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No. 816967
Last time on Pigeon Strikes Back:
>Holly spergs about going to the Mohave Desert and actually shows up, presumably to make sure Jared isn't fucking other girls>still spouting manipulative bullshit on twitter and playing dumb, backtracks and contradicts herself whenever called out; refuses to admit any wrongdoing, keeps blaming muh mental illness and muh emotions>says she is standing by Jared despite the pedo allegations, claiming he just made a "mistake," even though everyone including his own employer has already dumped him for it>claims to have always been demisexual despite saying she was asexual just 2 weeks ago, but apparently it's on the "asexual spectrum" so it counts>DCA, the D&D campaign Holly and Jared were involved in, is officially on hiatus; their emotes have been retired from twitch, leading to speculation that it will disband entirely>meanwhile KT gets called out for being a creep, flips out that Suzy totally stalks her, not the other way around>Ross talks about seeing a therapist again on streamPrevious thread:
>>812124Our main actors:
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: usual suspects:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Game Grumps:
>Normal Boots:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: of the old milk (cheese?), courtesy of anon:
Suzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meHolly "Manic Pixie Nightmare Girl" Conrad (Backstory/Pre-Divorce):
>Holly is a talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to ger grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingHeidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>I've followed Heidi for years for cosplay stuff, so I can only speak from that perspective but I don't think there's really much else to say about her>I think some people in the cosplay community found her kind of cocky, but she didn't seem to really rock the boat too much>She's a much more detail oriented and talented craftsman than your average costhot. Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth (not as common with cosplayers these days, so I think she's appreciated for that)>IIRC she has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design, so if she's cocky her work quality at least backs it up>Personally I followed her for a long time for cosplay stuff without ever even knowing who she was married to or who ProJared was. Can't speak for others, though I'm sure it didn't hurt her popularity>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all timeJared "Pigeondick" Knabenbauer
>I've actually never really known or cared about ProJared or NormalBoots before this, I just wanted to call him a Pigeondick.>Maybe someone more informed can give a backstory, though again I'm not sure if it really matters>big yikes >>804556Previous GG Threads:
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being BEST FRIEND her despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.>Claims any of this is important at all because she was Arin's inspiration for a character "a woman being beaten and raped but wanting Egoraptor to be her knight in shining armor even though she's an ex-assassin">Now obsessed with Arin/Suzy/GG, obsessed with the notion that Suzy is somehow copying her every move and personality trait (again, despite the fact that she just now reemerged and Suzy was probably ~13 when all of this started)>Consensus: Arin was a dumb teenage boy who was probably involved with both of them, the situation makes Suzy look incredibly sane. Also it's been 17 years who gives a shit. (Guess what: Katie does)>Obviously overshadowed by current milk, but I just feel like we haven't seen the last of Katie. Probably in like 5 years she'll catch up on the current drama and have a real hot take. No. 816969
>I'm not sorry for things I didn't do aka sorry not sorry
>>816967Thanks for making a new thread op
No. 816970
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>>816969of course I dropped the image
No. 816972
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This person's a goddamn hero for speaking the truth!
No. 816982
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I don't think this was posted last thread and it is by far the funniest thing Holly has posted yet.
No. 816987
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>>816982God, just ADMIT that you hurt people, Holly.
No. 816989
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I see she's following her recent White Knights…
No. 816993
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>>816989She also follows Keemstar now.
She's so easily won-over, no wonder she was an easy-lay for worm-boy
No. 816998
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How does she not understand that this isn't a proper apology and by claiming that any hurt she caused was "unintentional" is just another way of avoiding responsibility.
No. 816999
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No. 817000
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Seems Bork the Whiteknight doesn't understand that it's the adults job to verify another person's age. Especially when it comes to tumblr where it's riddled with angsty "kawaii desu" teens. Teens he knows will do anything to get his attention. And he used that to his advantage. Washington police don't even accept the "uwu I didn't know the girl's age! I swear she looked 18 in those nudes!" excuse. Seriously Holly? This is who you follow? A dumbass willing to come up with shit from his ass just to defend you even if that means having to lick Jared's yaoi peen to get to yours?
No. 817006
>>817004what are the odds she's pushing the "heidi is an emotional abuser uwu" thing to distract people from the fact that she was (very likely) abusing ross during this same time?
>to help him, help her, and himself.i'm sure she was concerned with heidi's wellbeing lol
No. 817012
>"I was scared of her after she screamed at me">"I stopped talking to her after feb. 2018 because she screamed at me">"I didn’t do anything except talk, and have her scream at me"Bitch, she did NOT 'scream' at you. She
clearly texted at you, letting you know her disappointment towards your actions.
No. 817022
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>>817007It would be funny if it wasn't such a blatant crock of shit.
>I'm sorry YOU don't FEEL like I'm trustworthy>I wan't to stop being a shit head but I'm just so innocent and naive that I just don't understand.>I'm really sorry for anything you perceived I did but I actually didn't do anything wrong.>When will my non-apologies be enough for you people?>I never intended to hurt people, I just accidentally fell on a friends husbands dick.>Why aren't you buying my bullshit yet?>STOP BULLING ME GUYS!!! No. 817025
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>"She wouldn’t even consider her behavior towards Jared was abusive, which it absolutely was."
Man, I just have NO idea why Heidi was SO mad at her for NO REASON AT ALL…/s
No. 817030
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>>817012maybe she meant the phone call this was referring to? which may or may not have been the "I want my husband to think of me not you during sex" phone call?
No. 817031
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No. 817034
>>817022Basically "I'm sorry
you feel that way" in multiple tweets.
No. 817038
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I think the person who tweeted this accidentally wrote 'holly' instead of 'heidi', but this reminded me of Treesicle's video
>>816363>"Now this is where things don't add up; At some point after February 7th 2018 and before February 10th 2018, something happened between Heidi, Holly, and Jared which caused Heidi to get really mad but as well as revoke her blessing on romantic relations between Holly and Jared." No. 817040
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>>817001Oh shit! How could I forget that? Thank you dear anon, this helps me understand the requirements of Holly's VIP List! I should have known being retarded is the #1 requirement, so thank you for the sweet reminder. Much love!
No. 817042
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>I'm sorry if I harmed anyone unintentionally People are straight up telling her she's hurting people and pointed out the actions she's doing that are manipulative and hurting people but ok
>Intent is the most important thing, I never intended to hurt anyone>Sorry if I did or my actions were misinterpreted as suchShe's literally only sorry that her actions could
have been seen as manipulative, which she doesn't believe is even possible and sees it as bullying to say her guilt-tripping is
>If this wasn't enough then what exactly, and how, do you want me to apologize?She literally thinks she has done
everything in her power to genuinely get across that her emotional outbursts aren't harmful (because she decided so) and she's sorry someone could see it that way, and she wonders, "Why, How, What" because she just has no idea what else she could do to make things better!
>I am sorry, to anyone and everyone, if I've cause them pain. I am not sorry for things I didn't do."Saying "I'm sorry you feel that way" to someone who has been offended by a statement is a non-apology apology. It does not admit there was anything wrong with the remarks made, and may imply the person took offense for hypersensitive or irrational reasons. Another form of non-apology does not apologize directly to the injured or insulted party, but generically "to anyone who might have been offended".
Statements that use the word "sorry" but do not express responsibility for wrongdoing may be meaningful expressions of regret, but such statements can also be used to elicit forgiveness without acknowledging fault."
She isn't trustworthy because she's willing to gaslight former fans because she considers herself entirely innocent.
No. 817044
>>817042hmmm…kind of makes you realize why Ross in that VR video was talking about emotionally
abusive relationships.
Speculating, but if this was the kind of shit he had to put up with, I'm glad he got outta of there quick
No. 817046
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No. 817050
>>817049>the only thing she has ever offered was "she screamed at me one time"this in particular bothered me because in the same receipt she posted for this she admits she too lashed out at Heidi
>>817030 Also, Holly saying "I said something stupid" makes me think she probably said something pretty vile to only further provoke Heidi.
No. 817052
>>817049What I want to know is what the hell happened between February 7th & February 10th?
Also, bear in mind that Jared could've lied to Heidi about Holly saying she was '
abusive' in order to get Heidi nice &
Wouldn't surprise me if this Heidi vs Holly thing was just
manufactured completely by Jared feeding lies to both of them.
No. 817066
>>817058>if you don’t stop she’s gonna go back to Weenie Hut General or she’ll hurt herselfactually made me spit out my tea anon.
But Holly admitting guilt when she makes a point of never doing so means she must have supremely fucked up. I wonder if she was the one to plant the "your husband thinks of me when you're having sex" idea in Heidi's brain.
No. 817069
>>817067What I'll never get over is Holly saying she was scared of Heidi and blah blah… But still carried on with emotional (and then physical) cheating
Those aren't the actions of someone scared. Unless she sees Jared and herself as some fucked up 30 year old nerd Romeo and Juliet.
>our love is too powerful for the wicked Hiedi to stop! No. 817072
>>817069Seriously. If Heidi is so
abusive and unstable why the fuck would you continue to risk her wrath? Holly acts like she's truly capable of something hideous yet had no proof except the yelling. They walked all over her and abused her trust because they neither respected nor feared her, simple as.
No. 817073
>>816967If Heidi found out they were fucking back in Feb 2018, she probably would have said so… She would have said fucking behind my back for a year vs. months.
Per Heidi's tweets, she was upset because she thought Holly's feelings for Jared were too strong, i.e. stronger than her feelings for Ross. Heidi said that she shut it down before anything physical happened between Holly and Jared.
No. 817074
>>817069>>812413Remember this?
>"Heidi you're just so pretty it makes me feel scared"I'm beginning to wonder if Holly was really jealous of Heidi?
It seems like Holly wants to paint Heidi as a 'pretty' girl with an 'ugly' soul, especially since Holly loves to embrace her fugly 'trash-witch' aesthetic…
No. 817076
>>817074I mean she’s just a manipulative cunt at the end of the day.
“Heidi I’m so sorry your so pretty I’m a terrible person” - literally Holly
“I know I’m trash twitter” - literally Holly
“Ross I deserve to die for cheating on you?I’m a terrible waifu Ima go commit die I deserve it” - Holly probably
She does the poor pitiful me act hoping to garner sympathy. But once you go full pedo support no one gives two shits.
No. 817077
>>817044I feel like we haven't delved deeper into the VR chat video, and that a lot of people think it could be about the relationship he had before Holly. He explicitly stated that the emotional abuse signs he learned to recognize now can happen to people in their mid twenties (he's 31 now, he was with holly since his mid twenties and on), and she's the only person he dated/been with in his mid-twenties. He was being careful about the language.
And then one of the red flags/signs of emotional abuse he lists off (and the only one he stumbles on and becomes audibly anxious about) is as follows
"provocatie-uh-uh behavior with uh other individuals th-they you may uh-the- person might feel uh competitive with."
This is the only one he falters on, and he is explicitly discussing the issues he had with a mid-twenties relationship (only can be holly). We can assume he did not get permission for the poly relationship, or was coerced into saying yes.
No. 817080
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>>817000Glad someone finally called out Bork
No. 817082
>>817081Yikes, I can see why Ross won't say anything about this.
You fear Heidi's wrath? what about
Holly's wrath?
No. 817083
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dickenciderbutt strikes again!
No. 817086
>>817082Part of me thinks it’s because he’s a gentleman and part of me thinks it’s cause Holly will pull the suicidal card again
“How could you do this to me ross? After all I put you through you treat me like THIS? IM LITERALLY GONNA DIE AND ITLL BE ALL YOUR FAULT”
No. 817091
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>>817088Such a sweetie that blue apron even gave him a heart shaped potato. Our animation WoW boy out there living his best life while hollister is obsessing over a pedo and lolcow.
No. 817092
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I also noticed Bork the WK likes to flash this screencap at anyone who doubts the "Heidi's the abuser" narrative…
No. 817093
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>>817092…But it seems Bork didn't get the memo that ForrestFurt himself, has since changed his tune…
No. 817095
>>817042Can't be that cozy with Jared's dick in there.
>>817093Also I don't get how people can even defend Jared when his former friends/employers have dropped him and were in the process of doing so a month before all of this even happened.
No. 817112
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A+ reply
No. 817144
>>817004>>817005Lol this idiot is giving Jared prime material to place the blame on her.
>Holly tricked me into believing I was abused.>Holly's constant insistence that I had to escape drove me to destructive behaviors.>I was so in love and easily played.His rabbid incel supporters would eat it up Hook line and sinker.
No. 817147
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No. 817148
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>>817083Lol this is so spot on.
To Holly
valid criticism = abuse.
>>817012>Bitch, she did NOT 'scream' at you. She clearly texted at you, letting you know her disappointment towards your actions.Exactly and in all honesty Heidi managed to keep her cool and articulate her grievances damn well for how fucked up the situation was.
No. 817149
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>>817147I was so scared of Heidi that I jumped on her husband’s poor abused penis!!
No. 817152
>>817149>>817147Holly, your abuse is not an excuse to act like a fucking idiot in every social situation that doesn't involve kissing your ass and letting you have your way. If you are this socially stunted after all the therapy you've supposedly gotten then guess what: you didnt learn a single damn thing from it except how to pay lip service to it. You need to get off twitter and check into a DBT center and actually learn some coping skills that aren't hysteria. Your mental problems are not an excuse to act like a cruel, vindictive cunt who supports an unrepentent sex offender, nor do they excuse you from gaslighting and abusing someone who was once your best friend.
God, this bitch was really trying to give out mental help advice when she can't even keep her own life together and completely falls to pieces in the face of criticism? Fuck off.
No. 817153
>>817131Whether they're divorced or not, or if she ever loved him or not, seeing as how they ended things amicably there's still an obligation to treat him with respect. Implying he was a cuck, just completely okay with her emotional to actual infidelity, to protect her own image, is absolutely not treating him any sort of respect.
Almost any guy but Ross would have torn her to shreds for that, so the fact that she's only slandering soft targets just makes her a bully as well.
No. 817154
>>817149This cow thinks somebody getting upset at her for trying to fuck their partner is abuse. Yeah that itself isn’t
abusive or manipulative right?
It’s not
abusive at all to convince a wife that she’s a terrible person and even an abuser for not letting you suck her husband’s dick /s
No. 817155
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>>817029You have to believe her when she says Heidi is an abuser. After all she was a
victim of abuse and manipulation before. there's no way she has fallen into the same pattern of abuse without realizing it. Jared is her poor damaged soulmate after all.
>>817149See she had to have sex with Jared in order to save him.
No. 817157
>>817147>>817149Jesus Christ Holly, no matter how many times you say it, Hiedi telling you sternly not to get romantically involved with her husband is not emotionally
abusive. Not to Jared but ESPECIALLY not to you.
Someone being upset at you is not emotional abuse.
Someone criticizing you is not emotional abuse.
I'm sensitive too, I've got a bad past with abuse too, I react badly to things too. But this is was not
abusive toward you in any way, no matter how shitty it made you feel at the time.
It was not abuse.
React how you want, but stop mislabeling it. Its embarrassing to say "a lady chastised at me for overstepping my boundaries and now i'm scarred"
No. 817177
>>817147>>817149Every time Holly stops addressing criticism, her whiteknights come out of the shadows to call someone a bully…
Tinfoil: Holly has a group chat with her whiteknights to jump on threads that she feels need to be knocked down a peg. Too bad her defense squad is a bunch of autists.
No. 817179
>>817158Yeah this is what I really don't get and haven't understood during this whole fucking ordeal. Who is so majestically retarded that she'll claim that your friend being mad at you for sleeping with her husband is
abusive? Who the fuck does that? I don't think she has apologized for her actions once. I simply don't understand how she can break her radio silence by coming in and saying "Yeah I fucked Heidi's husband but I was only trying to save him from an a-a-
abusive relationship, here's a cherrypicked text of her being mad over Jared refusing to discuss the matter as proof of her being a bitchcunt extravaganza!!!". Holly and the people buying it know that it's festering bullshit but choose to take the narrative and run with it because they either hate Heidi, stan Holly or both. Or they hate women in general and naturally choose to side with the manic pixie chick putting it out for their self-insert vidya youtuber.
Additionally her admitting that she was sending Jared articles about
abusive relationships just goes off to show that she wasn't an innocent bean being woven into Jared's web, they're both manipulative people building their own version of reality. They both fed each others' habits and built their own reality to justify what they were doing to Heidi. Ross unknowingly dropping vague hints and constantly referring to his life being much better now makes me 100% sure that Holly was one of those high maintenance people who guilt trip their partner into submission with either direct or indirect threats of self harm. Anon
>>817090 is right on the money, at first I thought Ross wouldn't speak up because he had some skeletons stuffed in his own closet but after seeing Holly's tactics unfold it must be because he knows what she is capable of and most likely doesn't want to dig up the trauma.
No. 817182
>>817149But when Heidi is understandibly angry that you fucked her husband, her emotionally driven actions, words, and private FB posts are actually
abusive proof!
>>816970You were close, SO CLOSE
>>817155I love the hypocrisy she seems to muster up with every new post.
So she claims shes not emotionally capable of dealing with these situations because of her previous abuse BUT has been acting like an authority with her Mental Health Monday and constant uwu Twitter bullshit.
Also, if you're so bad at dealing with this stuff, why did you even try to 'save' Jared from his terrible
abusive wife!? Any sane person would get him help if they didn't feel confident with this stuff!! But of course it's no a sane decision because it's just a lie she purports to keep herself from having to acknowledge any wrongdoing
No. 817188
>>817179I dont think theres some big tinfoil hat reason why Ross has been so silent about this. It's probably just that his therapist has told him to sever all ties with her so he doesnt think about her and be able to move on.
Ross has always been incredibly doting to Holly, you can see a year ago when anyone ever said anything mean to her, he'd come in and threaten people for shittalking his wife. He really cared about Holly and I'm absolutely sure she preyed on that feeling. Probably took complete advantage of that which is incredibly emotionally
Even if things between Ross and Holly were left amicably, I'm sure Ross would still be online doting on her as her good friend, but he hasn't been doing that because his therapist told him that itd be harmful and in the way of recovery.
No. 817190
>>817155I don’t think she’s lying about the abuse she’s received as a child but it’s very telling that she’s only talking about them now (before she only danced around her ptsd) when she’s under pressure for protecting a pedophile. Manipulate manipulate manipulate. Being a former csa survivor doesn’t mean you can excuse Jared, trash witch, stop trying to make people feel bad for you.
Maybe she should go full Kevin Spacey and choose to live her life as a gay man now.
No. 817194
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Then: it was me
Now: it’s everyone else except me and Jared.
No. 817201
>>817196“Hurt everyone else around you so much you lose everything”
She ain’t wrong, she lost everything good in her life, no husband, no job, no love, only fans and friends left are those too pathetic to open their eyes and realize their birb fucked up beyond repair reveiling herself as a complete fraud, reduced to defending pedophilia on twitter and desperately trying to piece together a broken life she created.
No. 817202
>>817194I read this tweet without seeing the caption or noticing the date and I was like "Woah, is she snapping out of it? Is she seeing reason and playing nice now?"
This is sad. Over the past year she's actually managed to convince herself she's in the right.
No. 817211
>>817194>>817206Imagine being this
toxic to where your partner and his friends have to intervene to try and stop the damage you're causing.
No. 817230
>>817227Tbh holly comes off as someone who screams abuse as soon as someone suggests she might not be 100% in the right. Heidi couldnt possibly have good reasons for fearing for her marriage, she was
abusive for not calming asking her to maybe if it wasnt much bother to stop mayhaps swapping nudes with her husband?
Can you imagine going to the store with her "the mcdonalds clerk is abusing me because they have pepsi instead of coke!!!"
No. 817237
>>817234This. She definitely knows she fucked up, but she has to make excuses because she's desperate to justify to her audience why she's in love with a cheating pedophile because she's obsessed with him. As soon as their
toxic relationship inevitably falls apart she'll be back whining that he abused an gaslit her.
No. 817239
File: 1559566033078.jpg (75.97 KB, 750x630, PSX_20190603_084320.jpg)

>>816967>claims to have always been demisexual despite saying she was asexual just 2 weeks ago, but apparently it's on the "asexual spectrum" so it countsJust remembered this back when I was still a fan of Holly. I'm not an expert on sexuality or anything, but in my mind pan and Ace/Demi are pretty different. Also kind of telling that she's been advertising that she's attracted to people other than her own (ex)husband for quite some time.
No. 817242
>>817240Jared thinks that Heidi wanting to talk about her feelings and not wanting to be ignored all day is controlling and
abusive, so he’s definitely not going to be understanding of Holly’s avalanche of mental health issues. I bet that all their uwu healing conversations previously centred around Jared’s super complex fuckboy feelings while Holly sat around feeling special that he trusted and confided in her. As soon as Jared is expected to reciprocate and support her with her problems, he will start stonewalling her and go looking for a new MPDG to massage his ego.
No. 817244
>>817239I wouldn't have called demi part of the ace umbrella tbh. I feel like putting demi under an ace umbrella implies that anyone outside of it is a sexual beast with a constant thirst. I get the need for labels; when you feel a certain way that seems "off the norm", you use a word to describe it, and someone else is like hey, same here! and so things spread.
Holly has stated she's
Whenever it fits her narrative more. Pansexual and demisexual directly contradict asexual. Sorry Holly, but even "demis" can have sexual attraction to someone. If you're ace, it's implied you just don't feel the sexy itch for other people. Whether some do it sometimes to please their partners is their own personal choice, but it doesn't mean they suddenly discovered their libido. And yeah sometimes people meet someone they become attracted to, you ARE allowed to change when things in your life change. You are clearly shady if you basically play a "pin the nail on the donkey" of sexualities when it suits you.
Any anons with thorns in their asses don't come at me with "stop being tumblr" insults, this isn't about the sexualities themselves, this is how Holly can't stick to one narrative or at least even if she did change, she did so organically and not like a Sexuality Spin the Wheel. Her using those terms whenever she feels like directly damages her integrity
No. 817247
>>817242Seriously. Gotta love how he thought Heidi was the crazy one yet Holly literally checked herself into a mental hospital because people criticized her on the internet. Have fun with that, ratdick.
>>817243Agreed. If she ever went to therapy it was 100% talk therapy and not actually the behavioral therapy she desperately needs.
No. 817248
>>817245She ignores anyone who presents a good argument against what she is saying that she can't explain away. Notice how she will not even acknowledge the people who try to say Heidi could have been abused. She won't even accept the idea that Heidi could be a
victim. Only her poor Jared.
No. 817250
>>817239this bitch is so much tumblr i can't even deal with her ass. good thing she digs herself deeper into a grave with each word she utters, i just can
not wait for her to be over.
No. 817252
>>817239Sure she's pansexual. Fucking vomit.
I'm pansexual, and there is no fucking way I would have ever described myself, at any point, as asexual/aromantic or even demisexual. There's such a night-and-day difference there, it's astounding.
Holly is just desperately grasping at Straight White Girl Specialness Points now. We the queer community do not want your consent-ignoring fuckwitted ass. Fuck all the way off to your pigeon-shit laden dumpster of a home, Holly.
No. 817255
>>817250She is basically over now. Instead of trying to salvage her career by either apologizing for her part in this or taking an extended hiatus she has decided to double down on protecting a sexual abuser. She'll be remembered as an adulterer and an abuse enabler. Jared's career is absolutely done. He'll never be able to make a comeback between the cheating, sexual abuse and manipulation, and the nude photos. Holly is going to be a constant reminder to him that his life is ruined and he'll bail. She ruined her life for him.
Mario Maker 2 comes out this month. Ross is going to get a huge spotlight because of his level design. Heidi is already moving on to new projects and attempting to live her best life. They both won big in the end by being betrayed by Holly and Jared.
No. 817260
>>817258Especially since it was
teenage chicks and not little boys he was chasing. There's a reason "barely legal" is such a popular porn category, and there's no shortage of dudes willing to give Jared as many passes as he wants for "just chasing young tail because that's just natural male behavior".
Holly on the other hand has shown herself up to be unstable mentally and a compulsive liar and manipulator - as well as a messy employee. A PR nightmare. Work may just dry up for her for good at least with jobs that would put her in the public eye.
No. 817264
>>817260Barely legal implies legal.It's gross, but not immoral. Not legal is not legal. It's gross and immoral. He'll still have some supporters, with the bulk of them being in the pedo club themselves, but I'll always block my ears and go lalalala if there's enough to stay afloat.
His one leg up on Holly with it comes to the PR game is he's not an enormous retard that keeps running his retard mouth.
No. 817272
File: 1559574694528.jpeg (452.5 KB, 1242x1317, F45FFDC1-6D4B-4CD2-8476-D2A1C8…)

So there’s this small proprojared subreddit that’s full of wks.
Someone is actually tinfoiling about Heidi having groomed Nulyu? Where is that coming from?
No. 817276
>>817272>grooming nulyu for sexual favorsi'm sorry, is this the subreddit that takes things that jared did and replaces his name with heidi's?! nulyu doesn't look underage and he doesn't look very romantic with heidi, where the literal shit is this person getting their alternative facts?
i guess i'll go fuck myself for expecting sanity from anything that comes out of a subreddit called PROprojared. jesus fucking christ
No. 817286
>>817069>Unless she sees Jared and herself as some fucked up 30 year old nerd Romeo and Juliet.She totally does, because that's apparently how their D&D characters were described: from two long-warring families, and if they hook-up the ~world will end~
She sees it as some kind of pathetic romantic tragedy playing out in real life.
No. 817298
>>817272>where is that coming from?a desperation to absolve “good boy who did nothing wrong” jared of all these nasty allegations that are ruining the funny video game man’s reputation.
every twitter result for “heidi nulyu” or “atelierheidi nulyu” are either instagram screenshots confirming they did date like that’s breaking news, or holly’s whiteknights getting angry about it. not a single result saying “i saw heidi do x to nulyu at this con” or “i’m nulyu’s friend and heidi was abusing him for months on end.” nulyu really just seems like his only relevance here is that he was heidi’s boyfriend for a bit, but not that he was a
No. 817306
>>817286I saw a snippet of one of the sessions where they're talking about making a new family or whatever. The whole conversation around it was mind numbing… Who the fuck wrote that plotline?
>>817264Read up on moral vs ethical vs legal please.
No. 817322
>>817255Ross and Heidi are clearly adults in the end. Even if dirt comes out about Ross, he's dealing with it as professionally by not finger point like Holly or making excuses. Heidi, didn't make excuses and despite saying she was a
victim of Jared's abuse, said she was distancing herself, and took ownership of the petty things she did do. Holly has refused to do this. Even better is that Heidi found out that the scandal was affecting Jared's friends who didn't deserve it so moved on. I think she posted a few tweets acknowledging show she shouldn't comment anymore but wanted to clear up Holly's dumbass responses. I just think Heidi deserves some credit for dropping everything because she realized it's hurting individuals. I'm sure she apologized to them outside the public eye. Something Holly should do, but she's too busy talking about teenagers being liars and not feeling sorry them while talking about how she's not responsible for anything because she's so fragile.
No. 817325
>>817272Fucking hell i hate Americans having all this pop-psych vocabulary because of years of tv. Grooming? He's younger than her but no minor, jesus. Just like holly calling a shitty relationship on its last leg "
No. 817339
>>817336That smacks of some hardcore projection (projaredtion? ew) by either Holly or her lil flying monkeys
It's so transparent. All "look look, Heidi may have perhaps possibly gone to cons and been inappropriate? it's not impossible amirite? PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE KIDDIE DIDDLING WEASEL BOY BEHIND THE CURTAIN"
No. 817342
>>817339lmao, lets just hope that Heidi continues to ignore the bullshit.
Who wants to bet that if Holly see's someone saying this, she'll retweet & cling to the SHIT out of it???
No. 817345
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>>817243Found this chart in one of the twitter threads responding to her bad apologies and marked it up. She damn near covered the whole board.
No. 817354
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I love PULL
No. 817360
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Heidi is NOT your abusive-mother. This is a completely different situation. If you were so triggered that your first instinct was to 'rebel' or to do shit just to spite her, that's still on you.
…And I see you've chosen to continue painting Heidi as abusive, even though she had every right to be mad at you.
No. 817369
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No. 817370
File: 1559587158819.jpeg (181.94 KB, 640x707, 1559584653406.jpeg)

>>817345Here's an update anon. I'm giving Holly the "with all due respect" slot out of pity. But at the rate she's going, I'm sure it'll be full before the day is up. I wonder what we win for a full BINGO.
No. 817373
>>817367I can totally buy that she responds extremely poorly to aggressive confrontation (or confrontation at all) due to her past but to call it "abuse" is her manipulation at work as usual. You don't have to be abused to be upset or
triggered, Holly. There are ways to explain
why you managed the situation poorly due to past experiences but still take responsibility. That is what adults do.
Just say you reacted like a baby and that she wasn't in the fucking wrong for being mad at you, you stupid goblin of a woman.
No. 817375
>>817322Holly believes the way she reacts to abuse is the only legitimate way to act. She can't understand Heidi lashing out at Jared for his constant abuse is a
valid response as well. He neglected and ignored Heidi so much that she made threats just to get a response. Notice how fast he replied to her when she threatened to come out with the truth? How many messages he ignored until she finally put her foot down? Heidi's messages were so obviously that of a woman fed up and tired. Holly can't understand that though because only her way of handling abuse is
valid in her eyes.
No. 817377
>>817373Seriously. I grew up in an
abusive home and as a result I am very quick to cry and cower if someone even slightly raises their voice at me. However, I'm very aware that this is my own problem and that people are allowed to respond to situations with anger and frustration and they aren't being
abusive just because they are mad. In the moment I feel fear but I'm able to process the situation and realize where my reaction stems from. It's pretty obvious to me that Holly never sought real help for her childhood and probably just went to some bullshit mental health guru with no real qualifications.
No. 817380
>>817375If she admits that Heidi's lashing out on Jared is
valid, she will have to admit Jared is a shitty person and she can't do that since Diath is her true love who can't do now wron- OOPS I MEANT JARED
No. 817384
>>817004>>817005Holly is an insecure cunt. Sending someone's husband you want to fuck articles about abuse and insinuating it all matches up with his wife. "Jared it's so scary that Heidi displays anger in front of you!! I would never do that uwu, you could never upset me! I could never be mad at you! I forgive all your mistakes. Who am I to judge you for fucking fans when I was sexting you? Heidi is
abusive for not being happy with our emotional cheating!!"
Holly is such a freak bitch. Their affair did lead them to fucking each other and having an emotional relationship behind Heidi's back otherwise why would she have flipped the fuck out? They were married and suppose to be honest with each other! Having a partner lie to your face hurts like fuck, him lying about having romantic feelings for Holly would have killed when she found all the nudes and evidence of other shit.
Holly is an egocentric bitch. Glad Jared isn't even faithful to her
No. 817387
>>817380Her mistake is that she is trying to bring Heidi down and completely absolve herself and Jared of any wrongdoing. If she presented a more mixed bag of judgments and accepted that they went behind her back and were stonewalling her, she could still come out of this harmed far less. There are ways to own up to things like avoiding confrontation when it hurts someone, or mistakenly judging someone as
abusive. She could end it on a note of trying to correct her gut reaction and try to override the desire to shrink and ask for pity.
Just be honest and real tbh.
No. 817389
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>>817243One last thing on this, a further nail on the coffin on her having never actually gone to therapy or spoken to a mental health expert, is the tweet where she states “Intent is always the most important thing.” That is something any therapist that deals with mentally unstable individuals who may lash out to nEver believe. Intent is important sometimes, but usually never for apologies.
The road to evil is paved with good intentions, and people who have mental illnesses that alter the way they behave in social settings are often instructed to focus on the outcome of their negative interactions, not what they “meant.”
No. 817395
>>817389“Your honor I didn’t intend to kill him I was just angry, everybody makes mistakes”
“Oh well in that case you’re free to go, case dismissed”
No. 817400
>>817389Is calling Jared's underage
victims liars a good intent too?
No. 817402
>>817389>Intent in the most important thingI'm 100% sure Holly has tweeted about and spoken about how people can hurt others without intention
Her mother was mentally ill, so Holly has to forgive her because her mom didn't intend to hurt Holly. Right? Your words, Holly.
I can't believe this bitch was big in the mental health community
No. 817404
File: 1559590981077.png (1.23 MB, 1024x512, the-speed-of-trust-summary-102…)

>>817389Holly you might wanna print and frame this one to stare at until you become familiar with the concept
No. 817405
>>817389Does she really think anyone believes she didn’t intend to hurt Heidi? Or does she not matter cause she’s “
abusive” ?
No. 817410
>>817389Wow, this statement. It's scary when a person turns out to be completely different to the character they portrayed - especially one who was a self-proclaimed advocate for mental health.
Her behaviour reminds me of my ex: the gaslighting, the faux apologies and manipulation. Back then I remember looking up to Holly and Ross and wishing my relationship was like theirs.. 'you all know me' - turns out that no, we do not know you at all Holly.
No. 817411
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>>817389It's like night and day when you compare all of Holly's non-apology apologies to how Heidi is able to own her faults like a real adult. Really goes to show how Holly has the mentality of a teenager …which probably explains why Jared was so into her.
No. 817419
If Holly truly thought Heidi was mentally ill and was the mental health uwu guru she claims, wouldn't she be more concerned or at least, not attack Heidi if she supposedly cares about "love don't hate" "i didn't have bad intentions" perspective that she keeps blabbing about?
Also, compared to Heidi who is honest about her bad behavior having effects on others and being sympathetic like here
>>817411, Holly still has yet to give a REAL apology to her fans.
Read the subreddit for DCA and you'll see a lot of depressed posting over the show being on hiatus, that they can no longer enjoy it because of what her and Jared did. She hasn't even addressed DCA besides for that selfish tweet about how "her character's story isn't over yet". That's all you have to say to these people who have watched so many episodes and dedicated so much time to make art of your character? She's such an ungrateful bitch, I'm honestly shocked. It seems like she's the one who learned
abusive actions from her mother, not how to deal with them.
No. 817421
>>817405This is Holly being retarded. How is calling someone an abuser not hurtful?
"I looked up some articles Holly and it seems like you're an inbred, cross-eyed dumbfuck who can't take responsibility for a single thing, you just place that blame on others like a professional
victim. I didn't intend to hurt you with this, but it's true!" This is how ridiculous she sounds.
No. 817425
>>817424nayrt, but for me it was endearing how much Ross clearly cared for her. He spoke of her so highly and with so much respect. "My wife, Holly" was a common sentence for him and he was basically goals since Holly was a nerdy female with interests and mental health issues and Ross didn't "ewwww" out of it, nor did he discourage her from her hobbies, and he didn't ban her from having her pigeon coop or birds, even when their cat Orpheus wasn't allowed near some of them.
Holly seemed generally aloof in her videos so I assumed she was this way about everyone and everything and there was something in her that Ross saw. I never really heard her say much about Ross as a husband/good person, but you didn't really hear her say much about anyone, so I took it more as a personality rather than her being shitty
No. 817433
not really any new information but I was going through holly's videos, and this vlog of holly and ross visiting ireland, yikes
ross is so quiet, vague, walking in front of her, barely interacting, monotone, flat, meanwhile holly is talking on and on about stuff
this video was uploaded july 2017, and this must have been a tough time for ross because he is not the loud energetic guy we know from game grumps, it's depressing
No. 817443
>>817426She keeps forgetting that
no one is obligated to accept an apology from anyone. But because she's Holly, who thinks she's the greatest piece of shit to ever lick Jared's birdhole and everyone "knows" her, then everyone must accept her apology.
No. 817448
>>817439holly often berated ross in her videos, "ross is being annoying" was a phrase I'd heard a lot. Even in GG he was infamous for being the troll persona, for doing stupid shit and wasting time or acting immature. when ross and dan first started steam train (and dan was new to the channel) they were playing castle crashers and dan's only request was to save the blonde princess (cause dan has a thing for long blonde hair) and ross was like "nope" and there was an actual back and forth about it and ross kept saying "no man I'm not gonna give her to you, you should earn her" and tbh even now it just seems like a petty reason to annoy someone, just let dan have the damn princess ffs
so I think that in general because he had that reputation and "goddammit ross" persona, her uploading that video made her seem like the "sane" one of the two and ross as the manchild who did random bullshit or couldn't stay serious for one second
No. 817455
>>817424I think this was back in 2015-2016 so a little while ago now, but I liked how they interacted with each other and how they seemed to balance each other out. I also really admired the way Ross was so supportive of Holly, something that I particularly lacked in my previous relationship.
>>817425This anon mirrored my thoughts exactly! I guess a lot of people thought the same and that's why so many were shocked when they announced their divorce?
Looking back, I didn't have a very good understanding of what made a healthy relationship. Ross gives some really good advice in the VR chat video, it's nice to think that out of all this mess he might help other people who are also in
toxic relationships.
No. 817477
>>817465>>817473at least sage your retardation when you come in here to lick holly’s nasty asshole you pathetic whiteknight
nobody here buys holly’s pathetic manipulation, unlike you, and at least Heidi owns up to making mistakes, unlike your uwu mental health birb bean qween
No. 817479
>>817457They've mentioned a lot in the past that they regret going with the Goddammit, Ross bit because it kinda turned Ross into "the Meg" of GG
Specifically a panel where someone brought a gift to every Grump but when they got to Ross they said something like "nothing for you Ross! Fuck you! Goddammit Ross!" and Ross said that really fucked with him
From then on they stopped making inside/personal jokes into GG memes because people are idiots and take it too far
No. 817481
File: 1559597528057.png (34.22 KB, 572x344, Paladinlmao.png)

Holly WK 'PaladinIvresse' here is the same moron who said "This is why school-shootings happen!"
Dude's loaded with absolute zingers that no one will recover from! /s
No. 817482
File: 1559597723165.png (23.87 KB, 414x302, Paladinlmao1.png)

>>817481…You must ask yourself, PaladinIvresse, are you
healing? or
No. 817484
File: 1559597831912.png (31.28 KB, 416x334, PaladinSchoolShootings1.png)

>>817482I see that he
still thinks his 'school shootings' line packs a punch…
No. 817486
>>817482“Go to a brothel”
Oooo a fun fun incel projecting being angry with being sex-deprived.
No. 817490
>>817481>>817482>>817484Christ this WK
He knows she isn’t interested in him right?
No. 817494
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>>817481>>817482>>817484why are so many of Holly's wk giant edgelords? Are they defending her because they hate Heidi for being a
WHORE GOLD DIGGER or do they actually want ProMOMO's sloppy seconds?
No. 817495
>>817493You know what you’re right as I realize holly standards are pretty low
Heck, he may also need to mention how he likes birds as well and she’s got a winner
No. 817499
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Can someone shoop Holly into this?
No. 817501
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her face is so doughy and lifeless. She can make the movements but there is no emotion. Especially in that video with Ross where she is so dismissive of him she just looks like a dead fish
No. 817509
File: 1559599362620.png (204.96 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190603-175946.png)

Looks like her Etsy is back up.
No. 817521
> ross kept saying "no man I'm not gonna give her to you, you should earn her"People here seem to like Ross, but he said a lot of sexist shit on steam train, especially in the very beginning. I remember a play of King's Quest and he kept talking about how the Owl character was a 'giant pussy' and went on and on about it. Even Dan started to feel uncomfortable and went 'come on, stop it…'
Not saying Ross deserved this shit, but he isn't a pure angel either.
No. 817525
>>817507I personally don't think so, it was fun in the beginning but it was weighed down by Jared and Holly. They pandered to the fans too much and there were a lot of cringey shipping moments.
>>817515>Not even close to the popularity of Critical Roll or The Adventure ZoneThis anon is absolutely right. Also, if this debacle has piqued any anons interest in DnD podcasts I highly recommend The Adventure Zone. It's very lighthearted and they go over the mechanics so its a little less intimating if you've never played before.
No. 817540
>>817448considering how inappropriately horny dan is for anything vaguely woman-shaped, the fact that ross denied him is just funny to me. dan is literally so fucking annoying when he does that.
i'm sure ross has flaws and made mistakes, just nothing comparable to being a pedo or supporting one or cheating on his spouse.
No. 817541
File: 1559601221841.png (481.2 KB, 750x557, uwu retard.png)

>>817499whoops, responded but forgot to edit the thumb back in, here's a template for you
No. 817544
>>817540ayrt, but honestly Ross was annoying. Idk if you'd seen that episode, but keeping in mind it was Dan's first entry into Game Grumps, and the point of the game is to storm into castles, defeat bad guys and you save princesses. When one player saves the princess she stays in his "inventory" if you will, and there were more than one for Ross to choose. Dan was like "hey can I save the blonde one?" and Ross deliberately goes to get her and says no the entire time like a toddler that stole something of yours and runs off laughing. Yes, Ross is a more experienced gamer than Dan, for sure, but it just came off immature rather than playful, because he never let him have it. Like, he could have saved any other princess and gotten the same victory but he went to the blonde one and kept her out of spite because Dan asked. There was no reason for Ross to insist so much and he was just aggravating.
It was behavior like this that was Ross' flaw when it came to GG, outside of any external drama like collaborating with sketchy people. He just thrived on chaos but couldn't take a hint when to stop, either. "God dammit, Ross" became a meme for a reason among GG who are friends, but the idiot troglodyte fans took it too far and thought they could get away with the same line even though they aren't friends.
He mellowed out with time, and also he seemed mellow with Holly, which were his redeeming factors, because Ross in the past was an insufferable guy who had zero social cues about when to cut it out and read a room. You know that one person in your social group that just won't stop doing that annoying thing and is like "it's just a joke bro, chill"? that was Ross
No. 817548
>>817507It was pretty good, but Holly's character was highly annoying at Pax South this year. No one wanted to hear "Does someone want pies?!" in an obnoxious voice. I honestly don't even remember Jared's character much. They both have forgettable characters compared to the other players.
>>817515Also what this anon said. It's definitely not as popular as CR whatsoever.
No. 817552
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>>817541the dsm manual is an amazing touch
No. 817553
>>817546From what I can remember, Jared's character was altruistic, but had a 'tortured soul', you know, the typical gary-stu shit
Saw this in his wiki article:
"One day, Diath was having lunch on a rooftop. In the crowd below, and he saw a "black mass" moving among the people of Waterdeep. It was Strix, who was living on the streets. He noticed that the people in the crowd were either avoiding or ignoring her." No. 817554
File: 1559602202427.jpg (58.68 KB, 800x450, large.jpg)

>>817529Wow from wife of an good and kind animator to the mistress of a pedo.
Talk about a downgrade
No. 817565
File: 1559602869286.png (71.92 KB, 626x303, Screen Shot 2019-06-03 at 23.5…)

Translation: look guys I'm such a kind and selfless person giving money to the only friend I have left
No. 817571
>>817570All money to the artist*
My bad
No. 817574
>>817389I'm suprised this bitch is STILL talking.
Keep it up, you keep incriminating yourself and I like it.
No. 817577
>>817565Well it is the least you could do Holly…
>>817570She's really reaching for brownie points now.
No. 817587
File: 1559605927893.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1221, 7ECC6FC4-F54F-4C31-8634-3F3F7A…)

>>817581Oh no the attention might be off of her for a second.
No. 817588
>>817521I pretty sure most people called things pussies back then. I don't really consider that sexist, more just immature
Ross was very hyper and immature in the beginning but he matured pretty fast (once he stopped doing vids on GG and focused on Gameoverse)
No. 817594
>>817565Some tinfoil proof this is trying to one up heidi:
It's a 'spring/summer release' but they didnt restock several crop tops. They obviously just threw up the stock they did have and reopened.
There's no stryx staff crop top and no chicken foot coven crop top which there definitely were before and I THINK there were more designs on crops too but if this is the big 'spring/summer' drop why wouldnt you restock all of them?
No. 817602
>>817507Inb4 no1curr, but I actually really enjoyed DCA.
Holly's screaming and bad audio levels could be grating at times (especially coz I used he podcasts as a sleep aide lol), but I especially liked Chris Perkin's DM style.
There were definitely some awkward moments between Jared and Holly which made me question their "friendship". The silences were just a little too awkward and intimate.
Perhaps it's easy to say in hindsight, but during at least one of the games I felt like Jared's calm facade slipped. He suddenly seemed volatile for a split second (it very much caught me off guard) … but maybe it was just him acting or having a bad day, idk.
Also, Jared DMed a mini-campaign on Game Grumps with Barry, Ross, Arin, Suzy and Holly which was actually how I first got into DnD. From what I remember, Holly was pretty much the party leader and of course everybody kept getting pissed off at Ross (especially Holly).
No. 817618
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this old haircut is hilarious
No. 817620
File: 1559610725910.png (18.98 KB, 570x185, 3c3e60-83308e-ff66b7-58c7f7-51…)

Heidi is making a thread about helping friends in abusive situations and is taking little jabs at Holly
No. 817621
>>817609Related, I have some episodes of DCA that spring to mind that had some moments that felt a bit too real and more self-inserty. This is of course tinfoil hattery so viewer beware
Episode 73 aired December 2017: Anna's character asks Diath (Jared) when he first knew he loved Strix (Holly), which imo is when things started to escalate. Also there was a bunch of backstory regarding their relationship in this episode.
Episode 112 had a "therapy session" where Strix/Holly talks about her caregiving attitude and how she's trying fix Diath.
The live-game crossover with the C-Team (episode 100) had a bunch of the star-crossed lover backstory in it as well.
There's probably plenty of other interesting moments but these jump out.
No. 817634
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>>817632I feel bad for birds, they never did anything to deserve someone like Holly claiming to be their queen.
No. 817641
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>>817620Oh shit, the first official BADASS has stepped up! /s
No. 817647
>>817275Holy shit I actually forgot about that, I was thinking more along the lines of how Dee wastes her therapist's time with bullshit rather than focusing on her problems.
She probably DOES do that "tell me I'm good!!!!!" shit too
No. 817655
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I love how Heidi on Twitter right now pretty much made a thread that can be read as a subtle jab at how Holly handles her problems. And this last tweet here is a better way to put a disclaimer on this kind of advice
No. 817661
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I peaked on Holly’s PULL thread, and it looks like she’s always been a passive aggressive brat. (she was furious that people were voting for a blonde girl to be the face of shepherd and not the one that looked like her. Sage for old milk)
No. 817669
>>817661imagine playing the
victim for your entire adult life
No. 817671
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>>817618She's not ugly but she's definitely not pretty. I bet she has a complex over being so painfully boring looking. Which is probably why she really over compensates by being as qirky as humanly possible.
>>817625It's telling that she chose to be a tiefling. A aarakocra or kenku would be much more fitting for her.
No. 817672
>>817661>Good to know getting made fun of in high school translates to the internet as wellJFC, it's not that deep Holly, not everything is a personal attack.
It's sad to see that her mentality never changed.
No. 817675
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Whiteknights everywhere.
Calling out a grown woman for fucking her friend’s husband while she was married, is apparently bullying. Even though Holly hasn’t genuinely apologized and is still defending PedoJared, shaming his wife (they aren’t divorced yet), and his underage victims. And all the fans he manipulated for nudes.
These people are disgusting and braindead
No. 817683
>>817681Maybe it's just me but all of these look like they have the same facial features and none of them even remotely resemble Holly, not even compared to this
>>817682Am I missing something?
No. 817686
>>817682Oh big yikes this is the worst Shepard has ever looked.
>>817683Yep, none of them resemble Holly at all. Not even the hair. None of the Shepards have weird eyes.
No. 817687
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>>817682I know she cosplayed pic related but this is all I fucking see
No. 817688
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>>817687pic related of pic related but this is truly her most accurate cosplay
No. 817690
>>817687This is what I thought of too.
>>817688Too uncanny.
>>817689Daily lobotomies.
No. 817693
>>817661This and her constant attacks on Heidi makes it obvious that Holly has a deep-rooted envy and hate for women who are prettier than her.
>>817692I wouldn't be able to blame him at all. Holly seems like a nightmare to live with.
No. 817715
>>817697She did the same thing after the Heroes of Cosplay stuff happened. She and Jessica fought everyone and ended up looking like psycho, "
abusive" cunts.
>>817714Add her crossed too close together eyes and there's really nothing attractive about Holly. She makes it worse by going for bad hairstyles.
No. 817726
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>>817722When I said bad, I meant it. Still stan tho, despite the shit she’s done.
No. 817727
>>817726oh no don't worry i like suzy too lol i just never followed her channel(s) closely
i'm glad this didn't become a permanent look though. she looks incredibly pretty right now imo
No. 817739
>>817490She follows even her stupidest whiteknights. Its incentive for them to make fools of themselves. She rewards them.
Just one of many tactics of Holly's that show her manipulative side.
No. 817750
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>>817682Reminds me of another doughy faced cheat. Same energy?
No. 817761
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Heidi's thread is shutting down Holly without having to mention her name.
Heidi realizes she was difficult to deal with while in a bad situation, gives advice about patience then talks about how lucky she is that her friends are still with her despite her understandable situation. Holly wonders why
>>816970 isn't received well? Heidi is direct about her actions and apologetic and appreciative, while Holly creates such a general statement she almost absolves herself. "I'm sorry for EVERYONE THAT I'VE CAUSED PAIN." That doesn't mean anything.
No. 817763
>>817761you're right. it might be nitpicky of me but i really feel that
>i'm sorry to anyone IF i've caused them painis a far cry from
>i'm sorry for causing anyone painthe first is blatantly evading blame and it just comes off as so arrogant and snooty. i can't help but recall shuwu and other anti-sjw types who would be SO against anyone having to apologize for poorly aging tweets, their reasoning was always "you shouldn't have to say sorry for what you said, people should just grow up and deal with you being an asshole". this falls in the same category of blame evasion and honestly i haven't ever even seen adults try to pull shit like this.
like what is it even costing me to simply say "i'm really sorry that i hurt ___"? imagine the insane levels of self-righteousness, to feel that being correct or having the upper hand is more important than anyone else feeling hurt inadvertently or otherwise.
No. 817769
>>817661Imagine being 25 and tweeting this lmfao
>>817149Imagine being 33 and tweeting that lmfao
No. 817775
>>817763The difference is
>I'm sorry for what I didAnd what Holly says amounts to
>I'm sorry you were offended No. 817784
>>817775what i was referring to her spiel about
>>817389intent mattering more than actions. more often than not people get hurt inadvertently and it takes a grade A asshole to ignore that and say "yeah you might feel hurt or feel i'm not trustworthy but i didn't intend for you to feel that way so i get off scot free", the bigger person can just say sorry for hurting you. any capable, normally-functioning adult is going to realize how pathetically simple it is to apologize and let everyone move on, whereas this bitch is obsessed with coming out on top as the precious birb mom who did nothing wrong.
No. 817788
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old drama but in more detail
No. 817800
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No. 817807
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No. 817818
>>817814Right. This is what I find so hilarious and lolcow like about Holly. This mental health guru? No emotional self-regulation. Obviously has not been to therapy. Probably skimmed Wikipedia. She doesn't have backbone or any sense of accountability or respect for others, the basic shit that anyone who's ever been to therapy would pick up on.
And yeah, don't let me get started on the self-martyring shit lol
No. 817856
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>>817844Wow, you're not kidding. Holly and her screeching banshee cohort are walking dumpster fires, but damn if this PULL thread isn't an entertaining read as a former Holly fan.
No. 817857
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No. 817866
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No. 817868
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>>817855Holly's said she'll be bringing Spooky Saturday back.
No. 817870
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No. 817889
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with her cute little shoutout Holly lead the ripples of the shitstorm here in the form of newfags and trolls but she's still at the center of it all. just imagine how much smoother this drama would have gone for her if she had stayed silent and passive.
the way she's trying to stay on top of almost every argument and development while being so fake and contradicting (almost wrote conradicting) is pathetic.
this shitstorm is like the Hydra, best left alone and contained
No. 817914
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No. 817922
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Someone responding to Heidi's thread posted this, which is very helpful
No. 817940
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>>817922Here’s another to add to that list.
No. 818007
>>817477Thats a lot of assumptions fat.
Just because I dont believe heidis uwu
victim shit doesnt mean I support the other cow. Get a grip rebbecah.
(infighting) No. 818022
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>>818007>fat>rebeccahHALT this shit immediately
No. 818028
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No. 818066
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>>818039>>818028he's the most well-adjusted out of the whole bunch just from his behaviour. noone online knows how he really feels but I have a feeling he will be alright. and I think it's good he's not engaging in the drama.
No. 818067
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>>818066he's getting so much fanart, it's amazing. have some cute orph art while milk is slow
No. 818072
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>>818068look how many tabs of fanart of his ocs are on his insta
No. 818114
>>818066Glad this sweet, sweet guy is staying away from Holly’s
toxic bullshit and the rest of the drama. His art and cat are adorable and I hope he continues to move forward in life. Wishing you well, Ross!
No. 818136
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>>818067Speaking of slow milk, I was mildly amused to see Snoozy join the hatewagon against youtube for refusing to ban Crowder. Can she really not know that if a zero tolerance stance against anything remotely hurtful is properly enforced that's her on the street as well?
No. 818156
>>818150not sure what anon is referring to with homophobia but arin was widely considered to be closeted trans because he prefers girl characters and likes the colour pink. Which to me in itself is stupid as fuck, imagine putting gender limitations on a fucking colour.
then you add the "D Club" stories and all his "suck my dick" jokes and such and people think that he's either homophobic because he's in the closet, or he's just way too obsessed with dicks for a regular straight guy (which again is hilarious considering any guy will draw a dick as soon as they find a clean surface)
also some old pics of him with longer hair, wearing makeup and a dress with heels and a purse. Again… fans see one picture that was probably an IRL shitpost and make a big deal out of it. I find it far more likely Arin just likes girly things than a tinfoil about gender and homophobia.
Unless they mean the Dream Daddy fiasco. Which sucked, yeah.
As far as Dan goes, sometimes he opens his mouth and I really do believe that smoking so much weed in his 20s fucked him up, there's no other explanation. I think he feels that being Jewish gives him an all-race pass to make jokes? Or that somehow it's his god given right to push the boundaries of taboo comedy? Sorry Dan, but you don't. People can and have made successful jokes with race in them, they just do it well.
No. 818161
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Arin himself has specifically stated that he isn’t bisexual or anything like that so if anything he’s just a straight guy who thinks other guys are hot but isn’t attracted to them. He’s like a straight girl who talks about how much she loooooves boobs and thinks that girls are hot in front of their boyfriend. Tinfoil, I think it’s just to appeal to their fujo audience, which is certainly a niche.
No. 818165
>>818161>Arin himself has specifically stated that he isn’t bisexual or anything like thatPressing X to doubt.
Straight guys don't join D-Clubs.
No. 818166
>>818160Yeah I've seen Danny live in concert, he's much better that this, tehy was just really nervous
>>818143I think Mojo's originally Holly's cat
No. 818168
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Speaking of Ninja Sex Party one of their lyrics in everyone shut up (I have an erection)
“In conclusion, your honor, in light of this new evidence,
I would propose that the murderer was not my client, but… Mrs. Donnovan!”
With all the grumps in the court room.
No. 818182
>>818179Dan is weak for dem blondes.
At least Dan (as far as we know, god willing) hasn't slept with any fans, and I remember young fangirls posting videos to the GG subbreddit with their phone numbers for Dan to call them.
No. 818187
>>818074I feel like they knew but were maybe in denial because of Holly's UwU I suffer from mental health get up. Probably pushed it onto everyone whenever they'd attempt to confront her about anything.
>>817433KEK honestly Ross looks so uncomfortable. He seems like he's too uncomfortable and doesn't know how to act around his family AND Holly at the same time.
>>817661Despite PULL being infested with narcs trying to act like they're going to save somebody, that was a good OP. I didn't even know she was on Heroes of Cosplay and Jessicanon's been her one winged angel for YEARS.
No. 818194
>>818156It’s a bit more then liking female characters, liking pink, having long hair and being in drag once.
Here’s a list someone on r/conspiracygrumps put together of a bunch of shit that Arin has said that made them think Arin is trans No. 818196
>>818179I also vaguely remember Danny being anti monogamy for quite a while because of his parents and his upbringing or something?
Also I always thought he was into the suicide girls look what with the chicks he hangs around with. Kind of surprised but also not surprised he went for a young normal blonde. I'm not a big Danny fan, I think he's very careful to say the right things at all times and knows how to curate his actions so he comes off just right. His singing voice is really flat for me too. That TWRP song Starlight Brigade is a bop but Dan can only sing consistently in like 1 octave and it's painful. I wish I could hear that song with a more talented singer just to see what it would be like.
No. 818208
>>818194pure projection. Arin's just able to handle his non-gender-typical interests while remaining comfortable in his own gender. And I say that as someone who hates arin lmao.
>>818202>is that 100% cis male behavior too?yeah? like, by definition that is cis male behavior. do you know what cis means?
No. 818224
>>818222Dan has mentioned several times how fucked his thumbs are, he was born that way.
And yes even the tiniest bit of fame will lead some people to obsess and pine over someone. Ed Sheehan is a prime example (looks wise) even though he’s mega famous and super talented.
No. 818227
>>818222ok i'm going to preface this with a huge disclaimer of never defending Jared, Jared making me want to vomit, and Jared being the worst kind of predator ever.
but - there is a reason Jared had such a huge fanbase. he might be ugly as shit, but he was really engaging in his twitch streams most of the time, especially when he was playing final fantasy games. i remember when he was streaming asagao once and he legit started crying and went off screen to hug his wife when PBG's character had some kind of dialogue like "you are my friend i love you" or something. he played horror games with candor and humor, and 8 times out of 10 he really got into the games he played and it was a very different vibe from the usual LPers you find all over youtube, GG included, screaming and going nuts over the smallest thing happening on screen, blaming the game, what have you.
Jared is a nasty scumbag and i will never watch another video of his but he had a really calm and chill manner that coupled with good, consistent content got him a million subscribers.
No. 818230
>>818229if you're interested, his Until Dawn, Resident Evil 7, Sweet Home, Link to the Past Randomized and FF4 playthroughs are really good. On his main channel, most of his old videos and generally anything before 2017 is good.
All his old, really good streams on twitch are gone, i will admit in recent times he became a lot less interesting of a streamer, bitching about games more than usual, not really engaging or stuff.
i'm not sure i want him getting more views though lmfao so you decide
No. 818233
>>818230As someone who didn’t know about Jared before the fiasco only the grumps, I feel bad for his fans to suddenly realize what he really was. I mean I liked Holly but being an
abusive shitty wife/friend and pedo enabler is still somehow a tinge better than being an actual predator.
No. 818244
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>>818242Here ya go, her latest work was Trannsylvania 2 I believe.
No. 818261
>>818247nah, Holly got Mojo in the divorce, and we know she's no winner.
No. 818272
>>818220>showing that people believe it’s more then the 4 things op listed and giving no indication that I believe the post>sexismAlright then.
>>818198I firmly believe this as well, it’s very similar to when any man shows affection for another man, immediately gay no questions, it’s pretty shitty.
No. 818280
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No. 818281
>>818194Let me get this straight: a trans woman tried to forcibly out someone she strongly believes is a closeted trans woman… for some reddit gold and upvotes?
talk about human trash, fucking yikes.
No. 818283
>>818195Or that tomboys are closeted transmen. I don't know why it's so wrong to do something slightly related to the opposite sex without being called trans these days. There's so much secondhand embarrassment and the projection needs to stop. Not everyone is trans ffs.
>>818198It really is rude as hell.
Onto the topic of Jared, how long do you guys think he'll stay in hiding? Until the next big con where he'll probably still try to fuck fans?
No. 818291
>>818271>>818276I don't think taking a cat in a divorce is that bad although it would've been better to keep them together. And a pigeon flock can be huge and still perfectly adequate. Her animal care seems good.
She strikes me as someone who pathologically has more compassion for animals and a deficit of empathy for people.
No. 818298
>>818022Start dieting and stop living vicariously trough drama and maybe youll stop getting
(ban evasion) No. 818303
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>>818298don't bait the fattest fish in the thread
>>818300yeah, I actually agree(d) with that. I just think the fault is in causing the divorce in such a shitty way. Being attached to an animal and being selfish about it in a divorce is shitty but one of the lesser shitty things she's done and even understandable. And my comment about her animal care was more about the suggestion of hoarding which I personally disagree with.
No. 818309
>>818296People who out others are scum. People who out others for funsies are trash. Being a public figure doesn't mean you lose your right to a private life, and if someone has been firm and clear about how "this isn't me, sorry" no one has any right to try and force them into that role ~because they just want someone to look up to uwu~ - how goddamn selfish can you be about something that is 100% personal and has
nothing to do with you?
And yeah! It's absolutely garbage that at
any point while writing that post op could have used their single brain cell and asked themselves, "gee, how would I feel if someone tried to out me while I was closeted for something as pathetic as bragging rights? probably pretty lousy!" and I would pass the same judgement on any fellow lgbt member, sorry!
No. 818312
>>818309Yeeeea. This is why I don't like those creepy real person shipping fanfics about the Supernatural actors and such. It's fucking grossssss. I realize it's ironic saying this on lolcow of all places but people are entitled to some private life and they aren't some
toys for your amusement.
You want role models, that's great. Doesn't mean you get to shoehorn people against their will into that role.
No. 818314
>>818281Cracking eggs~ UwU
>>818283Maybe he's waiting until the divorce is finalised, or something develops legally with the underage nude thing? I'm sure that his complete radio silence aside from those two statements has something to do with a lawyer telling him to keep his mouth shut and his head down.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if he’s on the lookout for more fans or someone to replace Holly but he probably realises that he needs to be
very careful right now. This would be the absolute worst time to be caught sliding into some girl’s DMs let alone meeting up with fans for sex in real life. If he’s sleeping or exchanging nudes with anyone other than Holly it’s probably someone he’s had on the back burner for a while. Reaching out to anyone new would be extremely risky right now.
No. 818317
>>818312lolcow or not, i think most anons here agree shipping real life people is disturbing. Especially when these tards cant separate fantasy from reality and bring that shit over to the conventions for these poor dudes. Anyway…
Arin might be a really feminine dude. I truly believe he's bi, but leans more towards women. He's refreshing in a sense that he doesn't give a shit that he likes pink, girl clothes and female characters. Let him live his best life.
No. 818319
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>>818194Jesus these comments
No. 818320
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No. 818324
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No. 818338
>>818296I get what you're saying here, but that's only really cool with fictional characters. Doing that with real life people takes away all agency in who they are and just substitutes it with whoever you want them to be. I can wish and believe that Arin is some sorta deeply closeted Bi or Trans person all I want, but that doesnt make his previous homophobic actions reasonable.
When you project onto a person stuff like that, you'll start judging their actions on false pretenses, which is obviously bad.
No. 818341
>>818339Yeah no? it's scummy to pick apart how someone acts so you can theorize about them being something they've started aren't.
it also leaves a bad taste in my mouth that some of the things op of the reddit post listed are just. arin being non conforming to stereotypical male behaviour? how you act doesn't reflect your gender and it's gross to overanalyze a somewhat gnc person's behaviour like to op did, why are you batting so hard for them
No. 818369
>>818352Dude, I loved that cover!
Really, just the fact he made it is lot of why he has fangirls. Same as his Take on Me one.
Daniel Avidan is not the greatest singer, but he's a better one than most, and the most enthusiastic.
No. 818407
>>818389He explained that instead of autotune he layers his voice over with different octaves and such
So it's like a natural autotune with his own voice
No. 818417
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I lol'ed
No. 818423
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>>818422…And she DID agree to doing it…
No. 818430
>>818424Speaking of… does anyone know
which convention/cosplay/etc. was the one that Holly claimed she got PTSD from?
No. 818449
>>818446Honestly, sometimes there's a bit of truth to television LOL
At least we know for a fact that Jessica and Holly run true to type and are horrible little bitches on the regular and it's not a new developement
No. 818453
>>818451Oh lordt lol
That and "intent is magic you guise!!!" pretty much seals the deal that she has never ever been to an actual therapist. Or has lied her ass off there, too.
No. 818462
>>818451Sure, sure it was. That's literally what ever mental snowflake retard thinks they have. "I have PTSD on par with POWs!"
+10000 struggle points>>818453She either doesn't actually see a therapist and lies to her friends about it, or has a yes man for a therapist.
No. 818475
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Update on the kt milk: so I guess last night she felt pretty bold and decided to call out the person who made the video, despite saying she thought it was funny and non malicious before, but the girl wasn’t having any of it. I actually kind of love this interaction
No. 818477
>"Advice: Fact check before someone sues you."And
you should probably fact-check before suing someone, KT…
No. 818498
>>818475good luck winning a lawsuit against someone for making a video with the deranged tweets you yourself make about arin and suzy, people who haven't spoken to you or acknowledged your existence for more than 5 seconds in a period of over 10 years.
getting big onion vibes from kt.
No. 818504
>>818498KT's case would be hilarious.
"Your Honor, my client is upset that the defendant read aloud statements she herself made. Verbatim. In public social media postings."
It can't be slander or liber if it's just reporting your own words, biiiiiiiitch.
No. 818505
>>818475So it's ok when KT makes very passive aggressive, cunty tweets at snooze and basically claims she was arin's first and only love and that snooze
totally stole him from her and uses her past, short lived history with arin to get attention but, a youtuber repeating said tweets in a video is lawsuit worthy? lol amazing
No. 818521
>>818466Seriously. How is a
victim of childhood abuse and professional therapy goer going to say that
cosplay gave them PTSD??? I know actual sufferers who get really mad when people jokingly refer to themselves as having PTSD from annoying situations. More and more I'm suspecting Holy has never set foot in a therapists office in her life. Her behaviour and attitude just isn't on par with someone who had ever spent any amount of time working with a therapist. I'm starting to think she hadn't been diagnosed with anything but depression and given some Prozac by her GP.
No. 818550
>>818549The fuck lol
You are an idiot if you think the definition of the word's just changed, and that it's used neutrally on both men and women
Take your misogyny and fuck all the way off
No. 818552
>No he hasn’t but taking his whores back to the office to fuck is trashy as all literally called the women whores, anon
>anyone who sleeps around is a whore regardless of genderanon it's 2019, it's okay, we're allowed to enjoy sex, god won't smite us, please love yourself and reconsider your opinions
No. 818554
>>818553Oh SNAP you sure told us, anon, what a badass you are!
It's misogyny, plain and simple, and the fact you're devolving into name-calling instead of managing anything else tells us all we need to know: you know it's shitty and you know you're a troll. Fuck off, nowwww
No. 818562
>>818552Holly being a whore has nothing to do with how much she has sex. Heidi did not consent to continue an open relationship and Holly violated that. Are you projecting because you've slept with people in relationships and don't want to hear about how shitty a person it takes to do that?
Hey whore, misogyny is when you don't respect consent. Drag your ass somewhere else to feel sorry about yourself.
No. 818583
File: 1559780903290.jpg (57.09 KB, 640x645, 1558677975416.jpg)

>>818562if you're gonna make inaccurate accusations and be a misogynistic troll, at least sage your shit, jesus christ
>>818569I guess that's why his streams take place in a new environment. Poor Ross. He really got the worst deal out of everything when it comes down to it. Heidi went through shit but she had the option to leave because Jared was
problematic (not blaming her for it, she's been with him for years). But Ross didn't really have agency over the matter, his wife got dragged into someone else's marriage, and it left him homeless, divorced and broken. He wasn't part of this mess. I do believe if this hadn't happened he may have stayed on with Holly even if she was "asexual" at least towards him, because he loved her.
No. 818585
File: 1559781303861.jpeg (521.42 KB, 1242x692, 3FE8B8DB-B815-4D2D-8FF7-4F258F…)

I’m so shocked at all the people on lolcow trying to be morally righteous, y’all are fucking amazing, you deserve your own threads.
No. 818593
>>818586I mean, yeah, but it's still shitty.
>"amicable divorce">"we're still friends you guys!">so desperate for Jared's dick she fucked off to be near him the first chance she got, not giving a single shit that Ross would be homeless, not giving a single shit what happened to the man she spent the last few years married to and is supposedly still on good terms withSure, he's not her responsibility, but god, have some decency.
No. 818623
File: 1559786991968.png (48.5 KB, 735x325, holly.png)

uwu poor girl, what a victim
No. 818628
>>818623>I'm under attack for being shitty thing in the public eye and never apoligizing for it! This is so hard, I can't even like stuff on Twitter.Just get off the internet for 2-4 weeks ffs.
How can she be a ~mental health guru~ and an internet figure and not know that she's only winding it up more by not taking the time to lay low after a long awaited apology. How much of an ego can you have that some basic PR handling and mental health common sense recovering from all this AWAY from the internet would be too much of a blow? Nah, better make it even worse, make sure people hate me and using their hate to pretend I'm so hurt. Anything but admitting ANY wrongdoing.
No. 818629
File: 1559787793020.jpg (38.32 KB, 600x400, 12063601_10207017873879679_598…)

>>818603I've got more but this one is considered public so not doxing
No. 818637
File: 1559788384300.jpeg (523.43 KB, 1242x1014, 2108DA97-8403-407A-841D-E6C2AC…)

“You come first”
Lol she already knew that, that’s all she’s ever been about. Good job on reinforcing her narcissism.
No. 818647
>>818623I almost feel for her but she really is too dumb/self-involved for her own good.
>>818628>Just get off the internet for 2-4 weeks ffs.Holly can't get off the internet because then she wouldn't have idiots like this >>8186377 giving her negative reinforcement for her shitty behavior.
>How can she be a ~mental health guru~ and an internet figure and not know that she's only winding it up more by not taking the time to lay low after a long awaited apology. >after a long awaited apology. She can't even do this, she's doomed.
No. 818655
File: 1559790023536.png (228.83 KB, 620x947, ARUHOkI.png)

To clarify,
>>818623is in response to this
No. 818657
File: 1559790134120.png (276.38 KB, 624x864, bKrVocX.png)

No. 818667
>>818623Is this her only way of helping people? She has to do it in the public eye? If you want to help people volunteer at an animal shelter, soup kitchen, donate to charity ect…
It's not about "helping people" it's about having a platform to keep trying to convince everyone Heidi is an abuser and people aren't here for it.
Then again the last time she attempted to "help" someone outside the Internet she couldn't 'control herself' and just had to fuck them so…
No. 818669
>>818657While I agree that LordFuzzinator's conduct was shitty, Bluejay here is just
destroying Holly's attempt to prove herself to this person - which she felt she supposedly
needed to do.
"Sure, you can help this guy, but first let me tell EVERYONE READING THIS POST to REPORT & BLOCK him immediately!"
No. 818671
File: 1559791720304.png (41.43 KB, 442x522, lf.png)

>>818655>>818657…And of course, her stans
must have the last word
No. 818672
>>818671“Try not to be so manipulative next time”
Motherfucker she said she’d promote the charity and then didn’t. For fucks sake are these people brain dead?
No. 818678
File: 1559792572037.png (85.06 KB, 432x520, lickinhollysb-hole1.png)

>>818671There's always
someone willing to go the extra mile!
No. 818683
File: 1559792829739.png (28.82 KB, 584x232, MattLawson.png)

…And then there's Matt Lawson…
No. 818700
>>818695Why does wanting what someone promised sound ‘autistic’
Probably meant a lot to him and going back on that is shitty, she would’ve never fulfilled it if he didn’t bug her.
No. 818703
>>818695the situation was literally holly doing her daily round of "I don't know what i can do to make things better!!! if you want me to be a good person tell me HOWWW" and this Fuzzinator person took her up on the offer and literally just went "ok, here's how you can be a better person, here are 4 charities you can plug in one of your tweets instead of crying about shit"
and our queen and savior of birds holly said "yes, i will do it, thank you so much"
so imagine our surprise, anon.
i don't think demanding accountability makes someone autistic, but then again i don't have a degree from the Holly Conrad school of Evasion…
No. 818723
>>818703That’s the thing, Holly doesn’t know how to be a good person, so she wants people to tell her what to do so she can come across that way.
What can I do to fix this = how can I make people change what they think of me.
No actual emotional or mental progression just doing the dance.
No. 818729
>>818723-Admit to doing wrong
-Apologize without excuses
-Make amends wherever possible
-Commit to not doing any similar wrongs again.
A fool proof four step process that even birds can follow.
No. 818730
File: 1559805898722.png (414.85 KB, 1174x1374, Screenshot 2019-06-06 at 12.50…)

>>818655i don't think caps of the conversation she had with the Fuzzinator dude were posted here, so i'm gonna go off
this started off as someone's response to her genius "use ur analytical brains uwu" rant
No. 818731
File: 1559805973992.png (456.47 KB, 1226x1384, Screenshot 2019-06-06 at 12.51…)

>>818730context is here
>>816555 No. 818733
File: 1559806104416.png (411.52 KB, 1222x1308, Screenshot 2019-06-06 at 12.51…)

>>818732ffs flood detection
No. 818736
File: 1559806240210.png (463.89 KB, 1200x1376, Screenshot 2019-06-06 at 12.51…)

>>818734i love how "i'll do my best" turns into "this dude wanted me to do it" THIS quickly for holly.
No. 818737
File: 1559806341190.png (345.93 KB, 1206x1248, Screenshot 2019-06-06 at 12.52…)

>>818736last tweets in the thread. maybe just don't try to look like a good person next time, holly, you can't even pretend well enough. embrace your personality of trash witch. it becomes you.
No. 818742
>>818728i can 100% see holly being that being online as "self care", because she can communicate with her friends and get that sweet sweet validations from her fans. Same with Jared, anyone with a half a brain can predict that falling in love with your friend's husband is a BAD idea, ESPECIALLY if you're convinced he's in an
abusive relationship. A self reflective person would take a step back and think "am i trying to make myself feel better by 'saving' him?", In the long run it's doomed to be a disaster
No. 818752
>>818683Later that day, in court
Witness: "… and I saw Mr. Derer stab the
victim three times in the neck before running away!"
Defense Attorney This Guy: "Did you see that? Did you sneak into his house like a sick stalker and take photographic evidence? Or did you just base everything on assumptions and premature extrapolation just like every other fuckwit witness on that stand spamming
abusive testimonies of my client stabbing people?"
No. 818753
>>818695Fuzzinator: "can you promote this charity on your platform"
Holly: "of course"
Fuzzinator: "hey remember you promised this?"
Holly: "alright fine, here"
Fuzzinator: "thanks"
Anon: "ugh this guy sounds autistic"
No. 818777
>>818723Exactly she just wants a checklist she can easily digest. She's on some robot shiz because that is not how the world works. Pwease give me a list of things I can do so u no hate no mo uwu
Doing a charity shout out because a fan told you it would help your image is not cool. It's selfish. She only did it to seem helpful, like oh wow they can't hate me on a charity post! Did you even research the charity Holly? Do you know anything about the disease? I doubt any of her rabid WKs donated anyway. It was a pointless exercise in damage control.
No. 818783
>>818777In that case here's my checklist:
-Goto the police with all the incriminating info you have on Jared
-Surrender custody of Mojo to Ross
-And take back that he's a cuck
-Reimburse all those you've ripped off before
-Get a tattoo that reads "Don't sleep with married men"
-Take a month's sabbatical from all social media
-Be serious about therapy
-Make an apology gift for Heidi
If she does all that I'll start liking her again, and will also make a substantial donation to the charity of her choice.
No. 818830
File: 1559838460721.png (77.46 KB, 593x713, Screenshot_36.png)

didn't see this posted
we love a passive aggressive bird hag
No. 818839
File: 1559839822077.png (364.82 KB, 636x1829, screencapture-twitter-keksandk…)

>>818657Bluejay was the friend who said she and Holly were taking time off from twitter btw.
No. 818848
>>818830I was a big Holly fan and wanted so badly to believe she wasn't seriously in the wrong, that she was being lied to and manipulated by Jared, but it's like every new post of hers reveals even further what a deeply terrible and selfish person she is at her core under the facade of her online angelic dorky ill nerd girl shtick.
She's incapable of real empathy or critical thinking. She never considered why Heidi would have reason to be angry despite it being obvious. She never looked critically at Jared's pedophilic sexual interactions with fans despite again it being obviously wrong. Even her whole bird rescue thing is probably just a way to glorify herself and indulge in collecting what she sees as cute aesthetic objects since her behavior is showing she can't empathize with others' feelings and respect their wellbeing on even the most basic level.
No. 818853
>>818849And give up that sweet sweet
victim status? She's looking more and more like a mental illness munchy, manufacturing trauma out of thin air.
People blaming me for doing shitty stuff? Trauma. Suddenly revealing csa, talking about mom dying, being abuuuuuused by Heidi, cosplay trauma…
It's never enough. Life itself is trauma to Holly, it seems.
No. 818858
has wronged people. Dumbass.
No. 818859
>>818629>>818592Where you go anon I need more TWRP
No. 818912
File: 1559848973204.png (61.48 KB, 586x564, hollystop2.png)

No. 818914
File: 1559849357948.png (75.86 KB, 578x538, hollystop3.png)

No. 818918
>>818914‘They are
abusive’ there it is!
No. 818920
>>818914ot but anyone who says that they’re giving “their truth” means that they’re giving their side of the story and how they perceived things, not the actual truth
besides it’s not like her “truth” even means anything, given her penchant for manipulation and deflection
worst phrase of 2019 is definitely “speaking my truth”
No. 818921
File: 1559849754389.gif (1.78 MB, 245x237, giphy (4).gif)

>>818830>>818912>>818914this dumb miserable bitch
No. 818922
>>818914Jesus Christ, you're 33 Holly as an adult you own up to the shitty things you do. You haven't been "bullied" they aren't "
abusive" the audacity of this bird brained bitch is astounding.
No. 818925
>>818912>>818914There she goes again with the dindu muffins. "something I didn't do and someone lied about"
IT'S NOT A LIE! You not believing it ≠ a lie. You are only open to hear Jared's side of the story and completely ignore Heidi and the girls who accused him. They couldn't possibly have a case because you want to believe Jared because you like him the most. You want the same life you've always had which is pining after him and playing D&D. That life is gone now. You shouldn't even be friends with him. And yet you're traipsing around the desert with him like it's nbd. Heidi having feelings and yelling is not abuse, that right there needs to stop. For a mental health guru you'd think she would know how to ID abuse better.
No. 818926
>>818912>>818914god just… shut up.
i can’t imagine being 33 and playing the
victim, martyr, AND hero all at once. good god holly go get a therapist
No. 818928
File: 1559850522252.png (79.44 KB, 580x538, denica1.png)

>"Holly said she saw proof of their dishonesty."
Bitch where? Show it.
>"Chai said out right he didn't have proof"
Doesn't mean it didn't happen. No tangible proof just means you are unable to make a case out of it.
I bet these people get a real thrill mocking his victims for being unable to post. It's almost like they know these allegations are probably true, but because his victims don't really have much to show for it, they'll be ridiculed as liars.
>"You will have no idea until an official investigation releases statement."
There was an official investigation by Normal Boots. Jared was found guilty. That alone should say enough.
No. 818937
>>818933She really does have the mentality of a child. I play this game with my niece when she's punished. "I don't understand why."
thousand word essay about why, responsibility blah blah few minutes later "BUT WHY!??" It's what kids do to manipulate caregivers to give them their way despite being wrong. It's not that they don't understand it's wrong, it's that they don't want their punishment. And once again its shows the difference between Heidi and Holly and why it's more likely Holly is an abuser than Heidi. Heidi is accepting her new life, being dragged, and not constantly saying "whhhhhhhhhy?" She gets that her business might not be the same, that she was petty and people justifiably don't like her for that. It's insane how someone can mention her behavior outside of the cheating fiasco, she manages to bring up abuse despite Heidi being no where in the conversation. And her WKs wonder why we believe Heidi isn't an abuser when Holly treats people with perfectly calm and
valid arguments as abusers. I would have never thought of Holly being the final villian of game grumps.
No. 818946
>Heidi is accepting her new life, being dragged, and not constantly saying "whhhhhhhhhy?"THIS.
I see plenty of people still trying to drag her on most of her posts, but she doesn't call attention to it. She finished responding
weeks ago Which I find funny with all of the anti-Heidi WKs, they accuse her of manipulating everyone & 'withholding the truth', but she admitted where she was in the wrong & genuinely seemed regretful about some of the decisions she made.
She came clean.
We all know she is unable to show the sexts & nudes, because that's basically 'revenge-porn' which is a gross misdemeanor on the first offense.
She's clearly taking the high-road, which Holly & Jared's WKs are taking
full advantage of…
"Where are the nudes+sexts Heidi? Guys LOOK! She blocked me! #HeidingtheTRUTH!!!!"
No. 818959
>>818830Oh no! It's almost like all of this shit happened recently and she's still being harassed!
It's almost like she doesn't keep stirring the pot by constantly chirping back at anyone and everyone!
It's almost like she should take an actual, real break from the internet! Oh no!
She's so fucking retarded. Does she seriously think that everything will be swiftly swept under the rug like her under scandals just because she wants them to? Life doesn't work that way, Hoelly.
No. 818972
>>818848I was a fan of hers before too, anon. But her refusal to acknowledge any wrongdoing and not understanding why using your vagina to help someone in an "
abusive" situation is wrong has made me not like her at all. She doesn't see that if Jared really was abused, then Holly manipulated him by taking advantage of him. I don't think he was abused at all, I think he was the abuser. It's not uncommon for the abuser to cry abuse, it actually happens a lot. For someone who's a "mental health advocate" and "stands by the
victim" she blamed every single
victim just to defend Jared. She made that choice before the affair came to light by giving him the contact details of the minors accusing him, which if it isn't, then it should be against the law.
On top of that, her old drama that she swept under the rug was revealed and I'm sorry, but no matter how much I like her, what she did to Rana was wrong on so many levels. And she had the nerve to claim to be advocate soon after? No, just no.
She showed her true colors when she threw her friend Heidi under the bus by calling her a stranger (who lived with her for a while might I add) that no one should believe.
No. 818979
>>818972Fucking THIS.
what world does fucking someone magically get them out of an
abusive relationship???
No. 818987
>>818972>using your vagina to help someone in an "abusive" situation is wrongmaybe reversing the gender roles would be interesting to consider.
guy wants to help a girl trapped in an
abusive relationship and does so by fucking her. that would look pretty bad, right? and there is no difference
No. 818998
File: 1559861385917.png (18.05 KB, 582x150, hollytldr.png)

This good person summed up Holly's actions perfectly.
No. 819000
>>818995>>818998These people out here doing the most. And yet Holly will completely ignore it. You.Are.Not.A.
No. 819002
File: 1559861797373.png (44.38 KB, 524x378, hollytldr1.png)

>>818995Someone else brought up this brilliant point as well.
No. 819003
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No. 819004
File: 1559861847060.jpg (137.23 KB, 1080x348, Screenshot_20190606-185652_Twi…)

No. 819013
>>819004Translation: 'A bad decision I made has directly impacted my mental and physical health. Feel sorry for me!'
Who would even tweet this? Just use google or go to your doctor if it's really having that bad an affect.
Also, these tweets have really opened my eyes to Holly's manipulation. Ross was a saint to put up with this side of her for so long.
No. 819017
>>819014>>819006it could be and it can absolutely be a side-effect or the effects of mental illness and the drug together. the real issue is attention-whoring and furthering her
victim narrative
No. 819020
>>819017Yep. There's nothing keeping her from googling or the smart solution, asking her fucking
doctor about it. Nah, she can't manipulate people that way, she has to ask her fans to draw attention back to her.
No. 819022
>>819004She went to the hospital and all she has to take is a measly 40mg of Prozac alone. Funny that Prozac happens to typically be the first medication people with depression are given to try, and that’s not even a particularly high dose.
Yeah holly, Twitter is the perfect place to get insight on issues with your medication and not like at the doctors or anything
No. 819025
>>819003>>819004>lol>hahaYou know, I've been trying for the life of me to see things the way Holly does. But even IF she was right about everything and actually the big
victim in all this, the way she talks is so unbelievably inappropriate considering the circumstances. She is so completly tone deaf. It really makes me wonder why she was ever considered a semi-respected mental health advocate.
No. 819029
>>819014WKs in her comments are falling over themselves to say omg me too I shook so much. Why the fuck are so many people on prozac in the first place? Life sucks for everyone and is mostly misery, the sooner people realize that the easier their lives will be.
Literal definition of weird flex but ok
No. 819031
>>819004I know right?
The random "lol" confused me at first… thought I was reading a TND tweet for a moment there.
No. 819034
>>819004As someone who has taken Prozac, I absolutely know that's not side effects of that medication. Also it's not an anti anxiety, it's an anti depressant. The worse side of effects of Prozac is sever depression, suicidal tendencies, and sever weight gain or loss.
She didn't even have the fucking sense to GOOGLE the actual side effects.
No. 819038
>>819025Trying to remind everyone who says she was fucking someone's husband that she went to the HOOOOSPITAL.
>>819003If it's not our choice to accept Holly should stop responding. "Seen evidence that makes her stay with Jared." His dick.
>>819034SSRIs have unpredictable side effects. I get a lot that aren't described on the bottle from withdrawal, some have made feel paranoid, act strangely, and some I got physically ill. Messing with Serotonin has a lot of consequences. Anyways, it's so retarded she shares that on twitter. Especially with an "lol." Was that an attempt to be more casual with what she's saying instead of seeing a doctor?
No. 819041
>>819004Very strange that the mental health advocate doesn't know the common side effects of anxiety medication. I'm sure she posted this for good reasons and not just because she wants everyone to know she's on medication.
40 is a pretty small dosage, right? Can't remember the specifics of Prozac.
No. 819054
File: 1559867123949.jpeg (232.25 KB, 1208x820, 59EED804-FA4C-4C8A-B353-13EC0E…)

>>819034Shaking is actually a common side effect of Prozac, just cause you don’t experience it doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Not WKing but y’all are wrong.
No. 819065
File: 1559869368372.gif (1.32 MB, 244x224, bmttf.gif)

>>819029>I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW I'M ON ANTIDWPRESSANTS UWUso is fucking everyone. antidepressants are so incredibly common. and i love that this means she was only on 20mg of babby's first depression medication. much depression, very PTSD, wow.
No. 819076
>>818928Do these idiots not realise that Chai's actual, current age is proof? Do they seriously think that Jared can get out of that fact? They do, don't they.
I can only hope this really is being pursued legally by the parties involved.
No. 819078
>>819076how old is chai right now? 17? 16?
anyway no anon you don't understand- holly's SEEN the proof. there's no way the minor that's still a minor today was a minor 1 - 2 years ago. get outta here.
No. 819100
File: 1559872684212.png (179.33 KB, 1127x1036, WhiteKnighted.png)

This BorkScorpion person is absolutely unbelievable.
I just had to share the Hypocrisy with you anons, so I've compiled some of the most ridiculous things they've said recently.
(Blocking out all other parties because one of them is a friend of one of Jared's victims.)
No. 819110
>>819102what does his have to do with anything? we're not actually doubting its validity and don't need PULL's confirmation of anything. we're joking around about the absolute idiocy of the people trying to excuse Jared.
as for the reddit sperg being quoted in that cap, they are badly mistaken about how this all works.
No. 819117
File: 1559873870754.png (58.37 KB, 574x510, borkcunt.png)

>>819100Yeah, Bork is insufferable, but he made Holly's 'VIP list' for his little gish-gallop act (along with Danica), so now he's gonna keep doing it!
This person makes a good point, but of course Bork has to come in to shit on it.
No. 819132
File: 1559874813222.jpg (116.61 KB, 960x960, 11215865_10207992408042424_762…)

>>818859>>818949>>818953Sorry I only get on for a little before work. I wish I had good milk but it has been a long time since we've run in the same circles, so don't take my word as gospel fact. I'm struggling to describe him in a way that most can instantly understand because I know everyone has a friend like this. He's nice, he comes off nice, but it's a fake nice. It hides his huge ego imo. Dude was SUPER full of himself for a nerd. Did everyone have that one drama club (or choir, or band, or other geeky group) kid that was super hot shit in that circle and acted cocky but literally everyone outside that circle thought they were an annoying loser? That was him. He had plenty of friends though. There were a few of us who were irritated by him and found him a tad try hardy.
He and his brother started the band like 10 years ago, maybe more. I don't know why his brother left the group he was only there for a year or 2. Before that he was in a different band with a girl singer but that didn't last long. I think out of everyone in the band he has the least amount of musical skill as in he has played the least amount of time. He used to be a drummer not a keyboardist. Played way too much Starcraft.
Oh maybe some milk. Super old milk. Way back in HS his buddies were chatting about something and the subject of pussy hair came up and he acted super grossed out and said something like "if she pulls down her panties and there's a bush I'm outta there". At least I think that was him, idk why my brain just spat that out right now but yeah sounds right. Pretty much every HS dude opinion ever. So there's your TWRP milk. I'll see if my brain spits anything else out while I'm working.
No. 819136
File: 1559874958955.jpeg (408.43 KB, 1242x862, B0FCE3B2-6184-4AB6-917C-92D8AA…)

Oh my god. She’s actually responding back to her “abusers”
No. 819140
File: 1559875105788.jpeg (655.26 KB, 1242x1888, 04218E7E-03F2-4B7F-BAF4-E55331…)

Kek it’s just a black and white photo of Jared
No. 819145
File: 1559875923709.jpeg (580.76 KB, 1242x1025, AD151925-B61B-4A32-AA8C-AB81CD…)

No. 819148
File: 1559876165320.jpeg (270.54 KB, 1242x640, 0B0FE467-BE75-4DBA-ACD3-EB495F…)

Something tells me she’s not gonna reply to this one…
No. 819149
>>819146Nothing screams 'innocent' like instantly losing your shit on someone if they even
hint at wrongdoing! /s
>>819148Nah, she'll leave it to her WKs to screech at them.
No. 819153
>>819148Nah she’s not going to reply to this
I hope she does if only I want to see how the WK will spin this
No. 819154
File: 1559876833102.jpeg (Spoiler Image,46.46 KB, 480x360, 8115BBDC-51D4-498E-95A1-2BF776…)

Something about this whole situation was reminiscent of my childhood somehow and then it hit me. This is the level of emotionally maturity Holly has.
No. 819158
>>819136>>819139it's not worth screencapping but the tweet she's replying to was "did you fall on @projared's penis?"
i don't know why she wouldn't untag him though lmao
No. 819163
File: 1559879308322.png (45.23 KB, 578x448, denicastired.png)

Oh, NOW you're tired, Denica?
No. 819165
File: 1559879450094.png (29.38 KB, 582x272, what.png)

Looks like Holly's WKs don't care about cancer either
No. 819166
>>819002This! Jared is manipulative and likes to exploit women. The fact that he openly creeped on his younger fans that are all young teens/women is telling! I'm sure he sprouted a lot of bullshit about Heidi to get Holly to feel bad enough to fuck him. Holly fucked up and her replies are trash, but Jared definitely did some manipulating.
They both need to be taken out to the dump already.
No. 819177
File: 1559882537408.png (41.02 KB, 574x402, afuckinggenius.png)

No. 819198
>>818912She knows she fucked up big time and this is the last attempt at trying to avoid the consequences. It's like that one South Park episode where they parodied the LeBron James "What Should I Do?" commercial by having Cartman repeating it over and over again until the opposing side was confused and frustrated enough to give up their demands.
>>819004>teehee just nonchalantly mentioning this exaggerated "funny detail" to passive aggressively remind everyone what a poow depwessed baby I am so they won't bully me! uwu hahaThis is a manipulation tactic. She's getting more and more unlikable by every brain fart she tweets.
>>819002I would've been able to give Holly the benefit of a doubt if she sincerely didn't know Heidi and Jared's situation, but it's been proven time and time again that she was aware that Jared was a piece of shit cheating on Heidi and Heidi was distressed by this, and Holly was slithering in front of her calling her "so nice and pretty uwuuuu" in a desperate attempt to flatter her. She knew their relationship wasn't "
abusive", she just didn't give a shit about Heidi's mental anguish or feelings. She felt entitled to have Jared cheat on Heidi with her and she doesn't even feel sorry about it.
It's pretty clear she has harbored resentment for Heidi for a very long time (Jealousy?) because her first tactic was to use cherrypicked text messages to aggressively paint her as the sociopathic villain abusing poor Jared by ~yelling~ at him, instead of apologizing and admitting that she did a bad thing. If she didn't feel some deep-rooted hostility towards Heidi, I doubt she would've picked up the opportunity to throw a hoedown of desperate smear campaigning. In other words she felt that instead of owning up and apologizing her best option was to fuck her reputation up by grasping at straws. And that speaks volumes.
No. 819206
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I am Heidi defender of the realm.
No. 819207
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How dair you bestow adultery on me.
No. 819236
>>818911Because she's only an advocate for herself.
The only time Holly Conrad will speak out about mental health and be an advocate for it is to make herself look like a '
victim who survived' but no you shouldnt call out that BIG STRONG SURVIVOR because she's still fragile and so soft uwu.
She wants be be seen as this pillar of mental health growth that has totally been through the system and tried everything and found her peace through all these years of suffering
She also wants to be seen as this brittle fragile mental health sufferer who can never be held accountable for anything she does because she's got depression and anxiety and ptsd for realsies.
She is a hypocritical wishy washy con artist who only wants to use mental health issues as a way to get herself more followers and notoriety and then use the same guise as a shield for any criticism
No. 819258
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KT slowly getting more followers & has now made a Twitch to answer questions. Will this be a "private" vlog too? She is bound to do something totally batshit eventually.
No. 819260
>>819206>>819207these have grown on me ngl
>>819236She doesn't even make an effort to understand why other people behave the way that they do or empathize with them on anything but a superficial level; she's incredibly self-focused and strikes me as a typical brain-dead aging ~here to share my healing journey~ social media addict but in slightly different clothing than the usual 'new age orientalist'. The anons who were speculating that Holly doesn't go to therapy might be right. At best she probably goes to a psychiatrist who'll throw pills at her and at best goes to affirmative talk-therapy where nothing she thinks or does is challenged.
No. 819267
>>819022Once again, proof that she never has gotten proper help for her illnesses. Prozac is the starter drug for those who have never been on anything else. And seeing as she’s claiming her body isn’t taking it well, she must not be use to figuring out side effects.
And hell, that would be proof of her NEVER even having a proper diagnosis. How is it that she has depression, anxiety, and severe PTSD and is on 40 mg of… prozac?! I’d doubt they’d give Prozac as supplemental help to other meds if she were on any, because it doesn’t play nice when working in combination.
Also they would have just upped the dosage on other stuff, not introduce a new pill. I could see her being a self diagnosis queen.
No. 819269
>>819184What kills me about the “proof” thing is that unless they sent pictures of their government IDs, nothing else is considered proof. Like even if a minor lies, it’s up to the adult to ensure it’s the truth. And having a “body positivity” nude blog that functions on an “honor system” is not proof by any stretch of the means.
If the people involved were underage at the time, then he’s in trouble, period.
No. 819276
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>>819132Thank you TWRP anon, even a single-serve diner creamer’s worth of milk makes my day. As a whole they seem to keep their heads down and stay in their lane, so any clues to their personalities are interesting.
No. 819290
>>819269She completely downplayed the fact that even if it were nothing but consenting adults….it's wrong. She gave a half hearted statement acknowledging the use of his power to solicit nudes was wrong, but it's clear she doesn't actually feel it was wrong because "consent". If you have any level above someone else it's never going to be right for you to engage fans/followers in the way Jared did. He was using it to inflate his ego not spread positivity. LET ALONE that he couldn't manage to make sure the senders were of legal age.
Jared is really a master manipulator. Holly does not strike me as the kind of girl to readily send nudes and yet she sent nudes to Jared too. Sending nudes to someone you're trying to save from "abuse" no less. How do you have such cognitive dissonance? Falling for guys like Jared is something every 15 year old girl does until they grow up and get better at filtering these suave assholes out. Holly is in her fucking 30s and was married to a solid guy and still has a broken filter. Splain dat.
No. 819291
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>Take your complaints up with yourself.
No. 819307
>>819004Late response but this is so stupid. Shaking is a side effect of Prozac but she's saying that she's already been ON Prozac, they just upped her dosage.
So… Did she never look up the side effects for Prozac when she was first put on the medication? Did she never ask her doctor? Her body would have reacted in some way back when she first started taking it, too. Anyone taking medication like that should be checking side effects so they know which ones are serious and need to be looked into immediately. Basically, she's either feigning ignorance for attention or she's an absolute idiot. Either is possible, I guess.
No. 819396
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Holly's WKs are tripping over themselves already!
No. 819402
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>>819396Hoelly and her white knights of the dnd table will never surrender
No. 819417
>>819309If she was innocent, I would have thought that he'd have, at the very least, come to her defense through all this. Even a simple statement to her attackers to get them to back off (eg. "We had an agreement, it was consensual, so chill"), but he hasn't.. which I find very telling.
Typically, if someone has been abused, the advice is to cut off your abuser and don't contact them or give them any attention, even if they are throwing a shitfit. They want ANY kind of attention/reaction from you, positive or negative.
Ross choosing to ignore his ex while she is being attacked left & right tells me that they certainly did not seperate on good terms. Shit went down between them, and whatever it was gives him a good reason NOT to come to her defense.
I feel so bad for him. Glad he's away from her, though.
No. 819504
>>819004Prozac is the first drug that will be prescribed for depression and she is on a starting dose. That’s questionable for someone who has been preaching mental health and claiming to be in recovery all these years. Instead of Googling it or asking her nonexistent friends, she had to tweet about her suicidal hospital visit and antidepressants hurting her.
Holly is playing the
victim even with a medication she just started. She has no insight, empathy, or morality. She’s depressed and shaking because she’s an old divorced homewrecker with no children, family, partner, or viable career. She’s being publicly ridiculed on the internet for defending the pedophile she cheated on her spouse with. She fucked her friend’s husband and won’t take accountability, publicly attacks/slanders her
victim consistently. Holly is stunted and conniving, especially when it comes to being the ultimate perpetual
victim. Her shitty childhood is the least of her issues!
Being exposed has made her double down and show her true nature. She’s even more bold, vindictive, desperate, and obsessed than before. This bitch needs to be shut up forever she stays running her mouth! more karma ASAP
(medfag) No. 819513
>>819504I agree, but the starting dose is 20mg. A doctor will double that to 40 after the first month. Blog but, it was the first antidepressant I ever tried so I did enough googling to avoid any surprises.
Anyway, the last mental health stream she did that I watched for like 5 minutes, she talked briefly about her medication history and it went something like this if my memory serves me right:
The first one I don't remember.
Then she quit that one and tried wellbutrin for a while.
After that didn't work, she was on zoloft and I guess it worked well enough that she was on it for 4 whole years.
I don't know why she stopped, but at this point in time she mentioned starting on prozaz, which she was hopeful about curing some of her self-diagnosed pure ocd.
So, my takeaway was that she does really have a substantial enough record with mental healthcare from being on the zoloft for that long. But she's never gone as far as to try even a combination of meds. I thought, boy shes in her 30s, she mustve tried every med on the market and must be so knowledgeable about every drug class but that's not really the case.
And while it is pretty unusual that it took her so long to be on prozac, I'll be generous and say that every doctor is different. Many have biases for certain drugs like if they find that many of their patients are showing success with, say, effexor they will push for it (I'll pass on that one).
Not a psych, just a troubled anon like any other. Yes I am mental health gatekeeping lol
(medfag) No. 819517
>>819034I was on Prozac specifically to help me with depression and anxiety, you’re flat out wrong
On another note, it’s interesting she’s on Prozac. As far as I know it kills pretty much everyone’s sex drive if you take it (at least for me it did and that seemed to be the consensus online when I googled at the time I started it) so how is that going to be compatible with Jared the sex addict?
>>819517>so how is that going to be compatible with Jared the sex addict?She seems perfectly fine with him soliciting nudes from and fucking fans. I wonder if she has thought beyond saving him from his '
abusive' marriage with her pussy, because if they are together and she lets him continue the way he's been going she is a massive cuckqueen. Maybe she thinks she will be the special one to make him faithful, I'm sure she believes he only did it because he's a poor little abuse
No. 819527
At first I wanted to give Holly the benefit of the doubt and say that Jared was using her being mentally ill to his advantage, manipulating her to a certain extent. As well as playing both girls at the same time, as I know being mentally ill can make you an easier target to manipulation. But then she started trying to shame the victims, sided with him, and some came with screenshots of how they more than likely believe she gave their info to Jared.
Then, she never apologised for any of it, the PULL thread, and you know the rest, that quickly change my opinion on this. Shes just coming off more and more as a manipulative cunt.
How do you lack that much self awareness on your actions? I really am trying to wrap my head around it to at least give her some type of benefit of the doubt, but it's all just coming back to alarms that shes just an abuser herself. Many abusers use the fact that they were abused in the past as justification to do it someone else who isnt even their abuser and to excuse themselves, to pretty much try to get off with no repercussions because the whole "UwU well since I was abused, I can never be the abuser. Just always the victim owo."
Then the fact, after reading this thread, it does seem like Holly has delu herself into believing shes the MC and all that crap. Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if she sees her DnD characters story line with her saving Jared's character as her own life story, that's strange af considering shes a bit too old to be acting like that (I didn't even know the bitch was 33, with the way shes acting I thought she was in her 20s or some shit). Idk how she think fucking someone is helping them leave an abusive relationship, but whatever. Does she think her pussy is like some cosmic force thats gonna make Jared leave Heidi? If she was a true mental health advocate sh would know that fucking someone that's in an abusive relationship just makes it worse because if the abuser finds out, then its game over and that'll actually make the abuse worse. And as a 33 year old, she should know better than to intervene in other peoples relationships if they didnt ask for help.
As for Heidi, I really dont know what to say about her. I mean, she hasnt really shown her ass that much tbh. She just sounds like a pissed off wife who was cheated on and lied to, idk how people believe she coming off as a bitch when she's not even sitting there running. Is she not supposed to be mad? I mean, yeah her leaving out the part that she did originally agree to poly was strange but in the end once your partner withdraw consent it's cheating. Something many Holly WK cant seem to grasp for some reason.
No. 819529
>>819527She left it out because ultimately it was irrelevant. By the time Holly was in the picture she'd already shut things down. And she'd never fucked anyone herself, just had a long distance emotional thing with that other cosplayer. It's all just fluff details, it doesn't change that Jared cheated on her.
>>819513I suspect her medications were prescribed either by a GP or a psychiatrist that never did any actual therapy with her. I believe she's diagnosed with depression, but she hasn't done a day of therapy for it, aside from whatever they forced her to do in the hospital.
No. 819536
>>819527Heidi said Holly was leading things with the abuse claims. Idk, maybe Jared was just having a good time fucking her and messing with Heidi's feelings? And Holly had to make it all dark? She seems more like the problem for the people in her world, than a
No. 819560
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>>819309>>819417>>819442>>819455I reckon he's probably just muted her (both her account and any mention of her or jared, perhaps) so he doesn't have to see anything, without it drawing the attention unfollowing would, to avoid incurring any birdly wrath. Not that Holly would notice, I don't think, she's too busy being swallowed up in her own delusions; I'm sure any memory of Ross in her mind de-spawned when she hit that unfollow button.
No. 819589
>>819517This is a good point. Some medications, especially antdiepressants can completely dull the senses including sexual ones. They can make you feel like a zombie if not on the correct dose. What if Holly being drugged up is why she never wanted to fuck Ross or had any feelings for him? Too many people who are ace might actually be suffering from med side effects and dont' realize it isn't truly who they are.
>>819527> Does she think her pussy is like some cosmic force thats gonna make Jared leave Heidi?Ok we know Heidi is a freak what with her "Jeremy wants to watch me suck your monster dong" so you know the sex was probably great. I do not think Holly is a good fuck. You'll get starfishing at best. Jared had been fucking his freak wife and random thirsty con girls for at least a year at that point, you'd think after the sexual tension was released between them he'd nope away from Holly like he did everyone else. Holly's pussy was a downgrade, this is fact.
(armchairing) No. 819613
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he I'm so chill and unbothered and y'all are just reactionary and harming heh … get on my ~healing~ level haturs LOL
No. 819614
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imagine getting sucked back into the black hole that is Holly because you have business with her
No. 819619
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Holly is totally in control
No. 819623
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this wightknight has amazing comebacks…
No. 819624
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>>819623Holly's personal attack-dog
No. 819627
>>819619She is so desperate to be a
No. 819633
>>819625with a face like this it's no wonder why she has nothing to do but defend Holly and report her critics.
Speaking up Dencia, you'd think she'd be a little more conscious about what she says and associates with online with her full name and face attached to it considering what job she has.
>>819632I wouldn't even give her that, honestly.
No. 819634
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the bitch obviously can't read.
No. 819638
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this woman has at least a hundred replies and tweets about the drama
No. 819639
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I mean he’s not wrong. Holly is a grown woman who can defend herself.
No. 819653
>>819639>it doesn't matter what I say, you'll never believe me anywayGlad to know she's back at it again. If she could just look past her own ego for one second and humble herself she'd be able to figure out just how easy it is to somewhat redeem herself.
>>819648>I wish I was dead>I'm not fishing for sympathy>Maybe I should take another breakYeah, no shit Sherlock. Maybe go back to your therapist ASP instead of whining on socialmedia if you're feeling suicidal. Fucking embarrassing that she used to be considered a mental health advocate.
No. 819662
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How do her wks not see how manipulative she is being with broadcasting all her angst?
>offer still stands
picking up her emotional-slutty habits I see? lmao
No. 819665
>>819648>Accountability is hard so I’d rather just kill myself!She does understand that if she just owned up to what exactly she did wrong instead of vaguely saying sorry and doubt down on defending a man who has/had child porn on his phone/laptop/computer people would forgive her, right?
All this bitch knows how to do is run away.
No. 819667
>>819648can she even comprehend?! the allegations against her and jared are rather serious, NO one is going to take her seriously if every word in her defence is just "take my word for it" or "deny deny deny lalalala i can't hear you". does she not understand how twitter mob works? by any and all standards she looks guilty, and her constant whining about "uwu the internet hates meee" does NOT help her case
oh my fucking god this bitch is driving me nuts. forgot to sage my rage lmao
also holly - "taking care of" literal pests who can survive just about anything on their own should be the least of your priorities right now
No. 819669
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One of her recent likes.
No. 819670
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No. 819677
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>>819670>I didn’t sleep with him until they broke up.T-they just got divorced a month ago Holly. I would get that if they were separated but no one ever made that clear and it’s obvious that they were involved with each other before they might of separated.
No. 819683
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Did anyone feel that Ross' villain character had elements of influence from Holly? (1/2)
No. 819684
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No. 819687
>>819670If I'm being generous (and discounting that a breakup in a marriage = divorce), is she saying they didn't sleep together until after he filed the divorce papers? After Heidi was served divorce papers? Because if they slept together before either of those occurred because Jared told Heidi ~I'm done~, then it's still cheating. Because guess what: in a marriage, you can say you're done one day, make up, and surprise, you're still married!
She's also ignoring how Ross figures into this. Did she and Jared have an intense emotional affair before Ross was served papers and they were divorced? And before Heidi? Because romantic feelings exchanged before divorce is even considered makes it an affair. It may not be consummated, but its ignoring your partner's boundaries and breaking vows.
Heidi told them to stop. She told Holly to "go away" aka stop having an affair with my husband. They continued. They used their job together to blur the lines of what is professional and ethical behavior. It's like two office coworkers cheating by having "work lunches" as a guise for emotionally cheating on their partners. They spent time at cons together, ignored Heidi's calls and texts aka they crossed her boundaries.
Sorry for tl;dr but I'm not here for cheaters trying to do mental gymnastics to avoid guilt.
No. 819689
>>819683the hair is spot on but holly always had the generic 'I'm not like other girls' haircut. I really like ross and wish him well so i am sort of hoping it's not Holly, for his own mental well being. He seems to be moving on really well and I hope he never has to think of her again.
>>819670>I didn't cheatThe absolute audacity of this bokoblin. We all know she cheated on Ross at the very least.
No. 819690
>>819648>>819646Why is she acting like leaving social media is the nuclear option? Our mental health guru must know how destructive social media is even on a good day, right? And even if she doesn't leave it entirely, couldn't she just make a small private account to exclusively interact with her friends and ass-kissers? Sounds like somebody is addicted to attention from strangers.
>>819670…it took her this long to come up with this excuse? If it were true then why wouldn't she have mentioned it in her initial accusation against Heidi?
>>819687>Did she and Jared have an intense emotional affairThis is probably the case if they didn't actually sleep together while Holly was still married. And emotional affairs can easily be as disruptive as sexual ones.
No. 819692
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>>819684It could either be intentional or an unconscious design decision lol
But I hope people who make that connection won’t pester him about it
Man it sure is a goldmine out here. Here’s something to look forward to
No. 819703
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how has she not considered that Jared was lying to her about all of this? Isn't Heidi the one who's been proven to file for divorce?
No. 819709
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>>819670>>819703There was no legal separation (only divorce papers, and those were filed May 13th, 2019), so therefore, Jared did cheat on Heidi. As long as he was legally bound to Heidi (with the exception of a legal separation, which there are no documents of) any relationship he pursues would count as infidelity.
No. 819713
>>819712It has changed though, she went from only being platonic with Jared and never had sex with him to they only had sex when he
broke up with Heidi. Girl is lying out her ass.
No. 819715
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Could it be true?
No. 819716
>>819703If they had actually broken up before she got involved with Jared that’s all she needed to say but instead she felt the need to make up this whole skewed scenario in which Heidi is hysterical (“
abusive”) and thereby revealed that they were romantically and sexually involved (at least via nudes) before any breakup and that was the cause of Heidi’s anger towards them both. She keeps bringing up Heidi screaming as if a wife being cheated on isn’t allowed to fucking scream.
No. 819717
>>819715No because why the fuck would she be there with them in front of lawyers when she has nothing to do with that? She wasn't there, she still doesn't realize everything she sees is through Jared's lens so of course she's going to think Heidi is evil.
Point still stands. They were still LEGALLY MARRIED when Holly slept with him. Heidi was not ok with them exploring their feelings after February of 2018 and Holly said they slept together in October of 2019 (obviously a typo meaning 2018) so the girl confirmed it herself. She fucking cheated. Jared was married. It doesn't matter that he was saying they were going to divorce, they weren't divorced. Words from a pedo liar mean nothing.
And this bitch can't deny the shit she put Ross through. Forcing him to be abstinent because shes too depwessed and ace uwu. You still caught feelings for a coworker while you openly roleplayed those feelings that turned out to be real. That's emotional cheating. It's a real thing. Fuck the fuck off Holly you are not a
No. 819733
>>819715a) why was she in a room of divorce lawyers
b) her screaming and scawwing you uwu isn't proof of anything but an abused, gaslit woman at her limit.
No. 819737
>>819715bullshit, she's telling at most half-truths.
she's implying that she saw the court hearing, when really she's talking about the "screaming" "multiple times"
Jared DID tell you that, because you weren't there
No. 819744
>>819715No lawyer on earth would let you bring your side ho to a mediation. None. It's not going to fucking happen. Holly lying out her ass despite being divorced herself and knowing full well what she's saying isn't credible because that's how desperate she is to make people stop calling her out so twitter can be her safe space.
Besides, they were never officially separated or it would be in the state records. They did not file until last month. They've been living together, married, while Holly was spreading her super asexual legs for a pedophile. Holly, you aren't going to come out of this looking like the better person until you apologize or show proof of your bullshit stories. And no, some cherry picked texts of Heidi breaking down aren't proof.
No. 819746
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>>819741If you’re talking about this, it was in response to some backlash about her feeling a bit patronized at the car dealership. She said she didn’t have any hard feelings
No. 819747
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No. 819748
>>819741If the whore who slept with your husband kept ranting in twitter about how
abusive and crazy you were, you'd want to defend yourself or prove them wrong too. Heidi has been handling this way better than Holly, has not directly responded to her in weeks and has not thrown accusations. Holly shrieks about Heidi being a crazy bad person
No. 819753
>>819741>>819748Also Heidi hasn't tweeted anything about Holly/Jared for like two weeks. As anon said, recent tweets are about a different situation with a different person.
It's Holly who can't stop talking about it and keeps threatening suicide to everyone who criticizes her. She still has so many white knights and fans and yet she can't stand that there is a number of people not liking her because she's so used to being idolized.
No. 819757
>>819754Yup, I bet she kept threatening suicide and self-harm to Ross until he was like "well, alright" or something. Like for fucks sake Ross spent his birthday alone while she was with Jared (while they were married).
Her whole spiel is "whine how i'm gonna hurt myself until i get my way". It's amazing how she thinks it's gonna work on people on the net (that have no emotional connection to her).
No. 819767
>>819746this is wholesome
>>819757Holly makes every awful stereotype about mentally ill people and women real
>>819723she's on her way to become a full-blown true and honest lolcow
No. 819783
>>819736i see your point but i think fixating on the divorce process is the only thing based in reality that she can cling to to be like “i’m not a cheater see! there was a divorce! they’re divorced!” her conscience must be eating away at her
>>819715no, no way. first off this bitch was NOT in the room with them. second of all, i really doubt heidi went off during negotiations but even if she did i can’t believe we’re getting zinfandel 2.0 with holly right now. “she doesn’t believe in divorce!” you mean she’s committed to her marriage and wants to work through their issues and keep their union in tact instead of jumping ship when things get a little inconvenient because homewrecking is more fun?
i’d put money on the fact that heidi either had a short temper, reacting abusively to jared’s abuse, or any of her interactions with holly (ie “go away!”) and jared used one/multiple of those things to be like “wow my wife sure is crazy” and holly’s so desperate to always be right that she bought into it and shills for it.
idk why she’s obsessing so hard over everyone taking her side, though. does she know she can keep being wrong
and keep fucking the rat man? it’s an option.
No. 819804
>>819794Yeah it's disappointing to see Kris support her, but he's the type to be there for literally anyone who talks about suicide or "not existing" as Holly's pretending to be.
>>819783She's really making herself look like the obsessive, deranged mistress that you see in movies. Neither Jared nor Heidi, the two people involved who are getting divorced, are tweeting about it anymore. It's just Holly. She's making herself look like a psycho.
>>819790Yep. She lives in a fantasy land in her head where she's Strix and Jared is Diath or whatever. She really should stay at a mental hospital for a while to get that shit under control before she becomes fully delusional and starts calling herself by her D&D self-insert's name.
No. 819814
File: 1560033632529.png (515.47 KB, 640x480, 1530412208973.png)

>>819639>I didn't cheatBITCH, YOU SLEPT WITH A MARRIED MAN. I cannot believe she really is trying so hard to paint herself as the only
victim here.
No. 819816
File: 1560033792231.gif (3.97 MB, 480x270, breaktime.gif)

>>819681This is Holly right now, losing her mind on twitter.
No. 819822
File: 1560034392051.png (66.72 KB, 438x522, hollybgone.png)

>"You start to feel crazy when everything you say is thrown back at you by total strangers as a lie."
You also start to feel crazy when your the only one who's really making an effort to keep your marriage alive, but you start to notice that not only is your husband becoming more distant, but the people you considered close friends as well…
Another thing, if Holly's "So innocent uwu" then why is she 'going crazy'?
No. 819823
>>817752OrangeCitrus, I think was her name. PULLtard camgirl who was outed for having more drama than the girls she'd bitch about on PULL. She's got a thread or few here if you want some sort of vintage milk.
>>819670They weren't broken up if Heidi wasn't notified of the fact that they were, it's willfull ignorance at her age to pretend that's not what happened.
No. 819826
>>819736Most likely because Holly knows she's guilty on her part (or has a guilty conscience) and is desperately grasping straws to prove to herself that what she did was justified; that she didn't cheat.
It honestly says a lot about her character. I'm waiting for her to snap any day now with how her mental deterioration is heading.
No. 819828
>>819767she's already there. these last couple threads have had more drama alone than 90% of the snowflakes on this site.
>>819790her delusional ass is making damn sure she's never working with WoTC ever again. all she had to do was apologize and then shut the fuck up, but instead she's running off at the mouth like a child who has to have the last word rather than a woman in her mid 30's who once had an established career.
No. 819831
>>819783what gives Holly away to me is that she NEEDS people to believe HER and be on HER side. let's suppose for yet the millionth time that this was aaaaaaaaaaall just a big charade orchestrated and set up by the Big Bad Heidi who's pulling strings behind the scenes. Holly would be calm knowing that Heidi's a liar and her lies will soon fall apart, and that she has the truth that absolves her of any wrongdoing Heidi accuses her of.
What does Innocent Holly do? Go off on Twitter over a month after the accusations surface and get into petty fights in her mentions with anyone who calls her out on her bullshit. Jared's gone MIA, Ross has objectively abandoned her, her D&D collaborations and gigs are falling apart bc she can't shut her pietrap on social media. An innocent person would've stopped adressing this shit long ago. Holly is NOT an innocent person. I think that deep down she realizes every tweet is another nail in her coffin and a feet deeper into her grave, but she's got null self-control and she just can't stop, people MUST be on HER side bc SHE'S the good guy and Evil Heidi is Evil and ABOOSIVE towards poooor ole Jared :ccccc
No. 819833
>>819831She reminds me of the female Boogie2988. Never takes responsibility, perpetually the
victim, baits people to shit on her so she can cry about it on Twitter, and when all else fails brings up being abused by her mother.
No. 819835
>>819715Getting really fucking annoyed at this narrative that shes painting of yelling = abuse.
Just because you Holly cower in absolute fear and buckle over anytime someone slightly raises their voice when they are admittedly upset, doesnt mean they are evil and
Fuck, she really just played Strix as herself with magic powers. She was the most annoying parts of any Acq Inc crossovers because at any conflict she just cowered and cried. I excused it back then cause, whatever sure shes playing a character, but fuck now I see that's just how she must deal with everything. She must actually want to turn into a pile of rats at any provocation
No. 819840
>>819831Compare this to Heidi who hasn't talked about this shit and has been living her life peacefully since she doesnt have to deal with her shit husband. AND she gets just as much hate and trolls on her Twitter as Holly does but has the good sense to not interact with it.
Watching Holly deal with this is like watching someone flail and scream and plead for mercy as the weight of her consequences slowly drag her into the depths of the ocean
No. 819841
>>819662This is honestly a disappointment because Kris is my big favorite, but I guess when you see someone you thought of as a friend, destroy themselves in the biggest of spectacles, you probably are still going to help them out.
Like honestly, if you were friends with Holly and you see her just do the dumbest backpedaling and most pathetic screams for sympathy and mercy, you'd at least lend a hand out right?
No. 819842
>>819838i have a feeling were approaching that mark
>>819839 said, it's only a matter of time before holly gets dumped. she's making the mistake of thinking him wanting 700 side chicks = heidi was too flawed to keep him happy so he needed to outsource! instead of realising that it's a reflection of jared and not heidi and her behaviour, whether good or bad lol
No. 819848
File: 1560039131823.png (123.56 KB, 402x542, HeidiBaD.png)

Check out this very 'healing' tweet…
>"And hey, maybe if she was a better wife Jared would not have needed to find another women"
(BorkScorpion response included)
No. 819849
File: 1560039350588.png (39.3 KB, 590x362, heidibad2.png)

>>819848Later in
that same thread…
>"Thanks for standing up to these bully's…"lmao
No. 819850
>>819632Momocunt looks better than her surprisingly
Also, if she wants the hate to stop how about getting off of fucking twitter, it's simple. Suprise surprise Holly, your actions have consequences, get over. Maybe next time you'll learn to mind your fucking business, and aren't you in your 30s or some shit? Act like it, take responsibility for your actions. Reminding me of a fucking kid, get over yourself.
>>819736She's obsessed with the divorce because she wants Jared's birb dick
Holly's WK is just as annoying as her jfc
No. 819854
>>819848What sucks the most about this is that
most women blame themselves when their marriage/relationship is failing, & it seems like Heidi felt just like that for
long long time before finally accepting that it was over & to let go.
…It's a damn good thing Heidi has moved on, because some of these comments made against her are just downright putrid.
Holly thinks SHE has it rough, but the kinda shit people have been saying about Heidi
and getting away with it…
No. 819855
>>819839That's going to happen soon like
>>819842 says. The more Holly talks, the worse things get for Jared and it doesn't seem like she's shutting up any time soon.
No. 819856
File: 1560040890290.png (240.35 KB, 1080x1303, Screenshot_20190609-103946~2.p…)

Meanwhile, as Holly has gotten kicked out of her own d&d group, Ross is playing in his own…
No. 819858
File: 1560041008504.jpg (90.67 KB, 607x965, 123515237863.JPG)

>>819670>>819703>>819715>They were totally separated I saw it with mine own eyesFunny how Holly never responds to people like this. Her own posts directly contradict this bullshit timeline she's concocted. Girl is all over the place.
>>819848Anyone else notice that most of Holly's apologists are either incels, furries, unpassable mtf women, or middleage moms from the midwest? Really weird demographic going on here…
No. 819859
>>819715Ummm, I'm gonna assume she wasn't there because 1) Why would she?
and 2) If she
was actually there, wouldn;t this be a breach of confidentiality?
No. 819864
>>819715>she told him she didn't BELIEVE in divorce Let's say this is true…is that suppose to be a bad thing in this case? Some people take marriage very seriously; it's not like it's a small commitment, when people take those vows they're expecting to be with that person for the rest of their lives. Heidi was desperate enough to do whatever it took to save her marriage which included opening her relationship so her husband could sleep around. It's perfectly understandable that she would insist on not getting divorce and would try to get Jared (you know, her HUSBAND who promised to love her forever) to stay so they could work it out. And she definitely has the right to be angry, aggressive, vindictive, etc. when he decided to treat her like shit and fuck her friend.
Holly might be comfortable with the idea of throwing away her marriage on a whim since she clearly didn't give a shit about her own relationship, but if Heidi reacted negatively to her marriage falling apart I don't see how anyone can really blame her.
No. 819880
File: 1560044917209.png (68.35 KB, 472x614, abusiverelationship.png)

>>819858Found the thread the screencap in that tweet is from…
>"I don’t know how long to keep trying before I just disappear"…What an odd thing to say.
No. 819902
File: 1560048032633.png (53.19 KB, 582x524, rptv.png)

You mean one of Holly's new friends? lol
No. 819909
>>819858I love that she's repeatedly outed as a liar using her own words kek
I think at this point she just knows she can lie her ass off and cry, ”Nobody believes me anyways!” and most likely has Jared’s blessing to paint a beautiful rainbow for them to skip under
No. 819916
File: 1560050309682.png (70.95 KB, 526x610, manip1.png)

No. 819919
>>819916Even if Holly wasn't lying, even if the divorce had been quietly done, even if Jared hadn’t been using his pedestal to solicit nudes…Holly has a very public history of being emotionally manipulative and using Twitter to feel better. Losing that outlet as somewhere to be validated on is probably what's made her the
most upset
She’s lost her manic pixie sadgirl platform
No. 819930
>>819715Holly is a master of incriminating herself with her own defenses.
Pretty sure a room full of lawyers would have pointed out that Heidi couldn't sue him for everything he had in a no fault state with a policy of a fair and equitable split of marital assets.
Also you do not need spousal permission to file for divorce. Jared could have done that at any time. Funny how he didn't for the months that the affair was going on? It's almost like there was no reason for him to as long as he could keep Holly thinking he was too scared to leave, while telling Heidi she was crazy to think there was anything going on with the side ho.
If you buy that he didn't leave because of Heidi's threats to ruin him, they wouldn't have much weight if he hadn't done shit that could ruin him in the first place.
Heidi not believing in divorce is more evidence that even if poly was "her idea" it was nothing more than a band-aid to try and save the marriage because Jared's fame gave him access to girls who would never have looked at him before.
>>819919>>>manic pixie sadgirl platformkek
No. 819940
File: 1560060707074.gif (784.87 KB, 250x237, giphy (2).gif)

>>819880I wonder if her and Jared agreed to divorce their spouses in October but Jared didn't fulfill his side of the deal.
>imagine leaving your husband for a married man who doesn't end up finally pulling the trigger on divorcing until almost a year later No. 819942
>>819934Right? She's a professional
victim and seems to constantly do the "I'm suicidal" song and dance any time she throws a tantrum in public.
All of this trouble and drama for a man who won't even come out of hiding to defend her. She's the
only one still talking about it but wonders why it won't end. She's fucking stupid.
No. 819957
>>819880These are NOT the words of someone trying to help a friend leave an
abusive relationship. No one talks about wanted to cry and kill themselves because their friend has a shitty spouse. This is a desperate side piece who was told "I'm gonna leave her soon I swear lol" and is losing her shit after the deadline passed.
No. 819961
>>819957My thoughts exactly. It just smacks of "it's all about meeee meeee meeeeee" - which, okay, typical Holly.
My "friend" is in an abusive relationship so feel bad for MEEEEEE is kind of peak narc behavior lol
No. 819966
>>819880If Holly really was trying to save someone from an
abusive relationship, she seriously fucking sucks at it. All she did was keep saying Heidi was
abusive, do nothing, and cry. She moved up there to be with him and she couldn't even get him to move in with her to "help him" be free from Heidi. Holly is a giant fail any way this story is painted.
No. 819992
>>819961literally every non white knight: if you took even a little responsibility for things you said and did-
Holly: I did NOTHING wrong, how dare you
I think the people talking about her confusion between rp and irl are spot on. She built a delusional castle to live in, and now it is crumbling she is losing her fucking mind. And I think there is still some good milk to be had, because pedojared is going to drop her so hard if he hasn't already and she won't be able to help but sperg about it all over twitter.
And it is crazy knowing she reads here and despite anons accidentally providing good advice about how to handle it, she still goes with the shittiest possible ways and keeps digging that hole. What a nutcase.
No. 819995
File: 1560080307897.png (107.13 KB, 283x375, 54B784B7-95B3-4B73-955E-5FAE32…)

>>818585I‘m just a bit baffled by the „anons“ here wanting to act like the real chattering housewives of /cow/ and in the same breath try to pretend to be something better by denouncing all the nasty -isms.
No. 819997
God… fucking… Holly.
So basically what she's trying to say is, and her being the narc she is and doesn't realize it, Heidi really hoped the marriage would've worked between her and Jared because she believed marriage is a lifelong commitment. The situation with Holly, she hoped it would end and everything would resolve because Heidi's had years of positive moments with Jared compared to that. She basically probably saw it as a little bump in the road.
Holly, just wants her way. She'll say anything she can to try to convince others she's right and everyone else is wrong.
I think it's fucking bonkers she keeps trying to emphasize Heidi keeps screaming, like what the fuck else is she supposed to do if some girl she once considered a friend who keeps clinging onto her husband won't leave them alone? She's not living with Jared, but she's acting like she is.
Also her suicide baiting. Jesus Christ. Keep on doing it and people will soon realize it's just an act. Seriously, who says "UwU my good friend is in a relationship and I want to help him but it makes me wanna kill myself UwU" it's allllll about her and her feelings, she mentions what's going on between Jared but NO don't focus on how he feels for too long because that'll just make Holly feel even more suicidal. Please, everyone, attention on her only!
Seriously Holly no one fucking cares about how you feel at this point we just want to know what Jared's up to since you've been caping for him for a whole month. I hope the dick is worth it.
No. 820003
>>819880Wait, so she's been saying her and Jared had sex in October 2018, after she claimed the relationship was over, and in December 2018 apparently he's back with Heidi and it's ongoing
abusive to the point she wants to kill herself?
Literally she doesn't make sense.
I mean it's obvious Jared was lying to both Heidi and Holly, but since Holly doesn't wanna be wrong on ANYTHING even the fact Jared, the abused man she SAVED!, possibly lied to her so they could have sex. Even her followers were trying to tell her to dip out of the situation half a year ago.
No. 820005
>>819997You know what would've made her part in this scenario more sympathetic? If she just admitted how stupidly infatuated she was with Jared and made bad decisions based on her feelings. But she's so dead set on making both her and Jared look like angels she can't think straight enough to spin her mistakes into something people could understand. All she can do is scream abuse at Heidi over and over and when asked how she was
abusive, "she screamed lots of times!! I saw!" It's fucking pathetic how desperate she is to escape blame. She's like a spoilt child.
No. 820015
>>819848"..if she was a better wife.."
Yeah. That's literally the reason cheaters and/or abusers use to deflect responsibility of their shitty actions. It's a form of gaslighting.
Now I'm just waiting for something akin to "he wouldn't have hit you if you wouldn't have made him so upset!"
These people are children who have never been in a long-term adult relationship before. Yet they sure love to blindly defend and act like they know what the fuck they're talking about.
No. 820075
File: 1560097087908.png (37.18 KB, 589x310, holly june8th.PNG)

Jesus Christ, she sure throws a melodramatic itty bitty pity party for herself. I can't wait for another arc of 'I went to the HOSPITAL bc y'all were MEAN to ME and my BIRBS!!"
No. 820084
>>820015If Holly's WK fucks do this then what do you think about Jared? "Listen, I need more sexual freedom! You should work on being better to me. I'm not satisfied by our normal sex life that's why I cheat." "Jared, Heidi is so controlling, you cheat because you're unhappy. I'd be better. I understand how you're having sex with fans! I can heal you!"
>>820080How can you communicate with your partner when they do this? Poor Ross. He probably couldn't do a good damn thing about her behavior. I bet he gave up and let her be with Jared while his heart broke because he was always worried about being painted as abusing Holly if she didn't get to have an affair. He wasn't cucked, he was emotionally held hostage into it.
No. 820106
File: 1560102443415.jpg (30.21 KB, 728x216, dgd.jpg)

Imagine being 30+ and pretend you are your own original character do not steal that you made in middle school
No. 820107
File: 1560102670615.png (66.61 KB, 511x628, holly june8th p2.PNG)

Saying she really empathizes with Twitter harassment/cyberbowling makes me chuckle. Just close your eyes and walk away from the screen already, bird hag.
No. 820110
File: 1560102842942.png (65.26 KB, 485x617, holly june8th p3.PNG)

annnnnd cue the WKs saying her being heckled is undeserved.
No. 820119
>>820117ego astronomical confirmed indeed, but by god the balls of solid brass on this bitch and her WKs who are still going to somehow insist she's a pure uwu bean lmfao
WAY to air your narcissism my darling
No. 820120
>>820116Literally why does she care about Kanye's or any other celebrities' popularity? She never did in the past.
Tbh I think Ross married Holly because he believed he could heal her from her uwu so depressed ass. He fell in love with the concept of rescuing her and letting her be independent. Over the years he probably saw how she used the mental health card whenever she never got her way.
I honestly have not seen Heidi talk about being extra depressed and suicidal in all this, but if she has, I glossed over it and it's clearly not as prominent compared to what Holly's doing. Heidi seems like she's celebrating being more independent and it may be cringy at some times, but it's way more refreshing than Holly's schtick.
No. 820127
File: 1560105829265.jpg (1.26 MB, 810x4687, Screenshot_20190609-144351_Twi…)

Someone woke up from their nap. Too much bullshit to separate caps lol.
No. 820128
>>820107Okay I legit LOLd for once. Like ugly laughter here. Did she just really akshually compare her talentless doughy white ass to Kanye? That's some Kanye tier ego, at least.
Delusion, bitch. Convince yourself.
No. 820130
>>820080It must be so frustrating/infuriating. Constant references to mental health and unfortunate past, inability to think past own problems, dependent on others for validation, psuedo-therapist rhetoric, inability to show negative emotion and no tolerance for those who do…she's like a frigid art ho on steroids.
>>820098ebin xDD
>>820107Out of curiosity, does anyone know if she's participated in cancel culture in the past?
No. 820132
>>820107God she is like a broken record. Like is she trying to convince others or herself at this point? It's like her emotional intelligence piqued in high school and she just has never been able to move on or grow from that point. Girl needs to get her some real hardcore psychiatric help cause she looking like more of a lost cause day by day.
>>820127>Heidi is vindictive, abusive, controlling, gaslighting, toxic, unstableHolly please buy a thesaurus, this is getting old.
No. 820150
>>820132She literally doesn't know any other tactic other than to repeat herself about how victimized she is. Holly needs to give it a rest.
>I didn't cheatShe's keeps saying this shit, and I bet she making it seem like people are only talking about her and Ross's marriage.
Yes, you divorced before October 2018, the BIG SEX MOMENT WITH JARED, so you didn't cheat because you were single.
However Jared did cheat because was still in a relationship, and she confirmed it herself in December he was still with Heidi, that "unstable, vindictive person".
No. 820156
File: 1560111282750.png (124.99 KB, 1080x549, Screenshot_20190609-151400(1).…)

Holly please read your own tweets Jesus Christ lmao
No. 820160
>>820158She says she was "open" with him. Just because she admitted to an emotional affair and he had to accept it. She was honest with him, but that doesn't mean she didn't cheat. She fucked up her vows.
>>820156This fucking IDIOT.
>I get to decide nothing, this was done by multiple therapists over time, Any my own observations of screaming, gaslighting, controlling, and rage. …I'm flawed, I admit that, but in this case this person is incapable.
>I didn't cheat. They lied, I'm sorry. But please please please, I'm not trying to paint anyone as anything. Except as lying,
abusive monsters.
No. 820168
>>820166I have no doubt that she would call him
abusive and controlling for telling her not to cheat on him.
No. 820172
>>820127>this was done by multiple therapists over timeIs she claiming that Heidi was "diagnosed" as
abusive/unstable/"unfixable"? How in the world would she know something like this? Also bold of her to claim that someone else is unstable after her batshit behavior online in the last few weeks.
No. 820180
>>820172You're only unfixable if you refuse to change.
Fact is, abuse
victims can get stuck in the "abusee" mentality, which is why therapy is beneficial, so that you can begin to realign your thoughts so you can build meaningful relationships and get out bad thought loops.
If Holly was in therapy as long as she claims, you'd think that she would have improved on this kind of bullshit.
But, you know, "I can teach it to you, but I can't learn it for you."
No. 820186
>"I’m flawed, I admit that, but In this case this person is incapable."How do
you know, Holly? You already decided Heidi was evil from Jared's word alone (We all know you were NOT at a meeting with their lawyers)
Also, Heidi has admitted her flaws & faults
several times already, Holly probably has her blocked, so she can't see it.
No. 820191
File: 1560116346612.png (61.95 KB, 428x618, dddenica.png)

>>820122Bear in mind that Heidi blocked Denica because Denica kept harassing her.
So Denica is salty & taking the Keemstar-route.
>"The only thing she has given is texts with Holly from February. Nothing after in the period she claimed was gaslighted and lied to."…Because that was when Heidi blocked you, nitwit.
No. 820192
>>820156i’m yelling. she literally just called heidi unstable TODAY as if that isn’t the world’s most obvious self-projection, and let’s not forget the little gem of that liked tweet: “heidi is so psycho… she definitely has bpd.” but no yea youre doing great holly
i can see why arin and suzy and everyone grump adjacent dropped her in the divorce too lmao
No. 820194
>>820175Completely agree. No therapist worth their salt would say something like that, that's just a lie that Jared told her and her retarded ass gobbled it up like a bird.
>>820191This woman seriously needs mental help and a job or something. Holly should at least pay her for being her ugly attack dog 24/7.
>>820192Exactly! She's coming across as the jealous and obsessive side hoe. Heidi isn't even saying anything else about the drama so how is she unstable? Holly is the only one still talking about it and
she's the one literally losing her sanity.
No. 820195
File: 1560116797302.png (64.93 KB, 458x632, toxicpositivity1.png)

Imagine trying to talk someone out of a very toxic way of thinking, & getting patronized for it…
No. 820198
File: 1560117248514.png (16.99 KB, 570x188, hollywk1.png)

>"Many of the critics seem to be very young and impressionable, and don't know what emotional manipulation looks like."
Yeah, fuck those people who were cheated on & understood exactly what Heidi was put through! /s
No. 820200
File: 1560117464037.png (44.58 KB, 574x358, gobunbun.png)

Bun Bun is a fucking HERO!
No. 820201
>>820198Emotional manipulation? like posting stuff along the lines of "if this person doesn't leave his wife I am going to kill myself" on a platform where said person obviously follows you and you are well aware all parties involved will be able to read it?
maybe not Heidi, she probably blocked Heidi by then
Fuck Jared but how the fuck are people unable to see how manipulative Holly herself is, there is a difference between being open about mental health and posting about wanting to kill yourself every other day because you aren't getting the desired reaction from people
No. 820210
>>820198Some of the critics are as old as Holly is so that makes no sense. The mental gymnastics her dogs have to do, man….
>>820201They're the same ones who defend Jared mentally scarring underage and of age fans with his nudes so we can't expect much intelligence from them.
>>820207Yep, when the dust is finally settled and everyone isn't so emotionally charged, everyone's going to see how nasty they became in defense of someone they only know the online persona of and how that person manipulated the whole show. I just hope they actually learn something from it.
No. 820221
File: 1560119596910.png (81.24 KB, 623x752, 8c69a577edcd9d05a86aab1ee5922f…)

>>820127some replies for the "i get to decide nothing" tweet
but i don't know what she's on about when heidi has said multiple times, openly and without prompting or foot-stomping, that she's flawed
No. 820230
>>820213wasn't he fucking other girls while still chatting her up? or did all his revealed sexcapades happen before 2018?
>>820221i'm glad people are realizing holly is a fucking monster for saying that, she's not a therapist, she's not objective, and she absolutely 100% does not have access to what heidi's therapist thinks or says about her. she's so fucking mindblowingly stupid and awful.
No. 820254
>>820245Not necessarily an NDA, I'm sure there's women who have fucked him who either don't want to get involved or don't even know/care what's happening.
>>820253I wonder if she's been bothering him about this shit in private and he ignores her or is forced to console her so she doesn't guilt him with suicide threats.
No. 820258
File: 1560125930048.png (47.94 KB, 572x456, borkknowsheidi.png)

Does Bork know Heidi or something?
No. 820268
File: 1560128102719.png (292.79 KB, 451x800, sFJdwyV.png)

>>820254Holly likely reasons that if she lets Jared nut all over her face (as is his fetish) then he would be too drained to cheat.
No. 820269
File: 1560128122489.png (61.56 KB, 457x315, Capture _2019-06-09-19-48-44.p…)

I guess this is why Bork has been violently defending Holly. Holly sent some links apparently and now has a dedicated army of 2 people, Denica and Bork.
No. 820283
File: 1560130094063.png (63 KB, 530x614, xnightcorelover.png)

>>819848>>819849Oh shit I forgot how much of a piece of shit this 'Cassandra' person was.
Kind of a shame they got hamstrung here before they could tweet enough offensive shit to get banned…
No. 820284
File: 1560130249278.png (50.57 KB, 576x326, xnightcorelover1.png)

>>820283…Also this tweet from her aged like milk.
No. 820307
File: 1560132918635.png (67.26 KB, 532x480, bobdunga1.png)

Remember the person Holly talked to from
>>819880 ?
Here she is again after the shit went down.
No. 820318
File: 1560134067102.png (58.42 KB, 572x494, denica2.png)

>>820311Her work involves sitting on the computer all day. So in other words, she's just bored.
No. 820319
>>820307Poor Heidi. Imagine trying to have a conversation with your husband, but he is too busy gathering fan nudes, so he throws some money your way and degrades you. She must have went through some shit.
>>820283That fucking reply.
No. 820324
File: 1560134322962.jpg (38.8 KB, 727x142, 2019-06-09_22-38-57.jpg)

>>820319Jared's second response kind of confirmed that he did that too. He wants to be a hero for throwing money at her.
No. 820337
File: 1560135822371.png (293.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190609-195604.png)

>please give me some advice I don't know what you people want from me
>Fuck you and fuck your advice, even though I've never met you and have no idea about your life, no one else in world can know my pain
She really thinks her life is just oh so bad, and she is the most oppressed babyburd in da whole wide world~ like BITCH PLEASE there are other people out there who have it worse than you and receive as much hate(ahem Heidi) but aren't stuck in self loathing refusing to move on.
No. 820339
No. 820343
>>820337What if this is all an act?
…A few weeks ago she was okay with people treating her like an 'emotional punching-bag' (Probably to take the heat off of Jared)
No. 820344
>>820324>instructed my attorneys to make sure she receives her fair share of what i earnedam i missing something or this bastard conveniently forgot the division of their assets is going to be fair and equitable
by the law
No. 820345
>>820324I love that Jared's own words Fuck up Holly's "they were already broken up" excuse.
If you fucked in 2018, before the divorce filing, it's still cheating. 7 months before the filing even.
Jared lied to Holly and she's too dickmatized to realize it.
No. 820351
>>820342This is another good point. WotC are probably looking at her Twitter and running in the opposite direction because of how she's behaving.
Got news for you Holly, your behavior is what's keeping Strix from coming back, not Heidi and former fans.
No. 820354
File: 1560138743383.png (53.72 KB, 516x480, keks1.png)

Responses like this one restores my faith in humanity just a bit.
No. 820357
>>820344He knows perfectly well. He just wanted to look like the generous hero.
>>820354It's 2019, Holly. You live in a country with some of the most advanced mental health care I. the world. it's been decades since therapists thought people with BPD are incurable because DBT is literally the first line and most effective treatment, and it's so widely available in the US. If you actually knew anything about therapy or mental health you'd know that. Nice try though.
No. 820359
File: 1560139524938.png (17.12 KB, 524x152, keks2.png)

>>820354Take it home Keks!
No. 820366
>>820259Holly's picking her words with care to suicide-bait while trying to avoid being banned for it.
Incidentally, Jared was stripped of his blue check really fast when this drama unfolded. Someone at Twitter was definitely following it all.
No. 820367
>>819736Holly has such an obsession with their divorce cuz her prince birdick the uncharming probs told her they’ll get married after it’s finalized and elope as ~stix and…whatever his name is~. If they get married it would mean she won. She finally won, you guise, take that Heidi!
In Heidis head it’s the only possible end, because she’s literally an egocentric child mentally. The only abuse she ever suffered is probably her parents being enabling as shit. Everyone else but her goal is two-dimensional NPCs to her.
Once he tells her he needs some time alone she’ll go fucking nuclear and will straight up start tweeting about killing herself.
No. 820373
>>820367Why did Jared have to get involved with two girls that have similar names?
He couldn’t have cheated with a youtuber named Kate or something?
No. 820383
File: 1560151801602.jpg (115.08 KB, 866x1300, 43810015-young-woman-eating-po…)

Heidi realising how deep of a hole Holly is digging for herself because of the same shitstorm that affected both of them and being reaffirmed that she, Heidi, is making good choices while her ex-friend is fucking up.
I hope the friends and aquaintances that fell for the
"Heidi is abooooosive" meme are watching this ugly mess
>>820283>xNightCoreLover>that nasty attitudeHolly's rabid minions are so embarassing
No. 820399
>>820392Since Holly loves to armchair so much, here's my totally profession Twitter Mental Health Advocate opinion: she was abused, and that abuse led her to develop BPD, and that's why she's such a clingy,
abusive piece of shit herself.
No. 820412
>>820392>>820392Ross confirmed her mom trashed their wedding and there was a blog post where holly talks how they had to rescue a cat (was it Orph?) because mom and her bf left it in an empty house with no food.
So mom was definitely unstable/abuser but that doesn't make Holly an innocent angel.
No. 820430
File: 1560179125608.png (392.88 KB, 959x734, d0daae8ba571cf2133244284cebbb9…)

Really happy to see that Creepshow's video is this high up.
No. 820434
File: 1560180371811.jpeg (250.15 KB, 750x1252, BC1A7CF6-CFEE-4BA5-9A8B-E0928C…)

Just some quality scrotal retardation from kiwifarms lmao
No. 820440
File: 1560181204949.png (236.93 KB, 530x305, holly june 10th.PNG)

She sure is latching onto this "I too am a victim of the chronic cyberbowling" narrative hardcore.
No. 820444
>>820440>what rush was overpowering usi think i can speak for all of twitter collectively when i say we are happy enough to let this lie but it becomes difficult when she keeps beating this dead horse every three minutes
>>820439anon i could kiss you lmfao
No. 820445
File: 1560181557694.png (207.65 KB, 578x659, june 9th.PNG)

New ugly ass merch promoting her horrible lifestyle
No. 820451
>>820449now that i think about it (and please excuse this super strong tinfoiling i'm tossing your way) maybe jared
has already "officially" ditched her. something like "i'm very troubled this is a bad time for me i need to do some
soul searching in vegas".
maybe that's why she's spiralling out of control and trying so hard to lick pedojared's ass? in hopes he'd take her back?
it sounds less farfetched if you read the desperation in her tweets lmao
No. 820459
File: 1560183366909.jpeg (662.86 KB, 1125x1855, DE644FC7-2FE5-4C6F-ACCA-CA5A7D…)

No. 820460
>>820459holy shit, she is peak Onision rn
"if you accuse me of being a pedohpile then UR A PEDOPHILE REEEEEE!!!!!"
imagine being someone who claims to be a MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCATE saying "if u accuse me of being awful its bc UR GUILTY OF ALL THE THINGS U CLAIM I DID!!!". a 30+ fucking year old woman. top kek
No. 820464
>>820459wow, she's just yelling NO U
Holly why not consider anyone else's side?
Jared manipulated you for sex. he is known for doing this to every woman in his life at this point, many of whom he has worked with and who immediately rejected him. as is appropriate for a MARRIED COWORKER.
Heidi felt danger from you and asked you to stop keeping contact with her husband as anything other than coworkers. She found out later you had been having a full-blown emotional and sexual affair with her husband. he had been telling
you he was leaving her, and telling
her nothing was going on with you. Heidi had thought the marriage was still viable before this. But supposedly (according to you) whenever you were in the room, talk of divorce immediately began, which terrified Heidi that you were stealing her husband. would you not be angry? or do you just not understand why someone would be upset about that because you didn't feel anything for Ross?
No. 820499
File: 1560191373884.jpg (14.54 KB, 480x480, 22195395_1817079951636800_2337…)

>>820464Holly is also disrespecting all the female youtubers that came forward like pushing up roses and geek remix. but THEY are just lying manipulators, eh Holly? Where's their sympathy? Oh wait you're just hoarding it like a pathetic dragon
No. 820507
>>820459>then you’re guilty of all the things you’re claiming that i’m doingthis must literally just her projecting the guilt she feels for all the shit she’s been talking about heidi when it better suits herself… onto the entire internet, right? like “i’m not
abusive, HEIDI’s
abusive!” but now it’s “i’m not x, YOU’re all x!” because i can’t think of any other reason to say something so stupid.
No. 820520
File: 1560192765389.jpg (351.43 KB, 1019x1848, HoC.jpg)

Found this on PULL.
Guess Holly has a long history of cheating lol. She is really hoping this whole thing will just be conveniently swept under the rug like her stint on HoC.
No. 820535
File: 1560193897358.png (19.79 KB, 518x176, hcwrong.png)

…At least she admitted this.
No. 820538
File: 1560194307763.png (75.02 KB, 468x727, pro-woman.png)

This person is laying down some truths right here!
No. 820539
File: 1560194658732.png (17.39 KB, 584x148, MattLawsonagain.png)

No. 820543
File: 1560195123593.jpeg (664.86 KB, 1125x1891, AB8CC789-E0E3-43C4-91C0-1E8C41…)

No. 820546
File: 1560195420065.png (49.47 KB, 580x380, whatthefuck.png)

Getting real tired of people who claim they have 'proof' that Holly is right & that we should believe her because a friend of a friend likes her or whatever…
No. 820561
File: 1560196143031.png (69 KB, 574x256, dumbassdenica1.png)

Stop right there, Denica.
Heidi is saying "I am not polyamorous." Which is true, because she is currently NOT polyamorous.
Is changing one's mind and/or withdrawing consent really that much of a foreign concept to these people?
No. 820562
I have an idea how to save your failed career, Holly.
Since tumblr can see through your bullshit and nobody believes you there anymore, you might as well become an ~incel idol princess~
All you have to do is keep defending pesos, hate Heidi and sport that ugly bootleg Ramona flowers hairdo. Winners like
>>820434 will love you and defend you with all their might.
No. 820575
File: 1560197419475.png (56.94 KB, 568x482, bpdemon.png)

Oh shit Holly, RUN! This person has the dreaded BPD!!!
No. 820581
>>820459Holy fuck Holly, I wish Holly would shut up about Heidi. If she wants to bitch and moan at least let Heidi move on with her life in peace. Heidi hasnt devoted weeks to how much of a psycho she is so the only one looking bad is her.
This might be tinfoil territory but I think the real reason Holly has so much hatred for Heidi is because she viewed her as the thing keeping her and PredatorJared apart. Like the reason Jared couldn't 'come to her' was because mean old Heidi was keeping him prisoner. Whether that was her own idea or implanted in her head by Jared. She seems to think her and Jared were like fucking Romeo and Juliet and that Heidi was some kind of Lady Capulet/evil Stepmother figure.
And now she's releasing all that nastiness that spent time festering.
No. 820583
>>820561I keep having to remind myself that Denica is a grown ass woman and not some 14-yr old "quirky girl"
Maybe she's trying to snuggle up to Holly so she can get some of that PigeonDick for herself
No. 820590
>>820428Same, anon. same. If she would just admit she royally fucked up and apologise to Heidi /beg for her forgiveness, MAYBE people would like her. But for now she seems really full of herself and wanting to be the
victim. it's exhausting. Her choosing Jared over Heidi AND Ross shows her true character.
No. 820597
>>820583kek that would be
hilariousI wonder how Holly would fly off the handle if someone befriended her and fucked "her man" LOL
No. 820603
>>820581Tinfoiling, but it feels like Holly has a chip on her shoulder when it comes to conventionally-attractive women (eg: "Heidi you're just so pretty it makes me feel scared", Her behavior towards FemShep-Design-Contest, & The way she fancies herself a 'trash-witch'/goblin/etc.)
Holly's relationship with Jared is 'special' because it's the first time someone chose her; the wallflower, over the pretty girl!
No. 820611
File: 1560201938215.png (16.85 KB, 572x142, denicapurpose.png)

>>820583Found where Denica states her purpose for all her WK-ing
>"I don't want her to go offline, that's why I act on trying to stop those who are trying to push her there."That isn't fair nor healthy for Holly. At this point, she's just making things
No. 820613
>>820611Imagine putting on a whole ass clown suit to defend basically a nobody that doesn't want to own up to her own mistakes.
Maybe i'd understand if her and Holly had a friendship or anything prior to this, but this is just pathetic.
No. 820615
File: 1560202808331.png (34.53 KB, 640x352, pull-jealousy.png)

>>820603Someone on PULL put it in a bit better form than I could.
I just keep thinking back to this
>>817661 along with her whole 'trash-witch' shtick. She's destined to keep pushing the narrative that pretty girls are mean, shallow, possessive, materialistic, etc. & that a 'wholesome' & 'quirky' wallflower like her is SO much more kind, genuine, & an altogether
better person in comparison.
No. 820637
File: 1560206873108.jpeg (780.72 KB, 1242x1715, F99BFD07-D4A3-475C-9FE8-F18C5F…)

First showing his face again
No. 820639
>>820565Intelligence doesn't equal wisdom. Is that what you meant, anon?
>>820581Holly is only making herself look obsessed with Heidi and unstable. Let her continue, she's driving everyone away from her and she'll have no one left in her corner except two equally unstable white knights. Heidi yelled at her one time and that's literally all the evidence of "abuse" that Holly has. And yet, Holly is the one who's
still going on about this three weeks later and has been dedicated to looking unstable every single day. The married couple who started all of this drama has been quiet about it, but the side ho just won't shut up.
No. 820640
File: 1560208262617.png (77.21 KB, 520x602, mi.png)

Someone finally has a well-written answer for one of Holly's "Tell me exactly WHAT I'm doing wrong pls" tweets. Too bad Holly will just block them anyway.
No. 820641
File: 1560208268856.jpeg (87.02 KB, 750x268, tdctjydi.jpeg)

For a witch, Holly really needs to try a new serenity prayer.
No. 820646
>>820640i can’t screencap it right now, but the part about this that’s golden is the entire chain is like
>holly: Tell me what behaviour is harmful! What am I doing wrong! i’m seriously wondering!>someone else: youre protecting an abuser>holly: tell me what i’ve done wrong though and then bi-frost went off. living with holly must have been a complete nightmare no wonder ross refuses to touch this lol he lived with this nightmare in private for years
No. 820647
>>820637Showing his face just to make himself look like an ass. He better go back into hiding.
Holly has been losing her damn mind like a vicious attack dog and doesn't think she did anything wrong. She doesn't deserve heat for it? Really? I guess he didn't learn from the first time he put his foot in his mouth.
If she's acting like this on Twitter, can you imagine the amount of texts she must send to her friends?
No. 820652
File: 1560210546426.png (43.95 KB, 570x344, ml.png)

I present to you; Matt "galaxy brain" Lawson!
No. 820659
>>817561This one is probably the best for the next OP image since she's
still talking about it and is the only one talking about it out of the three involved.
No. 820662
>>820652Christ how many times has she asked this
At some point someone will collect all the times she has asked this and it’ll be the next thread picture