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No. 826388
Since Holly isn't associated with Game Grumps anymore, and DCA/ Waffle crew turned out to be filled with cows, I think they deserve their own separate thread.
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagementsJared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad:
>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>History of scamming and whining>Was married to Ross O'Donovan of Game Grumps fame>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread thoughAnna Prosser and Nathan Sharp
>Remaining members of the waffle crew>Their D&D characters also had an on-going romance>Meanwhile Anna was married to Geoff Robinson>Nathan was engaged to a well-known voice actress Cristina Vee>Nathan's engagement got suddenly called off at the same time as Anna stated she is divorcing>Cristina Vee tweeted (and deleted) few tweets that revealed that Nathan was cheating on her with Anna and also became instantly friendly with Heidi after she tweeted about Jared's infidelity. >All in all, these people who are in their 30s decided to ruin their marriages/engagement because of a D&D game romancePrevious thread (used to be Game Grumps general)
>>>/snow/820703If you are new, please read the rules/posting guide and lurk before posting: No. 826390
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No. 826391
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Holly pretending she's ~positive uwu softie~ again, while few days ago she literally called Heidi "unfixable"
No. 826393
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> Cristina Vee tweeted (and deleted) few tweets that revealed that Nathan was cheating on her with Anna and also became instantly friendly with Heidi after she tweeted about Jared's infidelity.
Does anyone have caps?
Sage because this is old, but I'm new to these people so I've been reading their old tweets. Seems Nate has always been shady? Also I wonder if fame was a factor in him perusing Vee, especially since it seems like all the DCA cast have bloated heads.
No. 826405
>>826400Seeing the other DCA members get called out for being cheaters will also get under her skin. She believes that they're all so justified in their delusional fictional romances.
All these people threw their real life partners in the trash just to feel special roleplaying romance for an audience.
And Holly is a milky cow. Let it flow!
No. 826421
>>826417The only real grump involved is Ross and he's told this drama to fuck off since he's only related to it by proxy.
I think it should have been a Projared thread. The only reason Holly is shat on is because she's constantly uwuing on twitter about the situation. I really don't care of the entire wafflecrew cheated because cheating isn't enough to warrant cow or even snowflake status. You have to be an egregious and repeat offender.
Well thanks for making the thread anyways, OP. No one was making it and I had one in the works but I suck at making new threads.
>>826418As I said earlier, we should totally just make it a projared thread. That way Holly is only being acknowledge based off of who she's fucking or not in the case of Ross.
No. 826425
>>826421I guess we’ll just retitle it on the next thread. That said, I think cheating based off your D&D campaign is pretty milky in itself. Also I think there’s more to the Nate/Cristina business since she keeps deleting tweets alluding to this. Considering Jared wanted Heidi to sign an NDA, do you think Nate did that to Cristina?
(btw not OP)
No. 826430
>>826425Well it is interesting because it's related to projared and hilarious because they're all living their D&D ships which is really, really sad. But as anon said, it'll probably dry out, but we can spend this thread enjoying any potential milk that might come out of DCA.
>>826429Especially because she constantly targets Heidi then says "LOOK WHO IS BEING VINDICTIVE WHO IS TRYING TO HURT." She seriously uses
victim terminology and articles to give her ammo to not only victimize others, but herself. It's like a tweet in the last thread where she learned the word "unjustified guilt" or something and she seemed to run wild with it. She definitely tries clever tactics to get away with acting like an asshole, but her execution of it is sloppy since she's 13 year old girl mentally.
No. 826431
>>826425Nate is actually a LOT more famous and wealthy than Jared. Cristina is probably afraid of legal action from him.
Geoff seems like a softie who would rather take the blow than call out Anna for hurting him.
Can we appreciate that Nate and Anna are supposed to appear on a DIFFERENT D&D live show (with their same characters) called "Hell Hath No Fury"? Fucking irony
No. 826432
>>826431Wasn't Nate just an engagement? That doesn't have the same legal contract implications as going through with a marriage then divorcing.
>Hell Hath No FuryKek. Anyways, at least I've heard good stuff about their characters. Jared was boring as fuck and Holly was one a terrible player.
No. 826433
>>826340this is why I want to know when they
actually filed for divorce. if they filed in February right when Holly told Ross she never felt anything for him but she worships the worm's cock now, why would he still be asking her to snuggle in July? makes me believe they announced their divorce in October when Ross found something out that made him finally pull the plug.
they lived in LA before the divorce? or WA state? I've never looked through public records before but I'd really like to gain some insight into the timeline of their marriage legally ending. It just seems so shady to me, and if it didn't end in February or
maybe March, I think that pretty much confirms at least an emotional affair.
No. 826435
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>>826433samefag/doublepost but OH SHIT they didn't even file for divorce until THIS JANUARY No. 826437
>>826431>Nate and Anna are supposed to appear on a DIFFERENT D&D live show (with their same characters) called "Hell Hath No Fury"? Fucking ironyfucking kek
Did not know that Nate was that famous, I feel bad for Cristina. I used to watch Geoff back on Swan Song/whatever the first RollPlay campaign was, and Anna on whatever the first Missclicks campaign was. They always brought each other up in super sappy ways when they were chatting with the rest of the crew, though Geoff brought up Anna's looks/being a former Miss Oregon A LOT which was cringey, but still what a dick move on Anna's part. I remember her thanking him for being such a good husband and roleplayer at the end of one episode randomly and it made me gag a bit it was so cheesy and cutesy, how the hell did she move on top hopping on Nate's engaged dick?
No. 826445
>>826439Denica should be payed. That shit is loony the way she stans for Holly.
>>826435Fascinating. I wonder if Ross tried to go the Heidi route and suggested counseling but was shut down by Holly. It would probably make sense why she was so angry at Heidi for not "letting" Jared leave her. Jared agreed and Holly did not.
No. 826446
>>826439or Holly saying she never cheated on Ross, while legally she is still committing adultery
right now (assuming the ProBoner hasn't replaced her yet) because the divorce isn't final.
this just raises more questions though lol if they announced their divorce publicly in October, why wait until January to file? was Ross still hopeful or something?
No. 826450
>>826445This is something that gets me. Jared is wording it as “attempted to leave,” but it really sounds like, if it “began” in October 2018, that was the first time they considered divorce.
My parents “considered” divorce for 3 years before they finally did. Sage for blogposting, but most people take awhile before they decide to get a divorce, and bringing up “hey maybe we should” even if you have already mentally checked out of the relationship, doesn’t count as a breakup if you’re agreeing to continued therapy.
Anyway, yeah. It sounds like Holly was able to tell Ross “hey I never loved you actually and I really love Jared. If you care about me, you’ll let me sell the house and run off to Washington to be with him!” Meanwhile, Jared cannot play that card, cuz he never claimed to be asexual and they, at some point, had a real fucking marriage worthy of trying to preserve.
That said, Heidi dodged a bullet. Rather get cheated on and be done with my husband for months before I found out he’s a gross pedo than feel loyal to him and try to help him through this “difficult time.”
No. 826455
>>826452>tumblr will turn everything aroundFunny because Tumblr was Holly's primary target for pandering, users there saw through her manipulative shit and have turned away against her.
Outside of few dozen of her loyal loony fans like Denica, the only ones who support her are incels lmao
No. 826461
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No. 826465
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Someone tipped the cow but she hasn't sperged out about it yet. Probably trying to figure out who the anon is.
No. 826470
>>826465Ugh I wish they wouldn’t bring this into twitter. I doubt Ross will see it there, but I don’t want her to take it to him now that it’s branches out of lolcow.
I know they were at least in semiregular contact around January (for obvious reasons) and I wouldn’t be surprised if she cries to him about it.
No. 826476
>>826435Okay, there it is. this proves Holly divorced her husband
only after it was finalized that JARED was going to divorce his wife. some strong tinfoiling here but it makes me wonder if she was keeping him around to be able to return to as a plan Z, seeing how her and jared's affair had been going on for 11 fucking months at the date of her divorce with no assurance/action from
his side.
No. 826483
>>826471I’m honestly not sure she really wants the “truth” out. Her truth? Sure. But I feel like Heidi’s sitting on dynamite with their text history. Holly probably doesn’t see it that way because she’s so warped that she thinks everything she does is justified, but we’ve seen the awful shit she’s willing to say publicly already…
But as hilarious as it would be to see people tearing Holly to shreds over that, Heidi has pretty much shown herself superior by keeping shit like that to herself while Holly foamed at the mouth and spewed her “proof” everywhere.
No. 826493
>>826433Holly and Ross lived together in LA, in a house that Holly inherited from her grandfather. She sold it specifically to move to Washington to be with Jared. She followed Jared across the country while he was still "happily married" in the public eye and assuring his wife that everything was fine.
So Ross lost his wife and his home in one fell swoop, just because Holly got hungry for wormdick. And Heidi had to watch Holly desperately follow Jared across state lines, probably aware of why.
No. 826512
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>>826450You will love this then..
According to Holly’s minion, Holly decided to divorce the minute she first found out Jared wanted to bone her, and waited the exact legal amount of time before divorcing.
Which implies Holly and Ross weren’t an official item between Feb- Sept? I dont think so Denica… Ross AND Holly posted plenty from Feb to their divorce in September implying they were happy and monogamous.
I mean Ross’ tweet repeating “my wife mt wife my wife” ?
Holly cheated on Ross. Maybe just emotionally, but she did.
No. 826517
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impressive how fast she made it about her.
No. 826520
>>826517Shes disgusting for this. Was Etika ever even cancelled?
She sure twisted the narrative to her.
No. 826526
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>>826520To my knowledge he was never canceled, people were
worried about him because he was posting things implying he wanted to commit suicide. He had a mental breakdown due to untreated mental illness not cancel culture. Holly is a dick for making it about her and her dumbass drama.
No. 826528
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No. 826530
>>826526Pretty much this
Holly just making it all about her per usual
Next tweet she’ll casually mention her mom yet again
No. 826534
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>>826528I can’t wait to see people call her out for making someone’s death all about her.
No. 826536
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>"For research"
If that's what you want to call it…
No. 826537
>>826528Says the same person calling Heidi
abusive and unfixable. She’s such a narcissistic hypocrite.
No. 826538
>>826536maybe dont destroy your marriage and another. u can do better.
she literally thinks shes her oc, i fucking cant
No. 826540
>>826536Oh dear god. This bitch would spin this as “I AM ACTUALLY A WITCH WHO KNOWS MAGIC AND THESE ARE 2019 SALEM WITCH TRIALS”
No Holly. You’re a cheater and were exposed. That is all.
No. 826543
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>>826388Heidi and Ross show more tact than their exs ever could
No. 826553
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>>826548Not only that, Heidi spoke out against cancel culture immediately after the whole thing went public.
Holly is obsessed with hurting Heidi, not the other way around
No. 826558
>>826547>>826536>>826528>>826517Holy shit holly is literally fucking vile
>I’m not doing this for sympathyYes! Yes you are! You literally took a mans suicide and made it about yourself. You didn’t express your condolences first, you spoke about your situation and didn’t even mention him until much later. Stop posting, stop trying to make yourself out to be a good person when you clearly aren’t you self obsessed goblin. Just stop. This shit grinds my fucking gears.
No. 826562
>>826558She's autistic. She must be. "BUT I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP AND HEAL" Uses it as an opportunity to post the hate mail (that Heidi and everyone involved, even Ross I'm sure, has gotten), then when called out says it's about research. Research for Etika?
>>826547>I didn't know EtikaThen shut the fuck up and give condolences.
No. 826567
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These are the same people who use Chai's mental illnesses against him to prove Jared and Holly are innocent.
No. 826574
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Mostly been following the Holly/Jared drama but now that people have pointed out how the rest of DCA is its own clown show and I've been catching up on the rest of them. Just noticed that Anna was still using her "wifey" name when addressing the DCA fans on reddit (her ex's handle when he was a pro SC player was iNcontroL, she used uNcontroLable).
Not significant, being too lazy to make a new account after the divorce isn't creamy in itself, just thought it was funny. She rode his coattails into the Esports arena and later on into celeb tabletop, and it really fucking shows.
No. 826575
>Now forgive meForgiveness is earned, not granted. This is why you
still feel guilty, even after people like Pewdiepie, Keemstar, & TheRewiredSoul deemed you 'innocent'. You know in your heart what you did. No WK can vouch for that.
No. 826585
>>826536I don't get it, who did she save?
>I saved them, hundreds of themShe's sounding more and more like Onision these days…
No. 826586
>>826432I've watched them play a few times and most recently in January. To be honest, Nate's character is pretty funny and Anna's as well. Their characters are memorable while Holly and Jared's are forgettable. Jared's character even looks hella bland like Great Value Adventurer™.
PedoJared is trying to stage his comeback by getting the girls who spoke out about him to change their tune so he can make a "clean" break back into the public eye. He's already going back to cons even though he's not wanted there and will probably end up getting the shit beat out of him.
>>826435>I didn't cheat! We were already divorced!>He didn't cheat! He was already divorced!They were both unfaithful assholes to their spouses in the end, just like the majority of people believed.
>>826461You cheated, lied, keep lying, and your birdtoy is caught up in a child porn investigation.
That is why you two can't go back to playing for a company that doesn't like drama.
>>826470You can tell they're a newfag because they're cowtipping and doing it badly.
No. 826593
>>826517>I have a good support system and concerned and caring friendsUtter bullshit. If she had those things, there would have been no way in hell she would have lost her mind on Twitter for a whole fucking month.
>>826531>>826528>>826534You mean being in the public eye, lying to make yourself look good and sleeping around on not just a person, but a good person, will get you a bunch of angry fans? Say it ain't so!
>>826538She seriously needs professional help for a long period of time, not just a few days. She genuinely thinks that she's Strix and PedoJared is Dickath.
>>826548A lot of her issues would go away if she just admits to being fucked up and fucking up. Trying to make someone's recent suicide about her just makes her 100% more vile.
No. 826595
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No. 826596
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No. 826599
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Victim complexes are a helluva drug.
No. 826603
>>826597Watch her now reply
>How is it shitty that I ask people to be kind? How? I don’t understand! UvUto every post ad nauseam
No. 826604
>>826595Can someone please call her out on how she publicly went on and on about how Heidi was
abusive, unfixable and how she constantly attempted to character assassinate her and why we’re not buying this “we need to be kind” bs from her when she can’t even apologize for what she said about Heidi?
She is really dense.
(encouraging cowtipping) No. 826606
>>826599She is insane levels of manipulative.
1) Dismiss criticism with a "no"
2) Make it out like you're being attacked
I wonder how happy Ross's friends and family are that this vile creature is out of his life?
No. 826612
>>826595>>826596>clown emoji drove him to suicide>you guys keep sending me clown emoji too, bewaremy fucking god, i had no idea this woman could be this abhorrent. someone died and all she had to say was "you should hope you internet mob don't drive MEEEE to it" in a million fucking words.
i hope people can stop calling her sick in the head or autistic or whatever, this is the work of a supremely fucked individual and no sickness will ever touch this
No. 826615
>>826595>>826596“He was being spammed with clown emojis just like me!!!!!!”
…is she really using this as an argument to make this about herself..jesus christ
No. 826618
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oh this bitch is so transparently baiting
No. 826622
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>"Also, Heidi has been consistently spreading lies about Holly."Bitch where?
No. 826626
>>826622Literally the
last time Heidi even acknowledged Holly was
last month, after Holly accused her of being
No. 826630
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>"…and winning"
Ah yes, because it all about the 'winning team' amirite?
No. 826631
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Who is this weirdo?
No. 826636
>>826614Holly: Muh unique experience
Also Holly: His experience is the same as mine just look at the clown emojis!
Holy shit this girls mental gymnastics. Etika was not a
victim of cancel culture even the slightest bit. He was likely bipolar, not taking his meds, and sounds like he surrounded himself with awful people. There is nothing in common between Holly the sperg cheater and Etika fighting a losing battle with himself. The only thing they share is being known on the net and clown emojis.
No. 826637
>>826614Holly: Muh unique experience
Also Holly: His experience is the same as mine just look at the clown emojis!
Holy shit this girls mental gymnastics. Etika was not a
victim of cancel culture even the slightest bit. He was likely bipolar, not taking his meds, and sounds like he surrounded himself with awful people. There is nothing in common between Holly the sperg cheater and Etika fighting a losing battle with himself. The only thing they share is being known on the net and clown emojis.
No. 826646
>>826637sage for OT but Etika was very sick, likely not on or off his meds, cut himself off from helpful resources and supportive friends. His suicide has nothing to do with cancel culture or clown emojis. It had everything to do with his illness.
He needed to get help. Holly literally has no idea what the Etika situation really was, and is too busy sniffing her own asshole to see it’s not related to her situation at all.
No. 826648
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>>826622Ah, so Heidi is 100% responsible for the actions of her supporters.
Got it.
Tell ya what, Holly fans, try to keep that same energy before you continue to slander Heidi on Holly's behalf, okay?
No. 826649
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>>826648Okay Jessica Slater…
No. 826651
>>826517This is mind blowing. Even without clown emojis, etikas suicide would have happened all the same. He was very, very ill, she just had an affair they are so far from being the same thing.
The way she barely even mentioned him because she was too busy talking about herself, this is just so extremely offensive
>>826599I like that even prefaced with "I'm trying to say this as nicely as I can" she's instantly assuming this is a hater. She's that bad at taking criticism that she assumes anything negative is about her affair and beyond that she can do no wrong
No. 826654
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>>826649…Hey Jessica, you know what happens when someone brings Holly up to Heidi these days?
Nothing. Because Heidi said her piece & has moved on.
Holly on the other hand jumps at every opportunity to smear Heidi over
anything she can. You know who does that?
Guilty people.
No. 826660
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>>826435Thanks for this Anon! Was looking everywhere for a court date. You da real MVP.
Also, lets see what Holly was up to on the day her divorce was finalized..
No. 826665
>>826651Holly is framing it in a way that only suits her agenda. She doesn’t care that Etika died by suicide from his severe mental illness. She just sees this as him dying from clown emojis.
So much for being a mental health advocate.
No. 826676
>>826665For me that’s the disgusting part of it all
Holly could have used this as a chance to address mental health and stress how important it is to reach out for help like the way Ross did.
Instead she does not even offer condolences and makes it about her and cancel culture
No. 826680
>>826640Cancel culture is fucked up; most of the 'very online' assholes who rightfully get 'cancelled' are just pissed that they're on the receiving end. Note how they are silent about it at the least and active participants at worst before the cancellation.
>>826651At this point it's clear that Holly is unable to think about someone outside of the context of herself. She really does sound like Onision
No. 826691
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Holly: Can we choose some kindness?
Also Holly 10 minutes later: Heidi is still a vindictive and angry liar!
Okay there.. She's sperging right now about this Etika situation still and how it relates to her.
No. 826695
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definitely Heidi guiz!
No. 826704
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Just S T O P
No. 826706
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No. 826718
having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.
Since it's Holly's favorite word, what did she do to Heidi that makes Heidi want revenge?
She's literally choosing a word that means "wanting revenge" not "unjustified hatred"
No. 826722
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Ah yes, a true Mental-Health Warrior-for-Kindness would use a term such as "The Empathy Police"
No. 826724
>>826708The claims about Heidi's mental illness(es) are one of the most fucked up things Holly has done. As someone who claims to be mentally ill herself, she should know how hurtful it is to say someone is "unfixable." I can't think of a much crueler thing someone could say.
But Holly has been unable to admit she's done even a single thing wrong, which is telling enough that she's a shit human being. She can't even cop to a lesser mistake than breaking up a marriage, like the damaging words she's had for Heidi or the pain this situation undeniably caused her ex. She's really just such a bad person.
No. 826734
>>826724She only wants to keep pushing the idea of Heidi being some irredeemable harpy because she doesn’t want to admit that she fucked up.
Heidi isn’t a bad guy she was just angry and upset and had a shitty marriage, and Jared isn’t some shrinking violet you “saved.”
Holly needs to accept she did a bad thing, that she’s hurt people who aren’t bad people, apologize and move on. It’s so obnoxious how she keeps acting like Heidi is some bad guy.
Plus it’s Jared’s fault his career is ruined. His creepiness was going to leak out regardless of what Heidi said.
No. 826741
>>826736It’s honestly by the books BPD. She should really get offline and talk to an actual therapist about her issues instead of making things worse by being online.
She says she’d be happy working in a coffee shop again, so why doesn’t she.
No. 826749
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This guy fucking gets it. Glad people are calling her out for this shit, even her top replies are people shitting on her making this about her
No. 826751
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now her wk brigade is leaving their trail of shit comments on this person's tweet. They didn't even @ hollyconrad
Specifically he meant that Holly's statement was worse than darksydephil or boogie's
No. 826759
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lmao god this bitch is dense
No. 826760
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No. 826761
>>826759"No matter what you say, I'm still right and you're still wrong."
Can this bitch fall into a ditch already, holy shit she's infuriating. Your situation is not the same as Etika's and Heidi is not your mom. Stop projecting already, Holly.
No. 826762
>>826421I was the anon who suggested keeping it a GG thread, but you and other anons bring up good points so I relent. I do agree with making it a ProJared thread, however.
Ross doesn’t deserve to be connected to this.
No. 826766
>>826760I don't know anything about Etika so forgive me if I'm wrong, but from what I've gathered the clown emojis she's fixating on started happening after he was already in the middle of a breakdown. Like, he was showing signs of mental illness, so people made fun of him. And she thinks the part where people made fun of him is why he killed himself? Not the fucking mental illness that caused it in the first place?
She's beyond stupid and hypocritical. How about she focus on being kind to Heidi?
No. 826772
File: 1561514118887.png (83.72 KB, 627x664, RKx755w.png)

Love it whenever she brings out the "I'm sorry"
No. 826778
>>826760I really hope everyone just keeps piling on her shit to her. I cant believe she still hasn't apologized for anything but doubling down that shes in the right
No. 826779
File: 1561514521844.png (131.9 KB, 567x922, stiqdPd.png)

Holly's having a twitter meltdown and it's hard to keep up the screenshots. I don't know if I'm being too spammy.
No. 826782
File: 1561514676495.png (394.11 KB, 487x845, RpJ2CYQ.png)

Retweeting the "harassment" now
No. 826783
>>826779Then she shouldn't have said anything. She should have given her condolences and that's it. But nah, she's
still talking about it and has now made it into her own problem and refuses to see why despite his fans telling her to stop.
No. 826784
>>826779She really needs to relinquish her twitter to a friend, give them the okay to change the password, and then not get the password from them until she detoxes and goes to talk therapy for however many months she needs.
This is just sad.
No. 826785
It's not about the clown memes.
No. 826789
File: 1561514872584.png (173.06 KB, 1136x520, MEmeMEmeME.png)

>>>I just want people to be KIND! Except to vindictive abusers like Heidi. WHY ARE YOU ALL HARASSING ME? I just said to be kind to EVERYONE. (except people I don't like, don't agree with, who are mean to me, question my bullshit, or try to have my best interests at heart by telling me I need to log off and get help).
This level of hypocrisy is astounding.
No. 826791
File: 1561514885150.png (17.49 KB, 588x133, aX9dPAV.png)

No. 826792
File: 1561514974076.png (53.29 KB, 609x498, X5tqeTG.png)

>earning respect is such a waste right lol just BE KINDDDD
No. 826793
File: 1561515015590.png (147.88 KB, 720x1017, 20190625_220838.png)

>>826791Peep the one Etika 'fan' trying to defend her in the replies
No. 826797
>>826787It’s obvious she’s addicted and has no life outside of the internet. She really needs to get offline or at the very least put her Twitter back on private.
I get that she made her living off being an Internet personality, but honestly this isn’t worth it. Her WKs defending her don’t realize she needs to get off Twitter and stop being a public face for a few months if not longer.
No. 826807
>>826792I….what? Am I crazy now? The “earn kindness” remark seems fairly reasonable to me
As someone else pointed out, she really needs a friend to step in and tell her to stop
No. 826815
File: 1561515935250.jpeg (456.31 KB, 1125x1023, 5EA53594-D5AC-4A86-99FC-8E4BF4…)

>>826803Check who liked it. Holly blocked Heidi though so she can’t see the original hot take.
No. 826818
File: 1561516141743.jpg (354.45 KB, 1080x1097, Screenshot_20190625-192836_Twi…)

Well this is incredibly disappointing to see
No. 826824
File: 1561516518935.png (110.4 KB, 631x956, jwEKOQB.png)

Well thought-out responses from Ross
>>826807Well, it is. It's just ugly coming from Holly.
No. 826832
>>826829Of course it sets holly off
She doesn’t like the reminder of who she really is when she looks in the mirror
No. 826834
>>826830Don't forget "She's Unfixable"
But nah, Clownin Emojis are taking it too fast.
I'm calling Holly taking another vacation at the psych ward soon. She'll do anything at this point to make her story seem more legitimate to the masses.
No. 826835
File: 1561517432097.png (206.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190625-224427.png)

>>826815Of course she had to reply to this person's tweets with "Tell me why you think I'm so bad, uwu"
No. 826845
File: 1561517918230.jpeg (1.59 MB, 3840x2880, 0EF57B17-1CFB-4F7A-802F-32BD37…)

sorry for the alignment; I’m on mobile.
No. 826850
>>826845She followed Keemstar after he harassed Heidi & called her a liar.
That was ALL she needed to forgive him after he reduced her image to 'Side Ho'
No. 826852
File: 1561518622771.png (57.63 KB, 623x515, auhNeny.png)

>>826839The tweeting has stopped. She got assblasted so hard by twitter that she finally came around, with double I'm sorries.
No. 826854
File: 1561518738128.jpg (593.35 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190625-231053.jpg)

A cosplayer both Heidi and Ross follow weighing in on Holly being a piece of shit.
No. 826856
>>826852She thinks that if she just shits out empty "I'm sorry"s everyone owes her kindness and instant forgiveness
It all makes sense
No. 826862
>>826751And just when I thought Holly couldn't be any more scummy and reprehensible.
How is this woman 33 years old and acting like this???
No. 826867
File: 1561519643990.png (32.42 KB, 623x89, Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at 9.20…)

>>826854Not to get SJW or start up a convo about race, but the black community's statistics regarding untreated mental health issues could really stir up some shit with Holly's natural tumblr tendencies.
>>826862I'm seriously thinking she's autistic. Any normal person over the age of 14 would understand how she's coming off to people affected from Etika's suicide.
No. 826875
>>826866Etika repeatedly called himself a "bitch nigga" for having mental health issues and emotions. If Holly actually went to any of his socials you can see, while the man got hate recently for his mental break down, he wasn't being "swarmed with clown emojis" on every outlet. He was loved and there were many people reaching out and eventually trying to find him when he went missing. His brother died. Deal with mental health in the black community can make you feel alone and outcast.
She is arguing with grieving Etika fans, who actually followed him, and trying to tell them how they took her twitter posts were WRONG.
Why doesn't she practice the kindness she preaches and stop something that is clearly upsetting a shit ton of people.
No. 826882
>>826654>she only brings up Heidi when someone else doesand that makes it okay somehow? Her stans are an actual menace to society and equally as terrible a human beings as Holly herself.
>>826691Holly is honestly so fucking emotionally and mentally unstable right now. I would be terrified to be on her single white female "hurt feewings" hit list.
No. 826883
>>826881Oh god she is going to say she has a more
valid voice than the black community cause of her mom
Quote me on this when it happens…
No. 826889
>>826887Wasn't Keemstar the one who made that old man cry about false pedophile allegations, too?
Ironic, considering the man she's defending.
No. 826890
>>826883"My mom abused me and I went to the mental hospital because I wanted to kill myself! How can you all like and respect Etika and NOT ME?"
Just when we though the milk was drying up.
No. 826891
>>826883Anon she probably doesn't see race. Just hurt. Stop hurting people. Be kind!
But she seriously, she knew so little about Etika, she was probably excited to see how she could retell her plight after noticing clown emojis. Probably explains why she doesn't understand why people are infuriated since he wasn't really even affected by that and still largely loved by his fans.
>>826889Man, don't remind me about why I hate keemstar so much.
No. 826901
File: 1561521731814.png (89.8 KB, 720x540, 20190625_235914.png)

Something to consider…
No. 826903
File: 1561521669757.png (328.9 KB, 1360x1396, forfuckssakeholly.png)

If she's upset about not receiving ~*kindness*~ now she's really going to hate it the more people get a hold of it.
She finds the strangest hills to die on.
No. 826904
>>826876Ross doesn't follow Heidi back though.
Tinfoil: either holly pressured him into unfollowing her, or he just wants nothing to do with her at all because he sees that his own divorce was indirectly caused by Heidi opening her marriage.
No. 826907
File: 1561521937889.jpg (116.62 KB, 623x416, NnRSode.jpg)

A blue check bringing some sanity
No. 826908
>>826892I’m willing to bet that she didn’t do any digging beyond seeing him trending on twitter and finding out he killed himself. She probably saw that, probably confused him for someone else who was called out heavily, and thought this was her ticket to get everyone on her side.
Well, look where it got her.
Even if he had killed himself due to internet bullying like she originally claimed, the situations still aren’t comparable. She wrecked two marriages, attempted (and is still trying) to demonize Heidi for trying to stop her, and continues to be a shitty advocate for mental health, all of which she’s being called out for justifiably. She may have gotten a few death threats here and there, that’s the internet for you, but close to all of what I’ve seen (and believe me, I’ve seen a ton) has been only moderately-mean criticism, at the worst. Which is what she deserves for cheating with Jared and trying to claim it as “saving a
victim from an
abusive relationship”, what a vile thing to try to claim. If anyone has been truly bullied throughout all this, it’s Heidi, with the subreddits full of people attacking her and making up lies about her staging the underaged nudes thing, and Holly’s wks continuously harassing her.
Just when I thought I couldn’t hate this woman more…
No. 826909
I really hope an anon is archiving all her ridiculous tweets before tomorrow when she realizes how unhinged she is being and deletes them.
>>826792Has she really never heard of "pay it forward" or "you get what you give"? Really makes you wonder how Holly was raised…
>>826808The clown emoji is such a mild form of harassment comparatively and it really shows how easy she had it in the beginning before she started to flip a bitch on twitter and out her disgusting personality.
>>826824It's amazing to me that fucking Jessica Nigri has a more well thought out and mature response than holly. Also, can you imagine all of Holly's butthurt if Jessica was Ross' new secret girlfriend lol (even though she's probably not)
No. 826913
>>826909comparing the clown emoji spam to his suffering is SO fucking tone deaf, especially because Holly ACTIVELY SEEKS OUT hate to respond to and 'collect'.
If you actually want to stop seeing people be 'mean' to you, Holly, turn your fucking notifs to mutuals only. Stop obsessively searching your name and Jared's. Turn off comments on instagram. Ignore DM requests.
She won't, though, because she has a gigantic
victim complex and nothing is ever her fault and she has absolutely no power to stop or limit the hate she sees you guys!!
No. 826914
File: 1561522755770.png (298.5 KB, 666x597, Screenshot_22.png)

Guess who else Holly follows?
No. 826920
File: 1561524370036.png (163.89 KB, 720x971, 20190626_004238.png)

>>826907Ooooh, someone's butthurt that a blue check told Holly off!
No. 826924
File: 1561525520684.png (48.73 KB, 623x499, Screenshot_23.png)

Another blue check enters the fray
No. 826926
File: 1561525985959.jpeg (153.62 KB, 750x456, 394B23E0-27CB-4BC1-BA2D-CE59E4…)

>>826751>I’m using my experience to show>How am I making this about me?The clue is in the tweet, Holey
No. 826928
>>826883If it wasn't so tragic I would be laughing right now about this birb fwend being racist by ignorance and by inserting herself into the narrative of the suicide of a young black man she has fucked up on Twitter more than she ever has before
If I was her I’d delete my Twitter right now because now she's going to be dragged for real
I don't think she even has a clue how badly she screwed herself over with this because she probably considers herself woke
No. 826929
File: 1561526626597.png (155.68 KB, 584x430, sure jan.png)

No. 826930
People like Holly are the reason why so many white women are self-loathing lol
>>826929too little, too late in true holly fashion.
No. 826931
>>826929"I deserve to be shamed."
Is there… ever a time when this bitch isn't trying to manipulate her followers? Like does she ever stop?
No. 826934
>>826929i mean if someone points this out to her, i'm sure she's going to return with a volley of "I can't do anything right!!! What do you want from me!!!" but by
god that is not how you apologize. saying "i deserve to be shamed" means she is STILL more concerned with the supposed hate she's getting, rather than reflecting on what she DID.
i am utterly disgusted.
No. 826935
>>826931Right? She's so predictable and couldn't sound sincere if she tried.
Honestly at this point there's not much she could say to make herself look legitimately remorseful. It would take a spectacular apology to undo the damage but even then, she's shown her and nobody has any reason to believe she's a decent person.
No. 826936
>>826931I was just typing that out. What? Without that seemingly sarcastic remark the rest would be somewhat fine if not, lacking…
Sounds forced only because of how hard she went. I wonder why the sudden tone shift? She can't handle the black community? Or maybe it was KF turning on her. I shake my head all this nonsense. That poor guy lost his life and this is the clown show we're reading about. I wish for the twitter god to send all of Etika's clown emojis he received to Holly.
>>826933>>826934AAAANNNNND that's what she did. Pathetic.
No. 826941
>>826939Yes, but in this instance it looks like she's so insanely passive aggressive that it warps into self flagellation.
Meanwhile 13 year olds always use the argument "I CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT. I'M WRONG OKAY. I'M A MISTAKE."
No. 826942
>>826929>>826933Playing the
victim yet again. She’s constantly trying to manipulate the public with her fake apologies and passive aggressive tweets/responses
No. 826944
File: 1561527571512.png (790.09 KB, 609x5025, screencapture-twitter-HollyCon…)

Screencaptured what I could but I'm not sure how much or what she deleted.
No. 826953
File: 1561527889014.jpeg (908.62 KB, 1242x1912, FF71B229-802F-4E21-9C1A-28A4D5…)

No. 826963
File: 1561528353732.jpeg (395.67 KB, 750x742, 54A7F657-923F-498B-8C5B-8901B0…)

>>826932>MFW I realize Ross was the only thing close to a conscience she had, she probably still lurks his stuff to parrot those aspects of himShe's hitting that backpedal hard but still going, ”There is nothing I can do….but I can do this, the bare minimum…reposting this image I grabbed from lolcow of a Ross tweet that I cropped to remove his name from…..and I’m sorry you think that and I’m sorry you feel that way. What else can I do?”
Too late though
>Failed tact roll>Failed sympathy roll>Failed mental health advocate rollRoll for tweeting ”Maybe it’d be better if I was just gone”, Holly
No. 826965
File: 1561528561878.jpeg (271.72 KB, 640x763, 8E6E096E-3291-4087-8F5F-609523…)

“i tried to delete as many as i could” wtf bitch just delete them all?
holly STILL has tweets up comparing herself to etika that she didn’t bother to delete, like the clown emojis kill ppl one lmao
and the tweet publicly insulting heidi while in the same breath saying to be kind and not bully anyone
No. 826967
>>826966she probably doesn't actually have any genuine friends. Anyone who's smart enough would have chosen Ross if they had any mutual friends. All of her friends are probably into the same "uwu
victim" shit she is, so they wouldn't see any reason why she should stop.
What a miserable life she must lead
No. 826968
>>826965>I want to show I was wrongIt's called apologizing without inserting some self
victim statement into it
It's saying, ”I was wrong and I fucked up, don't defend me for this one” or ANYTHING
Even silence would be better
She's so goddamn messy
Really makes you believe in karma
No. 826971
>>826963Holly has been suicide baiting ever since the scandal broke and she went on her adulterer retreat (mental hospital vacation)
Now Holly is vicariously threatening and committing suicide with someone else’s death, insinuating with her very first tweet about his suicide, that it could have been her and could still be her. Instead of giving condolences to a man who was found dead in a river today, that came after several paragraphs of her self-victimization. This is so fucking disgusting
No. 826975
>>826966It's amazing how she threw away someone who would be there for her through anything for a worm who's hiding away "reminiscing" with other women he fucked.
At this point it's not even all that funny anymore, it's the same shit over and over. Heidi has moved on, so has Ross and very clearly Jared. It's so sad she'd rather cling to all this negativity than accept reality, she could salvage the fans she somehow still has and do something better. But then she can't be the
No. 826977
File: 1561530051377.png (406.36 KB, 1080x998, Screenshot_20190626-161805~2.p…)

it's heartening to see that at least Tumblr thinks she's a fucking clown. most of the comments are destroying her. No. 826978
>>826975I have a theory that the only reason she fell for Jared is because she was so excited by the fact that a man would somehow choose her over his beautiful wife. She was in love with the idea of being the "weird girl" who finally beats the "pretty girl" she always detested. Except the "pretty girl" still won in the end because she doesn't have to be married to an neglectful
abusive pervert anymore.
No. 826979
File: 1561530103097.png (57.12 KB, 630x520, wow an actual apology.png)

No. 826985
File: 1561530558282.gif (553.23 KB, 220x150, E0EB5C21-5082-4D8E-81A2-CFE451…)

>>826977Oh she's cooked, Holly is going to have racist attached to her name regardless now of whether it’s because of her lack of understanding how stigmatized mental illness is for a young black man or because Tumblr users want to use her to virtue signal for SJW points
The community she relied on has turned on her, its gonna come in a wave
No. 826989
>>826975I agree with you that Jared has moved on
Heck that other girl he was grooming on reddit (assuming she’s real) is probably his way out of dealing with holly
No. 826990
>>826388Actually came to this thread because I saw Holly absolutely melting down in the worst way regarding the Etika situation on Twitter and noticed there was some info in here regarding Anna and Nate. Now… I know that everything is super milky right now with Holly being her usual tone-deaf
victim complex self… but I happen to fall into the outer circles of Nate, Anna, and Cristina's lives (that don't involve DCA) and I can confirm that Nate and Cristina's split has nothing to do with Anna and instead has to do with the Cristina/Nate engagement and relationship mostly being a really rushed and forced rebound after his split from Morgan . I wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm FRIENDS with anyone involved; but definitely close enough to the situations (when the started AND ended) to know that Nate didn't cheat on Morgan with Cristina and didn't cheat on Cristina with Anna.
Anna's relationship ending, however, could be loosely tied with some un-publicized JEALOUSY regarding Nate and Anna's characters being romantically involved. Though I wouldn't go as far as to say it's the direct cause. I can also say with relative confidence that Nate (and Anna) was not a fan of the relationship between Jared and Holly and voluntarily distanced himself as quickly as possible when this all started to go public. As far as I know, both he AND Cristina happened to side with Heidi after the Jared/Holly news went public. I think Anna wanted to stay somewhat off the radar regarding all of it so that rumors surrounding her divorce wouldn't get tied to the whole thing.
No. 826994
>>826979>>826954>>826929Why is Holly's favorite phrase 'i'm sorry' ? Does she think by saying that it magically makes everything okay? Her 'im sorry' arent genuine at all. She's so fucking fake and loves to play
No. 826995
>>826979I love how this is the bare minimum, and what she should have said to begin with, but for Holly it’s an improvement lmfao
Obviously she’s just backtracking and covering her ass because she can’t win. Now everyone is against this
abusive narc, it gave her more publicity and critics than the PedoJared scandal and she keeps digging her hole even deeper
No. 826998
File: 1561531662528.jpeg (765.09 KB, 1125x1784, A2B10B79-4588-4DD3-852B-19BCBA…)

No. 827002
>>826998And there we have it ladies and gentlemen. The moment we have all been waiting for.
“I’m mentally ill, sorry uwu”
No. 827003
>>826993What better does she have to do though?
Her relationship with Jared if it continues will mostly be online or through text if at all, she won’t have anything at all but a fantasy world that is getting creepier the older she gets. She should log off and find local D&D groups to be an energy vampire in or quietly LARP like other quieter nerds. Office affairs don’t last, and she’s really bringing down the already sinking rep of her ”office” deeper each day
No. 827009
>>827006If her stans are actual abuse
victims like they claim it could be that they’re addicted to gaslighting, unstable personalities like Holly’s
No. 827012
File: 1561532461988.png (280.46 KB, 582x863, Breakup_Tweet2018.PNG)

>>826992When? As far as everything I've seen behind the scenes, this statement released by the two of them is very close to, if not exactly, the entire story.
No. 827013
File: 1561532570015.jpg (97.21 KB, 820x540, 35.JPG)

even lipstick alley has noticed her
No. 827015
>>827007I was wondering the same thing… You'd think Jared would be keeping her company, or trying to get her off the internet for a while.
Setting your entire career and life aflame for some guy that, I assume, isn't even brave enough to tell twitter to leave his girlfriend alone, yet takes the time to write to a one night stand is very telling..
No. 827018
File: 1561532806537.jpg (50.26 KB, 536x497, f.JPG)

i'm glad she is getting stomped on and her WKs can't control the echo chamber anymore
maybe if they didn't constantly asspat her and act like her guard dogs, maybe she would've have shut up sooner before she fucked up even more
No. 827021
File: 1561532948541.jpg (40.2 KB, 556x338, fg.JPG)

wk brigade rekt
No. 827025
File: 1561533273117.jpeg (352.37 KB, 750x766, DCF994DD-8E56-4BFA-8768-725395…)

>>827018Oh so it throwback Thursday already?
No. 827041
>>827007Of course not. She would be with him now if they were. They would've gone to that con together, and she wouldn't be sperging on twitter for 8 hours a day like it's her job if she was getting the wormdick. Which makes it doubly hilarious that she was so desperate to pretend like that reddit chick and Jared "reminiscing" about their purely sexual history was innocent. She can't handle the truth, which is that Jared has no interest in committing to her or even fucking her again. She's outlived her usefulness, which was to be a stepping stone to escape his marriage and pretend he was a
victim. The illusion was shattered as soon as DCA broke up and there was no more Strix and Diath to LARP as.
No one who loved or cared about you would let you destroy yourself on twitter like this. He's content to sit back and let everyone hate Holly instead while he gets drama-free pussy from some other insecure chick.
No. 827044
>>826989I wonder if he has already started telling his other side pieces that Holly has also been aboosing him or if he’s saving that for later.
>>826994She does treat it as a magic spell, and part of her ‘evidence’ that Heidi is a bad person is that she rejected an apology for not being good enough. People are supposed to instantly forgive you once you say the magic words!
No. 827058
>>826845She keeps changing her story about the hospital. Did she go because she was thinking of self harming or was it suicidal ideation?
>>826933God I can't deal with her, she's such a manipulative
victim. This passive aggressive thing of "deserving to be shamed" is about as offensive as making his death about her to begin with. She's so loathsome
No. 827069
File: 1561541772833.jpg (180.25 KB, 1126x749, 2019-06-26_05-29-19.jpg)

>>827013If Holly had shut her mouth, accepted responsibility, and taken a break from social media like 90% of the comments told her to, it wouldn't be biting her in the ass now. This is what happens when you stubbornly refuse to accept the consequences of your actions.
No. 827081
File: 1561543520917.png (279.54 KB, 614x644, Holeythefool.png)

>>827080I started one too but I like yours
No. 827090
>>827087She still thinks everyone hates her gentle birbself for no real reason and that she is a
victim of a smear campaign.
I bet she is trying to ghrow witch curses on Heidi right now lol.
No. 827094
File: 1561545729885.png (13.02 KB, 508x129, vee001.PNG)

>>827012She did on her personal Facebook last week. I didn't take photos of the post since I was on mobile, but she does have up a post of her talking about how she deleted it.
I recall specifically her wording it in such a way that I felt, "Good for you" since it seemed to have really fucked up her self confidence.
No. 827098
File: 1561547320622.jpg (24.14 KB, 607x173, 2.JPG)

Caps from KF.
No. 827099
File: 1561547350457.jpg (517.39 KB, 1080x1598, 20190625_221050.jpg)

No. 827101
File: 1561547392679.png (81.63 KB, 629x741, 1561528056560.png)

No. 827103
File: 1561547480571.png (771.99 KB, 586x837, clown holly.png)

No. 827110
As a person whose black, I can confirm what that person said on PULL with what the black community faces with mental illnesses. Sadly, our community makes mental illness seems like "some white people shit", won't talk about family dysfunctions, depression, feeling suicidal, being molested, etc like EVER.
All that shit will get swept under the rug by the older gen that it isn't even funny, and when you start to lash out due to it they either brush it off and don't get you help, make it seem like you're just weird, talk shit about you and your mental health behind your back to the rest of the family, or all three.
They'll see you act out and don't do shit about it then wonder why you killed youself, which is why his death hits us so hard, and seeing Holly do this pisses me off to no end.
Like cancel culture didn't kill him, his mental illness and stigma we get with being mentally ill in the black community are what killed him. I'm glad that now my gen is starting to talk about it, but there's not a lot we can do to erase said stigma.(blog)
No. 827115
File: 1561548827313.png (56.42 KB, 590x632, AttentionNeeded.png)

Here's a screenshot from when she had pinned the clown tweet on her twitter.
No. 827118
>>827115If she'd just left it at that first tweet, it'd be fine. Express your condolences and move on. Okay.
But this bitch thinks a dead person who ultimately succumbed to his mental ilness is somehow… research materials for herself? And then she has the fucking gall to go on a tirade how It Is All About Me Me Me and how she's the real
victim here. I have no words.
Other people really are just things for you, huh, Holly? Not really real people at all.
Fuck this cow right in the ear.
No. 827120
File: 1561550209334.jpg (207.34 KB, 1440x1235, IMG_20190626_135301.jpg)

>>826965>“i tried to delete as many as i could” wtf bitch just delete them all? I figured it out. She deleted only those that were quoted in massively popular responses like pic related.
Those that weren't she kept them to keep her
victim image since she isn't truly remorseful.
Every single step this bitch makes is actually calculated to manipulate her audience. Too bad she's still dumb as fuck.
No. 827121
>>827120How very narcy, kek
She really is so textbook it's laughable. Or it would be if she wasn't shitting over a suicide
victim like a giant self-involved pigeon…
It's all about me! I'm the
victim here! I just don't know what you want from me! I'm innocent uwu! I don't understand the consequences of my actions despite being 33 years old!
The only good thing about narcissists like Holly is that they're too fucking stupid to realize how fucking stupid they really, really are. Works nicely with the inflated sense of self and absolutely no self-awareness or capacity for taking responsibility.
No. 827127
>>827122Yeah, "weird irony" is the carrying theme of this whole dumpster fire lol
Behold! Holly Conrad, self-appointed mental health advocate, demonizes her former friend as BPD and "unfixable"! Gasp from the crowd - what next? Why, making a man's suicide a platform for attention whoring because it was trending on Twitter! For the finale… well, we'll see, I'm sure the amazing Holly will think of
something! No. 827139
File: 1561551663296.jpg (446.27 KB, 1434x2345, IMG_20190626_141834.jpg)

>>827130I'm sorry Dorset, but turns out it was your granddaughter'ego after all>>827137I don't know if she's set for life but she's selling her grandpa's house for 1 million dollars which will at least make her live comfortably for some time
No. 827141
>>827139Oof…the amount of spinning this man must be doing in his grave could probably power a city block.
This man wished all the best for her and left her a house…only for her to be a complete bitch and sell said house just to be with some creepy dude who she left her own husband for.
No. 827145
File: 1561552739823.png (64.58 KB, 759x259, I'm sorry..png)

>>82699811/10 reaction image Holly. This should be edited into a cow banner with Heidi's tweets about her sending nudes to Jared and cheating etc faded in the background.
No. 827156
>>827141She’s the quintessential white girl. Rich white girl posturing herself as a poster child of mental health awareness, so much so she makes a young black man’s death all about HER struggle.
I’m glad she’s getting called out on this. It’s horrible and she needs a wake up call, though it’s obvious she’s not going to actually understand what she did wrong.
Poor Etika. I hope his friends and family are doing well in the face of a tragedy and don’t know anything about this Twitter mess.
No. 827159
>>827156>She’s the quintessential white girl. Rich white girl posturing herself as a poster child of mental health awareness, so much so she makes a young black man’s death all about HER struggle.Right. That kid isn't even in the ground yet but Holly just had to use his death for her own ends. Poor Little Rich White Girl indeed.
Nothing and no one will get through to her until she hits rock bottom, I think. Her WKs coddle and asspat her, and narc that she is she just thrives on the attention.
No. 827160
>>827012>>827158Agreed. I also know the people involved and there definitely was cheating on both sides (Nate AND Anna). Nate's statement even kinda hints that he's at fault, despite not sharing details.
The statement is extremely vague so claiming it as a "full story" makes no sense, even if you believe he didn't cheat.
No. 827162
>>827153You don’t need to post caps tbh
It’s just your typical
holly did nothing wrong uwu bs
No. 827175
>>827120shes more psychotic than i thought possible, holy shit
imagine the autism to find which were quoted and making sure to cover your tracks
No. 827178
File: 1561558743517.jpg (204.04 KB, 1395x1314, IMG_20190626_161640.jpg)

Imagine getting one of the most useless degrees because you love kiddy wizard books.
>inb4 Heidi is a Slytherin
No. 827182
File: 1561559205568.gif (2.01 MB, 300x313, 1410810879442.gif)

Placing bets this is all part of Holly's "research", her and Promomo are trying to make a documentary to prove how TOXIC the internet is and how they were totally witch hunted due to "wrong info" spread by the evil succubus abuser Heidi and they will paint Jared as a classic "overlooked male victim" and try to get MRAs on their side.
Except, Holly is so self absorbed she's now making it about herself being the biggest victim of them all when she wanted to spread LOVE and KInDnESS. It'll be called "I am not a clown, I am mentally ill." Boom Boom shake the room.
No. 827185
File: 1561559333032.jpg (45.89 KB, 942x570, 8y9n9ju1tm631.jpg)

Reddit has good memes sometimes
No. 827208
File: 1561562057202.png (73.53 KB, 597x429, 9E002EA5-F5D8-469A-8781-4A078D…)

Just want to repost for those who missed it.
Holly talking about her income has been halved because of her online drama.
Maybe don’t continue to make a clown of yourself online if you work online? She can believe whatever the fuck she wants and post it on her personal social medias, but its pathetic she’s blaming anyone but herself for her career crashing and burning so quickly.
No. 827213
>>827206I think she was trying to, what with her cosplay and DnD. She even talked about finishing some book that her and her high school friends started back then.
But DAMN her chances of any career after this just got Thanos-snapped because of her entirely unprofessional behavior. And it's even sadder because there are adults who started with less than she has that have applied themselves despite having useless degrees or not even finishing college/high school. Two big examples of that I can think off the top of my head are her former friends, Arin Hanson and Suzy Berhow. And if those two can make it then damn Holly you're fucking up real bad.
No. 827215
File: 1561562413670.jpg (180.07 KB, 560x373, 1555271002350.jpg)

>>826779I'm disgusted for her behavior, but the fact that she's now forever
triggered at the sight of clowns is absolutely hilarious. Developing ptsd and Coulrophobia because of a Twitter emoji… you can't make this shit up
No. 827217
>>826388>>827208Just noticed something about the way she talks:
>my income has been halved>more than halvedShe contradicts her first statement in the second by exaggerating it. If she's correcting herself, she could just delete the first sentence before posting the tweet. But she's not trying to post strictly accurate information, she's making a point of escalating her woes.
It's uh…Trump-esque
No. 827226 talked about this situation last month if you guys want a watch. (A bit difficult since he talked about his stay in the mental ward, and trash talked a friend that tried to help him..)
Something tells me Etika wouldn't appreciate Holly using him as a way to deflect criticism from herself.
(Embed YouTube) No. 827236
>>827217It's also all in passive voice. You know, things just happen to poor Holly! None of it has any connection whatsoever to her own obnoxiousness, her inability to be her own best friend, or even conduct herself like a civil adult online.
Holly, if your livelihood is online and tied to your online persona, you can only blame yourself if your income takes a hit when you show your ass like that and go off the fucking rails. This is the real world - no one is obliged to like you or buy your tacky, uninspired merch. And do not act like you're suddenly on foodstamps, Ms I Inherited a Million Dollar House from My Grandpa…
No. 827237
>>827225Might try making Strix: A romantic novel
aka Holly's self insert fanfiction
No. 827241
>>827237Hey, it worked for E L James, and a thousand flies can't be wrong. Shit is real real popular.
It's a more viable career option than trying to get a real job anyway. Imagine Ms Holly try to compete with the current workforce who's used to working two or three jobs just to survive lol. Although maybe she could make a killing cleaning restaurant grease traps or something, she obviously likes nasty wormy greasy things…
No. 827267
>>826791Is this bitch for real? The clown meme has to be the tamest, most innocent internet ""bullying"" meme ever existed, and she's having a mental breakdown over it? It's just clowns. They're not calling you an ugly bitch, a slut, or, as you said of other people, "unfixable and mentally ill". It's literally just a clown picture.
Holly has to be the biggest baby ever, with that thin skin.
>>826874Lmao, if black Twitter hops on the train, she's 100% gonna be nostalgic of those clown emojis…
>>826979Her "apologies" always sound so fake and empty. It's like she's reading a script. I don't believe a single word she says.
>>826998…Here we go.
>>827087For real, there's only kpoppies missing.
No. 827273
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>>827236Not to mention her Grandpa got her a job at Disney when she was first starting out. Which she either got dropped from when he died, or she left to pursue her dream of being some crust on Jared’s cock. You really did throw away everything because you finally hit puberty at 32, didn’t you Holly?
Also attached, more evidence of her richie rich upbringing.
No. 827283
>>827273Man she really pissed on her opportunities. Like was this not good enough for her or something?
I wish I could just get a job at Disney cause my family member was a legend animator or inherit a house from them though I’m glad Ross got the house in the divorce
No. 827297
File: 1561567711483.jpeg (866.63 KB, 1205x1538, E9DC5622-75A8-4049-B2CF-B32FB0…)

In other words, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”
She has learned nothing
No. 827307
File: 1561568117076.png (50.71 KB, 474x254, Capture _2019-06-26-11-54-14.p…)

Wouldn't be surprised if this guy is her "therapist".
No. 827313
>>827266And yet she cant comprehend why Heidi was upset enough to YELL and express EMOTION. How
The big meanie said FUCK YOU right to poor Jared’s face!
No. 827321
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No. 827340
File: 1561569806992.jpeg (343.74 KB, 1125x1765, 6CB21F5B-3C15-4792-A17A-DE3C37…)

Looks like Holly and her whiteknights are trying to get people’s accounts suspended for stupid shit
No. 827341
File: 1561569861685.jpeg (69.12 KB, 540x405, 90FA8E93-0F80-488D-8502-BEB210…)

Holly when she saw news of Etika on Twitter
No. 827355
>>827354Perfect, would vote for next thread pic
I would have added a first panel with homer driving pass the clown school ads
No. 827356
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>>827354Sorry fixed the head
No. 827367
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No. 827368
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>>827310Am I missing something, or are Ross and Holly technically still married? While their official date of separation is September 2018, California law has a 6 month waiting period from the date you FILE for divorce, not the date of legal separation. Holly filed on January 22, 2019, so their divorce can't be final until July 22nd, 2019, which is a month from now. The case even says it's still open.
The separation date is only used for the division of marital assets, as any earnings after that date are not considered communal property.
No. 827378
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>>827345there was this one time, one time where she managed to get a haircut that actually fits her and doesn't look like she uses bird shit as a hair gel but she changed it back to the ramona flowers tumblrina mess few days later for god knows what reason
No. 827388
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No. 827391
>>827368Six months before Jan 22 2019 was July 2018. Was anything milky happening around then or were Ross and Holly still acting like a couple on twitter around then?
Man Ross’ recent tweet about his mental struggles made me feel really bad for him. He mentioned one thing he’s struggled with was feeling invisible. I can only imagine how invisible he must have felt with Holly engrossed with Strix and Diath, D &D and going to cons to fuck Jared behind his back.
Even now he recently asked someone to help him learn how to become a Dungeon Master.
I wonder how often Holly ran her fan fiction past Ross?
I am SO glad he is out of that relationship.
No. 827394
>>827384I mean i think at the very least we can say Ross and Holly were feeling both emotionally that the divorce was finalized before they announced it, even if only slightly before.
I do feel like she emotionally cheated but in the grand scheme of things that’s the smallest thing she’s done that you could relate back to a normal ending of a relationship-rather than this mess.
Whatever happened behind scenes otherwise definitely kicked him while he was down, but then again he wasn’t from the US and had to navigate a divorce with Miss Martyr Complex. If Ross didn’t have connections he could have been in a much worse state.
No. 827400
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No. 827416
File: 1561576018182.jpeg (143.81 KB, 750x742, C9BCD356-539F-47C1-ADB3-A21E72…)

Holly just changed her twitter profile pic to a pigeon.
Guess she tires of seeing caps of her face next to her ignorance?
She must know this shit is spreading like wildfire.
No. 827430
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No. 827433
>>827416Does anyone find it weird she doesn’t list anything about her being a prop maker in her bio? It was her claim to fame during the Heroes of Cosplay/Commander Shep/Spurlock Documentary.
Looks like she went full retard for a streaming/D&D career and now her entire community hates her.
That whole karma thing sure sucks doesnt it Holly? Or is all this Heidi’s fault still?
No. 827439
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No. 827449
>>827439okay, wow, now i'm starting to feel kinda bad for this moron. i
would feel really bad if she showed the first genuine sign of remorse but right now it's just a "jesus she can't catch a break" kinda feeling.
i just know if she doesn't get off the internet right this instant she is going to have a very public and very damaging mental breakdown and i wouldn't wish that on anyone. holly log the fuck off, no amount of wormy dick is worth it
No. 827452
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No. 827458
File: 1561579157523.png (82.02 KB, 598x700, 123aq4572.png)

No. 827477
File: 1561579885510.jpg (263.26 KB, 534x810, hollysnewmarch.jpg)

>>827430I hope you don't mind an addition to your spectacular contribution anon.
No. 827500
>>827477>>827481Put the puppets on her hands since she wants to be the puppet master so badly.
And maybe a gold play button in the background?
No. 827503
>>827458She really does have NO friends whatsoever. Wow!
No. 827529
It feel bad for anyone who has to know this chick personally. She is definitely the type who throws out sorrys without ever changing her behaviour that caused the problem in the first place.
You can only say sorry so many times to someone before they stop caring. Bluejay looks close to that point
No. 827547
>>827456Holly’s “apologies” are passive aggressive & ingenuine. She’s forcing it just like she did to Heidi in those texts, when she said she was “abused” into apologizing.
That’s how Holly sees everyone, she believes her critics are abusing her into apologizing. She’s not sorry, she doesn’t even understand what she did wrong in the Etika and Jared situations. She’s just constantly saying it to perpetuate her
victim complex
No. 827552
>>827452God, what a fucking bitch.
You can tell she's never had to face consequences before in her life. "I'm sorry" was her get out of jail free until now.
No. 827560
>vicariously dying through someone else's suicidehit the nail on the head. this is why everyone is upset. holly will NEVER understand she did that
she made a mentally ill black man’s death all about herself on the day his body was found. holly used his suicide to threaten her own suicide and to tell everyone, it could’ve been her. disgusting
No. 827563
>>827560It’s more disgusting seeing how she yet again plays it off as “what did I do wrong?!!? Tell meeee”
Like why does few people call her out on that? How many times must she keep saying that?
No. 827564
File: 1561587382706.png (313.24 KB, 605x855, cypr012.png)

This TrueAfricanHero freak is the one who keeps spamming the heidingthetruth tumblr, even on Heidi's tweets. He's comes off as a blatant kiwifarms MRA, and Holly's WKs always side with his bullshit.
No. 827567
>>827566Ha what’s next holly?
“He said he was sorrrrry! Is he not allowed to work with people again or something?!”
No. 827574
>>827547Definitely.I also think to her it proves her "point" about being
unfairly witch hunted" like "look I was bullied into apologizing! This is my form of self harm boohoo wah I'm just too kind for this world!" shit. It's really fucking annoying to watch because I bet she thinks of herself as being deep* for doing so.
No. 827575
File: 1561588998671.jpg (109.77 KB, 675x1200, D7D3N0LVUAAaGM0.jpg)

>>827529a notable example of a Holly Apolly
No. 827600
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No. 827604
File: 1561593138953.png (60.44 KB, 622x597, hollys pussy is a puppet.png)

>>827500But Heidi stole her precious puppets!
No. 827609
File: 1561593716396.jpeg (871.9 KB, 1242x1725, 118A0D07-C5F4-41DA-89B1-22E3DE…)

Welp. She locked her account.
No. 827611
>>827158lol I literally said I wasn't close to her, our social circles just overlap quite a bit
However, I AM close to people who work with her on the TECHNICAL side of productions; to whom she's spoken with rather candidly about the breakup. So either those people are changing the story to protect her image, or she's straight up lied to them to save face to make is seem like she didn't get cheated on. Either way, if that IS true, then more power to her for reclaiming it and not allowing it to overtake her image. IIRC, Nate is significantly younger than her, so maybe she'll be able to chalk it up to immaturity.
As far as the accusations I see about Nate cheating on Morgan with Amanda; I know those are PATENTLY false because I am rather close with her new boyfriend and was there with that group at the convention that was going on while they were breaking up. Morgan got insanely wasted and ended up going on pretty long tangents about her and Nate's breakup. There wasn't any cheating; it was all pretty standard "two kids who got together really young ending up on incompatible life path" stuff. He did end up kicking her out for getting with her current boyfriend so quickly, though.
At the very least they're all handling the situation better than Jared/Holly. I've kept close tabs on the Etika situation since he went missing and to see her pop up in the "Top" tweets made me sick to my stomach. This seems to be very on brand for her.
No. 827612
File: 1561593959598.png (46.73 KB, 312x603, 2019-06-27 10_02_00-(5) Likes …)

>>827606Just picture a thousand comments and reblogs like this. Tumblr despises her.
No. 827614
>>827452Cheers to that person!! You cannot use 'being bullied' as an excuse to be a piece of shit. It's the same guys who rape people cuz they had an awful childhood. whaaa whaa
Holly's cognitive dissonance is insane.
No. 827618
October 29, 2017 - Texts provided by Holly show Jared and Heidi in an open relationship as far back as October 2017
January 2018 - Heidi confronts Holly and Jared because she can see they have feelings for eachother
February 7, 2018 - Jared and Holly take a walk to discuss their feelings for eachother. Holly claims this is the date she discovered she had feelings for Jared. They claim they forgot their phones at home during their walk and Heidi freaks out sending Jared multiple texts asking where they are.
Febuary 22 - June 17 2019 - Ross still refers to Holly as his wife promoting her D&D twitch. Even guesting on Holly's D&D stream in March.Holly tweets "Happy Birthday to my kind and wonderful husband" at Ross for his birthday in June, calling him a force of good in her life.
July 22, 2018 - Ross jokingly tweets Holly should snuggle him instead of her rats.
September 18, 2018 - Holly puts her grandfathers house up for sale
September 19, 2018 - Holly and Ross announce their divorce on twitter
October 2018 (Heidi's side)- Heidi claims her and Jared were still married and not open during this period. Claims she has texts that proove Holly and Jared have been hooking up since October - December 2019 on all their work trips and ever since Holly moved to Seattle. Says texts include sexual images and desciptions of the times they've met for sex.
October 2018 (Jared's side) - Jared tweets he tried to leave Heidi starting October 2018. Says he tried several times but each time he tried Heidi would threaten to destroy his career.
October 2018 (Hollys side) - Holly tweets that she didn't sleep with Jared until late 2018 and that they had both ended their relationship at that point. She says Jared tried to leave 4 times, and that Heidi only agreed to move out after obtaining the texts from Jared's phone.
December 12, 2018 - Holly tweets she is drunk and sad, and asks a random follower advice on how to not go insane watching her friend struggle to leave an abusive relationship.
January 22, 2019 - Holly and Ross officially start divorce proceedings. Unverified if this is their official divorce date, or if this marks the start of the mandatory California 6 month wait period.
February 2019 - Jared finally breaks up with Heidi privately.
May 7th, 2019 - Heidi moves into her new home
May 8th 2019 - Jared and Heidi's Public Annoucement and Fight over their divorce
May 21, 2019 - Heidi tweets that Holly and Jared have been legally advised against talking about the pedo allegations
June 20, 2019 - Jared is seen at a convention. Holly @ mentions anyone expressing concern while stating the truth is more important than her career.
June 25, 2019 - Holly uses the trending topic of Youtuber/Streamer Etika's suicide to compare her harrassment online. Saying they both were spammed by clown emoji, implying cancel culture caused Etika's death. Etika's fanbase and many others call out Holly rightfully so. Holly mass deletes her posts and apologizes for her comparison.
June 26, 2019 - Holly locks her twitter account stating she is not mentally well.
No. 827634
File: 1561595391924.jpg (185.37 KB, 640x692, divorcedocs.jpg)

>>827618>>>January 22, 2019 - Holly and Ross officially start divorce proceedings. Unverified if this is their official divorce date, or if this marks the start of the mandatory California 6 month wait period.It's the start of the 6 month waiting period. You can look up the case at with case number 19PDFL00117. The last activity was March 15th when Holly mailed Ross the divorce papers, and he had 20 days to sign and return them.
No. 827638
File: 1561595725508.png (21.72 KB, 290x421, oof.png)

>>827600sorry for the yellow ting, flux is doing it and i can't figure out how to fix it
sage for OT
No. 827644
File: 1561596030831.jpeg (148.61 KB, 1125x371, F8AF187C-5BF3-49A2-B81E-01E2B2…)

>>827620How old is this bitch again
No. 827653
File: 1561596795048.png (626.63 KB, 602x471, main-qimg-648a98e3b45c9fe3ab1f…)

>>827636For those not in the know, the term came from this comic.
And it's literally exactly what she's doing.
Seriously, though, Holly needs to go volunteer, or go hiking, camping, or just any damn thing where she can contribute to society and/or get away from social media.
She needs to be productive. Watching her do all of this when she claims to be such a """"mental health advocate"""" makes me feel queasy.
She's like an alcoholic who acknowledges that the beer she's holding is a huge problem for her but keeps drinking it anyhow.
You are clearly acknowledging the issue, Holly, now do something about it, for fucks sake.
No. 827660
>>827638You would have to disable it from the quick tray and then enable it again when you're done.
>>827644This kind of obsession over a person can't be good. She's going to go all Perfect Blue on Holly someday.
>>827653This is exactly what Holly does. Even goes as far as searching for her name when no one is paying attention to her whining.
No. 827667
>>827664Do we really believe she's 'punishing' herself? That's makes it sound like all the nasty bullshit she says is not her genuine feelings and doesn't reflect her personality, but is her intentionally acting like a bad person to encourage negative backlash. Meaning she isn't really responsible for what she says, she doesn't actually mean it, she is such a poor, suffering
victim that she's just pretending to be horrible as a form of self harm and therefore criticism is not warranted.
No. 827670
>>827667I don't think she's "punishing" herself in the sense that she feels guilty and wants to be punished for it – I think she's intentionally sealioning and giving the worst possible apologies so that people will continue to criticize her, so she can continue to wail about muh mental illness uwu abused as a child. I think she's doing
weird shit like retweeting clown memes "research" so that she can continue to feel like everyone hates her and she's just a sad little abused baby who needs to be rescued and coddled. If she's still getting mocked and sent hate, she can continue to point the finger at the evil bullies who are
clearly the ones in the wrong, rather than examine anything she's done to earn the vitriol.
She's not doing it to punish herself, she's doing it to attract criticism so she can continue to victimize herself.
No. 827676
>>827639Terrifying, I love it
You truly delivered anon
No. 827687
File: 1561601808145.jpeg (67.38 KB, 500x466, C9C7E4BB-7124-4050-9750-65B86B…)

>>827575>Sorry for all the lost sleep >I know Jared just told you everythingBut her argument is she was Terrified because Heidi yelled at her! This isn't a scared person, or person displaying any type of learned helplessness from Trauma so I’m not sure how she thinks that is easily twisted. She knew Heidi was suffering and knew she was being two-faced and lying about Heidi to try and drive a wedge in.
These are the texts of someone who overstepped boundaries being told on
by Jared
to Heidi and she's trying to save her ass by grovelling. I know these are old milk by now but Jared wasn’t on her side at that point and seemed like he wanted to triangulate these women against each other. Holly being a sloppy, emotionally manipulative mess just made that extremely easy for him.
I have a feeling after this Heidi dished out less p*ssy because she was pissed and so Jared went to Holly and they played office affair, Heidi obviously knew that shit was weird but Jared gaslighted her. He stonewalled her when she was trying to figure out her reality.
That gave Holly and Jared receipts they wanted after crazymaking Heidi to back up Holly’s original accusations (And gave Jared a wall to hide behind).
She broke up a marriage all because she couldn't take No for an answer, and it took her a lot of work to do but she eventually got what she wanted. Lay in your bed, Holly.
No. 827695
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No. 827696
>>827695no caps! no proof I'm lying or twisting words, or contradicting myself! only differing
opinions, don't you dare start proving me wrong with
facts!!! No. 827699
>>827695No clowns lmfao. This bitch is actually fucking beyond
triggered by clowns.
No. 827710
File: 1561603796555.jpeg (912.91 KB, 1236x1543, 0A9E3BF1-B49F-490D-AAE3-4F6611…)

A get well card
No. 827711
File: 1561603855561.png (1.45 MB, 1242x2208, 3A9A66DA-1519-4416-A9DA-2CB96B…)

>>827710I guess she’s… recovered
No. 827722
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No. 827725
>>827711>>827722pigeons on a what in the what now? kek
at least she's privated her shit so she's going to have safer interactions now where no one calls her out on her crap and denica can lick her butthole as much as she wants. at least she isn't going to drive herself to something idiotic.
then again knowing this stupid bitch it probably isnt going to last long, she can't not talk about this, she absolutely needs the attention
No. 827735
>>827733of course she's going to be lurking, she needs to see if people are capping her uwu sad tweets
>>827695 I guess seeing her shitty apologies
triggers her along with clowns.
No. 827751
>This isn't a scared person, or person displaying any type of learned helplessness from TraumaThe thing is, she was
never 'scared' of Heidi at all. Heidi was an obstacle to her.
No. 827757
File: 1561613392078.jpeg (275.84 KB, 1196x525, BC0B3A8E-642F-41B9-B71E-C3C069…)

I haven’t found many popular black twitter tweets but I found this in my search instead lol
No. 827763
>Rebecca BlackOh look,
Someone else who wasn't 'cancelled'!
No. 827783
>>827777I think she expected to be called a whore, slut etc…female oriented slurs that she would use to start preaching about sexism and shaming women etc. She even painted the "side ho" insult Keemstar has thrown at her and was like "yes, i am another female
victim of internet sexism witch hunt" etc…
But being a clown isn't really a slur. It's people telling her to "stop clowning", that nobody is buying her
victim act and that it makes her look foolish. She couldn't really use it in her favor because it isn't offensive enough.
Then Etika commited suicide and she found some people posted clowns before he died and was like "SEE??? CLOWNPOSTING KILLS PEOPLE! I COULD'VE DIED" and made a total clown of herself, yet again.
All in all, she's a narc who used tumblr rhetoric as a shield. She just couldn't apply the same rhetoric on being told to stop clowning.
No. 827793
>>827791the most important bit is
holly knew.
holly the one person who was getting divorced and who chose to enter a relationship with a man who was getting divorced, knew that neither she nor her lover had separated from their spouse when they started seeing each other. and she's point blank refused to admit it many, many times. she will never admit it, there's no point confronting her with the truth, and if she doesn't there's no way her WKs will.
i mean, we've already had some brilliant takes on the matter like "once even one person has checked out mentally/emotionally the relationship is irrevocably over and all behavior that would otherwise look like cheating is justified!" so i don't really expect that to go anywhere.
No. 827828
>>827827She literally cannot handle the truth kek
So now she's just "be nice and kind uwu! except to that BPD-ridden whore bitch meanie Heidi, she's so mean and irrational, do go harass her! she's unfixable, you know!"
No. 827841
File: 1561628374930.png (74.95 KB, 614x585, hollyp.png)

>>827722Snagged this off KF
No. 827845
>>827829They'll say you're horribly
problematic for telling a
victim of abuse to be kind to her abuser.
No. 827848
File: 1561629662999.png (354.23 KB, 528x591, Capture d’écran 2019-06-27 à…)

Holly's most recent retweet
No. 827898
>>827841we had it already
>>827609 no need for the KF recaps
>>827842jared has the luxury of sitting back and watching the reaction to holly. didn't holly retweet that cancel culture tweet recently? he may have withdrawn his like so as not to be such a target of the hate she draws. good old supportive jared.
No. 827941
File: 1561644547547.jpeg (872.62 KB, 1242x4353, A0A2CDB2-F35D-4E44-AAD8-04545F…)

No. 827943
File: 1561644630571.jpeg (445.63 KB, 1242x1672, 37F35134-3A57-457F-A534-283DB5…)

No. 827944
File: 1561644952959.jpeg (696.02 KB, 1242x1569, F679EFB8-1D0E-450B-B254-D10D2C…)

No. 827948
>>827943I am always the
victim in every situation. they laughed at me!! when I saw fish die to make sushi, which I've been eating for years!!!!! my whole life I've just been uwu pure bean enough to have them killed on the other side of a wall, so I don't have to confront where my meals come from. just like I don't have to confront where this internet hate comes from. what did I do? what did I do? why is everyone laughing? IM NOT A FUCKING CLOWN WTF
No. 827949
>>827941>>827943We need to start a drinking game every time Holly asks someone what she did wrong.
>>827944So even just tagging Heidi is enough to
trigger her, Pathetic.
No. 827950
File: 1561645562384.jpeg (805.03 KB, 1242x1625, CC0BE78E-E2F9-4966-AB11-41BDA7…)

Holly’s wks are responding to this recent tweet Heidi made to clarify some of the sexting that went on behind her back
No. 827956
File: 1561645963149.png (28.71 KB, 741x232, heids.png)

I bet the reason Holly is blocking people for mentions of Heidi is because the truth is so triggering for her/conflicts with her delusions
No. 827958
File: 1561646062257.jpeg (975.42 KB, 1242x1954, FB668072-78FF-4AFB-B717-F9E3D4…)

>>827829It happened right here. Yikes
No. 827962
File: 1561646919667.jpeg (921.47 KB, 1242x1593, 9B6D8EC1-E3B3-4C51-8F25-E11946…)

No. 827968
File: 1561647279718.jpeg (926.83 KB, 1125x1769, 8386E50A-A4F4-4DA9-B67C-26729D…)

If this is angry to Holly anything can be abusive to Holly.
No. 827982
>>827968Holly doesn’t want people to know the truth, she just wants people to side with her.
No. 827988
genuinely thought Holly was gonna be taking a break from all this bullshit after making her twitter private. glad to see it took her less than a day to start painting herself as a
victim again.
>>827941lol @ the fact that cheating on his wife and soliciting nudes from minors gave poor Jared PTSD. what a poor defenseless baby uwu
>>827962So now Heidi is an abuser, BPD, unstable, unfixable, vindictive, a liar and a body shamer! next thing you know, Holly is gonna say that Heidi steals candy from babies or some other asinine bullshit
No. 827989
File: 1561648628840.jpeg (336.87 KB, 1125x775, 7ACFA647-2DE6-4D2B-BC4B-538B2B…)

>>827972“Bodyshame and bully me”
You slept with her husband behind her back. Meanwhile Holly is moping, Heidi is thriving.
Unrelated but I’m pretty sure that Holly and Jared only brought up Heidi’s partner 1) to hurt Heidi (and her credibility) and 2) so their newly acquired incel fans can out him. Her fans (especially Denica) were hellbent on bringing him up even after it was clear he didn’t want to be apart of the drama. They saw him defending Heidi and wanted him to suffer for speaking out.
No. 827990
>>827968no, guys, i for one totally support holly's decision of asking the girl to unfollow her. she just disagrees with holly after all and –
can she get fuckt already?
No. 827994
File: 1561648921358.png (311.94 KB, 720x1009, 20190627_111948.png)

No. 827996
File: 1561649054382.png (152.62 KB, 720x653, 20190627_111930.png)

This honestly just goes to show why Heidi is the one facing going to a con and working on healing right now, and Holly is the one locking her twitter account and sperging out. The maturity levels between the two are so vastly different.
No. 827999
>>827989What mental health advocate and LGBT ally wants to out someone? She’s disgusting.
I don’t think it’s tinfoil. She did a shit job censoring his name, and jessicanon was spamming shit about him here right after.
No. 828000
>>827943>I didn't cheat, I was completely transparent.This is the exact same logic Onision uses for why he didn't really cheat on his wife. He told her he was going to do it whether she liked it or not, so it's not cheating!
>>827988Just like scamming a cancer survivor out of money and being insufferable on some shitty tv show gave Holly cosplay-related PTSD. They're perfect for each other.
No. 828002
>>827999Jessica was also the first to tweet about heidi having a boyfriend (now deleted).
it was def orchestrated.
No. 828004
>>827944Her reaction of blocking the guy cus he mentioned Heidi's name really seems like the reaction you have when you do something stupid and you're too ashamed to face that person and even mentioning their name makes you feel like a dumb idiot
Also her hurt/heal thing
triggers me
No. 828010
>>827994Tinfoil and I’m sure at some point in these threads it was mentioned, but I’m sure Holly doesn’t believe Jared gaslit and manipulated Heidi, so she was only seeing Heidis lashing out at face value and saying it was abuse. Tinfoil thinking because 1. She didn’t personally seent the gaslighting and manip so it didn’t happen, although she seent the multiple therapists diagnosing Heidi, 2. Knew but didn’t care because rose-colored glasses, 3. Didn’t think Jared was capable of it despite probably being manipulated and gaslit herself. Holly wasn’t seeing manipulation, but seeing the end result when Heidi was catching on - in the form of lashing out, screaming, cursing, etc. which is a reasonable reaction to feeling like what you’re suspecting is REAL, but Someone’s so adept at manipulation that it suddenly seems like a false lead. Is it really so difficult to extend his behavior into manipulating holly by crying and “overreacting” to Heidi’s screaming? But what Holly sees is just abuse because she’s not seeing the origin of Heidis behavior.
Jared has shown time and again through receipts that he’s manipulative; look at his wording, timing of his actions, and what he omits.
Holly has shown time and again that she doesn’t appear to see situations in a grounded light. She goes over the damned top and reaches for conclusions or reasons to justify what she believes is happening. It’s in so many fucking past examples and current ones (Etika May he Rest In Peace, Heidi and her HIPAA violated diagnoses, etc).
So if Heidi is an unfixable and
abusive person, and apparently has always been this way from the way Holly asserts her other claims about Heidi, where them receipts at? Not talking a live journal where Heidi acts openly like a high school girl growing up in a 2000s high school petty environment. Where in the past has she screamed at people, cursed at them, done anything similar with how Holly ( and by proxy Jared ) describe her to be? Any and all material so far hasn’t shown Heidi acting NEARLY how Holly/Jared say she does. The only examples Holly ever points to are to the texts when Heidi appears to suspect shit going on behind her back (their “walk”), Heidi threatening to burn Jared’s career down (lashing out after being gaslit consistently), and when Heidi made shit public (KIND OF an expected response to infidelity? Idk man). None of those point to a pattern. And where are Heidi’s other
victims at? This was all over Twitter, so like it makes you think if there ever really was one
Anyway, two of these fuckwads have a consistent pattern of behavior, and one doesn’t.
Holly pls respond with receipts of Heidis consistent pattern of
abusive behavior outside of anything related to infidelity. People respond “abusively” to infidelity because it’s the anger part of the grieving process.
No. 828033
>>827477Super late on this, but the whole situation with her addressing Ekita's suicide (RIP) reads like she jumped into the whole situation without knowing anything and made it all about herself THEN she actually read stuff when people started yelling but she was so fucking self centered and dense that the only thing she learned from her "research" about Ekita was that people sympathized with his mental illness so she can pull the fame trick to garner sympathy. Nothing about how his race affected the situation, or how he took responsibility for his actions even when he was having a breakdown due to his illness, or that people did try to help him but there were various societal reasons why it didn't work.
Her research boiled down to "Ekita had a mental illness so now I'm going to play the mental illness card."
No. 828036
>>827994Holly and Jared stans are psycho enough to believe Jared's nudes and women coming forward with his unwanted advances is Heidi's fault. Heidi has NOTHING to do with these things. The only reason she even came forward with Jared cheating on her is because he fucking blocked her and then tried to make a joint statement about their divorce, putting words in her mouth. His disgusting worm dick was provided by the women he sexted and exchanged nudes with.
I also believe that a lot of the hate Holly is getting is from Ross/Game Grump fans. People are pissed Holly cheated on Ross and that Jared is a pedo. People feel sorry for Heidi because Holly continues to act like a blameless psycho on a daily basis.
No. 828045
>>827990Someone following Holly but doesn't kiss her ass on every post has to stop but Holly never has to stop searching for drama on twitter and replying to people who don't tag her and make an effort to obfuscate her/Jared's name.
kek she really is a fucking child, no wonder Jared was into it.
No. 828061
File: 1561654497654.gif (971.44 KB, 294x154, 2Z56z1rbwnve.gif)

Y'know, coming at it from the Jared/Holly angle and not knowing anything about DCA I will say….I'm much less offended at being forced to picture these Anna and Nathan people fuck than Jared and Holly at least. When I look at Jared and Holly both ruining their marriages to hotter people for each other it's hilarious. When I look at Nathan and Anna it's more like "Eh, I mean sure. I get that". It's just not as interesting as Holly and Jared's complete shitshow. (sage for ignorant opinion based entirely on the looks of these two people, knowing nothing of their history or personalities)
No. 828068
File: 1561655135372.jpeg (310.44 KB, 1125x1145, A05A8D9A-73D3-4A89-8128-7A68E2…)

Holy fuck…she has to disparage Heidi every single fucking day. This is pathetic. (1/3)
No. 828072
>>828051I didn't know that about her, makes a little more sense. Mostly don't care, because she immediately used it for more
victim/pity points. "I'm just so fragile and broken, and everyone thinks it's funny. boohoohoo I'm just a sad clown"
>>828057dang. forget ruining her marriage and career, she's gone for total life destruction. No wonder she's having a breakdown online. I hope she gives up before she decides to do something drastic for more pity points.
No. 828076
File: 1561655622632.png (68.95 KB, 621x592, Screenshot_25.png)

No. 828077
>>828071BoDy ShAmEd mE
Bitch where? By saying she looked guilty? I can’t with her. It’s getting more and more creepy how obsessed she is with Heidi.
She can’t bitch about these getting posted when she posted things from Heidi’s private FB.
No. 828080
File: 1561655766552.jpg (108.34 KB, 1080x1378, sketch-1561655628067.jpg)

>>828070sorry to go full dictionary, but it's borderline malicious ignorance here. vindictive is an adjective, not a verb or "action". it
describes a person or an action, it is not
an action. you can't "vindictive someone".
also, Holly, take a peek at those synonyms. they don't seem to be very neutral, they seem pretty hurtful.
No. 828082
>>828076Guess all that suicide baiting she did on Twitter in October/November last year was about Jared not leaving Heidi.
I hope Heidi releases the texts at this point since Holly has continued to lie about her.
No. 828083
>>828076>>827634Yeah, Holly definitely knew. That's why she waited 4 months to file for divorce. Staying with Ross was her backup plan confirmed.
Probably told Jared that she gave up her life in LA for him so he HAS to break up with Heidi.
No. 828088
File: 1561656295266.jpeg (192.28 KB, 1125x423, 259F86E3-6EE9-4C08-BAFD-267209…)

>he stopped interacting with her in September 2019 (she means 2018)
That’s not true Holly lol
No. 828093
>>828088>not wearing a wedding ringWhat an absolutely bullshit "proof". Her and Ross never wore rings. So I guess they were never together?
Most modern couples don't give a shit about rings. I don't remember Heidi ever wearing one either
No. 828094
>>828080I also wish she would consider why she keeps using a word that means a strong desire for REVENGE to describe Heidi's angry behavior towards her.
Yes, Holly, Heidi was angry at you and maybe you felt like she wanted "revenge". Because you spent a year cajoling her husband trying to make him leave her and actively engaging in an ongoing affair that steadily escalated from romantic confessions to sexting/nudes and then sex which was always your goal.
Heidi calling that out isn't "bullying" and she never "body shamed" Holly in any of those tweets kek. I love Holly reimagining what happened based on her inferiority complex about her face. Still so scared by pretty Heidi she's playing out a mean girls movie in her head and has forgotten what really happened.
No. 828100
>>828068>she isolated himthat's why she stopped going to cons while he continued going on DnD trips?
>Jared attempted to leave her>she refused to leavewhich one is it? Jared can only leave her if she gets out of their joint property?
No. 828107
File: 1561657101244.jpeg (762.02 KB, 1125x1803, 57CF69AE-77FC-40AA-A407-E581F7…)

This is why you don’t out yourself. Holly and her whiteknights are lurking.
No. 828116
>>828088Intresting how he stopped interacting with her the month she and Ross announced their divorce. It's almost like this is
Also tweets can be deleted, so using that as evidence is weak.
No. 828121
>>828107BE KIND
Also, there's no way to prove that was actually the girl, but keep believing it.
Besides, Holly. Numerous people who know you irl already have eyes on this thread and your actions. That is a fact.
No. 828128
>>828121Unfortunately, the girl made it obvious she was cowtipping.
>>827993Luckily, some of us know how to keep posting milk without making it obvious. I wouldn't doubt if one of her whiteknights was posting here as well.
No. 828136
>>828131They went on a walk to discuss their feelings. Then Holly told Jared she only wanted to be with him. He told Heidi and she freaked out because Holly was married and confessing to Jared she only wanted him. Heidi also felt threatened because Jared was her husband. She told Holly this was not okay and she didn't want Jared and Holly to interact outside of work. A perfectly reasonable request. Holly then began to inundate Jared with articles about abuse. He told Heidi that Holly was trying to paint her as an abuser. Heidi gets furious and confronts Holly. Holly admits she was wrong and tries to gaslight Heidi. Jared and Holly then go behind Heidi's back for months having an emotional, and probably physical affair.
Jared told on Holly TWICE. It took Holly almost a solid year of manipulating Jared with abuse articles for him to leave his wife. In this time Holly casually baited suicide to her audience on Twitter as a way to pressure Jared even more into leaving his wife. Holly is the real abuser here.
No. 828139
File: 1561658364161.jpg (463.49 KB, 1060x1489, 1560012522806.jpg)

>>828131Remembering your lies is HARD. Be kind.
No. 828143
>>828102>>828107>lolcowsLearn to integrate if you want to be a twofaced shit denica.
God I would love mods to look into the sus denicaposting itt
No. 828149
File: 1561658597808.png (309.21 KB, 500x495, pizza-aliens-bands-im-so-rando…)

I seriously cannot with this corny privileged white bitch.
She screetches her "BE KIND!" one-liner just like onision laments about "TRUE AND HONEST!" Never in my life has a human with so little self awareness existed. She really is mentally ill, not in the totes quirky manic pixie way she dreams of being, but in an honest to god psychopathic avoid at all costs way. She needs so much real help not uwu platitudes about how ~abused and damaged~ she is when all of her problems stem from being an actual retard and not any lived struggles or hardships. She's had the comfiest life possible.
No. 828150
File: 1561658613745.png (35.54 KB, 578x307, sexual relationship.png)

>>828139Here's even her top whiteknight stating they started sleeping with each other in October of 2018.
Holly is just claiming they broke up so she can feel better about getting what she wanted.
No. 828154
>>828105Sorry, forgot to include the post number.
These 3 tweets:
>>828068 No. 828163
File: 1561659429302.jpeg (393.78 KB, 745x837, 36615F16-5C94-4567-9E82-F020E5…)

Says the woman who spends hours every day arguing with people about someone else’s relationship.
No. 828176
>>828150Denica, I know you think you know everything about this situation, but Holly
STILL isn't divorced, today. Separated in October, maybe, but they were still FOUR MONTHS away from filing for divorce when she "started" sleeping with Jared. Get your facts straight before you use them to fuel your (still wrongful) crusade.
No. 828193
>>828191He first told Heidi that Holly confessed to him that she only wanted to be with him. This is while she was still married to Ross.
Later, Holly told Jared that Heidi was being
abusive because she yelled at her. Jared then got angry with Holly and disagreed, then told Heidi what Holly said. Heidi confronted Holly about this and Holly apologized saying that she was wrong and even Jared corrected her and said it wasn't true. We see this through messages both Holly and Heidi have shared.
No. 828198
>>828176Pretty sure Denica knows she's lying, she's an unhinged selfposter who alternates between kissing Holly's ass on twitter and insulting her here. A lot of the unsaged posts bringing up WKs and just bitching about Holly are probably her, since she's still too dumb to integrate.
Remember that she posted a screencap of her tweet that showed it was from her own account a few threads ago.
No. 828201
>>828183Jared has probably done everything he can to distance himself as far as possible from Holly at this point. He knows she will be his end, considering:
1) She has been his most vocal and well know supporter.
2) She claims to have all this evidence that proves he did nothing wrong
3) Publicly said that his underage
victims are lying and dishonest.
4) Not to forget that she outed his
victims to him when she was contacted by the about his behavior.
And now we have all seen what a disgusting full of shit person she really is.
I suspect that him contacting all of the girls he fucked is him desperately trying to find people other than Holly who can defend him if needed.
No. 828215
File: 1561665099261.png (1.44 MB, 1125x2436, 497A1A47-31C3-4653-81B4-F777FF…)

>>828203Sorry to burst your bubble but the anon who posted those caps grabbed them from Denica’s Twitter posts. That doesn’t mean she isn’t lurking though.
No. 828218
File: 1561665749049.jpeg (383.7 KB, 828x1028, 1560397051230.jpeg)

>>828163This woman has no shame, like damn. she already outed herself as an attention addicted cowtipper here
>>812735, as pointed out by this anon
>>821525 two threads ago, yet she's still out there cozying up to holly and playing her like a damn fiddle.
No. 828228
>>827962"he was a
victim of abuse" okay..Let's pretend that's true. Despite that, he was still married when you fucked him. this clown bitch, i swear.
No. 828232
>>828227Right? I was putting together this whole image of a bored sociopath, playing both sides because to her, Holly's life is just cheap entertainment.
Would've been a helluva twist. Now we're back to "Historical RP: heroically defending a woman falsely accused of witchcraft."
No. 828238
>>828228Also, if it is true and Jared was supposedly abused and does supposedly suffer from PTSD or what have you, it means that Holly was taking advantage of someone vulnerable. It's hilarious that she parrots this as her "truth" when in reality, if it
was true, it would make her an even worse person than she seems now.
No. 828243
>>828238By Holly's own admission she was preying on a
victim of ongoing abuse. He was so psychologically damaged he was sobbing and hiding under tables from his evil wife. She took advantage of someone with a fragile state of mind. Once again Holly shows us with her own words that she is an abuser.
No. 828246
>>828228its pretty fucked up neither jared and holly could keep it in their pants for a few months until jared actually left Heidi. Holly even admits Heidi wouldnt leave until she obtained the texts (which im assuming was december as she moved out early jan?)
So everytime Heidi and Jared would fight, Holly would jump on Jareds worm?
Seems like Jared would fuck Holly by telling her him and Heidi were over, than immediately go back to Heidi. Than Jared used “abuse” as an excuse to keep Holly coming back.
She even tweeted that “it takes an abuser seven attempts to leave!”
Must tear her up that her pussy wasn’t enough to make Jared leave his wife until Heidi found those texts. I feel like Jared would of kept Heidi around if she hadnt found those texts and finally left.
Doesnt get said enough that Jared is a POS
No. 828252
File: 1561671543939.jpeg (420.75 KB, 1125x1446, C4BCF960-E03B-49E0-A460-C8032D…)

uwu kindness
No. 828254
File: 1561671745265.png (77.69 KB, 620x798, denica1.PNG)

>>828234Personally I think she just lurks. This is one of her only direct references to lolcow, and she seems really unconcerned about supposedly being caught self-posting.
As for how she knew about her tweets being posted there, somebody cow-tipped her (as you can see in this old thread
It's a fun tinfoil, but I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one.
No. 828282
>>828080I read it as "saying…is an action", ie.
saying is the subject of the sentence. Look at the context of the thread.
No. 828325
>>828311It’s just holly bad attempt to justify her actions againist heidi
I’d give holly credit if she was “be kind but not to her” cause that’d be honest
No. 828331
>>828088Not wearing a ring could just as easily be signs of him neglecting/cheating/etc holly you retard
>>828107>Definitely remember telling her to be kindThis girl is 5 years old
>>828139She's just tacking "I'm sorry" onto the end of all of her sentences now and she can't understand why no one finds here sincere. You can't refute someone's claim and apologise for it in the same breath, it's offensively fake
No. 828332
>>828312Thats a bingo. Jared would of kept fucking both of them if Heidi never found his old cell phone/"the texts"
And Holly would still be sucking his sack trying to infuse enough magic to give him the strength to leave his
ABUSIVE relationship.
No. 828337
>>827989Good for Heidi. But she should probably consider getting restraining orders or at least alert security at cons that Holly and/or her fans might be there and are very mentally unstable.
Holly and her whiteknights seem like the type to physically hurt someone because of how insane they are. The way they've been harassing her every day should be proof enough for con security especially in Denica's case since the only thing stopping her from physically shoving her tongue up Holly's asshole is distance.
No. 828339
File: 1561681562829.png (1.52 MB, 1151x1079, heidi vs holly.png)

>>828088Either ProJared deleted his tweets, or he was very aware that Holly was watching his twitter. But he was very clearly still keeping up the front to Heidi IRL. And Heidi still was interacting with him publically.
No. 828347
>>828339Look at how
abusive Heidi is. Constantly praising her husband and complimenting his photography skills.
No. 828355
File: 1561682594757.gif (2.29 MB, 275x180, 1515310459970.gif)

>>828332>And Holly would still be sucking his sack trying to infuse enough magic to give him the strength to leave his ABUSIVE fucking sides. And agreed, Holly would have kept up the secret DND affair if Heidi didn't find those txts. she was lying to multiple people, but she's a selfish clown, so, ya know.
No. 828357
>>828339wow, I hadn't seen glamour shots of Heidi before. I know this is gonna sound sus, but. she's fucking stunning. Not in a conventional way (she is still kinda odd looking) but something about her just makes me want to gaze at her face for a long time. Very unique and yet classic beauty. Reminds me of someone like Marie Antoinette.
I can see why Holly was so jealous, and hell-bent on stealing her husband away. whoever speculated that the affair was Holly's "beating the pretty/popular girl and feeling superior for once" fantasy seems pretty bang-on. and why she used "you're so pretty and scary" as an excuse when Jared ratted her out for calling Heidi
abusive. that's what she's focused on, probably the shock that anyone would choose her over Heidi. To be fair, in terms of looks
and personality, Holly and Jared are way closer to each other's league.
I hope Heidi can heal and maybe find someone more in
her league to be with. At least a nicer person than the worm she found under her shoe and decided to bring home.
No. 828375
File: 1561684181784.png (937.36 KB, 1260x672, oct 24.png)

October 24 is last time Jared is wearing his wedding ring on Dice Camera Action stream.
Episode 115 is the stage show at Twitch con, on November 9, 2019.
Some fuckin happened at Twitch Con and I hope to god it wasn't in costume
No. 828379
>>828088I don't see him interacting with you on Twitter either, Holly.
(Anons, can feel free to locate any tweets in the past year where he tweeted Holly. I quickly skimmed and found none)
It's almost like he was a two-timer and hiding his interactions from both women!
And if their relationship wasn't a secret from Heidi or illicit in any way, why hide it from their followers? How is it not cheating when the divorce announcement was what kicked this scandal in the first place?
The breakup announcement came after Holly and Jared had already fucked and sent nudes to each other.
No. 828383
>>828380Holly has tweeted that she didn't sleep with Jared until late October 2018. This is pretty late in October…
Heidi has tweeted she has texts dating back from October - December before he got a new phone. But I don't think she has given specific dates in October.
No. 828385
File: 1561685750365.jpg (229.63 KB, 1200x900, Dqca5GCU8AETsEW.jpg)

October 26 Dinner - The look of love in both DCA women
No. 828386
File: 1561685879594.png (481.33 KB, 641x738, hiding his ring.png)

Looking through some tweets for Jared wearing his ring and find this photo from October 26th.
No. 828390
>>828380That live DCA show was actually filmed October 28, 2018.
Holly says they fucked late October.
Im betting cash on the 28th as they fuckaversary. If not during twitch con (not sure how long it ran)
No. 828394
File: 1561686478281.png (908.74 KB, 1027x812, attached.png)

>>828386Notice the dates. They were attached at the hip all Twitch con 2018.
No. 828396
>>828393I honestly am not sure about this. Obviously from an outside perspective Heidi is the much more attractive, stable and mature partner, but like… the most beautiful women in the world get cheated on and left.
I'm not disagreeing about stringing along Holly for an easy lay - it's clear she was only ever meant to be a sponge for his jizz and marriage issues and is far too much baggage to actually be girlfriend material - but I think Heidi and Jared's relationship was coming to an inevitable end re: Jared's incessant need to exploit fans for sexual gratification
No. 828404
File: 1561687940543.jpg (128.37 KB, 1270x1248, 1561687798203~2.jpg)

>>828391it's hard to see since his body is hidden by that other guy's hands, but with his posture and neck he reminded me more of Franklin
No. 828408
File: 1561688338529.png (657.45 KB, 1021x580, commanderspud.png)

>>828400Holly out here looking like a Spud
No. 828409
>>828406this is what I don't get .. She was clearly pining for the ProBoner, chased him out of state, Ross announced they were separating… why wait four more months to file for divorce? why not file in October, right when they announced their separation, after she got a helping of worm dick? Why the delay?
I really just don't want to believe that Holly could be so fucking selfish, cruel, and heartless to give Ross false hope of coming back together while she was doing everything within her power to force Jared and Heidi apart. so she could have him all to herself (and every other fan he banged.)
I wonder how she felt finding out Jared was cheating on Heidi with multiple other women who weren't Holly. And why she would continue to want him at that point.
No. 828411
File: 1561688650632.png (413.25 KB, 623x796, poor soul.png)

Oh no. This poor soul got a DCA tattoo…
No. 828420
File: 1561690547318.jpg (428.56 KB, 1080x1432, Screenshot_20190627-215527_Twi…)

whoa what
No. 828423
File: 1561690864571.jpeg (167.4 KB, 994x745, F615D911-4523-4A82-ABFE-6A2019…)

>>828408>>828394>>828386Holly is so ugly and insecure she pulls a female soyboy face
No. 828425
>>828420wow i hope it was some bizarre look alike. i go to cons and so does my
abusive ex. knowing you're in the same place as your abuser and can run into them at any moment is hell. hope she stays safe.
No. 828431
>>828390That's probably it. They fucked in a hotel room for sure after a weekend of larping their romance away from Heidi.
Still fucked he was choosing to wear his ring just days before. Really fucks her narrative that he was checked out well before then.
No. 828438
>>828433It wouldn't surprise me if he went to A-kon just to keep tabs on her and see if she talks shit or uses the situation for attention. He's a scumbag.
Alternatively, he's trolling for more pussy.
No. 828441
>>828438They lived in Dallas before they lived in Seattle and often went to A-kon. If they see him I'm sure the staff will yeet him out of the area.
Also, what would be the point of him having a
temporary restraining order if he's going to go to a con his ex-wife is a guest at?
No. 828443
>>828433I would be inclined to believe this person to be safe rather than sorry, but also because he's got a well-known face and voice from having so many videos of himself speaking and talking. it would be easy to distinguish him if you were someone who watched his videos regularly
>>828441didn't someone confirm the restraining order didn't restrain them from seeing each other but rather restrained them from selling shit/redistributing money to hide it from the divorce lawyers during the split
No. 828447
>>828443that feel when ur stoned and type "speaking and talking" instead of speaking and acting kek whoops
>>828445you're so right. has she been searching projared stuff as well as her own name for "research" on Twitter?
No. 828448
>>828445Wouldn't be surprised if she was indirectly coaching Jared to fuck with Heidi's head some more to film some 'evidence' of Heidi being '
No. 828453
File: 1561693609168.png (28.74 KB, 543x234, heidiatacon.png)

Friendly reminder that Holly isn't the only one being harassed. Heidi just doesn't constantly post screenshots of people harassing her for 'research' (aka begging for pity).
No. 828454
File: 1561693679088.png (136.99 KB, 1141x549, chrome_TFiiuX7uGv.png)

People aren't too happy about him being there either.
No. 828457
File: 1561694308278.png (30.75 KB, 592x264, iv.png)

Hi Dan
That's a mighty BIG claim you're making here….
No. 828458
File: 1561694331380.jpg (107.07 KB, 1080x1006, IMG_20190627_235759.jpg)

Not sure if legit, but
No. 828463
>>828458This post
>>828454 in the A-kon facebook group is gone so I'm sure staff did something. Yikes Jared.
No. 828472
>>828458sage for tinfoil
but a set up by Jared so he can later say she is ruining his professional career/life by getting him kicked out of conventions? Maybe a calculated move for his divorce case or pedo case?
No. 828474
File: 1561695769951.png (29.83 KB, 584x260, creepyjared.png)

No. 828476
File: 1561695876853.png (40.65 KB, 622x472, psychos.png)

Pretty close.
No. 828478
File: 1561695969193.jpg (605.2 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190628-062457.jpg)

There's a post on Twitter going around about Holly's "I'm sorry. I'm mentally ill." post right now.
No. 828481
>>828476Clearly if a
victim of abuse willingly knows and still goes to a con that their abuser is a guest at, then the abuser should leave so the
victim can have a good ol' time!
That logic took at least 67 brain cells away.
No. 828485
>>828476Going to cons where your terrifying abuser is a guest judge is a super normal thing for an abuse
victim to do, righ?
No. 828487
>>828485Inb4 Holly starts screeching
"Oh no! He's trying to go back to her because she has SUCH a hold on him mentally! I MUST GO FUC-… I MEAN SAVE HIM AGAIN!!!"
No. 828491
File: 1561697312647.jpeg (135.8 KB, 800x1200, E53711AA-8320-426D-B24A-752202…)

>>828479I think what he really wants is some con puss to thrust into.
No. 828505
File: 1561699924726.jpg (47.1 KB, 1010x365, birb bitch.jpg)

The fact he's going to the con Heidi is going to says a lotttttt
I wonder how Holly feels about this?
Anyway, snagged this off of tumblr
No. 828515
>>828165This isn't middle school. No one has to pick a side because they think Holly is a daft cunt.
She's too stupid to see that though. It's borderline Onision tier, US VS THEM/THE WORLD logic
No. 828519
>>828339dat autumn pic tho
>>828375Probably just Holly in costume, begging Jared to put his on.
No. 828521
File: 1561703037521.jpg (308.28 KB, 611x1633, BananaStan.jpg)

>>827106And unfortunately, she's not alone.
Lysa Chen, the person basically in charge of the D&D social media presence, is stanning hard for her.
So basically if you even speak out against Holly you risk being "blacklisted" by her.
Oh, and Chris Perkins and others still follow her.
No. 828526
File: 1561703681391.png (499.19 KB, 1220x784, Screenshot 2019-06-28 at 12.03…)

>>828521i'm thinking that they're waiting for a lull in the drama waves to be able to unfollow her without making too much noise, except holly keeps going at it full-pelt
>>828445i like to think she is going to further enhance her birdshit haircut at this lmao. has she been tweeting today?
meanwhile, here is another screenshot of her WKs spreading kindness in heidi's direction. but of course holly is the one who's been getting unprecedented unparalleled levels of hate and namecalling. sure.
No. 828537
>>828465>>828493That's nice, dear. But this isn't the Ross fan thread. We knew he had a new gf last thread. We don't need running updates that he is still happy.
>>828510yeah, the 'phone died' excuse seems a bit convenient. Still, Holly will probably chimp about it anyway
No. 828540
I've been away from this drama for a week and now Anna and Nathan are having an affair and Cristina was being cheated on? Jesus christ what a bunch of retards.
>>826528These read fake and ingenuine as fuck. "beautiful cosplay anime loving wife" who the fuck writes that unless they're 100% a troll or a really unhinged and autistic, and I'm pretty sure these are from the same nutjob and she didn't get "thousands of these". And of course she's making Etika's suicide all about her, how else would it go down.
No. 828541
>>828526Except, again, she's stanning, so clearly she isn't angling for a stealth unfollow.
But man. One can hope, I guess. Would be the ideal outcome. Better than the alternative, "She can't be
abusive, she was always nice to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
No. 828545
>>826596>>826595>B-BUT M-MUH CLOWN EMOJISHolly what the fuck, people calling you out for being a cheating home wrecker and lying about it isn't the same as people making fun of Etika's mental breakdowns. I can't believe this bitch is actually trying to whine about fucking clown emojis to ride Etika's suicide's coattails.
>>826704>BE. KIND.>But let me post cherrypicked texts of Heidi having a mental breakdown after months of gaslighting and mental abuse and use them as proof of what a crazy fucking bitch she was and out to get muh DD show while I know fully well I was slithering on the ground calling her ~pretty and nice~ when she confronted me!!!!If she. Just took the L and went with it, publicly apologized for being a piece of shit and maybe took a LONG break from the internet until it calmed down, she would've probably come out okay in the end. But instead of that she took a few weeks off, came back with a vengeance and started posting bullshit caps calling Heidi every bad thing in the psychology book, showed absolute maliciousness to everyone not buying it and continued this for weeks on end. It's a case study on how to not handle things when you get caught doing immoral shit.
No. 828546
>>828541i was talking about chris and the other DCA people. this lysa chen person can just hope she doesn't get caught in the backlash
>>828544i don't think that's going to stick, because the narrative that he did the exact same thing with heidi, that is "she kept pushing to keep the marriage and he felt threatened/aBOOOOSed by her insane behavior" has already been peddled left right and center by his stupid mistress. it becomes a transparent excuse if he tries to repeat it
No. 828547
>>828545Or if she went down the "I was lied to by Jared" route, she'd even be able to gain some
victim clout. Her and Jared's roleplay must have made her feel real special if he's the hill she's dying on in the end.
No. 828551
>>828546Lysa Chen is an official WOTC employee who runs the social media side of D&D. She's also featured in one of D&D's official streams alongside super-Holly-stan Kayla Cline. And then there's also Bluejay.
When this many people working in official capacities with WOTC can still feel comfortable stanning for Holly…
No. 828552
>>828547imo she could have easily recovered if she claimed he manipulated/gaslighted her just as he did to Heidi. It's probably true, for one, she's just too deluded and infatuated to see it. But it also would provide an avenue for her to a) make up with Heidi because they were both
victims, and b) deflect any criticism because Jared was the cheater and should be the focus of any hate, otherwise it's MISOGYNY. I know I was ready to hate on him the most because I blame cheaters more than the people they cheat with, and I'm more comfortable hating men than women. But Holly has just been so awful and obnoxious in so many ways and becomes more and more hateable by the day. I still think Jared is more in the wrong, but it's hard to maintain a consistent feeling of annoyance when he keeps quiet and doesn't keep digging his own grave on twitter.
No. 828554
File: 1561707705214.jpg (37.51 KB, 542x336, hoely.JPG)

Holly callout post on tumblr reached 50k notes in 3 days.
Considering how Tumblr has been somewhat dead recently, that's a fucking lot.
No. 828562
>>82855450k notes exposing Holly vs 10 notes on the
victim hit piece written by the crazy DiathxStrix fans. The truth about Holly is certainly out there, kids.
No. 828563
>>828560I absolutely believe that Jared did Heidi wrong, but I don't think it was out of malice, I think he was just a retard. Same with the minors on tumblr. He seems like the kind of guy who thinks with his dick.
Now Holly seems 100% malicious and vile, so I can definitely believe she suicide-baited him this entire time.
sage for tinfoil
No. 828564
>>828550In some ways, yes. Overall, Jared is obv the worse.
You feel Holly is worse because she WONT. STOP. TALKING.
No. 828567
>>828563Jared is an absolute piece of shit who opened up a porn blog just to collect nude photos from his fans. He is a completely stupid prick. He also was an neglectful husband who constantly promised his wife he'd stop fucking around and try to work on his marriage, then do the exact opposite. He then painted the wife he gaslit for months (maybe years?) as an abuser because she dared to stand up for herself. A lot of the shit Holly is spouting is probably directly parroting what Jared has told her. So I think it goes beyond him being a retard.
I do think Holly is a malicious, vile,
abusive bully though. It's hard to say who is worse.
No. 828569
>>828563I don't know if Holly is
abusive, she could be or she could come off that way because she is mentally ill spoiled rich girl who has never not gotten what she wants and hasn't gotten long term proper therapy for her mental illness. Plus as much as Holly could have manipulated Jared, Jared could have found ways to manipulated her because she is mentally ill and couldn't empathize with Heidi and he took advantage of that.
No. 828575
File: 1561709573983.jpeg (85.22 KB, 640x627, 82A5DED4-A083-4C19-BF60-F8FC5F…)

>>828436My partner looks like a blonde version of Jared…kinda disturbing.
(absolutely no1curr) No. 828579
>>828552If Holly never posted those receipts and shit talked about Heidi I would have sided with her. Being a side hoe doesn't always mean you are a bad person. Most of the time it's understandable that cheaters lie to their lovers. I have been in both situations myself as the side hoe and been cheated and what's funny is both situations were with my Jared look-a-like ex. (Transference I know) My Jared look-a-like ex was obsessed with having lots of female friends too. I don't think Holly has ever been cheated on either so she can't relate to what Heidi is feeling so she just sees it as her being controlling and "
(no1curr) No. 828620
>>828431>Still fucked he was choosing to wear his ring just days before. Really fucks her narrative that he was checked out well before then.Wouldn't be shocked if she encouraged him to ditch the ring and was the first one to push for it, using the excuse he could be free of the aboose and yells she was trying to convince him he was a
victim of
No. 828629
File: 1561725028412.jpg (59.31 KB, 400x720, Vs-sydney.jpg)

>>828491Jared cosplaying Sydney from Vagrant story pisses me off so much.
>>828505holyshit, i'm so happy the clown memes are making their rounds.
No. 828642
File: 1561726466411.jpg (164.11 KB, 1000x1002, 5da.jpg)

>>828635Dump him where? In the compost heap with the other worms?
No. 828665
File: 1561727667554.png (5.63 MB, 1242x2208, 7ECEC116-8745-46DD-A02B-75C54F…)

Holly’s recent story on insta. I wasnt sure to sage this or not but i feel like it might have something to do with her haterz.
No. 828685
File: 1561729245054.jpg (637.68 KB, 2410x1771, chrome_Z2I7t0ewnl.jpg)

>>828375Jared was still wearing his ring February of this year. So Jared wasn't wearing it around Holly, but he was wearing it everywhere else.
No. 828692
>>828685I searched for ever last night and there are no traces of him wearing his rings in public past November 2018 despite there being many of pictures of him ringless until now.
old pic? or whot? wasn't heidi moved out officially at the start of january?
No. 828699
File: 1561730391310.png (1.59 MB, 2097x1609, chrome_HCE6s8jGj9.png)

>>828692No, she was moving out when they publicly announced their divorce. This photo was taken and posted Feb. 2nd after Aries could be touched after his surgery.
No. 828700
File: 1561730464365.png (1.53 MB, 1298x721, progaywristbands.png)

>>828697Wow so he would never wear it publically and only with around her? thats fuckin weird.. like here here is Dec 10 2018 on Normalboots twitch channel. and after twitch con 2018, he never wore it on DCA streams
No. 828704
File: 1561730710572.png (1 MB, 1259x832, no ring.png)

and here is he is Feb 6 2019 on DCA with no ring?
No. 828712
>>828700Makes sense - he was feeding his friends the
abusive wife story so they probably didn't question his lack of ring. But wore it around Heidi so she didn't expect anything was wrong.
If you pointed this out to Holly I'm positive she'd spin it into " She MADE him wear it and he was scared cuz she might yell at him!! abuse!"
No. 828720
File: 1561732031990.png (125.39 KB, 622x822, cheeseyvagina.png)

does anyone have any ideas of when heidi found the texts?
Early February she was still posting Jared and saying he was that man she married in a tweet. so maybe around the time of this tweet? she doesnt tag him much after this
No. 828724
File: 1561732867522.jpg (455.74 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190628-093950.jpg)

No. 828732
>>828545Even if she said “Yes Jared and I were involved with one another and were hoping to keep things private.” and then bounced from Twitter for a bit, came back, and carried on Tweeting as normal while ignoring hate she could have been fine.
Instead she had to come back to WK Jared and defend his and her honor in the worst way possible. This was a big shitshow on all sides but Heidi comes out looking fine because the only people buying the “Heidi is crazy” bs are women who look like Holly and men who are mad women like Heidi wouldn’t give them the time of day so they like the crazy ex wife idea.
Jared still has the nudes with minors shit to deal with.
No. 828738
File: 1561733798098.jpg (188.6 KB, 824x1172, D7DV2jDWkAAxazK.jpg)

>>828725this is very old content anon, but here ya go
No. 828745
>>828733Also true. She didn’t have to say anything. The worst crime she committed at the time was being the other woman.
Now in her quest to prove that Heidi was the abuser all along, she’s the only one looking crazy and showed her true colors, more now with the whole Etika bs. All Heidi did was get mean and angry which is normal for a woman with a shitty husband.
No. 828757
File: 1561734692695.png (585.6 KB, 574x911, heidi finds out.png)

Heidi found out April 21st or April 22nd when she was attending a convention as a guest with @JessiePrideMore
Jessie has publically called out Jared on her twitter in support of Heidi.
No. 828762
>>826388This is the first Ive ever heard of Nate cheating on Cristina. No screencaps of any of these deleted tweets from her.
Also youre all being manipulated by Heidi so easily just because you want to smack down this group its amazing.
File: 1561735063810.png (23.01 KB, 587x174, WHOT.png)

I feel like a lot of people missed this really important post by Heidi.
I didn't know Holly was actually sexually apart of these pedo accusations. Guess that explains why she is fighting so hard to defend Jared.
No. 828768
>>828762I think most of us know Heidi has problems. She’s just dealing with them in the best way or keeps it out of the public eye.
Holly continues to show face.
No. 828772
File: 1561735599515.jpg (46.84 KB, 780x585, ross.jpg)

>>828759Yes its very clear now with the newest batch of screenshots that Jared and Heidi were still very actively a married couple up until around April 2019. Which makes Holly's own admission they fucked starting back in October 2018 pretty clear cut cheating.
Just because a married couple is taking a break, doesn't make it okay to fuck on the side. Repeatedly. Than actively attempt to sabotage the married and feed Jared
abusive theories. And it doesn't make you a good friend or person.
It's ridiculous Holly and Jared expect us to believe they never had feelings for eachother or didn't emotionally cheat before October 2018. I can believe maybe not before the DCA started, they could of have been friends but check this picture. Holly has been thirsting over Jared, infront of Ross, since 2015.
No. 828814
>>828790This is the truth. I, like many others, didn't have that much of a problem with Holly when all of this started - it was Jared that was the focus of all the ire. Sure, Holly didn't look good for cheating with a married man, but as many anons have pointed out, side-chicks often get lied to by the cheating husband. She could have been a
victim of his manipulation, too, so many folks were kind of neutral towards her at the beginning. She had a chance of redeeming herself… if she had stayed silent and not completely showed her ass all over Twitter.
Now, though? She has proven what a narcissistic, manipulative, attention-craving asshole she is, just through the ways in which she interacts with people on Twitter. It's clear as a bell that she is an incredibly immature, selfish, and, honestly, horrible person. She's irredeemable at this point, and it has nothing to do with cheating and everything to do with showing her true colors to the world.
No. 828829
The shit Holly is in now is all her own doing.
Sure Heidi handled this poorly in the beginning, but it’s only a flash in the pan compared to how Holly just made it even worse for herself.
Holly wants this to be Heidi’s fault so much, but it isn’t.
No. 828854
File: 1561744285719.jpg (84.33 KB, 300x184, 83_LimpBizkit_L071105.jpg)

>>828724This is some he said/she said bullshit.
Jared or one of his many fans that are assuredly there, should prove his presence with a photo.
No. 828856
stupid phone poster.
No. 828890
>>828854Holly and Jared stans might yell about how we'll believe anything that demonizes them, but the only evidence of this is
>>828454 one person who doesn't even say they got a clear look, and uses the my phone died excuse for not having proof, followed by someone on Twitter with 2 followers
>>828458 who "confirms" Jared was kicked out because "a friend" said it was true!
With the MtG con, there were multiple reports of people seeing him all in a short time, and the person who saw him in Las Vegas with Holly wasn't believed until Holly posted her pics from Area 51 a day later.
No. 828893
>>828890Yeah, without proof, I don't believe Waldo is anywhere but hiding at his parents or something.
Holly's use of saying it's not true could mean he's just not there. But I think she wants it to get to Heidi anyway, to upset her. Hence the clarification, but not really.
Fuck, Holly is so boring.
No. 828922
She's gonna find a way to blame Heidi for the Etika fiasco too.
No. 828945
>>828922Be careful there, don’t want those WK lurkers giving Holly ideas now
Though let’s be real you are right, watch holly spin this as Heidi fault
No. 828960
File: 1561761034213.png (15.08 KB, 577x124, Screenshot_17.png)

and the wk's are at it again
No. 828962
File: 1561761353672.png (102.74 KB, 696x523, 984189413897.png)

ya girl getting memed on on tumblr.
peep the 8k notes.
No. 828968
File: 1561763257640.jpeg (72.45 KB, 750x418, 1188104C-EEAF-4137-AE06-3A0867…)

Found this cap online.
No. 828971
>>828772>>828776What both of you are saying sounds like common sense, but Holly is too in denial to have any ounce of it.
>>828790Exactly. She was able to skate by the HoC drama and stealing and ghosting a cancer survivor/client, but it seems like any time a pretty girl is looking better than her in the spotlight, she goes completely nuts, as she did when "her" Shepard wasn't chosen.
Her meltdowns are nothing but ammo for Jared to spin this around on her to get rid of her obsessed, dickmitized ass. She makes herself look like a crazy person. He could easily say, "She was like this in person too and I got scared so I hid away in another state. I didn't defend her online or anywhere else because I wanted the world to see what she was like to me behind scenes."
No. 828985
I saw Holly at a grocery store in Seattle yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
No. 828986
File: 1561766627470.jpg (15 KB, 720x669, 38600144_1294574780678562_8485…)

>>828985kek I forgot about this copypasta
No. 828999
File: 1561768836111.png (54.16 KB, 634x467, 92L6Pbs.png)

No. 829000
>He slept with her and told her he was leaving his wife, but then he went to Heidi with his ring on and promised to work on the marriage.This is most likely what happened.
Jared lied to
both of them. Heidi has become disillusioned with him, & Holly is currently smitten with him.
This is an age-old cycle with cheaters & their partners.
No. 829013
>>829004I think it's because her recent actions betray how she's presented herself throughout the years.
On the outside, she seemed like a kind-hearted, & sensitive asexual person.
Everything she's revealed along with her behavior is pretty much
the opposite of what we expected from her.
No. 829034
File: 1561776854702.png (98.61 KB, 612x352, xnightcoreloverreturns.png)

XNightcoreLover/Cassandra (The one that said "If Heidi was a 'better wife' then Jared wouldn't be looking for other women) has returned!
Seriously though, how has this person not been banned from Twitter yet? They get a real kick out of, not only harassing, but belittling Heidi.
Also, Holly starred on a show about people "dressing up as other peoples creations for a living", you dipshit.
No. 829037
File: 1561777812714.png (66.72 KB, 584x508, xnightcorelover2.png)

>>829034On the bright side, it's great watching this fuckwit get ratioed, & I hope it never stops.
No. 829044
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No. 829047
File: 1561779913842.jpg (18.41 KB, 711x205, tumblr_ptq3uvZ9S11r1aqlwo1_128…)

>>829045That tumblr also
very creepily suggests that Chai is lying because they're
mentally ill.
…And who else is
mentally ill again?
No. 829048
>>829044What exactly does this Tumblr prove? I've read through the entire thing. That we shouldn't trust a
victim because they are mentally ill? That we should discredit them because they have a porn blog on Tumblr? We should hold a teenager to higher standards than a married man in his thirties?
Holly is mentally ill. She has said things and walked back on them, blaming them on her mental illness. I guess we shouldn't believe her either.
No. 829049
>>829047Yep, that too!
The bias is so thick.
No. 829055
File: 1561783547273.png (194.13 KB, 1202x730, wat.png)

does anyone know who this denise chick is, and other than wanting to wear holly's skin why does she comment on this whole situation as if she's right there watching everything go down?
No. 829057
>>829055She might be some sort of talent manager given her bio. She was maybe representing Jared and Holly and getting a cut, but since their careers are ruined now she is out of money and mad.
I like how she's engaging with that MattLawsonVO guy. Do you think any of them realize he goes on his alt and threatens to find and harm people? Do you think they would even care? I noticed since we called out his alt he hasn't been on it as much either. I guess he must lurk here.
No. 829058
>>829057didn't he do it on his main too? i might be wrong but i kinda assumed that this was him as well
>>824698you know, if it looks like a dickhead, and sounds like a dickhead…
No. 829060
>>829057Nah, a quick google search shows she's more about brand PR. Google Denise Walz Seattle and you'll find her workplace page and her LinkedIn quite easily.
Definitely not talent management if this were her strategy to salvage Holly.
No. 829070
>>829069Chris Perkins.
Jeremy Crawford.
Mike Mearls.
The D&D Twitter account itself.
No. 829071
>>829070Okay. And what do you mean by stand by her? They are publicly vouching for her after the scandal? They are liking tweets in support of her? Or they simply didn't unfollow her? Because if it's the latter it means absolutely nothing. Unfollowing her just draws more attention to them and the situation.
I'm not asking to be incredulous. I just want clarification.
No. 829075
>>829073They probably think she's justified because she's a lovely moonbeam person who can't be
abusive because she was always nice to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
No. 829078
>>829076It's been "more than halved" because she can't get paid for appearances when the show she's on is on hiatus and all that. She's probably paid per appearance or something.
So she wants the "hiatus" to end so that can resume.
(you'll have to show me the other tweets here and there, though)
No. 829079
File: 1561787009160.png (2.37 MB, 1504x964, Screenshot 2019-06-29 at 11.10…)

>>829067about the etsy ware, can i just say that anything heidi is trying to sell is hand-crafted while the trash witch commissions art from others, slaps it onto tees, and sells it to people who return to her with complaints about holes in them
pic related, heidi's stuff from a-kon
>>829073looking at it that way, i am fucking ded. holly and her WKs love to bring up how heidi positively
threatened jared that she would absolutely
end DCA because it was so important to him and holly… and it turns out holly didn't need any help with ending it at all
No. 829082
>>829081One of the tweets I did see was that she wasn't going to let Strix's story end so it's seeming like she's fighting any sort of official departure.
Gale Force 9 is still releasing a Strix mini, the only purged one has been Diath.
No. 829083
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this is the first i'm hearing of this, anyone know what this is about?
No. 829097
File: 1561790659845.jpeg (614.35 KB, 1125x1729, 6223CF14-0AC5-4FAC-BA9E-1A59BE…)

Sorry if this was already posted
No. 829105
File: 1561793272063.png (85.9 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190629-031948.png)

I love when Holly's words come back to blow up in the faces of her & her shitty supporters
No. 829107
>>829105No, no, no. Be kind to HER. And her friends. And make sure to bring back DCA. She's just mentally ill.
Unlike Heidi. Who's mentally ill according to her. And unfixable. And a vindictive hateful harpy.
No. 829130
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>>829104I mean that's what we’re doing
No. 829134
>>829083This person is talking very neutrally for someone who has been licking Holly’s asshole
>Former fansI guess means just fans of the show, and not former Holly/Jared fans
If Jared ditches Holly she's gonna say she was manipulated and aboosed!! She was in a vulnerable position after being divorced and Jared coerced her using fantasy yo make her think she had feelings!!
Honestly, if Holly had stayed quiet I would have been impressed by her self control and manipulation, she could have still done mental health Mondays most likely and garnered sympathy from people while not supporting Jared in public. She could have played
victim, but in an off-handed way ”uwu I’m used to this but I won't let it get me down” she wouldn't have had everyone on her side but she would still have some semblance of respect from people. Instead, she did the equivalent of flopping on the floor and shitting her pants in a grocery store and s, HeidiHeidi this situation for her. It's her own stink she's sitting in and it's not clicking in her bird brain that the emotional manipulation through threats and
toxic phrases isn't working. So weird. She’s definitely calculated but I think there's also a level of idiot to her that people develop when they get a bit of attention.
I think the word narc is overused on this site, she's just got a big head over being noticed for once and everything is hurting her ego but on a different scale than you’d see in public because online/long distance creates a moment of separation between the actual emotional process compared to anything offline. She’s like an addict not getting her high anymore and she's going through withdrawals because she had no back up plan.
No. 829149
>>829130Literally the first sentence. "You're not that bad guy Heidi. Jared didn't communicate well with me"
Can't walk that back Holly, you didn't say it out of fear you truly believed it.
No. 829151
>>829131her lawyer already told her the phone was community property and she had a right to look at it.
what she wouldn't have the right to do is post the messages on twitter etc.
No. 829174
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No. 829189
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Meanwhile the sycophants in ProJared2 once again showing a complete lack of self awareness.
No. 829209
>>829208I feel like she does with all the urging of 'be kind - heal or hurt - The Truth™' is a dogwhistle. She's encouraging engagement, but it somehow means, let my WKs sling shit but you just smile and take it because healing and truth.
And she's probably in the discord as well.
No. 829244
File: 1561838432697.png (62.06 KB, 927x656, 2019-05-22_19h19_09.png)

Has anyone ever checked Holly's Twitter activity during her time in the hospital when supposedly, she couldn't access social media (she used the stay as an excuse for not posting the stuff sooner than late May).
Because damn. She went on a tweet purge during that exact time period..
No. 829254
File: 1561840115740.jpg (210.06 KB, 1000x398, hollysuicidebaiting.jpg)

Holly is the world's biggest hypocrite at this point.
>>>It's despicable for Heidi to threaten DCA by making the infidelity public, but it's ok to make my own threats to Jared to get what I want from him.
>>>Yelling at someone who wronged you is abusive, but threatening to kill yourself to manipulate people is normal.
>>>You can't hold me accountable for my actions because I'm mentally ill, but other mentally ill people are unfixable and deserve to be treated poorly for it.
>>>Be nice to everyone, except for people I personally decided don't deserve common human decency because they have wronged me.
No. 829258
>>829254Good take. Now the line “would be a bummer to destroy everything you’ve built” Seems more like “would suck if Holly destroyed everything you’ve done” ala suicide baiting or something just as ruinous.
Makes sense given her public pattern.
No. 829280
>>829263>>829258>>829254If you think about it, suicide baiting makes no sense. It wouldn’t help her at all if she actually attempted and lived and gave her reasoning why.
I’m 95% positive that Holly was going to either expose or report/blacklist Heidi.
I’m sure at this point Jared sent Holly texts of Heidi’s freak outs and Holly being Holly, she’d do anything to protect DCA and her relation with DND in general. She assumed Jared was helpless and couldn’t do anything himself so she thought she’d take the initiative and expose/blacklist Heidi so she could save Jared but Jared probably told her that wasn’t necessary because he knew it’d blow up in his face because he was giving half truths to both Holly and Heidi. He tells Heidi, knowing that she’ll go batshit on Holly to get her to stop while also pushing the narrative that Heidi is irrationally crazy and fucked up.
This all falls in line with Holly talking so much shit about Heidi, Jared being so quiet and Heidi being aggressive in texts to Holly.
No. 829283
File: 1561843280700.png (172.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190629-171755.png)

Holly stans have become so predictable at this point
No. 829286
File: 1561843469959.png (147.86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190629-171759.png)

>>829283…They blow up
constantly No. 829287
File: 1561843476793.jpg (789.93 KB, 1080x2663, Screenshot_2019-06-29-16-23-44…)

Holly is saying that picture of projared holding Aries with his wedding ring still on is super old?
No. 829288
>>829283Good thing Heidi isn't psycho and probably laughs at clown emojis.
Also the mods of ProJared went over to ProJared2 and basically said "fuck you, we aren't unlocking shit" so the wks there are sperging.
No. 829297
File: 1561843943280.png (5.58 KB, 659x49, Screenshot_18.png)

Holly WK: It's totally fine for Holly to say that she knows personally about what Heidi said/did to her therapist.
Holly WK: Heidi couldn't possibly know what Jared said to his therapist, doc/patient confidentiality exists
No. 829302
File: 1561844511492.png (150.24 KB, 720x740, 20190629_174018.png)

>Extortion Campaign
The lengths these folks will go to defend their queen 'Trash Witch'
No. 829309
>>829289Anon, you should know by now that Holly knows
everything. She's a witch, so she uses magic to see events where she wasn't present. That's how she knows that "various therapists" diagnosed Heidi as unstable and unfixable, that Heidi abused Jared and screamed "FUCK YOU" in his face, that Jared called her while hiding under the desk from crazy
abusive Heidi… etc.
No. 829316
File: 1561846396184.jpeg (719.65 KB, 1242x1788, 42EB18E0-0F13-4547-951F-A23EB5…)

sage for lack of milk but it looks like unogirl has a twitter and might be lurking
No. 829319
File: 1561846684625.png (286.43 KB, 480x471, 1538745113541.png)

>>829292>>829289>>829309don't you know??? Jared told her the photo was old therefore it must be true! I mean, why would he lie to Holly? She's special!
No. 829330
>>829323Unogirl said she made the Twitter throwaway because she saw Denica's confusion while lurking with her real Twitter handle. She obviously couldn't reply with that one. So that suggests she's keeping tabs on the drama and might be one of Denica's followers.
>>829326The financial restraining order prevents "unusual" activity. So you can still pay the rent and buy groceries. If you normally go to Starbucks for coffee every day, you can keep doing that. But you can't decide to suddenly buy a 60 inch TV or move all your savings to a Cayman Islands account without consulting your spouse. In the case of Heidi's new apartment and car, Jared and Heidi both agreed to that expenditure, so it's not a problem.
No. 829332
>>829331Didn't Denica openly admit she's doing a lot of this during her work hours?
She uses her real name on Twitter, should be easy to find her work info and report her, shouldn't it?
>>829330Much appreciated for the explanation!
Here's this video from the end of March 2019 of Jared wearing his wedding ring around Holly as thanks kek
No. 829339
File: 1561849557505.png (409.16 KB, 421x458, Boo Boo the Fool.png)

When you do clownery
No. 829344
>>829342Holly, what do you see in this picture?
Holly: Abuse.
No. 829359
>>829334>>829334this is a great catch but i lowkey think this was filmed in august 2018 bcuz in the description he’s talking about his birthday and holly’s stank ass hair was different in march.
still crazy to think he’d fuck a woman with bangs that horrible/she’d fuck a man who is in such desperate need of a nose job
No. 829365
>>829342Can't wait to see how Holly will deflect this
"This actually wasn't his wedding ring, it was actually a ring for his Diath cosplay."
No. 829372
>>829361There wouldn't be another DCA thread. The show is done, and the other people involved only provided a tiny trickle of old milk. Jared has been too silent for his own thread, so he goes in Holly's.
GG milk has mostly dried up now that Suzy got thinner and quit YT, and even the revival of Katie drama was short lived. If there's been anything new on that front, it's been buried by Holly. Holly was only ever part of Game Grumps because she was married to Ross, and they've both moved on. Whenever people post about how well Ross is doing, it's either old news (yes, he has a girlfriend, congrats you're the 12th person to post it) or no1curr.
At this point a GG thread that includes Holly will be GG in name only because the entire thing will be about Holly/Jared anyway. Might as well call a spade a spade.
No. 829376
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No. 829383
File: 1561856468702.png (194.39 KB, 1080x1320, Screenshot_20190630-110016~2.p…)

>>829379 DCA has 0 drama, but there's GG drama going on right now. They had a "garage sale" that was promised to go on all weekend but now they aren't opening it again tomorrow and people are comparing it to tanacon.
Holly is explicitly entwined with Ross and GG. Anna and Nate's drama is non-existent and already over. I don't understand why every thread has newfags getting super pendantic over how much GG is mentioned when the GG thread worked just fine when the drama broke.
No. 829385
File: 1561856473154.png (758.35 KB, 583x595, it's the little things.png)

He was a victim of Heidi who was manipulated into taking a walk and forced to play Pokemon Go! When they went on walks Holly wore his wedding ring on a necklace so she can confirm 100% she was not another "Other Woman" who fell for the ruse of a married man lying to them that they'd leave their wife!
No. 829443
>>829415Feel free to discuss Game Grumps here, they're still vaguely intertwined.
>>829418Avoid making a new thread until this one is full.
Please avoid derailing the thread. There is no real need to post about why GG and DCA should be separate or together.
No. 829456
>>829443Wait, so now the new thread is locked? So we….stop the discussion we were having over there to restart that same discussion here for ~40 posts….and then re-restart that discussion from this thread over in the new thread? Will that thread be unlocked then when this one is full then?
>Feel free to discuss Game Grumps here, they're still vaguely intertwined.Right, so doesn't it still make the most sense to just continue it as a GG General thread, instead of an entirely new thread about a dead subject claiming to not be about GG….where we just keep talking about GG people? Like, DCA isn't continuing on from this, but all of the main players in this drama came from or are associated with GG, that's why the drama broke in that thread in the first place.
It's a square/rectangle situation. All of the cows are vaguely related to GG, but GG isn't the focus of any of it. "GG General" is broad enough to include all of the players in the drama, but specific enough to exclude the rest of the Let's Play/Cosplay/Video Game community. This all just seems so much sloppier.
No. 829459
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I just can't get over the bullshit "I care about Heidi's privacy!" bit of Jared's statement and the way he "cared" by showing all the private messages to Holly and remaining mum as she threw them up on her twitter to her 245k followers
No. 829464
>>829460What exactly is the definition of early then? The thread already got a system message 60 some posts ago
>>829301 that specifically says >>>Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.
No. 829466
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>>829383Why are Dan and Arin such divas?
No. 829492
>>829466>>829484The planning of these kinds of events would fall under Suzy and Vernon's roles with game grumps wouldn't it? So it would make sense that they stuck around to try to put out the fire they created. At the very least they were also selling some of Suzy's psychic circle crap so she may have felt a sense of ownership over it all.
The venue they chose had a capacity of 200. This should have been at a bigger venue. Whoever planned this fucked it up.
No. 829498
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clown emojis cause suicide
heal, don't hurt
No. 829500
File: 1561881295563.png (133.84 KB, 604x998, 2019-06-30 17_52_18-Arin Hanso…)

>>829492>>829496Arin admitted in his twitter apology that they consistently underestimate how many people tend to show up at their events. My question is
why are they still doing that. It makes no sense to me. Especially when they had so many people rsvp - of course that doesn't necessarily mean that many will show, but it gives you a ballpark estimate. Combined with how often they run events, this was just idiotic.
No. 829501
>>829500Can't they just accept people with plane tickets idk.
They're so fucking stupid.
No. 829528
>>829500this always happens! we're so bad at planning! look how many times we've fucked up like this in the past! this is a pattern, not an exception!
oh but we swear it won't happen again lol so don't stop giving us your money
No. 829674
>>829668Not wanting to start an argument but for the sake of sincere curiosity: what makes Heidi a snake?
She's definitely made some immature and emotional choices but I think most of us here have been a woman scorned in the past and can understand how/why they happened.
Which is to say she's by no means perfect, but I haven't been able to perceive any of her drama as unjustifably malicious, crazy or out there… something I can't really say for the other parties involved.
No. 829677
>>829674She also doesn't make
everything about her/what happened to her (See: Holly's reaction to Etika's untimely death)
No. 829678
>>829668The only thing she did that could be construed as “wrong” was not share information with the public that had next to nothing to do with the situation.
Her leaving out polyamory has nothing on Jared allegedly fucking teenagers and Holly flipping the fuck out.
No. 829682
>>829680That doesn't make her a snake.
She was seeing 1 person, and considering it was an FtM I really doubt that they were doing nearly as depraved stuff as Jared was.
Well, Jared started it by lying about it and she called him out rightfully.
No. 829684
>>829682Pretending to agree with something your SO said so you can use it against him later is snake behaviour
Sharing her marital troubles online to cancel her husband is snake behaviour
As some anon said above, shes a scorned woman with her reasons and gl handling that, but imo, I've met enough snakes and shes one of them.
No. 829686
>>829684I can't recall her bringing up Jared's lewd blog in her initial claim nor can I recall her harassing him for it.
I don't think standing up for yourself is snake behaviour when it's validated.
No. 829687
>>829680>Consents on Jared online sexcapades She had some culpability in the "body positive" nude stuff, but Jared made secret accounts to sext.
>Tries to project this perfect loyal wife image when she was seeing dudes on the sidesThis is stupid. She admits they to the poly stuff, everything that's been confirmed has been mostly LARPing with some cosplayer. Nothing else has been publicly released other than Jared's exaggerations.
Projecting the loyal wife gimmick is something every one does when you're a public figure.
>…airing her relationship troubles to a bunch of random people on twitter Who wouldln't when you find the fucking texts between him and Holly, something she thought was over. It wasn't cool of her, but being the "cool" girlfriend got her nowhere too. I'd do the same fucking thing when it came to outing Jared after blocking her and controlling the narrative by pretending he was coddling her mental health.
No. 829690
>>829680The only poly thing Heidi had was a long distance mostly emotional support partner who was ftm. I bet you part of not revealing that was to prevent disrespect or outing that ftm. And if you read the actual texts that they tried to rub in her face, it looks a lot like Heidi only agreed to poly to be sexy/appease Jared and probably attempt to keep their marriage happy. No matter how you feel about poly relationships that's not a sin. It's also very clear in the texts holly claimed were abuse that Heidi did not approve of the emotional affair between holly and Jared, and they both understood that but continued anyway. Keep in mind holly was her best friend prior to this so that's a double backstab to Heidi.
The sexy fan messages thing seemed more like support of jareds ego/efame and Heidi was very clear in saying nudes are too far and had no idea underage was potentially involved. She also shut that down after a time but Jared continued behind her back. Fuck her for trusting her husband, amirite?
And her blowing up on Twitter initially was provoked by jared saying he'd be honest about cheating then publicly acting like things were amicable and blocking Heidi instead. It may not have been the most mature choice but I've seen a thousand 30+ year olds far more out of line. After that Heidi has handled things pretty reasonably imo.
So far the concept of her being a snake seems to stem from not reading the details of the drama from the times I've seen people try to explain.
No. 829691
>>829689it was. for some reason people like
>>829680 keep pushing this narrative that she was getting dicked down on the regular by multiple dudes when it was really just one long distance emotional support relationship, one that was active while they had agreed to an open marriage and then terminated once they had agreed to close it again.
No. 829823
>>829801Farmhand: new thread is unlocked
You posting in the old thread to bitch about an old ban: can you not read