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No. 482587[Reply]

It's time to revive my favorite /g/ thread after seven months. Post unusual and nitpicky things that turn you off of a person.

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No. 496317

Being a picky eater. Like, I can understand having likes and dislikes, but if you are a chicken nuggies fries and "no lettuce tomato or onion on my burger" person who cringes at the idea of vegetables … I'll immediately pass on the idea of dating and they'll become a child in my eyes

No. 497078

Off the top of my head..

– A moid who hates cats is a definite turn off/red flag. He doesnt respect boundaries, does not have patience, and hates true innocence, love, and beauty. He views all other beings, including women, like dogs who are "supposed to" blindly obey him. He only likes dogs not for their inherent worth, but because they reinforce his narcissistic supply of being the "alpha" in a relationship.

– Moids who are pushovers, and moids who are bossy.

– Moids who listen to angry and/or misogynistic music. Moids who have anger or other emotional issues in general. Often manlets but not always, as manlets are more statistically likely to have anger issues. Moids who panic easily are exhausting to be around.

– Moids who enjoy true crime or horror types of media. Feels like he is either plotting something, or views legit horrific crimes as entertainment.

– Moids who glorify and worship veterans or similar professions. These moids will not tolerate their precious murderers for hire being questioned or criticized. Cult like behaviors like wearing a poppy, when they couldnt care less about the women affected by mens stupid wars of aggression. These moids worship other men.

– Mommies boys. Nuff said.

– Moids who are picky eaters. Moids who dont do their own laundry/dishes. These moids usually employ weaponized incompetence. Theyre lying, cowardly scrotes who view all women as appliances.
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No. 497101

it looks like baby clothes

No. 511207

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Scrotes who wear slips as swimwear, you can have the prettiest face on earth but you’ll look disgusting to me in an instant kek.

No. 511208

Blue eyes

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No. 392054[Reply]

Post anything you can think of. Specific clothing, styles, whatever.
>button down shirts
>more suits
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No. 511015

are you a slav

No. 511093

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"SS uniform-wearing group ordered to leave Sheringham 1940s festival"

No. 511099


No. 511103

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Funny thing is that the moid Wehraboos like this always accuse you for not liking these uniforms only for political reasons, even though my hate for SS uniforms is ALMOST purely aesthetic based. I obviously don't like Nazi shit (because I haven't had a lobotomy yet) but the Soviets were notoriously rapey and committed a fuck ton of war crimes as well, but I still really like their uniforms. I mostly like them because of how scrappy and cheap they look, I still prefer Cold War era Soviet uniforms though, because the fuzzy collars on the jackets are really cute ♥
Yeah, western Slav though, but I guess it still counts. Was it that obvious from my post? Kek. The guy in my pic is from the IRA though, he's Irish, so probably not slavic unless he's an immigrant that's really into larping as a Celt.
Lmao, wonder why only one of these guys has his face censored? My tinfoil is that he's a Fed

No. 512684

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>mid walled white scrotes wearing the uniform of the ideology that believes in the concept of a superior race

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No. 509198[Reply]

Schizo BFFs Edition

ITT: Post pictures, new developments and conversation about Luigi

Previous threads:
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No. 511079

Please make Flat Luigi (artnonna's version) the new thread pic

No. 511082

New thread:

No. 511083


No. 511097

if only we could selectively breed his looks but without the glass spine and muddled brain

No. 511112

They don’t care. It’s all “oh this isn’t that bad” or other excuses

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No. 180491[Reply]

A thread for anons who sew. Feel free to discuss anything related to sewing, ask for help and advice or show off your projects!
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No. 495877

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A good qualify faux fur won't shed after your plushie is done, it'd shed only during cutting. If always sheds then I would recommend you use something else.
My way of working with faux fur is
>cut carefully so I mostly cut the fabric supporting the fur and not the fur itself, see vidrel. The plushie I made using this was >>>/g/448324
>follow a pattern and cut all the pieces in one go
>grab the big parts resulting mess and shove it into a bag + use a lint roller to collect the rest of the sheddings, cleaning/replacing the lint roller if it gets too dirty

No. 510642

sewing is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. made a pair of bloomers as my second project (pillowcases were my first - those turned out ok) and the bloomers turned out pretty bad. they're still wearable but have a very sloppy handmade look to them. I was going to make a dress and a skirt using patterns from otome no sewing but now I feel discouraged. about how many projects did you complete or about how long were you learning to sew for before your projects started to look more professional? how do I get past the "babys first project" stage to make wearable garments that look decent?

No. 510871

Honestly, probably about four years. Mind you, I was really impulsive about how I'd go about completing projects and barely used the internet to look up anything to do with construction, materials science, pattern making etc during this time. When I first started out, I'd just buy second-hand home-sewing patterns and an old polyester bedsheet and try to make sense of it all on my own. In some ways this was alright, at least it shows I can be persistent, but obviously I missed out on a lot of extremely basic information that would've probably cut down the learning curve to about a year. Please don't feel discouraged and remember you can always practice what you are planning to make on cheaper, cruddier materials first (making samples of different construction methods on scraps/offcuts as well for references later is well worth your time when you are new to them) so you feel confident once you cut into your preferred fabric of choice.

No. 510873

Boiled wool provides decent water resistance so it might be worth trying out some experiments if you've got any scrap wool lying around.

No. 512863

wow that's a really long time… I think what is also frustrating me is that I'm relying on tutorials to do projects for things I want to make but all the tutorials expect you to know the basics which includes a bunch of sewing jargon. there are also things that are never mentioned like what tension setting to use, what thread, if the fabric should be cut on the grain or weft or bias etc.

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No. 406216[Reply]

Chartposters, this is your new home. Post your charts and let's see if anyone cares.
Best resources for creating and interpreting your birth chart:
General/Various Systems: https://www.astro-seek.com/
Vedic: https://www.astrosage.com/freechart/
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No. 510504

In one entire screenshot. Like for example >>509254 go back on Astro.com

No. 510537

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Ah ok, I see now. Sorry about that!

No. 510553

Hey nona fyi your information is visible in the top left corner

No. 510577

It’s so over for nonna kek

No. 510641

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You're so close but not yet nona. You can do this!

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No. 91535[Reply]

I can't seem to find the astrology thread, so let's make a new one! I hope everyone is having a lovely Leo season. Post PDFs and book recommendations, your favorite sites, youtubers, and advice etc.
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No. 495169

Venus in the 6th and Mars in the 9th

No. 498721

Hey to any astro anons here, how do you feel about astro compatibility charts or ratings? Asking because i did a astro comp chart with multiple people and basically almost all of the people that showed a 90% or 100% with me were people who i do not care about, do not find attractive or are dead.
Do astro signs complementing each other mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.

No. 502097

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I have so many placements in the 12th house. Am I destined to be a schizo? Am I already a schizo?

No. 510233

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Pretty fascinating astrological setup we got going on

No. 510506

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Anyone else suffer from two inner planets at an almost exact degree opposition? My Mars and Moon make me feel mentally ill on their own, and it's made even more prominent by them being in angular houses. Hate how double-faced and unreliable I come across.

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No. 300321[Reply]

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive
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No. 510434

Have you ever tried period panties nonna?

No. 510497

>Am I the only one
no and the solution to your problem is weight lifting.

No. 510540

Nonna I literally feel SUICIDAL, a whole week before, lifting weights is bullshif advice.

No. 510542

And I do go to the gym already.

No. 510560

do you go to the gym during pms or take a break? it's probably the serotonin dip, if gym doesn't help try offsetting that with a better diet (tryptophane rich foods), supplements like 5-htp or you can try microdosing mushrooms or lsd

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No. 335170[Reply]

for anyone dealing with sexual problems that may or may not stem from sexual trauma. no active thread specifically for this topic. a place to vent and/or discuss, to feel less alone in these struggles.
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No. 510223

>>Disasocciate alot, thinking about it, having flashes of him on top of me while having normal conversations with other people. Can’t concentrate on anything else.
>>Was i raped? Is this rape? No way right? I need details.
>>Start contacting people from that night to fill in the blanks. Call a girlfriend who was there the whole night and the cab ride home. Asked her how my condition was that night, she wasn’t as drunk because she stopped drinking when we arrived at the bar. She says i was totally out of it, another guy from the group had to help me walk to the cab, in the cab i was crying and hyperventilating, sleeping at times, cab had to stop so i could get some fresh air and maybe puke. I didn’t puke. I swotched seats with Trump so i could sit by the door of the cab. She wad talking with Trump during the cab ride, he didn’t seem very drunk at all. Ask her if we were flirting at any point during the night or anything, she says we barely talked.
>>The cab stops. He stops closer to where i live because of my condition. We are 6 people, her and two others have to go the opposite direction from me, Trump and his neighbour.
>>few days go by, i am still confused and feeling horrible. Start accepting that this was rape or atleast some form of abuse of power sexually. Block Trump on facebook.
>>Reach out to his neighbour who was walking with us to ask what she saw.
>>Apparantly, i invited the two of them into my apartment.
>>They both agree, we were just chatting. She was here for an hour. I asked her not to leave when she left. I asked her if i was flirting with him while she was there, she says not really, i was just being myself, but that i wanted them both there, not to be alone with him.
>>I ask, why didn’t he leave with you? She says she doesn’t know and that she hinted to him to come with her but that he either ignored it or didn’t see it. Okay. She sayd she actually talked to him, i ask what he said to her.
>>Apparantly he had contacted her 4 in the morning, she had left at 3 ish according to her. He was paniPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 510238

I am soo sorry this happened to you and that those around you didn't keep a better eye.
Considering your high mental distress and multiple witnesses saying that, in no way, were you of sound mind and Trump saying he "felt bad" and you being in and out of conciousness, I'm afraid you have been raped.

First of all, dont fall for his bullshit.
Men have a tendency to deflect responsability with a gaslighting skill the likes oil refinaries have never seen before, combined with willfull ignorance and roid rage.

>He is panicking, saying he has to go now! I am his friends ex!

>He was panicked, said i was coming on to him more than he to me, that he felt bad for my ex and didn’t continue because of it etc
>that he felt bad
>Trump claims i pressured him and that he said no several times, that i wasn’t as drunk as i claim etc.

I think the guilt of his action got to him, not bc you're his friends ex, bc he knew who you were even before the crime he comitted.
The more time passes the more he deflects. How do you go from multiple people saying you were blasted and out of it and unable to consent to "i was coming on to him more than he to me" to "i pressured him and that he said no several times".

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No. 510251

First of all nona i want to thank you for replying, it really meand alot. I have talked it to death with girlfriends and they all validate me, but i am still so scared that maybe i pressured him, and i am also a rapist or something or atleast a really horrible person.
I want to clear one thing up, i don’t believe i was slipping in and out of conciousness in the way that i was passed out, atleast at my place like in the cab. I’m so scared that i maybe did pressure him og that he stopped midway through and ran away because he was so distraught?
I am a person who always puts other peoples opinions over my own and always doubt myself (childhood trauma yay), but i have been working on it for years. I just wanted to try to talk to you nonas because i know you would be more objective than my friends.

No. 510268

How could you really pressure him? You wouldn't be able to force him or threaten him or anything. He was more sober and he's a man. That's some bullshit anon. Of course he wouldn't admit he took advantage of the condition you were in, even if he freaked out and changed his mind later. I'm not saying he necessarrily raped you but it seems like something did happen and he tried to do some damage control afterwards.

No. 510402

You cannot pressure a man into sex, to pressure someone into sex, you’d have to have had a tangible threat to make them comply.
Are you stronger than him? No
Did you have a weapon you could access to hurt him in case he refused? No

Someone cannot be pressured into sex if there aren’t some consequence they’re afraid will happen to them if they don’t comply.
If you’re drunk, weaker, and a woman, there’s nothing you could’ve done to him to make him so afraid he’d have to comply. He innately is in a more safe position. Imagine if you tried to pressure him, and he said no, what could you do to him after that? Nothing. Because you don’t have the physical power, or another threat to punish him with in case he said no. And he knew that.

This is why girls can be pressured into sex but men can’t. If women don’t comply to have sex, then the moid can get angry and beat them, or just continue the rape anyway but in a violent and traumatizing way, without the pretense of being nice. Women bargain against experiencing worse sexual violence, by falsely consenting to have the sex so they can receive the least violent outcome in that scenario. Now let’s flip the genders. You have no power to commit violence onto him, either physically or otherwise. So you have no threat to punish him with if he doesn’t comply to sex with you.

Also remember that in order for him to have sex with you, he’d have had to get and stay hard, and then thrust into you repeatedly as well. There’s so many more steps that it takes for a male to be able to functionally have sex, that wouldn’t happen if they were truly afraid or disgusted with the act. If he was truly terrified, why’d he get a boner? If he was truly terrified, why’d he keep thrusting? When he got off of you that meant he had the capacity to stop the sex at some point. So if he could wilfully stop the sex at the point he did, with no physical or violent consequence from you, then why didn’t he stop it right from the start? Why didn’t he stop it just before he entered? Why did he wait until after a length of time has passed before he exercised his autonomy to stop and leave?

I’m sorry Anon, but you were raped. And he knew what he was doing. I’ve been to raves and clubs with my girlfriends, where we’re off flirting seperately, and I eventually find one of my friends to be nearly blackout drunkPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 463347[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>297242

>Don't forget to stay anonymous. Don't give key details about you like your real name or address. Have basic cyber security common sense.
>Don't organize any type of discord/telegram/etc group in this thread or anywhere else on lolcow. Organize it elsewhere.
>Don't get discouraged if you get ghosted or don't immediately click with someone, shit happens. Keep trying.
>This website is 18+ only, don't post here if you are a minor.

Guidelines to consider:
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
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No. 509544

I do all of this and still get ghosted by most nonnas kek. It's hard to know if it's a problem with me or if it's just to be expected with online friendships.

No. 509709

AYRT, I get ghosted by most as well. I think it is just normal unfortunately.

No. 509730

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Hello, I come from the latam thread since we were talking about organizing between the Argentine nonners, tho any other latam nonnie is welcome.
You can ignore this if you don't come from the thread

Escribanme x acá con sus users de discord: no.smokingallowed@proton.me
La idea sería hacer verificación de mano y voz antes de entrar.

No. 509932

Nonnie, como funcionaría recibir anonitas de otros países? Piensas abrir diversos canales en el discord para países distintos o el enfoque sería Argentina?

No. 510357

Pensaba en agregar roles a las que se unan y hacer chats para cada país. Originalmente mi objetivo era buscar nonners de mi zona pero la idea de chat latino internacional tmb me copa

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No. 394660[Reply]

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
Old threads
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No. 508595

It's location location location. If you're new in the area there's always a playground that the local teens know to go to for smoking weed and having sex. Other than that most playgrounds seem either dead or you'll have an occasional other parent to two bringing their kiddos

No. 508728

So I know the family a bit better now. The two moms are married to each other and met through their babydaddy, who I think joined the relationship later. Honestly, aside from it being a 3-way relationship, the only red flags I'm seeing are on the financial independence side. They both live in the house he owns and he pays for most bills, but the wives have assets in their names, take turns working and only they have shared finances for their savings, so they have some protection. A massive green flag was just how quickly and happily their boyfriend/husbando/partner/babydaddy changed his plans to get off work and come straight to take the kids so the wives could go out, which I'm pretty envious of.

No. 508736

You're incredibly naive if you think this situation isn't going to turn into horrible drama in a few months/year max.

No. 510181

How do you handle the loneliness? I've been a gamer and quite standoff-ish my whole life so I thought I wouldn't need anyone but I'm a SAHM and there's no village. Both my husband's and my family just throw money at us and dont ever once offer to actually help. I even asked to, and they just happened to be so busy. I have a 4 month old and a 2.5 year old and I just really would like to shower without an audience or to just go out for a coffee and not just talk about kids. Husband really puts in the work and does the whole bedtime routine with the toddler after coming home from work but afterwards we have like 1 hour a day to hangout and that's if the baby is also sleeping and not crying. All people my age don't have any kids or don't even want any and I feel like I lost so many. I tried going to postpartum groups and all the women there do is like shit talk their husbands which I can't relate to. It's just lowkey so grueling. How tf do you deal with this? Everyday it's like just hoping it'll be over soon idk if anyone can relate

No. 510343

Nona I relate to you so much, I’m a stay at home wife right now but we are preparing to have kids soon and I had to move across the country for his career. I feel lonely and isolated because my family and old friends are in a different state. I’ve tried making friends here but people give you the side eye if you say you’re a housewife with no kids and moms don’t want to befriend me because I don’t have kids yet. I still try to reach out to my old friends online but they are too busy with their careers to chat me up and I can’t help but feel left out in the group chat when they discuss something they did together that day in person.
It’s hard overall to make friends as an adult because there’s no common theme uniting you all save for kids/marriage/family/career, and even then you get all sorts of different experiences that aren’t relatable. I can’t shit talk my husband like those women and wouldn’t be able to join in and fake it. Are any of them stay at home moms? I feel like most women look down on you secretly and try to drag you down with negativity hence the shit talking, they’re trying to see if you will join them and will feel satisfied knowing that your life/marriage is not sunshine and rainbows.

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