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No. 852741
Last Time on "Emotional Cheating isn't Cheating and You're Just a Liar!":>Geoff Robinson, ex-husband of Anna "also a (alleged) cheater" Prosser, passes away from pulmonary embolism (source:'s-family-shares-the-reason-behind-his-passing)>Cristina Vee, yet another another victim of the Dice Cheating Action crew, has a public breakdown on twitter due to Geoff's untimely and unfortunate death. >>841905>Ross and Heidi express condolences while Holly moves on wordlessly.>"The divorce" still not finalized, Ross seems to be in no rush to finalize the divorce for unknown reasons. >>842585>Holly wants to bring back "Mental Health Mondays" stream, chickens out because - of course - "muh mental health" >>849252>Gets featured on Apartment Therapy (in a 'sponsored post' kek) for the house she bought after selling her dead grandfather's (and left Ross essentially homeless). >>846002>Basically confirmation that the bitch is loaded, whining baselessly about "reduced income and unemployment.">Animal hoarding borderline nuts with new silkie chickens>Heidi selling old costumes, lists the "cursed" Inkling headgear that Holly casted for $1000. >>848573>On the other hand, Jared has been biding his time in any state from Wisconsin >>849006 to Nevada >>845085 to Seattle >>848814, in different states of wellbeing ranging from depression to intense PDA >>851701>Naturally, there is no confirmation/proof on any count of sighting (Except for the Nevada sighting:>Jared gets refollowed by Jirard on Twitter.>smallapplause.mp3>No one cares as long as he stays the fuck away from minors.Grump's milk:>Arin decides to assert himself on a silly video about storytime animation videos, gets fucked all ways on twitter. >>847043>Everyone from Oney >>847046 to Spazkid >>847074 to Jaxxy >>847174 has something to say about it.Pigeonshit and Wormdick: A Love Story >Popular Youtuber Jared Knabenbauer announces his divorce to semi-well known cosplayed Heidi O’Ferrall.>Heidi responds by saying Jared had blocked her and announced the divorce on his own, speaks of him having multiple affairs, the main one being with her former friend and co-star of Jared’s D&D group, Holly Conrad.>Holly Conrad was also previously married (pending divorce) to Ross O’Donovan, popular Game Grump. >Multiple fans of Projared show an alarming amount of sexts and nudes that were exchanged between them and Jared.>It was revealed Jared ran around seven porn blogs in the guise of “Body Positivity.” >Jared had at least three minors allege that they had exchanged nude photos and sexts with Jared.>One minor released an apology Jared had sent to them admitting his guilt.>Said minor’s information is suspected to have been given to Jared by Holly.>Minors have since disappeared from the internet due to the full force of drama and legal recourse this revelation has propagated.>After an internal investigation, Jared is fired from Normal Boots.>Holly has accused Heidi of abusing Jared throughout their marriage.>Heidi has accused Jared of abusing her throughout their marriage.>Heidi had come out that her relationship had been open, but Jared continued to cheat after she closed the marriage. One of the reasons the marriage was closed was none other than Holly Conrad and her exclusive emotional feelings for Jared .>Holly has tweeted vitriol about Heidi and minors involved with “THEY’RE LYING. I’M SORRY!” Image Credit:
>>849639Thread Credit:
>>852347Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):1:
>>841369Character Descriptions and Stats:Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)>Heidi accuses Jared of threatening legal action if she speaks up. Unfortunately Heidi casts “Absorb Elements” just like she did for his initial divorce statement. Jared takes an extra 1d6 damage on her next melee attack. Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 10
Luck: none
Charisma: send noOds
Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (current power-level):>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Claims to have not cheated on her ex-husband despite his refusal to make one comment about the situation in her defense>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread though>Compared Etika’s suicide, a popular black YouTuber, to her own suicidal ideation by showcasing they both received clown emojis as “bullying.” >Suffers backlash from the black community, Etika’s fans and Twitter>After being called out for taking advantage of a person’s suicide, Holly infamously deflects criticism by tweeting, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”Strength: uwu
Dexterity: uwu
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 100
Luck: ran out
Charisma: clown emoji
Holly Conrad’s Previous Stats:>Holly is a “talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community”, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to her grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingFor More On Holly Conrad:>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL)Strength: uwu
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 17
Stamina: 22
Luck: 100
Charisma: Not Suzy
Heidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers>Non-lewd cosplayer, talented craftsman and elf >Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth>Has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all time>Married to Jared Pedodick Knobslob>Was in a poly relationship with Jared>Claims Holly was the reason it didn’t work out >Outed Jared’s infidelity and set twitter ablaze>Working on her current divorce and perhaps a defamation against Holly Conrad for trying to claim she had BPD and that psychologists have deemed her “unfixable” >Has started to become more vocal on that drama since Holly’s Etika sperg>Claims emotional abuse by Jared and gas lighting, and also seems to insinuate her enjoyment of sex has decreased>Blocks overtly sexual cosplays because of the ProJared controversy >Currently living alone in a new home and trying to start up her business and craft in a way to support herself>Accuses Holly of being vindictive enough to have done everything in her power to end her marriage and happiness Strength: 90
Dexterity: 71
Intellect: 82
Stamina: 64
Luck: 20
Charisma: Zinfandel
NPCs:Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth>In direct contact with Holly Conrad Flying Monkey Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Normal Boots: Expanded Universe:**Game Grumps
Previous GG Threads:**
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTSuzy "the Goose" Berhow:>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being her BEST FRIEND despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.Game Grumps:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: Dice, Camera, Action:>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action: Under “Other”:Ross O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: from Mods:>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 852850
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One of the whiteknights posted the temporary restraining order proving that the TRMO was only to make sure no one touched each other’s assets and that the whiteknights can’t fucking read.
No. 852967
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Still at it encouraging dumb arguments from uninvolved white knights
No. 853422
>>852967With risk to get banned: You are an idiot, anon.
Holly reads all her and ProPedo's mentions, this isn't milk at this point after so many months and only about 8+ threads discussing it. You went and replied to a tweet by some rando from the start of June and after 4 days of bickering with her WKs she finally liked a tweet reply to you? Congratulations! You successfully riled up her knights again!
And that's not even the reason why you are an idiot, anon. You are an idiot, because you posted a screen from your own Twitter notifications like some amateur cowtipper. That's why we can't have nice things.
No. 853756
>>853608Agreed. Anons clamouring for a new thread, and the only 'milk' is some WK shit and Hoelly dropping a like, as though we haven't just had an entire thread of that shit.
>>853086>>853162>>853171are basically just cut/paste at this point. And of course
>>853221 with the obligatory murder fantasy.
Cows don't have to constantly be producing. Trying to force it like this just means everyone but the most obsessive will fuck off to other threads and then when something does happen most of us will miss it or ignore it.
No. 854370
>>854359Nothing of note has happened over the last few days.
And I don't see anything happening in the near future.
No. 854510
>>854370>>854371>>854374>>854412At this point, the only ones keeping the drama afloat are the WKs, unless if one of them tries to do something
colossally douchey and/or stupid (like the one claiming to speak on Ross's behalf) I don't see anything changing until Jared makes a move.
No. 855170
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Well I guess Cristina's manic posts about Geoff make a little more sense now. So based on her previous posts about him being her Valentine, that would have put them as a couple in Feb, right?
No. 855174
>>855170Wait, sorry, cus ive been having difficulties following these people, did they start dating after their spouses cheated on them with each other? Like, they basically switched partners?
What a mess
No. 855182
>>855174There wasn't ever anything definitive said about Anna and Nate. Anons said they cheated because Cristina called Anna Nate's GF, but at that point nobody knew she was also dating Anna's ex husband so
OOF. Kinda wierd to be hung up on your ex while dating and being in love with someone else.
No. 855194
>>855182Dating and in love with… your ex boyfriend's… new girlfriend's… ex husband…
What a tangled web… Honestly, though…? Knowing what we know now; kinda seems more like a poorly timed spouse trade than that anyone was cheating. (Not referring to Holly/Heidi/Jared obv)
No. 855344
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Looks like KT is still batshit
No. 855424
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Is she ever going to NOT be such a “woe is me” nut Job?
No. 855434
>>855170I had a feeling given her reaction, but didn't want to assume. This poor woman, and of course, poor Geoff. Getting cheated on by your spouse, finding solace in each other, only to have that torn away from you suddenly too. I hope she can find some peace in knowing that she had at least made his last few months happy ones.
>>855424Holly is never going to own up to it. It's crazy that despite all the proof given, she thinks she can just cover her ears and lalala the whole situation away and rewrite it. Her brainless supporters don't help.
No. 855486
>>855170i'm sorry, this is kinda really weird. is it really this common for y'all in the US to date everyone you know and their grandmother's ex like it's nbd? it's sad for cristina, for sure, but it's also messy as hell
>>855182>weird to be hung up on your ex while being in love with someone elsenot to mention – how are the two people involved not constant reminders for each other, of all the shit that went down? if i thought my to-be husband dropped me for another chick, i sure as hell am not going to be kissing
her ex-husband and thinking "wow, everything is okay about this" kek
No. 855487
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>>855424bitch can
not let it lie
No. 855514
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>>855410This mention seems to be connected to this
No. 855516
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Samefag but KT seems to be screaming into the void again about Arin and also how Suzy is copying her. She really needs to let this go.
No. 855522
>>855521It’s really not that deep lol
They got close to each other, liked each other and decided to move on with their lives together. Yes, it may an awkward situation but it’s not uncommon to fall for some you have similar experiences with.
No. 855526
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Cristina actually addressed that they realized that them dating was extremely messy and they opted to go back to being friends who support each other.
It's so brutal how she found out he died through Twitter of all things. I wonder why no one thought to tell her privately?
No. 855619
>>855424No. How is that even a question.
>>855344>>855514>>855516I'm just so glad she's back. It's not just her special brand of lunacy, it's the period of cryogenic sleep in between when she actually knew the guy and now. I wish she was more active, she'd be a fun cow if she produced more milk.
No. 855781
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Is the girl on the right Holly, or someone else with the same unfortunate haircut and eyebrows? Guess PAX South's marketing team didn't get the memo…
No. 855891
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>>855781what an unfortunate photo
Speaking of unfortunate, here's a new shi(r)t Holly is planning on selling. I wonder if it in reference to Heidi calling the Splatoon cosplay they (barely) worked on together cursed?
graphic design is Holly's passion No. 855906
>>855891Gross! Why would you transition from woodsy neutrals to primary colors?
Looks autistic af…which is Holly's whole aesthetic.
No. 855923
>>855487Who is she trying to convince at this point? The public or
No. 855932
>>855891Oh god, comic sans. Comic fucking sans.
And everyone replying to her tweet is lapping it up.
No. 855935
>>855891planning on selling it, you say
she better intend on
paying people to wear this, this is next level ugliness
yeah holly we get it, you're as cool and unbothered as heidi is, you can make jokes about the situation too, wow congratulations. at least make it look better you autist lmao
No. 855992
>>855891>>855932>>855935>>855952If we consider that comic sans
is the cursed script on the internet, it does all fit. It's either sarcastic or trying to be edgy? If it is produced after Heidi called the Splatoon thing cursed then this must be the fastest working merch production ever.
>>855906Not everything on her store is black and white and considering that few threads back (i went to check) an anon marked that she had no sales for a full day (the number the anon marked was 3318, 6/12) and today, two months later she has 3768 means people are eating up her stuff. Likely the fact that she is advertising it as "Last chance to get Strix merch" is helping for that but let's be honest here probably most of the sales are sympathy purchases. Then again Heidi advertising her most expensive cosplay piece for sale as cursed shows amazing lack of market awareness for person that is both in the cosplay community and worked in retail for years. At this point even with all the drama and accusations, I am not surprised that the uwu witch is raking more store $ than the elf queen.
No. 856098
>>855992Kek. You folk have gotten better at integrating, but no.
Thanks but no thanks.
No. 856178
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>If it is produced after Heidi called the Splatoon thing cursed then this must be the fastest working merch production ever.>cursed on July 11>merch announced August 21Not really
No. 856466
>>855992>>856178also let's not forget she's
considering selling this. it doesn't take long to print one shirt, it's not actual stocked merch yet
No. 856922
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Holly, we already know you lurk. Please be a little less embarrassing about it. Or continue to embarrass yourself, it’s funny to us anyway.
No. 858383
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She's really just rebranding herself as a… spooky pity party?
No. 858438
>>858387IDK it's at least a little milky
This is the second piece of merch she's announced that focuses on the hate she's gotten. She wants to capitalize on making a joke out of being "cursed" and "cancelled" but it actually just shows how incapable of self-reflection she is. The vast majority of fans who disowned her did so because of her public behavior. And meanwhile she's out here like "haha it's such a joke that I'm 'cancelled'!" as though no one could possibly have
valid reasons for disliking her now.
Holly has never been brave enough to be a controversial figure in any way, so this isn't like she's just laughing about offending people or something. It just comes off as super insecure and obsessed with negative opinions about herself.
No. 858605
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>>858438it's so pathetic how holly's trying to appear like she's totally "sticking it to the haterz" because she's so cool and unbothered, while in fact this is kinda coming off as pic related
super OT - are people still wearing ringer teeshirts? i thought that ship had sailed
No. 858781
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>>858383>Cancel Culture ruins lives!>makes this shirtCancel culture didn't ruin your life enough.
No. 858826
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No. 858832
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>>858826> the video description links to /r/projared2, jaredhollyheiditruth blog, and the Bring Back Dice Camera Action petitionah, trying extremely hard to salvage your sad e-career, i see. smooth moves, mr. projared
No. 858839
>>858832He's going to pull a Holly now that he's back by the looks of it. Deny, deny, deny, scrounge up the scraps of whats left of your fanbase and throw a massive pity party to drum up support as the true "
victim". Absolute scum.
No. 858841
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>>858827We need transcript anons! Pray the cow goddess provides.
Please notice the amount of ads he has on his video. FUCKING HILARIOUS.
No. 858850
>>858845>>858843No. How are you anons so dumb as to not realize that it's not solid. It's based on his and Holly's Echo Chambers.
Did people forget he got kicked out of NormalBoots and none of his friends came to his aid besides Pbj who retracted it when he got more info?
No. 858853
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What a surprise
No. 858855
>>858826The charlie stuff is pretty solid though. And if Chai and Charlie were working together, the fact that Charlie blatantly lied makes Chai's accusations that much more suss.
Either way, Jared is a scumbag but the evidence against Chai and Charlie is pretty damning.
No. 858856
>>858855He put himself in a position to even receive these messages from minors and did nothing to make sure they were of age
He's the adult who turned his all ages blog (meant to promote his Youtube) into a blog to submit nudes. He is 100% in the wrong no matter how you look at it. He got off on using his "fame" to get nudes and now has to pay the price for having involved minors
No. 858859
>>858856Did you even watch the video anon? He literally shows in the screenshot that he asks their age. If people lie about that age, that's not on him. Are people supposed to fax their birth cert to him or something?
Like I said, dude's a scumbag but it's clear Chai and Charlie lied for fame/clout here.
No. 858861
>>858850Chai did blog about memory loss, but Projared is definitely pulling a
>>858852. Certainly not "his" side but attacking credibility by demonizing Chai instead of putting out an account.
Charlie lying about age, doesn't matter, if you're getting tons of random nudes and sexting, you're setting yourself up to get child nudes.
No. 858862
>>858859Yes. Minors lie.
So don't swap nudes using your blog that has a mostly teen audience. Or use tinder like a normal person
No. 858863
>>858855>>858859Actually it is on him. Have you never heard of IDing someone?
People do it all the time online.
No. 858864
>>858859I'm not that anon but uh…he plays games for a living. Why would a dude who plays games who knows he has a teen/minor fanbase have this blog anyway?
It's a honeypot for underaged fans to come and try and get attention.
I think it was highly inappropriate to have the blog in the first place.
No. 858865
>>858862Yeah, that's a fair point.
>>858863You think people willing to lie about age wouldn't just photoshop their ids? Cmon now.
No. 858866
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regardless of the "truth", bitch did he really need to make a 40 minute video to call a few people crazy lying clout chasers??? lmfao
it's obvious that Holly and Projared have been working on this conspiracy theory-level video script for a while. and undoubtedly taking advantage of their mindless "fans" as well, i can tell they're already trolling the thread lol
>>858859Holly/Projared confirmed psychopaths that are obsessed with controlling the narrative and pretending that their actions don't have unintended consequences. literally why do people insist on stanning grown ass youtube men that think it's a good idea to make a public nudes blog that relies on 18+ confirmation over DM? learn to think with more than one braincell.
No. 858872
>>858866He looks like he's doing a beauty influencer apology video.
You'd think after all of the backlash that he would tone down the lies, but nah he upped them.
No. 858876
>>858865>>858867 Cry harder that Jared got caught and stop trying to blame the minor for the adult being an idiot.
He didn't ask for ID so the talk of photoshopping them doesn't even matter.
>>858868 Anon he doesn't have good points.
Chai and Charlie weren't even the only ones.
No. 858881
>>858879"look at how all this has effected me, I look so bad bc you all hurt me"
Or he's just taking a page out of Holly's beauty routine
No. 858887
>>858866this feels so saccharine… he's acting and editing like it's one of his regular old videos. it feels really scripted, and not genuine in the slightest.
most of my friend group supports and believes him, it's rough. He should get into acting.
No. 858888
>>858872Lol, EXACTLY, when Jeffree Star "apologized" to James Charles brother or James Charles first apology. They both made sure they looked more shitty than they normally look.
I'm not going to feel bad for you because you look beat up.
No. 858889
>>858879He didn't shave which is hilarious. And the dumb shits eat it up. "Go sleep, poor Jared!"
Holy shit, he implied Danny and Aaron were bullying him. He mentions "bully" and "clown emoji."
>October 2018 I told my wife I no longer wanted to be with her >Heidi said no >I was controlled and threatened >Therapy didn't work>Holly is being called a homewrecker which is an antiquated term>It was my choice to not be in that relationship anymore>Holly did not cheat on Ross. Ross knows literally everything. >Ross left Holly FUCKING AYE
No. 858892
>>852741Everything about his presentation of this seems forced and makes me uncomfortable.
It feels like hes really trying to manipulate the viewer
No. 858898
>>858892He's almost good at it. The way he talks about how disgusting Chai and Charlie's blogs are. Young people are sexual too and ARE INNOCENT. IT's called puberty. Thing is, you don't get to decide on their sexuality as an adult and shame them, but hey don't shame HOLLY! #feminism
He also does a pretty clever strategy of continually saying "you were lied to" as a mantra of sorts. Say it enough times…Another interesting tactic is how he claims that it's hard to change the gears in your head because suddenly you've been proven wrong.
He said that it was okay to feel disgusted with him for his sex blog that exposed minors. I'm glad it's okay with him.
No. 858907
>>858889Hopefully Ross defends himself as well as GG crew. He's throwing literally everyone under the buss except for himself and the hagraven.
>>858899To make it seem like there's proof but unless it's unblurred, it could mean anything. Heidi might show the unblurred version since she's most likely going to defend herself and call him out on his lies.
>>858902Do it yourself.
No. 858914
>>858902You could try and find Youtube analytics but, as we know, minors lie about age
When I made my youtube account at age 14-ish, I put in my sisters birthday so I was 20
What we can go off of are his fan pics, his tumblr following and such. Not to mention he shared a lot of fans with GG/PGB which is also very teen based. It's let's plays anon, use your brain. Teens love them
No. 858918
>>858915Sometimes it's not only about the content itself anon, the YTers charisma by itself also carries a lot of weight. I've watched videos which content in itself isn't interesting to me but the YTers charm keeps me watching.
You're almost acting as if teenagers are a completely different species.
No. 858920
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>>858915Yes they do and you can stop whiteknighting now
No. 858921
>>858915Jared Played the big games along with smaller games. I dunno where this idea that he only did obscure games.
He did RE2 remake, Zelda Randomizer, Smash Bros, KH3
Why are you so adamant that only 30 year olds watched him
No. 858922
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No. 858926
File: 1566937315944.png (22.07 KB, 581x221, i'm here for you like…)

hey look it's the "lol send nudes lol" guy
No. 858931
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do we have a bingo?
No. 858935
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>>858931You know, the worst thing is he didn’t even try to apologise.
He went full „Ididntdunottingwrung and YOU ALL DONT KNOW ME!!!11!!“ instead
No. 858941
File: 1566938511591.png (456.56 KB, 1108x756, 1a293db28df6d6e1c88769549ccf4c…)

"look they are wanting cloot and money, see, they posted a post about commissions back in 2017!!
No. 858942
File: 1566938615007.png (43.03 KB, 625x307, fhfhf.PNG)

I don't know if this came up here but I found this tweet kind of creep considering everything that has happened.
(I was trying to find the age demographics for his channel)
No. 858949
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No. 858950
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No. 858954
>>858949Oh so he doesn't care that he called her an Lying whore but talks about people calling Holly a home wrecker or whatever the fuck?
No. 858958
File: 1566939589171.png (81.13 KB, 719x311, wew.PNG)

>>858942the wording of that reminded me of something specific
No. 858960
>>858826We should've seen this coming. Hoelly hadn't been able to shut the fuck up about "SPEAKING MY TRUTH!" since the jump, but within the last 1-2 weeks, she'd be nearly silent (with the exception of that bullshit merch)?
THAT was the calm before the shit storm of ProPedo
victim blaming the fuck out of everyone who spoke up against him being an imaginable assclown.
>>858843Right - It's SO BAD of someone to have a fucking traumatic brain injury/concussion and fall prey to an e-celeb and their predatory behavior /s
>>858844That's some gaslighting,
victim blamy bullshit if I've ever heard it.
It goes hand-in-hand with Homewrecker's "You can't believe Heidi - she's an internet random. Believe me, an internet random!"
>>858859"He asked about their age!"
Right. One time. Out of how many hundreds, if not thousands, of messages I'm sure he sent to god knows how many other teenagers???
>>858867Teens lie. It doesn't make it right - but they're assholes and they lie frequently. It's the ADULTS responsibility to act like a fucking ADULT and not do something that he had to realize had a high probability of attracting his minor fanbase.
HE is the adult - and HE should have known better, full goddamned stop.
>>858871"I hope he asked him"
Since Ross asked to be left alone, I REALLY doubt he'd be like "Nah, you fucked my wife, it's totally fine for you to CONTINUE blatantly ignoring my wishes and comfort level" now.
>>858877He also said that in his initial twitter post ("I care about Heidi's mental health!") and look how well that one worked out - His mistress started armchair diagnosing and called her unfixable.
>>858878DOJ would absolutely step in since it was using the internet and involved child pornography. At the very least, they'd kick it over to the FBI (Internet counts as crossing state lines and makes it federal, not just state issue)
>>858898Ironic that the dude taking nudes in a sailor moon costume and sending his weird worm dick to everything online with a pulse is now holding himself as some sort of moral authority on how gross someone else's blog is.
>>858927The frenzy had finally died down - posting here slowed WAY down.
They were pissed that they weren't the center of attention online anymore.
No. 858961
>>858953If he was really concerned with looking better in the public eye, he wouldn't have let things go on the way they have for as long as they have. This is a dude who honestly thinks he ISN'T the biggest fucking
abusive doucheclown, and that he and his homewrecking sideho are in the right (and spoiler alert: they aren't)
No. 858969
File: 1566940048356.jpg (64.46 KB, 577x467, EC_0_7iW4AI2u05.jpg)

>>858941his "arguments" felt so disingenuous and shady… bringing up some nobody tumblr teen's posts from 2015 is grasping at straws. it's also super shitty to point out someone's mental illness issues to "prove" that they're not to be trusted, all the while using their need for money (for gas, surgery, etc.) as attention-seeking behavior. (and yes, i know we're all on lolcow, but the difference is that none of us have a platform that reaches a million people)
>>858926 what's really laughable is how he's probably gaining a lot of MRA fans by now. the type that LOVES harping on "cancel culture" and "virtue signalling" like nothing else, because they all secretly hate women. i hope ProJared and Holly are happy with the reality they've backpedaled themselves into! have fun pandering to the MRA crowd for the rest of your delusional lives!
No. 858975
>>858972She can access the internet, but when she's been invited to a con as a guest, she's probably busy with con shit and can't be on twitter 24/7 defending herself.
ProPedo is slandering her left and fucking right right now (including letting Keemstar call her a whore again), and she can't defend herself.
That's bullshit and
abusive AF.
No. 858978
>>858973 Maybe he hired Vic's terrible Lawyer
>>858975 Is this the real reason his channel got hit with the demonetization hammer? Because if it is youtube got something right for once.
No. 858983
>>858979That's the sad part. He's a piece of shit, but most of us almost respected that he was choosing to shut the fuck up about it all and just try to move on - and then he goes and takes a page from Homewrecker's handbook and "I NEED TO TELL MY TRUTH".
He could have just quietly let this pass and been okay.
No. 858991
>>858990It already is. There's SO MANY people going after Heidi right now, it's honestly ridiculous.
if I didn't already feel bad for her, I would now.
No. 858996
>>858994The best moment will be when those very same MRA-types turn on Holly for doing….I don't know, breathing as MRA-types hate women for doing.
You still going to like having that support then, Jared? When they attack a woman you actually give a fuck about?
No. 858997
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christ, it takes a special kind of piece of shit to say something like that
No. 858998
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I'm hoping we get something in house for the next thread pic, but this one was my favorite from Projared's twitter.
No. 859001
>>858997It's just more gaslighting - telling Heidi one thing in private and then publicly claiming none of that every happened.
He's just abusing her over and over again and his fans are letting it happen.
No. 859003
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No. 859006
File: 1566942083584.png (169.04 KB, 546x648, pleasedont.png)

It's sad how predictable Holly & Jared have become.
I'm willing to bet Holly pushed Jared to make this video. They didn't seem to want to handle the situation the same way from the beginning. Not saying Jared is 100% innocent, but Holly pulled everything far into a direction that Jared didn't want it to go.
No. 859010
>>859003THat's what I never understood. He claims he asked for a divorce in October but Heidi allegedly said no.
If you want a fucking divorce, FILE THE FUCKING PAPERS! You don't have to ask your spouses permission like a kid asking their parents for the car keys. You're an adult, you don't want to be married to the person anymore, you file the fucking papers and go from there.
No. 859012
File: 1566942156922.jpg (42.21 KB, 798x247, 2019-08-27_17-43-27.jpg)

No. 859014
File: 1566942284925.jpg (17.96 KB, 679x345, u l t r a h o r n y.jpg)

can we take a moment though and ask what in gods name someone needs SEVEN porn blogs for?
No. 859016
>>859014They DON'T - unless they're a seriously demented person (or potentially a sex addict, idk)
>>859015I think that's why he did it. He knew she'd be busy with DragonCon and was pissed that he and Holly had stopped being the center of attention (the internet got bored and moved on for the most part)
No. 859019
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No. 859021
File: 1566942631943.png (2.26 MB, 2048x1328, cancelledvirgin.png)

>>858998Your wish is my command
No. 859022
>>859010I think he just wanted to have his cake & eat it too. He wanted to keep Heidi around while fucking Holly & other women.
>>859015I think this was definitely calculated. Heidi is 'away from home' & at an event where they will be crowds.
Sincerely hoping Heidi doesn't give in & go-off too much, because they're probably chomping at the bit for her to say/write something angry & vindictive so that they can use it as ammo against her in the future.
No. 859024
>>859022And he could have, to a degree. He could have fucked literally any other woman and it sounds like Heidi would have been okay with it. She just didn't want it to be Holly as she made it clear that it was just a sexy fling, she harboured very real romantic feelings for Jared.
Homeboy sank his marriage and his career for what has to be the most "eh" worthy puss of all time.
No. 859029
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No. 859031
>>859025reading the comments on his video made me lose braincells. he could've said straight out in the video "yes i made underaged teens send me nudes, yes i cheated on heidi and was
abusive" and they'd still all say "silence does not equal guilt! jared shut down all the accusations! our boy is back!"
No. 859033
File: 1566943032654.png (122.66 KB, 584x548, plssubscribe.png)

"Gotta boost those numbers again!
If James Charles can get em all back, so can I!"
No. 859034
>>859031Their braindead fans are currently spewing the "HE provided proof while Heidi is just doling out accusations!"
Yeah, you fuckwits. Surprisingly, sometimes spouses have conversations that don't leave evidence other than one spouse saying "hey, this happened"
No. 859041
>>859034That blurred out message stream between Heidi and Jared with the text (can't post this because of the divorce) was especially convincing.
The only "proof" was that Chai and Charlie's claims of culpability on Jared's behalf are mitigated and he maybe asked for one of their ages and they lied about it. Also that they demanded an apology from Jared in the email to GG and not NormalBoots, thus Jared had every right to be provided with their email addresses. He also uses a weak excuse for apologizing by saying "well I didn't remember so might as well" which was a receipt to him engaging sexually with a minor. The minors omitted info is pretty much the only "proof" Projared was able to provide. Chai's mental health was attacked as a "receipt." All in all, it seemed like Jared did engage with Charlie in sexual conversation, but because he asked he thinks he's innocent. I don't know why Jared believes this is so earth shattering. If I tell cop that I didn't know I was speeding, doesn't mean it's not a crime. Apparently Jared, despite this forum repeating it, doesn't understand intent doesn't matter when it comes to minors.
No. 859045
>>859042Because she appears to wait until the night hours, when the attention has began to wane, to have her mental breakdowns.
>>859044Judging by her recent "cancelled" merch shirt, I doubt it.
No. 859047
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Again, if you knew someone had some issues due to head-trauma (in other words, they're mentally disabled) you'd think the best thing to do is, I dunno, not solicit nudes from them?
No. 859048
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No. 859049
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Just thought I would put this up
No. 859050
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1/3 flood detection sucks
No. 859053
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No. 859056
File: 1566943855925.jpg (63.53 KB, 359x744, 2019-08-27_18-08-54.jpg)

and 3/3.
No. 859060
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No. 859063
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No. 859066
>>859058Right? Not to mention the part where she was willing to open the marriage and just said "don't fuck this one particular person". Like, that is the fucking dream, Jared and you shat on it for….Hoelly and her Hoard of Animals?
>>859061Jesus, seriously? So what, people should just forget all about Seal/Heidi Klum because the Heidis happen to share a name?
What a fucking stretch
>>859064Right. Like, even if you hate her, you don't leave an "I love you" on read if you're trying to keep up this illusion of a happy marriage so you can fuck your buddy's wife behind his back.
No. 859071
>>859068Probably one of the many times when Holly threatened to kill herself if Jared didn't leave Heidi
Plus, IIRC, there were screenshots of Holly's twitter in December where she got super drunk and talked about a friend being in a shit relationship - and it's pretty clear she was talking about Jared.
No. 859074
>>859068maybe this one, someone found it a couple threads ago and it's most definitely about jared and heidi.
>>836934bro it's kinda cringe to obviously subtweet a marriage you're homewrecking to the point where the woman you're fucking over notices and has to babytalk her cheating, emotionally stunted husband
No. 859076
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>>859033interesting how many tweeters on Team Jared/Holly have 0 followers and are following 0 accounts.
No. 859079
File: 1566944529392.jpeg (610.31 KB, 1430x1036, B11CC907-8A7D-4E23-9721-CE6C21…)

Jared’s so fucking scummy
No. 859082
File: 1566944626008.png (73.95 KB, 604x367, Capture d’écran 2019-08-28 à…)

>>859068not much left of her tweets from then but maybe tangential to one of these?
No. 859086
>>859083This bitch went into the mental health hospital in like May (I think). She didn't do mental health mondays like two weeks ago because her mental health was off.
What does she now own?
A bunch of fucking chickens.
No. 859100
>>859094I really don't care if she finds love or not, but until she stops trying to ruin the relationships of others because she's miserable, I hope she never finds it because she doesn't deserve it at the moment.
>>859096Exactly. She wanted what Heidi had and now she has it. Enjoy the mental mind fucks and cheating, Holly.
No. 859108
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I wish he'd elaborate on how jared was an ass to his friends
No. 859115
>>859112Exactly. There really are no winners. The whole situation is just hilariously awful.
I find it entertaining but it's pathetic how they can't just let it go.
No. 859117
>>859112Who's talking about who won and lost?
tbh i'd say Heidi won by virtue of no longer being in a relationship with a creepy, unfaithful and emotionally unavailable man lol
No. 859118
>>859115How are they going to let it go when they're in the midst of a divorce and Jared and Holly's careers are in the garbage. I mean, I don't mean to defend their actions, but the desperation is understandable. It's mostly the audacity of the things Holly and Jared do such as
victim blaming and presenting themselves as angels when clearly they've done fucked up things.
No. 859119
>>859118The desperation ISN'T understandable when this is a shitshow of their own making. They could have kept it in their fucking pants until their respective divorces were final and then there would've just been the nudes scandal to deal with (if that had even blown up).
You don't get to be a fucking moron and then go "But omg you guyz, I'm so panicked right now!" when YOU are the reason that the situation is so bad.
Jared had, for all accounts and purposes, let it go - but decided to come back and post a 42 MINUTE video months later. Why? He could have NOT posted the video and just slowly got back into streaming and rebuilding a fanbase. Instead, he has this stupid "I'm innocent, Chai is a fucking nutjob!" video while letting people continue to call Heidi a whore (lookin' at you, Keemstar).
No. 859124
>>859122Personally, I like that he keeps saying that you can't trust what Chai is saying because they admitted they couldn't remember things due to the health issue at the time - but then repeatedly talks about "I don't remember that" or "I don't remember saying that"
So, it's fine for you to not explicitly remember shit, but not anyone else??
No. 859127
>>859119Well that was what I was trying to say…mostly. I was mostly referring to trying to defend yourself, not HOW THEY DID IT.
Jared is kind of hilarious when he tries to defend himself, only by making himself into more of a piece of shit. Heidi would have kept this under wraps if he didn't block her and release that one sided statement. Holly was absolutely prime milk with Etika's suicide, so yeah they're destroying themselves. I feel bad for Heidi because she's been the only one with real human emotions that include blaming herself, recognizing the abuse she went through and her attempts to clarifying Jared's backtracking.
No. 859132
>>859125She HAS lied about some things. They all have. I honestly don't trust any of them and the constant need for everyone to keep 'telling their side of the story' has only made things more of a mess. I agree that it would make the most sense for all of them to shut up and focus on the divorce but that's never going to happen.
Again, I'm having fun watching the trainwreck but I don't see how people are picking sides and declaring anyone the winner.
No. 859133
>>859047Do people even know what the term gaslighting is it another term lost in the annals of history thanks to idiots over misusing it? If Chai and Charlie were in the right they wouldn't have deleted their tweets nor protected their twitter especially after the video came out.
I'm not protecting or even on Jared's side, but the evidence is linking the two events in that JUST MAYBE Chai was misremembering because of that? It's no different than someone saying "you were in a coma for 9 months, there's no way you could have done xyz to/with me while you were in said coma."
He even posted the chat that DISPROVES the claim of: "Jared knew I was underage!" by the same person saying: "I am 18!" when Jared asked for confirmation.
"Why didn't you get IDs!" Do you ask everyone online for your fucking ID with your INFORMATION that can be used to locate you? Even Facebook's shady self removed auto location and tagging chats with "sent from (exact location)" for a reason.
If posting proof is gaslighting, then sure. All in all, we now heard both sides of the story.
No. 859134
>>859129>>859130It's funny, because what he's doing in this video is repeating the
same exact shit his stans have been doing for the past 2-3 months
Holly is going to lord this over him when he gets sick & tired of her.
No. 859139
>>859130Funnily enough, women do this all the time and everyone falls for it. It's like a no win situation for dudes lol. He finally breaks silence, even has solid evidence, people are too busy shitting on him FOR providing evidence.
He's still a pos at the end of the day, but it's like he's damned if he do, damned if he don't because everyone already decided to protect the damsel in distress.
(maleposting) No. 859142
>>859134"Who was there for you when your carreer almost DIED???
Who organized an entire Discord server to gather evidence in
your favor???"
Guarantee history will repeat itself when it comes to Jared & Holly. She's the 'cool gf' who's okay with his infidelity
now (since it benefits her image like it once did for Heidi) but he'll get tired of her & become interested in someone she disapproves of.
No. 859151
File: 1566948748099.jpeg (184.86 KB, 750x1334, 1558196759345.jpeg)

>I don't have any memory of me ever talking to this person
>even though I've apologized to them
nice try jared
No. 859161
>>859129I mean, to be fair people jumped on the hate train without even hearing both sides of the story lol. It's like rape cases and all the (actually innocent people) accused of rape getting tossed into jail because of situations like that.
The only thing I agree with Jared on is the Chai/Charlie stuff is extremely sus.
(ban evasion) No. 859164
>If Chai and Charlie were in the right they wouldn't have deleted their tweets nor protected their twitter especially after the video came out.Okay, PJ2 stan. People delete shit all of the time. Judging by the way Jared's stans are currently attacking Heidi all over again, I'm inclined to believe that Chai/Charlie might have deleted the posts and hid away because of the torrent of hate they've been getting - not to mention the fact that because they are trans, they are continuously getting their identity invalidated by a bunch of pedo apologists. The heat of the public eye is intense, I don't blame them for panicking and backing away.
> "Do you ask everyone online for your fucking ID with your INFORMATION that can be used to locate you?"If I'm going to send nudes and potentially expose myself to child pornography allegations, yes. It is absolutely a hassle to verify age - but it's also a hassle to be branded a Pedophile for the rest of your time online (right or not, allegations like this follow you)
> "If posting proof is gaslighting, then sure"No, continuously pretending like things that happened or were said were actually NOT done/said and everyone reacting to them is just overreacting or making it up? - THAT is gaslighting.
No. 859168
> "It's like a no win situation for dudes lol"I bet you're also one of those guys who bitches about the "Me too" movement, aren't you?
> "everyone already decided to protect the damsel in distress"I pick the emotionally abused wife over the cheating pedophile every time. Fuck me, amirite?
>>859142Exactly. She's chill with him cheating as long as she thinks she's the head bitch in charge - but the minute he bails for his latest fling? Ooooh lord, she'll end up back in the hospital again - guaranteed.
No. 859170
>>859164Something you made me realize
Jared and holly have deleted tweets and twitch videos
By that persons logic if they were in the right then they wouldn’t need to delete things as well
No. 859173
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No. 859175
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Someone on kiwifarms had screenshots from Charlie's twitter (1/2)
No. 859176
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Charlie's twitter (2/2)
No. 859185
For a grown ass adult (Jared/Hoelly) to pull the "They're just haters!!" card is honestly disgusting.
No. 859188
Jared literally made a 42 minute video explaining nothing. Like
>>859184 says, it just seems ridiculous to aim for Chai/Charlie and what other female he brought up. Maybe you didnt remember because you were drinking? Smoking? Tired? Went through so many DMs they just don't register?
He also didn't show whole conversations for his tumblr so it seems weird to make a argument when you cant even provide evidence the way YOU want it .
No. 859189
>>859184I mean, they're kids. Kids are fucking dumb and don't always think their actions through. It seems entirely within the realm of possibility to me.
It does make me wonder how he never realized these were kids when messaging them, though. What kind of actual adults talk like they do? That really should have been a red flag.
No. 859202
>>859184The argument makes even less sense considering the fact that Chai and Charlie contacted people close to Jared and NormalBoots privately a month before it ever becoming public.
Not to mention that Jared was also aware of them doing this before it was public, so if he was telling the truth, he could have had this all dealt with and it never reaching public ears.
No. 859220
> "says so himself"Right, because who's going to want to publicly admit that their fucked up life choices lead every single one of their friends and coworkers to back away with their hands up?
> "the completionist refollowed him recently"So? I follow Hoelly on twitter - It doesn't mean I want to be friends with her or think she's anything but a bottom feeding piece of trailer trash who will eat her just deserts some day soon.
The company (NormalBoots) will put the company's reputation above any guise of friendship with PedoDick each and every time.
No. 859231
File: 1566953397208.png (1.62 MB, 1536x2048, 6C6DA4CC-98BD-4336-A072-9A9D3D…)

This is perfect
No. 859238
>How'd that "Leave Heidi alone!" line work out for you again, ProPrick?Just as affective as when Holly said it
right before accusing Heidi of being
abusive & liking tweets about Heidi 'possibly' having BPD.
It's just a coverup; "Well I told people
not to harass them but… (SHRUGS) It's the internet!"
No. 859239
>>859236Fucking yikes, my guy.
Go back to KiwiFarms.
No. 859265
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No. 859267
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No. 859271
>>859269Jared "Do not attack Heidi."
Keemstar: (Calls Heidi a whore)
Jared: "Hey, it's all good, man!"
No. 859272
>>858859I've sat and watched a man get sentenced n a court for fucking a 15yo who told him she was 19. It makes no difference. Kids lie to seem cooler to adults who are coming onto them and they're no more responsible fo that then they are for giving their legal consent.
That's the loophole every pedo is looking for, including all of Jared's fanbase, but it's not
valid at all.
Jared's 100% narc, don't get caught up in his facile arguments, they're not "logic" they're narc-logic. He's probably doing this now since he's ascertained no charges have been filed by anyone and he feels legally in he clear to attack and say whatever untrue shit he wants. Onision does all the exact same shit "well I've never ben ARRESTED for x, therefore…"
No. 859279
File: 1566957676500.png (233.24 KB, 670x670, SCROTEBGONE.png)

>>859273Unfortunately, in the court of public opinion (which is so far as deep as this has gotten aside from the fairly standard divorce proceedings) it doesn't matter if he has proof or not. Certain types of people were chomping at the bit for a reason to back him and denounce all his accusers, and this is more than enough for them to get riled up again. I really do hope Charlie and/or Chai respond with real-world consequences for Jared regarding this.
Also, seems like this thread could use a few of these babies. Take one down, pass it around.
No. 859284
>>858997I feel for Heidi. my heart breaks for her because so many women go through this. it's even worse because prowormdick is popular in the gaming community, and we all know it's a
toxic ass place for women. He is absolute garbage for doing this to a woman he was married to and supposed to love. you dont treat people this way.
No. 859297
File: 1566959001719.png (100.1 KB, 720x521, 20190827_222325.png)

I am with this guy.
No. 859300
>>859293Because that’s what Narcs do - they think about what makes THEM happy, everyone else be damned
Jared and Holly are both Narcs that deserve each other
No. 859302
>>859299 said, only he didn't expect birdbitch to catch feelings and then threaten to kill herself over it. He's locked in now so his only options are to either double down on it (like he's doing) or to ghost her (which he probably wants to avoid because I'm CERTAIN she has plenty of dirt on him and this situation).
No. 859304
I brought this up Jared's video to a group of people and one guy really tried to defend ProJared by bringing up the whole 'cancel culture' thing. His MRA and incel-adjacent fans are really taking PJ's word for it. Sad but predictable.
>>859293Well both Jared and Holly are awful people. Like attracts like. That's just common sense, anon.
>>859301I can also see this happening. Judging from her tweets, this situation is really affecting Heidi (and justifiably so) and many of the statements he made in the video seem like they're baiting her.
No. 859306
>>859283I remember when he was hacked and he acted like it was nothing. He ignored it for a while even
He got it back and posted about how it was stupid.
No. 859307
File: 1566959499989.jpg (65.17 KB, 800x800, asuka laughing.jpg)

Insane Heidifags BTFO. What are you niggers going to do when he rapes her in court?
No. 859310
File: 1566959896737.jpg (150.45 KB, 550x450, asuka blue background.jpg)

>>859309Shall I link the thread to his subreddit?
No. 859311
File: 1566960067447.jpg (37.03 KB, 279x304, asuka maga 02.jpg)

Be a real shame if you folks had a real debate in your echo chamber, wouldn't it?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 859316
File: 1566960199617.jpeg (57.92 KB, 811x561, EE7A19ED-2873-4BD2-9C1E-426EDC…)

No. 859326
>>859323Peanutbuttergamer is the king of flipflops. Openly calling out Heidi, backtracking with a big apology, then backtracking the backtrack.
No matter what side you're on I don't see why anyone would listen to him.
No. 859328
>>859056Ignoring the obvious WK bait. This screenshot especially breaks my heart with how short and dismissive his answers are.
If Jared was worried about his demographics in 2017 being skewed more male, he'll be hyped for this new crowd of pedo-apologist, incel boys. What a gross, degenerate person.
No. 859332
>>859133You can literally cross out your address on your fucking ID, I do that all the damn time if I wanna get into a NSFW chat and the mod makes me send proof.
It ain't that hard, y'all really just don't wanna confirm someone's ages do you? Better to be safe than to fuck around and catch a case. May I remind you that the law doesn't give a shit if you were lied to? They'll still put you on the sex offender list, that has happened time and time again and y'all still wanna run around and not be 100% sure about someone's age.
No. 859345
The fact people are really going in so hard with justifying not being able to be 100% sure that who you're messing with isn't underage is astonishing to me, then y'all wonder why y'all about to catch a damn case smh
No. 859348
>>859334Yeah I'm confused about Jirard too. His co-host Alex supports Heidi and Jirard has been with Ross on stream and such since Mario Maker 2 came out
I'm hoping it's simply to have contact and discuss legal things pertaining to Normal Boots
No. 859349
>>859348I honestly feel like Ross should just make a statement at this point. I know he doesn't want to and has the right to stay quiet about it, but people are going keep dragging him into it regardless.
In the video Jared said that Ross was 100% fine with everything - but that Ross was the one who broke things off, BEFORE Holly and Jared had sex - yet Holly is the one who filed the paperwork for divorce, and Ross refuses to cooperate with the proceedings? Something does not add up.
No. 859365
>>859359I feel like if Ross did leave Holly, it was probably after months of being severely emotionally abused and manipulated by her. He was living with a wife who openly admitted she didn't want him sexually and only had feelings for another man. She was probably happy to string him along for as long as possible so she would publicly reap the benefits of being his wife. Like she pushed him to the brink where he finally told her he couldn't handle in anymore. Then she gets to go to all her friends and play
victim about how Ross left her.
No. 859368
>>858931The only "sorry" I even remember throughout the entire video was a "I'm sorry you feel this way" which was in reference to anyone who thinks it's shitty that he abused the youtuber/fan power dynamic. "Sorry you feel this way" apologies are incredibly manipulative. This entire video was INCREDIBLY manipulative; even if some of the info disproves his was willfully ignorant of those two accuser's ages. Even the title of the video "YOU WERE LIED TO" is SO manipulative. It puts the viewer into a defensive mindset so that THEY feel they were ALSO slighted by the accusers.
The most grotesque part of the whole video though was when (towards the end) he said something along the lines of "if you're one of the people who believed any of these lies… just know… I forgive you."
HOLY SHIT. That's the grossest fucking thing I've seen in this whole ordeal. The single most MANIPULATIVE and NARCISSISTIC thing that has come from this whole thing. Holy shit. I am still reeling from the arrogance.
No. 859371
oh i don't fucking believe this went down while i was asleep lmfao
i was a long-time fan of jared's, then i was super heartbroken when he was outed to be a fucking creep, and now i don't think i can hate him any more than i currently do.
>blames children for being enabled to send their idol nudes>blames his wife for expecting a normal relationship from her husband>blames the internet for siding with the people who will take years to move on from thisoh jared. fuck you, fuck you so much
>>859323i can't, with jirard. i remember how he got so
triggered by "jared's actions" that he had to legitimately go donate to a charity or something to calm himself down. now he's back to being buddy-buddy with him? i could have believed PBG being a complete moron, but these neckbeards are all the same lmfao
No. 859376
File: 1566965594744.png (353.03 KB, 1217x693, f3j8smgjh1j31.png)

THIS is what has the whole internet swayed? THIS proof that jared 100% fully and completely made certain he wasn't unwittingly asking for any kiddie porn?
(didn't see these posted upstream anywhere)
No. 859383
>>859377Probably a lot more than just Chai/Charlie; I did similar about a thousand years ago when I was still a minor, not quite realizing what kind of awful legal situation I was putting the dude in. Teens do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't have the werewithal to understand what they're doing or to really think about the future.
>>859381That's the thing - They're all saying "But they could be doxxed if they released their id!"
Well, for one, if Jared was the only one who saw the picture of their ID (and actually deleted it upon verification), the chances of them getting doxxed are actually pretty low. Plus, like another anon said, they could blur their address and ID number out.
No. 859385
>>859383oh yeah, i love the logic that jared is trustworthy enough to be send naked pictures of oneself to, but not enough to send a fucking ID with important info blurred. amazing.
and this is the logic of jared himself who never asked for an ID for his vomit-inducing porn blog, and it's the logic of WKs who think the matter was under the control of the
teenagers in the situation
i'm still seething that nowhere in the entire video does he even say "i was a horrible person for having seven fucking porn blogs where i invited vulnerable fans to submit naked pictures of themselves" while everyone's patting him on the back for being a fucking hero as if having a fucking fan porn blog is a genius idea in the first place.
No. 859390
>>859386He'd die doing something ordinary (like a fucking car crash or something) and Hoelly would make it a big public specticle and declare his death to be due to Cancel Culture
>>859388That's what I thought, too - like it was a moment of "Oh shit, lemme just check - Well, they SAID they were 18, so let me go ahead and send my weird dick pics"
No. 859399
>>859396I'm still waiting for Miss UWU BIRD MOM to lose her shit - It's officially nighttime when she apparently thinks no one will be online to witness her public tantrum (as shown by the fact most of her previous breakdowns were at night)
She'll either lose her shit publicly or she'll pretend like the video didn't happen (beyond her initial retweet)
No. 859400
File: 1566968513217.png (514.99 KB, 678x1240, i KNOW she will threaten suici…)

voiceover: i have texts between myself and a professional third party well aware of the entire situation that shows i was trying to end it around that time
i want to know what kind of marriage counselor/therapist/whatever will tell ONE person in the situation about the OTHER person that they're going to threaten to commit suicide. is this plausible in any way? or is it just far more likely this is a text conversation between jared and someone like… holly?
No. 859404
>>859400What kind of "professional" is this supposed to be? Couldn't be a therapist or counselor, because therapy sessions don't happen via texts, not to mention that nothing that the other person is saying is the kind of thing a mental health professional should ever be saying in the first place.
Best guess, by "professional" Jared means "this is my personal friend who believes everything I say and they're also technically a professional at something so I can try and use that as validation for bullshit", but that's all I got.
No. 859407
>>859400This is not what a therapist sounds like via text lmao.
>I know she will threaten to commit suicide>I want to help but don't know howThis is him larping with himself, I can almost guarantee it.
>>859403Yes, they would. Even if the therapist believed it was a fake threat, they would still urge you to call the cops.
>>859404Some therapists will allow you to text them between sessions, but they will never ask you out of the blue, and they wouldn't talk like this at all. It would only be in case of an emergency or a question about your meds etc. A therapist is supposed to be objective, not making assumptions about someone they don't know at all threatening suicide.
No. 859409
>>859408Jared's a PC-friendly liberal.
The complete
opposite of his new following
No. 859413
>>859408he's very, very much into political correctness in that he would stop playing during streams/videos to comment on stuff going on in the game etc.
he would also always make a big deal about appearing sex-positive/feminist etc on videos that featured female/trans characters, which would be super weird without any talking point, it'd sound like him just. inserting the commentary in there for no reason.
these MRAs who are licking his taint right now for being "one of us!!! women suck lol!!!" are going to be mad when he's back on his fake bullshit
No. 859415
>>859400I bet Heidi knows who this is. They clearly are not a professional but seem to “know” her.
Heidi, dish on S the “professional.”
Also it’s weird that Holly is the only one openly baiting and threatening suicide and people project that onto Heidi. Yes Jared I’m sure that totally happened and was so horribly
abusive for you, which is why you jumped straight in bed with “Mental Health Mondays I Had To Be Hospitalized Because of Clown Emojis” birdshot.
No. 859417
>>859414I mean, it is vaguely remnescent of an old Prisoner of War video, where they've been coached to recite a script by their captors.
If Holly really was manipulating him like Heidi said (and showed in those texts where he said he was being manipulated but couldn't tell by who), that would vaguely make sense
((He doesn't get a pass, though; He's still a fucking idiot))
No. 859419
>>859416of course they did. so did jared himself, very vocally IIRC.
>i might want to diddle children and all but jontron is very ignorant and racist!what is self awareness
No. 859421
>>859419I'm sure his 'new fans' are gonna enjoy
that little part of history.
Or is he gonna try & make-up with Jon now?
No. 859426
>>859400This shit drives me up a fucking wall.
> "I know that she is making it really hard for you to make that move"Bitch, how fucking hard is it to file divorce papers??
If my cousin can do that shit four times in less than 14 years, I'm sure Jared could swing it once - especially since he can afford the fancy divorce lawyers who do it all for you.
> "I know that she will threaten to commit suicide and beg you not to do it"No, you fucking don't. You don't know shit about what a person may or may not do, and if you were TRULY a mental health professional, you would know better than to make sweeping generalizations about a person's behavior like that. Even if this is just a court assigned mediator or something, they have no business making a statement like "Your wife will DEFINITELY threaten to off herself"
No. 859428
>>859421>>859424i mean… the entire normalboots gang dropped him like a hot potato, and now he's got more subs than all of them combined. no excuse for his idiot opinions, but he moved on, kept doing cool shit, and kept himself out of any further drama.
oh to be a fly on the wall if jared or ANY of these neckbeards tried to ever reach out to jontron again lmfao
>>859425this is what gets me. why the fuck is this man talking like heidi has a gun to his head 24x7? being this miserable about his life and yet just completely unwilling to take any step towards it - talking to his wife like everything is normal and then behind her back acting like he's an emo teenager - it's pissing me off how big of a fucking liar he's looking like while people are taking this as a sureshot sign of his abuse
i'm still willing to bet this S person might just be holly saved under a diffferent name
No. 859430
>>859428I agree - This feels like Holly's "I want to help my friend, but I don't know how" shit from December.
Maybe the "S" stands for Strix?
No. 859431
>>859430lmao she
would do that, wouldn't she?
No. 859434
>>859433Not to mention the whole "I know she'll threaten to kill herself" bit, which is Holly's M.O. every time.
God, the more I think about it, the more plausible it becomes that this "professional" is just more of Holly "I'm a mental health advocate for just $30!" Conrad
No. 859438
>>859436>>859437Based on her tweeting around this whole event, it doesn't seem like Heidi has a low enough self esteem to go down that route.
It's more likely Jared is projecting.
No. 859444
>>859443oh, i totally overlooked this. whatever "professional" this is comes
straight the fuck down from "how are you doing" to "ok how do you want to leave her because soon she will threaten suicide"
this is so bizarre it borders on laughable. jared sure whined an awful lot about people cropping messages and context out of their caps, it's interesting he's doing the same fucking shit
No. 859458
>>859454This one I'm interested in, since it's one of the first people who has spoken out against Jared in awhile (other than unogirl who backtracked the first time Jared so much as glanced in her direction again)
>>859456Everybody been knowing this one, Anon. It was sketchy as fuck - between the con and apparently yesterday, a bunch of other women spoke out against some game devs for sexual harassment (I don't know the details).
It's not just purely a coincidence that ProPedo speaks out for the first time in nearly four months when all of that is also going on.
No. 859464
>>859460Like, HomeBoy realizes that claiming "I don't remember that!" isn't a
valid defense, right?
If someone murders another person, but forgets about it later on, that still doesn't make it okay. It doesn't make it less awful or make that person less dead, just because the murder can't remember committing the crime.
>>859461I knew it wasn't just going to be Chai/Charlie that spoke up. The more he keeps this drama mill going, the more empowered his
victims are going to be to speak out about his bullshit.
No. 859465
>>859458Nathalie Lawhead has stated that Jeremy Soule, composer of Skyrim and other games, raped her, and provides email correspondence between her and her CEO and others to prove there was indeed a connection Quinn made a tweet that Alec Holowka, of Night in the Woods fame, raped her is what I know so far, apologies for not screencapping anything but I wasn't sure if anyone was interested in seeing caps here as opposed to browsing the tweets and blog themselves
No. 859485
>>859482no, i know what you mean. i don't think anyone takes zoe's word for truth, it's just this alec holowka situation has been corroborated by more trustworthy sources (his working partner said he believed zoe afaik).
i saw someone start a zoe quinn a thread on /snow yesterday but it didn't catch on. if there are more people interested in what's going on with the game dev industry we should probably take the discussion there as it might derail this thread
No. 859489
>>859482ayrt (after being banned as "off topic" for providing links to the mentioned sexual assault allegations in the thread, so thanks I guess?), I am neither here nor there on Zoe Quinn herself as I noped the fuck out of all that drama and gamergate, etc. However at the bottom of Nathalie's blogpost there were articles that mentioned both Nathalie and Zoe in the same headline, so I started from there.
In browsing Zoe's retweets etc, I have found at LEAST five women who shared stories of harassment or assault in nerdy, male dominated spaces or conventions. So it seems it's not just one or two big names in the industry, but it's snowballed into a thing now, that could warrant its own thread if you wanted to research it further.
No. 859498
>>859486In my opinion there's a difference between being a pedo and "just" being a predator because at least theoretically, a predator can change. Pedophilia is a paraphilia and as such it can't be cured, just managed, so the best case scenario if a pedo gets treatment and therapy they learn to push down their impulses and not to act on them. A run-of-the-mill predator on the other hand might, with enough therapy and counselling and all that, at least theoretically understand that what they're doing is wrong and actually change. That doesn't help their past
victims of course but at least it might keep the predator from hurting anyone in the future.
No. 859534
>>859522(Same Anon)
Also I just realized that this makes him even more sleezy because whether or not those kids lied to him about their age or if they wanted to send pics regardless, they were still young and taken advantage of due to their lack of understanding. Teenagers drawing and writing porn of their favorite YouTubers more often than not is usually how most kids these days explore their sexuality in an controlled environment. The fact that PedoJared took advantage of that and held it over them despite having the knowledge and power not to is just one the most appalling things I've ever seen.
Also if he was desperate for nudes, why couldn't he just go on adult forums for that, at least then he would have had ACTUAL plausible deniability if he met anyone under 18 there instead of making several porn blogs on a website where the lowest age to join is 13.
No. 859539
File: 1566993330670.png (67.05 KB, 590x719, go off queen.png)

oh hell yes.
No. 859551
File: 1566994759975.png (47.93 KB, 582x296, heidi-tumblr-may-9-2019.png)

>>859547something jared lied about, sure.
No. 859555
>>859400Doesn’t this also play into the idea that Jared isolated Heidi from their friend group by lying about her?
Even if this were a true professional (which I doubt) unless this was their marriage counselor who’s to say he didn’t lie to them about Heidi apparently threatening suicide?
Like I don’t think Heidi is “completely innocent,” she seems to be tough to get along with unless you have thick skin, but I do feel bad how Jared and Holly are continuously acting like she’s some kind of crazy ex.
To think all this could have been avoided if Jared said he and Heidi were getting a divorce because he was having an affair. This dude is way too image concerned to think logically.
No. 859557
File: 1566996042797.png (2.02 MB, 1748x1076, Screenshot 2019-08-28 at 6.11.…)

saging because not truly milk, just a quick reminder for anyone who thought jared was truly looking horrible because of how much he's had to suffer in the past three months.
the picture is from two weeks ago.
(not censoring because this is on jared's public profile, is from a public profile, and is tagged as such)
No. 859582
File: 1567000240034.jpeg (825.57 KB, 1125x1207, E0E65885-6348-41B8-8621-AE23C1…)

Looks like he’s clean shaven now kek
No. 859609
File: 1567003505805.png (203.09 KB, 1270x1412, Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 4.42…)

Hoe-ly is removing content that doesn't fit her narrative and also marking other ones as "sensitive material" when its just memes
No. 859615
File: 1567004553602.png (364.27 KB, 1578x1134, Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 5.02…)

Jirards take on Jared apology 1/2
No. 859622
File: 1567005357820.jpg (678.68 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190828_171504_com…)

No. 859623
File: 1567005420247.jpg (722.06 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190828_171517_com…)

Part 2
No. 859631
File: 1567006489133.jpg (659.97 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190828_173423_com…)

>>859623More about Dragoncon
No. 859633
>>859623>He told me over and over “there’s nothign going on with her, you’re just paranoid and it’s hurting me”Wow, Jarhead is really a fucking douche. Only a fine specimen such as himself can manage to lie,
victim-blame and make evrrything about himself with just one sentence.
Anyway, Heidi should really hit him with a response video. It seems she has
a lot more to say and he deserves to get another ass-kicking. However I’ve seen PedoJared defenders try to suggest that Heidi tweeting makes her “hysterical” or “crazy” (which really shows how sexist they are rather than trying to play both sides like they may claim).
No. 859636
>>859633Let’s be real those defenders will say anything regardless of what she does
She could literally be standing there in the corner doing nothing minding her own business and somehow the mental train of thought for them is:
“Look at her! Jared was right after all!”
No. 859637
File: 1567007187227.jpg (55.45 KB, 544x489, christ.JPG)

No. 859640
>>859623okay, what was the deal with the polyamory thing because that's always confused me? Were they polyamorous or not? (not that it excuses cheating)
I was around for this in the very beginning and I've been trying to make sense of the timeline since a lot of the information is conflicting. I can't imagine your life turning into a mess like this, let alone broadcast online.
No. 859642
>>859637and here we see jared achieving exactly what he intended, once again subjecting his wife to intense isolation and pain
fucking A+ i hope this piece of shit is happy with his birdshit-stinking girlfriend.
No. 859656
>>859637>pedojared: MY EX-WIFE WAS THREATENING ME, CONTROLLING MY LIFE, SO ABUSIVE AND CRAZY!!!!!!>meanwhile, the ex-wife: it feels emotionally irresponsible to stay in a place where my friends might feel obligated to take on the burden of my painthe fact that
anyone is dumb enough to not see through jared's charade blows my mind
No. 859660
>>859609Hey, that's a big ass red flag right there!
(Too bad most of that shit's already been screenshot Holly, lmao)
No. 859661
>>859656The irony is that they’ll all just accuse Heidi of being emotionally manipulative and guilt-trippy for openly talking about her pain.
The lack of self awareness from PedoDick, Homewrecker, and their assorted stans is astounding
No. 859666
>>859665you say this as a joke but people on holly's picture are literally telling others off for accusing jared by saying "let him enjoy his birthday uwu"
>BSOD.exethank the fucking lord there's a no-WK posting rule in place because otherwise we'd be floating in shit here lmao
No. 859667
>>859662And yet these losers along with their dumb fans have the nerve to insinuate that Heidi is being too sensitive about the whole situation. The fact that delete comments that criticize them for what they actually are screams projection.
>>859665Huh you actually bring up a good point that I hadn’t noticed before. Releasing the video when he did would both ruin Heidi’s self-care plans as well as make a celebratory day even better for him. Like Heidi said, PedoJared has to make Heidi feel worse in order for him to feel better. What an asshat.
No. 859668
File: 1567010132543.jpeg (391.64 KB, 1287x661, C439FC22-2EA8-45D8-8B6E-42DA1F…)

Sounds like MAYBE a rebuttal video is in the works?
No. 859670
>>859666Well, they won't have that excuse tomorrow!
Their stans are
beyond pathetic. Holly has him in the palm of her hand right now, but we know this ain't gonna last very long.
A relationship that begins with cheating usually ends with cheating.
And I
strongly doubt that breaking up with Holly will be 'easier' than with Heidi.
That b-day tweet reminds me of people in the midst of a custody battle for their kids "See how much
happier they are with ME?"
No. 859673
>>859670That’s exactly what it’s like - when the new partner/stepparent posts pictures to pull the “see? They’re way happier and better off with me!!!”
It just makes it funnier when that falls apart too.
No. 859676
>>859673He already looks so shy & submissive around Holly (Remember the vid of them spotted in Vegas? He was walking behind her looking all shriveled-up)
Was he normally like that with Heidi?
No. 859683
File: 1567011528345.gif (490.25 KB, 308x155, Storm.gif)

>>859668Fucking do it, Heidi.
She's been taking the high road too long and is still treated like shit, the hagraven and weasel dick deserve some blowback for being unfixable shits.
No. 859685
>>859681Ah, here come the
real clout-chasers!
It's hilarious how people like her & unogirl were all "Ooh pick me! Pick me Heidi!" when the drama started, but now they're all "I was BAMBOOZLED by that LIAR Heidi!"
Nah. Y'all were chomping at the bit when it came to 'slandering' Jared, now that he's relevant again, you wanna backpedal?
Jared & Holly's stans & WKs shouldn't be giving these obvious opportunists the time of day!
No. 859687
>>859681nvm found it here:
>>835041and now she's deleted the previous video of course kek
No. 859688
>>859400Kay, if this is an actual therapist, this is completely illegal.
Some points:
A therapist would not text at 10:41am, if anything it would be a check in reminder on their calendar and they would text closer to the 00 or the 30.
Nor would they text this kind of content.
This is either a non-credible online therapist who is okay risking their license, or someone without a license like a life coach, which has no credibility. Or, ya know, someone who knows him but is a 'professional' who is technically not seeing him as a patient/client, so it becomes a verbal loophole like anon mentioned above.
Texting sensitive information like this is also a major HIPAA violation, on two counts, which is a huge legal issue.
Texting as a platform is not HIPAA secure. Only secure EHRs or secure phone lines can be used to pass along medically sensitive information.
Sharing medically sensitive information, especially via text, is a second HIPAA violation. Heidi could sue this therapist if they actually know her situation and are speaking to Jared about it, let alone texting. (Unless Heidi signed a waiver that the therapist could share her personal information. But even so, the fact that it is through texts is enough of a violation to sue.)
If this 'therapist' never met Heidi, then there is no possible way they would be able to make a statement that they know she will threaten suicide.
This 'fact' of his is completely moot and proves absolutely nothing.
No. 859697
No bullshit, just facts & reciepts.
His stans are gonna complain, that's what they do best.
No. 859699
>>859656The more we learn the more I start to believe he may have been so much of a narc as to actually think Heidi's expectations of a relationship and being treated like an equal were
abusive because she wasn't subservient enough for his comfort
No. 859701
File: 1567013675299.png (68.54 KB, 730x301, rosspax.PNG.8cf506f18e49dc57d7…)

"Ross came & visited Jared in March 2018. He had already moved out by then."
No. 859704
>>859674gotta notice the details, it ain't the same studio.
>>859701Again, details - he said Ross visited in March. And moved out when Holly was at Pax West. That's end of August.
No. 859708
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"DiD yOu WaTcH tHe ViDeO?"
No. 859711
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did anyone else notice that Ross deleted his tweet about his divorce?
No. 859714
>>859711God bless Ross.
He deleted the tweet about their divorce some time ago. It's more than obvious this has affected him, but he tried to power through it & rise above it all.
No. 859716
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I'm surprised more people aren't coming at Arin/Game Grumps for supposedly 'bullying' Jared…
No. 859724
>>859718>>859720Oops I forgot.
You know, paranoia is one of the major signs or being a pathological liar…
No. 859726
>>859720You know, that's what seriously is so funny to me.
>PedoJared: manipulates his wife into letting him sext underage girls and fuck her best friend on multiple occasions with documented evidence>PJ wks: "You gotta look at both sides" "My poor idol is being victimized by cancel culture" "Everyone's being too mean to him">Heidi: has remained committed to one man for several years before speaking out against him manipulating her>PJ wks: "FUCKING WHORE" "STOP BEING SUCH A SELFISH PERSON"Fucking hypocrites.
No. 859727
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>>859465>Zoe Quinnahhh, thank god summer is almost over
No. 859735
>>859622>>859711i gotta say, it's pretty telling of what ProJared thinks of other people when he decides to drop this video WAY after the drama died down. it's retraumatizing Heidi, Ross, and others involved, with the sole purpose of stepping on other people in order to lift his own image back up.
i hope people jump down Holly's throat for ever talking about ~mental health advocating~ again. how the fuck could a MH advocate be okay with this behavior lmao. the snake really jumped out
No. 859741
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"Come on, would I do something like that to you/someone else?"
No. 859744
>>859730They are probably the same kind to say something like:
“It was only some hand action! Not full sex so it’s not really cheating”
No. 859750
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>implying that we can’t trust accounts from mentally ill people
Lil' Miss 'Mental-Health' must be thrilled!
No. 859755
File: 1567019762992.png (33.28 KB, 602x334, psychosis1.png)

Just… don't even bother with the "Mental Health Mondays" crap anymore Holly.
No. 859796
>>859739I pointed that one out last night - You don't get to pull the "I have no memory of doing that" when your sole defense against Chai/Charlie is "THEY ADMITTED THEY HAVE MEMORY ISSUES WHICH MEANS YOU CAN'T TRUST THEM!!!!"
>>859744I mean, they're literally saying that the marriages were over (even though legally, no they weren't), so I wouldn't be surprised that they also think hand action/oral isn't REALLY cheating.
>>859746Right? Anyone with two braincells could see that the minute PedoDick reemerged, everyone was going to find some way to rope Heidi (and to some degree, Ross) back into it, even though they'd both apparently moved on.
>>859755She'll just use the same "I'm sorry, I'm mentally ill" or "I'm sorry, that came from a place of emotion" excuse that she spewed when she called Heidi unfixable.
>>859757Also, no mental health professional is going to text at 10:40 am, wait an hour and a half, text again, wait 45 minutes, text again, etc.
If they know a patient is in crisis (even if I believed this WAS a mental health professional, which is unlikely), they're not going to leave them on read for that long. They're going to give it their full attention.
I maintain that the "S" stands for Strix and that WormDick had Holly saved under a different name. That last "I want to help but I don't know how" is just too eerily remnescent of her december posts ("Does anyone know how to help a friend? I want to help!" or whatever it said)
No. 859801
>>859796The only reason why he says he "doesn't remember" is because that holds up better in court that saying "I didn't do that."
Part of the reason why this video probably took so long is because he probably had a transcript edited by a lawyer.
The fact that he put so much thought into this video, there's no way him releasing it the week of DragonCon was a coincidence. He probably also told Holly to not post pictures of them together until after this video was released.
Throw in the fact that he wanted Heidi to sign and NDA and it's almost scary how calculating Jared has been through all this.
No. 859805
>>859801You can't tell me that Holly posting that "Happy birthday!" tweet of ProPedo with her chickens wasn't her trying to make a power move or to prove to the lolcow posters (since we know she lurks here) that she actually IS still with Jared.
> "Throw in the fact that he wanted Heidi to sign an NDA"That's what I think his fans are forgetting. If you're so scared and abused by your wife, you don't fuck around with saying "I need you to sign an NDA". You just GTFO when you can - worry about details later.
> "have so much hope for Jared & Holly as a couple"It's the same hope that they had for Jared/Heidi once upon a time, and the minute she dared speak against their hero, they all immediately started calling Heidi a "whore".
Jared and Holly are even dumber than I'm giving them credit for if they honestly think they won't all turn and attack Holly when they inevitably split, too.
No. 859810
>Jared and Holly are even dumber than I'm giving them credit for if they honestly think they won't all turn and attack Holly when they inevitably split, too.Yep. It's all 'honeymoon phase' 'I luv u just the way u are!' now, but the moment one of them cracks, look out!
Especially since
both of them refuse to take any blame without acting like a 'smol, helpless bean uwu'
No. 859836
>>859831He's a sex-addict
She's an 'Asexual-turned-Demisexual'
Will she even be able to keep up with him?
Also, if I recall correctly, Holly's marriage to Ross wasn't the
only reason Heidi wanted to call off the poly relationship. It was because Holly made it clear that she wanted Jared
all to herself via texts. She probably didn't like that Jared & Heidi wanted to be transparent about their poly relationships, & wanted Heidi out of the picture.
No. 859837
>>859836This is what I don't get. Jared had 7 porn blogs. Holly only wants to be with Jared.
one of these things is going to prevent the other lmao
No. 859844
>>859837They think Heidi was "keeping Jared from doing what he loves" they got another thing coming…
I can imagine Holly is gonna pretend to embrace Jared's sexual antics with other women like Heidi once did, but that won't last very long.
No. 859847
>>859845I would say he does a good job of summarizing PedoJared's video for those who don't wanna watch it and kinda catching people up
Also at the very least, DeFranco (comes off as) neutral and not taking any side unlike ScumStar
No. 859848
>>859757Yes that is true to a very limited extent; however, giving advice like they did in that screenshot? Absolutely not okay and a complete HIPAA violation on multiple counts, as I mentioned.
A phone call would be the minimum requirement for a conversation like this as texting platforms are not HIPAA secure and there are a lot of fine lines with telemedicine outside of appointments. Discussing a patient/client's partner possibly threatening suicide would never, ever happen like this either.
>>859796I didn't want to ramble on even longer but that is correct too. It is required for anyone in health care to advise a patient to call emergency services if they are in a life threatening situation.
Jared saying he wants to "End it all" would REQUIRE the therapist to tell them to call 911 or immediately go to urgent care or the ER. They would not only lose their license but also be sued for malpractice replying like this.
I work in this field in WA state. He should've looked into this further before trying to bullshit it as evidence.
No. 859864
>>859848I think people might be reading too much into the "End it" part. He didn't say "End it all" he said "End it" and the other person immediately went into talk about separation. So maybe end it is just referring to his marriage?
But still, if these are texts from a professional this is INCREDIBLY unprofessional on their part and fuck Jared for thinking he can use this to drum up sympathy
No. 859867
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interesting how many burner accounts are being made purely to defend Holly and Jared…
No. 859871
>>859741Honestly reading the transcript of the video really pissed me off, the whole condescending “Oh lets go check the post, oops looks like it was deleted! How strange!” shit really irked me.
He has no actual proof, his self defence is him using doubt in his favour to sway people then sending them to his WK subreddit? He looks so greasy, imagine the time he took to choose his most pitiful looking thumbnail and upping the contrast on it to look more disheveled as if he hasn’t been playing babysitter for his mistress at Alien themed restaurants. Absolutely disturbing, this man has no conscience.
No. 859883
>>859349I don't believe that Ross was fine with it for even a single damn second.
Ross was a mess after the divorce. Every time we saw him for months, he was drinking and just seemed miserable in general.
And bringing Ross into it after Ross asked to be left alone about it, classy Jared.
No. 859888
>>859885That's part of the problem, though. Every time Heidi gets moved on in any way, ProPedo and his Homewrecking SideHo dredge it all back up again. Those two are so fucking desperate for attention and to play the martyr that they don't care who else gets hurt - especially if they can hurt Heidi in the process.
For two people who claim Heidi was an awful abuser, they sure do like dredging things up with her all over again rather than saying "Thank fuck, I'm away from it - we can all move on now"
No. 859890
>>859871A lot of people were pointing out how condescending Jared was in that video, only for his true diehard idiotic fans to say "Well, he's defending himself! Look how much hate he's been subjected to! He doesn't have to be nice!"
Like, short of murdering a child, these people will NEVER acknowledge how awful Jared is (and even then, those shitbirds would probably try to justify it by vilifying the child)
No. 859904
>>859888>>859898Exactly. And the
very moment Heidi
dares to respond to their shit in any way, she gets slapped down by people telling her to "move on"
No. 859917
>>859914THIS. Every one keeps saying how ragged he looked in the video, but is somehow magically a-okay just the next day?
What? I mean, maybe if Holly's Vag was made of Prozac and Xanax.
Or maybe, just maybe, Jared made himself look as sad and pathetic as possible to earn the most "LOOK HOW SAD I AM" points.
No. 859927
>>859921I hate to say it but this video was beautifully fucking crafted.
40 minutes long, so most people won't watch the whole thing. Then they can say "DID YOU WATCH THE VIDEO???"
Starting it with the pedo allegations, most of the video is about it, slowly building up to "These people just lied" even though what he did to begin with was shady as fuck, before kids got involved
Bringing up a random other girl who mistook Jared for someone else as part of his case he's being defamed
By this time he's slowly built up most people watching it to his side (excluding the ones who can smell his bullshit from a mile away), of course, he isn't DIRECTLY a pedo, so wow! He's innocent! even though recieving nudes without knowledge of the age is still a crime, but hey! lets ignore that!
And then he brings in the awful cyberbully when the audience is feeling sympathy for him! Oh my gosh, this poor man! Drama channels covered the drama! The horror!
Then adds in "Don't harass Heidi, don't harass anyone" just so he can later on look back and say "LOOK! I DIDN'T want people to harass her!" even though as a youtuber he knows full well that putting someone in the spotlight, especially the "evil ex wife" card he's indirectly painted her as (though he did it on purpose, he's been very careful at having Holly do the dirty work for him) of course his fanbase is going to go ballista
Everything is crafted to put him in the sympathetic light. The title, the thumbnail. The not shaving, the sunken eyes.
I'd say bravo if it took him less than what, 4 months? To put this together. And releasing it right before his birthday, and the day Heidi happens to be gone at a convention.
Just real convenient.
No. 859933
>>859890his dumbass fans will never admit he's an awful person because they only care about getting new content from him. Some of the top comments on the vid were people saying "honestly I never cared about the accusations, just missed your videos"
How is 15 minutes of this weirdo a week more important to someone than abuse and soliciting minors
No. 859934
>>859927>even though recieving nudes without knowledge of the age is still a crime, but hey! lets ignore that!This is driving me CRAZY!!!!!!!!! I actually have argued with people about this who legitimately reply with shit like "oh but he didn't know their age" or "i don't agree with that law"
Like bitch it doesn't! fucking! matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's still breaking the LAW AND ADMITTED IT IN A VIDEO!!!!
I wish he would get arrested for having had literal child porn sent to him but i know he won't and I'm just so god damned mad at the world right now.
No. 859935
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Okay, I lol'ed at this.
Again, I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly reached out to Jontron after this mess (Who knows? Maybe he already did)
No. 859938
>>859927If I never see the phrase "DID YOU WATCH THE VIDEO??" on twitter ever again, it will still be a day too soon. It's like anytime someone says "Hey, ProPedo is a fucking creep still", the only retort they have is to insinuate that you didn't watch that bullshit video.
> "of course his fanbase is going to go ballista"One of them actually told Heidi on her twitter earlier that he hopes she gets terminated for "trying to ruin Jared's career!", because it was definitely Heidi's fault and not his inability to keep his weird worm dick in his pants.
> "And releasing it right before his birthday, and the day Heidi happens to be gone at a convention."And on the day that more people are coming forward in the gaming industry with their own claims of sexual harassement/assault…..and right as Hoelly is due to release a new line of merch…..
The fucking international space station saw this one coming.
> "they only care about getting new content from him"His content wasn't even that good, though. Of the two of his playthroughs that I've watched, he's constantly making some sort of joke about sex or about the women in the game.
>>859935Karma's going to be a real motherfucker if Heidi DOES go through with putting more receipts out there and just burning what little bit of his career that PedoDick thought his video salvaged.
No. 859946
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> "She began using attention from the crisis to promote herself"
How ironic, considering just a few months after this tweet, she would start selling merch with the word "cancelled" plastered on the front - y'know, using a highly iconic term used against her during the crisis to promote herself and her terrible clothing brand.
Let us also not forget that ProPedo used a video about the crisis to promote his twitch stream and all sorts of other links in the description box.
No. 859947
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Out of curiosity, I checked the JonTron subreddit where there's a thread about Jared's video. Some of them fall for Jared's tricks. Others however…
No. 859953
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Well this is interesting…
No. 859960
>>859955The amount of cry-bullying will be increased tenfold!
Also, I
really wanna see those WKs tear into each other the way they tore into Heidi & anyone who
dared to speak up for her.
>>859958Well since Holly "caught feelings" for him & "Cares sooo much" about him, it can only be assumed that they're dating.
No. 859963
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Heidi, you know what to do.
No. 859965
>>859963legal anons? some help on this front? to what extent can heidi release texts between her and jared if there's a divorce case going on?
also, how illegal is it for her to release texts between jared and someone else from his old phone?
(this is the only slim paper wall standing between jared and pure justice and i so, so, so want to see this rat bastard taken down)
No. 859971
>>859953It's the same as that trip to Vegas where someone spotted he and the shewhore at a restaurant (where they quickly got the fuck out upon being recognized).
For Mr. SadSack to be just Oh So Devastated™, he sure only shows it when he thinks it will curry some sympathy for him.
> "How illegal is it for her to release texts between Jared and someone else"No more illegal than it was for Holly to release the sexts between Jared and Heidi.
It still blows my mind that Holly wants to scream about PedoDick being release as "revenge porn", but fails to understand that she did THE EXACT SAME SHIT when she released the texts between Jared and Heidi (the ones where Heidi mentions what her LDR had said about watching Jared fuck her)
No. 859980
>>859976The only way (IIRC) to release texts is if you are one of the people participating in said text exchange (Some states are different and require the consent of BOTH parties involved, not just one)
Holly can "claim" she had Jared's consent all she wants - All it takes is Heidi saying "No, she really didn't - She released those to slander me" to start off a libel/defamation case against Hoelly.
No. 859983
>>859980>to start off a libel/defamation case against hoellywhich if she hasn't, she should. i'm 200% certain people on twitter are gonna be willing to fund this lmao
but then by that logic, heidi really cannot release texts
between holly and jared without putting her at risk of getting slammed with a similar case herself, yes? a chance that this literal piece of garbage jared is not going to miss?
also - is the divorce legalese itself the reason that she can't release the texts, or is this an in-general, all-time applicable law?
(sorry for the law sperg but i really wanna know if heidi can release the dang texts or not)
No. 859986
>>859971I think Holly brought up "revenge porn" because Heidi has her nudes & sexts, & she warns that she WILL take legal action if they're posted.
>>859980This is the very least she can do. The way Holly went about this whole thing is beyond disgusting, & there's
no doubt that Jared's 'new' fans would try to ruin her business.
No. 859990
> " heidi really cannot release texts between holly and jared without putting her at risk of getting slammed with a similar case herself, yes?"Pretty much, which is why Heidi is doing the smart thing and not releasing the texts. It's not a crime to talk about what she saw, it IS however, a crime to release them.
> "is this an in-general, all-time applicable law?"It's a law thing. I mean, it would probably hurt the divorce case too, but it's mainly a law thing
>>859986That may be the case, but I've also seen Holly refer to jared's worm dick being released as "THAT WAS RELEASED AS REVENGE PORN WHICH IS ILLEGAL"
No. 859994
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>>859987he makes
this face when addressing his allegations. like it's the most ridiculous thing he could have ever heard. jesus he is disgusting
>>859990thanks for breaking it down! if heidi can show conversations between her and jared though that's going to hopefully knock this fucker down a few pegs. i'm absolutely sure he's incriminated himself in messages to his wife trying to do the whole "double life" shit
No. 859997
>>859987I still see some Jared dickriders trying to undermine some legitimate criticisms to his rebuttal. Knowing that there are people supporting this creep and his mistress has become annoying. What’s this shit about “ruining his life”? Even if every single person hates him for what he’s done, he’s never going to be locked up and still gets to live a privileged existence off of YT money. Boo fucking hoo.
How can these numbskulls not understand that no sane woman would risk getting verbally and sexually harrassed all the time just for some clout? And the thing is that PedoJared isn’t even
that notorious outside of some US gaming circle. He and his fans are just so far up their own asses that they think he’s more famous than he actually is.
No. 859998
>I still see some Jared dickriders trying to undermine some legitimate criticisms to his rebuttal.Yeah, but that's all they'll ever be; dickriders. This is probably the happiest they've ever been in their entire miserable lives.
>What’s this shit about “ruining his life”?I mean, he got a whole lotta dumb new followers out of this.
…Then again, there's gonna be another big election next year, so I'm sure he & Holly won't have this new fanbase for long given their political leanings…
No. 859999
> "What's this shit about 'ruining his life'?"The only thing that "ruined his life" was his own actions - Had he never abused his e-fame to get nudes from fans who wanted to impress their e-celeb crush, he wouldn't have been in a position to receive nudes from minors, purposefully or not.
Honestly, I didn't even know who Jared was before the initial scandal broke - he's not NEARLY as famous as he and his fans think he is.
No. 860002
>he's not NEARLY as famous as he and his fans think he is.Not even many D&D circles know or care who he is
(D&D player here)
>>859999Jesus christ, that
entire sub alone should be cited as evidence of harassment (Along with the Tumblr 'truth' blog as well)
No. 860004
>>860000Got into it with the PJ2 discord one day because they just kept spewing the "Jared didn't know, so he can't be prosecuted!" bullshit. The same people also insisted that Jared would be in jail by now if they were going to pursue charges, blatantly ignoring the fact that it can take weeks, if not months, to build a case against someone for things like Child Porn to make sure that there aren't additional
victims that are just too scared to come foward.
No. 860010
>>860004Most of Jared (& Holly's) loudest defenders haven't got a single clue about how the legal systems work.
I remember Dumbica & a few others kept bringing up "the law" in their tweets & it's like… If someone has Child Porn, they are
going to get arrested & tried for possession of Child Porn, whether they're
aware they had it or not. That's a |
fact. It doesn't fucking matter how you
feel the situation
should be treated.
>>860007I still have the feeling that Holly & Jared's stans kinda pushed him to make this video so that they can feel 'validated'. He comes off like he doesn't really care about the allegations that much.
No. 860014
>>860010i feel like holly pushed him.
>stick it to your bitch of an ex-wife – i mean clear the allegations on our truwu louwue!also it's been nagging at me but didn't holly tweet "You've been lied to" in exactly as many words way back when? lol
No. 860016
>>860010The best part is Denica isn't even from the US - She wouldn't understand that the legal system here and wherever she is (I want to say it was Germany? idk) is going to be vastly different.
> "I have a feeling the stans…"I don't think it was the stans as much as just straight up Holly pushing him into it. He's still a spineless turd, but this has Hoelly written all over it.
>>860011The thing with child porn is that you don't have to press charges against the adult; That shit is illegal 100%.
> "Is this because he feels safe enough"It's because he's a fucking idiot who missed being center of attention - no more, no less.
>>860014I don't remember the exact wording, but I think you're right. There was a tweet pretty reminiscent to that
No. 860026
>>860011Victims in these cases don't have to press charges. All the state/federal authorities need is evidence of the interactions and proof of the ages involved.
And I imagine he's talking about it now because he figures nothing will happen to him.
No. 860029
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>>860024Magicfest seattle last month apparently
No. 860032
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Right you are Travis.
"DiD yOu WaTcH tHe ViDeO?"
No. 860053
>>860039I feel like her Mom or her friends (like Cristina Vee maybe) would spot her the cash to go home if it was a money issue - the friends surrounding her seem legit.
I think someone probably pointed out that her going home and having a shit time is EXACTLY what ProPedo and Holly want - and giving them what they want is the LAST thing she should do
No. 860069
>>860060In what way?
The only reason this story even went mainstream outside of their normal circles is because regardless of dude cheating on his wife, he was soliciting fans for nudes. Some fans were underage. He's an ugly looking fuck. It is of course going to garner discussion.
Heidi tried to save her marriage, while her husband was doing nefarious things behind her back like fucking fans in hotels and also having an emotional affair with another married friend.
Holly is just a mental unstable bitch who seeks the attention for this.
As far as I can see Heidi only posts to defend herself since she's getting unnecessary abuse from gamergate-esqe fags
No. 860088
>>860069I don't think Jared is free from blame at all but Heidi has lied before so I can understand people being skeptical of her. I supported her 100% in the beginning until it came out that she had left things out of her original series of posts. Jared already looks bad for cheating but I think the whole goal was to ruin his career so, yes, I believe she exaggerated some details. I don't believe she can do no wrong and I think it's silly to assume everything she's said is totally true when all of them have lied at some point.
The way this whole story even broke was because of how childishly it was (and still is) being handled. As long as everyone involved keeps trying to assign blame, it's going to keep being a shitshow
No. 860089
>>860088I think it went viral because the affair happened between coworkers and friends, so the Internet thought everyone was going to get messy. Ross checked out of the discourse. ProJared instigated with his original tweet divorcing Heidi lol, Holly just went mental and checked herself in for some mental health Mondays.
I'm not sure what Heidi has lied about in the past, but hasn't the gist of it been that ProJared had an affair with Holly? And was being inappropriate with fans and engaging in sex with them? Haven't girls come out to corrobate on what Heidi has said and shown proof they've even had sex with Jared?
There's one screenshot to my knowledge of Jared asking one girl if she's 18+? If he wants to be treated professionally maybe don't fuck your clients and solicit their nudes? Just a thought.
No. 860120
>>860088Obvious kiddie diddling, soliciting nudes from fans wholesale, grooming fans, cheating on your wife, emotionally abusing your wife… uh huh, there sure are equally bad people all around this mess huh?
Gimme a break. And where has Heidi been proven a liar?
No. 860143
>>860089>>860120Anon might be referring to the fact Heidi didn't immediately reveal that she and Jared tried "being poly"/having an open relationship for a time… which is irrelevant because you can in fact still cheat when in an open relationship, specifically when you cross boundaries that your partner has laid down, which Jared did.
But if this is about something else, do enlighten us,
>>860088 No. 860157
>>860088what has Heidi got to do with Jared putting his dick out to all and sundry, pray tell.
the affair is done and they're getting divorced, there will be no huge court case like jared's fans fantasise, it's a no-fault state. so that shit is in the past and becoming more trivial by the minute.
jared still put his dick out to fans and fucked them too, all off his own bat. it's his own problem.
No. 860167
>>860157Meaning, Heidi could provide proof. She can release receipts that will instantly disprove AND shutdown both Holly and Jared especially after Jared's poor video.
>>860162It's not unimportant because if JARED left out "unimportant" stuff at all (which he did) people will reprimand him for that too. It goes both ways, just because we're all supposed to "protect heidi uwu" doesn't mean she's excused from burden of proof. This is why you're supposed to look at this rationally and as a third party.
No. 860170
>>860167Oh rationally, as a third party? Are you lost anon? This ain't jury duty. This is a gossip site lol
Whether or not Heidi lied (by… what, not airing all her dirty laundry at once?) has no bearing on Jared grooming kids, soliciting nudes, fucking his fans and trying to pull teenagers. That too rational for you?
No. 860175
>>860171As opposed to Jared who took his sweet ass time to provide "proof" now instead of back in May when this shit was going down to begin with, right?
Also Heidi's been trying to get away from this drama before Jared released his BS video so IDK where you got the impression she needed to prove anything to anyone up until now.
No. 860178
>>860167If you were reading the thread you would see that it's possibly illegal for her to release anything more than she actually has.
Between conversations that Holly and Heidi have posted is proof enough he was cheating
Also Heidi didnt need to mention that they were in a poly relationship
A) because by the time Jared and Holly were fucking Heidi had already said no to them fucking
B) because even in a poly relationship sleeping with someone else explicitly behind the other person's back is still cheating.
Poly relationships dont automatically mean you can go around fucking whoever you want whenever you want ESPECIALLY if that person you're fucking is actively trying to steal you away from your partner.
>>860171Heidi possibly still has screenshots of Holly's nudes and sexts to Jared so there might be 'proof' but there could be legal action if she posted any of that proof. It could still be a moot point depending on the law in their area but Holly had grandpa's money to afford a nice enough lawyer and fuck Heidi over money wise since legal cases cost a lot.
No. 860214
File: 1567094875316.png (424.39 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190829-094108.png)

>>860203Fat,bald gamers which live with their moms at 35 will defend propedo dick with all their 'he did nothing wrong. He tried to help Heidi' mentality. It's disgusting
No. 860216
>>860089>>860143Again, not saying ~Jared has done no wrong~, just that I'm not kissing anyone's ass in this situation. It was proven that Heidi knew about the NSFW accounts, knew that he was sleeping with fans, and knew that he was getting nudes. That doesn't absolve Jared of blame for cheating but it does put into perspective how messed up their marriage was in the first place. I just think everyone in this situation behaved badly.
Yes, obviously, Jared's the cheater which is why they're getting divorced - nobody's disputing that (at least I'm not). I just don't have a good feeling about anyone involved, it's all too weird
No. 860230
>>860178i'm thinking, what heidi can and
should provide caps of, are conversations between herself and jared.
she's said in the past that jared, at different points of time:
>told her holly was calling heidi names and blaming her for their situation>talked to her about feeling manipulated>said everything between heidi and jared was good and their relationship would continue as normal>lied to her about the intention behind the porn blogs, and the existence of the 18+ snapchat>any claim of "nothing going on with holly, you're paranoid" after october 2018now we don't know how much of this might be found in their text messages as a normal husband and wife would have sat down and talked all of this face to face. but we've seen texts of really close personal stuff between them, so there's a fair chance heidi has caps of the fucker saying things like this.
if nothing else it's going to provide solid irrefutable proof of this manipulative bastard lying through his teeth?
No. 860231
>>860216I'm pretty sure Heidi said she asked him to stop the porn blogs hence why he snuck off to snapchat instead. As
>>860230 said he even lied about the intention behind them.
>>860230She did mention this so
>>859668 maybe she'll come out with them once she gets home? who knows. I understand not wanting to air ALL your dirty laundry right off the bat tbh.
No. 860248
>>859864Oops that was my bad, I misinterpreted that End it statement. Although… technically it reads as ambiguous on its own and would warrant a similar response from a therapist, or at least clarification about what it means. It's obviously suspicious the therapist could 'read his mind' about what End It means.
Also, no therapist would want something like this documented, on a non-secure HIPAA platform, because it is essentially kissing their license goodbye when something goes wrong or if his wife/ex wife finds out.
Which leads to: The issue still stands since the 'therapist' is acknowledging his partner is in a place that could threaten her life but not taking the required steps to addressing it. They would still HAVE to tell him to call 911 at this, for her.
This whole chat transcript is one big, fat liability and it is hilarious they didn't even think to look into WA laws before curating this 'proof.'
Not that a therapist would ever bring that up on their own in the first place, but I'll stop since we've established his "prOof with a pROfessionaL" is bull.
No. 860265
>>860262"Our partners were okay with it!"
>both partners are obviously destroyed by the separation and one is outspoken about itRoss hasn't said it, but it was very obvious in his actions and his admission that he didn't think he would be this okay after only 8 months
No. 860271
>>860265Yeah, everything I've heard indicates that he really was NOT okay with it & it's
very upsetting to see both cheaters take advantage of his silence.
No. 860286
>>860284"The walk" was before then, I think.
I can't shake the feeling that Ross was pressured to accept it all, knowing now how Holly manipulates & suicide-baits…
No. 860289
>>860275doubt it's a full fabrication since it would be easy to disprove and they used to be on good terms. its possible they met to work out the weird shit that was going on before it got bad (ie. before holly admitted that she was in love with jared and heidi figured out what was going oni? my grasp on the timeline isnt super clear.
either way a meeting isn't proof of much.
No. 860300
>>860275March was before fucking, so I'm Ross was highly unaware of what was happening or was being told bare details like "Lol I have such a nerd crush on Jared!"
Ross was always lovey dovey with Holly and didn't even like jokes about her being with other people. So I highly doubt he was cool with sharing her
No. 860313
File: 1567106843565.jpeg (423.62 KB, 680x880, 93F9F82B-7A48-41AE-8ADF-F69BBF…)

>>860060When people see people actively disliking Jared it’s not taking Heidi’s side, there are a lot of people who may be doing so but Jared has created his own separate situation that he takes responsibility for while denying any accountability.
He’s gross, manipulative, and just a condescending generally unlikeable nerd. Heidi and Holly respectively are their own separate people. It anything by throwing up those two adult women as distraction A and B he has a lot of people deflecting onto them. People love to go after women, especially if they’re reactive in any way. Jared has the public on his side because people love to bait Holly and Heidi into doing something (sometimes they say dumb shit and act out without maturity or any real thought, gotta love twitter).
If anything I take Heidi’s side over Keemstar, especially since he told Etika to basically jump off a cliff during an interview (Even in the context of Etika saying essentially that life doesn't mean anything and Keemstar’s reactive response of “If life doesn't mean anything why dont we all just kill ourselves” which I wanted to provide despite it not changing Keemstar unintentionally encouraging a suicidal young man’s intrusive thoughts with a smirk). Keemstar and Holly have done more to have me want to root for a side than Heidi has, if anything the things other people have said about her have been better at painting out Heidi as an abuse
victim more than her own words.
Jared is going to do what he does, avoid and deflect. Nothing else matters to me beside this dude losing his power, ngl. He lost his reputation and will hopefully not be able to prey on people anymore. That’s what is important IMO.
Heidi, Holly, and Jared are adults. It’s not a Shakespearian drama.
No. 860331
File: 1567109683919.png (71.25 KB, 530x642, treesicle.png)

No. 860339
>>860331this sucks. They had a great video and I'd even subscribed to them. Welp, guess I'll take back that subscription and block them.
Sucks to see all those soft nerds backpedaling because their senpai jared spoke.
No. 860348
>>860337Judging by TRO's twitter recently, he fell for it too.
Hell, 1 day after he made that video Jared & Holly's WKs swarmed him & he eventually posted an 'Update' linking to the Projared2 subreddit.
I'm not surprised. You're gonna see a
lot of backpedaling for the next couple weeks. Jared (& Holly) know how to work the media, so it's no surprise their troops of flying-monkeys are sitting comfortably whilst flinging their shit.
It won't last long. Both Jared & Holly seem as stable & secure as a car teetering off a cliff.
No. 860354
File: 1567112217736.png (65.21 KB, 532x572, reachout1.png)

Funnily enough, anyone who cashed in on this drama is still in hot-water.
Only now, they're all preaching "Listen to both sides!" & "CANCEL-CULTURE BAD!"
Thing is, they're never going to change. Ever. This is just another day for these opportunists.
Also, did Jared even reach out to them? Because I remember him just fucking off the internet for a good while after his second 'statement'…
No. 860357
>>860348That sucks. He was the only one who seemed to really have Heidi being a
victim of gaslighting spelled in his video.
I understand people backtracking on calling him a pedophile because it’s obvious he was too busy thinking with his dick to care about the consequences of getting nudes on Tumblr but everything else is disappointing.
No. 860366
>>860348yeah, this is what bugs me. Holly and Jared already have a huge media presence. People liked and respected both Jared and Holly. Heidi was unknown to most people, her channel was very niche and small, and she was "just a cosplayer", so gives a shit about her, right?
Even one of my female friends whom I respect in general posted one of his videos and I want to call her out. But she is only superficially into youtubers and doesn't follow drama or social media so all she sees are "false accusations" against a youtuber she watches. And then when I, who has been here for years on GG/Suzy threads and have been following this from the start, say "no it's bullshit", they don't even listen to you. Like there is a clear dissonance when people want to believe someone is wronged, and they just don't want to accept maybe their uwu idol is actually a piece of shit, Holly included in this.
This is why I want Heidi to make a video. Not just tweets. Tweets are voiceless. They are just text. Also tweets are invitations for thousands of people to individually want your attention and harass you. In a video, she could even disable replies if she wanted, but she could show receipts, discuss things HER way with her own face, voice, body language. I used to think Holly was kinda weird but ultimately harmless, and Jared was just a charming birdface who got female attention because of his interests. Now I see they are both scum of the earth and I want them to burn.
No. 860373
File: 1567114002316.png (52.63 KB, 522x276, nick.png)

I like how his stans are insisting that there are no minors in his audience, yet this guy appeared on a kids show around the same time he had all those porn blogs…
No. 860395
File: 1567118159334.jpg (31.68 KB, 750x310, 741d354.jpg)

Pulled from pj2 reddit.
Apparently posted this to Defranco's yt video but it's since been deleted.
"How dare you not even attempt to contact me about this" he didn't contact Heidi either ya fuckin psycho this isn't just about you
No. 860400
>>860395Again, didn't Jared begin his 3-month-long 'break' shortly after cobbling together a flimsy statement claiming "It was Heidi's fault!"
What a petulant creature.
No. 860416
File: 1567120177070.png (14.12 KB, 810x220, libel.png)

Remember when he tried to take legal action against Heidi out of the blue?
I wouldn't be surprised if anyone who made a video about Jared is ducking & running out of fear of him taking legal action again.
No. 860421
>>860167no she can't, turnip. you can't just put out sexy texts and nudes between two other people unless you want a lawsuit on your hands. she was within her legal rights to read the texts on the phone herself, but she's not within her rights to publish those messages to the world. only a child would snap their fingers and say "receipts????!!!" in this situation.
again, it has no connection to why Jared just HAD to put his dick out all over the internet, including "accidentally" to minors. Jared and Heidi's messy divorce fallout has zero bearing on Jared's own, solo actions in the world.
No. 860441
File: 1567122143148.png (54.86 KB, 578x420, invoking.png)

Wow, people really are this stupid, huh?
No. 860445
File: 1567122387395.png (96.58 KB, 676x550, message2.png)

No. 860446
File: 1567122422208.png (251.26 KB, 739x823, cas.png.ae26f69f51aff0160a4085…)

>>860445(Here's the pic alone)
No. 860447
>>860441Etika died because of mental illness - not because he showed his dick to anyone with a pulse or got nudes from minors or stuck his dick into the human form of crazy.
>>860445That doesn’t mean shit. The new X-Kit extension allows you to change the color of the tumblr desktop or to add themes.
No. 860449
>>860446 Where is Jared's Url? When you have a chat,old or new,on tumblr it's their url + your url
And that can't be changed by xkit.
No. 860454
File: 1567123981044.png (72.18 KB, 692x1101, Vbsma7KCXl.png)

weird, since he no longer has a tumblr.
He deactivated it a while back.
also, chatlog attached is from today from my account.
No. 860455
File: 1567123992654.png (18.01 KB, 318x474, chat.png)

>>860450>>860449I went to check. Here is the current format.
No. 860456
>>860454Do you have XKit?
>>860455 does.
No. 860461
>>859376Interesting if the dogveins person were to change their writing style like that, I know typing styles can grow more casual but interesting to see in the first post there is no other URL and also dogveins uses proper punctuation and capitalization in the first “Oh yes I am 18+ and I’m so goad you asked! HECK” proof….which, BTW when was the screencap taken? Does he have every user’s “admitting to be 18+” saved?
Am I missing something here because I haven’t watched the video, what was Jared’s explanation on the cap? Or was this even his proof?
No. 860462
>>860454"No longer has a tumblr." Pull mentioned the same thing. How can he get the chat with the current look for a blog he no longer has? You can look and see the url is being run by someone whose not falling for his bull. that it matters cause in the end cause the law doesn't give a shit. Dude didn't ID people when that's getting nudes off tumblr 101. Every body positive blog and blog that accepted nudes did that.
No. 860464
>>860458yeah this is the perfect time for him to come back, right after the video, so at the height of people fawning for him.
dogveins tumblr account is hidden which means you can only view from dashboard. posts go back to at least 2016 but I am not sure how far back it goes. At first I thought this was someone pretending to be charlie for the screenshot, especially being hidden, that's super sus to me. But they also posted a cosplay pic with another tumblr account so I'll guess it IS them. I have xkit and yes can confirm if I open a chat window it has [url] + [url] literally just checked now
No. 860465
>>860441All Heidi's done is tell her side. She didn't release his nudes, accuse him of pedophilia, or destroy his career. She finally let loose about her own personal experiences and supported people who came forward with theirs. It's not her fault if other people lied about him. Heidi's allowed to talk about this shit if she wants to. She's allowed to talk about it publicly if she wants to, because, as she herself put it
>>859079>People shit on me for talking about it publicly, but the affair happened publicly. I endured it publicly. I was abused by public figures. They never truly respected my privacy. It's cathartic to talk.And at the end of the day he's still a sick fuck who SOLICITED NUDES FROM FANS. Is it because these creeps would do the same if they could that they can't comprehend why that's disgusting? He larped his affair in a public DnD campaign. He fucked a fan at a con and then ghosted her, and only after she came out with it did he bother to contact her to apologize. He might not be a pedophile, but that doesn't make him a nice guy.
No. 860467
File: 1567125349909.png (39.1 KB, 550x440, protumblr1.png)

>>860462That tumblr is nuts!
No. 860468
File: 1567125590507.jpg (265.05 KB, 1074x1458, 1558159164605 (1).jpg)

>>860446Jared screencapped everything before he deactivated his tumblr account.
He deleted his account April 13, 2019. 9-10 days
after Chai and Charlie emailed Holly and NormalBoots. Jared was planning on disproving the allegations for longer than 4 months. His fans just helped him use Chai's brain fog as an excuse as to why he
can't possibly be guilty. Image attached has the date Jared deactivated his tumblr.
No. 860485
>>860481>>860481For real. I’m not watching, but if he just admitted to getting off to those pics of minors, homeboy just admitted to being a fucking pedophile.
No lawyer is gonna save him from that.
No. 860487
>>860481Idk if it's as good but it's internet related so it goes right to the FBI No. 860491
>>860481Unless he have something on his PC/Phone this literally means nothing.
It's like all of the fuckers here acting like tough guys can't be sent into the police.
No. 860530
>>860485It was really weird because he showed ZERO remorse about it. He tells all of this with a straight face and doesn't have any of the normal human reactions like disgust, regret, etc.
If you found out you were sexting a minor wouldn't you be at least…upset with yourself
No. 860535
File: 1567136231251.png (411.77 KB, 678x494, Screenshot 2019-08-30 at 9.05.…)

>>860458sO bRoKeN aNd bEaT dOwN
he's been live for 4 hours and seems fucking cockier than ever
i wonder if any of the 2,510,341 TOTAL VIEWS thought about whether jared is currently stroking himself under the desk looking at nudes of fans, as he used to do!
No. 860539
>>860535He's so disgusting. i'm only 10 mins into the 'apology' video and he already seems so slimy and fake. His nerd fanboys are eating it up, but it's so obvious he's ready to throw every single person under the bus to salvage what's left of his career. He's a pedo and there's no mistake what he did. he asked for nudes and didnt care if the women were underaged or not.
he fucked fans and claimed he never used his power of influence to get laid. he's scum
No. 860547
>>8605451.Starting an insanely unnecessary amount of porn/nude/sexting accounts,
2. Taking advantage of your fans for sex despite knowing you have a young fan base
3. Having a piss poor method of ensuring participants are legal
4. Multiple stories came out (too many to ignore) of women OF AGE who felt taken advantage of and used for sexual gratification
5. Instead of being horrified that he jerked off to minors, is angry he was lied to about their age then proceeds to be angry they claimed to be innocent while having cartoon blog porn
6. Sending legal threats to whoever he could
7. Letting Unogirl and Holly defend him until he got the balls to release his video where he uses manipulative language
No. 860548
>>860542Reason why I don't like
1. He is narc
2. Defends his narc mistress
3. If he wants a porn blog to get nudes from fans he shouldn't be hired by companies that are geared for all ages or minors.
4. If he wanted to leave Heidi he should have the balls to divorce her so she can't say he was cheating on her.
5. He ghosts dumb fans and they love it.
No. 860559
>>860542I personally hate him because he abused his fame to get people, minors or not, to send him nudes
But sure, tell yourself that it’s just because we all think he’s ugly, if that makes you feel like less of a creep for defending him
No. 860563
did this thread get linked somewhere? quite a few idiots flooding the thread lately
>>860550i don't know why so few people are talking about that.
"i forgive you" yes bitch why don't you say that to the minors you borderline extorted nudes from? say it to fans who thought you were one of the few genuinely normal/nice people in gaming. or say it to your wife who's still being attacked because you decided you weren't satisfied with monogamy. jesus
>>860542i and many other fans who felt betrayed by this wormy asshole didn't care about how he looked, for the years that we watched his videos. we cared that he pretended to be a really calm and nice guy who was often funny. we also don't care about the drama, we care about the people he's been exploiting and now endangering.
scumbag liar, yes. because of the face, no. there's tens of threads here for you to read before this stage my dude
No. 860568
File: 1567140683869.png (2.33 MB, 1536x2048, A60D80D8-DD14-4F3B-8D0D-3D913E…)

Why does Holly’s logo remind me of Daria- that mtv show from the 90s where the girl is trying way too hard to be dark, moody, depressing?
No. 860569
File: 1567140791351.jpeg (728.58 KB, 1281x1064, E868ACB2-FC2F-4B8F-9B58-933A0F…)

Are we taking bets on how long until we get word of some weird ProJared/Holly/Scarlet Moth triad relationship?
No. 860570
File: 1567140903853.jpeg (269.32 KB, 1318x539, 44E9471E-5B84-4454-BC48-52F525…)

Jared: No one likes cancel culture until they get the chance to cancel someone
(Can these people not get their story straight?)
No. 860573
File: 1567141292022.png (80.31 KB, 869x656, 52xUEBB.png)

>>860477This is going to surprise you but, humans are attracted to any other human that has begun puberty.
16, is not "child pornography" 16 is the legal age of consent average around the world. Including most of the states in america.
I'm assuming that you have absolutely no idea how age of consent laws work! But Let me inform you how this works. - Proof, look it all up yourself.
Age of consent is decided by the state/country you are currently in, One of the laws stipulations is that you have to ASK someone if they are of age, since the highest age of consent worldwide is 18, porn sites ask if you are 18, because they dont know where you are from, and don't care. They just want you to say you are 18 so they cover every state. Merely asking is enough for you to not be guilty of solicitation of a minor.
So lets talk about part two of this, ACTUALLY OWNING THE PICTURE. Assuming that you live in a state where 16 is legal, then owning the picture is legal there, period full stop, that's the end of part 2.
Part three of this legality, where the picture was DISTRIBUTED from, you see, the minor can be charged with ILLEGALLY DISTRIBUTING childpornography, even of themselves, if they werent solicited, or lied about their age. So the only possible person at fault after they lie is THE CHILD THEMSELVES. And yes, prosecutors can and do try children for distribution of child porn, and yes it does label them as a sex offender.
So, since he asked and charlie lied, the only person who could have broken a law is Charlie, which is the distribution of child porn. It's dependent on where he lives if he broke that law. I guess it's worth mentioning that projared has the duty to delete that picture of he has access to it still depending on where he lives.
You may not like this, but I'm sorry to be the one to inform you, 16 isn't a child in over 50% of america.
>>86057316 is absolutely still child porn! Are you fucking kidding?
Sex at 16 is only legal if their partner is within a certain age range from them, and even then, only in states with Romeo and Juliet laws. There are NO states that are okay with a 30+ year old man getting nudes from a minor.
No. 860577
File: 1567141605596.jpeg (377.58 KB, 632x1479, 0F89BF96-CB36-4B2E-8CB2-8AB1FC…)

Proof 1 of 2
No. 860579
File: 1567141697156.jpeg (234.21 KB, 739x1189, F7D84EC4-63E3-43CA-98C9-585618…)

Proof 2 of 2
No. 860580
>>860577>proofWho is this random person, what is the context of this article, what state are they talking about.
Like om really sorry this is news to you but a cursory wikipedia search about age of consent will inform you.
No. 860582
>>860578dear denica, holly is not going to lick your snatch
although jared might, the moral burden of throwing kids under the bus still isn't worth it
in short, i reiterate, fuck off pedo
No. 860585
>>860583The only federal age of consent law is that the minimum possible age of consent decided by each state is 12.
He could be talking about a specific state?
Im really sorry this is so shocking to you.
No. 860586
>>860585How are you going to sit here and defend that??
“Age of consent is 12”. Fuck off, you raging pedophile
No. 860588
>>860587no one asked this
we're waiting for when he goes to jail is all
seriously, why are you so
triggered over jared being called a pedo? is it hitting too close to home?
No. 860590
File: 1567142331095.png (142.94 KB, 842x854, Screenshot 2019-08-30 at 10.48…)

ignoring the insane pedo, let's get back to why the world is a horrible place that pays people who admit their pedophilia on a fucking video
No. 860593
The "I forgive you" is just the flaming cherry on top of the heap of gaslighting that passes for a video. Between the title, that, and the self-promotion at the end the whole video comes across as "YOU did a bad thing, not me, and I'm such a nice guy that I forgive you for doubting me (because I would never do terrible things, obviously, now go support me because you owe me that)"
That ON TOP of, to use his metaphor, "poisoning the well" by front-loading the more believable evidence to establish his credibility, then basically saying "my friends and I say I'm innocent, so we good" on the Pamela & Heidi/Holly sections.
NO self-reflection. NO remorse. Just pure, unadulterated narcissism that placing the burden of guilt on the viewer.
Dude is a master manipulator and has had years to perfect his gaslighting technique on Heidi.
No. 860605
>>860587Are you an actual fucking idiot? You’re conflating age of consent with child pornography laws. Any media of a person under 18 depicting nudity or sexual situations is child pornography in the United States. It has nothing to do with and is completely separate from statute of limitations.
So while say, projared might be able to fuck a 16 year old in Alabama legally, it will always be ILLEGAL for him to possess any nude or sexual images of said 16 year old.
No. 860607
>>860535jirard, shane, PBG, and spacehamster all joined the stream btw, and dropped huge sub bombs each.
PBG was also in the twitch chat.
i don't have caps for this but if it's necessary i can go back after the stream ends and get it from the VOD
neckbeards who eat together stick together i guess? this is after every last one of them dropped him like a fucking hot potato btw.
No. 860614
File: 1567145818978.png (133.57 KB, 1098x546, Screenshot 2019-08-30 at 11.45…)

>>860613jirard has deleted the tweet where he cries about how much jared's actions
triggered him and hence he must donate
however, never let it be said that the internet would forget easily: >> 804339
screw y'all clowns lmfao i hate these guys
No. 860616
File: 1567145973299.jpg (214.21 KB, 1200x974, D6KL7XVUwAAIzEc.jpg)

>>860614and this i thought was relevant to bring up again since i remembered jared saying
>i was not fired. i chose to leave normalboots because i didn't want my friends to come under firein his video.
this was all on the
first day of the allegations coming out all at once.
just saying, there's no exaggeration on the fact of these people actually, completely dropping him as soon as something started to stink. now they're all friends again as if nothing ever happened.
No. 860618
>>860614dropped link
>>804339>>860615he donated, the receipts are on his twitter
No. 860625
>>860624There’s almost guaranteed to be another one too, judging by his “apology” video (that was more
victim blaming than apology) and the fact that he apparently joked in his stream about what’s been going on (wtf jokes about pedo allegations?!?)
No. 860645
>>860607Oh so I take it they are okay with Projared running a porn blog whilst being a gaming channel and using his "Fame" to get his fans to send him nudes?
No. 860655
File: 1567156189524.jpeg (465.63 KB, 1292x905, 3D607068-0F16-4BE3-B48D-66765B…)

Stans: omfg y’all, Jared could have killed himself! Cancel culture is evil!
also Stans: idgf if the accusers commit suicide. Actions have consequences
No. 860658
>>860484That was me, as a note this is youtube's automatic subtitles transcript so there may be a few mistakes but he speaks quite clearly so the automatic subs are fairly accurate
>>860573Whatever the age of consent in the state he lives, sexual pictures of minors under the age of 18 are legally considered child pornography and your rant is factually incorrect. Go back to whatever pedo forum you slithered out of.
No. 860659
File: 1567157208107.png (41.79 KB, 585x289, Capture d’écran 2019-08-30 à…)

A take I thought was interesting, censored the poster because I don't want projared2 incels to harass them
No. 860678
>>860461….which, BTW when was the screencap taken? Does he have every user’s “admitting to be 18+” saved?
i mean, that would be definetely something a calculating person would do if they knew what they were doing was definitely dodgy and very easily could cause a shitstorm.
No. 860680
>>860613dude is a businessman and the main face of NB after Jon's departure. Of course the first reaction was going to be "I believe the
victims <333 here's SO MUCH MONEY to good cause <3333 don't unsubscribe pls". Jirard's whole shtick is that he's a big cuddly friendly guy, so, as we learned from Projared, of course he's probably cold and calculating in real life lol
No. 860715
>>860468Regardless, Jared held on to this conversation since April when he was first accused. And he never mentions the third underage
victim since she never posted any identifying screenshots or information.
No. 860731
File: 1567174948362.png (78.44 KB, 762x513, 503394EA-379C-4488-9E3A-7B906A…)

Heidi called it.
>I was manipulated by two teenagers and you were too!!!
No. 860734
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>>860715Actually, the third
victim posted caps from his Snapchat. She’s the only
victim he didn’t mention in his video. Probably because he deleted his Snapchat. She was the only underaged
victim that was in the US as well as the only known
victim to report him to the child exploitation tipline. Jared’s fans often discredit her because she’s anonymous.
No. 860735
>>860734Since he's basically just repeating the stuff pj2 came up with I guess he figured the third
victim would be ignored since she was anonymous
No. 860738
>>860734Is there a screen of the exchange "im 15" "cool now heres my dick"? Bc if not it's really easy to dismiss this as "oh you lied about your age too, that totally makes it your fault" (like theres no
problematic aspect about a 34 year old man using his young fanbase for his exhibitionist kink)
No. 860759
>>860741Well keep in mind that he MIGHT have done it, but he doesnt REMEMBER, tragic and trustworthy.
Btw chai is a lying sack of shit cus he suffered from hallucinations and memory loss and has gross kinks
No. 860760
>>860759Chai doesn't remember some things = his statements are therefore false
Jared doesn't remember committing federal crimes = he's clearly proved his innocence, hAvE yOu SeEn ThE vIdEo?
No. 860783
>>860760In order to commit "federal crimes" you have to willingly know and have proof of knowing. All we know is 2 people lied, one of which has a brain injury which can cause lapses in memory/judgement, which a judge in federal court WILL 100% comment on and it's why some people are able to even plead 'insanity' in the first place.
>>860759There's even laws regarding people lying about their age, it's called entrapment. As much as we hate Jared, actual law would be on his side unless he KNOWINGLY engaged and sought out young people.
No. 860792
>>860783"Knowingly" comes with the presupposition that Jared actually verified their ages where they would have to show a form or
valid ID, such as a license or birth certificate. Not just through asking if they're 18. Since he never did that, he would then be in a situation where he would knowingly be receiving those images. State and federal law put the burden of verification on the accused. Ignorance is not an excuse. And there is absolutely no way any of the underage people involved in this would be brought up on any entrapment charges.
No. 860809
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Did some digging for August of last year…
No. 860815
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>>860783>>860578>>860573Stop feeding these idiots. If some loli-loving MRA sperg wants to come here and defend a male feminist who creeps on minors, laugh at them and move on. Don't engage them; that only encourages them to post more. I can't believe how easily everyone is falling for this.
No. 860844
>>860819Not to mention Heidi has been the only one involved that truly respects his decision to be left out of this.
It’s really telling.
No. 860854
>>860655This is straight up
victim blaming. Disgusting
No. 860876
>>860857Yep, just look at what happened recently with James Charles posting a photo of his ass and h3h3's Ethan also posting one to mock him in response. He and his mouthbreathing fans thought that was the epitome of funny, but I'm 100% sure that if Hila or any other woman did that they would be called a bunch of degrading comments and sexually harassed.
Excuse this being a little OT so it's saged.
No. 860877
>>860598sage if already answered, just catching up
if propedo is partnered, it's a 70/30 split streamer/twitch
if he's just affiliate its 50/50 split
No. 860878
Color me surprised.
The members of Projared2 frequent other subreddits such as tittydrop,mensrights,progun, christianity etc.
You can easily tell which are Holly fans, Projared fans, and plain ol' women haters who are bandwagonning. No. 860879
>>860836He mentioned his new girlfriend in the last two Mario Maker episodes for Game Grumps, and he seems happy right now. As much as I want Ross's input, I don't want it at the expense of his comfort.
ProPredator and Hoelly are fucking trash, dragging him into the discussion when he specifically asked to be left out.
No. 860883
>>860857>>860866>>860876Hey remember when Jeffree Star accused James Charles of all types of shit? Guess what happened to him? Nothing. He's working with Shane Dawson whose ALSO done a ton of shit.He gave a fake apology & thats it.
Hey, remember how
problematic James Charles is? Guess what happened? Nothing he's doing amazingly.
Let a woman do HALF the shit they do and their careers are dead or it'll never be let go of.
Heidi didn't do anything half as bad as Jared and plenty of other male youtubers and she's being treated like the devil and always will be unless something else happens.
Keemstar called her whore, but Projared nor his white knights had an issue with any of that.
It's truly disgusting. I don't want to derail but I HAD to say something because you all had great points.
No. 860885
>>860883I think my favorite is how they keep calling Heidi a whore when PedoDick is the one who had SEVEN porn blogs, got nudes from fans by abusing the power imbalance, slept with other fans at cons, and fucked his buddy’s wife while both of them were still legally married to other people
It yeah, I can see how Heidi is the whore in this situation /s
No. 860889
>>860888TheQuarting is an fucking incel asshole, so of course his dumb ass would be on whatever side that a man is on. Didn't he harrass some cosplayer?
(as long as it's a "straight" man white man)
No. 860890
>>860888It's ironic isn't it? As easy as cancel culture hit Jared, the fickle internet has forgiven him, even forgetting real ethical violations and breach of trust between him and his fans and that he jacked off to minors.
Cancel culture doesn't WORK. I just hope he never regains as much power as he had. I think the support is mostly his already incel fans that didn't leave him to begin with.
No. 860894
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>>860781Is he not doing the exact same thing he shamed people for for posting clown emojis to Etika?
No. 860895
>>860892I think they mean "work" in the way people make it out to be
You'd be hard pressed to find anybody who was "cancelled" who actually lost their careers and had to work at Starbucks.
Even Nick Robinson has a successful Patreon now, and big names dropped him in a second.
It's great for identifying shit people for those of us who care, but they'll still stay successful…as long as they're men
No. 860897
>>860894charlie just wants to have Prodick on his podcast one day. He'd eat a million asses and grovel to get people on his shitty podcast.
I also feel like he didn't mention the blog on stream (people asked him too) because it's 100% something I could see him doing.
It's funny how out of "respect' for Projared's video he got rid of the video, when has he ever done that before?
No. 860901
> "I just hope he never regains as much power as he had"Unfortunately, he will - albeit temporarily via his new incel cohorts. But like you said, internet is fickle and can change at the drop of a hat.
When he got away with it this time, he's going to find it easier to do it again in the future - but he'll eventually push a boundary too far and fuck up beyond all repair next time.
>>860899That's why I can't figure out why Hoelly freaked out so hard about cancel culture. It clearly didn't fucking work when all it took to sway people back to ProPedo's side was a bullshit 42 minute video spewing the same shit that most of us already knew.
No. 860916
>>860908It's pretty typical of these kinds of people
It's gets them lots of support in a community they wouldn't normally reach because LGBT+ are always happy to have another influencer's support.
But comparatively it's a much smaller community than their main fanbase, so is easily thrown away when they're desperate to get the masses on their side. Since at the moment all Pedo and Hoelly care about is spreading this "redemption arc" bullshit people are calling it, they're ignoring any
problematic supporters they have.
Essentially something they can slap onto their list of checkboxes of good deeds quota they need to hit instead of genuinely giving a shit
No. 860926
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ProPedo's incel fans leaving threats on Heidi's tweets, it's awful.
No. 860930
>>860926There was one yesterday that said he hoped Heidi got terminated for trying to ruin PedoDick's career.
These threats are scaring ME and I'm only seeing a fraction; I can only imagine how terrifying it would be to be Heidi right now.
The kicker is that his stans are still pulling the "But he said not to harass her so he's a good guy!" card.
No. 860937
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>>860936I was rewatching Labyrinth and Holly basically reminds me of Hoggle and I can't unsee it, so.. Hoeggly
No. 860941
>>860940Ironically enough, from what I can tell, Hoelly passed the blame for that off to someone else too (mainly letting Jessica take the rap).
She has a real distinct inability to accept her own fault in literally anything - her marriage falling apart was because she needed trees, Heidi and Jared's marriage falling apart was because Heidi is a vindictive whore (and not because Holly was fucking Jared behind her back), getting kicked off of DCA was because of cancel culture (not for the whole defending a pedophile and fucking him while married thing)
She is a true narcissistic piece of human excrement. I can only hope her just deserts are coming soon.
No. 860944
File: 1567209454880.png (47.14 KB, 564x733, Screenshot_234.png)

saged for no new content
but props to whomever stole ProJared's tumblr and is currently dealing with the influx of people who still think PedoDick is in charge of it
No. 860945
>>860941I hate that she hides behind depression and mental illness too.
And then streams "mental health mondays" to give people advice, when really the last person you need to take advice from is someone like Hoelly who is super manipulative and clearly doesn't know how to properly cope with her issues.
uwu pls no buly only heals
im trash xd but birds are neat
owo remember heidi is a manipulative person and she's evil~
cancel culture is bad u.u
No. 860946
>>860945This. There's plenty of mentally ill people on twitter - We don't fuck our friends' husbands behind their backs and then label them crazy and unfixable when they get rightfully pissed off. We don't take someone else's tragic suicide and make it about ourselves to guilt others into leaving us alone.
Mental Illness isn't a get-out-of-jail free card.
No. 860947
>>860937Good spot anon! This guy is still more attractive somehow.
>>860943I really hope so, too. It breaks my heart at how manipulative these two have been to and about her when she has done nothing but remain civil and explained her side without the vibe Holly and Hated give off that reeks of insincerity, that Heidi is now getting harassed by ugly incels on top of all of this makes me want the poor girl to get a year of vacation or something far away. I hope the truth bites both these scumbags in the ass.
No. 860951
New Video on his gameplay channel:'s 60% icky fawning over his former female editor(Watch out, Holly!) and 40% "I'm just a confused widdle bean, validate me in the comments or I won't keep going with this channel.
Either's he's absorbing Holly's traits through autistmosis or was always like this and is so high on his "comeback" he's comfortable revealing that part of himself.
No. 860952
>>860951I really do think he's flying high off of his little "comeback" video. I think his dumbass honestly thinks everything is done and over with and his career will get back to normal.
He doesn't realize that, even taking the minors out of the equation, most people still think he's fucking disgusting.
No. 860953
>>860951"I wanted to make sure that she had a job that she enjoyed, that it was making her money"
And yet when he had to apparently give Heidi some kind of spousal support (in that text with the alleged mental health professional), he acted like it was the worst thing in the world.
He literally treated his editor with more kindness and respect than his fucking wife.
No. 860966
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This is a liked tweet on Miss Editor's account and it leaves me wondering if Jared's trying to pass her leaving off as a "Oh, it was mutual" like he tried with the divorce announcement (which we all now know to be anything BUT mutual and peaceful)
No. 860969
>>860968THAT is when we'll see the true evidence - because Jared may have been able to pay for a more expensive/better lawyer than Heidi, but Hoelly has Grandpa's money on her side. She won't give a singular fuck about dropping all of the evidence against Jared (because if anyone think he's actually going to change his predatory behavior, they're wrong).
THAT would be a shitshow I'd pay to see.
No. 860970
>>860968It’ll be interesting to see what dumb mistake will be his down fall
Despite what happened he hasn’t learned a thing and that will make him bolder to do something stupid
No. 860975
>>860973Well here are a good number of male gamers who aren't incels (ProPedo's an example since it's confirmed he's fucked Holly). Being one means you're more likely to also be an incel but those are two separate groups we're talking about here. There's an overlap though when it comes to being sexist towards women and exhibiting general bigotry.
>>860974Jesus fucking Christ, poor guy. He should continue to stay away from the drama–he really doesn't need to experience more stress right now. Wonder if ProPedo and/or Homewrecker will acknowledge this news at all.
No. 860976
>>860975Knowing Homewrecker's innate desire to be the center of attention at all times, I can see her try to twist this godawful news to work for her (like using "I'm so sorry Ross, let me know if you need anything" so her fans look and think she's being kind and warm-hearted)
Poor Ross, man. Cancer is a real bitch.
No. 860985
>>860983I feels like Jared can't have a single relation or acquaintanceship with a woman without sex being involved
I'll have to go back and check but I don't believe Heidi was aware of Miss Editor and Jared's exchanges but Editor was told she was okay with it?
No. 860997
>>860993Maybe they weren't banging then, but it's pretty suspicious that he claims she stopped working for him because she was scared of the blowback - but she still drops into the streams and gives away subs….
>>860995I find it extraordinarily hard to believe that so many of Jared's friends were NOT aware of the shit he pulled. Guys are guys - and they tend to brag about the women they're getting with, or if they've got some kind of racket in getting nudes from all different kinds of women.
>>860996"Well, he said she was okay with it!"
That's cheater 101; Unless you hear from the wife that she is okay with it, assume she isn't.
I'd love nothing more than to watch Heidi continue this public execution once she's back from her DragonCon trip.
No. 861020
>How do you even consider cheating on your gorgeous quiche elf wife with a gargoyle like this…Because the gorgeous quiche elf wife eventually developed a sense of self-respect & knows too much, while the gargoyle has
no self-respect & isn't all too familiar with his habits.
Also it is
very common for men to cheat on their attractive wives with unattractive women.
This explains i further: No. 861023
>>860999Heidi doesn’t deserve this at all, and it’s sad to watch this play out as it has. Holly, for all her ~uwu feminism~ talk, can have fun as Jared’s pick-me until he throws her ass to the curb as easily as he did his wife.
Have fun constantly pandering to the MRAs that praise you for sTiCkInG bY uR mAn, Holly. Congrats, you did it.
No. 861030
File: 1567221470715.jpg (Spoiler Image,8.57 KB, 275x197, 1567081814085.jpg)

>jared was a creep asking pictures but was open about it and not really a pedo. The troon accusing him is a cow of its own
>Heidi encouraged the creepy picture thing and looked at the pictures with him
>Heidi wanted poly because uwu but regretted it and got buttblasted when Jared took her word and fucked someone else. Heidi was fucking a troon at the time.
>Jared wanted to dump Heidi, Heidi went apocaliptic and tried to play the victim card to come out on top except they are all creeps, idiots and inmature people who can't behave like adults and don't deserve an internet career.
>lc violently takes sides for Heidi because of reasons. literally everywhere else people laugh at them all for behaving like clown world rejects and playing themselves with the drama
I haven't checked on this cows for a while, nothing has changed since the first thread tbh.
No. 861039
>>861030Ah, yet another propedo stan who got lost on their way to the PJ2 discord
> "Jared wanted to dump Heidi"Then he should have done it. Again, divorce doesn't exactly require both parties agree to it before one files. If he was THAT miserable, he should have bailed then and there.
> " literally everywhere else"You mean the discord where they are all tripping over themselves to forgive the dude who abused his fame to get people to send in nudes? Aight.
No. 861046
> " literally everywhere else"
>You mean the discord where they are all tripping over themselves to forgive the dude who abused his fame to get people to send in nudes?Don't forget that there's plenty of people on Twitter who have come to the conclusion; "Well, he's not a pedo, but he
still sucks."
No. 861054
File: 1567222818947.png (811.52 KB, 1368x2048, Screenshot_20190830-233852.png)

>>859454What a wonderful human being Jared is.
No. 861058
>>861047Where else would she get the kind of money like she used to? Who really cares if you might be stepping on a
No. 861062
> "thought Heidi would have a big mouth….telling everyone he cheated"Turns out he should've been worried about all of the minors and other women he was fucking behind Heidi's back.
> "pressuring her to sign an NDA"Honestly, refusing to sign that NDA was the smartest thing Heidi could have done. Then, Hoelly could have ran her mouth the entire time and Heidi would've just had to sit back and take it or face serious financial reprecussions.
>>861058It makes you wonder if the people who are openly still supporting him have given thought to their own careers. Like, if people are avoiding Jared because of the scandal, they're going to avoid anyone who condones that behavior too.
No. 861068
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>>861067The ride never ends
No. 861075
>>861039>Then he should have done itBut he did. All this came to be because Heidi being butthurt her marriage ended. He already filed for divorce when she went to Twitter court.
>>861039>forgive the dude who abused his fame to get people to send in nudes?Don't question the wife that knew and that was "high fiving him" when he showed her the pictures. They are both creeps.
All of them are exceptional individuals, i am not pro anyone here but the lc narrative of Heidi being a pure undiluted smol bean
victim really doesn't hold up, since the first thread goalposts keep getting moved and more info Heidi was withholding became obvious. That she forgot to mention the polyamory and that it was suggested by her, that was the first red flag something is not quite complete with the story.
(Derailing) No. 861086
> "But he did"He didn't file for divorce until May. If he was THAT unhappy back in 2018, he should have filed then.
> "he already filed for divorce when she went to Twitter court"He filed the same day that he made the statement on twitter - the same day that he blocked Heidi and tried to pretend like this was amicable when it was not.
> "the lc narrative of Heidi being a pure undiluted smol bean victim"Nobody here has called her a 'smol bean
victim'. In fact, most of acknowledge that she could have handled things differently. The problem here is that there is a scale of shittiness - and Jared is firmly at the top.
> "she forgot to mention the polyamory"No, she just didn't think it was pertinant becuase it wasn't. Polyamory doesn't mean you fuck whoever you want, regardless of what your partner things. The minute Heidi cut off her side relationship and asked Jared to do the same, it became cheating.
No. 861095
>>861083Anyone else notice that Heidi's 'abuse' only seems to have occurred
while he was cheating?
No. 861100
>>861095Or that Holly acknowledged that the abuse claims were bullshit in one of her texts to Heidi (which, idk about y'all, but if I knew someone was allegedly
abusive, I wouldn't be texting them), and has backtracked and is once again claiming it was abuse
No. 861102
File: 1567225616495.png (346.5 KB, 1206x1256, Screenshot 2019-08-31 at 9.57.…)

pamela horton just recanted her allegations? what's going on suddenly?
No. 861110
>>861108SOMETHING is going on for sure because there's no other way every bit of opposition this slimeball was facing would just… vanish. everyone who railed on him is now gifting him money on top of money. people who said he was skeezy to them are doing an about turn (see also: dorku, miss editor). and there is not one negative comment on his videos/twitter anymore.
did i step into an alternate timeline because.
>>861109fuck off virgin
No. 861111
>>861110That's what I'm thinking. One or two people backtracking, sure - that happens. But this is NUMEROUS people suddenly going "Turns out Jared isn't creepy! LOLOL OUR BAD!" when less than a week ago, most of them were still pretty perturbed.
Something ain't right here…
No. 861118
File: 1567226698985.png (22.76 KB, 492x212, de8b8623a7af216dcadf7dacd7fbff…)

Dude is definitely pulling some strings behind the scenes. Can he get any more fucking smug about this?
No. 861119
>>861117It's really seeming more like Heidi hit the nail on the head when she spoke of legal threats and Jared carrying on behind-the-scenes.
it's very, VERY sketchy that Jared puts up his 42 minute video, streams the next day, puts a video up on his gaming channel, and MIRACULOUSLY everyone starts recanting their stories.
If they were going to recant, they could have done it months ago - Why now unless he just sent out lawsuits or legal cease-and-desist notices?
No. 861125
>>861124I can't believe that someone who was very loud and firm in their belief would suddenly backtrack unless she was threatened with a lawsuit or something.
This whole thing reeks of Jared once again manipulating the narrative.
No. 861129
>Why now unless he just sent out lawsuits or legal cease-and-desist notices?Bingo.
No one wants to court, so they might as well comply.
No. 861137
>>861134Yeah, this is getting preeeetty weird. Everyone's doing it in the same way too; deleting the 'offending' tweets/videos & making a public statement like "I was Wrong/Fooled/Lied to/etc."
All just a few days after his video . No wonder he seems so chipper & confident now…
No. 861148
>>861146Reminds of how he 'reached out' to Unogirl & they had a pleasant 'talk' but for
whatever reason she wouldn't show any ss of it…
No. 861149
>>861146Are you getting the same smug, vaguely emotionally
abusive (ex: “I appreciate that you didn’t get hysterical and remained respectful”) vibes that I’m getting from that? Anyone?
No. 861150
>>861149Same here.
This boy is covering his tracks.
No. 861151
>>861129Accusing people on the internet is pretty easy, but if you don't have a case irl then of course you would take it back instead of facing a lawsuit for libel if your ass get dragged to court to back those serious claims you made.
If Jared is that guilty it should be easy for everyone to stand their ground and put him in jail it would seem. They would be the ones interested in getting dragged to court, they'd be glad!. Why would Jared litigate if he knew he would lose? why would he take people to court if they had such incriminating evidence that would ruin him? Because those people were after internet points jumping in a bandwagon and can't put their money where their mouth is and back up their claims legally. If he really has the receipts as he said they are all fucked and Jared could walk away with a nice sum of money for the grievance, that's why.
(ban evasion) No. 861159
>>861157Holy shit.
What I thought was just a messy divorce might be something bigger.
I feel like there's some Channel Awesome or Hollywood coverup shit going on…
No. 861160
>>861117Jared's schtick is uwu
victim 'oh Heidi I feel like someone's manipulating me I don't know who'. while in reality he's attempted to browbeat Heidi legally behind the scenes. Fortunately, she knew not to sign anything.
I'm trying to work out who's the predator and who's the prey out of Holly and Jared but I
think Jared's running shit since Holly has been the one to publicly lose a lot on his behalf. Still, she's going to give him hell and I can't wait. Hope they move in together and also resume working together. It'll be a treat!
No. 861169
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She’s another who has been vocally against Jared, so I want to see how this one goes…
No. 861178
>>861169Yeah, he's definitely throwing his legal weight around where he can.
I noticed He just bitched about Game Grumps & PhillyD, most likely because they make more money than him.
No. 861180
>>861178it's probably also more difficult to access them privately and manipulate their portrayal of him.
Fuck I hate him, i hope all of this backfires twice as hard.
No. 861183
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Holly’s too busy with PedoDick to send Ross well wishes for his sick mother
Super classy, Hoelly
No. 861194
>>861183This is a retarded nitbpick simply because how often do you SERIOUSLY stay on good grounds, let alone good friends, with an ex? Especially an ex wife, especially how their situation ended?
Like damn, some times I think the people here are dumber than Jared's defenders lol.
>>861190All sides in this situation are full of people blinding supporting/defending/thinking holly/heidi/jared can do no wrong.
(Ban evasion ) No. 861200
>>861160They’re both manipulative and are manipulating each other but Jared is a lot more subtle about it vs. Holly’s childish tantrums and suicide baiting. She was blatantly trying to manipulate him into dumping Heidi for her and he’ll play the uwu confused manipulation
victim when it serves him, but I don’t doubt he sees right through her. He has shown that he’s quite capable of manipulating his fans for sexual gratification without any input from Holly, and I don’t doubt that if he’d never met Holly he’d still be collecting nudes and fucking fans at cons behind Heidi’s back while gaslighting her into thinking she’s just being paranoid and controlling. He was perfectly happy to string both women along and I think it’s Holly’s anvil-to-the-face brand of “if you don’t leave her for me I’ll hurt myself” manipulation that caused the whole thing to unravel.
There should be an Aesop in there somewhere. Like, the more you use your dick to go fishing the more likely you are to catch a rabid lamprey.
No. 861202
>>861200I doubt there'll ever be a public breakup unless something else wrecks one of them publically.
Their unwavering supporters have by and large been from Strix-X-Diath DCA fans.
Anything that hurts that risks dividing that support pretty hard.
No. 861210
File: 1567244391819.png (28.87 KB, 587x258, Screenshot_236.png)

Just when you thought Jared's incel crew couldn't get worse, they're now spouting straight up rape apologist bullshit.
"If anything, they wanted to get "lured" because they could've said no."
No. 861222
>>861185She knows that if she wants to keep Jared and "win", she will have to let him fuck his female fans.
Hoelly cucked herself.
No. 861225
>>861185I think that’s because she got her sperm brows done differently.
Holly, since you clearly lurk here, those caterpillars don’t suit you either.
No. 861229
File: 1567249364264.jpg (354.34 KB, 1437x2001, IMG_20190831_122601.jpg)

Holly still trying to force WoC to bring back DCA so she can live through her kiddie fantasies.
No. 861232
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also love how tumblr isn't having it
No. 861256
>>861229i think more than just weird fantasy roleplay, holly just really really wants to be handed back the easiest way she ever made money. her shirts don't sell enough to sustain her, and she's been crying about only being a moderately rich woman than a very rich one since DCA kicked her off.
she just really wants to sit around and make stupid noises and act like she's hilarious, and get paid for it.
>"continue their stories uwuwu"yeah we all know you just want more porn drawn of you and the valuable prize you won, you horny bitch
No. 861288
>>861229I love how she's so unoriginal and stuck on this one character that the supposed 'uwu lifetime DnD player' cant even just try and make a different DnD podcast.
I never cared about DCA but I think no matter what that to a lot of people those characters are tainted because it really was a gateway to end a marriage. Especially when 'uwu anxious strixu' went for weeks shitting on someone's mental health and saying that Heidi couldnt be trusted BECAUSE of her supposed mental illness.
Hoelly really shot herself in the foot by really trying to just make Strix a self insert cause anything she does will be put on her
Also are Nate, the DM or the other chick even trying to say anything about starting the podcast back up cause they seem to have mostly moved on.
No. 861289
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Jared actually liked this tweet…Can he stop exposing himself as a narc creep for one minute? I guess incel hugbox made his ego even bigger.
>>861288>Also are Nate, the DM or the other chick even trying to say anything about starting the podcast back up cause they seem to have mostly moved on.Nope, they haven't tweeted it nor they have liked Holly's bring back DCA petition tweet.
It looks like they have moved onto other D&D campaigns with their characters. Holly could have done that but other campaigns probably don't have place for her forbidden wormdick love subplot so it doesn't interest her.
No. 861290
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>>861179Yeah, also looking up "h3h3productions" on Twitter yields a lot of comments from Jared's little stan-army demanding that Ethan 'look at things
differently (uwu)"
No. 861292
>>861289Ethan… a 'prude'?
LMAO keep reaching Chris!!!
No. 861296
>>861289>>861291Oh this is just
too rich.
Also bear in mind that Ethan is a
new parent. It's not
completely unreasonable to feel uncomfortable about a guy using his fanbase (which yes, contains
children) for potential fap-material.
I also like the title "EXPOSED as a
Prude!" as if having reservations about someone is something to be
ashamed of! lmao
No. 861301
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Oooh ProJerkoff & his stan-army are BIG MAD!
Don't back down Ethan!
No. 861302
>>861301People are trying to say his dimply, g-rated ass cheeks, posted in tongue and cheek are the same are somoene asking/sending their rigid cock to people.
I hope ethan doesn't back off.
No. 861311
>>861307They fail to understand that their whole thing is an echo chamber. I joined the discord to offer a differing point of view (since they like to preach acceptance) and got shit on regularly for daring to not suck Jared’s weird dick in between bouts of refusing to lick Holly’s puss.
They’re ridiculous
No. 861315
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fuck, I really wish Ross could catch a break right now. this Jared shit is the last thing he needs while this is going on
No. 861318
>>861311Believing someone that actually has evidence to defend himself against accusations that are proven false is hardly an echo chamber. It's called having a brain.
Perhaps people here could use that instead of defending the side of someone that has further lied in order to destroy someone's career. Heidi is a two faced hypocrite and made contradicting statements during this whole thing. But I understand it's easier to pearl clutch instead of looking at the proof.
No. 861320
>>861318lied in what way, exactly?
people here who have been gaslit and manipulated and cheated on recognize the visceral reaction Heidi had.
different from holly’s batshit reactions to whatever didn’t go her way
Also PLEASE sage your shit. JESUS. you’re not contributing anything
No. 861322
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This reminds me how a good number of ProPedo supporters also defend Vic Mignona.
No. 861323
>>861318imagine defending a 30 year something old fart who just wants to get his dick wet on teenagers because u just hate the idea of a woman getting support from a nasty break up,
The only thing Jared proved is that he can't remember shit when its convenient and that teenagers lie to get attention from their idols even if that means sending them nudes, something Jared happily abused and probably will do again
No. 861327
>>861320She said she was totally okay with the stuff that was happening at the time concerning the porn blog and even encouraged it. It's really to do a 180 when you're in a divorce situation and the internet suddenly decides to murder your husband. She also puts herself directly into the spotlight again when the video response that Jared put out had clearly nothing to do with her, putting a narrative that he's manipulative for even releasing a video defending himself against him being a pedo while she's at a convention is just the stupidest thing I have read so far in this whole thing.
It's not because someone believes that they've been gaslit, manipulated and cheated on, that they were gaslit, manipulated and cheated on. It's kind of like believing someone sent nudes to you while you were underage when you clearly couldn't have remembered that from your own accounts of having axonal brain injuries. Just saying.
>>861328Heidi was betrayed by someone she trusted to help her and Jared
Even in the texts between Sara and Heidi it looks like Sara isn't even listening to Heidi??
It basically looks like Sara is covering her own ass like "I didn't know you would ever see these!"
No. 861336
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You guys ready for this? It would be good if someone recorded it btw, just in case
No. 861338
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Heidi released screenshots from her converastion with a therapist that also conversed with Jared No. 861341
>>861334right?! “I understand.”
ok but do you really
No. 861349
>>861347How do you know? I highly doubt Heidi would sign a release for her emotionally
abusive and emotionally manipulative husband to know about her mental health so that he could use it as a weapon against her.
No. 861353
I just love that everyone is praising Jared for releasing texts, but when Heidi does the same, she's an evil whore just trying to gain publicity for it.
>>861351Boom, there it is. That's what I mean. Jared released info that wasn't his to release.
No. 861357
>>861350>>861347Jared for sure can't share private shit that involves Heidi's medical information
Also this "therapist" sure does a lot of walking around apologies. "I'm sorry HE used it like this" "I'm sorry YOU can't see how much I care"
No. 861358
>>861354she is so dismissive it's blowing my fucking mind. how does this kind of person ever get a psychotherapist's licence is beyond me
heidi had better get some justice at the end of this clusterfuck, jesus
No. 861359
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>>861338Here it is fully screenshoted, this therapist is mindblowingly shitty. all these "i'm sorry you fell that way but i politely asked jared not to do that" is just… so dry and official. No therapist in my life ever said something like that to me, and I live in a shitty third-world country with shitty therapists.
No. 861360
> "I'm sorry HE used it like this"> "I'm sorry YOU can't see how much I care"Goddamn, apparently her therapist is ALSO emotionally
abusive and is a gaslighter.
No. 861363
>>861343>>861347Doesn't matter. She acknowledges Heidi might harm herself or threaten her life and did not tell Jared to call 911, with is LEGALLY required in this profession, and the information is shared via text which is not HIPAA secure.
Heidi can sue her on two counts.
No. 861364
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>>861357Heidi catches on to that, Sara's all "sorry you feel that way", what a garbage job she did
No. 861366
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what the fuck is this "therapist"
No. 861367
doesn't matter if heidi signed a release for relevant information to be discussed with her at-the-time husband
>>861364… was this holly in a mustache and goggles? this person is a psychopath
No. 861372
>>861362with Jared - NOT to give Jared something to post to the entirety of the internet
>>861365No - Holly threatened suicide when she was getting shit for being a cheater. Heidi talked about suicide because she was actually suicidal BEFORE this shit went public.
>>861368I'd donate in heartbeat. This professional did everyone else in the industry a huge disservice.
No. 861380
>>861366>wanted you both to get assistance locally>I was completely unable to find a therapist locallyI'm gonna go ahead and guess this is some BetterHelp-tier pseudo therapist. I can't explain it any other way. She also seems way too savvy when it comes to their internet shit, explaining his video to her and all that. This is sketchy as fuck.
Sadly, it makes Heidi look pretty bad too:
>Jared used couple's therapy sessions to try to break up with meThen LET HIM. This shit reinforces the "Heidi didn't let me leave her" story.
No. 861381
>>861378It all lines up pretty well with "the walk" and then Jared and Holly starting to secretly fuck.
I bet she as suicidal, her husband was lying, gaslighting and icing her out. Moved far away from any support system and can't even speak to the people around her bc they're wrapped around Jared's finger
No. 861382
>>861378So what's your point? Heidi is allowed to be suicidal, she's allowed to not be in a great mental frame of mind as long as she isn't weaponizing it. Considering NONE of us knew about it until her douchebag ex released private texts, I'd say she's in the clear as far as weaponizing it, unlike Hoelly who uses it as a get-out-of-jail free card regularly.
>>861380Why is everyone acting like "She didn't let him leave!"?? He's a grown ass fucking adult who could have walked away at any time. It's not like Heidi kept him chained up in the basement or something.
No. 861385
>>861380It mentions that Heidi was upset about the idea of breaking up because Jared offered no reason for it. He just wanted to split.
Which can be pretty confusing and devastating for a married couple of that long and together for even longer. Most people would attempted to fix it, especially if one party won't say why they want a divorce
No. 861387
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>the second part of my text was to remind him that your struggle with thoughts of suicide triggered him adversely
yeah, yeah. what did you open with again?
>i don't know how, but i know that she will threaten to commit suicide and beg you not to do it which is going to be incredibly difficult for you and put you in an even more terrible situation
that was it. that was the ONLY part of this therapist's text. heidi, sue her so hard she can't sit straight
No. 861389
>>861384>>861385we're forgetting that heidi mentioned jared used to tell her their relationship being in the gutter was HER fault and she being the husband-pleaser that she was would try endlessly to please him. (she said this way back in may).
if she ever "didn't let him leave", i am willing to bet it was more along the lines of "no, wait, i'll go EVEN far to make things better, don't cut me off yet" than jared is implying.
No. 861390
>>861380Has to be a bullshit BetterHelp “therapist”. Has to be. Even the wording in the earliest texts makes me question their credibility, like:
>I’m sorry YOU couldn’t seeWouldn’t a legit therapist take extra care to use “I” statements, so the patient doesn’t feel attacked/blamed??
No. 861392
>>861390Yeah, that's pretty much therapist 101 in college - using "I feel" statements instead of "YOU did this" or "YOU said that" kind of shit.
>>861391Well, if that's true and the therapist DID talk to Holly, that just adds to Heidi's potential lawsuit against the therapist
No. 861395
>>861390so is it that jared, so balls-deep in youtube money that he's basically handing out C&Ds to everyone who as much as
breathes in his direction, hired a fucking cheap/shit online service to do marriage counseling/for therapy for his
i can't believe how efficiently this guy makes me hate him more and more every day
No. 861400
>>861387The horrible truth is Jared is taking complete advantage of having the upper hand of having more money than Heidi.
He may have paid for her stuff when she was moving out, but it’s obvious that him being well off was a built in failsafe if Heidi spilled the beans of him being a cheating, gaslighting asshole.
She wanted him to tell people he was cheating on her which is what lead to the divorce. He didn’t and she got mad and snapped. Now he’s using his money to his advantage knowing that Heidi is a very emotional person. It’s disgusting.
No. 861402
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>>861391>>861392I feel like Jared also fucked "Sara" because if what Holly said was true then…
No. 861403
>>861400Exactly. He may have dropped below 1 million subs but he still has 700k which is more than most small youtubers. On top of (now) 1.6k subs on Twitch
Jared (and now Holly) are not hurting for cash and he's 100% willing to use that to silence Heidi and
victims No. 861406
>>861399Yep, doesn't seem like a very reliable therapist.
Once again, Holly & Jared are taking advantage of peole's ignorance. People tend to think ALL therapists are 'professional' & 'reliable' when that couldn't be further from the truth.
No. 861409
>>861407That’s exactly what happens to a
victim of gaslighting. They’re driven crazy.
No. 861415
>>861410no, because her account of her suffering seems a lot more legitimate than:
1. unogirl flip flopping
2. the internet taking the first hot take they see as gospel truth
3. the therapist spouting plain and simple unprofessional bullshit to BOTH her patients
so, no
No. 861417
>>861405Jared: this person lied about their age which makes it ok that I jerked off to nude pics of minors
you: yeah fuck them kids
No. 861420
>>8614151. Heidi lied to Uno girl. She used her guilt against her.
2. The internet sucks.
3. Are you a fucking therapist? Do you know how therapists are supposed to handle things?
>>861417 They lied about being
victims. So yes. Fuck them. They're not kids anymore, they're adults. They shouldn't get harassed but what they did fucks over real
victims No. 861421
>>861420>Because they're adults now, they were not taken advantage of by Jared when they were kidsSound logic there, pal
Go back to r/projared2
No. 861422
As I said before, many people assume ALL therapists are 'professionals' same with doctors.
Judging by Holly's tweets, it sounded like Jared said to his therapist that he can't 'fix' his wife or something similar.
It also sounds like Sara is reiterating what Jared's been telling her, which is usually how therapists talk to their clients, professional or not.
No. 861424
>>861420they were kids when this happened you complete moron
and what the fuck is this argument? "used her guilt against her" just point me to the caps because all we have to go off is unogirl appearing once to say "oh she lied to me." with no proof
if the internet sucks you shouldn't worry about it being gaslit
i may not be a therapist but i don't need to, in order to know what it works like
have the mods been served C&Ds by jared too or can they stop the discordfag fuckery here
No. 861426
>>861420not the same poster, but I am. Absolutely unprofessional. Didn’t know how to treat her patients? Refer out. Don’t keep poor treatment in-going.
Incompetent and unprofessional.
AFAIK, you also need a secured line of communicating medical information. Not texting.
No. 861427
>>861420Jared: yes this person was underage, yes I received nudes from this child and had sexual conversations with them and here is the proof
you: no
victims here!
No. 861429
>>861426Texting-based therapy is actually becoming more common, marketed towards people who clam up in face-to-face or towards those who can't come in to the office (Like agoraphobics).
But yes, I agree. I've had counselors tell me that they did think we'd be good fits - THAT is what you do when you don't know how to treat a specific patient. You don't counsel them and hope for the best; You pass it to someone who KNOWS what to do/say.
No. 861430
>>861426this is so incredibly fucked up
i don't know how these 2 bit online therapy services aren't drowning in lawsuits
No. 861431
>>861410….no. If you have a legitimate, qualified therapist, AKA not some half-assed BetterHelp idiot with a degree in god-knows-what, the client isn’t in a position to gaslight a well-trained professional. Therapists are prepared for those odd situations, and the texts shown upthread between Heidi and said “therapist” are not an example of this.
This is a wife suffering at the hands of her shitty husband and receiving no emotional support.
No. 861432
>>861359>>861359holy fuck
they are seriously trying to turn it around and blame Heidi for what Sara did, "we were so worried" "i was so worried i had to go get counselling thanks to you"
aka I fucked up but it's your fault.
No. 861433
>>861424It's really fucking dumb that you have to assume that everyone that doesn't agree with you is a fan of Jared. I'm fucking not. But kids lying to get into a fucking 18 plus space is not the fault of the person trying to keep them out. That said, it's fucking gross Jared even used fans like that. He's not fucking innocent by any stretch. But Charlie lied about their age, and then tried to weaponize that. That's not a
victim. As for being socially inept, it's really fucking tiring that you keep calling me a PJ2fag just because I don't wanna lick Heidi's feet.
They all are awful. Fuck all of them. Even Heidi. I'm fucking done with this thread.
No. 861441
ignoring the derailing asshole loose in the thread – heidi is getting insane hate on her twitter. dunno if i should post caps if it counts as WKposting
also thread pic candidates (in case no one has time to do artwork before the thread fills)
>>858866>>858922>>858942>>858968>>859021 (personal vote)
>>859400>>859994>>860731 No. 861452
>>861396Well there's
>>859021 but mostly we need a new OP that covers the Return of the Worm and the Sara case files and isn't garbage
No. 861456
>>861452That should be the title
"Return of the Worm Edition"
No. 861461
File: 1567277013288.png (729.68 KB, 928x1438, Screenshot 2019-09-01 at 12.11…)

denica and dan are piling on DMthrowaway, the "Projared has seen these titties" account who keeps outing him every now and again but doesn't get much attention for some reason rest of the thread after this is interesting with some amount of milk
"these conversations are illegal if you don't have permission to post them" how about you tell that to jared, friends
No. 861462
>>861461Of course they are. These two
really should be more careful or they'll get roped into some legal trouble themselves.
No. 861463
>>861461There's so much irony in them now attacking someone for sharing conversations with other people, when their hero ProDickface just posted a screenshot of conversation with the "therapist" and Hoelly shared the conversations between Heidi and Jared
They're going to be on attack mode now that Heidi is again spilling evidence and is going to go on livestream when she gets home.
Serious - SOMEONE archive that livestream.
No. 861469
>>861468oh man, if it ever comes out that jared using holly to pay for all them expensive lawyers is the reason she was crying about having to go back to barista work, i will shit myself laughing
thank you anon for planting the possibility in my head
No. 861476
>>861474>>861473I mean, we've been joking about "She must have a puss made of gold!", not realizing how true that must be.
It's like reverse prostitution - Jared fucks her and HE gets the money.
No. 861477
>>852741>>861426>>861429sage for two interesting questions:
1) were projared or holly ever sponsored by an online therapy service?
2) were heidi-jared using that same service for couples counseling?
in april 2018 jared posted about going on a 10 day mental health retreat by himself, so i don't understand why they couldn't find a local licensed therapist. unless the "mental health retreat" is code for sex with the holly (a form of self-harm imo)
No. 861483
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>>861482ProPedo fans are seething and Jared is annoyed that he can't threaten him with a lawyer.
No. 861486
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>>861483basically, for once I support Ethan's behavior in something. Who knew. Take the piss out of him forever, Ethan.
No. 861488
>>861483The fact that Ethan is an actual father while as far as I know all the other YouTube shills apologizing to Jared don’t have any kids probably helps him see the actual issue with what Jared did.
I don’t like H3H3 but at least they have some moral stance based in reality.
No. 861489
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>"Are we gonna see ProJared add them to the lawsuit?"Holy shit they are
beyond butthurt that Ethan isn't worshiping the martyr that is ProlapsedJared!
No. 861490
>>861483I love that Ethan isn't feeding into their shit (and he's someone I only vaguely knew about before, so it's not like I'm a fan)
>>861488I think that's also why DeFranco isn't backing down. Between being married to Linz and having the boys, he isn't fucking around with a suspected pedo who abused his internet fame.
>>861489I pity whatever judge has to handle the approx. 0197341234 lawsuits PedoDick is apparently bringing against people
No. 861502
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No. 861505
Heidi took care of her mental health quietly, handled what needed handled, etc.
Homewrecker posted every bit of it online, almost bragged about how she constantly experiences suicidal feelings or feelings of self harm (and uses twitter as a means to hurt herself) and then has the balls to offer mental health tips on patreon and Mental Health Monday
No. 861506
>>861502Friendly reminder that Jared only covered shit that happened in one of
seven porn blogs.
No. 861540
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Well, Homewrecking SideHo is awake and online. Wonder how long it'll be before she sees Heidi's posts and just LOSES her shit to defend WormDick
No. 861563
>But kids lying to get into a fucking 18 plus space is not the fault of the person trying to keep them out.Fun fact, if a child lies and tells you that they are 18 and you fuck them, you're still the one legally in trouble. It's YOUR responsibility to make sure the person you fuck is 18+ as an adult.
This law extends to nudes, which guess what? Jared admitted to viewing and wanking to.
Children are going through a time in their lives when they don't make good decisions, which is why this is ILLEGAL. Because you're taking advantage of someone who doesn't know any better and hasn't had a chance to learn yet.
No. 861584
>>861185More like she already caught him cheating kek. They deserve each other and I hope they never breed cause those kids would be hella ugly and retarded.
>>861301>>861483I'm so glad Ethan sees right through Proturd's lying weasel shit. He made a video and went back to regular schedule like all was forgiven. I don't see Ethan backing down, he's not really the type you can intimidate.
Hope we can keep the whiteknight shit out of the next thread. No one cares about what they think.
No. 861605
How does this look to y'all? I don't want to post and screw it up as a relative noob, but figured getting it all set up wouldn't hurt:
ProJared/Holly Conrad/DCA/GG: The "Return of the Worm" Edition
Last Time on “The World’s Worst Rollercoaster”:
>Jared RETURNS with a new, temporary “I’m so sad, look how sad I am” appearance, releasing a 42 minute video entitled “You Were Lied To”>video just HAPPENS to coincide with Heidi being out of town at DragonCon>spends most of the video calling his accusers “liars”, showing screenshots proving that he asked about age>attacks Chai’s creditability by mentioning their brain injury and memory loss before slamming both Chai and Charlie for having GG cartoon porn blogs on tumblr>ends the video by claiming to have not cheated on Heidi, and asks his followers to NOT harass her or Holly>request backfires, Heidi gets the most harassment since the beginning of the ProJared saga>Heidi claims to now be distressed and in bad place mentally due to constant attacks from Jared’s incel army>Holly is too busy posting pictures of Jared with her animal horde in honor of his birthday to notice, as well as prepping the release of clothing to profit off of her “cancellation”>The great “Jared was right!!” movement commenced >Pamela Horton apologizes for accusations against Jared, followed by an apology from Amelia Talon >Videos that were critical of ProJared begin being unlisted or deleted entirely>Considering the time of Jared’s new video and the sudden backtracking, tinfoil is that he has been slapping people with cease and desist notices and/or slander/libel lawsuits. Heidi has confirmed in the past that Jared had been harassing her via legal means offline.
>Jared releases screenshots of a conversation with his and Heidi’s mutual therapist, with the therapist claiming Heidi used talk of suicide as a manipulation tactic against Jared>Therapist tells Heidi that wasn’t what she was doing, furthering the cycle of gaslighting against Heidi>Heidi admits that she had been institutionalized at this therapist’s recommendation at one point
>Jared gains $6000 in a twitch stream where he admits to jacking off to Charlie’s nudes, but it’s okay apparently because he THOUGHT they were legal
>Heidi hints towards a possible livestream when she gets back from DragonCon to clear the air and put the “truth” out.Image Credit:
>>859021Thread Credit:
>>861568Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>859021Character Descriptions and Stats:
Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)>Heidi accuses Jared of threatening legal action if she speaks up. Unfortunately Heidi casts “Absorb Elements” just like she did for his initial divorce statement. Jared takes an extra 1d6 damage on her next melee attack. Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 10
Luck: none
Charisma: send noOds
Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (current power-level):
>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Claims to have not cheated on her ex-husband despite his refusal to make one comment about the situation in her defense>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread though>Compared Etika’s suicide, a popular black YouTuber, to her own suicidal ideation by showcasing they both received clown emojis as “bullying.” >Suffers backlash from the black community, Etika’s fans and Twitter>After being called out for taking advantage of a person’s suicide, Holly infamously deflects criticism by tweeting, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”Strength: uwu
Dexterity: uwu
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 100
Luck: ran out
Charisma: clown emoji
Holly Conrad’s Previous Stats:
>Holly is a “talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community”, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to her grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingFor More On Holly Conrad:
>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL)Strength: uwu
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 17
Stamina: 22
Luck: 100
Charisma: Not Suzy
Heidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>Non-lewd cosplayer, talented craftsman and elf >Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth>Has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all time>Married to Jared Pedodick Knobslob>Was in a poly relationship with Jared>Claims Holly was the reason it didn’t work out >Outed Jared’s infidelity and set twitter ablaze>Working on her current divorce and perhaps a defamation against Holly Conrad for trying to claim she had BPD and that psychologists have deemed her “unfixable” >Has started to become more vocal on that drama since Holly’s Etika sperg>Claims emotional abuse by Jared and gas lighting, and also seems to insinuate her enjoyment of sex has decreased>Blocks overtly sexual cosplays because of the ProJared controversy >Currently living alone in a new home and trying to start up her business and craft in a way to support herself>Accuses Holly of being vindictive enough to have done everything in her power to end her marriage and happiness Strength: 90
Dexterity: 71
Intellect: 82
Stamina: 64
Luck: 20
Charisma: Zinfandel
Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth>In direct contact with Holly Conrad Flying Monkey Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Normal Boots: Expanded Universe:
**Game Grumps
Previous GG Threads:**
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTSuzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being her BEST FRIEND despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.Game Grumps:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: Dice, Camera, Action:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action: Under “Other”:
Ross O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: from Mods:
>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 1653106
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