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No. 418638

Previous Threads: >>>/g/409041

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.

No. 418652

thank you for using darkskin models as op image

No. 418659

nona thinks she's carti

No. 418699

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carti fans are never good people

No. 418714

As much as I like Kamala as an individual, I don’t think she should be president. I’m very afraid of the potential anti-black resentment that may follow and if she does a bad job, then it will cast a dark legacy on (actually unambiguous) black women.

No. 418716

is she even black though

No. 418724

Here we fucking go. Go back to LSA if you want to start a diaspora war

No. 418732

I mean what other choice is there? Realistically.

No. 418733

I wish there was media that showcased all the cool hairstyles that black girls wear. Idk it just feels like an untapped aesthetic

No. 418734

Lmao anon people are going to be racist regardless of her being president or not. Did you feel this way too when Obama was president? and even if she does a shit job, black people are allowed to make mistakes. Who cares if racists cry about it.

No. 418736

Just asking
Why is this general so faggoty all the time ???

No. 418752

>here we fucking go
factually she isn’t black she’s half indian and black so you look weird and overdramatic.

No. 418753

because we actually care about real black women, not biracials who keep getting lumped in with us

No. 418757

>she isn't black
>she's half indian and black
Lolcow users are retarded kekkkk

No. 418760

half black women are still black

No. 418761

It's fine to be annoyed with how biracials take up all of our representation but they're still black at the end of the day.U look insane denying that

No. 418765

I do see what you mean. The one drop rule is a backward legacy of slavery. Biracial people are literally as non-black as they are black, and it's both wrong and racist to just push them as black. Tbh it's funny how literally no other race is expected to view biracial people only as part of their race, but the moment anyone has a bit of black blood, that's it, they're black. I disagree with it. That said, black and half-black women often do share certain things in common, can be family members and go through similar struggles, so I don't think we should fight or exile each other. Kamala Harris is a biracial woman, and that's fine.
I can understand why a black woman would be worried that supporters of the one drop rule would blame us if she messes up, but I still think she'd be a net positive for the USA at this time, especially compared to Trump and Biden.

No. 418768

you're acting like a massive faggot because you care about 100% black people and someone asked whether a 50% black (at best) person was really black? what the fuck are you even talking about dumb fuck?(infighting)

No. 418771

>Tbh it's funny how literally no other race is expected to view biracial people only as part of their race
this isn't true at all, stop making up things and then trying to die on a hill for them

No. 418773

Anyone who goes outside, actually listens to mixed race people on their own life experiences or pays attention to how they're talked about in different communities knows that isn't made up at all kekkk

No. 418794

you're right about it casting a dark legacy. BW are still paying for MO because after she became first lady, that's when the "BW are unwanted" studies and articles conveniently started being churned out to put us in our place. The OKC study was in 2014, a few years after MO became first lady. And it still hasn't stopped. It snowballed with the flames being fanned by Meghan Markle and genuine colorism discourse being used to mock BW's insecurities online. "One does not hate when they can despise" vibes. I'm not sure if KH's situation will be worse for most BW because she's going for president or not as bad because she's only half black.

No. 418796

they. are. not. black. they are mixed, is that impossible for you to understand? you are not fully black, you don’t have two fully black parents, you aren’t black. you are plainly mixed race, just stop taking up space where you don’t fucking belong it’s so irritating.

No. 418797

50% does not mean they are black. please stop falling for the psyop because it does not make it objectively/biologically true. this is the same kind of denial that trannies have about their own biology

No. 418798

Do you know how to read words and string them together in your mind to construct sentences and understand their meaning? Genuine question because you seem fucking retarded, and completely missed very simple points of the posts you were replying to.(infighting)

No. 418799

>it’s racist to deny that they are black
they are both black and white. this is the type of shit that makes you want to pull your hair out because how are you going to fucking sit here and let yourself get replaced by people who are NOT EVEN BLACK??? they aren’t black and will never be black, kamala isn’t black, obama wasn’t black but they sure as hell will go and exploit the racial ignorance of americans who love roping up black-and-white biracials with black people, we are simply not the same and i’m having a bad feeling most of this thread is full of these insufferable fucking biracials always taking up space and gaslighting you for wanting a purely black female space. get the fuck out you already have a thread, jesus fucking christ exactly like trannies always thinking you’re entitled to black women’s spaces when you’re not and you will never be us kek

No. 418800

Do you know that you aren’t a black woman? That’s the most important part, you aren’t and will never be fully black.

No. 418801

>they are both black and white.
You literally said it yourself anon. How does being 50% of something make you 0% of it? That's like saying being African-American means you're not American.

No. 418802

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eye cleanser from this invaded thread because kamala ain’t black and neither are biracial women.
>this is clearly the same as being biracial

No. 418803

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>what a beautiful unambiguous black woman
my. fucking. sides

No. 418804

Being both black and white makes you mixed race, doesn’t make you exclusively one or the other. You are mixed. You are not a white woman. You are not a black woman. Many biracials acknowledge they aren’t either and that’s what causes their identity issues and somehow try to blame black women for trying to tell them reality and trying to deny their “blackness” when they never pull that kind of bullshit in white spaces because their mentality and upbringing is always completely different from actual black women. They can claim to be black all they want (just as how a tranny tries to arrogantly claim they are a real woman) doesn’t make it true. I hate their arrogance, entitlement and deliberate dishonesty. Gtfo there’s already a thread created for your kind and you want to come and annoyingly shit it up, black women can’t have shit

No. 418805

The comparison you make of mixed race women to trannies really shows just how much black women and mixed race women have in common after all. Hilarious tbh.

No. 418807

don’t care i love my madam president

grow up

No. 418809

i think it doesn’t actually matter what she truly is, but rather what she is generally perceived as, a black woman, and that is what that anon is going off of

No. 418810

this is not a black girl

No. 418811

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Do you smoke crack? Why are you sperging so hard about biracials you need to relax. You're way too mad, samefagging over and over again is not going to prove your point. Kamala is black no matter how mad you get lmfaooo
I wouldn't bother with this one nona there's something mentally wrong with that anon. they don't have basic reading comprehension and lash out at everybody all the time. Just ignore her, her daily meltdown will pass eventually.

No. 418812

Kamala isn’t black no matter how much you try to state she is kekk, are you going to continue to repeat that mantra like it’s going to make it come true? And then you take this annoying politisperg shit into this thread where nobody can escape it.

No. 418813

??? You definitely didn't read my post because I didn't say a single thing you're claiming or accusing me of. Try again.

No. 418814

Black women and mixed race women have nothing in common, zero, zilch. They have a non-black parent and completely different background.

No. 418816

Nah. if growing up means denying facts and logic, no.

No. 418817

>Kamala is black no matter how mad you get lmfaooo
genuinely by what metric, like why do you insist this

No. 418818

Some black women do look mixed, like rihanna and beyonce. So some have looks in common.

No. 418819

NTA but come on. I think she's the best candidate too, but she isn't black, and saying that shouldn't be a problem to you.

No. 418820

At this point, anyone who doesn't have banning birth control on the agenda is fine.

No. 418821

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Nope black women look like black women and mixed race women look mixed race. Imagine being such a rarity that people are actively trying to replace you and outbreed your entire existence and then claim the offsprings from that outbreeding are the same quality as the original. This is convincing me there really is an agenda to slowly replace black women out of the community

No. 418822

>by what metric
Biology and reality retard. She is objectively not a black woman, go look up her parents her mother is Indian and her father is a jumbled diverse mess. I would take a guess and say Kamala has about 35% at most black ancestry and most of it connects to her ancestors being plantation owners. I’m tired of the nonblack retards coming into this thread thinking we are automatically going to vote and support Kamala, black women actively have to go and support every fucking thing or were crazy for pushing back and saying “no”. You aren’t a black woman, get out of the thread. Not only have they’ve put crack in your communities and got you retards shilling whatever puppet they try to pander to you but you seriously think that’s what a real black woman looks like and it’s disturbing.(ban evading sperg)

No. 418825

i’m too lazy to attach a picture of ben shapiro but that’s who you sound like

No. 418826

Apparently I'm politisperging when the other initially asked if kamala was black spurning this entire discussion and another one is samefagging like they're being held at gun point. L o l

No. 418827

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I told you idiots not to start with the diaspora wars and here we are. It smells like chronically unemployed in here.

No. 418828

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i was trying to respectfully ask what made kamala black because i assumed you were speaking from how she is perceived in the us and you respond with hostility? we’re getting called retards because you can’t accept her mixed heritage? do you think she’s black too

No. 418829

i’m posting from work

No. 418830

the way this does not help your case

No. 418831

Tbf Rihanna and Beyonce are from Barbados and the Bahamas respectively which are like ethnic melting pots of Europeans and Afro-Caribbeans.

No. 418832

at least trump isn’t trying to claim he’s a different race. why do you think so many black americans are planning to vote for him kek, they can’t stand that reality-denying crap anymore(ban evading sperg)

No. 418833

>it was a trump bot all along
Nvm, we can't have a nuanced conversation on this mixed/black topic. There are too many trolls.

No. 418834

Kek. There it is. Let me guess, you also hate abortion and racemixing and want to vote Trump to own the libs?

This website is being astroturfed I'm convinced of it.

No. 418837

What are you guys' go to hairstyles with your natural hair? It's only after I shaved off all my hair that I've started considering/missing the versatility of the styles you can do with an afro.

No. 418839

We have many things in common actually. We share the same history in this country. We always have been black women. The 1 drop rule was about white people who are 1/8 black being denied of ressources. It was outrageous and it no longer exists. Us biracial black women have never been able to not be black because we actually look & experience life as black.

No. 418841

passion twists!! gets me an insane amount of compliments and also just suits my face, but i’m thinking of trying that straight natural life

No. 418845

This conversation is getting tired move on already

No. 418846

twisted bangs and a ponytail. takes like 10 minutes

No. 418853

Is anybody following the Tyler Perry drama??

No. 418856

It’s untapped because it’s socially unacceptable to replicate if you are not black, which limits your influence

No. 418865

what in my original post was even conservative?

No. 418866

Are you American? Beyonce isn't from Bahamas.

No. 418867

I meant to say that she has Bahamian ancestry, her father is from the Bahamas.

No. 418869

He’s not, his family is from alabama

No. 418870

I think that anon is conflating her being creole

No. 418872

NTAYRT but she's saying you sound like his "facts don't care about your feelings" thing

No. 418874

do you not get tired of ban evading? jobless behavior

No. 418875

serious Aryans only vibe in this general right now

No. 418877

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Yeah, it’s beyonce’s mom whose louisiana creole
Slightly related; people go on and on about mixed beyonce is but never do that to her full-blooded sister, shit’s mad annoying

No. 418878

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I agree it's dumb but it's at least partially because Solange tries less hard to hide her blackness, she often wears her natural hair, didn't get a shitty whitewashed nosejob etc.

No. 418886

But they didn't address my original point, which means they're a troll or slow.

No. 418891

often wish i was creole or at least more in touch with black culture. wakanda should’ve been real
>durrrr wakanda is cringe
bitch, i don’t care

No. 418898

beyonce did was she needed to do to have a "palatable" look. The last popstar we had that was darker and closer to average african american in looks was whitney Houston, decades ago.

No. 418903

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Somehow I doubt Beyonce is trying to hide her blackness when she constantly talks about being black, has an entire afrobeats album, makes a lot of cultural references (picrel), and is visibly black kek

No. 418905

are you from Twitter? that was an obvious gimmick

No. 418909

Can you not follow the convo? Gimmick or not, it's pretty hard to say someone is hiding their blackness when they go out of their way to put it in everyone's face, on top of the fact that she looks black.

No. 418918

I hate this retarded discussion and the "hurr durr you're acting too white you're acting too black" shit so much, you're still black even if you straighten your hair. All of you need to get the fuck out of America, that place is just hell for the psyche.

No. 418952

This picture is problematic because Beyoncé is using dark skin women as a backdrop.

No. 418968

reminds me of when her mom encouraged the other DC members to tan to make Beyonce look lighter

No. 418977

There would probably still be complaints even if her dancers were all light.

No. 418988

So let me get this straight, someone with a fully non-black parent is black and thats enough for people to agrue about it, but Beyonce with a mixed with Black mother and a fully black father isn't black enough?
Why don't people call Zendaya white? She has a white mom, she's just as black as she is white. How come black people are just expected to accept anyone with some black in them as black, but other groups aren't and CLEARLY don't feel that way.
Nobody calls Obama daughters anything but black, but suddenly Beyonce isn't black enough because a nose job (Very common in the industry) and blonde weave (Which Mary J blige also wears). Also nobody calls Blue biracial, or Solonge.

No. 419002

how dare beyonce hire dark skin black women to dance with her on one of the biggest stages in the world! They are just a backdrop and pawns!

No. 419004

because of phenotype

No. 419020

can’t you gorls talk about fun shit omg

No. 419021

Okay what are your favorite styles with braids?

No. 419022

i don’t really wear braids. what deep conditioners do you all use?

No. 419023

Shamefully I use the cheap shit from Suave lol, I tried Carol's daughter but I didn't like it that much

No. 419028

ooh same i hate carol’s daughter. i guess it works if you don’t have 4c/low porosity hair though…never tried suave

No. 419030

>inb4 that one anon says you're not black for using suave

No. 419031

i only use 3 things on my hair: oil mixture spray, shea jamaican castor oil shampoo, and water.

No. 419034

The only time I saw someone get called non-black while using "suave", it was a weird ballwashing post worshiping black men, saying everyone loves them while everyone hates black women, and it was like 3 posts after the same poster was seething about a black woman and white man dating on a show and that "she" only likes it when black men date white women in media because it's "subversive" lol

No. 419037

I use the shea moisture one but I haven't deep conditioned in a while. I probably should

No. 419044

Nobody saying mielle is criminal, I like tracee ross' line too. Haven't tried secred or that lady from Barbados' line and not going to I'm really over celeb beauty lines

No. 419061

transcendent track btw

No. 419062

i use her heat protectant and though i didn't care for the rosemary leave in conditioner, i'm probably going to try out the oil as it's rated pretty highly on iherb

No. 419082

thought this was lil wayne at first oops

No. 419094

Bitch the way I thought lil Wayne came out with a mixtape too lmao

No. 419109

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I mostly come here to vent. If I do talk about fun stuff, it’s on other parts of this site or elsewhere online

If you want, how many/what kind of pets do you have?

No. 419112

Get that ghetto shit outta here

No. 419114

does he get an n-word pass

No. 419116

Idk about you all, but i like using whatever looks fun from marshalls.

No. 419117

Is it true that the CIA shifted hip-hop away from constructive stuff like A Tribe Called Quest to "gangsta" crap like NWA and 50 Cent? Where can I read more about this?

No. 419165

I see OP image, I get jealous.
I scroll youtube, I get jealous (vid related).
I hate being ugly so much

No. 419176

iktf nona
kinda sucks that as black women we're always expected to be groomed glamorous baddies
i want more representation of shy awkward nerdy black girls who don't know how to do makeup

No. 419199

>shy awkward nerdy black girls who don't know how to do makeup
Reporting for duty! I'm not ugly though. Self acceptance is important and you can also do things like skin care and taking care of your health/physical body which all contributes to looking and feeling good. I express myself through my clothing/accessories

No. 419204

learn how to improve your appearance through makeup and clothes

No. 419207

unserious rant: wtf is wrong with grapefruit? Some comedian said they're only good for describing the size of tumors and I agree cause who unironically eats that bullshit and enjoys it? Grapefruit is like if someone gave an orange several genetic birth defects and had the plant mom absorb meth smoke at the same time. grapefruits are like oranges with Y chromosomes. Seriously, just grow, stock, and eat fucking oranges or literally any other citrus fruit. pisses me off.

No. 419208

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> Grapefruits are like oranges with Y chromosomes

No. 419221

imo you should use them as inspiration to look better

No. 419241

I like grapefruit more than oranges…

No. 419243

What does that have to do with this thread

No. 419244

id take random talk about grapefruit over the incessant fighting we have here any day

No. 419246

right. Every post being about blackness is unrealistic.

No. 419249

>Every post being about blackness is unrealistic.
What? Its literally the black girl thread to talk about stuff related to black people/being a black woman. Do newfags not know how threads work

No. 419266

i wanna be a furry part-time so bad, but i'm scared i'll meet raceplay weirdos who wanna humiliate me bc i'm black. my fursona (cat) is put on a pedestal and fits me very well, but I'm still a bit worried.

No. 419300

I'm at a salon and getting my hair colored and the woman running it told me she couldn't silk press my hair because it was too "kinky" and suggested a relaxer instead. Maam youre a professional who runs a black hair salon. It's probably not even that hard to straighten it. Im so tired of this shit and being unable to deal with my hair I just want it all off so I can stop getting comments on it

No. 419304

Once I was old enough to do my hair myself I learned that I didn't even need a relaxer to straighten it and my hair is pretty kinky so idk what bullshit that so called stylist is on. Also why are relaxers even still being pushed in the current year when they can literally disintegrate your strands

No. 419331

She is def on some bull… while I was getting it colored she was simultaneously straightening another woman’s hair fml. Anyway do you have any methods you suggest?

No. 419334

low self-esteem bw on LSA make me sad. They brag about random men hitting on them, when WW who get hit on by strangers do not take it as a compliment and just get annoyed. I even saw one on LSA take being hit on by an UberEats driver as a good thing. a WW would report him sooo fast. I think it's unfortunately due to some of them being used to BM violating their personal space or being male-identified and grateful for any male attention.

No. 419351

This is going to seem useless advice but you can do a silk press at home. It’s not even worth it many black salons and hair stylists lack compassion and have terrible customer service. There’s tons of decent videos on YouTube on what kind of products and equipment you need to do it I’m pretty sure it’s just blow dryer first and then some sort of hot flattening iron and/or brush

No. 419372

i really want to but i already cant even blow out my hair LMAO

No. 419391

Me and my friends love these so yes. I am the definitive opinion on this btw

No. 419393

Anyone single because they’re worried about approaching relationships from a point of trauma and/or self hate? I have rarely met men of my ethnicity who I find attractive though I am attracted to white men most of the time. Anyone here have experience unpacking this?

No. 419412

Lib concepts like 'white privilege' make it sound like white people live on tutorial mode and have perfect lives. Once you actually date white men you'll find out most of them are fucked up and flawed with a ton of mental issues and emotional baggage. Many woc think fucking a white man is gonna make them white by proxy and because they think white = perfect life, its appealing to them. But the simple fact is his whiteness will never protect you from racism. It only protects him, not you. You may step into his white world and try to live that white lifestyle, but at the end of the day youll still always be the ethnic woman trying to fit into a white world.

No. 419425

>at the end of the day youll still always be the ethnic woman trying to fit into a white world.
NTA but as long as you live in a western country and have two X chromosomes, that's your fate regardless lmao. Just date whoever you connect with.

No. 419435

I wish there were more gay black women

No. 419445

I'd be more pro WMBF if the white moids in question were a) better looking and b) had more respect for their black female partner. I also dont like the fact that many white moids think they can degrade their non-white wives. Theres a few white moids with Asian and Latina wives at my workplace and I often hear them making degrading and racist jokes about them. If you can find a white man who is good looking and treats you like a queen then good.

No. 419451

No. I am the same and I think literally just date whoever you want, just have standards and self esteem like every (black) woman should. Do you actually even feel any self hate or trauma, or is it people getting into your head and telling you you're a self hating bedwench if you don't date black men?

No. 419455

>I often hear them making degrading and racist jokes
For the love of god I can't understand why any woman would marry such a moid.

No. 419461

>green card

No. 419473

Well since you have colored hair what I do may not work for you at all so take what I say with a grain of salt. All I do is wash, condition, rinse, put in a leave in conditioner, put in heat protectant, blow dry it w/ comb attachment(make sure it's fully dry), straighten (one small section at a time, slowish passes, w/chase method) and that's it. I've been experimenting with different heat settings for the straighter lately and used 350 degrees fahrenheit for my recent hair day, got pretty nice results. Again, I've never had my hair colored so I'm not sure how what I'm saying would affect your hair. You're gonna have to figure out what kind of products, tools, and heat settings work for you though. For the dryer I really love the Silverbird by Conair because the comb attachment that comes with it is flexible and soft so it doesn't snag and pull on the hair like hard plastic ones do. I also highly recommend using a flatiron that offers a nice range of heat settings to choose from so you can find a setting that works best for you

No. 419475

It's going to be a struggle at first if you've never done your own hair before. I literally had a melty in the middle of doing my hair once and drove to the salon to cut like 2 inches off cause I didn't know what I was doing kek. Small sections, comb/brush from ends to root, same with blow dryer. For the flatiron practice your passes while it's off before you go into actually straighten it, start off using low heat and increase the degree each session you do till your hair turns out the way you want, the hotter your flatiron is the straighter your hair will come out. DO NOT add more product to your hair while straightening it with a flatiron, all the products that you wanna use should be used during blowdrying. Like that other nonna said there are a variety of youtube videos that can help you out too

No. 419502

tysm, i guess i shouldnt stress tooooo much because i’m gonna be using extensions anyways. also what do you guys think of clip on extensions? i’ve heard that they cause breakage for some, and some had no problems. ideally i’d get a sew in but i don’t want to keep my hair in cornrows, i massage it daily it’s a must for me lmao

No. 419649

fav black models??? mine is naomi campbell ill love her till i die

No. 419653

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She was a true 10/10, I’d kill to look like her younger self
I am aware of what a spoiled vile pro-trafficking she is

No. 419665

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duckie thot is a barbie

No. 419670

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Damaris Goddrie.

No. 419677

Never heard of this model, she seems mixed but god she’s an angel…

No. 419684

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Jessica White is very pretty, I like to use her as drawing reference

No. 419692

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Tami Williams
Agbani Darego
Melodie Monrose
Zaina Muiccia
Hamamat Montia
Tomiko Fraser
Riley Montana
Not a model per se (cosplayer) but Aliya Will is super beautiful too IMO

No. 419693

i love agbani darego

No. 419694

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Anok Yai. She looks otherworldly.

No. 419696

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Donyale Luna had such an interesting look. I am aware she lied about her background but I understand why she did it.

No. 419702

After looking at her Wikipedia article, I understand too. Her life in the spotlight is another example of how people always want to typecast black women and box them in. People have always treated black women with "unusual" and pretty features strangely, and sometimes still do with a sort of interrogative "are you mixed??" thing.

No. 419705

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This is too specific for the tinfoil thread but do you think we’re being set up for something terrible? Why Kamala? Why all the “black women will save us?” All the tokenization? Did you notice how there is way more misogynoir than typical anti-back racism in the past few years? I fear the worst for this year, like I feel like it’s gonna be really bad for us

No. 419709

Black women are the most divisive demographic.

No. 419710

How so? In what way

No. 419717

Left-leaning people venerate what they imagine is "black femininity" and right-leaning people despise it. The image of the black woman is the most oppressed/lowest social value depending on your political orientation.

No. 419719

Racism is a psy-op to keep you from living your best life. My advice to you is to stop caring what racists think of you.

No. 419721

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Right wingers despise you for existing past slavery, the last time they deemed you useful to their cause. What leftists venerate is servitude. They love how quickly black women respond and march for their causes, they love using her as a tool, a shield for criticism. Notice how all the propaganda post-2020 had a black woman front and center? Just watch, they will drop you and ignore you in the future, when you become too small of a demographic in the voting process and you will wonder why they don’t pay attention to actual BW issues.


Funny, how much effort and attention you put into social justice isn’t reciprocated. If you tried to make an investment in the bank and you never saw anything come out, wouldn’t you withdraw? Wouldn’t you shift your attention and resources elsewhere?

No. 419735

>actual BW issues
Other than racism against black people i don’t believe there are issues specific to black women that I can think of. Please take time off consuming brain rotting racebaiting content on the internet.(baiting)

No. 419736

I had to stop reading a thread because someone was like "I only feel bad for the moid who killed gypsy mom".

No. 419744

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Are you delusional? Maternal morality rates, misogyny from black men and racism from outsiders, being used as pawns against our conscience for leftist ideology, targeted harassment, being seen as the face of woke and facing all the consequences of it in a way we can’t physically change - are you implying none of this matters?

No. 419747

I’m saying your reaction to all the things listed are within your control.
I live in Australia where I experience casual racism everyday but I learned to stop giving a damn and my confidence skyrocketed.

No. 419756

If it's any consolation, right-wingers are trying to get in on the black woman grift following the success of Candace Owens for saying "the quiet part out loud"

No. 419758

Oh yeah let me ignore harassment and violence towards me. Like they aren’t threats. I should be ignorant of the calls for death and sacrifice

Didn’t they drop her ass for being anti-Israel

No. 419767

based self-determined queen

No. 419768

the main issue that's unique to BW right now is being the face of wokeness. So pretty much everyone who hates wokeness (Asians, whites, immigrants of all races, straight men) sees us as a mascot to dump on.

No. 419772

that is one good thing about being a bw. Demonic people show their true colors.

No. 419779

Everybody nb keeps using woke incorrectly I'm inclined to believe these people are retarded how do you misconstrue a philosophical movement so egregiously

No. 419790

People should be more outspoken about this.

No. 419811

But what happened when those racists are doctors? Lawyers? Teachers? Administrators? Any type of job that has power over you and/or has an impact over your life trajectory?

No. 419812

Is it? You know people can lie and hide their intentions towards you until you are no longer useful to them

It had a spiritual meaning of being aware of more to life than materialism. Or being aware of your own history and the injustice done to us

No. 419825

Exactly but now it’s used as a dog whistle when conservitards are too scared to own their racism and say black. Everything is woke to the point it's lost it's original meaning. I can't help but laugh at other minorities sperging out about wokism. Without their idea of what being woke is they wouldn't even be allowed to immigrate into the country to begin with but they prefer sucking on the teats of wypipo I guess. Also, white women losing reproductive rights but caring about that, too, is woke. Just all around lack of nuance and malleable minds to the socially deranged.

No. 419832

that's why you pay attention to their actions (which includes body language) and not just their words.

No. 419849

It's not so easy anymore since people are getting less expressive and more autistic each year

No. 419859

Just trust your gut. Even when around less expressive people I could always tell.

No. 419929

It feels like this advice is inescapable no matter where you go, to just get gud and be stronger. I'd rather be a meek doomer than whatever caricature people want black women to wear to cope with how isolating life can be.

No. 419940

So true

No. 419959

Being above petty drama doesn’t make you a caricature.

No. 419965

You are right that not giving a damn is the only way to cope, but its also not healthy because youre just ignoring and blocking out pain and trauma temporarily that comes back to bite you in the ass one day. Also its easy to ignore ignorant dickheads saying racist things but black women cant be expected to ignore the daily threats to their lives, extremely elevated risk of getting shot by police if you're just a little too loud or seem to be acting 'strange' etc.

No. 419966

nta and it doesn’t but it’s genuinely hard to be as strong as you’re expected to be as a black women. it is a stereotype that black women are “tough” and can handle what gets thrown at us, that we’ll just give them a sassy comeback and say something overconfident, or some shit. unironically i think this perception hurts us more than it helps us, especially for those of us that find this difficult. anon is right, the advice is always the same, just “be stronger lol”

No. 419967

Neither the left or right 'wings' give a fuck about black women or have their best interests at heart. Once black women accept this they can move on and start focusing on uplifting themselves and each other instead of waiting for idiotic white lefties or nazis to give us a piece of pie. help yourself and other black women, buy from black female businesses, boycot racist orgs, dont support political parties unless they promise to and do help black women, and ignore the rest of the bullshit.

No. 419971

I agree, its sad that black women arent allowed to be weak or soft. But look what happens when black women let their guard down around others especially men. Look how people clowned on Azealia for showing vulnerability when someone called her ugly during a rap battle. Look how everyone, even other black women, dogpile on BW when they show a moment of weakness or sadness.

White, Latino and Asian men hate us because we dont meet their standards for attractiveness, and men automatically treat women who arent attractive to them like subhuman shit. Black men hate us because we remind them of their own blackness which they loathe. Other races of women hate us because we arent like them and most women automatically exclude any women who dont adhere to the herd mentality they have. We're too 'scary and loud' for Asian women, we're not deferential or doormat-ish enough for white women and dont kiss their asses like everyone else does, we're too dark skinned for Latina women to see us as human, we're seen as a slave caste by Arab and Israeli women, etc etc. Sad truth is being tough and strong is the only way a person can survive when getting constant hatred and violence shoved in their faces. Otherwise you just end up never getting back up.

No. 419972

New advice: have any of you tried reality shifting? I do it at least a few hours a day and it's like pain relief.

No. 419975

Never heard of it, quick rundown?

No. 419983

it's a method to do lucid dreaming or immersive daydreaming. It includes manifestation and meditation techniques to basically be your own VR headset.

No. 419990

I think strength of character is something to be proud of.
Most people I meet (of any race) are often in awe of how much I achieve unsupported and stay calm despite the setbacks I face.

No. 420023

yeah and it didn’t work for me, i tried for like 3 years. what i was trying to do is diff from what you explained lol

No. 420044

isn’t that just maladaptive daydreaming

No. 420055

No. 420074

I hate it, it just makes people want to put more bullshit onto you

No. 420076

I feel like I could tolerate the hatred and contempt from other groups if black men weren’t so misogynistic and violent towards black women. It was their gloating behavior during 2020 that made me reconsider what I actually want n life and Freon my “community”. I grew up in the 2000s and wanted that cultural solidarity that black people had in the past, I used to pour over black history and black media and hoping for an opportunity to “make history”

No. 420138

Anon is playing black female life on demon mode by living in that place kekk, it’s like their criminal ancestry makes them more aggressive than usual about it

No. 420141

think on the bright side: bw get an unfiltered view of the human species, and other groups of people are delusional and chase "deep connections" that don't exist on this prison planet that is basically a portal to hell

No. 420143

based gnostic-chan

No. 420162

Idk why but I cried seeing that video of that 'Handsome Truth' scrote calling a little mulatto girl a nigger and insulting her mother in front of her. Obviously the woman should not have brought her child to such a shitfest, but I worry that little girl will be scarred for life. Imagine that video existing as one of your earliest memories in life, enshrined on the internet forever. Not only that but I saw people defending him saying stuff like 'niggers are never children because they lack innocence, its okay to abuse them' and 'they're evil demons that must be held accountable as children too' about a little fucking girl????? Like it just reminds me of how black children in general are deprived of innocence. I dont know why I lurk right wing spaces it's just a form of self harm at this point.

No. 420163

Also I'm worried about black people's apathy towards the massive increase in open racism. I can hardly watch a youtube short or instagram reel without seeing something thats basically negging or making fun of black women and a comments section full of 'subtle' racist jokes. People keep saying stuff like 'dont worry about it' and 'it doesnt affect you' but it does because black women are seen as a monolith and negative traits will always be ascribed to us by default. A racist piece of shit like HT or a scumbag cop like Grayson doesnt differentiate between a 'good black woman' and a 'bad black woman'…we are black women and therefore a threat to these men just by existing. 'TND' jokes are literally everywhere even on reddit twitter facebook etc and I'm genuinely worried for black people across the US. There's so many people who absolutely hate us and want us gone. And no I dont think voting democrat or Kamala will fx anything really either. I'm already seeing so many scrotes making jokes about how she 'sucked her way to the top' god its just so tiresome seeing black women constantly dehumanized and mocked and killed for being black too.

No. 420164

No. 420165

The irony about HT is he's half Mexican too. I've always warned BW that other poc are not our allies. Latinos in particular hate black people.

No. 420167

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They're calling the little girl 'monkey' and 'nasty thing'.

The dumb mom is at fault too for exposing her kid to this, but its still vile for grown ass men to be acting this way to a woman and child.

No. 420168

>the white cops just standing there and smirking
These same men are supposed to 'protect and serve' BW. Yeah right.

No. 420170

IIRC this guy is a federal informant
This sort of behavior is being promoted systematically and young impressionable people imitate it because they think it's "funny"

No. 420172

thats so concerning but im not even surprised at this point
im fucking scared for the future of black americans
i didnt think it could get much worse tbh

No. 420173

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I don't want to watch that video, but seeing your description, I thought "What the fuck? Who the hell are those people?", Googled and saw this.
Nonny for your own sanity please don't consume content made by retarded, hateful losers of society. This appears to be someone whose only income is derived from "streams" where they harass people for attention, and pennies from other worthless neckbeards spamming slurs and schizophrenic statements like what you described in chat. I am serious. These people are pedophiles (some are literal sex offenders), drug/porn addicts and closeted homosexuals. I had a similar phase of "staring into the void", learning about these people, and they are not normal, well-respected or sane human beings. They are rejects looking for anyone to step on. They even hate their own white women and don't want them to have rights (including the ones who go full tradthot pickme for them).
I don't know who brought a little girl to interact with that sort of reprobate, but they deserve beatings.

No. 420174

>goyim defense league

No. 420176

Its been blowing up on black twitter and theres been a big backlash against him. I hope someone gets him good.

No. 420183

how old are you? I knew humans weren't shit when I was like 13. how are you just realizing how hateful people are? If they actually do fascism in American, the white trash will definitely suffer too. They're already dying off via suicide, drugs, being fat, and being too dumb to acknowledge how much long covid is wrecking them. so they won't last much longer than blacks under project 2025, which will only remove the few safety nets white proles rely on.

No. 420184

They think we live an undeserved life of freedom and that we should remain as natural slaves. I see the attitude from Arabs and Indians often. They think we never should have had the Civil Righjts movement, that caste is good and we should be harassed back into our “proper place”. This mentality is way more common than the SJW diaspoid girls whining about cultural appropriation.
This is the biggest reason why I am against illegal immigration and I wish we had stricter border security.

No. 420187

I get gay vibes from this video.

He used to be an actor and a rapper. He came out of nowhere a few years ago as a political influencer and is now getting all sorts of attention for his right-wing antics. When he was questioned about national socialism, it was shown that he didn't know anything about it. He's literally acting as a nazi for whatever reason.

No. 420189

It's why I end up hating the bw who think rights are a trickle down situation. More disparate communities who all assume "black" characters as a lowest caste should not be here in greater numbers. More of them does not mean more for us. Maybe things would have been more stable if it were just natives, whites, and blacks. International social issues are strangling the country.

No. 420190

The pedo-misogynist-racist-homocidal intersection among white nationalists remains undefeated.

No. 420193

I'm confused, why are they all just crowded at a highway like this? How did the mom expose her child to this?

No. 420199

Yeah, this is why I don't waste my time on any automatic POC solidarity stuff and just vet people as individuals (I especially don't waste time on anything Islam-friendly). Some people are from horrible countries, and want to turn every western country into the same shithole they came from. It seems like they're under the delusion that they can build off what more progressive, relatively free countries have made while still imposing and maintaining hellish, third world "beat female infants to death, enslave women, disallow abortion, it's acceptable to cheat wherever possible, low quality products and employees are fine, marry children, rape is okay, litter everywhere, kill animals at the park for fun, correctively rape lesbians, and people with darker skin should be oppressed" mentality. They don't understand cause and effect, they don't understand western values or concepts like fairness and altruism. They only comprehend SJW rhetoric on POC and oppression as far as they can use it to shield their own toxic behaviors and leech as hard as possible, not actually do or create anything good for the collective benefit. Obviously, not everybody is like that (it's specifically the men causing these issues IMO, though there are some pickmes acting as fluffers), but it's a problem and it's important to be mindful. They align with the hard right because not only does it match their own values from back home, they hope racist white people will give them scraps, and then they want to try and usurp them so they can be on top. Never works out that way, though.

I don't see them winning in the long run, because even though it's not politically correct to say, even the more sheltered white lefties are starting to see them run down neighborhoods, only hire/rent out to their own race whenever they take control of workplaces or apartment complexes (this is illegal, but no one's doing anything), creep on women, etc. Nobody likes it.

No. 420202

Sex slaves exist in America too. They're just usually immigrants who are trafficked in from other countries.

Darker skinned people are shit on in America. Wtf?

Child marriage is legal in many states in the US with parental consent

Rape barely even gets punished in the US, and men here act like rape accusations are worse than rape itself??

the west is not fair or altruistic.

All men cheat.

Red states have abortion banned, and republicans are trying to get it banned nationwide and ban birth control.

Are you white?(learn2integrate)

No. 420203

All those problems come from right wing parties and policies that third worlders also support. Anyway, do you think America is on the same level as India or an Arab country? No, I'm not white. I just don't want to live in a casteist, misogynisic shithole and I'm not going to pretend water isn't wet because the people doing it have darker skin.

No. 420204

Exactly, people come from all over and try to gain American power to exert control over their territories. Like Arab Americans in Michigan threatening not to vote if their pet Palestine issue isn’t addressed. One more reason to not have kids, so they don’t have to suffer under the new racist, empire crumbling government of the future

No. 420206

Just like Candance Owens, she was signed onto an acting agency. Makes me wonder how many people are actually right wing

No. 420207

Samefag: Ironically, I and other black women will suffer more in that kind of scenario, and you can tell this very easily by just looking at the plight of black women in Arab countries (whether they are trafficking victims forced to be nannies/maids/victims to abusive rapist moids or Afro-Arabs who are treated like third class citizens), how Indian people talk about black people when they think they're only around white people (or how African students are treated in India), the way many South American countries treat their Afro-Latina/Latino populations, etc.
Cheating also doesn't refer only to relationships, but to things like academics. It is objectively worse in some countries than in others, and that's a big reason why the quality of their output is worse. That's the ugly truth, I don't want to live in fucking India. The west is not perfect, but it is better, there are more people trying to improve it, and black people have civil rights and were able to do the work of establishing organizations to help them and push fairer policies. That doesn't exist in many, many other parts of the world because they, in their cultures, are still grappling with the idea that slavery is bad. They can either do better once they enter the west, or more people will see the writing on the wall and turn against them.

No. 420208

Where can I read more about this? Can't find anything now on google.

No. 420211

This is going to make me seem like the chronic question asker anon but I'm genuinely asking how do you feel about others touching your hair and has this happened to you? I swear I'm not a bot trying to collect info or anything I'm also a black woman and just saw a bunch of videos on the web (specifically those who travel to Asia) where black women have their hair touched and I'm just wondering if this has ever happened to you? This has fortunately never happened to me because if someone personally did I would freak out because I'm a hypochondriac and think they planted some shit in my hair kek

No. 420212

I remember it happening a couple times in elementary school by white kids who were intrigued. It happened a few times in middle school when I first went natural from black kids ironically. A couple white kids did it during this time too.>>420211

No. 420215

That's interesting nonny because although it's not right to touch somebody especially someone you don't know it's weird how a lot of black people register curiosity and physical touch as a threat as some sort while other cultures embrace it I've noticed. I'm just very conflicted, I honestly don't want to live my life being in fear and thinking everybody is against me it's exhausting

No. 420231

>how do you feel about others touching your hair
honestly i don’t mind, hasn’t happened to me much but the times it did, it was fine

No. 420256

Only in elementary school and never as an adult. It’s very easy to say “no thank you, please don’t touch”. Of course, bad actors exist and you shouldn’t feel shame for calling security on them

No. 420257

Americans have a large personal space bubble and find close touch with strangers uncomfortable

No. 420282

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Does anyone else follow Kween of Kings and the drama surrounding her relationship?

No. 420295

I’ve seen her around but I didn’t know there was drama surrounding her and her pet nigel. The only thing I think I know is that she used to be a baby mama until he met her. Divestors have a twisted way of thinking that running to another moid with a different phenotype is going to fix their problems kek

No. 420296

Is she actually a divestor or just a woman in an interracial relationship?

No. 420311

White men do live lives on tutorial mode, though. Which makes their bitterness and fragile egos simply pathetic.

No. 420355

This is so sad to see, like girl you are so young, LEAVE

No. 420409

Why are there so few childfree black women?

No. 420425

There are few child free women in general

No. 420441

bw disproportionately live in the South, where people get started early in general before having a chance to think on it.

No. 420451

have you guys tried clip on extensions? if so, how are they

No. 420471

Religion, sexist male oriented culture both in America and abroad, lack of knowledge of birth control and pregnancy (easiest part to fix), the need for external validation through motherhood, just some notes off the top of my

No. 420473

i heard she approached him first and gave her number. That was doomed regardless of race. a BW approaching a WM especially is pathetic. They already have enough white worshippers and privilege, why add to that as a group that's already seen as the bottom? sad

No. 420477

Most white guys I know are already gassed up from huffing their own farts all day and think they're the shit even when they're balding, fat, broke etc. Like even if I saw a white moid I was attracted to I would refuse to approach him and hit on them because white peoples egos are already through the roof. I refuse to feed white peoples egos any more than they already have, they have all the worshippers they need and thats why Indians and East Asians exist, not black women.

No. 420491

Banks is a horrible example, she regularly says disgusting shit about other black women but the moment some ugly moid calls her ugly to her face she cries? Thats not example of a black woman letting her guard down. It's a example of a internet bully being shit talked and not being able to handle it. Fuck AB she's also colorist/sexist.

No. 420494

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thank you, plus she also defended abusive men like chris brown and drake, and years ago accused FKA twigs of being a 'gold digger' when twigs first spoke about shia labeouf's abuse

No. 420504

I learned to pretend to like white men or else I get bullied for being ‘gay’.

No. 420508

I hate being passively manipulated by white strangers to speak. Usually in uni, a classmate would stare hard at me saying nothing expecting me to speak first. I refuse to make eye contact and always ignore them. if they want interaction so bad, they should start it instead of expecting a black person they barely know to crave their validation so much. One even coughed when walking in front of me to get me to move out of their way. I just coughed back to counter-manipulate and continued ignoring them to make them back down. I'm very good at spotting subtle manipulation and won't tolerate it. but of course morons would call me too sensitive for not being borderline autistic and actually having basic people reading skills. smh

No. 420523

Can this retard finally get banned for asking these retarded questions every 2 days.

No. 420632

I used to think I was gay as a teen for not finding Chris Evans hot

No. 420652

these tips never work unless you're pretty. even before makeup she's a gorgeous girl with a nice body.

No. 420662

I think they're running a VPN they've been banned several times

No. 420666

vids like this make me wish we could force sterilize people and otherwise have more regulations around childbirth because like…how stupid must you fucking be. also i swear a black mother would never do this

No. 420677

what are you talking about? Black sista souljas literally bring their kids to police protests sometimes to protest, knowing things could get heated.

No. 420732

Azealia is just a contrarian bpdchan I don’t think she has any actual values or true political stances

No. 420733

What’s funny is that despite how white worshipping Indians and Asians are, white people have nothing but contempt and disdain for them. White men will fuck Indian and Asian women because they’re easy but they never respect them or commit to them unless they’re very low value white men and desperate. It’s honestly so embarrassing when woc think white moids are going to be our saviors. I’ve literally seen BW divestors saying stuff like ‘We just need to be nice to white people then they won’t hurt us!’ ‘We just need to lift white mens balls and then theyll stop being racist!’ Meanwhile Sonya Massey literally told those white cops she loved them before they walked through her door and shot her in the head. Really amazes me how delusional white apologists are. White men hate you innately because a) you’re black and b) you’re a woman which are the two lowliest things in his eyes, and that’s never going to change no matter how much you massage his ego. It’s even more embarrassing when black men kiss white ass and shit on other blacks. All these people are probably the descendants of house niggas honestly.

No. 420744

so sad. This is the most depressing black femcel channel I seen. Altho it could be a bot.

No. 420754

anyone else feeling completely demoralized lately? i think its the mixture of rampant anti-blackness on social media, men's increasing open misogyny and pornsickness, and just the generally embarrassing behavior of others that reflects badly on bw. i feel like people are more hostile and tense these days when i step outside. things definitely got worse after covid ended. white people are becoming more haughty and rude when dealing with me. 'racist' isnt a bad word anymore, its something they feel proud of, same with the anti woke bs. i dont even wanna leave my house most days. i dont remember things being this bad 10 years ago, i wish i could go back then.

No. 420762

Don't feel like watching, but why promote content like this? Like, why do some of you want "black femcels" on the map so much? Black women are already bashed en masse, is it some kind of humiliation kink? Do you enjoy being looked down on? Despite there being enough content to fill cow sites and make longform video content, I don't see white women reposting "femcel" or otherwise negative content about their group while making it specifically about their race. No one pushes individuals like Amberlynn Reid, fakeboitherottengirl, all the right wing pickmes who get publicly humiliated by the misogynists they worship on Twitter or fat camgirls like Shayna or Charms as "white women" first and foremost. They're just seen as fucking losers who happen to be white. Only white moids fixate on their race and spread weird memes like "white girls fuck dogs", and it's because they hate them. So, why do you do it to yourself?

I know some of these are straight-up men LARPing and reposting it, but there are definitely actual black women spreading it and trying to include themselves too. Like I've seen screenshots of black girls who are actually model-tier attractive on TikTok writing delusional captions on selfie videos about how they're not white so it's literally over, all so that people flood their comments to tell them they're pretty, and other black girls (who might be less attractive) post self-pity comments on their page. The only result is mass demoralization for black girls and women, but they keep doing it.
Why are some black women so addicted to self-flagellation and taking Ls? Aren't there better ways of getting attention? As far as I can tell, it wasn't like this in the 90s or even the early 2000s, so what happened?

No. 420775

What happened after 90s and 00s? I think it was like a domino effect. People began paying less money for all media due to the internet and illegal streaming>less funding for black media, which was already behind white counterpart> fewer darker skinned BW celebs because companies are pickier about who they invest in due to pirating, and an ambiguous looking woman guarantees crossover appeal and maximum profits> women of all races start pushing "relatability" (like the nobody youtubers) over beauty in famous women>this thing seen as "progressive" for ww only conjures up tacky mammy and jezebel stereotypes from the 30s among black women, so it comes full circle in a shockingly archaic way.

No. 420788

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Took one look at this channel, clicked on one of the videos, saw this. This account is run by a man, most likely a black man or teenage boy with an addiction to interracial porn who wants to keep women of his demographic easy access and insecure. Nobody but the most out of touch, delusional male coomers honestly believes white women "love black men".
Since incels tend to be low IQ, I wouldn't be surprised if he's slipped up and said something along the lines of "We love white women and hate black women" (then had a meltdown and nuked things if anyone noticed), or done things like post photos of porn stars like it's normal, but these videos are too low-effort to make me want to dig or care. The low engagement, lack of SEO, extremely low subscriber count and him liking his own comments makes it unlikely (IMO) that whoever posted it in this thread is just a "random person", too. Creepy lol, any actual black farmers should be careful what they share in here.

No. 420789

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I wish someone would tell me how to be a strong confident black woman because all I feel is depressed and suicidal all the time. Being neurodivergent and black is a special kind of hell.

No. 420791

nta but ive seen verified black women on twitter and lsa saying similar. the 'all black men want white or non black women' is a pretty common sentiment and the source of a lot of insecurity and anger in our community, understandably. its natural to want to mateguard, black men date out far more than black women do, and a lot of black women feel backstabbed by it. i live in the uk and something like 2/3 of all black men here are dating a non-black woman. obviously thats frustrating and upsetting for black women who want to date within their race, since its still pretty rare for non-black men to rate us. even if youre a 10/10 black woman youll still get hordes of men saying they arent attracted to us bc we are black. this isnt doomposting or negging, its backed up by basic observation, human interactions and dating studies. when i was in my black femcel phase i would catfish men as a white girl and grill them on how they feel about non-white/black women and most of the time they were very honest about it, putting white womne as first, then asian or latina women, then arab, then indian, what hurt is that almost every single guy i was catfishing rated black women as least attractive. it was very bleak.

No. 420793

>verified black women
Non-existent kek. Anyway, I don't really know about all that, but the unfortunate truth is that black men aren't viewed highly or desired by any group besides their own, and it's not uncommon for them to take it out on black women in very strange ways.

No. 420798

do you still have those messages or screenshots?

No. 420807

why is it bleak? you should be happy you know the truth that men aren't capable of loving any woman. statistically, 30% of men would rape if they could get away with it, and about half have sexually assaulted partners in their sleep. if they regularly do horrific shit like that to women they claim to "love," why are you shocked about them not having sympathy for a group of women who are deemed low-status? And why are you still sad they don't want you?

No. 420810

I don't agree with it (for better or worse) because it doesn't really match my observations, it just seems like whiny 16 year olds and a certain kind of person who blames their race before any other factor (not saying it can't play a role, just that some erroneously put it before everything) claiming "I'm a femcel" for engagement, and misogynists hopping on to try and terrorize (normal) black women, but even if it were the case, it'd be good to be free of proximity to violent men, yes.

No. 420811

nope this was about 3 years ago on my old phone
you can try it yourself though, and let me know if you get different results. people say men are more open to black women nowadays but im still waiting on proof of that besides a few xmbf outlier couples who get posted over and over again on swirler forums.

No. 420812

>tatistically, 30% of men would rape if they could get away with it
Imagine believing its this low…kek. African Americans have 15-25% white paternal dna on average from rape. Even higher for Latinos. Full blooded north Native Americans dont even exist anymore because they all got raped. Mass rape is used as a weapon of war in every single war, even right now in Ukraine and Palestine. Men will literally rape non-stop given any chance whatsoever. They're fucking animals who should all be castrated.

No. 420815

>Just be attractive, not fat and exist
literal incel advice. men are FAR pickier about women than women are about men. they criticise us from everything to our hair to the tips of our toes and fingernails and all thats in-between. im so tired of moids saying men arent picky, its total BS. there are tons of ugly men with pretty gfs but basically no hot guys with ugly gfs. fuck this clown world honestly.

No. 420816

I don't really think you need to make fake accounts to ask people things, that's weird and mirrors incel behavior. Just be attractive, not fat and exist publicly. Ironically, incels and other moids have literally made fake profiles of different black women (even unattractive ones) and shown proof they still get attention from moids of different races. I remember they did it with the YouTuber Kidology (who they still racially abused, mind) when she claimed she related to incels because "nobody wanted her", and then some black incels did it to an overweight black woman with short hair who said "only white men like her" ever since she stopped wearing weave.

No. 420817

why did you repost this retarded post 3 times

No. 420818

I said what I did because I'm often called "pretty"/attractive by others and I don't relate to anything you're saying. It's not incel advice, you just take men saying shit on the internet to heart and don't seem to recognize that your (as in black women's) PR is bad. In general, just stop taking men seriously. Focus on yourself, the rest of life follows along. You sound neurotic and/or underage.

No. 420819

Are you new? It was only posted twice, and I deleted the first one because I made a typo.

No. 420821

>um akshually my personal anecdote trumps all the evidence that exists irl
ok retard

No. 420822

>evidence = i, a totally real black woman, catfished as a white woman and asked random men online to rate races of women!! PROOF all men hate us and would kill us and blahblahblah
Ok moid. Cope, seethe and dilate instead of shilling your YT channel kekk(scrotefoiling)

No. 420838

imagine being a man larping as a black woman on an anonymous board, like does it truly get any lower for you?(scrotefoiling)

No. 420849

Wahhhh a woman said mean things on the internet. Seethe, nobody can make me hate Azealia

No. 420850

Nta you’re referring to but you people are getting mad insufferable with the scrote foiling. Not everybody who’s eccentric and weird a scrote, get the fuck over it already nobody cares about you or this thread enough to pretend to be a black woman to “infiltrate” it. Chill the fuck out with that shit
>anybody’s viewpoints or opinions I don’t like must be a scrote pretending to be a black woman 101
And that’s why you can’t have normal conversations in this thread because of retards like you who I don’t understand how they got through life living this long being this fucking stupid

No. 420851


No. 420852

This. That anon didn’t even sound remotely like a man and was whining about how awful and shallow men are and is now being accused of being a scrote?
That one tard is projecting a LOT, major troon vibes. Ick.

No. 420853

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This. I’ve only ever heard men say dumb shit like ‘ummm just don’t be fat and exist you dumb hole’ then they make stupid retarded memes like this kek. That anon you replied to is definitely an incel from 4chan or a trannycel trying to infight, just ignore it.

No. 420854

It’s the same faggots always endlessly defending black men in this thread while black men will never, ever extend that grace to them. It’s all so tiresome

No. 420855

men literally spend all day critiquing women and ranting about them hitting the wall for not looking like a 12 year old our entire lives. i remember even back when kate upton was a model moids we’re making videos on how she’s disgusting and fat and an unfuckable 2/10. nowadays it’s even worse even the most hideous ugly hamplanet moids think they’re entitled to 10/10s. im tired of being gaslighted into the ‘men aren’t picky!’ bullshit. it’s always men claiming this too, wonder why that is…

No. 420857

>Be older than her

Omg, eww.

No. 420863

How am I a tranny or a moid for saying to ignore men and care for your own looks? Is this Blaine the Jewish tranny again? I know you get mad when black women aren't self-hating, but please just rope.
You're so desperate to push a certain narrative about all black women (one that actual incels like yourself fixate on because they think it'll make us more open to them), I'm sorry reality doesn't match up.

No. 420864

nta but i think anon's point was more that azealia of all people was in no position to cry about others being mean to her kek (especially on a show where the whole point is shit talking)

No. 420865

Yeah, there are tons of black women who get mistreated for no reason. I don't know why some people keep pushing Azealia when she engages in the same behaviors she cries about getting, especially the colorism towards black women. She's someone I don't think is mad because colorism or misogyny toward BW exists, she's just mad that she can't step on others more than she already does.

No. 420867

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Avoiding pickmes, pickme content, anything marking itself "redpill/blackpill" and race warrior types IRL helps a lot IME. Find a hobby that makes you happy, too. If you're concerned about hate crimes or violence, look into self-defense and/or security measures. Racism and misogyny will exist for our lifetimes, but it doesn't have to ruin your inner life or the people you do end up connecting with.

No. 420873

How do you color match liquid foundation?

No. 420880

Bro stop namedropping yourself no one cares lol

No. 420883

You did this in one of the last threads, too. "N-No it's you" while spamming literal incel shit. Leave already lmao.(ban evasion)

No. 420885

I feel like some people expect black women to be aggressive or loud, and feel a sense of discomfort when we aren't. Like, they expect you to start conversations with them and "reach" for them. This extends to little gestures, like what you described.
If you don't, they start thinking you hate them or are rude. I've always just been shy, so it's weird. I've had multiple people tell me they thought I disliked them, or that I'd be mean, and they were surprised to find out that wasn't the case.

No. 420890

Take your meds instead of HRT you pathetic schizo troon. You already got called out by two different people lol, accusing others and nameddropping yourself isn't make it more convincing.

No. 420891

We don't give a shit about your meds, diagnosed mental illness or HRT, stop shitting up these threads and posting garbage content made to shit on black women.

No. 420892

Also we know you love accusing others of being yourself like a true schizoid until you get them to post pictures of their arms and faces because you're a creepy tranny with a fetish for black women. Not gonna work sorry moid. We all know you're from Wisconsin meanwhile I live in Europe lol. Go shave your 5 o clock shadow and scrotum then kys thanks.

No. 420893

Shut your ugly mouth up troon.(infighting)

No. 420897

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Note: You can always tell it's this one bad actor because he genuinely thinks samefagging is normal, drags out infights instead of dropping them to let the thread heal (he wants the thread to be bad and demoralize black women), makes multiple posts agreeing with himself and bashing people, and defends his "right" to post shit-tier "content" meant to depress black women. He always chimps out when anons call him out. Many have done so, and he's followed the same script each time.
In the first thread, he spammed 4chan threads of black women being hung from nooses and said "wow this is so sad, have you guys seen this??". It's always obscure shit nobody but other psychotic racists would find and spread, probably primarily made by himself. Report, do not reply.

No. 420971

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Any fitness girlies here? How do you style your hair when working out nonas? The excessive sweating keeps fucking up my blow outs but I don't want to wear my afro
Unrelated but those trap workout classes are crazy fun and worth checking out, they seem better than hot pilates

No. 421004

I'm androgynous and gender nonconforming, when I dress more masculine people are pretty nice to me. Not so much when I tried to lean more into being feminine, maybe because i was innately uncomfortable. however, all of my cute and pretty black girl friends are treated nicely and recieved well and have no problems with people on average. Out of curiosity, what are you like physically?

No. 421013

Thanks to anon who recommended 28 days later. i enjoyed naomi in it. I also find it funny that the vegans started it all trying to help animals but ended up destroying humanity. It's like how many vegans destroy their health IRL worrying about animals. the nazi movie was also a fun watch. More indie BW movie recommendations from me: Just Another Girl on the IRT, Mahogany, Jezebel, A Good Day to be Black and Sexy, Medicine for Melancholy, Girl 6, One Bedroom (from 2018)

No. 421014

Same anon, not full movie BW lead, but Licorice Pizza has a good scene 30 min in of a BW who oozes femininity/sensuality without being hypersexual. Between this film and Kerry's role in Django Unchained, it's weird how more "black" movies don't do more stuff like this these days.

No. 421120

I’m feeling slightly vindicated that the jewish girl thread was locked because they were offended that this one existed and wanted to shut it down kek. Thank you for the actual black anon’s ancestors and spirit guides working overtime to stop that foolery

No. 421152

i’m gonna start straightening my hair but i also exercise so any tips on keeping hair somewhat straight at least??

No. 421197

Why would that please you? Asian and Latinos have a thread and I wouldn’t mind white qomen having a thread. Even Muslims girls have a thread So what’s wrong with a Jewish thread?

No. 421206

The latter part of what you described matches my experience tbh. I guess where exactly you live might play a big role as well.

No. 421224

If her dancers were lightskinned, people would claim that she favors them

No. 421256

Amerie >>> stealing, copycat Beyonce

No. 421281

Can you please leave already

No. 421324

Do you find it suspicious that “decentering men” content on social media seems to be aimed at black women?

No. 421350

it's not suspicious, it's smart. Men of all races regularly shit on black women. the BW who insist on caping for men are the biggest idiots.

No. 421360

Don't black women date non-black moids at a 34% rate over here? I 100% believe that black bong moids, (Caribbean moids in particular kek) have a tendency to fuck Beckies, hence their inflated rate, but those dating app studies really are limited to the USA.

Definitely a moid, pathetic.

No. 421361

Black women need to spend less time whining about about dating and sexiness and prepare themselves for the great right wing backlash. if Kamala wins, then the hatred and harassment towards BW will increase and no one will be your ally because you have spent too much time marching for men who hate and kill you instead of making friends and alliances with other groups of people. Spend more time on making money, remaster work, becoming a capitalist nomad and traveling wherever is safer and more profitable. You should have been doing what the Asians and Jews have been doing, focusing massively on education and building small networks.

No. 421369

Yes. Nobody needs "social media content" to not center men in their life, so that's the first red flag. The moment you have your own interests and goals, that's a given. If you're surrounding yourself with content about men, you are not decentering them. Channels that focus on how to attract men are the opposite side of the same male-obsessed coin.

No. 421371

What does this video even mean? The comments are scary with all the girls saying they don’t care about blasting their headphones when alone in public.

No. 421376

Does this girl understand that it's not kidnapping women are scared of when walking alone in secluded places but violent rape, physical assault, and, subsequently, death? And these sorts of things happen to all women, including the insecure and conventionally unattractive women?

No. 421377

You can thank all the fake woke, mentally ill desirability politics spergs telling black women and girls they're inherently ugly and ignored (and also often insinuating that even being kidnapped/trafficked/assaulted is some kind of compliment reserved only for white women, despite statistical data not backing up this belief) for that.

No. 421381

women in general are more likely to be trafficked and raped by men they think they can trust. These crimes are not to be compared to Tinder swipes.

No. 421385

>fake woke
have you not seen the increase of racist comments bashing black women, they even did it to some random little black girl and the only comments that were under it were racist shit being posted by moids. i don’t blame them, we are being dragged through the mud and seen as undesirable by many groups of people for a reason. the main one is a global shift, the attention is moving away from the dominant group which would’ve been whites and the very illusion of “poc” is melting away as we see two “poc” people fight each other in a civil war that’s been happening for decades and it’s escalating to the point of one of them dominating the other and completing a full genocide. i really wish black people would stop being confused as to why black girls and black women have self-esteem issues, everything can’t be solved internally and every other group besides us knows this. I’m personally someone who doesn’t care about racist comments or behavior to me anymore because of some kind of jadedness I have but you honestly can’t expect every black female to be stoic and let it wash it off, we aren’t fucking mules or superwomen, we have complex emotions just like nonblack women. there are crazy nutters who think someone like anok yai is appealing to a eurocentric audience but most are just recipients and observers of increasing racial tensions against them

No. 421393

I think the increasing racial tension online is coming from more people from backwards racist and misogynistic countries having increasing internet access. India has the most YouTube and IG users in the world now. Another factor is the algorithm being used to prioritize controversy so that there are more clicks and ad revenue. this also explains why you see pedo comments on every other video of a little girl.

No. 421398

Yes. I live in the Netherlands and Western Europeans generally have much less hang-ups with racemixing. America historically had anti miscegenation laws, so those statistics will obviously reflect that.

British and French black men are 10x more awful about their misogyny and colorism here however.

No. 421400

Correct. When I see a racist comment on Instagram, 9 times out of 10 the account owner is South Asian or Eastern European.

No. 421404

I saw the video you're talking about. Sorry, but I cannot pretend the words of pedophilic males who somehow "stumble" on videos of little black girls are coming from normative minds. A suspiciously high number of those men were Indian and Arab. We're aware of certain problems in their communities around the subject of children (especially young girls), and how the latter have an unchecked issue of trafficking young and old African women, or straight up children. I won't say anymore on that, it's too morbid. Anyway, I don't respect reprobates on the internet or in real life, I really don't. As a result, I also have no respect for black women who center their lives around what they say and instead of seeking help, try to infect the minds of the youth with it and mentally cripple them with low self-esteem and lack of concern for their safety so they walk around thinking "Tee-hee no one would kidnap me, I'm a black girl!". In reality, black women and young girls are constantly trafficked, killed and sexually assaulted daily, both in the USA and outside of it. Legal avenues do little to nothing, so we have all the more reason to be concerned for our safety. Instead of focusing on that, some exceptional individuals want us to believe it's all good because black women are "too ugly to be raped anyway", in spite of reality showing us otherwise again and again.
The same men all sane women ignore IRL and rightfully want to see in jail are the ones you think it makes sense for us to heed the opinions of? No. It's one thing to be personally hurt by it, and it's another to legitimize it and push it everywhere to spread retarded, unrealistic ideas.
While some idiotic grown women are trying to define our image on the words of Pajeets, Mohamlullidahs, Tanner the school shooter(s) and equating us to black men who kill us or white men with AGP to get us to actually mule and endanger ourselves marching for their retarded causes, we have actual problems to deal with.

No. 421405

Why is it always only the men who are talked about? A large proportion of black women here in the UK date non-black men too. I don’t see why bw are so hung up complaining about how black men don’t want them - why are you desperate for the attention of people who don’t want you? If you prefer black men and happen to come across a good one, sure go for him, but otherwise don’t stress it? Just seems like the obvious thing to do. And anyway, I’ve never been to America but it seems to me that black women are quite liked here at least. I get a lot of attention from non-black moids (and black moids but they always seem to give off the vibes that they value white attention more) so I’m not bothered. In fact it’s a good thing to me since a larger proportion of these men are career focused / have class.

No. 421410

>I don’t see why bw are so hung up complaining about how black men don’t want them
Women generally prefer men of their own ethnicity.

No. 421413

>Why is it always only the men who are talked about? A large proportion of black women here in the UK date non-black men too. I don’t see why bw are so hung up complaining about how black men don’t want them - why are you desperate for the attention of people who don’t want you?
Because a weird amount of the people pushing these obsessions online are just black men who saw maybe one or two black women dating out IRL or in some reality show, got mad, and made it a personal mission to try to neg black women into "staying in their place" by all means. I've never met a black woman IRL who genuinely believes black men "don't want them", and the few black women I've seen saying it online with their face tend to be disingenuous social media grifters, SJW types and/or pickmes who make "supporting black men" their entire personality, not just normal people.

No. 421414

That’s wonderful, and if you can find a good one then date him. But don’t mope about a group of moids not liking you, it comes across as pathetic and does nothing. They don’t care. Honestly if I’m getting more non-black moids than black moids showing attention to me why should I sit around waiting for someone who doesn’t even value me because I am the same race as him? Lol the fuck. To be frank I don’t even get this preference, all races of moids come with their own different issues and a black moid is probably more likely to try beating me. You’re acting like black moids preferring white women is you losing.

No. 421421

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so tired of bw doing shit like this. stop putting a whole race of men on a fucking pedestal and begging to be seen by them. they don't do the same for BW. There's even a racist asshole in the comments (that comment is deleted now). Dumb divesters and swirlers take the same groveling pickme behavior to other races and expect to not be walked all over and taken advantage of. All races of men become predators around low self-esteem and low hanging frit regardless of how much melanin they have, idiot.

No. 421426

why are you on r/asianmasculinity

No. 421434

I despise how they try and extrapolate the American-centric dating studies onto those of us who live in other countries. Is anti-black woman sentiment amongst men still alive? Duh. But living in britbong land and whining about "Da blayck man only dates white women, we're all doomed to a life of celibacy" when black women there statistically have less problems interracially dating relative to their American counterparts is embarrassing.

No. 421438

After reading that ricecel thread on here all asian men looking fucking pathetic to me and being a pick me for them should get you beat for acting out of line. Ridiculous.

No. 421449

I clicked bc I saw a black chick make a cringey post there.

No. 421454

This should be inverted. Women have to:
>have the correct, non fridge, no belly/arm fat yet curvy shape
>have correct titties, no flop at all, light nipples
>have no body hair
>have the correct labia
>have long hair despite your texture
>wear makeup and pretend you don't (they hate actual no makeup)
>groomed pubes
Just to register as women to them.

Men meanwhile
>don't be too much of a fat fuck despite your high calorie limit
and some dumbass woman will love him

No. 421463

I’m biracial black and I do not prefer biracial black men.

No. 421464

same, biracial black guys look freaky to me. I think it's similar to the ginger phenomenon where the women are pretty but the men look weird most of the time.

No. 421466

If anything, it gives criminals more reason to kidnap you if people don’t think you’re “valuable” to save. I mean most police departments don’t bother with black kids missing cases. And being kidnapped or at risk of kidnapping is a terrible thing not a measure of beauty or worth

No. 421467

All those comments were made by Arab, Latino and south Asian men. They have black people and have an intense confusion as they why “blacks” have the “high” social status we do in America. they see as as no higher than slaves and resent any reminder of our humanity. The mid-tier hierarchy anxiety is more threatening than white supremacy, so gals be careful

No. 421483

This is delusional, men take what they're given and just say misogynistic bullshit about anyone and everyone female. I don't know why some of you think it's empowering to agree with incel bullshit but genderbend it so you're the incel.

No. 421487

Threatening? yes. more threatening than white supremacy is delusion. I never seen an Arab, South Asian, or Latino do a mass shooting before making a manifesto about how blacks need to be killed off. And most of the people on the protect 2025 panel are white. There are more black males I counted than Asians, arabs, and hispanics, respectively.

No. 421490

white moid detected lol white men dont bother making instagram comments about black women they just put on their police badge and shoot black women in the head instead

No. 421510

Can you learn English before you start baiting the thread

No. 421516

>All those comments were made by Arab, Latino and south Asian men. They have black people and have an intense confusion as they why “blacks” have the “high” social status we do in America. they see as as no higher than slaves and resent any reminder of our humanity
Yes, true
>The mid-tier hierarchy anxiety is more threatening than white supremacy, so gals be careful
No, untrue. They work in tandem

No. 421546

Sorry for speed typing, but I’m not wrong

I’m white for noticing these comments? Because only a white man could connect these dots

No. 421576

>All those comments were made by Arab, Latino and south Asian men. They have black people and have an intense confusion as they why “blacks” have the “high” social status we do in America. they see as as no higher than slaves and resent any reminder of our humanity.
I've had so many encounters with south american latino men and arab men who believe they can just talk to me like shit out of the blue simply because I'm a black woman. It's crazy. I notice caribbean latino men are easier to get along with despite having a very colorist/racist culture.

No. 421577

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Only Americans and the Anglosphere have put in the work to actually do something about racism and we are better off for it. That’s why I will not spit nor will I wish for America downfall like some delusional leftists. A black woman here can go to school and make a living, start a business and become a millionaire, etc. In Saudi Arabia, black womenswear re forced into maid/sex slave positions even if she is Muslim herself. I’ve had so many family members try and work in the gulf countries only to be come back beaten, raped or almost sold off. I’m glad they came here, even for all it’s flaws. One day, I will live to see America rise to its 1990s level and beyond

No. 421578

white hands typed this post

No. 421579

NTA but most of the things in that post are correct, can you shut the fuck up instead of saying "white white white" whenever anyone doesn't follow the programming? Muslim countries are hell for black women, that's a fact.

No. 421580

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No. 421581

This is what all hundred-millionaires/billionaires do with their businesses: hire people in poor countries to make their shit. You just aided that anons point kek.

No. 421582

ok miss "NTA"-whitehands

No. 421583

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No. 421585

>In Saudi Arabia, black womenswear re forced into maid/sex slave positions even if she is Muslim herself. I’ve had so many family members try and work in the gulf countries only to be come back beaten, raped or almost sold off.
One of my grad school professors kept encouraging me to do the exchange programs in Dubai. I refused because it wasn't a financially good decision for me at that time, but after I became aware of this shit I'm so glad I didn't try to make it work.
America isn't paradise, but I do agree it's 1000x better to be here as a black woman than most other places in the world.

No. 421587

you would believe a clickbaiter whose job is to shit on brown people countries

No. 421588

>yaa zalameh!! mash'allah we can't have these abeed roastie whores figuring out our scheme, the trafficking money is too sweet!!

No. 421589

that's racist

No. 421590

I'm everything-phobic toward anyone who supports trafficking black women and girls, hope that helps.

No. 421591

pointing out that a clickbait youtuber is full of shit is tantamount to supporting trafficking black women and girls got it racist

No. 421592

A simple google search would tell you it's true that those massage parlors are trafficking dens, and trafficking is an issue all over the Middle East. You're complaining that he's "shitting on brown people countries" because you're okay with that. All those men deserve to be killed and face far worse than racism in this life, cope and seethe about it.

No. 421595

you're assuming a lot from a few sentences.
meanwhile you're defending a country where cops can casually shoot a random black woman who didn't do shit in her face, comparing america with another country you know nothing about based on some clickbait youtube video. you must be retarded

No. 421599

File: 1722786354972.png (342.45 KB, 1312x667, karl.png)

>"omg he's shitting on brown people"
>go to his channel
>"Did you know India has the most beautiful white sand beaches, crystal clear water, fascinating sea life, coral, and tropical islands in the world?"
>most videos doing nothing but praising the cities and people in India, Pakistan, Nepal and other brown countries
Kek. The trafficking and rape problem is actually so bad that even this guy whose entire YouTube career seems to be based around helping the PR of "brown people countries" felt it necessary to talk about.
Your whole "y-you know nothing about it" (because no one could possibly have experience with or actually have been to any ME country if they say things you find uncomfy) coupled with whataboutism when no one claimed America was perfect is so weak. It is verifiably better without being a paradise, you'd have to be delusional to think Dubai is a better place for black women than the USA. For one thing, the piece of shit shooter is going to jail - something that would never happen in an Arab country because black life, especially black female life, is considered worth less than that of a goat in their society.

No. 421600

Not unique to Beyoncé, mind you. She doesn’t own the factories. Unless you want to cry and complain about every Chinese celebrity?

I’ve been called white so often, I’m surprised i still wake up black

No. 421614

I haven't had that experience with immigrants, but i think it's cause I live in a red state where they have to be humble. Blue state immigrants get bold because anti-fba dems let them. Cali even has latino thugs ethnically cleansing black people and no one there cares, despite them being some so-called lib utopia.

No. 421630

There’s plenty of videos and evidence than just one video, look beyond

Very how peopl are more concerned about looking pC towards unPC Muslim’s feelings who engages in sex trafficking than the horror and ignorance of actual sex trafficking

No. 421631

I hate what has become of blue states. I kinda don’t to move out but I hate democrats and republicans and both sides see su as disposable and mock our suffering

No. 421633

Jesus christ esl chan at least proof read what your fat ass fingers type

No. 421670

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Thoughts?(wrong thread)

No. 421673

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No. 421675

No. 421695

He was great in Thor.

No. 421705

So who made up the internet lie of black people not liking mayo and it being a white thing?

No. 421707

Mayo lacks flavor. Most bp i know prefer mustard, ketchup, chipotle sauce, or ranch on sandwiches.

No. 421744

Maybe an american thing? Never heard of this. Mayo is my favourite condiment. Ketchup is good but a bit too sweet (I’ve heard the american kind is even sweeter) and I don’t like mustard.

No. 421818

Probably some broke black bitch.

No. 421847

mayo isn't even expensive, are you retarded?

No. 421849

do you have a video of a black mother bringing her mixed child in front of racists so she can be called a mutt…of course you don't, now stfu

No. 421861

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No. 421874

Self hatred

No. 421876

Samefag but it irritates the fuck out of me seeing black women coming to the aid to a bunch of racist misogynists who bash us daily but want to about face when a random coon licks their asshole in support. I sent that girl a DM and she said she wants to spread positivity and wasn't aware of what they were saying about black people. After showing her post after post of them referring to us as blacks, calling us DEI, criminals, and other hateful shit she said she still supports that sub
Some of these bitches have low self esteem and are legitimately retarded. Just fucking embarrassing.

No. 421880

No. 421885

if she still supports the sub, she deserves whatever. BW like her either learn the hard way or never. It's not just reddit but bw on LSA too. They're constantly blaming women for bad experiences with men and defending men in general as if men would ever do the same for BW. Meanwhile, on TWoX (full of ww who get way more from men on average), they're raw about how harmful men have been towards them and victim blamers like the ones on LSA are chased away because they stay on code.

No. 421891

Mayo is expensive to you? Are you a broke non-black pauper projecting?

No. 421896

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Congrats, another mammy stuck her neck out for a group that couldn’t give less of a shit about her and now lost her job. Hopefully she’s still full from self-righteousness


No. 421898

Who fired her from her job? Why are they trying to silence black women and prevent them from having opinions?

No. 421899

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and prayers

No. 421908

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This looks like the same guy in vidrel. I don't understand his mentality, this level of hatred is irrational and really pathetic.

No. 421911

Stop giving this subhuman free advertising

No. 421915

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Ok a lighter note, the positive representation in the Olympics is great to see!

No. 421916

This isn't just desserts, she shouldn't have been fired for having a personal stance on a world issue.

No. 421924

Mayo is great. Not by itself but it can really balance out other sauces

No. 421925

I dont understand why Russia was banned for war crimes but Israel/Palestine havent been?

No. 421926

Most people who decide to be influencers, especially political influencers for fringe movements are not functional people. That’s why they decide to sacrifice their entire life for a fringe cause. They do not have any other options.

No. 421927

Her name is Emilie Gomis, not Emily Gómez.

No. 421928

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same guy kek

No. 421929

Mayo is unremarkable on its own but is great when mixed with other sauces or seasonings. I find mustard too strong of a taste but when mixed with mayo it's the best of both worlds. I don't like ketchup, so that is what I often ate my fries with.

No. 421932

There is actually some kind of instability with these types of white people, they go absolutely insane when there’s social constraints placed on them to not act like this even if they’re “trolling” and they just do it anyways. This has to be one of those canned beans replacing their brains racists who don’t properly form their speech and have no consideration for how other feels while the very least the race realist ones know their spergery will cause backlash and upheaval. These are the criminal types you should watch out for, their mind is wired like a serial killer once they get their first hit they are itching to get their next meaning I wouldn’t be surprised if he took these “jokes” and went a level further and incited violence. I’m so tired of this shit.

No. 421948

Her name is Emilie Gomis and this happened in January. What kind of narrative are you pushing here? Why are you even calling another black woman mammy?

No. 421950

black women in general need to stop caping for groups that see us as beneath them. Only do things for individuals who deserve it, not entire groups of potential racists and sexists you don't even fucking know. bw are the only group of people who go out of our way to praise and uplift every other group while still being bashed and having a lowly status. Always doing the most for social justice only for non-bw and black males to reap most of the fucking benefits. this is why i take pride in being selfish. Never did one single protest, never donated to charity, never stood up for anyone else (Altho a few have for me), and my job is not about helping people. Fuck humanity. bw should enter leech era to make up for past time.

No. 421951

shut up you doomer retard

No. 421954

doomer and retard don't belong in the same sentence with the way this planet is heading

No. 421955

Ntayrt btw.
It’s self destructive to be a doomer. Surely there are positive things in life that you’re looking forward to.

No. 421956

Why is this thread the consistently most negative and nihilistic thread on the board…black people have the lowest rates of depression and antidepressant use so it's a little strange how so many people on this board want black folk to be unhappy, paranoid and miserable.

No. 421957

neuroticism is a mostly alabastard/jewish thing. they're miserable and think everyone else is out to get them so they want us to be miserable and scared of everyone and everything too because they cant stand to see black people happy, calm and doing well for themselves. figures.(bait)

No. 421958


yes the world is ending soon, humanity is doomed
- everyone for the last 3000 years

No. 421960

I respect you protecting your own time and energy, but it speaks extremely well of Emilie's character that she is willing to make such a stand and she will always be able to respect herself for transforming her morals into action in some way.

No. 421961

I dont even care about her stances nor do I necessarily agree with them, but getting fired for saying a few words in support of a certain country is absolutely insane. It's scary how free speech is being taken away from minorities first and the sanctity of the first amendment has become meaningless: it's clear free speech is only allowed when you dont commit 'wrongthink' against a particular group. It doesnt matter what race you are or what you support, nobody should lose their job over something so small.

No. 421962

>black women in general need to stop caping for groups that see us as beneath them
That's literally everyone, especially black men. I'm onboard with what you're saying, but you won't win most black women over with this, unfortunately. I tried making this argument in several spaces and was accused of having self-hate or being a white infiltrator who is trying to destroy "black love" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean). I'm afraid a lot of our fellow sisters have stockholm/"i can fix him" syndrome, believing that if they give all their energy to those who hate us, they'll turn around and see us as equals instead of realizing they want us to stay in the mammie role.

No. 421963

you really think it's just this thread? Open tiktok. And how do you know those low rates aren't due to lack of mental health focus and less diagnosis?

No. 421976

The low rates is because mental health is not taken seriously in the black community the way it's taken seriously in other communities. I know from personal experience too. Unless you straight up have debilitating schizophrenia, there's no way most black people would feel the need to seek help and parents will deny help for their children because they think they should stop being pussies and get over it.

No. 421982

And it helped no one. she could have quietly donated money or supplies instead. That would have helped much more than virtue signalling. Hell she could have been super lowkey and posted a long video and donated the ad revenue to gaza. But no, she chose to step on a cross to sacrifice herself like some masochist weirdo.

No. 421984

>virtue signaling
Get out of the thread

No. 421985

>Only understanding two words in a sentence.
Go back to 3rd grade.

No. 421995

yes, it's insane and disgusting.
well, first of all. if you read an article on it, she actually didn't "step on a cross to sacrifice herself"–she just made an instagram post and suffered backlash because of it. this isn't a story about her 'caping' for anyone actually, it's just flat out racism. but the bright side is that what she didn't do was self-censor and refuse to speak her thoughts out of fear. when she's older, she'll be able to say that she never sat silently through a genocide because she was worried about how it will affect her career–that pride in herself will outlast the ambassador posting. I can't say I've ever faced such consequences for speaking up for what I believe in, and I still feel guilty over times when grade school classmates were bullied and I kept my mouth shut instead of standing up for them.

No. 421997

Makes me wish I was skilled enough to be an Olympian

No. 421998

All you do is doom post about black women go to therapy or just kill yourself already damn

No. 422001

yes. /pol/-chans camp this thread

No. 422002

because they don’t go to therapy nor do they take mental health seriously. To them, depression is just feeling sad and you have to go to church to fix yourself up. We’re only human. We have issues too, just because you refuse to see them thanks to stereotypes.

No. 422003

You don’t have to be a leech but rather you must have stronger boundaries and clear goals in relationships, be they for work, leisure or romance. You should think “who benefits” and do a cost analysis for you time.

No. 422005

Because it has retarded non-black people and moids posting things meant to make black women feel suicidal.
We already had the /pol/tard scrote who kept defending the police officer who shot that black woman, some faggot posting his incel channel pretending he "just found it" and getting mad at anons saying it didn't reflect their life, the weird Jewish person who keeps coming here to post exclusively about black women losing their jobs for speaking about Palestine, the other self-admitted Jewish posters coming here to argue, random racists seeking attention in general, wetc. There was literally one black moid two or three threads ago who admitted he's an incel and he comes here to mock black women (likely the owner of the channel), and a white moid who was "confused" by black women not being loud. This thread is probably only around 30% actual black women, and then we probably have to split that in half when we remember how much gay white men love to LARP as black women lmao.

No. 422006

BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE AREN’T FUCKING HAPPY. It must be self-harm to be always blindly optimistic and always looking for some brighter side that’s not fucking there, sometimes things are just going to shit and there’s nothing you can do about it. Let it sink in and stop trying to get people to change their minds about what’s clearly set in stone. Shut up. If you want to go and ignore reality you can go to LSA, we don’t do that here

No. 422016

how is she a mammy for having a fucking opinion on a war?? im not going to pro palestine protest and sticking my neck out for em', but god forbid a bw is empathetic..

No. 422017

do you not realize this cynicism is getting us nowhere at all?
if you dont want to think of anyone else but yourself, fine but some of us have hearts…
do you srsly think the average palestinian is able to help black women??? you sound stupid as fuck they are getting bombed and you are worried ab your ownself

No. 422018

unclench. my post has a loophole of only doing things for people who deserve it. it's ok to have empathy for people who have empathy for you.

No. 422019

you mongrel, they dont have time to cape for us cos theyre getting killed so what are you getting at>>

No. 422020

There's this neighborhood of black people in Palestine called slave (abd) in arabic. Apparently they have time to do….whatever that is.

No. 422029

thanks for letting me know but theyre fucking 3rd worlders
my point is since when did hate + hate = peace for the already extremely hated(blacks)
not saying we should cape for genuine racists they dont know shit about black people

No. 422030

not to mention this doesnt make israel any less completely fucked theyd bomb any secion 8 housing if they wanted the land

No. 422047

Israel has less black people because they just sterilize all the black women kek

No. 422055

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Nothing about palestine will change as long as aipac controls our government and sends their dual citizen ship croons to infiltrate and destroy america.I don't understand why more people haven't realized this. Every person who loses their job contributes literally nothing to stopping whats happening. Also just report doomer-chans posts shes that self hating idiot who shat up the last two threads with diaspora wars and vent posting.

No. 422092

There's a thread on a BW forum defending lucy liu from being called ugly when she literally called dark skin ugly in the past. bw always look like clowns defending non-bw from being called ugly. They don't need or want bw's help in that department by any stretch, and you won't see them defending bw's looks in their spaces. Not saying bw should join or enjoy the bullying, but keep quiet and mind your business. Don't get yourself worked up over pointless crap that has nothing to do with us.

No. 422096

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The sane thing is to save your attention for the third worlders who won't happily bash you and call you abeed and other slurs just because your skin is dark and your hair is kinky lol. The logic you're using is part of the reason why you are perpetually called a slave. You're literally sticking your neck out to your own detriment, and you're doing it for free. It's not our job to stand up for those who'd step on us.
While every other collective is for their own in-group, or is at least individualistic in nature, so many black women decide they want to put a cape on and help everyone. It's like they think they can save the world, and they're banking on all these racist people in horrible situations seeing how kind and empathetic black people can be and changing their mind so racism can end or whatever. It doesn't work like that, we don't live in a Disney movie. Most of those people want to be racist, so they will continue. In the best case scenario, they'll act like they appreciate it just to demand more work and kowtowing from you, then you'll be made into a stupid mascot and ultimately blamed for anything that goes wrong, even if you have zero actual deciding power. In the worst case scenario, they'll just take advantage of you without thanks, pay you scraps (if not dust), then continue to shit on you and anyone who looks like you for a leg up where possible because it's easy and pays.
Idk I'm sounding like a doomer here, but a lot of people are literally too selfish, unempathetic and stupid to be worth helping as strangers, regardless of background. There are also certain groups most demographics are permitted to hate, and being black and female literally puts you in two of them.
Half of the people so many black women are desperate to help would literally be offended that a lowly blackie is coming to their rescue, because it's a reminder of just how far they've fallen. Or, they'll just think "Good, that's what they're supposed to do, they're the slaves" lol. They see it as a loser's tactic, the group everyone spits on trying to ingratiate themselves by pretending to be good little boys and girls. The few who actually behave like decent humans about it either weren't racist to begin with, or they like you personally, but they're not going to try and repair their fucked up culture that despises you because that's just too much work (even if you do that kind of work yourself).
I'm kind of tired of seeing it. How hard is it to just be a human, help individuals who are good, live life, and stop worrying about what the neverending shitstorms are doing to others when no one's worrying about what it's doing to you?

Exactly. I unironically bonded better with people both in and out of my community after I took note of how things work and acted accordingly, because that mindset isn't realistic. In fact, it's condescending. We need to help ourselves, literally everyone can see how broken and haphazard black communities around the world are. Only a sociopath would unironically think "Okk but why aren't they helping me and my cause???". If you think Palestine's situation is bad, look at Congo or Sudan lmao. But I know that some of these "pro-palestine" (and the few "pro-israel") black people aren't even actually into these causes just for human decency reasons themselves. They just want to be liked by others, but it's not going to happen. The only real way to "end racism" is to stop being a fucking faggot.
I feel bad for the children and fauna caught in the crossfire of the stupid Israel/Palestine war, the rest is unfortunate, but people will always be warring retards.

No. 422110

>Half of the people so many black women are desperate to help would literally be offended that a lowly blackie is coming to their rescue, because it's a reminder of just how far they've fallen.
thank you! Someone who actually understands human psychology!

No. 422116

Oh my god shut the fuck up already we don't care

No. 422117

if you didn't care you wouldn't have responded so butthurt.

No. 422119

You have to be over 18 to post here go back to tiktok

No. 422121

The context of this was her saying she didn't want to look filipino. She never mentioned black women quit baiting the thread and go clean your room you unemployed faggot

No. 422123

and if she said that about Filipinos you know what she thinks of BW's skin is 10x worse. My point stands, bw should watch their step before they march for anyone. But fuck me for trying to save you some embarrassment, right?

No. 422124

Yes fuck you and who cares honestly. She never mentioned us and inserting your paranoia is weird. You need to get off the internet and stop bringing up shit from white supremacists into this thread and do something actually productive with your life this is fucking pathetic to sit on a image board and bait a thread for black women like it's your day job.

No. 422129

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I talked with some girls in my pilates class and they just wrap their hair and use a lot of setting spray. I'll report back on how that goes when I go in this afternoon!

No. 422146

I agree the celebrity stans or whatever going to war to defend some random person who doesn't care about them is dumb

No. 422149

Would you go live in Liberia if offered the opportunity?

No. 422154

Scrotey image

No. 422159

kill yourself(a-logging)

No. 422160

Hasn't that place been a constant warzone from it's inception? Who in their right mind would willingly go there?

No. 422171

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One of the girls whose pictures gets used by retarded racists that claim pretty black women all have "white features", "european DNA", are "east african with west eurasian ancestry", etc spoke out.
I'm glad this happened, more /pol/tards need to get publicly humiliated for spreading their (lack of) intelligence re: African phenotypical diversity and trying to ascribe themselves credit for the existence of pretty black women.

No. 422172

It’s always ugly ass black men making these comments and projecting their self-hatred on to attractive black women, always them. The woman on the bottom is ugly and has very exaggerated features which other women of different races can have

No. 422174

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No. 422175

inb4 someone comes in just to say Imane isn't transgender and the whole thread gets derailed with olympics arguing lmao

No. 422177

Being homeless helps? Not being to get hired anywhere and thus be able to do anything helps anyone? Dumbass. This is why BW has the lowest position in America

No. 422179

This is one of the very few online spaces (exclusion discord) where I can be honest about the shit life conditions of my people

No. 422181

It's mostly an American thing tbh. white males in the US are cucked because by pushing the black=masculine thing, they're also calling themselves more feminine for being white. Pretty sure it has something to do with their transmaxxing obsession, but kinda off topic.

No. 422182

Because only a Jew would concerned about losing their job

No. 422183

It does. In the 2000s in urban areas and blue suburbs there was the choice between being a girlboss and/or macho and copying famous black people, and being an emo kid. That worked out fine but emo moved over to hip hop, now it's all of the above or going all-out with the newer sexual subculture stuff.

No. 422187

I miss old school emo

No. 422190

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If my mom wasn’t so religious, I would have dressed up like this. I miss the messy carefree fashion of the 2000s. I hate the hyper digital perfect slicked down Kardashian look

No. 422206

So do you just spend the whole day getting into arguments like this on the internet?

No. 422210

I find it really strange how obsessed white males are with black men, especially in a sexual way.

No. 422244

am I the only one who noticed WM (and some AM) simp over bw based on political affiliation? like they called halle ugly for her woke agenda TLM, but they praise candace owens' looks who also has far apart eyes because she's maga. I guess if a bw is desperate enough to speedrun climbing the totem pole, she can claim conservative.

No. 422251

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Idk if im being eloquent enough here to translate my thoughts, but it seems like white men hate black men in a way that also fetishizes their perceived animalisticness as masculine. There is a weird homoerotic undertone to the hatred, and it's very strange.

No. 422257

Im so confused at this pic. A toilet paper roll and a square bangle dancing (or…fucking??)?

No. 422258

i was trying to interpret it too. for the front pair of shapes i was like okay it's saying black dick is too big for white pussy (?). then I saw the back pair and I gave up.

No. 422263

If literally all you post about is Jewish people punishing black women, and you go on about how they deserve it, then you are probably one, yes.

No. 422279

Yeah, it's because despite what weird and/or insecure losers insist, black women actually aren't "inherently ugly" or whatever, but they are controversial. People tend to try to match their personal opinions with their politics, but it doesn't always work out, and they can get extremely disingenuous. This is also why a lot of racists try to give themselves the "out" of coping that black women they find very pretty must have "white features" or DNA somehow and often embarrass themselves.
Grifters like Candace know this and are cynical/money-seeking enough to play the game. One thing people don't talk about is that in the same way a lot of right wingers note black women's beauty if they feed into their politics, leftists also try to degrade black women's beauty if they don't fall into line. Vaush randomly trying to insult a conventionally attractive black TERF's looks by calling her a "garage sale doll" on Twitter when he likes to have sex with morbidly obese black trannies is a funny anecdote on this.

No. 422299

I'm so demoralized I wish I could remember what it's like to feel hopeful and optimistic again. I wish I could go back to 2003. My life peaked then.

No. 422300

>This is also why a lot of racists try to give themselves the "out" of coping that black women they find very pretty must have "white features" or DNA somehow and often embarrass themselves.
Samefag, in hindsight, I've even seen them do this with women they don't personally say they find pretty. It's just women who are objectively (conventionally) attractive.

No. 422303

How old are you?

No. 422316

I think it’s humiliating and embarrassing for black women to be so submissive towards Arabs. I literally grew up around these people and I know first hand their utter disgust for anyone with African ancestry. Even the woke ones believe we can climb no higher than the level of slaves. The ones in America are not that different than the ones back home. They still possess all the same qualities and bigotries. I just want black women to focus on ourselves because we really don’t have anyone else. I wish we were strategic instead of self-righteous

No. 422320

It's a panel from picrel from the short comic thread. The blue cylinder and red hole are supposed to represent a straight couple and they are horrified with what I think is a interracial couple, but the size difference is very weird.

No. 422322

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So I went to hot pilates last night and when I took my scarf off I still had little naps so that didn't work. Not as bad as when I just throw it in a bun but still enough to where I'm annoyed. Maybe the strat is to control the hidrosis? Gonna ask my boyfriend to write me a prescription for glycopyrrolate when he finishes surgery for the day because I've fucking had it. Stick around for the thrilling conclusion on this fuckery
Kill yourself Brittany is the goat

No. 422323

Yep. Just shows how white people love to claim biracials or mixed people as "black" only when it's convenient. If the biracial/mixed person is ugly, it's because of their black features. If they're pretty it's because of white blood. I think we should start pulling the same shit on whites and saying they're only attractive because of the little non-white blood they have to neg them. angelina jolie for example was mostly thirsted over because she has negroid lips and oriental eyes, giving her an exotic flair. And obviously no one would care about any of the kardashians if they didn't get African booty implants.

No. 422328

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Jewish moids are weirdos. I dont think theres anyone more obsessed with black women and black people in general than Jewish men. Maybe they think they have some birthright claim to black womens bodies because of Moses and Zipporah? Maybe they think they can play the oppression card and larp as white when they feel like it so they think they can 'relate' to our struggle? Idk but its kind of creepy.

No. 422329

Who is firing these black women and why are they so scared of black women voicing their opinions over anything whatsoever? Nobody deserves to be deplatformed for condemning governments who are blowing off children's lower bodies with drones.

The other anon is right I think most people have clocked you as a Jewish male by now. You should show yourself the door because its getting a bit embarrasingly obvious now. You literally try and derail this thread about Israel and Palestine every single day, you're just trying too hard anon.

No. 422344

I believe him. Jews run the media, so they're responsible for emasculating white males and portraying BM as hypermasculine in porn.(tinfoiling)

No. 422366

Funny, I’d thought they’d drop blacks forever after 10/7.

Many have been fired, even normie whites. But care the Maoist about black women being fired because we have a target on your backs. We are already perceived as extremely political and not in the right way. We don’t have a community to run to and blacken don’t give a shit about black women. Mind you if Kamala wins, you will suffer the wrath of high tech right wingers and their resentment towards “unpersons” like us. Despite your empathy, you have no safety or social net: https://our-true-nature.com/?p=5811

No. 422375

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Theres a thread on lipstick alley about Gabby Thomas and her BF, who is white. A post stood out to me
>I'm gonna need y'all to realize that men aren't on this earth to be beautiful.
The poster was scolding BW for talking about this white moids looks, then saying thats why black men are so feminine and think they are the prize.
It weirds me out how some women try to convince other women, especially BW to date ugly ass men. Also, all black men aren't beautiful anyway. The reason why Black men are "Feminine" or think they are the "prize" is because pick mes and general misogyny and thats really for all men.
That's why fuckers like Vaush or objectively ugly/mid moids think they are the shit. Women and men hype them and/or their retarded moid brains

No. 422381

Not black so maybe that affects my tastes, but that guy doesn't even look bad.

No. 422382

Why are you here if you aren't black?

No. 422384

Unfortunately, a lot of men are terrible people. Most women are decent people. As a result, men can afford to be pickier about looks because they don't have to worry about women threatening their safety as much and don't need a woman to make enough money to support a family of 3-4. The vetting process has lower stakes for them, so they can afford to be shallow. A woman is so grateful for a man who isn't rapey, creepy, or a loser that looks take a backseat. That's het dating for you.

No. 422391

im the first anon you replied to.. thank u for correcting me nonnie

No. 422392

how are you guys coming to terms with the amount of ignorant bw?
i got a silk press the other day and didnt anticipate how much id sweat so my bangs were rough and some other girls made a snarky comment (something along the lines of "whos hair is that" btw im mixed w native so ive got looser curls and longer hair)and the ignorance just ticked me off,
i know it was probably just a meaningless jab but i assume these girls understand how their own hair works

No. 422403

Sounds like those girls were jealous and saying anything, you should just pity them. I have naturally longer hair (not mixed though) and have had similar things happen/get said to me.
I think the best thing is to just avoid and ignore people who show themselves to be ignorant and are rude about it.

No. 422452

Does anyone else struggle with wanting to cut their hair off and restart their natural hair journey? I'm afraid I'm going to be ugly because my makeup isn't strong enough right now. I have locs(not real) right now and want to cut it off because I've just finished college. I'm just afraid of people thinking I look like a boy because I look exactly like my brothers. Am I overthinking things or should I get a wig on days I feel ugly?

No. 422500

>mixed with native
this thread is for black women, there’s a mixed race thread in the catalog stop fucking coming here shitting up the thread with ridiculous reddit-tier questions

No. 422505

File: 1723123618415.jpg (116.86 KB, 718x689, twitter.jpg)

I honestly hate when I see a black person (negatively) saying that other black people are doing/saying things that other races don't do, because most of the time you can tell they most likely rarely interact with people of other races kek.
For context, a vid was posted on Twitter of a French white woman proposing to her (white) man after winning a gold in a 3,000 meter race. The quotes had a lot of black women saying they wouldn't do something like that, and a lot of black men saying that black women are the only ones that think like that and that's why they'll always be single and miserable. Picrel as an example. If these dudes actually had friendships/relationships with white people they would know that even white women don't believe in proposing to a man and the athlete who did is an outlier amongst white women (and women in general). But they likely don't interact with other races on a personal level so it allows them to be delusional about non black people to tear down black women.

No. 422507

no hate but why bring this here? this isnt the "talk about black incels" thread.

No. 422508

>A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

No. 422512

no hate but why bring your mixed race woes in this thread, this isn’t the “mixed race thread”

No. 422513

um? wrong post?

I still think crossposting incel takes from any race of man is retarded, just make an incel thread somewhere if they pique your mind so much

No. 422516

make sure you draw brows and wear bright lipstick whenever you leave the house or at least wear dresses and skirts if you don't feel like makeup. US masculinizes BW (if you live there), so assholes will take any opportunity to "accidentally" misgender you with glee.

No. 422517

Moids who tear down women of their own ethnicity are always the fucking worst.

No. 422518

bright lipstick is tranny coded, just look like you care about hygiene and you'll avoid weirdos. The only black women i've seen that look at the very least androgynous are studs or masc dressing women. This is truly the most annoying psyop and i wish the faggots on the right and left would just leave us alone.

No. 422520

You are literally in the thread for black women to discuss themselves and the black community, no one has to stop posting something just because you didn't personally like ot. If you didn't like the post then ignore it and bring up another topic. You bitches love to complain but don't actually contribute anything to the thread.

No. 422521

unfuckingclench nonnie saying less incel posts would help with morale isn't being a bitch, not all of us want to see the same 20 discussions of
>incels hate black women
>omg no way
>rinse and repeat

stop being schizophrenic and stalking the thread for infights you weirdo. And learn to sage for the sake of the thread while you're at it.

No. 422522

I get this feeling sometimes but I remind myself it’s more effort to look cute as a bald/short haired woman than it is to put effort into a low maintenance styling routine. I have thin frizzy 3c hair.

No. 422525

>stop being schizophrenic and stalking the thread for infights you weirdo
How am I being schizo and stalking the thread for infights? You replied to my post, so I'm telling you that it fits ITT and to contribute something else if you don't like it
>And learn to sage for the sake of the thread while you're at it.
So you're a dumb newfag, no wonder you think you can control what people discuss but bitching and moaning.

No. 422526

It's not really tranny coded tbh. It's only become more stigmatized for dark bw to wear red lipstick since asap rocky said some shit about it. Burgundy or dark brownish pink is still cute if you don't want to be too flashy.

No. 422530

File: 1723127750391.png (15.38 KB, 550x488, 1676586090629044.png)

saging helps less tourists and baiters from finding the thread but ok

You have bpd and yes i think you're the schizophrenic infighter because of how hostile you type whenever you find a new line of bait or someone disagrees with you. Take your meds or find some sort of stress relief that isn't screaming at anons on a website.

No. 422531

>is an annoying newfag trying to police the thread
>gets shocked when someone replies aggressively
If using this thread for it's intended purpose (to discuss the black community and things related to being a black woman) is bait to you, then whatever just report me. Bring a new topic of discussion.

No. 422533

Based dogisaga poster. You're right. Black incels are annoying and I ignore them for a reason, I don't know why some people are into posting their shit here so often. If you're going to post their nonsense, at least post times where the black women on twitter they harassed laughed them out of a conversation or destroyed their shit arguments, not "oh no look what these men are saying about us now". Yes, we know they're retarded. They can say anything. They'll even say they'd worship a white man's ballsack just to dunk on black women. They're seeking attention from black women that they can't get otherwise. Leave them be and stop offering it up, lmao.

No. 422534

You literally cannot talk about black men in this thread without at least one person getting offended that you criticize them. Its so fucking weird.

No. 422535

The criticism is fine, just stop posting coal. We should be mocking them, not getting upset that some leftover men said something braindead.

No. 422536

File: 1723128609162.jpg (57.14 KB, 540x543, lllil.jpg)

critiquing black moids is awesome and more people should do it, but posting twitter/reddit screenshots from incels isn't productive and repetitive. Nothing in >>422505 is new or informative to anons here.

No. 422539

This is lolcow, nothing posted here has to be new or informative. Your problem is coming into a gossip site expecting it to be "productive". We're talking shit, not leading society for change or something.

No. 422541

Samefag but not to mention we talk about screenshots from men literally everywhere else on this site and it's no problem. You guys just don't want anons to talk about about black men specifically for some suspicious reason.

No. 422542

Certain parts of the site are for certain things, what the heck!! /g/ is for discussion, /snow/ /pt/ and /w/ are for gossip and /ot/ is a dumpster fire.

Talk about black dudes all you want but like i initially said discussing how much black ""incels"" or just incels in general is shit discussion and just makes the thread an eternal doomscroll.

No. 422545

Rant: Men expecting women to have empathy for them because of the stereotypes they face is hilarious. Meanwhile, they get to shit on BW and that's just their opinion or a preference. I don't care about men's mental health. They don't care about bw's, so why should I care about theirs? Incels deserve to feel like shit because they're racist/sexist cunts who see BW as subhuman 90% of the time. Ditto for the whole manosphere. Fuck their mental health. Bw get worse stereotypes than every other group on the planet and have been for centuries. I thought men were supposed to be stronger? Fucking deal with it.

No. 422546

But this is meant to be a gossip site regardless of what boards we have, hence "lolcow". Anyway, please learn that if you don't like what's being posted but it's still on-topic for the thread to just post something else to change the subject. Or do you just want to keep infighting rather than actually contributing anything more productive and informative?

No. 422547

File: 1723129402044.png (73.76 KB, 600x600, download20220805170503.png)

yeah it went on too far so i wont reply to you again but I am noting how you're now willing to care about quality of discussion because i proved you wrong lol bye

No. 422548

>proved you wrong
About what? Kek I've been telling you to contribute something else to the thread (which you won't do) since this post

No. 422561

im not half native ive grown up black not on a rez or with even knowing that part of my life, no one in my life would think i was anything but black i promise you

No. 422562

Bitch just take the L and stop posting incel takes from Twitter everybody in this thread is tired of seeing that shit. If your idea of discussion is to doompost take it to reddit because we're over it. Instead of raging about it post something uplifting for once or don't post at all, simple as.

No. 422563

It's been 2 hours, why are you still trying to derail about this? Move on and stfu.

No. 422564

File: 1723136048937.jpg (69.42 KB, 1200x675, fenty-beauty.jpg)

Here's a hot take, I appreciate the effort rihanna took to come up with a makeup brand for us but I cannot staaaand that concealer. Her eyeshadows are godly though

No. 422565

more so i dont have light skin at all, im like 1 fucking 8th of native the only reason i mentioned that is to give context as to why i have less coily hair
nothing about me screams that im mixed

No. 422566


No. 422567

Oh now you want to move on after getting dog piled? There is no way you're old enough to be posting here

No. 422568

I guess we can't rant here anymore, but I feel you anon. As women and especially as black women we're always expected to suit up and fight for people that literally don't like us. I refuse to participate, especially because men don't care about these issues themselves. Fight your own battles

No. 422574

It's funny because they think they're posing themselves as the more reasonable and intelligent people of their race, but any sane person can tell these people are insecure as fuck, misogynistic and desperate to suck up to other races.

No. 422575

And 8th native means barely anything when most black Americans are probably 15-20% white. The whiteys who raped your ancestors probably have more to do with your coils than the Indians.

No. 422580

NTA, but what's with this nasty comment? Are you right in the head?

No. 422582

How is the comment mean to the op? the same thing happened to my ancestors, so it's not meant to be cyberbullying. It's just the truth.

No. 422583

1/8 is barely less than 15%, it's 12.5%.

No. 422584

Right. Even on the lower end of white admixture, euro blood would contribute a bit more.

No. 422591

File: 1723139882549.jpg (82.83 KB, 736x981, 7034cc4d70ea5cacd32e58daf3ec63…)

Is it possible to permanently change your hair texture?
I went from having 4a hair until high school and now I'm almost 30 and my hair is 3c/3b-ish. I recently met up with family members who haven't seen me in years and they kept asking what I did to my hair and I can't explain it. I had a perm for about a year in high school, but did a big chop in college and regrew my hair naturally. The only products I use now are natural hair butters and shea butter based conditioners. Has anyone else experienced this?

No. 422594

File: 1723140027664.jpeg (Spoiler Image,32.43 KB, 1073x1049, BADA7ACB-14D6-4604-8D4F-4F521C…)

white republican moids are now sharing memes like this

i hate them so much
i hope kamala wins by a landslide

No. 422597

It's not as bad as the shit michelle got. She was called trans and a monkey. harris is smart and well-connected and will be fine. incels' opinions don't matter.

No. 422599

File: 1723140304398.jpeg (31.01 KB, 265x275, IMG_1931.jpeg)

this is what you’re talking to who you think is a “black” woman. black women can’t really have anything to ourselves, now we have a much of weirdos coming into the thread derailing and telling others to shut up about other topics we’re pretty much allowed to talk about

No. 422600

kamala isn’t black so i don’t really care

No. 422601

This image fills me with dread, where did you get this from?

No. 422602

black scrotes aren't known for lurking this website but I wouldn't be surprised if there are 1 or two around this thread. I've personally noticed that some people get really triggered and tell anons to shut up if they say stuff about black moods that isn't kissing their ass. Even if you just say you don't date them someone is guaranteed to get upset.

No. 422607

It was posted in the last thread. A lot of them are just too lazy to use the other thread so they come here talking shit about the very few black anons and expect us to cater to their retardation. The “Africans are entitled cunts” is ironic considering they are entitled to think they are the same as us.
I wonder if they’re lsafags because why are they getting so annoyed that we aren’t worshipping black scrotes? A lot of black women forget that they are also women besides being black, the only thing we have in common with black moids is by sharing our race’s misfortune that was caused by them in the first place

No. 422633

Some retarded self hating sperg got into it with an African and posted that cringey shit. Albeit; there is some tension that needs to be addressed between African Americans and indigenous Africans, calling them out of their name like that is on the same level as a white scrote coming in here and baiting the thread.
What I find the most inane is posting your ID to an image board filled with kiwifags and 4channers itching to harass people like us. You already know that person isn't right in the head if they feel the need to post their ID to prove their blackness.

No. 422640

gonna try a silk press myself ;-; does anyone have advice? is it even doable lol(emoji)

No. 422700

Are they actually attracted to her or do they want the clout of a “black” agreeing with them? I mean blacks people used to have coolness clout in the 80/90s but I doubt that even exists anymore. As a collective we have become more neurotic thanks to politics and social media

And I can’t really imagine anyone finding Candace Owens attractive. Like if she was a leftist, WM and AM would be calling her a gorilla for her nose shape and wide set eyes.

No. 422701

I want fame and attention and I think larping as conservative would help me for profit and connections this decade. I mean lots of people lie about their (political) afflictions for reasons. What do I get out of years of trying to be a principled leftist?

No. 422708

sis, i advise you to ask elsewhere for hair advice. the nonnies here dont care.trust. I've tried to ask before kek.

No. 422710

YouTube and TikTok is best, but I have general advice

1. Clarifying shampoo - clean very well, and be sure to remove any old styling product.
2. Gentle conditioner for detangling
3. Towel Dry and spray heat protection products
4. Section hair into 4-6 parts and blow dry. Use a special brush and bow dryer or an Airwrap if you’re fancy
5. Work back to front, and begin straightening 1-2 inch sections of your hair.
6. As you are straightening, use a fine tooth comb to guide your movements. Repeat all over your hair
7. Use a gentle smoothing cream all over your hair
8. (Optional but recommended) set for 30 min with a Saran Wrap. After you are done, brush gentle with a wide tooth comb
9. Limit water and use dry shampoo to extend your hair’s straightness

No. 422711

Attraction is complex. There probably is legit attraction there. Japanese women are heavily fetishized despite looking nothing like white women for political and cultural reasons. Fair-skinned Arab women are not really fetishized despite many looking eurocentric because their culture is seen as anti-anglo-saxon.
I wanna see more BW shilling far right, getting paid, and secretly donating the money to bw's businesses and bw-focused non-profits. I know there are some shrewd ones out there.

No. 422715

The nonblacks are here party is over

No. 422717

wtf is wrong with you, you're gonna promote ideologies and parties that kill black women because you wanna make a few bucks? btw coons and uncle toms arent rare theres a fuckton of them on twitter kek so good luck getting noticed among that sea…unless you have money and connections and status like candace does its not happening

No. 422718

right wing men hate all women but they pretend to be attracted to and tolerate women whose beliefs align with theirs out of spite. right wing moids praise ann coulter as stunning and brave but none of them actually want to date her irl, same with CO. they call kamala a woman who sucked dick to get to the top but praise melania trump for being the epitome of grace and 'work ethic' kek. they hate trannies but praise blaire white for being 'more of a real woman than female sjws'
all men are hypocritical pieces of shit

No. 422734

They don't call every single black woman who agrees with them attractive, so I don't think it's about "the clout".
Candace Owens is pretty IMO, just unique-looking. I've even seen men who say they hate her and find her annoying claim they still find her attractive.

No. 422736

>pretend to be attracted to
I think you mythologize men's attraction too much. They will fuck a McChicken. Their standards are not sky-high. Ann Coulter and Melania are attractive to them, and so is Kamala Harris, but they hate the last one so they talk about her sleeping her way to the top. All pretty women that men seethe at get called whores. Note that they didn't make hypersexualized remarks about Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama. I don't know if CO's husband is part of her viewer base, but he's a wealthy right winger and had kids with her fairly quickly, so I don't think she's really struggling much in the dating department.
They also want to fuck Blaire White. There's no pretense, they compliment Blaire White far more than JustPearlyThings despite all her simping and pickmeing and even "calling out the Jews" because they're porn addicts who find him more attractive lol.

No. 422745

File: 1723180446242.jpg (37.87 KB, 562x675, 1720370875088.jpg)

I feel like your obsession with talking about incels stems from your bpd and internalized misogyny. My point about incels wasn't race related at all. I said that repeatign the same doomposting about racist incels is annoying and makes the thread a shitfest. Complain about black dudes all you want just stop bringing their hate to this thread. If anything make a /2X/ thread about it.

No. 422747

Hair texture loosens with age and how you care for it. Just look at what your grandmothers hair looked like and it'll give you a good idea of how it'll change later on.

No. 422773

Nobody has to stop posting anything just because you don't like it minimod, let it go. NTA.

No. 422785

File: 1723197281738.jpeg (98.37 KB, 1484x989, IMG_5784.jpeg)

Please point out how she is cute or attractive to anyone. Say what features or harmony this woman has

No. 422791

File: 1723198854568.jpg (101.96 KB, 675x1200, e7512e39ee9d0ace15a29610d02e5a…)

IMO she has a "doll-like" look to her with cute big eyes, thick lips, nice cheekbones and soft features. She also seems to be physically fit or at least slim, which adds to a lot of women's attractiveness.
I don't like her or her politics, and her appearance isn't "for" everyone, but she is far from a hideous beast, anon. If Anya Taylor Joy being seen as pretty is believable to people (I also think she's pretty, and again "unique-looking"), I consider the same to be true of Candace.

No. 422793

Nta but this is shooped and filtered kek

No. 422797

File: 1723201151585.jpeg (460.25 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_5733.jpeg)

So a politically correct butterface, wonderful
We are so starved as a society for real black beauty

No. 422798

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More like politically incorrect, considering she's a right-winger. But yeah, I don't consider her a great beauty of our age, most women in politics aren't. She just isn't ugly, even if she's annoying.

No. 422806

…because there no actual black women ITT, just gay males larping. just like on LSA

No. 422807

She's pretty but her husband is gay and a weirdo

No. 422808

Just because she's retarded I don't get why people act like she's ugly. She's pretty averagely cute. If she wasn't retarded nobody would be shit talking her looks besides porn obessed mods. Visually she's inoffensive.

No. 422809

Men can fuck things they aren't attracted to. I think that's what a lot of women don't realize. Men literally go on 'hog hunting' and 'pull a pig' dares with their friends to have sex with ugly and fat women. It doesn't mean they are attracted to those women. It's the same reason they can be straight but fuck other men in the ass and rape grandmas and babies during wars too. Sex is a weapon of abuse for men. They can easily separate attraction from sex in the moment.

No. 422810

it's funny because my ex used to say the opposite: that his dick is selective and that he couldn't fuck a woman he's not attracted to, but that women can have sex with anyone, even old fat guys. i guess it was just his porn addiction projecting.

No. 422812

Most men will fuck Amy Schumer, even though she is ugly. However, they are not publicly championing Amy Schumer as a hot leftist they want to "correct"/hatefuck/that fucked her way to the top/whatever the way they do with Kamala Harris and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They, Melania Trump, Candace Owens and co are not "pigs". Men do not have to love who they're attracted to, or who they choose to have sex with. In fact, the opposite is sometimes true. This is also why it's easy to find them bashing Amber Heard, who's conventionally attractive and also their idea of an evil female/feminist boogeyman to hatefuck, and why they also heavily sexualize and attack Taylor Swift for being a "feminist".

No. 422813

Who cares what men think.

No. 422816

they are about 50% of the population and harm women in various ways due to their mindsets. So Yes, the atrocities the males think about, do matter.

No. 422820

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I feel like people want to believe a woman being good-looking inherently gives her some sort of virtue. In reality, beauty is more of a convenience (or a concentrated effort) than it is a virtue or an indication of a good personality.
When it turns out that a woman who looks pretty is actually not a good person, it causes a degree of cognitive dissonance in most, and they need to pick one cope. Either the woman's actions must be defensible/not a big deal in some way, or they must actually be ugly. I think it even works on a subconscious level, though not to the same degree as when it's deliberately pushed and spoken (eg people are quicker to defend a criminal or want to help them if they're attractive). I think the opposite of this is when women start insisting an unattractive man is handsome just because they like his personality or "vibe".

No. 422821

We know you're same fagging give it up
Yeah seriously they're arguing over Candace of all people. This thread can't go one day without retarded baiting

No. 422822

File: 1723207344113.webp (77.15 KB, 759x562, blackface-759.webp)

is it because they look like this?

No. 422824

Movies/TV shows take fewer risks thanks to piracy, so niche productions (like ones that include hot BW) get less funding.

No. 422826

Halo effect is real for both sexes, humans are shallow as fuck and will always make excuses for good looking people, no matter how awful they are.

No. 422828

is it true that black womens scalps are naturally stronger and more healthy than caucasians and other races and take more tension? theres a white girl at my workplace, hippie chick who has baby pink and blue locs. honestly she pulls it off pretty well and shes a nice girl, so i dont take offense to it. but i noticed up close shes kinda balding in some places where the locs are obviously too heavy for her hair and pulling at her scalp. i knew a lot of white girls in school who had 'ballerina baldness' from alway wearing tight ponys and buns. but i know a ton of black women who have super tight braids and weaves and still didnt bald or shed at all (obviously glue or whatever is death for any woman and nobody should use it) are our scalps just naturally able to take more weight and pull?

No. 422829

not even always good looking people. Whites brainwashed everyone into thinking jesus and God are white with blue eyes, so it's also about whiteness giving you proximity to holiness. Perfect way to make sure your race gets away with anything while demonizing the race who looks like the opposite.

No. 422830

I wouldn't necessarily say it's about the scalp but rather how fine the hair is overall in comparison.

No. 422835

File: 1723210452344.jpeg (1001.42 KB, 1290x1590, 450FFA38-3615-4144-AFBE-805217…)

You're right. Black people are considered the bottom of the looks hierarchy, but personally I have never even entertained that idea because I know its pure bullshit. On average, black people are definitely the nicest looking race. We have more even harmonious features, nice smooth skin with far less blemishes (as long as we keep moisturized) and I think we are just generally more pleasant to look at than other races, honestly.

I mean look at my picture white, asian and mena people are honestly ugly as fuck on average. Yeah their top 1% models, celebrities, etc might be good looking but I'm gonna be real, 95% of them are ugly as fuck to my eyes and have unpleasant features (whites have huge clunky looking faces and big neanderthal noses, arabs have big noses and too much body hair, asians have sickly sallow skin and are just bland as fuck to look at same with latinxs) and skin naturally than other races and I'll stan by that. I dont even care if I get banned for racism, other races have been talking shit about us and calling us ugly as cope since forever.

Yes our genes are superior and our scalps are superior at taking pressure from braids and locs. We are stronger than other races, we have more elasticity in our skin and age better than other races, we are more athletic and build muscle more effortlessly, and we are also much more attractive and mentally resilient than other races who are weaklings.(racebait)

No. 422836

Black women in red lipstick look fire and gorgeous as fuck. Only a self hating schizo would see a caricature like that or imagine some gollywog thing when seeing a beautiful black woman wearing RL.

No. 422838

File: 1723210877668.png (2.72 MB, 2393x1173, Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 14.38…)

BW in red lipstick is fucking breathtaking and is actually one of my favourite looks. Gatekeepers can go fuck themselves, black women wear whatever makes you feel good. Honestly I think it suits medium to dark skin women more, lighter skinned women look kinda yellow and washed out with it, but still no hate and its pretty nonetheless…

No. 422841

File: 1723211031329.jpeg (130.31 KB, 960x1200, 694EDE49-D490-494C-88E0-2A2F15…)

in the 90s a lot of darkskin BW wore red lipstick. It looks great with a black or brown liner. Of course we invented the dark liner look because many bw naturally have dark line around their lips, then Latinas stole it and rebranded it as chola makeup and everyone praised them for being baddies. But we invented it.

No. 422842

File: 1723211193060.png (299.7 KB, 565x571, Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 14.45…)

Metallic and glossy red look stunning on medium to darker skinned BW.

No. 422844

black women are so beautiful it honestly makes me want to shed a tear up sometimes
black women are peak, dont cast your pearls before swine

No. 422853

File: 1723211872345.jpeg (167.42 KB, 900x1200, IMG_2137.jpeg)

>inb4 “you’ve never seen a woman without makeup”
No, she’s objectively ugly.

No. 422856

File: 1723212174384.jpeg (83.68 KB, 400x354, IMG_2139.jpeg)

No. 422860

no one is starved, we’re tired and want to go home to whatever planet yakub came from

No. 422862

Plenty of pornstars men fap to look similar in the face without makeup.

No. 422865

what does her attractiveness have anything to do with men jerking their cocks off to porn??? men don’t know shit about beauty, don’t use their dopamine addiction as a metric kek

No. 422876

Anon, that photo is at least 7 years old now and is taken from a bad angle kek
>oh nooo, acne and hyperpigmentation
Be realistic

No. 422900

>wanting to see hot black women makes you a weird NOI cultists

Who’s the real racist?

No. 422914

>we’re tired and want to go home to whatever planet yakub came from
Then why did you enter the black girl general? Racists are so weird
>reeee we hate blacks
>time to force myself into black spaces, read what blacks might be saying, use black slang, think about blacks all the time, pretend to be black online, try to talk to blacks, etc etc etc

No. 422916

Reminds me of that "BW" trump supporter who got outed as a white male kek

No. 422928

i wonder why men choose to larp as women they always want to larp as bw

No. 422936

Tbh I don't think you need to shit on other groups unprovoked to uplift black women. I get what you mean but please don't anon

No. 422944

are you retarded? it was a fucking joke. jesus christ no one can take a joke anymore, everybody is so overly paranoid and scared about everything
you can stop thinking about dick for once, not everyone is a white scrote or black scrote this shit makes me want to scream it’s so fucking annoying, shut the fuck up with the retarded foiling

No. 422946

tell us about the crime and intelligence anon, are we ranking at their level? yeahhhh, maybe not say any of that. they might be ugly but strength doesn’t matter in this world where invention and money matters the most, they rank higher than us on those things

No. 422953

>it was a joke
Ok then just stop being a faggot lol

No. 422954

Whiteys killed so many indigenous people, it cooled the planet for a few decades.
black countries play the smallest role in carbon emissions and global warming. For a group with such high IQs, they can't seem to make sure their white grandkids still exist in 30 years to dominate the world. Now go back pls(racebait)

No. 422955

> black people are definitely the nicest looking race.
kek whatever helps you sleep at night(racebait)

No. 422956

Blackeys commit the most crime

> According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders

> The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites, and their victim rate was similar.
> Blacks are arrested for non-aggravated assault at 2.7 times the white rate.
> Black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, account for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery

Too many to quote, here is the source:

No. 422957

I just saw a tiktok of these black teens getting harassed by a WW at a taylor swift concert in Germany. Black women are getting the treatment jews got before the Holocaust. Everyone get weapons, hide, and be prepared in case thugs try to put you in FEMA camps.

No. 422958

what was she mad at them about?

No. 422959

they commit the most black-on-black crimes that could honestly lead to their own extinction like the natives but they’re still crying about indigenous people being murdered. i can’t wait until black people wake up when it’s finally too late that they’ve been sold a lie for centuries that’s distracted them from gaining wealth and wisdom

No. 422962

Ignorance is bliss!

No. 422963

it was literally bc they're black.

No. 422977

Anyone else been pressured into settling for men with serious life issues (unemployment, substance abuse) by their moms because they’re getting older?

No. 422978

Yea i can see whites putting blacks in burn boxes like they did the jews. They're all over this thread bringing up crime rates and probably see all blacks as violent monkeys. I bet the people here would do something like that if they could get away with it.

No. 422991

It's serious mental illness to be dealing with deranged rapist trannies/unironic eunuch fetishists being allowed and respected in your psychological field, the meth problem and family annihilators in your community, but be so chiefly concerned with another demographic committing crime on themselves. Racists are just very freakish and cowlike people, they'll always hate black people 1000x more than they'll ever love their own. You can even see it in how they've always voted, they'd gladly get fucked in the ass just on the promise that The Minorities will suffer more, and they still haven't figured out that it doesn't help them.

No. 422998

Exactly. American life expectancy has been going down since the mid 2010s for a reason. And it's not because of the blacks.

No. 423021

I'm convinced people who think bw are objectively unattractive wanna see us in gas chambers. It's not a hard line of logic to follow. Beauty is objective>beautiful people have objectively better genes>bw are less beautiful>bw have worse genes>bw should die out bc bad genes>genocide.

No. 423022

You're right that devaluation of looks is a slippery slope to eugenics, whites have always used grotesque caricatures of black people to dehumanize us and justify treating us like shit, but self hating black women arent to blame, theyre just victims of white supremacist brainwashing. If you grow up in a mostly white racist environment you're gonna internalize racism. It also doesnt help that with all the 'body positivity' shit nowadays, white people always choose very overweight black women to represent plus size models. It feels like we're being mammified all over again. The person claiming black girls are ugly ITT is obviously an angry white becky or a white troon.

No. 423062

i'm always shocked how people can't connect the dots. Of course the race of women who were considered at the bottom of the hierarchy due to racist eugenics circa 1700s are conveniently still dead last now.

No. 423068

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This entire thread is just doompost circle jerking jewish fags and self hating retards who ignore any conversation that isn't saying how much suffering we go through. Why can't farmhands just permasage this shithole already.

No. 423080

if you want toxic positivity where people pretend bw can looksmax ourselves away from racism, go to LSA.

No. 423085

You're genuinely sick in the head if you think it's normal for people to think we're going to get gassed like jews and that it's healthy to talk about yourself in these ways.

No. 423094

meh, it's possible. doesn't mean I think it'll for sure happen tomorrow. the chances will surely increase if Trump wins tho. With this species, it's better to be surprised by kindness than hate.

No. 423095

youre genuinely mentally ill and need to log off

No. 423097

you idiots said this in 2016, does the fear mongering ever get old? if kamala gets in office we'll just have rabid latinos and muslims after us. you;'re too stupid to understand politics it seems

No. 423101

NTA, I don't even like Kamala or consider her black, but why would Muslims and Latinos come after us? They have no problem with black people

No. 423102

>consider her black
Not American so apologies if this sounds like a dumb question:
Barack Obama is considered black even though he is biracial. Why is does Kamala get treated differently?

No. 423105

they’re trying to get this thread permabanned because the other race-chan threads weren’t allowed. jealousy is a disease

No. 423107

Both communities are extremely anti-black and are en-masse coming into the country.

No. 423118

latinos and muslims are already in this country. The white fascists haven't gotten bold enough yet. But they can later. You think Elon Musk and the others are joking when they post low-IQ stats of blacks on Twitter? Do you not see how that could lead to eugenics?

No. 423123

Asians didn't eliminate AA, the whites did. They just used Asians as useful idiots, and they were dumb enough to agree to it. There are no Asians on the SCOTUS.

No. 423128

Asians advocating against AA wasn't a oopsie moment, it was a deliberate move to reduce black enrollment but their lack of critical thinking and racial hatred made them forget they're not white either. Those fucking retards deserve that embarrassment.

No. 423131

Obama considered himself black and married a black woman. And his black half was 100%
Kamala obviously regards herself as mixed and her black half comes from her already admixed father. And she married a white/Jewish guy.
If you are going to call Kamala black, you pretty much have to include people like Tiger Woods as well. I don't even have a problem with her or with other people considering her black, I just personally don't.

No. 423133

Europeans would rather harass black women than literal male MENA terrorists, shit life

No. 423134

Mostly because of opioids, thank the Sackler Family

No. 423135

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The brain melting site with dust for tea? No thanks. You girls need to read more books. Catch up on math instead of gossip

No. 423137

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Tbh I don't think the gas chamber thing is going to happen, but it's true that people who obsess over claiming you're automatically ugly if you're black tend to be mentally damaged. So many of them can never just shrug their shoulders and say they have their own tastes. They're like incels, they have some weird need to try to convince everyone in the room of what they claim is their opinion and push them to degrade black women, and as mentioned before, when they can't pull it off with a certain woman or women, they start insisting they have "white DNA".
And yeah I don't think the whole push on the left for morbidly obese black women is complimentary or positive at all. It's an unhealthy lifestyle, and statistically, black women are already too at risk, even more at risk than white women already are, so why exactly should being fat be uplifted? Black women with restrictive EDs do exist, but on an intra-community level, I do not believe we are suffering from restrictively thin beauty standards. If anything, being too thin gets you shamed outside of certain communities in the diaspora. There are also those fat retards who think being obese is tantamount to being black and start calling people racist/anti-black for being "fatphobic". Whole thing could be body posi delusion, could be part of a larger push for poorer health. Only time will tell.

No. 423138


What better way to get rid of the negro problem than with a new competitor? A permanent beige buffer, worshippers of whiteness and enactors of colorism(racebaiting)

No. 423139

Muslims are just pissed off at being colonized instead of being the colonizers. Their erratic and violent behavior makes me wish colonialism lasted another century for them and wiped off Islam from the face of the earth. We could have been free….

No. 423141

There are Black Muslims too.

No. 423142

Don't forget the cheap labor and extreme misogyny! That's why all of the rw grifters are pretending to read the book of inceldom. Islam literally justifies killing your wife if you think she cheated and killing your daughters if they don't believe. It's the last nail in the coffin for turning a country into a third world shithole

No. 423145

NTA but black Muslims are extremely cucked and full of self-hatred. Those who've grown up around them know. Young Somali moids are some of the most psychotic blackcels, too.

No. 423148

I know. I had the misfortune of growing up in such a family. A cucked group of people who were ready to kill for their Arab masters. An Arab would call them ngger or abeed and brush it off as a silly misunderstanding, knowing they would never accept this behavior from a white person

No. 423153

I know more Somali femcels than incels. The men can just get a wife from Somalia whereas the women are too westernised to get a man of their own kind but not attractive enough to secure long term commitment from interracial.

No. 423170

Is this Jewish moid really still baiting about Islam and Palestine again?

No. 423171

Can you stop namedropping yourself, your shit website and your favorite country for a single day? Nobody gives a shit. We don't like Islam, we don't like racist Jewish people, we don't like incels and we don't like trannies.

No. 423172

>I don't think the gas chamber is going to happen.
Well that never happened to begin with. Gas chambers dont have wooden doors with open edges that would allow fumes to leak out.
Jews made it up to feel oppressed while denying the fact all the slave ship owners and merchants of black flesh had Jewish names.
They probably had Malcolm X killed too because he exposed them for what they had done to black communities aka exploiting traumatized freed slaves and plying them with drugs and alcohol for profit.(racesperging)

No. 423175

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No. 423177

>When the Dutch West India Company founded an Atlantic empire, Jews flocked to Dutch colonies in South America and the Caribbean. Jewish settlers, in places like Curaçao, were granted “the free exercise of their religion” in anticipation of their help in facilitating economic development.[3] They did not disappoint the Company’s expectations, trading European commodities and African slaves to Spanish America, the French and English Caribbean, and English North America in exchange for tobacco, cacao, coffee, sugar, indigo, logwood, and many other new world products, which they often shipped back to Amsterdam.[4] As their population grew, and Curaçao became the seat of Caribbean Jewry, with Amsterdam-trained rabbis and normative Jewish practices well-established, the Jews of the island built a series of ever larger houses of worship, culminating in a new synagogue for Congregation Mikvé Israel in Willemstad that was dedicated on the first day of Passover, 1732.[5] It remains in use today and is the oldest synagogue building in the Americas.

Insane. They actually wrote an obituary about this Jewish moid who trafficked black women and children as slaves to the New World and try to make it seem flattering and champion him as a hero.

https://www.gothamcenter.org/blog/the-gomez-family-and-atlantic-patterns-in-the-development-of-new-yorks-jewish-community(repeated sperging)

No. 423178

>Grrr, how dare those blacks say anything negative about my murderous, child-marrying, misogynistic religion?
>I'm just going to make it look like The Blacks are Holocaust denialists so I can derail the thread into Israel/Palestine bullshit to punish them for saying anything negative about Islam

No. 423181

>>Grrr, how dare those blacks say anything negative about my murderous, child-marrying, misogynistic religion?

Are you referring to Islam or Judaism?

No. 423182

Both of you

No. 423185

>Eventually, Luis and his family moved to London, where they were able to outwardly proclaim their faith in Judaism. At some point in the late 1680s, Luis migrated to the West Indies, living for a while in Jamaica and possibly Barbados, before settling in New York. While in Jamaica, Luis married Esther Marques. The couple had four sons in the West Indies — Jacob, Mordecai, Daniel, and David — while two more sons — Isaac and Benjamin — were born in New York.[14]

>In New York, Luis Moses Gomez initially set up a retail shop that sold goods from Europe and the Caribbean. Over the course of the first half of the 18th century he and his sons expanded their operation by opening additional stores and handling commodities (slaves) from all over the world that were imported on ships that they owned.[17] By 1714, New York governor Robert Hunter wrote that the Gomezes were all “persons of Considerable trade and commerce” in the colony.[18]

Mordecai and David are mentioned here.

No. 423186

Keep lying, kek

No. 423207

Because right wingers in this country have gone full retard and are doing everything possible to discredit her

No. 423209

Why is this racebaiting but >>422954 isn’t?
> Whiteys
> Blackeys
The latter is banned. Hmmmm.

No. 423211

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So much for black don’t crack. She’s 22 but looks 45(bait)

No. 423213

its the plastic surgery and drag makeup you cock guzzling faggot

No. 423214

KEK keep seething

No. 423220

The gay white men we've known haunted this thread are rearing their ugly heads now. We won't be safe until the next Kim Petras album drops.

No. 423224

You know it's either a male porn addict or a gay man who obsessively follows black women on Twitter for slang and nail designs to copy, because who even is that person? Creepy stalker behavior.

No. 423226

Ngl the dress is really cute I would wear that clubbing. Everything else gotta go tho

No. 423229

but they actually thought there'd be more Asians at top tier unis as a result. that's how legit dumb some were.

No. 423237

Don’t you think they have it hard? They’re Muslim, visibly different, a walking “intersectional POC”. It’s hard to be treated normally if everyone around you treats you weird. Not to mention Islamic (auntie) surveillance and the risk of honor killing. Muslim women can’t easily marry out due to religious ruling, unlike Muslim men. That is a very intentional mimetic to grow the religion.

If Somali women larped as Black, kept slim and accentuated their features, kept an open mind towards interests and people, and turned their back on their community, then they would do well for themselves.

No. 423238

>Venting exmuslims couldn’t possibly exist because my liberal/Muslim friends said so?
>Surely, it’s a Jew on these forums!

Very Stupid

No. 423239

They are black, lol. Literally blacker than the average African-American in both DNA and skintone.

No. 423242

i love this black ex-muslim channel. they definitely exist.

No. 423254

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I found this through another black girls twitter who said the same thing kek but if you say so

No. 423255

Why can we say whiteys but not blackeys? Is this twitter? Talk about double standards

No. 423258

Bc blackeys never did a Holocaust to kill whiteys before.

No. 423266

Sad that pretty black women have to neg other pretty black women. I weep for our community sometimes. You dont see other races of women negging and hating on each other this badly all the time.

No. 423268

This just isn't true lmao
Russian and east asian women eat each other alive because of beauty standards.

No. 423275

Yes, we know gay men obsessively use Twitter and copy black women they see there. What's new? It's weird to post this here. Do you have your actual face on your Twitter account so you couldn't say "So much for black don't crack" without getting mocked/cyberbullied, or were you just convinced you'd get no engagement or replies there? Either way, your fixation on black women is strange.

No. 423276

Nya but are you really trying to say no black women use Twitter kekkkk

No. 423278

Are you retarded?

No. 423280

the aids is rotting his brain, just report and ignore atp

No. 423281

No they dont. They dont shit talk each other on twitter.

No. 423282

Im not even involved with whatever fight you guys are having, I just think it's weird to say a black woman on Twitter has to be a gay man larping lol

No. 423283

NTA but you're genuinely low IQ if that was your takeaway, congrats.

No. 423284

Anon is the one who said
>Yes, we know gay men obsessively use Twitter and copy black women they see there
Which would imply that twitter user is a gay moid larping. Whatever though.

No. 423285

i'm tired of bbl culture and the blowup doll look. BM call every other BW ugly and then they grow up trying to look like blow up dolls bc of the negging. Then the transwomen benefit because fake-looking bodies and faces become mainstream in biowomen, so they can pass better. low self-esteem women and useless males cause so many problems in society.

No. 423287

No, it doesn't if you read that same greentext or the conversation, kek.

No. 423290

kys(infighting in multiple threads)

No. 423293

Anon is clearly not defending TIMs, maybe she doesn’t know the lingo most accepted here yet? Do you want to be an ally to women or just camp out in threads nitpicking anons, making them not want to post? I agree with OP, the blowup doll body standard is fucked and disgusting.

No. 423297

take your meds already, you've been misinterpreting every other post atp bpd-chan. just bc someone doesnt call trannies a slur doesn't mean she likes them.

No. 423305

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I'm tired of the dumbass conversations going on right now. What are some black owned makeup brands you like to use?

No. 423333

Damn if she’s 22 then I must be 16 because I still look like a 16-18 year old. Freaky, I wonder if there’s something they’re putting in black people’s food for them to look like this

No. 423367

Don’t respond to retarded bait, even in this pic you can tell she’d look like a teen without the retarded makeup kek, I honestly think of black girls know this and overcompensate. I don’t get the bait anyway since her skin is obviously still perfect, whereas like 20% of white 22-year-olds look like Billie Eilish.

No. 423385

Conspiracy: Harris slipped up and almost called Biden the vice president in a clip of him saying "ho ho ho happy 4th…" People focused on Joe's blunder, but seems like she's been controlling things for a while based on that freudian slip. If they did let her function as president long enough for her to misspeak so loosely in public, she'll definitely be the next official president.(off topic)

No. 423388

This thread is full of nonblack ppl if all you do is ignore normal conversations for race sperging smh. The obsession with black women needs to be studied

No. 423400

Most of them don’t identify as black, but they would do well if they did.

No. 423401

Is she negging or just surprised? Heavy 2016 drag makeup can really change a woman’s face

Damned if we do, and damned if we don’t. People complain if we are natural and complain if we try to put effort. It’s no wonder why modern black women are so insecure and overcompensate for their femininity. Bleached skin, heavy makeup, $1000+ wigs, $50K+ for plastic surgery, just to look like an instagram clone and be mocked by the men you worship.

Fenty has released some decent staples. I wish pat mcgrath had more shade options for dark skin. There’s barely any favorable lip colors for us

No. 423425

Cosmetic adjacent, but Black Girl Sunscreen is so worth the extra couple of dollars. The store brand no-cast/brown skin friendly sunscreens burned the fuck out of my eyes.

No. 423433

>even in this pic you can tell she’s a teen
Well, first of all retard if you knew how to read (sigh) that woman is a 22 year old adult and no, I don’t know any teenager who has big fucking boobs, wide hips, and an hourglass figure unless they’ve been eating a bunch of estrogen-filled foods. She looks very old for a 22 year old

No. 423439

Nta but I think they meant look like a teen in the face without makeup.

No. 423441

That's not how puberty, bodies, or estrogen work

No. 423442

What the other reply says, but I still don’t know what you’re getting at. The makeup makes her read older than she is but even with the ps she’d seem her age without it. I don’t really get what your point is about her body regardless kek

No. 423451

She's based. God, fuck Islam.

No. 423500

Black don't crack went from being a compliment, to black women/girls using that to shame every single black woman who doesn't look exactly her age or years below it. I think the internet has rotted people minds.
I've seen people use celebrities as a "example" of how a certain age should look for bw. It's the weird internet brain rot that I didn't think bw would catch.

No. 423502

What crazy is if she was 45 people would be saying she looks 25 or under like they say Bernice Burgos does. Because we know her age people are going to pretend like facially she doesn't look her age because they see the bbl body/make up which does age her. People love to neg younger bw for looking older but act like older black women who have the same work/make up look 25 suddenly. When truth is most 22 year olds don't look like this naturally and most 40 year olds don't look like this. This is simply the ig baddie style that is meant to be grown and sexy. You aren't going to look your age at 22 with a heavy bbl,/hard breast implants/two pounds of make up and lace fronts. Though if she wiped that make up off she looks 22 facially at least.

No. 423504

Wait but those tits are visible under the dress, they don't ban those pics anymore?

No. 423509

>beady little eyes
oh my god go back to the shayna thread you annoying tranny

No. 423511

You will never be black.

No. 423516

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No. 423517

Please report and ignore baiters instead of fighting with them. Next time the people who respond will be banned as well.

No. 423519

i wanna get stronger, but bw who get really muscular are considered mannish (Serena williams).

No. 423530

Always rubbed me the wrong way. I mean it’s a recent positive compliment for black women and that’s why it’s so pushed so hard. But the examples pushing pushed as “good politics”, “staying in her lane”; did everyone forget about the plastic surgery or being able to afford regular skin treatments? I mean melanin can only go so far

No. 423531

Anyone would get that treatment at her level but Serena works professionally and intentionally hard to be a powerhouse. Female bodybuilders of all races mention this too but apparently it doesn’t drown out the fans or stop them. It’s kind of old fashioned tbh and gym trainers will scale the walls to reassure you. Not that I don’t believe in your efforts but you really can’t get that big, weight lift all you want, it’ll only make you look like any other hobbyist fitness model.

No. 423532

Your health is more important than internet whiners. You are capable of building strength

No. 423540

Anon are you blind? Kek. You don’t have to cape for this old ass looking woman just because she is black.

No. 423546

i think bw shouldn't publicly bash other bw's looks. we already get shamed for existing by cyrptoeugenicists of other races + black moids.

No. 423547

Lol, it’s easy to clock this as yt seething. She looks old for a black girl her age, but not for the rest of the world to be frank.

No. 423555

I won't say anything bad about any woman's looks period, men of any race do that already. This ww vs bw vs aw debate is so tired, I get why people are tempted to get into it but it leads nowhere other than women feeling bad for not being and looking 20 forever. Then y'all gonna cry about colorism and ageism after a lifetime of putting down other women for looking different. The worst critics are in your head and you're feeding them. Mind your business.

No. 423563

i agree it's not good to bash women's looks in general. But bw are the only group of women who have people saying we're genetically the worst in terms of objective beauty. Not really the same.

No. 423568

Yeah, this is one of many reasons why I don't like seeing some black women put down fellow black, white or other women's looks out of nowhere. It's just cruel and unnecessary. We're all women who get criticized by men and face retarded standards regardless. Plus, it doesn't help us in the long run. It just gives both the nastier people of those groups and moids more excuses to attack us.

No. 423572

I know, that's why I said I get why some people do it. Still not a good reason to go after anyone's looks, there's always going to be dusties doing it much better than you and they don't care about race as much as you think. They'll turn on ww and call them ugly feminist hags to praise muh submissive Asian waifus just as quickly as bm turn on bw. All you'll do is make yourself and others miserable, make their job easier and they still won't fuck you.

No. 423574

>they still won't fuck you.
NTA, they will but that's not something to uplift because they'll also fuck a hole in a wall, a hot pocket, a pie, a melon, a cantaloupe, eachother, their relatives, other species, a corpse….

No. 423575

True, you're right and I stand corrected. Not someone you'd want to involve yourself with either way.

No. 423581

>They don't care about race as much as you think
Uh wrong.

No. 423583

Men get off on pitting women of different races against one another, it's one of the most common negging tactics. It's just sad when some women are stupid enough to take the bait and fight with other races of women too.

No. 423585

While that is true, we should definitely still hold women accountable for falling for it and rubbing it in other women's faces. Both parties can be guilty. Women have minds of their own.

No. 423589

And you can do that without insulting someone's looks. Nobody is saying women don't have minds of their own.

No. 423592

by holding them accountable, I wasn't talking about attacking their looks.

No. 423593

Women who hate on other races of women due to perceived sexual competition are victims of male brainwashing. Btw I've seen Asian women doing it to white women, Black women doing it to Asian women, and white women doing it to black women.

No. 423596

Male influence doesn't mean they should get a pass for being racist nona kek.

No. 423606

You can be a victim and an asshole all at once.

No. 423607

non-bw in the US automatically get a +3 boost in their looks because moids compare them to AA women and let them use them "at least you're not a sheboon" cope. In their home countries, they only compete with their race. They kinda have BW to thank for their self-esteem.

No. 423610

It's interesting how men select on race-hierarchy/status, not just appearance, in women.

For instance, there was this attractive, well educated, upper class Desi Indian girl on tiktok. She was saying that nearly all the time on dating apps, as soon as the men find out she's Desi Indian and not Latina, they immediately unmatch her. Simply because Indians are seen as very low on the race status scale (not as low as black people but maybe 2nd lowest) There were hundreds of Indian and Pakistani American girls in the comments saying the same thing happened to them, as soon as men find out they are South Asian not Latina, they get unmatched.

I've also seen NE Asian passing SEA Asian girls talking about being rejected after the moid pursuing her finds out she is SEA and not NE Asian. It's realy strange and just shows how status obsessed males are even though they try to claim that about women.

No. 423611

I know we like to act like we have it the absolute worst all the time but at least in the UK South Asians are definitely seen as less desirable than us.

No. 423613

Yeah, I've seen this before too. The South Asian experience is interesting because I haven't seen them do that much worse in dating than Northeast Asians, both attract nerdy white moids and the only difference is South Asians are less fetishized. But I guess it makes more sense compared to Latinas who might be the most prized non-white group. Black women are def treated as the least desirable.

No. 423615

Women can be racist, but men are 100x more racist.

No. 423616

I mean, this is obvious even amongst people of a single race in the US if you just look at Pedowood. You could be the most drop-dead gorgeous Italian woman in the world but a blonde Becky with blue eyes will be cast as the "hot" friend. The love interest of goofy ass Eddie Murphy is always a beautiful lightskin woman with the good hair with a fat woman with a darker complexion as the comic relief. Not even going to mention the colorism and racism against SEA women by East Asians themselves.
There's always someone higher in the social pecking order, and social norms will dictate who is seen as more or less attractive. Males, especially the dumber they are, want to show off to other males and therefore chase women that they are told are more desired. Hell, they may not even like the women as people but it doesn't matter because they don't see us as people to begin with.
I've also never been pressed about men finding me ugly or had the need to put down another woman's looks because at the end of the day it's not even just about looks. Daily reminder that "ugly" Serena Williams (disagree but you know what people said about her) still has a nice simp husband while women widely considered gorgeous and successful like Halle Bailey, Beyoncé or Simone Biles still ended up with gross neanderthals.

Trusting male judgement and listening to men is being a clown and joining a circus of equally deluded clowns arguing whose clown shoes are prettier.

No. 423620

I could believe it, the entire internet seems to absolutely despise Indians, but I've seen a lot of British moids fetishizing Indian women too. I think all men fantasize about fucking their 'enemys' women tbh, its more about being a humiliation ritual for that race of men rather than based on genuine attraction. I wouldnt be surprised if thats why 'yellow fever' is so strongly promoted in the US whereas almost non existent in Europe, because America and China are enemies.

No. 423621

>whereas almost non existent in Europe
Lol nah it's alive and well in Europe. Plenty of white weebs who want Japanese gfs and middle aged Nordic men with Thai wives.

No. 423622

I think that's part and there are more Chinese people in America, and more Indians in Britain. Plus even though they're not usually fetishized like kawaii Asian waifus, they're seen as sensual brown people like Latinas, while also seen as high IQ and willing to date dorks like East Asians.

No. 423623

Your perceived racial status in America will affect your social and romantic success. For instance, Mexico has always been seen as America's little brother nation, so in general Latino/as are very well accepted and assimilate into the US easily. Asian women are seen as okay, Asian men are seen as not okay, Asian women do very well in the dating market, Asian men dont. Black men are seen as bad but 'exciting' so they have their own group of fetishizers, plenty of extremely famous sports and music role models and of course mainstream support groups like BLM. Black women are seen as not okay and so are constantly bashed in media and made to feel undesirable, and therefore have the highest rates of singlehood. It sucks but society really is stacked against certain groups like BW, and its a constant struggle against people trying to hold us down.

No. 423625

The Nordic men with Thai wives thing isnt really a racial fetish imo, afaik did it not arise because a group of fishermen couldnt find any women willing to marry them? It just happens to be one of the countries where women are easiest and cheapest to 'buy', old British men without yellow fever flock there too for the cheap prostitutes, but make fun of Asian women back home. WMAF is everywhere in America but you hardly see it outside of boomers in Europe.

No. 423626

Samefag and just a tangent I just thought of but the perception may be changing too. Like, an Indian girl was a Mean Girl in the remake recently, the closest a full East Asian (half-Asians are treated differently look at Chloe Bennett) has gotten to that type of role is Heather Duke on stage and she was like a dragon lady stereotype played for laughs. In the end sensual and high socioeconomic status probs beats docile and high socioeconomic status, weebs just obscured it for a bit.

No. 423627

I've seen it plenty. I'm not the same age demographic or nationality to see the old men with Thai wives but I've known lots of white nerdy men with Asian gfs. French white weebs go on exchange or work and travel to Japan and come back wifed up. Some go there specifically to get girls on Tinder.

No. 423628

ffs misclicked, samefag for this nona I mean: >>423622

No. 423629

No I think its simply because of Colonial history. Britain has a ton of Indians because of their history as India's colonizers. Same way France has tons of Algerians and Moroccans. America brought a lot of Chinese over as railroad workers, and had their whole thing with the Japanese. WMAF marriages were the first interracial marriage to be decriminalized in the US because a bunch of white moids wanted to bring home their war brides from Japan and Korea. White men will pass laws that benefit their own dicks while crying about how interracial relationships are evil and da joos.

No. 423630

Is it just me who doesn’t see this rhetoric? I’m not American so I don’t know what it’s like over there. But black women are associated with celebrity status, even if our representation sucks. There are always a lot of black female celebrities that are well known across the years, only second in number to white female celebrities and still disproportionately represented more. It seems to me that whenever black men’s association with maknstream media is brought up people fail to mention black women’s. It seems to me that women of other races see this too, for example there’s this group of new artists I follow and people were saying they can only imagine white or black girls being popular internationally - it’s true that it’s these two groups that are most pushed as celebrities.

No. 423631

It's still extremely rare on a statistical, there's barely any East Asians in Europe to begin with compared to other immigrant groups, outside of small pockets like large city Chinatowns.

No. 423632

Most black female celebrities in America fit either the Jezebel role (Nicki Minaj, Megan, Cardi B) the Mammie role (Whoopi Goldberg, Lizzo, Oprah) or the femcel role where they are always talking about how they cant find/keep a man. Either way someone like Beyonce hasnt really done anything to make other races see black women as more appealing. I was a huge Beyonce fan growing up, and she always got sidelined or ignored by non-black moids. They were too busy simping over anorexic white blonde women or Asian 'tiger women' like Lucy Liu and Asa Akira.

No. 423633

I understand what you’re saying, like I said our representation is shit. But it wasn’t always this way (2000s and before) and I think we’re harsher on how other races see us than the reality. Most men think women like Beyonce and Rihanna are attractive, because they are. MTS too, even if she has a trashy image. I go online and see men of all races simping for black celebrities so I find it difficult to believe whenever people act like this isn’t true, it’s like self-negging. I’m mentioning this because how many celebrities that are both non-white and non-black have been renowned for their beauty, especially before kpop? I can’t even think of one South Asian one TBH, unless they’re niche/not mainstream. I think that 2000s American dating statistics thing has gotten to people too much especially because we all know that was probably mostly because black American women are fatter. Come on, we don’t have it that bad.

No. 423634

NTA but what about Halle Bailey, Zendaya, Whitney Houston, Tyla? I know Tyla isn't American but she's popular in the US.

No. 423635

Sure, that's 100% why there's the difference in population sizes. I just question that it's only because of sleeping with the enemy's women, like Japan and South Korea are now seen as submissive partners to the US, only China is still seen as the enemy and darker Chinese people (ones who aren't NEA passing) are less fetishized. tbh India was seen as a submissive partner by Britain for a long time too.

Cross-Atlantic stuff is probs because there are all kinds of stereotypes that formed around East Asians, and around brown people in general but Indians fit sort of weirdly in that category because Indians in the West are usually higher caste and better-educated ones.

No. 423636

>I can’t even think of one South Asian one TBH
Aishwarya Rai was famously one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she's relatively white-passing. Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra and Alia Bhatt have been replacing her as the Desi it-girls in the past decade but I don't know how popular they are outside of the UK and South Asia. Priyanka probably is better known for her marriage to Nick Jonas in the USA.

No. 423637

Yeah, Bollywood has a few high-profile celebs who get drooled over a lot even if I doubt white moids are watching their movies. Physical similarity to Europeans besides skin tone probs helps, traditional Indian dancing was always kind of fetishized too. I've noticed Indian girls with trouble dating are usually darker and older, like my age (mid/late millennial) or up.

No. 423638

Even k-pop like, the biggest difference I've seen is it ups the status of Asian men. The moids masturbating to k-pop idols are the same moids attracted to Japanese women a decade earlier.

I do think black women have it the worst though tbh, Beyonce is seen as attractive but IRL I've noticed attractive black women settle the most. Southeast Asians a little less, South Asians and East Asians a lot less, Latinas and secular MENA girls are close to white though Southern Euros are a little less "the prize" than Northern. It's 100% true there are many examples of black celebrities who are universally agreed to be hot but I agree with another nona who said the guys who really fixate on them are usually black men, I don't think they influenced other people's dating decisions very much.

No. 423639

Idk, isn't the youngest of them (Alia) 31? She has no trouble getting roles, she's in everything these days. Only got married last year.

No. 423641

isn't that because women mostly date within their race? bw are the only group where the men are outnumbered significantly.

No. 423642

That's part of it but like, attractive Latinas have no trouble getting attractive guys of any race. East Asians have no trouble getting, um, well-off but usually not attractive guys of any race.

No. 423644

I guess for me is just, like, I don’t get it. Again I’m British so I won’t get any differences but here as an attractive black girl I still get treated better and am considered more desirable than my white girl friends. I feel like I’m being gaslighted by the desirability politics because before I started reading about ts online I never even thought about that.

No. 423646

but most latinas and asians date their own race bc most people prefer their own. the difference is they at least have a larger pool of men to choose from in their race, so they have more examples to go by. They don't have a scarcity mindset in dating. BW do, which gives desperate vibes, which is unattractive.

No. 423647

I think it's a cultural difference between the UK and US. Like, Nigerians in Britain are high socioeconomic status and I remember that companion in Doctor Who was seen as super-attractive. Socioeconomic status isn't the end-all, like Latinas do better in the States than groups who are much wealthier on average. All things equal it does suggest a group is treated better though.

Afro-Caribbeans iirc are poorer and more ghettoized on average, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. So that might be a better comparison, though in the States Jamaicans are often seen as higher-status in black communities and a lot of famous attractive black women are actually Caribbean.

No. 423648

Fr, if I see another women in the comments of some subpar scrote being like “Do you like black girls?” I’m going to go fucking crazy. I genuinely think that sets us back more than anything.

No. 423651

Funny thing is I'm an autist drawn into this convo because I'm obsessed with social science, I'm not a BW. lol I am from another marginalized group though so I understand some of the reasoning.

But successful attractive black men disproportionately date outside, it's a huge noticeable thing. Asian men don't usually date white women, attractive Asian women do often date the types of white men who fetishize them. Latinos and Latinas both date white people super-often. I think denying society has an implicit racial hierarchy is kind of blind.

No. 423652

Yea but those are still outliers even tho there are patterns. If everyone race mixed as the norm, there'd literally be no races left

No. 423654

Ntayrt, racial hierarchy absolutely exists but it’s messy/changes and is just another categoriser like economic status, attractiveness, etc. I think the funniest thing is seeing EAs go from (eew only weebs/yellow fevers like them) to desirable. I think my opinion is an unpopular one though, people here seem to think dating as a black woman is like a death sentence or something.
Honestly that will happen in the future, I can’t wait so we can find other things to discriminate against each other with.

No. 423655

No it won't. Brazil has had lots of race mixing, and they still have racial categories.

No. 423656

And if they mixed even more, it would become difficult to distinguish race. If everyone is like, 25% white, 25% black, 25% asian, 25% mestizo etc, how are you meant to? That’s the future I’m talking about.

No. 423657

Nah, that won't be a thing in the US. The country is becoming more racist, so whites are less likely to wanna date out. And they're the only ones POC really wanna swirl with to be real.

No. 423658

It's definitely not a death sentence and I think as interracial dating gets more normalized it's actually decreasing as an issue, but black women in America probs do have the lowest desirability perception on average.

I haven't noticed much change on EAs ftr besides the status of Asian men, which I agree has actually been huge. As far as EA women go many people seen as famous and attractive are half-Northeast Asian, almost always WMAF children. Obsessing over East Asians went from something weebs do to something koreaboos but like, that was always semi-normalized and still tends towards a certain type of dorky but successful white guy with an Asian stacy. lol

No. 423659

Cardi B is not black.
Zendaya and Tyla are not black, it's weird to add in biracial/heavily mixxed women who don't identify as black into conversations about attractive black women in media. I'm also getting so tired of people talking about how undesirable we are all the time. The reason we have the black female representation that we have is because thats what we support at the end of the day.
Men simp over black women all damn day, who cares.

No. 423660

It is inevitable to happen, I’m not saying soon, but in a century’s time something like the majority of people will be mixed, realistically.

No. 423661

The increased racism is backlash to a slowly more racially integrated culture. I'm not saying the racists have no chance of winning, but they're reacting to a trend they're losing in.

No. 423664

you think the species will make it a century?

No. 423668

Lol people who say this are so funny, even before the WW3 doomposting everyone is acting like we won’t survive 50 years because of global warming or some shit. Like yeah things are getting worse but yes humans are still going to exist in the 22nd century kek

No. 423669

This. Climate change will wreck the Global South and cause a lot of hardship but it won't kill all of us. Nuclear war might but it's not likely, I think a lot of bad things about our leaders and ones in Russia and China but they're not insane.

No. 423670

>Zendaya and Tyla are not black, it's weird to add in biracial/heavily mixxed women who don't identify as black into conversations about attractive black women in media.
Fine. What about Rihanna, Halle Berry, all three members of Destiny's Child, Ashanti, Jamelia, Aaliyah, TLC? None of those were either the "Mammy" nor the "Jezebel" stereotypes and were rightfully praised for being talented and attractive black women.

No. 423671

I think this thread and other black girl spaces stress me out more than necessary. I seem to be much happier just living life and IRL most of these problems barely exist to me in reality.

No. 423672

I agree with you, (except Halle is biracial too but from a different time and considered mainly black), I think theres beautiful black women of all shapes and sizes in the media. People just focus on the ones in our faces all the time and pretend those are the only ones we have. or the ones they dislike.

No. 423673

The "We are so undesirable/we are at the bottom of the totem pole" shit does that to me. It's so easy to be in a dark space and stat internalizing that loser shit, especially when it's coming from other bw.

No. 423679

Most women of all races get treated meh or terrible by their partners. the same men who bash bw for racist reasons are not the best people in general

No. 423680

I swear this thread just keeps sperging about bw being undesirable and the bottom of the totem pole. Its so depressing and pitiful. Do you realize these racist moids will be getting off to this shit and racist non black nonas (like ww who think bw are beneath them) will be eating this shit up.

No. 423681

>Destiny's Child, Ashanti, Jamelia, Aaliyah, TLC?
Non black people especially men don’t give a fuck about any of those women, sorry.
>Halle Bailey, Zendaya, Whitney Houston, Tyla?
Again those women are pretty much ignored by 99% of men and have overwhelmingly female fans

Not true at all, conservatives/racist whites are the ones marrying out the most, ironically enough, probably because they all have a repressed fascination with other races and are butthurt at the opposite sex for not conforming to their ideals of femininity/masculinity so seek out something new.

JD Vance has an Indian wife.
Clarence Thomas is black with a white wife.
Mitch McConnell has an Asian wife.
Greg Abbott has a Latina wife.
Michelle Malkin is Asian with a white husband.
Candace Owens is black with a white husband.
Ann Coulter dated black men.
Tomi Lahren dated black men.
Lauren Southern had a non white husband.
Nikki Haley is Indian and married a white man.
Nikki Haleys daughter married a black man.
Sen Tim Scott is black and just married a white woman.

Correct but black scrotes are most physically abusive by far and black women are most likely to be victims of male violence by far.

No. 423682

Trash people are gonna be trash people regardless.

No. 423683

I don’t see what you’re arguing against, because the women you didn’t mention are still regarded as attractive and are still way more mainstream than any attractive EA/SEA/SA women to be honest. Like, it’s weird how obsessed some BW with forcing all of us to believe we’re at the “bottom of the totem” pole and no one wants us and nothing can contradict that kek.

No. 423684

Tyla is definitely not ignored by 99% of men. Men were all over SM thirsting over her.

No. 423685

It’s funny, liberal whites are actually the most racially insular group of all, I think. They claim to love poc but are the first ones making white flight as soon as those poc become their neighbors.
Leftism teaches that whites are at the top of the pecking order and have endless privileges and power. Naturally, that makes lefty poc want to flock to them and associate with them, and subconsciously makes leftie whites acknowledge themselves as being superior.
Republicans are usually more likely to praise POC who stand up for themselves and don’t take shit and tend to treat people more as individuals. Lefties just see brown and black people as a big collective blob that needs to be coddled and fed compliments so they hopefully won’t get upset.

No. 423686

Both libs and cons call BW masculine for different reasons. Let's not.

No. 423688

Yeah i agree but its ironic when most of the conversation is about how "desirable" bw are and interracial dating. Its reminding me of that Asianmasculinity reddit and those asian moids obsessing about their desirability to wm

No. 423689

Halle Berry was the token hot black woman for non-black moids for decades. I agree the rest are people girls care about mostly and black guys thirst over sometimes.

Also the amount of WMAF and I guess increasingly WMIF in conservative circles is weird to me. I don't think it's just repressed fascination with other races, probs true about things like Lauren Southern's ex-boyfriend being black but like, JD Vance is the archetype of the white guys doing this. The type of white guy fixated on East or South Asian women is the same as the type of white guy attracted to incel politics.

No. 423690

>Its reminding me of that Asianmasculinity reddit
Why would you even lurk such a place as a BW? You sound male…

No. 423691

That sub is always malding over black people. and pickme BW post there sometimes.

No. 423692

There was a ricecel thread on here nona…

No. 423693

Samefag but soft face that he hides with a hipster beard, works in tech, well-educated, very conservative. He's like every stereotype besides having a NEET period, and he grew up poor so I don't think he could afford that. lol

No. 423694

It’s more likely because no attractive white woman with an ounce of self respect would want to associate with, let alone be in a relationship with, a piefaced, homosexually repressed, giant baby hillbilly chud who hates women. Of course he dated an Indian woman. Indians are the most white worshipping, self hating people on the planet and will take anything white that they can find, both the males and females.

No. 423696

The tranny has a hateboner for Asian moids bc he got rejected by one so he namedrops his shitty subreddit that no one cares about constantly in the block woman thread…you can see his sperging in the Kuz thread it got locked because he wouldn’t stop spamming Asian soijaks. And now he’s larping as a BW.(scrotefoiling)

No. 423698

As if anyone gives a fuck about Asian men ITT except him

No. 423700

Go off schizo. Im black and Im saying that this thread is depressing because all you guys are talking about is how bw are least desired and about interracial dating its giving pick me and its pathetic.

No. 423702

Is POC on black racism seem to be getting worse or am I just imagining things?
Brown people have been nasty af to me lately.

No. 423703

Nobody cares about the opinions of incels especially dorky Asian incels except you kek. YWNBAW. YWNBB.

No. 423705

Not to mention he fucks couches. It's super sad when poc get the dregs of the white race and act like they're winning, Indian men and Asian women are the worst for it too. I mean, at least Candace Owens husband is attractive and rich. Even if he may be a closet fag.

No. 423706

I don't know if it's getting worse, but Latino racism towards black people has always low-key been high. Asians, Arabs, and Indians are usually more racist than white people but everyone knows that tbh.

No. 423707

Honestly I think black people are the least white worshipping race and it makes me proud. Yes you do get self hating coons who worship WW and self hating bedwenches with a massa fetish, but in general I think black people are very aware of how mediocre and mid whites are in general.

No. 423708

Whites are smart and self controlled enough to be privately racist and try to kill us through eugenics instead.

No. 423709

>Halle Berry was the token hot black woman for non-black moids for decades
She was pushed extremely hard by the media but I dont recall moids even mentioning her once in real life. Same way all these boring mid celebs are constantly being pushed at us but nobody irl gives a fuck or talks about them. Its all smoke mirror and bots.

No. 423711

It's not like we're saying it ourselves. Black women are always least replied to on dating apps and get the least interest and engagement on non-black social media.
The black twitter and LSA community is very supportive of and invested in black people and celebrities but you barely hear a peep from white or other media about black people except when its something painting us in an extremely negative light, like how they constantly hate on Nicki and make all black celebs out to be criminals.

No. 423712

It's probably a biological thing. We look the most different from whites, so worshipping them too much would be extra weird. But POC often see themselves as closer to whites due to their light skin and straighter hair. Indians actually lost their legal battle to be officially seen as white in the US, for example. So some may see procreating with whites as just making their kids better looking, not complete self-hate by embracing their polar opposite.

No. 423713

Yeah because black women are fat. God, I can’t stand this doomposting, go outside.

No. 423716

That's because most non-black people are racist trash. You shouldn't care what they think bc of this.(racebait)

No. 423718

This. Notice how the most ‘anti-racist’ white stay as far away from Black people as possible?

No. 423719

I think this is an interesting topic, because white people seem to think black people are closer to white people than certain asians (justifying their racism) due to skin and hair, whereas some western people think these asians and black people are closer because of certain features (eyes and nose shapes). I agree that we’re the furthest from white people though.

No. 423729

Genetically white people are closest to MENAs (Sudan etc not counted), Indians, and low-admix Latinos. Asians are closer to whites than black people too, despite similar eye and nose shape sometimes they're further from black people than Europeans are.

No. 423732

Having IRL black friends, they don’t even talk that much about issues like this unless something major happened in the news. Make more IRL friends, they might even take you along rollerblading with them

No. 423792

File: 1723441133670.png (577.27 KB, 438x600, 1630437980704.png)

I'm just going to say it: Most of the people propagating this "bottom of the total pole" insistence online are not black women. They are (undesirable) black men mate-guarding via humiliation and degradation, just like they do with certain media. The few actual black women regurgitating it online constantly (there are many, many LARPers) are almost without exception overweight or otherwise unfortunate in ways that don't necessarily pertain to their race, but they personally find it easier and more convenient to blame the most unchangeable aspect of themselves (race) for every negative romantic experience instead of considering their presentation, their choice of mate, or even how much they prioritize male attention to begin with (no one should be doing so).

These people have internalized an insane level of misogynoir and paranoia as their reality and worldview. It "works for them", it makes them feel satisfied, and they want to drag any and all other black women down with them. Nothing will ever be enough for them. Black models, actresses, singers could be voted the most beautiful women in the world consecutively for multiple years. Decades of beautiful black women in the 60s up to the 90s, they don't care and will not promote or remember their work for "the culture". They won't support black singers like Normani, they'll barely even come out for Victoria Monet and they refused to prop up Kelly Rowland before them. If ever a man says he's attracted to black women on social media, they will storm the comments to say he's lying for engagement, but then obsessively repost, like and share other men degrading black women as if they want to reward them for it. If a man dates or has dated black women, he's "just using them for sex and will marry his real preference". If a man marries or married a black woman, he's "just settling with her after spending his entire life dating his real preference". I have seen both these takes consecutively in one thread from people claiming to be black women.

Even outside of dating, if anything good happens for a black woman, they will find a way to insist it's actually bad or that it doesn't "count" or matter, often for some reason to do with men. They try to degrade Simone Biles and her achievements because her moid is a piece of shit, they bash Serena Williams because her moid is white, and they attack Michelle Obama because racists didn't like her. We can't achieve anything in their world, and everything is centered on men's (dis)approval. They're also the first to bash our natural hair or say we "can't" grow hair, then cry that the whole world hates it. I first came to understand this when I found a subset of black women on Twitter nitpicking fully black African models for having "eurocentric features", going to their profiles and seeing they were without exception fat or didn't care to make themselves look nice even though their entire account was full of takes about being desirable to men, with some pro-tranny bullshit mixed in. That type also obsesses over a false narrative where other races of women lead amazing lives. I do not believe these women to be allies or friends to other black women or girls, they are too mentally poisoned and addicted to a crab in the bucket mentality. Their whole "thing" is seeking out trauma bonds with naive or insecure black women/girls and sucking up any potential they have into a bottomless void. They're a half-step above some fat incel white "supremacist" or a black incel to me, because I think some can be helped, but most are inoperable.

No. 423793

Based. BW need to stop acting like they’re some pitiful kicked dog at the bottom everything because that’s when people start treating you like that. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>eurocentric features
I hate this shill more than anything, as if Africa isn’t a diverse place with their own features. White people don’t “own” every attractive feature.

No. 423795

Thank you for sanity kek

No. 423811

To the fat doomposting bitch who stalks this thread, you are single and undesirable because you have a terrible personality and are fat. Stop putting all of us into the same shitty self hating place as you and kill yourself already, or better yet lose some weight and get a job. Fatass

No. 423815

>The few actual black women regurgitating it online constantly (there are many, many LARPers) are almost without exception overweight or otherwise unfortunate in ways that don't necessarily pertain to their race, but they personally find it easier and more convenient to blame the most unchangeable aspect of themselves (race) for every negative romantic experience instead of considering their presentation, their choice of mate, or even how much they prioritize male attention to begin with (no one should be doing so)

I am this specific type of loser

No. 423834

no objections here. If you watch kendra g, that dating show has mostly BW callers. But occasional BM too. It tends to be clear 9/10 why they needed to go on a YT show to find someone, and it's not being black. They either have kids out of wedlock or are big. some have a very high height and income requirement few men in their circle can meet. I notice childfree BW don't feel the need to call in as often, probably bc they're less likely to be single. but the few that are childfree on the show get snatched up without needing to come back to try again multiple times like the single moms. If they lack self awareness as much as their interviews imply, these could be the same types saying they can't get a man because they're black.

No. 423836

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>noticing inequalities in the world makes you almost an incel or a moid
saying a lot, but saying nothing at all. what’s with all these attention whoring soapbox posts? this is lolcow you’re allowed to be snarky about the world

No. 423845

so much serious stuff in this thread. do we like jerma

No. 423846

Get a life, stop being a fat retard

No. 423847

He's funny, like a cartoon. I can't watch him for too long, but he has his moments.

No. 423859

I’m not that anon but go off I guess

No. 423861

I can't stand those shows, but they do paint a picture of how unrealistic some women can get about things. At least some of them get nice/constructive advice, I can only hope they listen and others do too.

No. 423917

Being in an IR relationship doesn’t make one progressive or moral, so the “contradiction” you speak doesn’t even exist.

No. 423923

yep. Argentinians were super racist and used planned race mixing to help reduce the black population.

No. 423926

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I will literally never understand white women who date black men. I'm not even saying this to gatekeep, I would never advise any woman to give black moids a chance, ever. Black men are absolute trash and all BW know it firsthand. Why volunteer to be treated like garbage by the worst race of scrotes on the planet? Just sad. Black men literally impregnate women to control them and make them have less options, what a bunch of sadistic faggots.

No. 423927

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attractive? Where?

No. 423929

>Black men literally impregnate women to control them and make them have less options
All races of men do this. It's an extremely common control tactic in abusive relationships. Getting pregnant is the ultimate pickme act, extreme female cuckoldry.

No. 423931

No, he’s ugly and annoying

No. 423933

No. 423943

1. some WW just prefer black men's looks. Just like a lot white moid's prefer Asian women
2. black men really aren't worse than any other race of moid. Maybe a bit more likely to get in trouble when young but other than that, nah

No. 423953

Some anons are gonna put their capes on and attack you for not speaking nicely of black men.

No. 423964

Anyone with eyes can see black men are awful to women of all races. When they're not shooting black women and leaving them with bastard children, they're assaulting and robbing little old Asian women on the street or beating their 'snowbunny' gf to a pulp. Trash, trash, trash.

No. 423973

White men really don't fuck with Asian girls like that it's usually the weird ones

No. 423974

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This thread is a MESS

No. 423977

das rite

No. 423979

that stereotype is outdated. browse tiktok, most couples have good looking male and female partners. genz woc in general pull decent looking WM (including BW).

No. 423980

>browse the chinese political spyware app
no thanks

No. 423982

>not being aware you can browse tiktok vids on YT and other platforms.
I didn't know 70yos browsed lolcow.

No. 423987

>frying your brain with adhd slop
didnt know npcs browsed lolcor

No. 424055

you're on lolcow

No. 424063

Tips on how to fix the divestment movement since i'm bored. 1. Stop calling it divestment. the name is now tainted since black Twitter cyberbullied doja cat. 2. Turn it into a legit virtual & IRL sorority, like Jack & Jill, Boule, etc. 3. make it private and invite and referral only 4. Make the tenets about bw creating strong alliances and social nets that are not solely based on trinkets they get from chasing non black penis or marriage.
5. Set trends and influence normie BW from the shadows in ways they don't suspect like Jews do.

No. 424067

>USA and irrelevant countries
>implying thirdies have internet access

No. 424077

UIWEFHNK ive recently got back into watching jerma after completely cutting myself off from him because he made me feel such strong emotions. hes like the only "funny guy" i can watch without cringing out of my skin

No. 424102

I've only seen his live action Sims but he seems really funny and i haven't heard of any controversy

No. 424106

Nobody cares that much about white dick, just do you sis

No. 424124

Dustvesters do. I've seen it.

No. 424125

offtopic, you white faggot.

No. 424126

NTA, but are you a black woman? I'm not involved in all the back and forth, but why do you call them that? I can't understand why a black woman would care if another black woman chose to date a moid of a different race. Black men don't seethe when other black men date interracially, not even when they bash black women while doing so.

No. 424127

if you don't know by now there's a difference between BW who date out and divesters, you're not equipped to discuss this with me.

No. 424128

No, because black women who date out still get called "divestors" by angry individuals (and there ate lots of them) no matter what kek. Like, is there a special magic coalition of "bad black women" doing it? If so, shouldn't you be happy they're "leaving"?

No. 424130

Has anyone here ever experienced going to HR over racial discrimination? My only two colleagues (one Asian one Hispanic) got asked to attend a conference held during standard work hours. I asked my white boss why I was not given an invite and he said there were only three tickets (one for him as well). Do I have a case for HR?

No. 424131

It really depends on the company's culture. I feel like it'd be hard to prove it was racial discrimination because your other colleagues are "POC" as well. It's pretty weird and suspicious that he asked them specifically and just didn't let you know at all, though. He'd be tasked with proving he didn't deliberately exclude you.

No. 424133

>It's pretty weird and suspicious that he asked them specifically and just didn't let you know at all, though. He'd be tasked with proving he didn't deliberately exclude you.

True, the yt boss can just say he forgot. I’m working on finding a new job, will be happy to put this behind me

No. 424135

It’s Indians and Middle Eastern passing people specifically. That infamous OkCupid study said that their response rates in the UK are comparable to those the amount that black people in the States receive.

No. 424136

Makes a lot of sense for cultural reasons.

No. 424137

Why do you talk like an idiot
Point proven

No. 424288

Question for nonas. I'm mixed race and I have always had shitty hair (dry & frizz) despite trying and failing to follow curly/afro tutorials on youtube since I was a teenager. Now that I'm heading into the professional world, I'm growing more and more desperate to figure out a routine slash style that is healthy, efficient and neat-looking. But my hair hates every product I've tried. I'm starting to feel envy towards those stunning brown ladies who walk down the street in the city with bouncy, hydrated and thick curls, knowing my hair could look like that too but having no idea how. What can I do? Please help a nona out…

No. 424322

Coconut oil makes a great leave-in conditioner IME, nonny.

No. 424323

Only just realized I replied to this post by mistake, rip. Anyway, based anti-doomposter

No. 424442

You need to got to a curl specialist. Cut up any split ends and do a hydrating mask.

No. 424578

An african female doctor was racist and called black american patients slaves. I find it hypocritical how everyone tells us to get over slavery when it's really everyone else who tries to put us in "our place" based on shit that happened ages ago. I tell them I'll get over it when everyone else fucking does.

No. 424580

I don't think most African blacks have a problem with American blacks. She likely comes from a country where lower class people are viewed as slaves/sub human and since she probably grew up rich, she just hates all poor people, regardless of color

No. 424633

I saw that video. The moid filming told her to "go back to africa" before she said that, and told her she "looked like aladdin" in a previous video. I don't think she should've responded to racist comments with racist comments of her own, especially at her job, and I also dislike the dishonest narrative being pushed about the whole thing. It feels sinister and gross.
I hate diaspora wars.

No. 424682

please go back to pol.
also i see white men with 400lb girlfriends everytime i step outside please stop pretending that white males (or any males for that instance) are hard to get or have standards, most men will date a mcchicken if it does their laundry for them

No. 424708

People seriously hate BW virgins and are obsessed. The thought of a BW having high standards and not being pumped and dumped pisses some people off so much. i enjoy watching them seethe personally.

No. 424743

True, people look at you like you have 3 heads just for not wanting to become a man’s baby mama #7

No. 424790

Why do you people keep bringing up Palestine unprompted

No. 424791

Is this a self-advertisement for a blog or something kek

No. 424792

Because I hate seeing black women everything away for people who hate them

No. 424793

kind of preaching to the choir here, the only bw who are still bleeding heart leftists on this site are tourists or /ot/ infighters.Most of us are probably jaded or conservative leaning. I never gave a damn about palestine except for the good awakening of isreal influence on american politics.

No. 424798

>project 2025
Every time a president is elected he do exactly that. This is what Trump did in 2016, Joe in 2020, it's what Obama did, and Bush.
A president is elected, he place his men in the key positions. That's how it work.

No. 424801

Yeah right. Fuck off and quit derailing the thread with this shit every three days

No. 424802

Most people here are leftists so you even browse this website?

No. 424803

US politics is so polarized that they think feminists, black people, immigrants (aside from east asians), and people with tattoos and piercings and weird hair colors are leftists by default.

No. 424804

didn't think it'd happen to me..but I need to give my edges a break. between swimming, cornrows and wearing wigs it's hard to accept they're thinning. Is it possible for them to grow back fuller? I have 4c-4b hair btw.

No. 424810

Try biotin and castor oil.

No. 424811

okay, cuz I bought the African Six hair oil the other day. made my hair soft.

No. 424815

What does that have to do with anything polfag

No. 424819

I’m not sure why conservatives always believe Asians are the other white meat, something like 90% of East Asians vote democrat

No. 424820

Again, why do you never ask who is firing black women from their jobs and why their freedom of speech on this particular topic is being censored? Seems sus to me.

No. 424822

tbf the weird hair colors thing is mostly true. Tattoos and piercings can mean leftist but it's also common with like rural Republican chuds, that's just a stereotype.

There's a lot of talk this election about Latinos turning into swing voters, but I guess usually not immigrant ones. Asians are weird because like 75 or 80% vote Democrat and I think most politics people know that, but they used to be swing and their values are pretty conservative.

No. 424823

Take away how polarized immigration is rn and they vote like suburban white people who are also like vaguely conservative Democrats, I think that's why.

No. 424831

All the conservative millennial trailer park trash from Florida and southern states look like typical altgirls and altbros with piercings tattoos and dyed hair but they’re still right wing…it’s funny that republicans try to ignore that

No. 424833

Online trad memes come from like, people comfortable enough to be chronically online. I doubt those people interact much with the right-wingers who look alt, they're basement dweller-y and usually from the more conservativeish side of suburbia. Tons of complaining about "boomercon" parents.

No. 424835

Same nona but might also explain their obsession with comfortable liberal feminists, and their WMAF fetishes. They live down the street and have similar backgrounds, ignore party and their values are similar.

No. 424837

Right wing men whine about lefties and liberal women and women’s rights and feminism then proceed to go jerk themselves into a coma to the same lefty libfem whores. The opinions of men are absolutely meaningless and worthless. Regardless of political party they all think with their dicks and are absolutely obsessed with underage girls, sluts and pornography.

No. 424838

A lot of East Asian men are republican especially the boomers but yes I’d wager about 90% of Asian women especially young Asian women vote democrat. I’ve never understood why poltards think Asian women are on their side, they literally vote for anti white and pro immigration policies en masse kek.

No. 424842

Are my standards too high or is it difficult to find a single black man who has it together as much as I do?

No. 424848

They're more submissive culturally, lots hate that standard but it means more normal aesthetics, sometimes more conservative marital expectations. Ones with white friend groups often date nerdy white guys who might browse /pol/, ime guys in couples like that are more like Redditors but they're similar stereotypes. /pol/tards don't mean policy when they fixate on Asian women, they're thinking about their dating preferences. lol

I've seen them sometimes like that most are establishment Democrats too, they read it as conformism and connect it to the other culturally conservative values. Probs some truth to that though ime the less FOB the Asian family, yeah the less they care about immigration, but the less they're like that too.

No. 424852

Your standards aren't high, idk why black men are the way they are, because i feel like it can't just be all the coddling they recieve. Also the sterotype about successful black men liking white women has a lot of truth in it.

No. 424857

It’s depressing that being single is the best option for black women. Every other race has the option of finding quality men of their own race.

No. 424858

I've completely given up on the chances i will ever date because of this. I find black men to off putting. I can at least justify it because i least nobody can play the "but your daddy black!" card on me, but even when you broaden your horizons, it's still bleak. I think a lot of non-black men prey on the fact that black women are used to being treated like shit a lot of the times.

No. 424878

>Every other race has the option of finding quality men of their own race
no lol

No. 424887

I can say whatever I want on any topic, especially if it’s relevant to me

Because black women already ahve bad reputations as >>424803 said. We are on thin ice and this Palestine mammying is only making it worse. Also no one else is in our corner. Who supported Ryan Workman when she lost her job? No one, not a black personality or an Arab. I will never get over this, she threw away a six-figure job for politics! To soothe her covert narcissist ego! Who speaks for Sonya Massey outside of a few BW forums? No one!

My only wish if for black women to be more selfish and stop being stupid around people

Asian AMwericans have been positioned as “model minorities” since the 1960s, right when the Civil Rights Movement was picking up heat. They saw them as proof of America’s “equality and merit”, as in if these immigrants can do anything with discrimination, why can’t you? And also as a buffer in social and economic situations.

No. 424890

> I think a lot of non-black men prey on the fact that black women are used to being treated like shit a lot of the times.

True, that’s why I hate the constant “ everyone hates us” talk even if I an sympathize. Like that’s a signal for creeps to move in. We need to develop high self-respect and self-esteem, we need that blunt, bold stereotype of the 1990s

No. 424893

>the sterotype about successful black men liking white women has a lot of truth in it.
I feel like this is overblown for easy baiting/social media attention, I'm not going to lie. All but maybe one or two black male millionaires and billionaires I'm aware of chose wives of their own race. I've heard athletes/rappers are kind of a different story, but they also tend to rotate women a lot. Most people who marry do it intraracially. Maybe dating as a regular middle class/just turned upper middle class is a different story though, especially if you're in a primarily white environment anyway.
I will say there is some historical truth to it. A lot of the black males in the Black Panther and other black empowerment movements would deliberately go after white women to "prove" to white men that they could be on their level, and IIRC, during slavery, a black man could technically earn his freedom by getting with a white woman (this was not the case for black women because white moids were already sexually exploiting them anyway, and likely benefited more out of enslaving any children they had as a result).

No. 424895

I don't see it as a signal for creeps. I think it can be spun into an excuse for BW to be more guarded than other races of women and harder to crack.

No. 424932

You're right. I don't know why some people are booing you. The only politics black women need to be focusing are what helps them, because globally, we literally deal with even more violence/femicide, poverty and lack of access/care than other groups, and have much less support on our side. There's nothing to be offering up to others at this time, we need to help ourselves.

No. 424937

Fatass doomer rehashing the same topic like anybody cares

No. 424938

Scrotes ain’t shit in general but I am seething that no one even tries to court me, an average looking black woman (not fat).

No. 424941

Those aren't doomposts (black women should be relaxed and self-interested, not fighting for other people's causes) but your vigilance is right lol.

No. 424948

File: 1723808535421.webp (37.49 KB, 600x600, bigtwists.png)

What do you guys think about big twists like these? They are the most easy natural hairstyle for me to pull off but sometimes I feel like a little girl wearing them tbh. It's easy on the scalp too.

No. 424959

Women still get courted?

No. 424962

yeah WE KNOW, we all see the same political drivel on twitter and other sites. your non-stop preaching is annoying atp and teeters on fat doomposting bullshit. WE. KNOW. most of us dont give a shit about other people atp post your room temperature revelations on LSA

No. 424963

anger management

No. 424964

No. 424965

i would argue that in the black community, being fat is actually better than being skinny. Skinny BW who can't gain weight don't have the option of getting a bbl like fat ones do. Although this can change if you date other races, but even some of the American negro wannabes are porn addicts who expect big butts from BW.

No. 424974

"erm being a fat bitch who dies from obesity is good because niggas with a 300 credit score and 4 baby mamas will like you" is not the take you think it is. Get up and run a mile.

No. 424976

they can be cute

No. 424977

They're cute, not childish at all IMO.

No. 424983

it's becoming a growing preference with men of all races in the US tho like I said.

No. 424991

there's also a growing third world population in the u.s so…..

No. 424992

I don’t think twists on kids ever look like that. Completely different accessories and twist size.

No. 424993

Dumbass this us relevant to the topics we discuss

No. 424994

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A lot of black women still have curvy bodies when thin. Contrary to popular belief, that sort of thing isn't about body fat alone, it's about shape and bone structure. Even most of the very thin/low body fat black women I've seen tend to have thinner waists and shapely hips. Porn addicts with fat fetishes probably don't think it's enough, but those people are best avoided anyway.
Also, BBLs hitting the black community is such a fucking meme. Idiots fell for it, just like with the hideous breast implant craze that hit the USA's majority demographic when mainstream porn "blew up". All porn does is encourage excess to the point of the grotesque. Crude mockeries of nature's perfection. I feel like society's moving past that now, thankfully.

No. 425000

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My boyfriend's parents are pressuring us to have kids but I don't want any and he doesn't want to either until he finishes residency in a few years. Idk if it's his culture (he's asian) but literally every time we visit, his mom goes on an unhinged 30 minute tangent about a woman's purpose is to bear children for her husband. I've told her several times I have health issues that would make it difficult for me to survive child birth but the big bitch won't listen and makes a comment about how it should be easy to give birth since black women pop out babies. How would you handle this?

No. 425002

Some anons in this thread keep trying to police the thread from "doomer" posts and it's annoying as fuck tbh. I get not wanting the thread to be negative all the time I literally made the thread when we changed from "problems" to "general", but complaining about what other people post (which, those posts are still allowed here and are relevant to this thread) while not bringing anything to ths thread but infighting is far worse. Honestly it may be some form of bait and they're just trying to further the amount of discourse here.

No. 425004

I don't agree with that anon in particular, but I kind of cosign the policing because I just don't want to see faggots and retards coming here to give the ugliest and dumbest white supremacists free advertising, posting/selfposting the ramblings of irrelevant blackcels with mother issues, delusions, and making posts that are just "boohoo i'm a totally real 100% legit black woman we are all so inferior and need to die, if this isn't your life as a black woman you are actually wrong/lying kys" over and over again.

No. 425006

the naturally thick BW are the main ones who are hurt by the fake body trend because they're in direct competition with plastic bodies. This leads to naturally thick women like MTS getting belly lipo to compete with the tranny bodies. But no one gets surgery to look like the chick in the pic because it's not possible. Her only peers are women who diet and workout, which is a plus.

No. 425031

have you tried telling her to stop spreading harmful stereotypes? and pointing out that white people do the same thing to asian women?

No. 425047

why can't you use a surrogate (assuming you want to have kids)?

No. 425074

>suggesting human trafficking
Are you a man?

No. 425099

Why do we think about Tyla? I have opinions.
Still sick of it tbh, especially with the reoccurring topics. If you want to doompost so bad about boohoo being a black woman is the worst then maybe you should make a thread purely for complaining about problems. But checking up on here honestly just makes me depressed as is, I don’t want to associate being black with problems tbh.

No. 425108

Why do you feel as if other anons need to make another thread just because you don't personally like their posts? Why don't you make a thread only for positive black girl topics?

No. 425120

I realize this question may be treading into hot water, but do you guys believe in the whole "black people can't be racist"? I think systemically most black (Americans) can't really oppress anyone, but black people can definitely be everyday, casually racist. I'm a little bit so how could I say we can't be racist?

No. 425122

I like tyla. She's not super beige/pale and does not wear a bone straight wig 24/7, unlike the main "BW" celebs we're told to worship (beyonce, rihanna, halle berry, doja cat, Lauren London, Zendaya, etc). Ethnic confusion aside, her being as ethnic looking as she is and not doing thot rap or being asexual is a big deal.

No. 425134

Yeah I agree, racism = racial discrimination. No one is specifying the systemic kind anyway. I think this kind of irrational self-exemption is what makes immature/anti-‘SJW’ type white people get a stick up their ass about us, tbh, in fact I would argue it is the main propeller of modern racism on the American internet. It’s like a playground argument fuelled by resentment and vengeance.
Of course I think there’s nuance. The same reason why a man saying he hates women reads as misogynistic but a woman saying she hates men isn’t necessarily a misandrist - there is cultural context to be taken into consideration. Some white people just like to jump on perfectly non-discriminatory statements and say “what if they said this about black people?!?!”, even if that would be fine too, and then claim reverse racism and they’re way too excited to do it. I knew an all-female subreddit that kicked someone out for this and it was really bizarre how many yts were thrilled to be able to call a black person a nasty racist kek. (She said something like being sick of white bitches touching her hair or something similar)

No. 425136

samefagging but tbh the whole concept that black people can’t be racist is also fairly American to me, idk.

No. 425142

Anyone else frightened by how prevalent “”blacked”” porn is lately? It makes me severely uncomfortable feels like people going mask off.

No. 425160

I don't think she's a bad person, but I don't like the way she let a bunch of her weirdly aggro South African fans bash black people from both the US and other African countries for the longest time. I'm also not too into her music personally, it doesn't stand out to me. She's very pretty, though. Her and Ayra Starr are beautiful.

No. 425172

Black people can be racist IMO, yes. We don't need to be able to oppress anyone systematically to be so, either. I think more black people need to understand that shitting on every single white or otherwise non-black person loudly, openly and unprovoked doesn't help our case, just makes us look unhinged and hateful as a whole. IMO it's better to just focus on specific aggressors, and disavow anything virulent. Even if someone's just really angry and they're not wrong to be so, not all kinds of "venting" need to be made public, and random people shouldn't be implicated.
I honestly don't care in cases where someone is openly anti-black and then receives racist comments directly in response, but I'm also fine with calling it what it is: racism, just like I don't care if a man is openly misogynistic and gets misandrist responses kek

No. 425180

Im so so over being a strong independent black woman. Life is such a grind when the people around you cannot be relied on for anything important.

No. 425207

I used to. Think about it, most of our interactions in life are between individuals. Even with knowledge of wide scale social hierarchies we speak to people face to face. And I can’t imagine being racist unless someone else was being violently racist to me first. I’m not that kind of person.

For the longest time I used to think what I say doesn’t matter because no one actually listens to black women. People like it when we repeat what they want (left and right) but our individual perspectives doesn't matter to others. Since my position on the social hierarchy was so low nothing I said mattered or had an impact on others. I don’t have the “power” to actually change how things work. I have a left wing position where I thought I had to join a larger group to push the Overton window closer to where I thought was right.

No. 425208

this is the wrong time to care about black people being racist. Most non-blacks in the US are fed far right social media shit that makes them want all of us sent to Africa or shot, and they've lost a lot of empathy. They no longer care about being called racist these days, so why should we care?

No. 425209

It's just a mask for "I told the black slave to fuck a white woman, I have the power to do so"

No. 425210

What about asian guy black girl?

No. 425215

Too difficult to deal with their families and Asian cultures like pale skin too much.

No. 425216

Why? There’s no interest between them. And besides most Asian me. Have a desire to move up socially and dating black women doesn’t help him

No. 425220

I don’t think the majority of BW or AM are checking for each other.

No. 425223

tbh all races of men fucking suck for BW. Black: bums and lowlifes White: most US white men are maga who don't want women to have rights and hate feminism Arab: Islam smh hispanic: they even treat black hispanics like crap and try to copy/paste it to us. Asian: weird impossible beauty standards even AW struggle to meet and extreme colorism.

No. 425224

except for the chinese men in africa

No. 425225

pumping and dumping counts now? Don't be that desperate for validation.

No. 425227

There are good men out there, just not enough for everyone. I reckon women in the future will form male free communes instead of competing for the small number of decent men in the dating pool.

No. 425232

We're literally just having a discussion anon

No. 425235

every other day fat doomposter opens the black girl thread with her fat fingers and projects about how hopeless love is. And everyday you fags reply to her. Does it not get tiring?

No. 425236

Well being skinny doesn't stop racism, and being fat doesn't make it happen. There are some fat BW in good relationships btw. I know a big BW who is a stay-at-home mom.

No. 425238

You mean the seedy moids who are exploiting young African women in poverty after eradicating most of their own female population? That's not a good thing, anon. It's not even "pumping and dumping", it's even worse mail order bride set-ups and the odd local marriage (all the women are pretty and young, all the men are ugly old frogs).
There are better options, don't listen to the doomsperg saying it's hopeless and allow lousy treatment or abuse tbh.

No. 425239

Fat hands typed this. Stop projecting your obesity caused femceldom onto the rest of us. Hut the fucking treadmill instead of a keyboard.(baiting)

No. 425242

Literally nothing you can do can make me give a shit about men no matter how i look. I just wanna be average and be as far away from them as possible. Cry yourself to sleep over it if it matters to you so much but. Holy fuck stop deluding yourself that being pretty makes your life better, it doesn't it just makes you someone to harrass and control even more.

No. 425245

NTA but even outside of "pretty", being fat is a significant hit to your quality of life regardless. At least work out so you can be fit and buff enough to scare off dumb POS males. It's better than spamming this thread with variations of "abloobloo it's literally over if you're a black woman, every man, woman and child in this world universally despises us".

No. 425265

This really is an lsa transplant thread. I'm begging you all to talk about something other than fat femcels who can't get a good man

No. 425266

Being pretty does make your life verifiably better. It's not even just about men, a lot of avenues in life are significantly improved if people perceive you as attractive. I've personally learned this, and you don't need to care about men or be around them for it to be true. It's just life.

No. 425268

But at the same time men are ugly as all sin and as repulsive as they come. So I should put more effort in while they dont WHY? Its just pandering to the male gaze, which you know i just want to put firecrackers in their eye sockets. If i have to interact with men who think im pretty i end up feeling disgusting.

No. 425269

There is literally no solution to this feeling for me, i actually feel disgusting being attractive for men. It repells me to my core and makes me feel like im doing something that benefits them. I know some of them aren't bad but they just objectify you at your job. And i dont feel any better being treated better for looking how people want, it just pisses me off more than anything. I want to be ignorable.

No. 425271

Being something for men to look at is an even bigger hit to my quality of life. And you know ive been pretty, ive seen how fake and shitty people are towards you when you look good vs when you dont. I dont want anything from people like that anyway.

No. 425287

>i actually feel disgusting being attractive for men
I thought I was the only one. I dont intentionally try to look ugly or something but I basically hide in oversize hoodies and hats. I dont want random men looking at me or getting to see my body/face and sexualizing it. I have no idea how women can walk around in flesh tone leggings and crop tops and enjoy ugly fat old men staring at them and imagining fucking them. Seems vile.

No. 425290

As someone dating an asian man I wouldn't recommend anybody black to date one. Too much baggage and the family is almost always racist backwater trash.

No. 425293

Why not just have a sexless lesbian thing?

No. 425295

The best bf I ever had was an Asian man. But he eventually married an Asian woman because his parents didnt like me.

No. 425316

it's even worse than lsa because of the chronic larping fags and baiters who are obsessed with posting retarded shit

No. 425317

I've never agreed to let a non-black person take me home because I don't need to do that to know that the majority are ignorant and see blacks as subhuman.

No. 425318

wow, such contribution and an original thought. thanks for posting this unsaged!

No. 425321

See what I mean? Why would you willingly subject yourself to that? Most of them are too beta to even stand up to their parents without bringing an interracial relationship into the mix, I hate to see a black girl have her heart broken because some manlet cucked fag can't stand up for his own girlfriend. Date whoever you want but at least pick somebody who isn't afraid to love you in front of the world.

No. 425324

unoriginal bc the truth never gets old.

No. 425325

most men in general are pathetic and only care about status. Race aside, I see guys dump their GFs because their friends clown her. Or hide their GFS for not looking a certain way.

No. 425332

lose weight(infight bait)

No. 425336

calling every bw who complains about racism fat is…a choice

No. 425337

Either way it's pussy shit. I wouldn't even call these trash humans men if they're too cowardly to be out with their girlfriend

No. 425343

Newfag. I miss when this thread wasn't overrun with them.

No. 425352

ive been here since 2017, saying that a thread full of baiting could benefit by more saging so it isn't first on /g/ isn't newfag at all retard.
drop and give me 20(infight bait)

No. 425353

Is it weird I feel bad for half black chicks? Some of them get the most racist comments to their face and just awkwardly laugh it off. I know SJWs constantly say they're privileged, but constantly hearing "you'd be ugly and monkey looking if you were fully black." Isn't a privilege to me. I was watching a live and a guy said "you're actually attractive because you aren't fully black" to a mixed girl and she just laughed like an idiot. I never have people say things that racist about my looks to my face.

No. 425354

Are you braindead or something? Having empathy isn't weird and the reason you feel weird about it is because you know they're only being insulted because of their black side which means its a insult towards you as well. IF you want to ask how they feel go to the mixed thread and ask, this thread isn't about them.

No. 425357

>Complaining about baiting and "no contributions" while only contributing infighting and newfaggotry to the thread

No. 425358

You're not contributing either. Also when are you going to fix your internet? You've been double posting for like 3 months now and it's borderline personality-fagging atp

No. 425361

Im not the one who was saying things like "wow such contribution"
>You've been double posting for like 3 months now
Schizo, and again more newfaggotry. I didn't double post, I reposted.

No. 425362

It's not happening to "every bw who complains about racism" kek, you know what you're actually doing.(ban evasion)

No. 425368

ignore the samefagging ban evading white male tranny

No. 425402

Wow, I should coerce myself to fake a. Relationship with a woman just for companionship? Or I can be normal have just have friends and high standards?

No. 425411

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NTA, picrel basically sums up my thoughts on the whole thing.

No. 425414

being desirable and facing racism don't cancel each other out. I feel like people misunderstand things when they assume that. I've had racist people be attracted to me or make an exception for me, so they're not always related. It'd actually be so much easier if it were true that racist people can't be attracted to BW.

No. 425452

>using sjw in 2024
Nobody cares about the lite brites go back to your containment thread

No. 425453

Don't talk about mixed race women here, that one anon will start sperging.

No. 425455

Can’t wait for this whole retarded rhetoric to wash over, I hardly ever get these ideas from non-black people and before a certain turning point, I never did at all.

No. 425474

>is it weird to feel bad for half black chicks
No I feel bad for their parents making terrible decisions though that leads them to their never ending confusion and vitriol projected on to black woman and always trying to invade our spaces (like you’re doing right now)
How does it feel not actually being black but thinking you are? The imitation will never beat the real thing.

No. 425498

so glad divester YouTube/SM is dying out.

No. 425504

File: 1723999078690.jpg (460.28 KB, 1080x1316, Ewww.jpg)

Based off that one anon bringing up this subreddit all the time and this post that popped up after we discussed asian men I think we have a stray chinacel in the thread. I really hope it's not that one hapa from reddit that's obsessed with black women he's a fucking nutcase

No. 425510

There's only so many variations of "How to tell he's a dusty!" you can make kek. Divestors swear up and down that the movement isn't about dating, but none of them make videos or blog posts about how they achieved that amazing six figure lifestyle that all of them magically have. Y'know, something that would actually help Black women "divest".

No. 425519

I mean, wouldn't be surprised if this were true. Light BW are probably more confident about approaching AM because they know their cultures prefer light skin. And they don't mind flexing their light skin for AM because some already do the same thing for BM. there were even two light BW in the comments lol.

No. 425523

There’s tons of black Koreaboos and a lot of black girls from LSA like K-pop and watch Chinese and Korean dramas. Asian men are cool as long as they’re westernized, and it’s even better if he’s rebellious against his parents. The best bf I ever had was a Korean American skater boy. He didn’t give a fuck what his family thought and just did his own thing, had dope music taste and was very familiar with black culture too. I don’t like the fobs they have way too much internalized colorism.

No. 425524

IDK about tons lol most koreaboos globally are from SEA, India, LaAm, and white countries.

No. 425564

That’s one of the reason I kinda left. All BW ever talk about is romance and relationships.

No. 425588

Don’t express interest in men, you’re just gassing up men who are not into you who will clown you on SM like this screencap.

No. 425589

and these are the same bitchless cuntless moids who ask why women don't approach more. This is why. Bc they're shallow, picky, and whine when the chicks who approach don't look how they want them to look or have the wrong race or hair color/texture. Since most men like the same type of chick, why the fuck do they think the women they want would need to approach men in the first place? Especially low-status men? and this is the so-called logical sex.

No. 425598

True, especially SEA which iirc is the biggest k-pop market. But nerdy black girls love East Asian culture.

No. 425602

It doesn’t matter what men like. Just saying acting male centred does not benefit the average black woman.

No. 425606

it doesn't matter to me bc I have an AI BF, but to women who date men, it matters on some level.

No. 425609

File: 1724032692965.jpeg (300.93 KB, 1170x1090, IMG_0234.jpeg)

I am so beyond disgusted at the self hating ball suckling BW in the top comments under this post. I’d tell them to pick themselves up from the floor but they probably love it down there begging for attention from these racist AM they hope to project their anime crush on to

No. 425614

Those comments are sad, but not nearly as cringey and pathetic as when mixed/black/brown chicks make posts asking "why don't AM like me? :("

No. 425615

So many of my irl friends have been like this, kek. Yellow fever + pickme tendencies is tragic fate that befalls a lot of female black nerds unfortunately

No. 425616


No. 425663

Would you relax your standards on income/assets for a good man with a low paying job?

No. 425665

why the fuck are BW the only ones told to relax our standards? Every other race gets to take men's money in fucking peace. Even black sex workers get paid less for god's sakes. We got less historically and still have less now, so what's so wrong with BW not scraping the bottom of the barrel for once? Men literally pay money to have mid non-black "trophy" wives who are uneducated and come from poor countries, yet 10/10 BW are expected to be amazing cooks, clean, have multiple Phds, raise 3+ kids perfectly (because they'll get called thugs if not perfect), and have a 300k net worth before 30. This is why I say BW are better off without men of all races in the US. It's not possible for a BW to meet their standards.

No. 425681

>why the fuck are BW the only ones told to relax our standards?
This isn't the case, men sperg at women for having too-high standards all the time.
>It's not possible for a BW to meet their standards.
Not this shit again. Are you the same anon who went on about how she preferred being fat because she didn't want to risk men finding her attractive? Just go full separatist yourself instead of claiming black women are inherently deficient or whatever, this is nasty.

No. 425683

I said in the US, not all over the world.

No. 425691

No, I don’t want to live in poverty

No. 425692

Get ready for the rise of suicidal blasian incels

No. 425693

No he’ll be jealous and bitter about how unmanly he’s being and take it out on me when I’m not the one responsible for gender roles

No. 425701

You can get a job too.
The man doesn’t have to be the breadwinner.

No. 425720

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Do you ever wish you could make your hair permanently straight? Not even with relaxers or wigs but down to the hair shaft?

For me, it’s not even the social benefits of straight hair, but the absolute ease of styling. Whenever I have my hair straightened, It’s usually just a matter of brushing in the mornings and going. Maybe a silk hair wrap at night. I like my curly hair, but it’s taken me a long time to tolerate it. It’s complicated for me.

No. 425723

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>do you wish you could make your unique hair texture that nobody else in the world has more like whites, arabs, hispanics and asians so it can make them even more arrogant and proud about their overrated and mediocre beauty standards
no, no anon

No. 425729

Fuck no. Any man I date needs to have an advanced professional degree nobody gets a free ride. It's not that hard to bag a doctor or engineer ladies raise your goddamn standards.

No. 425733

Do you have an advanced professional degree?

No. 425734

no. I think afro hair is the most flattering for negroid features. I also prefer my forehead looking smaller. I saw this clip of people in Korea giving people afro perms. It's a whole salon, so it's popular enough to give them consistent business. the effort to make something into afro hair is intense and more difficult compared to turning afro hair straight.

No. 425736


No. 425740

Can you try and be less obvious with your shitty baiting

No. 425747

has anyone ever had people look car doors when they walk past? This is why it pisses me off when men say they're the only ones who are seen as threats. It's bs, it happens to us based on race too.

No. 425749

I used to be bothered by that. I learned not to give two shits what a racist thinks of me.

No. 425751

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For practicality reasons, I get it, but for aesthetic reasons, I disagree. Natural black hair in all its diversity and styling possibilities is too beautiful to abandon IMO (obviously we've seen that straightened hair looks good on black women too, before anyone starts lol - it's also funny that both make racist freaks seethe extremely hard).