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No. 861615
ProJared/Holly Conrad/DCA/GG: The "Return of the Worm" Edition
Last Time on “The World’s Worst Rollercoaster”:
>Jared RETURNS with a new, temporary “I’m so sad, look how sad I am” appearance, releasing a 42 minute video entitled “You Were Lied To”>video just HAPPENS to coincide with Heidi being out of town at DragonCon>spends most of the video calling his accusers “liars”, showing screenshots proving that he asked about age>attacks Chai’s creditability by mentioning their brain injury and memory loss before slamming both Chai and Charlie for having GG cartoon porn blogs on tumblr>ends the video by claiming to have not cheated on Heidi, and asks his followers to NOT harass her or Holly>request backfires, Heidi gets the most harassment since the beginning of the ProJared saga>Heidi claims to now be distressed and in bad place mentally due to constant attacks from Jared’s incel army>Holly is too busy posting pictures of Jared with her animal horde in honor of his birthday to notice, as well as prepping the release of clothing to profit off of her “cancellation”>The great “Jared was right!!” movement commenced >Pamela Horton apologizes for accusations against Jared, followed by an apology from Amelia Talon >Videos that were critical of ProJared begin being unlisted or deleted entirely>Considering the timing of Jared’s new video and the sudden backtracking, tinfoil is that he has been slapping people with cease and desist notices and/or slander/libel lawsuits. Heidi has confirmed in the past that Jared had been harassing her via legal means offline.
>Jared releases screenshots of a conversation with his and Heidi’s mutual therapist, with the therapist claiming Heidi used talk of suicide as a manipulation tactic against Jared>Therapist tells Heidi that wasn’t what she was doing, furthering the cycle of gaslighting against Heidi>Heidi admits that she had been institutionalized at this therapist’s recommendation at one point
>Jared gains $6000 in a twitch stream where he admits to jacking off to Charlie’s nudes, but it’s okay apparently because he THOUGHT they were legal
>Heidi hints towards a possible livestream when she gets back from DragonCon to clear the air and put the “truth” out.Image Credit:
>>859021Thread Credit:
>>861568Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>852741Character Descriptions and Stats:
Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)>Heidi accuses Jared of threatening legal action if she speaks up. Unfortunately Heidi casts “Absorb Elements” just like she did for his initial divorce statement. Jared takes an extra 1d6 damage on her next melee attack. Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 10
Luck: none
Charisma: send noOds
Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (current power-level):
>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Claims to have not cheated on her ex-husband despite his refusal to make one comment about the situation in her defense>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread though>Compared Etika’s suicide, a popular black YouTuber, to her own suicidal ideation by showcasing they both received clown emojis as “bullying.” >Suffers backlash from the black community, Etika’s fans and Twitter>After being called out for taking advantage of a person’s suicide, Holly infamously deflects criticism by tweeting, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”Strength: uwu
Dexterity: uwu
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 100
Luck: ran out
Charisma: clown emoji
Holly Conrad’s Previous Stats:
>Holly is a “talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community”, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to her grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingFor More On Holly Conrad:
>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL)Strength: uwu
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 17
Stamina: 22
Luck: 100
Charisma: Not Suzy
Heidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>Non-lewd cosplayer, talented craftsman and elf >Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth>Has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all time>Married to Jared Pedodick Knobslob>Was in a poly relationship with Jared>Claims Holly was the reason it didn’t work out >Outed Jared’s infidelity and set twitter ablaze>Working on her current divorce and perhaps a defamation against Holly Conrad for trying to claim she had BPD and that psychologists have deemed her “unfixable” >Has started to become more vocal on that drama since Holly’s Etika sperg>Claims emotional abuse by Jared and gas lighting, and also seems to insinuate her enjoyment of sex has decreased>Blocks overtly sexual cosplays because of the ProJared controversy >Currently living alone in a new home and trying to start up her business and craft in a way to support herself>Accuses Holly of being vindictive enough to have done everything in her power to end her marriage and happiness Strength: 90
Dexterity: 71
Intellect: 82
Stamina: 64
Luck: 20
Charisma: Zinfandel
Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth>In direct contact with Holly Conrad Flying Monkey Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Normal Boots: Expanded Universe:
**Game Grumps
Previous GG Threads:**
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTSuzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being her BEST FRIEND despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.Game Grumps:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: Dice, Camera, Action:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action: Under “Other”:
Ross O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: from Mods:
>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 861622
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Can I say that I'm worried for Heidi's well being? Her social media is nonstop hate, she has mentioned not having much in the way of an income, and now this thing with her marriage counselor. Especially with the content of what the marriage counselor disclosed, I hope that her friends stay close and support her.
No. 861624
>>861622Heidi's been doing good so far at just blocking those who seek only to harass - but jesus, a person can only take so much.
I am legitimately worried about her right now. Jared wanted to talk about "Holly might kill herself over clown emojis!", but like, Heidi is getting actual fucking death threats and has already expressed to Jared that she has thought of suicide.
I'm with you Anon, I really hope her friends remain in close contact through all of this.
No. 861632
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>>861626On a somewhat similar note, the regular brigades/raids that show up here: I've noticed that lots of anons are just feeding the trolls and giving them exactly what the want, encouraging them to come back and do it again but harder.
Things that make this variety of trolls continue:
- calling them straight/white/men(makes them close themselves off in their identity group and keep trolling. Makes a fantastic screencap for them)
- calling them privileged(proves everything they already believe)
- generally cussing them out (feels great, but encourages them because it makes such a nice screencap to bring back to their group)
Things that might get them to leave:
- Screencaps of Jared and Holly being feminist, anti-white, or anti-Trump
- Asking them how they'd react if a ~35 year old man sent dick pics to their 16 year old sibling/child in exchange for said child's nudes. If they're being honest with themselves, the groups trolling here would have an extreme, not necessarily legal reaction to such behavior if it happened to a child they loved and tried to protect.
- NOT REACTING TO THE TROLLS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Report and move on. If you don't react, you're boring and you're ruining their fun in the most effective way.
I might not have the time tonight, but I'm considering combing through that super seducer video for a few decent FeministJared screencaps once I get the chance. I've never seen the video before, nor any of his other videos, so if anyone else has better screencaps of Jared/Holly please beat me to the punch if you feel like it.
I'm not sure if this type of post is welcome here, but it's so embarrassing to watch anons fall for the same thing again and again and again.
No. 861633
>>861631It's one thing for a therapist to contact a spouse about their partner's mental health if they are concerned about something like suicide - but when your patient reveals that they feel as if their spouse is emotionally
abusive, YOU DON'T CONTACT THEIR ABUSER - regardless of if they had permission from Heidi or not, that therapist could have exposed Heidi to a world of harm, had Jared been physically
abusive and not just emotionally
No. 861646
>>861633If she told her therapist that Jared was emotionally
abusive, why would she complain about the couple's therapy making him break up with her?
No. 861647
>>861646If she told her therapist about vulnerable things like her suicidal thoughts, I REALLY doubt that she wouldn't have said "I feel as though my husband is emotionally
Maybe she viewed the couple's therapy as the final straw - like, maybe they were like the couples where one desperately wants to make it work and will do anything while the other person won't do a goddamned thing and puts forth very lack luster effort but will claim to want to make it work
No. 861648
>>861646some people believe their partners can learn how not to be
abusive. it's naive but it's not uncommon.
No. 861654
>>861652Unfortunately, I think this "therapist" fucked up a good, honest therapist/psychologists chance at really truly helping Heidi.
I can't even blame her; Therapy is hard enough as it is, but to know that you trusted your darkest secrets to someone who then spewed them back to your husband but reframed as "She's using threats of suicide to get you to stay" essentially? That's fucked.
No. 861661
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The list of current mods on Heidi's Twitch…
No. 861667
>>861657Oh, I'm not saying that I think she shouldn't pursue counseling - she absolutely should. I'm just saying that her faith in the system has been shook, it's going to be awhile before she's able to loosen up again.
>>861661I saw that. I'm glad that alpacaash is willing to step up and keep helping, though
No. 861669
>>861661Isn't Nulyu the person Heidi dated for a short period of time?
>hoellywtf is this madness? I def hope she can unmod them.
No. 861670
>>861654What's fucked up is touting Holly's "HEIDI IS UNFIXABLE" as gospel truth, anon. Real therapy work usually involves trying on different therapists before finding one that works for you, especially if you're dealing with a mix of specific trauma.
No real accredited therapist will ever share your details or story with anyone who isn't a fellow healthcare professioal actively working on that case or someone who does not have a big fucking court-appointed stack of papers to make them do so.
No. 861684
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God, the WK's are so fucking desperate to be part of the inner circle…
No. 861697
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Heidi seems to be doing alright so far, she's heading out for tonight
No. 861705
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I see that Jared's "I can't remember!" schtick isn't new
No. 861706
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"I never cheated on Heidi!"
But apparently admitted to her that he did (why would Heidi lie to her shrink? Answer: She wouldn't)
No. 861719
but fuck them up, Heidi.
No. 861720
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This totally sounds like the suicide baiting, gold digging, career ruiner that Jared and Holly have been talking so much about. These texts alone are so hard to read. I can't imagine sharing such personal texts with my therapist but thats really what its come to.
No. 861728
>>861723They're going to have a hard time pushing this "uwu abused jared" narrative with these texts now being out there. Heidi went out of her way to not provoke Jared, and to let him stay in the house if it helped him feel safe.
That isn't something an abuser would do.
No. 861735
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caps for posterity
"Sara - Breakup Part 1"
No. 861736
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>>861735"Sara - Breakup Part 1"
No. 861740
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>>861736"Sara - Breakup Part 2"
No. 861742
I don't know anything about defamation or slander lawsuits, but is there any way Jared could come after Heidi for releasing all this stuff (and possibly making a stream about her side of the story)? I'm hoping and assuming no, but I just want Heidi to be okay at the end of all this. She mentioned having trouble with finding and affording a lawyer I think, and she said her savings will last her till about the end of the year.
>>861705Also, reading those texts between Heidi and Sara, Jared is such a cowardly piece of shit. Yeah, admitting you did shitty fucked up stuff feels bad and is uncomfortable, but being held accountable for your actions isn't abuse or oppression.
No. 861743
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>>861740"Sara - Breakup Part 2"
No. 861746
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>>861743"Sara - Breakup Part 2"
No. 861756
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So much for they broke up in October 2018.
So much for she wouldn't let him leave.
Jared's first two statements made it clear he was still trying to work it out with Heidi behind the scenes. Holly, Jared's lying to you too you dumbass.
No. 861763
>>861743the part about him frantically scanning his journal when she confronts him is batshit
does he have no long-term memory so he stores his self-persona in his journal? or does he just use it for keeping track of his lies, or both?
No. 861765
>>861756Why does Hoelly think she gets to say that Jared wasn't the one cheating?
It's not your relationship, Hoelly. Just because you shoved yourself between something already cracking doesn't mean you get to say what is and isn't cheating for them.
No. 861766
>>861763There is clearly something mentally detached in his head. No wonder he can’t understand why people are mad about him soliciting nudes from fans and why he can’t hold himself accountable for anything.
Heidi was clearly unwell and has some dependency issues, but with her it seems like she invested a lot in her marriage and just couldn’t believe someone would just want to throw it all away. I hope she heals.
No. 861767
>>861764propedo doesn't seem like the type to actually confess to his journal
"dear diary, today i filmed a clip for Nickelodeon Online and elicited/received 17 nudes from young women of unknown age. i am continuously trying to improve myself and will attempt to make it 20 nudes tomorrow"
No. 861771
>>861756Oh boy bitch, are YOU in for a shock when the next pick-me comes along to replace you and Jared tells her “Holly and I have been over, we’re just keeping it off of social media.”
Have fun!
No. 861783
>>861737"Heidi feels sympathy for him and offers to allow him to sleep in the home"…
You mean the home Jared owned/co-owned and that was likely being paid for with money he earned? While I believe Heidi that Jared was an asshole and manipulative, she couldn't force him out of the house unless there was legal involvement. Even then, she would have to prove it was a threat for him to live in the same house as her (think domestic abuse.) Jared could have fucked himself over by leaving and not coming back, that's something a lot of divorce lawyers will advise against anyways.
No. 861785
>>861766I've noticed that, while reading the messages it seems like they are both mentally unwell, just one is worse than the other. But then I remember the isolation bit and pushing your
victim to isolation is how codependency starts, so the dependency issues more than likely came from that.
No. 861787
>>861766I've noticed that, while reading the messages it seems like they are both mentally unwell, just one is worse than the other. But then I remember the isolation bit and pushing your
victim to isolation is how codependency starts, so the dependency issues more than likely came from that.
No. 861790
>>861737"Heidi feels sympathy for him and offers to allow him to sleep in the home"…
You mean the home Jared owned/co-owned and that was likely being paid for with money he earned? While I believe Heidi that Jared was an asshole and manipulative, she couldn't force him out of the house unless there was legal involvement. Even then, she would have to prove it was a threat for him to live in the same house as her (think domestic abuse.) Jared could have fucked himself over by leaving and not coming back, that's something a lot of divorce lawyers will advise against anyways.
>>861737 No. 861792
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It can't be easy dealing with all the shit Jared and Holly have thrown at her. I'm glad she's not totally backing down.
No. 861806
> "After….extensive individual therapy"After which you went to fuck Holly every time, PedoDick.
>>861772It also ruins the "Jared filed first!" narrative, considering Heidi had been speaking of doing so herself. I think Jared did it for a metaphorical leg up over Heidi.
>>861783If Heidi's name was on the lease/deed, she absolutely could have said "I do not feel safe with him here" and if he had somewhere else to stay (like friends or something), the cops would have asked him to do so if for no other reason than to keep the peace. Long term, it would've been a matter for the courts to settle.
>>861792I like that the stans use "HE left YOU" like an insult. At this point, I am 99% sure that Heidi is more than glad to be the fuck away from the power-abusing, emotionally
abusive potential pedophile, regardless of who ran with their tail between their legs.
No. 861810
>>861809The therapist also encouraged Heidi to lie and be kinda shady??
This person should have whatever tissuepaper license they got torn up
No. 861832
>>861830Hell, at this point, I would 100% not be surprised to find out Jared either tried to fuck or actively WAS fucking the therapist too.
This is just tinfoil, though, as from the sounds of it, Heidi's therapist is in another state.
No. 861834
>>861705oh man, i don't know about this. heidi was clearly delusional about the situation if she legitimately believed this dude was "mentally short circuiting and couldn't speak" because of a legit psychological issue. he's just a fucking narc who lost his shit when he was caught in the act and didn't know how to get out of it. now we all know this is basically his defence about literally everything he does.
>>861706 just seals it for me. it's not a mental issue, it's just lies heaped on lies until
someone believes him
>>861720man, love will fuck you up. i hope this woman isn't drowning in these well-meant delusions anymore
although i am laughing at the image of this dude floundering and grabbing the nearest notebook to check if he's written down "today i fucked ross's bitch wife without a paper bag over her head" in order to remember what he's done. jesus
>>861830>sara: how are you>jared: i dunno>sara: ok here are 25 ways you can start detaching from your wife because she's going to threaten suicide any day
>heidi: sara i know you're busy but i'm lost and scared, i think my husband is abusive, i don't know what to do and i'm losing my shit>sara: read at 2:47PM No. 861838
>>861835I had that exact same thought earlier, Anon. For all their "Cancel culture is bad!", they sure are pushing to have Heidi cancelled and aren't really stopping their horde of fans that are currently sending graphic rape and death threats her way (beyond the "nobody go harass her!" half-assed comment in the video).
I could absolutely see Holly saying something like "This would solve all of our problems! Heidi the Whore would be gone so I could have you all to myself and we could finally be happy!"
God, those two couldn't be bigger pieces of shit if they actually tried
No. 861842
>>861841That's the part I don't get. Jared doesn't have to like Heidi, but he should have enough respect for her as a human being to see how much further his supporters are taking it than HEidi's did (death threats vs clown emojis) and to at least TRY to put a stop to it.
Instead, he's hanging out with Hoelly's friends and her chickens and have a grand ole' time while Heidi is being hunted and threatened with rape and murder.
No. 861844
>>861835I had thought about this, too. Holly seems to absolutely hate Heidi to the point that she won't ever stop pushing this bullshit until Heidi's killed herself.
I feel bad for every person that was cheated on by the DCA people. None of them deserve the suffering they're being put through.
No. 861847
>>861841man, i hate twitter incels. remember when holly gave "I HOPE YOUR BIRDS GET TAKEN AWAY" as an example of the "intense hatred and harassment" she was facing? here heidi's getting literal death threats.
and i can not put into words the massive douchebaggery required to dismiss your wife's travails in a single sentence of "oh yeah don't harass her maybe", while a few hours later you go on stream and say "HOLLY IS THE BRAVEST PERSON I KNOW" (yes, jared
did that)
No. 861848
>>861844To an extent, Holly and Jared are worse than the others as they are truly trying to villanize the wounded party here and make THEMSELVES into the
victims some how. The others at least eventually acknowledged it, kept their heads down, and moved on. ProWorm is fighting it every step of the way, in addition to being a potential pedophile and general creep.
>>861847Oh, man, He
seriously said that?
What a fucking douchebag.
Holly sure is brave, what with her standing up to those clown emojis and ripping off a cancer survivor for a few thousand dollars! I HOPE I CAN BE HER WHEN I GROW UP! /s
No. 861852
>>861850Holly would be liking left and right….until she realized that "OH MY GOD I NEVER WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN, I FEEL SO GUILTY!!" card would garner her sympathy votes from their "fans".
Jared would go all weepy and sad like he actually gives a fuck about anyone but himself and UWU Bird Mom.
THe rest of the internet (and probably the cops tbh) would be side-eyeing them like fucking crazy.
>>861851You can view them through the archived links above, you just can't access them directly through Heidi's imgur
No. 861858
sage for no new content.
I'm personally not siding with anyone anymore in this conflict.
Jared and Holly's mistakes are obvious, but with Heidi releasing the texts between her and this therapist it's obvious to me at least that Heidi suffers from reactive abuse from Jared lying/manipulating/neglecting/abusing her, but that doesn't make her own actions ok.
It's clear to me that she did indeed threaten to ruin his career if he didn't stay in the marriage and it is clear to me that she did stop him from leaving.
There's of course a hundred factors here, Jared is still a scumbag who solicits nudes in minors spaces, Holly is still a narc, but I am genuinely sad for Heidi now because this isn't okay to do.
Let me spin this story for you:
You're Jared, you are in a bad place, maybe you are starting to shift blame, and starting to justify. You have a therapist, and they're telling you, "you are right, she is an abuser you are being manipulated"
Now you are still shifting blame, still justifying, but now the person you went to professionally to stop that is telling you, "you are right".
I'm starting to see why everyone involved is so sure the other person is a demon unwilling to compromise.
Let's flip the script again:
You are Heidi, you are legitimately manipulating Jared, who wants to leave your relationship, you are using suicide and threats of violence and defamation as a means to keep him there.
Your therapist Sara is telling you that Jared is a monster incapable of thinking of anyone besides himself and is only concerned with how things effect him.
All this shows me, is that Sara is willing to say absolutely anything to anyone and nothing they say holds any weight.
Notice if you will this entire exchange, even though Sara is been exposed in lying and is saying whatever they can to make Heidi feel better. They refused to ever once say Jared was abusing her, or manipulating her.
To me, this is starting to sound more and more like the dangers of being mislead by a supposed professional
Two people who were on the rocks, perhaps because of Jared's infidelity, perhaps because Heidi was manipulative, perhaps because of both, went to seek medical professionals, and the shit they were told in private validated all the fears and nightmares that they had about the other person, and now they rifle through logs of things they were told by the professional to continue the insane twitter attacks on each other, which they justify completely because the other person is a "monster". After all, the professional said so.
No. 861860
never, she's done nothing wrong!
Instead it would be
>if only she had gotten the help she needed, we'll talk about it on the next Mental Health Monday uwu No. 861866
>>861835I already saw a few comments on the second Reddit saying that Heidi is doing the Livestream to bait harassers. So if something like that were to happen (god forbid) they'd either turn around and do a "Man, I hated her but I didn't want this to happen" or just say she did it as the ultimate fuck you to make Projared & Holly look bad.
I find it hilarious how the moral to Projared's story to them is, "Don't believe everything you see, Cancel culture is BAD!" yet everyone hates one person. Heidi is the punching bag. She's been called a whore from keemstar, has a whole reddit stalking her every move even though their god projared said NOT to send hate anyone's way and now somehow Heidi's the bad guy.
I also saw someone say that hated that Heidi slut shamed Holly, yet they've been calling Heidi bitches, evil AND attacked Ethan because he DARED to have another opinion.
The subreddit has become a witch hunt.Excatly what they all hate.
It's fucked up people are already dismissing what Heidi has to say.
I thought they wanted the truth?
No. 861871
>>861858i kinda agree with you.
these texts show plain as day that two individuals - both deeply wounded and broken, no matter their intentions/goals - misguided in most capacities - and trying to deal with their pain - were outright taken advantage of by a quack who has been thoroughly exposed and still can only say "i didn't intend this"
jared is literal trash and scum of the earth, but he was still misguided even further by this insane person who thinks telling him his wife was going to off herself would somehow help
heidi has fucked up plenty but there's no denying how miserable she was, and this genius goes and tells her to suppress herself to not
trigger her husband who somehow has it worse
sara has definitely contributed to this trashfire of the century more than any mental health professional should legally be allowed to
No. 861877
>>861876From what I can tell, he showed that he asked if they were 18+ (they said they were which was fucked up, I will admit) - but yeah, he acknowledged that he received the pictures and that they had lied about their age.
I didn’t watch his last twitch stream, but someone said he admitted to jacking off to the photos.
If it was a body positivity blog, what the fuck is Jared doing masturbating to the photos that people trusted him with?
No. 861878
>>861876Y E S
that's the reason women are blowing a gasket all over twitter, in fact
the MRA/incel army is all like "he ASKED! so THERE!"
and denica the WK that's been there from the start is still arguing that charlie and chai should be sued and face jailtime for exposing jared to their nudes lmfao
No. 861880
>>861858I think everyone is lending too much weight to her talk of ruining Jared’s career. It came off to me as someone that is desperately trying to get their partner to listen, so they start swinging at things the person cares about.
In this case, Heidi knew Jared cared about his career, so she said (essentially) “talk to me or I’ll ruin that”.
It was a “threat” made by someone who was at their breaking point because their husband refused them even the most basic courtesy of communication.
No. 861881
>>861878That’s because that crowd is still trying to push the incorrect belief that Jared had to KNOW they were minors to be held responsible for possessing child porn.
They also like to push the narrative that Chai/Charlie are automatically guilty because they both locked their internet presence down, instead of acknowledging that they were silenced by the internet hate mob and again, violent threats.
No. 861882
>>861877>>861878so he is still legally in the wrong, he still received those nudes and (in my opinion) definitely didn't do enough to prevent that from happening. I feel like I'm in some alternate universe where people stopped caring about youtubers ultimately taking advantage of younger fans for sexual gain (I'm not saying he wanted them to be younger fans, but he basically walked into his own trap here.)
Not to mention Jared "exposed" that they were grump fans, so there's no way to deny that the nudes were sent
because it was Projared asking for them.
No. 861885
>>861883That’s the thing. If someone WANTS to show their body off, they’re going to do - but for him to admit to using them as jack off material (which, I’d imagine, a lot of those who submitted did NOT consent to) is so fucking disgusting and a MONUMENTAL breach of the trust that they placed in him.
Even if you take the pedophilia out of the equation, he still wildly abused his power - there’s no getting around that.
No. 861886
>>861877Of course they lied about being 18+. If you look at the context of
>>859376, it's clear that nudes were promised before Jared bothered to ask for age. They aren't going to be honest at that point with the chance they are going to get someone who they admire in trouble or get pissed off at them .
No. 861887
>>861882i feel like what's happening right now is jared is throwing A. his incel army or B. his legal weight towards whoever dares to call him out on this point.
the two people who have given me any hope for him not being able to talk his way out of this situation in the longer term, are based jenny and (somehow) ethan (of all people. wow)
they're too big for him to silence, basically. they're being taken seriously too, or at least jenny is, with very few clowns or insane wks in their mentions.
still feeling like the situation could do with a couple more bigger youtubers calling this piece of shit out. i don't understand either how this is just being ignored. more and more it's becoming a case where:
>jared: yes i asked for nudes on tumblr, yes these two people were minors, yes they lied to me, yes i see why you guys say there's a power imbalance, no i'm not sorry>twitter: wow jared you proved you are innocent of all wrongdoing No. 861888
>>861886I don’t even so much think the lie came about because they were scared of getting Jared in trouble. I think they were so desperate to interact with their “celebrity” favorite that they lied.
I’m not defending the lie - it was an incredibly stupid and fucked up thing to do - but the lie would NOT have came about if Jared wasn’t abusing his fame to get free nudes from fans who are practically wetting themselves at the prospect of a celeb telling them that he finds their body attractive.
If it was actually about body/sex positivity and he was NOT abusing his fame, he would NEVER have attached his name or the ‘sinjared’ persona to the blogs.
No. 861891
>>861880That absolutely does not make her actions justified or okay though. This is an absolute train wreck and Heidi is only making it worse.
Honestly these two people need to realise the have both been lied to and been abused, they need to realise how incompatible they were and how much of a fuck up their therapist is. This isn't worth all the trouble. They both need to put their hatches down.
No. 861893
>>861891i think the one thing we're missing here is how if jared was left to his own devices he may well have put his hatchet down, or it may never have got this bad. he's a servile worm – heidi's texts show just how far he would go to avoid confrontation. and, he's kept the porn blog stuff under wraps for years at this point, fair to assume he might have gotten away with it entirely.
things went way, way, way south when holly got involved. things went south when holly suddenly got sexually awakened for jared, and then when she started demanding jared leave his marriage, and then when she started going after heidi with a disturbing fucking vengeance.
this will never be over in the way you say, because holly will never let heidi have the upper hand or even let her have her peace, and heidi will not sit down and take continuous kicking from one demoness who sics people on her + the internet who just wants their favorite neckbeard youtuber to make more videos
No. 861897
>>861893Heidi admits herself that she was pressuring him on a daily basis to stay in the relationship. That is
abusive behaviour. There is no way around it.
No. 861910
>>861900the context for this (possibly. i wasn't there either) is that jared kept telling heidi for the longest time that she was messing things up in the relationship and she kept saying "then tell me how to fix it" and he'd go "lol i dunno". she said this right from the start, in fact
>>803398it makes it far more understandable that heidi would want to take responsibility and give the situation her all before just giving up on her marriage
No. 861913
>>861910I don't understand how you can make that conclusion with a severe lack of evidence towards it.
Idk how things were before holly, but once she entered the picture I believe Jared started looking for ways out and instead of letting him go Heidi doubled down that he needed to try harder for the relationship. Why couldn't she let it go?
No. 861916
>>861810In defense of that particular point, not disclosing the full extent of your feelings and knowledge to protect yourself from possible harm isn't necessarily shady. I still think Sara is a terrible therapist but honesty isn't always the best policy, especially in an
abusive relationship.
No. 861922
>>861913>Why couldn't she let it go?In her texts to Sara she says
>I said that his giving up feels like an insult to all the work I've put into the relationship and being good to him.Classical "sunk cost" fallacy, really a textbook case.
She couldn't accept the fact that she made a huge mistake by investing a lot of time and effort in this creep and getting nothing but shit in return. So she doubled down on that mistake trying desperately to make all that time and effort not be all for nothing, pouring even more time and effort down the drain, instead of just bailing out and accepting her losses.
No. 861934
>>861930Rofl. Yet having your partner say, and yes it was screen capped and posted, that they don’t know who they’re being manipulated by, is all Heidis fault?
Iuno, some people in this thread need to take their adolescence ass back to reality and realise it is TWO people who are RESPONSIBLE for a marriage.
i know a lot of people under the age of 25 don’t understand the word responsibility, but fuck, he as a married man was supposed to be responsible and he wasn’t.
You’re supposed to work at a marriage and not just go, ohhh side chicks and lies that’s fine!
No, it’s not. Not ever. You’re just a piece of shit. Like Jared is a piece of shit
No. 861938
>>861926Ayrt, I'm 38 yo. I've personally seen people around me cling to the sunk cost fallacy and stay in doomed relationships and careers until they reach rock bottom. I recognize this mechanism when I see it.
You're taking this too personally and are resorting to angry insults and baseless presumptions. I sugest you smoke a joint now.
(blogging) No. 861953
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old screenshot from a thread 2 month ago. Did Jared share his therapy texts with Holly?
No. 861955
>>861953Probably cherry picked the ones he showed/or read out loud to her
Also, Hoelly is disgusting. I can't even believe I used to be a fan of hers, but now when her real personality is out there for everyone one to see, I just feel dumb for not picking up the small hints along the way. I guess if you play the "
victim" for 30 years you become pretty good at it. Disgusting.
No. 861967
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In the conversation Heidi showed on her Twitter, she kinda implied that Jared tried to break up with her during couple's counceling.
No. 861971
>>861705Holy shit he is so manipulative. And people actually believed him saying the same crap in that drawn out video too.
“If I don’t remember it, it never happened. And if someone else doesn’t remember everything, they’re crazy. And if they do remember, they’re a liar. And if you have evidence, I’m sure I didn’t really mean to do it.”
No. 861977
>>861973Heidi's outburts seem to be spurred by confusion. So it's likely that he probably never flat out told her that he wanted to leave. He probably beat around the bush about it, or just never gave Heidi a straight answer.
And judging by his video, he says "I don't know"/"I don't
remember that happening/doing that" a LOT.
No. 861981
>>861705I mean, did you see his video?
Disheveled appearance, sad, sunken eyes. Sighing. Hell the whole video begins with him slumped into his chair, almost reluctantly pulling himself up to speak.
The guy obviously
loves to garner sympathy. I wouldn't doubt for a moment that that excludes his own wife. He probably tried his damndest to excuse his stalling as part of a mental illness of his just to make her feel bad whenever she asked him the 'hard' questions & go back to being 'gentle' with him.
No. 861989
>>861973>>861973Usually the first response when someone suggests things aren't working in a relationship isn't "k bye". Especially in a marriage.
Its pretty typical for many people to want to work on things so there are no regrets. Sometimes there are problems in a relationship that can be worked on in therapy. Sometimes there is enough good in a relationship to salvage while the couple constructively works on the bad. There are many cases in which frustration can lead someone to say things they don't fully mean, like when a couple is in an argument or things are tense.
I don't fault people who want to honor the comittment they made by giving one last concerted effort so they can at least feel like they tried everything they could. In this case, I would especially understand if Jared's request to breakup came out of left field
It sounds like Heidi felt like she wasn't given a chance to fix what he felt was wrong because he didn't communicate it. I think its fair in a situation like this to want a chance to rectify things.
When people always bail at the first sign of difficulty, they often leave the relationship having learned nothing and are doomed to repeat the same mistakes in the next relationship. This is where we get people who get married 4 times.
No. 861994
>>861973Jared wanted to leave the marriage, but only after thoroughly gas-lighting Heidi. Thus taking the time and energy - at least five months that we know of - to manipulate Heidi and therapists.
Even after he's ditched Heidi for a month and been fucking Holly on the side for five months, he's even being considerate enough to meet with her and a therapist and make sure he's gaslit the ever living fuck out of the woman.
Incredibly thorough work. On a side note, given that Jared was raw-dogging uno-girl, a rando fan he just met, I look forward to how he makes Holly feel that the inevitable and forthcoming STD is her fault.
No. 862002
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Looks like the flying monkeys have reached PushinUpRoses & Jessie Pridemore.
Keep an eye out for their next moves.
No. 862003
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Sara admitting she was manipulating Jared into being nicer to Heidi by exploiting Heidi's suicidal thoughts in their conversation is just wild to me. What kind of therapist is this?
No. 862013
>>862010It seems like the Keemstar fans/incels/ 14-year-olds are the most vicious & easier to just bat away.
The actual Jared & Holly/DCA stans/PJ2 subs are the ones that are taking a more manipulative & browbeating approach.
It's sad how you can see right through them while they think they're being clever.
No. 862018
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She publicly posted the caps from last night. Seems like there is more to come.
No. 862019
It's exactly like Onision but- and I can't believe I am writing this- actually worse.
No. 862040
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>>862018Can you turn off comments on imgur?
I don't doubt more flying monkeys will brigade the shit out of this.
>"bought you a car"
>Implying that an abuser would not buy their victims things to keep them quiet/compliant. No. 862041
>>861897>>861913>>861922>>861930Not sure why this is so hard for you to understand, so for your sake I'm going to assume yall are just emotionally stunted.
Here's some relationship 101 spoonfeeding that even you should be able to understand:
-If you are in a long term relationship or marriage and one parter just says "I'm out," you don't respond with "k bye" and just go about your day.
-Trying to get more information to understand what your partner is going through and encouraging your parter to communicate is NORMAL. Especially when married. Especially if you are having relationship trouble.
Heidi checking in with Jared, asking questions about how he feels, and encouraging communication is not
abusive in the slightest. What the everloving fuck. In fact, every single way mentioned she communicated was absolutely healthy. She specified she was careful to use a gentle tone, never put him down for his answers or shut him out, plus she gave him TONS space. Which he clearly took advantage of.
-If your committed partner cheats on you, it is NORMAL to be angry. It is also normal to say things you don't mean.
Jared ruined his own career. He is the one who made everything a big public spectacle and blocking her at the same time, after not giving her a lick of information about his true feeling, leading her on, lying to her, and cheating on her. Of fucking course she is going to say something. Also, he is the one who chose to collect nudes.
Heidi was lied to for over a year. He had been sleeping with Holly when going out for "therapy." While telling Heidi he wants to work things out. Intuition picks up on that shit and when Heidi was constantly told he had no secrets? Of fucking course that is going to make someone go crazy when they are trying to work on a marriage with someone they love and said person is closing off. Anything she said out of anger is normal in the place she was in. What is NOT normal is to not be hurt and unprovoked by behavior like Jared's.
This is a plain as day cheating situation. This shit happens all the time and it's not okay then. I guaranfuckingtee if the roles were switched and Heidi was the one who cheated/lied and collected nudes, she would have zero supporters and just be labeled a cheating whore.
Jared was too selfish to be honest about his feelings. Instead he went crawling to Holly, his own personal echochamber, and got validation from soliciting fan nudes.
People like you who call Heidi
abusive are the reason why abuse still exists and so many people don't take
victims seriously. Your mental gymnastics completely distort the meaning of the word.
>>861896It's not just you anon. I hope Heidi sues the shit out of her because this "therapist" 100% made things worse.
Still love the tinfoil that Sara is actually Holly who somehow applied to be a life coach, hence why Jared wanted to use her (also it's hilarious she also lives in LA) but Sara's replies are still just a skosh too intelligent to be Holly.
No. 862043
>>862019Eh not worse but a different kind of predatory evil.
Onision (and Lainey) actively groomed and housed teens he groomed to have sex with while Jared just used so-called sex positivity and body positivity to get nudes from insecure fans of his on tumblr.
No. 862046
>>862043Sorry I should have been more specific:
I was referring to when Onision collected photos of young fans and told them if they were hot or not, fat or not, etc. IIRC a lot were in their underwear or bikinis, too.
No. 862048
>>862041All the people who seem to support Jared and see Heidi as
abusive are people who probably think trying to talk things out is
abusive behavior.
They're shut-in gamers who close themselves off the moment someone wants to have an adult conversation based in reality and not through a DnD campaign.
No. 862049
>>862040Fucking hell, Heidi can't do
anything without being subjected to criticism at the hands of these sexist defenders.
>Heidi stays quiet>"She's not defending herself because she's lying" >Heidi speaks up for herself>"Stop whining and being so emotional">>862041These a great points, anon. Unfortunately the people you're talking to probably have never been in a relationship and will likely continue talking out of their asses.
>>862006> She clearly should have separated from him instead of clinging to a guy emotionally and mentally checked out.>All of them are badWhat? Seems to me that Heidi cared enough about the relationship and Jared to wanna salvage–and it seems clear that Jared manipulated her during most of their interactions. I don't see how she's a bad person for falling hardcore for his manipulation.
No. 862077
>>862071Addendum: This shit wouldn't have gotten so bad if Jared & Holly just admitted that they cheated on their partners. Cheating is a dumb thing to do in the first place, but cheating is
far from uncommon, & seeing as most of their supporters believe that marriage is unnecessary/outdated, they should all still get along fine, right?
No. 862080
File: 1567361960540.jpeg (684.29 KB, 1125x1432, E69AA432-4332-4E1C-B1AC-4277EB…) love how this is happening on Holly’s launch of Trash Coven. Feels like karma.
No. 862083
>>862070With the way Heidi reacted in February when he properly broke up, I can't honestly believe she was
abusive and forced him to stay before when he first "asked"
It's more like he was icing her out and wanted her gone and she was confused because she didn't understand where it was coming from. But when he flat out said "we're breaking up" Heidi accepted it after months of trying to fix it
No. 862086
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>>862080yeah sorry for the WKposting but this kind of shit is starting to clog her tweet threads and it is so frustrating
No. 862087
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Sage for non-milk, but what a weird fucking thing to have nude fanart as your profile pic on your facebook (which he has his family on)
No. 862089
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i have no idea why #FUCKjared isn't trending on twitter
this is the saddest thing i've ever read jesus
No. 862090
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>>862087Looks nothing like him
No. 862092
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Sad takes from the peanut gallery; it’s Heidis fault that she was being abused because she ALLOWED Jared to remain depressed(Whiteknight posting)
No. 862113
>>862108I would not be surprised in the least
>>862111Not to armchair but clearly, that boy ain't right
No. 862115
>>862104It can be an insurance thing, it can be a personal choice thing (Ex: Agoraphobic; Internet/text/phone based therapy works MUCH better for me)
>>862107This is a big thing. Sessions can cost several hundreds of dollars for a one hour session - and if she had no insurance, this would have been nearly impossible.
>>862109This is definitely a possibility, since Heidi said he was coincidentally meeting up with Holly to fuck around after every session.
No. 862122
>>862117Having one car for two people who mainly worked from home doesn't seem too strange.
Don't get me wrong I'm sure Jared was controlling the money since he was the main breadwinner, but at the time one car for a couple isn't weird.
No. 862126
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>>862108What was Holly tweeting about the night of Jared's hotel visit?
No. 862129
>>862117You say, as if Jared would have allowed Heidi to use HIS money, considering he acted like giving her a car/house was such a burden.
>>862119The people who are going to bury their heads in the sand would have done so anyway, to avoid recognizing that someone they look up to is actually a pretty shitty dude.
No. 862131
>>862119 I somehow think even if she did show 100% evidence of him admitting to all of it they’ll be a lot of them burying their head in the sand
Cause somehow Jared showing proof = “all good, he showed his side”
Heidi = “omg how dare you be so
abusive and showing this, he should sue you”
No. 862132
>>862131They're already pulling that shit, screaming that he should sue her (and knowing that human turd, he'll probably try).
At this point, if I were Heidi, I'd take the financial hit just to get the truth out there. She could always do a GoFundMe to get legal fees; I'd back that shit.
No. 862143
>>862132Washington is a two-party consent state - if Heidi release communications without the other party's (Jared's) consent, she presumably commits a crime.
Jared has been trying to blur this line by having Holly release texts between he and Heidi. That the few texts from Heidi we've seen weren't that damning says something
No. 862145
>>862138Yep, but he did them very discreetly then. I think with everyone suddenly backtracking, people are starting to connect the dots that he must have slapped them with lawsuits/cease-and-desist
>>862143I meant the texts between herself and Jared - he could theoretically pursue charges, but then he'd have to answer for how Hoelly was able to release the sexts between Jared and Heidi (when Holly was NOT privy to the conversation in any way)
No. 862148
>>862146It's toeing a thin line. It seems like it COULD be, but for all any of us know, they signed a form with the therapist that gave them the discuss the texts/post the texts, etc.
I just think that if Jared's stans want to go after Heidi for releasing it, they'll have to stop and realize that Jared did the same shit - but worse, since he allowed his mistress to release sexual messages between himself and his wife.
No. 862152
>>862087>>862090looks like Wikihow illustratons.
"How to cheat on your wife and keep your youtube career"
No. 862173
>>862162That is what set this all off. Jared trying to save face by not doing the one thing Heidi asked him to do when he announced their divorce.
To think it would have saved him in the long run, though I guess it’s for the best because we now all know what a true creep he is besides him cheating.
No. 862177
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There is a big difference between Jared's words and his actions, for sure.
No. 862183
>>862177From what I can gather, Jared & Holly both pride themselves on appearing to be
good people with
good morals, especially Holly with her "wholesome birb-mom uwu" image.
They're both clinging desperately to their morally-superior egos as this drama has unfolded & an entire ugly mess of lies, manipulation, & overall callousness has come out.
No. 862186
>>862162If he told Heidi that he wanted to leave her because he loved Holly this whole situation would have been avoided
All the woman wanted was transparency.
But when you play stupid games…
No. 862189
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>>862018Just reading through some comments on Heidi’s posts. It looks like someone recognized the text format as being from Talkspace.
No. 862193
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>>862189Well I'll be damned!
No. 862194
>>862189Reminding myself to never use Talkspace, no matter how many podcasts shill for it
Sara was definitely a big part of their issues later on
No. 862199
>>862194After looking at a few reviews it's… not good.
Also looks like most of their therapists take
forever to respond to clients & aren't much help either.
"Licensed Professional" my ass
No. 862204
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He looks so disappointed that the pickup artist has more class than he does
No. 862211
>>861889Same thing they're doing to h3h3 too. Whatever happened to "Listen to both sides & form
your own opinions" Jared?
No. 862223
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Hollys clothes website has a typo right at the top
No. 862229
One thing his incels can't argue is the fact that the GGs have been completely silent.
They deleted all the video collabs with him and dropped him like a hot potato. Isn't that a huge amount of evidence that Jared is in the wrong because they know Ross' side and threw Jared away like trash immediately?
>>862220What a spotty work history.
No. 862234
>>862229I hate Arin & Suzy for lots of reasons, but Arin became a GREAT businessman.
Removing the videos wouldn't be because of them caring about Ross and knowing Ross' side, but because the GGs are trying to avoid any damage to their family friendly poop and fart joke brand they've reduced themselves to.
That being said, Ross could know more damming evidence he revealed to the GGs, or someone with a reasonable amount of evidence contacted them (pretty sure the Charlie's and another person that was unnamed) and that's why it was removed.
No. 862239
File: 1567374701450.jpg (85.11 KB, 1080x367, 5818858283.jpg)

This is the text between Sara and Jared that started all this. Could the cutoff be "knows about you and Holly"?
So the whole sentence would read, "I dont know how, but I know that she knows about you and Holly"
Perhaps this conversation was around the same time Heidi told Sara she found proof that he was cheating with Holly. I will reread to see if Heidi's conversation with Sara fits this theory.
No. 862240
>>861930>>861897>>861938>>861973>>862070I honestly can't believe the people saying this shit aren't either literal fucking children or socially stunted shut-ins. They were (are still) MARRIED. Marriage is not just a fancy word for a relationship+ that you can just decide to leave whenever you feel like it, it's a LEGAL CONTRACT. A wedding day is not just a larp of a loving relationship, it is a public and legal declaration of your relationship with someone else and when you marry someone, you are combining your assets and becoming one legal entity. From that point on you have legal responsibilities and obligations to your spouse, and even if one party wants to leave they are still, in fact, legally and socially obligated to remain in the marriage until the other party amicably agrees to begin the legal process to dissolve the marriage.
Hard sage for this rant but I just can't fucking stand these idiots acting like they were just dating and Heidi was
abusive for trying to get him to work through their problems. You have no obligation to stay with your shitty boy/girlfriend but they had obligations to each other because they were (still are) LEGALLY MARRIED.
No. 862241
>>862239Go watch his video at the 37 mark,its not cut off there. Its about how heidi will threaten suicide.
Sara best counsellor.
No. 862242
>>862239it was something to the tune of "I know she will be upset" and "I know that she will threaten to commit suicide"
which is what makes dear sara a horrible therapist
No. 862244
>>862240That's exactly what these people don't realize. Marriage is LEGALLY BINDING. That's why you involve the LEGAL SYSTEM to dissolve one. That's why some states have LAWS regarding them. That's why some states have LAWS regarding CHEATING. You can say you're "broken up" all you want, but in some states (unfortunately, not WA) if you cheat while still legally married, you're fucked.
No. 862264
>>861871Who the hell is saying Jared is in the wrong for "wanting to leave the relationship?" That is such a total understatement. ONCE AGAIN, the man might have gone to therapy but he 1. lied to his therapist and 2. went merrily to fuck Holly afterwards. Like Heidi said, these actions weren't not that of a "desperate, abused man" everything he hid and lied about was calculated. When given countless opportunities to be honest with his wife he instead shut down on her then baited her with the hope of counseling just to double down on "ehh I don't really feel like it" when it came to resolving any issues they had.
You people really need to lurk more before trying to give your smug two cents on the matter.
No. 862268
>>862264This, so much. They think encouraging healthy communication and becoming depressed/in a bad place when the love of your life is shutting you out without saying why is abuse.
>>862234That is a good point. I am confused why Jared's incel supporters don't harass GG about putting the videos back up though if he is so not in the wrong.
No. 862271
>>862268I've seen plenty of tweets & YT comments linking Jared's video and/or
demanding they put the videos back up.
No. 862272
File: 1567377641028.jpg (712.99 KB, 1564x1564, Hmmmm.jpg)

Well, the dates of Heidi's conversation with her friend about Jared ignoring Holly line up with Holly acting histrionic on Twitter.
No. 862275
>>862274They need to prove her innocence because if her or Jared are actually guilty than that means DCA is OVER!!! (crying emoji)
DCA is love
DCA is life…
No. 862281
File: 1567379075124.jpeg (239.94 KB, 632x366, 3DD5FE91-BACE-4BF5-A36E-8BDAEE…)

>>862250Did it mention Heidi by name? As in, ending it with Heidi specifically. Sorry for being a brainlet about that, there's a lot of shit in these threads to shift through and a lot of cherry-picking between everything Holly, Jared, and Heidi all carefully release. I don't trust any of these people.
No. 862296
>>862280Girl should just delete her entire Twitter to get rid of incriminating evidence that can be used against her, honestly.
Though nobody’s going to forget about how Holly Conrad made Etika’s suicide all about her.
No. 862301
>>862299 Probably deleted the more incriminating ones.
Some of her non-reply tweets are searchable.
No. 862321
>>862162That's the thing - He wanted to claim that he hadn't cheated to save his image, and in his effort to remain squeaky clean with lies, he did more damage than just being up front and honest probably would have.
>>862271Watched H3H3's review of Jared's "apology" video and he read some email that a stan sent telling him to apologize to jared or Ethan would learn pain or worse and just #fucking yikes.
>>862274At this point, I think people are just thinking of her as an off-shoot of Jared (like when you friend has a significant other that you hate, but you put up with them because you adore your friend). The tides will turn again the first time she says something stupid - and suddenly having a crowd of incel/MRA supporters won't seem like such a great idea.
>>862296Deleting it wouldn't do shit. First of all, internet doesn't forget - Second of all, I doubt she could stand not being the center of attention for two seconds.
No. 862325
File: 1567387944084.gif (601.62 KB, 500x281, sigh.gif)

This is going to sound like a wk for Jared so let's nip that early. I don't think any of these 3 nerds have the emotional intelligence or access to proper therapy they ever genuinely needed. I believe even Ross was left hanging by anyone who could genuinely help any of them at the time. Sometimes it seems like all of them had the best of intentions, then fucked it up.
Without being able to apply time periods this is what I’ve gathered throughout this whole circus, if anyone wants to take the time to put together something chronological to my half-observation and half-tinfoil please feel free.
>Ross and Holly's marriage is failing, probably because Ross was too beta and Holly felt too superior to be designated to "Wife of Ross" (Plus, if Ross was depressed that's a pretty big strain on a relationship even if people think For Better Or Worse-I honestly think their divorce for the most part was pretty natural whether or not Holly was being heartless and despite it obviously hurting Ross. Divorce is not easy.)
>Holly feels FeElInGs for Jared (Most likely spurred on by romanticized DND ship where she gets attention and basically called second-hand beautiful for the fantasy life self-insert she created) and is looking for a new relationship anyways I'm guessing (Dat rebound)
>Holly and Jared probably start "seriously" flirting at this point, whether or not it develops into a fling or not IRL/via roleplaying is ??? in the timeline because I honestly don't know or care
>Jared at this point is probably still relatively happy being with Heidi because she gives him free reign and doesn't apply many boundaries at all, Heidi is publicly priased often by Jared as being An Real Life Anime Girl etc etc
>Holly gets caught calling Heidi abusive, both Jared and Heidi confront her about that and say it's not true-which she apologizes over and over for, prostrating herself and putting Heidi on a pedastel
>Jared wants to be single or open whether because the seven porn blogs aren't enough or the idea is exciting for both Heidi and him (Maybe even Holly lowkey suggested it to one or both of them, since Holly was inserting herself in Heidi's ear at the time)
>Heidi encourages Jared and Holly to be open about feelings, most likely hoping for rejection from one or the other because Holly is married and she thinks Jared might be too in love to pursue Holly
>Heidi doesn't want to be polya after attempt, so they try and fix things (Jared wasn’t invested, encouraged by Holly and in too deep with the sexual attention he was receiving)
>Heidi says ok Nope (Revokes consent, breaks up with bishie long distance animu dreamboi Nulyu to show she’s serious)
>I'm not sure if this happened before or after The Infamous Walk but at some point Holly and her flock move to be near Jared, unsure as well on the timeline if this was before or after she started drunk-bawing about her "abused friend" she wanted to help/passively suicide-baiting/sad-posting on Twitter
>Jared is unhappy and distant, Holly becomes more exciting and is a tit to cry on
>Heidi gets rightfully paranoid and lashes out, probably because isolated and lead to believe Jared genuinely wants to fix things rather than give it a try
>Jared makes no change in behaviour, their relationship is probably punctuated by fights (that friends/aquantances noticed awkwardly) and absences while Jared tries to make Heidi happy and Heidi is clearly in love still tries to put the spark back into their marriage despite knowing in her heart it's probably not going to work
>Jared gets depressed (?) whines to Holly and friends, Heidi tries to react to paranoia by trying to create boundaries
>Heidi is gaslit and stonewalled, I don't in any way want to defend Jared because I believe he's absolutely horrid but I doubt he knew that's what he was doing and during the whole time he was encouraged to do these things when he spoke to his therapist (Who in turn tried to have Heidi give Jared space or not confront him relatively often it seems?)
>Holly is left out if the loop entirely, is histrionic and emotionally manipulative because constant need of validation/Not getting what she wants for once right away
>Jared continues to mostly be uninvested in Heidi, enabled by ”therapist” to be distant/end things
>” Therapist” encourages Heidi to not engage or talk things out with Jared because she worries Heidi is going to lash out (Which is fair, but also Heidi at least in communicating to the therapist seems to be self-aware and transparent about even her irrational feelings which should have given an actual therapist a lot to work with)
>Jared tries to be nice to Heidi but is sitcom-level idiotic about how to handle a relationship, literally avoids the situation and tries to resolve in passive ways by trying to please Heidi with food and car
>Heidi asks him to stay away from the house
(Just wanted to ad here I want to say idk why people overreact to this when Heidi can’t leave their shared home as easily. I'm guessing lack of car and lack of friends left her pretty isolated and lonely despite her hobbies being a good and healthy distraction. To lord Jared ”owning and paying” for the home and Heidi ”letting” him come by as if this isn't a normal thing in broken marriages and when Heidi clearly has nowhere to go he is essentially put in the dog house as they say-whether or not that sounds unfair to Jared he seemed happy to leave so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
>” Therapist” challenges none of this, encourages no communication, encourages no mutual supervised conversations, mishandles sensitive information and acts more like a busy-body friend who enjoys helping than an actual professional-which they could have definitely afforded so ???
>Holly is mostly left in the dark, only sees Jared is unhappy and has feelings for him so is vocally and emotionally invested in his side-supporting whatever he tells her
>Heidi and Holly are fed individual stories, Jared seems mostly avoidant about emotional situations so he turns to one or the other when he needs different coddling
>Heidi thinks Holly is "planting seeds" essentially, but is coming from a dumbass misguided place thinking she is helping her Lover and at the same time thinks she's helping him (Both for her own ego, it seems she is only self-invested or helps others if it benefits her. She clearly loves to play benevolent Birb Mom.)
>Things come to a head, Heidi searched his phone (public property, and she was validated in her paranoia-but isn't right to do despite that. Good that she did, however, so they could finally break up properly)
>Heidi moves out, celebrates too loudly on FB and triggers Holly to feel Jared wasn’t exaggerating if not lying completely
>Divorce announcements etc happen suddenly, it was clear Jared at least wanted to be single but Heidi also wanted validation for the time she feels she wasted on the marriage
>Holly feels fine with the cheating, because Jared was unhappy and she got what she wanted in the end
And then begins the he-said-she-said song and dance drama kek
I want to make it very clear this isn't ignoring Jared having a serious problem with porn addiction (his responsibility, definitely within his control and not like alcoholism etc but definitely an unhealthy dependence to the point he didn't care and jerked it to minors. Whether they lied or consented (which doesn't count as consent because MINOR) that is a crime and most people who exchange nudes verify age literally by ID blacking out other personal info besides birth date-Saying 18+ only and being like ”ur 18 right” isn't good enough when being sexually active with young teens no matter how many people want to defend that.
Also, IMO still fucking creepy he's mid-30s (?) and is ok with people under 20 in general engaging in covering/nude exchanges with him???
These people were nerds who lived online and had a warped view of how to navigate difficult relationships because their access to real-life situations and even success were all through vidya/anime/social media or weird environments like Cons or Youtube offices.
The quack they spoke to gave them shit advice and wasn’t able to help anyone do anything, wasn’t able to foresee any of the genuine issues that ended up coming up, and basically only added to the raging fire with ”Are you sure?” type of answers she may have well been an internet psychic scam for all the help she did or the cold-reading barely advice. She didn’t have anyone be introspective or accountable despite having both sides of the story (whether or not both sides were exaggerated or biased, the pieces were there and she could have helped them).
From what I can gather after the therapy texts, they were all doomed from the start. Might as well be teens dating on Tumblr in a SJW cosplay community. These adults clearly have no idea what they’re doing and Jared had way too much access and power for someone so fucked up and irresponsible.
I do feel bad for Heidi because shit sucks, I do feel Holly is a POS because emotionally cold to Ross and emotionally manipulative to fans and friends-but holy shit.
As far as I’m concerned these idiots just have no idea how to properly socialize with others and instead of getting genuine help are too internet-based and dependent to navigate anything with tact or proper conduct.
Apologies for the longest post in the world but wow, besides Jared and Holly’s personal fuck-ups and crimes respectively this is literally otherwise a hot fucking mess. I thought it was a lot more abusive or toxic before the "therapist" texts reveal, but it appears to be a million times less deep than I had thought in previous threads because of Heid/Jared/Holly's "proof". It's mostly crying wolf.(tl;dr)
No. 862328
> "It seems like all of them had the best of intentions"How in the holiest of hells did Holly ever have the best of intentions for anyone but herself??
> "Plus, if Ross was depressed that's a pretty big strain on a relationship"The only time Ross truly showed depression was upon his divorce, after god knows how much of Holly's "I am only sexually attracted to our mutual friends' husband"
> "is looking for a new relationship anyways I'm guessing (Dat rebound)""looking for a new relationship" implies that they hadn't already been involved, which, seeing how she moved to Washington within one month of her divorce announcement, seems less and less likely.
> "Heidi doesn't want to be polya after attempt"Heidi didn't want to be poly when it became clear that Holly just wanted Jared for herself and for Heidi to not even be in the picture. Also because Jared proved he couldn't even be open with communication which was like the one and only thing Heidi asked for.
> "I doubt he knew that's what he was doing"I'm sorry, but there's no way he could've thought he was in the right by lying to his wife about "We'll work on our marriage!" and then going to meet his mistress after every therapy session for a quick fuck
> "Jared tries to be nice to Heidi"Dude bought her a McDonald's Meal. What an awesomely nice dude. /s
> "this isn't ignoring Jared having a serious problem with porn addiction"This isn't even a porn addiction, though. This is a dude who abused his power/fame to get fans to not just submit nudes but to fuck at various cons (we at least know of unogirl; Who knows how many others there are?)
No. 862332
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The description of the 'cancelled' shirt on Hoelly's website
It reads to me like she's still insisting she didn't even step out of line or that neither she or Jared did anything wrong (other than the whole "jerking off to minors' photos" bit)
No. 862342
>>862340"This is making you look worse! You look desperate!"
Yeah, motherfucker. I know it's hard for your little incel brains to wrap around, but most people actually MEAN "for better or worse" when they recite their vows, not "For better or until I find the Golden Pussy of my friend's wife"
No. 862343
>>862342I also like how each one throws in their opinion about how useless/outdated they think marriage is, etc. Like okay we get it, you don't care, yet you
do care enough to leave a comment?
No. 862353
>>862080i'm legitimately crying at these texts. it actually hurts my fucking soul to read this, because i am seeing everything as it were. that feeling of loving someone and desiring their touch, affection, attention, and being pushed into the cold with no real explanation is so fucking brutal
god my soul actually hurts, this sucks
No. 862356
>>862325>if Ross was depressed that's a pretty big strain on a relationship even if people think For Better Or WorseWere you aware of any of these people before the divorce announcement and/or do you know anything about Holly? Why is it only Ross' depression would be a strain on the relationship, but not any of Holly's anguish that she often talks about openly online? That'd have meant Ross dealt with her and her inner problems for the entire marriage, and then once he started to show his own, Holly ditched him. Which is dandy to you I guess.
>Ross and Holly's marriage is failing, probably because Ross was too betalol yes, Ross is a betacuck soyboy, not man enough for Holly's tastes, so she fled to muscular bad-boy Earthworm Jared
I don't think you're a wk or anything imo, but you should read through old threads more
No. 862361
>>862340Some of the stuff she says does seem a little iffy on its own, and I think that the "therapists" responses don't help much.
However, when you consider the larger context including Jared's hot and cold behavior towards her it makes sense that she would try and use manipulative tactics to try and get him to work with her. It's all but confirmed that he had multiple narratives. Heidi, Holly, their friends, the therapist were all being told radically different stories and it's clear that Jared was trying to maintain a sort of double life where he was both the loving husband with a happy relationship and the abused, beaten down desperate man having an affair because he has no other choice. Maybe he believes both of these things to be true, maybe not. But the fact remains that when he could no longer maintain control of the situation he immediately started crafting a new narrative with no regards to the feelings or needs of anyone else involved.
No. 862366
File: 1567397787808.png (84.55 KB, 685x998, hollytweets.png)

>>862280>>862301Fun fact:
Holly's tweets were mysteriously disappearing during the time she had been "checked in to the hospital" because of her mental state when Heidi first dropped the truth bomb on twitter that Holly and Jared were cheating. You know, when she said she didn't have access to Twitter and couldn't see what was happening online, "for her mental state".
Unfortunately this site doesn't go as far back directly, but you can see she was still deleting tweets then. anyone can get a source from further back, would be thankful.
No. 862388
>>862366>>862368Lol I genuinely despise this dumb bitch. Such a fragile crazy bird lady uwu! Had to go to the hospital because I got outed for being a cheating piece of human shit while I was able to delete incriminating tweets while getting help for being suicidal uwu
I hope she stays with Jared and gets cheated on too, these hideous failed abortions deserve each other
No. 862394
>>862353It is SO. HARD. to see Heidi's hope in the last few messages where she is actually excited for the future only to hit that wall of "I woke up and Jared blocked me and made an announcement of our divorce on twitter"
>>862357They're backpeddling because PedoDick potentially slapped them with cease & desist notices.
Don't worry - when they realize that his denial of "I asked!" means literally nothing when he admits to using the pictures to jack off during his twitch stream, they'll go right back to hating him again.
>>862366She actually DID visit the hospital during that time (Not defending Holly, she's the dumbest bitch), had a picture of her hospital bracelet from that admission on her twitter
>>862388I don't think Holly would give a fuck if Jared sleeps around, is definitely the type to convince herself "It's okay if he does, because he comes home to me".
What I hope is that he cheats on her with someone even crazier than she is or that the other woman pulls the same "I only have romantic/sexual feelings for your WormDick" and stomps her foot in a tantrum until Jared bails on Hoelly too.
No. 862398
>>862394Did anyone save that stream? Because i really hope someone did so they can put him in jail for admitting to receiving CP and jacking off to the nudes he receives. He put his nail in The coffin for admitting that so publicly especially after crying over being the
No. 862423
File: 1567424150777.png (456.83 KB, 1280x720, sarathemillionaire.png)

This came to me in a dream and I had to make it
No. 862454
>>862441it amazes me that up until the very end when she finally realizes Jared's true colors, Heidi was using really affectionate and understanding language. she seemed to always try to understand where Jared was coming from, called him sweet and made excuses for his really immature behavior, and he took full advantage of that.
Heidi isn't an angel but she gave Jared so many excuses for his behavior towards her. he probably was hoping for her to snap so he could walk away as innocent.
No. 862467
>>862463I disagree, I think she needs to be detailed so there is no room for Jared to fill in the blanks with his bullshit and so she can immediately answer counterpoints or questions. Plus, Jared wasn't concise with his 42 minute video. I bet she'll have chat moderators to filter the chat from
abusive messages and provide her the questions & counterpoints people have so she doesn't have to filter through them herself.
No. 862488
>>862434A narrative that abusers love to pull is that their partner was "not supportive" of them or "mean", "controlling", "
abusive", etc. when the
victim doesn't let them do whatever they want.
When Heidi finally drew a line in the sand, Jared got upset that she wasn't allowing him to get away with questionable behavior. Thus he saw her/painted her as "
abusive" once he was caught doing the shit she asked him NOT to do behind her back.
He is trying to spin himself as the brave hero of the story, while painting Heidi as the wicked one.
"He wanted to leave!" Probably threatened to leave, hoping that Heidi would erase that line in the sand and let him go back to doing whatever he wanted.
But she didn't back down. And Jared fought back. And she still didn't back down.
And here we are.
No. 862501
>>862488It's really, really common for these boundary-stomping abusers to also doube down when confronted with any sort of line in the sand; they tend to kick off and try to beat you down by just shitting all over whatever boundary you're setting.
You want me to communicate? Fuck you, I'll give you the silent treatmen til you snap. Etc. Anything and everything to get a reaction from the other person and make everything look like their fault.
No. 862504
File: 1567444584102.jpeg (247.95 KB, 1257x433, A240775D-3100-41A9-ADA8-9F1FF5…)

Hoelly, once again acting like she knows what a healthy boundary is
Getting pissed at the wife of the dude you’re fucking behind your own husbands back? That ain’t it, chief
No. 862513
File: 1567446200107.jpg (221.32 KB, 1496x807, screencap 10.jpg)

>>862512It is odd to me how the incels/alt lite/right types are defending this guy whose beliefs are counter to everything they value.
No. 862516
File: 1567446395259.jpg (21.54 KB, 268x211, face 3.jpg)

>>862515Can you provide some images of this?
No. 862519
>>862513>>862515I wouldn't worry anon. 2020 is another election year. They'll all find out eventually.
Although I wouldn't be surprised if Holly & Jared suddenly decided to keep their mouths shut on their political beliefs out of fear of losing their new wave of 'supporters'…
No. 862547
>>862513The thing with alt-right/alt-lite/etc people is that for the most part, their convictions are formed by emotion and then they look for what will prove them right, so they're willing to embrace contradictory people and ideas to keep that conviction intact. In this situation, you have a straight (passing) white man in a difficult position and his "adversary" is his wife. So instead of seeing two people with a number of beliefs, they only see a case where they can defend the straight white man from his wife who doesn't know her place. They have no interest in Jared as a person, just him as a "
victim" of something they feel threatened by (the #metoo movement), and will likely drop him like a bag of shit when this is over, unless he does what Pewdiepie did after his "heated gamer moment" or Jontron after the infamous livestream and tweaks his new content to be friendly to alt-right/alt-lite/incels while maintaining plausible deniability.
No. 862556
File: 1567449477503.png (77.07 KB, 605x282, Capture d’écran 2019-09-02 à…)

Heidi's doing ok, but it seems she's semi-retiring from cons
No. 862557
File: 1567449507592.jpg (279.55 KB, 1477x806, screencap 7.jpg)

>>862555Sorry, dropped the pic
No. 862577
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>>862565I have some of his actual words
No. 862580
File: 1567452833832.jpg (243.17 KB, 1477x782, screencap 5.jpg)

>>862578It was actually difficult to get screenshots because his main way of expressing himself seems to be saying things very sarcastically which doesn't translate well into a screencap. Also, the youtube captions doesn't differentiate between different speakers and he mostly talked right over the game.
No. 862656
>>862649I mean, kinda, but I am cynical and I don't trust Jared not to fake being confused. I think Heidi was maybe trying to see the best in him still and instead of just saying "he's playing an act and pretending to be confused and lost" she thought "oh my god he really IS blanking out on so many parts of his day, maybe he's got a mental health problem, maybe this is serious and he is a danger to himself and others"
I've had a Jared in my life, and I was Heidi in this case, and he also managed to turn everyone against me and make them think I was a psycho stalker ex. And even then it took me years to say that he's not just mentally damaged and/or confused, he's just an asshole. So I get it. Heidi was trying to find "reasons" for his behavior that explains it. The missing puzzle piece that unravels his messed up plot.
I'm guessing the blue-ed out name is his specific therapist since they both mention her and mention she would know how to reach him.
No. 862658
>>862649I think what separates Heidi from Holly/Jared is that she shows things that put her in a semi-bad light too. Granted here it's minor she's simply asking her therapist if Jared could be this.
She doesn't cherry pick and puts it all out there
No. 862704
File: 1567462995494.jpeg (129.53 KB, 1256x222, FB577E37-2920-49EE-BEA9-5D5408…)

She says, like she’ll still have a career out of being anything but a neurotic harpy homewrecker by then
No. 862728
>>862726I think still expecting DCA to come back (or at least with Diath/Strix) is a pipe dream. Even if the allegations WERE false, that's way too much controversy, especially considering the way those two can't leave their mouths shut and have been attacking several big name YT news channels in addition to old coworkers.
> "Who will abuse who first?"Theoretically, Jared's already been abusing Holly emotionally if he's lied to her the way he was lying to Heidi - but Holly's just as batshit insane.
Maybe their mutual abuse of each other will open a portal to a new dimension that they'll disappear into never to be seen again.
No. 862734
File: 1567465662187.jpg (1.55 MB, 784x26242, sara - the aftermath.jpg)

>>862729>>862731even the archived copy doesn't work for me anymore (shows blank) but thank god I'm one of those people that open tabs up and forget about them so here's a screenshot (also I believe I dl'ed each one individually too but I'd want to double check)
apologies for insanely long screenshot but thought it best instead of reuploading each one separately
No. 862736
>>862728It's strange that no one brings up enough that Jared only 'debunked' accusations concerning
one of
seven blogs!
Why would
anyone need to mod
seven porn blogs?
Is it because he wanted first dibs on any submissions, just in case any other mods would disapprove them?
No. 862739
>>862734Thanks anon.
I bet Jared didn't like that his therapist didn't dispute Heidi believing he has DID. He probably reported it. That's hypocritical though since he posted the conversation with Sara about Heidi being suicidal. All's fair.
No. 862745
>>862744Except Homewrecker diagnosed Heidi and declared her unfixable.
Heidi just said “I have some thoughts, I’m worried about HIS safety”
No. 862748
File: 1567466727783.jpg (151.51 KB, 1059x463, 492i548.jpg)

>>862736I've seen on other sites that he had a blog for his favorite submitters and relegated the rest to the other blogs. Also, someone tried to bring this issue up before Jared made the divorce announcement on Twitter. No. 862751
File: 1567467123961.jpg (16.83 KB, 604x107, recent tweet.jpg)

>>862750I don't think it was her.
No. 862755
>>862751I really doubt Heidi would put the screenshots out there, let herself get hate from the ProPedo stans, and then delete them after the damage is done.
It reads to me like Jared, Hoelly, or their assorted stans are reporting them as inappropriate.
No. 862757
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No. 862761
File: 1567467875108.png (239.7 KB, 720x951, 20190902_194335.png)

>>862757>>862755Looks like you might be right.
No. 862772
>>862769I wouldn't worry too much, Anon. 99% of the people who are going after Heidi are shell accounts since she blocked their mains for being harassing turds.
Once this "hysteria" around PedoWorm's apology dies down, he'll go right back to being some miserable douche living in bliss with his homewrecking side piece…..until he goes back to thinking with his dick and not his brain, and winds up fucking someone else, only this time, he'll actually knock 'em up or catch some STD.
No. 862777
>>862775His shock was just the fear of finally being caught. He has no remorse for his actions and wants Heidi to suffer
Watching that fucker get donations on twitch and dance to the music was so sickening. Immediately after posting a video where he dolled himself up to look like a broken man.
No. 862779
File: 1567470105715.jpg (98.98 KB, 625x633, twitter.jpg)

stay classy
No. 862786
File: 1567470757486.jpg (152.38 KB, 595x510, 20190902_203117.jpg)

Yes, good idea, linking the PJ2 discord in Heidi's recent twitter thread, maybe her supporters will get a good inside-look into their activity…
No. 862791
>>862789I doubt it. It's probably just everyone screaming about "SEE? JARED PROVED HIS INNOCENCE" and "HEIDI IS A MANIPULATIVE WHORE AND THIS JUST PROVES IT!"
Hard pass.
No. 862792
>>862790From what I could tell, Jared and Hoelly aren't in there unless they're on back accounts. It's mostly just the regulars from r/ProJared2 saying the same shit they've been saying repeatedly.
I guess the whole "If you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes the truth" thing applies to them
No. 862799
>>862796 They don't need a subreddit for that - They'll just go right to Heidi's twitter and say it directly to her.
These assholes have no shame. If I were Heidi, I'd be looking into hiring some security for awhile.
No. 862802
>>862801Heidi isn't stopping cons necessary because of funding - but because it seems like every time she goes to one, Jared starts his shit up again.
A-kon? Rumors that he was there.
Dragoncon? Release a bullshit apology video.
I didn't say it was possible financially, but with constant rape and death threats? I'd be looking into SOME kind of security - even if it was just a home security system of some kind
No. 862862
>>862858I mean we all already knew this but reading the texts make me so angry on Heidi’s behalf.
Cheaters are the absolute worst, and he tops it all off with getting nudes from fans without even vetting their ages. Bet he and Holly were going on double dates with the other two cheaters from DCA.
No. 862864
>>862861double reply, sorry, but if Jared was lying to Holly about when he stopped sleeping in the same bed as Heidi, I hope she’s seeing these texts.
Not that Holly has any sense of self worth because she thinks Jared is such a catch, but maybe it’ll plant seeds of doubt at the very least.
No. 862867
>>862858>what happened to RossPretty ominous and doesn't play into the "he was cool with it" narrative Jared and Holly want to throw around.
It's amazing how Heidi has had the same story and perspective for months before the twitter blowup. Almost like its the truth
No. 862873
>>862866We know Normalboots was approached about Jared around April, right? Before all this blew up?
I wonder just how much got swept under the rug following Jared’s silence and Holly’s spergfest. The timing of that initial tweet is uncanny.
I still think Jared is an idiot, but he’s someone charismatic and it may be a bit of a tinfoil but I bet those other underaged fans that guy was alluding to haven’t come out of the woodwork because Jared might have nuked their evidence.
No. 862893
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>>862728At this point I doubt DCA will come back. If it does, it's going to have an entirely new cast. The entire wafflecrew are a walking PR nightmare, especially Jared and Holly.
No. 862900
>>862895Anna and Nate played their characters in different games at PAX West though.
I think DCA is dead but given Anna and Nate avoided a trainwreck of stupid they and their characters will probably stick around in some capacity, either in new shows or as recurring faces in other shows.
No. 862902
>>862895Anna and Nate played their characters in different games at PAX West though.
I think DCA is dead but given Anna and Nate avoided a trainwreck of stupid they and their characters will probably stick around in some capacity, either in new shows or as recurring faces in other shows.
No. 862903
>>862893Please please please let DCA die.
I hope the other players can get into another DnD show, but letting DCA go on after it turning out to be a way for them to cheat out in the open is so disgusting.
No. 862913
>>862898It's proof enough that she isn't lying about the cheating for attention, like everyone said. Or out of jealousy, since she was clearly still in the relationship
Sorry she isn't posting sexts between Pedo and Hoelly, but she isn't shitty like them
No. 862918
>>862898Proof of what, Jared cheating? What kind of proof could she give you for that that she hasn't already/that wouldn't put her in legal hot water?
Or do you mean proof he had relations with fans? She's not necessarily the one who would have proof for that, and that's not something she's even talked much about.
>And my fuck, she loses her shit so much and people reply to her with about 3 words. I watch her twitter and I haven't seen this before. She doesn't reply much to anyone afaik
No. 862922
>>862878Yeah, so they can nail her to the wall legally for revenge porn.
Besides, we've all seen Jared's weird ass dick any way. Ain't nobody needs to see Hoelly's probably-std infested self.
>>862893There is literally NOTHING stopping Holly from playing as Strix again (unless there's a contract in place with DCA). She just can't actively play it with her cheating buddies is all.
>>862919Right - Hoelly spoke of the clown emojis like it was the end of days, while Heidi is over her getting actual threats of rape and murder.
No. 862924
>There would be proof somewhere which has messages to holly from pedo before October."Heidi isn't involved in those texts, so her releasing them publicly would land her in hot water legally. While I'm sure you PedoDick stans would LOVE to see her get locked up, that'd be so fucking dumb.
> "That's not proof of anything and doesn't hold up in court"Washington is a no-fault state. Cheating literally bares NO weight on their divorce proceedings.
> "Where’s everything before October of last year?"Probably saved on her phone. You're not OWED the entire text history of her life, bud.
> "then instead posts a mental melt down"Yeah, how dare she post what she wants on her page! /s
No. 862926
>>862921She CAN'T show the proof, because it has Hoelly's NUDES, which her posting would be illegal among making her current divorce proceedings harder.
Are you paying attention?
No. 862932
>>862927They are not her messages to share. She legally can't post them. And Jared knows that.
No. 862935
>>862931You all sound the same, everywhere you post.
'Where's the proof', 'i used to be on heidi's side', 'wk's'
shill harder.
No. 862936
>>862931Something to remember is Heidi and Jared lived together and both worked from home mostly (outside of cons and shit)
So they probably didn't text each other much. All she'd have to show are mundane "how's the trip" texts which people would rip her apart for since its "irrelevant"
Plus she doesn't seem to be done with showing texts, so she might post more from last year, who knows. But she also might not want to post convos between her and Jared since she can't get his consent and would be criticized for it
No. 862941
> "A simple interaction before October or an interaction of anything other than Heidi break down, for proof, would be nice"An interaction of what? Heidi CANNOT legally post any interaction between Jared and Holly - and she said that Jared hadn't even admitted any of this until later (and has since walked back that admission)
Also, I'm curious as to what you deem to be a Heidi "break down". I've seen her express feelings to a friend and a therapist - but nothing that would lead me to say she's breaking down unnecessarily or in an overdramatic fashion.
> "I never said Heidi breaking down was on Twitter, just look at the recent images posted here. Don’t be lazy."Again, I don't see her acting irrationally. I see someone who's husband told her one thing and then did another, leaving his wife wondering what she could actually believe or not. That shit would drive anyone insane.
No. 862942
>>862938The new phone too, she likely doesn't have old old texts. Thanks,
I couldn't remember if she got a new phone or if I misremembered
No. 862945
>>862939I’m married and “abuse” my husband through text quiet a bit. Even when I caught the cunt cheating after I miscarried.
There’s proof, there’s ways around providing that proof without showing nudes, exclusive texts between holly and Jared and without breaking the law. She has literally shown nothing besides her paragraphs or rants to others.
Hell. She could show a bloody bank statement that he was in a hotel he shouldn’t have been in. Especially if it was with a minor at a con.
If she just keeps showing her mental anger, soon enough, more people like me will just say she’s just as full of she as Jared. Cept, he and holly are still vapid cunts
(no one cares about your husband) No. 862946
>>862941Of you have to post paragraphs upon paragraphs to ANYONE and get a a few words back, that’s not healthy nor normal.
That’s all she’s posted and it makes her look insane
No. 862948
>>862945That's not really fair, though. Heidi's in a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" situation. She was quiet for months and still got death threats. She spoke up and guess what? Death
and rape threats. She's currently releasing what she legally can while away from home. Bitch and moan after she gets home and doesn't release anything more concrete. Sorry about your miscarriage, but not every cheating situation is similar to yours.
No. 862949
> "There’s proof, there’s ways around providing that proof without showing nudes, exclusive texts between holly and Jared and without breaking the law."Yeah, this is just blatantly untrue. You CANNOT legally share the messages of two people when you are not one of the two people. You're literally trying to get Heidi to commit a crime to satisfy whatever bullshit desire you have to get "proof"
> "She could show a bloody bank statement that he was in a hotel he shouldn’t have been in"Because nothing says internet safety quite like demanding to see someone's personal bank information. Absolutely nothing bad could come from that! /s
Also, that'd be easy for Jared to explain away and would immediately be torn apart by his stans.
> "more people like me will just say she’s just as full of she as Jared."People already are. You can run back to the PJ2 discord to join your buddies if you're so sure that Heidi is a lying sack of shit.
No. 862950
>>862946I get where you're coming from but revelations where you realize you're being abused/getting away from your abuser, you feel the need to tell people you trust.
A supportive friend will mainly just listen, not try to derail the conversation
No. 862954
>You're literally trying to get Heidi to commit a crime to satisfy whatever bullshit desire you have to get "proof" This.
This is what Jared, Holly, & their stans are hoping for.
No. 862965
>>862931>A simple interaction before October Why would before October matter?
Plus you know she can't post anything that was strictly between Jared and Holly. Its iffy if she can even post stuff between herself and Jared (regardless of Holly posting their convos without Heidi's consent)
When your husband is hiding the fact that he's cheating on you from you, its hard to have receipts that you can legally share with the worldwide web. Other than Jared texting or handwriting to her in a letter "Yes I've been cheating on you with Holly" and giving permission for her to post it, I don't know what you're expecting to see.
>I never said Heidi breaking down was on Twitter, just look at the recent images posted here. Don’t be lazy. What specifically are you talking about though. Her being upset about getting cheated on? I want to know a specific screenshot you're talking about. Its an imageboard, show us.
No. 862966
>>862956She also royally fucked up by releasing the texts between Heidi and Jared that mention things that her then-ldr wanted to see sexually
>>862961Washington is a two-party consent state. Jared can say "Okay", but if Heidi didn't also say okay, it's still illegal.
No. 862967
>>862945>She could show a bloody bank statement that he was in a hotel he shouldn’t have been in. Especially if it was with a minor at a con.If he's at a con, of course he's going to have a hotel room. What kind of receipt is that? That'd just make Heidi look bad and desperate.
Other hotel rooms (like to suddenly meet up with Holly) may not have been paid for by him. Who knows
>>862946Heidi's friends may have been giving their own chunks of text but Heidi is interested in showing how it affected her, not how the situation affected everyone she knows. Its a play-by-play of what happened over a couple of months. What her friends say is pretty irrelevant.
And i mean sometimes you gotta get it out, and know that even when your friends can't say much, they are there supporting you and listening to you
No. 862976
>>862949Stopped reading this as you clearly can’t read and have no concept of how to redact things.
You CAN show a bank statement, you remove the personal details? Like the account number? Or is that just something that you can’t process in your head.
For the THIRD time, i didn’t say messages between holly and Jared. Fucking re read.
I’m starting to think the people here that are just here for Heidi haven’t been here for long at all.
This has all been a he said she said, WITHOUT proof even though both parties keep screeching they have proof. There is none!
And to say one person can’t do it but the other can, holly HAS already posted things she had no authority to.
Take a step back and actually look at the situation without your head up your ass. This thread has become one massive speculation, poor Heidi joke.
No. 862984
>>862980i think this is the new b8 team
just ignore on and continue documenting the thread, and whenever heidis back she'll either post more evidence of the situation at hand. if not, the pj2 incels will believe theyve had their day and just shitpost, like they're evidently doing now. not being able to understand a social context and ignoring the very obvious reasons as to why heidi is acting and releasing things as she is now is purely retarded
No. 862988
>>862984It seems like she’s releasing new bunches of texts on average of once a day, so we shouldn’t have to wait long. Plus, she should be getting back to Washington and to her computer/evidence/recording software soon, too.
I’m pretty eager to watch her video and/or livestream, if she still chooses to do it, tbh
No. 863000
>>862993That’s the shit part of it all - There is NO winner or loser here. It’s not like some arbitrary committee will get together to declare “Jared won the internet war!” Or something like that.
It’s a shit situation all around.
Actually, I take that back. Ross is the only winner in this scenario (and even he endured some unnecessary shit from being married to the craziest bitch since Jim Jones)
No. 863001
File: 1567498625505.jpeg (212.45 KB, 1125x768, E5679A9B-C6A7-401D-AA99-AA62F4…)

oh look, the incels have at least one braincell, they’re trying to learn the language and integrate. how cute
Jared and Holly, do you really feel good about having all these MRA woman-hating incels harassing Heidi? is this what you wanted?
it seems fucking CALCULATED based off of all of their actions over the past month. like it’s really not a coincidence that Heidi’s harassment has gotten worse than ever. and no, really quickly saying “pls don’t harass” under your breath doesn’t free them of that responsibility. i hope that their guilt keeps them up at night.
ideal end goal: Holly and Jared have an inevitable falling-out. (fun fact, relationships founded upon infidelity or any kind of FAILURE IN HEALTHY COMMUNICATION is at a much higher risk of flopping!) Holly is finally de-dickmatized, and Heidi realizes how far deep she was in this trash fire. they come to an understanding that it is so much more important for grown-ass women to support each other than care about some cheating spineless worm manlet. they mutually end this shit-slinging and fucking eviscerate Jared. and then they kiss (jk)
No. 863017
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>>862898>>862921>>862931>>862980Compelling stuff. And it does contain a grain of truth about what this thread has turned into. Then again, the whole site is going that way.
>>863013 No. 863024
>>863007She most likely did it in person, considering how Jared handles confrontation. Besides, even if she did have those texts, it wouldn't matter. Jared would most likely play his "I don't remember" card again, or claim that they worked it afterward and she gave him consent again.
The stuff that can't be refuted cant be shown without getting herself in legal trouble, and that is what sucks about all this.
No. 863050
>>863001Even when their relationship disintegrates, Holly will never admit fault in anything. She’ll just go from vilifying only Heidi to vilifying both Heidi and Jared. She won’t apply those statistics to her own situation because she doesn’t consider herself to be ‘the other woman’. As far as Holly is concerned Holly has never really done anything wrong in her entire life, except maybe being too hard on herself UvU
>>863021Yeah, it’s a bullshit get-out-of-consequences-free card for people who aren’t able to improvise a convincing lie on the spot. Maybe he was genuinely panicking but only because he was being confronted about his behaviour, not because he had gaps in his memory. That’s what happens when you can’t keep track of the different lies you’ve told to different people. Heidi must have been incredibly naive and desperate to think the best of her husband to come up with this DID theory. I bet these memory lapses only ever happened around Heidi and didn’t affect the rest of his life much if at all.
No. 863084
>>863062>>863046Why bother giving a WK a click?
Here's the video's message: Jared didn't do it uwu
No. 863091
File: 1567517819733.jpg (148.49 KB, 1341x1002, IMG_20190903_153716.jpg)

Holly the trash narc liked this tweet lmao
No. 863092
>>863091Holly made an embarrassment of herself. Making a black kid’s suicide about her partaking in Jared’s infidelity and him putting down a minor for their mental illness isn’t brave.
The relationship she has with Jared is built on big fat lies anyway. We’ll see how long they manage to last once their honeymoon phase is over.
No. 863113
>>862980Some food for thought:
Jared had been assuring Heidi he wanted to work on things, see therapists, fix their marriage, and set boundaries with Holly/that he had NO secrets to hide- while texting the mutual 'therapist' he wanted to get out of the marriage AND sleeping with Holly.
Heidi is not delusional and wouldn't be texting their mutual therapist this if she was making it all up. Jared stated in his 40min video he had been trying to leave the entire time, but what he was telling Heidi is the exact opposite.
Heidi cannot release the texts between them both, so her releasing conversations showing this was the case is the best proof that Jared IS a liar.
She also posts about the events detailing he acts as though he has memory issues, which according to HIM entirely disproves what he said about one of the
victims not being credible because of her memory issues.
Also, the texts prove she did not know about the blogs and the minors and that she frankly had a very rational and shockingly considerate approach to this entire situation.
No. 863121
>>863117And not to WK but Heidi is making these speculations in an attempt to understand what happened to her and Jared’s behavior.
Holly meanwhile was doing it to try to make Heidi out to be a bad guy/unfixable.
No. 863133
File: 1567522891089.png (59.77 KB, 533x231, Screen Shot 2019-09-03 at 17.0…)

>>863117No, she said it in public. In the original storm, in reply to PBG.
(Calm down, Denica.) No. 863138
>>863133This isn't armchairing. She's stating a fact that Jared lied to his therapist.
I'm pretty sure his therapist wouldn't advocate for fucking Holly after each session
No. 863156
>>862931So you cant’t provide even a single screenshot of Heidi flipping her shit?
So much for lecturing us on not providing proof, PJ2Scrot.
No. 863164
>>863032Weren’t you just whining that this thread was nothing more than “he said, she said speculation?”
Well, what do you think this video is? Hmm?
No. 863184
>It's a really level-headed deconstruction of both his apology and the reactions to itis using the fancy label of "deconstruction" your way of trying to paper over this half-assed cock-and-bull tale?
i'm no pomo fan but i'm fairly fucking sure that's not what jack derrida meant
No. 863212
>>863205Woman bad, pedodick good.
Incels are not a logical bunch. You’d be wasting your time trying to apply logic any deeper than that to anything they do.
No. 863214
>>863210Agreed. Holly is too stupid and too infatuated with her fantasy of beating a girl prettier than her and having her prized man to realize that he’s been lying to her since they hooked up.
It sounds like Jared is a compulsive liar too, so he’s probably still going to lie to Holly throughout their relationship.
No. 863233
>so desperately tried to save her marriage that it badly affected her mental health>wks: “Controlling abusive whore!”Holly:
>romantically pursued and repeatedly slept with her married coworker while still legally married to her husband, publicly declared that said married coworker is the first man to awaken romantic/sexual feelings in her despite having been married to her husband for years>wks: “She’s so loyal!”…???
No. 863263
File: 1567534776120.jpg (149.04 KB, 944x622, projared.jpg)

>>863199It is beyond me why you lot chose this guy to stan for
No. 863264
Heidi still has the wrong impression of Holly, imo.
She thinks that Holly 'changed' him & 'convinced' him to cheat, but he did that all by himself. Jared clearly loves getting sympathy. He told Holly that his wife was crazy &
abusive, so that she'd feel bad for him & give him a good pity-fuck or two at first.
However, Jared didn't count on Holly actually committing to 'saving' him because she
genuinely believed he was in an
abusive relationship.
But hey, why waste a good thing? She was giving him SO much sympathy, so he thought "Might as well keep it up!" & humored her on this whole 'abuse' thing. Around the same time, Heidi was also babying him & trying her best to meet his needs. Win-win, right?
Well he got a little
too comfortable with it & Heidi reminded him that marriage requires a
team-effort & that she can't do everything herself. So Jared went & cried to Holly.
(Sage for tinfoil)
No. 863274
>>863265It's a bullshit excuse on why he went missing for a few months. What he meant was:
>I realized my pedo escapades got revealed to public so I went into hiding. Thankfully my flying incel monkeys did all the work to galight the public.If he didn't do it, he would be able to prove it right away. He knows he did shady shit.
No. 863278
If he had denied it outright, even if it was just denial, he'd still give the impression that he did not
intend for something like that to happen.
But that sounds like he
expected it, so he was ready to take the blame?
"Remember when I had all yhose nude/porn blogs? I bet some of those people were probably underage at the time, so they'll probably accuse me of pedophilia or something like that eventually… damn."
No. 863286
>>863271What lies?
Pedo allegation? The dude still whacked it to teenagers pictures AND ADMITTED IT. Still illegal, doesn't matter that he didn't know. It's 100% his responsibility to make sure they were of legal age, and asking does not count as viable proof. If a teen was trying to get in a bar and the bouncer asked, then the teen said yes I am 21 and was let in, do you know who gets in trouble?
Hint: Not the teenager.
He did it, it's a fact. He admitted it and then went back on it, but just because he's saying he didn't doesn't make it just disappear. If your partner says you were cheating, it's because you broke their trust.
Hoelly cheated on Ross, and Jared cheated on Heidi.
No. 863291
>>863290I don't know if this is true, but I heard from a few people that Holly made Ross sign an NDA, & if that's the case, then he
won't talk about it because he
can't talk about it.
No. 863296
>>863290>>863293Not only that but I actually follow Ross, he's the last GG member that I like.
He was BROKEN. Constantly drinking, depressed, when the divorce was going on. He barely showed up and when he did it was heartbreaking to see.
He did not want this, and then he asked to be left out of the drama and Hoelly and Jared keep dragging him in now name dropping saying he was okay with it, as if the last half of that year didn't happen.
Then after with this Jared shit, Holly saying Jared is the first person she felt sexual attraction to that she only loves him.
Holly destroyed this man for her own selfish reason.
No. 863301
>>863296I think it hurts Holly to know that. Which is why she doesn't want anything to do with Ross now.
>>863295Could be both.
No. 863308
>>863305It 'hurts' her because it reminds her that she fucked up & she's one of those "Positive Vibes Only! uwu" types of people.
Fuck I'm glad Ross is taking a break. He doesn't deserve to see this bullshit.
No. 863310
>>863305I agree, she's not acknowledging him because she wants to pretend she did nothing wrong. They're both unable to take even the most reasonable responsibility for their actions.
Another anon said he may be a complusive liar, which could track with having a notebook. Nice, convenient way to keep track of your lies and who you've told what.
No. 863324
File: 1567539571743.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1333x1652, 592B1162-A192-43A8-9C35-4C3A54…)

Holly liked both of these and the lack of self awareness continues to astound me
No. 863325
>>863296ScarletMoth and Holly also tried to collude to try and release private information about Ross anonymously. Of course Moth is a tard who doesn't know how to cover her tracks so she was immediately exposed and Ross and Heidi both unfollowed her on Twitter.
Holly is an enormous piece of shit who will never take an ounce of responsibility for her actions. Her and Jared will implode beautifully.
No. 863332
File: 1567539939464.png (16.3 KB, 498x239, MwIE8VS.png)

>>863326She already tried to imply it. When ProJared's anonymous asexual mod turned friend came out to say how Holly's marriage was
toxic for her.
Anyone want to bet the toxicity was people laughing at her for crying at a sushi restaurant? Or how Ross forced her to go to Taco Bell even though she can't eat anything on the menu?
No. 863340
>>863324Oh fuck, I was trying to go through the ProJared stream last night (which sucked by the way, got an hour in before I started falling asleep and zoning out) and Jared said something to the point of "Hope that made you cry, Holly." in a tone that came off kind of jack assey, though he tried to play it as a joke after thanking her. I wrote down the timestamp, it's around 34m 17s in.
Wonder if that's why she's liking it.
No. 863343
>>863340God, that’d be great, if that’s why - Them already having passive-aggressive tweets towards one another rather than “manning up” and having an adult conversation.
I generally don’t wish bad on people, but considering how many others got stepped on and decimated in order for Hoelly and PedoWorm to get together, those two don’t deserve happiness. I hope they do end up fucking miserable - It’d be their comeuppance
Unfortunately, I know Hoelly released some bs shirt that said “boundaries”, so she’s probably alluding to that instead
No. 863368
>>863334People also love Ross. People have been saying "he's the only
victim in all this" before Projared made his video.
Also, he has the Game Grumps fans AND the Rantgrump fans. So they aren't going to take Holly's side if she fucks with Ross.
And yes, he's also a man.
No. 863383
>>863369Holy shit.
This is really incriminating. I hope she gets this back up soon.
No. 863391
File: 1567546518036.png (23.31 KB, 575x204, Screenshot_246.png)

Apparently Heidi removed the images herself
God, I wish she could've burned him, but I understand why she didn't.
No. 863395
>>863394Not so much new allegations; But they were her discussing that Jared told her to keep her mouth shut about the pedophilia thing, and were threatening someone with a lawsuit.
Someone screencapped them here
>>863369 No. 863401
>>863391I kinda wish she didn't post it at all because people are gonna jump her shit even if it got deleted almost immediately. But they're gonna jump her shit with anything she posts so I guess there's no difference
About Jared possibly doctoring something. How easy is it to use Inspect Element and change the words of tumblr DMs? Gotta wonder
No. 863405
>>863401Just tried it and it's very very easy
Not to say Jared did do that, but he could. I'm an idiot and I could
No. 863408
>>863405It's not terribly hard at all. Hell, there's probably online generators out there to assist with it and do the hard work for you.
If PedoWorm was able to convince people to get naked for him, it probably wouldn't take too much work to convince someone to alter a tumblr message.
No. 863433
>>863332>>863427Oh but he took the fall & resigned from NB to 'protect' them!
Such a noble, selfless HERO of a man! (swoons)
No. 863438
>>863433More like he resigned from NB because he knew the blowback was going to potential decimate everything in its path - but because his stans were willing to do everything short of murder to clear his name, they got
victims to retract statements and hide in silence.
He sure cleared his name alright! /s
No. 863463
>>863461The only people who can't see how manipulative he's being at this point are the people who've never been manipulated by an ex.
Once you've been through it once, you can spot that shit a mile away - and Jared the WormDick is easily the most vile as he's actually manipulating his fanbase to do his bidding rather than stepping up and doing any of it himself.
No. 863472
>>863463I agree, it's so easy to see, especially the video he put was full of red flags.
How he starts "panicking" and "crying" when confronted is just a way to try and manipulate the person who dare to question him. To make THEM feel bad for bringing up in the first place, seeing a grown man cry or go into some kind of shock. I'm sure he looked up panic attacks and then just act it out to fool his wife.
Also the "I dont remember"; as if what he's done have had a traumatic effect on him, blocking those "terrible memories" of how he took advantage of people with low self esteem or those wanting to feel closer to their idol.
No. 863473
>>863472The kicker is the "I don't remember!"
Nah, motherfucker. You can't claim you don't remember when there's evidence all over the internet of you being the skeeziest.
No. 863491
I meant the pedophile allegations, I haven't seen any proof even when I lurked. I should of been more specific.
I've only seen Brian saying that he was pedophile. No pics or evidence of it.
Or you could, I don't know, show proof and not be a spastic bitch?
>>863485 No. 863518
>>863509Not to mention that she won't have the support of all the Incel/MRAs that she has now (by association of them defending ProPedo)
It's coming. The question is how long until we all start to smell that bunny stew?
No. 863526
>>863509Yeah, you best believe everything will be Holly's fault then, too, just like it's supposedly Heidi's fault now. Cause feeeemales.
I don't know, though, maybe they'll beat the odds and make it beyond the first three years - and even after the bloom is off the rose, they're so pathetically right for each other. Holly will let him do anything as long as she gets to cling to him, and he can just use her as camouflage - she's the perfect pseudo woke, mental health awareness accessory girlfriend for Jared.
No. 863531
>>863527Yeah, Jared & Heidi
barely made it to 4
No. 863544
>>863537Jared may check kiwifarms (especially since they're notoriously Anti-Heidi), but that ain't got shit on the power that a positive twitter feed has over Holly; She'd do literally anything for a pat on the head from her twitter followers, including armchair diagnosing her next boyfriend's wife.
>>863542Well, I think we know now that Jared isn't above bitch slapping someone with legal threats (though Hoelly has Grandpa's money to help fight it off), and will absolutely 100% throw ANYONE under the bus if it serves a purpose for him.
No. 863553
File: 1567562929201.png (26.72 KB, 585x173, Screenshot_247.png)

Anyone want to hedge bets on Holly trying to turn PedoDick into the "UWU BIRD DAD" to her "UWU BIRD MOM"?
No. 863555
File: 1567563053058.png (353.62 KB, 595x620, Screenshot_248.png)

When is she going to understand that there was literally not one single thing preventing her from playing D&D before? She could've taken Strix elsewhere, or just made a new character.
No. 863592
File: 1567567854312.png (36.01 KB, 592x335, Screenshot_249.png)

I wonder if Holly sees the shit that the people she follows tweet out and draws the connection to the shit she and PedoWorm are going through.
(sage for no new milk)
No. 863598
>>863592>"Pressure by fans"christ, again with the "your honor, the slutty children MADE me ask them for tit pics!"
i hope holly never stops degrading herself for this pedo lmfao
>>863509>psycho granny>naive cumraganon you are literally killing me
No. 863609
>>863608Female game dev also caused someone to commit suicide with (probably) false allegations that he "dragged her around the house by her vagina" whatever the fuck that means
But one has a pp and made idiot mankids laugh, while the other one made a shitty game
No. 863636
>>863608I wouldn't be too surprised, Anon. Some of the shit that they're trying to crucify Heidi for is the same shit that Jared/Holly have been pulling for weeks, if not months.
>>863610Heidi said a few weeks back that Jared was pulling all sorts of shit offline, so I wouldn't doubt that he hit her with one THEN - but the photoset from this morning was only up for MAYBE 2-3 minutes before she took it back down. Even if Jared saw it in those 2-3 minutes, there's no way he would have had time to have his lawyer draw up and deliver a cease-and-desist notice to Heidi in less than a few hours.
No. 863640
File: 1567580673812.png (151.29 KB, 589x444, Screenshot_250.png)

Called it. That art looks suspiciously like a witch (like Hoelly refers to herself) and a giant bird dude.
She really is going to try and make jared into the "UWU bird dad" to her "uwu bird mom".
God, Jared - can't you treat her like shit like you did with Heidi??
No. 863643
File: 1567581007595.png (175.88 KB, 1080x1061, Screenshot_2019-09-04-08-10-43…)

Links down already. These stans are fast
No. 863651
Try going here "gallery" with "a")
No. 863657
File: 1567582423033.jpeg (210.08 KB, 750x1188, AA702553-6246-4CB9-9B6D-C59B47…)

>Ross is much less perceptive than you
what a weird thing to even say
No. 863668
>>863666From what I can tell, Ross had okay'd Holly getting with another woman, but hadn't okay'd her being with a man - especially not his married friend.
Jesus, it just gets worse.
No. 863669
File: 1567583348755.png (105.9 KB, 609x376, Screenshot_251.png)

No. 863670
>>863657Seeing the “he loves and respects me” at the cutoff breaks my heart even more for Ross, and makes it look even more like she just used him
I ended up just skimming through the transcript, Holly just frustrates me too much at this point.
No. 863672
>>863643"Heidi!! Don't yell at me!! I have PTSD from you yelling at me for this shit the last time I did it!! uwu"
holy shit holly
No. 863674
>>863673Especially considering Holly said "He loves and respects me" like she was going to coerce him into letting her do it by using that love and respect against him.
She's so fucking slimy.
No. 863675
>>863669I've never been so proud of some random internet celebrity I found out about through drama until now
Heidi, I wish you the best in life. Hopefully soon Holly and Jared will just be something you can laugh about soon.
No. 863676
File: 1567583912732.png (1.51 MB, 750x1334, 79E697DB-EFC5-4E6F-BD47-963916…)

>>863670sorry for the shitty cropjob but this is what was after that.
No. 863681
>>863680Remember all those "Holly posted screeenshot proof, why can't you Heidi?"
lol, what a bunch of pathetic pieces of shit
No. 863682
File: 1567584793986.png (326.79 KB, 1440x2560, chSbPkJ.png)

"I never brought it up again"
But guys, an anon on Reddit said Ross and Holly have been in an open relationship for years!!! Ross totally had a girlfriend!
No. 863687
File: 1567585368178.png (651.06 KB, 529x913, journal.png)

>>863684Is it just me or does this picture look like it was taken during the day with sunlight?
Meaning she waited to post this until 1am?
Seems like she's trying to ignore it/redirect.
No. 863691
>>863687"keeps a journal"
Does he psychotically flip through it when he is confronted with his lies and infidelity??
No. 863692
File: 1567585499795.png (51.8 KB, 292x456, Capture d’écran 2019-09-04 à…)

>>863401>>863405>>863408>>863421If it took him 3 months for a couple screenshots he's a dumbass
No. 863694
>>863689They streamed the DnD campaign 6 hours ago. You can see in her room it gets darker as the time goes on.
Unless she carries her DnD RP items around and sets up "impromptu" pictures, which, lets face it she probably does.
Link if anyone wants it No. 863698
>>863697It's pretty much confirming that Ross did NOT know about any of this and that she once again apologizes for calling Heidi
abusive (because it was a fucking lie)
No. 863699
>>863698This is from February 2018 right? I still think Heidi's behaviour was
abusive (if reactive abuse) in 2019.
No. 863707
File: 1567586571700.png (12.71 KB, 375x62, Screenshot_252.png)

Also Holly: "I just want you guys to be happy!"
No. 863709
>>863706Yeah, I agree; Heidi deserves vindication and the right to be heard, and Jared and Homewrecker deserve to rot in Holly’s bird-shit encrusted house.
>>863707Also Holly: let me help you outta that there totally
ABUSIVE MARRIAGE Jared! I only want to help using my vagina tho, uwu~
No. 863714
File: 1567587069743.png (73.22 KB, 1440x602, 8932752987543.png)

>>863704I recoiled at this bit.
No. 863720
>>863714Right? Like how the fuck do you get THAT carried away that the line between reality and fantasy gets blurred? Play The Sims if you wanted to be with him so fucking bad - You don't blow up several marriages to get your rocks off.
>>863718Exactly. Sorry doesn't mean shit when you say it repeatedly and keep on doing the same shit you were before.
No. 863721
>>863651ill never get over her stupid fucking fake naive "Ive never had those feelings EVER I didn't know what was happening" bullshit. She's a grown woman and we're expected to believe she essentially went through some form of belated sexual awakening… when she was already fucking married. Bitch, please.
Even if she genuinely had never had sexual thoughts or feelings, at her age she should have had enough maturity to handle them with grace lmao. It's just such a lame fucking excuse.
No. 863724
>>863721Pro-tip: Asexuals aren't fucking stupid. They still understand what sexual attraction IS, they just know that they don't experience it.
Holly's "Uwu I'm too innocent to know what these feelings are!" narrative is 110% bullshit.
No. 863725
>>863721Exactly, i wouldnt blame her for crushing on a close friend, esp if her current relationship is more of a close friendship than anything. But it's unforgivable that shed start to act out like a bratty child demanding all of jareds attention because that's what is healthy for HER, fuck anyone else.
Jared is an idiot for trying to play them both, of course, abd i fully believe he'd try to weasel out of responsability saying that he felt manipulated but didnt know by who
No. 863727
>>863725THIS. Therapy 101 is how to acknowledge that your actions have real life ramifications for others - There's NO excuse for her continued behavior. Surely her shrink would've set her straight (unless Sara the Genius is also hoelly's shrink)
>>863726That's exactly it. It's the buzzword of the moment is all, just like when he used the whole "tainting the well" or what-the-fuck-ever he said.
No. 863734
File: 1567591097648.png (256.07 KB, 574x711, shirt.png)

Funny how Chai is considered unreliable and malicious because of "e-begging", but Holly's petty cAnCellED merch line is all ok and healing uWu. Heidi's got a point though, this would make a great and empowering shirt!
No. 863735
>>863734In that specific screenshot, Heidi said "I wish we would have gotten to have a full conversation about boundaries before they were repeatedly violated"
I had a white knight argue that that means that the boundaries didn't exist, because Heidi didn't explicitly tell Holly not to fuck her husband.
Hoelly's crew is on the next level of stupid.
No. 863750
File: 1567592977515.jpg (106.97 KB, 767x606, sadr.jpg)

Troons, tumblr, polyamory, not even once lol. This shitfest is what peak heresy looks like.
No. 863751
File: 1567593042675.gif (982.76 KB, 500x216, serveimage.gif)

>"I love Ross and care for him.
>I'm totally gonna respect your boundaries, Heidi.
>I want my relationship with Jared to be based on trust
No. 863762
>>863750So that same day he took pictures of his dick and sent them out into the web?
Fucking lmao.
No. 863770
>>863766even then it sounded like virtue signalling at MAXIMUM. like, a friend of yours turns out to be a pedophile (allegedly) and your first response is not denial, is not anger, is not sadness, it's throwing 15k at charities to try and contain the shit spilling as much as possible?
at least the money went to a good cause, lol
No. 863771
>>863765i mean the guy is a white supremacist, bizzarely so being poc, but sure it's not that serious.
cant deny he's crazy talented though
i remember Hbomberguy almost spilling the beans about knowing that JTron has drug abuse problems, would love to see that milk
sorry for offtopic, will await judgment
No. 863775
>>863774do you have any past trauma that you could use as a shield for shitty
abusive behaviour, though? i think you're missing out on ruining your friends lives!
No. 863776
Nah, how she chooses to abuse that situation is her own choice. I'm just saying it doesn't HAVE to be made up.
No. 863779
File: 1567596947394.png (13.01 KB, 683x83, hoellypls.PNG)

So by Hoelly logic people who are abused can't empathize with others' pain? I can't tell if it's just her being manipulative or if she really thinks that's normal, and that her lacking empathy for others isn't something she should be having professionally addressed.
No. 863781
>>863771>White supremacist>last name: Jafari >Persian>both parents are immigrants Ok, lol, people really took a few shitty remarks and really ran with them for virtue signaling. He leans conservative, big whoop, he is not even a political youtuber and doesn't bring any politics into his own channels and work.
Sorry for derailing but just to put emphasis on the point that being accused of a wrong opinion is not the same as being accused of being a fucking pedophile and abusing his fans like Jared was.
>>863781kek I didn't know outright racism and white supremacy are """leaning conservative"""
Go watch JonTron's debate with Destiny, he's all over the place with his racist xenophobic nonsense.
(Derailing) No. 863818
File: 1567607604163.png (81.93 KB, 608x299, Capture d’écran 2019-09-04 à…)

You KNOW they would, though maybe Jared isn't too excited to get hitched again
No. 863838
File: 1567610009731.png (15.83 KB, 551x135, Screenshot_20.png)

Holly attempting to emote like a human.
No. 863839
File: 1567610012892.png (13.2 MB, 1511x61342,

>>863642Full page screenshot, just in case
No. 863855
File: 1567611325879.png (423.16 KB, 1230x1442, ZGc4fEj.png)

>>863658Holly rediscovered her PTSD in February 2018 just in time to use it as a shield against talking to Heidi on the phone three days later
No. 863862
>>863839Remember how Holly said she bought Heidi a gift as a way to try to coerce Heidi into forgiving her? And how it upset her and was borderline abuse that Heidi didn’t forgive her?
It was fucking coffee stout. That Heidi thanked her for.
No. 863885
>>863813It seems like it but it would be pretty unlikely. They would technically both need to sign one since Ross is actually more successful than Hoe, who has been running her mouth about how he feels/what he said.
The only real reason to sign one would be regarding assets, right? Like, don't say shit and I'll give you xyz? It doesn't seem like Ross kept half of the house profit since he was couch surfing after the divorce. Nor does it seem like he got half of her trust fund money. Holly immediately bought a house an such an expensive area that would equate close to what her house sold for, with a bit left over for savings. It appears Ross got shit, so an NDA would make no sense.
He may just want to keep quiet and have as little involvement as possible. If Ross says anything, it is going to kick up a huge amount of involvement for him through raging incels and his fans. He probably just does not want to deal with that wave of bullshit because in the end, Jared and Holly are just shitty people. The best it would do is give Heidi some validation, but I am not sure if they even knew each other so in weighing the pros and cons it may just not be worth it to him and his actual struggles in being cheated on and thrown away.
No. 863886
>>863855I know I'm screaming into the void, but she is so vile.
Weaponizing your mental illness and using mental illness to get out of accountability is so fucked up, Holly.
No. 863888
File: 1567615626776.png (19.83 KB, 581x143, Screenshot_254.png)

Hoelly liked this post - She's so fucking stupid
No. 863902
>>863898Holly: "actually Ross was okay with me discovering romantic and sexual feelings for another man after years of marriage so it's fine"
PJ2 incels: "nothing to see here"
publishes texts that mention Ross in passing while proving Holly was lyingPJ2 incels: how DARE YOU bring him into this you horrid whore
No. 863904
File: 1567617091092.jpg (46.58 KB, 545x545, shirt.jpg)

>>863669So does this imply that Holly's "Boundaries" shirt with the bird on it is an even more passive-aggressive dig at Heidi?
No. 863909
>>863906Holly making money off referencing the emotional abuse she put Heidi through is disgusting. I’m surprised she hasn’t been unverified yet for her
abusive behavior.
No. 863932
File: 1567619464151.png (115.65 KB, 670x492, polyamorykek.png)

>I'm still willing to let Jared explore that in our relationship
But I thought Heidi was the big bad slut who opened their marriage and then regretted it? It sounds more like she realized she couldn't satisfy his raging nerd lust, allowed him to physically cheat on her, and then told herself "physical monogamy isn't necessary for a strong partnership" over and over to cope.
No. 863942
>>863661Nah, there's just being a shit person. Trauma and mental illness isn't an excuse to act like this, and she uses the whole tactic of "not fully understanding" that kids use to get out of trouble. And when that won't work, she pushes on her mental illness as a way to make whoever calling her out seem like they're ableist. Not realizing she feeds into how ableist society can be and make everyone else going through shit look bad, like, I get mental illness can cause you to have a warped view of things, but it doesn't make you this childlike "I don't udnerstand" way. Nor does it make you use it as a clutch, he'll, when most mentally ill people don't realize what they're doing they don't think it's their mental illness causing it.
And when they figure it out, if they're a decent human being they own up to it, if they're shit, they'll just victimize themselves and look for a pity party.
And this me speaking from experience of trauma and mental illness, as well as, dealing with people who I'm either friends or was formerly friends with.
When it comes down to it, what defines you as a trash person with mental illness is how you react once you've to gain self-awareness. You can either own up to it or you can double down and think being mental I'll justify your actions, we all know what Holly does.
And if her mental illness and trauma are that bad where she lacks the self-awareness of how her terrible actions affect herself and others, she would've been gotten help with that if she really was a good person at heart.
No. 863948
>>863942I meant to put "she would've gotten help by now if she was really a good person at heart."
But same difference, Holly is just a manipulative and terrible person at heart and just don't give a fuck about other people when it comes down to what she wants and her "needs" and well opt out to victimizing herself to get out of facing any repercussions for her actions.
Ross did himself a favor when they divorced, people like that are
toxic as hell and need to fix themselves before even having any type of friendships with anyone, let alone a relationship.
The worse part is, because of PC culture people want to treat mentally ill people as people who can do no wrong because we're usually portrayed in a bad light, like, I don't think PC culture is inherently bad. But some things make it come off too black and white and ends up letting people like Holly get away with terrible shit because people are too scared to call out a mentally ill person.
No. 864085
> "praising Jared for the same shit they annihilate Boogie for"I've seen more than my fair share of PJ2 stans referring to Heidi as nothing more than a female Boogie - completely ignoring the fact that all she's done this far is expect her husband to communicate.
> "Ignore the new texts"Nah, Hoelly will just passive-aggressively like tweets that anyone with half a brain cell will know where against Heidi until she finally snaps and pulls the "Seriously, just tell me why you hate me, what did I do wrong????" card again.
> "They are doing it to respect Ross"The number of people jumping down Heidi's throat for mentioning Ross (in like one, maybe two sentences) while ignoring the way Homewrecker and PedoWorm brought him up in a much bigger context is just…..astounding.
No. 864089
File: 1567637534903.png (56.67 KB, 591x223, Screenshot_255.png)

Someone who's lost all will to live, go watch this and see if he mentions Heidi at all - We know his dumbass can't stay quiet for long
No. 864096
>>864094I also think we're doing a lot of speculating on "Well, Ross felt X, Y, Z". We should focus on the definitives instead of the "maybes" since he refuses to speak out (as is his right). Like, we know for sure that Holly went into this whole thing with PedoDick while hiding it from her husband and without any idea if he'd even be okay with her in a relationship with ANY other man.
>>864095I mean, the dude apparently admitted in a different stream that he jacked it to the nudes of the minor, so clearly he goes by the "open-mouth-insert-foot" school of thought.
No. 864097
File: 1567638258466.png (494.38 KB, 1064x698,…)

late with the shirt stuff but i feel like we need a screenshot of the "canceled" shirt for the lols
No. 864107
>>864097This model looks like a palette swapped Boris Johnson
Well, all of Holly Conrad's "designs" looks stale and zero effort, but hey. That's so her.
No. 864112
>>864107The kicker is that she's already shoving the blame onto the photographer (or will, when it starts getting critiqued) - and was bragging about having given the photographer creative license to be "unique".
ProPedo recommended him as someone to do cosplay photos in the PNW
No. 864116
File: 1567639985673.png (102.41 KB, 596x683, Screenshot_256.png)

I guess it was for DnD, not cosplay - my mistake
No. 864125
File: 1567640514560.png (16.23 KB, 461x167, Screenshot (13).png)

This is one of the only bits of negativity in the chat that I spotted so far.
Holly then joined the chat shortly after.
No. 864133
>>864126I "love" that reaction. We watch that stupid video, have a differing opinion and are told "DiD YoU WaTcH tHe ViDeO???"
They, on the other hand, don't even read the entire text thread, and that's supposed to be okay.
No. 864162
File: 1567648551780.jpg (11.89 KB, 113x242, pervsmods.jpg)

Looks like Wormboy rewarded two of his flying monkeys with moderator status on his Twitch. Dan Pirro, aka SweetestRads, the man behind the pathetic sub 1k petition in favor of Jared and Holly. Most recently known as the man who tried to drag Ross' name through the mud by revealing details from ScarletMoth about how Holly and Ross had an open marriage for years and how their marriage was toxic for Holly. "Leave Ross alone!!" btw. Oh, and there is CupcakeValkyrie! Serial Twitter harasser and acclaimed author of the TUMBLR TRUTH BLOG!
Jared once again throwing his power and weight around by giving his most loyal fans approval and affection for their undenying loyalty.
No. 864180
>>864179Holly forever painting herself and everything she creates as a
victim. The internet metaphorically beat her up, the innocent uwu bird mom harmed by cruelty.
No. 864192
>>864162Dan lost any semblance of credibility when he started that "I COULD release this evidence - It's SUCH good evidence - Will release tonight…..oh no wait, hoelly told me not to, so I won't!" bullshit.
CupcakeValkyrie….tbh, I'd be surprised if Jared wasn't dicking her down or at least having some weird cyber affair with her. She is way too fanatical about things for there to NOT be something going on (tinfoil, I guess)
No. 864195
File: 1567659011067.png (400.4 KB, 557x440, screenshot18.png)

For what it's worth, Nate and Anna were at PAX West peddling their new "Fantasy Inspired Streetwear" clothing line. I guess it's their new business venture together? Bet it drives Holly insane that they're able to just fly under the radar with zero consequence like that lmao. Cristina Vee was also apparently there.
No. 864196
File: 1567659023165.png (392.62 KB, 587x496, Screenshot_260.png)

PedoWorm is NOT a man of mystery.
We've already seen all there is to see, including his weird dick.
Now, if by "mystery" you meant "Man of complete and utter bullshit", then you may be on to something…
No. 864200
File: 1567659403329.png (1.05 MB, 950x595, screenshot19.png)

>>864195Brand is called "Cantrip", flipped through their little book thing, they had a whole portfolio at their booth of just the two of them modeling their shirts etc. Are they publicly together now? Did I miss that? I guess PAX was the "debut" of some of their shit. No. 864201
>>864196Jared is so devastated the he and Holly feel the need to cash in on him being a pedophile.
Seriously fuck these people.
No. 864209
>>864196for some reason i thought this picture was cropped like how twitter cropped it, (as in from the neck up) but his face is literally in there, in the whole picture. 'man of mystery' my ass i've seen his whole entire weird ass mushroom dick and i can never forgive for that
also the way homewrecker is profiting off them being 'uwu cancelled' is hella gross. more and more homewrecker side ho and peenjared come off as extreme narcs
No. 864212
>>864209Just checked the store website
They also have a bunch of shirts that say "boundaries' (which is HIGHLY ironic), those shirts that just say "cursed" and that weird "I eat shit I guess" art that Hoelly drew.
The CHEAPEST thing was an $11 coffee cup.
So in addition to profiting off of her being a homewrecking idiot, she's also ripping people off to wear her buzzword-of-the-moment.
No. 864220
File: 1567664038493.jpeg (90.92 KB, 370x370, 4DF6A76D-9055-4035-B697-47A6C8…)

>>864215>he's surprised no one made the connection yetImagine being so deluded about your level of talent kek
No. 864222
>>864221holy shit
her incel/MRA stans would go ham for that
it's like their fucking battlecry anyway lmfao
No. 864225
>>863898rantgrumps was crying about this, as if Jared didn’t directly mention Ross and speak for him. But nope, Heidi is an evil bitch that’s dragging Ross into it.
>>864221“The age of consent in most of the US is actually 16”
No. 864231
File: 1567666219006.jpg (10.41 KB, 540x540, mockup-93d2ff50_540x.jpg)

>>864212I'm still laughing over charging $40 for this hideous thing.
>>864220The model pics are all kind of trash tbh. It's mostly distracting from the product and there's pictures of models yelling and mid blinking? I guess it's all just too artsy for my hater brain.
No. 864234
> "age of consent….16"I had one try to argue that anything above 12 didn't count as pedophilia because the states could, theoretically, make 12 the age of consent. It's pretty fucking disgusting.
>>864231It's literally just primary colors in a puffy font. Who the fuck is going to pay $40 for a $5 white sweatshirt with an iron-on transfer slapped on there?
No. 864239
File: 1567669871389.png (40.04 KB, 596x603, Screenshot_263.png)

This just in from our royal hoeness' liked posts:
If you don't think an alleged pedophile and abusive homewrecking piece of trash belong in the limelight, you're a troll, choosing to remain uninformed, or have "admitted to fantasizing about destroying the show" (cough cough HEIDI)
No. 864253
>>864239Nobody's giving them their show back knowing that Jared's defense is shaky at best (if you're not an MRA incel), and outside of the whole cheating scandal Holly constantly creates controversy like when she made Etika's suicide about herself. Companies won't sponsor them, and I doubt their old co-hosts will want to to near the people who cost them their jobs in the first place. The best they can do is start a new one and make new characters that they can use as self-inserts to fuck each other. Better yet, Jared will do the same with one of the new co-hosts and Holly will get to experience what they did to Heidi herself.
Side note, that nightmare Heidi had really couldn't be more accurate. The two of them are clinging to this show because without it, they have to be together as the people they are, not as fantasy characters engaged in some ~mystical~ love affair.
No. 864255
File: 1567673675629.png (205.51 KB, 591x362, Screenshot_264.png)

>>864253Yep, I think you're right.
Both of them are WAY too attached to their characters because they realize THAT is what their relationship was based on, not a genuine fondness for one another
No. 864313
>>864234>It's literally just primary colors in a puffy font.It’s comic sans, making it even worse. She only made this shirt to spite Heidi calling the splatoon cosplay (that Holly barely working on) cursed.
Holly is a bratty child.
No. 864380
>>864313Is literally every part of this girls clothing line just trying to slap Heidi in the face?
And PJStans say Heidi is the one obsessed… lol
No. 864435
>>864419>Sure looks like the actions of traumatized abuse victims!Now, not defending these two, but even abuse
victims have been caught profiting off of it before, that isn't anything new.
No. 864449
>>863553Hoelly Cumrag: “I’m so broke because of cancel culture, I will have to work at a coffee shop. The HORROR!”
Also Hoelly: “I’m gonna buy an expensive fur suit black to make another bird OC!”
No. 864503
>>864498That's actually one of the WK's biggest arguments, about people who sell nudes.
"They run websites where minors could see the porn - what's the difference?"
The difference is that they're not abusing their power to get nudes of their fans - In fact, I'd imagine most of them don't WANT to be sent nudes.
Jared slapped his name on the blogs (sinjared? fucking what?) KNOWING that it would coerce his fans into sending the nudes to his blog, one of the seven at least.
No. 864505
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Heidi's still planning on doing the livestream - I'm curious to see what evidence she hasn't released yet
No. 864510
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Let's see how PedoWorm and Hoelly's far right supporters like seeing this shit under her liked posts
No. 864513
>>864503It's creepy af, worse with underaged people, but it's still creepy and morally wrong to get/send nudes with fans
They act as if they don't know what fan obsession is, that some people will do literally anything to be even acknowledged by someone they idolize. The same people going out harassing Heidi in the name of Jared. The lack of self awareness is uncanny.
But then again I guess they don't know what it's like to have anyone fawn over them. Their obsession with defending Jared is worse than it is to think what he did was okay
No. 864528
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>>864231I don't think she copied them, but I was thinking that this reminded me of something. For $10 more, you could get an actual hoodie, with a better color scheme, and an embroidered logo.
No. 864529
>>864528I would 110% not put it past Hoelly to see that, copy it (with tweaking it JUST enough to scrape past any sort of copyright infringement), and then claim "OMG LOOK AT MY TOTALLY ORIGINAL IDEA PROFITING OFF OF MY FUCKBUDDY'S WIFE'S RAGE!!"
There's enough similarity there for whoever runs Smosh's merch to issue some kind of legal warning to Holly.
No. 864532
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This is saltier than Salt Lake City - and I am living for it.
No. 864539
>>864253Right. Even if the allegations weren't true, I'm sure several people wouldn't be too comfortable associating with him.
I can see Jared & Holly rallying their stans to browbeat WotC into accepting
both of them
No. 864546
>>864513There was a drama in the French Youtube community (#BalanceTonYoutuber) because youtubers were taking advantage of young women (and underaged women) to have sex/nudes etc.
And the thing is, men don't think it's wrong to use your power and influence over your fans to get nudes. They don't think it's wrong because they want to be in Jared's shoes.
No. 864565
>>864542Sadly, given the D&D social media manager is Hoelly stan Lysa Chen, she's probably telling her superiors that the support for Hoelly and WormJared is super great and positive.
That Chris Perkins never stopped following either is also a sour sign.
No. 864572
>>864570Same, but I doubt it. Jared & Holly are just sitting back while their thirsty &
abusive fanbase tries to strongarm them back into the picture.
No. 864573
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That awkward moment when someone who cheated on their husband quotes the catholic pope
I'm pretty sure that "Thou shall not commit adultery" is one of the commandments, isn't it Anna?
No. 864575
>>864572I'm sure it'll be a gradual thibg.
First Hoelly guest stars on Tales From The Mists (Lysa Chen's show on the official D&D Twitch, Hoelly's friend Kayla is also in the cast), probably followed by an appearance by WormDick somewhere, and then they revive DCA.
No. 864588
>>864586I tried to see, I don't think there's any way to know.
Though I did see one commenter literally comparing the "cancel culture" of this whole thing to Lynching… that's a thing that's happening….
No. 864592
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Their fanbase is beyond entitled & impatient.
"There! He's 'innocent'! Now continue DCA!!!"
No. 864596
> "All parties have been (presumably) exonerated"Yes, Jared showing ONE (1) text of him saying "real quick, you're 18+ right?" has SURELY wiped away the fact that just one day later he admitted to masturbating to the minor's nude photos.
But you cannot honestly believe that out of SEVEN porn blogs, only ONE minor sent him nudes. You don't have to be a statistician to know that the likelihood is that there were many, many more.
No. 864602
>>864598They can't even say D&D is just for adults, anymore. With Stranger Things centering around D&D, it's been opened up to a whole new generation.
Maybe the majority of Jared's fans are in the 20-40 age range, but if there's even just ONE minor in there, then the adults need to step up and protect that minor from people like ProPedo who would cause irreperable psychological harm (I mean look at unogirl and how fucked in the head she is to actually believe Jared's lies that she's special, etc.)
No. 864616
>>864602Remember, Jared has been around since Nov 20, 2006
I don't know how long he's uploaded for, but that's 13 years. His 20 year old fans probably started when they were 7.
His oldest video on the channel is 8 years ago (Though he probably made vids before that, just deleted them). That would be an army of 12 year olds that grew up watching him.
Even more likely, children tend to lie about their age when they make accounts so that content isn't locked for them, so the age average is already heavily screwed with.
No. 864620
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They're kidding, right? Judging is all you geniuses do.
No. 864624
>>864616Everyone posting the viewer age stats on Jared’s channel conveniently miss the fact that the stats are taken from 2018.
The guy was soliciting nudes from fans in 2014. It’s like they forget how people age.
No. 864626
>>864623"Heidi is
abusive…..just kidding, I said that because she yelled at me for trying to fuck her husband….BECAUSE SHE IS
No. 864651
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>>864637He's not exactly the posterboy for the alt-right, that's for sure, and Holly got really upset when people called her "Mom" because she claimed it was sexist.
No. 864681
>>864674I only saw one comment that could allude to being about Holly/Jared/Heidi.
Also the comments are saying this was recorded a month ago…
No. 864719
>>864674This was posted threads ago and it was a reach then too
They don't do jabs at people to keep out of hot water. Plus they've been doing gaslighting jokes for a long time
No. 864857
>>864539No chance that'll fly, WotC is not a small company who could be swayed by a few thousand idiots. DnD is in full renaissance thanks in part to marketing it as diverse and inclusive and they won't compromise that by supporting an
abusive pedophile. Even if he "disproves" part of the allegations against him there's too much reprehensible behavior there for WotC to ever touch him with a ten foot pole.
No. 864899
File: 1567789514631.png (218.48 KB, 1170x648, JGkeiF2.png)

Since she got back from the hospital, Holly has repeated spoken of her experience as a victim of her mother's abuse. It is part of the reason that she claims she can recognize that Heidi was "abusing" ProPedo.
It may be that her mother's death allowed her to feel free to reveal her experiences as an abuse victim. However, until ~2016 she spoke of her mother in a positive tone.
No. 864908
>>864850The drama seems to have died down somewhat.
Also the chat in Jared's recent stream was reportedly
dead. Guess the novelty wore off already…
No. 865140
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Hoelly's buddy/business partner put this on her twitter - and judging from the looks of it, the only thing Holly has to do with her clothing line is slapping her name on it and the whole "Let's use the drama of me fucking someone else's husband to earn a profit" logic.
The sketches Kayla did looks like 99% of the Trash Witch designs.
When is Homewrecker going to stop trying to get something for doing nothing on her own?
No. 865142
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No. 865145
>>864908The initial support to Jared coming back was always going to die off; It was mostly neckbeards who wanted a shot at "sticking it to that dumb whore, Heidi".
People keep screaming that his subscription numbers are going up, but what they're not taking into account is that it's not so much SUBSCRIBERS that count, but the views per video. You could have a million subscribers, but if your videos are only getting an average of maybe 10-15,000 views, your income is going to take a rightfully deserved hit.
Plus, look at the replies to his tweets. The whole "we'll never forget what you did, pedo" tweets are back to outnumbering the support.d
No. 865150
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So…..that post from yesterday where yall said you didn't mock anyone at Trash Coven was yet another fucking lie out of Hoelly's mouth, huh?
> "Vicious Mockery"
I'm now convinced that they're just 12 year olds with a slightly advanced vocabulary…
No. 865151
>>865010Fuck. Poor thing, he looks so sick and hollow.
I can almost hear the years of holly's damaging, critical comments putting him down and the ware of her victimizing with what he says, like when he says (and I'm paraphrasing) "I don't want to be one of those youtubers who posts a video crying video" and (referring to himself in the 3rd person) "Oh haha wow he's talking about selling merch in a video about his mom's cancer." Like holy shit, Ross, you are ok. You do not deserve any criticism for this or anything. I hope he will be easier on himself and just be supported. This is heartbreaking.
No. 865154
>>865152I gathered that it was a D&D spell - but how are you
really going to say yesterday "We don't judge!" and then the next day joke about doing that exact thing?
No. 865156
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No. 865215
>>865167Also everyone who was like "Heidi never supported Jared!!"
Literally supported him on twitch
No. 865221
>>865220I just feel like Hoelly's trying WAY too hard to shove this whole thing under the rug and what she can't pretend never happened, she's turning into jokes (like the entirety of her clothing line)
She doesn't get to scream about how everyone is trying to "cancel" her and PedoWorm and that THAT is what causes people to commit suicide - and then slap these same "cancel" terms on a t-shirt and sell it for an exorbitantly high fee.
No. 865227
>>865221She is deluded if she things she can shove it under the rug.
1) Her main fanbase, tumblr, can now see through her shit and can't stand her. ProPedo incels aren't interested in her content at all and most likely think Jared could do better.
3) All that's left are some autistic DCA fans, which are going to lose interest if DCA never comes back.
Hoelly is finished.
No. 865347
>>865284sage goes in the email field, btw. And yes, that was me. She hasn't been very explicit about it but through tumblr asks and other sources she says how he was basically fishing/baiting for sexual behavior/pictures and he was acting increasingly inappropriate with her and making her uncomfortable. Mari is a blunt person and can hold her own so she cut him off, but it bothered her.
She never tagged those posts, nor necessarily mentioned his name either, so you'll need to visit her archive or keep browsing if you want to find the posts. She also made a couple of tweets as well, again they aren't tagged or @ him, but it happened around the time the drama broke out initially.
No. 865348
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>>865227sage in case this is off topic/old news, but I went digging through the tumblr posts and found this. Is this true? Surprised that I haven't seen anyone bringing this up, but I guess her fanbase is kinda mindless. Holly is a piece of work.
No. 865352
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>>865347Here's some screenshots
No. 865354
>>865348yes this has been discussed in previous threads. PULL did a recap of old Holly drama here TL;DR her and Jessica were on Heroes of Cosplay, a reality tv show about cosplayers and events and it was a shit show from start to finish. They got commissioned to make a costume and they flaked out, keeping the money
No. 865355
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No. 865385
File: 1567880798082.png (302.65 KB, 606x535, Capture d’écran 2019-09-07 à…)

No. 865405
>>865390Considering they took down the old videos instead of allowing the trilogy to stand on its own….
Who wants to bet PedoWorm and Trash Bitch threatened legal action?
No. 865407
>>865406Especially since Hoelly started out accusing Heidi of doing this for clout and exposure.
Fucking hypocrites.
No. 865411
>>865407Yeah Holly tried to make a big deal about how Heidi gained a ton of followers after exposing them. The difference is Heidi did absolutely nothing in the following months to gain anything from it. She has posted no YouTube videos. She didn't stream on Twitch. She has not released any merchandise. Her shop, which she ran before this, was on hiatus. Her only goal was to tell her side of the story and not be silenced.
Hoelly and Wormdick remain disingenuous trashbags.
No. 865427
>>865390lol their "brain" was admitting that "oh we're so disappointed in holly, i had a crush on her! :(" like that was the problem… you feel bad for fapping to her?
drama channels are pathetic to begin with, at least have some spine. I can ALMOST not totally despise them if I think they're most likely being blackmailed with a difamation suit
No. 865445
>>865442what the fuck
why? can you donate to jared while he's hosting? i for the life of me cannot figure out twitch
No. 865471
>>865468Her voice is shaking and she is holding back tears. "
No. 865479
>>865478I recognize Denica's username in Heidi's chat. I bet she is fantasizing about it now. Kek.
Those two are serious pieces of shit.
No. 865481
>>865479lmao Enjoy it while you can, Denica.
Also it sounds like Holly wanted to get Jared away from Heidi because she knew Holly wasn't being honest with her own husband.
"Ohh, They're just like little babies! They don't know what's going on!"
Bear in mind, these people are in their 30's…
No. 865487
>>865482DCA must be
so vital to her or something…
>>865483Heidi does not sound unreasonable at all.
No. 865491
>>865487I didn't say she was. I might have worded my feelings wrong.
Just hearing Heidi talk about all Holly and Jared put her through… makes me ill…
Holly and Jared are terrible. Heidi is perfectly reasonable.
No. 865493
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Apparently Holly didn't want to move to Seattle with Heidi/Jared because "she's an LA native and is used to the smog"….but when they announced their divorce she said she chose Seattle for trees/nature. Dumbass.
No. 865504
>>865499He's definitely emotionally stunted like a majority of men into gaming. Heidi was treated her marriage and relationship with him like a reasonable adult, and it's obvious she wanted to understand what she was doing wrong.
It would be different if he didn't constantly frame their failing marriage as her fault. He probably wasn't expecting Heidi to want to fix it.
No. 865508
heidi also says that jared treats holly like crap and ignores her for hours on end.
"you must be treating me like this because of heidi, she must be doing something really bad for you to be ignoring me" holy fuck
>>865502disappointed but not surprised that game grumps fans attacked heidi for releasing texts that somewhat mentioned ross but were quiet when jared accused him of ditching holly
No. 865510
>>865508I anticipate a lot of passive aggressive tweets and twitter likes in Holly's future when Jared starts icing her out like he did with Heidi.
And this time she can't blame Heidi for it.
No. 865517
>>865512Right? Nothing she says is surprising, it's all so predictable and typical of the way affairs happen and it all just fits perfectly and logically into what we already know.
It helps that she's so well spoken and puts genuine thought into how she expresses herself. She's emotional but she uses her feelings to make such rational, reasonable points.
No. 865523
>>865514Sadly, yes.
Despite the fact that Heidi legally
cannot share the evidence she has…
No. 865526
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42 people at Holly's
I'm also very happy to see a lot of subs and donates to Heidi. This was clearly very hard for her to do
I'm also disgusted at them planning sex in the costume Heidi made
No. 865529
>>865525Can she possibly stop neurotically touching her bangs? She's like slapping her hand down like a child to fix her hair.
It became too distracting. I had to stop watching.
No. 865540
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" i didnt fix my camera before filming, oh well" and she moves her chair to block a black flag hanging up in the background. i tried to take a good look at the flag and zoom in on a screenshot because i think it says "strix" on it. sage for big tinfoiling.
No. 865542
>>865535I mean, it's nitpicking but Holly is fucking hideous.
What really gets me is that Heidi confirmed to us that Holly and Jared were using their DCA characters as buttplugs. How fucking embarrassing. I'm so glad DCA is dead. Also how much do you want to bet they had sex in their Strix and Diath costumes for their "first time". Holy shit.
No. 865545
>>865540It looks like her "You know magic" cringe phrase.
idk tho I'm not a detective
No. 865546
>>865507>>865508>>865510Well Jared on his stream was already degrading Holly and Holly favorited this tweet
>>863888 recently
No. 865548
File: 1567897455627.jpg (170.49 KB, 591x520, 20190907_190230.jpg)

"Did you watch Jared's video???"
"Did you watch Heidi's stream???"
No. 865550
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>>865540>>865544Don't forget her wearing her ugly ass merch on the stream. Truly the icing on Holly's fetal alcohol syndrome cake.
How often do you think she washes this shirt?
No. 865553
>>865547I would if I knew how.
>>865548Can't change fuckwits like that.
No. 865554
>>865550>Didn't check the camera before recording>Wearing her brand new 'cursed' shirtCould this look any more like an attempt to distract/dissuade people from hearing Heidi's side?
What is she even talking about in her stream?
No. 865556
>>865548I'm so tired of hearing about this stupid play button
Also the irony, since she DID admit guilt and not being perfect
No. 865562
>>865554Typical Holly & her skinwalker's "spooky story" stuff.
It's always been extremely boring, if only because Holly's voice is about as soothing as nails on a chalkboard and today is absolutely no different.
>Omg, demons are crazy! Cults and demon lore! Witch trials and exorcisms! >Holly chews on her pen because Jared's cock isn't currently available to accommodate her oral fixation>Adjusts her TERF bangs every single minute>Holly occasionally repeats "LOOK AT ALL THESE CHICKENS" when someone subs, as if hearing the original sound clip spammed wasn't enough No. 865570
>>865567I think Lysa
knows that she can't bring DCA back & is trying to make things easier on Holly.
No. 865577
>>865572This pairs well with Holly's "if she was abused why would she return home!!" "It takes abuse
victims several times to leave their abusers" tweets.
No. 865579
>>865577Also goes well with her "Don't trust a rando you don't know on the internet." "Trust me, a rando you don't know on the internet tweets too."
This chick only goes with whatever makes her look good, regardless of how stupid it actually looks.
No. 865583
>>865387Had to look myself - Holy shit, it's nice to see the tide swing back to acknowledging how fucking skeezy Jared is (and how Holly's not much better for supporting his creepiness)
>>865405I think 90% of the people backtracking got slammed by PedoDick's legal team. Since fighting slander/libel charges can be expensive, most decided the easiest course of action was to back down.
It's those same people who are going to fucking regret it when more evidence eventually comes out as to his creepiness (Dude is TERRIBLE at covering his tracks)
>>865442For real? Jesus Christ…..
>>865456It's still super fucking creepy that this dude pulling the "HEIDI WOULDN'T LET ME LEAVE" card is willingly hosting the stream of someone who he and his whore keep calling "
>>865484How?? How can you feel bad for someone who purposely deceived their husband because some wormdick birdfaced piece of shit got her all turned on?
Fuck that - She's a selfish ignorant piece of trash to the nth degree
>>865499It took a stream to point that out?
>>865515Aries for President 2020…
No. 865584
>>865579Also how Heidi is “unfixable” but Holly is mentally ill therefore she is unable to be accountable for any of her poor decisions.
Holly’s hypocrisy is endless.. it’s honestly quite disturbing.
No. 865585
> "I'd be more inclined to believe her if she'd admit some short comings"She doesn't have to directly admit - She's shown evidence of her behaving in a not-so-great manner. Heidi never hid that or trying to explain it away with a "Sorry, I'm mentally ill" bullshit excuse.
>>865556Exactly. I'm 99% sure that YouTube would have just sent him another fucking play button if he called and explained that his soon-to-be-ex-wife took it in a fit of rage (IF she even did that, which I doubt)
>>865584It's classic Narc behavior. Everyone is mean and awful to them, but they're uwu innocent and never do anything wrong ever. It's fucking disgusting. If they get away with little acts of aggression NOW, they'll just escalate their behavior in the future.
No. 865590
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Aw, Hoelly finally blocked me for saying that Heidi should get to post whatever she wants on her twitter and that it was fucked up for her to share the sexts between Jared/Heidi.
I wasn't blocked this morning, so she definitely went on a blocking rampage after Heidi's live stream.(rule 5.3)
No. 865595
>>865593I'm maybe 10 minutes in and I agree. You can tell Heidi is just talking - it feels almost like a one-on-one conversation, whereas DoucheBro felt VERY scripted and defensive.
She's willing to laugh at herself and recognize when things went off the rails, and ProPedo still wants to make it out that he did nothing wrong and everyone else is just being unfair.
No. 865603
>>865572PJ2 is trying to do a positivity brigade on the Trash Coven post now. Gotta coordinate their ass licking so no one hurts the philandering uwu babies feelings!
The Cancelled shirt is ridiculous but the Boundaries one is the one that truly kills me.
No. 865604
>>865597honestly I think things are just going to fizzle out when Jared can't RP his self-insert Diath anymore with Strix in the context of DCA. it's going to get ugly for Holly, but not for Jared because when he's done he clearly just ices people out completely and refuses to explain himself.
going by what Heidi said which to be fair, is only her side of the story but sounds like how things went down, they only started catching feelings for each other when they were roleplaying out a relationship through DnD.
DCA being cancelled is the ultimate death knell for their relationship already. I don't doubt they'll try to start a new campaign with their same self-inserts, but the momentum of their relationship has already been lost.
No. 865608
>>865606Holly confirmed that Diath has been a self-insert character for Jared since probably middle school, so it makes total sense.
Heidi was literally the only person looking at this whole situation as a functioning adult. meanwhile Jared was reading her porn he wrote about Diath and Strix like some middle schooler writing fanfic.
No. 865616
>>865610It crossed a line when it was a secret and it was all smut. At that point it's so inappropriate and honestly hilarious at the same time.
Imagine commissioning porn of your self-insert with a goblin when you can have real sex with your loving, attractive wife
No. 865618
>>865617That's what's getting me. I'm nearly 30 (not trying to blog, mods) and I can't honestly imagine losing my shit and ruining my marriage (and my friend's!) to get my jollies over a stupid story.
It's insane that these people are in their 30's and just willing to implode everything they've spent the last 30 years working for just because they're horny.
No. 865628
File: 1567904790682.jpg (74.01 KB, 621x222, 20190907_210621.jpg)

Came across this just now
No. 865629
>>865628I honestly think there's something mentally wrong with both Jared and Holly, some kind of psychiatric disorder that is allowing them to live in this fantasy world without facing that it all has very real life ramifications.
It doesn't justify it - they're still god awful people who deserve the worst - but jesus, no sane adults act like that.
No. 865632
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saging for nitpick but whoever writes these blurbs for holly’s trash coven merch is a really bad writer.
No. 865648
>>865639Hearing from Heidi about how Holly thinks one big grandstanding gesture in the form of a gift is a
valid way to say your sorry (hearing about that handwritten letter Holly penned in Heidi's twitch made me cringe), it's just how they are.
Neither of them know how to function as actual adults who want healthy, long lasting relationships with people.
No. 865650
>>865648That got me, too. Like, Hoelly wanted to write this grand, fancy letter instead of just saying "look, heidi, I fucked up. I am sorry I hurt you and I will take strides to not do so again in the future"
Y'know, like a sane, functioning adult would
No. 865652
>>865649Holly was probably hoping to take advantage of Jared's "return" but none of the incels who support Jared would buy her merch.
She'd be better off making ahegao merch to get money from the people supporting Jared.
>>865650I love how Heidi explains what a legitimate apology between adults actually is after tearing down how ridiculous Holly grandstands these letters as art. For an unscripted livestream, Heidi really highlights how ridiculous Holly and Jared acted throughout their affair.
No. 865655
Stream summary from kfarms for anyone that doesn't want to watch the whole video:
>She says that it's a problem that he abused his privilege with young people, even if they were at least 18, that he took advantage of them. She doesn't know what did or didn't happen but she doesn't trust him.
>They were together for about 8 years in total and for the final year they weren’t friends. They dated for two years before marriage.
>She was with him through the early stages of his career, she says he changed as a person from who he was when they first got together. He encouraged her to do cosplay that she was only casually interested in it initially. Marriage lasted about 5 years.
>She didn't mention they had a polyamorous relationship when she publicly said he cheated because he still went behind her back and she considered it cheating regardless. She claims that he brought up the polyamory to confuse people. Says they first discussed polyamory in summer 2017.
>She says they were “ethically non-monogamous”. But the relationship became unethical because her boundaries were taken advantage of.Jared saying he didn't cross boundaries because they were poly was wrong.
She was only willing to have a polyamorous relationship because she had full trust in him, but that trust was taken advantage of and destroyed over and over.
>The boundaries they agreed to:>- Poly relationships had to be approved on a case-by-case basis and either of them could pull the plug.>- Her comfort level would always be respected.>- That they have constant communication.>She says none of these boundaries were respected.
>2018 was the start of the Holly situation, which eventually caused Heidi to lose faith in a poly relationship working.
>When confronted, Jared told her he remembered the conversation about boundaries but that he couldn't remember the content of the discussion. She regrets not putting it in writing. She says she was put in a position where she told him they agreed to things but he would say he couldn't remember the details. She says it was a "slap in the face to transparency and solidarity" and she was feeling hurt. He would say that he didn't understand what he did wrong and she found that insulting and disrespectful.She had her boundaries “stomped” over again and again by someone who kept claiming ignorance.
>She says she knows she can’t change the world's opinion of her and that it isn't practical or realistic to win over everybody. She wants to say her piece and answer questions.
>She says that what Jared means when he says that he wants to “respect her privacy” is that he wants to control the narrative and that he doesn't care about her privacy.She says the twitch stream is an exercise in not allowing him to control the narrative.
>If she had any less willpower she would have retreated to a "pit of obscurity” and she wants to say what she has to say and prevent other people from telling her story for her.
>Polyamory and boundaries being broken: Towards the end of the relationship they moved from Los Angeles to Seattle, Washington.When they used to live in L.A. Holly lived ten minutes away. They saw each other a lot, hung out at each other’s houses. Heidi noticed no sexual tension between Jared and Holly or any indication of it.
>What Heidi describes next is pretty fucking weird: apparently Jared and Holly had a weird D&D game they would play where they had their own self-insert characters that they played in person and online. They had a web series involving this called Dice Camera Action that was pretty popular:
>Heidi didn't take much interest but would hear Jared recording it in another room and was privy to conversations that he and Holly had about it.
>Jared and Holly went to live roleplay events and Heidi would stay home. One time Jared came home from one such event and told Heidi that Jared and Holly’s characters had confessed their love to each other. At the time she thought it was cool that they were emotionally invested, that D&D was a big part of their lives, them being lifelong nerds.
>Jared created the nude blog without telling her and she felt like she was put in a position where she would be the nagging wife if she took issue with it. She also didn't know he was using snapchat until she saw him mention it on tumblr. She thought they were both inappropriate but was scared to say anything.
>Holly and Jared escalate their roleplaying - they begin writing explicit sexual fanfics about their characters fucking and commission erotica fan porn of their characters. This happened without Heidi’s consent. Jared became obsessed with the erotic roleplay and would spend most of the day on his phone writing and reading it. Jared would also read the erotica out loud to Heidi, which she didn’t consent to.She eventually confronted him over it and he said she was being unsupportive. She said she thought that something was going on between him and Holly and he said that there wasn’t and it was just a roleplaying game.
Heidi felt she was being treated like an idiot and her boundaries were being broken.
>Heidi texts Holly – they talk about boundaries, expectations moving forwards and apparently come to an agreement (which Heidi says turned out to be fake as Holly would eventually go on to call Heidi abusive and claim that it was Heidi that pushed Holly and Jared together – Heidi says that Holly will say whatever is necessary to get what she wants).
>Holly and Jared admit they have feelings for each other.
>Feb 2018 Holy and Jared went for a walk together in the middle of the night, many hours pass and at 4 or 5 in morning Heidi went downstairs and tried to phone Jared "to no avail". When they got back from the walk Heidi was crying on the phone with friend and Holly/Jared were embarrassed to speak with her. Jared said that he understood why she was upset and that he was sorry, she accepted the apology but it still hurt.
>The morning after they all went to breakfast, Heidi waited for an apology that didn't come, she didn’t feel that she should have to force them to apologise.
>She told Jared to find out if Holly's marriage with Ross is even open, that they had this nasty and explicit D&D relationship without even finding out if Ross was even open to them (Jared and Holly) having an actual relationship. Jared told Heidi in that he didn't know whether poly with holly was possible. Heidi said that this was scary. Heidi wanted Ross to be on board before they could all discuss polyamory together and that Jared and Holly couldn’t move forward to an actual relationship until then. However: Holly then said that she never experienced romantic feelings before for anyone except Jared. This frightened Heidi as she felt that this went beyond the boundaries of their poly relationship and that the D&D relationship made her uncomfortable - then she told Jared to cut it off with Holly.
>Just to recap: As far as Heidi knows at this point they haven’t done anything sexual IRL and only have this weird roleplay thing going on. Heidi told them to stop that and thinks that they have.
>She then sends Holly a message saying she was tired of what was happening, that she feels Holly spat in her face. Heidi started withdrawing from her friendship with Holly, and a few months later Heidi stopped following Holly on various social media. Holly vague tweeted about a friend unfollowing her but didn’t name Heidi.
>Holly and Heidi tried to find common ground and discuss emotions, Heidi would later find out that whilst she was trying to be civil with Holly, Holly was telling Jared that Heidi was abusive. Jared showed Heidi a text Holly sent him that said “as your friend: you’re in an abusive relationship,” Jared sent her a text back saying “as your friend: how dare you”. Holly claimed that she was just "lashing out and feeling threatened".
>Heidi says that she doesn’t know what Holly told Ross or how he was feeling or whether he knew at all.
>Heidi would later find text messages were Jared was telling Holly that he wanted to fuck her in a costume Heidi made for him. Heidi confronted her over the phone and yelled at her, Holly apologised and said she couldn’t control her emotions. Holly claimed it was just a game they were playing and sent Heidi a weird apology gift with no label.
>Heidi says that when everything went public Holly claimed that she cut Heidi out of her life but this was a lie: Heidi cut her out.
>Jared claimed that he had distanced himself from Holly.
>Jared starts stonewalling Heidi when she tries to talk to him
>Heidi tries to discuss the situation with other people Jared knows, when Jared finds out he gets angry and accuses her on being vindictive.
>Heidi thought that, at this point, Holly and Jared were completely done. However, Holly then moves to Seattle (where Jared and Heidi now are) which Heidi considers strange because Holly had talked in the past about not wanting to leave Los Angeles. Holly then publicly announces that she and Ross are breaking up. This makes Heidi suspicious.Heidi confronts Jared and he says that he has nothing to do with Holly leaving her husband and that Heidi is being paranoid. He says that he’d never divorce Heidi.
Heidi says she wanted to believe Jared but that she could see the connections.
>Heidi is still mostly getting the silent treatment from Jared and resents how she’s being treated.
>She talks about Jared’s claim that he tried to leave Heidi in October 2018: They had an argument one night and Jared said that he didn’t know if they should be together anymore but refused to give a reason why, she desperately wanted to understand what was happening.
>She was being financially supported by Jared and felt privileged, says she has always been open about this. She felt he was saying that he'd no longer provide for her - she relied on him for all her physical needs. They got into this financial relationship because during the early years of their relationship it made no difference for her to work because he made so much more money than her and told her that he wanted to provide for her.Her art mostly pays for itself, however.
Says she got criticism for this financial relationship.
She says he encouraged her to rely on him, she never expected to be financially reliant on someone.
>He wasn't telling her why their marriage was failing. He talked about going to therapy. She felt dehumanised.
>Jared decided to take them to a couple therapist under the pretence of them working on the marriage. He took them to a 30 minute free consultation with a therapist that he’d never met before and told Heidi and the therapist that the relationship wasn’t working and it turned out he’d brought Heidi there so that the therapist could deal with the fallout of him dumping his wife. Apparently the therapist looked horrified.The therapist tried to get Jared to talk about why the marriage was failing but he wouldn’t give concrete answers.
They had more sessions with the therapist and it wasn't clear whether Jared actually wanted to end the marriage or fix it.
Heidi says she wanted to know what she could do to fix the relationship but realised later that there was nothing she could have done and Jared was just looking for a way to leave her without looking like a bad guy.
>When everything came out, Jared revealed that he and Holly had had a sexual relationship since at least October. However, Heidi says that she and Jared were sharing a bed until November 9th and that she had no idea that Jared was having sex with Holly.
>Jared told Heidi he wasn’t taking her to twitchcon. However, he kissed her goodbye before he left and told her that their marriage was going to be OK.Heidi also says that on New Years Day they held hands and kissed and Jared told her that their marriage was going to be OK. Heidi says that Jared was lying to both Heidi and Holly and Holly doesn’t want to admit she was being lied to as well.
>Jared and Heidi were getting along better, he was still wearing his wedding ring, they would go out to dinner etc. But in February 2019 then just flat out told Heidi that they were done.
>She says she only published messages between her and her therapist because she wanted to show people what she was feeling at the time.
>She found Jared’s old phone (he’d recently gotten a new one) and it contained messages and nudes between him and Holly revealing that they’d been in a sexual relationship for months. Heidi says that Jared and Holly were afraid that Heidi would release the nudes as revenge porn but says she wouldn’t do that. She says she can’t reveal the contents of the phone because that might be illegal.The messages show that Holly was accusing Heidi of being an abuser.
Heidi says that Jared was treating Holly as bad as he treated Heidi but that Holly would claim that Jared was mistreating her because he was mad at Heidi and taking it out on Holly.
>Once she found the phone messages Heidi wanted to leave as quickly as possible, but because she was financially dependent on Jared there was a lot of problem solving she needed to do.She said that Jared gave her the car that he was paying for.
>Heidi would disclose what was happening in a private social media group to her close friends. When Jared found out about this he was angry and this is the basis of the claim that Heidi went public with their divorce before he did.Heidi says that she’s a nobody compared to Jared and Holly and that they have a large network of fans to support them and influence that she doesn’t have and a lot of power over her.
>She doesn’t believe Jared is a pedophile and that he probably did try to verify the ages of the people he exchanged nudes with but that he was still exploiting people and she doesn’t know the whole truth.
>She couldn’t fight a defamation suit because Jared and Holly have more resources than her.
>She says that it’s funny that Jared accuses other people of ebegging when he plays videogames for a living. She always felt inferior during their marriage because she couldn’t make much money from her art whilst he was very financially successful and that this made her feel like less of a person.
>She wraps up by thanking the people that came to her with their own stories and says that she’s feeling empowered doing things for herself. Says she has enough money in the short term and enough sense to make more in the long term. No. 865667
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ProPedo once again displaying an ASTOUNDING lack of self awareness
It's like he honestly doesn't see how much jail time he is/was risking by pretty much admitting that he jacked it to nudes of minors.
(I think the liked tweet was about someone doing a DDoS attack, but still, if I could see the similarity, he could have too)
No. 865669
>>865666She didn't mention that pedo scandal pretty much at all - one comment of "that's been cleared, but I can't comment on any other of the allegations"
She did SO GOOD by not mentioning Ross by name, just continuously saying "Holly's partner". She took strides to speak a lot about what she saw personally and what she felt, rather than trying to make definitive statements about what others experienced (like Hoelly's "Ross knew 100%" bullshit)
No. 865673
>>865672I didn't really see it in the livestream, but full disclosure: it kept cutting out for me, so maybe
I mean, it feasibly makes sense. They could use the sock account to commission NSFW fanart without having it attached to their public personas.
No. 865679
>>865665Looking at the ProJared KF thread and it’s like they were watching a completely different livestream.
They keep complaining about how much she fake cried when she barely cried at all. No wonder they go hard for Jared, they can’t deal with a woman talking things through like an adult and her showing signs of having emotions.
No. 865695
>>865678why in the flying flying fuck would you have a
share self-porn commissioning account?
perhaps I am out of touch but I'm still wrapping my head around an individual self-porn commissioning account?
No. 865697
The similarities between it and Heidi's "atelier" is just creepy (tinfoil, of course, but with how obsessed denica is with defending hoelly and jared….)
No. 865701
>>865697At the beginning of this drama, I remember Denica repeatedly bitching about how Heidi blocked her.
That girl ain't right…
No. 865706
>>861615>>865695same-anon here
i don't want to cow-tip, but is there some sort of adult-protection agency we can contact to have nate and anna taken away from themselves?
because if they consensually agreed to shared a self-commission porn account with holly & jared, they are self-harming
No. 865710
>>865697denica is undoubtedly the most pathetic and sad doctoral student on the planet
and that's a huge fucking accomplishment. she deserves a "Youtube Sad Button" for that shit
No. 865711
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Who do you think the five twitter accounts are that Hoelly unfollowed after the livestream?
No. 865726
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It won't be 'good' when Holly notices only 2 people total are actually willing to buy this overpriced crap.
No. 865734
>>865726The sad thing is not even Jared's supporters would buy her birdshit shirts either. And until then let's see how much Pedoworm's supporters will side with Hoelly when PedoWorm tries to find a way to weasel out of being with Hoelly before she starts crying how she didn't know he was
abusive or somehow blames it on Heidi that PedoWorm has become
abusive person kek.
No. 865738
>>865726Current list of shirt orders/requests:
-Rewired Soul
No. 865740
>>865734I mean, theoretically, this would be the perfect "out" for Holly if she walked away from Jared right now and tried to salvage her career. She could say "Heidi's right - Jared's treating me just as poorly as he treated her, it's emotionally
abusive, etc." and pull the sympathy vote. She could then blast him with screenshots of evidence of him having the nudes, etc.
She's too fucking stupid and dickmatized to do that, though
Anytime they're together, they should just casually hear that music used in the end of Titanic, when the ship was sinking.
No. 865744
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But I thought you loved nature so much and needed DICK I mean trees! /s
(also California has rolling blackouts, she can't honestly have NEVER dealt with a loss of electricity before)
No. 865758
>>865744Weird how she brings up the smog right after Heidi’s stream where she says Holly would always talk about being from SoCal and breathing best with smog.
Probably a coincidence. But seeing how she delayed her stream…probably not.
No. 865760
>>865758She's probably trying to be witty and sarcastic, sort of "lol look at me, grew up in a smog pit - You sure got me, Heidi", but it just falls very flat IMO.
I'm sure Seattle getting storms is a little uneasy since they don't typically get them, but your first instinct is to get on twitter and make an all-caps post and then a smug, underhanded comment alluding to something Heidi said in her livestream (cause you KNOW Jared and/or Hoelly has watched it by now), is just immature and petty.
So, I guess she's just staying on brand
No. 865765
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>>865744why the fuck is she acting like a child that's never had a thunderstorm or power outage before? so ~quirky that she's uwu scared of the weather. Is she literally trying to pretend this scary Seattle weather is new? Hasn't she lived there for months now?
No. 865769
>>865768The irony is the only piece of merch that anyone is attacking is the "cancelled" shirt, modeled by Jared.
They probably had him do it because they knew it'd bring in attention - but they likely thought it would be GOOD attention, not people going "Hey, this? This ain't it, chief".
No. 865774
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No. 865781
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I love that Heidi's subtle digs get more engagement even when Holly has over twice as many followers. It sucks to ruin your career.
No. 865818
>>865805I'll admit I like her friend's and Hoelly's art but I'm not going to support Hoelly. I even like her cancelled shirt, but she dumb to think it was Heidi fault that people started not liking her. Cancel culture really is about not financially supporting or giving
toxic people more power to abuse other people. It shouldn't be about about harassing, cyber bullying, or doxing a
toxic cow. Especially since sometimes these
toxic e-celeb or semi-famous cows can have mental illness and should be getting true professional help instead of being harassed or cowtipped. Lots of people on both sides suggested to Hoelly to take a break from the Internet because they were generally concern for her mental well being. Even when Hoelly's flying monkeys were harassing Heidi for Hoelly's sake because Hoelly kept pushing that somehow it's all Heidi's fault when it's really just Hoelly acting like a dumb cow.
No. 865828
>>865765>>865800Severe weather like thunderstorms are rare in the PNW, which makes it all the weirder that she's acting like she needs to adapt to the weather beyond the constant cloud cover and rain for half the year
ime coastal California experiences thunderstorms more frequently than the PNW does, though rare in both cases, so she's just being dramatic as per usual
sage for nitpick
No. 865834
>>865819It's not their fault, they're autistic.
Heidi stated very clearly that the point of the stream was to finally tell her side of the story from start to finish, to stand up for herself and not allow other people to speak for her, and to get the whole thing off her chest so she can move on already. It wasn't about convincing autists on the internet that they should pick her "side", but they're too self-absorbed to understand that.
No. 865838
File: 1567928697982.jpeg (407.07 KB, 1364x588, AC7A1EF1-2B2E-43CD-8DE3-2C6836…)

From Hoellys liked posts:
No. 865878
>>865838>Playing with animals can do that.I'm guessing this refers to Holly saying everyone who criticizes her is thinking with "animal parts of their brain".
I guess now every critic of her and PedoJared isn't even human anymore, just animal.
Can't wait to see her relationshit with her soulmate propedo inevitably come crashing and burning. I'm giving them 3 months, just in time for holidays.
No. 865889
>>865886Exactly. Heidi saying "even if I never pictured Diath and Strix doing it right away" isn't her trying to say "Y'all can go fuck right now, if you want"
>>865888In all fairness, Dan said that after another notorious WK called it "sexual harassment"
You know what's sexual harassment? Being subjected to seeing PedoWorm's dick. I feel very harassed by that.
No. 865914
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I cooked this up while listening to the vod of Heidi's stream. I'd surmised as much from everything she'd said, and projected the rest from my own personal experiences, but I still don't understand how she didn't just straight up Gone Girl him after all of that.
I also still don't understand how you'd throw away your dream job with WotC, and your relationship with your loving wife for some messy goblin pussy. Imagine ERPing yourself into four divorces nigga what the fuck
I really hope someone sleuths out the sockpuppet
No. 865929
>>865925Timestamp anon?
I skipped around it and it's mostly Holly using her "quirky" voice to autistically shout and interrupt everyone.
I'm not into D&D but I don't get it how was her character that popular? Strix seems annoying as fuck.
No. 865933
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Stole from Twitter
No. 865935
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Found Cr1tikal aka penguinz0 aka Charlie posting on PJ2 subreddit (and ProPedo replying)
No. 865960
>>865956men in this community seem to have a pack mentality. they also know if given the chance like Jared set himself up to have, they would also ask for nudes from fans.
they have some level of understanding that pedophilia is bad, but now that they realize Jared was only abusing his position of power to get nudes but not actively pursuing underaged girls (just "accidentally" getting them), they feel bad.
The only men who don't seem to back down from criticizing/reporting on the ProJared controversy seem to be guys have decent relationships with the women in their lives. H3H3 may be trash, but at least Ethan actually points out why what Jared did was disgusting even without him being an active pedo.
No. 865978
File: 1567957001854.jpeg (174.93 KB, 1263x713, ED4CBE27-7CC2-4D3A-9BF7-80C880…)

I tried something kek
No. 865991
>>865929>Holly using her "quirky" voice to autistically shout and interrupt everyoneShe does this in every D&D game that she plays, it's even worse at PAX because her loud, annoying ass has a mic. She somehow manages to be worse than the crowd shouting "green flame" every five minutes.
>>865645That must be why Jared dressed up like Pedo Mercury.
No. 866014
>>865765Nah, SoCal people always freak out even when it rains a little. They're legit unable to deal with shit falling out of the sky.
>>865875To add to what others have said, she wasn't okay with them banging or even seeing each other after she realized they were actually in love and Holly liked Jared more than she liked Ross. That's when that became unacceptable to her, as her arrangement with Jared was that they could have side pieces that are merely physical and super secondary to their marriage.
No. 866035
>>865935Charlie's video wasn't even
that bad, he was just joking about Jared's nudes from what i can remember.
Sucks that he fell for Jared's performative crap though.
…Or did he?
Remember, Jared's fans are masters of projection; they think that the reason people believed Heidi was because they were pressured & harassed into it, (I saw a LOT of that from them when Ethan disagreed)
Remember that they're all working to 'correct the record' so
anyone who said
anything about Jared is gonna get their arm twisted into apologizing & accepting him with open arms.
No. 866049
>>866035He probably was getting a ton of hate/maybe even a legal notice from Jared. Charlie is usually pretty level headed about stuff
>>865921Uploading now, will take an hour or so.
No. 866058
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So apparently, what I thought were amoebas on the "Cancelled" shirt are supposed to be Evil Eyes…
No. 866068
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protecting yourself from the ill-will of others means that you're contributing to "Cancel-Culture" & that's MEAN! uwu
(sage for OT)
No. 866074
>>866058we have the blue evil eye in my culture but tbh it reminds me more of the Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events design that had lots of eyes in those shapes. I would NOT have called the cancelled shirt "evil eye designs" by any stretch of the imagination. The cultural evil eye they are talking about is in specific blue tons like
>>866068 posted and not just any doodle of an eye is considered "evil eye" ffs
No. 866105
>>866100I mean, this is someone who thought a "handcrafted" apology letter was acceptable for fucking someone else's husband.
Hoelly is the epitome of "Entitled White Idiot" (i.e. "I see it, I want it, give it to me" and then throwing a tantrum when it doesn't happen immediately)
No. 866129
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wayyyyy off topic but went to suzys insta and shes looking way more fit, and this shit with Holly makes her look even better.
No. 866143
>>866139I'm still willing to bet that the novelty is wearing off. For Holly, it may be some misguided sense of love, but for Jared, I think this whole thing was "thrill of the chase". He got off to the idea of it being a forbidden love affair, but once Heidi's gone and Ross's divorce is finalized, it will just be him and Hoelly with nothing to make it "forbidden and super speshul".
He'll be sleeping with UnoGirl again in no time and convincing his buddies that Hoelly is the crazy one.
History WILL repeat itself.
No. 866153
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Upcoming design for Holly's Winter/Spring collection.
No. 866158
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>>866153Why does she choose these colors for herself? Her hair and makeup look so harsh to the point of making her look diseased, and it doesn't have to be that way. I found an old image of her where she has a cute bookworm sort of look (in my opinion) and it's because she chose warm brown for her hair and less harsh makeup colors that worked in harmony with her complexion. This whole "I cut my hair with safety scissors in the dark" style is just unflattering.
She's so insecure about being ugly, yet she goes out of her way to look 10x uglier.
No. 866159
>>866129Wow, she looks great. Now if only she got bangs and fixed those weird brows…
>>866139I'm not really buying this "jelly catty woman" idea. I think the real reason Holly likes Jared is the D&D cheating mindfuck combined with her just not really being into Ross in the first place.
No. 866173
>>866158I get it
not defending her, but people fuck up on purpose so they aren't faced with the idea that they can fuck up if they actually try to do something
would you rather be called ugly in a halloween mask or after you got a new haircut?
No. 866174
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>>866158I still think her wedding photo with her and Ross cutting the cake was one of her best looks. That burgundy reddish brown shade worked for her, she had warm toned blush and lipstick, and her straight bob was flattering. To a certain point, even that godawful faded pink worked for her because she had the uwu aesthetic. Is she trying to be Strix IRL? Looking like a dark haired, sullen, disheveled swamp monster?
No. 866187
>>866158I always thought she suited her pastel pink hair, but I agree the black hair is definitely too harsh and makes her look ill (combined with her make up choices). I guess it's so she looks more like Strix?
I honestly don't think she's able to separate her real life from DnD anymore, Jared was the final piece of the puzzle. No wonder she's so desperate to hang onto DCA, it's her whole life.
No. 866189
>>866158It's to make sure everyone knows how different she is from all the other girls. She's like that girl in high school that has more money than god himself, but is SO DESPERATE to be sad and depressed and unique
>>866179It's like some split personality bullshit where she IS Strix and Strix IS Holly.
>>866187Pale skinned people have to be very careful when wearing black hair to avoid looking like a washed out heroin addict - but Hoelly leaned full tilt into that shit.
No. 866197
So I roughly threw this together for the next thread - Not much happened, but yeah. I was just going to copy and paste the previous thread links and descriptions of each person from this thread.
What do y'all think?
ProJared/Holly Conrad/DCA/GG: “The Wife Strikes Back" Edition
Last Time on “The Ballad of PedoJared and his sidekick, Hoelly”
>Jared’s new Incel/MRA fanbase prove once and for all that they’re all Jared, 19, never learned how to fucking read - and continue to harass Heidi after their lord and savior asked them NOT to do that
>Sara the Therapist proved that you can, in fact, be dumber than a box of rocks
>said texts confirm that Ross may have been okay with Holly sleeping with another woman, but that she had NO IDEA if he’d be okay with her and another man, let alone his friend
>texts confirm that Holly and Jared were pursuing the idea of a relationship before they even brought the idea up to Ross, blowing the “Ross knows!” theory out of the water
>Jared Stans insist this could have been avoided if Heidi hadn’t “forced” Jared to stay in the marriage
>Holly begins marketing a clothing line full of terms from the drama, including “Cancelled”
>She one-ups the stupidity by marketing it, using Jared as “the man of mystery”
>Everyone loses their shit about it - Trash Coven gets MAJOR blowback
>Heidi livestreams things from her point of view, with it being hosted on Jared’s twitch (though this is likely an accident rather than a purposeful move)
No. 866209
>>866139This. Holly always acts retarded when a "pretty" girl is chosen over her just like she did when blonde Shepard had more votes than "hers".
>>866143She's really dumb to think that she and Jared are destined to be together when he's not the faithful type to begin with. Then again, neither is she. He's going to leave her ass sometime within the next few months and she'll be left crying for sympathy and tweeting "Sorry I'm mentally ill" again.