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No. 420991

Share tips, vent, advice, similar experiences, how to get out of such a rut, what can be changed, what helped you personally, where to meet women you can relate to.

This thread is for:
-those of us who spent our formative years on 4chan/other male dominated spaces and got internet poisoning from it
-those of us who realised men aren't your friends but are now alone
-gender dysphoric women especially socially dysphoric
-ex-TIFs who have come to terms with being female but are now adrift
-those of us who are gender non-conforming in personality, not only appearance
-assorted spergs/speds who have difficulty understanding social norms, unwritten rules, tone of voice, and reading between the lines
-low-empathy or low EQ women
-general loners and NEETs

This thread is NOT for humblebragging about how cool and rational and edgy you are. Please.

Previous thread: >>314525

No. 420993

> do any other nonnas feel like they were male socialized? i'm a radfem, obviously, but i always feel insanely guilty when i see other radfems talking about women doing emotional labor for moids or dealing with sexual harassment or discrimination in the workforce because i've never dealt with any of that in any capacity.

I feel the same way. I read this discussion about how women are afraid to raise their hands in the classroom because they're so insecure and all the women were talking about how annoying it was that men dominated the classroom. It made me feel really bad because I was very intellectually secure in my classes, raised my hand so much that the teacher quit calling on me so other kids got a chance, engaged with the material outside of class and wasn't afraid to take other kids (almost always males) on. I got ashamed of it at one point, like I felt I had been "male-like" and made women feel bad, so I stopped raising my hand. I don't feel like that anymore. I put in the work, I loved my classes, and I paid to have intellectual engagement. I never put down other students and always helped anyone who needed help studying. But a lot of female socializing involves trading vulnerabilities and insecurities, so I can't really join in when everyone's talking about how they felt bullied by male students. I was probably bullying the male students tbh.

I love women who are kind of "male socialized," I honestly get weak in the knees when women are intelligent and intellectually uncompromising about their positions without any female-socialized hedging or apologizing. There's so few out there because of how female socialization basically destroys your intellectual self-confidence or makes you feel like a selfish monster for being confident. Women who throw off female socialization without descending into the pits of male-typical behaviors are my favorite people on earth.

No. 421027

This is a thing? In my school, the guys were leas likely to try, so the ones who put their hands up were the girls who studied and the autistic/nerdy boys (who were considered cringe)

No. 421223

Not sure if it fits, but I feel like a gay man with the way I like men. It's not as forward as one, but nonna's weird hyperfixation on hairless twinks never sit well with me. Am I truly alone in this?

No. 421226

not sure what you mean. are you saying you feel different because you're not attracted to hairless twinks? that's not unusual at all, in fact I'm pretty sure that's been the norm until fairly recently

No. 421229

Totally relate especially the part about trading insecurities part. I find that very hard to do. Also when they talk about having to “keep up” with men intellectually, that’s insane to me.

No. 421238

>I was probably bullying the male students tbh.

No. 421251

>I was very intellectually secure in my classes, raised my hand so much that the teacher quit calling on me so other kids got a chance, engaged with the material outside of class and wasn't afraid to take other kids (almost always males) on.
I was this girl until my teachers openly bullied me into "knowing my place". Their actions left me isolated and mostly friendless. I became a troublemaker, was sent to detention and suspended multiple times, teachers hated me even more and doubled-down on punishing me. Girls avoided me because I was 'too weird'/masculine and boys either avoided me because I wasn't feminine or spoke to me like I was a boy too. The experience completely destroyed my sense of self to the point where I began ID'ing as trans.
I'm in my 30s now and have finally regained my confidence as a woman with this personality type. But I still feel like an outsider when interacting with other women at work or at social gatherings. Female co-workers have described me as 'intimidating' and 'intense' because I don't hedge my words or try to make myself small around men.

No. 421254

I relate a lot. I don't mind sharing vulnerabilities, but the sharing insecurities part is basically a social script for constant undermining of the self. Same goes for shit like acting like you're dumber/weaker than you really are, women who do this rationalize it as useful but i can't even stand the idea. This is going to sound so sappy but it goes against my ideal of dignity, and being described as competent just feels too good when it happens. On that note, i think a lot of my 'un-feminine' socialization doesn't just stem from asperger, but also from a pretty rough education. My mother grew up in rough circumstances herself and i recall how much of my early childhood was spent training to be stronger, not crying, not relying on comfort, not being so fearful (autistic aversion to the entire world), even being encouraged by my mother to brawl with problem kids as a way to show i had teeth. I still came out of it weird and a choice target for feminine bullying but it did help a lot with having a stronger personality, being recognized as someone who isn't a total pushover. The way it was done was borderline cruel but i'm still thankful for that. Ofc i still struggle with feminine socialization but i feel like i avoided some of its worst parts (like the bludgeoning of intelligence)

No. 421257

I've been trying to make more female friends but I feel like I make other women uncomfortable. I'm not sure if this is founded in reality or if it's residual guilt from being a creepy lesbian as a teenager. Not sure if im looking for advice or to just vent, since im not sure it will ever be different. I have developed a more feminine appearance to try to give off a better impression, but I feel like im too intense and strange once I open my mouth. When I try to be more forward and make the first move with women to start a friendship, im always the one initiating. If im not the one texting or making plans or paying for the outing then they never initiate and it feels so one-sided. Even if we are in person, they won't start a conversation. Theyll only respond to things i say with quick one-liners. I take this to mean that they don't like me, so why would you even come meet with me in the first place? but I had a situation happen twice that is making me wonder if that's just what theyre like: a few of my moid coworkers have a gf who they want me to befriend because "she has got to get out the house more and needs help making friends" so of course I say sure, we can have a girls day! When i meet with her, same thing. wont talk to me, wont engage with me trying to make conversation, but also doesnt try to leave until I say i need to get back home. Doesnt text me back afterwards except for "ok" "thats cool" "yeah" "oh wow", so I assume they didnt like me very much and dont text back either. But then later my coworker will talk to me and ask when our next girls day will be. I'll say something like "It was fun! She's super sweet, but I dont think we meshed very well". Then both times the moid tells me thats strange because his gf said she liked me! Then theyll tell me that she's just slow at responding because she has social anxiety. Is this normal? Am I reading too much into this? To be honest, I would like a friendship that feels equal, but is this just what normal women are like or am I making them uncomfortable and theyre just not saying anything to not hurt my feelings?
>Women who throw off female socialization without descending into the pits of male-typical behaviors are my favorite people on earth.
Have you ever read mary shelley's vindication on the rights of woman? Its really good. it talks about how female socialization is an artifice or virtue meant to keep women enslaved. It is both amazing and discouraging that the issues she talks about way back then are still relatable today.

No. 421258

Samefagging because i can't delete to edit, my bad. Another thing that drives me insane is the artificial inflation of sex differences in behavior. Women do it all the time and it's so retarded. A man will say 'i do [silly relatable thing]' and women go 'ewww i could never relate, men are so weiiird'. Why are you acting like you're part of an alien species? Another thing is the good girl LARP, complaining about the way men aren't as feminine in them in interactions. I feel like some of it is legitimate observation of misogyny, but a lot is basically 'ugh men are so rude and direct and they love to play devil's advocate'. I wish women allowed themselves to be more like that, to disagree (so-called devil's advocate), to be serious and take themselves seriously.

No. 421265

I haven't had that experience but you're completely in the right to feel so confused and bewildered by that behavior. Either those women are lying to their boyfriends to not hurt their fee-fees and trying to gray rock you so you go away on your own, or they've succumbed to some induced retardation that makes them feel like they can't/shouldn't take initiative ever. Either way I'd personally feel repulsed by having to baby and coddle them. Grown ass women fail.

No. 421270

Speaking as someone who's been paralyzed by social anxiety before and unable to connect with other women even when I really liked them, I bet they just completely suck socially and that's why their boyfriends said they needed help making friends. So I wouldn't take it as rejection necessarily, but I also wouldn't torture yourself by trying to push and going through it again. You tried.

No. 421279

So I came across something where it teaches you how to have better social skills and developing charisma and just wanted to know, but have you’ve ever known someone who had charisma? What was it like talking to them? Did you ever saw what their social lives were like? I’ve known popular people before but most of them aren’t even charismatic, just well versed in the social skills area.

No. 421294

I think I get you. I feel this because I like men in a "i could connect with this dude as equal to or above him" rather than the stereotypical normie girl "this guy is better than me" schtick, could that be it?

No. 421295

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Me too, nonna.
>low neuroticism
>low empathy
>physically bullied male classmates
>only learned how to do house chores when 18 years old and im still lazy when i need to do it
>learned helplessness
>wandered in male dominated internet spaces since early teens
I don’t want to sound edgy, but I simply fake empathy and sometimes neuroticism around other women because doing otherwise is social suicide.
Unfortunately, the house chores part is one of the most annoying male traits in existence.

No. 421296

me too, i have empathy but i have to fake more obvious emotions (OTT giggling, smiling, "oh no, really??" like normies) just to be seen as human. people think i'm intimidating because i don't smile much but i don't see the point, my head is blank most of the time and seeing people show extreme emotion makes me so uncomfortable. i have to walk on eggshells around much women, which hurts as i know i'm not a bad person.

No. 421298

Thank you nonna, I wish more women were like you! It enrages me to see smart, funny women putting themselves down all the time, especially when other women encourage it. Even as a kid I knew guys were dumb idiots so couldn't relate to the girls who put themselves in an inferior category to men. Seeing friends suddenly drop their entire personality to fit in and support some retarded moid's shitty vision genuinely radicalised me kek

No. 421302

It's so difficult to talk with other girls online. Every time a conversation starts they suddenly stop opening the chat. They do keep in touch later by sending stuff, so there's still some interest but it's just impossible to talk with them for more than two minutes. So I can never be close friends with any girl. It happens over and over, they stop the conversation, then a new topic comes up and they stop talking about it after a couple minutes and so on.

No. 421308

I have a question for everybody here. Do you think non-normie women are mostly influenced by nature or nurture? My environment played of role into it, but I think deep down. I was always gonna be like this. Even if I had the perfect normal plain childhood,I think my environment probably just speed it up the effects. I think I would’ve just became a non-normie later in life instead of the age 7. I always had a more quiet, low empathy and skeptical personality than most women and due to this I couldn’t be peer pressured so easily. What traits do you think most non-normie women have? I think being less likely to peer pressured and not being as influenced by female socialization is common. Also autism.

No. 421364

KEK this reminded me of when i was in hs and i got a bit interested in science,so i participated a lot in class but my teacher called me a know it all, telling me i didnt give my classmates a chance and that hurt for some reason so i stopped caring about the classes and when i got a low grade in her class she said she was totally dissapointed, what a bitch tbh

No. 421443

When I was in younger grades, I got bullied by my teachers (male and female) a lot and they'd turn a blind eye to boys sexually harassing me but I'd get blamed for yelling at them or throwing paper at them, and I'd get screamed at for whatever else. I remember a male teacher literally pulled the chair out from behind me and snapped at me when I tried to sit and fell down. I lived in the south so I assume racism was a part of it (I am not white) as well as me possibly being autistic, though I never got a diagnosis. Only semi related but I remember when a school counselor literally singled out my very short Indian male friend and pulled him to the front of the class and said that it was wrong to pick on people like him??? There were also a few other incidents like that, but I won't get into it.

I moved later in life and at my new school I had several very old, mean female teachers who were incredibly strict and I loved them. I honestly feel like I would have hated school if I didn't have them as teachers. They weren't easy though and they were fucking mean, but they didn't choose favorites and honestly encouraged the weird competitiveness between students, and most importantly were wonderful teachers. It helped raise my self-esteem to the point of me shitting on the other top students in those classes, who were almost always male. But I couldn't really have that kind of meanness/hate with girls.

Anyways the thing is that I couldn't really make friends with other female students who were also very smart and studious, all of them were very female socialized and in tune with feelings and such, were into stuff like musicals and Disney and I didn't care at all. Most of my truly close female friends didn't do very well in school, but I find they were far less judgmental of how I acted or my weird quirks. Even now the only female friends I can maintain actual friendships with are diagnosed autistic women. Maybe I do have autism.

No. 421459

Maybe you'd get along better with women who are naturally/culturally more stoic. I've had normalfag friends (technically house mates but we did form pretty good relationship, we hung out often and they included me in their social circles) who just learned to accept that I'm not an expressive or overly enthused person, they know I care I just can't provide the passionate reactions they might seek. This comes at the cost of me feeling like I'm not their closet friend or the first person they reach out for in crisis but I kinda made peace with that. I mean they were there for me so I think that meant they saw me as a friend right? There was still a lot of anxiety before I got comfortable enough to stop masking so hard, I think women can really pick up on that no matter how well I think I'm faking it. In return, I just do the part of being considerate about things that they care about like picking up after myself, being (somewhat) on time and listen to their mundane conversations, I think that's fair. I still haven't found that soul-deep friendship I crave but at least it kinda helps to know my cold personality isn't a deal breaker for normal women.
Online friendships are destined to die if they aren't open to hanging in voice chat every so often.

No. 421566

Did anyone else had difficulty to blend in when it comes to fashion? I don't mean in "she wears skirts, I wear Converse" type of way, I mean genuinely trying to look feminine and copy the same looks as others but still failing? When I was into normie and gyaru fashion I could never reach the same type of aesthetic as the other gyarus in my community, they looked so clean and well put but I always felt out of place. I fucking hate it when people tell me I'm "unique" when I'm not trying to be because it makes me paranoid they clock me as a sperg. I want to dress up but I always feel so disgusting and weird doing it.

No. 421570

is there a particular style you're trying to imitate? if you practice good hygiene and bathe regularly then it's unlikely that you are actually less clean than the women you are comparing yourself to. they may just have a more intensive hair and skincare routine than what you practice (and oftentimes those products are ultimately useless).

No. 421597

How much of that perception is low self esteem and feeling like you’re wearing a costume instead of just wearing clothes you like? If talking about outward appearance, you don’t look the same in the same clothes as someone else it’s not because you’re a sperg, it’s because you’re not them. Any community’s “standards” pour a lot of resources into being the standard, resources that you don’t have or even know exist. Your ability to relate to other women doesn’t hinge on how well you can wear their skin anyway.

No. 421606

maybe you have a lack of understanding regarding clothing fit and your body type/measurements, so you don't pick up on that different clothing silhouettes work better for different women.

No. 421635

I think I get what you mean, anon. I haven't worn makeup and put in a ton of effort in years but whenever I did back then, I always felt ugly and out of place too. No matter how hard I tried, my makeup just always looked either too plain or too cakey compared to others, my hair somehow was always already messed up when I arrived and I never managed to find the right style for the occasion/weather/whatever. Often I put in a ridiculous amount of effort, like exfoliating right before putting on my makeup, so that my skin is perfectly and smooth and yet…? It makes me wonder how other girls somehow always manage to look put well together, how do they always know the right amount of dressing up, how does their hair not move, how are they never sweating, how are they never in a hurry, and so on…

No. 421639

You're pretending to be someone you're not by piling a bunch of shit on your face. Don't feel bad about not doing it "right". All makeup and most skincare is frivolous garbage designed by men meant to waste women's time.

No. 421646

Anon, "twink" is literally a gay male term and I assure you that the majority of males who shave/wax their bodies are gay and doing it for other gay males.

No. 421649

Shut up and go back to your containment thread, schizo. You aren't helping.
>It makes me wonder how other girls somehow always manage to look put well together
Take it from someone who's a newly minted normie of a few years after a lifetime of being a maladjusted autistic, the sad truth is that the really 'hot' girls put in tons of effort and money into their looks and it simply does take a lot of your time. It also takes a lot of trial and error but eventually everyone settles into their routine and knows what works for them and it gets easier from there.
>how do they always know the right amount of dressing up
They've had a lifetime of conditioning and practice, probably a mom or older sister or friends who knew, and they have a circle of friends to ask for advice. Having a fashionable relative or friend is huge. My mom is lovely but can't dress for shit, same with dad and sister. The only fashion commentary they have is 'looks nice'. Which is fine if you're happy with how you look, but I wasn't.
Another thing is most girls at some point develop a go-to outfit or uniform that they like and rewear a lot. I didn't have any of this and spent years banging my head against the wall until I found a style that I liked, felt comfy in and other people found cute too.
>how does their hair not move
Hairspray and mousse, but there's also many tutorials on tiktok for updos that stay up
>how are they never sweating
Antiperspirant and showering frequently
>how are they never in a hurry
Most people are, you just can't see it. If I learned anything it's that the majority of people have a lot swarming in their head but don't want to show weakness so they don't share.

I think a good place to start is find a little thing that makes you feel a tiny bit more done up and go from there. I used to hate wearing earrings until I found a flattering pair, and I used to hate my hair until I got a cute French bob. Most importantly don't compare yourself too much because you don't know who you're comparing yourself to, how much effort they put into their looks and skills, and how hard their life really is.

No. 421676

>paragraphs upon paragraphs of how to present as a woman correctly through hours and hours and hundreds of dollars (which go into men's pockets)
ngmi. You chose to obsessively conform at the cost of everything else

No. 421684

Tbh I don't trust men who do devil's advocate either cause they use it as an excuse to defend rapists and pedos or other shitty moids in general but in an "intellectual" way.

No. 421686

This tbh

No. 421694

Larping as a normie is not worth all this bullshit. If you are actually autistic, you can only mask so much and so long before you crack.

No. 421696

Is it a good idea to tell your acquaintances about your neurodivergence if you’re trying to make friends?

No. 421697

No. Unless they have admitted the same to you, it will come across as weird.

No. 421699

Ok. I have an ADHD acquaintance I might tell her about my autism. Maybe it will bring us closer.

No. 421701

I guess I'm the one that spent my formative years on the internet and am poisoned.

I had male friends until around when puberty hits, then after that I've mostly had girl bullies that acted like friends. I have tried to be friends with women when I got out of school but there was just too much back stabbing.

30 now trying to befriend other women, but my god I can not get over this thought that they are bad in some way, will fuck me over somehow, etc… So I just don't have friends.

Has anyone been able to actually get past this? Or should I settle in to loneliness?

If I had to guess, I'd say probably a bit of both would play a role. I don't think just nature or nurture would be enough.

No. 421753

Idk if this will make you feel better but tons of women dress very feminine and still struggle to fit in and make friends because femininity is chiefly about how mindbroken/docile you are internally.

No. 421755

I've been trying to find friends from my city I've moved to, but every conversation just fizzles out. Thats assuming they even attempt to reciprocate.
I ask questions to get to know them and get met with 2 word answers, not attempt at conversation back, nothing for me to bounce anything off of.
I dont like small talk myself but in the first few conversations I dont know how else to bridge the gap, I ask them about something to do with their profile and get a one word or two word reply. I feel like an ugly guy on a dating app trying to catch a girls attention lmao. Where do I find women who are actually interested in getting to know me back, rather than me just trying to make conversation at them and them giving me crumbs?
I dont know if its my city itself maybe?

No. 421757

Making friends once you're an adult, especially as a woman, simply feels impossible

No. 421760

So you're on apps for meeting people (platonically) already and you're being met with those kind of responses? That's weird. Do your interests not line up maybe?

No. 421761

I am an autist so I think I was going to turn out non-normie no matter what. Having more caring and supportive parents likely would have made a huge difference in terms of my mental health though. I was left alone online all the time which likely exacerbated some of my more autistic traits and exposed me to too much extreme imagery. I think that likely made me more low empathy.

I agree with your assessment that introversion, lower empathy, and skepticism are defining features of a non-normie woman. Not to be an NLOG, but I feel like in all my interactions with other women, I have not met one with those particular qualities which has made for a very lonely existence for me. I can interact with people just fine but I never can establish a deep connection with anybody. My boyfriend is pretty much the only person other than my parents who I can talk to about anything.

No. 421765

low empathy is the norm these days imo

No. 421767

I disagree. Social expectations of femininity are purely shallow and superficial. Nobody notices meek quiet submissive nice girls no matter how feminine they are. Whichever women has a) the prettiest face b) the best body and c) most attention grabbing personality is who gets lauded as the epitome of femininity.

Even tradmoids and right wing men are all thirsting over the 'hawk tuah' girl. All the Stacies at my school were loud, obnoxious, aggressive, tomboyish in behavior, honestly. But because they had pretty faces and slim-curvy feminine bodies, everyone treated them like goddesses. When you're pretty and feminine looking you're allowed to be as aggressive, hypersocial and hypersexual as you want, that's what men find hot and pay most attention to, no matter how much they whine about wanting a meek quiet church girl gf.

No. 421768

Nah women are still coddling males who they deem to be one of the good ones 

No. 421778

I do understand you, nona. It's difficult to be a strage autistic woman. Male autistos always have a large community, but we seem to be impossibly rare. 
>the same deeply-set personality flaws as a scrote. and that's not even mentioning how even here i feel like shit because my sexuality feels anime-pornified the same way as a scrote, i love ecchishit and disproportionately large tits and shit. i can't even have an inoffensive lesbian sexuality fml. i'm not good enough to be either a man or a woman. i'm some other monstrous third gender. does anyone know wtf i'm talking about
Its is what it is, nona, autistic woman. It must be VERY rare so its difficult to find other women like you. For me the really alienating thing is the realization how the average women are deeply masochistic. BJ chan is insane but she is right. Its just how they are. And i am more into a sadistic side. Remember these stories about trannies jerking off women's locker rooms? I feel like I am this exact thing. I don't do it obviously, but I do avoid going to public pools, for example, because I will feel like a literal predator. I guess its good that I am short and have long hair, if I was tall I would be the definition of that homophobic stereotype of predatory lesbian.

No. 421783

Yep, bumble friends, Facebook friend finder groups for my city, I'm pregnant so also now I'm on mum connection apps/ groups for my city. It all ends in the same way.
I match with people I have common interests with, start conversations around it and still nada.
I've even changed my strategy and had "I'll take cute pictures of you for you to post on instagram" in a profile since thats most of the women on here, when it's something I'm not interested in doing at all because I figured those are the girls who will actually want to meet up and do stuff/have friendships, and id like to visit aesthetic places in nature outside without personally posting it and even they one word me. I know it's a meme but I really don't think it's me.. maybe it is, I know not to be overeager but if I give the same energy they give me the conversation stops 3 messages in.
Yeah it sucks.

No. 421788

I don't know about mom groups but I imagine childless/childfree women are probably reluctant to befriend pregnant women/moms for obvious reasons..

No. 421794

Yeah, but this was before I was pregnant. I moved here 2 years ago so I've been looking since then. Now that I'm pregnant it's moved to other mother groups instead of child free women

No. 421800

>be lonely autistic internet poisoned lesbian
>all female friendships fizzle out because i'm a retard with male hobbies and no interest in the female socialization game
>literally only friends with gay dudes, even my bestie is a gay dude
>once every five years meet one autistic woman who i connect with on a profound level
>become platonically obsessed with her, want to be her best friend, her platonic soulmate, want to do everything with her, want to give her the world
>every single goddamn time it's some bihet with a boyfriend who will always choose her scrote over me
it hurts. i wish my lesbian friends weren't so accomplished and offline, that way they could be the terminally online friend i need who i could spend every second of the day larping as their platonic gf with but alas, they have degrees. i wish i didn't get so attached to begin with, but it's so incredibly rare for me to feel this kind of connection that i go crazy. how do i stop feeling like this, how do i become more interested in the normies around me? can i even? with her i can talk about anything, and i get so bored pretending i give a fuck about makeup and jewelry and current events with regular women. i genuinely feel like a pickme but just for her, like i want her to get rid of her stupid boring guy friends and her idiot moid (that she doesn't even like) and let me be her non-romantic boyfriend. every time she's able to hang out i drop everything to spend time with her and i know i'll never be that important to her. she gives me little breadcrumbs which i think secretly adds fuel to the fire, like letting me know i'm special to her and that she loves me. fucking hell. and i know my clinginess is my problem, but i do keep all my insanity to myself and keep my distance since i'm deathly afraid of smothering her, leaving me to internalize everything and i just want to get rid of these emotions. sorry this is all over the place but i want to become normal so bad… help me, anons

No. 421813

>become platonically obsessed with her, want to be her best friend, her platonic soulmate, want to do everything with her, want to give her the world
>every single goddamn time it's some bihet with a boyfriend who will always choose her scrote over me
Nona how do I contact you. I have the exact same experience. I dont know if it will be turbo autistic but maybe I should make a throwaway Tumblr acc and post the name on here. 

No. 421822

When I think about it, I think it isn't low empathy exactly but more an outward expression of empathy that society expects women to have. If you aren't at least a little expressive, especially for other people, people probably think you're strange since women are expected to be "nice" and "caring."

No. 421825

feel free to attach an email if you want or leave the tumblr acc you mentioned. it might be nice to hear about other people's experiences with this

No. 421826

File: 1722873100843.webp (35.98 KB, 570x570, friendlyuser666.jpg)

No. 421829

>once every five years meet one autistic woman who i connect with on a profound level
>become platonically obsessed with her, want to be her best friend, her platonic soulmate, want to do everything with her, want to give her the world
>every single goddamn time it's some bihet with a boyfriend who will always choose her scrote over me
Story of my life. Same fears of coming across as too obsessed. I'm luckier now (the latest ones are honestly heterosexual or female-leaning bi) but the first one devastated me, it was a full-blown infatuation on top of the incredible connection i felt. Only in the past couple months have i realized that she's obviously straight and not bi like she said lol

No. 421837

God I didn’t think anyone else experienced this. It hurts. Down to being a terminally online lesbian, and the vapid shit most irl women are into (sorry just my opinion kek). Why do they always choose the scrotes. It’s worse when he mistreats her and then she comes crying back. I don’t know if I’m autistic or bippie or whatever but…
Is it? The best friends I’ve had always came from sharing my hobbies online, much better than the irl friends I made from school - I would ignore them for them, even.

No. 421838

Samefagging but yeah, they always turn out to be straight. Straight women who say they’re bi are really hellborn creations here to fuck with us kek

No. 421886

Don't really think so, I have online friendships without voice chat. My mistake is believing these girls would be my friends in the first place. I will remove this expectation and move on focusing on other things.

No. 422026

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I know how you feel. I get the same shit.
Occasionally I'll just bluntly ask after a few days of one word responses why they're being so blunt and short. Granted I only have a single person who actually responded to the question, but I was told they were currently talking to over 100 people one-on-one, and even more on social media. So it might just be a lot of 'competition' so to speak, to keep up with all the chatter on the internet.

Once I get over my fear of the outdoors, I think I'll try meeting people in the wild.

No. 422027

I know some yall have mentioned it, and I wondered what does it mean when a nona says she feels like a gay man? Surely we could just discard if as "another Aiden larping as yaoi uke" but I do know that autistic women may express attraction different.  

No. 422033

It means she can’t relate her GNCness to anything else except maleness since representation of GNC women is nonexistent, but the part about autistic faghaggery is true too probably

No. 422034

personally i would never say something so cringe, but i still almost exclusively lurk gay blogs/sites if i want to find hot guy pics. women just never seem to like the types i like, so in that sense i do have things in common with gay moids. if other anons are anything like me, it can be a matter of having niche preferences and turn ons that set you apart from more normie women.

No. 422040

Out of all the groups I've struggled with, I have never gotten along with gay men the most and it seems like they can always see my autism and give me a hard time. I never understood women being able to relate to them.

No. 422045

Gay men are absolutely awful. They’ll only kiss your ass if youre a hyperextroverted glamorous stacy who talks like a drag queen. They despise autistic and homely women.

No. 422062

quiet meek submissive girls are feminine though. and im not talking about what men notice (who cares) but about making female friends and women will absolutely give you shit for being extroverted, "slutty", socially retarded, confident, extra. there is absolutely a social expectation on women (mostly imposed by other women) to be humourless, meek, passive and demure.

No. 422064

>there is absolutely a social expectation on women (mostly imposed by other women) to be humourless, meek, passive and demure.
Not true at all. No woman acts meek, passive, humorless and demure unless thats her natural persoanlity OR has been enforced on her by religion/scrotes at home who check her behavior.

Bubbly sociable confident girls with an obvious sense of humor are always most popular women, even among other women. Total bs that women want other women to be serious, distant and humorless.

No. 422066

Also I would say that meek quiet introverted girls are the ones who get bullied and ostracized most by other women for being weird or thinking they're too good to join in with the socializing.
They're also the ones who get preyed on and used as doormats the most by men, often because they have less friends to give them advice or back them up, whereas popular social girls always have an army of friends who will defend them. Any women who are quiet introverted and aloof get called bitches or weirdos and are generally disliked by both women and men (except if theyre low self esteem and easier to get sex from). Look at the women moids are simping for online. They're always the most loud obnoxious attention grabbing women imaginable. Even 'conservative' moids who 'prefer feminine women' like those bold hypersocial obnoxious extroverted type women. Those women are always the most successful in life.

No. 422074

idk where you live tbf so it might be cultural but I'm really familiar with being considered "too much" for being confident, blunt, making jokes, regardless of how I'm dressed and I have a really girly sense of style. also yes moids love orbiting "slutty" women while keeping the demure wallflower "good wife" type at home.

No. 422075

I usually find myself pushed out of any female friend group I would like to be part of for I can only imagine being too attractive and standoffish when I'm really shy and really weird looking imo I get a lot of compliments about my looks that I don't understand and don't know how to react to them and other women interpret that as being rude

No. 422076

I watched this video a while back and a lot of stuff started making sense..

No. 422093

You mean you have a unique face nonita? Like these strange models?

No. 422114

I guess it's unique, don't know if it's like a model's face but I do know that combined with my personality is causing making friends with women difficult and I've experienced a lot of ostracism.

No. 422120

>liking well groomed hot men as a woman makes me a gay man
Absolute beta mental

No. 422144

Well normie women wont dare to demand a moid to wash his ass for them so I guess having preferences counts as gay male brained kekk

No. 422167

Even boomer women were more demanding than that
Wtf happened

No. 422247

ntayrt but maybe it really is a cultural thing cause where i live (burgerland) it's the total opposite, everyone prefers loud confident types and picks on quiet passive women for being "boring/weird", and the reasons >>422066 said

No. 422250

I'm not sure where to look tbh. I guess I probably am not looking hard enough. I had looked on meetup and it seemed largely inactive in my area, but haven't really gone on Facebook or anything like that yet. when I've found cool classes - pottery, stuff like that - they're either on weekdays or they're on weekends but get booked out months ahead.
at the end of the day I know I need to make more of a solid effort, but I just feel so mentally exhausted from long work days/hour long commutes, etc.

No. 422252

what. anon, did you read my post wrong…? i'm into some gross stuff, if that matters.

No. 422268

I took the hoepill and decided to leverage the attention of simps for my own benefit.
If women are going to be mean to me because of my potential to steal a scrote’s resources I might as well live up to that reputation and profit from attentionwhoremaxxing. I’m not even straight so I never wanted to play this stupid game.

No. 422284

Based.Damn I wanna blackpill so bad but the thread is conquered completely by that schizo retard

No. 422294

In America and the UK loud bubbly extroverted type girls are definitely preferred by everyone. Maybe in certain European or Asian countries there's more expectations for women to act mark demure and nice all the time.

No. 422305

I'm not sure at what point you turn the relationship from "acquaintances" into "friends". I've joined many hobby groups/clubs where I'll meet people and get along with some, but we never cross the line into friendship and hanging out outside of the club setting. This sounds so autistic, but how do you make it clear that you want to be friends? I imagine it's not as simple as saying "Want to be friends?" like it was when you were a kid. Asking for a woman's phone number also feels so awkward to me, I feel like a creep and I don't want to push them away. They never seem to want to initiate this themselves, so I guess it's up to me. Any advice?

I have the same problem.
>Maybe you'd get along better with women who are naturally/culturally more stoic
NTA but I have had a hard time finding women who are more stoic. I can be sociable, but I'm not super expressive and I've noticed it can turn women off. I've had friends in the past that understood, but it's been difficult to find people that do now.

No. 422318

I grew up having difficulty relating to other PEOPLE because both of my parents are retards, but if it helps anyone ITT, I learned how to find common ground with almost anyone through conversation and it’s helped me form friendships with very different types of women. Basically I just kind of subtly observe them a bit, how they interact, what they talk about to others, then I try to engage w them about stuff. Even if it’s stuff I’m not personally into—it helps, but it’s not super necessary? I love talking to people, and I know not everyone does, but I used to be shy and insecure til I figured out my brand of chatty if that makes sense. I’d also say I have ONE best friend, an autist like me who likes to sperg and comes off as way too aloof if she doesn’t make effort, but that doesn’t mean the less deep friendships I have w other women aren’t meaningful. Even the friend who I only talk to about the gym pretty much and at the gym, we have other overlapping interests but our personalities aren’t completely compatible for that best friend type bond. As long as there is one woman in the world other than my mother who I can hang out with and feel free, I’m happy to maybe compromise more in other friendships just for the joy of positive social interaction. If this reads as weird or lame to anyone I’m sorry kek it was how I valiantly turned around my clear cut loner arc in childhood. There’s nothing wrong w preferring one’s own company either, nor having trouble relating to other women. I just hate that there’s such a black and white mentality on both sides of like normie women and weirdo outcast women. One of my closest high school friends was the most popular girl in our grade bc it turned out she was a fucking weirdo who liked Salad Fingers and shit. We only talked bc we were next to each other in choir. Don’t lose hope of finding at least one weirdo to soul bond with, but also don’t discount other potential more light fluffy friendships! I would invite every nonna in this thread to a mixer with snacks kek

No. 422354

Afaik the woman who coined the phrase 'Well behaved women rarely make history' was actually pointing out the fact that quiet demure modest women remain unnoticed by society despite society trying to claim such traits are virtuous for women. And that men and society in general always lauds and fawns over 'bad girl' types despite claiming to hate those women.

No. 422693

If the hobby group meets in person, maybe ask some people if they want to go out for food/drinks after? Make sure you ask a few, so it doesn't look like you're trying to ask someone on a date.
Granted I'm fucking autistic so this may be terrible advice.

No. 422694

Maybe this is a bit schizophrenic but literally every woman I befriend seems to go out of their way to ensure my downfall friendship-wise. Why is it that anytime I think I've made a good new friend with another woman and I vent to her about girls around us who I used to be friends with but treated me like shit, the new friend always eventually drops me and befriends the ones who I said were horrible to me? I live in a small city so everyone in my area knows each other, this has happened atleast four times in the past couple of years. I don't expect people I befriend to not have other friends, but it seems like more than a coincidence that after telling them about who wronged me they constantly post photos online of them hanging out together from their new friendship. I can't tell if it's solely just me being autistic and saying the wrong things/saying too much to new people or if I'm really being sabotaged by those around me. Even if I come off as a resentful loser who isn't ideal to be around, it makes no sense for them to only befriend the women I've told them about especially as there's way more options for them to be with. I don't see the appeal in getting close to people who are known to have bullied and ostracised others.

No. 422732

If you talk shit about others people assume you will do it about them as well when they are not around. Which you are kinda doing by making this post? Also you probably come off as self centered and with a victim mentality and this encourages these people to get together based on the common ground of disliking you and treating them as vent dumps.
There is a phenomenon where people will assign the traits you tell them other people have to you, I forgot what it's called. So if you keep talking shit about others, the person listening to you may start thinking you have the behaviors and traits you complain about. And since you complain about negative things it's likely you don't come off as a likeable person or maybe you're just extremely draining to be around because of this. I personally avoid any type of complainers altogether, it's so exhausting and unpleasant to spend time with someone who would has their mind attuned to negatives in other people. If you can't contain yourself from talking negatively about people, try not talking about them at all and talk about interests or activities instead (even if the other person wants to gossip they could be just testing you to see if you run your mouth)

No. 422882

you're never going to have a healthy, fulfilling friendship if you talk shit about other women to every woman you befriend. all you're going to achieve is either attracting dysfunctional women who thrive on negativity or driving away women who rightly interpret that behavior as a red flag and suspect you're talking about them behind their back. it's okay to have feelings of anger that you need to get out but if this has happened to you repeatedly then that indicates you're doing it too often. if the women you make friends with always ending treating you badly then that also indicates you're gravitating towards a type of person who is not a good fit for you and you need to choose who you befriend and confide in more carefully.

No. 423234

enough with y'all victim blaming bullshit

No. 423485

I don't shit talk about them (about their personality or interests) I just vent about how they bullied me for years and would spread lies about me so others would hate me. And btw I only vent once the other person has before or if our relationship is long enough that we feel close to do this. But I do get how I come off as draining I'm not sure what to do about this though.
But in the end I'm not really here asking for advice on how to change my personality to suit others (maybe I should) I'm just asking what I'm doing wrong and why they all ditch me for those who are known to be harmful. I know I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who did horrible shit to others, so why do they? I can't vent to a friend but they can leave me to go talk shit about me to someone else? Where is the appeal in befriending someone just because you all mutually dislike someone please tell me maybe I should get in on that and I'll make long-lasting friends for once lol.

Am I gravitating towards harmful people or are harmful people gravitating towards me? If all those I attract and gravitate to aren't a good fit how do I even go about choosing friends carefully? People only show their true colours after wronging you and then it's too late. It's all trial and error so far.

But thank you anyway nonnies. Even if you guys were a bit mean I think I probably needed a slight reality check. I need to fix my victim mentality and move cities and all will be well.

No. 423491

nta and im sorry if this sounds mean but most people dont gaf about how shitty people are unless it affects them directly.
btw maybe your bullies are really nice to people who arent you kek and if they still dislike you for whatever reason they can just turn people against you if they're smart enough.
You should never talk shit about people who are manipulative or in general tbh, unless you met someone REALLY shitty and have an extremely close friend , if they dont have anything against you (like talking about how they bullied you or how theyre horrible people) they'll just sound insane

No. 423538

Honestly, I think the being in a small city thing is a huge part of the issue. The other anons have good points too but I imagine the small town social setting exacerbates it. I also used to be similar to you in that I would be prone to complaining and venting to people who I thought I was close with and I learned that most people don't give a shit or would just get annoyed with me, even if it was me venting about an ex who was physically abusive to me. I find it more effective to treat venting with a bit of light-hearted snarkiness rather than just complaining. Only an extremely close friend will tolerate full-on venting.

No. 423541

Vent. I managed to make a female friend last year and she just disappeared from my life early this year. As soon as we met she was super invested and basically calling me im her bestie and wanted to plan trips together etc… Maybe it's just my autism making me dumb and naive but I thought she was serious. She's an incredibly social and therefore busy person but it's pretty obvious she's avoiding me specifically. Since shes busy i've respected that and not texted her much and instead texted every now and then and ask if she wants to hang out. I have done the same as I do with my other friends, but they are guys and she was my first ever female friend… She never opened my texts either, she could be active on social media and even view my Stories but still not opening my text for hours or even days. I miss her but theres no point in a onesided friendship… I hate that I get along better with men, both neurodivergent and neurotypical but mostly neurodivergent, and I dont know why. It feels like most women rely a lot on non-verbal communication and that's impossible for me. I've done CBT three times. I wish I could meet other women on the spectrum but my little city is dead af and the autism facebook groups i'm in has people from literally all over the country EXCEPT my area lol… I've tried a friendship app to meet women but they like my profile but then they are inactive, or we exchange one text each and then they stop responding. Meanwhile making friends with men is literally zero effort. I feel like im missing out on a lot, and I feel like something is seriously wrong with me that women do not like me or at least doesnt see me as friendship material. I'm someone who always tries to be there for my friends and i've been told i'm a good listener and supportive and all that stuff but the problem might be that I am that to male standards only? I am a very quiet person with limited expressions because im not good at verbally expressing emotions nor giving or recieveing compliments. Whenever I try to force myself to be comfortable with those things its so obvious that im forcing it that its just best to say nothing because otherwise it typically gets misinterpreted as insincere compliments or excitement… An old therapist of mine once described "matching someones emotional state" by for example matching their tone of voice and mood by also expressing loud excitement if they share something great for example, but I dont seem to have the ability to do so and I really suck at expressing things in ways others do. It seems that because of those faults in my brain im going to stay lonely without the companionships of other women, feels pretty hopeless at times.

No. 423573

>As soon as we met she was super invested and basically calling me im her bestie and wanted to plan trips together etc
Red flags to me. It's not surprising she dropped you quickly. I've had the same thing happen to me and it turns out she was very mentally ill according to my classmates. I'm also like you in that I'm on the spectrum and make friends easier with moids. I feel like I'd need to meet another equally autistic woman if I ever want the possibility of a close female friend. However, so many naively accept gender identity beliefs and are TIFs. I wish I could look past that but I just can't. It's hard for us female autists.

No. 423823

Yeah that's true. There's one girl in this city who vented to me about these same girls too, she was the only one that gaf (but she was also desperate for friends I think). Thanks for the advice

Yes being in a small city is also a major reason why I think these girls are so well off with friends too and can get away with their actions.
Because when I think about it more, people may mainly befriend them because they're scared of not being on good terms with them and having the same things being done to them. Once they hear what happened to me, they probably think they're the next target if they're around me for too long.

No. 423828

i'm >>422882 and i wasn't trying to be mean. all i was trying to convey was that if this keeps happening to you then you're either venting too much and sabotaging your friendships or you're befriending people who aren't good for you. it's not victim-blaming to say that sometimes the best way to break a cycle is to examine our own behavior. you have to learn how to protect yourself from shitty people because no one else can do it for you. whether you are gravitating towards these women or they are gravitating towards you doesn't really matter, what's important is that you identify their behavior early in the friendship before you start confiding in them so you don't get hurt again.

No. 423837

All scrotes are retarded misogynists and not boyfriend material, but I can't help but feel inferior to other women for never having had a romantic relationship and its affected so many of my relationships with friends… I hate that I'm not mature enough to hear about a friend's happy relationship without feeling jealous or miserable, I'm supposed to be happy for them but I can't stop being self centered and internally mope about how I'll never be able to experience it. Maybe I'm just not cut out for relationships outside of family in general. I just have no interest befriending people in relationships, constantly being around a reminder of what I can never have will only make me more miserable and lead to resentment to people who did nothing to deserve it

No. 423844

Same. But the joke is even if a scrote asked me to date him I would turn him down because I don’t want a boyfriend, but somehow I still feel less-than compared to my friends (or did, when I had any)

No. 423848

Relationships with moids ain't worth shit. You're romanticizing them if you're putting this much value to them. Such relationships come with a lot of bullshit and compromising and aren't all fun and games like others might be telling you. I hope you can let go of that mindset because it really isn't worth agonizing over.

No. 423851

yeah, I think it might be women who brag about the good things their nigels do while strategically omitting all the sexism and moid behavior that's making us (or at least me) crave this idealized version of a moid that just isn't found in reality. I find myself getting jealous every time a woman brags about her bf and how happy she is with him, but I know that if I were in that situation I probably wouldn't be able to put up with a man's sexism, entitlement, retardedness and complete lack of a personality in order to get to the good parts (intimacy, gifts, sharing nice moments together).

No. 424018

Same for me, I guess it's because it's part of the average female life experience and normie women tend to react harshly when you say you're (voluntarily) single, there's either pity or judgement. I know I'm probably not missing out on anything but I can't help feeling that I'm not "normal" compared to the average woman (but that's just one more thing to the weirdo list).

No. 424082

I'm scared of other women irl, I think they are always judging my looks and thinking about how ugly I am.
I can only interact with them on internet because they aren't seeing my face.
After being bullied by other girls in school, all my friends were boys and ever since I can't trust women.
Not even therapy can't fix it, and I honestly just want to give up.

No. 424087

I have also given up especially since it’s all based on intangible “vibes” and not anything you actually do or say. I’m just over it.

No. 424089

I hate my female trauma so much but I think I'm slowly getting over it. I'm working with a woman who is very much a Stacey type A personality go-getter, which is not me at all. But we both are passionate about our goals and have been working together. I have this paranoia that she senses my weakness though and looks down on me or is trying to prey on my insecurities, and convinced myself that since she's got this personality she's a secret sociopath. Which is totally unfounded on my part. She's great and I look up to her a lot. My BPD ass just tells me that all women are secretly plotting to sabotage me. But I also feel a sense of comfort knowing that we both are the only ones who get shit done and that the moids we have to deal with are whiny pieces of shit who have their thumbs up their asses all day. So I'm trying my best to get over it and tell myself I'm just being a retard. I don't want to get hurt again.

No. 424092

>so many naively accept gender identity beliefs and are TIFs. I wish I could look past that but I just can't.
Ugh same, I hate this. I hate how prevalent the gender ideology BS is with women. I participate in hobby groups and when I look at their socials, it's full of trans support. If these people found out what I really think, I'd be shunned. It's ridiculous that not wanting men to flash women or beat them up is considered "radical and bad". Clown world.

No. 424100

I am/was a loner for most of my life. Growing up, I didn't share interests with girls in school. I spent a lot of time around my older brother, so I developed a lot of the same interests as him and had more of a rough, goofy personality. I had male friends when I was young, but around puberty they all felt weird having a girl as a friend, so I ended up alone. I changed from a happy, extroverted, funny kid to a quiet daydreamer. I used to be really lonely as a child. I still remember in elementary school, I called every girl in my class to invite them to a sleepover, and they all said no. I ate lunch alone. By middle school, I was actively bullied by everyone because I was quiet and unattractive. Boys asked me out as a joke. Girls would physically and mentally abuse me. I was still an outcast in high school, but I developed an edgy personality to cope with the bullying, so I was mostly left alone by then. By college, it somehow got worse, with women starting rumors about me despite me never having interacted with them. My sin was being quiet.
I do have one friend I get along with now, but it's more of a professional relationship so I'm wary about getting too close to her. I used to yearn for close friendships, but after being distant from real people for so long, and after many failed friendships with people online, I've gotten over the desire to have friends. I also feel a lot less lonely after getting a boyfriend, even though I haven't met him in person yet. Now I just want to get married, buy a house, and start a family.

No. 424284

In general I feel much more comfortable around other women but I'll never be able to relate to how so many women enjoy objectifying themselves for random stranger scrotes, especially in public where they're not even getting paid or whatever unlike online attention whoreing outlets. In a way I still find that gross and pickme-ish though. It's depressing that first wave and second wave feminism fought for women to be seen as more than just pieces of meat and now so many women enjoy acting like that and promote themselves as being that and nothing more. Liberal feminism is probably the worst thing that ever happened after the Y chromosome coming into existence.

No. 424825

I’ve never enjoyed self objectification or trying to look sexy to strangers either because it requires you to look at yourself through the male gaze and I’ve never once felt any urge to do that in the slightest kek. Why would I? Honestly I think it’s a form of self flagellation and mental illness. Probably some vestigial urge to compete for resources, but the fact is most men are ugly broke trash losers not worth a damn, and the ones who are rich are also ugly, degenerates or are stingy as hell and only give you as much money as you could have made for yourself anyway, so what’s the point?

Although it sounds snobbish, I genuinely view women who go out of their way to impress and please men as being unevolved and retarded. Something is wrong with them. Men are objectively terrible creatures, and these women know it, so the same women actually going to extreme efforts to look good for them is so strange and self defeating to me. I’m not saying you have to dress like a slob, gain weight or never wear makeup, but I frankly find trying to appeal to men absolutely pathetic and will never understand the women who go so far to do it ie extreme diets and excessive gym time, dangerous plastic surgeries and body modification, wearing uncomfortable clothing, spending massive amounts of money on unnecessary grooming or procedures etc.

Notice how the women who put the most effort into looking good almost never have attractive boyfriends or husbands either, they’re always with some overweight repulsive looking schlubby soiboi or roidpig. I’ve never once seen a ‘Stacy’ with her boyfriend and thought ‘I wish I could get a guy like that’

No. 424827

Also I hate when women say ‘I’m just doing it for myself’ like yeah whatever you say lol. ‘Myself’ has become synonymous with the male voyeur living in women’s heads rent free.
The brainworms of female heterosexuality go that deep. I suppose trying to rationalize being attracted to the gender that commits nearly all sex crimes, violent crimes, terrorism, wars, etc is already so insane and a form of mental illness in itself, not surprising some women decide to go push the boat out with the pickmeism, masochism and desperation. Most people are also fucking morons and so will never analyze or deconstruct their own behavior. Pickmes and moids have that in common.

No. 425069

I needed to read this. Thank you

No. 425071

>I suppose trying to rationalize being attracted to the gender that commits nearly all sex crimes, violent crimes, terrorism, wars, etc is already so insane and a form of mental illness in itself
Agreed that sex crimes and violent crimes are bad but what is wrong with terrorism and war? I don't believe in judging people because of what they do for work(bait)

No. 425642

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No. 425646

Based. I wish I knew more women like this. The most I do for “myself” is stay healthy. Women acting like spending thousands in their lifetime to look good for scrotes is for “”themselves”” pisses me the fuck off. God even when I read about the anons on here getting plastic surgery to be attractive it makes me lose respect for the majority of women, someone wanted a bbl for fucks’ sake KEK. Clowns. I hate how it’s lonely being sane. unfortunately I’m not even straight so it’s even worse not being able to relate to these women. then again maybe it’s worst to be a lone sane straight women who is attracted to men but has some self-respect, when no one else does. seems like troonfuel.

No. 425658

>My BPD ass just tells me that all women are secretly plotting to sabotage me
Sorry if its for BP thread but I never really show anyone my true colors because i know if somebody will know my true feelings towards politics i will be torn apart as women arent allowed to have these views. Women always have to watch closely and think twice before they speak because they are not allowed to be morally unpure. Unfortunately other women are prone to tearing each other apart for a faint illusion of authority.

No. 425669

>I read about the anons on here getting plastic surgery to be attractive it makes me lose respect
I don't see how you cannot get plastic surgery for yourself, especially as a woman. Having an attractive face is crucial for surviving in this world as a woman. I'm a lesbian but I would get plastic surgery if I could, not for attracting men but for having better life conditions

No. 425671

No it's not. Unless you have a job in the media then you don't need cosmetic surgery to "survive" kek. Go outside and meet some of the many average looking or fat women who are doing just fine despite not being beautiful.

No. 425686

Retard. What do you think getting a nose job is going to get you? Maybe some people treating you nicer or giving you more opportunities? Even with the absolute best results it’d be no different from being someone who has good connections, for example. You could sleep your way up and get similar results kek. People like you who shill abominable misogynistic practises like this are disgusting and exactly why I can’t stand normie women.

No. 425689

I wasn't talking about average looking women.
> it’d be no different from being someone who has good connections
You need a nice face for that.
>People like you who shill abominable misogynistic practises like this are disgusting and exactly why I can’t stand normie women.
Those misogynistic practices helps mamy women to have a career, degree, job, friends, opportunities, a life. You either play this game or smell your shit. I'm not a normie also

No. 425694

You’re just the perfect little subservient plaything for the patriarchy aren’t you? Just keel over and mutilate your face if that’s what you really want. But it’s not normal. I don’t know how you can promote it like it’s in good faith.

No. 425713

This makes no sense, if you don't have any goals or initiative you can't just sit there and look pretty and have everything brought to you. Unless you want to waste the time you could've been studying for a good job and instead washing a rich scrote's shit stains until he dumps you for the next one.

No. 425778

nonna you're perfectly correct about how pretty privelage is the difference between a woman being treated like human and a subhuman, just ignore the retards that treat women like gender traitors for noticing beauty is basically a currency for women in society even if you're not straight or stay unmarried (whether nlogs who are above it all like it or not). tangentially related, im really tired of most female spaces devolving into a circlejerk about how they're better than a strawman of what (normie or morally unapproved) women are like. exhibit A on why those women can't establish IRL relationships with women ig kek

No. 425785

>im a lesbian but would have a nose job to survive in this world
show us where the hettie brainworms entered your body…

No. 425787

>beauty is basically a currency for women in society
It's only currency if you're talentless, stupid and have nothing else to rely on.

And even then, most beautiful women get treated like shit by moids and society in general. I don't know a single Stacy who hasnt been CSA'd, abused, cheated on, raped.
Being pretty didn't do shit for Amber Heard's image or reputation. Female supermodels, actresses and talent all get sexually harassed and raped by moid execs. The prettiest women in the world are currently being cucked by their F1 boyfriends with hideous transsexual hookers or eating poop out of some Saudi man's asshole. Please stop pretending that being attractive is a cheat code for anything more than temporary attention and sometimes money in exchange for getting raped, it's a rigged game that's designed to never let women win.

No. 425802

>Stacies are the real victims
This gaslighting gets old yawn
>I don't know a single Stacy who hasnt been CSA'd, abused, cheated on, raped.
Do you really believe that ugly women/girls are not getting raped? Or less likely to? Wow, you must really have a fucked up mind. You're a disgusting vile person. İ hope those stacies pay you for this shit, you plain face

No. 425809

wow. you have issues. nayrt but she said literally none of that. take your meds.
>pretty privelage is the difference between a woman being treated like human and a subhuman
im ugly, dont wear makeup, dont shave, and am well liked by all my coworkers, my boss, have friends, have sex and date, travel, etc etc. you sound like incels when you talk about beauty being the make or break for happiness and success in society. stop trying to validate your pathetic somatic obsession and vanity by doomposting about how ugliness ruins your life. it really doesnt.

No. 425810

>do you really believe that ugly women/girls are not getting raped?
when did she say that in her post

No. 425811

Nta but why are you even in this thread if your life is so perfect, did you just come here to fight?

No. 425813

my life isnt perfect weirdo. never said that. being ugly just isnt a fucking death sentence. its also hard to relate to women who think being ugly is literally the worst thing that can ever happen to you, and spend thousands of dollars and hours of their time trying to meet a male created standard.

No. 425814

>nayrt but she said literally none of that
That what she meant.
>im ugly, dont wear makeup, dont shave, and am well liked by all my coworkers, my boss, have friends, have sex and date, travel, etc etc
You're not ugly then kek.
>you sound like incels when you talk about beauty being the make or break for happiness and success in society.
It does. No amount of denial and gaslighting going to change it
>I don't know a single Stacy who hasnt been CSA'd, abused, cheated on, raped.

No. 425815

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>every pretty woman I know has been raped
>so you don't think ugly women get raped?
esl-chan… take a nap…

No. 425816

>its also hard to relate to women who think being ugly is literally the worst thing that can ever happen to you, and spend thousands of dollars and hours of their time trying to meet a male created standard.
Read the OP of this thread, not being able to relate to the <3% of all women who get ps is a non-issue, you didn't come to vent, you only want to pat yourself on the back.
>This thread is NOT for humblebragging about how cool and rational and edgy you are. Please.
That sounds exactly like you.

No. 425820

centering your life around your looks is normie shit. you are part of the 99% of women who consoom makeup and beauty procedures. if you truly thought being ugly made life not worth living you would have killed yourself by now. no one is obligated to validate your nihilistic image obsessed view of society.

No. 425848

Women like this mald seeing that other women who don’t conform to the patriarchy are happy. It doesn’t fit their narrative.

No. 425849

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People are saying that trying to adhere to normie standards is normie shit, but unless you are a neet, you are forced to mingle with them every single day, especially if you work and go to school. I really wish i could just be myself, but i want a job and the easiest life possible. Being me is not going to get me that. I have to leave who i truly am behind closed doors, an autistic woman who truly has very little interest in others and is borderline sociopathic because empathy was always something i have to learn rather than acquire naturally. If you look at ugly women who manage to thrive, they have very good personalities, very socially capable and are pleasant people. I do not have these traits so i'd rather at least fake beauty so normies can have one less thing to bother me about, aside from the fact that i am generally just a perfectionist and i am obsessed with my image, even if i have zero intention on getting any scrote attention which may be hard to believe, but i don't blame anons for thinking that. I've always admired normie women who are as dull as a white wall but get by on just being pretty and smiling every now and then. It must be nice to live a life where nobody demands much of you. For as much as this is considered a normie problem, i've vented about dissatisfaction about my looks with normie women and they just hit you with the everybody is beautiful bullshit. I can't help but wanting doors that were always shut for me to be open. I don't care if it makes me shallow. But i am also painfully aware that if i lived on my own on a deserted island i wouldn't have these thoughts. I would love nothing more but to live in total isolation tbh, every single life problem i've ever had would just melt away. I feel like there is no solution that is viable except suicide sometimes.

No. 425861

the women at my corporate job who follow the life script (marriage, kids) are often unpleasant towards me a childfree single. Do these types of women look down on me as a sad spinster or envy my freedom?

No. 425901

Envy 100%. Misery loves company and they hate that you're not tied down to a post-wall scrote with kids that take up all your time and money. Even worse, you don't sound mad about it.
I worked with women like that in the past, they're the most bitter micromanaging assholes on the planet, the sort who'd be troons if they hadn't signed up to be wholesome tradwives instead. Don't bother trying to get into their good graces, be polite and friendly and ignore all the bitchy comments, because they're really just mad at themselves.

No. 425907

>They have kids, I don't, that's why they must hate/envy me!
That's such a weird train of thought. And all of them too? Maybe you're just an unpleasant person to be around or a shit worker? Maybe you're not friends because you just don't share much in common and are conflating that with being disliked?

I'm not saying it's not possible, there's plenty of young mothers and older married women who're disillusioned with married life and motherhood, but without further context that explains and justifies your train of thought, it just seems like insecurity about your lifestyle from your side, not theirs.

No. 425931

You sound like a naive redditor.

No. 425938

>t. Envious mother

No. 425967

ok, r/breakingmom

No. 426923

I relate to this so much, please don't be so hard on yourself. The best thing you can do is embrace yourself for who you are, no amount of pretty is going to change who you are inside.
This sounds silly but I see life now almost like a rpg where I have fun playing the game of acting like a normie? I've forced myself to socialize a lot and realized that most people aren't constantly analyzing how they act and how others see them like we do. So for me, I've learned how to read people quite well and quite often if you see people need help with something or look bored/like they want to talk, they'll react positively if you offer to help/ make some lighthearted chitchat. I know you said you don't have the traits to be extremely socially capable, but I didn't think I did either. When I learned that I can actually strike up a conversation with most people quite easily my social anxiety got a lot better and I gained more confidence.
As far as appearance related stuff goes, I'm not going to deny the halo effect but if you can find a way to enjoy doing it, and making it low maintenance that will help. Like I reframed doing my hair/makeup/nails as working on a quick art project that I get to show off in public, not as something "I have to do to fix my insecurities". Same with picking out cute outfits, its like recreating a mood board irl?
Finally, I'd say one of the biggest things that turned my life around was finding ways to turn my special interests into strengths, not just quirks about me. I try to incorporate my interests into my life in ways that make me a more well rounded person, and I've made a ton of friends because they have at least one interest in common with me.

No. 427035

Anyone hate how self-sacrificing and "altruistic" normie women are? Being selfish and self centered is the worst crime you can commit. You're supposed to care about your family, your coworkers, an hypothetical moid (partner) before you even consider yourself.
They always take their suffering as a point of pride and say it's a mark of womanhood, what a fucking cope. Of course since it's a mark of womanhood if you aren't serving as a doormat you're either "childish" or very "male-like".
I also hate when some radfems and women on this website also fall for that shit and take it as a point of pride being "empathetic" and "kinder" than moids. I was always selfish so the whole "women are naturally kinder uwu shit doesn't really resonate with me, that's the shit I was told as a kid because I didn't wanna share with a moid who didn't wanna share with me either.

No. 427046

>>427035 It used to make me so actively crazy with anger to watch older female relatives be quietly keeling themselves over to sustain the needs of (primarily, if not entirely) their moid partners and offspring. I don't understand how they don't explode with all the frustrations they must have pent up. I'd have gone postal. I do not consider it a point of pride to be taken for granted at the expense of my own health, time and energy.

No. 427062

they do it because they are selfish actually but in a very fucked up way it's hilarious. don't get angry, they get what they want out of it. it's just not what you would want. codependents and covert narcs are really gross. Women who behave like this are actually the most selfish and cunning and that's why they project onto the ones who do what they want that they are selfish to distract from their manipulative ways

No. 427066

It's a façade, anon. Normie women are aware that shits stupid, they are just extremely performative and gaslight other women around them into believing this shit, specially if you are younger. Many toxic (female) coworkers projected into me telling me I'm "difficult to deal with" over small reasonable requests they had to do cause the law itself said so, specially when I've tried to point out politely how full of shit they were. Stick to your Radfem friends and avoid these assholes as much as possible, they are a waste of time to deal with

No. 427068

They envy you anon, 100%. Moids nowadays are porn addict psychopaths who prey into the mass media induced paranoia normie women have of "dying alone" to secure a bang maid that makes them money, and they are just realizing they were memed into being house slave AND the bread winner to a moid they barely can stand, and that raising a kid that can talk back to you and can point out the stupid shit you do isnt like having a cat or a dog that are mostly just content with being well fed and scratches.

Just smile n nod whenever they come to you with any bullshit. Maybe learn some techniques to deal with difficult people perhaps, not worth of anyone's time.

No. 427069

Found the boymom bangmaid

No. 427077

Wrong, I'm very fortunate to be childless and CF.

No. 427079

>Anyone hate how self-sacrificing and "altruistic" normie women are?
YES oh my god. i've always been so annoyed by this. i saw it in my family, with my mother doing everything to run the household, and my retard dad decided he was too depressed to work and quit his job. so mom is fully supporting him and working full time, paying all the bills and for the house, while also doing his laundry and bringing him meals. she still waits on both my father and my retarded brother who is 18 and refuses to get a job. my mother pays for both my brother's school and gives him the spending money he whines at her to give him. imagine living your entire life basically as an unpaid domestic laborer and also paying for your two leeches. i work & support myself obvi and i got my uni tuition to basically nothing (scholarships) and i'm so glad, because if i had to ask my mom for money i would feel so horrible. and she basically has no time or money left for herself, to do things she wants to do.
when i talk about this with my mom she tells me that i don't understand what it's like to be a wife and mother, and that she's happy to do this because she loves them so much and wants them to be happy. she really does love being a mom, but the thing that gets me is that obviously im capable of taking care of myself, and i love my mom and want HER to be happy which is why i dont fucking drain her bc im too lazy to do shit. so im like why the fuck cant they stop inconveniencing you and do stuff for your sake, and she tells me its the wife's job to take care of everybody. and she thinks that ill understand it when i get married and have kids, lmao. this just makes me really not want to do those things because i cant imagine my life and personhood just being reduced to this self-sacrificial doormat thing giving up all my freedom and dreams so i can exist to support retarded lazy incompetent men. im wondering how long this will continue bc my dad has been refusing to get a job for 1 year and my brother is shit at university and nearly failing his classes. if they intend on freeloading forever, god forbid when my mother passes away i have no idea what they will fucking do, because i sure as hell wont do this for them.

No. 427083

my mother did everything in the house and after she died my father can't even make a simple meal and is unwilling to learn and eats canned foods with plain pasta lol didn't clean the toilet until he had to fucking replace it because it became uncleanable

No. 427414

I'm the type of sperg where it isn't really obvious until you really get to know me/talk to me a lot. I had some trouble at my job fitting in (all much older women, and there was clear resentment/feeling I didn't "deserve" to be there) but I worked my ass off and tried to prove my worth and being helpful and friendly. Some time later, I get targeted really bad by my boss and people are sympathetic and understanding. Fast forward again and she is making my life a living hell, and seems to be even getting in the way of relationships I had with people who she knows like me. Now, I get a meeting with HR telling me I've been reported by "several" coworkers, and it's all people who I thought liked me. I don't feel like I can trust anyone ever again and I feel so stupid for thinking my coworkers actually liked me.

No. 427497

Why do I attract frenemies? Seriously, most friends I've had eventually tried to make me feel bad about myself for no real reason (that I can think of). Whenever I confront them all I get is 'gee anon stop being so sensitive', I can not stand it anymore. It's so immature, I'm in my twenties and I really don't know why it keeps happening because it's some high school shit. At this point I'd rather be a loner than try anymore, whenever I try I end up getting hurt. I'm so tired of being walked all over, I won't let it happen to me anymore even if I'll probably be alone forever. Moids are no company, even just one good female friend would mean the world to me. I wish my old best friend hadn't become a criminal, she knows more about me than anyone even my parents. Just to have a friendship like that again, I've been thinking about her a lot but she blocked me and probably hates me for dropping her but we had such a true connection even if it wasn't always the healthiest.
I'm so sorry anon, that sounds horrible. I guess I don't really have advice but I can imagine how much that hurts, I always thought bullying would end in adulthood but no. Can I ask what type of job it was? If it's a dead end one the people there are probably unhappy and trying to cope by taking their frustration out on you, happened to my old coworker too and me as well (I quit after half a year because I couldn't stand all the gossip and petty drama). People are fucking mean.

No. 427506

That's horrible. I had something similar happen at an entry level hospital job, those low level medical field jobs and legal jobs seem to be magnets for women with the personality you're describing.

No. 427507

I am quite aware of that, they are like that towards other women yet with moids they are always doormats and shit, and paint themselves as oh so sacrificial. They're always sabotaging themselves.
But there's also that one brand of women I had as a friend who is always self-sacrificing without being manipulative, they always run back to their abusers or people who exploit them. They fear even being thought of as "selfish" in even one interaction.

No. 427513

You could say that if it keeps happening to you you're the common denominator and being attracted to certain type of person or causing these situations with behavior you're not aware of. But honestly people these days are generally really shit thanks to social media and the general landscape so don't be to hard on yourself.

No. 427521

Thank you nona. It is a dead end job but I just got a better job offer that pays more! The timing is crazy lol
Yeah. It says something when all the coworkers my age aren't there long. It's probably not personal but I definitely made myself an easy target.
>even if it wasn't always the healthiest.
I think that's the key here. Do you get into friendships quickly?

No. 430310

almost 30 and incredibly desperate for a female friend who shares my interests. i'm going insane. i just matched with a tranny on bumble bff and accidentally sent a few messages back and forth before i realized and i'm filled with rage. being a 4chan pickme during my formative years, the only other girls i was friends with in highschool were also pickmes and thus terrible friends. i just want a based terf queen bestie, i hate men so much.

No. 431543

Rejecting beauty culture but not being a gendie about it is such a lonely experience. Other women can be so cruel for no reason over it. It's like their brains fucking break
and they have to rage at you or be catty if you talk about actually not doing beauty rituals if you hate them and think they're unfair. I tried making friends with radfems but a lot of them are weirdly normie and spiteful and also act like the feminism police (I'm not even a radfem, just a normal feminist who is gender critical) and of course TIFs make terrible friends and are usually annoying as fuck.

No. 431555

think the worst part about trying to make friends with other women as a social retard is that you might share pretty much every interest or view except one thing and that on thing is what drives them away, what happened to just accepting the other party…why is it always all or nothing

No. 431570

Women can be so cold nonnies… I’m really jealous of how easy moids can make friends with one another. All it takes is for them to find common ground with one another (like wearing the same shirt), or both of them are drunk (drunk women are either even more guarded, or they’re tryna make out with you) and all of a sudden they’re besties.

Hell even 2 moids who had a fight the previous day can somehow act like brothers the next if they made up and settled their differences. That NEVER happens when women get into a catfight with one another. Women will beef with each other for life kek.

No. 431574

I hate the 'drunk women being besties in the bathroom' meme so much kek.

No. 431603

This. Where does this happen? I’ve never witnessed it myself. Most of the time a drunk girl going to the bathroom is accompanied by a (more) sober friend. There’s no socializing in the bathroom between completely drunk strangers, people just go in, do their business and go.

No. 431995

Not ayrt, but the last time I went out with the bf and friends, I wound up having a solid conversation in the bathroom with some of the women in there after making sure one of the older ones was doing okay. All were pretty far into drinks and in good nature, so it’s not totally out of the realm.

No. 432286

Lol I got linked this thread today with the message "I can't believe some women feel like this".
Y-yeah m-me too, haha…

No. 432290

Normies will never get it.

No. 432386

Having to pretend with people like that is soul draining. I hope you aren't friends with her.

No. 432591

Well, if the person who sent you this lurks here they will most likely figure out you're the one who posted this

No. 434074

I’m sorry about the waffle joke, I was trying to lighten the mood.

No. 434111

Everyone in this thread is a woman. Yes, being a woman is inherently more lonely, but it doesn't mean you should kill yourself. Write public blogs, make art, write stories, put yourself out there. I'm serious. You'll never meet like-minded women if you're hiding your entire life. The loneliness will vanish as soon as you give up on playing along with normie bullshit.

No. 434685

You're stupid af

No. 434994

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Anyone else feel like they spent too much time surrounded by retarded autistic nonsense ("those of us who spent our formative years on 4chan/other male dominated spaces and got internet poisoning from it") to truly fit in with normies but has also matured and stabilized enough to no longer relate to online losers? Like being in this limbo where you have an abnormally high awareness of the culture of rejects and degens but don't personally engage in it (anymore).

I feel awkward engaging with most people because my upbringing wasn't normal and I feel like I don't have the prerequisite context to connect with people. For instance I didn't have any friends the whole time I was growing up (early childhood thru teen years) and developed extensive knowledge of stupid niche online spergery instead of typical experiences for a girl. I am doing a lot of basic stuff, like getting lunch with a friend or even just having an extensive conversation with someone, for the first time, which is exciting but also makes me feel a lot like a fish out of water. There are a lot of times where I subtly don't fit in and come across as very puzzling or esoteric although people generally like me, because we don't relate to each other. I have a hard time knowing what to talk about because don't have a wealth of normal experiences to draw back on, so I think I end up settling on a kinda limited range of topics and not actually opening up much.

On the other hand, I have made a ton of progress in conquering my mentally ill and neurotic behaviors and I don't think I really qualify as even having any mental illnesses anymore. I am generally content with life. I am not longer a NEET (although I just have a wagie job), am in a healthy long-term relationship, and also got over all the weird and dumb sexual stuff. So I'm not in the same spiraling camp as most other people who started out like me.
It feels weird thinking about how usually people don't get out of that sort of rut, or at least I never hear about it so I have no model of reference, I guess. Mostly when I see people who were in the position I was, they just end up getting worse and worse. I want to keep improving my life but I'm struggling to adjust to normal social interaction and there have been times where I accidentally let slip something strange or stupid. Not sure how to describe this but especially around women I feel like they're so much neater and more polished than me in some nebulous figurative way, where I grew up in the gutter surrounded by filth they have zero concept of… Maybe I'm just self-conscious about it but I feel like it shows.

I guess I'm just shooting this out there to ask if anyone else is in the same boat of having been in a really dark place, not even in a profound way but just a retarded way, and crawled out of the pit?

No. 435058

you have a unique perspective on life compared to those that spent their whole life either blissfully unaware of the privilege of their belonging and identifying with dominant culture vs. a pessimistic shut-in that failed to overcome or sublimate his self-pitying depression

No. 435065

Yeah, me. I despise all the pointless hate "us based weirdo autists" throw at "le normies". But I'm not exactly what you'd call a "normie" either because being an unfeminine girl in the first place, then growing up on the internet and specifically 4chan and surrounded by moid shit, has totally ruined my ability to connect with more normal women in a significant way in real life. However, that doesn't mean I should stop interacting with women or reject the idea of a friendship with them. Yes, I was bullied by the popular girls at some point but I guess I didn't become obsessed enough with that to think all women that aren't as weird as me are like that. (Plus it looks like those bullies felt bad about it later when they grew up.) There are all kinds of women in the world, not just the mean hyperfeminine normie bullies that made your life hell. There are "normie" women that are nice, there are "weird" women that are incredibly shitty people. There are "normies" that are actually just mentally ill or have severe issues in their life, and they do not represent all women.
I don't know why you all fixate so much on that normie/non-normie distinction and fight so hard to keep yourselves in a position of victimhood based around that. You might not fit society's definition of "normal" but you can overcome those difficulties and you don't even have to stop being yourself (where the fuck did this idea even come from, that to be a functional member of society you have to "become a normalfag" and give up everything you like or adopt and entirely new personality? I feel like those who actually believe this are just NEETs or new ex-NEETs that barely reach the age of 21 and rarely leave their house while staying on the internet 24/7)

No. 435068

Wow, I was literally thinking about this yesterday. Honestly, I'm too retarded for the normies but too normie for the retards. I'm stuck in this nebulous grey area. Very annoying and isolating

No. 435070

Yeah, I relate quite a lot to what you say and I get what you mean about now feeling kind of self-conscious or awkward around women, but as cliche as it may sound the only thing you can do is work a bit on your confidence. See, most adult sane women don't overthink that much about other people. Even if you have some little quirks or say something unusual sometimes, if they like you it's fine, they probably find you interesting, cool or fun. And if they don't like you that much, it's fine too, they're going to be polite, just as you try to be polite with people you don't like that much. I did struggle with neurotic behaviors too so I know it's hard to break those patterns, but realizing that I am an ok person and that sane people don't overthink as much as I did nor make a big deal about some stupid little interaction, was relieving.
Oh, and I also realized that I have so so much more in common with any woman ("normie" or not), even if we don't share interests, than with those retarded online moids. As long as they are nice, I can feel perfectly comfortable around them now.
So yeah, it's ok to feel a bit scared around women now, but don't worry, you seem to be in a good place and you'll overcome it.

No. 435071

Yep, the normie/weirdo loser dichotomy doesn't make sense a lot of the time. Normies get bullied, le based autist weirdos bully (a lot), people can hit social milestones like dating or first [] early but still be deeply embedded in niche corners and behave in strange ways, etc. When it comes to women it's even blurrier because the threshold for acceptance by female peers is lower, moral/social policing by everyone is higher and it happens in 'weird' girl circles too. Legitimately autistic/unwell girls would get crucified every other day in places like tumblr, at the hands of slightly less odd (but still mentally ill) girls.

No. 435407

this is a very strangely encouraging and reassuring framing, thank you
I'm glad to hear that it resonated with some others. It's an awkward state to be in but at the end of the day I want to remember that it's a blessing that I didn't just keep sinking further and further down, it's a wonderful thing to have the opportunity to be a little awkward and work on figuring stuff out. I'm trying to kick my inclination to either think I'm totally cut off from society or overcorrect and be in denial thinking that I'm perfectly average. The balanced perspective on this I think is that I may be quite different from others in many ways but I can still connect with them in meaningful ways.
you are right but also
>Legitimately autistic/unwell girls would get crucified every other day in places like tumblr, at the hands of slightly less odd (but still mentally ill) girls.
is a fairly apt description of the purpose of this site kek

No. 435539

Same! For years I hid away from other women/girls because I was scared, and the only female friends I’d had at school were stereotypically bitchy types who hated me deep down. In recent years I’ve found that most women are lovely and kind; some are cruel but that’ll be obvious, and their lives are so shallow I wouldn’t want to be their friend anyway. Even in my extremely normie workplace I’m friendly with pretty much all of the women, and talking to them, seeing them smile etc feels much more rewarding than listening to moids screech about drinking and fucking 24/7. I can’t believe people dare to call women ‘vapid’ when even the conversations I’ve had with randoms have been v meaningful in a subtle way

No. 435612

What y'all are doing in this thread if you have itty bitty lovely lives where you get along with everyone?

No. 436280

Why do NT women and gay moids care so much about not being perceived as too friendly with men. I honestly don’t see any harm in a man thinking I am flirting with him when I’m not.

No. 436289

You've never had some random moid get obsessed with you after one polite encounter and stalk you/say inappropriate things/touch you randomly/send you gross photos/write weird shit/project some craziness onto you/god knows what else?

No. 436295

it often directly leads to them acting fucking weird or creepy.

No. 436310

Painfully I feel I as very socialized as masculine. I have six younger brothers, and majority of my friends growing up were males (mainly gay men, we would play Barbie’s together if my brothers didn’t already destroy my toys.). Now as a college adult I try so hard to make female friendships. I’ve had female friendships, but I only have 2 female friends that I trust fully. Unfortunately I barely see these friends as 1 moved to another state for college and the other one is too busy with her Nigel. I have a Nigel myself so I get it to a degree but I will always make time for my female friends. I’m currently in a groupchat with girls from my STEM class this semester so hopefully I can make more friends.
I have noticed whenever I’ve been nice to men, it’s been more damaging to my life than good. As a kid being nice to boys didn’t get me that much trouble as it progressively got in high school to now. Now when I’m nice to a moid he tries joking about trying to get me to cheat on my boyfriend, how I’m “smarter” than other women, how I’m “not like other girls” and other weird grooming comments. It makes me feel sick to my stomach that something changes in the male brain to where they can’t perceive normal opposite sex friendships. My friendships with gay males have changed too, they are just as weird. One gay male asked if I would be willing to carry his child one day, I told him I’m not a womb to rent out and he got mad at me.
My piece of advice for nonnas on here is if you can afford it; go to college. Learn something in STEM, it’s now having a lot more women in the field and they’re just as autistic or mentally ill. It’s how I’ve been able to find women I can somewhat relate too and I can have an actual interesting conversation with based on shared interests.

No. 436321

Gay men do not want to be accused of being a predator, women don't want to be accused of leading on men or making them think they are romantically interested in men. It's really about preserving your peace of mind in both instances and trying to avoid conflict. I for one don't understand why you would think it's a good thing, i'd be mortified if some moid thought i had a crush on him just because i was friendly. They tend to be incredibly cruel when it comes to rejecting women who are unattractive because they don't have to walk on eggshells with women the way we have to with moids, they could get really angry in this situation.

No. 436324

I find this utterly unrelatable because i have autism meaning i will be stuck in this pit till the day i die. The only thing is that i never used 4chan outside cgl because i don't have a desire to try and fit in with moids because i don't feel like i belong. The only time i have ever felt like i belong is when i am among other autistic women who understand how my mind works and have a similar perspective to life to me. If anything, trying not to be a normie is that only way i'll ever be happy.

No. 436355

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Long Time lurker checking in to say. I caved and took the male friends pill. Inb4 but they’re only pretending to be nice and it’s not a real friendship. Idc I will simply replace them with others if they leave. If I managed to make female friends then I do, if not then oh well. I am tired of trying.

No. 436356

I will die on the hill that male/female friendship is possible since my best friend is a guy and he definitely isn't attracted to me.

No. 436359

Male friends are great as long as you keep them at arms length. That way it doesn’t matter too much if they’re attracted to you. I’ve always felt awkward and self conscious around a lot of women my own age because I was bullied, I feel like i can be myself around males because I don’t really care what they think as much. I’d rather hang around people who are weird and defective like I am, I just feel so much more comfortable.

No. 436385

I feel like I have artificial autism because I grew up completely alone and on the early internet/imageboards, so I constantly come across as awkward even though I want to connect with normie women.

It becomes painful in places like work where over time I find myself being excluded from my female colleagues get-togethers because I cannot relate.

Wish I could befriend another nonna in the wild and be weirdos together instead of having to be so self conscious.

No. 436407

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My worse barrier with befriending women is the photo taking. Especially in friend groups they want to post on social media if we're doing something fun, and I'm really self conscious on my looks nor do I want to be posted online. Especially when you know there's always creepy scrotes lurking. I get seen as strange when I try to set boundaries I just already am stepping out of my comfort level being with others it gets so overwhelming. Then my brain doesn't want me to go out anymore because I don't feel safe. It's really just a me problem because for my internships and university you get your photos taken as well and it always ruins my day.

No. 436408

You don't have to relate actually! Just work on being authentic and relaxed about yourself. If you go out more often to more varied gatherings, you will find that people tolerate very weird behaviors and often find them cool as long as the person displaying them is self aware and confident in who they are.

No. 436484

friendship isn't possible

No. 436570

I've had multiple male friends who were definitely, absolutely not attracted to me. Doesn't mean they were always excellent friends but any stupid stuff they did towards me was the same stupid stuff they'd all do to each other and that I'd do back, so it wasn't like I was being treated any differently for being a woman. A lot of guys would explicitly express that they think I'm autistic and then treat me like a dude, with all the positives and negatives of that. There are inevitably ways in which they are hopelessly separated from my experience due to being male but I get that in different ways with women, so I think I need friends of both sexes to check every social desire. I want to focus more on female friends right now however.
>I feel like i can be myself around males because I don't really care what they think as much
i relate to this, with men if they think I'm weird or get offended I don't really care. Sometimes I'll kinda gaslight them that it's not me, they just don't get it because they're male. With women I feel more pressure to be appealing to them

No. 436666

In my experience with being bullied, a moid will do one thing every now and then like throw a sandwich in your face, push you into a puddle or call you a dyke. Girls will make a sustained and prolonged effort to ostracise and destroy your reputation permanently. Spreading rumours, setting you up to be bullied by even more people. The social consequence of a moid not liking you are much lower. I got bullied by the same group of girls from infant school all the way until secondary, and they’d add new friends to the group and they’d join in. That’s ages 6-13. Hence why I’m shit scared about doing something a woman won’t like or will look down on me for.

No. 436684

why the fuck are women like this

why even bother honestly I'm so done. Basically committing myself to celibacy and a life of isolation and self employment

I'm going back to male friend groups if I do make friends again, the weird creepy vibes I get from women are real. they talk about men being creepy but they don't know what each others real face looks like because they paint on a promotional fake face, which is some fucking dreadful dystopian novel bullshit thats I'm supposed to pretend is normal person behavior and not weird freak behavior

No. 436703

It is weird. I’m very bitter that I was lucky enough to come from a loving family with well off parents that were still together and I had to be dragged through the mud and used as a punching bag by a bunch of low class failed abortions from broken homes. My parents worked very hard to give me a good life unlike the mothers of the girls’ who bullied me who were welfare queens with a new man every few years who let’s be honest where probably just there so they can have a shot at molesting the daughters. And now those girls are doing much better than I am because they were able to purge all the filth and bile within their souls by tearing me down and they’re able to blam e all of their mistakes on their uwu bad childhood. Meanwhile people use being bullied at school as an insult. I’m just a privileged upper middle class child of loving parents so I have no excuse for being clinically depressed into my 30s. I consider myself a secondhand victim of the disgusting welfare queens that dragged up the nasty little bitches that made my life a misery. If I ever have kids I’m not going to stand for it and if the school won’t help me (just like my school didn’t help my parents when they complained) then I will take them out and homeschool them.

No. 436712

I'm also from a "good home", my family wasn't perfect but also was far from what anyone would consider a broken home. I got bullied a lot during childhood too for no discernible reason. I'm doing alright nowadays but when I look back on my memories it seems so hellish and I'm so glad to be an adult, I've never been able to relate to those "zomg nostalgiaaa i miss being a kid it was so easy to make friends!!" sentiments that people post.
I don't have kids right now I'm strongly considering this if the circumstances make it possible. I think I may have some spergy tendencies by nature (based on my dad and grandpa) which I guess kids might've honed in on and targeted… Idk how little girls manage to clock tism with a hawk's eye precision when actual psychs don't notice it at all if you aren't male. I did get diagnosed with something adjacent as a teen. But based on that (and on how my bf is diagnosed autist, he is pretty normie and well-adjusted though and mostly just loves math/languages and does benign weird stuff like sit on the ground, it's not the damaging internet rot I ended up with. he doesn't even use the internet for anything except to look at formulae and ancient greek phonology) I think there's a high chance that any kids I have will be a little different by nature, so I want them to be in an environment where they're supported both academically and socially. Of course homeschooling is a delicate topic so I'd want to put in more research and make sure I can offer something that's genuinely substantial before I decide on it.

No. 436729

The one thing I struggle with is the fact a lot of women I know in my life are high maintenance. Like they focus on stuff like makeup, getting their nails done, hair dyed, skincare routines, etc. I've had numerous friends tell me they wanna do a makeover on me, and like. It's nice, but I sometimes just want to let myself be lazy for an extended period and let my bushy eyebrows stay unplucked. My friends also just assume I'm going to be alone forever, like not directly they think so, but they've alluded to it. I also do care about my fashion choices, but when I make a bold statement, they're like "what happened to you anon?!" It's a push and pull feeling I get

No. 436730

they're just projecting their insecurities onto you, they hate the idea that you can exist peacefully without the pressure of constant maintenance. they care more about your physical appearance than any moid would. it's similar to how some women believe women who don't wear makeup are pickmes if they even mention they don't like wearing it.

No. 436766

I sincerely hope you're in therapy. I'm sorry you got bullied but you can't be thinking like that, you've poisoned yourself and it's not helping

No. 436797

Nah. Actually one of the girls who bullied me became a therapist. Says everything really.

No. 436799

why is there so much femcel rhetoric in this thread. back when there was a community that identified as femcels (as opposed to being called a false equivalent by stinky moids), all they would do is blame stacy for all of their problems and even if some were celibate, they would just wait for any run of the mill redditor to send them dick pics. i fucking hate myself as a woman and have moments of kneejerk misogynistic reactions, but pretending women are more harmful than men and men are easier to be around because they don't flaunt their degeneracy in neutral situations/communities? KEK

No. 436800

It’s my personal experience. It’s what I’ve lived through. It’s not “femcel rhetoric”. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but it’s the truth.
Sorry you hate yourself for being a woman, I can’t relate to that at all. Maybe fuck off and go chop your tits off instead of trying to silence people talking about their personal experience?
Literally all I said was the social consequence of being bullied by girls is worse. “You’re saying women are more harmful!” Yes in this ONE hyper specific scenario and you call it femcel rhetoric. Then you go on to say you hate yourself for being a woman? You’re so pathetic.

No. 436804

Go back to pinkpill thread

No. 436806

it's not femcel rhetoric to admit women will bully each other in way less aggressive ways that end up having worse social consequences. you sound like one of those bully girls I had in middle school tbh. I bet if it was nowadays they would use 3rd wave feminism to bully me because I wasn't feminine enough I would be "putting down other women just because they are feminine".

No. 436807

my best friend is a guy. but to be fair we've known each other for +10 years and I've seen every phase of him, from proto-incel to actual human being. I think our friendship was able to sustain itself because early in 2010s he realized on his own imageboards were detrimental to his relationships with people and dropped them on his own and since we were teens it didn't completely rot his brain. it also worked out in the end because I never told him what to do because I sincerely did not care. the secret to have a good friendship with a man is to not care about them, because most likely they don't really care about your welfare either. it's a different ballgame than to have a friendship with a woman, women care about each other and will even scold each other for treating ourselves badly. nowadays we care about each other but it took a long while for him to realize I am actually his friend not just a "pal". men are emotionally retarded.

No. 436815

Why do you say that? I think it's a less than 1% chance, but it's definitely possible.

No. 436816

You're not getting what I'm saying. Why keep up with them and what they're doing? Live your own life. You need to move on

No. 436824

>a moid will do one thing every now and then like throw a sandwich in your face, push you into a puddle or call you a dyke.
I was bullied by boys in middle school and this is not my experience. They made my life living hell to the point that it felt like they treated me like a troon. Looking back at old class photos, I was one of the prettiest girls in our class and maybe I was a bit developmentally stunted because I was abused at home but I have no idea what I did to deserve this and everyone, including the teachers, ignored it. It spread across different groups and years where I'd get called names and sexually harassed and got my money extorted or stuff destroyed by moids I never even talked to or knew their names or younger ones.

No. 436855

I had this annoying classmate in college that really wanted to "thank me" for helping her practice for class with a fucking makeover. She was hyperfeminine and very friendly and ran a small beauty salon business or something. I was repulsed by the idea and tried to politely turn down this "offer" but she wouldn't just let me be and constantly begged me to do it. I now realize that either she just really liked doing makeovers, or was trying to "help me" out of pity (some women just can't wrap their heads around other women not giving a shit about performing femininity and think it must be shyness or some retarded shit)

No. 436856

Same. The "cool" boys at my school made my life WAY more difficult than the girls ever did and I legit have no idea why except maybe homophobia.

No. 436880

This thread is about befriending other women.

I don't care to read about moid pets.

They will make misogynistic jokes with their fellow moid friends and always see you as lesser. They will always make a pass eventually or think about doing so. It cannot be compared to a female friendship.

No. 436882

>This thread is about befriending other women
No it isn't just about that. Stop gatekeeping a fucking thread on an anonymous internet board

No. 436885


Posts about befriending moids and convincing others to do the same is objectively off topic. Of course they're "easier" to befriend in the sense of seeing you as potential fuck meat.

No. 436893

You can literally become friends with most women by sperging over makeup and skincare lol

No. 436894

You're autistic

No. 436922

I am starting college and i want to make female friends. So far all my friends are scrotes i met playing online games. I would sacrifice all two of them for a woman with a similar autism to mine.

No. 436923

But I don't care and do either of those things nonna, thats the problem

No. 436936

For me it’s just, are you really surrounded by women who are only like this? Granted they make up the majority but I’ve never had trouble finding my little crew. Even my high school friend group was a clusterfuck of emos, spergy nerds, weebs and edgy imageboard users. Mostly female even. Granted none of them were exactly like me (not as autistic or GNC in personality) but I was really well-liked even. Granted now as adults, most of them are turning into normie women who cake on makeup and while alternative have lost interest in a lot of that stuff, but I’d still be able to talk and get along with them (albeit not close, best friend level) but I still have my internet friends. 90% of fandom women back in the 2000s/2010s were like this too, now it’s less but still most of the chronically online ones. I’ve met with some of them (after years and years, since I knew them in my teens) and two of them are my bestest friends ever. I just feel like you need to have the places to look, yk? There really is no reason to be alone, although maybe in some countries it might be impossible to find irl women like this

I think better than getting along with women in day to day life, is to have a best friend. A friend group is second, and casual friends are basically unimportant. These normie women get along with everyone but I hardly see them form strong close bonds with each other - especially the women who perform for men, it’s all superficial connection based around that common interest. They throw each other under the bus all the time.

No. 436947

> are you really surrounded by women who are only like this?
My point was it's a low level entry point to build a friendship. You can expand to other topics or activities over time as you become comfortable around each other. But any other easy common interest will do.

>I think better than getting along with women in day to day life, is to have a best friend.

This is almost impossible to achieve these days and has too many conditions. It's better to have many casual-to-close friends than one best friend, because the chances of finding a person who fits you are very, very slim and even if you find one, if you depend only on one person as part of support system, when she flakes out or starts acting weird because autism or she got a nigel or some other bullshit, then you're left with nobody to spend time with. Best friends are too romanticized and a concept that is unattainable, especially as you become older and seeing how society is progressing it looks to me like something that exists only in novels or anime at this point. And it's really better to get along with as many people as possible, it just makes life easier.

No. 436956

>Best friends are too romanticized and a concept that is unattainable
Hearing this is so insane to me wow. I could never go through life without a weird woman I relate to, I’m so unlike most women I’d genuinely have committed suicide by now, 100%. Like I said I have 2 best friends and I had others as a teen/kid but these best friends I’ve had for nearly a decade. Recently I’ve met a new one I click with (through the internet again) even more than these ones and she’s moving here to London from New York so we can see each other more often kek. Maybe it’s because I used to be a NEET but I could never imagine valuing casual friends over these, maybe I’m antisocial but I’ve gone years without that and if anything I felt better.

Guess it depends on you though. If I couldn’t find friends through my interests and beliefs I would probably think similarly to you… Or maybe not. A close connection is probably my favourite thing in the world regardless and probably my biggest reason for living TBH, I can’t think of any other (genuinely what is there to live for?) nothing tops that and I would sacrifice my career over that.
>My point was it's a low level entry point to build a friendship.
I guess this could be a good strategy. Since I’m loudly anti-makeup and generally against performative femininity I don’t think I could pretend personally, but yeah I don’t see why not if you can. When I said best friends Are better than casual friends I do mean it - they are the people who really make you feel seen and normal, care about you as a person. But my point is that if you don’t have this then yes, most people are happier if they have some sort of friendship, casual or not.

No. 436961

Not tryna to be mean but
>I’m so unlike most women
>I have 2 best friends and I had others as a teen/kid


No. 436964

I have 2 best friends right now as an adult that I met online at 13, and I had three best friends at separate times a young child 2-12 years old. I didn’t stop being ostracised by my classmates because I bonded over video games in fandom spaces kek. And as an adult I am even less like normie women because of my views, and I guess also my mental space… It’s not most women, I relate to the average person very little so yes objectively I am unlike them, and all my best friends (sans the ones before 12) are too - that’s the reason why we bonded in the first place.

No. 436995

I have no idea where to even meet unconventional women. It feels like a lot of the people I meet are either super normie (I try not to mean this in a judgmental way, but I just can't relate or bond with people whose lives revolve around Instagram or whatever) or are weird and different in an unhealthy and dysfunctional way where they'd drag you down (e.g., drug addiction, self-destructive sexual behavior, unchecked mental illness). I want to meet women who simply have some uncommon interests. It doesn't even need to be the same interests, I just want to befriend other women who get the overall experience of not fitting in with the mainstream and who have a more unique perspective that isn't based on fitting in with a broader group, who haven't also turned to spiraling self-hatred. I dunno how to maximalize my chances of meeting such women and random encounters aren't really turning up any matches that stick.

No. 436998

I can't relate to most women because they fuck men or want to fuck them if they aren't actively fucking them already. A woman who has close males in her life will NEVER be trust worthy and objective and safe to be around.

No. 437001

It’s crazy how most people are just copy pastes whose top priority is whatever’s the norm. Like the fact that makes up the majority of people fucks me up

No. 437017

I can relate to this. I was a weird little tomboy as a kid, and when I started middle school in a new school district I wanted to be more of "a girl" and try to make friends with other girls and god, middle and high school was so stressful. I don't know if this is normal or I just had shitty friend groups, but I remember seeing girls act really nice to each other and then immediately make fun of the other girls when they left the room and it always made me so nervous knowing that they probably talked about me, too. And then there were girls who just plain didn't like me for whatever reason that I never figured out, and holy shit the shunning/psychological warfare tactics girls use are so much worse. Boys just outwardly insult each other and then are cool with each other the next day, but the drawn-out rumor spreading and social isolating that girls do is so awful. I want to make more girl friends, but I always feel nervous in the back of my mind when I meet new women because I'm worried I'm going to do something "wrong"

No. 437020

Do your friends also use LC?

No. 437021

I desperately want a weird woman friend that can relate to me, being on LC is the closest thing I have to that at the moment kek

No. 437027

Only one of my best friends do (the other hates imageboards in general) but I have a handful of other friends that do, some of them because I peaked them

No. 437028

Sorry for samefagging, yeah it’s so important and I think sometimes it’s hard to retain your individuality otherwise. Tbh though, I think I have a habit of influencing friends since I’m always exchanging interests, so I have 1 or 2 friends who are ex-normie kek. I do think lolcow is a blessing especially in these times.

No. 437041

Kill yourself, whore(infight bait)

No. 437046

I’m too perverted.
I really just like sexualizing men.
I can’t relate to most women, with my intensity and frequency. I usually make them uncomfortable.
Even women who are promiscuous, I can’t get along with. They don’t have lust the way I do. I want to want men, to consume men. Most women who “love sex” just love validating themselves through sex, watching themselves through a man’s eyes.
Where are all the women like me? Who want to ravish beautiful men?

No. 437050

Idk anon but youre based to me

No. 437058

go to places where people engage in unusual interests
>drag you down (e.g., drug addiction, self-destructive sexual behavior, unchecked mental illness)
this is going to be hard, not everyone is lucky

No. 437063

File: 1728816231895.png (1.95 MB, 864x865, bakery build.png)

Just a vent. I love video games, 2d moids and comfy cozy cottage core aesthetics. But I got so disappointed here in lc sometimes, like when some self described gamedev is working on dating sims, and I want more gameplay than text boxes and dating pngs. Likewise anons always focusing on how moids look like in games and stories. Or when the lolcow minecraft server was 90% pink wood. I thought I had relatively feminine tastes but that was just so samey, I haven't felt the need to log on since. I know technical, action rpg nonnies exist, I've seen them in the /m/ threads but they don't play games I play.

No. 437070

Which ones do you play?

No. 437076

Monster Hunter World at the moment.
>tfw 60k active players and it's hard to find actual women in game.
Also I play building games like Minecraft and Vintage Story but I prefer trying to go for more realistic builds like my earlier picrel, I'm not as good though, kek. My dream is to make an approachable girl rpg game that introduces nonnies to more technical gameplay.

No. 437305

I understand how it feels, I often feel lonely in some of my game interests as well. I never played monster hunter, but I'm considering picking it up, is monster hunter world the one you recommend?

No. 437322

MHWorld is probably the easiest to get into, but has a relatively high skill ceiling too! It removes a lot of "tedious" aspects of previous games. There's a huge hype train waiting for the release of MHWilds next year February, but even in it's age World holds up pretty well, filled to the brim with content. I do warn that it's still a grindy game though.

No. 437385

You've explained it so well. Whenever most women talk about sex, it bores me because it's almost as if they don't even experience sexual attraction, but they more enjoy the feeling of looking sexy/desirable and tempting a moid into losing control over them. Which I couldn't care less about, I'm not looking at myself during sex so why should I give a fuck? I want a sexy cute moid to make me lose control, to make me desire him so much until my mind is only filled with lust for him and can only think about using him for my pleasure.

No. 437407

odd because when i've spent time in straight women spaces i've heard them lust openly for dicks, abs etc in a way that was so aggressive it felt exactly like men (only better because men are misogynistic). I couldn't really relate as i'm a lesbian but it was interesting (and kinda offputting kek)

No. 437414

It's unfortunate that women didn't have the physical advantages of men. That is literally the only thing differentiating us that allowed for men to control society. Mentally, I don't believe that women are morally superior to men. We're completely capable of doing what they have done to us. I'm sad that we don't live in that reality, with women being the historical oppressors.

No. 437427

>want more gameplay than text boxes and dating pngs
That's pretty rude to VN devs and you're ignoring the existence of stat raising elements, map exploration, and management elements that can be quite complex to code and play and are really fun. I play fighting and action games too btw. Also, if you didn't like the pink wood in the server you could've gone to any of the many developed areas that didn't have it or built your own area. I just feel like these things are non-issues kek

No. 437852

I don't like saying this because it makes me sound like the "not like other girls" types who proclaim how different they are because they watch football or something but I genuinely have nothing in common with most girls and they just do not like me. Unfortunately, in addition to my innate personality I also I fall under
>those of us who spent our formative years on 4chan/other male dominated spaces and got internet poisoning from it
When I was 13 I discovered Encyclopedia Dramatica and 4chan which probably fucked up the trajectory of my life (which was bad in the first place, now made worse). I had already been an outcast my whole life and finding "community" there seemed nice at the time but was obviously a terrible move. My interests and fixations are all very male-aligned as well. Also, women tend to be oversocialised and as someone who holds and espouses a lot of "abnormal" views I have learnt that I could say I was a genocidal white supremacist child molestor who was going to shoot up an elementary school for sexual kicks to a man and he could be fine with it but if I say a word wrong to most women they will crucify me - or rather just disgustedly stop talking to me. Of course I could censor myself but I spent years trying to mask the fact I am a terminal sperg and never found acceptance because it just comes off as uncanny, as well as the fact it is exhausting. I'd rather be alone than pretend to be someone I'm not.
I've learnt adult men will never truly see you as a friend and an equal once they know your gender either. In high school I had zero friends in real life but male friends on the internet to whom I either didn't disclose my gender or outright lied that I was male too, but after many years it's frustrating to have to conceal something that to me is so minor but to them is grounds for ruining our friendship completely. There was one guy I knew for almost a year - we both made WADs for Doom and would share them with each other, played other video games together, exchanged messages frequently with what felt to me like genuine friendship - and I am usually hesitant to say that. One day we were going to play a co-op shooter with voice chat for the first time and literally the second I spoke he started going on about how I was female and how he would never have had the sort of conversations we did if he knew I was a girl. We never had a real conversation again after that. This stands out to me as I had really liked him, but variations of the same thing have happened to me numerous times.
I have been a NEET and a shutin for 2 and a half years now and not only have I not had a single conversation with anyone in real life except my mother in that time, I also don't really even have online friends anymore. It seems like even other girls who claim to be in similar situations to me still think I am too weird.
I never had a particularly strong drive to do any of these things but when I see girls have sleepovers, going to the mall, et cetera, I feel so envious that I will never have those experiences of "sisterhood". I have zero desire to go to the mall and would probably rather drive a railway spike through my skull but it's just the principle of it and what it represents. I have always wanted a real female friend so much even though I know gender differences are mostly socialisation.
Sorry for the wall of text blogpost, I just wanted to get this off my chest and it seemed like the appropriate place to do so.

No. 437874

You can start any day you want

Psychological warfare is just as good if not more effective than physical. I really don't understand why people get so fixated on the fact women aren't as strong as men. It really doesn't matter with weapons, self defense, psychology. Learn how to embrace cold calculated cruel indifference towards your enemies and you will go far in life.

No. 437876

I wouldn't say it's just physical advantages

No. 437877

>It really doesn't matter with weapons, self defense, psychology
No offense but do you really believe that? I don't understand why women always have to get into mental gymnastics to deny the reality

No. 437879

>i wish my lesbian friends weren't so accomplished and offline
I mostly relate except for this. It's the other way around for me, I can't get along with a lot of lesbians because they're too logged on and fixated on insular shit when I want to go on with my life. Which I can't fully blame them for, I'm the only lesbian I know IRL so if you're main community is online you're going to get wrapped in stupid stuff. But I just want to be normal and have a social life IRL instead of obsessing over politics and fandoms. I don't have male friends anymore because the nerdy ones inevitably troon and/or sexually harass me (I tolerate gay moids but I envy how they get to have their own bars and my mother loves gay men but barely supports me), but my OSA female friends (even the "radfem" "misandrist" ones) always inevitably dump me when they have a boyfriend, most women I meet IRL are married with kids and don't want to do anything fun or have hobbies. There's no winning. I wish I was one of those schizoid types who enjoy being alone.

No. 437881

I think I'm too autistic to understand female socialization. I like to talk about things that interest me but I can also make the effort to have conversation about things I don't really care about, and I'm curious about people's personal life, I feel like I'm puting effort in and being normal and prosocial but I just can't create any female friendship. The only thing I don't do is self depreciation and scrote worship, I also don't participate in the whole "I'm dumb because I'm a woman" charade. Last thing, I have a well behaved nigel who handles most of the chores and the cooking and is really sweet to me in public and I feel this create an enormous gap between me and other women since most conversation I find myself in end up being about their terrible useless husbands and I just don't know how to contribute since I can't just tell them to just break up with their scrote…

No. 437883

>I can't just tell them to just break up with their scrote
Kek you should, they'll probably be shocked but hopefully that'll sow the seeds of doubt in them.

No. 437884

I could've written your post. Some things just make me wince and my more 'feminine' friends (idk how to word it) notice it, so i hope i don't come across as judgmental, but i just can't stand seeing it. Acting like a dumb giggling girl around men, pretending to be dumber than they are around men, self-depreciating 'ironically' in really misogynistic ways (like 'he-he i'm just a silly stupid woman! that's what men say! Get it').
>venting about their love life
Yeah. Like you know they would never end the relationship that makes them suffer or even speak up, you're there to help them privately relieve their overwhelming pain. I don't know how to explain because i'm retarded but sometimes people vent to sort their thoughts and to find support and sometimes it's a way to have someone be a witness to their suffering because they enjoy being the virtuous, weak, sad woman. I'm fine with the first, the second type makes me really uneasy and i don't know how to convey my point without severely offending these women kek

No. 437891

Women are taught and socialized to have a victim mentality around men, so it's no wonder. I don't blame them for that if they keep it to themselves, but it's annoying when they constantly have to bring other women down as well. It almost comes off as if they're worshipping men and denigrating women.
Worrying about men being stronger and harming you is like worrying someone can walk up to you and shoot you in the face one day, or that you can get into a fatal car crash at any time. And even if you were a man, there are always going to be men who are stronger than you. It literally doesn't matter. Of course, be cautious when you can, don't go walking around at bad neighborhoods at 3 am, but the victim mentality regarding physical strength is so fucking overblown.

No. 437892

Idk nona men being stronger is just a fact that shapes our day-to-day life. Men act the way they do because they know they can easily overpower women (even relatively strong ones). Acknowledging it doesn't mean you have to obsess over it though, anons who are hung up over this fact should try training and arming themselves if they can, it's better than moping about it online
>don't go walking around at bad neighborhoods at 3 am

No. 437900

I relate to what you wrote a lot nona, from the 4ch past to the (fake) male friends and the fact it feels very hard to feel like you belong even between other "weird" women (like here on lc a lot of the time), I would befriend you
Back to the thread topic, I recently stumbled upon some woman's neocities site, she's from my same country and it made me feel very excited initially, her tastes seemed to be a bit on the weirder side and she seemed to lead a pretty lonely life… I felt like reaching out but then saw she still works and goes to school, mentions having friends repetedly through her posts etc, which is ofc a good thing and I'm happy for her, but I can't say I didn't feel a bit disappointed as she gave me a different impression initially. I feel inadequate/too afraid to ever message now, lmao

No. 437903

you're not alone, I'm the same way and try not to have an online presence. I wish more people were considerate that not everyone wants to have their pictures posted everywhere, then look at you weirdly for it. have you tried talking to your school? Maybe you can find a way around it

No. 437904

There were definitely some boys like that at my school, luckily I was never one of their targets but I believe you and the other anon. The sociopathic rare smart moid is absolutely capable of that and I"m sorry that happened to you.

No. 437908

I don't have any problem socializing but creating deeper meaningful friendships has been a struggle for me the older I get. I probably don't get out enough and I honeslty don't know how to make friends as an adult since I'm not in school or church. My coworkers are fine but theyre all men or normie OSA women and while we get along, I just can't see myself forming more meaningful connections with them. I don't do sports, I don't have kids, I don't drink, I don't have too many hobbies, I spent too much of my life making all my friends through the internet or anime conventions and now I'm too old to be doing that… how the fuck am I supposed to do it. Living in a smaller town in the middle of nowhere doesn't help either, considering my gf and I just moved here I really am so isolated except for her. I had friends back home that were genuinely some of the greatest people, but they were weirdos I met through work. The culture here is just so different I don't know how to put myself out there for friendship. Has anyone else ever figured this shit out?

No. 437909

Why do you feel disappointed just because she mentioned having friends? People can still have "friends" and be lonely. You don't even know how often she spends time with them or what these friendships look like or If they consider her the same. I think you need to think about your own feelings of jealousy and insecurity towards other women.

No. 437916

I’m too lazy to quote properly right now but what’s up with that? I’ve always had more success with making male friends because of my hobbies and interests and I’ve heard that thing about ‘You’re one of the guys because you’re autistic’. From like seven different people in these circles, one was a very very unfulfilling relationship but thats a different story.
Why do they do this?

No. 437939

Most of my life I’ve never had trouble befriending women, but now, nearing my 30s, I don’t have the patience to pretend along when they want to talk about men and attraction to them. It’s fine with my close friends, they’d never come to me to thirst on men or something, it’s always deeper than that, but building new friendships has been difficult, specially with those into hobbies that makes them a little obsessed with moids or your common normie women. It’s not like it bothers me or makes me angry at them, it’s just that such conversations are so empty and I don’t have the guts to say “this really doesn’t interest me” because I do like hearing about stuff out of my comfort zone. I just can’t explain if its a complex I need to get over and I don’t know how to approach it.
Texting is fine, I can ignore it, be a little snarky; however, in person, I’m torn between adopting the same persona I’ve always had or establishing some kind of boundary about it. It’s not like I also talk about my sexuality with ssa women, but in the end, it always ends up in me feeling like I need to go through these endless male-dominated subjects to actually connect with them.

No. 437940

even ITT i feel like i can't relate to anyone because i haven't had friends of either sex since i was 10, not even casual acquaintances and never been in a relationship

No. 437947

I feel like all my friendships with women end up just being shallow and we're basically just acquaintances at best, I've never had a true female friend and it hurts because I want a reliable friend group instead of just having acquaintances but the women around me are usually normies and too socially well adjusted so we never really hit it off on a deeper level. When I befriend men it's the same except we are more likely to have similar interests and they are usually more likely to be autistic and malajusted like me. Problem is they suck and will try to fuck me so they're still just acquaintances or just disappear from my life eventually so I still end up having no reliable friends long term.

Then I go on this website so I can talk to other weird women but even here I am not weird in the correct way and people are just callous and mean a lot since they're anonymous. So it just sucks overall and I'm lost when it comes to finding connections with other women at this point. Don't fit in with the normie men, the nerdy men, the nerdy women, or the normie women

No. 437950

>Problem is they suck and will try to fuck me
Yea whatever you do if you’re looking for true friendship, pls never try it with a man. Especially if you get any signs he’s a creep early on, even small signs. One became infatuated with me and became a stalker and it ended up causing issue in my next relationship because he found out who he was and started harassing him. Thankfully enough time has passed and he has eased up but that shit was not worth it in any sense

No. 437957

Damn, that's scary, glad things are better now. I've pretty much given up on finding true friendship with men at this point yeah. I used to believe they cared about me and share personal details and try to form connection, but every time it just led to the same scenarios of them either confessing, commenting on my height and trying to infantilize me as a weird "flirty" thing, expecting me to laugh at all their gross misogynistic jokes and acting like I'm overly sensitive if I don't, ghosting me for no reason…It's just tiring and ended up feeling like I'm just putting in the effort to talk for absolutely no benefit to myself.

Another thing I hate about the NEET men too is how even when you're also a NEET yourself and "friends" with them, they'll constantly put down your experience and act like they have it worse than you automatically just because you're a woman, I can't count the amount of times moid "friends" I had did this shit and acted like I live life on easy mode because I can get random ugly dudes to fuck me or whatever if I wanted to, as if that solves anything. It feels so demeaning and like they'll never understand what actual loneliness is, I wished I was a moid sometimes since at least it seems like it'd be easier to find other fellow retarded ugly moids and form communities while with women most are less retarded so if you're a weird ugly woman you're kinda fucked. At least that's been my experience, men complain they can't find connections but then have tons of similar copypasted moid friends who regurgitate all their opinions, meanwhile I struggle to find even one woman that's remotely similar to me outside of threads like this

No. 437960

How old are you now? Where you homeschooled or something?

No. 437968

i haven't had any as well since entering my teens. except like casual online communities and acquaintances? but not the kind you go out and do stuff with, just classmates i talked to when they felt like it.

personally i guess i didn't really want friends. i kind of hate people. plus the effort and vulnerability involved in becoming close to someone doesn't seem worth it, like the stress of somebody getting to know me and the potential heartbreaks outweigh the positives. so i didn't mind when people started seeing me as the quiet boring chick because they stopped bothering me.

No. 437969

God same. I wasn't even pretty, maybe I just looked retarded and depressed and they knew I was an easy target. My life with the girls in my school was turbulent and had some drama, but a few guys made my young to late teenage years rough as fuck. Besides pushing me and throwing things at me. They ridiculed me in front of others, even teachers would laugh at their jokes. They hacked my social media account when I was 14, posted that I liked dicks, and spammed porn pictures across my profile. This one guy got overly obsessed with tormenting me and continued stalking me well into my 20s. He even showed up unannounced at my house a few times, and only stopped when I threatened to call the police on him. My female friends adored him. I was constantly having to interact with him because he inserted himself into every friend group I had. I still don't understand what they saw in him, he was ugly and dumb. He looked like a reject Beatles on crack. I kept saying to my friends that I hated him and they somehow didn't understand why, they brushed off what he did as jokes. This certainly taught me to filter out women in my life who actually listened to me, rather than the ones who tag along and expect you to do what they want. Not that I found a lot of women to bond with, but as much as I got hurt by women in my life, in comparison to that, things seemed tame with them.

No. 437973

28, i went to a public school. i think i'm just cursed with no skills whatsoever since i barely talked to the point where some people unironically believed i was mentally disabled. there's times where i tried but the other kids would ghost me after 5 minutes even when we're in the same class.

No. 437981

>I could say I was a genocidal white supremacist child molestor who was going to shoot up an elementary school for sexual kicks to a man and he could be fine with it but if I say a word wrong to most women they will crucify me - or rather just disgustedly stop talking to me
I think this is a large reason I have an easier time talking to men than women, it feels like disagreeing is a bigger taboo among women. It doesn't even have to be anything extreme or controversial (although I have my fair share of unpopular opinions), even minor and trivial disagreements seem to carry more social weight with women. I've heard it be said that male social dynamics have more of a competitive aspect (not necessarily in a combative way, but like including banter and lighthearted jabs) whereas women's social dynamics have a much greater emphasis on harmony and relatability, which I feel like is often accurate.
I also feel pretty bad when I make a woman uncomfortable whereas if a man isn't on the same page as me it's easy to dismiss it and move on.

I relate to the sisterhood stuff too. Truthfully there are a few men that I have had genuinely fulfilling friendships with (although I do think most are horrible) but I never stop wanting the girl bestie kind of friendship that media from my childhood set me up to wish for. I feel like a lot of it is literally just because I have an ingrained belief that I "should" have close female friends because I am female…

No. 438005

>My female friends adored him.
Learning to cut off women who enable male degeneracy has been the hardest lesson for me to learn. It really hurts but they will never be worth it.

No. 438009

I don’t really get this thread because it’s not that difficult to find women that aren’t female-socialised, if not irl then definitely online? Is this an age thing? Is it more common for younger zoomers to just be autistic? Especially since the men I know are definitely much more normie. I would never put up with normie heterosexual woman degeneracy nor would I hang out with moids for being more accepting, they don’t know how to be anything other than superficial hang-out buddies anyway. Like >>436570, needing both sexes to entirely fulfil your social desires when it’s easier to just find one or two people who cover it all.
I agree with this as well, and the fact that the people saying this are people that don’t have much of a life irl anyway makes sense to me. It’s much more overblown than reality. And I definitely agree with the anon that said women’s biggest weakness is having a victim mentality.

No. 438029

Nta, but i haven't had friends since i was 12 either, nor any acquaintances. I do have autism tbh, but i only learned when i was in my mid-20s and i am now mortified to know that my sperg behaviour is why nobody liked me. I also went to am all girls school and pretty much only interact with women even in my adult life. When i interact with female family members i have zero in common with them because i am the only person who has my specific life experiences and i struggle to relate with anyone because of my perspectives on life. It usually ends in them trying to get away from me or preach to me about being more open, little do they know that me being open with people would be sperging about random x-men trivia. That's literally what i'd do as a child with nobody telling me to stop or that i was crazy, they just quietly distance themselves from me and ignore me.

No. 438041

I'm kinda desperate for some female friends but it feels impossible to meet people when you're over 25 and in a new state and have niche interests. I have a few female coworkers but I just always know they already have friends and I'm just a coworker so I shouldn't get my hopes up. Nobody wants to invite you to anything when you don't know any references and your voice is so high pitched people think you're faking it.

I got a new job and my lead and her friend both had switches so I asked if they played Monster Hunter Rise and one deadass asked me "what do you do in that game?" It was so hard to not plainly say "hunt monsters". At least they played Zelda.

No. 438094

I'm not interested in online friendships, I prefer IRL outings to hang out with people and I just don't like texting and chatting.

No. 438098

>the fact that the people saying this are people that don’t have much of a life irl anyway makes sense to me
What makes you think that? Because this isn't true at all. Typical "you must be neet" copium

No. 438127

Yes, that shit hurts. I ended up distancing myself and I just have one sigle friend left from that time in my life, but I kept them around for so long before I realized it wasn't worth it.

No. 438132

What I mean is finding friends online eventually brings you up with one who lives at least somewhere nearby, most of my irl friends are actually the a couple of ones I made online and the friends they’ve introduced me to, since they’re the ones that stick. Still even beyond that online friendships can be pretty fulfilling anyway, to those who do like chatting online or gaming.

No. 438164

I so badly want other women as friends! I get super anxious and nervous about looking stupid in front of them I blank out.
I wish I had girlfriends to tell me what looks good and what doesn’t, or to keep me in the loop about stuff. I’ve always been like this, I hate being so lonely and not having enough self esteem to get the courage to say something to people. I’m like a ghost. I’m seen and not heard. I wish I could be like the girls online, with their beautiful hair, and they dress so nice. I don’t have women in my life to tell me what looks good and what doesn’t.

No. 438170


No. 438297

I thought the pink wood looked nice.

No. 438306

Why do you need other people to tell you what looks good? Don't you have a personal opinion on fashion?

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