>>510251You cannot pressure a man into sex, to pressure someone into sex, you’d have to have had a tangible threat to make them comply.
Are you stronger than him? No
Did you have a weapon you could access to hurt him in case he refused? No
Someone cannot be pressured into sex if there aren’t some consequence they’re afraid will happen to them if they don’t comply.
If you’re drunk, weaker, and a woman, there’s nothing you could’ve done to him to make him so afraid he’d have to comply. He innately is in a more safe position. Imagine if you tried to pressure him, and he said no, what could you do to him after that? Nothing. Because you don’t have the physical power, or another threat to punish him with in case he said no. And he knew that.
This is why girls can be pressured into sex but men can’t. If women don’t comply to have sex, then the moid can get angry and beat them, or just continue the rape anyway but in a violent and traumatizing way, without the pretense of being nice. Women bargain against experiencing worse sexual violence, by falsely consenting to have the sex so they can receive the least violent outcome in that scenario. Now let’s flip the genders. You have no power to commit violence onto him, either physically or otherwise. So you have no threat to punish him with if he doesn’t comply to sex with you.
Also remember that in order for him to have sex with you, he’d have had to get and stay hard, and then thrust into you repeatedly as well. There’s so many more steps that it takes for a male to be able to functionally have sex, that wouldn’t happen if they were truly afraid or disgusted with the act. If he was truly terrified, why’d he get a boner? If he was truly terrified, why’d he keep thrusting? When he got off of you that meant he had the capacity to stop the sex at some point. So if he could wilfully stop the sex at the point he did, with no physical or violent consequence from you, then why didn’t he stop it right from the start? Why didn’t he stop it just before he entered? Why did he wait until after a length of time has passed before he exercised his autonomy to stop and leave?
I’m sorry Anon, but you were raped. And he knew what he was doing. I’ve been to raves and clubs with my girlfriends, where we’re off flirting seperately, and I eventually find one of my friends to be nearly blackout drunk
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