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No. 945131
Last time on "This is the Song That Never Ends" Edition…
> Crazy Katie/K.T. is……still crazy
> People are STILL dunking on Hoelly, because she STILL refuses to acknowledge that her own actions are sketchy at best (and potentially supporting a pedophile as well as being extremely emotionally abusive at worse)
> Holly complained that she apparently isn't allowed to shitpost without being reminded of the fact that she's an adulterous tramp whose actions led to the downfall of not just one, but TWO marriages. After also being offended at the vulva-like appearance of the last thread pic, she ended up removing it from her instagram.
> Holly and Jared both took a brief break right around when their anniversary would be with Holly declaring she was going camping (only to post a picture of herself at a coffeeshop that same morning); Things have been….icy since they returned.
> She declares that she will be taking a hiatus from twitter due to it being so "unhealthy" for her, with the exception of posting about her Mental Health Monday or Spooky Saturday streams; Legitimately no one believes her - and she returns within 3-5 days, just to start some weird tension over credit in regards to photos of ProJared
> The Great "Is it a cold sore or is it Herpes?" Debate of 2020
> The Great "How Many Birds is an Acceptable Number?" Debate of 2020
> Holly declares that she has lost all faith in humanity due to someone sneaking in front of her to use the charging port at an airportImage Credit: >> 943332
Thread Credit: >>945129
Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>930972Character Descriptions and Stats:
Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)>Heidi accuses Jared of threatening legal action if she speaks up. Unfortunately Heidi casts “Absorb Elements” just like she did for his initial divorce statement. Jared takes an extra 1d6 damage on her next melee attack. Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 10
Luck: none
Charisma: send noOds
Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (current power-level):
>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Claims to have not cheated on her ex-husband despite his refusal to make one comment about the situation in her defense>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread though>Compared Etika’s suicide, a popular black YouTuber, to her own suicidal ideation by showcasing they both received clown emojis as “bullying.” >Suffers backlash from the black community, Etika’s fans and Twitter>After being called out for taking advantage of a person’s suicide, Holly infamously deflects criticism by tweeting, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”Strength: uwu
Dexterity: uwu
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 100
Luck: ran out
Charisma: clown emoji
Holly Conrad’s Previous Stats:
>Holly is a “talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community”, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to her grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingFor More On Holly Conrad:
>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL)Strength: uwu
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 17
Stamina: 22
Luck: 100
Charisma: Not Suzy
Heidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>Non-lewd cosplayer, talented craftsman and elf >Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth>Has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all time>Married to Jared Pedodick Knobslob>Was in a poly relationship with Jared>Claims Holly was the reason it didn’t work out >Outed Jared’s infidelity and set twitter ablaze>Working on her current divorce and perhaps a defamation against Holly Conrad for trying to claim she had BPD and that psychologists have deemed her “unfixable” >Has started to become more vocal on that drama since Holly’s Etika sperg>Claims emotional abuse by Jared and gas lighting, and also seems to insinuate her enjoyment of sex has decreased>Blocks overtly sexual cosplays because of the ProJared controversy >Currently living alone in a new home and trying to start up her business and craft in a way to support herself>Accuses Holly of being vindictive enough to have done everything in her power to end her marriage and happiness Strength: 90
Dexterity: 71
Intellect: 82
Stamina: 64
Luck: 20
Charisma: Zinfandel
Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth>In direct contact with Holly Conrad Flying Monkey Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Normal Boots: Expanded Universe:
**Game Grumps
Previous GG Threads:**
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTSuzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being her BEST FRIEND despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.Game Grumps:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: Dice, Camera, Action:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action: Under “Other”:
Ross O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: from Mods:
>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 945153
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Once again, Hoelly is pretending to give a fuck about abuse victims by doing the bare minimum.
No. 945171
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Is it just me or is Spooky Satuday cancelled more times than not??
You'd think with this big push to make Spooky Saturday into a podcast and run it's own patreon (seriously, why??? What do they need it for) that they would try to be more consistent or improve their format
No. 945174
>>945170>>945171I also don't get why it's "offline". It's a fucking 'show' that allows Hoelly to sit in front of her fucking webcam (same for Kayla, but at least she IIRC does the chat/overlays/etc.) and ramble on about things that she claims are her own personal interests
If you can't even spare one hour a week to talk about shit you claim is your favorite when you're trying to make that your sole income source? Fuck you, Hoelly - You deserve for that shit to fail.
No. 945201
>>945197I'm willing to bet that she somehow draws a parallel between Monica Lewinsky and herself "See, Monica? I was ALSO shamed by the public for having sex with a married man! We're identical!!!!!!"
Nah fam, this ain't it. Go back to kissing your chickens and leave the rest of us in our coronavirus quarantines alone.
No. 946104
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Wow, everyone is scared of coronavirus and it's literally killing people… better make some ~aesthetic~ limited edition qUiRkY witch prints to capitalize on this trend!!
No. 946129
>>946104God it's the "cancelled" and "boundaries" shirt all over again.
And yet what's so funny to me is that no one asks her to do this. No one asked for her opinion about what happened with Etika, no one asked her to make shirts when the cheating scandal broke. No one is pushing her to do this, she just assumes that everyone wants to hear what she has to say.
No. 946138
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MatPat in the hotseat again.
Last year it was fist the petty thing with Heartbound, Etika in the summer when he claimed his death was related to cancel culture this, you'd think Jared would do his best to distance himself from any drama especially in the already polarized gaming community but apparently not.
No. 946139
>>946138>>946136Jesus christ, what is with these people attempting to profit off of a fucking pandemic? Y'all motherfuckers couldn't even wait until the initial surge has passed through the US????
>"You'd think Jared would do his best to distance himself from any drama"nah. Homeboy still thinks he honestly did nothing wrong by cheating on his wife or soliciting nudes from fans or admitting to jacking it to said nudes (some of whom were minors).
After all, WE WERE LIED TO - and he beat the cancel culture boss! /s
No. 946141
>>946129It doesn't matter how much she tries to hide it under all this uwu birb mom trash witch shit.
She's still a Karen at heart.
No. 946149
>>946104this woman just can't help it, can she?
holly pls google how to spell "monetizing someone's suffering", or you may find it in your old tweets pointing fingers at others for living their life
>>946138it's always amazed me that matpat doesn't have a thread on here. he's a fucking self-centered stupid prick and his wife shrieks like a damn harpy. he can't stop talking about the flaws in like 2 game series which incidentally end up funding his entire life. it's insane lol
No. 946330
>>946196I know that he admitted to jacking it to the nudes, some of which were sent by minors and since his only means of age verification was "Hey, real quick, 18+ right?", it's a safe bet that there were more than just Chai/Charlie.
>>946211Hoelly is the type of female that we all know - who will let her partner make fucking rude jokes at their expense while everyone who isn't a hair-brained idiot looks on in horror at the shittiness.
No. 946338
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Apparently quarantine means going to pubic spaces
No. 946367
>>946338Quarantine means you stay your ass at home, you fucking moron. Way to once again blatantly disregard the CDC, despite the fact that Washington is one of the hardest hit states so far.
>>946347It's nitpicky to tell someone who has openly disregarded CDC recommendations in the past to keep her ass at home to avoid potentially contracting or spreading a deadly virus to those who aren't healthy or young enough to fight it off?
Go suck Hoelly's taint elsewhere.
>>946354Here, Hoelly Stans, let me save you the time and effort: You stay the fuck home if possible, you wash your hands a metric fuckton, use hand sanitizer if you can't, don't touch your face, don't listen to a single thing that this fucking crackhead of a walking mental health disaster says about literally anything.
No. 946398
>>946367WA still hasn't enacted a lockdown; even the "shelter in place" enacted in SFC still permits people to leave their homes. holly just can't use words correctly. you're not going to get coronavirus in a deserted park; it's literally the definition of "social distancing."
the virus isn't commonly airborne despite widespread misinformation (it's only in laboratory conditions with a nebulizer or in extremely rare cases where patients shed the virus from diarrhea), so the chance of anyone spreading it outdoors in the sun at an empty park is infinitesimally small.
>> 946354god i wish streamers would stop doing this; these people aren't biologists or medical professionals and they aren't qualified to be giving medical advice. what she's doing is incredibly dangerous.
No. 946440
>>946354Ever since I heard that she was doing these MHM streams, all I could think is 'how long until this blows up in Holly's face?'
Anyone with functional brain cells can tell she's not fit to give out mental health advice when she can't even stop herself from responding to hate tweets or lurking on this board to she what we're saying about her.
I genuinely hope that Holly doesn't actually cause someone harm with her unreliable advice, and that the worst case scenario is her followers wise up and get actually help.
Holly can make as many 'uwu so quirky relatable birb witch uwu' tweets as she wants, but at the end of the day she's just a 34 year old woman living alone with 50+ birds because she wanted to be a side piece to her friend's husband.
No. 946447
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Surprised bird brain hasn't made this whole thing into a weird plague doctor cosplay opportunity. Seems right up her alley.
No. 946478
>>946398My beef here is just that Hoelly has already demonstrated a lack of fucks given by disregarding previous CDC recommendations. If she's done it once, she'll do it again - only this time, she stands a HUGE risk of fucking someone else over with her shenanigans.
>>946440This woman was in a mental health facility less than 12 months ago, and has to take repeated mental health hiatuses from the internet because her own mental health is THAT fragile. Even if she WAS trained in mental health of some kind (which she is not), she is clearly NOT in a position to give anyone advice on anything.
>>946447The cosplay wouldn't even bother me - There's a whole subgenre of plague doctor shit on tiktok and the likes. It's just a matter of time until Hoelly gives legit shitty medical advice though.
"Holly, my Mom is coughing and running a fever of 110. What should we do?"
"Kiss a pigeon and then go to the park with your pokemon lulz"
No. 946493
>>946490Just wait until some other states cases eclipses the number in Washington, some innocent stan mentions "Holly, you should donate to a gofundme"
"Eh….just… seems like EVERYONE is doing that."
No. 946782
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>>946774So many "Yeah, BUT…" replies to this person's tweet by Jared's little 'defense squad'…
No. 946861
>>946793They went against Jared for all of 5 seconds in a "Everyone here fucking sucks" kind of way, but then went right back to the "Man = good, women = whores" line of thought.
>>946798He tried with H3H3, He tried with Phil DeFranco - and you'll note that those are two of the only ones who didn't cave to his bullshit (or still unverified threats of slander/defamation lawsuits)
>>946807The girl was absolutely right - Doing a good thing does NOT cancel out any and all future bad behavior.
Holly, for example, did some good things along the way. It doesn't give her a pass for when she does shit like the Etika bit or the "I don't want to help Australia, EVERYONE is doing that".
No. 946894
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Also this sounds rich af:
>"so you can Hannibal Lecture your spouse into a crying fit"They're referring to Heidi's DMs about how "big bad Heidi made Jared cry that one night!" /s
Sounds more like Jared had been waiting for Heidi to 'overreact', making it easier for him to bail on her. Abusers do that shit all the time - they'll keep poking you until you lash out them 'from out of nowhere!' so it makes neglecting you all the more easier!
Sounds like Heidi ruined his plans by
not flying off the handle at him & acting calm, & while Jared's tears probably
weren't fake, it sounds more like everything he'd gotten away with for years just caught up with him - His 'cool wife' was growing tired of his bullshit & wanted to be serious - he can't do 'serious'.
No. 946897
>>946894Also lmao at "Hannibal
No. 946929
>>946894with KF it repeatedly comes down to how much they hate women in general.
literally anyone can understand that if someone disturbed me to the point that i needed to numb my brain before talking to them, i'm probably facing some intense mental torture in the situation. they'd have ripped heidi to shreds if jared ever mentioned feeling the need to self-medicate before talking to his wife, but because this is a bitch whore saying that she took a xanax to remain rational during a tense conversation,
NATURALLY it means she did it to torture the dude to tears
No. 947031
>>947010Not to mention that at the time Heidi had been convinced that
she was the one with problem.
When in reality, she was fighting tooth & nail for a marriage that, unbeknownst to her, was already dead & buried.
No. 947035
>>946894taking a prescribed anti-anxiety medication before a stressful event is one of "the most vile things" this person can imagine. ok.
pretty sure "bully someone to tears" is not one of the effects of xanax; you really have to detach your brain from all concept of reality and logic to come up with this stuff.
No. 947134
>>947031If she was loud and upset she would have been
abusive and if she was calm and cool she would have also been
abusive. It's a lose lose
No. 947164
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>>946894>>947010Apparently Heidi LAUGHED at him too!
They're just making shit up at this point.
No. 947181
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>>947171>>947173Old milk, but people
still believe that Heidi was the one who made the pedo allegations.
No. 947184
>>947181What's sad is that after she got the same email GG got about Jared's accusations he was cruel to her taking them seriously and said "Holly believed me immediately"
She was probably destroyed by those accusations and was horrified and concerned for jared and for him to just throw his mistress'd unwavering obsessive support in her face was a total low blow
As if holly wouldn't drag herself across coals to blindly defend anything that came out of his mouth
Jared is all "believe
victims" until they are his, then its
abusive for you to even consider their accusations
No. 947185
>>946440"Hur hurr ugly cat lady trope but with birds"
Let's get real, she was born a Disney heiress and most of us weren't. That alone makes her more successful than most of us.
She keeps birds because its her hobby, its irrelevant if it's a cope or not because we all do things to waste time.
Not milk, just a exaggerated nitpick
No. 947188
>>947184Well that's interesting, I don't remember that part.
"Holly believed me immediately" sounds like he was either trying to get Heidi to like Holly again, or to joke about how "Holly believes me & she's CRAZY!"
No. 947220
>>947192That too. Sounds like he was baiting her into an argument.
If that's true then I can definitely see why she needed a Xanax to finally confront him.
No. 947245
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>>947236To be fair, he only kind of recently came out about having a new girlfriend (late last year).
Also unrelated, but Ross
has hinted at Holly being
abusive before the Syrmor video.
No. 947256
>>947245I noticed that tweet too and wondered if it was about Holly, I guess it was.
My orginal post still stands, people do respect him and dont a thousand mindless insults at him but its obvious he has the generic behavior and mentality of "I need a partner because muhh loneliness"
No. 947267
>>947256Regardless, Ross did seem to genuinely
love Holly.
I find it insulting that most of Jared's supporters keep writing him off as "only married for the green card"
No. 947273
>>947267Also want to say that I get a disturbing vibe from Jared's defenders. Aside from learning how much they really,
really hate Heidi having
any kind of support, & I recently discovered that they also hate
anyone who says they feel bad for Ross, or that they only want to support Ross from now on.
No. 947287
>>947164THAT is abuse - but apparently gaslighting your wife for MONTHS by saying "I'm going to counseling to save our marriage!" and then meeting your mistress for a fuck session afterwards (while denying it to your wife) is a-okay.
Because nothing says "I'm afraid of my wife!" quite like doing the one thing you know will set her off /s
>"That alone makes her more successful than most of us"Being born into a world of privilege doesn't make someone a success. Busting your ass to carve your own path through this world, to earn your own way and not live off of someone else? THAT makes a person successful.
Hoelly is riding through life with a silver spoon in her mouth - She can suck a bag of rancid dicks before I'd listen to anything she has to say about struggling.
>>947236Leave Ross alone. He's moved on, and even if he IS just coping by getting in a new relationship, that's no one's business. He didn't fuck his married friend while being married himself, nor did he jack it to nudes he solicited from fans.
No. 947295
>>947273>>947274It's also fucking foul that they continue to assert that Ross was 100% on-board & supported the affair simply because "Jared said so!"
Meanwhile Ross' lips have
remained sealed since May 9th. I'm sure if he was a-okay with everything, like everyone keeps insisting, then he would've ducked in to say "Confirmed. Now can everyone
please stop fighting!?" or something similar, but he hasn't.
No. 947311
>>947301Agreed, he was tired of the drama and didnt want anyone to update him, on his ex wife who he actually married. It wasnt a random internet drama, he actually married her and did know her.
Disclaimer here; I'm specifying that he did know her personally because a lot of us tend to forget that not everything is petty drama and insulting strangers, that sometimes the people we discuss did have close relationships with someone else despite our speculation
No. 947319
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And he didn't want to relive everything after
Throwback to the first & last tweet he made about this.
>"I've long since moved on/have a new life">"Rather not deal with this"They already hurt him once. They're not going to hurt him again.
No. 947321
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>>947319…I also want to point out how those closest to Ross have turned their backs on Jared (and Holly to some degree).
They know.
No. 947395
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Kt at it again
No. 947397
>>947321Supermega has been making jokes about Jared from the start and even as recently as a couple episodes ago in animal crossing (joking about sinjared)
If Ross was super cool with Jared and Holly and was supportive I'm pretty sure the boys wouldn't make jokes about him
Plus jared fucking called Ross out in You've Been Lied To saying that Holly came back from a con to find that Ross had moved out without a word, aka he was trying to make Ross look bad and holly like a
victim which is INSANE
God forbid Ross decide that while Holly was away on a DCA trip fucking Jared he wanted to move out and end his marriage with his cheating wife
The fact that Jared even brought up Ross in that video at all was nasty of him
No. 947399
>>947245So he literally went through so much to help Holly change for the better and forgave her for her emotional abuse and did his best to help her work through it and change her ways
And then after all that work they did she turned around and started fucking a married man and OBSESSIVELY slandering his wife to the man and anyone who would listen
Didnt heidi said that jared literally said "me and holly think you are abusing me, she knows all about abuse because she used to be
abusive to her ex"
Imagine your cheating husband saying "so my mistress thinks you are abusing me, don't worry shes an expert, she did the same thing to her ex."
They literally created the "heidi is an abuser" narrative to feel better about being cheaters.
No. 947421
>>947273>how much they really, really hate Heidi having any kind of support,Ironically it's more the case of her defenders hating anyone who ISN'T heidi possibly having ANY kind of support in any way to the point they start attacking people not even related to the situation last year if they so much as speak positively to/about jared/holly etc. Hell read any of these threads, the second you even hint at not hating anyone that isn't heidi you get banned or called a 'jared/holly/pj2 stan' simply because you're not bandwagon trash talking someone you have no personal attachment to.
>>947295Don't be an autist anon:
>Meanwhile Ross' lips have remained sealed >I'm sure if he was a-okay with everything, like everyone keeps insisting, then he would've ducked in to sayIf someone is staying out of a situation, they're not going to confirm nor deny anything.
No. 947431
>>947399If Heidi was so innocent she would have did the interview with Keemstar.
Interviewing people like Onision and Romeo Lacoste even when the world is out for their head.
He gives people a platform to defend themselves, and Heidi could have been one of them.
No. 947440
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Ross did finally remove Holly from his featured channels sidebar.
But instead replaced her with the equally
toxic StoryTime Animators. and Jaiden are both cows and since they are close with the Grumps I think we should be able to talk about them here as well.
No. 947465
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>>947446Because they are
-Not Funny (In my opinion), and usually claim to be introverted despite being affluent with many online and offline connections and abundant followings.
-Can't take criticism
Relation to thread
-Exact opposite of the revolutionary OG Newgrounds Egoraptor.
-Are only friends with the GameGrumps because they are clout-chasers. It does go both ways however with the Grumps also training to stay relevant. While Ross has gone back to being more independent doing his own thing with an animator GF by his side.
Already posted the links but I'll add more context:
TurkeyTom video "Criticism Not Welcome": video "The Unseen Side of Storytime Animators - How It Hurts Their Reputation": when this video parodying them by Sr Pelo was made: tried whiteknighting for them because like I mentioned, he's just cool with them for clout and relevancy. think their tour this year is postponed due to CoronaVirus, and I am glad it is.
No. 947480
>Plus jared fucking called Ross out in You've Been Lied To saying that Holly came back from a con to find that Ross had moved out without a word, aka he was trying to make Ross look bad and holly like a victim which is INSANE Oh wow that is just fucking disgusting. He just
had to drag Ross down too, huh?
Ross probably left because their house was in Holly's name, & her leaving first would've made him a squatter or something.
He probably couldn't stand living with a woman who, not only didn't love him anymore, but wouldn't shut the fuck up about this one guy & his marriage.
No. 947492
>If Heidi was so innocent she would have did the interview with Keemstar.Well then, going by your logic:
If Jared was so innocent he would have did the interview with Keemstar.
No. 947508
>Honestly, i think ugly boys hold peenjared with some type of special regard.Same with ugly girls & Holly.
I saw someone comment about how they love how those 'cute' wallflower types are capable of shit that can make pretty/popular girls red with embarrassment.
No. 947515
>>947508That's why I think Holly was so hellbent on taking Jared from Heidi
She wanted to "win", to defeat the pretty girl
No. 947516
>>947508What a bunch of fags and losers. If getting laid was the be all end all, why do they care so much about hurting other people? Oh right, cause they know they're losers and it's their one chance to feel bigger.
Peenjared and Hagholly have each other and are still miserable. All this hate would be more passionate than their feelings for each other, guaranteed.
No. 947519
>>947505People also seemed to forget that Jared & Holly are famous, Heidi isn't. She did this
knowing that Jared & Holly have a pretty big advantage over her.
Holly even played into it with her first response; "You all know me! Why would you listen to a stranger?" - Gotta make sure everyone knows Heidi's place, but Heidi wasn't backing down, so Holly pulled out her '
victim' card by announcing that she admitted herself into a mental hospital, then whipped out her 'good samaritan' card by saying she was 'saving' Jared from the eeeevil
abusive Heidi! "She's
really abusive guys! Because I
know her, but you
don't, &
You all know me!"
…And, like clockwork, their stan-army worked overtime to make her life hell.
No. 947520
>>947519Not to mention they were on a DnD show where their characters were madly in love and shipped by thousands of people
These folks literally are happy their OTP became canon and are upset that Heidi tried to come between them
Wasnt there even Straith fan art based off of their cringey Childs Play Chairty pictures/outfits??
Their fans, much like them, cant seem to understand that they are not Strix and Diath for fucks sake
No. 947522
Must be why Holly keeps playing so heavily into her Strix role. "Remember Striath? You guys loooove Striath! Look how canon it is now! BE HAPPY FOR ME!"
No. 947543
>>947541wait did I miss something and we're all dubbing Ross the "perpetual relationship chaser"?
he's been with Holly for a bazillion years, was in an emotionally exhausting relationship with her that took a toll on him and him getting a girlfriend makes him "impossible to be happy single"?
Like, y'all, this isn't a pattern. He isn't Dan who goes through women like a revolving door. He had one wife who he treated like a queen, and then he got a gf, and we can't judge nor know the way it progressed because he hasn't told us
I dunno where these anons popped out of but damn you're all weirdos. Trying to turn this into a "thing".
No. 947545
>>947543These scrotes have been popping up in a bunch of other threads too
probs just idiots bored and wanting to shitdisturb to bad they're fucking bad at it
No. 947567
>>947543It's just another attempt to make Hoelly into the poor mistreated golden child - rather than an adulterous whore who fucked a married man while being married herself. They're looking for any out to make this not-her-fault instead of entirely-her-fault. I mean, let's look at the whole situation:
Jared and Heidi's marriage was shit and inevitably would've failed regardless - but the tipping point was him lying to Heidi and fucking Hoelly, despite that being literally the only person on the planet she had a problem with.
The nudes aren't her fault, true enough, but she sank her career by defending PedoDick rather than coming out and saying "Yeah, that's fucked up and wrong."
What in this could be Ross' fault, Anons? If you go by the tale the dynamic duo of dumbasses is spinning, Ross knew and approved of their tryst, so like…..even if he IS rushing into a new relationship, that's chill and doesn't hurt Jared and Hoelly in the slightest (other than demonstrating that the right way to do shit is wait until a divorce is finalized first).
No. 947596
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>>947185Yet shes so broke that she needs her boyfriend to buy her a copy uWu
No. 947609
>>947543This the site for judging people and making claims about them so I thought it was okay to make that accusation towards him.
I do agree that he treated Holly well.
I'm not claiming he's desperate for a girlfriend, but i am claiming that he the mentality that he needs one, he's a good person who knows how to act professionally and you hardly see him exaggerate or overreact
No. 947632
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>>947480>>947397Since he will never collab with NormalBoots or GameGrumps again it won't surprise me if he started dropping edgy "gamer" humor to get people from the PewDiePie type crowd.
No. 947717
>>947596I mean its common for boyfriends to buy stuff for their girl..
She shouldnt have to enter a giveaway for him to buy it for her though
oof No. 947730
>>947596This is just sleazy. Why does he need people to follow him in order to give away three copies? Just do a lottery style drawing.
Coming from Jared, asking people to follow him just seems so desperate and sad. Like he's really trying to stay relevant, but he doesn't want to show it so he's pushing this 'giveaway' angle instead.
I just find it gross in general when people's 'charity' benefits them more than the people they're supposedly helping.
No. 947766
>>947736Next up: Free iphone to the first 10 people who send me tit pics I MEAN MY FIRST 10 FOLLOWERS!!!!
ProPedo, stop while you're behind, my guy
No. 947841
>>947728100% It's the latter. Gotta let everyone know he's
her man now.
No. 947847
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>"The fans have only experience ProJared, the persona he puts forth to the public that is funny, charismatic; Heidi experienced Jared, the guy who would withhold attention as a means of punishing her or who threatened to divorce her if she went to a convention out of state because he knew she was desperate to save her marriage. "
The term "Cult of Personality" comes to mind
Too many people fall in love with public personas, thinking that it's exactly how someone is irl.
They love the character that is 'ProJared'.
They want to protect that character.
If ProJared matters so much to you, ask yourself this:
What would ProJared think about the actions of Jared Knabenbauer?
No. 947853
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>>947847Heidi always went to DragonCon without Jared to get kinky with other cosplayers, so Jared went to TwitchCon without Heidi to get kinky with Hoelly.
Sounds fair, no?
No. 947859
>>947853Right because going to a con alone means she was obviously fucking other cosplayers. There’s no proof other than her one LDR whom she had permission to be with.
Meanwhile Jared was fucking fans and hoelly, someone his wife told him specifically not to fuck, and hoelly was married herself.
No. 947872
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Old Milk, but here's a reminder that Heidi admitted she made mistakes & isn't blameless
No. 947875
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>>947872Also Old Milk, but the date adds up:
> Apr 15, 2019 No. 947879
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>>947878I'm just tired of seeing people insist that Heidi somehow thought she was blameless throughout.
Several times she has admitted that she may have acted wrongly in some areas.
(Move on) No. 947928
>Jared went to TwitchCon without Heidi to get kinky with Hoelly. Sounds fair, no?No. When your wife specifically says "You can fuck other women, but not this one specific woman" and that is the ONE person you choose to fuck? That's wrong, that's not poly - that's just straight up adultery. If Jared had a problem with Heidi sleeping with others, he could have spoken up… Heidi did when she had a problem with who Jared was banging.
>>947872Literally no one has said she is blameless - but in the grand scheme of "Who fucked up worse?", Jared and Hoelly are at the top of the list.
>>947879And? She didn't ask to be cheated on. She didn't ask for her husband to lie to her face while he was fucking a mutual friend behind her back. She didn't ask for her husband's mistress to run to her thousands of followers, calling her an unfixable abuser.
Heidi may have fucked up - but goddamn, what Hoelly and ProDick did was NOT an appropriate response
No. 947937
>>9479361. who cares
2. what is with all the weirdo anons coming out of the woodwork to obsess over ross's dating life
No. 947940
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>>947936Jaiden is a schizophernic bird lady just like Hoelly.
I guess the difference is she is "talented?". I guess since the youtube algorithim killed animation that takes actual effort (Like Ross's latest cartoon), the STAs can thrive.
No. 947950
>>947936lol the desperate attempts to make jared blameless in all of this is laughable. the defenders of hoelly and wormdick always sound so childish
>sucked ross dick hurr SO THEREgrow up
No. 947959
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and in the past Gab Smolders (Jacksepticeye's girlfriend) would heart Jared's posts.
It's possible Holly wasn't the only internet personality he was banging.
Still damn, Jared should have cheated on Heidi with Gab instead, leaving Jack to get with Holly.
No. 947970
>>947967Both - She is both extremely shitty at gaming AND is playing it up for sympathy (which is just doing WONDERS for women who already have a hard time being taken seriously in the gaming world).
Everything with her is deliberate, so she knows damn well about the "OUR house, OUR stuff" bits. We get it, you got him, Hoelly. Legit no one else wants him, so bravo, I guess
No. 947977
>>947970I can only imagine how bland and detached he is on her streams
"Fine, Holly, I'll stream with you so people know we are together. I'm not gonna have a good time, though"
No. 948008
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>>947953>>947951Well Jared and Holly are running dry of milk. Jared has to work for a living so will continue to do things as he did before his divorce. While I imagine Holly (especially if Jared breaks up with her) will go full-on Onision and freak out on camera in an attempt to garner [negative] attention and stay relevant.
But if Jared&Holly had Dice Camera Action with D&D, Arin&Ross have Scribble Showdown with animators.
Odd1sOut was even on 10MPH makes sense to discuss them here.
No. 948072
>>947970When Jared visited her island she had dug holes all over, and said she couldn't fill them back in because of "controller problems". She played it off like her incompetence was cute. "I'm so girly and helpless and I need big strong Jared to fill my holes." I bet you do Hoelly!
>>948008>so makes sense to discuss them hereThe DCA people were only relevant once it came out they also left their former partners for each other, and the whole cast was a cheating support group. And even then they get mentioned for 4 posts like every other thread. Stop trying to shove your Odd1sOut/Jaiden vendetta in here AnimatorAnon because no1curr.
No. 948086
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>>947942>>947951>>947953Think I've found the Jaiden sperger. This was posted in the Racist Uncle thread, her and her discord goons were sperging out all over the RU thread and hate Jaiden.
>>947936 and
>>947940Even match the writing style.
No. 948092
>let’s fish and kill bluegill Jared my twu wuvmeanwhile with the grumps
>nooooo! I can’t eat sushiiii! It’s cruel! It freaks me out weeeehhh!!!hypocritical holly strikes again
No. 948188
>>947970This whole incapable of playing thing must have began with Jared because when she was with Ross and appeared on GG she was perfectly fine at it.
She literally is doing the whole dumbing down to get a man thing for him which is hilarious for a 30+ year old woman
No. 948192
>>948188Oh I doubt this is just for Jared's sake.
Pretty sure it's also to play it up for her fans, that uwu vulnerable Strixbirbmomwitch appeal.
No. 948247
>>948192Maybe it's a show for the audience because she wants everyone to ship them uWu
After all that was pretty much Striath's dynamic; strix was screech annoying and stupid and Diath was boring and condescending
No. 948322
>>947414slight ot but she got into a LDR with a dude and now they live together
she said on her private twitter she wasnt sure if he was the one/didn't like the way he treated her. all her girlfriends told her to run but she stuck by him.
No. 948392
>>948247Yeah, it's basically all of the above.
"Jared help me you strapping strong skilled gamer uwu"
"Striath uwu"
"uwu vulnerable Strixbirbmomwitch uwu"
No. 948424
>>948322Oh really? I didn't know about her private twitter thing.
He's like 8 years younger than her, and kind of a douche. Doesn't surprise me that she stuck with him.
No. 948656
>>947940>>948008Your samefag posts and autism are so obvious and tiring.
>>932028>>915451>>915456>>920866>>921644>>921853>>925075>>929380Good to see you literally just love to sperg about any woman in the GG circle, no matter how tenuous their connection actually is.
No. 948708
>>948384Wasn't Holly like extremely good at high level WoW? iirc she came in on Guild Grumps later and berated Ross at how horrible a teacher he was (tbf he was doing horribly and was enjoying the torment) and showed Arin how to play his class when they were boosted to really high levels.
Sure they're different games and different controls but if she can hit F1 to F12 and remember what actions they are in WoW, she can press either Y or A to fill in hole. If it's "controller problems" literally half of her main 4 buttons don't work then and it's unplayable.
No. 948808
>>946894>so you can Hannibal Lecture your spouse into a crying fitWhat are the odds that propedostans think laying out a partner's flaws for any reason is manipulative (as long as it's done by a lady they don't like)?
>>947010>>947035Exactly. If Jared or Holly were prescribed PTSD meds, it would somehow be a mark against Heidi for these people. Incidentally, even that would make slightly more sense than the "Xanax makes you a serial killer" theory.
>>947440That's more YouTube general, if milk ever arises.
No. 948902
>>948841He's apparently
very charismatic.
I'd assume he's all about 'promoting' people, & is into 'boosting numbers' for himself & sometimes others (eg: he's been giving attention to smaller 'Twitch Girls' lately)
No. 948913
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>>948841Lots of people find this guy to be attractive. I don't get it but different strokes for different folks.
No. 948964
>>948950Good point.
Especially considering the only ones who defend him as vehemently as the trolls & incels are just die-hard DCA stans.
No. 949002
>>948965Considering how many die hard DCA stans are protesting it/refusing to watch it with out Striath it may take time to get off its feet
Which is kind of a big fuck you to the rest of the cast, like they were part of DCA too but these fanboys only care about Jolly
No. 949019
>>948841Same reason there is girls who pay for Onision's onlyfans.
They are attracted to someone who is
toxic, unstable and dangerous. There is just a thrill and wager in being with a
toxic partner as opposed to the boring stability of a healthy one.
No. 949085
>>949019Granted this is more about why people sent nudes than why they are attracted to him, but one of the main reasons his porn blogs were predatory were that he said it was for "body positivity", not for him to jack off to.
Granted it was naive, but a good chunk of these people probably submitted them because they would be posted along with encouraging messages like "nice thighs!" and stuff
There were even people when the scandal broke who said that they sent nudes to the blog and only ever got a "good job! Dont you feel better?" As a response, which means he was literally using the guise of positivity to filter out the ones he wanted to fuck, then he would message those people privately
What I'm trying to say is that most the people who sent him stuff probably didnt even do it because they were attracted to him, they just wanted the positive attention their submissions would get, but then they would get pervy private messages from Jared and probably feel awkward/obliged to send and do more
Hope Holly still lurks here so she can have fun reading about all the fucked up stuff her boy toy did during the time she thought they were true love
No. 949095
>>949085> What I'm trying to say is that most the people who sent him stuff probably didnt even do it because they were attracted to him, they just wanted the positive attention their submissions would getThis. Giving it some thought I would maybe have done something similar when I was younger, not straight up nudes but definitely do anything to get positive attention from someone I look up to.
Getting validated by someone that you admire, and even more so when they have a following so it might make you feel even more “special”, must be a real confidence boost. It doesn’t have anything to do with attraction and more looking up to someone that I’m this case is in a position of power comped to young naive girls
No. 949101
>>949095Honestly I'm so glad I didnt know about it when it was active because at that time I was a very insecure 17/18 yr old and I could totally imagine myself being stupid and doing it, and I'm sure a lot of people feel that way
What makes it worse is that in his comeback video he said he didnt ID people because he didnt want them to dox themselves. That mattered more to him than reciving Child Porn. It just shows that he literally didnt care that he jacked it to teens, he cares that he got caught
I guarantee there were more minors than those who came forward because submitting to a nude blog is absolutely something that a stupid insecure teenager would do, especially to a gaming youtuber on a website primarily used by young teens. They probably just blame themselves/saw the backlash Charlie/Chai got and didnt want to come forward.
No. 949102
>>949101Also the kicker of the "I didn't want them to doxx themselves!"? The only person who should have been able to view his tumblr messages/asks/whatever would have been him and Heidi (unless Hoelly was stalking his messages back then too). Heidi had nothing to gain by using it as a means of blackmailing these kids - and You'd think a grown ass man would WANT to defend himself against any allegations of pedophilia by whatever means necessary.
No. 949144
>>949129"Well I couldn't let them Doxx themselves so I chivalrously chose to use the honor system"
I love that excuse because like… then dont open a nude blog? You didnt have to, ever, in fact. One workaround for not having fans send their IDs to confirm their ages? Dont solicit nudes from them!
No. 949183
>>948841Regardless of your feelings, people are attracted to whoever they are and I promise you there's a huge amount of people who would find you ugly/repulsive etc as well.
It's just how attraction works.
>>948379Yes, this is how online personalities work, especially for (sorry to say) many women content creators be it for better or worse, it's how they attract certain crowds.
No. 949208
>>949102Him and the hackers who breached the security of the first blog.
Or did you conveniently forget that part?
No. 949269
>>949221You have to go on a level of trust at that point, because people can literally dox themselves sending identifying information.
But it also would have proved that the whole "he's a pedo!!1" thing is a misguided attack because you're under the assumption he trolled around for underage kids.
If I'm 13 and I sent you nudes, am I in the right to say you solicited them out of me not knowing my age?
That's exactly what happened. Even then you can't even say he "solicited" in that context, because you're in the right if you asked (you are over 18 right?) if you lie about that or try to set someone up by lying, that person did wrong.
The only reason people say he "solicited nudes" was because of generalized speech of "If you want to send go for it", even the "private interactions" that we seen Jared wasn't the one that initiated the exchange.
If the sex stories were true, THAT is another story though.
I know we hate jared and he's a pos, but out of everything, ironically this is one thing he can't be "guilty" of without doing olympic sized stretches.
No. 949279
>>949269>The only reason people say he "solicited nudes" was because of generalized speech of "If you want to send go for it", even the "private interactions" that we seen Jared wasn't the one that initiated the exchange.Oh no, it's known he pressed people on for more explicit content.
Plus, "mandatory send nudes".
>>949276If it were hacked it's shocking how little came out of it. Normally when some popular person's account gets hacked lots of info and shit comes pouring out, but Jared gets hacked and none of this nudes and sexts get leaked from it??
No. 949287
>"That's how online personalities work"Fam, when someone hates being referred to as stupid or lesser than, they sure as fuck don't go online and purposely do things to appear stupid or lesser than. Hoelly's making her bed and then bitching about the way the sheets are folded back.
>"many women content creators be it for better or worse"Female content creators are HYPER-aware of appearing stupid since it's hard enough to be taken seriously in a male-dominated field. They're not going to purposely fuck things up in a game as simple as Animal Crossing.
>>949208As another anon said, an easy way to prevent the hacking? DON'T RUN A FUCKING NUDE BLOG WHEN YOU'RE SOMEONE OF E-CELEB FAME. Go to porn hub under an anonymous name like everyone else.
>"People can dox themselves"Or, hear me out, maybe Jared had no business running a porn blog that was THAT unsecured.
>"You're under the assumption he trolled around for underage kids"No one is saying that. What we ARE saying is that beyond a "hey, 18+ right?", he did fuck all to PREVENT that, and the onus to keep yourself from being called a pedophile falls on your own shoulders.
>"Was because of the generalized speech of "if you want"He literally said at one point "mandatory send nudes". How again is that people just randomly sending him nudes and NOT him soliciting them?
>"Heidi was still encouraging it"She encouraged one - maybe two blogs - NOT SEVEN, and not all of the separate snapchat accounts. When you factor all of these things in, this is a dude who clearly couldn't control himself and had no business running blogs like that.
No. 949289
>>949269You are confusing a minor sending nudes unprovoked
> If I'm 13 and I sent you nudesAnd an adult soliciting a minor for nudes while failing to check their age sufficiently.
> Washington’s laws against sexual exploitation of children also prohibit adults—including 18- and 19-year olds—from sexting or possessing sexually explicit images of minors.
> In a minority of states, defendants can raise a mistake-of-age defense but only in limited circumstances. And, when allowed, a defendant must prove the mistake was reasonable. Some states require a defendant to establish additional factors to prove the defense.
> If a mistake-of-age defense is allowed, a defendant needs to prove the mistake was reasonable. Facts or circumstances a defendant might use to establish proof of reasonable belief include:> any statements or misrepresentations concerning age made by the victim to the defendant or others> the defendant’s efforts to verify the victim’s age> the circumstances of the defendant and victim’s acquaintance> the victim’s physical appearance, and> other people’s beliefs as to the victim’s age.
> For instance, a defendant’s mistake in thinking a victim was 17 might be found reasonable if the victim drives and claims to have a job.
> Just as states define age of consent differently, a few states define their mistake-of-age defense differently. For instance, in Washington state, a defendant must prove reasonable belief based on the victim’s statements concerning age.As you can see, mistake-of-age defense is something that IS possible in Washington state. However, that defense is difficult to obtain, and requires proof beyond simply asking someone's age. Such as the example given, where the fictional 17-year-old is making pretenses towards being an adult.
Could Jared shoot for this defense? Possibly. We don't know the full conversation history, and like the example, there may be instances of the minors lying or embellishing other aspects of their life in order to appear of-age.
But to say he'd be completely in the clear would also be impossible to say. We don't know how many minors he was interacting with, or the extent of their conversations. If it was a simple "ya I'm 18" and then all dirty talk, then he'd have less of a leg to stand on. (Because reasonable belief would dictate that minors lie about their age all the time, especially on the internet.)
I find his excuse of worrying about doxing in regards to IDs just silly. Submitters would be just as likely to be
victims of revenge porn as they would be of doxing, right? (I'm talking about the private porn blogs and private conversations - not the "body positivity" facade blog) I mean Jared himself is now a
victim of revenge porn due to all of this.
If he was worried about hackers, submitters could have very simply sent him their ID through Snapchat - they would know if he had screenshotted it.
No. 949297
>"This thread is for shitting on Holly"No, this thread is for calling out her double-standard "woe is me, I'm the uwu birb mom, calling me a mistress is sexist" bullshit.
>"her tweet about her mother perfectly"Which one? The one where she insinuated that her mom was a horribly
abusive nightmare or the ones where she says she misses her mom? This bitch switches her opinion on her mom like most people change underwear.
>"It came off as respectful and placed in reality"Yeah, the same reality where she talks about slamming her head into the floor, followed up with plenty of "lol". A+ picture of reality, Anon.
Learn to sage your Pro-Holly bullshit.
No. 949316
>The hacking was in 2017So only
two years before the drama hit? That sounds like enough time to wipe any suspicious activity from public blogs & to appear almost squeaky-clean to any newcomers…
No. 949317
>>949289His stance against doxxing is bullshit anyway considering the NormalBoots guys gave Holly the email from an alleged
victim of his (the complaint that got him removed from their team), the information from which she used to help him launch a campaign of targeted harassment against them via discord. Jared and Holly are both bad actors and neither of them should have their word taken for truth.
No. 949321
>considering the NormalBoots guys gave Holly the email from an alleged victim of his (the complaint that got him removed from their team)They did?
What does Holly have to do with NormalBoots though?
No. 949368
File: 1585113353369.png (272.18 KB, 912x1084, kiwichuds.png)

Jared: bawws on Instagram about a mean DM he got from some nobody about the drama months after it's been 'resolved'
Heidi: Makes a vague remark about why she wants to throw out certain cosplays
KF: omg Heidi is SUCH an attention whore!!1!!1 When will she grow tf up?!?(Derailing )
No. 949418
>>949368KW does the same thing as this site, obsess over random strangers for decades and accuse them of the the freak rather than them the stalkers.
Also its irrelevant of Heldi gets a real job or not. What Is KF gonna do if she does? Come over to her house and congratulate her like they know her personally and aren't weird stalkers?
No. 949420
>>949328Holly's all "believe
victims!" Until the
victims are of her boyfriend, then she does everything she can to discredit them and even give their personal information to the man himself so that he can contact them and send then weird gaslighting "apologies"
In her eyes the only abused people in this world are her and her darling Diat- I mean Jared uWu
No. 949421
>>949279Exactly, wheres that screenshot where a fan just wanted to talk to him about games and he responded "Mandatory send nudes"
Even as a joke, his fan just wanted to interact with him and talk about a like interest but he couldn't view a fan interaction as anything more than a way to get fap material
No. 949430
>>949418KF does NOT do the same thing as this site. When we hate people, there's a reason - IE: Hoelly's "WOE IS ME, SOMEONE DIED AND THAT'S GOING TO BE ME AND IT'S GOING TO BE ALL YOUR FAULT!" spergs. KiwiFarms hates women because our parents dared to not drown us all at birth.
>>949421It's in an earlier thread, I'm sure. Hell, dude is certifiably creepy about nudes and any/all sexual themes, even if he's not a blatant pedophile. Watched Until Dawn, which is about high school aged people (so like 17-18 years old) and every other word out of ProDick's mouth was about them banging and sexy times and it just was very creepy.
No. 949438
>>949430>>949430Unpopular opinion but Hoelly isn't that much of a cow and nobody would give a fuck about the dead DCA thread if it wasn't for the pro Jared affair Heidi was involved in to an extent. Holly is not the first homewrecker on this board but she gets extra hate for being the ugly autistic Harry Potter looking flake she is.
By the way, this site is for whatever people want it to be, and you're not a hero for sperging about this smelly cunt in your spare time. Kiwifarms laughs at retards for the same reasons.
No. 949464
>>949438My opinion is that KF is just as gross as the people they mock and they admit it. There's lots of things to point out.
The owner made a website dedicated to his hobby but he recommends others don't? what? Other people have innocent hobbies and they're not allowed to but Null can do it? He literally acts like a god and he is so obsessive and needs to be put in a mental hospital. It would be fine if he had a innocent hobby that didnt involve everyone. But his does force everyone to get involved
No. 949467
>>949462thanks for nothing, we really appreciate the thread contribution
>>949464you are what you eat i guess? before anything came out about jareds relationship (besides his initial divorce tweet), over half of the propredator thread posters were grasping for selfmade straws to explain away jareds handling of the situation.
No. 949517
>>949467True, I agree. They were making their own reasons.
I think Null and other users have gotten addicted to documenting and finding info about others, you know how drug users do drugs with other people? It's like that but with other people. They get a thrill of finding someones personal info and posting it for everyone to see.
I seriously wonder if any of them will succumb to murdering one of the people they stalk, because it sure seems like they get a little too invested.
No. 950934
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Is this about Nate and Anna?
No. 950935
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>>950934She elaborates a little below but I still can't tell.
No. 950948
>>950934>>950935It definitely is. Christina was wronged and she has a right to hate everyone involved in nate’s cheating but ngl she’s a bit of a cow herself. It’s been what, 2 years, and she still has periodic twitter meltdowns where she ALMOST spills everything and outs Nate outright, but either doesn’t quite have the balls to do it, or she’s toying with with him and wants credit for being above internet shit-flinging. (honorable mentions: immediately bedding Anna’s ex husband after their split and posting about it when he passed, posting pictures of herself in a wedding dress a year after Nate Cheated, and tweeting at Anna to “wake up her boyfriend, we need to talk.”)
Again, she’s still a
victim and she’s right to be pissed, but she seems pretty manic.
No. 950985
File: 1585513705686.jpg (355.79 KB, 1079x1046, ihateblackpeople1.jpg)

Heidi won't quit hey she wants to exercise her 1st Amendment go ahead.
Jared hasn't mentioned Heidi's name or his relationship since the allegations video.
Holly talks about how she was witchunted for cheating, and I think the arguement can be made that she technically did not cheat, though case in point she still fucked over Ross in every other way (and not in bed).
But he is doing better than ever, Holly "cheating" on Ross was the best thing that happened to him.
No. 951002
>>950985Gasp! How fucking DARE they!!! /s
For real though, look who she's talking to; Christina Vee - she is Nate's ex-fiance (whom I believe he left for Anna from DCA)
Context is important.
No. 951025
>But he is doing better than ever, Holly "cheating" on Ross was the best thing that happened to him.Ah yes he's doing better now, so that
completely justifies whatever Holly did to him!
Just because someone chose not to disclose their side of the story doesn't mean they didn't go through anything, anon.
No. 951028
>>950985>>951011A bit OT but I'll be damned if the kinda shit this specific post describes is peak-DCA sentiments:"You know magic!"
No. 951052
>>950948the timeline of Cristina's blabber is so fucked up. She got together with Nate and maybe 5 months later got engaged, then few months later they suddently called it off and broke up. This was way before Anna and Geoff divorced but like half a year or something before that. So if she knew Nate and Anna were cheating then, jumping on Geoff's shoulder to look for someone who gets it is pretty understandable. Every once in a while for the last 2 years she's been dropping these vague tweets about how she was wronged, abused, her heart was broken, she is stronger, she's moved on.. until the next time she tweets about it. And dating Geoff half a year after he divorced, and more than half a year since she and Nate broke up, calling him her Vallentine and so on in the days after he died makes it all rings so fake. Which one is it? Did you move on and love Geoff? Are you still hung up on Nate? Or are you just annoyed that he is moving on and not in a depression and burnout anymore, actually succeeding in life?
She tweeted that "wake up your girlfriend" but then deleted it. As if him having girlfriend a year after they broke up is something unthinkable? But she did it for the lolz, right, she wrote it was a joke. Cause of course when their show is collapsing and twitter is on the war path is the perfect time to settle old scores. She screeched up twitter after Geoff's death so loud you'd think she was one of those professional wailers. But then she shares that he didn't want to tell his family they were dating and they broke it off before that. But surely, hours after he is dead is the perfect time for his family to find out she is his ex? And yes, you will tell me - everyone grieve in their own way. Sure. And some people have to make sure everyone sees that they grieve more.
No. 951058
>>951052Well, she's no longer alone now that Heidi has also been fucked over by the irl slow-burn fic that is DCA.
Geoff at least got the mercy of a preemptive divorce from Anna, & Jared '''wanted to divorce''' Heidi but Heidi 'ruined' it by wanting to at least try to 'work things out' first. ("I wanted a divorce, but she wouldn't let me!" - probably because you brought it up to her out of the blue)
No. 951060
Chumplady also made a post addressing the ProJared drama back in May: for old milk)
No. 951090
>>950985> Heidi won't quitMore like samefag won't quit.
>>948656Your obsession with Ross is so creepy. Claiming to have met him and his new girlfriend irl at Disney. Now you're taking a tweet of Heidi recommending a book and twisting it to somehow be about Ross.
No. 951091
>>951058Lol, "probably because you brought it out of the blue"
Romantic dinner, soothing music.
- Honey, I want a divorce.
is out of the blue.
Telling her after half a year of marital problems and therapy, then telling her therapist, then telling THEIR couple's therapist.. maybe you are a bit pushing it. I mean even Heidi told her friends in October that their marriage had problems and he was cheating. Just cause she wanted to work it out doesn't mean the signs and explicit divorce message wasn't there.
No. 951092
>>951090okay fuck you then stupid niggers
you'll never see me again
>"Immediately bedding Anna's ex husband after their split"At least she waited until they split rather than fucking around on someone while claiming to be in a committed relationship. Anyway, it wasn't just a fling from the sounds of it - they were exploring a legit relationship.
>"but she seems pretty manic"You're allowed to be a little bit manic when your husband is fucking his co-worker under your nose.
>"Heidi won't quit"Yes, god forbid she mentions the fact she was cheated on. How fucking dare she? Should we mention the ones who DID the cheating? Nah fam, they're innocent - just the wife whose husband lied and gaslit is guilty.
Get the fuck back to pj2
>"Jared hasn't mentioned his relationship"No, he's too busy posting pictures of him modeling for his new whore's clothing line and letting Hoelly let her crazy shine to take the brunt of the hate away from him.
>"She technically did not cheat"The fuck are you on about? Emotional cheating - which is telling someone "I want to be in a relationship with you and only you, my husband and your wife be damned" - is still cheating.
No. 951152
>"even Heidi told her friends….their marriage had problems and he was cheating"So that makes it okay for Jared to fuck his co-worker continuously while leading her on about saving their marriage?
>"explicit divorce message wasn't there"Here's the thing: Jared's a grown ass man. He could have walked his happy ass into the courthouse and filed divorce papers AT ANY TIME. He didn't have to wait and make sure Heidi was okay at first (because, let's face it, he had to have known she wouldn't be okay when the truth came out about him and Hoelly having been fucking around behind her back)
No. 951194
>>950948cristina just seems like an immature person who went through a lot of shit and doesn't always know how to deal with it. you can't try her for her manic behavior (well put anon), but you can't excuse it either IMO. doing whatever the fuck you want because "i'm so hurt" and then holding others to a different standard is kinda cowlike, but as i said, it seems much more immature than it does malicous.
>>951060fuck, how did we miss this?
>Fucking pigeon fanciers has always been, and will remain, solely for the benefit of Heidi’s mental well-being.i'm crying here lmfao
No. 951210
>>951200>her therapist explained to him already in end october/early november that he would have to arrange everything for her to move out and even then he can expect suicide threats.As piss-poorly worded as what the therapist actually said in the first place was, this was not it.
>didn't know even how to open her own bank account.Doubt.
No. 951212
>>951200so because heidi wouldn't have gone away anyway, it makes complete sense that jared dragged things out as late as he did, hence living his life how he wanted and cheating and sleeping around was justified in this scenario, is what you're saying.
>didn't know even how to open her own bank accountlike clockwork, in each thread. someday you may understand spouses are involved in each other's official affairs even on the verge of divorce because of the undeniable fact that they've shared most IDs and documents up till that point. moron
(anons with zero chances of marriage/serious relationships in their near future are so painfully easy to spot, in this thread)
No. 951262
>She had no income and no money and obviously, didn't know even how to open her own bank account.Go figure!
Everyone involved in this mess is a maladjusted man/woman-child in some way.
No. 951272
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It’s honestly pathetic how she keeps promoting him but he won’t even publicly give her the time of day.
Also, Hoelly, keep your grimy claws the fuck away from FF7.
No. 951337
>>951324Oh yeah, the FF7 remake comes out next month.
Millions of better & much more entertaining streamers will be playing it, so she better help boosting his numbers early! Such a good gf! /s
No. 951357
>he thought about killing himself this time last yearWasn't that when Charlie & Chai sent that complaint?
> and he poured his heart & soul into this video and everyone please spread it aroundGotta emotionally manipulate your audience eh, Jared?
Also he's been saying that a lot lately "please spread it around" sounds like someone's falling a little behind on views + clicks…
No. 951381
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>"At 29:18, he casually mentions that he wanted to kill himself (most likely because of the divorce fiasco)."Nah, it's probably because of the pedo allegations. The divorce drama & fallout took up most of 2018 iirc
>"He cried after premiering the video on twitch."
>"He treated the situation like a joke before (his "cancel culture" tweet, his merch), so it just seems weird that he references it so emotionally now."It's nice to see the folks of KF finally waking the fuck up.
No. 951403
File: 1585604633976.png (172.06 KB, 428x324, 1528516448551.png)

>>951381Projared reminds me of some ancient manchild crying about getting kicked from his basement; I forgot the name + details but the highlight was him quoting some final fantasy dialogue when he was describing his pathetic sob story. I can see him pulling that shit on his twitch hugbox while his sad kingdom hearts osts plays in the background.
No. 951404
>>951262Don't buy BS from PJ2 stans, anon.
>>951272Ugh, keep both of them away from FFVI…
>>951381I get that it sometimes feels like longer has passed but… No, everything kicked off in May 2019.
No. 951415
>>951413Plus, they're just behind the times in so many areas.
Of course people still watch funny-but-earnest reviewers, but only
die-hard fans of his are gonna stick around & watch a 40+ minute video.
His FFVI video has already been pushed on other subreddits & people just… aren't interested.
No. 951423
>>951415>>951413Yeah, he proved himself innocent sure.
Still, hardly recovering.
Similar to the case of Slazo where he was cancelled by his ex and ImAllexx after questionable text logs were leaked. Proved innocent but lost most of the connections that made their channel strong.
There is the potential to be invited to events like E3 (they are run by actual neckbeards and creeps and cater to them anyways), but due to the coronavirus that's not possible this year.
As for Holly, she's only ever as popular as the guy she's dating and well, eh.
Still best of luck to them and shit.
No. 952065
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>>951417Good catch, hadn’t seen it. So the one obvious Heidi hater probably was also the “what about Heidi’s black bf? Huh!? HUH?!” scrote poster? That’s beyond embarrassing.
No. 952134
>>951272>>952103he has historically had a thing with final fantasy 6, he can't stop talking about how the rogue character in
this game was his original inspiration for diath. no wonder holly's all over this video, pity there's no troll magicians in this game she can skinwalk to fuck jared as. maybe she can try presenting as phunbaba if she's desperate enough kek
No. 952143
>"How he thought about killing himself"I feel zero sympathy for him - not a shred. Why? Because he was once again using the "uwu I'll just kill myself!" method of problem management, perfected by his hit-it-but-can't-quit-it fuck buddy. This time last year, he knew shit was about to hit the fan because he had been fucking Hoelly behind his wife's back and his wife was catching on to his bullshit.
You don't get to "but I'm suicidal!" your way out of that one.
>"He is still losing about 1k followers/subs a month"Of course he is. 99% of the games he plays are older ones that have niche fandoms, but generally aren't going to bring in high volume views. Sure, he streams the occasional pokemon stream or what-the-fuck-ever, but that's not enough to sustain an online presence.
>"he proved himself innocent"No. No, he did not. He proved that he didn't directly ask minors for nudes - but other than that, he didn't prove shit. He STILL solicited nudes from his fans (which is creepy enough), and did so with the barest minimum of protections in place. He STILL fucked around on Hoelly behind Heidi's back.
>"There is the potential to be invited to events like E3"E3 is NOT going to risk the kind of scandal that comes with inviting someone with as much of a reputation as Jared, who may or may not be using the cons as little more than a meet-up for his latest "imma fuck a fan" session.
No. 952164
>>952143>E3 is NOT going to risk the kind of scandal that comes with inviting someone with as much of a reputation as JaredVic Mignogna still makes public appearances. It's highly unlikely but not impossible.
>He STILL fucked around on Hoelly behind Heidi's back.That is true, but him cheating on Heidi was just more of a meme like how people made fun of iDubbbz for his girlfriend making an OnlyFans account, it doesn't matter.
But Jared was always niche and oldschool, and if he tried to turn into some Fortnite hypebeast type it would just not work. Leafyishere got his nudes leaked but it didn't matter because of the content he made and the communities he hanged out in.
Jared on the other hand is still pretty screwed for the most part.
No. 952202
>>951348Jared / Holly: "Heidi feeling suicidal during the divorce was abuse"
Jared / Holly anytime they face consequences for their actions: "I feel suicidal"
Maybe I'd be more sympathetic to his situation if he hadn't tried to convince the world that Heidi was
abusive for having the exact same feelings he's now trying to get sympathy for.
Anyway, yeah. His posts feel pretty desperate these days. I haven't seen anyone use a 'bump' on their own work since like… the days of gaia online.
Wonder when Holly will wake up out of the fog she's in and realize that Jared is putting in 10% of the relationship effort that she's putting in.
No. 952237
>Jared / Holly: "Heidi feeling suicidal during the divorce was abuse"
>Jared / Holly anytime they face consequences for their actions: "I feel suicidal" THIS.
Heidi was suicidal because she was doing anything & everything for a guy who didn't seem to give a shit.
Both Jared & Holly became 'suicidal' when they got caught red-handed.
No. 952256
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ProJared stans: CANCEL CULTURE IS BAD!!!
Also ProJared Stans: (see pic)
No. 952309
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Holly lets her pigeons in her house to chew on her hand.
No. 952317
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Kind of OT, but I found this weird; Holly apparently blocked someone who defended her a couple months ago…
No. 952326
>>952317I just find it strange, since Holly usually latches onto
anyone who defended her (ie: Keemstar)
No. 952328
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>>952319Have you ever been to a farm? You wash your hands after working with the animals. If I'm raising hogs or chickens, they stay in their pen or field and they don't go in the house where I live. Livestock aren't clean. A thousand plus years ago we might have kept livestock in the home for just that little extra bit of heat to survive the winter but now we have electricity.
Anyways, it looks like Holly has found her new personality- Animal Crossing
No. 952337
>>951348Didn't Jared also un-list his "YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO" video recently?
…And in his recent video, he faintly alludes to the very incident that started the mess?
No. 952358
>>952309Because what goes better with coronavirus than an avian-borne illness too?? /s
>>952317Hoelly generally deserves to be bashed - but this gave off creepy incel vibes a.k.a. "I defended you. you OWE ME!!!!!"
>>952319There's a BIG difference between "I butcher my own animals for meat and do so humanly and with adequate sanitation" and "LOLOLOL FUCK THE CDC! I WANT BIRD KISSES!"
>>952328Oh god, please don't let her ruin this.
Also, can she not just have normal interests like every other adult? Does she HAVE to go full tilt with everything that piques her interest??
>>952355Now I know why I couldn't find any crabs on the beach; They all went K.K. Slidin' into Hoelly.
Well….I guess trash does attract trash…..
No. 952367
>>952328Maybe the terf bangs were actually a good choice. She has a massive forehead and looks trans.
I can just imagine her trying to be cute but screaming in her shrill voice about all the birb villagers she wants to cosplay.
No. 952379
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>>952367I was thinking that, too. It's because the hair looks like a cheap wig and the brows look too harsh and drawn-on, like someone is trying to make themselves up but haven't figured out how yet.
I don't think it's the lack of bangs, but more the fact that her hair always looks like it was cut with safety scissors by a blind toddler and her insistence on dyeing it colors that don't work with her complexion. If it isn't box dye black, it's Big Red or bubblegum pink.
Once upon a time (don't ask me when b/c I just searched her name on images for two minutes) she had a vaguely normal looking bob haircut in a medium brown instead of the shag cut she has now, and she did her makeup in normal, flattering colors. The makeup and hair cut and color were nicely executed. In my opinion, she looked best like that. Chunky orange eyeshadow like on her podcast a while back and those weird eyebrows that look like an option for a wii character do not work for her.
I'm not talking about her facial asymmetry or facial features in this because I know that nobody can help what they are born with. I'm specifically talking about how every grooming choice such as hair, makeup, and brow shape choice she makes is unflattering even though she has demonstrated in the past that she can look decent.
No. 952579
>>952491There's also the whole "cows are less likely to spread massive, deadly infections than birds that have a history of doing that exact thing" but okay, keep on defending your cdc-defying birb kissing queen, I guess.
>"because they're animals"One is routinely killed for food that is then cooked in a manner to kill the potentially deadly viruses/bacteria/what-the-fuck-ever. One is a fucking bird, one that is routinely killed for being a fucking nuisance that can spread disease, one that the CDC has REPEATEDLY clarified not to kiss.
No. 952613
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>>952202I had to see for myself if he sounded that desperate to need to bump his video and fuck this is hilariously desperate
No. 952616
I thought you beat Cancel Culture though, PedoDick?? /s
No. 952617
File: 1585727611156.png (33.59 KB, 264x539, Screenshot at Apr 01 02-51-52.…)

Welp. Now we know why Jared is so desperate. (this is twitter - but honestly, his youtube is pretty bad too)
No. 952621
>>952616It's really just the genre in general.
2010s was the perfect time for Jared to make the type of videos he did. He was in his early 20s (a very profitable market second to children), people his age were more likely to have grown up with the same games and in turn watch his videos. Though teenagers at that time would have grown up with N64 and were in the same general niche as his fanbase. He networked with other creators in their 20s like PBG, JonTron, Grumps, etc. who had similar fanbase and demographic.
But as the times change, so does society.
Now children these days are more interested in Fortnite and simping for Pokimane, that's just the mainstream now.
Even PBG's last few videos couldn't break a million.
Jirard recently uploaded a video detailing how the algorithm has screwed him over.
Game Grumps/The Grumps also struggle to break 1million.
But the Grumps, or Arin/Ross at least, managed to bridge the edgy oldschool Newgrounds fanbase with the modern/younger Storytime animator fanbase which has allowed them to maintain relevancy through unity.
As for JonTron, he took a third option. Instead of sticking to his roots or adapting to the future, he ditched gaming videos all together which was probably his best move. He does have his OG gamer fanbase that tune in to see him, and the general youtube lurkers who just want to see a funny video.
As for how the A-List gaming channels like PewDiePie stay relevant, that comes down to the fact his content has always been more personality-driven and not relying on a script or production value, which few creators can do in the same way he has. But I'm going on a tangent here.
In Short: What worked then just doesn't work now.
No. 952654
>>952621Exactly. The only thing Jared really had going for himself was then success of Dice Camera Action, especially since he BARELY uploaded a couple times a year (because the abuse he was going through guys uwu /s) and his streaming personality is nonexistent. But we all know how much he fucked that up.
Quick question, did he have the nude tumblr before DCA, or did he make it after DCA started taking off?
No. 952692
>>952621You hit the nail on the head, anon. I remember when gaming videos starting to rise in popularity in 2007 or 2008. Angry video game nerd was a big channel and he kept getting bigger, but even now he barely uploads because it just doesnt get views and it's probably very time consuming now that he's a father.
People like projared, PBG..etc they're all talentless man child who did gaming channels that barely hold up. Makes me wonder what these youtubers and channels are gonna do in another 5 years
No. 952756
And ProJared's 'personality' is often presented as smug & condescending, which was funny back in the early 2010's, but these days smug & condescending comes off more as obnoxious & unnecessary.
Drama aside, he's just… boring.
Next month is May, soon it'll have been a
year since the drama broke, so expect a lot of "One year ago I was CANCELLED! Look how far I've come!" musings from the both of them.
No. 952847
File: 1585780489971.png (16.88 KB, 450x252, bloganon1.png)

Just checked one of the tumblr blogs that calls them out & this anon sounds suspiciously like Holly…
No. 952855
>>952847It's funny, I follow that blog and it hasn't updated in DAYS, likely because the person running it is dealing with the pandemic.
It doesn't sounds like Holly but it does sound like one of her more vocal stans. Too dumb to understand the flow of time, too. Blog exists NOW, so person running it is actively managing it NOW. If they had better things to do NOW, blog would not exist.
No. 952965
>>952847So this person actively searched for hate of their gods Jared and Holly went out of their way to type up a long high and mighty message to a negative Jared/Holly blog thats been inactive lately.
Do they really not see the irony in shaming @trashwitchcoven (LOVE that they got that URL) while going out of their way to talk about the same fucking drama? Like, why aren't they learning something new or improving themselves instead of sending hate messages to blogs?
No. 952980
A very hypocritical nitpick, just because you only like animals for meat doesnt mean people cant enjoy animals as pets. It reeks of friend group drama but applied to animals instead.
Also I'm not a holly stan, I just mean this nitpick is deeply lacking in logic
No. 953032
>>952654>Exactly. The only thing Jared really had going for himself was then success of Dice Camera ActionI actually want him and Holly to attempt a new D&D stream with same (or if not possible, similar) characters.
It would flop after a month, because Jared wouldn't find RPing relationship with his girlfriend as fun as publicly cheating on his wife while pretending it's only "a roleplay, not a real thing." Whoever joined them most likely wouldn't be into cheating their partners either, like Nate and Anna were.
Only Holly would desperately try to get the fantasy going on so she can vicariously live through Strix again.
New campaign would just make it obvious that the only thing that made DCA so "amazing and fun" to them was the fact they were getting a high on cheating their spouses.
No. 953038
>>953036Hoelly has been known to kiss on her chickens despite the CDC saying not to do that. She admitted as much on social media.
This has nothing to do with the coronavirus quarantines.
No. 953105
File: 1585836077195.jpg (422.99 KB, 1052x1403, 20200402_094731.jpg)

>>953032This catchphrase is so generic and boring, it sounds like something a Disneyworld actor would say to you when you pose for a picture
It's honestly impressive how obsessed she still is with Strix. She fucking designed her whole house around her for fucks sake. Wasnt she going to release a comic/zine/continuation of Strix's (and Diath) story? Or is that just another one of her big projects that she refuses to actually work on.
Its obvious that the reason she is so obsessed with Strix is because of Striath/Jared. Fuck, during Heidi's tell-all stream she basically called them out for having sexted & commissioned porn of Striath for MONTHS while still pretending like they weren't doing anything wrong (like emotional cheating for one thing) and Holly even tried to claim that she "didnt know she had feelings" for Jared until their infamous walk even after sexting nonstop every day (and weren't they even talking about fucking in costume before the walk??)
I'm genuinely convinced that she used Strix/Striath as a way to feel less guilty about the awful shit she was up to. Whenever she felt bad, she could tell herself it was just a game/was strix and diath, not her and Jared. After all, Striath was meant to be, and everyone in their fandom shipped them so hard! Then Heidi became the big evil bitch for rightfully calling out their behavior and telling them to confront it, then even more of a big evil bitch for revoking consent after holly was saying shit to Jared about wanting to be with him and for them to be exclusive. Because, you know, it was totally unreasonable and cruel of Heidi not to want her husband in a relationship with a woman who wanted him all to herself and went out of her way to slander Heidi to said husband
The funny/sad part is that during all this jared was soliciting nudes from fans and fucking them at cons, no doubt while Holly was sitting there thinking that they were true love uWu
No. 953124
>>953105well put. she has to have some serious identity issues if she larps this hard 24/7 when honestly, nobody gives a shit about strix besides her. not even jared.
if she gave her fucken birds away and got a job like a normal person she might eventually gain some semblance of a personality besides BIRD MOM UWU but that isn't happening unless there's some financial upheaval in her life soon.
tbh she reminds me of an edgy Taylor R, no substance all surface. only reason they can pull it off or are known at all is because of daddy's/family's cash.
Holly reads these threads and the more she gets criticised (read: ~cyberbullied uwu~) the less she'll change and the more she'll dig her heels in. her gross, goblin, homewrecking heels.
No. 953175
>>952855>>952965It's pretty much the angle that any stan goes with; It takes people at least
an hour to write one sentence.
No. 953177
File: 1585846134556.png (3.05 KB, 346x64, scientology.png)

>>952847This is probably my favorite response to that anon
No. 953233
File: 1585852880548.png (71.57 KB, 578x698, obvioustrollisobvious.png)

>>953177It's fascinating; the amount of effort his fans put in defending him against comments from obvious troll accounts.
Also notice how they
always have to drag his ex-wife while doing it.
"Be Kind"? "Please don't harass Heidi"? Nah, fuck that!
No. 953242
>"His abusive, manipulative, lying, sociopathic leech of an ex-wife explicitly told him to do"Actually, she revoked consent - which made it cheating. These are the same people who probably think a husband couldn't rape his wife because "Well, she told me once that I could do it, so that means I can do it whenever I want!"
Also, not thread related, but any time I see a lemon icon, I just think of lemon man (google it for lulz)
No. 953797
File: 1585949176260.jpg (204.7 KB, 1080x717, 20200403_172359.jpg)

Holly is once again sticking her nose in someone else's cancellation drama
This post stood out to me because did she ever say she was truly sorry for what she did? Did she ever apologize for cheating or slandering her secret-boyfriend's wife or giving minors' contact info to the man they were coming forward about? All I remember is her apologizing for non-drama related stuff, like the Etika comments.
No. 953801
>>953797From what I can tell, she is sticking her neck out to defend a guy who role played his character assaulting another player's character in a live DnD show?
Knowing how much Holly believes in characters BEING their players and being self-inserts this a little fucking weird lmao
No. 953802
File: 1585949631986.png (72.15 KB, 592x608, assault.png)

>assaultFucking WHAT?
No. 953808
File: 1585950196477.png (32.12 KB, 599x273, hypocrite.png)

Says the woman who announced to the entire internet who who it was who sexually abused her.
No. 953810
>>953797>>953802fwiw, at least this guy
mentions where & what he did wrong, without wailing "I was abused!" or "I'm mentally ill."
No. 953811
>>953801Exactly. her and Jared discovered their love via their DnD characters because they were so IN character and all that, which shows how immature she is when it comes to roleplaying and fictional characters.
THEN she turns around and supports a fellow DnD player who used their character to sexually assault another player's character???? Shes made it clear she cant decern players from their characters, so what the ACTUAL fuck is she doing?
I think she just see's the word "cancelled" and is immediately on the defense, no matter what
No. 953813
>>953811Holly: "Did someone say
Cancelled??? Because BOY, do I have a t-shirt for you!!!"
No. 953815
>>953808"I was molested which means I am the sole speaker and representative for all sexual assault
victims. I forgive this person, if you don't then you're a bad person and part of the cancel problem uwu"
God, FUCK off. Its horrible that she was molested, truly, but she cant just throw it out and expect to shut down any and all criticism this creep is getting.
No. 953820
File: 1585950774828.png (54.52 KB, 590x504, wks.png)

>>953815Heeeere come Holly's WKs!
"Well, uhhh, I was raped WAAAAY more times than YOU were and I disgree! So there!"
No. 953822
>>953820This is your fanbase, Holly
This is the kind of people who idolize you
No. 953827
File: 1585951305216.png (54.51 KB, 588x482, welp.png)

No. 953834
File: 1585951829272.png (73.4 KB, 582x614, shaming.png)

>"He can go off and be a good person all he wants, but no one is owed redemption or forgiveness."
Here is the lesson you should have learned months ago, Holly.
You felt entitled to Heidi's forgiveness because you said "sorry!" 800+ times & bought her some shit, yet continued to do what upset her in the first place.
That is why she didn't believe you. Not because she's 'cruel' or 'an abuser', but because you ultimately proved that you gave her nothing but empty words & gestures.
The best apology is changed behavior.
No. 953837
>>953834That first person made SUCH a good point. Why is Holly going out of her way to comfort the perpetrator instead of the actual
I think she feels the need to make him the
victim in the narrative because it's the same thing she tried to do herself (and jared)
Its gross that her first thought upon seeing what happened was, "Oh no! Hes gonna get mean messages, poor guy!"
No. 953854
File: 1585953623367.png (372.36 KB, 596x530, virtuesignalingguiz.png)

Holly's stans doing what they do best!
No. 953857
File: 1585953786938.png (26.34 KB, 554x228, publicshaming.png)

>>953797Great response, but of course, Dan is on the scene.
No. 953889
File: 1585957227412.png (48.58 KB, 586x384, victim.png)

>"Imagine being a victim and then prioritizing patting the back of the perpetrator over admonishing his actions. "
Oh ProtegatXIII, you sweet summer child…
No. 953913
File: 1585960285224.jpg (217.53 KB, 1080x765, 1582461599473.jpg)

Compare this to Holly's behavior towards victims…
No. 953924
Elspeth can go fuck herself as far as Holly's concerned, the real problem is that now Adam Koebel knows what he did & is
really sad about it you guys!
No. 953925
File: 1585961250889.png (307.38 KB, 401x1041, Reason.png)

At least reasonable people are still fully holding Jared and Holly accountable and even pointing out that the abusers have a network between them.
No. 953931
>>953929Koebel is gay, so the latter will never happen.
But they're already tight, they're both besties with Bluejay.
She probably just wants more public validation out of this one.
No. 953975
File: 1585969187411.png (42.75 KB, 470x570, associates.png)

>>953925Yep. Glad people are making the connection.
No. 953977
File: 1585969492693.png (445.06 KB, 586x470, hotpotskinnyghost.png)

>>953925…And they're right. Adam is rather close with the entire Wafflecrew
No. 953985
>>953953Jared's smart enough to stay out of it
Holly? She's the self-proclaimed champion of the cancelled
Ok but just fucking imagine if something like this would have happened during DCA to Strix. She would have lost her shit and thrown her past around and everything. It would have crossed lines, mess with her own planned character arc, upset literally everyone there. But because it happened to someone else, it wasnt a big deal, nothing to be upset over uwu.
Hasnt she admitted that her mental illness prevents her from empathizing with people? Maybe I'm remembering that wrong, sorry if I am, but it totally shows here.
Honestly I'm sure she didnt even know what happened to cause the drama (it's not like shes part of the DnD community anymore LOL), she probably just saw that another weird gamer dude she knows tweeted a notes app apology and immediately jumped on the defence
No. 953990
>>953978That bottom left one kills me
"When she calls your wife an abuser and says you should be with her instead"
"When she thinks you're her true love when your sexting 5 different fans that very moment"
No. 953992
File: 1585971514067.jpg (303.3 KB, 2048x1365, DqqDDyDUcAAguQ2.jpg)

Here's the pic in full res
Aren't they soooo cute 2-gether??? /s
No. 953997
>>953992That's it.
That's their relationship summed up in one picture.
No. 954000
>>953997Holly: "Yay! I did it! I beat the pretty girl & stole her man!!!"
Jared: "Man, I sure hope that cute chubby fangirl will be available tonight…"
No. 954003
>>953992Looking at this photo… it's like I can
feel the grease emanating from them…
No. 954026
>>953992Pretty sure Jared is also going through a midlife crisis, and Holly probably isn't helping him with that.
Ah well, tough shit I guess.
No. 954043
>>953802 versus
>>953913 is giving me fucking whiplash.
good to know the milk will never end with this cow. every time she tweets i think she couldn't shit the bed harder if she tried, and then she proves me wrong lol
No. 954110
File: 1586008103701.jpg (121.5 KB, 1080x484, Screenshot_20200404-094422_Chr…)

>>954043Sage for no milk kinda
Why am I not surprised she feels one step away from a fellow animal hoarder?
Also how many times is she gonna post that clip of her with the fire hands online? This is like the third time this week. We get it Holly, you think you're magic or whatever
No. 954138
>>953977>>953978Petty gripe but I hate these types of """candid""" pictures where it's painfully obvious they're all sitting around gloomy as shit until someone pulls out the camera. Must be a fun group at parties.
RE Adam, like others have said I don't know how Holly is defending this because you know if something similar happened to Strix in a safe space hug box campaign she'd agree to play in, #metoo would be in vogue again.
And people have to stop with the "as a
victim of abuse" opener. This isn't about you. This isn't about your moral standing on the topic of role playing and DM liberties. This just feels like another example of your average male feminist POS making it clear they don't have a shred of empathy toward anyone else, regardless of what they want the females to believe. He put sexual assault against a PLAYER, not npc, because ha ha. No excuse for that shit.
No. 954150
>>954110Why is every basic bitch so obsessed with Joe exotic and his
problematic animal abuse ?
No. 954203
It’s really telling that Holly hasn’t expressed any sympathy towards the player whose character was assaulted. Not even a “I’m sorry you had to deal with that, it must have been sickening”. What a tool lol
>>954020Whose? Holly or Jared’s? Jared’s got that weak jaw double chin thing going on, and Holly’s neck looks like sausage casing
No. 954212
>>953808she’s basically saying “Yeah, sexual abuse is bad, but have you considered that being mean to sexual predators online is worse? I am very intelligent.”
I hope she goes on the record and starts defending Cosby and Weinstein lmao
No. 954214
>>954212Also, when you have a big platform, 'public shaming' just comes with the territory. People are going to judge you because you're out there & in their faces.
You cannot control how people feel about you Some people will quietly avoid you, others might give you a dirty look, or say something out loud.
It's up to
you to decide if what they're saying matters.
No. 954216
>>954203I wonder if it's her "everyone else is doing it so I must be different and go against the grain" habit manifesting.
just like how she didn't wanna help Australia because all the mainsteam kids were doingbit too.
No. 954217
File: 1586026185605.png (29.37 KB, 586x232, laurawantstobtl2.png)

I wonder when DCA-superfan Laura is gonna find out that Holly supports this guy…
No. 954219
File: 1586026599564.jpg (389.06 KB, 1077x1547, Screenshot_20200404-145552_Chr…)

Such a cute and quirky couple uWu
No. 954221
>>954219Oh look, he actually interacted with her on Twitter.
Time for the Striath fans to cream their pants I guess…
No. 954224
File: 1586027122493.png (36.75 KB, 578x322, read.png)

Here's a really good tweet on the situation. Holly needs to learn this shit too.
No. 954263
>>954259Both Adam & Holly are very close friends with that bluejay_712 chick:
>>953925As for Elspeth, there was very little interaction between then on Twitter, so idk where they are in terms of closeness.
No. 954287
File: 1586031505909.png (37.41 KB, 578x310, numbers.png)

>>954259Also, he has 'big numbers', so of course Holly is gonna continue to associate with him
No. 954338
>>954314If I was Adam, and assuming he’s genuinely remorseful for his actions, I’d be pissed off at people like Holly. Like shut the fuck up and stop making me look bad!
Especially bc he doesn’t seem to want to lose his feminist leaning audience
No. 954420
File: 1586045762223.png (46.64 KB, 588x430, hctwit.png)

I'm glad other D&D players are willing to call them out on their bullshit.
No. 954543
>>953953Thread pic!
>>954217Yikes. The fact that Laura didn't consider the idea that Holly would side with the perp (because no reasonable person would) shows that the toxicity in this circle is spiraling.
No. 954566
File: 1586085910978.png (459.8 KB, 1440x1815, Screenshot_20200405-062229~01.…)

Calling people out on their bullshit is still bullying in her opinion I guess
No. 954578
>>954566"Things are rough right now…… let me side with the man who forced a sexual assault
victim to relive her assault by raping her character without any prior consent"
There, Hoelly. Fixed it for you.
No. 954581
>>954566ok why the fuck does she keep throwing the phrase "public shaming" around like a catchphrase? it makes it sound like she would have been fine with the way things were happening, as long as it wasn't brought into public view. it also contains the word "shame" which she should reflect on, which she wouldn't be feeling had there been no basis for it such as
maybe wrecking multiple peoples' lives because she wanted some mediocre dick.
if holly feels the need to scream at people online and ask them to stop making her face her guilt, she should reconsider.
call her mom (who she claims was aboosive but also very suportive and wonderful).
sew a mask (to hide her mug that's beginning to show the negative effect of consequences).
things are rough right now, how about she try and stop making it about herself all the fucking time?
No. 954592
>>954519I've watched a few of ProDicks d&d videos back in the day and am genuinely curious if he'd go to bat for Adam in this situation. The DM intentionally making players uncomfortable is the exact opposite of good DM conduct, and if there's one thing he definitely loves more than Holly it's Dungeons and Dragons.
Then again, worms be worms.
>>954219 but we can't forget they're so quirky~ good attempt at redirection when you can't defend your own opinion without someone else's words
No. 954601
>>954566Come on guys, we need to be more like Holly. Talk bad about people in private, slander them to their husbands behind closed doors, tell your mutual friends lies about them being
abusive offline
No. 954606
>>954592Its awkward because those are the same kind of Twitter interactions she would have with Ross when they were married
It just feels gross seeing her so the same thing with someone she cheated on Ross with and who cheated on his wife with her
Definitely doesnt have the same "awe, they're cute" vibes as it did back then
No. 954679
>>954566Ah, there it is! It all comes back to
No. 954684
>>954344Oh she knows that, but she thinks it’s all unfair persecution perpetrated by ignorant, prejudiced meanies because she’s a smol cursed bean, not because she herself is a shitty person who hurts people. She made her self-insert a cutesy tiefling because that’s how she views herself.
>>954601>>954604Exactly! The proper Holly way to handle people who (you feel) have wronged you is to privately shit talk them to their husband and friends for months until they’re socially isolated and paranoid, then once they speak out you sic your online fanbase on them and declare on your public twitter that their therapist personally told you that they’re unfixable. #BeKind
No. 954735
File: 1586116877913.png (51.56 KB, 588x476, SueScheff.png)

This is all you really need to know; It's not about human decency, it's all about keeping those numbers up!
No. 954760
File: 1586119565898.png (29.38 KB, 582x384, hollythekaren.png)

Holly is a Karen - confirmed
No. 954788
>>954769All she said was that she didn't like the scene and didn't want to work with him or do the show again, she did nothing to cancel him except have healthy boundaries– oh wait, I forgot obsessive DnD fans hate those.
I remember on Swan Song he used to smugly point out that Geoff always went for low hanging fruit (dick jokes), but Adam has turned into another
problematic DnD nerd who always reaches for the predictable gags like sexual assault for a cheap laugh. It's painful to see how funny he thought his own unoriginal jokes were during the sexual assault scene.
No. 954844
>>954828Real question, do you think right now if Heidi went to Holly and
genuinely apologized for making everything public or for releasing those texts between them, would Holly practice what she preaches and accept it?
Obviously the fuck not, but the point is shes always saying shit about accepting (her and her allies') apologies immediately because they genuinely regret it uWu even though she knows damn well that nobody is owed shit
No. 954848
File: 1586129068809.jpg (300.45 KB, 1080x826, 20200405_192147.jpg)

>>954566Holly Clownrad: Practice kindness and don't cyberbully! #bekind
Also Holly Clownrad: Heidi is unfixable and beyond redemption. She is an insane,
abusive whore, check out these sexts she sent to her husband while I was banging him
No. 954850
>>954844It's mostly just laziness.
They don't want to actually
do anything to better themselves, so it'd be
real nice if you could just 'forgive' them right away.
No. 954873
File: 1586132851065.png (64.4 KB, 590x538, posivibes.png)

This same thing could be said about Jared & Holly.
No. 954911
File: 1586138657208.png (23.27 KB, 562x184, sexpositive.png)

>>954900Oh, but they're so 'sex-positive'
No. 954923
>>954912Sounds so much like fucking Jared
Throwing up the woke feminist dude facade and then turning around and soliciting nudes from fans and planning to fuck them at cons. Fuck, fans would message him about video games/DnD and he would respond "mandatory send nudes". Even with that he tried to say it was a joke, like "I didnt even want to start a nude blog I just made constant jokes about wanting them from you guys and then you suggested I make one so you forced me into it!"
No. 954927
>>954900The thing about holly is that she literally doesnt care. She can read all the evidence in the world about Jared and this other guy being huge perverts and she will continue to stand by them because they've been good to HER. Like that one anon said, IMAGINE the shit show she would have thrown if that happened to strix, especially pre-drama Holly who was all too happy to participate in cancelling/shaming
It's literally just "well, hes nice to me! She probably is just another evil whore who is better looking than me"
No. 954929
>>954927It's basically the same reason so many people at WOTC stood by her.
"Can't be
abusive because they were always nice to meeeeeeee".
No. 954991
>>954927>>954929And don’t forget pewdiepie’s valuable contribution of “I met Holly for five minutes at some con once and she didn’t try to fuck
my husband so I don’t believe she did this”.
The thing is that Jared probably isn’t even that nice to Holly. According to Heidi he was most likely doing the whole cold shoulder and gaslighting thing to her too, and that was
before this whole thing blew up. She’s setting herself on fire to keep warm some predatory assholes who don’t give two shits about her. All so she doesn’t have to look at her own actions and consider that maybe, just maybe, she was wrong.
But OT but is there a lot of milk in DnD and other tabletop roleplay communities? This current situation doesn’t seem to have anything to do with GG and I personally would be interested in a general tabletop RP community thread. Holly can’t be the only cow who takes their fantasy self-insert way too far.
No. 954994
File: 1586163793516.jpg (211.64 KB, 1600x1600, marzia-bisognin-pewdiepie.jpg)

>>954987Heidi asked to open the relationship first.
They both fucked others on the side, I guess the critical difference is Heidi asked Jared for permission and for whatever reason Jared did not extend the same courtesy.
They were still both deviants though, and likely Heidi moreso than Jared since the latter was more busy having to regularly make videos to keep a roof over their head.
While Heidi had more free time to go con to con at her leisure (unlike Jared who went for business) and mess around with other costhots.
And Jared's punishment to Heidi for her seeing others with permission is for him to, see others without Heidi's permission?
So yes he did not really do things in the best way he should have.
On an unrelated note, I will forever stan Pewds/Marzia as gamer couple goals.
They have been together for as long as Jared/Heidi would have been if they didn't divorce.
But why is that? My guess, I think a big factor is intimacy. They have a genuine attraction to each other's physical appearance and personality, though there is cultural differences as well.
Felix had waited about 7 years to propose to Marzia, while Jared did after only 3. Patience is a virtue, which the latter didn't have.
On Heidi's behalf, I can't blame her. Jared was built like a starving ethiopian, while Heidi was toned and healthy. Surely the intimacy would die out at some point, with Jared having more options since he had the social status and prestige, Heidi also having options as she has the looks but also some status in her circles as well.
But now that Jared isn't hotshit anymore or as prestigous as he was before all he has is Hoelly,
No. 954997
File: 1586164501480.jpg (623.21 KB, 1080x1260, friendzoneyeahidoubtthat.jpg)

>>954991>And don’t forget pewdiepie’s valuable contribution of “I met Holly for five minutes at some con once and she didn’t try to fuck my husband so I don’t believe she did this”.They definitely haven't seen each other recently but must've been closely aquainted as they were both members of Polaris/MakerStudios.
But after PewDiePie made that fateful fiverr video is when he was kicked out of Maker, and alot of affiliates like the GameGrumps left as well.
No. 955026
>>954994OT rant incoming:
He isn't looking adoringly at her, he looks like
>My adoring servantThis is kinda gross, while scrolling I assumed it was a tradthot. Though that checks out, since Pewdie is a lolol Jews lolol racism Gamer moment twat.
No. 955029
>>954994>Felix had waited about 7 years to propose to Marzia>Patience is a virtuelol don't act like men waiting
longer to propose is a virtue.
No. 955037
>>954912>>954900>>954911>>954873God, this. My ex is mutuals with Heidi and made her a prop that she uses with her Samus costume.
He is the EXACT same type of Male Feminist who cheats on and uses women that Jared and Adam are.
I've learned this the hard way from my own and my friend's experiences… Men who put on a very public facade of being 'good' and 'sensitive' and 'feminist' are the ones who are nightmares behind closed doors. The ones who seem to be missing the capacity to self-reflect, empathize with others, and take responsibility for their actions. The ones who regularly cheat and lie and seek validation non-stop.
They can put on a good show of emotions, but in the end, that's all it is - a show.
But no one will believe you because all they see is that public persona. They keep the mask on nearly all the time, so the only people who see their true selves are the ones who are around them 24/7 for years on end. They move on to new partners, and people look at that as 'evidence' that their stories about their ex being '
abusive' are true… Because if they were really
abusive, why would anyone date them?
But that's just it. They're very good at tricking people into thinking they're good people. So the new person
will figure out that they're broken eventually, but it might take years.
Weinstein is an extreme example of a Male Feminist, but they all act the same way when you strip away their exterior and get down to the core of who they are.
I will say, at least Adam wrote what seems to be a sincere apology. Which is what Holly has been missing all along.
But in the end, it's their actions that will count for something. Not any of the things they've said or their 'good intentions'.
No. 955078
>>955037> I will say, at least Adam wrote what seems to be a sincere apology. Which is what Holly has been missing all along. His later twitter apology read okay on its own, but it read as super insincere if you also saw the youtube non-apology that came before it. Not only did he not seem very serious at all and spent time emphasizing that his other show would keep running, but he downplayed his actions and blamed a lack of safety tools/preparation. Fuck dude, those are are good things to have but they're no replacement for fundamentally not being a creep. If someone relies solely on safety tools to be respectful of boundaries instead of having an iota of good judgement then they're not good people. I'm not a fan of JP but JP seemed way more sincere in his apology than Adam.
He also talked about how players butted heads in the past/past crews not being happy with how scenes played out. But I watched the whole video for context (they added a time stamp for it, but it's only of the robo orgasm, you need to start watching before to really see how creepy Adam was being), and it's only Adam who is steering this trainwreck, no one else. No other player was participating in the scene, and the only player that was in the scene told him in and out of character that they weren't interested. There was no point in talking about crews butting heads except to downplay his actions. This wasn't a group miscommunication, he was in control and saw an opportunity and he took it, then doubled down despite all the players being uncomfortable.
No. 955080
>>955078Honestly, I think a majority of his defenders - Holly included - just straight up didnt watch what happened. They only saw his apology and some of the negativity he was getting so they immediately went on the defence.
Atleast, I hope that's it, because I don't know how someone could watch that and think he did absolutely nothing wrong, or think that those players/fans would want to continue playing/supporting him
No. 955086
I was a fan, subbed to him on twitch and stuff, and when I first heard about it I was really hoping it was a little oopsie and that he'd sincerely apologize. nope, it was not that at all. I started looking into it for myself and the more I learned the more disappointed I was
dude is trash. by the way in case people weren't aware he runs an advice show called "hot for teacher" not too unlike holly's mental health mondays. guess there's a pattern here
No. 955094
>>954927I'd put money on Holly being a dyed-in-the-wool misogynist, consciously or not. The female
victims get a little pat on the head, awww p00r baby
hugz, while the male perpetrator deserves a respectful and shameless pass as long as they say they're sorry because why would a man lie about being sorry? If someone needs fucking accountability classes to understand that rape isn't funny any apology you get will be as fake as Trisha Paytas's tits. Fuck all these woke garbage piles.
No. 955167
>>955146>>955149>>955155I don't think she's a full out racist, but probably ignorant in that whole growing up in a wealthy family in a white neighborhood kind of way. I don't get the vibe she really hates other races, but I wouldn't doubt she's absolutely clueless about cultures outside of her making a fetish out of any witchy shit. I know her friend group is pretty small, but has she ever had any friends who were poc? I can think of people she knows in passing, but not particularly anyone I'd call her friend.
>>955163She has to make everything about her. It's what she does.
No. 955183
>>948808Heidi was lying to her therapist though.
RewiredSoul did a good breakdown of the situation.
No. 955195
>>955183Rewired soul has been biased since the beginning of the drama & once he started covering it, it's clear that he had some kind of agenda.
>everyone here dismisses what that guy says for… some reason.He's proven himself to be a menace several times.
And his credibility as a 'mental-health-guru' is just about as good as Holly's.
…So I'd take his words with a grain or salt.
No. 955211
>>955183What exactly did she lie about though?
I've read the texts to her therapist & it's just numerous occasions of her saying stuff like "I'm going to try this… is that okay? Or should I do that?" basically someone who's desperately trying to fix a broken marriage & couldn't take the hint until it was too late.
No. 955269
>>955260Heidi was mad, she lashed out, she got emotional and angry but I agree with this anon: I don't think she did anything wrong. Sure she took to a public forum but that was only after Jared did it first. Sure she left out details of their private relationship, but that was because it wasn't deemed relevant in the particular situation. She only had to go back and defend herself and people started to mis-equate polyamory with automatic consent to fuck everyone and everything in sight.
Heidi wanted the truth out about how angry she was over Jared finally pulling the
trigger after she thought they were on the path to working things out. Everything else has been just her doing her best in an emotional state to try and defend herself and keep the situation simple while others constantly tried to make it more complicated than it needed to be.
No. 955277
>>955275That's the thing, they could have both been getting their rocks off with whomever they wanted, it was consented and agreed upon and that's what makes polyamory work.
It wasn't until the poly relationships outside of the marriage became "i'm only interested in you, no one else" as if it was a separate relationship entirely vs. just a physical one that got Heidi wanting to hit the reset button. Polyamory was a way for her to placate Jared's ego and urges, but an emotional relationship was just a nail in the coffin for their marriage.
But all that aside, at this point Holly has been enough of a cow in her own right that even without the propeen scandal she would probably have a thread on here by now.
No. 955306
This board: "we don't stan or downplay what Heidi did"
Also this board: this shit
>>955260>>955269 No. 955308
File: 1586227223236.png (48.6 KB, 578x456, theyallbad.png)

>>955260To be fair,
most of the people who are saying 'they
all suck' actually mean it.
No. 955310
>>955306The divide on Heidi is whether you agree that she is vindictive vs. someone who was just angry and emotional.
That alone is fine to disagree on, some of us here don't think she was that bad, others want to hold her accountable and consider her vindictive and vengeful.
None of that excuses Pro-Pedoworm and Hoelly Cumrag so at the end of the day its a moot point
No. 955315
>>955312Lest we forget, there were certain accounts of folks saying shit like "My
abusive ex BEAT me AND cheated on me, but UNLIKE HEIDI I handled it like an ADULT!!!"
No. 955323
>>955320There really isn't much Heidi did after 'airing dirty laundry' though…
…Also, not too long after, Holly started
spiraling madly in the foreground, clearly demanding everyone's attention.
No. 955326
>>955320That's not milk, it's not funny or entertaining. It's just depressing pickme shit that hurts nobody but herself, and is no different from what sad, insecure women everywhere do. There's nothing to downplay because it's not a wrongdoing.
If Holly had just shut the fuck up following Heidi's expose, she wouldn't be particularly milky either. Cheating alone is not enough to sustain this much milk for this long, but she continually shows her ass and makes herself look bad in a thoroughly embarrassing way.
No. 955333
>>955320>heidi is just as cringeworthy as laineyLainey sexted, sent lewds to, and helped groom underage girls with her 30yo husband. Including a girl she claimed to be their "foster daughter" who she had known since she was 14yo. Comparing Heidi to Lainey is absolute horseshit, anon.
I'm in camp "heidi was vindictive", but compared to these other cows? There's little milk to be had now. Holly never shuts up and Jared is still orbiting her atm which is why they are still in the spotlight. Maybe if Holly could manage to shut up for more than a few hours, people could move on, but she's always out here spewing new milk all over the twitterverse.
>>955325Exactly this. I'm not here to wk Heidi. She did some vindictive/cringey shit early on, but she's pretty boring now. I don't get why these anons are so desperately thirsty for heidi's few droplets of spoiled milk, when there's fresh milk to be had by Holly almost every other week.
No. 955338
>>955275>fucking anything with a vaginaDo we expect a Projared baby soon? In my area everyone refuses birth control.
If he hides it though, I wouldn't care.
Sex results in pregnancy, I'm shocked we didnt hear of a Jared baby
No. 955339
> It's because self righteous retards like you think that a cow has to be the absolute worst person alive to be laughed at.sorry anon i'll never again fail to acknowledge the gravity and social significance of our discourse here on lolcow
> Heidi is just as cringeworthy as Lainey for trying to control a degenerate. She wanted to be the kewl wife who was okay with her husband getting fan nudes, now she airs her laundry because she looks dumb as fuck. Everyone provides milk here, it's literally the adult equivalent of highschool weebaoo club drama."now" tweeting a book review, very milky, wow you've convinced me
No. 955343
>>955146Agree that she's racist to some degree, on the basis of
>>955155. Sorry if this is requesting spoonfeeding, but the Discord convos seem to be new information? Or is it just a theory for now?
>>955185>for… some reason.Please tell me you forgot the "/s." He's a provocateur for the sake of being provocateur. Of course he would chime in about this. A lot of people also disregard what he says on the basis that he has no credentials or expertise. That seems reasonable. The point is, Heidi didn't lie to her therapist.
>>955269>Sure she took to a public forum but that was only after Jared did it first.Exactly. Jared tried to speak
for her. She's allowed to speak for herself. With no prior knowledge of these people, I read his status as an insinuation that Heidi was mentally unstable, and therefore shouldn't be asked about the divorce.
>>955277>Holly has been enough of a cow in her own right that even without the propeen scandal she would probably have a thread on here by now.100%. Being with a philanderer does not a cow make. And yet, Holly is a constant source of whole milk.
No. 955367
>>953808sorry for late reply, but when did she say who it was or that she was molested? I don't remember her posting about that, only about her mother hitting her something?
This is the first I've seen of this (although I don't follow her on twitter or anything, just keep up with these threads)
No. 955368
File: 1586241004014.png (32.45 KB, 591x374, HollyMommysFault.png)

>>955367She's always vague about it. Something to do with her mother.
No. 955386
File: 1586245615027.jpg (195.06 KB, 1080x925, 20200407_024608.jpg)

Dodge any and all criticism with the classic "Be Kind".
Holly will never change, if she does she is going to get worse
No. 955405
>>955368ahhh ok yeah I remember that one now, thanks anon.
Sounds like she got diddled by a mom's boyfriend and the mom didn't believe her.
No. 955417
>>955368I don’t believe she was ever sexually assaulted, in one if the previous threads there was a screenshot of her being utterly ignorant against ptsd and saying that cosplay “traumatised” her.
I think she’s just trying to get even more damaged goods sympathy points
No. 955425
>"I guess the critical difference is Heidi asked Jared for permission and for whatever reason Jared did not extend the same courtesy"No, the difference is that Heidi made sure Jared knew everything that was going on - and Jared HID literally everything that was going on with the ONE person on the face of the Earth that Heidi specifically asked him not to fuck.
>"They were still both deviants"Poly relationships do not equal being deviant - and this isn't Detroit: Become Human. Having a sex life that isn't 1-on-1 missionary style sex all of the time is fine - but not when Jared decided sneaking behind his wife's back was the best course of action.
>"I will forever stan Pewds/Marzia as gamer couple goals"Good to know you stan someone who repeatedly makes anti-semetic remarks.
>"Surely the intimacy would die out at some point"Not necessarily. Jared's inability keep his dick in his pants is what put the final nail in the coffin.
>>955165Have you ever seen the video of a woman giving a speech to a class about racism and when the Woke White Female started crying, the speaker was like "Lol, I don't give a fuck about your white tears - This isn't about you, Rebecca"? Holly is the Woke White Woman in this video.
>"RewiredSoul did a good"Let me stop you there. He is CLEARLY biased, has attacked Heidi multiple times, and is constantly trying to get on Holly's good side. That isn't exactly an unbiased opinion.
>"Fucking her ldr"Right. Because a LDR is identical to Jared's side ho that moved from several states away so that they could bang without distance being in the way. /s
>"Doesn't get off to it"Then why does she regularly allude to its existence and the things posted in it? If she didn't give a fuck, she wouldn't come back to peruse it on a regular basis.
>>955417it just felt very much like one of those "I couldn't be bigoted against -x group- because I'M a member of -x group-" kind of things. She thinks she didn't do wrong in defending someone who forced a sexual assault
victim to relive trauma because SHE was once sexually assaulted and didn't take offense to it - that kind of thing.
No. 955426
>>955404AYRT. Did you mean to tag
>>955146? Neither of us said "caps," but that would be cool.
No. 955455
>>955368I always hated this for what it implied. Like Heidi was a terrible person for ever being confrontational with Holly, or that Heidi made Holly relive previous trauma.
This tweet basically is "something bad happened to me so if anyone isnt 100% kind to me or has a problem with me they are
abusive and terrible"
No. 955459
>>955456'Abuse' is a buzzword, so Holly
had to use it.
I still can't get over Holly telling everyone that Heidi's therapist officially said that Heidi was "unfixable".
…Which I seriously doubt. That is some
next-level gaslighting right there. I'm surprised this woman hasn't been sued yet.
No. 955465
>>955460Yep. Usually when someone calls you out on something you
know you did wrong, it hurts more, which is why I don't buy her "I'm being accused of something
I didn't even do!" -line, & it's why she kept going on & on about how "Intent is important".
She got caught red-handed & got yelled at for it. How embarrassing!
That's why Holly had to whip out the
big words like 'abuse'.
No. 955468
>>955368I honestly hope that she didn't count
this crap as an 'apology' to Heidi.
I remember in the text convo they had, she said something like "Jared told you about my fucked-up life, right?" (You know, the usual "I had a bad childhood" excuse)
Heidi even said that she
didn't want to believe that Holly would do/say the horrible things that she did.
No. 955469
File: 1586273588237.jpg (469.47 KB, 950x1356, hollyskinner.jpg)

sageing but I wanted to contribute to the discourse with a meme, thnx
No. 955471
>>955325That's the thing. This board doesn't discuss what Heidi says or does so it doesn't know whether she is producing milk.
Isn't it odd that this board hasn't discussed that divorce papers were signed in March? Heidi has talked about it, but since it's not on Twitter, it doesn't exist.
No. 955477
>>955474Agreed. If it's
so important to know, let's have a look!
No. 955479
>>955471What are we going to discuss? Her store updates? Her cosplay pictures? That's not Milk.
We all still follow and look at her Twitter, there is just nothing there worth discussing. I don't see why you're upset?
No. 955483
My feeling is you can only use your past as an excuse / explanation for your behavior IF you're still aware of how your past is causing you to hurt others AND you make your best effort to reduce that harm.
Holly doesn't do any of that. She just uses hers as a get out of jail free card, which is not okay at all. She's not acknowledging that anyone else could be hurt by her behaviors and ptsd.
And that's another thing. Holly: Even if you feel you did nothing wrong, you don't get to decide if you've hurt someone. If they say they're hurt, you don't get to deny their feelings. That's not your place.
If she had the capacity for empathy, she'd realize that her behaviors have hurt someone even if it wasn't her intention to do so. She should realize that, as someone who's hurt the other party, it is her responsibility to apologize.
I don't think she is capable of that kind of emotional maturity, though, from what I've seen.
The sad truth is that a lot of people who were abused and manipulated as kids learn those skills and carry them into adult relationships without realizing it.
She's going to need a lot of work to undo that damage. And in the meantime, she's going to continue burning bridges wherever she goes.
No. 955501
Only confirmed male hookup of Heidi's was Nulyu.
No. 955516
>>955512It was certainly mused about on here, but never with anything to back it up. Doesn't even make logical sense since wormboy is the petitioner, i.e. the one who filed for divorce. Why on earth would he be dragging feet.
It was probably a dispute over marital property distribution.
>>955505It's not milk, but it's clear evidence of inattention blindness. That is certainly of interest, just look at how many people want details.
No. 955523
> It's not milk, but it's clear evidence of inattention blindness.inattention to what? it's not interesting.
> That is certainly of interest, just look at how many people want details."how many people" you mean one? one single person? and they were asking for evidence? everyone else who acknowledged it didn't give a shit
No. 955528
>>955472Oh really, one person asking what the details are? Is lying just so second nature that you'll lie about things that are right in front of you to try and make yourself sound right?
>>955474>>955523Look at that, 2, in a thread that has maybe 10 people posting a day. That's roughly 10%.
For those curious: she said she'd follow up with details but it's been a couple weeks and she hadn't specified how and when she will update. It's certainly something to keep an eye out for.
No. 955617
>>955601>screech about it Maybe in real life. But many people have a life outside the internet despite cow claiming the opposite
If there is a baby we might not know, Its fairly easy to quit social media
No. 955682
>>955660Gtfo with your dead naming. This guy was clearly traumatized by this whole ordeal and he basically got chased off the internet by farmers.
>>955670Chill out, it's just a screen name. One that was completely abandoned because people wouldn't stop talking about him on these forums. He's the only one out of all of these people who doesn't have clout or fans to back him up.
No. 955712
>>955709I personally think it's real and already happened before she typed it up online, she talks about hating her mom and it's probably the molestation incident is why she hated her mom.
Ross can confirm it too, he mentioned Holly's abuse vaguely.
The evidence this is true
>her hating her mom >ross making a vague post about Holly being abused No. 955715
>>955712Receipts on Ross alluding to Holly being abused? I recall him saying he's been abused by an ex, but can't recall him confirming Holly as an abuse
victim herself.
No. 955719
>>955712Even if it is true it's still really suspicious of her to only bringing it up when it benefits her to use as a get out of jail free card.
Also She could have said 'I'm a
victim of sexual assault' without pointing out it was her mom. That feels like a big jump from her pretty much never mentioning it before to 'Yeah I was molested by my mom'
No. 955720
>>955709She uses her abuse and mental illness as a shield to cut off any form of criticism. The old tweet anon posted was when she was trying to justify her attacks on Heidi. It's really sad and manipulative as shit because she stood up to the supposed abuse by Heidi, but stands by her
abusive DnD friend because he's a good person who made a mistake uwu.
No. 955726
>>955720Yep. Either they're
both terrible people, or they're both "good people who made a mistake (uwu)"
No. 955755
File: 1586318542768.png (80.23 KB, 588x682, bullyin.png)

Looks like Holly's just gonna keep denying everything. Even her own words.
No. 955766
>>955567thank you anon! i hope that can make the divorce force shut up
the divorce itself is absolutely void of milk. what do anons want to know, the exact amount of money heidi received in the settlement? she's moved on very clearly, and jared is focusing on streaming to milk his die-hard fans for their last penny.
the only one still left in the same place as last year, and honestly the only source of milk in this debacle, is holly. pray she never shuts up lmao
>>955755it's been a year grandma shut up No. 955768
>"Just unblocking you to say…"Who the fuck does that?
She fucking
goes out of her way to passive-aggressively tell people "Think of all the
other things you could be doing!…uwu"
What about YOU Holly? Why don't YOU go 'sew a mask', call your family, etc. instead of trying to convince obvious trolls that you "did nothing wrong!"
…Oh, I forgot, you gotta hammer in that flimsy narrative you've been pushing for a whole
year now.
No. 955774
>"Doesn't discuss what Heidi says or does so it doesn't know whether she is producing milk"Fam, we're not talking about Heidi because she is NOT producing milk. If she wanted to sperg out like Hoelly, we'd be all over that shit because again, no one is saying she is 100% innocent - just that between the three, she's the more innocent one.
>>955479Because we're all picking on poor, mistreated Hoelly the Homewrecking Queen! #BEKIND /s
>>955505Also what divorce papers? As far as I can tell from online court records, Heidi and Jared are still in the middle of a potential mediation process a.k.a. not officially and permanently split yet.
>>955592Not that we know of, thank god. The last thing this world needs is a little ProWeasel running around.
>>955714This isn't kiwifarms, Anon. Hate people because they're milky, not just because you can.
>>955770Because she has literally no skill when it comes to doing anything but fucking someone else's husband.
No. 955782
> Who the fuck does that? Not the first time Holly has done that. I was blocked by Holly when this train wreck happened a year ago, but after a while, she went on a mass-unblocking spree. I dunno, I guess Holly wants to spout her magnanimous bullshit, but she can't do that if the person is blocked. Responding can also bring in her WK army, who see their precious bean being "unfairly attacked."
Her "logic" is fucking bananas. Joe Exotic got nabbed, therefore if Jared was actually guilty, he would have been nabbed too. You know, as if there aren't many cases of guilty people going free and innocent people rotting in prison. But sure Holly, keep living in your black-and-white world.
No. 955784
>>955592What is it with some anon(s) in this thread and babies? Are you the same person who made those creepy edits of Jared and Heidi growing old together and having a family?
>>955774Acknowledging someone’s birth sex isn’t hate. KF would probably prefer if Jeremy were male because it fits their “Heidi the whore was sucking strange dicks on the side” narrative. As it stands there is no confirmed dick other than Jared’s, and Heidi even tried to involve Jared in that relationship but he was too busy with Holly and random fans to be interested in what his wife was doing.
No. 955786
>>955755What the fuck does Joe Exotic have to do with any of this shit? God, she is so embarrassing. Also, why is she telling people to call their mom? Seems kind of tone deaf considering she herself knows that parents can be terrible and it could be
triggering to tell someone to call their
abusive parent.
Also there are plenty of known sexual abusers who are freely walking the streets, especially famous ones.
And she wasn't there. She spoke about private conversations between Jared and Heidi which she wasn't privy to. She heard one side of the story from a man who benefited from hiding the truth from her.
No. 955795
>>955770this reminds me of her response to the australian wildfires. "well everyone else is doing that so i'd rather spend my time doing other niche, super quirky unique stuff. like tweeting about ketchup on toast, and going out of my way to butt heads with whoever calls me/jared a rancid whore"
>>955786this is so much like her trump-hate tweets where she picks ONE monster as a scapegoat and prefaces every hot take/argument with "look at this complete bastard. am i as heinous as this? no? then why do you pick on me"
you get picked on because someone else's crimes (done to you, OR to whoever else, or on whatever scale) do not excuse your bullshit
how do you get to be 30+ and still behave like this, christ
No. 955840
>>955755Holly Conrad really never gets tired of gaslighting people, huh? It's amazing that she manages to be this fucked up, manipulative, and clearly
abusive yet has no self awareness whatsoever.
No. 955863
File: 1586352941323.png (417.15 KB, 1440x1958, Screenshot_20200408-083256~01.…)

>>955755Continuation of the tweets
Is she good? All he told her was to be safe
No. 955879
>>955863Considering her
victim complex she probably took it as a threat
No. 955881
>>955879I can definitely see that.
Holly: "Stay safe?! What does that mean?! They're threatening me, see I'M the
No. 955883
>>955755I get that she probably thinks she's the only one brave enough to stand up to Jared's bullies, but the irony here is that all she's
actually accomplishing is reminding everyone of the drama every few days.
The people she yells at aren't going to suddenly have a change of heart and come to her side. Her arguments are too flimsy to serve as good defense of Jared's actions.
She's basically just sabotaging all of Jared's attempts at covering up the drama and moving on (which is honestly the best thing he can do for himself at this point, since the evidence is out there and we've all 'done the research and come to our own conclusions'… which is why their arguments don't hold any water).
It's like watching a sinking boat where Jared is trying to quietly plug in the holes and Holly is loudly ripping them open again. It would almost be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Oh well. They deserve each other, I guess.
No. 955902
>>955883Yet even with their legions of fans rushing in & flanking anyone who so much as utters a single 'negative' word to them, it's
still not enough for Holly.
It must be exhausting being her stans. Having to keep her ego 100% positive
at all times, & even then, she has to 'self-harm' by getting herself further involved…
No. 955907
>She's basically just sabotaging all of Jared's attempts at covering up the drama and moving onThis shit isn't good for Jared's image at all.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jared has already asked her to stop doing this several times, but she insists that "I gotta protect my friends!" because she's still in Strix-mode. No wonder he barely ever interacts with her on Twitter.
No. 955921
>>955907Especially since it's entirely possible for her to respond to people through private DMs, but she insists on doing everything publicly.
Jared probably hasn't confronted her about it because he's scared of confrontation.
I wonder how long it'll take him to go to a new girl and tell them a sob story about how his girlfriend is
abusive and he can't stand up to her because she won't let him. Except this time it might actually be true.
No. 955923
>Especially since it's entirely possible for her to respond to people through private DMs, but she insists on doing everything publicly. That's because Holly needs the validation from others seeing her responding to people. She isn't interested in having an intelligent conversation and coming to an understanding/learning. She responds to try and paint herself as a
victim of bullying, which is harder when the conversation isn't out in the open. Were she to talk in the DMs, you know she'd air the messages later to show everyone "her struggles."
No. 955925
>>955883>>955907>>955921…Also, this just gave me a scary thought; What if she's constantly reminding him of the drama to make sure he stays with her?
Her constant babying of him, her publicly fighting with his detractors, etc.
It's not
just a display of "Look at everything that I do for you!" It's also a constant reminder that everyone's after him & that he
needs her to survive.
No. 955934
File: 1586370108495.png (65.51 KB, 584x546, HiNamesearcher.png)

No. 955935
>>955707Fuck off, if Holly had every mental illness she said she does she would definitely not feel in a position to do “mental health help streams”.
She just needs an easy way out of every single mistake she makes without admitting she made one
No. 955946
File: 1586371218249.png (374.88 KB, 1638x830, 1563545035452.png)

>>955925I mean, back in July(?) when Holly unblocked Heidi and Heidi composed a chain @Holly saying that Holly would badger Jared for hours straight because he couldn't handle talking to her, she would threaten suicide and demand Jared leave Heidi for her, and would repeatedly ask him "why isnt your relationship over yet???"
Heidi also said that at the end, Jared said to Heidi that he didnt know who was manipulating him, her or Holly and she responded that she would never take him back but that he should get away from Holly and get some serious help
ALSO during her tell all stream she said that when Jared would ignore Holly or not text her back with in minutes she would go on and on about how Heidi must really be abusing him at that moment for him not to want to stop everything and text her back
It's pretty fucking obvious that Holly is OBSESSED with Jared and abusively controlling of him, even during the time where he wasnt even sure he wanted her more than Heidi. It seems like she would just text him alllll day every day talking shit about Heidi and repeating that he is being abused and that she needs to rescue him.
Its hard to feel bad for Jared because of all the disgusting fan stuff he did, but when it comes to his relationship with Holly I kind of do? And he couldn't even ghost her or put some distance between them because a.) They had a weekly DnD show together that also included attending events and cons and b.) She fucking followed him across the country to continue her harassment
Even now she seems obsessed with defending him and controlling the narrative even though like other anons have said it's a huge detriment to him. He needs to escape and she needs to take a long fucking look in the mirror
No. 955948
>>955937For real, she constantly goes from "My mom was
abusive and ruined my life" to "My mom was a real hero because she was in a wheelchair and had a disease and she was so strong"
I understand that in a situation like that you would have mixed feelings about your mom, but how she is it comes off as literally her saying whatever would make her look better in that moment. If her mom was
abusive then it excuses all of her current actions and we are supposed to think "wow look how far shes come" and if her mom was a wheelchair bound hero then it's all about how Hollys a hero for helping her mom and wow what humble beginnings, shes so great!
No. 955984
>>955948Hard agree. I had a shitty upbringing and I had always sort of empathized with Holly (pre-PedoDick obviously), thinking that maybe she just wasn't able to properly articulate her complex feelings re: her parents, but now she just comes off as constantly framing the story to make herself look best. Ironically, manipulating stories to benefit themselves without admitting their own failings (or to detract from said failings) is a textbook narcissist red flag.
On a related note, does anybody else see the irony in implying that her mother possibly played part in or defended her sexual abuser while standing by PedoDick, the guy who undoubtedly knew that his fanbase was full of underaged children (especially after the dating sim) and still solicited them for nudes?
At this point, highlighting Holly's own self-unaware descent into narcissism feels like saying that the sky is blue and that water is wet.
No. 955989
>>955925As creepy as that is, that tracks with everything I've seen about her.
I wouldn't put it past her to use her public 'sacrifice' as a way to guilt Jared into staying with her.
We already know Holly is
abusive from Ross's experiences with her. He's spoken about it on twitter and reddit, and you can even see it in their instagram pages in the ways they interact with one another.
I'm guessing that Ross is secretly just happy that he got away from Holly, and part of the reason he's not talking about it is because he knows that she's fully capable of painting him black if he speaks out against her.
I wonder if Jared will also stop posting content and become a shell of a person if he stays with Holly.
No. 955992
>>955946You reap what you sow.
Jared deserves no sympathy. He had a happy marriage with someone way out of his league and he wasnt satisfied so he decided to jump on any fangirl who threw attention his way under the guise of "polyamory" while his wife tried to play the "cool wife" out of fear of losing their marriage. Of course it was only a matter of time before Jared stuck his dick in someone who was invested a hell of a lot more in their relationship than fwbs. Jared's mistake is that he chose the one person who isnt a nobody fangirl but who actually has clout in the same sphere of colleagues he works with and around. He cant just ghost her like he normally would because then that would be ProJared dick sage 2.0 (because we know he doesn't give a fuck how he makes someone feel mentally if it gets in the way of getting his dick wet).
If this was a fangirl he would have no problem ghosting her. Hell he even ghosted his own wife and blocked her on twitter. The only reason why Jared hasn't dipped out of the relationship with Holly is purely self motivated by him knowing that would open up a can of worms for him to be the asshole he always was and for Holly to be a
victim especially in their circle of gamer bros. Holly might be fun milk because shes batshit on her Twitter but shes far more liked in that group than Jared is no matter what his fanbase might claim. He deserves everything that comes to him.
No. 955996
File: 1586377999278.jpg (244.85 KB, 1063x789, badcomparison.jpg)

Crosspost from
>>>/snow/954976Heidi and Jared were recently mentioned in TurkeyTom's new video.
Using clips of Jared to compare him to Nikocado Avocado, and comparing Heidi to mukbanker Stephanie Soo.
No. 956000
>>955997That's one of the main problems.
Before Heidi snapped tf out of it, she kept saying stuff to her therapist like "Maybe there's something wrong with him/maybe he doesn't understand/feel/etc." Just trying desperately to give him the benefit of the doubt
No. 956004
File: 1586379107885.jpg (178.04 KB, 1080x607, dissapointing.jpg)

>>955992Yeah out of his league when in cosplay.
Holly's tits look pretty well-shaped in ordinary clothes, Heidi just kinda… falls flat.
No. 956013
>>956012It's most pathetic that this anon, presumably a scrot, actually thinks they have a point by comparing their tits.
Imagine being a Holly orbiter who comes here to defend her appearance in the context of her being a mistress lmao. Peak cuck.
No. 956014
>>956004Because Holly is sooooo busty
Literally comparing A cup to C cup, let's calm down here, anon. Also, heres a concept: who fucking cares about their breasts??? Go back go KF
(wk samefagging) No. 956019
File: 1586381102464.jpg (56.33 KB, 610x772, isthisacompliment.JPG)

>>956004This reminds me of this person on twitter. I still can't tell if this is a compliment or an insult.
But seriously, what a dumb thing to even bring up. Besides, if you want to do a fair comparison, look at video footage of them (like their livestreams). Holly can be attractive in her own way, but she tends to look like a bag lady 90% of the time.
Heidi is definitely the objectively more attractive one between the two.
No. 956090
>>956004A woman's beauty isn't all in her titty, scrote. Holly has a nice figure, but her true weird goblin witch hag self shines through in her face these days.
>>956021>>956034Ngl, I like Holly's hair now, but the dark colors aren't flattering on her outside the heavily filtered pics she posts sometimes. The pastel colors helped wash out her "quirky" facial features. She needs to spend some of that grand daddy money on a proper beauty routine instead of rolling in pigeon shit or whatever her current routine seems to be. She isn't even that old yet, but as we all have seen from the pussy eyelid pic, she ain't aging gracefully.
No. 956156
>>955863Has Holly made any masks? She defiently has the supplies and skills necessary, what's stopping her from making a bunch, or streaming it so she could show others how? Or hell, even doing it during Mental Health Monday or Spooky Saturday?
Oh wait! She doesnt really care enough, and that's probably too mainstream for her anyway
No. 956175
Jared got Holly pregnant when they first had sex in October 2018.
That's why Jared wanted to leave Heidi, so he could move in with Holly and raise their baby together.
But then Holly had a miscarriage while on a plane for a convention.
Which is why Jared delayed getting divorced since there was less of an incentive to.
No. 956242
>>956175lmao this fanfiction bait.
Jared is pretty well known as childfree, and he may have even had a vasectomy.
No. 956243
>>956118i mean the curls are fine, the color though is an extremely jarring contrast to her pasty face. doesn't help that her eyebrows are all kind of wonky and the exact same shade, so all you see is two messes of black
>>956175if you're the same "black boyfriend" anon, just know i love your fruity bullshit so much
No. 956283
>>956175anon, holly considered being called "mom" a misogynist insult.
Highly doubt she'd let herself stay pregnant far enough to get a miscarriage.
No. 956506
>>954217>>954543She deleted that tweet so fast.
"We have evidence of this guy being shitty why are so many people trying to sweep this under the rug… Wait Holly is saying we should sweep this under the rug? Nevermind he just did a harmless mistake."
No. 956562
>>956550I'm a different anon, and I dont have a pregnancy fetish? Sorry for the blog.
But if they have sex. babies can still happen, all threads on Holly failed to mention that Holly can have kids with Jared.
Also they dont want kids? Many people had kids and they didnt want them.
No. 956564
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>>956549Why do you want someone who tweets about going to a mental institution to reproduce? Would that sort of person honestly be a healthy parent who would raise a well-adjusted child?
I don't feel like combing through old threads to check, but I think this sperg has been obsessing about all the members of this drama producing children for months now. Remember those weird images of Heidi/Jared photoshopped to look like old people?
On topic, anyone know what Holly's working on now?
No. 956566
>>956564I'm not the same anon, but that anon did make me question if theres a baby from one of Projared's hook ups.
Also everyone reproduces even if you hate them,I just said Ross would be a better dad than Jared who has a sex addiction
(ban evading ) No. 956728
File: 1586507398280.jpg (796.19 KB, 2896x2896, acomparison.jpg)

>>956004Well here is photos with Holly and Heidi with less clothes as I could find.
Their body figure is roughly the same. Holly's tits are slightly bigger. But Heidi is taller in height by a few inches. Though Heidi is younger and more youthful than Holly. Though if Ross/Holly have had dead bedroom for sometime it'd make Holly more ripe and fertile. As for facial features, Jared seems like the type to care more about what he can touch and grab rather than what he can see.
So what did Holly have that Heidi didn't? Just slightly bigger tits as far I am aware.
But was the difference worth having an affair behind your wife's/good friend with huge clout benefit's back? According to Jared, apparently so.
No. 956740
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>>956728It's worth mentioning there is alot of photos of Holly in bikini at a beach, while there is almost no pictures of Heidi in a bikini or swimsuit that I know of.
It's a clear indicator that Holly is more extroverted and outdoors type than Heidi. Which is great and all but when you are in your 30s wouldn't you rather have the more introverted homebody?
On an unrelated note I stumbled upon this photo, really makes me long for the simpler days ;(
2016 was the last year everyone was a happy family, JonTron's racism controversey in early 2017 is when everything started to fall apart.
No. 956766
>>956728so this is the extent to which the milk has dried up.
for what it's worth they both look pretty good, both are better than a limp noodle like jared should be able to get his paws on
>dead bedroom making holly ripe and fertileanon what the fuck
No. 956788
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>>956740Introverted types work well together because they can do activities they both enjoy. Extroverted types work well together because they can do activities they both enjoy. Introverted and extroverted couples can work well together is they both have activities they enjoy together. The real difficulty comes when either half of a couple is doing a co-ed activity without their spouse, for example, group exercise is shown to be a place where many relationships start and many halves of couples cheat because something to do with science and exercise-related brain chemicals. Also, DCA. Obviously.
WTF is up with these new people? "ripe and fertile"? "wouldn't you rather have the more introverted homebody"? (so that she can't go out and cheat lol) If it's not trolling, these new contributors seem really heavy on the theoretical part of dating, so to speak. Why do we care which woman is hotter? If it's Holly, does that make her actions ethical somehow? If it's Heidi, do I have to change my view that she should have gtfo rather than suggested and/or tolerated an open relationship? They're both okay looking and have a mix of nice physical features and less attractive ones, like most people, though both weigh a hell of a lot less than the average american woman which means they both have the potential to look better than the average. There's no milk in this discussion.
So while all of this obvious trolling has gone on, Jared is tweeting a ton of animal crossing-related stuff but none of it (in my brief skim please correct me if I am wrong) involves Holly, who is also really into the game right now. Both are also tweeting about that netflix Tiger Florida show, but again, Jared isn't publicly talking to Holly about it. (Maybe they talk privately, what do I know? But if you nuke two marriages and two careers to become the roleplay lovers against the world, why not publicly present as a couple?)
Also: Heidi has done a "massive update" (and tweeted about it) to her portfolio website and there are some new photo sets there. Anyone know who she got to model as Hades? The nose is completely different than Jared's. (calling it now: trolls finally find this image and suddenly Heidi is a sLuT because she took a photograph with a man) because I think that is a new set. She has a new twitch schedule, which she tweeted about. She made and posted a fairy house, and has updated her store. Also, she tweets about her cat, pushes her own business, and comments under other people's art work.
Holly would like to change her name on Instagram but is encountering an issue doing so. Does this, in addition to her research on twitter, mean that she is taking her work in a new direction?
No. 956821
>>956728This thread has always been a joke. You could only squeeze the mouldy milk from Jareds horrifying peen for so long. Why compare the women and not Jared for the evil predator everyone makes him out to be lol
weird odd fixation and nitpicking like
>>956766 pointed out
No. 956871
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Basically, Holly's Homonculus jist admitted their mantra is Be Kind Because I Won't Be.
No. 956914
>>956880They're gonna block you on Twitter obviously.
But then unblock you whenever they're starved for attention or validation.
No. 956940
>>956564I think it's telling that a lot of her friends commenting are saying things like "for research!" like hey don't believe it's for actual research.
Didn't she do a similar "for research" tweet a while back when the Etika thing went down?
No. 957017
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Dont know if this has been posted but Heidi added to the description of Diath on her webpage."Awards: got to keep it in the divorce"
I wonder how badly Jared screwed Heidi over in private to make her keep throwing shade at him so long after the drama happened.
She threw away the Eva suit she wore the day Jared proposed to her but keeps the costume he made for him that he fucked Holly in? Seems odd.
No. 957019
>>957017I'm guessing she probably threw that one out
long ago.
No. 957027
>>957022Must also be insulting if/when he visits Holly & he sees her Strix costume hanging up in her house.
He can no longer have his cake & eat it too.
No. 957190
>>957017I feel like she's just put it up on her website to showcase her work, but she probably burned the outfit itself a long time ago.
Also, I've been wondering if Jared playing through FFVII is reminding him of Heidi, since she's one of the more prolific Aerith cosplayers I've seen.
I personally have a hard time not seeing Heidi in there, so I wonder what it's like for him to play the game and have that reminder there all the time.
No. 957207
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Though I am sure they have alot of reminders of each other.
For starters the state they live in, they moved there together.
Holly to Jared will always be a reminder of why he got divorced, while also being a nostalgic trinket of the glory era when he was in Normal Boots, Dice Camera Action, and appeared on GameGrumps.
Which is probably one of the reasons he is still with Holly, she makes him feel like he is still young.
No. 957258
>No matter how hard she tried to be the “cool girl” wife, it wouldn’t have been enough for him.Yep.
Even if you were a total doormat to a guy like Jared, he'd still look for ways to call you a 'control freak' or go as far as telling everyone you're '
abusive' or 'suffocating' him, just to ditch the marriage.
>Which is probably one of the reasons he is still with Holly, she makes him feel like he is still young.Yeah, I get the feeling he's definitely hit a mid-life crisis, & since D&D got real popular again in the mid-2010's he coasted off of that comfortably.
Of course that didn't last, & neither will his relationship with Holly, since cheaters always have those 'flavor of the month' kind of relationships;
Heidi was his 'aesthetically pleasing' trophy-wife, Holly is the 'free-spirited' manic, new age, frumpy gf who 'doesn't believe in marriage' etc……
I'm assuming Jared's gonna go for someone much-less internet-famous next.
No. 957317
>>956749>Hollys face is more cuteAnon, are you on drugs.
>>956766That anon seems like scrote posting tbh. "Ripe and fertile". lmao.
No. 957346
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>>957317>Anon, are you on drugs.Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
When the drama first happened people were using the worst photos of Holly compared to best photos of Heidi (ones whe was wearing a wig, fake boobs, eyelashes, etc.).
But these are two fairly recent photos of them in outdoor lighting.
Heidi has overall more narrow features, like her nose, chin, jaw.
While Holly is face is smaller and more mushed in.
Holly just is not as photogenic as Heidi it seems. However I'd imagine Jared knows more than us how their faces look without makeup. But Holly is older so of course would have a more withered face because of that fact. Though in my opinion an unappealing face can be complimented by a toned fit body, which Holly does have.
Though apart from skin-tight cosplay Heidi does not show off her bare body very much, which is great, she is more exclusive with who she shows it to (unlike Jared or Holly).
(nitpicking) No. 957367
>>957356If you mean the little old grandma kind of 'cute', sure.
Heidi is willowy, but I wouldn't call her 'manly'
No. 957378
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Ignoring the faces, Holly and Heidi are both slim but Heidi has more meat on the bones.
But it's worth noting neither of them really show off their bodies much as of late. Maybe with Jared, Holly feels like she doesn't have to work hard to impress him. While Heidi who we established is more socially introverted, and nowadays more emotionally independent does not care for her body to look a certain way or impress anyone.
This is just front view, not many rear photos of Holly [that I know of] to make fair comparison though.
So we don't really know how their bodies look as of nowadays, and with quarantine neither go swimming at the beach anytime soon.
Oh and Holly if you're reading this, hey at least you're not obese, so don't feel bad.(nitpicking)
No. 957400
>>957346Holly's actual face is about twice as wide as that heavily filtered picture. Literal moonface. She also has pretty terrible skin and looks significantly older in candids.
Both women are significantly more attractive than Pedoworm though. He is disgusting on the inside and out.
No. 957503
>>957017I'm guessing she tossed it but wanted to document her work, it is a very well made outfit. Much more well constructed than the Strix outfit. I'd love to see Holly try to make a replacement Diath outfit, it would probably rip before they even got in bed if he even bothered to put it on.
>>956877Call me tasteless but I like a lot of stuff they put out. I'd never support them knowing they're a Holly calf though.
>>957346>>957378Where are these creeps coming from? It doesn't matter how much hotter or uglier Holly is, her personality is a tire fire.
No. 958065
>>957378>>956728What kind of scrot are you? Shut the fuck up, already. Who gives a shit about their bodies. We don't need swimwear 2020 so we can nitpick. That's not how it works here.
>>957503>Call me tasteless but I like a lot of stuff they put out. I'd never support them knowing they're a Holly calf though.Don't worry, anon, you can go through their feeds and find the original "inspiration" for their work and see how well done it is.
No. 958140
>She also said she had to cover it up to keep her mom happy, with this in mind it was probably her mom's friend or a relative on the maternal side…And now she covers up the
abusive behavior of
her friends.
The cycle continues…
No. 958147
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>If sewing masks is so important and so easy, why the fuck doesn't she get off the Twitter and dedicate her time to that?
>Has Holly made any masks?
>…streaming it so she could show others how?Well, guess who beat her to it…
No. 958149
>>958147…I say 'beat her to it', but I know Holly probably has
no intention whatsoever to follow her own advice.
No. 958153
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>>958147Wait, turns out Holly
did make a mask herself
No. 958156
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>>958153…Aaand her stan-army starts passive-aggressively coming at the first person to critique it (who is actually another fan)
No. 958160
>>958156>at least applaud me for tryingWhat is she, a special ed kid?
The nerve of her demanding praise for failing and doing things wrong.
No. 958161
>>958160Because this is just another performative gesture. She's not making them for people who
actually need them.
No. 958214
>>958156Not only does this person seem non-aggressive, literally all Holly had to do was a) ignore the tweet or b) take the advice given. There is nothing wrong or offensive about someone pointing out flaws in something you made, especially if you made it for other people as well.
Also lol Holly didn't win an Emmy. She contributed some ideas to a team that did and got she got a participation award.
No. 958217
>>958156Comment: there is a fault in your design that needs to be addressed, for y'know, safety.
Holly: Gawd, why can't you just be happy and supportive of me doing a thing to help.
She is so incredibly self-righteous and awful. You're not making some grand, altruistic gesture, Holly; you made a few masks—which are flawed. Instead of graciously taking the criticism and trying harder on the next batch, she whines about how her effort isn't being appreciated enough. Just a big ol' yikes.
No. 958220
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When Holly stans eat their own
No. 958237
>>958153Has anyone noticed a pattern of Heidi liking / talking about something or going to a specific place and then Holly suddenly following suit?
Like this Adam Pritchett guy. Heidi liked his posts on April 10th, then Holly on April 11th.
Heidi started posting about face masks a week or two ago, and now Holly is jumping on the trend.
It's almost like she's trying to use Heidi's personality as her own.
This is definitely not the first time it's happened. I've noticed this going back to shortly after the fallout in May.
No. 958242
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>>958156lmao she didn't even get an emmy, she got a pat on the back for her contributions and a fucking certificate. she literally got a participation trophy.
>inb4 holly sees this and whines to her fans about boolies shitting on her achievements No. 958255
>>958220It's so ironic how she continues to put out "uwu be kind" tweets and the minute someone tries to be nice by giving her advice, she has to fight them back.
Not only does this make her look immature and pathetic, but antagonizing people who try to help her is just gonna make her lose fans (besides the insane fans she already has)
By the time Jared breaks up with Holly, I guarantee she's not gonna have as much support as before.
No. 958321
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>>958156Looks like she's still taking their advice anyway
No. 958355
>>958156Kea's not wrong. Needs to be molded to the cheekbones/nasal bridge to keep viral particles from ejecting up into the air after a cough. Same with the bottom.
Holly can sew, but she's a fucking moron when it comes to common sense.
No. 958440
>>958237lol you aren't wrong anon
to me it looks like she wants to prove to jared/heidi/herself how she can take a thing that heidi does and do it
better, and ends up looking like a dollar store version instead
>>958156>i understand you're trying to helpthe passive aggression is real. just say you didn't know and leave
No. 958505
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>>958440>>958237she also seems to be trying to take up embroidery, which I'm pretty sure is a pretty big hobby for Heidi/part of her aesthetic… I didn't see a mushroom embroidery specifically when I looked at her store/timeline quick but there's a ton of mushroom-based crafts and embroidery made to look like moss and things
No. 958516
>>958505Mushrooms are a very common motif in foresty stuff but I do wonder which one of them got into the mori girl thing first. Holly’s interest in it seems to flow directly from her obsession with Strix, but I haven’t followed Heidi long enough to know when her interest started.
It would be funny (and disturbing) if Strix the swamp witch was Holly’s attempt to one-up Heidi’s forest elf persona but that’s probably reaching on my part and I’m not clear on the timeline.
No. 958521
>>958505i know someone's gonna call me out for nitpicking but stitches are NOT supposed to look like they're pulling and bunching the fabric together. this looks like a third grader's first art project lmao
>>958516i think heidi's interest in mori kei started around mid 2018? it was some time before she started her store, that's for sure
has been getting more and more "woodsy" though, she's all "mushroom pictures" and "nature walk" and "came across a witch's altar and stole i mean found her grimoire" lately
No. 958522
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Does Holly ever mention Ross at all in her streams? Either by name or by indirectly refering to him? I know once a blue moon Heidi will mention Jared but not by name.
In this clip Holly talks about living in Los Angeles, but that's about it. No. 958598
>>958522Ah, there it is; an
unfiltered image of Holly.
No. 958605
>>958586It's really sad seeing Holly & Jared's stans screech at anyone who even
assumes that Ross was hurt by all of this, & then they go do the
exact same thing, claiming "Ross
confirmed it! He was okay with the whole thing!"
Even though Ross didn't say a damn thing & they're just taking Jared's word for it.
No. 958624
>>958586honestly i don't know which is sadder, ross knowing full well about what was going on between his wife and his friend, or ross finding out MONTHS after their divorce. everything possibility is vile here.
man, truly, holly is a monster, and i can't believe her only response to this is "well YOU the internet are at fault here for calling me antiquated antifeminist names like adulterer and slut" because this kind of betrayal goes beyond it
No. 958629
>>958586Yeah probs. I think she did have some begrudging respect for him even after the divorce and the drama. But since she deleted all her videos with him, it's safe to assume that respect has long vanished.
But Holly does still publicly interact with some of her old colleagues from Polaris like Dodger who still interacts with the Grumps.
So they have
some mutual friends.
Emphasis on the word some.
But I don't think Holly is interested in returning to the public sphere, she'd rather stay home and raise 20 birds and fuck Jared.
No. 959028
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>>958586My feeling is that Ross knows how manipulative Holly can be and that speaking up negatively about her would just give her a reason to call him
abusive to the public. Considering how hard she tries to spin narratives in her favor, getting away from her quietly and moving into a healthy relationship is probably the best thing he could have done.
Plus, he's said that he doesn't like talking about personal issues online, and I'm sure that he probably just wanted to move on from it all.
Also, not to sound rude, but picking Holly as a narrator just seems like a bizarre choice. Her voice is so… grating. I don't know.
No. 959204
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>>955766Sage since its old, but I think it's over now.
Guess I'm outta here, dueces everyone, hope Corona doesn't kill y!
I'll be back when someone outside of the holy trinity has milk to spill
No. 959241
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No. 959271
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She’s right and she should say it
No. 959496
File: 1586985732522.jpeg (120.95 KB, 750x806, 6F2F272B-E5CA-402D-B12A-650DA0…)

Got blocked for replying to one of Adam Koebel’s tweets where someone said his r*ape scene was “well written”. Didn’t even mention Holly. Okay crazy.
No. 959509
>>959505Same here, anon. Holly blocked me last year for responding to Heidi's posts, re-instated me in her big un-block spree, and just today, I am blocked again. And wouldn't you know it, I liked some tweets from Heidi today.
She is so incredibly pathetic. Enjoy your soulless hug box, Holly. Gods knows you need the validation to sleep at night.
(no1curr) No. 959522
>>959271Be fucking kind, huh, Holly?
I'm an advocate of blocking people who harass you online, but actively searching for people who "might" disagree with your stance on things? Go hug your pigeons and chickens and take a breath.
>>956877As other anons have said, "be kind or be gone" isn't about how nicely you treat people. It's about worshipping Holly at every turn. Just….wow.
No. 959524
>>959522Yep, she blocked me, too. For someone who pretends to be above all of this petty internet commentary, she sure seems to be actively searching for more of it.
Also, she does realize people can just make new accounts if they want to see her posts, right…?
What does blocking people here actually accomplish for her?
No. 959529
>>959524You don't even have to make a new account, anon. She doesn't have her account locked down. If people really care that much about seeing what she has to say, they just have to log out.
So yeah, echoing your statement, I don't really understand what this accomplishes other than probably giving her a rush of indignant satisfaction that she "banished the haters."
No. 959532
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Old & New Encyclopedia Dramatica page for GameGrumps
No. 959539
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"to the creative people" - Sorry that most people are worried about the sick and dying rather than the creatives, Hoelly.
No. 959562
>>959556She spent all that time calling Heidi crazy, but over the past year the only crazy person I've seen in this whole mess is Holly.
I think she might be realizing that actions speak louder than words, and all of the "be kinds" in the world can't protect her from other people's criticism.
No. 959570
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>>959569I wouldn't be too sure of that. Apparently she has a habit of blocking, then
unblocking people to see what they wrote/like/etc.
No. 959571
>>959569Uh, anon, were you paying attention? People are being blocked for responding to things that don't involve Holly or liking Heidi's posts.
She has to actively search out who these people are in order to block them. She isn't being subjected to anything "spiral-inducing"; she's intentionally subjecting herself to the knowledge of who doesn't "love" her.
No. 959587
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Good to see her name getting out there!
No. 959589
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>>959587This dude is a fucking savage
(not milk) No. 959726
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>>959587>>959589I am really glad a lot of people are still taking Holly to task and pointing out the abuser support network these people have built for themselves.
Aunt PT has also delivered a pretty savage takedown of Holly and friends just a short while ago.
On a slightly related note, Adam Koebel's Roll20 shows have been cancelled and the one Holly's Bestie And Adam's Slampiece And Their Best Enabler, Bluejay712, was also booted from the one she was on, the only cast member to get such a boot.
She doesn't say WHY in her tweets announcing this, but anyone with half a brain knows it's specifically because of the tweets she sent out when Holly was booted off shows. Roll20's shows are officially backed by WOTC and I doubt either of them want a repeat of "UM ACTUALLY THIS IS AN UNFAIR CANCELATION BASED ON LIES AND OVERREACTION".
No. 959736
>>959726I'm glad to hear Adam's show is cancelled after such an inexcusable shitshow he put his players through and that a lot of people are seeing Holly's true colors.
Since next month is roughly the 'anniversary' of when the whole ProJackoff scandal broke, I'm wondering if Holly and/or Jared are gonna still try to make tweets about how a year ago they fought against evil cancel culture or if they're gonna keep their mouths shut for once.
Seeing how Holly can't just ignore anything, I'm betting she'll try to throw her two cents in only to end up gonna on another mass blocking sprees.
No. 959737
>>959736The show he did the shitshow on has been cancelled for a while, if that's what you're thinking I'm talking about…
This is about the WOTC-endorsed Roll20 shows that shit didn't go down on, just natural consequences of the shit he's pulled.
No. 959738
>>959736on that note, since it's been a year
and the divorce papers have been signed now, do you think holly is going to start demanding jared to treat her as his girlfriend more exclusively and openly? i doubt she has the nuts, but i really wish she would so that we can see the resulting meltdown plastered all over her twitter lmao
No. 959740
>>959738I agree with you that she won't actually say it out loud to him, but I wanna say she's gonna be very passive aggressive about it.
I can imagine Holly being the kind of girl who retweets tons of post about couples doing cute things together and commenting "hey you should do this for me!" or "why hasn't X done this with me?!"
No. 959741
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Yall, what if Hoelly's going full fucking crazy because ProPedo already found a new fuckbuddy and is booting her to the curb?
No. 959745
>>959574>>959572>>959571Na, fam. She didn't go and block all people that liked Heidi's post about her fucking fairy houses or her cat or her selfie or her whatever.
She went and blocked some folk that were calling her buddy a rapist. Then one of those randos went crying on Heidi's door to get some more
victim points and appreciation and then she probably went and blocked everyone who liked Heidi's post about it. And why the fuck won't? Like YOU all lot follow her tweets to show ANY sort of support haha.
No. 959754
>>959749So again - if she block stuffs that upset her instead of engaging with it; it's pathetic
- if she engages with it; it's self-harm
- if she keeps quiet about it; why doesn't she speak up in time! WHY DID SHE STAY SILENT?
wHy DoEsN't ShE jUsT dIsApPeAr (oh no wait, that's code for suicide)
(integrate) No. 959755
>>959754She's within her rights to block things that upsets her - but when she unblocks them long enough to make a smart-ass response and then reblock them real quick before they can respond? It's chicken shit, immature behavior. Block them and be done with it - but no, that wouldn't let Hoelly play her continuous "I'm a
victim and you're all being meanie heads, #BeKind" card.
No. 959757
>>959754if she wants to block someone who engages with her that's her own prerogative but it's sad to actually go around searching for people to block. The list of blocked users she's accumulating is a pattern, that isn't some randomized list she accumulated over the years. What, does her finger slip on the block button every time someone makes her feel unpleasant? you know what also does that? GUILT
Why do they bother her? If she had such conviction of self and peace of mind she'd not do this, constantly.
Sorry to tell you, Holly will always have ants in her pants because she's guilty and she's a shitty person
No. 959759
>>959758Sassy is running your mouth and then sticking around to deal with the consequences, something we all know Hoelly the Homewrecker clearly isn’t fond of.
No, she’s being a fucking moron who wants to run her mouth and then hide behind the “uwu birb mom” persona. Fuck that.
No. 959762
>>959759so you say to her "Fuck your inexcusable behavior" and she says "Fuck you back, find another hobby" and blocks you. Should have been more covert if you wished to keep spying on her more easily.
also LOL at your definition of sassy.
No. 959766
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Ick. ProWorm hitting on firagafox is so much creepier when you realize she and Heidi had been very close once upon a time.
No. 959779
>>959754lmfao you've clearly been through the threads but seems like you weren't able to read them right, presumably due to the tears of rage flooding down your face
>if she blocks stuff that upsets her instead of engaging with it, it's patheticno, it's the fact that she LOOKS UP upsetting stuff before blocking it, rather than not going to hunt for it in the first place
>if she engages with it, it's self harmSHE calls it self-harm and continues to do it anyway
>if she keeps quiet about it, why doesn't she speak up in timeliterally not once has that opinion been expressed on this board. the whole milk arises from her refusing to shut up about the situation lmfao
>why doesn't she just disappearisn't that something she says a lot? "i'm going to disappear, i'm not welcome on the internet/twitter, wah wah wah"
No. 959939
>>959762>>959758LOL. You can smell the Holly stans from a mile away. Anon, are you reading the posts at all? It's fine if she were blocking people who are being mean to her. The discussion is about how she's (re-)blocking people who haven't said a word to her at all, therefore she is searching for them via other means.
>>959762>Should have been more covert if you wished to keep spying on her.I haven't commented on Holly's posts since last year. I looked at her Twitter once earlier in the week, but it was only after I liked some posts by Heidi that I found myself re-blocked. So, she's either keeping a "bitch list" of people she's blocked in the past and just blocks them at random or she's stalking Heidi's posts and blocking anyone who likes or responds to them.
That is just pathetic. She can block me if it protects her guilty "pity me" feewings, but the point is that I wasn't engaging with her before the new block occurred, and it sounds like others weren't either. She should relax and stop searching for things to make herself upset.
No. 959964
>>959939>We DiDN't dO AnYTHiNg tO GeT BlOCkEd.You know the bitch namesearches, and her name is right there in that post you liked.
Also LOL at the high number of people on here who just casually like a response post to some nobody by Heidi. You either namesearch Hoelly just as frequently as she does, which is more hilarious, or you're a hardcore Heidi follower. The second one is also hilarious, but not nearly as much as the first.
(integrate) No. 959974
>>959766Damn, don't know anything about firaga but i recognize the pic because Heidi posted it last year, not too longer after the drama broke, and stuck up for her when racist jared incels commented. I wonder what changed in that time.
If this is true this is hilarious for Holly though. Like damn, I'm in the minority of people that thought Jared and Holly would make it in the long run (because they are shitty and
toxic in complimentary ways) but even I thought Jared would wait a bit before (publicly) jumping on pretty girl cosplay pussy again. Holly barely had him to herself for a hot minute before she had to share with another heidi-type. top fucking kek
No. 959986
>>959556I don't know their exact situation, either, but I doubt this is why they broke up.
FiragaFox has been living in a different state than her (now ex) fiance for a long time.
And I don't see her and Jared ever being a thing, either. They
also live in different states on opposite sides of the country. Not saying that an internet relationship is impossible, but I'd be surprised if they ever got to that point.
Not that Holly shouldn't be worried, though. Jared is obviously creeping on other women.
No. 959994
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>>959989It takes two clicks to get from this post to that one anon, and the image in the linked image above has her name in it too. It doesn't have to be a direct route.
(not milk) No. 960029
>>959994It still requires her purposefully searching through posts that she's not tagged in to see what people are saying about her. If she's that miserable and
triggered by negative comments, one would think she should avoid reading shit like that, rather than expecting everyone to not write it in the first place.
No. 960129
>>960121>>960122>>960126Yes, I get it, You think it's okay that Heidi says mean things about Hoelly because you agree with her. And that it's not okay when the tables are turned and Hoelly says mean things about Heidi, because she's the most cow-like of the bunch.
We get it, you stan your qween Heidi the Strong, that's why you hang on her every tweet to see this response tweet which wouldn't normally show up in your timeline unless you've sought out that type of thing in the past or have notifications set for that type of thing.
Like I said, pathetic.
No. 960132
>>960129No, I think it's okay that Heidi says 'mean things' about Hoelly because the things are true and because Holly played a very large part in ruining Heidi's life (Jared played a role too, his bitchass doesn't get off scot-free).
Holly doesn't get to say mean shit about Heidi because she's making blatantly false statements - like the "Unfixable abuser" bit.
>"You hang on her every tweet"I was unaware that seeing a tweet on my twitter timeline was 'hanging on her every tweet', but ok, PJ2 stan.
No. 960136
>>960129Calling her hoelly doesn’t hide the fact that you’re one of her stans lol. You’re not going to change anyone’s mind here. She fucked a married man while being married herself after explicitly being told not to and defends sexual predators because their her fwiends uwu but it’s okay, she’s an authority on that because she was sexually abused and her mom was
abusive. How anyone can stan her absolutely astounds me.
People defend heidi because she’s reasonable and if they like her work, that’s cool too. What has hoelly done besides try to capitalize on the drama, barely maintain her already minuscule streaming schedule, and bitch about the mean internet bullies??
No. 960137
>>960129> Heidi says mean things about Hoelly Heidi said Holly views anyone who disagrees with her as a "bad person." That's your definition of mean, anon? Holly took offense to someone saying she needed a tighter seal on her homemade mask. She can't handle the slightest bit of criticism but that doesn't make every non-supportive thing said about her "mean."
It's fine to have a hate boner for Heidi but geez.
No. 960145
>>960132>>960136You're so echo chamber in here you think that finding Heidi distasteful is the same as liking the other two. They're all shit human beings, seems you've forgotten that. Heidi is shit because she surprised Pikachu faced when her horndog husband, who wanted an open relationship, and constantly pushed boundaries cheated on her.
She saw a thousand red flags and thought "What a nice field of roses". Then got angry when they weren't roses.
>>960137>Heidi said Holly views anyone who disagrees with her as a "bad person." That's your definition of mean, anon?It's a defamatory statement, anon. This type of shit would 100% be seen as such in court. Heidi commiserating and saying "I know, right." expresses he same exact meaning, but doesn't directly make a claim about what type of person Hoelly is. She could have also DMed but she chose a public tweet response.
If Hoelly or Pedodick said the exact same thing about Heidi, you'd call it dogwhistling.
>It's fine to have a hate boner for Heidi but geez.You might want to check in with the other anons on this one, they're quick to the wk behavior
No. 960169
>>960146Point of fact, "mental anguish" is considered loss, no financial loss necessary. And she didn't phrase it as opinion, she can't possibly know what Hoelly actually thinks so she is presenting opinion as fact. That could, and most likely would be ruled as knowingly presenting false information. It's public and thus it is published.
All of the elements are there, and this statement opens her up to a suit.
>>960153I'm saying she's a shit person for holding tight to someone who proved time and time again to be a shitty person for years before he ever cheated.
It happens all the time, and is quite common in abuse, but if she's finally broken free from that cycle, why the hell is she still angry? Why the fuck is the cheating such a big deal when now she knows she was being abused. She has an odd obsession with the poor sap that has to deal with that
abusive fucker now.
No. 960171
>>960169By that token, Heidi would be entitled to go after Hoelly for 'mental anguish' due to the whole "She fucked my husband and then publicly slandered me as an abuser".
>"If she's finally broken free from that cycle, why the hell is she still angry?"Are you fucking kidding? The effects of abuse, even mental abuse, take YEARS (if ever) to recover from. God forbid that Heidi is still struggling less than one full year from her shitstain of a husband's
abusive tendencies.
No. 960181
>>960171The Heidi excuse squad is hilarious.
I've never seen an abuse
victim so upset over the person who stole their man when they recognize that man abused them.
Future relationships being hard because of the abuse? Sure. Having a hard time trusting people? Sure.
Being upset with the person who freed you from abuse? Don't see it.
>By that token, Heidi would be entitled to go after HoellyAbsolutely, but whataboutism doesn't make this statement any less defamatory
No. 960183
>>960181So once again, if an abuse
victim doesn't behave like you personally would, it means that they aren't really abused?
Lookit, Heidi fucked up along the way too - You won't find anyone here who thinks she's innocent 100%. But to vilify her for doing the same shit you claim the mistress should be able to do is just illogical and fucked up.
No. 960191
>>960183I never said Hoelly can do these things. I am firmly saying they're all in the wrong. It's you who are claiming one party is "ok" because you can justify their behavior.
I'm telling you justification or not, shitty behavior is shitty behavior.
No. 960195
>>960181>Being upset with the person who freed you from abuse? Don't see it.Anon, do you hear yourself? You want Heidi to be grateful to someone who gaslit her and fucked her husband on the sly? If Holly was such a good person that "saved" Heidi from abuse, she would have outed the relationship from the start. Not messed around in secret and then played the
victim when the truth came out.
No. 960198
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>>960181What the heck am I reading. Are you seriously saying Heidi should be glad Holly took Jared away from her as though she did her a favor and picked up the trash? Are you out of your goddamn mind? have you EVER seen someone be "happy" or relieved that the person their spouse cheated on them with got to "keep" the person? Do you have brain damage?
Heidi wanted her husband that she chose and who chose her. Maybe their marriage was doomed to fail anyway, we can't know that. But nobody should be grateful about this situation. Heidi is better off without those two but it doesn't mean she shouldn't have wanted to retain her relationship.
Good lord, some of you are just idiots of the highest degree.
No. 960201
>>960195if Holly was such a good person, she should have noticed that Jared was flirting with her and being inappropriate with fanart and their roleplaying and stepping a boundary that Heidi wasn't comfortable with and tried to save Heidi from the slimy creep husband. Why wasn't Holly standing by Heidi instead of standing by Jared? She was Heidi's friend too. But apparently Jared's dick was blocking the way and she couldn't bypass it /s
I agree with you. Holly is never about "sisters supporting sisters" unless that sister kisses her ass and forgives her every misdemeanor. Otherwise you're just mean and cruel.
No. 960205
>>960199It's funny because she couldn't save anything if her life depended on it. She couldn't save any of her failed business attempts, she couldn't save her DnD career. She's trying to save this bullshit image she projects of herself as a feminist, lbgtq ally and mental health advocate who loves birds and is an uwu smol bean, but she can't even do that.
The thing that attracts Holly defenders is that they're all just like her. Fake as shit and in a never ending clout chase.
No. 960206
>>960196>>960198>>960199>>960201Ya'll are so transparent. It's hilarious.
The Heidi Defense Squad™ is always on duty. Ready to change to subject to Holly.
I'm not saying anything about Holly being a good person, but you will stretch as far as you possibly can to interpret it that way. Holly's behavior is shit too, but that point doesn't need anybody else here saying it, it gets said daily as it is.
Heidi is being petty in that tweet, she might be able to justify it, but that changes the outcome none.
No. 960226
>>960206The Heidi whiteknights are the reason I stay away from this thread, they're unberlarable.
I have a theory they're all scorned gf's who got cheated on and identify with her so hard they take everything said against her personally.
No. 960227
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Okay so infighting aside..
Do you guys think she's roleplayed furry degeneracy with Jared yet or nah.
No. 960266
>>960206You want people to say that Heidi isn't perfect, and everyone here has already said that.
What else do you want?
And no one is upset that Holly blocked them. We just think she's hypocritical for going out of her way to name search and stalk Heidi's posts while telling anyone who disagrees with her to get a life.
>>960205 I think outside of PJ2 and KF, a lot of Holly supporters are actually really kind people who give others WAY too much benefit of the doubt. That's why they can swallow that "be kind" nonsense and why they get so riled up by anyone attacking her. To them, it probably looks like people are just bullying Holly for being herself.
I don't think they have the tools to see Holly as the manipulative person that she really is. But those of us who've been in those situations before do, that's why we're not buying it.
No. 960286
>>960206Can we stop infighting about who is trying to stan who? it's obvious we're getting brigaded heavily by pj2 et al.
Holly blocked people for liking tweets unrelated to her, by Heidi, that is fucking hilarious. Heidi tweeted that Holly thinks that everyone who disagrees with her is a bad person, after not outright talking about Holly in ages. It's not unreasonable for us to discuss both on here lol
No. 960321
>>960315She's not that milky. Someone had an affair? Groundbreaking. Not the first cow to do it either, all she has is a few twitter spergouts. For some reason vindictive anons think that Holly needs to be an awful person to laugh at her. Every argument as to why Holly is such an evil awful person falls painfully flat because she's just an ugly nerd who had an affair with another ugly nerd.
Heidi is cringey because she got cheated on and somehow had to frame it as domestic abuse to get sympathy. This is a grown woman who still isn't over Jared for his affair, but had no issue in allowing him to sollicit nudes when she approved of it. Autistic harry potter was the last straw and she wouldn't have spoken out about him otherwise.
No. 960351
>>960321It's not so much that there was an affair - It's her subsequent freakouts and inability to admit she was wrong while simultaneously shredding her own rep to defend a guy who jacked it to nudes of fans, some of whom were minors. News flash, though: Heidi didn't speak up to get sympathy, she spoke up because (A) her slimy ex lied about the circumstances behind the divorce and (B) her ex's fuckbuddy of a mistress was slandering her and calling her
abusive to her thousands of followers.
Also, she had minimal to no problem with the nudes blog because there's a difference between "Hey, you can do this vaguely sketchy thing in jacking it to nudes of fans" and "Hey, you can go fuck this one specific person that I've deliberately asked you NOT to get involved with".
No. 960355
>>960351>shredding her own rep to defend a guy who jacked it to nudes of fansAnd this is something his wife Heidi encouraged well before Holly.
>some of whom were minors.That's what happens when minors decide to send nudes, there is no way of PJ knowing everyone who was underaged. Not defending his actions but get real.
>she had minimal to no problem with the nudes blog because there's a difference between "Hey, you can do this vaguely sketchy thing in jacking it to nudes of fans" So which is it? You're excusing Heidi's role in enabling this degeneracy while shitting on Holly for replacing her role? Never change Heidi wks.
No. 960362
>>960355His wife may have encouraged ONE nude blog between consenting adults. She did NOT, from what I can tell, consent to SEVEN blogs, god knows how many private snapchat accounts, and probably thought he'd be smart enough to have better age verification than "Hey, real quick, 18+ right?"
"There is no way of PJ knowing everyone who was underaged", exactly. There was no way and yet, he still thought it appropriate to create a situation where he KNEW minors would be tempted to send in nudes if it meant getting compliments from their internet favorite.
I'm not excusing Heidi's role in okaying the porn blog (again, singular) - it was fucked up. But I also know how easy it is to agree to shady ass things if it means keeping your marriage that you're desperate to save intact. Heidi did it to save her marriage, Holly did it because she was horny over some weird, curvy worm dick.
Also, pointing out that in the scale of 1 to hitler, Holly's closer to the top than the others doesn't make me a Heidi stan.
No. 960366
>>960362Holly was thirsting for some weird curvy worm dick, Heidi was
married to the same weird curvy worm dick. You think this somehow makes her better, I think it makes her more of a cow.
No. 960368
>>960362>ONE nude blog between consenting adults.>"There is no way of PJ knowing everyone who was underaged", exactly. There was no way and yet-The mental gymnastics and contradictions here, oh my.
>Heidi did it to save her marriage, Holly did it because she was horny over some weird, curvy worm dick.It's really sad that this is how you justify ugly youtubers using their e-fame to get nudes. Just have a "coolgirl" loser wife support your choices and it's dandy, unless he cheats. Ok anon.
No. 960389
>>960362It's sad this constantly has to be rehashed for people. No one said heidi is perfect, she's just much less of a cow than Holly is, especially lately.
Heidi at worst was a pick me, wannabe cool wife who got cucked by her ugly shitlord of a husband and ended up paying for it. She was petty during the divorce, which to some degree is understandable. But until she does something milky onward, who the fuck really cares about her. We need new milk.
No. 960406
>>960366Heidi's streams are her doing crafts and reading chat. The past couple she has been making dozens of masks. Besides the one remark about Holly the other day she has been publicly quiet about the two of them for months. Her tweets consist of cosplays, shop posts, and her cat.
Holly meanwhile is currently defending another predator disguised as a male feminist who used his position of power as a DM to rp sexual assault. She's also blocking anyone who speaks out against the guy and actively looking her name up to fight with people she previously blocked.
Yeah…Heidi sure seems like the bigger cow here.
No. 960408
>>960406>used his position of power as a DM to rp sexual assault.DnD is a fucking game, I'm sorry you can't separate fiction from reality. Also "position of power" over being a dungeon master lmao anon please, how do you function in the real world?
>>960389Looks like the milk has run dry if all anons can talk about is getting blocked by Hoelly.
No. 960413
>>960408Clearly Holly and Jared couldn't separate fiction from reality enough to keep their marriages together, so obviously it's a bit more than just a game.
The player was uncomfortable enough to quit the campaign outright in the middle of it. You don't even have to view it as sexual assault to understand that the behavior was hurtful, and that defending it publicly was a tactless move on Holly's part. Holly is friends with skinnyghost so she could have sent him that message privately, but she instead chose to post it publicly. Why?
Is she really that tone deaf, or is she just sticking her fingers in anthills for the fun of it? Does she think she's some kind of "protector" of the poor, maligned white men who are being "cancelled" like she was? Does she think standing up for them is going to make them look better? (it doesn't)
Or is this just another poorly thought out action on her part that makes her feel better and makes everyone else feel worse?
Also, if the milk is so "dry", why are you even bothering with this thread?
You're the one coming here and shitposting to rile people up. Don't you have anything better to do with your life? More "milky" threads to go peruse?
( No. 960427
>>960408"there's nothing wrong with pretending to sexually assault a
victim of sexual assault"
No. 960466
>>960456I want to figure out why people still respond to them, no matter how you break your arguments down to Holly stans they will still miss the point.
However I get that it is a bit silly to bringing up getting blocked by her at first glance, but it is more about her pattern than the blocking itself.
No. 960551
>>960169You're an idiot. Stop trying to lawfag. I lawfag in real life and anyone saying that comment is grounds for mental anguish would laugh at your idiocy. I know a lot of laymen try to do a lookup of statutes and legal definitions, but law is far more involved than that.
I'll admit, a lot of people like Heidi here. That's the way it is. Whether we actually DO understand what it's like to be with a Jared type or actually see a legitimate case in where Heidi really isn't that bad. But you don't seem to get it. We are not dismissing the fact that Heidi may have done some clownish things during this fiasco, but we focus on collective traits to find a person a cow. If you don't have the qualifications, yet someone brings this person up constantly we see it as vendetta fagging.
No. 960659
>>960588If you think the milk is stale then simply hide the thread but there are much less milky snowflakes that have threads just as active.
>Everyone else has toocept for holly obviously who could easily just step away from twitter and go spend time with Jared, or streaming, or with her birds, or drawing or any of her 91023809213 supposed hobbies that she flaunts around. If she was truly a mental health advocate and care about it so much she should lead by example and, seeing how poorly twitter is affecting her mental health, limit how much she uses it every day. She wouldnt even have to quit it wholesale just actually take a step back and stop looking up stuff.
She could set her notifications to only include people she follows which would mean she would never see even when people tag her in posts trying to egg her on.
I think that's a big part of why people are more willing to defend and like Heidi. She's living her life, she has pretty much only interacted with the drama when she's directly tagged in posts but she has had less resources than holly but has kept up with a store all on her own, kept a steady streaming schedule and other things. She's steadily making content, Meanwhile Holly's schedule SHOULD be full with her stuff but she's on twitter screeching to defend someone who didnt ask for or really need it. She could have said 'I stand by my friend' and sent him a nice message privately but instead she shows how unprofessional she is by going around sticking her nose into something that 100% has nothing to do with her.
No. 960671
>>960659The streaming thing gets me. Hoelly keeps saying "Here's my streaming schedule!" which lasts for MAYBE one week before she comes up with some excuse of why she's late or not streaming that week. As far as her sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, that's her M.O. - Jared's marriage, Etika's suicide, this dudebro forcing a sexual assault
victim to have her character get raped without asking first, etc.
No. 960823
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>>960816's not D&D, it's using the Stars Without Numbers system.
Actual assault happens around the hour-sixteen minute mark, but this really builds up and starting around an hour eight minutes in helps a lot to contextualize better, because there are so many signs any DM that actually pays attention to their players would notice, that show just how not into it any of them were (Elspeth at some point even tries to let the NPC down gently!), but Koebel still kept going.
No. 960854
>>960823this dude is a fucking predator. this man absolutely got off on this. fuck holly for defending this utter creep.
every single player part of that looks uncomfortable except for adam, who gleefully keeps pushing it. it's also so telling at the end when adam flippantly rewrites what just happened (i.e. sexual assault) as "johnny gets StImUlAtEd by the SeXy mechanic." dude basically used elspeth as a receptacle for his rape fanfic
it's always these vocal male feminists that are the biggest fucking abusers on the block, i tell you.
No. 960924
>>960452> It's still autistic to sperg about because DnD is roleplay and fictional, people draw loli to jack off to.Go ahead and watch
>>960823 and look into some of the posts about how Adam has behaved in the past with other people/his exs and tell me how he wasn't getting his rocks off to the rp, anon.
No. 961024
>>960823So why does Holly and certain people in this thread think this is okay?
Why did he even continue while everyone else was mortified?
No. 961123
>>961024That kind of reaction is what a lot of predators get off on tbh. He's clearly enjoying the fact he's got complete control in the situation and that's why he isn't stopping.
>>961122Which is why I compared it to people defending lolicon as not being real cp. It isn't a literal sexual assault, but it's still a gross abuse of his position of power as a DM. They had discussed their visions for the future of the RP and he disregarded everything for his rapey robo sex fantasy.
No. 961138
>>960260Jared lost many connections after his scandal because
1)Serious damning allegations, people with save face distancing from people even accused of a crime.
2) Having a relationship with Holly while she was married to Ross. So not only did GG distance from Jared because of a reason #1, but due to reason 2 they really had no reason not to.
But celebs get away with cheating all the time, depending on who they do it with.
Anisa Johma left her nobody boyfriend to be with iDubbbz the day he met him. Wins more clout than she loses.
Gab Smolders cheated on her nobody husband for Jacksepticeye, wins more clout than lost.
Katerino cheats on CallMeCarson, loses alot of clout from it. Then turns out she is banging abunch of other dudes on the side as well. Her social media gets bombarded with hate, because she cheated on someone with more clout than her.
ProJared cheats on Heidi (who was as she said in her own words in obscurity compared to him), not much clout is lost there. BUT! It's for Holly who was cheating on Ross (who has more clout than both of them and has the GameGrumps fandom).
*It is worth mentioning Jared's April Fools FF7 review has roughly the same views as Ross's Social Monsters cartoon. I think Jared just fares better on YouTube due to the algorithm, but Ross does better on Twitter/Instagram. Likely because he has more professional connections and doesn't burn bridges like Jared/Holly do.
Jared's mistake was mixing business with pleasure. Should have gone for someone who was not connected to the GG-circle or the public sphere in general.
No. 961188
>>960823Dude this crossed the line way harder than I imagined it would. I don’t know where I got the idea that someone just got licked or something, but I thought it’d just be vaguely creepy. This was straight up
gives the character a robot orgasm CLEARLY stated resistance He seriously had so many opportunities to back off. He could also have may even reached out privately to ensure this kind of thing is okay? My DM reaches out to make sure players are okay with even minor flirting if it’s to be instigated by an NPC.
No. 961239
>>960823This screenshot says it all. And Yeah Autumn was laughing in a way like "why the fuck am I here." Even elspeth laughs and tries to make light of it when you can tell she's internally screaming. There are points where Autumn along with all the other players look downright angry. I feel so bad for Elspeth because she's definitely trying to be okay and at the end you see that she's trying to negotiate how bad she feels so she doesn't seem like she's overreacting.
You know, I previously only read tweets and something about a robot getting neck stimulated and in my mind it made it seem less offensive. When you actually watch the video and Adam clearly plays out a rape scene. The character is confused and naive and he gently grooms the character and narrates an incredibly terrifying NPC fondling, penetrating (reaches inside to feel a alternator…he even says whatever because the rape is more important), then forcing an orgasm. I know this may get some shit on here, but the whole scenario seemed like you could easily replace the NPC with a doctor and Johnny with a child. I feel sad and gross now. I didn't think silly role playing could get this reaction. Creepy.
And on topic, Holly is absolute trash for inserting herself in this. I think Holly might be an example of how
victims perpetuate stereotypes and misunderstanding of other
victims. Like how most cops that commit racial profiling are minorities, how women shame other women and
victims of sexual assault say they've been sexually assault and the
victim needs to get over it already. Holly is definitely a
victim who uses that status as a weapon. She goes perfectly with Jared.
No. 962430
>>962331Because I'm dumb lol
But yeah all the content here is random tweets by Heldi or random tweets by Holly, the two divorces are what prompted me to want to hear more about it but theres no more divorce drama and now it's just random mundane tweets
No. 962432
>>962430Then learn to sage and stop bumping the thread.
Personally I can’t wait for hoelly to do more dumb shit because she inevitably will. She doesn’t learn and we know she reads here because she’s self-absorbed and can’t handle anyone who doesn’t worship her.
No. 962835
File: 1587466944096.jpeg (51.92 KB, 537x399, 1723906B-1D72-405F-9233-4126DD…)

>>962809Don’t forget when she refused to donate to the Australia charities because it was too mainstream
>>962817Pic related
No. 963292
>>963280Everyone in this drama is a dumpster fire. The problem is that in the situation Anon mentioned, Heidi needed to get her footing financially so she didn't end up homeless/in need herself. Holly chose not to donate because she thought it wasn't "niche" enough to fit into her "uwu not like others" image
There's a difference between "I can't donate at risk of becoming homeless myself" and "I won't donate because it doesn't make me unique enough"
No. 963431
File: 1587566799676.jpg (231.88 KB, 1132x836, HollyGhoul.jpg)

Every time I see this book cover it creeps me out and I finally figured out why.
No. 963484
File: 1587575654551.jpg (158.72 KB, 1200x1052, 1541168686243.jpg)

>>963431this is more Holly
No. 963506
File: 1587577625307.jpg (285.95 KB, 1145x1625, Witch.jpg)

How about now?
No. 963594
File: 1587585296941.png (558.74 KB, 642x1082, alex.png)

>>963484You forgot to put Alex Forrest from Fatal Attraction in there
No. 963796
File: 1587601623606.jpg (212.61 KB, 1077x601, pewdsholly1.jpg)

>>954991 milk but just extra context.
Holly stood up for Pewdiepie when he was in the hotseat (only the first time, not his next 30 shitshows after that). And was also cool with JonTron when he was in a similar situation with Pewds it might have just been a returning the favor type of deal.
That's why you never burn bridges, even if it may seem like the best or only option at the time.
No. 963827
File: 1587605750604.jpg (1.54 MB, 2000x1000, exgfgamers.jpg)

No milk, I am going to die of dehydration here.
But I will wait patiently for the next big gamer break up and/or cheating scandal, preferably the latter since I know this thread will be popping.
I was going to add DropsOfViolet to this but I find it hard to believe a word she says and I think a high-school crush hardly counts as a serious noteworthy relationship of any sorts.
The only gamer ex-gf I do feel bad for is Wiishu, she seemed so sweet and innocent. Not sure what happened between her and Jack, maybe they just got bored of each other.
No. 963857
File: 1587611459453.jpg (167.76 KB, 1080x524, 84848382.jpg)

>>963848CallMeCarson's Ex-GF Katerino
>>>/snow/954757Included since Carson publicly interacts with the GG circle on twitter.
Now him and Ross can probs form the gamer bros who's girl cheated on them with their close friend club.
No. 963926
File: 1587622161773.jpg (64.58 KB, 619x666, block evading.JPG)

This is even worse than I originally thought.
So not only is she name searching on a regular basis and going to threads she wasn't even tagged in, but she's going to threads that she shouldn't be able to see because the OP blocked her.
How can she say she's looking out for her mental health when she goes to these lengths just to find anything negative said about her?
Not to mention how time consuming and vindictive it would be to block everyone who liked a single tweet.
Also, Jared retweeting that "sometimes people pretend you're a bad person so they don't have to feel guilty for how they treated you" post that Heidi retweeted a while ago is just top petty.
Side tangent, why does every creepy guy have a profile picture of themselves with that exact same smirk and the sunglasses at least once in their social media career?
No. 963927
File: 1587622705625.jpg (348.17 KB, 1400x1400, acastro_200311_3934_DrDisrespe…)

>>963926>Side tangent, why does every creepy guy have a profile picture of themselves with that exact same smirk and the sunglasses at least once in their social media career?because he cheated on his wife
No. 963930
>>963926>Also, Jared retweeting that "sometimes people pretend you're a bad person so they don't have to feel guilty for how they treated you" post that Heidi retweeted a while ago is just top petty.It must be a coincidence.
Unless Jared is stalking Heidi despite having her blocked.
It's been proven Holly is stalking Heidi, but… I just don't know why.
To act more like her? So much for "not like the other girls" then.
No. 963998
>>963930Twitter circles tend to run the same and a lot of people retweet the same person and sometimes end up retweeting the person they had "beef" with. In 2010 whe edrama ramped up I remember retweeting people who I had drama with.
He's probably not stalking her on purpose, he just ended up with her tweet when someone else retweeted jt
No. 964505
File: 1587703950435.png (23.88 KB, 438x350, trashwitchcoven.png)

>@trashwitchcoven (LOVE that they got that URL) Someone actually came whining at them to change their url "so that the actual trashwitchcoven can advertise their stuff" - needless to say, it was hilarious!
No. 964529
>>964505My favorite logic they use it the "well, you weren't there so how do you know what happened?" when they clearly weren't there as well.
It's like they legit think we're making up allegations when in reality we're trying to play detective and piece together everything from each side.
No. 964779
File: 1587765391768.jpg (588.58 KB, 1080x1210, grumpsmerchbottle.jpg)

Grumps selling their cringy merch in the middle of a pandemic, Arin's hunger for money will never be filled.
No. 964825
>>964819That's because he wants people to equate Heidi to Amber instead;
eg: Amber came out about her 'abuse'
before Johnny did Just like Heidi came out about her abuse
before Jared. He's hoping that people will draw those parallels, which is also exactly what Holly did when she retaliated around the same time that James Charles (more expertly) defended himself against Tati's accusations.
Everyone was so wrapped up in James Charles 'pulling the reverse uno card' so why not take advantage of that momentum?
No. 964827
>>963827Blessing us "stupid niggers" with yet another creepy, obsessive photoshop?
>>883761>>890981>>952185>>952621>>954997>>955183>>955592>>955707>>956175>>956549>>956562>>956566>>957353>>961138There's probably way more too, in particular the creepy photoshops and pregnancy / baby speculating of past threads. And of course the extreme Ross obsession, too.
Failure to integrate isn't uncommon on this site, but this poster seems to be especially dead set on NOT integrating and standing out on purpose (ihateblackpeople.jpg, extremely blatant and repeated grammatical tells, etc.) I'm conflicted because I can't decide if their fetish is for being the odd poster out, or for saying weird crazy shit yet still trying to blend in with other posts.
No. 965182
File: 1587844257088.png (47.91 KB, 436x344, boundaries.png)

Inb4 Holly starts pushing her "Boundaries" shirt again
No. 965270
File: 1587857120849.jpg (172.4 KB, 1080x1318, Screenshot_20200425-181503.jpg)

This dumb bitch literally went out to feed pests that spread diseases. There's no way these birds are starving to death and excessive bird seed can attract mice and rats. I can't believe how stupid she is.
No. 965281
>>965270Godfuckingdamnit my sentiments exactly, anon. Those things are now going to shit every where and noone is there to clean it.
Earth to Hoelly.. wild birds are full of disease, lice and fuck knows what else.
No. 965326
>>965270Jeezus. That big an amount of bird seed can't be cheap.
>>965310Social distancing doesn't mean staying locked indoors. Her reasons for going out are fucking stupid but she still can as long as she keeps her distances from others and takes precautions not to contract the virus…
No. 965360
>>965357Same here.
They're birds, they're built to forage. If there's no humans around, they'll probably fly off & find bugs to eat, or something else from nature. They're not stupid.
No. 965362
File: 1587866721560.png (126.28 KB, 890x734, pjfanboy.png)

I'm sure Jared would love to see his likeness used to represent Kiwifarms
No. 965372
Pay no mind to the fact that they doxx people & put them in danger.
No. 965435
File: 1587881368622.jpg (76.69 KB, 900x900, original_live-laugh-love-typog…)

>>965362Heidi always tried to play armchair psychologist in her posts and private messages and has this weird self-righteous vibe. Even here, while she doesn't post on r/aita the message implied is that she right and she's "trying to understand" why people who think she's wrong are wrong. She's such a Karen (just like Holly).
No. 965442
>>965270lmfao is this bitch completely brainless? there are workers who have to deal with bird shit and vermin on the fucking streets. i don't see you turning up with your cutesy witch broom to sweep the trash these flying rats will spread, holly
>went through 50 pounds of seedyou stupid stupid woman lmao tell us again about how much you hate donating for charities, it'll sound better coming from someone who dropped a bunch of cash on vermin feed
No. 965456
>"Heidi always tried top lay armchair psychologist"You mean like when Holly declared her to be an unfixable abuser with BPD, despite having ZERO clinical knowledge of Heidi's mental health or the practice of mental health as a whole?
Low quality bait, try harder.
No. 965471
>>965457>>965458Wow. I kinda thought they'd be against her a little bit more, but as long as she with Jared and doesn't say anything they don't like they're just fine with her.
It's gonna be interesting when they break up (since Jared's seems really into FirgaFox lately while Holly now roams Seattle as a bird feeding crypt apparently) how their fans are gonna react it.
I can definitely seeing it be messy with Jared not responding while he works on another 30 minute apology video while Holly cries
victim and goes on mass blocking sprees. I do wonder though if she'd leak any sort of damaging information against him to get back at him, that is if there's more out there we don't know.
No. 965481
>>965478i meant that there are no caps posted and i don't keep up with his twitter. if there's something interesting going on it's only board etiquette to post an image here instead of going "oh yeah that happened. believe me"
but it's funny that he's jumping between chicks this fast lmao, now that there's no need to keep up appearances. is there any reciprocation on firaga's part?
No. 965483
>>965481I don't know for sure if there's been any reciprocation on firaga's part - but someone wrote into the trashwitchcoven tumblr and pointed out that firaga left their long term partner within the last year
Apparently Jared likes to slip in and play the sympathetic shoulder to lean on before hittin' it and quittin' it.
No. 965491
>>965471I don't think this is true for a few reasons. 1: Firagafox is way too far out of Jared's league. 2: She's been close friends with Heidi for years. 3: She just ended a very long relationship in which she was engaged to be married. and 4: She's not liking or responding to anything Jared posts on her posts.
It's still possible, but I think if anything Jared is pushing hard on the LadyPelvic train. He is being pretty creepy to FF, though, knowing her situation. I wouldn't be surprised if he's trying to slide into her DMs right now.
No. 965492
>"She's been close friends with Heidi for years"So was Holly - until she wasn't anymore.
>"She just ended a very long relationship in which she was engaged to be married"Holly was in a very long relationship in which she WAS married. That didn't stop her from betraying both Heidi and her husband.
No. 965531
>>965270I could be wrong, but don't most cities have laws in regards to feeding the pigeons? I'm from a large city and see signs literally all the time?
>>965506I don't doubt he's just thirsting for her, but she doesn't necessarily reciprocate. This is the guy who was married to a cosplayer out of his league who was okay with him sharing nudes and even maybe sleeping with someone else and he still fucked it up. He clearly isn't the type to stick with one woman and Holly is likely going to find that out the hard way.
No. 965533
>>965357They can easily find food without her doing this, she's just uwu-signalling again.
>>965506Exactly. As milky as it'll be when Jared finally cheats on Holly and she reaps what she sowed, it's probably going to end up being with someone just as pickme and insecure as Holly is. What person with actual self respect would want Jared anymore?
No. 965536
>>965270So quirky. Feed the rodents, don't allow the wild birds their need for migration and survival. One dipshit keeps them dependant on food when there is no guarantee they will continue to get food BUT there is a guarantee for vandalism. This is an action that makes her feel better. If she wasn't so self righteous and incapable of taking criticism to any degree it'd be fine.
However, a 50 pound bag of seed? That requires travel, covering distance, potentially spreading asymptomatic COVID-19 from her albist, white privileged mouth. Self-righteous, selfish and unintelligent. Her boyfriend must be getting too bored with her to even suggest how dangerous it might be for her. He probably backs the flying rat martyr motif so he can focus on things more important to him. Gets her out of his hair for awhile.
She is putting others at risk in this trying time. She is either fucking stupid or has to have at some point in her mind said that these animals who can learn to find food (oh I'm sorry sNaCk) is more important than potentially spreading the disease to humans. That makes her proper garbage herself.
Give the pigeons ketchup on toast, Holly. Feel an attachment with something so low to the ground. So easy to kick or miss. Just like you.
Holly Conrad, if you're reading this, I hope I hit a nerve. Your ignorance puts the vulnerable at risk. Bitches like you are the reason I fear leaving my house.
No. 965565
File: 1587912446488.png (1.3 MB, 1440x2038, Screenshot_20200426-094222~01.…)

I know this was a couple days ago but I'm just catching up now. I don't really think a shitty art show is such a good idea right now on top of just chucking a shit load bird seed in the street
No. 965660 2 hrs ago to getting blocked by her
months ago.
Yeah, this isn't suspicious at all…
No. 965700
>"For having an opinion" Dude, she blocked you back in August, because you let her know that you wholeheartedly believe that Jared
"Shot down everything that people have called him out to be with strong evidence to support his claims"You also referred to her in the third person, despite your reply being directed at her only, which is suspicious, tbh.
Also, she wasn't 'preaching'. She was talking about browsing posts on reddit & making observations about human behavior from said posts.
Reading comprehension is important.
'Preaching' seems more up Jared & Holly's alley (Holly's "Be Kind" shit & Jared telling people what
not to do on April Fool's Day)
No. 965856
>>965832Yeah there's been one or two Holly orbiters who still try to come here to bat for her. Like the autistic "Holly is cuter than heidi and here's why in three different essay style posts accompanied with photo comparisons". It's embarrassing really.
If Heidi is a cow like they claim, she'll produce milk. Until then we're going to keep laughing at Holly's dumbass slinging birdseed in the city streets during lockdown. I don't get why they are so utterly desperate to force it.
No. 965882
>>965863Where did I say I liked her and approve of her behavior? I'm the anon from
>>960389 If there's milk, by all means, post it. I haven't seen anything milky from her since around the initial blow up. She's boring now with the exception of a petty comment here or there every few weeks. Wow, so milky!
No. 965893
>>965863post caps if there's milk. milk, and not curdled leftovers from months ago
how hard is it to understand that you're on an imageboard? you're not getting paid by the word to rant on all the things you hate about a person
No. 965972
>>965966I think the word choice is why I feel that way. "Study"
Studying implies preparing for something (I need to study for a test) and/or gaining an understanding of something foreign to you (I will study this new species). Saying either of those about how and why people do what they do comes off as alien, detached from humanity. It would work perfectly fine as a line from a detached serial killer in a movie.
add on to that it's "why people reach (their) conclusions" and not "why other people…"
It's just really oddly phrased.
If I were going to describe why I read AITA posts I would say "I like reading the posts because they provide me with perspective on other people's thought processes"
Most likely she's trying to go for a more scholarly tone because school taught us to report like that. Still comes off as serial killery to me.
No. 966035
>>965972I see.
I hope she really meant something like "I like to read the replies" like most people do when they read the more 'trainwreck' kind of posts.
No. 966057
File: 1588014990809.png (430.38 KB, 672x652, Hollychan .png)

>>963431>>963484made an edit to make it look more like her
No. 966089
>>966085Because she has no milk and they are desperately grasping at straws. It's so blatant, the same 1-2 Holly stans coming in all the time to accuse people of being the 'Heidi defense squad' for not wanting to bitch about someone as boring and milkless as her to the same extent they want to bitch about someone as horrible and milky as Holly.
Those weird ass comments comparing their tits should be proof enough that they have no sane reason for this.
No. 966103
>>966089Going on about Holly self-centered tweet #6,458,211 is also just as grasping at straws for milk. It's not news that she's full of herself anon, yet it keeps coming up in the most boring ways.
She spent $30 and walked around feeding sky rats? SO SURPRISING. This truly is so much more milky, you're right.
At the very least Android Heidi is something new to talk about. Nobody bumped, so why get your panties in such a bunch over it?
No. 966116
>>966103>wanting to learn about other people and how they think to understand negativityrelatively normal behavior, arguably a form of self-improvement
>buying a ton of birdseed during a pandemic and lockdown to go feed pests that can fend for themselves, and then trying to guilt people into doing the same via twitteryeah, totally the same thing. both of these totally warrant the same amount of attention and ridicule.
No. 966118
>trying to guilt people into doing the sameActually I think Holly was more or less trying to convince
herself that she did something useful, hence the "They're probably STARVING! They NEED people like ME!" tone of her post.
No. 966135
>>965972Holly: "I'm doing research"
You: "Oh, okay, carry on"
Heidi: "I study people's conclusions"
No. 966191
>>966089This. And it's always "Holly this, but Heidi that" or trying to grasp at straws that Holly has no milk when, clearly, the most ridiculous shit on these threads comes from her. This isn't some weird competition between Holly and Heidi and it's doubtful that most of us are interested in which of that gross dude's partners is superior to the other when instead we can criticize i.e. one of the two supporting a boundary crossing DM. Also, the term "She
studied the object" is used commonly as a synonym for thinking attentively about something. But ooh scary word
No. 966196
>>966115is holly crying about lolcow in some private discord somewhere? there's just twitterfags and reddit morons coming in every now and again to stupidly bump the thread and talk about how observing people means wanting to murder them. i blame holly for the black boyfriend anon, the who-breaks-up-next anon, even the anon who kept posting images from last year for that matter
it's sad but they are completely boring and will never warrant a "Calves of Holly Conrad" thread on their own no matter how many "but black dick tho" posts they make, so can they get a hint and fuck off already?
No. 966204
>>965972The fact that you psycho analyzed her use of the word "study" so deeply that you wrote a whole paragraph about it is hilarious.
>>966191I'll agree with the anon saying Holly's milk is repetitive and not that tasty atm, but the desperation at trying to milk heidi for even the slightest drop of milk has become exhausting.
To the anti heidi anons. If she's a cow, the milk will flow. It's what cows do. If there's no milk, don't force it, just wait and it'll happen when it happens. Sperging out about the tiniest shit just makes you look like a desperate Holly wk.
No. 966246
File: 1588067619656.png (270.82 KB, 1170x806, Screenshot 2020-04-28 at 3.18.…)

here's a reminder that even though holly tries really hard and her WKs keep blowing their gasket at each word heidi tweets, projared remains the most disgusting insect of the lot
(sage because this isn't milk, just pathetic whinging)
No. 966248
File: 1588068236077.png (424.56 KB, 1166x1210, Screenshot 2020-04-28 at 3.31.…)

also just checked out heidi's twitter and this is clearly what had the "serial killer vibes" anon all hot and bothered lmfao
i hate the "hi cow" schtick but MAN it's fun to imagine holly seething at heidi's subtle jabs and running out here, scrolling through all the hate simply to respond to anons talking about heidi with "why the fuck do you like her so much HUH?? HUH??"
No. 966249
File: 1588068343127.png (294.17 KB, 1172x830, Screenshot 2020-04-28 at 3.34.…)

>>966248holly may do well to notice that although heidi is clearly talking about this in context with what happened a year ago, she's careful enough to say "i've noticed that this happens" rather than "i and my family and my chickens went through this shit because of shitty people"
No. 966410
File: 1588103766797.jpg (124.86 KB, 720x932, IMG_20200428_110956.jpg)

No milk, but damn, good burn.
No. 966413
>>966410Not to WK but it's not like Jared WANTED us all to see his nudes. Them leaking at all was technically revenge porn, and it's the ONLY thing I feel bad for him for.
But hey, if he didnt want them out there he shouldn't have sent so fucking many to literally dozens and dozens of complete strangers of all ages ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 966434
>>966424Never forget that, somehow, he thought the resulting controversy would somehow
boost DCA's popularity.
No. 966584
>>966413any time someone says this, i remember that one anonymous anecdote from reddit that detailed how jared was VERY much into wanting other people to see his nudes and would stand naked at his window waiting for people on the road to notice lmfao
so yeah, all of the "revenge porn" is probably getting him off. i know it's not verified, i just think it's 100% true every time i see his smug bastard face
No. 966610
File: 1588146107276.jpeg (79.07 KB, 719x900, being a good person.jpeg)

Sage for not being directly related, but I think this is something Holly needs to realize.
Being kind doesn't mean being a doormat.
>>966246I feel like somehow Jared doesn't understand the difference between unfair cancel culture (like getting death threats for saying Sonic is a bad game) and facing consequences for your actions (like people unsubscribing to your channel after evidence of you using your fame to get nudes from your fans comes to light). These two things are NOT the same.
No. 966634
>>966630Losing DCA alone is probably enough to keep Jared salty for eternity to be honest.
Being on THE flagship D&D show, DMed by god-tier DM Chris Perkins, hyping up his own brand via using his self-insert and basically having his affair be basically fan-approved through the RP insertion…
Losing DCA is a normal repercussion for Sinjared but to him it'll always be an Unfair Cancellation.
No. 967229
>>967156Exactly, and it was for Holly, too. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for both of them and probably one of the best things they have had happen in either of their careers… and then they just threw it away. I don't feel even a little bit bad for them.
Especially for Holly, before DCA she was just Ross's wife who liked birds and posted her own let's plays. Then DCA came out and her character was a huge hit and suddenly she had a new community and was making a name for herself in the DnD world. Honestly I feel like it went to her head and that's why she dropped the grumps and most of her other old friends. She obviously had some resentment for their success over her, and once she got a little bit of ground under her feet she took off running into Jared's arms burning every bridge along the way. Which is fucked up because that group obviously cared a lot about her and helped her through so much only for her to cheat on their friend then totally drop them all and not so subtlety throw shade at them more than once
It's funny, she was so resentful of being known as Ross's wife and now she will always be known as Jared's mistress, though I bet in her wonky eyes that's an improvement.
No. 967914
File: 1588387720653.jpg (508.31 KB, 2172x3862, 20200502_144012.jpg)

Crying about cancel culture again, he really cant go a few weeks without doing so. Funny how people rip Heidi to shreds because she talked about how she likes to browse a subreddit but no one talks about how ProPedo cries about it the most. Even Holly doesn't do this shit and I really thought she would quack about it for years.
No. 967931
>"Twitter is such a vile place…"Then
leave, Jared.
No. 967953
>>967937>doesn't defend his ex wife from his rabid fans.He did, he asked viewers not to harrass Heidi in his rebuttal video.
>>967946>everyone here likes to kiss heidi's assbecause the WKs think they have a chance with her even though IIRC on stream she implied she found a new partner.
Also on the topic of Jared and Cancel Culture.
The Super Mario 64 machinima channel (with over 3 million subs) SMG4 had a ProJared easter egg in his animation about cancel culture. At approx 9:15 in this video is also cool with the GameGrumps even though Jared and the Grumps aren't cool anymore it seems like they have
some mutual friends, heavy emphasis on the word "some".
I wish the bridge with Jared and the Grumps could be amended but that bridge wasn't just burned, it was incinerated and deatomized.
No. 967956
>even though IIRC on stream she implied she found a new partner.Good for her!
She probably went the same route as Ross did & hooked up with someone who wasn't an 'e-celeb'
No. 967965
>>967956>She probably went the same route as Ross did & hooked up with someone who wasn't an 'e-celeb'Yeah she probably wouldn't post it. Like how Jacksepticeye's ex-gf Wiishu has a new boyfriend but barely posts him. Since like Heidi, Wiishu uses social media to mostly promote her artwork and photography.
When you are dating a public figure it does make sense, since your content is a self-brand and centered around your personality (i.e. screaming at video games for hours a day), as opposed to what you can create (i.e. spending weeks to months on an independent animation).
No. 967967
>>967953>>967950Compared to other un-cancelled or semi-cancelled YouTubers
Onision (well he is cancelled but refuses to accept it), Mumkey Jones, Bobby Burns, Boogie2988, Slazo to name a few. Jared isn't doing half-bad all things considered.
No. 968027
>>967953>because the WK's think they have a chance with her…Just because this is an image board that's predominantly female doesn't mean we're all lesbians. Even if we are, we don't use scrote tactics. At least the other ProPedo apologist said that everywhere here relates to Heidi because we're bitter about an ex that cheated.
Yeah, you wish that Ross forgive the guy that fucked his wife, while the continually mentioned his support despite his wishes? Fuck you, buddy. Jared can try to snob around with all the gamer names to get some rep, but most will still remember him as running a porn blog and masturbating to underage teens that LIED to him. He's not that great of a youtuber and all he had was D&D, but that community dropped him like the nobody he is.
No. 968054
>>967914My guess is that he was probably hoping he could just avoid all of this and go back to his career, but now he's realizing it's not that simple. It's been a year and people still haven't forgotten about it, because he still hasn't given an explanation of events that wasn't transparently manipulative.
He's been posting about not making as much money from his recent videos as he used to, so I wonder if the fear of becoming a nobody who might have to get a normal job is sinking in for him and that's why he's finally lashing out.
It's not like he's cultivated other skills over the past few years. I think he didn't even go to college. So what happens if his youtube career suddenly sinks? What does he do after that?
No. 968099
>>968094>have to go the welder/mechanic/blue collar routeKEK. Not to mention he's the fragile big brain type who likely thinks he's too good for most blue collar jobs. Dudes gonna get bullied there too.
He'll probably just have to cut back on a lot of his expenses and try to keep his dwindling fanbase paying his bills. Onision fucked up way worse and has been on the decline for years, but wasn't financially hurting until the past couple years. He'll likely get by for a while, but never recover.
No. 968140
>"He asked viewers not to harrass Heidi"Wow, what a hero. He asked his fans to not harrass his then-still-wife for revealing that he was, in fact, a piece of shit that exchanged nudes with fans and fucked god knows how many of them at Cons where he was supposed to be working.
>"I wish Jared and the Grumps could be amended"Considering he fucked/is still actively fucking one of the grumps' ex-wives? Yeah, no - He full on nuked that fucking bridge.
No. 968163
>He's been posting about not making as much money from his recent videos as he used toYoutube pretty much runs on fads/trends. Gaming Youtubers were very trendy in the early 2010's, but not anymore. That ship has sailed.
>He'll probably just have to cut back on a lot of his expenses and try to keep his dwindling fanbase paying his bills.…And his sugar-mama (Holly).
No. 968600
>>968178Considering how much he (pretty much exclusively) likes/replies to beautiful up and coming influencers hes probably trying to find someone willing to go to bat for him against Holly.
That or he is trying to use his fame and influence to manipulate these women into being part of his nude harem, "come on, pelvic babe, just send a picture, it will make you feel so much better about yourself! Body positivity uwu"
No. 968754
File: 1588589439523.jpg (1.02 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200504-054739_Twi…)

lololool this must have been awkward and Holly was talking about the drama when that notifcation appeared. No. 968757
>>968754I see the notification but I was immediately distracted by how fucking bad she looks down in the corner. Slouching, her hair looks oily and her face seems haggard. She needs to pick a more flattering angle.
Makes me wonder if this Heidi is an old or new friend she made. I wouldn't put it past Holly to try and avoid anyone named Heidi since the fiasco.
No. 968767
>>968761they probably broke up some time ago I imagine. Having an emotional affair while being married and both getting divorced because of it is not a good basis for a relationship I'd imagine.
But Jared is going for the younger (over+18 but below 25) ones right? He wants to feel young again, same reason Dan who is 41 is dating a girl in her 25 year old.
No. 968788
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>>968761I think you're right. She's been liking a lot of Jared's posts, so that makes me feel like they're still together. Although if you just look at Jared's twitter page, you would have no idea that was the case.
This one in particular makes it look like she's trying to remind people that she's his girlfriend and she's still around.
Also, I noticed that Heidi is still liking embroidery tweets, while Holly was interested in them for maybe a day before she gave up on it altogether. Makes it a little more clear that embroidery is Heidi's hobby and Holly was probably stalking Heidi's tweets around that time and briefly adopting her personality traits as her own.
No. 968849
>>968822Is there any evidence that points to that? I have a hard time believing jared would leave his pretty nice house to move into Holly's smaller one filled with animals. I dont even think there would be a spare room for all his recording gear or his game collection.
Besides, Heidi made their old house into a beautiful nerd DnD haven for Jared, why would he ever want to leave there for Holly's pitch black trying to hard aesthetic house?
Kind of raises the question that if they did decide to live together where would it be? Holly poured SO MUCH time and work into her house making it the perfect little Strix cringe hut and installing all the bird stuff in the yard that it's hard to believe she would abandon it for the house and bedroom Jared previously shared with his wife. And I have a hard time believing jared would want to deal with all the bird stuff if she moved in to his place
No. 968867
>>968824Yes, and she helps and supports him getting back into animation.
Holly would never allow that, she just wanted him to cosplay for whatever was her fetish at the time, til that became Jared.
No. 968946
File: 1588624678505.png (45.43 KB, 438x572, twc-discord.png)

The mod behind trashwitchcoven on Tumblr is weighing in about the PJ2 discord
No. 969185
>>969117What the fuck? Did this actually happen???
(also next thread pic nominee pls!)
No. 969202
File: 1588648723213.png (349.29 KB, 586x394, ahswitch.png)

>>969192Heidi has a Switch.
No. 969216
File: 1588650379004.png (38.31 KB, 436x538, dynamic.png)

Not milk, but I'm glad other people are seeing Holly's sudden flip in relationship dynamics:
>"I can list multiple stories of Ross telling stories about Holly that are positive and talking about how much he loved her."
>"I can’t remember any from Holly, but remember so many times when she called him gross and told stories of him being gross or not being able to do things."
No. 969233
File: 1588653021406.png (9.31 KB, 380x130, truetrashwitchcoven.png)

Holly is (allegedly) going to change the name of her 'brand'
No. 969248

>>969216I disagree. I do think Holly and Ross had a genuine relationship and she did feel the same way he did about her.
It was just later down through the years did things begin to sour.
Like in linked video, Holly is touchy feely with Ross.
and in this one constantly leaning in towards him was just in later years that she decided she wanted to be with someone else, that being Jared.
I think one reason is how invested she was in roleplay/cosplay.
There is many photos of Holly/Ross in costume together so I wont bother linking them, but like some kind of sex doll Holly put Ross into whatever was her fetish at the time.
But the idea of Strix+Diath far surpassed how she ever could have felt doing anything with Ross.
But why not just make a Diath costume for Ross, I think there could have been a decent compromise there.
But I do like how Ross and his new girlfriend bond over how both of them being passionate for art and animation.
Relationships that start based on a kink, i.e. Commander Shepard+Garruss, Strix+Diath, are just not going to end well.
No. 969256
>>969248I think a part of it is that Holly started to sour when it really sank in that Ross was surpassing what she had accomplished in her life.
When they started dating she was the famous one but Ross did stuff with grumps, got back into art, worked on his cartoon thing for a while and really gained a following of his own she was easily left behind in the dust. I think it makes her avoidance of Grumps and how hard she latched onto DCA make so much more sense too cause she probably thought she was catching up and then she had her whirlwind fantasy tryst and because she was already bitter about Ross's success it made it that much easier to move on.
I never really saw her supporting his streams or endeavors that much and then her own attempts at gaming youtube, streaming and merch kinda flopped.
No. 969395
>>969256She really does seem to hop from one scene to another whenever she fails to reach some expected level of popularity.
It's like all her endeavors are born of a desire for massive approval more than any passion.
No. 969433
>>969256I 100% agree that she grew resentful of Ross and all her other friends in their group for being so successful, but they are also the reason she had a majority of her followers today, so she needs a fucking reality check. Does she think she could star in a DnD show and have her own successful patreon/merch without the huge followers boost being on Game Grumps gave her? Girl needs to be less melodramatic and more grateful.
Also, why doesn't she hold Jared to the same standard? He was never at the Grumps level of fame sure but he was and still is miles ahead of her success wise. She hated being known as Ross's wife but adores being known as Jared's mistress
No. 969440
>>969433>She hated being known as Ross's wife but adores being known as Jared's mistressShe hates being called his mistress, but she likes that she "won" over the typical pretty girl. There's also that whole star-crossed lovers narrative she has going on in her head and the Strix/Diath cringe fest too. Oh, and who could forget her self appointed martyrdom to "save" Jared from both the meanies and his totally
abusive wife. There's so many layers as to why she's latched onto Jared.
She was married to Ross for roughly six years, and I don't doubt for a second that this thing with Jared will ever reach anywhere near that. He barely even acknowledges her on twitter as it is.
No. 969452
>>969256>>969395It's impossible that they just weren't a good fit and it didn't work out for that reason. No, it's probably the far more uncommon reason of jealousy over Ross's career getting bigger than hers when Holly
checks notes had already stopped the cosplay stuff that made her known in the first place.
No. 969474
>>969452I guess I have a hard time with the "drifted apart" thing because its quite obvious that Holly left him for Jared, considering she was telling J she wanted to be with him and only him. Plus, she told Heidi in those texts that Ross loved her very much and would (maybe possibly probably) be ok with the jared stuff. That combined with how depressed Ross was during the months following their divorce leads me to believe it's less of a "they both drifted apart and decided to mutually split" thing and more of a "she left him for his married friend and proceeded to follow said friend to another state"
Speaking of the moving thing, does anyone know how long it took for her to follow Jared? How long had him and Heidi been in Seattle before she showed up?
My tinfoil is that Jared decided he really was done with Holly after some talks with Heidi and that moving away from her was one of many reasons they moved. Then Holly probably threw a huge fit and went manic about him being away from her and followed him there ASAP to manipulate him into taking her back, but I dont really know the timelines
But didnt Heidi say in her stream that when her and Jared moved they proposed to Holly and Ross to move as well since they were all so close? So was Holly and Jared's affair all long distance until Holly was in town for their infamous "walk"? Basically I want to know where everyone involved lived when the fuckery began
No. 969481
>>969472>>969474I never said it wasn't one way. But even if someone loves you completely that's no reason to just ignore your own feelings. Just because a couple both appear happy publicly that doesn't mean they are happy at home. Realizing you don't love someone any more takes a long time in my experience. I would posit her infatuation with Jared is likely what cued her in that she no longer loved Ross, and that she hadn't for some amount of time before then.
They got married in 2012 and announced their divorce in 2019. The average marriage length is 8 years with separation in 7. Mostly I point this out because it supports the theory that it was just your average falling out. I'm not presenting it as proof.
>>I want to know where everyone involved livedHeidi and Jared moved to Seattle September 2017. I think Heidi told him to confront his feelings January 2018 and the walk happened in February 2018. So it was "long distance" for roughly 5 months, but they were also seeing each other however often they filmed DCA (I would guess it was a week of filming every few months, more often with conventions). Take from that information whatever you will.
No. 969493
File: 1588705313917.jpg (1.1 MB, 2304x1427, nevermovetola.jpg)

>>969474Living in Los Angeles can destroy the mental health of the people unequipped for it.
He likely went there to live the high-life hot shit lifestyle but it wasn't for him.
Get out while you can, otherwise this will happen to you.
No. 969499
>>969452I mean you have a
valid point, but I don't think it's "only" one reason but I think it's all of them.
I don't think Holly stopped cosplaying because she just woke up one day and decided to. Wasn't Blathers her last "big" cosplay that she did? I think the cosplay stopping was because
a) she was accumulating drama from the heroes of cosplay fiasco which is an indication that she just seems to attract trouble (and she is always the common denominator), then crabcat, and the crabcat streams disappeared really quickly because I remember her when she had her dark red bob style streaming with another girl about cosplay and crafts and other random shit, and it got obliterated on the internet before anyone cared to keep them, and she was NOT displaying uwu behavior at the time, she was raunchy and rude and more blunt/to the point
b) she was getting "PTSD" from cosplaying which I can't understand why the fuck unless it's a way to avoid the first point
c) she was still doing videos ABOUT cosplay on her channel, she had tutorials on how to add fake tattoos, how to do certain crafts, she even had craft streams, so she was clearly still dipping her toes in even if not at the level she used to, that's how most people knew her, as Ross' cosplayer wife (who didn't actually cosplay)
d) She only started Let's Plays much later, which is fine, I don't fault her for doing games when your husband also does games on game grumps. But for a long, long time the let's plays were her bread and butter, or to be more literal, the money she used to support her grandpa in the nursing home, which she had mentioned in her tumblr blogs, which are now deleted.
e) the lets plays and ties with ross expanded her social circle to the LA gamer crowd like Dodger, Jesse, Jirard, Jared and everyone else. Simply by being married to Ross she got on Polaris shows and became, again, the "cosplayer wife" who didn't actually cosplay
So while I don't think it was as simple as "Holly get jealous of Ross", I do think it was a natural process of avoidance of past drama and just rolling with whatever he was doing. Her "PTSD" was the nail in the coffin for her as a cosplayer but she just tagged along with Ross after that, following in his shadow with whatever he did, or whoever he met. She accumulates a large following simply by being married to Ross, she can actually put her youtube money aside for her grandpa instead of needing it for herself because she was married to Ross, and she made connections that eventually led us here, because she was married to Ross
I don't know if I'd call it jealousy or bitterness at this point
No. 969531
>>969499A lot of this also tracks with a descent into any number of disorders - which tracks with her current behavior. My understanding is that depression can lead to a lot of this type of behavior too. Becomes a question of chicken and egg for me - did she do all of this because of her issues, or did she develop her issues because of all of this?
Add on to that: She would have been mid 20s during that time so it could be congenital issues that developed.
Maybe she developed depression because she was in a marriage she didn't want, but didn't recognize as the problem.
Maybe she started presenting NPD during that time.
Maybe she's just a shit person.
Either way, I don't think there's much chance that her emotional cheating was anything more than a symptom of those problems. Just because of the timeline and her obvious descent prior to that part developing.
No. 969619
>>969522Weird how all of her "PTSD" seems to center around anyone being stern with her or holding her accountable for her actions, aka "yelling," instead of anything actually traumatic. She grew up with actual abuse/neglect but as an adult fixates solely on callouts and confrontations as the worst, most traumatic experiences. She had zero empathy for a sexual assault
victim being uncomfortable with her character being raped in a TTRPG stream, despite the fact she is allegedly a
victim of sexual abuse herself, but ran to the defense of the poor rapey DM who was at risk of being "yelled" at. It's really weird. I cant decide if it's because she hates all other women too much empathize with them even if she shares their experiences or if she's just been lying the entire time.
No. 969792
>>969762Or she's perpetuating the cycle by enabling other's abuse (as well as becoming
abusive herself) and is using her past mistreatment as a metaphorical scapegoat to escape any criticism of her character, opinions, and actions.
No. 969830
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No. 969832
>>969830Geebus, really?
I get it sucks the video got taken down but Creepshow already gave an explanation, no need to pester the poor woman like that.
No. 969844
>>969839Why would a Holly stan constantly harass Creepshow to find out why she removed videos that criticized Holly? Wouldn't they just celebrate the videos being gone?
I'm annoyed she took down the videos just because Holly pulled the "it hurts me to be called out on my actions" sobbing act. However, harassing Creep just to be given an explanation beyond the Twitter exchange is pathetic.
No. 969856
>>969844My thoughts exactly, why would a Holly stan be bothered by a critical video being taken down.
Even ignoring that one wacko though, she already explained why so it sucks she still gets pestered.
No. 969863
>>969856Wasn't her reasoning that she was just another
victim of Holly's suicide bait/threats?
I still don't understand how people can idolize and look up to a mental health guru that literally threatens to kill herself anytime someone disagrees with her
No. 969867
>>969863Yeah, it was basically "your videos are affecting my mental health", Holly again using her mental health and illnesses to get out of things.
Shitty as it is… It's on Holly, not on Creepshow.
No. 969868
>>969867Granted I dont know anything about Creepshow, but wouldn't all her videos effect the target's mental health? I mean, she makes videos covering drama, right? Like doesnt she have videos covering KT and Jefree Star and all sorts of
problematic content creators?
Of course I'm not blaming Creepshow for taking them down, it's her videos and she can do with them what she wants,I just wonder what Holly could have said to make her the exception. Maybe because she reached out very publicly and got her whole stan army in on it?
No. 969879
>>969868Personally I still think it's pretty lame she took the video down. Especially if it's because Holly was suicide baiting. If you are going to do those types of videos you need to realize some of the people you are covering are going to feel hurt or upset by it. It just seemed really cowardly if that was the reason she did it. Especially since she talks about in the video that Holly is manipulative and weaponizes her mental health? I just don't get it. Maybe something else happened. In interested to hear her reasoning.
That being said, someone messaging her for months about it is a bit whacko. I'm sure she gets plenty of complaints about all of her videos from crazies, though.
No. 969883
>>969879the thing is though, if creepshow DID ignore holly's messages about "muh mental health", holly could absolutely use that as a weapon against her. Holly's fanbase is much larger, stronger than creepshow's. Creep would end up the "bad guy" in all this, because "I told them muh mentul hulth is bad bc of video and they won't take it down :((((("
it was an inevitable thing, after all most big channels who covered events either retracted their statements or straight-up blitzed videos altogether
No. 969888
>>969879Its still impressive to me how Jared and Holly got pretty much every negative video/statement about them taken down or retracted. The only people I can think of that saw through their bullshit was H3 and Philip Defranco and even then Jared deliberately sent his stans after them in his You've Been Lied To video
I just dont get why a majority of other influencers forgave Jared so easily? I mean, youd think they especially would see how gross and wrong the parasitic nature he had with his fans' nudes was, but I guess they probably have done the same shit or dont really care about fans/viewers
No. 969911
>>969830IIRC in one of her videos, she talks about how it was actually the rewired soul who sent her a message asking how she'd feel if Holly self harmed as a result of the video being up.
Although I think Holly also asked her to take the videos down? I'm just not sure if Holly was the main reason she removed it in the end.
No. 969912
>>969906yeah but J* handles drama differently, he doesn't do the mental health schtick. If Holly says "mental health" can Creepshow publicly say "no u"? Like you can't say "nah fam they are lyin'" to the public.
Mental health is subjective and personal so Holly can easily say "this is how I feel and you can't prove otherwise" and if Holly pulls up suicide bait or depression bait, then the onus falls on Creepshow.
Look at how Trisha Paytas shakes up every community she decides she's part of. We all know she's a troll but y'all saw how she divided everyone between "guys she's full of shit" and "you can't judge her, if she says that's how she identifies, that's how it is"
I'm in camp "holly's full of shit" because of her past record of being manipulative. She'd turn full 13 Reasons Why on Creepshow and I wouldn't put it past her to make fucking tapes on everyone who wronged her
No. 969921
>>969888My tinfoiled guess is Jared and Holly privately threatened legal action.
>>969911Yeah in her RWS video she says he threw that as a hypothetical at her once. Same video where she says the actual reason why the Holly vid went down.
No. 969927
>Its still impressive to me how Jared and Holly got pretty much every negative video/statement about them taken down or retracted.IIRC, Jared had a compilation in his "YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO" video pretty much putting anyone who joked about him on the spot (Cr1tikal, Game Grumps, etc) so I wouldn't be surprised if some of them took down their videos/posts about him to avoid being harassed by his then-replenishing fanbase, who are pretty damn relentless.
I've also noticed that Holly often has a few supporters hovering nearby whenever she confronts someone, some even stuck around to pat Creepshow on the head when she finally gave in to Holly's demands.
No. 969929
>>969830No doubt some of Holly's stans will be taking a peek at her stream, making sure she says the 'right' words
or else!
No. 969932
>>969888>H3Not defending Jared, that guy is a weirdo and a psychopat. I would roast on him but at his position, there'd be no point.
Ethan is an unfunny fat fuck in his 30s with grey hairs rapidly growing. He looks so old compared to other youtubers close to his age like Pewds, Jared, Shane Dawson, to name a few. He made some funny videos back in the day and now sits on a moral high horse speaking his take on major issues like Covid when he has zero qualifications to so so.
You're talking about a guy who blew up from making a comedy sketch about weed and vape culture, his hot takes should never be taken seriously in any capacity.
No. 969934
>My thoughts exactly, why would a Holly stan be bothered by a critical video being taken down.Might not even be a stan, could just be someone who wants to start shit again.
>I just wonder what Holly could have said to make her the exception.This.
I remember one of Creepshow's responses to someone praising her for being respectful was "the trick is remembering that there is a person behind the screen at all times" which is probably gonna bite her in the ass eventually, because if
that's the case, then you might as well *take down any
& every other video you've made criticizing other Youtubers*, no matter how shitty you think they are, because "they are a person too! ~uwu"
No. 969953
File: 1588793619586.png (68.48 KB, 590x506, Creepshow.png)

>>969830Oh no.
This is
bound to grab the attention of Holly's flying monkeys.
Even if she
isn't going to address Holly directly, remember, this is the same Holly Conrad who name-searches & is constantly unblocking people for the sake of getting the last word in an argument.
Regardless of what Creepshow is going to say in this stream, I can't help but feel like announcing this might be a mistake on her end.
No. 969964
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No. 969979
>>969964>>969966Inb4 the dipshits who think
Heidi was the one who spread the pedo allegations start screeching "BUT U
No. 970045
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>>969964Aaand there's a stan!
No. 970059
File: 1588805848180.png (11.66 KB, 490x206, successful.png)

>>970050Funnily enough, an anon over at trashwitchcoven on tumblr said that people in the PJ2 discord are upset with Heidi's success & her 'fake positivity'.
So, basically, they're mad that she's moved on.
No. 970078
File: 1588807262822.jpg (99.85 KB, 1080x551, i382827177.jpg)

Okay the Jared+Heidi+Holly love triangle shtick was always the most petty and unimportant thing of the scandal IMO. Plus even then it happened like last year, no amount of research will change what happened. Clearly neither are free of blame and it wasn't the most amicable divorce, most generally aren't.
I would rather we discuss current events and new milk. Like the fact that the Game Grumps/NSP have a larger fanbase than Jared, and by extension, more underage fans, yet tweet out shit like this.
Which is probably why the Grumps remained completely silent during the controversey since they knew they had no room to virtue signal.
No. 970141
>>970078>>970093NSP is literally a dick/sex joke band. Sex is in the name of the band. Hell this could be a part of one of their songs. They're not someone parading as a wholesome nerd man they've always been crude so if they have under-aged fans it's not really on them.
Their songs are about having sex, getting laid, trying to get laid. They have a song called 6969.
The grumps didnt say anything about it cause they weren't connected to the situation really. Holly had already been separated from Ross and Jared had collabed with them years before. Not really anything they should be talking about there.
No. 970190
File: 1588819826190.png (340.61 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200506-213011.png)

>>970188I think these have been posted before but here's screenshots before anyone deletes their tweets just in case
No. 970232
>>969980i completely agree anon
the problem i have with taking creepshow seriously is most of her "info" comes from lolcow or other boards and it doesn't look like she puts a lot of thought behind voicing out the current hot opinion. this is clear when you look at just how quickly she dropped the matter, literally as soon as holly approached her with "why are you being meeean"
i know there was tinfoiling about holly/jared slapping youtubers with C&Ds but it looks more like creepshow did a shallow scour of the lolcow/KF threads, didn't bother understanding the situation, and when holly started wailing about her feels, decided the best course of action was to just move on.
now she's back lurking through old threads (or did someone on KF bring something up?) and decides she needs drama/attention from lolcow, so let's list that video back, why not
or maybe it's an attempt to goad milk out of holly?
either way, she's coming off real seedy right now. she can list her shallow video all she wants, she's not getting my view
No. 970256
>>970190She sure knows how to gaslight. Remember this Holly, abusers always 'apologize' and say 'I didn't mean to cause harm' as well, they apologize to whoever their trying to gaslight over and over until their forgiven and then abuse again.
Abusive behaviour really shows in Holly when she cries that 'you made money from being mean to me!!!' then made ugly merch WITH Jared about the situation.
>>970232Yeah creepshow is basically a cowtipper, one with no backbone either. Not just her but another youtube channel called treesicle not only removed their video on propedo but also cucked hard and made 'projared strikes back' video where they suckle his pedopeen.
Lesson of the day: Don't be youtube commentator AND a pussy who doesn't do research.
No. 970283
>>970045The kicker is that Geraldo is a whole ass adult with a husband and a life to worry about, but instead blows her time stanning a manipulative twat-waffle and her potentially-a-pedo fuckboy.
What a time to be alive.
No. 970406
>>970183>>970186>>970188>>970190I think the suspicious part is that Creepshow
was actually standing her ground in the argument & then it was like a switch was flipped & Creepshow was suddenly compliant with her. I think that's why some people were convinced that Holly somehow threatened her legally/financially in-private.
No. 970415
File: 1588878118039.png (31.62 KB, 584x228, WhereIsDCA.png)

God, their stans are so melodramatic
No. 970455
File: 1588881831505.png (509.88 KB, 586x570, true.png)

>"Jul 14, 2018"Looks like the DM knew all along.
No. 970469
File: 1588884439831.png (719.8 KB, 908x734, NateGG.png)

>So they have some mutual friendsHell, Nate even collabs with Arin & Dan
No. 970546
>>970522Lets see: A fatal pandemic V.S. being told "Hey, you sexually assaulted someone, fuck you. You now have to pay the price for that"
Yeah, I can definitely see the similarities.
No. 970572
>>970522Yikes. That shadow under his nose makes him look like Hitler…
I can see him spinning it to be liken to Cancel Culture somehow.
No. 970612
File: 1588902374311.png (26.03 KB, 584x258, danfails.png)

Dan "the man" Pirro has something important to say:
No. 970619
>>970415>>970612And in 2 days, it'll be the
1-year anniversary of this shit show!
No. 970626
File: 1588903633129.png (55.26 KB, 580x446, iwantmydca.png)

They're just mad that this couple got booted immediately after it became 'canon' irl, so they can't publicly celebrate it.
Anyway, here's some more whining
>"the very nature of the show was 5 individuals in separate houses playing a table top game using cameras.">"It honestly was ahead of it's time tech wise."So
no one has
ever livestreamed a tabletop game before DCA?
(Presses "X" to doubt)
No. 970630
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I think Jacksepticeye/Gab Smolders are not 100% loyal to each other. They both regularly like photos of other women/men. Jack has plenty of fangirls and could ditch Gab at any moment for a girl he finds more attractive, while Gab is attracted to clout but the only way she could upgrade from Jack would have to be a Hollywood/mainstream celebrity and not a youtuber.
Alanah also left a flirty comment on one of Jack's photos.
No. 970635
>>970632Did WotC delete any DCA episodes or something?
If not, go watch those if you need your 'fix'
Jesus, these fucks are whiny
No. 970636
>>970619Who will make a post about it first, Jared or Holly? "One year ago today I fell
victim to the evil that is cancel culture uWu"
No. 970637
>>970635Nope, they're all still up. They didn't convert the last two or three episodes to "podcast" format, that's about as bad as DCA got.
But you have to remember, DCA is all these sad people have. They're probably on their 10th rewatch of the whole thing since the pandemic started.
No. 970662
>>970657I wonder if it ever annoys Jared when Holly acts like the biggest
victim of the whole incident. I know she got shit too of course, but jared was the center of the shit storm being called a pedo and having his nudes spread everywhere. Its probably annoying as fuck for him to hear her constantly whine about her cancellation and cyber victimhood when he obviously had it way worse.
No. 970664
>>970662I'm sure he felt better about her acting an absolute fool on twitter for months, because it was a distraction from his shit.
And knowing Holly, she was more than happy to take that bullet for him.
No. 970665
>>970661Crabcat Industries? I'm not sure it was made up for the show but its Youtube channel existed before the show began to air…
And it was also SORT OF genuine since it's technically what the cancer survivor contracted for those costume pieces, and Holly took the money and delivered nothing.
Their Youtube channel is still up.
The Heroes of Cosplay announcement vid aged like fine cheese.>>970662If it does annoy him? Then it's a fully deserved annoyance.
No. 970669
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>>970668Funnily enough, I looked up Jessica's twitter, & she tweets defending Holly, but not Jared.
She claims that Holly is a
No. 970679
>>970669It's insane cause even in the first few seconds of them being on screen Holly is trying to 1 up her. Jessica says "Been cosplaying for 9 years." Holly immediately comes in with "10 years." They even mention how when they did compete prior to the show Holly was insanely competitive. Apparently throwing 'spazz attacks' at Jessica about it not being right. but sure total
No. 970681
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>>970679Samefagging but here's her DnD character who is not Strix whatsoever it's even a drow. She even goes into the detail of it at the obviously not interested sales clerk about it being the people's hero.
No. 970686
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>>970683Ahh sorry Holly's Jessica's is the Teifling seen here. They were never given names though. But her drow certainly isn't Strix and didn't she claim Strix had been her character forever?
No. 970687
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does seem to go to extremes a lot
No. 970694
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>>970686She had "been" playing a version of Strix since high school, either as a sorcerer OR a tiefling, but never the same until DCA, so that drow was pretty much Proto-Strix.
No. 970698
>>970688not the anon you replied to but there's unproven suspicious tinfoil that gab and jack cheated with their respective SO's before they got together so they didn't really start off on the best foot in the first place. Also there have been streams where literally Jack compliments a videogame character and Gab visibly deflates and stops talking, it's actually funny.
inb4 irrelevant, suzy pushed gab onto jack during the times they both happened to be in LA (when they both had partners, I might add), I miss the days when snooze was the cow of the threads. But Holly is the gift that keeps on giving.
Holly looked so much nicer with that ruby red hair, much more flattering,
No. 970701
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Not gonna post anymore old milk so not to clog the thread up, less I find something of interest but this little bit aged like spoiled milk. She goes on to say "If you don't have it in your heart, that you're doing it because you love it. People are going to be able to tell that you're not enjoying yourself." This is at another contestant that says she has to 'be the character" And is the method actress of the cosplay world.
No. 970718
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This isn't really milky but sometimes I have to remind myself this is a 30+ year old woman who runs a crock shit mental health stream and needs to "shakey her bad bwain feelys uwu"
No. 970758
>>970687She can hop off of the "I'm a poor person!" train when she acknowledged that she was primarily raised by her grandparents who left her a fuckton of cash later on, so clearly she wasn't hurting either.
>>970718Her mental health streams are 99% just watching her play Animal Crossing at this point. Wonder when she's going to drop the "mental health monday" pretense.
No. 970761
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>>970698>>970688It's just a possibility. They are just jokes and compliments, but as we seen with Jared/Holly who masked their relationship with in-game roleplay, the innocent banter may be indicative of something deeper. just hiding in plain sign.
And in this screencap Alanah she felt a need to reaffirm that it was not flirting. Though that is just on her end, Jack doesn't leave comments on other women's photos in that way (that I know of), he just likes them.
No. 970778
>>970701LOL, this was during the, "is she cosplaying because she truly loves the character or just because she wants attention?" days of cosplay. Long before cosplay became so sexualized and commercialized that no one gives a shit about whether you're a "true fan".
AKA another example where Holly insists she's the "real thing" while other female nerds are imposters doing it for "the wrong reasons"
No. 970792
>>970761I’m gonna say this is tinfoiling a bit hard. Looks like she’s saying she wasn’t flirting in response to someone accusing her of it. Also, all these people are friends with each other. Not saying allanah is above it, I don’t really know anything about her, but If anything sus were happening it wouldn’t be in public likes and exchanges where Gab would see.These people aren’t as stupid or pathetically desperate as Wormdick.
Gab and jack seem pretty stable though?They probably think they’re in it for the long haul given how often she shows up in his vids now.
Really curious why I keep seeing anons saying suzy overtly set them up. Is there a source in that? Milky if there really was sneaking around going on.
No. 970809
>>970754Except TORCH would have been just as webcam-based, as Perkins is in Seattle and Micah Burton is based out of LA (unsure if Nate and Anna still live there, and I don't know where Penguin is from).
The issue is Perkins needs physical tech assistance to be able to run it.
No. 970852
>>970792I'm the anon that mentioned that, but whenever I go into more details/tinfoil about them I get shot down so I won't go into too much detail, but Jack actually said this in a live stage show, he mentioned that Suzy would hype up Gab to Jack (even when his gf was still there) and Jack was kinda like "okay fine, let's see who this person is", there is no solid undeniable proof they cheated but both of them had separation announcements only days apart, while both their partners were blindsided to their splits; Pyke had even bought Gab a collector's edition vinyl of shadow of the colossus (which she's hence tattooed, and Jack got a matching tat), and Wiishu was forced to move out of the Brighton apartment. In fact I believe you could see Gab and Pyke streaming together only a little before the announcement was made; this wasn't very premeditated. Considering they'd spent 12 years of their life together and had moved to the Netherlands to start a family, it wasn't a long brewing issue.
Also Jack and Gab give different answers to their timeline all the time and are not reliable narrators
No. 970865
>>970852Bro, why are you so determined to make this some big new cheating scandal? Even if they did cheat on previous partners, there's nothing indicating that they're doing so now other than the occasional liked picture.
>"are not reliable narrators"I'd think they know more about their lives than someone who is determined to uncover a nonexistant scandal.
No. 970874
>>970865bro, an anon asked a question and I answered it. You're in fucking lolcow, not a court of law, there's tinfoil assumptions flying around for every single person both in this thread and in others, shut up and move on if it doesn't interest you.
Also learn reading comprehension, I said reliable narrators, I'm sure they know exactly what happened, but they sure don't tell a very consistent story.
Holly's in a cheating scandal, Jared's in a cheating scandal, Nate and Anna avoided a cheating scandal, idk why this concept is so shocking to you. I'm just waiting for pewdiepie to get into a relationship scandal so I can laugh my ass off about it.
I'm honestly kind of bummed that Nate and Anna got away from being revealed, shame Holly didn't go manic on them as a form of revenge, as in "why did they get away with it and we didn't". Unless Holly sides with the cheaters and wants to protect the "
victims", aka the perpetrators.
No. 970880
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The stans are really going to ride that "DCA was only cancelled because of lies and falsehoods" thing till they die, aren't they?
Jared's nudes blogs and Holly's Twitter meltdowns alone are reason enough for WOTC to can them hard.
No. 970892
>>970761Except Holly and Jared were openly rping a romantic relationship and commissioning fanart of that romance. They also spent a lot of time alone together, away from Jared's wife, in character, at cons. And then there was the whole thing with Jared soliciting nudes from everyone on top of that.
I'm not saying Jack isn't going to cheat necessarily, but him acting cordial with a female friend isn't really proof of anything and is a reach.
>>970874Kek. Calm down anon. No one is saying it's impossible, but the tinfoiling/reaching is boring without any real receipts to back it up. If you have any, please provide! God knows we could use some new cows in this thread.
No. 970897
>>970892Oh, I should be clear I don't think Jack openly flirts with other women, I'm not the anon that suspected that. I do think he finds them attractive (but that's not anything to go by, like whatever), and I think he has lots of female friends, but I don't think what he does is flirting, more like casual banter.
I don't know if there is any actual "proof" that they 100% cheated on their partners, but their stories had weird coincidences and their wishy washy retelling was kind of suspicious. From Wiishu's side during the breakup her friends were supportive/sad for her and Emma Blackery was downright annoyed on twitter and being all "the situation is more shitty than you fans know", but like J* she didn't actually spill any tea, she just talked about it. Suzy kinda "dumped" Wiishu pretty quickly and moved on to her next OTP Jack and Gab, which kinda sucks because she used to fawn over Wiishu. Fans thought something was wrong when Jack would upload red-eyed selfies and went on H3H3 and said his relationship was "complicated". Nobody thought of Gab at that point. This was in the summer, and the breakup was announced in autumn.
I would need to sit and collect caps etc on all these situations but none of them are blatant, irrefutable proof that they cheated. As I mentioned earlier any time I mention this situation some anon gets their panties in a bunch about it. I would lol if it was the same anon every time.
No. 970912
>>970880It was a good show, there was drama, certain actors didn't handle said drama in the best way & as a result, they lost the show.
End of story.
No. 970952
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>"In before it gets put 'on hiatus' due to a false claim."Keep digging, DCA fans…
No. 971200
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No. 971333
>>971276Yep, and said boyfriend had been gaslighting her the entire film & his friends even call her 'literally
abusive' for wanting emotional support from him.
No. 971376
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No. 971393
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>"its the fact that its a game about adults posing as teenagers dating teenagers is what makes it extra sus"God, why did this game have to be made???
No. 971416
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>"it seems as if his ex wife had been cheating first"Here come the incels to rewrite history!
No. 971424
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Gotta love how one of the people defending him is a fucking 16-year-old…
"adult audience demographic" my ass
No. 971579
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People are getting desperate.
No. 971607
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>>971376I looked up this game and nearly peed myself with laughter when I got to this description. Like, whoever read this had to be deliberately taking the piss, right? There is no uglier man in existence than ProJared.
No. 971638
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>>971622Forgot to add the screenshot.
No. 971678
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Since we are on the topic of Asago Academy and ProJared, Heidi once reffered to the entirety of NormalBoots as "cute".
No. 971697
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Apparently Heidi once called Holly to say "I want Jared to think of me not you during sex!", even though he probably was when Heidi was cosplaying as her.
Since Holly had the pink hair when the game was in development.
No. 971724
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This @AnimeDoom person is everywhere, & they keep repeating the same shit…
No. 971725
>>971723Too many. That's what abusers count on - isolating their
victims from everyone so that they can control the narrative and have minimal means to get out of the bad situation. Jared moved them to Seattle (where Heidi had no family or friends) and then started pitching fits whenever Heidi wanted to go to cosplay cons, threatening to divorce her if she went.
No. 971728
>>971727I'm surprised this fuck hasn't been suspended yet, considering his
massive hate-boner for Heidi. He's (almost) worse than that Matt Larson guy
No. 971730
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Because "Never trust 'science'" is really the message you want to push in the middle of a global pandemic, you fucking morons.
No. 971731
>>971730You know, Holly only made a post about her friend/co-host Kayla, & didn't say a word about Jared today, I'm
almost impressed…