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No. 812124
Once again, I have to do everything myself.
In the previous episode, after both Jared and Holly's careers had seemingly been blown to smithereens, Holly hit back with a host of screenshots of her and Jared's text conversations with Heidi, which garnered her the support of every dudebro scrote with a Youtube following, despite all her "receipts" showing Heidi being understandably pissed, Jared being dismissive, and Holly being uwu I'm so sorry I'm human garbage and I don't deserve to live uwu.
Highlights include:
>Heidi being happy that the internet is tearing apart her abusive ex and drinking wine, which don't you know makes her a terrible person?>Heidi having a boyfriend who she sexted with when their marriage was open, which don't you know means she forfeits every right to be upset with anything in their marriage?>Holly apologizing to Heidi and buying her stuff, which don't you know should entirely make up for Holly continuing to sleep with her husband after they had agreed to go back to monogamy and trying to get Jared to leave Heidi to be with Holly?>Nobody understanding the concept of reactive abuse.>Pewdiepie, Keemstar, KiwiFarms and an army of women-hating popular internet men siding with Holly because Heidi possibly sleeping with another man while in an open marriage and getting angry at her husband's mistress automatically makes her an irredeemable slut.>Jessicanon going absolutely buckwild with takes such as "we actually don't have any evidence that Holly ever slept with Jared" and "Chai being a trans man means he's automatically lying about being preyed on while underage by a 30 year old man he admired".>Everyone conveniently forgetting the part where Jared groomed children and solicitated child porn.>Also Creepshow Art made a video on KT/dropsofviolet and it's hilariousPrevious thread:
>>>/snow/808888Our main actors:
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: usual suspects:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Game Grumps:
>Normal Boots:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: of the old milk (cheese?), courtesy of anon:
Suzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meHolly "Manic Pixie Nightmare Girl" Conrad (Backstory/Pre-Divorce):
>Holly is a talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to ger grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingHeidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>I've followed Heidi for years for cosplay stuff, so I can only speak from that perspective but I don't think there's really much else to say about her>I think some people in the cosplay community found her kind of cocky, but she didn't seem to really rock the boat too much>She's a much more detail oriented and talented craftsman than your average costhot. Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth (not as common with cosplayers these days, so I think she's appreciated for that)>IIRC she has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design, so if she's cocky her work quality at least backs it up>Personally I followed her for a long time for cosplay stuff without ever even knowing who she was married to or who ProJared was. Can't speak for others, though I'm sure it didn't hurt her popularity>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all timeJared "Pigeondick" Knabenbauer
>I've actually never really known or cared about ProJared or NormalBoots before this, I just wanted to call him a Pigeondick.>Maybe someone more informed can give a backstory, though again I'm not sure if it really matters>big yikes >>804556Previous GG Threads:
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being BEST FRIEND her despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.>Claims any of this is important at all because she was Arin's inspiration for a character "a woman being beaten and raped but wanting Egoraptor to be her knight in shining armor even though she's an ex-assassin">Now obsessed with Arin/Suzy/GG, obsessed with the notion that Suzy is somehow copying her every move and personality trait (again, despite the fact that she just now reemerged and Suzy was probably ~13 when all of this started)>Consensus: Arin was a dumb teenage boy who was probably involved with both of them, the situation makes Suzy look incredibly sane. Also it's been 17 years who gives a shit. (Guess what: Katie does)>Obviously overshadowed by current milk, but I just feel like we haven't seen the last of Katie. Probably in like 5 years she'll catch up on the current drama and have a real hot take. No. 812144
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It's hilarious all the incel virgin rage that's coming from kiwi & pewd fans regarding Heidi right after Holly's defense force started claiming Heidi was the one slutttt shaminnnggg her.
Please post more of the salty comments, they all remind me of old adachi memes.
No. 812197
>>812196>When Jared chose Holly, Heidi probably asked both of them if Ross knew about their little 'arrangement' and they most likely answered something to the effect of "Oh don't worry, I'll tell him about it… eventually.See the bottom of the screenshot here
>>810188She didn't give the poly bullshit the ok until they told him, but who knows what was actually said to Ross (or to Heidi about what they said to Ross, for that matter), considering their track record of stonewalling and deceit.
No. 812201
>>812196She was told he was fine with it. Holly's friend Jessica was also quite convinced that Ross was fully aware and supportive of it, though she has since deleted that tweet. I'm sure Holly told everyone that Ross approved and she totally wasn't really cheating on him. Who knows what he actually knew and thought.
>>812198They certainly knew each other but may not have been in communication about this subject. Both probably trusted their spouse/good friend to not be lying to their face about something like this.
No. 812207
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>Please post more of the salty comments-Here's one made on this video: No. 812223
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Funny how none of this 'evidence' comes from Ross himself.
No. 812227
>>812223"What's your evidence?"
"Here's a picture of the evidence not being there I swear it's real bro"
No. 812228
>>812223See, total proof that Ross approved of it.
Deleting it like 5 minutes later totally makes it legit lol
No. 812238
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>>812228>>812227>>812223Can't help but feel like they're taking advantage of Ross & his wishes to stay out of this mess.
>"And if a fan respects Ross' wishes to be left out of it, said fan can't ask him if what Holly's claim is true without looking like a tool." No. 812239
>>812227And it's sad no one in the comment section seems to call out how much noise they're making with very little substance to it. It's all chaff, deliberately so.
I gotta say I'm surprised how vicious and awful Holly is being with the personal attacks, gaslighting and sharing private shit online. I didn't follow her before but I'd watched a lets play or two with her in it, and I'd never have thought she'd behave like this. It's kind of mind-boggling.
No. 812253
>>812238I think they're pointing out that Holly is in a win-win with the Ross end of things. It was sarcastic. Unless I'm misreading.
>>812239>>812240In old GG threads I remember there was people who 1) really loved Holly; 2) thought she was kinda cool; 3) used her an excuse to rail against Suzy by comparisons in case Suzy lurked (that's what I did, despite not knowing much about Holly other than not riding GG's dick like Suze; and 4) Anons who tried to bring drama about Holly and got shut down.
So interesting to see us be completely wrong as a group. Despite us having a reputation of petty, nitpicking bitches we really are capable of realizing how wrong we were. Gotta say I'm grateful for this site because having to deal with an influx of greasy neckbeard Jared/Holly knights would make me nope out of this drama. At least here, we can keep talking about all the other gross receipts of Jared fucking every girl in sight.
No. 812264
>>812261because he's closed himself off in a little bubble for years now and pretends like he's super into everything and knows everything and has an opinion about everything, especially things that don't concern him
he doesn't even look into the other female youtubers who state that jared was being inappropriate with them, he won't dig deeper into the situation by doing any research or critical thinking, he's just tossing out a superficial theory based on "well holly was nice to me once"
No. 812266
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A bunch of people keep passing this screencap around on Twitter, & saying that Ross 'offered up' Holly to Jared…
No. 812269
>>812266People used to pass this tweet to show how Ross was being friendly with him but Jared broke his trust.
Now suddenly Ross "offered" his wife to another guy to fuck?? Are these people aware how idiotic they sound? What the fuck happened….
No. 812283
>>812270>girls post proof that Jared solicited nudes from them while they were underageNope, they are lying because one of them is now FtM. Jared was manipulated by his evil wife
>long time ago Ross joked with Jared about D&D meaning Dicks & DevastationYup this totally means Ross offered up his wife for Jared to fuck.
I understand that Ross wants to stay out of it, but these people (along with Holly) are making him out to be a huge cuck.
No. 812285
>>812270it really shows the whiteknight's mindset when they see this exchange as some kind of romantic trade-off/offering. All they were talking about was working but of course since it's a man and woman they
clearly want to get together. Pathetic.
No. 812289
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>>812266>>812270Aaaaand this is exactly why Holly tweeting about Ross and claiming she "didn't cheat" while "respecting his privacy" was so fucking slimy.
Everyone is now assuming Ross is a cuck and this will officially ruin his reputation because who wants to be known as the guy who let Pervjared fuck his uwu asexual mentally ill wife. Good job Holly!
No. 812293
>>812281>>812283Unfortunately it seems likely that people are going to try to
force answers out of Ross if they haven't tried already…
No. 812297
>>812255right? it's insane that it worked when she's clearly self-serving and manipulative lol
but i feel like it's one part they got manipulated by this uwu swamp witch and another part that holly's """"proof""" must mean jared is just an innocent
victim to all these people lying for clout so it's okay to be his fan still!!!
No. 812299
anyone who tries to suggest that Ross is at fault in ANY of this.
No. 812321
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If like me the image doesn't open and you can't read the small text from the thumbnail
No. 812348
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>Everyone is now assuming Ross is a cuckYeah, pretty much
No. 812357
>>812348>Respect his privacy!Same tweet:
>He let his friend fucked his wife!With respectful fans like this, who needs haters?
No. 812364
>>812350I'll bite since Jared deserves zero respect. KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE. If true, it's beautiful that his disgusting frog face and peen are horrifying twitter on the daily.
>>812357Not to mention how "Hey, my wife would love to participate in your project! It's a passion of hers" suddenly translates to, "You can fuck my wife." What a cesspool.
No. 812376
>>812370"She's angry and lashing out because she's in unreasonable circumstances thanks to a fuckheaded partner -
what a crazy bitch!"
No. 812385
>>812384Except you're missing the fact that one of the
victims (Chai I think?) showed an email that he sent to Holly telling her about Jared exchanging nudes with minors.
She's in way deeper shit than Heidi, who I personally don't feel as defensive for compared to other anons but, she's definitely done way less bad compared to Holly. Ross and the underage people Jared exchange nudes with are the only
victims in this entire situation.
No. 812387
Here's my take on Ross's silence. I think the truth is that he did know about her interest in Jared, and that was the reason for the divorce. But I also think he was super hurt by her falling for another guy, and the only reason he gave into anything poly, if he did at all, is because Holly played the suicide depression card.
In the VR chat video, Ross talks about googling "is my partner abusive" and says, if an article for 14 year old girls lists warning signs you recognize in your grown-up relationship, then you need to understand you're being abused too. And one of the abusive behaviors he mentions more than once is coercing the partner into doing things they object to with threats of suicide if they don't comply.
The reason Ross won't come out with his version of things is he doesn't want to validate Holly by admitting he knew, or approved of her Jared thing in any way. But he's also way too nice to directly confirm to the Internet hate machine that she was abusive and manipulative, and really ruin her. I doubt he'd forgive himself if she really was driven to suicide. And he already dealt with the emotions of all that shit; he's moved on, and he just want to fucking draw cute monster girls and let his mental ex deal with her own bed of poly pigeon shit.
No. 812389
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These are sort of funny.
No. 812392
>>812388Fucken of course they are.
I guess we can dismiss Holly's "I did not cheat" tweet with that logic.
No. 812404
>>812399Not to mention, she was willing to take desperate measures to 'save' their failing relationship, which probably lead to her 'allowing' it in the first place.
>Heidi was pretty open about Jared being the breadwinner in the relationship-Making it easier for them to discredit her as a crafty gold-digger
No. 812411
>>812384Nobody cares that you cheated.
Holly is trying to paint the wife as a crazy bitch to justify the cheating, exposed Jared’s
victims to him by going around the
victims backs and is a liar, a manipulative self righteous bad person.
No. 812412
>>812397Im sus at guys who are vicious towards Heidi and ridiculously kind to Holly. Like they're probably the types to want to be in Jared's position. Be married, but also fuck around. So Heidi calling this whole bs out hurt them personally too. And then add Holly being just a defenseless smol birb "be kind" lady uwu fuels it more.
But now the tides are turning to Ross, I can see him putting out a final statement and then leaving it as that.
No. 812413
>>812356idgi, as an outsider to all of these people Holly is the one who comes across as manipulative and deceitful. Heidi just seems kind of obnoxious/holier-than-thou, but too stupid to really fool anybody.
>"I'm here for you Jared" "You guys know me, ignore that literal stranger" "Heidi you're just so pretty it makes me feel scared" "I had to take a break and check myself into a hospital while simultaneously deleting old videos and keeping up with the drama that's making me feel suicidal" "I know none of the people Jared exchanged nudes with on snapchat were underage trust me I checked them all" "It was like a ~bucket of ice water~ I've never felt like this before! my ~asexuality~ makes me unable to differentiate right from wrong!" "look at all this evidence that heidi is really upset what a crazy bitch! we were so scared of her uwu" "look at these private facebook posts! heidi is so evil for being happy that people believe her!" "healing words for me but not for thee" "Ross was totally okay with everything take my word for it he isn't going to comment on the matter anyways also we should respect him and leave him out of it"It's easy to see KF taking Holly's side though because it plays into the "woman convinces husband to open marriage and regrets it!" trope that incels get off on. They were never empathetic towards Heidi, they were simply putting people into easily categorized boxes, they are autistic after all.
No. 812414
>>812406wk's also like to let out that heidis "sidedick" was just a crossplaying woman that was long distance aka essentially just emotional support with some sexting and we all know through the onion threads etc that a manipulative straight man like jared wouldnt see that as a threat/bring jealousy to the dynamic as to him its just his wife roleplaying with another chick while hes dick deep inside holly on a regular basis even during professional hours, grooming teens behind her back and doing a buttload of terrible shit like going out of state, blocking your wife on all social medias before posting a half assed statement saying youre divorcing her.
But no shes a gold digging whore cause Jared was ok with not splitting everything 50/50 finacially as if thats not a manipulative tactic to create power imbalances. Which is proved by peoples attitudes towards his actions simply because she isnt supplying as much money into the relationship, congrats youre a retard who just accepted that men can do whatever they want if theyre the breadwinner cause heidi should just be happy she got to pursue her hobbies.
No. 812418
>>812397It goes like this
>Heidi: What's going on between you and Holly>Jared: excuses>Heidi (finally): Listen I know you're with her, what's going on?!?! I'm not stupid! We were supposed to be clear about who we're with.>Jared: Well I want to see where I'm at with Holly, I mean I love you, but Holly seems to have feelings…>Holly: Heidi Jared totally has feelings for me!>Heidi: Well work things out! >Holly: Okay we're going to work this out tonight!>Heidi: waits for updates>Holly: ignores>Jared: stone walls>Heidi: texts>Heidi: texts>Heidi: angry>Heidi: anxious>Heidi: furious>Heidi: IF YOU DON'T AT LEAST LET ME KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON I'LL RUIN YOU GUYS! I'M TRYING HERE >Holly: uwu I"m sorry! You're so pretty>Heidi: I feel like fucking you both up for this>Holly: I totally understand! uwu>Jared: Look at what Holly said about you Heidi! I stood up for you because I love you>Holly: omg I'm in the wrong Divorce - Jared tries to get the upper hand and isolates all his group from access to Heidi. Tries to control narrative. Meanwhile, Holly is super excited she finally won over the prettier girl for validation. Looks like all her hard work is paying off.
Fans rush in to tell Heidi what Jared had been doing.
Holly and Jared cry that their scheme didn't work and disappear out of fear. Find another scheme then come out with their "version" that apparently took a week of mental health professionals to write.
Holly and Jared are half way successful thanks to the gaming community full of virgin neckbeards.
No. 812422
>>812420And Heidi was upfront about who she was with and even tried to include Jared. Who just brushed her off and made her feel awful.
Jared fucked fans even tho Heidi specifically said no fans
No. 812424
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I've just leave this here
Holly, use your head. Jared's "my wife is abusive" schtick is the oldest trick in the book aside from "my wife doesn't put out/ satisfy me".
No. 812426
>>812257>>812226>>812267What did you just say about Pewdiepie? Well now, that is a lot of assumptions about someones personal life, who are these infamous yes men that plague pewdiepie? His editors? His fiance? Or his close personal friends? If you mean his fanbase then hes hardly surrounded by anyone in that sense because he is his own person, and as his own person even tells people who consider themselves his fans to not harm people featured in some of his videos, how do you ascertain he has no experience either? Hes lived the same 29 years anyone else has and hes made the best of them, if anything perhaps due to his career he knows a lot more than most, at one point he had hired hundreds of people to make videos with him I think and had to work with many companies doing different things, not to mention he himself has been to university iirc, not sure if he dropped it though
He does not make videos that you can conclude hes educated from? What is your criteria of education, again I agree with you that people can get education formally or informally but what constitutes someone who has and hasn't and why do you think he hasn't? Did you not consider that perhaps his videos are no more than an entertainment persona or do you believe that every actor to play an idiot is also an idiot?
I'm not pretending anything
I'm not trolling either
I just genuinely enjoy dissecting tribal people like you
And generally exploring reasonable thought
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More salt
>"I was with her until she admitted she tricked him into cheating."
No. 812435
>>812426What did you just say about Pewdiepie? Well now, that is a lot of assumptions about someones personal life, who are these infamous yes men that plague pewdiepie? His editors? His fiance? Or his close personal friends? If you mean his fanbase then hes hardly surrounded by anyone in that sense because he is his own person, and as his own person even tells people who consider themselves his fans to not harm people featured in some of his videos, how do you ascertain he has no experience either? Hes lived the same 29 years anyone else has and hes made the best of them, if anything perhaps due to his career he knows a lot more than most, at one point he had hired hundreds of people to make videos with him I think and had to work with many companies doing different things, not to mention he himself has been to university iirc, not sure if he dropped it though
He does not make videos that you can conclude hes educated from? What is your criteria of education, again I agree with you that people can get education formally or informally but what constitutes someone who has and hasn't and why do you think he hasn't? Did you not consider that perhaps his videos are no more than an entertainment persona or do you believe that every actor to play an idiot is also an idiot?
I'm not pretending anything
I'm not trolling either
I just genuinely enjoy dissecting tribal people like you
And generally exploring reasonable thought
No. 812437
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You can't make this shit up.
No. 812438
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No. 812440
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>>812426I love when we get fucking spergs like this to post.
No. 812447
>"We've never seriously entertained this idea"…But guys, it was
totally Heidi who encouraged a poly relationship.
No. 812450
>>812447…On a side note the way Heidi described the attempt at polyamory sounded like she was actually researching it & really taking it seriously, as opposed to Jared who thought "U could put ur dick in
anyone? I'm in!"
No. 812463
>>812450Yup, shitty is as shitty does. Funny how the trash continues to show itself as trash in this scenario too.
And it's doubly hilarious that Holly and her lil flying monkeys just. can't. leave. off. Narcissist can't help themselves, they always have to pitch in, run their mouth, and show their own ass.
No. 812467
>>812443>>812441>>812440>>812437>>812431how about like actually answer any fucking question presented lol
another thing, pdp acts the way he needs to for his audience while trying to stay in the scope of what he likes to do, some of his videos are to appease his fans while others like the book reviews is just content he enjoys its pretty obvious what these videos are and someone even noticed that the book reviews come off as pretty normal, not sure if that was goldplaybutton lad or not but you know :^) not only that your entire argument is outdated as pdp rarely plays games anymore, aside from the random one or two every once in awhile, his content isnt "screaming video game guy" anymore and hasn't been since 2015 i think he can be really obnoxious in all of his content but to sit here and preach about how shitty his content is when you only really have memory of 2012 is pretty dumb and maybe you should """educate""" yourself on whats current
(derailing; sperging) No. 812475
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>>812467>his content isnt "screaming video game guy" anymore and hasn't been since 2015 WOW I
totally did not know this! Please educate me more!
No. 812504
>>810188, it seems likely that them being separated foe a while wasn ’ t the case
No. 812509
>>812413It's funny because I was saying things seemed a little
too good to be true when this was all starting out.
All the usual incels were suspiciously taking Heidi's side uniformly, until they had even an inkling of an excuse to trash her.
What I don't get is why they'd take the side chick's side in all of this, or at least not without grilling
hard for proof. Logically, everything she says should be seen as a pack of lies.
I'm guessing it's a case of "Whatever the man did was probably right", and in this case, the man picked the other girl.
No. 812524
>>812509Minor tinfoil but I think it’s a form of projection really
They want any type of girl (side, main, etc) so theyre living through Jared and he chose the side ho
No. 812573
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(0uter_n0va is one of Heidi's personal friends)
No. 812575
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>>812573…Of course this 'intellectual' probably doesn't know that the person they're arguing with is one of Heidi's close friends…
No. 812579
>>812575>that's emotionally abusiveyet if it was flipped and it was Jared who wanted it to end I bet it wouldn't be
>>812578he's not completely retarded; he knows he's got a platoon of autists (and Holly) willing to defend him
No. 812580
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No. 812581
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>"Fyi i started on Team Heidi"That's nice dear, but I doubt you know Heidi irl like the person you're smugly dismissing as 'just another blind fan'
No. 812587
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>>812573>>812575>>812581Two irl friends of Heidi can confirm that Heidi is telling the truth & were there for her when shit went down.
No. 812613
>>812609I’m betting on a joint statement from Holly and Jared to drop this weekend
Just to make things even worse
No. 812614
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ah yes, harassing tweets like
>I am the Lorax and I speak for the trees
>The trees say
>“Don’t fuck married men and lie about it”
>You cheated on Ross
No. 812635
>>812573Wait are they now saying JARED is the one who wanted monogamy? What kind of insane troll logic is that?
Jared's the one who
>sent dick pics to all and sundry>fucked fans despite Heidi explicitly saying "no fans">fucked a woman married to another man and continued to do so sneakily after his wife says she's not okay with this and wants to go back to monogamyIf anyone was reveling in non-monogamy it's Jared.
No. 812636
>>812635>What kind of insane troll logic is that?The kind where the men are always
victims of the insane, nagging, crazy, unreasonable, irrational feeeeeeemayles. Poor Jared! Poor, poor Jared! No leap of logic is too far in the service of making the narrative exonorate him completely – when none of this shit would have happened if Weasel Boy just kept his dick in his pants.
No. 812688
File: 1558794793845.png (19.96 KB, 1044x281, wtf.png)

So I barely use reddit or post there, I hadn't posted anything for about a week. But, I did comment to Jessica's post something along the lines of "Hi Jessica, nice whiteknighting!" No name calling, no insults.
Less than an hour later I get a not subreddit warning, but WHOLE Reddit warning for HARASSMENT due to "stalking her". I had never before even interacted with Jessica in any way on any site, just replied to her post as a joke. Reddit admins are truly whiteknighting Holly and are biased.
No. 812692
File: 1558795132240.png (28.46 KB, 740x186, D65_PZHXsAAhsZj.png)

For the people saying we have no evidence he knew Chai's age
No. 812703
>>812636I find it kinda funny how most of the folks suddenly white-knighting for Jared were celebrating when he was first outed because it aligned perfectly with their "ALL 'Male-Feminists' are just creepy degenerates/predators looking for an easy lay" - narrative.
Like, cheating aside, do they REALLY wanna side with a guy who, alleged OR confirmed, sent nudes to minors?
Also, notice how it wasn't until KEEMSTAR & Pewdiepie suggested otherwise when they hopped onto the "Heidi was the REAL abuser all along!" bandwagon, & in the same breath, bitch about 'cancel-culture' & 'blindly taking someone's word for it'.
Like, seriously, not
everything is gonna have a James Charles 'twist' from now on…
No. 812712
File: 1558798830751.png (36.2 KB, 572x322, dndsauce.png)

Something to consider…
No. 812716
>>812712also worth considering is that the behaviour holly demonizes in heidi (joking to cope, drinking wine) are all things she does herself ie her keemstar "side ho" art and a tweet from before the drama where she's like "i'm playing d&d with red wine!"
because it's only bad behaviour when the wife of her lover does it uwu
No. 812719
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Another thing to consider…
No. 812724
File: 1558800461021.png (71.48 KB, 584x576, imphoenixwrightlmao.png)

>"Getting cheated on isn't abuse. Neglecting your partner once you've found another is part of getting cheated on."
Looks like we got a pro here!
No. 812726
File: 1558800555034.png (16.27 KB, 576x116, imphoenixwrightlmao1.png)

>>812724…What a badass! /s
No. 812727
File: 1558800842648.png (27.3 KB, 404x314, imphoenixwrightlmao2.png)

>>812726>>812724Sorry for spamming this 'genius'the headassery is just too great!
>"I was cheated on. I got over it. You're just a pussy." No. 812731
>>812728Oh shit!
…But seriously, gotta love these 'intellectuals' chiming in with little to no knowledge on non-traditional relationships. Shows how sheltered & inexperienced they really are, despite their claims.
No. 812735
File: 1558802334057.jpg (156.61 KB, 1017x1200, D7aqbFYW4AEdVsW.jpg)

Another winner, and possibly Holly's biggest white knight…
No. 812739
File: 1558802952258.png (41.96 KB, 580x312, Akshully1.png)

>"I don't know why you would take her (Heidi) at her word for that and not at else"…But we're
supposed to take Holly's word that she's "ALWAYS been transparent with Ross & never cheated on him"???
No. 812752
>Heidi said she felt that Ross disliked her.Makes sense considering Holly's been demonizing her for quite a while.
Heidi probably suspected that Holly might've ranted to Ross a bit about Heidi supposedly 'abusing' Jared.
No. 812756
>>812736Remember that wk who said a private FB doesn’t count as private if you have a lot of friends on there? Funny how nothing from that totally-not-private-at-all page was leaked until
Holly decided to do so on her public twitter. I’m also surprised Heidi didn’t block Holly right away. Probably didn’t expect her to be that trashy, despite everything. Heidi’s biggest sin in this whole situation is being naive as shit.
>>812753I bet they told her that he disliked her so she wouldn’t contact him and compare notes about the affair.
No. 812760
File: 1558806732866.jpg (538.3 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190525-134850_Twi…)

KT still going on in her "private diary"
No. 812763
File: 1558807159199.jpg (314.12 KB, 2176x926, IMG_20190525_135925.jpg)

>>812761She's probably going to post this same dumb screenshot from before
No. 812769
Did she really just call someone who found her Twitter a stalker? Like I’ve seen the video and it wasn’t IN DEPTH. They didn’t go that deep
No. 812773
File: 1558808052755.gif (849.47 KB, 498x280, who.gif)

>>812760KT: sUzY's My StAlKeR
meanwhile, Suzy:
No. 812784
File: 1558808967018.gif (2.95 MB, 390x293, 1408999912795.gif)

>>812760>suzy's my stalkerjfc someone should send her to the loony bin already.
I was scared we'd stop getting crazy tweets from her after she's been discovered outside of here but, lol she's really this crazy omg
No. 812790
File: 1558810325540.png (37.43 KB, 804x444, comments1.png)

No. 812795
File: 1558811112563.jpg (423.55 KB, 749x592, smearcampaign.jpg)

The real smear campaign
No. 812797
>>812795god this is not going in the direction I thought it would, overall. And they wonder why women are afraid of speaking up.
Now Jared has two women squabbling over him while he's getting victimized and Holly is treated like a saint
this is not the timeline I want to be in
No. 812801
>>812795Well this suck A LOT but on the other side I was skipping through some very recent videos of "big name" vidya game channels that talked about this situation and they all only mentioned Jared and that he is a cheater and overall disgusting person for the pedo shit he did.
I'm really rooting for Heidi and that Karma will fuck Holly and specially Jared in the ass without any lube.
>>812754 As long a lot of questions are unanswered, people will ask Ross for a much longer about this situation. I support his choice of being left out of this situation because it is a shit show but I feel he could just end it all with his site because it could damage his reputation on the long run.
No. 812803
> I support his choice of being left out of this situation because it is a shit show but I feel he could just end it all with his site because it could damage his reputation on the long run.Agreed. Ross could literally
end this bullshit with just a brief statement.
…But either way, people aren't going to stop bothering him, which sucks.
No. 812807
>>812795I saw this the other day. People are taking comments out of context and attempting to smear Heidi with them. They legit have autistic reading abilities.
It makes me wonder if they actually even believe what they're saying.
>Everyone is at fault here, except for RossAnd yet, the one who fucked him over the most, Holly, seems to have escaped the wrath of the sperglords. It's incredible.
No. 812810
Apparently, psychic readers are also getting invested in this. Lmfao.
Just saw an interesting interpretation of the whole situation that I think this thread might find interesting with what we know so far. (Well, I mean that depends if tarot reading is your cup of tea or not.)
What I do like is that this tarot reader doesn't know who anyone is in the situation other than the reading was requested by his Twitch chat which means there's no confirmation bias at all.
Link with Timestamp where the reading actually starts:'ll add in an archived link later in an edit; there's a queue atm.)
No. 812812
File: 1558813865604.png (64.74 KB, 256x148, yt6.png)

Check out this thumbnail lmao
>"Poly Until Holly?"
Consider this:
-Holly was MARRIED at the time
-Holly's HUSBAND didn't exactly have a say, nor was Heidi able to ask him about it personally
-The moment Heidi had concerns, Holly decided to make it her personal mission to end Jared's marriage.
No. 812813
>>812810>Apparently, psychic readers are also getting invested in this. Lmfao.LOL of course they are!
Psychics and other scammers can smell credulous fuckwits like incels from miles away. It's like a giant neon arrow blinking THESE IDIOTS WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING WHERE GIRL BAD MAN GOOD
No. 812817
>>812813>>812810Eh, I say give the Psychic video a chance, it's rather interesting, especially since he doesn't know much about
anyone involved in this situation. I'm only 2 minutes in & it seems pretty spot-on so far…
No. 812819
>>812813Agreed. I just thought it was hilarious to see. I honestly thought the video was gonna be severely biased but from what information was interpreted, it seems like it's more or less a fair representation.
All we can do now is just wait until anything new comes up and compare with the video. I personally don't believe in tarot readers but it was a decent view and a fresh breath of air when it comes to perspectives.
No. 812820
>>812817Psychics are scammers.
Let's not kid around this, they're peddling snake oil and appealing to idiots. Including you, it seems. If you're convinced by 2 whole mins of sweet talking, please glue your hands to a countertop and never reproduce.
If he "seems" to know shit, that's all it is. Seeming. It can be entertaining, sure, but let's not give these liars credibility, k
No. 812828
>>812797>> god this is not going in the direction I thought it would, overall. And they wonder why women are afraid of speaking up.We speak up just fine. A lot of information was left out initially, now it's a literal shitshow.
The moral is: This should have been a private matter.
No. 812831
>>812828>The moral is: This should have been a private matter.Naw. The moral is, respect consent, don't be a shit partner to your spouse, and if you call it off, don't be an absolute shitheel about it. Maybe try for "no emotional abuse" but that seems to be too high a bar…
… how about "no kiddie diddling" and "no grooming minors"? How's that? Bar could not be any lower.
No. 812833
>>812820You are very paranoid if you think anyone who uses tarot etc is rubbing their hands together like "who can I scam today"
Some people try it out, find it works for them, and use it for other situations (like the person in the video is probably doing)
Calm down and quit derailing.
(stop) No. 812850
>>812847You're right about TheQuartering. He seems like a boring loser irl and is trying to fit in with the cool kids by posting this shit on youtube. He's recently been posting questionable shit that have a "women are stupid, except my wife" vibe.
Twoon is just a guy who likes to drink on camera and scream at it. He posts videos calling out thots on twitch, but when they interact with him, he drops the anger and is like "they just seem confused" etc.
They're all boring and present the same information. They just use different facades.
No. 812872
File: 1558826454727.png (17.59 KB, 570x166, heidibfs.png)

Everyone keeps saying that Heidi had 'so many boyfriends'…
How come I can only find one person who Heidi considered a boyfriend?
No. 812873
>>812810I think Tarot is fun, so I'll bite.
He pulls a card for each of them:
Jared's card - Ego & Pride -pretty confidant that he could get away with what he was doing
Heidi's card - Four of Wands (Reversed) - environment switch, safety & stability threatened
Holly's card - Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) - gained short-term stability & status with the affair, done on-impulse, naive
I'll make it as brief as I can:
-Jared & Heidi's marriage was rushed, there was love, but it died. Jared saw an image-boost in her, Heidi saw stability in him.
-Their marriage was broken from the start.
-This isn't the first time Jared cheated.
As for Holly…
-For some reason, she
really thought that he would leave his wife for her.
-It's been going on a while.
-She left an old relationship for this.
-The affair was kept in secret for a good while.
-She lacks self-care
-He had been wooing her for a while
-Seemed like she tried to get out of it at first
-She was completely aware of their marriage issues, which is what lured her in
-Their relationship brought negative attention
-It was also a misuse of power
-Jared was telling Holly that she would be a 'better option', and that he'd rather be with her, she's so much better, etc.
-He promised her success
-He offered to do her business-related favors
-She bought it hook, line & sinker
There are
three women involved here; Heidi, Holly, & and
another woman.
-This 3rd woman doesn't want to be involved, but people are going to want to pull her in.
-She has been an 'open secret' for a long time (since the beginning of Jared & Heidi's marriage)
He pulls 3 cards for the 3rd woman, together they mean 'vulnerability', 'sexual', & 'superficial'
-Jared's been sending her gifts and/or money
-He also might've tried to 'shut her up' via hush-money
-There were rumors about it, Heidi turned a blind eye to it (either by herself or Jared's manipulation)
Noteable quotes:
"I think it's probably best for everyone involved if this information
doesn't get out, but if they do…
This ain't over if it leaks…"
"My problem is that this is something that could potentially implicate the wife. She might end up getting sucked into this. There is something that is going to tie her into this and she better be very very careful. Especially with the allegations…"
"You better lawyer up, girl! There's a piece of information that connects you to a
lot of stuff. This is like someone having a smoking gun, possibly Jared, I don't know…"
I think Tarot is fun, so I'll bite.
He pulls a card for each of them:
Jared's card - Ego & Pride -pretty confidant that he could get away with what he was doing
Heidi's card - Four of Wands (Reversed) - environment switch, safety & stability threatened
Holly's card - Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) - gained short-term stability & status with the affair, done on-impulse, naive
I'll make it as brief as I can:
-Jared & Heidi's marriage was rushed, there was love, but it died. Jared saw an image-boost in her, Heidi saw stability in him.
-Their marriage was broken from the start.
-This isn't the first time Jared cheated.
As for Holly…
-For some reason, she
really thought that he would leave his wife for her.
-It's been going on a while.
-She left an old relationship for this.
-The affair was kept in secret for a good while.
-She lacks self-care
-He had been wooing her for a while
-Seemed like she tried to get out of it at first
-She was completely aware of their marriage issues, which is what lured her in
-Their relationship brought negative attention
-It was also a misuse of power
-Jared was telling Holly that she would be a 'better option', and that he'd rather be with her, she's so much better, etc.
-He promised her success
-He offered to do her business-related favors
-She bought it hook, line & sinker
There are
three women involved here; Heidi, Holly, & and
another woman.
-This 3rd woman doesn't want to be involved, but people are going to want to pull her in.
-She has been an 'open secret' for a long time (since the beginning of Jared & Heidi's marriage)
He pulls 3 cards for the 3rd woman, together they mean 'vulnerability', 'sexual', & 'superficial'
-Jared's been sending her gifts and/or money
-He also might've tried to 'shut her up' via hush-money
-There were rumors about it, Heidi turned a blind eye to it (either by herself or Jared's manipulation)
Noteable quotes:
"I think it's probably best for everyone involved if this information
doesn't get out, but if they do…
This ain't over if it leaks…"
"My problem is that this is something that could potentially implicate the wife. She might end up getting sucked into this. There is something that is going to tie her into this and she better be very very careful. Especially with the allegations…"
You better lawyer-up, girl! There's a piece of information that connects you to a
lot of stuff. This is like someone having a smoking gun, possibly Jared, I don't know…"
No. 812876
File: 1558826941035.png (19.71 KB, 574x210, moron1.png)

>"I want to remind you that everyone except @HollyConrad (yet) was caught in their own web of lies."
No. 812879
File: 1558827224123.png (75.69 KB, 476x564, moron3.png)

>>812877"Hey guys, guess what? I was a fan of Heidi since 2015, but all I did was ask her a ~simple question~ and she BLOCKED me! uwu"
Nice manipulation there…
No. 812882
I feel like I'm going crazy from all the people having the same degree of poor reading comprehension, saying the same incorrect things over and over.
People think once they watch one personality's opinion on the situation they're suddenly an expert.
>>812876Someone should show this galaxy brain one of the many times Holly contradicts herself with back to back tweets. Its almost like he hasn't even read her tweets himself. Really makes you think.
No. 812885
File: 1558827901898.png (53.19 KB, 584x510, Akshully2.png)

>"You should ask instead why would Chai brag to Heidi about being famous."
This bitch…
No. 812888
File: 1558829640584.png (49 KB, 584x490, atealein.png)

>>812885When Heidi, Chai, or Charlie delete tweets:
"They must have something to hide!"
When Holly deletes tweets:
"Poor Holly had to delete her tweet because the hate-trolls started spamming her!"
No. 812890
File: 1558831015894.png (57.09 KB, 576x510, HeidiTweets2.png)

No. 812892
>>812717I tried to compile some of the most damning receipts regarding Jared sleeping with fans from the last couple of threads. Might be helpful to add them to the next OP?
Jared DMs Chai to "apologise" after she contacts Normal Boots about his behavior here
>>808481 this paints Holly in a bad light as well because it's very likely she handed Chai's info over to Jared
Snap convo between Jared and a fan who alleges she was groomed by Jared when she was 15 are here
>>805202And finally, conversations where Jared describes a sexual encounter with a fan in explicit detail are here
>>807535 , the conversation corroborates the fan's story.
As far as I remember these are the only fans to come forward so far. I know a couple of Heidi's friends also claimed to have swapped nudes and explicit texts with Jared but there weren't any receipts.
No. 812924
File: 1558836804285.png (20 KB, 576x188, striath1.png)

Something else to consider…
>"Using D&D to publically flaunt their affair."
No. 812936
>>812928There's a good chance that they'll move on without them.
It could also be possible for them to find replacements, although I doubt they'd do that.
No. 812949
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>>812928>>812936No matter what they do they're gonna get bad press for it so they may as well just save themselves further headaches by killing them off.
No. 812952
File: 1558839546423.png (82.25 KB, 580x454, jareddndtweets1.png)

>"Some sort binding did occur, but pretending they are now consensually husband and wife now is inaccurate, and frankly, a bit frustrating."…HMMM…
No. 812953
File: 1558840006386.jpg (79.26 KB, 584x1200, D7D1RG6UwAEQw2o.jpg)

No. 812958
File: 1558841080353.png (36.64 KB, 588x388, dndship1.png)

>>812924>>812954These tweets are pretty funny.
Lots of people seem to be looking back at the romance between their DnD characters, which appeared to have culminated in early 2018…
No. 812959
File: 1558841494366.jpg (98.86 KB, 624x823, crazypants.JPG)

>>812763oh she already did
No. 812960
File: 1558841585254.jpg (66.53 KB, 645x586, crazypants2.JPG)

>>812959the responses are funny though. (that last one links to the "HippieGoth" tag on instagram since apparently Suzy typing #gymgoth is a direct copy of KT typing Hippe Goth in her post. girl is legit insane
No. 812966
File: 1558842548756.png (50.89 KB, 598x358, dnderail1.png)

I feel like some of these people need to be on a watch-list or something…
No. 812968
>>812369I feel so bad for Ross. He just wants to deal with things privately, but fans keep trying to drag him in.
And fuck I get so angry seeing people go, “Holly has uwu anxiety~ we know exactly what she’s like from seeing her online!! Heidi is a mean, scary lady of course Holly did what she did. She doesn’t know any better~~”
Fuck that noise
No. 812972
>>812971I feel like Holly & Jared's bootlickers are just gonna keep gish-galloping in the hopes to wear out Heidi & anyone who
dares to support her, leading into them receiving a nice big 'block' that they can parade all over their profiles.
No. 812973
>>812953I only just realized those texts occurred past 2AM. Yeah, he and Holly had a 3 hour walk, in the dark, before the sun rose.
And while "walking and talking," at god knows where, at 3 and 4 in the morning, he had no thought of "Its late, I should check in with Heidi real quick"
Fucking scummy.
No. 812974
>>812795>>812797This. This is pure sexism in a world where men cry 'why do women need feminism? they are already equal.'
Poor Heidi. I hope she is keeping it together with good friends because this is horrible to see her being called a liar by these scrots. I hate how "cheating" is written like that, when there is absolute evidence Jared cheated and lies, not Heidi. Gaslighting … there's so much of it. Heidi is a cosplayer, but she has never been a thot. Men are always calling women crazy liars even when the evidence proves otherwise.
No. 812975
>>812973Yep. He gave her the ol' silent treatment & didn't respond until he had a nice flood of texts that make his lonely wife look 'crazy' & '
abusive', just to show to his side-piece later for dramatic effect.
No. 812976
File: 1558844484763.png (18.88 KB, 578x144, realeasethetexts.png)

I'm assuming Heidi is sitting on those texts for a good reason (might be needed in court), which would be a good move in the long-run.
No. 812977
>>812970This. I really don't wanna shit up my minimal account with internet drama arguments, but they're just so wrong about things. Its so tempting.
A big portion come from Keem, Pewd, or general woman-hating sources like KF, and that was their first exposure to this whole thing. That's why most of them have the same inconsistencies, because that's what they were told was happening.
First impressions can mean a lot. Some of these people could probably be reasoned with, but if I'm right about a majority of them coming from those sources, I doubt many of them will budge.
No. 813007
>>812977I know this is just referring to the debate but it got me thinking.
There was bound to be an angry mob raging against Heidi, too, although I have no clue if there are even that many. What's important is that she stood up for herself, that there was a lot of feedback in her favor and that she can start building a better and healthier life for herself.
Just like Holly said the internet would never be the same for her anymore (
abloo abloo), it's like this for Heidi, too, and that's okay. She's gonna adapt and manage. That's the elasticity of a survivor
No. 813011
File: 1558856785005.jpeg (36.17 KB, 467x473, D7EBLJWVUAEOUKx.jpeg)

the stuff of nightmares
No. 813012
>>812892You forgot Charlie, Chai's friend, whose conversations with Jared were also emailed to Normalboots
>>804121Her thread is still up on twitter, too. Reposting the link since more was added since it was last archived.'s apparently another person's conversations with Jared posted in it and they go by the handle sweaterbat on twitter.
No. 813014
>>812876she doesn't like her husband cheating on her with her supposed "close friend"? what a yandere, she needs to calm down
No. 813022
>>812892I'm anon you replied to, here's the reddit post and comments of the person who had sex with jared, went to the very first thread where this drama all started and the original post was from reddit (now deleted but archived), with imgur posts, which are now deleted but also saved on here is the reddit post where they go into detail about the screenshots
>>>/snow/804361 this is the link to the thread comment that started posting screenshots of the imgur files (if the link is failing just search 804361 in the thread to jump to that comment)
apologies for not posting screencaps just didn't want to flood the thread again with reposted content
No. 813024
File: 1558862284615.png (283.31 KB, 993x726, where is the nose.png)

Decided to look at Asagao Academy's VNDB page No. 813031
>>813026>>813027Calm down, asegao academy is/was (dunno if it's still available) a labour of love of two people (one is "miss editor", who of course ended up distancing herself from this mess and lost her job as editor), for the normalboots channel members. Hana was never meant to be a reference to Holly, it was a coincidence that Holly was dying her hair pink in that timeframe and Hana has pink hair bc of course she does, she's a parody/sincere reference to anime protagonists.
Honestly the game was so sweet and funny and sincere that i honestly thought it would have been 100% pure cringe, buy instead came off as very endearing.
And now i await my ban, lol, it's just that i feel bad for the authors who did a dorky game who ended up leaving a bad taste in everyone's mouth first for Jon, and now for Jared, and even for the protagonist because a lot of ppl assume she was a commander holly ref.
No. 813037
>>813032>>813031"instead came off as very endearing." yuck you serious??
I think it's sick, esp if it's not supposed to be based on holly? make up your mind
she is using it for compassion points and I think its disgusting, wonder if her mum is spinning in her grave. mine would be.
No. 813039
>>813037The GAME came off as endearing. The protagonist has all her traits indipendently from Holly. You can find a dating sim inspired by the personas of real people off putting, i can see where you're coming from.
Holly going "in all of this mess please remember my mom died years ago and im sad about it uwu" is very manipulative, but the Character Hana, which had nothing to do with Holly, is half-orphan is unrelated to that
No. 813040
File: 1558866946949.png (402.29 KB, 2092x584, Screen Shot 2019-05-26 at 8.30…)

fair enough, I'll take your word for it as someone who has actually played it, have you revisited it since all the weird shit has gone down or do you think hindsight makes it more nostalgic?
it's super manipulative, seems like it's her main personality trait, she likes to flex her misery to further her uwu agenda.
a lot of people have made comparisons to Holly/Hana and they really do seem to be based off the real people, especially with this confusing disclaimer at the start. they say it's inspired by the personas but completely fictionalized, the line seems to be drawn really blurred from the start.
No. 813045
File: 1558868435108.png (6.83 KB, 623x156, asagao.png)

>>813040NTAYRT but someone who also played Asagao. And watched Jared play it. And watched Holly play it.
Its very weird in hindsight. Its not a game I can return to. The similarities between Holly and Hana are mind boggling, and not just how they look. Their names starting with H and being two syllables. Her relationships with others too. I mean, she goes (literally) crazy with infatuation over a bird.
And then you have Mai/Heidi as a comparison, which is less strong but still there. Friend of Hana, long red hair, she ends up with Jared if Hana doesn't pursue him. There's so much shit. (This is just the relevant stuff, not the base fact that a game making adult youtubers into highschoolers to date is kinda creepy, etc.)
But, this screencap from 2016 swears its all coincidence. If you follow even Heidi's timeline, I'm not sure if it lines up. Would the makers of the game be keen enough to see what was going on between her and Jared, possibly before Heidi did?
Or maybe they roughly (and unofficially) based Hana off of whoever was the most otome-protag-like out of the NB and HB friend group. Not because they suspected any romance around, but just because it was easy.
TLDR; I don't know what to make of it. The weirdness is too overwhelming to ignore, but the game is also pretty old so I can't tell how on purpose it is.
No. 813047
>>813040I dont think i even finished one route, dating sims are not my cup of tea. I remember i tried going for the brit guy cus that was the hard path, but ended up pursuing the black guy cus of course i did, in the game he's the most level headed, kind and reserved and that's my type to a t ahah. Didnt revisit cus it's such a big yikes.
It's the risk of doing fanart for anything, really, wholesome today and White Nationalist Pedophile tomorrow, only time can tell. Meanwhile you'll have people hunting you down like "you made fanart of Milkshake Duck 10 years ago, didnt you know he was revealed as a racist 5 years ago, explain yourself???????"
No. 813048
>>813045Pretty sure the "falling in love with a bird" was a reference to the pigeon dating sim / the joke route cus there's always a joke route in these types of games - remember when GG were accused of being homophobes because people datamined an unused ending that revealed the white pastor was a satanic priest? That was fun.
Any other weirdness or coincidencea are more because, imo, Holly is an utterly ridiculous person to begin with and plays heavily into the stereotypes of a uwu belittled protagonist uwu being very careful not to show her whole personality online. Were any other circumstances i would say kudos to her, noone owes their whole self to the internet, but now she's actively using this persona to destroy the life an reputation of another human being and that's preeeeetty shitty.
Sorry for typos, english not main language, im idiot.
No. 813053
>>813050People were mad because an ending that anyone with half a braincell could see was a) a joke ending or b) a joke ending reserved for an halloween update ended up with the pastor guy being the villain all along and was considered the one true ending (i think that was part of the rage?).
Of Course this has nothing to do with the fact that the only white and fit character (the pastor) didnt give any good ending canonically (he always ends up with the wife and tries to make it work, i think) and this secret, unused ending revealed he was actually a villain.
Now it's patched in behind a wall of very specific steps and even then when you unlock it you get a message like "this was a joke but we see how this was upsetting, we're so sorry, proceed at your own risk!" Or something like that.
No. 813054
>>813024Just yikes on Projared's personality traits…
>Subject of child abuse umm??
No. 813061
File: 1558879252072.jpg (20.49 KB, 299x322, 1466037321301.jpg)

>>813024Why did they pick Jared to be the most attractive one wtf lmao
No. 813064
>>813061Beats me. But if they wanted a character who Believed they were the hottest, Jared is the one i would have picked as well. If anything, because everyone in game takes it for granted that he's hot and it's a funny joke.
Iirc theres even a scene where Hana bumps into Jared and he spills his photos and most of them are him being with his shirt open cus they're for his exclusive fanclub. This game is so full of retroactively yikes moments i genuinly believe they might be clairvoyant
No. 813081
File: 1558883269393.png (808.49 KB, 852x469, The_Cast_of_Normal_Boots.PNG.p…)

>>813061have you looked at these guys? It's not like there's much better
No. 813083
>>813024…This can't be real.
It's so wild seeing all the tells they give off now between this and their D&D characters, and the fact that it lasted for so long. And people still have the audacity to look the other way and blame Heidi for all of this. Fucking embarrassing.
No. 813100
File: 1558885929175.jpg (172.41 KB, 1048x438, misseditor.jpg)

Because imageboard.
I read somewhere that Cheratomo was one of the people defending Jared from Heidi's allegations before the sexting fans stuff came out. That was also before people knew she was Miss Editor, so her tweets didn't get nearly as much attention as PBG. She posted this on reddit later.
No. 813108
>>813100Makes sense that Jared would keep up the narrative of poor mistreated husband with her too (im assuming she an online collaborator, rather than someone they know personally).
Im legit sorry for her, editing for a lets play channel with 2-3 vids a day was a steady gig
No. 813131
>>813103Funnily enough, most of
Tumblr seems to have sided with Heidi as well.
I've seen quite a few posts from people genuinely disappointed in Holly & they refuse to buy any of her bullshit, despite her 'Mental Health Advocate uwu' status
No. 813136
>>813131I mean, it makes a lot of sense, believing the
victims and all that. Holly's response has been pretty transparently hypocritical and manipulative. She tried to claim slutshaming but given she was literally sleeping with Heidi's husband that clearly didn't take.
No. 813152
File: 1558893367012.jpg (1.81 MB, 1586x3500, jared walking holly home gentl…)

>>812973bit off topic but all these incels being so willfully dense about this really reminds me of the "walk me home gently" meme.
No. 813164
File: 1558895014692.png (23.44 KB, 792x228, CreepShowArt.png)

I love this screencap, because a few people have shown up on CreepShow Art's video about Holly, demanding that she change her view because of Holly's recent bullshit, but it's clear that she ain't falling for it. So that's good.
Video: No. 813182
File: 1558898838015.png (33.16 KB, 578x298, Hbomb2.png)

One thing I notice with cheaters is that they tend to flip-flop between
"He/she enabled me"
"He/she was too restrictive!"
No. 813189
File: 1558900194808.jpg (16.22 KB, 564x454, ZhFJ5UJ.jpg)

>>813182not to armchair but this poem comes to mind
No. 813226
>>813221Right? I never followed these boot boys but some of them are cute and charismatic. WeaselBoy? Ehhh. I guess someone's gotta like condescending skinnyfat dudes whose appeal begins and ends with their hair?
Based on the pic alone? I'd go with Satchel, Paul, Shane and Nick. Jared? Uhh. More for Holly, let's just say, lol
No. 813238
File: 1558913454899.jpg (100.51 KB, 409x940, aXm8622xjU.jpg)

>>813226>>813221I agree and to be honest Jared always seemed like the black sheep of the group to me because he wasn't as endearing or charismatic. And often times he came off as either clingy, smug, or try hard. for example.
He reminds me of that one person in hobby circles that you would never be friends with if you weren't into the same niche.
No. 813264
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No. 813267
File: 1558918806675.png (42.06 KB, 578x328, public1.png)

No. 813269
>>813264>>813267jfc. People are insane. Hats off to Heidi. The way she's responding to people is definitely a lot more mature than Holly's grammatical nightmare of tweets.
I feel so bad for her. I wish I could do something
No. 813272
File: 1558919187913.png (52.62 KB, 588x459, muhdca.png)

Some of these people care a bit too much about some DnD podcast…
No. 813283
File: 1558920410600.png (18.13 KB, 742x218, wtfcomments1.png)

>"Holly ended up showing the facts and Heidi hasn’t responded."
No. 813284
>>813283>She was caught cheatingNo she wasn't? not even holly or jared accused her of this
Also I feel a lot of people are ignoring the heidi said that jared cheated BEFORE they opened the relation AND after
People keep blaming it on poly but even before they went poly (and then closed it) jared cheated
No. 813310
>>813272Heidi didn't ruin DCA, but Jared & Holly
definitely did!
No. 813313
Jared's DnD character confessing his 'love' for Holly's character: original video was recorded December 13, 2017)
No. 813326
File: 1558927874279.png (21.96 KB, 586x170, hollylikes1.png)

Holly liked this tweet
>"Normal people don't threaten to destroy someone "because they're upset"."
"Mental health is important! ~uwu"
>"Normal people don't sip white zinfandel while watching people's lives and careers burn to the ground, with a grin on their face."
Oh she hella salty that she got caught!
>"That's some sick, twisted, scary behaviour and it's NOT okay or normal. Ever."
Also yes, demonize a woman who can finally get a little cozy after leaving a relationship that made her tense every day for the past year or two.
God forbid a woman feels relieved that she can fucking enjoy life again!
Can I get a "Self-care is important! ~uwu"?
No. 813328
>>813326>white zinfandelImagine being salty that your pedo boyfriend's ex-wife is drinking wine after getting out of a
toxic relationship.
No. 813329
File: 1558928337973.png (36.02 KB, 586x270, pewdholly.png)

No. 813334
>>813331Also, good job encouraging your school-aged fans to side with PedoJared, Pewds!
"I couldn't see him/her doing anything bad!" is also the kind of shit people say when a local serial killer is discovered.
No. 813342
>>813341I too like to drink when my life is falling apart.
How dare she. what a monster
No. 813344
>>813342…And not just
any drink…
Zinfandel! The ultimate demon-bitch elixir!
No. 813345
>>813341That reminds me, Holly's also beimg extremely hypocritical (surprise surprise) about Heidi drinking wine bc I've seen here actual do that same kind of shit when she used to do her cosplay streams on Twitch.
One particular moment I remember was when she was drinking and she trashed Marvel's choice on Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange. Paraphrasing here but I remember her saying stuff like 'he looks like a weird alien' and whining about the while thing before the movie even came out. Now I know that's not particularly milky or whatever, but Holly's current attitude just reminded me of that and how bitchy and whiny she always was.
No. 813347
File: 1558931571240.png (439.39 KB, 1724x1180, Screenshot 2019-05-27 at 10.01…)

i'm saging because this has been the general development over the last couple days, but if you go to the holly response megathread on r/projared and look at the comments sorted via "new", almost everything is like this. people are either straight up saying "i just feel bad for projared, i will forgive and support him" imagine hating an abused woman's narrative to the point that you'll knowingly cheer on a pedophile… (1/2)
No. 813349
File: 1558931735738.png (150.16 KB, 1720x716, Screenshot 2019-05-27 at 10.01…)

>>813347(2/2)… or it's people calling holly out for being trash, and being utterly downvoted/dragged with the negative responses being upvoted tons more. the subreddit's opinion suddenly shifted from "how could this worm looking bastard cheat on a real life elf with a goblin-looking bitch", to "heidi is a supreme cunt and projared+holly must be protected"
the shift in the general support has become palpable. it's actually frustrating me lmao
No. 813353
>>813346Kinda figured that too.
Give it up, Holly. Jared manipulated you & you fell for it hook, line, & sinker. He doesn't love you. He used you as a tool to work out his 'frustrations' on.
No. 813354
File: 1558932418016.png (92.87 KB, 1034x490, TinfoilTime.PNG)

saging because it's not really some update but a tinfoil theory. I have to agree with this redditor.
Jared probably never loved either of them, Holly probably thinks defending herself and Jared would give her a happily ever after when in reality he'll leave her like Heidi and screw one of Holly's friends.
No. 813359
File: 1558933887073.png (14.79 KB, 774x148, diath2.png)

Man, looking back on all this shit… it's almost predictable!
Wouldn't be surprised if it was part of his plan to 'peace-out' of the internet & leave Holly to deal with the shitstorm he created as well.
The very angsty sounding voice he makes in that clip is rather cringy too…
No. 813368
File: 1558936431142.png (56.61 KB, 578x480, syrmorsvideo.png)

Something to consider…
No. 813390
>>813388he exchanged nudes with fans that he (ALLEGEDLY) didnt know were underage; the only fan that came forward with her story and slept with him twice at cons was 20-21 at the time, iirc.
still very scummy and i hope there's no "i didnt know they were 16 your honour!" defence lol
No. 813411
>>813408I almost feel bad for Holly, being genuinly in love with a guy who swore loved her back but ended up bailing on her too, and now she has these broken pieces she has to scramble together to make sens eof the whole situation.
Then i remember she threw under the bus two kids who came to her for help regarding having been groomed by jared when they were 16 cus her priority was still WormBoy and my sympathy dries up
No. 813421
File: 1558949465087.png (122.34 KB, 601x563, Capture d’écran 2019-05-27 à…)

It's weird how many people assume Heidi was financially successful on her own when she was always very open about her cosplay career yielding no income and being completely dependant on Jared's monetary support. I guess people see 10K on youtube, 25K on instagram and 25k on twitter and assume that's enough to make money? But honestly without a patreon, 200k or 300k is the minimum you need to make minimum wage on any platform. People who aren't familiar with this kind of thing have the expectation that being "internet famous" is very lucrative but very few of the people they think are internet famous make anywhere near enough to make it their full-time job.
No. 813423
File: 1558949643436.png (92.05 KB, 610x376, Capture d’écran 2019-05-27 à…)

>>813264the continuation of this thread, important to note that JARED NEVER TRIED TO LEAVE. He was likely just telling Holly that to keep her on his dick.
No. 813425
>>813136Agreed, I’m not surprised people on tumblr would see that Heidi is the
victim in all this, and would get that at this point using your mental health as an excuse for fucking someone over is shitty
Also I’ve realized that a big reason why people are against Heidi is because they have no idea about how a poly relationship works. As far as I know, the two most important parts are communication and continual consent from your partner. I’ve heard it’s pretty common for people in poly relationships to go, “hey, I’m thinking of pursuing something with ____, is that okay with you?” Before proceeding, and the partner can decide if it’s okay or not. Jared both broke of those guidelines.
But twitter and YouTube seems to think that If YoU’Re PoLy YoU cAn FuCk EvErYOne!!!
No. 813427
>>813425>As far as I know, the two most important parts are communication and continual consent from your partner. I’ve heard it’s pretty common for people in poly relationships to go, “hey, I’m thinking of pursuing something with ____, is that okay with you?”Yep, continual consent and communication is super important - as is informed consent. You need to have a respect for your partners' boundaries and keep them up to date on what's going on, honestly and completely.
This is what makes what Jared and Holly pulled on Heidi such a scummy move. They stomped boundaries, lied to Heidi, and violated her consent. (One reason that is a massive breach of trust is, for instance, the messy side of bumping uglies with someone beyond emoooshiuns - would you be okay with your partner fucking someone else against your wishes, when you can't be sure they're clean? Or that they're using proper protection thoroughly? Or not lying to you about any of that? Yeaaah.)
No. 813510
>>813481Yeah, there's quite a bunch of galaxy-brains using the "Polyamory = Open Relationship = They can fuck literally
anyone!" All while conveniently ignoring the fact that the 'other' person wasn't MARRIED like Holly was, thus requiring consent from their spouse in order to go forward with the relationship.
…And honestly, it's looking more & more like Jared & Holly just kinda bullshitted Heidi when she asked if Ross consented to their relationship. Makes sense, especially when you consider Heidi was 'under the impression' that Ross didn't like her, & they probably took advantage of that & would answer
for him (Ross said before that he subconsciously goes for more controlling personalities in relationships
>>808953 )
No. 813530
File: 1558976142765.jpg (46.78 KB, 750x511, D7WAh4uVUAA6lrL.jpg)

I took a look at jared's liked tweets, to see if hes come out of hiding yet, and saw this. What the actual fuck did Jared mean by this? Only a true delusional narcissist could possibly believe this to be meant in his favor.
No. 813540
File: 1558976790765.png (143.2 KB, 828x332, DCAcancelled-h.png)

Holly can say Heidi threatened to ruin DCA all she wants, but in the end, it was Holly & Jared that successfully ruined it.
No. 813544
>>813436It's crazymaking, plain and simple. Offers a view into their relationship dynamic, and if you've been a
victim of it it's super easy to spot.
I imagine he would regularly drive her to the point of hysterics on purpose and then use the outburst that he engineered to prove to other people that she was
abusive. Winding someone up for hours on end and then completely emotionally disengaging once you have an audience is a really effective way to make them look absolutely mental to outsiders. It looks like they become hysterical with barely any provocation whilst you're a calm and rational person. It undermines any legitimate points they have about the relationship because why would you believe someone crying and screaming and threatening?
my ex used to wake me up in the middle of the night and trap me in a room and harass me for hours and hours with accusations of cheating, etc and when I finally snapped and tried to physically push past him, he'd use that as "proof" that I was
abusive to manipulate me. As soon as there was an audience he'd go completely deadpan and act as if I'd started acting like that for no reason. If you've never experienced it it's super easy to say,
>oh yeah I'd be the better person I'd never fall for something like that. But it's akin to saying you could withstand interrogation techniques that border on torture.
honestly it's really fucking upsetting seeing how many people will act as an abusers accomplice because it makes them look ~logical and impartial~
No. 813566
File: 1558978584108.gif (1.24 MB, 300x169, efe.gif)

>>813313>>813337The cringe is so real.
Jared looks so wormy…
No. 813609
>>813544I'm sorry about your abuse, anon.
It reminds me of that video Onion took of Sh, where she was bald and crying and begging, but he was cold and distant. It was clear he pushed her to that state (at least somewhat. Sh may not be the most stable girl but it was pretty clearly his fault this time by the way he was subtly antagonizing her.)
He thought everyone would be on his side and go "Wow bitch is crazy" but actually seeing it and hearing her pleas, most people knew otherwise.
Reading texts is less involved than seeing someone in video who was pushed to that point, so it strikes less of a chord with people. They just see a crazy bitch.
I feel so bad for Heidi.
No. 813611
>>813609Oh fuck, I remember
that video. She was also threatening to ruin his career (sound familiar?)
I remember him 'calmly' talking to the police when they arrived, then just kinda sitting back & letting them deal with her…
No. 813619
>>813615…And that angsty voice he puts on for the scene lmao
He's such a 'tormented soul' you guys! How can you
not swoon from such a sexy,
emotionally intense voice???
No. 813624
>>813621…How tf did Holly, a
33-year-old woman, fall for…
No. 813629
File: 1558986411833.jpg (618.35 KB, 1010x1500, aviophilia.jpg)

>>813624next best thing to the vulture of her dreams?
is.. is being a furry but for birds a thing? (probably)
No. 813638
>>813549Thanks anon, it took a long time but I'm ok now. and equipped to see abuse when it's happening to other people.
>>813609Thank you.
lol I was actually gonna mention onision in my post but thought it was already a bit long. Glad someone else has made the connection, and you're totally right
>Reading texts is less involved than seeing someone in video who was pushed to that point, so it strikes less of a chord with people. They just see a crazy bitch. They also don't allow you to see the full timescale it happened over, because you read the texts seconds after one another it just looks like escalation with no provocation over a short period instead of seeing her being ignored for hours between each text. The threats to ruin his business don't read to me like someone spiteful, they read like someone absolutely desperate for any form of communication or acknowledgement, they were 100% empty and he likely knew it.
No. 813640
File: 1558987185680.png (151.52 KB, 716x446, ProjaredBingo.png)

>"special thanks to @atelierheidi for helping me make this!"
Oh god, if only she knew back then…
No. 813642
>>813383How do we know they haven't been seeing each other in the midst of this all? I probably missed something, but I’ve seen a lot of this being said and I’ve wondered if that’s true at all?
I wouldn't bet on a secret, thrillationship to survive on even regular circumstances and I’m sure Holly is used to “We can be together soon just you and me” type reality so I could see the end being dragged out by how public it all is. I feel like their relationship could also be more intimate in a “cybersex” role-playing way, and if either of them feel guilt or empathy their real life will lose that sparkle. They both seem happy with escapism.
I feel like Holly’s desperation to continue their “polyamory” was founded on this lack of worth feeling she had next to Ross. In GG world she was “wife” or “mom” but in DCA she was sexy witch~ and I’m sure for the first time she felt validated as an individual. I dont think good of any of them (save for Ross, which seems to be unanimous because at this point he seems like he genuinely wants to move on and if anything i’m worried about his mental health most in this situation because it genuinely comes across that he had:could realistically consider ending his life) but the puzzle pieces are there.
The only person I can’t find a scrap of redemption or excuse for is Jared, despite everyone making their own choices as adults (especially Holly, who I consider the most emotionally manipulative because she hasn’t just done that with J, H, and R-but also the entire internet) he has no “excuse” he was a perverted Narc who was having his cake and eating it too. Gross.
No. 813646
>>813642From what I remember, Jared said in
>>808879that he went to some kind of 'Mental Health Retreat'
Heidi said he's currently 'out of state' so I'm assuming both her & Holly are both still in Seattle, WA.
Who knows when Jared will return…
No. 813657
File: 1558990097039.png (77.85 KB, 576x252, SaltyPedoJaredStan1.png)

lmao Stay salty PedoJared fans!
No. 813698
>>813678Don't worry, I report each one immediately after taking a snapshot.
>>813688 Yep. She'd be rolling in dough if she kept quiet, now here we are, & people STILL have the gall to accuse her of being a Gold-Digger & trying to 'profit off her abuse of Jared'.
No. 813711
File: 1558995444922.png (35.93 KB, 510x470, HeidisYTComments1.png)

No. 813721
File: 1558996188913.png (42.97 KB, 582x448, SaviorComplex.png)

No. 813733
File: 1558996649140.png (125.22 KB, 680x337, doubt.png)

>>813721Lol, what did she fix about Ross? Are you using a code word for neuter? He's better off now without her.
No. 813739
>>813733She might've thought she 'fixed' him somehow, who knows?
>He's gonna resent her and blame her for his tanking public image and career deathSounds plausible. He seems like the kind of guy that's overly concerned with his public image. Especially when he announced the divorce -
"It is my hope that we both exit this marriage with style and grace."
Oops, lol
No. 813741
>>813732Well Jared pretty much has no future career as a YTer as I don’t see him recovering from this like say jontron has
Holly I’m not too sure as people seem to buy into her whole “mental health! Teehee!” persona
No. 813746
>>813745And 'saving' him from an '
abusive' relationship ~uwu
No. 813762
File: 1559000344140.png (81.18 KB, 592x586, HeidisFriend1.png)

I don't think anyone has posted this yet, but here's another one of Heidi's irl friends adding their account on things…
No. 813783
File: 1559003389268.png (68.15 KB, 532x480, JaredsFriends1.png)

>"ProJared’s friends witnessed Heidi’s abuse."
I wonder if Holly was depending on someone like PBG to back her up after she stated this?
Also, Jared's underage victims contacted Normal Boots & presented them with enough evidence to get Jared kicked out, so idk why people keep asking for evidence unless if they actually want fucking child porn to be posted openly on Social Media.
No. 813785
File: 1559003569192.png (47.42 KB, 522x438, armchairpsych1.png)

>"Bipolar schizophrenia"
…I can't even…
No. 813791
File: 1559004913768.png (17.16 KB, 526x154, NBfiring.png)

Seriously, so many people missed the most important part of this 'scandal'
No. 813797
File: 1559006117823.jpg (49.1 KB, 500x625, 60032762_2225159510903765_7144…)

Found this on Instagram
No. 813800
>>813544>my ex used to wake me up in the middle of the night and trap me in a room and harass me for hours and hours with accusations of cheating, etc and when I finally snapped and tried to physically push past him, he'd use that as "proof" that I was abusive to manipulate me. As soon as there was an audience he'd go completely deadpan and act as if I'd started acting like that for no reason. If you've never experienced it it's super easy to say, >oh yeah I'd be the better person I'd never fall for something like that. But it's akin to saying you could withstand interrogation techniques that border on torture.
dude, i'm so sorry! And yes, that is grade A tormenting /
abusive tactics. Hounding someone in the middle of the night with empty accusations would make them snap, especially corning them. I have no doubt Jared ignored Heidi for long periods of time until she finally lost it. Reading the txts from
>>812953 proves to me that she tried really hard to please both Jared and Holly, even though she was emotionally abused.
No. 813822
File: 1559010223415.png (54.41 KB, 804x490, letsgetHeidi.png)

>"we need to make it real, oooo, like a page on twitter dedicated to gathering evidence against heidi, and stuff that will save jared"
This person's creepy af
No. 813827
>>813825>"one day, people will see and understand" Dude sounding like Kojima defending his bad character design over here.
See and understand what, that Jared didn't actually mean to be a pedo?
No. 813832
>>813823Jfc people should respond with #pedoenabler or something along those lines. They are supporting one, on top of excusing an
abusive cheating narc. What trash.
No. 813838
File: 1559013865452.jpg (13.88 KB, 133x126, 1351014505868.jpg)

>Heidi makes a bunch of claims with literally zero evidence presented
>everyone instantly believes her
>Heidi's friends say that there is more to this than people know, also provide no evidence
>everyone uses this as further proof that Heidi is completely innocent
>Holly makes several claims with actual screenshots of text messages show heidi's ridiculous outbursts
>this whole thing is holly's fault, heidi's behavior is perfectly reasonable!
>holly's friends come out to support her saying that they know more about the story
>WheRe's tHe PRooF?
Sure, perfectly reasonable.
No. 813840
Heidi has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What are the traits of NPD?
One is ENTITLEMENT, e.g. feeling entitled to HAVE A HOBBY INSTEAD OF A JOB. If you watch her YouTube video: She says "Cosplay in and of itself is not a viable way to make any money… [paraphrasing: some cosplayers have Patreons or sell prints, but I don't because I want my art to be free]… the only way that I'm able to keep doing this is because I am married to a professional YouTuber who is able to pay the bills with his channel. I'm very lucky and privileged to have the support that I have." Do YOU have a normal job? I'm female, btw, with a working husband, and I fucking do. Can you even imagine a world in which you could make hundreds or thousands of dollars with the 20 clicks it takes to make a Patreon, but you CHOSE not to because someone else was paying your bills? Oh, and since society deserves your fucking cosplay "art" to be 100% FREE?!
Heidi NEVER seriously tried to make money until Jared dumped her and Heidi realized that she was gonna need an influx of cash… hence her online store, which opened in December. This is not a coincidence - he dumped her repeatedly, starting in October, and she started fucking scrambling. Now that Jared isn't around to "encourage" her to be financially dependent… watch her shit. Will she woman up and work or will she "EBEG" - each month more pitifully than the last? IMO, she thinks she is above working and I promise you it'll only going to get worse until she finds another mark.
Another NPD characteristic is LYING. Lying about how you bought your own car on the $0 you make, and signing your own lease on $0 salary with 0 references. Lying by omission about how you're in a poly relationship. Lying about who filed the divorce - that shit is public record and it was Jared. Lying about not having a boyfriend the whole time for almost 2 years.
Intense ENVY, like the envy someone with NPD might feel at the FICTIONAL romance between their husband and a mutual friend. Such envy that could compel someone to threaten a business connection with Wizards of the Coast - essentially their own shared livelihood - because they couldn't handle #striath FAN ART. Unfortunately for Heidi, she set her own divorce in motion when she thought it was a good idea for Jared to confess his feelings for Holly. There goes the gravy train. And since she couldn't have it, that vengeful Narc tried to derail the fucker.
This isn't the best forum for this argument, but honestly, what better hobby for a Narcissist, the empty mask, than cosplay. How many hours did she stream editing beguiling photos of herself. Crafting an ever-changing tapestry of bullshit, stepping into the skin of every red-headed character she never actually gave a shit about. Look it up, she only cosplayed characters based on how they looked, not on anything about the characters themselves. She's a true fan of no one and nothing but Heidi.
Long time lurker, I don't know wtf it means to sage. This seemed like the bitchiest place on the internet to bitch.
(don't armchair) No. 813841
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"I told Heidi she was bad right to her face, am I cool guys???"
No. 813847
>>813845Yeah, right now she may not know it, but she's being a textbook-example of 'the other woman' right now
(e.g. "He was SO unhappy! I had to SAVE him from that evil, controlling, harpy bitch of a wife!!!" )
But alas, cheaters cheat, & he will move on from her to 'the next best thing' & he will most likely do it behind her back too.
No. 813850
>>813845If he's as manipulative as Heidi says, he'll know better than to dump Holly yet. He'll have to lick her boots for "saving him" from Heidi for awhile first.
Wouldn't surprise me if he encouraged Holly to speak up and defend herself to redirect attention away from him and his behavior. And it's working. The women get pitted against each other while he just stands aside and pretends he has no accountability for this.
No. 813852
>>813840can you fuck off with your armchairing?
>i don't know wtf it means to sage>>813850jared might just keep her around longer to fight his battles for him. it HAS worked out for him so far, somehow. mostly i think it has to do with holly's dedicated fan base who are so absolutely blind to her venomous screeching that they'll eat up anything she serves. i mean, i'm really not seeing eye to eye with the other anons who think holly is somehow wronged by jared as well. i don't think she was manipulated, she knew exactly what was doing and willingly participated with jared in the destruction of two marriages. now she's willingly participating in this smear campaign. she's giving me the vibe of "i've got nothing to lose anymore", seeing how hard she went.
No. 813853
>>813838>everyone instantly believes herYou must be new, Jared's friends and Holly's friends were 100% ready to denounce her.
People were iffy about the situation until Jared's nudes were leaked and it came out that Jared may have solicited nudes from 15-16 year olds.
>Heidi makes a bunch of claims with literally zero evidence presentedYou're forgetting that Heidi is going through a divorce and may have to show any proof through court.
If you're going to be here, at least lurk before you post.
No. 813856
>>813855it will absolutely kill me (and holly) if it's found that he fled the state to hide out AT a different side piece's place lmfao
jared pls deliver
No. 813858
>>813856I mean, I've known & heard about many cheaters who have
another 'flame' on the back burner.
Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up changing his identity or something crazy like that…
No. 813863
>>813858that, plus we already know jared is a
personification of a womanizer.
it's shitty of me to root for another woman getting cheated on (technically?) but the milk will be unparalleled, holly is going to implode kek
No. 813870
>>813869Oh damn, I mean, he might've lied to her about it as well, but holy shit dude.
Gonna be honest, I forgot that Holly isn't the ONLY one.
No. 813871
>>813869 You forgot to mention that when contacted by Jared's
victims about his abuse, she outed them to him.
No. 813873
>>813869THANK. YOU.
willing participant. i don't see any
victim of manipulation here, just a vile woman with two starkly, horribly different faces.
No. 813875
>>813871That's… fucking horrifying.
She just tossed them right over to him. All for him to pull another PR move so she can turn around & say "See? He apologized to them, so no harm done!"
Heidi was starting to 'wake up' to his bullshit, so he needs a replacement, one who's a bit more… diabolical.
No. 813887
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>>813850He may dump holly sooner than later seeing as she is getting way more negative attention compared to Heidi. I can’t find any negative responses to heidi’s cosplay tweets, while Holly’s bird shit still gets stuff like this
No. 813889
First of, i find hilarious how we're all ignoring Holly's wk over there. I prepared a detailed answer but then, who gives a shit. Kindly fuck off, anon, you're choosing not to comprehend the facts you have no place here. And im one of those who doesnt believe Heidi is an innocent woman scorned, but she is 100% the
victim in this mess.
>>813791Wait, i thought Ho and J text proved they were sleeping with each other, not that j was sleeping with fans? Oh my god i want more of detailed recollection and receipts like Uno Girl's…….
No. 813893
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I know it's too soon for another thread pic, but here you go
No. 813894
Sage for theorizing. So, lets say that we take Jared at his word and assume that he has, at the very least, actually been seeing therapists etc. for his issues. Lets say that his continued attendance of these therapy sessions is what makes Holly convinced that she's doing the right thing. In her mind, it'd be worth it to ignore the mistakes and disgusting behavior of his past, if all of this is in service of actually "saving" him from both himself and the supposed abuse of Heidi. Through this, Holly gets to keep the delusion of being a mental health advocate while ignoring her own hypocrisy completely, and Jared gets a relatively safe landing spot in her arms and the arms of her die-hard fans as long as he can keep up the act of trying to be better. Together, they could effectively circumvent any real consequences for their actions by dismissing all the negative behavior as being "in the past" and that "things have changed now", with the only real chance of punishment being the alleged solicitation of nudes from minors.
Remember, it doesn't matter what you did wrong, as long as you never acknowledge it or apologize but simultaneously never let it be discovered publicly again.
No. 813895
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No. 813896
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this bitch can't even keep the years straight
also she's going straight for the "i hate myself so you can't" route jesus christ
No. 813897
>>813895What the actual fuck. Is this real?
Holy fuck, it's real. What the actual FUCK is this babbling. Has she lost it???
No. 813902
>>813895Dead at us getting a mention, fucking kek.
Cows are always comforting themselves by saying we're all hateful and unhappy when we just follow whatever random drama entertains us and makes us feel strongly about something. In this case, we feel strongly against pedos and cheaters but I can't say I'm unhappy about that.
No. 813904
>>813895Whoa we got a first mention
We moving up in the world and it’s nice to know there’s a confirm she reads this
No. 813913
>>813894Her Mental Health Monday fans would buy that, and Jared's incel followers will side with him regardless. Everyone else will still be done with them, which I'll take a partial win.
The actual win will be when it turns out the therapy sessions were just him fucking another side ho.
No. 813914
>>813910i want it to be clearly obvious that this is the same tactic she used on heidi over here
>>809947>yes you're absolutely right>yes i was totally in the wrong>i fully agree with your opinion of me>>813912anon you're killing me here lmfao
No. 813917
>>813911you are right
>>809742although there is a weak-ish explanation for her saying that as "i meant i hadn't slept with him until the point that his wife explicitly asked me to butt out of their marriage. it was only THEN, realizing that i had her complete and vocal disapproval, that i proceeded to fuck her husband"
No. 813927
>>813925LOL my thoughts exactly. Holly really, really does not seem to have enough self-awareness to grasp just how transparent she is.
uwu I'm just such a
victim in this scenario where I fucked my purported friend's husband behind her back and then lied and lied and lied about it and then blamed her for the whole thing uwu
uwu muh mental health can't take accountability or basic cause-effect reaction uwu
No. 813929
>>813896>>813895Ah, this sort of thing takes me back to high school, like when someone in a friendship did something shitty embarrassing that a 33 year old woman is resorting to dramatic, manipulative 15 year old shit.
Looks like she’s realised that the majority of people aren’t buying her story and the only people on her and Jared’s side are their less intelligent stans and incels.
Instead of pretending to have a mental breakdown
No. 813933
>>813895why did she never go when she lived in LA if she always wanted to so badly lmao? i wonder if jared will be joining her
>>813896there’s so much to unpack here. “you don’t know me!” but on the first day this all happened “you guys know me!” the “uwu i’m trash i deserve it” guilt trip
i cannot believe people think heidi is some
abusive mastermind when we’ve got holly doing this nonsense right out in the open
No. 813935
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What is she trying to say here? What? You don't have to have sex with someone to cheat, retard.
No. 813936
I cant believe shes back to talking about this openly and has not once ever apologized for anything. Its just woe is me I'm a trash human, but no fucking apology or actual acknowledgement of wrongdoing.
Like fuck, you're reading this right now Holly and you pretend you dont know why everyone is sooo mean to you. It's because you're a fucking hypocrite, and the worst kind too, because you love to see yourself as some sorta 'mental health advocate' but at the same time turned away young fans that Jared abused. Fans who used up all their courage to contact you about their abuse, confided in you because you claim to care about their mental health and also gaslighting someone you considered a friend and attempted to emotionally manipulate her just so she wouldn't find out about your shitty affair. Then you try to rationalize it all but saying NO , SHE was the abuser. Because that just makes everything right about your whole fake narrative you've created. It wasnt an affair, I was saving him, I'm still a mental health advocate, I'm still a good person I swear I swear.
It's the worst type of hypocrisy because it's about shit that actually matters. Everything you ever said before is mute now because of your actual actions. You can retweet as many suicide hotline numbers as you want, but until you actually own up to your actions and call out Jared for the pedophiles abusive dickhead that he is, hopefully you can keep that fake persona long enough for you to be able to convince yourself you're actually happy
Sageing cause it adds nothing
No. 813938
>>813895Nice shoutout and all, but what kind of mental health guru goes and actively seeks out gossip sites/anywhere where people are hating on her that she could EASILY avoid. (Other than the obvious sympathy points, trying to direct people to these places to defend her)And then complains about it. Anyone with half a brain will see her going to these sites as her as her own fault.
Why would anyone saturate themselves with that if theyre so uwu fragile.
No. 813939
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>>813896The ”you don't know me” reply is so fucking funny after her ”you guys know me” statement
If Hollyward actually made it anywhere near a therapist maybe they'd diagnose her with shame instead of letting herself be so caught up in her self-dx labels she forgets that the panic she's feeling is because she did a Bad Thing and was left to freefall as Jared went off on a side pussy retreat
>Tell me I'm trashNobody needs to tell her shit because she logs off Twitter and comes here, any attention is still attention after all and she needs it now more than ever because the dude her got into this mess peaced tf out!
God I almost prefer the MPDG persona more than the self-flagellation
Wish taking Xanny cured Dumb Bitch Disease, how’s she acting like this in her 30s? Few more years and she’s gonna be ripe for a mid-life crisis and she’s not going to have any dramatics saved for it
No. 813944
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I don’t understand how people here are confused that there are idiots that support Holly… decided to just look at one account that keeps popping up to WK her and … who puts “survivor of child grooming” in their fucking Twitter bio and then go on talking about how you’re into DnD in the same paragraph.
No. 813950
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>>813840This is the type of shit stalkers say about the people they become obsessed with but don’t like, the words on paper diagnosis for NPD is so broad it could fit almost anyone with active social media.
Most people wouldn’t be able to tell a Narc until the discard
If a doctor can’t diagnose someone with a PD without lengthy assessments maybe you’d consider yourself unqualified instead of going off to cherrypick a person’s behaviour to match it with some shit you read because NPD is the scariest~ thing you can come up with
>>813941This too, I wouldn’t be surprised if OCD was the next veil she throws on herself
>I can’t stop checking things to read the negative reviews, that means I’m Oh See Dee right?People really latch on to the word obsessive in the title of OCD to explain away their fixations
No. 813952
>>813951bUt WiMmIn R sO iRrAtIoNaL aNd ShE's S a CrAzY bItCh
That's really all their "arguments" and gaslighting and blame-shifting boils down to. They're desperate to discredit her and make as much noise as possible so that people forget about
Jared's kiddie diddling and Holly's complicity in outing his victims to him. No. 813954
>>813840>feeling entitled to HAVE A HOBBY INSTEAD OF A JOBShe has said multiple times that Jared encouraged her to pursue her passions and rely on him financially, and she has said it for at least a couple years before this all broke out
>you could make hundreds or thousands of dollars with the 20 clicks it takes to make a PatreonYou clearly have no idea how hard it is to be successful on Patreon. Sure, you could make good money selling lewds, but Heidi has always been focused on craftsmanship, and has done maybe one or two sexy cosplays total. For a Patreon to contribute to the bills in any significant way, she would have had to completely shift focus, either towards lewds or towards video creation, neither of which were what she was interested in. She did get a few donations and subscriptions on Twitch though. Again, JARED encouraged her to do things the way she did, rather than try to shift focus towards something more lucrative.
>he dumped her repeatedly, starting in OctoberJared never tried to leave.
>Lying about how you bought your own car on the $0 you makeThey're married. It's her money just as much as it is his.
>Lying about not having a boyfriend the whole time for almost 2 yearsThere's no evidence of her having any relationship with Jeremy or anyone else outside of the span of time where Jared and her had agreed on being open. She said herself she broke up with him when she realized being poly wasn't right for her, and nothing indicates she was lying about that.
>FICTIONAL romance between their husband and a mutual friendIt was not fictional since they were actually fucking.
No. 813959
>>813894If he's truly an abuser, which I completely believe, therapy might actually be making him worse. Lundy Bancroft says so in "Why Does He Do That", therapy in most cases doesn't make abusers less
abusive, quite the opposite. The thing you have to understand about that is that abusers have no problems getting in touch with their feelings, in fact they are very much in touch with their feelings. What they lack is the empathy and/or sympathy for the person they inflict their feelings on.
When an abuser "loses it" on their
victim, 99% of the time, they are perfectly in control. That's why they'll punch walls to intimidate their
victims, but not the
victims themselves, or they'll break stuff but never their own stuff. They'll say "I punched the wall but not x, I would never hurt x" and whether they realize it or not, it means they were in control, if they weren't in control that would not have stopped them. They're in control of their emotions, and they choose to express them in ways that actively hurt their
Instead, what they gain in therapy is language and concepts to excuse their abuse and turn it on the
victim. They use diagnoses to convince the
victim that they're the one blaming their abuser for symptoms of their mental illnesses, things like that. I can't word it as well as Bancroft so I recommend reading his book, the pdf is available online for free and it's a very interesting and enlightening read. He's an expert in the psychology of abusers and he's behind a lot of abuser reeducation programs that show much better results than regular therapy in such cases.
No. 813961
>>813916I think Jared was telling her he was trying to leave Heidi to keep Holly riding his dick while he was doing no such thing. It was part of the little narrative he was serving to his friends to make Heidi the abuser and himself the poor poor
victim, all while making sure to keep Heidi isolated from his friends so she couldn't poke holes in his story.
No. 813964
>>813959this is incredibly interesting and also reminds me of the discussion sparked (I think) by Daniel Goleman's book on emotional intelligence - some people claim that the rise of such literature is actually a very dangerous phenomenon as it provides sociopaths and manipulators with a tool to control and harm their
victims more efficiently. Sorry for being OT
No. 813979
>>813916>>813961It's so typical. Cheating husband tells his mistress that his marriage is loveless and practically over already, except for his wife being a vindictive bitch who won't let him make a clean break. Meanwhile he’s made zero attempt to leave his marriage and tells his wife they’re fine and can work on things. Whenever his wife suspects something he calls her crazy, paranoid and controlling, and he makes sure to discredit and isolate her from his entire social circle so nobody can compare notes and figure out what’s really going on. This is Cheating Husband 101. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were manuals out there somewhere because it’s the exact same pattern every time.
It’s really depressing that this shit not only works well enough to fool countless online strangers into siding with the husband and attacking the wife, but even helps to obfuscate the fact that he was soliciting nudes from underage girls during the whole thing. The initial backlash he got for that is being buried by people buying into his “poor neglected husband was forced to seek love elsewhere” narrative. No wonder men keep using this tactic when it works so well.
No. 813987
>>813981this is what i thought too. especially on seeing her retarded admission of reading lolcow. there's really only two possibilities here, one that she's legit freaked by the jared ship-jumping talk, and two that she's building up to bait hospitalization/even suicide.
either way she's absolutely digging her own grave lol
No. 814006
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No. 814009
>>813895Kek, anytime you see someone claiming to be chronically depressed or anxious "advocating" on social medias, you can be 100% sure they are in fact the most obnoxious shits putting a front and using ~muh mental illness~ to get away with being horrible persons without ever making any effort to be better.
>you can't say anything about meeeee or you're a bully. Nevermind I never took responsability for homewrecking, saying wrong shit about abuse and very publicly failing at being a model for a very fragile community. If you don't support me, I'll suicide bait and It'll be all YOUR fault. Compassion over hate except when I'm slutshaming and dragging over people because YOU KNOW ME (except when you don't).What a fucking joke. Yeah, sure, go cope in the desert instead of dolling out self serving advice to people who made the mistake of trusting and looking up to you.
No. 814011
>>813944Holdover from the Tumblr years. people felt pressured to list EVERYTHING about themselves, even personal shit that was NOT the internet's business, lest they step on someone's toes by having an opinion they hadn't "earned".
Since these kids are still teenagers, it makes perfect sense they're still trapped in that bullshit "list ALL my weaknesses to prove I'm trustworthy" mentality.
No. 814017
>>814009i'm not even that much mad about the cheating, but we KNOW she knew Jared was a pedophile and she fucking threw Jared's
victims under the bus to defend him, and now she has the fucking AUDACITY to play the sole
victim of a situation she herself caused, and on Twitter dot com of all places. a 33 year old woman pitybaiting with the death of her mother that was years ago, some ugly ass birds and muh mental health uwu, because she got confronted with all the damage and harm she consciously did and continues to do, because even if she was really being pupeteered by PedoJared she could make the conscious choice right now to step back and reevaluate the narrative she's been fed to draw her own conclusions. but she doesn't, because she's as mentally retarded as she looks.
i know you'll read this Holly. i'd tell you to kill yourself because you genuinely are a piece of human garbage, but death would only spare you suffering the consequences of your actions, so i hope you live a long life and that this shit haunts you for decades to come.
No. 814025
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Sure it wasn't Holly.
Also who is this Denica person that's foaming at the mouth towards anyone not licking Holly's ass? Her twitter feed is embarrassing to look at she's so obsessed.
No. 814027
>>814025>>814025lmao "I'm not doing anything wrong but I wont delete it either uwu only because of the trolls though" sure Jan. Thats why you post multiple times about it.
has she tried NOT using her anxiety as a scape goat?
No. 814028
>>814025Holly how about you just don't tweet? I mean, I love the milk your making from being this retarded in your 30s and acting like your in high school but, it seems your the one who is causing all this
No. 814029
>>813935doesn't her top tweet confirm Heidi's statements that the sexts and stuff were from October onwards?
also didn't Heidi say the split was around February? or at least the beginning of the divorce proceedings? I remember something about February
She had ended her previous relationship as far as sleeping goes, yes, but what about the emotional stuff? So she's saying she had feelings for him for months before actually doing anything? And assuming that Heidi was like, "please don't" during the "feelings era" when she didn't sex him, she STILL decided to go through with it anyway! Like she couldn't just say you know what, this man isn't worth the drama, I'll just back out, while it's still a crush and no harm done
Nah she decided to apparently push through a wife's "
abusive" behaviour, she entertained the idea of beign with a guy who is a red flag himself for not doing anything about it, and still slept with him? what the fuck is wrong with you, Holly. Dick is not that rare to find girl, you can get better D with easier ways than this
No. 814044
>>814033As someone who only found out about these people because of twitter trending it, Holly seems just like the type of faggot that is keeping up with all the commentary on this.
She'll definitely be aware the only people sticking up for her are men she wouldn't fuck and women she wouldn't befriend. Must suck to be mentally ill and an absolute bitch but I'm sure she'll manage!
No. 814056
>>814044>She'll definitely be aware the only people sticking up for her are men she wouldn't fuck and women she wouldn't befriend.Bahahaha. To be fair, I wouldn't want to be the kind of woman she'd befriend, seeing how Holly's treated Heidi throughout this whole thing.
Then again, I'd not like to be her type of man, either - a chinless wonder of a kiddie chaser.
No. 814065
>>814055I used to watch her mental health Monday’s and yes they were really calming and nice, but once I realized she had no idea what the fuck she was talking about, I bounced.
She said cptsd (which she claimed to have in the video) was ptsd caused by unusual circumstances like her HoC experience but it’s actually a more complicated version of PTSD cause by severe long term abuse, ususally child/domestic abuse or prisoners of war. Basically being abused for many years while being unable to escape.
She coulda left that reality show at any time but didn’t. Nice one Hollister.
No. 814077
>>814065>once I realized she had no idea what the fuck she was talking about, I bounced.any specifics you can remember? i don’t doubt that she was just making stuff up, i just never tuned in to one so idk what went down i just imagined it was her venting on camera.
>unusual circumstances like her HoC experiencewhat ununsual circumstances came out of her being on a cosplay show? what happened?
No. 814085
>>814065Yeeeah, but (to play devil's advocate) she never claimed to be a professional, I definitely remember her advising people to go get a therapist since she's just a random person rambling about mental stuff online.
It's pretty clear to me that these streams were simply intended to be a way to connect with her audience and chat, I wouldn't crucify her for occasional mistakes.
I think that obsessing over such trivialities undermines otherwise deserved criticism of her, we should focus on things that were actively harmful towards other people.
No. 814090
>>813896Woah woah woah… Didn't she say that she
never slept with Jared earlier???
No. 814093
>>814085If you're going to claim you're an advocate, base your entire identity and profit online off things you say about mental health, you better be sure about what you're saying or shut the hell up.
How is this trivial ? How is her telling that Heidi wouldn't have come back if it really was abuse trivial? That's blatantly wrong and damaging to any
victim of domestic abuse to say this shit.
The moment you put yourself in this position, yes, you will be scrutinized and held to higher standards, and no, ~oops I said some shit because I was flustered, grabbing at any excuse to justify me sleeping with a married man, and I'm never going to say sorry because I will never be admitting to ANY wrongdoing~ will not do.
No. 814103
>>814046Because Heidi suggested they have an open relationship so she could be with another man, but as soon as Jared got with another woman she started screeching that
he's a cheater and she wants to ruin his life. Oh sorry, I have to fit in the hivemind. Heidi is perfect and innocent!
No. 814105
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No. 814106
>>814103nice try mr 4th grade reading comprehension
>>814105sure doesnt stop you from sexting a married man though!
No. 814109
>>814103The 'other man' wasn't already married at the time, like Holly was.
No. 814114
>>814110Until it's confirmed by people who don't benefit from painting her as the cheater, I'm gonna need some receipts. Jared's word isn't worth much considering all his other lies. Come back when you're backed up by anything other than a statement from an abuser trying to turn it back on his former
No. 814116
>>814103We don't know the circumstances in which the open relationship actually began. So you can't use that to make your point.
What we DO know, is that texts have proved Heidi tried to include Jared in her own relationship (of which she had ONE), and Jared was not only unresponsive of that, but had all of his MANY relationships in secret.
Heidi allowed him to mess around a whole lot, so this whole "Once HEEEEE does it she freaks out!!!!" narrative is a load of crap.
We also know that Heidi encouraged Jared, but wanted transparency. When she didn't get it, she ended her own relationship and asked him to do the same.
I don't really understand how this act could be considered villanous. They tried poly, it didn't work. She decided to cut it off. Simple and understandable.
No one is innocent, but it's clear that Heidi is not the one who ruined the open relationship.
No. 814120
>Heidi tried to include Jared in her own relationship (of which she had ONE), Meanwhile, it's come out before that Jared had slept with fans as well, not just with Holly.
Tinfoiling, but I'm thinking Jared hooking up with Holly was just the shitty icing on an already shitty cake for Heidi, &
that's why she put her foot down then.
No. 814121
>>814046Many people turned against Heidi once the open marriage issue came up. Even though Jared still technically cheated on her (as he continued his affair after Heidi revoked her consent), the sole fact that the relationship wasn't exclusively monogamous damaged Heidi's reputation as a perfectly faithful, devoted wife. And you could argue that's how she painted herself in her initial tweets.
I get where people are coming from, as I believe that once the marriage opens, the damage is irreparable and omitting this fact isn't a good look.
No. 814123
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>>814092Holly's WK are honestly so shameless. They don't even deny the cheating any more.
>the truth doesn't matter, that's all in the past now.>You're a goddess Holly, please let me fuck you. No. 814124
>>814123Christ that WK
Second hand embarrassment
No. 814125
>>814123This is why I gotta laugh whenever they accuse people of just 'blindly' supporting Heidi, like do they even
read this shit?
No. 814131
>I also wouldn't be surprised if she was shitting on Suzy…Well, now that she
has shown herself to be pretty two-faced…
No. 814134
>>814127I wonder if she's aware that previous grump threads anons were pretty supportive and defensive of her and that her own terrible actions caused us to turn. It's so easy to assume we hate her without reason, that we are just "shit talking" and have "no compassion".
I regret ever posting positively about her a few days before all this happen, I can't imagine how her fans feel or those people who follow dca. The fact she can't acknowledge why they'd be mad it her is insane and shows she's the one who lacks fucking compassion.
No. 814144
File: 1559063047897.png (16.95 KB, 580x152, oops1.png)

Who wants to tell them? lmao
No. 814145
File: 1559063052923.jpg (48.75 KB, 513x213, D7DWAgKWsAEEiUM.jpg)

Small tinfoil here but I'm starting to think "a walk" is code for "fucking Holly"
>>814134She's so dense and self involved from years of fans rimming her asshole. I honestly think she just assumed that if she dumped random screen shots and flaunted her "unstable mental condition" that everyone would just blindly support her. After all all her fans "know her".
No. 814148
File: 1559063244780.png (154.07 KB, 732x514, HollyPedoJaredstan.png)

>>814144lmao at the "#TeamHolly" in their bio, & judging by this post, I'm surprised this tool hasn't added "#TeamProJared" in there too
No. 814152
File: 1559063715188.jpg (171.48 KB, 700x700, area51sign162way_sq-3b0a3ee098…)

>>813909Isn't Area 51 still a classified no-go zone? What are the odds she fucks up and gets arrested?
No. 814153
File: 1559063738477.png (21.85 KB, 588x252, oops2.png)

No. 814160
File: 1559064297686.png (20.5 KB, 570x292, Yes1.png)

No. 814162
File: 1559064372199.jpg (49.77 KB, 728x546, aid8282748-v4-728px-Humanely-E…)

When will this ride end? She's still milking herself. I wonder if this desert thing going is finally her having some sense and shutting up.
No. 814164
File: 1559064457756.png (43.87 KB, 588x376, DumbassDenica.png)

>>814025How fucking dumb is this Denica person?
No. 814177
>>814164If a man says he & his wife are 'separated'
don't just take his word for it.
She KNEW he was still married. She KNEW his wife.
>"You don't go and ask you ex permission to date someone new."No, but if that 'someone new' is still MARRIED, then maybe you should back the fuck off & find someone else.
No. 814184
File: 1559065390418.png (165.74 KB, 442x544, lmao4.png)

Boi, do I have news for you…
>>813935 No. 814188
File: 1559065847891.png (124.31 KB, 590x494, IsItTrue.png)

No. 814191
>>814188… Ain't it interesting how some of these WKs are brand new and yet have the exact same phrasing as others before them? Funny how they seem to pop up when Holly is supposed to be "in the desert getting away from it all uwu" too.
Heidi doesn't owe anyone
shit. No. 814195
>>814188I feel like Heidi could get sued for posting Holly's nudes/lewd texts (Even though Holly pretty much did that to her)
I have a bad feeling that more shit is gonna be made public…
I'm hoping Heidi will try to be the bigger person from now on, but Holly keeps on poking the bear…
No. 814197
>>814077I tried to go look for it on twitch but she deleted nearly every past stream she had. So I all have is my recollection
And I don’t know what exactly happened with HoC but I’ve seen her mention that she got PTSD from it more than once.
>>814085Just because she doesn’t claim she’s a professional doesn’t mean it’s okay to spread misinformation.
Plus she deleted those streams for a reason, she knew damn well people would go back and scower through them and hiding your past is always sketch.
No. 814208
>>814201WKs: "Well where's your PROOF that they were sexting & sharing nudes, Heidi???"
Heidi: (shows proof)
WKs: "WTF How fucking DARE you post other people's nudes/lewd texts WITHOUT their consent!!!1!! Ur
literally WORSE than JARED!!1!1!!"
No. 814214
>>814208Holly: I didn do NUFFIN where’s the receipts???
Heidi: I got em and I’ll show em
Holly: b-b-but I’m the only one who can share private info without consent when you do it that’s wrong and hurts my feelings remember guyz I have ANXIETY so that absolves me from everything UwU
No. 814216
>>814208Once Holly's nudes come out (and i'm sure they will considering Jared has a past of sharing friends nudes unsolicited
>>812321) many of Holly's WK will disappear, as they only really want their wank material. I mean just look at kf its devolved into nothing but men comparing penis sizes…
No. 814222
>>814214im pretty sure Holly's comment in her first series of posts where she said something like "Revenge porn is ILLEGAL btw" was a threat towards Heidi warning her not to share those texts between herself and Jared.
Its stupid how people can actually attempt to villainize Heidi for NOT sharing someones intimate texts. Something Holly had no trouble at all doing.
No. 814224
>>813463don't feel too bad for anna. apparently she and nate both cheated with eacother (with their respective husband / girlfriend) the only
victim in that group is chris
No. 814226
>>814218Honestly, Holly's nudes coming out would probably only benefit her at this point. They will get posted mysteriously from someone on here or something, then she can shift focus and cry and cry about them coming out and get all the sympathy from it. She can spin it as SPITEFUL TROLLS parading her and news articles will eat it up as FAMOUS COSPLAYER PRIVATE NEWDS STOLEN, HOW AWFUL IS THE INTERNET?! And she can even claim it was all secretly Heidi that bitch, who else could have when Jared evidently loved sending them to friends and showing them off to brag. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Holly herself posted them anonymously to try and gain sympathy points that way
>>814218At this point, I'm sure Geidi's lawyers have informed her not to do something like that
No. 814228
>>814222Holly is so damn transparent with her “THATS ILLEGAL” nonsense.
Absolutely no morals just “hey we didn’t break the law so why y’all mad?” Like just because somethings legal means it’s ethically okay.
No. 814230
>>814224No way. I need to see proof of that before I can imagine that this Holly and Jared thing is only the SECOND time this has happened with DCA.
Or maybe Chris Perkins is just THAT good of a DM
No. 814238
>>814226>They will get posted mysteriously from someone on here or something, then she can shift focus and cry and cry about them coming out and get all the sympathy from it.It's best not to give her ideas anon, since its confirmed she and her friends lurk here.
>>814228Doesn't she also live in Oregon were its two party consent? For someone preaching about legality she must really be a moron since Heidi can potentially sue her now.
No. 814239
File: 1559068108250.png (40.27 KB, 570x388, NoNudeLeak.png)

>>814226Right, that's probably what's going on at the moment.
At this point Holly's like "BTW I WILL take you to court for leaking my nudes + sexts. (But please do, so I can reclaim my
No. 814240
File: 1559068227370.png (22.39 KB, 617x212, thewalk.PNG)

"The walk". You know the kind, anon. The kind where you can't answer worried wifes because you're SOOO busy talking about feelings.
We've all had those 4am walks. They leave you sore, sure, but boy, are you glad after being taken. For a walk.
No. 814247
>>814214It's pretty humorous. Holly wants so badly to play the
victim and it's hard when you're a cheater AND and a homewrecker AND a predator apologist. So she is trying to goad Heidi into doing something illegal so she can get her arrested. That way she can feel vindicated in ruining Heidi's marriage and making her life miserable for a year while she played out her roleplay fantasy with Heidi's legal, public spouse.
Hopefully Heidi doesn't give her the satisfaction.
No. 814254
File: 1559068838155.png (251.08 KB, 586x476,…)

This person keeps making the boldest claims…
No. 814260
File: 1559068998978.png (25.81 KB, 582x234, HollyStan3.png)

No. 814261
>>814254Holly: I knew and Jared said they were of age and I believe him.
WK: Holly had nothing to do with it.
No. 814262
>>814254this user claims to be a CSA survivor, yet shits on the minors involved because "no proof."
The proof is child porn, you troon.
No. 814269
>>814262Also, Normal Boots dropped Jared after
running an investigation that was instigated by the minors who came forth with evidence against him.
Seems like 'BorkScorpion' here missed that little tidbit of information…
No. 814316
>>814224excuse me WHAT
anon you can't just say that and not post caps or proof of any kind
No. 814319
>>814315True, they should have come out about it when it happened.
Regardless, they still dropped him in favor of listening to his
victims, so that says something.
No. 814325
File: 1559071297444.png (62.66 KB, 584x478, Thread1.png)

No. 814342
File: 1559072091514.png (31.75 KB, 580x270, Thread4.png)

It was rather nice watching this person
eviscerate Denica
No. 814368
File: 1559073220048.png (238.43 KB, 880x534, HollyFollows.png)

Holly's recent follows
That one insufferable WK is right up there!
No. 814374
File: 1559073831007.png (118.78 KB, 489x331, wont forget.PNG)

>>814368>Don't give into hate and negativity or vindictiveness of petty drama like heidi>follows keemstarlmao Holly really showing her true colors
No. 814379
>>814374Keem called her a "Side Ho", but he sided with her recently, so it's all good!
Funny how Keem got a pass, but Heidi is the 'slutshamer'
…Looks like Holly is quite easily won-over…
No. 814385
File: 1559074946517.jpeg (401.95 KB, 1242x1129, CF578AC0-C203-4EEE-ADD8-EB8BE0…)

This is old milk (like spoiled old) but I’ve never seen it mentioned in any of the previous threads and it’s a lil break from all the Heidi/Holly/Jared stuff. Dan stole a joke word for word from urban dictionary and told it like it was a story from his life. This is from 2014 and he mentioned it in their Zelda play through in 2015 (Part 9 at 1:50)
No. 814390
>>814385Impossible, Dan is a Perfect Angel that does No Wrong! /s
Do you think he'll be the one of the next in line to be the "Disappointing but Not surprising"Man of the Year?
No. 814392
File: 1559075372819.png (15.38 KB, 580x295, bascuse me.PNG)

>>814385there are multiple entries based on this joke dating back to 2005. dan shouldn't have claimed it as his own experience but it's hardly an original joke to begin with
No. 814407
>>814390His slutty self also mentioned recently (in twilight princess part 4 at 6:00) that he used to sneak girls into the grump space to fuck.
I get that have the whole “fun office” thing going on but do that shit at home.
No. 814450
File: 1559080407462.jpg (104.06 KB, 739x503, At night, I lie awake at night…)

>>814025>It wasn’t manipulation because I said soOh, in that case!
Fucking hell
She could have had the tact to apologize at least for this but she apologized only for tweeting while adding in more guilt tripping, I think she’s literally unable to see herself as anything but a
victim at this point in her life
It must have taken years of coddling
>I didn’t do that>I just hate myself>And in fact I take it back>I am not trash, actually>I'm SUPER DUPER sorry for being SUCH MENTAL ILLNESS and for tweeting my self loathing~ cause I was in A Bad Place (you asshole who should feel ashamed of yourself for calling out a helpless, harmless birb friend like me) No. 814451
>>814450Can that pic be the next thread pic, I almost died laughing.
Also seeing Holly fumbling her lies and guilt trips worse than a football player covered in butter is pretty laughable too.
No. 814479
File: 1559083363974.gif (4.64 MB, 550x309, giphy.gif)

>>814456I think she's just being dumb honestly. Even if she didn't do splits on Jared's dick, it's still emotional cheating.
Holly is one of those cunts who just hasn't experienced heart break and can't wrap their mind over someone being upset after you step boundaries as a friend.
I'm sure she cuddled with Jared at some point prior or something, there's got to be more to it.
No. 814486
>>814170Cui bono?
I've seen her now to be be callous, fickle, and ruthless when there's anything or anyone in her way; but then I still haven't seen she's a sadist that tears down folk for the hell of it.
No. 814494
>>814487gonna guess because of this chaos because it's always aly, there's no reason why suzy would be there other than that
I wonder if it was everyone's idea collectively or if maybe ross requested
No. 814496
>>814386A lot of Blink 182 songs have a crazy Holly in them - so it's urine glazed stained icing on a shit filled cake if she ruined an old favorite band for him as well.
"Holly's looking dry looking for an easy target
Let her slit my throat give her ammo if she'll use it
Caution on the road lies lies and hidden danger
Southern California's breeding mommy's little monster"
No. 814497
>>814495Yeah, can't help but think
some of the people that are demanding everyone to respect Ross's privacy are doing it in the hopes that he'll stay quiet about
…Then again, his split with Holly was much more graceful than Jared had hoped his would be
No. 814510
>>814479Her lazy eye is in full force here.
>>814495but anon, she has feewings for the first ever time for Jared uwu!!! Ross who?
No. 814520
>>814510That kills me. That she never really had
those feelings for Ross, but she was somehow awestruck when the beaked-worm came into her life.
No. 814526
File: 1559089076634.png (20.13 KB, 574x244, DCAhiatus.png)

No. 814527
>>814520I’d still like to see her try to explain the whole asexual with a extramarital sex-life thing.
Holly - I only fuck things that look like and have the brain capacity of a pigeon - Conrad
No. 814539
>>814533I feel like it's wildly selfish and inappropriate for Holly to comment on this tweet when the hiatus is very much because of her and Jared.
Even more so because she's like "I WON'T LET STRIX END11!!"
No. 814547
>>8145331) isn’t she supposed to be in the mojave desert right now lol
2) you cropped out the best part of this interaction, where the woman holly’s replying to assures fans that her character’s story isn’t done and will survive through the hiatus, and holly chimes in with “b - but mine’s not either!”
read the room, girl
No. 814553
File: 1559090520950.jpeg (308.16 KB, 1242x728, 9EF9AD20-AA02-46C2-8F89-8503AD…)

No. 814556
File: 1559090636301.png (52.92 KB, 590x502, DCAcharacters.png)

>>814547Oh yeah. Where are my manners?…
No. 814559
File: 1559090834144.jpg (42.88 KB, 515x640, serveimage.jpg)

>>814556Holly are you serious hahaha?? Wow what a conceited cunt.
No. 814563
>>814539Oh it absolutely is. She cares about her character, we get that, but then the DCA organizers just care about the PR stunt. To them Holly represents an unreliable employee that's now acting like a diva. They can and should write her off if she puts her emotional needs ahead of their profit ones.
Keyword: WRITE her off. They don't necessarily need for Strix to die as well. She can be left alive for Holly to write side-stories for elsewhere. Everyone can win. Compromise is possible. It'll just unlikely if she keeps up the diva act.
No. 814580
File: 1559092847158.png (622.38 KB, 629x915, 2279a93c40ae3d7dece53b05666940…)

I'm not sure if this whole "magic" thing is from something in particular, or if somebody actually rushed out to get the insane ramblings of Holly tattooed onto their body.
No. 814581
File: 1559092904578.png (65.21 KB, 522x584, HollyStanGetsPWNED.png)

No. 814589
File: 1559093385048.jpg (262.21 KB, 572x592, diath mmm.jpg)

>>814556the real question is… will Diath and his cleavage be making a return?
No. 814597
Off topic but: Ross is having the time of his fucking life watching the announcement of “Pokémon Sleep” not joking an actual thing.
Hopefully this link works No. 814608
>>814602He’s already beta testing the game that absolute fucking legend notes: this is what a REAL gamer looks like
No. 814619
File: 1559097920498.jpg (17.67 KB, 275x275, 1486946612376.jpg)

>>814615wow anon watch out in case you cut yourself with your edgy opinions and your
victim complex, you and holly would be good friends
if holly and jared were good people they wouldn't fuck behind heidi's back, and then there'd be no need for all this drama to unfold, hurrah!
but they aren't, and they did, so it happened. I would be FURIOUS if my ex husband blocked me AND my friends on social media before posting an announcement publicly that we separated, sprinkled with bullshit lies and manipulation
No. 814621
>>814615Lol, nice try Holly. She didn't ruin your life by unveiling your affair. You ruined your own life by having the affair. Shifting the blame to messengers and
victims is classic abuser behavior - and you're never gonna deal with your own issues properly until you actually stop behaving in such a
toxic, avoidant manner.
No. 814623
>>814615I think this is gamergate v2 where everyone comes off bad. But Jared has won "looking like an asshole on the internet" by a long shot. Heidi literally did nothing wrong other than putting up with Jared's shit for way too long and not leaving him way way earlier (like 2017, teenage nude soliciting time).
Holly cheated and supports(?) the teenage nude thing.
Jared is a guy who has sex addiction and narcissism issues among many others, and has spent countless hours taking advantage of his internet fame with vulnerable e-groupies.
My theory about why this was all shared? Somehow
not telling the story and letting the rumor mill get to work was going to be worse for Heidi. Probably because of the amount of lies Jared and his winged monkeys were spreading around. It seems like a terrible move, and it is, but the alternative was
No. 814624
>>814615As someone who's been cheated on, I wish I had the power to ruin the person I was with. It's not right, but it's reasonable.
That aside, these are all public figures, and since Jared decided to go public with the divorce and everything, it makes sense that everything else would be handled publically. On top of it no doubt feeling fucking good to hold the person who hurt her accountable, I'm sure she knew that if she didn't comment on it publically, all of their audiences/friends would've ended up assuming she was insane because Jared would've made sure of it. At least this way she's not just going down without a fight.
No. 814626
>>814615>>814617Heidi ain't no saint for sure, but Jared blocked her
before publicly announcing their divorce on twitter, using words like "we/us" in his statement, thus speaking
for her.
It seems like a lot of these instances came from Jared making little jabs at Heidi, then going quiet with her in public, which ends up driving her crazy, causing her to cry, or even lash out, making everyone there think
she's the insane/
abusive one, while he appears 'cool' & level-headed'the entire time. His friends leave him with "You gotta go home to
that? Good luck buddy!"
No. 814631
File: 1559099446202.png (97.5 KB, 724x542, tumblr.png)

Here, have a 'Tumblr-Appreciation Post'
No. 814632
File: 1559099547111.gif (492.71 KB, 500x231, 9F97FAB9-9AB3-4B7F-B173-9DB121…)

>>814615Why are you having a pity party? Just say what you want and go, there’s no anonymous social hierarchy
>>814617I both agree and don’t agree
She told Jared to make a public statement, but instead it seemed like a “the straw that broke the camel’s back” type of situation and she couldn’t hold back the dam anymore
She could have “handled it better” but I’m not going to vilify a woman who was clearly biting her tongue and bearing with abuse and neglect to the point it made her feel crazy
Either way the idea she could be worse is a hilarious concept because she wasn’t compromising the safety of minors that were being exploited by a beta seeking pussy to most likely make up for younger years full of being shut in/avoided for being an ugly, pasty nerd
She never handed over information to Jared like Holly did, didn’t wingman him sleeping with fans, didn’t post texts of a woman reacting to “neutral responses” that to anyone with an understanding of abuse recognizes as stonewalling and gaslighting to play up a crazy ex trope, and Heidi if anything seems
too honest because Holly and Jared were able to exploit her transparency with her thoughts and feelings both to sneak around and then afterwards to point at and call abuse.
Apologies for semi-rant but holy shit, people react to heartbreak and abuse like Heidi or Ross (Can’t say if Ross was abused or not, but his silence and depression/unwillingness to speak about it are the type of actions I mean)
If Jared had taken accountability to start with she might’ve been further plunged into silence and isolation. I’ll always be happy for her that he fucked things up so he could play it off like how Ross had announced his divorce. If he had posted “I cheated on my wife and it ruined our marriage” he could have ended up looking like a
victim of a bad breakup, but his head was too big.
No. 814647
>>814645There's a chance they
might let her come back after a few months, probably not Jared though.
No. 814650
File: 1559104524168.jpg (81.67 KB, 1148x302, tapeworm.jpg)

these tweets have me dying
No. 814661
>>814650I'm fucking keking myself to death here.
>as if a tapeworm got a tapeworm. Wtf? hahaha. accurate tho
No. 814669
>>814655this seems the most likely. a bit of tinfoil, but they might even be putting things on hold until the legal proceedings conclude. even if the underage pics investigation doesn't pan out (there have been zero updates on that front although i'm aware these things take time and it has been like only 3 weeks), i'm like 95% sure more dirt on jared/holly will be unearthed once the divorce is settled and heidi is free to respond to her smear campaign with receipts.
if nothing else jared might decide he's bored and blab again on his twitter, and i'm pretty sure they want to let him run his course anyway lmao
No. 814673
File: 1559108258534.png (92.49 KB, 1168x424, Screenshot 2019-05-29 at 11.07…)

ok was heidi subtly shading here kek
No. 814685
File: 1559114886203.jpg (904.1 KB, 1200x800, diath-featured.jpg)

>>814556Lmao I knew it. Bitch literally thinks she's Strix.
If Holly gets banned from DCA, she will have an identity crisis.
Also, a tinfoil, but she's jealous of the paladin girl.
No. 814688
>>814685That's not a secret or conjecture, she has straight up said she is Strix on many accounts m, publicly. Also what else does she have going for her? She doesnt do cosplay anymore and her twitch streams of mental health Monday or whatever bullshit that was is now forever tainted by this shit.
DCA was all she really had
No. 814691
>>814685Holy shit, I was there the day they took this photo! I saw Barry from GG and wanted to get a photo with him, and while we did, I saw he was waiting for Holly and Jared who just came back from where ever dressed like that! Wow, totally forgot about that til now.
sage for personal story
No. 814692
File: 1559116228371.jpg (7.23 KB, 176x241, Balloon2.jpg)

>>814685Jared really does look like Balloony lmao
No. 814693
>>814688Is this the single 30s nerd version of becoming a Multi-level marketing peddler?
The desperate search for value of fading “I’m a goddess as an average girl because I’m in a D&D group” feelgood days
Then again, if she wants to be a hag who are we to deny her
No. 814722
File: 1559127205230.jpg (79.55 KB, 454x718, sa.jpg)

>>814692im sorry in advance
No. 814730
>>814685Was Jared's costune made by heidi? That would be extra sad
>>814722I hate you anon ahahahah honesly, next thread pic material
No. 814856
File: 1559148270220.jpeg (59.72 KB, 750x553, 10F4907D-D784-466F-A411-C224F9…)

Not sure if anyone has seen this. Found it on twitter after searching “ProJared” the OP is in Nevada so if this is true it lines up with Jared being out of state and Holly saying she was going to the desert. Yikes.
No. 814858
>>814854>Maybe they're eloping lmao"Oh Holly my love! I would marry you in a heartbeat if only that mean old Heidi had handed over the divorce already!"
Watch Jared dump her ass in less than 6 months.
No. 814876
>>814870Kat Blaque just released an interesting video about polyamory and married men, based on her experience. Gives a nice perspective from someone inside the polyam culture.
Regarding Holly, i dunno man, i always assumed the best abt her too, but im also very naive about people. I never think ill of anyone if they mantain a welcoming façade of positivity, which is also why i was 98% taken aback by Jared as well (the 2% was because he was weirdly fixated on playing either the classics, or very weirdly sexually charged indie games, so i knew in my guts.something was up lol)
No. 814900
File: 1559151823891.png (142.55 KB, 351x355, sinner.png)

>>814856guess they're taking a sin city trip.
No. 814914
File: 1559152487295.jpg (200.17 KB, 900x1200, DfwM8FXU8AA7CeT.jpg)

>>814901That's Holly's dream come true if it hadn't happened already.
Imagine being 33 and living vicariously through your self-insert witch character. That shit was pathetic even in high school lol.
No. 814928
>>814685Evelyn is so freakin pretty. I wouldnt be shocked if Holly didn't secretly dislike her natural beauty.
>>814901If they haven't already. So gross
No. 814943
>>813895>going to a desert for a while>always wanted to do thatBut I thought she divorced her husband because she needed to move to a state with MANY TREES for her birbs, now suddenly she's gonna stay in a desert for a while?
Gonna fuck off the birbs too and make someone else care for them?
I guess she's into tapeworms now.
No. 814967
File: 1559157843555.png (51.96 KB, 576x444, DeadFamily.png)

I think someone missed this little bit of manipulation from Holly last week:
>"You watch your entire family die and try to be real about it on the internet."
She keeps saying shit like "Im not here for your sympathy", but why else would she say this shit?
No. 814968
File: 1559157990914.png (50.25 KB, 576x474, Truth15.png)

>>814967…Then there was this response, which won the fucking internet imho
No. 814981
File: 1559160687571.png (30.42 KB, 624x626, PULL2.png)

Saw this on PULL. Interesting…
No. 814993
>>814981I can’t believe I forgot about that mass effect scam again
People really need to bring that up on twitter
No. 815011
>>815001>>815010…Also we don't even know if this person is telling the truth?
The never elaborated on it, plus, they might've just seen two people who look like them.
No. 815012
File: 1559164196165.png (59.78 KB, 1238x885, 1557712585577.png)

>>814981>>814995>>814998not trying to target you anons but just two threads ago there were caps posted about this issue, are y'all new?
to be fair the last thread opened only 10 days ago so I'm not too critical about it
I really think at this point someone needs to go right back when this bullshit started and organise a mass folder of screencaps from all people involved
No. 815017
>>815003Yeah, at this point I need proof
Everyone wants a slice of this drama pie, can't give me twitter water and call it milk
No. 815028
File: 1559165912704.png (12.42 KB, 392x178, Area-51.png)

>>814856I mean… Area-51
is in Nevada…
>>814152 No. 815051
>>815044like honestly I really wonder if Holly will think this was all worth it, years from now. At the moment it's all fresh (it's not even 2 months since this started), and being with Jared is like staying with the one person who is also going through it, so it makes sense to stick with him
but like, longterm, how worth it is he, really? he handled his marriage terribly as it was, what makes holly think she's gonna be the exception to the rule? sure, sometimes people have an X relationship with someone that was
toxic and bad, but their next Y relationship is healthier and better, but I don't think this is the case here. Repeatedly Jared has shown disrespect, disloyalty and disregard for other people and also allowed two women to fling shit at each other online because they are fighting for his tapeworm dick.
Holly… you left Ross, someone who loved and adored you (I know there are greencard theories but tbh you don't go through the process of animating yourself proposing, inserting it into a movie end credits and invite all your friends and your girlfriend to watch it, if you only wanted to stay in the country), for… Jared? what a downgrade. Was it worth it? Was it worth the pain you caused Heidi, the divorce from your (I assume) best friend, the move to another state, the risk of your career and public image? Is he worth it now? I don't really think so
Even if you stick it out with him, he's always gonna be the guy whose marriage you ruined just to be with. The guy who sent and received nudes. Will YOU be okay if he keeps doing that to the fans he's got left? Will YOU be okay with him sleeping with random women? will YOU be "chill"?
Forreal. It's like seeing the slowest trainwreck in the world. I never expected this at all, in all the years I've watched GG. I thought Holly was just gonna stay an uwu damaged soul forever, a pastel haired nerd who likes birds and makes videos and talks about her insecurities online. We all thought Suzy or Arin were gonna be the drama makers. "Arin's gonna transition", "Arin's gonna leave Snooze once he finds better", "Suzy needs to lose weight and will start becoming more talented"
And yet for all the bullshit Suzy has pulled through the years, it was never to this degree. Just, yikes overall, 2019 is a hell of a year
No. 815055
File: 1559167551406.png (12.34 KB, 588x134, Area-51-2017.png)

OT, but the only time Area-51 is ever mentioned in context with Holly on Twitter, prior to her one tweet about going there, is in this tweet.
No. 815057
File: 1559167667021.png (33.92 KB, 572x312, RossIsAmazing.png)

>>815055God damn, Ross was such an incredible husband to her…
No. 815066
File: 1559168227464.png (104.01 KB, 598x343, 45645645345.png)

>>813657This guy just keeps posting the same things every few days
No. 815070
>>815066Just keep reporting him.
Might as well just be 'spam' at this point…
No. 815075
>>815072I mean, she follows Keemstar now. She's
very easily won over, as long as your one of her bootlicking WKs
No. 815078
File: 1559168898901.png (386.83 KB, 460x610, HiHolly.png)

Oh, Hi Holly.
No. 815085
File: 1559169186073.png (13.07 KB, 596x135, 34534534.png)

>>815084Don't you see him? She's holding his alien head.
No. 815087
File: 1559169274236.jpg (167.32 KB, 720x959, IMG_20190529_183303.jpg)

This bitch really did this. Maybe she is with Jared
No. 815096
>>815078“Photography of this area is forbidden”
- takes photo
What a fucking genius she is
No. 815106
File: 1559170361120.jpg (49.37 KB, 960x316, o7816txfbz031.jpg)

DCA had official figures previewed during the Descent. Jared's character has been removed from it but, Holly's still remains.
I think it's kinda BS, obviously Jared is in deeper shit but, Holly is defending his actions plus obviously took part in why DCA is on hiatus. It seems like they're going to keep her on the show despite it all.
Feels like a double standard to me, especially with how unforgiving she is about all of this. No. 815108
>>815051After the novelty wears off I'm sure she'll regret all of this. Especially giving up her dignity for a tapeworm. She is obviously sleeping with him while knowing he is (was) actively sleeping with fans. Maybe Holly promised Jared to give him a real open relationship. Once she starts seeing the struggles Heidi went through she'll learn up quick. For now, Holly is playing the exciting mistress that gives him freedom.
Who would ever understand leaving Ross
>>815057 for Jared, but another woman's trash, huh? Women often get infatuated with the worst of men. I know we insult Holly's looks a lot, but she's at LEAST way better looking than Jared.
>>815078And she whines about Heidi enjoying a zinfandel…
No. 815117
>>815096But she's SeW EdGY, anon.
Gtfo of my state, Holly
No. 815119
File: 1559171556327.jpg (40.39 KB, 675x540, Tengu Rogue.jpg)

>>815106Jared can easily be represented by a Kenku (official mini or not) with a red A painted on his chest.
No. 815122
Wanna know something sad?
Two months after Ross posted this
>>815055>>815057…Was when this shit happened
>>813337 No. 815123
>>814870That she was so transparent about her insecurities was part of what made her cool.
Like, naturally cool people can be cool without effort, so them being so doesn't mean much.
With Holly she was always putting herself out there despite looking and often acting like someone you'd expect to be homeless, in "a home", or a shut in hikikomori - which was badass and inspiring to others that have also been way out of their comfort zone.
No. 815125
>>815122truly no one got more fucked by this whole ordeal than ross. it hurts my heart
>>814870no, don’t worry. i also never saw the appeal of holly. there’s at least two of us out there
No. 815135
>>815127narc, and also ever since this event she's been super snarky on social media. She used to be quiet/soft and didn't really speak out. She definitely wasn't this sassy, and not in a good way either
at first I thought maybe the death of her grandpa sort of
triggered an avalanche of bad choices, clearly he was important to her and to her upbringing. But the more I think about it, the more I discredit that theory. I don't know if maybe the DnD thing was what started it off, and they got too in-character, if she maybe just got bored of Ross and found Jared as her first male friend besides Ross, etc. Like I really wish I understood the trajectory of how this started because even if Jared had a crush on Holly, Holly also dived headfirst into that pile of shit
No. 815136
"You have to be able to laugh at some aspects of a crisis"
Also Holly:
""Meanwhile, @AtelierHeidi gloated on Facebook, bragging that she’d been retweeted by @PerezHilton, joking that @ProJared was more famous now than ever because of her accusations, and drinking white zinfandel…""
No. 815141
>>815137You could
trigger her and just tweet her asking who’s taking the pic
No. 815144
>>815127I'm sure she knows it too. Its the imagery of the evil bitch ex wife smugly sipping wine that made her bring it up in the first place. Same as the imagery of her uwu anxious ass ~needing a vacation~ because she's just soooo upset and she's gotta get out of there, take a break, see the world, or she'll totes have to go to the hospital again or whatever.
Its all double standards, and she clearly knows it, because she knows how to frame her and Heidi just right for the white knights to buy it.
Same as acting manipulative "i'm trash leave me alone" etc and then going "I was upset when i wrote that tweet uwu dont hold it against me" but when Heidi is gaslit and stonewalled, then Heidi does anything less than 100% proper, then Heidi is suddenly
No. 815153
>>815135She probably bawled to Jared to rescue her
>They keep saying you abandoned me!>I'm all alone here, finger-painting side ho on my walls and ceilingsNo way she would make an "I'm spontaneous" tweet without fully knowing she was headed somewhere and could
prove it therefore sticking it to all the haters!
This is a calculating, self-obsessed woman who is fueled only by spite. Everything she does is pre-planned and she doesn't understand the word No.
Interesting how she said nobody 'believed her'….but who really said that? I don't think anyone really cared, tbqh.
When he finally flew her out she could secure her sad Lena Dunham body into some cut-off jorts and seat herself on a dirty rock for a picture, but it won't matter because she's never going to be satisfied and is going to be sliming back in here to read what anyone has to say about her.
God it's like a fairy-tale~
No. 815154
>>815141We could ask her who the pic is
of, because I didn't know she even existed before she was mentioned in a GG thread on a drama site and I only know her thus far as a home-wrecker formally known as Ross's wife
No. 815156
File: 1559174222800.png (351.18 KB, 400x630, HollyWine.png)

>>815150Yep. May 7th, right before this whole mess went public…
…But when she does it, it's "SeLf CaRe uwu"
No. 815170
>>815166At least Ross is free now.
Maybe that's why he doesn't want to be involved. Given the dates, Holly was probably
obsessing over Jared & Heidi's relationship while still with him, becoming more distant from him…
No. 815173
>>815166They can celebrate all they want, but you just
know this will continue to eat at them as long as they're together.
No. 815177
File: 1559175726365.png (14.86 KB, 576x166, sockpuppeting.png)

(snickers) Yeah, you're right buddy, it's all just the same person…
No. 815182
>"school shooters"lmao
You should check that one's other tweets!
No. 815183
File: 1559176159114.jpeg (181.05 KB, 639x960, 81462458-C0A5-4D85-85AD-3C996B…)

Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but having a look through Instagram and Ross posted this on June 14th 2018.
Holly was with Jared on Ross’ birthday. This was after the walk they had when they revealed their ‘feelings’ for each other.
I’m so sad for Ross but happy he’s in a much better place without Holly now.
No. 815184
Before this Holly/Jared shit blew up we were mostly talking about Suzy's stalker KT, and how she's basically the girl from 'Sk8r Boi'. It's funny to think Holly might very shortly find herself as KT 2.0.
No. 815195
File: 1559176979487.png (274.11 KB, 892x312, Ross-Birthday-Week.png)

>>815183I hope someone can post this with that context on twitter…
Here's a pic with the date on it just in case…
No. 815203
File: 1559178222546.png (319.13 KB, 586x380, NEVADA.png)

It begins…
No. 815210
Top notch anon, fucking bless you
No. 815232
>>815191>>815195Learn to integrate and stop the cowtipping bs
>>815208Also Holly: Jared I'm coming to visit otherwise I'm going to kms
No. 815308
File: 1559198654727.jpg (8.65 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

Holy hell, everyone knows Jared is hideous but seeing these pictures of Holly with her mouth agape just makes me want to punch her
>>814685>>814914She honestly looks mentally disabled
No. 815315
File: 1559199749846.jpg (277.85 KB, 1336x2968, tumblr_ps53z8pQL81snqbfb_1280.…)

someone posted this on tumblr a few days ago
No. 815319
File: 1559200528919.png (584.17 KB, 630x2693, mdkdnsg.png)

No. 815331
>>815315All this divorce info posted last thread
>>810551And the TRO explained, it's about property
>>810562 as reflected in Heidi saying no-one has a restraining order against the other.
We already have this, no need to regurgitate tumblr
>>815319 No. 815338
>>815334Unfortunately, their characters are pretty tied up to the plot of the story from what I know about it. The thing of it too is that Chris Perkins tends to DM the story and steer the campaign and integrate it into the latest DnD book product.
They just announced Descent into Avernus, and in the book it details The Blood War, which has been a thing Perkins has been referencing for a year now in their campaign.
Honestly, I dont know how they are going to recover. Jared is absolutely out, Holly is a maybe, Anna Proser's comment made it seem like the game isn't going to continue but her character will be given something, and Nate just seems over it all. I wouldn't be surprised if Nate just abandons the whole thing and says do whatever but without me'.
No. 815344
>>815338Step 1: Drop a rock on them.
Step 2: Run a session that starts with the remaining members dividing up possessions or holding a funeral service while fending off undead and that ends with them joining up with some new replacement members that they meet on the road or at the nearest temple.
Step 3: Back to the campaign!
They'll still need a brief hiatus to sort out the finer plot details and audition for new nerds that will gel in with the group - but overall it doesn't seem anywhere near as unsalvageable as you're making it out to be.
Though with that said the best and funniest resolution to this would be to drop Jared and Holly - but not Diath and Strix. Anyone can play anything in a tabletop RPG, they can even play characters designed by someone else!
No. 815353
File: 1559207968148.jpeg (320.91 KB, 1076x873, BA685028-033E-4A45-B8BA-B06EA0…)

I made something to sum up Holly’s shitty attitude.
No. 815363
File: 1559209097207.jpeg (280.51 KB, 1125x791, 92451464-32FA-4BA3-B64C-B104FD…)

No. 815367
>>815360LMFAO. You have such an evil mind.
>>815361>if Jared and Holly's characters get together, then the world ends ?Well then writing them out is easy then. They try getting together and then
insert God here says hell no, and traps their souls on different planes. Even a resurrection spell wouldn't work for them at that point. Plus, it even leaves Strix/Holly room to continue on with a side story of getting back to her friends.
No. 815392
>>815391I don't buy for a second that this is a real fan. No one, no fucking one, not even some diehard sportsfan, thinks they owe that kind of an allegiace to someone they're fan of. You don't see MJ's fans bleating on about "b-bu-but we've betrayed him!! we're forswooooorn!!!"
It doesn't happen. Sounds like someone's trolling, or bored in Nevada.
No. 815393
File: 1559215303845.png (1.04 MB, 638x1425, enhance.png)

>>815137hashtag confirmed
No. 815428
>>815361"the world ends if our characters get together!"
well congrats your real world ended because you got together
No. 815429
>>815427simply and only going off of the rabid support their DnD fans are giving them right now, not to mention the insane way holly is still clutching her character, i think it would absolutely have worked.
>divorced jared is so sad uwu>strix will save diath from sadness uwu>along the line we fell in love uwufuck heidi for ruining the perfect plan, amirite?
No. 815494
File: 1559233888285.jpg (170.46 KB, 957x1277, C2tVw9XUkAAcqwj.jpg)

I think Holly's mental state is deteriorating even faster due to criticism she's getting regardless of her whiteknights.
I remember when she was still well-liked and had tons of people asspatting her, she'd go nuclear on single criticism she'd happen to stumble upon on.
Now that she has multiple people calling her shit out, she just can't contain the narc rage.
No. 815496
File: 1559234135147.jpg (36.86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>815495True but it's funny how she tweeted about it, thinking her whiteknights were gonna come here and fight in her honor.
No. 815543
File: 1559239201582.jpg (159.4 KB, 1080x551, 38587285.jpg)

Holly did an AMA on her reddit sub 2 years ago and in retrospect you definitely can see she wasn't feeling it for Ross anymore. Her responses regarding him seem passive aggressive.
Also, note that her D&D campaign with Jared was her "favorite game".
No. 815556
>>815543I feel like these are only passive aggressive in hindsight, the answer to the anime question sounds a lot like how my stepmom is, just replace anime with horror films.
Although that answer to the pet question sounds super bitchy. Like she's able to have all of her birds and her cat, but he can't have ONE dog??? Gotta love that selflessness /s
No. 815616
>>815494amazing how so many angry incels will drag Heidi through the dirt calling her a whore, thot, cunt etc while protecting Holly, the type of woman theyd normally shit on for being a uwu sjw snowflake
>>815194Yup. He could simply end her bullshit by saying his truth but god damn Ross is nice. And taking the quiet route to go through therapy. Only makes Holly look worse by how his name got ruined by being called a cuck everywhere
No. 815636
File: 1559248505441.jpg (164.19 KB, 1076x870, 1.jpg)

>>815353Funny but I feel like this is more accurate
No. 815686
File: 1559254870275.jpeg (417.55 KB, 1242x780, 3DE2D1EB-0731-44D6-8B22-F0F4F9…)

There would be less of those people if pesky tourist like Holly would just follow the fucking rules. But nah, internet attention is more important than abiding simple instructions.
No. 815796
>>815792"Begone, Scrot" They have a genre, farmhands!
(worth the ban. come at me)
No. 815864
File: 1559289040885.jpg (387.95 KB, 1500x1500, 5c19e39f-0ed5-42c7-a806-392594…)

Even a worm, like jared, will turn.
No. 816180
>>816089 never followed DCA and did the bear minimum of research for this post so there may be some I'm missing in the retired section but
>all Chris Perkins (DCA's DM) emotes retired>dndLilWaffle (Holly's PC's owl)>dndWaffleYum (#wafflecrew)>dndDCASongare all retired. The emotes that are left are all generic tabletop emotes.
they really killed the show lol
No. 816184
>>816180Oof, just one big ol'
Talk about a few bad apples spoiling the whole barrel
No. 816189
File: 1559357915102.png (926.64 KB, 979x702, PussyMagnet.PNG)

Looks like the DCA emotes aren't the only ones removed. The clown emojis on Jared's instagram also seem to be gone? Like on all the damn pictures or at least the ones I did check.
The comments calling him out aren't deleted, as of yet, which is a good thing because it contains some good keks
No. 816204
>>816180adding a few others as I watched DCA
>dndeGiff (giffs were in DCA a decent amoutn and thats a DCA character in it)>dndINoMagic (Holly's catchphrase)>dndLathander (Anna's character's God reference)>dndMurderBot (nate and anna's character's "son">dndSub and dndOptimal (suboptimal was the DCA catchphrase>dndSeveredHand (nate's character had a severed hand helper)>dndUDodge (uncanny dodge was used by Diath a lot)They have literally removed every trace of DCA, including the players who haven't done anything and the DM. DCA is a sunk ship.
No. 816241
>>816217>someone you worked with had a 'nudes problem' Kiddie diddling is a bit more serious than "oops I sent sexy pics and got my dick stuck in a coworker" - especially PR wise. And WOTC is all about that squeaky-clean PR, so pedophilia really is absolutely something they're going to burn out with napalm to distance themselves from it in the public eye.
I feel bad for the DCA crew, that's a lot of jobs lost and a lot of income not gained. Not just the people on screen either but the people making the show happen.
No. 816266
>>816263Holly stated a lot that she disliked being in Ross' and Game Grumps shadow, but that shadow is what made her gain fans in the first place.
Before GG she was known for being bitchy in Heroes of Cosplay. After GG…welp.
No. 816271
>>816249Wait pass the tinfoil.
Jared being hired for DCA makes sense, he has always shown his passion for dnd so it was easy to find. But holly afaik was more known for cosplay and let's play, rather than dnd. Not saying shes a Fake Gamer Girl lol, im sure shes always loved dnd just that it wasnt something she was famous for.
Do you think.. Jared reccomended her to start their lame geek affair through hammy roleplay?
No. 816297
File: 1559398658625.gif (3.37 MB, 630x385, serveimage(5).gif)

>>816292Wait so the group that he created is kicking him out because he couldn't control his monkey brain and dick??
Wow…gj Jared haha.
No. 816337
File: 1559407526504.png (207.88 KB, 950x878, Screenshot_20190601-114439(1).…)

Dear Lord…
No. 816342
File: 1559408589803.jpg (163.31 KB, 1080x1367, IMG_20190601_130114.jpg)

Who tf talks like that about getting a car stolen? I'll never get tired of these clapbacks though
No. 816343
>>816342Good I hope they never let her forget what being a ho gets you.
I also hope that Dodger dropped her like a bad habit after all this mess came out, I know that she and Holly used to do a bunch of stuff together in those old Polaris videos.
No. 816356
File: 1559411620736.jpg (159.18 KB, 587x724, holly1.jpg)

Holly is back.
No. 816359
>>816357lmao imagine tweeting this shit knowing full well you slept with your best friend's husband and supported and support a pedophile predator piece of scum, it's so clear she lurks these threads UWU she's literally latching onto the small group of WKs she has with that "I'm so innocent I took a break such
victim" nonsense
lmao Holly you aren't fooling anyone, take your Mental Health Mondays away for Homewrecker Humbledays instead, jfc
No. 816360
File: 1559412146504.jpg (46.24 KB, 691x269, internetbullying.jpg)

No. 816367
File: 1559412647524.jpg (87.13 KB, 647x455, demonize.jpg)

"Read and research before you try to demonize others or call them manipulative."
No. 816393
>>816345Thanks for that, I was wondering why she sounds off
A bit of a reach but it reminds me of Bulleyes in Daredevil season 3 emulating what he thinks people want to hear
>>I’m sorry, that sounds really hard No. 816395
>>816357She's so fucking pathetic and manipulative. All she can do is bawww about her mother and mental health and how she's "just trying to live her life amidst a storm of internet bullying" as though she's done nothing to put all this on herself.
Her whole "I hope it makes you feel better to bully me uwu" thing is especially pathetic. I hope she feels better, too, once she can properly feel like the biggest
victim on earth.
No. 816403
File: 1559419653063.jpg (106.06 KB, 417x583, don't probe the aliens, holly.…)

No. 816410
File: 1559420789921.jpg (387.63 KB, 1080x1201, 20190601_152026.jpg)

She's being pretty defensive or outright avoiding certain points being brought up.
No. 816412
File: 1559421067789.png (42.49 KB, 745x441, holly.png)

"Can you tell me why I can't victim card out of this? I truly don't understand why that isn't working"
Also why should everyone else (including her upset fans/ex-fans) be accountable? Can't she take accountability for supporting a person that abused his status to sexually solicit fans (including underage fans)? What about accountability for the pain Heidi keeps having to endure after you helped break down her marriage? I guess marriage doesn't mean much to Holly… Heidi doesn't even talk about her anymore at allllll
No. 816414
>>816411Pansexual to Asexual to Demisexual
For the love of god pick one or just don’t talk about your sexuality if you dont have it figured out. You’re in you’re 30s not your teens, get your shit together girl.
No. 816419
File: 1559421676860.gif (1.3 MB, 245x280, 1559381703069.gif)

>>816357>"Just try using your analytical brain not your animal brain"My sides are lost at the audacity of this bitch. She, of all people, is talking of not using your animal brain… the jokes write themselves
No. 816422
>>816345You hit the nail on the head.
Animal brain, more like bird brain
No. 816425
>>816424A minor tinfoil
I imagine Jared is okay with the spotlight on holly and take most of the heatwhile he focuses on another side ho
No. 816432
>>816423I don’t buy into the whole asexual thing or that she never loved ross, she was just trying to cover her ass and make it seem like she couldn’t control herself cause “IVE NEVER FELT THAT WAY BEFORE”
Damn threw your whole husband away and minimized your seven year relationship for a sick parrot looking man.
No. 816434
File: 1559424157453.png (179.33 KB, 750x1334, 9E16B7AD-1C4B-4057-82D9-6A9E16…)

I guess ProJared remade his Snapchat, projaredsnap
After the OP posted this Jared blocked them.
I just searched the username on snap and it’s there so I’m inclined to believe that he was really dumb enough to remake.
No. 816435
>>816411Demisexuality just makes me roll my eyes so bad. What the fuck do you mean "you feel attracted only after establishing an emotional bond", that's fucking the NORM, people dont just fuck randos all the time, it's a disorder if you do that all the time!! Jesus i hate this "im a pwecious special baby uwu" tumblr shit, just admit you got it bad for a friend who was already married like a normal person and you got yourself in a shitty and messy situation. Jesus.
Hey tumblr, what's my sexuality tag and flag for "i only feel attracted to people i shouldnt because the drama that inevitably comes out of it is more exciting and engrossing than a stable and boring marriage of 7 years"?
No. 816441
>>816439Agree, it would be so insanely stupid to reopen snapchat with the same name. .. … Ok maybe it really is him
>>816438Uh, any fun details of the chat you can share?
No. 816462
Someone found Heidi's old account and some of her blogs are heartless lol No. 816463
>>816453This just means that her pattern of being a fraud is consistent. Assuming that one other post about her is true.
For context:
>>805861 No. 816465
>>816453calling it now: with internet identity politics she'd probably just weasel out of it with "demisexual is on the asexuality SPECTRUM!" or some other nonsense and segue into how she's being harassed during pride month to rile up her fans. poor wittle queer bean uwu
also lol, my autocorrect doesn't recognize demisexual and wants to correct it to bisexual.
No. 816473
File: 1559428515468.jpg (114.24 KB, 629x634, Untitled.jpg)

No. 816478
>>816357>People will probably make fun of these tweets saying I'm a cheater or UwU my mental health, ect.>UwUShe walks among us lol
>>816473How does she not see this is boiler plate
victim blaming? I know she has no self awareness but it really amazes me how obtuse she is about everything. She's really living in a fantasy world where she is the penultimate
victim above all others.
No. 816480
>>816429This bitch, for all her label-hogging and fauxvocacy, does not understand the words she's using
at all huh
Holly, sweetie - the pansexuals do not want you. The polyamorous bunch would love to kick you into the sun. The aces have a hard enough time as it is.
The word she's looking forward for her uwu so special miracle fee-fees uwu is
aromantic No. 816481
File: 1559430467089.jpg (58.27 KB, 556x544, pedostan.JPG)

She's still going at it. I'd say Jared must have a golden dick for her to be this willing to tank her career but we've all seen it at this point and its just not that great.
No. 816486
File: 1559430649257.jpg (32.71 KB, 547x349, this bitch.JPG)

>>816482No. She's doubling down HARD like she's the one being accused.
No. 816489
File: 1559431121702.jpg (57.64 KB, 566x516, delusion.JPG)

>I personally don’t feel I’ve said anything negative towards those with mental health issues,
Umm… What about Heidi, Holly? Or the kids who were groomed by your fuckboi that you threatened with legal action?
>considering I have many myself.
This part really speaks volumes doesn't it.
No. 816495
>>816494Narcissists are like that, just. can't. help. themselves. Gotta keep digging that hole! People might thing
something is their fault otherwise, lol
No. 816496
File: 1559432224896.jpeg (56.89 KB, 733x556, D77aTxCXUAAtKMW.jpeg)

Holly rn trying to do mental gymnastics
No. 816499
File: 1559432647064.jpg (39.38 KB, 556x343, ace.JPG)

>>816497Holly really like to play fast and loose with the rules lol. Or maybe she's just oh so special that rules (of common decency) don't apply to her.
No. 816500
>>816478>She walks among us lolOf course she does, she literally gave us a shoutout and admitted to read on here.
Hi Holly, how does it feel like to have absolutely zero redeeming qualities? No looks, no personality, no brains AND no morals.
No. 816504
>>816497It's purely speculation, but I imagine this is exactly how she spoke to Ross and explains why he spoke about being in an emotionally
abusive relationship in the VR chat video.
No. 816505
>>816499Oh Holly, you wanna be special so bad that you’ll lie about your sexuality. You have sexual feelings stop pretend to be asexual, it’s beyond fake and annoying.
Straight girls try too hard, asexual and demisexual is just trying to force their het selves into the lgbt
No. 816510
>>816505She's really shit at keeping her stories straight. Whats the point of changing the narrative of her sexual identity now when its well documented that she self identified as asexual? Like all you gotta do is look at her tweets to debunk the constant lies she spewing.
>>816509Nice job anon, lmao.
No. 816514
>>816509But anon how long do you think it’ll take for her to double down on also being pan?
“Ima pan-grey-ace-demi sexual and you questioning my outrageous amount of sexualities that don’t make sense is literally hate speech.”
No. 816520
>>816519Sadly being a perpetual
victim is Holly’s hobby.
No. 816524
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Keep running your mouth, Holly. That hole's getting mighty deep.
No. 816525
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>>816515the AU (AUwU?) fanfic became canon.
No. 816530
>>816529Or just a uwu personality disorder uwu
It's okay you guys, we'll go from Mental Health Mondays to Whatever the Fuck Excuse I Need For My Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Fridays! Career rescued and problem solved!
No. 816531
>>816499I read the definition and being demisexual is literally the default sexuality for the majority of people. Turns out I'm demisexual too - thank you for enlightening me Holly.
The only difference between us is that I didn't emotionally abuse my husband, sneak off with my friend's husband, then blame my mistakes on his wife and my mental illness.
No. 816532
>>816526This is an insult to the LGBT community. No one wants her sorry cheating pedo-apologist ass.
Holly, if you're reading this (and lets be real here, you probably are), your "sexuality" isn't a shield and queer people aren't your saviors. You're not welcome here or anywhere else.
No. 816535
>>816532YES. LGBT isn't another lil costume you get to put on, Holly. We do not want you and we do not welcome you.
It's so disgusting she thinks she can hide behind minorities at the first sign of being made accountable. And it's not even accountability with humility and consequences, just basic "you did X and Y, X and Y are bad, no cookie for you!" level stuff. The bar could not be any lower.
Holly can't even weather that, what the fuck makes her think she would be welcome in the queer community.
No. 816541
>>816529Well this is the same person who thought she was the real Shepard and got mad that the canon female Shepard didn’t look like her
Sooo yea, that’s her ego for ya
No. 816542
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>>816535Surprise, surprise guess what tweet she liked. Shes so transparent it's disgusting really. Straight girls who fake their sexuality for attention are a real pebble in my shoe.
No. 816546
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>>816545Fucking lol, 100% this.
No. 816547
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And she lost every single one of those people due to her selfishness and lies.
No. 816549
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>>816544LOL so Holly liked this tweet only a few hours before claiming to be "grey-asexual"… a liar cheat and an identity thief, she's the scum trifecta.
No. 816551
>>816547>stopped hurting those around meexcept for Heidi and Ross and the
victims of Jared's predation, but who's counting?
>>816541Pretty sure an elite space soldier would at least get their cross eye fixed.
No. 816555
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No. 816556
>>816555I'd say calling them dishonest and threatening them for revenge porn is pretty
No. 816558
>>816555I love how she's asking questions pretending like anything anyone presents to her will change her stance of feeling like an innocent
victim in all of this.
No. 816559
>>816556But anooooon, they’re not
victims! UWU Howwy is the
victim because of uh mental illnesses she keeps bringing up and uh her jawed is the
victim cause he didn’t know the ages of the minors even though he apologized to one of them! They’re just LIARS and are leaving out INFORMATION uwu owo! She can’t
victim blame herself, silly anon! /s
No. 816563
>>816557Doubt she’ll ever admit to threatening suicide to Ross even though between that tweet and the VR video anyone with half a brain could connect the dots. Holly if you wanted to save a poor innocent man from an
abusive wife you should’ve left Ross sooner. He’s so much better off without you.
No. 816565
>>816555I think in her mind she truely believes that she was never in the wrong and its so pathetic it's sad. Heidi wasn't a
victim because she was mean and got in the way of her and Jareds special bond. The fans were never preyed upon because UwU Jared is so smexy*~ they came onto him and consented.
No. 816589
>>816510I wonder if she'll spin a narrative along the lines of 'I thought I was asexual but then I went through a process of ~self-discovery~ and learned that I DO have sexual attraction, just under very specific circumstances' like a typical new-age social media ho
>>816509Very nice
>>816537Because milquetoast straight people want to feel like part of a marginalized class.
No. 816591
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>>816555people are discrediting her in the comments thankfully.
No. 816599
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>>816555Here’s her follow up to this tweet.
>uwu, 16-year-olds can totally consent and aren’t victims, uwuFuck off, bitch.
No. 816604
>>816599Holy shit this girl need a lawyer or something to tell her to stop. She's not doing anyone any favors with this, least of all herself. I'd commend her loyalty but it's clearly only to ratdick since she's thrown literally everyone else, including her "best friend," under the bus.
Hell, why isn't Jared telling her to quit? She's hurting him too.
No. 816613
>>816499>demisexuality>asexualitymethods of attraction aren't sexualities lmao, her and the rest of her dopey-looking kind can take their straight asses and fuck off.
no one cares that you don't fuck and no one cares that you need an "emotional connection" before you date someone. the latter is the norm.
No. 816625
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There we have it folks. Holly is in too deep and shes going to digg her heels in and commit to living in the hole shes dug for herself.
No. 816629
>>816625Ugh. It's like the women who marry serial killers after they've been convicted and incarcerated because they "stand by them".
Also, just looked up some Washington State legislation around intimate photo sharing. Hope you see this, Holly:
"RCW 9A.86.010
Disclosing intimate images.
(1) A person commits the crime of disclosing intimate images when the person knowingly discloses an intimate image of another person and the person disclosing the image:
(a) Obtained it under circumstances in which a reasonable person would know or understand that the image was to remain private;
(b) Knows or should have known that the depicted person has not consented to the disclosure; and
(c) Knows or reasonably should know that disclosure would cause harm to the depicted person.
(2) A person who is under the age of eighteen is not guilty of the crime of disclosing intimate images unless the person:
(a) Intentionally and maliciously disclosed an intimate image of another person;
(b) Obtained it under circumstances in which a reasonable person would know or understand that the image was to remain private; and
(c) Knows or should have known that the depicted person has not consented to the disclosure."
(saged for non milk)
No. 816631
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>>816625i don't even know where to start with this.
oof and YIKES!
No. 816635
>>816625YIKES. I'd say "love yourself" but we all know her self worth is in the negatives.
>>816628Imagine thinking you can fix someone when you're arguably more fucked up than they are.
No. 816640
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>>816634>when’s the trash witch gonna acknowledge all the shit she put Ross through and how terrible she was to him?Never. She's sticking by her "I only want whats best for Ross. Even though I was the one to drag him into this in the first place. but if you want to think other wise that's ~*your problem*~"
No. 816644
>>816625Holly, you are the abuser. I hope someone repeats that to you every single day. You are
abusive. You are an abuser.
No. 816646
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Boo. Fucking. Hoo.
No. 816650
>>816646Thank god Ross is happier now and free of this walking dumpster fire.
I'm surprised she isn't doing what Jared is doing and shutting the fuck up. Now would have been the perfect time for her to ghost on social media if she gave an ounce of a fuck about her reputation.
No. 816656
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>>816473She just endlessly cycles through logical fallacies holy shit
No. 816657
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>>816653(pic related cause AVGN seems to be the most chilled gamer) My fucking sides, i nominate this. May this win as the next thread pic!
No. 816668
Jared's ex-wife abused him so much he had to send nudes! Including to a 15yo who he then sent a written apology to!Go Holly, keep digging and digging. We love the mess you're making of your life.
No. 816671
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Keep digging, Holly! Go, go!
>it was an emotional tweet
>it was an emotional response
>don’t make me take responsibility for my actions, MY EMOTIONNNS
No. 816672
>>816373Not a newfag but I just caught up in the thread and what does mental health or depression have anything to do with being a cheating slut kek
What does it have to do with enabling a pedo? Jesus Christ
No. 816677
>>816671"shocked" despite her saying she was living in fear of Heidi outing them and that Heidi was an abuser. Why would she question what Heidi did if Heidi is such a piece of shit in her mind?
Wow. Holly's responses are the fucking worst. She's absolutely wrecking herself.
>>816625>>816473These by far are some of the most vile things I've read in awhile. As anons said, she blames Heidi for JARED'S FUCKING SEX PROBLEM. How?
>and you're there to support them. She really thinks she's some mental health guru. This is Onision level ego.
No. 816682
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I know that Holly's a hypocritical piece of shit, but what I don't get with her mental health guruwu-ery is how her go to catch phrase is "oh noooo, i can't cONtRoL mY fEEliNGs". Anyone who has gone through any degree of therapy, especially for issues relating to trauma, but even just basic CBT for mild-moderate depression + anxiety knows that whilst you might not be able to control your feelings, you CAN control how you act, and also, that there are ways in which you can act that actually minimise/help you deal with those feelings. Not to say that it's easy to do in practice, but it's an easily understood concept.
Like, if she was just playing the I HAVE BPD/PTSD/etc AND I CAN'T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY FEEEEEELINGS uwu victim card, I'd get it, but she's postured herself as this authority on it, when anyone who knows anything about literally anything related to mental health understands the concept of accountability. It's an absolutely crucial, core component to recovery.
…but I guess that's kinda the whole point, huh.
Putting the prerequisite of self awareness that she obviously doesn't meet aside, she can't keep using the victim card if she ever recovers, can she?
No. 816683
>>816489Yet she likes posts about how Heidi has BPD and is crazy and
abusive. But since she herself didnt say it (except the heidi is
abusive stuff), its a-ok, right? She only openly supports it and straight-up follows people who openly demonize people they've armchaired as BPD, NPD, etc.
Not to mention, this person was talking about how Holly is being manipulative with her tweets by falling back on "i have bad mental health and if you so much as imply i have a fault, you're an awful person for going after someone mentally unwell", which paints people with mental problems AS A WHOLE as manipulative. Her actions do that, without having to "say anything negative toward those with mental health issues"
She really has no reading comprehension.
No. 816687
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>>816671Shouldn't she be…busy? Offline?
Doing literally anything else?
This is really her life now?
How does she tweet this?
>>813783Then feel okay to tweet this?
>We need to have compassion over hate. Shit talking and blaming are getting us literally nowhere. Love yourselves, love others, show that you have that ability of compassion, to be kind in your words and heal instead of hate. If you’re hateful, and vindictive, you’re unhappy.Oh right, because it's only negative when it's happening to her.
No. 816697
>>816694The only mention of it has been conjecture from white knights licking Holly's toes.
Sage your posts.
No. 816698
>>816694Even if she did, that's not the issue.
She's currently living her life, minding her own business after admitting to her faults and she's getting mental help.
Meanwhile Holly can't stand she and Jarent arent being viewed as the 100% blameless
victims (exactly HOW is a wife demanding you to stop nude swapping and fucking your fans enabling this behaviour? Even if at first she was ok with the first part) and is being confrontational with anyone that comes at her. She has the right to respond to anyone as she pleases, but it's also fair to point out she's a grown adult with the power of blocking people, and this is a very bad look for her.
No. 816731
>>816728I guess mental health only matters when it's convenient for protecting Holly from any criticism or comeuppance. I'd never ever thought I'd see her sperg out like this, I'm feeling legit shame for her. Girl needs to sit down, put her social media away, and actually look at her life and her choices - and fucking acknowledge she's been in the wrong and how much damage she has caused with Jared.
Hope she has the sense to at least apologise to the DCA crew.
No. 816773
>>816728Okay but have you considered 'Hored' it can be pronounced as 'whored' or 'horrid' so if works perfectly.
I used to be a Holly stan and even bought some of her clothes but after seeing all of this I've already donated the pieces to my nearby homeless shelter.
No. 816784
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>not realizing that this very statement is manipulative
No. 816790
>>816789Yup, pretending to not understand shit is the oldest manipulation trick in the book. That way you can look all wide-eyed and innocent and uwu I didn't know uwu
ridiculous a thirty-something bitch is pulling that shit. Beyond idiotic. It's grade-school shit, and so transparent it's incredible Holly thinks she can get away with it.
No. 816794
>>816793I hate to break it to you, but playing dumb is a classic textbook manipulation tactic used by narcs and emotionally dishonest and
abusive people. Text. Book. Don't infantilize Holly, she knows what she is doing. No. 816798
new thread pic candidates, for anyone who can make a one properly (i know i can't so i'm super sorry for delegating lol)
>>815836 and
>>815839 lol
No. 816874
>Wow. Holly's responses are the fucking worst. She's absolutely wrecking herself. This.
I can't imagine
anyone wanting to side with her when she keeps saying shit that contradicts her side of the incident.
Heidi said her piece & was done.
…But of course, Holly's WKs took that as "See? She won't answer! She's running from the TRUTH! She KNOWS she's finished!"
…But here comes Holly, rearranging her story
yet again, but nah, she's cool, so we can all take her word for it, unlike those cheap cancel-culture bandwagoning SHEEP that just
blindly follow Heidi's word!
Strange how Holly keeps floundering here, putting her own mental health in jeopardy, while Jared continues to sit back & watch… You
really wanna 'stand by him' Holly?
…Because he seems perfectly fine with watching you drown…