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No. 785476
Suzy has posted so much shit since September 2018 so It’s hard to gather info
>Suzy is no longer going to be posting on vids on her KittyKatGaming account, apparently having been told by a Youtube Rep to “stop uploading” (based). Is planning on making a twitch account.>She’s been making a lot more merch, like tees, pins and hats>Game Grumps release new merch collection titled “Game Gyaru” which has Arin and Danny reimagined as 80’s animu girlsFrom the previous thread:
>Suzy has lost weight and refuses to get surgery for her thyroid problems, anons are speculating that it’s lipo>Stampy keeps insulting Suzy on twitter, calling her fat>Barry left GG>Good Game is released, it’s shit.>some artist drew DD genderbend fanart and got sent death threats over it>Daddy Dating Simulator gets released, people have mixed Suzy is voicing Val in it>Game Grumps started a podcast>Suzy and Arin buy a new, mutated munchkin kitten, name him Otto after some youtuber’s recently deceased catLast thread
>>>/snow/338648 Suzy's shit: Let's Player formerly known as Egoraptor: Avidan: Reality Show Cosplayer: husband, Ross O'Donovan No. 785477
File: 1552327468934.png (76.79 KB, 1424x391, KT.PNG)

Old udder, fresh milk? I was reading the old threads and found Arin's DeviantART again, specifically that portrait he drew of "Katie".
Well, apparently she found it a day before me and now she's replied to some curious fan (or farmer). It's definitely her, is this old news, or did Katie just spill some milk? No. 785494
>>785478I would have posted in the last thread if it wasn't full, anon.
>>785481I didn't include it because I don't follow GG news, just wanted to post that image in case it was important
There's no harm in having a thread in case drama comes up though, it can sink to the bottom of snow, but it will be here if anything comes up in future.
No. 785500
>>785496did you even read what I'd written?
>I was reading the old threads I found something I thought could be potentially new news, so I went to post it in the most recent gg thread, and guess what? It was full. I made a thread to post something that I found of a subject that has filled, what? Like 3 full threads? Didn't seem like much harm to me in case something new came up.
No. 785502
>>785500New news? Theiy're making merch and Suzy lost weight, that's such milky news anon, thank you for giving it to us. /s
>>785499I honestly feel bad for his girlfriend because of the way some of the GG fans can be–there's tons of 'fan accounts' on instagram posting pictures of her and Dan talking about how good looking she is and how much of 'goals' they are. I understand why he kept it private for so long.
No. 785680
>>785488That is the dumbest reason for a divorce I've ever heard.
What's all this about Suzy being asked by a YT staff member not to upload?
No. 785729
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>>785505nta but it's pretty logical to make a new thread for info you think is new if you can't post in a full thread
>>785680yeah I saw something about that on twitter, it was back at the start of the year. I was going to post it but I assumed someone had already lol
No. 785739
>>785729My sub feed has always worked perfectly fine and the comments of the vid she made on this issue were full of people saying stuff like "oh no it's working for me but i'm so sorry it's happening to other people!!"
Her gaming channel was never popular and seeing her blame it on youtube is equal parts sad and hilarious
No. 785909
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>>785483>>785488>>785680>>785682From what I read on Arin's kiwi thread, Holly didn't like being called a 'Grump' and being associated with the channel because GameGrump fanboys would draw disgusting nsfw fanart of her and suzy. I wont link any because fuckthatshit but, there is a whole subreddit dedicated to gamegrump rule 34 where they sexualize their girlfriends and wives and them. It's fucking gross. Most of the top post on there are related to Holly. While I don't know much about her tbh, from what I have seen she doesn't purposely ever sexualize herself in pictures or videos etc and yet the top post on there is someone who capped a pic of her butt when she had to bend down on a stream or comparing her to so some naked chick or the many lesbian porn drawings of her and suzy.
So, I completely understand her wanting to cut all ties with a divorce. While obviously GameGrumps can't stop their manchild fanbase from making rule 34 of them, I'm shocked that Arin apparently endorsed it(I don't have proof of this but, that's what a kiwi post said)and that Suzy once was also was ok with it but, then later changed her mind because she probably got mad seeing most of them only drew porn of her when it involved Holly and got jelly they prefer Holly over her or some shit. Either way, just shows how messed up their community is.
Danny is going to regret wanting to bring his gf into the community if he cares about her because they're already discussing if it's "allowed to post dan's gf on here??". for those who are curious just go on r/polygrumps and try not to vomit.
No. 785915
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>>785909Here is a tweet of Suzy supporting polygrumps back in 2014.
No. 786122
>>785940She talks about it around 1:30. I think it's more likely that she kept whining to them about not getting enough views on her shitty vids so they eventually just told her "hey, if you really think it's your channel you can just make a new one" and she made it sound like they told her to stop posting.
Her videos never got any views because she has 0 personality and is so dumb watching her play is physically painful. Not to mention her makeup channel failed too. But I guess it's easier to believe someone is erasing her subs and views than to accept that this isn't the job for her.
No. 786598
>>785483Holly gets depressed a lot, and so needed a location that helps with said depression.
Ross moved to LA from Perth to become an animator, and so for the time being is locked in to LA.
To me that really seems like a weaksauce reason to break up a marriage over, and not even close to the entire story. Thing is though they both seem lovely so there's no way I'd ever pry.
No. 788784
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>>785909>there is a whole subreddit dedicated to gamegrump rule 34 where they sexualize their girlfriends and wives and them>the top post on there is someone who capped a pic of her butt when she had to bend down on a stream or comparing her to so some naked chick or the many lesbian porn drawings of her and suzy.>"allowed to post dan's gf on here??"Christ…..good for her for getting away from that shit, whether that was the reason for the divorce or not. I hope she gets some good therapy and doesn't just become a damaged bird lady shut in. I can totally see Ross (or any of the guys) being shitty gaslighting assholes about something like that though
>ugh what do you want me to do? just have them NOT draw porn of you?>this is my JOB!! you think we could afford this house if I didn't work so hard?? and you want me to be ungrateful and tell them to stop drawing fanart???>it's a compliment!! you're totally overreacting No. 789175
>>785909>Arin apparently endorsed itBasically he said he didn't mind porn of himself existing, even shipping him with his friends but he obviously can't speak for the others
>>789137Well Jon turned out to be a gigantic white supremacist piece of shit so I won't shed a tear for him, and I wouldn't be surprised if his sudden departure had to do with that
No. 789696
>>789193>He became a white supremacistSo, he's confirmed a white supremacist?
I kept hearing that when it was going on but everyone else made it seem like a joke. I never knew who to believe, but Jon seems shaken from the entire thing.
No. 789890
>>789850Oh yikes, the uproar makes sense now
That’s really weird coming from Jon since he’s mixed lmao. No wonder he was constantly getting into fights with his friends.
No. 789970
>>789696Yeah he even wore an ss uniform as a “joke”
>>789902Didn’t he respond to that by saying that all that mattered was his skin tone?
No. 790007
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>>789850>>789890Sheesh….no kidding. I thought Jon was such a nobody at this point that I figured "Gee, no one is stupid enough to be OPENLY racist in this day and age, especially not a public figure. The only people that pay any attention to him anyways are his diehard fans/the GG community, and even then they probably had to piece it together from odd comments here and there or who he was following on twitter or something. That's why I missed it, obviously." but yikes it's literally in his Wiki bio at the top of the page:
>In early 2017, Jafari faced backlash from media outlets and fans after making public comments on race and immigration. Jafari's comments were characterized by news commentators as aligning with far-right or alt-right politics. Shortly after the backlash to these statements, he stepped down as an active member of NormalBoots.I thought I'd have to find some random vendetta tumblr with screenshots piecing it all together and EXPOSING him but nvm he really is that stupid. Holy shit.
No. 790051
>>790008I agree, I remember on a GG episode or two he would refer to his father as “foreign” which was kinda strange imo. There were also screenshots floating around on an old account suspected to be his, that Jon used to get yelled at by his parent/s. Not sure how credible those were tho.
Maybe he was actually cut from GG because of his strange attitude towards things like that, but Jon probably wanted to leave and go on his own anyway. Arin is suspect too, but who knows.
No. 790073
>>790068Oh shit, I forgot about that
Jon really is insane
No. 790197
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This thread made me look at Suzy's insta for the first time in years, not gonna lie the caption on this one made me kek. Their fans really are insane. I wouldn't blame Holly at all for wanting to get away from that, and Snooz must be overjoyed that she gets to be the the only ~gAmEr gUrL~ now
No. 790212
>>789696He's not a white supremacist.
He's not even white.
There's plenty of POC in his videos that he's 110% chill.
He's used some of their talking points in a debate with Destiny tho, so I guess he's branded forever.
No. 790254
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>>790197Fuck I shouldn't have checked because her fucking reselling Chinese jewelry shit fucking enrages me.
>each made by meno. you did not fucking make this you lazy sack of shit. At fucking most you drew a basic ass scorpion and commissioned it for a real jewelry designer to make. I fucking hate how she claims she makes all her shit because none of her fans know what it even means to make and design something from scratch. Just fucking stop deluding yourself.
Btw, there is a video where she basically confirms she has someone make her shitty jewelry, she just sends a badly drawn concept to an actual designer(probably with Arin's GameGrump money)and has them do all the work and she just resells it to her stupid followers who think she's actually talented at something.
No. 790579
>>785909Ross and Holly were such a sweet couple. very sad to hear about the divorce. the fanbase is
toxic and vile, filled with socially awkward neckbeards. I'd be pissed too if they were drawing porn of me (if i were holly) cuz she already has social anxiety and is self conscious about how she looks. she also respects herself, unlike Suzy. Hope everything gets better for Holly.
No. 790680
>>790579Things were going pretty great for her after her move, but then her car was stolen from her own backyard. They never found it.
But it's been a month since then and she's doing good again. She on new medicine I believe. I really hope her and Ross do well separately.
No. 792008
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This fandom really is the worst.
No. 792053
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>>790197>foot privilegesugh
They really need to be more firm with their fans, and I feel like sometimes Suzy encourages the behavior.
Maybe they don't want to upset the people that give them money, but it bites them in the butt when their psycho fans show up at their house.
No. 792194
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>>785909Out of curiosity I did go look, and honestly what the fuck.
No. 792751
>>785476Re: Stamper, its not just Twitter. I remember in one of Suzy's Q&A vids she mentioned being offended after one of the guests on Table Flip insinuated she was fat. I'm 99% sure she was referring to Stamps. The convo according to her went a bit like this:
Guest: "Nice costume"
Suze, jokingly: "We could switch"
Guest: "Yeah, and I bet I could fit in it too."
No. 792765
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>if I hadn't turned Arin down he and Suzy wouldn't be together and Game Grumps definitely wouldn't exist
Calm down, sis.
No. 792777
>>792770>He knows he's always welcome back in my life with open armsSeems sketchy. I wouldn't be surprised if that the email between Arin and her that Suzy found was dripping with desperation, hence Suzy's "back off" message.
Suzy and Arin are
toxic, but at this point they've been married longer than this Katie chick was ever friends with Arin.
No. 792793
>>792765Are there a bunch of newfags in the snooze thread now that havent read the heaps of old receipts backing up Arins neckbeard love life of chasing after his female friends & snoozes whole regina george gf attitude or is Snooze herself bored posting on LC to kick up some relevancy after "youtube" fucked with her "algorithm".
(Why even start up a new thread on her and the group when its reduced to nostalgiafags)
No. 792820
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>>785476Apparently Arin and Suzy have been plotting for Jacksepticeye and Girlgamergab(?) to get together while Jacksepticeye was still with his ex? I might be wrong.
No. 792883
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Welp. Arin and Dan body pillows. This is what it's come to. (also in the Game Gyaru version, of course)
No. 792970
>>792897>>792907>>792912Yeah we're here to shit on Suzy and co., but this is just stupid. It's clearly a joke. Yeah some weirdo will probably hump them but it's still a harmless silly joke.
>>792935Sage goes on the email field, it's not enough to just say "sage for w/e"
No. 794011
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>>792973>Both Dan and Arin ones are sold out now.goddammit….I want to believe they made 1 each and just one deranged fan bought both. I cannot believe people would actually buy this shit
No. 794103
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>>794099This one caught my eye
No. 794138
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>>794103Wow, Suz confirmed for right. KT was a bad friend after all. You don't publicly shit on your friends like that KT.
It's this one that really stood out to me though. Knew Arin was older. Didn't know he was that much older.
No. 794145
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Lmfao I can only hope to strive to this level of passive aggressiveness
No. 794147
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No. 794148
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I don't think she's aware that she's actually doing Snooze a favor by acting even crazier in comparison.
No. 794150
this katie bitch is crazy
No. 794160
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>>794159There's zero chance she doesn't. Arin clearly has a thing for bananas.
No. 794162
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No. 794177
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>I can't judge their relationship
>judges it
Arin sure can pick 'em
No. 794180
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Watch out, Dan.
No. 794188
>>794180Or maybe you could be their waitress if they're ever in Chicago. Anything is possible!
Why hasn't she got friends that will tell her she's being pathetic, and why isn't she listening to them?
No. 794197
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>>794184I think you're right.
No. 794200
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No. 794241
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If she held on to junk like this all this time and is parading it around now, I'm 99% there's like a shrine to Arin somewhere in her house.
No. 794242
>>794238A good move, imo. A block would still be an interaction, meaning prince arin and witch Suzy saw her tweets and were
triggered by her truth bombs
No. 794246
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>>794245Seems like she was doing exactly that even before they were married.
I guess she's already divorced, if she married that boyfriend like she said, but now refers to him as her ex.
No. 794314
>>794246If what she says is true about her husband physically abusing her, that is disgusting and not okay under any circumstance, but it's disgusting to blame arin for that. he's a lazy piece of shit but she needs to take some accountability and not blame arin for her
abusive husbands actions. thats unbelievably manipulative.
No. 794320
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i can't believe i'm defending suzy but i can understand why she felt so threatened by katie
No. 794326
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>>794320>huge inspiration behind Egoraptor's character MelissaShe proudly brags about that 15 years later, knowing Arin uploaded "Melissa" nudes on his deviantart.
No. 794327
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No. 794336
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No. 794376
>>794177Wow. This girl is actually
worse than Suzy, by a lot. It's been like 15 years, get some fucking therapy.
No. 794396
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What's with her enormous fucking sense of entitlement? Why does she keep acting as if Arin or Suzy owe her anything? She comes across as so obnoxious, smug, and condescending. The lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling.
No. 794399
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What even is this answer and why is it so needlessly creepy? Does she mean "sweet tooth" but was too dumb to remember, so to be safe she just included every tooth in his gaping maw?
No. 794403
>>794320Didn't she recently drag Suzy for attaching herself to the "Ego brand"? And now she's doing the exact same thing by bragging she inspired Melissa, an OC that Arin doesn't give 2 shits about anymore and is at least a decade old?
This may be old milk, but no one loves chugging it more than KT here.
No. 794410
>>794399>"sweet tooth"aww cute, you like sweets! teehee uwu
>"sweet teeth"I have never been more appalled in my life. Are you a serial killer? I'm calling the police. Don't ever speak to me again.
No. 794421
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>"Again I understand she has a lot of mental illness, so I can't be upset. But I can ask that you please get some help, y'know? 'Cause clearly you do need some. And getting help isn't admitting defeat, it's saying,' I have an issue that I need to get better' and that's a wonderful thing. Growth is a wonderful thing. Anyway, if it was anybody else, this situation would not be as disturbing. Being copied is one thing, but being copied by the one person who manipulated and lied to and convinced my best friend who was in love with me at the time that I didnt care about them so you could be with them romantically, also while emulating my persona and copying my interests in order to get their attention or whatever, this is what's extremely disturbing to me. Not being copied, but the extent of the nuanced situation behind this specific person copying me."
KT implying that she apparently has the market cornered on being a fake snowflake goth, and saying Suzy needs to get professional help. Top kek.
No. 794434
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Holy shit. She vaguetweets so much. Is she insane?
No. 794437
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Oh god. More. Oh god.
No. 794440
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No. 794442
>>794396>>794441Isn't she just being passive aggressive or sarcastic? This sounds like she's saying suzy needs her because she's so negative?
This woman is fucking batshit. I mean, we're mostly women here, I'll avoid a blog post, but a lot of women deal with a male friend falling in love with them and it being unrequited. Aren't most women really happy someone they're not attracted to has moved on? It looks like she wasn't attracted to Arin, but loved his money and obsession with her. It would suck if your friend stops talking to you, but it's like watching a kid grow up. Move on.
Man, never thought Suzy's jealous behavior would have saved him from a pyscho. Weird how things work out.
No. 794443
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Sorry for the dump. Currently on mobile and can’t put screenshots all together.
No. 794444
>>794442He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a weeb
She was insane
What more can I say?
No. 794449
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what the fuck lol I feel bad for arin, kt is insane. if someone has an unrequited crush on you why on earth would you keep telling them you love them (even as a friend, I would hold back out of courtesy) or ask them to marry you? I looked at his early profile comments. I think it's fucked up to ask your spouse to stop talking to a friend but uhhhh KT was definitely leading him on, it's just not healthy
No. 794450
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Threw this together kind of shitty and quick. Scrolling through all those months of tweets made me see how absolutely crazy she is and how often she vaguetweets or talks about him.
No. 794455
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Wow, reading about the mythical Katie has been a wild ride. It's pretty sad that this seems to be all she has going for her, it makes her look even worse than Suzy. I wonder if she browses here.
Sage because this is a bit stale in comparison to the milk flowing now but to elaborate on the game gyaru line:
- Suzy posted on Instagram that she launched the line herself.
- It's a pretty straight dirty pair rip (see pic attached).
- Some people called them out on that but no one at game grumps cared. The closest thing to an acknowledgment was Arin randomly tweeting that he was rewatching dirty pair.
- The company (the Odd Gentlemen) that actually drew the art (because Arin can't be arsed to draw his own shit) is the same company that stole over a million dollars from Andrew Hussie when he did a kickstarter for a homestuck game.
No. 794457
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>>794455included Suzy's insta post.
No. 794460
>>794455If I remember correctly, they were very open with the fact that it was inspired by/an homage to Dirty Pair. They mentioned it a lot in episodes
As for Suzy taking credit, that's bullshit since Arin is the one who actually likes anime and they got another artist to do the designs
No. 794463
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>>794462Whoops. Forgot pic
No. 794464
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>>794327This is probably the worst thing i've ever read. Arin has damsel in distress issues- whatever the princess saving syndrome is called. He really wrote about a woman being beaten and raped but wanting Egoraptor to be her knight in shining armor even though she's an ex-assassin? Big Yikes
No. 794465
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No. 794466
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>how dare suzy poision my best friend against me!!! I miss him!!!
No. 794481
>>794473She's not even his ex. That's the really disturbing thing…well more bizarre. She's just his ex-friend that rejected HIM. He just got a girlfriend and turned out she didn't like him being close to a girl he was in love with. Whether Suzy is a jealous bitch or not, a healthy thing to do is limit the friendship for the sake of Suzy and Arin's relationship. I mean it sucks to lose your friend, but clearly she's insanely salty and jealous over Suzy. All these years I thought Suzy was the nutso.
>>794138 Ironically, she posts a message with Suzy that makes Suzy sound a bit reasonable. She doesn't say KT did anything wrong, but says that Arin was trying to buy her love. Looks like Suzy put the responsibility on Arin.
No. 794486
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She sounds paranoid tbh. If what Katie says is true and GG wouldn't exist if she and Arin got together, would they still be a couple today? Doubt she'd be this ride or die if he was still a struggling animator.
No. 794491
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>>794488I'm guessing she's stuck there because that's when she peaked. In high school.
No. 794497
>>794327>hides her scars from the rape and abuse bc she doesn't want Egoraptor to think she's uglyMassive red flag if this is what he thinks of when designing a gf for his self insert OC.
>>794437This girl is gonna be a school shooter.
No. 794498
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If katie cares bout these things so much, why doesnt she do it herself? What business does she have telling people what to do or tweet? Damn I don't like suzy, but I'll take her over katie. I can already imagine how she dreams about taking over GG if she just had an in.
No. 794499
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I mean, at this point she'll take what she can get anyway. Suzy, Arin, Danny, doesn't matter.
No. 794502
>>794498She's pretty clearly living vicariously through Suzy, so she needs Snooz to do things SHE would do to fulfill the experience.
>>794497He was a teenager when he designed this.
No. 794505
>>794486She thinks Suzy is copying her when you can find girls all over insta and twitter that post the same shit as both of them
They're both just basic, ~30-year old, faux-goth girls
No. 794521
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Sheesh leave Ross alone, you nutcase
No. 794545
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>>794516>>794519I doubt she was posting in the old threads, seems like she just emerged recently with 15+ years of butthurt considering she was replying to devArt comments from a million years ago. She also has a pretty distinct way of posting (by that I mean her tweets look like your weird internet-inept aunt who just comments on everything you do on social media) I feel like she would be a pretty obvious newfag if she posted here.
What do you think brought this all on suddenly? Did she get divorced and start googling her "exes" or something? Did she really not know about GG or anything before now?
>>794521>art don't work like datnot the point of the cap I know, but that reply made me kek
No. 794560
File: 1554378080251.jpg (135.12 KB, 1080x585, wat.jpg)

Katie screaming into the void again.
No. 794574
File: 1554382966993.png (101.12 KB, 1208x438, Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 9.01…)

kek, she really believes that arin will come running back to her any day now. he may not be the smartest man but he ain't that dumb.
No. 794575
File: 1554383058885.jpg (87.44 KB, 484x564, 98.jpg)

She convinced herself that Suzy has been copying everything she does and that if she posts something on the net, Suzy will do the same. She thinks that Suzy will immediately advise Game Grumps on giving 100% of the merch sales to charity now that she (Katie) has posted about it.
"freebie" - advice/stuff/behaviour that Katie thinks Suzy is copying from her.
No. 794592
File: 1554387031537.png (61.79 KB, 684x539, 1.png)

These tweets are fucking hilarious.
Most saltiest shit I've read in awhile. I hate Egoraptor but, I hope he gets off seeing this bitch suffer after leading him on for years only to deny him. now all she has to brag for is "rejecting him romantically" years ago and thinking she's the reason he got with suzy. this is some crazy ass karma.
No. 794623
>>794592I agree with everyone that she definitely lead him on and was totally milking him for attention but my goodness the negs she spews towards him while simultaneously trying o win him back. Make it seem like the short friendship they had was probably super shitty and
> Does he even draw even more?> We didn't date because YOU'RE the narcissist> My influence on his life caused GG so I'mm take all the credit for his hard work> You can do it, you can get on the big screen!The last one really gets me, Fake cheering him on as if he hasn't reached at point in success where he, his wife, and his friends are set for life and he doesn't need randos form his past spouting platitudes about him on twitter (say what you will about the state of GG but none of them are poor or needing any pity in that regard).
In a weird way it makes me see Arin and Suzys marrige in a way better light. he has no self esteem to the point that he put up with constant insults form someone like katie for years until suzy came along and boosted his ego. Sure she may enable some of the crappier parts of his personality, but damn is he in a much better place than he was then
No. 794631
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>>794575She made a big stink about not giving suzy any more "freebies" then turns around to dole out more commands about how suzy should run her life. Katie really can't help herself. Sad.
No. 794637
File: 1554394812727.jpg (299.29 KB, 1419x1774, IMG_20190404_181808.jpg)

>>794623I searched a bit on the net to see if Arin has ever mentioned Katie in the recent times, came across this.
No. 794658
File: 1554397458001.jpg (88.4 KB, 1080x385, IMG_20190405_010249.jpg)

Hide your husbands, ladies! Confirmed that Katie is single and on the prowl.
No. 794667
File: 1554399024621.png (12.31 KB, 582x119, 6tygb.png)

>spends years rejecting him
>gets jealous when he hooks up
seems like she had it lol this girl is a trip
No. 794668
File: 1554399465432.jpg (135.42 KB, 1080x609, nyd.jpg)

This was what Katie was busy tweeting while everyone else was still celebrating 2019. Happy new year.
No. 794673
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Arin, on the other hand:
No. 794674
File: 1554400408400.gif (1.8 MB, 250x250, 25c60b5d60943adbdf487897f6b661…)

>>794658>i just needs me a person who understands to leave me the fuck aloneThen Arin really is her dream guy cause he's been leaving her the fuck alone for….what, 10+ years? What's the problem then?
>>794631God, I would LOVE to see her try and bring a court case against Snooz for "cashing in on her persona" (a la Poppy/Mars Argo). It doesn't seem like it would be that out of character, if she's really that delusional. I mean I find Suzy insufferable but like, I can't even wrap my head around Katie's thought process here. She thinks Suzy's entire personality is based off of a friend of a friend she knew only over the internet 15 years ago? How is that
possibly enough information for Suzy to create a "whole personality" around? So somehow Suzy is skinwalking Katie even though Katie disappeared from their lives/the internet for 15 years?
How Katie? You think she was sitting outside your window for 15 years watching and taking notes on everything you did? Just to keep Arin interested?
No. 794693
>>794678Snooze is still scummy though. nevermind her looks, her entire jewelry business is done by others while she claims full credit and over charges because she's efamous.
But at least she's living an actual life, this Katie person sounds legit insane and can't get over the "what could've been".
No. 794738
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>>794676>I spent 5 minutes on the dragon ball wiki like a dumbass trying to remember who the fuck cyarin wasLMFAO same here.I thought it was DBZ Piccolo's gf or something.
>>794711>she thinks she's cyarin, who is a shitty artist who does nothing but skinwalk loish, so, she's kinda right in that regardThat cyarin girl seems equally as self-obsessed as Katie since she constantly draws kawaii auto-portraits of herself. Birds of a feather flock together I guess.
>Katie's "art"even suzy can draw better than that No. 794761
>>794668>piccolo hooked up w/ a fan who made them famous but influenced their art to not be as good>hooked up w/ a fan who made them famousThis is so confusing. Is she trying to say that Suzy is the one who made Arin famous? Like, Arin picked Suzy over Katie because Suzy would make him famous?? I'm familliar with the artist cyarin but not picolo or this backstory. What the hell is she talking about?
>peak picolo & cyarin>picolo hooked up w/ a fan who made them famous>a lot of ppl rememberSo she's trying to say that she and Arin weren't famous, and then Arin got together with Suzy who MADE him famous, but somehow people remembered and cared about his personal life….before he got famous? Back when nobody knew who he was? Bruh I can't do this mental gymnastics…
No. 794785
>>794780Anything he's done that's milky is from like ages ago. Like not understanding some PC language etc.
For the most part he's an old man who just listens to music and keeps to himself
No. 794827
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>>794824Unless I'm mistaken her tweets only go back to the end of November 2018, but she started tweeing about Arin and Suzy in early December, so, about a week after she made the account. She was most likely obsessing over Arin for much longer as she referenced her ex-husband smudging/ruining art he drew of her that she had saved for several years.
No. 794830
File: 1554434049388.jpeg (168.67 KB, 750x744, B1FCF175-F27B-46A7-A211-288BC4…)

I’m 300% sure this violet girl reads here. Imagine the reaction when your milk fodder source for your Suzy hateboner turns into a thread about yourself instead, get help with your midlife crisis lmao
No. 794840
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Random tidbit: KT attend college in 2011 but apparently never graduated or ended up doing nothing with her degree
No. 794841
File: 1554437112777.jpg (55.7 KB, 1080x215, meangirl.jpg)

Katie has a serious case of "I'm not like Other Girls™" syndrome.
No. 794843
File: 1554437297473.jpg (159.25 KB, 1080x912, cali.jpg)

>>794840Interesting. She also was supposed to move away to California to pursue her dream of being an actress. Looks like it didn't work out, kek. It must suuuuuuck to end up as a waitress back in your old city, while seeing the guy you rejected become a famous millionaire.
No. 794847
>>794843Wow, that is really pitiful.
I'm not too well-versed in Game Grumps stuff. Can anyone provide me with a brief timeline? Egoraptor started animating in 2004 and quit sometime around 2012 to do Game Grumps. KT and Arin were friends for three years during that time, and Arin also met Suzy then. Anyone have more specific dates?
No. 794872
>>794847I doubt Katie is a reliable source, but according to her:
>He pursued me from the end of 2003 to about 2006; Arin & Suzy met in the summer of 2004.But in "Arin Wikipedias Himself" he says that he and Suzy started dating in 2002 or 2003, it was a long time ago so he doesn't exactly remember when.
No. 794883
>>794878It's crazy because she claims Arin and her were never together, but is obsessed with the exact timeline of when Arin and Suzy got together. It's so pathetic how she pores over the little details of someone else's relationship.
She keeps talking about being "written out of history" but honestly, no one gives a shit if Arin had other crushes before meeting his soon to be wife. Katie is less than irrelevant. Read Arin's LJ and you'll see he had a crushes on lots of girls, not just Katie, before meeting his first girlfriend Suzy.
The only difference is that those many other girls that Arin crushed on as a teenager moved on with their lives. Katie is the only one with of them who demands some kind of recognition, for what exactly? Being some pimply teenage nerds crush in the 2000s? Does Katie think future historians are going to care about this shit? Get a fucking life. 1
No. 794890
>>794887Well if she had been dating Arin since 2003 or whatever I guess she wouldn't have married her
abusive ex and maybe be more adjusted? Maybe that's why she's so salty, because instead of the millionaire waifu timeline that was literally at her fingertips she got the abused mentally ill one instead.
No. 794895
>>794894I didn't say anywhere in my post that she shouldn't be held accountable. She's the one who led Arin on and kept him at arms length to use as an emotional punching bag because she clearly never thought he'd actually get a girlfriend. But it wouldn't surprise me if that's exactly how she sees it, that she was "robbed" of a good life because Suzy and Arin.
If her ex was actually
abusive though then I'm sure it took a toll on her mental health, but maybe she's always been insane.
No. 794896
File: 1554450661806.jpg (193.89 KB, 1080x1094, sour grapes.jpg)

Katie didn't become an actress in California because she chose not to, guys! That's why she wanted to become a waitress in Chicago instead. See? Dreams do come true.
No. 794897
>>794895That's true. But that's also a big if. Physical abusers deserve no quarter.
But Katie by her own admission talked about Arin enough and show off his gifts to the point of making her ex uncomfortable. Shows zero consideration and respect for a partner's feelings. I wouldn't want to be treated like that. I wouldn't hit someone over it, but I'd definitely peace out.
No. 794899
>>794897She could be lying considering her track record, but even if she was a shitty partner herself she still could've been subject to emotional/physical abuse. Chances are it was a
toxic relationship on all sides.
>>794898I was just clarifying my stance, anon.
No. 794907
File: 1554457577412.png (18.83 KB, 522x392, datzw7-0649792e-9704-4352-ad0a…)

I think she really wants the egoboost she had during high school back.
This is a drawing she did back in the day, basically saying "i'm a nerd girl with boobs, look at all these guys wanting to marry me!"
She's not ~*the special magical purple haired cool and nerdy girl with green eyes who all boys want uwu*~ anymore, she's a 30-something washed up nobody still wearing tacky 2000s fashion.
Also Katie is angry at Suzy because she thinks she's so much more special and original, she should've gotten internet fame and money instead!
No. 794910
File: 1554460259722.png (94.3 KB, 847x732, ssssssss.PNG)

This isn't really milk, but someone bought what feels like every ticket to the grump live show ever and is selling them on ebay for 500 bucks.
There are three pages full of this shit.
No. 794924
File: 1554463927371.jpg (77.3 KB, 1080x275, 405_011326.jpg)

>stalks Suzy's profile to see if there's anything vaguely similar between them
>accuses Suzy actually being the one stalking her
Huh. Okay then.
No. 794925
>>794907most of her Twitter posts that aren't about GG are about how she's a super strong awesome psychic/witch who trains other psychics out of the pure kindness of her heart and asks for nothing in return but the satisfaction of being a teacher.
She's got serious eight grade syndrome that she has yet to grow out of.
No. 794926
>>794925> super powerful witch> couldn't kick start her acting career> couldn't move to cali> couldn't get a job she doesn't hate> couldn't stop herself from marrying a person she claims is abusive> couldn't keep arin interestedSuzy also says she's a powerful witch in her bio and I know she's not super serious about it like kt but damn is she a better witch than kt because no matter what she does she still has wealth, love, an endless supply of opportunities she doesn't deserve, and constant support. she's demonstrated way more witch powers than kt
Most of her recent tweets definitely seem to be directed at arin/suzy though, I think her obsession is slowly ramping up over time and I'm so excited to see where this ball of crazy goes
No. 794931
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Comparing your broke divorcée ass to victims of a house fire. Gross.
No. 794933
File: 1554466646524.jpg (225.8 KB, 1080x1496, IMG_20190405_201545.jpg)

Being ignored is not the same as being mistreated. Getting this worked out over a fan wiki is ridiculous.
No. 794950
>>794933how in the hell does she think she's been mistreated? Cause he online friend from high school grew up and moved on?
Damn I hope she DOES see this thread so she can get some perspective on how insane she looks.
But then again, someone this crazy is probably too far up their own ass to ever see it.
No. 794955
>>794897That's why it's hard to believe they only just divorced. There's no way that anyone with any self respect would put up with her with long… though just typing it out the obvious also occurs, that nobody with self respect would have married her in the first place.
>>794896Was also wrong for guessing it was her below average face and atrocious diva attitude that stood in her way. She just knew her calling was elsewhere! Also, what are sour grapes?
No. 794992
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>>794916yeah, that sounds like some plausible early 2000s weeaboo boy nonsense
>>794830nah, yall are giving her WAY too much credit here, she's far too dumb to have made it this far, she can barely understand twitter
>>794928>>794926how much longer until she drives to California in a diaper with a bunch of weapons like that one astronaut? We can't be far off
No. 795000
File: 1554480219195.png (37.47 KB, 1103x328, 114.png)

Has this masterpiece been posted yet?
>I love this. I had to submit it.
(ot but is anyone else living for this 2000s deviantART/internet weeb community cringefest? I can feel *teh glomp xDDDD RWAR WAFFLES!! lol so random!! ^__~* in my blood)
No. 795033
File: 1554484113242.jpg (119.98 KB, 675x1200, Deauv9LWsAsxUD5.jpg)

why would anyone ever want to copy this girl's "persona"? She's just a homely weeb who styles herself like its still 2001.
Say what you want about Suzy, but she's about 100 times better looking than this crazy B
No. 795034
>>795033She's one of those women who think that "gamer nerd girls" are some rare thing and she's a jewel to be had
When in reality she has a surface level interest in games and a batshit brain.
No. 795122
>>794780Not really any milk on Dan. Him and Barry were genuinely the best grumps and most liked.
I always hated Ross. He's said some sexist shit in their Sierra (King's quest) old play throughs. Surprised Holly took that shit
No. 795137
>>795130I get what you mean. I wouldn't think much of this kind of behavior from someone who was
still only 15-16 years old. But Katie is in her 30s, has a job, and has been married. She should know better than to act like this. Does she really think Arin is just gonna swoop in and save her from her humdrum little life to his mansion in CA? Say what you will of Suzy, but she put in the time.
No. 795140
File: 1554500697065.jpg (111.29 KB, 1080x679, cursedimage.jpg)

don't give katie any ideas, now
No. 795327
File: 1554556188684.jpg (44.7 KB, 547x519, dov.JPG)

>arin will become next bill cosby
No. 795333
>>795327>Arin, you're turning into a monster and I'm the only one who cares enough to help you turn it all aroundClassy, Katie. I never though I'd see someone with a
victim complex and a savior complex at the same time.
No. 795405
>>785476>>795327She seems to have this really idealized version of Arin in her head. The 15 year old Arin.
It's pretty manipulative of her to want him to literally not change, or if he does it has to be on her checklist of what she deems acceptable. That's some pretty finite "unconditional love" that she professes to have.
No. 795420
>>795405It doesn't seem like she has an idealized version of him in her head as much as it sounds like she's just a plain old manipulator. She's a really shitty one, but she tries really hard. There is no reason to say that Arin will be "the next Bill Cosby", he may be a childish or a slob, but there is no reason to believe he is a rapist or sexually assaults people or will do so in the future. She's only pulling that card because she want's to bait out an emotional response, it's completely illogical for a normal person to say something like that even if they were putting old Arin on a pedestal. Bill Cosby has nothing to do with 15 year old Arin or 32 year old Arin.
>>795334Until I saw what Katie was like, I did think that Suzy made Arin a worse person. Now that I see what kind of "friendships" he was in before Suzy, I fully believe that he's way better off with Suzy. She enables some shitty behavior, but over all she's a way better person to have around if the only other choice is Katie.
>>795378I'm dying to know this too, or is she only tweeting publicly as a form of triangulation and not actually trying to contact Arin directly at all? Either way it's shitty and manipulative.
Reminder to all: sage any non-contributions or we'll be put on auto sage even though this milk just started to flow.
No. 795436
>>795378she hasn't spoken to him in a decade but she knows and loves him best. lmao.
>>795433I doubt she knows about this place unless she was googling Suzy hate or something.
No. 795569
>>795433Gail Chord Schuler vibes too. The schizo lady on YT who thinks various famous people ranging from Vladimir Putin and the guy that plays Data in Star Trek are secretly her lovers on a "marriage list" and that Jesuits are trying to control her with lots of clone business. Also bukkake bombs. She's kind of an interesting cow herself though she's clearly profoundly mentally ill and is harmless to others so no thread is warranted on LC unfortunately.
>>795447This site comes up when you google "suzy berhow liar" and some other variations of this so there's actually a pretty high chance she's seen this site. Prob doesn't know quite how to navigate since chans are a bit unique but I'd be shocked if she really never saw a thread here.
No. 795597
>>792194>consent is dumb and inconsistentPut this guy on a watch list. Game grump fanboys are some of the most disturbing creatures.
>>795569Yeah, it's easy to find all the lolcow shit about Suzy, especially when she was prime scamming people with her cheap jewelry. I'm sure Katie has read through at least one or two threads. She's probably lurking now
No. 795600
>>795572She's too egotistical not to vague us if she saw us shit talking her. We've seen her attempts at manipulating Arin and Suzy: she's not good at being subtle, and she has no shame in acting pathetically desperate online. There's no way she could have held in her spaghetti if she found the latest thread. She probably loves the early ones where she's mysterious and assumed to be a nice person.
>>795569For someone stuck in 2005 she's probably browsed a fair bit of 4chan, but perhaps she's only gotten though the older threads and hasn't read this current one yet.
No. 795643
File: 1554661954865.png (260.19 KB, 1280x723, tumblr_oassa6QwAj1ulnkeko8_128…)

>>792194That post is genuinely disturbing.
A little OT but most of the Grumps have given consent (or fueled the fire) regarding polygrumps. Kevin was the only person asked who straight up said he didn't want himself involved in shipping. Dan had no problem with Dan/Arin ships but got a little testy when Brian was reading a NSP fan fiction about Brian sucking him off. Maybe it was because Brian is a little more blunt with his humor and didn't have the hint hint nudge nudge wink wink totally joking tone that Arin put on for the most part.
My guess is that they endorsed that shit to keep their fans happy but let it slip their minds that not all of their fans are self-aware and understand boundaries. On the flip side, I can't feel an ounce of sympathy for these 30-40 year olds selling fucking body pillows to a fanbase that consists predominantly of manipulable children with their mommy's credit card pin.
>>792407So far it looks like most are just whiteknighting for her to look like the better fans. "Let's not shut up about how this woman needs to be protected to prove that we're better than those creepy fans!" yeah ok.
No. 795648
>>795643undoubtedly that picture was taken for a lul. i guess its shocking to people that someone would be alright with lewd drawing of them or gross fanfics but at some point people have to realize that they know they are scrutinized so harshly and maybe in comparison some cartoon titties or some fangirls fanfic fantasy is less offensive than pointing out that a particular player in the group is ruining their business or bringing up scamming or the dumb shit they got into in highschool.
maybe its because they like that kind of stuff or maybe its because they can assess what really matters but it seems like a situation that anne rice got in or orson scott card when they bleated about people to stop writing fanfics about their fiction. just because you say no doesnt mean people will respect it
No. 795703
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Not sure what their "official" timeline is, but judging by some deviantart snooping, this much is clear
>2004: Suzy & Arin know each other and are at least friends>Feb 2005: Arin posts Valentine's Day pic of someone who is most likely Katie, so they were still involved at this point (whatever that means)>Feb 2006: Katie is married, and had been for how long?So the 2006 mentioned here
>>794872 is at least true….but probably only cause she got married? There's several submissions from Arin of him and Katie before 2005, so as much as she likes to claim she didn't lead him on or was clear about her feelings….sure don't seem that way. Especially with stuff like
>>795000Anyways, I'd just as easily believe Arin's an idiot and doesn't remember exactly when he and Suzy got together cause he was probably flirting with several girls online. Not so sure about Suzy though, I'm sure she believes her version of their "love story". Katie's definitely the most frequently drawn/referenced, but she's not the only one. It's entirely possible she's believing her version of events because she just doesn't know the full story.
We all had crushes on a nerdy boy over the internet between 2000-2010 who was definitely talking to several other girls, right? I'm sure if I went into a cryogenic sleep during that time and just woke up now I'd be as upset as she was (or at least that's how she's acting, anyways)
No. 795717
>>795703the real crazy isn't if the 'timeline' adds up or not, but now fucking obsessed KT is over it. like who gives a single shit if suzy and arin started dating in 2002 or not? how is this even something that would matter as a 'lie' were they intentionally lying?
she's just batshit
No. 795728
File: 1554690385336.png (70.26 KB, 1106x409, suzy.png)

>>795727>>795718>>795717Oh yeah I mean, she's for sure the craziest one here, but now I'm just too wrapped up in the nostalgia to look away. It's like a beautiful period drama.
This was a comment on the Suzy pic Arin drew, kind of the only one that seems to imply a relationship (but could also just be a teenage girl sperging). But again, surrounded by a dozen pics proclaiming his love for Katie, before AND after the Suzy drawing.
No. 795737
>>795728You're right, the timeline is a bit muddled. I would agree with you that Arin probably had his eye on several girls; Katie just happened to have more art dedicated to her. Katie is nuts to cling to the belief that she was his
one and only love.
No one had a gun to her head, forcing her to marry a guy at 19-ish. I would not be surprised if that were the reason she never moved out to Cali to pursue her dream of being an actress. Arin, otoh, was motivated by Suzy to pursue a new dream, and they're a couple of millionaires as a result. That's gotta sting, kek!
No. 795857
File: 1554744539380.jpg (306.28 KB, 1080x1532, whipped.jpg)

More of Katie vagueing about how Suzy has "whipped" Arin. 🙄
No. 795860
File: 1554744645542.jpg (123.08 KB, 1080x852, IMG_20190409_013002.jpg)

Never seen anyone seenzoned this badly, kek.
No. 796006
File: 1554775256579.png (873.86 KB, 1078x1361, Screenshot_2019-04-08-20-33-34…)

>>794896This gave me a good laugh. She's really blurring the line between confidence and delusion. Okay, it's just delusion.
No. 796089
File: 1554802491856.png (1 MB, 1080x1735, Screenshot_20190409-193020~2.p…)

how is it that they have 5 million subs yet most of their recent videos don't even hit 1 mil? they seem so popular but their fans don't even watch their videos. how are you going to get celebrities like finn wolfhard and jamie lee curtis on your channel but your engagement is this bad.
No. 796108
>>796089GG is so dead that even their threads have turned into mass posting about Arins past infatuation bc shes neurotic/ slightly weird cause now they can't even call snooze fat.
Autosaged when?
No. 796551
>>796108>>796246I never do the [hi cow] in threads, but who the fuck would call her neurotic/slightly weird while mentioning she's a past infatuation? KT is obsessed to the point that she's tweeting Arin and HIS WIFE OF YEARS after not talking to them for 15 years. As I was posting caps I finally stopped because there's so much milk that anons might as well just go to her twitter instead of flooding here. Maybe you meant slightly deranged since she hasn't assaulted anyone yet.
GG isn't enjoying their former fame, but I wouldn't say they're dead. Just on the decline.
You know, going back to GG and mostly Suzy, I really disliked her and it was fun seeing someone who mooched off of her husband get fat and whine all day. Her etsy is a scam and she thinks she's entitled to youtube success, but she's not all that horrible for her to be a genuine cow. Just an obnoxious unlikable person. It's good that she lost weight because there's health benefits and gotta give props to someone who keeps weight off even if some of it was with lipo. As we've seen with Momokun, lipo can't help fatasses alone. Well, I suppose there's those that believe Suzy ruins GG, but I never liked it anyway. Best part was the editing but Barry left. KT is a way more interesting cow than suzy ever was. At least for some temporary milk.
No. 796594
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>If you care about somebody who doesn't understand how to care about themself. Like, if you love a masochist, I find… I mean, it's a very painful situation because you care so deeply about someone who just doesn't understand like how to take care of themself. And they just like… theirself, sorry. And they just keep going back to like these unhealthy behaviors or thought processes or types of people and it just gets to frustrating because you care about them and like maybe you've even been in the situation before and you know from first-hand experience. But like it's so hard… it's so painful to care about someone who doesn't care about theirself. Themself. Because, like, how… care is health, right? It's always like the best, it's growth, it's not causing pain. Like, if you keep hitting yourself, like you're like, "What the fuck, why am I always in pain?" Stop fucking hitting yourself, okay? Like, if you have a tendency to go towards abusive people and relationships, recognize what it is that is so familiar or drawing or comforting. Like, what is attractive to you is probably because it's just familiar. And once you recognize what it is, you need to be like, "Okay, I get it. I'm drawn to this type of guy because my own brother was the same personality type, or my dad was the same personality type, or my mom was very similar." Like, whatever your reason is. You're drawn to things because they're familiar, more or less, blah, blah, blah. I'm getting off-point. I'm gonna cut this out. But it's just awareness. It's making conscious efforts. It's not going back to that same thing that is hurting you. And then like, once you stop going back to the things that hurt you, then you reached neutral territory, and that's kind of step one after becoming a masochist. It's like just neutral territory, just not being in pain. And then you get used to that, and then you're like, discover healthy people and like good people and like… I know I don't believe in good or bad, but like, you know what I mean by good people. Like, people who don't intentionally hurt others and then they like do things to help others like… there's like… it's just so many different… steps on the road to becoming healthy. It's not…. you don't wake up healthy, man. You might wake up being less unhealthy, but you don't wake up being healthy. And I mean, I used to be human wreckage when I was a teenager. Like, I had a fucking horrible life when I was younger. I'm not gonna get into it, but like there are things that people go through that might make life worse. Like, if you go through a trauma, you're gonna get fucked up. It's trauma. I mean like, yeah nobody expects you to be like this two-dimensional comic book hero, you know? You're not like, "Okay, that's over, I'm good." Like, you have feelings and a mind and a soul, if you believe in a soul, and all that bullshit. Like, sometimes things take years to get over. Sometimes, people don't get over things. But if you want to get over things, that's the key, is like… that's not all there is to it, like there's so much, like… but motivation is always number one. If you go through a trauma and you hide from your pain and you get triggered and you fucking shut everything down and you embrace… you just crawl into that cave of yourself, you're never gonna heal that way. You gotta crawl out of that cave. You have to get through it. You have to get over your trauma. And then you're like that much stronger and that much cooler. And you might be… you might have like PTSD for a while or whatever. Like, healing… there's no finite amount of time for healing. There are no rules when it comes to the healing, okay? Just however long it takes, whatever you have to do. Like, obviously, don't hurt other people. But like, if you need to fucking call somebody up and be like, "Hey motherfucker, you hurt me!" Like, do that. It's okay. If somebody hurt you, it's okay to do that. If they don't… there are no guarantees that they're gonna give you resolution, but like, at least you're making the effort and you go from there. Just like with anything in life. Your dad fucking walked out on you when you were seven years old, and you're like 30 and you wanna track him down? Fucking track him down! Do whatever you need to do to get closure! And, I dunno man, like personally I had really… I did not have good parents. I really didn't. They… they provided for me, like I had a house. But we weren't rich, we were very fucking poor. Like, food stamps and Goodwill in the nineties when it was gross, kind of poor? And like… but I had a house. I had a meal. I didn't have good parents. Like, they never… my father was physically abusive, my father was really, really mentally unstable. I'm not gonna go into his history, but… I'm getting off-topic. I'm gonna cut this, too. Not gonna talk about personal stuff. Anyway, where was I going with this? I was just like… when your mind is like a thousand miles an hour in no specific direction… you just get like a million half-a-thoughts. That's horrible. It was not like this before the fucking seizures and the CTs and stuff. Like, legit, I noticed the difference. Anyway, what was I talking about? I was talking about unhealthy patterns and behaviors and preferences and adjusting that and just getting away from unhealthiness and focusing on just being okay. That's what it is, it's just focusing on being okay for a while. Just focusing on not being damaged. And then once you're not in pain all the time and once you're okay, then you can be happy. Then it's just steps and recognizing what unhealthy things to not go for and then like, developing healthy tastes. That's what I'm going to… but yeah, I'm gonna wrap this up because I'm losing my train of thought, so um I hope this helps somebody. This is really just like… I just think a lot. Thinking is one of my favorite hobbies. And I like to apply personal experience to my thinking, because that's just how I am. And like, I dunno, I'm just trying to be the guidebook that I wish I had when I was a teenager. So I hope that helps someone. Alright, um, okay, bye.
No. 796604
>>796594This girl is absolutely batshit but whoah
Supposing she’s not pulling this out her arse and her dad really was physically
abusive, that sucks
It would make marrying at 19ish a more sensible choice than staying at home getting beaten
No. 796615
>>796089I mean, obviously I can’t speak for every single fan, but even though I do consider myself one I don’t watch every video, just the games I’m actually interested in? Sage for slight blogposting
>>796590It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if Melissa wasn’t based on her at all. he could have easily just said it was a crush and she assumed it was her
No. 796681
>>796633If there was proof of melissa existing before arin met katie that would really be juicy, especially since she's so obsessed with the "timeline". unfortunately i don't think he was online back then.
Also melissas backstory is already super gross, but knowing it's about a middle school girl is really ew. middle school arin really didn't think very highly of women
No. 796867
>>796698her twitter bio says US, so who knows.
>>796822whose wiki article even reflects total nobodies they were friends with once upon a time? can you imagine if some famous actor had a whole paragraph dedicated to a literal who they crushed on in high school then moved on and never spoke to them again?
No. 797424
>>797384>grossI don't get why people itt are so disgusted by a character made by a literal teenager. Yeah, he "strung along" a bunch of girls at a time when he wasn't mature enough to understand that, and yeah he was very nonchalant about giving his oc an insensitive rape back story. As if he should have know better at the ripe old age of what, 16?
I know it sounds like I'm wking, but it sounds like anons are being wilfully ignorant of the fact that he was a kid with a vague understanding of important things.
No. 797434
>>797424That's still fucking gross to imagine that your ~dream girl uwu~ is a traumatized rape
victim whose only concern is for her beloved not to be repulsed by her scars.
He was fetishizing rape (or treating it like a moe point) and that's disgusting.
No. 797444
>barely an adult. What.
At 21-23 you're old enough to make your own decisions.
No. 797457
>>797444“Barely an adult” does not negate a 21-year old being able to make their own decisions. That’s irrelevant.
If being 18+ is an “adult” by American standard, the statement that she’s “barely” an adult makes sense, anon.
No. 797520
>>797424Because people did stupid shit back in the day and you can still call em out on it. Maybe i'm a normal teenager, but i didnt draw my childhood crushes as rape
victims who cant do anything with me /needing to be saved. it's creepy, especially considering how Arin is. No idea why you're defending Arin so hard.
>>797434basically this.
No. 797602
>>797457but it's obviously implying something by wording it that way.
It's infantilizing tbh. Treating people (women) like they're dumb babies until they're 25+
No. 797881
>>797833I agree, at least Arin had the good grace to not explain her backstory too much in the video. It's pathetic that Katie still wants her to be some sort of advocate/role model for abuse
victims. Fucking yikes.
No. 797883
>>797602I highly doubt that’s what the other anon meant. I get your point but I don’t think they were trying to minimize the agency of young women.
the point was that age gaps that large can create weird dynamics within a relationship. Someone with comparatively less lived experience is going to be inherently vulnerable to someone who’s much older. it’s a power imbalance thing but I doubt it holds much ground in their relationship like
>>797409 said. dan’s got some major arrested development just like the rest of the GG crew, although you do have to consider the public persona isn’t going to be the same as the private person is the relationship.
what’s more concerning is probably the clout that Dan has wrt his fan base and general internet presence - that would create more of a power imbalance between the two than an age gap.
No. 798073
>>797602The majority of this site is female, no one is infantilizing young women here. You haven't finished developing just because your age starts with 2. On top of that, you've probably just left your parents and, for the first time, have to find your own path in life.
So yeah, at 21 you are very vulnerable and any concern over an age gap like that is completely justified.
Of course every situation is different and we can't accurately judge it without knowing them but if she were my friend I would definitely be wary.
No. 801788
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Back at it again with the desperate thirst tweets.
No. 801816
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>>785476Can someone tell me why they keep blaming the algorithm and not because their content has gotten downhill? Do they not have any self awareness?
No. 801949
>>801816I don't really have proof but most gaming channels are getting hit hard. Idk if because of streaming or algorithm but it's true most of my gaming channels who did long series do one offs or vlogs now and I stopped caring. Many claim algorithm changes made it hard for longer running series and that you needed to be within 20min mark etc.
This happened with animation back in the day too the algorithm/trend killed egorapter and he made gg because of it.
Saged this for blog post with no proof
No. 802032
>>802027I'm surprised they stayed that long with them tbh
Chris and his groupies didn't even last a few months
No. 802047
>>801816I dunno why people are upset they're doing streams anyway since they get put on Youtube as a VOD eventually. So people can still watch them. This person is getting aggro about fucking let's players
Also GG has a whole office of people to pay, so I'm not gonna blame them for trying to get more money. I just hate their new stream managers that try and act like they run the whole show
No. 802061

>>802047the fan on reddit said "why not be honest that it brings more money" and that's the crux of the issue. so many lets players are moving to twitch and gg is becoming one of them, more frequently, and with the "core" duo of arin and dan. I would have appreciated the same honesty as well. I don't necessarily want to watch a full 2-hour stream filled with arin being a giant manchild but it's a bit easier to digest in smaller portions.
in other news dan has again annoyed me (a feat he rarely accomplishes tbh) in the recent twilight princess playthrough he was talking about American Pie and the scene where one of the females is masturbating and she's being broadcast/recorded without her knowledge, and how he finds this scene funny (forgive the hazy details but it's been literal years since I've seen this movie) and Arin is like "wait, so she's not aware she's being filmed?" and Arin's conclusion is "gross". To be honest I agree with him, I didn't like the stupid film then, I don't like it now, and Arin points out how it's icky that it happens and she's not aware of it, and Dan honest to god is like "are you going to SJW me over AMERICAN PIE?" and Arin is like "dude I'm not criticizing YOU, I'm saying that part is gross" and Dan is honestly acting like an incel neckbeard defending his uwu peak of comedy movie
and it seemed so unlike him. Yeah, we know he likes immature humour and I get he's probably looking at the movie with rose tinted glasses of nostalgia, but to ACTUALLY AGREE with Arin Hanson was shocking. He had a reasonable answer to that scene and was actually being sensible about it. I don't know what bee stung Dan in the ass, maybe he had a bad day or something, but you never expected "uwu the lovelies are the best, peace and love" Dan to be defending a shitty early 2000s movie about a guy trying to get laid
Added the video with a timestamp but if it doesn't work, they start the conversation at 9:02 and it continues in fragments
No. 802064
>>802061I've also noticed Danny has been getting weirdly grumpy lately, and it seems to be in response to Arin trying to be less "offensive" in his language. like he's turning into an inflexible old white man. Arin has innocently said things like "I know this word can be derogatory, but that's not what it means in this context" and Danny immediately responds "ugh, shut the fuck up man." (in the psycho waluigi LP)
GG has NEVER tried to be ~SJW~, but you don't have to reflexively shit on someone trying to be considerate for 5 seconds. I've noticed him do this in multiple ways with increasing frequency and tbh that's what's made me stop watching as often. Danny is getting meaner.
No. 802065
>>802061Hasn't Dan been like this for years now? Under that crusty bath salts ~uwu~ exterior he's the guy who only has time for girls who look young and willing to let him exfoliate them with his carapace.
His convos tended to take weird and gross turns during the Dark Souls 3 playthroughs as well but I don't remember Arin ever jumping in with a "wait what?"
No. 802074
>>802064it's funny because dan was always the "soft" one of the two that tried to diffuse offensive jokes or situations by being like "we don't mean it that way" or whatever. Arin has the shadier history with the whole "needing to yell out the n word repeatedly after meeting his black friend". Which was really shitty then and now but damn, when it comes to social issues, I'm siding with Arin sometimes, because he often has a sense of common decency like "yeah, but I don't NEED to act like an ass so why be one?". He needs to work on his racial accents humour but that's another thing.
I thought Dan would have calmed down now that he has his longterm girlfriend Ashley (is she even the same Ashley he used to mention eons ago?). And we knew that he was already morphing into old man territory by sticking to his old retro games and his Rush music. He doesn't know ANYTHING about new games unless Arin tells him or they play them on the channel. I didn't really mind until now because I liked Dan's mellow vibe especially next to Arin. But he's just getting worse.
At first I thought his fallout with Kati caused a lot of issues; after all him and Holly basically gave her housing, promo and lots of opportunities and she gossiped about them behind their back to her theatre group. Then she left, disappeared from the internet and wrote some sob story about making mistakes and how flawed people are. And Dan seemed close to Holly at least due to Kati at the time, and now Holly has left. I thought maybe he was just a bit salty still about it and especially since he can't really "talk about it" publicly because people would ask "hey where's kati???" since they posted all the time about each other.
I thought him reconsidering the idea of marriage and family meant he was like… softening? Chilling out? He's just becoming worse. Yikes. I never was against the idea of Dan calling out where it's due, like when Arin doesn't pay attention in games and then blames the game, or calling out bullshit online or offline, but he's not really choosing his battles wisely. Is American Pie really the hill he chose to die on? He was SO stubborn about that damn movie, let it go Dan, it wasn't that good back then and it's not that good now.
No. 802116
>>802084The weirdest part to me about super mega is that they used to be markipliers editors and lived with him in his house.
After marks friend committed suicide their friendship was strained due to the fact mark is a total asshole about editing and just God in fucking general. So gg took sm under their wing after Mark kicked them out of his house and unemployed them.
Now look at them blowing the fuck up and being almost better than gg is.
Kinda funny to me
No. 802173
>>802084>"less PC" than GGkek as if GG was PC in the first place
Dan is a shit but the episodes with Jon were even worse
No. 802546
>>794246It's really clear to me that this girl was the type to keep dropping hints and leading Arin on while claiming she's not interested.
Just from how she talks about him now. You'd think they were past lovers or something.
No. 803066
>>802061Good on Arin for being disgusted with a scene like that. A lot of movies from the late 80s and early 2000s use a lot of non consent 'humor' and women are always the butt. (panty stealing, watching them without consent, etc etc…) So good on Arin. Dan using the term 'SJW' on him reminds me of when Jontron used to use uncomfortable 'jokes' and Arin was always visibly uneasy with them.
Dan needs to fuck off. He is the definition of a nice guy .
No. 803391
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holy shit, y'all seein this going down right now? hopefully ok to post here cause it's holly is (was) gg related
No. 803393
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>>803391Was just about to post this kek
No. 803398
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>>803391>>803393I was scrolling leisurely on my phone and was so startled I had to jump to my laptop to read it, I've never been lucky enough to see milk AS it was happening (more caps)
No. 803400
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>>803391she just posted this on twitter and the comments are annihilating her, what the fuck is going on lmao
No. 803406
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>>803400She posted this right before Heidi exposed her and Jared
No. 803407
>>803402read as: yes i cheated on my wife but dont think im a bad person uwu
i wonder if this was happening while ross was still in the picture?? im honestly shook but ive always gotten bad vibes from holly, so if this is true im not surprised.
No. 803412
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>>803398Blocking her was the most guilty thing he could've done. God I hope she drops some receipts.
No. 803414
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More from Heidi.
No. 803415
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Holly and Ross announced their divorce in September and I can't help but wonder if her and Jared were already fuckin' but she couldn't bring herself to be honest with Ross about it.
No. 803416
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>>803400Wow the fucking DARVO on that is incredible. Christ almighty.
>>803407I only lurk on a really casual basis so idr when Ross and Holly split but Heidi said Holly and Jared have been hooking up since last fall.
No. 803417
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>>803406holy shit lmaooo, good catch
>>803408>>803411>Why would anyone have sex with ProJared in the first place???This is really the big question. Can you believe a man with that little chin somehow conned 2 moderately attractive girls into having sex with him?
>him?>>803407>>803408>>803415I was wondering this too, but if it was part of the undoing of Ross & Holly, did Ross not know? Or has he just kept quiet about it? Seems like they were (at least publicly) amicable about it.
No. 803418
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>>803414Reddit is down so I can't screencap but people were noticing how Holly was always away back then too.
No. 803421
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peanut butter gamer has been defending jared in the comments and saying "~he knows more~" and talking about how heidi is mentally ill. i really don't know what to believe. heidi posts receipts girl
No. 803422
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>>803416Ross's tweet on the divorce was dated Sep 19 last year. The timelines are pretty close.
No. 803425
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>>803408i'm just as confused as you are, anon
No. 803427
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heidi aint stopping anytime lmao
and she shouldn't if idiots like PBG keep trying to clean up this mess and fail
No. 803431
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holy shit
No. 803432
File: 1557379840040.png (127.09 KB, 619x997, 2019-05-09 15_29_48-Heidi O'Fe…)

>>803414Still going…he solicited nudes from his fans too.
No. 803436
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>>803432receipts about to come out. prepare your milk mugs
No. 803437
>>803400This fucking bitch.
Everyone thought she was golden and that her and Ross ended on good terms.
What the FUCK is this timeline.
No. 803440
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No. 803441
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>>803432Oh boy here we go.
No. 803444
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No. 803454
>>803450What are you on about? Multiple people have denied there being any truth to what she's saying. You don't have to outright say "this is a lie" for it to be an obvious denial.
>>803452Yeah, god forbid that someone wants to see some concrete evidence before believing something at face value. You're an absolute moron.
No. 803456
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Here come the defenders. This is a big accusation..
Whole situation is fucked.
No. 803458
File: 1557380990931.png (241.5 KB, 612x2292, heidi twitter replies.png)

I screenshot a couple more of Heidi's replies re: the tumblr/snapchat
No. 803459
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No. 803461
File: 1557381039976.png (14.67 KB, 560x247, D0xY1iwWoAAfyvw.png)

>>803451 I mean, he pruned all the messages but people had their tabs open and took screenshots (which you can easily search for on twitter) and here's a reddit post from way before all of this that thought he was being gross with his fans as well. Don't be obtuse
Bonus pic of him being an embarrassing thirstmonger
No. 803462
File: 1557381100832.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.8 KB, 900x1200, D6GlYL1VUAATzhx.jpg)

found some pics in the twitter thread
No. 803463
File: 1557381111488.png (Spoiler Image,824.54 KB, 1197x858, Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 11.5…)

Spoiler because EW and there are a ton of people in her replies corroborating that he had an 18+ Snapchat and made a lot of sexual comments on his Tumblr.
No. 803464
File: 1557381126479.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.81 KB, 900x1200, D6GlYL0UUAECkKm.jpg)

No. 803466
File: 1557381151560.png (457.34 KB, 609x821, screencapture-twitter-seppelix…)

>>803434Even worse though cause he didn't even post an apology for cheating on his wife, he didn't acknowledge it at all, he tried to make is sound mutual/amicable
>we all deserve to be happy uwu>u may see rumors but don't believe them!!>respec our privacy in this v trying timeI mean like….he's doneso right? There's no coming back from this career-wise, right? And Heidi will become Sheena Duquette 2.0, cosplayer continuing to ride the wave of their ex-husband's fame and sympathy. Holly on the other hand….woof. She's double doneso?
>>803445>>803435>>803430>>803451>>803454yikes, completely unwarranted ultra defensive un-saged wk right out of the gate? hmm….gotta be either holly or jared, it's far too soon for anyone else to deny it this hard
>Multiple people have denied there being any truth to what she's to share those caps? do you have better proof than "c'mon man she's crazy!"
No. 803468
>>803464who the fuck would want nudes of this mouth breather? or SEND him nudes? this is wild.
i want to believe heidi re: holly fucking jared shit, but without proof, idk. there's a lot of "big" names staking their rep on both sides. why can't heidi post the messages if they're real? she doesn't have to post holly's nudes, just the conversations.
No. 803469
>>803465Why is it that whenever a woman rightfully gets upset that her husband is a piece of shit once she stands up for herself she gets denounced as crazy? Honestly I didn't even know ProJared was married so I can't say anything about Heidi's character but looking at all these people corroborating the fact that Jared was interacting inappropriately with his fans tells me that at least SOMETHING was going on. Holly may or may not be implicit in cheating but Jared obviously was crossing the boundaries of their 'open relationship'.
And before you say I just want to tear him down I did actually use to watch and enjoy his content a lot.
No. 803471
>>803466>gotta be either holly or jared, it's far too soon for anyone else to deny it this hardI could literally say the same thing about people like you who are willing to instantly believe Heidi, just for the sake of "tea" and "drama" - Does that make you Heidi?
>care to share those caps? do you have better proof than "c'mon man she's crazy!"There are already caps in this thread, I don't need to spoonfeed you. People in the community who know them better than us, who know them personally, are taking Jared/Holly's side. Hmmm, I wonder why.
No. 803474
>>803465yeah this makes sense if you knew nothing about heidi ever at all. the whole porn snapchat bit is coming out like a flood, and having done that alone while being married to his wife is proof enough of cheating. if proof of cheating
with Holly comes out that'll just be an addition to this other fuckery.
it's a wonder the girl didn't go insane living with such a piece of shit husband.
No. 803476
File: 1557381947288.jpeg (473.06 KB, 640x1136, 7BD52F74-6C84-4510-99BE-A9B19A…)

Lol sure Holly is a pure innocent little bean you all love. SURE
No. 803479
>>803474>the whole porn snapchat bit is coming out like a flood, and having done that alone while being married to his wife is proof enough of cheatingEven though she said herself that she allowed it, that she ALLOWED everything he did in terms of sending nudes etc.
Sis you can't just give your partner permission to do something and then "woops changed my mind" after the fact and call it cheating
No. 803481
File: 1557382235772.png (178.42 KB, 1228x588, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 11.40…)

>>803479>>803480before you go off again on "yes but where is the proof"
No. 803485
File: 1557382443121.png (371.39 KB, 1162x1288, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 12.1…)

>>803479Since all these wk's seem to not be reading the thread I'll post these again. Seems like he was spinning things to seem more innocent than they were and she was dumb enough to fall for it.
>>803482Dear god please refer to
>>803463 No. 803488
>>803462>>803463>>803464GOD this is genuinely nauseating
>>803468I'm guessing because they're on his phone….why would she have private messages/nudes between Jared and Holly on her phone? She would have had to take a screenshot of Jared's convos and text them to herself, or take pictures of his phone from her phone, etc etc. Guessing if he was being shady about it for months he kept any obvious access away from her.
>>803471>There are already caps in this thread, I don't need to spoonfeed youEvery cap in this thread is talking about how shitty Jared is, what the fuck are you talking about?
>People in the community who know them better than us, who know them personally, are taking Jared/Holly's sideAgain, who are you talking about?
>>803456 isn't even denying it
No. 803491
File: 1557382593690.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 832x1256, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 11.46…)

No. 803496
>>803493maybe you could hit him up on snapchat. plenty of dick around there i'm told.
again, why are you here? what's been posted is incriminating enough for me and for many other people on heidi's twitter. if it's not enough for you, maybe wait for proof to come out? like you keep asking us to do?
No. 803498
File: 1557382819979.jpg (49.11 KB, 588x265, ROhAon2.jpg)

>>803480Not even trying to cover the fact that she may have been a horrible
abusive partner
No. 803506
>>803501Easy to say when you're not in the
abusive relationship. Also, basically anything qualifies as cheating to an
abusive partner.
No. 803508
File: 1557383065787.png (148.33 KB, 2254x1127, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 12.2…)

I'm really confused as to where the boundaries were drawn for these two in their """marriage"""
No. 803510
File: 1557383201996.jpg (25.47 KB, 720x708, 56892253_819069965142885_28869…)

>>803482I know I'm a dumb fuck for taking the bait, and I know that you're just being deliberately obtuse, but you ARE aware that testimony IS considered a form of evidence, right? There are dozens of tweets in Heidi's replies, from people all corroborating how skeevy the tumblr/snapchat bullshit is. If we shouldn't believe all those tweets, why should we believe one (1) thread from one (1) singular fucktard about how nice of a guy Jared is and abloo bloo bloo how mean and
abusive Heidi is?
No. 803512
File: 1557383256735.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.38 KB, 963x542, D6GuGTEUYAAQlup.jpg)

>>803493this enough dick for you? kek
No. 803514
>>803490>>803493Get rekt whiteknights
No. 803517
>>803500okay. um, i'm beginning to feel like i'm feeding a troll here.
do you read? that is literally what i said. if there's proof of the snapchat fuckery (yes yes i know you don't consider it proof. do you do the same shit on your own time?), then it becomes more believable that he did cheat and heidi isn't just a crazy bitch ranting online.
>>803510sincerely thank you anon. all my love to ya
No. 803526
>>803512awww, i'm so glad he was able to cope with his
abusive wife by sending his lil rat dick to teenagers online /s
this is clearly a case of some fug nerd getting too big for his britches because he got some internet fame. happens every time.
>>803516exactly. if i told my friends my wife was a crazy
abusive harpy and it was making me sooo sad but i was doing my best, they would believe me because i seem like an upstanding person and a good friend otherwise. i bet the people who are claiming to be close to this situation only know what jared's been feeding them - she's
abusive, he had to cheat because something something his self esteem, you guys just DONT GET IT!!!
>>803521because no one is claiming jared is mentally ill or
abusive. just a cheater.
No. 803527
File: 1557383592996.png (71.2 KB, 585x487, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 02.32…)

No. 803528
Jontron Wins Again Baby
No. 803530
>>803527this is getting painful to read. i'm pretty sure so, so many girls can relate. and then people ask them "if it was so bad why didn't you dump the person".
i'm seriously feeling for heidi right now.
>>803529do some work, give us the caps
No. 803531
>>803512omg, where did you find this?
>>803529she never called him
abusive. she mentioned it was an abuse of power to get nudes from his fans and that there was a power imbalance in their relationship financially, but i don't see anything in these tweets that calls him mentally ill or
No. 803532
File: 1557383837136.png (18.57 KB, 606x114, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 02.35…)

No. 803537
>>803527I'm seriously getting the vibes that the whole 'open' aspect of their relationship was because another insecure/possibly mentally ill girl was taken advantage of by an
abusive guy who knew that he could push the limits of their relationship to the extreme while having the safety net of an established wife. Now that he's getting his comeuppance all he can do is cower into a corner and go 'N-no you!' despite all the flood of evidence showing that he was AT THE VERY LEAST being sexually promiscuous with his fans which is a whole 'nother morally bankrupt thing.
No. 803540
File: 1557384174846.png (Spoiler Image,267.55 KB, 638x846, ss (2019-05-09 at 04.42.46).pn…)

No. 803542
File: 1557384224817.jpg (43.14 KB, 594x301, gqZs19f.jpg)

Welcome to gaslighting 101
No. 803546
File: 1557384255468.png (219.16 KB, 434x528, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 02.44…)

No. 803550
>>803542Oh man. I've given up on getting sleep at this rate.
>>803547Please sage your shitty WK posts. You're frothing at the pussy for a skinny mouthbreather, we get it.
No. 803551
>>803540Thank you
WK get fucked
No. 803554
File: 1557384627794.jpg (107.04 KB, 276x491, a4qc2MB.jpg)

No. 803556
File: 1557384680765.jpg (82.77 KB, 276x491, owl5SyZ.jpg)

This is coming from Heidi's "close friend" who apparently just shared nudes with Jared rather than warning him against it
No. 803558
File: 1557384778655.jpeg (48.85 KB, 540x516, bitchwtf.jpeg)

Wow, Holly's ugly ass is a homewrecker. I love this timeline so much.
Eagerly waiting for the text receipts, though the snaps are already gross enough. Ross prob won't say anything resembling an opinion on this whole shitstorm tbh. I fucking knew there was more to their divorce than "she wanted to live in a state with trees". TREES, nigga?
No. 803560
File: 1557384856601.png (89.54 KB, 321x635, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 02.50…)

No. 803561
File: 1557384900224.png (106.45 KB, 323x630, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 02.50…)

No. 803562
File: 1557385046262.jpg (59.03 KB, 596x357, P0hlltQ.jpg)

So like I totally just got nudes from your husband anyway can I send some back????
Totally explaining that she was 100% okay with the nudes sending so long as SHE WAS INVOLVED????
No. 803567
File: 1557385334830.png (Spoiler Image,266.81 KB, 365x648, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 03.02…)

No. 803568
File: 1557385361496.png (242.45 KB, 1204x862, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 12.32…)

now all i can think of is all the creepy porny shit the DnD wafflecrew fans draw for Strix (holly's character) and Diath (jared's character)
No. 803569
File: 1557385374016.png (Spoiler Image,186.46 KB, 360x591, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 03.02…)

No. 803570
File: 1557385412255.png (197.87 KB, 1166x746, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 1.02…)

>>803564These nudes make me want to throw up, how does he have all these girls lusting after him
No. 803574
File: 1557385633520.jpg (454.96 KB, 250x150, irVeEbh.jpg)

No. 803577
>>803570Teenage girls will fuck anything if it's popular (or infamous) enough. That's how even an inbred caveman like onion has fangirls.
>>803571So did they have an open marriage or not? What the fuck is going on here.
No. 803579
File: 1557385696295.jpeg (23.22 KB, 253x275, 050C7239-3962-491C-9071-A66E65…)

>>803568Would it be that weird if they found it really kinky and fooled around in their cosplay in the hotel after pax?
If that’s the case then it’s been going way longer than Holly’s been divorced FOR SURE.
No. 803582
File: 1557385764421.png (286.53 KB, 566x645, Screen Shot 17.png)

>>803553hooooly shit
>>803571>Considering that the two of them were both in on it I don't know why Heidi is acting surprised hereWhat
>>803564 said, and also clearly he would have done it with or without Heidi's "permission", if he gaslights her into thinking she's ok with it then he just does whatever the fuck he wants and gives her credit for being a COOL wife, even if she's miserable with the situation
No. 803586
File: 1557385917719.png (29.29 KB, 888x200, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 12.41…)

found this on reddit but i don't spot anything on /v/. there's a comment in this reddit thread saying they're getting purged though
No. 803588
>>803582Anons familiar with Onion already are primed for this new drama. We know how far
abusive dudes can pressure their insecure wives to open their marriage and then keep pushing the boundaries bit by bit. People defending this mouth breathing dork can't possibly be anything but fangirls.
Never seen poly relatioships that aren't clearly abusive or mutual mental illness so maybe I'm hating too hard but STILL No. 803593
File: 1557386184335.png (492.76 KB, 597x797, pj.PNG)

>>803589it's a video but here's a screenshot
No. 803594
>>803586Yea, jannies fucked up and delete every thread.
Check fireden for /v/ threads
No. 803596
File: 1557386698160.png (354.89 KB, 1740x588, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 12.54…)

>>803594tried. still not seeing a lot, but man 4chan sometimes just makes my day
No. 803602
File: 1557388010844.png (181.11 KB, 1080x1288, Screenshot_20190509-174458~2.p…)

PBG still putting his foot in his mouth
No. 803605
File: 1557388221389.jpeg (160.57 KB, 757x768, 1_yHRDTB_GGsqFYiUySDtb2w.jpeg)

>>803577>So did they have an open marriage or not?Obviously not, the phrase "open marriage" implies that both parties are in agreement with the terms and boundaries of their relationship which clearly they weren't. Like, if in an open relationship the agreement is "you can kiss other girls but NO farther", and they fuck another girl that's not an open relationship, that's cheating.
Also "open marriage" implies that both parties were engaging – doesn't seem like Heidi was benefitting in any way on her end from the "open-ness" (obviously info could still come out). I mean if the options are "I'm going to sext with other girls, you can either be ok with it or not be ok with it but either way I'm gonna do it" of course the easier option is "well…I guess I have to be ok with it?" even if you're not. It's the same shit from gross dudes everywhere
>guilt their gf who has no interest in other people that they're being uptight and controlling by not letting them openly cheat>they can either shut up or leave, won't stop it from happening>you wanna be a cool gf right?>guy fucks around>girl does not engage with others at all, because she had no interest in the first place>completely one sided>it's not cheating, it's totally chill! we're in an open relationship!!>[narrator voice] it was not totally chillsource: been there done that
No. 803606
File: 1557388304808.png (2.29 KB, 107x41, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 03.51…)

holy fuck its trending on twitter
No. 803608
File: 1557388462470.png (24.52 KB, 652x314, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 03.53…)

The search results after just a few hours
No. 803610
File: 1557389290373.png (62.92 KB, 583x564, 2019-05-09 18_07_35-Tweets wit…)

>>803602This scumbag is playing stupid and backpedaling even though his buddy's dick has been blasted all over the internet.
No. 803614
File: 1557389952245.png (624.02 KB, 762x1111, projaredunderage.png)

so somebody has come out saying that jared accepted nudes from/sent nudes to them knowing they were underage. No. 803615
File: 1557390080617.jpg (17.49 KB, 336x336, acWQa8P9_400x400.jpg)

>>803609As someone who's been through a similar relationship I'm honestly so jealous of Heidi like she's living the dream here. Of all the people in the world who get cheated on or abused and have to deal with the repercussions of that the rest of their lives with no closure or vindication….what percentage of them get to publicly destroy the careers of the people that wronged them AND watch the internet collectively point and laugh at their cheating ex's small dick. And not over the course of years, over the course of HOURS.
Obviously it's weird to say she's lucky, but when you go through all of that and the internet doesn't laugh at your cheating ex's small dick….it hurts guys
No. 803618
File: 1557390409132.png (70.44 KB, 1154x216, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 2.26…)

No. 803623
File: 1557390882963.jpeg (127.56 KB, 1024x892, 5CD3007F-E9BC-4FAD-8BA4-8DB1BB…)

FROM /b/ ( I know, but that's not important right now)
No. 803625
>>803466>And Heidi will become Sheena Duquette 2.0, cosplayer continuing to ride the wave of their ex-husband's fame and sympathyI don't think she will, she's been adamant about building her own brand and not using Jared's status for clout. It's inevitable that the partner of a semi-famous person will get some following by virtue of being with them but she doesn't strike me as the type.
>>803493I think people who received full nudes are not posting them because that would be revenge porn and the last thing they need is no-chin suing them.
>>803505Probably a video of him pounding Holly
>>803512Well I didn't need to see that but that's fairly irrefutable
>>803522What, are you looking for the uncensored version?
>>803553I didn't even know that could happen
>>803562Who needs enemies with friends like these?
No. 803626
File: 1557391088303.png (36.09 KB, 585x180, Capture d’écran 2019-05-09 à…)

I'm fucking screaming
No. 803628
File: 1557391424957.jpg (84.75 KB, 1024x576, S00LWZd.jpg)

Is this legit? I'm not Twitter savvy. I found the tweet in the image that Heidi made but couldn't locate Ross or Holly's.
No. 803629
File: 1557391513091.jpg (1.21 MB, 1920x2560, 19-05-09-04-44-15-036_deco.jpg)

No. 803630
File: 1557391539968.jpg (195.75 KB, 1080x716, Screenshot_20190509-044309_Twi…)

No. 803635
File: 1557392029624.png (64.83 KB, 664x495, D6HE2dhWwAAb3XL.png)

>>803623Full caps for anyone who's doesn't wanna go on twitter
No. 803641
File: 1557392792120.jpg (86.15 KB, 1024x576, d45a99e0-a721-4627-b83b-61b9d6…)

that fucking normal boots dating sim (that holly played WITH ross) makes me fucking cringe
No. 803643
>>803642Jared told his friends she was abusing him. We don't have any more details but it's common for abusers to make themselves look like the
victim. That's why PBG was defending him until he saw the nudes and backpedalled.
No. 803646
>>803625Yeah I didn't even realize Heidi was married to ProJared until much later, I only know her through cosplay stuff which is why I'm here lurking and trying to fully figure out who this Holly character is. I doubt she'll become another Sheena, Heidi tends to be super smug about her craft but she's still a legit cosplayer who actually makes her shit as a standalone brand.
>>803627I'm fucking howling anon
>>803642Because they're whiteknighting Jared and claiming that "He only sent those dick pics to teenagers and fucked a mutual friend to cope with his
abusive wife!!!" with no proof of Heidi being
abusive at all.
No. 803653
>>803649The difference between a man and a woman's nudes is staggering.
No one WANTS to see the man's nudes and they only get posted to be laughed at.
Yet a woman's nudes are requested so people can beat off.
No. 803654
>>803650>I doubt Heidi will post themWhy?
It's not like she likes the girl
No. 803656
>>803615If it's worth anything, you made at least one anon laugh at your ex
Kind of makes me sick how many of us have been through the same thing though
No. 803661
File: 1557394029753.jpg (34.72 KB, 640x515, IMG_20190509_052616.jpg)

>>803657My heart genuinely breaks for Ross. Whether he knew exactly what was happening back then or not, to have to relive it again has to be miserable.
Especially thinking about all the D&D stuff Holly and Jared did together, ugh. Chatting for hours, doing con appearances together, their characters having a relationship? It all feels so skeevy now.
No. 803663
File: 1557394273014.jpg (918.03 KB, 1920x2560, 19-05-09-05-31-10-559_deco.jpg)

No. 803668
File: 1557394699448.jpg (321.08 KB, 1080x892, ehphxqyl05x21.jpg)

>>803664reddit mod drama can be delicious really
pic from the reddit, didn't see it here yet?
No. 803672
File: 1557394987239.png (388.72 KB, 423x2411, friendship.png)

>>803642No one other than that one whiteknight was saying that here, with zero proof. Ignore
>>803644. This drama only started 5 hours ago
>>803391, there's still time to catch up without being spoonfed.
Anyways, here's this for what it's worth. Obviously all the Jared unfollowing could have happened in the last <5 hours, but that just seems unlikely to me since it all seems so coordinated and they all seem to have stayed off twitter in that time, if they really did hide his vids on the GG channel weeks ago….sure seems like someone knew something. Like, it feels like weeks ago they must have had a business meeting and been like "
Ok and the last order of business….effective immediately everyone has to unfollow and Jared."
No. 803682
>>803672GG not following him, especially Ross, seems pretty indicative.
I feel like we're not even seeing a fraction of the potential backlash, isn't it pretty late in the US right now? Just wait til people start waking up and seeing the damage.
No. 803685
File: 1557395817021.jpg (84.45 KB, 485x767, arin-like.jpg)

this also from reddit
it's claimed to be from arin's likes but if he really did like it, he's since unliked it
No. 803686
>>803672yeah the fact that they hid all of those videos is already suspicious enough. idk much about the game grumps but if she did cheat on ross I'm surprised they're still following each other. maybe it's just to save face
>>803675they're probably just going to hide from social media for awhile. I'm curious if Jared will make a reply now that the pedo allegations have been revealed.
No. 803691
>>803663I am STINGING to see Keem get balls deep in this bullshit. also wanna see Jon comment on it because he's been exiled for so long it'd be straight fascinating
wonder who is going to be the first of the commentary community to tackle this one, shit is coming so thick and fast receipts-wise it's going to be so gloriously milky, nay, creAMY
also anyone else wanna hate fuck keem or is that just me? want to punch his goblin face while I ride that dick to the moon
No. 803692
>>803688Not to be that person but Ross had that cosplay guy raykay at his house directly after the fact of his scandal
Ross isn't that clean either but smarter
No. 803695
>>803694I'll try <3
also this dropped a couple ago, aye nice to have it in vid form i'm going crosseyed from trying to real all these different sources
No. 803697
>>803693Couple of possibilities:
He knew she was cheating but didnt know who with.
Heidi waited till today to drop the bomb.
No. 803698
>>803696During his scandal while in the midst of just saying he would talk no more about raping his gf he went over to rosses and streamed with him on his channel. I forget what it was but I think it was skyrim on vr.
Anyways Ross had to have known the drama and ignored it
He's Def not a wholesome bean as everyone wants to picture if he allows scum like that around during a scandal and raykay just had another one where another girl said he raped her just recently.
Just saiyan
No. 803700
>>803697Heidi said she found the Holly texts in a phone he used until December so she didn't know about the affair back in September when Ross and Holly got divorced
>>803698That's gonna be a yikes from me bro
No. 803703
>>803698>just saiyanKys you newfag
You seem really misguided if you think any anon finds ross to be a "sweet innocent bean" when the only thing that has happened is Holly being a cheater and Ross seemingly having nothing to do with it;
Just post receipts instead of moralfagging we are here to shit on
all of GG, hence why I even wrote "I think" when referencing Barry & Rosses less shitty track records compared to dan,arin,suzy (and now) holly.
(Sage your non milky posts anon)
No. 803704
File: 1557398062706.jpg (752.36 KB, 1080x3624, Screenshot_2019-05-09-12-30-32…)

r/ProJared is going wild
No. 803717
>>803715*doesn't, I typed too fast
>>803714We're not going to get them, only Heidi has them and I don't she would do that
No. 803719
>>803715dude… heidi
legally can't do that afaik. unless holly has been as profligate with her pics as jared has, you will have to remain thirsty
No. 803724
File: 1557399982747.jpeg (225.05 KB, 750x990, BF266252-9BAC-43A3-989E-1813B0…)

Massive reach, but since Jared is a hot topic rn, did anyone get the feeling he was was warming up to come out as bi or something? That or it was just a whole lotta queerbaiting.
>teehee i love yaoi ad infinitum>>803715No, we don’t, scrote. It was bad enough seeing Jared’s.
No. 803729
>>803728anon you get called out because you won't do a simple Ctrl+F on the same page that you currently are at.
>>801816 this wasn't even that old
No. 803739
>>803402>Style and GraceIs this dude really attempting a Donkey Kong meme?
>>803556Holy shit I've been mutuals with Kittie for years, I had no idea she was this close to these guys
No. 803745
>>803728The more you refuse to sage the more obvious your butthurt newfagging is.
>>803734One of those replies was me and it feels bad, man. Should've figured the chick with chronic self-esteem issues would fuck someone's husband.
>>803743kek. I want to say not even he is that stupid, but I've been surprised before….
No. 803752
>>803675Bitch ain't a "smol bean" anymore, she's obviously devious.
That's the persona she tried to give off and it worked so well up to this poinf, don't let it fool you.
No. 803755
File: 1557406311238.jpg (75.57 KB, 384x313, 1lj6ra.jpg)

>>803751i'll bite, i used to watch all of these idiot neckbeards religiously for ages. now i just feel bad.
from the normalboots crowd:
>projaredwell lmao
>PBGi think the realization that he fucked up defending jared will sink in soon enough, and he'll be smart enough to post an apology for his personal behavior and opinions and that'll be that. plus he's anyway above 2M subs so he won't be hit too hard.
>jirardprobably going to stay away from commenting on this situation entirely, going by how his stream went last night.
>shanesame as jirard tbh, he was quite based when the jon shit went down too
>jontronhe's already having a field day with shady gifposting on twitter. pretty sure he isn't going to comment on this at all though, this bridge has burned long ago
>furst (the new manager guy)he doesn't seem smart enough to backtrack on what he's said so far. he might sink with this ship
>satchbaghe doesn't even have much of a youtube presence anymore, the only reason i even know he's still alive is i saw him in a normalboots upload some time back. will stay away but it doesn't matter what he says or doesn't say, he's trying for a decent (offline i think) career in indie cinema or something like that.
then the hiddenblock guys:
>caddicarusdoesn't associate with these people anymore as far as i'm aware
>yungtownanother dude i'm not even sure is still alive, he just streams on twitch now afaik and he wasn't close with jared even way back when. probably won't involve himself in the drama a lot.
>spacehamsterdoes PB&Jeff series with PBG. he might comment on the situation, or some fan might ask him to, but i hope his response isn't PBG-tier bullshit because he usually stays out of drama.
>brutalmoosehe's just gone off the deep end doing weird microwave meal reviews and science videos and whatnot. i don't think anyone is holding their breath to hear what he has to say. harmless and does his own thing though.
>jimmy whetzel, balrog et ali have no idea lmao, their youtube 'careers' died long back so i don't think anyone cares. whetzel used to be friends with holly though so idk if there's any milk to be had there, doubt it though.
the plot kinda got away from me lol sorry! anyone else?
No. 803758
File: 1557407154364.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.36 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20190509_090429.jpg)

CW: Uncensored version of
>>803512. Haven't seen the original until now, the censored version is the one making it's way around. Only posting for posterity's (and your sick curiosity's) sake.
No. 803763
>>803752Yeah Holly can go fuck herself, actually being malicious enough to convince someone that his wife is being ~
abusive~ just to get to fuck him AND avoiding responsibility by a shoddy "y-you shouldn't believe strangers on the internet brb twitter break!!" statement screams nasty bitch.
No. 803766
File: 1557408810360.png (61.86 KB, 605x604, skywilliamsandheidi.png)

No. 803768
>>803758The tip of his dick looks like it hurts coming out.
So many people are coming to Heidi with some more stuff, I hope she releases more milk in a few hours. I honestly wonder how Holly's doing with that big of a fuckup.
No. 803770
File: 1557409122153.png (10.94 KB, 379x44, Capture d’écran 2019-05-09 à…)

Meanwhile, on Youtube
No. 803774
File: 1557409633399.png (64.05 KB, 607x413, projared_is_officially_dumber_…)

did anyone catch this? he tried to make his wife sign an NDA to shit up about his cheating????
No. 803775
>>803771>after a year of suppressingSo she may have known about it back when Holly and Ross split? I'm not 100% clear on the timeline but I really feel for Heidi and Ross, this must have been so painful
>>803774Yeah hold up I saw that in passing but it didn't really sink, what the fuck is wrong with this man
No. 803783
File: 1557410539370.png (330.56 KB, 1218x1172, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 7.31.…)

>>803774i love that she also let us know she wouldn't have aired
any of this. the creepy fucker shot himself in the foot and i'm creasing.
No. 803788
>>803783what an absolute fool. he could've gotten out of this relatively unscathed but instead divorced her on fucking twitter and THEN blocked her. I cannot believe he fucked himself over so badly.
also fuck PBGs condescending "don't you think this is a bad idea?" fucking tool.
No. 803789
File: 1557411036142.png (201.57 KB, 858x517, Capture d’écran 2019-05-09 à…)

>>803787Oh, and some guy on the GG subreddit has future vision apparently
No. 803793
File: 1557411315471.jpg (64.28 KB, 1200x833, D6Gt3AbW0AAIvIV.jpg)

Reputedly from Heidi's tumblr.
No. 803795
>>803793Heidi has said she initially agreed to him sending lewds but drew the line at dick pics, and didn't mind him receiving nudes until he told her he had stopped in late 2017. I also don't doubt that his gaslighting involved telling her it was controlling and
abusive to ask him not to do that.
No. 803798
File: 1557412534226.jpg (511.96 KB, 1080x1080, Twitter.jpg)

Just posting some Tweets which amused me (dickpic already posted upthread but included for context)
No. 803799
File: 1557412685484.gif (717.18 KB, 355x264, 1411167823673.gif)

>this thread
holy fuck i literally just wanted to check on snooze, arin's stalker and grumps drama only to get visually assaulted with proskelly nudes.
No. 803810
File: 1557413836857.png (545.43 KB, 512x768, disgust.png)

>>803675Yo, who the fuck cares about the mental health of this cheating cave troll lookin ass bird freak? I always had a bad gut feeling about her and here we are. She's not gonna get to hide behind some flimsy mental health excuse on this one. Even the profoundly mentally ill have agency and their actions have consequences.
No. 803815
File: 1557415078215.jpg (94.14 KB, 912x534, cock.JPG)

No. 803818
>>803476> She's a nobody why would you trust her over US, the youtubers who you personally know and love.kek, sure, pile onto the abuse by dismissing her as a crazy nobody, not like you two didn't shoot videos together of you enjoying whole trips and cons together and act like bffs in the past. sure, holly, she's a nobody.
>>803498Don't hurt yourself with that reach
>>803512Didn't need to see that but bless you for shutting the wks up. It's in his fucking recording room too.
>>803546Literally who?
>>803618>>803563>>803615>>803626>>803627>>803689>>803704>>803774top kek
>>803619He was to used to "winning" the manipulation game when it came to mutual friends, he wrongly assumed that he'd "win" with the fans too.
Also to the jared wks: Just because people agree to an open marriage doesn't mean that they can't set rules or have boundaries. If you tell your be you don't want to be hit in bed but later agree to a threesome with your bf does that mean he can start hitting you in bed just because you agreed you a threesome? That makes no sense, heidi agreed to an open marriage but she mentioned that she clearly set certain boundaries. You can call her dumb for agreeing in the first place but you can't say she deserved to have her boundaries violated with stuff she clearly didn't consent to.
>>803623I hope nb gets cancled for protecting this creep.
>>803629 bless her for being so ride or die
>>803641jared also played it with heidi
>>803688I remember when she had a falling out with her business partner and ex bff jessica marizan and people sided with holly saying that she didn't personally cheat a cancer patient and that it was all on jess while jess ended up being bullied out of cosplay and I thought it was suspicious because Holly was a capable fabricator on her own and could have made it right if she wanted to (while jess was only an okay fabricator compared to holly and focused mostly on the sewing) so it seemed unfair to shove all the blame on jess, but everyone wanted to go easy on Holly because she leveraged her mental health so much. I am starting to see a pattern here…also wonder where the rough past thing came from because I recall from the CoH era it was jess who had the rough past (druggie family, shitty parents, poor, etc) and holly said she was lucky to not deal with the stuff jess did, I wonder if holly pulled a narc copy cat move and stole her whole backstory.
>>803698yikes, I feel like ross hides behind his cinnamon role persona so he can get away with not caring about how shitty his friends are because "uwu I don't want to publicly drag someone that's too mean!" probs why he posted such lovey dovey messages about his divorce even though he probably knew.
>>803724if he was it wasn't because he was really bi, it's because wanted to lure even more vulnerable teenage girls by pretending to be bi for oppression points/kink points. if he was really bi we would have seen some proof of him soliciting nudes from male identified people by now. He's onision in my eyes now.
>>803631WOW holly is covering her tracks real hard.
Also re: GG deleting/privating/renaming videos with jared, around march of this year I recall seeing some chatter on reddit about this, people were saying that jared had slowed with content in general and had said somewhere that he regretted branding himself with his real name and was going around asking friends to remove/private/remove his name from the title of collab videos for this reason. Can't find it now (maybe jared removed it while he was still mod) but I'm now thinking that it was a coverup for either a.) him doing damage control for people calling him out for soliciting minors b.) him putting all his energy into ruining his marriage.
No. 803823
File: 1557417669663.png (342.94 KB, 750x423, god.png)

>>803743>he might as well diversify his portfoliokek
dang, a lot of smart/funny anons in this thread (it really shines when there's very little infighting/mini-modding/trolls) I've laughed aloud several times. Active drama in the GG thread not clogged by nonsensical arguing and trolls….feels like the good ole days friends
No. 803825
current sub count for jared's main channel: 996,917
LP channel (admittedly not hit as hard): 301,436
>>803823bless your heart
No. 803826
File: 1557418121833.jpg (94.9 KB, 1080x962, Screenshot_20190509-120746_Chr…)

Does YouTube take their play button back
No. 803827
>>803795Yeah I totally believe him gaslighting Heidi about it. She mentioned in one of the tweets concerning the lewds that it was supposed to be "body positive" for him so I'm pretty sure Jared was guilt tripping her with sob stories about how he's insecure about his body and he needs validation from teenagers, and if she's not allowing it she's being a-a-
No. 803828
File: 1557418473130.png (25.19 KB, 612x132, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 12.1…)

Holly doesn't deserve to be outed as an abuser, manipulator, and cheater but Heidi deserves to shot down for sharing her personal experience with abuse?
You're really showing your colors here, PBG
No. 803834
File: 1557418961789.jpeg (78.26 KB, 1266x680, 3C0C8677-37DC-4B97-A5C5-AB9CAF…)

I was so ready for so many people to side with Jared after all this finally came out. Glad it played out the way it should have.
No. 803840
File: 1557419571300.gif (8.31 MB, 320x211, pm.gif)

Holly leaving twitter and any accountability or consequences behind
No. 803843
just noticed that pushinguproses isn't following jared on twitter anymore. IDK if she was right before the announcements this morning, but they have been friends for a while and pur mentioned him as recently as three months ago in her last QnA vid on youtube (possible more recently on twitter if someone wants to dig) so it's surprising. Hope she says something about it.
>>803839fans on the internet don't care if their idols are garbage. He's been slacking off in the months before hand so I hope his fanbase has waned enough that he actually has to face consequences in the long run.
No. 803844
>>803755>brutalmoose he doesn't ever really involved himself in drama. i also…really enjoy his microwave meal reviews, it's kind of wholesome and nice in comparison to game grumps videos where all they do is scream.
have the grumps really ever done much with projared when it comes to gaming videos? they don't follow him on twitter and i know supermega rips on him a couple of times in their podcast. i can't see them really defending him at all.
No. 803846
File: 1557420217240.png (295.91 KB, 1320x1076, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 12.3…)

This tweet didn't age well. Does anyone else remember in a diff thread (I can't remember if it was a cosplayer thread or youtuber thread so I'm struggling to find it now), jared posted himself in a waffle crew cosplay on twitter and someone asked if holly made it and heidi just replied "I made it" and people were nitpicking her over being terse?
I thought it was a dumb criticism at the time and I still do, but I do wonder if maybe heidi really was biting back some rage.
>>803844honestly I outgrew pro jared before this milk even hit but I love brutal moose and I'd be so sad if he comes out as an abuser (hypothetically speaking)
No. 803850
File: 1557420646296.png (90.91 KB, 629x737, screenshot5.png)

(dumping a few of my fav responses I haven't seen posted here yet)
No. 803852
>>803844i know lol. honestly his stuff is really weird, but at the same time it's just relaxing that he speaks in a normal tone of voice and pace for 30-40 mins and you can just shut off and let your mind drift. it's soothing.
also i really appreciate that unlike some other people in this thread he despite being gay doesn't make a huge deal of his sexuality like. ever. he just acts as a regular chill guy.
>>803849honestly this woman is brave and badass despite risking herself looking like a bit of a clown lmao. heidi i love you for this blessing of the milk you have provided today
No. 803857
File: 1557420960028.png (100.42 KB, 1768x412, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 12.5…)

Holly has shed quite a few close friends over the years in unamicable ways and coincidentally she seems to like changing her whole persona when it happens, as cows like to do. I always wondered how much her shit actions had to do with it. Glad she's getting outed as an abuser so she can't push herself as a mental health advocate anymore.
Also I wonder how much of jared's relatively recent love of birds is a result of fucking holly. Maybe if someone can trace when it started they can figure out when they started banging.
No. 803858
File: 1557420969333.gif (183.78 KB, 220x132, 2A9AEB09-AE38-4140-942B-F37B2E…)

Holly tweeting to Jared saying she’s here for him if he needs her after the divorce is the biggest social media oopsie of 2019
No. 803861
File: 1557421059321.jpg (100.48 KB, 1242x913, D6Ik1l_UEAI1eBN.jpg)

No. 803862
File: 1557421078198.jpg (65.17 KB, 750x467, 2dc80e32-15ba-4d2d-8edc-ac812f…)

No. 803863
>>803860at the very least a banner
No. 803867
Not milk, but some feel good news. Really glad she didn't end up like sharla.
>>803865too accurate
No. 803870
File: 1557421447240.png (406.18 KB, 617x960, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 1.02…)

>>803867i am a dumb ass dropped pic
No. 803872
File: 1557421484068.jpg (65.57 KB, 1080x266, Screenshot_20190509-122456_Twi…)

>>803852I didn't even know Ian was gay, huh. Yeah, I really dig all of his stuff. His old PC game reviews are very sweet, and the humor in his food reviews is quiet and weird and really gets me.
No. 803875
File: 1557421734370.jpg (176.2 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>803860>>803863Additional proposal (I'd post the vid but I think the thumbnail is the best part). If the thread maxes out the next one should probably be more "GG General" and less "Sooz and also GG"
>>803871holy shit
No. 803879
>>803875Vid if anyone wants, nothing too interesting from skimming it. Gotta say though – I always thought Holly was cute in a
mpdg/so quirkie!! kinda way, but Heidi looks like a certified babe next to her in this vid tbh
No. 803885
>>803882GG+Normalboots is good. these guys don't seem to be paragons of virtue to me anymore. there might be more milk incoming, they have added a chick to their roster recently (Tamashii hiroka someone who i've never seen before their videos) and seem adamant to not even let her speak in the vids. they legit just talk over her so i don't know what the point is to even have her there.
anyway, point is, more milk might be flowing from the NB side so good to keep them in the thread topic. good thinking anon!
No. 803887
File: 1557422483173.gif (1.28 MB, 200x200, 61E794CB-A32D-4E43-A6D4-BC75BF…)

>Heidi helped them make their cosplays of their DND characters back in 2016.
> Asagao academy (the dating sim) main protagonist was a Holly Conrad look alike
> traveled together for wafflecrew shenanigans sometimes just the two of them represented the group in the exhibitor halls at cons.
> Holly planned to move near Jared before her divorce became public
> Caught being too friendly at Pax (West???) this year
No. 803888
File: 1557422484483.png (90.92 KB, 604x407, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 1.20…)

This has made it's way to the waffle crew community, I hope it kills it because they really let it get to their heads since WotC got involved.
No. 803890
>>803882Let's Players is waaaay too broad imo. GG + Normal Boots could work, though I think GG General is fine as well, the implication being that anything related to them (Normal Boots, Jared/Holly/Heidi, Jon, Suzy, Katie, etc) is allowed.
I think a "Let's Players General" outside of this would be fine too, I just think GG now has too much milk for that
No. 803891
>>803887not only that, holly and heidi were shopping for materials together when heidi picked up stuff for the diath cosplay. check
i don't envy all the peace heidi is going to lose (or has already lost) making connections like this
No. 803894
>>803889Actually it probably was pax west or pax unplugged. Right after Holly’s divorce last year.
Wouldn’t be too much of a stretch
No. 803895
File: 1557423026387.jpg (595.5 KB, 1080x1745, Screenshot_20190509-133025_Twi…)

Some PAX posts.
No. 803896
File: 1557423077672.jpeg (84.53 KB, 680x621, 4D09B717-2315-41B4-A9DA-9E877E…)

Holly posted this pic in January when they were at a con together. In hindsight, this kinky hotel stuff was wild.
No. 803897
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>>803895Obviously none of its verifiable but
No. 803904
File: 1557423637229.png (76.83 KB, 615x369, Capture d’écran 2019-05-09 à…)

New testimony inbound
No. 803909
File: 1557423756891.jpeg (625.94 KB, 2000x1334, C_-udLGUMAElKyK.jpeg)

>>803887Was gonna say, the only interesting thing from
>>803879 >>803875 vid was Heidi saying
>I'm really tired, I'm completely wiped out from staying up and making Jared's costume all week…so he could cosplay with Holly. I've only ever followed Heidi for her cosplay work (much higher quality than the norm, whatever personality aside) but that statement made me so sad for her. Doesn't seem like she even cosplayed at the event?
>>803892no, fuck off
No. 803910
File: 1557423792089.png (120.42 KB, 602x528, Capture d’écran 2019-05-09 à…)

>>803905website please let me post
No. 803912
File: 1557423836791.png (444.7 KB, 863x649, 1410387190076.png)

>>803896>Holly is obsessed with birds>Projared has a giant beak of a noseI'm staring to understand how this happened
No. 803917
Didn't projared go on some disney channel tween show a few years back? This puts why he decided to go for it into a new perspective
>>803912 someone save her pigeons, they're next at this rate
No. 803920
File: 1557424540154.gif (2.31 MB, 320x235, 006FD432-F8EC-47B4-9E67-BEB48C…)

>>803910Holly announced she was going to be at Pax Unplugged (right after the divorce with Ross and the move) VERY last minute.
The story writes itself.
No. 803926
>>803406What a pathetic piece of shit. Trying to honestly backpedal out of this and play the
victim card. Holly comes across as a narcissist just like Jared, "I'll be there for you" is a great line they use when they're in the wrong but deny it so hard that they turn into some sort of comforting messiah. It's just fucked.
No. 803928
>>803427She sounds like such a cuck lmao
~i let my husband solicit nudes bcuz it's body positive uwu~
No. 803931
>>803928He did fuck her up in the head so anything he did that isn't deemed normal in a relationship she just thought was a "joke" or perfectly okay. When you're that deep in a
toxic relationship you do and think some crazy shit.
No. 803932
>>803928It's hard to say no when he was basically already doing it.
"Don't you wanna be a cool couple? Don't freak out and make everything think you're a bitch"
You trick yourself into thinking it's okay when it isn't
No. 803936
File: 1557425917251.png (203.76 KB, 324x324, 418EBE86-0730-49F1-BB54-BF53D9…)

Fuck you Jared
No. 803945
File: 1557427019223.png (722.35 KB, 591x4000, werwe.png)

PBG is going to a deleting spree so here is a cap of his tweets right now (might have missed a few b/c too slow).
No. 803948
File: 1557427134527.gif (1.82 MB, 300x236, 49CA7BBF-EE47-4E24-88CF-1EDBA6…)

>>803945Lmao idiot should have kept HIS mouth shut like everyone else
No. 803953
File: 1557427419873.jpg (28.9 KB, 600x450, 9ac4f7190a2e9bf7a6741cde390cbf…)

>>803945if PBG was smart he'd fucking stop
He's making himself look bad too kek
No. 803958
>>803951This. I posted
>>785909 assuming Holly & Ross got a divorce because how gross the gamgrumps fandom is, I feel awful assuming she was some innocent person in all of that.
No. 803959
File: 1557427766501.gif (674.6 KB, 308x170, benis.gif)

>>803951this is why I'm surprised the majority of people aren't defending her right now.
Holly was the "Grump fandom's little precious bean who can do no wrong"
Out of everyone she could cheat with I'm surprised it was Jared and NOT Jon. Then again wasn't Jon's GF at the time crazy "controlling" or something?? Maybe Holly was trying to get in his pants?
No. 803962
File: 1557428014394.jpg (53.31 KB, 651x420, e57.jpg)

>>803959for all of jon's yikes opinions on race and politics he is definitely the more handsome and charming man of the two, without a doubt. Why on earth would she cheat with a fuckin bob's burgers lookin' guy
No. 803974
>>803465This happens to women constantly. "Crazy ex girlfriend" trope.
Woman are abused, gaslit, and feel like they're going crazy. They are put into a state of disorientation and it sounds like people most likely knew what was going on and lied to her face constantly. She may have lashed out, and is lashing out, but shit like this is so dismissive and I would hate to be in her position because even people without followings are often dismissed as crazy or
abusive for finally breaking as the truth of their situation comes to light.
Heidi may be messy with this situation, but to say there's no proof about her claims then say she's certainly
abusive and crazy is bullshit.
No. 803975
>>803967lol, even if they weren't best friends the initial tweet is still dumb. she didn't get played she knew jared was married and fucked him anyways, he used to have it in his profile and mentioned heidi all the time, used to always raid her stream and heidi would introduce herself as his wife when people asked, plus there are many documented instances of them meeting and hanging out going back years.
being someone's best friend and fucking their husband is pretty bad, but just knowing and doing it anyways is bad enough in itself and holly definitely knew. in no version of this story is holly the one who got played.
No. 803976
File: 1557429879435.png (2.06 MB, 1044x1357, oof.png)

Can we talk more about how gross Asagao Academy is in hindsight now?
PBG's WIFE Danielle Hargrave(@unicornism) helped make it And the rest of the main Ilustseed team, Nikki (@pterrify) has called youtubers "scum" and Cara Hillstock (@Cheratom) has liked all of Holly's tweets about the issue and various others supporting her and Jared.
Can we also talk about main girl who is a shy sweet bean and Mai the redhead who is outgoing and has a crush on JARED.
Jared in the game is excessively flirty and a model. He's the school hearthrob and sells pics of himself. HMMMMMMM
Heidi is a natural redhead and so is Mai
At the time of the game, Holly's hair was pink and so is Hana's
No. 803978
>>803896Jesus, el chupacabra…
The memes are dropping on twitter. I'm scrolling through all the threads to have a hearty kek. No. 803986
>>803976This seems like a reach. yes you can date jared but the "default" love interest is PBG. I don't think hana and mai are in any way related to holly and heidi, it's even mentioned in game that their character tropes are just "main character" and "friend character", and that's why hana has pink hair. Dissapointed that Cara is supporting the abusers in this case, I don't follow unicornism much but Cara seemed like a compassionate person until now. Hope she's not chasing jared's clout.
The characterization of jared is now hilarious in hind sight though.
No. 803988
File: 1557431002402.png (52.14 KB, 289x319, BCdh-8WCcAAkfO9.png large.png)

we truly live in the best timeline lol
No. 803989
>>803986It may seem like it, but after Holly and Heidi's popularity skyrocketed I think maybe they decided to model the characters after them, after all, the game isn't affiliated with Normalboots, so it was some clout chasing BS.
After Heroes of Cosplay, Holly's popularity in the cosplay and gaming scene rose, and people flocked to her cause she was cute and relatable.
Makes scene to me to base something on someone rising like that, especially since they were married to a game grump team member (since GG was also staring its big boom) but it's all speculation.
No. 803992
File: 1557431233912.png (447.76 KB, 586x673, oney.PNG)

oney's response if anyone cares
No. 803996
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No. 803998
File: 1557431567668.gif (391.6 KB, 500x374, 1395163124486.gif)

>>803996awwww pwoor projared ):
No. 804000
File: 1557431659679.png (922.48 KB, 1024x706, Oh boy.png)

>>803976Speaking of that game, this was the title of one of the parts before he changed it.
No. 804006
File: 1557432056070.png (96.17 KB, 475x243, FUCKING.PNG)

Certified Twitter Moment
No. 804011
File: 1557432764346.png (526.5 KB, 600x845,…)

No. 804015
File: 1557433249626.gif (3.73 MB, 460x258, d5ad3fffgh.gif)

>mental illness
>on and off meds
>big drama
I'm worried.
No. 804020
File: 1557433607288.png (297.56 KB, 750x1334, A37271BD-B0CC-4C41-9B5C-E2FE1D…)

She's gone private lmao
No. 804022
>>803976Bummed that Cara supports jared considering that she has spoken openly about abuse she suffered at the hands of her ex best friend, and about how it's damaging to not allow
victims speak publicaly about their experiences. Yet here she is, liking tweets that dismiss heidi and tell people to ignore her.
No. 804024
>>804020Oof Trash witch is right
And I used to think she was the most likeable of the crew. I guess her and the gg friend group really are all insane.
No. 804025
File: 1557433955176.jpg (24.72 KB, 350x350, 1135199644_sGoodIdeas.jpg)

>>804015if someone got access to her nudes and spilled them over the internet yeah tots pigeon wouldn't be around the next day, i have no faith in her stability
No. 804028
File: 1557434270528.jpeg (47 KB, 540x523, 1541386584267.jpeg)

>>804020>>804026ah yes totally the action of an innocent person lmao
she could just block or unfollow people who mention her in tweets or whatever, but going private is big guilt sign
No. 804032
File: 1557434672947.jpeg (37.28 KB, 521x498, 90182FE2-84A0-4F64-8D8B-50FF8F…)

This makes me cringe so hard I am dissolving.
No. 804033
File: 1557434706728.jpeg (82.74 KB, 784x1168, AFACA709-7334-412E-9AD2-1A767F…)

Not saging as I’m bringing further milk
No. 804037
File: 1557434911043.jpg (20.88 KB, 480x270, nno.jpg)

>>804033VERSATILE?!?!? Holy shit
No. 804038
>>804031so far we have
- deleted cosplay fb
- privated twitter
- private IG
- disabled comments on youtube..
so shes guilty.
No. 804040
File: 1557435087594.png (24.38 KB, 592x197, k5f3yd73a8x21.png)

>>804029Yall are buying into her mental health persona bit much. She's had other personas, this "caring nurturing anxious mental advocate" persona is just one of many, and she's been riding it for brownie points, but that doesn't mean it's her.
Unrelated question but why did this even get so big? I've been following jared and related youtubers for a while, but I'm surprised it got big enough to be trending on twitter and is talked about by so many people who are much more famous, see pic.
No. 804044
>>804030following holly on insta and she's removed comments on her most recent post
basically they were wks and people telling her how disappointed they are in her
No. 804046
>>804040It's because Ross is very entangled in the twitter art community. By association, people followed Holly.
Because Heidi cosplays, anime reviewers follow her.
Everything is kinda interwoven.
No. 804052
File: 1557435694247.jpeg (46.06 KB, 716x360, D6JVX7ZWsAITFia.jpg large.jpeg)

Tinfoil hat about Holly: She's clearly been riding the mental health bandwagon for ass pats while simultaneously acting like a completely different person in her personal life. What if her declaring herself to be asexual is another case of her lying online, not only for internet praise, but also to subtly gaslight Heidi if Heidi was already suspicious/had already found out but was trying to work on her marriage/was being misled by Jared into believing that it was over?
No. 804053
File: 1557435762567.jpg (27.06 KB, 607x225, pj.JPG)

not a new tweet but basically confirms that he tried first to block everyone mutual that could drag him before he made his statement, the dude basically dug his own grave
No. 804058
>>804055honestly the best response. it's basically a "not my problem now".
In a way he dodged a bullet, but damn, they spent years together and looked so good, I actually thought they were the good couple
God now I wonder if Kati actually knew something and badmouthed Holly back then and that's why she got kicked out of the house. You'd have to say some pretty big stuff to warrant being pushed off rather than have a conversation about it like "hey what you did was uncool" considering Kati lived in Holly's and Ross' house
No. 804059
>>804055Good for him. He shouldn't be expected to speak on this.
That being said,
>thanks for the kind wordsdefinitely sounds like he acknowledge he got out of a relationship with a cheater. may not 100% confirm it but, this makes Holly look guilty.
No. 804062
>>804059I agree he has no obligation to speak on the matter, but if your theory is true and he knew but didn't tell Heidi then I think he's cowardly.
We'll never know though because I doubt he'll ever talk about it again.
No. 804063
File: 1557436807472.png (22.29 KB, 209x458, 8b967b729ad5e1a0bbd63228754630…)

Deleted off the Normal Boots channel list.
No. 804065
File: 1557436885499.png (200.84 KB, 2060x1370, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 11.2…)

He's been removed from the normalboots website guys, dude is so fired
No. 804068
File: 1557437035452.png (1.07 MB, 1834x970, Untitled.png)

No. 804070
>>804062>but if your theory is true and he knew but didn't tell Heidi then I think he's cowardly.for all we know he might have just known she was sending nudes to someone and didn't figure out it was Projared or maybe she cheated on him with other people before she got with Projared.
Either way, it's safe to assume she probably was the cause for the divorce and not the bird excuse she made up for it. But I agree, if he knew he should have told Heidi.
No. 804076
>>804063>>804065Jared might have removed himself/asked to be removed while he tried to wait things out.
If they did decide to kick him, then that's a good step 0 but they really gotta up their game and actually address it. And not in a "this is a mutual, positive thing and we wish each other the best!" kind of way, like they did with Jon. Furst and PBG were not only defending Jared but implying that Heidi was crazy,
abusive, and spiteful. They were implicit in the abuse against Heidi. They were also implicit in trying to cover up Jared's abuse of power towards fans too, in blowing off the email from an underage fan and also trying to suppress Heidi from talking about what he did. Letting him leave quietly at this point is not enough.
No. 804077
File: 1557437360940.jpg (130.59 KB, 1079x665, D6Jvv7TXoAQi-dI.jpg)

>>804059Ross and Holly are still following each other so I don't know what to believe. I don't know if he's being diplomatic and isn't getting involved at all, or what.
Somewhere in the thread there was a screenshot of the email between a fan and the normalboots manager, well seems there was a second email later where they basically deleted the images because it's inappropriate. Way to deal with your problems, guys, sweep them under the rug
Also Holly liked ForrestFurst's tweet at ProJared saying "Love you, bud" which was a reply to jared's divorce statement
No. 804083
>>804074I agree, in the hypothetical situation where he knew all the detail, it's still a lot to ask of him, especially considering that Holly also has a big following and could paint him as the
abusive villain as revenge.
But I don't feel that Ross is the sweet little innocent bean some people make him out to be. He doesn't care if the guest on his stream has been accused of raping multiple women/has openly discussed raping women, and in the hypothetical scenario where he knew all about what was going down, he didn't care that Holly and Jared were abusing Heidi.
I can respect that he's smart enough to be a private person and keep all that off twitter, it just annoys me that people assume that means he's a good person. He's not someone you want as a friend because he's going to look the other way when something bad happens to you if it means avoiding "drama".
No. 804084
>>804070it's more likely that Heidi and Ross found out around the same time and that Heidi and Jared have been in discussion about all of this for over a year, possibly even trying to save their marriage.
Who knows how long they may have known before coming out about all this.
Just remember that Steam Train stopped near the end of 2015 when she started to involve herself with Jared and Wafflecrew started less than a year later in February 2016.
Ross hasn't been active on much Game Grumps things since then, and after the official talk of their divorce she stopped making youtube content.
This thing runs at least 3 years deep.
No. 804085
>>804082To be fair, not all the creators may have been aware of the content of administrative emails, and administration might not have said anything to them because they suck at their job and want to cover it up.
They still have an obligation to openly address it though, but I'm willing to give them some time to do so. At least Caddy was subtweeting against Jared. PBG jut wants to dig his own grave though.
No. 804087
File: 1557438098052.jpg (13.33 KB, 609x144, pro-patrickstarfish.jpg)

>>803604this comment is so accurate.
No. 804091
File: 1557438298180.png (378.44 KB, 911x451, hollylikes.PNG)

>>804077just to be thorough with these receipts
No. 804096
File: 1557438413665.png (716.86 KB, 1250x784, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 5.46…)

I hope Holly and Jared get married after this all settles down and they ruin each other.
No. 804100
>>803675Nah she's a narc. That's exactly what she wants people to think that she's the "
victim" of all of this because of her mental health problems. Wasn't thinking of Heidi's mental health when fucking her POS husband so she can do one.
No. 804102
>>804100She wasn't just fucking Heidi's husband but was also actively campaigning to smear her reputation among mutual friends and persuading them to turn against her while also pretending to be one of her closest friends. The mental health talk is just talk, she's not the vulnerable one here she just likes to play the
No. 804103
File: 1557439165557.jpeg (52.63 KB, 750x378, 0D1C18AD-8012-40C4-BA02-0BD3ED…)

>>804041I have my doubts as well.
No. 804108
File: 1557439626245.png (87.53 KB, 717x690, Capture _2019-05-09-18-02-07.p…)

sage bc just posting memes
No. 804109
File: 1557439635585.jpg (84.41 KB, 894x894, striath_5ever_by_misfit_mimi_d…)

Honestly people shipping their characters that are clearly self-inserts probably didn't help too.
Sounds like they possibly got turned on by that.
No. 804112
File: 1557440415588.png (79.24 KB, 555x386, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 6.17…)

Does anyone have the full exchange between pbj and heidi? Heidi still has her tweets up but he deleted all his.
No. 804114
File: 1557441020674.jpg (115.68 KB, 506x810, PROJojoJARED.jpg)

the mods on the ProJared subreddit demodded him so he can’t delete anything LOL
No. 804115
File: 1557441108721.png (96.37 KB, 532x467, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 6.31…)

>>804113He definitely said more, you can tell because Heidi's side of the conversation is still up but the tweets she responded too were deleted. There's one more tweet (where she says slander only applies to false statements) that I couldn't fit in the pic.
No. 804116
File: 1557441208913.gif (482.16 KB, 256x192, 3898460-8864152835-.gif)

I want to see the texts.
No. 804120
File: 1557441397696.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, 2DA0490D-653D-4398-85C8-F9937A…)

No. 804121
File: 1557441405282.png (238.09 KB, 594x547, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 6.02…)

Some girl named Charlie, friend of the person who claimed she was 16 when Jared started sending dick picks to her, started dumping a load of screenshots of conversations she had with him in this twitter thread. No. 804124
File: 1557441465240.jpg (35.17 KB, 640x640, ib2v4iuo9mt21.jpg)

No. 804126
File: 1557441612189.gif (2.01 MB, 300x313, 1410810879442.gif)

>>804120Get fucked pedo cheating skeleton.
No. 804128
>>804120Pretty half assed, even without the twitter scandal they only did what they needed to cover their ass, they did nothing to help
victims, no attempt to seek out other
victims and make things right/understand the damage that has been done, or to prevent it from happening again (no, updating your "social media guidelines" doesn't fucking count).
They also didn't call the cops even though a crime occurred on their watch. PBG is a real feminist ally, I feel so safe with him around /s
No. 804131
File: 1557441921180.jpg (74.03 KB, 750x423, 1547346376799.jpg)

>>804112>>804115>>804122pbg isnt at 2 million subs anymore whoops
No. 804133
File: 1557442028902.png (139.6 KB, 617x971, FurstPBG.png)

>>804115I don't have the convo between PBG and Heidi but I have this cap of PBG agreeing with Furst that Heidi was the abuser and calling her disgusting.
No. 804134
>>804133Thank you anon, I hope through all this delicious Jared drama we can remember to keep evidence PBG and co's fuck ups too.
>>804131I'm fucking CACKLING
No. 804141
>>804115Screencap of his various tweets:
>>803945Archive of tweets/replies:
>>803954 No. 804144
>>804139I think at least 3 friends have typed up detailed defenses actually, jessie proudmore, the male friend, and the girl who was sexting with jared.
>>804138I think it's better if she doesn't post the explicit texts, it gives jared's friends less ground to attack her, but if she has proof of them generally being romantic and conspiring against her I'd be all for it.
No. 804146
File: 1557442616337.png (40.04 KB, 481x308, PBG2.png)

>>804115Found this on Twitter. The "Slander only applies to false statements" tweet is in direct response to this.
No. 804151
>>804131get fucking wrecked. PBG is the most disloyal scumbag on the face of this earth. this is karma for how he threw jontron under the bus, yet stood beside his
abusive serial cheater friend. condescending piece of garbage.
No. 804152
>>804150he also posted it while out of town and without asking Heidi.
He tried to be like Ross and Holly when they divorced but this fucker got caught cheating and Heidi didn't back down
No. 804157
File: 1557443368857.jpg (265.05 KB, 1074x1458, 1948728584.jpg)

I feel for Heidi letting this creep make a fool of her
No. 804158
File: 1557443369815.png (1.37 MB, 1152x1420, Screen Shot 2019-05-10 at 12.5…)

the memes are killing me
No. 804162
File: 1557443440646.jpg (22.48 KB, 585x139, sn1.JPG)

in what hell upside down timeline has humanity landed in where I agree with shoe, jesus
No. 804163
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No. 804165
File: 1557443507441.jpg (54.92 KB, 589x455, sn3.JPG)

sageing because they aren't milk but it's really glorious seeing everyone comment about it
No. 804167
>>804148You can't. Each page has to be archived separately with You can check to see if the URLs for the conversations you are looking for have been archived.
Also No. 804185
File: 1557445464735.jpg (97.36 KB, 1000x1000, 61YAQJBGO8L._SL1000_.jpg)

>>803491>>803569He looks like one of those rubber alien props. He's got to be a master manipulator, how else could he be in this mess? Dude just got off the bus from Area 51.
No. 804195
>>804189>h-he's just being a good friend he didn't know any better!called heidi disgusting and crazy, implied she was
abusive, implied that he ~knew more than everyone else~, tried to shame her into staying silent, refused to look at the evidence that jared has been sending dick pics, took a couple steps back saying he wasnt defending THAT when he couldn't deny it anymore, popped some xannies and deleted everything but still liked holly's and jared's posts while staying very deliberately silent.
this tool with his shitty outdated skater hair and chin beard deserves just as much of anyone's anger. he should be fucking ashamed of trying to outright silence a
victim of abuse.
No. 804205
File: 1557446611688.jpg (33.39 KB, 787x589, wow.jpg)

>>804031Was just gonna mention that. Also, the recent videos have insane dislikes
No. 804208
>>804206I wonder if she's gonna date jared now and stay with him. bridges are burned now. the big names are still following her but her rep is ruined apart from the wks and people who will refuse to believe uwu mental health pixie could do such a shitty thing.
it's times like these i love the internet and call out culture. fucking call that shit out. when it's not fake and it's filled to the brim with receipts and shady behaviour, WRECK THEM. Their entire career and cushy lifestyle is owed to their personality and supposed transparency. They aren't the local guy and gal in the neighborhood, they are people who get money because of their fans.
No. 804223
>>804206I think there is, but right now with how she's acting it's hard to say if she'd ever be up for it.
I believe if Holly took some time away to self-reflect, to truly look at herself and figure out why the fuck she decided she needed validation so badly that she needed to hook up with a married man. And if she came back and acknowledged that yes, it did happen, yes, she and Jared were both in the wrong and handled things wrong, and yes, that it's stopped, I think a lot of people would be more prone to forgiving her.
Right now people are either just looking to be entertained, or they're genuinely furious (rightly), so it wouldn't be something that could happen anytime soon. She would have to really show that she's taken time to think about herself, why she was so eager to believe Jared, and where she truly wants to go from here. She's now wrecked not only her best relationship, but someone else's, and she has to show that she understands the immensity of those actions.
No. 804224
>>804208Imagine ruining your career and someone's (incredibly rocky already, since he was soliciting nudes from teenagers since 2017, but) marriage…
So you could bang this chinless salamander.
He may actually end up in jail since a significant proportion of what he received was technically cp, though that is based on whatever evidence Heidi can compile. Which seems to be a lot so far.
There also seems to be other evidence floating around considering people were quietly cutting ties with him a month ago (deleting videos, removing from website, etc)
No. 804226
File: 1557447950612.jpg (388.11 KB, 1080x951, Screenshot_20190509-202543_Twi…)

No. 804228
File: 1557448098573.jpeg (162.5 KB, 749x701, 16703631-766F-41D7-A514-CD9966…)

If he’s being investigated I wonder if someone has already reported him for the CP? I’d be surprised if someone doesn't send in FBI tips about it, especially with proof. He's gone from cheater to engaging with minors sexually online (apparently accidentally), I bet he never expected this twist!PBG is already tucking his tail between his legs too.
They have live unsubbing streams on YouTube right now for PBG, Holly, and Jared
No. 804230
File: 1557448372524.gif (1.34 MB, 640x480, 1337256530285.gif)

>>804226Too late PBG. Fuck off with that "made me question that narrative is true" shit. There is no narrative, it is what it is. Your "friend" is a cheating pedo and you try to defend him and attack his wife without knowing anything.
No. 804234
>>804230like honestly he had to BLAST his dogshit opinions on twitter and THEN claim forgiveness for questioning? why the fuck did you speak out, you dumb fuck. keep that shit to yourself until you are 10000% convinced and ready to ride or die with your statements.
this shit flinging then retracting tactic these people are pulling is pissing me off. if you aren't willing to put your neck out under the knife out of conviction of what you believe, don't say anything at all.
No. 804237
File: 1557449300706.png (232.26 KB, 1227x1009, 2019-05-10 10_48_06-Tweets lik…)

>>804226Guess seeing his subs drop under 2 mil so quickly had him sweating. Fucking moron. And his apology doesn't even sound remotely genuine. Nothing about it is taking responsibility for how shitty he was to Heidi, how he tried to silence her and called her crazy, just "oh I was LEAD to believe xyz! she doesn't have to forgive me if she doesn't want uwu." Fucking man up.
Also, as of right now, he still has Holly's and Jared's tweets liked, and that speaks for itself.
No. 804238
>>804237Of course he still has them liked. He probably will hangout with them after this ages a bit. PBG just cares about looking good atm, I doubt he actually cares about Heidi's feelings or possible underage
No. 804244
File: 1557450521726.jpg (39.8 KB, 588x385, sheknew.jpg)

>>804226He's such a piece of shit who attacked Heidi, who was already hurt by jared going public with the cheating/divorce AND blocking her. PBG showed his true colors. he aint sorry.
btw, I feel for Heidi. She definitely knew about this shit before Jared made it very public.
No. 804245
File: 1557450664249.jpg (75.09 KB, 749x1013, D28csL4XcAAP-bN.jpg)

i wonder if in the near future holly would sell nudes, just gone full crazy, i would buy(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 804246
>>804245Who is whiteknigthing Holly and being “worried” about her all the time?? Now randos asking for her nudes?
Very sus (hi Holly)
No. 804257
>>804253i get the feeling that he was really manipulative about it, and she's the type who bends over backwards to please men like that.
ffs on her twitter she said he started doing the whole tumblr nudes thing under the guise of 'body positivity' and that she didn't know he was sending dick pics, that was a line she said he couldn't cross
totally naive to not put together what he was doing but he probably acted like she was being an evil misogynist and controlling him if she didn't say it was fine
No. 804260
>>804257yeah we don't know how deep the rabbit hole of abuse goes. jared is clearly a very manipulative person and heidi has her own mental health troubles. if he was pulling the strings financially she probably felt like she had no way out and had to go along with what he wanted regardless of how she felt about it. it was only when he wanted to get a divorce that she ever spoke out, since she had nothing to lose anymore. and again I have to laugh that NONE of this would've come out if he hadn't been such a fucking coward about the divorce announcement. he didn't just shoot himself in the foot, he fucking blew off his entire leg.
i hope she's compiling evidence like a motherfucker. those alimony payments are gonna be huge for the CP alone. add infidelity on top of that and dude is finished.
No. 804264
File: 1557453743808.png (528.49 KB, 1804x2000, hmmheidi.png)

>>804260yea, i (badly) compiled all the tweets where it looks like jared is manipulative/
abusive or heidi looks particularly naive
highlights: her still being somewhat nice about him, him trying to make her sign an nda, her saying holly manipulated him, she thought the nudes thing (as long as they were adults) was fine originally, he cut her off from friends
No. 804273
File: 1557454406737.png (Spoiler Image,405.64 KB, 539x740, oYPTiwW.png)

>>804109Completely OT but that's hot…or it would be if it wasn't them and they weren't both married.
I feel like they're unlikely to stay together based on the fact that she was probably only in it for the thrill/validation of fucking a married man, but on the other hand, they're both equally as fucked and may stay together because they have no other choice/no one else "understands" kek.
Pic related, why did he think this was attractive enough to post online? He looks like the fucking Momo meme. How delusional do you have to be?
No. 804285
>>804226This is so weak. You didn't just defend Jared, you attacked Heidi and tried to suppress her, discredit her, and slandered her (WITH NO PROOF, might I add, for someone to eager to accuse Heidi of slander he really sucks at not slandering others) for sharing her experience with abuse. What a shitty male feminist, no woman should ever trust him to have her back.
>>804257> he started doing the whole tumblr nudes thing under the guise of 'body positivity'Did I get lost and end up in the Onision thread by mistake? I bet you Jared saw some of the exposed videos on Onision and took notes because he was so impressed.
No. 804293
>>804253Heidi did say in
>>803793 that she looked at the nudes. If she knew she was looking at pics of minors, then she is guilty morally and legally.
No. 804297
>>804288>>804293She said that before realizing that he had hid nudes from her, she didn't even know that he was sending full nude pics and she know about all the people he was talking to. She didn't even know about his snap for a long time, so I think it's pretty plausible that he hid the convos with underage fans from her.
>>804120How does removing Jared take over a month? Clearly they weren't investigating the whole time because they said they had already decided to remove him even before this stuff happened, but they were dragging their feet WHY?
All this message says to me that int he future, if a NormalBoots member abuses their power, it's better to collect evidence on our own and go straight to the cops or twitter because there sure as hell isn't any accountability in this community. I can't imaging that their "legal team" though it was a good idea to wait so fucking long. Of course his dick gets posted to twitter and he's gone in an instant. Remember folks, reporting shit to twitter get stuff done way faster than reporting it to NormalBoots.
No. 804305
File: 1557457575070.png (186.36 KB, 1200x634, tkkk.png)

Look at this asshole getting asspats for a non-apology about participating in the ongoing abuse of Heidi and slandering her.
No. 804311
>>804298yeah, just like the dick pics were. it's pretty obvious that she didn't know the extent of his degeneracy.
>>804297considering how furst or whoever the fuck didn't say a word about the emails when jumping on the "shit on heidi" train, they clearly weren't doing jack shit. 10 bucks they just sat on the email and nothing was said to anyone.
No. 804312
>>804304GG fans are rabid, don't underestimate them. They will rip Holly apart at every opportunity if it means defending Ross. And anyone who cared about Holly from mental health advocate standpoint will never see her the same way again.
I wonder what will happen to the wafflecrew, considering not one but two of their members have just been smeared to fuck publically.
No. 804313
>>804312The internet forgets everything. All the other cheating cosplayers are bigger than ever, Momokun has lasted way longer than anyone thought, Anita Sarkisian has fans who know nothing about her past.
Maybe GG fans will turn on her but that's not all of her fan base.
No. 804314
File: 1557458656953.jpg (67.79 KB, 635x644, wut.jpg)

>>804305People are posting on the normal boots apology tweet about PBG and people are defending austin. He shouldnt be left off the hook with his shit 'apology' to Heidi for immediately flying to Jared's side. male feminists. Not even once
No. 804321
>>804226of all the half-hearted, non-apologies you could give. first jared, then holly, then this toolbag who is somehow coming off worse than the other two combined. "i understand if you dont" just comes off as an insincere "i don't care to make a better plea". fuck off you autistic dipshit, and
>>804314 can all fuck off with you
>>804313ok this seems like something i should know but don't? what's in Anita sarkeesian's past??
No. 804324
File: 1557460987109.png (26.8 KB, 800x184, Screenshot_2019-05-09-20-56-27…)

>>804318But look at the view count.
No. 804333
>>804332looks like an old/posed picture. she looks thicker in her more recent pics although still not fat.
if insta anon could come through - there are a few pics from her recent hawaii vacation where her legs are literally sausaging out of her shorts that look like they're hurting her coochie/ass.
No. 804334
>>804332Don't bother engaging with ana chans
>>804333We have all this delicious milk and you wanna nitpick over how fat someone is? Get therapy for your eating disorder skellychan.
No. 804337
File: 1557462746070.jpg (199.59 KB, 901x1200, D5HsDioU4AECkK5.jpg)

>>804332Her new haircut is amazing. lol
No. 804339
File: 1557462905438.jpeg (209.24 KB, 1080x1440, D6LY7RhV4AEtDzG.jpeg)

Jirard just posted his statement regarding the situation
No. 804341
File: 1557463093712.png (147.46 KB, 1204x500, Screenshot 2019-05-10 at 10.07…)

>>804339this is incredible. mad props to jirard for doing this. and i love the sheer balls on this fool for keeping on trying to clear his name lmao someone come take him away
No. 804348
File: 1557463403388.png (380.03 KB, 1708x1030, Screenshot 2019-05-10 at 10.11…)

>>804346dumping caps here in case something happens to the thread
No. 804352
>>804338 and archived.
No. 804354
File: 1557463612063.png (451.74 KB, 1670x1120, Screenshot 2019-05-10 at 10.11…)

>>804352oh shit my bad! thanks anon, lolcow thinks i'm flooding and posting the caps is becoming a bitch. will still try to post with breaks
No. 804358
File: 1557463898132.png (344.84 KB, 1686x884, Screenshot 2019-05-10 at 10.11…)

>>804357last one. it's fucking me up to realize what kind of bastard this guy has been from way back when, and as heidi said the depth of his deception to have hidden this all so carefully, is just insane.
No. 804360
File: 1557464193857.png (20.22 KB, 400x159, tumblr_inline_pr86rzgbl31t5846…)

No. 804371
File: 1557464789021.png (28.73 KB, 531x246, skinnypenis.png)

No. 804372
File: 1557464818637.png (50.35 KB, 1340x948, ss (2019-05-10 at 03.05.40).pn…)

>>804338looks like the archived copy for the imgur post didn't work out? i'm just getting blank black boxes
No. 804376
>>804371Fake tweet. They just edited his statement tweet
Ross is being healthy and smart and just stepping the hell away
No. 804378
>>804372People are deleting faster then posting evidence.
Reminder, especially to newfags here:
Screencaps are golden.
No. 804411
File: 1557466402804.jpg (36.63 KB, 540x304, gred.jpg)

>>804393Imagine THIS in between your legs as you look down while cumming.
No. 804412
File: 1557466573534.gif (498.4 KB, 500x400, 9D54D57A-9953-438D-A580-12C7B1…)

>>804411thanks anon, i didn’t want to sleep tonight anyways.
No. 804413
>>804346>>804338The Imgur gallery has been deleted.
I'll archive this thread, too.
No. 804414
>>804379Trusting people close to you, who you think you know, is not stupid. It's normal and how relationships work. Stop
victim blaming
No. 804419
File: 1557467057503.png (268.46 KB, 737x383, ha.png)

Youtuber wiki lol
No. 804425
>>804424dailymail coverage!? yikes! and to think this asshat could have avoided this all just by not pushing out a crappy "respect my privacy / don't believe rumors"
statement that no one asked for lmfao i am sent
No. 804426
File: 1557468339132.png (492.17 KB, 800x1181, Screenshot_2019-05-09-22-57-04…)

http://www.hollyconrad.com*/http://www.hollyconrad.comHer site won't archive properly on, and the menu isn't working for me on mobile.
No. 804427
File: 1557468487014.png (612.74 KB, 1104x5304, throwawayforsin's comments on …)

>>804420>>804421Took me a second, but I stitched up all the comments throwawayforsin made in the threads on her reddit post in paint, ft. the incels arguing down the bottom
No. 804433
File: 1557468904885.jpg (118.32 KB, 1500x1500, 81QBRII7g L._SL1500_.jpg)

>>804430huh, the more you know. i was sure there was probably a browser extension for something like that, i just couldn't be fucked looking for it. thanks!
No. 804435
File: 1557468967355.png (339.85 KB, 800x698, Screenshot_2019-05-09-23-13-54…)

His name has been removed from their roster.
No. 804440
>>804433 they (and thousands of rubberneckers) were slacking. No one had archived Jared and Heidi's Facebook profiles until a couple of hours ago.
I think we alone have the full comments from Reddit posted.
No. 804447
File: 1557469924881.png (1.75 MB, 1920x12443, screencapture-reddit-r-ProJare…)

deleted and reposted because i forgot to edit my reddit username out of the screenshots lmao
>>804420>>804421>>804427>>804430>>804440for posterity's sake here's the whole thing, done with the extension. I did have one subthread closed but it's in my initial screenshot so its still there. I dun goofed and refreshed the tab after I did it, so it's the best we're gonna get unfortunately.
>>804443How about no, you self-posting kraut
No. 804448
File: 1557470002056.png (197.29 KB, 812x754, bruh.PNG)

No. 804454
>>804217He badly phrased some points about immigration and black crime rates (mentioning statistics that wealthy black people commit more crimes than poor whites and how birth rates can't be fixed with immigration) that made him look like a racist retard, his friends dumped his ass immediately and since then have pretended he doesn't exist. IIRC Jon took full responsibility and apologized, even after losing a voicing role in the upcoming Yooka-laylee game and even defended the developers for their decision to remove his character from the game when his fans got mad at them.
The irony and the reason why people are bringing JonTron up here is that Jontron made a few sloppy statements during a stream that was doomed from the beginning and the people he associated with took a microsecond to drop him like a brick but the moment mr. Male Feminist is caught soliciting nudes from teenagers, gaslighting and cheating on his wife he tries to shift the blame on Heidi and his friends are trying to brand her as "disgusting" and having no proof of anything happening. And no apology.
No. 804460
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>>804409Saw this earlier but couldn't confirm if it was him or some rando as there was no sauce or context, looking again though its definitely him. The moles give it away.
Vaguely remember seeing a post earlier today of him on tumblr saying that he posted a dick pic to a porn blog but "you have to guess which one is mine" so I'm going to assume this is from said porn blog
No. 804462

>>804456Lemme put it this way:
We're also shitting on Jared and his skeevy awful bullshit, and we're documenting it (psst, we hate the fact that he's manipulated underaged girls too). What info is your unhinged shitposting providing? What benefit does it bring? What do you hope to achieve? It's embarrassing, stop it. And for fucks sake, learn how to integrate, christ almighty'll stop shitting up the thread now, sorry mods
No. 804463
but how fucking stupid does one thirsty bastard have to be jesus christ
No. 804464
>>804462i… is some twitch tard trying to capitalize on this situation?
there is no depth to which humanity won't fall
No. 804466
>>804389His face is so punchable in this pic
He’s pulling a Preg dreamworks face
No. 804469
>>804313Momokun's reputation is in ruins. She's staying afloat because of slimebag men who get a kick out of seeing her flash her money and they couldn't give enough shits if she was eating babies as long as she kept degrading herself. But in the cosplay community? NOBODY wants to associate with her, everyone keeps calling her out on a daily basis. If you were a famous cosplayer and so much as took a selfie with her people would cancel you in a second. She used to be known as the "arab thicc sexy samus", now she's "that fat bitch who lied about lipo, stole designs and sexually harassed people". She's too afraid to even attend conventions now. People definitely haven't forgotten. Just like they haven't forgotten about the JonTron controversy and that was 2 years ago. Being a scam artist like Anita or making a few racist remarks is one thing but manipulating a good friend's husband into fucking you and then escaping responsibility by calling them rumors? You don't bounce back from that.
>>804333Fuck off ana-chan, good lord.
No. 804471
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>>804466he looks like he could be a leunig cartoon with that angle, or a really exaggerated squished/pulled claymation model. fuck he's ugly.
>>804464>>804467yeah, it was some german retard with a fresh account solely for screaming about it. i think they were just really mad about what jared had to say about sonic adventure 2
No. 804473
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>>804448>>804467>>804462>>804464>>804468>>804471Removed the discord invite link like mods asked me to. They ended up showing pj's sub count dropping after they got banned, and said the stream was ending soon. Just some top tier newfag bullshit really
No. 804475
I keep seeing commentary in various places about Heidi being able to use the evidence of his infidelity in their divorce proceedings.
Washington is a no fault divorce state, and community property and debts are split 50/50., however, is not a fault-based state. Instead, Washington is following the more modern legal trend toward "no-fault" divorce. No-fault divorce means that you do not have to provide any specific reason why you want to divorce your spouse. All you have to do is explain that your marriage is "irretrievably broken" (meaning, so badly damaged it can't be repaired or saved) and the judge will issue a divorce order.
There is no need for anyone to sling mud around a courtroom or try to prove ugly and painful facts. This shortens the divorce process and tends to help people heal more quickly. But it also means that Washington judges will not listen to any evidence about marital misconduct, like adultery.
No. 804476
>>804475from the same article
>But what if adultery occurred? To date, there is no case law that specifically addresses adultery. But the Washington code is very clear that alimony awards have to be based on the above factors and that fault can't be considered. Judges have to write alimony orders "without regard to misconduct." This means that the family court can't consider any kind of fault or marital misconduct, including adultery, when it makes decisions about alimony.i guess that's that. open the floodgates on the texts heidi lmao
No. 804477
>>804475Like only 5 states have no adultery laws and Projared moved Heidi and him to 2 of them.
Wonder why.
No. 804479
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>>804477can't imagine that was done at all on purpose
he probably thought even if Heidi found out he'd be able to keep everything mostly quiet and he'd keep getting fans on his dick
No. 804484
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All the online media outlets have been posting the story throughout the last 22 hours, maximizing exposure."PC Gamer has contacted Knabenbauer for comment, and will update this article if he responds." Imagine the state of his inboxes and notifications.
His alleged transgressions with minors is what is bringing the normie news coverage. of course the ED spergs are hard at work. Imagine having probably gotten a good laugh or two at others to now being the new feature. No. 804493
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so ENLIGHTEN me, why do people like "Dice, Camera, Action" again?
No. 804495
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This being so public is great for the memes
No. 804511
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>>804015I mean fuck Holly in this situation, but doesn't mean I want her dead (what the fuck
>>804017 )I'm worried as well.
>no husband>no gg or gg community>no bess fren heidi>assuming no cosplay/gaming community in general right now>jus birds>only birdsLike, does she have family or something to keep an eye on her in her current living situation? Not saying she doesn't deserve the backlash or 1000% bring it on herself, but she can just lose her cushy career and fuck off to the woods to become a pigeon woman. She could probably work as a seamstress or maybe go to school to pursue some kind of animal control/rescue or wildlife sciences (they luv that shit in the pacific northwest). She's still a talented cosplayer, she could probably even still go to cons eventually – especially if she did characters that hide/mask her face. She already has a house too right? So that's not a concern. She'll be fine, she can move past this eventually.
Jared on the other hand….does he even have any other skills or hobbies? He's a chinless manchild with nothing to fall back on lmao. Editing maybe? (if he even edits his own content). There's no bouncing back from this career wise, his best bet is to just fuck all the way off.
No. 804515
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>>804511If they didn´t save at least some of that internet whoring money to put in some other business or secure long term investment then these two will truly reach peak level cautionary tale, like it will literally teach kids many valuable lessons in what not to do.
No. 804518
>>804511It's shitty that she was complicit in cheating, but I do believe that she was given some spiel about him dumping heidi eventually for her. She's incredibly stupid for getting with someone like that in the first place; someone who cheats for you will likely cheat on you, but I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as what jared has done.
>>804517This is sad.
No. 804519
>>804512Calm down, you're completely misinterpreting my post. Where did I say she wasn't manipulative or accountable for her actions? I clearly said she's to blame and deserves it, but because I don't want her dead I'm infantilizing her?
>I mean fuck Holly>Not saying she doesn't deserve the backlash or 1000% bring it on herself, but she can just lose her cushy career and fuck off to the woods to become a pigeon womanso sad you never learned how to read
I'm saying she's still in a pretty cushy spot, she can honestly move on with her life with very little consequence for her actions, and that sucks. But at least Jared's still 100x more fucked. He was obviously so cocky and narcissistic that he didn't think he ever needed to be more than an unskilled personality-less manchild in life, because that's SUCH a groundbreaking concept on the internet. Imagine genuinely believing you deserve the adoration of thousands of women (/girls) and you're too good for your hot talented wife because you scream at video games on the internet. Wild.
No. 804521
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>>804517Her Grandpa died last year or something. She has a bunch of friends in Austin I think? Some girl on Twitter actually said she's taking a break together with her so I don't think she's alone per se. I actually thought they were hooking up until this shit came out
No. 804522
>>804511Heidi made her bed and now has to lie in it. Even according to the "old" story the divorce came about because of what Holly wanted, she happily sexted and fucked her the "bess fren"'s husband, and as evidenced had absolutely no backup in case things didn't go exactly as planned. She dug her own goddamn grave.
Also, their entire plan hinged on Ross being either too stupid to figure things out or too nice to say anything, and Heidi being manipulated into submissive silence. From what we know (GG taking Ross's "side" after the divorce, then a month ago taking down their ProJared videos), she had completely fulfilled her side of the plan by hiding all evidence or taking advantage of Ross's personality. If ProJared hadn't been literally worse than Subway Jared, then their despicable scheme would've worked. Jared and Heidi divorce, with any complaints from Heidi being dismissed by Jared and NormalBoots as her being "hysterical." Jared and Holly keep being fuckbuddies and flirting onscreen, then after a year or so they make their relationship public. Some rumors pop up that maybe this is why their first marriages failed, but get largely dismissed as Ross and Heidi can't say anything. Their DCA fans explode at the news, anyway, so even if the old followers give them backlash they can just rely on mad DnD money.
They almost got away with destroying the marriages, and maybe even the lives, of their exes. Jared's the worse person, but Holly's either as skilled at lying or as skilled as manipulating as he is, depending on how much Ross really knew about the situation.
No. 804527
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Whats the true story behind this picture of Suzy ?
No. 804530
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>>804527It's a shitty photo of her with jizz photoshopped on top of it.
No. 804535
>>804339This is one of the better response but it kinds glanced over Jared being an
abusive husband and gas lighting and manipulating Heidi for the better part of a year and leading many others to do the same.
Does this mean that if Heidi had come out but only older fans had showed up to corroborate her story that he wouldn't have cared? It seems like a lot of people needed the pedo angle to come to light to actually be swayed. Jared being a pedo is definitely the worst part, but abusing your wife and manipulating 18+ fans should have been enough too.
No. 804542
TL;DR How do I archive all the Crabcat Industries stuff before Holly deletes it too because I think there's some milk to be found? Specifically in their stream videos.
>>804517Wait how long ago did she mention this?
Back in the CoH era I recall that Jessica was the one in the pair that had a shit childhood including family members dealing with addiction and her parents not caring for her/having to deal with CPS. Not only do I recall Jessica talking about it but I also recall that Holly corroborated it in at least a couple of streams and said she was lucky to not have gone through the same. I haven't followed Holly closely in the recent years but it kinds sounds like she stole her ex-friends backstory, like narcs tend to do. She definitely had certain cow behaviors over the years that no one called her out on, like changing her personality and torching a whole social circle when she has out grown them, but with her DnD fame really taking off I think she has cooled off in the past few years so it's not as noticeable. Still, stealing your ex-best friend's traumatic backstory is pretty low. Jessica did mention she left cosplay because of shitty people, and her and Holly weren't best friends anymore by then.
No. 804550
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>>804542I don't know the years, but basically what
>>804545 said. Her mother was awful, a drug addicted alcoholic who would talk badly about her and basically trashed her wedding uninvited. She spoke about these things on tumblr. She only really cared about her grandpa. She said her father wanted Holly to be a bat swingin', cap wearin' tomboy (tl;dr he wanted a son I bet) but holly was girly and cute and nerdy, and her grandpa was the only one who didn't care and supported her interests.
I added some archived tweets and a snippet from a heightline article.
Considering her bio mother had MS I'm guessing maybe a stepmother was the drug addicted one?
No. 804572
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>>804545He's not though. That's a fake. Ross is being an 11/10 class act.
No. 805713
>>805703He did ignore the fact that a cosplayer on his stream had an active rape scandal where multiple
victims came forward and the cosplayer himself had talked about being violent towards women…
Considering that multiple youtubers were contacted about Jared's pedo habit before hand and did nothing, I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of them. Being good at managing your public facing image is not the same thing as being a good person.
No. 806598
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she’s still at it