party to its fucking knees and are still demanding more adulation. I saw the backlash coming from a mile away. When can we admit that a good % of black women suffer from narcissism and lack the self-awareness to conceal these traits. The tide had changed and was most self-inflicted, change with it or find yourself swept away. Lose the narcissism and take some accountability in your life. Stop the whining and constant demand for attention and adulation. Everyone is sick of it. Be your own person and stop looking for pride in others. In other words, grow the fuck up. Before you call me a racist, I am 100% black and 100% woman. I'm posting this in hopes of reaching likeminded black women afraid of the hive.

No. 480173


No. 480174

Wtffff Usher has a spanish Doppelgänger. That’s crazy, I’ve been under a rock.

No. 480198

Explain? Why would we vote for a party that calls for TND? We did what we could as a tiny demographic. I see those charts and feel a mild form of despair. We’re the ones at the mercy of an uncaring society.

No. 480199

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You talk as if black women are powerful or something. We all know who's really in charge. The Democratic Party chose to trot out all these poster children and be ineffectual on its own. Republicans are doing what they literally said they would do, the results aren't looking pretty and dems are sitting on their hands. Blaming black women for this because of "their narcissism" is pointless because 99.9% of people in politics are narcs, you're mad at the clouds. America loves its racial tropes, what are you going to do?
OTOH, I agree with you in the sense that I don't believe in black women sticking their necks out, trying to be woke heroes and fronting all these causes. Insularity and secrecy are the best approach IMO. If you can't stop caring about politics, get enough to pull strings without getting your hands dirty. Increase funds, decrease protests, marches and large shows of…whatever. It isn't our fight to be had. All these people were told what was coming, and they still voted the way they did. Little D wants any excuse to declare martial law, his people are getting mad there haven't been any black riots to televise, and the other pee oh see are wondering why the blacks aren't doing "the black thing" (rioting, looting, making massive waves on social media - basically doing their dirty work and taking all the punches lol). I hope black women continue to stay uninvolved, and if violence breaks out, it needs to be by the same demographics who tried to play both sides and lost.

No. 480210

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Yes! Exactly my thoughts! I swear 2020 changed me and I vowed to never get involved in that street work again. Personally I want all the Dearborn Arabs to go march for their precious causes. Demographics like that demand us to go and die for them. As if!

No. 480293

celebrities use look-alike all the time, nona, micheal jackson was notorious for using them! it’s just crazy when they actually get caught using them kek people were theorizing that usher’s was dominican

No. 480300

yea i know. that's why i'll wait until 2030-2035 to even consider.

No. 480466

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you might have a point, women like this are gonna cause backlash

No. 480495

>women of other races get spoiled
you guys need to stop hanging around/listening to black pickmes. all the black women I know are getting spoiled/pampered by their men regardless of the race the guy is.

No. 480511

er… I dunno about that. White guys with black women do tend to spoil them but black guys don't really like to spoil their partners. Maybe it's different outside of America

No. 480514

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The issue is that in pretending all these mean black women are using their true and honest freeze peach to speak their minds on the white man and simply go too far, we're still buying into the performance and mainstream white humiliation meme of "soft, victimized unassuming little white people DESTROYED by aggressive, hard black people with wokeness". Both the right and left subscribe to this idea and adore it. A lot of white superlibs enjoy kidding themselves that they're these smol harmless beans who have no choice but to "unlearn whiteness", sit down and shut up while the ethnics dominate them, even though in reality, they have all the money, connections and actual power. It's like they're ecstatic to fester racial agitation, trigger other white people and let black people soak up the metaphorical bullets. Right-wingers are the same in that they also view themselves as smol beans who need to "reclaim their power" and love an unruly negro they can point to and say "This is the problem, we need to subjugate these people or they'll run you over and cut off your balls!" to distract the poorer, dumber white people from the fact that they're robbing them blind lmao.

What no one wants to acknowledge is that a black woman who goes on national TV and bashes white men, knowing damn well there are thousands of less privileged black women who'll have to reckon with unhinged, belligerent white male bosses the next morning, is just as bought and paid for as a Candace Owens figure. She doesn't care what happens to people in her own community, she's trying to get a check, and is playing the role pre-written by some generationally wealthy people with higher rates of lactose intolerance. You're not allowed to say a woman is an adult human female or talk about black femicide, but I'm to believe that all the sperging about white people is/was totally organic and not pushed to worsen race relations? It's all "rahrah we hate white men" up until the white man puts on a skirt, then he's literally God (she/her) and beyond reproach and we need to protest on his behalf right now, but I'm supposed to believe this is real? They also block out black women who don't say or think things like in that screenshot. I remember that black woman who said diversity of opinion is more important to her than racial diversity in her "progressive" workplace, only to get fired and replaced with a white woman kek.

Any black person who enters politics just to seethe loudly about white people without offering an effective mass segregation or exit strategy for black people is a paid shill and racial agitator (they'll never allow talk of segregation, but they will continue to stoke racial animosity, ask yourself why). Do not entertain them. No matter how much racist white people annoy you, don't take part in any public acts that could feasibly threaten your money or reputation, disavow. Do what directly and tangibly benefits you, never be the first to talk about race, never throw the first punch. Let them make themselves look bad before anything, and keep proof if you can.
And to be honest, black women already have their hands full with black men. The ones who need to be complaining about "mediocre white men" are their own white wives, daughters, sisters, etc lol. If those women refuse to do so, just accept that looking innocent is more important to them than changing anything, and focus on your own issues.

No. 480523

You're right. I honestly hate Candace Owens. She just traded one slave master for another.

No. 480526

Is decentering men a psyop?

No. 480527

Most of the worst things that happened in womens lives are related to men. Even old ladies who've been married to a moid for 50 years are usually smart enough to not rely on their husbands anymore and learned to prioritize their friends, kids and grandkids over their marriage instead.

No. 480528

Also bear in mind that nearly all women outlive their husbands so most women will 'die alone' whether married or not. It's not your husband who is going to surround you in your final moments, statistically speaking.

No. 480585

African girlies how do u feel about this new wave of AAs online claiming we're everything that's wrong with black America? This isn't a hit piece towards AAs so don't start anything. Personally, I haven't met a single African person in my community talk in depth about Americans good or bad but I'm from a francophone country so that could be the reason.

And AAs do you see it as hostile when black people from other countries rep their flags? That seemed to be a point of contention, I've noticed.

No. 480604

I hate diaspora wars, they're a distraction. White immigrants certainly aren't having baby race wars with white locals. I support AA people being proud of who they are and representing their culture, but I don't support hatred, and that's the same way I feel about all the other black people in the diaspora.
I notice a lot of FBA types throw the colorist and racist insults that racist white people launch at them onto Africans. I've even seen them harass dark-skinned AA women and tell them they "must be a tether". It's vile, delusional and sad to see. I can't even properly feel "offended" like they intend, it just feels like having a relative go schizo and start screeching at you out of their own trauma. I guess that behavior is just one more trauma response, all the communities have at least one.

No. 480614

I genuinely cannot wrap my head around diaspora wars and the people who actively participate in them. What do we gain from being condescending to each other? Do the people who genuinely care about this dumb shit think it'll elevate them to some capacity over the rest?

No. 480622

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Nonnies, a reminder to watch out for toxic ingredients in everyday products (beauty products, food or even toys) you use and buy.

I know you’re not gonna check every product, but at least do it with products you usually purchase.

No. 480724

I could not give less of a fuck what Africans are doing and I don't think other AA's care too. Having pride for their native country is a good thing who gives a fuck.
Look it's the retarded moid obsessed with black people point and laugh

No. 480744

Especially hair products!

No. 480746

I’m African and not a burger. I don’t really care. We have different experiences from African Americans and it’s okay, take for example black history month, it has a lot of importance in America.
I hate it when they try to somehow paints as inferiors though, we’re all black at the end of the day.

No. 480885

She’s gonna get us killed I swear to god

No. 480915

AA, and people repping their home nations is fine by me. Cool, even. I have a slight fondness for America's current status as a "global server" as the children say. My only gripe is when they do the goofy conservative FOB thing and start overcompensating as a way to distance themselves from us. Suck your teeth at someone else, not our fault some racist rando confused you for an "Akata", and you felt some kind of way.
I swear, getting a perm as a kid is the reason why I'm the only woman in my immediate family that sounds like Dr. Girlfriend from the Venture Brothers

No. 480956

I love how she makes the same anon sperg so hard, rent free

No. 480965

Jasmine has done quite a bit for her district (which is largely black) you genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. She introduced local policy to help clean up the addicts in the area, and, help the hospitals obtain more social workers to better serve the community. There are staff members in trump's cabinet saying we shouldn't be allowed jobs solely based off skin color but jasmine pushing back is your breaking point? We've been targeted by white people for years but a black woman pointing out the obvious is self serving and going to get us all killed.

No. 481267

Anyone else's family genuinely considering moving out of the country?

No. 481321

Where are you thinking of moving to?

No. 481350

man I feel lucky coming from a family where black women are pampered by their black boyfriends/husbands cause damn, sounds like you have a warped view on how black men are like.

No. 481449

Anyone else go to an HBCU? I went to one for undergrad and now I'm at another for professional school. As nice as it is to be surrounded by your own people (especially in this context), I sometimes wonder if I missed out on opportunities or anything like that because I haven't attended a PWI.

Also, I really hope that Black people can figure out how to actually run these institutions. My alma mater is kinda significant in Black American history, yet its being run into the fucking ground because admin are embezzling left and right. And this has been a thing for decades. Our supposed community leaders are leading us straight to hell, but no one wants to clock it because sorority/fraternity bullshit.

No. 481471

>If you don't like it when political figures aggravate racial tension for cheap "dunks", you must think the white supremacists who created the tension and spread false narratives to begin with aren't a problem
Do you hear how retarded you sound?

No. 481473

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most of my family moved from Canada to America but are seriously talking about moving back. I was actually planning on doing a PhD in America but I don't what's gonna happen in the next few years. I'm glad in retrospect I never joined any DEI stuff, but that doesn't erase the target on my back Kinda wish the media wasn't so loud about the 92% stuff I don't know where the future is going to go

No. 481489

>s-she's a grifter like Candace owens!
Do you hear your own retardation anon? Responding to hate is fine you're more mad at somebody defending themself than the people actually creating the tension to begin with. What's it feel like to be a coon?

No. 481494

Yawn. Reread the greentext and my post, nothing was defended. It's more of the same bullshit for dumb white people to turn us into their warriors instead of doing what's right. Calling every black woman who recognizes the pattern and rightfully calls it out a "coon" isn't going to work in big 2025, especially since you're probably another white lib who was seething at black women not protesting for your shit. Everyone's fucking tired.

No. 481502

I relate so hard nonna. I could get away with looking the way I look as teenager but now that I am pushing 30 it is difficult. Looking "prettY" does not appeal to me at all. I reazlized that life is too short to not present how you want to.

No. 481518

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america's punching bag everyone

why is it so hard for some women to read the room

No. 481520

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I can't help bu feel like this is planned

No. 481527

Black women need to disavow this behavior loudly and publicly. Don't let them jacket you, no more attack dog bullshit. We can't let democrats use us as human shields again, especially since every other demographic are the ones who disappointed this election.
Don't do >>481518 either because it's obviously the same retarded trap ("be our mulessss be our mulessss reeee" it never fucking ends with these freaks).

No. 481532

This kind of stuff is why the democrats lost. Honestly, i thought Trump being president would be like last time where a whole lot of nothing happened, but he managed to be infinitely more insufferable. Black women do all this muleling for libs and get nothing in return every single time and they can't see it because they wave around the fact that some conservatives think black women are manly to force us into compliance. Also, i bought some washi tape from aliexpress, come to find i probably won't receive it until october at this point because the cheeto bitch wants to block packages from China, fuck him. I consented to having my financial data stolen by the chinese government.

No. 481542

>We can't let democrats use us as human shields again
Well then what do you want the Dems to do? Everyone on both sides knows that black women are the backbone of the Democratic party. Trotting out a bunch of white liberals would alienate too many voters in the middle, everyone hates white liberals

No. 481552

less than 6% of the population is the backbone? No wonder Dems lost.

Honestly I think it might be over for us. We have no allies and we're always expected to be human shields. BM are killing us at higher rates than ever and there are no guard rails. The trump loyalists are in charge and are going after anyone who isn't an ass-kissing loyalist and we're gonna see some nasty results. Take care of yourselves ladies

No. 481579

>everyone who disagrees with me is white!
Do they not have critical thinking in coonlandia or are you just a social breed of retard? You were just saying Jasmine doesn't do anything for her community and looking down on her for responding back to rhetoric. Keep up

No. 481582

I don't think it's over for us, but there's one thing we need to accept: Black women cannot "save America", and our preservation lies in the care we put into our own community, not in what we can do for people who routinely dehumanize us. Even if we don't want to accept that it's not our job (it truly isn't, and it's an insult to expect us to do everyone's work), just look at our femicide rates, look at how we die in childbirth, look at doctors still assuming we feel no pain. Look at the fucking obesity rates in the US and see which demographic gets the worst of it. We don't need speakers "clapping back" at hateful whites like it's fucking 2017. Those people won't change, and it just lets morons feel justified to punch down on us even further. We need insularity, especially as all these systems start to fall apart.
It is anti-black to be broke and have out of wedlock children with abusive men. It is anti-black to rely purely on a healthcare system full of doctors and nurses who don't think of you as a person, and it is anti-black to promote drugs and obesity.

No. 481583

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Tbh that's their problem. I don't buy that white people are so unpopular with each other. It's more like they prefer to see minorities behaving badly than their own kind, and a lot of white liberals like being able to play demure and soft so they can take advantage of any given paradigm for their own gain. No reason to give them that option anymore, though. Unless they want the entire country to fall apart for themselves too, Brad and Brunhilde better get out on the frontlines to make being a liberal white man cool again and being a "white feminist" a non-insult again instead of sending black people to get shot in protests and hop on their news outlets to say "umm whypipo bad" for the 38984938493438943th time to "prove" how "tolerant" they are. They need to take some real action.

Democrats want to be able to blame the scawy black women boolying the white man for this shift, distract retards from their lack of decisive action, and create more and more racial disharmony specifically for us as black women because it works for their purposes. We have the clear choice on how to respond and what to do, and I think you'd have to be an idiot to play along with their games anymore. They don't have our best interests at heart, we cannot clean their messes (especially at this magnitude), and black presence at protests is just considered a "go-ahead" sign for state violence. Non-black protesters also don't/won't protect black protesters in those cases, and that's because they believe in Mandingo stereotypes about us being superhumans who don't feel pain (and they also just enjoy the idea of being part of a violent protest without getting most of the violence, kek).

A lot of black women need to drop the martyr/hero complex, prioritize our own kind's well-being (we need it) and accept that the country will never find its moral backbone until leftist white people decide on their own to act for change instead of participating in stupid racial games and using us a proxy for all the things they're scared to do and say to their own brethren. Even the other minorities are too busy trying to ingratiate themselves to racist white people who hate them to mobilize on any kind of "POC solidarity". On the latter note, it's still so funny how so many black people tried to champion that for years, only to get spit in their faces because these others see black political lobbying as a battering ram for their own gain, and black people themselves as non-humans. The whole thing is retarded, and I'm not planning to use 2025 to help backstabbing retards. I'm going to chill, make money and protect myself.

No. 481590

>I don't buy that white people are so unpopular with each other
whites were literally ready to start killing each other during Trump's first term, especially during Covid. Things have calmed down a lot but white liberals are still broadly hated by the US electorate. Think of how hated Hillary was whereas Obama was/is popular

No. 481604

Braindead post.

No. 481628

Unpopular opinion: no such thing as a non-black person who doesn't dislike or hate blacks to some extent. It just varies by degree. Even with progress, we're still called "black," and that word has a negative connotation in both dominant religions and the English language. Which subconsciously breeds contempt and vile energy around anyone called black, despite sjw efforts.

No. 481662

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lowkey hate how much black people, especially women, showcase their self-hate online. i'm going to bring up the topic of hair because i've been consuming a lot of "natural hair" content. anytime i see things like, "i cannot 4c this in my future" or "cries in 4c" or another video crying about how much they hate their hair it makes me roll my eyes a little. i feel bad because of course it isn't their fault for feeling that way, but why do are we as a whole ALWAYS putting our hatred on display? not even posting in a predominately black space where we can understand and try to help each other, but out in the open..? also, what do these people expect to come out of comments like these? i feel like its a common belief among non-black ppl that we hate our appearance, especially our hair and those comments just further push these narratives. and if you try to explain it like that, you're told "its not my fault i hate my hair, stop blaming the victim" or simply "its just a joke." maybe i'm just too serious, but i don't find racist self deprecating humor funny. the picrel is an example, obviously its meant to be a joke but i don't think its lands to call yourself a negro in a white woman's comment section haha

No. 481687

If they're grown, it is mostly their fault they feel that way. Once you're an adult, you should take accountability for your own self-esteem

No. 481722

Says the retard with no reading comprehension. Quit shitting the thread up

No. 481736

You're talking about yourself, you're the same tard who's been going aggro at multiple anons and trying to infight. Leave already if you're not even black.

No. 481828

So you have schizophrenia too? I've only been responding to your retarded ass. You also didn't respond to anything else I said and instead accused me of being white because you know you're talking out of your ass. Go take your meds fag(infighting)

No. 481851

>calls others schizo
>demands every anon who interacts with them respond to their own schizo ramblings as if there are only two people in the thread
Start a journal, no one here cares.(infighting)

No. 481875

Both of you should shut the fuck up

No. 483134

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Am I the only one disgusted by the comparison in reactions between peoples reactions to Beyoncés half time show on Christmas and Kendrick’s? Idk if you ladies were all on tik tok during sucklegate. But basically after Beyoncé performed on Christmas some biracial leftist lady on tik tok said that Beyonce was promoting pro American Propaganda and that basically she was promoting fascist America by having American flags worn. Mind you if you watch her performance she is stepping on the American flag and in the lyrics of her songs she is calling out America’s fascism. Meanwhile Kendrick just had the bloods and crips come together to make an American flag, had Samuel L Jackson dressed up as Uncle Sam etc etc and no one cares. In fact these same leftists that were calling Beyoncé a terrible human and to boycott her are singing Kendrick Lamar’s praises. This is exactly why I don’t trust leftist spaces. So many of them are anti black woman. You ladies should’ve been there for sucklegate. A southern black woman had to call out the biracial by saying “you don’t know shit about southern black culture because you suckled on the tit of your oppressor” when I tell you everyone came in defense of that biracial lady , black women and black men alike all put on their capes to defend a biracial woman and tear down 2 black women. It’s so scary how Black women are expected to be saviors of the planet no matter what career we take on. Also crazy how Kendrick was in the room with Trump but spent his entire performance shitting on Drake and glorifying gang culture. Beyonce glorified southern black history and got called anti black for it by her own community. This is exactly why I root for Beyoncé because Black women get shitted on for EVERYTHING even when we do everything perfect

No. 483140

It makes sense that pickmeishas and fake deep ninjas would coddle Kendrick, but find a million reasons why any popular black woman is problematic. It's not even about whatever Beyonce did, you're just hearing pickme mating calls masquerading as "woke discourse". Don't even bother with those people.
>It’s so scary how Black women are expected to be saviors of the planet no matter what career we take on.
Sorry to say this, but a lot of black women do it to themselves too. There's no point in trying to be these people's superhero, it isn't reciprocated and you don't owe them shit.

No. 483142

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I’ve been natural since 2013 and they’ve been saying “I dont 4c this” under biracial and white girls videos since back THEN. It’s why I stopped watching 4c content and stuck with 4a/4B cuz they dont cry and just get to the tutorial. The only negative thing about 4c hair is shrinkage but just stretch your hair. People say it’s time consuming but so is installing a wig, weave, braids. It’s ugly how they can say it takes up too much work but they spend more hours laying down a wig of hair that looks nothing like theirs. Embarrassing bitches.

They need to be fucking shamed but instead other low self esteem losers come to their defense. Little black girls can’t even look up hair tutorials of their hair type without being bombarded with GROWN women calling their hair ugly and that straight stringy boring and greasy hair is better. No one will ever convince me that their hair type is better than mine. I don’t even like defined curls as quiet as it’s kept. Get some self worth in 2025 or shave your head bald or get a perm cuz my 4c hair can do everything I want it to do. Maybe you low self worth losers need to stop trying to look white and biracial that’s why your hair is not growing.

Why would hair grow for someone that hates on it and calls it ugly and worthless? They say more positive things about a synthetic wig than their own natural hair. Our hair is literally a plant and you can’t talk shit about a plant even if you water it it will not grow as big and beautiful if you don’t also sing its praises. That’s why y’all are all bald now, you rip through your hair don’t wash weekly, don’t moisturize and then have the audacity to get mad at it when you should be getting mad at yourself for neglecting a part of your body. Nasty

No. 483149

You are so right we need to only put capes on for little black girls but they get the least protected ironically enough

No. 483271

Kendrick looovves Dr Dre (woman better), stood up for Iggy Azelia (racist), got mad when they wanted to take down R Kelly's music from Spotify.
He only had a issue with Drake being a creep, when he fucked him over. I despise Kendrick and his "fans". On LSA some of them sound like they are doing the "rick and morty copypasta". Acting like we all are too dumb to understand Kendrick Lamar.
It was boring as fuck & as per usual the same black women who will dissect Beyonce or even SZA are kissing Kendrick's ass.
Another thing too, everything that a black woman does in entertainment that references our struggles is "trauma porn". Meanwhile, black moids do it and it's some high level shit and he's doing us some big favor.

No. 483273

same anon, I know beyonce/rihanna have big crazy fanbases, but I notice that whenever the black community stans a moid, they are untouchable. Nothing they do/say/said is wrong. Last year it was people kissing Katt Williams ass, this year it's going to be people who hate drake (for good reasons), pretending like Kendrick is a god, thats how we got fucking Kanye.

No. 483303

unpopular opinion: a lot of bw wanna be fat, so the epidemic won't end until they stop being male-identified. I've had BW tell me to gain 40-60 lbs even though I'm short and it'd make me overweight in BMI. Literally, clinically overweight is ideal to them because many have low self-esteem and think that a BW is worthless to men without having a huge ass. Unfortunately that's the only positive stereotype BW are known for. that's why not caring what men think is the only way to end the epidemic.

No. 483319

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You unemployed bitches sit on here refreshing social media for talking points nobody is saying in real life and get mad cherry picking the thought pieces from accounts with 30 followers. If you're so bothered get off the internet bitch and shut up!

No. 483358

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>thats how we got fucking Kanye.
This brings me back to something I want to say. I despise how the black community malded at Doja Cat (I know she's biracial) over being in a tinychat and saying the n-word and called her a Nazi, etc, but they're still venerating Kanye. It's just so blatant how moids in the community can do whatever they want, but if you, as a woman, are not kissing black moid asses, if you dare to "have a preference" like some black men do and openly boast about while disparaging black women (did she even say she dislikes black men?), or even if you do side with black men (like Beyonce, Megan Thee Stallion or SZA do), there's always a pack of idiots waiting for any excuse to cancel you.
In what world is this and all the other shit Kanye has done and said up til now more forgivable than whatever Doja did to trigger black men? I saw people comparing her to the black teenage moid shooter who believed in white supremacy, but not a single one wanted to acknowledge that he was far more similar to Kanye. That little "Dindu Nuffin" song is absolutely nothing compared to Kanye's trajectory, but while she had to apologize and explain that she was trying to reclaim that term after having it used on her (I feel like the group of people who did the same with the n-word should've understood that intuitively, especially since there were no anti-black lines in the song itself, but I digress), Kanye never apologized for shit. Why are men handled with kid gloves, and why is their "art" allowed to be shocking/problematic and even offensive, but women have to be perfectly squeaky clean (except when it comes to the whole "sexual liberation" meme), unproblematic and never, ever ""snitch"" on a moid, even if he abused her?

No. 483438

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The projection kek. I wrote this on my way to my 6 figure job in an enviable city try again. Also the superbowl was yesterday and the think pieces start the second major American events end. Beyoncés sucklegate happened during CHRISTMAS aka winter break. Maybe you don’t get those so you wouldn’t know about paid time off. And it wasn’t people with 30 views maybe research or stfu. it was every prominent black tik toker making an opinion piece on Beyoncé and calling her “not really black ” and saying Black women shouldnt support her because she’s unrelatable because she grew up middle class and that makes her a fascist. As if there aren’t many black people that were raised middle and upper middle class in Texas and never knew struggle. This was bigger than Beyoncé it’s about how Black women are put to the highest standard possible and still criticized for meeting expectations while Black men can support abusers and be abusive and are untouchable gods treated with respect still but you’re too dumb to realize the bigger picture. Sorry

No. 483450

Bro I was so confused when the Dindu nuffin song was Found out and everyone was mad at her. I thought we all knew she was reclaiming it. Personally I never stopped listening to Doja I like her new album she is extremely talented, can dance and can sing all at once. Her Black dad is literally a stereotype for knocking her momma up and leaving. I could not imagine being raised by a white single mother who was abandoned by a Black man who went on to be a famous artist in his home country while never acknowledging their existence. I just know Doja was surrounded by nothing but anti blackness and bitterness so I hold space for her awkward white validation.especially since she looks just like her daddy and I know it probably pissed her momma OFF. And you can tell she was starting to get over her white validation when she was rocking her natural hair and with her most recent album but of course everyone clowned her, no one came to her defense and they didn’t listen to the album. It’s crazy because Doechii and her have similar flows. So sad. But with Doha’s upbringing it makes so much sense why she would be in those weird racial chat rooms showing feet. She was raised around nothing but white people and just wanted to fit in.

Meanwhile Kanye west was raised by a highly intelligent Black woman who taught him so much about Black history, had him going to school in China to get cultured in the 80s! Her dad was a civil rights leader who even participated in a sit in. Just for him to shit on her and her dad’s entire legacy and everything they worked so hard for. I just couldn’t imagine. Kanye hates women and it starts with his mother. He hates his mother for dying. That’s what all of this is imo

No. 483467

just a vent but it really irritates me how the majority of men can't appreciate black beauty in the way that white and asian womens beauty is appreciated and if anything frequently overglorified. like its just sick how a black woman has to be 9+/10 killer gorgeous for men to even briefly consider her as a dating option or the same level as a slightly above average white or asian woman. also makes me cringe when I remember seeing gorgeous black women begging for a crumb of musty mid male validation and how thirsty and desperate they acted. and the only men who seem to give BW the time of day always seem to have some terrible character flaw (like diplo sewer dick) and just see black women as a fetish. black women aren't afforded the same love, protection, care, or appreciation as other races of women, but non BW want to pretend that all men are shit and that its not about race. IT IS. black women are far more likely to be killed and beaten. dating is so much harder for BW. it absolutely is about race, and we have a right to feel fucking bitter at other races of women always stepping on top of us to elevate themselves. also men are literal swine who don't have any taste in aesthetics.

No. 483529

What are you talking about? it's easy to get BM to like you if you're a BW. just have a huge butt, even if you got a belly. only the skinny BW get held to super high standards.

No. 483531

sza at the superbowl was mesmerizing. Probably the only chance a darker BW will get on that stage, but the little bit was amazing.

No. 483535

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Idc about the superbowl, but she looks so pretty here

No. 483579

Not even just black men any man all you have to do is have a high pitched voice and men of all races do your bidding. It also helps if you are pretty and skinny but still have a big butt then the world is your oyster no matter what color you are. Men and women will want you kek. Idk why you ladies don’t know this. A lot of you are way too terminally online and or have way too many nonblack female friends. Also it’s 2025 why are you guys still competing with other races of women for male validation when we all get treated like shit and have high femicide rates no matter what race we fall under!? WAKE IT UP. Every thread has to bring this up it’s annoying and such a blanketed false statement. My mom had 4 kids with a huge rock on her hand and men of all
races STILL begged her to get a divorce and marry them kek while her 4 big headed kids were right there. Men of all races would still openly flirt because she was fit beautiful and confident. Which leads me to my question….are you guys just not surrounded by attractive confident Black women? Because I’ve never met a Black woman who was pressed for a man. In fact a lot of them got men obsessed with them. Hell I’d even go as far as to say the ones who got wifed up the quickest were always overweight but still beautiful imo. But that’s from my personal experience. I just don’t get posts like >>483467 because it paints such a broad brush and assumes every black girl is downtrodden and down on her luck with the male species and not to mention vents like these treat men like they are a prize we should need in our lives and we are missing out if we don’t partake in it. Meanwhile go to the relationship advice thread and it’s all of these “preferences” still not getting picked and absolutely dogged out in similar ways. No thanks

No. 483583

Yes your 'six figure job' in Detroit kekkk. Every prominent black tiktoker talked about this? You are legitimately retarded, the only thing they cared about was how mad the wypipo were about beyonce singing country. When you're done cashing in your ebt for the month go see a psychiatrist at the free clinic alright. They offer free resources to schizophrenic hoodrats like you

No. 483599

People like you need to stay off the internet if you can't recognize obvious bait just report and go(double posting/infight bait)

No. 483974

WHITE HANDS TYPED THIS. stopped reading after detroit that's crackers favorite dogwhistle next to chicago. booo tomato tomato. You cant afford where im from babe

No. 483975

stfu bitch(infighting)

No. 484572

I feel awful for thinking this, but Harris not becoming president was slightly relieving because I knew racists would take their anger out on all BW like they did with Michelle Obama and the anti-BW psyops that followed for years. Harris is only part black, but they'd still become even more hateful. I want a white male moderate for 2028. this country is too backwards.

No. 484652

When the economy is good, americans complain about culture war bullshit.If Harris won, it would have been non-stop complaining about the "end of the white race" If we ever had a black female president, she would have to be moderate republican, maybe even a war hawk. Like a Condi clone

No. 484653

black women are so loyal to black men its nuts. I was watching some video by a black woman saying why bw should never be friends with white women. then as an example of micro aggressions from white women, it was them joking about black men, which the bw got offended over and cut the friendship off over her badmouthing black males. I don't know any other race of women who defends their men so vehemently and senselessly as bw do, its kinda sad because they throw us under the bus whenever they get the chance. no way a wealthy black men is gonna stop hanging out with his wealthy white male friends if they start joking about black women.

No. 484654

black men will always be more respected than black women are. Obama got voted in twice, America doesn't have a problem with black men whatsoever. they hate black women and try to masculinize bw, uglify bw, and paint bw as the worst women on earth. but Americans worship their black male celebrities, comedians, singers, sportsmen, etc etc.

No. 484655

are you new? anti jewishness has been a mainstay of the black community for decades. Malcolm X hated jews and blamed them for every single hardship black people in the west ever underwent, talked of how they owned the slave ships, controlled the entire Atlantic slave trade etc. his books and philosophy have been popular in the black community since their inception. Kanye's views are absolutely nothing new, they are mainstream black militant groups like the black panthers and Nation of Islam.

No. 484667

even in non-american media, black guys are always the preferred token. Once you notice this pattern, you can never unsee it

No. 484864

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This is how I know the the thread attracts non-black interlopers, the lack of nuance. The average, modern day black person doesn't care about Jewish people. Some don't even know they exist. Their historical dislike of the community stems from its mistreatment toward black people. James Baldwin has discussed this. It's also just a sad fact of American history that Jewish people did participate in slavery, and today, they enjoy the fruits of white presentation and statistically disproportionate wealth compared to other groups. That's life, whether anyone hates them for it, likes them, or wants to argue about how many participated. Nowadays, since there's less of a distinctively Jewish presence in majority-black areas, Jewish people are not a hot topic. A few black people do enter specific fields and integrate with certain groups, have racist experiences and start naming problems.

Talk to a random, everyday black person in 2025, and Jewish people are a nonentity. If you show them a Jewish person, they may say "Oh, it's a white person", "Oh, it's an Arab" or "Oh, it's an Ethiopian/African" respectively, while a white person may make a comment on a Jewish person's nose or say that Ethiopian Jews aren't Jews because they are black. You might be able to bring up the Palestine topic, but even that is a movement spearheaded and mostly populated by white and Arab people, who routinely complain about black non-participation in their fight, kek.

In attempting to avoid accountability for all the occasions their parents and grandparents complained about negroes, "schwartzes", etc and some of their behaviors even today, some members of the Jewish-American community make jabs on Twitter about how black people are licherally anti-semitic nazis, with their "proof" being things like Cardi B (a non-black woman cosplaying) mentioning her Jewish lawyer in a positive light.
Kanye is completely different from any of the black people mentioned, because his dislike of Jewish people stems from Nazism and white worship. Malcolm X never walked around donning a swastika, and that's because he understood Hitler as his enemy, and the German/WASP conflict with Jews as a separate battle from his own people's.

tl;dr: Those of us who even recognize Jewish existence in daily life tend to dislike them because they're pretty racist. Even the pro-Palestine ones started disliking them because they perceive them as white colonizers of innocent Arab people, not because Hitler good. Kanye doesn't like Jewish people because he is deeply racist, and thinks Hitler good. Big difference. Moreover, Kanye hates other black people, especially black women, and believes slavery to be a choice, kek. He is the furthest thing from a black militant. I dislike black militant groups, and even I can see the two aren't the same. Respectfully, we don't think about you the way you think about us.

No. 484915

>look up makeup on tumblr
>an uncomfortable majority of images featuring black women underneath the tag are sexual and porny in nature
I hate this.

No. 484935

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Need some opinions. Is it gross to wash your hair in braids? I do my own knotless braids and last time I did my hair, I braided my natural hair and then braided the natural braid into the weave. Now that it's time to do them over, I just want to keep my natural hair in braids so that I can wash it and won't have to spend time pre-parting it next time I do my hair. Do you guys think my hair would get thoroughly clean this way? I know it seems dramatic, but doing this whole process every 2 weeks is killing me.

No. 484953

no just be very through, use clarifying shampoo

No. 485315

Not "gross" necessarily, you just need to be slightly more mindful of the drying process. That's where braid cleanings seemingly go wrong, because the hair within the braid stays damp a little longer if you just air dry. My mom sometimes uses an old Waterpik she deep cleaned to get in between her parts for that exact reason. I guess it works, because her hair doesn't smell or look ratty.

No. 486087

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What do you think nonnas? I’ve definitely experienced this kek.

No. 486155

This hasn't been my experience IRL.

No. 486161

>omg, based black woman pitting women of all races against each other over moid validation
Damn, she's so based and real for this! eyeroll
Only braindead mouth breathers watch the Super Bowl halftime show anyway so that isn't saying much.

No. 486197

Kek this tells me that there are larpers here. It’s always black women who have to battle alongside those who look at us with contempt and who abandon ship as soon as they get a speck of privilege.

No. 486350

a person can think differently from you and still be a black woman. i know, shocker.

No. 486381

>a man getting a boner for a black woman is worth getting excited over
damn…braindead moment

No. 486382

It’s not men getting a boner. I could care less about white men or any men in general. It’s the reaction of women who aren’t black and the lack of solidarity they have with us.
We have been shown time and time again that white women , who side with their counterpart when it benefits them, and even Asian women don’t care about us. It’s not just being lusted over , it’s workplace, it’s academics too.
You retards have peanuts in your head and aren’t ready for this kind of conversation I see.

No. 486383

Is this really all you guys talk about? Moids, dating, and desirability politics? Don’t you ever get tired of wallowing in self hate and acting like a doomer about everything? I’m a skinny “cute mid” maybe a 6 at best and I don’t experience any of this. I’m not even interested in men right now, yet I still meet plenty who treat me kindly and show genuine interest in me. I also have a close group of friends from all races who respect and care for me. My black girl friends don’t have these issues either nor do any of the women I follow online… why? Because I focus on meeting people who treat me well and share my interests.

So many chronically online black women would benefit from getting off the internet, joining clubs, picking up hobbies, going to therapy, and surrounding themselves with aspirational Black women and others who actually like them. Stop whining online every other minute about how being a Black woman is supposedly a cursed existence just because you and your circle are miserable. Any moid who acts like a racist dick is also going to be a dick towards his own woman, so why do you even care? It’s one thing to acknowledge how society treats Black women; it’s another to post these insecure, teen like rants day after day. And when confronted, claim you’re just “sharing your experience” or “letting off steam.” That’s not it. You’re unhappy and trying to drag everyone else down with you by pinning it on being an ingrained part of the black experience. I’m so tired of seeing it everywhere.

No. 486480

black women, what's the lesbian community like? is the treatment any better there or more of the same shit

No. 486537

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I've seen and experienced this. It's weird. I hate pickmes, and I hate female desirability competitions. Stupid women lose their minds and stab eachother in the back for men who look (and act) like all manner of unclean beings. Just look at the fight between Grimes and Azealia Banks over Elon Musk.
Being gaslit about this by embarrassed non-black women (even ones who call themselves feminists) who not only believe in, but depend on the narrative of black female jealousy/undesirability to boost their low self-worth is just one part of what made me detach from most feminist communities. Can't hold solidarity with women who'll throw me under the bus.
I know I don't need to say it, but anyone who holds spite for conventionally pretty black women needs to be avoided. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes by going on about how beauty is evil and inherently white supremacist reeee femininity bad you're supposed to be fat and masc etc etc. It took me the longest time to accept it, but they don't believe any of that shit themselves, it's just wokespeak for the same bullshit female competition. Too many straight/male-attracted women are obsessed with validation from dick, and they want other women unhealthy, miserable and constantly bashed so they can attain it more easily. There are also black women who aren't saying it to compete, but have a martyr-like fixation on being a doormat for men and women of every other group, and they also need to be cut off. About the only time it's "sincere" is when it's coming from a butch lesbian (and if she's butch4butch, understand that it's 99% just another kind of psyop to make you more fuckable to her tastes anyway lol).

No. 486549

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Im inclined to agree, but I feel like “divested” women also fall into the femininity spiral. The obsession with being the most feminine comes from a reactionary position. You respond to trolls, who mock you for your lack of femininity and then it’s a barrage of no we really are the prettiest. Sadly everyone is too much of a mouth breather to ascend beyond these politics. And evil predatory butch lesbians are so fucking rare, you mention them just to be homophobic. You can always step over them. The average black woman is more likely to be murdered by a gangbanging retard.

No. 486561

>The obsession with being the most feminine comes from a reactionary position. You respond to trolls, who mock you for your lack of femininity and then it’s a barrage of no we really are the prettiest. Sadly everyone is too much of a mouth breather to ascend beyond these politics.
This is a common problem, too. It's a waste of time trying to prove things to people who are opposed to us at the root. We're best off avoiding those groups/individuals on both sides.
Also, I didn't mention butch lesbians to be homophobic or frame them as predators. I actually don't think it's inherently wrong or evil for women to want to see more people they find attractive, kek. It's certainly better and shows more concern than how men constantly try to bully and neg women to fit their own tastes. I just see the gain for them, besides all the female liberation stuff.

No. 486799

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>three months back accidently curl my thick detangling comb inwards in on itself twice with a thick chunk of the hair at the front of my head with it.
>it gets fucking stuck in my thick curls
>have to cut a huge chunk out to free my comb
>hair shrinks a lot when dry
>hair now is super uneven with a small pouf shaped chunk in the front while everything else is relatively long
>can now longer do many of the natural styles I'm used to because it required general evenness
>when I have bed-head I have a 1:1 recreation of Vegeta's hairstyle and when I moisturize and oil my hair it resembles a poodle's like pic related
>hair will continue to grow at an uneven rate for the foreseeable future and will not be naturally symmetrical in length
>have mini sperg-outs every time I look at my hair because of how uneven it is
>want to cut it so badly to even everything out but wary of how I'd even look with my hair short but I'm kinda tempted to test out a semi-short pixie afro
>after asking my mother for advice, mother say's I'd "hate it so much"
>live under my mother's roof and love her too much to disagree
>now getting my hair braided next week so I don't go Postal
Nonnies, nonnies, nonnies. Don't be a retard like me. Never curl your comb backwards and down twice.

No. 486801

A friend of mine, Chinese-American, always has to hit me with a solid insult any time I get a compliment. I don't know if it's just her or something but I always just presumed it was because I have bad luck or am genuinely too ugly to deserve compliments. Thought she was doing me a favor by dishing out the harsh truth.
I know for a fact it isn't jealousy though. What's there to be jealous of when it comes to me? (personally) Maybe just outright distaste towards the idea of me as a cohabitator of this planet idk kek

No. 486804

I think my own self esteem is entirely too low to even try any of your suggestions. I mostly lurk this thread every once in a blue moon, but maybe a lot of users here have low self esteem too. I'm probably a wonderful 2 if we really are ranking ourselves, but I feel more comfortable portraying myself as some fictional creation online than having someone perceive me face to face.
It's easier to escape from reality than to face it for some, and I think that's okay. (moid desirability is a bit strange though)

No. 486816

>Chinese-American, always has to hit me with a solid insult any time I get a compliment. I don't know if it's just her or something

I will say Chinese/Asians are weird about compliments in general because their families constantly compare and pit them against each other. They're always in competition with each other, but it becomes one sided when dealing with people from other cultures who don't have those experiences, which is what I think she's doing with you.

No. 487062

Why be friends with a retarded pickme?

No. 487109

Literally break up with her. You don’t have to be friends with one who talks down to you like that.

No. 488093

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Something rubs me up the wrong way about these Jewish moids from the diamond district selling chains and overpriced worthless rocks to insecure black people who are desperate to look rich and make up for their inferiority complex. Malcolm was right, nothing has changed since the old days.

No. 488094

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Chains in general have always made me cringe. They look like shackles to me. Almost like admitting they're still owned, just by a different master. Humiliation ritual imo.

No. 488099

i wish rap never existed

No. 488100

I love rap, I just hate when non blacks try to take control of it.

No. 488104

>Almost like admitting they're still owned, just by a different master. Humiliation ritual imo
No, definitely not. That could maybe apply to chokers but chokers aren't part of hip hop culture (they are part of metal culture, though)
It's actually the opposite, big chains are a way of signifying dominance
btw, I agree that they look stupid

No. 488127

You might be her punching bag friend. Someone who is so self insecure and self doubting you can project onto and insult over and over again to let off some steam.

No. 488459

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The fact that black men kill black women more than anyone is telling.
Black men love crying when a cop kills a lifetime criminal who was being aggressive but ignore their own skeletons.
Men are the enemy. Never forget that.

No. 488461

It’s weird how scrotes from oppressed minority groups treat their women the same way society treats them and are incapable of seeing the irony. This has been true throughout all of history and still is today in many different groups(muslims, indians, native americans)

No. 488464

>The fact that black men kill black women more than anyone is telling.
They don't though. Black men kill each other 10x more often than they kill black women.

No. 488467

All scrotes treat women poorly.
No need to bring race into this.

No. 488472

I think he is the Jewish moid with the black woman Moses and Zipporah fetish who is always trying to get black nonas to swirl and date Jewish men instead lol.

No. 488478

What i meant is that black women are killed by black men more than they are killed by any other group

Lmao what? take your meds.
I wanted to make a point about how scrotes are our worst enemy yet want women to believe that achukually its other races/groups that are evil, and wanted to point out how even scrotes who have dealt with discrimination themselves have no problem treating women like subhumans.

No. 488480

everyone knows how violent black men are, do you really think this is new information lol? anyway, it still depends on the individual. your same charts show black women kill people more often than white males, do you think white men are better than black women too?

No. 488483

Wtf are you talking about? Are you a bot?

No. 488488

Not to sound like a retard but I have never met a black lesbian in real life. I thought lesbianism was peak white culture,

No. 488489

>suddenly playing dumb
yeah ok we know what you are lol

No. 488496

>Jewish moid with the black woman Moses and Zipporah fetish
NTA but what does this mean? Was Zipporah black? How would Moses have even met a black girl, let alone married one?

No. 488511

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This story always makes me sad. I watched a doc about it a few years back and it still haunts me. Why does it feel like WOC especially black women are often made into invisible background characters.

No. 488512

pretty sure zipporah/sephora was a cushite woman and moses's sister makes a comment about her being too dark so yeah she was probably black. even if you haven't read the bible, haven't you seen the prince of egypt? moses runs off with the black woman who is brought to the egyptian palace as a sex slave and he eventually marries her.

No. 488517

>moses runs off with the black woman who is brought to the egyptian palace as a sex slave and he eventually marries her.
I didn't know that. So interracial marriage was okay back then? I just assumed everyone in the past was super racist

No. 488614

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I'm black/white biracial and besides my white father and dead white grandparents I never knew the white side of my family. Sometimes I get shocked at how light I am in photos because I picture myself looking more like my mom and her sisters since I spend so much time around them. I love being part black, I love my black family, and I love my black friends. I am so happy I grew up with a black mother

No. 488642

where's the data showing bw kill people more than wm? i find that hard to believe. that's probably some made up BS. men are always more violent.

No. 488643

she looks biracial to me

No. 488646

There was xenophobia and colorism, but race science didn't become a tool for whites until around the 1600s. the only ones who hated blacks with a passion before then were the Muslim Arabs.

No. 488751

why did Arabs hate blacks? I don't think Arabs today are anti black

No. 488957

Arabs call black people “abeed” which literally means “slave”

No. 489458

They're very anti-black, save for a few enlightened people. Black Arabs are treated like hell in MENA countries, and the reasons behind that are a mixture of their own history enslaving black people, and the trafficking of African people (often women and children) they engage in today for slavery/"maid work"/labor/prostitution. It's a common insult in Arab countries to tell someone they look like the maid's child if their skin is dark.
Arab moids argue with eachother about who looks more white (knowing damn well they're all brown and hairy), and the women are encouraged to break their noses, shave/wax their whole bodies, bleach their skin, bleach their hair, and get more surgical operations to look like their moid's idealized vision of a white woman. I think a lot of Americans are unaware of these things because the US narrative has been about "POC solidarity", but it's becoming more and more difficult to ignore.

No. 489475

File: 1740208216925.png (429.82 KB, 615x473, jtv.png)

Real ♥

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