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No. 1703226
Last time on "The Moo is Coming From Inside the House" Edition…
>Holly tossed around the idea of writing about her experience with the drama and when it didn't get a lot of attention, she just never did >>1226766>the defenders continued trying to slander Heidi as an adulterous whore in an attempt to get everyone to forget that Jared had a nasty habit of sticking his dick in anything with a pulse >>1311229>Jared remained mostly silent on the drama for MONTHS while Holly still regularly revictimized herself and pushed the 'I did nothing wrong' narrative >>1356497>Jared eventually moved on, spurring rumors that they finally split up >>1598430>All in all, everyone shut the fuck up about the drama and people generally forgot they existed>just kidding, Holly sperged out and accused her ex-husband, Ross, of marital rape. >>1702638Social links:
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly: Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>1218068Our last thread devolved into nonstop infighting, bait, and garbage as white knights infiltrated.
For the quality of future threads:
-IGNORE BAIT. Anons who post random milkless potshots at Heidi or Ross are trying to spark infighting. Ignore and report.
-STOP posting stans on either side. They aren't milky and it shits up the thread.
-Common interests between Holly and Heidi are not milk. Two people liking popular things is not proof of copying on either side. Bringing it up causes infighting.
-STOP nitpicking Holly. It adds fuel to her claims that she's being bullied for no reason when people bend over backwards to try to find things to nitpick at. She has given us plenty of milk on her own. Let it flow.
No. 1703245
>>1703236That's what I'm saying. Don't doubt her 100%, but don't believe her 100% either considering she has a history of lying her ass off to write herself as the
No. 1703253
>>1703236I don’t trust Holly fully but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. She has a massive
victim complex and still owes Heidi an apology but she doesn’t deserve moid abuse.
No. 1703265
>>1703248>therefore it's likely to be trueConfirmation bias isn't going to lead anywhere useful. It's just going to derail.
>>1703250>>1703253Fuck the benefit of the doubt. This bitch stole from cancer patients. She's conveniently dropping this when it looks like Twitter is going to shit itself so she doesn't have to face any questions or pushback. It's transparent as fuck, and you gullible tards are walking right into it.
No. 1703280
>>1703265Truly she is a narcissistic lying bitch who does terrible things (repeatedly with 0 remorse) and has been an absolute doormat for ugly horny nerds
Take away the whole chickens thing and those things make up the majority of who she’s proven herself to be as a person so I’m guessing the majority of people won’t be distracted from her past because she’s been treated like a dick pillow
No. 1703309
>>1703120It's not like her story is outlandish though. A scrote expecting obligatory sex 3 times a week regardless of her enthusiasm was standard for marriages and people only started seeing it for what it is recently. Her wording wasn't even dramatic or really accusatory - she said she let herself be used, let him pressure her, lied there and let it happen, etc and said to set boundaries instead of doing that. It's a very common dynamic that most women are unfortunately familiar with.
I can't stand how she's using it to circle back to boohooing about being cancelled though.
Valid points, believable story, questionable motives because once again it all comes back to her belief that people online owe her unending and unconditional (monetary) support no matter what she does. Get a real fucking job and suddenly being cancelled doesn't matter and neither do the opinions of strangers.
No. 1703315
>>1703307This people can sit around all day and find shit that justified why they thunk he did it or didn't. We don't know, I no reason to believe either one of them,but Holly has her rep and up until now I've never seen anyone say anything crazy about Ross, if all you have is random old Game Grump clips and people have actual current tweets and proof of Holly being a shitty manpullative person I don't know.
Hopefully he
attempts to clear his name and the only way I see him doing so is doing what Vinny did, say you're getting lawyers involved. To a lot of people that speaks volumes, but at the same time, I feel like if Holly had any proof she'd posted that and it's hard to "prove' what she's accusing him of.
Then again who knows? I've only heard of Ross because he does streams with Jerma or Vinny, I assume maybe he's more popular now and if this did happen, it may hurt her to see him be so beloved knowing what he did. OR she wants to hurt him for some other reason, who knows.
No. 1703317
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>>1703309anon, the fuck you mean her wording wasn't even dramatic or accusatory??
No. 1703320
>>1703315I've spent a lot of years on lolcow, but saying fucking with your close friend while on edibles is "getting off on others discomfort" and that it makes one a rapist may be the most insane leap I've seen from a farmer.
>>1703317Yeah and it's not like Twitter is a sinking ship or anything and she toootally won't hop off the platform the minute this story gets called into question. Some anons are so gullible it makes you wonder if they own a timeshare.
No. 1703322
>>1703317I love that she pulls the "but I'm the one who's a whore!" bit like, Holly, babe, we're not calling you a whore for fucking your husband. We're calling you a whore for fucking PedoDick while he was still married, despite his then-wife's objections.
>>1703321She has a history of getting drunk and rage tweeting like this, only to delete it or backtrack when she sobers up.
No. 1703329
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Didn't see this tweet talked about so thought I'd post it, didn't her animator grandfather also leave her a house or something? If she burned through that and the inheritance too she's even more retarded than I thought, that's Tuna level stupid.
No. 1703332
>>1703271Yeah, same. If the breakup from WormDick
triggered this last sperg, she’s got to have more to spill.
No. 1703333
>>1703330Bingo. If she's that hard up for money, she could always downgrade to a smaller house but she'd probably have to get rid of the birds.
>>1703331It's not that we're defending Ross. We're just pointing out that hoebag has a history of being histrionic and overdramatic and downright lying about shit and then playing
victim when called out on it
No. 1703343
>>1703329I find the accusation to be particularly suspect in light of these follow up tweets too. “Waaa I’ve lost everything I can’t possibly lose more” when everything she has publicly lost has been a nearly direct result of her actions and she is purposefully painting Ross as a image obsessed, vitriolic figure with power who is looming over her, ready to strike. It’s totally bizarre and seemingly unhinged. I worry for anons who think calling her into question over this is tantamount to
victim blaming. Maybe it’s true. But also maybe it isn’t. Most likely the reality is somewhere in-between. Either way, Ross has a whole lot more to lose than Holly at this point.
No. 1703348
nonnie, did you get an education at any point? Were you ever taught about the boy who cried wolf? People, women included, are not exceptions to being called into question if they have a history of being histrionic liars who exaggerate and twist past events for their own benefit.
No. 1703355
>>1703343Yeah, and
she just lost wormdick. If it were
anyone else I'd be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt but, Holly spent years painting Heidi as this evil crone despite her being the other woman in that situation, along with her history of histrionics and outright lying. If this did happen to her,
she needs to take this to the police. Not fucking relying on the court of public opinion to take down her ex-husband, because as of right now this just comes across as a grift, obvious ploy of garnering sympathy from the internet, and lashing out at her ex-husband after getting dumped by wormdick.
No. 1703370
>>1703331Don't worry
nonnie we're just seeing real time why men are never held accountable for their fucked up behavior. It's easier to call Holly a hoebag and demand proof of Ross forcing her to have sex (like wtf would that even look like?) instead of realizing even very mentally ill, historic, dramatic, bpd ridden (and the list goes on) women can and probably are most likely to get abused or taken advantage of sexually. They will die on the hill that Holly is an evil cheating lying harpy because they're projecting women they probably hate irl onto her and thinks she deserves it. Disturbing to watch but it's so common scrotes get away with actual murder when theres a woman to focus the venom onto. Women are so conditioned to pit ourselves against each other from childhood and everytime we fall in line and join the sea of scrotes parroting the same bullshit.
>"Where's the pRoOF" >"I'll believe Ross is a bad guy once I'm given the most definitive proof" >"she's a liar look how she loves to lie (proceeds to list issues that aren't actual lies but are perspective based)" And the classic
>"Even women can lie about being raped!!"Just like a reddit comment thread in here. What does Holly have to gain from this? Since when is society automatically sympathetic to sexually abused women? The me too movement gets criticized and shit on constantly, she lost her lgbtq cred because she's no longer ace, everyone who thought she was a bird mom now just thinks she's unstable and mentally ill, all the gamer bros and Ross fangirls (which he has plenty of after that situation) are going to think she's even more of a lying cheating "hoebag". Jared broke up with her and she probably realized all this time what the root of the problem was in her spiral. It wasn't being ace, or wanting to ruin a marriage for the prize of Jared it was her mental health slowly deteriorating because she was convinced she needed to force herself to have sex with a man over and over when she didn't want to.
No. 1703373
>>1703370> even very mentally ill, historic, dramatic, bpd ridden (and the list goes on) women can and probably are most likely to get abused or taken advantage of sexually.The thing is that it happens to women like this way more often. Mentally ill women are easy targets for
abusive moids. This is like feminism 101. Nonnas will screech about how ebil all moids are but won’t even entertain the idea that a woman they don’t like can also have been a
No. 1703374
>>1703370She doesn't have to prove it to anyone. She doesn't even have to being her story to the attention of people who disagree with her. She could hire a therapist and live a healthy life with her birds, away from creepy scrotes, and not post and delete very serious accusations on twitter.
The thing is that she did post and delete very serious accusations on twitter after having completely tanked her own reputation, so understandably some people are going to remember other things she did (some of which she did to other women) and wonder if she's continuing that behavior now.
Again, you can believe women and still wonder why this particular woman has decided to come forward at this particular time in this particular way. You can dislike the predatory men in the situation without forgetting how Holly bullied Heidi. You don't have to be on any one public figure's "side"- all of them are kinda a mess.
I think it's rather simplistic to dismiss the carefully worded dissent in this situation as internalized misogyny. Half the comments aren't even saying that they don't believe Holly. They're just saying that her being hurt doesn't excuse the way that she hurt others, yet she is spinning this situation inside her marriage as "the reason she's being called a whore" when the reason she's being called a whore is because she slept with a married person that she was not married to.
No. 1703420
I'm sorry but Holly's statement reads to me as a narcissist trying to cope with them looking bad after being shitty to their exs. Through this whole situation Holly has complained about Heidi and Ross not getting criticism, if she was willing to not only talk down to Heidi but partake in Jared's abuse of her, what makes her unable to lie or stretch the truth to try and redeem herself now? Notice she takes the "I'm speaking for women and other
victims" approach and glosses over the fact that she was cheating with a married man and was all amicable with Ross until he stopped kissing her ass and defending her from "the cancellation." Idk its convenient to play
victim right now then let it slip that you are single. If theres one thing Holly has shown she is super salty when she looks bad or is in the wrong; majority of people who talk about her and wormdick critically bring up both Heidi and Ross why wouldn't she take the chance to look like a
victim when she already has multiple times in the past. This is giving me "I have nothing left to lose, I ruined my life for predator who left me to flirt with doppelgangers of his ex, everyone hates me for talking down to people sticking up for women who were cheated on and hurting my ex. How do I make everyone else look bad by lying my way out of being the shit stirrer who fucked everything up?" Also it's a stretch to take the quote from
>>1702882 as any proof when they are taking a quote completely out of context and ignoring that Arin was referring to how hard Ross' Mario levels were because they were considered some of the hardest levels, it's the same as when people call those who love Dark Souls sadists. I get that moids do fucked up shit everyday but everyone agrees why now? What changed that she felt the need to say it now? As a woman there are plenty of times I had sex without wanting to and wasnt pressured to do so, I didnt make it obvious that I didnt want it and did so to relieve my partner, I don't believe it is rape because I have literally endured actual rape. Call me an asshole for not automatically believing Hoelly Ms victimblamer supreme, but I do not put it past her to take a similar situation to that and try and make the person into a monster. The reason she is deleting is that that was probably an impulse lie and now she realized she can't walk it back, though it feels she is trying to by switching from "hes a rapist" to "it was a
toxic marriage for us"
No. 1703484
>>1703473I mean, to be fair, if it DID happen, it's still technically marital rape regardless of if she verbally said no or not; The absence of an explicit "yes" is not adequate consent.
I still think it's weird as fuck that she only decided to bring it up when Jared bailed. She knows she can't outright attack Jared because that'd be as good as admitting that this whole shit show was for nothing. Can't go after Heidi because she ain't said shit about the drama for awhile. Next best thing? Go after Ross who has remained silent the entire time and is likely to remain silent now too, letting her shit spew unchecked.
No. 1703512
>>1703336Nonnie, Hoelly is known for picking an choosing whatever victimizes her. No one here gives a fuck about Ross. Back when the meltdown was happening, she framed Heidi to be an
abusive whore to protect Pedojared and deflect from her cheating. Now she is appealing to feminism and the role of women in straight relationships. Even if this is real, she she is bringing this up just to become a
victim again, not because she cares about women or marital rape. I think nonnies are bothered because of this instead of a moid getting accused. And her constant lying about her money situation, bringing up an irrelevant thing that bothers her (people calling her a whore for cheating) really shows what truly matters for her is to remain a
No. 1703542
>>1703374>>1703379>>1703540She's constantly talked about how she has a therapist, she's gone through many therapists actually, so it's clearly not working out for her in general.
(maybe because they keep trying to suggest healthy coping mechanisms and maybe not being so obsessed with what people think of her on the internet and that's just not an acceptable option for her)
No. 1703640
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>>1703228>>1703236This ross creeper ticks all the boxes:
-weird gnome like evil smile
-self proclaimed "sadist"
-tries to stay clear of controversy like its uranium
Any woman knows the type, the only ones defending him are desperate handmaiden and undercover scrotes.
He's the kinda guy you accidentally get into a relationship with 17 because you don't know better and who'll become a little stalker-psychopath who demands sex while stomping his little feet.
If anything it's pretty clear holly has a type (weirdo sex-pervert creepster)
No. 1703643
>>1703265>>1703263You clearly type like a scrote (or a troon for that matter, same thing) and your entire logic-circuit seems to be wired in "male reasoning" tier.
Yes holly is a terrible person, that is clear.
But it does NOT mean not to trust anything she says ever, even a shit person can be a
victim of abuse - especially since she seems to be the kinda chick to latch onto
abusive types.
This isn't as black and white (to quote you the "bitch" lied once - so now the council of men has decided to never trust her again)
You seem to be unable to grasp that nobody here is defending her or saying all the terrible shit she did is suddenly ok.
But this "she lied about X so now its ok if she gets raped" shit is straight out of the incel playbook.
No. 1703648
>>1703328> Marital rape is the correct term for what she was describing but I wouldn't consider that dramatic at all. It's sadly a very mundane, typical experience even if it's rape.Holy scrote batman. Are we having invasion of the moids in this thread all of a sudden?
Guess rape is fine now because it happens often.
No. 1703656
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>>1703331Pretty sure we had some invasion of weird-ass gamegrumps parasocial anons from 4chan, they have the weirdest mancrush on ross and think that ugly little mishappen goblin is "handsome".
I've heard that IRL from a 4chan dude at my anime club 10 years ago.
Meanwhile any normal woman can immediately clock this guy as
abusive just from awkward body language and ugly goblin face.
He's basically like a pocket sized jared.
No. 1703657
>>1703370This so hard.
I don't know if the people defending ross are delusional handmaiden or undercover scrotes, but it's fucking hillarious.
No. 1703688
>>1703660I’ve finally been accused of being a scrote because I had an opinion
nonnie didn’t like lol. The last time I got talked down to for being blunt was by an actual scrote who was mad I was hurting his feefees by not couching my words. Really makes you think huh
No. 1703716
Guys no one is defending rape. A couple comments are wondering if Holly is telling the truth due to her history of not telling the truth. 100% of commenters here think martial rape is bad.
Did that happen? =/= justified assault
>>1703685>kek why have anons here become so retarded that any post with a "lets wait until the details come out" opinion is labeled as a scrote behavior.It's really weird to me how these comments all come in waves and their main argument is that anyone who disagrees with them is a brigading tranny.
No. 1703724
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Well this didn't age well
No. 1703775
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>>1703724Neither did this
No. 1703794
>>1703790>seething scrote troon mad at being found outNobody questions holly is a shit person.
But with her taste in men its more than likely that her self-admited "sadist" pest of an ex is in the same ballpark as jared when it comes to slimeball rapists.
No. 1703798
>>1703790also ponder this for a second:
Its likely she kept her mouth shut over her ex being a rapist exactly because she's a bad person and a handmaiden for slimeballs.
Its just that she now feels like throwing him under the bus because her jared ticket has gone away.
>>1703797if you dont wanna be clocked as a troon maybe stop making it so obvious you're one
No. 1703814
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>>1703662>>1703660>>1703698>>1703794Are you here just to name call or do you actually have something to bring to the discussion?
No. 1704037
>>1704030>if this was truly her calling out rapey moids why is she not going after the ones there is proof of?Because she can't center herself as the true
victim if she's defending other woman, only if she makes it about HER.
No. 1704091
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>>1704084Seriously. Never forget how Holly attacked Heidi when Heidi was speaking out about her own martial abuse. Imagine if someone posted something like this about Holly's allegations about Ross. "Why didn't you leave him Holly??" She would absolutely lose her shit.
No. 1704100
>>1704091This tweet right here is going to wind up being her undoing. She can legitimately never expect claims of her being abused to be taken seriously after pulling this shit as a "Gotcha!" in her pursuit of wormdick.
"If you were so scared of your abuser, why would you go back? I mean, I stayed married to the dude who I allege was regularly making me a
victim of marital rape, but that's different"
No. 1704128
>>1704115Wait a minute what? She drove 22 hours away from an incredibly
toxic marriage…..only to start fucking someone else's husband who was, ironically, in an incredibly
toxic marriage all their own. That doesn't negate the fact that Hoebag stayed with Ross after he repeatedly raped her (according to her) and only left when her urge for wormdick became unbearable. She didn't 'flee' to get away from her alleged abuser - she fled in pursuit of wormdick.
No. 1704132
>>1704115It's this
>>1704091 that ultimately puts me on the side that i just don't find her reliable on anything. She is
It makes me think she is lying (or exaggerating) about Ross because how is she trying to say that while she was in the middle of fleeing an "
abusive marriage" she was capable of telling Heidi that it was impossible for her to be a "reeal"
victim since she managed to step foot into her own home??? Not because I don't think she's capable of being a complete hypocrite, but because I don't think she would've tweeted something that could be outed by Ross or anyone else. she's desperately trying to prove that her failed relationship with p3dodick was absolutely "necessary"
No. 1704135
>>1704132Yes, this. She may very well be telling the truth about Ross, maybe they DID have sex repeatedly with her not being into it. It's just very suspicious that for years, she hasn't said so much as a peep about him being
abusive and the minute PedoDick is out the door, she sperges out and calls Ross an
abusive rapist and once again tries to center herself as the one true
victim - and extends exactly zero of that energy towards other abuse
victims and in fact, went to great lengths to defend the ones accused of abuse (Remember the Adam Koebel situation??)
No. 1704136
>>1704132Exactly yes, that's what I was getting at with
>>1704115. It wasn't a needed tweet to her thread but it shows that still, subconsciously or not, she sees physically leaving as the key factor in whether someone is a "real"
victim. Like she still needed that one jab to Heidi in a thread that already takes 0 accountability.
No. 1704221
>>1704132>>1704135She's probably not even lying about the ross stuff itself, but about the context. That ugly manlet seems like the type of moid to whine and bitch until he gets his way, and since he looks like the kinda guy that makes vaginas dry up with spergy behavior she probably didnt feel attacted to him anymore, after the intial e-celeb chaser rush wore off and she realized what she got into.
So he nagged her for sex until the reached and agreement of "every third day sex to keep our relationship alive" or some shit and she didnt enjoy it and ended up feeling violent and but got emotionally blackmailed into doing it.
That's why I suspect a lot of the people doubting her here are (very male) incel spergs from 4chan, because they assess this with such a male-centric view of sexuality. ("errrm he akshually didnt drag her into a side alley and have his way with her, fucking bitch lied")
Almost everyone I know has a story about staying together longer than healthy with some clingy weirdo moid out of pity who endlessly begs for sex to an extent where it feels like you're being violated if you end up giving in.
The healthy thing would be to just fucking end it the moment you're not attracted to him anymore, but we all (at least the actual vagina havers here) know it's not always that easy.
No. 1704230
>>1704221Or they're doubting her because, again for the millionth time, Holly has been known to be full of shit before and they simply want some kind of proof to back up the claims.
You can support a person and still say "I'm going to need more proof before I decide that they're a super shitty person"
No. 1704233
>>1704221>"we all (at least the actual vagina havers here) know it's not always that easy."Speak for yourself,
nonnie. If I was actively sobbing every time I had sex with someone and that person didn't notice, I'd be out of there. I wouldn't wait three years and then publicly screech that he had raped me repeatedly.
No. 1704239
>>1704230>akshually where ish the proofff where ish the recieptsmoid spotted
>>1704233Relationships are more complex than this you moid freakazoid.
You guys are so easy to clock with your complete unawareness of how people and feelings work.
>>1704238Pretty sure people aren't denying she isnt a piece of shit, but arguing against this "hurr what a BITCH women always LIE about RAPE where is the PROOF! if she didnt liek to get FUCKED why didnt she just leave??? lololoL" moid-talk that invaded the thread.
No. 1704245
>>1704239>arguing against this "hurr what a BITCH women always LIE about RAPE where is the PROOF! if she didnt liek to get FUCKED why didnt she just leave??? lololoL" What the fuck has happened to lolcow that asking for proof before dousing someone's life in gas and then striking a match makes everyone moids?
Nobody is saying Holly is out and out lying about it. we're just asking that you all treat her claims with the same respect that any other rape accusations would be treated - with a healthy level of cynicism until proven otherwise.
No. 1704253
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I don't have a recording of it yet (hopefully he keeps the vod up) but Ross just stated that he was emotionally abused by Holly, as some anons speculated in the past, and that her accusations were a continuation of this abuse.
No. 1704268
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How many of "BUT HOLLY WOULDN'T LIE!" crowd forgot about this gem?
"We love each other very much!" is quite the contrast to "He raped me regularly and was hella abusive!"
No. 1704272
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Shoutout to the time Hoebag thought it was awful of Heidi to do the EXACT SAME THING that she just did herself.
Rules for thee, not for me, eh?
No. 1704274
>>1704263Yes, and there have been times himself where Ross has implied Holly was emotionally
abusive before in a podcast with some of his friends. Some anons dug all this stuff up when the Holly/Jared drama first started blowing up. Seems like the Holly defenders forgot about that or are new as fuck to the thread and think every anon is a scrote for distrusting her claims.
No. 1704287
>>1704274You getting clocked as a male effortlessly really caught you off-guard, huh?
Again with the incel logic.
Nobody is DEFENDING holly. She's a piece of shit.
But there's also no reason to defend her ex.
He's not magically a good person, because she's a piece of shit.
Both can be shit.
You don't always have to take sides you m o i d.
This pathologic compulsion to be TEAM A or TEAM B is such a male trait. That's how I can easily clock you guys.
No. 1704293
>>1704287learn to sage.
>"now all the handmaiden and moids in this thread are going to believe the guy no questions asked?"We're just tickled that we might actually get evidence beyond "I said it so you guys should totes believe me! If you don't, you're a traitor to women everywhere!"
>"If she was so abusive why is he cuddling it up with her?"So, let me get this straight: You think it's okay for Hoebag to cuddle up to her rapist, but NOT for Ross to cuddle up to someone he claims was emotional
abusive to him? You don't get it both ways, either it's okay to cuddle with your abuser or it's not, regardless of gender
>"There's also no reason to defend her ex"Other than the fact that someone is calling them a rapist with zero evidence. Also nobody is defending Ross, we just saying not to trust 100% either way until more info comes out.
No. 1704295
>>1704290Nobody's saying ross isn't also lying. Unlike you,
nonnie, the rest of us have critical thinking skills and are able to wait until evidence comes out before we believe one side or the other.
No. 1704296
>>1704288>>1704293Oh no, Mr. Ben Shapiro owning me with facts and logic.
You are a M O I D.
Simply by implying that there is no inherent power-difference between men and women.
So this self-proclaimed "sadist" had no issues staying close to his terrible abuser (towering two heads over her)?
By being ignorant that there is a clear power-difference between men and women you give yourself away as a scrote immediately.
Now go be a troon and penis haver all you want on 4chan /r9k/ where you can sperg all day about the evil SJW bitches who make up rape cases (but they deserved it regardless for being bitches, amirite?)
No. 1704298
>>1704287>>1704283Please lurk more before posting newfag. There has been plenty of breadcrumbs that were posted about Holly being
abusive to Ross. Him coming out and saying it is not news to anyone who has been here since the milk started flowing or to anons who know how to read.
No. 1704299
>>1704295> no you dont get it I have to defend the honor of this one weirdo scrote because I just have toCompelling argument, really.
I'm sure he will personally invite you to his discord and give you a digital pat on the shoulder for being his best parasocial friend.
No. 1704312
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> people stop talking about projared's wormdick, diminishing hairline and crack addict like appearance because holly cant help herself and tries to drag a third party into her horrorshow
Even in seperation she still serves the progeria jared.
No. 1704316
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>>1704314Nobody is "pro holly" for simply not brushing off anything a woman says because she is a terrible person.
This is moid logic and you're giving yourself away as a scrote by insisting on this black and white view of the situation.
Also it's known ross sends out his followers to clean up his image. No. 1704322
File: 1668917922702.jpeg (226.86 KB, 1242x1299, 0558381E-FEE0-44B5-AC46-2BDB2F…)
>>1704316and guess what? this person supports Pedodick and multiple other abusers that holly has befriended. seems like she’s not the best of character too. we can play at this game all day
No. 1704325
>>1704322>>1704320Again with the moid guilt by association.
If ross is innocent he can clear his name no problem. He just gotta present the reciepts.
It's a win-win for everyone looking for milk.
If ross is innocent holly is even more shat-on. If ross isnt as innocent as he pretends to be, there's a new cow in the story, producing more milk.
How anyone can clutch pearls over this and defend the maiden (male)'s honor to such a feverish degree like it's happening in this thread is a bit odd and certainly not typical of this place.
No. 1704327
>>1704322>and guess what? this person supports Pedodick and multiple other abusers>and multiple other abusersMultiple? Now you gotta show how that boomer lady supports "multiple" abusers.
Are you from the ross-defend scrote squad?
All I'm seeing is some older woman looking out for the mentally ill little sister figure she found.
Questionable behavior or not. But she seems to support holly's claims and seems to know them all IRL.
No. 1704361
Since we have some newfags, here is old milk backing up the claims that Holly is
abusive herself.
>>830089 No. 1704366
>>1704356No, we default to hearing both sides, to expecting more proof of an accusation than "I said he did it, so he did it, the end".
You don't get to claim someone should be believed by default just because we're all women. Way to set feminism back 100 years…
No. 1704375
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Ross is a moid and naturally shouldn't be trusted but honestly holly has had a MASSIVE history of
abusive, lying and manipulative behavior not just in relationships, but friends. Remember, she was friends with heidi before she fucked her husband and went on a character assassination tirade, before that she talked massive shit about jessica (her cosplay company partner if anyone watched cosplay heroes) and tried to fuck her over as well. If you go deeper into it I'm sure those patterns keep going on and on and on. Holly is a classic 'woe is me' victimizing cunt. We all know someone like that.
I'm sure maybe there's some elements of truth to what she says, I'm sure he's a goblin of his own. But I also don't think it's as severe as she's making out to be. I know all of us nonas hate to deny another woman of that sort of trauma but you can't deny the massive patterns of YEARS of her accusing AWFUL things of every single person she's encountered for pity points and victimization.
>>1704361 just posting the screenshot itself here from your post
No. 1704384
>>1704356i really like your switch from 'well, he needs to PROVE he is innocent!' to 'what, you want receipts that he is a rapist moid??? nice one WOMAN that doesn't support WOMEN'. your logic is completely flawed.
women are capable of being evil too, and Holly has a lovely track record or being woe is me and self victimising.
it's like picking sides with the Johnny Depp case, i don't think either one of them is the evil one, i think they are both fucked up people and Johnny is a junkie that acts like a junkie.
what proof do you want Ross to post exactly? screenshots of Holly giving consent on their bi-weekly penis inspection day? how would that look?
No. 1704385
>>1704367That's what I'm saying. She publicly supported Adam Koebel who forced a rape
victim to essentially relive that - Where was all of this "assault = bad" energy from her then??
>>1704384The irony is that PedoDick tried to compare what he went through to what Johnny Depp was going through IIRC in that whole "See? He's innocent and getting cancelled just like I was!" kind of thing.
No. 1704414
>>1704331I don't even know either, some newfag is shitting up the thread trying to warp the scepticism as handmaidenry when… It's not? Terminally online chicks like Holly need to realize that
first you go to either the police or a lawyer with your rape and
abusive marriage allegations. Twitter lynching comes
after or when
there are no options left. If her husband really is the
abusive monster she claims he is, then she needs to do that so that 1.) justice can be served through the proper channels and 2.)
so that no other woman can be a victim to this sort of predatory and sick behavior she's accusing him of.
No. 1704416
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She's so close to being self aware
No. 1704435
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Holly, a couple years ago: Public shaming is wrong!
Holly, like yesterday: Anyway, my exhusband Ross is a fucking rapist!
No. 1704497
>>1704485Who cares?
>>1704384Wow almost as if eceleb infighting is more entertaining than defending some moid I've got no connection to.
Y'all acting way too much like you got an stake in this, instead of enjoy the fallout.
No. 1704498
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>>1704485But would she rape another woman like Ross did? Would rather defend a potential liar handmaiden than this creepy ugly fuck
No. 1704501
>>1704500i'm not making any assumptions as to whether or not she's being honest, but i am leaning more towards believing her than not. i'm just saying i wouldn't confidently screech "scrote" at anons having any doubt, especially when she herself has thrown an assault
victim under the bus. like this is who they're so passionately defending? it's weird and this whole discussion should be toned down on both sides
No. 1704515
Scrote-defenders go back to 4chan. You're not fooling anyone with your odious scroteshit you troons
No. 1704565
>>1704375this is key. Holly admitted to being
abusive toward her ex to Jared of her own volition to “prove” that she can recognize abuse. and who does she claim to have been
abusive to? ross. i usually don’t think men can truly be abused (still don’t, idc) but it’s clear holly even saw herself as an instigator.
how does one leave a relationship saying
>i was the abusive one>i left it in an unhealthy way (cheating)and not gain suspicion? we would have to be idiots to not hold a magnifying glass up to her. Again, we aren’t women hating dick havers if we also support heidi. that’s not being acknowledged
No. 1704571
>>1704328doesn’t look like he fixed it nor is he gonna. the tweet discussing the stream is gone too. i’m confused, barely anybody got to see the stream and now it’s gone for good, why even say anything? maybe it was a warning for holly?
if he goes the legal route he won’t be able to keep saying things. i wish he would just drop the texts anyways
No. 1704577
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>>1704571The tweet is deleted, but I found this recap under the replies. Can any anons who managed to catch the scream confirm that Ross said Holly was mentally unwell?
No. 1704580
it's funny reading clearly new anons to this drama, because if I recall correctly the early threads were pro-holly, then heidi came out about the cheating and the threads were mostly pro-heidi (but definitely anti-jared) in between the stupid whiteknighting waves (holly and jared are victims to evil heidi!!)
but like, so holly is stirring the pot with this RANDOM accusation. not saying it didn't happen, but this was literally years ago. being left by wormdick required her to explode in some direction I guess, but this one? I agree with the earlier statements of "take this to your therapist, take legal action" if she wanted ANYTHING except attention – but I honestly think she has no impulse control at all, was emotionally broken by being dumped, let THAT ONE out, and now is like oh nooo please pretend I didn't say anythinnggg I'll be ruined and silencedddd
reminder that holly is a mentally broken bitch permanently on a "please stop hating me, woe :'(" bend, who functions 100% on emotions rather than facts, KNOWS she's mentally ill and milks it in order to get out of any and all issues she's caused
No. 1704635
>>1704571Nigger made a stream that didnt work and the only place where the content of the stream was discussed is this thread?
>>1704577Ross did indeed state that Holly was mentally unstable in his statement about her. I wish I would have recorded it but maybe he will post it on twitter.
I do not think Ross will drop proof in regards to this, so anons hoping he will might as well stop hoping. Even when Holly and Heidi were name dropping him 3 years ago he stayed away. Maybe friends will back up his claims if this blows up even further but since no one takes Holly very seriously anyway this will blow over. I highly doubt Holly will push it since people have mostly left her alone.
No. 1704742
>>1704683More like sudden flood of parasocial game grump fans trying to save the reputation of some weirdo scrote and due to their scrote-innate inability to see the world in anything but black and white not understanding that entertaining the idea that her marriage was fucked up with a total weirdo sperg husband is not pro holly at all like hushing it up is.
Now go back to 4chan and be an incel there you fucking clown.
No. 1704757
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Oh no, not the heckin wholesome self-proclaimed "sadist" gamegrumperino, why do women have to be such bitches and lie about rape?
No. 1704759
>>1704751>>1704755>oh no she called me out for being a parasocial scrote incel, what am I gonna do?It's exactly two of you parasocial ross stans shitting up the threat with your feverish and fanatic defense of the retard who was crazy or perverted enough to marry holly.
Just see yourselves out.
No. 1704774
I get this is lolcow but Jesus, the shit-flinging in this thread is insane.
People who believe Holly aren’t gullible or stupid, they’re women who know that marital rape is extremely common and that even mentally ill women who’ve done shitty things get sexually abused. Mentally ill women are often even more susceptible to sexual abuse because people demonstrably don’t believe them when they say something about it. You don’t have to be pro-Holly to believe that something like this could have happened to her.
That said, I understand why some people are hesitant to believe her because of her track record of lying and scamming, and throwing people under the bus for her own benefit. I don’t think that every single person in this thread being skeptical is a moid, although some posts in this thread certainly smell like moid. I saw an anon here refer to marital rape as “being used as a dick pillow.” Fucking really? And If you’re waiting for proof or more information to come out, I don’t think you’re going to get it because unless it was filmed or there were witnesses, or physical evidence like a rape kit, rape is notoriously hard to prove or disprove and it’s why so many women who are raped don’t go to the police. At this point, if the rapes happened and Holly wanted to go to the police I don’t think there would be anything they could do for her, unless she and Ross had text conversations about it, or she confided in a friend about it at the time or something.
No. 1704781
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>>1704327>All I'm seeing is some older woman looking out for the mentally ill little sister figure she found.Ya know, I had never seen this denise person, and idk why a "random" poster in here would seemingly know that they have a "sister" like relationship since denise isn't famous or anything. But funny enough, denise uses those exact words! isn't that Interesting!
sorry i know i shouldn't be feeding the troll, but this coupled with how close the crop is in
>>1704322 has made me realize this is probably Denise herself.
No. 1704837
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>>1704781Huh… Is the holyfag ITT really just one of her mutuals who thinks infighting and spamming'll meme these threads into being pro-holly? If I had the autism, I'd want to analyze each of her mutuals posting styles unless it's 100% denise sperging. Can mods check the samefag's IP?
god this hasn't been said in forever No. 1704853
>>1704837i fucking think so, no one else in the thread new they were like “sisters” or even knew they had much of a relationship. she’s a complete nobody, so how did she just so happen to drop that so fast? lol weird.
>>1704845maybe. but ya know old people use this website too, believe it or not.
No. 1704895
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>>1704781>>1704837Funnily enough in the comments under Holly's twitter thread Denise had an interaction with a skeptical troon
>>1704853Was gonna say I don't remember a "Denise" coming up when Holly+Jared's friends were defending them back in 2019 but a quick search of her handle+"Jared" shows a lot of deleted tweets arguing in his favor with others. Not trying to tinfoil whether she's here or not but really, where did she come from?
No. 1704945
>>1704877Agreed. Marital rape like she described, where the wife isn’t into it but lets it happen while it doesn’t even occur to the husband to wonder whether she wants it or not, is so common that I have zero problem believing it happened to
any woman. This probably happens in most straight marriages at least once. I’m reminded of that study where if they asked men if he’d ever committed rape practically no one admitted it, but when they asked if he’d ever had sex with an unresponsive woman a majority of men said yes. Most men don’t even see this as rape at all. Many of the women it happens to excuse it as well, because admitting to themselves that their husband would disregard their humanity and use them like that is too painful to think about. Holly likely doesn’t have proof because who keeps documentation of standard sexual interactions with their spouse? There aren’t going to be “why did you do that” style texts if this was a normalised part of their marriage. So yes, I believe she could be telling the truth. No, there’s not going to be proof either way. No, this isn’t going to “ruin his life”. I doubt it will even make a significant dent in his following.
That said, Holly is an emotionally unstable,
abusive and manipulative person who’s very invested in being seen as a
victim at all times. She’s probably raking this up now because of the breakup with Jared. She wants to lash out but attacking Jared would open up a can of worms she doesn’t want to deal with, namely that Heidi (and lolcow) was right about Jared being a gaslighting, stonewalling sex pest who used her and then dropped her like a hot potato when their affair wasn’t exciting anymore. Admitting Jared is
abusive would mean admitting that she sided with an abuser against his ex and was complicit in his abuse of her. Even if she tries to maintain that the ex was an evil harpy who deserved it, she must feel the cognitive dissonance there. So who else has wronged her? Who else is to blame for the downward spiral of her life? She probably keeps a mental list of all the harm anyone has ever inflicted on her, some of it real and some of it exaggerated, and pulls from that whenever she feels the need to remind herself and the world of how pitiable she is. She used to talk about her mother quite often but that’s old news at this point. The rape allegation was guaranteed to bring a lot of attention but was also pretty much guaranteed to blow up in her face, so I’m not surprised to see her bring it up only now when she’s probably having a mental breakdown and doesn’t have anyone around to reign her in. The picture she’s built up of herself in her head is crumbling and she’s so desperate to regain control of it that she’s willing to light herself on fire in the hope that everyone will feel bad for her again and she might burn someone who’s hurt her in the past.
No. 1704950
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>>1704945>Admitting Jared is abusive would mean admitting that she sided with an abuser against his ex and was complicit in his abuse of her.Exactly.
No. 1704997
>>1704268Yeah in the context of announcing a breakup,
we love each other very much is meaningless, usually eceleb/celeb breakups are announced in such a way to minimize hate armies.
No. 1705038
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>>1704997except that Ross put out a tweet either that day or the next, thanking people for the outpouring of support and Holly chimed in with "This is so hard :( :("
One would think if Ross was as
abusive as she now claims he is and was glad to be away from said abuser, she wouldn't be on his tweets, lamenting the breakup. It gives the same vibes as the "sorry you're going through this" reply to ProDick's divorce announcement.
No. 1705042
>>1704682The early threads were mostly about Suzy, so whenever Holly was mentioned it was mostly as the other, “better” girl (enough that there was speculation she was selfposting)
>>1704945IMO it’s most likely something like this, where Holly was uncomfortable with whatever sex life they had but bottled up her resentment until now
No. 1705047
>>1705038Consider this:
She's a mentally ill doormat.
Almost going off topic:
This is also a huge issue in "kink" relationships where the "kink" is mostly the guy being a
abusive piece of shit who gets off to torturing women and the women gets gaslit into going along and then after a breakup realizes what she was doing.
Society has kinda created this image of women being the smartest AND always wearing the pants.
But in reality its often that you get the shit manipulated out of you by "nice guy" moids and you don't even realize this, because your self-image was boosted that you actually believe youre in control.
If you ask me - men are way more manipulative than women and know to pick their prey well.
No. 1705087
>>1704945Holly is a pathological liar and scammer but anons are still trying to weigh this up?
She lost Ross. Then she got pedo jared and took all the heat while he stayed under the radar and kept picking up other women (somehow) It didn't last long and he dumped her. So she's taken all those hits and is now watching her very important twitter burn down. She can't go against Jared because obviously. So she burns Ross.
It doesn't need a thousand essays of vague truisms and sperging about scrotes. She's full of shit and anyone enabling that here is fucking retarded. I hate how twittery this place is now.
No. 1705088
>>1705063The most credible thing about the entire rape accusation is how professional this guy is about the entire thing.
A proper abuser would ignore it until it goes away and avoid drawing too much attention to it by denying it or being upset over it to avoid any dirty laundry or other people coming forward.
Abusers and psychopaths are always VERY careful about their public image.
It's how weinstein, john k, etc got away with their shit for so long. They just never adressed it, shrugged it off and made the accusers look crazy or even targeted mentally ill people in the first place because nobody would believe them anways.
To a normal person rape is kind of a huge fucking charged accusation. Especially when it's from an ex-wife and not just some rando.
Just smiling and ignoring it away is the sus way to handle it.
No. 1705090
>>1705087>Holly is a pathological liar and scammerWell you see, nobody is actually denying this.
It's just that even liars, scammers and terrible people can be victimized.
Especially if it's mentally ill women, who are statistically a insanely high risk demographic for rape and domestic abuse.
I don't see how one cancels out the other to a degree where you're all up in arms over other anons merely entertaining the thought and speculating if there was marital rape - which is a VERY common thing and something guys just brush off as "lol she is like a dead fish in bed lmao" "she's my dick pillow lmao she liek doesnt move while fucking and just takes it silently, she so bad in bed lmao"
No. 1705092
>>1705063I just hope he does do something about it. If it's not true, then make some noise about it. But at the same time I know it's hard to prove this kind of thing, especially for a woman and a mentally ill one such as Holly. However, I cannot think of what Ross can do but say, "I'm talking to a lawyer, I'll fight this".
Maybe Holly can find someone who can say, "yeah she told me this" or texts or something. Martial rape DOES happen a lot, but also, she could be being her shitty self and lying. I think he's handling it a decent enough way so far and I really don't have much of an "opinion"on if it happened or not yet.
No. 1705096
>>1705047i think the main crux (and probably what's biting holly in the ass if what ross did is true) is that she used the "perfect
victim" model to crucify heidi, and now she is no longer the perfect
victim even in her own book. If heidi had tweeted any of the things holly tweeted after a breakup that was allegedly
abusive, she would be calling her a liar. and she did, even when heidi had some pretty credible evidence. heidi entering her own home was used against her, while holly was tweeting "this is so hard uwu" at the man she now says maritally raped her. I completely agree that many women don't recognize they've been raped until later on, but we can all see how fucked and ironic it is.
again, i think people in thread are generally willing to believe Ross is also a typical moid capable of violence, but to see a woman FAIL at realizing how she is now in this predicament for the same impossible/misogynistic standards she placed on's so annoying to see. How do we stand up for a woman who continues to be even more violent toward another woman socially? Heidi stopped tweeting about shit awhile ago, but Holly still occasionally boohooos about it
No. 1705104
>>1705096Holly is objectively a shit person and that clouds people's eyes, everything we know about Ross is game grump shit. I think even for me it makes me go, "hmm".
It's like if Shayna got hurt by some scrote, I'd feel bad but at the same time, i'd think of all the shit she's done, promoted and said, and think, "Oh so only when you are actual a
victim it matters? it's not uwu?" but thats so cruel.
Thats what makes it hard for me to even "pick" a side. Regardless of how shitty Holly may be, it could be the truth.
No. 1705106
>>1705096>but to see a woman FAIL at realizing how she is now in this predicament for the same impossible/misogynistic standards she placed on's so annoying to seeNobody here is "failing" to see it, most people are just smart enough to realize her constantly crying wolf does not automatically make abuse, if it happened, ok.
Moid logic would be: "lmao bitch lied she can get raped."
Also the type of marital rape she's talking about is the "non violent" type by societal standards and near impossible to prove, unless they somehow filmed themselves in bed or she got the reciepts of them agreeing on the "sex schedule".
She lied a lot about heidi, everyone sees the irony in her not being believed now, still we're all probably smart enough to realize that a bpd nutcase like her is always the prefered type of
victim for
abusive or weird men.
No. 1705113
Let's ask Holly what she thinks of women who make public accusations against men in power, shall we? From June 10th 2022, S4 E8 of Spooky Scouts:
Holly: "Not to be a b-…not to diagnosis this person, but Amber Heard gives me…again, not a psychologist or a psychiatrist or whatever, not diagnosing her, but gives me very, very strong mentally ill vibes. And I feel as if she is doing this…I mean, she was doing it all for attention. And she was doing it- and she's an abuser. Like a bad person and she put it all on blast and tried to get attention. And so, it's on purpose because it comes back to this narcissistic thing of humanity where it's like….someone who wants a ton of attention puts it out there and attention through social media verses solving the problem on their own, in a personal space, in a personal bubble so no one has to experience it. She wanted people to experience it!"
Kayla: "I just wish they weren't livestreaming all this. I'm like this is nobody's fucking business at all."
Holly: "That's what I mean. She made it people's business which was a selfish and egotistical thing to do, because if she actually cared and didn't want the attention, she wouldn't have done that. Like, she would have solved it personally instead of making it a big spectacle. And then now he's suing her, AND HE HAD TO, because otherwise he wouldn't have had a job anymore."
a bit later in the conversation
Holly: "I don't know if it's going to help anyone [publicizing the trial] except for seeing that men can be abused as well, which is a very important thing to talk about, but men can also experience these things as abuse from a partner. But, like, it's…it's just not anyone's business. And it's not improving the world around us. It's just making me feel bad for people."
Is there anything left to say? Holly thinks women should stay silent when men in power abuse them, because men could lose their job. Holly says when men are attacked, they have no other choice but to sue. Except, you know, when Holly makes a public accusation. Then it's fine.
No. 1705114
>>1705112That also seemed abuser-ish.
Just brush it off casually as "she's crazy" in a pre-recorded video of him playing pokemon or some shit?
Really fucking odd.
And then he deletes it when he realizes how it drew too much attention on the matter or came over as oddly composed or weirdly disinterested?
Certainly not a normal people reaction when you get accused of fucking rape by your ex wife.
No. 1705117
>>1705106omg once again use your
reading comprehension, i said HOLLY is failing to see it. my fucking god. nowhere in that did i say her experiencing real abuse is ok. it's just hard to fight for someone who is denying the reality of another woman, while demanding other people to see her reality. she has obviously been abused in her life, and it wasn't ok. nowhere did i say she deserves to be raped. and yes i know rape is hard to prove and i'm not placing the onus on her to have some kind of tangible record of it.
intentional bad faith interpretation is getting annoying.
No. 1705122
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>>1705116Gotta bring back this classic
No. 1705124
>>1705117Who says anyone has to "fight" for her? Let her fight for herself. But als let the moid prove he didnt rape her (probably as hard to prove as her proving he raped her) or make a statement that is not him brushing off a rape accusation casually while playing pokemon.
Or rather while playing a pre-recorded clip of himself playing pokemon, which makes it even more sus in how awfully constructed "casual" it went over.
No. 1705128
>>1705095This person started interacting with Holly after Holly moved to Seattle. There are no interactions with her before 2019. I wouldn't really trust her judgement on Ross.
>>1705112As uncomfortable as it is to hear him call a woman mentally unwell, he's not wrong about Holly being mentally unstable. She's often used her mental illness as a way to silence criticism.
It also doesn't help her case when Holly herself has told wormdick that she was emotionally
abusive to Ross. Ross has always been avoidant when it comes to Holly. If that's due to fear of her outing him or fear of her wrath has been yet to be seen.
No. 1705131
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Cue Harvey Weinstein firing up a pre-recorded clip of himself playing fortnite and proceeding to call all women who accuse him of misconduct as mentally unwell.
No. 1705147
>>1705113>She made it people's business which was a selfish and egotistical thing to doshe's so stupid. It was Depp that wanted it televised. She's such a pick-me she's almost a stereotype at this point. Glad her ass got dumped by earthworm jim.
>she would have solved it personally instead of making it a big spectaclelmao says the woman that live-tweeted her affair.
No. 1705159
>>1705152To be fair that in itself reads like incredibly manipulative gaslightey shit.
>whoa you think I just raped you? Maybe thats just your trauma acting up, I wouldnt rape you, you know I love you - lets get you to admit that you need to change, etc yadda yaddaAny girl who's ever been in a relationship with a
abusive softboi knows the kinda armchair therapist speeches they need to give.
Not your job to fix or therapy your partner, also not your job to therapy against their will.
No. 1705162
>>1705157He played a pre-recorded clip of himself playing pokemon with a little monologue in front that says she is mentally unwell and then he went back and purged it entirely from twitch possibly after he realized how much of a sociopath that shit made him look like by not adressing it properly but trying to casually play it off by bundling a staged casual gameplay video with it.
If he hadnt fumbled up the playback people wouldnt even have realized it was pre-recorded lmao.
No. 1705163
>>1705095Gee, I wonder why someone who is a close friend and has personal connections with Hoebag would automatically take her side. They're not biased at all!
>>1705106>Moid logic would be: "lmao bitch lied she can get raped."Not one single person since the news has broke has said that. We're all being rightfully sceptical, which you interpret as us condoning marital rape, which hasn't been said by anyone in this thread.
No. 1705170
>>1705161I have no idea. I know that screaming it on twitter before immediately walking it back three years after the alleged assaults happen, coincidentally coinciding with a big break up? That ain't it.
>>1705167Where are the 'constant' rape accusations from Hoebag? She's mentioned it a grand total of once when she tried to publicly dunk on her exhusband three years later.
No. 1705171
>>1705161Not even violent rape is taken seriously in court, even with the reciepts, medical documents as proof, etc.
Rape is incredibly hard to prove in court. Even more of it's marital rape, which is nigh impossible to prove. You just need the scrote to say "well we're in a kink relationship and kinda like it rough, it was all consentual".
And judge goes "ayup, checks out to me, seen rough porn on the internet, sluts like it brutal"
No. 1705173
>>1705117NTA, but go easy on her. I also thought you were saying the same thing until I read it again. You didn't word is awkwardly but maybe it was a sentence you got lost in? But agreed on the absolute lack of empathy and insight Holly has. Her mental illness shield is more of a double edged sword.
>>1705113God, Holly is a genuine bad person.
>>1705152Holly said her twitter is dead and it's dying platform so that's how she mustered a little bit of courage to go after Ross. Some part of me thinks she's angry that he's the only one in the divorces that got out unscathed? Other then his fellow moids laughing about him getting cucked.
>>1705159Is that how you see it? He pretty much said she was "WILLING" to change, not that he forced her and even tries to accuse her being
abusive because of trauma. He sounds more like an abused woman championing for her
abusive moid. Not trying to defend Ross, just how the tweet reads. Holly is 100% emotionally
abusive and manipulative so I don't doubt she fucked with his head a lot. And I'm actually enjoying the discussion in here as long as I ignore the sperging. You think you'd get this kind of discussion in a forum that isn't dominate by women? Anons are being quite insightful without the hate even if they believe her or think she's full of shit.
No. 1705179
>>1705162I was at the live, this is only half true. The message about the accusations ross played was supposed to happen at the beginning of the stream with a blank background but failed. Chat was on emote only. After this happened ross got on mic and exasperatedly said "its been a rough day and i dont want to think about it" and preceeded to play pokemon. Once ross realized the message didnt play he paused the game, went to a black screen, played the message, and then resumed the pokemon.
Im not posting any more on this shit hole website but I do want the info to be accurate
No. 1705180
>>1705173>He sounds more like an abused woman championing for her abusive moid.That's what makes it so sus. Abused men usually don't talk like that. Abusers who learned to parrot the stuff abused women say talk like that.
There's entire armies of understanding uwu softbois out there who learned to talk like that + give the therapist speeches about someone being "willing" to change, etc.
It's all gaslightey shit if you ask me.
Because it's not the job of the partner to give therapy to his mentally ill wife. That's where you enter brainwashing territory.
Because if the male partner himself (even if not intentionally) is the cause of some of the mental problems acting up or getting worse he's the last person that should do anything shrink related on their partner.
(also in b4 someone with bad reading comprehension accuses me of denying that men can be the
victims of domestic abuse - they absolutely can be, but it's playing out a lot differntly than when women get abused)
No. 1705184
>>1705179Ah yes, pokemon and adressing accusations of rape.
Go hand in hand like earl grey and lemon.
No. 1705186
>>1705162He played a pre-recorded sound bit. The screen wasn't showing anything but the live chat. His statement was more or less:
>My ex has levied some heavy accusations towards me. My ex has emotionally abused me for years and this is a continuation of that. I have had a rough day yesterday which is why I did not stream. I have many witnesses and messages to back this up. I've been looking at different avenues on how to address this including legal action. My ex is mentally unwell, please do not harass her. That's all I have to say about it, I just want to play Pokémon with Giwi.We can nitpick all day on what his intentions were when he called her mentally unwell or if her purposely made it to where the VOD isn't available. People did tell him the VOD wasn't available and he said he would fix it. The only thing we know is that Holly accused him of marital rape and deleted it shortly after because she was afraid of being cancelled.
No. 1705190
>>1705186I don't get why Holly can dump this how she wants too, and anybody questioning the ways and hows, and whats get people mad, but the way Ross is addressing it is getting picked apart, neither of them went about it in the
best way if you ask me.
No. 1705194
>>1705192you all cant give ross shit for deleting the stream and calling it 'sketchy' when hoelly herself deleted the initial accusatory tweets right away too.
Either deleting something makes it sketchy and is indicative of someone trying to lie/hide something - or it doesn't.
No. 1705195
>>1705161>>1705127I mean, keep in mind they were married so Ross got to experience the sheer crazy that is Holly behind closed doors. It wouldn't surprise me if their marriage was such an emotional rollercoaster, I'm talking Holly suicide baiting him whenever she's upset kind of shit or overexaggerating suspicions he might've had about her cheating as "muh emotional abuse", he just got numb to her antics. If I were a moid, I'd be fucking embarrassed that my mentally ill wife left me for
>>1705118>>1705116If she can't prove marital rape, she could try to get him with abuse via a therapist who can tell the court "Yes, Holly shows signs of an abused woman." If she's willing to pay, medical brain scans that verify she suffers from PTSD due to the abuse. Knowing Holly, if abuse did occur she would've said something to friends, they would've noticed something was up, or she would downplay things that come across as red flags via text or anecdotes that might hold up in court. If Holly had messages saved from her time with Jared, I refuse to believe she wouldn't have capped or saved messages from Ross.
No. 1705205
>>1705198>I don’t know how you haven’t gotten that through your head.Because it's one or two (probably very male) game grumps fans deliberately playing stupid and making bad faith arguments that ironically reveal how little they think of women making claims of sexual violence.
"lmao just show me the proof you got raped, I'll wait"
No. 1705209
>>1705202She ALREADY has PTSD due to an
abusive childhood. Lawfag
>>1705203 (we use fag a lot here, anon. Stop being a newfag. We especially use fag when talking about troons bragging about stealing cis women's moids) and Ross's attorneys would let you know that she had it prior to their marriage.
>>1705205Even if Ross HAD PROOF, if consulting an attorney, that attorney would NOT let him release anything to the public.
No. 1705210
>>1705205It's very obvious that you are
same-fagging in this thread, accusing everyone of being a "Game grumps" fans, when I've mostly seen REASONS why people believe what they believe. No one is just going, "Ross is a good boy, he'd never!".
No. 1705211
>>1705208>>1705210Yeah, pretty obvious where this is you intellectually dishonest invader moid.
(And it's not 4chan. lol)
That being said, didnt you wanna leave 5 minutes ago?
>>1705209>Even if Ross HAD PROOF, if consulting an attorney, that attorney would NOT let him release anything to the public.Nah, that's actually just the old game grumps mafia MO of never adressing any controversy and just letting it blow over.
That's how egoraptor can still pretend to be the non-controversial smolbean when there's hours of him shouting NIGGER available.
No. 1705217
>>1705214>I just wanna speculate what she could bring up in court regarding her abuse claims if marital rape is out of the question.And that's the kinda shit that clocks you as either a moid or a troon, you retard.
Because every woman KNOWS how impossible to hard to prove this is.
By playing oblivious you're giving away that youre either the biggest handmaiden traitor out there or youre just a fucking incel dweeb poorly masking his moid stench.
No. 1705218
>>1705199Nah, Holly's not poor. A quick google search shows me her house is at $877,000 right now. She's made $180k since buying it a few years ago, so technically she's made more by simply buying a home than a lot of people do working full time.
You could make the argument that she's close to being cash poor though. Holly used to buy a ton of expensive high end clothing, but now she only shops at thrift stores. She's burning through whatever savings she has left. If she sold her property and bought cheaper outside the city while reinvesting the profits, she would be fine and could invest in brain scans. But for some reason she fucking loves Seattle, so I think she'll stay "poor" for the time being. Or she could get a job, but I don't know if she has the capacity to hold one down after so many years of not working.
No. 1705221
>she would be fine and could invest in brain scans"Congratulation your brain is all messed up. You're a crazy retard"
She doesn't need to sell her house to hear that.
Also what's most likely burning a hole into her pockets is her animal hoarder habit. Which is a total mentally ill woman thing to do and will fucking ruin you financially if you cant keep it in check.
No. 1705223
>>1705159..what? now you're making up hypotheticals that absolutely nobody can prove. Holly allegedly told Jared she was
abusive towards Ross, and convinced him that's how she can recognize abuse. Ross insinuated that holly was
abusive toward him as well. Years later, holly says he raped her. Holly is also a known liar and emotionally
abusive person (toward heidi). That's all we have. maybe he did it, but with what we have, we can't make wild ass hypotheses like that
No. 1705224
>>1705206But can it tell which PTSD is caused by her
abusive stepdad and which PTSD is caused by her
abusive mom and which PTSD is caused by her ex and which PTSD is caused by her wormdick's ex and which PTSD is caused by her cancellation?
No. 1705233
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To those of you shouting that we're handmaid troons for not believing holly - are you really going to pretend that heauxlly herself didn't tell us not to believe everything someone on the internet that we don't know says?
No. 1705235
>>1705224That's where she'd have to also shell out for a therapist to figure out, "Yes, Holly did experience a lot of emotional abuse in her marriage." Alongside her brainscans that show she is a battered woman, who might have a tendency to get with
abusive men. It's all hypothetical though, and no doubt an expensive route if she did wanna go down it.
No. 1705237
>>1705235except no therapist is going to say "Yes, this person experienced a lot of emotional abuse in their marriage" because that therapist is only getting one side of the story, typically one told to make the client look better.
also, there isn't a brain scan that is going to definitely prove not just that a woman was abused, but that she has a tendency to get with
abusive men.
No. 1705240
>>1705238that mentally ill woman said that 'dumb shit' in an attempt to negate another woman's experiences with abuse - one whose husband she was trying to fuck, which just proves that heauxbag has a history of "this is bad when it's happening to me, but not to you!"
We get it, you want to defend your "uwu birb mom" but be realistic: She's done some fucked up shit, and people aren't exactly out of line in doubting what she says.
No. 1705241
>>1705235Legit question, are you mentally retarded?
You can literally have a broken nose, bruises on your neck from getting chocked and your entire cervix lacerated and still not get justice in court when your
abusive bf says you like it rough and he didn't hear the safe word because he got tinitus.
This brainscan and therapist opinion talk is entirely delusional and stupid.
No. 1705256
>>1705242As much as I genuinely dislike Holly and do think she's a massive pick-me. The odds are pretty likely that she was abused, something like 25% of women report being sexually abused by their male partners in their lifetime. I don't get how anons can get so blinded by their dislike for a cow that they would side with a creepy moid.
Hoenstly makes me wonder if a few of them were the same ones who would always rattle on about how cute Ross was or how lucky Holly was to marry him, how stupid she was for leaving him etc. Like it just makes sense that there was something seriously wrong with their relationship enough for her to want to flee states away and into the arms of a creature like Jared, who was also pretending to be an abused spouse.
No. 1705258
>>1705256>"it just makes sense that there was something seriously wrong with their relationship enough for her to want to flee states away and into the arms of a creature like Jared"There was. PedoWorm was living in Washington, it makes sense that she'd want to move there to continue their "Diath/Strix IRL" love affair. She also IIRC tried to spin some tale about she needed to live in the trees for her mental health. There were several reasons for her to move, not necessarily this "I was running to avoid my
abusive ex!" narrative that she has said nothing about until just now.
No. 1705259
>>1705256>Hoenstly makes me wonder if a few of them were the same ones who would always rattle on about how cute Ross was or how lucky Holly was to marry him, Probably this + moids who over identify with him because they also got cheated on by some bpd nutcase and now live through him.
Everyone knows at least one spergy moid who can't shut up over some dumbass oneitis that broke his heart (lol) and will immediately latch onto any guy in the public eye whom they perceive to have been slighted in the same way.
(sage your shit) No. 1705262
>>1705258Point went over your head, moid.
That anon was saying that it takes two for a dysfunctional relationship to catastrophically crash and burn.
Not some "well akshually she should have said this and that" pillpull, as if anyone here is actually expecting a giga level retard like holly to have any kind of consistency.
But any proper woman (which you're not) knows that going "AH HA! FOUND A CONTRADICTION WHY ARE YOU SMILING ON THE PHOTO WITH YOUR ABUSER?" and trying to look for gotchas in the history of a woman, let alone a obviously mentally ill one, to debunk her claims of abuse is scrote and incel behavior of the worst kind.
No. 1705265
>>1705261Well if you're addressing it in a pokemon gameplay video to show how causal you're about it is obviously sus.
At least a strongly worded statement clearing things up might be in order.
It's not like her accusations were vague. She made some pretty precise claims.
Also in b4 it comes out the "mental abuse" she did towards him was some scrote shit like withholding sex. lmao
I've heard that described as "torture" by a dude once.
No. 1705266
>>1705262>That anon was saying that it takes two for a dysfunctional relationship to catastrophically crash and burn.In the case of rape, it does not take two to have a relationship crash and burn. It all falls on the rapist at that point.
The anon you're replying to is saying that Jared was a catalyst for Holly wanting to move to Seattle. Until a few days ago that was a common belief.
No. 1705269
>>1705266You're kinda missing the point again.
Wormdick was probably the reason she decided to move, but to be as desperate to latch onto an obvious abuser sex pervert to escape your marriage there gotta be something fucking off in the first place.
No. 1705276
>>1705269Sorry, I just do not believe her claim of trying to flee from an abuser. Holly is a notorious liar. I'm going to be weary of anything she says.
>>1705270I agree with you. Other than Jared she could have moved for work as well. WOTC is based in Seattle.
No. 1705279
>>1705276Regardless of her claims or not it's a reality she "fled" her marriage and ross. What went on inside their marriage and especially their bedroom is he said she said. She claims he forced her to have sex with him on a strict schedule regardless of how she felt about it. That's the facts right now.
If you're not the type to believe things like this can happen in relationships you probably don't get out often.
No. 1705296
>>1705279I stated I am weary Holly's claims because she has a history of lying, not that marital rape does not happen. We can go back and forth all you want but there are plenty anons who are hesitant about believing claims Holly makes because she accuses everyone who slights her in any way as an abuser.
If she's telling the truth, I hope she heals from this and stays away from predatory men.
No. 1705306
>>1705279Holly got with Ross because of self insert cosplay. She got with Jared for D and D self insert cosplay. She's a fucking creep.
>>1705256She was authentically into Jared. She wasn't having an affair with him because she was abused, but because of her weird sexual larps. She also loved the idea of being picked over a prettier woman. Ross factored little into her being into Jared. I know it's weird, but Heidi is head strong, pretty and was really into him too. It's definitely not his looks, but women don't put a lot of value in that or at least all the women that hooked up with him. I, myself, can only see fucking Jared if it was to end world hunger, I'd be able to gouge out my eyes before and was able to an hero afterward, but hey, women like what they like. I can't say she's lying or telling the truth about martial rape, but she definitely is lying about escaping him. I'm guessing this revelation is new to her for her to post it and delete it quickly.
No. 1705336
>>1705308Yeah, it seems more likely they both weren't sexually fulfilled in their marriage. Ross pressures Holly into sex she's not interested in because he's bad at it but does so because moid logic is "If the sex is good that'll save our dying marriage!". It doesn't, but Hilly's a pickme supreme who wouldn't say it to his face, so she cheats on him with Jared while romantacizing the fuck out of him because of BPD and DnD shenanigans. Like a dumbass, Heidi falls for the "open relationship" meme, Jared out here thinking he's some handsome sex god because fangirls keep propping him up aaaaaannnnd tl;dr everyone was a massive dumbass but Jared and Holly came across as so smug and insufferable, along with having a somewhat relatable experience anons ended up finding her a lot more sympathetic. If Ross really did do what she's claiming now, I feel like that would've been her angle during the whole cancelling - "My ex-husband was a creepy
abusive sex pest!1! REEEE HEIDI WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!!" or even just used it as a gotcha against Heidi because she's
THAT kind of person but, who knows maybe Prodick had her blinded.
No. 1705402
File: 1669023825732.jpg (173.6 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20221121-040115_Chr…)
>>1705265Ross has talked about enduring abuse that hits every note of Holly's
abusive bullshit Time stamps are 3:42 5:34 7:16 10:43 12:47
(Ignore the portions with Mr.Wobbles he's an insufferable moid)
>>1705152 this post is from June 2018 3 months before they split right around the time Holly and Prodick started fucking around.
When Ross and Holly were together Ross moved into her granfathers house, he was financially dependent on her and when she moved he was scrambling to find a home.
If Holly cheated with Prodick to get away from Ross why did they focus so hard on reiterating that he consented to them being together? If everyone consented and she was completely in the right why is she now saying that she was wrong for the way she left? Why did they need to make sure everyone knew that it was an amicable split and that her and Ross were still close friends until he refused to attack Heidi with them?
It's a huge jump to go from "we are best friends who still deeply care for eachother, I miss him and what we had but I needed to move fof my birds (I mean boyfriend)" then suddenly change it to "I needed to get away from this controlling rapist monster, I cried every time we had sex and the only way I could get away was to cheat with an even worse already married sexpest. Just ignore that the last time I mentioned my ex husband before I announced our break up was me praising him for watching my animals for me while I'm away cheating on him"
No. 1705412
>>1705402Again playing rape detective with the "ermmm akshually if she was raped how come she interacted with her abuser???" and the intellectual dishonesty.
She is a mentally ill woman + couple interactions are not always logical.
Stop giving yourself away as an obvious moid by trying to gotcha a woman who claims she was sexually abused.
Everyone here knows Holly is not emotionally consistent, like BPD people tend to be and that she's also sort of a terrible person.
That being said:
Simply trying to brush off a woman complaining about marital rape with obvious moid logic and facts ("hehe if she disliked having sex with him why did they stay together? Checkmate whores!") is not the big W you think it is.
No. 1705446
>>1705442Recap: Ross says Holly's claims are entirely untrue. He has avoided talking about Holly because he was severely emotionally abused for years by her, and this is a continuation of that exact same abuse. He has many witnesses and texts that prove everything she's saying is untrue. He says Holly is "very mentally unwell" and asks for people to leave her alone. He says he is considering legal action. He says it s extremely painful to be accused of this.
His last line is: "I just want to move past this for good."
No. 1705460
>>1705451I dunno anon, I believe they both could have abused each other. I feel like she could have threatened to self harm.
Honestly Holly and Ross always had a fucking weird relationship dynamic on camera. She seemed to absolutely loathe him whenever they were together, like visible disgust in her face looking at him. It was basically the equivalent to how Jared looked at her. She said it was a joke when Jared looked at her with hatred…was it a joke when she was like that with Ross? Who knows, all this people are fucking freaks
No. 1705474
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i know holly is obnoxious and tends to lie but picrel is the textbook definition of a man who likely would commit marital rape.
the fact that holly may exaggerate some aspects of their time together and may have emotionally abused him so she could get some of that nasty prodick can coexist with the fact that her ex husband likely committed marital rape. some of you need to learn nuance.
either way i am looking forward to all of the coming milk
No. 1705475
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>>1705451He's either a retard or a manipulator.
Considering he's a self-styled "sadist" he was either overcompensating on that end and is a total fool who got played by a low IQ mentally ill woman or he's playing the abused spouse part now that accusations from his functional retard ex-wife are coming up.
>>1705474Yeah, his bad juju is VERY close to that of every
abusive pornsick softboy manipulator encountered in almost every millennial peer group.
They all got a very specific chronic masturbator "jittery" vibe to them and you know they'll be pushy about sex like a kid demanding a toy in a toy store, while still having that aura where you dont know if he gonna snap or burst into tears. (Also the type to claim they were emotionally abused by withholding sex "WHAT ARE WE EVEN MARRIED FOR IF YOU DONT WANNA FUCK?" etc)
No. 1705478
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>>1705460>She seemed to absolutely loathe him whenever they were together, like visible disgust in her face looking at him.Yeah, I can remember when people talked about them as some sort of "perfect couple" that I always thought their photos looked super fucking awkward. Like she looks like she wants to flee the situation or her body with awkward fear grimmace smile and he's either hoverhanding her or gripping her so hard as if he wants to tear out her flesh.
I feel very vindicated, because I've been telling people those two are most likely super messed up, way before the jared shit.
No. 1705480
>>1705412>"hehe if she disliked having sex with him why did they stay together? Checkmate whores!" Then why she expected Heidi to do that? Just walk away from your abuser gurl. She can dish but can't take. Eternal
victim who attacks every other woman "in her way". Reap what you sow.
No. 1705485
>>1705480>Then why she expected Heidi to do that?Again.
Why do you think whatever dumb shit holly managed to cook up with her mental illness and low IQ is in ANY way relevant to the objective assessment of sexual abuse?
Abuse does not get better or worse if it happens to a shitty person for herself even argued against her best interest (most likely because she's mentally ill and kinda dumb).
That's the entire fucking point here and you (probably moid or just straight up retarded) seem to be unable to grasp it.
Rape is NOT a thing that goes under "she can dish but can't take", because she herself is irrelevant to the subject at hand.
Because if you start sorting women into the bad ones that can get raped because they are shit and the good ones who dont deserve rape you're tethering VERY, VERY close to incel rethoric.
So you're either a broken brain handmaiden or a scrote/troon, who has not the slightest idea about sexual power dynamics between the sexes.
No. 1705488
>>1705479That seemed to have been a theory why they seemed weirdly sexless/she seemed to actively loathe him and not look attracted to him in the slightest but was never substantiated.
But makes for some speculative scenarios:
>weird e-celeb nerd marries mentally ill "geek girl" for green card>convinces her they'll have to have sex on a regular schedule to make it believeable or she'll go to prison for marriage fraud>she buys it because she's dumbThis would require her to be comically stupid, like screwball comedy levels of stupdid. So it's not every likely.
But who knows what kinda fucked up shit those idiots had going.
No. 1705498
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>>1705478Same anon, they always had that weird body language. Even in their wedding photos they look like they don't want to touch lol
No. 1705500
>>1705492This, and tbqh Holly is not the kind of person to "suffer in silence", she's loud, messy, and stupid. I just can't see something like this happening to her and her
not screeching to the high hills about it. She'd use it as a shield against any criticism and as a way to invalidate Heidi's experiences during her shit marriage with prodick.
No. 1705520
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>>1705510ikr anon, she looked just stunning in some of their wedding pics. almost hard to believe this is her
No. 1705522
>>1705510Holly from the Heroes of Cosplay era and Holly now seem like 2 completely different people. Not just in looks but attitude. Holly hadn't gone full uwu smol bean I'm so stupid yet. I'm not sure what caused her breakdown to go from relatively normal to mentally ill bird hag but I'm betting it's genetic since Holly famously curses her mother.
Speaking of Jessica Merizan, she must have wised up because I don't recall her interacting much with Holly since the HOC days.
No. 1705523
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Where is Jared defending/supporting Holly with the same energy she devoted to him? She was apparently facing her own horrible abuse at that time but put all her energy into protecting him from big scary Heidi and making sure to discredit Heidi by painting her as unfixable, mentally ill, lying etc etc.
No. 1705545
>>1705524This makes the most sense.
>Holly’s BPDchan thoughts are going fucking crazy without anyone around to abuse>Get mad about past relationships and pick something personal she probably “bonded” with Jared over when they first started dating>Go nuclear on Twitter and drop bombshell hoping Jared will back her up on this very vulnerable thing>Never does because he’s a loser>Wallow in how stupid and embarrassing you look after revealing something so personal to the world just to get no responseI wonder now if Jared severely exaggerated how bad things were with Heidi to make it feel like he and Holly had something in common and that they were both going through the same stuff. That’s why she went so hard for him online because she could relate and now has egg on her face because Jared just doesn’t give a shit about anything but getting his sick wet.
No. 1705546
>>1705543>>1705545I think these two posts make the most sense in what's going on in her head.
Holly is wallowing in her own misery after being dumped by worm dick, started revisiting past trauma, lashed out hoping Jared would go "oh no, what have I done?! I left someone so important in her weakest moments when she needs me the most!" and come back to her since that's how it goes in fiction, and if you haven't been in a truly healthy relationship that is kinda what you base romance on even as an adult. It's honestly depressing to see.
No. 1705554
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Heads up this "the bobo" scrote is probably the guy samefagging to defend ross ITT.
Just so you got a mental image of who you're arguing with when you try to convince the ross-stan that even shitty women dont deserve rape.
Some wacko game grumps fanboy.
No. 1705563
>>1705557>>1705555Samefagging troon/moid.
It's getting old.
No. 1705567
>>1705558It's quite obvious that it's him because he started retaliating towards the fat woman defending holly with the shit he has to hear here ITT. (creepy moid, parasocial)
It's such an obvious displacement activity.
No. 1705571
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>>1705567Are you some moid trying to bring attention to himself? This guy is a 14 follower nobody. Go take your antipsychotics and lie down
No. 1705611
>>1705584>unless evidence is producedDumbass scrote still insisting that in order to prove marital rape "evidence" needs to be produced.
Go back to 4chan already or to r/gamegrumps or whatever scrote shithole you crawled out of.
No. 1705616
>>1705604100% agreed.
This clearly isnt black and white. Even a emotionally abused guy can be sexually
abusive in a broken marriage, etc.
Breakdown of communication in long-term relationships between millennials is such a common occurence.
Millennial couples would literally turn into frumpy and confused boomers after 1,5 years of relationship or marriage in their early 20s.
Seen that happen often enough.
No. 1705645
File: 1669053021635.jpg (410.98 KB, 1987x1386, ross.JPG)
Tinfoil time: Holly was only attracted to Ross when he dressed up as Garrus. She wasn't able to find anyone else interested in fulfilling her fandom sex fantasies so she settled on him. I don't think Holly is interested in sex unless it's fandom related. As their relationship progressed and she moved onto new fandoms, she realized she wasn't actually attracted to Ross outside of cosplay and began to hate him for forcing her to have non fandom related sex as "themselves".
Ross says they were only friends until he was willing to put on a very uncomfortable Garrus cosplay that everyone else had refused to wear. Immediately after that, they got together hahaha how romantic!
No. 1705646
>>1705603Saying that we don't know what happened in two internet celebrities' relationship isn't armchairing, anon. It's objectively true. Even if you spend every waking hour analyzing every piece of their content, all you have is a parasocial relationship at the end of the day.
>>1705611A firm stance on whether something did or didn't happen should hinge on more than a single off-handed tweet that amounted to 'btw i got raped' from an unreliable narrator when the accusation is this severe. It doesn't cost anything for you to not take a stance on whether this thing did or didn't happen between two people who don't know you exist, and it costs a lot if people decide to raise their pitchforks and the accusation turns out to be false.
I know how shit it is when people don't believe women who were sexually assaulted, but the solution isn't to reflexively believe and get up in arms over every claim without taking any context into account.
No. 1705674
>>1705660Telling women they need DBT is classic gaslighting scroteshit btw.
>oh she is mentally unwell - don't listen to herVery ironic, considering what everyone is discussing right now
No. 1705684
File: 1669054324597.jpeg (90.12 KB, 720x480, ar7kYiL.jpeg)
>>1705645Pretty sure you're onto something there.
This also mirrors the hot&cold BPD relationship dynamics. Where the BPD nutcase will be attracted to a very specific detail on their partner, fill the rest with hopes, dreams and delusions and when that tiny detail they projected so much onto, changes they start to be repulsed by whatever partner they got themselves involved with in the first place - thats when the sex stops, which confuses the partner, because BPD are very eager to initiate a lot of sexual contact in early phases of the relationship, when you're barely out of the "being friends phase".
That's probably where ross got his "emotional abuse" from.
When she realized he wasnt actually garrus, but just ugly old ratface-ross and that's when she clammed up and he started begging for sex.
Cracked the case.
The only photo of them together where she looks legit happy/overjoyed is when he's in full body cosplay with a fucking mask on.
No. 1705827
>>1705604>>1705616This is just retarded.
Holly has a history of making these kind of accusations or claiming muh trauma. She has an attendant history of getting called out on it and backtracking because "I'm mentally ill". And she loves being the uwu broken nerdgirl but didn't think to air these accusations until it looked like Twitter is about to collapse and she won't have to face too much pushback. Classic cow behaviour and bpd to a tee.
It's about as black and white as it gets. The only blurring of the lines here is these responses clutching at straws.
No. 1705923
File: 1669065210827.gif (100.53 KB, 380x420, Holly-Conrad.gif)
>>1705706You bet they had. Pretty much a given.
Her vagina probably dried up after ross insisted on not wearing the costume anymore and that turned into the "emotional abuse" because she is "mentally unwell" lmao.
She just gave him the cold shoulder, because she wasnt really that into him in the first place but wanted to fuck the blue alien bird-man.
>>1705722How did she even get this notorious and the corporation's darling cosplayer?
Because even back then she wasnt that much of a looker outside of flattering angles and there were better cosplayers around.
Did she have connections?
>>1705899It's BPD things. She'll need a new guy to latch onto from where she could safely shit on pedoworm. Right now he ironically did the one thing that makes BPDs go crazy hot for someone, it's removing themselves from the BPD while they're still primed onto them.
BPD have this thing where the more their partner is "into" them the more distant they will grow and the more repulsed they will grow of the partner.
But if a BPD dude pumps and dumps a BPD girl or does some early lovebombing and then grows distant and removes himself FIRST it drives every BPD girl crazy with lust for him.
That's 100% where the rape accusations against ross come from. She grew distant to him (normal in the BPD dating cycle) and he being a spergy nerd virgin couldn't tell what's going on and felt emotionally abused and started to pressure her for pussy access again in his desperation to not lose the steady sex he thought he was entitled to from now on until they reached some sort of "deal", which she agreed to despite already feeling repulsed by him - because shes dumb as rocks.
No. 1705974
>>1705523He never stood up for her, like not even once. even when he was dating her. she went on a whole campaign to defend him, and he was nowhere to be seen because he convinced her he's an "uwu abuse
No. 1705999
File: 1669068417798.webm (3.01 MB, 1920x1080, AT-cm_6OsmSEpxEdouZS6ja-opYw.w…)
>>1705446>>1705442posting the clip for archival purposes
No. 1706025
>>1705522>>1705520I think the people hyping up her D&D cosplay and Jared trying to fuck her during her dressing like a
blind homeless person phase made her think "dudes will fuck me even if I look like a garbage can? I can finally stop trying." And of course wormdick left because he was a typical bed hopping moid who is probably telling his fuck buddies exactly the same shit he told her to rope her in, probably "she smelled as bad as she looks."
>>1705545Agreed nona, not to mention they were telling their stans to ship Ross and Heidi and say they were meant for eachother.
From the beggining Hoered and Hoelly struck me as 2 narcissists who bonded over talking shit about their current partners and getting hot and bothered over the other being willing to break their marriage for the other.
Also Holly's recent outburst reminds me of Onision, Aaron Carter and Trisha Paytas' outbursts, the moment you aren't doing what they want you to do you are the biggest monster they have ever met.
No. 1706035
>>1706025>Hoered and Hoelly struck me as 2 narcissists who bonded over talking shit about their current partners and getting hot and bothered over the other being willing to break their marriage for the other. That's exactly it,
nonnie. You'll notice Jared had absolutely no issue with flaunting diath/strix when it was still secretive and fun, but when it became very public and no longer sneaking around, it lost its luster of fun. Jared stopped posting about Striath/Heauxbag altogether while Heauxbag still regularly dragged herself over the coals in his defense.
No. 1706107
>>1706015A lot of
people. You've seriously never heard the phrase 'pump and dump'?>>1706016I'm excited for the potential legal arc, there is no fucking way Holly won't flip her shit on twitter about it kek.
No. 1706116
>>1706032>>1706107Well there's only two options:
Ross is saying the truth how she's full of shit and emotionally abused him for years, sees the writing on the wall and goes full nuclear on her, setting the record straight and making super fucking sure no rape allegation stigma sticks on his persona.
Holly is actually right and they hush it all up in game grumps fashion, maybe pay her off and make her sign some NDA and none of them will ever mention it again, people who ask about it will get permabanned.
(tinfoiling/ sperging) No. 1706130
>>1706107>there is no fucking way Holly won't flip her shit on twitterShe'll refrain if a lawyer puts out a potential gag order, which I'd imagine would be one of the first things that happens.
>>1706126Oh, the sweet sweet irony that would come from it being Heidi.
No. 1706131
>>1706126Yeah I don’t know what he means by witnesses. Does he mean people who saw Holly get emotionally
abusive? Because that isn’t the same thing as having witnesses to the actual crime he’s being accused of.
No. 1706139
>>1706134Witnesses to emotional abuse you say? Like how Holly went after Heidi by saying there were witnesses to her emotional abuse?
Oh how the turn tables.
No. 1706184
>>1706146ngl this sent me into orbit KEK
>>1705684god this. im not gonna lie, I think she's a typical semi-comphet sufferer who is so internally misogynistic she'll never realize that she probably only likes the proximity of men due to an intense need for external validation. im not even saying she'll ever reach the conclusion of liking women, she's too far gone now, but i sometimes wonder.
No. 1706212
File: 1669079726220.jpg (127.14 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20221121-201041_Chr…)
>>1706148>>1706146I don't think he would reach out to the Game Grumps, more likely that he'd go to shared friends, Heidi, Heros of Cosplay members, members of DiceCameraAction that had falling outside with Holly, etc.
Also you'd be surprised how much weird sex goes on at cons and cosplay meets, it's not out of the realm of possibility there where third party witnesses or participants to their sex life.
>>1706184Holly probably would date a woman just for the woke points, not to mention she was on a "I'm pan" kick for awhile No. 1706214
>>1706184I feel like we’re reaching the
I can fix her era now that Jared’s flown the coop
No. 1706219
File: 1669079920484.jpeg (333.35 KB, 1319x960, 1616379488147.jpeg)
Found this gem in a previous lc thread (about a year ago). Hoebag had alluded to people acting poorly and "Oh the stories I could tell" and then immediately deleted it and claimed "I'm just walking away, living my best life, unphased by drama!"
Sound familiar to recent going ons?
No. 1706234
File: 1669081047114.png (754.99 KB, 1488x1190, garaksdressshop.png)
This isn't necessarily milk but I didn't see this mentioned in the last thread. When that vague tweet and delete-fest happened that March
>>1706219 anons said in thread she should just make a private twitter if she wants to vent about drama without catching heat. Lo and behold this private account is made a month later (found it from that Denise lady's account). While the tweets are obviously private, SadOldSimp and co's replies are public. They never mention any names but refer to a
toxic "He/him." Latest tweet seems to acknowledge Ross's potential legal actions
No. 1706236
File: 1669081376015.png (28.55 KB, 527x337, chrome_5FLw3KqRid.png)
>>1706234this is 100% Holly's account lol
No. 1706243
>>1706234Someone drew art of a chicken and Kayla tagged this account. Coincidence? Sure. Would I be shocked if it were anyone besides Heauxbag? Also yes.
Phenomenal catch, anon.
No. 1706248
File: 1669081766729.png (17.35 KB, 584x126, Screenshot_24.png)
I mean, because there are SO. MANY. people who just happens to lose their shit over chickens and birdcare and hang with the same group of people. /s
No. 1706253
File: 1669081867510.png (355.87 KB, 456x674, BInGO.PNG)
>>1706234>>1706243and bingo was his name-o, fucking nice catch anon. Taking as many screenshots as possible without refreshing my page. I suggest everyone here do the same.
No. 1706262
File: 1669082062095.png (17.84 KB, 590x137, Screenshot_25.png)
>>1706253Kayla really wasn't even trying to help hide that heaux is behind the account, was she?
No. 1706264
File: 1669082335890.png (121.31 KB, 510x672, garaksdressshop2.png)
>>1706252I wish so too, which is why I saged that post. Here's something that ties into her Amber Heard projections
>>1705113 No. 1706267
File: 1669082564816.png (15.66 KB, 444x165, hollyacct4.PNG)
Ok this is final confirmation, this is definitely a jab at Ross. "Blunder from down under," get it, because he's australian.
No. 1706275
File: 1669082820713.jpg (193.01 KB, 1755x1471, denise.JPG)
>>1706264It's still an excellent find. I laughed seeing how her little group seethes hatefully together in private.
>>1706267This is so embarrassing my god
No. 1706278
>>1706266Is she on cam?
Live reaction of Holly finding out
No. 1706279
File: 1669082905526.png (13.09 KB, 538x113, chrome_aTorBEnL1d.png)
>>1706267They've also mentioned Holly's cat in replies.
Seems like she's been trying to claim that Ross is an abuser for at least a year.
No. 1706285
>>1706281I’m guessing she was
triggered by his birthday
No. 1706297
>>1706294I'm fucking crying,
nonnie. She used to just blatantly bitch about lolcow on her main, but I guess that'd destroy her "uwu innocent birb mom" persona if people found out she was still lurking on boards that she knows dislike her.
No. 1706299
>>1706130That would be such funny poetic justice, but I recall Heidi tweeting that she doesn’t know Ross and had no idea how he actually reacted to the poly situation (just that she was told he was ok with it).
Or am I remembering that wrong?
No. 1706305
>>1706303I’m watching her be anxious too
nonny, when I first joined she was looking down for so long that I thought her hair and headphones were some kind of costume/mask
No. 1706314
File: 1669085163580.jpg (158.04 KB, 540x842, 20221121_214453.jpg)
No. 1706319
>>1706281Idk if sausage is about him being gay, like maybe that's one of his favorite foods and Holly has gone full BEC.
But the fleshlight? Holly gets mad when he wants to fuck her. Holly also gets mad when he fucks a fake vag instead of her. Fucking pick a side you don't get to be mad at both.
No. 1706321
>>1706320this is the kind of unhinged behavior that holly would say is way too far. what happened to "be kind!"
not to mention, most of these people don't even fucking know him.
No. 1706335
File: 1669086332016.png (25.12 KB, 837x122, Screenshot_26.png)
I'm losing it. I have no knowledge of deep space 9 or Garak, so I googled it.
Heauxbag could not have picked a more fitting representative for herself.
No. 1706357
File: 1669088203874.png (1.37 MB, 2073x1025, hollysfriends.png)
>>1706267I'm trying to find an old post from SadOldSimp's anti-Heidi blog where he implied Ross was
abusive then backtracked when a follower asked him to elaborate, but in the meantime here's some gems from Pickle boy
No. 1706359
File: 1669088539291.png (56.06 KB, 517x575, Screenshot_27.png)
>>1706357Here's one where he said he didn't hate follow Ross, which knowing what we know about heuxbag's sideblog, is just point blank lying
No. 1706361
>>1706360Pretty much. That whole crew tends to think that Heidi having said "Hey, maybe don't fuck this other person" is
abusive, though.
No. 1706363
File: 1669088687957.png (11.29 KB, 526x270, Screenshot_28.png)
>>1706357Here's another one,
nonnie. The only other post about Ross was SadOldDick saying "No answer I Give will be enough" when someone asked WHY he hated ross
No. 1706402
>>1706396I won't say it was heauxbag, but it definitely feels like one of her defense team/mods who were likely tied up watching her stream. That, or the admins finally permabanned them.
Either way, I'd still hedge my bets that holly is too busy panicking about her little shittalking sideblog being discovered to do anything else right now.
No. 1706456
File: 1669098830817.png (59.38 KB, 517x126, Screenshot_29.png)
also living for the flip flop in belief. When people accused PedoWorm of being a pedo, Hoelly claimed "These accusations have legal ramifications and therefor no one can comment or share info publicly" - but she now has no problem accusing her ex of being a rapist in a very public fashion.
No. 1706486
File: 1669100708597.png (1.53 MB, 1581x1224, helly.png)
Did a little digging on Holly's other socials to see any connection to this person Denise who is chiming in for her
>>1704316 >>1704322 >>1704781
From what I can find Denise works in Seattle as per her Linkedin
Denise is the mother of Callum Walz which Holly has pictures as far back as 2018 with.
Its once again strange that there was exact wording of "little sister figure">>1704327 because Holly specifically says shes Callum's "adopted witch aunt"
Of course Callum here either was or is a Game Grumps fan going so far as to cosplay as Dan.
Either Denise has been friends with Jared which is unlikely due to her only talking about him after Holly started fucking with him. Or she met Holly through some other third party whether it be gamegrumps work or D&D regardless Denise here has 0 interactions with Ross on twitter before "the cancellation"
There is 2 interactions Between them and Jessica Marzipan but both are after the divorce so it seems like shes trying to befriend Holly's preexisting friends.
No. 1706508
>>1705485>…mental illness and low IQ is in ANY way relevant to the objective assessment of sexual abuse?It doesn't. Just relevant in amount of sympathy from people. Don't pretend to be shocked.
>because she's mentally ill and kinda dumbShe could've searched mental help, this scapegoat has carried her far enough already. "IM MENTALLY ILL"´, yeah and not even trying to get better. Just using it as a shield.
>Rape is NOT a thing that goes under "she can dish but can't take""Again", no one is saying she deserved it, just that she doesn't deserve support as she could not give any support herself. She is stupid, mentally ill, and pouring it all on twitter for everyone to see. It is disgusting behaviour on her part.
"You reap what you sow" refers exactly, and only, to the support part. Sure she got raped, I got no problem believing that. But I also have no sympathy for aggressive handmaidens that actively attack other
victims publicly.
>So you're either a broken brain handmaiden or a scrote/troon, who has not the slightest idea about sexual power dynamics between the sexes.Or I just won't support women who hate other women.
No. 1706584
File: 1669120146125.jpeg (648.97 KB, 1288x1662, 8C6C8421-FCFE-4A9B-BACC-0A8573…)
Kind of ironic she’s telling dnd fans to not be sexual or creepy, considering that’s how she got into her last relationship
No. 1706590
>>1706584Even more ironic considering she vehemently defended the scrote that forced a sexual scene on a SA
victim in his group. She lives by the rules for thee but not for me mindset.
No. 1706733
File: 1669137438065.jpg (213.42 KB, 537x717, 20221122_121349.jpg)
>>1706696Except that is not their real name they are a trans person that Holly isnt actually related to, in fact I was showing proof that Holly has a really weird relationship with this person that they still post with as of this year
No. 1706764
>>1706752wee bit defensive huh nonna? it's relevant to the topic, DDWalz (Denise) is this persons mom and a huge defender of holly.
>>1706486the immense defending in here and referring to Holly as a "little sister" figure to Denise, which none of us could have inferred them to have, is definitely suspicious. it doesn't even sound like she knew Ross like she claims to have?
No. 1706831
ok, here's all 27ish screenshots only one or two things i've left out in case it was just like a "wow!" or "Yay" kind of tweet that didn't reveal anything. I think date matching is going to be the next thing to do to figure out context. I'm kinda sad we found this now, because im sure she would have bitched about any potential legal proceedings on her private in the coming future.
(integrate) No. 1706884
File: 1669149129592.png (962.56 KB, 1386x690, Screen Shot 2022-11-22 at 3.31…)
can't figure out how to stream record but supermega gifted ross 100 subs on twitch in their newest video, can't help but think they're bringing him up just for the drama
No. 1706941
File: 1669154510882.jpeg (Spoiler Image,97.96 KB, 1179x192, 99C09F8B-3888-49CC-818C-6BE0BF…)
She clearly dreamed something that involved Ross trying to hurt her birds and then complained about it like it was traumatizing lol. Does his cruelty know no bounds?!
No. 1706948
File: 1669155095602.jpeg (196.42 KB, 1226x372, A185D6D7-BEB4-44E8-9879-12F587…)
>>1706831Really wonder what this was in reference to.
No. 1706985
File: 1669158945030.png (3.74 MB, 2285x1966, hollysfriends2.PNG)
>>1706831Piecing together some things:
Most of the people in these caps interact with each other (follows, like posts, comment). Some of these interactions predate the Garak account but started with Holly and/or Jared related tweets as far back as 2017 with Kayla (artist who Holly commissioned for her witch shop).
Ultimately she'll probably scrub the Garak account but Holly's proven herself time and time again unable to keep quiet/personal info to herself
No. 1707017
File: 1669161472070.png (114.36 KB, 303x581, diath.PNG)
this is soo off topic, but has anyone SEEN the description for his character from DCA??? "He's 28, but appears 18" jfc im gonna barf. I never actually was a DCA fan, so this is so bizarre to me.
this is how you know they're in denial of aging and love to live in a complete delusion.
No. 1707059
File: 1669164956649.png (28.23 KB, 583x242, Screenshot_31.png)
Theyre still chatting on the garak twitter - Wonder who "she" is? Maybe Pedodick really WAS cheating on heauxbag before they separated?
No. 1707064
File: 1669165213060.png (41.92 KB, 603x229, Screenshot_32.png)
saged because not holly related - but I lol'd that Jared liked this post
No. 1707066
File: 1669165300786.png (29.17 KB, 592x205, Screenshot_33.png)
and I oop.
No. 1707071
File: 1669165452920.png (68.17 KB, 615x561, Screenshot_34.png)
>>1707068Uh….I can't tell if PedoWorm was liking these about Heidi, or since this was not long after he moved out, he was liking them about Heauxlly
No. 1707080
>>1707071he's probably liking tweets as a form of support. half-assed but still something. More than he's offered Holly in their relationship though.
>>1707059Honestly, I would be more surprised if Jared
didn't cheat on Holly.
No. 1707088
File: 1669166538185.png (26.51 KB, 540x299, chrome_dWoVANT1iE.png)
>>1707085or talking about some reality show. I don't think SOM would be up for shittalking Jared.
No. 1707093
File: 1669166799893.png (37.37 KB, 267x154, Screenshot_35.png)
flashback to two years ago when heauxbag said "trial by twitter is wrong!" yet now expects twitter to behead ross for his atrocities
No. 1707106
File: 1669168015765.png (1.64 MB, 1012x928, 1593409228918.png)
>>1707082Hush, nonna. Jared
loved Holly. He was
thriving with her.
>>1707080This. Anons would constantly notice him following and propping up twitch streams
that suspiciously looked like Heidi, no way he wasn't seeing anyone on the side or at least flirting with fans in his DMs.
No. 1707110
File: 1669168655300.jpg (233.59 KB, 1752x1694, diath.JPG)
>>1707017I love Diath fan art because it never looks anything like Jared. Frankly I'd be offended if I was Jared lol
No. 1707115
>>1707017I watched episodes of DCA early on before getting bored of it. At some point during Curse of Strahd (so long before the cheating) he died and Holly tried to use a potion of rejuvenation on him but all it did was de-age his corpse a decade, so that's why he looks 18 despite being 28 years of age.
It really had nothing to do with Jared really really really wanting his character to look young but be the same age he was.
No. 1707132
File: 1669171409242.png (74.46 KB, 286x290, uu4wfbhl8oq41.png)
>>1707115>potion of rejuvination >on a corpseSo… Just how bad is Holly at DnD?
No. 1707152
>>1707132I looked up Strix' character page on D&D Beyond because I thought that maybe Holly was intentionally playing her as "uwu stupid uwu" enough to think rejuvenation and revivification are the same thing… Strix's intelligence score is 16.
Her charisma's also at 20, despite Strix being canonically nasty in every conceivable way.
No. 1707176
>>1707168I remember reading somewhere that Jared had been working on Diath since high school and in typical teenage fashion, he likely made the character after himself; Unlike most other people, he never grew out of that stage and continues trying to larp his fantasy life.
I just want to know what happened to Heauxly. For all intents and purposes, she seemed to be a somewhat-strong, put together person back during her cosplay days. What cued her downturn to "Sad, uwu innocent birb mom who is just mistreated by EVERYONE"?
No. 1707231
>>1706234Holy shit anon, this has reminded me that I came across Heidi's private account a while back basically by accident. Took me a minute to remember how I found it, but Salemkittie's replies got me back there!
I just grabbed screenshots of everything, it's hard to piece together if any milk is in here but maybe some enterprising anon can find something No. 1707243
File: 1669186497375.png (30.15 KB, 586x133, Screenshot_36.png)
>>1707231The only thing I'm seeing so far is MAYBE this tweet (not from heidi btw) about flaunting demisexuality and declaring oneself "one of the queers!", which is potentially about Heauxlly's debacle of where she declared herself marginalized.
Most of the replies are people congratulating Heidi on her business success and wishing her well. I am nearing the end of the screenshots and have seen MAYBE 1-2 questionable tweets, but nothing to the level of Heauxlly's defense squad bashing ANYONE involved.
No. 1707248
>>1707246I get that, I worried nonnies might think so. When I first came across it I actually reviewed what was on there and didn't see anything, and it seems like from what
>>1707243 is saying there still isn't much. Just didn't feel like reading them all and trying to figure out what they might be reacting to
No. 1707272
>>1707231How do you know that's Heidi's account tho? Nothing I see is really proof they're replying to Heidi. Yea sure
>>1707243 looks like it's talking about Hoelly but it could also be some of Heidi's mutuals talking, of course they'll be mad at the person that did everything she could to ruin Heidi's life.
No. 1707310
>>1707276I don't think this is Heidi's account, I think it's just her cosplay/shop owner mutuals and one has a locked account. Nothing looks like it's Heidi's account specifically. Heidi moved on from Holly's
toxic shit after she kicked Jared out, and Holly blocked Heidi anyway, so suggesting Heidi is keeping tabs on Holly's meltdowns years after she moved on from that drama is pretty shitty to say.
No. 1707313
>>1707310So what if it's "shitty to say"
In the other cow threads everybody is fair game yet Heidi is protected. You don't even try to be subtle with the WK-ing.
No. 1707336
>>1707329That's what I think the
nonnie above who pointed out the suspicious timing of the release of this new sideblog was getting at. Heidi ain't been milky in some time, but now that Heauxlly is back to being a fucking idiot, her defense team is trying to drag Heidi back down too.
Even if it is Heidi's side twitter, there was nothing milky on it. She's allowed to rant just like Heauxlly is allowed to rant. The difference is that Heidi isn't out here encouraging her followers who joke about physically assaulting those they disagree with.
No. 1707461
File: 1669217408518.jpg (173.2 KB, 1079x580, Screenshot_20221123-082705_Chr…)
>>1707310>>1707313It does kind of seem like WK-ing when there's this that absolutely proves its not just "some cosplay mutual"
No. 1707482
>>1707461I see nothing wrong with that - and yes, I'd be saying the same thing if that were all SadOldDouche or GeraldoGuac or Kayla were saying to Hoebag. There's a difference between a friend saying "Yeah, that is a fucked up situation" and "I'M GOING TO SLAM HIS FACE INTO HIS KEYBOARD FOR THE LULZ!"
You all are out here, trying to wring the last few drops of milk out of the towel to make it look like Holly isn't the only one doing shady shit. It has nothing to do with WK'ing for Heidi and everything to do with the fact that she's just not a source of fresh milk at this point.
No. 1707533
>>1707461Do you REALLY think Heidi is the only person who dealt with bullshit that people bring up later on?
Examples of other similar situations: BunnyAyu/LaynaLazar, Jessi Smiles/Gabbie Hannah , Basically the half of the 'Makeup Youtuber' scene. I dont pay too much attention to the cosplay scene currently but it could even be someone affected by Leon Chiro's BS. If this is the ONLY thing that seems to align it's still 'possible but also could be anyone.
No. 1707555
>>1707461Sorry but out of context this could be anyone talking about anything. And even if it IS Heidi's private account, I think its reasonable and smart even for "known" creators to have their public, curated accounts and a private one to use like any other Joe Shmoe. The problem is when people like Holly and those she surrounds herself with use it to be aggressive shitbags
and get caught. If she or her sycophants had half a brain cell each they'd just make a group chat to talk shit in… But as someone else pointed out, Holly probably wouldn't enjoy that because its not as one-sided and she'd be expected to engage with them as equals.
No. 1707635
>>1703370The problem I have with Holly's statements has nothing to do with whether they're true or not. My issue is that she seems to be implying that if people had only known the full story earlier on, they wouldn't have canceled her. No. All of her actions since the original drama broke have been the things she was 'canceled' for, and anything within her relationship with Ross has absolutely nothing to do with it.
She also says "no one deserves to be canceled and lose their job over what happened in a relationship, even if it was terrible" right after saying "but I'm the one who's canceled. I'm the one who's a whore." She seems to want Ross to be canceled instead of herself, despite saying how no one should be canceled for things that happened in a relationship.
I also find it exceedingly ironic that she says she's been scared of speaking out against someone with a much bigger following, but she seems to have extended none of the same empathy towards Heidi who had the smallest following of her / Jared / Holly.
I think the most honest thing she says in all of this is "I just don't want to be seen as a monster anymore." This is her MO. She is so desperate to be seen as 'good' and 'right' that she will throw anyone under the bus to make it happen.
No. 1707667
File: 1669232587738.png (91.73 KB, 640x593, Holly.png)
I honestly don't believe Holy in this whole thing, she constantly lies about things to make herself the victim, she immediately deleted it even in the middle of her drunk ranting, she also during the time she was married to Ross claimed to be asexual and/or demisexual but had a sexual affair with Jared and from her behaviour if it was something that happened she most likely would of used it to victimise herself more during the original Cheating scandal this woman was saying anything she could to try to get people to take her side as well as repeatedly lying to do so, as a Rape victim myself I understand how hard it is when people don't believe you or blame you for it but I really cannot believe her in this situation she has lied about a majority of what she said in the Cheating scandal
No. 1707687
>>1707667Even under the assumption she's telling the truth, she was still doing it vaguely enough to lead people to assume Ross violently assaulted her as she sobbed, instead of what it sounds like happened (she didn't want to have sex/felt asexual, he wanted sex, he may or may not have pressured her until she agreed on a sex schedule and she didn't enjoy it… Which is still not a good situation for either of them, frankly, but its insulting to rape
victims to say those two situations are one and the same). And again, it all reeks of her usual pattern of deflecting, lying, and trying to paint herself as this tragic
victim who is unfairly beaten down at every turn. The most telling part is how it all circles back to her feeling like people treat her like a "monster" and being "canceled for being a whore".
Its frustrating because even if she's being truthful she's muddied the waters so badly with both her current and past actions that it makes it seem like the attention seeking ploy actual rape
victims are constantly accused of. She is the poster child for moids who think #metoo is a front.
No. 1707698
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>>1707687I'm still baffled by her timeline. Here in June, she's saying "Ross saved me from myself I owe my life to him". Then a few months later, divorce and absolute hatred of Ross. She seems to be very up and down emotionally with people: either intensely loves or hates them. I'm not there's middle ground with her and she has a propensity for re-writing the past based on how she's feeling in the present. So, it's difficult to know what actually happened as these things make her quite the unreliable narrator.
No. 1707763
>>1707755Samefag sorry for no sage
Anyway that's 100% Heidi's private. The talk of the shop, the fact that Salemkittie remarks about being "halfway across the country" which lines up with where they both currently live, and the talk of bunny and strawberry merch. Heidi is known for her bunny merch. But like other nonnies mentioned, it doesn't matter. Heidi's private twit is more like a private chat about her life so she doesn't have to deal with randos butting in. Holly's private twit seems to exist as a private (kek) place to bash the fuck out of Ross and not much else.
No. 1707787
>>1707698This combined with her behavior to follow read like someone performing to keep her situation temporarily comfortable and redeem herself publicly/privately because she was starting to have consequences for her behavior (possibly Ross bringing up separation originally), which
triggered her, but then getting restless in pretending she's changed and ultimately needing an out because she didn't actually want to work on herself and perceive herself as the problem. Considering how she has acted throughout the affair arc, it seems like it would be a pretty big sacrifice for her ego to even post this, and could have been the beginning of a spiteful resentment building.
Knowing we generally do not openly describe relationship coercion as rape due to the social backlash, I believe her, but I don't think she actually gives a shit about other people going through it and clearly doesn't "believe women" herself. She is also well aware of the consequences of making your personal life public. If she has a long history of sexual abuse or intense emotional abuse I could see the pain of struggling with boundaries and denial coming through with pent up resentment. But if she's so focused on mental health why not talk this through with a therapist, who would advise you that oversharing to the internet is not the move unless you're trying to call out/in an abuser you want community enforced accountability for. That action should obviously be much more organized considering the risk of legal ramifications. She already wrecked her rep over one moid.
No. 1707801
File: 1669241543937.png (1.13 MB, 529x3023, hollydefenseforce.png)
Holly's inner circle are still arguing under her tweets. I highlighted some interesting parts/parts that could imply they've been lurking here. Still no real concrete proof they know Ross was abusive just that Denise has actually met Holly irl so she must be an objective authority on Ross!
No. 1707803
>>1707533>>1707487I'll be honest, it does seem like it could be her account since she is following all of those people with her public account. But again, nothing in it is damning, nobody is making statements like "run him over with a truck!!"
tons of people have private accounts, and hers seems tame and normal.
No. 1707805
File: 1669241935441.png (911.08 KB, 1973x693, DazadoopGarakalt.png)
>>1707801Since they interact with each other almost exclusively when defending Holly I found another person who's on her alt so that's about 7/16 people identified from the private's follower list
No. 1707812
>>1707787I agree. I believe her to an extent as well, but I wish she would have taken the time to write out a thoughtful, well-articulated statement that really called out the abuse and the abuser. The way she backtracked made it look like she's lying. I wish she brought the same energy she had when standing up for a gross man like Jared to stand up for herself.
What's wild is that outside of her hugbox, the only other community on the internet that seems to somewhat believe her is lolcow. But her maniac tweeting and deleting and using the moment to whine about being canceled (the same thing she did with Etika) only made people dislike her more. Ross is now getting even more support, and if he is an actual abuser, all she did was prop him up while tanking her own credibility. It's annoying how she handled this, as it could have been a moment to support women who are affected by martial rape, but unfortunately Holly is not interested in being a friend to women:
>>1705113All she did is reinforce my belief that she's the ultimate pick me and she hates other women. She only stands strong when defending men and attacking women. Attacking a man? Nope. Defending herself? Nope.
No. 1707834
File: 1669243664468.png (48.19 KB, 452x465, rossabusivequestionmark.PNG)
wait so was sadoldmagician and holly referring to Ross as abusive as early as 2020?? Sorry if this is old milk.
No. 1707841
>>1706234Holy shit, this is unhinged.
One of my exes cheated on me during a really difficult time in my life. He was also incapable of genuine empathy. He choked me during sex when I laughed because he thought I wasn't taking him seriously. He regularly told me that he didn't find me attractive. He did so many things I would consider
abusive looking back.
Yet, it still bothers me when people shit talk about him and use absolutes to describe him, because I recognize he had his own struggles with trauma and mental health that likely contributed to his behavior. He also wasn't a one dimensional caricature of a person, and had plenty of good traits.
Holly seems to describe people she dislikes in these weird, 1D caricature type ways and fosters her friends' hatred of these people.
It's like reading a group of high schoolers trash talking someone they dislike. No nuance or room for empathy / emotional maturity.
Especially weird when you consider most of them probably haven't spent real time with half the people she talks about.
I get being supportive of your friends and giving them space to discuss their experiences, but that doesn't require this kind of gleeful hatefulness.
No. 1707908
It's funny that it's only Holly and her fans/Jared's mods going with this
Abusive Rapist Ross claim and not Jared himself. When Holly called Heidi an abuser and said she rescued Jared, he was yucking it up and agreeing. But he never said anything like "I saved Holly too!" did he? Even when PeanutButterGamer jumped in to defend Jared all he did was criticize Heidi for making the affair public. None of the GG or NormalBoots crew, who spent WAY more time with these people than Denise or SadOldSimp, had anything to say/slip that Ross wasn't innocent himself
>>1707834Not sure about the year but these were the Tumblr posts your cap is referring to
>>1706359>>1706363it'd make sense though since that's late 2020 and the private account was made a couple months later to exclusively bitch about Ross
No. 1707953
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>>1707834no surprise that the guy who was desperate to be friends with Jared and obviously was thirsty as fuck for Holly would say that, this guy had a whole tumblr pretty much devoted nonstop to talking about it for what 3-4 years? and Holly started ignoring him because of that, he also abandoned the blog after the both of them stopped giving him attention, he had serious stalker energy
No. 1707958
File: 1669249632694.png (66.49 KB, 662x691, weirdofreak2.png)
samefag not sure if this has been posted in relation to this new milk but that creeper also posted this
No. 1707963
>>1707801>"could imply they've been lurking here"We been knew that Heauxlly and her pals regularly lurk in here. That's why the admins are so careful about posts that feel like cowtipping.
>>1707805I'd be careful,
nonnie. This is dangerously close to dragging in people who have minimal shit to do with the shitstorm
No. 1707971
>>1707834SadOld was saying shit like "I just hate that punk" about Ross but when people asked him to elaborate, he pulled a Heauxbag and kind of backtracked into "Oh, no answer I give would be seen as good enough"
>>1707908For once in his life, Jared is doing something right in keeping himself as far away from the drama-spouting one he stuck his dick in.
No. 1708237
>>1707841Majority of abusers are not
abusive literally all of the time, intermittent reinforcement is how many of them keep their
victims around. I feel like Holly is projecting all of her terrible traits onto Ross but venting in absolutes about abusers is not unhinged. You’re allowed to be angry
No. 1708384
>>1707953>>1707958Sadold's tumblr was so fucking creepy, not only did he use it to bash Heidi and Ross, but he then stalked other blogs and gaslit them into also bashing them. One iirc didn't even know who Ross was other than he was on GG, but Sadold convinced them to hate Ross just for leaving Holly's
abusive ass. Good that he got bored of it and stopped posting, but that doesn't mean he isn't anon commenting on those blogs to keep the gaslight up, would be his MO to keep stalking people but saying that he isn't.
No. 1708456
>>1708359Nta but it's not different from how people talk on LC, and we don't even know these people.
Honestly if someone hurt you/your friends you can say what you want about them.
No. 1708862
File: 1669333637660.png (177.6 KB, 697x540, Screenshot_40.png)
>>1708533There's this one where Holly pulls the "Ross cares about me and I care about him" card
No. 1708869
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>>1708533There's also this one where Holly says "He loves and respects me, and I disrespected his trust" about Ross in regards to the initial talk between her and Jared. Funny that at this point it was 'he loves and respects me' and now it's 'he didn't respect me, he raped me repeatedly'>>1708533
No. 1709062
>>1703355>>1703317Jared claims that he 'bonded' with Ross & that Ross gave their relationship his blessing.
…I wonder who's side he'd be on here…
No. 1709073
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>>1709071Flying monkeys, activate!
No. 1709078
File: 1669346929516.png (48.05 KB, 588x286, rossisevil.png)
>>"#fact"Damn, 'Denise Walz' here is going IN on Ross!
No. 1709094
>>1706815Wow, he finally admits that Holly had been emotionally
abusive towards him. Reminds me of that interview that he did with Syrmor a few years back
No. 1709107
>>1709097After literal YEARS of bemoaning 'cancel-culture' 'public-shaming' & 'mob justice'
My how the turn tables…
So it turns out that Heidi was just collateral damage all along…
No. 1709116
File: 1669349998868.png (34.29 KB, 576x262, abusers.png)
So this aged like fucking milk…
No. 1709134
>>1709124To be fair to that
nonnie, a lot of it is relevant again with the added context of Holly's new allegations of abuse/marital rape.
No. 1709561
File: 1669399731779.jpeg (384.46 KB, 1323x1113, F095614F-C8E2-4265-9415-13D7E7…)
Well, she had the chance to make Hive a drama free, happy platform (because she said she likes it for the lack of drama) but she just couldn’t contain the sad “woe is me” for the less than a week that she’s been there
No. 1709564
File: 1669399826301.jpeg (748.88 KB, 1414x2038, 0C12C7B7-F845-438D-B7D3-72AE44…)
It’s okay though, Kayla and sadolddouche are there to reassure her with asspats on yet another site
No. 1709587
>>1709457nonna, im with you in the spirit of we can totally talk about holly's antics, but let's be real, this is a gossip site. sometimes its critical, sometimes we just like calling her heuxlly kek.
This place exists to talk shit about people who deserve it, not to provide the best moral correction.
No. 1709605
>>1709564lol of course they are. They love being her emotional tampons.
What's she crying about now? Her alt being discovered? Jared leaving? No support over the Ross thing? Not being redeemed in the public eye? Or all of the above
No. 1709624
>>1709581One post in 25 threads over three years from what is quite clearly a troll who raided the thread. Yeah, I can see how that's indicative of LC nonnies as a whole.
>>1709605who knows. she also said something about "I'm 'I threw my shoulder out playing too much pokemon' years old" which is some shit my 18 year old nephew would say - not a 32+ year old adult.
No. 1709639
>>1709624lol that's generous of you
nonnie, she's 36. do you mind posting a screenshot? a lot of us don't want to deal with hive
No. 1709647
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>>1709639I don’t blame you, hive runs so slow for me too
No. 1709760
File: 1669409433726.png (263.89 KB, 1080x574, Screenshot_20221125-154457.png)
Great idea Jared! Definitely create a side social media account for "slut" things. That's never ended poorly for you before! Why not rename your hive account sinjared?
No. 1709771
>>1709760Holly follows Jared on Hive but he's not following her.
No. 1709784
File: 1669410681465.png (59.34 KB, 592x502, DDWalz.png)
Denise Walz out here making DAMN sure that Holly gets sued for defamation
No. 1710162
>>1709784I love how she's acting like she was this super close friend long term of Holly meanwhile from what we know she only met Holly after the affair was probably already happening since we only have proof of their 'friendship' from about 2018, DCA started in 2016 and the affair came to light mid 2019.
Also where's the proof she 'knows Ross'? We have pictures of Holly with her kid but Ross is the one who still has long term lasting friendships. Where is this supposed proof of Ross treating people like 'objects'? The ATM comment also seems asinine since, unlike a certain bird-lady, Ross has fairly consistently worked. If he thought of her as an ATM why would he bother working?
Its almost like she wanted to brag about 'irl Strix/Diath' to someone and felt validated to justify it through shit talking the dude she was cheating on.
No. 1710186
>>1710162It's like the unhealthy power balance of bosses being friends with their employees - yeah, you can be friendly but at the end of the day, the boss is still in a position of power above the employee.
These people are convinced that they're best buddies with Heauxlly without realizing that she will forever be in a position of power over them. Using them as her defense squad of yes men is a gross abuse of that power.
No. 1710255
File: 1669462154663.png (202.66 KB, 1080x860, Screenshot_20221125-170442.png)
More confirmation from Holly of the breakup
No. 1710257
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Jared did an AmA on IG
No. 1710258
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No. 1710259
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Holly must have seen his AmA
No. 1710291
>>1710257boi, ain't nobody that desperate for weird skinny boy dick that is already readily available online for free.
>>1710258$100 says it's Heauxlly because no other human on earth is that desperate.
No. 1710314
>>1710257>>1710258Is he sending these to himself? He’s one of the ugliest men I’ve ever seen in my life and that’s saying something. How anyone who doesn’t have an alien-bird-man fetish can want to see him naked is beyond me.
>>1710259Finally. So when is she going to apologise to all the women she accused of lying about him?
No. 1710333
>>1710314That would honestly be one of the most redeeming things she could do right now, to come out and say "Hey, look, I was wrong and I apologize" but she won't do it. She can't play the perpetual
victim if she admits fault in literally anything.
No. 1710447
File: 1669482440876.jpeg (136.86 KB, 828x1426, 941585EC-1134-4296-8B1D-8DD92E…)
And who tf is still sending this guy nudes/lewds? At this rate the earthworm will be bringing back the sinjared blog, ugh.
No. 1710472
>>1710447"Y'all too shy", shouts the man who literally got busted for running a nudes blog where he more or less abused his fame to see his fans naked.
He's like an antibiotic resistant strain of gonorrhea - crazy unpleasant but just won't go away.
No. 1710502
>>1710258he never. fucking. learns.
also, these read like he sent them to himself
No. 1710831
File: 1669502091068.jpg (22.96 KB, 917x132, fjsjkhrgbj.JPG)
says single now lol
No. 1710991
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>>1710855Jared wishes he could be as ugly cute as Matt
No. 1711268
>>1711141IMO that gives some proof that she was abused at one point. I got out of an
abusive relationship where the guy I was with convinced friends that the abuse he did to me never actually happened and he was actually just joking, so if I complained about the way I was treated, I was laughed at for "taking a joke too seriously". I got away from that but that situation will completely fuck up your perception of what is a normal nice thing someone does regularly and what is a declaration of feelings for you. You could've given me a fun size Milky Way during that time and I would think of you as my best friend. It took years and years and at one point changing therapists (first one was shit and gaslit me into believing that the abuse wasn't real and my ex was really just joking, therapists are human too and they fuck up like anyone else) before I got my brain straightened out. Doesn't mean Ross abused her, she could have been abused by family and latched onto Ross because he showed basic kindness, and then when that relationship started dying, she latched onto Jared for the same reason. Either way, she seems to me that she hasn't found the right therapist to work through her past abuse and is still in that "kindness equals friendship" state of mind. Would also explain why she has SOM and company so close to her side, they're being nice, so she thinks of them as friends.
No. 1711279
>>1711268You’re right anon. Holly has said in the past that she was abused by her mother. She also has an alcoholic father but I can’t recall if she considered him
No. 1711321
>>1711299>>1711268Could also show that she's telling the truth about Ross abusing her, and it hasn't sunk in yet that Jared did too.
It's not uncommon for abusers to get into a relationship with someone from an
abusive family, it's easier to pull the person in with a little niceness to show they're not like the family they were in, and then gaslight them into thinking the abuse they're being subjected to now is normal or expected in a relationship, or that they "now realize their family was right" and they "deserve" the way they're being abused. Given how open Holly is about her mother abusing her, it wouldn't be surprising if Ross pulled her in while she was recovering from the abuse of her mother, only for Jared to pull her in using the abuse of both her mother and Ross to convince her that he loves her.
I could be wrong, but if I'm right it's sad that she's being blamed for being abused.
No. 1711332
>>1711321So, we're just going to continue on with the "poor wittle heauxlly can do no wrong because she was abused and everyone else is just abusing her too and taking advantage of her!" game? She bears NO responsibility whatsoever?
Okay then,
No. 1711459
File: 1669555288069.jpeg (57.52 KB, 736x838, misinterpreted.jpeg)
>>1711427Imagine a few people saying "Holly might not be lying about this" and it shatters your entire world view so hard you become a sperg. Literally nobody said Holly is innocent or even a decent person, all I see is people saying if she's actually telling the truth this time, maybe calling a potential rape
victim "Hoelly" isn't a good look on you, regardless of what she's done wrong.
No. 1711467
>>1711459there are implications here that suggest to exonerate her because of said abuse though. Everybody knows she was abused in childhood at least, and i’ll be honest a sex schedule is something i’ve heard scrotes doing in the past so i’m not even in denial that ross could’ve been
abusive in that way, but her incapability in seeing women as
victims (unless it’s HER) leaves us also unable to fucking care. doesn’t help that she’s a prolific liar and opportunist. she made another person’s suicide about her.
also the goal post is being moved see
>>1711345>she didn’t accuse anyone of any thing aWfUL like rApeyes she did, she said ross raped her, verbatim. and she accused heidi of being an abuser, which is also huge. She helped DARVO heidi and that’s crushing for a
victim. Holly is
abusive herself, doesn’t mean she’s incapable of also being abused, but we’ll maybe start caring about her real
victim hood once she apologizes.
No. 1711473
>>1711470yeah no sorry still ain’t clear, there’s a reason why multiple anons read it that way + anon’s mention of believing said claims against ross doesn’t explicitly mention the rape part either, she made multiple claims not just the rape.
goal post is still being moved, because she HAS falsely accused someone of something really awful; calling heidi an abuser. that’s a huge lie to make, it’s not insane for anons to lean toward skeptical or just not believe it until more stuff comes out.
No. 1711543
>>1711525fucking what? A
nonnie saying "You didn't care when others were abused but now we're supposed to care that it's happened to you? GTFO" does not put them anywhere close to as selfish as the woman who (a) fucked a married man, (b) released sexts between said man and his wife in an effort to slander said wife, (c) made a man's suicide about her, (d) regularly supports gross dudes
cough adam koebel
coughgo simp elsewhere.
No. 1711559
>>1711543(e) provided an abuser with the contact information of his underage
victims in an effort to silence them
No. 1711610
>>1711552You only like
victims if they are perfect and this is why mnay
victims don't speak out. This is why Holly kept it a secret and deleted the tweets shortly after.
You hurt people.
No. 1711611
File: 1669568348332.jpeg (126.65 KB, 1125x612, EDD8DF74-0931-41D8-ADAF-46E331…)
>>1711596(g) told
victims that if they really cared they wouldn’t bring it to the public and would deal with it in private. said speaking out is a need for attention/revenge (projecting much?)
>>1711591they seem to follow each other on twitter but not instagram now
No. 1711612
>>1711610asking someone to not abuse others and to admit to their abuse FIRST is not asking for perfection. this is not a heard situation, stop trying to make it out like it is. she is still pushing harm against other women as we speak. stfu.
>you hurt peoplewhy does this sound like her crew? not trying to hi cow but please learn2integrate.
No. 1711617
>>1711612yeah I think it's one of her crew. "perfect
victim" line sounds familiar too
No. 1711622
>>1711615this. also to pull out the “there is no perfect
victim!!” about the women who pushed the explicit OPPOSITE for yeeaaars is what’s hilarious. Holly believes whole heartedly in the perfect
victim myth. she doesn’t fit into the very strict guidelines of what makes a person a
victim and we are simply hoping she realizes how impossible that fucking standard is. not giving her an easy pass is not denying anything bad happened to her. she held up very fucked up patriarchal standards that have affected women all over in her industry. she doesn’t get a shortcut now unless she admits what did was wrong.
No. 1711661
>>1711610if holly was sooo scared then why would she:
-wait until Ross is literally at his MOST successful and surrounded by the MOST popular people he's ever been to talk about this?
-constantly and repeatedly cape for other sexual abusers PUBLICLY and loudly since the divorce?
-downplay another woman's abuse, mental health and married life, who used to be her 'best friend'?
-lie about that same woman constantly and call her an abuser?
-constantly say that people who out these kinds of things online are scum and terrible and definitely the worst people?
-easily talk about her other past traumas and constantly talk about things that she thinks make her a
>>1708862 say to Heidi how much they cared about each other and that he's understanding to the point that he would be okay with her falling in love with Jared when she had EVERYTHING to benefit if she told Heidi that Ross didnt care about her and Jared was 'the only person that cares about her'
Holly is wallowing because she realizes that she's lost everything now, other than her little lackey hugbox. No Ross. No Jared. No DCA. Barely a following since most of it is ghost accounts since she can often barely break 1k likes (especially on twitter). Make it make sense.
It's like Oli London now trying to claim that he was pressured to pull all of his 'Kor/ean' bullshit.
You dont get to bat for one team avidly and consistently only to turn around and claim that actually you were totally on the other team all along with no apology or repercussion?
If Holly came out and said this along with 'I'm sorry how I treated Heidi, I'm sorry how i treated other women suffering from men' or gave a reason other than 'twitter's dying teehee' I might have been willing to believe her.
No. 1711696
>>1711685>"I'm above that"You're so "above that" that you return to a thread an hour after your initial post to continue arguing your point.
Nobody is saying Heauxlly is 100% innocent. Nobody is saying Heauxlly is 100% guilty. What we are saying, however, is that she is expecting a level of sympathy for her claims that she is not willing to extend to other people. She wants to dish out the non-belief and "You're not a real
victim because you're not acting how I personally think you should!" but she can't take it when it's said about her.
Tough titties, this is the internet. She made a claim and now she's being asked to back it up.
No. 1711728
I'd be leaning towards believing her, its not even an insane claim given most moids feel entitled to sex. But the context in which she released this info, coupled with Ross's very strong response to not engage and legal up, plus the way she herself frames it and then walks it back, makes me doubt she's being entirely truthful.
I'd be 100% more likely to have believed her right off the bat if she had admitted she herself perpetuated and defended abusers while talking down to, gaslighting, and sharing the contact info of
victims who try to speak out. If she said she was wrong to do that and apologized sincerely, before talking about her own experience with Ross and without a shred of "so now you can all stop saying I'm a monster and cancelling me!!!" It still may shake down differently in court but I wouldn't have let the fact that I don't personally like her stand in the way of believing a
victim and I'm sure lots of ladies here feel the same.
No. 1711735
>>1711728This. I don't even doubt her entirely because marital rape IS so common, but when this is the same person who was telling Heidi "I want to be your friend! I'm so sorry - it's just that you're so nice and sweet and it makes me nervous" while going behind her back to tell PedoWorm that Heidi was actually
abusive and awful, I struggle to take Heauxlly's words at face value.
No. 1711978
>>1711976she must’ve. way too on the nose kek. very interesting to see that it’s jared doing it first. he is building the distance and maybe even preparing for backlash if she ever says anything (i highly doubt she’ll out right claim he was
abusive or
toxic, she has too much to lose)
No. 1711983
>>1711978Her ever coming out against Jared is likely dependent on how well (or poorly) these allegations against Ross go down. If he actually does haul her into court - as he should - it'll likely send her into another twitter spiral, and honestly the only person left for her to be a
victim of is PedoWorm. It'd be mutual assured destruction; I'd hate to think how much shit PedoWorm has against Hoelly
No. 1712436
>>1712430>"She was saying that because of PedoDick"the emotional abuse part? Because Heauxlly herself told Heidi that Jared reality checked her at one point and said "That's incorrect, she's not", which led to Heauxlly's repeated apologies and the "I'm sorry" beer she gifted her.
Don't get me wrong, Jared is trash and is responsible for like 95% of the initial drama, but Heauxlly is a grown ass adult who thought screaming "HEIDI WAS
ABUSIVE!!!" would get the internet hate train to shift onto her, VS the mistress and adulterous husband. At the end of the day, the responsibility is hers and hers alone (unless she became a ventriloquist dummy with Jared's hand up her ass, making her say those things)
No. 1712470
>>1712463>"She is literally in a relationship with him"was. She was in a relationship with him.
>I'm sure she couldn't have another opinion of Heidi lolWhy not? Did her capacity of free will automatically shut down because she was fucking good ole' wormdick? WAS THE DICK THAT GOOD??
>Just saying I don't think we can really blame her entirely on thatSure we can. She is an adult. She is a big girl. She made the big-girl decision to lie about her fuckbuddy's wife being
abusive. Was that decision influenced by shit Jared told her? Sure, but at the end of the day, Hoelly is a somewhat-functional adult in full control of her own actions.
>I just never hated Holly that muchCriticizing her for her idiotic actions doesn't mean we HATE her,
nonnie. Holding a person accountable for their words and actions does not equal hate.
>has untreated mental illnessShe's said before that she's in therapy. If she's not telling her therapist the entire truth of where her mind is at, that is - again - entirely on her. Mental illness can't be 'treated' if you hide the reality from the ones doing the treating.
No. 1712498
File: 1669638358755.jpeg (132.53 KB, 750x749, 309277403.jpeg)
>>1710831>>1710991It's funnier when you compare it to Jared's ig photos
No. 1712500
File: 1669639311107.png (456.39 KB, 1074x2105, 43211.png)
>>1712499What do you mean anon, he's sooo hot
No. 1712501
>>1712500My question is How did he NOT know that his followers on SinJared were minors? That anon, if not sent by himself, reads like some shit a teenager would say "You're sooooo hot!".
I just hope the next minor he sexts publicly roasts his ass with receipts because let's face it nonnies - this man didn't learn a singular goddamned thing from the months of "getting cancelled".
No. 1712564
>>1712430In a way I can see why Holly thought Heidi was
abusive. Heidi screaming at Holly, even though it was because she was at her wit's end, would easily come across as abuse when she grew up with at least one
abusive parent. And after the divorce and drama started, Heidi was bashing Holly over a year after, at one point publicly saying Holly should unblock her on Twitter and personally apologize to her, knowing this would send people to Holly to demand Holly comply with what Heidi said. I can see why Heidi did everything she did, but I can also see why Holly sees it as abuse.
No. 1712575
File: 1669646960157.png (358.36 KB, 1013x561, 78665.png)
>>1712488lol holly was never his type. look at his obsession with rae rae. he is a very sexual person, just not towards holly
No. 1712617
File: 1669650493278.png (168.83 KB, 973x339, saffronette.png)
>>1712575 The KF whiteknight from the last thread
>>1630757 says that Jared only sees her as a "little sister"
No. 1712620
>>1712564>"Heidi screaming at Holly"It was reactive to the fact that Holly was fucking her husband, despite Heidi making it clear that she was not okay with it.
>"Heidi was bashing Holly over a year after"She fucked her husband, publicly smeared her as
abusive, released sexual texts between Heidi and Jared that were not hers to share.
Going through abuse as a kid is not an excuse to decry someone's clearly stated boundaries as
abusive as an adult.
No. 1712689
>>1712564If Holly sees yelling at reasonable circumstances abuse, it’s wrong and that’s on her. Covertly bashing someone behind the scenes and then being surprised they confront you about it is in fact being an idiot. Holly was telling Heidi’s HUSBAND for a year that Heidi is
abusive way before the yelling. I think fucking your friends husband is
abusive anon. Gtfo
No. 1712703
>>1712509Honestly kind of hoping that someone calls his ass out at that tiny con that he’s hosting a panel at.
>>1712622Same, there’s no way he just thinks of her as just a sister. He probably just tells himself that since she lives halfway across the world from him.
No. 1712825
>>1712689Both of them established that Holly started calling Heidi
abusive directly after Heidi called her up to yell at her. In fact, the exact quote Heidi yelled at her was "I want my husband to think of me instead of you during sex", which is obviously a reasonable thing to want, but imagine someone calling you up and screaming at you because of what their spouse is thinking about like you have control over someone else's brain. You can't tell me if that happened to you, you wouldn't think of them as either
abusive or not quite there mentally.
No. 1712828
File: 1669666026581.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1794, Screenshot_20221128-150404.png)
Jared's fashion posts are my favorite part of this thread. Is that highlighter around his lower eyelids?
No. 1712847
>>1712825Normally I'd agree that if your husband cheats on you and you yell at the mistress and blame her, you're crazy. Your husband is equally if not more to blame than the "other woman". But in this case the mistress was her "best friend" and she's been feeding him a story about Heidi being
abusive to encourage and excuse the cheating? Nah, Holly got what LESS ire than she deserved.
No. 1712851
>>1712825This isn't correct. Holly was telling Jared that Heidi was
abusive for
months way before that phone call even happened. You can see it in her posting about wanting to 'help a friend in an
abusive relationship' on Twitter near December 2018. In retrospect, it's really obvious what she's referencing. The phone call happened in February 2019. The phone call was WAY later in the timeline, so can't be blamed for Holly thinking Heidi was
abusive. If anything, the phone call led to Holly apologizing to Heidi for calling her
abusive behind her back for so long – so the complete opposite of what you're postulating here.
>>1712714Considering that RaeRae changed her twitter banner photo to herself with another guy and they stopped interacting for a bit after Twitch Con, it seems pretty obvious that Jared was way more into her than she was into him. Guessing he might've been rejected by her, hence the weird 'sister' thing.
No. 1712875
>>1712851Holly is so full of fucking shit. Heidi was
abusive was just a narrative she needed to see herself as a good person while fucking someone's husband in cosplay. Now Ross raping her is the narrative she needs so she can rationalize destroying two marriages, her career and still ending up alone. And I mean this is even if Ross was martially raping her. She only saw it as a problem when her dick left.
No. 1712878
>>1712828Lmao the mentioning of“and more importantly clean out the
closet of some old ones I don't wear anymore” has me cackling cause he’s probably throwing out the ugly maternity sweaters holly picked out for him.
No. 1713253
File: 1669696388646.png (126.38 KB, 351x644, sinjared.png)
>>1712500>>1711540I think he is testing the waters about bringing back the nudes blog. He is posting and deleting stories. I was able to save this one yesterday before he deleted it
No. 1713269
>>1713253That's nothing new,
nonnie. He's just being more brazen about it these days. PedoWorm McSmallDick learned fuck all from his last experience with nudes.
No. 1713282
>>1713253>>1713269he actually
should start an OF. those seven weird middle-aged moms are exactly the boost his little ego needs
No. 1713309
File: 1669700455394.png (131.25 KB, 196x350, Screenshot_47.png)
I'm fucking screaming. Went looking for a post I remembering seeing about the old SinJared blog and instead found a forum full of super horny gay dudes who admit that they were the ones sending Jared the anonymous "START AN ONLYFANS!" shit on Insta.
Tell me these vague "i'm in the bath, presumably naked!" posts aren't him testing the waters to see if he can get away with nudes again tho
No. 1713316
File: 1669701685258.png (61.46 KB, 1109x725, Screenshot_48.png)
>>1713315I got you,
nonnie No. 1713390
File: 1669716013256.png (125.78 KB, 358x598, onlyfans.png)
>>1713352Jared already made the account, but he hasn't uploaded any content… yet
No. 1713561
File: 1669732183528.png (565.51 KB, 1080x1417, diemadaboutit.png)
>>1706234I knew I saw Holly post a die mad about it gif somewhere and I finally remembered. When Jared was shitting on Heidi and Holly had to chime in like the try-hard pick me she is. Just SO embarrassing for her, especially now he's left her ass too.
No. 1713641
File: 1669738452450.png (346.4 KB, 1080x1989, Screenshot_20221129_111138_Chr…)
>>1713316Holy fuck, I bet Jared thought they were all coming from horny women and he probably felt so good about himself. Nope, just gay moids kek
No. 1713721
File: 1669741681948.jpg (371.33 KB, 2942x1369, saffronette.JPG)
>>1713641Saffronette already posting pathetic cope kek seems like Jared is big mad about this
No. 1713731
File: 1669742287432.jpg (90.86 KB, 751x1024, FGM_uXZXsAIb8f8.jpg)
>>1713721the cope oh my lord
No. 1713738
>>1713721"I highly doubt the gay men claim, despite there being a forum full of self-identifying gay men saying that they did it"
Cope harder. WormDick isn't as popular with the ladies as he likes to think he is.
No. 1713767
File: 1669743811923.png (31.44 KB, 738x490, Screenshot_49.png)
>>1713641Got curious, looked up this terrions dude. He used to be over on the farms too, simping HARD for furries and possible zoophilia, constantly seeking out nudes with the same wording used on the gay "PLEASE SHOW US YOUR WORMDICK" site.
PedoWorm just attracts winners.
Screenshot is proof of username
No. 1713776
File: 1669744503301.jpeg (676.05 KB, 960x1363, 3BDBC4F8-D36B-4A72-A8B2-A27502…)
>>1713757>>1713764Not posting her face but this is publicly available.
No. 1713831
>>1713819>>1713821I’m sure he’s one of those “bi/pan” guys who’s into women (female), enbies (female) and men (female).
God he looks like a fucking cryptid and I can’t even scroll past pictures of him without feeling uncomfortable. How is he attractive to these men? Will they simp over any old bird carcass as long as it’s straight and “slutty”? I genuinely don’t understand.
No. 1713874
>>1713577"Holly sees Ross as weaker than her. But that dynamic isn't present with Jared. She won't go after Jared because she's actually scared to. He has always had the upper hand over her."
I think this definitely might be a part of it. Ross is emotionally stable and has a secure attachment style, so him showing her normal love and care actually made her become uninterested in him. Jared otoh has an avoidant style and never paid much attention to her as his partner, so Holly with the anxious attachment style was always left chasing after him. She never had an equal partnership with Jared. That being said, I absolutely think she could split Jared black under the right conditions and then all bets are off. Also I'm sure their friend group dynamic is complicated, because it's still not clear who gets to keep which flying monkeys in the breakup. That might also be contributing to Holly not saying anything now.
No. 1714006
>>1714005Eh, a lot of websites tend to lock down when lc or the farms get ahold of them (both of which happened in this case).
Not a big deal,
nonnie. We'll just have to wait for ProDick's Dick Shot Extravaganza to hit the fan and start producing milk.
No. 1714049
>>1713831I don’t get it either. He’s not attractive in the slightest, and him acting like a teenager on his Instagram when in reality he’s pushing 40 makes it even worse.
>>1713874I’m wondering who gets custody of SadOldSimp lmao.
No. 1714194
File: 1669771662012.jpeg (291.69 KB, 828x1251, 9E4F3776-75A5-4854-978E-3C3264…)
I don’t think I’ve seen anything as awkward as this reel in some time, yeesh.
No. 1714214
File: 1669773159610.png (818.83 KB, 509x856, 03489579342.png)
>>1714194He didn't do a very good job censoring the street sign. If you refresh the clip it's right there plain as day with no sticker over it.
No. 1714226
>>1714214That’s freaking hilarious. Now let’s see if the non-existent throngs of ladies are going to be throwing themselves at him now that they know where to go kek.
My next question is how is he affording rent at these million dollar townhomes? He’s got to have a roommate or something. Unless he just happened to save up so much money living rent-free at Hoelly’s the past couple of years.
No. 1714265
>>1714194i'm sorry but what do these people even do? run a low-tier youtube channel? have a now-defunct podcast and sell products where half the art was made by someone else?
it just boggles the mind that these people probably spend 10-15 hours a week working and can afford a lifestyle in one of the most expensive cities in the country in what appear to be nice areas, and yet holly still wants to complain about not having enough money???? girl maybe stop being terminally online and put that time and effort back into your business.
No. 1714318
>>1714237 He took down the reel kek. If you look at his other Insta pics that are from his residence, you can see it matches up pretty well to the background of where he’s at, so I think it’s safe to say he does live there. Still wondering how he affords to live there if he doesn’t have any roommates.
For someone who edits videos/photos as their job, you’d think he would have figured out how to make sure the street sign stayed hidden in the video.
No. 1714368
File: 1669788161354.png (433.58 KB, 550x806, chrome_mKexlFoOh3.png)
found an interesting reply on holly's private twitter
either this is bait or something happened
No. 1714373
>>1714368That's already been discussed here,
nonnie - like, less than a week ago.
No. 1714379
>>1714373the second reply has not, just the top reply about someone kissing a girl and thinking it would be fine
>>1707059i added the first reply for context
No. 1714402
File: 1669793307166.png (258.79 KB, 360x524, raerae.png)
>>1712851>>1712617Rae Rae uses "brother" to refer to her male friends. This is the guy on her Twitter banner
No. 1714408
File: 1669794768300.png (820.44 KB, 1004x864, lillate.png)
>>1714318He reuploaded it, but with a proper censor on the street sign this time. Either someone cowtipped him or he's lurking maybe?
No. 1714447
>>1714408Aww they're all probably lurking. Holly, Jared, SadOldMan. Seeing who is winning the cow war.
It's still Heidi.
No. 1714524
>>1714522Nah, it's bait.
>>1714368I'm shocked Caroline didn't threaten to violent beat anyone this time
No. 1714564
>>1714466Yeah, that figures. Narcs hate it when their therapists figure out they're full of shit and start making them actually work on themselves instead of wallowing in victimhood. They tend to drop that one and move on to a new one so they can keep saying "SEE? I GO TO THERAPY, I'M PUTTING IN THE WORK" but not have to actually face any of their own issues.
Slight blogpost but this happened when my dad went to therapy as well. As soon as the therapist started to see he wasn't just a reasonable, victimized man being held hostage by his crazy wife and daughter he stopped going.
No. 1714582
>>1714490You lose them how you get them.
It would be so poetic if a few months from now, Jared releases a one-sided statement about their super amicable mutually agreed upon breakup and Holly responds by airing all his dirty cheating laundry. Normally I’d think anyone would have too much self-awareness for that but he’s currently proving he’s stupid enough to repeat his worst mistakes and she wouldn’t be able to pass on an opportunity to remind everyone how pitiable she is. Unfortunately Jared was never public about their relationship so it’s more likely that he’ll move on quietly and pretend it never happened. Maybe Holly will be the one to release the statement this time.
No. 1714595
>>1707071This honestly makes me sad for this girl, because it's clear she is about to become a
victim of abuse once again unless she can somehow see who Jared really is. Jared's kind of abuse is insidious and long-term, so during the lovebombing stage he'll probably seem like such a 'nice guy' in comparison to her ex. He'll present himself as someone who understands what it's like to be abused and therefore can't be an abuser himself, even though the exact opposite is true. People who have been subject to abuse are more likely to get sucked into another
abusive relationship, which makes her an easy target for Jared. I hope someone in her life can tell her to avoid a relationship with him, but she seems to already be somewhat socially isolated.
>>1714368If they are talking about Jared, it wouldn't surprise me if he tried to kiss the Heidi 2.0 girl at the convention and that's why things were weird between them for a while afterwards. But it's probably not that because of the college educated comment from SOM on the same post.
No. 1714600
File: 1669823989295.png (118.9 KB, 1080x862, Screenshot_20221129-221319~2.p…)
>>1713253Also, if these were posted around the same time, then I'd say he's giving the idea of selling his nudes serious thought. The man has such an embarrassing lack of self-awareness it's hard to watch.
No. 1714606
>>1714586Y'know I was thinking about this today and got really mad about because even if Holly is being 100% truthful in every sense of the word here, that Ross raped her every 3 days even if she cried or just laid there being "used", which I still feel is unlikely in that exact context… Even IF thats the case, because of her past behavior and her inability to put her money where her mouth is on it, moids are going to make her the posterchild of "she's lying for the attention" when they want to discredit SA
victims. And frankly because of how flippant she is with other
victims and how supportive she is of other abusers, its going to be difficult for those that do believe her to feel a ton of sympathy since she only thinks its real when it happens to her. She's literally done more damage to rape
victims than if she'd just been publicly quiet about this and sought justice through legal avenues. Which I doubt she'll do, because what she's alleging is hard for either side to prove or disprove especially this far down the line.
No. 1714609
>>1714606She knows, she just doesn't care. In true narc fashion, the only one who matters in Heauxlly's eyes is Heauxlly (and her birds).
That's just it though,
nonnie. You can't wait three years to claim rape because by the 3 year mark, there's no evidence of that happening (barring any texts where Ross may or may not have admitted to it); However, she just handed Ross a libel case wrapped up in a bow.
No. 1714619
>>1714616Exactly like that. ProWorm phrases things with just enough plausible deniability that he can always claim that people are reading too far into it, but anyone who's actually paying attention can smell the pattern a mile away.
One of my favorite movies is "Speed" w/ Keanu Reeves - in it, the captain says "Crazy, not stupid" and I feel like that fits ProDick pretty well. He's crazy, but ultimately, not entirely stupid.
No. 1714649
>>1714606i agree with pretty much all of this right up until legal avenues. it’s like you said, it’s very hard and often times impossible to prove. anons up thread keep saying “go to the police!!” as if we didn’t just see what happened to heard.
but it’s annoying because holly has effectively told
victims to do just that, the impossible, and to shut up online. i think women should be allowed to out moids publicly, it’s just fucked up that she thinks she’s the only one allowed to do it.
No. 1714734
File: 1669837922914.jpg (315.37 KB, 1729x1720, 1.JPG)
New fashion post