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No. 447876

Previous thread: >>>/g/418013

No. 447894

How exactly would he impress me on a "proper" date? He doesn't know me well enough to suggest something personal and heartfelt, so what do you mean by that?. Cooking with him was something I enjoyed when we did it previously, so I was very happy to do it and I was the one who suggested making the cake. I showed him how to decorate it and we made each other little cupcakes. I thought it was very sweet and I liked seeing how well he cooks. Also, I have been to his house before and we've been alone together in another secluded location for hours, so it didn't just come out of the blue.

No. 447912

This thread is so entertaining and gives me a sense of schadenfreude. I mean males keep showing you what they’re all about and yet you keep coming back to them, literally why?? Kekkkkk I wish I had popcorn

No. 447913

Women in good relationships don't need to come for advice. Similarly women in good relationships largely try to avoid mentioning it for reasons of intracompetitive "showing off" (I have had female friends angry that my boyfriend is "nice" and theirs isn't, verbally communicating such, not subtext) or in highly insular radfem spaces pulling a Not My Nigel, which is just embarrassing. But you do sound like a malignant retard.
The advice you're getting reads as very weird to me for reasons perhaps not worth elaborating upon (virgins? FDS? I don't know). If you've accepted that men and women are equal emotional creatures the way you're courting is not a problem (the idea of a nice quiet cooking date sounds appealing to me; a male peacocking would put me off). I would just keep it at that, though: serious courting; cultivate intimacy and trust first; take it slowly. There's nothing wrong with you pursuing him– if anything I would dispute that men who are not entitled to women's sexual attention and time tend to avoid taking up the patriarchal role of pursuing women due to a fear of entitlement in that respect– but you would ideally expect reciprocation. You care so much about his preferences, what he wants, what he needs, what he enjoys doing– what about you? Where do your needs figure in here? That's actually the part that matters, not what other people are telling you to do, including me, and this other litany of women on lolcow and in this fellow's personal life: are you happy? Do you feel it's mutual? Or do you just enjoy the chase and you've forgotten about yourself?

No. 447914

There’s no such thing as a woman in a glod relationship, she’s just really really good at hiding the bullshit she puts up with in her relationships. The ones here are the attention-seeking types who for some reason keep coming back here to vent about their atrocious choices for head pats and female compassion she can parasitize off while she continues to make the same bad choices every single time. Humans are incapable of having good relationships, the ones who smile, laugh, and give off the best impression of a good relationship are very practiced people meaning they know how to hide their craziness better than the Cluster B tards who come in here

No. 447915

Kek nihilist neetchan, you need to stop basing your beliefs about the world on your schizophrenic interpretation of the internet. There's your advice.

No. 447917

Samefag it’s also funny that you mentioned that your boyfriend is “nice”, as if that’s an interesting qualifier to be with somebody when other people are capable of being nice. It’s just reinforcement of the bare minimum and shows a sign of bargaining, you’ll stick around a male and spit out as much excuses, traits and projected personalities about him while he continues to perform like the good little wolf in sheep’s clothing he is. Males have learned to change their strategies nowadays, they now are very effective at getting women to believe they are “nice” which has the underlying vibes of lukewarm water left out for weeks on end and the idea of him being nice is just another covert effort to push the good man psyop when he isn’t a good man, if he was he would advocate against porn without him naturally having to parrot you because he wants to get in your pants, he would be exposing every rapist on the block including the ones he definitely knows, would be going against his whole family unit, etc. but the fact they don’t tells me they have now changed their strategy from going full grug mode like they used to do (this is more related to the West) and pretending to be a nice pliable good guy who says the right things, all it’s telling me is that you’re the bird brain bitch that fell for the trap. This thread reminds me on how much romance and relationships are such bullshit and so distracting kek

No. 447918

I'm 29 and have never been in a relationship, never been on a date, and never kissed anyone. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to keep it that way for the rest of my life.

No. 447922

No. 447927

>paragraph-long sperg misapprehending the point I made originally
I know you're rejoicing in other women's pain >>447912
and trying to make me upset, but you're failing at larping the sadism you think to be inherent in men. Maybe you're right, honestly, because you're not very good at it.

No. 447953

>How fucked it was of your friends to set up a challenge for you rather than a date, ffs.
this. they're sacrificing her to cure this guy's depression

No. 447960

Do you think a man would ask his dream woman to bake a cake for his grandma on the first date? Fucking kek. That's something you do after 3 years of dating when you already know his family. He's already treating you as if he's entitled to your emotional labor (Whether you enjoy baking or not doesn't matter, he talked you into doing something he should have done HIMSELF.) He didn't have to put in any effort, planning, or money into your date. Why did he take you home to bake a cake for his grandma instead of to a couples cooking class and go for dessert after? Because he's cheap and lazy. He's basically skipping the courting part of your relationship and you're defending him for it. On top of that, there's a huge age gap between you too. You're not even fighting for a young fit man but an aging scrote. Please wake up.

No. 447961

Do I really have to introduce my boyfriend to my friends?

No. 447974

nta and I agree with some of those takes, eg. there's no point in trying that hard to bag an old scrote (or any scrote tbh) who isn't even acting enthusiastic about having you around, but she said she was the one suggesting baking the cake in the first place… all of this unnecessary schizoposting is hilarious, why'd you even reply to anything in this thread if your generic reaction to "issues" involving males is to screech and project? at least try to stick to whatever was posted originally

No. 447975

Whether she suggested it or not, he went along with it. Most people with morals would feel bad about having an almost complete stranger help with a cake for their loved one, someone she doesn't even know and isn't close to. That isn't schizoposting, it's just common decency.

No. 447976

No lmao. I don’t ever. Not unless you think there’s a real future w someone.

No. 447978

After a few dates with a moid he suggested that we go look at vinyl and also look for a birthday present for his friend. Bare in mind I love getting presents for people but that proposition sounded downright suicidal to me so I dodged him lmao

No. 447981

I’m not trying to be sadistic, how anybody not laugh at their shit choices? They know how god awful men are yet actively keep coming back as if the same strategy will always work

No. 447994

Oh thank god, it always felt unnatural and forced to have to introduce two people who have almost nothing in common, since I don't plan on settling down ever I guess I'm fine.

No. 447995

AYRT and kek good im glad another nonna sees it my way. Theyre like completely different life compartments, no need to introduce oil and water to each other so to speak

No. 448024

Are you also going to clean his asscrack with your tongue?

No. 448025

Good relationship just means that the woman puts up with the man’s bullshit. I opened my third eye when I realized that, just look at every long term relationship kek. Being with a man ultimately means enduring and forgiving.

No. 448039

how do I deal with an ex who makes (untrue) rumors about me online? he has a sorta large following and overshares everything online including made up stuff about me to gain sympathy. do I only address it when he directly refers to be my name?

No. 448074

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This. All human relationships are pointless and doomed to fail, and no humans are worth caring about anyways. There are no friends in this world, and there are no good people.

No. 448078

So currently out of 4 billion women plus all of the other woman who have died, not a single one has ended up in a good relationship with a man?

No. 448079

It’s not logically possible for every woman to be suffering in a heterosexual relationship, or for zero human beings to matter. Cringy emo bullshit, these posts are so angsty. This is just bitter ass depression anons. Misery loves company.

No. 448083

>He didn't have to put in any effort, planning, or money into your date
>you're defending him for it
Yes I am. He put hours of work into finishing his projector and wiring a sound system ahead of our date, found important films he thought I'd like based on a previous conversation about my tastes, prepared everything for some of my favourite foods that I mentioned off-hand a couple of months ago, then took me for a walk along the foreshore lit by fireworks, before dropping me home with the cupcakes we made. Why would I want to go to a cooking class? I know how to cook, and because I was in that very nice kitchen with him, I know he has money, spends it well and knows how to cook too, but I also know he keeps a clean home, pays attention to detail, doesn't mind cleaning in the slightest and eats well. I know he really listens to me when I talk, even when I'm not paying attention to what a say, and enjoys talking with me just to talk and share things with each other. I know he's a safe driver, keeps a well-maintained car, instinctively walks between me and other men, is patient and maintains his fitness.

I see dating as an effort to get to know the person I want to spend my time with. I liked our date because it told me things about him that he can't fake or hide. He can't hide the fact he needs to see something to remember to clean it, as evidenced by everything being spotless from his eye level down, but with grime on the very top of his stove's rangehood mounting and spots on the skirting board beneath his cupboards. He can't hide that he gets distracted from projects and lacks follow-through, as evidenced by the half-dozen half-finished ones lining his workshop's shelves. If we'd gone to a couples cooking class and had dessert at a restaurant, all I'd know is that he could follow instructions and was willing to buy my affection through overpriced sweets.

No. 448092

Shut the fuck up about licking his asshole already, damn.

No. 448098

I’m really not trying to be mean but your posts the last few days about this just seem like pure fanfic kek if this all really happened that’s so wholesome but like…on LC it’s hard not to be sus of such posts kek like either you happened to hit SUCH a jackpot or this man is going to be a serial killer in the real way not just the hyperbole way

No. 448131

My nigel is thinking about going on a trip to follow a band's tour for a few weeks next year. I've done this a few times myself when I was in my late teens/early 20's and it involved a lot of drugs, drinking and hookups. We're in a much different phase of life now where we're both settling and calmed down. I have a lot of regrets and bad memories from the tour days, but he has never done it, and doesn't understand the appeal of the party lifestyle. As far as I know him, he's always just been a music nerd, we go to a lot of shows together and nothing weird happens. He just wants to see the shows and have a little road trip (which he's done for years without the music part). But I know he likes to dress well, be well-groomed and look good, he's very charismatic and sociable, and he's told me before when I was out of town some girl tried to hit on him at a show and it made both of us very uncomfortable. He's very aware that all I just don't want is for him to flirt/sleep with anyone else, or to get blackout drunk (never happened, but my ex was a violent alcoholic and it's my nightmare).
I've openly communicated that first of all I'd miss him while he's away, but that I am worried he'd get hit on, or overdo it with the alcohol and sleep with someone. How would you feel about this? Am I being a crazy/paranoid bitch? How can I chill out and let him enjoy his hobbies? I feel like I'm letting my own past, bad experiences color something that's got little to do with it at this point in our lives.

No. 448138

nta but yeah it's like if you found such a nigel why do you keep coming back to LC? Enjoy your lovely IRL relationship and leave us to rot kek

No. 448140

sadly the site's demographic is skewing towards extreme normies, the popularity of the breeder thread and the constant mentions of "muh nigel/muh childrens" out of the respective containment threads proves it

No. 448142

I didn't read the posts you guys are referencing but normies and weirdos all posting on the same site and never knowing who's who is kind of the beauty of imageboards in general

No. 448143

actually true and correct, i apologize for lashing out

No. 448152

Lots of weirdos have boyfriends though, many anons here mention being terminally online and having zero irl friends aside from their partners. Being celibate is an extremely niche lifestyle even amongst weebs and nerds.

No. 448154

Most studies place it between 10-20% of people, depending on age and gender. It's not that niche, but it's certainly not seen as positive so it's not talked about. There is a famous study on risk evaluation showing that people are just terrible at correctly assessing the relative likelihoods of things, like the chance that they will be murdered vs die of heart disease, for example. One reason suggested was that the relatively unlikely outcome of being murdered was so overrepresented in news reporting. I think something similar happens with people's assessments of what types of lifestyle and experience are weird, or niche. For example, being wealthy is several orders of magnitude less likely (and more niche) than being celibate.

No. 448155

Not part of this conversation, but when did LC become a single, childless woman-exclusive imageboard? AFAIK there have always been people with boyfriends and some with children here, and that didn't suddenly change when moids started to get banned nor when the site started to lean radfem. Even nerds and weirdos can have boyfriends and children.

No. 448156

Yeah that anon is retarded, there have ALWAYS been "normies" on lolcow, even years and years ago.

No. 448172

>between 10-20% of people, depending on age and gender
I wonder what the criterias are because this seems a lot, I've never met another consistent celibate person like me, at most people were taking a break in dating for like one year.
>it's certainly not seen as positive so it's not talked about
It should be seen as something neutral, I feel like celibacy can only be justified if it's religious/cultural/trauma induced (but you still need to get over it at some point), people should be allowed not to care about romantic relationships for whatever reason.

No. 448224

You and the other nonna didn’t get my point at all kek. Even if you get with the so called “good man” it’s still the same.
It’s just the dynamics of heterosexual relationships and I’m saying this as a straight woman too who is still somehow trying to make peace with this notion and the desire to be loved back, genuinely.
The sooner you wake up and the sooner you’ll be better. Being with a man means breaking your boundaries and forgiving many of his shortcomings, you lose more when you’re with a man than when you’re alone.

No. 448225

I’m actually saying that you have to be alert and mindful at all times and to not project your ideals on a man , they’ll never live up to them. Prepare to be disappointed, dismissed, cheated on, spoken over etc. if you have that mindset then you won’t ever have a heartbreak in your life and you won’t ever blame yourself for a scrote’s own wrongdoings.
Romantic love has been sold to us far too long.

No. 448283

If you let a man pay for everything, will he resent you eventually? I don't want to pay for a man unless he's literally perfect in every way, but if he was he wouldn't let me pay.

No. 448319

It's my fear. I've made him aware he shouldn't pay for everything all the time, only when he truly feels like it and can afford it so I know it's coming from a place of love and not obligation. I've paid for him before, but he doesn't like letting me too much. It's fine to keep it 50-50, neither of us make a lot of money. Especially if this is the case and you let him pay for everything, I think he'll definitely let some resentment grow.

No. 448321

as scary as it is, I think you have to see what happens. If he comes back and it's all good, no blackout drinking/cheating/etc then I feel that will strengthen the relationship and also help you get over the bad experiences in your past. If something bad happens then it will hurt but at least you can say you were honest and upfront with your fears with him

No. 448336

Relationships take work, even with males. If your mentality is that of "I can't make demands, he's just a simple male!" That makes you spiritually weak, in this case you should absolutely avoid relationships with men. Sorry but dating men requires having a STRONG sense of boundaries, and following through with your expectations. You have to be a huge bitch with a ton of guts to date a man, another thing is not to get caught up in emotions that you are not able to separate yourself from a genuinely horrible union. If straight women as a whole were more demanding, less carried away by emotions relating to love, dating men wouldn't be half as much work.

No. 448337

I truly think it depends on their mindset and upbringing. I dated a guy who would pay and refuse to let me but who also resented it every time (loser behavior) but am now with someone who pays for EVERYTHING plus extras constantly and is more than happy to do it. Not once has he ever acted bitter or resentful even in a tiny way, and he’s not rich or anything. I reciprocate in other ways, like home cooked meals and treats since I’m a very good cook/baker, and sometimes I’ll tackle a very difficult stain for him on his laundry if he can’t get it himself kek. Reciprocity doesn’t always have to be sexual or financial in relationships w scrotes but it’s like a needle in a haystack to find that these days it seems.

>tldr; it’s about balance and reciprocity (if the moid deserves it)

No. 448340

Yeah, it's my fear too because in my past relationships my exes expected me to pay for things. As in they didn't feel loved if I didn't. It made me feel unappreciated because I feel I bring lots of value, love, and understanding to someone's life, the least they can do is try to carry the burden of the finances. I never felt truly loved or understood in any of my relationships, they caused arguments, etc. Why would I pay for someone like that? They should be paying to keep me around. Men don't realize how much women add to their lives, meanwhile being in a relationship with men only caused me stress and heartbreak.

No. 448341

>men don’t realize how much value women add to their lives
This. That’s why with my exes I always would cut the nice helpful stuff off right away if my needs weren’t being met kek. I feel like I hit the jackpot that my current partner is so appreciative of everything I do. I’ve never done a single thing for him that he hasn’t thanked me for and made me feel like the best woman in the world. The way he acts when I can do something as simple as get a grease stain out of his favorite hat makes up for every pissy comment any of my exes ever made.

No. 448342

He sounds really sweet, I'm happy for you!

No. 448343

Is it cheating-adjacent to (jokingly) send other men rape threats? Genuinely wondering. I've been trolling scrotes that way but my man feels like it's unloyal and idk how to make his male brain understand that rape is in no way flattering

No. 448344

Not cheating but it's definitely a waste of time and I would be a bit weirded out if my partner had trolling people as one of their hobbies.

No. 448347

You're telling other men you're going to rape them? Can you not see why making sexual comments about other men would make him uncomfortable? All men would love to be raped by a woman by the way, it's hardly a threat.

No. 448348

I didn't say it was a hobby. It takes seconds anyway
>All men would love to be raped by a woman
Kek true

No. 448360

It's not a rape threat, it's you offering to hook up. Women can't rape moids, you have no dick and no strength to subdue them.

No. 448368

Kek ty nonna part of it I think is that he genuinely doesn’t have that moid-intrinsic woman hate. He took care of his dementia addled grandmother for the final 3 years of her life like day and night, did everything for her apart from the actual nursing as his mom is one. So to any nonnas wondering if men who aren’t total shit stains exist, they do. But they have to really truly love the women who raised them I think.

No. 448381

My thoughts exactly. Unless she's pretending to be a gay moid, which is still weird and a waste of time.

No. 448433

I guess this might come up a lot here but I need honest advice about dating male-obsessed women. I mean a terminally online male-obsessed woman. I've dated bisexuals before and it was never this level of turn off. Is it my fault for having some kind of jealousy or being uncomfortable with her wanting to fuck men so much or it makes sense for me to not want to go further with someone like this?
Besides, I feel like a prop sometimes. I've had a girlfriend that liked showing us off to men for being a conventionally attractive feminine couple and I think I'm sensitive about this behavior.

No. 448444

I think the answer is pretty obvious. Stop dating male-obsessed women.

No. 448447

It makes complete sense for you to not go further. I think you should trust your gut more.

No. 448456

Listen to your intuition and don't continue with this woman. She'll most likely settle down with some guy in the end.

No. 448524

is it okay to date a guy in the Freemasons? They don't really do all the bad stuff they are accused of, right?

No. 448555

I have family members that are members. As far as I can tell it just means you’re well connected within your community and considered someone with some sort influence or say. It isn’t a red flag imo.

No. 448567

as others have said, go with your gut. Every time I've just looked past my gut feelings with regards to dates it's never been successful.

No. 448577

I live and work on a farm in a rural area with a 10 hour drive to the nearest city. Gender relations are trapped in the 80s and education is at a minimum so dating is really just picking the nicest guy you can find and hoping you get him to read more often. I don't want to leave because my family farm is actually doing well but my dad is getting older and wants me to take over from him once he can't get down on his knees anymore. I've never dated a guy longer than a few months because I get so grossed out by how low-class and uncultured they are (not that I'm much better but it's still offputting) and there's a very limited dating pool. Back in town there's a university campus for (mostly male) students that spend 6-12 months doing field work for their degree and they're like a trade commodity for all local women when a new batch comes in. I find most of the guys that come in to be either seriously scummy inner-city types or cloyingly sweet "allies" and generally gross. This last rotation I met one of the students who's close to my age (27) and seemed really different, so we started dating and it's now 11 months later so I really want to keep him. This is where I need advice but I'll give some key facts first.

>he's a little too cultured and can't make friends with most local guys (except from transplant teachers and business owners in town)
>tries his hardest to get along with older men (that's most farmers) but they all dislike him at least a little
>a bit prissy when it comes to being dirty
>can't stick out long days in the heat
>tries hard to make me more cultured and I get the feeling I bore or gross him out sometimes
>ideally wants to work in a government lab hours away from town
>my dad dislikes him for not being manly enough
>a little high maintenance because he wants to see me more during the week

>not just smart but really witty and knowledgable
>sweet but in a way that makes me want to smother him with kisses, not choke him with my bare hands
>fairly handsome handsome with a naturally big build, grey-green eyes that make my knees weak and hair I want to make him grow out so I can run my hands through it all day
>seriously good in bed with no ego or neuroses
>treats me like a person and not ovaries on legs but still indulges my feminine side
>big and strong so he can haul things and reach high places
>he's an ag-science student with a degree in genetics which would be seriously good for the business

Basically it boils down to him being a bit too metropolitan for me (or me being a bit too country for him) and not being very suited to life out here. If he's going to be my husband/defacto partner he'll need to be able to handle the personal side of business which he can't do if he's not at least friendly with our neighbours, suppliers and partners. On the other hand he's already made my dad $12,000 in profit by implementing a few of his suggestions and he'd be a serious asset to the operations side of the business. On top of that I've seen him with his extended family and he's like a dad to some of those kids. His year's up and he's decided to stay here but it's exclusively to be with me and I don't know if he'll be able to stick it out longterm.

I'll take any advice because I don't know if it's fair to make him give up a career he'd make a real difference in just so I can flip a coin on if we last or not.

No. 448594

Most cons you're listing are actually pros even if they're annoying at first glance (being clean, trying to integrate despite the gap, wants to spend time with you…), him trying to make you more cultured could be either because he looks down on you and wants to 'mold' you to his liking (cynical) or him investing effort in your bond (whitepilled). If the feeling of grossing him out persists you should try and discuss it, it could be ambivalence (which is pretty normal in a relationship). From my own perspective, i've dated someone whose idea of a nice night was watching retarded youtube slop with a beer and while it was fun, it did bore me after a while and i did find it soul-crushing so i complained. But i still had fun and i found a way to balance this non-hobby with my own interests. Feeling ambivalent towards your partner once in a while is okay.
I'd say go for it nona, he sounds like a catch. Don't worry about your relationship not lasting, you have to be a little egoistical with your happiness and you can never be sure anything lasts anyways. You seem nervous but it's the good kind of nervousness, it's stress from having something really nice and not knowing what to do with it
It's fine, most freemason crime is white-collar corruption shit, unless you live in Europe and are dating a guy with ties to the military you should be fine kek

No. 448771

My boyfriend told me he doesn't love and doesn't see a future with me. It honestly broke my heart since he was my first and I was so attached but we havent been together a year so I think the best option would be to end this relationship. HOWEVER, it was his birthday recently and I bought him an expensive gift and now I'm resentful because he told me he doesnt love me right before christmas and my birthday.
So now I want to stay with him until it's my birthday (until the end of january at least) and only end this connection then. But the very thought of him pisses me off and I don't want to fuck him anymore. Is this fucked up? Am I just making things worse for myself? This is my first relationship (I'm 24) so I don't know the rammifications of staying with someone who broke your heart yet.

I feel so awful and anxious I wanna kill myself and also him. Nonetheless, I want him to make the same effort I went through for his birthday.

No. 448795

Just block him everywhere and never speak to him again or try to explain your side. Complete silence and stoicism is the only way you'll win over a moid.

No. 448796

Really sorry to hear that nona, he's a jackass asshole. I don't think he's going to spend the same effort at all, considering he told you this right before your birthday and without any consideration for your feelings. Anyone who's close to well-adjusted (or even just ok-adjusted) would never say something like "I don't love you and don't see a future with you" and not break up. It might be kinder and more loving to yourself to dump and block and throw away everything he ever brought over.

No. 448883

Nona, please go get a refund for the gift you bought him and dump him. As others have said he would never afford you this consideration for you feelings, why should you? It's your first relationship and that's always hard, but you're so young you'll find someone who loves you please don't stay with him.

No. 448998

Any time I've heard of a man saying stuff like that and then just staying with you like it's no biggie afterwards (when those are breaking up words to normal people).. it's a waiting game where they just want their source of sex to stay around a bit longer and they'll end up properly dumping you moments before (or on) the next special occasion for maximum damage and so they don't need to put any effort into you when they've already mentally clocked out. We even get it on here every V day and Xmas week. The last moment dumping that ruins an occasion but saves him money and maybe makes him feel like he won the game.

I'd get ahead of it and just do the dumping while you've still got a couple weeks till xmas to start moving on. First break ups tend to suck hard enough already without waiting to see if he pulls the whole dumping you on xmas week trick.

No. 449006

My boyfriend barely wants to see me nowadays, without talking to me for weeks. He is my first boyfriend. I respect his privacy, but this does not feel like a relationship anymore. I reach out to him and he does not respond, and I feel worried to bother him.

He is emotionally detached as well whenever I need him. I feel like he does not care. We have been together for 3 years. I work and study in university. He does neither. He has tried to complete schooling and a job, but he quits soon after or gets fired. He also hides things from me. I guess his ADHD has to do with it?

As a woman, I feel like it’s over. I wanted to get married to someone with a responsible adult with a stable income and who is emotionally available. Instead, I feel stagnant, and I am waiting for no reason. Besides this issue, I love him and I think we get along together well, although I don’t agree with everything.

Do I need a better boyfriend or is this typical of men? What do I do?

No. 449009

I really dislike spending time with my nigel lately, I much prefer hanging out with my friends or doing something by myself, is this the end of our relationship?

No. 449011

You don't need to spend every free moment with your boyfriend, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be with your friends or on your own.

No. 449013

yeah, of course I don‘t have to spend all my free time with him but every time we meet up (we don’t live together) I just dislike being with him. we don’t do anything fun except staying at his apartment, watching tv shows or instagram reels, super boring. I‘d rather stay at home and do something productive kek. seeing him once a week is not fun or fulfilling in any way for me, it just feels like a chore.

No. 449014

for how long have you been feeling this way? What is it about your Nigel that annoys you? Or is it nothing at all, just his general presence?

No. 449025

„lately“ as in the past year kekkk
what annoys me about him is that he‘s lazy and doesn’t really have any interests, we mostly talk about terminally online shit kek. and what annoys me the most is that he doesn‘t like doing anything outside of his home. e.g. „why would I go to a restaurant with you when I can doordash some food and we can eat at home“ or when I ask him if he wants to come along with me to any activity that I like to do he does join me sometimes but then he‘s moody and noticeably annoyed that we’re not at home and nagging about wanting to leave which obviously ruins my mood. I‘m a quite social person and living an „active“ life is really important to me. idk, he’s a kind person but everything else … meh. I keep hoping that he‘ll change but since it’s been a year already I‘m not sure if staying with him is the right thing. ok now I answered my own question already kek sorry for rambling

No. 449030

nona it already sounds like you're mentally checked out from this relationship anyway - half a year is also more than enough time to decide if you want to make it work or not. If you dread spending time with him it doesn't matter how nice he is. Just break up with him and if he's semi-decent he would want to stay friends once healing from the break up is done.

No. 449066

I've heard so many bad stories about ADHD moids that it all just molds together for me. Basically, he's a walking red flag and you'd do yourself a favor by dumping him. You don't need to be with a bum who is emotional detached and isn't doing anything with his life. Cut your losses and move on to someone who isn't mentally ill like him.

No. 449112

YES you need a better boyfriend, but honestly wouldnt being single be better than having this loser moid leeching off your emotions? please get rid of that thing

No. 449117

ADHD is not an excuse - he just knows he has you on a leash and will only engage with you when it's convenient. You've been together for 3 years and what, you both don't even live together? Sorry to be blunt but he will never marry you or give you a stable environment. You work and study - you will find a better man even at your University if you look.

No. 449989

My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 months. He's really great and we're able to have a lot of difficult conversations communicating pretty well. There's just this issue I have where he keeps bringing up how much he likes to travel and he wants to go on solo trips. I expressed I felt a little excluded and sad that he didn't raise the possibility of including me, then he gave me a bunch of reasons - I'm poor and he can only afford to travel for one, he fears I wouldn't be comfortable in his van (I never said that and always was enthusiastic about it), etc. When I said it sounded like excuses he said he thinks traveling together is a big deal, he hasn't been in a relationship in a long time and is still "processing things" about being in a committed LTR again, and that 4 months is early. I feel like we see each other 2-3 times a week and have grown to know each other quite well, I personally would love to travel with him. When I told him I found "processing things" vague and unhelpful for me to understand, he said he feels pressured to figure out how he feels quicker and clearer.
Am I being dumb about the traveling together thing? Is it really that big of a deal? I love traveling but I wouldn't really wanna go without him at this time unless it was really a once in a lifetime occasion.

No. 449994

He wants to fuck other women on his travels and he doesn't see a future with you, he just enjoys the sex and companionship for now.

No. 449997

>is still "processing things" about being in a committed LTR
He doesn't see a future with you, but he tolerates a relationship with for the sex and female attention, plus all the other benefits you give him.

No. 449999

You'll live such a long stress-free life if you go through with that, good luck nonna

No. 450005

my nigel is similar, as in he doesn't like to go out and just stays cooped up in his apartment. what worked for me is getting him drunk every friday night and having a mandatory date night. maybe try proposing some kind of scheduled dates or activities that you like and try to get him into them. if that doesn't work, then just break up with him imo- you probably won't be happy long-term with him

No. 450101

How do I win my ex back? We were together for years but broke up because he couldn't deal with ny instability off my medication and my terfness (I am now medicated bipolar disorder dx). It has been months no contact since then but he recently wished me a "happy birthday, hope you're doing well" with a red heart. I said "thank you, you too" with a yellow heart as yellow is my favorite color (he knows this). Should I wait until christmas and wish him a merry christmas and see if he'll go for lunch?

No. 450103

Samefag but could this be exactly what he wants? To remind me of him after so many months? I don't know

No. 450111

If you’re asking this website if you should reign in your feminism to win a man, I don’t think you’ll like the answer you get.

No. 450115

>but broke up because he couldn't deal with ny instability
He sounds like a wimp, why do you want him back?

No. 450119

you should probably leave your BPD victim in the past, even if you're better now. he'll always remember the unmedicated you and be worried it would come back

No. 450120

Yeah that's fair enough it's just a problem in one particular way. I asked him to move in with me before Christmas to force my family to get to know him more but he hates the idea. I really just want to be able to see him and fuck without an hour drive to town and back but he thinks my dad will resent him for being so blatant like he thinks dad doesn't know what goes on when I spend every weekend with him. Maybe he's right but if he thinks we're going to keep doing date nights rather than move in together to make my dad more comfortable then he's got another think coming.

I think I'm going to give him another 6 months ask dad to bring him on and see how he handles the hard drought we've got coming. Every time there's a drought there's always a few divorces or bankruptcies and I think if we can muddle through it without a blowup then I'll keep him and figure out a timeline for kids. Our lawyer advised me not to marry him while he was in the room and he took it pretty well so the first big hurdle is over.

No. 450345

I spent the past week really thinking over my current relationship with my boyfriend, and things are not good. I had been avoiding thinking about things thoroughly for a while because I knew they'd be bad, but now I really don't know what I'm going to do. I had a nasty breakup around a year and a half ago and spent 8 months trying and failing to get over it. The only men who expressed interest in me during those months were the kind that only saw me as a hole. My parents saw how bad I was doing and pushed for me to try meeting people on dating apps. But I couldn't bring myself to try and look for anyone else romantically. I didn't want a new partner, but I did want someone to be around and talk to. I tried Bumble Friends but got ghosted by all the women on there. I also tried going to places/events in person, but nobody reciprocated my efforts there. Combined with the fact I was working somewhere that made me dread waking up every day, things were not good. I got a new job though, and had to move for it. A bit after I moved, one person approached me while I was out in public. He seemed genuinely interested in me as a person first, rather than a guy looking for easy sex. We clicked immediately because we have a lot in common. Our values align pretty well save a few small things, and we come from very similar backgrounds. I was beyond happy to have somebody new in my life, especially one who was so kind and fun to be around. But, since he is a man, it only took like 3-4 weeks of us knowing each other before he came at me with "Actually I like you and want us to date now."

I wasn't looking for a relationship considering I was honestly still very hung up over my ex. But on the other hand, I was desperate for any connection I could get so I very stupidly just went with it. At that moment I didn't think I was capable of meeting/keeping anyone else around since I had just spent the last 8 months entirely alone with shit luck to go with it. We have been 'dating' now for 6 months, and I am not attracted to him at all. Having sex/kissing him was something I could tolerate at first, but in the past few months it has started to make my stomach turn. My already low sex drive has plummeted even further. I hate that I feel this way because he is a super sweet person, and has introduced me to so many amazing people and opportunities too. We always have fun doing things together, and I don't regret meeting him at all. He has so many great qualities but god I am just not into him. Dating was the worst thing I could have agreed to. He often tells me about how every time he talks with his parents, he gushes about me and will relent about just how happy they are for us. It makes me just want to die. I do not want to be with him anymore, and I never truly did. For a while I forced myself to not think about it because maybe I was just apprehensive about falling in love again. But no, I just do not love him like that. I have come to slowly accept that what I needed in that moment was a friend, I was far from ready to jump into a relationship. It was a split-second decision made at my most desperate during one of the lowest points in my life. I just didn't want to risk another indefinite period of loneliness. I really should have just risked it. We might have even remained friends to some extent considering it was so early. I don't think that is possible now. There is also the fact that he shares a lot of qualities with my ex, like his favorite shows, movies, and songs. Even some small hyper-specific things. It genuinely shocks me. I suppressed those specific thoughts when they arose because it made me feel so uncomfortable each time, but I do think these similarities subconsciously affected me. Maybe some part of me wanted to be with my ex still instead of with him, and those small things they shared distracted me. I feel so guilty because has never once treated me poorly, but I do not want to be with him for the rest of my life. I just wish to be single again so bad it hurts

No. 450519

I've noticed whenever I date interracial the man just can't stop degrading himself for his race, whether by calling himself a slur or legit making stereotype jokes. My bf of 6 months is half mexican half white but still does it all the time, calls himself a dirty mexican or ugly and it pisses me off. I jokingly tell him not to talk about my boyfriend that way but it really disturbs me. I don't want to be racist but why does it feel like he's forcing me to play a part in some racist crap? Am I in the wrong for being uncomfortable with it and should just take a joke? I also hate when people say bitch and don't allow my bf to say it and don't say it myself so maybe I'm just controlling

No. 450520

you have to rip off that band-aid at some point. now or later?

No. 450695

as >>450520 said - you can either do this now, or you'll end up doing it after marriage/mortgage/kids when it is so much more difficult. It's easier to leave when you have no ties. Your long post already signifies that you've given this a lot of thought, but you do want to leave this relationship. Most importantly you don't love him. It doesn't matter that he's never treated you badly, you don't have to stay with him. You also don't have to not be friends - yeah things might be awkward for a few months, but if he's as decent as you say - you can go back to being friends at some point.

No. 450700

>. I asked him to move in with me before Christmas to force my family to get to know him more but he hates the idea.
That is a terrible idea

No. 450710

It’s not because he’s Mexican, it’s cause he’s a minority in America.

No. 450711

No. 450716

You sound like me last year. The guy was so nice and so in love w me but he was physically…not my type and it got worse and worse cuz he gained weight. Cowardly but I ghosted him kek don’t be like me unless you hate conflict

No. 450744

i completely get why it bothers you but it probably genuinely comes from a place of insecurity for him. i think it's because he's probably been treated badly due to being mexican so he wants to be the first to point it out before anyone else does because he's been made to feel insecure about it. because racism sucks and puts bad seeds in peoples heads. i would sit down and have a talk to him about it honestly. tell him it bothers you and that you don't see him that way at all and he shouldn't see himself that way either. i don't think you're in the wrong for feeling this way at all but i also think you should tell him how it makes you feel and maybe try asking him why he says such hurtful things about himself if you or he feel comfortable having that talk

No. 450850

That is partially why it has been so difficult. I can tell how in love with me he is, but I just won't ever feel it back. There is this fear I have that nobody is going to have that level of love for me again, and it has kept me from ending things. But I really am just wasting my youth, and his time too. The attraction thing you mentioned is probably the worst part. I tried my best to ignore the fact he is really unattractive, and its like he just got uglier over time. Maybe if he was just a bit better looking, I could stick it out. But you can't change most of the things that I find unattractive about him. I am no model, but the arrogant side of me knows I shouldn't realistically have to date down so hard. Honestly I almost wish I would have ghosted him after he threw the relationship idea out there, maybe he would have backtracked a bit.
Yeah, thank you for the reassurance. Imagining myself married to him made my stomach drop, I am just gonna make it worse for both of us if I continue the relationship much longer. I suppose I needed a place to vent it out before I actually went and ended things with him. We might be able to be friends again in the future, but if it doesn't happen I at least have some good memories from it all. I have a pretty good support system with my few friends outside of him, so I'm positive I'll make it out in the end.

No. 450851

My dumbass moid told me not to talk about my special interest (neopets) in front of his friends because "they'd make fun of me for it." Obviously he's embarrassed by who I am- sorry my interests and personality aren't tailored to you and i cant be the one-note badass bloodborne gamer gurl arm candy you want me to be around your friends. Moreover, they're into Mario and Sonic- I am too, but how is that dissimilar? He said it was like being into my little pony which is also a ridiculous thing to chastise a fucking girl for. His immaturity is really pissing me off. I don't want to break up but I want him to know how immature he's being.

No. 450854

If you imagine him being with someone more attractive than you after you break up with him, would you be jealous or happy for him?

No. 450867

Neopets is awesome anon and an important part of old internet history especially. I always advocate for dumping anyone who is embarrassed of your interests. Why is Neopets cringe-worthy but not the stuff they're into? It's misogyny, plain and simple. If he has a functioning brain, sit down and have a talk with him about how ridiculous he's being. If he gets it, cool. If he doesn't, proceed to make fun of him and leave him. Good luck anon and never compromise who you are for anyone. If they're right for you, they'll love you for who you are.

No. 450876

I was a neopets regular well into my late twenties (then I felt like the community fell off and quit) and literally anyone normal I tell about it thinks it's extremely hilarious (I don't seem like the type I guess) and start reminiscing about it with me, your bf and his friends must be humorless assholes who take themselves way too seriously if they find it so embarrassing for you to have a fun and wholesome internet hobby. Especially if they're into equally juvenile stuff like sonic. That's totally meanspirited of your boyfriend but it also reflects really badly on his entire friend group tbh you should make fun of him for being so vain and image obsessed that he wants to make you and your hobbies part of his own self-image/cool guy costume.

No. 450934

A month ago, my gf went and got drunk with her work buddies and I didn’t hear from her all day because she was that wasted. She kinda drinks a lot and it’s always been a problem for me, since I end up babysitting her. I’ve been on the fence for the last month about breaking up with her, but I decided if she gets that wasted again, I have to break up with her. We usually text all day, and I haven’t heard from her in about 6 hours. Hold me accountable and don’t let me puss out if this ends up being the case.

No. 450949

If I roleplay that situation in my head, the only emotion that comes up for me is relief. In this scenario he would have been able to move on and find someone new who returns his feelings, because I do think he deserves that. And this is regardless of if said person is way prettier than me, I would be thrilled for him either way. Comparatively: when I was still hung up over my ex, thinking about him moving on with someone after our breakup physically hurt. My chest ached at the idea of it. I now know my ex is with someone new and I am at peace with it, she honestly sounds like an amazing person from what I have heard of her. But thinking about my current BF moving on just doesn't spark any negative emotion at all, I feel as if I would be instantly happy to see him with someone new. Even if it happened a day after we split ways.

Back to the appearance thing for a bit though, I know that he knows we are far from looksmatched. This all feels so egotistical to write, but I can't help but feel it is entirely true. Lately, he has been saying things like "I am still so surprised you're dating me because I never thought I would even have a chance with someone that looks like you." He has dated people before and is super charming, so its not that I think he would die alone without me. But realistically I just don't think a anyone above a "6/10" would settle down with him for life. Even just a couple days ago, he dropped a line like "Whenever you go out to visit family and I'm not going along with you, I get worried you will realize how much better you can do than me." I already started realizing that I 100% did not want to be with him anymore before he said it, but the guilt and self-hate hit me like a truck to hear him verbalize exactly what I'd been feeling about him. It is almost like he subconsciously knows something is coming, and has for a couple of weeks now. I worry a lot that leaving him will tank his self worth, which is difficult. I honestly feel like he has tied some amount of his self esteem to having me around and having some kind of 'claim' on me.

No. 450963

It sounds like you genuinely like him as a friend nonna, and want the best for him, but are utterly repulsed by him romantically so the only option here is to be merciful to yourself and kind to him by ending the relationship so he can move on with someone he likes more and you can move on with someone you like more (or even as a single, but not trapped in a relationship with a man you're repulsed by). It doesn't sound like there's any reason to stay in this relationship because it's actively hurting you both. You don't have to tell him you actually find him hideous and think you're too good looking for him either, maybe the confidence boost he got from this will help him with dating in the future and it sounds like you think he's a good person who deserves happiness so that's fine. You shouldn't ever date down out of charity though it's not good for you. Respect yourself and your own feelings.

If it's about the guilt that you will tank his self esteem then just plan a way to break up with him/a reason to give that doesn't hint at there being anything wrong with him or you thinking you're too good for him. You can make it about yourself (hey sorry I realized that when we started dating I was still hung up over my ex and I still feel like I haven't processed the breakup even after dating you for so long, so I don't think it's right for me to continue this because I've been suppressing feelings instead of working through them and moving on, for example). But if he still senses that you're out of his league and experiences a drop in self esteem because of that it's not your fault, men aren't entitled to beautiful women just because they're nice.

No. 451275

My stupid fucking boyfriend has started to show some serious signs of being an alcoholic. Biggest one being how every time he drinks now it’s till he falls and/or blacks out. He sometimes continues to drink in the morning to “feel better”. He arranged a Christmas party for all his colleagues and got home at 4am worse than I’ve ever seen him. With more beer in his bag ofc… I don’t know how I ended up with the guy who gets embarrassingly drunk when I thought he was the smartest guy in the room. I don’t trust him anymore. I don’t want to marry an alcoholic. I don’t want to have kids with a guy who could one day come home drunk like this when there’s kids in the house who could see him. I fucking hate how he’s ruined the way I see my future now. I don’t want it. This turned out to be more of a vent.. I feel so alone and I’m out of ideas. I have zero money as I’m a student and haven’t found a job to do on the side. I financially depend on him which is the stupidest thing I’ve let happen. If only I never moved in with him it would be easier to leave him. I can’t afford to move. So if I give him an ultimatum then he needs to agree to change or I’m majorly fucked. I’m so scared and I don’t know what to do.

No. 451295

Do you have any family members or close friends you can rely on to get out of this situation? For instance, is there anyone who can possibly help with temporary housing? Please leave him when you're able to. Start a part time job in something like retail, fast food, etc. to earn some money if you can. I wish you the best, nona.

No. 451419

My husband is very good at comforting me when I’m just slightly anxious or upset and in general seems to be much more emotionally intelligent and empathetic than most men (at least that’s what other women keep telling me), but when I’m very upset about something he suddenly completely ignores me during the episode and for a day or two afterwards. As in, he acts like I’m invisible to him. Doesn’t talk to me or acknowledge me in any way. Yesterday evening while I was getting ready for bed he was very friendly and lovey, gave me a hug, asked what my plans were for the next day. Then I got a text message that upset me a lot and I spent the rest of the night sobbing but he didn’t even ask me what was wrong, just turned his back to me and went to sleep. It’s now almost noon and he hasn’t said a word to me. Just acts like he’s alone in the room.
What the hell is that about? It doesn’t happen often, maybe a few times a year. But it happens consistently every time I get very upset about anything. When I ask him about it afterwards he deflects and denies, saying he’s just too tired to be social. But he wasn’t too tired five minutes before I started crying, and he isn’t too tired to socialise with people other than me. It feels like he’s punishing me but for what? Being sad?

Inb4 “leave him”, I’m a disabled NEET who’s financially dependant on him and we share a house. My status as a disabled NEET is the source of the crying fits in question, and he knows this. I’ve been looking for a job for years but every time I think I’ve finally found something it gets snatched away, which is extremely demoralising. It would be nice if my own husband could at least pat me on the back and say “there there” or something, I don’t know.

No. 451421

It feels like he wants you to know that he's tired of your shit (in a childish way). Like when a child ignores another child to "teach them a lesson." Considering your note against advice of leaving him, if both of you want to salvage the relationship (rather than you waiting to be financially independent and leaving him), you need to have an honest conversation about how his actions make you feel and why he's doing this. If he cannot accept that he is doing something that hurts you (socially drained excuse), then you should push for him to see a therapist or, worst case, a couples therapist (I have too often seen the couples therapist dick-ride the man and make it seem like you're the one with problems).

No. 451423

Was she wasted?

No. 451426

>I’m a disabled NEET who’s financially dependant on him
A lot of men get pissy when they're providing and you're staying at home not wage slaving. It sounds like he doesn't respect you and that's why he ignores you. You really start to understand what a moid is like when you aren't being his mommy, paying the bills and doing everything, he's being passive aggressive towards you because you "put" him in a position where he has to take care of you, and most men hate that because they want to be taken care of.

No. 451429

I have been stuck in a strange situation for years now, and finally there is a end in sight. Familiar story, my boyfriend is lovely person in every other way, but… Long story short, he has some deep issue with sex, because of that we have never, not a single time been in an intercourse during our almost nine year relationship. He has done other sexuals thigns for me, but whenever I tried to do something for him, he literally moved me aside. There was excuse after excuse, always a reason, we will do it later, again and again and again. We tried to talk about it, even in expensive therapy, but he never said what was wrong. He has had physical illness, but it has now been healed, no change.
He also cheated me with someone on fucking second life, the first time I somehow let it go as an "accident", the second time I yelled at him, had our dog not been in the room I would have hit him. That was the moment our relationship finally died on my end.
I have been gathering courage for years, and even tried to leave him, but he is such a good talker, maybe a manipulator, he always made me change my mind.
Well the last talk was on evening before my birthday (I think he chose this time deliberately, since my parents were about to come to visit, so I wouldn't make a fuss?). Then I said I am sure I want to end our relationship, he of course didn't. I said I want to spend this christmas and new years normally, and left it at that. The mood in the house has been a little strained, otherwise rather normal.
Wednesday I sent an apartment application, yesterday I was at showing and this morning I got an email that I got the apartment.
I'm sad and bit scared, but also hopeful. I know this was the only correct solution. I can only say, don't be like me nonas, if you have serious issues in your relationship and you are unhappy and lose your self confidence, try to fix it immediately and if that doesn't work, leave! Value your own life, as I now value mine again.

No. 451439

I know it's sounds retarded but have you ever tried asking him to comfort you? My husband is autistic and used to respond the same way until I just asked him to do it and explained why it was important and now he comforts me by default without me asking him. It's a longshot but men can be very emotionally stunted and not understand the concept of emotional support.

No. 451446

I do want to salvage the relationship. This cold shoulder nonsense is very out of character for him, which only makes it more jarring. I’m hesitant to seek out a therapist because in my experience they’re at best useless and at worst they just create more problems. I’ll see if I can talk to him about it, but I’ll need to find the right moment to do so because if I do it while he’s already tired or stressed he will just shut down again.

Sometimes I wonder if he feels insulted by my unhappiness, like he thinks I’m being ungrateful or something. But he knows that me feeling useless and unfulfilled isn’t his fault. We met at university and for a few years we were on the exact same track, but while his career flourished mine ended up being horribly derailed. If the roles were reversed and I had a well paid, well respected career I loved while he was miserable stuck at home through no fault of his own I think I would empathise with him, not get annoyed with him for being sad about it. Especially if he was actively trying to change his situation for the better like I am trying to do.

Normally I’d agree but in this case I’m not so sure. We also have small children under 4 so me being available to do all of the childcare and housework makes his life much easier than if I worked outside of the home. He earns enough to support all of us. He doesn’t like the idea of me getting a minimum wage job because we wouldn’t benefit at all financially (childcare is extremely expensive where we live) and it would be more stressful for everyone. So even if he doesn’t express it often, he’s at least aware that me being a SAHM benefits him and the kids. Maybe you’re right that he doesn’t respect me for it, though. Everyone in our social circles looks down on SAHMs, which obviously doesn’t help me feel any better about my situation.

I haven’t because I’m afraid he’ll reject me and make me feel even worse. He’s not autistic and actually has a background in neuropsychology so you’d think he’d understand concepts such as “sad wife wants hug” but I suppose you can never know with men. I might try it next time but I don’t know if I’d survive it if he shrugged me off.

Sorry for the autobiographical novel, nonnies. Unfortunately I have nowhere else to talk about this.

No. 451450

bitch if you don't want to leave him and want to continue to being taken advantage just say it, he won't get better because you make him dinner or give him more sex or something

No. 451517

ayrt I get it. I feel like you don't feel understood by your husband because your concerns are understandable to other women on here, but he can't/refuses to take in what you are saying and how it makes you feel. I had this with my husband: him starting therapy is the only thing that helped. I wanted him to start therapy to deal with his childhood trauma which he agreed would improve his life (I was in therapy for the same reason and so I talked to him about how it helped me). The "unintended consequence" of the therapy was him becoming more self aware and willing to understand problems rather than indulge in feelings that other me (like thinking that you're always miserable that you mentioned) and not see these complaints as a personal attack. It's hard when there's small children involved too. I hope things improve for you nona.

No. 451524

nta but she literally said she can't leave him what more do you want

No. 451555

Why the fuck are you crying and getting demoralized by a lack of a job when you have kids under 4 and you staying home works actually works better for your situation?? Give yourself a break jfc, that's not even being a NEET. If your social circle looks down on you, they're shit friends and snobs.

We can't explain his behaviour, you'll need to make him talk. Ok, he tries to shut down the convo but so what? Don't let him. You should be able to be confrontational with your husband in order to determine whether his lack of concern is indicates a fundamental relationship breakdown (he doesn't care about your feelings and hates you for having them) or a situation you can fix (feels awkward and thinks you need space or has hurt feelings that you're not happy). If you're too intimidated or afraid of him to force this conversation you have bigger issues.

No. 451601

I agree with this advice. There's no clear way for us to know why he does this unless you actually ask him why he does it and continue to confront him until he agrees to talk about it. First of all it sounds like your self esteem is suffering because you are sad about your career getting derailed even though you are fully contributing to the family right now in a way that is even financially helpful for your husband, so even if you feel bad about your career you shouldn't denigrate yourself by calling yourself a NEET and shouldn't take your friend/peer group seriously when they deride SAHMs. But you need to be able to stand up for yourself, both with your friends and in your marriage, and confront what is happening.

Giving you the cold shoulder when you're in distress seems like emotionally abusive behaviour and if I had to hazard a guess I'd say it's likely because men who often feel taken care of (he probably does if you're raising the kids and taking care of the house even if he provides financially) get resentful when they have to suddenly be in the 'carer' role. Actually I've even had women treat me this way when I was the one usually doing more of the caring and empathizing/helping role in the relationship; they would shut down completely when I needed help. Maybe he normally perceives that you are the 'strong' one in the relationship and resents times when the dynamic seems flipped or feels like your emotional moments are irrational, but at any rate he should be willing to talk about it if it's something that consistently upsets you and you need to grow a backbone and actually force the conversation.

No. 451616

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Are there any other nonnas out there who have left their boyfriends or husbands due to the partner developing disabilities that mean they've had to stop working/cut down on working? I'm aware of how selfish this sounds but I've had some pretty serious news that is probably going to significantly change the dynamic of my relationship and I can't tell if I'm just being a selfish autist or if I really just need to leave this all behind me because none of this is what I wanted.

When I got into the relationship I expected both of us to be working and this was the standard - not even rich or super successful, but you know, reasonably comfortable and stable. And for 90% of that long relationship we were both working (I still am ofc). I have a great business opportunity ahead of me so long as I work hard over 2025, but it feels like my partner is dragging me down through being in and out of work and now a disability diagnosis that interrupts ability to work (epilepsy). I know that sounds self-centered, but I did not ever want to be someone's carer or mother figure in a relationship, even though I know he cannot help the seizures. I did not expect to have to be solely responsible for driving and on top of that, responsible for finances for the most part. I wanted to be an equal, as shallow and cringe as that may sound. I would like some advice or help from people who have been through similar things and you can be honest and constructive.

I'm aware I also sound like a moid when they pull the "leaving disabled wife" thing but something about the dynamic of the relationship changing so seriously is just turning me off massively. He will still be able to work, just not as much, and will have a harder time doing so, and thus I'll be down as the breadwinner, which in itself is not so much of an issue, more the fact that it's kind of putting me off to picture me in the position of breadwinner/provider. I don't know how to feel about any of it, and it's not like he's self-employed either so he has the wiggle room to accommodate for seizures. Sorry for sperging.

No. 451621

Is he not getting on medication? Medication is supposed to be pretty successful now. I think it would be more viable to stay with him if you could both agree to move somewhere with good public transit so he could get around without a car. Otherwise I get your hesitancy. Whether you stay with him or not comes down to how you feel about kids. Maybe this could work if you're OK with being the breadwinner and him being a househusband, but do you think he could do that well? Otherwise you're the breadwinner then coming home to do your second shift (all the housewife stuff) and then caring for him.

No. 451622

men are known to leave their ill partners at extremely high rates. just do it.

No. 451625

Didn’t even read all that and I said “leave” immediately kek. Men waste no time in leaving you high and dry, they’ll cheat on you while on your death door fighting against chemo and cancer. Fuck men.
Leave if they become a burden or aren’t as useful as they were before, they’ll do the same to you.

No. 451627

Women have been shamed into being the ultimate martyrs in relationships while men can and are ultimately selfish and will always guarantee their own self interest.
Why should you feel ashamed for not wanting to be a caretaker? Why should you feel ashamed for wanting someone who is equal? Although noble it’s difficult and yes it’s a burden, call me ableist or whatever, I don’t care.
There are men who don’t even question themselves when they hear on their wives with terminal cancer, who leave their wives if they have chronic illnesses; there are boyfriends who leave they’re girlfriends because they’ve been raped. And you know what? They don’t feel any shame, so why should you?
In sickness and in health is always respect by women, never men. We should be actually more selfish.

No. 451629

Sorry for the typos, the corrector did its own thing.

No. 451630

He's had one of those heart monitor things (I'm not sure what they are called but it was through the NHS years ago) but they couldn't even find the cause or anything related to said seizures beyond him having a slightly abnormal heart rate, and even then the NHS were not very helpful with finding out triggers or any brain abnormalities etc. He would definitely try medication yeah, and I'm hoping that he can find something that can turn his life back around to normal without having fear of losing his jobs because of seizures and the nature of his jobs not being able to accommodate for them, the same with driving.
>if you could both agree to move somewhere with good public transit
The public transport where we live now is pretty decent and cheap fortunately, he's just also massively disappointed because he did really enjoy driving.
>Whether you stay with him or not comes down to how you feel about kids.
We don't have kids (fortunately) and never wanted them either, but what you said about housekeeping and the roles in the relationship is very true nonna. I don't know how he'd fare with it because it's always been him working more than me, and me doing most housework because I work from home and currently work part-time (which will change after I get the business). We just used to split the housework based on who was working the most at the time. I absolutely wouldn't stand for me working full time AND having to clean up, that would be a very much clear sign to gtfo for me, but the things I'm concerned about haven't necessarily happened yet so everything's up in the air. Sorry if that doesn't make sense.

All valid answers nonnies, thank you for being honest with your thoughts. These are the things I'm concerned about, too. I've spent enough time both irl and on here to hear about far too many stories of women essentially giving up their 'spark' or joy for life to look after a man, and once I take over this business opportunity I think I'll be in a better spot (and also have more money) to make a clearer judgement. But I understand your opinions very well and I don't want to end up potentially holding myself back too much if it comes to that.

No. 451650

Most men don't really bring much to women's lives except for splitting finances, so you are completely justified. I think it'd be a different case if he went above and beyond for you in every other way, but it's clear that's not happening and will never happen. It's fucked up when moids leave their disabled wives because those wives martyred themselves and went to the ends of the earth for their moids and still get abandoned in the end. I highly get the feeling your moid is just some guy, not awful but not amazing either, easily replacable.

No. 451661

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don't feel bad. women are conditioned from the time they can understand words to be more empathetic, to take on the pain and struggling of others, and to put men before themselves.

No. 451741

You need to do what's best for you. Even if it sucked from his point of view that you left, your most important responsibility is to yourself and your happiness. Also, there's a chance your growing resentment over him and the situation might make the relationship unsalvageable anyway?

A close relative of mine is in a similar position, plus there's kids involved. I've seen how much stress his illness brings to her life. How it limits her comings and goings, how anxious she gets when she does get to go somewhere, the immediate worry if he doesn't answer his phone right away. Seems like the disorder requires a lot of sacrifice from the spouse, and if you're already feeling skeptical you should leave.

No. 451753

As a counterpoint to what some other anons are saying I think it depends, you mention your relationship is a very long one and that it was financially beneficial to you but you don't say much about the relationship itself, how in love you are or what he brings to your life outside of these things. I became chronically ill and was very lucky to have someone around who actually just picked up all the slack for me for the things I can't do so I relate to the sick person's side in this too, but I also bring a lot to the relationship with that person and always have (e.g. I have higher education and earning potential despite the health issues), so I don't feel super guilty about it most of the time. But I think if he's just a guy you think is okay, which is the tone I get from your post, it may be better for both of you for you to cut and run sooner rather than later so he doesn't become dependent on your help and so you don't become resentful. I think the hardest thing for me would have been if I had gotten sick, had someone pretend they were going to get through it with me, make me depend on their help and then dump me randomly years later. So if you can make up your mind pretty soon to leave I think it would be better to rip off the bandaid sooner rather than later.

However if I'm misreading the tone of your post and you are super in love with this man and he has been absolutely wonderful for your 'very long' relationship it might be worth giving him a chance and seeing how he will adjust to illness - no matter who you choose to be with there is a likelihood they will develop some kind of problem sooner or later and a lot of the time people make it work and it becomes manageable eventually. Other anons are right to point out that most men leave when their wives get cancer and that women do it more often, but it really depends how badly his seizures are going to affect both your lives and how much you care about the relationship outside of that. I don't think you should feel guilty if you decide to leave but I wouldn't immediately jump to catastrophizing if you otherwise want to stay.

No. 451757

No. 451845

The guy I'm talking to right now is Israeli from a Jewish family (secular) and I'm very pro Palestine and I'm worried if this will be a dealbreaker or if this is going against my moral compass entirely. Before anyone asked our first conversation was political so this was bound to come up.
He's not necessarily a Zionist, but he's definitely Israel sympathetic which is understandable since he lives there. The thing is he's very cute, smart, kind and I have amazing chemistry with him. Our first call was 3 hours long and we clicked instantly. I just don't know if I'm betraying my beliefs for this though. On the bright side he's pretty open minded and we've both been able to explain our perspectives in a respectful way, he doesn't blindly glaze Israel or anything. What do you nonnies think? Is it worth continuing to talk to him?

No. 451852

I'm having trouble with my husband. I'm feeling pretty lonely in the marriage, he spends most of the time during the day in his office, from day to night. He works from home so a lot of it is work, but I also catch him playing video games. It's a sore spot that happens periodically, WOW releases some new expansion and he gets into it for a month and barely spends time with me, complaining about it just makes him frustrated and goes nowhere, but after he drops it for a bit and is more attentive. But either way we don't spend much time together on an average day and I barely get time to talk to him. When he does talk to me it usually just complaining about something with work, there's not much back and forth. There's also been multiple times where I started talking to him and he pulled out his phone in the middle of me speaking, scrolled it while I was talking. I just feel like he's not at all interested in anything I have to say, but if I try to discuss it he gets frustrated. Trying to talk to him about it gets literally nowhere. His attention to me also seems to be affected by his mood, if something happens at work that upsets him he gets distant and short with me. I just feel totally alone and isolated, I get a little jealous when my friend describes having fun with her husband watching a movie or smoking weed together. I don't want a divorce, the marriage is fine besides that, when we do talk its great, don't fight very often, agree on most things, he earns well and treats me to nice gifts often, but it's just the social aspect that is suffering and I have no idea how to fix it.

No. 451883

>there's also been multiple times where I started talking to him and he pulled out his phone in the middle of me speaking, scrolled it while I was talking.
i don't want to be one of those that tell you to leave him because divorce is always harder. still, that's so disrespectful and you deserve better. can you try to find a middle ground with him and find something social both you can enjoy like a co-op video game? unless he's the type to start being verbally abusive over something small like a game.

No. 451914

genuinely curious why

No. 451917

Do you really need it explained that doing a major decision like that during a holiday, where you move your bf into your home when your dad doesnt even like him is a bad idea?

No. 451972

I'd add that the guy might not be thrilled by the idea of having to live with his in-laws no matter how much they like or dislike each other.

No. 451974

He'd be moving into my house which is a long walk/short drive from my parents' house. I really don't get why it being near Christmas is a big deal. Maybe Christmas is more serious in other parts of the world but here it's just a short holiday and a couple of days spent with extended family.

No. 451976

>I asked him to move in with me before Christmas to force my family to get to know him more but he hates the idea.
The way I can already see what’s going to happen kek. This is why I always think that you shall have similar values and lifestyles. As much as he loves you and you him, you’re a country girl who loves where she lives, he loves the city. One of you has to sacrifice and that sacrifice will build resentment over time kek. Call me for the shitshow nonna.

No. 451977

It’s still near, he’ll have to see them quite regularly. And you’re not even fiancé or anything. I would be annoyed too.
You’re putting way too much pressure on him and you also expect him to up and leave his life for you. Just invite him for Christmas, spend new year’s Eve.

No. 451978

I'm glad you said it and not me cause I'm so confused at that part. He wants to live far away from the country town and work in a government lab, so it's a good idea to have him move into the country town and have him be a farmer…? I'm lost.

No. 451979

>a bit prissy when it comes to being dirty
>can't stick out long days in the heat
>tries hard to make me more cultured and I get the feeling I bore or gross him out sometimes
>ideally wants to work in a government lab hours away from town
>my dad dislikes him for not being manly enough
These aren’t cons or pros, it’s just the way he is and he’s diametrically opposite from you. How do you plan to conciliate your life with his? Do you expect him to just leave everything behind for you? Do you plan to leave everything behind for him? There’s no middle ground here.
A quick relationship where you have sex looks fun, but long term? It won’t work nonnita. If he happens to find someone who best matches his lifestyle he’ll take it kek.

No. 451980

Have you ever tried talking to him kek? Some of you nonnitas genuinely surprise me, you praise your moid and bla bla, yet you can’t even communicate with them? If he’s that good he’s going to be open to listen to you and make a change and find a compromise without feeling attacked when you criticize him.
I love being a hater but I won’t be this time round kek, what I’m going to say is that people have different method of winding down, there are people who just want to switch their brain when they come home, there are others who like to vent etc…talk about it.
Relationships are a two way street and having a lasting and good one is just a matter of proper communication, empathy , respect and even love (although the first three are the foundation of a long term relationship imo) and that is the main reason so many relationships don’t work, they want the fairy take love , the “understanding with only a gaze” type of love, without putting any effort.

No. 451981

And not just expressing your frustration by saying “why don’t you talk to me!!” But actually opening up a discussion. If he can’t do that then he’s out nonna. If this didn’t bother you you wouldn’t be on fucking lolcow, so things in your marriage aren’t that good right now.

No. 451982

Cheat on him

No. 451988

He literally pulls out his phone when she talks to him, he has no respect or empathy for her. A man will treat you like shit, possibly abuse you, and you're the type to ~communicate~ with him and let him disrespect you instead of leaving. lol, lmao even.
>they want the fairy take love , the “understanding with only a gaze” type of love, without putting any effort.
You go girl, you're soooo much better for putting up with a moid's disrespect and abuse, unlike those silly whores who want to be treated properly from the get-go without needing to educate their moid on basic empathy 101.

No. 451998

Nonnas, I need help. There’s this moid I’ve developed a crush on at Uni. We only started talking about two months ago but it was more as friends. It felt like the more we just hung out the more we realized how much we have in common. At first he was really calm around me then he pulled back and seemed to get anxious. I pulled back as well because I’m done chasing moids and he started to ramp it up again. I found out he had a date with another girl this week (not from our Uni). I was upset but decided to try and focus on my other options. However, last night a group of us went out and he and I flirted the entire time. So far he’s been very reserved but we were constantly getting into each others space and accidentally touching. At one point it was just him and I outside and we were almost touching noses because we were so close while talking to each other. We also just kinda stared into each others eyes for awhile. He texted me asking if I got home safe and finally sent me some memes this morning too. I’m fairly certain he did not want me to know he had been on some dates and only talked about it because some of the others were asking him how it went. He said it went well but seemed pretty lukewarm about it. When I had asked him about his plans he really just made it sound like he was hanging out with a friend. I’m pissed but it sounds like this is only his second or third date with this girl and all of our previous interactions had tension but were mostly just friendly. Is it worth getting involved with him? How should I proceed? I don’t want to pull away because he’ll probably just go with her but I’m afraid of getting hurt. Is it okay to get involved with someone when they’re seeing someone else but it’s literally just been a few dates?

No. 452000

Woah a lot of assumptions here. He took up agricultural science to live and work in the country. Yeah he would be making a sacrifice by giving up a slightly better paying job to work on my farm but he doesn't have to. The lab is even further away from the city and a 2 hour commute is fairly normal for most people around here. Ideally I'd want him to work for me so we could put his skills and education to use building the business we'll hand down to our kids together but it's not like a prerequisite or demand. He knows I want kids but that I won't marry him until long after they're born but he's still all in.
>he’s diametrically opposite from you
If those few tidbits make up the whole of your character then I feel bloody sorry for you.

No. 452004

>Is it worth getting involved with him?
No, if he really liked you he wouldn't be seeing another girl, he would be getting to know you more. He's keeping his options open in case one of you rejects him.

No. 452007

Do you think he wants to work in a farm or is it just your assumption kek. You have been with him for barely one year and yet you want him to move in, you don’t sound so intelligent, no wonder your scrote wants to make you more cultured kek.

No. 452008

>If those few tidbits make up the whole of your character then I feel bloody sorry for you.
Make a sentence that is understandable retard. I quoted what you listed when you were describing him, these are your words not mine.

No. 452009

You want to fight for a scrote kek? I’d rather mop the ocean than be juggled between a first choice and a second choice. If he liked you enough he wouldn’t have gone out with the other girl despite developing your relationship. He’s just playing the field and wants to have his cake and eat it too.

No. 452026

I'm wondering if any of you have been in a situation similar to mine and what your experiences are with it. For the past 8 months or so I've had a crush on my friend, at the same time they got into a relationship. I had toyed with confessing my feelings in an attempt to move out, but most times have chickened out or my crush on them would wane so I wouldn't feel a need to do so. I also work with this friend which makes separation difficult as I regularly see them at work. We were out with other work colleagues recently, and my friend was getting asked about their relationship and they said that them and their nigel were thinking of moving in together by this time next year. It just absolutely destroyed me. I know the obvious answer is to stop spending time with them but I obviously don't want to drop my friend so bluntly, and from their POV no reason to explain why.

No. 452399

why would he go on a date with another girl and multiple times at that if he was into you. I don't think you should worry about him going with her if you pull away, he is already going on dates with her rn, you don't want to be the second option. if he is into you he will end things with her regardless.

No. 452684

I'm starting to truly fucking hate my nigel. He's utterly useless and any time there's shit to be done he fucks off to play vidya. I don't think he even realizes I'm eyeing the door at this point. I'd ask for advice but I already know what I need to do: collect my shit, stay with my family until I find my own place, and never go near another moid again. There are no good ones. Abort male fetuses

No. 452807

I'm proud of you for making plans and taking action, nona. Rely on your family and yourself to get through life, not that bum.

No. 452874

hi nonnas, been meaning to write in here again for a while cause i've been feeling iffy and indecisive romantically. there's two guys in my life that im kind of interested in, but im unsure of which one to choose in the long run. to keep it simple, one is a lot more well rounded, pursuing his education and i can have a lot of actual thought provoking conversations with him without that sort of looming feeling you might have when you talk to a stroke, that kind of feeling like they're convinced they're better than you and in turn are above talking about things like that. keeping it short cause i'd rather not make you all yawn lol. one thing that bothers me though is the fact that he's very sexually forward, and out of nowhere, which does get on my nerves sometimes, and its something ive mentioned to him before. the other guy is younger than the first guy (still older than me). in turn, hes a tad bit more childish. still really fun and great to be around, and is still open to more deep and personal conversations. he's also physically more my type than the first guy. however, one thing that always turns me away from him is the fact that until a few months ago he used to be 'genderfluid', whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean anyways. and even glancing once at the tim or gender ideology threads tells me all i needed to know about the mental state of scrotes who are genuinely convinced that they're anything BUT scrotes, and it worries me. so my question is; who should i choose? should i choose any of them at all? do tell, cause im so unsure its actually killing me.

No. 452893

Thanks nonna. I already started packing and I feel much much better

No. 452911

Good on you nonna. I hope everything works out for you.

Neither of these guys seem to be like a really good match for you, honestly. The gendiespecial is a complete write-off unless he's somehow changed all his ways and agrees with your stance on things. The other guy: if they're sexually forward now, this early into dating/talking, it's always a red flag. A respectful, kind and decent man wouldn't risk wanting to creep you out or sound too much like a degenerate by talking about sexual things. A good man would want to impress you in other ways than sex.
Always keep in mind that the early stages of talking to a guy is typically when they're "peacocking" and trying to act their best if they're interested in you. If being a gendiespecial is one guy's best, and then being sexually forward to the point it's uncomfortable is another guy's best, it's probably really not going to improve from there. And also if you're analyzing this stuff so early on and certain things like this are annoying you then it's probably a sign that you shouldn't mess with either of them.

No. 452914

Neither sound optimal. The first one is a sex pest, and the other one is childish and most likely some sort of sexual pervert for being a gendie.

No. 453159

I am in a long-distance talking stage with a guy I met in person one time. He is really attentive, sweet, consistent, and makes it clear that his goal for relationships is eventually marriage and children, which is also what I want. However, after over 3 weeks of talking every day all day he still does not have any solid plans to come back to visit me in my city and he won't commit to any promises, just vaguely says he needs to stay where he currently is until after new year's. He is self-employed and can do his work anywhere. He keeps telling me he wants to "just talk and see where things go" but I feel like at this point we already know each other quite well and I don't feel like I'm getting much out of talking without a plan in sight except deeper feelings with no promise of commitment.
Should I tell him that I just don't really want to talk anymore for the time being and to let me know when he'll be back in town? Should I keep talking to him as is because 3 weeks is still too early to tell? Or should I just cut him off entirely and move on?

No. 453166

Neither kek . Second guy is one year away from trooning out. The first guy seems like a better option, but I don’t think you like him that much though. I think you like the second guy more, because objectively he’s worse than guy number 1 , but you still tried to describe him as if he’s on par.

No. 453168

In terms of maturity and future wise I mean. The sex pest is a deal breaker for me and so is the gendie shit too, so they’re on par.

No. 453170

Cut your losses nonna, he seems like he just wants to waste your time.

No. 453188

Where can I find a young (above 20
years old tho) innocent submissive guy to manipulate? Like a nerdy guy that's not too autistic, that still believe in love. I don't want long term relationship, I'm just here to play.

No. 453192

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No. 453201

My boyfriend visited me 2 months after talking, took him a bit because he needed to save up money and plan ahead in advance with his job. But within 2 weeks he was already adamant about meeting me, renewed his passport and was planning with me in the meantime, etc. If he's not making any concrete plans, he just wants attention and is going to waste your time.
>He keeps telling me he wants to "just talk and see where things go"
Yeah, don't even bother with him.

No. 453223

>Where to find young innocent guy to manipulate?
I'm laughing at the other nona's response. You must be rather young and "innocent" if you believe there is such a thing as a 20-something year old innocent man. Anyway, to answer your question, there are plenty of otome games and anime to suit your tastes kek.

No. 453227

No. 453267

Well what do you want us to say nonnita? She is already planning to move with her scrote, there’s nothing you can virtually do, we all know what happens when bi women move with their Nigel after their wlw phase.
You have to get over it and if you need to distance yourself then you shall do that, be cordial during work but don’t extend that, stop going out with her , tell her you’re busy, who cares if you have to lie. Put yourself first.

No. 453268

First of all men get ruined at 14-15 kek, there’s no such thing as a pure man who believes in pure love, even the submissive ones are only submissive because it makes their dick hard or because in reality they have no spine and they like for you to micromanage and baby them.
>Like a nerdy guy
The nerdy scrotes who are into legos, anime, who are engineers or doing IT? Baby those are porn addicts 60% of the time kek, they’re sometimes even worse than the “chads”.

No. 453292

I think you misunderstood me. When I say an "innocent" guy, I don't mean he's "pure," but rather awkward and shy.

No. 453349

Nerdy guys are about the least likely to "believe in love" because they're corrupted by the internet and their low social skills/intelligence.

No. 453359

Alright, thank you anons. Should I just ghost him without saying anything? The reason I'm even having this reflection is because last night on the phone he was stressed about something else and was really snippy and kind of mean. He apologized after and has tried to talk to me but I haven't said anything. I kind of feel like I dont owe him an explanation now.

No. 453364

You're free to ghost him, and it's really easy to do. Mr. Talky over there can find some other woman to be his chatbot.

No. 453585

Innocent is synonymous with pure dumbass

No. 453586

that's why I corrected you fucking retard?

No. 453791

You corrected jack shit retard^2
> When I say an "innocent" guy, I don't mean he's "pure," but rather awkward and shy.
No wonder you’re in pony land, you’re dumb as hell.

No. 453792

Innocent=pure, don’t correct people when you haven’t even opened a dictionary kek

No. 454387

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Guys im spilling spaggetti im trying to talk to a girl i know is in my radius near were i live on instagrama and im trying to bond with her after awkwardly contacting her through instagram messages. We talked a but but then the convo died and i needed a conversation to start so i sent her a funny picture of a chicken wearing shoes. I expected her to response like "haha what is that" so i can steer the conversation towards the fact that i have pet chickens but instead she saw it and said nothing. What did i do wrong? How do you send someone a picture of a chicken wearing shoes and they say nothing. God im malding crying help me fix this please i love her so much

No. 454401

which photo did you use?

No. 454510

Send more pictures of chickens with shoes, even better if they're your own chickens. If she doesn't get the hint, just send more until she does. Don't forget to invite me to your wedding.

No. 454533

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No. 454539

I see so many young people with abysmal social skills. So you only sent a photo with no text accompanying it? Why didn't you add something like "This dumb image reminded me of my chickens that I own. Would you like to see them?/Do you have any pets?" She's a new acquaintance of yours, so you can't really expect her to be gung-ho about constantly messaging you. Gradually build the friendship and ask her to meet with you in person eventually. Maybe she's not even the type to want to message others a lot, especially on Instagram.

No. 454542

This. Every time I try to make friends with someone online all they’d do is shit like this. They’d hardly even type anything in response to my messages, just send me a cat reaction picture or some shit. TALK, zoomers. You have to use at least some words, holy fuck. I like cat reaction pictures too but I also enjoy words.

No. 454552

send the goofy pictures with no context after you have established a raport with words. you should have sent her your real chickens first and said something normal about them. it's not too late! you could sent a couple cute photos of your chickens and say "maybe I should buy my own chickens sneakers lol"

No. 454796

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I've gotten into my first relationship and we've been official for 5 months after knowing him for 2 months before that. Was a mid twenties kissless virgin beforehand, i had been trying very unsuccesfully to find relationships for years (best I had was a 3 month talking stage which was heavily over message) and now that I've got one I'm terrified to lose it and humiliate myself.

He's had one prior girlfriend and they split up last year but were together for 3 years before that; at first at accepted it for what it was but it's been really grating on my mind recently feeling like I'll never compare. We became girlfriend/boyfriend fairly early by todays standards and I worry that he had a false impression of me and the reality is different to what he imagined, especially since I'm his first girlfriend after his long term relationship. He talks about his ex sometimes and it makes me draw comparisons in my mind like how it sounds like she was kinky and had a high sex drive where I'm extremely inexperienced and due to my insecurity find it really difficult to feel comfortable doing anything outside of max vanilla. They also used to get high together a lot, I had never smoked previously and when I tried with him it went awfully because it gave me huge anxiety. I feel like I can't live up to her.
I don't know what to do with these feelings, I feel like maybe I should bring them up to him but I'm a massive people pleaser and have been really bad with confronting people and conflict my entire life. I'm a very insecure person and I usually just internalise it because it feels useless to talk about it but I don't want to end up in a situation where I've identified these issues and ignored them thinking 'its just mental illness' then all my fears become reality and he leaves me for his ex because it would shatter me. But I also don't want to try voice my feelings then have a crying meltdown because I'm not used to expressing myself.

Apologies for sperg just needed to get this off my chest somewhere because I'm not feeling like the only girl in the world you guize…

No. 454805

I wasn't sure where to post this so apologies if this question doesn't belong here but how are men supposed to move during sex? It seems like no matter how my husband thrusts it just feels awkward? I'm my husbands first so he has no idea what he's doing basically. I would like to show him how but I obviously don't have a dick and I've only had sex with one other person in my life a hand full of times so I have no reference point. How the fuck do I teach him how to thrust properly if I don't know what good thrusting looks or feels like? I highly doubt mimicking porn would help since that stuff is mostly for show and not for the woman's pleasure so I'd rather not do that.

No. 454806

No offense nona but wtf is this autistic shit. I would've ignored you too because what is she supposed to say with no context?

No. 454811

>asking “how do men have sex?”
>”my husband”
Wow. No comment. Just shaking my head and walking away. Can’t save em all.

No. 454812

Hey nona, I've been there, and so have many other people. It's normal, and it will pass. It's only natural to be a bit worried and insecure when you have so little experience compared to the person you're dating. I have some questions though–in what context is he bringing up his sex life with his ex? Unless you are explicitly asking, I don't think that should be coming up at all, and even if you did ask, the healthy thing to do in most cases would be to respectfully brush it off unless you're both trying to bond over shared experiences and differences after establishing that you can do so without any trust issues, jealous, or insecurity rising from it. He could be mentioning it as a way to try to poke and prod you to be more like her. That could also not be the case, I don't know, but either way, the next time anything like that pops up, I think you should tell him that you are uncomfortable hearing about it for many reasons: it makes you insecure, it gives the impression that he's not over her, and it's disrespectful to not only you but to his ex (imagine someone you were with years ago talking to their new gf about the way you had sex, I'd want to die).

Don't think that there's a hole she left for you to fill. You are different people, and they broke up for a reason. There's no reason to think that he's going to leave you for his ex, some people (MEN) just don't know what's appropriate to talk about or how. I'd take some time to practice writing about how you feel, like an unsent letter to him that you keep to yourself, before approaching him about this, so you can sort your thoughts out and know exactly what you'd like to express. It makes it so much easier, and in my experience definitely minimizes the likelihood of tears immediately forming the second I open my mouth lol. Anyway, good luck, you're clearly sweet and thoughtful and don't deserve to be constantly comparing yourself to someone else!

No. 454815

Gonna echo the first nona's reply and say dang, kind of crazy you got married to a guy only to end up asking that question. Not trying to make you feel bad but this is the kind of thing you should have asked a very long time ago kek. Just tell him what you'd prefer, easier said than done I know but a lot of men actually get off on hearing exactly what you prefer as long as you phrase it right and use positive reinforcement, e.g. "you know what I really like? when you angle like this and do this with your hips," etc. Idk, after enough sex with someone I stop being as ashamed and shy about speaking up when they're not doing something right, it's hard to lean into that but the first step is just taking the leap and blurting it out. Gets easier and easier from there.
Let's hope he's not learning from that on his own time either.

No. 454823

Ride him and figure out what feels good for you first. Your pleasure should always come first because he's guaranteed an orgasm anyway. Then when you figure put what feels good for you and you switch positions, boss him around and direct him on what to do until he eventually gets used to what movements feel good for you. This is what's worked for me. Good luck anon.

No. 454832

Ty for the advice I really appreciate it, you’re defo right about writing it down because it all felt very scatter brained before I made the post but I feel a lot clearer on what was upsetting me now

He’s never made a direct comparison between us, mainly bringing things up as parts of explanations or stories like before we had managed to do anything he mentioned he had a high libido and they used to have sex like 7 times a day and now that we’ve started I didn’t realise how difficult I’d find it to sexualise myself after being a virgin and convincing I was unloveable for so long so I feel like a disappointment.

I think I will try to talk to him about it when I feel ready and like I can articulate it properly, I feel like it’s maybe more mature than just sucking it up and internalising all the anxiety.

No. 454846

>they used to have sex like 7 times a day
He's lying/exaggerating or they dated for a very short period.

No. 454851

>he mentioned he had a high libido and they used to have sex like 7 times a day
This guy seems off to me, nona. So you're telling me he and his ex were a perfect high libido and high smoking pairing? It sounds to me like he could be trying to plant seeds of insecurity in you and make you compete with how she acted. Him revealing all these things to you is fairly inappropriate, and I'd tread with caution. Talk to him once you get your mind in order about what you'd like to say. I hope you'll feel better after it's done.

No. 454855

literally the only reason he'd talk about the amount of sex he had with his ex is to make you feel bad or pressure you into having more frequent sex. also he's lying.

No. 454906

>I didn’t realise how difficult I’d find it to sexualise myself after being a virgin and convincing I was unloveable for so long
Damn I relate to this so much it hurts lol.

No. 455025

He is negging you to get you to coerce you into doing things he knows you are uncomfortable with. Im not saying dump him(i am), but really consider if you want someone who enjoys making you insecure for his own sexual gain as your partner.

No. 455056

AYRT, I rescind my previous benefit of the doubt. He's bringing it up to pressure, shame, and coerce you into doing things you aren't comfortable with by making you think you're competing with her.

No. 455765

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I find it so hard to connect with my boyfriend.

Don't get me wrong, he is caring. He's always willing to help me. But he's a screen addict. Anytime I talk to him, he's either staring at a screen or seems like he's counting down the time until he can stare at it again.

I never get his undivided attention. I want to cuddle, him to look in my eyes and say how much I mean to him… I try to do that to him but it doesnt seem like he likes it. He almost never even compliments my looks.

My gay best friend talks me up so much I have to tell him to tone it down. Sometines it breaks my heart

No. 456200

Red flag, when I told my bf I was playing neopets all weekend he said that was cute. A man who likes you won’t be embarrassed by you.

No. 456583

how on earth are you supposed to give hickeys? It feels mythical to me at this point. I see photos where people have literal bruises on their neck yet the best either me or my girlfriend can manage is a little red mark that goes away after a few minutes. We’ve tried googling it but still aren’t having any luck. Is there something we’re missing or are we just both retarded?

No. 456584

Ive heard you have to really suck on the skin

No. 456593

Screen addiction is hard and all these apps have been designed to rewire the brain to want more. Have a heart to heart with him about his Screen usage and tell him how it makes you feel and how he's like a total zombie just on his phone all the time. Start small, go out for a meal or cuddle and have both of you put your devices away and out of reach. The more he gets used to this, the easier it'll get for him over time. Hopefully he'll cooperate too.

No. 456678

You have to suck and bite down. Honestly the only time leaving a hickey feels alright/good is during some passionate sex, any other time and it's just silly and also distracting in a bad way.

No. 456835

I only seem to fall for alt right men, my friends hate me for it and it concerns them to no end and I think if it keeps going this way it’s going to cause me to lose a lot of my friendships.
The thing is though any guy that pursues me that isn’t on that kind of end of the spectrum seem so openly perverted and gross where as at least those types that I’ve dated are very openly anti porn/anti drugs etc. which is great but everything else is kind of not so much, also I worry as I think I’m not the type of girl a guy like that would want to really date long term as I’m super e-girl/hello kitty girl spec defs not tradwife presenting so idk. Is it as bad and dangerous as some of my friends say it is to date someone that’s super right wing and if it is how do I find a normal guy that’s wanting to date for long term and isn't a disgusting pornsick scrote?

No. 456862

How far have you discussed their political opinions? Are we talking about full blown racists or "enough immigrants send them back"? I am basically a libtard who dates more conservative men (but for different reasons) and there are many levels to them, not everything is black and white and just because some dude claims to be progressive that doesn't mean he is going to be any better than any other man. In my opinion trust your gut, keep your eyes open for shitty male behaviour and fuck anyone how tries to tell you how to live your life

No. 456912

We’ve discussed a fair bit, so I know most of their views on things, e.g. anti porn, anti drugs, anti abortion, pro guns, doesn’t like troons, anyone openly involved in kinks or openly gay people.
It’s like my previous relationship and this one are men who are like at minimum seperatists or maybe even nationalists.
I’m just not sure if I just give up on dating or what because it feels like men who claim to be progressive are just sexual degens who don’t actually respect women even if they claim to and then the only other option seems to be people who might respect me but won’t like my friends who are gay etc. and cause me to fracture my friendships because my friends aren’t welcoming to people who are like that (obviously, kek).

No. 456926

To be honest I think you should look out for his reactions towards the people he openly doesn't like, specially because of his position on abortions and gay people. I think trans people are mentally ill but doesn't stop me from feeling empathy for them too yk, this is just my opinion but I think how you treat the people you hate/dislike tells a lot about who you really are.

I have almost no friends so I never thought about this before but maybe the best thing is keeping both sides of your life separate. I could discuss this further but lmao I have almost no friends for a reason, I just think that if they are real friends they will stick around for you even if things do turn sour and you regret those guys.

The only problems i've had so far are typical moid shit such as ghosting and lying but things were good while they lasted.
I hope both of us will get a good catch eventually, good luck!

No. 456936

imo both left and right men are degens, one just pretends to be discreet about it. the amount of times supposed "anti-porn" trad men get caught with catboy porn, trap porn, cuck porn, obsession with penises of other races/other men in general, etc. could fill an entire thread

No. 456952

It sounds like you must not have any strong personal convictions if you can date someone like that and your only issue with it is that you don’t like your friends judging you for it. Can’t give you advice because I think we are very different people quite frankly.

No. 457085

Cant you find a man who doesn't make a political alignment his personality? Left or right, they're all red flags. Men shouldn't concern themselves with politics, they should take orders not make them.

No. 457160

Sure. You can take your pick of men who make pseudo-fringe sub-subcultures their personality, vicious "ironic" young mysoginists with early onset ED, fat slobs, balding vidya addicts, retards in general.

No. 457203

So its either fat balding redditard, left wing sex positve or right wing racist? I guess those are your options if you're dead set on finding a guy from the worst online spaces you can find

No. 457264

>implying left wing men are any better
Your friends are getting played by lefty men who are equally misogynistic and always porn addicts.

No. 457267

>I keep falling for alt right men
>I'm super hello kitty e girl presenting
Oh boy.

No. 457497

Nonnies, how do I turn my boyfriend into a pussy whipped Nigel? Honestly? I'm his first girlfriend and he's a virgin- I feel like I have the opportunity here to make him a giving partner and mold him (which sounds awful but c'mon.) He's already kind of there but in terms of sexual acts he needs a guiding hand and I'm not sure how to begin. I want him to go down on me and be willing and enjoy it when I bring it up (I haven't yet.) How do I guide him into the right direction?

No. 457518

Just tell him what you like and expect. Do it as many times as you need to. That's literally it.

No. 457627

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Not exactly a relationship advice per say, but i'm just so happy about my new relationship, i've posted about it before here, but i feel like i've found a little gem that fits perfectly the standards nonnas have set for me - against older men psy-op and degrading gender roles-. He's younger than me and he worships me. Sex wise he's so dedicated to make me the center of his attention and to make me come, and he's pretty submissive to my demands. I've never had that kind of dynamic before but it feels very liberating and refreshing, the fact that he's younger than me (by 3,5 years) makes it hotter than expected. He's a cute, lanky nerd (and yes the legends are right: 7") with curly blonde hair with a perfect soft voice. He does the absolute maximum to court me all the time. I don't know what it is, but i love the fact that he's my property and devoted to me only. He was a virgin and in the recent turn of events he's developped that desire for me to take advantage of him, since the beginning he's very excited to go down on me, he has in fact never brought up the idea of me giving him oral. Sometimes, he even calls me Mistress. He's also not afraid of being vunerable with me, to write me poems and tell me how much he loves me. I'm sorry for bosting nonnas, but i had to say it somewhere!(wrong thread)

No. 457628

You're dating a pornsick scrote either way. Right wing men are even worse porn addicts and degenerates, except you'll watch them be hypocrites in real time, pretend to respect you but undercut you at random because "reee women", and they'll cheat on you and demand you tolerate it because trad. One of the absolute worst things is when they turn out to be AGP faggots who are bitter toward you and think you have female privilege. You genuinely have to hate yourself and also have no attachment to your friends who don't fit in with his gay LARP to deal with all that shit IMO.
Avoid ideologues/political spergs, they're always trying to compensate for something.

No. 457629

Nonna, thats so cute and im very happy for you!. My boyfriend is also younger than me, but only a year difference so not much kek. You made me want to post about him in the brag about your nigel thread

No. 457631

Thank you nonna. I apologize for all the grammatical errors in my post. I didnt know there was a "brag about your nigel" thread. If you do i'll gladly read it

No. 457846

Geez keep calm with the fantasy

No. 457866

What are the kinds of questions I should be asking a new date in order to sus out any possible red flags? I already covered sex, drugs, children, religion and exes. I ignored so many red flags in my last relationship that I really want to cover all bases this time.

No. 457894

Age gaps relationship, separating the art from the artist, friendships with other males?

No. 457897

his take on cheating

No. 457907

my boyfriend's father is questionable, he follows some young girl of his workplace on fb and likes her pics, wishes happy bday etc. other male colleagues do this too to her. idk if his mother is aware of this it's all public and she has fb too, my bf isn't because he does not use any social media. kind of uncomfortable bringing this up since i have been snooping. im just worried he will become like his father or if we have kids im afraid of his father doing something to them. am i overreacting?

No. 457921

You should bring up your concerns to your boyfriend and see how he reacts.

No. 457972

if his ex cheated on him and later suffers a terrible loss like disability/health decline, or family death, how would he react? if he 200% celebrates without offering even a little shred of polite sympathy that would be kind of a sociopath honestly.

No. 457998

There's a lot of difference between alt-right and super conservative so I'm not sure if you meant to mean your new nigel is one of those nazi freaks.
Seconding this anon >>456952 because from the things you said, you sound like one of those people who let their SOs overwrite your personality and jump from trait to trait because you don't have strongly-held beliefs, just self-interest in your own benefit. But he doesn't even benefit you that much, he sounds like he loves to hate you and loves to hatefuck, putting it crudely.
Anyway based on your description of yourself and him, you sound like you attract "secret" degens who love your "exotic" traits of being the forbidden type of women that his ideologies especially frowns upon. I don't get your attraction to being desired in that specific fetishy way. He's literally anti-abortion, he doesn't give a shit about women's health or autonomy or right to a full human life.

No. 458031

>There's a lot of difference between alt-right and super conservative
nta but what if he isn't really conservative at all, he just hates immigrants? Is that okay?

No. 458033

>I want him to go down on me and be willing and enjoy it when I bring it up
If he is straight and not a manosphere type bitch then he will naturally be excited to try it, trust me.

No. 458035

I am a sociopath then kek. I always wish the worst to those who wronged me.

No. 458037

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>later suffers a terrible loss like disability/health decline

No. 458041

White bitches like you will always be up and down with racists alt right and they’ll swear that they’re totally the exception and downplay their real beliefs to feel better when they go and protest for Palestine with their emo friends kek(their clothes are bought from TEMU by the way). You’re clearly okay with being with these kind of men nonna, there’s no need for you to come up here and cry wolf.
>awe poor me! Why do I always attract these men!
You accept them.

No. 458053

No. 458057

Google 'amazon position'.

No. 458058

>Is that okay?
You would benefit so much from forming a core set of values and convictions that you believe in and practice standing by, instead of asking for permission and guidance from other people, especially strangers. It's natural evolutionary instinct to want to be liked, but going to this degree is dangerous for you. People will end up molding you whether it's good for you or not, and whether you even wanted to be receptive to those changes in the first place. This (perhaps purposeful) spinelessness is a way of absolving yourself of guilt if you do/allow something you later deem wrong or bad, by wringing your hands and going, 'that wasn't me! I just didn't realize [direct perpetrator and your scapegoat] was such a monster!'.

To answer your question though, I think anyone who makes generalized blanket statements like that are often short-sighted and just picking a more socially acceptable way to direct their anger and fears.

No. 458060

To be honest anon I think he's doing the typical scrotoid thing of downplaying the things you don't want to hear, and you sound like you want to believe/trust him even though you subconsciously have doubts.

No. 458078

no it really isn't me. It's actually a friend I have who has a bf that I can't stand. Whenever I criticize him for his politics to her she says that his politics are fine because he isn't right wing other than the anti immigrant stuff

No. 458082

Ah, I see. If there are red flags, it'll be difficult for you to show them to your friend if she's enamored with him. You might just have to wait for the honeymoon period to die off before raising your concerns again, and keep yourself at a reasonable distance so you can observe and be as objective as you can.

No. 458099

It doesn't work if his cock is of average size or less, though. (Trust me.)

No. 458154

Honestly I’m a roll with the punches type so I started being mildly manipulative here and there to see how the guy reacts. Briefly dated this one guy where we were out at this place with a few restaurants in close walking distance. He went to the host and there was a wait time. I said we should try another restaurant. Dude got PISSY at me like? That type of guy sucks to deal with. If a guy acts weird or gets mad when you say no to him or object to something he suggests, just move on. Don’t give him a second chance. If you’re bold you can even stage a crisis and see how he reacts. May seem like a lot of work but I’d rather do this than waste another 2 years just to find out the guy sucks in times of crisis, like my long term ex was

No. 458286

as the anon you replied to, same kek but it's more of a question to gauge empathy level of a man because i never blame women for cheating unless they're a homewrecker and men are the that ones usually do more wrong and lie about it if a relationship goes sour

No. 459046

I'm just yelling into the void, but my bf of 5 years has never bought me a birthday gift or Christmas gift… I am fine with it because I grew up really poor so my family never did gifts, either. It's not a matter of him being poor- he has a good salary. Plus, I have always managed to get him something for his birthdays and holidays and he has said I am a fantastic gift-giver.

This year, I expressed to him that I really wanted a gift of some sort because it's always so disappointing to never get anything- not even something basic like flowers or $10 of my favorite snacks. I asked him today when he wanted to exchange Christmas gifts and he said "Oh, I didn't get you anything… You always talk about how much you hate consumerism so I had no idea what to get you."

It's so disappointing.

No. 459219

To be fair, if you regularly complain about consumerism it's not surprising he doesn't buy you gifts. It's a largely consumerist expectation to buy gifts at regular intervals. Christmas shopping has always been pushed by department stores.

No. 459239

I wonder if you could have pushed him to gift you something handmade that could be useful for the home at least. I know you mentioned that you hate consumerism, but it also sounds like a cop out answer from him for not taking the time to gift something thoughtful to you.

No. 459353

This is why it's never ok to be a cool girl who is ok with the bare minimum.
>I am fine with it because I grew up really poor so my family never did gifts
If anything, you deserve to be spoiled by your moid.
It's not fair, because she gets him gifts for his birthday and Christmas. It just sounds like an excuse for him to be lazy and not return her effort. How does he know her for 5+ years but still have no idea what to get her?

No. 459355

She told him she wanted a gift… is he deaf or just a cunt

No. 459358

I would have dumped him after the first Christmas tbh.
He could get her something non material like a weekend in a spa resort or whatever she's into, it's literally not hard to put some effort into Christmas presents.

No. 459374

you told him you wanted a gift and he didn't get you one. and you've been dating for five years? his ability to correct this would be a make or break thing for me. this isn't the one if he just plans to live like this forever. I'm sorry nona.

No. 459382

how do I talk to a guy that I have a crush on?

No. 459488

you better get him a real talk about how being critical to consumerism,
doesn't mean you hate gifts and attention, it just mean they have to find something that is not an amazon giftcard

Guys will happily use this as an excuse to never give you anything because 1/less effort 2/ less money to spend on you 3/more money for them !
( while they receive gifts, how odd they never questionned that )

>I had no idea what to get you

so, he doesn't know you ?

we need more data on that, how do you know your crush ? for how long ? does he know you exist ?

No. 459589

5 year, no gift anon here again. Thank you to everyone who responded, understanding my thoughts and disappointment. An update: I broke up with him and am already so much happier.

No. 459664

Yeah I would be out, fuck that.

No. 459665

The fact is that you get him gifts and he doesn’t, sit a bit on that and dwell on the fact that your boyfriend doesn’t like you. 5 years with no single gifts and you remained?

No. 459667

Good for you nonnita. Never settle for breadcrumbs please, you are worth more than someone who doesn’t care.

No. 459672

Quoting the wrong person and she already left him, dyslexia-chan.

No. 459679

Truly happy for you, nona. That bum is finally gone.

No. 459684

>I am fine with it because I grew up really poor so my family never did gifts
girl because of that you should get gifts from your moid every week, that's what he's for

No. 459707

love you nona, hope your next relationship treats you better

No. 459815

Hi nonnies! I have a concern about my bf and I'm looking for advice. For context we were both sexually exploited online as kids. Exposing myself here, we both used to be into fucked up shit like loli/shota and worse because the people abusing us taught us it was normal and okay. We both got therapy and I'm doing okay now but my bf is struggling still. He's confided in me that he's trying to stop watching porn because he finds himself hopping from site to site trying to find something that could be risky, but if he does find something he gets disgusted and clicks off. This is going into full blown paranoia territory for him, he gets scared his phone could be listening to him or the police will knock at the door. This is kinda worrying to me because I'm not stupid, he's probably jerking off to it and then feeling guilty after isn't he. He was telling me about how he's never downloaded anything, but like… how bad is it really? He gets cagey and says stuff like "teen porn" when I ask what he actually is looking for. I'm not faulting him though because I used to look at terrible shit as well and I know the addiction is hard to curb. I just don't really know what to do or how I can help him

No. 459832

>"teen porn"
>scared of police showing up
I really hope this is bait anon… Love yourself more and find a man who isn't a pedophile. He probably has actual cp on his computer I hope he dies tbh

No. 459833

Experiencing trauma is no excuse for perpetuating it. He's up to some foul shit and you know it.

No. 459871

hahaha girl wtf block his ass

No. 459897

Are you aware that he’s probably watching CPS? Like genuinely? Or are you retarded enough to think that he doesn’t?

No. 459898

Being abused is an explanation, not a justification. He’s the same as those who allegedly abused him. A bullet straight to the temple would be the solution.

No. 459901

So do you know for certain that your boyfriend was exploited as a kid, or did he just tell you that? Because every pedo scrote loves to write fanfic about nonexistent childhood trauma to get sympathy for their "condition"

No. 459902

You’re so mean nonna, you actually made me sad.
I was continuing my reply there and I also congratulated nonna for leaving him when I read.

No. 459903

You fixed yourself. Your bf didn't and is now watching kiddie porn ("teen stuff" and all that paranoia means kids. like 13yr olds). You have to decide if you really want to stay with a man who turned into the kind of men who preyed on you both

No. 459904

80% bet that he wasn’t

No. 460100

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I'm trying to take this seriously and don't want to just shitcan my bf, but he always has an avoidant conflict resolution habit. As in some shit happens, we barely talk it out, then he'll be distant for a day or two, then we'll plan to do something on a weekend or something and discuss it then. It's always been really awkward when we talk in-person because the issue is always retarded, but both of us (hopefully both, I guess I can only speak for myself) feel better afterwards when he's ready to talk. He says he feels closer, all that, it has been a lot healthier than what I'm used to. He doesn't explicity say he needs space, I've asked him to do that, he doesn't, but it's enough of a pattern to notice. I always want to immediately resolve things since it helps ME stop giving a shit, but it's hard to not be upset if something happens and I can't do anything for a while. If he breaks something he immediately tries to fix it though kek.

Does anyone else experience this with themselves or their bf? How do you deal with it? Is it immature to not want to solve things sooner? Would I be forcing issues if I made it all be my way/immediate? At least from my perspective, everything else is surprisingly stable except for bumps like that.

I'm used to getting treated like absolute shit and quiet only meaning "silent treatment" so I'm forcing down a lot of doubts and holdovers from last moids. I don't want to fuck this one up.

No. 460104

Avoidant personality types can be frustrating. I find myself acting this way sometimes, too, especially when I'm nervous about the issue if it may lead to an argument or confrontation. It takes some people longer than others to process their feelings or how they want to approach the issue, although it can be incredible frustrating for the other person (If they are ready to discuss the problem ASAP.) But he shouldn't give you the silent treatment or be outright rude, that isn't okay. As long as you resolve the problem relatively fast and don't stretch it out for weeks/months/years (which is just bottled up resentment.)

I personally go into defensive mode when I'm uncomfortable because if I can get away from confrontation in the moment, I will, even though it's counterproductive. Then I'll work up the courage to talk about it a couple days later if it's an issue worth talking about. If it's not something you can deal with and it frustrates you then it's worth weighing the value of the relationship, because he might not change that habit and it might drive you crazy over time if its persistent. Dating isn't about finding someone perfect it's about finding someone whose flaws you are able to tolerate, or at least thats been my approach kek

No. 460124

Thanks for the reply, honestly that helps me understand a bit better. I'm trying a "just be positive and talk about something else" approach for the in-between time. Not to escape issues or try to bury anything, but hopefully it shows that things aren't completely fucked over like 1 dumb argument. I think we have our differences but things could definitely be way, way worse. So far it hasn't been flat out silent treatment, thank fuck. I just worry about coming across really pushy.

No. 460202

He is a pedophile watching child porn
No fixing and avoidant except to be more avoidant and live your life. Never show that his avoidance bothers you, just go do your own thing and ignore him. Thats the only way to get an avoidant to show up. Or you can find a man who isnt immature

No. 460315

How do I slowly stop being obsessed with a guy who I know is bad for me.
For context: I am very obsessed with him, I love talking to him, the way he replies to me can make or break my day

No. 460322

>Stop replying
>get busy
>gift yourself a new toy and masturbate your pain away

No. 460326

That’s retard advice, I can’t masturbate 24/7 and even tho I am busy, I can’t stop thinking about him, I literally NEED to talk to him. I don’t think you realise what obsession is, I kinda wish I didn’t become friends with that faggot in the first place

No. 460343

I'm curious, in what way is he bad for you?
As someone who tends to get obsessive over crushes/experiences limerence a lot, for me only cutting the person off completely helps. And even then it takes time to "detox" off him over the next weeks/months. Sorry I can't offer any better advice, I'm pretty sure trying to reason out of your obsession won't work. And the more you're exposed to him the more you'll stay attached.

No. 460357

It’s a really long story but in short, even tho I can be a little schizo, im very sure he lies about certain things, he doesn’t love me the way I love him, he doesn’t show the same enthusiasm in talking to me like I show and he’s also bpd

No. 460381

Alright, I’ll just say the whole story.
The whole retarded thing is online btw, we met in another imageboard, then started talking on trannycord. We immediately clicked, the way we post, talk etc is very similar and even after the novelty is dead, we can talk for hours and hours about retarded things. The problem is that the way he talks changes almost daily, some days he’s dying to talk to me, other days he gives 1 word replies to me which obviously ruins my day, therefore he’s bpd. He doesn’t like to talk to me as much as I like to talk to him, I actively want to talk to him every single minute.
And he’s also a liar.
We’re not dating, so 1 day he tells me about this girl he’s talking to who masturbated to him and I found that funny, so we talked about that but then later for the next 2 days, he wasn’t replying to me at all, so I realised that he’s not talking to me because he’s busy talking to that other girl so I mentioned it and just said ‘>cucked by that girl’, he called me a schizo and said he’s not even talking to her anymore but then way later he accidentally admitted that he did talk to her and that was the reason he wasn’t replying to me, something like this happened again but I don’t have proof or confession for it so he calls me a schizo.
The main reason that I think he’s bad for me is because he does not love me like I love him

No. 460403

> started talking on trannycord
you know exactly what to do, but you don't have the guts to do it

No. 460406

Block him?
Man.. I wish I could but I’d feel terrible because doing it with no upfront reason is just retarded and rude and I’d feel bad

No. 460423

see? you just know, there are upfrond reason, you speak of him like a junkie speaking of dope

if you really feel bad about blocking him, just write down how you feel about it and send him a message, how this is making you obsessive, that you feel like a schizo, and all the bad part of you are overflowing and above all, you aren't even dating and you are already feeling too overwhelmed
but i can safely bet that he's gonna TL;DR the whole thing, and the twist was that this wall of text wasn't for him, but for you.

don't worry nonna, you'll find plenty of other dudes over the internet, they are not rare and some of them are less hurtfull to your sanity

No. 460429

You’re logical but im just as retarded
I did unadd him before but he made a wall of text edit and I ended up adding him back because I felt terrible, I even cried like a little bitch.
>you'll find plenty of other dudes over the internet
No matter how many men I talk to, online or irl, I have never met any like him at all.
In all honesty, if he desperately wanted to talk to me like how I want to talk to him, all problems will be solved.
He used to love talking to me before but for a couple days, he has completely 360 degreed but I still psyop myself into thinking that maybe he’s just super busy 24/7 or maybe he’s too depressed to even talk to me

No. 460445

Do I ask a guy i made out with to get his hoodie ?
I made out with this guy who i met through friends and we spent like two days together afterwards. He was on a break with his Fwb. Now after ignoring me for a week and a half a friend tells me hes actually "exclusively dating" the fwb now. The entire situation is kinda weird and trust me when i say that i have no interest in getting involved anymore. But I dont know if i should let him come to me or if i should say something. I honestly just dont want to degrade myself by reaching out again just to be ignored for 2 days but i also want him to pick up his shit. So what do nonas? Is it that deep?

No. 460451

Can your mutual friend deliver the hoodie to the guy? I think your instincts are correct: you shouldn't bother with him

No. 460465

I could ask her? But i feel like that would make it weird. Im gonna have to see him again since hes a friend of a friend. Were all in our 20s and i feel like handing it of to my friend would seem kinda childish, and like im jealous of the fwb situation. (Which I am not, am only slightly annoyed at being ignored) Maybe Im just overthinking tho.

No. 460482

Sell it on Vinted

No. 460491

If you don’t give a fuck just text
>you left your hoodie at my place. We can meet up somewhere and I’ll give it to you. I’m available x or x and I’ll be around here. Let me know.
Simple as that, don’t overthink it and don’t meet up at your place or give him a window to decide when he can come, it’s your time being wasted not his. You’re simply giving back the hoodie, if he reads it differently he is a retard.

No. 460497

This is so pathetic kek, even for a lolcow user.

No. 460501

Are you sure you’re not the BPD out of the two kek.

No. 460504

you're probably right. I just hate having to reach out when i know he'll take forever to respond.

No. 460512

sorry but what do you even like about this guy it's horrifying

No. 460514

Well it’s on him to get back his hoodie, you’re doing him a favor. If he can’t bother to reply in a day then he doesn’t get your time, simple. If he replies t puoi after two days or something just say that you’re quite busy.

No. 460640

if he doesn't feel bad giving you no effort replies and lying to you, why should you feel bad about blocking him without explanation? you're giving him more grace than he's giving you. why waste effort on someone that doesn't care enough about you to give you the same energy back?

No. 460757

Dating a man seriously for the first time ever and I just really don’t know what to do when he’s upset. I feel like with women it was so easy, I could just solve it with an earnest conversation and a cuddle, maybe a present if I messed up very badly.

This time of year is really stressful for me workwise and with my shitty family and I was treating him as an emotional punching bag kinda, and he rightfully called me out on it but I just got defensive and it turned into a big huge fight. I tried to handle it how I have in past relationships (again, with women) and it just backfired, like he seemed to feel like I was as trying to “buy” him back with my peace offering and when I tried to have a proper deep talk he seemed to take it as I was picking a fight again.

He said he just needs some space to cool down and he knows I’m sorry but I have a feeling he’s repressing shit and this might rear its head later? Idk am I overthinking it? Is he avoidant? Are we just fundamentally incompatible? Am I being dramatic…

No. 460836

Yes I know
We both are but I am consistent in the way I talk to him, his mood and way of talking changes every moment
I can’t fucking block him alright, im too much of a pussy.

Last night we were talking and another thing I noticed was that im never the one that goes away, he’s the one. He went away and has still not came back.
I miss how he was earlier, he used to send 100 messages sperging out about random things, he used to beg me to come online, I don’t understand why he has changed so much so suddenly and because of this I psyop myself into thinking that maybe he’s just busy, maybe he’s just tired or shit like this. FUCK I wish I was never friends with him

No. 460844

I consider him a genuine friend. I can tell him things I don’t tell others and vice versa. I like talking to him more than I like talking to anyone else. I can’t explain it but I’ve never liked anyone like I like him

No. 460847

Males are not normal people like you and I. It's normal to talk to someone if you like them. That makes sense to you and I, as women. But you say he used to REALLY like texting you, bombarding you with attention and affection. Now he's pulled the rug, and has started stringing you along, sometimes giving you a crumb of attention but mostly treating you coldly. He even is trying to neg you and make you jealous with this mysterious other woman. It's textbook, he enjoyed capturing your affections and now he's enjoying playing hard to get and feeling sought after. This is because 99% of men aren't like us, they only want what they can't have and see women who actually like them as undesirable and easy (even if they previously liked them). Drop him like a sack of potatoes. There's a chance if you do unadd him he'll do the same edited message shit, probably on a longer timeline, but more intense to make you feel like he Really Means It. Ignore this. Delete the conversation off your discord friends tab. He is a joke. Once upon a time you had really great conversations and felt like you were understood. Keep that memory the way it is, kick the actual male manipulator out of your life, before it blows up in your face.
>I can’t explain it but I’ve never liked anyone like I like him
With all due respect you sound young. Even if you're not though, not only are there plenty of fish but you really don't need a fish right now. The right one will come along while you are living your life focusing on YOU and not torturing yourself over some worthless dog. Best wishes nonnie

No. 460848

He got bpd and probably adhd, he will break you so get away as soon as you can. He isn't your friend

No. 460852

Now that I think about it. He really is a huge faggot manipulator. The bitch once cut all communications with me for 10 days, then later came back and said ‘it was for personal reasons’ and said a whole lot of things and sprinkled ‘my mom tried to kill herself again’ and that’s why I stopped asking about it, but then I remember he STILL used to shitpost on that imageboard so why the fuck did he do that and gave no reason for it.

No. 460854

I'm debating telling my friend I'm attracted to that I like them as a means of getting over them ("I like you, but I can't be with you so here's why I'll not be in touch with you for a few weeks/months") but every time I practice what I'm going to say, I feel my crush on them subside. Do I just keep practicing what I'm going to say alone in my room and hope that helps me get over my attraction by itself or do I take the plunge and just be brave.

No. 460859

I talked to an identical mood and I can tell you now that I understand that when he gives you a crumb of attention it feels good, almost like it was when it was perfect between you two but it's never going back to that period in time. he did that to draw you in, so now every time he fucks up, you still see the prior positive version of him and it's hard to let you. But he just put a show on for you. You got to ask yourself what you value in a friend and then make a checklist how many points of that he currently ticks and you will realize he isn't good for you

No. 460942

I am confused though, that's too much stress and obsession for a guy online that you aren't even dating. Sounds like you expect more from him than just friendship honestly, his behavior is classic bpd but if he's just a friend he doesn't "owe you" anything and he knows that very well. Just talk to him directly at this point, about your feelings and everything you said here. i think it's pointless though he's probably gonna manipulate you into being in a semi relationship-friendship where he doesn't have to commit and you need to be prepared to just take that as a total rejection and leave if that happens tbh.

No. 460966

I’d be also pissed off if you tried to cuddle me right after an argument that wasn’t solved , I personally don’t like PDA that much when I’m mad, it really isn’t a woman or man thing.
He clearly told you that he needs space, he might be the type who needs to cool off and then talk later.
Fix your issues too; using someone as a stress relief isn’t a good recipe for a stable relationship. If it becomes a pattern it becomes rather annoying and not worthwhile, at least for me.

No. 460967

>I can’t fucking block him alright, im too much of a pussy.
Then shut up and enjoy being e-cucked.

No. 461056

It’s over now
Fuck that nigger(racebaiting)

No. 461060

that must be really hard being BPD and being able to go to '' i can't block him on discord i need to talk to him SOO MUCH'' to '' fuck this nigger'' in just a couple of hours

No. 461063

it’s awesome
FUCK that nigger

No. 461138

You should first identify within yourself the reason you like this friend. I think it's odd that the crush subsides when you think about confessing. Is it because you feel embarrassed of liking them? Or maybe it's a defense mechanism against rejection?

No. 461140

You’re definitely right that I have my own issues to work through but to clarify I did give him an initial full day after the fight and we were at home when I tried to initiate contact so it wasn’t PDA. I’m thinking now that I should have clearly asked him for space when I was stressed instead of snipping at him and every time I reached out before he was ready I reset his cooldown clock. Thank you for the advice, it’s our first big fight ever after a year and I was really worked up about it

No. 461164

Yeah ops I meant that kek.

No. 461167

You can wait for him to reach out next time in order to actually give him the necessary time and then you can actually communicate and solve the argument, rather than just trying to cuddle. It goes for both women and men too.
I feel like women just hold onto the resentment and it builds up until they leave you kek, while men aren’t like that, they’re more direct.

No. 461169

we'd met via work a year and a half before my crush started and it was through talking to them that I really liked their personality and they just seemed to treat me with respect. The reason I can't be with them is because they're already in a relationship, so I think you're right its a mechanism against rejection. I think I'm scared because of a few reasons: 1. people at work will find out which mortifies me, 2. if they tell their partner, I'm scared they'll tell my friend to no longer spend time with me, 3. even if I confess and okay I don't spend time with them for a couple of months and I think I'm all better, what if I start spending time with them again and the crush returns? I know it's a huge amount of what ifs but those are just concerns I have on my mind right now

No. 461172

Confessing isn’t going to make you gain anything. Don’t confess and distance yourself for a while to make it pass.

No. 461176

true, I'm just nervous that if I drop off and distance myself from my friend with zero explanation - they're gonna think they've done or said something to me and it might hurt them. I know I need to put my own feelings first, but I want to preserve the friendship.

No. 461193

Some Anon might remember me from a previous post, kek.
Anyways, I meme'd myself into a relationship with what I am starting to believe is a fake bisexual (I am bisexual myself).
We've been going out for a while now, officially together for one. We still haven't got sex and honestly… I don't want to anymore. There's always a reason not to, not only on her part but mine. I completely lost interest. Thing is, she's constantly talking about scrotes she went out with before we got together when we were still dating around, how much she just loves sex and penetration being the only way she can cum. She says she likes to make out but everytime I try to use tongue she pulls off without noticing. I tried to bring it up, but she just said she didn't notice anything.
She claims she's had experiences with other women, but I just don't believe it.
On top of that, I try all the time to hold a conversation but she's constantly coming up with stuff like making me her kitten, cutting short my conversation attempts with gossip or stuff about her.
She offers me dinners, buys me gifts and is very warm. I believe she genuinely likes me, just not… like that?
I know I won't have an answer until we try and have sex, it's being basically like a friendship with peck kisses. I feel like a toy and an experience, not taken seriously as a partner.
I know I should try and crack the topic with her, I just don't know how. She's easy to overthinking, panicking, denying.

No. 461239

> officially together for one. We still haven't got sex
Please tell me you don’t mean one year. In any case I don’t understand why you’re with her, she’s clearly not attracted to you even if she enjoys you. Maybe I’m biased as an elderly virgin who despite my age has never dated because I haven’t found anyone I’m actually interested in, but why do women date women they’re not attracted to? Like what is the point? You’re already two women, there’s no barriers for a friendship like with men and women, so just be friends? Why does she feel the need to larp as a couple? Maybe I’m autistic but this makes no sense to me and I think you should leave her and find someone who actually wants to fuck you.

No. 461247

This is making me think of my first gf so much it's raising my blood pressure. I don't want to project too much, but I will just say I wish I'd listened to those instincts and feelings. In my case, I just didn't push the matter much…for 3 years. No sex even once. Then she cheated on me with a man. Unless your gf is very low libido in general (which she isn't if she's going on about loving sex with men), if she is not having sex with you at all, it is because she is not sexually attracted to you. And quite possibly not sexually attracted to women in general. Listen to your gut here.

No. 461263

Why and how the hell did you stay with her for 3 entire years with no intimacy even once? This is mind boggling to me. I thought I was low-average libido but even I can’t fathom liking someone enough to date them but not to have sex with them

No. 461265

Why do you hate yourself so much? There must be genuinely something wrong with you, do you think you deserve punishment? Why don’t you let yourself be happy?

No. 461266

Find a woman who will French kiss you and lick your pussy please nonna

No. 461325

As a high-libido person, I cannot understand outcomes like this, how do you not discuss this once in a whole year? I think you've answered your question, you said you now have zero desire to have sex with her. Idk if you could be asexual and tbh it doesn't sound like it. If you want it stick it out you need to ask her why there's no sex. If she dodges the question then you need to call it quits, no point being with someone if you can't even communicate your wants needs and desires with them

No. 461367

Nah.. A lot of "bi" women are like that this description reminds me so much of someone I know. It's easy to assume the best and stay because it can be hard enough to find women that you are attracted to who arent straight. She has no issue talking about having sex with men in previous relationships which is disrespectful, you should really talk to her about not being taken seriously.

No. 461436

We started dating in high school, so I was pretty naive about what to expect and when to put my foot down. She also had this habit of playing the victim, like if I asked if we could have sex, she'd pull an "anon, I thought you loved me for me…" If I asked why she didn't initiate kissing, she'd cry and beg me not to leave her. Stuff like that. That's why I got twitchy when I read
>I know I should try and crack the topic with her, I just don't know how. She's easy to overthinking, panicking, denying.
Because women like this will make you feel like you're a disgusting sex pest villain for pointing out it's insane to expect someone to be in a sexless relationship with someone who doesn't seem to be attracted to them. I loved her so much I would have put up with it forever if she hadn't cheated. Lesson learned. I was also convinced I'd never be able to find another gf after her because everyone I knew was so straight. And she seemed to love me in every other way, it was just this one, tiny thing I was being shallow and selfish about…it's easy to rationalize stuff like that away and just get in the habit of ignoring it.

No. 461469

I am trying to cope with the fact that I have probably hit an irreparable impasse with my partner. We got into a heated argument where he scoffed at me and treated me like I'm uneducated and anti science because I don't believe people can change gender/sex….like he did the classic "you're actually unscientific" when I said it is literally impossible no matter what surgery or drugs you take, to become another gender. He said detransitoners shouldn't be listened to because it helps right wing talking points. He is so drunk on the koolaid I have whiplash trying to make sense of it. Just the fact that he is really in this cult like mentality, and was condescending to me and saying I have TERF talking points just shows me he is intolerant and unable to think for himself. How depressing. I really liked this one. I'm sad you guys, but there's nothing I can do to fix it, is there? Especially since he thinks the way to repair it is me watching contrapoints lmfao…yeah right

No. 461519

I think that we as women need to be more selfish actually, in order to realize when to leave sinking ships.
I’m sorry she cheated with a scrote nonna, fuck that bitch, I hope she got genital herpes.

No. 461522

Why are you staying with a scrote like this? Men are never passionate about anything that they don’t want to fuck when it’s about rights. He’s either going to Troon out or he fucks trannies on the side.

No. 461524

Describe him and where you met him please, in order for me to avoid these kind of retards.

No. 461532

Thanks everyone for the advice, yeah I'm breaking up with him. He tried to explain himself more and what he admitted to wasn't full on porn but more like looking for photos of young teens in swimsuits in compromising positions which is just too much for me. Especially since the girls are around the age I was when I was abused. He's probably looking at worse shit as well, but I've heard enough. Just going to check out and wait a bit so it's not so close to Christmas.

No. 461533

As a nona who also experienced CSA, please don't stay with a moid who has pedo tendencies. It will destroy you.

No. 461639

How do we feel about relationships of convenience?

Let's say you don't feel much for a guy romantically, but he's a good person, cooks excellent meals, is good at sex and provides home/car repair/maintenance. He's also on a visa, so the relationship is on a timer anyway. Is it reasonable to just lie about your romantic attraction and take him off the market so you can at least enjoy having him for the time you have left? Neither of you get exactly what you want, but the relationship is going to end anyway and in the mean time you get nice food, orgasms and some expensive stuff fixed for free.

No. 461640

I don’t recommend that because he will get attached and might take a serious step forward

No. 461644

Depends,what does he likes about you and did he told you anything about how he feels?
If he's just as casual as you are, getting it's cool

No. 461655

This describes most straight relationships.

No. 461669

We both know he's leaving in less than a year, so he's not planning on proposing or anything.

He definitely has romantic feelings for me and is more serious, so for him it's not casual, but that'll just mean he'll have a harder time saying goodbye in the end.

I agree. I feel like there's a stigma around admitting to it, but most women will still have a few boyfriends of convenience in their lifetime.

The way I see it, if it's not me, by probability it'll be someone else like me. Added to that, his skills could actually really improve my life and men love to be needed anyway.

No. 461688

Incoming turbocunt opinion: I feel like most women, even if they're in a relationship of convenience, end up putting quite a lot of effort nonetheless (emotional, physical, financial), maybe even subconsciously. If the guy isn't actually benefitting you for long term, in a way that you are better off once the relationship is over than you would have been if the relationship never happened, then meh. Cooking and orgasms are a nice addition if you're already getting something substantial. The repairs, maybe, but how much of your shit is broken that you can't just get him to take care of most of it in a short period of time then have it out of your mind? If you can also get the guy to help you out with rent/bills and even just put that money aside, all the better. But like I said I feel many women get into these "strategic" relationship and end up subconsciously overcompensating so that the effort is ultimately wasted.

No. 461717

If you want to put a cash value on it, then around $12,000 USD, which is a ruinous amount for me.

No. 461756

Then absolutely understandable. I thought when you said repairs it was smaller, cheapy stuff you might have been able to swing yourself, but that amount really puts it into perspective. Go for it.

No. 461793

I think that love is kind of overrated and makes women abandon their rationality and pick scrotes that aren’t good for them. I’d honestly stay in a relationship with a person like this, as much as I’d like to be alone I still crave intimacy and it seems like a good bargain. I’d learn to respect and love this person , long term relationship are about that anyway.

No. 462007

how the hell do you talk to people on dating apps? i made an account on hinge today just to see whats out there and a few cute girls have liked me/matched with me but i have no idea what to say to them. it feels so artificial.

No. 462022

Maybe it's cynical of me, but I think if you can tolerate the lack of romantic attraction, this is fine if not preferable to a 'normal' relationship. Better to be in a stable and mutually beneficial relationship like this than in an emotionally turbulent situation with someone potentially less competent who you end up doing too much for. I would just be prepared for the long term complexities, if he's on a visa he might want to marry you when his time is up to keep the relationship going.

No. 462718

How do I ask my girlfriend about how she feels about sex without coming off as badgering/coercive/like a moid? We've casually talked about it before we even started dating, and her opinion of it has ranged from tentative to sex repulsed through the years. I genuinely do not care if she firmly decides that she wants a sexless relationship, since I'm fairly low libido. The thing is that she is extremely passive and probably won't make the first move even if she decides that she DOES want to do it for the first time. Although I can pad every sentence I say with "no pressure", I'm sure that me simply showing mild interest in it could make her feel some sort of weird indirect pressure. Should I not even bring it up, or am I just being autistic and way overthinking this?

No. 462721

Samefag for more detail, she's a virgin and I honestly don't think she's that into men. I'm also her first ever relationship, she has issues being vulnerable and seems a bit insecure about herself physically.

No. 462781

You open your mouth and utter the sentence, easy

No. 462786

How long have you been dating ?
>I genuinely do not care if she firmly decides that she wants a sexless relationship, since I'm fairly low libido.
should take away some of the pressure from her.

No. 463214

This is probably an incredibly dumb thing to ask, but is it weird that my boyfriend takes credit for getting me into a game that I already had? Like, I think even the first time I played was without him and by the time I'd played it with him, I'd already made friends in it. We'd discussed it before and I did admit he'd encouraged it rather than pushed for it, but him saying he got me into it rubs me the wrong way. Is it wrong to feel that way?

No. 463235

It's never wrong to feel any type of way, feelings are what they are you just have to understand where they come from. You are bothered because he's saying something you know is not true and he does it to boost himself. Does he do that in front of other people ? That's a pretty common moid thing to do imo, happens to a lot of women especially in the workplace. In your case it's pretty innocuous but be careful if he does the same thing in other areas. It's an ego thing and he probably really believes what he's saying. In his head he may think you should mention it spontaneously like 'oh, i've been playing this game that nigel recommended to me and love it' so he corrects you. Or worst case is he's the kind of guy who always downplays his gf good traits, interests and achievements by amalgamating them with his. I noticed that a lot of men do this credit thing even among each other and I'm not sure they even realize that it's weird and pretty rude.

No. 463245

I get the feeling he probably doesn't do much of value in your relationship which is why he has to grasp at straws and make himself feel useful for doing nothing.

No. 463249

I played some fighting game on call with him last night. Before I was about to go to sleep, he sends me a passive aggressive message about how he annoyed me last night and doesn't want to bother me. He's been sending similar messages any time I have to do something other than talk to him apologizing for bothering me. At first I thought he was just being insecure or something, but now it seems like he's doing it intentionally to upset me. The reason he was bothered? He said I was button mashing super aggressively like I was mad at him while we were playing Mortal Kombat. I've never played it before and was mashing a bit because I didn't understand the controls. He got so pissy over this that he started ignoring my messages and finally responded only when I said I was going to sleep, proceeding to keep me awake for another hour (we are in different timezones.) When I woke up he started apologizing again for overreacting and saying he loved me, but it just feels so fake. It puts a sour taste in my mouth that he is acting like this and I think he might resent me for some reason, but I'm not sure why, as I don't think I've done anything to warrant that. And just a few days ago he was being way over emotional talking about how he wanted to 'gauge' his heart out and give it to me. I am puzzled and honestly, yeah, I am annoyed with him now and contemplating calling him a fag and blocking him. The things he has done to me over the course of the relationship have been way worse, and he gets this mad over me typing loudly? Fuck off.

No. 463251

He sounds like a BPDemon

No. 463253

He gets pissy over random things and can't control his irrationnal anger. Acts like a baby about it instead of adressing things normally and tries to hurt you. Overcompensate afterwards to reel you back in, knowing that he will do it again later. Has done worst things before. You have to tiptoe around his feelings constantly. If a friend described their relationship like this, would you be supportive?
Know one thing: he won't change because all of this indicate deep rooted issues with his self. Do you want to continue living like this? Does his presence in your life add more value than hastle?

No. 463255

Block him kek how could you ever be attracted to him again after that

No. 463342

I will give him credit in that he corrected me on a misunderstanding I had about the game prior to playing it, but to me it feels like he wants to take credit for my decision to stick with the game in a way? Like yeah, he's a part of why I could hop on and enjoy with him socially, but the decision to hop on in my free time and have equipment for it was my decision and money spent. I will say that I fear this happening more regarding a house I'm buying, as I know he told some friends he was going to be co-owner on it when he moves over here despite me telling him that my name is the only one on the deed until the mortgage is paid.

Realistically, he's supportive and affectionate, but he's got issues with seeing other people doing better in life, and gripes about people around him making better money than him and being financially irresponsible.

No. 463762

Something is seriously wrong with him (really) and he's trying to incite negative emotions within you so he can go 'aha you're angry' while he's the one who's rageful. He'll just keep treating you like absolute shit because your patience just makes you less worthy of respect in his eyes. There's no prize at the end of the tunnel, leave

No. 463817

No. 463818

Not seeking advice just venting. Our cat is dying, but we might be able to help him if he sees a specialist. I honestly should be the one to take him to the specialist today because I wasn't scheduled to work but something came up that required me to go into my job and my husband was not willing to call off from his job to take the cat in my place. I figured it out and I should still make it to the specialist in time, but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. In truth I would have liked if he called off work and we both went, I was crying all day yesterday over this.

Psychoanalyzing myself and trying to figure out why I won't throw a fit and make him come with me. I only asked if he can a couple times and looked slightly distressed he said no, but I didn't really press it like I could. It's like I don't really think I deserve the support or something. sorry for reposting twice(this is not the vent thread)

No. 463855


No. 463885

Either he lies to his friends for ego reasons or he disregarded your will and thinks he will change your mind later. I feel like you should really adress this, even if he just acts out of insecurity he seems to want different things from you regarding your future shared space and it should be dealt with before he moves in. Also I don't like that his lie involves you : if his friends talk about the house thing in front of you, you'd be both embarassed. Anyway, congratulations on buying a home nona, please stand your ground and keep that house for yourself.

No. 464193

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Please help me nonas, i am so confused and need to hear input as to what the hell just fucking happened to me.
>> Meet cute guy at school, don’t think much of it because he is much younger (23) me(28).
>> Talk at the school bar a few times, amazing chemistry.
>> times goes by, see eachother on different occacions, he always says that we should watch a movie together.
>> he asks me finally if we should watch a movie at his place on messenger and we do and hit it off very well.
>> watch a few movies together a few more times, at his or mine. We eventually start to like eachother and he finally tells me that he likes me and if he can kiss me.
>> we hang out, days go by. We are lovey dovey a bit in public (school, bar etc)
>> asks me if we are a thing, i say sure.
>> few days go by, asks me if he is a “secret lover” or if i have mentioned him to my parents, because he had mentioned me to his. i hadn’t yet obviously.
>> during this whole time he has offhandidly talked about his ex, listened to songs about missing people etc etc
>> i ask if he is over his ex, he says yes and i decide to believe him (lol)
>> days later asks me to be his girlfriend, i say ok sure.
>> talks about his ex being abusive, getting angry if he didn’t answer texts right away. (When they were together)
>> says he feels like he loves me already but knows i would be freaked out if he said it so early and that it was to early to say it.
>> Go to bar one night, have a fight because i get jealous because other girls flirt with him and he isn’t pushing them away but being friendly albeit not flirting back at all.
>> we make up.
>> i go to my home country for the holidays. I have a conversation with him and ask if he even likes me because he isn’t so outwardly affectionate in a “passionate way” (he is very shy and inexperienced) he assures me he thinks i am hot shit basically and couldn’t believe i liked him etc he again says he wants to drop the L word but knows i think it’s too early.
>> week goes by, he texts me all day, calls me everyday (his initiative, never asked him to do this). Everything seems swell.
>> We have a misunderstanding, i was sad about something, texted it to him ehile he was at work. He didnt call me after work (i said he didnt HAVE to), he tries to call because he can sense i am butthurt (not angry at all).
>> He calls again, i finally answer.
>> He is angry as shit, says i don’t appericate any effort he puts in, that we are incompatible, he thinks he can’t love me in the way i require, that i am too good for him, we will probably destroy(he used this word) eachother in the future, says we don’t know eachother.
>> convo goes on for about 2 hours.
>> I ask him to clearly say if he wants this, yes or no, no beating around the bush. He says no, and we break up.
>> two days go by, i ask if we can chat because i am confused as shit.
>> We talk, he says we are too different and we will damage/destroy eachother if we contine, drops the L word on be by “accident”??(idfk) then corrects himself says oh i mean like a lot a lot. Says he has been crying since we ended it, and that he is sad to so it.
>> Convo ends, he doesn’t want the relationship anymore.

Some context; All this chaos was in the span of 1.5 month.
He had a very strange upbringing, family is a bit spiritual and cultish, he went to a weird cultish school and is strange. Smokes weed alot. Only had one girlfriend in his whole life and they broke up 5 months ago ish. Very timid, almost no sexual experience.

Nonas, what the hell just happened to me? I don’t think he was faking it, which makes me more confused. I have dated players before, but they usually don’t want labels or mention parents, he was EAGER lol.

No. 464304

He wasn't faking it he's just emotionally unstable. Better off without him.

No. 464307

Forget about him nonna, easier said than done but he seems like a wreck and he knows it too. Heed the warning.

No. 464319

i think he's not faking it, he is really very confused, very emotional and feels everything 1000% and that why he wanted to rush everything ( like, who the fuck mention his parents in less than 2 month?)

i think he has feeling for you but he's also a clusterfuck of unmanaged emotions ( think how dramatic 15years old can be about everything ? that's him) and somehow he knows it, hence the ''destroy'', he really think he's gonna really hurt you ( dramatic, i told you ), that's why he wants to break up, to spare you all the shit he cant already deal with alone

you are not incompatible, he's just too emotionaly instable and pretty immature, and it's not your job to fix him.

No. 464328

I had a similar experience, although not as dramatic. but he told his parents about me super early on, asked me to be his gf basically, then dumped me less than month later. he was 23 too lol (me 25).

he basically implied it was because I wasn't acting head over heels, puppy dog in love with him. He never teased me with the "L" word, so I didn't think he was that into me either. I thought and it came off like a casual fun time.

But yeah, I think your guy did have intense feelings for you, and was upset you didn't match his energy, basically. But how could you? it was so much so fast, based on almost nothing. (He Loves you enough to "destroy" him after a few bar and movie dates?)

Does he have ADHD, by chance? May have been limerence, the other "L" word

No. 464336

LMAO, dropping you after lovebombing you, yep classic bpd

No. 464377

This was me. I want to thank all the nonas who replied, i didn’t think this was normal at all and i feel more validated now. My conclusion is that he didn’t play me but is just mentally unstable.
I want to ask you guys for a bit further advice, because i am an anxious person in general. We are 5 days post break up, school starts on monday, but he isn’t going to be there because of work outside of school. He is also blocked on social media.
>> We work at the school bar.
>> This guy is writing in gym groupchats and reaching out to friendly aquaintances at school that we have broken up and that he is sad.
>> We comment on facebook about taking shifts at the bar, we work for free there and the shifts are three hours long. The bar is only open on fridays.
>> Prior to the break up we asked for a shift the same day, actually a coincidence.
>> The one who makes the shifts didn’t put me on any shift. This is strange because some people have double shifts and i clearly offered, they are pressed for people. Did he reach out to her too!??

So my questions are this.
How the fuck do i handle the social outcome? He knows all the people in the bar way better than me, what do i say when they ask why we broke up? He seems normal to the outside world, will he demonize me? How do i handle it?
Also, is there a chance he will try to talk to me etc, how do i handle it?

No. 464405

treat him like he's nice but retarded. if he freaks out treat it like a mentally challenged person throwing a fit and use appropriate caution but don't take it personally. walk away quickly if it escalates, you will only feed his crazy if you engage. it sounds like he hasn't become vindictive which is good because these types can definitely use their instability for evil, we wanna keep it that way by letting him feel his feelings and keeping our distance.

I would advise you to quit working at the bar. is it really important you work there? for free? once a week? I would cut that.

No. 464800

Thank you nona
Now he wants me back lmao, he called a friend of mine to ask me to talk to him face to face. I agreed to speak on the phone and unblocked him so we could talk.
He proceeded to explain his thought process which sounded like BPD splitting, and begged me back lol…. Nonas why do i want him back.

No. 464975

You want someone who is going to yo-yo you at the first inconvenience? This scrote sounds confused at best and a retarded BPDdemon at worst. Open your drawer and use your vibrator, you’ll forget him in due time.

No. 464976

He already told you what he is
> that i am too good for him, we will probably destroy(he used this word) eachother in the future, says we don’t know eachother
Believe him

No. 464979

Girl, don't do it. I'm serious. Regard him with a gentle but firm distance. Make yourself absent from his vicinity. You want him back because you got a little attached to him which is only human of you but this is seriously not worth your time. We are giving you good advice. Please spare yourself the trouble!

No. 464984

Is he hot and did he eat your pussy so good you can't let him go? I don't understand why you're so attached to him?

No. 464996

he's either going to rape or hit you eventually, don't fall for it. be smarter, you are not special.

No. 465585

my boyfriend is super sexual and it’s to the point where i’m disgusted with it. in the past i’ve tried to be sexually active with past partners but i just couldn’t get into “it” i would have to fake my arousal and fake orgasms so they could be pleased at least, ive tried masturbation before and i could never do that either. i’m pretty sure my libido is completely killed from all the sexual abuse i faced in my younger years but anyways, thats not the point, he never showed this type of behavior til we started dating, even describing himself as a “hypermaniaic about it” (it being sex and stuff) and i don’t know, is this breakup worthy? i feel like i’m being irrational

No. 465632

Yes it's breakup worthy, you both should be with someone sexually compatible and he even hid that he was hypersexual to lie by omission
Put yourself first nonnie, because god knows your moid's not doing it. Don't have sex if you don't want to, may it be that way for the rest of your life amen

No. 465787

100% break up worthy, as another nona said you need to be compatible. Your happiness comes first.

No. 465792

break up

No. 465848

you should definitely break up with him cause there's no way that ends well, but why would you get into a relationship if you're scared of sex? like 99% of men are going to expect it regularly. just seems like setting yourself up for failure

No. 466147

Tbh right now at least you're not sexually compatible and a break up would be logical, it doesn't mean you're in the wrong about it. imo a partner should research into dating survivors because it is not like dating a non-survivor.

No. 466328

Screen addiction sucks(wrong thread)

No. 466330

>imo a partner should research into dating survivors because it is not like dating a non-survivor.
This. She didn’t say if she disclosed and it’s possible she doesn’t want to, but I think if you’re gonna have sex with someone you have to have that conversation and that person should do some research and work on their end to accommodate you or they are not worth your time

No. 466627

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Literally feel like picrel. I'm involved with a moid cause I find him attractive and when he surpirsingly asked me out I said "why not". I expected him to be more chill cause he is cool looking but he is actually a loner who was bullied a lot in his life and didn't have a relationship in a long time. He said he wasn't even interested in younger women(he would date his age or older) but he saw my behaviour at work, found it charming and he fell for me(his words). In no fucking universe I'd imagine he'd go out with me and dumb a bunch of shit about his life and lovebomb me to hell and back. He literally called me "his person" like wtf you don't even know me. He has made bold statements like that constantly and I really had to go out of my way to clarify to him that no, I haven't been in a relationship and I've never been flirted before. He kinda chilled after that but man it's like his "patience" has the ulterior motive of me being the center of his life in the worst ways possible(he says he has no friends and his relationship to his family is kinda shitty).He respects me, asks me if I'm comfortable, is as helpful as he can be but it's in a people pleaser type of way. Him being much older and a work collegue makes it much harder but I've made the mistake of saying yes to his proposal and fucked up from the beginning. On one hand I feel nice with him and safe but on the other I feel pressure. I'd if it's the agegap,his desperation for a person in his life or both, but no matter what, despite me finding him attractive and us clicking, he just tries TOO hard. I don't feel like he will be a danger to me or anything, but I hate the fact that I feel like this is going to end cause he pretty much sabotages himself by overdoing it. He is desperate and I'm emotionally confused and I'm mostly keeping onto this cause I like him and wanna see if I manage to figure some stuff for myself by trying this. This past month has been confusing cause we have had some misunderstandings and I feel stressed over anything and I just fucking hope I get my shit together emotionally so I can see how this develops. I'm truly stepping into unknown waters but I don't think I'll ever get the chance again despite it being a little risky.

This is more of a vent and less asking for advice cause I'm just gonna follow my gut (and whatever organ kek) I just felt that I'd get chewed on the vent thread(even though, seeing some posts, I feel this isn't much better)

No. 466699

>I dated an old moid with nothing going on and now he is obsessed with me. how could this have happened?
Jfc anon, tell someone his age in your family and either have them contact him directly or say they find the age gap weird and you can't proceed because you live with/respect/listen to them and feel uncomfortable

No. 466811

am i so autistic that i can’t tell this guy i’m friends with and have a crush on is also interested in me, or is he so autistic he’s giving signs but just wants to stay platonic?

i met this guy back in late october but we didn’t start regularly texting, hanging out and playing games together until late november.

last month around christmas time he invited me to his house to watch some christmas movies since i mentioned i’ve never really watched any. early on i asked for a blanket because i run cold and about halfway through the first movie he asked if he could share it since he was also cold. through the movie we just naturally got closer and by the end his leg and arm were pressed quite closely against mine (and i might be schizophrenic but i swear i heard his breath quicken). we watched a few more, he ordered food and i spent around 7 hours there, it lots of fun.

don’t want to drag this post on for too long but we hung out again and did something similar a few weeks ago, and since then i’ve been back at my home town for our uni break (not happy about it but that’s another story). to fill in that time we’ve been playing minecraft together every other day for around 4 hours each session. we have nice random chats and he’s patient in teaching me all the new things they added into the game.

so am i crazy to think he could be interested in me? or have we just become good friends and he’s become comfortable around me?

as a side note i asked a mutual friend about it and she just said he’s nice to everyone and is most likely not interested. but i know she’s not very close to him, and she recently told me she’s had a crush on me for months so i feel that influenced what she said to me. god i’m so confused.

No. 467056

after a ldr i finally met up with my boyfriend. he had no experience at all before me, he was a kissless virgin. when we began having sex it wasn't amazing or anything obviously but i enjoyed it anyways. we spent a month together and after the first week he just began to be less interested in sex. it's the first time this ever happens to me with a man. even if we were sleeping in the same bed every night and waking up next to each other he didn't think about sex, even the times when i slept naked next to him, didn't turn him on.

then i realized i always had to initiate first, and even so sometimes he would deny me sex. it made me feel sad and confused, we began having sex twice a day everyday to then just once every three days or so. and everything happened in just one month.

it made me feel really hurt and unwanted, i would be okay with at least once a day, or maybe one day and then the next one taking a break, but it also hurt that i always had to be the one initiating.

i'm in love with him, so i tried my best to understand him better and adapt to the situation, he fucked up two times lol and said that ''having sex everyday starts to feel like a chore'' and made a really shitty analogy ''it's like if you have a favorite song that you listen to so much so eventually it doesn't sound the same as the first times'' which was very wtf to me since it's only been one month. he then regretted saying that and apologized.

i'm sad. we got to the conclusion that he has a very much lower sex drive than me, but that doesn't explain why he wanted to do it so much at first. i'm very sad because i love him, and i love having sex with him, it breaks my heart. i already talked to him about all of this but he just apologizes.

i talked about this to a friend and she told me that maybe he has lower libido because he is very skinny-almost anorexic build ? is that even a thing? i know he's very unhealthy skinny but it's hard to help him, he's a very picky eater. there were two times that we tried to have sex but he had trouble getting hard enough, i had to use my hands or mouth to help him. he also barely even touches my boobs or ass lol? but back when we were just ldr he would ask for nudes? is he just inexperienced? i also told him to touch me more often but he didn't..

No. 467057

Unless he is gay ofc he is interested in you, you think straight and bi men invite girls to platonically cuddle and watch movies?

No. 467070

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but anon she felt his breath quicken! Can you imagine the possibility of receiving a moid's attention? I'm going to need to excuse myself to freshen up, just considering the idea!

No. 467104

Without knowing anything else about him, I can only offer generalities. If he seems eager to please, selfless and habitually kind to people, he may just have rock-bottom self-esteem. Guys like that naturally assume women will only see them as friends and so will dismiss less obvious signs of attraction as misreading or accidents. It only gets worse if they have a touch of 'tism, because they find it hard to read most complex social cues and their natural reluctance to even consider your interest in him becomes 10x harder to act on. It's also entirely possible >>467057 is wrong and he either was raised with girls or only made friends with them recently, giving him a massively tilted experience and weird baseline for normal behaviour.

I say this because it's exactly what happened with my partner. We spent months meeting for meals in the city and taking romantic walks on the foreshore, having cozy movie nights under a blanket together, going on adventures out to distant locations alone together etc. and he really thought there was no way I'd be interested in him and we were just good friends. He didn't make any female friends until he went to uni and they just happened to be more touchy-feely (mentally ill) kind of girls, so his bar for standard women's behaviour was skewed. To him, me cuddling up to his arm or laying my head on his lap was totally normal, platonic behaviour with his other female friends, so just outright telling him I wanted to kiss him was the only place left to escalate.

No. 467108

Were you having sex or both single for months? How would it not be obvious unless you had no other romantic prospects? I wouldn't be comfortable with my boyfriend going to the foreshore with his "female friend" and a moid wouldn't like that either

No. 467111

We were both single.

No. 467112

He's lying or you both are

No. 467118

Kek are you dating the moid who sexually assaulted me? Same exact description. He sounds porn sick to be honest. The lack of wanting sex and not getting it up is VERY telling.

No. 467123

If you're already sexually incompatible after only one month, it's doomed. Cut your losses. Sorry, nona. This is definitely a him problem and not your job to deal with. This situation is just gonna make you sad, it's not gonna get better.

That's cute. Ask him if he wants to kiss. Don't over-speculate what he feels, that's a waste of time, just go find out.

I'm extremely worried for you. This man has tricked you, do not listen to him. He's just looking for the right combination of words and pressure to get in your pants. You feel pressure because he is pressuring you. Get away from him.

No. 467127

Sorry, he sounds pornsick.
>kissless virgin
How old is he? The older the guy, the more likely he's been fapping to porn all day every day to make up for it. Not only is it extremely disgusting and immoral, but it reinforces novelty instead of emotional connection which is why he compared you to a "favorite song." I will tell you right now, you can't fix him and you better cut your losses before you invest even more time and emotion into this relationship.

No. 467135

So women were inviting him to do it, your boyfriend wasnt inviting women for a platonic cuddle sesssion. So yeah, men dont do that. He would also 100% have fucked his female cuddle buddies if they wanted to.

No. 467144

I agree with all the other nonas. He's a kissless virgin, so he is most likely pornsick. Men ejaculate larger volumes of more potent sperm and reach orgasm faster when
looking at pictures of women they aren't familiar with. He's a lost cause. Don't stay with him because you love him. He clearly does NOT show the same love and respect for you.

No. 467163

I feel like this type of guy will just wait until the girl makes the first move. I think he will wait for her to take the lead on everything.

No. 467194

This is definitely not normal nonnie. If you stay with him you’re going to spend your whole life being upset over this, and if sex dropped that much after only a month then imagine what it will be like in a few years. He doesn’t even seem to be trying to please you (not touching your body even after you asked)
The skinny thing is bs, because my LDR bf was extremely skinny when we first ever met (125 lbs, 5’9) and he had a very strong libido. My ldr bf was also a kissless virgin like yours too. If I met my ldr bf and it ended up going the way it’s going with yours I would’ve told him it’s not going to work out. The first few times you meet your ldr bf everything should be perfect. Having problems this early is definitely not something that should already be happening. Not to mention that “chore” comment.. you’re going to be
competing with pornstars/ethots for the rest of your life if you stay with this man.

No. 467202

>maybe he has lower libido because he is very skinny-almost anorexic build ? is that even a thing? i know he's very unhealthy skinny but it's hard to help him, he's a very picky eater.
is he autistic? autism overlaps with picky eating and atypical sexuality. autistic men also have higher rates of paraphilias, so he could be a coomer. of course these things can apply to non-autistic men too.

No. 467205

Congrats, you have yourself a porn addict.

No. 467206

Or he’s a faggot kek

No. 467342


i'm the same anon that made that first post, so to the nonnas that replied, i forgot to mention two things;

i was also suspecting it might be porn addiction, but he doesn't show any kind of degeneracy. no kinks at all, before we even started dating he mentioned he doesn't really watches porn anymore and that he is completely vanilla, which is true, sex was as vanilla as it could possibly be, not even a few spankings

since we started dating we would talk to each other for most part of the day and he was pretty busy with college so i can't really imagine a point of the day where he could be watching porn, masturbating or something, besides that, he would ask to do it with me whenever he was feeling horny (sending nudes and ldr shit like that), which we usually did twice a week

the second thing is that his family suspects he might be autistic lmao but i think he's mostly very socially awkward. he doesn't use any kind of social media apps, and isn't into typical coomer things like anime or videogames, his biggest hobby is just reading books

and if it helps to get to any conclusion his age is 25 and i'm his first girlfriend ever, but i still think it isn't normal behavior anyways? i slept naked next to this man and i was holding him really close to him yet i didn't even get an erection out of him. wtf. the weird thing is that at the same time he's affectionate as ever, very loving and touchy but never in the sexual way

the times he touched my tits or ass because i asked him he did it in such an alien way, with no lust at all, just squeezing them weirdy LMAO

i even got upset at him once and asked him if he even really liked women at all which was an asshole move of me kek but pls i got tired of feeling so unwanted

but as i'm with love with him i just tried to make myself believe that he's just very, very different to everyone else, or just ultra autistic, tbh

No. 467347

Are you trying to make him sound gay on purpose? Please be bait.

No. 467350

Sorry nonna, he sounds super gay.

No. 467401

>not even a few spankings
What does this mean? Males will just spank you? Or are you talking about spanking him? Anyway he might be gay or uber autistic. Try manipulating him and making him your pet.

No. 467421

I thought he was pornsick based on your first post too. I can only speculate based on what you said but
> before we even started dating he mentioned he doesn't really watches porn anymore and that he is completely vanilla
Considering you’re his first girlfriend if it’s actually true and he isn’t pornsick, something that you might want to investigate anyway, he might just have a lower sex drive and his sex drive the first week was unusual but it returned to normal after. Hypothetically it’s not impossible for a man to have a lower sex drive I guess, you still had sex every 3 days which is a normal amount to me, I would have been happy to date a guy like that in the past when I had a lower sex drive myself. The issue is that you expect more from him which is understandable and the way he reacts to you bringing this up is concerning, I would be upset if someone I dated described having sex with me as a chore.

No. 467446

>i slept naked next to this man and i was holding him really close to him yet i didn't even get an erection out of him. wtf.
That is really weird. That coupled with him describing sex as a chore is concerning. I'd say to cut your losses with him unless you wanted a sexless relationship where you feel unwanted as your downside/con to the relationship.

No. 467481

what is a normal amount of texting for someone you've recently started seeing? is there a "normal amount"? I've been seeing a guy from my college for only a month, I'm pretty inexperienced (autistic late bloomer), haven't been dating in a while and I've only ever really been in abusive bpd relationships where I felt forced to reply to texts fast 24/7. if I'm being honest I enjoy having my own space and only hearing from this new guy a few times every day, and we get along well in person. but my anxiety creeps up on me and I get nervous that he's lost interest if he takes a long time to answer. FWIW he isn't dry, doesn't seem like a player and does seem genuinely interested when we do talk. I know this is silly I'm just not sure what my expectations should be for dating because I have such a fucked up perspective kek

No. 467554

I'm 4 months pregnant, my partner just learned his ex has been involuntarily hospitalised and her family want to send their toddler to live with us. Here are the basics:

>she's mentally ill (rapid-cycling bipolar)

>she tried to babytrap him when he was finishing his degree abroad, but he came home slightly earlier and she couldn't close the trap in time
>she was so enraged over this that she refused to ever let him see their daughter
>his daughter is 3 years old
>his ex will spend the next 3 years in hospital after her new assault charge and schizophrenia diagnosis
>her father, who should take the child, is a drunk who lives in the deep forest of Finland and can't take care of a child
>her mother vanished during a bender over 5 years ago
>her sister is permanently disabled and lives in a one-bedroom government apartment
>her grandparents are dead
>her aunt can't take care of a child, but is the only one interested in her
>she thinks we should petition the government and take custody

I'm having a fucking baby in June and now I'm being manipulated by the aunt into taking on a toddler, that isn't mine, that only speaks baby-Finnish. She's also manipulating my partner, knowing he still feels a lot of shame and regret, but thankfully he's firmly in my corner. Money isn't a serious issue, but space and time is. One of us would have to become a stay-at-home parent months ahead of schedule, which would fuck everything up.

Am I being a heartless bitch by wanting to shove this kid away from us? I feel like is the aunt is concerned, maybe she should stop moving around and handle it.

No. 467561

He is the dad, he should take care of her. You should have thought of that before getting with and having a child with a man who already had a child. The baby is innocent and no other family member can take her, why shouldn't her own dad who is stable step up? You think he'll love your child and be a good dad if he abandons his firstborn daughter now? But with a stepmom as callos as you who wants to put a poor negelcted child into foster care when the dad is right there, maybe its for the best you guys dont take custody of her actually.

No. 467562

Of course it's the Reddit spacing faggot who posts this story kek

No. 467565

You perfectly summed it up. I really hope this is fiction because this is a fucking sad situation for all the children involved.

No. 467566

File: 1736498934049.jpg (492.23 KB, 1200x1620, baa3bc95ea8686ee06b7d9250a1ea5…)

>But with a stepmom as callos as you who wants to put a poor negelcted child into foster care when the dad is right there, maybe its for the best you guys dont take custody of her actually.
Omg I almost start sperging before reading the end of your post, holy fuck this poor child. Anon is probably really tired/moody from pregnancy hormones so not villainizing her but if this little girl ends up in your care somehow, you need to therapyfag yourself into bonding with her and stop relating her to the psycho mom. Get duolingo and learn a few finnish words or cook kalakukko once or twice. This was really horrific to read and although you're probably panicking you do deserve much of the scorn from other anons. The fact that this isn't even a financial concern is insane, most people would be panicking about halving their meager income to pay for child support in your situation

No. 467576

>she tried to babytrap him when he was finishing his degree abroad, but he came home slightly earlier and she couldn't close the trap in time
What does this even mean? They had unprotected sex, how is this a "trap"? And your scrote is in "your corner" even though he apparently feels sad and regretful he never got to see his daughter before? This situation sucks for you but you seem like your moid has been feeding you stories to the point where you can resent even an innocent child. It's insane he even allowed a severely mentally ill mom with no support system to have full custody in the first place, he would have had a strong case to share or take full custody himself.

No. 467577

Moids like to babytrap women because they can inflict the most psychological damage and manipulation when her brain is mush from hormones and in this case, third party forced-adoption stress (in addition to trapping her). The elephant in the room is that there's a good chance the little girl would have a lot of issues, either trauma/development related, genetic or substance-related

No. 467592

So your partner doesn't give a shit about his daughter and is fine if his own daughter ends in foster care? Uh…congrats for getting picked I guess

No. 467611

the elephant in the room is that he's also going to leave nonna once she has the baby and call her a psycho bitch because that's his MO

No. 467620

What the fuck

No. 467641

>TRIED to baby trap him
>they have a fucking kid together
He abandoned his child, and thinks he should be allowed to do so because he wanted to get his dick wet with no consequences. Congrats on being a future single mom, except this story is made up

No. 467734

You’re with a faggot, case closed. He’s taking it up in the ass too I bet, that’s why he can’t get it up kek.

No. 467737

You reply when you have time and if the conversation is flowing. When I was still dating my boyfriend we used to chitchat after lunch before studying and then after dinner if we had time, it was never a hours long conversation since we would also go out too, which was better imo.
You don’t have to be fixated on the phone 24/7, it comes naturally. I’d suggest to actually spend few time texting otherwise you’ll have a false sense of “intimacy”.

No. 468203

This is not advice so much as a ventfession. The guy, I am not sure that I'd call him a Nigel yet, I really enjoy having sex with him and his general company is alright but he feels more like a friend who I am also having sex with, rather than a boyfriend. This isn't the complaint, I am alright with this tbh but sometimes he can be very very reddit. He unironically uses reddit and has for some time (a long time, he's 10 years older than me)and it just makes me laugh that he is a redditor. The concept of dating a middle aged redditor is so funny, and sometimes he will say shit like "I am not a genius but" and I will just start laughing and laughing cause it's so absurd. Or I will imagine him typing up reddit posts with that formatting they use, being like AITA lmao. I can tell he thinks he is much smarter than me, when I joke about something he seems to think I am just silly and the thing was something I said accidentally, and I will literally tell him something, and then like later on he will tell me the same thing and act like he was the one to come up with it.
Wow typing this all out is a wakeup call, I don't need advice yeesh.

No. 468229

how do I stop becoming infatuated with everyone who I think is cute who shows interest in me?

I was also always a haremfag when it came to otome games and I think it made me retarded when it comes to IRL. The people who show interest in me are all pretty different so I feel like I'm just overwhelmed by the possibilities. I can't help but ignore red flags and deal breakers for the curiosity, to see where it goes, etc.

Like, I already know I'm monogamous and can't do long distance and I'm currently reeling from an LDR with a poly moid. I fear I'm incurable.

I think I'm addicted to meetcutes

No. 468283

ayrt thanks, I'm probably overthinking things. I don't really care for texting and would rather do it only when it feels natural but it was always important in my past relationships so I still feel this lingering pressure
are you me nona? my standards are pretty high in theory but when I'm getting to know new people I get overexcited. I don't think there's anything wrong with just seeing where things go with multiple people if you like them, you'll find out who's really worth your time one way or another

No. 468561

Just enjoy your little crushes, just dont let them rule your life or feel like they have to go anywhere. I crush easily on men, both 2d and 3d, and its just a fun little secret I get to enjoy. Having a crush doesnt mean you have to pursue anything, it can simply be for yourself.

No. 468668

I've asked my last two partners (one male, one female) out. To date. Start relationship, whatever. But the relationships ending in a trash fire. Would it be better to wait until current victim makes a move? I've rejected him 3 times but he persisted over 8 years and I think I wanna give him a chance.
He's super sweet but idk if I'm ready to be a fucking cougar, nonas.

No. 468734

Play love and deep space nonna, don’t be like this with real scrotes kek.

No. 468735

She’s ignoring red flags, what you’re giving her is shitty advice.

No. 468738

Kek I find hotties to crush on too, but I never approach them because I’m not truly interested, I just like looking.
I have one at my local bar, where there is this cute thai barista with long hair; I have two in my classes and two in my library. It’s not really harmful unless you seek out retards and get to know them for the “plot”.

No. 468894

Is it ethical to get into a real relationship while in debt? I've been friends with a guy for 2 years and we started dating, but only casually, because I'd racked up quite a lot of credit card debt buckled down to bring it under control, and couldn't date normally. We generally talk every day, but we only see each other once or week or less. He's accepted that for the last 6 months, but we're both getting older and I've had a few setbacks to my debt situation, and he wants to eventually try living together, but we need to date more seriously for that. He's offered to pick up the slack by paying for my travel and things like that, but I just find it far too weird and transactional. Him paying for a meal we both enjoyed as a treat, I can understand, but him just giving me a $10 bill for showing up weirds me out and makes me feel kind of whor-y. I have a shitty little room in a heavily regulated shared house, located in deep suburbia, with a desert of boredom surrounding us, so he can't just drive over to hang out. All our dates that don't involve me traveling have just been him spending the afternoon driving to me, going somewhere for an or two, then dropping me home and making the drive back to be in bed for work the next day. I really, really like him, but it seems like unless I'm willing to let him pay me for my time, we're only going to grow our relationship on rare days off and public holidays, which is to say it'll never happen.

No. 468911

my gf got half-jokingly(?) upset with me after i "kept from her" that my parents were getting (amicably) divorced for like 3 months. We're both 20 and have been together for a bit but have been close friends for about two years. She asked me why i didn't tell her immediately when it happened and I said i just didn't want to talk about it then. (While amicably, my mom has issues and always makes things weird and annoying.) She started getting annoyed at me saying that I should tell her everything because shes my girlfriend, stating that she wanted to help me through it. Which I told her i appreciated and i'll remember that next time. She started giving me the silent treatment, playfully i guess but wouldn't let me say anything to her or respond to me. Then she posted on her damn instagram story about how I hid things from her and then she informed all our mutual friends about it? Who then started "teasing" me in my dms about it? And the tone of it all i GUESS was playful but it just seemed weird as hell. She gets like fake mad at me or something i dont know how to describe it, because if were ACTUALLY discussing an issue (Which we seem to do constantly) she is completely normal and respectful, but when its not serious she completely stops responding to me, or is just like "Whatever." "Dont Care!" even when i try changing the subject. I tried seriously discussing it with her, which she is always talking about how important communicating is (which i agree), but she just got fake-mad at me again when i told her i didn't like it. Is this weird? Am I being weird???

No. 468974

How much debts do you have? Because it sounds like it’s severely hindering your life, never mind the relationship thing.

No. 468993

You're very right. I just dropped below $10,000, so I'm doing…ok. He actually helped me with my budget and meal plans, which has required a lot of sacrifices, but should have me back on my feet in about 18 months. The issue is I can't expect him to just sit around and wait for another couple of years before we can really date. We both want to start a family at some point soon and I don't think it's fair to ask him to put all his eggs in my basket and hope it works out for the best.

No. 468995

She's clearly immature if she has to hide behind that sort of front and have the nerve to give you the silent treatment and share intimate details on instagram. You're right to be concerned about this because this childish game of being ironically mad "haha not really" sounds incredibly tiring. I'd say to have a serious conversation with her, but she went fake-mad again. Don't give in to her antics and be neutral and serious. I wonder if she'd be fine if you did the exact same thing she is doing. It's very weird to me.

No. 468997

Honestly I'd break up, she sounds too immature to be in a relationship.

No. 469013

Would you only be happy if you could pay his way or go exactly 50/50 on all things?

Trust your gut if you feel like it would get weird and transactional or you'd become financially dependent on him, but there's nothing wrong or unethical about not having money and agreeing to go do things he wants to do as long as he knows he would have to pay and doesn't care. Women already give way more and sacrifice way more in a relationship and family situation, it's already unbalanced.

No. 469030

I love how caring and empathetic you are. It is nice to be concerned about him, but at some point if you've been transparent about your situation and he chooses to date you and pursue thing, you don't have to feel guilty or anything. It's his choice and his decision as an adult, and maybe you would've done the same if the roles were reversed? It's normal to want to help the person you like/love, and you're not tricking him or manipulating him. I hope you can pay off your debt soon, good luck.

No. 469032

By the way you were speaking I thought you had 200k debt kek. It’s not like you’re racking it up , you’re putting effort in paying it, so I don’t see this big tragedy that you’re making it out to be.
I think you’re just insecure nonna and feel less than for being in a worse financial situation than the scrote. He doesn’t seem to have this huge problem and he’s even helping you budget.

No. 469033

I hate grown childish people , I’d never have your patience nonna.

No. 469085

Any nonnas have anectodes from dating someone with schizophrenia that they can share? I’m feeling very nervous about the future because I’m not sure what to expect. My boyfriend told me off the bat that he’s schizophrenic before we started dating and it’s been 8 months of pure joy, but it is an unpredictable illness and he still has like 4 years to go before his frontal lobe stops developing. The main factors keeping me reassured is that he has a good relationship with his mom, but he also told me back then he used to do knife fights in the street for money?? So I’m not sure what to make of this kek

No. 469093

> My boyfriend told me off the bat that he’s schizophrenic
If things go bad they’ll go bad quickly , that’s what I have to say kek. You don’t even know if he’ll stop taking his meds if he feels “cured” enough.
My stepfather had a three month mental breakdown where he had paranoia of being followed , of being molested by his father and molesting my brother (we verified, it wasn’t true), revealed that he cheated on my mom and wanted to kill himself out of guilt (it was true) and where he would repeat same phrases and also wonder around the house in the middle of the night to search for burglars. He had to be put in a mental hospital, he recovered now but he still takes medicine. It wasn’t schizo though, but he never showed any signs of it prior.
I’d just suggest any woman not to put themselves with men with mental illnesses like these (BPD, DID, PTSD, Schizophrenia etc..). Call me ableist but I don’t care, it isn’t safe and the patience and understanding they require aren’t worth what you’re getting back.

No. 469094

> takes medicine
Which made him much slower by the way. He had to tack Xanax in order to stabilize first and he was just sleeping and being quite lethargic even when he was awake.
He isn’t as quick witted as he was before , even now that he takes less meds.

No. 469096

So there’s no point in being a supportive figure in his life that can potentially curb it from as bad as it can possibly get? I feel like if I were to abandon him, that would be the catalyst that sends him down the path of self destruction. And I have autism so I know how devastating it feels to be stigmatized like that.

No. 469109

>So there’s no point in being a supportive figure in his life that can potentially curb it from as bad as it can possibly get? I feel like if I were to abandon him, that would be the catalyst that sends him down the path of self destruction.
Just stop. You don't have to make yourself out to be some martyr or a manic pixie dream girl who will "curb" his schizophrenia. It's not up to you as to what happens to him and his schizophrenia. By all means, stay with him if you love him so much, but you have to realize this is an incredibly serious condition, and he's a man you've only dated for 8 months. Since you mention that you're autistic, how does he help with your needs? Can you envision him putting in the work to keep you satisfied and safe in the long term? I'd definitely tread with caution and take other nona's and people's advice/anecdotes seriously about this.

No. 469111

Kek I’m just being an empathetic human being. He has done wonders for my own mental health and has shown me nothing but unconditional love and patience

No. 469115

Never said that. Just that you’re going to put lots of effort with no certainty that he’ll truly won’t have a meltdown for what is essentially the same benefits of staying with someone who has no mental illnesses.
Men are barely decent when they’re not sick, I don’t see why you would get a sick one on top of that.
Not all schizophrenia is violent and I’m not saying that he’ll one day eat your face because the demon told him to, but if his disease takes a hold on him you won’t have your Nigel but a whole different person, you won’t even know how long it will last either or that if he’ll ever revert back to how he was.
It’s a gamble, but I guess if you love him enough then all the more to you, why should you listen to some strangers on the internet kek.

No. 469119

Then why are you here, accept him how he is, maybe go to a reddit group for people with partners with schizophrenia, I know there’s one for people with BPD. Filter the extreme coping they do but read the stories and you’ll gauge what your future might be, if you have the ovaries to stomach that and be a martyr then go off rather than coming in here with your “woe is me! The love of my life of 8 months! How can I ever leave him!” or go directly to the vent thread.

No. 469121

I wouldn’t stay with an autistic man either kek.
Mental illness just presents differently in men and women, scrotes are also coddled to the heavens. I wouldn’t trust a single scrote with one of these illnesses, sorry not sorry.

No. 469122

Honestly if he's not from your family I wouldn't bother. I know it's harsh to say it like this, but being supportive when someone is depressed for example is different than with a schizo. You can be as supportive as you can, but this illness is unpredictable and he could snap at any moment. Women are at a high risk of violence from their male partners already. I know a few men that went schizo in their twenties and all of them had at least one violent phase, often threatening women (they liked) in their lives - even if those threats never became reality, it is a serious concern you should have, especially for someone who used to do street knife fights.
The medication for schiz is also very strong with many side effects that you'll have to deal with. If you want to go ahead, just know what you're getting into, read about the illness, and accept that it's going to be really hard and sad a lot of times. You will never be able to cure him and during the unavoidable psychotic breaks he'll have you won't have a partner to support you or be there for you, whatever's going on in your life. Depending on how schizo he becomes, he probably won't be able to maintain a job either. Lots of things to consider realistically.

No. 469124

Thank you nonna. The other anons need to remember this is a relationship advice thread, there’s no need to get hostile with someone seeking advice ffs.

No. 469131

They weren’t hostile. You replied with.
It’s you who wants to be a martyr and complain at the same time.
You just didn’t like the advice because it’s the same thing that this nonna said>>469122

No. 469132

Also he was a professor but he is currently not teaching , but he’s receiving the salary from the state still at least. So job insecurity is something you should also count.

No. 469134

>no need to get hostile with someone seeking advice ffs.
None of the replies were hostile. If you consider the advice and dissenting views presented as "hostile," then it's best for you to go elsewhere for advice.

No. 469140

File: 1736708400470.jpeg (464.73 KB, 1170x1986, IMG_0771.jpeg)

This is a small peak of the “bad” times. Are you ready kek?

No. 469142

File: 1736708513356.jpeg (580.76 KB, 1170x1978, IMG_0773.jpeg)

And this is the supposedly good time kek

No. 469176

The fact that you think it’s a laughing matter is very weird and miserable of you

No. 469178

File: 1736711305300.jpeg (28.27 KB, 423x262, IMG_0776.jpeg)

I’m that silly what can I say

No. 469182

File: 1736711759848.jpeg (446.43 KB, 1170x1948, IMG_0775.jpeg)

And again. It takes a different kind of person to deal with these issues and no matter how much love you’re going to give them it won’t heal them.
You have to be realistic about it nonna.

No. 469257

Other anons are right and just trying to cut through the bullshit, you have to honestly consider whether you want a future with someone like this. It won't just be you who has to support him but potentially your future children and family. I have a schizo father, at his best he was doting and kind but he has delusions of being gangstalked and his children being kidnapped and raped by terrorists. He started lying and stealing constantly and of course lost his job. No one expected it because he was a great father for 10 years before his illness got worse. You may love him but it will never be your responsibility to "save" your bf or curb his behavior. The violent history (knife fights?) stood out to me as a red flag and it's only been 8 months. You can try to be with him if you want, but don't be someone who potentially enables him if it gets bad.

No. 469269

Is this the hostility that nonna was talking about? Someone just gave a real life experience kek.
Martyr nonna probably believes in the power of love and wishful thinking being able to cure anything and everything. As long as you pour enough love everything will be alright!

No. 469270

Knife fights and schizophrenia…is not a good combo at all.

No. 469276

>the power of love
It's interesting how the power of love never solves her problems, only his

No. 469408

What are some tips for people who are dating long-distance to meet when we're both broke as a joke? His job pays peanuts and I'm an invalid. Trying to recover and get a job myself, but you know that handicap hirees are getting paid minimum wage and not a dime more.

No. 469414

>history with knife fights
It'll be the hostile one: you lack a healthy sense of self preservation

No. 469417

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>history of knife fights
Love that he only mentions the violent behavior he thinks anon will find cool or relate to west side story or something. I doubt he'd admit he beat up a family member during an episode, or engaged in other unpredictable behavior typical to actual schizophrenics.

No. 469446

Well you have two very big obstacles, you can’t even meet halfway either. You could try saving up and he too and meet less frequently, like once or twice a year or more depending on the distance. He would have to come to yours so I think it’s fair if you chip in an pay a bit too.

No. 469744

if you're broke, you don't. spend more time making money

No. 469976

The last bit really has me thinking, thank you for saying that. She absolutely would not be fine with it. We have so many long discussions like every other week about things i do that upset her. She has anxiety+trauma and im glad shes able to communicate that with me so i dont unintentionally do it but it literally feels like. every. little. thing. i do her brain twists into me fucking up. She is always respectful but its stressful being around her because i feel like any second i might say something that her brain will take wrongly and then its like two days of talking about it. She always ends it with saying im a great girlfriend and she loves me, but a part of me feels like "this is weird + stressful and not worth it", then another part of me worries like maybe i am actually this shitty of a girlfriend??? I feel just so weird and guilty but also ZERO of my other exs or friends have acted this way towards me? n then she pulls the fake-mad stuff. bleg.

No. 470083

>She absolutely would not be fine with it. We have so many long discussions like every other week about things i do that upset her
I'm glad that you thought more about it. Don't you feel uncomfortable being made to tiptoe around her and pacify her while your feelings are disregarded for so long? It's unfortunate that she has anxiety and trauma, but it doesn't seem like she's necessarily making progress on recovery/therapy if she's being set off by things you're casually saying every other week. I doubt it has anything to do with you being a "shitty girlfriend," as it's more to do with how her brain takes it. I know you love each other, but this relationship seems very stressful to you. You even mention it is "weird + stressful and not worth it." You're still young, you don't have to be in a relationship her. Even if you love her, you two can stay friends and share that bond. How long can you imagine the two of you staying together and enduring her getting upset with you every other week? A year, five years, a decade?

No. 470536

can nonas give me a read on this guy?
>very nice to everyone
>great manners
>thoughtful and conscientious
>gets stressed only over things like someone springing a change of plans on him
>goes silent and becomes distant when upset
>returns within 30 minutes, back to his normal self

>massively screw up and cost him time, money and a lot of effort

>used to being screamed at by others for a lot less
>he just starts laughing and begins redoing hours of work
>tells me not to get discouraged and brushes it off like nothing happened
>clearly exhausted but still laughs and works while making jokes to me

>censors himself reflexively around kids and in public and doesn't ever raise his voice in frustration

>uses "shoot" "dang" and "far out"
>the second he's behind the wheel of a car and someone drives poorly or dangerously he swears like a sailor and becomes extremely animated

>a group of guys get into a short fight with him

>a few shoves and a clip on the chin
>he manages to stop them from fighting him and convinces them to have a sit down first and reconsider things

>his neighbor's meth-addict son starts playing loud music and revving his boat engine from 5am on a Sunday

>asks the guy to stop, but he's just ignored
>come back later to see his tires have low pressure
>checks the camera to see the neighbor's son letting the air pressure out while snubbing out a cigarette on his door
>looks contemplative for a minute like he's in deep thought
>paces back and forward, looking at the property
>jumps the fence, opens a pocket knife and punctures his truck's tires
>cuts the soundsystem's cables
>comes back looking contented

anyone have any insights? he seems so nice, but he has these moments of extremely directed anger that make me a little concerned.

No. 470541

My insight is stop investing so much time and energy into a guy you're not dating. He wouldn't put a fraction of that thought into you.

No. 470602

Eh… He seems like he escalates situations too much, which can definitely get you in trouble as well if he's constantly causing and instigating fights. That being said, I agree with >>470541 and you should really stop caring about a guy if he makes you worry this much.

No. 471038

My boyfriend has violent parents. He’s moved out already, but his sister is still living with them. She’s under 20 and he is in his early 20s. They are not close, but I think they would defend each other against their parents sometimes. Since he moved out, he doesn’t keep in touch with her. I feel sorry for her, but her and my boyfriend have practically no relationship. Is this none of my business? Should I push him to stay in touch with her?

No. 471044

You could always reach out to her instead, especially if you plan on staying with your boyfriend long term. It don’t think it would be weird of you to reach out to her. I was friends with some of my brother’s girlfriends, even after they broke up. Trying to push him to reach out when he obviously doesn’t seem to want to is pointless and will just annoy him and cause conflict between you. If it’s important to you that someone is there for her, that someone can be you.

No. 471362

Should I tell my boyfriend about my past as a detransitioner? I don't know if I want to or need to tell him and since the effects of testosterone aren't that noticeable on me, he has never asked me anything. But I'm scared that he will find out somehow, sees my old pictures or finds something that has my old name. Is it better to try to forget about my past and risk him finding out later or should I just be straightforward and tell him?

No. 471374

I mean why would he freak out? You detransitioned and said yourself you have very unnoticeable changes.

No. 471385

I don't think he would freak out. I think I just would rather not talk about it with him at all and just try to forget about my past. Sometimes it just feels like my past is haunting me. Maybe I will just tell him if he finds out somehow and asks me about it. It just makes me feel like I'm hiding something or lying about my past but maybe I'm overthinking.

No. 471570

my friend sent me my bf's Tinder profile and now I am just here seething at all of his lies: he is not "fun to be around"!

No. 472008

Damn. What are you going to do, nonnie?

No. 472041

Can men actually love the way women can? Or is always going to be different because they're male? And is it this difference that women like about men?

No. 472472

Thoughts on socially retarded men?
A girl I met through performing arts introduced me to her friend who came to support her during a gig. I was incredibly into him within minutes of meeting and we spent about an hour talking, totally riveted the entire time, where I made physical contact and generally tried to let him know he had my full and undivided attention in every way. He's otherwise very smart, but I asked about him afterward and she told me he said something along the lines of "We talked for a while and she didn't look at her phone at all, so maybe she finds me interesting at least". He's not autistic, but the man has absolutely NO idea how to read signals. Regardless, he's interesting and very, very cute, so I want to ask him out, since it looks like I'd have to start talking about wedding plans before he got the hint. Any suggestions on how to deal with this?

No. 472904

Go for it if you like him, but be aware that he’s that kind of guy, so over the time don’t expect him to be any different kek.
I feel like some women approach and pursue passive guys and then at the end of the line get annoyed with their passiveness, it’s like they set themselves for failure.

No. 473305

How do I deal with an unrequited crush on a friend? I am friends with a guy and holy shit I think I may be crushing on him. I think I’m mainly crushing on him because he does not care about me in that way (we’re not that good of friends anyway) and he’s currently seeing someone else exclusively. I do tend to be attracted to guys who don’t want me.
So what do nonnas? Do I stop hanging out with him until it settles? Or do I just pretend that I don’t want him that way and go on dates with other people ?

No. 473346

nonnas, I did it. I just need to vent because i’m trying to make sense of what happened kek. also sorry if this wall of text sounds completely retarded i’m esl and tired as hell rn typing this shit on my phone
So i saw my crush at uni on tuesday, we talked for like 10 minutes and he asked me if I had any plans for the weekend to which i replied “no, nothing yet” and he’s like “yeah same”. I found this so strange because I expect someone to invite me to something when they ask if I have anything planned for a certain date?? Idk I’m autistic kek.
anyway, i took the opportunity and invited him to have some drinks at a bar with me on friday and he accepted my invitation and told me he’s excited! Friday was sooo nice, I had such a great time with him!! We talked for hours nonstop about all kinds of random stuff and it never felt awkward or forced or anything bad and we teased each other quite often too kekkk. And we were sitting quite close to each other after a while hnnghh. And this is gonna sound retarded as fuck but i told him about a stupid tiny accident I had which caused a laceration on my face and showed him the scar it left on my forehead and he just .. touched the scar? I died cause a super cute guy touched my face topkekkkk.
We stayed at the bar for 8 hours until 4am and afterwards he asked if we should go to a club. Obviously i was down for some dancing and spending more time with him so we went to the club and were there for 1,5 hours and then we left because we were tired and hungry kek. Then we walked home (we live in the same part of town so we both had to go in the same direction), but for some reason the way we said goodbye felt awkward? I dont know, we hugged and I was just hoping that he’d kiss me or ask me to come to his place or something ahhh. which he didn’t, sadly, ugh.
Now I cant stop overthinking every minuscule moment of that night. I keep thinking shit like “oh he probably doesn’t like me, not even platonically and he probably thinks i’m super weird and offputting” just because he hasnt texted me afterwards except for our “text me when u come home safely” and “sleep well” texts. to be fair 1) we hadn’t ever really texted before except me inviting him to drinks with my friends a month ago (he had plans already that day though) and 2) I rarely text my real life friends as well if there’s nothing to say since we see each other semi regularly anyway and it doesn’t harm our friendship even if we dont communicate for months for whatsoever reason and 3) he’s not online much.
but then, why would he hang out with me until 6 in the morning if he didn’t at least like me in a friendship kinda way? He could’ve left after a few hours and that would been fine too, but he even wanted to prolong our hangout and go to a club afterwards? And its not like he only hung out with me all night just so he could have sex with me, since he didnt even try to do anything like that? I think I’m just too retarded to date or even just get to know attractive people topkek, i just needed to get this off my chest. if you read this ily

No. 473371

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In a relationship of almost 6 months that was very promising, and he suddenly admits that although he doesn't watch irl porn, he does read doujinshis that may or may not include lolicon (he says he doesn't actively look for it, but if it's there he doesn't really care). Do you think it's "too much" to end the relationship because of this?

No. 473372

Certainly not, I'd get out of there CRAZY fast if I was you.

No. 473375

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That’s what he’s comfortable telling you, there’s more. It tends to be with these kind of people.

No. 473376

Then you don’t love me kek

No. 473382

Okay I read it nonna. I’d just like to tell you not to get your hopes up way too much. It looks like you you really like the guy so that’s why I’m warning you.
I had a similar date like yours, except I got asked out, it went well and then after a week I got the “I’m not ready”. Another guy asked me out and we spent some 5 hours together, he escorted me back home, kissed me on my cheek and said he had a great time and he even texted me when he reached home, we chatted for two weeks while he was away in Milan and when he came back (we had to go out) I got ghosted.
I’ve not really understood whether you’re texting him though? If yes then just continue and you’ll go on another date. If it doesn’t happen then just quietly let it down honestly, even if you aren’t a social person you would do the bare minimum for someone you like, like a text or two per day checking on them. You don’t have to overly complicate scrotes, trying to understand them is pointless, take what they do at face value , you’ll save yourself useless heartbreak and self blame.

No. 473388

I hope my big sis advice helped you a little nonna, goodnight and ily too even if I was annoying at first kek.

No. 473432

tysm kek thanks for being honest!
yeah I’m not having high hopes anyway, especially since we don’t even know each other that well (yet). also re: texting:
noo we don’t text at all since, well, he’s just an acquaintance I’ve talked to like a handful of times. idk what to talk about via text anyway, I barely even text my good friends as I have mentioned above. I just wish that he’d tell me “omg nonna i’m so in love with you please marry me” after a single hangout topkek.
My plan is to wait and see if he’s interested or not and maybe ask my male friend whom he knows as well to invite my crush to our group hangouts kek

No. 473498

You do have high hopes nonna kek

No. 473503

Look at how you are behaving, if he liked you enough he would behave the same way and he would have made you wait a day at most , maybe two if you want to be generous and then texted you (given that it’s also you who asked him out first by the way, it would have been super sweet if he texted). In this day and age you have your phone on hand at least twice a day come on.
If you like someone you won’t resist that much and you won’t go radio silent on them. There’s no such thing as a “nonchalant” “low communication “ “not tech savvy” “busy”, get it out of your head, these flaws will be all fixed magically when they meet a girl that they like. And nonnina I’m not saying that you’re ugly or wrong, but you might just not be his person that’s all.
If a scrote likes you he’ll like you even if you’re crazy or you let out deadly farts and he’ll want to hear from you, sure not crazy amount of times for hours, but he’ll check up on you, he’ll explicitly organize another date too (since you know it’s technically his turn). And funny thing even if they do all that you still aren’t 100% sure either kek, so that tells you much, don’t bother with these wishy washy types.

You don’t need to talk about anything in particular, you can pick up from the date, you said you spent 8 hours, surely you have topics kek.

No. 473554

a guy in my workplace never interacted with me a whole year, but then in the last 6ish months he would orbit around me but never said anything.
example: a coworker would walk over to me for a quick yap sess and he would come over and just smile and join in very subtly. We never actually ever had a conversation though.
Eventually he started saying "hi nonna" to me whenever we walked by each other. This made me form a crush kek, he would also help me with things I didn't need help with, like lifting a super small box.
but still, we never had any real conversations.
now he has a new girlfriend, but today I caught him staring at me.
does he like me? why would he get a girlfriend if he liked me? if he doesn't like me, why does he say hi to me and stare at me? i'm a literal who stranger to him. this is so confusing and frustrating. i hope i'm not delusional. i think i'm better looking than his current gf.

No. 473564

>yap sess
is this tiktok lingo, why is this obnoxious wording suddenly everywhere

No. 473602

All that and he’s with this new girl. Take your losses and find a new crush.
>I think he might like me
Why didn’t he do anything and why did he get with a girlfriend? Even if he likes you let’s say, why would you be interested in a cheater?

No. 473652

don't fuck your coworkers, especially not if it's cheating. he doesn't care about you, he is hoping you'll fuck him if he flirts with you or he has noticed you have a crush on him and he likes the attention. he doesn't want to date you or he would not have just gotten a girlfriend obviously.

No. 473655

i've started a relationship few weeks ago and it's going kind of great but i discovered that my boyfriend uses the imageboard where moids still laugh at the same dead memes from 2020 what should i do? end it? or..

No. 473674

he wanted you to make the move, I guess. and while you didn't, some other girl did.

that's what I usually assume on these scenarios

No. 473682

I'm a 19 year old woman and dating a 32 year old man. Is this age gap bad?
>inb4 bait
No, I just don't have much experience with relationships.

No. 473683

Yes, that's bad. Is he even hot?

No. 473685

He’s average and isn’t balding or fat, it’s not like I’m hot either so I’d say I’m dating someone in my own ballpark.

No. 473692

You're a million times better off staying single than letting what is essentially a geriatric male into your proximity. How'd you even meet him?

No. 473702

You're too retarded to survive. How did you make it to 19?

No. 473706

Online without going into details
A failed suicide attempt and a half

No. 473708

any man who is dating someone that young is not a decent person. you might like him now and the way he presents himself to you may seem fine, but he'll go mask off soon enough

No. 473721

I'm 30 and even I wouldn't date a 32-year-old man. You can easily get a hot young guy who has a working cock. Do better.

No. 473733

You should make another attempt(infighting)

No. 473832

And that’s why the 32 year old scrote picked you kek.
Go and be a young woman instead of wasting your year on this grown man please, he’s not the one for you.

No. 473835

Discord most likely

No. 473869

I'm genuinely asking this, what do you find attractive about 32 year old men? Men in their 20s have far nicer bodies and hair. If you want stability you can easily find a guy around 25 that has money and is done with schooling. Ask yourself this, who benefits more in this relationship? You, whose wasting your young years with a crusty perv that definitely sees you as a sex toy, and will probably get dump you for a younger woman if given the chance in the future, or him who gets to have sex with a naive young girl and will never have any bad consequences happen if things fail? Please be using birth control at least nona.

No. 473917

Don't do it. Men who date younger women only do it because women his age wouldn't put up with his bullshit. You yourself are admitting you don't have much experience, that's literally why he's dating you.

No. 473958

A 32yr old has 0 business dating a 19yr old. You might like him now but no matter how mature you are, that means he's severely immature and taking advantage of your youth and inexperience. He does not love you, he doesn't even like you as a person, you deserve far better than him and being single is a far better deal than letting some manchild stunt your growth.

No. 474176

doesn't matter, he didn't try so even if he liked you don't crush on cowards, end of

No. 474180

I just want to know if I'm being silly or not. I haven't been able to cry for 3 years, because my ex used to punish me for it. I can't even cry when I am alone. I couldn't even cry when my beloved grandfather died. My current boyfriend of 2 years knows this and has always encouraged me to cry and that its not good to supress tears. Which is true. I finally was able to cry…but my boyfriend then decides to cry over his own issue and get a bit upset that I didn't have it in me to comfort him. Like, I haven't been able to cry for 3 years and when I finally do, I'm not even allowed to have the focus on me and not be expected to perform emotional labour? I know he probably didn't mean it maliciously, but goddamn I don't feel like I can cry ever again and that it was right to suppress my tears. He also said I was being cold, which I was, but no shit I was cold and didn't have it in me to comfort him…30 minutes after crying for the first time in years

No. 474202

You're not silly. He'll get over it.
Work on your issues without him, he's too immature.

No. 474253

Sorry for ESL rant. How can I cope with my partner's ADHD-like symptoms? I'm saying "ADHD-like" bc he doesn't have an official diagnosis (and that's one of the things he's struggling with, it takes a long time to get a diagnosis where I live and he's been procrastinating to get the documents he needs FOR OVER A YEAR). When you Google tips for ADHD partners, one thing they say is you should avoid micromanaging and taking a caregiver's role. But it's so hard trying not to remind him of taking care of certain things, especially things that would consequently make him depressed or anxious or get in trouble if forgotten.
Usually our communication is great but this topic is really difficult to bring up. We've had conversations about this before and I can sense that he's really ashamed of himself and the fact that I have to look after him and so he kind of shuts in. But at the same time, if it makes him so ashamed, why doesn't he put more effort into fixing even some small things? I know that even me reminding him of things makes him feel annoyed and ashamed sometimes, which leads him being annoyed at me pushing him. Which in turn makes me feel I'm doing even more of an unthankful job…
I feel so sad that this issue makes me resent him at times and feeling exhausted. For the past few days I've felt particularly overwhelmed. It sucks if this seriously ruins our relationship.

No. 474258

What kinds of things does he struggle with?

No. 474270

Basic day-to-day stuff, like doing chores or groceries (he can't remember if we have any milk left etc), paying bills (I mostly take care of the bills but he often forgets to pay me his half), even remembering to eat. He also struggles to remember some things I tell him (like if I tell him there's food on the fridge, he could be heading to the store couple hours later bc he's hungry). Basically he has mild to severe difficulties remembering/making himself do any errands.
He's a uni student and academically gifted but struggles with the compulsory courses' deadlines he finds boring as well.

No. 474272

>How can I cope with my partner's ADHD-like symptoms?
Ask yourself this: do you want to be his mommy for years and years while he resents you for it every step of the way? He's not on your level emotionally or mentally, so you will always be stuck in the caretaker role if you stay with him. You sound caring and kind and he's taking advantage of that. It doesn't matter how "ashamed" he seems, men always turn those feelings outwards instead of inwards so in the end he will resent YOU for being his caretaker mommy. He will not be appreciative, he will not love you more, subconsciously he will think you're an idiot with no value for putting up with his shit. Sorry, a lot of men operate that in way and no amount of patience or love from you will fix him.

No. 474279

Thank you nona. That's what I've been asking myself lately. A lot of the times it doesn't bother me that much, but like I said the last few days (or weeks, dunno) haven't been so great and I'm thinking if I've just simply reached my limit or if this is just temporal. I don't want to make rash decisions and I haven't lost all hope - there's been improvements during our time together and my feelings about this issue vary. I don't want to make rash decisions but don't want to just wait for years and years either. Maybe I have to set some kind of time limit, I don't know.

No. 474281

He's taking advantage of you doing these things for him. Stop reminding/asking/paying for him and watch how quickly he starts "remembering."
My fiancé has genuine memory issues and does not make me bear the mental load of running our household because I'm not his mom.

No. 474290

I have tried that, and he really doesn't remember to take care of a lot of things. And I'm not talking about only things like chores where he could go like "oh noo I didn't remember" when in reality he just doesn't care to do them and thinks that I'll clean up anyways. I mean for example, once he was prescribed a medication and he didn't remember to take his pills regularly (I didn't remind him, just found about it afterwards). I've heard same kind of stories from his family.
It's sometimes more like he tends to try to hide stuff that he needs to take care of so that I'm not there to remind him (and consequently making him feel ashamed when I point out he forgot it). But of course I acknowledge that being his personal reminder can make him more passive, which I try to stay conscious about and not remind him or do everything for him.

No. 474295

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Hi, I have severe ADHD and medical brain fog. I have trouble with all the same things. Do you know what I do?
>I write myself notes in multiple places
>I set lots of alarms to remind me to do things
>I make lists of what I need
>I leave physical reminders where I will find them
>I try very extra hard to keep on top of everything because I know I have trouble with these things
I would be absolutely humiliated if my girlfriend did all my basic adult-life tasks for me like a mommy. The fact that he isn’t, means he has the mindset of a child, picrel. It is NOT his ADHD, it’s his priorities. You are not one of them for him, and neither is “living like functional adult.” If you’re not going to break up with him, then at least stop doing alllllll of that basic shit for him right now.

No. 474296

This is a lot for you to think about. I can guarantee he doesn't think nearly as much as making the relationship pleasant and stress-free for you. You're taking on so much emotional labor for a man who doesn't care how stressed this is making you. When men love women (and not all of them can), they make her live easier, not harder.

No. 474306

AYRT, you sound like my best friend with her terrible moid which is why I immediately am suspicious. It sounds like you're incredibly caring, and he's someone who has been babied and is used to people being compassionate (so he never had to learn to manage his issues) based on what you mentioned about his family. I really hope he's able to improve somehow, or you're able to cut yourself free and manage the heartbreak. You deserve someone who can be an equal partner to you:

No. 474308

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Samefagging. What my alarm app looks like today, for example.

No. 474314

nayrt, but this is actually so helpful nonna as a fellow adhder whose looking for actually helpful techniques.

No. 474367

You're not being silly, in fact tell him exactly what you've told us - it's been years since you've cried and now you've finally done it, it's not going to fix your issues immediately - an actual adult would know this. I'm cautious about how he worked for you to over come your issues, then suddenly got upset when you (in his mind) couldn't do the same for him. A true partner would not expect something like this so "tit for tat" they would want you to grow unconditionally, with nothing needed in return.

No. 474386

Your partner just revealed to you exactly what it will be like every time you show emotion. Don't think this is a fluke, it will happen again, and you should take it very seriously now. Ignore him calling you cold, he was upset that YOU finally thawed out and got in touch with your emotions. He probably felt intimidated and obviously like he was too retarded to even pretend he cared, so he tried to move all the need for understanding onto him. Leave him, and if I could suggest something, tell him it's because he did maliciously do it, and you know that he did it to manipulate you. They always act like a bitch when you accuse them of that shit, so stay strong and know that YOU AREN'T WRONG.

No. 474413

I’d go and do the babysitter at that point, at least they pay me.

No. 474417

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You don’t, because scrotes with ADHD always use it as an excuse kek.
When you hear a scrote saying “muh ADHD” “muh autism” you run away like Usain Bolt.

No. 474595

Last year my boyfriend had a small accident that led to a life-threatening infection that put him in hospital for over 4 months and ended up needing multiple surgeries that removed a portion of his leg muscle. This came at a pretty difficult time in our relationship, where I was considering ending things. He was immensely kind and brought me joy, but was kind of unwilling to be romantic and physical with me outside of sex. He was also quite passive, which was a good thing, but too much of a good thing in his case. Well, after 4 months in hospital, he came out and suddenly he's changed. It started with having a very short temper, then developed into suddenly being quite menacing to people who bothered him that he'd normally ignored or placated before. This was explained by the chronic muscle pain from his surgery, which he still has now he's healed, but can manage. Then, when he could get around normally, he started taking up new projects and always wanted to be working on something, but couldn't do it with any distraction. He'd do anything I asked, no matter how hard or labour intensive, as long as he could do it alone with an audiobook playing. He'll clean, cook and wash dishes every single night, as long as he can do it with earphones in and without me talking to him. He usually didn't watch porn before, did look at some thirsty stuff, but now he doesn't bother with either. That leads to this sudden awakening on his libido which has been kind of a wild ride. Before he might have thought to put a hand on my shoulder as he went by or given me a kiss as he left home, but now he'll devote serious time and attention to making me as horny as possible throughout the day; even in public, which is odd because he's always refused to even kiss me in public. On top of that, we've gone from having sex maybe twice a week to 7 times a week. The real issue is this sudden change in temperament. After getting off crutches, a woman selling new age crap saw his limp then offered to sell him a $200 healing crystal, which launched him into this brief moment of real anger that made her recoil behind her stall. Months later a stranger was trying to get his attention at a bus stop and lightly tapped him in the leg, right where he had the surgery, prompting a very tense standoff where I really thought he was going to punch this guy until he took off. I'm worried this is all a temporary change, but more worried this streak of rage is permanent. He's never turned it on me, but he has raised his voice, when normally he never would.

Anyone with advice on what to do?

No. 474615

I'm worried about him escalating those violent tendencies towards you, nona. It only starts with raising a voice and goes from there.

No. 474635

I've been doing pretty bad mentally lately due to my living situation getting harder for me to deal with. I love my boyfriend but I can feel my mental health seeping into not wanting to prioritize my relationship as much; I just want to go back to being a hikki right now. I know I get into these weird mental fits and sometimes they last months, and have even lasted up to a year. I know I become much less empathetic and patient when I get like this which feels unfair to impose onto him. We've only dated for a year and I was trying really hard to be mindful of him and my mental health for the majority of that but I'm at a point now where I feel like I can't really be respectfully considerate or normal for a while. I don't know what the best way to approach this is because ideally, I just want to be left alone through this but I know that'll make him feel really awful and I do like him and care deeply about his feelings.

No. 474885

got nothing helpful to add other than same, would like to know what other nonnas think.

No. 474928

Have you talked to him about this?

No. 474974

Vaguely, he knows things are hard for me right now and that I'm under a lot of stress with a good idea why. He's heard "I'm at the end of my rope" a couple times from me the past few months but I've finally hit the point where I don't even want to leave the house for groceries anymore, much less dedicate time outside to be with someone. Through a couple bad recent weekends I've told him I'd like to be alone for a bit and he understands but later has let me know that even if it's just for a day, hearing that makes him feel awful, which is fair, that probably isn't nice to hear. But I think it hits harder for him because I know he struggles with a lot of anxiety when it comes to the idea of abandonment, which this triggers for him.

No. 474990

Well you’re already sabotaging the relationship with your behavior , it’s not like the relationship is remaining the same, you’d rather come out clean and be truthful. It’s better both for you and for him. If he cares about you he’ll try to support you and he’ll be there with you.
That aside you should get professional help.

No. 474998

Do you two cohabitate?

No. 475003

You really need to be as communicative as possible, especially if he struggles with anxiety. After being together for a year, you shouldn't be struggling for weeks without telling him exactly how you are feeling. There should already be open communication between the two of you. If you feel like you won't be able to do that, then you should cut him loose. If he has a fear of abandonment, then you needing alone time will drive him insane, which means you'll have to juggle taking care of both his need for attention, and your bad mental state.

No. 475013

You're both right, thank you nonnas for reminding me to think about how he might be feeling too. I know he tries hard to try his best. In my mind I subconsciously pushed it down as an option because our more confrontational talks usually don't go well and I didn't want to impose that on either of us lol. I'll report back on how it goes since another anon is experiencing something similar.

We don't, I live with my family that I financially support right now. This is slightly irrelevant but in a way maybe adds to my wanting to escape all of it and be alone because on top of financially supporting my family, I've had to pay for almost everything for us most of the year we've been together after he had been going through a difficult job search. I don't blame him for this at all but I guess I can't help but feel worn out.

No. 475016

>our more confrontational talks usually don't go well
But it's not like this has to be confrontational? Calmly sit him down and express how you have been feeling. If he can't accept that or throws a fit because you'd like some time alone, then he needs to grow up.

No. 475162

an ex girlfriend of mine said something like this, turns out she had a whole ass twitter account dedicated to shota omegaverse ddlg rape stuff. and this was a lesbian woman. i can not imagine what the moid is hiding.

No. 475296

This is not necessarily permanent but his issues won't fix themselves. He obviously went through a very traumatic experience and has unadressed feelings about it. He's trying to bottle his emotions by isolating himself and keeping himself busy, but obviously it's not working and is causing explosive lash outs that release his built up anger. For now it's only with things that remind him of his leg, but it could escalate to general anger at everything. You really need to have a talk with him, ask about his feelings: how he feels about his hospitalization, if he noticed his change in temperament since then and how he feels about it. More importantly, what he wants to do moving forward. Obviously it's a rough experience but it doesn't need to determine his life and personnality in the long run. If he dismisses this conversation or worse, gets angry, I would seriously reconsider your relationship. These issues are serious, both for his own well-being and your safety and happiness, and he needs to be conscious and emotionnaly mature enough to realize this.

No. 475313

Muh Nigel is in the very early stages of male pattern baldness. The good news is it's so early on I think it might be reversible, what should he or I do?
>inb4 break up with him
I wish I could kek

No. 475330

Daily massaging, regulating stress and being as healthy as he can so good sleep and eating habits. Of course no smoking. Not guaranteed to reverse it but it can prevent it from getting worse.

No. 475342

Thank you. How about smoking weed? I know he does it 1-3 times a week.

No. 475348

minoxidil now

No. 475386


No. 475404

How do I get over him being friends with a woman who is much more beautiful than me? They've been friends since before I knew him. I don't want to feel this way. She's really nice and I like her as a person. I hate this jealous feeling. It's like my brain can't accept that he could love me and see me as beautiful while being friends with someone as gorgeous as her

No. 475428

The way you're asking this question reads like we should tell you that you're jealous and insecure or something but that's shitty lib-fem advice. I wouldn't date a man with a woman for a best friend, unless she was a TIF or a butch lesbian. And even then, the most degnerate/fuck up hornyposting I've ever seen on the internet has been from TIFs on T. That being said, why does the man you're dating have a female "friend"? I don't know any men who are capable of being friends with women (no matter what they look like) because men are gross and would end up fucking them, at least at some point. If you want retarded lib-fem advice, then believe everything he's telling you and feel bad about yourself, for all the reasons you can think of. Hope that helps anon

No. 475429

I think my therapist wants me to get divorced because she keeps pointing out I'm unhappy in my relationship and I'm avoiding it but if I say that to her I just know she's gonna be like "I'm not here to judge, I can't tell you what to do but WhY dO YoU ThInK I want you to get divorced?" She'd be right to call me out though, I have been thinking about getting divorced for about 3 years.

Nonas who have been divorced how did you do it, what made you decide to finally leave, is it a clear sign I should if I've been thinking about it his long? Help.

No. 475430

Yup, this. Talk to any man who isn't currently in a relationship, and they'd admit that they'd fuck their attractive female friends if they had the chance.

>I have been thinking about getting divorced for about 3 years
What the fuck are you waiting for then?

No. 475433

I'm waiting for him to start acting right or for me to magically be happy with the current situation.

No. 475435

Thanks anon and I would like to add that the woman in this situation is always exhausting, will be overly-friendly to your face and a bitch behind your back (and make weird "subtle" or passive aggressive remarks about you, to "your" moid). She will never let her source of easy attention, compliments and free labour (probably sex too) go. There is nothing a man can do for you that is worth more than not having to deal with dumb gaslighting shit like this

No. 475465

>him to start acting right
what do you mean by this? I feel like you're leaving out context/further details nona

No. 475466

She means she's wasting precious moments of her life waiting for her husband to commit an act horrific and egregious enough to justify divorce, without anyone accusing her of ruining the marriage or being a cold bitch. Since whatever magical change anon is hoping for, will not happen

No. 475470

Damn. You got me dead to rights there.
He's not ever gonna do anything that horrible though, he's not bad in that way I'm just not happy and I don't get what I need out of this marriage. Although I have complained about him a few times here and was told by nonas they can't believe the state of heterosexual relationships etc kek which is a bad sign so I guess I could make him seem terrible if I tried
he has severe untreated anxiety so we cant go out to eat or anything without him having a panic attack and he doesn't do housework or celebrate holidays

No. 475472

Samefag to add actually he does do some housework now but it took 10 years of being together for him to make minor improvements and he still doesn't share his half fairly.

No. 475473

finasteride will ruin his dick, break up with him before you waste any more of your life with a genetic failure

No. 475481

divorce him. if your own therapist is saying so bluntly to do so, that should really be a sign

No. 475498

no she's not telling me bluntly, because I'm avoiding the topic during our sessions. she's actually really nice and says she's not there to judge and if what i get out of the relationship is good for me then that's all that matters but I need to be honest with myself because from what I tell her I seem unhappy and I seem to be accepting a lot of crap and taking it on to prove I'm a good person or something. idk

No. 475567

>took 10 years of being together for him to make minor improvements
Sometimes I just have to take a deep breath and not call people retarded.

No. 475571

Go ahead I can take it we’re anonymous that’s why I’m here

No. 475815

I've asked my boyfriend not to compliment me on my appearance, it's not that I think I'm ugly or that I'm insecure about my looks, it's just that I don't care about what I look, so when you compliment me on something I put zero effort into it really annoys me. I can tell he is upset so I told him he can dump me if he doesn't like that, but we're both in our early 30s where people start to get desperate to settle down. Should I just be the one to break up with him then?

No. 475830

Maybe because a big point of relationships is to gas each other up and that has to be hard for him to not be able to do it. Pretty women have existed before pampering and makeup. Maybe you just have great genetics. Most people break up with their bfs because they call them fat or compare them to other women. This is the first time I heard someone wanting to break up with a man for being called pretty. Maybe this site is rotting your brain. Even guys want to be called handsome by their lover. It’s human nature atp.

No. 475839

It sounds like you're trying to bait him into breaking it off by being unnecessarily combative, so maybe just go for it and end things while you both have time to find someone more suitable.

No. 475844

Do you even like this guy? You sound like you want a reason to leave. If the issue really bothers you both there are probably better people for both of you out there.

No. 475850

It looks like you don’t like your boyfriend kekk

No. 475856

I've been with my bf for only 2 years but I feel like I'm already falling out of love with him. I've started dreading when he messages me or wants to hang out. Everything he does is just irritating to me. I no longer really find him attractive either. It's confusing as this indifference to him is very strange and sudden, I was obsessed with him and extremely attracted to him when we first started dating, I wanted sex constantly, he was on my mind 24/7 etc etc. And now I'm just starting to feel…nothing for him. We basically never fight but we had a major blowout fight about a month ago about a sexual issue where he was kind of mean and made me cry, but he said sorry afterwards and tried to act normally again. Since then I've felt like I just don't love him anymore and have no interest in him. Is there something wrong with me?

No. 475857

Familiarity breeds contempt and people fall out of love all the time. A lot can change hormonally, emotionally and mentally in 2 years. I think you should examine what specifically about him is irritating, and determine if they're core aspects of his personality. This may just be the rose-tinted glasses of high emotion being taken off, leaving you with an unpleasant reality you were previously unable to recognise. Don't feel as though you or these feelings are somehow abnormal, as they are universal to our species across time and space.

No. 475864

>We basically never fight but we had a major blowout fight about a month ago about a sexual issue where he was kind of mean and made me cry, but he said sorry afterwards and tried to act normally again.
This needs to be resolved if you're going to stay with him. It sounds like you aren't over it and pushed your feelings down. I don't know the specifics but if a man did that to be I would fall out of love too. I'm guessing he didn't do anything to make up for it and instantly expected you to forgive him because he gave you a low-effort apology and didn't actually fix the issue. Of course you don't have to stay and fix things, you can just break up with him because he's the one who fucked things up.
>Familiarity breeds contempt
If you aren't compatible, yes, but in general, no. She's starting to realize he isn't as perfect as she thought he was.

No. 475867

I agree with this take; it's very much giving off the impression of feeling combative and looking for an excuse.
Even if it's literally solely the well-meaning compliments that are the problem, it still sounds like they should break up, because that's kind of an eggshell of an issue.
If it's not actually that serious and the phrasing is just due to frustration, then I would recommend asking him to compliment you on other things, too. Like if he says "You're so gorgeous", you could say "Oh, you think I'm pretty - what else do you like about me?". I've found that encouraging my boyfriend to compliment certain aspects (like my intelligence and cleanliness) and reacting positively has led him to do this organically.

No. 475941

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No. 475944

What about a 34 year old dating a 27 year old?

No. 475950

fine. almost half the size of the other age gap it's really not comparable.

No. 475961

just break it off, you clearly hate him

No. 475971

Thank you. Both of these seem to have pretty negative side effects though but I'm leaning towards minoxidil.
I wish it were that easy

No. 475978

A 34-year-old man? No. Men tend to age way lot faster than women. They bald, their dick stops working, their sperm has a way higher chance of giving your children genetic defects like Downs. Women should date their own age or younger.

No. 476079

>I don't have much experience
That's exactly why he's dating you… You lack adult life experience and independence so you're easy to take advantage of, and you don't realize it. He's on top in the power dynamic, he knows it and wants it that way.

No. 476086

Come back to this post and update us when you have hit 25

No. 476572

NTA, but why would her being 25 change her perspective one way or the other?

No. 476780

how do you get over being upset in a relationship? when you’ve expressed how something they did made you upset, and they listen and say sorry, but you’re still upset? it feels like sometimes a man will say sorry and expect that to resolve everything. then i feel pressured to just get over it because they apologized. because they said sorry im just supposed to stop feeling upset? i wanna respect my feelings and not just push them aside for the sake of making peace, but i also don’t know if im over reacting or extending my own misery by not just “moving on”. Help!

No. 476782

Take some time for yourself when that happens. The guy will think about his actions and apologise in depth afterwards so the reflects as well and you get some time to process.

No. 476817

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My nigel takes oral minoxidil along with Dutasteride (stronger version of finasteride). He also gets watermans shampoo/conditioner in picrel. Be careful with topical minoxidil if you have cats, because it's highly toxic to them. His dad and the majority of the men in his family were already bald by his age (27), so I'd say its working pretty good. You can get a prescription online pretty easily, and with coupons it's only around $30 a month. He should also start saving for a hair transplant, but make sure he doesn't get it too early or else when the back of his head starts balding he will look really retarded. Side note, I see lot's of men that say they don't take Finasteride/Dutasteride, because they're scared for their dick. My nigel and I have sex twice a day. I've never noticed this side effect. I think moids are just very dramatic about their dicks.

No. 476878

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blackpilled straight nonas: how do you reconcile knowing men are shit while also simultaneously being physically attracted to m*ids?
i saw this post from a couple years back and it sums up how i feel. no matter how deep the romantic and emotional connection, i resent feeling like I have to be performatively feminine and sexually attractive around dates/bfs so as not to hurt their egos or make them hate me, and the general feeling of being objectified even when in a romantic relationship with a male.
the solution would probably be to find a submissive type man, but those men seem to be very thing on the ground, or at least for some reason I can only attract pervy, slightly misogynistic, dominant types. honestly I wish I could find an asexual man but im doubting if those even exist.

No. 476880

its also made me realize that all relationships with men are purely transactional/shallow and once sex is off the table most of them throw a fit. it makes me wonder what the point of marrying or having a family is if men are so superficial and sexually motivated.

No. 476911

Sorry to be a "my Nigel" anon, but my Nigel is very low libido/close to asexual. Hormones are fine, he had his levels checked, it's just apparently how he's always been. We maybe have sex twice a month and he's incredibly vanilla, but also happy to go along with my femdom fantasies because he worships the ground I walk on. It's said a lot on this board, but you're a lot better off finding a normal moid and bringing up femdom on your end than finding a "submissive" one, submissive men often see women as kink dispensers.

It takes some adjusting to undo the programming of "men are supposed to want sex all the time and if they don't the woman is the problem," but it's possible to find men who don't view women as bangmaids. I think in general being peaked on men as a straight woman means you become a lot more selective, and helps you get rid of the "I need to be picked" mindset. It is overall a good thing. I hope you can meet a kind man who is supportive and adoring nona!

No. 476926

Oh nonnie I was engaged to a moid who claimed that I was the best and only good thing that had happened to him. I was the love of his life, he wanted a future with me, kids with me, a home with me, etc. Until I became chronically ill and couldn't have sex with him anymore. He stopped caring about me and then dropped me as soon as he could. The last thing he told me was that I wasn't good enough for him, and that he knew we would have broken up eventually even if I hadn't gotten sick.
There is literally nothing you can do about it. You won't know how moids react until that thing you're scared of happens. Your best bet is finding one that isn't as sex motivated. I just accept the blackpill and hope for the best.

No. 476930

I make him buy me something. Like a meal or a gift or something. Of course, this is after he genuinely reflects on his mistakes, understands how it made me feel, and knows exactly how to change his behavior. Also you will understand if your moid is actually sorry and knows he does wrong if he is happy to get you a gift and make things right again. If he's cheap and stingy over it, he doesn't think he's genuinely done wrong and just expects you to get over it when he fucks up. Don't stand for it.
Honestly? I think if you take penetrative sex off the table as well as any performative kinks or sex that centers his pleasure in any way, the promise of children, and you paying for him (even 50/50), that's the only way you can tell if a moid loves you or not. Shitty men either want to use you for sex/kink, childrearing, domestic labor, and/or money. Once you take those things away, there is no way a man can scam you out of your love, effort, and time.

No. 476931

I don't know how or if I should tell the man I am seeing that I do not enjoy sex, find it emotionally distressing to an extent and don't feel anything good physically. I feel retarded because I am technically consenting and going along with it when it happens. During sex, I sort of dissociate, it feels mechanical. Afterwards, I feel violated and have self hate. I fear bringing it up would make him feel like a rapist, guilty or even mad…when how is he to know that I hate it. It was the same with my exes sexually.I ended up growing resentment internally for them. Feeling pressurised and full of dread because I knew sex was an "expectation". I was the one to break up with all of my exes. Many valid reasons some as them being emotionally abusive, porn addicts, negging me or lazy but this sex repulsion was always a big secret aspect for all of them. I am mentally attracted to people I'd say I haven't had a crush on anyone before only anime guys when I was a weeb teenager. I wish that I could have a boyfriend and it was all holding hands and wholesome. I crave companionship but I truly believe that there's no straight men who feel like me. They think with the dicks. For context I am a high functioning autist yet socially inept and very undersocialized from shit upbringing. I was wrongfully put on antipsychotics all through teen years which I theorise has chemically castrated me. I've been off meds for 5 years now,with no sexual desire appearing. I am sure my situation with sex is interlinked. I don't think I was born asexual.I have been raped and sexually assaulted various times in my early 20s. My feelings around sex where like this before these traumatic incidents. So they didn't explicitly cause it. I feel pathetic for not being honest. I am litterly letting myself be violated in a round about way. It would doom my relationship if I told my Boyfriend. Even if he didn't lash out and break up with me on this spot. It would create contempt. I don't want to be lonely. I know I could just stick with friendships but it's a different dynamic I crave. I don't mind close cuddling or breif kissing. I have 1 (none close) friend at the moment because of my social ineptitude. Without my boyfriend I'll be extremely isolated. I fear I am doomed to be that way ultimately. Should I tell him about my sex issues? Break up? Keep it to myself? I don't know anymore

No. 476932

> it makes me wonder what the point of marrying or having a family is if men are so superficial and sexually motivated.
If you ask me, there is none ! It depends on what you want in life tbh, you don't have to marry or have a family with a man, I think there is a lot to lose in general in having children with a man because it puts you in a vulnerable position no matter what and I don't want that. Happens no matter how good the man is and i'll die on this hill. Marriage will never be equal, having children is a totally different thing for women and yeah, there no point to me.
That put aside there is still a small percentage of men who don't care about you being performatively feminine and are genuinely submissive, i don't know if asexual men exist but men who have a low libido probably exist if that's important to you. Even without that it's possible to have sex with men without it being performative, but you need to stop putting your partner's desires first and ask yourself what you really enjoy, want to do and what you don't want to do. Then again, a lot of men won't respect or care about that, but it doesn't matter because you don't want to date people who make you feel objectified and don't respect your boundaries.
In general, don't be afraid to ask for what you want or don't want by fear of the guy breaking up with you even if it seems "unreasonable" or "unconventional" for a straight relationships. I feel like a lot of what is accepted in straight relationships benefit men, not women, and might not be what you (or most women) actually want before getting brainwashed trying to please some moid.
I know it's hard plus it's just very rare to find a guy who will actually listen to you and treat you as a human but you only need to find one. And it's hard to trust even the good ones tbh, you can't really tell if he's pretending before a while unfortunately. A guy with a low libido might hide a porn addiction or whatever.

No. 476938

I'm sorry it's though honestly. I don't think men will ever understand how complex it is for the vast majority of women to navigate sexual relationships in general. Even without having your experiences, it just is, and it's pretty much impossible to make them understand anything on the subject because sex is so simple and innate for them. I think a lot of women feel like you or at least a lot more than you'd think but they just put up with it because they're afraid of being alone i guess. Of course the right thing is to talk to him about it and you know that, I wouldn't recommend staying in this situation even if I understand your fears.
If he is a decent person, he will understand your position though. You shouldn't be living like this.
>I have been raped and sexually assaulted various times in my early 20s. My feelings around sex where like this before these traumatic incidents.
It's understandable for someone with your experience to be sex repulsed even if it might not be linked directly. Does he know about this? It's insane for your bf, or anyone, to expect you to feel completely good about sex, even if it's not what caused your repulsion in the first place and it was already there. You need to have a talk with him about all of this eventually.

No. 476952

Nayrt but nona your advice is so good and you come across like someone that fully knows your worth and what you stand for.

No. 476966

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kek I missed the anon she's replying to wants an asexual. It is very good advice, ignore me thread lurkers

No. 476976

If I cheated on my bf while I was on vacation, meaning he will never find out, should I confess? I’m not above lying to moids to give myself a happy life but I do feel a little guilty tbh

No. 476978

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If he watches cuckhold porn then yes, if not then you probably shouldn't. Idk anons will probably say cheating is okay if it's done to a moid but even with that mindset, you're just imposing shame/guilt on yourself. You should probably just break up with him and not mention the cheating

No. 476998

>Idk anons will probably say cheating is okay if it's done to a moid
and that's a toxic mindset. Fidelity isn't something you do for him, it's something you do for yourself. If you don't want to be faithful to him it means you don't really want to be with him at all, which means it's time to get out.

No. 476999

absolutely not. he wouldn't do the same for you. just let sleeping dogs lie.

No. 477001

I mean do you even want to be with him?

No. 477006

do you like your boyfriend? I think that is the most important question

No. 477011


To answer you and the other anon who asked if I even still like him…..we had a massive, ugly argument before I left that was just months of resentment and anger finally coming up for us both. I guess I cheated out of revenge. I’m still in love with him but I can’t see him the same since that fight. Fuck I hate being sensitive about love.

No. 477012

I feel conflicted tbh. I don't think it's morally right to keep it a secret but then again >>476999 is most likely right and I also think men who watch porn in a relatioship are cheating by default which is probably yours too. So I guess it's a matter of Do I want to be the bigger person at my own expense or not.

No. 477014

>is most likely right and I also think men who watch porn in a relatioship
if you think he's watching porn that means you need to leave him. Staying with him isn't punishing him, it's punishing yourself

No. 477016

Sorry for the confusion but I'm not OP

No. 477019

Update, I brought it up to him and all he said was “I hope the time alone makes you feel better” which is the worst answer I feel I could have gotten because he’s not being unsupportive but it doesn’t feel like he’s being supportive either lol

Confrontational wasn’t the right word, I meant something more like an honest conversation because I usually try to be very mindful with how I bring up anything since he responds kind of defensively/redirectively more often than he responds supportively

No. 477020

It feels bad because the reaction feels indifferent

No. 477042

You're not still in love with him. That feeling of not being able to feel the same about him is the feeling of you not being in love anymore.

No. 477044

>I see lot's of men that say they don't take Finasteride/Dutasteride, because they're scared for their dick.
It's also probably a mixture of bad lifestyle choices, excessive porn use, lack of exercise, poor diet, and then these drugs are like the final nail in the coffin. I have a hard time believing it breaks the dick of any healthy moid

No. 477045

i just had a second date that went amazing last night, but this guy grew up super religious and has a lot of weird hangups about commitment because of it since he never got to have independence growing up. he said if i'm looking for a serious relationship he'd want to take it really slow since calling someone his girlfriend is a big step for him, but i'm willing to feel it out and get to know him better since my last relationship was at breakneck speed and burned out terribly, and i'd also like to get to know him better before committing. he also is a virgin still and is in no rush to do it, so i don't mind taking our time and enjoying getting to know him before becoming exclusive/in a relationship (one of my personal rules is no sex unless there's a commitment, but i feel less pressured to have a commitment early on since sex is off the table).
my question is how long is too long to wait for someone to know if they want to date you officially? normally i'd feel like you should know by around date number 5, but i'm willing to give him leeway. i was thinking either a couple months or 10ish dates? is that too many? too little? all my relationships are usually rushed into and it always ends terribly for me so i'm trying to not just respect his wishes but have my best interests in mind as well.

No. 477047

i did this once because i was already planning on breaking up with him when i got back from vacation (it was a 2 yr relationship and didnt wanna end it over text/phone call). i never told him, just told him all the reasons why i was ending the relationship bc i didn't see a point in hurting him more. if you want to stay with him, the circumstances are obviously different though.

No. 477070

AYRT, maybe a stupid question but any nonnas have an idea on what would've been a nice and supportive response? I always struggle to point out what about his responses or behavior makes me feel bad because of its indifference and "non-offensiveness" and he commonly responds with "what do you want me to do?" (but not rhetorically). When I tell him I'm doing bad he usually responds with "let me know what I can do" but I don't know what he can do lol, if I knew what even I could do I'd do it.

No. 477077

>Fuckboy scaffolding story to cement incoming fuckboy behaviour
>he said if i'm looking for a serious relationship he'd want to take it really slow since calling someone his girlfriend is a big step for him
Nope. No. Move on. Women seem to think because a moid keeps them around and they're not giving him sex, it's becacuse he ~really loves her~ when in reality, he's getting sex from somewhere else and treating you as an investment for later. He'll probably pretend he's about to be your boyfriend at whatever point you let your guard down the most and give him more access physically

No. 477080

Cheating = dump or be dumped

No. 477130

>this guy grew up super religious and has a lot of weird hangups about commitment because of it since he never got to have independence growing up.
Red flag. Sounds like an excuse. If a moid tells you he isn’t ready to commit for whatever reason, believe him (though he’s probably lying about the reason). This is and will continue to be an issue.
>my question is how long is too long to wait for someone to know if they want to date you officially? normally i'd feel like you should know by around date number 5, but i'm willing to give him leeway. i was thinking either a couple months or 10ish dates? is that too many? too little?
I’ve been in your position before where I’ve found myself waiting for the person I’m dating to finally want to be in a relationship, and it’s miserable. Putting a deadline on the start of a real relation will make you feel unfulfilled and him resentful, ime. However, since you mentioned rushing past relationships, I think it’s reasonable in any case to date for up to 3 months or so before officially entering a relationship. There’s nothing wrong with taking it slow, but don’t ignore the red flags. You’ve only been on 2 dates with this man. You barely know him.

No. 477143

if a guy has killed someone (another moid in this case) but he had a good reason and he promises that he will never kill again, is he okay to date?

No. 477145

No, you fucking retard.

No. 477146

yeah i am concerned about this because i don't want to get used or get my time wasted, but i also am not really in a place to commit to a relationship yet either because i feel like i don't know him enough. like i said, it's only been two dates so far.
like you said i barely know him, and at this point i don't even know him enough to know if i want to seriously date him or not even though we do get along and click really well. i agree it's definitely a concern because i don't want to be waiting around forever for him to decide to press the trigger on wanting to be with me, but i do want to go out with him a few more times if he's up for that until i get more of a handle on how i feel. in the mean time i'm not going to close myself off to other opportunities either. i don't do dating apps but i won't hold back if i meet someone else interesting in person. i think i won't put a hard deadline on it to mitigate those feelings of resentment, but if it gets to the point where i feel like i know what i want, i'll bring it up with him and he'll either want to commit or not.

No. 477150

He can't be luigi 2.0

No. 477152

>yeah i am concerned about this because i don't want to get used or get my time wasted
anon doesn't know what she's talking about. Some moids really just aren't interested in sex. In the 1999 film romance, the lead character has to cheat on her model boyfriend because he never wants sex

No. 477153

Well, if OP was referring to Luigi, then 100% yes she should date him but otherwise no

No. 477157

no he isn't Luigi. It happened 3 years ago, another moid was stalking his sister so he killed him. He has never admitted to me that he did it, other than saying he'd never kill again but then he quickly correct himself saying he didn't mean to say "again", but everyone knows he did (his sister is my sisters best friend)

No. 477158

>tard rages out on some random moid because he wants to protect his female property.
No. Stay the fuck away from him.

No. 477160

he does seem to have a lot of religious guilt/hangups about sex (especially if hes still a virgin in his late 20s) so i think he's being honest about that. he told me the fear of commitment/relationships in general comes from seeing all the people he grew up with from church get married and have kids with horrible moids from like age 18-20. i told him that when i say im looking for something serious i just mean a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship that has potential to go the distance because it seemed like we had different definitions of "serious".
we made out a little bit but he ended up pulling away because he wanted to stop himself before going further than he was comfortable with. (and now im blushing at my desk at work remembering how sweet he was when he was kissing me)

No. 477171

1 in 5 women become victim of domestic violence, don't seek it out. It doesn't matter if he had a "good reason", it shows lack of impulse control and anger management.

No. 477181

>Some moids really just aren't interested in sex.
>posts about a fictional moid as an example

No. 477206

My scrote has gone full maga tard and I absolutely have to leave but my chronic illness is rapidly worsening and I barely have the strength to function much less uproot my entire life. I pretty much just ignore him these days which isn't difficult considering he spends 90 percent of his time playing vidya but he's having these moments of retard rage if I don't parrot his batshit insane beliefs back at him or challenge him in any way. The stress of walking on egg shells and having to listen to his schizo politics is making me even more physically ill. I have somewhere to go so I'm not in dire straits but holy fuck did I not need this right now

No. 477248

Was he always conservative? What kinds of new sources does he listen to? I’m just wondering because I’ve always been afraid of this kind of thing happening to me tbh. I’m sorry about your chronic illness nonna. I hope you can leave him.

No. 477261

He was fairly apolitical initially, not super liberal or anything but moderate enough that he wasn't delusional about most things. He keeps watching that little shit Charlie Kirk and his reddit feed is absolute cancer. I think he fell into an algorithmic hell hole of propaganda and went insane. Hopefully my health calms down soon, I have a pretty important doctor's appointment in 2 days so I'm staying optimistic. I'll figure it out, I always do. Thanks for the kind response nonna

No. 477263

>has a lot of weird hangups about commitment
Don't bother. It means he doesn't know what the fuck he wants and is opportunistic and will take what he can get. That's not the kind of man you want to be in a long-term relationship with. If a man wants to be in a serious relationship, they'll know and make it clear. Otherwise he's just going to string you along. Even the religious seemingly uptight guys do it as well.

No. 477465

i'll take this to heart. i get not knowing whether you want to seriously date a certain person after just a couple dates, but i DO know i want a serious relationship in general as an end goal and it seems like there's a bit of a mismatch there. also belated thanks to everyone who chimed in. it's nice getting a variety of outside viewpoints.

No. 477538

I hope you can get out soon nona, rooting for you and hoping you stay safe.

No. 477666

It depends who he killed and why imo. If he's a soldier fighting in a war for example, or if he killed someone in self defense, or if he killed someone defending someone else I could understand that. I had a conversation with my boyfriend where he said he wouldn't want to shoot a home invader and he'd rather let them steal whatever and give them the benefit of the doubt that they probably don't want to harm us, and it gave me a lightbulb moment of, oh, you're too pussyfoot to defend us. Guess I've got to be the one to.

No. 477668

>he said he wouldn't want to shoot a home invader and he'd rather let them steal whatever and give them the benefit of the doubt that they probably don't want to harm us
I'm sorry but this attitude is such a turn off for me

No. 477669

NTA but agreed, this is cuck mentality.

No. 477673

The part that threw me off is he's had military training. He knows how to use guns and even said I should get one. But he's hesitant to shoot someone even if they're breaking in. I think he's a bit naive because gun violence isn't really a thing where he's from like it is in the US. If I hear footsteps, I'm blasting.

No. 477758

feeling betrayed, undervalued and taken for granted for the umpteenth time. when push comes to shove, always first to serve; at any other time, always last in line. why is she like this?

No. 477761

>I had a conversation with my boyfriend where he said he wouldn't want to shoot a home invader and he'd rather let them steal whatever and give them the benefit of the doubt that they probably don't want to harm us
based. He has strong morals

No. 477767

>If he's a soldier fighting in a war for example, or if he killed someone in self defense
no it was definitely a cold blooded murder
>or if he killed someone defending someone else I could understand that
it sort of was. The guy had been stalking his sister for months despite a restraining order and repeated threats to stop. The stalking had caused her to develop panic attacks that she still suffers from.
i'm not gonna date him because I don't agree with murdering people but I don't think he's a bad guy

No. 477781

He sounds based. This is, of course, assuming he's never been violent towards women or girls. Some men do function properly and only harm other moids.

No. 477784

I honestly wish I didn't hate men so much because it makes dating harder. I get unreasonably angry and disgusted by even small icks like leaving me on read for too long or whatever, I've thrown my phone across my room way too many times because of my autist rage. I'm good-looking, polite, I try really hard to make people feel comfortable around me and I'm almost always way more attractive than whatever moid I'm seeing so it feels like they're stupidly oblivious to the amount of value I bring to their life just by existing next to them. I try so hard to connect with others and this makes me want to stop putting in any effort at all.
I also get extremely angry thinking about my exes (which happens often) just writing this makes me want to a-log them even if it's been years since they disrespected me or slighted me. I figure it can't be healthy to hold those grudges but it's so hard to get over my pride. One of them told me I have anger issues and I'm a narcissist, maybe he's right but therapy has never really worked. Should I give it another try?? I don't want to be such a bitter hate-filled person all the time

No. 477884

>this makes me want to stop putting in any effort at all.
Watch them actually give you attention, fawn over you, do wht you want etc once you stop trying lol. The less you give a fuck the more they do

No. 477915

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Should I stop trying and just give my boyfriend the bare minimum? I enjoy the relationship and we have great chemistry. I have fun, I don't want a different 'better' guy. He complies with his "bf duties" (dates, gifts, compliments, etc.) but he doesn't seem to care whether I put any effort or not. If I do something kind or if I act indifferent it's all the same to him. Unless I insult him he doesn't care. In fact, I suspect he wants me to be less nice to him. Why is this? Should I just perpetually act like I don't give a fuck about him?
Moids either hate caring women or they treat them like mommy, there's no saving them. All they want is to chase you.

No. 477984

Maybe you are just doing things he actually doesn't really give a shit about because he would appreciate something else more? Talk to him about this and see what he says.
>I suspect he wants me to be less nice to him
Why do you suspect that?

No. 478119

You enjoy the relationship, there's chemistry, it's fun, you want him, you haven't voiced a complaint exactly, but you seem unhappy and want to change the relationship to make it worse for no reason. What is making you feel this way? I'm guessing that maybe you feel like he's not appreciating your acts of kindness enough. Is that it? If so, maybe you could ask him if there was anything you could do that he would appreciate or find romantic. Tell him you want to please him and feel like he likes your presence or otherwise phrase it in a way that is sweet and I can only see this being a very cute thing.
Another alternative reading that I can see is that you worry that, because he doesn't get mad or care when you drop the ball, maybe you feel like that means that your efforts mean nothing to him. However, it could just be that he understands that people have their ups and downs and he likes it when you put in effort but he won't punish you when you don't have the energy to put in effort. I think I would warn you not to go seeking discord just because things are too nice if this is the case.

No. 478138

I should ask him, you're right.
>Why do you suspect that?
He likes me more the less warm I am to him. Pays me more attention if I ignore him. Only wants sex if I don't bring it up first. Etc.
>What is making you feel this way? I'm guessing that maybe you feel like he's not appreciating your acts of kindness enough.
Yes, but also just the fact that he seems to be more attentive and caring the less I am. He has been grateful and found it sweet when I've helped him out in the past, but he doesn't seem to seek someone who's attentive to his needs and would rather date a girl who's more selfish.
>However, it could just be that he understands that people have their ups and downs and he likes it when you put in effort but he won't punish you when you don't have the energy to put in effort.
This is true. He is very understanding about this sort of stuff. I don't think he cares what I do at all unless I cheat on him. He has no expectations, but to an abnormal extent.

No. 478166

>He likes me more the less warm I am to him. Pays me more attention if I ignore him.
Thats kinda normal despite what people say about good communicatuon and whatever. Men like a bit of unavailability and that you have your own stuff going on. If you wanna do something nice for him, just work on yourself and keep busy because he likes that more than regular dating effort. Think of it as a 2 for 1 deal, you are investing in your relationship happiness AND investing in yourself more.

No. 478189

Maybe you're just not that compatible. Despite what >>478166 says not all men are the same and the good ones will always appreciate you when you do good things for them, but at the same time not expect them either.

No. 478249

Why are you asking us? Ask him, only he knows the real answer. If you're genuinely happy and want the relationship to work, leave here and talk to him. Don't let us poison your perspective

No. 478253

A friend of a friends brother find me “super cute” and i lowkey am attracted to him physically as well but i just learned hes 21. Thats 4 years younger than me. I feel weird cause I’ve never found younger men attractive. I’m not in a rush to pursue anyone romantically cause i got dumped in november but I’d like to befriend him and get to know him better. Any nonnies in their 20s date younger men? What was the experience like?

No. 478254

You're basically the same age ffs. Would a man ever, EVER hesitate to date a woman 4 years younger?? Stop propping up the psyop by being fussy and insecure over literally nothing.

No. 478257

Depends on their level of maturity, which can vary even when they’re older anyway. I
don’t like age gaps , especially when the scrote is older . But it’s not like he’s a teenager, give it a try.

No. 478335

Maga scrote anon here. My doctor's appointment went much worse than I expected and there's a lot more wrong than I thought. I'm leaving, arrangements have been made. No moid is going to terrorize me while I fight for my fucking life against this stupid fucking illness

No. 478347

>I feel weird cause I’ve never found younger men attractive
Because up until now guys 4 years younger than you were really in a different stage of life/development, now you're in your 20s it's starting to even out.

No. 478350

Sorry to hear about your struggles but I'm glad you're getting away and I'm glad that you sound so ready to fight. Here's hoping he gets hit by a bus.

No. 478562

Boyfriend hitted me week ago. I mean everything is ok now but I still can't forget it. And it makes me sad.

No. 478565

He hit you once, he’ll hit you twice, thrice. Is that really the life you want? He thinks you’re worthless, not human. I bet you he doesn’t hit his friends or his boss. He thinks of you as low as he did when he hit you, and you can’t change that. You can’t change him.

No. 478569

>I mean everything is ok now
Nothing will ever be okay after that, it's over. I'm sorry anon

No. 478594

Please listen to the other nonas. It doesn't matter if it's only one time. You're worth more than staying with scum like that. You know deep down that it isn't "ok now" and never will be. Release that sadness as you dump him.

No. 478598

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That’s when you leave asap and never look back, do it now that you can and don’t let yourself be sweet talked. Your chances of being murdered have increased , you are in active danger nonna.
I usually love calling people retarded for their choices, but I won’t since I’m being serious. Listen to me nonna please, it’s your life at skate here. No amount of sorry or “I love you” will ever soften the blows that he’ll give you, and I’m using the present simple because it’s not a matter of IF he does it again, but it’s a matter of WHEN he will do it again.


No. 478914

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I need some advice. I met a guy who was into me (I never really liked him, he was sort of mean and pushy) and his friend after not seeing each other for years. We ended up falling out, but I still chat with his friend and do stuff with him almost every day. For the past two months I have noticed I have feelings for him, but I always found him to be very attractive. Thing is, I am autistic (diagnosed) so I can't tell if he likes me back or if I am being pushy/delusional. Should I pull back before it gets too messy? I would like to remain his friend at least. I would seriously HATE to make anyone uncomfortable in any way, but it's hard for me to tell…

No. 478929

You’ve told us nothing nonna…
Anyway if you are friends and spending them then how does he behave? Do you text each other often ? Are you two alone often? Does he give you certain looks? Has he ever dated anyone in the meantime? How did he behave while he was dating someone else?

No. 478935

Jeez, I am sorry, I know this is a confusing situation. I fell out with a guy who was into me for years, his friend. I am still talking to a friend of a guy who was into me and I am developing feelings for him.
>Anyway if you are friends and spending them then how does he behave?
I started to like him because he is so easy to get along with and I can go full sperg mode telling him about my interests. We always have good time together, share plenty of laughs and do stuff related to my special interest.
>Do you text each other?
Yes, every day, and we call each other like 3 times a week to talk about my hobby.
>Does he give you certain looks?
That I can't tell. He looks at me a lot, but I can't tell if it is because he likes me, or just because I happen to look at him a lot. I know I stare at him excessively because he is pretty.
>Has he ever dated anyone in the meantime?
Nope, he never dated anyone despite being 27. He keeps to himself most of the time.
>How did he behave while he was dating someone else?
While his friend was pursuing me we did not talk nearly as much. We'd still chat plenty though.

No. 479009

Looks like he likes you. Give it a try.

No. 479048

>he never dated anyone despite being 27
Never having dated anyone at that age is such a red flag for men.

No. 479153

I've actually found a really great guy who isn't immediately put off by me being a single mother, so please give me advice on how to not fuck this up. My ex had a nervous breakdown and trooned out when he found out I was pregnant, and now takes all his art commissions in cash to avoid paying child support. Clearly, I suck at picking men, but this one is almost too good to believe and didn't immediately friendzone me the second I told him about my daughter, which has never happened before. I have a bunch of neuroses and bad habits from dating an objectively terrible guy for years, so I'll accept any help I can get.

No. 479167

>and didn't immediately friendzone me the second I told him about my daughter
This has never happened to me during the decade+ my daughter has been alive (even with moids in their early 20s) so that's not the real issue, sorry to say. Maybe if you had 3+ kids? This is something guys say online but you have a much higher chance of scrotes becoming more interested in you because you have a child (since so many are pedophiles) and they love to play dad. I'm not trying to be rude but I can't remember the last time I heard a woman use the phrase "friendzone" about themselves, regarding a guy either so that's probably where you should start looking first. Especially because you say they find out about your daughter then friendzone you, if anything they'd at least try to keep you around sexually if they thought you having one child makes you undateable. I know of a scrote who married a woman right after her baby from another moid was born. She was very beautiful and interesting so the scrote didn't care that she had a baby son. It's definitely an excuse, sorry anon

No. 479176

Oh. So, I'm not actively dating, but I've gotten to that point with 3 guys and all of them immediately said they weren't up for anything longterm. They were perfectly happy to just fuck, but when I made it clear I wasn't, they all politely ghosted me by "staying friends" AKA waiting for me to get desperate enough to just give it up. This guy was a little thrown when I told him, but is perfectly fine with waiting until we know each other better and are a bit more committed. He's a few years older than me and wants to start a family, so I'm optimistic.

No. 479181

>My ex had a nervous breakdown and trooned out when he found out I was pregnant, and now takes all his art commissions in cash to avoid paying child support.
I hope he gets his karma nonna. Can’t you blast him on social media or something. His behavior is so fucking disgusting.
Were there any signs?

No. 479182

Go slow, see if his words match his actions and don’t let him meet your daughter until much later. Keep yourself on guard.

No. 479193

how the hell do all you nonas seem to have at least one tranny bf/ex? ive never dated a man who once showed any inclination to trooning out

No. 479198

i was friends with a guy who told me he wanted to troon out, and after he told me i just blocked him. there's no reason to engage in self harm like that

No. 479204

Okay that makes a lot more sense. I was trying to imagine how that would even be possible (without them at least pestering you for sex). There are virgin zoomers complaining that moids won't commit to them, males are just mostly porn addicted and have short attention spans. It's like the worst combination of terminally online possible. I'm glad you found one that seems promising

No. 479205

>My ex had a nervous breakdown and trooned out when he found out I was pregnant
I would have gotten a coat hanger so fast

No. 479206

Same, but with the story I hear, I’m terrified of it happening, especially since these scrotes do it after years or even after marriages c it’s disgusting. I would get so mad.

No. 479302

There were, but he was a very eccentric artist type when I met him, so I viewed those signs as personality traits. My "type" is also a little feminine, so I was kind of doomed from the start.

First he just left to "figure things out", and said he'd come back, only to move out for his "mental health", after which he trooned out and changed his name. The last I heard from him, he's entirely uninterested in his daughter because he says he's not the person that created her anymore.

It was very encouraging that, as I was nervously explaining why I wanted to date for a while first and hoping he wouldn't just bail, that he immediately understood it was about protecting her. It's even more encouraging to see that he's helped raise a lot of his extended family and I've seen how he interacts with them as a kind of father-figure who they seem to really love and rely on.

The other guys were all zoomers my age or younger and weren't even willing to lie to me for a few weeks to see if they could get laid. I can't decide if that's better or worse. it's certainly more honest.

No. 479309

Wishing you the best, good job on the swift departure from him. Hopefully better news about your health in the future, I'm so sorry

No. 479357

just broke up with my boyfriend of two years. he was my first boyfriend, my first everything. he didnt even really do anything wrong we just grew apart I guess. I feel so horrible

No. 479375

> he's entirely uninterested in his daughter because he says he's not the person that created her anymore
What a piece of shit. I at least hope you are living well and safely nonna and that your daughter is fine.
I still think you should blast him and call him out, the retard should give child support, it’s the bare minimum.

No. 479453

Yeah. I'm living with my parents because right now I can only get work in a cafe, so couldn't possibly afford childcare. I'm extremely lucky I can cover all my expenses and budget to keep a trickle of income flowing into savings, as long as I never do anything fun that costs money.
>blast him
The problem is he's not a celebrity or anything, and he's decoupled himself from his old identity. I could try to launch some kind of local social media campaign to warn people, but I'm a nobody and he's very insulated against anything I could do because he sells his work internationally through various dealers. The only people he interacts with are friends who are terminally woke and think his transition and mental health is more important than anything else.

No. 479459

>and think his transition and mental health is more important
they think that enabling his delusions and self destructive behavior are good for his mental health?

No. 479463

That crowd could justify him being a deadbeat, a pedo and a rapist as long as he says he’s a woman kek

No. 479473

Nonas i may have fucked up, depending on your perspective. i posted a few weeks ago talking about how i was pining after this guy not knowing if he was interested in me, and i got my answer lmao

the short story is i invited him over to mine to watch some movies, he put his head on my shoulder and got more cuddly, i kissed him and that lead us to having sex. honestly i don’t usually move that quickly, but i’ve been down bad. he’s nice, i wanted some companionship and i enjoyed myself.

now though i'm seriously kicking myself. did i go too far too quickly? i feel like i ruined any chance of an actual relationship. though text it’s like nothing has changed which i’m sort of happy about but i’m not sure if that’s good? our chats have always been lighthearted through text it’s more irl that we have deeper conversations.

but a few days ago he asked me on a date (it'll be tomorrow) and i'm struggling to think of how to even approach talking about what happened. he's sort of awkward (maybe autistic but in a sweet way) but so am i, i’m cringing just thinking about it. any input would be great, i'm honestly hopeless

No. 479477

If you're a bit more than a year into your relationship, and your partner still talks at length about her exes and how much she hates them and what they did, this just means she's still not over them right? She reminds me of my friend who is so obviously into a guy because she talks about him with me and every minor thing he does for hours on end, then goes all 'but I don't like him, he sucks' and so does my girlfriend, she just talked for 3 whole hours about the glimpse she caught of her ex at an event yesterday, and how much she apparently hates her or whatever, like… I was kind of taken aback yesterday to really say anything but, she's not over her at all, is she? What should I do?
In the early days of our relationship, all she did was talk about her exes, till I cried and told her to please stop, because every single conversation we had was hijacked by her talking about something her exes did or how they made her feel, and I get it, from her account they sound shitty but it got to a point I couldn't take it anymore. She then stopped, mostly.

No. 479486

Yea she's not over her exes. Obviously idk her so I can't say much but I dated a girl like that briefly, all she did was complain about her exes and all the people that broke her heart and betrayed her or whatever, instead of just trying to grow from it and move on.

People like that usually enjoy being miserable, they'd rather sit there and ruminate on how sad their life is rather than changing it. My ex was stuck in a victim mindset, when I broke up with her she was nonstop talking about me to everybody, stuff about how I was evil n broke her heart blah blah.

If you guys break up she'll probably do the same thing to you with her next gf (complaining about you constantly).. I cant tell you what to do but you're better off without her. You guys have been together for over a year and she still hasn't changed? It usually takes people a lot of time, growth and inner work to grow from huge victim complexes like that. She won't change unless she chooses to.. and it seems like she doesn't want to.

No. 479489

She is a little like the girl you describe, but she tries to change and she's grown a lot, like really but, the comfort and familiarity of being miserable makes her fall into that mind space often. I don't know, I want to help and be there for her as she grows and finds strength to move on, but it's starting to weigh on me too. I notice she gets into those states more when it's an important or happy day for me, yesterday I attended my closest friend's engagement and all day I was there to comfort her and couldn't be there for my friend much, previously it was the day I was with my friend for her wedding shopping, and then when I had an important event at work, I feel overwhelmed sometimes. And all for her to be still so stuck in her feelings for her previous partners. Maybe I'm just being too jealous and unempathetic. I don't know.

No. 479490

Sounds like you should ask him to confirm you’re dating and he’s your boyfriend exclusively

No. 479499

It's good that she's tried to change for you, and it seems like you really care about her. But tbh I think it's really weird that she tries to ruin good days for you, seems like she knows how much it hurts you when she cries about her exes so she purposely hurts you when things are good for you. Weird behaviour, from what youre telling me it looks like she wants to bring you down to her level and doesn't want to see you succeed.. You're not being jealous or apathetic at all. I wouldn't want to deal with her behaviour either if I were you.

If you want to stay with her, I guess you'll have to really talk to her about this, like tell her everything, including the stuff about how she tends to ruin big days for you.. (if you haven't already), which will be hard but if she really truly cares about you she will listen.
And ask yourself, do you see her changing this behaviour & becoming a better gf by the end of 2025? That's 11 months of time to grow and change ! If the answer is leaning towards no you gotta break it off with her.

No. 479506

Theres a girl I've been so into. Every time we get to hang out I feel warmth that I feel like I've gone my whole life without. She used to show love back but it's waned. I feel like she doesn't think of me anymore. I want to tell her I love her so many times, but one of the things we relate to so much on is guys being freaking losers and gross and always imposing themselves onto others. I've never met someone so intelligent and wonderful. She's so damn chinese though, I feel like she'd never bring me home. Her parents wouldn't want her wasting herself on a girl and not a rich husband. Confucius cucking me 2500 years later.

No. 479521

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Idk if this is the best thread for this, but maybe someone here will have some insight. Is it normal to be so scarred from a bad relationship that you become completely aromantic/asexual? Like, I've been in a horrible marriage for 5 years. I have zero sex drive, zero desire to masturbate, zero attraction to men that I probably would've been drooling over before meeting my husband. All I feel is nothingness now. When I'm finally able to leave this situation, will I go back to normal? I mean, I guess I'm not complaining about finally being free of heterosexual inclinations, but I lack something to replace it with, which then leaves me unsatisfied with my life. I'd focus on friendship except I don't have any friends because my shitty, defective Nigel isolated me from the few I did have, so I'll be starting my life over in more ways than one when I'm free.
pic unrelated

No. 479537

yes you’re right. it’s just such a loaded question to ask, i’m not sure how to approach it tactfully without sounding desperate or forceful

No. 479545

Should i text my ex to hook up with him? I broke up with him a month ago after he accused me of cheating (i wasnt cheating)

No. 479550

I got out of a 6 year emotionally abusive relationship with a porn and sex addict and felt exactly how you do. I didn’t masturbate, the thought of sex made me cringe, the thought of anyone touching me made me ill. My libido was DEAD. And it stayed that way for almost two years? And now I’m absolutely feral but celibate. I was also able to make a couple friends, get my career back on track and basically start my life over. It’ll take time but you’ll get there nona.

No. 479593

every single guy ive dated had got bored of me and ended up cheating on me or leaving me after about 6-9 months. i don't know what im doing wrong. its like they have a lot of attraction and passion towards me at the beginning and then I don't really know to keep the momentum running and they just get bored of me. i admit im not the most interesting or sociable person, but neither were they.

No. 479636

You haven't described anything about yourself and the men you're dating so my only impression of you is that you enjoy complaining. I'm not trying to infight but this is an advice thread and you haven't even laid out the actual problem, so I'm not sure how you're expecting to solve it

No. 479646

Thank you for the words of encouragement, nona. Financially speaking, I’m not at the point of being ready to leave. We’ve been married for 5 years now, but have been together for almost 8, so I worry also that I won’t even know what to do when I’m able to be on my own. I do know that this is a situation I won’t put myself in ever again in future.

No. 480016

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I got pretty sick last month and my boyfriend did a lot to help me, such as coming over to keep me company while I was feeling miserable and making me food/tea when I was too tired to do it myself. I think I must have given him whatever I had because now he's sick and on top of that his cat just died over the weekend and he's been having a rough time at work so he's not only sick but probably depressed as well. I've been dating him for almost three months and this is my first relationship, so I have no clue how to act.

When I was sick I didn't expect anything from him, but he offered to do all of those things for me. But I'm not a natural caretaker kind of person, so I'm not sure what to do in return. I can't go to his house and care for him the same way because he still lives with his family and I've never been there before. I thought I'd at least try to offer him company, but he hasn't responded to my messages from this morning which is really unusual so he must be feeling really bad. So in that case, my instinct is to leave him alone until he feels better because I wouldn't want him to feel obligated to talk to me. But I still feel anxious that I'm not doing enough, especially because he did so much for me and the best thing I can think of right now is to just leave him alone lol. Is there anything I can do? I honestly also feel really insecure that I don't know how to take care of people and he'll resent me for it or find some other girl who is much better at it than me

No. 480020

No idiot

No. 480126

he's gonna remember that he took care of you and you didn't do the same for him if you stay together

No. 480184

If he's really that petty, it's better to know sooner than later.

No. 480448

Have any anons had a positive experience with an emotionally immature man changing and growing? My boyfriend is awful and seems to be becoming worse. It's like sarcastic quips and dumb faces at everything, I feel like I'm dealing with a 13 year old boy who's mad at his mom every single day. He never apologizes, if I make him apologize it clearly means nothing but he says it in a monotone and adds dumb things at the end like BUT I DID IT BECAUSE or BUT YOU DID or calls me master like he's a slave. It's really weird.

I found out he maxed out his credit card when I went to put the electric bill through last week and it was declined. He told me his card is full. He said he didn't want to tell me so just wanted me to find out when the bill didn't go through. This happened to me around midnight and I was up all night worrying why his card was declined while he slept peacefully at his fucking mom's house. He thought that was a good way to tell me. He also has hung up on me every single day for over a month and never talks about anything ever. If I bring up "why didn't you do x thing you said you'd do" he hangs up on me and stays at his parents house. I thought people were supposed to get mature with age not get worse? He's in his thirties. I don't understand why he isn't completely embarrassed. He talks to people like this at work and his parents, too. Several people won't work with him and one of his bosses has pulled most of his shifts because she hates him. If I call him out on it he says that's how his parents treated him as a child so it's okay to not care about others and to be rude and retarded. I feel so frustrated I was only staying with him because I can't afford the bills on my own now this. I'm so bummed I had sex with him to keep him less angry. This turned into a vent and with all the examples but I guess I'm just wondering is it ever going to get better? Like if we moved away from his parents town would he stop? He also doesn't take his meds consistently, doesn't do his laundry until he has zero clothes, fights about everything with everyone. I'm so exhausted I can't believe I wasted so much time with him. He's not even a good roommate.

No. 480451

Yours is surely not the type to change so don’t bother

No. 480453

> I don't understand why he isn't completely embarrassed.
And why are you not embarrassed to be staying with this cockroach? At that point you’d rather get a pork tapeworm nonna, it would be the same thing kek.

No. 480468

Break up and kick him out, you didn't sign up to parent a literal manchild. He sounds like a fuck up. Do you really want to spend your life with someone like that?

No. 480485

Break up with him and if he cries stare at him intensely then come back here and describe it in rich detail, because I want to see this faggot suffer. Break up NOW. Do not waste any more time on this retard.

No. 480493

my bf got drunk and when he gets drunk he gets cocky and also horny. he ended up sending me some tiktoks and porn clips of very attractive women 'by accident'. he apologised and unsent them when he got sober, but ive been feeling really depressed and uncomfortable ever since. he always told me i am the most beautiful girl he's ever known and that he wouldn't change me for the world, but now I know he was jacking off to much prettier girls I just feel like all of it was meaningless lies. he's also joked before while drunk about wanting a threesome with his (formerly) favorite e-girls (who he claimed he didn't care about at all anymore) and buying her used underwear which made me feel garbage. I really don't know if im overreacting to this or justified in feeling shit, but its completely clouding my perception of myself and our relationship now. thing is he's not like this when he's sober at all, he's actually very sweet and loving, so I feel extremely conflicted.

No. 480494

This sounds like a form of negging and gaslighting, bordering on psychological abuse. If he's lucid enough to search for terms, find specific porn/tiktoks and copy and paste links, then he can't have been that out of it. Anything that hurts your self esteem, makes you feel like you're having to compete for his attention, or makes you start to doubt your reality and self concept is a form of emotional abuse, and when its coming from a man there's a very high chance its completely intentional.

No. 480496

You are not overreacting. He is showing you who he truly is.

No. 480497

Masturbate to LADS in front of him and then dump his ass.

No. 480498

Girl pick up your spine and stand up. You're dating a manchild and YOU have sex with him to placate him like he isn't the one who is pissing you off. A 30 year old man who is hated by everyone. A rando off craigslist is better than this loser

No. 480500

whether it's intentional or not I can't tell but either way this is just pornsick behavior

No. 480502

This reads like a Reddit post

No. 480506

my boyfriend and i have been together for two months and everything was going fine until one day one of his best friends told him she has coldsores
he came to me saying that she manifested them and he could cure herpes with meditation
i tried to educate him that i have multiple friends with this virus and even if you have no symptoms you still will have the virus and he told me he needs a partner who agrees with his thoughts. he believes in chemtrails and that he can cure things like endometriosis, when i told him i didnt believe him and i dont believe in a lot of things he does he wanted to debate them to prove he was right
i ended up telling him that with the way the internet works you find things for and against conspiracy theories very easily and i mentioned that even if i found all of the evidence i wouldnt be able to construct my words in a way that he would be satisfied to change his opinion and he agreed with me.
since this i have backed off a little to reflect and i’ve noticed he only really engages with me to tell me something about himself or what he is doing and whenever i mention something about my day its just met with “cool”
he told me because his affectionate in person that thats what love feels like and that ive never actually felt it so im very confused

No. 480512

>he can cure things like endometriosis
Wow, why isn't he a renowned doctor then kek. Honestly, he doesn't seem like a guy worth dating and taking seriously if he's this self-centered and schizo. What do you get out of him if he hardly engages with you on your topics and just says "cool" to you?

No. 480516

there is no hope for you people

No. 480520

My ex would do shit like this then seethe at me paying attention to any male streamer or youtuber I liked. I would honestly start talking about other men in front of him or leave tabs of searches of thirst traps of some random guy you like for him to find on your laptop then watch him seethe. See how he likes it.

No. 480521

There's just no way you guys are coming here thinking you're going to get any advice other than to break up with these guys. You know your "but"s are just excuses to draw things out. It's not gonna work out. Cut it off.

No. 480522

For a moment I read this as LDS and wondered why nona should masturbate to Mormons

No. 480926

I think its just bait or copied from reddit

No. 480982

Sad when the posts make you think “what the fuck please be trolling” but it’s probably real and that’s sadder

No. 480987

why are you dating this retard

No. 481218

File: 1738867384871.jpg (8.79 KB, 258x284, GGfsN5wXMAAsXsW.jpg)

>he has no job
>doesn't want one because it'll take up his precious free time he'd rather spend playing videogames and tinkering with his pc
>expects me to skip work so i can take a 7 hour train ride to his city to see him
>we are not even officially dating, technically "just friends"
>willing to come visit me but is too lazy to look for places to stay
you have to be fucking kidding me

is it weird of me to expect a 19 year old with a college degree to have a job? he's just sitting around wasting time when he could be making money. if both of us were working we'd have more oppotunities to see eachother and spend quality time together.
it's also making him so boring to talk to. what's the point of asking how his day went if the answer is the same every day?

No. 481220

File: 1738867530494.gif (85.97 KB, 220x205, haha-laugh.gif)

my sides

No. 481222

This is retarded, date someone irl instead of wasting any more time on this juvenile long distance situationship shit

No. 481223

Value yourself more and make better choices in life.

No. 481234

i know i should but the only people i see in my day-to-day life are my parents and a bunch of middle-aged ladies at work
maybe this will change when i go back to college

No. 481236

Why do you hate yourself this much?

No. 481246

Asking for a friend (no, seriously, not me), but. What do you all think of a guy who, in four years of a relationship, has never called his girlfriend “pretty” or complimented her looks? They live together and seem to get along well but I find this so absolutely outrageous. My friend says the guy is just “uncomfortable with expressing his feelings”. I don’t date scrotes, is this normal?

No. 481256

if he's on the spectrum it's fine. Is he?

No. 481273

A woman is never in the same ballpark as a man, especially one almost twice as old. Plain-looking young women are extremely sought after, you can do better.

No. 481292

4 years is nothing don't be retarded nonna. If you like him then try him out

No. 481294

This is old

No. 481308

It's just a week old im sure she hasn't fucked him or rejected him yet

No. 481310

Personally I wouldn’t care if he never called me pretty etc because 1) I already know I am and 2) it’s over played. Tell me I’m funny or ask about the book I’m reading. Tell me you like that I snort when I laugh super hard. “You’re pretty” is so basic to me. It’s only cute when we’re fucking or something and I’m sweaty and my hair is frizzy from the humidity of our funk. Even then, it’s not an expectation. If it doesnt bother your friend then it shouldn’t bother you. If he’s with her then I’m sure he finds her attractive.

No. 481311

Not a single compliment in four years? Come on.
It feels nice to be complimented about your appearance and be assured about your appearance from time to time kek.

No. 481313

Or maybe I’m too vain. I mean I know I’m smart and good looking too, but I like being complimented in both departments by someone I’m dating.

No. 481319

Maybe I’m weird idk but I just don’t care to hear it because it’s just so….basic? Im sure some girls love it. I can live without it. I want to be complimented beyond my exterior. If I never hear anything about me from his then that’s different and he sounds dull. But if it’s just never hearing “you’re pretty” i can live with that

No. 481388

I personally cringe when people compliment me on my appearance no matter who they are, so I'd preferably never hear about it.

No. 481422

Same. I either cringe, feel uncomfortable or it does nothing for me. I don’t really date anymore nor have much desire to be with a moid, but them getting flustered over me is enough kek. I don’t need to hear “you’re so pretty”. Ugh. I sound like a total bitch but I swear I’m really nice and I appreciate it when people compliment me (I usually prefer to hear it from women) but I just don’t like it. Maybe because I know most men are gross and I just wanna be like “don’t look at me you sick fuck” Kek.

No. 481470

File: 1738891415224.webp (32.53 KB, 419x612, meirl.webp)

I feel insane typing this out but I need advice. Lately, I randomly get extremely angry sometimes when I have sex with my boyfriend. Innocuous things he does during sex, like not moving his arm where I want him to, getting soft if it's out for a while, or laying on my hair by accident, make me irrationally angry for some reason. I never hurt him, but I'll want to push/shove him, sometimes bite my lip to keep myself from biting him. He has sometimes sensed my anger and has stopped during it to ask me if I'm okay, to which I lied and said I wasn't angry because I felt embarrassed by it.

I have had this happen in a previous relationship before as well. Both times, it started about 2-3 years into the relationship. Our sex life is otherwise fine – this does not happen every time, but only once in a while. I have always liked being aggressive and in charge during sex, but it's like something takes over and I get actually angry and want to be physically aggressive.

Has anyone else experienced this or know what's going on?

No. 481475

>sometimes bite my lip to keep myself from biting him
Did you watch Ginger Snaps and then decided to write gooner fanfic for us? Like what do you want anons to say, this sounds like it was written by a furry

No. 481483

I attached that pic to be funny, nona. I have no idea what Ginger Snaps is other than the cookie. I'm being honest in saying that I get randomly irrationally angry at my partner and have to resist the urge to take it out on him physically when we're having sex, and that obviously is concerning to me.

No. 481490

Sounds like there is underlying resentment there that you're not admitting to yourself or are not aware of.

No. 481496

File: 1738894658957.webp (31.07 KB, 900x900, d1a61b56-a567-11ee-91ac-560004…)

online bf of… not even 2 months yet bought me everything on my throne wishlist. at first, I joked about him buying me figures but he expressed interest and wants to 'make it know that I love him bc its an LDR'. I've know him since November and he has spent 1.3k on useless things I added on there bc I was under the impression he would buy them over time, maybe 1 item a month at most. not sure what to think tbh he is also 10 years older than me and my ex was about the same age difference and he was ultimately the worst decision I had ever made in my entire life even thus far. he was that terrible. now that I know better I'm questioning everything even if nothing is there. I'm anxious and he seems really sweet and generous, but I don't want to get my hopes up about a man just because he throws money at me. i mean, I buy my own things and I'm capable of doing so.i have bpd so my life is exponentially more enjoyable when I'm single but I really love him so far. its just been a couple months and the parallels between the red flags could not be more glaring.

No. 481499

You have to be 18 to use this site

No. 481500

File: 1738894929686.jpg (107.51 KB, 1060x938, 1721091167781.jpg)

maybe u just wanna be in charge ya know. ask to be on top or in control more and see how that works! or dig your fingernails into his skin or something. you can ask him if its ok to slap him? the most depraved pornography was written and directed by a man, so he will most likely enjoy it. i would just let him know you want to be more aggressive and stuff of course and see how that pans out. or you need to be on mood stabilizers.
in my mid 20s nona

No. 481506

I'm pretty much always in charge and I'm on top 95% of the time. So I don't think it's that I'm not in control enough, it's almost like my brain gets confused and thinks we're fighting instead of fucking. I start getting angry and wanting to be physically aggressive. Unfortunately he doesn't like pain, it makes him lose his erection.

Maybe you're right about mood stabilizers kek, but when I've been on them I didn't have any sex drive at all.

No. 481507

It sounds like you already know this is a terrible idea. Some walled scrote pushing 40 is lovebombing you with cheap figurines and you're seriously entertaining this relationship? Love yourself nona.

No. 481509

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>and thinks we're fighting instead of fucking
my sides. u can try Wellbutrin though. doesn't have an effect on my sex drive. if anything, it makes it stronger.
the love bombing isn't a tactic that will work and me and I've told him this many times. but u right

No. 481517

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I have a bf who's great in everything besides the bedroom and fitting into the archetypal men I like. Why is this bothering me so much?

He cooks, he cleans, he pays rent in full and is receptive to change, yet he's so piss poor in bed that I have to finish myself off when he's not around. In all of my fantasies I think about a tall guy with dark hair and light eyes (nothing close to him)

Did I psychologically do some kind of fuckywucky? Strategically he's a good potential long-term partner just because how much he does for me but I'm just flat out unhappy for some reason.

No. 481521

u should leave him then. no need to stay if that's how u feel about him. although, I would introduce the idea of maybe using toys in bed or something so u can finish, I cant either and I think that a wand is just necessary atp.

No. 481522

Nona this is an anonymous imageboard, you've gotta drop your typing style and impact font memes so it's not so obvious it's the same person posting.

No. 481528

My hold up is then I'd be at the mercy of other moids. Reading this site, I think 99% of them do half of the shit I listed, and expect me to be mommy bang maid.

I thought perhaps I fucked my brain up reading too much smut or something.

No. 481540

so… i dont mind lol im just contributing ofc
that is possible too

No. 481545

You can't expect a guy to be good in bed right off the bat, those are rare. You can train him, but you need to know what you like too so experiment together and figure out what feels good to you. Don't focus too much on the orgasm at first, just have a good time and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

No. 481574

my husband used to be terrible at sex (but it's not like I was great either, it's just easier to make men come), it took a lot of effort and talking for us to figure out how to make things fun for the both of us. It's embarrassing when the relationship is new but you really do have to clearly express what feels good, what doesn't, what you like.
Are you actually attracted to him though? If not, that's not fixable.

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