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No. 445681[Reply]

Support for nonas going through breakups/divorce and moving on.

Previous Thread >>121656
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No. 494757

not at all, in fact i say it now its biochemistrycally impossible im with my boyfriend for 2 years now and i dont see him the same as the first time i met him. His text messages dont give me any excitement anymore but i know for a fact that he is still the same person i met since day 1 and i also know why im still with him because i love him. Assosiating the honeymoon feeling as love is not a good idea at all since when that feeling fades away thats when people say they lost their feeling of love towards their partner and trust gets broken and doubt settles in, instead of focusing why you wanted to break up with him instead focus on how to build a bond with him long term. Do not dwell on the negatives such as does he make me feel good instead work on things like how can we overcome this obstacle since we are a team

No. 494792

You're going on a tangent about losing attraction after the honey moon phase but nowhere in anon's post did she say it was anything like that

No. 494799

its because people expect the entire relationship to be in a honeymoon phase which is not true

No. 494868

but wouldn't it be better if the honeymoon phase could last permanently?

No. 494899

I know but it is not like that in real life in terms of biochemistry is impossible

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No. 434936[Reply]

Previous thread:
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No. 494767

I'm a virgin

No. 494769

are you guys serious about smelling like fish not being normal?? I've never had sexual relations now im worried

No. 494772

You van have bv without having had sex, go to a dr

No. 495050

fml man, why do they grow like that

No. 496319

I have one super short labia minora and one super long one. It's so long I can feel it touching my underwear all day sometimes. Nothing else on my body is that out of proportion. I know I need to get over it but I'm self conscious about it

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No. 377685[Reply]

This is a support thread for women who have been abused by an intimate partner, whether physically, verbally, emotionally, sexually, or in some other form. Discussion of experiences with either male or female abusers are welcome, but please keep the focus of this thread on the unique circumstances involving partners (e.g., boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse) rather than other types of relationships.

Topics of discussion may include things such as:
>lasting damages stemming from manipulative or violent behavior and how to heal
>advice for leaving an ongoing relationship
>tips for protecting your physical, legal, or financial safety after leaving
>venting about past experiences
>recovery milestones, positive growth/changes made after abuses
>unlearning warped beliefs instilled by a past partner
>building new, healthy relationships with genuine love and respect

Please avoid infighting by comparing whose experiences were worse or blaming victims by implying that they "had it coming," "asked for it," or "deserved" the mistreatment. The feelings felt by victims are complex and women frequently experience genuine feelings of affection or attachment to their abusers, or face risks and consequences if they consider leaving; while it is desirable that all women who are in an unhealthy relationship may escape, please try to be sympathetic that sometimes a woman may hold onto lingering sentiments, wind up going back, or not feel ready/safe enough to immediately leave her situation just yet, and that these are all common and normal for these situations.
Many women find it stressful (and reminiscent of the abuser) when they are told what exactly they ought to do or feel in response to abusiveness, and it is often more helpful to encourage her to build her confidence and self-worth rather than push decisions onto her. The average woman attempts to leave 7 times before escaping for good.

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No. 455229

I've been in therapy for over a year trying to heal from a narcissistic relationship that ended almost four years ago. I know I'm getting better, but I'm just so sad it happened in the first place and that it destroyed me for so long. I think I'm finally starting to feel like myself again, and it's very unusual. I've literally never had this thought or desire at any point before, but the other week, I found myself wanting to contact my ex. I won't, but I almost miss him. These past three years I had never felt anything positive towards him after leaving him, and all of sudden I'm getting emotional about the good times. Why now? Maybe I just finally feel safe enough to explore that aspect of the relationship.

Also, I don't know if this anon >>407979 will see this but if you do I am still thinking of you fondly and hoping that you are doing okay. I hope you've found some peace in the present.

No. 455659

I know everyone's story is different but I learned something about certain abusers from my marriage (which just ended officially on paper THIS WEEK). He never took pleasure in the abuse. He didn't see himself as a controller or an authority. He always did it because he saw it as self defense when he was victimized. I feel like I got an idea from movies that a man would hit you for fun, or because he's some kind of sadist who accepts and enjoys being a bad person. So it threw me for a loop because he always made me feel like I was victimizing him in some way.
I "hurt him" when:
>I didn't send pictures to prove that I was out with friends instead of cheating
>I asked him to wash; he had "childhood neglect trauma" that I activated because his hippie mother never taught him to bathe or brush his teeth
>I stayed late at work, because it triggered his abandonment issues
>I listened to other musician friends' music, because I should have known he's self-conscious about his music and needs extra validation
>I spoke to someone too long at a party, which triggered his social anxiety
>I wouldn't let him have sex with me, because again, triggered his anxiety
>and more
It was because I was a horrible partner who failed to placate his many sensitivities. So I deserved to get stonewalled for days, have things thrown at me, get locked out of the house, and driven miles away to be kicked out of the car and abandoned on the side of the road. It really is still amazing that some people abuse because they think they are victims standing up for themselves.

No. 456228

Sounds like male bippie behavior with the way every ounce of abuse you receive from them is justified in their eyes because they tell themselves it's your fault and insist that they are the eternal victims, with the constant need for validation over the littlest things, and needing your life to revolve around them 24/7 or they'll feel "abandoned".

No. 456536


This is exactly how my abuser operated too.

My crying was just attempts to guilt trip him. My wanting to spend time with him was just attempts to isolate him. My wondering where the man I first met just attempts to idealize him. My confrontations on his inconsistent behaviors and words were just attempts to gaslight him. So on and so forth. In the end, everything had to go his way, on his terms, with no responsibilities or considerations towards me, else I was controlling him and he was not living as his authentic self.

I realized later that he was constantly triangulating and cheating on me (at least emotionally). He's 30, has dozens of exes with only a few months each, yet somehow all of the breakups are never his fault. A preference for GNC & tifs, which we all know are an at risk population for abuse. Claims to be asexual, but I'll bet he just objectifies/degrades women and has a porn addiction.

Honestly, so glad he discarded me. Huge, huge, huge bullet dodged. He has major signs of ASPD/NPD. I failed to see just how much danger I was in until the trauma bond withdrawals calmed down. I've had so much support from friends, coworkers and my therapist in processing and preventing any real hoovering.

Honestly, walking away from him post-discard has taught me that I can walk away from anyone. And the relief from no longer being manipulated 24/7 has made being alone so peaceful. I used to be scared of being alone, but now I understand my true fear is being objectified, degraded, manipulated. I couldn't see him for what he was in the middle of it all.

Always trust your body. It understood long before I did consciously that this man was not safe.

No. 494662

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Dealing with reactive abuse. My partner of 4 years will bait and provoke me in arguments to suck me in. Follow me around the house, even outside as I’m trying to get some space so things don’t escalate. I can’t win nonnies, I just want out of this. I feel so ashamed because I’ve posted on this thread a year plus ago and I’m still in this same situation. I have stopped getting angry and giving the other party the satisfaction in arguments however. I still feel so defeated.

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No. 443146[Reply]

Post men who are shilled as attractive but you think are ugly/overrated.
prev thread
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No. 493303

And lmao the ‘adorable baby’ men are the fucking worst, speaking from personal experience

No. 493320

All actors are cheaters though, so that could be said for basically every guy posted on /g/ kek. They're probably only into his looks

No. 493328

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South italians, Maltese and Greeks have Legitimately have pre-neolithic West Asian genes but equating Anatolian farmers with modern West Asians is nonsense. It means that even Nordic people are part "middle eastern" according to this logic. Balts, who have the least Anatolian genes, are 1/3 Barcin.(derailing)

No. 493383

disgusting ape

No. 494506

Spoiler this, like no srsly

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No. 371060[Reply]

Talk about all things perfume, share your favorite scents, and get recommendations.

Previous thread
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No. 465736

Istg fragrantica reviews are always so off kek. People will write the most flowery praises saying how a perfume smells like vanilla mixed with gods gifts and it reminds them of the comfort of their mother's love or some shit, and then I get a sample and it smells like coriander and urine.

No. 473003

This. Especially when the Tiktokers invade with their gourmand slop. No, the $200 perfume that smells like a cheap candle is not an absolute necessity to own. And that Burberry one smells like synthetic lavender room spray.
I am begging them to recommend something before 2000 like Moschino, that one is so good.

No. 494283

Am I just retarded or have a broken nose? I always listen to reviews for scents and like 70% of the time the scents smell nothing like described. I've bought a small perfume of the Cherosa 62 and while I enjoy the smell and find it relaxing, I smell no pistachio, almond, or caramel at all? Am I missing something about descriptions? Is it like wine or coffee descriptions? The 71 body spray smells exactly how described and yummy. Idk I have had this experience with other perfumes too. I sometimes feel like people are just copying what they've heard not what they actually smell.

No. 494285

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Meant to include pic sorry

No. 495574

People definitely copy what they've heard and read, if not just read a script they were given. You're also not retarded nor is your nose broken; what you know to be a certain scent, like caramel, won't line up with all the different compounds used for that scent in different fragrances. There's quite a gap between smelling a natural rose grown in your yard vs a natural and synthetic mix compound a company uses. It's like candy actually! Cherry gummies don't taste anything like real cherries yet the association is there.

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No. 366897[Reply]

A place for Asian women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss Asian culture.
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No. 494176

Don't pretend that Mainlanders aren't reviled in every place they swarm to as tourists (even in Hong Kong they are referred to as locusts and looked down upon).

No. 494177

>it confuses me when i see people from SEA make an exception for Japan and hold them in such high regard.

Thank anime for that.

No. 494179

>~Asians are being stupid, they're all the same race!~

Tbh as a SEA person I'd never understand why people lump in SEA and EA together subconciously

No. 495660

If only they could hear a real Asian accent. Especially a SEA one like Vietnamese where the speaker cuts out 70% of consonants at the ends of words and nobody can understand what they're saying

No. 496117

My most favorite SEA accent is probably Singlish since I grow up hearing it often

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No. 466899[Reply]

Lolita general: >>>/g/208345
Drama thread: >>>/w/338177(shit OP and OP is spamming thread)
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No. 493958

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No. 494113

The Spirit Halloween accessories and ultra-crimped stiff cosplay wig are really the cherries on top of this one.

No. 494153

This fucks and you're blind. God forbid a bitch get whimsical for the holidays.

No. 495125

tbh i like the OTT arrangement aspect of it, too, but the editing makes me question whether it actually looked this good irl.
her skin is the same color as her wig in the 2nd photo ffs
i do think this qualifies as 'nitpick tier' overall though, it doesn't hurt my eyes aside from the deliberate oversaturation.

No. 495126

this reeks of cosplayer who has learned about the concept of lolita from small town anime conventions
are we sure this isn't from an idol anime or game or something? someone really made the attempt to style that wig in a specific way and the dress construction/skirt length is kind of giving cosplay as well.

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No. 463347[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>297242

>Don't forget to stay anonymous. Don't give key details about you like your real name or address. Have basic cyber security common sense.
>Don't organize any type of discord/telegram/etc group in this thread or anywhere else on lolcow. Organize it elsewhere.
>Don't get discouraged if you get ghosted or don't immediately click with someone, shit happens. Keep trying.
>This website is 18+ only, don't post here if you are a minor.

Guidelines to consider:
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
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No. 493724

How old is your post?

No. 493731

From 2019/2020

No. 493734

It must be unrelated. Discord usernames from back then don't work anymore.

No. 493747

Oof, yeah that is creepy. Never posted my name anywhere but here and have not joined many servers to track those randos that added me.

No. 494067

Have you tried asking them where they came from?

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No. 490961[Reply]

Tsundere Edition

Previous threads:
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No. 493717

You get it

No. 493720

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Perfect neck

No. 493721

Vote for chained up Luigi thread pic

No. 493722

Ahh cute imagine licking him like that and he smiles and squirms because it’s tickly and warm

No. 493725

Hi I usually make op but I'm busy today! I'll leave you to it

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No. 289276[Reply]

previous thread >>>/g/193846

the anticipated second containment thread for the irl husbandofags is here! sperg freely about your trash men here and don't forget to have fun
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No. 479127

he fits the female gaze a lot

No. 479152

He looks exactly like a really pretty TiF i follow except he's actually a man… Rarest type of male beauty

No. 479461

I hate his personality but honestly still would. Only thing is his arms are so grotesquely hairy.

No. 479470

post TIFs in the attractive women thread?

No. 493467

Francis-nonna…I loved him in the earlier seasons

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