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No. 77442[Reply]

No matter if as a reference for self-improvement, the person you'd like to be friends with or your preferred type, post the most likeable personality traits, physical features, style, etc.
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No. 467556

KEK my first thought

No. 467567

Nah I think anyone who seriously responded to this thread was just a lost newfag.

No. 467595

Gonna sound insane but Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan. I can fix them both…
For dudes, Travis Ryan of Cattle Decapitation. I'd tell that dude my life story in fine detail and all my darkest deepest emotions and ask him to write a song based on it. Unironically would make me the happiest person in the world.

No. 467597

Samefag, Elvira/Cassandra Peterson. If the news she's lesbian is real, I'd love to be her sugar baby. We'd have fun consuming campy media, we'll have insane sex, and I'd let her teach me her burlesque stuff for the fun of it. Maybe Diamanda Galás for cool music and singing lessons if she's ok with sharing her secrets.

No. 467600

>I can fix them both…
Now I have these overhyped middle-aged women but they aren't fun anymore. Ideal!

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No. 348009[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/174637
Talk about sex toys, stimulation, techniques, etc.
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No. 467189

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No. 467544

Same. Maybe I’m just turned on all the time?
The girl looks like she was cut and pasted on. Probably not even a real image.

No. 467545

I thought it was AI at first, but I'm not the best at looking.

No. 467585

That image is from a music video clip

No. 467767

Nona I'm laughing my ass off. Happy for you

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No. 264598[Reply]

A thread to write about the things you're grateful for, no matter how small it is. Don't be shy to post daily!

"One of the early research studies on gratitude journals by Emmons & McCullough found that "counting one's blessings" in a journal led to improved psychological and physical functioning. Participants who recorded weekly journals, each consisting of five things they were grateful for, were more optimistic towards the upcoming week and life as a whole, spent more time exercising, and had fewer symptoms of physical illness. Participants who kept daily gratitude journals reported increased overall gratitude, positive affect, enthusiasm, determination, and alertness. They were also more likely to help others and make progress towards their personal goals, compared to those who did not keep gratitude journals."

We used to have a thread like this, but it died on /ot/ and I think it could find a better home here on /g/.
Please keep cynicism and sardonic comments to a minimum.
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No. 465672

The phone call went ok. good, actually. I'm grateful for that and the effort that my dad put into it. Sorry. Thank you. I can fix it.

No. 466978

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I am very thankful this thread was revived! I need to post here more frequently again.
I am grateful for my loved ones, for always helping me.
I am grateful for having a good life and enough money to pursue my hobbies and be creative
I am grateful that I have clean pads to use when I'm on my period.
I am grateful that most of my problems are very small.
I am grateful for being able to learn new things.
I am grateful for the small animals I see everyday that brightens my day, and I am grateful that they are usually healthy and happy.
I'm grateful that the skies show such beautiful colors from time to time.
I'm grateful for the smell of the trees barks and moss, and for the shade or shelter they provide.
I am grateful for the sound and smell of rain.

No. 467463

Thankful for my functioning legs, eyes, hands, brain.

No. 467473

I'm grateful for my roleplay partners! I found someone who is into all the same story quirks that I am and it's such a highlight to my week when she posts

No. 467546

I'm grateful for my normie friend from uni who somehow finds time for me even though I'm a pathetic masking loser.

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No. 448891[Reply]

Anything you want or desire, the Universe will provide you with it.

Post your desires, affirmations, about your manifestation journey, goals and successes.

Tips for anons:
>Do not write it in the future tense (I will, they will, etc). Do it in the present or even the past tense.
>Avoid negatives (I don't, I can't, I won't, etc)
>Avoid "wish" or "want", think of it as if it's already happening and you don't have to wish or want anymore
>Keep your mind relaxed, focus on the good feelings of the outcome. Desperation attracts more desperation
>Trust the process

Advices and inputs are welcomed!
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No. 467243

I am at a job that I love. I walk the shelter dogs in the morning, and on weekdays, too. I enjoy my husband's cooking.

No. 467415

We met up and talked for hours. You wanted to get to know me better, and I let you. You want to see me again.

No. 467486

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I love doing SATS, and I think it worked once, but even if it doesn't work I just find it very relaxing.

No. 467499

I have so much money. I am free to live however and wherever I want, and make my life exactly how I want. I am so comfortable. Nothing is limiting me. It feels so good to live my dream life. I love being at peace.

No. 468250

Things ended so peacefully, so quietly. I just set down my phone and sighed with relief. I'm so proud of myself and I stand by everything I said. I feel safe, confident, and secure. I know I've got nothing to worry about now. I just move on with my life, happier and freer than ever, focused on manifesting my dreams. I really am so lucky, aren't I? I turn every situation into my favour. And what's good for me is in the highest good for everyone.

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No. 366897[Reply]

A place for Asian women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss Asian culture.
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No. 465865

I'm really curious about other people's experiences with this. Western sizes in general are a huge mix, but I'm usually a small/medium in the US/west. I recently got a dress from Korea that fits me beautifully that was marked as a medium, but I've also had clothes from China that were like xl. So is it similarly varied for Asian countries too?

No. 466009

you have to be such a race traitor and gender traitor to voluntarily be in a video like this. I hope she broke up with him by now

No. 466137

I’m 5’7” and ~114 pounds, it’s definitely taller than the national average but the region where I’m from most women are around 5’6” so it’s not that much of a difference.
When I was like a teen I found Korean and Chinese sizing to be pretty much the same but lately I feel like Korean sizes got bigger? Maybe because of gym culture becoming more popular there

No. 466312

is anyone on the same boat when it comes to feeling like an outcast from all sides as half asian? like too asian for europeans and too european for asians?

No. 467215

Wrong thread

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No. 306574[Reply]

I keep encountering this problem in my dating life, Im becoming hopeless.
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No. 467106

I just wanted a long-haired, skinny, toned, quiet arthoe bf with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. Sadly none of them want a 5'11, thickset athlete with traction alopecia, mud-brown eyes and naturally greasy mud-brown hair. Thankfully I spent enough time chasing heroin chic arthoe boys to figure out they are generally equal parts boring, narcissist and poison, eventually convincing me that not being my type's type was a blessing.

No. 467109

What do you think of Domics?

No. 467110

Is that a joke? I just googled him and he’s ugly as fuck. Why would the face not matter? Kek

No. 467137

Ew, no offense but Filipino men are always so ugly.

No. 467661

most of black men's hate towards women usually goes to black women, people forget they're still capable of misogyny

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No. 393378[Reply]

A thread to discuss your attachment style, attachment issues, venting, how it impacts your life, how you deal with it etc.
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No. 440814

I thought ghosting was when you completely ignored someone and never talked to them again, not just being late to respond.

No. 449047

I love my boyfriend thats why I want to be a better person all in all and I've been considering therapy for a while. Anyway, I'm extremely fearful that he'll leave once I open up more. I did that once to him during our talking stage because I was so afraid that he'll leave me first. So I left and did no contact for 3 months but after that I reached out and apologized for what I did .We've been together for 6 months now and Im happy to have him as my person though. I don't buy all the attachment theory bullshit it feels like psuedo science but out of curiousity i took an online test and said I was a Disorganized FA

No. 452584

I’m fairly normal towards my friends. Sometimes I’ll ghost and not speak to them for a bit because I start eating myself alive but it’s never detrimental. We’re adults, this is what’s normal for us. I think they assume I’m just busy with work. But, my poor fiancé, he won’t get a break. I even get jealous when he’s with his family. They all run a business so…that’s a lot of the time. I don’t spend much time with my friends. I have a best friend i text daily, and the rest are just colleagues or girls from med school. I speak with my fiancé daily, constantly. I start shaking and become immensely stressed without him. I’m currently sitting in our place, unsure of what to do without him. He’s been the only man to ever treat me right, but i don’t want to make him have me as another chore to deal with. He does so much. I pick up the slack at home, of course, because he genuinely just has responsibilities outside of me and i hate it. I loathe everyone he talks to. Why can’t we be a family and constantly be connected? It’s so awful. I feel so awful. I know it’s because I have a fucked up past and don’t want to confront it. I want to say he’s wrong, that maybe he’s even cheating, when he’s not. At all. I have to keep all these nasty things to myself. They’ve slipped out a few times before and he honestly seemed very understanding, but I’m ashamed to be myself. I hate being so attached….

No. 467097

Does anyone else feel very clingy? I was emotionally neglected as a kid and perhaps physically as I was left to sit in my room and play on the computer my entire childhood. I find myself very clingy with my boyfriend and always want to be next to him or constantly call and text him. I want him to talk to me 24/7 and I have no problem doing everything with him all the time. I would drop everything I'm doing just to text him all day constantly. Obviously I won't bother him in the bathroom or something but it feels like a constant deep craving for him. I also get attached quickly in any more-than-friends situation which has gotten me in a lot of trouble.

No. 467098

Doubleposting but I also get incredibly sad when he has to hang up the phone or when he wants to sleep (in person too) and I get disappointed when I see the call is only like 3 hours long. I know I sound insane but I genuinely can't help it.

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No. 180491[Reply]

A thread for anons who sew. Feel free to discuss anything related to sewing, ask for help and advice or show off your projects!
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No. 463775

I'm new to sewing and primarily do it by hand. I really want to make little plushes but I'm kind of retarded when it comes to figuring out patterns and thinking in 2D to 3D shapes. Any tips or easy patterns for beginners?

No. 464698

Say I wanted to start learning to sew or at least give it a try. What are some ways to test the waters without investing a lot in machines and materials up front?

No. 464751

Join a sewing class. I think most teach by working on a project with you.

No. 464908

Seconding this, I tried machine sewing on my own with no experience except some youtube videos and had a terrible time and kept making mistakes I had no idea how to fix or find out what was causing it. Taking lessons eased the learning curve and I learned many simple yet essential knowledge I wouldn't have known on my own, such as always turning the handwheel towards you, how to alter thread tension, when to alter sewing needle settings.etc
Plus you'll save on so much money from wasted materials since most classes provide the fabric/thread for you.

No. 467021

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I think Cholyknight's tutorials might be good for you! Her plush basics book explains thing using easy language and the starting pattern book has some short projects made of simple shapes. My first ever plush was based on one of her patterns >>>/g/387627, and I also made a couple more plushes (>>>/g/387447 and >>>/g/421565) by editing her other patterns.

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No. 378181[Reply]

Not everyone can be beautiful, and for some, even "average" is out of reach. If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?

I'm reviving this thread series since the last one has long since closed and I think it's a topic a lot of women could use a place to vent about.

Previous thread: >>>/g/114320
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No. 466892

Same. My Dad was conventionally handsome when he was young and always had girlfriends. My mother was also very pretty, when I was little I witnessed complete strangers asking her out all the time, even with me in tow and often her friend too.
My parents have a large age gap so I think my Dad's expired sperm must be responsible for my general retardation and unimpressive appearance.

No. 466893

All I know is that someone absolutely hated me when they decided to shove me in such an ugly disgraceful body, I’m so tired of it

No. 466906

I feel you. My older sister is my dad’s clone and everyone is super endeared by everything she does, even during her concerningly sloppy drunk phase. I’m not a jealous person but it stings when my whole life, people are like “oh, that’s your sister?” and look at me like I’ve already disappointed them. We are super close but she never understands what feels like the greatest obstacle of my life, she gets all hurt and sad if I talk down on my looks because I’m identical to our mom.

No. 466976

Both of my parents are ugly to me, but my siblings still managed to look conventionally attractive. It's honestly tragic how much my siblings and other family members mog me in the looks department, i literally look like i have a physical disability compared to them, it makes me so ashamed to take pictures.

No. 467119

i'm fine now actually

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No. 93899[Reply]

Inspired by >>>/g/93056
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No. 466859

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I got the purse as a Christmas gift to myself and I've been very pleasantly surprised that it can hold so much despite being pretty tiny!

No. 466866

Coach bags are suprisingly roomy! I bought myself an older one from eBay and it's great for bars and clubs because you can put a flask, a wallet, a passport (I have no other id kek), cigs/vape, keys and makeup in there
Your phonecase is very cute, where did you get it?

No. 466873

It’s from AliExpress!

No. 466926

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Oh I love doing these

No. 467269

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>hand embroidered custom 1980s MacBeth textbook bag

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