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No. 369903[Reply]

A thread for discussing hair care, hair problems, hair styles, and hair product recommendations.

Previous threads:
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No. 483449

i would say either chestnut or chocolate? and yes they're wispy but they're a lil more full than normal wispy bangs. maybe more like choppy bangs?

No. 484266

I have curtain bangs and they look nice but I need to keep combing them every 10 minutes or they just look like 2 strings of hair on the side of my face if that makes sense. How do I keep them wispy looking and not weighed down? Dry shampoo?

No. 484273

Just show this collage to ypur hairdresser

No. 484343

I wash my bangs more frequently than the rest of my hair and don't let my leave in conditioner touch it. I combat the dryness by doing weekly hair masks. It keeps mine looking fresh.

No. 487995

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I’m really sorry if this is gross, but I can’t figure out if this is dry scalp or dandruff. I shook my hair vigorously and collected what came out and this was it. My hair and scalp are both dry and not itchy at all. I’ve been dealing with this for years and everything I try fails to help.

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No. 141299[Reply]

previous thread: >>>/g/49363

Discuss your shitty brain here.
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No. 483331

Personally, I'd take the jumpiness over more intense high/lows. For some reason it feels good to know I'm not alone in trying to figure out how to stabilize. Can I ask which do you take?

No. 483507

Im on trileptal which is another anticonvulsant. Lurisidone / Latuda worked for about 1-1.5 months but the heebie jeebies got so bad I had to quit it. I like trileptal a lot better than lamo after lamo gave me an allergic reaction when upping dosages

No. 487586

I take sertraline and clonidine. I find that when i skip either one, clonidine in particular, i become a paranoid wreck. I only have adhd and autism, but sometimes i feel like i might have ocd because i fit the criteria for having insane obsessive thoughts. I relate with the idea of real event ocd because i constantly obsess over anything i feel like i did wrong, even if logically i couldn't have done things any differently or if i technically didn't do anything wrong. I obsess over instances where i felt powerless and weak and it brings me so much shame and makes me want to kill myself. I obsess with wanting to transform myself into a new person and control how people perceive me so i can be a successful person. Just randomly, i'd get vivid flashbacks on moments where i felt a ton of anxiety or made me feel stressed and it's like i keep reliving those feelings all over again. idk what to do. I do breathing exercises and it helps a little, but i can't control my thoughts without being medicated. I really though one day i could be off medications completely, but i looks like i will be taking them for the rest of my life.

No. 487589

samefag, but i'd also write the most unhinged things online when i was not medicated. I have done it on this site and on discord where i would get so offended by something that isn't even a big deal and just feel so angry at the world. I hate feeling this way.

No. 487954

I have struggled with OCD since I was little. I never realized that because I had no clue it manifested differently. Religious, patterns, obsessing, health related, etc. I found that when my ADHD and depression got treated, the OCD was more likely to come out. I have been trying to use this guy as a resource lately.


A lot to it. But basically breathing exercises won't work that well if you are on edge and expecting the OCD to come back. He discusses not trying to force yourself to stop the thinking by thinking of other things, because its like holding onto the ocd and another thing simultaneously, not letting it go. OCD is tricky because you literally can't engage. There is no solution. You have to keep learning what is OCD and how it might manifest. If I'm in a place where I'm coping better, but the thought is still pushing for my attention, I just say "Okay, I understand that you want to plan out your day or obsessively check your to-do list, but we aren't going to do that"

I'm really sorry nonnie and I know this is easier said than done. When the OCD is bad, it's really bad. There are a lot of resources and I hope you can find some that help to manage it a bit better.

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No. 396128[Reply]

Share your favourite lewd mp4s, voice actors, websites, etc.
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No. 487618

This retarded newfag has never heard of dlsite, kek

No. 487749

Unfortunately I have nothing to offer apart from my sympathies, nona. I haven't found anyone apart from august whose tone of voice, cadence, acting etc. I can listen to without cringing. It's a curse being this picky lol

No. 487834

honestly voice actors shouldn't do face reveals it always ruined it
one day a va i liked revealed and he was FAT and i can't listen to him ever since

No. 487836

you guys keep spamming previews so yeah i've heard of it, i simply will not register my credit card and start paying for porn just because you're too lazy and call uploading audios "spoonfeeding". this kind of laziness is the reason this site is dead tbh
i mean i don't even like audios that i can't understand either way, so i couldn't care less that you actually do upload it, i'm just notifying you that you're extremely lazy

No. 487931

I know this is a very late reply (sorry for that, nona!) but I kinda like this idea, would be a fun resource to have. Although I don't know how we'd be able to choose which categories to include and which to filter out, which content creators' voices are hot enough/which are too cringe etc. All of those things are quite subjective and deciding on the standards might be difficult.
I know r/gonewildaudio has had a couple of those filtering tools to search for audios, such as https://mrbrumbly.github.io/gwasearch/ but this doesn't store the audios anywhere, only directs to the reddit post. Were you thinking of hosting content on a site?

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No. 448891[Reply]

Anything you want or desire, the Universe will provide you with it.

Post your desires, affirmations, about your manifestation journey, goals and successes.

Tips for anons:
>Do not write it in the future tense (I will, they will, etc). Do it in the present or even the past tense.
>Avoid negatives (I don't, I can't, I won't, etc)
>Avoid "wish" or "want", think of it as if it's already happening and you don't have to wish or want anymore
>Keep your mind relaxed, focus on the good feelings of the outcome. Desperation attracts more desperation
>Trust the process

Advices and inputs are welcomed!
119 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 486159

he loves me, just as much as i love him. I am absolutely satisfied in bed, hes dick is big and he eats me out well.

No. 487241

I get pregnant in march

No. 487372


No. 487498

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Getting thin is very easy to me. I've done it before, I'm doing it again. Walks, jumping rope, hula hooping, dancing. I barely even feel cravings, I'm mostly eating to survive when I'm hungry kek
It also feels super good, because the extra weight was keeping me too warm and now I can sleep better, walk faster, I'm not chaffing as much when I wear dresses, and my hormones are in check. The cute clothes fitting me again is a huge plus as well!

No. 487913

BJ-Chan to finally kick the chair.

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No. 444697[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>393926
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No. 487807

What sucks about having a big crush is that we often idealize the person, attributing positive traits to them that they may not actually possess. So, be careful.

No. 487820

You're absolutely right, and while I recognize this myself it's kinda hard not to idealize and project my own hopes and dreams on someone I'm so very attracted to.

No. 487831

Imagine him having an explosive diarrhea or something.

No. 487843

I know her mom's socials but again I don't think it will help anything to reach out to them, they will likely just ignore me. If it gets really, really bad I'll probably have to though

No. 488138

Hey nonas, I need to desperately learn french from scratch. I downloaded Duolingo and started to memorize vocabulary but I wanted to ask if you can recommend me some good textbooks or workbooks. I don't have the money for actual education but my dream job requires french on at least the B1 level. I'm not very smart but I'm grateful for every bit of advice I can get. We didn't have french in my school so I'm a little lost here

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No. 91535[Reply]

I can't seem to find the astrology thread, so let's make a new one! I hope everyone is having a lovely Leo season. Post PDFs and book recommendations, your favorite sites, youtubers, and advice etc.
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No. 486731

>this person is bj-chan

No. 486774

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I hope you come back and post those descriptions… fire sign descriptions always seem lacking nuance, even from fire sign specific accounts lol.

I used to never relate to Aries descriptions, but the older I get the more I feel like I want to embody the (good) traits more. I felt closer to fellow Aries when I downloaded that social app Boo where they show ppls sun sign and all the Aries had 1 sentence profiles with shit pictures like me kek.

I feel like fire signs are so IRL, I don't come across them very much online. Like how certain MBTI is overrepresented on forums

No. 486987

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No. 487369

I'm that obvious? Resounding yes to both, though I'm more manipulative in the pity party bpd way

No. 487767

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Nonnies, how can I start working with my Lilith? (Lilith in Capricorn, 6th house)
The book I'm reading suggests using your Moon to help with that (my Moon is in Cancer and in the 12th house) but doesn't offer any concrete examples/solutions.
Please help, I'll be forever grateful

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No. 315174[Reply]

To the lesbian anon with a 2D crush, here is something to consider:
>think of your husbando
>really visualise him
>remember all the things you like about him
>now… ask yourself
>what if there were boobies under there?

Welcome to the Lesbian Hornyposting Yumejo Thread, the illegitimate daughter of the Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting Thread and the Female Fantasies Thread. Here you are free to imagine your favourite fictional woman in any scenario, sexual or otherwise, and post about her to your heart's content. Even better if, in her source material, that woman is a guy.

Example posts
>I just know Komaeda's pussy tastes like battery acid
>I want to fuck Goro Akechi until she is too overstimulated to monologue
>(3 paragraph description of a romantic date with Neku TWEWY which ends in passionate tribbing)

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 481859

Character? I like the design

No. 481861

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Malenia from Elden Ring!

No. 483311

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I haven’t read this oneshot but I’m planning on it because she’s so pretty. There’s something about how this guy captures the beauty of his female characters. Random rant: In my teens I used to genderbend characters a lot (a heathen I know) because I never really found the way female characters were drawn in anime art style attractive - to me, a lot of female characters looked like moe blobs or child faces plastered on an exaggerated body whilst some anime boys’ faces looked like regular humans, but not completely male (this only goes for some faces not bodies, as the latter always looked male - hence why I genderbent them). I just didn’t get it nor did I get why you’d want to draw women that way. I know anons will hate on me for doing this but hey. I stopped once I started accumulating waifus with cute designs and characters I liked which I felt was rare.
But when I started Chainsaw Man this itch I didn’t know that could be scratched was scratched. The female characters looked like actual women to me and specifically women I would be attracted to irl. I had the hots for every single one and I literally squealed out loud the first time I saw Makima kek. I have waifu’d every single one of them and there’s even a female character with a harem. I have some issues with the media but it’s inspired me to keep up with art myself so I can draw female characters I find attractive too.

No. 483587

I went through the exact same pipeline, Chainsaw Man women are like crack to me

No. 487743

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No. 420991[Reply]

Share tips, vent, advice, similar experiences, how to get out of such a rut, what can be changed, what helped you personally, where to meet women you can relate to.

This thread is for:
-those of us who spent our formative years on 4chan/other male dominated spaces and got internet poisoning from it
-those of us who realised men aren't your friends but are now alone
-gender dysphoric women especially socially dysphoric
-ex-TIFs who have come to terms with being female but are now adrift
-those of us who are gender non-conforming in personality, not only appearance
-assorted spergs/speds who have difficulty understanding social norms, unwritten rules, tone of voice, and reading between the lines
-low-empathy or low EQ women
-general loners and NEETs

This thread is NOT for humblebragging about how cool and rational and edgy you are. Please.

Previous thread: >>314525
836 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 487424

Recently a community I'm part of had a bad incident with scrotes being disgusting and so the women banded together to speak out against them. I've been added to a woman's only group now since the incident. Which is fine, and I'm honored. But I feel so out of place and I feel it's only a matter of time before I'm outed as an autistic loser weirdo. I hate being reminded that as much as I want to defend women, I just do not belong with them. I want to do my part in helping them, even if I can't relate to their experiences. But I also just feel so alien.

No. 487546

Anon come on, they’re literally not inviting her to things. It’s not for some convoluted reason, they don’t like her simple as.

No. 487778

I'm just asking if she actually expressed interest in those things, or does she expect an invite simply because? I wouldn't randomly invite someone to a spa day unless I know they actually like that stuff. girly shit is costly and we're in an era where women are sensitive to "all women love getting their nails done!” type thinking

No. 487861

I don't want this to sound like "girls are so sensitive" but i wish female friendships were less conflict-averse. I'm always worried about fucking friendships up by being too brash because of a long history of never knowing when to shut up and suffering the consequences. I'm too retarded to quickly notice if something is taken badly so it's like being blind, stumbling around and hoping i don't blow bonds that are precious to me. I feel like i wouldn't have this problem if i was socially aware but, is it so bad to be brash? Or critical but in an impersonal way, like disapproving of a thing without seeing your friend take it as a direct attack on her life choices. It would be okay if she said "i do this, do you hate me too?" but in my experience they bottle it up and you learn one year later that it really hurt her. I've had stupid arguments with male friends involving insults and we'd reconcile a day after as if nothing happened. I so badly wish i could experience this with women outside of my family, i think so far only two or three women have made me feel like we could bump heads comfortably. I don't mind being on the receiving end of rudeness if i know i can reciprocate and nothing will happen because calling each other retards over a TV show or having completely opposite opinions is fine.

No. 487993

Can you give specific examples?

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No. 394660[Reply]

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
Old threads
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No. 485622

Don't waste all your energy trying to get labor started. Go easy on any exercise-related tricks. Try staying hydrated and giving yourself some energy. If you like fruit smoothies, now is the time to have them. A midday nap could also give baby the chance to move just a little bit.

No. 485838

My fiance and I barely speak to each other and when we do it's like speaking to a stranger. I honestly have more meaningful conversations with people on the street. Our daughter is almost 2 and we were totally fine until she was maybe 15 months, and then it's like we just became strangers. We've tried talking about it but we always just seem to default back to being this way. Any nonas have any magical words of wisdom?

No. 486824

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>already got two under two, one of them being a 2 yr old on the spectrum
>Husband's parents are foster parents, but awful ones at that
>We are no contact with them and they walked out on husband as a kid
>They adopt a little girl
>For whatever reason, the girl gets removed from them by the state and we're the only closest relatives since he's technically her siblings and I might have to take in custody of an 11 yr old when I'm already struggling being a new parent
>All while me and the fam were supposed to move out of the US this summer
Wish me luck anons

No. 487212

What the fuck why did they put a kid into their care if they already abandoned your husband before… On the danger of it being somehow abusive, the 11yo could be at least distracting the toddler while you're with the newborn so that could be somehow actually an easier situation than the one you have now

No. 487432

They were foster parents, then got banned from being foster parents claiming "kids made false claims"… Then somehow someway they bullshitted their way into adopting, I actually called the adoption agency and told them everything and they admitted husband's parents lied on her application but didn't care "because people can grow". Turns out child abusers never really stop. They're telling everyone on Facebook the child didn't get taken by CPS because "her father wanted her back" which makes no sense if the adoption paperwork is finalized. I don't mind taking her in but moving stuff for a family of 5 to a different continent is gonna be hard

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No. 397215[Reply]

What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.

Last thread: >>>/g/158895
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No. 487078

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God help me

No. 487080

NEMU!? God can't help you anymore nona. You've already got radiation poisoning.

No. 487082

I know nonna, i'm helpless. It's funny because out of all the disgusting things she's known for, her most disturbing trait (to me) is her kooky quirky teacher millenial persona. I can rationalize her fucked up sexuality i actually find it endearing aside from the barf/scat/degradation shit, that's awful, ignore her online behavior, i can even look past her blatant BPD but the millenial speak and mama nemu bullshit creeps me out. Still would

No. 487235

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not ashamed but dr ally louks is so cute, I want an educated girlfriend. I love her accent too… smart women are so gorgeous. not in picrel but her tooth gap is really cute too

No. 487842

i didn't know who this is, only saw this photo briefly on the internet, so i googled her… god, i'm so sorry for her. scrotes are scum of the earth and still have the audactiy to claim they're 'oppressed'.

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