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No. 394660[Reply]

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
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No. 485622

Don't waste all your energy trying to get labor started. Go easy on any exercise-related tricks. Try staying hydrated and giving yourself some energy. If you like fruit smoothies, now is the time to have them. A midday nap could also give baby the chance to move just a little bit.

No. 485838

My fiance and I barely speak to each other and when we do it's like speaking to a stranger. I honestly have more meaningful conversations with people on the street. Our daughter is almost 2 and we were totally fine until she was maybe 15 months, and then it's like we just became strangers. We've tried talking about it but we always just seem to default back to being this way. Any nonas have any magical words of wisdom?

No. 486824

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>already got two under two, one of them being a 2 yr old on the spectrum
>Husband's parents are foster parents, but awful ones at that
>We are no contact with them and they walked out on husband as a kid
>They adopt a little girl
>For whatever reason, the girl gets removed from them by the state and we're the only closest relatives since he's technically her siblings and I might have to take in custody of an 11 yr old when I'm already struggling being a new parent
>All while me and the fam were supposed to move out of the US this summer
Wish me luck anons

No. 487212

What the fuck why did they put a kid into their care if they already abandoned your husband before… On the danger of it being somehow abusive, the 11yo could be at least distracting the toddler while you're with the newborn so that could be somehow actually an easier situation than the one you have now

No. 487432

They were foster parents, then got banned from being foster parents claiming "kids made false claims"… Then somehow someway they bullshitted their way into adopting, I actually called the adoption agency and told them everything and they admitted husband's parents lied on her application but didn't care "because people can grow". Turns out child abusers never really stop. They're telling everyone on Facebook the child didn't get taken by CPS because "her father wanted her back" which makes no sense if the adoption paperwork is finalized. I don't mind taking her in but moving stuff for a family of 5 to a different continent is gonna be hard

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No. 397215[Reply]

What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.

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No. 487078

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God help me

No. 487080

NEMU!? God can't help you anymore nona. You've already got radiation poisoning.

No. 487082

I know nonna, i'm helpless. It's funny because out of all the disgusting things she's known for, her most disturbing trait (to me) is her kooky quirky teacher millenial persona. I can rationalize her fucked up sexuality i actually find it endearing aside from the barf/scat/degradation shit, that's awful, ignore her online behavior, i can even look past her blatant BPD but the millenial speak and mama nemu bullshit creeps me out. Still would

No. 487235

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not ashamed but dr ally louks is so cute, I want an educated girlfriend. I love her accent too… smart women are so gorgeous. not in picrel but her tooth gap is really cute too

No. 487842

i didn't know who this is, only saw this photo briefly on the internet, so i googled her… god, i'm so sorry for her. scrotes are scum of the earth and still have the audactiy to claim they're 'oppressed'.

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No. 484944[Reply]

Vaping like a freight train edition

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No. 487146

You know, I always felt attractive men were prone to being braindead and he really is no different. He only did something based because he fucked up his brain with psychedelics or whatever. Fuck him.

No. 487147

Im not on the discord can you keep us updated about whatever tf this is about

No. 487148

Ok but even if they did how the fuck would Luigi know which letters are from LC wives?? I sent him the same braindead vague slop everyone else did. Maybe I didn't lick his ass and call him a heckin' hero to the people but that doesn't mean shit.

No. 487149

Someone please make a new thread and we need to put that on suicide watch. This is a sensitive time

No. 487150

I can’t get myself to flatter or praise him in my letters, this and now having pent up anger towards him responding to bpdemon redditards….it’s fucking over for me

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No. 445663[Reply]

Discuss goth music, makeup, fashion that you love. People you admire, gossip, news, etc.

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No. 485194

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So have any of you had to deal with guys fetishizing you because of the whole "Goth GFM" meme that has been circulating for a few years now? It's annoying how this is a thing even though it's nothing really new because there have been men who always fetishized goth women even back in the day but I think the whole "GF" is just a more manipulative way instead of outright sexualizing on the spot like men used to do.

I haven't dealt with it too much personally but to be honest, I don't go out much. But I definitely got it when I used to have Instagram and it would perplex me because my style looks nothing like an e-girl or is overtly sexualized but you know how it goes, these dudes see a woman in all black and dark makeup and will slap that fetishization onto you goth or not (especially the "not" with the women who play into this fetish and aren't actual goths).

No. 486639

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>They get off easy because us millennials are trying to be a little more warmly welcoming by helping them out compared to how a lot of us had to go in blind because of lack of resources back in that time.
Yeah I think that's on us for being kinda lenient with them. I remember Trads were strict with me for not knowing the difference between goth and post punk. Unless there was a strong goth club in your area, you didn't have much support getting into it.

>They really are and it feels so depressing that we're going to see more of them dropping like flies as we head for 2030.

That is depressing. I just watched Brick(2005) for the first time. The writer was inspired by Dashiell Hammett when he did the script. If this generation doesn't read books, they aren't going to make anything worth watching. We are heading towards Idiocracy with these recent mind numbing movies.

>but back then, you really had to have the gumption to rock with it because you really were going against the grain and the reception wasn't always going to be positive.

Exactly. If you wanted to be any kind of alternative you would expect to be criticized. By family, extended family, peers, teachers and you would have to tone down the look or stop being alt because you couldn't get a job. Unless you worked at Hot Topic or an adult shop, the dyed hair and facial piercings had to go. Zoomers just don't get how hard it was because you become goth and you were basically doing it alone if you didn't have friends.

>Just hearing this made me remember a video of what Angela Benedict talked about a few yeas ago with how back in the day there would be house parties that alternative people would throw to create that sense of community.

I heard about Angela thru the alt boards and haven't seen all her videos. I think I brought up house parties in the last thread. But yeah, we did those. It was mostly alt music because there were only 2 goths including myself. Plus it wasn't our house but it was good to have a party and connect with people. I don't know if Zoomers would be into that and with the way people are now, house parties are something Trads and Millennials would bring back.

>They don't need alcohol, just some snac
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No. 486736

not a goth, but house parties and house shows are still kind of a thing but obviously it's who you know IRL, and a lot of zoomers just don't have those IRL connections.

zoomers in general don't party like millennials and losers anyway, apparently they just wallflower and scroll on their phones, or too drugged up to properly connect with people

No. 486738

olders* kek not losers

No. 487084

well, given how losers and goths were synonymous back then…

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No. 482816[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.

Previous Thread: >>>/g/411848
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No. 487011

this is really dumb, but i specifically want to have matching keychains/charms/accessories with a gf. i legit get turned on by the thought of always having an item that reminds me she belongs to me and i belong to her, but in a sweet way not in like a bdsm way

No. 487020

This is so funny because I’m obsessed with this too but I could never imagine getting turned on by it… I kind of understand though.

No. 487673

really like the idea of having a gf (or maybe just even a friend with some unspoken mutual attraction and sexual tension, idk) doing some light cardio or stretching like yoga or pilates at home and im just slowly losing my mind watching, eventually completely unable to resist myself from slowly affectionately touching her just on the arms or legs or waist. but im quickly ramping it up and escalating into full on neck and collarbone and arm kisses bc i just lose my mind. and at first she is like haha oh no i gotta finish my workout routine but she is into it and eventually returns the affection and kissing and also she smells fantastic. its alright!

No. 487787

Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I was working on a friendship bracelet today and I remembered that the woman who taught me to swim had a little tattoo of a woven ankle bracelet and it was so cute. I had such a crush on her growing up. She definitely gave me a thing for slightly trashy older women – the type who was a beach bum/surfer girl in her youth and is still athletic and loves the sun but is late 30s-40s.

I would be her indoorsy, nerdy gf who she would have a soft spot for despite being a total extrovert herself. She would tease me and push me outside of my comfort zone – maybe teach me how to surf, lie out and tan topless together, drink frozen margaritas in bikini tops and swishy sarongs in the evening.

Maybe it's just the seasonal depression and the fact that it's been single-digit temperatures for weeks here, but I want my tropical sun kissed milf so damn bad.

No. 488591

I need to be under a woman’s neck and prod the underside of her chin with my nose and then fall asleep

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No. 78920[Reply]

Post your inspiration

Note: There's already a Thinspo Thread, but it's 2 years old and it turned into "if you don't like Snejana Onopka's BMI 14 body, you must be a fatty!", so i guess it's okay to make a new one.
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No. 484849

Sorry but I thought this was hunter schafner

No. 484880

Isn’t this just Shayna? Like no seriously kek

No. 484930

he could never be as beautiful

No. 486975

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No. 486976

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No. 443146[Reply]

Post men who are shilled as attractive but you think are ugly/overrated.
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No. 482634

i'll never forget how his ugly twin brother was pushed as tumblr's new sexy man after riverdale premiered.

No. 483744

they made fun of him for riverdale. he was pushed as a sexyman when he had an account and interacted with people sarcastically

No. 486712

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He was never that attractive to begin with but as of late he's been looking like bloated skinny elon

No. 486714

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A bunch of dumb bitches really think this creature "aged like wine"?

No. 486751

I thought he was Elon when I scrolled by real quick

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No. 432617[Reply]

Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Is it her awful personality shining through? Is it her weak bone-structure or weird thumb? Is it her PR team brain-washing the whole planet into worshiping her?

Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!

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No. 486067

Something I've realized is that 1) photogenic specific beauty really is a thing and 2) looking good in candid pics is really really hard. There's a reason models get paid for it.
I know absolutely gorgeous women irl who usually look like shit in candid photographs. Meanwhile homely women can look good in candids if they have symmetry and decent bone structure.
The nona who said soft beauty women tend to look better in selfies is right. Soft beauty women often don't look as good in distanced pics. Probably why most models are very manfaced. Strong faces photograph better from a distance.

No. 486599

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Put a cardigan and jeans on her and leave the frumpy hair on, and she becomes a very normal girl next door

No. 486609

I disagree, I think she has an ideal face. (that's a bad photo though)

No. 486702

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No. 486771

ideal? dios mio…

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No. 378181[Reply]

Not everyone can be beautiful, and for some, even "average" is out of reach. If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?

I'm reviving this thread series since the last one has long since closed and I think it's a topic a lot of women could use a place to vent about.

Previous thread: >>>/g/114320
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No. 486621

My parents did, but I don't think they believe it, they were just trying to make me feel better. But other than that yea from other people it was stuff about makeup, hairstyle etc.

No. 486648

I wish I met men who are honest like this. Every guy I talk to anonymously begins with the typical BS 'looks don't really matter' I hate when men are disingenuous like that.

No. 486654

Men rarely say that looks dont matter to them, anon

No. 486982

They do when they think it hurts their chances to get laid

No. 487739

I'm fat and I also kinda look like him, bulbous forehead and everything. I keep seeing males and AGPs that look less like a tranny than I do, honestly, it's been terrible for my self esteem.
But I also cannot be assed to try and lose weight. I was a fat child, I've always been fat, I have very little hair density and a 5 head and a nasty face full of blackheads (Which I've thrown everything at and keep clean, before the usual "wash your face nasty" literally everything I do makes it worse.) I wish ozempic was less regulated in my country.

Somehow I am married to a lovely, normal woman.
That's mostly what's stopping me from thinking of roping. Now that I'm in my mid thirties if I became single suddenly I think I would just kms.

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No. 452130[Reply]

For anything skincare related.

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No. 480833

Personally I don't recommend microdneedling even though you will see it touted ubiquitously as a solution. It's quite a bit of expense for very temporary results.

No. 483783

>bring down benzoyl peroxyde from twice to once a day so i can apply actives against the brown spots
>instantly get new acne thatll give me brown spots for months
this is so tiresome, when will my skin stop acting up ffs. i'm 23

No. 485710

Are there any reliable ways to remove old hypertrophic scarring aside from microneedling and laser treatment?
I heard good things about silicone patches but it's a painfully slow process. I've been using them for 2 months and don't see any progress.

No. 485738

This is so annoying. I’m biracial (half balck half white). I’m quite pale since it’s winter time but I still have pigment in my skin and every pimple leave a scar. Even when I don’t pick on them it does. I have horrible PIH right now because I had a random breakout two weeks ago. I’ve went through this many times before. No skincare products have ever really healed my PIH effectively. They just eventually fade away after some weeks to months. I’ve tried everything from vitamin C, alpha apurtin, niacinamide, AHA, BHA ect. The only thing that I’ve actually gotten effective results from is medical skincare treatment like micro needling and PRP, but it’s pricey.

No. 486559

I would get a weaker prescription.

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