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No. 866222
ProJared/Holly Conrad/DCA/GG: “The Wife Strikes Back" Edition
Last Time on “The Ballad of PedoJared and his sidekick, Hoelly”
>Jared’s new Incel/MRA fanbase prove once and for all that they’re all Jared, 19, never learned how to fucking read - and continue to harass Heidi after their lord and savior asked them NOT to do that
>Sara the Therapist proved that you can, in fact, be dumber than a box of rocks
>said texts confirm that Ross may have been okay with Holly sleeping with another woman, but that she had NO IDEA if he’d be okay with her and another man, let alone his friend
>texts confirm that Holly and Jared were pursuing the idea of a relationship before they even brought the idea up to Ross, blowing the “Ross knows!” theory out of the water
>Jared Stans insist this could have been avoided if Heidi hadn’t “forced” Jared to stay in the marriage
>Holly begins marketing a clothing line full of terms from the drama, including “Cancelled”
>She one-ups the stupidity by marketing it, using Jared as “the man of mystery”
>Everyone loses their shit about it - Trash Coven gets MAJOR blowback
>Heidi livestreams things from her point of view, with it being hosted on Jared’s twitch (though this is likely an accident rather than a purposeful move)
>livestream mentions that Jared & Holly's affair began as a real life DnD roleplay, to the point of them commissioning NSFW art of Diath/Strix and wanting to sleep with each other while in costume
> also mentions possibility that there is potentially a secret DCA account that is used to commission NSFW art of the various charactersImage Credit:
>>865914Thread Credit:
>>866197Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>861615Character Descriptions and Stats:
Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)>Heidi accuses Jared of threatening legal action if she speaks up. Unfortunately Heidi casts “Absorb Elements” just like she did for his initial divorce statement. Jared takes an extra 1d6 damage on her next melee attack. Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 10
Luck: none
Charisma: send noOds
Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (current power-level):
>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Claims to have not cheated on her ex-husband despite his refusal to make one comment about the situation in her defense>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread though>Compared Etika’s suicide, a popular black YouTuber, to her own suicidal ideation by showcasing they both received clown emojis as “bullying.” >Suffers backlash from the black community, Etika’s fans and Twitter>After being called out for taking advantage of a person’s suicide, Holly infamously deflects criticism by tweeting, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”Strength: uwu
Dexterity: uwu
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 100
Luck: ran out
Charisma: clown emoji
Holly Conrad’s Previous Stats:
>Holly is a “talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community”, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to her grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingFor More On Holly Conrad:
>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL)Strength: uwu
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 17
Stamina: 22
Luck: 100
Charisma: Not Suzy
Heidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>Non-lewd cosplayer, talented craftsman and elf >Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth>Has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all time>Married to Jared Pedodick Knobslob>Was in a poly relationship with Jared>Claims Holly was the reason it didn’t work out >Outed Jared’s infidelity and set twitter ablaze>Working on her current divorce and perhaps a defamation against Holly Conrad for trying to claim she had BPD and that psychologists have deemed her “unfixable” >Has started to become more vocal on that drama since Holly’s Etika sperg>Claims emotional abuse by Jared and gas lighting, and also seems to insinuate her enjoyment of sex has decreased>Blocks overtly sexual cosplays because of the ProJared controversy >Currently living alone in a new home and trying to start up her business and craft in a way to support herself>Accuses Holly of being vindictive enough to have done everything in her power to end her marriage and happiness Strength: 90
Dexterity: 71
Intellect: 82
Stamina: 64
Luck: 20
Charisma: Zinfandel
Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth>In direct contact with Holly Conrad Flying Monkey Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Normal Boots: Expanded Universe:
**Game Grumps
Previous GG Threads:**
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTSuzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being her BEST FRIEND despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.Game Grumps:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: Dice, Camera, Action:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action: Under “Other”:
Ross O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: from Mods:
>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 866231
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>It's like some split personality bullshit where she IS Strix and Strix IS Holly.
Well this is what she put on her official website as a profile picture…
She deleted the whole website for some reason.
No. 866262
>>866249not only that but her entire behavior changes too. She used to be the asexual, pastel queen that doesn't swear and doesn't really discuss saucy topics and is uwu pure, when she had the pink hair and was with Ross, and was cutesy and was a cute birb lady.
now she's sassy, ~calls people out, makes shitty merch shading situations, is clearly thinking with her horny lizard brain especially with commissioning NSFW artwork, etc. Like her entire self just changes on a whim, but it's nice to know she's still a shallow insecure manipulative bitch, no matter what character skin she's got equipped lol.
No. 866283
>>866280Or, I don't know, end their relationships like fucking adults? Catching feels happens, especially if you connect with your characters for whatever reason. But like, get a divorce because things changed and move on with life.
If they'd just have gone about things like adults, there might have been some side-eye about it but that's it. It was their cheating and refusal of responsibility that ruined their lives. (And also Jared's other indiscretions, but not the point I'm making here.)
No. 866299
>>866296It's because the Jared Stans view things as very black and white - You either believe Jared or you believe Heidi, never a little of both.. You can't say "I disagree with how Heidi handled it initially, but I support her doing what she needs to move on" because to them, that's taking attention away from jared and as good as you saying that you hate him.
It's honestly some bullshit playground "me or them" mentality.
No. 866300
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You don't have to "assert your dominance" over the world's worst font. You could always just….not use it.
(tinfoil but do you think they're bringing up the font because holly/kayla follow this thread and we just mentioned it yesterday?)
No. 866309
>>866301Their justification for this crap is probably "If
they can do it, then I can too! D:< "
No. 866312
>>866311There's literally stans spewing the "Well….Jared has PROOF of Heidi being emotionally
abusive! She doesn't have proof of him doing it therefor it didn't happen!"
Like, they simply don't understand that you typically CAN'T proof emotional abuse - or that a good chunk of the time, you won't even know it
was emotional abuse until later on, so you wouldn't have thought to record it in any way.
No. 866317
>>866312Most of them can't fathom the idea that Jared and Heidi were literally legally bonded through marriage and together for eight years. They think the LARPing Holly and Jared did for a year while they were both married somehow means more.
Most of the abuse that went on can't be proven. It happened behind closed doors and in person. I don't know why these idiots can't process they lived together and most important talks between them would happen face to face.
No. 866330
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Holly really does need help.
This bit here
>>863779 where she describes turning off her empathy as a result of trauma, falls under the criteria of a few disorders. I'm avoiding arm-chairing, I just find it interesting that her own statements about herself damn her. Especially since she doesn't seem aware or concerned with finding healthier coping mechanisms and achieving growth.
It's like she's just accepted and even excused herself from mistakes she makes and doesn't care to try to avoid making the same ones in the future. Wouldn't a therapist give her tools to improve her coping skills? It seems like her only goals are shielding herself from critiques (even helpful ones) and personal fulfillment. The second thing isn't a bad thing in itself but she doesn't seem to care about the cost of any of her choice and how they impact others.
People with these qualities are a threat to society and a threat to themselves, at least emotionally. Which is even more alarming when she tries to act as a role model for others with mental illness. Seems like a recipe for disaster. From what I gather, her mental health Mondays are like having group therapy but with no professional to lead. Very ill advised.
Look at her lack of empathy about Etika's suicide. She seems to have given not 1 single shit over the man himself, she just saw his death as a vehicle for gaining sympathy. It was emotionally opportunistic.
If Jared thinks Heidi was bad, he better prepare himself for the mental dumpsterfire that is Holly Conrad.
No. 866338
> "Wouldn't a therapist give her tools to improve her coping skills?"Yep. After figuring out what the problem is, that's the first thing a therapist does - give you tools to cope with and potentially even FIX the problem entirely.
> "Look at her lack of empathy about Etika's suicide."I'm still VERY surprised that she didn't bring it back up when MatPat started trending for that same thing recently.
No. 866340
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holly's back at it again with her "social media self-harming" but this time she's following people who openly (and popularly) called her out on her nonsense
No. 866341
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>>866340here's the initial tweet this person made about holly
No. 866392
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>>866340Maybe it's just me but this comes across as very, very nefarious. Just the passive aggressiveness of someone you openly criticize following you seems very.. targeted? Murdery? "have their eyes on me"?
She reminds me of the horribly slow murderer with the extremely inefficient weapon aka the spoon killer, she just follows you eternally, slowly killing you with her mental trauma spoon
No. 866398
>>866392I think she's just leaving little 'hints' for her stans;
"This is the post, right here!"
No. 866414
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>>866340She's not the only one either.
No. 866450
>>866429In the roughly five hours since you posted your first message to when you posted this, you could have easily gone through the stream yourself. The farmers here aren't going to do your legwork for you.
>>866431If any farmers are really dumb enough to leave behind evidence that can link to their personal accounts, that's on them. The whole point of us all talking as Anons here is to keep that from happening.
>>866440That's because, for the most part, the GG are presenting a united front. Jared only goes after those who seem to be speaking as one person because you can easily threaten one person with a lawsuit for hurting his 'uwu feefees'. It's a lot harder to convince a judge that it's an entire group of people unfairly criticizing you.
No. 866461
>>866440The grumps' actions only make the BOOHOO POOR JARED AND HOLLY ARE THE REAL
VICTIMS narrative more obviously false. They know everyone involved, especially the guy who's been quietest about the whole shitshow. They presumably have the most complete picture of what happened, and they're siding against Jared. Telling.
No. 866488
>>866461Same can be said of SuperMega.
They teased Jared a lot during all this and even mentioned he contacted them and got their videos demonitized.
The only person close to Ross that flipped on this was Jirard and that shows where his loyalty lies.
No. 866493
>>866488Wow, Jared's a petty asshole.
Also yeah, never thought Jirard was that much of a coward. Kind of explains his old beef with Greg to me now, tbh.
No. 866529
>>866416it was an anon post here that started it:
>>860477>Am I going insane or did Jared openly admit to jerking off to child pornography in his video? And people are just cool with that? Like regardless of whatever bullshit excuse, he confirmed that he received multiple nude photos of a minor and that’s somehow not where the discussion is the transcript of the stream: he doesn't say outright that he jacked it to the photos, it was just an anon incredulous that no one seemed to care that he
a. apparently used the photos from his blog as fap material (not sure the direct source on this, might have been before the stream)
b. admitted to receiving underage photos of fans, but that "it wasn't his fault" because he asked first.
So no, I don't think he actually said the words verbatim, but it's not hard to put two and two together.
No. 866538
>>866529I was actually referring to the recap in the OP of the previous thread
>>861615 which says
>Jared gains $6000 in a twitch stream where he admits to jacking off to Charlie’s nudes, but it’s okay apparently because he THOUGHT they were legaland I don't know where that came from exactly
No. 866540
>>866531That's the thing.
Everyone close to Ross (except Jirard) won't even acknowledge Jared OR Holly
No. 866548
>>866540She probably accused them all of abuse when they laughed at her for crying at a sushi restaurant.
Somewhat related, PJ2 is sperging out because RantGrumps isn't licking Jared's taint. Now they are going over there and downvoting anyone on the Subreddit that thinks Jared is an opportunistic sex addicted pig. Yesterday the RantGrumps post on Reddit was filled with people discussing how gross Holly and Jared were for trying to profit off of this mess and there was a pretty overwhelming consensus. Now posts there have a lot less upvotes than yesterday and the PJ2 mod wiklr (Hi!!) is trying to fight people there. Sure showing people what a great community Jared has!!
No. 866552
>>866548Jared said himself "Look at both sides & come to
your own conclusions."
They are coming to their own conclusions…
No. 866560
>>866540I completely lost all respect for Jirard after he back-pedalled on his statement. Apparently he donated in Jared's stream as well?
I can imagine Ross saying it's nothing to do with him anymore and just being chill because that's the type of person he is.. at least he can rely on GG and the Supermega boys.
No. 866563
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No. 866564
>>866560He donated money to sexual abuse
victims and then donated money to a man who takes advantage of his audience for his own sexual gratification. He completely shit on any good will he put out there.
No. 866569
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>>866564Exactly. What a hypocrite.
Jirard - does this statement not apply to the fans who were taken advantage of through Jared's abuse of power? What happened to 'nor will I ever condone any of these actions'?
Just makes me feel like Jirard is at it too tbh.
No. 866598
>>866597>>866594yep, gotcha, i missed it. Thought it was one of those times like "POOR JON GOT DROPPED BY HIS FRIENDS, WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!!". my bad.
tbh i think the explanation is pretty simple: they care about Jared and they choose to believe him. I mean, look at PBG, the guy straight up jumped at Heidi's throat because he was conviced (possibly STILL) she was being a bitch airing their dirty laundry online. He obviously cares for Jared.
Which is grosser than secret blackmailing plots.
No. 866603
>>866598Well that really is disappointing, but not surprising.
>>866599Ah ok. It just seemed a bit too coincidental when JonTron was caught making those comments, unless I have my memory mixed up or something.
Either way, I still thought Jirard and the rest of NormalBoots would have a lot more integrity, but ah well, can't harp on it too much since I can't truly speak on their private lives.
No. 866635
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I really hope this isn’t real. Imagine getting a tattoo inspired by someone you look up to, just for them to turn out to be an awful person.
No. 866664
>>866538My bad, sorry anon. It might have come from here?
>>860741 and
No. 866706
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Isn’t she the one who was flipping the fuck out less than two days ago because it was storming?
No. 866707
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I take it back - she and Jared must’ve gotten into an argument because she’s back on the “woe is me, let me pretend to care about suicidal people” shit again
No. 866712
>>866710Me saying Holly only mentions mental health when she can play a wounded
victim is tinfoil now? Or me pointing out that Heidi saw the same
abusive patterns between Jared/Holly that she experienced herself is tinfoil?
Okay, pj2 - should I have said that she was upset that no one wants to buy her hideous clothing that’s trying to profit off of this situation?
No. 866726
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No. 866734
>>866729The fact that she needed to tell him that in stream rather than in a text or a phone call said everything - He's (probably) again withholding attention, so she did the "uwu woe is me" retweets. That's her M.O.
>>866732As they should. You don't get to say "Heidi did this to get attention - she got X amount of followers!" and then turn around and do the same shit, but worse, because you were doing it for financial reasons.
No. 866738
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fun fact: "Change the world to be with the one you love" does NOT mean fucking your boytoy because his dick is apparently made of gold and limited time only rather than just waiting until you've both divorced your respective spouses first.
No. 866741
>>866738Wow. Holly is going to have a
bad time if this is what she thinks 'love' is.
No. 866742
>>866741Holly is going to have a bad time regardless - She defended a dude who was accused of pedophilia (including sending said minor's contact information to the guy accused of pedophilia), She lied about her husband being aware that she was trying to fuck the world's weirdest dick while said dick was still married to someone else, she claims to be a mental health advocate and then proudly declares someone else to be unfixable.
She dug herself one hell of a hole. Good luck digging your way out, Hoelly.
No. 866744
>>866564He is literally a piece of a shit for his actions and i hope he's cancelled for it by a lot of fans of the completionist.
>>866566Yeah, it sucks. I used to watch some of his videos too as background stuff while i did work. It's like all these creeps are being exposed by their actions and replies to the Propedo scandal.
No. 866745
> "It's like all these creeps are being exposed by their actions and replies to the Propedo scandal."It makes you wonder if they've stopped and thought that by defending ProPedo, they're effectively damaging their own careers and reputation - not to mention that if it DOES eventually come out that he's been full of shit this entire time, they'll have to live with the knowledge that they defended a creep who solicited nudes from minors.
I don't care if they're a friend or not - That's some creepy shit that should NOT be supported.
No. 866746
>>866729she's gonna lose her mind when Jared gets sick of her mentally ill ass and leaves her. She was only there because she was a thrill and men love that excitement of cheating when they're doing the chase, but once they're caught, they usually leave the side ho.
Do you guys think he'll leave Holly by end of this year?
No. 866781
>>866773I get you folks hate on anything not Heidi, but..this is literally how couples (and even close friends) talk to each other. Then again, I doubt most people here has ever had a bf/gf or good relationship you can just say random shit to.
Nitpick something else.
No. 866783
>>866781Nah, my significant other would already know that I ordered a 5 pound bag of "gummy butterflies" in the mail. I would have told them probably BEFORE I ordered it.
Not wait to mention it in a stream. You know, when he's working. This honestly just proves they aren't living together yet, which is giving Holly tons of anxiety.
No. 866784
>>866781It actually reminds me of Lainey leaving comments in Onision's stream because he ignores her texts. There have been times you hear his phone vibrate on stream then he glances at it and does nothing until Lainey finally pops in.
Holly and Lainey have quite a bit in common so I can see their relationships having the same dynamics. The whole "I want to suffer and date douchebags so I can play the eternal
victim" schtick. I mean, her clothing designs are the biggest example of her milking her
victim card dry. I guess Ross didn't manipulate and humiliate her enough to keep her interested like Jared.
No. 866857
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Looks like Hoelly's follower count is dropping again - could be the reason for the Return of the "Look how sad and depressed I am" photo
No. 866859
>>866858Can't wait to see who she's going to call unfixable and
abusive this time!
No. 866866
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>>866859Knowing her mindset lately, she'll throw herself on the sword "I know I have struggled with mental illness and have acted inappropriately in the past" just so that her fan(s) can rush over and assure her with asspats that she's done nothing wrong. She is the epitome of Jean Ralphio's sister in Parks & Rec
No. 866890
>>866888Even now people are being nice to suzy only as a contrast to holly. That's the female experience foe you.
Heidi has her faults (personally, i wouldn't be surprised if it turned out she knew more about the shitshow that she's letting on) but cmn, holly is hilariously trashy without the comparisons lol
No. 866907
>>866902gab is a horrendous social climber who only kisses ass to get what she wants. She was going to move with her husband back to the Netherlands to "start a family" and settle down, a month later she divorced her husband (who she has been with since like 2006) and about a month after that was sleeping with Jacksepticeye who had also recently dumped his gf Signe terribly. They officially state they dated later, but tweets, mentions and putting pieces together show there was more to it than just coincidence. She has said racist shit about japanese people on video (that they constantly make grammatical errors bc of course, japan people hurr durr, and she often makes stereotypical racist japanese accents). She has seriously taken an anachan turn with very low calorie intake (for her size, since she's tall), talks about it on tweets etc but then goes and posts pictures of junk food/fattening food she apparently eats. She is also one of those insecure "not like other girls" because she is often jealous/snarky towards other women (and has made comments about women being overweight), it's like prettier, more femme girls are a threat to her cause she often makes "jokes". She was going to PAX (paid for by Sean), and at the same time opened a donation bowl for PAX (supposedly for travel/lodging but turns out it was just fun money to spend for random shit). She gets so many things bought by Sean it's insane, she is definitely enjoying his money and status (hanging out with pewdiepie and marzia, meeting troy baker and nolan north, and ryan reynolds, etc). She also compared her "haters" to flat earthers kek because she can't take criticism.
Generally gab salt has always been around but because she's a smaller presence she didn't get much. She knew how scummy suzy was and she still pursued a friendship with her and used to beg for attention on twitter. Ofc they ignored her at the time. But because Gab knew Quiet's model, a Dutch model living in Japan, when arin and suzy had their big MGS phase they traveled to Japan as usual and met the model Stephanie, and Gab asked her to tell them to follow her. Ever since they followed her on twitter and she latched on to Suzy and now they are "bffs" and "wives". Her big blowup was dating jacksepticeye which as I mention has super shady origins from both of them.
apologies for the only semi related post so i'm sageing
No. 866913
>>866910jack and gab had been talking for ages on twitter, jack donated on streams and they'd met at events, before both their separations. In one of jack's tours he was at the netherlands and some fans saw them the morning after and it was like outside gab's house cause she was there and it became a big conspiracy. Keep in mind gab was vagueposting on twitter about him and they were meeting up before they announced their togetherness. They publicly said it started around January I think? But even Jack can't keep his story straight.
there is no "hard evidence" they fucked before they both split from their respective partners but the timelines are really fuzzy when you put all the pieces together, combined with suzy talking up gab to jack, and gab suddenly divorcing a very longterm relationship that seemed to be fine. Her ex Pyke is a very sweet guy who doesn't get into drama or anything, a few days before the divorce he had even gotten her gifts, but if you saw streams on his channel with gab, she was mentally checked out of the marriage a long time ago, and it's obvious cause she looks like she would rather be anywhere else than there. Also she confirmed it was her that initiated the divorce.
I used to watch gab bc of her scary japanese game videos. Way before she met Sinow etc. She got into those crowds because of John Wolfe (harshly critical) and was with sinow, mangaminx etc. She's kinda pushed all those aside now that she has "better" people to hang out with.
No. 866932
>>866781The context of the relationship makes it look creep, who it is and who they are doing it too makes it odd and try hard.
If I saw this happening with another couple or two people, without Projared & Holly's background, I wouldn't blink an eye about it. It's just not a big deal.
I watch plenty of streamers who SO's come in the chat and say similar shit. It's not crazy.
But it becomes weird because of the situation and the people, IMO.
Like nothernlion's wife says shit like this all the time, or Jerma's GF in the chat.
but it's gross, needy & telling that Holly is doing it because of all we know whats going on with them.
No. 866950
>>866932It honestly just reads like Holly wants attention for being Jared’s girlfriend. It’s the same as her posting that picture of him in her shitty “Cancelled” shirt.
It’s all “Look at us being in a relationship!”
No. 866974
>>866963It'll be great fun to watch the WKs have to pivot to attack pedojared instead of defending him. Dan is gonna have a stroke.
I get the feeling they are already on the rocks from Holly's sadposting, but I don't think the actual breakup will happen for a while. Jared can't toss her too quickly, and she won't go quietly nor will she let him go easily. I'm gonna guess December or January for the fireworks.
No. 866988
>>866974I wish for that milky heaven but you know they could end up like this
>>866784 and stay together
No. 866995
>>866974I think Holly is going to keep holding onto Jared for as long as she possibly can. She ruined her reputation for him, and I wouldn’t put it past her to see him as some sort of prize for “rescuing” him from Heidi.
Jared sounds like he’s a miserable boyfriend and husband the longer someone’s with him. Even if they’re still together a year from now I doubt it’ll be a happy or healthy relationship. The fact that neither of them know how to apologize or own up to their faults just cinches their relationship is already on the path to them both being absolutely miserable.
Heidi’s lucky she got out.
No. 867042
>>866995I agree, as much as I hoped they would break up soon I actually think they'll hang onto each other for as long as possible to prove it was 'true love'.
In the end, I think Holly will be the one who loses the most out of this whole situation. She's already lost a lot of long time fans who have seen a completely different side to her and eventually Jared will leave her, but I guess financially she'll always have her grandad's money.
No. 867050
They're probably 'friends with benefits' to everyone irl, & from what I've seen they don't seem to live in the same house.
No. 867083
> "pivot to attack pedojared instead of defending him"Oh, no way. They'll DEFINITELY turn to attack Hoelly instead - which will make the whole thing more glorious, just because she rejoiced so hard when they started attacking Heidi.
>>867042I'm willing to bet (tinfoil obviously) that she's using Grandpa's money to fund Jared's various lawyers and lawsuits/legal issues. Filing THAT many different claims against those who said mean things that hurt his fee-fees can't be cheap.
>>867043I could see him say "Let's not use labels" because he doesn't want to be attached to 200 lbs of crazy in a 100 lb bag - but Hoelly will try to make it into a whole "we're too special for labels" kind of deal
>>867050This. I could also see him try to sell Hoelly some sort of lie about "The lawyers say it's best if I don't cohabitate with another woman until the divorce is final" - because someone who feels the need to repeatedly post pictures of him as a "gotcha heidi! I got him and you didn't!" move? She would DEFINITELY want that dude living with her 24/7.
No. 867084
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Another clear attempt at profitting off of the controversy, even though it's for a "witchcraft" shirt (Since all of the stans like to claim that Jared is in the clear since he didn't INTEND to get nudes from minors, even though he had no precautions in place)
No. 867085
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Also she and her friends apparently only view this whole shitshow as "internet drama"
Not her helping Jared destroy his marriage and her own - and not PedoWorm receiving nudes from minors (which is still a crime, not just drama)
No. 867092
>>867086That stuff about intent is just some black magic bullshit.
Hoelly wouldn’t let the mental health guru shtick get in the way of her witchy aesthetic.
No. 867096
>>867092For anything else, I'd agree - but when it comes to Mr. "I've-sexually-awakened-you" PedoWorm?
If she didn't let her husband or his wife get in the way, I can't imagine she'd be above using her bullshit clothing line (that he's already modelled for once)
No. 867103
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Okay, the comment about "I got gummy bears in the mail!" makes even less sense now that I know she made a public tweet about BUYING the fucking things a few days ago. Jared would have seen the tweet if he actually gave a fuck about Hoelly or what she posted - Instead, it still comes off as her desperately trying to get attention or to remind the fans that she's with him.
No. 867116
>>867039>I'm guessing the end of the line for Holly and Jared will be when Heidi's divorce finalizes and Holly can't blame the evil unfixable Heidi for their problems.I actually disagree, I think that this is how she'll dig her heels in.
>jared's ignoring meit's okay, you must be going through some emotional turmoil thanks to your abuser-ex Heidi!
>jared's being shitty> it's okay, you learned these habits from Heidi! I have to show you how to ~properly cope~Heidi is going to be the "reason" for Jared acting like a shithead for a long time, and the "reason" that she NEEDS to stay in order to undo the "damage" that Heidi's done to Jared
No. 867199
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This “comic” is fucking $15
Next up: one titled “cancelled” for $30 and the only thing inside is that “sorry, I’m mentally ill” tweet
No. 867200
>>867185You know how she hated being called "Ross's wife"?
She realized that people started to latch onto & love her DnD character, so she "became" her character.
It IS her identity now.
No. 867201
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Are….are we supposed to feel bad for Hoelly OR Anna?
I ain’t slut shaming but Jesus fucking Christ, you don’t get to play the victim when you’re stressful situations could’ve been resolved by not spreading your fucking legs outside of your marriages (at least without an agreement between everyone)
No. 867204
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Jesus, now they’re BOTH doing it. Also, who wants to bet that Jared’s banging Kayla too? Maybe hoping for the worlds worst threesome with her and hoelly?
No. 867239
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>>867199her hand is fucking broken lol. which holly thread are we in
No. 867246
>>867084>>867086She tried to claim that “Intent is all that matters!” and “Context is not important!” with regards to her own actions too, when defending herself against the cheating accusations. It stuck in my mind because along with “If Jared was so horrible why didn’t Heidi just leave?” and other such statements it’s the exact opposite of what you’d expect an abuse survivor and mental health advocate to say.
With most people I’d expect comments like that to come from a place of ignorance rather than malice, but $30 Mental Health Tip Holly does not have that excuse. She knows very well that those things are wrong and hurtful and she says (or endorses) them anyway.
No. 867250
>>867050This to me is the most obvious thing. If Jared had an inkling of the obsession Holly did for their relationship, they would've moved in together by now and also be out as a couple. Not sure if I missed this between so many shitshows, but did Jared ever actually acknowledge that Holly is actually his soulmate/true love too? Cuz with how onesided it is, imo it seems pretty obvious Holly was just the (scientifically proven) easy ugly side chick, or just his excuse/catalyst to not be in a monogamous marriage anymore.
Holly got played, big time. And her nasty vindictive ass deserves every moment of it.
>>867204Her and Holly are such a joke milking this empty teat. In the real world, adults like them don't get very far and it shows. Shit happens, you grieve how you do, and you keep going. Reminds me of Kelly Eden not getting out of bed/working for months. Most people don't have the luxury to continue grieving and whining constantly to the public. They eventually heal as much as they can and keep going. This lot is such a joke. There's a reason they can only live/function on the internet.
No. 867292
>>867264Holly and Jared are a very stereotypical "us against the world, baby" couple that will fall apart once they don't have that unifying stressor of people in their faces. They've projected their relationship into existence hardcore lol
She's a supposed asexual uwu bean in a relationship with a deceitful, cheating sex addict - watch her be a Cool Girl like Heidi tried to be and let Jared "be himself" (aka dick around with underage girls that are prettier than her) because she "doesn't believe in owning people" or some shit and then resenting Jared for her hurt fee-fees. And Jared will absolutely ignore her, mistreat her and give her the cold shoulder, and then love bomb her when she's about to walk and open her big mouth on him and his shittiness. It's going to be a classic hot-and-cold relationship. Ought to be milky af!
No. 867354
>>867292I'm not going to knock her for realizing that maybe she wasn't asexual after all - but good god, Hoelly. Ain't a dick in the world worth sacrificing your marriage, your career, and your dignity over. Get yourself a fucking vibrator and call it a day instead of imploding your life for some dude who was already married to someone else.
I definitely think she's going to try to play the Cool Girlfriend™ and let Jared fuck anything with a pulse for awhile - but she's going to learn like Heidi did that he is incapable of a long term, committed relationship. He'll ditch Hoelly when he finds the next incredibly dumb, emotionally damaged piece of ass who doesn't threaten to off herself when things don't automatically and immediately go their way.
I still find it odd that she'd blurt out the desperate "Jared I got gummy butterflies in the mail" and then just radio silence. I'm willing to bet that Jared is freezing her out again (tinfoil) because like Heidi said, dude doesn't know how to handle other human's emotions so he just cuts contact.
No. 867418
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>>867238Yeah, might be worth including a summation of the updated Nate/Anna/Cristina saga in the next OP? I would like a better confirmation of their timeline, even reading through the previous threads was there ever an actual concrete determination of their cheating? From what I can tell + some updates (pls add/correct me if wrong):
>Anna Prosser and Geoff Robinson were married. Nate Sharp and Cristina Vee were engaged. Anna and Nate’s DCA characters were in a relationship together, much like Holly and Jared’s.>1/6/18: Cristina and Nate announce engagement>8/18/18: Nate announces he and Cristina have split>10/7/18: Geoff announces he and Anna have split>4/3/19: Nate announces he is DMing a new D&D campaign “Hell Hath No Fury”, which will include Anna. Set to debut at D&D Live 2019 (5/17). This did no appear to happen, and there doesn’t appear to be any info about why.>5/8/19: P i g e o n g a t e>5/16/19: Nate announces he is dropping out of multiple convention appearances for mental health reasons. He does not mention D&D Live here, but he was apparently dropped from the schedule with no announcement.>7/12/19: Nate tweets: “I’m writing a new DnD module for a game I’m gonna start DMing soon and holy heck I’m already so excited for this setting AHHHHH!”. No mention of HHNF. People are confused.>7/20/19: Geoff suddenly and mysteriously passes away. It is later revealed this was due to a blood cloth in the lungs. Cristina publicly has a very difficult time with this.>8/18/19: Cristina tweets: "I can’t stop thinking about Geoff today. I am so proud to have called him my boyfriend for the short amount of time we were given. I’ll think about him before I sleep everyday, and his words continue to give me strength.">8/30/19: Anna and Nate appear at PAX West together, debuting their new clothing line together "Cantrip". Cristina Vee is also present at this PAX.>8/30/19: Anna performs (in cosplay) as her DCA character Evelyn on Acquisitions Incorporated, Live! at PAX West>8/31/19: Nate appears as his character Paultin Seppa on HighRollers at PAX West>Currently: Anna & Nate don’t appear to have announced a relationship, but have started a business together and appear together publicly. Apparently they’re living together in Seattle. Anna tweeted about Geoff today.I can’t really find concrete dates on them, relationship/cheating-wise. It just seems like accepted knowledge everywhere due to Cristina mocking Holly/becoming buds with Heidi. According to previous anon
>>826990 >>827611 Nate & Cristina’s breakup had nothing to do with Anna? Apparently Cristina tweeted/posted on facebook about Nate cheating, but no one can provide caps? Either way, I didn't know they were still playing their characters. If Holly isn't butthurt enough about her situation, I bet the fact that Nate and Anna are getting off scot-free AND got to go to PAX together publicly AND get to continue their characters has her real steamed.
(Here’s the article about Nate’s D&D Campaign that disappeared out of existence following Pigeongate:
No. 867425
>>867418There were caps of tweets from Christina telling Nate to wake his “girlfriend” (Anna) up.
If you’re looking for things about the whole thing with Geoff and Anna, you have to look to Christina and things on the startcraft forums
No. 867427
>>867422Haha. Sorry. Tired and bored at the moment, so seeing that title seemed more amusing than applicable.
Tbh though, I wish more people with clout would call out these
toxic idiots.
No. 867476
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Holly has the same mentality as this kid - quick, someone be the mom that gives her a hug and pretends like they give a fuck
No. 867492
>>867476can you stop autistically posting holly’s likes when they have absolutely fucking nothing to do with anything.
at least have the fucking brain cells to block out the name of this random ass person whose account is now in the hellpit depths of lolcow lmao. you newfags really need to learn some fucking board etiquette.
also what’s with taking shots at a random kid? jfc some anons let their holly hate boner turn them into unrelenting fuckwads.
No. 867523
>>867521All of this. Holly when she attempts to interract with Jared publicly just comes across like a 14 year old fangirl with stars in her eyes; It's not like a 30+ year old woman and her 30+ year old boyfriend.
I'm sure it's not easy to see some of the shit we're all saying (even though 90% of it is the truth) - but it all could have been avoided by her/jared having the emotional wherewithal to say "No, we need to wait until the divorces are final before we pursue a relationship with one another" or at the very least, "No, we need to have a sit down conversation with Ross and Heidi and figure out how we're going to do this".
No. 867529
>>867492Agreed. I know there isn't much milk right now but its fucking weird and stupid to put every minor action either Hoelly or Jared do under a microscope and tinfoil how this is such a core part of who they are.
She wrote a nothing message on his stream about gummies, this isn't the fucking key evidence you use to extrapolate their relationship togetherml. Save your energy for when the milk inevitably bursts instead of tinfoiling so hard you make shit posts like this
>>867416 No. 867546
File: 1568254548777.png (185.58 KB, 640x419, tumblr_5c75537a26f28735d46acdc…) just popped up on my dash. Someone on Tumblr made a shirt to counter Holly's garbage and all the profits are going to a crisis center. Has almost 4,000 notes lol
No. 867548
>>867546Lol holy fuck
I wonder how long it'll take Hoelly to catch wind of this and try to get it removed, only then she'll get a ton of backlash since the proceeds are going towards a crisis center
No. 867560
>>867548Would buy if it was a little less wordy, the recreation should have been a little different though
Interesting redbubble still has it, very tempting
No. 867571
>>867546This is kinda embarrassing lmao
Raising money for charity is cool I guess but making a shitty rip off of Holly's already shit design is pretty yikes
No. 867578
>>867551Could it fall under "Fair Use"?
> "Making a shitty rip off….is pretty yikes"The proceeds are benefitting a crisis center. Taking a shitty shirt that was created for shitty reasons and then making it into something that benefits those who TRULY need help?
Nothing yikes about that one.
No. 867602
>>867578Plagiarism (even of a lame design) is not fair use, fair use is for when you're making a sort of statement. Jared is slimy but this design is Holly's and afaik she's never sexually abused anyone
I do admire the pettiness of donating all of the 5$ they've made of the shirt to charity as to put Holly in a checkmate state. Truly thinking in 4D kek
No. 867618
>>867578>>867604IF the proceeds are actually going to the crisis center, that is. Wouldn’t be the first time some opportunist fuck on tumblr tried to make a quick buck by scamming woke people.
Stop getting hyped about this shirt until there’s actually some confirmation it’s not a scam at least? Maybe it’d be more believable if they put some work into the design instead of just changing the caption, putting themselves out in the open for Hoelly to cry plagiarism at them.
No. 867630
>>867626I meant to say they’re making it real easy for hoelly to cry plagiarism and get the shirt taken down. Print-on-demand companies can be pretty sensitive about that. You’d think that if this person really wanted to raise money for charity, they’d make their design more viable.
Unless they didn’t
really want to sell the shirt and the plan was just to piss off the trash hag, which I’m cool with lol.
No. 867660
>>867644As i said, parody, fair use, satire… Needs go have a point. If holly was a famous rapist, the this would make sense. Here it's a clever move to mess with her and make her look bad if she retaliates. Which is hilarious. But it aint parody.
Anyway other anon was right, milkin this shirt is absurd, ill ban myself out lol
No. 867692
>>867630Unfortunately for it to count as parody it has to be like 70% original or some other arbitrary percentage, as it stands its copyright (not trademark unless Hoelly blew the money to register it, which she might have) violation and there's grounds for removal and posdible legal action.
Redrawing the mushrooms and eyes or subbing in other relevant objects completely would probably have saved it.
No. 867736
>>867694Yes, ok, and jared isnt either. He's scummy, horny and slimey, but SO FAR not a rapist.
There's a difference between sexual misconducts and sexual violence
No. 867745
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It's all been taken down anyways. Also Kayla drew it
No. 867772
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>>867755Hey friend, let me crush your pedophilic illusion: It doesn't matter if the minor deceived Jared or not. He was in possession of child porn and rather than contacting a lawyer and saying "A minor sent me lewd photos of themselves after telling me that they were of age" (even if just to cover his ass), he hid it, contacted the minors AGAIN, and then admitted to receiving said child porn a few months down the road.
Regardless of if he did it with the intent of receiving child porn, he put himself into a position where it was possible and had NO WAY of verifying ones age other than "Hey, you're 18+, right?" after discussing sexual matters with them for a while
No. 867775
>>867772ok, yes, i agree. But receiving nudes is not violence, is it?
it's super shitty and i hope he goes in jail for it, but IT'S NOT VIOLENCE
No. 867802
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Could they get any more "boohoo woe is us"??
No. 867804
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Jesus Hoelly, shut the fuck up and alluding to the fact that you and your pedo lover are using the court system to sort out petty squabbles and threatening everyone with lawsuits because you can't stand the reality of what you've both done.
No. 867830
>>867818I think it says something that all of the GG have unfollowed PedoDick and stayed unfollowing even after he revealed that the person claimed to be 18.
Everyone else is backtracking and interacting again, so it makes you wonder what else GG/Normal Boots received that is making them leery
No. 867839
>>867836I'm not defending him, I know having CP is a crime, I'm only pointing out he didn't have sex with a minor that we know of, and hasn't been accused of rape. We have to keep the facts straight, otherwise speculation is going to be reported as fact and that will be used to discredit his
victims. His real actions are bad enough, we don't need to make up fake ones on top of it.
No. 867847
>>867774Sexual violence isn't just the physical act, it's the general all-encompassing term for illegal sexual activity like abusing Youtube e-celeb status for nudes or favours like Austin Jones.
The only difference is Austin was knowingly soliciting minors for these while Jared was taking anyone who bothered. Even if he hadn't exchanged with minors it would still be exploitive and violent in the sense of abusing power.
No. 867849
File: 1568322385008.png (48.76 KB, 585x363, Screenshot_301.png)

Holly: -bitches about being cancelled-
Holly: -bitches about being cursed-
Everyone: These shirts are not a great idea, you should stop.
No. 867852
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She's also back to calling Heidi "vindictive and cruel"
Hoelly REALLY needs to stop while she's behind.
No. 867853
>>867849I'm getting sick of this "anti cancel culture' being run by horrible people who are mad they got called out for shit.
Almost every person who been "cancelled" and came back (James Charles, Slazo, Projared) have all DONE something fucked up in the situation that is ignored or brushed passed & sometimes continue being shit people.
Now the anti-cancel culture is being overtaken by assholes. I think cancel culture is stupid as fuck, but I don't want to be involved with people like Holly, Shayna & other idiots who are just flat out not great people & use it to make their bad actions make them look like
victims who did/do NOTHING wrong.
No. 867856
>>867855Yes - because the situation happened TO Heidi. Holly CAUSED the entire shitshow she's in the middle of.
She called Heidi opportunistic for gaining twitter followers from all of this, while Hoelly goes and makes an entire line of clothing to get FINANCIAL GAIN from fucking someone else's husband while she's still legally married herself.
No. 867859
>>867856And let's not forget the whole "Oh, you sent Jared nudes when you were a minor and feel violated? Lemme just pass him your contact information because that's not fucking creepy at all!" or the "Etika died because of cancel culture, and y'all tried to cancel me, so if I kill myself, it'll be all your fault" bullshit.
But no, Holly's the wounded party who should get to make videos and clothing for profit right now while calling others vindictive and cruel.
No. 867861
>>867852Jared made a video, and Holly herself posted tweets of those exact same texts (cherrypicked of course), when did she suddenly start viewing these actions as vindictive? What's her guidelines for when things are just and righteous, and when they're evil and hateful?
I know she constantly owns herself with double standards but my god Holly, get it together.
No. 867862
>>867861Here's the guidelines for good vs vindictive
Heidi posts it: Vindictive
Hoelly and/or PedoWorm posts it: Good. Pure. Couldn't be wrong at all.
No. 867864
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Trying to pretend like she's a good person by offering to donate the proceeds now
Why did it take someone pointing it out for you to think of that, Hoelly?
You can't fix your image when your larger-than-life mouth runs off at the first opportunity every single fucking time.
No. 867869
>>867865Getting someone else to do all of the legwork comes off like those people who sealion ("What do you mean? Can you explain it to me?" etc. much like when Hoelly would ask people to elaborate on why they hate her)
It takes two seconds to google "charities against bullying" and then doing about 5 more minutes of research to ensure it's a legit charity.
>>867867Exactly - like the sexts between HEidi and Jared. Why else would she release texts of a wife telling her husband things that a partner (THAT JARED NEVER OBJECTED TO) wanted to try sexually if she was NOT being vindictive as fuck?
Homewrecker Hoelly couldn't be more two faced and shitty if she actively tried
No. 867871
>>867865100% agree she is being passive aggressive. The main reason she even responded is because she truly believes her and Jared are
victims of online bullying.
No. 867872
>>867871True. She'll probably make a whole post about "We're going to donate the proceeds to charity!" to make it look like she is just naturally being generous and selfless.
IF it's not self-serving, Hoelly ain't doing it.
No. 867874
>>867870I think the confusion might be that Jared was discussing the email that was sent to the Grumps, which included a request for an apology. Then he says when the email surfaced again, after Jared had messaged an apology, the request was gone.
It's odd that Jared knew what was on the email to the Grumps if none of the Grumps showed it to him.
No. 867876
>>867874Maybe it's just a mutual email account and Jared saw the email in there (like a group account that any of the grumps could have used for reasons relating to the group)
He managed to track down Chai/Charlie regardless and judging by the way Hoelly continues to act like he did nothing wrong, I have no reason to suspect that she would NOT have passed the info along.
No. 867883
>>867868Holly handing over their information came from one of the
>>803614 No. 867890
File: 1568325859437.png (95.58 KB, 581x505, Screenshot_304.png)

Of course, because a charity against childhood bullying wouldn't benefit you and your fuckbuddy, Hoelly - since we all know that you two are the eternal victims here.
(not knocking the charity - I generally think it's a good cause)
No. 867896
>>867890This comes off as vindictive though?
You're donating to own the haters? Not because you want to help people?
No. 867897
File: 1568326069047.png (451.41 KB, 594x526, hoellyandjaredirl.PNG)

if only it were these two
No. 867898
>>867896That's what we're all saying. Hoelly isn't doing this out of the goodness of her heart; She's doing it as a "Look what a good person I am!" move. It's a purely PR move stunt, not a charitable move in the least.
>>867897Well, Homewrecker the Eternal Dumbass DID post pictures of herself right in front of a sign that said photography was prohibited. We can only hope the cops bust her as a show of force and to make a point.
That kind of stupidity shouldn't be worded with a "lolol look how quirky she's being!"
No. 867900
>>867899She already was - one of her liked tweets was the one about "I love all of the comments whining about you making this shirt, it's just proving the point" or some shit like that.
She can pretend to be good all she wants - but she doesn't use what little brains god gave her and winds up just making it worse for herself than it was before
No. 867918
>>866222>>867804Also kinda classist assuming everyone has money to settle their issues in court. In fact, A LOT of people can't afford court and use social media to help them spread the truth, like artists who can't afford copyright claims.
But Hoelly Moneybucks would never understand that.
No. 867922
>>867918This. It ran me $200 down payment when I was going to file bankruptcy a few years ago and needed a lawyer - I can only imagine how much it would cost to get a lawyer on retainer, make multiple court appearances, have in-office visits, etc.
Not everybody's grandpa leaves them over a million dollars when they die, Hoelly, so that they can traipse the world studying irrelevant majors and fucking married men.
No. 867923
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>>867890She probably gets off getting "bullied by her haters", she has too much of a big ego knowing if she just went off social media everyone would just forget about her.
No. 867925
>>867923That's exactly it. Since this shit show started, she hasn't been silent about it for more than a couple of weeks at a time (and I'm talking BARELY two weeks at the longest, iirc)
Homewrecker knows that she's not interesting enough to maintain a fanbase outside of being ProPedo's sideho.
No. 867957
>>867890Whoa she already deleted that tweet too.
Hahahaha this idiot
No. 867961
> Never seen anyone say thisThe entirety of the PJ2 stan crowd has been saying that since Chai/Charlie deleted their tweets and privated their accounts. They lose their shit any time it looks like Heidi deletes a tweet.
It's been said a fuckton of times.
No. 867968
>>867957Lmao. I can't believe her.
Not only is profiting off this entire thing incredibly scummy, now she's deleting any proof that said she would donate to charity, because you KNOW she won't.
"Oh i was thinking about this for awhile" fuck no. You're a piece of shit that only thinks for yourself, Holly.
No. 867969
>>867968It was something like "I Can't believe it took me so long to think of this"
Bitch, you didn't think of shit. Someone had to hold your head and point you directly at the idea and now you're claiming it as your own (and deleting all evidence of even that)
Every time you think Hoelly can't get worse, she does.
No. 867972
>>867969I like how she also feigns ignorance on any 'rumors'.
Bitch, like we don't know that you obsessively look at anything that even slightly mentions you, Hoelly.
No. 868074
>>868020either way they talk in some capacity, she watches his streams as evidenced by her showing up in chat, they've been together in person at least a handful of times since this whole thing broke.
She knows what he's been accused of, period.
No. 868075
>>868068Even so, (not saying she should've received those messages at all if true) that's almost completely different & irrelevant to the situation that uwunspired her to make her garbage "cancelled" merch.
I say "almost" because if she hadn't immediately ran to PedoJared's defense on an extremely public medium by telling him, "I'm so sowwy this happening to you, I'm hewe for you if you need awnyfink uwu", no one would have sent her clown emojis, and she would've just ignored Etika's suicide entirely.
Because, let's be honest, she doesn't care about the word suicide unless she's baiting someone into giving her instant gratification with it.
No. 868118
File: 1568388331121.png (1.08 MB, 852x854, Screenshot 2019-09-13 at 8.55.…)

>>868068the only screenshot i remember holly posting is someone saying "i hope you get your birds taken away from you" which… yeah? she has fifty fucking pigeons at this point kek, pic related
i don't recall anyone giving her death threats, and
>suicide threatsthat's more her department anon
No. 868356
File: 1568419364233.jpeg (345.92 KB, 1236x530, FE128390-96E1-4951-8CA8-F42A75…)

Ah, the simple jokes.
No. 868373
File: 1568422097026.jpg (91.15 KB, 570x297, 20190913_204154.jpg)

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
No. 868377
>>868375Jared said it so it
must be true!
…But remember, we can't believe everything his wife says without
No. 868383
File: 1568424143733.png (16.61 KB, 599x197, Jared.png)

Ya think?
No. 868413
>>868383Oh please Jared, it's all you & Holly have…
…On second thought, sure Jared, leave the RPing (& Holly) behind you now.
No. 868445
File: 1568432252165.png (91.27 KB, 588x676, whymoveon.png)

>"I’d rather just move on and live my life"
No. 868448
File: 1568432879982.png (65.38 KB, 570x542, here.png)

>Why did it take someone pointing (Charity) out for you to think of that, Hoelly? …Because they only want to bring it up as something that was
RUINED by Heidi!!!
>"The DCA fan charity ZINE was canceled immediately (sorry charity)." No. 868476
File: 1568440035302.png (260.53 KB, 587x596, 978415.png)

>>868448Shit like this bothers me SO much. Yes, it was all big bad Heidi who ruined ~everything~ and DEFINITELY not peenjared's gross ass fucking actions. Actions have consequences!
>>868451the screenshot of this
>>868383 is honestly kinda disingenuous to post by itself. He's replying to himself in reference to his stream. Pic related.
He definitely DID get carried away with his larping with Holly though lol
No. 868835
File: 1568525691685.png (11.77 KB, 237x298, Screenshot_305.png)

When is Homewrecker going to learn that her little outbursts are when she loses the most followers - and she keeps her followers when she learns to shut the fuck up?
No. 868836
File: 1568525831596.png (12.29 KB, 267x298, Screenshot_306.png)

Even Jared's subs haven't been doing great lately - This is what I think someone should have prepared them for, that past that initial spike in refollowers that his video got them, they were going to level off followed by people going back to unfollowing.
No. 868868
>>868864It's the twitter followings - I primarily watch these just because when there's a spike in unfollowings, that's when Hoelly tends to lose her shit and run off at the mouth
I take the YouTube followers with a grain of salt, since a lot of people subscribe to a channel and never watch the videos again (and as far as I can tell, you're right, Anon; Profit and Ad Revenue goes off of the view count, not subscriber count)
No. 868872
File: 1568536818497.png (103.84 KB, 745x614, Capture d’écran 2019-09-15 à…)

>>868864His Youtube channel is doing great, he's almost back to 900K and climbing. No idea how someone can look at this and honestly say cancel culture harms online personalities. The only people harmed by cancel culture are regular people who get "cancelled" by people way more famous than them.
No. 868875
>>868872They scream about "Cancel Culture!" because they know it is a rallying cry for their fanbase who are too fucking stupid to realize that they're being played. Jared threw his former friends under the bus at the first fucking chance (talking about how his former friends were so mean to him in his video or whatever), what makes these fans think he won't do the same shit to them in the blink of an eye?
Heidi ain't perfect and has handled certain aspects of this shitshow in a less-than-stellar fashion - but jesus christ, she's lightyears better than the people who are attacking the minors instead of the dude who possessed (possesses?) their nudes, scream "HEIDI DID THIS FOR PROFIT AND TWITTER FOLLOWERS!" and then make a clothing line off of this exact situation for financial profit less than three months later.
No. 869109
In Holly's stream from the other day: you go to 25:00 mins in, her friend makes a joke about sending Holly a cursed item to her house and Jared being the one who accidentally opens the box.
Not really sure how to interpret Holly's reaction to that…? Bit of a reach, but imo she had every opportunity to flaunt the situation of them living together. Instead she got awkward and overlooked the statement. With how Side-Ho has been shrieking about tru wuv and how deserving she is of Jared, it was an odd reaction? Even if she didn't want to stir drama about Jared on stream, talking about him living with her would just fuel her narrative of big mean ol' Heidi denying his star crossed lover feelings for her.
It's hard to tell if they are essentially living together now or if if Jared plans for them to move in together. It almost seems like Holly has been telling all her friends they are going to… Wonder if he is aware of that.
No. 869115
> "Jared being the one who accidentally opens the box."I'd be pissed if my side piece of just a few months thought it appropriate to open my mail. If it were for you bro, I'd have fucking told you - until then stay the fuck out of someone else's mail.
> "Instead she got awkward and overlooked the statement"Because she only wants to flaunt PedoDick when she feels like SHE can control the situation or use it profit or bother Heidi. Maybe she figures it'll fuck up his divorce with Heidi if it comes out that he's already living with her or spending the majority of his time staying at her place.
> "Even if she didn't want to stir drama about Jared on stream"She used him and his drama to further pubicize her shitty clothing - and pops into his twitch stream on the regular. I'd say she doesn't give a fuck about talking about him on stream/publicly.
No. 869201
File: 1568603324713.png (326.9 KB, 594x688, jaredstan.png)

lmao what the fuck…
Heidi's response here is golden.
No. 869204
File: 1568603766096.png (365.1 KB, 586x696, jaredstan1.png)

>>869201"I harassed someone on twitter & they replied! BAITED! lmao"
No. 869207
>>869201Amazing how so many of pedidick's incel fan base will reee at every chance about how terrible Heidi is but will make threats and shit like this saying how they'll force her to say things they want to hear. Heidi is such a fucking champ at handling this autism.
>>869204>a brony gloating about getting a response on twitter and calling it baitHow embarrassing.
No. 869218
>>869201is this person like 15 or just ESL as fuck?
>jared knauberkek
No. 869221
> "Admit your sins"Jesus Christ, the incels have apparently progressed into full Jigsaw mindset now.
> "being socially manipulative"The irony is so thick. Let's for a second remember ProPedo's attempt at looking sad as fuck for his video, and then smiling and laughing on his stream the very next goddamned day.
> "We will make you confess your sins in any way, shape or form possible"So, they're now just openly threatening Heidi with harm and god knows what else.
"BuT hE SaId tO LeAvE hEiDi AlOnE!!1!!"
No. 869226
File: 1568605875818.png (30.78 KB, 586x300, heidihate.png)

Compare/Contrast to how Jared & Holly deal with hate.
…And if Heidi really is a liar, then she's a damn good one.
No. 869236
don't put him in a box ok
No. 869238
File: 1568607894301.png (53.84 KB, 578x340, pony.png)

>"People're allowed to feel how they want."
…Except Heidi, of course.
No. 869245
File: 1568609816851.png (43.92 KB, 582x280, ponywtf.png)

>>869238I'm beginning to think these people require a translator or something what with all the mental gymnastics they perform whilst building their walls of text…
No. 869248
File: 1568610234439.png (28.87 KB, 582x302, ponywtf2.png)

>>869245You can 'help' Jared by
not acting like a moron on Twitter. Just sayin…
Ok, enough of this guy, his tweets are just sad to read.
No. 869249
>>869248He contradicts himself so many times in his tweets.
I honestly don't know what he thought the outcome of his HILARIOUS message was. That Jared was going to thank him? What a moron.
No. 869250
File: 1568610595204.jpeg (321.61 KB, 1125x1190, 2D8DC2C9-EDEE-4F40-AB1D-3B35C6…)

No. 869254
>>869250This is incredibly unhealthy. Hoelly really needs some serious therapy.
She has no one to blame but herself.
No. 869257
File: 1568610898330.png (65.93 KB, 578x574, ponywtf3.png)

>>869248>>869249He @'d Jared
several times before even posting that to Heidi, & he keeps doing it.
>"I want to see @ProJared succeed as a YouTuber."He already did, and he
used that success to get his fans to do whatever he wants. He's not some little guy who just stumbled into Youtube fame. He's been building his career & fanbase for about a decade.
No. 869258
File: 1568611103424.png (63.21 KB, 585x526, ss (2019-09-16 at 12.18.13).pn…)

Is this what she thinks of herself? No wonder she took such an internet beating for jared. Good lord.
No. 869259
>>869258How are there actually people like this in real life?
No. 869261
>>869259she desperately has to find someone to relate to because it's all she has. She's crying over fictional characters, my god. This woman is like a teenage emo kid talking about bands saving her life or some shit.
also do not smear dark crystal or deet with your mental problems, Holly. They are nothing like you or Strix.
No. 869265
>>869258She has such a huge martyr complex.
I bet she's one of those people who genuinely believe that being an empath is a real thing and every bad think that happens in her life is because she's "here to heal broken people uwu".
Bitch needs to get over herself.
No. 869266
File: 1568611915935.png (52.89 KB, 578x328, nomorednd.png)

>>869250>>869258Chris supposedly wants to 'retire' from all this allegedly.
>>869262Because if they talk about it enough, then their fans will browbeat & even potentially harass Anna, Nate, & Chris to come back & keep sponsoring their fantasies.
No. 869267
>>869258oh my fucking god this grown ass adult is mentally stuck in high school in a borderline creepy way
this is just her usual schtick, it's exactly what she did with etika:
>someone being harassed to death "with emoji spam" = my suffering uwu>a character taking all the darkness into herself = my suffering uwudegrade yourself some more bitch lmao i'm living
also inb4 she starts spamming that stupid petition link again kek
No. 869268
File: 1568612121838.jpg (52.03 KB, 442x473, tumblr_ogutaxM5Lv1qcfe6go1_500…)

>>869258Sounds like she would identify more with Dark Dungeons given her personality
No. 869271
>>869266The responses to this tweet are ridiculous.
Just the same delusional WKs saying "Anna, Chris and Holly are still on good speaking terms with each other though!"
Okay cool. Doesn't mean they're gonna magically turn back a couple pages & just pick up where they left off.
>>869269I think Jared gets a thrill from doing something scandalous 'in plain sight', but having enough power & influence behind him to get away with it.
Many threads ago I remember reading something about him admitting to jacking off to nudes while live-streaming or something like that, along with him being an exhibitionist.
And now that the mystique is gone, so is the thrill of it all.
No. 869274
>>869265Thing is, she's not even close to being a martyr.
wants to be a martyr, but her actions are too selfish & she hurts others much
much more than she has ever hurt herself.
No. 869277
>>869273That’s part of it, too. Homewrecker fails to realize that had she just kept her mouth shut rather than trying to a martyr for her potentially pedo, emotionally
abusive dick of a fling, she could have continued on being Strix until this whole shit show passed and Jared was (probably) eventually allowed to return. The whole thing would have blown over by now - but she opens her mouth at every chance instead of just shutting the fuck up for five minutes.
No one is going to want to hitch their wagon to Hoelly and PedoWorm, so to speak, at the risk of losing THEIR careers when Holly decides to publicly lose her shit the next time.
No. 869282
File: 1568613938272.jpg (51.48 KB, 680x584, f7b.jpg)

>>869280This is basically how she saw herself for the past couple months.
No. 869296
>>869257>those who spread gospelsDoes this little freak think Jared is the second coming of Jesus? Crawling out from under the rubble his vengeful wife collapsed on him, he yet liveth and forgiveth us all!
>>869286Who’s going to write and draw porn of her if she doesn’t have an audience?
No. 869297
>>869293I mean… She has some. Kayla. Jessica Merizan. Bluejay from Adam Koebbel's games. Some WOTC people seem to consider her a friend.
She never seems like a good friend herself but still.
No. 869301
> "She never seems like a good friend herself"Because she isn't one. She is the "Friend" that takes and takes and takes and offers nothing in return except false promises ("I'll stop, I swear") and lies ("I only called you
abusive because I have PTSD and I was upset…..but YOU GUYS HEIDI IS TOTALLY AN
No. 869305
>>869286Sure she could do that, but it's never going to be that of that caliber and quality. Dungeon Masters are hard to find to start a game, and good dungeon Masters are even rarer. Hoelly had the privelage to play DnD with one of the best DM's in the world which is the only real reason DCA was any good. All the players and their characters were boring or played out. Wow your bard character isna drunk?! How fun and original! Oh wowie, he breaks the fourth wall all the time because his player doesnt know how to actually be funny, sounds riveting! A rouge with a mysterious dark past but would do anything for his friends, jeeze I've never played a video game so that sounds completely non derivative to me! A gross witch who does nothing but scream shes scared or cry…okay I cant even spin that one.
Having Chris Perkins as your DM is like saying you miss having meals with your family but your actual family are boring losers who only ate at 5 star restaurants together.
No. 869307
>>869201I hate to use the word cringe, but this is the worst cringe I've gotten in a LONG time. Like , yeeeesh.
Even take away everything pathetic about this, the guy completely forgets that the first thing you experience in Persona 5 is LITERALLY a man sexually assaulting a woman and getting away with it
No. 869308
>>869207>Amazing how so many of pedidick's incel fan base will reee at every chance about how terrible Heidi isPeople literally does this to Holly and Jared even when they're not saying or doing anything suspect. They even do it to people known to be friends or used to be friends with them.
Why is it surprising people would treat Heidi the same way?
No. 869327
>>869258“Look what YOU’VE done, if only I could bring DCA back.”
There she goes again, trying to manipulate people into feeling sorry for her instead of realising her own actions caused this.
Does she really believe WotC will feel sorry for her and bring back DCA because she’s upset that her and Jared’s behaviour had repercussions?
No. 869333
> “He was pretty happy stanning Heidi”Yeah, because they were close friends and they (I don’t know what pronouns this person uses) had wanted to support their ex.
By “nothing to do with the scandal”, I meant that they were not cheating on their spouse (like Hoelly or Jared) and that their actions didn’t lead to the breakup or play a role in the child porn allegations.
Their existence is a side note to the scandal - They were not a key player.
> “before kf doxxed”Gee, I wonder why someone might shut the fuck up after being doxxed by the Galaxy brained “geniuses” over at kiwi farms….
No. 869335
>>869250Nobody cares about your fake-ass martyr tears, Holly. YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF. This is called consequences.
Also kek at her whining on all melodramatic like a teenage emo goth on Twitter instead of getting uwu speshul support uwu from her adultery partner boyfriend. Can't get Jared's attention any other way, huh, Holly? Has he lost interest in you already?
No. 869337
>>869201what the actual fuck, weebs are insane
why would you do this
No. 869347
>>868872this just proves the internet is filled with neckbeards who dont give a shit about the truth. Jared is a disgusting person and still gaining views despite being found as a serial liar and cheater.
>>869258This bitch is 32 years old. rofl if d&d was so important, maybe dont cheat and screw over your married friend? she deserves all of this
No. 869348
>>869269This is exactly what i think as well. Jared loved that thrill and scandal and now that everything has been brought to light, he's bored. he's a typical dude who loves the thrill of cheating but not being caught, because then the game is over.
Holly just has no life outside of roleplaying and being a bird lady.
No. 869366
>>869333Also keep in mind, he was shutting down keemstar, correcting misrepresenting articles, and arguing with Denica’s claims she did this for fame. It’s not like he was going around telling his own stories about how terrible Jared is. He was backing up a friend that wasn’t near as famous as her husband.
I wouldn’t describe him as a gd stan.
No. 869376
>>869258Boohoo, you lost your larpy pastime.
You ruined someone's marriage.
It's your and Jared's faults. You deserve to suffer.
No. 869421
>>869324They definitely weren’t subtle. I can’t find the screenshot, but people have seen them kiss at cons, and the four DCA PCs posted a lot of double date looking photos.
>>869286I doubt roleplaying as Strix in private is very fulfilling to her. Strix is such a self insert, it’s basically her acting her normal boring self. It’s the fan cheering that actually makes it fun.
>>869366IMO, the point of Holly and co outing him to harassment was probably to keep him quiet about what he did know. Heidi leaned on him for emotional support after all.
No. 869426
>>869258No one's stopping Holly from playing D&D (more's the pity) - she's just feelig oh so victimized because the thing she used to define herself and get her attention fix with is suddeny gone as a consequence of her own damn actions.
And boy does Holly just hate consequences especially when they cost her something she feels she is entitled to. (Compare and contrast with how she absolutely tossed a wobbler at Heidi being "uh could you not have fucked my husband behind my back??")
No. 869427
File: 1568651894054.png (65.8 KB, 462x610, phantomthieves.png)

>"And the sad part is, you're really the only one still harping on about this."Yeah, how DARE Heidi defend herself from this thinly-veiled threat!!!
It sucks that she can't even defend herself without getting shit on for "harping on" about something that deeply affected her.
Also, who wants to bet this putz has said this same thing to Jared?
Getting real tired of people bitching at Heidi for venting & making chiding tweets at her to "move on already!".
Why don't you just mute/block her & 'move on' yourselves?
…Or are you keeping an eye on her & waiting with bated breath for her to fuck up?
No. 869435
File: 1568652811406.png (31.36 KB, 572x344, browbeating4holly.png)

>>869250Works like a charm!
(Also lmao at thinking WOTC is gonna take her & Jared back)
No. 869445
>>869435Yes, retweet her acting like the unstable train wreck she is. That will surely convince wotc that she is someone they want representing their company.
A shame she hasn’t seemed to realise that emotional manipulation won’t work on corporations. Every nutty tweet she makes is another nail in Strix’s coffin.
No. 869511
>>869435Wow, I'm sure that tweet really convinced them to change their minds.
The fans may want DCA back, but they've failed to realise that WotC has no need for them at all after this.
DCA was just a marketing tool that will now always be linked to this mess - it's also likely that Holly and Jared broke their contracts by disregarding their professional boundaries. Of course this is all Heidi's fault, Holly and Jared would have gotten away with it if it weren't for his meddling wife!
No. 869525
>>869511Yeah, the timeslot of DCA has already been filled for a while with a show promoting WOTC's non-RPG gaming efforts.
Now if only WOTC could get around to tell their staff peoples to stop professionally associating with these sex pests.
No. 869529
>>869258I’m so offended Holly has the audacity to say Deet reminds her of Strix.
She wishes. Deet doesn’t shriek or flail around and is an actually well written and well thought out character.
Strix is a terrible self insert showcasing how truly uncreative and up her own ass Holly is. I can’t believe people actually liked Strix.
No. 869592
File: 1568693682937.jpeg (386.27 KB, 1276x655, 0F5A5B3C-5732-496A-8831-B59041…)

“Cancel culture doesn’t leave room for redemption”
Hoelly, you don’t deserve redemption for fucking around with a married man behind both his wife’s and your husband’s backs.
If you’re talking about PedoWorm, he doesn’t DESERVE redemption for abusing his power to get nudes of fans, INCLUDING LITERAL MINORS, you pedophile supporting piece of fucking trash.
No. 869594
>>869592Why is she liking this, when Holly isn't correcting any behavior and neither is Jared?
Holly never said sorry for homewrecking, Jared never said sorry for obtaining fan nudes and is probably still doing it.
No. 869602
>>869592That's just the thing though. She acted deliberately & with the full-intent of destroying a marriage because things weren't moving along fast enough for her.
She knows what she did & why she did it. She's just afraid to actually
admit it.
No. 869603
File: 1568697228306.png (13.62 KB, 468x148, heidilikes1.png)

>>869592Oh yeah, you're totally not stalking Heidi's page & sifting through her likes or anything, Holly!
No. 869605
>>869602I don’t think she’s “afraid” to admit her mistakes. She’d have to see them as mistakes for that. Holly has consistently framed this clusterfuck as Heidi being an unfixable, vindictive bitch, and that she and Jared did absolutely nothing wrong. Even now, she tweets “I don’t know the rumours. I don’t know what people are talking about? I don’t know what you think I did wrong, but it’s not true.”
This isn’t fear. This is deliberate “I am totally innocent and have been wronged.”
No. 869628
>>869603So Heidi
is a fan of cancel culture? LoL
No. 869671
>>869665She's saying Holly and Jared are using the cover of "cancel culture" to make themselves look like
victims of the torrent of backlash Heidi started by speaking up, rather than two people who did shitty things and had to deal with the consequences. She's not saying it's about herself in any way, she's just been vocal about pointing out Jared and Holly's attempts at manipulating public opinion with underhanded tactics like this. Her liking a tweet about the shitty things her ex is doing is hardly inserting herself as the adversary in the situation, despite past attempts by Jared and Holly to demonize her and cast her as such.
No. 869685
>>869671Heidi spoke against cancel culture at the start of it so it obvious she saw the connection then. And now she is liking tweet saying that cancel culture is just consequences after having a pinned tweet about consequences for months (but not anymore?). You got to be in big denial or ignorance of how cancel culture works to not see her speaking up and the cancelling being connected, but to me it seems that she was more like the spark and cancel culture is the flame that burned their careers down.
>Her liking a tweet about the shitting things her ex is doing is hardly inserting herself as the adversary in the situation, but somehow Holly doing the same thing is. I just don't get it anymore.
No. 869811
>>869646>>869671>>869685"Cancel Culture" is now being treated as a buzzword & a rally-cry for famous people after they do something they
know they'll be criticized for, & it's usually invoked out of fear of losing their fans/audience.
So it's basically a panic-button.
>If I had to guess, Hoelly thinks she got cancelled, but appearantly doesnt seem like it.Sort of. She keeps flip-flopping between "I didn't do it!" to "Everyone makes mistakes!!! Let's learn to
forgive again!!! uwu"
No. 869815
>>869811She keeps insisting that she "Did
nothing wrong!" then keeps begging for/preaching about "forgiveness".
If she's begging people to forgive Jared that's a bit…patronizing to say the least. Like
Jared made a mistake, but she
didn't, so
Jared is the only one who needs to be 'forgiven'. Like she's 'better' than him…
(sage for tinfoil at the end)
No. 869906
>>869685Heidi liked the tweet because Hoelly and Jared are hiding behind the term "cancel culture" instead of admitting that they fucked up and this is backlash for their actions.
They're trying to redirect blame to "the big bad internet mob" that Heidi "unleashed" on them. Sarcasm if that wasn't obvious, I know it's hard to read anon.
Heidi isn't pro cancel culture. Hoelly and Jared aren't even cancelled, Jared lost what, 200k subs when it came out? He still had 700k+ BEFORE the "redeption" (cringe) video and gained some back. He STILL had a huge following.
Hoelly can't be cancelled because she wasn't relevant in the first place. The only thing she did was suck Jared's dick on stream while roleplaying and pretending it was totally not their self inserts.
No. 869974
File: 1568779914547.png (370.93 KB, 588x397, Screenshot_308.png)

Telling her "fans" to disregard the CDC instructions to not hug chickens - A+ being a public figure, Hoelly. You CLEARLY know more about not spreading avian illness than the fucking Center for Disease Control
No. 869975
File: 1568780394725.png (48.21 KB, 569x580, kt.png)

Sage for not being on topic, but it looks like KT finally got herself blocked by her BELOVED and his wife and is raising money for streaming equipment to 'right the wrongs' they have been spreading by auctioning their memories. I hope she gets the money so I can witness this shit show with popcorn in hand.
No. 869982
> "This isn't a cock it's a chicken"Imagine being a self-admitted bird lady and not knowing that "cock" is another word for chicken.
> "I'm so done with this harassment shit"So let me continue to only reply to the negative comments rather than acknowledging the nice ones. YOU STICK IT TO 'EM, HOELLY!
She's back on the "This is harassment, like those clown emojis!" trait, while Heidi is getting literal death and rape threats, including yesterday's "We will force you to confess your sins however necessary) threats.
No. 869985
File: 1568783302856.png (6.81 KB, 520x96, Screenshot_309.png)

"This isn't a cock it's a chicken"
No. 869986
File: 1568783375045.png (348.16 KB, 584x544, Screenshot_310.png)

Why the fuck does she always make stupid fucking faces - and then has the guts to pull the "WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LIKE ME?" card???
No. 869989
File: 1568783943754.png (301.75 KB, 800x697, IMG_6790.PNG)

>>869986That's her come hither face for PedoWorm.
No. 870038
>>869985so a hen is a chicken that isn't a cock lol. Do we even know the sex of her fucking chicken, is this what the milk is right now?
p.s. probably her chickens are too young to be sexed yet, they are not showing any signs which might be why it is incorrect to call them either hen or rooster at this point.
No. 870065
>>869982cock is a male chicken, chicken is female iirc's saying it's a female bird, not a male one.
looks like you're the dummy here anon
No. 870134
>>870127That and he's told a story about jacking it to a friend, maybe I jumped a gun calling him "bisexual" but he may just be one of those people who doesn't put a name on it.
he could find men attractive but not be bisexual or act on it.
He's with Suzy & I think he may just find men attractive.
He just seems to be very open about it.
No. 870150
>>870131Oh yeah! He also says just before that that he doesn't think he may be bi anymore. It's an interesting conversation.
>>870141I mean, even if he is bi, that doesn't mean his love for Suzy is fake or he would be unhappy with monogamy. There are plenty of bi people in happy monogamous relationships with someone of the opposite gender, even some who have never dated people of the same gender. So him realizing he's bi wouldn't mean he'd need to break up with Suzy or sleep with anyone else, it's just recognizing an attraction. So I don't think his marriage is holding him back from a realization like that.
No. 870159
>>867870I'd never heard of KT before finding this series of threads. While there is a possibility she's telling the truth about her history with Arin—which to be clear, I don't believe—it's been 10+ years now, right? Move the hell on. People are giving Heidi shit for dredging up her "drama" each time her abusers speak on an issue that's only months old, yet this woman is spouting off on her own, with no provocation from Arin or Suzy years later.
Just…big yikes, girl. Actually devote time to a hobby, maybe.
No. 870221
File: 1568832442014.jpg (134.89 KB, 1080x883, Screenshot_20190918_194449.jpg)

>>869986Someone replied to this tweet saying "It's okay, he's not married" and this must have
triggered Hoelly as she replied with this now-deleted tweet.
No. 870293
File: 1568844941152.jpg (368.49 KB, 1200x800, distractedjared.jpg)

My thanks to
>>869986 and
>>869989 for the inspiration.
No. 870345
>>870343Like it or not, he's not exactly wrong. When dealing with legal stuff/lawyers/law enforcement you don't exactly have the free time you normally do. Especially if your situation is public domain.
This is why people with following 'drop off the face of the earth' or get extremely quiet, not because they're hiding but because if they're ACTUALLY going through the right channels, you're kind of told what you can/can't do.
So while it's unlikely he was told "NO VIDYA GAMES", it's part of his hobby and who he is as a content creator, any firm worth their salt would tell him to focus on more important matters.
No. 870368
>>870342Eh, don't worry. People will get bored of him soon enough.
Also his newest fans will probably ditch him once election season comes around & they find out both he & Holly are both virtue-signaling liberals.
No. 870412
File: 1568882803136.jpeg (983.93 KB, 1275x1211, 3C58CE13-C5E7-4745-A585-3A82DE…)

When do you think they’ll realize that they “screwed the pooch” so to speak, and that no fucking petition is going to convince the powers that be to bring back DCA - especially not since we all know it’ll just be a weird fetish delivery system for he and Hoelly?
No. 870481
File: 1568903277626.jpg (22.71 KB, 720x500, IMG_20190916_152705.jpg)

>>866222On what fucking planet do we live on when people are genuinely defending him like he didn't fucking know that he was going to get underage nude photos with his largely underage fucking fanbase.
"Well she lied about her age"
No fucking shit you absolute moron I'm sorry you were too busy thinking with your cock to realize that most of your viewers are gonna be underage.
No. 870514
>>870493Considering what
>>870496 said, it’s probably just him blowing off steam and trying to maintain some levity in his streams - talking abt your mom’s cancer and her going thru chemo is rough and can be a real bummer even if you’re not involved in the situation, so it could be him trying to cheer himself and his audience up. idk, Ross seems like a decent guy (knock on wood) who cares abt his audience and maintaining a persona of sorts, so it seems plausible.
No. 870516
>>870487None of the D club stories involved jacking it to each other though. The furthest they got was a half-chub sword fight.
They sound like teenage boys acting like teenage boys.
No. 870528
>>870493Yeah, how fucking dare he not wallow in pity and despair?? /s
The guy has been dealing with his very sick mom and wanted to blow off some steam. Cut him some slack.
No. 870542
File: 1568913073321.png (1.09 MB, 1536x2048, A29EA5EC-04BC-497B-B5B0-39EB3A…)

What even is their marketing plan at this point?
(Sage for no real milk)
No. 870590
>>870584Well, I think it was very smart wagging of the dog on his part. He spent what….40 mins? going in depth on like 2 things really and was convincing that those 2 things were false. He addressed those things as THE things that were the issue, when really the issue is the 20 OTHER things. By fully unpacking those issues, it made him seem like he was being honest and upfront and open, when really it was lying by omission and diversion.
It's like if OJ made a 45 minute youtube video of him trying on the gloves and explaining why and how they don't fit. If he shows that one piece of evidence is "false" and doesn't acknowledge the hundred other pieces of evidence there is, then it looks like that's the ONLY evidence they have and he just proved them wrong.
No. 870593
>>870584It blows my mind how many people fuck with Keemstar or even listen to anything he says. He's a horrible person.
I guess they are too. We must remember men stick together especially if they are burying a woman.
No. 870613
>>870493Just adding to what
>>870514 said, Ross mentioned in the steam that they received good news and his mum can receive treatment by taking a tablet everyday, rather than chemo, so he was celebrating that things are looking better than expected.
His recent streams have been really wholesome. He got quite teary eyed towards the end at how supportive everyone has been (he was a little drunk). Ross is a good egg, after the past 12 months he really deserves a break.
No. 870688
File: 1568932328217.png (503.4 KB, 1281x2305, IMG_4717.PNG)

was deleting screenshots and this one stood out as hilarious given recentish revelations
No. 870739
>>870413Not enough. No one else really cares about the situation enough to sign that. You'll get a few hundred against it solely because Jared is a piece of shit, but it would get swarmed with pro-Jared people and probably taken down.
The return DCA petition only got so many supporters because Jared pointed to it in his return. If you've been watching, it hit 13k within a day or two. It's been stuck at that since then.
No. 870784
>>870557It's very disappointing. The one bright side is that he exposed how rabid Jared stans are.
>>870778>he, himself, is suspected of doing similar shit with his fansIn one reply or less, wtf are you referring to?
No. 870795
File: 1568953150042.png (3.97 MB, 2560x1437, highkey looks like a…)

Hoelly's streaming:>>870789>>870784 samefag here. Meeting his wife online when he had ~1k subscribers doesn't seem very similar to this.
No. 870799
>>870797And with "SOYBOY DEPORTER".
She's really embracing her new fanbase.
No. 870808
>>870789>>870795Yeah… Pewdiepie was single, and young himself at the time. It kind of seemed more like a friend introducing a friend type of thing.
Meanwhile Jared was married and already in/near his 30s, and also made 7 blogs for porn/nudes from fans… don't really think you can compare the two. Jared's situation is so much creepier and based on a power dynamic
No. 870823
File: 1568963686343.png (234.48 KB, 759x1108, Screenshot30.png)

In other "bird-faced nerd forces his much hotter costumer wife into letting him cheat on her because the world can't be deprived of HIS sexual prowess" news, anyone else getting ominous Jared-vibes from Thomas Middleditch? I'd say whiteknights should read his Playboy interview every time they try and argue "b-but Heidi agreed to an open relationship! no one would ever do that unless they wanted one too!" but I bet they'd read this and think this is a healthy relationship too.
No. 870824
File: 1568963797615.jpg (73.91 KB, 1100x619, 190918075203-01-thomas-middled…)

>>870823Pic related: alternate universe Jared & Heidi. (no joke his wife is a costumer for movies/tv)
No. 870828
>>870821Jesus Christ, she literally is the most unoriginal motherfucker ever.
>>870823Very similar vibes - tries to be wholesome until they’ve got them solely dependent with no other options and then pulls the “if you loved me, you’d let me fuck everything with a pulse” deal
>>870824What is it with these mediocre looking dudes bagging hot ass wives and that somehow not being good enough?? Greedy pricks
No. 870841
>>870828and of course the “if you loved me, you’d let me fuck everything with a pulse” deal always includes the "and if you DON'T give me permission to fuck everything with a pulse then I'm just going to do it anyways and if that upsets you then it's your own fault because I gave you the option to be cool with it and you chose not to" package for free
>>870823idk, it might still break through. I mean the "no one would ever do that unless they wanted one too!" and "she could have just said no if she didn't want an open marriage!" argument go hand in hand, but Thomas straight up admits he would have done it anyways even if his wife said no
>but it's better than feeling that you have to scurry in the shadows No. 870842
>>870823>Only after I got married was I like, “Mollie, I’m sorry but we have to get nontraditional here.”Of course these douchebags only spring this on the woman
after getting married. If they did it before tying her down she might leave them, and then they wouldn’t have any guaranteed pussy at home to fall back on if their latest extramarital attempt didn’t work out.
Jared and Heidi were together for something like 7 years, right? At what point did Jared really start to get popular? Assuming that fucking around without strings attached is a longtime fantasy of his, I’m wondering why he waited several years before pulling this nudes and poly shit. It would make sense if it coincided with his rising popularity and influence.
>I bet they'd read this and think this is a healthy relationship tooThey’d argue that since she goes along with it (read: tries to save the marriage instead of immediately divorcing him) she’s 110% down with it and probably taking 50 dicks on the side, that whore! And if she ever revokes consent she’s a lying whore who’s just bitter that she couldn’t get as much action as her husband.
>>870841If she’d said no to him ~expressing his sexuality~ they’d be calling her controlling and
abusive. And also a whore, somehow. There’s no way to win with guys like this. Holly will find that out for herself sooner or later.
No. 870844
>It's part of me. It's part of my beingThis dude really trying to mythologise his absolutely generic, every-man-on-the-planet-is-the-same desire to fuck other women constantly. Wanting to fuck is not a personality!
He even looks like Jared. Looks like they both married sweet walkovers.
No. 870852
File: 1568977640909.png (314.68 KB, 637x1439, Screenshot 2019-09-20 at 11.58…)

Holly is just a broken record at this point
No. 870854
File: 1568978320249.png (330.9 KB, 633x1437, Screenshot 2019-09-20 at 12.16…)

>>870852Creepshow backtracked and removed her videos about Holly
No. 870856
>>870853I don't know unfortunately, it was already deleted before I saw the tweets but she probably was searching for negative comments again.
I think it's quite clear now that Holly and Jared are attempting to delete their internet history by "asking" people to apologise or remove any trace of negativity.
No. 870857
> “A personal response you made money off of”Is she honestly just fucking ignorant at this point? You don’t get to scream about other people turning a profit when YOUVE MADE AN ENTIRE CLOTHING LINE ABOUT THE SAME THING, YOU IGNORANT FUCKFACE
> “would you delete them?”What gives you the fucking right, Hoelly? I don’t like the mean things you said in calling Heidi an
abusive whore - you don’t see me demanding you update or delete your tweets.
No. 870872
>>870852why the fuck does she/jared keep bringing how much money others make into this?
>heidi profited off of my suffering>the two minors have art commissions/donation links pinned on their twitters so they want to make money off of our suffering>it's a personal response you made money off ofthis stupid bitch literally tried to make her public internet fiasco into a cashgrab, does she not see how perfectly her own words apply to herself?!
>holly you used the shitshow of you fucking someone else's husband to make money off of it>jared you used your nasty predatory habits to make thousands of dollars off of it>>870854please understand that browbeating someone into agreeing with you in the name of "HEAR ME OUT!" is also bullying, you dumb twat
No. 870898
>>870868Is her boundaries or the cursed shirt Hoelly's suffering too? Or is that taking a jab a Heidi because Heidi having boundaries means she an
abusive whore and Heidi expressing having unfortunate
triggering memories as cursed is something to make fun of and profit at Heidi's suffering.
No. 870952
File: 1568998899432.gif (633.58 KB, 244x244, 4BE7352B-3F80-4B21-8528-B1269B…)

>>870854>intent is importantwhy tho? I’d love to hear her explanation on why her intent actually matters in this situation
No. 870962
>"Out of context"Bitch where?
>browbeating someone into agreeing with youI have a bad feeling that if Creepshow didn't back down, Holly would've taken legal action.
Creepshow made a
lot of good points in this argument before Holly browbeat her into 'submission'.
> “A personal response you made money off of”This is pretty much suggesting "I can sue you for this, & since you don't make as much money as I do, it won't end well for you ;)"
Again, these instances of Jared & Holly 'reaching out' & 'coming to an agreement' with anyone who has publicly disapproved of their actions, are a power-move - "Look how many people I can get to retract every bad thing they've said about me & convince their fans that I'm a good person after all!"
…And it's still
not enough.
No. 870964
File: 1569001992273.png (69.89 KB, 588x678, dontfuckcoworkersmkay.png)

Good to see someone actually spell it out to Holly & her supporters.
Actions have consequences. Intent doesn't mean shit.
(sage for non-contribution)
No. 870990
>>870962It’s painful watching them get their way by browbeating people into taking videos down and knowing they have the money to do so if people didn’t cooperate with them. This is a disappointment because I like Creepshow’s videos.
They target smaller creators who call them out on their shit because they can easily overpower them.
No. 871008
File: 1569009505448.png (78.74 KB, 588x404, heidihate.png)

Who's milking what here?
No. 871017
>>871013Yeah sure, lmao.
(For real though, Holly standing up for Heidi against this kind of hate would probably benefit her image greatly, but I doubt it'll happen.)
No. 871025
File: 1569011164046.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1276x909, 7292D383-F01A-40E2-9B51-F6B304…)

There will never NOT be an intense irony in Hoelly selling a “boundaries” shirt, as if she gives a fuck about anyone’s boundaries but her own.
No. 871027
>>871023Hoelly hates Heidi with passion ain't no way she gonna apologize to Heidi. Hoelly feels like she is the true
victim in all of this and that it was Heidi's fault. Besides Hoelly doesn't even have the empathy to truly apologize and only pretends to "apologize" when she is seen in a negative light and wants people to forgive and forget at her convenience.
No. 871029
>>871027That's what I don't get. She keeps saying "I apologized" but apologies should
never be followed by "If…" "But…" or "It's just that…"
No. 871086
>>871081 is (or used to be?) a youtuber whose channel is comicbookgirl19, she mainly reviewed/discussed comics and movies from comics, so she maybe just "stuck" with Hoelly through that. I believe she was also part of a group channel as a guest?
and yeah she used to be in some NSP vids (more oldschool when I thought NSP were more fun and didn't take things so seriously) but after those she didn't really collab or hang out with them much I think
No. 871092
>>871090But she's pretty, so she
No. 871095
>>871090In their little world women only want attention and marriage is an evil shackle on poor poor men. This is p much because their only exposure to women is through porn and some stupid tv shows. So of course the wife is a crazy evil nag who terrorizes poor poor husband and of course she's also just doing her hobby and her craft for attention from men
It never ever occurs to these fucking weebs that no sane woman would want any attention from them
No. 871112
File: 1569022768273.png (25.63 KB, 280x528, nocancelpls.png)

Meanwhile on Tumblr…
No. 871129
>>871128Old. Was already discussed in this thread:
>>867546And Hoelly already got the storefronts to take the shirts down.
No. 871135
>>871106Yup, and look what did happen to the women with strong ties to him lol
Heidi's just now scrabbling together a life of her own and slowly gaining financial indepence
Holly's permanently dickmatized and has managed to alienate whatever goodwill and audience she previously had
What a CATCH
No. 871150
>It's really sad that she herself got so manipulated after calling it out.tbh, Deleting her videos was probably the more painless solution. It was either that, or make an 'update' video about how she was WRONG but has learned 'the truth' & proceeds to figuratively lick Holly's butthole.
Also, I wouldn't doubt that Holly had a couple of her stans at the ready
just in case Shannon didn't comply.
She comes off as pretty intimidating when she claims
> “A personal response you made money off of” insinuating that she can sue the pants off her very easily, & if I can remeber correctly, Shannon doesn't really make much money irl.
They know what they're doing. They're pretty much
forcing acceptance.
No. 871193
>>871150man. now i really want even ONE person to out holly/jared for threatening them with legal action.
i mean, it's been plenty obvious already, but it's so frustrating when jared/holly "reach out" to someone and within an hour they backtrack on ever thinking the two morons ever did any wrong, and then their dumbass fanbase is all over their tweets like "oh wow, two adults acting like mature understanding adults!"
no bitch there's likely twenty C&Ds in place waiting to happen lmao
No. 871195
> then their dumbass fanbase is all over their tweets like "oh wow, two adults acting like mature understanding adults!"That's just the fanbase reminding them that they're being watched;
"Look at that! A completely healthy, mature, & mutual understanding! Riiiight?" (cracks knuckles)
No. 871196
>>871195Also, if I'm hearing right, Holly made Ross, her own husband, sign an NDA, so even if he
wanted to say something, he can't. Not without risking his livelihood.
No. 871198
>>871196this is likely (though only speculated), but as far as i'm aware, anyone they potentially threaten with a C&D (pamela horton for example) which is basically a "shut up and delete this" is under no obligation to sign an NDA.
an NDA is an agreement - it's in the name - and hence mutual. something like a libel lawsuit or a cease and desist is a situation where the person with the bigger stick wins.
so even if jared told pamela something like "delete your previous tweets about me and clarify the situation or i'll tear your ass in court" and she complies, she is well within legal limits as far as i can think to actually air the fact online.
there's nothing really stopping her from saying "since i was under the threat of libel i have recanted my past statement" and we'd all know what happened kek
No. 871199
Also no one wants to deal with a neverending cascade of death threats & trolls butting in on their business either…
No. 871293
>>871259try telling that to someone whose only meaningful relationship in life has been with his own left hand kek
the only reason heidi's situation is so bizarrely misunderstood is that the internet is composed of incels with zero understanding of normal human interaction.
No. 871425
>>871196>>871382>>871424Glad this came up, because I didn't understand what you referred to when you said "hearing right." Following the trail of conversation (admittedly difficult) it seemed like you were referring to Hoelly stans. Now that I've clicked more and more posts, I guess it could be Creepshow's video?
Eee it feels weird saying "I" this much on LC.
No. 871430
File: 1569111987688.png (47.04 KB, 578x292, nda.png)

>>871425Jared tried to make Heidi sign an nda, or it was at least brought up at some point between them.
I wouldn't put it past Holly to attempt the same.
No. 871476
File: 1569120940448.png (32.84 KB, 472x344, apologize.png)

Take note, Jared & Holly.
No. 871499
File: 1569131176084.jpeg (309.75 KB, 1236x689, 511FAEDE-F60F-41C7-8C15-E336EC…)

“No excuses, no white lies to yourself, no illusions”
Jesus, Hoelly really does think of herself as the wounded victim that did absolutely nothing wrong here, doesn’t she?
No. 871500
File: 1569131271495.jpeg (961.83 KB, 1297x1235, 6582D60F-31D6-40F9-81E5-7FC975…)

“He’s divorced!”
Filing the paperwork does NOT equal divorced. Plus, Hoelly is still married too. They’re both still, technically, cheating on their spouses
No. 871525
>>871476>own guiltNo can do. She’ll never apologise properly because she believes intent should be the main factor in determination of guilt and she supposedly didn’t
intend to hurt anyone. Apologising for something she doesn’t think she’s truly guilty of would mean being untruthful to herself (>>871499) and that’s like, way worse than destroying two marriages.
In Hollyland, sleeping with another person behind your spouse’s back without their knowledge or explicit consent isn’t cheating or hurtful as long as you don’t
intend to hurt anyone. If they’re hurt by it anyway then hey, that’s not your fault! Same with the nude blogs. If Jared never sat around rubbing his hands together thinking “Mhuahahaha I’m going to abuse my power and influence over my young fanbase to make them feel used and violated!” then he can’t be held responsible when that’s exactly what ended up happening.
>If you never stop to consider other people’s feelings then it’s not your fault when they get hurt UvUI dare her to put that on a T-shirt.
(Though to be honest I really don’t buy that her intentions with the cheating were pure and innocent. Both Jared and Holly are grown ass adults who are fully aware that actions have consequences and with her history of resentment towards other women, it wouldn’t surprise me if part of the affair’s appeal was to get one over on the pretty girl by taking her man. Joke’s on Holly though, since Heidi’s better off without him.)
No. 871534
>>871503I mean, if you look at the timeline for Austin Jones his first
victims came forward in 2015, he wasn't arrested until 2017, and finally took a plea that got him ten years earlier this year. This process takes a long time and most of the defendants end up pleaing out cause they don't want to spend the rest of their natural lives in jail.
Also just the similarities between what happened with Home and what's going on with Projared is kinda eerie. Both initially tried to make the
victims look unreliable, both issued really no-hearted apologies, and both continued on with their shit like is was all over with. The only difference as of right now is that Jared is cleaning a pigeon coop while ukelele playing Holly shrieks behind him and Austin is sitting in federal prison.
No. 871589
>>871500Umm… If Jared's under any kind of investigation, he's probably
not going to tell anyone about it. Including his fanbase…
No. 871644
>>871589 This is the disconnect between Jared & his fanbase. They cannot seem to grasp the concept of confidentiality. Heidi being unable to show Holly's sexts & nudes does not mean she's "#heidingthetruth" for all the legal-jargon they spout they should
know that by now.
So they don't know shit about what's going on legally, but right now they're main focus is swaying the public opinion, but they're gonna have to realize that this kind of thing
takes time, & just because they themselves don't see what happens doesn't mean it didn't happen.
No. 871675
>>871672In Feb wasn't it already a thing happening in their private lives?
Because holy fuck.
No. 871676
>>871534You got the timeline wrong, anon. The
victim that reported Jones reported him in May and he was arrested initially within the same month and there was warrant about his digital correspondence, phones, etc. Then they found about the other
victims that go back at least 2 years.
No. 871685
>>871675Definitely, I just went back to look at the texts that Heidi released and they were dated early February 2018.
Holly was already profiting from disregarding Heidi's (and Ross') boundaries for months.
No. 871710
File: 1569184371743.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1295x1410, F3BB78A3-154F-477E-A77B-29E122…)

So, how far into hell am I descending if I hope her blatant disregard of CDC recommendations to not kiss fucking birds results in fucking salmonella or bird flu or something?
No. 871720
File: 1569184731930.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1388x1859, CDEA36CC-792D-43FC-97FF-44239F…)

I bet her neighbors just LOVE living next to her hoard
No. 871722
>>871710Not as far as Holly will be going.
Also, she looks.. pained? Why is she scrunching her face up like that?
No. 871725
>Photo by Ukulele_PunkAww, I guess her boytoy Jared doesn't want to stick around…
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but
most animals don't like when people put their mouths on them.
>Why is she scrunching her face up like that?She always makes over exaggerated expressions
No. 871738
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I mean… the similarities between the two are quite obvious.
Especially when claiming that a victim cannot be trusted due to mental issues…
No. 871801
File: 1569193393335.png (161.17 KB, 580x292, barelyabletotalk.png)

Old milk, but this tweet by Holly lines right up with what Heidi said about Jared ignoring Holly & Holly making up that it was "Because of Heidi!"
No. 871818
>>871801I love how she just believes that Heidi was the singular abuser. That in no way, fashion or form was Projared ever
Nope, all Heidi.
No. 871822
>>871801This tweet still annoys me. If your friend/colleague is in an
abusive relationship, you do not take advantage and sleep with them - as a mental health advocate she should know that. It’s unbelievable that Holly had the audacity to call another person
abusive and unfixable, when it is very likely she emotional abused Ross and is mentally unstable herself.
I hate that I used to think she was a good person.
No. 871823
>>871818Not to mention herself. She is in complete denial that she cheated on Ross and abused his trust. If Ross’ VR chat video is about Holly, then it’s not hard to believe she was
abusive throughout their marriage.
No. 871854
>>870795>>870808sage cause stupid at this point but he had way more than that lol more like 100k by the end of the year of 2011(year he and marzia started dating) and got like 500k by spring time of 2012
regardless the fact pewds changed stances completely is bullshit for reasons already stated plenty of times
No. 871855
>>871854pewdiepie and any male in the youtube sphere are without a doubt going to support the fellow male nerd who gets accused of being a pedo on account of being sent nudes from minors and saying "uwu they lied to me"
ANY ONE of these guys could have been in a similar position as jared just with different contexts, and they would have been similarly in the same boiling pot. at this point none of this is about thinking rationally and just camaraderie between guys. Support the wronged man, this is why false rape allegations should be punished! yada yada
I just hope nobody touches dodger and her husband strippin they are too pure and must be protected. I say this because dodger is friends with jesse cox and jirard. I don't know Jesse's stance on it (I don't believe he's actually said anything?) but I am seriously hoping Jesse's past as a history teacher to kids/teens would give him some additional wisdom on the matter, and strippin is recently a dad now
No. 871861
>>871848I still don't trust Jared on this. Unless there is word from Ross himself - NOT via Scarletmoth or one of Jared & Holly's minions.
He might've visited Jared to cheer him up because of everything Holly told him.
No. 871864
>>871855I highly doubt anyone will bring those three into this mess, aside from Jirard, the other three don't seem all that close to prodick and hoelly based on their old vids of like office tour-y vids, even back when grumps first were there.
They all kinda did their own thing and only interacted if they were on the same podcast or videos. If anything Dodger, Sam and Jesse probably feel bad for Heidi and don't give a fuck about cheat brigade since they never cared for them in the first place.
I feel Jesse specifically feels really bad for Heidi since he got cheated on and knows first hand how hard that shit hurts from his old posts on twitter.
No. 871871
>>871864God I hope so. Jesse and Dodger are pretty much my only gaming refuges left that aren't horrifically
problematic. I used to watch superbestfriendsplay but we all know how that turned out. And I'm not always interested in their solo content so I only watch when I like the game in question.
This situation has led me to weeding out a lot of creators that I thought were ok. A female friend of mine used to watch Jared and she believes his video only because she would put his vids on while studying and takes everything at face value, without any deeper knowledge of what's been going on outside of his Youtube channel. Peanutbuttergamer was okay, mostly his face annoyed me, but I liked that he played older games. I liked Jirard with Jesse and his friends, and Game Grumps I still watch (selectively) but it's almost hate watching at this point considering I've been on the Suzy/GG threads here for years now lol.
I used to really like Holly when she was in her harmless, pink hair tumblr phase. Sometimes she made me question her, but it was never so severe, and I wasn't aware of her previous cosplay drama. This thing has led me to lots of unsubscribes, "Not Interested" and blocking people. I was briefly subbed to Treesicle but when I saw them backpedaling I retracted that sub.
Anons, are there any gaming faves you enjoy that aren't pieces of shit involved in this? I could really use a detox in my sub feed
No. 871899
File: 1569208920208.png (146.29 KB, 840x354, Mar-29-2018.png)

>>871861Yeah, he traveled a LOT in March of 2018.
>>871889Jared's narcissistic, so in his mind, Ross was traveling all that way
just to visit him.
No. 871909
>>871871i swear, all the NB idiots have disappointed me so far. i'm still subbed to PBG but he hasn't been uploading on either of his channels, and i'm about to kick him out of the sub box too.
(not milk but he recently tweeted about being too much in a funk to produce videos, and figuring out what he wants to do next. someone asked him if the recent "drama" was related to this funk, and PBG said it was but not as much as people would think. huh)
if you're looking for new subs, i will recommend:
Caddicarus - plays mostly PS games, sometimes new ones. very consistent in terms of frequency and density of content. what commends him the most is the fact that despite being very close to these idiots, he managed to stay entirely clear of the whole situation kek
(the fact that his girlfriend has three daughters of which 2 are minors might have contributed)
ManlyBadassHero - plays horror games, mostly obscure/indie/RPGmaker ones. love the aplomb and charm, and he's also very consistent with how often he uploads. keeps improving his setup/approach as well. solid thumbs up
Brutalmoose and PushingUpRoses - they both have very chill and diverse content, and i have nothing negative to say about either. it's not always gaming content though so YMMV
anyone else has any recommendations? my subbox has been dastardly bare too lately
No. 871925
>>871921you're probably confusing her with Pamela horton and
her friend, both of who put out videos where they said "jared is cool, i was mistaken".
but now that you've mentioned it - can anyone access PUR's twitter beyond June this year? it looks like all her posts beyond that point are gone? and if so her post calling out jared for being a creep is too. IIRC she called out his inappropriate behavior and said that she's cut ties with him in the past? i don't think she backtracked on this at all, but it might be drowned in her numerous, numerous posts.
No. 871929
File: 1569217267709.png (375.94 KB, 1272x702, Screenshot 2019-09-23 at 11.08…)

also also samefag. going down that same thread it looks like jared's brother deleted what he'd posted in
>>809125it might be old but haven't seen it mentioned yet in the threads
are we taking bets on whether jared is suing his own family now?
No. 871952
>>871801Holly to the public: Leaving an
abusive relationship is excruciatingly difficult and I tried my best to help and be supportive but felt so powerless UvU
Holly privately to Jared: WHY ISN’T THIS RELATIONSHIP OVER YET?!!?!
No. 872072
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>>871918>>871909many thanks for the recommendations, anons! I've seen manlybadasshero sometimes, and I always liked how chill he was. Sometimes I just don't want hyperactive screaming or fake charming/radio entertainer voices in my ear, I just want to hear someone playing a game. I'll definitely sub to him because so far he's never disappointed me. And I'll definitely check the others out, too. Unless I like the people in the video (Jesse's Scary Game Squad, Superbestfriendsplay etc) I don't really enjoy loud, group lets plays.
I used to really enjoy Cryaotic but now he's always got Angel and she REALLY annoys me. I don't know why exactly, she sounds obnoxious in that edgy "not like other girls, I smoke weed all the time I'm so cool" way, you know that kind of person that outwardly lacks empathy and mocks every character and never takes anything seriously? Cry used to be great for knowing when to shut up during a scene or when to reflect and feel for what characters go through. Now, Angel will just make some dumbass "joke" and derail the emotional impact.
I don't have many recommendations for actual let's plays but if you enjoy watching lengthy game reviews I suggest Nitro Rad. His niche is retro or indie games and apart from some popular titles like Silent Hill or Res Evil etc he also has smaller or older games you may not have heard of.
About the brother, I would say either he deleted to avoid speculation/drama (least insidious), he deleted because he changed his mind since his brother Jared could probably manipulate him easily (mildly insidious, mostly expected), or because he got hit with threats too if he doesn't keep his mouth shut about the whole deal (kind of expected, would be very fucked up if true)
I assume also that friend/"sister" to Holly that was ADAMANT of the truth is also still around somewhere
(absolutely no1curr) No. 872080
>>872072what you said about cry is the reason i stopped watching MatPat and his wife on GTlive kek. stephanie is unbearably stupid, and she just
has to interject her opinion on any and all kinds of crap that's got nothing to do with the game they're playing
i was just watching Nitro Rad yesterday and man i felt bad for thinking it but he seems a lot like a… poor man's SuperEyepatchWolf lol. great selection of games though, i really appreciate the lesser known titles he talks about and the depth he goes in
i'll stop the derailment now mods pls don't hit me with dat redtext
No. 872140
>>871861Finally checked this after forever. In Ross’s friend group. He visited Jared, because Holly was “devastated that Jared stopped talking to her, and Heidi was aboosiv” and she wouldn’t let Ross hear the end of it.
He got a very warped version of the story, and he wanted to offer support to his wife and friend and also get to the bottom of what was going on.
Jared is being ridiculous if he honestly believes Ross supported what was actually happening.
No. 872175
>>872072Just to steer this to be slightly on topic, I found out about Syrmor from this thread after Ross featured in one of his VR chat videos. I look forward to his videos now, he has some really chilled and wholesome content.
Also, he interacts with younger players in an appropriate way as well (Jared, take note).
No. 872188
>>871871>>871909A couple recs:
TheNyanCave - Three Canadian housemates who stream several times each day. They tend to do longer, story-driven games and series (currently going through Catherine: Full Body and the new Fire Emblem).
Achievement Hunter - I actually took a fairly long break from their content some number of years back, but they've been pushing some decent stuff recently. They have 11 rotating "talent" so different videos/series have different vibes to pick-and-choose from.
Hadrian - Pretty chill dude who mostly does long runs of strategy games and The Long Dark. Fairly consistent with uploading when he isn't having technical difficulties (which are not uncommon)
Northernlion - Another fairly chill guy who does a variety of games, but always does Binding of Isaac
No. 872197
>>872179I’m not familiar with this? I wasn’t there for private marriage discussions, but they still seemed like a couple when we hung out in May 2018.
>>872183Ross thought Jared might very well be in an emotionally
abusive relationship, and he wanted to offer support to Jared while he worked to heal and improve his marriage situation, based on his own personal experience.
To be honest, the reason I keep coming back here is just that I’m so upset at Holly. I believed that she cared about Ross and genuinely improved. I bit my tongue for so long, but she’s honestly awful.
No. 872229
>>872197>>872204that sounds like an awful situation, jesus… poor Ross, he was really trying to be a good guy! i know some people adjacent to the Grumps and their policy of staying quiet makes complete sense. it doesn't make it any less frustrating to see Jared/Holly pushing a narrative that makes them seem like innocent
victims in all of this.
> I believed that she cared about Ross and genuinely improved. I bit my tongue for so long, but she’s honestly awful.i'm curious as to what she would do that made you bite your tongue for so long? were there any red flags, ie. patterns of abuse?
No. 872234
>>872227Just, normal. The affection level for them was never over the top, so there were just no clear signs that anything was particularly wrong.
>>872229I’m not giving specific details, because I draw some line for privacy. What I saw and heard of was clear and explicit emotional abuse. She admitted to it and “healed.” Apparently she was just channeling her energy into a dnd relationship instead.
No. 872239
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>>872234> clear and explicit emotional abuse. > She admitted to it and “healed.”> Apparently she was just channeling her energy into a dnd relationship instead.why does Holly have the moral compass of a literal child?
>>872238i am so ready for Ross to have a major glow-up in his 30's
No. 872242
>>872197>>872204Thanks for sharing anon, I think you've confirmed a lot of things that I had a feeling was what happened. The main reason I still visit this thread is for exactly the same reason as you do - I'm still just in disbelief that Holly turned out to be such an awful person.
Ross is such a genuine guy and I'm so glad to see him doing well (despite the recent news). His and the Grump's silence speaks volumes. By keeping himself to himself, he's been able to move on in life properly and focus on himself, his art, Giwi, Orph, family, friends, etc. He seems to be in a much better place now.
No. 872252
>>872242Yeah, I agree with his decisions. To be honest, I empathize with Heidi in a lot of this because I obviously couldn’t do what he’s doing. I’d have immediately started calling these people out. She may not be perfect, but who can be while dealing with these people?
I haven’t seen Ross much recently for obvious reasons, but despite family trouble, he seems in much better spirits than this time last year.
No. 872254
>>872234How was holly with you other friends? Sorry for being so morbidly curious lol. What about Heidi, did you hear rumors about her being
abusive from anyone else than Holly?
No. 872256
>>872254I didn’t care for Holly on her own, but she was fine? I’ve mentioned it before, but she was generally hard to be around, and there wasn’t any change in behavior at that time.
I didn’t hear any rumors about Heidi, but she was never in my direct circle.
No. 872263
>>872252Oh definitely, I think so many people (myself included) felt they could relate to Heidi - the more information she posted, the more raw and relatable it felt.
I don't know whether Ross just felt numb to it all or if he came to the realisation that putting it behind him was best for his own mental health, but it must've taken a lot of self-control to not retaliate when everything was being discussed so publicly.
I don't know if you'll know about this as I get the impression Ross is a very private person but.. did Ross ever agree to an open-relationship? It's been floating around as a rumour but I'm guessing not, otherwise Holly would have slept with Jared sooner instead of waiting until after separating from Ross? (She still cheated on him emotionally regardless).
No. 872265
>>871918Be careful, Jared/Holly might be reading this & we'll end up seeing PUR's "I was WRONG about Jared!" tweets/video real soon!
Kinda funny how Jared+Holly's supporters accuse Heidi of directing a MOB of people to
force everyone to hate Jared & Holly…
Masters of projection right there!
No. 872269
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>>872263His immediate response to the drama kinda gives off the impression that he had
finally washed his hands of Holly's bullshit & was too invested in his new life to go back & relive any of that shit again.
No. 872282
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February 25, 2018
No. 872283
>>872280Yeah I know, those texts were actually shocking. I just wondered what the outcome was in case Holly ever did speak to Ross about opening up their relationship.
By what
>>872140 said, it sounds like Holly painted a very different picture of the situation to Ross so it seems unlikely, but who knows how she twisted and manipulated things in her favour.
No. 872284
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>>872282"They broke up in February!!!"
No. 872294
File: 1569281518394.png (38.4 KB, 434x414, Creepshow-Holly.png)

Old Milk, but someone brought up a good point about Creepshow & her videos about Holly
No. 872334
>>872294Hi Shannon, it's funny you're so butthurt but stop name-dropping your shit channel. Thanks.
We all know Holly cashed in on the drama which is bad, literally nobody is arguing that.
No. 872357
>>872294Creepshow is another pathetic coward who bent to Hoelly and her
victim noises.
No. 872360
>>872359All they can do is pout.
PhillyD & h3h3 are the only ones who didn't fold publicly, & you can bet they make
way more money than Jared & Holly combined.
It's also hilarious that Jared was liking tweets dunking on Ethan for not backing down on him being a total
creep. Whatever happened to "I forgive you" Jared?
No. 872371
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said tier costs 50 fucking dollars lmfao
also, she lurks here i'm guessing - she changed the $30 tier rewards to "This tier gets you a super cool art print, sticker, or postcard every month!" from its previous "a mental health tip uwu get shafted"
No. 872373
>>872372Her supporters aren't buying
enough shirts like they said they would! D:<
No. 872404
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>>872371These aren't even commissions/personalised drawings. She'll just sketch a pidgeon with crappy occult symbols and send it to you for $50 a month.
No. 872407
File: 1569317283235.png (4.07 MB, 1536x2048, 53ECE6F1-8DBB-43D6-A253-FC9DB0…)

Isn’t she the one who was screeching about being scared of a storm like…..two weeks ago? Now she LOVES the rain?
Also, that’s the same porch from the pic of Jared in the “cancelled” shirt, so it’s safe to say they’re still together.
No. 872408
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“From the apocalypse”
You mean the storm of you fucking your husbands coworker and friend while you were both married to other people?
Seriously, fuck off homewrecker
No. 872423
>>872408"I'm having to WORK you guise! Work! Me! As a consequence of my actions!! I have to sit on my ass at home and try to con people out of their hard-earned money so I can make up for lost income! FEEL BAD FOR MEEEEE"
Fuck's sake. This chicken-brained shit wit is acting like she's had to take on two part-time jobs doing menial, back-breaking work. Cry me a fucking river, Holly, and get a real job if it's that hard.
No. 872425
>>872424Yep, Holly's entitled ass does not understand internet PR at all. Sane people who previously supported her are going to drop her like a hot stone the moment she starts being awful like she has been, and they are not going to give her money for being a whiny
toxic little shitbird kek
And you know what? Holly only cares about any of this because it's hitting her in the wallet. No empathy for Ross or Heidi, no thought to how fucking stupid and awful she's making herself look, and how she's kept it up for months now. No, only thing she cares about is the income she's got accustomed to and feels entitled to.
Be sad all you want, uwu
No. 872433
>>872415Meanwhile you look at the handmade stuff Heidi sells and while it’s definitely for a niche audience, you can actual tell there’s craftsmanship.
Holly sending random art to higher tier patrons just calls back to Heidi saying how Holly thinks handwritten letters are some big, artistic, generous gesture. The girl is lazy. I tried watching her Spooky Sunday stream and there is literally nothing of value or entertaining coming from either Holly or her Single White Female lookalike friend.
She used to just sell her image for people who knew her as a cosplayer, as Ross’s wife, or as DND character Strix, and now that image is completely ruined because she’s none of those things. She knows she has nothing going for her now, it’s why she keeps crying about her shit DND character.
No. 872435
>>872433I only watched the first Spooky Saturday after the shitshow, and that was purely to see if some shit kicked off (It didn't; The stream was boring as fuck IMO with Kayla leading the whole thing and Holly thinking she was contributing by idk showing up I guess)
Holly stans can scream at Heidi to move on all the want, but it don't mean shit when Hoelly is now literally trying to make a living off of being a professional
victim of a shitshow that was all her own making.
No. 872492
>>872435i watched that one and maybe one VOD after that. holly just sits there screeching random sentences and somehow that qualifies as "contribution", it's painfully boring to watch
i have no idea why kayla would want to skinwalk someone so void of personality tbh. at least she still has marketable skills (and a DnD group that hasn't been outed as a bunch of cheaters kek)
No. 872592
>>872424I think she's so desperate for Jared's attention that she wanted to throw herself into the fire for him.
She'd be walking over burning coals barefoot like "Look Jared! I'm doing this for YOU!"
No. 872601
>>872408Charging $50 for a completely RANDOM sketch or painting is absolutely disgusting.
If she really cared about whatever fans she has left, she would offer commissions, like professional artists do - with a clear price structure and the opportunity to bring their ideas to life.
But no.. Holly could not possibly do that because that would be considered real work. I honestly am still shocked by how low Holly will go. Ross' Patreon is a breath of fresh air in comparison.
No. 872606
>>872601I saw a post like this on PULL that said pretty much the same thing - and it's a solid point.
Why pay $50 for art that is completely random and at Hoelly's whim when you could find a good artist doing similar commissions for WAY cheaper (I'd hazard to guess maybe $20-30 for a rough sketch like Hoelly used as an example) and KNOW exactly what you're going to get?
No. 872615
> offhandedly mentioning an ex who doesn't sound like KT.Yeah but… she'll probably
insist that it's her.
No. 872616
>>872606Exactly. It just goes to show how little she cares about her supporters to expect people to stump up $50 for something so lazy.
I've seen artists offer sketches for $5/£5 as the uptake is usually high and it helps them to promote their work. 50 people are much more likely to pay $5 than 10 pay $50.. (although I really hope there's not 50 people willing to support her).
No. 872634
File: 1569358238933.png (200.13 KB, 474x738, whoiskt.png)

What the fuck?
No. 872785
>>872752This is fucking insane logic (and I don’t even know who the fuck KT is)
If you’re upset over being lied to, you should express condolence? She’s using that word, but I don’t think it means what SHE thinks it means.
No. 872806
>>872634>>872752i so miss this insane, insane woman lmfao
i don't know many people who, when asked for a picture of them with someone else as proof, return a sketch and say "well HE drew it so THERE"
>>872794anon what does this mean
No. 872818
> anon what does this meanWhat I mean is that while his first
victims to come out are laughed at & dismissed, in a few more years as he sees more 'success', the list of
victims is only gonna get
longer, & I wouldn't doubt that Holly will end up on that list as well.
No. 872922
File: 1569419832643.png (2.41 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190925-085357.png)

I can't believe people would pay money for this ugly garbage
No. 872967
>>872922Ah so this is what you get for $50, what an amazing deal.
Or maybe it's her premium art and it gets sold for a bigger price ahahahahah
No. 872979
>>872922i hate this so much lmfao
it feels like such a slap in the face of actually talented artists who don't get visibility because they never divorced a famous youtuber to fuck an infamous worm
No. 872994
>>872922I mean, I know we're supposed to hate everyone who isn't Heidi and Ross, but let's be honest here: There's way worse/less detailed art that goes for WAY MORE simply because of a name attached to it.
>>872986No, it's similar to how musicians who REALLY LIKE A PARTICULAR STYLE will stick to that style or create their own, but it doesn't mean they can't do anything else, it just means that's what they love.
You do know, art (of any kind) is about passion, right? Yes it's Holly, but that doesn't change what people tend to do. Just go on twitter and see how many furry artists stick to furry art and usually their OCs if not doing "fan arts", almost as if it's something people normally do.
No. 873009
>>873005i might be tinfoiling here, but this simple and really
valid question signals to me the start of a whole new holly scam.
"my mental health was so terrible this month uwu i can't send out rewards to all tiers uwu i'll do it next month. pls forgive ok? ok"
cashes out and moonwalks away -
No. 873014
File: 1569431958622.png (64.62 KB, 277x215, Capture d’écran 2019-09-25 à…)

>>873013And oh look, it's working! Anyone know how many slots were available for this?
No. 873021
>>873019You can already tell it's gonna be the
same circle of friends every month.
No. 873050
>>873009I can almost guarantee that's what she's building up to "Omg I'm so stressed with everything and the apocalypse I caused and all and I just can't handle doing the doodles this month!"
>>873010I wouldn't put it past her - but also I think her claims of "I've lost so much income!" are just the latest attempt at garnering sympathy. Like, fam, you can still afford a home of your own in the PNW and all of your bills without having any real, steady line of work.
Let me know when you start wondering where your next meal is going to come from and maybe THEN you'll be deserving of pity, Hoelly
>>873014She SAID there were 10 slots, but how do any of us know for sure? Maybe it's the classic "Hurry up before all of the slots fill up! There's only ONE left!" school of business meant to 'scare' people into joining so as not to be left out
((Its like that trivago commercial right now where all of the dudebros think they got the last hotel room or the last ticket to the big game))
No. 873061
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No. 873205
>>873190Her art isn't necessarily
bad it's just incredibly repetitive, uninspired, and self-focused. Much like the rest of her kek
It's like she learned to draw one thing, got praise for it (I guess) and just never branched out for the rest of her life.
No. 873244
>>873236Looks like it's just a very sketchy, messy style. Nothing wrong with that.
What I
do have a problem with is the convoluted way she's going about it. It'd be
a lot easier if she just asked them what they'd like to her to draw (knowing them, they'll just ask her for more Strix anyway)
Still, what if they prefer a piece that already went to
someone else?
It's frustrating, like why not just make prints of your best/favorite works &
sell them???
No. 873260
>>873238I very much doubt it. That‘s probably a finished, full colour piece. She said “painting and/or sketch” so while these new $50 patrons are probably hopeful they’ll receive a full painting each month, it’s more likely and technically still in line with her description of the tier that they just get a quick doodle of a spoopy eye and some crows’ feet.
>>873244She wants people to simply hand her guaranteed money each month to draw what she felt like drawing anyway. If she sells individual pieces instead she might not get $50 for each one, interest might taper off over time
and it wouldn’t help her maintain such a dedicated private fanclub. She’s well aware that her popularity relies more on the internet persona she’s developed than on any standalone artistic skill.
No. 873261
>>873260100% this. Holly has thought this through carefully so she can put in minimum effort for maximum return.
I guess there is also low risk of repercussions or expectation from her supporters by offering a random sketch or painting (if they're lucky). They just get what they're given - unlike with selling a product like her shitty clothing, they can't really complain about what they receive when they knew it would be a 'surprise'.
No. 873269
>>873236>>873244Idk, it looks more like an initial concept sketch to me, drawn prior to the final piece. The face in particular looks poorly realised and unfinished. Art is subjective and obviously Holly's supporters don't care, but I wouldn't put it on my wall.
I've always thought this about Holly's art though.. she can draw and has artistic skill, but it's like she doesn't seem to have any passion or commitment to it?
No. 873297
>>873014Kek is she really just selling stamped art for 50 dollars? Like I get woodcuts are a thing, but those are usually made in a series and the cuts are on boards so that even if there's multiple layers it can make the same image again and again
Holly's literally looks like she took some stamps, stamped on a sheet and called it a day. Wouldn't be surprised if she's doing it so that she can re use the stamps for the rest of the patreons and for the months to come so she doesnt have to do any hard work tbh
No. 873298
>>873297don't mix up the icon for the patreon level with the art that she is actually providing back. Nobody here has any idea what those sketches or drawings are going to be but if they are anything like the drawing she posted about a month ago - - then I see no issue with her finding 10 people interested in this type of art. She has the skills, it's funny seeing people here both claiming she is free-riding and not trying to do anything to work again AND angry at her for trying to work again. Pick one and stick with it.
No. 873299
>>873298if what you linked is worth 50 bucks in your book, i don't even know what to tell you
the problem isn't with holly trying to work – right now, it's looking too much like a scam. i want to see what kind of art she's giving out for this tier, but if it's anything below the level of effort/detail in
>>872922 it is a complete scam.
don't forget her history, she's more than capable of it
No. 873301
>>873300nice assessment, anon! i'm a graphic designer/artist kek
>printed art for $50 easilynot even loish charges 50 bucks for art prints jesus
are you comparing holly to someone like stanley lau? i get that artistic tastes are different for everyone but by no industry standard is holly justified in charging 50 dollars for the kind of scribble you linked. not even close
No. 873302
>>873301After all the PhDs in law few threads back, I take personal qualifications from anons with grain of salt. I support various artists on twitter myself, regularly buy printed art and commissions too, and I am signed up for some patreons too. So if you are charging for less than that, you are either underselling your work or not there yet, anon. But good luck with it.
And no, I don't mean prints from established artists. I mean art from newer names that create new stuff in a style that I like.
No. 873304
>>873302no, just living in a shit third world country. but point taken lol. before this enters the realm of derailment i think i should end the argument with the hope that holly/her patrons do share the "rewards" so we can see just how badly they get shafted kek
(inb4 it's revealed all of the top tier supporters are thirsty fucks who'd be glad to get a pee-stained piece of TP from holly to rub over themselves breathing creepily)
No. 873327
>>873322She posted recently a picture of her new work room and she's getting a Cam to stream soon
So hopefully she'll be restocking her store with new items and making new cosplay.
No. 873331
>>873299That's exactly it. A well-known artist selling a detailed post like the one you linked for $50 - That's fine, there's no issue.
Holly isn't really a well known artist, though. She's also not asking for the person's input in any way, shape, or form. It's literally "Give me $50 and I'll send you something that I'm calling art!"
>"You are either not working yourself"Fam, even those of us who ARE working, can't always justify spending $50 on someone's art if we're not even sure what "art" we'd be getting.
>>873322She's also been busy preparing for various cons and dealing with the legal shit that Jared's dragging her through. It's a little tough to get in a creative mindset when your husband's mistress is launching slander allegations your way every .5 seconds.
No. 873348
> "She is starting to go down Holly's path of self-harm and it's not looking good"Who is? Heidi?
Friend, she made her video clearing things up on her end and hasn't said a word about it since. I'd think that the wife who was cheated on and lied about repeatedly should be able to talk about how distressing the whole thing has been.
The mistress who caused all of this? Well, hoelly can shut the fuck up and retreat back under the bridge with the rest of the trolls.
No. 873349
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>>873346hasn't done it in a while. stuff looks okay to me
No. 873351
>>873348The other anon claimed that Heidi can't create stuff because of Holly's tweets or something. That's what I am referring to.
>>873331She isn't preparing for cons, she said she won't have one in a while until she figures what comes next maybe creatively.
No. 873441
File: 1569531473267.png (32.86 KB, 576x288, dcafans1.png)

Good lord these fans are entitled.
No. 873442
>>873441I'd like to think Wizards of the Coast aren't stupid enough to host a show where one of the mains is a known groomer of fans, and who might still possess the nudes of people 10+ years younger than him…
But honestly, with the amount of people who keep gushing over Holly and Jared… my faith in human decency isn't great.
No. 873443
>>873441You think they'd eventually realize that their pleas, demands, petitions aren't working and eventually move on.
A company as large as WotC isn't going to cave and reinstate DCA just because some fans are demanding it, and if they do, I can't see them asking Hoelly/PedoDick back since they were the reason it was cancelled in the first place.
Besides, it seems that Nate and Anna have moved on and are working on their own individual projects. The only ones still stuck on it are Jared and Hoelly, probably because they can't make a relationship work without using Diath/Strix as proxies for their weird fantasy life.
No. 873446
>>873443The odd thing is, there's enough fans that wouldn't mind Holly & Jared starting their own thing.
I wonder why WOTC taking them back is so…
No. 873449
>>873447Hell, they can even get the suckers/fans to give them money to continue if they could.
Why the desperation to remain 'official'?
No. 873461
>>873458Ah, that makes sense.
Wait a minute, the characters aren't even theirs?
No. 873525
File: 1569541098930.png (40.1 KB, 658x646, pj2-1.png)

Took a peek at ProJared2… boy are they delusional.
One of the first big lessons to learn in life is that not everyone is going to like you. Also not everyone is going to forgive or accept you after 'coming clean'.
No. 873532
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Also thought this was interesting. Some people seemed to watch DCA just because of Chris Perkins, but the current cast kinda ruined it for people.
No. 873612
>>873532from what little I watched back when they started it up is that Chris is a professional DM and the cast is goofy/not serious.
Which can work in some cases as long as the players are still dedicated. But the only people actually invested were Hoelly and Pedo (for obvious reasons). Nate was constantly absent and Anna tried to play along but wasn't always into the roleplay
It felt so awkward that I couldn't continue watching it. The cams didn't help
No. 873613
>>873612You can tell in those early episodes Perkins was trying to run a serious game. Problem is, Perkins is best known for DMing Acquisitions Inc, a herpamerpderp joke of a campaign if there ever was one.
And from day 1 it was apparent that it was the expectations of most of the players that this'd be comedy garbage too, so they named themselves the Waffle Crew because they stumbled into Barovia while… looking for waffles.
Is it any wonder the poor man wants to just retire and has already handed over Acquisitions Inc's DMing duties to Jeremy Crawford?
No. 873670
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Though I highly doubt this is the Holly that immediately comes to mind, it did cause me to briefly choke on my own cup of coffee.
No. 873709
File: 1569597384317.png (318.2 KB, 628x959, Screenshot 2019-09-27 at 16.08…)

Why is she still lying?
Holly, we've all seen the texts, you told Ross AFTER you became romantically involved with Jared (and what you told Ross was apparently not even the truth of the situation).
No. 873728
File: 1569600338832.png (448.65 KB, 640x360, SahxxtJ.png)

>>873709At this point in time not only has the Sims 4 realm of Magic been out for a week at least but there has been many magic mods around for years.
She not only complains too much she doesn't even check to see if she is wrong first.
No. 873738
File: 1569602814077.jpg (104.59 KB, 1080x1085, bzUZ45u.jpg)

>>873726>>873709She just tweets the most generic "not like the other girls" shit without thinking.
Probably read somewhere that TS4 has Influencer career and it activated her "show them how quirky I am" need.
No. 873748
>>873726I don't understand what she's saying. Sims 4 realm of magic just came out & the influencer job (there's 2 I believe, one is base game & it's a Style Influencer job, the other is in a the DLC City Living & it's a Social Media Influencer Career)
So I don't know what she means either, if you want magic, get a mod or buy the Magic pack.
Neither of them include the influencer jobs & have nothing to do with the other.
No. 873754
>>873748I think the intended message was along the lines of, "look at everybody wanting to be an influencer! That's so shallow, I didn't want this, it just happened to me while I was trying to be a witch"
Which is completely ridiculous, obviously. Even if someone gets viral fame unintentionally, they can't keep it without considerable effort. She's been promoting herself and working on online content for a really long time. Nothing about her career is accidental or something that just happened to her randomly, kek. She hardcore promotes her brand and image, then acts like it's just fate that she got any traction for being quirky.
The most irritating part of this is that she acknowledges that she's in a position of privilege that others want, then discredits it and the effort she spent securing that platform for herself.
No. 873772
File: 1569609033300.png (117.88 KB, 578x662, stout.png)

Holly sells a shirt that says "Boundaries" yet she cannot seem to understand what they are & how much they mean to someone, regardless of whether or not you like them.
Heidi just wanted some space & to be left alone to process all of this new information. Holly kept prodding & going "We good, right?"
Someone telling you they have
intense romantic + sexual feelings for
your spouse, whom you vowed to stay with "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, until death", is a
lot to take in.
you personally think & feel about marriage doesn't apply to everyone else, Holly.
No. 873802
File: 1569613853361.png (24.99 KB, 576x304, threefold.png)

>>873791Context: The Rule of Three (also Three-fold Law or Law of Return) is a religious tenet held by some Wiccans/Pagans and occultists. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.
So in other words; Karma
Whether it's putting a spell on someone, or sharing sexts between a woman & her husband in an attempt to discredit & ridicule her, it
will have negative repercussions for the witch.
No. 873803
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>>873802…Which makes this reply tweet all the more ironic.
No. 873811
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>>873802Someone else brought it up when it all began too
No. 873824
>>873819Right, because why wouldn’t they want to invited the dude who is not only accused of soliciting nudes from minors, but the dude who is currently banging one of the gg’s wife while still being legally married himself?
How could that possibly go wrong? /s
No. 873853
File: 1569622992269.jpeg (615.27 KB, 1264x1034, EE6FEAEB-370F-4572-AD1A-2250C5…)

Or whose husband your co-founder is going to fuck next, but let’s not mention that one, eh Kayla?
No. 873874
File: 1569629790081.png (289.2 KB, 604x658, courtofcups.png)

Holly's part of a podcast now
No. 873911
File: 1569634209747.png (71.97 KB, 584x564, pronision1.png)

Nah bro, ProJared & Onision are one in the same.
No. 873922
>>873754Apparently the milk river dried up so badly that this thread has become "analysis of Holly's tweet about the Sims"?
Jesus I know we hate her but this is pathetic. Please only post actual milk.
No. 873950
File: 1569639193620.png (42.7 KB, 580x402, bawwjared2.png)

What I want to know is why the fuck Jared & Holly's stans are still going after anyone who just wants to cheer Heidi up?
No. 873964
>>873950I mean, that comment is literally text book:
"Hey beautiful, don't worry about those evil bad people I'm here for you, look at my shiny armor, fuck me already."
It has nothing to do with Jared/Holly. Not everything revolves around them.
No. 873970
>>873902Aww yeah, get ready to dump your elf-wife for… whatever the hell
that thing is…
No. 873973
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>>873968Here's something weird. This Daniel guy claims to have made a discord for ex-fans of ProJared when the drama first came out.
No. 873976
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>>873973Honestly, I think he's full of shit, because he seems to get a kick out of harassing Heidi & anyone who supports her.
Personally, I think he tweeted this just to zero-in on Charlie after Jared made that video.
No. 873995
File: 1569651858044.jpg (661.83 KB, 891x3823, yN79SB0.jpg)

>>872408God, does anyone else remember those "sex is no accident" ads MTV had back in the day? They've haunted me ever since, and I always think of them with cheaters or people like Holly who try and act like they didn't make the active decision to fuck someone else's husband. You did that girl, you didn't "lose" anything you traded your career for that wormdick
No. 874091
>>874017Exactly. I’m sick of the “oh this was a mistake!” narrative that Hoelly wants to sell. ProPedo didnt trip and fall dick first into the endless well of crazy that is Hoellys vag.
The took each step necessary for cheating to be a thing, and only went “oops!” when they got caught and slammed for it.
No. 874094
File: 1569689932881.jpeg (819.48 KB, 1253x854, 488356AC-CE40-48EF-BA4D-143E6C…)

I thought Hoelly was all “I don’t talk to my parents, uwu I’m mistreated”?
No. 874099
>only went “oops!” when they got caught and slammed for it.Well, Hoelly
did try to use the "I was SAVING him!!!" excuse which is
textbook other-woman behavior.
I love how Hoelly's stans are all "It's troo luv!"
Nah fam, it was a pity-fuck. Plain & simple.
No. 874114
>>874094Lol @ all the comments praising her dad, from what I remember she only used to mention him when she had something negative to say.
I wonder if he sent that photo saying something along the lines of "this reminded me of you and Jared"..
No. 874186
File: 1569696806828.png (68.92 KB, 444x752, believejared.png)

>"Ross said this himself."
Old news, but it still disgusts me that everyone is just taking Jared's word for it when it comes to Ross. I thought hearsay didn't count?
No. 874216
File: 1569697999441.png (Spoiler Image,196.95 KB, 476x670, ProJaredFanArt.png)

How did I miss this?
No. 874265
>>874249Reminds me of an expression I heard once; "She just
fell on a dick & got pregnant."
No. 874316
>>874282It's amazing how this extremely emotional person doesn't understand emotional cheating
Which they did that AND physical cheating. She's a cheater and doesn't want to admit it bc that makes her "like all the other girls" she hates so much
No. 874423
>>874316I don't think it's so much that it would make her "like the other girls" - but that it would be admitting fault because literally NO ONE has sympathy for cheaters, especially not ones who implode two separate marriages because they think fucking a worm dick is somehow the best option rather than getting a fucking dildo like every other horny person on earth.
Saying "I fucked up" would be admitting fault and yank away that "I'm a
victim" thing that Hoelly is holding onto with both hands.
No. 874545
File: 1569779671209.png (159.27 KB, 720x1008, 20190929_134910.png)

Aaand the DCA stans continue to be entitled little shits.
How long do you think it'll take until they start harassing Chris, Nate, & Anna?
No. 874550
> "Literally everybody wants this."Not "everybody". Some people only watched because Chris Perkins was the DM.
No. 874616
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Apparently, I missed this too
I'm kind of enjoying how the rest of the Wafflecrew is all business-as-usual, while the stans are screeching "BUT WHAT ABOUT MUH JARED???"
No. 874617
>>874616Jesus christ, the level of irony in attacking one of the members of DCA for repping a company that cancelled a show that they themselves were a part of.
Yeah, and they're the only ones still bitching about it. Anna and Nate have moved on to doing their own thing, Chris - from what I can tell - wanted to step down anyway. The only ones still bitching are the two who were "cancelled" due to their own ignorance and inability to keep it in their fucking pants.
No. 874622
> "Or are you guys trying to turn into Valve?"See, this is why no one at WOTC is telling you people anything, because they
know that 1) Even if they
did bring DCA back, they probably won't be able to bring it back to it's former glory, & 2) If they say the show is cancelled, they're gonna end up with a bunch of man/woman-children bawwing about how "WOTC is a DISGRACE! They gave in to CANCEL-CULTURE & let an INNOCENT man's career & livelihood be RUINED by his
…Jared & Holly themselves likely won't say shit, but they'll keep liking + retweeting
all the angry responses from the stans, silently egging them on, while attempting to remain professional.
No. 874634
>>874632Yeah, but I guess according to the fans "Strix
cannot go on without her Diath!"
No. 874746
>>874639That's an eschatological burn! Because, y'know, you
ended her.
No. 875056
>>874966Altering your hair because someone made fun of it means one of two things (1)You're an emotionally damaged 12 year old girl or (2) you're in the middle of a nervous breakdown a la Britney Spears when she shaved her entire head.
> "People were being mean to her"You're a grown ass woman on the internet, Hoelly. You have NO problem insinuating that your boyfriend's wife is a whore (releasing sexts that weren't yours to release that I would LOVE Heidi to nail you for), but you can't take someone making a joke about your TERF bangs?
The internet ain't for you if you can't take the heat, Hoelly.
No. 875107
>>875105Wait, this is a self-help forum? Where did I miss this turn?
Don't delude yourself, anon. Pissing on someone's bangs does not make them better or worse, just means you don't like their bangs. Same with changing them. Nobody here gives a fuck if she betters herself and nobody here is commenting so she can get better, so stop fucking pretend to care about it.
No. 875211
>>874966I missed the beginning but I caught a bit of the stream when she was creating a Sims character of herself. She kept saying how much she dislikes her brows, how she wants to get them micro-bladed but she's too afraid, how messy her hair is - she even mentioned how her skin colour looks like she has jaundice.
Maybe she has just taken notice of the comments about her appearance, but now that she has Jared to herself, I wonder if she feels the need to change in an attempt to stop him from straying?
No. 875233
File: 1569956608538.png (1.09 MB, 1366x1991, 1557506166814.png)

Someone on PULL found an old blog post from Holly.
Sounds like she came from a really shitty family where no one really supported her, which explains some of her behavior.
Still not a valid excuse to overstep an unrelated person's boundaries & brand them as an 'abuser' though…
No. 875262
>>875233I wonder if she blames the minor for sleeping with her mother as well.
She lived in a million dollar home inherited from her rich grandfather. I don't know why she is looking for sympathy for having to pay for her mother's health treatment.
No. 875294
>>875262I mean, whether you're rich or poor, abuse is abuse.
Sometimes you don't realize you've been in an
abusive situation until you're out of it.
You can see this in Heidi, who is re-evaluating her entire marriage (the mistakes she made, all the red-flags that she missed, etc.) Coming to the conclusion that Jared didn't want her to
know what was going on.
Jared, on the the other hand, had
one thing to say "She wouldn't let me leave." That's it. That's his claim of 'abuse' from her.
It's clear that he told his wife he'll try to fix things, then told the other woman that he wanted to leave. It's fucking
textbook cheating. People do that shit all the time. Just admit it & move the fuck on. It's not like any of your fans are gonna give a shit that you cheated.
No. 875326
>"Sounds like she came from a really shitty family where no one really supported her, which explains some of her behavior."No, it doesn't. You don't get to blame shitty behavior on the "BUT I HAD A BAD CHILDHOOD/PAST". There are PLENTY of people who have shitty pasts who don't grow up to be emotionally manipulative cunts who threaten to kill themselves whenever something doesn't go their way.
>"She wouldn't let me leave"I can't get over that one. Divorce does NOT require the consent of both parties. If he was THAT miserable with Heidi, he could have bailed WAY sooner. PJ2 stans like to scream that Heidi had threatened to destroy him if he left sooner, but like, look around, fam: His house is on fire right now because he is a fucking creepy dude. That has fuck all to do with Heidi and EVERYTHING to do with himself.
>>875317Hoelly is definitely going to be one of those ignorant ass people who say "He can fuck who he wants, I'm fine with it because he still comes home to me!" even though you can tell that they are 100% not okay with it.
No. 875361
>>875056She can grow those TERF bangs out all she wants but that girl still has a wonk ass lazy eye that’ll never get fixed.
Wonder if Jared is negging her though and it doesn’t have to do with anons.
No. 875380
>>875233>and said my wedding was a shamgood thing you proved her wrong tho huh
>She also wasn’t a very nice person and made lots of mistakes like having an affair>She was on anti-psychotic medicine when she diedWow it’s almost as if…..having a mental illness…..doesn’t give you a free pass to do whatever you want and your actions impact those around you….in the long term. Holly should know better than to say “sorry I’m mentally ill lol move on” and expect that to fix all of the damage that has been done if this was her relationship with her mother.
>>875294>I mean, whether you're rich or poor, abuse is abuse. Not to be an asshole and obviously she's had a rough go of it but…..what part of this is abuse? Not saying having a dysfunctional family and mentally ill parents won’t royally fuck you up just as much, but it’s not the same thing as abuse. Your parents being disappointed in you and wanting you to be into their hobbies is not abuse. Plus she clearly had a close loving functional relationship with her Grandfather who encouraged her artistically and was endlessly proud of her. That's more validation than most kids or adults get, PLUS a house.
No. 875384
>PJ2 stans like to scream that Heidi had threatened to destroy him if he left soonerMost of them must have missed all of the people who doubted her when she first announced that he cheated on her. It wasn't until
victims started coming forward when people went all-in against Jared.
No. 875485
>>875354Heidi admitted to having suicidal thoughts - Hoelly used threats of suicide to manipulate the narrative to her favor (went to a mental health hospital conveniently when the story broke but still apparently had access to the internet, the whole Etika shit show of "You cancelled him and he killed himself, so if you cancel me and I kill myself, it will be your fault", etc.)
> "He could have bailed WAY sooner' is a bit of a stupid take"Right, because it's stupid to tell a grown adult that if they're not happy with a situation that they should leave.
No. 875511
>>875510In that case she's either trusting as hell, which doesn't help the theory of her being
abusive, or was the party being put upon, which doesn't help the theory of her being
No. 875515
>>875511Quote from the texts (they were all posted in previous thread) "You had given me release to work with Jared and I was trying every angle to get him to approach you delicately." and "We know how unstable the situation was at that time and I worked very hard to help the both of you" and "I was so limited in what I could do and wanted you both to get assistance locally. I was feeling overwhelmed trying to find a way to get you both to figure next steps and get him to act in a way that wasn't more destructive" ….
or otherwise said the therapist was trying to get Jared to not
trigger Heidi to go suicidal.
No. 875527
>>875519Hoelly entered a hospital after being outed as the other woman and having to face consequences for being a shit person. Even while IN the hospital she was still demanding to be fed information about the situation.
Heidi made genuine comments about suicide ideation after being discarded from an
abusive relationship. During the discard stage of an
abusive relationship the
victim is often pushed to react in ways that make THEM seem like the emotional and crazy one. Often the abuser uses triangulation (Hoelly in this case) to support their narrative. Heidi fell into the trap because he'd been telling her that he was working on things and wanted to make it work. Then all the sudden he changed his story and she snapped. If you actually read her texts you can tell how nuts, devastated and confused she sounds.
Hoelly sounds like a manipulative bitch when she's threatening suicide. They sound like calculated threats. Meanwhile Heidi sounds like a genuinely mentally unstable person who needed some sort of help during a confusing and traumatic situation.
No. 875557
>>875545as far as I saw the only tweet about Holly that anons here are taking as suicidal bait said something like "I wish I could disappear". Which is shaky as well, but Holly has history of self-harm. However, she also obviously has no problem reaching out to professionals or committing herself in when totally fucked up so.. And about the "Jared could readily find it" - supposedly they were exchanging direct texts at the time (at least Heidi says so, we haven't seen the actual content) so no reason to have to post it somewhere for him to see, Heidi said it was direct messages too.
But again, she claims Holly was threatening suicide in those texts (that we can't see) in a period months after when she also showed that she had been suicidal herself and a professional had warned Jared about her making threats. So they are so both fucked up, it's unreal.
No. 875564
File: 1570027002512.jpg (701.29 KB, 1080x2220, zno1rf2.jpg)

Jesus Christ. If you're going to talk about something that happened in the past, bring up the documentation of it instead of rewriting history based on whatever it is you remember. It's so boring to read people arguing things with zero evidence to back any of it up.
Attached is Heidi reaming out her therapist, Sara, for saying to Jared that Heidi may use suicide threats. Heidi was suicidal and was institutionalized at the request of this therapist.
No. 875568
File: 1570028558362.png (483.17 KB, 620x631, twitter.png)

>>872282>>872284Not sure if people are still trying to claim the broke up in Feb 2018, but I was looking through old Holly/Ross tweets to try and see if we ever answered the question of Jared's mysterious "10 Day Mental Health Retreat" (April 20-30 2018) and if that was a cover to go fuck around with Holly, and for what it's worth Ross and Holly were still very much interacting as a married couple on twitter.
No. 875604
>>875564I don't read this as Heidi admitting she threatened suicide to Jared, I read this as Heidi being pretty fucking pissed that she opened up to a "professional" about being suicidal, thought she was being helped. but then finding out months later that said person had told someone else "yeah shes probably going to threaten suicide on you but stay strong bby"
This implies that the therapist never took her serious about being suicidal and told Jared to not take her serious if Heidi ever DID voice it which still doesn't mean she ever did, I'd be pretty fucking pissed too
No. 875606
>>875604That is exactly the point I was trying to make with that post. Thank you for summing it up. I apologize for seeming ambiguous.
I think it's especially important to note that we had no idea that she was institutionalized until these texts came out. There was no mention of it, no posts of her hospital bracelets, nothing, which speaks volumes.
No. 875669
>>875631She didn’t even have to mention it in the first place. Full stop.
So, no, she didn’t
have to show it.
No. 875678
>>875233I would be cautious about taking Holly's claims about her mom at face value. She can't decide whether or not she knows where her mom died:
>He loved my mom. I don’t know where my mom’s ashes are, or where she died. By then she was too abusive and it was dangerous and unhealthy for me to be around her. But before she really got too mentally ill and her MS took her, she brought a lot of joy to my life. year prior:
>Found one of my mom's death certificates literally out of nowhere. I don't remember where it came from, or how I got it. But I needed one! I must have just blocked it out completely? Trauma is wild lol No. 875696
>>875685You also don’t just magically get a death certificate (after the first initial one). It costs something like $75 to get the official copy with the seal on it that most places require as proof of death.
This is not something she got, set aside and forgot about. She sought out that death certificate - which, if I was dealin with my dead abusers affairs, wouldn’t be real high on my priority list.
No. 875810
File: 1570068865481.jpg (241.14 KB, 1376x1385, EF1W0g1U0AENDeM.jpg)

No contribution, but I saw this the other day & it reminded me of Jared & Holly's behavior towards Heidi.
No. 875822
File: 1570070259530.png (31.24 KB, 462x318, petition.png)

Also apparently, someone sent that petition directly to WOTC
No. 875833
>>875831They are currently waiting for a response from WOTC.
This could go three ways;
1) WOTC reads it, dumps it, & tells them "No deal".
2) WOTC suddenly forgets
everything & starts up DCA again
3) Nothing
No. 875865
>>875822every time i see any mention of this petition, i remember the one that was started by Dan the Man and completely ignored by both jared and holly
i wonder if he cries sometimes
>>875850i'm really wondering how jared and holly are each doing revenue-wise, on stream. are their rancid fans still plying them with money for existing?
No. 875866
File: 1570078445602.png (260.61 KB, 589x1262, tweets.png)

>>875678>>875702ntayrt but I also looked through a bunch of old Holly tweets after reading that op, and I'm also confused what their relationship was (pic related + bonus Heidi). She uses the vague term "abuse" over and over again, but even in reading through a lot of tweets about her mom and dad the only thing she ever actually mentions is "I wasn't girly enough" and "I couldn't make her happy" (I think she also calls her a narcissist at one point). But then she also seems to call her mom a hero in this one tweet? I think? She does also claim that her dad was always "drunk/high" when she was a kid though.
Obviously something went wrong in their relationship if they weren't interacting at the end of her life, but I really hope she doesn't consider her parents being disappointed in her to be abuse….because that's literally just what every single child experiences at one point or another.
No. 875873
File: 1570078924766.png (152.31 KB, 601x742, meth.png)

>>875866Also apologies if I just missed it, but uhhh did we talk about this one already? It was pre-drama explosion. It's just a doozy of a statement to make on twitter.
No. 875898
>>875895There would probably be ways if she handled situations like that in the same manner as any normal, sane person - but Hoelly isn't sane, she's a narc, through and through.
They find ways to spin tails that have just enough truth to get people to believe them, but not enough to be backed up, should anyone try to prove that they did or did not happen.
No. 875905
File: 1570087507508.gif (582.77 KB, 440x230, hGDcVhzOyMh6xmxkGTOd2IttHVMGge…)

>>875873>>875898>They find ways to spin tails that have just enough truth to get people to believe themTbh I haven't even gotten to the believe it or not stage, I don't even understand what she's trying to say happened here. A meth head screams at her in front of her wheelchair-bound mom, so she smashes her head into the ground and then…..just gets up and walks away never to return again? Simba style?
>So hard they thought I'd kill my self first before I could escapeIs she trying to say she pulled a "first day in jail" move and just tried to out-crazy a meth head to scare them off or is she trying to say she smashed her head into the ground to pretend she was dead? This dude wants to kill you but then he sees you do that and is like "ew nvm I don't want sloppy seconds" and walks away?
>I never went to my childhood home ever again and lost everythingWhy? How? Because the meth head screamed and by law he now owns the house and everything inside it? Including her wheelchair bound mother that she left behind?
No. 875965
>>875927Then, at some point, she should have received counseling that gave her healthy coping mechanisms a.k.a. No threatening suicide to get your way, or checking yourself in to a psych hospital to avoid the blowback from your fuck buddies wife revealing that you’re an adulterous piece of shit.
The “poor Hoelly dealt with abuse” Schtick ran out when she went from “abused” to “abuser”
No. 875995
File: 1570113820572.jpg (186.79 KB, 450x450, 426708-20.jpg)

How you think you look:
>>873853vs how you actually look.
No. 876005
>>875974Agreed. Like I said before, her family's mistreatment in the past does NOT justify her behavior towards an
unrelated person in the present.
Heidi isn't her mom OR her step-mom. She probably doesn't even
know Holly's family.
No. 876006
File: 1570116469763.png (67.08 KB, 1223x157, screenshot.png)

>>875911>>875927Yes, we all know her tragic backstory, we all know her family is crazy. We're asking for more information on this particular story because it's an absurd claim to make. Don't act like this is a normal thing for someone to say, even if we already know she and her family are mentally ill.
>What she describes sounds like something that happened when she was quite young, before her grandparents took care of her.She doesn't specify any of this, that's why we're trying to figure out what the fuck she's talking about. Head trauma as a child is serious business, and it's probably something she would have used as an excuse already if that were the case. But I guess "sorry I have brain damage" doesn't sound as good as "sorry I'm mentally ill".
It would be interesting if it turned out she damaged her frontal lobe by smashing her head in the ground. Might explain why she has such poor judgement and doesn't understand the consequences of her actions. I doubt that's it though, it would have had consequences long before this if that was the case. Just interesting to think about.
No. 876007
>Head trauma as a child is serious business, and it's probably something she would have used as an excuse already if that were the case. But I guess "sorry I have brain damage" doesn't sound as good as "sorry I'm mentally ill".Well, that & the fact that Chai suffered from some kind of head trauma & you
know how Holly (& Jared) feels about them…
No. 876010
File: 1570117713675.png (100.39 KB, 590x648, Holly-surroundyourself.png)

>>876006Old milk, but relevant.
>"Surround yourself with people that know you, truly and aren’t afraid to call you out."…And then she ended up leaving
all of those people a few months later.
No. 876052
File: 1570123785930.jpg (115.35 KB, 1080x1082, Dd2F4M5.jpg)

>>873739OT but this is an art by yudori that has more panels than just that one
No. 876053
File: 1570123834837.jpg (113.76 KB, 1080x1088, GzlI73m.jpg)

>>876052Last panel
(Also sorry for not saging last response)
No. 876089
>>876068He has been letting her take the direct hits from day one. Any dude who is willing to let you sacrifice yourself in his defense like that is NOT going to have your back when the shit hits the fan
You don’t let someone you care about get the metaphorical shit knocked out of them, say not so much as a word for three MONTHS, and come back talking about yourself and how traumatic this has been for you.
No. 876122
>>876093He also told Heidi he'd cut off the relationship with Hoelly in the first place and look how that one panned out.
Clearly, we are ALL the abusers of poor pedodick! He's INNOCENT #heidingthetruth /s
No. 876302
>>876275Breaking up with someone isn't abuse. How you go about the break up is. Your neglecting the consistent lying on his end, the promises to work on the marriage, and the complete disregard for her boundaries. Breaking her boundaries over and over again and claiming he couldn't remember what the boundaries were to begin with doesn't help his case either. Add some Gaslighting to this and all you've got is abuse.
As for shouldn't she feel relieved. I think based off your response it's obvious you've never been in an
abusive relationship. In
abusive relationships the abused usually takes time to fully embrace the fact they were in fact abused. After you continued to make excuses for them when they leave you typically don't know how to process it and see it for what it is. That's why leaving an
abusive relationship is typically hard on the abused.
No. 876330
>>876302I was agreeing with all these points, but her releasing those texts and in her video she said something that just didn't fit with the "the promises to work on the marriage". She basically said that it was
abusive of him to NOT want to work on their marriage, including to a third party (the couple's therapist they met) to whom he said directly that he didn't want to work on the marriage. So this is what I don't get. We see he told her therapist he wants out. He told their therapist (in front of Heidi) that he doesn't want to work on it too. Heidi's friend (somethingMedia on twitter) said that she complained to him since before end of November that Jared didn't accept reconciliation attempts or something. So when exactly was this lying that he wanted to work on it happening?
No. 876359
>>876330During the numerous conversations he had with her personally. Contrary to whatever you believe, Anon, husbands and wives have conversations that aren’t in front of a shrink or other witnesses.
Heidi has no reason to lie, not when all of the evidence she’s released so far has backed up the things she has t had direct evidence of(as in personal face to face conversations)
No. 876370
>>876330Your question poses more questionable behavior from him than her. As the abuser, and gaslighter it looks worse on him to deny chance for reconciliation when he's the one ignoring his partners boundaries, and wishes. In a healthy relationship her denying him the right to reconciliation would of been acceptable not the other way around at the end of the day.
What he says in text to Hoelly and the shrink (which based off what happened looks like Heidi wasn't even aware her therapist had even downplayed her suicidal behavior) doesn't account for what he was saying to her behind closed doors in their home. Heidi stated he would go back and forth on wanting to work it out multiple times which is
abusive because you're giving the person false hope and having them continue to try and reconcile you no longer wish to.
Iirc once he stopped being fickle about it and concrete with her she stopped going the route of reconciliation and stipulated they could separate as long as he was honest with his fan base about it.
No. 876386
>>876330Well, he continued to live with her until April of this year despite claiming he broke up with her in October. He had plenty of friends and a side piece to go live with if he truly wanted out. Add to the fact that they still had some small amount of intimacy and going into the New Year he made it seem like things were going to get better. He also constantly lied to her and said he was not with Holly, and even tried to say Holly was obsessed with him and he tried to tell her to stop.
He was a coward who put just enough doubt in both of his relationships so he could get off on some sort of technicality. He gets to tell people he told Heidi he wanted to break up in October, giving him an excuse to sleep with Holly. Meanwhile he never fully pulls the plug and continues to live and lie to his wife and give her glimpses of hope. Telling someone who loves you that you think you want to break up and then following that up with kisses, dates, gifts, and continuing to live together is incredibly confusing and destructive.
No. 876445
File: 1570212079412.png (153.22 KB, 1440x831, Screenshot_20191004-130015~01.…)

Is there a brave patreon anon that can post her art she's putting up on her patreon?
No. 876670
File: 1570252726142.png (51.43 KB, 585x589, absolute_nutter.png)

Sage for no real milk (?) but every once and a while I check KT's twitter because her obsession with Arin is fascinating/terrifying. I would watch out if I were him honestly…
No. 876776
File: 1570299644031.jpeg (221.81 KB, 640x647, 0B88AE3E-3F75-4175-8F55-A6C64A…)

Maybe you shouldn’t have been kissing chickens and pigeons to try and “stick it” to the CDC.
No. 876778
File: 1570299917701.png (205.17 KB, 1220x828, Screenshot 2019-10-05 at 11.54…)

>>876776they're disgusting
No. 877127
File: 1570389477457.jpeg (360.32 KB, 1415x550, B918986E-46D3-46CB-8768-AE97B2…)

Hoelly, still pushing that “I apologized and tried to make it right with a shitty over dramatic hand crafted letter, so you al HAVE to forgive me!” logic
No. 877128
File: 1570389566681.jpeg (247.16 KB, 939x688, B6761F77-97F5-4A3F-A342-19173E…)

I guess it makes sense that two cheaters would be friends, since neither one apparently views what they did to their respective partners as wrong
No. 877136
>>877127Unless if it was the off chance that you
genuinely mistook someone else for your significant other,
cheating is NOT a 'mistake'. No. 877208
>>877127I'm assuming that Holly conveniently didn't read the
fixing it in the best way they can part.
No. 877353
File: 1570440422766.png (1015.67 KB, 1154x786, Screenshot 2019-10-07 at 2.52.…)

(no milk, just same old attention whoring)
at this rate one would think holly wants to be cancelled, targeted, or harassed?
No. 877354
>>877353She's a dumb-fuck narcissist with nothing going for her, of course she wants any attention she can get, good or bad. Better still if it feeds into her martyr-
victim complex.
No. 877521
>>877353Of course she wants it - Then she can keep playing the expire
If she could go more than seven days without mentioning the drama or without liking posts like Jameela's that have literally nothing to do with Hoelly's behavior (but that allows her to paint herself as a
victim), it'd be a goddamned miracle.
If she quits mentioning the drama, that's it - she knows she has literally NO interesting aspects to herself or her life. The only reason people still follow or interact is because of Jared and the drama, especially now that DCA is over.
No. 877546
>>877543And before anyone comes in with "But Heidi reached out to them first!"
Well, after years of giving him the benefit of the doubt, she wanted to know the truth.
No. 877559
>>877546…And they were willing to give her the truth. Then, they suddenly rescinded & blamed
her for wanting to know the truth.
No. 877572
>"Funny how Unogirl didn't have any proof that Heidi approved of Jared fucking her until after Jared reached out to 'reminisce' with her."Kind of like how UnoGirl was screaming that Jared was a fucking creep, but he reaches out ONCE and magically she's one of his biggest supporters again.
That weird dick must be magical, because these geniuses are practically tripping over themselves to hop on it again.
No. 877579
>>877572That, or Jared recognized Unogirl's name & number & planned on sending her a little
something in the mail if she didn't comply…
I mean, why
else wouldn't she show proof of her & Jared 'reminiscing' together to prove he's the good guy after all?
…It wasn't privacy, since she already posted the text where he talks about 'thrusting into' her.
Why not show him 'reaching out' to prove his innocence?
No. 877588
>>877579That does very much seem like the case - ProPedo threatened to slap her with a defamation lawsuit and since those can cost THOUSANDS of dollars, she did an about-face and started singing his praises.
I wonder what Washington's stance is with Anti-SLAPP laws…
No. 877597
File: 1570476811590.png (20.25 KB, 557x168, Screenshot_319.png)

The lack of self-awareness still blows my mind.
"Not just deflect criticsm forever"
That is literally what you've been doing this entire time, Hoelly.
No. 877645
File: 1570484851903.png (139.85 KB, 768x370, Screenshot_320.png)

Guys, I think we're missing the biggest thing here.
Hoelly shot the "HE WAS ABUSED!!" narrative directly out of the water on the first goddamned day with her "I'm here for you if you need me" tweet.
Why would you say 'I'm so sorry you're going through this' if he was being abused, Hoelly? Wouldn't you be GLAD he was finally free of Heidi the Whore™?
(sage for no new content)
No. 877661
>>877645Both Jared & Holly took a little more than a week to respond to Heidi. Right after Heidi posted about them cheating, Jared went to a 'mental health retreat' & Holly supposedly admitted herself to a mental hospital or something…
Wouldn't be surprised if they were actually taking that week off to share screenshots & coach each other on what straws to pull out in the hopes of diminishing Heidi's account on the whole situation.
No. 877664
>>877661Well, we know Jared can't think on his feet, considering it took him - what, 3 months to come back with that ridiculous "you've been lied to" video?
Nothing in that video took three months to figure out or verify with a lawyer - none of it. It took three months because prodick was trying his hardest to construct something less than a foolish, bullshit ridden statement (he failed)
No. 877853
>>877127These idiots really don't understand that nobody is obligated to accept their apologies huh?
Any time you apologise you should be doing it because you're genuinely sorry for what you've done, not because you expect to be forgiven. You're the one who is in the wrong and the people you've hurt have every right to refuse to forgive you.
No. 877863
>>876053am i getting this right, there's 6 panels representing how each of the three "types" perceives themselves? i love this.
>>877597i don't understand how all of this fanbase, holly and even disappointments like Pewdiepie gloss over the fact that he was soliciting sexual favours from fans. sending nudes to underage fans (hur dur i didn't know). because of his clout. not anonymously, but using his clout.
what the FUCK does it matter that he shows wIllInGnEsS tO lEaRn when he's a fucking pedophile or at least doesn't address (and thereby doesn't accept fault and thus learns and betters himself) that he used his fucking internet fame to solicit sexual favours?
No. 878440
File: 1570659203344.png (90.04 KB, 592x570, Screenshot_321.png)

It makes you wonder at what point WotC will finally snap, come out publicly and say "DCA isn't coming back, the next person who tries to submit a bullshit petition is just making it even less likely that we do so"
No. 878879
File: 1570750441010.png (32.31 KB, 630x276, ThanksHolly.png)

Here's something I missed
>"She posted a ton of the info that we organized in the megathread"
So most of that was Holly's doing, huh?
No. 878881
>>878879Holly was also the one who was giving information to DanTheMan only for him to back out of posting it because "Holly told me not to"
That's not exactly news, Anon.
No. 879196
>>879044Divorce cases can take quite a while when one party tries to stiff the other - and everything about Jared screams "I'm a fucking douchebag who will make my spouse almost completely dependent on me financially, but fuck that bitch, she doesn't get a dime in the divorce"
I'd also be willing to bet that he's trying to pin the fallout on Heidi, blame her for the pedo porn scandal and try to hit her with some bs libel lawsuit.
No. 879216
>>879044One misconception is that Washington is a 50/50 split state, but it's not. It's a "fair and equitable split", which leaves room to argue that one person deserves more than the other. I imagine Heidi is asking for more money because Jared is the one leaving her high and dry without a very profitable career after supporting her for so long. And Jared is arguing Heidi hurt his future income with the negative publicity and should get less as a result.
In other news, Ross and Holly's divorce was finalized as of September 11th.
No. 879343
File: 1570852123753.jpg (66.83 KB, 588x246, finally.jpg)

>>879226Sure, go to and put 19PDFL00117 under case number, then hit search. You don't need to pick the filing courthouse.
No. 879398
>>879196No sorry, cases can take awhile regardless of either side, they're not done in a week or two or even 2-4 months. Some can last up to a year.
This case is also "none of our business" so it's not like we'll have up to date information regarding it.
No. 879738
File: 1571004727537.png (45.69 KB, 576x486, 15000.png)

WotC should just tell these people already.
No. 879744
File: 1571005381566.png (34.88 KB, 578x270, WorldMentalHealthDay.png)

No. 879750
>>879748SShhhh you're gonna anger the white knights. If anyone else posts exactly what heidi does, they're attention seeking and faking it. Heidi is infallible.
On a serious note though, tons of people deal with what she's going through, she just needs to seek PROPER therapy for help.
No. 879752
>>879738I hope they bring back DCA but with completely different people just to annoy the fuck out of these ass lickers.
>>879750>>879748Oh no. How dare someone post something related to mental health on their twitter on mental health day.
To be serious though no one said Heidi was perfect but the reason people take her more seriously than Holly is she isn't pretending to be some mental health advocate and charging for it.
No. 879756
>>879754Pretty funny, considering last I heard, they were scouring Journal entries Heidi wrote back when she was a teen in the hopes of exposing her as 'unstable','dangerous', & '
No. 879784
>>879748Heidi mentioning her struggles is "attention seeking", but it's okay for Hoelly to repeatedly talk about her feelings of suicidal thoughts while hosting a mental health monday?
Okay, pal.
>>879750"She just needs to seek PROPER therapy for help"
For years, she's been dependent on Jared for money. When therapy can cost $200-500 PER SESSION, it isn't always feasible that someone seek "PROPER" help. They do what they can and in Heidi's case, her therapist 'sara' did more harm than good.
>>879754Since fucking when? I was on their discord and every single day there was another argument about why Heidi is an evil whore (essentially) and Hoelly and Jared are pure innocent uwu beans.
>>879768They can try to hide all they want, but those idiots did entirely too much damage before they thought to watch what they said.
No. 879819
File: 1571026059814.png (225.06 KB, 578x462, pwease.png)

I still find it hilarious how these people went from verbally curb-stomping Jared's soon-to-be ex-wife to turning around & making puppy-dog eyes at WotC in the hopes of bringing back their faaaavorite show simply because they just want it.
No. 879820
>>879750i mean… i might get piled on for saying this, but i don't entirely disagree with you. if jared, holly and heidi are working on their mental health and want to share about it, it's their business. it's unfair to make someone's mental health into milk unless they make it so first (a la holly way back when), it's pretty much why holly posting about taking care of herself now didn't piss me off so much as it did earlier.
jared and holly might be cows but that doesn't mean it's okay to shit on their day to day struggles. jared is a massive fuck-up and what happened to him happened through his own actions, but it still couldn't have been easy to live on a daily basis - same for holly.
it's okay, milk will come, nitpicking on heidi/holly/jared posting mental health stuff is kinda classless
this anon
>>879748 might want to go on KF though, this kind of "stop seeking attention heidi omfg there are children dying in africa" thing is more their speed than even PJ2
No. 879821
File: 1571026376499.png (358.1 KB, 580x538, pwease1.png)

All this crap about "15,000 signatures!" & I'm just wondering…
Did WotC ask for a petition to 'prove' that if DCA has enough support then they'll allow for it to return?
No. 879828
>>879819She's also the one who would quite literally kiss their asses if they let her, and leaves them little "Good morning, dear - You're so strong! Have a great day!" tweets, like a Mom leaving notes in her kid's lunchbox.
>"jared and holly might be cows but that doesn't mean it's okay to shit on their day to day struggles"You don't want people to discuss your day to day struggles, don't put them online. It's really honestly that simple.
>"It still couldn't have been easy to live on a daily basis"Then he should have kept it in his pants - or at least been honest instead of trying to lie to make Heidi into a vindictive bitch when really, he is the one who is jacking it to potential minors while banging his friend's wife.
>>879821No. They've literally admitted that the whole idea of the petition is to show WoTC that there's support for DCA - which I think they get at this point. Getting more signatures isn't going to convince them to bring it back.
No. 879829
>>879828yeah this is why i said i might get piled on for saying it. mind telling me why
>"You don't want people to discuss your day to day struggles, don't put them online. It's really honestly that simple. "doesn't apply to heidi?
not excusing what jared and holly did at all, just curious as to why someone tweeting about world mental health day is bad and someone else doing it is good. it should count as all the same to lolcow unless they bring milk, which they really aren't right now
(although i
am glad holly didn't do her usual "uwu so sad my life is a mess" and kept it neutral kek. that would have been something)
No. 879831
File: 1571029809882.png (1.3 MB, 1198x1334, pie.png)

moving on from the mental health nitpicking a bit, does anyone still keep up with holly's streams?
also, the girl who lives in holly's ass drew this. is that supposed to be her uwu strix character lmfao
No. 879842
> "Why…doesn't apply to Heidi?"I don't care if people talk about Heidi's day to day bullshit, if it's legit criticism. When it's mostly "OMFG SHUT THE FUCK UP NOBODY CARES! QUIT USING IT FOR SYMPATHY YOU STUPID CUNT" by the same people who are tripping over themselves to congratulate Hoelly for being so brave as to speak out on her shit mental health, it gets annoying.
>>879831It sure looks like it. Then again, like you said, Kayla would sell her left foot to just become Homewrecker given the chance. Hell, she could pass as a twin or at least a sister with how similarly she's chosen to act and dress (right down to having green hair there for a hot minute)
No. 879855
>>879744The only thing that made me cringe in this post is how she couldn't even muster a simple "you can do this" message for the others. It was all "my"s and "I"s. She should have thought better of it or not posted. Stuff like "help you survive but not much else" is not a good message for Mental Health Day.
>>879756Not sure who told you that, but I was lurking in that discord before Jared's video all until after they shut down the scandal related talk few weeks after Heidi's stream. In that entire time, every time a user will try to bring the journal or super old tweet their mods or admins would jump on them. They literally threatened people with kick/bans if they go to Heidi's stream to harass her. There was an entire group of Jared-stans that separated in their own server because the mods of PJ2 wouldn't allow them to trashtalk Heidi on the PJ2 discord or post the BS from KF. Not a fan, but I kinda liked how they handled it.
No. 880104
>>879861The concept of mental health day isn’t to help every Tom, dick and Harry who reads a tweet, Anon. It’s about being open and honest with your mental health and the things affecting it.
Casual reminder that you’re not obligated to follow their twitter. You could block and ignore at any time.
No. 880129
File: 1571096608708.png (265.73 KB, 574x698, wotchello.png)

Hey stans, this might sound crazy but, what if Chris wants to step back from DMing for a while, especially after the players turned his last adventure into literal fap-material?
No. 880134
>>880132That cracks me up, as if the person in charge of social media has any bearing on what programming WoTC endorses or backs.
Even if they did, do these people not realize that continued harassment isn't really the way to go about getting DCA back?
No. 880139
File: 1571097197632.png (25.18 KB, 590x266, nodiathnostrix.png)

I find it pretty hilarious how most stans are under the impression that Strix could not and/or should not exist without Diath.
The fucking codependency…
No. 880145
>>880143Good thing she's got a handful of stans who will gladly throw tantrums until WotC gives up & cancels, so that they can scream that Heidi really
did 'destroy' DCA! (even though that was
their own doing)
No. 880963
File: 1571260193430.png (16.02 KB, 597x255, projerk.png)

What an ass.
No. 880979
>>880963What a joke. People are
still getting 'cancelled' left & right at the moment, but of course he's gonna keep riding this emaciated horse into the sunset.
No. 881018
>>880963He says, as if he "beat" cancel culture.
Let's see: His wife (who at least had SOME bits of sanity left) left him, people outed him for running SEVEN porn blogs (which means dude obviously couldn't get laid by anything but excited fangirls), and he STILL faces the potential of prosecution for possessing child porn. He lost out on DCA because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants, lost friends, and now has to carry the "pedo" thing to his name forever.
What a hero! You sure beat cancel culture, PedoDick! /s
No. 881020
>>880979Because it's all he's got now. He can't ride the Diath love train when he blew that bitch up before it reached the station.
He has some mediocre video game reviews, and the "WOE IS ME CANCEL CULTURE IS BAD!" shit but that's about it.
No. 881025
>>881023Don't worry - Those are the same people who will be screaming that they secretly knew he was scum all along when he fucks up again in another few months and more shit comes out.
Dudes who think they got away with being shitty humans never just STOP being shitty humans; They just escalate and do worse shit next time.
No. 881069
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>>880963Okay, this reply was funny.
I'm still rather surprised there isn't any indication that Jared 'reached out' to Jontron after this whole mess.
You'd think he'd try to rally his old friends & associates around him publicly to 'scare' away any 'opposition' like any big Youtuber does.
No. 881076
>>881075It's like he thinks "Beating Cancel Culture" just means not immediately being arrested or something.
His numbers haven't fully rebounded to what they were before, and he still has to live with the knowledge that he jacked it to nudes of minors. I don't see how THAT is beating cancel culture.
No. 881082
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>>880963>>881076It's good to see many people aren't buying his bullshit
No. 881083
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Yeah, Jared - You SURE beat cancel culture /s
No. 881087
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>>881084In the sense of fairness (which literally pains me, fuck this guy), he is getting views still on YouTube - but he still appears to be down almost 100k subscribers since this all starter (since he was at 1m before, iirc)
No. 881117
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Have to agree with these tweets and
>>881020Seems like every time his relevance is waning, he starts up with the whole "I was cancelled!" shtick again, just like last month with the "Cancelled" shirt.
No. 881132
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God bless you, James Cobb! What a good thread!
No. 881134
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>>881132Someone give that dude a medal for calling Jared's bullshit out with his twitter handle attached (because he's right, you KNOW the ProJared Defense Squad™ will be out in force)
No. 881136
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>>881132>>881134This guy is a fucking CHAMPION. Doesn't skip a
single beat.
No. 881137
>>881136How long had Jared been running that blog anyway? 2015, 2016? Which means people in his 18-25 range would have inevitably been underaged while he did the soliciting.
And how many of these "18-25" are actually underaged youths who lied to get to the age-restricted content?
No. 881139
iirc, Jared had porn-blogs running since 2014/2015…
No. 881151
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>>881141Which reminds we, remember in the video, when Jared sneered at Charlie & Chai for liking GG porn & being very upfront about it?
If he was so put-off by that, wouldn't he want to
stay away from that kind of crowd, rather than get into very
intimate, one-on-one
private discussions with them?
No. 881152
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You know you fucked up when any rando can easily make up way better excuses than you did.
No. 881304
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>>881179There is nothing else she can do. Many people have made up their minds about it & moved on. However, some people are catching on to Jared's shit; Look at these posts:
>>881132 >>881136 >>881141 >>881151 >>881152 >>881154 >>881156People are starting to actually analyze & question certain parts of Jared's video & all the 'gotcha' points that his WKs spam people with. His current smugness is causing some people to second-guess his 'innocence' in this whole thing as well.
>Heidi needs to stop telling the story of her tragic past and start working for a better future.I think Heidi feels the need to 'catch up' to Jared in terms of 'success' & gets frustrated with herself when she feels like she can't handle it. Then she has to remind herself of what she went through in order to go easier on herself.
She's probably upset with herself that she can't just 'get over it' like everyone says. Remember, she's mostly internalized this shit since last year, stayed quiet about it, & only recently got a taste of vindication after finally coming forward about it.
No. 881310
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>"Did he actually do it for that though?
Do you have proof of that?"
I mean, he made damn sure his fans knew that he ran 'SinJared'…
>"This is essentially one huge "we need to fucking mind our own business" thing."
…Until it happens again, & again, & again, & again, because people keep letting him get away with it.
No. 881312
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Another good point
No. 881316
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>>881312SinJared was definitely up & running the same time Asagao Academy became popular…
No. 881335
>"Heidi needs to stop telling the story of her tragic past"You…mean like Jared who modelled for his mistress' "Cancelled" shirt that is literally financially profitting off of the shit show he caused? Or do you mean like Jared and his "What's the toughest boss I beat? Cancel culture!"?
>"Because of her fear of having to support herself on her own"Or because she loved Jared and wanted to make her marriage work.
No. 881345
>>881343And that's when they aren't outright claiming "Jared never solicited nudes! They sent them freely!", ignoring all of the posts of Jared saying "send nudes lol"
The stans are really willing to ignore evidence of their favorite being - at the very least - a manipulative piece of trash when the evidence is straight up smacking them in the face.
It's disgusting. I can't wait for the epic downfall coming when Holly snaps and roasts his ass publicly.
No. 881351
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>"He never said he abused his power. He mentioned there was a power imbalance, but he didn't abuse it."…What?
No. 881359
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>>881132More people need to wake up & reevaluate what they saw in that video.
No. 881366
Yo, what do y'all think of this description for the next thread? (will probably post it shortly just so we don't exceed the 1200 posts here)
ProJared/Holly Conrad/DCA/GG: The "OH GOD IT NEVER ENDS" Edition
Last Time on the "ProJared STFU Challenge"
> Holly snapped for a hot minute and started following people who talked shit about her
> Jared's fanbase attempts to rewrite history by insisting "Jared never directly solicited nudes!" despite evidence to the contrary
> Some of those who publicly condemned Jared's actions (like Jirard) simultaneously gain amnesia about the whole "He jacked it to minors" thing and go back to showing public support for him
> Holly popped into Jared's stream, discussing something meaningless and trivial ("I got gummy butterflies, Jared!") as if needing to publicly stake her claim on the man that literally no other sane person wants.
> Holly also quit offering mental health tips for $30 and moved on to offering subpar art "surprises", forgetting that someone could pay a better artist $30 and actually be able to pick what they want art of
> Someone made a charitable version of Holly's "Cancelled" shirt with the proceeds going to domestic violence charities; Trash Coven has it removed almost immediately
> Holly instead claims she is going to have the proceeds for said shirt donated to charity - and then backtracked, removing all evidence of her offer within 48 hours.
> A PJ2-stan sent Heidi a very creepy and threatening message, that they would make her confess her sins in whatever way possible - Jared and Holly remained silent while the person ran back to their side, bragging about their actions.
> Jared and Holly are still publicly endorsing the bullshit petitions to bring DCA back rather than just finding new homes for their characters or even just making new ones
> Holly posted a picture of herself snuggling a chicken against CDC guidelines, someone replied with a joke about her touching cocks when she isn't supposed to, and Holly accused them of harassment and internet shaming
> Holly tried to promote her patreon by saying "I've lost income from the 'apocalypse of the past few months" as if she wasn't the direct cause and that she wasn't still sitting on the fortune her grandfather left her.
> She lost her shit over the fact that The Sims offered an 'influencer' career and pouted that she was too stupid to find the Spellcaster career that had been released just days prior to her tweets.
> Jared, the eternal idiot, thought it appropriate to once again make a joke of "What's the strongest boss I beat? Cancel Culture!", much to the shagrin of every human being with more than one iq point.