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No. 65399[Reply]

Can we talk about body hair?

Here are some questions to get the thread started

>How often do you remove (shave/wax/epilate) your body hair?

>What's your favorite and least favorite method? Do you have a routine?
>How do you deal with hair on sensitive areas?

Post opinions, problems, horrors stories, anything
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No. 438077

I just trim so it's easier to get at my clit.

No. 438080

My crotch gets extremely itchy and sweaty if I don't regularly trim and shave. Same goes for my underarms. I am an outlier among pretty much everyone I know, though. Most people I've spoken to either trim occasionally or not at all.

No. 438142

Should I epilate my facial hair? It's venus thin. Would that cause any inflammation or discoloration on the area?

No. 438165

Has anyone epilated their vagina or chest hair? I can't shave my vagina for shit, all the hair just doesn't get off idk. And it's hard to explain, but I can't get that area where it transitions from your normal skin color to your vulva skin color. I don't wanna accidently shave the pinkish area, that's hurt like hell. I also have hair between my boobs. Epilating my vag and nipples might hurt too much but should I go through the pain ?

No. 438296

I don't know if this is related but my mother basically forced me to shave my pubic hair twice and I was crying so much throughout. Each time my pubic hair never grew back to full potential. Like it was always less than before even after being fully grown. Yeah that's it. I keep praying my pubic hair thickens again.

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No. 369903[Reply]

A thread for discussing hair care, hair problems, hair styles, and hair product recommendations.

Previous threads:
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No. 438271

>$1 for every review, 5% off for just sending a referral
I don't know about this but I placed a lot of orders from them in the past, the last one was last year, never had a single issue, and I got some products that were really hard to impossible to find anywhere else at the time
To me they're one of the safest retailers out there, you are talking about iherb.com right?

No. 438272

samefagging, checked the shampoo
>This product is no longer available in your region.
this is the one thing I HATE about yesstyle and iherb, the region locked products

No. 438273

yep that's the one. i guess i'll go for it and see what happens, since this shampoo is impossible to find near me

No. 438274

get it nonna, I wanted to try this too at one point and now I'm so salty kek

No. 438279

thanks nona and i hope you find it soon
try looking for it at asian markets or those "Little Tokyo" type areas if you get the chance. it's very good and worth the money. only thing that leaves my ultrafine hair feeling hydrated but not heavy

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No. 180491[Reply]

A thread for anons who sew. Feel free to discuss anything related to sewing, ask for help and advice or show off your projects!
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No. 437671

You’ll probably have to spread out the amount of fabric to be taken in into multiple darts and maybe the side seams.

No. 437746

Are the back pockets patch pockets? If so it might be easier to remove them temporarily and then install them again once your darts are in place. Ideally I'd try to avoid having to topstitch the pocket over any darts but it's probably achievable in lighter weight fabrics. You may also find it helpful to take in the center back seam to remove some of the excess volume as well. Keep the excess fabric as seam allowance as opposed to trimming it off in this case so it's there for any future alterations. Try pinning in a few different areas and see what fits best and remember to reflect any loss in volume in the facings/waistband of the pants as well. Some of the waist volume could also be removed by gathering at the waistband. Also, I really like finishing the tips of my darts by hand (like, the final few stitches) as I find machine backstitching on such a fine point can add a little bit of bulk or potentially get chewed on by the feed dogs on the machine. They look real nice that way. Best of luck to you and grandmother nonnie!

No. 437963

Any advice for noobies that want to make their own jfashion clothing?

No. 438045

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It would be more helpful if you described/posted pictures of what types of things you want to make nona

No. 438938

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Does anybody have any good advice on altering T shirts? I bought a machine in order to turn my band shirt hoard into baby Ts and it is so far failing miserably. I feel like a total failure, possibly because I am heavily autistic and picking up any skill seems insurmountable to me. Thanks in advance!

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No. 409345[Reply]

A thread for anons to discuss makeup and the cosmetics and skin care industry in a critical way. Feel free to critize and vent about societal norms that are expected of women around beauty in general. Important: anon's mileage and the way / situation they may or not use certain products in could vary, try not to infight.
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No. 437512

I get enough water, but I can try the acid. Is lotion that contains SA good enough?
Thank you! I'll try this and hopefully something works.

No. 438028

I have such a hard time completely giving up makeup because I am attracted to women and admittedly deeply enjoy female attention. Women are always so sweet to me when I wear it, calling me pretty or complimenting me. And there are women (seemingly frequently butch/androgynous ones) who are really into women who are dolled up and like that dynamic. I feel like if I don’t go all out on trying to be beautiful to catch women’s eye, then my chances of finding love worsen even more, which are already abysmal chances considering the miniscule dating pool for same-sex female relationships. Sorry for the blog but I feel like this is one of the more unconventional reasons why women might struggle giving up makeup, and didn’t know if anyone might relate or have advice.

No. 438030

sometimes I seriously wonder if the "not wearing makeup is pickme behavior" is a psyop to trick women into wearing makeup. it's almost on the same level as "doing sex work is empowering" though not quite as bad

No. 438039

A bit. There have been some really obnoxious anti-makeup women who used it put themselves as more desirable to men because they weren't catfishing and were "natural". It's only exclusively in that context talking about not wearing makeup is pickme behaviour. I think that stopped because being makeup free really isn't all that novel, now those same women are just your typical crunchy moms smearing themselves in animals fats and drinking raw milk. Any woman who claims that a woman is a pickme for not wearing makeup outside the aforementioned example is coping really hard. A lot of women just cannot fathom going out without any makeup on and don't want to hear any criticism of wearing makeup. They want to be seen as sexually desirable, "hot" and glamourous and really nothing you can tell them will make them give up makeup even if it's largely rooted in their own insecurities, even if you bring up how men have zero pressure to look airbrushed. I remember seeing a screenshot of some tiktok influencers doing a sponsored post for makeup where the tag line was about how real women wear makeup, trying to capitalise on women who don't want to address their over dependence on makeup.

No. 438055

>I remember seeing a screenshot of some tiktok influencers doing a sponsored post for makeup where the tag line was about how real women wear makeup, trying to capitalise on women who don't want to address their over dependence on makeup.
That's hilarious, ngl but I also often play into "I don't need makeup to feel pretty" humble bragging when a woman condescendingly recommends make up to me as some sort of necessarily performance of femininity, tends to get the reaction I want.

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No. 414433[Reply]

Since a lot of posts in the relationship advice thread are concerning their bf's porn habits, I thought I'd make a spinoff of the subreddit LAP: a support thread for nonas who have dealt with or are currently dealing with a bf/husband who is a porn user/addict.

Feel free to vent, ask other nonas for advice or advise others, etc.

Please keep it respectful and avoid raging at others, as it's a sensitive and all too common problem for many modern women.
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No. 438007

Lie detector tests are bullshit, but read carefully: the study did not claim that the lie detector test said that they were lying. It simply guilted them into being honest. In the study I highlighted, the answers given were not given during a lie detector test either. This is just the easiest study I could google, though: other studies and anecdotes didn't involve lie detectors at all. The idea that sexual predators have been abused themselves is sexual predator propaganda because they know that the crime they committed is so unforgivable that the only thing that would buy them sympathy is suffering a crime of equal severity. I'm sorry that you have to learn this about whatever man told you this was true, but you're just wrong about this.

No. 438018

NTA but this is so interesting and I love a nonna who brings studies into the conversation. Props to you.

No. 438020

You must've done poorly on the science and reading comprehension part of your high school exams.

No. 438184

Nice job replying to yourself
This is literally retarded. I have no sympathy for pedos and think they should be culled regardless of what caused it, but the point is many of them are not doing it on a whim. This compulsion comes from somewhere. Most porn addicts or general porn watchers aren’t looking at children. Even a lot of the “teen” stuff is still adult women. I’ve been snooping my whole life and been with a few guys. I saw what they were looking at. None of them were looking at kids. Sorry if your ex was into kids on top of PA but dont act like its a universal experience

No. 438254

>This compulsion comes from somewhere
No it doesn't kek?? Lots of people do bad things and aren't spurred on by some compulsion caused by trauma. But even if it did, would the fact that it 'comes from somewhere' mean that you're going to make up a cause that's been disproved repeatedly and choose to believe it even though you're objectively wrong? Why not actually do some research instead of randomly choosing to believe confirmed to be lying pedos is what I would ask, but if you need to believe this for some reason, then good luck.

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No. 189175[Reply]

What is your experience with body dysmorphia/hating how you look in general? How to cope?
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No. 437533

does anyone get reverse bdd where they feel way hotter than they really are?

No. 437539

not hotter. but sometimes i forget how ugly i am and that people expect me to act in a passive, almost submissive way because of it, which cases a lot of mental incongruity

No. 437745

>BDD has completely ruined my life. i dropped out in 10th grade and did homeschooling because being perceived made me want to kill myself. i don’t go outside, i cut off all my friends years ago, i talk to no one outside my family, i’ve never had a boyfriend or girlfriend because i can't imagine letting someone in with this deformed face and body (and because i believe they do it out of pure pity, like yes! let’s entertain the Make-a-Wish deformed girl).
That sounds like hell anon, you don't have punish yourself for something you don't have control over. I'm sorry you have to feel this way. You said your teeth aren't crooked so maybe what I'm going to suggest is useless, but even if your teeth look good from up front, underbites and overbites affect your face (in case you also have any of those conditions), so braces are sometimes a good option. I've also heard that twisted wisdom teeth can swollen your cheecks as long as they aren't pulled out/straightened, maybe you have there another option to consider. I've noticed that stretching exercises that involve your face and your neck have helped me with my asymmetrical nasolabial folds. Mine were very pronounced through all puberty but now that I've lost some weight and my hormones have calmed down my face looks less puffy and a tiny bit less asymetrical. Also, I've always pushed my upper teeth with my tongue. Now I'm making an effort to relax my tongue and my jaw muscles, that has helped me relax my chronic smirking mouth that always twists to the left. Good posture is another thing that, while it won't help with your issue, it will prevent it from worsening. Styling your hair with bangs only on one side may harmonise more with your features that middle part hair.
Your worth as a woman is not on your face anon. Don't live like a leper when you're young and healthy. When I was younger and had a lot of skin issues I would watch The Elephant Man (1980) whenever I needed to put my own life in perspective. It may sound dramatic as fuck but it helped me a lot. It's a great movie.

No. 437756

I have chubby cheeks and still didn't drop my baby face but I can somehow see that I somehow have a defined structure. I dropped a lot of weight, around 20kgs, and the face fat is still there. I look like a cabbage patch kid when I smile and it makes me super uncomfortable because I want to look more serious, idk if that makes sense. I try to frame my face with hair but no luck. People tell me I look cute and even my nigel likes my cheeks and he says he loved to kiss them because they're soft, I hate them when I look at myself. I'm almost 30…
One eye is also larger than the other, as well one of my breasts and while it's barely noticeable, the asimmetry in my body drives me insane. The only thing I like about myself are my eyes because they're really big in the iris and I look naturally as if I have circle lenses and it works perfectly with my fashion style which is inspired by late 2000s jfashion. I don't want to get surgery and I think buccal fat removal is retarded because I know that in the long run it makes you look older but I wish my face fixed itself, because I don't wanna become an anachan either….

No. 437927

That probably won’t matter to you, but I’m so jealous of your cute cheeks. I have that serious look with less fat in the face. It's my biggest insecurity. I wish we could swap it or just start loving our face. I’m also around 30.

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No. 430575[Reply]

Unsure if you're actually straight? Actually gay? Anything in between? Ask for advice here.

Also welcome are "late bloomers" who realized their true selves long after their teen years who'd like to share their experience and tell others what signs to look out for.

Please be kind to questioning anons, no matter how "obvious" it might seem to you what they are.

Thread #1: >>153246
Thread #2: >>>/g/344673
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No. 437321

The thing I hate about this thread is that anons are so theoretical with people’s sexuality if someone says
>”Yeah I’ve had crushes on boys as a kid but never felt any sexual attraction and am repulsed by the male body but I am turned on by women ”
people will rush to call her a bihet/straight woman, even if realistically, she would NEVER be compatible irl with a man unless he was celibate. People in the thread love to speculate on anon’s sexualities based on like a paragraph of their sexual history, when really they should be giving them advice on what to do to help them figure out their sexuality on their own.

No. 437436


i don't think its helpful to focus on how you were feeling when you were just a child though because how many times have we've heard of kids going "when i grow up i want to marry my mommy/daddy" or something else that's weird? its because when you're super young, you think its love if someone makes you feel happy for whatever reason that may be.

imho REAL love REQUIRES sexual attraction. you can absolutely love and care deeply for someone or a group of people on a platonic level, but that's not the same as actually being in love with someone in all seriousness because that requires sexual attraction.

as an adult, when you're not viewing pornographic material and outside of a sexual content, who is it that turns you on? who is it that makes you feel a real bodily yearning for? therein lies your answer. everything else is just splitting hairs and making yourself go crazy for no reason.

No. 437451

That’s really helpful actually. Tbh I have a habit of always needing to take everyone’s advice into consideration so when I’ve been told I’m different sexualities before I feel like I will always have imposter syndrome. But maybe it’s just easy to overcomplicate it.

No. 437511

TFW you remember this is the type of person going around calling themselves bisexual. Straight women are so mind broken by the male gaze.

No. 437854

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i need advice more for a compulsive behavior rather than strictly a questioning situation, though it does have a relationship with it. anyway, i have this weird need to keep exposing myself to pictures, images, or even videos of naked men or things that focuses on their private areas only, despite causing me to either cringe at best to nearly throwing up and start crying at worst. it's like a part of me still cannot reconcile with the fact that i absolutely hate dick, but then i tell myself, well, what if you come across the perfect one and it will cure you of whatever hangup you have over it? i've never in my entire life seen one that turned me on, but it's like i don't want to accept it and idk why that is. i don't know if this is the right thread for this kind of question so let me know.

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No. 159633[Reply]

For anyone who is anti-porn, a recovering porn addict, or wants to lower their usage.

>Why are you anti-porn?

>When did you decide to quit?
>Did porn make you depressed?
>Are people around you supportive of this choice?
>and whatever else you want to say
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No. 437739

amerimutts, not even once(samefag)

No. 437744

glad that fugly coomer ate the pavement.

pregnancy and motherhood is innately degrading, you're literally agreeing to ruin your body and shoulder a huge responsibility for 18 years on behalf of a scrotes worthless parasitic spermatozoa. i dont see why anyone is surprised that agreeing to carry a dysgenic randos sperm that jacked off into a cup after watching drugged up women being raped on camera is any less degrading than that kek.(samefag)

No. 437752

I totally understand why Korean women are letting their country die out now. Men dont deserve to spread their genes. Pregnancy is the ultimate act of male-driven masochism women can perform.(samefag)

No. 437772

He’s not donating sperm. In the comments he says it’s for him and his gf doing ivf . Let’s hope the ivf fails

No. 437774

I've seen so many moids on twitter coping that these are gracious hunky college-aged sperm donors' search results so it's not that bad. When you and most of us can immediately tell that this is obviously at a fertility clinic and these are all results from men whose wives/girlfriends are undergoing painful, invasive, expensive fertility treatments so they can ultimately sacrifice their body and risk death further down the line.

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No. 91535[Reply]

I can't seem to find the astrology thread, so let's make a new one! I hope everyone is having a lovely Leo season. Post PDFs and book recommendations, your favorite sites, youtubers, and advice etc.
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No. 433091

Question about stelliums: i have an aries stellium w 4 placements, 2 in 9th house and 2 in 10th house is this consideted a stellium if the houses are split? Most of my chart is like this and someone explained its because of my rising being on the 29 degree. How would u interpret this?

No. 434109

Yes, it's considered a stellium. Are you using Placidus? If you switch to WSH all your Aries planets will be in the same house.

No. 437555

Just a random thought and Im not an astrology expert but: houdini being an aries makes so much sense. Like the aries energy is a fireball and its very catch me if you can if u can keep up etc. being the first zodiac sign. The air influence too is so on brand. rip houdini.

No. 437623

Is there a thread for destiny matrix? I just did mine and don’t know what any of it means

No. 437624


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

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No. 416206[Reply]

Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction toward males it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog, they're usually not on the front page but I promise they exist!). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc rage bait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight the trannies win! If you suspect a poster is XY pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (use a VPN, incognito mode, be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?
>what’s your local lesbian scene like?
>cute stories about your gf
>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?
>coming out stories
>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?
>bitch about being lonely
>tips for coping with being lonely
>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?
>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?
>what's your type?
>when did you know you were gay?
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No. 437590

i wish i was beautiful so i can attract a lot of other homo women. i also wish we werent so rare irl its lonely

No. 437596

Can mods just delete the comments of that one sperg instead of occasionally giving bans? She’s really obviously identifiable and replies across all of /g/ in any SSA-related thread, it’s exhausting and ruins pretty much every discussion.

No. 437604

It’s really not. I’m a “late bloomer” and I have only seen this shit on the internet and don’t care. I just fuck women.

No. 437630

yes please

No. 438440

I don’t really touch myself that way. I have to use a really tiny vibe because my clit is medically small.

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