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No. 808888
In the last episode, our protagonist PedoJared, after being publicly accused of soliciting nudes from minors, released a second statement completely ignoring said accusations and blaming his soon-to-be ex-wife Heidi for all other inappropriate behavior. Highlights from last thread include:
>Jared still attempting to paint Heidi as the abuser and the unreasonable, jealous bitch, as well as saying she was the one who wanted to go poly and encouraged him to show his dick to fans, despite evidence from the time showing Jared was enthusiastic about sleeping around and distributing nudes while Heidi was not really into it. He also tries to make himself look kind and generous by paying for Heidi's new place's deposit, a car for her, and telling his lawyers to make sure she gets her dues in the divorce, as if the money used isn't their common property by virtue of them being married.>Jacque Khalil receiving evidence of Jared's pedo shit a month before the scandal broke and conducting an "internal investigation". He may or may not have contacted authorities about it, but if he did he opted not to say. Meanwhile, Holly received the same evidence and apparently warned Jared immediately.>Holly and Ross' divorce being caused by her affair with Jared, which has apparently been going on for over a year, and was the reason Holly moved close to Jared right after her divorce.>Jessica Merizan and Holly's best friend Renae going to bat for Holly while not acknowledging any evidence of Jared's pedophiliac tendencies and claiming "mental health uwu" for not looking at said evidence (after requesting it be shown to them). Tinfoilanon theorizes one of Holly's WKs in the thread is Jessica herself.>Chai, one of the minors accusing Jared of misconduct, publishing all the receipts on Jared's nude sharing, her communications with Normal Boots, and Jared's subsequent non-apology.Previous thread:
>>>/snow/804540Our main actors:
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly: (private) (private)
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: usual suspects:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Game Grumps:
>Normal Boots:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: of the old milk (cheese?), courtesy of anon:
Suzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meHolly "Manic Pixie Nightmare Girl" Conrad (Backstory/Pre-Divorce):
>Holly is a talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to ger grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingHeidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>I've followed Heidi for years for cosplay stuff, so I can only speak from that perspective but I don't think there's really much else to say about her>I think some people in the cosplay community found her kind of cocky, but she didn't seem to really rock the boat too much>She's a much more detail oriented and talented craftsman than your average costhot. Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth (not as common with cosplayers these days, so I think she's appreciated for that)>IIRC she has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design, so if she's cocky her work quality at least backs it up>Personally I followed her for a long time for cosplay stuff without ever even knowing who she was married to or who ProJared was. Can't speak for others, though I'm sure it didn't hurt her popularity>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all timeJared "Pigeondick" Knabenbauer
>I've actually never really known or cared about ProJared or NormalBoots before this, I just wanted to call him a Pigeondick.>Maybe someone more informed can give a backstory, though again I'm not sure if it really matters>big yikes >>804556Previous GG Threads:
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge. (Pic related: Top is GG, Bottom is Dirty Pair)>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being BEST FRIEND her despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.>Claims any of this is important at all because she was Arin's inspiration for a character "a woman being beaten and raped but wanting Egoraptor to be her knight in shining armor even though she's an ex-assassin">Now obsessed with Arin/Suzy/GG, obsessed with the notion that Suzy is somehow copying her every move and personality trait (again, despite the fact that she just now reemerged and Suzy was probably ~13 when all of this started)>Consensus: Arin was a dumb teenage boy who was probably involved with both of them, the situation makes Suzy look incredibly sane. Also it's been 17 years who gives a shit. (Guess what: Katie does)>Obviously overshadowed by current milk, but I just feel like we haven't seen the last of Katie. Probably in like 5 years she'll catch up on the current drama and have a real hot take. No. 808889
From end of previous thread:
>>808873>>808877Is Holly known for having a smol apostrophe use disability?
No. 808890
>>808888Love the level of detail, kudos
Was gonna add this to full thread but people really think Heidi is in the wrong for changing her mind about having an open relationship? What if the spice had been pegging, exhibitionist activities, etc? It's a mutual sexual agreement, it can be ”taken back” at any time.
That's what consent is. Both people have to agree, relationship boundaries need to be respected. If you entered a monogamous relationship with someone and tried out dating other people without positive results, isn't it more unhealthy for the relationship to proceed as non-monogamous because of the foundation it was built on?
I would only hope my partner could be mature enough to handle being told No. It's not that ”things didn't work out after therapy” it was manipulation, cheating, lying, and adults refusing or unable to feel empathy for the other person in the relationship.
Regardless that's small potatoes to engaging in sexual behaviour with minors, which isn't a Separate Issue but just another representation of Jared thinking with his dick and they don't take kindly to kid diddlers in jail. He's going to get karma regardless, min I expect him to end up as a registered sex offender.
No. 808892
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>>808889I think his dick caused some type of brain damage or shit to Holly. But sHow tHe rEceIpT' S eVen tHOuGh I reCievED an EmaIL fROm cHaI. Just gonn wait for her "apology" on youtube.
No. 808894
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i was going to comment this on the last thread
>>808868How convenient for Heidi. i bet if the tables were reversed you would be defending your Queen´s right to sleep with other people since her cool husband allowed it and dump him for the new man if she so chooses. She simply wasn´t the cool girl she pretended to be and ended up butthurt about it and playing
victim for damage control when the poly shit backfired on her.
>>808871>was he also being the victim when he sent all those dick pics to those underage fans? Heidi approved and encouraged that behaviour too, like she even said how they high fived after watching the pics together and it was no secret. But now that Heidi is butthurt she gets to take it all back and retroactively erase her previous consent for Jared´s actions, she was cool with him sexting her friends too and is obious from her own comments that she knew about Holly too and saw her nudes, she was not being lied too or manipulated, she decided to play that stupid game and won the stupidest prize.
Now she says it was Jared playing jedi mind tricks on her all along, and we are supposed to automatically believe her despite evidence.
Bottom line:
None of these people, including Heidi should have ever been married, they are all inmature dumbfucks who are not fit for commited relationships. Also, poly love is a stupid idea and somebody always ends ups hurt. Who could have foreseen that in an open relationship one partner would fuck another woman and decide he/she liked it better? uncanny, impossible!
Heidi knew about the affairs and allowed it, the inevitable happened and her husband got feelings for another woman, decided to dump her and Heidi went full drama queen mode to exploit the situation and play the
victim. Heidi is the biggest lolcow here since she is the one milking the drama for attention and to scapegoat herself completely out of her own mistakes.She doesn´t get uwu
victim and i am upset to have been so much on her side before i knew the whole story. Her marriage was alreday ended, Holly´s marriage ended long ago, Heidi was the one making it into a media circus.
No. 808901
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>>808888Love the level of detail, kudos
Was gonna add this to full thread but people really think Heidi is in the wrong for changing her mind about having an open relationship? What if the spice had been pegging, exhibitionist activities, etc? It's a mutual sexual agreement, it can be ”taken back” at any time.
That's what consent is. Both people have to agree, relationship boundaries need to be respected. If you entered a monogamous relationship with someone and tried out dating other people without positive results, isn't it more unhealthy for the relationship to proceed as non-monogamous because of the foundation it was built on?
I would only hope my partner could be mature enough to handle being told No. It's not that ”things didn't work out after therapy” it was manipulation, cheating, lying, and adults refusing or unable to feel empathy for the other person in the relationship.
Regardless that's small potatoes to engaging in sexual behaviour with minors, which isn't a Separate Issue but just another representation of Jared thinking with his dick and they don't take kindly to kid diddlers in jail. He's going to get karma regardless, min I expect him to end up as a registered sex offender.
>>808889I wish but it looks like it's lazy attempt for attention
>If I say Holly I’ll get taken more seriously >>808897Homeboy may be an idiot, it may not have been intentional, but when you fuck around with 15-year-olds you're still a pedophile.
Haven't you been a senior watching freshman come into Highschool? They look like middle schoolers still. There's no way a 30 something dude didn't know he was fucking with a kid, he probably just hoped he wasn’t. There’s a reason porn sites have a ”barely legal teen” section, grown men don't give a fuck.
No. 808903
>>808894> your QueenI didn't even know who ProJared or Heidi were until this, I’d been following Snooze and Katie antics. I knew about Ross, had no idea who Holly was, though.
These people may have had a bunch of fans, but to most of the public they were forgettable side-characters. If the milk dried up I doubt I’d think of any of them besides in passing when mentioned in future threads.
No. 808914
>>808906No worries, I thought it was too tame too. I'll make an updated version with more "muh mental issues made me send nudes".
saging this properly this time though.
No. 808930
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kiwifarms really are a bunch of annoying clowns, just blame heidi for everything lmao
No. 808937
>>808897>most likely he didn't know [that he was soliciting child porn]is that a hill you want to die on? "most likely"?
>>808930also are people forgetting the multiple screenshots from the past few years where Heidi is VERY clearly not interested in an open relationship?
No. 808940
>>808930Are kiwifarms users a bunch of incels?
Who would you rather believe: a dude with influence that has had serious allegations of pedo behavior and cheating or an ex-wife that only her husband knows she had an affair?
No. 808959
>>808954I think what's worse is he coulda got nudes from anywhere. He's aware of 4chan and one anonymous post on their will get you the nudes you want.
Instead he went to his fans, many underaged (probably especially after Game Shakers). He wanted people who admired him and kissed the ground he walked on. I wouldn't doubt it if he got off more on the high of being efamous and getting nudes for being such.
No. 808965
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>>808908>>808908Heidi knew he was soliciting fans, she knows the average age range of his fans.
Why can't we agree that everyone is garbage? Heidi for closing the relationship when it seemed she was going to lose her wallet? Jared for being an underage creeper. And Holly for cheating on her husband with fucking ichabod crane.
No. 808967
>>808965Heidi said adults. Heidi said no nudes. Heidi has been painfully monogamous for years as evident by screen shots.
Just stop, you're just as much a clown as Jared
No. 808973
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>>808967I'm just suspicious of what she says now because it was originally.
"He cheated on me, and sent nudes!"
"Oh we tried polyamory, then I shut it down."
"Oh I told him he could sent tease pics to fans, just no nudes"
Why should I keep taking her at her word?
No. 808976
>>808965Heidi was either really dumb/oblivious about Jared's true intentions behind the "body positivity" blog or both were using it to get off ("we high five each other each time we got a fan nude!!!").
I understand why anons are being defensive about her though, it's because we have people claiming it was all her idea which definitely doesn't line up at all and she didn't know he was also having sex with fans(they were poly at one point but, it went against her rules in it).
This doesn't make Heidi look good at all, I don't think she's that much of a
victim (the real
victim in all of this is Ross) but, to claim she's just as bad as Jared or Holly is crazy and at the very least, while she's probably doing it to benefit herself, she exposed them before they could get away with their actions.
No. 808977
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>>808973According to her tweets she alludes she was banging people on the side, but when Jared and Holly developed "feelings" for each other, thats when she decided to shut it down. That's what she considered cheating, when Jared may have left her for Holly.
No. 808979
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>>808977whoops wrong tweet
No. 808980
>>808977You can bang people without having feelings for them. Having FWB is not the same thing as falling in love with your wife's best friend.
This whole mess is because of the poly relationship, but to me it's pretty clear what boundaries she had.
No. 808982
>>808980I'm confused about the rules though, we bang whoever we want, just don't send nudes to fans, only tease pics?
Fuck open relationships
No. 808986
>>808982We don't need to know the specific ins and out of the rules they set tbh. Open relationships and poly relationships actually have WAY more rules than a standard monogamous relationship. Some people even sign contracts to make sure what they are comfortable with an uncomfortable with are properly laid out.
Fans are fans. Those are the people who pay Jared's bills and look up to him. She probably didn't want him sending/recieving nudes from fans specifically because thats a clear abuse of power (and as we've seen it most definitely was)
No. 808987
>>808982I'm not in their head and another issue is that certains rules may have been at certain point in times. So noone fucking knows ahah!!!!!!!
To my understanding, it may be that they stopped the whole open as in go fuck anyone around 2017 (Jared in his ""apology"" talked about a '17 affair and I think the snapchat takedown was around the same time?) but Jared didn't stop. Also, I'm biased because I empathize with Heidi, but to me if she got pressured into expanding her rules or anything it's not exactly giving consent.
But yeah, fuck open relationships. I'm a salty ass but it's either porn-damaged sex-crazed creeps or immature kids who can't commit, never ends well.
I don't think we'll ever know the full story anyway.
No. 808990
>>808977Wow, what a way for Heidi to dodge the question.
Her true colors are coming out, she just wanted to be open when it was convenient, the moment it hurt her feelings then its shutdown time baby, cool girl time is over, now is full vendetta because her ego got bruised. And now she wants to clarify how she was the one who ended it and not that she got fucking dumped for Holly. Its so petty it hurts.
>>808967Heidi knew what the fanbase was, Heidi high fived without knowing if those were underage kids. The "lewds but no nudes :3" shit is dumb, and everyone should stop just swallowing every excuse Heidi makes.
No. 808994
>>808990I think by "I ENDED it" she's saying "I retracted my consent for having an open relationship once Jared wanted to bone my best friend Holly, who is married to our other friend. that is going too far and I was uncomfortable. Jared agreed we would go back to strict monogamy but he was lying and had been lying about everything for a long time and that is cheating"
that's what she's been saying all along
No. 808995
>>808991maybe we can spell it out in ways your childlike brain can understand.
let's say there is a jar of cookies. your mom says "you and I can eat 2 cookies after dinner as long as you've eaten your vegetables."
you eat 2 cookies before dinner and 2 cookies after dinner and haven't eaten your vegetables. you've also had a piece of chocolate cake. mom takes away all dessert privileges.
No. 808999
>>808994she says in
>>808979 when Holly developed feelings for ONLY Jared, thats when she wanted to shut it down.
As to how she found that out?
No. 809007
>>809000I think that's missing a vital part of male psychology where you can't give a guy free rein, give him freedoms, drop rules for them and then close that down. Men are obsessive about everything they do. Think about how porn opens floodgates which they can't close. They can't go to the edge and then come back. You can't erase the rules and then bring them back in.
It was always goin to continue after she "closed" it. He was never gonna give up his teen nude priviledges. It's a stupid thing for people to focus on. Their relationship was over the second she obliged to the blog and the "poly" status.
No. 809015
>>808990Can Holly’s friends please stop shitting up the thread?
Your friend is in love with a man who she knew received nudes from kids. Get the fuck over it.
No. 809021
>>809015So why did the 16 year old sit on this for years until she needed ammo for her friend? Why hasn't she pressed charges yet?
Stop being so naive. You people fall for any made up bullshit.
>>809021I dunno, Jared apologizing to Chai sure wasn't made up.
People like you are the reason people are afraid to speak up when they're sexually assaulted.
No. 809029
>>809026goddamn it's almost like people are afraid to speak up when someone, especially a "celebrity" takes advantage of them.
not to mention that the police aren't exactly known for taking sexual assault cases seriously.
No. 809039
>>809035>>809034>>809010it's ok i don't think men need our help to clear their name, ofc there are good men, who cares
>>809037He's some sort of variety channel now I think he's bored with life
No. 809043
>>809040Here's what gets me: They are in an open relationship (we don't know who started or why). Heidi says that the situation with Holly is what made her go "okay, this is a boundary I don't want you to cross".
Jared in his 2nd statement goes on to say about ~all the men Heidi has slept with~. But he never once made it sound like Heidi was crossing one of HIS boundaries. Jared sounds like "owo Heidi was sleeping with menz but when I sleep with womenz, she mad!" okay well, were you UPSET she was sleeping with menz? Did she tell you, was she transparent about it? Were you okay with it? If Heidi operated within Jared's boundaries of the open relationship then it doesn't mean squat later down the line. Would Heidi have been equally as uncomfortable if you slept with a stranger rather than your close, married friend?
He sounds like when someone in a relationship gets mad about something and when the partner asks if they are okay they say "I'm fine" but later down the line during an irrelevant argument they bring it up like "I hate when you did that!" Okay but you didn't TELL me you had a problem back then. If Jared didn't have a problem with who Heidi slept with, assuming it was all true, then he has no right to bring that up later. Both parties can have differing boundaries and that's why shit gets discussed.
No. 809050
>>809045Yeah, he's trying to twist it to make it look like the problem was just him sleeping around so Heidi having done the same completely negates his own wrongdoings. But in truth, the problem was him using his power over his fans, lying to his wife, gaslighting her, doing things she specifically asked him not to, and how could we forget soliciting nudes from minors. His strategy relies on him making it look like the problem is the former rather than the latter. That's why it's important not to focus the whole discourse on responding to his accusations but rather on how he's trying to make people talk about anything but the shit he pulled.
No. 809074
>>809000I want to be allowed to cheat but the moment my husband does it is haram uwu
Polyamory is totally not retarded you guys
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>>808963Yeah, he's no Austin Jones but it's along the same lines of exploiting fans using your position of internet notoriety.
>Haha I respect women so much, body positivity!>Hey wouldn't it be so funny if people started sending me nudes lolololPeople with Heidi is complicit because she was aware of it, they've never been in a situation of being gaslit and what an abuse cycle is. Holly would be more likely to be the complicit person in this situation since there's actual receipts.
People don't care about who’s actually ”responsible” but more they have an opportunity to whine about metoo and cancel culture.
No. 809100
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>>809093Devil's advocate would be a relief at this point, ban evader is just doing ye olde straw man
No. 809117
>>809113I noticed that Matt at least unfollowed Jared on twitter.
I imagine something will be have to be said soon because of DCA. They've kept quiet about it so that Jared's grasshopper dick wouldn't cast an undeservedly long shadow over their launch event this weekend.
No. 809125
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Not even Jared’s twin brother is supportive of him.
No. 809127
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From Jared and Holly's DCA co-star Nate
No. 809133
>>809109Keep and co’s hypothetical that Heidi was
abusive someone having a reaction that it means the abuse she suffered and her experience are falsified is so messed up. It could have been a two-way street of a
toxic, harmful relationship-but that doesn't mean she's lying or dealing out half-truths in her favour. People just don't want to be understanding of the potential complexity and see it as black and white.
No. 809141
>>809133if you are going to publicly call out your husband as a cheater, at least give people the full story and don't keep quiet because it will hurt your image.
>>808973 she talks about a "primarily platonic" relationship she was having with someone. So I guess he just wasn't good at sex? lol
(ban evasion) No. 809147
>>809141Alexa this is so sad, play despacito.
I love how the whiteknights are completely forgetting that Jared is more or less a pedophile and Holly is now complicit because of her failure to report him.
No. 809155
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>>809153Nah apparently it’s his twin. He’s the older of the two.
No. 809176
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>>809155It's not his twin. He has a twin brother and an older brother - Derek is the older one.
No. 809211
>>809176Well now that we've gotten that cleared up, Jared's own family isn't supportive of him throughout this scandal. That has to suck.
But hey, at least he has Holly and her friends (that he's also probably fucked)!
No. 809321
>>808972Same, I had that same experience with an ex who even after couple's therapy and me kicking him out insisted that we could make it work if only I would be more "flexible" aka overlook his cheating and in return I had the option as well. I'd bet Heidi felt like that was the only way to still feel control over the situation and the relationship at all without him just doing it anyways and begging forgiveness later, but as we see she ended up having it used against her. She set specific boundaries and rules for communication in the relationship, like any FUNCTIONAL polyamorous couple should, and he ignored those too (but fed his side chicks half-truths about Heidi knowing and being cool with it).
I really feel for her and especially with how he's trying to turn that compromise on her part against her and use it to paint her as equally bad or as lying about consenting to this when its clear she had lines she didn't want crossed and he gave no fucks. What a little ratfink.
No. 809323
>>809313Since she's been slowly deleting tweets and videos without a word I reckon it will be a long time before she makes a statement or returns. She's lost pretty much everything - her audience's trust, her public image as a kindly mental health uwu bird bean, her D&D spots, the prestige of being Ross' (ex)wife, etc. Now she's just the thot who cheated on Ross, ruined 2 marriages and lied to everyone.
I am surprised that she hasn't come out blaming her mental illness and how she's TOTALLY working on it now and going to be a better person. Maybe even she's intelligent enough to know that you have to practice what you preach.
No. 809333
>>809323I would not be surprised that within a few weeks we’ll get that statement from holly about mental illness and…well other things said in statement to make this situation worse
Jared did this when all he had to do was literally say nothing but yet here we are…
No. 809359
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PedoJared ducking accusations of fucking fans and knowingly exchanging nudes with underage fans (2019, colorized)
No. 809398
>>809396Jared - "Contracts can be rewritten and broken."
Holy fuck they both get so uncomfortable, like twitching faces and looking around uncomfortable. I wonder if the other team members knew and felt weird about them roleplaying their affairs through their characters?
No. 809412
It's extremely irritating me the amount of people who apparently don't have any reading comprehension. It seems like a huge amount of people are conflating her saying she "knew Jared was interested in Holly from the start" with her knowing they were fucking, and also conveniently become blind when they see her say her poly history was a long distance platonic guy. Her story remains pretty clear and correct of a timeline to me. Here's how I understand it:
>Marriage is failing>Before this point, it seems clear that she is against breaking monogamy as evidenced >>808281 >>808161 by how she is vocally against it>Something happens leading to them opening their marriage, I agree with the people suggesting she was pressured into it to save her marriage due to the evidence above showing she clearly didn't want it. speaking from experience, that's how gaslighting and abusive relationships like this work>Now that they're "open", she gets closer to one (1) male friend who is a >>808973 "long distance platonic moral support connection", which may previously have been considered emotional cheating. she now relies on him directly>Jared starts the "lewd" tumblrs, they set rules of no dick/full nude, no sex, just sharing suggestive pics as per >>808988>in the meantime Jared starts soliciting fan nudes>She finds out, is upset because using your status of fame to solicit nudes is pretty fucked, and asks him to take them down. As shown in >>808125, the reason she did not realize the continued extent of the problem is because she literally asked him to stop it and assumed he would actually stop, but he didn't. >She catches on that Jared is into Holly and they have feelings for each other. NOT aware that they are fucking. This is bad for a number of reasons (Holly is Heidi's close friend, Holly is married) >>808125 and Heidi says >>808123 "address this", which obviously in this case means STOP THIS and not "you guys should totally fuck" as some people interpret>This is probably the tipping point of "failure of transparency" where she says "ok, no more poly. I don't want this" and makes clear to Jared that is now off the tableFast forward to the divorce.
>She finds Jared's old phone which shows that not only has he continued pursuing Holly but they've been actively having sex>Jared's statement comes out, she's blocked, and her tweets about her revelation drop>fans start coming forward of his (recent) activities of soliciting nudes>She is further baffled >>808988>1 week later Jared claims she was sleeping with many guys while they were openThat's a timeline that has proof backing up most of its consistency, unlike the claims flying around.
I still don't see any inconsistencies with her story at all. I don't see how she's just as bad or even bad at all in this situation either. I do not see any proof of her sexing countless guys and being just as slutty as Jared. Her most damning acts suggesting she was poly for other guys is the one long distance platonic guy and getting angry and defensive here
>>808977 b/c people keep asking her about her involvement in being poly (which is, again, the one LD platonic guy). And no, she does not "allude she was banging people on the side", she clearly stated that she had 1 LD platonic guy. I do see mountains of evidence that Jared is a lying gaslighting
abusive cunt which would give reason to believe he was lying about her banging other guys- he was even gaslighting the underage kid in his bullshit "apology"
>>808879 here.
The worst thing you can accuse Heidi of that is provably true is that she tried too hard and was too desperate to save a failing marriage, and trusted Jared too much. Maybe was too naive, too invested in the relationship. Citing the few times she seems to be the Cool Girl like being ok with the lewd tumblrs fails to account for how
abusive relationships work. God damn, I'm pissed. Sorry for autism I hate misinformed idiots
No. 809414
File: 1558329913468.png (156.62 KB, 1108x768, 1558148236217.png)

>>809412Not sure why one of the post tags failed but this is one of the more important ones; the blog post from 2 years ago where she clearly expresses disliking the idea of breaking monogamy.
>>808161Reposting the image and link for posterity anyway. Sage for correction. No. 809417
>>809412Yo this is a good round-up, autism or no. Thanks for making it. There have been so many WKs and illiterate little fuckwit trolls in the threads trying to muddy the water, it's really useful to have something like this.
Some people just have zero grasp of causality it seems.
No. 809427
>>809412The people getting confused just don't care enough to follow everything she's tweeted. The best way to fix people going after her is for her to upload a written statement to twitter that explains her side or a well edited video that does the same. Until then people will just keep cherrypicking the one tweet and saying
>OMG SHE KNEW THE WHOLE TIME!!!!It also doesn't help that ecelebs are uploading updates to the drama and saying the same thing because they don't care enough to research since they'll rake in views anyway.
No. 809434
>>809396ok they do look all kinds of shifty, but my question is, is it normal for DnD players to get
this into their character? jared looks like someone is straight up murdering his lover lmao. sage for ot but this is a really weird roleplay to watch.
No. 809497
File: 1558357678893.png (13.33 KB, 365x59, Capture d’écran 2019-05-20 à…)

Happy 800K Jared
No. 809562
>>809435Biddet fellow critter
I also watch critical role and they do get really into it but it’s all discussed previously behind the scenes and everyone is nice and not creepy about it
Which if I’m not mistaken was one of the reasons they parted ways with Orion, he was being quite disrespectful with the girls
No. 809629
File: 1558381914589.jpg (44.11 KB, 960x720, 40301217_2034508399903815_3323…)

>>809627please learn to sage your bullshit
No. 809726
File: 1558398258818.gif (1.69 MB, 307x179, 1532546650514.gif)

>>809723nayrt but damn that made me actually cackle out loud, good job anon (and good point too)
No. 809738
File: 1558400803037.png (937.69 KB, 1072x1806, Screenshot_20190520-200454(1).…)

>>809737The creamy creamy Milk. The "art" says "side ho"
No. 809741
File: 1558401154036.gif (3.86 MB, 498x278, tenor.gif)

>>809738The milkman cometh, can't wait to see these receipts. What a shitshow.
No. 809742
File: 1558401228431.png (576.02 KB, 1064x1851, Screenshot_20190520-200513(1).…)

>>809740Goddamn flood detection
No. 809748
File: 1558401462030.png (905.35 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20190520-201556(1).…)

>>809747Oh no uwu not the gold play button!
No. 809754
>>809745She knows she can just plead 'legality' or 'privacy' for why she doesn't back up her claims or shows a HIGHLY clipped snippet. I'll bet that exchange
>>809744 in context is something else.
No. 809755
Either she and Jared are in cahoots, or Jared professionally manipulated them both to think that one of the women is ruining his life.
Like, he constantly hinted Heidi that she isn't enough even when she pulls a "cool girl" by allowing him to send lewds to the internet, made her super jealous to the point she loses her shit in public, so that everyone including Holly would see that and assume that she is an abuser. And when Holly appears concerned, he, again, hints that it's him who is abused, which concern Holly even more since she "discovered her feelings for him".
All while exchanging actual nudes and having actual sex with third side chick (from the con), and maybe who knows how many more! Yeah, sure, poor abused guy.
No. 809760
File: 1558401981660.jpg (91.5 KB, 622x1280, D7DVCpDXYAUneDo (1).jpg)

No. 809765
File: 1558402068303.jpg (77.56 KB, 528x982, D7DWAgKWsAEEiUM.jpg)

>>809760Posting the receipts from that twitter thread.
No. 809774
>>809755Don't get me wrong, obviusly she went to the hospital because "Im a
victim too, look how sad i am" and all that stupid public act.
Im saying that she didn`´t play the mental health card (yet) like Jared, because she didn't used it to excuse her behaviour. In fact she didn't adress anything of all yet.
No. 809779
>>809752Heck I predicted this would happen in a few weeks
….didn’t think it would be be next day though
No. 809785
>>809774She prefaced her entire spiel with it. By putting one thing in front to the other, she used it as context.
It's been said before but stop wilfully whiteknighting, it makes you look sad as fuck.
No. 809787
File: 1558402680561.jpeg (67.71 KB, 669x242, B2C21DCC-9D66-48A2-A144-E22CA5…)

>>809742Smug thing to add in, “platonic” my ass
No. 809788
File: 1558402685234.png (756.97 KB, 764x811, 7.png)

>>809782Some of these aren't even receipts but just Heidi saying "mean" things but I'll archive them here anyway since they were included in Holly's twitter thread and have to do with the drama either way.
No. 809797
>>809787Holly's really coming off as even more insufferable with her side of the story. She's going to get a lot of hate from everyone who's ever had the unfortunate experience of being cheated on
>>809788Don't you know? You have to be super chill and positive no matter what's going on, or else you're
No. 809806
>>809778Without any context whatsoever sure this looks like emotional abuse…
To me it’s nothing short of the natural rage of being emotionally cheated on by your husband. That’s raw pain.
No. 809809
>>809796Heidi seems like an immature person from her interactions (assumed these are real and all her worst moments cherrypicked) but anyone who knew of this was gloating about his demise, his play button, the press coverage etc. I don't see why she can't. It's not '
abusive' to be pissed off an laugh at him.
But Heidi's made a big fucking mistake trying to be the 'cool girl' and she's gotten played hard, very hard by these two. They can pull up shit against her but she can't show their private conversations for any context to that.
Jared's still not going to get his job and rep back so their point seems to be to drag her through the mud as hard as possible for…? These two gaslighters deserve each other. And Heidi needs therapy.
No. 809813
So this was in motion as early as Feb 2018 according to Holly. Was Ross just chill with this, or what? They were still married.
>>809760>Diath and StrixI guess Jared and Holly were irl larping their shitty D&D characters while "totally chill being poly" Heidi cheers for it in the back like a cuck. Then later lashes out in a jealous rage from time to time because she can't get out of the mess she helped create. Not that Holly and Jared care about that. These "receipts" just make all 3 of them look foolish and childish.
What a fucking mess.
No. 809814
>>809809I guarantee Jared is not going to stay fucking Holly. Shes ugly, stupid and weird. He likes the thrill of the chase and fucking around behind his wifes back while she tried to fix the marriage. Shes nothing to him now because it wont be fun. Holly is a reminder of him losing his job, being publically humiliated and hopefully going to jail.
I want to point out that Holly is defending his soliciting nudes of fans and claiming he "knew the ages of everyone who sent them" bull. Ahit. We know he went after underage nudes, there's proof. Shes so dumb and soon, I bet Jared will get desperate and throw her under the bus.
No. 809816
>>809785Im saying that she deflected all the blame on her by defending jared.
And didn't apologize or talk about cheating on ross.
Nobody is defending crosseyes quasimodo
>>809780>>809795I dont care if she went or not.
Going to an hospital wouldn't prove shit
>>ooh yaz im deprezz.. herez my money. where is my room? No. 809818
>>809739Shes literally threatening his
victims with this revenge porn shit. Really, Holly?
No. 809827
File: 1558404091643.png (131.92 KB, 1080x745, Screenshot_2019-05-20-21-54-02…)

I'd like to know how minors sharing their stories was illegally obtained.
No. 809832
>>809747"She slutshamed me" aka held me accountable for my shitty actions.
Hint for Holly: you wont be slutshamed if you aren't being a slut.
No. 809833
>>809789She doesn't look great, but it's also pretty likely that she was in the midst of a nervous breakdown. People do weird shit when their relationships are falling apart.
>>809817>and people are eating it upIt probably won't last long. Someone's going to release something in retaliation for sure.
>>809826She's giving me hardcore flashbacks to my histronic/dependent housemate
>make extremely selfish and destructive decisions with no consideration of who'll end up in the wake of destruction>shit predictably blows up>immediately regress to child-like state, wonder "why is the world so cruel? why is everyone mean to poor old me??" while everyone affected is trying to pick up the pieces>rinse and repeat No. 809835
>>809742>All she did was scream go away>I hung up on Heidi in fearTop fucking kek, how terrifying it must be to have someone not want to talk to you over the phone about how you banged her husband.
I seriously cannot see what is so '
abusive' about any of this. Anyone would scream and say nasty things to a cheating husband and his mistress. If she had better receipts than Heidi yelling maybe the abuse claim would hold weight but she hasn't mentioned much else.
No. 809836
File: 1558404595106.jpg (77.59 KB, 540x286, tumblr_inline_ph71q60Rbd1r0ejm…)

so essentially Holly's take of events is that Heidi encouraged Jared to confess. Jared told Holly "hey I have feelings for you" and Holly suddenly had to process this information. Heidi suddenly does a 180 and begins acting out and being a turbo bitch at both of them even though they hadn't become physical yet. Meanwhile Holly is trying to support Jared in all this and Heidi starts threatening to ruin their lives because Jared confessed….
this is way above my pay grade honestly, it sounds like Holly is implying there was zero physical intimacy between them because Heidi was being a wifezilla and a controlling freak? I wonder if all this was before or after she moved to Washington. Ie. before or after the divorce.
And wonderful glossing over the fans/minor stuff.
Honestly this situation is the gift that keeps on giving
No. 809837
File: 1558404597058.png (168.13 KB, 608x748, ross.png)

>>809829Holly just confirmed that Ross asked to be left out of it so he almost definitely will not speak publicly about it.
No. 809843
File: 1558404838896.png (309.62 KB, 573x519, 1558290689310.png)

Holly saying Jared's fan nude swapping shit is just a "poor decision" and just completely disregarding possible victims is so fucking hypocritical of her "uwu mental illness activist" persona. She is the exact type of person who would jump and point out how toxic it is if someone else did it but, because Jared is totally a victim of EVERYTHING, he only makes "bad decisions" because making a fake "body positivity" tumblr totally wasn't intended to be anything but innocent, amrite?
I could give two shits about the whole poly/cheating shit between her and Heidi, she's already proven to be a crazy bitch for trying to twist his nude swapping as just an innocent mistake.
No. 809845
>>809841You'd think there would be better messages to screenshot if she's been spending so much time trying to help poor wittle Jared escape ~abuse~. Like
abusive messages, or discussion of the abuse… not understandable reactions to being cheated on
No. 809847
>>809845I guess the concept here is to imply "this is just the tip of the
abusive iceberg guys!" while in truth showing little. Meanwhile she's safe and sound knowing Heidi can't leak whatever vitriol was on Jared's' old phone.
No. 809849
>>809836In my opinion no. Heidi seemed like in the message where she cheered him on and didn't get a response until way later already insecure and not happy about it. She was trying her best to do what he wanted but the amount of messages and how forced it seemed she truly didn't want it but seemed like she had no choice.
As someone who's been abused and gaslighted this is something we do. We will try so hard to make them happy we will say anything do anything to make them say that they are happy with your response.
No. 809850
>>809837How hard was it to say no then?
>"Ok but did you cheat on Ross?">No.That she responded to the inquiry with anything by a no can't really be read as anything but a yes.
No. 809851
File: 1558405184333.jpg (21.2 KB, 317x267, 385.jpg)

>i made this psych ward art out of a Keemstar quote!
this is golden
No. 809861
File: 1558405604844.png (200.23 KB, 500x376, 1471744453174.png)

>>809858God bless this post
No. 809864
>>809856Again goint to an hospital wouldn't prove shit.
Is fucking easy to enter in a hospital for no reason.
I have a friend that once activated a suicide watch protocol because she went full emo to a doctor and lied about taking a lot of pills.
No. 809868
File: 1558405746023.jpg (109.21 KB, 675x1200, IMG_20190520_222656_082.jpg)

No. 809869
>>809856>check into mental health facility due to upsetting situation >invite people to come discuss the minutae of said upsetting situation Makes sense. What actually makes sense is starting off your weak defence seeking pity and presenting yourself as a suffering
victim so people will be more sympathetic and willing to believe you.
No. 809870
File: 1558405772633.jpg (112.1 KB, 675x1200, IMG_20190520_222657_958.jpg)

No. 809873
>>809862when im in a goddamn locked down psych ward because im considering hurting myself, since the internet is out for my blood and shit is being spilled, that the man I fucked while he was married (and I was at one point as well), and some goddamn fucking moron, the pidgeon dick himself, waltzes in to laugh about some jackass TMZ hack on twitter I would be moved to jail for murder.
holly is a fucking liar and you do not making funny ha-ha mental health uwu shit in psych ward when being razed online. you talk to a fucking therapist and try to figure out what went wrong. stop WKing her she was never in psych ward she was sucking ProJared's dick and trying to make this look good for both of them
No. 809878
File: 1558406045333.png (245.41 KB, 618x812, heidires.png)

No. 809881
>>809854My mom was in a mental hospital for the same shit Holly is claiming to have, I want to know how she was allowed all these art supplies, they didnt even let my mom have chapstick because she could choke herself with it but Holly gets probably
toxic paint and art supplies? I call bullshit.
No. 809882
>>809742>I want my husband to think of me not you during sex!!Jesus christ, imagine marrying below your league to a Jenna Marbles' dog looking dude only for him to fantasize about a cross eyed butterface during sex
That shit must take a toll on your mental health and self esteem
No. 809886
toxic finger paints.
No. 809890
>>809880no, I have been in a psych ward in a VERY similar situation and I did not want some drama hungry bitch to come in and tell me all the details. I had visitors that came and talked about how they hoped I was doing well, working through shit. who the fuck makes funny art about KEEMSTAR?
if she went, which she didn't because that would require disengaging her mouth from Jared's balls, her therapist would tell people dont talk about the thing that
triggered her. art therapy is usually for abstract, feelings, not doing tweets like some fucking idiot looking for cutesy mental illness uwu points online
No. 809891
File: 1558406362266.png (302.95 KB, 619x869, heidires2.png)

>>809878the tweets that prefaced the caps:
No. 809894
File: 1558406446299.jpg (52.98 KB, 720x1099, IMG_20190520_224050.jpg)

Wtf is going on
No. 809898
>>809863Meanwhile, Holly is focusing on the cheating aspect to avoid any conversation about the kiddie nudes.
I'm loving the fact that Heidi is calling her out but the cheating is the least horrible Holly and Jared have done.
No. 809901
>>809895Pretty much, yeah. If she really thought that even sending nudes to the abused person in an
abusive/controlling relationship would help them it's a wonder how she was ever trusted to use scissors.
No. 809907
>>809740>I never expected to have feelingsyour husband?? what about your fucking husband, holly? the real
victim here is ross, no doubt.
anyway, the messages aren't really damning in themselves. yes, heidi doesn't look like the most stable person, but most people aren't when their marriage is falling to pieces. what I think is telling is that none of the messages actually point to anything except heidi was emotionally compromised.
No. 809911
File: 1558407307500.png (67.77 KB, 589x783, Screenshot_2019-05-21 Heidi O'…)

okay holly is not innocent but i love how heidi in all of this until now conveniently left out her own side dick from the narrative because it was "irrelevant" lmfao
No. 809915
>>809911the side dick thing was revealed during jared's 2nd statement, keep it. it IS irrelevant because it was a long distance emotional affair during a period where their relationship was open in the first place. holly and jared fucked after heidi told them not to, which is entirely different.
>>809891waiting for holly to respond to this with "i only said that because i was so scared of heidi uwu!!! she was yelling and i was scared for my life!!!"
No. 809916
File: 1558407692104.jpeg (37.6 KB, 400x462, 1528149435427.jpeg)

>>809911>side dickDid you not read the "long distance" part?
Sexting your husband about things said boyfriend wants to do with them BOTH isn't sidedick. Sidedick implies he doesn't know about said dick.
No. 809917
>>809884I can just imagine Holly in a room with a bunch of other people doing finger paints and just showing off her Side Ho - Keemstar "art" to the supervisor with a smirk on her face
>>809894She feels really accomplished with this KEK literally Holly did nothing except the fact she fucked a married man while she was married herself. UwU asexual af!
No. 809918
>>809911She never left him out, she literally openly admitted his existence
>>808973 and as everyone else already replied to you saying, it was during the part where Jared was banging holly and they were open already.
No. 809919
File: 1558408003412.png (279.66 KB, 1080x1101, Screenshot_20190520-220641(1).…)

Kittie has a say in this
No. 809920
>>809918Shit, forgot my sage. Sorry.
Will add with some observations I have:
Holly saying that you're not a real
victim of abuse if you go back to your abuser's place is a major fucking yikes.
Doubly so since she is supposedly a mental health guru type.
One of Holly's tweets says Heidi never revealed the long term BF she had during the poly time, but she did.
No. 809923
>>809921The entire point of all of this is Holly/Jared
continued when it shouldn't have and Heidi stopped the whole poly thing, including her own long distance platonic guy.
No. 809927
File: 1558408449702.jpg (102.06 KB, 499x385, hIAask4.jpg)

No. 809928
File: 1558408490432.gif (926.25 KB, 160x160, tenor.gif)

>>809861>>809858I know art therapy is a real thing but I just can't stop imagining this scenario where orderlies monitoring mentally ill patients who are possibly a harm to themselves or others watch some kooky gremlin with bird shit in her hair fingerpaint "SIDE HO" -KEEMSTAR 2019 and just have to be like "uh huh wow good job expressing urself, wonderful improvement! [whispers to other orderly]
what the fuck is a keemstar?"
No. 809931
File: 1558408553227.png (564.91 KB, 960x723, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at 11.1…)

>>808888Okay but did Heidi just low-key confirm Holly was cheating with that reblog or am I reading too much into it…?
No. 809935
>>809919I feel like all this just proves that open relationships are a dumpster fire waiting to happen. Even when people have this ideal of everything being orderly and consensual it almost always ends up with power imbalances, jealousy, hurt, boundary-pushing and damaging escalation of extramarital romance and sexual physicality. Heidi probably thought she could save their tanking marriage and then tried to piece it back together begging Jared and Holly to end their contact realizing that Jared was suddenly way more interested in Holly than her because looks aside she was still a shiny new toy for him.
Also interesting it's been confirmed through the date of the events and Heidi that Holly was cheating on Ross. Explains why he said he moved on "a long time ago" now but makes it impressively mature of him to not want to comment about things at all.
No. 809944
File: 1558409549862.png (154.95 KB, 630x702, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at 11.3…)

>>808888Well. We know the origin of monster dong.
No. 809950
File: 1558409758857.png (60.06 KB, 586x736, Untitled.png)

No. 809952
File: 1558409842651.png (31.14 KB, 581x397, no peeking.png)

No. 809957
File: 1558410102138.png (31.85 KB, 572x351, Untitled.png)

>>809956Fuck I keep forgetting to sage when switching from posting new caps to providing my opinion. Here's a cap that hasn't been posted yet that confirms what I was thinking about that original screencap.
No. 809967
File: 1558411207669.png (91.18 KB, 578x361, 11112.png)

>>809961Sounds accurate based on these tweets. Jared ignores Heidi until she reaches boiling point, telling Holly nothing except that Heidi is crazy. Holly thinks Jared is a
victim meanwhile Heidi has been trying to get Jared to talk to her seriously about their relationship for weeks.
No. 809972
>>809420Holy shit. I never imagined that, out of everyone in Game Grumps, the people to go out in an abso-fucking-lutely
nuclear shitstorm would be Ross's friends.
No. 809974
>>809973Holly also implies Ross knew about it in the first tweet in
>>809740 with that whole "transparent with all parties involved."
No. 809978
File: 1558412412594.jpeg (444.78 KB, 800x800, 7ABE93AB-09BF-404A-B6BB-EE9D06…)

>>809870>You’re not abusive Heidi and I’m glad Jared called me out when I said you were abusive v_v>You are so valid, your anger is valid, you are not the bad guy, I understand now what's really going on and I was in the wrongSo why is Heidi wrong now? Because it's public? The flower crown has slipped and Holly is resentful about it?
That's what we like to call narcissistic injury, but tbh it could be Holly considers herself so free of blame because she said sowwy and was taking accountability in private back then.
No. 809980
File: 1558412448609.png (65.28 KB, 627x674, heidires5.png)

No. 809982
File: 1558412649053.png (43.15 KB, 486x110, tobecontinued.png)

For anyone who doesn't really want to read holly's massive text drop, and all of heidi's responses this is how it seems to have went down if you combine their stories and timelines.
Jared just decided to straight ignore Heidi for WEEKS, while on a trip with Holly who Heidi had orginally been very supportive of them being together as part of their open relationship. During that time Heidi is constantly trying to reach him, and ask about whats happening and etc, but hes just DEAD silent. Holly is like "oh whats up with heidi??" and jared is just like "shes just being crazy dont worry about it" till it eventually reaches a boiling point and heidi is actively pissed and asking what the fuck why arn't you talking to me.
AT THAT POINT jared shows holly what heidi is saying, and it just looks like heidi is insane.
so holly tells jared "shes abusive break up with him" then heidi sees that, and the two girls talk and holly admits that projared had skewed things against heidi and she wasnt fully aware of what was happening, and had said somethings out of line.
So heidi tells them both, ok you two can't be trusted together because you are both incapable of just being honest with me about whats happening.
they dont stop though.
Things noticeably strange about holly's post:
She refers to the fact that she is absolutely aware that projared was doing the snapchat thing, and merely says "he made bad choices"
Holly very clearly cut around parts of the convo and removed all context from what heidi is saying so that you can't see WHY it led up to that. (if you want to say she was doing that for no reason, she could have shown that and it'd have been more powerful evidence but the way its cut reeks of cherry picking)
A lot of the things she posted are private facebook rants to friends and are VERIFIABLE PRIVATE, holly implies they are public.
Things noticeably strange about heidi's post:
It's pretty fucking clear SHE IS WAY WAY more into the open relationship idea than jared was.
It's pretty fucking clear she is OBVIOUSLY TURNED ON by semi-cuck aspect of it and wants to both SHARE ALL THE DETAILS and RECEIVE all the details. Jared seems actually turned off by this.
No. 809990
>>809988oh damn my bad then.
I guess there are other reasons. security is one.
No. 809992
File: 1558413195982.png (41.59 KB, 636x148, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at 12.3…)

>>809987nyart but look what HOLLY said
No. 809993
File: 1558413222626.jpg (202.13 KB, 1080x1317, IMG_20190521_003056.jpg)

>>808888No, Holly, it's not
abusive if Jared's WIFE is upset, suspicious and even angry about you fucking him when she'd explicitly mentioned she couldn't let that continue. What a terrible person, regardless of her mental health state.
No. 809995
>>809982>Things noticeably strange about heidi's post:>It's pretty fucking clear SHE IS WAY WAY more into the open relationship idea than jared was.And Jared having 7 tumblrs to solicit fan nudes while banging Holly isn't being into the idea? Her one long distance mostly platonic dude is peanuts compared.
While I see what you're saying, if Heidi was so into the open relationship thing for her own sake she wouldn't have been so quick to immediately shut it down after everything with Holly went south.
No. 809997
>>809992I can only imagine what hers and Ross's marriage was like at this point if she's like 'I've never had feelings like this before'
I mean why even marry Ross to begin with???
No. 810001
File: 1558413903671.png (72.09 KB, 619x636, heidires6.png)

No. 810002
>>809773He's literally stonewalling her. Where are those pictures with their ”Maybe your crazy ex-girlfriend wasn't so crazy” type of Tumblr recovery blog posts?
Heidi reacting like that is literally just cementing stonewalling, gaslighting, and manipulation was going on. He probably couldn't talk because he had his hands full of Holly.
Is Jared supposed to look calm and abused in this? He sounds like a sociopath, and he's saying he tried to make things work between them while completely avoiding her with 0 reassurance isn't a great look.
Jared showed Heidi what Holly said, Jared was probably like, ”Look babe, Holly said you're
abusive isn't that fucked” and let Heidi to be the one to confront Holly about it who went full tail between legs and groveled while dealing out flattery ”Gosh, Heidi…you're so pretty it intimidates me, you're so right everything you say is so right”
No wonder she resents Heidi, she's probably humiliated she prostrated herself for nothing.
I have a strong feeling Holly was quiet because she was here obsessing over the situation and getting herself banned.
No. 810003
>>809998Sage for blogpost but as someone who's been in that same position of being manipulated into letting my partner fuck other girls (lots of "wow you're so controlling" when expressing unhappiness with it and "wow that's so cool and based of you" when approving) that's the exact mindset. You can really see it clearly and how much she's forcing herself in
>>809760, I've even experienced the exact same panic and need for reassurance that you're still wanted and liked right after trying to show your "support". It's a huge toll on the mind and emotionally. I can really understand why she got so desperately angry in those screencaps.
No. 810005
>>809983Ross is significantly more internet famous, is from a very wealthy family, and is nice/naive enough that he's easy to manipulate. She didn't need to have any actual feelings for him for the marriage to work out for her.
>>809988>He's less famous now thoughWhich is likely also part of why she started monkey branching. The wife that loves her husband is always loyal no matter what. The asexual opportunist that marries for convenience is always on the prowl for a bigger, better deal.
No. 810009
>>809998Yeah, nailed it. She's overcompensating.
Been in the same situation as Heidi. Acted like "I don't care" but also trying to be extra open like "So did you sleep with anybody while I was gone?" Jared knows what he was doing.
No. 810010
>>809982>It's pretty fucking clear SHE IS WAY WAY more into the open relationship idea than jared was.>It's pretty fucking clear she is OBVIOUSLY TURNED ON by semi-cuck aspect of it and wants to both SHARE ALL THE DETAILS and RECEIVE all the details. Jared seems actually turned off by this.I see it more as Heidi trying to be honest and transparent about her side relationship, and letting Jared have the opportunity to get involved without actually being involved (like, seeing the guy during.) I agree Jared seems turned off by it.
Jared is the type to like to secretly cuck more than openly. Jared probably didn't love the fact that she was being lewd with others, but knew that it was the only way to get away with his degeneracy, whether it be with Holly, or fans, or whoever else. He dealt with it so he could fall back on "Heidi also participated in the open relationship!!" excuse when she inevitably wanted it to stop.
Heidi seemed so desperate to please Jared in those texts asking for him to record videos for her LDR. Almost to the point of it looking like her trying to show Jared "See, this kind of respect and transparency is what you should be giving me back"
No. 810011
>>809925Maybe she was referring to another platform?
>>809941>>809942I wonder what was said between these two screenshots?
No. 810016
>>810013"lol u guys know me, would never cheat"
"okay so yeah we were doing things but everyone consented"
"okay so heidi didn't consent but that's cause she was
abusive and made us anxious"
next: "okay so sneaking around heidi is what made us anxious but idc i'm a smol bean asexual would never do nuthin wrong uwu"
No. 810019
>>809931we been knew she was cheating, as far back as feb 2018 when she ~caught feefees 4 da first time ever~. even if they weren't fucking yet, an emotional affair is still cheating.
>>809941u know i fucked up i am uwuuuuuuuuuu
god, holly is such a shit fucking person. i hope she never comes back from this.
No. 810020
File: 1558414947379.png (70.12 KB, 579x798, thank you for the endless milk…)

No mercy, Heidi. Tear them to shreds
No. 810022
File: 1558415137748.gif (744.57 KB, 268x226, F555F9BE-841C-4258-8E7F-BED3F2…)

>>809738If she had continued to stay silent she would have eventually looked pretty good after everything. At least more mature, maybe even able to have the doubt it was as bad as Heidi said.
She had to post these, for healing for everyone!
If she had actually been getting mental help they would have told her to not react, to leave social media because it was causing her to have a breakdown. She has no concept of what crisis care is like and I would be genuinely be surprised if she’d seen any type of therapist in a long time. One of the first things you are taught is impulse control.
>This isn't it chief No. 810029
>>810025seriously. both jared and holly pulled "crazy-making" on heidi. her hysteria in these texts doesn't mean anything except that two fucked up people gaslit her until she lost it.
>>810027unfollowing ross and deleting her tweets and mental health videos already made her look guilty. at this point she's just digging her own grave for anyone who has 2 brain cells to rub together.
No. 810030
>>810028I wouldn't be surprised though if she was in crisis care for a bit.
I mean, I too would be super suicidal if all my mistakes and infidelities came to light at once to come disrupt my fake internet persona of being a uwu mental health advocate and decent person.
No. 810031
File: 1558416275699.png (92.27 KB, 609x968, heidires6.png)

No. 810035
>>809945In these texts her huge issue is they
didn't answer their phones for a few hours on their condoned, approved of, no holds barred dateI have no sympathy for any of them. A bunch of idiots.
No. 810037
It's undeniable too, he messaged the minors after he found out so he could start apologizing and dismissing blame.
He knew he fucked up, he tried to keep it hush-hush.
Holly worked with him to try and keep the minors he traded nudes with quiet.
Also, wasn’t Holly supposedly at a friend’s? Did she even bother to keep a consistent storyline?
No. 810040
>>809778Wow, all of Heidi's messages are so sad. You can feel her flailing for him and hoping he'd just give her some kind of acknowledgement. She didn't seem to be handling it that bad, honestly. He clearly was
abusive, this is honestly enough to tell.
No. 810041
>>810020Her responses are so concise and straightforward and there are no inconsistencies, it's so obviously coming from a place of truth and accuracy compared to Holly dancing around the issues, playing the
victim and making non stop emotional appeals rather than real arguments. It's easy to defend yourself when you've been doing the right thing all along.
No. 810042
File: 1558416952339.jpg (29.48 KB, 337x404, 1555841136820.jpg)

>>810039Holly, you dumb bitch.
No. 810043
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No. 810046
>>810039Same thing happened with her previous tweets about 'not trusting randos on the internet' followed by 'you can trust me, you guys know me' on the internet.
Dumb broad can't keep her tweet stories straight
No. 810047
>>810039>>810038She's trying to
victim blame but forgot she's a "umU mental illness advocate" so she threw a statistic in there. Jared is a fucking man, he could've left also. It doesn't make sense she was trying to paint Heidi as possessive where he couldn't fucking leave? He left the house to fuck Holly, didn't he?
No. 810048
>>810034And that's the crazy conceited part about Holly.
I can only imagine I'd go back to that den of lions is if I deceived myself into thinking my new stockpile of weapons and time to strategize will somehow make me overcome this.
Holly had at least a week to gather up her argument, cherrypick her screenshots, and twist the narrative in her favour; and this is all we got?
No. 810049
>>810038Holly on twitter
>Heidi yelled at me and I got scare!Holly irl
>Heidi, I am so sorry I caused this situation you don't deserve this I’m glad Jared called me out on this?????
No. 810054
File: 1558417613287.png (47.2 KB, 590x386, opgof'pgyikf'p.png)

So Holly knew all along.
No. 810055
>>810044I guess this is true and that's why it's so scary that 90% of people responding to her, even those against her, are just letting that slide.
I genuinely believe reading her tweets that Holly is legitimately thick and doesn't possess the ability to analyze her own behavior. She lacks emotional intelligence, so her reasoning in this situation is always going to boil down to, "Okay, so I'm morally right because .. I'm me! Duh, easy one. And the boy I like must ALSO be in the right because, uuuumm, I'm attracted to him! And this girl was mean to me, so she's evil. She got angry and yelled at me when I did something bad – that must be that 'abuse' everyone is always talking about online …"
It's really unfortunate that her fans view her as a public representative and educator about mental health topics when she doesn't even possess the ability to examine the way SHE treats other people. So many female narcissists avoid confronting themselves their whole lives because they misidentify feelings of guilt and shame from MISTREATING other people as part of a separate, unrelated species of maladaptive mentally ill thinking. No. You are an insecure narcissist who lashes out at other women.
No. 810060
File: 1558418219823.jpg (234.72 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190521-005118_Chr…)

>>810050She does it a lot in the thread, cant even keep her lies straight
No. 810062
File: 1558418331952.jpg (306.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190521-005103_Chr…)

>>810060She hung up with Heidi using Jared's phone….then texted him?
No. 810067
>>810064*as much of a
victims as Heidi is, and the underaged
victims he groomed.
damn my keyboard had a stroke there
No. 810069
File: 1558418727442.png (347.83 KB, 1080x1762, Screenshot_20190521-010320(1).…)

Jared's Instagram comments are all clown emojis lmao
No. 810071
>>810064Woah there, let's pump the brakes on the empathy there.
Holly CHOSE to sleep with Jared. Whether or not Ross knew or cared is mute
She wasn't tricked or manipulated into sex, she chose every time yo cheat and then continue like nothing happened
No. 810076
File: 1558419504742.png (1.98 MB, 1080x1979, Screenshot_20190521-011716(1).…)

So apparently the other guy Heidi was in a relationship with during their open marriage was a guy who goes by Nulyu. Here's a picture of him and Jared in Sailor Moon cosplay.
No. 810078
File: 1558419579370.jpg (83.14 KB, 640x800, 36477856_248924895892884_78307…)

KF may have identified the guy who "wants to watch me suck your monster dong". (front/left), which-
No. 810079
>>810064>cheats on her husband>cheats with her friend's husband>complicit in Jared soliciting nudes from underage fans>ignores the many times Heidi clearly stated how much it was hurting her>attempts to manipulate public opinion with lies and attacks on Heidi's character rather than addressing her own behaviour>victimShe may not be as bad as Jared and I'm sure he did manipulate her to some extent, but she is not a
victim letalone anywhere NEAR as much as his fucking wife or the vulnerable fans he took advantage of. She wronged people over and over and somehow still thinks she isn't at fault.
No. 810082
>>809784This. Holly is being incredibly spiteful and malicious here. She's posting screenshots of Heidi being anguished by Jared's infidelity and refusal to cooperate with saving their marriage as "proof" of how "
abusive" she is. If my slimebag earthworm of a husband was cheating on me for months with one of my closest friends and basically flipped me the bird every time I tried to talk to him about it, I'd probably be yelling too. Holly has been branding herself as a "mental health soft bean advocate uwu", where's her understanding of mental wellbeing now? Or do you have to gain your right to be depressed by tweeting about it for a certified time?
The only thing these receipts proved to me is that Heidi was being truthful about Holly's manipulation. In all honesty Holly's the one who's being vindictive here grasping at straws trying to make Heidi look bad with cherrypicked screenshots (trying to pass shit like
>>809793 as proof is just sad), and never addressing
herself cheating on Ross or the whole fucking thing about Jared not leaving Heidi despite fucking Holly for a YEAR.
You made your bed Holly, now you have to lie in it. Heidi wasn't the one holding a gun to Jared's head telling him to fuck her, it was your own fucking choice to do it for months on end.
No. 810083
File: 1558419755460.jpg (110.3 KB, 851x583, tumblr_pqc5d2utjm1r4v9a3_1280.…)

>hey guys, i'm back from the loony bin - i checked myself in there because i'm suwucidal~~~!!!!
>anyway, here are some cherry picked receipts and hole-filled tweets
>i was just TRYING to save my GOOD FRIEND from an ABUSIVE MARRIAGE……………… BY FUCKING HIM
>also icheatedonmyhusband and his pedophilia?? just some mistakes guys lol everybody has those wacky mental health days!
No. 810085
File: 1558419760169.png (738.35 KB, 1080x1943, Screenshot_20190521-012205(1).…)

>>810078Someone made a throwaway account finding this out for Keemstar three days ago
No. 810086
File: 1558419796151.png (67.68 KB, 601x664, 8237548937.png)

>>810076Oh I recognize that name. He's the same guy I saw Keemstar lashed out at.
No. 810090
>>809947Goddamn, Holly sounds like a doormat. Like a dog staying completely still when you're facing and then attacking when you show it your back.
The true villain idiot in all of this is Jared, Holly should realized she was played as well instead of trying to save that sinking ship of a relationship with an exhibitionist
No. 810094
>>810076>>810078Is he just remarkably pretty or ftm? Instagram description even has the male symbol stereotype.
Better that Jared, regardless.
No. 810096
File: 1558420087521.png (480.86 KB, 586x460,…)

>We were walking around the con and a girl asked for our photo so we just did a basic pose, then she was like, "can it be a pairing photo?" Anyway that made my day, (CENSORED) forever.(CENSORED) being HangexLevi.>>810093put it in the email field to not bump
No. 810101
>>810091lol no I have never heard of him (or any of these people really other than holly and ross kinda but mostly the other grumps) but he's just very cute and
>>810099wtf this is the most confusing now, is he ftm???? I thought he was cis but now I can't tell. if he is dude is just hella androgynous. he looks like an anime girl.
No. 810107
average of 24/7
No. 810116
File: 1558421016566.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1424, Screenshot_20190521-013924(1).…)

More photos of the other guy. Also bonus Jared in cosplay.
No. 810122
File: 1558421264111.png (991.12 KB, 950x718, ss (2019-05-21 at 04.46.26).pn…)

>>810076>>810078Here's a screenshot of the post, dated.
No. 810126
>>810123I was only the last one. Some people just like femme dudes. Clearly Heidi does since she only goes for guys with 100% smooth, undefined torsos, small shoulders, and frail arms.
We should probably stop shitting up the thread with unrelated Nulyu though.
No. 810130
File: 1558421898447.png (12.51 KB, 573x159, tbt.png)

>>810126Nulyu may poke holes in Holly's "Heidi was sleeping around too" defense though.
No. 810131
File: 1558421931349.png (5.16 MB, 1920x6259, screencapture-twitter-teacupof…)

>>810125Might as well cap it, considering we're on an image board.
>>810123I was
>>810104, there's no self posting here. He just looks like one of those sadboi BJDs that were popular on tumblr a while back, which is why probably why everyone's frothing in their knickers over it. I'm not fussed on it, but it's pretty obvious that he's not a fakeboi
No. 810136
>>810130That's what I meant by "unrelated." Such as his appearance and what not.
Not all Nulyu is OT.
I'm all for posting him as long as it doesn't devolve into zoom ups of his nipples with red circles around a cluster of pixels.
No. 810138
>>809982>It's pretty fucking clear SHE IS WAY WAY more into the open relationship idea than jared was.No she is not.
From the pattern of the messages, it is glaringly obvious that it is a conversation between a girl super desperate to appease her husband and have him pay attention to her, while the guy is ignoring her and giving her the cold shoulder in favour of being with Holly. The polyamory bullshit was pretty obviously a desperate attempt to get Jared back, so to speak. She is hamming it up way too much to be sincere. I've been in that role before and I can tell.
No. 810142
File: 1558422613235.jpg (170.82 KB, 1440x1101, IMG_20190521_090948.jpg)

god i hate this bitch
No. 810149
>>810143I almost don't blame you, I'd probably want to do that for a friend too, but no one in the thread has tried to shit on him yet, other than that anon who thought anyone who complimented him was the same person.
You should try to get him to unprivate soon. If he and Heidi have been more or less honest thus far, it can only help their situation to have it out in the open and not hide like Holly did.
No. 810158
>>810145you’re so?? angry
i just don’t like the idea of him being here, i’ve been lurking the thread for a while just idly, and that’s all. chill
No. 810162
>>809843Didn't Holly give one of the underage
victims' contact info to Jared without consent at some point after she (the
victim) reached out to Normalboots? Mental health advocacy is my passion!
>>810049This. She keeps tripping over her words and contradicting herself, it's almost painful to look at. I've seen snakes like her a lot of times in my life and recognize this behavior, she knows she's lost the battle but is trying all the dirty tricks in her bag to come out sparkly clean. Too bad it backfired on her immediately because Heidi has no fucking mercy with her (absolutely justified) wrath.
No. 810170
>>810167i understand, and he won’t be private forever, but someone evidently is trying to drag him into this and yeah
sorry for pooping the thread
No. 810171
File: 1558423561307.png (70.58 KB, 1359x511, broofs5.PNG)

Most of you probably already check the KF thread but for those who don't want to know how nulyu is suddenly known as Heidi's bf.
The names line up, and Heidi mentioned cosplaying and getting asked to do a "pairing" pose and it made her day, the name/shipname was censored so her bf is probably cosplay related.
He does cosplay with her a lot, and was in a lot of the twitter stuff defending her.
No. 810177
>>810160Give it a rest anon, he's not the subject of the thread. If I'd just stumbled across lolcow and saw that a friend of mine who was currently drama-adjacent was being posted I'd worry too.
>>810166There are a couple of anons thirsting over your friend but we're in support of Heidi and the proposed creeping is mostly just to see if they can find anything that corroborates her story.
Whenever you make a post that doesn't have fresh/pertinent info (e.g., opinions, shitposting, anything vaguely off-topic), put "sage" in the email field so it doesn't bump the thread. You can click on the number of the post you want to reply to, and it will pop up in the reply box (which you seemed to have figured out by now). No. 810178
File: 1558423967869.jpg (766.47 KB, 499x749, download (1).jpg)

>>810099It's a woman and this photo is either photoshopped or it's post-op with the straps covering the scars.
Now stop derailing.
No. 810183
>>810178He's not a woman nor has he ever been one
Stop with your paranoia that you think a slightly pretty man = FTM
(derailing) No. 810184
File: 1558424437708.jpg (52.76 KB, 800x800, 912b55d506f4eaace71f5cbba2d36a…)

>>810072I could see him having two phones with the excuse of "business vs personal", but it's more likely Jared kept them both played against the other because he enjoyed them "fighting over him".
If he showed Heidi the messages, told Holly that she was wrong and called her Holly for saying that…is it wrong to assume Jared was beside her and handed Heidi the phone to call Holly? Then Heidi handed the phone back and they talked about how off base Holly was?
Holly was groveling to Heidi, she wanted back in and not have Jared "cut off" from her. She got exactly what she wanted, and it only took a year of being an absolute snake. Jared kept Heidi to stay by saying he'd change, Jared got Holly to stay by saying he would leave his wife when things got rocky.
What pisses me off is Holly considers herself the main character in EVERYONE'S life, not just hers. She's misunderstood, she's the hero and the
victim! Jared was so unhappy, what else was she supposed to do but repeat over and over that Heidi was
abusive til he got annoyed enough by Heidi saying no to him and just straight up ignored her texts?
I don't feel bad for Holly or Jared because they lied and manipulated each other in equal amounts and without the thrill of going behind Heidi's back they will have nothing, I say go off Heidi let it all out and enjoy it. Not many women get to see their abuser face consequences for their actions.
I've seen this happen so many times and everyone sticks by the abuser, and they still would have this time if the pedophile shit hadn't come out-which is FUCKED. It's like other anons said, this situation happens way too often.
Anyways Holly better watch out, her old position just opened up kek
No. 810188
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Heidi's approval for the poly bullshit hinged on Ross knowing. She doesn't know what they told him, but it looks like she did her due diligence.
No. 810201
>>810198She's desperate to be the
victim. It's the only role she knows how to play. She could've headed a lot of the backlash off at the pass if she'd just admitted she did something wrong, but she's incapable of taking responsibility for herself.
No. 810202
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No. 810204
File: 1558427406413.jpg (28.39 KB, 459x297, twe.JPG)

>>810198I hate it that, after she predictabbly pulled off "mental health uwu i'm a
victim" card, people instantly fell for it. Even though her screenshots prove nothing and she managed to contradict herself.
She posts this "thanks tweethearts for believing in me uwu" and replies are full of support, just what the fuck.
Her first tweet after the fiasco refers to Jared as "someone I (Holly) helped get out of
abusive relationship" and not only that, she denies him being a fucking creepy pedo too.
Yet people believe she in the right while demonizing Heidi for being a cringy cool girl who later turned angry.
Holly's response screams blatant narcissism.
No. 810205
>>810201>It's the only role she knows how to play. She can't even play it well, have you SEEN her in
>>809396? I don't think Holly is capable of experiencing and processing normal human emotions, let alone convincingly expressing them.
No. 810207
>>810201Lol, you still side with Heidi despite knowing both sides of the story and knowing she consented and decided to ruin Holly and Jared when she got jealous
Fuck heidi, she is no
No. 810208
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>>810171This lurker popping in helped a little.
No. 810214
>>809931Except Holly proved that Heidi made it public first?
>>809933Until Ross says his side of the story you can't assume that it was actually cheating, for all you know Ross was aware and accepting of it.
No. 810219
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No. 810238
File: 1558430235590.png (941.14 KB, 690x970, Heidi.PNG)

>>810232There is a clear difference between making a vent post with a "friends only" setting on FB vs. making an announcement on a very public Twitter account with hundreds of thousands of followers. If you don't understand this, then you are being willfully ignorant. If you read Heidi's FB post, it even says that she hasn't gone public with the information.
No. 810240
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>>810237Who cares? Jared is a pedophile. None of that would have came out if Heidi didn't come forward.
No. 810241
>>810237>Heidi's undoubtedly large FB friends listIts not like, her cosplay page, its her actual friends and associates. Despite how "large" you assume it to be, it would have only stayed within that friend group probably. It only came to light when she posted publicly on twitter. Telling friends is not being "public" any way you look at it.
If she had posted to a cosplay page, then I'd agree with you. But it wasn't. It was her personal account.
No. 810256
File: 1558432642893.png (77.26 KB, 591x791, Screenshot_32.png)

Meanwhile, Holly's friends are still pushing the narrative that Heidi is abusive while forgetting that Holly is fucking and defending an alleged pedophile.
No. 810258
>>810256is it still alleged when he admits his guilt in his apologies to his
victims? haha
No. 810262
File: 1558433450928.png (19.26 KB, 896x198, jessica_reddit.png)

>>810260Jessica (at least I believe it's the same Jessica) is whiteknighting Holly in r/projared.
No. 810270
File: 1558433782171.jpg (45.1 KB, 500x375, 7D3.jpg)

How exceptional they all are
So turns out Heidi was never a monogamous pure angel but that she pushed for the polyamory relation, had her own affair and her own boyfriend, she knew well in advance about Jared and Holly and was okay with them fucking, she encouraged it and was cool with not telling Ross ever, she was okay with Jared sending nudes and requesting nudes from fans and encouraged too and high fived him. Yet Heidi wants really hard to be a victim so we are suddenly led to believe she was an innocent angel that got manipulated, just because she eventually got salty about Holly and Jared's feelings. Just THEN she decided it wasn't kosher no more, but the open relationship was great when she was the one getting dick.
Everyone here is an inmature asshole, Heidi is just another snake on the bunch, she obviously has money on her mind and the true moral in this is never ever date gamers and cosplayers and never fall for the poly trap.(Ban evasion)
No. 810281
>>810280I mean, Heidi has texts between them where they talked about their previous fuck sessions, but even if that's not true, she has proof they sent each other nudes and sexted a lot which is bad when you're both married to different people.
And even if ALL THAT isn't true. It's undeniable fact that he willingly sent nudes to someone underage and coerced them to send them back knowing full well the person was underage
No. 810282
>>810256Yeah how incredible that she was brave enough to tell us she checked into a mental hospital as a result of backlash towards her being a shitty person.
To be honest, I'm not even sure why in her narrative she'd check into a mental hospital. She said she didn't even do anything wrong. She clearly doesn't feel bad about herself or her actions, and literally none of her response in anyway reflects any kind of soul searching or closure. It's just more shit flinging.
No. 810290
>>810284100% sympathy points. She has a record of poor mental health. Half her persona is depressed manic pixie girl
>>810282People stick up for their friends even if they find out they were doing shit because it's not a ride or die situation, it's a "oh fuck I was too dumb to realize this person is shit but I dont want to come to terms with my poor judgment so might as well back them whole heartedly".
No. 810292
>>810285Under normal circumstances, yes it should he private, but their entire job is being a public persona. If someone shits on you and makes you look bad, that's less followers on Twitter, less influence , and no job.
We fucking get it, bla bla it should be private , this isn't the same as finding out your barista cheated on their wife, that guy still has a job slinging coffee.
Jared's first divorce post made Heidi look like she was at fault and because she too is public persona , had to defend herself which shes constantly been having to do. Well that and mainly because shes been having to deal with this shit for a year and needs to air our the shit laundry.
Holly on the other hand is just trying to save any face she has left because her only job is being an uwu insta mental health advocate influencer. You cant be talking about safe coping mechanisms when you're a fucking cheating homewrecker
No. 810297
super non-contribution but it's absolutely breaking my heart that not only was heidi made to find out about her husband's infidelity over fucking
text messages, she then needed to ALSO confront the two assholes THROUGH text messages and wasn't even awarded the courtesy of sitting down and talking things out. she was basically left alone with her thoughts while these two fucked around and made out all over cons.
mental health and self harm my ass. holly can eat shit, and
>>810260 >>810256 can get fucked right alongside her
No. 810303
>>810300It's as if there's a shitty constant in this equation… now what might that be…
Holly and her flying monkeys continue to astonish with their martyrdom. And that Jess bitch is working the passive-aggressive spin angles like she's getting paid.
No. 810305
>>810271that's exactly what you are doing here lmfao. Imagine being so deluded as to still portray Heidi as a
victim. The only reason you are banning everyone and erasing dissent from the main opinion is because you are either someone close to Heidi or are hypocrite tumblrina Fujoshis just like her.
Because it was like open but not open. and i like approved of everything but not, so like woe me - Heidi
(Ban evasion) No. 810308
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>>810305stop spreading your autism everywhere
No. 810309
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>>810142Holly checking into the hospital for her
victim card
No. 810311
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>>810308Yeah definitely this user, correctly going back and forth between the KF and LC threads
No. 810324
>>810310She's desperate, that's why. She doesn't really listen to herself, she's grasping at straws trying to save her reputation by taking Heidi down. People like her can't just accept the L and put their guns down, they're willing to embarrass themselves to ridiculous levels instead of apologizing. She knows she's lying out of her ass (or at least twisting the truth) but I doubt she cares at this point. The most important thing is that she doesn't have to admit to doing something bad. Not ONCE does she apologize for cheating on Ross, for not causing Heidi pain and for defending Jared taking advantage of underage fans, she's just sticking to the "I saved a man from an
abusive crazy wife by fucking him" story like her life depended on it.
No. 810328
>>810292Yeah, that's exactly the point. Using the "can't for legal reasons" kind of gets thrown out the window when you have what they're doing going on.
It's like how in all of this initial shitstorm Heidi conveniently left out she participated in the poly stuff AND had someone, it was just "jared did this blahblah I have proof."
So at this point, they all kind of broke any legal obligation they had lol.
No. 810330
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>>810311>>810308who is this retarded? nice find, nonnies.
No. 810332
>>810329Its a long term strategy:
>I was triying to save Jaredto
>I was manipulated by Jared too, I'm sorry No. 810335
>>810313She was also upset about the Pink Pill threads existing on /ot/, unironically defends Vic Mignogna, and shits on girls from both LC and PULL. Kind of a trip to see my suspicions about certain specific spergs on this site were true. Now all I need is to find out that she's actually a tranny who's been complaining about GC threads on top of it all.
Makes me wonder why she keeps coming back just to ban evade, bitch about getting banned, and bitch about the site and its users as a whole. Such people might as well stay with their beloved neckbeards of KF.
No. 810339
>>810332If that's her long term strategy she's going about it in a very stupid way. Personally attacking Heidi with weak screenshots, as well as acknowledging that she knew all about Jared's sollicitation of minors and thinks it's no biggie, both point towards her being fully in the know and complicit and will make it harder for her to play the innocent manipulated
victim later. I think she genuinely believes she can still discredit everyone speaking out against her and Jared and come out of this smelling like roses. I also get the impression she really dislikes Heidi with a passion and is letting this opportunity to publicly attack her cloud her judgement, as evidenced by the constant contradictions and backpedaling:
>>810310 No. 810381
>>810335… everyone needs a hobby? All kidding aside, every forum seems to get its own tired old kebab bitch, and maybe Jess is looking for a new home.
Maybe she's not getting enough attention and Cool Girl points from KF any more? Hit a wall, have we? kek
No. 810420
>>810256uwu… holly is such a bwave birb for checking herself into the hospital uwu #mentalhealth~~~
God I can't believe all these fucking retards are in their 30s
No. 810453
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No. 810454
>>810328I understand Heidi not mentioning her other partner since they were together in 2017 when the marriage was open
Heidi isn't angry about any partner Jared had in 2017 (Altho she isn't thrilled it was a fan for obvious reasons), she's angry about sex he had once the marriage was closed.
No. 810457
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>>810453I'm assuming Holly is attempting to "take the higher ground" and trying to act like the haturz don't matter. Holly you can't save face anymore
No. 810469
>>810465I don't go there, but the reason someone would push that sort of narrative is PART OF THE ISSUE AND WHAT IS BEING USED AS AN ARGUMENT TOWARDS JARED she herself is/was also a part of.
So the reason she feels it would distract is because she comes off initially as Jared is the only one in the wrong and like she was just the doting wife going along with it and not participating.
So finding out she DID participate it in as well is why people focus on it. If she would have been honest from the start, you wouldn't have people hanging onto that narrative.
No. 810480
>>810477It's only working out nicely for Heidi because any semblance of her not being "innocent" is met with vitriol.
No one forgot what jared's done nor holly lol.
No. 810486
>>810455>>810457>>810453this ~healing~ vs. ~harming~ shit is just buzzwords to generalise and deflect criticism but it's infinitely more stupid than ordinary fake positivity.
her reclaiming things such as the clown emoji or the side hoe quote ("gotta take hard things with humor teehee~") and acting like the bigger person to look good is NOT working
>>810472all this wait for her to do something, anything and now I can't wait for her to shut up again
No. 810492
>>810490Well, firstly…
"child pornography" doesn't fall onto Jared unless he still has the pictures/videos. Secondly, DISTRIBUTION carries the harsher charge, so as much as we wanna see Jared burn, the underage people will get in far more trouble far sooner, because Murcia.
No. 810498
>>810467This. So far Heidi has been truthful about everything and admitted to open marriage when it was addressed, while explaining the details of their deal. Yet still we have an army of autists yelling "WELL SHE WASN'T HONEST ABOUT
THAT ONE THING WAS SHE NOW" like it disregards everything else she has said.
No. 810499
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These reddit comments summing up my thoughts quite well.
No. 810503
>>810499ugh THIS.
I wish people would quit fighting over whether Holly or Heidi is worse and focus on the dude that clearly played both sides.
His responses to all of the texts between him and Heidi that Holly posted were all meek and in agreement with Heidi's frustrations but i'd bet anything that his messages to Holly are singing a different tune.
Dude is a tool. He's the one everyone should be focusing on. These two women are just a product of his douchbaggery.
No. 810505
>>810501Cognitive dissonance up the wazoo. I genuinely believe Holly has so deeply internalized the idea that Heidi is the abuser that all the information saying otherwise is making her feel the need to justify her actions to herself.
Don't get me wrong, what she's doing is bullshit. But I think it's more of an "average people do shitty things" bullshit than anything else.
No. 810516
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>>810453>healing healing healing uwuI don't know Holly, did Jared's dick heal you or hurt you? Did his dickpics heal or hurt his underage fans?
No. 810526
>>810519Keep in mind she did receive a mail from one of his underage
victims detailing all the proof and this was month before the cheating scandal.
She chose to ignore the evidence. Now she says all
victims were confirmed to be adult.
She can't really jump boat since there is proof that she knew what was going on.
No. 810530
>>810519She couldn't claim to be a
victim of Jared because she knows Heidi has texts proving otherwise. It's easier for her to just point the finger at Heidi and claim she's the master manipulator 4d chess player in all of this because of the text caps she has of her and Jared makes Heidi look bad out of context(she certainly doesn't look great either way). She's all about that "uwu mental health* but, thinks it's perfectly find to point hate in the other direction and dismiss Jared's fan nude exchanges as "bad decisions". She's fucking retarded.
No. 810540
>>810535this seems pretty correct. all the women involved are crazy and selfish to varying degrees but jared used that to pit them against each-other and play them all.
it sucks how they're all trying to drag ross into it as leverage, saying he knew or supported it or whatever when he clearly didn't and cant defend himself.
No. 810543
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confirmation that this rat bastard is fucked
No. 810544
>>810535Basically Heidi's idea of poly relationship was larping with a fellow cosplayer.
While Jared idea of poly was fucking his fans and her best friend.
No. 810549
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Look what kf found
No. 810550
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>>810543saged because this is not as important/not really milk, but it's good to see people aren't absolutely blinded by holly's uwu bullshit
No. 810553
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Holly thinks she can pull a James Charles reversal, & of course her fans are eating it up.
No. 810554
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>>810551Last one, and with a restraining order
No. 810556
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Mods please stop banning Jessica, it made her have a seizure! KEK
No. 810557
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>"everyone who was dissing them are real quiet now"You sure 'bout that bud?
No. 810558
>>810554the petitioner is jared. if i'm reading this correctly (non-US anon here) HE is the one who asked for a restraining order? did he think that would work as a replacement for an NDA kek
i still maintain that this is creepy as shit though. we don't need this until it's deets on a child grooming case or something similar
>>810556my fucking sides
No. 810562
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>>810554It likely has nothing to do with domestic abuse but rather an order that is commonly used in divorces to keep people from messing with bank accounts and other assets until the divorce is final
No. 810563
>>810556>apparentlyuh huh
definitely didn't just look it up online, saw the symptoms and suddenly believe you had one or talked to someone in your "uwu my mental health" group who is totally a doctor and claimed that was what you had
No. 810568
>I'm in the forest of an MRI machinelmfao wtf
is this the same ~uwu hospital~ that holly went to?
No. 810569
>>810565agreed. the idiots in holly's tweets keep ranting about it and somehow conveniently forget heidi stated, multiple times, that it was an LD platonic relationship. smdh.
wonder if this is why nulyu privated his stuff? i'm no troon but having your trans status broadcasted all over the internet because of a cheating skank who caused drama can't be pleasant, i'd think.
No. 810570
>>810535Agreed, he played them all. People trying to turn it on Heidi for
also seeing someone while they were poly are people that must be critical of the concept of an open marriage itself imo. There's no other reason they should classify a side dick during an open relationship "cheating" bc it's been agreed upon by both parties so… Heidi's entire point is that they redefined boundaries and Jared trampled them. People have got to be willfully ignoring the mechanics of a polyamorous relationship in order to still think less of Heidi in this story.
>>810556>Forest or MRI machineTry the bottom of a cliff henny
>>810565The trans shit is so irrelevant. Even if Heidi doesn't believe in trans being a real identity, she could just be bisexual. Platonic or not, it doesn't make a difference bc it was sanctioned by their OPEN FUCKING MARRIAGE. It was a relationship that took place while the poly was going on and Heidi's argument is that boundaries were set and then crossed by Jared. This Nulyu person
extremely doesn't matter.
No. 810577
>>810571I see. I'm a bit worried the narrative is going to shift too much and Heidi's gonna let people derail from her initial, solid arguments. She needs to stick to her shit till the end bc she is right and Jared is obviously the one in the wrong. Holly is shit too but to a lesser degree.
The side dick situation is simply outing retarded people that don't care about boundaries and only care if a woman sees people on the side in an open marriage.
>>810575It changes some of the tertiary context but I don't think it's important compared to all the other aspects of the situation, such as Jared's obvious stonewalling shown in Holly's own receipts. Whether Heidi agreed to poly due to manipulation or not is more nebulous ans difficult to convince people on. I think arguing on more solid terms such as Jared transparently violating the terms of their relationship is a better strategy here.
No. 810579
>>810565Ok if they are FTM this adds
much needed context to how upset Heidi got when he seemed disinterested in them having a threesome. Because he was't interested in a female dynamic with a cis woman and a ftm, but
was interested in a whole bunch of lone females like everyone he messaged and Holly. The "open relationship uwu" was the worst cover for sleeping with other women. He is intentionally vague by saying she had multiple guys on the side when she had
one ftm on the side which is
very different due to how the sex would play out. Even if they were a cis male, he doesn't match with the narrative Peded is spinning, and if they are trans it makes Holly's inclusion of those texts about dicks seem more manipulative to the audience
Heidi was a fool for attempting to play along with the poly thing when she clearly wasn't coping with it at all
No. 810580
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Heidi going for the jugular
No. 810582
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>>810553>>810574>>810576Ah yes, the
real problem here is that damn 'Cancel-Culture'
No. 810585
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>>810582Love how they're trying to manipulate the story to other Youtubers as well…
No. 810586
>>810582oh my fucking god, first shuwu tries to insert herself into the beauty community drama, and now this midget chipmunk can't shut up.
go away, no one wants your 20/20 hindsight wisdom
No. 810591
I'm so fucking mad that people can't see the obvious stonewalling Jared inflicted upon Heidi to make her so batshit in the first place. It's in Holly's receipts…
>>810585Ok fuckface but minors themselves have come forward so…?
No. 810593
>>810585>heidi and her fanbaseare you serious??
post-drama numbers for their respective instagrams:
heidi – 34k
holly – 223k
what the fuck is this idiot smoking
No. 810594
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>>810585>Holly is clearly afraid of Heidi and her fanbaseWtf, if anybody has a fanbase to fear it's Holly, GG fans have been up her ass for years about Holly being an uwu manic pixie soft smol bean bird girl. There are only so many people defending Heidi because they feel bad for a woman who got cheated on by a scumbag rodent.
No. 810597
>>810586What Chris is saying is right, but only to a certain degree.
victims of abuse have been isolated to the point in which the
only way to finally say
anything about it is just 'screaming out into the void'.
I'm sure if Jared didn't make that
public post about their divorce, this whole thing wouldn't have blown up like it did.
No. 810598
>>809396 people drew fanart of the characters fucking and both Holly and Jared loved it
No. 810600
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Chris, stay out of this if you want to live.
No. 810603
>>810601…You're right.
I'm surprised Shuwu isn't inserting herself into this.
No. 810606
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just thought of checking up on what jessie (heidi's friend) has had to say, and she's not letting up either lmao
>>810603she's too busy trying to get jeffree/tati/james charles' attention kek
No. 810621
>>810612>and if you need both peoples agreement to open it, I’m not buying that suddenly you can close it on your own when your feelings get hurt.let's go over this again.
1. husband wants an open marriage, wife doesn't – NO open marriage
2. wife wants an open marriage, husband doesn't – NO open marriage
3. both husband and wife agree to open marriage – YES open marriage
if this is
valid at the time of starting an open relationship.
why is it not
valid at the time of wanting to return to monogamy.
christ on a cracker why am i feeding the trolls
No. 810628
>>810575>>810579This, it does twist the narrative upside down. They keep saying that Heidi took full advantage of the open marriage by keeping a long-distance relationship with another man to justify the claim that she was "completely fine and even partaking" in the poly thing. If you have the image in your head that she's actually seeing another man, of course you'd think she's "just as into it as Jared". But when you see realize it's just her making couple cosplays with a fellow female cosplayer larping as an anime boy, it suddenly becomes a lot clearer that Heidi WASN'T profiting that much from their "open relationship" setting. At least compared to Jared who was sending nudes to minors and fucking their mutual friend who returned the infatuation. And yeah whatever Heidi identifies as ~bisexual~ blah blah blah but let's not dance around the obvious here.
No. 810629
>>810612By "main bitch" do you mean being his only romantic interest/wife? She was open to it when it was casual sex (even then she wanted to include Jared in her sex with cosplayer man), she didn't like it when Jared and Holly weren't transparent and then it moved to more actual romantic feelings.
valid of her to be upset that clearly Jared just didn't want the marriage anymore, but also didn't wanna give up dedicated pussy from Heidi
No. 810631
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I had to laugh at this response
No. 810634
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>Let's stop talking about my lover being a pedo and focus on my pigeon dying instead
No. 810635
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No. 810639
>>810619That’s a common misconception, basic telecom isn’t permitted fairly often.
Also “but that way of thinking is old” is just an appeal to novelty. People haven’t considered polyamory largely a poor idea for a marriage because tradition says so, it’s because human nature hasn’t changed in many thousands of years and some things just werk. The word marriage itself comes from ancient roots and literally meant the union of one man and one woman. It’s dumb to try to buck that almost universal cultural trend because a bunch of nerverts didn’t get it on enough in their early 20’s
>>810624>>810626That’s the issue with opening your relationship. An exclusive relationship built on trust is a marriage. Opening a marriage inherently drives a rift through its foundation. It’s a pandora’s box. Most people like exclusivity with their partners, men especially so. Even if it’s just the illusion thereof. The reality of the matter is that you are slashing whatever level of respect a man has for you, consciously or otherwise, if the two of you are in an exclusive relationship and you approach to make it inclusive. It won’t matter what rules and regulations you put on it. If Heidi seriously thought she could make a move that would outright kill a lot of marriages and remain Jared’s emotional #1 then she’s either naive, stupid, or pretending to be. If anything she should have initiated the divorce if the circumstances are as you describe them.
No. 810640
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Heidi keeping us focused on the important things
No. 810642
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Yeah, okay, "#MeToo" is the problem here
No. 810644
>>810612>>810626>>810639can we sage the marriage fuckery?
>>810640bless you anon. i was just going to post this. fuck Jared, he knew exactly what he was doing with his "statement" and holly's.
No. 810647
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No. 810674
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I feel so bad for laughing. God I'm glad that's not me.
No. 810677
>>810655I don't think so. I think it's more that people like to have FULL INFORMATION because despite your sperge, people 99% of the time will NEVER take a male's side, so all of a sudden we get more info she just happened to leave out, it's going to raise some eyebrows.
Normally that pushes you into being suspected of lying, but since she's a woman she gets a pass. Imagine if Jared left out stuff and suddenly revealed it after someone else made passing mention?
People would crucify him even more than he's gotten in this timeline.
No. 810681
>>810677Dude, people were immediately siding with Heidi cus she's a pretty girl and sounded like she had been betrayed. Once it turned out she (gasp!!) wanted to try polyamory, KF immediately found a photo of her without make up to say how ugly she is and what a slut she is for.. i guess enjoying sex?
If you want to hate on Heidi for being an emotional person during an emotional time, fuck off to kiwifarm
No. 810685
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Guessing this is about Nuylu
No. 810691
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Went to check on the 4chan archives and for some reason I thought they'd be more supportive of Heidi.
Go figure.
No. 810696
>>810690Because the kiwifarm thread attracted incels who can't fathom that a woman was a
victim so they're trying to make the abused woman the villain
No. 810697
>>810695Sage for OT, but the more I see of this the more I can relate to Heidi as a
victim of a guy lying and going behind your back for months. Fuck Jared.
No. 810704
>>810694That wasn't always true actually if you look at past grump threads, Holly was always viewed neutral/okish on here because snooze was always seen as the way worse female grump(for obvious reasons).
It wasn't until this whole drama did everyone realize she's a complete bitch (beside for a few anons who always found her uwu smol mentally ill persona shady).
Heidi brought the fucking milk so it's hard to go against her even though she's guilty of being an idiot (never agree to poly with your husband EVER) and probably could have handled things better but, bless her for bring this crazy shit to the internet. Plus, she gave Jared's
victims a voice, they might have never spoken up if she didn't bring this all to light.
No. 810706
I think many of us have personally or witnessed somebody like Jared (or even Holly) in their private life or felt for people like this.
No. 810708
>>810703more partners more problems
fuck Heidi, who cares about her. Holly is just trying to shift the narrative from Jared creeping on teens. Don’t let her.
No. 810716
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No. 810730
>>810716It doesn’t take four years to separate wtf.
I’ve known far wealthier people than Heidi to separate with kids and it’s a six month affair at worst provided the split is mutual.
No. 810749
>>809992This shit boils my blood.
Holly, it's not about YOUR feelings. It's not about your self diagnosed depressed asexual homewrecking ass. It's not about how worried YOU were or how all these feels were new to YOU. None of this is about you, but you made it only about you. Only your feelings mattered in every choice you made, which is abundantly clear since you thought it was appropriate to fuck a married man while you were "helping out of a
toxic marriage." God just fuck off. Saging for spergout but oml she is so self centered throughout this.
No. 810757
>>810750Ah, another anon who can't read.
>none of the parties are innocent here, especially since Heidi knew about the sexting thingShe found out about the sexting in 2017 and said "that's fucked," demanded Jared to stop, and assumed he would stop. Like him sexing Holly, he did not stop.
>>808125 "The reason I thought it ended then was because I demanded he end it, because it's unacceptable."
No. 810765
I mean I imagine they do exist when there are the bare minimum feelings but at that point you’re just FWB.
There’s a more common term for people that age comfortable having noncommittal sex with multiple partners though.
No. 810766
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>>810765go away incel. you're unwanted
No. 810771
>>810769Literally no one swept it under the rug.
Stop being retarded.
There's nothing new in regards to Jared himself, this is literally about shit between Holly and Heidi, now that Heidi is starting to admit to things herself.
No. 810782
>>810777just stop man it does work sometimes you just might not have seen it working
A poly relationship is less to manage per person but it can be more to manage total and neither mono or poly is easier too many differences in each situation
Please try to get two or three fwbs at the same time at some point in your life or just be mad and never try it it’s up to you
Also some people are good at setting and keeping expectations unlike Jared and Heidi who let’s be honest were never going to make it monogamos or poly it seemed like a crutch and how are you going to have any normal relationship with Jared
Heidi is either not really that mad at holly or does not have nudes on hand anymore because she already crossed that line of destroying a reputation over a situation that is mostly Jared’s fault and at least somewhat her fault possibly more than the side chick’s
>>810066Yeah he definitely shows it in the Game Grumps Instagram takeover videos, I loved his takeover videos but it's honestly pretty sad to watch them back now, especially the part where he's so enthusiastic about Holly's crafting skills.
His first takeover with Holly is at 1:38 and the other takeover with Holly in it is at 8:38, 10:28 definitely did not age well.
I genuinely hope Ross finds someone who actually cares for him. I'm just glad he seems to be doing well despite this entire shit show.
No. 810818
>>810811Ross is doing great and his response was great
He convinced me he was a good guy and he’s the one who really deserves a million subscribers
please don’t have a scandal ross
No. 810832
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No. 810848
>>810832I mean one of the
victims said he liked looking at the nudes from people and get hard during stream
He probably kept them regardless to keep getting hard in front of his under-aged stream audience
No. 810872
File: 1558492552463.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1623, 6A151716-B309-4F36-8A28-D35A3C…)

sage because it’s not totally related but people are hounding Ross enough that he’s taking a break from streaming. not only did Holly ruin their marriage but her opening her mouth only made it harder for Ross to ignore this bullshit
No. 810910
>>810908She deleted the Ross related tweets shortly after it was posted here that Arin (and Barry and Vernon) still followed her, wondering if her tweets would make them unfollow her. It lines up with the theory that the asshat that keeps popping up here is Jessica.
I hope its what you said though. It'd have stung a lot more for her.
No. 810922
>>810916Well he did say as much as he did say he’s leaving it in the past and moving on
I just wish other people would respect his wishes on the matter though
No. 810941
>>8109401. read rules and usage info.
2. no one here is harassing ross. speculating on a website he doesn't even know about is not harassment.
No. 810942
>>810933This is like the third time I've had to say it this thread,
>yes, even Heidi, it could be very well come out she knew about the young fansShe knew about the tumblrs' existences back in 2017 and asked Jared to close them all and stop, expecting him to stop, and didn't pursue it until the recent discoveries because she (like any sane person) thought he actually would. Because it's bad. But he didn't.
No. 810971
In reddit they are talking about how the screen capture of Heidi being crazy may be fake.
Some redditor used an internet website to check artifacts on the images.
These are normal ones, that has similar artifacts is the one that might be edited, in which heidi's replies has no artifacts have no idea of how this stuff works.
Maybe anyone here knows more about this shit and the validity of this claim?
No. 810974
File: 1558521389511.png (150.13 KB, 770x519, Capture d’écran 2019-05-22 à…)

>>810973Thanks, I'll include caps of the thread in case the commenters delete their posts
No. 810975
File: 1558521414553.png (159.95 KB, 776x575, Capture d’écran 2019-05-22 à…)

>>810974and the first reply
No. 810978
>>810971Yeah I don't buy it, this is conspiracy to the point of being nonsensical. The third screenshot is not any more "damning" towards Heidi than the second one, and the second one ends with the same text bubble that the third one begins with. Not to mention that all three screenshots have entirely different artifacting from compression and only look superficially alike, and that the third image has a different compression level than the first two.
If it were faked, I would expect Heidi to have called it out immediately, not to mention to have the receipts to prove it to be false (since her replies are presumably coming from her phone, which she presumably still has access to).
Accepting it as true doesn't mean much anyway, it only seems shocking because it's cut entirely out of context. Heidi is losing her mind after, as she says in the screenshots themselves (and no one denies), weeks and/or months of Jared either lying to her face about the situation with Holly or outright ignoring/avoiding confrontation when he knows he violated the explicit agreement they had about the open marriage. Jared did something wrong, violated Heidi's trust and/or agreement, and then chose to avoid dealing with it for weeks like a cowardly snake rather than own up to it from the start.
Not to mention, there are some very weird allusions to bits of conversation that were cut out of the screenshots that call into question what exactly Holly was doing in this situation. Jared mentions having to "talk to her" because he doesn't want to watch Heidi suffer, and then says that "she probably wasn't going to do shit". Was Holly threatening to do something to Heidi? Was Holly supposed to be initiating talks with Jared, but failed to do so? Is this perhaps a double failure on both Jared and Holly to uphold promises and agreements to Heidi, and the constant betrayal of trust is what led to the breakdown in text? Methinks so.
No. 810984
File: 1558524073556.jpeg (719.32 KB, 581x2052, A6F08B6E-6E10-4933-8F48-5CA4C5…)

>i WaS iN tHe HoSpiTal
Is that why she was the samefag who was WK herself and responding to herself and agreeing to herself AND ban evading for about a week, then got her own name tag three days ago AFTER the new thread was already made trynna bump that shit to post limit.
Wow, I wish I had access to lolcow and VPNs in psych wards, we got a fucking king of the castle here.
No. 811018
File: 1558529629591.png (169.26 KB, 611x1291, manipulative ass shit.png)

Here she goes again, posting more "oh woe is me!!" shit.
No. 811025
>>811018"Hey you may hate me for being an hypocritical
victim-blaming homewrecker but think about how much worse it is to be chronically ill than the things I did! By the way did you know my mom is dead?"
No. 811027
>>811018I'm just kind of laughing at how all this is happening around her birthday though.
Also how is this NOT trying to Garner sympathy when you still make it all about you with your birds and mental healt
No. 811037
File: 1558532573714.png (328.33 KB, 460x526, Screenshot 2019-05-22 at 7.11.…)

>>811018>my mother had MS>i'm thankful i'm alive>pls save the pigeons from dying, help the animals>muh mental heal– i mean muh bar is so low today>did i mention i had to deal with watching my MS-ridden motheryeah poor holly :( I wonder why anyone would accuse you of trying to garner sympathy?? i bet you anything they're goons sent by heidi to harass your totally uwu smol mentally ill person and scream at you insanely juuust like she did.
i stg this bitch.
No. 811039
>>811028As a former fan of Holly, I remember her swearing very little unless around friends that cursed, ie Game Grumps
However this part (around 3:52) from one of her old videos does make me laugh in hindsight due to how fake it all is now.
No. 811045
>>811039(same anon)
sorry 5:52, had a brain fart
No. 811048
File: 1558533395228.png (59.59 KB, 1311x460, ss (2019-05-22 at 11.50.55) (1…)

Did we all see this comment from Jirard on the treesicle video btw?
No. 811053
>>811048that's interesting. Also the treesicle video was the most respectful and concise video I saw on the matter that didn't capitalize on the drama and use huge figureheads to promote their own channels (coughkeemstarcoughsmalldramachannelscough)
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that NB people didn't know about the minors deal with jared, but probably heard about Heidi since Jared is married to her. They probably didn't hear about Holly, just Heidi "being a bitch" to Jared for "no reason". They got a skewed turn of events and nothing on the nudes
considering the emails, I'll bet that was handled totally privately between the manager and jared, if it even happened at all, and kept away from the others to avoid inside bickering and fighting. as it stands after this, satchel left, so it's not in their best interests to cause chaos internally before any public statements in the first place
No. 811057
File: 1558534241274.png (163.33 KB, 1080x502, Screenshot_20190522-091026(1).…)

Holly's on a roll today ladies
No. 811064
>>811057Funny how Holly's just now having all of these 'feelings' about her sexuality and acting like a high schooler in terms of maturity level.
Her childhood must have really messed her up if she just now acting like this at the age of 33.
No. 811066
File: 1558535957224.jpg (55.39 KB, 1023x682, 1558280680626.jpg)

>>810981Imagine cheating on this cute funny nerd boy with fucking Jared
No. 811078
>>811066Holly: 'gets a husband with a cute accent, handsome face, like all the same things you like, even supports your business and hobbies'
Holly: lol nah Imma get me that ProJared penis
No. 811088
>>811066This whole affair is bizarre as fuck. From polyamory to pedophilia, it's really the saddest cluster fuck.
It's like how Prince Charles left Diana for an old woman. Both Jared and Holly left more attractive partners, but maybe they were trying to date with their within their leagues again.
I suppose Holly is a distraction from the pedophilia allegations, but man did she really FUCK up her response. The sheer inability to understand her being involved with someone else's husband is going to be anxiety inducing hell is hilarious. She wants to act like a
victim while posting the wife's upset texts and acting like she's being attacked? Holly really planned this out with several tactics. Blaming Heidi, portraying Jared as a
victim, claiming mental health issues and using an ill defined poly relationship as an excuse to convince a woman's husband to leave her. In all of this, it's pretty telling that Holly claims she was allowed her relationship with Jared when also talking about how she got her friend out of an
abusive relationship. She both tries to say Heidi was supposed to be okay with her trying to steal her husband?
No. 811091
File: 1558538243629.jpg (42.92 KB, 416x522, lul.jpg)

lmao these niggas
No. 811098
>>811095This makes me wonder just how common this whole “poly trinity” is with youtubers, since it seems to be a growing trend esp in conjunction with gaslighting, violating poly boundaries (treating it as a “free for all” a la onision “I’m going to fuck her even if you don’t want me to”), and past histories of cheating.
We got onision, cyr, dasha, game grumps crew with projared, holly, Heidi, and maybe even ross? I’d bet money that more of the GG crew does similar “relationships” along with a slew of other youtubers. Wonder who else is hiding a trinity.
No. 811109
>>811098I wonder the same thing. Affairs are pretty common as much as I don't want them to be. Personal experience the more affluent my dad got the more obnoxious he got with affairs, my mum apparently knew of a mistress but he got caught fucking a neighbor at a party and the whole thing went to shit ending in divorce. Is polyamory how 'public figures' have easier affairs since their jobs reputation matters more so.
Even Jared's mistress wasn't enough he needed to solicit nudes and have sex with fans in hotel rooms. Away on business. The whole thing makes me fucking sick
No. 811115
>>811095Definitely how I think it went. Jared marries Heidi, at first it seems perfect. But Jared keeps hinting that he wants to fuck other women, Heidi doesn't satisfy him, she's not enough, etc. Heidi is desperate to make him happy and fulfil his needs, so she gives in little by little. Sharing lewds? If it makes you happy, if it makes you feel better about yourself. Openly hitting on other people, telling her how much he wants to fuck other women? Well, men are like that, he needs to express his sexuality. Opening the marriage? I'm not fulfilling his needs, if we don't he'll leave for sure and find a better woman.
So they agree, they can see other people. Heidi decides to have a thing with a friend she made, a fellow cosplayer who is kind and understanding, cute, and also non-threatening. They vaguely sext, and Heidi shares everything with Jared to show him how happy she is that they're poly, and doesn't he find that hot? Meanwhile, Jared fucks random fans, is gone for weeks at a time and barely tells her a thing about who he's railing. If she asks, he ignores her. When she feels anxious and uncomfortable about things, he leaves her on read. If she complains about something, how dare she treat him like this? Didn't she agree to this deal? Is she trying to control him while she gets hers? How can she not trust him after all he's done for her?
But that's not all, fans are easy to get. He has his eye on something more interesting. Holly is his close friend, and she's always had a thing for him. Sure, she's married, but so is he. He makes a point to compare Heidi to her. Holly supports me, Holly is there for me, Holly treats me better. And have you seen her body? Sure, Heidi, you're hot, but you're not enough. Are we in an open relationship or not? Holly, Holly, Holly.
So she caves. If she makes him happy, maybe we can save this marriage. If Ross is okay with it, go ahead and fuck her. And oh, of course he's okay, I swear he said so! But as it turns out, it's not just that. But as it turns out, that's not what they have in mind. Now when he's gone, he's gone with her, and she doesn't hear a word from him in days. When he's home, he talks about Holly more than about Heidi. He hardly wants to touch her, and if she says anything, well, doesn't she have a boyfriend too? Doesn't he get to do it if she does? She's just paranoid.
So she snaps. This is not working, things have never been worse, and if she wants to save the marriage the poly stuff can't continue. She gets pissed, tells Jared she doesn't want it to happen anymore. In no uncertain terms, she tells him the lewds and the Holly fucking has to end. She blows up at Holly, who is the centerpiece of their problems, and tells her to stop fucking her husband. She breaks up with her own boyfriend, and gets to work on fixing the marriage. She thinks now he'll stop it all and work with her. We're going to couple's therapy now, we can fix this and go back to how nice it was when we were just married.
But he doesn't give up like that. Heidi said it had to end, but he's not that kind of guy. He just has to do it when she's not looking. How hard can that be, now Holly lives in the same town, and they're gone to one con or another every month. Heidi won't look into his phone, he's careful, and doesn't she trust him? Wanting to control his communications is a big sign or abuse, and she doesn't want to abuse him, does she? No, you can't hang out with my friends, I know you'll just try to pit them against me.
And then, Heidi finds out. He was sloppy and forgot to wipe his old phone. When hers breaks and she borrows it until she can get a new one, she finds the texts, and the pictures, and a ton of evidence that he kept doing everything she was convinced he had stopped. She's devastated, she goes to her friends for supports, but she doesn't want to make a stink. She loves him so much, she still thinks she has a chance.
She confronts him, and he turns it all on her, how awful she is to him and how horrible he feels all the time because of her. He needs to do those things, otherwise he'll hurt himself. Holly supports him because Heidi is such a terrible,
abusive person. But maybe he'll break up with Holly for Heidi. Or maybe he won't.
There's a back and forth. Sometimes Heidi wants out, but how can she abandon him? Doesn't she know how sad and broken he is, how can she threaten to leave him alone? Sometimes Jared threatens to leave, but Heidi has no income, and nowhere to go, and she still loves him. It takes a while, but they agree. Heidi gets a car, finds an apartment, and they'll file for divorce.
And like that, Heidi is out. She's not completely out, there's still the legal stuff, but she has her space, she isn't under his roof or his thumb anymore, and her friends are there for her. She can think clearly, and she is pissed. Every horrible thing he's done to her bubbles to the surface and she realizes how bad it was. She's at her boiling point.
And then, the straw that breaks the camel's back. He blocks her on Twitter, and makes his one-sided statement when they had agreed to collaborate on a joint statement. It was the push she needed to go nuclear, and go nuclear she does.
The rest is history.
No. 811124
>>811115Wow, better than any reality tv, that's for sure.
But seriously, this does seem to me the most likely imo.
No. 811141
>>811126Ngl, my first reaction when I caught up on everything going down was "I can't believe she didn't Gone Girl his ass"
Turns out he Gone Girl-d himself by being a pedo
No. 811149
File: 1558545341747.jpg (84.63 KB, 713x587, 22.JPG)

this is the tumblr of Mari, one of the two from Geek Remix. Seems like Jared was also trying to get nudes from her.
Mari is very outspoken usually but she hasn't talked about this situation too much (compared to others on twitter who shove their nose in drama), but this is interesting information
She is definitely legal, and very outspoken/open about sexuality and generally not an uptight person, she is also plus size
(note I don't hate Mari I'm actually a big fan of Geek Remix but it seems like he was also going to other Youtubers too, not just random fans)
No. 811150
File: 1558545393009.jpg (77.13 KB, 723x875, 33.JPG)

No. 811152
File: 1558545649352.png (132.07 KB, 1037x887, pup.png)

>>811149Yep, other YouTubers like PushingUpRoses and Pamela Horton also talked about being sexually harassed by ProJared.
(pic 1/2)
No. 811153
File: 1558545678889.png (131.22 KB, 937x743, pup2.png)

(pic 2/2)
saged bc this was from last week
No. 811189
File: 1558552704659.png (65.35 KB, 746x461, hmm.png)

No. 811204
>>811189Wow, I didn't think she'd actually confirm it like this.
Poor Ross still.
No. 811206
assuming what she says is true, my bet is that jared told holly about feelings, she realized sooner or later that she felt the same but had not yet gone physical with him, and she informed ross about this. there was probably a time where they tried to make it work, or maybe holly couldn't let it go, so they got divorced and holly moved to washington to pursue the illegal relationship and actually get physical with jared
so technically she didn't actively cheat on ross while married but she had feelings for jared during the marriage which was probably driving a wedge between them anyway
to be honest even before the divorce I just don't remember seeing a lot of holly/ross interactions online or even instagram stuff. Holly leaving Ross for Jared may be why they eventually left on "good" terms, at least online; Ross had to deal with the situation and by the time the announcements happened he'd made peace with it because it was going on much longer than they let on
kinda like "hey ross jared just told me he likes me, and I think I like him too", so ross is either gonna divorce her immediately, or she tries to push it aside and forget about it but Ross can see that she can't. So one of them just pulled the plug on a dying marriage while there was no extramarital affair, and she was "let free" to pursue what she wanted
No. 811214
>>811206All the asexual stuff she posted also makes it seem like there was no passion left with Ross. They were less a romantic pairing and more friends who shared finances and lived together. I don't believe the theory they were always like that because it was a green card marriage. He seemed to genuinely love her and be depressed as things fell apart. But yeah, Jared's confession to Holly was probably just the impetus for Holly to leave Ross because "Ooo, shiny new Diath loves Strix the poor uwu trash witch! My sexual feefees have been reawakened by the power of his monster dong".
>>811189This tweet is especially shitty and proves she's a master of contradicting herself. If she really respected his request to be left out of it, she wouldn't bring him up at all. Instead she just can't let the fact people are saying she cheated on him go and has to PROVE it's false at Ross's expense. Now he's going to get hounded even more. Nice way to show respect.
No. 811221
File: 1558557580200.png (62.09 KB, 582x512, mobmentalityuwu.png)

"It's those mean ol' SJWs, I knew it!"
No. 811223
>>811222Cancel culture is so
toxic uwu how can you people ruin a man's career simply based on the word of at least a dozen women and extensive screenshot evidence!
No. 811230
>>811226At this point I'm more inclined to believe that Ross was lucky he got away from her.
Hope he finds a woman that actually appreciates and loves him.
No. 811233
>>811228Where does
Heidi talk about Ross and keep bringing him up??? That's all Holly.
Also, sage your shit.
No. 811238
File: 1558559942830.jpeg (378.1 KB, 1125x841, 6764EAE3-F601-4E98-8323-96DAEA…)

>>811228Holly is the one who literally brought his name directly into it by tweeting about him, not Heidi.
No. 811239
>>811228All I remember Heidi saying was that this was going on when Holly was still married. And even then, I don't remember if it was this direct.
Find your screencaps if you wanna say stuff like this or people are gonna keep going off on you.
No. 811244
>>811231>>>804556>>811206Emotional cheating is still cheating. The second she no longer loved Ross romantically or "became asexual" she should have divorced.
She simply found another people with similar interests and was bored with his spouse too.
No. 811250
>>811238Doesn't make her any less of an
abusive, lying homewrecking cunt who supports a pedophile purely because his pp made her feel special.
No. 811253
>>811203It seems like everyone's sympathetic towards him above all, so it's doubtful that things will change even if it turns out that he professed to be okay with it.
>>811221pedos can't help but out themselves, can they?
No. 811259
File: 1558562384664.png (175.04 KB, 582x490, hollyguilty1.png)

And there it is! Heidi did it all for clout & self-promotion guys! /s
The thing that frustrates me the most about this is that Holly keeps pulling these ridiculous reasons NOT to believe Heidi out of her ass, & her fans are just lapping it all up like "Yeah yeah! Go with that excuse! We'll run with it too!"
Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.
No. 811270
>>811259it's baffling that after taking days to think this situation over, holly's genius plan is to…side with jared and shift the blame on heidi?! this is the hill she wants to die on?
seriously, all this dumb bitch had to do was make an apology acknowledging her faults and the people she hurt, and her fans probably would have forgiven her and moved on. yet instead she's trying to drag heidi's name through the mud and denying everything. she's so fucking awful
No. 811271
>>811259This shows how much of a scumbag Holly is. Trying to spin the narrative to make Heidi look like an evil bitch(which some edgelord retards are eating up) instead of simply defending herself.
I really think that Holly is just a spiteful, catty bitch underneath her uwu birb mom persona
No. 811276
>>811018Wtf, I was a long time follower of holly before this mess. Holly has spoken multiple times about how her mother abused her, how she was narcissistic, and how she was an addict. She mentioned this OPENLY in some of her videos and on twitter.
but uwu.. she was suffering MS… my poor mommy.. uwu;;;;
No. 811284
>>811279>Holly is an even bigger moron than I thought for trying to protect him.I guess considering Jared is the ONLY person Holly has EVER loved, she'll do as many mental gymnastics as possible for his sake.
>>811283Not a chance.
No. 811295
>>811288Maybe because Ross refused to defend her and is just noping out? Holly certainly can't attack Ross because she can control his narrative and he's too difficult of a target.
>>811206Ross is too nice and as much as I hate Holly, their marriage probably became loveless and they had ended things for awhile before officially being divorced. From Ross's statements he seemed to have moved on for some time. However, I fear even if Holly cheated on him he'd probably be forgiving and understanding. In order to protect herself from cheating allegations, she does make Ross seem cucked and pathetic. And all her bullshit about being asexual while being thirsty for projared's cock makes her marriage with Ross seem even sadder. Holly was lying to her fan base about her sexuality for tumblr points and was even upholding the act then tries to paint her Romeo and Juliet pure love while the abused man in this scenario has tons of women coming forward about being treated like sexual objects. Oh but she talks shit about Heidi slut shaming her! Meanwhile, Jared fucks his fans and ghosts them, solicits nudes from a young fan base and is also talking to Holly about TRUE HONEST LOVE. How can Holly move her life to be with a guy that is actively fucking and using other women? To go from being asexual to this much of a sexual deviant is ridiculous.
No. 811301
>>811294Yeah it was there like an hour or so ago when I checked
Guess Ross was like "hey shut the fuck up and leave me out of it please"
In a nicer way of course
No. 811304
>>811301Unfortunately the damage is done with a tweet being capped, her deleting it doesn't do anything at this point, she's ruining his reputation("you let your wife fuck another man??" ) but, doesn't care because she needs to look like an innocent
No. 811308
>>811304That really is what shes doing. she's definitely lying by saying he endorsed her "relationship" with jared, knowing full well he's unwilling to deal the final blow to her public image by coming forward with his side of the story
she's being disgusting about this especially since she probably unfollowed him out of anger for not doing more for her
No. 811312
>>811304I saw some replies to her tweet bringing up why she was dragging Ross into this and WKs replied to them saying shit like "WE NEED THE CLARIFICATION" and something even dumber like "BECAUSE EVERYONE KEEPS BRINGING HIM UP!!" when the only people really bringing his name up are fans who are worried
His name was like barely even brought up in the main drama unless people are actually counting Jessica's dumbass tweets she deleted for anything
No. 811315
File: 1558568919828.jpg (14.52 KB, 300x300, tumblr_pcj02uA15L1v9c764_540.j…)

>>811311I really, really hate to say this… but if Arin had preordered a mystery taco online and was making a video about it all excited, Suzy would have been enthusiastic and not such a grouchy bitch
dear god, we really are in the alternate timeline
No. 811316
>>811302I remember going through all of their vines (back when that was a thing,) which were a bit better, but ultimately the same dynamic.
They never seemed to go that well together, at least post-grumps.
No. 811319
>>811315Fuck, anon, with the KT and Holly drama, we really have shifted world lines. But I agree, at least Suzy is a try hard and would have tried to make jokes or sound enthusiastic.
>>811316I only followed Suzy drama, but why was Holly popular or at least well thought of in the GG threads here?
No. 811326
>>811319when it came to the GG related females there were three. Suzy, Holly and Kati (not Arin's friend Kati, but Dan and Holly's friend Kati)
Kati was a bff of Holly and Dan and Dan basically mentioned her everywhere and shared stories, and Kati appeared in tons of Holly videos. They thought Kati and Dan were related and she was super goofy and non girly but also slightly nerdy, mostly just participated in videos rather than having an actual interest in nerd culture, but she was the sort of female Dan of the group, and she was well liked by everyone (and even had memes like swole bertha etc from holly's channel) until she vanished because she was caught gossiping about Dan and Holly to her theater crowd
Holly was liked because compared to Suzy, she seemed like the nicer, more talented person. She had lots of cool nerdy shit, she wasn't trying to pass off as a beauty and fashion guru, her love of birds was endearing, and she seemed like a talented cosplayer and someone who had notches in her belt due to HoC.
Anyone who learned of Holly because of GG (like me) didn't know anything about the previous HoC drama and just knew her as Ross' wife, the crafty, nerdy cosplayer. Especially since GG has few women as it is, it was easy to compare her to Suzy even unconsciously, so I feel like if we knew Holly separately without other women as comparisons, she wouldn't have been so popular as she was
Holly by herself would have amassed a small fanbase, I think. A lot of bird owners and fans, maybe uwu pastel tumblr folk, but even in her channel, her cosplay diminished drastically after her "PTSD" so she didn't even have much to show for that. Even crabcat, was barely showing her craft skills. Honestly Holly kept herself afloat by her past rather than her current work
No. 811327
>>811319>wasn't Suzy>seemed down to earth>"abuse survivor">not provocative>didn't seem to like relying on Ross' starpower to make a name for herself (that's why she didn't want to be called a grump at all)>relatively unusual pets (not that birds are THAT exotic, but they're different from the usual dogs and cats)>kept to herself when it came to drama >general grandma vibe made her stand out from most of the popular female youtubers>hot aussie husband>cool grandpaThis is all coming from someone relatively new to the threads, but as an ex-fan of hers.
She just gave off a vibe that was different from the Grumps, different from most Youtubers, even the low energy kind. She was very much into her own things, not the algorithm or the flavor of the month topics.
No. 811339
File: 1558571274557.jpg (104.34 KB, 887x835, kati.JPG)

>>811334yeah fans thought Kati and Dan were dating but Kati had to be like "no, I'm, a lesbian" in one of Holly's videos (don't remember which one)
the TL;DR is that Kati was staying at Holly's home and both Holly and Dan were supporting her acting career, even helping sponsor it I believe. Kati had a blog and she made this post that was super vague about making mistakes, about friendship, about forgiving oneself, etc, and she just disappeared from the channel, the social media, everything
I only know all this because I thought "damn where did she go" and looked up conspiracygrumps and rantgrumps
apologies for zoomed out screenshot but didn't want to split them, this is the most informative bit I've found tbh
No. 811342
>>811310>>811310It's sad when you break it down.
Can't act goofy with husband over a taco.
CAN defend a sex addicted pedo degenerate two-timer on Twitter to the detriment of her career.
No. 811343
>>811115It's just infinitely easier to sympathise with Heidi unless you're a bitter scrot or easily impressed by shit evidence or - maybe most understandably - biased because of your own experience with and attachments to these people.
This is a woman who exhausted every possibility to save her
abusive marriage while exhausting herself and making herself smaller and smaller, accepted defeat, went on a journey of self-discovery and reclaiming her life and when the final straw was reached in a public manner, defended her new-found pride like a lioness. Messy or too publicised or whatever, I can respect that.
She's cute, her big ol' nose is cute, she has a sweet smile and pretty eyes, she builds frigging little fairy house for wholesome fun and I just hope when all is said and done that she'll ride off into the sunset with a hot Levi cosplayer or some shit.
No. 811347
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No. 811349
File: 1558573097883.jpg (280.06 KB, 1072x1061, Screenshot_20190522-205621_Twi…)

idk what I'm doing with posts, but looks like she said Ross approved of being open? then deleted the tweet
No. 811350
File: 1558573319303.jpeg (847.39 KB, 1125x1698, DDF6B29D-48A5-408D-8EE7-D53B0B…)

Holly’s friend is still defending her and Jared on Reddit. I’m almost positive she was whiteknighting her here.
No. 811357
File: 1558574228809.jpeg (53.16 KB, 500x375, 21491F50-60F1-433A-A9BB-9C7603…)

>>811350So much for that stress-induced seizure.
No. 811365
File: 1558575007028.jpeg (296.68 KB, 1125x880, F6F06463-F658-488E-B77A-4D8C3C…)

>>811361She’s that Jessica. You can calm down now.
No. 811367
>>811361Your defense falls a bit flat as her username is literally PaganJessica.
It's that Jessica.
And dissenting is fine as long as you're not a dipshit and have actually read stuff. The anons shitting on Heidi so far have only done so using points that are already proven false, making strawmen, etc.
No. 811368
>>811366"I wasn't talking about the reddit posts"
Replies directly to a reddit post
No. 811381
>>811302Jesus, Holly seems like such a miserable person to be around. Maybe she was just playing up the "exasperated wife" thing for the camera but she seems so joyless.
Also this is a stupid question, but did Ross train himself out of his aussie accent? I can't even hear a hint of it.
No. 811418
File: 1558579698380.png (25.64 KB, 250x343, oneyprojared.PNG)

oney drew projared on his stream last night
No. 811427
>>811418this showed up on the front page and i said to myself "if this isn't fucking projared…" KEK I was right.
>>811420i sincerely think it was Jessica pretending to be Holly
No. 811441
>>811418I'm shocked about DAN being
triggering. Like he's like the sweetest guy on the planet, what the hell did HE do??
No. 811461
>>811449I'm confused, I didnt even know there were 2 different ones or where the other one even is on my keyboard… Is there a difference in use between the two?
Sage for retardation but also understanding why the person is using one and not the other if they didn't know there were two different keys
No. 811470
>>811461There's not only two, but 3! ', `, and ´. Derek seems to be using the 3rd one. Not sure about Jessica or the WKs are using.
` (2nd one listed above) is called a backtick and generally isn't used as an apostrophe, but is used to accent letters or something. Its to the left of the key for 1. Google backtick for better info.
The weird thing about ´ (fronttick) is that its hard to bring up unless you have a custom keyboard or something? There's no standard key for it. I don't know if Derek's phone defaults to it or what.
Or maybe the font is making it look weird to me and it turns out it was a normal apostrophe this whole time lmao
No. 811491
File: 1558593202064.jpg (72.05 KB, 500x500, heidoge 1.jpg)

Farmers, I'm so tired of the endless idiots reposting the "heidi cheated and got mad when jared cheated back" bullshit. So many people are reposting and regurgitating uninformed garbage. It's so frustrating. I'm a nobody, but I'm trying to stick up for Heidi where I can since I can really relate to her whole abusive relationship being coerced to let your partner fuck other people thing, but god, the ignorant people. I would suggest coming up with easily spreadable and funny memes that actually correct the wrong narrative, but I can't think of one that clearly explains it. Here's a dumb one I just did though. I can post the retarded heidoge template if other people want it.
No. 811493
File: 1558593789219.jpg (67.24 KB, 504x500, 31odub.jpg)

Here's one more dumb one.
No. 811494
File: 1558594652626.jpg (189.1 KB, 1015x975, trash witch.jpg)

>>811491>>811493I'm tempted to say those memes are kinda shitty, but they're nowhere near as shitty as Holly and Jared are.
No. 811496
File: 1558595001587.jpg (63.85 KB, 540x960, ugh.jpg)

>>811494I'm specifically trying to tap into that new age/new wave postmodern ironic thing since that's the route they're taking. Pic related, main one I saw being circulated. It's not even funny, at least I tried to put something that would induce a giggle in mine.
No. 811497
File: 1558595031593.png (563.3 KB, 500x487, birds.png)

>>811494Not that mine are better. Just wanted to call them scum again.
No. 811499
File: 1558595214679.png (66.66 KB, 500x400, Untitled-1.png)

>>811447>>811449>>811480 He's tweeting from an iPhone which uses "smart punctuation" aka curly apostrophes/quotation marks by default and they show up differently in Tweets than the grave accent the WK uses do.
No. 811570
File: 1558615163787.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1080, 37617065_2259985570954683_9162…)

>>811569ask and you shall receive
No. 811606
>>811570how i love you kek
i am so hoping this catches on
No. 811608
File: 1558623870449.png (88.91 KB, 213x193, 1543332954300.png)

>>811595KEK you absolute beast
No. 811610
File: 1558624007184.png (240.32 KB, 598x766, replyall.png)

Not a huge in-depth thing or anything, but ReplyAll (you may remember them from the TND episode they did months back) talks about the situation in their most recent "YesYesNo" episode where they basically break down and explain the pic related (top) tweet to their boss, who doesn't understand anything in the tweet.
No. 811617
>>811613"Yes, he did make poor choices like having sex and exchanging nudes with fans, but he has a sex addiction and i can totally save him!"
Speaking of which, someone mentioned him being aggressive in showing his dick, what do they mean? I thought the dick privilege was on snapchat, did he force people to look at his dick like "thought you were going to see a pic of my cute cat? GotCHA"? (Apologies as i am far removed from the dating scenes and ive never received dick picks lol)
No. 811623
File: 1558625950328.png (140.8 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20190523-111753.png)

Update on our forgotten 2000s scene queen, apparently someone made a video about her (probably a farmer since she only has like 10 people following her on twitter and i we're the only site that knows about her reawakening other than 10yo posts on deviantArt) and now shes making a big deal out of it but honestly shes probably loving all the attention.
No. 811624
File: 1558626192196.png (136.82 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20190523-111757.png)

The fact that this bitch is probably hiding from her manager in the diner's bathroom just to sperg about how she would've "preferred a quiet life" while simultaneously tweeting about Arin 24/7 and their has been friendship is honestly hilarious to me
No. 811626
File: 1558626395870.png (134.82 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20190523-114628.png)

Forgot first pic cus dumb
No. 811629
File: 1558626810469.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1125x1789, 109951BB-4893-45D8-8046-AACDEC…)

A good amount of the comments on Holly’s ig are kid ragging on her.
No. 811633
>>811629I'm not one to rag on how some girls can look, but DEAR LORD what is up with Holly's bangs???
Is she going a monk look or something? In fact her entire hairdo looks like a mess. I remember her having much better hair than this.
No. 811634
File: 1558627756321.png (86.89 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20190523-120135.png)

>>811629Her whole sympathy schtick is so pathetic and manipulative, the comments are sending me over the moon, she will probably dissapear for a few days and pull the "im tried killing myself on my birthday" card
No. 811641
File: 1558628763516.jpg (72.28 KB, 642x534, PSX_20190523_122405.jpg)

>>811636Shame, she looked like a better Ramona Flowers ripoff years ago and looked like she gave a damn.
No. 811647
>>811641She looks way better there at least comparing to
>>811629Her face is so wrong for that haircut, its so puffy and round and her nose too potato-y, im not one to judge but she should consider finding ways to style her hair ways that go along with her face/faceshape
No. 811654
>>811645Well, yes
If you're a homewrecker you should at least look like someone worth wrecking a home for, not a crossed eyed quasimodo with putty nose
No. 811661
>>811654The thing i dont get.
If she just from the start got honest with heidi.
And if she then said something like: Heidi and Jared relationship is not my responsability and i was transparent with Ross.
Then she would save her fucking career.
I mean I have one friend that wanted to bang the GF of another want. The GF also wanted to bang my friend.
So the three of them spoke before anything and everyone was happy after.
(blogpost) No. 811675
>>811661Because she wants to protect her cute manic pixie persona.
Cheating on your so and betraying your friend because you cant control yourself and make bad decisions? God no! It was because she started feeling something for Jared that NEVER FELT BEFORE and she needed to save him from that awful and
abusive relationship.
Have sex one drunken night and continue to do so for a while? GOD NO! Jared and her walked and then continue walking some more.
No. 811688
>>811680Fuck, and he has so much influence.
Why are men so easily manipulated?
No. 811694
>>811680who knew a person who is being manipulative isn't perceived of being manipulative by people who only know her on a surface level.
its kind of their shtick, I think it's telling enough when you look at the receipts and Holly is trying to convince Heidi that she did nothing wrong and "Heidi so beautiful and really its HERSELF that got stuff mixed up because of Jared and don't worry your pretty little head because your so
valid!!!" but since Heidi isn't lapping it up anymore and shit hit the van I guess Heidi was being
abusive all this time and Holly was saving Jared by telling Heidi she was… in her right to be upset?
No. 811697
>>811694right? like, that's
how abusers operate. They treat the abused like shit in private, but when in public, they cultivate their image to be that of a trustworthy, kind person. no one would ever suspect them, so when the abused person finally comes forward, the abuser has manipulated everyone around them so no one will believe that the abuser is capable of being so awful. The abused person isn't believed, the abuser gets away with it (and solidifies their 'good person' reputation,) and then continues/escalates the abuse in private to punish the abused person for trying to escape.
No. 811705
File: 1558637896920.png (40.53 KB, 576x328, Reactive Abuse.png)

Just wanted to add this.
What Holly & Jared are doing to Heidi is considered 'Reactive Abuse'
No. 811706
File: 1558638038991.png (47.33 KB, 582x406, Reactive Abuse1.png)

>>811705They're using other people's unfamiliarity to the situation to their advantage
No. 811721
File: 1558640109035.jpeg (Spoiler Image,374.67 KB, 1125x849, E7533F21-A13A-44E1-848F-FFC060…)

mental health advocates
No. 811732
>>811705Part of Jared and Holly’s story is that Jared went behind Heidi’s back
because Heidi was so
abusive and controlling and he had no choice but to seek ~healing~ and affection elsewhere. However all evidence we’ve seen of Heidi being “
abusive” is clearly in direct reaction to Jared sneaking around, his lack of communication and his gaslighting.
Holly has shown she has no qualms about posting screenshots of private messages and Heidi’s private FB that paint Heidi in a bad light. So where is all the evidence of Heidi being an
abusive spouse prior to Jared unleashing his wandering wang upon the world? Or are they claiming that Jared’s distress at being outed for cheating on his wife rippled backwards through time and caused him to cheat on his wife?
No. 811747
>>811722The milk is flowing too fastlord
>>809359>>811570next thread pic?
No. 811756
>>811701The pedo nudes come from an allegation by one transexual dude on tumblr, she posted receipts only of Jared sharing nudes but never nothing that proved Jared knew her age or that Jared was soliciting specifically underage nudes. It never occur to Ms troon to come out with that until now and she deleted her social media info.
Heidi probably saw those nudes and high fived Jared.
(ban evasion) No. 811768
File: 1558645117793.jpg (721.15 KB, 1000x1122, HollyConradirl.jpg)

Here's a pic for the next thread, in case you need one.
No. 811788
File: 1558647118647.png (207.86 KB, 572x406, HeidiDrankWine.png)

>"and drinking white zinfandel."
What was the point of adding this detail?
No. 811794
File: 1558647533376.png (65.33 KB, 572x508, HeidiDrankWineOMG.png)

>>811788…Oh nevermind, it was a piss-poor attempt to make Heidi look either flippant or devious by
drinking an alcoholic beverage after a long & emotionally stressful day
No. 811795
spends a decade stalking you and responding to every post you make about how you should be with her and your current gf is a pale imitation of your glory.Also girl: lol its cause im a sagittarius uwu
Nah nigga its cause youre insane.
No. 811873
>>811716I think this was the reaction Heidi expected anyways. All of Jared's powerful contacts would go up to bat and defend him along side bird girl. I think the win is that individuals who fell
victim to his sexual and emotional manipulation got a little peace of mind with Heidi coming forward. And of course this is the most important piece of the puzzle. Neckbeards wanted to be angry Jared gave up a hot girl for a less hot girl and when they found out she might have had other relationships they became outraged. They never cared about Heidi, the pedo allegations or Jared manipulating fans. It was always about what happened with the hot girl.
Pewds is a fucking cancer and my niece stopped watching his shit when she turned 11. I'm sure he has a shelf life.
No. 811894
File: 1558653603499.jpg (118.2 KB, 468x248, bc9c1abb952ec76ff.jpg)

>>810556>>811357>>811196Holy shit I know we're not supposed to medfag BUT there's so much wrong here lmao. The criteria that needs to be met to call something a seizure absolutely wild and can sometimes take weeks of both brainwave and 24 hour video monitoring and even then you may not ever catch one happening. Unless she was already hooked up to an EEG at the time of her event and then had that specific clip of her brainwaves reviewed by a neuro-related medical professional and the let's call it 'specific pattern of electrical discharge' a seizure produces lasted for a minimum amount of time, literally you couldn't call it a seizure. And even if they did catch you having one real seizure, they would probably need to keep you on long-term in patient monitoring to see if it happens again before actually doing anything about it. Stress can be a real
trigger for seizures, but again to prove it they'd have to hook you up and stress you out (in her case idk reading twitter or this thread) to see if another one happened – but I've never actually seen this work.
They may not even send you for an EEG unless you had multiple of these episodes (or if you injured yourself during). And even if you got an EEG after the fact, they wouldn't be able to tell that you had a seizure previously – at most you may see a very very minimal version of that specific pattern occur where they could say "
well, this person may be more likely to have a seizure, but it's no guarantee that they will or won't in the future".
It'd be like having your heart-rate temporarily increase from anxiety and then running to the internet to say "
guise I had a heart attack!!!", except that'd be even easier because at least your heart shows the sign of having a heart attack afterwards, your brain doesn't. She likely just had a panic attack or at most a pseudoseizure (aka Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures). We have to use the big long version of the term because patients who are faking seizures don't like to be told they're faking seizures. (Fun bonus fact, if you're in the hospital and they're having an "event" one of the easiest ways to tell if it's a real seizure vs a pseudoseizure if they're not hooked up is to lift their arm above their face and drop it. If it's a real seizure they will have no control over their body and their arm will hit them in the face. If it's a pseudoseizure they will instinctually move their arm out of the way). She probably just heard the "seizure" part and ignored all the parts beforehand where they said it was "[NOT A REAL] seizure" OR a doctor talked to her, ordered an MRI and when that came back with nothing probably said "idk maaaybe you had a seizure but there's no way to tell now. I'll send the order for an EEG and then they can tell if maybe it'll happen again or not based on this one extrememly small window of time". The only reason they would send a person with a first time neuro-related episodes for an MRI is if they had no idea at all what was happening and just had to throw all the tests at the wall at once. You would not send someone you suspected of having a seizure to an MRI, because again, the brain doesn't show signs of a seizure other than the time before during and after it happening. An EEG is literally the only way to diagnose a seizure for sure.
>TL;DR she fakin, diagnosing a seizure requires ultra-specific criteria, there's no way a doctor would tell her she had a seizure because it's basically impossible to prove after the fact. Brainwave patterns are the ONLY way to prove a seizure is real or not, you can't just describe what happened and call it a seizure. Patients with real seizures often have to be hooked up for days/weeks on end with 24hr video monitoring to be reviewed by a neurologist to even catch one. If she ever spoke to any real medical professional they would diagnose her with bein a big fat baby who needs to stay off twittersource: an EEG tech stare who stares at seizures all day. I've had a food tray thrown at me by a patient being told they have pseudoseizures and not real ones by a doctor and they need to go to a therapist and not a neurologist (aka they can't get disability or benzos, or whine about it on twitter). If I get banned for medfagging, at least I'll go down knowing Jessica can't throw a food tray at me over the internet.
No. 811896
>>811886classic narc thought process. only when she didn't get her way, someone else is the problem.
>>811768Next thread pic PLEASE
No. 811910
>>811894>”If I get banned for medfagging, at least I'll go down knowing Jessica can't throw a food tray at me over the internet.”KEK
Holly and her friends all love to armchair diagnose themselves like a medical circle jerk. It’s really fucking prevalent online, especially on tumblr
repost because I forgot to sage
No. 811928
File: 1558657448455.jpeg (111 KB, 705x960, cucktherine.jpeg)

idk if this was posted before but someone sent me this today. top kek.
No. 811936
File: 1558658859051.png (24.58 KB, 580x326, HCminion.png)

Holly & her minions are insufferable af
No. 811941
File: 1558659586636.png (53.56 KB, 452x542, HC1.png)

>>811930ikr? You'd think these 'Mental Health uwu' types wouldn't complain about someone 'freaking out' & accuse someone of being a narcissist off the bat…
No. 811944
File: 1558659918804.jpg (105.23 KB, 887x433, ross.JPG)

one of ross' reddit comments about how he met holly (there was a polaris video but I can't seem to find it)
in one of holly's Q&A videos she mentions how he proposed, he'd animated himself proposing and snuck it at the end of the trolls 2 movie which they'd invited friends over to watch
sageing for non milk just digging through past videos and comments to depress myself cause I used to think they were cute nerdy goals
No. 811946
File: 1558660093265.png (12.92 KB, 582x104, UFKCIN.PNG)

I'm cackling so hard, like I wonder what her SJW mental health advocate friends think of her new wave of supporters being Pewdiepie fans?
No. 811955
>>811949Let’s be real, Holly’s fans think telling someone to go away is
abusive. There’s no way they know the proper definition of gaslighting.
No. 811960
>>811768Vote for next thread OP. This is perfect.
>>811788Every tweet holly does makes her look worse. So bitter and pathetic tbh. Let Heidi live, bitch. You slept with her husband!
No. 811961
>>811944(repost because typo)
Goddamn, I don't know how many times I can say poor Ross but geez.
If I found a guy that did all that for me, I'd never let him go. Holly didn't appreciate a good man when she had him and now she's falling all over a sociopath.
No. 811965
>>811944>>811961Anon i dont need this kind of sadness rn.
Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with her, hes the ideal nerdy, cute and romantic guy.
Sage because sad, angry and envious
No. 811967
File: 1558661930303.png (17.05 KB, 574x160, RewiredSouless.png)

>>811680Pewds isn't the only one who ended up siding with Jared & Holly…
No. 811968
>>811964This was just posted, anon….
>>811680 might wanna delete
No. 811970
File: 1558662096840.png (46.89 KB, 444x478, HollyMorons.png)

ffs I just can't anymore with these morons
No. 811971
>>811946>>811967Gg everyone, Holly successfully rewrote the narrative. All she needed was pewdiepie to buy her shit and now his 90 million brain dead fans (plus every other YouTuber. They all eat pewds shit gladly) are on her side. Holly good Heidi bad, pedojared will soon be redeemed too.
Fuck this gay earth. There is no justice.
No. 811974
>>811971Now all she and Jared have to do is stay quiet….
….buuuut we all know they won’t stay quiet and will probably release another statement by the weekend
No. 811976
File: 1558662690743.jpg (270.66 KB, 690x388, Catherine-Full-Body.jpg)

>>811928Ha! No way, Holly/Jared wish this was accurate. This implies that HOLLY was the smokin sexpot succubus who was so irresistible how could anyone NOT cheat on their uptight smothering wife with her?! When really it's more like Jared cheated on his hot wife Katherine with….a dumpier version of Katherine who somehow wears even more clothes and is married to another man and talks to birds about how she has no libido. (The Kathrine/Heidi comparison works well though. I bet she'll cosplay her after this, kek).
No. 811977
>>811768Vote for next thread pic
Also at least Heidi was expecting this kind of thing to happen. She knows that she didn't as much clout as Jared and Holly, but she finally feels free and safe. She's got nothing to prove to internet jackoffs.
No. 811981
File: 1558664148665.png (14.06 KB, 780x144, wut1.png)

Yikes, don't read any Youtube comments on the matter. Some real galaxy-brains out there…
No. 811984
>>811981>>811982It seems like most of these morons are trying to convince everyone that Heidi
forced Jared into the whole polyamory thing,
he was the one who got uncomfortable with it (SO uncomfortable with it that he got with another woman - wtf?) And Holly is the real hero because she is nice to people or something…?
…And "Umm, well, Heidi didn't DENY lashing out at Holly when she found out so… ABUSER!!!"
No. 811985
File: 1558665051779.png (955.15 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190523-213029.png)

Holly's insta story
No. 811986
File: 1558665074800.png (53.75 KB, 584x486, thank you2.png)

Okay, enough of Holly & Jared's yes-men, time for some sanity.
No. 811987
File: 1558665190345.png (43.72 KB, 578x362, thank you3.png)

>>811986I just love watching these delusional fucks get shut down
No. 811995
>>811984Holy shit! Pewds is totally right. Poor Jared was so reluctant he sent his penis to a shit load of fans and had random sex at cons with several women over the years. He was so reluctant he fucked a bird and convinced said bird to move closer to him. Heidi, that fucking cunt probably paid Holly for the move all so she could take her anger out on poor little Holly.
>>811967>word of godKill me.
>>811987>moment he finds another girl to fuckyes, many in fact. Have these complete morons forgotten that Jared has tons of women coming off about him sending nudes to anything with a hole? One mention of "she let me" and suddenly all these accusations coming out have merged into just Heidi being a vengeful bitch.
The rage! I don't even think Heidi was completely innocent and, like most troubled relationships, added a bit of abuse on her end. The extent of his fucking around on her and attempt to black list her was more apparent than coming forward and having wine like a cunt.
No. 812000
File: 1558666722464.jpeg (105.04 KB, 643x820, 1542641179142.jpeg)

>>811894Yo what
>>811987So if someone gets followers for calling out an
abusive piece of shit, they turn into the villain of the story? It's like these people can't get into basic logic.
No. 812005
>>811981How is it even possible to be this retarded? If Jared was really "uncomfortable" with it then he wouldn't have been the one constantly pushing the boundaries of the relationship. I definitely don't see how wanting to be monogamous would push poor innocent Jared into fucking someone he and his wife had lots of personal and professional connections with.
I feel like that's the part that keeps getting overlooked here, Holly and Ross were extremely close to Jared and Heidi. Jared fucked and swapped nudes with many women and it can't be understated how shitty that is, especially given that some of them were minors. However, when it comes to their respective marriages Holly and Jared hooking up was a massive betrayal. Holly's not just some rando and that really contributes to how disgusting this whole situation is.
No. 812006
File: 1558667977666.png (33.26 KB, 582x258, srsly.png)

>How is it even possible to be this retarded?More so than we think it seems…
No. 812009
File: 1558668310750.png (266.43 KB, 594x438, srsly1.png)

No. 812016
File: 1558669750816.png (34.73 KB, 570x362, why.png)

Like I said, some real galaxy-brains out here…
No. 812017
File: 1558669941645.png (18.67 KB, 580x170, wow1.png)

didn't I think it could get more retarded?
No. 812022
>>812017>>812019i feel like this needs to be x-posted to the pink pill thread because this is some INSANE scrot 'logic.'
Wtf, making Jared the
victim is seriously too much. Heidi did nothing wrong in this situation. She did not CHEAT or lie or hide a second phone with nudes on them.
No. 812029
>>812021>>812024Man, they are
really springing out of the woodwork lately huh?
It's almost like they're desperately trying to control the narrative of something…
No. 812034
>>812021>>812024Man, they are
really springing out of the woodwork lately huh?
It's almost like they're desperately trying to control the narrative of something…
No. 812037
>>812021>>812024Man, they are
really springing out of the woodwork lately huh?
It's almost like they're desperately trying to control the narrative of something…
No. 812055
>>812052Because they're trying to drive home that
they're the
victim of all of this & simultaneously pretending that they're trying to 'move on' from the situation.
No. 812071
>>811985She got her "begin again" after pewdiepie' army of 10 year olds started harassing Heidi.
I hope one of her birds shit on her head.
No. 812074
File: 1558679803501.jpg (25.47 KB, 720x708, 56892253_819069965142885_28869…)

>>812068He's a piece of shit, and always has been, what the fuck are you on about? Shitty uninformed keemstar tier videos on drama aside, he's got a history built on rape jokes, antisemitism, literally calling someone a nigger… his content is full of alt-right/mra dog whistle bullshit – when have you ever seen someone who spouts the RESPEK WAMEN meme actually not be a misogynistic fuckhead? It took a literal terrorist saying "subscribe to Pewdiepie" before shooting up a mosque for him to even acknowledge how that ongoing joke had become a vehicle for hate. And if that's not enough for you, worst of all, he's not even fucking funny.
No. 812075
File: 1558680541223.png (458.75 KB, 514x476, dont be racist be like pewdiep…)

>>812068Was this post copy-pasted from a YouTube video comment section?
Did you read any preceding comments in this thread, or did you just see someone being mean about Pew Die Pie and feel the need to respond with an equally unfunny, embarrassing equivalent to pic related?
The GG thread sure is attracting all sorts of roaches, goddamn.
No. 812077
File: 1558680776587.png (783.18 KB, 640x700, vdisappointed.png)

No. 812121
For fuck's sake, he was her
husband. Not wanting him to rail bribbean isn't possessive red flag behavior.