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/g/ - girl talk

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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 297242

Previous Thread: >>215102

>Don't forget to stay anonymous. Don't give key details about you like your real name or address. Have basic cyber security common sense.
>Don't organize any type of discord/telegram/etc group in this thread or anywhere else on lolcow. Organize it elsewhere.
>Don't get discouraged if you get ghosted or don't immediately click with someone, shit happens. Keep trying.
>This website is 18+ only, don't post here if you are a minor.

Guidelines to consider:
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
>Hobbies and pastimes
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Don't be afraid to reach out! You will meet more potential friends if you post your info and respond to others rather than just posting and never checking the thread again. It's fine to reach out to people again even if it's been a long time since your last reply, you never know, you might reignite the conversation!

No. 297245

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Reposting since the last thread maxed out, but the 2D Lovers server is open for invites again! Our server revolves around waifu/husbandoism/yumejoshi living, but we have many other channels. Quick, seconds long voice verification required to keep the scrotes out, but don't be shy!

Please contact dreaming#2481 (send a friend request first) with a quick intro about yourself for an invite. Please be patient if you don't get contacted back immediately, I am just one admin. I look forward to meeting you and your waifus!

No. 297247



>How long this contact will remain active?

Forever I guess lol





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

Probably around 20-26

>How would you describe yourself?

I would definitely describe myself as a kind person, I can be shy but once I get to know you I’ll be fine! I love to have a laugh and chat about anything.

>Hobbies and pastimes

I live in a coastal town so I like to go to the beach and go exploring, though not so much lately due to the weather turning. I did a lot of roller skating in the summer but again the weather makes that difficult in the autumn/winter! I’m into video games, eventually I’d like to treat myself to a better laptop (yeah I’m a laptop gamer don’t judge me) so I can play more modern games but for now I’m stuck with the older stuff. Currently i am replaying the mass effect trilogy and trying to decide whether to romance garrus or kaidan!

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I love horror ish movies like Jennifer’s body, the final destination movies etc. Cheesy stuff basically. I’m open to suggestions though so tell me your favourites and I’ll give them a try! I love a good sci fi or fantasy book, I finished the first book in the Witcher series recently and enjoyed that so I’m going to pick up the next one soon! I’m into pop punk music mostly but also enjoy metal and rock, stuff like that.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

My fave thread is the pixielocks saga, she’s such a train wreck and I can’t look away. I also spend some time on /g/ especially in the relationship advice thread (going through some shit relationship wise!).

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I guess I’m looking for casual chat, venting, sharing book/movie/music recs. If you also live in the UK and we click I wouldn’t mind meeting up after talking for a while but it’s totally cool if this is too much for anyone!

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I work shifts so please don’t expect a reply asap but feel free to message whenever and I’ll get back to you when I can!

No. 297313

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Back again with the Radfem/terf server invite.
When you join, you'll have to read the rules and then voice verify in the channel you see. After that you will have access to the rest of the server

No. 297386

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>How long this contact will remain active?
CET but stay up late
I turn 26 in a week
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Lost loser who hasn't changed at all since 16. Barely go outside, not active at all, no basic adult skills
>Hobbies and pastimes
Video games, watching all kinds of things, anything from horror/scifi to anime, but most anime is gross. Some manga, might try to learn how to draw, also listen to most music genres
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Actual friendship. Someone I can joke around with but also have serious convos with
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Weird question, if you don't want to be contacted at certain times just go offline or turn notifications off? But personally I'm usually around

No. 297405

any particularly favourite games, movies, manga, musicians?

No. 297407

disclaimer and NTA but please don’t join any random discords that are posted around here, most of them are traps/have trannies and moids in the server

No. 297420

Is this a serious lifestyle-only type server? I'm interested but I'm only casual and feel to shy to talk about character crushes elsewhere, I don't want to intrude on an exclusive space.

No. 297427

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>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Friendly, reserved
>Hobbies and pastimes
Drawing, manga, literature, hanging out with friends
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
INTJ. Cancer sun.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to chat about life, give fashion/beauty advice, boytalk, share manga.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm busy but I'll not ghost you. I'll reply as soon as I can. I get overwhelmed easily.

No. 297431

No way! We have all types in the server, with everyone at different levels of dedication. That being said, I'm kind of overwhelmed with the amount of new members and I will likely change my tag soon so request ASAP if you want to join.

No. 297442

does this one >>297313 ?

No. 297443

why would we have troons when we voice verify

No. 297448

I might make an alt to join it, so if you change your tag feel free to repost it since I'm too nervous to post mine (I worry my interests would deanon me lmao).

No. 297449

nta but warning anon did say
There's no guarantee the people who run it are women even if they only let women in. May sound mad tinfoily but we've got retarded trannies raiding with cp on a regular basis so anything's possible. Anons should be careful.

No. 297451

im in and theres no trannies and the voice verification is real (i talked w one of the mod/admin) its a full terf/radfem and the members are nice (btw it’s now a recent server so i know that troons cannot keep larp as terfs for months lol)

No. 297452

what the fuck is boytalk

No. 297455

talking about boyfriends/relationships with men i assume

No. 297457

ah ok i thought it was larping as moids

No. 297460

I'm the admin and my interests are very revealing too. You don't have to be shy anon, I care a lot about the safety of our members. I'll keep my tag open for the rest of the day.

No. 297470

This thread stresses me out yall. Whos the new friend? Is it going to be someone lovely or will it be a weirdo pretending to be a woman, Idk the anxiety is too much

No. 297473

I guess you just have to practice basic internet safety? I’m the anon from >>297247 and I made sure to keep my post as vague as possible plus I made a discord account specially for this thread so it doesn’t link to my real life. As long as you don’t divulge too much personal info and maybe do a video/voice call after chatting for some time you’ll be ok.

No. 297480

der Metzgermeister#
>How long this contact will remain active?
20, almost 21
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
in college for history education, i love reading books and listening to lots of music and making cute pinterest boards and stuff.
>Hobbies and pastimes
books, music, reading, cooking, watching yt, smoking green
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
fav music: genesis atm (yes i am the genesisfag from /m/), i love metal and progrock a lot and always want more music to listen to.
fav shows: star trek and sopranos atm i think
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
aquarius sun/moon, cancer rising
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
anything! i want more radfem friends tho
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
i am a college student so i am kind of busy, but i try my best to chitchat often

No. 297500

samefagging bc forgot to add the whole tag.
der Metzgermeister#2114

No. 297568

I'm nta but would like to join, will you still be accepting adds today too?

No. 297633

I'll leave my tag open for one more day but this is the last chance for a while since we got a lot of new members and I want them to integrate.

No. 297705

don't get it, im supposed to send a vocaroo to one of the admins? i overthink too much

No. 297708

I verify via live voice call. If I don't get to you right away, please be patient as I work two jobs.

No. 297721

I added you and was friended, but I'm holding off on messaging an intro until I'm home alone tomorrow. I'm fine with waiting, since I work too, but I'm just letting you just in case I get unfriended (my tag name ends with an N as a hint)

No. 297751







>describe yourself

gamer + tech/crypto nerd + movie/show critic

>boards i lurk

tuna, moo, pixie, taylor r, celebricows, weenus, grimes + musk

>random tidbits

gemini, love reptiles (i have 2 snakes), plays a lot of rando multiplayer games

No. 297759

why do anons space their posts like this.

No. 297763

Newfag brainrot.

No. 297931

was drunk when posted and mostly lurk, sorry for being newfag-esque

No. 297949

Just voice verify, voice changers aren't convincing.

No. 297992

This, I've had a moid hilariously use a voice changer with me and it was so painfully obvious.

No. 298269

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Doesn't matter really. Though I guess I'd like to meet a grandma in her 60s (if there are any on this site) and listen to her talk about how she ended up on this site.
>How would you describe yourself?
Uhh…I tell fun jokes.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I used to really be into researching this synesthesia thing. Shereshevsky or the man who can't forget, Paranoiac-Critical Method, The Proustian Effect, memory palaces, Psychogeographic maps, Cremaster Cycle etc.
I also collect blogposts that document things like talking-with-the-dead rituals, forest dwellers, monks, witches, ghost posessions etc.
Nowadays I just enter random translated words into Google and look for weird foreign-language websites. The French are especially weird, they have some forums dedicated to palm trees, Marie Antoinette and…very specific fetishes.
My biggest find ever was a Github page that documented the entirety of the Chinese Government's dealings on the internet that was made for an English audience and basically detailed every social media and meme and every significal cultural event especially dedicating a whole section to Tianamen Square in 1989. I can send you the link if you're interested, it's quite lengthy
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I don't have favorites but I'm:
Currently watching Out 1 noli me tangere, Berlin Alexanderplatz
Reading the uhh Braudel trilogy with the long ass names (it'll come up instantly if you search Braudel) also Nijinsky's diaries
Planning on reading: the guy that impersonated being an ancient greek poetess in the 19. century, it was called Billitis or something. I forget his name
Music: Basically download a bunch of /mu charts and pick the ones with good cover art(usually they suck anyway)
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use,
I frequent the Unconventional Attractions thread from time to time…That's it really, I don't really use lolcow
>whatever else you want to add, etc)
I've got a list that contains every film ever made up to the 2000's, that not only describes them but ties them together with the careers of directors, similar films(as in ideas they express) and the particular movement they belong, so anyway if you want film recommendations i've got a source that literally can't run out
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I've made this post out of boredom, and well, if you're bored too or if any part of this long ass blogpost piques your interest in any way, feel free to contact me anytime
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
>feel free to contact me anytime

No. 298297

you sound really cool and interesting but im literally a retard so ill admire from afar. peace and love

No. 298344

This is the third friend finder thread though? Didn't know anyone still used these as it's been known to fill up with sad scrotes.

No. 298363

akshually it's #4 but the original #2 was cut very short because of petty drama taken to other threads so it was closed for some time and now revamped

No. 298394

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>How long this contact will remain active?
mountain time
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
25+, no upper limit
>How would you describe yourself?
i love to talk, i talk a lot. i think i'm funny and i'd like to think i'm a good friend! i try to be supportive and a good listener.
>Hobbies and pastimes
a looooot of anime, it's my main hobby for sure. i watch a lot of seasonal stuff and i've also just seen a lot in general. i read a good amount of manga as well. i also play gamu, right now i'm mostly playing ffxiv and minecraft. i also like LNs and VNs. most of the media i consume is japanese but i love to watch youtube a lot too. i collect anime figures and nendos!
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
anime/manga genres: slice of life, magical girl, CGDCT, i love COMF
don't want to get TOO specific lol but
>Other random tidbits about you
i'm a stay at home mom! as well as a radfem, retarded weeaboo, and oldfag. i also hate coomer culture.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
just someone to chat with, it can be hard to find people with similar interests. i'm on the computer a lot.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
nah i'm not busy

No. 298422

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>How long this contact will remain active?
probably forever
GMT but I'm up late & sleep in a lot
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Like 22+ but idc as long as we vibe
>How would you describe yourself?
Chatty, a bit retarded. I like hearing what other people are up to and about their day & sharing neat stuff. I also love giving craft or sewing help !!
>Hobbies and pastimes
cosplay, doll collecting (mostly MH), crafty stuff (mostly needlework but I have a pretty wide range of craft hobbies), writing, art. Mostly into developing OCs at the moment, gaming & really into felt art. I like collecting figures, toys and manga. I have a hamster and can spam you with pics of him looking grumpy
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
manga/anime: berserk, csm, space dandy, mob psycho, precure & slice of life stuff
games: Genshin, fortnite, splatoon, bloodborne, minecraft, animal crossing, I also play webkinz and neopets lol
other media: I enjoy a24 movies and horror movies and also like long running tv like lost and greys anatomy
>Other random tidbits about you
I mostly keep up with the cosplayer threads. Radfem. I think my mbti is INFJ
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
People to game with, share updates and pics of our crafts and hobbies, chat about OCs & husbandos, talk about manga and anime ect ect. I'm also desist, it can be nice talking to fellow extrans about our experiences but I'm open to anyone.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm literally never busy and love chatting so just ramble and chat all you want tbh, the more the merrier

No. 298434

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Sent a request, handle starts with O

No. 298443

Haha, how funny both of you posted right after another! I have you both added, I've just been so crazy busy. I hope I can reply soon. From the one with the cartoon cat pfp.

No. 298472

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
esoteric, humorous
>Hobbies and pastimes
i love watching movies and old anime. i also really enjoy techno and ancient history. i'm obsessed with angels and i love biblical lore and catholic art
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
ENTP, i love the attractive men thread
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
contact me whenever, but i have work most days

No. 298678

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>How long this contact will remain active?
preferably a good while if not forever, so pls message me even if its way after this is posted!
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
anyone 18+ is fine
>How would you describe yourself?
ISTP, very talkative at times and I like chatting about whatever interests we have and send stupid pictures and videos that I crylaugh at. I have a cat and he's mean but I love him.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I draw/paint a lot and am currently trying out embroidery:) also i play animal crossing and genshin and watch a lot of yt, sometimes amberlynn reid for her trainwrecks as well as foodiebeauty etc. i also like dinosaurs and the ocean and watch a lot of documentaries abt them. i also collect crystals though my cat tips them over and breaks them >:(
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
i listen to rock or metal mostly. i love horror, spooky and obscure internet culture and crime documentaries, but also cozy anime/ghibli stuff.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
i just wanna share stupid funny things and share how our days are going and maybe play some games together. i have very few female friends so someone who has similar interests or who would just want to hang out would be pog
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
whenever is fine, i'm always free:))(do not use emojis/emoticons)

No. 298681

Look another newfag (ab)using LC for just this thread.

No. 298682

Newfags gotta start somewhere huh

No. 298683

not here

No. 298688

No. 298700

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>How long this contact will remain active?






>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

An extroverted introvert. Irl I'm pretty shy around new people but online I'm very outgoing.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Embroidery, cross-stitching, sewing, hiking, traveling, reading, cooking/baking, watching and critiquing films/tv.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Films: Everything Everywhere All At Once, Parasite, The Death of Stalin, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, Children of Men, The Royal Tenenbaums, etc.
TV: Severance, HOTD, Reservation Dogs, Abbott Elementary and other shows that are completely slipping my mind. I have a letterboxd if anyone wants to swap.
Anime/Manga: I'm not into this stuff anymore but on the rare occasion I'm not rewatching another ghibli film, I do like slice of life and shoujo ai.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I'm a radfem terf who hates coomers and trannies. I lurk on the pixie, luna, celebricows, and occasionally the mtf threads when I want to be angry for no reason I guess. Also am an unapologetic evanfag.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I like to VC so I prefer someone that is comfortable with that. I would love to play video games, watch shows/films, and just hang out generally. Also would prefer someone that can match my energy because I have ADHD so any nonnies that also have it or are understanding/don't mind are a plus.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I'm working from home so it shouldn't be a problem, if anything I'll just put my discord on 'do not disturb'.

No. 298702

you're a faggot. you should actually kill yourself.

No. 298715

Cant I'm a lesbian ♥

No. 298838

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>How long this contact will remain active?






>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

like 22-26

>How would you describe yourself?

a bit autistic but also kind of retarded and funny/goofy, i would say i am very friendly to most and have been told i have a welcoming and comfy vibe

>Hobbies and pastimes

manga, anime, gaming, a range of arts and crafts like drawing, painting (very casually), recently got into needle felting, i like to go to the gym and practice yoga. i really like to bake and often make cakes and desserts for friends and family! i also have a hamster who is mega cute and fun.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Moves: A24 movies, like half of the tarantino movies, spike jonze movies, i love Nicolas winding refn and denis villeneuve movies
TV shows:i love a lot of obscure channel 4 shows (for the brits out there), moral orel, GBBO, used to be rly into SPN, british comedies like peep show, it crowd etc, a lot more that I can't think of rn
Anime/Manga: chainsaw man, berserk, ((((Naruto)))), sports stuff like blue lock, kuroko, dorohedoro, punpun, dandadan

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

INTP, aries sun and rising, gemini moon, i like the amberlynn thread, binkieprincess abdl one, dasha for the nostalgia, h3h3/trisha thread, attractive men thread, the fitness thread as well.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

someone to have fun convos with, share hobbies and interests with and i would be up for meeting irl with anyone i really get on with if they're in the UK and also interested!
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
WFH so am available often but also do social activities fairly regularly so may have gaps in the day when i’m busy! can message whenever though

No. 298851

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I often get depressed, and it's hard for me to keep both online and offline relationships, but I will not whine to you. I enjoy reading (books, manga, and some webcomics, too) but it's hard for me to finish what I start. I'm an artist, but I've been out of it. My dream job is becoming a writer, I will never pursue it. I enjoy words over pictures. I have a boyfriend who's also my best friend, and who I might bring up once in a while (if you don't want to hear about men, please let me know beforehand.) I'd be a radical feminist, but my blissful ignorance is the only thing stopping me from killing myself. I'm trying to stop emotional shopping. I'm a caffeine addict, lately I've been fixated on diet coke. I like to collect any and all fun facts about people's lives. I prefer letters to texts.

No. 298860

Already sent an email! ♥

No. 299095

i added a lot of people in here and you're all cool. sorry if i can't hold up a convo but i appreciate getting to know you and the smalltalk

No. 299138

Idk if I added you but honestly same, I love you all the ladies I'veet on these threads regardless of what my response time is!

No. 299305

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>How long this contact will remain active?
Until moids ruin it for me
>Hobbies and pastimes
I 'make' 'music'. I mostly browse /ot/ and gossip forums. I adore anything related to childhood nostalgia (club penguin, dolls, dress up games, web series and webcomics, etc.) I love true crime.
My escapism methods include daydreaming, the sims 3, shojo and 'psychological' manga, and watching YouTube (mostly Blair Walnuts and HRH collection.) My healthy coping mechanism is journaling. My unhealthy coping mechanism is being an anachan.
>Sideral Zodiac
Sun in Gemini, Ascendant in Sagittarius, and Moon in Scorpio
>Tropical Zodiac (the one almost everyone uses)
Sun in Cancer, Ascendant in Capricorn, Moon in Sagittarius

No. 299366

Nonnies who use this thread, how much do you care about the friendship being long term?
Asking bc I see so many posts that are like "I'm bad at keeping friends" "I ghost a lot" and when I read them I don't understand why anyone would want to add then knowing that, what would be the point

No. 299378

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nonnies please be careful when adding someone from this thread. theres a thread on /r9k/ (pic related) of scrotes talking of their experiences larping as a woman here. if the other person seems weird or too interest on your personal info, please be suspicious and distance yourself.

No. 299431

I think those nonas are trying to lower expectations so that they're less likely to get stressed out and ghost but I'm just speculating cuz I didn't put anything like that in my post. It really turns me off of contacting nonnies who do say that though. Getting ghosted doesn't feel nice.

No. 299564

i do genuinely wonder what the point of this is. like to talk to someone just for the laughs, you're wasting your time just as much as theirs's.

No. 300583

I plan to stay on this account for some time, UTC+4
I've only recently started learning and reading feminist lit and would love to have a more learned fem friend who can guide me and answer my questions, as for interests I mostly spend my time reading or drawing but I'm open to anyone that wants to talk and have a friend. You can contact me whenever

No. 300586

it's really simple: image boards have a disproportional amount of users with below average social skills or otherwise mental health issues that affect the ability to socialize. Like >>299431 said they're lowering expectations.

No. 300608

Their own mothers ignore them so this is their only source of female companionship. They’re just stupid moids doing stupid moid things.

No. 301087

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grimwilds@proton.me, we can move to discord after a while.
>How long this contact will remain active?
Probably around a year.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Shy, friendly, somewhat of an optimist, and incredibly autistic. I have a kind of a flat affect so I might not come off as enthusiastic or genuine, and it reflects in the way I type, I think. I have trouble keeping a conversation afloat the first few times I talk to someone but if we talk about common interests I can go on for hours.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I like painting, coding, and playing video games. I also watch a lot of true crime and mystery videos on youtube to pass the time. I'm a huge fan of anything sci-fi/thriller/psychological.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Series: True Detective, Better Call Saul, Westworld, Severance, IWTV, HOTD, etc.
Movies: Tenet, Dune, Arrival, No Country for Old Men, to name a few. I can't really remember most of them right now.
Music: Mostly anything that sounds like techno or industrial metal, and although I prefer loud music, I can enjoy some soft-sounding songs from time to time.
Videogames: I mostly play RPGs, think mass effect or fallout. I'm also a huge MGS fan. I generally stay away from anything multiplayer.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I'm ESL. I don't care for anything that has to do with zodiac signs, MBTI, or whatever else categorizes your personality in any way. I mostly use /snow/ /g/ and /m/, but I'm mostly interested in the Danofagging thread (currently going through a danofag phase). I don't use any social media besides tumblr, and I'm currently trying to quit it as well.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Just another weird woman with a similar worldview to talk to about anything, honestly.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I can get a bit busy, but you can contact me any time, it might take me anywhere from a few hours to a day to reply.

No. 302375

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Email me to sushi330@proton.me and then i’ll give you my dc, couldn’t make another account because i don’t have a burner phone
>How long this contact will remain active?
Forever i guess
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Autistic, needy, intuitive, shy, can’t understand emotions very well but people always says i’m Good at listening them. Also a goth wannabe
>Hobbies and pastimes
DIY, sewing, embroidery, manga, VNs, drinking, gaming, whatever, im shit at all of them.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movies: Isle of dogs, not really into movies
Music: i like darkwave, post-punk, ebm, noise, techno and j-core. My favorite band is Boy Harsher
Anime/Manga: Utena, Haibane Renmei, Evangelion, Devilman Crybaby, Gantz, anything made by Satoshi Kon
Games: Umineko, Persona 4, Yume Nikki and the games that mogeko/funamusea used to make. Also i like touhou but its a fucking tranny honeypot
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
INTJ, i mainly lurk /snow/ and /ot/
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Whatever, im ESL and not very Good at it, but i’m not the kind of person that ghosts. Maybe someone to mutually share music or venting whatever makes me mad at the moment. Not really a radfem but i hate trannies and i try to avoid moids whenever i can. Spanish speaking nonnas welcome
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Im terminally online

No. 302412

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>How long this contact will remain active?
forever and always
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
any age as long as if you’re considerably older it is strictly platonic
>How would you describe yourself?
i’m very accommodating and outgoing, i speak my mind and when i’m passionate about something i will not shutup about it
>Hobbies and pastimes
writing reviews/analysis’s on movies, doing art and playing vidya
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
movie: persona (1973)
show: the boys
find out more >:)
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
i’m enfp-t, i use all the boards but specifically came here initially for the cows from kf
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
someone to talk to and a place to mutually speak our minds. i’ve had to cut off a lot of online friends because they were from unsavoury places and engaged w incel tier moids or did gross shit
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
i’m basically a neet so yes i’m always available(>:))

No. 302444

>How long this contact will remain active?
a few weeks
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Please be 20+
>How would you describe yourself?
Silly, have a strange sense of humor, a little gloomy.
Huge into paranormal phenomena, medical anomalies, lost media, fashion, religion, ancient civilizations. but I also like dumb humor.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I like asian movies and teen dramas. I am into kpop too. I play Genshin and we can play together.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
Sun in Taurus, Moon in Gemini, Rising in Aquarius. I am leaning towards radical feminism but I don't consider myself a radfem. I am active in /g/ and /ot/
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
A friendship where we can have fun and talk.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I am a little busy but I try to respond fast.

No. 302454

If you can’t make an account with your number due to wanting to be completely anonymous you can use google phone! It lets you choose a phone number and it can be from different zones or states if you feel like people can recognize your area code

No. 302488

No homo but I’d look after you and protect you

No. 302687

Why do you type like that

No. 302691

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>types like a 12 year old

No. 302694

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Jesus christ learn to integrate… Where are these twitterfags coming from? Did someone make a tiktok or tweet about lolcow?

No. 302696

Why do you type like shayna

No. 302697

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this one in particular seems to have come from 4chan actually kek

No. 302698

>18 looking for any
>generic hobbies
smells like bait…

No. 302701

Sending a request, my tag starts with S, I can send you my own post from an older friend finder thread

No. 302715

chances are high this is a male larper, you can upload edited audio to vocaroo and other similar sites so don't trust any recording posted. if you decide to add this retard be sure to voice call to verify

No. 302716

samefag disregard this, refreshed the thread and it was gone holy shit must have actually been a moid and mods deleted his posts

No. 302723

>any age as long as if you’re considerably older it is strictly platonic
>came here initially for the cows from kf
Surprised no one called this one out, KF migrant who thinks this thread can be used for dating purposes if you're in the same age range.

No. 302728

look at the redtext, nonas reporting the post for emoji use was the callout imo

No. 302739

where did i say it was for dating? i’m saying i’m 18 and i don’t want any older women messaging me non platonically, i think thats standard nona. yes emoji was newfaggy, but i didnt use kf as a poster, i just browsed all of the cow sites. ive only started posting recently, give me a break

No. 302756

smells like troon spirit

No. 302798

i have a feeling its not a scrote but a 4chan influenced girl just underaged and thus new and unintegrated. im glad the post got removed and if im right i hope she changes her discord handle and drop 4chin altogether

No. 302930

its a tranny, he did the same in the previous thread and got called out because some nonny did search his dc tag and the troid posted it on /soc/ or something like that. at least this time he learnt using a natsuki pic from DDLC was a major tranny signal

No. 303245

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
hysterical/delusional. i have a pretty romantic/hopeful towards life. also like to consider myself funny but who doesn't
writing short stories and poetry/journalling. if consumerism counts as a hobby then im very into french new wave films and reading in general. im not religious but i enjoy studying christian art/history and theology/spirituality in general. im learning french, too
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
movies: possession (1981)
shows: twin peaks, twilight zone,succession
music: radiohead, weyes blood, mazzy star, sibylle baier
books: the unbearable lightness of being, joan didion's books and richard siken's poetry collection, crush.
>Other random tidbits about you
i browse the leftcows, lesbian general and artist salt threads the most. also im black just putting this out there to weed out weirdos. i still use tumblr as well, maybe more than twitter.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
someone to have a nice conversation with? have an active social life but i don't have much in common with anyone even though nothing about my interests is particularly esoteric. i mean, i havent had a good conversation about something i like in ages lol. im a zoomer above all so also someone to talk about pop culture news (music and film stuff, not "look who pete davidson is hooking up with" or whatever) would be cool as well
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
busier on weekdays like most people. but i check discord often

No. 303246

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>How long this contact will remain active?
till the foreseeable future i guess?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
shy, blunt but mean no ill, bad with words, boring, serious, pearl-clutcher, shitposter
>Hobbies and pastimes
casual vidya, biogerontology (initially and still mostly for vain reasons)
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Don't have one. Maybe Amelie
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I'm a virgo, I like the leftcow, tradthot, and mtf threads mainly but I lurk most and post in /snow/, /g/, and /ot/
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Not busy at the moment but I may be available only nights in a few weeks once I finally start working again

No. 303265

The new breakcore scene is also tranny adjacent music (which is a shame because I like the sound), it looks like an unfortunately moid/MtF dominated genre which often uses loli imagery and little girl vocals to depressing lyrics. Think of those types of weeaboo AGPs who are obsessed with Lain and that captures it well enough.

No. 303441

>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
mentally unstable autist who is incredibly good at masking it. yearning for female friendship and a platonic soulmate that can't break my heart. hopelessly romantic but i think my heart is broken and I have lost hope in my dreams involving romance. does this sound pathetic? yes but I'm never usually like this, just in a dark place right now sorry nonnas. I can deal with mentally ill people so I don't mind if you are unstable or struggle.
>Hobbies and pastimes
listening to music, writing, reading, programming
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
i love underground rap, raider klan, sad boys/drain gang, goth money records.
also listen to a lot of /mu/core- rock and electronic. trying to get more into bossa nova and i know a lot about classical music

books i mostly read philosophy and non fiction, sometimes literature. i want to get into fiction but it's hard to get into (overwhelming options) it would be cool if you could help me out

films: war kong-wai, idk just basic filmbro kino. i love cinema and can get down with pretty much anything. its hard for me to dislike a film unless its downright trashy or consumerist, i usually always have something good to say
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
xNFP, scorpio, i use 4chan, /snow/ and /g/ occasionally.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
a good conversation. ill try to skip the small talk. deep conversations? someone who won't judge me and someone who will come to trust me
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
contact me whenever

No. 303588

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Hello Lolcow dot farm. I am forsaking my anonymity to point out my friend-finding ad in the previous thread >>220668 It's too old to be 100% relevant, so maybe consider it proof of my character development over the past 11 months. In any case, I've met some great people through this site, so here I am again, nearly one year later, hoping for another crack at it. This time I'm specifically looking for yumejoshi/husbandofags.
>My age:
Early 20s
>Your age:
>About me:
I'm supportive, affectionate, intuitive and observant. I'm also a little insane, but then we're on an imageboard, aren't we? I like cute things and am cute myself. I value self-awareness and being considerate of others. I often use punctuation too excessive to demonstrate on here. Most importantly I dont believe in self-censorship or conformity— I'm cringe but I'm free!
>Hobbies and pastimes:
Art, writing, and front end web development are my main hobbies. I have many original stories and characters currently on the back burner while I live it up in husbando hell. I also like to sing, journal, and curate playlists. I am a data hoarder of web graphics, music, e-books, and digital art, and I collect stickers IRL.
>Media interests:
I'm a weeb who binge reads manga once every 6 months and doesn't watch anime at all anymore. I like psychological thrillers, social documentaries, memoirs, and self help books. Though I listen mostly to Vocaloid (e.g. Abuse/Ken, Nilfruits, Nulut, and Maretu) I appreciate all types of music. I like cute/casual games like Style Savvy, Harvest Moon, and Animal Crossing. Game of the year is BOTW (I'm late to the party). Game of the millennium is Undertale (I'm still not over it).
>Other random tidbits:
I am a quintessential Pisces, please do not apply if you are prejudiced against water signs. I'm a casual fan of astrology, tarot, and enneagram (type 4w5). I'm not as active here as I once was, but my favourite boards were /g/, /w/, /m/, and /snow/, in that order. Most importantly, I'm an introvert and I'll occasionally need to take breaks from talking. I will tell you up front when I need rest as well as when I hope to be back.
>What I'm looking for:
More than anything I want to share my husbando art, writing, thoughts, daydreams, etc. with a friend who is as excited to hear it as I am to say it. Positive feedback is a must. You don't have to lie and say my work is good when it's not, but I'd like to have a relationship where we are "infected" by each other's happiness and excitement. We can talk about other things of course— my autism is not that extreme! I'm not looking for someone to sperg at and leave! In fact, I am an excellent listener and conversationalist, and I really want to engage with your interests, too. Being willing to share a bit of your passion with me is an absolute must!
>What I'm NOT looking for:
Drug users, doomers, and, I hate to use this word, "normies." Really, you've got to be on board with my 2D obsession, it's what I'm dying to talk about! But not all obsessions are created equal. If you're in love with a real life male (whether he is a celebrity or your actual boyfriend) then we just can't be friends, sorry.
colourblock at onmail dot com I prefer email, but if we get along I don't mind moving to another messenger of your choice. I am willing to voice verify up front for your comfort.
>Conversation starter:
Tell me about your husbando, or your OCs, or your favourite story, or anything else that you're interested in/passionate about. Write as much as you can! Don't hold back! I'll read and appreciate it all! This is the kind of situation where I'd add ten more exclamation points if I could! But I can't! So I just have to hope my emphasis is coming through! It is coming through, isn't it?!
OK, that was quite a lot, but what do you think? Are we looking for the same things? Do I seem like a worthwhile addition to your social roster? If yes, then I hope you'll reach out and that we can become good friends. I look forward to meeting you ♥! To anyone with whom I emailed in the past and ultimately lost contact with, I'm writing to you as you read this. See if you can beat me to the "send" button!

No. 303610

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little embarrassed to try again after no one responded the first time around but hey! maybe i'll find someone this time!


>How long this contact will remain active?
forever probably
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
insecure, very good fashion sense, anxiety-ridden
>Hobbies and pastimes
reading, translating, putting together outfits, running away from intrusive thoughts
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
books: the taker series by Alma Katsu, shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella
shows: From, The Terror, Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives
music: obligatory kpop mention, early to mid 2000's pop
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
my mbti is INFJ-T, i'm a gemini, i mostly roam around on the pixielocks (pic related)/yukapon/jvlogger threads. my interest in lolcows is japan focused.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
someone who i can vibe with and learn from
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
honestly despite working full time i'm starved for human interaction so contact me legit anytime and i'll get to it asap

No. 303670

File: 1670849762967.jpg (8.68 KB, 275x275, 1654771925641.jpg)

Hi! Im hoping to make art friends



>How long this contact will remain active?






>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

I like to keep busy. Im always drawing something or making crafts. Right now im in a bit of a limbo after graduating from grad school and studying for licensing exams but I hope to have my career started soon. I like to talk about shows and movies, music, etc. Im mainly hoping to find other art friends tbh. Especially people that draw fanart. Im a bit of a shut-in at this time in my life and havent made any new friends in the past 2-3 years.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Drawing my 2D husbandos and painting

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I like to watch animated shows and movies (but when its meant for teens and upward, not the toddler shit). Beyond that I like to watch horror shit and creepy documentaries.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

Mbti is INFP or ISFP. I pop in here every now and then and mainly browse /ot/

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Mainly nice people to chat with but it would be awesome to find other artists who want talk about their favorite shows or characters.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Contact whenever thx

No. 303789

>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Cheerful paranoid hunchback biding her time.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Degenerate yaoi consumption.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
-Bruno, Creep, or Hardcore Henry
-The police, naked eyes, daft punk, Sade, that one song that goes 'I wanna be keepin ya on, I got da right temperature something something in thick islander accents and girl I! Wanna be the islander accent thickens considerably'
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
The fakeboi thread is pretty fun.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Fujoshi connection.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact me whenever. It varies day by day.

No. 303796

that's temperature sean paul

No. 303807

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>How long this contact will remain active?






>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

recovering illustrator

>Hobbies and pastimes

hobbyist electronics stuff, 90s tech, reading, running

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

films: night on the galactic railroad, digimon adventure gekijouban & bokura no war game
books: everything by banana yoshimoto

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

i am INFJ and aquarius. i follow a couple of cows but usually hang around /ot/ and /g/ lately

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

i realised that most of my friends are male and i'd like to correct that. i have a range of interests and am quite normal. no zoomers please!

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

whenever is fine. if i am busy, i'll just reply later

No. 303838

I'm too young for you but you seem like great fun. Always nice to see another Banana Yoshimoto fan! Good luck on your search nonita

No. 303874

pretty good song honestly.

No. 304100

a shame! i hope you find some lovely zoomer friends nonny

No. 304615

you both sound cool, maybe befriend each other?

No. 304616

I will add you but I think I already added you?

No. 304618

I will, indeed, add

No. 304620

I added you I hope we click

No. 304660

Kinda worried you won't be there anymore since this post is 14 days old, but we have a lot of things in common. I hope you see this nonny

No. 304662

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bumping with pic

No. 304663

Why are you bumping other people's posts?

No. 304693

>How long will this contact remain active?
who knows, feel free to message if this post is old.
>what age range are you most comfortable with?
>How would you describe yourself?
I think I'm decently funny once I get to know someone, pretty outgoing, chatty
>Hobbies and pasttimes
I like learning new things, especially by putting long youtube videos in the background while I'm crocheting or solving a puzzle or whatever. I have pretty much endless recommendations on that end!I read sometimes, mostly science fiction. Really into offbeat, strange or otherwise quirky movies. I play games too, often flavor of the month indie games or nintendo, so I'm always looking for recs
Favorite movies/shows/books/etc
This answer probably changes every time I'm asked, but maybe Fargo (the movie). The pokemon mystery dungeon games are also very close to my heart.
>other tidbits
mbti is entp, I'm a lesbian, student, I lurk a lot of the boards but don't post very often
>what are you looking for in this online friendship?
someone I can chat with about media, life, interesting things we've seen recently, whatever. I'd love to have more female friends! At some point i'll probably ask to go on voice just for verification.
>Are you a busy person or is it ok to contact you whenever?
I'm not usually busy. No guarantee I'll respond immediately though.

No. 304727

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just entered the late 20s
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
any age over 22
>How would you describe yourself?
I am cringe, and I am free. I am unhinged. I love being insane. I love knowing and respecting my needs no matter what other people say. I love being myself despite my dumb flaws. I love transgressive art. I am hyper tolerant of others's pastimes and lifestyles. I think online relationships are based, I think being a neet is understandable, linking pussy is great, and I will always support anything you are passionate about. I considered myself radfem adjacent for a long time until it really started getting in the way of the enjoyment of things. I am still PP and GC though, just not actively subscribing to any ideology atm. I like keeping myself sweet and open, you never know where or how you will find the best friendships of your life. I am tomboyish and pretty much an outsider. I like keeping things to myself.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Art, I love gushing about art. I like books too though I have a hard time reading them due to ADHD. I like oldschool aesthetics. And I love all kinds of music. I listen to japanese music the most though. Stuff from the 90's and 2000s, not j-rock though, just your typical punk pop math rock stuff. I have a hard time just bringing up what I like because I tend to forget but you can bring your pastimes and I'll reply with mines as well. You can basically talk about anything to me and I'll find it interesting.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Haibane Renmei, Madoka, Sayaka Murata, Bjork, Mitski, video games, short films, etc. Had a brief jcore phase at some point.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
Nothing to add tbh, we can share those things once we click. I don't use lolcow anymore, I dislike the infighting and the unchill atmosphere of the website.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
People who are respectful of my time and what I decide to share. People who aren't pearl clutchers. I dislike two faced people / people who aren't chill / unforgiving people / easy to upset mfs, and I dislike norminess, sorry. I also want to be friends with someone who lets me be cute and talk like a retard because I might put a strong front at first but once I am comfortable with you I will act more cutesy. That's just how I am.


If you want to talk to me, please reply to my post. I don't think anyone will reply but anyways I'm just testing the waters.

No. 304766

You sound like someone I'd get along with. I used to be Radfem-adjacent and am still somewhat GC, but not pinkpilled (but like you, I'm tolerant of other lifestyles and try to be open). I also don't browse this site as much besides some threads due to the atmosphere, but I have lurked this thread for potential interesting people. If you have a throwaway email or something, I'd like to have an exchange before going to Discord.

No. 304769

I can't be the only one who likes to lurk this thread and wonder who looks more like a larping moid/troon. I'm always suspicious of UWU sailor moon girls.

No. 304777

> looks more like a larping moid/troon
Are you seriously saying you get a kick from lurking this thread just to judge who is ugly by their posts? What’s wrong with them using cute graphics? What’s wrong with you?

No. 304781

>just to judge who is ugly by their posts?
I do that too but i judge more if the anon acts like a larping moid. If a nonny has a lot of online hobbies i can tell she is a neet too. Its not a regina george thing its just a fun thing i like to do.

No. 304787

if they weren't neets or at least spending a lot of time online they wouldn't post their info here in the first place

No. 304795

troons definitely lurk here. one has already tried to contact me and admitted being a troon. beware nonnas

No. 304796

someone who actually posted ITT or just a lurker?

No. 304802

a lurker

No. 304810

But why? Do they want to be friends with us even though we hate them or is it just to intimidate us? I don't understand this mindset.

No. 304811

either intimidate us or hang with us to try to learn to skinwalk us better

No. 304812

How do you tell if someone is a larping moid from their posts?
I've never posted in these threads because I am into a lot of hobbies popular with make autists which people might think I'm scrote for.

No. 304816

Let's write a detailed list so the scrotes and trannies can learn to LARP better.

No. 304821

trust your gut basically

No. 304841

No. 304842

I've been contacted by a troon before on this website, I think it was THE troon. But that doesn't make me think everyone itt is a neet or a troon lmao. It's bad to think just because someone is more "uwu" that means they're a troon. This is just wack

No. 305250

re-added you sorry

No. 305366

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Hi /g/. Due to the farm's new wordcount limit, I split the post in two. I hope it isn't too confusing!

>About me

21 years old. Excitable, hyperactive, ambitious, straight-forward. A bit weird but in an endearing way. Friendly to the degree that I can sometimes overshare, but I try not to act overly familiar. Very masculine, in both attitude and interests. I grew up on Tumblr and I’ve been repeatedly likened to Jerma, if that gives any further indication as to what kind of person I am.
My hobbies include making music, art, and like… basically everything else imaginable. I'm constantly trying new things and developing new obsessions all the time; art has just been my most consistent passion, and music my latest. If I were to sit here and try to list ALL of the things I invest my time into, we’d be here forever. Chiptune, breakcore, and experimental are the music genres I dabble in, and artwise, I like to design characters or draw my pre-existing OCs. That being said, I feel I should also mention that I'm an indie web developer, gamer, and marine biology enjoyer so expect that to come up in conversation too, maybe.

No. 305367

>About you
I’d love to chat with other musicians and artists, especially the former since all of the musicians I currently know are male or gender-affiliated. Meeting other lesbians or febfems would be nice too. More than anything, I just want to meet people who are passionate about something, regardless if it's something I'm knowledgeable about. Other OC fanatics and breakcore appreciators are especially welcome, but as I said, shared interests are by no means a requirement. I know I’m casting a pretty big net, but I’m looking for anyone I can genuinely click with, as broad as a search that may be. I’ve met a few people on this site/through this thread who I honestly can’t imagine life without anymore, and if I could find more connections like that, that’d be wonderful.
What I don't want are pronoun users, males, and male enthusiasts/sympathizers. Yumejos, husbandofags, and other 2D men likers are fine, though. I'd also like to avoid closed-minded people and normies. Please be accepting of my strangeness!


rainbowtrouts at proton dot me. This will remain active indefinitely, and I'm fine with either permanently exchanging emails or moving to Discord. I can get pretty busy so don't expect instant replies, although I'll certainly try my hardest. Thanks for reading, I hope to see you in my inbox!

No. 305396

I sent you an email!

No. 305539

>how long will this contact remain active
>age range
anyone 17+
>how would you describe yourself
i don't go outside often and am very introverted, i'm also kind of cringe and awkward in a confident way
>hobbies and pastimes
music, kpop, movies, plants, youtube, twitch, reading manga and bl, fnaf (i'm sorry), i play a lot of video games from red dead to hollow knight, but i also really like rpgmaker games like yume nikki and mad father etc
the worst person in the world, phantom thread, i'm currently watching alice in borderlands and also watch a lot of trashy shows like singles inferno or love island
i like music and listen to a lot of genres
i want to get into reading more, i'm currently reading convenience store woman and I'm not sure what after, maybe something historical
istp, autistic but low on the spectrum
>what are you looking for in this online friendship
someone to listen to and talk to,or maybe play video games if you're into that, i've never really had an online friendship and want to give it a go(Blaine)

No. 305548

P. 1 (since long)
#Oiacote@pm.me## I have a discord we can exchange through email
>How long this contact will remain active?
Permanently, unless a moid spams it in which case I'll reply with the new email here
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
20+, someone who isn't just out of high school basically
>How would you describe yourself?
I have trouble starting a conversation but I can go on for hours or listen for hours once the convo has started. I like going with the flow. I haven't had a friend in years due to a previous isolating relationship though so I think I come off very weird now. At the very least I feel a very imposterish with the things I love cause I haven't done them in years but I'm big on my hobbies and trying new things

No. 305551

>Hobbies and pastimes
I like to sew and I love colouring. I also enjoy playing various video games (anything with an interesting story, I was restricted to point and click games due to hardware until recently), watching movies, reading and pondering supernatural/spiritual stuffs (I'd love especially to talk irl experiences with others, I used to have constant premonitions that stopped during my chaotic relationship that I'm hoping to coax back), and accumulating new music. I also love Broadway and used to be super into comic books, I'm trying to get back into reading books and comics now. I'm also highly interested in drug experimentation. I really wish a had a friend willing to guide me through those experiences, especially since there's anecdotes of it helping release the past and shit.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movies/shows: murder mysteries, thrillers, Schwarzenegger-style action, cult classics and comedies from pre-2000 like Ruthless People or First Wives Club. I have wanted to get into horror for ages but misogyny in horror was the main stopper there so I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions. I love showing people my favourite movies and shooting the shit during them and talking endlessly about them.
Music: anything and everything except slow or heavy romance songs, talk of relationships depress me lol. Broadway show tunes, EBM, 80s anything, rock, metal, awful old scene bands, EDM, Etc. I will take endless music suggestions

No. 305553

Books: mystery, thriller, sci fi, suspense, horror. I've read almost every Agatha Christie novel and have an entire shelf dedicated to her books, I'm also a massive Michael Crichton fan and have a shelf for his books too. I'm also still a Potterhead and also love reading about old cultures and morbid aspects to them like cannibalism throughout history. Books set in a historic time or from the pov of a woman in the past like those Royal Princess Diaries are also some of my favourites. Down for reading books together and exchanging things to read and discussing them.
>Other random tidbits about you
I'm currently designing my dream Gothic Lolita Wardrobe and gonna start sewing stuff soon. Got a bunch of scans for patterns and things. I also enjoy collecting websites that are dedicated to information, books, and learning. Especially things that aren't mainstream like occult or anti governmental stuffs.

No. 305554

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I was in an isolating and abusive relationship from 20 until recently which resulted in me having no friends now and so I was looking to try and make a few online friends since I'm a little too fucked up to meet people in person. I'm hoping to make some proper friends but I'm also happy to just be spammed memes or have someone rant to me about their favourite or most hated things whenever things pop into their head.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact me whenever, I'd actually love to be constantly messaged by someone haha. I'm also more than happy with someone who would message me once a week if that's what they felt comfortable with.

No. 305641

you sound really cool nona. i love agatha christie too as well as feminist horror. i'm a bit younger than you and a total sperg so i will not be emailing but i wish you luck finding friends kek

No. 305698

>Haibane Renmei
anon I already adore you. That you put this anime first says everything I want to know about a new friend. I'm 32, GC, grad student in a humanities field and very respectful about time and stuff if you still feel up to talking. lmk what we should exchange

No. 305763

there's a new wordcount limit??????

No. 305780

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hey! just leave your discord nonnies, thanks for the interest! (also let me know who is who in your post please)

No. 305814

>How long this contact will remain active?
A while probably
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Around 20-25
>How would you describe yourself?
Little bit retarded, shy with the occasional spouts of chattiness, My interests are all over the place, so it’s easy to get me into something you also like!
>Hobbies and pastimes
Collecting perfume, candles, body care and all things that smell good, plushies, decorating, doodling, I like listening to true crime vids or commentaries when I’m playing games/drawing
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movies/TV: Death Note, Cardcaptor Sakura, Berserk, Too Cute, Nature documentaries, does watching no commentary gameplays count??
Games: Minecraft, Webkinz, Brick Rigs, Fortnite occasionally, I like online jigsaw puzzles too
Music: Everything! I don’t really have any genre I listen more to
Books: The Cider House Rules, The Secret Life of Bees, Mooncakes
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
My favorite boards are probably /g/ or /snow/, I lurk often in the MtF thread
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to chat with, play games, or just send silly stuff back and forth with.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I can get pretty busy though I try my best to reply back

No. 305830

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I really liked you and loved talking with you but I felt kinda ghosted, sorry for unfriending you on discord nonny. I undestand you might be busy, I guess I'm very much someone who stays online a lot and I like people who respond more to me. It's not your fault. Tried adding you again but it didn't work. I hope you have a nice art career recovery in the future nonny, I'm rooting for you! Sorry again. I think you're neat.

No. 305833

yeah, 1500 characters. good luck fitting anything in that

No. 305837

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
I like to daydream a lot, I enjoy art and get new interests daily(i swear i dont have the tism), i enjoy the puter and staying inside, but i dont use social media because i easily get depressed and i am allergic to crappy opinions, so i mostly spend my time on small chans or browsing the wayback machine and falling into weird rabbit holes.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Drawing, Videogames, Anime/manga, Computers, software, everything that would make a person a bullying magnet. My most recent autism is pc98 art. I have been collecting art and trying to find videos and realated media about how the art was made, however i haven't played any games yet, so looking for recs!

No. 305838

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and part 2, the new limit is obnoxious
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I love old horror movies, mostly from the B&W era and german expressionist films, 80s cheesy movies, tokusatsu(mostly KR and Godzilla), anything with vampires and cool practical effects. Recently i have been trying to get back into reading and i started with Dracula, its been a bit hard since i am trying to read it in English. My favourite bands are ELO, King Crimson, Virus and i love drawing while listening to city pop, mostly Tatsuro Yamashita
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I am also ESL(Spanish native) and trying to get better at English, so i appreciate all the corrections! But, if anyone wants to speak in spanish or practice their spanish i dont mind!
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
someone to chat with about anything, maybe if we get comfortable with eachother watch anime or play games through VC
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I am a filthy weeb, nuff said

No. 305858

You sound lovely but below your age range (19), not just out of highschool though (not Murican)

No. 305864

I think you should still try and contact her, you never know! some farmers are very flexible I've seen. As long as the conversation is good, the age doesn't matter as much imo, specially not if she only asks for 1 year of difference

No. 305923

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Hello! Not the most exciting introduction but I thought I'd try it out regardless. Breaking this into two parts.

perfectweatherforanything@proton.me if we click, we can move to discord
>How long this contact will remain active?
GMT +8
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Shy at first but if we click I never stop talking about what we obsess over. A bit zany but I like to think I'm easy to get along with.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Currently, since I have no ability to stick to a lot of things all at once, I'm just enjoying playing video games. If taking care of pets counts, then I guess that too haha
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Watched too many movies to actually pick a favorite. Favorite show would probably be Pushing Daisies. I'm open to any type of music, honestly. Currently, consuming a lot of BL lol

No. 305925

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>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I don't go to lc as much anymore. Maybe except to check in on it once in a while. I frequent /g/ and /m/ when I do find myself in this site
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Honestly, I just want more people to talk to about interests. I'm currently obsessing over FFXIV, so if you play hit me up. If you also love Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, BL, also hit me up.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact me whenever

No. 305983

Sent a friend request!

No. 306157

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This is a throwaway I made for the thread, I'd like to interact a bit there before giving away my main.
Early 20s
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I want to improve my spoken english and to get better at expressing myself in general, so I'm mostly looking for anons who would enjoy vcing once we feel comfortable around each other. We don't have to vc all of the time and we definitely don't need to just awkwardly sit in calls lol, watching movies/series/anime or doing art together would be super fun! (playing games could work too, though my pc can't handle beefier stuff and I'm not the best gamer out there ahah).
To be honest, I also don't have many female friends and I'd really love to make some new ones, but I feel like text interactions can be much more sterile and impersonal compared to voice, so if I had to choose I'd rather calling each other a bit less often to check up on our respective lives vs frequent texting. My schedule isn't very packed as of now though, so I wouldn't mind regular chatting either; I have a broad range of interests, I'm sure we will find something to bond over!

No. 306291

hello nonnies i am here to be your friend
>age range
music production, digital art, looking at pictures of cats online, working on my website using html, cataloguing things i collect
>reach me at
it's a burner for this thread
>shows i like
haruhi suzumiya, clannad
>games i like
i love nintendo in general but especially the wii and the ds. i play a lot of mario kart and sports games. i also like tetris and some visual novels, including clannad, air, tokimeki memorial and tokyo school life
>when to contact
i'll probably reply as soon as i see the message. i'm mostly online all day.

No. 306307

sent you a friend request c:

No. 306308

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>How long this contact will remain active?
For as long as we want
Turning 22 in a short while
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Once I'm comfortable I like to joke a lot and I'm very open, and of course I try to be kind to everyone.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Besides video games, I like to do art even if it doesn't always turn out great, I also like to just sit and listen to music or spend time with my pets.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I recently watched Safe (1995) which I really really liked, The Lighthouse is very cool to me too, so I guess I like weird horror-ish movies. As for music I kind of listen to everything, but right now I'm really into folk and americana stuff.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
INFJ, pisces sun and moon with gemini rising, I like to lurk on /snow/ and on /g/ i like the (IRL) husbando thread and the unconventional male attractions thread. Also just a fair warning I am a casual kpop fan (very casual though).
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Just fun convos, I just love when people tell me what's on their mind. All my friends are super into the trans rights movement so it would be cool to have some radfem friends.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I am often busy with uni (though not right now due to a break between semesters), but it's still okay to message me whenever. I'll reply as soon as I have time, and I don't mind slow replies on the other end either. I think slow communication can be fun since you'll have more to say if you take your time to respond usually (which means it's also cool to send me like a giant wall of text I will eat that shit up and send one right back to you).

No. 306349

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>How would you describe yourself?
Butch lesbian. Disciplined, intuitive, driven. I come across as a hardass sometimes because I work a lot and like making money. But deep down I'm actually a lame ass nerd scrolling lolcow on my days off.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Drawing, reading, Minecraft, watching movies, getting angry about 'feminists' today. I recently deleted tiktok/instagram/twitter in an attempt to enjoy my hobbies more.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I love a24 / criterion movies that make me feel like a pretentious NYer columnist when I leave my letterboxd reviews.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
ENTJ, gemini. I use /snow/ the most, often scroll the TIF/TIM threads for a laff.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
A friend I can sperg to about trannies, feminism, movies, etc. Ideally we'd establish a cute little friendship and I'd send you drawings in the mail and we'd become penpals. If you live in PST timezone it'd be a plus.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact whenever!

No. 306368

Request sent!

No. 306411

simplelogin.h3ng1@simplelogin.com, after we talk a bit I can give you either my throwaway (if you're on a throwaway) or main Discord if we click. This is attached to my side e-mail account so it should work as long as it does, lmao. I'm not online 24/7 either, so be patient for a response.

>Age/Age range

I'm looking for age 27+/late 20s-early 30s friends and am also in that range, I don't really have an upper limit because I doubt anyone over 35 or in their 40s is on here. If you're 25+ and relate to the rest of my post, you can message too.

>General interests and info

I'm trying to exit my cool girl irony poisoning and be cringe and free again. I tried to have boring normie interests like Spotify podcasts and reading nonfiction books, but I honestly want to get back into games, anime, drawing silly art, fun high school stuff. I barely know about any media past 2010, although if you want to sperg to me about your obscure (or not) interests, I'd love to know. I lurk/rarely post in the 2D Love server and wholeheartedly support that kind of thing, but it's mostly a personal meme for me.

I'm not a politics person and would prefer conversations to not revolve around that, but I do have some basic Radfem-adjacent/left wing views (woman = biological female, lesbians don't like dick, pro-abortion, pro-socialism/healthcare, anti-prostitution, I hate coomers and don't think 99.9% of porn involving real people is ethical and some kinks like raceplay should be shamed) but don't care to align with them. I just find hardcore fringe political spergs insufferable, please just be chill. I get tired of seeing depressing things about degenerate moids 24/7 and just want to exclusively like pussy in peace.

I've mostly grown out of imageboard culture, find a lot of attitudes here annoying (I only post in /g/ /m/ /ot/ nowadays, and avoid sharing personal details when I do), but I also spent so much time on sites like 4chan (before I got sick of moids) growing up, I'm not used to how ultra-PC social media is and don't understand what's the big deal with lingo like sperg or retard or drawfag, lmao.

I was the first responder, by the way.

No. 306414

Hello! Response sent

No. 306418

You sound like a man trying and failing at fitting in

No. 306433

Sorry, did you perhaps make a post in the last thread with a different Discord tag?
Not trying to call you out or anything, I just have a feeling that we might have talked before and I don't want to awkwardly send a friend request if you are the person I'm thinking of!

No. 306453

I use a different typing style on boards and I don't get man/trannycalled for it in other threads, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

No. 306471

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calicoblues at proton dot me, can exchange discord later
>How long this contact will remain active?
However long
GMT+1, soon PST
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
ESL hipster? I'm not really shy, rather sociable and relaxed, love conversation and sharing anecdotes/whatever whether texting or calling.
>Hobbies and pastimes
My life kinda revolves around music, I work in that industry, play several instruments. I'm big on everything vintage (60s-70s mainly) & 20th century history. I do collages, cooking, concert photography (mostly analog). Really like driving while listening to podcasts/YT.
I read a ton and love film too. Also tarot & astrology enthusiast
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
love Zappa, Dylan, Joan Baez, Fleetwood Mac, Oingo Boingo, general folk/blues/singer-songwriter & rock/early prog stuff, and composers like Partch, Stockhausen, Terry Riley etc.
Love Lynch, Scorsese, Jodorowsky, kinda letterboxdfag-tier without being annoying about it I just think it's cool. Also documentaries, every day, about anything, any length. Shows I have more difficulty sticking with but if you wanna recommend any sure
I read mostly nonfiction, poetry, articles, essays.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
ENFJ, Gemini sun/Aries moon/Taurus rising, I lurk on just a couple threads on /snow/, /g/, /ot/. I don't really participate. I feel out of touch & dumb
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I'm detrans, and all but one of my friends are still gendies so I'm crypto, it'd be nice to not have to walk on eggshells. I'm also getting out of a dangerous relationship and a big help to move on/stop isolating is to chat with new people, discover new things etc.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm a little busy but I don't mind anyone contacting me, I reply when I can get to it. don't be afraid to double text/nudge me

No. 306582

hi hi, I'm going to make a new discord because I can't remember my old info and it wasn't linked to my phone, lol. I will be in touch soon, Haibane Renmei fren

No. 306585

I didn't so I don't think I am the person you're thinking of, feel free to send a request noni!

No. 306650

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throwawayfren45@proton.me and if we click I'll give out my discord

>How long this contact will remain active?

For a year.




I'm a Mexican woman, age is 26.

>What age range are you most

21 - 99

>comfortable with for new potential friendships?

I'm introverted IRL but pretty social when I get to know you.

>How would you describe yourself?

Bubbly but a doomer.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Drawing, reading, movies, TV, anime/manga, alternative fashion: goth, Jfashion, vintage and historical. True crime and other morbid topics, what ever disturbed reality on YouTube talks about.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Horror, fantasy, David fincher type movies and The Sopranos.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

Not into mbti or zodiac

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Looking for other female autists to sperg with. Free to talk about waifus and husbandos. No uber radfems. I'm more open to VCing since I blow at typing a conversation. I'm pretty chill and hard to offend so dark humor is fine.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I work mostly day shifts and anything after 3 pm CST is fine with me. Feel free to message me whenever!

>What lolcows am I interested in?

Pixie locks, sister wives and Nickado. I'm free to watch TLC drama shoes to, especially the mamas boys show.

No. 306655

I contacted you anon! Your gif and chill personality allured me.

No. 306681

What do you have against 100 year olds ? Kek do I get banned for bad dad jokes?

No. 306700

Nonna if Betty White didn't make it to 100 no one else will

No. 306729

Everyone in this thread sounds insane

No. 306905

Welcome to the circus, clown

No. 306953

File: 1673189404142.jpg (1.03 MB, 1200x800, proxy-image.jpg)


>How long this contact will remain active?

we'll see, for now it's active





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

i'm an aspiring normie. i have pretentious interests but i'm quite easy going. i like to collect information. for some strange reason strangers approach me in public in order to tell me their secrets

>Hobbies and pastimes

singing (contemporary/white voice), writing tunes, music (especially traditional folk), cognitive science, people-watching, traveling, long walks/bike rides, urbex, brutalist architecture, massage, reading, theatre, films (especially japanese cinema).

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

music: my favs are bjork, joanna newsom, sweet trip, shortparis, nick cave, shiina ringo
movies: love exposure, color of pomegranates, vagabond, stop making sense, (haru)
tv/anime: twin peaks, utena, serial experiments lain
books: a man who sleeps

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

taurus sun/aquarius moon/taurus asc, ambivert, sanguine-melancholic, a dyke (in a relationship), probably a sperg. not a regular on here, but i like to browse the off-topic and girl talk boards.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

i'd love to find someone i can watch movies with or show ourselves cool stuff that we found, i like to use hyperbeam. i enjoy being infodumped and learning about random shit. vc could be cool. you can also write me a mial like it's a traditional letter

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

i'm busy but contact me whenever, i will reply but it might not be immediate

moids disclose yourselves, don't larp as a woman but just be open about who you are, we might click if you're cool. i attach a picture of my favourite butterfly

No. 306958

i forgot to add i'm trying to learn russian, so if you're a speaker i'd love to do language exchange. i'm an ESL speaker myself

No. 307064

File: 1673259285912.jpg (326.31 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nmpekbXWHj1r7w0kxo1_500…)

I just entered the discord server too.

>How long this contact will remain active?

I just created this account, so probably forever.





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

I don't have too much life experience tho, so I think I might be boring for 30+ women.

>How would you describe yourself?

I know this isn't a good first impression but it's better to not lie. I'm pretty much a shy and kind autistic depressed neet who's dealing with some shit. I won't trauma dump on you though. I might sperg about things I'm interested in.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Drawing (trying to learn digital art). I'm addicted to reading manga, but I don't really watch anime. I'm not too into videogames, but I'm currently playing rdr2 and genshin, and trying out overwatch and valorant out of boredom.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Movies: Not much into movies but I apreciate the artsy stuff more than the mainstream.
Shows: Okay so I know this is kinda cringe but I tend to watch movie/show recaps on youtube.
Music: Very hard to determine because my taste is all over the place, but I'm not particularly into pop, be it american pop, k-pop, etc. Although there are exceptions, so I'm 100% always open to listening to new stuff.
Books: honestly I've been only reading BL smutty fanfic lately, sorry. I really like Crime and Punishment though, and I want to read more russian literature. I have a crush on Raskol for years.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

INTP, I don't visit lolcow too much, but when I do I always go to /ot/g/m/. I'm ESL and I'm also currently trying to learn Japanese because I'm a weeb and I want to read more manga.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I'm looking for nice conversations about anything, be it personal life, gossip, personal interests, media, weeb stuff, etc. Also I'm in desperate need of friends to play games with lol

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Even if I'm literally a neet and a weeb, I like having my alone time and I often have moments of isolation, so I hope you don't mind not talking all the time and maybe having more of a penpal thing.

No. 307678

Hey I posted in a stupid questions thread asking if anyone was interested in being laid back penpals, sending actual handwritten letters to each other. One nonnie said yes but I am a failure and just now getting around to posting. Here is my plan- write letters to each other by hand. Idc as much about trying to force a deep friendship I straight up enjoy random tidbits of info like what you ate today, what your favorite cloud looked like, send me a random pebble you found, tell me a bunch of dark shit you'd want to scream from rooftops but maybe you live in a very flat field with no high spaces…draw me stupid doodles, send me a dried plant, anything. You dont even have to give me your name if you dont want- I just like the idea of being connected to a random woman and feeling like other humans however mundane exist in the world. Ill send you stupid doodles and tidbits I learn from podcasts which are interesting. Basically snail mail shitposting, low obligation to get back quickly or stressing about needing to be anything 'worth' befriending, if you get what I mean. Tell me about your day! I love seeing people's handwriting, it is so unique. So anyway here is how I am gonna try to make that happen..I made a burner email account I will post below. Email me if you are interested. We talk about what would be good 'proof' that neither of us are moids or weirdos. Probably a photo of hand next to an agreed upon doodle or written date or something. Once both agree we are legit and not weird, trade mailing addresses. Well, I will probably give you mine and wait for 1st letter to have a return address so you dont have to give out address 1st. Anyway, about me…(Gonna comment several times it said body was too long sorry)

No. 307679



>How long this contact will remain active?

I will forget about it eventually but try for 6 months


Mine is CST but I dont care since it will be written.


I am 28

>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

I prefer ages 26+ but if this idea resonates with you then anyone female is welcome

>How would you describe yourself?

Former gifted kid that didnt live up to her potential. Probably autistic, dont care to follow a diagnosis but it has been brought up gently by 2 separate phychiatrists kek. I love working with my hands and making art. A bit computer illiterate. Kinda social illiterate. Love documentaries and really weird eccentric shows/animations. Will never be up to date on current anything. Accidental hermit. Work from home. The sunrise is my favorite thing ever. I have nuerological issues but am medicated finally, and trying to move forward in my life. I love cats. I love learning. I have issues from my childhood still but am working through them. Dry sense of humor. Dark sense of humor. Value silence. Introvert. INTJ apparently. I wear a lot of sweats. I play with a lot of fire and melt things. Have had a strange life, dont really fit in anywhere but somehow collect very few but very eccentric friends.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Drawing, journaling, podcasts, art, sculpture, trying to finish books, making jewelery, binding of isaac and select switch games, youtube, my isopod 'farm', loving old kitties, learning spanish

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I am not sure I can really answer this…I like instrumental spanish guitar and have listened to Lhasa de Sela radio via spotify for the past 2 weeks… Portished and similar has a special place in my heart…Electric Wizard is also cool…I am currently reading a book written by an ex Amish guy about his experiences, have started Dune several times and intend on finishing it this year (I have a hard time with straight fiction/scifi but I want to read it so bad), East of Eden by Steinbeck shook me etc. I like watching archive cspan footage kek. Documentaries that are not dramatized are great. I watch medical lectures and lectures posted on youtube by all types of universities. Sapolsky is incredible. I like the humor of Eric Andre. Super Jail, China IL, Krilian Frequency, stuff of the likes. Bedtime Stories by Tim n Eric too. I am all over the place.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

INTJ, but I dont take those things too serious. Astrology is utter bullshit but I am a picses I guess. I enjoy a very clean and organized space. I found lolcow maybe a year ago and I frequent the mtf threads, /ot/, sometimes check up on Luna Slater, I use KF and found it via a weird rabbit hole where people make fun of fundies which blew my mind because that is the type life I left. Very theraputic that others also think fundies are nuts. Illnessfaker stuff but not recently (people fake my real diagnosis occasionally). On KF I also frequent the tardbaby/empathatic nutritionist threads to rage at dumb people because I also experinced that within my family and seeing people call it out was theraputic and enlightening. I like browsing archive.org and finding weird stuff to watch and read.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

A pen pal. I dont want to feel pressured to respond immediately or carry on a conversation on a whim. Slow communication. I find mundane aspects of life very interesting when they differ from my own. I kinda just want to be reminded that other people are alive and chuggin along too. But I want to reiterate that this connection should not feel like an obligation or produce pressure so maybe other introverts who take a long time to reply are best for this type of communication kek

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Dislike online/phone convos. I tend to upset people by replying slowly. I dont mean anything by it at all though, I am just not very social. Since I would like it to be snail mail, time of contact probably doesnt matter. It is okay if it take a bit to write back to me as I am probably also going to be slow at sending but that is perfectly fine. I have no expectation of frequency of letters, but I am interested in keeping it going as long as possible. I am in USA but idc about location, except for postage costs overseas.

No. 307709

I feel really bad about it, but I posted here before and was contacted by a few anons and ghosted them immediately. They started sperging about stuff that I don't really care about and I guess… we just didn't click??? Even now I scrolled through the thread and I have hard time relating to nonnas here.

No. 307766

What's even the point of posting on here and never replying back to my messages

No. 307900

Hi i’d like the contact for the husbando server.

No. 307901

you should feel bad, you're not even trying. maybe they came at you with their top spergy interests, but maybe they were just trying to find a common ground based on your own post and they didn't get it right. you can always change the topic of conversation if you participate in the conversation.

No. 307940

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Hello anon! If you (and any other husbando/waifu having anons) would like to join, please add peppermint#2481 and I will get back to you asap. Thanks!

No. 308113

Mkay, I'm not specially looking for friends but rather gym pals. I'm going to the gym tomorrow, getting back into exercising after a long injury recovery and looking for people who want to keep each other accountable. I'm doing 5/3/1 lifting program with some cardio in between. I also want to loose weight, around 15 kgs to be specific.
Looking for me people who are new to lifting as well (I mostly did bodyweight and long distance running before) and want to loose some weight. Please don't contact me if you are on an anachan tier diet or lift to get a bubble but to attract moids. I'm looking for fellow women who want to lift shit and go Amazon tier.
My discord is caligvla#0264
It's a throwaway account for lolcow, so it's obviously new.
On another hand, we can chat about random stuff except fitness, but I'm not very much into anime or vidya, but we can talk about radfem stuff or whatever is going on in at your life at the moment.

No. 309958

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I believe I saw a nona have difficulty finding my contact so here it is! It's still open and will remain that way for the foreseeable future if you want to join the husbando/waifu server. All of the members who have joined me have been so lovely.

No. 309997

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Anon are you still here? I want to be friends.

No. 310023


>How long this contact will remain active?

Indefinitely but I will probably forget I posted this after like a month so pls remind me





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

Probably above 26 would be most appropriate.

>How would you describe yourself?

I love to be a hater, a gossip monger, and a shit talker. I am autistic so I'm not always great at small talk but I try my best!

>Hobbies and pastimes

Vidya. I only play single player games though, sorry! I'm also currently attending online animation and modeling classes. I'm an anime/manga fan but I'm somewhat casual. Would love recommendations for obscure gems.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Movies: Pan's Labyrinth, Inglourious Basterds, Perfect Blue, Children of Men, EEAAO, etc

Shows: Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Bojack. If we're talking anime I love Nana and Carole & Tuesday. I like wholesome friendship shit.

Music: I listen to mostly dreamy/ethereal type pop and anime or video game music. Occasionally some "post-hardcore" and harder stuff. I'm pretty open minded with music tbh

Books: I like sci-fi and fantasy. Don't read as much as I want to, but the last book I completed was Fire And Blood by GRRM.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

INFP. I'm honestly not into astrology stuff and would love a friend who feels the same. I lurk randomly on /g/ and /snow/, mostly used this site for the Grimes thread but I branched out since it's been kinda stale over there.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I want friends who are okay with being unhinged and evil online, as long as you're mostly good irl. I'm often bored and my life is chill, so I don't mind just shooting the shit about nothing. Tell me about that bitch at work who's been getting on your nerves and I'll hype you up.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Not super busy. Contact me whenever and I'll get to you when I can.

No. 310072

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>How long this contact will remain active?

hmm can't say, probably a year or so





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

the buck teeth emoji

>Hobbies and pastimes

paranormal and occult adjacent stuff (ghost stories, tarot conspiracies etc.), altered states of consciousness including but not limited to drugs, lost media, internet rabbitholes and subcultures, urbex.
i'm into cinema but more so the arthouse kind, and i read some manga and webtoons in general but i'm past my anime phase (despite knowing a lot about it and still liking some of them, especially of the dark magical girl kind).
i like j-fashion and make-up, and i follow some k-pop girl groups only (i don't like boy groups and don't know much about them).
i'm into blogging and travelling a lot, and some of my new year's resolutions are to improve my cooking skills and improve on new languages i started and dropped a lot, preferably russian or japanese.
i enjoy collecting traumacore/weirdcore/lolitacore aesthetic pictures and i'm very into aesthetics in general.
i agree with many points of radfems but i wouldn't call myself one, i still enjoy reading and partecipating in GC discussions

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

there's a lot of movies i love and these aren't my all time favorite (not at the very top at least) but kamikaze girls and fight club are good examples of what i enjoy in general.
i listen mainly to j-pop and j-rock, some k-pop with a preference for the old school kind, and the classics from the 60s to the 80s

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

infp but i also get intp a lot, i'm gemini with sagittarius ascendant, venus cancer and lilith in scorpio and i specified this because i feel like it describes myself well

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

interesting conversations and recommendations, i don't mind not talking everyday at all and would prefer it, but i'm not good at mantaining friendships with inconsistent communication or with short and dry replies.
it's okay if we share only some interests, i like hearing about new things and i will likely get into your hobbies as much as you do lol

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

i work from home so i have time to chat through the day. i'd say i'm busy but not a lot so it's okay to contact me and i'll get back when i can

No. 310342

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
gossipy bitch, reality tv whore, musician, basement dweller
>Hobbies and pastimes
music (writing and listening), roblox, true crime, internet drama, chans
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
any Kubrick film/psychological thriller for films, trash tv, and every kind of music you could ever think of fersure
>Other random tidbits about you
pisces, INFP, I'm either extremely fast at replying or the worst
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
whenever is good for me, I have a rotating sleep schedule

No. 310362

I wanted to add you, but you're not accepting requests?

No. 310909


>How long this contact will remain active?

Until trve friendship knocks on my door




25 years old

>What age range are you most

comfortable with for new potential friendships?
20 to 30 I think ?

>How would you describe yourself?

I am largely shaped by all the shojo manga I absorbed as a child which means I believe in the power of friendship and love as much as a child believes in Santa Claus but I hide my powerlevel by being sarcastic -but don't worry, I've learned after my days of edgelordiness that not every context is the right context for that-
I was a depressed and depressing little shit and decided to let myself be happy and just enjoy things as little as can be, but I sometimes need the extra push.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Gaming, baking, plants, Wikipedia browsing, language learning

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I'm not into movies so much (The Incredibles? Parasite?), I love shows like You, Stranger things, Game of Thrones, pretty broad and mainstream! I rarely watch anime now because I can't find anything that'll make me feel like my old weeb self lmao
Music wise I'm into chill music nowadays? Like the Dopamine playlist on Spotify makes me feel good. I also like k-pop girl groups (Red Velvet is my favorite) and will never forget my pop punk background </3

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I discovered lolcow because I was a 16 y-o lolita outraged by Venus Angelic's lolita clothes video lmao, and blinded by Dakota's beauty at the time, if that can help better identify me lmao (I dress pretty normie now though)
INFJ and Scorpio, will absolutely watch every TikTok joking about the perceived personality of both, will say it's all bullshit either way if asked irl

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

A feeling of connection and relatability? Like I talk to people irl but never feel like we share things apart from certain views on topics, so I wish for that personal contact!

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Will never be too busy for trve friendship </3

No. 311162

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oddeyes #2051 (i'm open to giving u my main discord later on), or darkestlariat@proton.me
>How long this contact will remain active?
as long as u want i guess
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
preferably 18-25
>How would you describe yourself?
spontaneous, open-minded, i dont really get friendship formalities and kind of just jump straight into talking about ideas & different topics, pretty easy going but i have a hard time letting people get close to me emotionally, and curious.
>Hobbies and pastimes
does studying count as a hobby? i love reading about history, it's been a special interest of mine since childhood and now i'm double majoring in history kek. aside from sperging about the taiping rebellion or the impacts of mt. Vesuvius's eruption i like photography, writing, video games, going to museums and writing snail-mail.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
shows: community, atla, haikyuu, unsolved mysteries, death note
movies: fight club LMAO, v for vendetta
music: radiohead, vocaloid, kpop but only girl groups, classical music (brahms my beloved), hypmic, boa.
video games: pokemon (proton @ is a pokeref), fire emblem, smite, animal crossing, really any visual novel style games, and embarrassingly enough, Love Nikki.
books: jujutsu kaisen, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, poetry anthologies (i like Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson)
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
ENTP, im bilingual, i like all the boards where ppl post their blorbos (husbando thread, unattractive / attractive men board), the relationship columns and cat love board.
i used to lurk on the simply kenna board and various other threads about her on other parts of the web, i hardly ever watched her videos but the drama surrounding her is so ridiculous and entertaining. oh and the shoeonhead board & hotep board.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
someone to shoot the shit with, share hobbies and interests with (we could watch movies together, make collab music playlists, form a book club, play vidya or smth),unironically send each other journal articles and shit you'd find on those educational databases, exchange pictures of interesting or cute things like cats, artwork or photography and fashion, make up conspiracy theories with lel. maybe we could even write each other snail mail if we end up becoming close enough.
i got dumped by my last online circle when i was 16 bc i was a bored autist that started following some politically incorrect feminists and my lib friends got mad bc they were le terfy kek.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
im somewhat busy, but the kicker is that my attention span is sporadic and oscillates between sending essays vs being completely MIA for a bit. if you're a a bit emotionally detached or have a similar attention span we'd probably be great friends.

No. 311519


Hi! This is me. Wanted to say I forgot my login and just was able to get back into my discord account today.
I saw some removed requests and I feel really bad.
I'd love to make art friends or just friends in general. Especially if you like drawing fanart

Shoot me a message. Im really isolated rn so making some friends would mean a lot!

No. 311666

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filthy casual#1683 on discord, it‘s a throwaway and can confirm i’m female if anyones suspicious.

>How long this contact will remain active?

as long as it can tbh





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

i don’t care as long as you’re not underage and we‘re vibing

>How would you describe yourself?

shy and awkward at first but once we get to know eachother better i‘m kinda bubbly and adhd-y, i‘m a good listener if you wanna trauma dump lmao

>Hobbies and pastimes

i play a lot of vidya, recently got back my sewing machine so i‘m getting back to sewing!

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

dont watch movies don’t have the attention span lol the prisoners was good tho! as for shows i kinda watch cartoons but no anime.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

i’m a capricorn if anyones interested in that, i mostly use /snow/ especially the dreaded shayna thread

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

someone i can vibe with, be unhinged with if that‘s up your alley, play games with, share videos, talk about whatever!!

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

i’m pretty much always online if i don‘t want to be contacted i‘ll go offline lol!

i suck at describing myself and this won‘t get a lot of attention anyways but i thought i would try at least.

No. 311714

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>How long this contact will remain active?
as long as needed
pacific (PT)
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
chill, low maintenance, easy going, somewhat aloof
>Hobbies and pastimes
drawing/art**, video editing, finding new music, collecting CDs, buying things, archiving, going to museums, watching baseball
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
love british period dramas/period dramas in general, anything historical. music: 80s~90s~00s jpop, art pop, shibuya-kei, dnb, house, trance. some artists: faye wong, bjork, capsule, perfume, etsuko yakushimaru.
used to be heavy anime watcher, nowadays infrequently and if i do its usually 90s/00s anime.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
trying to improve my french comprehension skills so i've been watching lots of french media lately. i want to learn how to dj/live mix one day. don't really post on lc very much at all, but i lurk often on /m/ and /ot/.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
really want art friends to help motivate me but also improve alongside with
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
i work part time and go school, but my schedule isn't that strenuous atm so i can be reached any time–im not so great at replying quickly/using discord very well tho

No. 311876

>How long this contact will remain active?
I live in France
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
trying to make money, cringe, weeb, military history autist
>Hobbies and pastimes
weeb fashion, military history stuff (yes tanks and all), going to museums
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I like Lolita (book) and Virgin suicides a lot but not into coquette aesthetic or whatever
Scorsese and David Lynch movies as well
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I browse 2X and Shayna threads
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I just want someone with similar hobbies and worldview to talk to
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

No. 311904


Meat Disc#0612

>How long this contact will remain active?



Nothern Europe but my sleep shedule is non existent and i'm neet so it don't matter



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

20+, around my range maybe

>How would you describe yourself?

I'm pretty chatty and get over the top excited often but thats probably fun for the right people?
I got mad husbando brainrot and will probably sperg about fictional boys alot

>Hobbies and pastimes

I love metal and dated fashion, also drawing, mostly oc's and husbandos.
Love fruits, little sewing crafts and plants.
I'm kind of a sperg about most of my interests rip

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I'm mostly a western media consumer most stuff that has zombies is pretty cool to me, also horror in general
Fave games are Deadrising 3, lollipop chainsaw and i freshly got into bully recently.
My fave bands are Megadeth and Owl city and that 2000s teenage dream genre of music.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

Mostly just lurk around in ot, first time actually posting anywhere and a bit nervous tbh

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Someone to sperg and draw with!
Maybe someone to share husbandos or make silly little oc ships with.
Just someone cool who also thinks manhate memes are funny and doesn't mind the chattyness

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I'm neet im usualy free to chat whenever

No. 312513

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Hello! I'm maybe misusing this thread a bit and it's kind of a longshot but I actually would like to make irl friends in my area (I live in NYC). Ofc we'd talk online first for however long we're comfortable and ensure no one is a creep/moid. If you never want to meet that's fine, but primarily I want to hang out with someone in person. Will verify my voice/face/chromosomes whatever lol.

I have a hard time making friends irl because I got the 'tism and weird interests but I'm dying to have likeminded friends, if they exist.



>How long this contact will remain active?

Until creeps get to it or something.


I'm 24



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

22-32 but I don't care too much if we get along!

>How would you describe yourself?

Pic rel is a moodboard of me as a human being. Kind of weird artist, a bit of a hipster. I have a cynical, deadpan humor, but I overall love life and am generally am a happy person. I have really high openness and love new experiences, even though I can be a bit anxious or shy at first.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Drawing/painting/sculpting/pixel art, going to shows/raves, going to museums, talking about philosophy, reading, watching old movies, playing games (and talking about games), anime, walking for a long time, otaku stuff. In general I just like doing stuff, and if you have cool interests that arent listed here I'd love to try them. I also adore fashion but don't yet have much of a wardrobe.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I love a lot of Criterion Collection type movies. Satoshi Kon, Wong Kar Wai, Robert Altman, old french movies, to name a few. I don't watch TV but I liked Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Love nonfiction books written with a unique voice. Love just about all music, especially if it's kind of weird or experimental. Lately I really like "PlayStation jungle mix 01". Citypop, art nouveau, greek sculptures. Serial Experiments Lain, Madoka, WataMote.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

INTP, Cancer. I don't keep up with offline popculture (Kardashians, etc) but I know of some streamers and such. I really love horses, dragons, unicorns, and dogs lol. Also a Driverfag, but that's not important. Mostly use /ot/ and /g/ lately.

>What are you looking for in this friendship?

A good friend! A kind person! Someone who maybe wants to go get coffee and pastries and browse Kinokuniya.

I primarily enjoy lolcow not to make fun of people, but to understand strange psychologies. The unkindness of this website often turns me off, though I accept I am here for the freak show as well, so hey.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?


No. 312536

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>How long this contact will remain active?
As long as I remember the log in.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Typical quiet aspie trying to assimilate as a normie. I open up as I get to know someone and if we click I'm sure I'll be fangirling some random shit with you.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Cooking + baking - I want to try to make sooo many things and expand my skills, vidya, reading books, writing, lots of walking while playing pokemon go, exploring something new. anime binge watching. Kind of want to try otome games.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movies: I'm really into movies so it's hard to list. Comfort movies for me are Labyrinth, Marie Antoinette, Evil Dead 1&2, Giant, Paprika.. I enjoy MST3k and RLM, lol.
Shows: I don't really watch shows these days other than anime. Favs are - Erased, SailorMoon, Chainsawman, Record of Lodoss War, Berserk, KLK. These are off the top of my head.
Music: So much. Right now I've been jamming to Swans, Oingo Boingo and Animal House.
Books: Trying to get back into reading. The last books I read was The Belljar, Tender is the Flesh, and My Best Friend's Exorcism.
>Other random tidbits about you
I really like to try new things, so I'd love to share media with you!!
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I just want to talk to someone. I do not have many friends and the only people I talk to are my co-workers, my annoying roommate, and my boyfriend. It would be lovely to talk to someone and get to know them.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I work a typical office job that leaves me drained, but I will attempt to put in the effort to talk. I may not respond daily.

No. 314012

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>How long this contact will remain active?



GMT +10



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

Archetypical NEET loner who finds it hard to relate to people. I honestly don't know. I don't know how I come off to people because I've been isolated for so long. I talk at length about things I'm interested in.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Tennis (I play with normie boomers who get me to pick up the balls afterwards lol).
Making filter coffee, I'm pretty obsessive with it.
Organising my many external hard drives/looking up reference images.
Drawing and painting, I can draw in my journal for hours with music, I suspect many of you are the same.
Typical hobbies like anime/movies/games, my taste in games is all over the place but I'm consistent with ffxiv. Right now I am playing FF Tactics.
Shopping and fashion, I have a really well developed wardrobe that's sadly not being put to use, I love putting outfits together and searching for archival stuff. I'm also obsessed with Korean/Japanese nails and I'm always getting new designs.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

movies: Angel's Egg, The Human Condition Trilogy, Suicide Club/Noriko's Dinner Table, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Loveless, Lily Chou-Chou, Memories of Murder, Laputa
shows: LoGH, Kaiji/Akagi, Meguca, Tatami Galaxy, Pong Ping, Monster, Haibane Renmei, Paranoia Agent, Lain, Texhnolyze, I seem to prefer seinen but I did enjoy Onisama-E and Nana a lot, if you have recs that's a bonus. While I prefer serious anime I can enjoy more lighthearted things like Asobi Asobase as well.
music: Toe, Mutyumyu, Santigold, The Birthday Massacre, The Cranberries, Electroforez, BoA, random instrumental tracks on YT, TeddyLoid, Tsukiko Amano, Yuki Kaijura, tricot, game OSTs like everyone else

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

intp virgo 4w5 rloei I use pretty much everything aside from /pt/ uhh I'm obsessive about tracking down images and can spend hours doing it till I find what I'm looking for…

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Ideally something that would turn into an IRL friendship where we could go shopping and get coffee, stuff like that. But generally I would be happy with female friends who understand me. Online friendship means as much to me as IRL friendships.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Contact whenever.

No. 314279

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willing to give discord after a while but im paranoid of moids so id want to voice confirm
>How long this contact will remain active?
hmm dunno
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Im pretty chatty but for some reason i am absolutely terrible with texting, so im trying to improve that. I think casual low pressure pen pals would be ideal, but i am also looking for people who would be interested in playing video games; im open to trying new coop games but i mainly want someone who will play (im sorry) league with me…im on NA server and im not very good at all really - not even ranked yet - but i think itd be fun with girlfriends. I recently got into watching esports so thats why im trying to learn a 14 year old game and >have fun.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I like to read manga (currently on Vagabond - loved Slam Dunk), and books. I try to read classics, recent reads that were good were Heaven by kawakami, The Stranger by camus; favorite book is Howl’s Moving Castle. I also recently completed my first cosplay that i attended a con with (Ranni) which was really fun so i’d like to try another one soon (currently working on Sellen but it’s a slooow progress) somewhat interested in baking but i dont have much equipment yet. Used to be really into anime but not much lately, im keeping up with demon slayer, haikyuu, recently liked ranking of kings but i read manga more often - maybe my attention span’s fucked who knows.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Not much of a movie watcher but i generally like rom coms, comedies, artsy films. Watching it’s always sunny in phil rn
Former kpop fag - now only keep up with one group (SEVENTEEN), Fuji Kaze, brockhampton, some dad rock, video game ost, anime ops, some classical, buck-tick, malice mizer, frederic, ill really listen to anything though.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
ENTJ, aquarius, i like various threads on /g/, /m/, /ot/, and i keep up with twitch and yt drama on /snow/. I fucking love cats. Bit of a lore whore for games I have played (nier) or will never play (silent hill - im a pussy), I also love Ace Attorney, Golden Kamuy, and browsing fashion inspo on lolcow or pinterest.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Id like to form friendships with people who are into the same or similar stuff as me. Often I feel I have a hard time connecting with my irl friends as they are all very normie
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I work a FT job with unpredictable hours hence the casual pen palling over email i think will probably work best. I hate my job though and am currently applying and interviewing to new jobs so hopefully i can have a more consistent schedule soon!

No. 315188

Sent you an email if you're still looking for someone to play league with nona!

No. 315202

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>tfw desperately want more female friends but too shy to add or contact anyone in this thread

No. 315203

I dropped my fucking sage dont kill me mods

No. 315215

You could post your contact info and have anons reach out to you instead

No. 315230

you don't sage anywhere but /snow/ and /pt/(and celebricow thread)

No. 315506

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have all the 26+ year olds moved on to mommy groups for friendships, or have they just given up on looking for friends anymore?
i keep thinking i would like to try to have friends but i dont think there could be much to bond over with sub 25 yo. i dunno.

No. 315509

Feel this so hard as a childless late-twentysomething or whatever I should call it. Where are we hiding out these days?

No. 315514

I'm in an awkward spot as I'm 26+ but have had a lot of difficulties reaching certain life milestones. I feel stunted compared to people my age but I also can't relate to younger people. I feel like I really need to sort my shit out before I even think about making friends that are near my age. Really wish I was still in my early 20s since it feels like it's easier to connect with others at that age..

No. 315525

I stopped trying to make friends from these threads because I either get ghosted or I ghost the other person because I sense bpdchan vibes from them

No. 315528

I'm 28 and I decided not to re-post my info from last thread as I realized I'm pretty fulfilled on friendships and I don't have time for more due to work and hobbies and already have trouble maintaining the ones I have now. Maybe I'd like an extra penpal or not but that's it. It's difficult finding friends at this age though, and I too was lonely at friendless at 25+. I wish you and every older nona looking for friends good luck.

No. 315545

Hry I'm in a similiar situation, maybe we can connect?

No. 315554

yea, my life situation was rather unique compared to most and i would beat myself up for years about being so inept and behind and immature. I've reached a point and age here i don't do that anymore, i am ok with how my life has been, i am living no one else's but my own. ex: sure im in my 30s and don't know how to drive, but I'm ok with that now, i don't think I'm a failure because of it.
i tried making friends on here many years ago, joined the discord, but nothing came of it and in fact i had a couple of them not liking me for unknown reasons and having me banned from other spinoff servers that were active. i moved on elsewhere, figured it's not worth trying for friendship. now years on i keep thinking, "well i wish i had someone to talk to about this thing. maybe try again?”
it can be really rough.

No. 315588

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EET/UTC+2/EST+7 - chaotic sleep schedule
>age range
>looking for
someone to watch movies and tv shows with, voice chat, listen to music, play video games, get drunk, maybe even learn languages or read stuff together
>not looking for
exchanging long messages - I feel like getting to know someone is so much easier over voice and I'd generally prefer it
>about me
compsci major, extroverted, good listener but I don't mind leading the conversation, I don't get awkward, love talking shit and complaining
reading, cooking, yoga, digital art, drinking
I love reality tv, horror movies, y2k, animals, children, learning about different cultures and traveling. Virgo sun, ESFP.

No. 315646

I wouldn't say I've given up, but I posted a contact once and hesitate to add other 25+s due to going through later milestones. I tend to prefer being in servers over an interest/hobby than one-on-one conversation. I don't relate to women my age IRL and while I'm fine with being friends with anyone age 20+, I do have a longing to have more friends who grew up in a similar social climate I did (millennial and late-gen Zs who are on the cusp of that).

I've been going through something similar. Are you open to sharing info?

No. 315658

holy shit you are literally living my life. I'm struggling to keep it together mentally and emotionally because i'm not happy with where i'm at in life

nta but i would love to connect with you if that's cool?

No. 315661

I'm going through something similar. I'm 28 now, had a few close online friends my age or a bit older a few years ago and I lost them all because I went through a pretty long mental health crisis that in many ways is still ongoing, but I learned to leave social media and their libfem type they/them crowd behind because it only made me worse. I've been lurking on here a lot since, went through a whole second peaking but have never reached out with Discord so far. The isolation is starting to kick in more though after over a year and I wonder if I'm ready to try changing something and opening myself up to online friends again. There's always the worry that troons and moids lurk a lot ITT but your post and >>315506 makes me feel a bit of hope

No. 315662

People here have been pretty nice. Not always the most responsive or capable of keeping up messaging, but I haven't come across anyone mean yet.

No. 315930

ayrt, sure! I attached my contact to the post, shoot me a message.

No. 315998

hungry neopet#6581
>How long this contact will remain active?
the foreseeable future
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
i'm fine with any age if we have similar interests and outlooks but i feel i have the most in common with people who are around 21-28
>How would you describe yourself?
i'm a pretty casual/laid back person for the most part. i work in a field where i spend 90% of my day talking to people so i'm fairly good at conversations imo but i'm definitely introverted in general. i work in a job that people tend to find interesting and love sharing stories about it/my previous jobs. my first language is english and it's my only fluent language unfortunately
>Hobbies and pastimes
i like to go to the gym and do weight training and i recently started some at home yoga/pilates, i've also recently gotten more into skincare/makeup and have been having fun experimenting and figuring out what works for me. i like to play pet games a lot (neopets of course + some others). i also enjoy hiking/walking outdoors when it's warm out. i used to have more hobbies but have been doing school + work and lost interest in some of the things i used to like so kind of rediscovering my interests atm!
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
my favourite genre of movie is horror (i like anything from ghost/paranormal movies to slashers to like kinda satirical horror ex. jennifers body) and i also am getting more into anime. i really enjoyed perfect blue and soul eater. i also just finished JJBA stone ocean and just started my dress up darling, idk if it's good yet. i have a hard time focusing on movies/shows so i tend to watch everything dubbed so i don't often watch anything very obscure but would be open to recommendations, especially horror/thriller anime. fav artists are all over the place tbh i like listening to marina and the diamonds, doja cat, random pop punk that was popular when i was a kid, lil peep, suicideboys, just a mix idk. i don't play many games anymore but i do still play league of legends casually and would love to meet someone who wants to play arams/norms. i spend a lot of time online looking into obscure media/old websites and really enjoy finding strange content online/on social media - currently weirdly obsessed with finding old men with like 5 followers on tiktok making videos attempting to pick up women
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
i don't really post and mostly just like to lurk and read but i like /g/, celebricows (i don't have much social media so it keeps me up to date) and the mtf threads. recently i've gotten into looking through the old (4+ years) threads on /snow/
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
i would really like a casual friend - i don't have many friends in general (a few online friends i've known for years) and other than my best friend i don't have many female friends which i would like to. would be happy to just casually msg about common interests or talk more often! i also occasionally like to vent about work/life so anyone who wouldn't mind that would be really nice (don't worry i also listen)
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
i would say i'm somewhat busy because i work typically every day of the week but i really don't mind if people message me whenever, as long as you don't expect super speedy responses during typical work hours for me

No. 316598

You haven't contacted me.. I assume you changed your mind but in case it's because you'd rather chat through discord or something, let me know

No. 316752

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
18-39… although I am particularly fond of all age groups and would encourage anyone to reach out if they'd like to chat. It would be very interesting if someone over 39 was using this website and I would definitely like to chat.
>How would you describe yourself?
Aspiring normie that's been cultivating an innate inner world since becoming a shut-in during middle school. I have lived a gazillion lives and yet still know nothing. My most favorite thing is to introduce this inner world to others while learning about their inner worlds as well. I am a very slow-paced person but I never give up… (I should clarify by aspiring normie I mean aspiring to be normal)
>Hobbies and pastimes
Going on walks, hiking mountains, bird watching (both irl and countless documentaries), drawing, listening to new music, downloading and organizing music into playlists, collecting cute images, and most recently getting reeeaaallllyyyy into Skyrim. I don't tend to play videogames so this current arc is very interesting and I'd like to talk with someone about Skyrim or other video games, although I don't have much experience gaming aside from CS:GO and playing Tomodachi Life on my 3DS.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Recently I've been getting into Japanese citypop and trolling the archives for good albums, but my top 3 artists are Bjork, Squarepusher, and Taisho Kyu-Nen. I (unfortunately) browsed /mu/ and RYM a lot in high school, so that comes with many implications I hope aren't too annoying.
My top 5 movies are Redline, Haiku Tunnel, Pi, Ash is Purest White, and Brother.
I don't tend to read books nowadays unless they're manga, but my most recent read was Platform by Houellebecq
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I believe in astrology as a science that can be used in correlation with mystic Christianity. I also practice Reiki and am pursuing a career in the healing arts. Regardless of this crunchy weirdo side of me, I also was a disgusting fujoshi for many years, and spent a lot of my time consuming terrible Internet things. I think this dynamic is interesting and I'm still navigating how to present myself to the world while trying to be understood.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Hopefully this post has made it clear in my above answers, but to summarize, I'm looking for someone who can relate to me on multiple points and who likes to talk about weird things. I also would appreciate patience as I am learning social norms and recently got of out a NEET scenario.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact me whenever. I love being spammed because I'll read it and reply to everything you send me.

No. 317073

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hehehehe420@proton.me , will give disc/steam upon req
>How long this contact will remain active?
GMT/BST idk, britbong
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
introvert, bit of a hater, neet, studied game design at uni, dropped out in 4th yr during the pandemic, became actual social recluse since then lmao. bihet bf haver (sorry </3). recently peaked, former sjw
>Hobbies and pastimes
as for games i play: fortnite, overwatch, ffxiv & fallout mainly, but being a #gamer isn't needed. trying to get into other hobbies like reading, crochet, cooking, walking etc
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
music taste is too all over the place to even start(let's compare last.fm stats<3), spider-man and star wars nerd till current state of capitalism ruined both franchises, random shitty reality shows, mainly watch youtube analysis' lol
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
intp, sagittarius, self-dx 'tisms, started browsing the farms in 2019 randomly then big shaynus kept me a lurker, disgustingly terminally online, shy about voice chat (mainly bc accent) but willing to after a while
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
new pal to chat to or game with, lost contact with most highschool/uni friends, & difficult as fuck making ones as an adult lmao. classic "only have my bf" + gay dude best mates, so lacking on the female connection. downloaded bumble bff too but.. libfems
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
contact whenever, rotting away at pc roughly 24/7, can be shite at replying though

No. 317110

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& I am much more active on Guilded or Discord so I would be happy to give you either of those upon request.

>How long this contact will remain active?

Forever. If I ever somehow forget about this throwaway email, feel free to reply to this post and I can give you a new one or check the one provided.



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

My personality is a bit all over the place. I tend to be pretty quiet/introverted in some social settings, other times I can be very goofy. It really depends on who I’m with.

>Hobbies and pastimes

My hobbies include drawing, astrology, witchcraft, spirituality, cooking, engaging with older media, making ocs, playing older video games, working out/staying in shape, and gardening.

I am a yumejoshi, but I also love het and yuri/GL ships!

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

As picrel implies, I am very obsessed with Batman (both the character himself and his franchise). I mostly love Batman media from the 1990s to early 2000s. I especially love The Animated Series. I also love the older Pokémon games (gens 3-5). I religiously play Emerald and HGSS even to this day. Shiny hunting is super fun!

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I’m quite active on the yume husbando hornyposting thread but I also go on others too. The /snow/ threads are always entertaining (especially the TIM and TIF threads). I also like /2X/, the bad art thread, and some off topic threads.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I’d be happy to make more likeminded friends! I would love it if they love DC or Pokémon like I do, but it’s totally fine if not. I don’t like all of my favorite fandoms being full of libfems, gendies, and TRAs. A likeminded friend would be a godsend.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Honestly, you can message me whenever. I am quite busy, but I will be eager to get back to you as soon as possible!

No. 317195

hi, is there a new contactable @ for this? i'd love this server theoretically (:((:)

No. 317211

Hi, please refer to >>307940

No. 317913

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>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
I'm a very driven/motivated person while also being a complete sperg at times. I'm pretty introverted irl but online I can be very outgoing.
>Hobbies and pastimes
JFashion is my biggest passion, but I also really enjoy metal (fav genres are doom, death, and black). I love fandom history fandom culture in general. I also work out very regularly, enjoy fitness/wellness and self improvement. I do cosplay as well. I'm also a bit of a stoner, but I very rarely drink.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Books: Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings
Music: Death, Candlemass, DIO, Vehemence, Aqours, Liella, Mu's, Daughter, Claris, Bathory, Venom
Shows: CCS, Sailor Moon, Aggretsuko, the Winx Club
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Ideally, I'd love someone irl to connect with (DMV area) but that's probably a dream. I'd just like to hangout with other women with similar interests who I can shoot the shit with and make fun of Shaynus.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm pretty busy, but drop me a line and I'll do my best to get back to you.

No. 317914

nice tag, boi I miss the old meduka meguca fandom

No. 318618

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already posted in the other friend finder thread but hey why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


burnerknowher on wickr or burnerknowher@proton.me

>How long will this contact remain active?

wickr is apparently shutting down in december 2023 but my email will still be available. i also use discord but i'd rather not post that publicly.





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

relaxed, open-minded, introverted, creative

>Hobbies and pastimes

anime, manga, video games, drawing/digital art, listening to music, stargazing, collecting anime figures

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Movies: Fantastic Mr. Fox, Rocketman, Guardians of the Galaxy, Lord of the Rings, Spirited Away, Silence of the Lambs
Shows: Mad Men, Game of Thrones (only seasons 1-5 tho), Narcos, Mob Psycho 100, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop
Music: Grimes, alt-j, Hozier, Amy Winehouse, vocaloid, EDM, city pop, bossa nova
Books: The Martian by Andy Weir (currently reading Project Hail Mary), Chainsaw Man, The Promised Neverland, Junji Ito

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

not really into astrology or personality tests but i'm INFP and a libra if that matters to you. tbh i mostly use 4chan (/r9k/, /a/, and /ic/) but i want more female friends so that's why i came here.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

open to pretty much whatever. email pen pals, discord messages, someone to play games with, voice chat, whatever works!

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

i'm pretty busy most days, but feel free to contact me whenever. it just might take me a little while to respond.(¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

No. 318640

Girl, why.

No. 318650

there's a few decent threads on there occasionally, if you're like me and don't mind sifting through the rampant degeneracy.

No. 318667

clearly a lurker and not a lolcow native. I've had the unfortunate luck of meeting many people like these. People who post on 7soc/ or /r9k/ and then put their contact here thinking it'll be the same thing without integrating.

No. 318668

fumi!! I know you from that one discord. I will add you!

No. 318669

I will add you

No. 318671

I quitted lolcow a long time ago and just seeing this now sorry nonna, but if you see this message feel free to leave your info!

No. 318676

yes i am a lurker, i purposely implied that in my post. i'm actually hoping this place will be different than /soc/ or /r9k/. otherwise why would i be here?

No. 318681

Pisces sisters… if only I wasn't so retarded….

No. 318706


Added you both!

No. 318712

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>How long this contact will remain active?

Until discord bans me





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

Quite polite social recluse IRL, pretty chatty and will send you memes online

>Hobbies and pastimes

Weird animated movies, splatterpunk novels and gore porn movies, gaming, podcasting, bugs and animals. I'm trying to draw and do more crafts because I've stopped doing much there

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Movies - Moon, Annihilation, Bird Boy, anything Don Hertzfeldt, Cat Soup
Anime: Kaiji, Beserk, Nastumes Book of Friends, Girls Last Tour, Kino's Journey, Eva, Blood + (and the last vampire OVA)
Manga: Currently following Anata ga shite kurenakute mo and Spy X, but I will read almost anything
Music: Bedroom pop, Andy Shauf (norm is too fucking good)
Books: Currently reading Savage Messiah (cult book), switch from niche history to the so I'm a spider light novels

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

Terfy and like my political shit, I'll keep it tame if you dont though.

OH I am also married to a moid, so if that's a deal breaker, be warned!

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

More weird women I can relate to and be friends with. If you are in the UK I'd love to meet up and do shit IRL as well.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Hit me up at any time!

No. 318713

stop going there and i'm not saying that to be a pearlclootcher positivity type, it's genuinely going to make you feel better.

No. 318721

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Nona we are like ships passing in the night. >>303588 is me. If you think we could get along please e-mail me!

No. 318796

Oh nonna, I'm sorry- we actually were friends at some point but things didn't work out sadly. I still think about you occasionally though, wondering if you're doing ok. I hope you're doing very good ♥ please keep writing songs!

No. 318803

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This is probably the last time I'll be making this post on a thread like this one, I hope I get a good new friend! This might be cringe so beware.


Late 20s
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Anyone over 24
>How would you describe yourself?
This will be long, sorry. I'm on my period (kek) so this might come off as more "pouring my heart out" than usual. Sorry.
I think I'm someone who is very open to others and I love listening to people. I don't like intruding much so I'm sometimes scared to start a conversation, but I love listening to others, so please feel free to talk to me. It scares me to come off as awkward (I am neurodivergent). I'm friendly, I try to be as non judgemental as possible, I love being supportive. I love when people are passionate about things, since I'm very passionate about art myself. Please show me the stuff you work on, it'll make me very happy. I love learning new stuff, specially about cultures that I'm not a part of. I try to think people can change and I try to believe in forgiveness. I can be very naive and trust people too much sometimes though, to a fault. I can also be paranoid and I change accounts a lot (comes with the experience of using lolcow for over 8 years). I try to keep myself positive though, despite life's circumstances. Once I decide I like you, trust me, you have a solid friendship in me.
My online friendships date back to 2013 and I still love them very much, I'm not kidding when I say a solid friendship with me is possible.
I also must say I'm not a fan of politics, I like some of the points radical feminism makes but I'm not a hardcore follower.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I like artsy anime (madoka, haibane, girls last tour, etc) with a melancholic yet quiet feeling, female protagonists are a plus. I love art, weird art, creepy art and transgressive art is cool to me. Art for me is very important, since it is a way to present new ideas and emotions. I don't like when people are too sensitive and censorship heavy with media. I love reading female authors, specially japanese ones, but I prefer physical media to online PDFs so I rarely do it kek sorry. I'm a bit of a japanophile/weaboo/whatever you might call it, I watch a shit ton of NHK world and I even try to archive as many of their shows as possible. Favorite youtube creator is Tim Rogers lmao. I follow a shit ton of art, design, biology and aesthetics channels as well.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I like bjork, mitski, doja cat, yakushimaru etsuko, macaroom, happy sounding japanese 2000s music, some video game osts, etc can't think of more at the moment. My favorite videogames come from the gamecube era because I haven't been able to get a switch yet kek.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
Been thinking on working out again recently for my own mental and physical health!
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
A solid friendship, someone who actively wants to talk to me and doesn't mind if I'm slow responding, someone who sends me random things and memes and I can also send them things that made me think about them. Someone that makes me lmao and I can try make them lmao back. Eventually when I'm very comfortable with you I would love to become penpals.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
It's ok to contact me whenever, I work from home.


Ask. I think I already said too much for anyone to be interested kek.

I want to add you both but I figured out I should make an introduction first!

No. 318806

Hi anon, I won't reach out because I already feel like I'm being stretched too thin at this point in time but I just wanted to say I think you and your site are really awesome, and I was pleasantly surprised to come across it. Maybe one day when I am not so overwhelmed, we can sperg about our yume fantasies together. You can find me on the server.

No. 318812

I think us older farmers and oldfags are here, we just don't want to deal with the drama and strings of what comes with connecting on LC given we know men are lurking or there's a decent chance you might come across another woman who very possibly is not totally well, either. I am unsettled by the amount of anons who post about having kids though, so maybe you're right about that. Best of luck in finding a decent friend, anon!

No. 318820

Nta. God, I feel you. I also just had way too many bad or weird experiences with trying to befriend people on lolcow that I'd rather not anymore.
>there's a decent chance you might come across another woman who very possibly is not totally well
this basically.

I also just run across so many immature people, or literal schizos, or people who you want to be friends with but have something off about them, or the typical "kawaii" person who turns out to be insane, or people who are 19-23 who are still growing up from their high school mentality, or lurkers that come from 4chan that have a certain way of typing and expressing themselves, I've seen it all already and I'm tired. It's all the same all the time.

No. 318837

Anon, you sound really sweet and I'd love to chat with you. I'm shy about going into length about myself in this reply, but I think we'd get along swimmingly. Could I have an email/discord to contact you with?

No. 318843

Thank you both for wishing me well. All the best to you too!

No. 318846

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>How long will this contact remain active?
>Age & Age range
21, and i’d be comfortable talking with anyone under 35 and over 18
>How would you describe yourself?
i'm not very good at writing autobiographical information no matter how brief, but i'll try! first, i'll be upfront about being somewhat of an eclectic weirdo so you know what you're getting into. i’m neurodivergent, and as a result, i have a predisposition to hyperfixate on and sperg about things that catch my interest. if i am anything, i am a passionate person who enjoys analyzing media and fictional characters, and i can (and so very often do) ramble at length about the shows and games that i watch and play. the curtains are blue, etc. that said, i consider myself to be a decent listener, and i enjoy talks about literally anything! i’m an excitable person and i’m painstakingly open about all my thoughts and feelings for better or worse, although i’m by no means a bleeding heart.
>Hobbies and pastimes
the most prevalent hobbies i possess are coding my website, reading books about spirituality and other esoteric subjects (<- currently trying to get more into philosophy), drawing and worldbuilding, and playing vidya. i consider myself a weeb but i don’t watch anime very often; the voice acting along with other quirks specific to the genre tend to vex me greatly, so i'm highly picky. i read more manga and manhwa than anything (i’d love to exchange recs), consider myself a himejo, yumejo, and fujo, and i love vocaloid music. i also used to be a kpop stan and started recently getting back into the one and only group i ever liked seventeen. i’m learning japanese and korean atm so meeting language partners would be cool too!
as for games, i play a variety, from indies festering in the pits of itch.io to league and overwatch. we can exchange steam libraries if that’s of interest to you too.
it’s worth mentioning somewhere that i’m a radical feminist (6b4t style) so you probably shouldn’t reach out if that’s an issue, although i won’t impose my views on you.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
movies & shows: everything everywhere all at once, little forest, parasite, the handmaiden, hannibal, link click, eva, dhmis
manga: hnk, witch hat atelier, monster, girls last tour, kino’s journey, alien nine
games: undertale/deltarune, cave story, katana zero, inscryption, brutal orchestra, lisa, ib, yume nikki, persona 5
etc: touhou, witchcraft, theoretical species design and character design, theorycrafting, 3d modeling, character creation and analysis, video essays, absurdism, jerma
>Zodiac and frequented boards
capricorn & resident de/g/enerate. i check the oldweb thread too.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
i want to talk to people who are on a similar wavelength as me, who i can reach out to at random and talk about whatever new game/book/show i got into, what characters i've created, or send a funny meme, and who would do the same back. i’d prefer you to be relatively nonjudgmental towards people and moderately self-aware (yes, i know what site we’re on). i’d like to have an e-penpal (or a regular penpal after voice verification) since longform is my preferred style of writing, but i’m okay with using discord as well!
>What are you NOT looking for in this online friendship?
someone who is going to talk to me about irl moids. i don’t want to hear about your boyfriend or husband… 2d anime boys and the like are more than welcome and encouraged though!
sennoh at proton dot me, feel free to contact whenever. we can swap discords later

No. 318849

Hi, I'm this poster >>312513 and I'm a massive Tim Rogers fan. What the heck, add me buddy.

No. 318860

you both sound very alike, maybe you should connect nonnas!! (sorry I like matchmaking kek)

No. 318861

sure, this will only be available for a week max
cookie monster pajama pants#9232

No. 318893

May I add you as well, nona? I think we share some similar viewpoints in regards to friendships. Also, I love artsy anime too.

No. 318900

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Anon…. you have no idea…

No. 318917

No. 318934

That's strange. It's not working for me when I copy and paste or type it manually. Did you change your username?

No. 318971

You sound cool! I’ll email you when I get off work later today! (I’m not logged into proton mail on mobile)

No. 318990

>>318803 Hello, I'd love to chat with you, I completely relate on the artsy, somber media taste. I'm >>318712 , I saw your handle but it doesn't work for me either.

No. 319494

anybody want to chat about weight loss and keep each other updated about our progress? talk about diets, exercising, etc.? leave your discord or e-mail if so!

No. 319793

I think we could get along, I sent a friend request (my discord tag ends in 69). Sorry I don't want to say anything on here publicly, I'm kind of paranoid. Also I might not respond.

I'm kind of struggling to break out of my head and I think I need to talk to someone to start doing that. I'm uncomfortable existing as a person irl and online. Honestly, I've always been like this but it got worse the past few years. If anyone else is like that, let me know. I want to talk to other uncomfortable people.

No. 319870

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kwispyfalcon@proton.me … will give discord info I meet someone though!
>How long this contact will remain active?
Preferably the long haul
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Im very different in real life vs how I am online, which I think most people would say. In person Im very reserved and a homebody but with A+ customer service. Online I am very outgoing and can cycle through multiple topics in a short amount of time. I love to learn new things. Could talk about music and movies forever. Im particularly a fan of horror films.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I can usually be found trying to find something new to watch… until I give up and just put something on Ive already seen 40 times. I have about 270 dvd's currently. My nights are typically a mixture of house chores, playing something on my switch or playing music & singing along, having some drinks and watching shows/movies… oh and my cats. Currently bouncing between Slime Rancher, Mario bros, and Animal Crossing (would love more buddies on there).
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Films/shows: Moulin Rouge (I live for musicals), Fantastic Mr Fox, Martyrs, the Cabin in the Woods, Memoirs of a Geisha, the Jurassic franchise, Requiem for a dream, Little Miss Sunshine, Yellowjackets, Whose line is it anyway, Six feet under, Dexter, Buffy, Trailer park boys, Wilfred, that 70's show Music: Miley Cyrus, Deftones, Lights/LUN, Placebo, Zheani, Envy on the coast.. huge fan of numetal, electronic, alt and indie music.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I don't believe in Zodiacs or 16 personalities - but for funsies, I am a Sagittarius, and apparently, ISFP-T..A few years ago my result was INTJ.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Hmm. I just hope we're able to fill in a small gap for eachother where we might be missing a particular kind of social interaction.. for example, I have no one in my life that likes horror and no one to send funny things to. Im also a pretty good person to vent to.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever
Contact me whenever (:

No. 319974

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>How long this contact will remain active?
Hopefully forever
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
People say I'm a good listener and a very empathetic person, introverted, i love animals (i know more dogs than people at this point), not a career oriented person at all.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Currently I'm learning to knit, I like discovering new music, I like to read (haven't read a lot of books tho). I enjoy walks and learning new stuff.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movies: I rarely watch movies but i definitely enjoy horror.
Music: I find hard to list my favorite ones as they change over time, but I'd say Kino, the smiths, the cure are the ones I always listen to.
Books: Crime and punishment, I enjoy Svetlana Alexievich books too.
Not really into anime or videogames so don't expect me to play with you.
>Other random tidbits about you
My mbti is infp, aquarius, usually lurk on /ot/ and /g/. Although I don't believe in zodiac and similar stuff (mbti, enneagram, etc) i find it fun. I'm ESL (Spanish is my mother tongue).
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to chat about life, share things we like, an actual friend (im really bad at socializing irl).
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
It's ok to contact me whenever you want, not really a busy person but sometimes I could take time to reply.

No. 320082

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>How long this contact will remain active?

Forever, basically


CEST? GMT+2? Apparently timezones confuse me. But I live in the Netherlands



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

Something like 24 to 34?

>How would you describe yourself?

I'm kind, open, and love to chat, although not super intensely. I'm very annoyed by notions like "everyone is valid", but I do believe in accepting yourself as you are, which includes biological facts. I've never fit in with either normies or the crowd who share my hobbies. I've been a NEET for a little bit, but I have a job and a house and a fiancé now. Enjoying the good parts of the normie life. I've been more into baking lately, I'd love to exchange recipes. I work in a very male-oriented job, and I miss female energy around me.

>Hobbies and pastimes

My main hobbies have forever been anime, manga, games, action figures. Since I've kinda been growing away from those, I've been sorta lost/looking. I've gone from cosplay to making moreso daily clothes. I love traditionally feminine clothes. I'm starting to get into gardening, and DIY'ing home stuff. I'm trying to moreso get off of the Internet, but that doesn't include not keeping up friendships. But I'm very tired of social media, and although I've never been big on SM (never had FB etc), the sites I've spend the past 14+ years on are not making me happy either (reddit & 4chan).

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I'm not really the type to be fan of stuff, but I do call TLoZ:TP my favourite game and Hereditary my favourite movie.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I'm not really accepting of any religious, spiritual or other unproven stuff, so that includes witchcraft and zodiacs. I go on basically all lolcow boards, because I have some cows I just want to keep track of lowkey (pixie, lucinda & luna mainly).

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Someone preferably Dutch, who I can chat with, sorta keep each other updated about our life, exchange hobby-related pictures with (like sewing projects, plants, or baked good etc). I love a good conversation too, of course. It doesn't all have to be superficial or hobby-related.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

You can contact me whenever and I'll get back to you when I have the time to properly reply. I don't like hasty short messages, but I'm also not someone who disappears for days or weeks on end.

No. 320121

>How long this contact will remain active?
Most likely for ever. Will give you my discord if we click
Western Europe

>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

Always been the typical quiet kid. Autistic, introverted and nerdy. I can be a little shy at first, especially when talking to other women since I'm so used to socializing with scrotes (unfortunately), but I'll get quite talkative once I feel comfortable enough. I'm very curious and always eager to learn new info, so please tell me about whatever niche interest you may have, I'd love to hear you talk about it. Also I'm a desister so if you've been struggling with dysphoria I'll probably be able to relate.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Nerdy interests include: pharmacology, chemistry, plants/botany, neuroscience, immunology, geography, history, linguistics, philosophy
When it comes to hobbies, I enjoy cooking, hiking, singing, drumming and drawing. Just started lifting as well.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Movies: Coraline + lots of stuff from Tim Burton, everything from Tarkovsky
Music: I listen to a lot of stuff, favourite genres include choir, drum and bass, breakcore, psytrance, rock, ambient.
Books: novels from Hunter S Thompson, Kerouac, Burroughs, Dostoevsky… If I had to choose 1 book series as my favourite, would probably pick Tales of the city. I also love poetry, and philosophy as mentioned above (Spinoza fangirl here).

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc).

Mbti is somewhere in between INTJ and INTP. Astrology is retarded, sorry.
Mainly use /ot/, /g/ and /snow/, initially got into lolcow thanks to the tranny threads lol

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I just want female friends to talk about life, and learn from each other's experiences and interests.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

My schedule is a bit heavy rn, but feel free to message me whenever

No. 320137

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>How long this contact will remain active?

as long as i use discord





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

positive, friendly. a little on the quiet side or it would be better to say that i struggle communicating. but i also do tend to overshare sometimes, and i like getting to know people, so i will be asking you lots of questions.

>Hobbies and pastimes

i've been getting into gaming lately. i usually play games like Stardew, Disco Elysium, and co-op games when people are available to play with me. i also discovered i enjoy fromsoft games and there is one i'm currently obsessed with. i like watching series/anime/movie, but nothing that is too long or requires a long term investment. i'm trying to read more. i like cooking and eating.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Movies - Amelie, Midsommar, EEAAO,
Anime: i'm not a big anime fan, but currently i'm watching MHA, Jujutsu Kaisen. i like old shoujo series i watched as a kid, and i really enjoyed Madoka. i can try to watch anything you recommend.

Music: stuff like Cocteau Twins, Fiona Apple, Deftones, Tool
Books: i recently read "i have no mouth and i must scream" and i cannot stop thinking about it. i'm thinking about starting Emma soon.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

crypto terf, i use g and ot the most. it's been a long time since i last paid attention to any cows tbh i watch YouTube way too much.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

cool and weird women i can be friends with. i want someone i can bother constantly and that don't mind me asking what's going on in their life, i just really want to talk to somebody. i would also like to play games or watch stuff with other people.i also would like to practice communicating in english, since it's a second language for me.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

i'm on my phone most of the time, so kinda of available. there are moments that i do have to stuff at work, but it's rare. i do go to bed super early tho.

No. 320166

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burntfishnchips at gmail dot com but will give discord once we can talk more
>How long this contact will remain active?
EST (Eastern standard)
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
active and love discussions
>Hobbies and pastimes
I love gaming. I love Silent hill, resident evil, anything horror. I want someone to play video games with on steam or ps4 (ps5 soon)
>Favorite book/tv/ etc
Harry Potter, Star wars, lord of the rings, silent hill, etc.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to chat with and game with if they want to. As long as they're a woman and not a tranny, I don't care.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I work at random times before 5pm, so anytime is fine really.

No. 320175

A creepy 4chan male added me, sorry I'm not going to be using this thread anymore…

No. 320178

That's okay, nona. You go with your gut.

No. 320201

we have similar taste in games and the fact i was just rereading kase-san when i saw ur post is insane. i'm too shy to approach you though, all the best.

No. 320212

>How long this contact will remain active?
For the foreseeable
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Well my mom calls me a free spirit, ha! Outgoing, i think I’m funny, impulsive, def enjoy a little bit of drama
>Hobbies and pastimes
Some handicrafts, getting into cooking, casual gaming (my 3ds will be ripped from my cold dead hands)
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movies: Twilight saga, Shawshank redemption, little miss sunshine, horror and comedy
Shows: Bridgerton, broad city, baking competitions, stupid comedies (Reno 911, South Park)
Books: most things rainbow Rowell, twilight (again), I’ll try most YA books, currently reading The Dirt
Music: 80s rock/hair metal, lana, Jack off jill, hey violet, carolesdaughter
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
Entj, taurus, I browse randomly but some favs are Pixielocks, celebricows, husbando, tif and tim, and the perfume thread is really fun. Enjoy fashion and makeup and tbh I’m one hell of a consoomer but I do try my damndest to buy 2nd hand and donate/give to friends and family
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Some sort of genuine connection, or just someone to talk shit with lmao
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I work full time but my phone is always on me! Contact away I’ll respond asap~!
(Sorry for posting and deleting a few times I kept forgetting shit)

No. 320253

don't be shy nonnie! i would love to be friends with you!

No. 320363

i'll give it a try! i'll send you a friend request my discord is ending with 44

No. 320581

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>How long this contact will remain active?

A year





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

I've been told I give good advice, always there to listen to people.I don't know what else to say honestly I tend to refrain from talking too much about myself.

>Hobbies and pastimes

I love reading, movies, video games, art, technology. I recently got into rollerblading and language learning (German, Japanese, Russian). Currently learning programming to get a new career.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I don't have a single favorite movie, it depends on the genre. Off the top of my head A tale of two sisters was really good. I like historical films and period dramas too. I like cooking shows or just watching people cook on yt. Also nature docs cuz I like learning about animals. GITS is my favorite anime although I don't watch anime in general much anymore.
For music I have all sorts of genres in my library with different languages too. I mostly like jazz, DnB and orchestral. Books, Out by Kirino Natsuo and the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman are great. I'm always open to media suggestions.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I've been here for years and I mostly lurk the ftm thread cuz its hilarious and ot and g for general info on things. Really I find most of the cows uninteresting especially on pt and I wonder how some have over 100 threads.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

This is going to sound silly. I'm not very superstitious person but this morning I had a dream that I made a friend who was into drone racing we talked like it was the most natural thing. When I woke up I was inspired to post here and make a new friend. I currently have one long time female friend but there's certain things I'm into that she isn't and vice versa. I just crave female companionship. It's been so long since I've made new friends cuz I don't put myself out there. I also need someone to practice languages with.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I'm not that busy and if I am a always respond within a reasonable time.

No. 320614

I don’t feel comfortable putting my tag here but pls reply with urs if ur interested in being friends!!
>How long this contact will remain active?
Forever hopefully
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
I’m pretty childish and retarded and i just like laughing and having fun basically
>Hobbies and pastimes
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I’m a classic rock and metal lover. I’m absolutely obsessed w my 70s and 80s husbandos so if ur a fellow dad rock enjoyer let’s be besties pls!!! Some bands i like include van halen, black sabbath, t rex, motley crue, pantera, and kiss. I’m also a radfem and obsessed with the 80s

No. 320621

Forgot to mention I’m also unhealthily obsessed with frank zappa. If that’s up ur street let’s be pals plz

No. 320631

Your typing style is retarded

No. 320635

i dont think it works like that lol, you're supposed to give yours instead, lots of nonnies wont reply with their tags only for you

No. 320688

only get ghosted by other nonnies it’s so hard to make online friends

No. 320702

She did say that she's childlish so that's just on brand, don't be mean

No. 320712

I deleted my mailaccount, I realised I don't feel comfortable making friends online, sorry Nonnies who mailed me.

No. 320789

Anons there was a mentally ill anon in /g/ who admitted to being male and having weird feeling's towards his sister, you can check relationship advice thread for his posts.
I'd advise being cautious of the people you add right now because he might still be around.

No. 320885

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>How long this contact will remain active?
hopefully a lot of time!
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
20-25 but I dont really mind
>Hobbies and pastimes
Im really into reading right now! I have a goal of reading 100 books a year so if you like books you can totally send recs! (specially if written by women) And the time that im not reading im knitting! im still a beginner tho, I'm also interested in learning how to sew and I love historical fashion/jfashion. I also like history and im majoring on it in college
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I really like Jane Eyre! Her character is very dear to me for some reason, books and shows with a female protag are always my favourite too
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I speak both English and Spanish so im comfortable with both, I dont really understand the zodiacs but I am a gemini
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
A lot of talking! And if we both live close and some time has passed id love to meet irl too
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
contact me whenever! my sleep schedule is kinda messed up so I dont really mind

No. 320898

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Weird goth artsy radfem lesbian obsessed with catholic imagery, vampires, and music. Happily married to someone only slightly less weird. Mean femme, but I’ve been told I’m surprisingly bubbly compared to how I type. Detrans + cryptoterf
>Hobbies and pastimes
Shitty punk/metal shows, art, collecting old Christian knickknacks and bones, lurking in thrift stores, watching weird YouTube deep dives.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Visual kei, goth, prog, industrial, metal - Malice Mizer, Lareine, Cattle Decap, Christian Death, She Past Away, MCR. Trigun, Rose of Versailles, Innocent, Vampire Hunter D. Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I’m a Cancer, I mostly lurk the Pixielocks, MtF/FtM, and bad art threads.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to share music or play games/watch movies with, bitch about stuff we hate, talk feminism, whatever. I prefer voice chat to texting, and like to talk to people while doing various crafts or watching tv.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Whenever, I’m a NEET

No. 320953

I removed a few of you because I got the feeling we don't really click due to lack of response plus me being a bit paranoid about my personal information online. Sorry about that.

No. 320998

You sound cool as fuck, do you have an upper age limit on who can add you?

No. 321033

Thank you! And no, I don’t have an upper age limit. Anyone can add me as long as they’re not male or a teenager

No. 321041

Sent an email!

No. 321146

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bonebroth#2136 / lucky666etc @ gmail if you don't have discord

>How long this contact will remain active?

indefinitely ?





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

i kind of oscillate between manic and shy, but i love meeting new people and might ask/share too much personal stuff. i'm very romantic and sentimental. i actually have no idea what kind of person i come off as

>Hobbies and pastimes

reading, writing/journaling, graphic design, doing my own gel nails/nail art at home, casual games, drawing..broader interests include biology, chemistry, religion, history, fashion & subcultures, entomology

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

reading is my preferred form of media! my favorite genre is magic realism, and my favorite authors are lorrie moore and banana yoshimoto. i think translated literature is interesting..i love manga but my taste is super random and scattered

i'm usually too impatient for shows/movies but i love them when someone forces me to watch them. my favorite anime are ping pong and tatami galaxy.

music: broadcast, lush, cocteau twins, boy harsher, slowdive, clan of xymox, my little airport, mid air thief, TWICE, fantastic plastic machine

games: disco elysium, dark souls, botw, smt/persona

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

i like hearing about people's everyday lives so i tend to browse /ot/ the most. i'm a pisces INFP crybaby with a silicon valley tech job. i'm trying to quit smoking cigs. oh, i'm also bilingual ENG/ESP

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

i work from home and i don't really have irl friends so i'm going a little nuts, i'd just like some girlfriends to chat with casually.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

i'm usually free , but i can be a little shy so i might not reply right away

No. 321765

uni nonnie from mtf thread if ur here my discord is corn cob#1262

No. 322773

Is anyone from London willing to be friends with a depressed 18 year old girl? I just want someone to go out with. I don't really care how old you are, I just have a very hard time leaving the house and would really like someone to go out with but I can't find anyone. I have not had friends in years and it can get lonely. I don't even have acquaintances to talk to. I'm also lesbian so it would be cool if you are also lesbian but it's not necessary. I promise I will try to be nice. I love reading non fiction, listening to classical music, and petting my cat. Please give me a chance. Reply to my post with contact details and I will make an account on whatever platform and message you. We can maybe eventually visit museums together and drink coffee at cafes and study together at libraries. But I must warn you I get lost very easily.

No. 322817

Please remember that we have countless males or trannies who very often use this thread. One even acquired nudes and other info of an anon and leaked it.
If you need friends you should sign up to a hobby class or try a dating app and say you're only looking for female friends.

No. 322836

In addition to what anon above me said it's rude and counter productive to expect other anons to respond to you with their contact info so you can contact them. No, you're the one putting out the friend request, they shouldn't have to expose their contact info for all to see just to contact 1 person. Same goes for >>320614

No. 323347

anon I'll be in London in June. Let me know if you're interested.

No. 324259

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>How long this contact will remain active?

Forever unless for whatever reason i change discords





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

18-30 honestly, but i feel like we have a better chance of connecting if you're within a closer age range to me (18-24)

>How would you describe yourself?

Shy, kinda spergy, blunt, passionate about interests, emotional, but very compassionate towards friends

>Hobbies and pastimes

Drawing, video games, anime, chris chan lore, technology, biking, sleeping

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Breaking bad and south park are my favorite shows. My favorite albums are velocity design comfort by sweet trip and soundtracks for the blind by swans. My favorite anime are fullmetal alchemist (both vers), jojos, and code geass. I am a huge fan of jrpgs and i'll play anything that catches my interest honestly.

>Other random tidbits about you

I'm an unironic autist so if that puts you off, then flee. I'd also like verification that you're not a scrote please.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Just looking for another woman to talk about shit with and actually be friends with, preferably as one as mentally ill as me lmfao.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I'm starting a fulltime job soon but i'll try to find time to respond.

Another disclaimer; i may respond a bit late but that's probably because i'm nervous

No. 324316

i feel a bit bad because i had nice convos with some nonnas, but i'm almost always too tired to socialize so i don't go online too much
i hope whoever i talked to didn't take it in the bad way

No. 324473

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I find instant messaging with strangers stressful so i want to start out with mail. I can add you on discord later if we get along.
>How long this contact will remain active?
Not sure, try it!
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
I'm easy going and don't take myself very seriously. I love discussing whatever comes up and listening to others rant about their interests!
>Hobbies and pastimes
Creative stuff in general, mainly drawing as that's the only thing I'm decent at but I also like making music, sculpting and occasionally knitting something simple.
I love outdoorsy activitites and spending time in nature, and I'm very interested in enviromentalism related topics.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Anime/manga: haibane renmei, glt, monster, anything fkmt, ykk, eizouken etc you know the type. I mostly only read manga nowadays however
Movies: I'm currently into asian cinema and movies about women. My favorite genres are drama and thriller.
games: Basic nintendo stuff and minecraft. If you play on bedrock we can play together, i suck at it and only play on peaceful though but it's relaxing to build and gather resources while listening to music
books: I pretty much only read source material for movies I like since I'm so bad at finding things that catch my interest, so recommendations would be very welcome!
>Other random tidbits about you
I've been a lurker for years and browse /m/ and /ot/, art and media related threads mostly. I'm very introverted and don't always feel like writing so don't expect quick answers if you message me, also beware of obvious esl and obnoxious typing style.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
People with at least somewhat similar interests! Especially if you're into any creative hobbies. I would also love to have someone to talk about movies with who isn't only into the most popular stuff.
What I don't want is people who constantly bring up their bf/gf or search for one in every conversation, or overly negative people who vent about everything wrong in their life all the time.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact whenever!

No. 324485

it happens. That's more or less the norm so I wouldn't beat myself up about it if I were you

No. 324686

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>How long this contact will remain active?
Pacific Standard Time
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Energetic, chaotic & extroverted. I also have a soft heart but that doesn't mean I'm strongly sensitive, I simply care about people's wellbeing.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Drawing, playing video games like farming simulation/rhythm games, browse old websites (web 2.0), watch horror movies & watch true crime interrogation on YouTube.
MOVIES: Black Swan, HER & Lovely Bones
ANIME: Future Diary, Chobits & Elfen Lied
MUSIC GENRE: Witchhouse, Indie pop & Phonk (NOT drift phonk)
MUSIC ARTIST: Lil Darkie, $uicideboy$ & Current Joys
>Other random tidbits about you
Libra, ENFJ (I was ENFP), Taurus in moon
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I'm searching for a long-term connection with people who will engage in conversation, play games, and watch shows with me ^ ^
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
You can contact me anytime! I only have 2 classes this month and that's about it :>

No. 324755

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I do not use discord, nor do I plan to use it. Please understand this.

>How long this contact will remain active?






>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

Just be 18+, although I am uncomfortable if you're 30 or older.

>How would you describe yourself?

I'm kind of a shithead lmao

>Hobbies and pastimes

I'm a fan of retro games, especially old arcade ones and fighting games. I'm not a fan of new stuff that often. I also like to draw animals and fanart of my favorite characters.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I just want to have fun and talk about dumb shit tbh. I would especially be up for talking with you if you're a Spanish speaker, since I also want to practice my skills in writing.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Contact me whenever.

No. 325979

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>How long this contact will remain active?



GMT+3, but I'm a programming major so time is meaningless at this point.



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

20+, unless you're like really cool. Like a really cool 19 year old. Not lower than that. No upper age limit cause older women are cool af.

>How would you describe yourself?

That's a tough question. I'm usually extremely kind and sweet. I try my best to make everyone feel wanted and welcome. I'd like to think I'm pretty smart. I'm usually a lot more bubbly and talkative than I appear to be. I love to nerd out about about any kind of show or book or piece of media I happen to be into at the time. I can chat about just about anything, though I definitely prefer talking about some subjects than others. I guess I can also be pretty stubborn. I'd never take it out on my friends though. I love my friends to bits. They mean the world to me.

>Hobbies and pastimes

I write and draw for fun. I have a ton of lore planned out. Discussing plot details and character development with my friends. I've also recently gotten into reading a book series from my childhood. I'm actually curious, since this is a female only forum, if any of you has heard of it. It's a mystery book series from the early 2010s' about this genius code cracker girl. It's marketed at young girls/preteens. I would be shocked if any of you actually knew of this book, since it's actually pretty obscure. Book aside, I like hatewatching movies and criticizing tropes, not because I'm a cynical asshole who thinks she's better than anyone else, but because I'm a cynical asshole AND I see the potential. Plus sometimes it's just fun to be a hater. At the same time I gush endlessly about movies and shows near and dear to me. Currently researching 60s-early70s period (again, for the book), so if you have any information about that (Fashion, technology, science or anything you could think of) please let me know! I'd appreciate it a lot.

Other than that I'm extroverted as fuck. I love spending time outside, on a sunny hill, reading my favourite book. I love being out in the sun. It's good for me. I also love taking long strolls along the beach until I find rocky, sharp boulders, and run across the side to discover hidden caves and sea life. I just fucking love summer man.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I don't really believe in that stuff but it's fun to engage. Scorpio, ENFP, mostly the bad art threads(it's actually pretty useful as someone who wishes to improve their art).It doesn't matter but I'm bi (febfem), and it'd be cool to be in touch with other women who are also attracted to women.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I'd like something long term. I'd like to have a friend I can talk to about whatever comes to. Someone who will indulge my nerdy rants about things that make me happy, or even share with me the things that make her happy too! Also someone who can quickly catch onto my sense of humour would be ideal. I can be a little mean at times. I love to tease those I love the most. I'm usually pretty extroverted and talk a lot, so if you think that might be an issue maybe we wouldn't be the best match, sorry :(

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

While I can't promise to respond to you on the dot, I'll always make sure to read your responses and write back, usually within the same day!(:()

No. 325985

added immediately!

No. 326238

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soothingrains@protonmail.com but we can switch to discord if we click
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
a loser who's in the process fixing her life lol
>Hobbies and pastimes
gardening, taking walks and taking dumb pictures of flowers, budding interest in tarot but I haven't delved deep yet.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I like indie-pop and metal(core)
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
just someone to have fun conversations with, a distraction from irl tbh. if you're also into gardening that'd be great but if not that's cool too as long as you can keep a conversation going! I'm down to chat about anything pretty much.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm relatively busy so I can't chat for more than a few minutes at a time, I'll just sporadically reply when I can throughout the day! But definitely contact me whenever. Sticking to e-mail is fine by me too

No. 326288

we are around the same age and i like the games you like anon, i'm thinking of adding you but i'm very awkward, i'd love to play video games with you but unfortunately have a shit connection right now. I may or may not have had the courage to add you by the time you see this!
also interested in you anon but again same problem, can't game with anyone right now. It's so rare to see people around 30 posting in this thread

2nd anon mentioning disco elysium here just as i am starting to play it, now i'm looking forward to it more

can i take all 3, put you all in a server and watch you play games (insert sad face emoji)

No. 326730

>forgot to mention they’re rape JRPGs
Hi rancefucker/raversfantasy from AO3

No. 327491

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digital love #7257 (i think making friends on discord is pretty cringe now so if we actually became friends I'd expect to talk somewhere else like instagram or something)

>How long this contact will remain active?

it's just an alt account so once I feel comfortable with you, you can have my actual info





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

neurodivergent failed normie who's just vibing I guess

>Hobbies and pastimes

photography, making music, listening to music, singing, writing (poetry, lyrics), watching movies and tv shows, sometimes video games, tumblr, occasionally reading, going outside, hanging out with people, going to shows, shopping, watching youtube, pinterest, working out, Twitch, esoteric shit and the occult, acquiring knowledge and not being able to retain any of it

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

this is cringe just message me and we can talk about it. right now i'm watching succession and shameless. i listen to a lot of emo, screamo, pop punk, pop, hyperpop, hip hop, hardcore, indie, kind of everything.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

i used to use soc on forchan a lot in an attempt to make friends but this is a lot better. i don't really come on here but im sick of talking to boys and i have no close female friends. its so much harder to make connections with girls than with men. i promise im not as off putting as i seem in this post i just find doing this so awkward and i've done it so many times. i like plants and fashion and travelling and experiencing new things. i experience a lot of burnout and i have issues with sleep and am currently working two jobs so i do spend a lot of time inside but i love the outdoors and animals and just DOING things. also i used to be in bandom so if you're into fall out boy, panic at the disco, the whole fueled by five thing, that's kind of a huge bonus for me because i don't have an outlet for that part of my brain anymore. also i talk about myself a lot and ramble about random stuff so if you want me to know something about u just tell me i guess im kind of bad at being a friend sometimes. i have anxiety and anhedonia and sleep deprivation etc etc but im recovering

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

another failed normie/neurodivergent baddie who maybe lives in the midwest and we can be friends and maybe hang out irl someday but mostly i just need girls to talk to because im going crazy.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

i can get burnt out on talking to people really quickly but you generally can message me whenever please just don't be anxious and weird and expect me to immediately message you back.

No. 328869

I relate so much wanting to be friends with other women and doing "normie" things outside, unfortunately I'm eurofag

No. 329577

bump, still interested in finding new people. Haven't gotten anyone in my emails as of now.

No. 329797

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hitting rock bottom, just want some human connections. we can talk about whatever you want.



>How long this contact will remain active?

forever probably





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

sorry but i really don't know how to answer this

>Hobbies and pastimes

outdoor activities (walking running kayaking fishing) basically just trying to go outside as much as i can.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

video games: chrono trigger, dark souls 1, disco elysium

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

browses 4chan /x/ regularly ever since i managed to astral project few years ago


>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

a distraction

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?


No. 329901

>How long this contact will remain active?
forever or until someone creeps me out
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
early 20s up pls
>How would you describe yourself?
Currently depressed and aimless, nerd at heart, get invested in things and people quickly. A little avoidant but I'm working on it. Shy, kind but let loose once I'm comfortable around people. A bit socially inept but not actually diagnosed with autism.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I bake a lot and do yoga. I do my own makeup/hair/nail art. I'm into fashion and love putting together outfits on polyvore clones. I like lolita and jfashion but I've never worn it. Used to play videogames a lot. I say I crochet but all I've ever done is start a pair of mittens and abandon the project halfway through, twice.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Generally love weird fiction and horror books, horror movies, anything with vampires, 2000s emo and pop, goth, darkwave. I dabble in hardcore, industrial and punk. Random media I enjoy: Silent Hill, China Mieville books, SCP foundation, MBMBAM, VTMB, Yakuza, true crime, Love Nikki, TLOU, BCS/BRBA, old Assassins Creed games, Physical, Twin Peaks, X Files, Yorgos Lanthimos movies, Death Note, Red Dwarf
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I'm a gemini, febfem, hang out in /g/ a lot.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Just to connect and talk to people.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact me whenever but I get anxiety about answering messages. I'm trying my best to get over it, just keep it in mind kek.

No. 329902

And if you're in my part of the world I wouldn't mind meeting up if things go right I guess.

No. 329964


>How long this contact will remain active?

Probably forever, just a spam email I keep up with.





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

Not too concerned, I'd say 24-35 I guess. Technically anyone older if we click, Its no biggie.

>How would you describe yourself?

I'm fairly laid back, try not to be too self obsessed or up my own ass about things. Making sure to let others talk and have interest in other people's experiences. I'm someone who actually likes to spend time and chat with people, not just watch a movie or other media together. Actually spending time engaging.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Trying to read more. I garden indoor and outdoor, my place is bordering on some of the 'plant tok' shit you'll see posted. I try to be fitness and health minded, doesn't come easy but it all still interests me. I doodle a bit, never would say that I'm an artist.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Not much of a watcher of movies or shows. Occasionally I'll watch a shitty movie with my husband if he's inclined.

Movie: Memento, Interview with the Vampire, Freddy Got Fingered, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Shows: I'll re-watch ATHF all the time, its been the best 'I'm sick and I'm dying, I wanna laugh" type show. Last TV show I watched was 'Go Fuck Yourself Kevin'.

Music: Deftones, QOTSA, The Tragically Hip, The Bravery, as a sample.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

INFJ-T, Taurus. I usually browse the other Farms, don't do much posting on either site though. Following an amount of the Deathfats, Anisa, GRS & SRS thread and a lot of other cows. Also kept up with Onision for a while and check up on a few cows that I don't watch always.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Someone to talk to about trannies and lolcows, other things that are forsaken.

Not gonna lie, one day I hope to find someone else terminally online like me to be friends irl. I'd love to have someone who also knows about lolcows and we can talk about trannies together. Currently I have no terf friends and trying to find one where I'm at is impossible without having myself shunned from the community, lol. I just wanna go drink fancy coffee and stare at trannies in town and gossip. WHY IS THIS SO HARD?

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Ngl, I can be lazy with getting back to people. no more than a day and I won't be annoyed if I get messages. I'll let you know if I'm at work or w/e, I don't have many people messaging me so it's a nice experience.

No. 330506

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This contact will be active for the foreseeable future as I don’t often change my username.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Within a few years up/down
>How would you describe yourself?
I’m generally positive and outgoing! I love cats and spend a lot of time in local cafes.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I’ve written a couple of books and some short stories. I’m trying to get a horror anthology together for self publication while I look for an agent for one of the books I wrote. I spend a lot of time reading and writing. I’d like to trade feedback and advice or just rant about the struggles of being a creative. Id love to see your art even if it’s not of the same medium.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I often play interrogation analysis footage (praise JCS) or some other form of youtube true crime in the background.
>Other random tidbits about you
ENTJ but used to be INTP.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I'd love someone to talk about creative hobbies with and I feel like I have more in common with people who are used to imageboard culture.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
My time zone is less popular so we might not be online at the same time every day but I’m generally free to chat.

No. 331756

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>How long this contact will remain active?
Hopefully, a long time
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Timid, kind, 'cringe', autistic, sincere, sensitive
>Hobbies and pastimes
Drawing, writing, reading, fanfics, learning, programming (newbie), crocheting (also a new-found hobby.)
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Video game → Civ6, DST, Cities Skylines
Manga/Anime → Death Note, Haibane Renmei, Aria The Animation, Helter Skelter
Book → The Bell Jar, Homesick For Another World
Music → Deftones, Radiohead, Duster, Julie, Have a Nice Life, old CSH.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
/g/, /snow/, and INTJ. I have a fat and embarrassing crush on Kokichi Oma.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Chatting about life, having fun, listening to music.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'll be around.

No. 332518

I talked to you before and I want to re-add you. I hope you're still here.

No. 332556

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>How long this contact will remain active?
Pretty long, it's my main.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Lonely and terminally online, learning to leave house.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Hiking, fitness, cooking, doll collecting, fashion, puzzles, YT vids.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I love A24, punk music and nonfiction.
Commonly watch or read random stuff to kill time therefore down to any media.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
Now super common on Sayna, TIMS and TIFS threads. Also going through random /snow threads when I'm bored.
Just moved to US. Getting my life together with looking for job and applying to college.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Get a special friend to talk to, share stuff with and gossip about life.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I always could find a time for you.

No. 332963

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Preferably 25+ but I'm not picky!
>How would you describe yourself?
Introverted, nerdy homebody. Nonfeminine function-over-form type bitch. Perfectionistic neat freak. Shy, but curious! Kinda on the normie side but a little too esoteric to connect with people easily irl.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Birdwatching, medfag stuff (really interested in bioethics, hospice care, thanatology), cooking, health/wellness/fitness (gym buddies welcome), watching documentaries, weird history… I love the outdoors but I'm scared to go outside alone because of men. Thinking of getting back into film photography. I really love learning in general. Very light gamer, mostly into games that are 15-20 years old and emulating them on those chinese handheld emulators. I enjoy surrealist/absurdist humor (XRA, Tim and Eric, The Eric Andre Show, etc…) I watch too much Youtube also, mostly vids/channels that are relevant to my interests. I love antiques and weird knick-knacks but I don't collect them bc I don't like clutter lmao.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I'm a big fan of 90s/00s media, esp. cartoons. Music Genres: ambient, art rock, dream pop, electronic, folk, math rock, indie, outsider, pop punk, post-rock, sad/slowcore, synth-pop, synthwave. Reference & nonfiction book enjoyer. I really like field guides.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I work in healthcare (WFH), probably AvPD, definitely neurodivergent but really trying to overcome it. I lurk the tranny/man hate boards, 2X/OT, sometimes check out the girly boards for advice, and my fave threads are the femdom ones ;) I lurk KF too, mostly on Tard Baby General, Trannies on Social Media, and Random Pics/Gifs. My enneagram tritype is 459. Idfc about astrology.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I just want real, genuine friends that I can be myself around. I'm really low maintenance/keep low expectations so just shooting the shit, talking about what we did today or sharing our interests would make me really happy. Ideal Outcome: have friends to do irl stuff with.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I work full time and keep normie hours but idc when you message me as long as you're willing to be patient with me! I'm most easily contacted between 5-8pm CST on weekdays, any time during the day on weekends.(;))

No. 332972

This sounds like a male. I'd advice against contacting.

No. 332983

Please… I'm really not. Anyone who wants to contact me is free to ask for proof that I'm female. I just want friends. I'm WFH and all of my coworkers are like 30 years older than me. :((:()

No. 332984

what the fuck? what’s with lc and calling absolutely anyone a scrote lately?

No. 332992

The fact that this nonna is looking for friends over the age of 25 rules out the possibility that it’s a scrote, lol

No. 333001

You sound cool anon but unfortunately I stopped trying to make friends on here. Best of luck to you in finding people from here

No. 333008

Aww, that's okay nonny, I understand. Thank you anyway and I wish you the best in your life endeavors!

No. 333088

I think it's a male because of several clues
>32 but says she's scared to go outside at all because of men
>refers to the female related boards as "girly advice" which sounds tranny-ish
>mentions femdom randomly, uses a flirty emoji while doing so
>breaks emoji rule several times and admits she(?) comes from kiwifarms
Idk. She/he mentions femdom and most femdomfag males specifically go for older women. Just be cautious contacting anyone from here.

No. 333095

nta but at the very least it's clearly an outsider using this thread before even having bothered to integrate, that's enough reason to not interact. This thread isn't for LC outsiders to come and make use of when they want to.

No. 333141

sure but not every newfag is a scrote

No. 333279

I don't blame newfags for wanting to make a friend and peace out rather than integrate. If I was socially competent I would do the same.

No. 333358

File: 1685957636640.gif (1.23 MB, 640x508, powerpuff-girls-z.gif)


>How long will this line of contact remain active

As long as I have discord installed probably





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

As long as ur 20-80 I can be friends with you all day!

>How would you describe yourself?

I'm kind of light hearted according to some people. I can be edgy some times. I don't have many hard hitting political opinions but it's not like I can't be friends with those who do. I'm black btw (I say this because I don't want to form a good friendship with someone and then it turns out their racist and they find out I'm black and its a whole thing, it's happened to me before!) I am not a very sexual person I don't really like talking about that stuff all that much it actually makes me feel pretty awkward. I try to be a positive addition to the lives of the people around me for the most part so I like listening to people vent because it's usually really helpful. ALSO if you're a creative with cool ideas I wanna hear about them! I want a friend with Original Characters as well because that just sounds like a lot of fun!

>Hobbies and pastimes

FARMING SIMS,Bitch i wanna play the new Harvest moon with you or I wanna play Animal crossing, but I'm also down for Minecraft!! I love comfy chill games they fill my heart with glee and my boyfriend doesn't like them but ideally you will! I need to pay my switch online but if you can prove to me that you are a real one, and a hard core farming gamer I will pay it just for you! (I also like Splatoon a lot but im bad at it)

I like talking about animation,a lot. I love animation and have a lot of interest in the industry itself so I think I'd get along well with someone with an appreciation for the animation scene who will complain about the Oscars with me.

I like anime too but I don't watch as much as I did when I was young for some reason. There are alot of tropes I dislike tbh. Also

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Well for books, I really loved Jennette McCurdy's book "I'm glad my mom died"
I've also been enjoying Julia Childs memoir and some Harry Potter here and there!

But I mostly read comics and manga! I've just started Delicious Dungeon and I am collecting I Hate Fairyland. My recent faves are Sweet Paprika and Snotgirl! Love Brian Lee O'Malley's work personally!

My favorite movies are Perfect Blue,Kamikaze girls, and Song of The Sea. I really can't place my favorite genre, I'm really all over the place when it comes to movies.

For music…Uhm, I listen to MSI, I'm cringe,I know. I also still listen to vocaloid and stuff but I also have non cringe stuff I listen to but there's no specific band I listen to whatever appeals to my ears.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I'm a Scorpio, I was born in the year of the snake though I don't really believe in horoscope stuff I still think it's kinda fun to read lil fortunes, I'm learning the Italian language, I am terrified of bugs I hate them with all of my might! I like to draw & write! My favorite threads are the Western Animation Thread and the Manaknight thread! I'm very talkative like I really like talking to people it's very fun for me even though I'm quite shy at first!

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Irl, all of my friends are boys, do to my neet past. I share all of my friends with my boyfriend! I want my own friends who are women who I can relate to me and can understand my rants about coomer culture lol. I want someone I could potentially meet IRL. I'm looking for a hopefully long lasting friendship!

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

You can contact me whenever, I am lucky to work from home so I am almost always available!

No. 334078

File: 1686189901995.jpeg (79.83 KB, 680x680, file.jpeg)

will give you my main discord when I get to know you better.
>How long this contact will remain active?
Forever unless I randomly delete it.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Shy, autistic, cringe etc.
>Hobbies and pastimes
drawing/art/creating ocs, reading, playing games occasionally, listening to music
>other things I like:
Video Games: Minecraft, MKwii, Skyrim, Roblox, Resident Evil, The Witcher
Music: no specific genre.
Miscellaneous: Random Yt videos: Art and True Crime vids
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc.)
Lurker on /g/ for a while, one of the oneyfags, I occasionally browse the husbando threads.
Every now and then I'll find a character to get obsessively attached with.
>What are you looking for in this relationship?
Having a female friendship, someone to chat and be autistic with.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
You can contact me whenever, ill find time to respond back.

No. 334167


>How long this contact will remain active?

not sure, I'll try to have it as long as possible





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

an introvert but I talk a lot when I'm comfortable, I like to help people, I'm trying to eat better and want to start working out. I'm a spiritual person and have a hard time relating to people who aren't

>Hobbies and pastimes

video games and drawing, trying new crafts, listening to video essays

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

last show I watched was The Good Place, I like grunge and emo music, reading is a little hard for me now but I want to get into audiobooks

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I'm really paranoid about posting publicly from having enough bad experiences so this is pretty vague, I'd rather click with someone's personality first before telling them all about me

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I want to find other artists to share with or play some games, and talk freely about whatever without the risk of being blocked and cancelled

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I'm not really busy but this is an alt so I don't check it all the time, and I wait a while to reply sometimes

No. 334181

That email is defunct.
My bad lol
try, hyenoni@protonmail.com

No. 334435

File: 1686356190903.png (1.02 MB, 1517x2048, b913fa61-41d5-4b97-bfcb-490eb4…)

I like drawing and fashion (mostly Japanese, I recently got into lolita and I would love to meet other lolitas.) I also read manga from time to time. I browse the art, fashion, and lolita threads the most.
I want people who will draw or read manga with me. Lolitas and fashion loving nonnas are also welcome.
No males (even the ones who don't identify as such) and no coomers, you'll be blocked without a second thought.
I can voice verify, but I won't be able to VC regularly, in case that's something you'd want.
I'm 20 years old and I will talk to anyone as long as they're at least 18.
We can exchange discords later, here's my email: gatestonowhere@proton.me

No. 334607

>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
18+, preferably college age but any is fine
>How would you describe yourself?
quiet autist who loves herpetology and louise brooks
>Hobbies and pastimes
drawing, reading, diy clothes and figures
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I love star trek, the twilight zone, frasier, daria and curb your enthusiasm. I like female revenge flicks and psychological thrillers. Trying to watch everything on my letterboxd watchlist right now. I prefer non-fiction textbooks but I read classic lit too. Currently reading watamote. I play tf2 and even sometimes roblox. I love jazz and experimental new wave and punk music.
>Other random tidbits about you
intp, poster on /g/xx/m/ot/
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
anyone with a similar personality just to talk about everyday things
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
not a busy person, but not one to contact around 1am-7am pst

No. 334612

I tried emailing this contact but it says it could not be found or cannot receive mail. Not sure if it's because its a proton mail account.

No. 334632

try @proton.me instead of @protonmail.com

No. 334635

didn't work

No. 334668

that's weird, the email works, maybe you made a typo?

No. 335103

nonnies! don't forget to update your posts with your new usernames if you still want to stay reachable- discord is making everyone change their usernames

No. 335769

And adding pronouns

Fuckin hell
Is there anywhere I can go to escape this shit?

No. 335779

Seriously? No option to leave it blank?

No. 335784

There is but i shouldn't have to see that shit at all
They shove their gendie bullshit in my face and I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut when they tell me there's actually 13 genders?

No. 336243

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>How long this contact will remain active?



GMT+2 (Central Europe)



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

Awkward, doomer weeb-adjacent girl. Used to have hobbies but now kind of don't? Almost 30 and still don't know what I'm doin

>Hobbies and pastimes

sometimes XIV, anime, language learning but mostly I'm trying to learn German right now. I will eventually learn JP in the future. I'm also into the occasional Otome game and good novels. I also like to binge read shoujo manga/manhwa and BL. Random video essays are also nice

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

shows: Succession, Handmaid's Tale, Rick and Morty
books: Sayaka Murata

Haven't watched anime in years but I still like the aesthetic. I'm open to trying some new shows.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I can be a bit neurotic but please be patient. Would be nice to just have a girlfriend to vent with, we don't even have to have that much in common tbh. Just want someone who isn't a complete normie. If you are good at health and fitness or can speak German that would be really nice. Hilf mir Deutsch zu lernen, bitte! +++ Would be nice if you're open-minded to discussing politics and don't get offended super easily.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Whenever but it's an alt so I may not reply right away. I'll give you my main if we click

No. 336272

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F 22 CA

>About me

FEMCEL 4 FEMCEL ONLY (I am not attracted to women in a sexual way but I'm open to it) extremely unhealthy unwell intp


drawing, designing, world building, animating, arts and ocs, clay/3d modeling, plushie making/sewing, mechatronics, gardening, animals, game design, comic making, toxicity? deranged humor, hurting men, fandom, men kissing
(i have not gotten very far in most of these except digital art and drawing)

>Looking for

close relationship with someone 20+ with shared interests and to be socialized

>Not looking for

biological males, manipulation (towards me), neediness

>What you can do for her / How can you fix her

be friends edate and such, discuss life, encourage shared hobbies



sorry i formatted this on moidchan

No. 336391

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19, but don’t add me if you’re a minor pls

tbh all I’m looking for is someone to talk to, mostly lurk around the lesbian threads, or m/
my interests rn are deltarune theories,mcbling fashion,skincare,perfumes,lana del rey

kinda autistic so if i say anything weird that’s probably why
also if I think you’re a troon you’re getting blocked

(also a newfag so i if make any mistakes just delete this sorry)

No. 336597

File: 1687220067723.jpg (51 KB, 623x478, me.jpg)

>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
prone to rambling and elaboration as a forewarning, but an avid conversationalist who loves talking to anyone from many different perspectives and life experiences!
>Hobbies and pastimes
reading manga or playing visual novels, mostly…
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
anime/manga: witch hat atelier, haibane renmei, phantom tales of the night, kino’s journey, currently reading land of the lustrous and pandora hearts, but i’m very open to suggestions!
reading: does reading psychology academia and several hour long wikipedia rabbit holes count? i love to learn, so i’m more interested in nonfiction articles than fictional novels, but i’m trying to be more interested in reading fiction - so again, very open to suggestions! currently reading simone de beauvoir’s autobiographies.
music: vocaloid and utaite covers, mostly…
games: currently playing zeno, 1bitheart, flesh blood and concrete, hashihime of old book town, finished slow damage and sweet pool… i’m more of a reader than a player. fan of the persona series - finished p5 and p3, currently playing p1.
>Other random tidbits about you
i love sea life and sea creatures! yumejoshi with a developing penchant for bl and gl medias.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
anyone with a passion for conversing! i’d enjoy it if we had similar interests, but that’s not required!
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
contact whenever!

No. 337415

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>How long this contact will remain active?

could be 4eva, could be neva


CST (midwest)



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

talkative, goofy, snappy dresser. open minded, but 'ate perversion. almost done with a BS in biology with double minor, plan to continue education. kind of a hermit, want to get out more.
enjoy topics such as crime, politics, disasters, enjoy learning about different cultures and subcultures, conspiracy theories, internet mysteries, lolcows of course. i enjoy psychoanalyzing people and the world. am a tinfoiler.
into skincare, makeup, fashion especially shoes.
interested in psychology, microbiology, mycology, anatomy, forensics, pathology, pharmaceuticals.
'ate math, 'ate chemistry.

>Hobbies and pastimes

i like painting but i've been stuck lately

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

'ate tv, 'ate movies. i like anime though. NGE, serial experiments lain, Monster, haibane renmei, Utena.
music: radiohead, SOAD, portishead, bjork, deftones, grimes, eths. i love nearly all kinds of music though. that's not an exhaustive list by any means
video games: i mostly play oldschool runescape. i love shin megami tensei and persona (pic rel). like a lot of rpgmaker games like Yume Nikki. also like some VNs like Higurashi and Higanbana
books: wish i read more. currently somewhat reading some books related to forensic pathology as that's the career field i'd like to enter when i've graduated

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

INTJ, scorpio (i know, i'm a terminal edgelord)
i've been here since 2018 and tend to keep on /ot/ but i find e-whore lolcows amusing, fatties like ALR and foodiebeauty are entertaining as well
I also spam the SMT thread on /m/
luv husbandoposting (keep it clean tho)
'ate troons.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

someone who is a good conversationalist and doesn't mind a huge talker. would prefer a fellow huge talker.
would luv a farmer friend IRL so midwestern nonnies hit me up plz, i'll bring weed

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

contact me whenever. i am sporadically busy/AFK

No. 337474

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Just looking for peeps to talk to. Not looking to get added into any servers. I'm just slightly drunk and would like to get to know people.

discord: dreamingawayurlife

No. 337519

is your discord active? Username not working

No. 337520

yeah, i'm logged in right now. idk why that would happen, two people from here sent me requests so far

No. 337522

very strange, perhaps its got something to do with old vs new format usernames

No. 337523

i think so, i hate that they're changing it.

No. 337525

still haven't updated my own post to reflect the change. now fettuccinealfredoo

No. 337530

okay i updated my name to gloomlamb on discord. if you dont have one you can email with the same name @gmail dot com

No. 337546

who even are you? link your original post

No. 337643

>>304693 is mine

No. 337695

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discord: dramola
>How long this contact will remain active?
GMT +2
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
No hard limits but prefer 25 and up.

>How would you describe yourself?

Soft at heart but also pragmatic. Overall pretty optimistic but have some doomer thoughts about the world, try not to let it get me down. Bit of a late bloomer but also been through the ringer in the some other aspects.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Outdoor stuff - hiking, camping, swimming, snowboarding. Baking and cooking. Would love to get better at sewing, also learning how to drive a manual atm.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Want more friends who share a similar world view as me, and many nonnies seem to. I like to share photos both from irl and the web, share rants, listen to what you've got going on. Discuss movies and books, be haters but also kind and genuine.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

whenever, whereever, we're meant to be together etc etc

No. 337902

Any cosplay nonnies out there? I want to get into it, specifically Pokémon but I don't fucking care, I just want to make fun costumes and share that experience with friends. We can cheer each other on, share our progress, maybe even meet at a con one day if we get on and live in the same country. Please add me if that's your jam: jinjifer

No. 337990

Why do you type the word hate like a retard?

No. 338010

for you

No. 338721

Hey, I don't know if you still check this thread, but I sent you a request on my side account. I'm hesitant to give out my main handle, so I made a second just for this.

No. 338722

File: 1688399390274.jpg (51.03 KB, 300x300, tumblr_e0ffe7f5a30351642d246ef…)

Discord: Strawberry Charlotte#9098
>How long this contact will remain active?
So long as no bad experiences are had, but this is my second account until I feel comfortable giving my main one. I'm trying to be careful.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
I'd prefer late 20s and up.

>How would you describe yourself?

I don't know if people put any stock into MBTI, but I see some posted here and I'm an INFJ-A and I'm a Leo. I'm outgoing once I get comfortable enough to open up. I've been told by others that I have a lot of patience. I'm admittedly shaken up by past life events, but I do try everyday and I've made awesome progress so I'm pretty happy with myself. I'm wary of others initially and I'm trying not to give too much here until I know someone well enough and form a connection.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Reading, former ballerina, exercise, research, cartoons, music, cooking, etc.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Looking for older anons who miss old internet or just how 'things used to be' in general, but I don't despise everything. Hopefully in the midwest as well and will also be understanding that I have PTSD, so I'm really taking a risk here and I'm just trying to find other women who share similar views and enjoy the same stuff. Bonus points if you're also passionate about literature.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Its okay to contact me whenever and I'll respond when able. I'm new to the midwest and just trying to not be alone.

No. 338764

stfu that retard is my new bestie

No. 338786

File: 1688425818228.png (419.19 KB, 771x790, 1684503969648154.png)

♥ nonners…

No. 338788

>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
A very open and honest person. I love to chat because in my real life I am lonely. Animal and outdoor lover. Really down for anything
>Hobbies and pastimes
Nature and true crime documentaries. Exploring abandoned houses. Collecting strange things. Art. Reading. Music. 4/20. Cooking new things and then eating it lmao. I would love to travel to new and exotic places.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I don't have "favorites", if it's good, I fuck with it
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
A virgo obsessed with cats who at my big age is finally starting to pull herself together. The beginning half of my life has been filled with hardships and trauma, but I'm searching for a way out.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone who likes to chat and would maybe like to one day meet up
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm not very busy lol

No. 338808

It's a pickme

No. 338880

alright, which discord user that added me are you

No. 339106

File: 1688613935052.jpg (743.58 KB, 956x1500, bodhisattva.jpg)

Discord: .sparrowmage
>How long will this contact remain active?
Two or three months, maybe longer.
In my 20s.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Charismatic, passionate, verbose. A little unhinged. Paranoid. Critical. I'm a romantic, and I easily become consumed by things and people that interest me. Dedicated. Misandrist.
>Hobbies and pastimes
My current top interests are occultism, witchcraft, pagan religions, gothic art, philosophy, feminist analysis of patriarchal religions, and the esoteric. I'm relatively new to these fields so I'd love to learn alongside someone else or just have someone to talk to about it. Other than that, I really like playing videogames, and drawing and making OCs even though I've been in a creative slump recently. I also write sometimes.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Would love someone to chat with about esotericism, especially if we get to exchange notes or book recommendations. I'd also like a creative partner. It'd be nice to meet someone who will listen to me ramble about my creative projects and who would reciprocate by sharing her own ideas and fictional worlds with me. For a friendship like that, I would hope we could inspire each other and grow together.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact whenever.

No. 339121

File: 1688633020325.gif (311.5 KB, 112x112, kiss.gif)

I dont wanna say your name because i know you dont like having an online trail but i am >>305837 and i miss talking to you a lot, i am so sorry for the hiatus been a bit depressed and working on things so i didnt even open discord these last months, i wanted to talk to you again but you deleted so if you wanna add me again please hit me up i miss you

No. 339209

An anon in a lolcow server doxxed another member and told me that she even showed the woman's private information to her husband, her husband and her are also 30+ while the doxxed anon was barely 20 and because of her young age doesn't know how dangerous it is to share information online. Be very careful with who you add from here. Don't share any pictures.

No. 339211

I agree everyone should be very careful but
>because of her young age doesn't know how dangerous it is to share information online.
No. That's lacking common sense.

No. 339246

was this discussed in the vent thread yesterday or a bit earlier? are these related to the same situation?

No. 339264

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
If I had to describe myself, I'd say I'm a good listener, caring, and I'm easily excitable and open to experiencing new things. I'm also an avid animal lover, daydreamer, and yumejo!
>Hobbies and pastimes
I'm a casual gamer, writer, and I absolutely love dancing! I love reading, though admittedly I haven't finished a book in awhile. I also love fashion and collecting plushies.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Recently I’ve been watching Hannibal and Face Off, and I just finished the Avatar series. In general I like horror media (Saw movies, Nightmare on Elm Street, FNAF, DHMIS), classic Disney movies, vocaloid, nature documentaries, and true crime.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I’m an INFP, Pisces, and I have two cats.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone who matches my energy and enthusiasm, daily communication is also preferable! Also, only other females obviously. I can voice verify whenever.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact me anytime!

No. 339302

I have a feeling who this is even though I haven't been in the lolcow servers in ages, I remember interacting with her and how she had off vibes. She seemed nice but there was something off there. Didn't that user dox someone else in the past? How is she still around?

No. 339319

File: 1688787718593.jpg (43.06 KB, 500x375, Youcantavoidrealityforever.jpg)

Neurotic shut-in weeb. 19 years of age, I'll be 20 in 2 days. I don't work or study, and I don't have friends, besides my nigel.
I lurk /dep/ a lot (wizchan), although I often feel uncomfortable due to the general misogynistic tone of the site.
My hobbies include being the webmaster of a blog no one reads (don't ask me for the link), reading manga and memoirs, browsing random Wikipedia articles, watching 2+ hours long YT videos about niche topics, playing videogames, and researching suicide methods.
I don't use shitcord, here's my matrix @chakai:matrix.org

No. 339341

Yeah that's exactly how she is. She's also an oldfag who's been around for a while so it's probably the same person you're thinking of. She acts nice and when someone does something weird she almost encourages it, she talks to anons and views them as cows and collects information about them. She also spends hours doing so and can spend hours spreading the said information, I don't think she has a real job or any other interests

When I exposed her in /ot/ she posted about wanting to fuck this new woman she's stalking before making fun of her weight (this woman is bulimic). She also said my discord name like a retard and told me that she hoped I had been using a vpn as if she could see my ip when im posting here, kek. She's really retarded.
Do you know anything more about her? If so can you share so anons can look for ways to avoid her?

No. 339346

nta but I briefly talked to someone who sounds suspiciously like her, does she (or did she) have an anime girl as her profile pic on discord?

No. 339357

I don't think so but the account she used to talk to me seemed to be new so it might have been an alt of sorts. If the person was the same age and had the same sweet persona it could've been her.

No. 339391

File: 1688850117182.jpg (121.25 KB, 896x1120, 20230708_172625.jpg)

>How long this contact will remain active?
the same european timezone as germany, france, lisbon
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
>Hobbies and pastimes
drawing, lifting, music making, my current interest is totk and sports now
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
horror and open world , sandboxxy games
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
intp, taurus, i use /w/ esp for Jillian's antics.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
very specific. i remember the thread about "difficulties relating to other women" and how many ex tifs were sharing their testimonials. i have been on and off thinking, pondering about it. i feel like i am stuck and lost in the question. I'd like to have someone who struggles with the same issue (repressing i guess?) or regretted it. because deep inside i just know that it's a delusion, to become a pooner.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'd rather take my time but i have free time.

also, I don't mind creating a matrix or throwaway discord, just send me an email if you are interested.

No. 339434

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Hi it’s me again! I would like to give you guys some update. I recently started to listen to more breakcore songs and discovered a new music genre which is Sigilkore. I recently played few unofficial touhou games and I think that’s about it :>>

My birthday is coming up so I’m going to be 19 years old. The age requirement is 17-22 for me

Because of the Discord’s retarded update, my username on there is eggnood. I’m going to be more busy than usual because I finally got employed and the university stuff is coming soon for me. Aside from that, I respond quickly so :33(don't use emoticons here)

No. 339442

do you by any chance know if she is British?

No. 339445

retarded newfag who refuses to integrate doesn't know the lower age limit is 18 here

No. 339462

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I'm looking for someone I met here back before the first bunker. Hi, we met through the all female gamedev email a nonny made I think back in 2021? but we first interacted in the husbando thread where I shamelessly talked about what I would do to him and anons brought up the shrek cringe compilation meme on me kek. your discord username was something is korean I think? I remember misspelling it multiple times haha, second username was something close to citrus I remember it but I won't mention it in case you still use it you were making a game and I made some songs for it, we shared our enjoyment for BL and a common husbando I still got the drawing you made of him for me I was in your personal Discord group with other girls and we once did an art exchange, you drew me my OC with a cute dress in a field and I drew a transformer's OC for another girl. I disappeared from Discord after a nasty incident with another random user which just left me scared and only just now I'm coming back to interacting online. I don't know if you are still around, but I gotta try, maybe someone who knows you or me can get us in contact again. I miss you and I hope to talk to you again.

No. 340208

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yuumii2324 on discord and n0nnie@proton.me
>How long this contact will remain active?
until i delete my discord. that might be far in the future so even if this post is a bit older you can still add me. if you can't find my username anymore i might've renamed so just e-mail me then. i might check my email less often, sorry about that!
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
20+ but i don't really care tbh (just be an adult)
>How would you describe yourself?
socially anxious introvert who usually never talks to people. very obsessive when getting into a new hobby, i often spend 12+ hours just researching/doing my new thing. kind but awkward in emotional/heartfelt situations. i love having long converstations. i get attached kind of easily.
>Hobbies and pastimes
drawing, gaming, got into lolita a few months ago but i also like alt/j-fashion, programming, practicing japanese, wasting my money on anime figures. a little bit of crocheting, knitting and reading manga/watching anime. i also spend a lot of time just reading wikipedia articles.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
games: persona (3-5), danganronpa, project diva, soulsborne, rpgs inspired by earthbound, animal crossing, sims, zelda, overwatch, minecraft. i play a bit of ffxiv but i'm still in the free trial. i like VNs (esp. otome and bl, a bit of gl) but i'm often not invested enough to finish them.
anime: cardcaptor sakura, hunter x hunter, evangelion, death note, watamote, mob psycho
music: vocaloid, utaite, game OSTs, some random rock/pop
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
fujo but the 100k+ words slow burn kind. some yumejo tendencies.
i hold a lot of radfem beliefs that i also try to follow in my day to day life but i'm not a separatist and have a boyfriend. i don't really care about your political beliefs as long as you aren't racist or a handmaiden/gendie. obviously no males.

also i posted in the last thread 1-2 years ago and i found some really cool nonnies but i got really overwhelmed and stopped replying to some of them very shortly after. i changed my discord since then but if my interests seem familiar to you, i'm the same person and i'm sorry. you can add me again but only if you really want.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
a genuine long time friendship would be the best case scenario but a pen pal sounds good too. real time conversations are stressful for me so i'd prefer to exchange longer messages (walls of texts are also welcome). i don't vibe too well with people that are great listeners but don't really like to talk themselves, i'd like it to be fairly equal (also please ask questions!! it's a bit difficult to continue the conversation otherwise). playing games or boardgames together seems fun. i'm not interested in discord groups.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
please contact me whenever. i'm not too busy with irl responsibilities but i love doing my hobbies so it might take a while for me to reply (for longer messages a few days sometimes). in turn i really don't mind if it takes you a while to reply as well.

No. 340765

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>How long this contact will remain active?






>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

20s, 30s

>How would you describe yourself?

I'm a neet who plays MMORPGs all day. I am a clan leader in one of my MMOs. I like pc gaming. Can build PCs. Nintendo. Emulating old games. Internet memes, tiktok cringe, and gossiping about cringe internet celebs like chris-chan, etc.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Vidya and animu. I like comedy anime. If you like yokai watch we will be besties.
I do go outside and paddleboard sometimes. But i'm more of a homebody.
I can cook. Sew. Bake. Craft. But it only holds my attention for a short period of time.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I don't watch shows or movies. Not interested either.
Music: Breakcore, DnB, Citypop

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I'm an avid 4chan user. I love early 2000s 4chan culture. I can be racist. No I don't care. I love dark humor and I don't care for being politically correct.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Female companionship. I don't have many friends. Let's share memes and talk about how crazy the internet used to be. Also if you like tiktok cringe I'd love to share them with you.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Contact whenever

No. 340781

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killerchimp (discord), or reply with your email if you don't use it

i’m 21, from the uk and i’ve just started studying animation. i’m a lifelong boys cartoons autist. i like thrifting, comfy gender neutral fashion, and discussing ocs with people. i don’t really watch anime, play videogames, or keep up with the current media. if i sound a bit boring, well, i kind of am! of course we can be besties if you’re a weeb but i unfortunately won’t be able to share your passion.

just looking to make some internet friends and have a chill time. i get on well enough with all kinds of people, if you're a high energy extravert i’ll take on the role of your level headed sidekick and if you're more serious and straight forward i'll be kind of like your manic pixie girl friend (with a mild case of depression).

>favourite book/movie/game

the gormenghast books, fargo and undertale! respectively. i love quirky and whimsical stories.

>what age range are you most comfortable with?

please don’t add me if you’re not at least like 19, i don’t care how cool you are.

do feel free to request voice verification. would love to hear from you xx

No. 340784

God that image creeps me out for some reason, post a cat pic next time or something

No. 340832

Ignore her nonny the picture is really cool. It gives me album cover vibes for some reason

No. 340835

It's a LOTR illustration you uncultured smellfungus.
Are you the Grima-anon?

No. 340850

i might be one of them.. i was trying to be a bit sneaky, just to be safe.

yeah it's a little creepy.

No. 340901

I want +18 fujo friends who like enstars, harada stuff, Dangan ronpa, dramatically murder… etc etc. misc weeb stuff basically. I can be contacted at anon06900x@gmail.com .

No. 340908

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>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Mediator, love to debate, challenge people's views and learn from them.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Reading (decently versed in french postmodernism), interested in alternative medicine, politics (eu and states), drawing, making stuff, producing.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movie - Fitzcarraldo, Music - Russian punk and Brazilian funk, Book - The Postmodern Condition by Lyotard
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
"in the club looking for good conversation and understanding"

No. 340942

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>How long this contact will remain active?
for a month
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
from 18 onwards
>How would you describe yourself?
a very nice and positive person. ESL.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
music: trust me, you wouldn't want to know. (underground experimental electronic)
other stuff: will tell if we're close enough.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
INTP, cancer, /snow/'s tranny generals frequenter, but mostly an /ot/ poster.
strongly anti-psychiatry.
>What are you NOT looking for in this online friendship?
absolutely no LDR or MCR fans, please.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
ok to contact whenever but I probably won't respond quickly.

No. 340954

Fucking gross, yikes. Imagine being such a pathetic jelly pickme you bully a chick 10+ years younger and snicker about her photos with your HUSBAND? It's always the insane cunts that find a husband…

No. 340964


No. 340967

Is the server still accepting new members? The discord ID here doesn't work now since they overhauled their system probably

No. 341020

My request to the ID worked, you probably just didn't type it correctly. Copy and paste it.

No. 341076

Hey anon, were you by any chance a webdev whose username started with p? If so, I'd love to reconnect.

No. 341174

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i'm sorry to whoever talked to me here and whoever i ghosted, i realized i'm not in a place where i'm able to commit to new online friendships

No. 341313

yeah that's me, i don't know why we stopped talking but hit me up again nonny!!

No. 341338

Sent a request!

No. 341620

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nonnienonnienonnie@proton.me (I will send my discord over email)
>How long this contact will remain active?
I'm not sure, sorry. I'll try to check it regularly!
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
18+, ideally the same age as me but I don't mind.
>How would you describe yourself?
I'm quite scatty and I tend to ramble a lot, and can be generally awkward but I'm working on it. Not really good at describing myself, I hope I'm a nice person because I try to be
>Hobbies and pastimes
Gaming. Mostly ffxiv right now so if you play (or would be interested in playing) that would be awesome.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I like fantasy movies, especially 80s fantasy movies. Think, The Princess Bride, Labyrinth etc.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
My favourite games - Judgement especially but I like all RGG games (haven't played Fist of the North Star though), Megaten games but especially P3P (specifically for femc route), otome games (favourite atm is Taisho x Alice), Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy in general. Also the Alice games by American Mcgee. I want to make my own indie game, but right now I'm learning digital art so I can put together a games design document for it. Also learning coding. Sorry this is so cluttered!
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I like voice calling more than anything. It'd be cool if we could play video games together. Or just talk about our husbandos.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm not busy at all!

No. 341805

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kewpiemayonnaisee@gmail.com (I'll send my Discord after a few messages or a nice introduction)
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
I think as young as 25 and as old as 33
>How would you describe yourself?
Trying to detach from social media, as someone who's had uncontrolled access to the Internet since 2004. Trying to be more productive in my real life (start a family / save $$$), gain more female friends because my interests surround me with all types of moids, especially troons.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Odd video game merch, old children's tech, swimming, rollerblading, I play music (synths), thrifting, arcade-ing, shooting guns, i love conspiracy theories and weightlifting memes
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I'm REALLY into trance music. I also listen to new wave, house, and hardcore. Films include American Psycho, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, Kiki's Delivery Service, and Blade. Shows include King of the Hill, Digimon, X Files, Yo-kai Watch, and Evangelion.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
INFJ, I consider my beliefs a cross between a radfem and an ancap. My ideas about society might sound retarded or impossible to many, but I swear I've thought of the possibilities to come to my conclusions. I'm open to seeing a different view, though.
I don't do drugs or drink or smoke.
I browse through /ot/ most often, I tend to check up on the MTF, vent, temporal music, shoe0nhead, pixielocks, post-leftoids, and advice threads.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Hopefully find someone local to add to my IRL friend group but if we're too far, it'll be nice to surround myself with more similar minded women online!
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm kind of a busy person, but I hope you don't mind an average of 2 or 3 messages between each other a day. I barely even message my best friend often, we just meet up to talk lol

No. 341810

anon who are your RGG husbandos

No. 341815

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Sugiura. But also Masato and Daigo.

No. 341816

all based choices

No. 341823

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djkeemstar on discord
>How long this contact will remain active?
probably only a few months, i get banned on discord a lot. invites always on. probably will ask for some way to verify you're real and not a troon.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
ideally mid 20's to early 30's, i am pretty open minded but please be at least 20
>How would you describe yourself?
complete loner artist type
>Hobbies and pastimes
painting, drawing, watching movies, husbando/waifufagging, fps games, gardening, hiking, watching painting videos, egl fashion, playing music, baking desserts
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
70's horror, westerns, slashers, texas chainsaw massacre, unforgiven, dead by daylight, skyrim, fallout, cod/warzone, garage rock, metal, new wave, most older sci-fi, eva and 90's anime
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I'm the bill moseley anon in the unconventional thread, i mainly frequent /snow/ and like laughing at the tif/tim threads, scorpio, i have a weird and slightly zoomerish sense of humor. i also like to talk about art a lot- styles, artists, etc. i do not use many social medias. istp
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
casual chitchat, some sperging, looking for more radfem/terf friendships-im mostly nonpolitical otherwise, hopefully i can meet another fujo or yume friend too. someone to relax and watch movies/do art with.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I work during the day but i am quick to respond normally.

No. 341842

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Nonnie are you a 41 year old youtuber from Buffalo NY? lol
thank you for posting that carrie picture, that's a fun pixiv artist. shame they haven't posted since 2014

No. 341892

Nah kek, I just took the name because I wanted a handle of any old cod players, and that one wasn’t taken yet somehow. And you’re welcome, I just found it browsing yesterday and thought it was cute.

No. 341904

Is there a discord server for nonnies who want to find friends? I was thinking maybe it would be better than chatting 1 on 1..

No. 341905

just to add, discord server that would act as group chat

No. 341906

just keep in mind you're not allowed to organize a group server on lc per thread rules..

No. 341998

She could add people individually at first then create a server to invite the anons she added, and anons could add others too. As long as the server is not directly linked on lolcow it should be fine.

No. 342119

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rosethornfumu on discord
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
19 to 30
>How would you describe yourself?
Pretty silly and sarcastic, not really the type to trauma dump unless I become close friends with you because I'm kind of easily embarrassed
>Hobbies and pastimes
Digital art, lolita fashion, general historical fashion/antique collecting, playing visual novels (mainly BL and horror/denpa but I'm open to anything there), reading manga, shopping, room decor, hiking.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Mainly just into VNs right now
Danganronpa, Umineko, Higurashi, Slow damage, totono, Hashihime, Needy girl overdose, kimigashine, DMMD, etc etc
For manga I really like Houseki no Kuni, Shadows house and Harada stuff
For anime I'm mainly into Madoka, Princess Tutu, Rozen Maiden and Evangelion (I'm always up for psychological stuff though)
Live action I just like reality TV haha, the trashier the better honestly.
I don't really listen to that much music outside of tracks from stuff I'm already into, but I like swing a lot!
I like collecting sanrio plushies and old school lolita fashion!
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
Mainly /ot/ and /m/
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to discuss weeb and fashion stuff with mainly
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Good whenever! I'm very very quick to answer DMs and I hate leaving stuff on read.

No. 342185

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>how long this contact will remain active?
for as long as this post remains up/as long as i do not forget to consistently check the email. i suppose if i am penpaling with some nonnies the likelihood of it being a good contact method remains!
early 20s
>what age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
ideally 20-30 feels appropriate? i am not really sure. i dont want the age range to be too unreasonable to where we struggle to be friends or relate to one another.
>how would you describe yourself?
former worrybug maturing and stabilizing day by day. unintentional negativity toward myself i try to keep hidden but i am working on. i waver between chatty and quiet (usually if i have a lot going on) but i will always be there when a friend needs me as i do not want someone to ever feel alone. i typically keep to myself and value growing and learning. i love to be silly and listen to people because sometimes i struggle to word things properly but i will do my best. describing myself is difficult! this all makes me sound braindead. we'll see how it goes.
infj if that helps…
>hobbies and pasttimes
hiking when i can (my state is not good for it) and time in nature. when i am doing well i make it a habit to spend time in nature daily. reading (getting into this again more as i stopped for many years) writing, music/production, crafts (sewing newbie, intermed insect taxidermist but poor so i havent done any in a while) yoga, ballet, baking and cooking. if not engaging in these then coursework, selling things and my part time job…used to visit the bird sanctuary and library very often. getting into the habit of dolling myself up again and getting back to who i was. feel this is important to mention because i navigated through a bad depressive spiral and neglected the things i loved for a while, so im very sorry if it takes some time initially to share with you these things and get back into them.
>favorite movies/shows/books/etc.
as far as films go i love fantasy/whimsical/medieval or sitcoms once in a while as background noise! but i am open to many films, i typically stray away from modern films and shows however because i cannot enjoy them…but i am also a liar because i have enjoyed some madmen and pan am. i recently watched the red shoes and adored it. trying to make a habit of more film time with myself.
reading solar storms right now by linda hogan but i enjoy most/want to delve into more fantasy, environmental, self help books. historical is nice too. sometimes i like to check out vegan cooking or craft books at le library. i love, love love anything nautical or maritime themed as well.
vegan, dislike trannies but otherwise not very political at all. i think i am a sweetheart but i can get wrapped in my head at times and isolate which is why im looking to make friends and maintain healthy female friendships.
>what are you looking for in this online friendship?
maybe a pen pal would be nice and we could email biweekly or once a month or at the end of each week. a daily friend to chat with would be nice as well but some days i might find it hard to reply and i want to work on this. someone kind and patient. we can do things together but it is not necessary! just share with each other and learn and have positive talks. you can rely on me as a friend but i dont want the friendship to evolve into something solely therapy-client for either of us if that follows? we can share our hobbies and journal to each other. i dont know! im ok with it all just please be patient with me and not nasty.
>are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
you can contact me whenever so long as you are okay with awaiting a response. i am busy here and there with school and work and my hobbies but i want to make an effort to build friendships so i just need a bit of understanding. i will never get annoyed if you double write me! i even have discord but i will give that out if necessary once we chat a bit.

No. 342710

Argentinian terves assemble @ personamisteriowosa (en discord o por Gmail)

No. 342734

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Mima9630 or Mima#9630 on discord
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
19 - 26
>How would you describe yourself?
Kind of deadpan. Not super upbeat unless I really click with someone and feel comfy enough to.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I'm kind of a jack of all trades in the sense that I'm into a lot of things, but wouldn't call myself a fans of them; alt music, alt fashion (like Lolita, goth, even gyaru), art, manga, anime, literature. Oh! I want to design a website with neocities too so ig webdesign could go here?
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Clerks/Downtown or Daria/music changes a lot but I'm into thrash metal right now, 80's metal/currently reading The Law and the Lady and I like it a lot/I guess my favourite anime is Panty and Stocking or FLCL/my favourite manga is probably Chi no Wadachi (Blood on the Tracks) or Kowloon Generic Romance
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I think my mbti was the purple glasses lady, Saggitarius, I'm a newfag I haven't used most boards here lol
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Just something to kill time, see where it goes
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm busy between 4pm to 12am because of work most days but you can still contact me! I'll try my best to text back. If you're in America I generally clock off when you guys are still awake (afternoon).

No. 342960

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thatoneninesnonnie@protonmail.me for a discord
>How long will this contact remain open?
Until I forget about it or next thread ig
American CST
Mid 20's
>Comfortable age ranges
Preferably 22+. The lowest I'll go is 20, highest is 35.
>How would you describe yourself?
Ex 4chan edgelord on the mend. I don't mind offbeat or potentially offensive humor. I'm very bubbly and curious! I'm invested in knowing more about the people who do spare me some time to talk to me.
>Hobbies and past times
I draw! (Kinda) truth is I get discouraged from it easily. I like lifting weights and reading textbooks on nutrition. I also teach myself programming in my free time! Electronic and synthwave music is my favorite, but neopsychedelic is also OP.
>favorite movies, shows, or books
I mainly read textbooks for funniest, generally about nutrition or weightlifting (fun, I know). Hoping to read more into the medical/psychological oddities genre. I have trouble watching movies since I generally fall asleep to them but I love RomComs from the 60s and body horror like the Autopsy of Jane Doe or sputnik.
I read up on the tradwomen general and the tranny horrors boards. If you hate trannies too oml I will love you. I'm up for new suggestions!
>what are you looking for in this online relationship
Somebody I can sperg out too about cringe ass trannies I randomly see on the internet, but also chat bout day to day life with! Maybe we can trade doodles or media too.
>Are you a busy person
Looking for a job so that might change soon but for the most part I'm pretty fast to respond.

No. 342985

hey, I sent you an email and it bounced back saying the domain couldn't be found, is it just gmail being retarded or is there a typo?

No. 342990

Oh fuck, try my discord: quatatonic

No. 343177

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Hey anoncita, it's the other argentinian bi from the Peak thread in the hidden board! Just sent you a friend request through Discord (if you see someone with "Zappa" in the name, that's me). Sorry it took me a while to get in contact, these days have been a bit busy for me

No. 343195

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guest7520 on discord
>How long this contact will remain active?
As long as ever. But there might be a day where I delete if I don't want to continue this.
Flipped from the US, might be late to reply because of extreme timezone differences
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
As long as you're over 18. I might find it hard to relate if you're too old though.
>How would you describe yourself?
NEET sperg. I've had a hard time getting along with most non-spergy people or touching grass so I've spent most of my time on the internet. Make matters worse, most of my hobbies are moid and tranny infested so most of the time I'm interacting with moids on the internet. I really want to change that and make friends with other women in general.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I usually spend my time browsing lolcow and the internet. Other times I'm watching commentary youtube videos, kind of mainstream things like movie reviews I think? I do like technology and tinkering with them. I kind of want a resin 3D printer…
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I consider myself a weeb but I haven't seen anime in ages kek. I have seen the old classics such as ouran high school host club, death note, naruto, gundam seed (not a gundam fan though) and so on. But I have seen recent anime too like chainsaw man. I know a whole lot more that I've seen spoilers for but never actually watched/read (like attack on titan… or tokyo ghoul). I rarely get interested enough to watch anime most of the time. I'm also a yurifag and it pains me that most of this genre is garbage. Why don't I like yaoi instead…? I don't play games often or much at all but I like retro nintendo games, mainly from the gameboy and NES era. Am picking up my 3DS again to play Fire Emblem Sacred Stones soon. I like watching horror gameplay on youtube too. As for music, I like vocaloid and a bunch of other usual weeb music like Eve and YOASOBI. I also listen to touhou doujin tracks. I haven't been keeping up with the scene though.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I usually browse /ot/, then /snow/ then /g/. I'm rarely on /pt/. I think I'm an ISTJ? I used to browse 4chan a lot more, but I prefer the posts here. So much longer posts and the insanity some anons have is glorious KEK
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to sperg to and someone to also listen to their spergs back! I'm hoping to meet more women like me. I love talking about posts I see on LC because I have nobody else to share funny caps and talk about it to or seethe about the news. Talking about your day to day life or interests is all good too! I won't be able to understand or relate if you're a fujo/yume though, but I'll do my best. I'll be asking for voice verification to stop troons and moids, no hard feelings.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm free whenever I'm awake and not out of the house!

No. 343204

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discord: angelicdove, email: mewgirl789 @ gmail

>How long this contact will remain active?

for as long as we both want it to hopefully


CET (Sweden)



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

please be 20+, i might have an easier time relating if we’re the same age or close to it but if we share any interests and you’re 20+ i would love to hear from you

>How would you describe yourself?

my personality is very soft? i’m gentle and friendly and have been told i’m kind “through and through”, and i always want others to be happy as childish as that might sound. i’m also painfully shy irl and quite sensitive. i’m a self-conscious autist who tries to function socially as well as i can but i can be very shy and awkward, especially when first meeting/talking to someone. i can also get kind of spergy when it comes to talking about my interests and things i really love.

>Hobbies and pastimes

i have very girly interests and love fashion, skincare and makeup. i’m interested in high fashion brands like chanel and louis vuitton and tend to follow their collections for fun. i would say i have pretty weeby interests like anime and manga, but admittedly i haven’t read or watched anything in a while. i’m a fujoshi but it’s nothing i feel the need to talk about unless you’re one too and wanna discuss ships and stuff. i love writing and have written some fanfics, i also want to write original content. i like making weeby ocs for existing franchises and completely original ones i make for myself, especially female characters. i’m interested in abnormal psychology and like to apply it to/explore it through my characters, and because i love fashion and makeup i tend to use my female ocs as sort of fictional dress up dolls, lol. i’m an animal lover and have a cat i love so much.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

i think my favorite movies are heathers and a beautiful mind, i love psychological movies and thrillers but also girly movies that aren’t exactly cinematic masterpieces but still entertaining. my favorite tv show of all time is mindhunter and though it isn’t fantastic i’ve been lazy-watching sex and the city lately, lol. my favorite artist is lana del rey, i especially love her music from born to die to honeymoon eras, as well as her unreleased stuff (queen of disaster and serial killer are my faves among those). i love the electra heart album by marina & the diamonds but i don’t keep up with her music since then. i like some ghost (band) music. i listen to some older anime tracks occasionally as well. my favorite book is rebecca by daphne du maurier and i want to read more books, f. scott fitzgerald’s works are on my reading list.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

scorpio, almost a libra-scorpio cusp and act more like a stereotypical libra than a scorpio (going by zodiac memes here, i know very little about astrology). i use /g/ and /m/ the most, but also /ot/ for cringe threads and threads about writing

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

i want more online friends who share my interests, i’m extremely shy irl and currently recovering from a traumatic event so i haven’t been able to work or attend uni since winter. and even when i am at uni i’m too shy to dare talk to others.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

you can always contact me! i’m happy to talk and i’ll try to reply as fast as i can.

No. 344116

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since my original post is pretty old and I had to change my discord username, I'm replying to it to add that my user is now fettuccinealfredoo .

No. 344149

i really hope you're still there anon, you sound really cool and i'm a similar age to you

No. 346214

28 years old, I'm fine with friends of any age as long as you are 18 and up.

I like to draw, and love to write. I mostly use art to relax, so I do draw a lot of fanart. For writing, I love to make my own sci-fi or horror stories. I love trashy reality shows like 90 day fiance, American comics and movies, manga, anime, cosplay, going to conventions, and gaming. I have my own vtuber model but I don't use it very often because I don't like the community. I love listening to ashnikko and so excited for her new weedkiller album and comic. I'm currently enrolled in university in a STEM degree program. I started writing my own game and am hopeful I can learn to code it and make the models on blender one day.

I came to lolcow for the cow boards initially, but now I mostly haunt ot and g. I have a few close girlfriends in real life, but they are super liberal TRAs and I'm definitely looking for people who I can complain with and be more myself with when it comes to my opinions. It's also a huge plus if you are insane about your interests and will go on huge rants about the things you love. It's okay if we have different interests, I like learning new things from people and I love passionate people.

My timezone is EST. Please email me on this throwaway gmail I just made, femmehomelander@gmail.com. Introduce yourself and tell me your interests and hobbies! If we hit it off there, I'll give you my discord! It is okay to contact me whenever, I work and do school from home so I have a lot of free time sitting at my computer.

No. 346218

replying to myself. i also don't mind if you message me on my discord because i just changed the name to something less recognizable. It's _buddyryo_

No. 346295

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ladytron666 on discord
>How long this contact will remain active?
til whenever
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
vinyl collector/book collector who sometimes is a teacher and college student.
>Hobbies and pastimes
music, reading, weedsmoking, trying to learn languages, browsing imageboards and forums, sitting on wikipedia for 3 hours straight
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
favorite movies: reanimator, fargo, amadeus
favorite shows: star trek, south park, metalocalypse, aqua teen hunger force, invader zim
favorite music: genesis, black sabbath, grateful dead, steely dan, nine inch nails, beatles, daft punk, a whole lot of stuff
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
zodiac: aquarius sun/moon cancer rising. im mostly on /g/ and /m/
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
more female friendships,,, i can only handle so much of my irl reddit moid friends
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
i am kind of busy, but i will reply as often as i can! especially if we click :)(:))

No. 346364

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Discord is lame, my telegram is @baemovie
I have accumulated many sets of cat stickers on my travels, I’d love to share them.

>How long this contact will remain active?

5ever bb~


GMT (Bongland)



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

NEET trying to find my feet. I’m an extremely shy shut-in with no friends. I can be pretty friendly once I get to know someone though.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Vidya (I play all sorts of genres and also make Sims 2 custom content), Reading (mostly lolcow threads but sometimes actual books if the mood strikes),Listening to music, drawing (in the rare occasions I feel motivated), tabletop gaming (on hiatus because no frens), ball jointed dolls (on hiatus because too expensive atm)

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Books = anything fantasy/sci-fi or with an unhinged female character, occasionally I’ll fixate on a subject and read loads of non fiction about it, I’m also having a major Harry Potter moment right now lmfao
Music = Prog rock, psytrance, 90s breakbeat, ambient handpan music, folksy stuff
Movies = dumb nostalgic shit like thunderbirds 2004/cat in the hat 2003/Scooby doo 2002/bee movie. If I had to pick a fave movie it’d probably be Mad Max Fury Road though.
TV = I really like Star Trek, Utopia (UK version) and sitcoms like Black Books/Bottom/IT Crowd/Friday Night Dinner etc.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I don’t really believe in any of that stuff but I’m a Taurus and INFP. I spend most of my time on kiwifarms these days because I prefer forums to imageboards. I used to post on /snow/ like 7-8 years ago before I discovered KF (the ginger Bronson threads were my fave, RIP).

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

It would be cool to form a connection with another human being, even if it’s just over the internet. Bonus points if we get to know each other well enough to do irl things, as I really need to get out of the house more often.
We can do voice verification if you want.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I can talk pretty much whenever atm, although I am looking for work so that may change in the future

No. 346609

Contact me at pizalinatchi@proton.me, then I’ll add you on Discord and voice-verify.

>How long this contact will remain active?

Not sure, honestly.





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

19 to 23, please.

>How would you describe yourself?

I have trouble making friends irl. After far too many failed attempts I haven’t really bothered trying. That plus my short temper has made it that I come off as rude to some. Once you get close to me though, I’m very caring and sweet. I like being helpful to the people I’m close to, and I want to be pleasant to be around. I don’t know if I have the self-awareness to describe myself super accurately, but I’d say my personality is very bubbly and outgoing when I’m comfortable with somebody. Hopefully you think I’m more fun than annoying lol.

>Hobbies and pastimes

I love thrift shopping and putting together outfits. I don’t care about fancy designer stuff, I just like finding cute pieces that feel like me. I also collect CDs and fashion dolls (mostly MH and Bratz) but I’m on a hiatus. I also like to read, to the extent that I’m an English major. I’m currently reliving my cringe high school days by slowly making my way through all of Homestuck. I like video games a lot, but only if they’re made by Nintendo or available on one of their systems. I also have a slight affinity for Tamagotchi, hence the email address. Looking to pick up more hobbies, as I feel like I’ve gotten way too glued to my phone over the past year…

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

My favorite movie is EEAAO. My favorite shows include Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Community, South Park, Moral Orel, Bojack Horseman, and The Good Place. I listen to a bit of everything but my all-time favorite artist is Fiona Apple. I sing Paper Bag on a near daily basis. Recently, I’ve been listening to a lot of Indigo Girls, The Cardigans, The Cranberries, and Liz Phair. My favorite book is My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell, which I think I may have heard about from this very site! Pretty ironic.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Rising. I’m not all that crazy about astrology and won’t turn you away because of your signs. I almost exclusively lurk Shayna’s threads as a strange sort of cautionary tale, but I also frequent the Celebricows thread and the Western Animation Industry thread. I have a boyfriend, and I completely understand if you’d rather not talk to me because of it.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Someone I can be myself around. My dream would be to find some friends in my area (Northeastern US) and hang out irl, but I want to take things as slow as possible for safety purposes. I also understand if that isn’t what you’re looking for, I’d still like to get to know you anyways. I would also love to learn some new hobbies and discover new media, so even if you’ve read through this and we don’t have a lot of similar interests, don’t let it stop you for reaching out. I’m down to try anything!

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I do have a busy schedule, as I work and go to school, but I can always make time for a friend. Contact me whenever!

No. 346879

my discord is gourami#3676
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
preferably 25+
>How would you describe yourself?
Honestly I have no idea. I'm a sarcastic, skeptical loner who spends too much time online and drinks a little too much. I never grew out of my edgelord phase.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Really into jFashion/altfashion, drawing, sewing, vidya, internet deepdives, and catholicism. I like sanrio. I like nature and aminals. Not an anime fan (sorry weebs, it's for personal reasons.)
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
HP lovecraft is a favorite. I like gothic horror but also enjoy trash TV.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I like /w/ for following a few cows but mainly I just like to laugh at trannies on /snow/. tbh I'm more of a kiwifag.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Ideally I'd like to have an irl friend since I haven't had one in like 10 years but I'd be happy with someone to send memes to or sperg about trannies with on vc.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

No. 347061

sent you a message through telegram!

No. 347473

I'm dropping my discord tag here since I complained in a different thread about how fandom is infested with troons, and some nonnies feel the same, so feel free to add me if you want to talk about GL and anime lesbians or whatever Hg#6820

No. 347873

My discord is .kabees
>How long this contact will remain active?
GMT +3
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Kind of shy and awkward at first. More of a listener, less of a talker. But I open up really easily when with the right people.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I have pretty chill hobbies like listening to music, reading books, and watching shows/films.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
In terms of music, I love anything rock and metal. Books and films wise, I love horrors and thrillers. I'm a big fan of oldies media as well (60s, 70s, 80s)
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
For MBTI, I get anything from INFJ to INFP to INTJ to INTP depending on the website I use so idk. For boards, I tend to browse all of them equally.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Just someone I can relate to and hopefully can develop a longterm friendship with. I'm looking for someone I can open up to and share interests with.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I have a full time job 8-4pm Mon-Fri, but I'm pretty much always free after work. Feel free to contact me whenever.

No. 348283

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i will then give u my personal discord if i am comfortable doing so
>How long this contact will remain active?
forever ig
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
cringey emo loner, stuck in 2009 very rawr xD swag, very socially awkward and anxious and shy but communicating online is a lot easier! definitely give off major autist vibes but i embrace that, care greatly about my hobbies and interests. i love making art but it stresses me out frequently so i struggle to make things often but i love to make weird art specifically weird video edite lately. i am super friendly and polite (major people pleaser but working on it) and i like to think i’m a nice person! kinda pessimistic and cynical, love a self depreciating joke, but also try to see the positives in life where i can.
>Hobbies and pastimes
making kandi, sewing (fashion in general), art (digital, graffiti, multiple mediums), playing video games, watching movies, reading manga, watching some anime, i am not a cringe weeb i promise spending time outdoors and with friends.
>Favorito movies/shows/music/books/etc
films: requiem of a dream, spirited away. gone girl, come and see, f&f tokyo drift, the earlier saw films, grave of the fireflies, trainspotting, the original scream, howl’s moving castle, all chucky films, probably forgot a few and definitely anything super sad.
shows: it’s always sunny in philadelphia, trailer park boys, breaking bad, yu gi oh, black mirror (only some episodes), neon genesis evangelion, skins, squid game, sonic x.
anime: devilman crybaby(2018), berserk (1997). the disastrous life of saika k, cardcaptor sakura.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
INFJ-T apparently (idrk about any of that).
main threads used to be tuna and nika/jaelle through spam community but they both dried up heavily, also LBW and any other cows like holli/claire vaguely the soundclout thread and i occasionally check in on youtube twitch projaree threads. read more threads than i can remember being a long time lurker and occasional poster but current favs are our resident porky shaynus as well as photoshoppers and OF whores thread. sometimes do check up on tuna but the milk is dried than her chapped lips.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
general friendship, would hope to progress to a non-anon friendship with the right nonita and have vague hopes of forming even year long friendships if the possibility arises - all strictly platonic
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
somewhat busy currently working night shift so not working well with British time, but i always find the time to respond to people and will ensure my notifications are on! happy for contact whenever!

No. 348284

samefag i forgot to mention music which is a big part of my life i have a music tech qualification and wanna produce music eventually when im not lazy and would love to do vocals too for sure!
music artistss bladee/ecco/thaiboy/drain gang, korn, drake, xxx, juice wrld, corbin/spookyblack, sickboyrari/blackkray, some $B, yabujin, trippie redd, mitski, the stranglers, god so much more
music genres: jersey club, breakcore, hyperpop, cloud rap, hip hop, hardcore/hardstyle, nightcore, neuro dnb, again probably so much more im forgetting lol

No. 348286

i sent an email your way!!

No. 348518

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>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
18 - 24 is probably best.
>How would you describe yourself?
I would say I am a pretty casual person. I go to college far away from my hometown, so I have had a hard time making friends. I quite shy in person but find it easier to express myself online. I'm not very creative or anything and am studying something that is a male-majority field, so I've found it difficult to make female friends irl. I go to a really big party college, but I don't drink or go out.
I really like reading and some of my favorite books that I've read recently are: My Year of Rest and Relaxation, The Setting Sun, Convenience Store Woman. I read some weekly comics on Shonen Jump as well and I have watched my fair share of anime. I used to collect figurines (think like scale anime figurines) but I kind of grew out of it. I also like makeup and skin care. I'm also into documentaries.
>Favorite cows
I am a sucker for the Erin Painter threads and reread them often. I also liked the Soren Hayes threads and the Phoebe Tickner threads. Recently I casually browse the Grimes threads, but I'm not on lolcow a lot.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I really just want to meet a friend who I can talk to casually sometimes and has similar interests. I also like some videogames so it might be fun to play together. I am always down to talk about cows.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I get busy periodically with school but I'll check my email 1-2 times a day so you shouldn't go too long without a response.

No. 348525

The last two nonas I added from this thread were the same tranny larping as a woman each time. Never adding anyone from here again, this is a trap.

No. 348526

at least tag the posts

No. 348862

added you nonita

No. 348866

samefag nevermind i got too paranoid about anonymity but if you feel we’d get along >>348283 is my post with my proton mail included

No. 348896

Share the posts.

No. 348997

Which ones? I have no issue voice verifying so long as whoever adds me does as well.

No. 349003

this feels like bait, why wouldn't you reply to the posts (with screenshots) if it was true? iirc in the last thread some nonnies were accused of that and they confirmed they weren't scrotes too

No. 349061

Not sure if it was me (I talk in Spanish too) but I added you again

No. 349538

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I'm not sure why I'm doing this, I feel pretty lonely though.


Just ask
>How long this contact will remain active?
Unless mean/annoying anons or scrotes reply to me
Late 20s
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Anyone above 25 and not too zoomerish
>How would you describe yourself?
Pretty chill and I'm looking for someone chill too, I don't like when people are either too sensitive or too mean. I can be a good listener though and I'll always be interested in what you have to say or show to me even if I don't necessarily share the same interests (just as long it doesn't involve your boyfriend or husbando since I really couldn't care less). I want someone to casually talk to me maybe share some random stuff and I have no problem hearing your troubles as long as you know I'm not a licensed therapist, just a person who cares. I'm private and don't like being asked about my life unless I willingly share things with you. I have my weird quirks so be prepared, I'm neurodivergent. But once you truly enter my life I will be very loyal to you as long as you're not some creepy asshole. I'm a loving and understanding friend I think. I hope we can break the ice together.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I hate kpop, drag queens, I don't care about most celebrities, and most weebshit bores me out even if I like some anime and manga (haibane, nekojiru, and madoka are big ones). I'm into late 90s and early 2000s japanese music/aesthetics, and I like breakcore and doja cat and mitski too. Please share music, random videos, Instagram reels and memes with me, specially if they're silly or cute, I'll do the same for you.
I love weird animal and biology facts and I don't like consumerism specially not of the kawaii or funko pop type. I read books sometimes and I would like to read more (been getting over my fear of pdfs recently). I like Nintendo videogames and while I don't see myself as a radfem I agree with the good points it makes. Also I'm very into art and the process behind it, it would be cool if you were in a art field (and not just a hobbyist).
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
2lazy2list. If you're interested please share yours in your reply post and then we can see if we hit it off or not
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I'm in a loooooong self healing journey that hasn't really taken off, but I'm getting there.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Please no LARPers, self hating fake ass bitches, or ageplayers. You'd be surprised how many I've found in this thread before.
I dislike fake positivity and I dislike edginess and hatred the same way. They often go hand in hand in people.
I don't like friend drama so please be chill. If you start to gossip I'll just assume you're childish. If you get triggered easily or assume the worst in people please don't even bother. Unfortunately a lot of people like that have taken advantage of me before and I don't want to form a bond with someone skewed. Please be nice and understanding and not mean.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm literally a NEET at the moment

No. 349539

where you the nonna posting catsoup gifs in the dumbass shit thread? if so great taste

No. 349541

great frog pic nona, sadly i am the zoomiest of zoomies so i won't bother

No. 349556

Come hang out in the movie room sometime! People come and go but it’s nice to just hang out and chat with a throwaway handle and hosting is also fun. I haven’t joined the stream lately because I’ve been busy but I hear Sharp Objects is really good and they linked the past episodes if you need to catch up.
What’s your contact?

No. 349567

>Just ask
Anons shouldn't have to ask when YOU are the one asking for contacts. What's the purpose of it anyway? It's not like you can avoid posting your contact info.

No. 349586

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meatdisc on discord
>How long this contact will remain active?
forever unless i get banned or something
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
anyone 20 and up would be cool
>How would you describe yourself?
I'm an extremely spergy yume whos obsessed with metal band guys from 80s bands and my cute ocs.
I'm probably kinda annoying, i talk alot kek
>Hobbies and pastimes
I love to draw and make up little stories for my ocs i also play and listen to lots of music, collect dolls and love vintage fashion
i'm super interested in history and wars and love using those themes in my art but sadly like most my interests its infested with scrotes and im so tired
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
anything with zombies or war themes is probably up my alley, i dont really watch shows but i like games a lot like metalgear, no more heroes, dead rising probably more i cant think of rn.
Love metal from the 80s especially girl bands and collect lots of patches and other merch
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
shay, tuna and random fun threads on /ot/ and /m/
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
A long term art friend to sperg out with and maybe even make ocs and all together? i'd be so happyyyyy
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Fulltime need so just hit me up whenever

No. 349589

NTA why are you so pressed about a random post that has nothing to do with you lmao, a lot of nonnas wrote similar things like "ask beforehand" or "please leave your contact info and I'll add you". It's a safety meassure, because there's a lot of men lurking these threads, too bad you're either a scrote or a sad person who no one wants to befriend with this attitude kek no one owes you anything girl and you ain't special

No. 349617

It makes the thread dysfunctional if everyone does it and again: it makes no sense. Post your contact info or don't post a friend request at all.

No. 349627

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Email me, then if we connect we can move to discord and verify voice: yllow-clove@protonDOTme
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
I'd probably relate more to those 22+, but would prefer older anons
>How would you describe yourself?
Pretty solidly an awkward homebody/shut in who spend way too much time online. I love to make people laugh, my humor is kind of deadpan and stupid so I like joking with people who can roll with that. Currently NEET but about to be enrolled in trade school.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Big music geek, I collect vinyl and can pretty much talk to a wall about bands and artists, whether I love them or hate them. I love to sing and do karaoke. One day I'll start making the effort to learning an instrument. I also enjoy crochet, mostly making amigurumi but I also make blankets and I want to get into making wearables. I'm getting back into video games- I mostly play on PC but I've been enjoying the 3DS lately, I have a goal to play through all of the past pokemon games. I also enjoy drawing and used to be super into digital art but took a long hiatus so I'm trying to teach myself to draw again. I write sometimes, mostly fanfic.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
My music tastes tend to skew older, like 80's-90's electronic/synth, disco, funk, pop, I am getting more into rock music but most of it bores me. For tv/movies I tend to go for thrillers or crime, the Sopranos is my favorite series. I'm not that much into anime but I will watch if you like. I like reading historical fic, romance, and generally books that revolve around off-kilter women
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I like browsing /m/ and /g/ the most for media recs and husbando sperging, rarely do I look at /pt/ or /snow/ anymore I find e-celebs and lolcows too cringe to keep up with. I still occasionally browse 4chan because of the anonymity for a quick laugh.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to connect and relate to, sharing our hobbies with each other, I'd love to sperg out about music, like maybe having a listening party or making each other playlists would be fun. But mainly wanting to connect with like-minded women
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact me whenever

No. 349635

>Minimoding over something so insignificant
I bet you have a whole spreadsheet of anons contact info in here. Let people do whatever they want. This isn't a serious thing to get mad about.

No. 349669

I don't collect anyone's info wtf, stop making ridiculous accusations to try and get back at me. It makes a 100% sense to post your contact info if you're posting a request and not doing so is ridiculous and you know I'm right.

No. 349742

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Discord: cellophanetaken
Email: akabusa@proton.me (props to anyone who can figure out what I did here)
This email is for if Discord doesn't work for w/e reason, you feel uncomfortable sharing your Discord, etc
>How long this contact will remain active?
Indef I guess
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
25+ but younger/older nonas (no less than 21 though) who feel they could really vibe with me based on the other info below are welcome too
>How would you describe yourself?
A shut in "90's kid" fujo whos been around computers and nintendo products my whole life
Learning Japanese, being on the PC, browsing and keeping up with threads I'm interested in across lolcow, kiwifarms, 4ch*n, 5ch (japanese text board) and some other imageboards, typical otaku stuff like anime/manga, watching Youtube videos/dramas, drawing, games
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movies: Hocus Pocus (haven't seen the 2nd movie yet), Lion King 1 and 2 (1 1/2 does not exist to me)
Shows: 美しい彼
Music: I don't really follow artists like that but some that I like enough to remember their names are The Gazette, Eve, Haru Nemuri, Kai (EXO). Genres… jpop/rock, experimentally stuff, electronic, techno.. I'll give anything a listen really
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I'm an Aries. I'd post my mbti but I get a different result every time I take it and I don't feel like taking it again at the moment. 95% of the music I listen to is Japanese. Cinnamoroll is my favorite Sanrio character and I'm collecting him. I watch and read anime/manga/Jdrama (98% BL btw) raw for my Japanese learning. Some of the games I like are the Bayonetta series, Nier Automata, some Mario games, Zelda, Spyro, Dragons Dogma, DMMD (Noiz best boy). Looking forward to Dragons Dogma 2 when it comes out! I also plan to play Elden Ring eventually and am super excited for Fashion Dreamer coming out soon too. As far as youtube goes, on the english side I like watching videos related to Japanese, video games, anime, dolls, nails, crafts, video essays are alright too. On the Japanese side I watch let's players, skits, blogs, hauls, and various other things I don't know how to describe. I'd say I watch a large variety of stuff. I'm not terribly fond of political correctness and lean more towards the edgier side (being able to take/make off colored jokes here and there for example)
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I'm looking for a long term close friend so probably the most important thing above all else is preferably someone who won't ghost me for days/delete their account at random times esp without telling me. Would be amazing to find a nona that's just as autisticlly devoted to learning Japanese and is on the computer as much I am (I only leave the house for job, groceries and the occasional trip to the mall or something) but I know that's a bit of a tall order. Hanging out together on vc would be nice and sending each other retarded videos.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Not super busy so message me whenever

No. 349749

Sent you a request!

No. 350073

bumping my post as i’m still looking for friends and now have a lot more free time to communicate with people and hopefully build friendships

No. 350161

>you know I'm right
Creepy. You're creepy. Exactly the kind of anon I wouldn't want to contact me.

No. 350172

hi nona my info is here >>348283 please send me a message if you feel we could get along

No. 350202

leave your contact info maybe we can actually be friends
ok sent

No. 350302

I added you twice and the both times I tried to talk to you, you ghosted me even though nothing wrong happened?

No. 350364

Serial killer post

No. 350365

It's almost like most of these are schizos just baiting you guys to try to dox you

No. 350369

hi nonnies i know this is a complete long shot but i’m really looking for more uk based nonnies to try to befriend and none of your discords worked for me/your initial post mentioned to reply for contact, my original post is here >>348283 so please contact if you think we could be friends or reply to my post if you want to get in contact in a different way (not protonmail, but that is ideal for me)

No. 350459

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Hey nonnie ayrt here do u happen to have a discord? U can just make a throwaway one which is what I’ll do too, I’m also looking for uk based people

No. 350601

ayrt i made a throwaway discord which is just lonernonita hope to hear from some uk nonnies

No. 350625

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Spanish speaking rad nonitas, you can contact me on Discord
Pls be patient if I take a while to accept/reply, I'm usually kinda busy and have specific times of the day I dedicate to discord

No. 350637

Updating my old post to say I made an email if anyone prefers email over discord
My discord is also now snailie

No. 350692

No. 350937

sent an email right now! im the esl anon

No. 350950

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>How long this contact will remain active?
forever, pls hmu even if it's been a while since this post
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
>Hobbies and pastimes
cosplay, manga, games
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
persona, deltarune, fruits basket, bl, pls recommend me stuff
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
estj (i think), i lurk on /pt/ but im a newfag sorry
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
want someone that will talk about random stuff/ play games or just do online friend things idfk. hopefully long-term
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
contact me whenever!!

No. 351118

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I'm 20 years old, currently a NEET, but I was in college not that long ago.
In my free time I draw, write fanfiction, play videogames. I used to like BL a lot when I was younger, now I like horror or paranomal manga. I love creepypastas and analog/digital horror. I'm into alternative music and I enjoy listening to new stuff.
I don't like lolcows or nonnas who bully other people. I prefer the threads on /ot/ or /m/ over other more hostile boards.
Discord is sourred

No. 351124

I forgot to add that I like programming and reading non-fiction, lol.

No. 351157

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musicevening @ protonmail.com
send me an email at first! i don't mind switching to discord or telegram if we click. i do want brief voice verification after we talk a bit.
>How long this contact will remain active?
forever/until i forget to check it
19, turning 20
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
18-25 would be ideal, it's okay if you are a bit older too
>How would you describe yourself?
i am a caring person and a good listener. i like to take the time to really get to know someone, i like learning about my friends' interests and passions. so i'd love to hear you rant about whatever you are into. im open-minded and like to discuss different ideas/topics. i'm a little spergy and i suspect i might be autistic. i'm a lesbian and not super political but definitely terfy and i agree with radfems on pretty much everything. i dislike idpol/pc stuff and think people should say whatever they want. i like to make fun of men and trannies.
my sense of humor can be kind of weird/edgy but i am a pretty soft person. i have an optimistic and positive outlook on life overall and im trying to get rid of my online irony-poisoned mentality.
>Hobbies and pastimes
i like to read, write, and draw. i'm trying to teach myself html/css/python. i like to make and talk about ocs! interested in history/languages/anthropology. i'm not religious, but i find interesting learning about theology as well. i'm a student so a good deal of my time goes to studying, but i am still online a lot. i often browse lc on my phone throughout the day kek.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
i like russian/ukrainian music. some of my favorite bands are peremotka, kino, djozers, the unsleeping, agatha christie. i also like the smiths, the cure, boa, lana del rey
i try to read often and like to talk about books. i read a lot of nonfiction, but i also like ridiculous crime novels. i recently read and enjoyed beat the reaper. id love to have a friendship where we read books together and talk about them. as for shows i liked the x files and twin peaks
i'm not super fandomy but if you want to talk about your blorbos i will listen
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
i come on here for /ot/ and /g/ mostly since it satisfies my urge to have a female community where you can also talk shit and express opinions freely. i keep up with the grimes and elon thread in /snow/ too. i found lolcow through the soren threads (rip) but i don't really keep up with cow threads anymore since i think a lot of the cows now are boring and i'm behind on their lore.
i'm an estj apparently
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
just finding some chill women to chit-chat with would be nice! we can talk about music, read books together, send each other interesting things we find, laugh at retarded shit) i like the idea of being able to have random discussions about anything, the kind i come on lc for, but not faceless
i also like the idea of finding close long-term friends, but no pressure. i have a couple close internet friends i've been talking to for years, so close online friendships aren't a strange concept for me, but they have to happen naturally over time. i would love a farmer friend irl too if any central-east eurofags are out there, but i absolutely would not want to rush meeting someone from lolcow, we would have to build trust first.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
i can be busy, but i'm good about replying. i like the idea of a pen-pal situation where we send each other long-form messages and updates periodically also. don't mind hanging out on vc when we know each other better!

No. 351165

Do not add people from here.

No. 351170

Out of the commonly stated reasons, do you have a particular one? Just curious.

No. 351201

what happened?

No. 351255

hi nona, just sent u an email

No. 351457

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#phatbeatz777 (Jet Set Radio reference)
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
21-35; no zoombabies
>How would you describe yourself?
uhhh I'm in grad school and working full time in STEM. It's fun but mentally draining especially being an emotional person being surrounded by pickmes and autistic moids. I'm an extroverted introvert and I need friends to function, but right now I'm not really funtioning, so…
>Hobbies and pastimes
before I became too depressed my hobbies were watching kdramas and horror films, cooking, roller skating and sewing. The ones I still do are music (mostly EBM/industrial, vaporwave, and D&B but I like all genres), fashion, and honestly drinking. Craft beer is life.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I am obsessed with K-horror like I Saw the Devil… Strangers from Hell is an absolute masterpiece. Currently I can't stop watching Kendall Rae on YT cause true crime is very interesting. I like to fuel my own depression and anxiety I guess. I also love comedy though like King of the Hill lmao. Music wise I like everything but anything electronic is the best, especially if it's edgy like KMFDM or Nine Inch Nails.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
Unfortunately I'm an ISFP in STEM, which is a nightmare. I love science but the people in my field suck. I'm extremely TERFy due to my life experiences with men and the pickmes that fuel their shittiness. I'm also an enneagram 648, and a Taurus stereotype. I don't go on her much but usually just /g/ or /ot/; I don't have time to keep up with lolcows anymore but I can't stand anachans. Before you assume I'm a whale, I'm not, just average God forbid.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I really need friends who are woke, which is hard to find IRL. most people I know are either libfems or pickme scum. I like to vent but I also like to listen.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm busy a lot but I work 9-5 which is nicebecause I'm always free at night. I'm a bad texter and strongly prefer calling but im cool with whatever.

No. 351484

Same every time I add someone from here it’s always the same troon. He has like 300 alts. Never adding anyone from here ever again lol.

No. 351485

Maybe because 90% of the posters here are trannies or ugly moids looking for a gf? This board is totally compromised.

No. 351495

Exactly this. Think about how slow the board moves–do you really think this many people are avid users? There's more posts in here than there are posters on the board. The people who want to be your friend aren't other lonely neet or wagecuck women or whatever, they are genuinely unwell people that want to dox you and collect your info to share with 4chan scrotes. Using FF here is shooting yourself in the foot, these are not good people.

No. 351506

Not only is the board slow moving but I’m pretty sure the same one poster makes like 80% of the posts on this board because I always recognize their expressions, writing style and syntax in different threads, they’ll post multiple times in the same time span, and they always keep the thread open in a tab to the point they’ll repeatedly reply to deleted posts. It’s very obviously the same troon. The only posters who might be legit women are those who can fluently speak another language and provably outside the US. Otherwise you’re just going to keep adding Blaine the troon from Wisconsin.

No. 351512

shit i am actually a woman (one of the eslfags) and now i regret posting, i'm scared that i've added that tranny

No. 351518

I've actually had a different experience, I've only encountered the troon once unfortunately (he even told me who he was immediately) and I'd say yes there's girls who sometimes write their post again but they only do it months after they already did it, and for what they have told me they do it because first time they didn't get much interaction or they got ghosted. My worst experience so far is having to talk with a self hating age player girl which I regret because she was insane. And I think just like her a lot of people itt are like, looking for online friends but not necessarily active users of the website, some of them they tend to be newfags or 4chan users. It's all about how they write their post, there's also legit normal lolcow people in here, you just have to see.

No. 351519

Adding to my post: had to delete my entire discord account when the tranny interacted with me. But he's very easily clockable, the other people I've talked to are women and it's always good to voice check beforehand for this reason.

No. 351522

I've had a similar experience and I'm even one of those people who've posted multiple times (though years apart.) I've had tens of anons add me and I've added a bunch myself and I've never once encountered a troon/male. A lot of farmers ghost very fast or can't maintain friendships due to some flavor of mental illness or social maladaptation, sure, but the constant troon fear mongering since last thread isn't justified in the slightest. It's always so curious to me how anons will constantly mention scrote infestation yet won't ever point them out in the thread… I'm willing to bet it's bored male lurkers who are trying to incite infighting or want to fuck with us and make us paranoid who keep saying this shit.

No. 351527

>A lot of farmers ghost very fast or can't maintain friendships due to some flavor of mental illness or social maladaptation
Kek same, a lot are awkward or don't know how to continue the conversation, or disappear after a while
>I'm willing to bet it's bored male lurkers who are trying to incite infighting or want to fuck with us and make us paranoid who keep saying this shit.
I agree. The times when trannies have been singled out have either been fake or quickly spotted and banned.

No. 351529

This thread is reaching insane levels of tinfoiling and I seriously don't get it. I have never met a scrote (afaik) from ffs here and I am sure I interacted with at least 10 anons and vc'd with almost all of them (both from this thread and the last one). The one thing I noticed, like other people mentioned, is ghosting, but I still interact with a few and they're very nice people.
why'd you do that? Is the tranny that scary? What can he even do if he has no personal info on you and you block him?
And why do nonnies keep talking about the two billion scrote/trannies who post here but never link any post? I am legitimately confused.

No. 351533

>What can he even do if he has no personal info on you
You're giving half the anons here too much credit lol

No. 351542

Ayrt yes I was paranoid because it was around the time when a lot of the raids were happening.

No. 351547

One time I saw an anon linking some posts and crying "tranny!" But then I went on to talk to said posters and they were women lol. I think it's reasonable to be afraid but just be cautious like you would be in any other website. At least here we have the rule to ban men and can ask for voice checks.

I do remember one lolicon guy posting in a previous thread but farmhands quickly deleted his post, he was looking for a girlfriend (men are very obvious when they post).

No. 351550

I've posted once and haven't replied to any emails I got because I soon felt like an online friendship isn't what I should be incorporating into my life, even though I do want to socialize so bad.
I'm OP of this >>341805 and sorry to any anons who wanted to reach out to me. I've had to reassess my priorities shortly afterward.

No. 351551

No. 351601

i've also added maybe 30+ people from here and only ever once encountered what i suspected to be a male/tranny. the only real issue like others said is nonnies who are too mentally ill or just overall bland and boring/ghost. i talk to about 4-5 people from here regularly and have exchanged mail with two with no problems. as long as you're not retarded you'll be fine. verify with voice, voice chat, and take your time being more personal with people.

No. 351831

We did not.

No. 351832

friend him, gain his trust, and report him to his local police precinct for CSAM spam

No. 351834

No. His address has already been posted here. Don't friend him, don't entertain his creepy delusions, and ignore him.

No. 351845

File: 1696754412100.jpg (117.84 KB, 1113x1660, RDT_20230410_16210544670420820…)

>see many nonnas I'd like to be friends with
>age range 20-30
>am almost 32
guess this is it for me I'm too old for this

No. 351851

I'm not the troon and I haven't added anyone from this thread specifically because of the age boundary, fuck off.

No. 351863

Nonny I don't mind if you're 32

No. 351878

They delete all his posts all the time, he's a pest. We all know he already exists so no need to see his brain rot everywhere.

No. 352490

northern britbong here. i'm @ 9000seagulls on discord (pretty new account as my other discord is linked to a few servers and i have first time nerves posting itt kek)

No. 352501

i'm the anon you replied to in the bong thread, added you!

No. 352551

what anime is this? I completely forgot the anime and I've been meaning to see it

No. 352593

Has anyone actually made friends from here? Every time I add someone it’s either someone overly paranoid and suspicious who immediately wants a bunch of proof that I’m a real woman (like yes I’m a woman but I’m not immediately sending a timestamp with half my face showing or id or going on videocall with you right away when I have no idea who you are) or it’s someone who replies in like one word answers and expects me to carry the conversation while giving minimal input and is clearly talking to like 10 different people (or very occasionally someone who spams walls of text at me)

No. 352594

It's me, walls of text nonnie. I've met another walls of text friend and we have a nice friendship going on. I don't think lolcow is the best place to exactly make friends. Sorry about your luck.

No. 352613

Ime yes, I've made several amazing gal pals, but I have fostered these relationships by adding the new friends to a server so we have more of a public communion place. 1 on 1 dm friendships don't work for me

No. 352617

>gal pals

No. 352623

Gee, I wonder why you can't make friends irl

No. 352646

Ayrt, it's Marie & Gali!
Also unrelated to your question, but if anybody sends a fr through discord, please let me know itt so at least I know you come from here. Otherwise I probably won't accept you

No. 352697

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mithrasenjoyer@proton.me or koizoid on discord (whichever you prefer)
>How long this contact will remain active?
literally forever even if its been like months or years, please just mention that you came from here!! i used to post my tag on other imageboards and i still get creeps adding me.
est / -5:00 utc
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
any age is fine as long as we have similar hobbies (at least anime/videogame) in common…im a pretty immature person in terms of interests n hobbies if that matters
>How would you describe yourself?
my personality fluctuates a lot because i don’t really have one..when i talk to people im usually pretty energetic and have a lot (usually too much) to say. i am weird and put a lot of effort into talking and asking questions, sharing, etc, but occasionally i need alone time and to just spend a few days to myself. im not into myers briggs but im INP (i don’t think or feel anything because im braindead and a p-zombie so i cant have a t/f codetype). im into astrology and im pisces/libra/libra and my saturn is in the eighth house which made me gay and a femcel.
>Hobbies and pastimes
anime/manga/video games are my main interests because my interests are pretty restricted im sorry; im open to literally any genre but am limited in video games due to money and graphical requirements. besides that im into drawing and making ocs/working on any kind of creative projects. i like reading nonfiction about psychology (but im not supportive of modern dsm/psychiatry), religion and spirituality like wicca and witchcraft, and i also like reading fiction as well, i try to make it a point to read frequently but am clueless as to what to read. im trying to learn a new language but its really hard when u don’t have a functional frontal lobe
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
my favorite series are revolutionary girl utena, houseki no kuni, beastars, berserk, serial experiments lain, cowboy bebop. yume nikki (and other fangames), lisa, mother series, fear and hunger, tboi, bag of milk, monster rancher 2, 100% oj, cringe fnaf and undertale, and the usual sims/minecraft/stardew valley. add me instantly if you like touhou it is the most important thing in my life
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
im a newfag but i mostly lurk the agp threads on snow, 2x and ot. technically i am not a neet but i have no life and struggle with work/relationships/goals.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
i really prefer having anime/manga/videogame in common with people because it makes it so much easier for me to socialize that way. im always ok vcing for voice verify and am ok with vcing occasionally, but text chat is so much more relaxing to me. i really, Really struggle with motivation, so sometimes i need more time and patience. i really just want long-term friends because i have no and never have had friends irl, i have one online friend rn.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
im almost never too busy so anytime is fine. at the time of posting, ive been feeling really sick lately so it might take me some extra time. i wrote all of this in a wps and copy and pasted it, sorry if i messed up

No. 352711

File: 1697176482288.jpg (34.93 KB, 500x375, mariah1.jpg)


discord : auurara
>How long this contact will remain active?
for a while i guess
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Introverted but friendly! I try to be positive and funny bc its better than being miserable and whiny. I struggle with the typical depression + anxiety combo, but Im doing better than before. Slowly clawing myself out of NEET-dom and into uh normie-hood I guess. Really trying to be on that self-improvement/glowup journey.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I'm a digital artist trying to make (more) money off my work. I'm interested in animation and graphic design. I'm trying to get back into learning code languages and German again. I like mmorpgs though I barely have time to dedicate to them anymore but I'm big nerd about them. I enjoy watching people play games on YT, though Im very picky about who to watch. I read a lot of manga online , fantasy shoujo/josei , supernatural horror/thriller, and drama. Also korean fantasy manhwas. I like to write but I'm shit at it so I enjoy being massive critic/hater instead. I guess I'm a weeb but mostly enjoy anime art/artists more than anime shows. I do like celeb drama and gossip. Offline , I like to do aerobics to get fit and flexible.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Hmm, not too much of a TV/Movie person but I'll check out any drama/horror anyone would recommend. I love a lot of Japanese artists, like Utada Hikaru, Maaya Sakamoto, Megumi Nakajima, and Shiina Ringo.
>Other random tidbits about you
Uhh, I'm a Leo and I think I'm a INFJ? I haven't taken that test in years so.. I'm not social media much but I want to get back into it, casually of course. I lurk everywhere online but sometimes it feels like a bad habit. I peek at most of the boards on here though they've gotten stale lately.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I'm pretty lonely so I want to try putting myself out there and curating some real, positive relationships with women with the same interests as me. I'm fine with casual convos, venting, or developing actual friendships.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Not busy at all. You can message me anytime, about anything. I can be a little chatty so let me know if Im talking too much lol.

No. 352732

you sound nice, what kind of music do you listen to? also you should play hello charlotte

No. 352919

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Lets use protonmail for the first few messages. After that we can chat on discord or wherever. This contact info will remain active forever.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I'm looking for someone who I can
study/practice Japanese with. I refuse to practice with moids and I'm not extroverted so practicing in real life social settings has been difficult. I don't use Japanese grammar in my day to day life and I keep forgetting it. So I'm hoping to improve my skills.
To give you an idea of where I'm at - I'm in an intermediate II college level Japanese course and I have about 300 words left on my core 2k anki deck. I plan to finish them ASAP.
Feel free to send a message even if you aren't studying Japanese - I could use more online friends in general. Lets talk about series we like, our hobbies/projects, how our day is going, etc.
>Age, how I'd describe myself
I'm 20 (anyone can contact me as long as you're 18). I'm vegan and I can speak Spanish. I have no real life friends but I like to keep myself busy with my hobbies and stuff, so it isn't a problem. I consider myself an easygoing creative person.
I like to make art (drawing, painting, ceramics, etc.) I like the fine art side of things but I also do digital fanart too. Other hobbies include gardening, figure collecting, figure photography, and garage kit building.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
My current favorite series are madoka magica, higurashi, umineko, and houseki no kuni among others. I like ranfren too. My favorite anime to watch are ones with unique styles that have an artistic, surreal feeling to them. I also read manga in my free time. Right now I'm reading battle angel alita and monster. I like yuri but I find that a lot of the stories are really bland and vanilla which sucks. Feel free to send any recommendations my way!
For music I usually listen to ambient/electronic/experimental. Lately I've been listening to the Angel's egg soundtrack.
>Other random tidbits about you
Sometimes small talk can be hard for me, but I'll do my best. It'll be easier for us to talk if you have a topic in mind.
My favorite thread is the bad art thread.
Don't message me if you are male, believe that men can be women, or believe that there are more than two genders.

No. 353004

You sound very cool and exactly up my alley but I used to know the ranfren comic author personally for a brief period before she really took off and I don't want that to come up in a conversation.

No. 353007

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peachdrink666 at gmail please introduce yourself if you contact! And if you do please let me know itt too so I check out my email
>How long this contact will remain active?
Just three weeks
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Anyone 25+ like me, don't mind it if you're juuuust a bit over 30. If you're younger than 25 and chill you may still apply
>How would you describe yourself?
Chill neet still figuring myself out after college, I know what I want but I just can't decide on how to achieve it yet. I like contemporary art and illustration specially if it's japanese. I love having casual conversations, maybe sending short form videos and I would love if you sent me random short form videos and cool artsy pictures too. I tend to not be the best replier because sometimes I don't know what to say other that "ah that's super cool!" but I try my best. My interest is genuine! I'm easily amused and curious, my adhd brain can be hard to concentrate though
>Hobbies and pastimes
Honestly it's hard to admit but I don't do much these days, other than watching youtube and instagram lmao, I like video essayists and stuff related to fun art things. I'm not super hardcore into figure drawing or fanart or typical animey art I just like concepts and printing and using your hands to create
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
My favorite book is convenience store girl, my favorite music atm is Mitski though I listen to a lot of japanese stuff, I like artsy and melancholic anime like picrel or girls last tour, and yes I'm a weeb kek. I'm very sorry lol I guess I would describe myself as being very into japanese stuff
Oh also into biology and learning about different cultures, so if you're from europe that would be fun (I'm not american!)
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I really don't care about any gossip anymore, I'm here because I'm bored and this place is easy to use
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I don't mesh well with strong personalities or obsessive people, I'm a scaredly person lol but also it's hard for me to always be the one talking you know? You don't need to always be like, do a "hello how are you" just start the conversation by sending me random stuff and I'll reply. I am bad with shy people too because I'm afraid of scaring others off lmao, so yeah I've ghosted and been ghosted here several times so unless you are super sure you want a friendship then what's the pooooiiint lol but yeah also I'm not into husband's or yaoi sorry, also probably not into hearing about nigels or moid dates (girl dates are ok) even telling me about how you're eating your favorite ice cream flavor is ok for me, or send me stuff from your collection or stuff you like idk
I don't like politics, conspiracy theories, or too much thought policing, I like being free (just know that yes I don't like libfem stuff or gendie shit)
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Idk I might take my time replying but I'm always going to be there

No. 353042

Nona I'm still waiting for you to accept my request

No. 353197

this feels like a humblebrag to like, the handful of anons who read ranfren on this site lol. nta but i feel like you could just never bring it up if you don't want to talk about it?

No. 353220

It's not a humblebrag, it's just impossible not to when I also used to love her art and was influential to me back then, so talking to a current fan would be weird to me. Sometimes I still think about her, just like I think about plenty of other online friends I've lost contact with in the past.

No. 353395

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Email: vivespertine@proton.me
Discord: vivespertine

>How long this contact will remain active?

For the foreseeable future. If this is old, don't let it deter you.




Early 30s.

>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

Don't care as long as you're an adult.

>How would you describe yourself?

Basics are:
- I'm an androgenous alternative type overall.
- I appreciate candidness.
- I'm open to talk about most things, am not easily offended, and am not a shy person.
- I am moderate but opinionated.
- I used to be a junkie and now work in a related field.
- I'm definitely not woke, but to each their own.

But the more important stuff to know is this:
- I have a very wry & sometimes crude sense of humor, and feel I bond most easily by means of harsh but friendly bullshitting.
- I also like deeper or more abstract or existential discussions. I am the type who can argue without negative feelings and neutrally engage in dialectics, so if you ever want a devil's advocate/challenge/steelman, I'm here for it.
- I strongly advise against having me as a friend for some people, haha, sorry! I said I appreciate candidness but I need to emphasize that fact. I am not rude but I am not the appeasing type, either, so if you're really sensitive, if you prefer subtly, if you are hurt by disagreement or a lack of affirmation, etc. I may be a bad fit.

>Hobbies and pastimes

- concept creation, world building, OCs
- spending time with my pets
- music, gaming, scrolling, anime/manga
- drawing, reading & watching stuff, puzzles (jigsaw, builds, etc.)
- hypertrophy, meditative walking, paintball, rollerblading
- stargazing, camping, exploring
- Stoicism (esp Seneca), the Japanese language
- watching videos on astronomy, human anatomy, psychology, paleontology, atrocities, etc.
- righteous lazing after productivity

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

The dark fantasy, tech noir, psychological, and horror genres are my favorites. I love magical and grungy mind-fuckery. I will say that Berserk is my top comic pick, but beyond that I would rather be asked directly (anonymity, sorry).

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

I'm 99% lurker (except today, apparently).
If you're into personality stuff, judge away:
- Libra
- Slytherin
- Big Five/OCEAN: (AVERAGE) in Openness, (VERY HIGH) in Conscientiousness, (AVERAGE) in Extraversion, (LOW) in Agreeableness, and (VERY LOW) in Neuroticism.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Art buddies, gaming buddies, those with similar interests, people who want to offer/request ideas or opinions or advice, someone who enjoys delving into theoretical discussions for their own sake, anyone who wants to just laugh or vent and trust things will be chill… I'm pretty open. In the end, authenticity matters more to me than prioritizing a particular dynamic, so I'm just hoping I'll have some interesting interactions at least, and make lasting connections at best.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

You can contact me any time, and I'll get back to you. Might be delays here or there, sometimes I'll get busy or go MIA, but I have a personal disdain for ghosting so I'll eventually be sure to catch up. Don't be afraid if I don't respond quickly. I don't mind coming back to tons of messages or walls of text at all, and am not easily overwhelmed. It's all good.

No. 353447

I'm confused about the obscurity around this, too. what's the point of being so cryptic that only those already in the know can make sense of your warnings? everyone else would just have to ignore it or not engage with anyone here at all.

would really appreciate actual usernames or posts to reference, especially since I had someone add me almost immediately who is very suspicious. I would include their Discord handle (I have rationale for assuming creep at least) but don't want to jump the gun, because the fucking warnings are vague to the point of being weird themselves! lmao

am I for real missing something? like maybe I'm just retarded but I am getting conflicting messages and jarring vibes, here.

No. 353453

are you open to voice chatting?

No. 353456

Most of those posts are just people trying to make others paranoid, if you suspect someone just say it

No. 353478

To verify, absolutely. If you mean using voice chat instead of text chat in general, it would take some getting used to & I'd need to figure out timing, but I guess I could try.

No. 353486

Fair enough.

To clarify, I didn't clock a honeypot, just wanted to normalize naming and shaming here as a point of reference for anyone who might want to know.

I also have met really amazing anons here so I don't want people to miss out because they're too afraid of getting suckered in by degens. Feels obvious this person would be blocked immediately, but everyone has blind spots, and anyway this is to show there's no need for those unsubstantiated paranoia posts. Either actually document your claims, or don't post at all.

For my part I'm just going to say that if anyone who posted here sees a friend request from Discord user "witlesschump" and somehow isn't feeling an immediate aversion to their username, or worse their schizo-tier profile pic & about section, they also happened to add me impossibly quickly as if stalking the thread, and a simple search only shows results for that username on a porn site.

If this user is you and you're just a decent chick with bad luck and moid tastes (hard doubt), I don't know what to tell you. I mean come on.

No. 353495

Tried sending you an email but could not be delivered. Did you delete?

No. 353502

please accept my request anon! i have an illustrated black and white pfp.

No. 353506

Sent you a request as well!

No. 353507

>To clarify, I didn't clock a honeypot, just wanted to normalize naming and shaming here as a point of reference for anyone who might want to know.

Could be a double edged sword on a gossip site. Just as long as it isn't about petty friend drama, not liking a person, or unfriending for unrelated reasons to the person being a moid or trannoid. Like it should just be in the case that the person in question is obviously a tranny, male, or a creepy schizo stalker.

No. 353508

try again anon it's peachdrink666 at gmail

No. 353514

If you're who I think you are, I'm pretty baffled. Your username is the one popping up on porn sites with a Google search my dude. I try to be understanding, like it COULD be a coincidence, but I don't even know where I would begin in verifying you aren't a psycho. It sucks because if it actually is an improbable combination of misunderstandings, I would of course want to know and help vindicate you. I hate the idea of wrongfully accusing someone who just wanted to be my friend, but you must understand how bad this looks.

No. 353520

Oh for sure, I'm not trying to be a dick or anything. Just trying to figure a way to neutralize the more extreme derailing here. If people started critiquing anyone they disliked on here like you described, that'd be remarkably petty. I was just focused on the rumors vs proof aspect in response to previous doomer posts. I assume we all want to minimize distractions & dangers, all things considered. It's hard enough to make connections without worrying about your actual safety.

No. 353522

oh my god, i just googled it, i'm kind of amused and horrified at the same time. i picked my username from a random pg wodehouse insult, that 100% is not me, but i totally understand & respect if you'd rather not add me just in case. hope you find some other cool anons from this thread!

No. 353526

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i'm >>353522 backreading. my 'schizo-tier' pfp is from an old magazine illustration i thought was cool. my about section is a quote from a tv show called brass eye. i added you quickly because i happened to see your post right as i refreshed /g/ and want more friends to chat about ocs with. the username thing is legitimately just a (deeply unfortunate) coincidence. i could voice verify privately if you want just to clear things up, but i seriously assure you i'm a woman. i'm sorry if my profile comes off as weird, it's not intended as such.

No. 353530

Arrived here because of really cool art on the front page! I wouldn’t have thought “moid” over it, not in a million years. You’re not the schizo one here nonnie.

No. 353537


Well, this is awkward. But even considering those 3 things (mainly the obvious one), your profile description was relevant and it's worth noting, too. I even googled that to see if it was a quote. When nothing came up (and nothing did then even though it did just now, so I must have included a typo), I was faced with the random profile line, "drugged bankers pulled my wife's head off and puked down the neck-hole" in addition to the username not existing outside of porn sites, like, needless to say but it looks hilariously unhinged.
Maybe that's just me. If I came off looking crazy, here, then it is what it is.

I appreciate that your response was respectful. Too bad you didn't send an email, since I'm not worried about being compromised on that throwaway, but if you're a creep I guess I lucked out. (Sorry, at this point I'm finding humor in the situation, what can I say.)

Posting on the chance that this really was a bizarre missed opportunity. I'm genuinely sorry & a bit sad if you're innocent and I caused you grief when you just wanted to be friends. Sincerely. Either way, I guess at this point all I can do is wish you the best.

No. 353546

Sent again, and didn't get a delivery error this time, so I think it should be in your inbox now.

No. 353605

I'm the nonna who made this post. Just wanna say, would delete if I could. My sleuthing days are over, I'll just leave people to their devices and lesson learned.

No. 353643

This is why it's a double edged sword… I hope this gets cleared out

No. 353659

>How long this contact will remain active?



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>How would you describe yourself?

I suffer from suicidal depression and am in a bad place. Overall, I am a passionate person interested in Philosophy, mythology, occultism, social issues. I am also an incredibly empathic person (yea I know the meme around that)

>Hobbies and pastimes

I don't engage with those because I don't Have living quality. Used to enjoy modifying clothes.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

Zodiac: Taurus
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone I can hang out with online. Perhaps talk about issues. Offer mutual support. I think that I'd like someone that is struggling with depression or social rejection/social anxiety. Don't hit me up If You Have BPD.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Whenever îs fine

No. 354137

Hey I just got Instagram does anyone wanna be friends I don’t post pics of myself on there but I’ll post my hand or something idk but I have irls to add lol

No. 354138

Like a spam account I mean don’t follow me on your personal

No. 354245

i cant add you because your name will give me cravings

No. 354249

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matchi on discord, or matchi_chan on telegram
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
25+, no younger please
>How would you describe yourself?
Typical internet nerdy autist, I try my best to be friendly and welcoming though I definitely am also snobby and standoffish. I'm also extremely contrarian at times, and spergy.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Computers/internet, anime, videogames, the typical nerdy interests. Very, very big weeb, in a yume way
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I'm the nona who offered programming duties for the VN concept in the femdom thread. Add me so we can get that project started!
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
A long term internet-type friendship with a woman who gets and understands me and won't ghost
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Whenever, I'm a permanent NEET

No. 354657

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i want someone to play identityV with. please. I rather play with someone else or even a group to coordinate better, but the fandom and in-game people are so annoying that im going to look here as a last resort.

my discord is yaoienjoyer

No. 355216

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>age range
Im prefer 25+ but I don't mind talking to younger women if they're really involved in my interests.

>How would you describe yourself?

I really love creating. I've very passionate about my hobbies and love talking about plans and goals and dreams and ideas. I'm quite outgoing typically and don't mind putting myself out there if someone seems friendly. I love cats. Im in a time of my life where I'm very focused on things I can do to improve my health, even though my progress is slow, so I value people who try to make healthy chocies even if they're really struggling with it.

>Hobbies and pastimes

I write a lot. I'm currently doing short stories but have done longer works. Ive also built a small collection of Sylvanian families (calico critters) dolls and I'm looking to learn about 3d and some clay modelling so I can make dioramas and other art pieces with them. I'd love to design my own custom furniture sets. Right now I'm just making some cute photos with official sets, but no permanent dioramas. I do a bit of painting and drawing but I'm a noob and would like to learn more. Also would like to get back into sewing. I've had a period of bad health for a long while and I'm just starting to get back into the joys of life and hobbies so I'm going to have to be careful not to start 10000 new things at once.

>Other random tidbits about you


>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I'd like to connect with women I can share my artistic hobbies with, or really just creative women in general. If someone wants to start writing, I'd also love to give advice.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I'm terminally online

No. 355228

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>How long this contact will remain active?

the foreseeable future





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

18+ please

>How would you describe yourself?

More than mildly neurotic but chill enough about it. Extremely disciplined in some facets of life and extremely impulsive in others. I’m working on it lol. I’m a recovering alcoholic so I’m a little obsessive about occupying all my time

>Hobbies and pastimes

I’m a musician! I draw/paint sometimes too, and I’m studying philosophy. I meditate and am getting back into lifting weights after a while. I’d like to put together a terrarium and improve my French.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I love all kinds of music, send me something you like :). I mostly read fiction, poetry, and philosophy but am open to anything.

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

Taurus, ENFP (I think). On here primarily for terfy and lesbian-related purposes

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

I just like meeting/talking to people, especially if we have interests in common. Would love to exchange music/book recommendations

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I fare better with longer messages because I gave up having a smartphone a while ago and I’m not always online very often. It might take me a minute to reply but you can contact me whenever!(:))

No. 355745

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ondemarine (discord made for thread)
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
i prefer 20+, 18+ is okay if we share many interests
>How would you describe yourself?
recluse, nerdy, cringe, you know the deal. curious about everything. friends have described me as 'kind' 'witty' and 'a good listener'. but i can be a real blabbermouth when i get used to my interlocutor. i like joking a lot
>Interests and pastimes
-linguistics, anthropology
-animanga. all of it. i especially love shojosei, BL/GL, weird/old/unknown manga and deep dives into animation. (i also love the mainstream stuff, to be clear)
-art history. i've been really into outsider art lately
-animals, science (broadly)
-vidya game. i'd love to play online like i used to
-dolls, doll collecting, doll customization
-central asia
-learning about autist/deranged online figures and artists
-history of religion/medicine/psychiatry
-feminist/political theory
-J-fashion (esp lolita) and fashion generally. i'm especially into its history and street snaps. also thrifting
-crochet (absolute beginner aha)
-music, dancing
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
i'm open to about anything in film and music. lately i've been very into wuxia films and hardcore/gabber + shibuya-kei. as i get older i tend to mostly read nonfiction but i love SF and poetry! i used to be really into webcomics but i only read ranfren now
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
i'm intp, i guess. i'm a same sex-leaning bi. i might come of as a little too shy ('tism) so dont hesitate to tell me. i'm not easily offended. mostly on /g/ /m/ /ot/ but will occasionally lurk on /w/ and the leftcows thread. i'll probably ask for voice verification.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
ideally, a long term friendship but it'd be great to just vent and sperg about our passions, waifus/husbandos, discover new stuff. i'm fine with political/feminist discussions. i really miss having a female friend with whom i can have honest convos, unbothered by the need to be PC or "kind"
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
i'm currently unemployed and savoring it, so it's okay

No. 355783

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return of that one voice verified radfem server


No. 356366

i wish it wasn't so weeby

No. 356373

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Please send a voice message saying 'I'm not a man' or something kek.
>How long this contact will remain active?
At least a few months
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Media/history enjoyer, bit spergy, love animals and nature, nostalgic.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Drawing, music, walks, movies, thrifting (this is where the whole media thing comes into play kek). I also like learning about religion, even the ones I disagree with.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movies: Dellamorte Dellamore, Taxi Driver, Natural Born Killers, random documentaries.
Music: PJ Harvey, Acid Bath, Ic3peak, Donovan, DAF, Schwester S, Boye.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I frequent the Altcows thread, Luna and Pixie. I'm more on /ot/ now but sometimes I read old threads when I' bored.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Not much, a little company and someone I can relate to.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm not that busy but more likely to respond in the evening/at night.

No. 356427

who even are you

No. 356990


No. 357165

File: 1699220753970.jpg (139.88 KB, 1280x1280, P0.jpg)

>How long this contact will remain active?
Forever, unless I lose the password.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
I find it's difficult for me to relate to anyone I talk to under 25 these days, but if you think we'll click then 20+ is fine.
>How would you describe yourself?
Slow and easygoing, interested in a lot of different things, turbo weaboo, prone to gloominess but I do my best to be supportive and cheerful towards others.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Art, reading books, playing video-games, wearing lolita fashion, and toy collecting. I also used to sew/cosplay, study Japanese and bake but I haven't done those things in a while.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I like a lot of animated shows and movies and read fiction besides art books, so no refined taste here! I like a lot of different musicians across many genres but I guess if I had to describe my taste in just three artists it would be Joy Division, Gorillaz, and Capsule. For games, I like action games, horror games, Nintendo stuff and visual novels a la AA, Ghost Trick and Zero Escape.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I also like astronomy and plants/flowers but I'm not terribly knowledgeable. The language of flowers and the meaning of a bouquet is especially fascinating to me. Husbandofag who makes art and ita bags but I won't talk about that unless you're interested or have one too.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
An email penpal with the potential for it to turn into a real penpal where we exchange mail (international ok!). Someone to watch stuff with on Hyperbeam (USA preferred due to timezones), I'm pretty open minded and willing to try almost anything out. If you still play Splatoon 3, let's play! I'm not very good at Salmon Run though. I don't really want to live chat unless we really click or I get to know you better.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I work so I won't be able to get back to you instantly but I will do my best to reply in a timely manner!

No. 357564

Ghost trick! Gorillaz! Art books! You sound so cool! I also love Splatoon!

No. 357737

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dagnomes@proton.me Send me a little intro of some kind. I have a discord. If you draw show me some!!!
>How long this contact will remain active?
UTC+1 But it doesn't matter to me
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
18+ but generally find it easier talking to people older than me.
>How would you describe yourself?
Deranged fujo that mostly just sits around. I speak in a retarded and unorganized/unserious way, I love talking to people or just goofing about. Barely ever make any online friends because everyone on my side of the internet is either gender obsessed or a bit too extreme in the head for me to comfortably talk to. I consider myself relatively normal and stable. I'm enthusiastic and I like getting to know others. I'm not judgmental and can talk about pretty much anything. Evil sense of humor. Don't like censorship. Likes rambling about shit that don't matter.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Drawing, composing music, cooking. Drawing especially, always been autistic about it. I like drawing characters, mostly my own characters. I can sperg about them forever. I would say I'm a fujo but most bl characters do not appeal to me they're not stupid cartoony enough
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I listen to Oingo Boingo a lot. Also some 2000s pop. I like to watch anime occasionally, some favorites are Mob Psycho and Saiki K.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
Cannot for the life of me comprehend mbti but the times I've taken the test, it's given me ENTP or INTP. I mostly lurk /snow/ and nonspecific threads I can't remember
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to genuinely enjoy talking to and care about. Not having to feel worried that the other person is randomly gonna hate you for speaking ya mind, which I feel is common in online friendships. Also drawing dumb crap together is fun.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Anyone can talk to me at all times I do nawt care.

No. 358414

Thank you anon!! I hope you mailed me. To the ones who did contact me, I was finally able to reply.

No. 358526

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depressedfckwad@proton.me (if you message me here first, ill give you my discord asap)
>How long this contact will remain active?
30 (not sure if some anons will think im too old to be friends with but im a bit of a functioning autist, so a lot of my interests are things ppl in their 20s would probably be into i guess)
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
18+ (pretty much anybody)
>How would you describe yourself?
Slightly autistic with no friends currently. I have a lot of dumb interests with art, shows, adult cartoons, anime, etc. I love animation and talking about some artists independent animation projects/shows (I look at the animation cows thread in /snow/ a lot). Im done with school and mainly focusing in starting my career rn. I dont have a bf and overall hate moids so I can talk about hatred of scrotes all day if someone wants to. Im a bit slow with responses sometimes because i have a pretty low social battery but i always try to respond back. Overall im a bit isolated rn, so I'd really love to make friends with people similar to me.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I draw a lot. Mainly digital art. Ill draw characters I think are cool from shows or games. A game im really into rn is colorful stage (project sekai) bc the characters are cute. I also like to draw any anime guy I think is nice looking but not in a coomerish way. Most of my interests and hobbies focus on art, animation, and occasional internet drama i think is funny.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I watch some anime and horror movies (particularly psychological horror). I read a lot of manga and manhwa too and I'd unfortunately be considered a bit if a fujoshit by some ppls standards, but that's not the only content I consume. I just find it funny tbh.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
INFP, Sagittarius. I mainly browse /ot/ nowadays and occasionally look at art related threads.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to talk to with similar interests. Ideally Id love to make a really good friend and have a lot in common and voice chat or do fun activities and shit. But im fine with just texting too. And im not judgemental, so if you just need someone to talk to and share stories with, thats fine too. Ive tried using places like bumble bff to find friends but theres too many normies there that i know will automatically think im a shy, shut-in type of girl.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
It's fine to contact whatever. I may take a little while to respond but im never bothered by messages.

No. 358587

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message me for my discord!


EST, but i work overnight so i'm up at weird hours.



>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

preferably 21+, but as long as you're an adult with some mutual interests i'm down to chat.

>How would you describe yourself?

eccentric autist, just like most of you. i'm not shy, just a depressed recluse. i go into TMI territory sometimes because i'm pretty mask off when it comes to being online. lemme know ahead of time if you want to keep every convo SFW!

>Hobbies and pastimes

i like to ride my bike and play pokemon go. i've been rereading warrior cats as well. i play neopets and flight rising regularly.
i enjoy hornyposting about my favs and if you also enjoy hornyposting about your favs then we will be fast friends.
i also enjoy manhate and general radfem sperging if that's also your thing.

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

i'm a huge pokemon fan and fan of nintendo in general. horror stuff is always fun and i love experimental music. particularly breakcore/IDM.
i have an extensive list of fictional crushes, if you'd like to compare them! my main fixations currently are a clockwork orange, warrior cats, and larry from pokemon.

>Vidya list

pokemon(gen 3 and 4 especially, also PMD)
paper mario TTYD (fav mario game)
indie stuff like: slime rancher, stardew valley, cattails, and sun haven
bioshock series
ace attorney
wind waker (fav zelda game)
sonic adventure 2 battle
league of legends (i hate it)
civ 6

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

E/INTP. i switch between all sorts of threads and boards but i love stuff that makes me cringe.

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

someone with mutual interests who's also familiar with internet culture…if you're on LCF to begin with then you're prob this type of person!

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

contact me whenever with a random thought or image relating to a mutual interest and i'll try to respond whenever i can. i work full time and i'm fucking lazy but i have no problem with random chats!

No. 358607

>tfw no north shore chicago nona to hang out with

No. 358674

Unrelated, but who is the artist of that picture?

No. 359616

That's me!

No. 360268

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julieta_juajua@hotmail.com this is my personal email, when I feel more confident talking with you we can exchange discord tags
>How long this contact will remain active?


Gmt -3


>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
20s and foward is okay!

>How would you describe yourself?

Im kind of shy but I really like to write just for chat with people and get to know! Also I work as freelancer at home so most of the times I'm online and I would like to have someone to talk from time to time.

>Hobbies and pastimes

Drawing, reading random things on the internet and short mangas, listening to video essays, music or playing games

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

Liminal Spaces, weirdcore aesthetic, Animal Crossing, Fnaf, the ascendance of the bookworm manga adaptation, Bibliomania, Ghost In the Shell, Josei manga in general, watch vtubers sometimes, dnb, jungle and whatever genre Memphis cult is and a very long etc

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

Im Scorpio, but im the weakest of them(?)
Im often lurking and posting in /ot/ and /m/ in the husbando posting. I'm a Jason Voorhees-nona and I like way too much monsters husbando stuff so if you vibe with those things and you like to draw too that would be neat! Same with ACNH (I'm looking someone to play with tho through yuzu/ryujinx, im poor hehe) and drawing in aggie.io or drawpile!
Other thing I should mention is I am kinda ESL yet and I mostly speak Spanish so if you are a nonita you're welcome to write me!

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Someone to talk frequently and play with, I have mostly male friends and I sometimes dont want to play with them since they can gross out me with some jokes and I need a time out from online male dominated enviroments.

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

I use to be busy during the mornings since I help at home with chores but I'll be glad to read you and talk to you layer!

No. 360413

I wanna add you but I'm not a husbando person is that ok??

No. 360414

I liked your vibe and I speak Spanish too! What's your freelance work like? Is it a creative field?

No. 360415

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>How long will this contact remain active?
A decent amount of time, no fret
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
I'm most likely an introvert, but I enjoy going out on occasion. I'd describe myself as clingy, I just don't like feeling left out. I can be a troll when I want to because I enjoy fucking around with people. People I have interacted with described me as a sweetheart and a caring person. I notice that I’m sensitive which is a trait that I don’t like having.
>Hobbies and pastimes
My favorite hobbies are drawing digitally on my iPad, playing video games, and editing videos for fun. I've played a lot of games, primarily MMORPG, farming simulators, and rhythm-based games. I have Overwatch and Splatoon 2, but I don't play first-person shooters often.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Although I enjoy horror films, I watch a lot of cartoons. Along with cartoons, I enjoy watching anime that deal with psychology or slice of life, such as Made in Abyss, Elfen Lied, Serial Experiments Lain, and Lucky Stars. Breakcore is my all-time favorite musical genre. My favorite selection also includes Vocaloid, Shoegaze, and Indie Pop songs.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
-INTJ, was an EFP
-I use /ot/ /g/ /m/ on Lolcow
I’m generally interested in the old internet and am completely drawn with the "Kawaiicore" and "Cottagecore" aesthetics. I also find the combination of Pink and Black to be really appealing to me.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
To talk about everything in daily life with someone, including songs we've listened to, and things we've found online. I don't like it when people ask how I'm doing but never add anything to the conversation. Having a large following or a lot of friends would be a major deal breaker. I know it sounds pitiful, but I'm really hoping to make some true friends here. We probably won't click if you're a casual internet user.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
No, I thought I was going to be busy due to attending a university but my expectations were high. Plus I’m not employed.

Please don’t start with a simple “how are you” you are free to jump in telling me about yourself.

No. 360424

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>How long this contact will remain active?
Probably for years
EST Australia
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Around my age, I don't really care as long as you're not underage
>How would you describe yourself?
I'm a fairly quiet person, I'm newly married and trying for a baby. I think I'm funny enough, a bit autistic in some ways but generally good to talk to. I'm good at giving practical advice.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I craft and cook/bake alot. I like documentaries, nature, home improvement. Survival games
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
I like alot of horror, comedy and campy stuff. All of the music I listen to is kinda "egirly", same sort of vibe of Lanas stuff or Marina.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Ideally someone in my area that we could eventually become irl friends, but otherwise just people I could have lasting friendships with.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
You can contact whenever, I'm currently neet

No. 360433

>How long will this contact remain active?
for eternity
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
recent college graduate. im originally from georgia but i just came back home from a web dev internship in [REDACTED] and 3 months of conservation work in the southwestern us. im sperg but i feel like on lolcow that goes without saying. i still get out tho? i travel a lot and i love going to concerts, music festivals, film festivals, museums, etc.
>Hobbies and pastimes
these days i spend most of my time reading books, watching movies, and applying to jobs LOL… really into piracy so if you ever need a show, game ROM, or album you dont want to buy feel free to hit me up. i also love going for long walks at night.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

books i rly like:
solstice, joyce carol oates
the haunting of hill house, shirley jackson
the diving pool, yoko ogawa
the driver's seat, muriel spark
the price of salt, patricia highsmith
edith's diary, patricia highsmith
nightwood, djuna barnes
runaway, alice munro
alias grace, margaret atwood
passing, nella larsen
picnic at hanging rock, joan lindsay
notes on a scandal, zoe heller

movies/shows i rly like:
wings, larissa sheptiko
mulholland drive
water lilies
perfect blue
das boot
etc. etc.

tori amos
my bloody valentine
elliott smith
sonic youth
pj harvey
depeche mode
the cure
joy division
carla dal forno
catherine wheel
mobb deep
the avalanches
the cranberries
the radio dept
aphex twin

No. 360436

anime i like: dear brother, the rose of versailles, gundam zeta, turn a gundam, serial experiments lain

No. 360457

deleted the first post because i forgot to answer >>360413 sorry
and don't worry is okay! i'm kind of casual with that

hola nonii, yeah i do art for vtubers!

No. 360466

Nonny como le haces para hacer arte para vtubers?

No. 360473

(I'm a coward and gonna write you in english, nonita. Por las dudas que nos regañen las mods)
Made some examples in live2d grabbing the already cut psd I found on booth and also I kind of made one for myself to stream ocasionally.
I've been kinda trying to make my own emotes and overlay stuff since I could not afford those things during pandemic. Was a fun project. Idk how easy would be promote yourself now at different discord servers for comms or vtubers but having finished examples and a carrd with those it's a good start. Using twitter is kinda obligated since most of vtubers are there or in tiktok.
You can also try doing stuff with vroid if you dont like the autism of cutting layer by layer a drawing.

No. 360798

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mirelurk (or mirelurk#0425)
>How long this contact will remain active?
eastern and atlantic, i travel a lot
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
a bit quiet, but i warm up to people easily if we share the same interests and hobbies :)
>Hobbies and pastimes
i like vidya, anime, movies, music, all the regular stuff. i especially enjoy discussing lolcows (chris, amberlynn, foodie beauty etc) with people.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
i love any book by cormac mccarthy. as for music i really like 60s/70s/80s but i'm not a fuckwad about it. i also really like horror movies.
>Other random tidbits about you
i'm a radfem oldfag who also likes skincare, fashion, fitness, reading, etc. i travel a lot.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
i'm looking for people to chat with - it would be most ideal if i could be added to some kind of discord server of like-minded ladies where we can hang out and stream and play video games together!
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
contact me whenever :D(integrate)

No. 361178

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wiresculpture (alt made for this thread)
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
18 - 23
>How would you describe yourself?
Passionate, somewhat shy, my sense of humor is fucking stupid. I like sending videos and screenshots that I find humorous and pictures of food or art I made. I REALLY enjoy anime and video game men.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Love drawing fanart of media I enjoy digitally and traditonally (albeit rarely). I'm into baking and cooking as a hobby & profession (currently a culinary major). Video games, newly into anime, makeup, fictional men. I like listening to readings of horror stories and those medical / crime case study vids.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Game wise I have been very interested in JRPGs the past couple years. Kingdom Hearts, Xenoblade, Limbus Company / Project Moon, Zelda, Genshin, etc. Outside of that I like Splatoon 3, multiplayer games (including roblox lol), and farming simulators (super picky about those though).
I'm more into video games than watching TV shows or movies so I rarely do that, but I enjoy action & drama anime, and reality romance shows. Used to be into reading but not so much anymore.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I struggle with idle talk so I tend to just get straight to the point by talking about a topic, sending some random shit, or asking if you want to do some activity. Lurker in the husbando, celebricow, and artist salt threads.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Long term, good match in energy mostly, be as autistic as me about your interests. Big bonus if you're willing to play games or watch / discuss shows together.
I will voice verify, but I prefer text over calls for communication (unless we're playing a game).
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Not a super busy person so whenever is fine.

No. 361271


sent a friend request and email!

No. 361292

Sent a request nonna!

No. 361301

I recently remember that years ago I used to chat with a nona for quite a long time. I wonder how she's doing now…
She was from C, wanted to study my language, loved music from my country and back then we were both in uni and struggling with confidence and body stuff. She once shaved her head. I know it was my fault that our contact stopped.
If you're by any chance still here, it would be nice to know. I was thinking of you because I looked at the sunset and suddenly remembered that we send each other pics and you said that the sunsets in our countries look completely different.

No. 361320

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SelfTrypsin@proton.me , I don't really use discord but can do voice verification

>How long this contact will remain active?






>age range

23+ so we can develop schizophrenia at the same time

>How would you describe yourself?

soon to be college graduate (STEM supremacy)/lesbian and future neet until I find a job, socially i'm like if they implanted the brain of one of those 200 year old sharks from green land (pic related) in a human because I spent the majority of my formative years on tumblr (reformed)

>Hobbies and pastimes

-oil painting / drawing sporadically
-those youtube videos analyzing manmade disasters
-listening to music but in a dramatic way
-categorizing 100+ energy drinks based off of important criteria to find the best one out there

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

former emo child to hipster pipeline, so primarily shitty indie rock/radiohead adjacent music

>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)

intp and lurkin

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

-the ability to power through the initial awkward conversation stages
-not a man
-general chatting to help with the boredom of the day to day

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Contact me whenever im awake like 20 hours a day

No. 361359

That is beautiful nonna, have you posted your info yet?

No. 361360

>those youtube videos analyzing manmade disasters
Kek I'm curious to see what you mean
Do you not use discord?

No. 361362

It makes me so lonely because everyone uses discord and I despise it so much I hate using it, so I feel like I'll never befriend someone from here. I don't have space in my cellphone to download it too.

No. 361364

What do you use nona? I wouldn't mind having penpals and such, I'd befriend you if we had similar interests

No. 361365

Because in my experience, nonas using a burner email for safety (myself included) are way way more likely to forget to look at it and stop using it altogether than discord users. (That isn’t to say you shouldn’t also be using a burner discord to talk to anyone you meet online) if you reeeeally hate discord so much, maybe use some other instant messager? I don’t know, telegram or something?

No. 361529

Yea my username is selftrypsin on discord

No. 361562

I'll add you, I hope it goes well

No. 361667

Replied to you nona bona!

No. 361726

What kind of vtubers are you into?

No. 361800

is anyone here going to holiday matsuri this year?

No. 361801

Mostly english ones like Randon, DyaRikku and Go Ria, I used to watch Pekora, Coco and Pikamee but since I don't know japanese and the other two graduated I kind of stop watching them
Which ones do you like?

No. 362248

Mostly English as well, I like Amiya Aranha and Fauna the best… Just wholesome girls who are very knowledgable about games.

No. 362411

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24 f eu

i like making pretentious observations abt movies, believing conspiracy theories and the pinkpill.
also girl idol groups, j-fashion (gothloli especially but i enjoy a variety of questionable girly aesthetics), make-up, forensic psychology/true crime lol, reading some manga, books and on urban legends, especially japanese ghost stories.
occult/paranormal in general is a big interest of mine, from tiktok'ed stuff like tarot readings to more buck teeth emoji topics like metaphysics.
i love travelling and visiting quirky places overseas, and i'm getting back into fitness.



No. 362417

sketchy post

No. 362418

No. 362419

Specifying you're female on a women's IB, writing style/formatting doesn't fit in. I hope you're just an actual female newfag.

No. 362420

oh thank god thats the sketchy part i was getting paranoid i couldnt like idols and tiktok cringe

No. 362509

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To the anon I was mailing, please let me know how to contact you! I was just about to reply to your email when I got your message.

No. 362519

I'm in the area occasionally, but I feel you nona. I'm finishing school in Indianapolis and finding friends has been impossible.

No. 362522

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Chiming in to say I'm an early 30s nona who has made friends with people from here and I met up with one anon over the summer. We've really clicked and I'm hoping I can find more friends from the midwest itt.

No. 362548

Aw, that's so sweet. I feel like despite living in the midwest, no nona lives in my particular state.

No. 362549

I would be way too scared to meet nonnies irl

No. 362550

aren't you nervous one of these anons is a bpdchan who's taking photos and videos of you to post in the future? some true and honest weirdoes on this site, be careful.

No. 362553

NTA but I'm sure she's experienced enough to be picky with who she meets up with. I've met other women from a different imageboard, and I had no issues with them.

No. 362568

Nona, I totally understand your wariness and I'll admit that I'm still a little nervous every time I venture out in search of new friendships, but I'm also confident in myself in a way I can't explain and I have safeguards in place. Then again, I've been meeting up with friends I've met online since 2009. My friend group has changed over the years and the initial group of 2009 doesn't really exist anymore. We all live in different parts of the country, have things going on, and its difficult for me to relate to people who have children.

We've also only met in public places.

Essentially, lol. I also met up with anons from /cgl/ back in the day and they were sweethearts. We've lost touch for some years now, but I think about them from time to time and hope they're doing well.

I feel that. I'm starting to understand what locals here mean about how nothing ever comes here and all the good events are 4 hours away up in Chicago.

No. 362573

>Essentially, lol. I also met up with anons from /cgl/ back in the day
You've unearthed some memories here. Those were different times. I hope the nonas here are alright too.

No. 362575

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>Those were different times.
They certainly were and I think about my early days on the internet more and more frequently. Especially with how small it seems to be now. Its depressing, really.

I just want friends to talk about old internet and cartoons/games with. I remember giving tumblr a try years ago and not only did I feel 'too old' to even be on there, but it didn't seem like a place that fostered conversation or getting to know one another. I love historical fashion and period dramas and literature, but I don't want to just sit and reblog the same pictures all day. I'd like to meet other people who are into the same things.

No. 362611

>reminded of a nona I added on here who hasn't responded in a long time
I hope she's doing well. I remember she told me she was going to a trip to Japan this fall, and I was wanting to hear back from her on how it went. Ah, well.

No. 362637

i like old cartoons (w.i.t.c.h included!!) and historical fashion too, you should add me if we haven't added eachother already nona!!
my post is >>350637

No. 362698

All sailor moon fans are based terfs in my experience.

No. 362763

Hi, I sent you an email but wasn't sure if you're still active due to the 3 week statement. I figured I'd message to check!

No. 362913

I accepted your request!

No. 363723

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Hi again im this noni >>360268 I re opened my old personal discord account, if you want to add me my tag is yxzzhach, I can do voice verification if you need it

Something I felt kind of ashamed to share before in last post was I really like yaoi/bara art so if you're in the same brainrot we can talk about doujins, artists or even games of the same topic.

Noni thought I answered you im sorry!! Never heard of Amiya gonna check this vtuber later!

I read witch when I was a 8 yo and I really love the plot that developed outside the magical stuff, it had so much drama kek the only thing I didn't like was an artist that gave then like super exagerated face proportions.

No. 364701

File: 1702317660485.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 3444x2478, eatyourheartout.jpg)

thedustwhichsparkles@gmail.com, also have a discord

>How long this contact will remain active?






>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?


>Hobbies and pastimes

Drawing, writing, I follow radfem/gender critical blogs, all kinds of meaningless trivia, history + historical fashion, astrology (not seriously but it's fun), yaoi & pokemon

>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc

I have bad music taste (Kpop + basic older bands). I've watched Downton Abbey + Bridgerton. But I don't regularly watch shows/anime. right now my fav book is Pachinko by min jin lee

>What are you looking for in this online friendship?

Someone to hang with, talk meaningless shit with, share stuff, etc. Maybe deep stuff too. Idc. Let's have fun

>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?

Any time before midnight is cool

No. 364775

Everytime someone types like this I know they're unhinged so I ignore their posts even if we have things in common.

No. 364780

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I'm very sad right now because even though there's a lot of pretty neat anons in here, I just don't have the energy to maintain online friendships anymore. I'm very sorry to the anons that I started talking to when my mood was better and now I've disappeared. Maybe I will change my mind in the future but for now I feel like a big burden that can't deal with a lot of stuff right now.

No. 364785

It was more than the “f” honestly, you seem underage

No. 365013

i sent you a friend request!

No. 365037

and you seem like you need to find a new hobby

No. 365038

doing me a favor

No. 365062

this makes me want to talk to you lol
i don't mind if someone just disappears and later shows up again as if nothing happened bcs i would like to so that myself

No. 365163

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I am looking for nonnies who also do art or are interested in learning, so we can keep each other accountable. I used to be big into it and the online scene, but feel fairly removed from 4chan's /ic/ culture now, let's not even talk about Twitter's and such.
I draw anime styled art but it doesn't matter which style you draw in or which subjects interest you, all I know is if I have to attempt to befriend or relate to one more scrote who exclusively draws borderline deformed fotm coomershit I am logging off the internet forever.
I'm a curious person and tend to ask questions a lot, but I'm perfectly fine with only discussing art-related topics too; nonetheless, I can voice verify if it makes anyone feel more at ease.



No. 365470

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I am looking for an English-speaking nonny who's interested in VC with an ESL that wants to get better at English pronunciation. Already tried hello talk, but it's all creepy sex tourist men that want to get a latina gf and i have no money for a teacher. We can watch movies or play videogames or make eachother company while drawing or whatever you wanna do.

>mother language

>things i like
drawing, movies, anime, videogames, 70s music
>videogames i like that are co-op
deep rock galactic, AOEII, Ensemble stars, payday 2, 2D fighting games, worms. Also open for other suggestions, anything but lol/dota/fortnite pls

No. 365507

I will add but no promises

No. 365509

Nonny I'm sorry for disappearing, I'm the anon who sent the super long lost media iceberg video. I will add you again later

No. 366224

why did you remove me, did I come off strange? should I have not mentioned that I use /ic/? did you hate the art I sent?
Really wish you'd said literally anything other than just un-adding me after ignoring my first message for a day, I'm not good with people and haven't really had friends in a while so I don't really know what I did wrong.(moid)

No. 366917

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popmelody@proton.me , can add you on Discord if you seem chill over email
>How long this contact will remain active?
Typical North American hours, though sometimes I stay up pretty late
Early 20s
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Please be over 18. 20+ is ideal. Happy to talk to 30+ nonas. No one still in high school for my own sanity.
>How would you describe yourself?
Turbo autist, chronically online, almost a NEET except I'm in school and functional enough to work a job. Relatively laid back, though I struggle with social anxiety. I get into fandoms very intensely, love analyzing them and deconstructing them as writing or in convos with others. I care a lot about having developed and interrogated opinions. I try not to be pretentious or intimidating though, I just have a lot of thoughts and a worm in my brain that makes me ruminate on them. I'm a True and Honest Bisexual with both waifufaggy and husbandofaggy tendencies, I tend to latch onto specific characters and obsess over them.
>Hobbies and pastimes
My favorite thing is musical theatre! Not in a zoomery theatre kid sort of way. I have a couple musicals that I deeply love, and have regularly been getting into new ones. Other than that I like reading and video games. I draw, mostly on pencil and paper, usually furshit. I code and love techy/hardware stuff including HTML/webdesign.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movies and TV: Comedies and retro scifi stuff. Fav show is The Good Place. 2nd fave is Better Call Saul. Love older Disney animation and 80s-90s anime, esp shoujo.
Music: I listen to almost exclusively Broadway cast albums these days but I like everything. I like a lot of 80s-90s stuff. Love noise pop/jangle pop/indie pop, love metal, love folk. I primarily love conceptual things, music that tells a story.
Games: VNs/adventure games like AA/ZE/Persona, indie rpgmaker shit, anything Yoko Taro, Sonic, all stereotypical Nintendofag stuff but especially Zelda. I don't play a lot of online games and usually only PC game for small indie games I can't get on switch. We could play Splat, Mario Kart, or AC if you're into that.
Books: Contemporary fantasy, I like Sanderson and Muir. Been getting into the classics, read a bunch for the first time this year. Currently reading the Les Mis book. If you have passionate book recs, esp ones that you husbando or waifu from, I'd be happy to check them out and talk to you about them.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I'm bad at coming up with fun facts… I browse lolcow mostly at random and because I like the camaraderie of an edgy but female-oriented indie webspace. I'm a Pisces and an INTP and a 4w5 and I do generally identify with all of those spacy dreamer girl stereotypes.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
People I can talk to in depth, doesn't have to be my fandoms but general media crit or shooting the shit about other things is also cool. It would be awesome if we could get into new games or books together. Kinda hoping to connect with other autist nonas with niche interests/faves who feel alienated by tif girls and reddit moids in fandom and like they cant relate to normies IRL. No super sensitive person who's going to make me walk on eggshells or is overly invested in current events/American politics. I get enough of that shit with the tiffanies in my life. NO BPDCHANS unless you can seriously curb your BPD and not try to emotionally manipulate me or be extremely clingy and needy. I will block people who are too pushy or impatient for replies.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Whenever is cool. Not super busy

No. 366931

File: 1703152051381.png (272.65 KB, 1321x527, highimpacttrannyshenanigans.pn…)

Sorry, I am here to befriend women.

No. 366935

Oh my God. Great proof, nona. Of course there are trannies that are trying to add women on here. To think that after you typed "scrote" in your post, it didn't register to him that it includes him.
I'd also like to add you since you posted an image from one of my favorite anime, but I'm incredibly shy/not confident about my art.

No. 366936

Oh please do, that's one of the reasons I choose that specific illustration!

No. 366937

Aw, I've sent it then!

No. 367125

gross, why can't we literally have ONE space. been contemplating making a post here since i only have one female friend and want more but been worried about retards like this.

No. 367131

kek, this means he doesn't see his other fellow 4chan tranny scrotes as actual women or else he'd be adding them instead of lurking here trying to trick real women into wasting their time talking to him. did you search his tag in archives because he seemed off while talking to him or were you just being extra cautious?

No. 367135

I'm nta but there are some lurking scrotes/troons here so if you ever decide to make a post you should always voice verify with anyone who adds you. I was added by a troon awhile back when I posted my info in the last thread.

No. 367172

came here to say very nice work nona. If anyone ever runs into this again, please report + in the report message let us know in the reply to the post.

No. 367181

I don't understand why these mentally ill men are fucking obsessed with us, holy fucking shit.

No. 367188


No. 367210

AYRT, it's just a habit of mine to reverse search usernames that look "unique" enough, kek, as I mentioned I can be a pretty curious person. That aside, his (only) message didn't come off as immediately clockable so I don't think I would've screamed troon that early on if I hadn't found anything.
I do recommend other nonnies to reverse search usernames for their own peace of mind too, or, as >>367135 said, voice verify asap after adding someone. I did it with whoever asked me so far and had no problems apart from that one screenshot tranny.

No. 367218

Voice verifying isn't very reliable anymore.. I could have a pretty realistic conversation with you using the voice of Harry Styles if I wanted to.

No. 367402

it's been my experience that men (especially male troons) don't want to voice verify. since when they use a voice modifier the consistent delays in their replies and/or the audio distortion always gives it away. I had one try to get into a womens only server I was in and even though it was subtle we could all still figure out he was using a voice changer.

No. 367421

I don't know nona, I feel like most trannies wouldn't go as far as to use AI voices just to talk to random women off LC, and as the other poster said you can usually notice something is weird. But ok, let's pretend voice verifying is now obsolete, I challenge you (or anyone else honestly) to find me one (1) scrote who'd manage to convincingly larp as a woman for more than maybe a few days' worth of convos.
TL;DR just be minimally aware when initially befriending someone, it's not an insane feat.

No. 367423

ntayrt and I know this is controversial to say here but I can’t tell if some TiMs are troons from voice alone, because of the vocal training. I definitely can most of the time (most aren’t good) but there are certainly some that are almost perfectly convincing. I just feel as though this is believable in theory but I wouldn’t be surprised if you befriended someone and only started to suspect they’re a troon pretty far into the friendship.

No. 367457

I didn't realise that trans women were not welcome here (or just to you specifically..?) pretty disappointing you wouldn't just make that clear from the outset.(tranny)

No. 367462

File: 1703299952570.jpeg (66.2 KB, 395x432, troonfurfag.jpeg)

41% yourself tranny

No. 367463

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No. 367466

>I didn't realise that trans women were not welcome here pretty disappointing you wouldn't just make that clear from the outset.
female only makes it pretty clear no type of moid is allowed lmao

No. 367468

Do you even know where you are? No one here wants to be friends with your gross troon ass

No. 367473

As I said in my first message to they/them it was my first day on the site so forgive me for not realising how toxic this place is

No. 367480

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I can't believe this post isn't satire kekkkk

No. 367483

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How's the inverted dick surgery holding up, moid?

No. 367487

It's crazy to me that you obviously use multiple anonymouse image boards and yet you don't know how to lurk. Stop replying to shit here, have we not established enough that we don't want you?

No. 367489

Stop falling for troons bait. There is no way a troon that uses /tttt/ doesnt know lc is for women only. He was trying to trick women for his own sick perversions.

No. 367490

to they them

No. 367493

No one on that board talks about this place, ever. I only discovered this place due to googling creeps from a soc meetup(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 367496

meanwhile if you search lc in the /tttt/ archive you can read a ton of troons angry at this site for not welcoming them hmmm

No. 367580

KEK this meme, beautiful

No. 367657

Don't be worried, most people here are actually women.

No. 367679

yeah even regardless of the /tttt/ seething he's still fully aware he doesn't belong here. he's ban evading despite his initial ban for being a male and continues posting even after it was made clear he is not welcome here. typical entitled scrote mindset - not caring that he makes women uncomfortable.

No. 367687

Who's the artist of this? It looks so familiar

No. 367715

Is it that hard to find a friend who doesn't trauma dump, doesn't write in lowercase or with quirky mannerisms, not fake posi, and just wants to share memes and fun stuff? I want a penpal.

No. 367721

t. Nona with penpals

No. 367790

what's wrong with lowercase? interesting gripe to have

No. 367888

I think most people are like that initially, minus the trauma dump, out of shyness. I know i do, sorry.

No. 368023

please do not respond to the moids. Continuing to do so and derail will result in bans.

No. 368028

You don't want a friend you want an acquaintance or a babysitter for your baby ass(infighting)

No. 369895

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>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Don't care
>How would you describe yourself?
Introverted, a bit withdrawn sometimes
>Hobbies and pastimes
Reading, writing, video games, watching long youtube video essays, listening to podcasts about celebrities I've never heard of, music discovery
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Movie = Fantastic Mr Fox
Show = Okupas
Music = The Magnetic Fields, P.H.F, The Softies
Books = The Secret History; there's something so cozy and comforting about it (most likely, the fact that the rich assholes lead miserable lives by the end of it)
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
FTM and pro-ana threads, most of /ot/
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Nothing in particular, just be a friend and that'll suffice
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Depends on the day

No. 369897


No. 369899

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*~ Looking for new friends:

Me: Arrived during the PULL shutdown. Inactive for years until 2023. Longtime lurker. Hoping to find someone similar to me rn.

.Age: 28-30+
.New Career/No degree/Starting school late

No. 369905

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discord: semigloss
>How long this contact will remain active?
Next 6 months at least. Maybe longer if I feel like it.
GMT -6 (Central Time)
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Bit of a sperg ngl. Weird sense of humor. I'm a better listener than I am a talker. Currently job hunting very hard. Also it's been a very long time since I've messaged with someone 1 on 1 so please be patient with my awkwardness.
>Hobbies and pastimes
I like manga, indie music, literature, BL/fujoshit, gacha games (enstars, arknights, love live, etc.), fanfiction, drawing, tinfoiling, creative writing, linguistics, ASMR videos, cooking, art history, regular history, et cetera. Am open to trying out new hobbies alongside another nona.
>Other random tidbits about you
INTP/Leo. I mostly use /ot/ and /m/, sometimes lurk the TIF, tradthot and animation cows threads in /snow/.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Just someone with similar interests to shoot the shit with. Maybe form a genuine friendship out of it.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I am kinda busy but I will try my best to keep a convo going when I can. We can set something up that works after we exchange timezones/schedules. Feel free to hit me up at your discretion though, it doesn't bother me i just might not respond immediately.

My contact is a side discord I don't use often so it may take a day or two before I see your first message.

No. 369907

It says you’re not accepting friend requests on your discord…

No. 369908

my bad, should be fixed now

No. 370335

I was unfriended by a nona that I didn't think I was on bad terms with, but I respect your right to do so and I hope 2024 is good for you and your loved ones.

No. 370644

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my telegram is @virginwithrage and my discord is soneedacutegf
>How long this contact will remain active?
indefinitely– add me anytime
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
20+, i want to be able to relate to you
>How would you describe yourself?
philosophy uni student, i love to talk and learn. im a curious person. i care a lot about improving myself but not in a grindset way? i am really involved with my friends. i dont have friends irl because i find it very hard to get to know people, and i dont put myself out there much, but once that awkward part is over im comfortable and sociable. i like to message my friends throughout the day and im not very guarded
>Hobbies and pastimes
watch YouTube videos about the old internet especially second life and TSO phenomena, finding new music, needle felting, foraging and other naturalism things, health/biohacking, learning about sociological topics, reading dumb internet gossip, nostalgic things, reading the doe network page,Tumblr blog, keeping a diary, trying to find some sort of spiritual thing that resonates, documentaries about technology and society
if anyone on here is into philosophy, I like Baudrillard
movies- paranorman, no country for old men, the cat returns
shows- 90 day fiance….. and other reality garbage but I don't watch TV much
music- breakcore, nightcore, but a lot more we can share
books- i dont really read fiction
>Other random tidbits about you
infj pisces
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
a close, genuine friend. talk regularly, share little things in our lives, etc. like a normal close friend
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
contact whenever! at first I might have trouble replying but as we get to know eachother I'll be more comfortable

No. 371991

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sdf100 discord only
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Boring, bad social skills, spergs a lot about my favourite topics. Clingy once I get to know someone. Walking red flag.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Ball-jointed dolls, photography, some sewing, FFXIV, Sims 3
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Gosick, Rozen Maiden, Onii-sama e, Frieren
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I mostly lurk on TIM and TIF threads and some lolita threads.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
Someone to chat with all the time. I have no one outside of three family members, and I can't really talk about most things with them. Would love to talk to other BJDnonas or dollanons in general.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Generally available for contact whenever. Terminally online until I get hired.

No. 372036

nonnies if a discord user called "Damhanalla" with a cartoon penguin pfp be careful because he added me three months ago and his opening line was just "whats up, moid from Northen Ireland here" just to tell the nonnies if hes trying to add people from here

No. 372094

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No. 372096

This is lolcow, how are you gonna be scandalized by chris chan references

No. 372098

We need another hellweek asap

No. 372125

Sounds like a kiwifag.

No. 372399

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Some of this is the same as my post from 2 years ago unfortunately, so it's gonna sounds suuuuuuper sad


>How long this contact will remain active?
Until I decide to close it
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
Mid 20s and higher
>How would you describe yourself?
Scatterbrained, anxious, and can't stick to the plot to save my life; also very often depressed due to personal nonsense but fighting to stay on track and keep moving
>Hobbies and pastimes
Reading, gaming, finally back into sewing more and getting fingers deep into potting soil for the plants I've recently amassed; I also write on occasion when the muse hits just right; occasional anime watcher when working on projects and movie fiend; I'm also still into occult/witch shit and also have been reading into Greek mythology and polytheism
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
Specifics include Fushigi Yuugi, Lois and Clark (I like that old cheesy shit), Burnt Offerings, Howl's Moving Castle, Persona 4 Golden, The Sims 4, Phantom Thief Jeanne, Stardew Valley, Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires, Flowers for Algernon (I need to re-read it)
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I don't browse quite as often as I used to but I still check in on the Pixie thread from time to time
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I currently struggle with feeling like an outsider in the online circles my boyfriend and I function in, so I'm hoping that maybe I can connect with others that I share some interests with
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm still on a set day schedule but I will get to emails when I can; I'm currently gearing up to make a big transition in life so there's a chance I will get swamped and reach critical mental shutdown but I will update you if something big comes up

No. 372413

File: 1704883219220.jpg (8.7 KB, 200x150, SBeehyYd.jpg)

this is just a random email, I can add you on discord from there
>How long this contact will remain active?
indefinitely, if you don't like my vibe and want to delete me I won't take offense. I would also tell you the same if I feel like we don't click.
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
21-35, but older is okay.
>How would you describe yourself?
I kind of have an autist vibe at times, but I think I am pretty nice. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed admittedly, but I am open to talking about anything and enjoy arguing when its in good fun. I do like to eat weed edibles somewhat often, so if you find pothead types to be annoying you may not like me. Also, currently a student (went back to school at like 23) and working part time at a craft store.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Really interested in listening to music, not so good at playing but I am trying to get better at synth and guitar. I am not trying to be a rockstar or anything like that but I think making music is good for people, even if its shitty. I like fishing, sewing a little bit, trying random crafts (sculplting, jewelry making, stamp making, just various things), weight lifting, going to concerts and CHILLIN. I also post on /mu/ a lot admittedly like a fgt, I just love arguing. I am interested in skincare too, if that's something you like talking about.
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
My favorite movie is Naked Lunch, I like dumb shows like South Park and Mission Hill and adult swim crap. I loved Off The Air! I am really sorry, I don't read very much. I own the book Naked Lunch though and might eventually read it. I like a lot of music, love Cardiacs, Gong, Ween, Bjork, Fiona Apple, Les Claypool among other things. I have been really enjoying the Residents lately. I HATE WEEZER, I HATE ANCO.
>Other random tidbits about you (mbti, your zodiac, what boards or threads you use, or whatever else you want to add, etc)
I am an INTP, I mostly post on /ot/ in the dumbass shit thread. If you want a friend to get high with and watch stupid shows and videos and listen to music with, I might be the lady for you.
>What are you looking for in this online friendship?
I am just looking for a buddy that likes similar stuff.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I am on break right now so I am not super busy! I don't mind being contacted whenever, just know that sometimes I can be a little slow to respond.

No. 372415

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I also filled this out a while ago, but I think I would probably change a few things now but I think you might be able to gauge from this if we have similar interests or if I'd be someone you'd want to talk to.

No. 372438

Damn Sing to God is one of my favorite albums, VTMB is one of my favorite games and I’m in Texas can we kiss

No. 372526

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