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No. 930972
Last time on "The One Where Gamers Have No Game" Edition…
> Holly Conrad decides that ‘being mean to others to make yourself feel better is not okay’……unless you’re apparently fucking their husband and then it’s acceptable and excused under the umbrella of “I’m sorry, I’m mentally ill”
> She also admitted to knowing of her lolcow thread, stating that she’s only on here because she’s “a woman accused of cheating on the internet, because it’s apparently 1645”
> Katie/Kati threw a fit that neither Heidi nor Holly were openly supporting her or liking her posts, saying that this means they weren’t feminists or supportive of abuse/bullying victims.
>PJ2 stans come in by the drove, deadset on defending their Incel King and his “Not-Like-Other-Girls” Queen
> Ross continued to be the only one who might escape all of this unscathed - has moved on with a new girlfriend, is back to animating, and seems to be really happy.Image Credit: >> 929671
Thread Credit:
>>930970Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>914132Character Descriptions and Stats:
Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)>Heidi accuses Jared of threatening legal action if she speaks up. Unfortunately Heidi casts “Absorb Elements” just like she did for his initial divorce statement. Jared takes an extra 1d6 damage on her next melee attack. Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 10
Luck: none
Charisma: send noOds
Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (current power-level):
>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Claims to have not cheated on her ex-husband despite his refusal to make one comment about the situation in her defense>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread though>Compared Etika’s suicide, a popular black YouTuber, to her own suicidal ideation by showcasing they both received clown emojis as “bullying.” >Suffers backlash from the black community, Etika’s fans and Twitter>After being called out for taking advantage of a person’s suicide, Holly infamously deflects criticism by tweeting, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”Strength: uwu
Dexterity: uwu
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 100
Luck: ran out
Charisma: clown emoji
Holly Conrad’s Previous Stats:
>Holly is a “talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community”, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to her grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingFor More On Holly Conrad:
>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL)Strength: uwu
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 17
Stamina: 22
Luck: 100
Charisma: Not Suzy
Heidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>Non-lewd cosplayer, talented craftsman and elf >Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth>Has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all time>Married to Jared Pedodick Knobslob>Was in a poly relationship with Jared>Claims Holly was the reason it didn’t work out >Outed Jared’s infidelity and set twitter ablaze>Working on her current divorce and perhaps a defamation against Holly Conrad for trying to claim she had BPD and that psychologists have deemed her “unfixable” >Has started to become more vocal on that drama since Holly’s Etika sperg>Claims emotional abuse by Jared and gas lighting, and also seems to insinuate her enjoyment of sex has decreased>Blocks overtly sexual cosplays because of the ProJared controversy >Currently living alone in a new home and trying to start up her business and craft in a way to support herself>Accuses Holly of being vindictive enough to have done everything in her power to end her marriage and happiness Strength: 90
Dexterity: 71
Intellect: 82
Stamina: 64
Luck: 20
Charisma: Zinfandel
Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth>In direct contact with Holly Conrad Flying Monkey Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Normal Boots: Expanded Universe:
**Game Grumps
Previous GG Threads:**
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTSuzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being her BEST FRIEND despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.Game Grumps:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: Dice, Camera, Action:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action: Under “Other”:
Ross O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: from Mods:
>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 930979
>>930974Huh, yet you haven't addressed the other inconsistencies, just hand waved them as "people are bad at remembering"
so… to quote you
>If you want to be willfully ignorant and only see the evidence that supports your bullshit theories, that's on you. No. 930980
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creepshow made another video about crazy katie. laughing because I had no idea that she compared ross to trump for ignoring her requests to clear the air over a friendship that ended over 10 years ago. also apparently someone who worked a venue for the game grumps as security sent a message to creepshow saying that the grumps went out of their way to tell them (security personnel) of a possible stalker showing up, and showed a picture of katie
No. 930983
>"You haven't addressed the other inconsistencies"Because they don't need addressing. Everyone involved has moved on with the exception of your incel king's new sidepiece.
>>930980Eh, I wouldn't put it past Katie - but I'd also take the word of anonymous sources with a grain of salt.
No. 930984
>>930968I mean, either way, it wasn't as clear-cut as she "broke up with Ross first" and "never cheated on him".
And that was just one example of an inconsistency off the top of my head.
If you want to talk inconsistencies, Holly is the queen of inconsistencies.
She is constantly telling people one thing and then turning around and saying another.
She promises to donate to charity, then claims she was "bullied" into agreeing.
She tells Heidi she's going to write her a letter, then never sends said letter.
She tells Heidi "that's the truth, you're not the bad guy. You are the person who was hurt by all this," apologizes for very specific things in her texts with Heidi, and then says on twitter that she "wasn't even sure what she was apologizing for" and continues to claim that Heidi was
She claims she's moving on and wants to be left alone, but then goes and seeks out comments about herself and reads her lolcow thread.
I could go on for a long time.
The reason I believe Heidi more than Holly, is because Heidi's story sounds more like a real telling of events.
Holly's story uses words like "SCREAMED" and "enraged" and "fit of rage" and "howled". She sounds unhinged when she talks about the situation. She doesn't share any receipts nor her own personal feelings about what happened. She just paints Heidi as this cartoon villain that she had to 'save' Jared from, and then complains about being bullied by the internet. She doesn't sound like she's describing real human interactions.
Heidi just posted her side of the story, complete with receipts and detailed descriptions of her feelings and thought processes. She comes across as hurt, but still trying to be fair and move on. Her responses feel very 'human'.
Sure, the truth is probably somewhere between both of their stories. But Heidi just seems more believable.
No. 930985
>>930984This. I could never put my finger on why it sounded so fake - but it is absolutely very much like Hoelly is trying to make Heidi sound worse, so she writes this grand fictional tale where Heidi is the villain and Hoelly the Hero is just trying to rescue poor, mistreated Jared.
I mean, no one wants to be the villain in their own stories, but Hoelly takes it to an entirely new level to avoid any hint of her being the bad guy.
No. 930991
>>930984Don't forget:
- Commenting on Jared's original divorce announcement as if she was just a supportive friend that had no direct involvement with it at all
- Claiming to have been in a mental health ward with no contact with the outside world after the initial blowback, and then admitting that she actually was following everything when it became obvious that her story and timeline didn't match up
- Claiming everything she was accused of was a lie, then repeatedly walking back that statement over and over and over as more evidence was revealed about her actual actions and interactions with Jared and Heidi, e.g. "we never slept together!" to "we never slept together until well after they broke up!" to "we might have slept together, but in Jared's mind they were broken up!" etc.
No. 930993
>>930991Not just commenting, but pulling the "Sorry you're going through this" line, as if she hadn't spent the better part of six months at least trying to convince Jared that Heidi was
If someone finally left their abuser, why would you be "sorry you're going through this"? Wouldn't you be glad they finally left?
And the following it while in the mental health hospital: I call bullshit. No one who is admitted for suicidal ideations is going to be allowed to follow drama from the outside that is just going to aggravate those feelings.
No. 931015
>>930993That's the part that fucking gets me.
If you KNOW your friend is abused by his spouse, regardless of other feelings, you don't get them out of it so you can have him for yourself!
They are hurt and vulnerable and you give support, you don't spread your legs going "finally time to lay pipe!"
No. 931023
>>931015If you fall in love with said "friend" and then realize they are abused this isn't all that unheard of.
>>930983>Because they don't need addressingYep, certainly not to you they don't. But I'm not picking up what you're setting down and no amount of "I'm right and you can't convince me I'm not" is going to give me what I'm looking for: Your actual thoughts on the actual evidence so I can consider a different perspective. So far it boils down to "We believe Heidi because we don't trust Holly"
That's not evidence based conclusion. That's feelings based. No matter how much you claim the evidence backs it up, it doesn't. There's too much open to interpretation. There's too much gray area. There's too much that's relies on the given word of either party.
You base your conclusion that Hoelly is a hoe on:
- Heidi claiming they cheated
- Heidi claiming she and Jared were still trying to work things out
- Texts between Heidi and Holly discussing the implications of the fact that Holly had more than just sexual feelings for Jared.
- Holly trying to placate Heidi.
- A belief that Ross wasn't properly informed, without anything affirming or denying that belief.
Those aren't indicative of either story, because both stories tell the same story beats from a different perspective.
You keep trying to paint me as a blind stan who won't accept that Holly and Jared can do no wrong.
That's just plain incorrect. I just don't see how EITHER party's narrative can be supported, and as a result I don't think that it's correct to lay blame at either person's feet.
Both sides are inconsistent. Both sides provided backup for certain claims and not others. Both sides can only be trusted so much. You just don't ever admit that here.
Here you have anons saying a potentially crazy
abusive person has a "chill and cool" stream and she only talks about the drama a little bit, so she's obviously the good person here, right?
Stans would say shit like that.
No. 931031
>"so I can consider a different perspective"I may not have elaborated on each incident of what you view to be "inconsistencies", but others have and you're STILL choosing to scream that Heidi could've been
abusive too and that we're all being unfair to Holly. You're sealioning…and not even doing so well.
>"You base your conclusion that Hoelly is a hoe on…"I base it on the fact that, regardless of WHEN the affair started, she's STILL TO DATE banging a married man. She STILL moved from California to Washington to be with him (She can claim it's to be around trees all she wants; There are trees literally EVERYWHERE, yet she picks the state where her fuckbuddy and his wife lived?)
>"A belief that Ross wasn't properly informed, without anything affirming or denying that belief"There's texts from Holly to Heidi that say "After Anna's party, I'm going to tell Ross everything". That implies that, at the VERY least, she was engaging in conversations of a romantic nature with someone that was NOT her husband. She also said that she knew Ross was okay with her sleeping with another woman, but had NO idea if he'd be down with her fucking other men.
>"You just don't ever admit that here"There are plenty of people in this thread and the last 16 threads who've said that everyone is to fault here, but okay, pj2 stan.
No. 931034
>>931023Really anon? How many times now have you derailed the thread to go off about Heidi, while posting no new Heidi milk? No one is saying Heidi is a "good person". You're jumping to that conclusion because you're mad no one here is posting about Heidi.
We post about Holly because she is funnier. She is a cow in her own right and produces constant milk that is now unrelated to her past drama with Heidi. People were having fun laughing at Holly. That's it. The fact people laugh at Holly does not mean they support Heidi. I don't post about Heidi because lately she hasn't done anything funny. If you have Heidi milk, post it so we can laugh at it. Otherwise, shut up with this tired bullshit that no one wants to read
No. 931035
>>931031>but others haveOh really, when did they break up according to Heidi.
How about this one I didn't bring up:
why did the fan who slept with Jared say Heidi lied to her?
>That implies that, at the VERY least, she was engaging in conversations of a romantic nature with someone that was NOT her husband.Yes, this was the day after they were supposed to fuck and talked about their feelings in stead anon. She can't take a fucking day to figure out how to discuss this lifechanging realization with her husband?
>There are plenty of people in this thread and the last 16 threads who've said that everyone is to fault here, but okay, pj2 stan.This right here is how I know you're full of shit. I'm not talking to people from the previous threads who say everyone sucks. I'm talking to the Heidi stans still around because they want to dunk on Holly. Otherwise there would be a whole lot less of "Heidi is cool" being said in here.
Yeah, you're really convincing me you feel Heidi is/was shitty too
No. 931042
>>931023You simply just don't get it, and that's why people keep telling you to fuck off. Besides the fact that there are literally dozens and dozens of threads of evidence you can go back through and draw a conclusion off of (which is what we've already done), the idea of getting "an evidence based conclusion" in a personal dispute is ridiculous on its face. Your conclusion about the situation will depend entirely on your personal feelings on the subject and your moral standpoint, because the "evidence" we have access to is inherently extremely limited and inherently biased. Whether or not you choose to believe a specific set of information, again, depends on your personal feelings and moral standpoint. Everyone here sides with Heidi over Holly for different reasons, but the most "objective" reason is that she hasn't displayed nearly the same level of negative behavior and has made far more efforts to be transparent and honest. There's plenty of other reasons that have already been brought up, but if you don't see it that way, that's on you, and nothing anyone is going to say will convince you otherwise no matter how many times you claim it will.
In short, fuck off.
No. 931057
>>931042>the idea of getting "an evidence based conclusion" in a personal dispute is ridiculous on its faceFor the slow:
I'm here to talk about what the thread is about, and just because you refuse to talk about the shit Heidi has been up to: RE - crying on stream about how she's so alone, refusing to go somewhere because "it might rain" IN SEATTLE. Saying "I'm done talking about this 6 months ago but still engaging with the occasional troll. If you're going to claim to only be interested in milk, you're doing an awful lot of brushing some of it aside.
If you want proof just look at the stupid stats you've given to the people involved. Nothing negative at all said about Heidi. Fucking really? Not even a "has anger issues"?
In short; no u, I'm doing what this board is intended for.
edited for mistakes made.
No. 931065
This thread was pretty stale until the WK’s and sealions started coming here to argue.
No. 931067
>>931057Sorry autismo, no one is particularly interested in ragging on a girl whose worst crimes are completely mundane (not wanting to walk in the rain is milk? are you retarded?), especially not when there's far more interesting and deserving targets at hand.
It'd be a lot better if you'd just admit to being a Holly stan and then right quickly fuck off.
No. 931081
>>930974Yes it's true.
Heidi broke up with her black boyfriend in February 2018 when they cancelled polyamory due to Holly.
No. 931091
>>931090I'd laugh my ass off if it was actually Holly getting stoned and defending herself on lolcow.
But it's probably Denica or someone who wastes their time. I've been saying we should just not interact with them at all.
No. 931097
>>931035The ONLY reason people are still dunking on Holly is because she keeps fanning the flames around her instead of putting them out and moving on with her life.
Also, if you want a 'proof' based analysis of what happened, here's something:
By Holly's own admission, she has these traits:
1) reacts poorly to anything she perceives as 'aggressive' or 'bullying' due to past abuse
2) codependency issues where she tries to solve other people's problems and take care of them
3) problems with attraction to others where she can only ever be attracted to someone she's really good friends with
4) A lack of empathy for others from years of abuse
5) A lack of experience in relationships
Heidi is blunt with her feelings, needs a lot of communication, and was entirely financially dependent on Jared. I think that was part of what pushed her to hold onto the marriage as long as she did.
This leads me to believe that this happened:
1) Heidi noticed that Jared and Holly were basically acting like a couple already, so she asked them to talk their feelings out.
2) Holly, because of above mentioned reasons, thought she was more in love with Jared than she was with Ross. Heidi felt uncomfortable with this and tried to shut it down.
3) When asked to, Jared broke up with Holly, and Holly didn't take it very well. Heidi and Holly had a phone call where Heidi yelled at her, and Holly (for reasons mentioned above) started to believe Jared was a
victim of abuse and sent articles to Jared.
4) Holly's inability to feel anything for most people plus her lack of empathy due to abuse plus her codependency issues led her to attaching VERY strongly to Jared and becoming obsessed with 'helping' him escape into her arms.
5) Jared at first denied the articles, but eventually he realized that playing into that narrative would keep Heidi and Holly away from one another so they couldn't compare notes and pick up on his lies.
6) Jared wanted to have both Heidi and Holly at once, but Holly was putting pressure on him to leave Heidi. This led to him asking for a breakup the first time in October.
7) Heidi didn't want to lose her marriage for reasons stated above, so she fought to keep it. Jared, being a coward, agreed to work through their issues and try to make things work rather than just breaking up then.
8) Holly, still believing Jared was being abused, didn't understand why he hadn't left Heidi yet. Jared told her it was because Heidi was '
abusive' in order to hide that it was really just his cowardice at fault. Heidi, believing that they were still working on their marriage, continued to ask him to enforce boundaries with Holly.
9) Heidi finally found out about Holly and confronted Jared. Jared realized that the ruse was up and, rather than face his own mistakes, decided to break up with Heidi.
Jared's actions are TEXTBOOK cheating spouse actions.
Things that cheaters do:
1) blame their spouse for their cheating
2) depict their partner as '
abusive' to friends and any new partners
3) tell two different parties different stories
4) Keep people separated from one another so they can't compare notes
5) Come up with excuses for why they "can't" leave their spouse while promising that the other person in their true soulmate
6) Put another person on hold until they leave their marriage (which I don't think he would have ever done if Heidi didn't find those sexts)
Jared did ALL of those things. You can literally google any relationship where someone was cheated on, and you'll see at least one or two of those behaviors. Cheaters all act from the same playbook, that's why people can see his behavior for what it is. It's incredibly transparent.
I can provide screenshots and evidence to back up all of the premises this was built on.
No. 931103
>>931099Denica fits the ~facts & stats! angle she keeps pushing.
They are all stupid fucks though, imagine walking into a vegan restaurant and being like "why are you serving vegan!!" and complaining at them instead of just not going there, kek
Like it's very clear how this board views things, they gain NOTHING by debating with us, they won't change our mind, it's fucking pointless. Just get out of here and go find your own little circlejerk place to stan holly and jared, jesus christ
holly can show some self restraint and not visit here if it hurts her feefees so much. If it hurts her maybe it's because the truth stings. Her wk's won't get any brownie points for defending her honor either
No. 931106
>>931082Heidi missing her friends/family that she became isolated from over the course of her marriage to PedoDick isn't milk, Anon.
Milk would be the sudden reveal that she's actually a man or that she was really Hoelly all along.
>>931088I know this is news to you since you apparently never venture out of your Mom's basement, but married couples? They fight sometimes, especially when one is running around behind their partner's back with a mutual friend.
>>931090I wouldn't be surprised.
>>931099Denica or DanDan "The Man" Pirro. Cupcake is too fucking stupid to string a complete sentence together.
No. 931124
>>931097>A lack of empathy for others from years of abuseI will agree with some of what's said here, though I'm curious about this one. Missing this info. (specifically the lack of empathy)
Where I have trouble following:
>blame their spouse for their cheatingI guess I'm missing or interpreting receipts differently
>Keep people separated from one another so they can't compare notesThe separation was imposed by Heidi, I haven't seen any indications of Jared telling Holly to stop talking to Heidi. Might be missing something here too.
Now here's what I've seen that you're leaving out that makes me question the story given:
1) Heidi shared a conversation with her therapist in which she is combative with her therapist because the therapist was taking Jared's side.
2) Jared showed a text where the same therapist was worried Heidi would make a false suicide threat. No idea why she(the therapist) would disclose this, though.
3) The threats, the statements that Heidi made that she's "dangerous"
4) Jared's change in demeanor on his streams during late 2018 (not sure when it started exactly)
5) Heidi asking Jared to sleep in a separate room some time after February 2018 (supported by the "Aeries chose me" tweet)
6) Heidi talking about leaving Jared crying in several of her receipts
7) Jared doing his best to not talk shit about Heidi (you can say he lets Holly do it for him I guess)
8) PBG and Furst initially coming out that Heidi appeared
abusive10) Not once in her retelling did Heidi say "we discussed this and decided…" it was always "I told him we had to…" I.E. "I told him he had to cut off all communication with Holly"
11) I still have yet to understand what Jared did that was
abusive, gaslighting, etc.
12) Sometimes two people can experience the same thing and walk away thinking something different happened. I assume that's the case here. Bad communication and high emotions lead to both parties feeling the other was doing them dirty. Jared felt Heidi wasn't being reasonable, and started losing his give a fuck. Heidi felt Jared was ignoring her pain and got more angry.
As for the pointless attempts at guessing my identity. Nobody has it correct, not that I would confirm it if you did guess correctly, but so far many swings and many misses.
No. 931174
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>>931124See attachment → Holly said she turned her empathy off.
"The separation was imposed by Heidi, I haven't seen any indications of Jared telling Holly to stop talking to Heidi. Might be missing something here too."
The separation wasn’t really imposed by anyone. Heidi asked for some space from Holly, but Holly was the one who stopped talking to her altogether and unfollowed her on twitter.
There are texts where Heidi tells Jared “I’m about to contact her myself” which sounds to me like Jared was trying to control the information flowing between them.
This is what I mean by separation. I think Jared was manipulating both of them so that they didn’t
want to talk to one another.
For example, he showed Heidi the texts where Holly accuses her of being
abusive (which he didn’t have to do). It’s also implied by Holly that he was simultaneously telling her he thought Heidi was
abusive. Imho he was playing into both of their fears and insecurities to keep them pitted against one another.
"Jared showed a text where the same therapist was worried Heidi would make a false suicide threat. No idea why she(the therapist) would disclose this, though."
Did you also see the text thread where the same therapist says that Jared took that screenshot out of context and doing that was "super shitty"?
No. 931176
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>>931124Gaslighting is a form of abuse, and it's where the abuser lies to you and denies your version of reality whenever you bring it up.
Jared was lying about multiple things by his OWN admission.
One example was that he told Heidi he had shut down his porn blog when he was still using it.
He also told her he "couldn't remember" the last time he lied to her about anything while lying to her, he told her he wasn't seeing Holly on the side when he was, etc. No. 931180
File: 1581470859850.jpg (385.99 KB, 1059x1340, Relationship .jpg)

>>931175Wanted to show the tweets in question where Holly admits that Heidi and Jared were still in a relationship in December and she is clearly frustrated about it. She scrubbed a bunch from that period.
No. 931184
>>931176Without knowing the timeline of these supposed lies, it's difficult to ascertain that they are.
That being said, is this your conclusion to how Jared was gaslighting her, or is it what she said was his gaslighting.
That's two different beasts.
Of course knowing the flow of events it can be speculated how he might have. What I want to know is what Heidi considers to be his gaslighting.
As with many things, I may have missed something. But I've seen her claim gaslighting many, many times, without actually detailing what he was pushing her to believe that was false/went against her memories.
No. 931192
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>>931184He was lying about so many things. Telling Heidi that she was paranoid for suspecting him. Telling her that he had shut down his porn blog, that he wasn't leaving her for Holly, that he couldn't remember lying to her.
He also wouldn't let her go to twitch con even though she had her own panel set up already, and threatened to break up with her if she did. If that doesn't look like abuse to you, I don't know what to tell you.
No. 931193
>>931186"Helping Jared" meaning "pressure him endlessly to leave a marriage he isn't sure he wants to leave".
Isn't the story now that he isn't cooperating with the divorce proceedings? You'd think a guy who has been fucking around and crying abuse since 2018 would go ahead and end it already. It's almost like all his excuses about Heidi forcing him to stay (as opposed to asking for a chance to try and make the marriage work) are complete bullshit made up to placate Holly. Since she was drunk, acting a fool on Twitter and harassing him through text all the time.
What really has changed? He's still married, she's still inebriated and acting a fool on Twitter but she can't claim Heidi is the problem this time. She was just pissy in 2019 because she moved states and left her husband in a flash while Jared was still sleeping in bed with his wife and wearing his ring lol.
No. 931207
>>931192No joke.
Jared is clearly a gaslighting scumbag loser who took advantage of his small taste of internet fame to hook up with and collect nudes from various fans, often behind his spouse's back. Holly is the eternal uwu
victim, special snowflake, misunderstood wannabe witch girl who uses her mental illness as a "get out of jail free" card. Heidi? She's not perfect, I don't think any anon here has said she is either, some have even called her on being a bit of a pick me "cool" gf/wife while she was with Jared, as well as on some of her other choices and behaviors. People do make mistakes, and yes, people can change and move on. Heidi is lowest on the cringe outcome of the whole fiasco which is why the focus falls back onto the shitshow that still is Holly and Jared. Heidi might be a little bit of a flake, but outside the Jared saga, she's not milky. The Jared and Holly stans just need to give it up already.
>>931199Some updates on the GG gang would be interesting if anyone has anything. I remember the days when Suzy reigned supreme in the GG threads and people thought Holly seemed "sweet". kek.
No. 931209
>>931180Five months later, she'd be admitting herself to a psych hospital to avoid the immediate ramifications from people discovering the affair. Maybe a month after THAT, she'd be talking about how she uses negatiave comments to self harm. A few months after THAT, she'd be back to giving mental health tips.
HollyStan Anon, tell me how there's nothing fucked up about someone who's mental health is THAT rocky giving other people mental health tips.
No. 931214
>>930912AYRT. I guess I was right about not needing to infight, because your post is 100% in agreement with mine. I poke fun at
>>930227 for saying that guys don't cuddle with their girlfriends in public. You say
>there's nothing wrong with a girl clinging onto her man, something you see any time of the week with couples not afraid of PDAThese things are literally the same. No idea how to respond to the part about "hating" Holly, because I have no idea what it's in reference to. Sorry to be "quirky" (by not making fun of women who show affection? we have the same opinion kek) and "stupid." Can't we be uwu friends and not instinctively lash out at each other? Like I'm not miffed & don't blame you for lashing out, tensions have been high in the last several threads. But what if we had a thread in which pj2anons went completely ignored and we just laughed at cows?
No. 931217
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Meanwhile, Holly's still complaining…
No. 931228
File: 1581480221931.png (1.25 MB, 1920x1564, this is stalking.png)

>>931034>We post about Holly because she is funnier. She is a cow in her own right and produces constant milk that is now unrelated to her past drama with Heidi. People were having fun laughing at Holly. That's it. The fact people laugh at Holly does not mean they support Heidi. I don't post about Heidi because lately she hasn't done anything funny. If you have Heidi milk, post it so we can laugh at it. Otherwise, shut up with this tired bullshit that no one wants to readReally, truly, and precisely this. Thank you, anon. Holly is fun to gawk and laugh at and it ain't that deep.
No. 931236
>>931091This. I'm surprised that people keep falling for this same shit bickering cycle for so many threads. Pretty much since last May.
I have no doubt in my mind that Holly has been posting though. The way she searches for drama and fights with people who don't like her makes it highly likely that she defends herself here.
No. 931238
>>931217Hoelly, you STILL have your "cancelled" and "boundaries" shirts for sale as an attempt to profit off of said drama, not to mention you liking those tweets comparing Johnny Depp/Amber Heard to PedoDick's bullshit.
How the fuck do you consider that "past drama" when you are STILL bitching about it yourself months later??
No. 931259
my fucking lord, these threads. when did things turn so wonderfully golden?!
>holly stoning herself into a coma before screaming on twitch about lolcow>holly putting out the sorry results of (paid, i hope) photoshoot upon photoshoot on her twitter like it's a job>denica skimping on her thesis work to come here and demand facts from a drama board>this one retarded anon refusing to quit about heidi's bLaCk BoYfRiEnD though>>931228 THIS fucking picture
my sides have achieved orbit lmfao
No. 931347
>>931192I'm just not sold on this. What day was this text sent? Who was it sent to?
Given her propensity for telling half the story and never detailing dates why are you so convinced she can be trusted to be representing things honestly. This text chain wasn't released until August. Why was it held back? Why then was it released?
I don't trust anyone in this drama to be fairly representing things when they can't be confirmed against a secondary source. One of those secondary sources is a timeline.
It changes the implications whether these things were said in 2019 or 2018
No. 931352
>>931349we called it back when dca's cancellation was made official: she wants to keep from burning that bridge for future opportunities. too bad her retard sexpest boyfriend didnt just burn his bridgr, he nuked it from orbit.
or maybe shes already looking to move on to another dnd relationship since her own got cancelled lmaoo. watch out jared, now that you are no longer diath your time is limited.
No. 931364
>>931347Oh Hoelly, it's nice to see that your post-art-show high lasted for all five minutes and you're back at blatantly ignoring evidence that doesn't suit your narrative.
>>931349Especially with her now openly admitted to getting high af right before her stream. If she can't even be sober long enough to do a one hour stream, she's going to be hard pressed to be invited to any official, large-scale DND events.
>>931352That's probably exactly it. She was really into Ross while she could still milk the FemShep!Garrus relationship - but when she lost that stupid contest, she fizzled out on that and moved on to DND. Now that DCA/DND is fizzling, it will be no time at all before she's found her next thing.
No. 931400
>>931385Here's the real question: if she is offered a role and Jared isnt, will she take it? Or is she idiotic enough to "stand with him"
Minor secondary question: is Jared enough of an asshole to resent her/take it out on her if she does get an offer and he doesn't?
No. 931402
>>931400Yes, she would absolutely take a role for herself instead of "standing with Jared".
Yes, he would absolutely resent her for it.
No. 931403
>>931392Three questions:
Are there two obvious stand ins that sounds like an offbrand version? Like Strux and Biath?
Or were they killed off screen and now no one mentions then after a brief euology?
Oreven better, they just disappeared an no one even acknowledged that they were ever a part of the game?
No. 931404
>"What reason would be there to not hire her for a new project?"Her continued attachment to the controversial, potential pedophile, PedoDick - for one. For another, she is incredibly
problematic with her random outbursts/meltdowns on twitter. From a PR standpoint, Hoelly is a nightmare that they'd be wise to avoid.
>>931385>>931400Even if invited back, I don't think Hoelly would go without Jared.
>>931403I thought Anna and Nate both created new characters for the new show, but I could be wrong. The only ones unable to just move on and start over are PedoDick and Cumrag.
No. 931405
>>931383>what reason would be there to not hire her for a new project?The idiot is still having meltdowns on twitter and openly admitted multiple times to seeking out drama (like lurking and probably posting on here). WotC isn't going to hire someone or let them back when they're still being a
toxic cunt firmly implanted into Jared's birdhole.
>>931392>>931401Also this. They wouldn't have let her go if they had no reason to.
>>931400> is Jared enough of an asshole to resent her/take it out on her if she does get an offer and he doesn't?Oh hell yes, without a doubt.
No. 931406
>>931403The new show will be a whole new campaign with new characters. Totally unrelated to DCA
Holly is just holding out for them to let Strix be a guest appearance
No. 931414
>>931404I'm fairly certain WOTC in general has a big anti-drama policy.
Mike Mearls has been completely silent on social media since the Zak S thing broke well over a year ago.
So unless she disassociates from the drama completely and stays on her best fucking behavior, sure Greg Tito and Chris Perkins and whothefuckeverelse will still be nice on Twitter but the upper management will put the kibosh on any potential return.
No. 931499
>>931383WotC will not bring Strix back without Diath because of the fan response that would get. All the whiny, angry DCA shippers would come out of the woodwork to say, "now you have to bring him back too!" and just cause more problems. The company definitely does not want to cater to those people or entertain the drama. The characters/reputations are too intertwined to just get one back without opening a bigger can of worms.
This also brings up another thing- if Holly were ever to be associated with a Wizards show again, they would probably ask her NOT to roleplay as Strix. Anna and Nate made totally new characters, so it follows that they would want to keep Strix out of it even if Holly were allowed back. It'd be pretty entertaining to see her tantrum over that, OR her attempts at making a second self-insert character that's totallynotStrix.
No. 931500
First she went SciFi, did her science fiction romance with Ross
Then tried to be the gamer girl with Ross and the Grumps.
Medieval fantasy with Jared and WoTC.
I feel next she will try to go ghetto hoodrat and start dating some black guy.
She already smokes weed so the transition won't be hard.
No. 931608
This is somewhat unrelated and kind of armchair psych so take with a grain of salt, but I stumbled on an old KF thread discussing Holly calling Heidi BPD and something that had been bothering me about all of this hit me.
I started reading the characteristics of BPD and realized that they ALL describe Holly to a T. But didn't she accuse Heidi of having BPD herself?
Turns out that projection is another facet of BPD. So what if she was projecting her OWN diagnosis onto Heidi? history of family abuse, low self esteem, emotional self-harm, splitting (for example, turning Heidi into the Evil one and herself into the Good one), suppressing/cutting out the negative parts of herself, projection of her BPD onto others, obsession with Jared, lack of empathy…
The list goes on.
Her view of Heidi as this horrible evil woman while she herself constantly talks about empathy and compassion never really made sense to me.
This kind of makes it all line up, though. (Even the bit about her obsession with Jared.)
(armchair) No. 931632
>"but Hoelly is good at threatening suicide if things don't go her way"She is - but that would be the one surefire way to ensure that she NEVER worked with WoTC or DND in any capacity ever again. Big companies don't take kindly to someone threatening them into giving out jobs.
>>931487Yeah - at least Anna and Nate were smart enough to keep their mouths shut in the public arena, whereas Hoelly couldn't WAIT to openly brag that Strix/Diath was now real life too.
>>931532I would rather watch someone craft and enjoy a hobby than Hoelly get absolutely ripped and not even be remotely focused on anything during a stream. PedoDick can go suck his own dick - If I want to play old games, I'll just go do that and not blow 1-2 hours watching a grown man fail to grow up.
No. 931636
>>931583Depending on the game he plays, he still hits over the 400 range including tons of subs. MTG isn't his target audience. As much as you want to shit talk, this is one aspect that has literally nothing to do with who he is as a person but rather the fact..that's just how streaming/youtube life is lol.
Unless you're a big name MTG player, you won't get a ton of views, it's fairly boring to watch in general and he is more known for shit like randomizers or actual video games. Look at his pokemon sw/sh stream, he was easily nearing 2k viewers like most other people who stream it hit high numbers.
>>931584We get it, Heidi stan, but not everyone is into crafting/cosplay creation streams. I promise you don't watch streams/videos of things you aren't interested in, so why is it surprising, let alone shocking what she does isn't popular and will pull in hundreds/thousands of viewers? Just look at the twitch directory some time to get an idea of what gets the views on that platform.
No. 931661
>"But not everyone is into crafting/cosplay creation streams"Good for them. Nobody is bitching about Heidi not having higher numbers or screaming about how it's some big conspiracy - merely people pointing out the difference in numbers. Unlike y'all ProDick/Hoelly stans, we're capable of saying "Hey, there's a difference, that's okay" rather than shouting about how unfair it is and "#EndCancelCulture" or what-the-fuck-ever.
>"Why is it surprising, let alone shocking what she does isn't popular?"It is popular among the right crowd. Also, some people do streams because they enjoy them, not just to gain the adoration of a bunch of strangers online while simultaneously getting too high to hold it together.
No. 931693
>>931687Heidi's sound quality is low at best, lighting could use huge improvement, she has hardly any custom emotes, and she could vastly improve her layout.
Her stream is not higher quality, you just like it more.
No. 931697
>>931693I like it more. Most of your opinions, boil down to "needs improvement" anyway.
It's almost like likeability has a huge part in streaming anyway /s
No. 931698
>>931693Holly Stan: -criticizes Heidi for having subpar sound on a stream-
Same anon, failing to see the irony: OMG y’all will attack Holly for anything!!
No. 931699
>>931697Those are the indicators of a stream's quality, like it or hate it. Anybody can create a stream with quality if they dump enough money into it. That doesn't mean the content is quality.
I guarentee you, though, there's a craft streamer out there with every indicator of quality including entertainment and talent who wishes they could get half of what Heidi does.
Creating is a very niche market on twitch
No. 931718
>>931699It's not crazy for someone starting out to not have the highest quality equipment, and it's not like shes rolling in cash to buy better stuff. I doubt Jared let her take all of the good streaming equipment
Also, criticizing Heidi wont make Holly and Jared's streams any better. They can have the highest quality equipment on Twitch and would still put me to sleep.
I get that you want to diminish every complement Heidi gets and all that, but she streams interesting stuff, even if it's something you dont care about.
If Holly starts streaming herself making some cosplay or diath domintrix gear I'm sure you stans will fall over backwards complementing her orginality
No. 931749
>>931719The only time it looks remotely close to "bomb" is when she's spent god knows how long slapping filters on it. Pasty faced Lydia Deets' wannabes can't pull off some of the looks Hoelly tries.
>>931720Nah, that photographer is so up Hoelly's asshole that it isn't funny.
No. 931762
>>931757Check back in the threads…
There's screenshots from her livestreams where she's looking jaundiced as fuck.
No. 931770
>>931693uh, the quality of a stream depends primarily on content; who gives a fuck about custom emotes if what's being broadcast isn't interesting.
sure, sound and video quality can detract from good content, but great sound and video aren't going to make a steaming pile of shit worth watching.
No. 931782
>>931770Empirical quality is: sound, lighting, custom emotes and alerts. Those things can be compared generally 1:1
Content is by its nature is not empirical. What you like doesn't reflect what others do.
If you're going to claim Heidi's is superior you should compare its relative quality to similar streams and then say that it's comparably higher quality to those than pedo and Hoelly's streams are to their relative niches.
No. 931822
>>931782anon, i know you think you're in expert in data analysis because you once took a science class in middle school, but there are two kinds of data: qualitative and quantitative. qualitative data can be just as "empirical" as quantitative data.
to argue that the quality of content can only be measured based on quantitative metrics like the number of custom emotes or alerts, video resolution, bitrate, etc, is asinine. imagine conducting a study on quality of life and only measuring the amount of money someone made or counting how many pieces of furniture they had, while refusing to hear subjective perspectives on dimensions of well-being that can't be quantified.
every single one of your posts about heidi could be a candidate for r/iamverysmart
No. 931895
>>931814That anon gave off crazy hoelly vibes - Who else would give a fuck about something as pointless emotes as an indicator of if one's stream is good or not?
>"Every single one of your posts about Heidi could be a candidate for r/iamverysmart"Says the anon who just wasted their time making a post detailing the difference between qualitative and quantitative data on a lolcow board.
No. 932028
>>932018Stop defending Heidi, she was sucking dick on the side too you moron.
Ross is however the only truely innocent one in this.
Holly&Heidi are two sides of the same coin honestly
No. 932069
Found it.
>Oct 24, 2018Date checks out - right after they announced their divorce.
No. 932070
>>932049>>932051She's so gross. Who the fuck puts a chicken on their bed?
And Holly is retarded for getting a rooster. WTF did she think? She's such a birb person, but doesn't know a lot of roosters don't just crow in the morning, but in the afternoon and multiple times in the day. They're not like the god damn cartoons. My parents live in an area where people get goats, etc. and the neighbors complained enough to make them give away their rooster. They're a nuisance and even farm people are annoyed by them. She lives in god damn Seattle. People in residential areas like that just want peace and quiet.
No. 932080
>>932049>Holly blames the neighbors for having a "stigma" against roostersFucking hell Holly, not everything is a 'stigma' or 'discrimination' or some other dire societal-ill.
>>932070>>932078Yep. Came here to say this.
Roosters crow. They're territorial, it's what they do. That's why most of the people who successfully raise them live on farms, out in the country, or basically on any property with a large expanse of land.
It's like having a big dog that barks all day & night, & guess what? People complain about those too. It's not 'prejudice against the poor birbs uwu' or whatever you say it is.
>calls them passive agressive for complaining in the form of a letterI mean, we've all
seen the way she responds to criticism online. I don't blame them for not wanting to confront her face-to-face about it.
She'd probably keep asking variations of "Can you
please explain to me how my rooster crowing is bothering you??? uwu" & not stopping until they give in & let her have her way.
No. 932084
I can't get over that she lets chickens roam freely throughout her house. That's a smell that will never come out. Jared is one lucky guy.
>>932070She's claiming it isn't her fault because she didn't know that he was a rooster when she got him. Sounds like bullshit to me, especially when she said everything would have been fine if the neighbors hadn't complained. I think she just did what she wanted with no fucks given like she usually does. ~I had good intentions uwu so I can't be in trouble~
She mentioned it takes over 3 different neighbors to get a complaint letter sent out so I'm sure everyone who lives by her absolutely hates her.
No. 932095
>>932070>>932084House chickens are a thing, but they sell special diapers designed to fit chickens for exactly the reason you point out. I'm assuming she didn't have her chickens diapered.
also it's not just due to a "stigma" against roosters when they're actively causing problems for the neigbors. If you had a rooster that was somehow silent I'm sure they wouldn't be inclined to complain, but surprise surprise, Holly, when you make bad decisions that affect other people's lives they will get upset about it. Especially when it's a legal issue. Like keeping illegal pets or betraying your best friend's marriage by sleeping with her scumbag husband.
No. 932098
>>932080Oh, a letter?
Like the weird in character strix smut ones she would send Jared even before they admitted their feelings?
Or the fabled apology letter she wrote to Heidi and never sent?
I guess letters are only acceptable if you're Holly Clownrad
No. 932123
>>932096"It isn't her fault"
Nothing is her fault is it? Even if she didn't intend to bring a rooster into her home it is still her fault that HER rooster is now disturbing the neighbors. She is quite literally unable to take responsibility for anything she does.
No. 932132
>>932123How many birds does this woman have? + a cat????
I just can not believe it possible for one woman to PROPERLY take care of so many fucking animals. If it was cats or dogs the world would be crying abuse but because they are just birds it flies under the radar.
She cries that its OK because who else would take care of them or pay the vet bills… OK, Boomer, but when you have THAT MANY fucking animals then none of them or a very very few select few are going to get the proper attention they deserve. Youd think if she loves birds so much she would recognize this
No. 932137
>>932132Holly's love is always a possessive love.
"I love them so I must have them."
No. 932138
>>932096See, I don't because even in ag applications you can specifically buy pullets, which are young hens sexed by the breeder. The pics I recall of her getting them they're not tiny chicks in a brooder, they're big enough to be in her outside coop and imo big enough to have been sexed.
I'm calling bullshit, either she wanted a fancy boy, the breeder lied to her, or she didn't care and got a straight run (where the birds are not sexed). Which, a breeder who knew she'd be in city limits would be being irresponsible not to ask if she wanted pullets. If she got them from an ag store - generally found outside big city limits - the minimum birds you can get is like 4 and they do offer pullets, but if she didn't disclose she's in city limits they might not have known to suggest it.
No. 932140
>>932084It's just fucking hilarious. This is what he gave up his wife, cat, and beloved DnD show for. A troll, wanna-be witch who is obsessed with birds to the point where she let's them piss all over her home and BED?!? Not to mention the pity parties, the suicide threats, the narcissism, the mental illness that someone simultaneously takes away her empathy and makes her want to "please everyone and make them happy"
How long until shes aksing to move in with him? The impression i get is that her house is in a much smaller neighborhood than his and has a smaller property. Pretty soon she will be moving into his house, doing her absolute best to clear all evidence of Heidi, construct a huge bird coop, paint everything black and make a shrine to Striath.
No. 932169
>>932051lol butthole eyes streaming alone the night before valentine's day, talking about how her neighbors hate her and her chickens piss on her stuff….how does she have fans who listen to this unironically.
i wonder if her or jared will post anything about their healthy, stable and totally normal relationship for valentine's today.
No. 932198
>>932175Do you think when Jared ghosts her now a days she still blames Heidi even though they are separated? Or now does she blame the drama? OR is she smart enough to realize he is doing the same thing to her she encouraged him to do to his own wife?
Heidi mentioned in her stream that one of the biggest suprises when reading the affair texts between the two was that Jared was as ghostly and shitty to Holly as he was herself, so we know it wouldn't be new behavior
No. 932205
>>932201I genuinely dont know who has it worse, Jared for having Holly or Holly for having Jared. I'm constantly flip flopping
Also he is really, REALLY trying with this Lady Pelvic, huh? It screams of "hey small sexy up and comer I'm a YouTube star I can make you famous baby"
No. 932224
File: 1581721399856.jpg (444.13 KB, 1080x1523, 20200214_180327.jpg)

>>932210Confirmed not her own art. She wasn't even the one to credit the original artist
No. 932230
File: 1581722462210.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.4 KB, 1040x456, vagina eyes.jpg)

>>931700Spot the difference
No. 932247
File: 1581723803266.jpg (237.41 KB, 677x921, nn7jo.jpg)

>Do you think when Jared ghosts her now a days she still blames Heidi even though they are separated? Reminds me of this meme …
No. 932249
>>932121That's some mega cringy shit right there.
>>932096Eh, for someone who thinks she's an expert on all things birds (Jared, for example), she should have known better.
No. 932352
>>932271I hate that I recognized that dried out cooch
No. 932471
>>932146Arin is the same way.
It's why he ditched animating for Let's Plays, why he brought on JonTron for GGrumps, because he needed someone with an actual personality.
Who was then quickly replaced by again, someone with a personality, Danny Sexbang.
Then whiteknighting for the popular but trendy (which will die out within the next year or so) storytime animation community against Sr.Pelo, only for that to backfire and come out with a non-apology statement and sweep it under the rug.
No. 932500
>>932498Supposedly she was so groveling and self-deprecating in the letter that the therapist said that it was unhealthy. So instead of over-apologizing, she under-apologized and sent nothing, then got mad that Heidi didn't spontaneously come to HER with forgiveness anyway.
Literally all took place within her own mind.
No. 932527
>>932525Her hometown is full of violent crime, so is Los Angeles.
I am sure Jared (probably) gave Heidi the choice of where to move to and she chose to stay in Seattle. It's definitely safer there.
No. 932548
>>932521Not to mention the sheer logistics in trying to move 50+ pigeons, 10+ chickens and a cat, especially if she has to try and take them across state lines/on an airline. I mean, I guess it'd be feasible if she dropped them on some already overburdened animal rescue, but then she'd truly have no personality to hang her hat on if she gives up the uwu bird lady persona.
>>932527Safer compared to LA - but I don't think it boils down to safety. Jared was the primary breadwinner and from the sounds of things, tightly controlled finances. First and last months rent, plus at least one rental truck (or even more if you hire movers) makes moving back home cost prohibitive to Heidi right now.
>>932530That might very well have been part of his motivation (though like all good abusers, I'm sure he loved the idea of getting Heidi away from people who might try to rescue her from the shitty relationship).
>>932531Heidi might not have minded moving to LA since there is a larger cosplay scene there - but the move to Seattle was DEFINITELY for Jared to pursue WoTC and/or DCA. Hoelly moved there right when Heidi alleges that the affair really gained traction, so she can pitch the "I moved for DCA too!" line all she wants; the timing is way too coincidental.
No. 932579
File: 1581809910493.jpg (694.92 KB, 1873x853,…)

Someone on PULL pointed this out. More proof that she just flagrantly copies other people.
No. 932625
>>932558Of course she is. I fully expect more tweets about us and a whiteknight (Holly) to post here soon too.
>>932578She should just go honestly. Giving them that much power over her after all they've done to her is silly.
No. 932650
>>932596Butthole eyes can copy whatever she wants, but you know if someone copied her, she would be playing the
victim and reeeeing about it to all her followers
No. 932712
>>932650She doesn't want anyone 'profiting off' her, but she can profit off
anyone she wants, because she had a bad childhood or whatever other excuse comes to mind.
No. 932860
>>932846That's sort of misinformation. Holly and Creepshow exchanged some public tweets (archived in a previous thread) in which Holly asks to have the videos taken down and Creepshow agrees.
Later, in one of her Rewired Soul videos, Creepshow mentions/shows a private message exchange with Rewired where
he uses "Holly hurting herself" as an example to try to bait and manipulate Creepshow. She seems concerned that the hypothetical example might be real, but it's not confirmed. Here is the video, and the screenshot is visible in the background through most of it.
Not defending Holly because she's publicly admitted to emotionally self-harming by seeking out hate comments. But anyway, here's the source.
No. 932925
>>932922Personally, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that she didn't say. Who knows if she a.) thinks of it as her own personal Thing, b.) doesn't want to be accused of cultural appropriation, c.) made it up, or what. Not about to cowtip over it, but wish I knew. It must be esoteric indeed if it's a manuscript with a seeing hand in the context of European witchcraft (i.e. Holly's "aesthetic.")
Since people have a hair
trigger in this thread: I'm not accusing Euro witchcraft of being an aesthetic, I'm accusing Holly of not being a sincere believer.
No. 932929
>>932646Anons are really harping on drawing inspiration from other artists now.
The milk must be very sour.
No. 932932
>>932922The image seems like it's based on other depictions of Pieter van der Heyden's Hand of Glory, a 16th Century Flemish print maker.
Searching google for it brings up a lot of similar images to Holly's but it looks like she used that then tossed some more Witchy things on it.
No. 932936
>>932925I can see that being an inspiration.
I googled the original leggings from Sovrin and it turns out those were based on Tenome from Japanese 18th century lore. They're some sort of monster with eyes on their hands.
So she definitely didn't come up with her own design. She copied it from Sovrin and added some chicken feet.
No. 932966
File: 1581916703095.jpg (284.69 KB, 680x1483, holly made this.jpg)

>>932929>dRaWiNg iNsPiRaTiOnit's straight up copying anon. do you remember when someone made a parody of holly's fugly ass "Cancelled" teeshirt and holly got it reported and taken down asap? do you remember all the times she and wormdick wept on twitter about people "capitalizing and making money out of their suffering"?
not to mention as other anons have pointed out that since this kinda stuff is simply an aesthetic for holly that she can creep in like a skin and molt out of when convenient, it just adds another layer of scum to her behavior. but it's just holly being holly, what else is new, i guess?
No. 932975
File: 1581918948880.png (2.68 MB, 1868x1202, ig.png)

>>932966I mean really. Last I checked, art theft was a huge deal. Both independent artisans and huge corporations get a ton of shit when they're caught lifting designs. It's hard to support oneself as an artist, and they deserve to have their IP respected. If that's hard to understand, imagine your coworker getting paid for your hours instead of you.
No. 932978
>>932975If she is going to slim her face out and filter into oblivion why doesn't she edit those atrocious brows?
Anyone watch the show she is talking about being on? Wondering if she plays a hobo trash vampire?
No. 932982
File: 1581921062143.png (1.19 MB, 1172x1170, courtofcups.png)

>>932978i don't watch it, but i remembered her sharing artwork for the show waayyy back when
i'm going to give you
one guess for which character holly might be playing
No. 933000
>>932986that's the whole point. it got taken down because doing this stuff is stealing IP, so clearly this concept is not completely lost on the trash bitch. she's stealing art on purpose and passing it off as "uwu i got inspired and made the exact same thing"
maybe try to measure yourself with the same yardstick as you do the world, holly
No. 933004
File: 1581929169157.jpg (391.19 KB, 2048x1316, DzdxAg1UwAAlSpl.jpg)

>>932978 Almost called it. She's a hobo trash werewolf.
No. 933078
File: 1581952456104.png (106.87 KB, 1772x466, strix.PNG)

>>933071Nah, she's always played as a version of Strix
No. 933079
>>933078So Strix AND Diath are both of their childhood self-inserts? Fucking LOL, makes it better that they ruined their show.
Also explains what Heidi said in her tell-all stream that Holly would constantly tell Jared she wish she met him in high school and all that bullshit. Also, looking back, she was basically saying "I wish I met you before Ross" which is pretty fucked up
No. 933129
>>932984Is this true? Because if it is, that would make it hilarious considering Holly & Jared's WKs consistently taunted Heidi by calling her a 'spinster' & forever alone & trying to twist the knife by elaborating how she "goes to bed alone at night while Jared & Holly have
each other" & are always gushing about the 'triumph' of irl-Striath.
Also funny how Holly preaches about how 'mistress' & 'homewrecker' are SO abhorrently sexist, yet her stans
love calling Heidi a bitter spinster, or a 'typical' single cat-lady, etc…
No. 933183
>>933172if anything it is exactly the opposite. There is only one other person besides Holly that has been confirmed had sex with Jared while their poly lasted - the uno girl, which Heidi confirmed is a real story. No other fans or women came forward even at the height of the story when Heidi was asking for information for cheating and so on. While we know from Heidi's own admissions that she has had sexual relationships with multiple women and her poly SO. And before you say "IT WAS PLATONIC", go read what the definition of platonic is and then read again what the text between Heidi and Jared said when Heidi was together with her SO at a convention and Jared was not.
We don't even know if the poly was really called off or when. She called off Holly, that's obvious; but she allowed Jared to go have sex with uno girl again in March 2018.
No. 933212
File: 1581981097923.png (3.9 MB, 1785x1218, holly.PNG)

Blowing off her streaming schedule yet again, what a surprise
No. 933216
>>9332121. Will Jared go with her
2. How can she afford to take all this time off
3. Is this a breakdown from seeing the pussyeyes shop lol
No. 933233
>>933224Yeah the livestream forest walk thing is something I wouldn't recommend.
Sure Seattle isn't a hotspot for gang violence like their previous residence Los Angeles, but it still has it's fair share of psychos. Like Jared, Hoelly and of course OnionBoy is around the block too.
No. 933255
>>933253I'd say she's
finally taking a break from social media, but you know she's gonna stay 'connected' the entire time.
No. 933323
File: 1582025175075.jpg (63.76 KB, 707x242, SmartSelect_20200219-002401_Tw…)

Jared tweeted this a bit before Holly tweeted that she'd be going camping. Maybe they did go together? Although he says he'll be back wednesday and Holly says she'll be back later in the week.
No. 933338
>>933255She's already posting Instagram stories and following new accounts. Cause you sit on your phone and scroll IG when you camp, right? As much as she pretends to be soooo in touch with nature, she only uses it as an aesthetic like everything else.
>>933323I bet Holly dragged him out there by saying she'd pay for the trip. I can't see Jared as someone who enjoys camping. Holly saying "later in the week" also gives her an excuse not to stream for longer, which is what I think this trip was for to begin with
No. 933376
>>933369Here is her mindset: well Strix would do and like these things so I do!
You are NOT Strix, Holly. Jared is NOT Diath.
No. 933379
>>933212For someone who complains alot about how much the drama impacted her income she sure doesn't want to work. Does she think she just deserve patrons and donations for existing?
Also, I feel bad for the poor son of a bitch who has to watch those birds
No. 933466
>>933443Taking care of dozens of birds, cats, and chickens when you know the nearest vet is a MAYBE 10 minute drive and where you could probably uber to the pet supply store is a lot different than being in the middle of the fucking woods, Anon.
>"I think 'camping' is being mistaken here for 'going off the grid'"Because when 99% of people go camping, they mean in tents where they do outdoor activities - not spend most of their time updating their followers on facebook/twitter via their cell phones.
No. 933477
February 2018 = Confession of their feelings
February 2019 = Jared breaks up with Heidi (while he was dating Holly)
February 2020 = Anniversary
No. 933488
File: 1582063896131.jpg (870.22 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200218-170851_Ins…)

Camping selfie
No. 933521
File: 1582071193669.jpg (137.77 KB, 646x438, cdc_cold_sore_closeup_lips.jpg)

>>933514not that anon but that's definitely a cold sore. girl has herpes
No. 933550
>>933477Holy shit you're right anon!
is their
No. 933556
>>933514Slander doesn't mean anything on here, anon.
>>933477This is a very decent guess for herp lip Hoelly.
No. 933574
File: 1582079585247.jpeg (19.69 KB, 705x320, 466566AF-063C-4CE0-A176-547A8C…)

>>933488>>933521not a hoelly wk (and agree that slander don’t mean shit here) but it doesn’t look like herpes to me, herpes is usually like pretty well defined blister that you can see from a mile away like op posted.
i have dry skin and also a terrible shameful habbit of picking at the skin on my lips/chewing on my lips (which only ever gets 10x worse during winter and being outdoors) and that’s what that looks like to me. that looks exactly like she ripped off a little piece of skin right there, because that always ends up looking like little specks of red, like pic related
No. 933575
File: 1582079682003.jpeg (17.3 KB, 328x296, 8999B04F-6131-41CA-92DC-3DDC7A…)

>>933574plus you can see her lips and nose are a bit crusty/flaky even through the filter, so I would bet money that’s what it is
(again not defending her because it’s still a disgusting bad habit. but it’s not an uncommon anxiety uwu response either)
No. 933597
File: 1582086515008.jpg (163.91 KB, 760x217, cold-sore_h.jpg)

>>933575>>933574the usual pics of cold sores are always exaggerated but when going through the stages of healing they look like what holly has. it doesnt help she filters the shit out of her pictures.
>>933523true but it's still funny because holly and society deems it as a scarlet letter of sorts and shames people for it nonetheless. it's even funnier because everybody treats heidi like the homewrecker but she doesnt have herpes kek
No. 933705
File: 1582123635776.jpg (425.04 KB, 822x1304, Lol.jpg)

>>933597But I thought Holly was a pure innocent asexual birb mom?
No. 933714
>>933705Light colored hair suits her much better imo
(But that wouldn't be witchy/Strix like so it's a No Go)
No. 933737
>>933714Yeah. Seems like she's trying desperately to 'go goth' but lighter, pastel colors just seem to work
way better for her looks-wise imo.
This whole 'dark artist' look just… doesn't compliment
any of her better features & she just looks like she's sick all the time (in a 'gross' way, not in the 'edgy & deep' way)
No. 933770
File: 1582137014826.jpeg (567.71 KB, 868x1024, 47B8011E-A3ED-41A2-A028-6490D6…)

>>933597disgusting lip-chan here, nah that still doesn’t look anything like even a healing one. even healing ones have the more oval blistery shape, and they keep that shape all through healing, that’s just a tiny speck and it’s still within her lip line, not spreading to the skin around her lips
dude trust me that’s skin picking, not herp. it still happens on the edges of the lips like that because if you’re pulling on lip skin it will end right at the barrier where your lip and face skin ends (ie picking lips never extends to the face skin) like bottom pic related. that’s why there’s that clear red line of irritation and the bottom edges of her lips as well
probably just from cold weather though, it’s a viscous cycle during winter of
>oh no my lips are dry and flaky>pick flakes off>oh no that made it worse and more flaky>pick flakes off>oh no thatagain not trying to wk, i’ve just had the issue my whole life and i know it when i see it
No. 933885
>>933882Gatekeeping what is and isn't nature. Nice.
There's a coffee shop in West Yellowstone National park. You could get coffee there and carry it a few blocks into the park. Does that mean Yellowstone isn't nature?
No. 933887
>>933885Most people in Yellowstone don't spend their quality "time in nature" updating their insta followers.
You might stop and get coffee (I'd encourage it at this time of year, considering how fucking cold it gets in the mountains), but your first instinct probably wouldn't be to take a snapchat selfie for your followers.
No. 933918
>>933851Yall that’s clearly not herpes, this is getting beyond tinfoil territory if you’re now accusing heidi and jared (and by extension ross) of having herpes too based on nothing
I mean, it’s entirely possible she does have it considering how common it is but that’s definitely not what that is in that pic and there’s no reason to assume heidi has it at all
stop tinfoiling and get back to the real milk
No. 934007
File: 1582171640651.png (1.2 MB, 1162x738, Screenshot 2020-02-20 at 9.36.…)

>>933891do you also do this anon
>i KNOW i shouldn't be online but got dang those sweet sweet twitter likes No. 934013
>>933891>folxyou can't be anymore obvious with that tumblr speak
>>933885gatekeeping? yellowstone is a tourist destination of course it'll have a coffee place and probably a gift shop, but our uwu speshul garbage witch portrays herself to be in touch with nature that doesnt have gift shops.
it's hypocritical to say you're going camping and ending up at a starbucks. literally the opposite of the whole "camping experience".
No. 934094
>>934091Makes sense, he probably would wear his ring around Heidi and tell her he wanted to fix things then go on stream where he knew Holly would be watching and take it off so that his narrative to her that Striath was endgame and that she was infact his true love uWu wouldn't be damaged
Also, were these the same streams he told Unogirl about that he would look at fans' nudes to get hard on camera during? Feel like a lot of people skip over how completely wrong and gross that is
No. 934253
>>934237If that "book" is more than one chapter long, and that chapter consists of anything other than "Holly = good, Heidi = bad, haters = unfair", I will be laid out with shock.
>>934251I don't buy that she quit reading. I think anytime the attention around her drops (or her and Jared argue/he ghosts her), she comes looking at lolcow so she can pretend she's still relevant.
No. 934512
>>934206the character all the way on the right seems to be played by the lideejaah lady. did you watch this show though, are they any good? i was wondering how good the other characters are, it looks like an interesting setup
>>934441i wonder how a bird who's used to free-roaming indoors is going to adjust to farm life. i know they're not people, but it's gotta have some effect on the poor critter? "uwu i can't shit on the ground, i need a complete bed and pillow set"
No. 934662
>>934643nta but you will find it in the first couple of the projared-holly threads. unogirl claimed it in her first reddit post. it had gems like:
>jared looked at fan nudes while streaming>jared stood naked in his windows waiting to get spotted>jared ejaculated prematurely in a threesome oncethe source is unogirl kek but at that time she was super salty at jared having ghosted her and then being outed as a cheater, so there's little reason to doubt the truth of it
No. 934664
>>934662It wasn’t uno girl. It was another anonymous reddit accuser who claimed to be 15 at the time of their interactions with Jared. They also claimed to have reported him to the DOJ but nothing ever came of that. People seem to forget that one, but people also confuse chai and charlie so pjthowaway23(uno girl)vs projburneraccount(the alleged 15 year old) is even more confusing.
All uno girl talked about was sending nudes back and forth and going to a couple cons to hook up with him after which he ghosted her.
I’d link to the posts but with the original projared subreddit being privated it renders both posts inaccessible though I’m sure there’s an archive somewhere.
Regardless if this was something he did it doesn’t surprise me with his constant send nudes “jokes” on tumblr.
No. 934665
>>934662samefag - sorry - found the post
>>805220it wasn't unogirl, it was the person who claimed they were 15 year old and had contacted the DOJ regarding jared and then vanished off of reddit. so maybe take it with a grain of salt? it WOULD be funny as fuck though if it wasn't so completely vomit-inducing.
No. 934668
>>934664you're right. there's so many anonymous confessions against jared that i get confused, and yet his fanboys are way too quick to dismiss them. i'd say the sheer number of accusations should make one seriously consider the possibility, at the very least.
>if this was something he did it doesn’t surprise meit doesn't seem far-fetched to me either, all of his actions are basically the same predatory tendencies manifesting in different shapes. i remember two girls posting about how he sent them nudes
after they refused wanting any, clearly this is not a boundary this man respects
No. 934674
File: 1582292146180.jpg (646.6 KB, 1043x1703, 2067.jpg)

Labia Lids is using other people's mental health posts to complain about her week long anxiety. I'm surprised the twitter free, projared anniversary camping trip wasn't relaxing. Imagine her anxiety if she had normal stress like working a full time job
No. 934704
>>934682Have panic attacks - and it is debilitating, but Hoelly using it as a "You can't be mean to me - I have anxiety!" bit drives me up the fucking wall.
You don't have anxiety, you dumb sow - What you're feeling is GUILT, not anxiety.
No. 934795
File: 1582304245483.jpeg (250.68 KB, 640x745, 38BB5858-5957-43B2-ACFA-69F171…)

Oh she’s definitely still reading lolcow. “Waaa waaa my appeawance and my labia eyelids”
No. 934799
>>934795Kinda like calling someone "
abusive" or "unfixable" to justify your sociopathic ass moving across the country to fuck their husband.
No. 934816
>>934795How tf you gonna destroy a marriage, try to justify it by calling the wife "unfixable" then tell others to be kind.
Lmao quit projecting your faults onto other people, Holly. Maybe ask yourself why you're getting talked about this way instead of saying "uwu im mentally ill so nothing is ever my fault pwease don't hold me accountable #bekind"
From one mentally ill person to another, own up to your bullshit.
No. 934821
File: 1582305136355.png (93.92 KB, 1686x379, holly.PNG)

She's still going
No. 934844
File: 1582306322717.png (200.55 KB, 1780x1227, bullying.PNG)

this is bullying you guys
No. 934847
File: 1582306521099.png (249.72 KB, 1714x1393, bullying2.PNG)

No. 934852
File: 1582306881135.png (230.05 KB, 1799x1538, bullying3.PNG)

No. 934861
>>934855I wouldn't call it public shaming per se. Just a brat trying to signal how innocent and victimized she is by an internet troll. Like, sure, trolls can be destructive, but throwing so much attention at someone like this changes nothing. He's not out for a conversation, Holly. Ignore him or you know, block out that shit.
"Why are you doing this to me?" just emphasizes how pathetic you are and how you never take responsibility for your own actions.
No. 934872
>>934795She started ranting on twitter at fucking 9am. She really needs a job, any job, that keeps her busy and off the internet.
>>934868Ugh he would support her
No. 934897
>>934795>>934852Her whole "be kind" thing is really reminiscent of Onision's "be human". "You can't criticize my
toxic or
abusive behaviors because it's bullying, BE KIND!" Holly, you are a grown woman, you can literally just log out of twitter.
No. 934912
>>934897Speaking of, I wonder what
she thinks about Onision & his situation?
No. 934932
File: 1582317162550.png (63.6 KB, 432x510, selfharmin.png)

Apparently she started following whoever runs that 'procancelled' blog on Tumblr…
No. 934937
File: 1582317383909.png (22.07 KB, 478x330, procancelledresponds.png)

>>934932…Holly followed them on Twitter, I mean.
You would think that 'being out in nature' would make Holly feel better, but nope. I wonder what happened on her & Jared's little camping trip that's causing her to 'self-harm search'…
No. 934940
>>934936That could also be the case. Maybe she originally planned to go camping with him & he turned her down.
Maybe he's attempting a social media-blackout to avoid interacting with her?
No. 934943
>>934940It's my current theory, yes. She was meant to go, something happened (if he came) or something happened and he didn't go. She takes this cute cafe selfie because of course gotta look cute for ProBird, took some plant pics and called it quits earlier than suspected.
It would explain her apparent week-long anxiety… girl you are going on a camping trip, tf are you anxious about? it's literally the chance to separate yourself from social media and breathe in some fresh air and take in some nature.
It would explain her repeated pattern of answering to everyone who is sassy to her online, sealioning every tweet instead of just leaving it be. Because she keeps doing this to herself, and she admitted she does this as a form of self harm
It would explain why she suddenly followed an account on twitter that apparently hasn't mentioned them since the beginning of February. She did this more than once in the beginning.
No. 934945
>>934937Okay, so she's been on/off following/unfollowing this person since yesterday according to this post… must be why Holly chose Jared. He's too much of a coward to tell her to
stop doing shit like this.
No. 934948
>>934936>>934940There were pictures of Holly taken by another person that she posted on her Instagram stories. She could have taken a friend on the trip, but I believe Jared went with her.
If I had to guess, I think she's lashing out because she was feeling depressed before the trip and expected that her time camping with Jared would magically fix all her mental issues. She was looking to feel like she did when they went on their first walk together and confessed their feelings.
But surprise, they're not Diath and Strix anymore. They're two regular people going camping. She's mad that all the special feelings she felt for Jared when their relationship was a secret is gone. She and Jared have a "normal" relationship now and it's not going to fix her problems. She's still depressed and sad and she's probably bitter she can't post pictures of Jared and her together.
Instead of looking at her own actions and choices, she blames the bullies for tainting her relationship. If only everyone would stop holding her accountable, maybe she could be happy again. It's not Holly's fault that she's unhappy, it's the people on tumblr or lolcow or twitter.
No. 934951
>>934948thank you anon! I had unfollowed her ages ago so I didn't see the stories. I guess he probably did go with her then, but something still happened that ruined her mood.
Yeah, not only do they not have a special relationship, it's barely normal. She is so protective of her ~personal life, as evident by those latest tweets, so I bet she's hypersensitive about it and it's hitting her where it hurts
I am also tinfoiling that her #bekind tweets are also subtweeting at jared, maybe he said or did something shitty so she's all uwu be kind, jared, look at how all my followers like and support that thought, you should too! etc
Like she would blatantly subtweet about his goddamn marriage and how much it depressed her and she'd get drunk over it. I would be so mortified if I was Jared and she starts emoposting online about my own marriage. I wouldn't put it past her to be passo aggresso to him too.
No. 934957
>>934956Or that her followers & WKs always go on to shit all over Heidi literally
any time someone so much as
hints to the past drama?
No. 934982
>>934979I think for a small point of time Jared truly was interested in Holly , or atleast Strix. Heidi said during her tellall stream that they were sexting, rping, and commissioning smut/porn of their DCA characters for MONTHS before they took their infamous walk
My guess is that Jared did have feelings for her, but once she started becoming OBSESSED with him (saying she only wanted to be with him and him with her, for example) he started to lose them. Then she was spamming him abuse articles and doing her best to make him hate his wife and divorced Ross to follow him across the country and he checked out, still stringing her along for easy sex and nudes but not reciprocating her intense feelings
No. 934993
>>934990yeah I mean if he ONLY sexted/slept with Holly I could maybe admit it could have been genuine feelings handled terribly but he was actively pursuing sexual content with fans, with holly, and of their RPing. While being married, too. Like he had his cake and ate it. His wife was saying ok to poly as long as she consented (the right way to do it), she was ok with the tumblr as long as it was consenting adults, and his channel was rising and he was roleplaying his highschool character on a very popular show with friends. Living the dream honestly. Until Holly wanted a bigger slice of that cake, and when Heidi said "this makes me uncomfortable", passive aggressively poisoned the lake over months and months until the whole thing crumbled, because she thought she was "saving him"
like honestly the chai/charlie drama is separate from this situation and would have had its own trajectory regardless of the drama that occurred. It only gained notoriety because of the dramatic crescendo from the NSFW snaps, Holly going apeshit, etc. On its own it probably would have faded to relative obscurity.
No. 935067
>>935050>Holly thinks we hate herI mean, I do. She seems like a genuinely shitty person who tries to cope with it by masking herself behind disingenuous outreach projects, rather than acknowledge and actually work on her own flaws and insecurities.
I hold no sympathy for unrepentant abusers, especially ones that lash out at anyone that tries to hold them accountable.
No. 935100
>>934795>#bekindYep, nothing says #bekind like slandering someone's wife for months because you want to sleep with the husband, esp when you say you are said wife's friend too, then gaslight her, publicly armchair diagnose her while deeming her 'unfixable' to boot, and then commit adultery in your own marriage while being a mistress in another.
Yep, #bekind yall.
>>933939>>933918>>933770>>933575>>933574Sure are a lot of random defensive posts about herpaholly ITT. Hit a nerve?
No. 935109
>>934795It will never not be the most ridiculous to see her preach "Be Kind!" but knowing that it only applies to HER.
>>934816Second mentally ill person chiming in to tell Hoelly to shut the fuck up. When she called someone an "Unfixable Abuser" publicly while telling said person in private that it was all a mistake, she lost the right to ree about "Be kind!!!!"
>"Bullying is for the weak!"Says the bitch that literally called someone an "unfixable abuser" that came forward just to profit before waiting a whole three months to do the exact same shit herself.
>>934847Oh god, she's back on the "This is sexist to call me a mistress adulterous whore!" train.
>>934855Bingo. She HAS to know by now that her fans will aggressively attack anyone who speaks out against her, so calling that dude out specifically is just starting the hate mob.
No. 935116
File: 1582337812681.png (68.06 KB, 582x693, sortofapology.png)

>>935109Looks like she got him to apologize… well, sort of.
No. 935118
>>934871Pretty much this. She keeps doing this and it flies right over her head that what she's doing is harassing a person right back by trying to find out more about them in order to use what she finds as ammo against them. She's a bully, will always be a bully and needs to shut the fuck up about others being bullies.
Eat shit and be kind, Hoelly.
No. 935120
more like, "You go first, Holly."
No. 935126
>>934819That is a painfully accurate comparison.
>>934847It's always sad when people co-opt feminism for something barely-related they've been criticized for. When it comes to sexism on Twitter (not to mention sexism in general) she is so far off from being a typical
victim. Etika vibes. Does she not understand how much
victim-blaming, doxing, rape threats, etc. some women get?
No. 935268
>>935254Which would be
valid if just joining a cause so you could point and say “look! I’m so charitable, guys!” - but if it’s a cause you truly believe in, it shouldn’t matter if it’s popular or not.
No. 935280
>>935253Because she was bringing it on herself, Anon. Rape Threats aren't acceptable, but you ignore them (or report them to the authorities if you honestly feel at risk) - You don't post them all over your twitter in a bid to gain sympathy.
>"She's a terrible person so it doesn't count"You'll forgive me for not being upset over people slut-shaming Hoelly for being a ……well, a slut that was fucking a married man despite the man's wife explicitly saying "Hey, fuck other people - just not that one person"
Sex between consenting adults = great
Sex between a woman and a man behind the man's wife's back = Whore-like, slutty
No. 935530
A bit OT, but after watching the recent Chris Hansen interview,I looked this up: LOT of the behavior that Holly's (& Jared's) WKs have shown is similar to the behaviors listed here,
especially under the "Information Control", "Thought Control", & "Emotional Control" sections
No. 935552
>>935530This is so interesting. On Jared's side, there are these:
→ Discourage access to non-cult sources of information
→ Divide information into Insider vs. Outsider doctrine
→ Generate and use propaganda extensively
And on Holly's side, there are these:
→ Instill Black vs. White, Us vs. Them, & Good vs. Evil thinking
→ Allow only positive thoughts
→ Reject rational analysis, critical thinking, & doubt
→ Use loaded language and cliches to stop complex thought
→ Label some emotions as evil, worldly, sinful, or wrong
I knew there was a reason I felt off about that 'truth blog' being spammed all over twitter, but I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was. I think this helps explain that gut feeling, though.
It's always felt like Jared's groupies popped up out of nowhere and tried REALLY hard to hold a smear campaign against Heidi. Either these people have mental issues, or they were paid to do this… because normal people don't get this invested in strangers' lives without some sort of personal connection involved.
I get Holly's WKs because they're all her close friends. But outside of PBG, Jared didn't seem to have any close friends defending him… just weird neckbeards on reddit/twitter.
No. 935559
>I get Holly's WKs because they're all her close friends. But outside of PBG, Jared didn't seem to have any close friends defending him… just weird neckbeards on reddit/twitter.I feel like this little 'Striath-Defense-Force' initially spawned from DCA. Think about it, a bunch of people wrote several pages worth of diatribes about how DCA 'saved' them & became the highlight of their own lives & such back when the status of the show was still up in the air.
…And don't forget that petition, linking & pushing that 'truth' blog HARD as well as flaunting their personal connections to Holly, Jared, & "the truth" on the ProJared2 subreddit (That Jared openly advertises) & their discord - promising that anyone who peruses these places will find "the TRUTH" & be 'enlightened'.
Also bear in mind that Holly & her WKs controlled the information shared.
Also, how did they all know that Chai wrote that article about suffering from memory loss?
>"Use information gained in confession sessions against you"This dude & his mistress are looking more & more like Onision by the day…
No. 935575
>>934979I'm willing to bet money that Hoelly has something on him, she used her uwu mental illness to manipulate him and I fully believe she would spin a break up to make him look worse. Hes trapped.
>>934982Yeah, Holly is balls to the wall obsessed with him, he doesn't like it too easy, I dont think he could ever be faithful to a woman. He loves ignoring girls when they get clingy, or even just show more interest in him than he wants.
Like Heidi said on her tell all, He treats Holly the same way, even worse than he treated Heidi but Holly justified it as Heidi's fault. Hoelly is probably learning the hard way its not Heidi's fault, Jared is just a piece of shit.
No. 935576
>>934821How is this chick calling anything weak when she cant even handle being called out privately. Heidi confronted her and she basically threw herself at Heidi's feet in a pathetic bid to take back the abuser bullshit she spewed to Jared.
Not to mention the weakness of checking herself into a mental hospital during the fall out of her own shitty actions.
No. 935584
>>935579Exactly, how are you gonna ditch your husband for a married man and then have a "breakdown" over the fall out. Bitch its half your fault!
Plus she couldn't resist reading about herself while she was "admitted" (claiming she was getting news from a friend) and painted a "side ho" canvas to try and get sympathy.
No. 935803
File: 1582461599473.jpg (217.53 KB, 1080x765, 20200223_073845.jpg)

Holy shit, imagine thinking this is an appropriate response. This is not the time nor place to use your UwU hugs language Holly Clownrad jesus fucking christ
No. 935808
>>935805im also surprised there was no 'ugh, i know exactly how you feel, i was assaulted a few years ago and i'm still really struggling with it and often get
triggered by it and now i have to see a therapist for it and my life is really hard. anyway hugs!!' headass bitch behaviour
No. 935817
>>935803Yeah because someone who was just sexually assaulted really wants to be touched/hugged by strangers on the internet. Not
triggering at all. Fuck off Holly
No. 935838
>>935803On the surface it seems like an ok response, but the more you look at it the worse it gets. This is someone saying "I'm not ok, and if you're not ok too, you're not alone" and Holly's response is "I hope you're ok." Like no bitch, they just said they weren't. That was the entire fucking point. Holly's response is generic and patronizing in context.
A much better response would have been something like "Guilt and shame are normal reactions, even though they're unjustified. I hope you can get the help you need to work through this. I recommend as a good source."
But Holly's the mental health guru, donchaknow?
No. 935879
>>935803Lysa's a tried and true Holly stan though, so she'll be cool with it.
Which is a shame, because you'd hope the D&D Social Media Manager would keep better company, this is basically as bad as Mike Mearls' friendship with Zak S, but at least WOTC put Mearls on a social media clampdown and pulled his show off Twitch.
No. 936025
File: 1582498473804.png (540.71 KB, 597x843, 2020-02-23_17h53_49.png)

Oh hey, another Holly Pity Party.
No. 936026
>>935843>>936010Finally someone brought this up. I'm an old fan who watched wayyy back during her cosplay days. Maybe other anons remember as well, but Holly used to be a tougher, no nonsense type of person. Then she got into DCA/Strix and completely changed and started with the ~uwu so fragile~ bullshit.
She was FAR more mature before DCA and Jared. I don't know what happened to her. Also, she didn't have as many physical tics. She touched her hair occasionally but now it's constant and it seems like she can't stop herself from doing it. The hand biting thing is pretty difficult to watch. As someone who's followed her for a long time, it's really apparent SOMETHING happened to her. I wish she didn't burn all her bridges with people who actually seemed to care about her.
No. 936039
>>936028My tinfoil is Jared told Holly he's not interacting with her on social media because his divorce isn't final. So she can still blame Heidi when he's emotionally unavailable.
Also think their anniversary camping trip didn't go well, because as soon as they got back she started looking for hate tweets again.
No. 936057
>>936010It's also used as a "Uwu you can't be mad at me, Im baby" response by those who cause a fuckton of drama but don't want to deal with the blowback.
>>936035In one of her earliest twitter spurges.
>"Not interacting….because his divorce isn't final"It didn't stop him from sticking his dick in her in the first place and then letting her verbal diarrhea all over the internet.
(Spurges) No. 936080
>>936041I love how jared is super not active on Twitter since the drama but still likes gorgeous women's posts every day, especially since they are the kind of women holly hates and is jealous of by default
Call me sexist but I cant pretend I dont know how much of an absolute horn dog and sex pest he is after the drama,
Also alot of the women he is now Twitter stalking are small up and coming creators, which makes the whole thing reek of him using his clout to gain their affections
No. 936090
>>936084No anon, HEIDI is the one with BPD because people with BPD are
big bad meanies! /s
No. 936153
>>936097I got banned for pointing the BPD thing out earlier, but 100% agree with this analysis.
There are just too many things that line up.
History of childhood sexual abuse, no clear sense of personality/constantly changing physical appearance, personality splitting (cutting out the "bad" parts of her own personality and judging others who display these "negative emotions"), all of the twitter virtue signaling, being attracted to someone with NPD, the obsessive love she had for Jared, having a hard time keeping reality/fantasy straight, self harm, mood swings, etc). Not saying all people with BPD are like this, but she has a strangely high number of BPD-like qualities.
Wouldn't be surprised if she was projecting her own diagnosis onto Heidi, as well.
No. 936207
>>936080It just reeks of Jared still thinking that he has some sort of "clout" in the community, like he doesn't understand that he imploded his career for his side piece. Yes, he's kept his mouth shut while Hoelly took the predominate hit on twitter, but he's still forever known as the potential pedophile who fucked his married coworker behind his wife's back while soliciting nudes from fans.
No up-and-coming cosplayer with half of a brain would want to attach themselves to that stigma.
Hoelly's just plain ignorant if she thinks jared is going to be with her and ONLY her. If he cheats on his WIFE, there's nothing stopping him from cheating on his side piece with a younger, prettier woman.
No. 936239
>>936086it's also noteworthy how holly keeps interacting in his stream chats and he completely ignores her, like way way completely, while he answers simple questions and talks at people all the time, and most importantly says hi to people like that ladypelvic youtuber when they come by lmao
even that complete moron dan pirro of twitter army fame gets mentioned now and again. what does holly get? publicly ghosted kek
No. 936250
>>936239You're not wrong, Anon. Before, when she was regularly freaking the fuck out, Jared remained silent and ignoring her - but as soon as she calmed down, he had her on his streams, liked a post or two. IMO, he's very much withholding attention/affection/interaction to get her to behave how he wants her to.
that's some classic douchbag emotionally
abusive, narcissist behavior.
Those two truly do deserve each other.
No. 936254
>>936252i saw holly appear in two, one was in a FF6 playthrough (seriously fuck this guy for playing my faves. i feel dirty)
she came on and said something like "it's too cold, today is officially cancelled" and everyone jumped to say "hi holly" – in case it wasn't plain, jared's streams are filled with asslickers who defended him blindly in the past
i can't remember the second stream, but i do remember another anon who said holly sperged about getting "gummy worms in the mail" in one stream chat and got completely ignored
so i'm guessing it's at least a semi-regular thing kek
No. 936258
>>936254Oh man, that's cringy af. Considering he ignores her on twitter, I'm not surprised.
I also noticed that they started streaming at the same time. I wonder if Jared asked her to do that so he could avoid having her on his stream as often.
No. 936311
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This makes me feel sad for Holly and how almost a year later she's unable to let go of the obsession with this character
No. 936312
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No. 936320
>>936312Jesus Holly, let her be gone. We know now that you were dangerously obsessed with Strix and used her as an outlet to destroy two marriages. We know now she isnt just a fun DnD character but instead a creepy self insert you centered your whole current personality on. Strix will ALWAYS be associated with the affair, always always always. And I promise doing a big comeback comic about DCA that will almost certainly only focus on Strix/Diath is a baaad idea. DCA is over. Diath is over. STRIX is over.
She has other characters, doesnt she? The Trash Werewolf from that Patreon show and the Bird Dude? She can make new characters, too. Strix has been gone for 9 months yet she still is the only OC holly talks about.
Maybe she thinks constantly reminding the world of Strix will remind Jared of the good old days where they were sneaking around and publicly flirting their asses off every Tuesday on DCA?
No. 936327
>>936320I tried to begin watching DCA and maybe there's character development but. What the fuck is her obsession with Strix about and how did Jared's character even "fall in love" with her?
She sounds dirty and like she smells rank since her hair is matted and shit like she seems like such an unhygienic creep carrying a half dead rat around is that how she is the entire series?
No. 936365
>>936312if she's not gone how come you're still using a
fucking fictional character to sadbait?
do something with her. maybe try to get a fucking grip. if it's so important to you then maybe move on and be happy with the choices you made and the lot you fought so hard to get?
it's really posts like these that make me think she resents jared more than she wants the wormdick. apparently the LoSs Of StRiX means a lot more to her than the prize she's won. wonder if it's because he refuses to D&D during sex anymore?
No. 936373
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>>936372Also some replies she hasnt liked (yet) I was just curious what about Strix is so great and inspiring?
No. 936376
>>936312She already missed the window to make Strix relevant again to the community. Sure, the few hardcore DCA fans will buy any product she ends up making that finishes Strix's story or whatever. But it's coming up on a year since the show ended. Holly is still losing tons of followers on social media, and they aren't haters: they're average DnD fans who no longer find her relevant and have moved on to new shows.
She is SO bad at marketing herself and building a career that I'm amazed she used to have as many fans as she did (before she blew it up). The time to start making a Strix comic was months ago back when people were still talking about DCA. You know she's going to procrastinate and drag out any Strix project, posting little mentions of Strix every few weeks and hinting at a "super secret project". By the time she actually gets it finished, everyone will have forgotten about her and have moved onto Chris, Anna, and Nate's new show.
No. 936377
>>936370Honestly youd think Holly would understand why Jared doesnt want to be a social media couple right now, I mean its pretty fucking obvious when the divorce isnt settled yet and all the hate and backlash they still receive at the mention of each other.
Maybe it's because her and Ross were such a public "celebrity" couple that now it's the only way she knows how to carry out a relationship, especially since Jared is a fellow influencer.
Or now that she finally separated Jared and Heidi she just wants to show off her prize and success at saving an 'abuse
No. 936416
>>936394A lot of couples don't always glomp each other on social media or do couple streams etc. It's perfectly normal, anon.
Also, anon, it's normal for the chick to be the one doing more of the engaging/"sperging" on social than it is for the dude unless he is ABSOLUTELY head over heels.
So while it would be funny if true, what we see is literally nothing out of the ordinary that even you probably would experience at some point in a relationship.
No. 936447
>>936440I feel like she wouldn't tbh. Maybe some time later, but not right away. When Jared\Heidi drama happened, she did everything to show everybody AND Jared that she is as a
victim of Heidi as he is. In my opinion she did it mostly for Jared. But when he dumps her, there will be nobody to cling to, no reason to make threads about "abuse" and him being "unfixable".
No. 936449
>>936440I cant ever see her going after Jared after a breakup, she is too admiring of him
I think she will blame Heidi and the drama. It will be Heidi's fault for putting off their love for so long, leagally fighting with them both, and for publicly speaking out against their fuckery. She will also blame the drama and bullies for making them feel ashamed and for all the shit they got at first.
It will be a pity party to the max, but she will never turn against Jared
No. 936455
>>936364>>936373She started out a cringey scared mess who'd run away all the time BUT THEN she stopped running away even when she's scared because FRAAAAAAANDS.
And that's just really inspirational to all these white folk who failed to mature to any decent degree, who still regularly cry because the show is over.
No. 936462
>>936440No, she'll probably try to pass it off as an amicable breakup to save face from all the people ready to tell her "I told you so."
However, I think part of the reason Jared doesn't want to officially acknowledge their relationship to the public is plausible deniability. He didn't engage with Heidi on social media for months and he later cited that as proof his relationship was failing. He'll do the same thing to Holly.
No. 936475
>>936440My bet’s on a pity party where she blames Heidi and the Haters (band name) for traumatising poor Jared to the point where he pushed away his twu wuv. If only
someone from his past who shall not be named (who is his ex wife btw) hadn’t hurt him so badly, Holly and Jared would have been together forever! That’s why it’s so important to #bekind to people because otherwise they might turn around and be hurtful towards others like Holly, who did
nothing to deserve this!!1
I wonder if she realises that Jared’s newfound MRA fanbase will tear her apart if she tries to place any blame on him.
No. 936486
>>936477Or that it takes two to make a relationship work; If ONE-WHO-SHALL-NOT-BE-NAMED would apply themselves, she wouldn't be a miserable stoner. /s
Like other anon said, their MRA Gamer Bro fanbase will rip her to shreds if/when she speaks out against Jared.
No. 936580
> Also, anon, it's normal for the chick to be the one doing more of the engaging/"sperging" on social than it is for the dude unless he is ABSOLUTELY head over heels.i mean yeah i guess it's normal if your SO sucks and you have terrible taste in men
meanwhile ross was openly loving and expressive, it's almost like he was a better partner than jared in literally every way possible
No. 936581
>>936568No "official" Striath - but the only characters either is capable of making are blatant self inserts. When you've managed to piss off WoTC, one of the biggest dnd organizations ever, you've already shot your new series in the foot. It will never be more than a mediocre youtube series followed only by the most dedicated few fans.
Good luck getting any kind of backing from actual organizations within the industry.
No. 936616
>>936606The blurb about using "not positive" instead of "bad" as a descriptor for your emotions because it "doesn't sound healthy".
That's some newspeak shit. Mental health is about accepting your actual emotions, not masking them. Why tf this bitch telling people they can't honor their real emotions because she (the authority) thinks it's "not healthy"? Stop doing fucking mental health streams if you can't get a basic therapy concept correct.
No. 936621
File: 1582592283520.jpg (53.77 KB, 512x341, ringer.jpg)

This is the shirt she wore on stream today and I would need an essay to document all the reasons that that is ridiculous.
No. 936625
>>936621C'mon, Anon - Didn't you know that the 'nice' thing to do is fuck your "friend"'s husband behind her back, publicly call her an unfixable abuser, and then make someone's suicide all about yourself while scamming cancer patients?
No. 936671
>>936565>>936573i can't help but think holly got so
triggered with all this thread's posts about how jared doesn't give two shits about her, she threw a hissy fit at him, and her friends had to get involved like "dammit bitch calm the fuck down. we'll play if you want this so bad"
>>936625i hope we can make #BEKIND a thing for next thread, maybe work it into the title because it's awesome lol
No. 936696
>>936671Noted - "ProJared/Holly Conrad/DCA/GG: "The #BEKIND Edition"
>>936673She said when she brought in the first batch that she wanted to get more in the spring. I think legally, she's in the clear with the city so far as having that many - but I don't know how they would handle it being a nuisance issue with the neighbors.
I just don't see how taking care of 50+ pigeons, 10+ chickens and the fucking cat aren't a full time job. That right there is how you know that she isn't giving each animal the attention it deserves. A virus/infection/parasite could spread through the entire 'flock' before she even realized it.
No. 936813
>>936580For real. When you leave a man who:
- openly loved you and defended your honor,
-has been with you for the death of your grandfather
- has been tolerant of your compulsive need to raise a whole petting zoo in the backyard
- been a solid pillar of support through your mental health issues
For a guy that doesn't give the time of day except for some nookie…damn Holly you really didn't deserve Ross.
No. 936861
>>936841Sure, they were even ground, but not anymore. For a while before the drama hit she was known for Strix and DnD, but she just had to insert herself into Jared's marriage and ruin her career for him.
She went from Ross's wife to DnD player to Jared's mistress- oh wait, that's too misogynistic for Holly- Jared's woman he cheated on his wife with.
Also I get the feeling she won't be as bothered being attached to Jared's name as she was to Ross, which is sad. Like, she seems much more proud and happy to be Jared's Girl(tm) than she ever was when she was with Ross. I guess because Jared is her soulmate uwu
No. 936869
>>936861not to mention that she revamps herself every so often and manages to accumulate newer fans who maybe aren't aware that her drama actually runs old and deep and didn't start with DCA.
She was mass effect holly for a while with the cosplay folk and was a drama queen then. She then turned into GG tumblr holly, aka ross' wife. Most of her fandom was from game grumps, since she had a wider reach and spent more time as that than the cosplaying
then she split and became DCA holly, the "trash witch" persona. I bet a lot of fans came from DCA and haven't really been aware of her prior to it, or at least knew about her much.
No. 936885
>>936799No one is knocking her for having chickens in general - but over TEN chickens in addition to the FIFTY pigeons?? She's an animal hoarder. There's no way those animals are getting the individual care that they need to thrive.
>>936845This. It wouldn't be the vet being mean to poor hoelly - The vet is legally mandated to report any infectious bird disease to the health department and/or CDC.
>>936869I think she shot herself in the foot this time. She had several very public meltdowns and inserted herself squarely in some of the biggest drama to smack the YT dnd community in a while. They'd have to be 100% new to the community to not know about this drama.
No. 936930
>>936862She did rehome the rooster. It was all over her IG. And it's only 3 hens. Exaggerate much?
Keeping hens is super common. Even in cities. Roosters are frowned upon cuz they're annoying as fuck. Which is why she found a farm in need of a work rooster.
You come off as desperate for milk.
No. 936952
>"She did rehome the Rooster"Considering its the law, I'd hope so. No pats on the back for doing what she should have checked into before getting the fucking bird in the first place.
>"It's only 3 hens"In addition to TEN chickens and FIFTY pigeons. I'm sorry, you don't get credit for only adding three more birds to your already hoarded up property-turned-petting-zoo.
No. 936964
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so where's the anon who said the lump on her lip was just dry skin or whatever
No. 936991
>>936981>there are more relevant things to criticize holly overMeanwhile, you're all the same autistic folks that will literally deep dive into a meaning if she says something as simple as "have a nice a day" or she shows PDA to her partner like it's out of the ordinary lol.
At least pointing out something like that is SOMETHING to criticize rather than going full tinfoil.
No. 937058
>>937048Nta but she
is a hoarder if she has 40+ pigeons and other animals.
No. 937072
>>937048Wow, what a hero - only owning THREE chickens and FIFTY pigeons (and a cat) instead of TEN chickens, FIFTY pigeons (and a cat). I admire her self restraint /s
>"Roosters don't crow til maturity"Then there's no excuse that Holly didn't know she had a rooster, if it was crowing enough to alert her neighbors to the fact that she had brought yet another farm animal into her home.
>>937059I wouldn't doubt it. Everyone here joked about the thread pic looking like actual labia lids - and magically the photo went down within minutes.
>"We clean it every day"Good for her. That's still an insane amount of birds.
>>937060Note that she also added the blonde streaks back into her hair after everyone here said she looked better as a blonde (and less like an emaciated goth that got lost on her way to hot topic)
No. 937128
>>936930post caps next time, this is an image board
>>937060yes! i'm in tears lol she keeps bringing up lolcow, she keeps saying it's composed of a bunch of sad harpies with no lives, and at the end of the day she's as desperate for our attention as someone like shayna. you need help holly
No. 937150
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Nitpick but cumrags art is so boring. Has she mentioned she was going to make a zine before?
No. 937173
File: 1582694062789.jpeg (338.52 KB, 1024x1024, AA407562-4161-4F03-8E1B-2CFB8F…)

>>937150deeefinitely not shoddy rip-offs of Coey Kuhn’s work
No. 937190
>>937167Hoelly herself said she was getting rid of the rooster because her neighbors had complained. Quit sealioning.
>>937173down to the same damned color scheme. For the love of Christ, Hoelly - TRY to be original for once, would ya?
No. 937244
>>937210Because legally, owning that amount of pigeons is legal. Just because something is legal doesn’t make it a safe, good idea.
I would even say much if she owned just 20 - but 50 goddamned birds and still acquiring more regularly? That’s hoarding. There is no way she’s able to give the, the care and attention that an animal requires when she has THAT many to look after.
No. 937245
>>937244> That’s hoarding. There is no way she’s able to give the, the care and attention that an animal requires when she has THAT many to look after.You say that, but where's the proof? If it's literally HER THING and it's legal, who's to say she isn't? You do know birds are literally one of the easiest pets to take care of..right?
50 cats and/or dogs, that's a different story.
50 horses, that's a different story.
50 birds, pigeons at that, are extremely easy to care for in comparison. There's semantics at play as by definition, animal hoarding is when you just amass a bunch of animals and not take care of them.
The only reason people say her pets aren't being taken care of is because of the hatred for her.
No. 937248
>>937245and you know this how?
where's the proof?
where is your information coming from?
do you know the illnesses birds carry, the hygiene issues, the difficulties and nuisance they can cause especially in a city setting?
is it HER thing alone? for sure? do you know her neighbours?
5 birds, that's a different story. fifty, lord i can imagine the smell from across the globe
you're arguing semantics too, you're advocating against animal hoarding, but what about bird hoarding?
this shit is easy to pull, try harder if you want to bait around here
No. 937274
>>937173Nice catch. I wonder if she's ever had an original idea before.
I'll have to dig up the interview, but there's a DnD video on youtube where she's talking about DMing (I think it was Trapped in the Birdcage) and admits the story she wrote she stole from Always Sunny. She copied the plots and replaced them with her character names. Then her advice to new DMs was, "copy historical events". Even back then I remembered questioning her integrity but let it slide because I was a dumb fan who thought she had ~good intentions~
No. 937278
File: 1582720401397.jpg (139.25 KB, 600x600, the-trees-have-eyes-wim-lanclu…)

>>937150not to mention the concept itself isn't even very original since eyes on trees is due to aspen trees looking like they have eyes everywhere, she didn't even make it a different tree, or give it grotesque elements to it like the sap could be tears or something, just.. bland
No. 937283
>>937278Wow, it's almost as if she's taking inspiration from nature! What a thief! People haven't been doing that for thousands of years! And copying historical events? Tell GRRM that his ASoIaF books are trash for basing events off the War of the Roses!
This isn't milk. Art and writing are based off of other things. No art is new and every stories been told. Quit trying so hard.
No. 937284
>>937277Her whole brand is just "you made this?
I made this!"
No. 937285
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>>937262has anyone ever thought this meme could be used literally
No. 937298
>>937283You heard it here first, no art is new so it's okay to steal!
What a terrible take anon.
No. 937315
>>937298What, exactly, did she "steal" anon.
She clearly drew this herself. She hasn't sold it. It's stylistically different, and has different choices made.
So that boils down to the concept. She might have stolen that. Good luck convincing any artist that is wrong.
And unless you can show she knew of this other person's art prior to making this? Even that accepted amount of "stealing" in the art community isn't likely to have been stealing.
No. 937418
>>937413>>937405yeah like I'm anon they replied to with the tree picture and I said it's unoriginal and bland, not "stealing" lmao they just went off
because it IS unoriginal and bland. There are myriads of ways you could make it visually interesting or different, even incorporating different media, sorry to that salty anon
>>937413ooh what's the scoop? I haven't watched GG in a while because I don't really care for their one-offs, I prefer watching a series and I was considering watching their chrono
trigger vids, except I know Arin sucks his own dick for how great chrono
trigger is (don't get me wrong the game IS great but I hate how he cherry picks which games to love and which to hate) and I am not rly looking forward to hours of him praising features in the game that he's hated in others
No. 937439
>>937418People are noticing that the Grumps are passionless, humorless, and devoid of personality lately.
The ship has been sinking for ages, but the water is getting high enough for people to notice wet feet.
No. 937502
>>937469just a summary of different posts from the last week. All of these are upvoted for as much as that counts for anything.
> the interactions now seem fake> the videos are all memes and lolrandom haha funnies> "The video’s titles and thumbnails get more click-baity by the day, and it just doesn’t seem like Dan and Arin put the same heart into the episodes anymore."> it feels corporate> they are not honoring their YT members perks and the ones that are there are total garbage right now since it is only Discord based BS> now it just seems like Arin makes loud noises and they repeat the same thing over and over again> a bit of discussion about how GGs are changing and every time they do it their fans hate it while when PDP did it he was getting support from his fans. the conclusion was that PDP still genuinely seems to like making YT videos while GG "corporatized" too much and turned all the fun into profit. Or at least tried.> the way Arin talks gives the vibes that he kind of resents the fanbase, rather than just the algorithm> I dont want to keep watching if I feel like the channel is more of a hassle than something they enjoy doing> New viewers are stagnating and they seem desperate to blame it on everything but the content. They used to be a good alternative to the dumb corporate LP channels but now are just yet another one of them, give or take some mediocre game funding and live shows.> there was some minor art theft drama where it turned out that they have used clip art bought from source that actually stole it. the artist came forward and said he won't mind if they just provide the correct credit but instead they just removed the thumbnail and didn't apologize. Went totally silent on the issue. Which "Considering how much of an advocate Ross and Arin are for making sure artists get properly paid for works used, it looked kinda hypocritical."> In the past, they have stolen ideas from fans regarding merchandise (taking memes from this sub, redoing it and slapping it on shirts), Suzie was caught stealing art from smaller creators, attaching a chain to it and increasing the price by 500%, and this isn't the first time Ben has used stolen art on thumbnails, it's just the first time it got as big as it did.> they are using the "we got to do this for the algorithm" card way too often and even old subs are starting to realize that the money in YT come from the minutes of views not on the sub count that has been quite stagnant.> they are the only big gaming channel to resort to such low quality, unfunny and low effort content with shitty click bait > Even their Zelda TP episodes recently had such low quality that they couldn't even be bothered to proof them and left in breaks that were supposed to be edited out> if I seem angry or frustrated in this post it's because I've spent the last 6 years of my life watching them and for them to become a manipulative, money hungry, soulless company run by a man who I used to look up to but now look at as an egotistical, hypocritical man who is more concerned with reputation than honesty and more concerned with revenue than actually making enjoyable content> some fans try to argue that GG haven't changed, the fans have. And a lot of fans point out that when they rewatch their old videos they are still funny while the new ones are not. Most of the posts were made by long time fans that are just a bit sad, not disgruntled or something. The milk can be found more often in the comments below. Got to note though that one of these posts got over 700 points in less than 4 days and it simply said " The grumps feel different.
Lately they've been tickling my funny bone less than they used to. Idk how I feel about their self references. Am I growing up? Is there something wrong with me?"
Also this post turned out longer than expected, but again, these are all summaries or citations only from the last week.
No. 937536
>>937245Sorry, but even having 50 pigeons is not a good idea.
Ideally, you should have 2 sq feet per bird, which for Holly would mean having a 100 sq. ft enclosure for them. (Not including the space for chickens) It's possible she does, but that's easily the size of a person's bedroom… Which is a huge structure to have in your backyard.
Secondly, it's public knowledge that long term exposure to too many pigeons can lead to a potentially fatal condition called pigeon fanciers lung. If Holly gets sick, she won't be able to rescue ANY pigeons. She could also die. Is that risk worth it to her to have more short term?
I've also seen numerous pigeon raising sites that say they lose a lot more pigeons when they have more than 20-30 at a time due to disease spreading among the group. It's generally suggested to have a smaller number and focus your care on those, as you're less likely to lose any to disease that way.
If Holly really cares about saving pigeons long term, she should know how to moderate her efforts. I'm not saying her intentions aren't good, because they obviously are, but animal collecting of any type is not good for animals or humans.
No. 937546
>>937245>You do know birds are literally one of the easiest pets to take care of..right?You've clearly never cared for anything more than a budgie, anon. And probably not very well either. kek.
>>937536Agreed 100%, 50 pigeons at a properly fitted rescue facility with workers, maybe? But at a residential suburban home with chickens? She is absolutely an animal hoarder and I feel so bad for her neighbors. The houses all looked fairly close together when they released that home tour video too.
No. 937639
>>937502I'd still let all of that slide if I could trust them to finish a series. They've burned us too many times by them starting a popular game and then cutting it short half way because Arin is a literal temper tantrum throwing baby.
You're working from an office that's full of other gamers, dude. Just pass off the controls to someone while you're out to take a chill pill.
No. 937692
>>937527I feel like GG as a brand tried to stick their fingers into too many pies. Maybe this is just my rose tinted nostalgia goggles, but way back when, a new member of the Grumps would get a whole introduction video even if they weren't mean to be a personality on the channel, compared to the last few years when they have a huge office chock full of literally-who workers. I feel like Ben being announced was them being aware that this was a trend that was hurting them and they wanted to get back to that "happy little family" vibe.
Back to the too many pies thing, Arin started up that touring agency for instance. They did so much in the name of GG and networking and business connections and then act surprised when they're burnt out on their videos. I feel like it started with Dream Daddy but I'm probably falsely putting the blame on that because of other reasons.
>>937262I see you've never owned more than 1 bird
No. 937731
>>937536You should look at her instagram video about those pigeons. That enclosure she has for them is way larger than 100 sq. ft. And in that article about the house she bought it was mentioned that one of the requirements she was looking for was large backyard space that could be used for the pigeon coop because in LA she didn't have enough space.
Also as far as I understand, she doesn't buy the pigeons, she rescues ones that are wounded and can't survive in the wild anymore and cares for them until they die.
No. 937734
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> - source for the photo since video is difficult to pause with good quality.Considering the size of a pigeon in length (wiki-fu) is around 10-15 inches these block tiles are likely the 24 inch size (2x2 feet, 4sqf). Only on the photo from the place it was taken to the wooden entrance to the inner parts it is visible that there is 7x7 pattern on the floor. So that's already almost 200 sqf in the part visible on the photo and not including whatever is behind the camera or the inside parts.
No. 937741
>>937731I have some serious doubts they're all injured rescues with the number of birds she has, how is she finding all these birds in her area that are so injured they need to stay till death? Even people who look after rescue birds for a living don't tend to have that amount of birds, and try to ideally offer them the chance to be reintroduced to the wild.
She is hoarding these animals, she is not a professional and should not be taking in rescues. How is she affording vet bills, enrichment, and spending time caring for that amount of wild birds, who could very well be rehabilitatable? No sane pet owner or wild rehabilitator would take in that many birds at once, injured birds/wild rescues need a lot of time and attention individually. They're probably all unable to re-enter the wild as she does not have the time to rehabilitate that many birds.
No. 937744
>>937739zero chance of that happening. even if her birds didn't get a visit from a vet very often, they first need to be exposed to the contagion. Living in a closed coop with no contact to wild birds that could carry that virus, the chance is zero.
>>937741Some of the might have been injured but not injured anymore. Reintroducing feral pigeons back to the "wild" of a city would be generally not looked at very favorably by the authorities as they already spent a lot of money trying to kill them off in first place.
No. 937762
>>937734Those look like release doves, how is she finding those in the wild?
>>937749That only applies to feral pigeons, the grey ones you find in cities. The law varies regarding other dove species.
Holly is keeping a variety of dove breeds, some domestic alongside what looks like feral pigeons- its usually reccomended to keep those seperate as feral pigeons will attack other doves.
Even if shes legally in her right, she's being irresponsable, this many wild-caught ''injured'' or previously injured birds will require a lot more monitoring and attention than normal domestic breeds. It's also not a good idea to keep domestic birds alongside wild ones. Taking in as many wild birds as a small sanctuary would is a full-time job, and Holly is not putting full time into it.
It's a run of the mill hoarding situation with a sprinkle of it feeding her ego cus she claims the birds are all injured uwu and she's their big saviour
No. 937768
>>937762Actually I don't know if she said they are all injured. I know she provides sanctuary to injured ones. However now what you wrote about the doves made me google a bit more and I stumbled into this and I remember she was tweeting something about Palomacy event last year I think. It is quite likely that this is what the rest of her pigeons are from. This website actually provides a lot of explanation to why these birds can't be released into the wild (they originally are domesticated) and if nobody cares for them they will be euthanized.
No. 937882
>"The topic here has only been used to make her look bad"Fam, no one has to TRY to make Hoelly look bad - She's doing that one all on her own. Between fucking a married man, scamming a cancer patient, screeching about how popularity from high school carried into adulthood because she lost a contest, hoarding over FIFTY pigeons - She has irreparably damaged her OWN reputation more than a bunch of anons on a random website ever could.
>"She goes and get educated"Great. Then she should know that most rescues don't advocate for someone to take in FIFTY birds because it's just too many to care for and rehab by yourself (and no, your sometimes-fuck-buddy doesn't count as helping).
>"It's a full time job"No, a job would earn income or provide a valuable service for another person. Hoarding that many birds so you can pat yourself on the back and give yourself a savior complex? That ain't shit, especially when things like the smell/sound begins to inconvenience those around her.
No. 937898
>Holly admits that Heidi and Jared were still in a relationship in DecemberThis alone should have killed the whole "Jared & Heidi were
already over anyway!" narrative
No. 937900
>>937898If anon learns the difference between "romantic relationship" and "
abusive relationship" now, they might avoid a lot of hardships down the road.
No. 937904
> Source is common sense - fifty birds is A LOT for someone to care for period, let alone when that person also has work commitments outside of the home. Even if Hoelly isn't letting them die, she's still not socializing them properly (There's just not enough hours in the day to adequately socialize FIFTY birds, not when she spends a good chunk of the day crawling through twitter tags to make sure no one's talking shit about her)1. She obviously has no commitments outside of the home.
2. 50 birds that live together don't need socializing with a human, anon. They socialize with each other. Again, these are not cats or dogs that rely only on their owner for company.
No. 937920
>>937847All that research but she couldn't bother realizing that many birds in a small suburb is the perfect way to be disruptive and make the neighbors hate you.
After all she admits she's had complaints even before getting the rooster.
No. 937921
>>937894First it's "most rescuers", then it's "common sense".
Something tells me the source you're using for this is really "my ass"
No. 937925
>>937904Even dogs and cats in large populations do fine. Animals all have their own natural socialization tendencies. The only way this wouldn't be reasonable from a socialization/captivity standpoint is if either: the captivity doesn't meet a comfort standard based on size and available amenities; or if the animals don't normally socialize and fight each other.
Given the birds look healthy and don't have obvious injuries, I'd say this is complete fluff nonsense and not real milk
No. 937931
>>937929Be honest, if she were to talk about individual birds online you would use it as proof that she does it for the attention.
If she didn't mention it at all, you would assume she's not talking about it because she's mistreating the birds and doesn't want people to know.
You're just fishing for reasons to criticize, when there's plenty of actual criticisms to make.
No. 937934
>>937932>I can't believe anyone would try to argue that housing 50 birds together in a rather confined space is a good idea by any meansBecause it's not as bad as people make it out to be and from what we seen it's not THAT confined. It's a different story if it was 50 cats or dogs. They also look perfectly fine.
The arguing point is, no matter WHAT holly does people will try to criticize her for. She's not a good person but damn this literally reaching now.
No. 937938
>>937934so its "not so bad" because they aren't cats and dogs? guess when it comes to bird we are just expected to do less about how we house them? I think this is less about people trying to criticize Holly for anything and more about your bias for her tbh.
Birds are very high maintenance pets and just like any other animal can get depressed and stressed out, but i guess fuck it if its not an important animal like a cat or dog
No. 937940
>>937938>I think this is less about people trying to criticize Holly for anything and more about your bias for her tbh."Since you're not criticizing her every move, you have bias for her!"
You people really need to stop that lol. Birds are a lot easier to take care of than cats/dogs are, especially if you have a lot of them. They aren't "take care of themselves" but most common breeds, especially non exotic, tend to be fine without 100% human interaction. Many domesticated cat and dog breeds NEED human interaction far more than birds do, which is why large amount of them in comparison to birds, would be horrendous.
Holly likes birds, for all the shit she gets, she's shown that's at least ONE thing she cares for.
>but i guess fuck it if its not an important animal like a cat or dogLiterally no one has said that.
No. 937941
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>>937938>more about your bias for herNo anon, this is about people making idiotic statements as if they were true based off of no knowledge or experience with the subject matter.
This is a normal sleeping enclosure for a bird, as long as you let them into a slightly larger space for a few hours a day the bird is perfectly happy and healthy.
Birds, when stressed or unhealthy lose feathers quite quickly. You would be able to tell they aren't being taken care of by looking at them and seeing the missing feathers.
These birds do not show that.
So stop speaking about shit you don't know anything about.
No. 937943
>"Birds are a lot easier to take care of….especially if you have a lot of them"That's…..that's the exact opposite. More of ANYTHING (fish, cats, dogs, children, etc.) makes it MORE difficult to take care of something, not easier.
>"She's shown that's at least ONE thing she cares for"She also claimed to care about Ross too and look how that worked out. The minute something else caught her attention, she was gone and left Ross to fend for himself.
No. 937947
>>937943"more of anything makes it more difficult to take care of something"
awesome generalized statement. you will go places. what the other anon was saying that assuming the birds get enough space (and someone else earlier pointed out that they seem to have plenty more than the recommended) if you have 1 bird you have to give it food and water and clean after it once a day. If you have 5 you still have to do the same thing but you don't have to do it for each one individually. Like when you have two dogs you don't take them out on a walk SEPARATELY.
No. 937953
That's probably when she was still in denial that they had been having an emotional affair.
Or just her lashing out because for a minute there Jared probably didnt text her enough about Striath Sex like he used to before evil Heidi forced them together then ripped them apart (because sexting for months and planning to fuck in costume didnt make holly realize she had romantic feelings for someone for THE FIRST TIME EVER, no, only Heidi calling it out and telling them to confront it made her realize)
No. 937954
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>>937946do not fucking tell me to "shut up" about this, when you are likely the one coming into these fucking threads time and time again to stir shit up like you are doing now. You should just get the fuck out of these threads if you disagree.
I don't need to look through her godforsaken media presence to have an opinion that 50 birds is too much for one person to own. You could remove Holly entirely from the equation and we could still have the same fucking conversation, that 50 animals is a lot. I would still tell you for any single human being, 50 pets is too much. Unless they were a literal animal conservation or a group of people at a single establishment meant entirely for rescuing birds.
You don't need to kiss her ass here anon, nobody cares.
No. 937955
>>937954I'm not the only one telling you you're wrong, anon. So please, shut the fuck up.
Really, why are you so adamant about this specific thing? You clearly know nothing about birds, so what skin do you have in this game?
No. 937957
>>937955wait, lmao, do you think I'm the same person as the above posters? cause I'm not, you realize there are multiple people with the same opinion as mine, right?
I've actually had plenty of birds in my time, thnx. And not just budgies either, I mean uncommon birds like mynas etc.
I have no skin in this game but I am not the one trying forcefully to shove myself up holly's ass defending her over owning 50 goddamn birds. What's YOUR skin in the game, stranger? since you are clearly the outlier here
No. 937959
>>937957Cute, "outlier".
My skin is you're wrong. 50 birds is not too many for one person to take care of, and unless you have proof that those birds aren't properly cared for you're harping on about nonsense. Interrupting the discussion about grumps because you want to cry about how you feel it's wrong that this person has a lot of birds.
No. 937960
>>937283lol at this whiteknight trying to downplay holly being an art thief while managing to not sage and bumping a thread critiquing her allowing more people to see how
problematic she is, good job hon!
No. 937963
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>>937959but I wasn't… the one that fucking started this talk about birds. My posts before these ones you are directly replying to were ABOUT THE GAME GRUMPS. I was discussing why they are losing viewers. I've been active in these godforsaken GG threads for years now, I even used to LIKE Holly!
Anon if you can't see who exactly is posting what then I suggest you sit down and shut up. There are many users here. I am not some bored puppet master replying to every single reply.
You however are an outlier. I can guarantee that not one person who was ORIGINALLY from these threads before the scandal broke out would support Holly after all this time. I was there before when Holly haters were pushed to the side because compared to Suzy she was sweet and genuine, and I was there when Holly divorced Ross, and I was there when Jared blocked Heidi and the shitshow happened.
You can just tell who is a newbie here trying to pretend like they are a part in this. You aren't, you stand out like a sore thumb with flimsy reasoning and no reason to be here.
No. 937965
>>937963I frankly don't give a fuck how long you've been here. You adamantly defend stupidity.
>>937964As someone already pointed out, that was years ago. So, no, this proves you just don't want this discussion to end. For some reason you don't want the focus to move to the grumps, why is that?
No. 937970
>>937965You should give a fuck actually, because then you'd know how this fucking board works. We aren't just 3 people yelling to each other in the void. There are many, many of us who chime in, then leave, then come back. Otherwise you wouldn't be making these tall claims that I am ~defending stupidity and that I am somehow manipulating the thread to talk about her fucking birds. Because you make yourself look like an idiot, more so than you are already lol. Take that tinfoil off your head anon because you must have wrapped it too tightly.
I think 50 pets of any type is too many, for any person and not just Holly, fucking sue me. That was my claim and you are flinging shit like a chimp at anyone who has a similar opinion.
No. 937976
>>937965clap at moving the goalposts anon. "you don't have any evidence!" someone gives evidence. "that evidence doesn't count because reasons!"
the sealioning is tiresome; please kindly fuck off.
No. 937984
>>937976No, I asked for evidence of a currently sick bird, not one that was harassed years ago.
If you can't understand the difference, that's on you.
>>937970They aren't pets, they're rescues. That's the point. She's keeping them alive because they were going to die otherwise. That's a different thing all together.
She's not naming them, she doesn't interact with them individually. She just makes sure they're health and fed.
You must think all ranchers are awful for their hundreds of animals they look after.
No. 937989
>>937984I follow plenty of animal rescue operations. They seem to have no problem naming every animal in their care, and they actively share stories about these animals to educate the public on what happened, how they're being cared for, and what others can do if they want to help through donations, fostering, adoption, and more.
Holly being likened to an animal rescue is laughable.
No. 937991
>"I asked for evidence of a currently sick bird"You mean outside of the fact that Hoelly's whole reasoning for adopting more chickens was because the ones she has now were getting mean to one another? She admitted that herself, before you go asking for evidence. It's in one of the last couple threads on lolcow, I'm sure.
>"You must think ranchers are awful for their hundreds of animals"Ranchers have acreage - typically dozens of acres, judging by my own experience in growing up on farms/ranches - to give each of their animals adequate space.
They don't move into a middle-class suburban neighborhood in one of the most expensive housing markets in the PNW and then move in DOZENS of animals while acting surprised that her neighbors get fed up and eventually file complaints with law enforcement/government.
If Hoelly wants to be land in the country and raise her animals, fine. Until then, she is making herself and her property into not just an eyesore but a nuisance to the rest of the area. Even cleaning it once a day (which is the law, and the bare minimum she could do), the smell is still there and would most likely still be overwhelming to those living nearby, especially on a windy day.
No. 937992
>>937989be careful anon, you have to specify you're not me who got accused of being multiple separate people hellbent on talking about her birds!
because obviously anyone who has a similar opinion is clearly just one person who is "avoiding" talking about the grumps lol
No. 937994
>>937993We get it. Holly = saint, can do no wrong, pigeon savior.
You can move on now.
No. 938001
>>937992Haha. You mean I'm anon but not anon at the same time? The madness!
I'm not talking about the Grumps, because there isn't much to talk about? I agree with the stance that the GG doesn't have the same vibe as it used to. I can watch and re-watch their Mario Maker series without trouble, but these days they lack the same spark. After Phoenix Wright ended, I stopped trying to watch their uploads. Even the bulk of the 10MPH feel less spontaneous and fun.
As anon said, GG feels more like their money generator while Arin and Dan pursue other passions. They posted an animated video today of a collab Dan did with Night Rider. It was more interesting to me than anything else they've posted recently.
So, there. I talked about the Grumps. Can I return to being critical of Holly now?
No. 938005
>>938001You can be critical of Holly all you want, I'm just saying derailing the conversation to talk about her having too many birds is stupid, inane, and pointless.
Sure, if the birds look unhealthy that's milk. But they don't. So why talk about it?
No. 938034
>>938029anon: literally spends their entire time in the thread to argue with people about the care of holly's birds; posts about nothing else. could switch the conversation to complain about GG like they're telling other people to, but won't.
also anon: wow stop derailing the conversation there's more important things than holly's birds!!!!!!
if you don't want holly's birds to be the forefront of conversation then shut the fuck up about it, wild idea, i know
No. 938039
To the anon/sealion saying that birds don't smell, here. "Proof". is this kind of neighbor. It's fine if she wants to run conservation, but she should do it in a place that doesn't bother anyone else.
And she might not get bird flu, but she could definitely get PFL.
Can we ban this sealion somehow? They're obviously just here to argue with people because they don't have anywhere else to start fights. These arguments are all so inane. If you took even one second to google "how many pigeons can I safely keep" you'll see people with actual experience saying that 50 is too much for a residential area.
No. 938048
>>938034My comments about grumps:
>>938032>>937439Odd how those two comments are split up by some stupid ass conversation about birds that's not even accurate. I mean look at this anon, who didn't even read their source:
>>938039These neighbors are complaining about birds that are not contained in a cage during the day. Their complaint is that the birds shit on their property. They are only concerned about the quantity of birds because of the amount of poop that gets onto their property. Not because the pigeons are at risk or properly cared for.
No. 938056
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No. 938058
>>938048not the anon that posted that source but did you read it? "Until you live there and you smell it." and "Ferenc said the pigeon lofts are a few feet from her fence, and on a hot day, the smell released by opening the loft doors is "obnoxious."
anon was clearly proving a point to whoever said pigeons dont smell
No. 938066
>>938061>If you took even one second to google "how many pigeons can I safely keep" you'll see people with actual experience saying that 50 is too much for a residential area.This part doesn't equate to anything to do with smell.
>>938061I have googled it, odd how mine doesn't say shit about any specific number being too many. It just says "about 2 square feet per bird". So please, show me how your results differ. Otherwise This bullshit is bullshit and should have been shut the fuck up about because nobody is showing how Hoelly is doing something wrong by having 50 birds. There's plenty of other subjects you're stepping in front of that aren't blowing smoke.
No. 938067
>>938066If that's all you got from a google search, then you're obviously not trying in good faith. And the part right before the link was talking about smell, you banana.
Going to ignore you from here on out because you need a hobby that isn't being a sealion, my dude.
No. 938069
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>>938067Sure, I'm the one doing things in bad faith.
No. 938164
>>938066you're strangely obsessed with the smell. have you ever SEEN a pigeon anon
i want to ask again, what's your endgoal here? you want people to accept holly as the pigeon's lord and savior? you want confirmation that her way of keeping birds is amazing and everyone else in the thread with an ounce of birdkeeping experience is a lying whore who only rejects holly because they have a bias? you want people to accept you're right and that they'd never pick on holly's birds ever again? what is this? are you one of her chickens who learned typing?
although her birds do look cleaner than her. maybe we were wrong about the source of smell, after all. damn, thanks for bringing it to our notice anon!
>>938051i wanna catch the VOD, but her voice just… GRATES on me so much. i have a problem with people
acting quirky for quirk points, it makes me want to punch walls
i'll bite the bullet and update you.
>>938129"… Due to the stress of confinement, they display abnormal behaviors, like biting on bars or pacing their cages."
google is everyone's friend
No. 938212
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Ok ik everyone is probably sick of the bird talk, but how is holly legally allowed to keep pigeons? She lives in Washington, correct?
According to WSDA, rock doves, mourning doves, eurasian collared doves, etc are all illegal (it's in the hyperlink on the website)
Unless she doesn't live in WA and I'm just retarded
No. 938234
>>938212>>938226judging from the photos most of her pigeons are domestic type and the only rock doves are rescue birds. who knows? I'm pretty sure she had to do a lot of paperwork to actually get them shipped from out of state and they are visited by a vet so I doubt there is a legal issue there.
May I just add how weird it feels to read that as long as you are getting/owning a rock dove to feed another hawks or other birds of prey this law doesn't apply to you.
No. 938241
>>938234Rock doves and domestic pigeons are pretty much the same thing though. Or at least theyre all usually classified as columba livia. Did she adopt the different breeds from people who did pigeon shows or something? I guess I'm curious as to how she got them all. I tried snooping on her ig but didn't find anything
>>938226What constitutes a rescue? I mean if you find an injured bird and you take it in, that still counts as a wild animal. Even if it can't be released or it will die, it's still an animal taken from the wild.
If she actually "adopted" all 40 pigeons from a rescue or received permits, I can't dog her on that. That's an impressive amount of dedication and effort. I'd be pissed if I was her neighbor in la though lol
No. 938257
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tfw when you haven't checked in on this thread in a while and you're trying to catch up
No. 938274
>>938241someone had linked earlier some charity about rescuing pigeons and doves that Holly had supposedly mentioned. This is from their website
> Palomacy saves domestic (unreleasable) birds that would otherwise be killed in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. We provide vet care, foster homes and adoptions. Since 2007, Palomacy has rescued more than 900 birds and helped countless others through coaching, education and referral. While Palomacy hatched as a local effort to help pigeons and doves in the San Francisco Bay Area, the need for what we do is unlimited. As perhaps the only organization in the world completely dedicated to rescuing and rehoming the lost, injured and/or displaced pigeon and dove survivors of exploitive businesses, hobbies and sports, we are helping birds from all over.I did a quick twitter search and she has been affiliated with them and signal boosting their charity events and making streams or whatever for them since 2013 when she actually got interested in adopting pigeons ( ). So likely that's where most of her birds come from.
Digging a bit further back at start of 2015 she had only 19 doves but there are photos of the loft she had for them in the garden of the house they lived in and it was huge. ( the photo )
No. 938275
so i tried watching holly's stardew VOD and jesus, can you spell anodyne?
apart from playing the game like a retarded child, which i guess isn't really milk – although she was into gaming a lot? why did GG feature her on their channel if she's this bad at it… it was more like she streamed to talk to her chat (composed of nearly the same gang as the people who interact the most in jared's chat) rather than pay any real attention to the game. meh
also, some user – subscriber, no less – was venting in the chat about student debt and how they lost one of their friends to suicide over a debt, etc. the person also mentioned wanting to get married and not being able to because of massive debt, never being able to buy a house, just painful stuff in general.
our mental health queen: "wow there's a furry mod for stardew??? it has birbs!??! WOW!!"
>kept switching to screech-talk every two seconds. does she think this is cute
>"i love pickled herring. i can never eat chicken or other birds though because i love them too much"
>(encounters abigail in-game and gets her "what do you want?!" dialogue) omg! she's mad at me! why's she mad at me? i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i'm sorry! (i counted, she legit said it thrice)
>(fortune is bad, "the spirits are annoyed") they're annoyed?? what did i doooo!!! what did i DOOOOO!!!
>for the anon that asked about leah, she encountered her once, and moved on wordlessly without reading her dialogue aloud. is that milk?
>anons are right, her hair tic is out of control
>35 minutes into the stream she takes out what looks like a colourpop lippie and applies it on camera??? can't tell if she's stoned but wtf lol
>said "fuit gummy" like a challenged moron ten times in a row. maybe she IS stoned
>can absolutely not wait for animal crossing to come out
>mentions it approximately 3942 times
>"my friend sent me a youtube video from a channel, called lavendaire, dedicated to like, self help and stuff. it was mostly about not caring about what other people think, and it was really interesting, especially that person also being a youtuber and dealing with a lot of criticism and stuff, it was really helpful" (said at the end that she might cover these videos on mental health monday next week)
>tells her cat "no dirty looking at feathers, i see you!"
bitch if you see it, do something
>also, pic related happened, he did not talk to the chat though. is this an automated thing or did he actually drop in and then ignore everyone
>mentioned she's going to a wildlife getaway thing to do paintings of barn owls over the weekend
>(so poor uwu send monies)
i'm exhausted and i wasn't even actively watching kek
No. 938277
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>>938275i am stupid so i forgot the picture
No. 938282
>>938275That right there is why I can't stand her livestreams. If a person tunes in to watch a Stardew Valley stream, they expect gameplay - Not hoelly screeching about things that are minimally relevant to said game. like, I'm fucking pumped for Animal Crossing too, but know your audience, Hoelly.
>"not caring about what other people think"God, that's rich coming from someone who openly searches tags for mention of her (even when she wasn't tagged) and regularly pops in to lolcow for her daily dose of self-hatred.
No. 938288
>>938277i'm sorry for samefagging but i just noticed that this means jared's completing 2 years of being subscribed to holly in april. meaning he subscribed to her in… April 2018. hmmmmmmm
>>938283oh, talk about it. jared just always sounds like he's doing his viewers a favor. he keeps calling people out by their username and telling them to "stop backseating, i know what i'm doing. can you just chil? this is annoying" meanwhile he's failing at the game he's playing. he used to be different, actually enjoyed playing on stream, now he always seems so bored. he doesn't even bother to thank people when they donate to him, just reads it out and goes back to the game immediately.
i can't imagine what subspecies of human would actually throw money at people like this and be happy about it
No. 938307
>>938288I bet Heidi made him unsubscribe after the February fiasco.
Backseating is a pretty fucking annoying thing that happens on gamers streams and the reason why I avoid reading the chat in many of them. But when I have checked his streams he is always thanking people - if it is in a crucial place in the game he might do it after though.
No. 938400
>>938275Reading this write up I get the impression that she streams for money and not for passion/wanting to. And dont come at me with "every streamer streams for money" I mean that it seems like she doesn't enjoy streaming or put any effort into being entertaining or interacting
Also for someone who claims to be a huge Stardew fan, why is she upset by Abigal's default dialogue? Abigail always says that when you have no hearts with her.
Her remaining silent during her one interaction with Leah speaks son much about her pathetic obsession and hatred for Heidi
No. 938410
>>938275>tells her cat "no dirty looking at feathers, i see you!"Yeah no wonder the cat pisses on her bed if he's this unhappy with the invasive birds.
Wonder if he's declawed. Holly strikes me as the kind of person who'd declaw a cat.
No. 938430
>>938416Are you saying that because someone doesnt know the fucking gender of Holly's cat that they can't criticize her? Are you delusional?
>>938410For real, poor Mojo (her cat) went from living with Orph (Holly and Ross's other cat they shared) and Ross to moving across the country and suddenly having chickens in the house all the time. that's pretty stressful for a kitty to be ripped away from one of their owners and their kitty friend. Also I cant imagine the chickens being nice to Mojo, they probably would attack her or eat her food/fuck with her stuff. She might even get locked in Holly's room so the chickens get free reign, which could result in her peeing on the bed.
One of the anti-Jared blogs on tumblr mentioned that it might also be stressful to the cat to have Jared always lurking around. Also i bet jared is all over her because he misses Ares so much
No. 938441
>"He's always been doing that"True. The first (and one of the only) stream I watched was his Until Dawn playthrough and while the game itself makes jokes about sex, it's just creepy to hear a grown ass man talk about the sex lives of teenagers in such a joking manner.
>>938430I'd rather not acknowledge Jared having anything to do with Aries. The smug prick that he is, I could see him trying to get "custody" of Aries just because he knows it would break and hurt Heidi even more.
No. 938466
>>938463exactly, in LA. She didn't even have chickens there
In recent streams holly has talked about bringing Chickens into her current house
Didnt know Mojo was so shy, poor kitty
No. 938480
i once had a shy, anxious rescue cat who would pee on things whenever she was stressed (e.g. when i moved apartments or when she got sick; she was prone to UTIs). it was a tell-tale sign whenever she peed outside her litter box that she was either in pain or upset, and that i needed to make an appointment with the vet for a check-up.
if her cat is exhibiting behavioral problems on the regular like peeing on her bed, that tells me that poor cat is probably very distressed and attempting to communicate that to holly in the only way it can, and is sadly being ignored.
>>9384751. introducing new pets can cause a lot of stress for existing pets. sorry we're concerned about the well-being of animals anon; some of us choose to care about things other than holly.
2. the part about her letting the chickens roam freely was from her livestream, not from IG
No. 938485
>"Puts them in a pen to keep them warm"Okay great - That's proving our point that she brings them inside, into the cat's safe zone, and is surprised that her cat gets stressed and pisses on her bed.
>"Propogate blatant falsehoods"Care to point out what exactly is so blatantly false?
>>938480This. My brother's cat started peeing on the floor everytime he brought a new kid home (primarily after the birth of his first daughter, he was more chill with the twins) until he adjusted to the new situation. Cats don't just randomly pee on furniture when they've never done so before - Does anyone know if Hoelly bothered taking the cat to the vet to ensure it was healthy after all of this?
No. 938489
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>>938481Wouldn't the opposite of a vendetta be forgiveness?
I mostly read out of a morbid curiosity. Wondering what kind of small minded, hate filled person who probably just needs a hug is on the other end of the keyboard. But what do I know? I'll just be called a stan or WK by a bunch of screeching weasels.
More like drollcow, lul
(read the rules) No. 938496
>"What kind of small minded, hate filled person who probably just needs a hug"Holy shit, Hoelly - You should really disguise yourself better and stop the "#BeKind" bullshit if you want to peruse lolcow under the radar.
No one here is being needlessly mean to you/Hoelly - They're just pointing out some of the stupid shit she's done
No. 938513
>>938497Lolcow is biggest stans confirmed
Idc about how you feel, I'm curious as to why this person deserves your unending criticism. Or any person. What do you gain from it? It's just interesting.
No. 938517
>"I'm curious as to why this person deserves your unending criticism"Fam, there are 15+ threads detailing the various reasons that people are "criticising" Hoelly. Go back and give them a read. They are
valid reasons that Hoelly is a shitty person - If you disagree, lolcow isn't the forum for you.
No. 938518
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what ends me is how much of an inflated ego one must have to assume we "hate" someone. Like, any sort of negative opinion on someone is ~HATE. And you hate people! and you don't love! and you need an uwu hug!
Echo chambers and coddling are a hell of a drug. Whereas Holly who literally gets paid to have people fawn over her on stream and patreon is totally legit, lmao.
Keep covering your eyes and your ears to all the shitty behavior you continue to exhibit because you can't face the reality that you're possibly a bad person. And keep using criticism against you as "hate" to justify yourself because you can't justify your own actions without any integrity. It's hard to hold a candle, easy to curse the dark instead
No. 938537
>>938530fair to people to pay to support her but it's totally okay to receive money and positive attention but when it's something she doesn't like suddenly it's wrong and it's hateful? it doesn't work like that.
it's a childish mentality that anyone who has anything negative to say about you is filled with "hate". like I don't mean someone sending you violent threats in your DMs or doxxing you or directly trying to upset you. I mean people here who keep to a confined space on the threads and share our criticisms of holly while theoretically not getting in the way of her fan spaces.
That's the kinda stuff mommy tells you when you are a kid; they are just jealous, honey, and they are sad. That's a temporary bandaid for the kid to feel a bit better. When you grow up you have to be accountable for your actions and also how you deal with situations and your feelings. If people point out a shitty thing you've done or said it doesn't mean it's not true just because uwu haterz.
No. 938564
>>938520except that i don't think holly is an "extra terrible human being"; i think she's a sad, misguided person who likely suffers from a personality disorder, and she would be in a much happier place if she reflected on her behavior and found a proper therapist who expected her to take responsibility for her actions, instead of using her mental illness as an excuse and hosting mental health streams she's unqualified for.
part of taking responsibility for her actions is not visiting lolcow or PLL or searching twitter for anyone who badmouths her. she very clearly is not seeing a qualified therapist, or not heeding their advice, if she's still actively self-harming. i don't agree with people targeting or harassing her in her twitter comments, but people are free to say whatever they want to say about her outside of her personal space. if you have a problem with that, anon, then you should never complain about anyone ever, including the people on lolcow.
also, anon, go out and tell people that a friend of yours owns 50 pigeons, lets a bunch of chickens run loose in their house, and their house cat and chickens are pissing on their bed. the average person is going to think that person is an animal hoarder; they're not going to clasp their hands and go "wow what a lovely, heartwarming story."
No. 938604
>"You are just trying to find things that would make her look like….terrible human being"We don't have to TRY. She scammed a cancer patient out of thousands of dollars. She fucked a married man, even after said man's wife said "hey, don't do that, I'm no longer comfortable with that". She publicly called the woman an 'unfixable abuser' while privately telling the woman that she was only doing so out of anger.
She made HERSELF look like a shitty human being.
>>938525Yes, because when you're a public figure and you put on a persona of "I'm a good person, yall #BeKind" and then find out that this person is the polar opposite? That's some bullshit and it's hard not to feel misled.
>"Sound as if she is conning someone out of their money"She did - the cancer patient whose cosplay she never made, for one, and then all of the people who bought her '#Cancelled' shirt after she offered to donate the proceeds to charity…..and then never did so.
>"that made her so aware of this forum"That wasn't the cowtipping. That's the fact that Hoelly obsessive googles her own name and when a forum pops up/comment pops up/tweet is made, she's all over it, decrying how meanie we're all being to her.
No. 938665
>>938664That part actually depends on what strain - THC will get you fuckin high, but higher CBD strains just relax you without the high.
However, from the sounds of Hoelly's recent behavior on streams, she's getting absolutely ripped and nodding off mid-stream like a junkie.
No. 938672
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>>938665>>938664Heidi smokes too, not sure if she has recently.
No. 938677
>>938672And? This is some "Hitler Ate Sugar Too!!" bs reaching lol
So Heidi made pot brownies once upon a time. What's that got to do with Hoelly being an unprofessional, barely coherent and cringe-inducing twat on her streams again?
No. 938678
>>938672And? Heidi doesn't get so fucking ripped that she can't hold it together during a stream. If she got high as fuck and then tried to do her legit job, I'd be questioning the logic behind that, too.
If Hoelly wants to use streaming as her main source of income, she could at least do her viewers/subscribers the courtesy of staying sober (or at least minimally high) for the…..what, 1-2 hours she's actively streaming. If she can't, she needs to go to rehab because she's crossed the line into addiction.
No. 938683
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>>938597nah she’s too busy asking her twitter white knights for animal crossing memes instead of doing what any therapist tells their patient to do when they have an unhealthy obsession with social media. get off the internet, holly.
No. 938702
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Hoelly "shut the fuck up in 2020" Challenge.
"I'm actually happy despite the fact that I'm sharing negative posts about shitty mental health lmaoooooo"
I'm sure her therapist (if there even IS one) just LOVES her using such positive coping methods. That's DEFINITELY the kind of thing they teach you in the mental health hospital. /s
No. 938706
>>938525It's almost as if people who have a popular presence online can, intentionally or unintentionally, send bad messages to their fans by their actions.
I personally don't "hate" Holly, and I'm also mentally ill so it's not based off of that either.
You can't just get involved in a big sex scandal and hide afterward like you did nothing wrong. It's not like you can fuck someone elses husband "by accident", it was a choice that she needs to own up to like an adult.
I'm not sending her death threats or doxxing her or something; but if people are like "Hey, you did something shitty", covering it up with being ~mentally ill uwu~ is shitty when she has so many impressionable fans.
If she was some rando who lived down the street I could care less, but she has an influence on a lot of people, that's the problem.
No. 938717
>>938702>The Xanathar's Guide to CoronavirusSeriously, Holly?
Try Mordenkainen's Tome of HIV while you're at it? Storm King's Ebola?
Ugh, wish she'd GTF out of my hobby already.
No. 938738
>>938489#BEKIND #bekind #BEKIND #bekind #BEKIND
>>938683liking animals is not a personality, holly, and it won't make you likeable
No. 938769
>>938525I should know better than to reply but
>"I get that you feel like she did bad things to another person but unless that person is you, why care?">you can't feel anything unless its something that impacts you directly This lack of empathy is, uh, very revealing.
No. 938791
>>938781she deserves very little of it. not because of all the heinous shit she's pulled, but because she refuses to see any fault with it, she refuses to improve herself, and she herself refuses to have any empathy towards others. don't bother running on a tangent about "but she cares so much for her animals uwu", keeping hobbies for virtue signalling is as far from redemption as possible
>>938787is redtexting for "hi cow" still
valid if it's all but confirmed that the poster is in fact the cow
i wish the poster outs themselves though, it's definitely someone from her insane WK gang, but i'd piss myself laughing if i get confirmation about it being any one of them/holly. imagine being so deep up someone's/one's own ass that you try to stage internet battles with people you yourself call "a mob of haters".
No. 938858
>>938702so woke of hoelly to be making such funny jokes about a current mass epidemic! such a sensitive, empathetic, thoughtful queen! #bekind
anyway can't wait til she catches it from being an unwashed creep and then starts crying and virtue signalling about how MEAN and UNKIND jokes about it are
No. 938864
>>938678Doesn't Twitch ban you if you get too fucked up on stream?
If I were her I'd be nervous about losing my source of income doing that sort of thing.
No. 938935
>>938864does someone have to report the streamer for that to happen? because i am sure no one in her echo-chamber of uwu is ever doing that
they don't even give a shit. they're all happily playing retard right alongside their mental health queen
No. 939349
>>938935What would you use as proof in the report. AFAIK she hasn't ripped a fat bong hit or outright said she'd smoked before stream.
Being chill and relaxed isn't really proof.
No. 939587
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>>939585Someone stole her charging spot at the airport, so humanity sucks. This led to someone calling her out for cheating in the comments where she said people who knew the real story were too scared to defend her and are cowards, or something.
No. 939590
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"I've been afraid to post on this hellsite for so long," she says as she posts at least 2-3 times per day.
No. 939600
>>939587….to sum up this rant (unless there's more tweets?), "I'm super great and compassionate and this asshole stole MY charging spot"?
Did your caring community-driven ass even bother inquiring as to whether this other person really needed their phone charged because of a sick relative or an important callfrom work, Holly?
No, you're the only one in the world with actual important things, everyone else is just mean and greedy.
No. 939603
>>939576Replying to the positivity would be too easy, Anon. It's way more likely to garner her sympathy if she draws attention to the negative comments (though she's blocked most negativity, so she should be generally surrounded by her ass kissers more often than not)
>"I care about mental health"You mean like when you called your fuck buddy's wife an "unfixable abuser", insisting that you knew she was crazy because the doctor told you so?
>"Even if I suffer for it"Oh suck someone else's dick, Hoelly. If your version of "suffering" is merely facing the consequences for your own actions, then that's on you.
>"Truth and integrity are important"God, that's rich coming from her.
>"Someone put their charger in right in front of me….we have no compassion for other humans"Did she ever stop to have compassion for the person who apparently stole her charging spot? Maybe they were checking in on a sick child or something somewhat more important than searching for hate comments about themselves, Hoelly.
No. 939609
>>939606Interesting observation. Only because I noticed she has a profile pic with her as the creepy fairy-eating-demon from Pan's Labyrinth.
Sorry if that's old news.
No. 939629
>"Multiple parties knew the whole story"Who? Name one unbiased source that isn't one of your buddies or one of Jared's equally scummy buddies or someone you didn't threaten with a cease & desist.
>"Fear of the mob"You mean like you and your merry band of idiots who are still attacking Chai/Charlie and Heidi TO THIS DAY?
>"Humans are cowards"Says the woman who claimed that she was bullied into saying "Sure, I'll donate proceeds from my stupid shirt to charity!"
No. 939632
>>939628>you don't even follow mePeople don't need to follow you to interact with you on Twitter, Holly. Don't like it, make your account Protected again.
But then you won't be able to use those tweets at you for those pity parties, and won't be able to @ people who talk about you without tagging you when you namesearch yourself.
No. 939638
>>939632Exactly. Back in like May or June, she went private for all of MAYBE a week and was clearly missing out on the validation she gets from her stans rushing to her aid, so she unprivated it again. She'll never shut it down, because then she can't play the
No. 939651
>>939644Ross has already cleared moved on and said publicly "I'm not getting into it", so that ship has sailed. She more or less shit all over the game grumps when she fucked around on Ross, so I don't see that happening.
>>939647Contrary to popular belief, none of us give that many fucks and know that if we wait long enough, she'll sperg out all on her own. If someone's poking the bear, they aren't from lolcow
No. 939686
>>939587She has enough money to buy and maintain 50 pigeons, at least 4 chickens, and a cat, but she can't spend $20–$40 on a power bank?
Seriously though, this woman is so insufferable. Someone took an outlet I wanted => Tirade about how people are awful, but I'm amazing for braving a hellsite because I (supposedly) care about mental health and animals.
She just can't resist turning something into a spiel about how she's so virtuous and #bekind. Girl, it's a charging spot. It's public and doesn't have your name on it. It's annoying, sure, but not cruel.
I'm also having difficulty imagining how this played out that made the other person actually an asshole. Did this person literally nab the spot while Holly had her charger in hand? Otherwise, why would they have assumed this charger was free to take? She is so full of herself and her needs, she probably assumed this person was out to slight her when there was no indication she needed the station at all.
No. 939687
>>939628Multiple people knew everything the whole time except the wife of the dude you were fucking/manipulating. Got it.
Just because your little circle of DnD fans shipped you and Jared doesnt mean it wasnt cheating lmao
No. 939688
>>939687Also, we saw how quickly the general public turned on Heidi the minute jared posted his video, or even up until then with all the stupid "evidence" his stans found.
If her friends truly believed her and came forward with the truth, they would have dominated the narrative. End of story. Especially since I guarentee they are all DCA members and Grumps and other influencers.
PBG doesn't count because he didnt try, he just memed "this ain't it"
If her friends truly supported her, they could even come forward now. But no.
They probably got sick of her obsessively bitching about Heidi 24/7 since it seems like that's all she did there for a few months.
No. 939691
>>939629B-b-but Anon! They didnt even sleep together until October 2018! When she was officially divorced and he was far from it!
Dont worry though, he told her he had broken up with Heidi. Why would someone lie to their mistress about their relationship status?
Also, ignore all the sexting they did for MONTHS before then, even months before their infamous walk. Apparently, constantly texting and sexting and roleplaying and commissioning/writing porn together and making plans to fuck in costume is TOTALLY ok and not at all cheating. "Emotional cheating, what's that?" - Holly
No. 939698
>>939587This is a hilarious first world problem. So she can take part in ruining a marriage, stealing from a cancer survivor, and lying about her mom (the ever changing story) but this is what makes her lose faith in humanity? Girl they don't know you and they could have had a more important use for it then you. You'll never know. Didn't this idiot once parrot that "You never know what a person is going through so BE KIND uwu"? And what is this boundary shit? She sure as hell didn't respect the boundaries of marriage, not even her own.
And anyone who has to say "I defend others even if I suffer" while complaining about someone taking a charging station while "suffering" is not the person that they think they are.
Another thing, if it's such a hellsite then why keep using it, you spoilt cunt?
No. 939704
>>939629Right? She didn't even have the tits to say that she was the cause of Jared divorcing Heidi, she played it off with the dumb as fuck, "I'm so sorry you're going through this, let me know if you need anything." She's projecting hard.
>>939632Again, she's being a projecting hypocrite. She deliberately seeks out any mention of her name even if she isn't following the person just to argue with them.
>>939700Wouldn't be a surprise at all. She always tells half-truths or straight up lies to look more like a
No. 939710
>>939587Heidi: celebrating her cats birthday by having a fun, wholesome twitch stream
Holly: having an emotional breakdown over a charging port
No. 939719
>>939714Yes, I
live for KT's craziness!
>>939717I don't think there's anything he can do to appease her. Even if he breaks up with his wife and begs her to be with him, I think she would still be obsessed with Suzy and he would never be good enough.
No. 939744
>>939628This is the weakest fucking rebuttal I have ever seen. Jesus christ, Holly. Kids in debate clubs give better arguments than this.
> “that isn’t what i saiiid, i’m only saying it’s rude and no one defended meee boohoohoo”Holly you are a grown fucking woman. I believe no one defended you because it was fucking common sense that it’s a public place and the charging area is for everyone. And besides I think everyone else is too busy to bother with your issues because they ALL HAVE PLACES TO BE.
> “if you don’t like my argument just unfollow mee, whoops, u don’t. how bout u get a better hobby”Instead of becoming more petty how ‘bout you take a step back and listen to how ridiculous you sound in your tweets? You’re explaining about how frustrating it is for you that someone stole your spot but YOU STILL HAVE THE TIME TO TWEET ON YOUR PHONE. Sounds to me you really didn’t need to charge your phone at all.
No. 939754
>>939628My god she really has no awareness. it's like she goes out of her way to sound entitled and unlikable.
>>939494a schedule is important when you need money and want new followers. she's not missing a 'day or two' she's missed weeks at a time. she announced a new schedule for the year on january 1st and by the end of the month had already failed. yeah she has that hardcore group of stans, but that's not enough to support her lifestyle. if she didn't have grandpas money to fall back on she would have to get a real job or actually have to try at streaming.
she does nothing all day, doesn't have to worry about money, and gives terrible mental health advice the few times she does stream like "just stop working and take time for yourself". most normal people can't afford to do that and that's why they're stressed out to begin with. she's so out of touch she can't relate to normal people who have to work.
No. 939766
>>939606Are there any pics or video clips of Holly in the cosplay or talking about the character?
Curious about how she was about it now.
No. 939806
>>939708>>939757i definitely agree with these. i think we're seeing her death throes into obscurity.
i bet you six months down the line her already-dwindling fanbase is going to realize she's not got a personality that isn't copy-pasted from other, better people and ditch.
any guesses as to what she'll do when that happens?
No. 939855
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>>939766See totally different character. It's from the first episode she spoke briefly about them to a costume shop worker who just looked confused, though that could just of been from camera and crew all over the shop.
No. 939869
>>939806Agreed. Hoelly very much rubs me as the kind of person who unironically says shit like "Any publicity is good publicity" - but now, even the BAD attention surrounding here is mostly faded because she's really done NOTHING since May with the exception of defending an emotional
abusive potential pedophile and the adoption of entirely too much farm animals.
>>939832Bingo. She was big into Mass Effect - That's how she met and married Ross. She got into DND - That's how she met and (would probably) marry Jared. The problem now is that she didn't just burn a couple of bridges - This dumb bitch went full nuclear meltdown and ruined any chances of finding new work in the cosplay community OR in the DND community. Most of the gaming community wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole, because they're still trying to recover from the "#Kick Vic" thing and can't really afford another lunatic scandal right now.
No. 939915
Another person Dan fucked during his trawling of Facebook for tail has surfaced with caps on rantgrumps.
>I want to write a song about youJesus Dan. Countdown to his next "I really love my girlfriend" Instagram post.
No. 939928
>>939923KiwiFarms, aka cancer, still actively calls them "The Troon Squad" to add being transphobic to just being generally terrible. CupcakeValkyrie and the other idiots harassed Chai/Charlie to the point that they locked their social media accounts down.
Jared, in his "You've been lied to!" video released screenshots that included their usernames rather than simply referring to them by Chai and/or Charlie - which, by that point, he HAD to know that his stans would flock to his defense.
The hate/harassment is out there.
No. 939930
>>939928The hate/harassment
was out there, true. However, you say "is" and point to shit that happened months ago, and also leave the Heidi part out of it.
Also, if KiwiFarms counts as harassment, this place does too.
No. 939937
>"Leave the Heidi part out of it"What Heidi part? They came to Heidi, said "hey this happened".
>"You say 'is'"The latest post was from February 22, and it referred to Chai/Charlie as "The Troon Patrol". The very next post in the thread said "I bet Heidi gets assraped by jared's lawyer" - but yeah, I can see how you want to put lolcow and that cancerous bullshit on the same playing field.
No. 939941
>>939937Point still stands, it's not harassment unless it's on the doorstep of the person supposedly "harassed"
So, where is this harassment you claimed is currently occurring?
No. 939946
File: 1583187693993.jpg (92.93 KB, 469x553, hollylivesadrama.jpg)

>>939928anon don't interact with the sealion, just ignore them
otherwise holly's entire rant basically reminds me of this meme
No. 939956
>>939946ahhh this is
chefs kiss delicioso
No. 940037
>>940032That therapist would also tell her that using negative comments towards you online is a form of self harm and is something she shouldn't be doing - nor should she be having a friend pass her information on what people are saying about her while she's in a psych hospital.
She can call herself a mental health advocate all she wants, but literally everything she does screams "I'm someone who has never been to counseling in my life"
No. 940085
File: 1583199103246.jpg (24.29 KB, 621x177, Ch2.JPG)

>>939930Chai posted not that long ago on twitter about getting death threats from people on reddit and twitter. This was one of the nicer comments on his post.
There were a few that were along the lines of "I would never tell someone to kill themselves, but in this case you absolutely deserve it" or something like that. The accounts are suspended now, so you can't see them anymore, unfortunately.
To reddit's credit, there were a few people who publicly said not to send death threats. But I think their voices were drowned out by all of the people wanting to get revenge on Chai for "ruining" Jared's life.
And Heidi has gotten some ridiculous hate. She still gets comments every once in a while that imply that she ruined Jared's life. Probably the biggest reason her haters are dropping off, though, is that she never engages them the way Holly does, so they have no incentive to keep trolling her.
No. 940094
File: 1583200539509.png (201.58 KB, 1206x966, seeya.png)

wonder how long this is going to last
No. 940102
>>940094"I'm taking a Twitter break, but I'll probably still post updates."
Does Holly understand the meaning of the word "break"?
No. 940104
>>940094She's posted dramatic leaving twitter announcements like this before and only been gone a day.
Remember last week's mhm stream where she was going on and on about how much better she was doing? Girl is starting to give me whiplash with her manic cycles
No. 940121
>>940094She always takes a "twitter break" when she says something ignorant and catches backlash. Then again, judging by her "I care about people except for the person who stole my charger outlet" sperg, she thinks she already HAS been refraining from posting.
>"It's just not a super healthy place"Yeah, you knew that when you admitted to using it for self harm back in May. And yet, the first time things got rough again, you went right back to the same shitty behavior.
>>940119That's what I'd hazard to guess as well. She sees Nate and Anna moving on and doing well, Ross has moved on and is happy, Heidi is doing relatively okay. She and Jared are left wallowing in their own pigsty, left with the disaster they created.
No. 940218
File: 1583220876872.jpeg (467.1 KB, 1519x1702, DEC10FFB-F4F9-4102-919C-3BCF02…)

Sage for no milk but got a hearty chuckle at the fact that Hoelly liked this pic someone tweeted at her
No. 940259
>>940161>>940123>>940102my guess is she's gonna use the option to post tweets without actually using the twitter app - through sharing them from other apps, so she doesn't see notifications or comments.
Also considering she still has following, letting them know she isn't just ignoring their comments, but not engaging because not using Twitter this way is actually a good thing. Maybe she is learning! Hahahaha
No. 940348
File: 1583252519452.jpg (350.54 KB, 1080x1500, 20200303_111957.jpg)

God, Jared is sooooo bitter towards Wizards of the Coast. Can you imagine him retweeting this while still working for them?
He really does blame them for him losing his career and not his own behavior, huh?
No. 940404
>>940348Nah, it's a perfectly
valid retweet. If there's one thing that all Magic players agree on it's that WOTC is killing Magic.
No. 940495
File: 1583276267807.png (75.46 KB, 2532x594, holly.PNG)

real fucking late but here's holly's public record. the 2/13 case is right around when she was complaining about getting a letter from the county about the rooster, for that wk who was reeeeing "but there would be court cases on record if she was a bad birb mom".
and this is just her seattle public record, nothing from cali included
No. 940501
>>940497But that was so much fun anon /s
>>940495Not a surprise she's gotten into this much shit in under 3 years lol
No. 940548
File: 1583282235074.png (37.24 KB, 462x184, Screenshot at Mar 03 18-36-08.…)

Guys, I looked up Holly's court records via the King County clerk webpage and it didn't list anything. Right on the front page, this is what it says.
This makes me even more suspicious that it was either some kind of protective order or domestic violence case against Heidi, Ross, or Jared
No. 940628
File: 1583292016969.jpg (140.41 KB, 878x736, hollyhasapatreonincaseyouforgo…)

>posts almost everyday for the entire month of February, often multiple times a day
March 1st:
>I’ve been afraid to post on this hellsite for so long but I’m done. I'm going to stand up for people and it starts by bitching about my first world problems.
March 2nd:
>I’m taking a twitter break because bitching about my first world problems didn't go over well
March 3rd
>posting on Twitter to remind you to donate to my Patreon uwu!
No. 940659
>>940603Wow, this was really interesting.
Here's a breakdown of the manipulation tactics described in the video for anyone who just wants a quick summary, although I do think it's worth a watch:
1) Tries to make a personal connection with you, the viewer. This makes you feel 'special' and like you are invested in her.
2) Distances herself from "fake people". Since she's accused of being fake, she has to distance herself from fake people in order to remove herself from the negative parts of her reputation.
3) Makes it hard to criticize her. Uses an example of criticism against her that most people would find overly-critical and then groups ALL of her criticism into this type of criticism. This way she can dismiss any criticism of her as "hate" rather than actual, logical constructive criticism of her actions.
4) "Be Kind". She says something vague that everyone agrees with (ex: "the world is full of hate, so we should all try to be kind") to get you on her side. If you agree with her on this, you're more likely to agree with other things she says in the future.
5) Pity. She brings up being bullied for something like her looks, and this makes people who've been through similar feel pity and empathy for her. But in reality, it's her actions that should be criticized… not her looks.
6) In the middle of getting pity points, she ties it to something financial. Talks about how much money she's lost due to criticism/backlash, and this indirectly makes you feel like you want to support her financially out of empathy for her situation.
7) She talks about depression/anxiety and how it's caused her to turn to substance abuse to cope. If she wasn't trying to manipulate people into supporting her, then talking about her issues would be good… but in this case it's manipulative. She justifies her substance abuse to herself and others and doesn't completely own the full gravity of her issues.
8) Anticipates criticism of her views pre-emptively and uses that as a chance to explaining away any doubts and concerns you might have.
No. 940730
>>940659To add to point (8), in her video, Jaclyn says, "those of you who know me know that's not true."
Sounds familiar to anyone?
No. 940732
>>940730It couldn't possibly be little Miss Hoelly "If you want to believe a hyperbolic statement from someone you know online, so be it - but you guys know me!" Conrad!!!
No. 940743
>>939725>All this emphasis on being a MANTinfoil, but i kind of wonder if her choice of words here and on the @ of one of her socks is intended to deliberately get under his skin. Arin openly talks about having a feminine side and sounds like he wanted to express himself more in a GNC manner but represses it(and no, i’m not talking about the “arin is an egg” theory based on troon projection).
I get the vibe she was low key
abusive towards him during their friendship instead of the other way around like she claims, so I wouldn’t put past her to try to humiliate him when he expressed those feelings(maybe not on the spot, but when she‘d lash out) and doing this again now because she’s desperate for reaction.
I really don’t get her. If she really was victimized in some way I’ll eat crow, but if that’s the case why doesn’t she just expose whatever she wants to expose already???
No. 940797
File: 1583328751646.jpg (28.85 KB, 230x252, 1234.jpg)

She's badly shopping out her herpes now. It's almost as if…she's still reading her lolcow page. (Anon who reposts the same herpes statistics, chill out.)
No wonder she's going crazy if she reads here and takes it seriously. Only a handful of people were joking about the herpes and the rest were saying it wasn't a big deal. Even on lolcow she reacts to the most negative comments. Pathetic.
No. 940908
>>940797The prodigal moron returns to harp on about stupid "herpes" bullshit. How old are you, 5?
>>940872>Heidi hasn't even mentioned them for more than a monthHeidi talked about using a black light on Jared's sheets
last week so you're wrong about that
No. 940918
>>940908lmao, okay anon, settle down.
At least she keeps that shit off twitter.
No. 940920
>>940918This kind of response is very "rules for thee and not for me" bullshit. Platform doesn't matter. Expecting anyone involved to stop talking about it is stupid, it was a huge life event for all of them no matter who you believe.
How they talk about it, though, that's where the milk is.
No. 940931
>>940920Why is Heidi required to stop talking about the two people that tried to publically defame her anyway? Holly is the one that claimed Heidi was mentally ill and
abusive to all of her followers and Jared is the one who made their divorce public (talking about it on a private facebook doesnt count as public) to all of his fans without disclosing that the reason for the divorce was the very person commented ~*uwu well wishes*~.
Tbh if I was Heidi I would still hold a grudge against the two people that couldn't even admit they were wrong for fucking each other when Heidi asked her husband to stop and then tried to 180 the situation when people rightfully called them scumbags to accuse Heidi of being the cause. Can anyone blame her? This was her entire irl life and her husband and her friend not some petty internet drama she cant get over.
No. 940977
>>940931I mean, you do realize that Holly believes the shit she's shoveling, right?
So of course she's going to talk about it. I'm pointing out that you're an idiot if you think she's going to stop. Imagine you were in her position - fully believing everyone is falsely accusing you of shit. Would you just stay quiet about it?
No. 941038
>>940920Anon please, "rules for thee and not for me" is basically Holly's entire MO. She acts like the uwu smoll birb
victim whenever her mental illness acts up but will call others unfixable.
No. 941096
>>940979My first thought was, there's no way Jared did something publicly just for Holly. He must be trying to score points with Kayla.
And yup. Guess who he retweeted it from?
Also, I've watched a few episodes of SS and it was pretty average at best. Good podcasts have nice voices, good editing, captivating stories usually with interviews, and/or a cast with great chemistry.
I didn't really get any of that from anyone except maybe Kayla at a few points. Who knows, maybe editing will save them?
No. 941324
>>941096I mean, if you think about it, Kayla is pretty much Holly, but without the drama…
She'd probably be too loyal to Holly, but hey, if Jared could rock an unyealding asexual person's world, then why not go on a
new adventure?
No. 941330
>>941079Tbh at this point I feel like a lot of the people on youtube or in that youtube sphere probably make jokes at Jared's expense but would have no problem interacting or working with him if push came to shove. A lot of people dont care that Jared cheated on his wife and solicited nudes from his fans. They think its embarrassing his gross dick was shown to thousands of people and probably think its funny that all his dirty laundry got aired but I think that's the extent when it comes to anyone being on anyone's side.
The scary truth is that a lot of these youtube gamer bros can probably relate to Jared in some form or another. Lots of them take advantage of their good guy status to milk things from their fans in similar ways I'd bet (look at Danny from gg) only they dont have a dumbass dedicated nudes blog called "SinJared". I think mostly a large portion of those kind of creators just think it's funny that Jared was part of a huge clusterfuck and dont really care that irl people were hurt and taken advantage of in the process.
No. 941564
File: 1583451462582.png (357.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200305-183505.png)

desperately fishing for sympathy lol
No. 941574
>>941564Does Holly run his Instagram now?
But seriously, he has remained pretty professional/business as usual after everything, is this really the first example of him acting like this?
No. 941577
File: 1583451827780.png (58.02 KB, 620x548, Screenshot at Mar 05 17-43-19.…)

>>941564This is how you know his subs are declining as well. He and Hoelly BOTH bring up the scandal every time they need a boost to either their egos, their self esteem/worth, or their sub count.
All abusers want to make themselves into the
victim to justify their bad behavior - Guess what, Jared? Nobody's buying it for you anymore.
Also, that's such a half-ass job at blurring out that person's information. Way to once again sick your horde of braindead fans on someone who doesn't like you, PedoWorm
>>941564 No. 941579
>>941564They sure love slinging the word
abusive around
No. 941601
File: 1583453102383.jpeg (58.96 KB, 1536x521, B3D517DF-BACB-44E6-B69A-C64E01…)

ProDick limited the comments on that post, Anon. He is literally only allowing the adoring, positive comments from followers.
Enjoy your echo chamber, you piece of shit.
No. 941606
>>941564>>941582 We get it Jared. You're not interesting, so you need to rely on past drama for
any kind of relevance.
No. 941613
>>941606He lost Normal Boots
He lost Dice Camera Action
This is all he has. What are the socialblade stats right after he dropped You've Been Lied To? Im sure extremely positive. His come back stream had soooo many viewers.
I think he tried to go to highroad but a) his viewers/subs have dropped b) he has seen the results holly gets for this shit
No. 941616
>"I think he tried to go highroad"Dude failed from Day 1 when he tried to play innocent with this "I care about her mental health, it's an amicable split" announcement. You don't get to go the high road, when you're the one who put the standards so low in the first place.
He did have an initial burst right after the video - but that's what happens anytime a dude embroiled in a scandal finally speaks for the first time in six months.
As far as having lost NB or DCA - Good. Actions have consequences, and his are the loss of the vessel he used to conduct his affair and abuse his fame.
No. 941618
>>941564Took him this long to get one?
I love the "bullying based on false information" bit again, he's gonna ride that bullshit out, isn't he?
No. 941635
>>941618Probably going to ride that one out until the day he dies - Admitting now that it was cheating all along would just piss people off all over again and paint him in an even worse light for lying for many months now.
Until Hoelly Cumrag snaps and roasts him publicly in an effort to save her own ass, dude will be bleeting about it not being cheating.
No. 941661
>>941654Like other anon said, he sees how well it's working for Hoelly so he went for it too.
That, or Hoelly really is running his social media accounts (probably to make sure he doesn't run back to that evil whore Heidi or something)
No. 941700
File: 1583461491012.png (93.2 KB, 866x154, 2020-03-05_21h24_47.png)

>>941698No, it's on Youtube.
No. 941705
>He and Hoelly BOTH bring up the scandal every time they need a boost to either their egos, their self esteem/worth, or their sub count. Which is a shame, because they've pretty much been given a second chance by the public & still have many,
many friends who just shrugged & returned to them after all was said & done, yet
this is what they choose to do with their second chance?
No. 941714
>>941711They're desperate to be relevant. Jared knows that he made a living off of playing old video games - but there's only so many "old" games to play, and he's not all that funny to be doing a show like that on his own.
They've more or less ruined any chance at doing DND professionally again, especially with PedoDick's temper tantrum when the official annoucement came out.
It's like they both know that they're super boring, and the only vaguely interesting thing about them is the drama of him being unable to keep his worm dick in his pants.
No. 941716
>>941714Jared doesn't just do retro games, though.
And even then, AVGN made a 10+ career out of retro gaming.
Of course James Rolfe seems to be a genuinely good guy so….
No. 941725
>>941714Wow, it's like they're both taking turns shooting themselves in the foot…
Heidi doesn't even have to say anything at this point. They're just killing their own careers.
No. 941727
>>941723and he only frequents websites that adults use when soliciting nudes - NEVER sites that are geared towards the 13+ crowd.
>>941725They could've done this all peacefully, too. Jared just had to keep it in his pants and out of the well of crazy that is Holly until the divorce went through. Then, if Heidi wanted to spill the beans, she'd generally be viewed as nothing more than an angry ex.
Instead, this everlasting genius strung both Heidi and Holly along for MONTHS, and immediately began rubbing their relationship in everyone's faces less than 3 months after the divorce announcement and wants to act surprised when everyone who isn't an incel is disgusted by that.
No. 941744
>>941661The bullying announcement combined with retweeting the post about their podcast makes me think that Holly is guilting Jared into posting things in her place while she takes a twitter hiatus. All of this bitterness just makes them both look like all they do is sit around and complain about things together all day. Sounds like a fun relationship.
If they both really are innocent, they should be able to provide a genuine testimonial that isn't sleazy or manipulative. But Jared lies and bottles up his feelings to avoid facing reality, and Holly thinks emotions are facts and can't seem to tell reality from fiction. So that's not likely to happen.
No. 941840
File: 1583493158537.jpg (562.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200306-061146_Chr…)

I mean I'm all for self help books but there has to be a point where you realise that they aren't working because you did something shitty
No. 941841
>>941840Hoelly, you don't need "courage" - You need a fucking reality check. You made god awful life choices and rather than saying "Hey, if hundreds of people are all telling me the same thing, maybe they're not wrong", you double down on being wrong.
Also, she realizes that a break from twitter ain't going to do shit if she still regularly likes tweets, posts on snapchat, posts on instagram, etc. right? The only way to get people to quit bringing up the past and move on is to move on herself - No more subtle digs, no more pointing out the negative tweets and ignoring the supportive ones, and no more "woe is me, I fucked a married man and now the universe wants to call me a whore!"
No. 941883
>>941840>Holly’s conscience: hey that thing you did was kinda shitty>Holly: what is this feeling? must be mental illness!
>other people: hey that thing you did was kinda shitty>Holly: why do all these people seem to dislike me for no reason? brb buying self-help book to deal with this inexplicable yet apparently unavoidable phenomenonThis is exactly what makes Holly a cow. Instead of acknowledging that she was selfish and fucked up, she throws up her hands and decides that she’s just cursed or something and then makes that her entire identity. It’s like she understands that it’s
her, but rather than acknowledging that she
did something she acts like she’s being maligned for who she
is. Of course she made her DnD character a Tiefling.
No. 941907
>"acts like she's being maligned for who she is"That's what I got from it when she started screeching about "I'm a woman accused of cheating because its apparently 1645" and the complaints of it being sexist to refer to her as the mistress.
Nobody is coming for you on your personality, Hoelly - They're coming for you because you fucked a married dude and displayed some SERIOUSLY sketching morals/ethics/actions.
No. 941946
>>941941Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole stunt with the "Cancelled" shirt was probably the tipping point for the higher-ups at WotC; While Jared was pleading with them in private, they saw him & Holly having a couple laughs about it in public, & questioned whether or not he was serious about this whole debacle. Especially with his almost immediate smugness after addressing a rather serious subject, giving off vibes of "Yeah that's right, I'm pretty much
untouchable now!"
The "Cancelled" shirt & him tweeting about "beating" Cancel-Culture was a prime example of a premature celebration if I ever saw one.
No. 941955
File: 1583516837723.jpg (417.23 KB, 1080x1296, 20200306_124422.jpg)

Who does this tweet Heidi liked remind you of?
No. 941962
>>941955To be fair, That's one of Heidi's friends tweeting about a show. Maybe Heidi's watching it too?
I'm just throwing it out there, because last time Heidi 'liked' a vague tweet, Holly & Jared probably found out & 'liked' a tweet deliberately aimed at her so…
No. 941966
>>941946They even made that "boundaries" shirt making fun of how Heidi's texts to Jared and Holly constantly said how they were overstepping the boundaries Heidi laid out for her marriage. But yeah, Holly, you're such a pure innocent
victim undeserving of the hatred you get and you definitely deserved to stay on as a face of WoTC! You just need to have the courage to be disliked because all the haters are wrong anyway!
No. 941978
>>941966The sad thing is that "Boundaries" shirt came out before the Jared's divorce was announced, but not too long after the text where Heidi told Holly to respect her boundaries. Which is part of the reason I believe the claim that Holly was egging shit on for a while before the drama blew up. She and Jared haven't been manipulating each other, they're working hand in had to promote this bullshit narrative and have been for quite a while.
Probably since at least early 2018 when the love subplot picked up steam in DCA.
No. 942096
>>942081For sure and Holly too. She'll talk about how much of a
victim she is. And how she's such a brave, strong person that's overcoming the internet hate mob. So buy her shitty t-shirts.
No. 942226
>>941564my lord, the balls on this bitch:
>poorly censors the name>leaves the display picture completely uncensoredthis manipulative little shit. he knows exactly what kind of fanbase he has garnered in the past months, and so just casually painted a target on the back of this girl. just watch her get harassed by his neckbeard followers who can't stand women living breathing or having opinions, it's infuriating that his asslickers will still eat shit and call him all kinds of saint
No. 942229
>>942183>>942209Who wants to bet that Anna
encouraged Striath so that he'd stay the hell away from her?
No. 942251
>>942209It was actually part of a sub plot that led to Striath, iirc. Anna and Jared's characters had a heart to heart that ended in them being just friends. There was a lot of weirdly awkward moments that lead up to Striath too like this : can tell how awkward everyone else feels in the game about Jared and Holly being subtly flirty. I'm guessing that's the reason Perkins made it an in game thing that Strix and Diath hooking up would end the world. Probably cause he could see the fall out coming a mile away.
No. 942320
>>942229Well considering Anna and Nate also pulled a Jolly and cheated on their SOs with each other, something tells me that each couple seriously supported the other. Especially after watching Heidi's tell all where she said that the cast had a group chat where they talked/rped alllll day to the point of obsession and all commissioned porn/smut together.
They all shipped each other so hard.
I can see Anna going to Holly feeling guilty and Holly being like "dont your making evelytin canon!!! It was cosmic and meant to be uWu"
All of those fuckers took it way too far and way too seriously
I hope DnD Presents has a no romance rule
No. 942329
>>942229I've always thought this. Jared seemed more interested in Anna (no surprise there) before he realized he didn't stand a chance against Nate. He settled on Holly because she was easy, but I've never understood WHY Holly was so willing to destroy everything for him.
When Holly talks to Jared on stream now she is overly nice and is way too eager to please him. It's especially weird when you remember her dynamic with Ross, where she was just constantly annoyed by him.
Slight powerlevel but Holly's interactions with Jared remind me of me when I was dealing with my
abusive ex. He would shut me out emotionally and I felt like I was doing something wrong, so I would act as nice to him as I possibly could to "fix" the situation. I had to turn off their Neverwinter nights stream because it reminded me so much of that abuse.
No. 942342
>>942329Heidi herself said in her tell-all stream that Jared treated Holly just as bad as he did her- as in neglecting her for days or being randomly short and cruel. She said in the messages Holly sent she would blame Heidi for the behavior, being like "Heidi must be being really bad to you for you to ignore me like this" but he isnt with Heidi now, Holly, so what's the excuse?
Everytime I see Holly in his twitch chat (so basically every stream of his) I just think of that. He isn't responding to her texts or calls or anything so she drops into his streams where she knows he will have to acknowledge her.
Also, its pretty pathetic that she watches/chats in pretty much ALL of his streams, imo. She even did it for like a year before the scandal broke. Does she really not get enough of him IRL that she has to also be his #1 fan? Maybe she knows how much he loves fucking fans lmao
No. 942347
>>942251IDK watching that clip Anna seemed into it. They all totally shipped each other and encouraged all the cheating for sureeee.
When the drama first dropped I saw a clip on the projared subreddit of Diath admitting his love for Strix and Anna was soooo excited
No. 942365
>>942342This is something I've been curious about for a while. Does Jared ever go to Holly's streams, or is it entirely one-sided?
>>942329 Their dynamic also reminds me of past abuse, so you're not alone.
It is kind of baffling as an outsider to understand why she wants to be around him 24/7, but I think that's because he's her 'favorite person'. And, since he's aloof already, that probably makes her do everything she can to keep him from leaving.
Jared's narcissism means that he really enjoys having someone be obsessed with him and give him lots of validation (not to mention the giant ego boost of taking them from a marriage/out of asexuality).
So I can see why they're drawn to each other. It's going to be a really messy fallout when the breakup inevitably happens.
I feel like Holly will have to be the one to leave him, since he did admit that he's easily controlled by suicide threats.
No. 942384
>>942347Of DCA continued with them I bet the four of them would have attempted some kind of fourway that would have ended in disaster.
It’s really creepy how they were all just role playing their sexual fantasies for profit and with their fanbase. Wonder what’s going to happen with the new group that’s replacing DCA.
No. 942391
>>942384Imagine if Nate and Anna's new characters start a romance plot
Also, odds of Holly showing up in DnD presents twitch chat? She might even say shit like "that's what strix would do!" "Strix would love x character!"
No. 942395
>>942329>>942365Agreeing that Jared and Holly's relationship is a reminder of bad past relationships. Ugh and that NWN stream is a prime example.
Awhile back anons were talking about how much Holly changed during DCA. It's because of Jared. He started manipulating her and tearing down her already low self esteem. I'm not saying Holly is innocent or a good person cause she's not. But her mental health took a nosedive once they started messing around. I hope one day Holly realizes how manipulative Jared is, but I don't think she will. She'll have to admit she did horrible things for him including destroying her career and her own mental health. I also don't think she can admit she hurt Heidi and was in the wrong about sleeping with a married man. So yeah, I don't think Holly will ever break up with Jared. She would rather live in a fantasy world where Jared is a perfect Diath that she rescued and everyone else is a big mean bully for pointing out reality.
No. 942401
>>942395What gets me is that Holly and Heidi were extremely close friends for a while. Fuck, holly (and ross) was the first person Heidi and Jared went to for help when their house flooded. If holly was so against abuse and
abusive people, why was she really close friends with one?
Oh yeah! Because Heidi only became "
abusive" when she said Jared and Holly could not be together. That's literally it.
Holly and her stans like to throw out the screenshots of Heidi telling Jared that she wants to ruin DCA as if its end all be all proof, yet ignore that those texts were sent to jared after he had ignored her for hours/days while on a DCA trip WITH Holly. Yeah, shes gonna be anxious and pissed at DCA when it provides her husband free vacations away with his mistress and thousands of fans making art of the two fucking and shipping them.
ALSO, Holly called Heidi
abusive FAR before any of that happened. She literally started that narrative the MOMENT heidi revoked consent. Not when Heidi was lashing out after months of lying and neglect, not when Heidi went public, but when Heidi said that Holly couldn't have what she wanted.
Who knows how many mutual friends Holly told terrible things about Heidi to? How many people in Heidi's life dropped her based on false information coming from a woman mad she couldn't fuck another woman's husband.
Holly went out of her fucking way to destroy Heidi's reputation behind closed doors to anyone who would listen, but once Heidi publicly said something it was suddenly too far.
No. 942410
>>942401not to say hi cow but hi….heidi? who is this
stan or someone involved wyd here
(hi cow) No. 942433
>Who knows how many mutual friends Holly told terrible things about Heidi to?Well, I know Holly's 'sister' apparently knew Heidi was '
abusive', despite the fact that said sister travels quite a bit & never seemed to have any kind of relationship with Heidi
or Jared beforehand.
No. 942435
>>942429First of all, learn to sage, newfag. You make it way too easy to know that it's you that wrote both that post and this one.
Second of all, that post makes it out that Heidi is 100% innocent and Holly is 100% guilty - which is the number one allegation that Hoelly stans have against lolcow. Yeah, Hoelly fucked up big time, but Heidi isn't some kind of saint. She fucked up too, just not to the degree of Hoelly and PedoDick.
No. 942450
>>942429>>942422Here's the thing:
Holly is most likely insecure, so it would make sense that she'd paint anyone that has
anything against her as "100%
abusive" - Which I
can understand; it sucks when someone who's otherwise friendly towards everyone else only dislikes
you specifically.
From her texts to Heidi, I can tell she probably genuinely wanted to make it up to her, but didn't really know how, & Heidi was (understandably) too hurt to completely accept it.
Now I'm not saying Holly was innocent at all, but I can see where she's coming from; she seems like someone who's greatest fear is
rejection, & when it finally happened, took things
too damn far, & suddenly it was all about 'sticking it to Heidi'.
Like others have said here, this was years in the making for her. She thought she could keep 'sticking it to Heidi' in private while publicly continuing to be the 'darling' of the D&D community, but Heidi came out about it to the public & it was time to double-down!
At least Heidi is talented enough to start building her own career. She can only go up from here.
TLDR: Hell hath no fury like a Tumblrite spurned
(Also sage for tinfoil)
No. 942458
>>942433Honestly I feel like Holly just told everyone she could that Heidi was
abusive to Jared so that she felt free to be all over him. Weren't there posts of people saying they saw Holly and Jared making out/sneaking into hotels together at cons when the drama first dropped?
No. 942470
>>942395>how much Holly changed during DCA.She was always like this. DCA made it worse because her obsession with being a character (Like with Shepard) became more pronounced. She needed a D&D romance just like she needed one when she was pretending to be Shepard. Can't blame PedoJared for that.
And honestly, Hoelly deserves to be ignored. She worked so hard to ruin Heidi and their marriage, even her own, just to be with Proturd and now she has him. She made her bed and now she can cry in it.
>>942435>number one allegation that Hoelly stans have against lolcowNo one cares about what they think.
No. 942511
I doubt Holly would voluntarily leave Jared. My money is on him icing her out the same way he did with Heidi, which will be much easier this time around since they’re not married or even really living together afaik. He’ll ignore her more and more until he decides they’re not really in a relationship anymore and it’s okay for him to fuck around without her knowledge or consent. If he wants to avoid her melting down on Twitter he could probably string her along for years by saying he just needs space uwu Heidi hurt him so uwu what are feelings?? uwu while he hooks up with fans on the side and tells them he and Holly are over.
>>942384I wonder how Chris Perkins felt about all of this going on under his nose. Was he a part of the group chat? Did he know they were commissioning smut of their characters?
No. 942526
>>942511This, I bet Holly is pushing to make their relationship more serious and Jared is feeding her lines about how Heidi hurt him and he can't rush into a commitment. He needs to ~heal~ by fucking whoever will let him.
man I really hope Perkins didn't know. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt since he seems very much not into drama. I do think Holly exaggerated how close she was with him to look cool to the community, so I don't think Perkins was in the group chat or knew about the smut.
No. 942558
>>942523Perkins is definitely the kind of guy who's fine with people as long as their actions don't directly affect him or those around him.
Watching his Between The Sheets interview just really shows this.
He doesn't know Heidi, and Jared and Holly have never done wrong by HIM, so it's all good.
No. 942563
This isn't really milk but I swear to god back in January, Ross was talking about Onision
>>>/pt/755271 on Twitch. It was during the time Chris Hansen was making visits to his house or something like that.
Anyone clip it?
No. 942582
>>942571even a broken clock is right twice a day. holly is correct that the perpetuation of the ~oMg chinese ppl eat BATS and are DIRTY!!~ myth is super fucking racist. she’s also correct that wearing masks is useless as
>>942579 clarified. a simple google search would’ve told you she’s right and then you could’ve saved yourself from looking retarded. also, sage. this post contained no actual milk.
No. 942616
>>942606most people don't know how to properly wear masks. The common thin ones you can find are not that effective, you need a different type, but again since people don't know how to wear them, and wearing them properly would make them light headed, they aren't advised. But people rush out to buy them in bulk and it's been causing an issue
generally if you are healthy you don't need them. You would need to wear them if you are sick. A lotta healthy folk are buying them out though.
No. 942637
>>942582why the fuck is she even telling people not to wear a mask? Why does she feel like she's an authority on the subject? The show is called spooky saturdays not unsolicited medical advice.
And sure a surgical mask isn't going to do shit, but a N95 would help if you knew how to properly fit and remove it. So yeah she's somewhat wrong.
No. 942638
>"Holly took twitter off her phone and she's much happier"Bullshit. Within two days of her "I'm taking a break" announcement, she was STILL liking posts on her twitter.
>"Holly tells people not to wear masks"Not surprising, considering her blatant disregard of the CDC telling people not to kiss chickens out of fear of spreading bird and/or poulty-bourne illnesses.
>"People only made up the bat eating story to be RACIST"leave it to a woke white bitch from Seattle a.k.a. the most hipster place on earth to bring up Racism.
>"She doesn't think it's fair 'tech bros' get to stay home"She also didn't think it was fair that Heidi asked her not to fuck her husband - so clearly her perception is skewed.
>"She doesn't have to read Trump's tweets"She still lives in the US, she still has to deal with that fuck face of a cheeto.
No. 942642
>>942616This is correct. There aren't enough masks to go around for medical staff right now. That's why they're advising healthy people not to wear and waste them. They also don't want to create a panic with everyone walking around in masks.
However, that doesn't mean masks don't work. The paper ones won't help much, but masks with a filter are effective. I don't know why this misinformation is being spread that "all masks" are bad. It's pretty dangerous.
No. 942667
>>942613>>942637this is what i'm wondering. all opinions on health practices aside, what the fuck is holly doing giving wearing-a-mask advice on a "spooky saturday" stream?
also, was the kayla chick not present? one would think in a two-person stream at least one would have the sense to moderate or keep things on track
>>942651you got a clip or something? lol the audacity of this bitch. does she completely forget that she did or said something, is this what happens when someone has no personality/integrity whatsoever?
No. 942677
>>942673lmfao anon
not very vegan of you, holly
No. 942681
>>942677She's not vegan, she just won't eat uwu birbs
(and cry when others eat sushi)
No. 942749
File: 1583678358703.jpg (314.77 KB, 1080x706, 20200308_103700.jpg)

>>942551Is it really unreasonable for someone to not want to support Jared after finding out he was a cheater and shitty to his wife?
It's like these PJ2 Stans believe that its morally wrong to unsubscribe from someone
Also love the fact that they just gloss over Sinjared.
No. 942756
>>942754Exactly. He could have talked to Heidi about making a joint statement about it, or just announce it a few months after the fact, but instead he felt the need to BLOCK her and announce it as if it was a mutual, ambilacle divorce. Fuck, he made it so she couldn't even read what he had said while speaking for BOTH of them. She probably was getting dozens of messages and replies to her posts expressing sorrow for their divorce out of nowhere without knowing that Jared made it public.
He and Holly were for sure planning on becoming public a few months after his announcement, so he wanted to let the world know ASAP to please his mistress.
I'm sure if Heidi never spoke her peace DCA would be going strong and Jolly would make an announcement around now or maybe a few months ago about how they "helped each other through their rough divorces" and "discovered that there was something there they never knew about" and announce their relationship as if it had only just begun while DCA stans went wild over Striath being canon
No. 942762
>>942749I really think someone needs to write a primer for these people on the difference between "unsubcribing from someone" and "destroying someone's career".
Also, didn't the nude blog stuff come out literally the same day as the infidelity stuff? Like, they were concurrent?
The infidelity on its own probably wouldn't have made a huge impact, but combined with all of these people coming out with their own stories… it was a bad look for Jared. You can't separate the two because they were intertwined.
No. 942792
>>942762people were literally coming out on heidi's tweets as she explained the situation. reddit posts were made on the same day, or the next couple days at the most. this was never about the cheating, much as PJ2 stans AND holly would love for everyone to believe. this was about jared being a manipulative piece of shit who should be locked up far far away from people who ever in their folly decided to look up to him.
but of course if a man is hit by consequences it's in fact an evil bitch looking to drain him of life and resources. they
got her!
No. 942850
>>942842Holly probably feels like Strix was the last
good thing to come from her
No. 942981
>>942969It needs to be something with official recognition. That's what happened with Shepard (being one of the official BioWare cosplayers) and Strix (being on the official D&D stream).
This is why Fancy Boi on the other D&D game she was on, and whatever she plays on that World of Darkness game, won't overtake her obsession with Strix.
No. 943081
File: 1583768554311.jpeg (180.67 KB, 520x456, 8828E7C6-07AA-4172-9099-2FAF96…)

Finally had time to trace over this terrible nightmare. Guest staring wormdick and his "mushroom"
No. 943097
File: 1583770750908.jpg (44.99 KB, 623x443, twitter.JPG)

Updates on the crew:
Holly is using her twitter 'break' to passive aggressively tweet about twitter hurting her. Jared is liking pictures of sexy women who share his interests and still completely ignoring Holly's existence.
Heidi is slowly but steadily updating her store with more merch. And Ross is making cute ascii art of cats.
Honestly, I'm just glad that Heidi and Ross were able to get away from their partners and move on with their lives. They both deserve that happiness.
Also, I finally had the chance to go through the wayback machine to Jared's old tumblr and it's… bad. If that was his main, I can't imagine what his private tumblrs were like.
No. 943119
File: 1583774450413.png (370.61 KB, 1440x1328, Screenshot_20200309-121739~01.…)

I think she's done pretending to avoid using twitter since she's back to posting and replying to people
No. 943150
>>943122My head hurts trying to parse that nonsense.
is a sexuality. WTF is this "my own sexuality" BS? I'm demi but more speshul than other demis?
No. 943170
>>943165She did.
How come the people who have these really complex sexualities like "demisexual" always end up dating scrawny white gamer dudes. It's okay to be a straight woman Holly.
No. 943193
File: 1583785134693.png (113.64 KB, 500x293, 1532043621718.png)

>>943081i love u anon
its too early but i hope this is the next thread photo
No. 943195
>>943170Usually I'd be 1000% ok with someone changing what they identify because sexuality is a really confusing, complex thing for people
BUT Holly seemed to throw her Asexuality around for clout and representation points. It's odd for a woman in her late 20s who is already Married to feel the need to publicly be loud and proud about her Asexuality AND feel the need to make her self insert ace too. Especially for it to come out that she had been having an affair with a sexaholic and ended her and his marriage for it.
The holly I knew when I was a GG fan was SO PROUD to be Ace and loved considering herself a representative to that community, which IMO was really gross of her to do. To me that along with her making her Asexual DnD Character Strix suddenly romantic and in love with her affair partner's character just pushes the narrative that ace people aren't really ace and just need to find the right person which is really shitty
I really just get the vibe that she didnt think being straight/bi wasnt unique enough
No. 943198
>>943119I love the posting of "Trans women, you're women!" when her and PedoDick's stans spend 99.9% of their time referring to Chai/Charlie by derogatory slurs against trans people.
So, they're women… long as they don't speak out about your fuckboi's gross and predatory behavior, eh Hoelly?
>>943150I also very much love that she went from "I'm asexual!" to "I'm demisexual!" just as a way to excuse her fucking PedoWorm but not her own husband.
>>943168Using a day meant to be positive to bring awareness to the shitty situation all of her own making? Yep, peak Hoelly. What day did the divorce announcement come out? Can we nominate that to be "Hoelly Homewrecker Awareness Day"?
>>943194That's not even the first time she's done that exact thing, Anon. Anyone who isn't new to the drama knows her cycle: The drama dies down, Hoelly becomes desperate for ass-pats, makes some big grand post about leaving so that her stans rush to praise her, lather, rinse, repeat.
>>943195It's like she didn't realize Bi-Ace was a thing (It is). She uses her sexuality (or lack of, depending on the day) for clout and to prey on the vulnerable communities, like aces, who are desperate for some sort of public representation. It's gross of her on every single level.
No. 943202
>>943195>I get the vibe she didnt think being straight/bi was unique enoughDemisexual by definition is just "not experiencing sexual attraction until you form a strong emotional bond with someone"
She cant tout around that shes ace anymore and clearly has a weird complex with women so she just went with a sexuality where she could still be straight but ~*special*~ because she needs that tumblr LGBTQ cred since that's where she gets most of her uwu mental health asspats fro
No. 943208
>>943202I mean she told Heidi herself that Ross hadn't minded her sleeping with other women in those released texts and wasnt it confirmed that Holly and the exGG friend that wrote that play had a thing together?
It seems so weird since she gives the vibe that she hates other women, especially attractive ones (like the ones in Jared's likes, for example). You're right, theres definitely a weird complex there
No. 943210
>"Until you form a strong emotional bond with someone"It's telling that she couldn't form a "strong, emotional bond" with the man she married - but COULD with someone else's husband.
>"That Ross hadn't minded her sleeping with other women"From what I understood, Ross had said he hadn't minded in more of an abstract "If the opportunity presents itself" kind of way, and not in a "I'm actively sleeping with other women" sort of way.
Speaking on behalf of bi/lesbian women everywhere, we have standards - and the vat of crazy that is Hoelly Cumrag, the 'lolol boundaries wut that?' queen? That's so far beneath those standards.
No. 943332
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No. 943337
>>943210From what I understand, there's never been any confirmation for what Ross either into or not into that didn't come from Holly or Jared. We've all seen how smitten puppy dog he was around her though, and we know he's since described the relationship as
abusive. So supposing that he did agree to looking the other way it's a very safe bet that he did so under duress.
No. 943459
File: 1583831545241.jpg (26.08 KB, 285x334, boundaries_chart.JPG)

So I watched trough the MHM stream on 2x speed. Some things that stood out to me:
Holly mentioned a few new books she's reading. One of them is called "You Are A Badass At Making Money", which she said she's reading because she has anxiety around money 'for some reason'. (Wonder why)
Her friend Kayla shared a 'boundaries' chart that Holly unironically endorsed, despite having iirc ignored every single one of these boundaries with Heidi.
She read this post twice: Talked about twitter being terrible multiple times.
Someone in the chat asked how to help a family member make better health choices. Everyone told them to stop trying to fix others (not helpful) and then someone in the chat accused them of being manipulative by trying to help their family member. And Holly's solution was some generic advice along the lines of "don't try to fix them, just give them snacks".
People asked if they could email her questions and she had to re-iterate that MHM isn't for actual therapy, it's just a space to encourage people to get help. Can't really blame people for being confused, though.
No. 943467
>>943459She's claimed to have anxiety around money since the whole "I ripped a cancer patient off for thousands of dollars but was stupid enough to get caught with no
valid excuse" thing.
Let's go through that boundaries chart, though:
>"It is okay if others get angry"Sure - but they must then accept some bullshit handwritten/handcrafted apology note for fucking their husband while simultaneously gaslighting the shit out of them and publicly ruining their reputation by calling them an abuser?
>"I have a right to feel my own feelings"yep - but no one else does. The minute someone else expresses anger or rage? Automatically labelled as an unfixable abuser.
>"Nobody has to agree with me"Except every single person on twitter and/or instagram.
0/10, you failed Hoelly. You might want to try reading shit before blindly agreeing in the future, Trash Bitch.
No. 943941
>>943921Such a creep. The fact that Holly posted happy-all-around Jared photos that same day is staggering. And now the coward is removing the video from the public arena. If it's the truth, Pedoworm, then what are you hiding it for?
Ugh, nothing but a manipulative POS. Congratulations on your prize, Holly.
No. 943959
>>943884Anyone else think this is some makeup magic and not shaving a few days? I feel like that looks like toner on his temples and the sides of his nose are more defined.
Sage for no new milk.
No. 944140
File: 1583945547030.png (2.04 MB, 1170x1154, dfsadsf.png)

"uwu evil people on the internet ate my income. send money pls"
No. 944216
File: 1583957614692.jpg (59.1 KB, 608x499, weinstein.JPG)

Sage for not being directly related, but I found this twitter thread about Harvey Weinstein and some of the things he's said are eerily similar to Jared's defenses."People deserve a second chance."
"There are many false allegations and, over time, we'll prove [them wrong]."
"[Everything was] consensual."
Other things they have in common:
1) Making themselves look weak to gain sympathy from the public
2) Downplaying their power over others
3) Saying that they're "confused" when backed into a corner
I can't believe Holly is standing by someone who is basically another Harvey Weinstein in the making. Makes my skin crawl.
No. 944256
>>944216Not to mention that hes always liking/replying to Beautiful, small up & coming women content creators.
"Hey, I'll promote your channel to my incel audience if you send nudes"
No. 944377
>>944300That we know of. I really doubt a law enforcement agency would announce their intentions to the entire world "Hey, btw, we're looking into this dude for child porn allegations and telling you this now so that he can in no way try to hide evidence!"
Do I think there were charges brought? No, not anymore - but with allegations like that being thrown around, I'd be pretty surprised if no one turned him and the evidence of his wrong doing (y'know, the whole reason normal boots claimed to fire him in the first place) in to the proper authorities to at least have a look.
No. 944527
>>944256Yes, this, too. He also hides behind a mask of progressiveness and 'feminism', same as Weinstein.
>>944300Weinstein didn't face any legal repercussions for at least 30 years… The lack of public police involvement doesn't mean that Jared is less culpable than people like onision.
I think given enough time, we will see Jared's behavior come to light. It just might take decades to get there.
No. 944575
>>944549i can think of exactly 4 people who would know if jared is under investigation, and two of those are Chai and Charlie.
none of the 4 are likely to share with twitter in case the police _are involved, each party for a different reason.
so, anon, i'm not sure where you're getting the information about jared absolutely certainly not being under investigation/the police not being involved/however it works in the US.
No. 944577
>>944575The Onision thing has cropped up in the last 3-4 months and we already know the FBI is involved.
If pedodick were being investigated for this he for sure would have been brought in for questioning, do you really think Hoelly wouldn't take the opportunity to screech about how unfair it is that he's being investigated?
No. 944613
>>944577Not having proof something happened =/=> The thing never happened, though.
Not seeing Jared investigated by the FBI doesn't mean that he wasn't, or that he didn't commit crimes.
There are tons of people who report to the police and are ignored, or people who don't have the energy / time / resources to bother filing. But that doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed. It just means our legal system makes it really hard to prosecute someone for these things.
In the case of Weinstein, a woman had a recorded
confession from Weinstein himself, had filed a police report immediately after the crime, and STILL wasn't able to take legal action against him. Weinstein kept a list of names of people he thought would speak out against him, and he tried to have them all investigated by a PI.
If Weinstein could get away with everyone in Hollywood knowing what kind of person he is and still never facing a court until decades of sexual harassment and rape had passed, I completely believe that Jared could get away with his behavior.
No. 944614
>>944613You're comparing a multi-millionaire with connections to a guy whose estimated net worth isn't even over $100k. Weinstein could pay lawyers, PIs and
victims to keep it secret.
Not even close to the same thing and you know it.
No. 944617
>>944614Private investigators don't cost as much as you might think.
But that aside, the point is that there are many things in place that make it difficult for
victims to bring a public investigation against someone. So a lack of a public investigation does not mean that a crime wasn't committed.
Another thing is that all of Jared's accusers are people who are barely teenagers or in their early twenties. The kind of people who don't have the life experience or resources to seek justice.
You don't necessarily have to pay people to stay silent if you can pressure and/or manipulate them in the right ways. And younger people are especially prone that kind of manipulation.
I'm not saying Jared is for sure guilty, I just don't think we can say that he's for sure innocent because there's a lack of evidence of an investigation. That's all.
No. 944622
>>944617A) They were all told they should go to the police, they said they weren't going to but never specified why.
B) I could see an argument being made that not trusting the police is a reason they didn't, but that has nothing to do with their age, and they never said that they don't.
The issue at hand here is that you're musing that there is a secret investigation without any proof of there being one. If there were an investigation I guarantee you you would know about it. The first place an investigation would go is to Jared to seize property and ask questions and, as stated, there's no way Hoelly would keep silent about that.
No. 944626
>>944622I think there's a misunderstanding here. I'm not saying there's any sort of investigation at all.
I'm just saying that not seeing an investigation doesn't mean Jared is innocent.
But yes, if the kids didn't go to the police, there is almost zero chance this will turn into an investigation against Jared. That again, still doesn't mean Jared is innocent. If anything, it just means he got lucky.
Holly hasn't publicly talked about any of her court appearances, to my knowledge. I know she overshares, but she might stay silent if it was a legal matter or Jared pressured her to keep it off twitter.
No. 944627
>>944626I don't think there are any court appearances. That listing of dates above could just be filed complaints and other legal documents, doesn't mean she's necessarily gone before a judge. Especially given there's a couple from before she lived in Seattle. I bet the extent of them are things she's already said relating to her neighbors filing a compliant.
That said, an investigation is not something I can see her being quiet about. It is too much in line with what she complains about the most.
I don't think there's a leg to stand on to say Jared did something
illegal. Immoral absolutely, but the legal accusations seem to have fallen flat for one reason or another, and without an accusation it's pointless to muse about.
Also, sage.
No. 944778
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>>944140No milk I just thought this interaction was hilarious
Also, any chance to brag about your boy toy, huh, Holly?
No. 944845
File: 1584072069049.png (1.84 MB, 1440x2191, Screenshot_20200312-225302~01.…)

lol wow yeah he took the picture big woop
Also Holly:
didn't even give him a chance to answer to the comment himself
No. 944847
>>944845Why is he always wearing the douchiest clothes whenever we see him outdoors? The Cancelled shirt, the stupid Hipster Peter Parker with a scarf from the Chipotle pic and now this thing and whatever the fuck that shirt-scarf is…
Is it a Seattle thing?
No. 944872
>>944847for a while now he's been going on about how much he loves fashion and dressing up the way he wants. he once retweeted someone's rant thread on beau brummel, adding that men should be able to reclaim their right to dress fancy. if i remember correctly he also addresses questions about the shits he wears on streams, bringing up the fashion thing again.
dunno if it's a seattle thing, but it's definitely a jared thing.
_there's only one thing to wear where you're headed douchebag, get it out of your system while you can_
No. 944914
>>944845Has Holly started to dress him too? That cardigan thing literally looks like something that came from her closet.
>>944879Literal worm.
No. 945028
>>944845"I do my dude lol"
Why the lol? Is this supposed to be passive aggressive like "hes MY soulmate of course I do!" "Obbbbbviously I take them, I fought tooth and claw for him"
Also, is she just his yes man telling him all his God awful outfits look good or does she genuinely like them lmao
No. 945038
>>944845Next pics:
"Will someone
please ask who took the picture?!"
No. 945039
File: 1584120790140.png (35.38 KB, 388x512, attention.png)

>>944778>>944845This post on tumblr sort of explains her need to say who took the photos:
>There’s also the fact that Jared is liking tweets from other women and not Holly. Holly could feel the need to validate their relationship, as well as be trying to show Jared that she’s his white knight and is the one always defending himAfter all, she's the only taking & giving credit for who shot the photos. Jared didn't even mention her.
No. 945093
>>944845He looks like a more haggard, sickly Nic Cage from that angle
>>944778Holly’s so paranoid. Not everyone is out to get you or be mean to you lmao. Maybe they just, i dunno, tagged Jared so he could see your photo?
No. 945098
File: 1584130316335.jpg (354.45 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20200313_151116.jpg)

Punished Ross
Will never let himself be cheated on again