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No. 881371
ProJared/Holly Conrad/DCA/GG: The "OH GOD IT NEVER ENDS" Edition
Last Time on the "ProJared STFU Challenge"
> Holly snapped for a hot minute and started following people who talked shit about her
> Jared's fanbase attempts to rewrite history by insisting "Jared never directly solicited nudes!" despite evidence to the contrary
> Some of those who publicly condemned Jared's actions (like Jirard) simultaneously gain amnesia about the whole "He jacked it to minors" thing and go back to showing public support for him
> Holly popped into Jared's stream, discussing something meaningless and trivial ("I got gummy butterflies, Jared!") as if needing to publicly stake her claim on the man that literally no other sane person wants.
> Holly also quit offering mental health tips for $30 and moved on to offering subpar art "surprises", forgetting that someone could pay a better artist $30 and actually be able to pick what they want art of
> Someone made a charitable version of Holly's "Cancelled" shirt with the proceeds going to domestic violence charities; Trash Coven has it removed almost immediately
> Holly instead claims she is going to have the proceeds for said shirt donated to charity - and then backtracked, removing all evidence of her offer within 48 hours.
> A PJ2-stan sent Heidi a very creepy and threatening message, that they would make her confess her sins in whatever way possible - Jared and Holly remained silent while the person ran back to their side, bragging about their actions.
> Jared and Holly are still publicly endorsing the bullshit petitions to bring DCA back rather than just finding new homes for their characters or even just making new ones
> Holly posted a picture of herself snuggling a chicken against CDC guidelines, someone replied with a joke about her touching cocks when she isn't supposed to, and Holly accused them of harassment and internet shaming
> Holly tried to promote her patreon by saying "I've lost income from the 'apocalypse of the past few months" as if she wasn't the direct cause and that she wasn't still sitting on the fortune her grandfather left her.
> She lost her shit over the fact that The Sims offered an 'influencer' career and pouted that she was too stupid to find the Spellcaster career that had been released just days prior to her tweets.
> Jared, the eternal idiot, thought it appropriate to once again make a joke of "What's the strongest boss I beat? Cancel Culture!", much to the chagrin of every human being with more than one iq point.Image Credit:
>>866866Thread Credit:
>>881336Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>866222Character Descriptions and Stats:
Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)>Heidi accuses Jared of threatening legal action if she speaks up. Unfortunately Heidi casts “Absorb Elements” just like she did for his initial divorce statement. Jared takes an extra 1d6 damage on her next melee attack. Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 10
Luck: none
Charisma: send noOds
Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (current power-level):
>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Claims to have not cheated on her ex-husband despite his refusal to make one comment about the situation in her defense>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread though>Compared Etika’s suicide, a popular black YouTuber, to her own suicidal ideation by showcasing they both received clown emojis as “bullying.” >Suffers backlash from the black community, Etika’s fans and Twitter>After being called out for taking advantage of a person’s suicide, Holly infamously deflects criticism by tweeting, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”Strength: uwu
Dexterity: uwu
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 100
Luck: ran out
Charisma: clown emoji
Holly Conrad’s Previous Stats:
>Holly is a “talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community”, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to her grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingFor More On Holly Conrad:
>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL)Strength: uwu
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 17
Stamina: 22
Luck: 100
Charisma: Not Suzy
Heidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>Non-lewd cosplayer, talented craftsman and elf >Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth>Has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all time>Married to Jared Pedodick Knobslob>Was in a poly relationship with Jared>Claims Holly was the reason it didn’t work out >Outed Jared’s infidelity and set twitter ablaze>Working on her current divorce and perhaps a defamation against Holly Conrad for trying to claim she had BPD and that psychologists have deemed her “unfixable” >Has started to become more vocal on that drama since Holly’s Etika sperg>Claims emotional abuse by Jared and gas lighting, and also seems to insinuate her enjoyment of sex has decreased>Blocks overtly sexual cosplays because of the ProJared controversy >Currently living alone in a new home and trying to start up her business and craft in a way to support herself>Accuses Holly of being vindictive enough to have done everything in her power to end her marriage and happiness Strength: 90
Dexterity: 71
Intellect: 82
Stamina: 64
Luck: 20
Charisma: Zinfandel
Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth>In direct contact with Holly Conrad Flying Monkey Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Normal Boots: Expanded Universe:
**Game Grumps
Previous GG Threads:**
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTSuzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being her BEST FRIEND despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.Game Grumps:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: Dice, Camera, Action:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action: Under “Other”:
Ross O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: from Mods:
>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 881581
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Is this what people are paying money for?
No. 881586
>>881581So let me get this one straight. A single tone watercolor wash over flat inks, with flat white ink/marker/paint whatever in a very blasé arrangement?
And this is 50$ without a choice in what you get?
No. 881609
>>881371I feel like 40 years from now Jared, Holly, and Heidi will all be at the same retirement home still arguing about this.
Like the rest of the internet has moved onto more juicy scandals.
No. 881642
>>881628I really, REALLY doubt that Heidi will ever be friends with her ex-husband that she accused of being an emotionally
abusive gaslighter - or friends with Holly, the woman who fucked her husband and then publicly called her "
abusive" for asking Holly to not fuck her husband.
No. 881643
>>881586They're nice if you like the ~aesthetic~, but I would pay
at most $20 for the set of four if I were in a really good mood, and that includes any shipping. $50 for one of those is hilarious.
No. 881644
>>881643$50 and you don't even get to choose WHICH of the designs you get.
I get that this art isn't everyone's thing (it ain't mine) but is great to others - but jesus christ, $50 for it and you get NO input? That's just ridiculous
No. 881674
OP you have done a masterful job. Thank you
Tbh isnt that defeating cancel culture tweet just so absolutely cringe? I wish someone would slap pedodick and put it on their patreon. Now that is content I would pay for.
>>881670>>881667Newfags, please, for the love of God, type sage into the email field before you submit commentary without image/screenshot content. It's not only offensive to shit up a thread, but can get you banned.
No. 881713
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really now. first five-dollar mushroom art for her patreon, and now she's planning on selling shirts with text print that she/kayla haven't even made.
fucking lord help the scams this woman runs
No. 881780
>>881713"The text was taken directly from"
It's literally one fucking word, a word that is COMMONLY used!
Good lord, she just keeps one upping the stupid bullshit she'll try to earn money from, doesn't she?
No. 881791
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>>881780Every influencer is hocking shitty, uninspired, overpriced merch these days. She's creating the most boring, generic merch imaginable for her aesthetic instead of creating content for the brand it represents. It has no ambition or longevity, and it's gonna get lost in the sea of forgettable "witchy" fashion.
Pic related kek
No. 881796
>>881791I wonder how long it'll be before she tries to trademark the fucking words "cancelled" and "haunted"
I mean, it is Halloween season; Is she going to slap anything that says "haunted" with a copyright allegation?
No. 881842
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>>881780I assume she means it's in the "font" (handwriting) of the book, but even then this is like her typing "no" in a Word document with preinstalled font "Old English" and then being like "ummm actually you guys it's from Shakespeare ever heard of it???"
No. 881862
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>>881713God, reading the book's wikipedia (which I assume is all Holly did too)
>He set himself to prove that the belief in witchcraft and magic was rejected by reason and by religion and that spiritualistic manifestations were wilful impostures or illusions due to mental disturbance in the observers. >His aim was to prevent the persecution of poor, aged, and simple persons, who were popularly credited with being witches.>Scot believed that the prosecution of those accused of witchcraft was irrational and un-Christian, and he held the Roman Church responsibleSo it seems like it's basically about how people accused of being witches are actually just mentally ill and wrongly accused. Which is why Holly thinks it's about her, much like how everything in the universe is about her.
>trash witch trash witch, being spooky is a personality :)))) witch witch witch caw caw blackHolly's merch:
>ummm you're persecuting me and literally burning me at the stake because i'm mentally ill :((( witches aren't real and you're a bully if you think i'm one and heidi is tricking you all with stage magicAnyways, Reductress (satire site) just released this sweatshirt, and it's essentially the same as Holly's merch.
No. 881927
>>881643That art better be
matted & framed as well if she expects people (other than her loyal subjects) to shell out $50 for it.
No. 881935
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God I love PULL
>"They'll also gladly profit off it while bullying any other content creator into taking down videos about them claiming "you're profiting off us" like the trash they are."
Apparently only they are allowed to bring up this scandal & nobody else. Not even Heidi.
No. 881940
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Nailed it
No. 881948
Also the term 'cancelled' sounds so watered-down & immature considering what it was meant to convey.
'Disowned', 'Disposed', 'Boycotted', 'Ex-communicated', any of these words have more of a 'punch' to them.
Then again, I guess making it sound so petty & childish minimizes the blow to these people's precious egos.
No. 881949
>>881948It's like "Oh, I was cancelled"
No, my guy - You were publicly shamed for running numerous porn blogs and receiving nudes of minors that you may or may not have actually fucked at conventions because you can't keep it in your fucking pants.
That goes beyond petty schoolyard bullshit.
No. 881951
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No. 881952
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>>881951Looks like this shirt isn't doing too well, so they had to advertise it on ProJared2 again…
No. 881957
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> "Maybe but her twitter is still trying to hold on to those 5 mins of fame"
I love how PJ2 still bitches about Heidi from time to time, even with the current 'heavy-moderating'
No. 881964
>>881957"Her twitter is still trying"
She mentioned her shitty mental health and the struggles she went through - Her marriage was blown up by her cheating piece of shit, maybe-pedophile husband. I'd think she's allowed to talk about how that affects her.
No. 881997
>>881984>>881995How the fuck did two women end up fighting over…
No. 882002
>>881999She must have thought he had a REALLY great personality then…
(Then again, Holly does seem like she subscribes to the 'ugly people have beautiful souls' school-of-thought…)
No. 882013
>>881997Because both Heidi and Holly are not women, but cows.
Their behaviour is crazy, they completely lack basic sense and judgement. Even Mother Nature has given up on them since fucking this guy is a crime against Natural Selection.
This thread exists solely because tons of anons got cheated on by some slimeball and that makes them empathize with a cow. This is also why you'll get torn to pieces if you say anything negative about that obviously dumb, unstable and ridiculous individual.
No. 882014
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>>882013Nothing to see here, move along.
No. 882081
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Unless if Ross himself confirms that he approved of Holly's relationship with Jared, people really shouldn't just take Jared's word for it.
No. 882083
>"You know Ross went up to visit and support Projared during all this, yeah?"Nope, try again. Ross supposedly visited Jared back in March of 2018. Not in the summer of 2019.
No. 882088
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Another good response to Jared's dumbass "I beat Cancel Culture!" tweet
No. 882098
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From a week ago but I think it fell through the cracks.
Did I miss something, what does this mean? Is this some kind of "boundaries" shit?
No. 882104
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>>882095He would probably just go offline for a bit.
Ross is good at avoiding drama, the only exception was the Brooke Houts situation, because fuck her.
No. 882105
>>882102I feel like Jared got his heart broken sometime in the past, possibly before Heidi.
And instead of being clingy and possessive, he is more the opposite, cold and distant.
He just doesn't want to be hurt again.
No. 882106
>>882098>>882102Yep. Jared posts a video of the action, & Holly has to butt in all "Look! I took this photo of him! We went
together<3! uwu"
Now I know why Jared liked her. She falls all over herself giving him praise.
No. 882107
>>882102i agree but only because jared is an absolute cunt of a wormboy. holly really should have known what he's capable of just by looking at the way he treated his wife "for her". this is not a man anyone should be deigning to love kek
>>882105this is the first i've ever heard of that kind of perspective. from that point of view, i guess jared only needs intense therapy and possibly inpatient treatment, contrasted with my current diagnosis of complete isolation from all society
it doesn't do well to reinforce habits like this with sympathy, especially because this is just learned behavior which can and should be fixed.
No. 882109
>>882102Plus with the cheating scandal being relatively recent, and the trolls still out there, he doesnt want to draw too much attention to their relationship.
I doubt they will ever get serious enough to the point of moving in together or getting married, though with most relationships that (should) comes a few years down the line.
I am not sure exactly how strong Jared feels emotionally about Holly, but probably not as much as the other way around.
Holly is basically obsessed and dick-whipped over Jared.
Still, Holly must be hella tight from never fucking Ross, maybe Jared is whipped too.
No. 882110
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>>882105…Or he just doesn't like showing
too much emotion.
Makes sense how he seems more attracted to people more vulnerable & insecure than himself.
No. 882113
>>882105lmao fuck off with this unsaged Jared fanfic. Jared the type of dude to pine over some girl and then get mad when she gets a boyfriend even though he never had a chance with her in the first place and then be like
>She used me….she broke my heart and I vowed to never let that happen again :/ so I put up my walls….so no one could hurt me. But maybe….you could fix me? if you send nudes? :/and the girl would be like
>Who? Oh yeah sure, I knew him in highschoolYou can't be "cold and distant" and also be so desperate for validation that you beg for nudes and attention from girls on the internet because you feel entitled to more than what your loving wife is giving you. If he was "cold and distant" he would have fucked any rando he could because he's detached from it, but he didn't, he fucked the one that worshiped him enough to throw her own marriage out the window and tell him how special he is because that's the one that gave him the biggest ego boost. He's "cold and distant" to Holly now because he was never as invested in it as she was. Their relationship was always a one way street: Jared is the only person Holly's ever been sexually attracted to, wowowow HIS penis did that! What does he give Holly in return?
No. 882146
>>882105fuck off. Jared is an incel and you making excuses for his behavior is why guys think it's okay to treat women like shit. He has no remorse for any of the fan nudes, nor hurting his ex wife.
>>882110He's garbage
No. 882157
> Because she now is saying that she wasn't getting support for years doesn't mean that in 2017 she wasn't praising him to high heavens.Because she still trusted him back then.
When you've been cheated on, you start to look back at all those times & question
No. 882158
>>882098Holly acts like a parent currently in a custody battle; "Look how much
happier our kid is when they're with ME!"
No. 882159
> Almost everyone that supposedly was slighted by him personally deleted or rescinded their stories.Yeah, & they all did that roughly around the
same time, as if Jared had a leg-up on them legally & let them know that in private or something…
No. 882166
>>882157Well he tried to break up Heidi in October but she wouldn't allow it.
Did he cheat? Yes.
But he wasn't cheating just for the thrill of cheating, just to sleep around for the hell of it. He was in an emotionally bad state at the time. and Heidi admits that Holly emotionally manipulated him.
No. 882169
>>882166Are you also this anon?
>>882105Seems sus you keep defending Jared's actions. Cheating is cheating. it dosnt matter the reason
No. 882172
>>882169>>882167Yes you are correct. He is a cheater. Does this mean he needs to have his head on a pike? No.
Does it make him a
toxic partner? Yes.
No. 882178
>>882173-Heidi makes facebook post about the divorce and cheating, which also contains outright lies which she herself later contradicted on Twitter. Well over 200 people saw it, including Jared's family and professional contacts, and Heidi's own friends who were as popular or even moreso when she was at the time.
-Jared has to make a response sooner or later, rumors were already spreading about them splitting sometime before they officialy did. This would ofcourse escalate about Heidi put the word out.
-In retrospect it was a bad idea for Jared to say anything, and blocking Heidi did not support his case at all.
-He reveals polyamory. While poly isn't cheating, it still involves sleeping around, which is generally frowned upon in the west which favors monogamy.
No. 882181
>>882088First part, no. People send nudes all the fucking time to people, especially when they're cheating, attention seeking or passing it off as "modeling", yes jared is a bad guy but this is not a good response at all which is why that idiot followed up to try to elaborate.
If you actually followed the situation, like this person did, you would know it was mainly the false accusations and what is USUALLY false accusations used to "cancel" someone. Jared never denied getting nudes at all lol.
No. 882182
>>882180Didn't say Heidi was a villain.
Heidi had a mental illness.
That illness being love.
Love makes us do stupid shit for our partner, and can drive us completely mad when they break our hearts.
No. 882184
>>882180The opposite, everyone here will do ANYTHING to make sure heidi can be blamed for absolutely NOTHING other than being a
No. 882186
>Heidi makes facebook post about the divorce and cheating, which also contains outright lies which she herself later contradicted on TwitterMost people don't talk about their sex-lives to their close family members, especially parents.
Heidi said recently (I think it was in her stream?) that she has a better relationship with her parents now after separating from Jared.
No. 882194
>>882184It's not that no one wants to criticize Heidi. I personally have seen this shit a
million times, it's textbook cheater-behavior.
No. 882197
>>882081Heidi in her stream admits that while Jared was attracted to Holly, he had no intention of making a move on her and said something along the lines of "Oh I won't even go there she is probably not in an open relationship".
So Jared only escaleted because it was Heidi's idea. And even then it was just talking.
Jared might be a pervert sure, but IMO doesn't seem like the type to cheat on his wife and fuck Ross's wife (they were basically butt-buddies, suprised he didn't cheat on Heidi with Ross instead) just for the hell of it.
If Ross went to see Jared in March (so far Jared hasn't been proven to be dishonest in this).
I imagine the discussion went like this
Ross telling Jared he knows about the nignt in February. Jared saying he had no idea how Holly felt about him, and that he wouldn't want to steal his girl or cheat on his wife. It was probably just basic emotional support. Ross telling Jared he has his blessing, and would rather see Holly happier with someone else, Jared saying he wants to repair his marriage.
-I am just assuming herr
No. 882200
>>882198Yes, he cheated after being blackmailed and coerced into staying with Heidi.
While cheating is never okay, I think that circumstance in at least understandable.
No. 882202
>>882198Yes, he cheated after being blackmailed and coerced into staying with Heidi.
While cheating is never okay, I think that circumstance in at least understandable.
No. 882204
>>882200They were married, if he really wanted out of it he could have just gotten a divorce. I'll read back in the threads to refresh on it, but from what I remember the "blackmailing" was about his solicitation of nudes. If he didn't want to be outed for it, maybe he shouldn't have asked for them?
There's no sympathy for Jared or Holly, both of them are shitty in this situation. It doesn't matter if you're unhappy in your marriage, you're still a scumbag for cheating.
No. 882209
>>882198Heidi always encouraged Jared to be open about his feelings, even if it was feelings for someone else. She said she was so
stunned by the kinda shit that
Jared said that Holly was saying about her, because, like all of us, she thought Holly was a kind-hearted, understanding person (which is probably why she encouraged it in the first place)
No. 882212
>>882208We don't know exactly how Jared and Holly hooking up came about.
It might have been Jared who seduced Holly, and apparently he and Heidi hadn't sex for several months at that point. He was deprived.
If it was Holly who did it is kind of scummy IMO, but we don't know
No. 882216
>>882210Did she
really want them to fuck, anon? Like, did she explicitly
say that?
All I've seen is her encouraging Jared to tell Holly about his feelings for her.
No. 882219
>>882216Yes, I feel like it was a case of mixed signals.
Which usually ends up killing a relationship despite it being an attempt to fix it.
No. 882225
>>882219Also, she didn't count on Holly wanting Jared
all to herself, & I don't think Jared was counting on that either, considering:
>>882197He either meant it at first, & eventually just let things spiral out of control, or he was just lying to Heidi to keep her suspicions at bay.
My guess is the latter, but we'll probably never know anyway.
No. 882252
>>882147"Doesn't mean he's shitty to all women"
If he's shitty to even just ONE woman, he's a piece of trash. You don't get a hall pass to act like a turd to someone you swore to honor and cherish because someone got you horny.
>>882166"She wouldn't allow it"
You realize that he's a grown man who could have went and filed for divorce anyway, right? Divorce doesn't require both parties to shit and agree to divorce.
> "While poly isn't cheating, it still involves sleeping around"No, it g-ddamn does not. Poly isn't license to fuck whoever you want when your partner expresses discomfort.
>>882200A wife losing her cool after being gaslit by her husband is not "blackmail".
>>882207"Holly came from a broken home"….."Holly felt alone & confused"
Not a
valid excuse to spread your legs for married men while you're married yourself.
No. 882289
>>882252He ghosted Unogirl after sleeping with her, then only started acknowledging her again after she publicly spoke out against him to get her back on his side. So we know he treated at least one female fan as if she’s disposable, gaslighted the hell out of his wife and also lied to his mistress about the state of his marriage. That’s at least three women he’s mistreated, even if not all of them are equally deserving of our sympathy.
>>882262Has Holly spoken out against open relationships? I thought she’d been insinuating that her and Ross had one as well.
Also from what I’ve seen, the Holly and Jared fans who are against open relationships/poly only really seem to have a problem with the part where the woman gets to do it too.
No. 882303
File: 1571513091258.png (59.34 KB, 578x590, unverified.png)

I love these responses.
No. 882305
File: 1571513592175.png (779.92 KB, 1440x1840, Screenshot_20191019-142900~01.…)

I'm sorry but could you imagine having to sit next to the woman who has a fucking pigeon wearing a leash on your plane? Not to mention she's probably talking/cooing to it the whole flight
No. 882309
>>882305This ignorant fuck. "Hilarious they just let you do it lol"
There are people who HAVE to pay extra for service animals and then you have this cunt with a fucking pigeon (which serves literally NO purpose besides shitting and spreading disease)
No. 882312
>>882309>>882305Miss Moneybags can get away with just about
anything scott-free?
How shocking! /s
No. 882339
File: 1571520017350.png (17.33 KB, 226x414, protumblr1.png)

Saw this post on tumblr & now I'm intrigued…
No. 882351
File: 1571521134122.png (87.93 KB, 468x394, projaredonmain.png)

Found this
No. 882357
>>882351>>882352>>882353>>882355>>882356Let the record show that this shit was up on his
main blog in January of 2017. It wasn't all 'kept private/restricted to his nsfw blog' like he & his fans claim.
No. 882378
File: 1571526832093.png (70.54 KB, 584x484, proconnor1.png)

Old milk, but, people say Jared never pressured any of his fans for nudes…
No. 882379
File: 1571526995606.png (36.84 KB, 576x408, proconnor2.png)

>>882378I wonder if Jared will 'reach out' & 'reminisce' with this one & cause them to completely change their stance on him…
No. 882392
File: 1571530321620.png (38.48 KB, 536x522, wotcwut.png)

>"Jared hasn't said he's heard anything from Wizards. In a stream last night Holly said she hasn't either, but isn't giving up."
No. 882395
> "I couldn't keep my eye from gazing down there"Again, how did he NOT know he was sexting with minors because saying "there" instead of just saying "at your dick" or some variant is very much some teenage/minor bullshit.
>>882378But remember, ask his stans - He NEVER asked for nudes!! /s
No. 882397
>"taking a wait and see approach"Wait and see what? Wait and see how many other
victims come forward? Wait and see what stupid shit Hoelly will spew next?
For people who are apparently desperate for DCA to come back, neither one of them are all that careful with the persona they're putting out there right now (Jared "I BEAT CANCEL CULTURE" Knabenbauer and Hoelly "I IGNORE THE CDC BECAUSE FUCK YOU" Conrad)
No. 882402
>>882400The fact that he has already managed to convince just about every small youtuber who made a video AGAINST him to take them down and go back to singing his praises or saying that "it's all a misunderstanding!"
Notice that the only ones who have NOT backed down were the bigger, richer, more powerful youtubers like Philly D and H3H3
No. 882407
>>882402Holly decided to join in & have a go at CreepshowArt & harassed her into deleting her videos too because she didn't want CreepShow 'profiting off' her.
>Notice that the only ones who have NOT backed down were the bigger, richer, more powerful youtubers like Philly D and H3H3THIS.
Jared's stans are
still butthurt because Ethan pretty much said that, all things considered, he's
still a creep for doing what he did.
(I also find it funny that ProJared's stans are actually
shocked that Ethan - a friend of Jontron
isn't too fond of Jared.)
No. 882408
>>882402That’s likely why the unogirl was quick to do a complete 180 with her take on Jared. She was trashing the guy until he reached out and “apologized.”
We already know he put out legal threats against the minors and even Heidi.
No. 882443
>>882422Not every state has the same strong anti-SLAPP laws that Texas does.
That's part of what made Vic's lawsuit targets willing to fight back.
Vic will have to pay their legal fees.
No. 882499
File: 1571554686506.jpg (39.32 KB, 323x424, ojgxxhsel6aucdtanow0-e15052548…)

>>881371I knew that face reminded me of a certain character…
No. 882507
File: 1571558267887.jpg (66.25 KB, 641x800, FB_IMG_1571507748249.jpg)

If only they stayed together and worked it out.
If only Holly was more committed to her husband (Who wouldn't want to be married to a member of the Game Grumps!?).
If only Jared stayed more committed to her wife.
Why couldn't Holly just stay out of other people's marriages.
No. 882510
File: 1571560126673.png (12.44 KB, 772x168, Screenshot_335.png)

The 16th is when Jared made his bullshit "I beat Cancel Culture" tweet - look at the way his follower count went up when he once again mentioned the drama.
Tell me again how he doesn't know what he's doing by dragging out the drama again, PJ2 stans…
No. 882511
File: 1571560982777.jpg (187.48 KB, 569x603, inadifferentworld.jpg)

Bad photoshop I know.
The year is 2040
Jared remnises of a moment some years ago where he got a phone call, a seemingly unimportant call where he was offered a job with Wizards of the Coast. Jared wonders what his life would have been like if he took that gig. Then he looks to his wife and their son Aries and realizes, he made the right choice.
Holly and Ross tried to make it work but it just fell apart in on itself. Holly was insitutionalized and keeps imagining herself talking to birds despite none being in sight.(autistic derail)
No. 882514
>>882510Oh but
Heidi is the one who keeps bringing it up for those 5 mins of fame! /s
No. 882518
>>882510>>882514>jared every five minutes: "remember when everyone hated me for sneaking fan nudes and i survived that"what a hero!
>holly every five minutes: "remember when the internet found out about my scamming, cheating, lying, whoring and being a massive cunt and i survived that"what a paragon of virtue!
>heidi: "i'm still hurting from the years of deception plotted by my own husband"can this vile bitch like shut up for one second jesus christ
No. 882647
>>882518Jared - "So brave! He stood up to the
entire internet hate-mob!
Holly - "So noble! So loyal! She stood by Jared when no one else would!"
Heidi - "She's just a nobody looking for 5 mins of fame! She did this to herself! Maybe if she stopped bitching & was a
better wife to Jared, he wouldn't have left her! (stans cheer)"
No. 882689
File: 1571611625385.png (103.14 KB, 760x582, CupcakeValyrie.png)

This CupcakeValkyrie person seems to be very toxic. They're also the 'totally neutral & unbiased' mod behind that JaredHollyHeiditruth blog on tumblr
I'm surprised ProJared2 is even allowing them to spew shit like this on their subreddit while claiming to 'keep things positive'. Just because they contributed at some point, doesn't mean they have to stay in your circle.
>"All she (Heidi) had to do was be supportive and loving towards Jared. If she couldn't, then all she had to do was leave. Jared was never forcing her to stay"
She was financially dependent on him.
> "Now, if Heidi were a good person. If she were sane, and logical, and reasonable, she would have actually supported him."
She did. She even embraced his lecherous behavior on tumblr.
>"Instead, she's illogical, vindictive, cruel, jealous, narcissistic, and possessive. She abused Jared, was angry that she felt like she was in his shadow because he was more successful than her"
But Holly "Stop calling me Grump-mom!" Conrad isn't anything like that, right?
>"Holly was determined, though, and started getting through to Jared. Started making him realize that Heidi was an abuser."
More like she kept pestering him to get him on her side after colossally fucking it up the first time by talking shit about his wife - he also ratted Holly out immediately, by the way. How trustworthy! /s
>"That's the reason Heidi ultimately forbade Jared from seeing Holly, and that's the reason why, in October, Jared broke up with Heidi. He couldn't divorce her because she was literally holding the career of him friends hostage."
Like you said about Heidi, Jared could have divorced her at any time. He could have even filed for divorce one of the many times he was out of state to avoid facing a bad reaction from Heidi. He did just about everything else behind her back, why stop there?
>"…And mind you, Ross supported the relationship between Holly and Jared. Neither Jared nor Holly cheated on their spouses."
Says Jared. Ross himself never said a single word confirming this, yet you people lose your shit any time someone says they "only feel bad for Ross" in this situation.
Funny how all of these people casually ignore how depressed Ross was last year, especially looking back on some of the things said about they're relationship. He seemed to really want to spend his future with Holly (He even mentioned something about wanting to adopt a child with Holly in one video)
I've even seen people insisting that Ross said it wasn't Holly that he was talking about in Syrmor's video, when all he said was that it was recorded before 'certain events' - referring to the drama.
Sorry for the rant. I'm just so fucking sick of these people yelling at others to "Keep Ross out of it!" when they keep running their mouths with their faulty "Ross confirmed…" statements that are based only on word-of-mouth from Jared (and one of Holly's fans)
(Sage for no new content)
No. 882704
>>882689Fair enough.
May I ask for your opinion on Charlie & Chai and the underage grooming allegations?
No. 882709
>>882689Did she ever even learn what a Temporary Restraining Order is or is she still babbling on about how the TRO proves Heidi is
I swear, these overobsessive fans are the dumbest, most deliberately ignorant fucks this side of Vic Mignogna supporters.
No. 882711
>>882704Charlie's account is spotty at best. I have an easier time believing they're the one that lied, while Chai's account is still up in the air, considering neither they nor Jared seem to remember much regarding their past interactions.
As for any
other underage grooming allegations? I have heard there were others, but they're probably (understandably) scared to come out now after seeing the backlash Charlie & Chai received, & are afraid that no one will take them seriously due to Charlie's dishonesty.
That being said, I don't think Jared
intentionally sought out minors when it came to sending/receiving nudes. I think he was just neglectful when it came to vetting users.
No. 882729
File: 1571618773987.png (24.29 KB, 548x219, CVbreakingrules.png)

>>882704If PJ2 mods are actually serious about being a force of positivity & not sinking to the same level as Jared-haters, then they should
really consider
actually cleaning house.
These kinds of people
do not make you look good.
I don't care that CupcakeValkyrie's blog helped out Jared, their behavior is absolutely
toxic & is the antithesis of what ProJared2 is currently trying to promote.
No. 882753
File: 1571623213155.png (20.11 KB, 534x134, August-4-2018.png)

Old milk, but I found this interesting tidbit; Unogirl confirms that "it was actually August 4th 2018 that Jared started soliciting nudes again on Tumblr."
I don't even know why people bothered to push the "He never asked for nudes!" line in the first place…
No. 882758
File: 1571624591820.png (80.42 KB, 464x742, DidHeidiLieTho.png)

Hold up.
Here's what I don't get, people like Melancholia & Unogirl keep saying Heidi 'lied' because "She said she was not okay with Jared swapping nudes on tumblr but was actually okay with it all along!"
She literally talked about this back on May 8th on Twitter (BEFORE this shit went viral) Did people just not read any of Heidi's tweets & just decide that she lied because they don't like her or some shit?
Somewhere along the line, he started doing shit behind her back when she wanted him to cut it out.
This whole "She lied by omission!" narrative is flimsy as fuck.
No. 882765
File: 1571625826523.png (41.23 KB, 462x374, Melancholiaallegation.png)

>>882758In her updated video, Melancholia said something along the lines of "Heidi lied to me because she said she was
not okay with the nudes blog when she really
was okay with it." Like,
where did she lie though?
Here you are, replying in
the same thread where she admits to approving of the whole nudes thing at first until things got out of hand.
Like, where is the lie? It's all right fucking there. Right before shit went nuclear. Even PJ2 links to these tweets, yet
insist that "Heidi had been lying about
No. 882770
>>882765She managed the blog and personally sent a lot of nudes to Jared and wouldn't be surprised if it went even further then that. She's more then likely in the same boat as Unogirl where it's just delusional fangirling and wanting to be on their good side.
Really unfortunate because back when I followed the blog I actually thought she supported the "body positive" narrative that it "tried" to push.
No. 882772
File: 1571627602961.png (40.72 KB, 582x334, Melancholiaallegation1.png)

>"Jared lied to me about Heidi being okay with the blog,"No bitch.
Heidi literally said,
in the thread that you replied to, that she approved of the nudes blog. at first." She did
not lie to you, she says it right there publicly.
Looks like you slandered her in your video by claiming she 'lied' to you.
No. 882869
File: 1571671417622.png (1.52 MB, 1061x1249, hgwdk54iiax21.png)

Also, why was Holly so hell-bent on trying to hook up with Jared?
Surely it wouldn't be too hard to find some other skinny nerdy guy into D&D, why did she have to go after the one who was married?
No. 882886
File: 1571674643718.png (99.22 KB, 608x462, what.png)

>>882869It can't be just ANY guy you fool, she's "demisexual panromantic", which somehow means she's queer uwu
>demisexual: a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.>panromantic: a person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited by the other's sex or genderOf course her husband did not fall into the "emotional connection" category, and when she was with him she was asexual uwu. Of course she's open to the entirety of the gender spectrum, the only thing that matters is the connection uwu but coincidentally she ruined her marriage to one cishet white man by sleeping with another cishet white man. Odd that didn't she destroy her marriage for Anna or Suzy or Heidi or Jessica or any of the women she had connections with, hm.
>I'm open to ALL foods in the entire world uwu I'm on the foodie spectrum AND the connoisseur spectrum uwu>I'll just have these 2 identical pieces of white bread please, thanks #foodie #connoisseur #LGBTQ #queer #diversity(no shade to Ross in any of this, luv u Ross)
No. 882890
>>882886this has always got me too, holly is absolutely shameless about proclaiming her demisexuality or whatchamacallit when it's clearly defined as "sexual attraction resulting only from emotional connection"
as if it's natural and expected for you to
not have an emotional connection with your fucking husband. jesus christ, if i ever find myself in a marriage like this, i might shoot myself – ross is a saint for putting up with and surviving this catastrophe of a relationship
No. 882897
>>882890Holly's face looks like it was made-in-China.
Not sure why Ross found her attractive anyway.
Not even sure why Holly said yes when he proposed to her since she DID NOT HAVE FEELINGS for him. She just wanted that Game Grumps money and clout.
I just wished that Ross and Heidi hooked up. Heidi made Ross put on the Diath costume, just to spite Jared and Holly.
That would be the ultimate revenge.
No. 882914
File: 1571678267196.png (323.62 KB, 616x1880, what2.png)

>>882886>>882898Holly's sexuality is literally "whatever buzzword someone on twitter says to her". Which in her mind translates to "queer". It's definitely a way for her to justify cheating in her own mind of "it's not cheating because unlike cheaters I did it because I LIKE jared you guys, it's completely different i'm queer" as if emotional/physical connections with people other than your spouse isn't what all cheating is.
She literally "umm actually :)"s her own statement here.
>>882890>as if it's natural and expected for you to not have an emotional connection with your fucking husbandYes, this. I understand it as an identity, but I honestly don't understand the need for married people to constantly publicly proclaim their bi/pan/a/whatever sexuality. It just screams "
Me, look over here at me! Actually I'M oppressed too even though I'm in a same-race cishet marriage and therefore do not face any risk of persecution!". It feels like being warm and safe in a life raft after the Titanic sunk and looking at the people in the water and going "
Even though I'm safe and sound in the life raft ummm actually I identify with the people dying in the water? We're the same, I'm in the ice water too you guys! My life is just as at risk as yours! Obviously I'm not going to jump in the water but I COULD if I wanted to.". But Holly's the worst version of this because it is literally "
Guys it's really hard for me to come out like this but I have to be brave… husband who I've been married to for 6 years? I like him. This defines me as queer" and then all her tumblrinas applaud her bravery and scream "yaaas queen". Ross deserves an award of some sort for putting up with it.
No. 882935
File: 1571681598582.jpg (884.15 KB, 1080x1732, 20191021_131220.jpg)

Guessing the photo wasn't taken recently
No. 882969
>>882967…And yet he
still hasn't gotten his job at NormalBoots back…
No. 882976
>>882969Because Normal Boots is a collective of independent creators, who generally work best on their own.
Hidden Block… exists?
Unlike Game Grumps where Arin needs someone to bounce off because on his own he is pretentious and unfunny.
No. 882982
>>882976According to someone on ProJared2
"Jared straight up said in his Blair Witch playthrough that he is doing everything he can not to do anything the Grumps are doing. There is some obvious beef"
No. 883087
>>883073That might be one of the reasons, though it might be two birds one stone.
As with any marriage, it's a bonus when the one you genuinely love can also provide a utility addition to your life, that being citizenship.
Besides if you go through many of Ross's older social media posts, he was basically infatuated with Holly and put her on a pedestal. Or watch him on stream after he broke up with Holly, he seemed depressed and would get drunk on streams.
No. 883113
File: 1571703318940.png (288.17 KB, 591x539, Capture d’écran 2019-10-22 à…)

No. 883142
>>883073>But there was a lot of rumours in the GG fandom that they married because Ross needed visa to stay in the countryWhat? I'm pretty sure we were all too busy sperging about Arin and Suzy's relationship and the Arin/Jon drama to ever pay attention to Holly or Ross. Outside of that one Reddit post where one person asked if Ross was a citizen and Ross himself responds I don't remember seeing this ever brought up before the scandal.
>and that's why a large part of them did not ask or press her on her story when they announced separation or when the scandal startedThis isn't true either, nobody pressed it because they gave perfectly believable reasons for splitting up and said they were clearly still friends. There was nothing to question.
>Gotta say that this story makes her look in a better side than the restExcept there's zero evidence supporting this? Kinda seems like you're just makin stuff up bud.
No. 883181
File: 1571719048844.png (189.43 KB, 1558x1124, ross.png)

>>882978You guys hear about this Junko Knickerbocker?
>>883073>they married because Ross needed visa to stay in the countryThey got him a green card because he needed a visa? Seems pretty excessive, kek.
>Gotta say that this story makes her look in a better side than the rest.That's probably why we're hearing about it. I'm sure
some people speculated that their marriage was for a green card or citizenship, as
some people are wont to do. If it was substantiated, Jagoff Knickelback wks would have been throwing it around this whole time.
He was a green card holder as of late 2018 (it comes up in conversation around election time,) and finishing up "immigration stuff" 4 years ago. know you're not from the US, but marriage fraud is a really high risk to take on when you're an employable Australian with a shot at an 01.
No. 883431
File: 1571780397061.png (36.57 KB, 595x377, Screenshot_339.png)

and Jared continues with the liking of tweets like this, still not realizing how fucking disgusting it is and that HE SAID ALMOST THE EXACT THING ("mandatory, send nudes")
No. 883573
>>883431>>883464Of course.
And he got away with it, thanks to his creepy new gf & batshit fanbase.
No. 883592
>>883572This goes beyond untrustworthy - They crossed that line real quick when ProPedo told Heidi that he was/had definitely broke it off with Hoelly and then kept getting with her regardless.
This is straight into dangerous territory. Dude is a whole ass predator that's going to keep doing this until there's real ramifications for being a walking human cautionary tale.
No. 883625
File: 1571822431513.png (1.47 MB, 1858x1186, a true asshole.png)

sorry for rehashing old milk, but the context of this
>>881951 photograph was missed.
anyone still confused about hating jared?
No. 883644
File: 1571833603231.png (604.63 KB, 1440x2182, Screenshot_20191023-072335~01.…)

Haven't listened to it yet but I'm glad she's getting out there
No. 883668
File: 1571839010843.jpeg (195.7 KB, 750x965, A2B64C40-FF90-4FC0-A75B-474F6C…)

No. 883701
>>883687I’m pretty sure this is the origin of the infamous Jared dick pic that’s been circulated from the beginning.
later in the twitter thread they remind people how hard it is to get receipts from Snapchat. In her shoes I’d have blocked and deleted too after getting dick pics from him.
No. 883712
File: 1571847589137.jpg (73.59 KB, 530x912, harp.JPG)

Leave him alone you crazy woman, he's tired and won't larp your dumb infidelity story.
No. 883721
>>883712He still follows her on Twitter and @'d her just a few weeks ago, dunno if he still wants to DM for her but they otherwise seem to be on good terms… Because who cares if she's
abusive and manipulative to others, she's never done it to him.
No. 883732
>>883721I don't think Holly is abusing Jared.
Especially if we are to believe Jared abused Heidi, then it's not likely he would let himself be abused by someone else.
Over the weekend he went to PRGE instead of her bird-lover event, because bros before hoes.
He has her dick-whipped with his monster dong, she answers to him not the other way around.
No. 883747
>>883742Holly very clearly is an abuser and has an
abusive personality that she’s never going to try to fix, but Heidi says when she saw the text exchanges between Jared and Holly he was doing the same emotionally dismissive shit he had done to her. She also said how Holly would harass him and suicide bait him into getting him to divorce Heidi.
They’re basically both abusers and
victims of each other. Holly is an emotionally unhinged narc and Jared is an emotionally cold narc.
Only time will tell which of them gets the worse of it in the end. My guess will be Holly because Jared’s supporters hate women, even though Holly is a piece of shit and deserves hate.
No. 883754
>>883747I don't think anyone deserves abuse per say, but fuck me sideways if Holly doesn't need one hell of a reality check that people aren't supporting HER - they're just taking the first opportunity to shit on a woman who dared speak up and say something negative about a man.
Your faux gamerboy fans aren't going to protect you when shit hits the fan again, Holly and ProDick? He'll throw your ass to the wolves himself.
No. 883761
>>883747Holly isn't neccesarily the reason they divorced.
Jared suggested breaking up in October, they didn't.
November, Heidi stops sleeping in Jared's bed. Her choice.
They were no longer a couple in February, no divorce.
In April is when Heidi discovered the cheating and pedophilia allegations, and then she kicked him out of the house and supposedly they hadn't seen each other in person since.
Holly was a contributing factor but saying she is the only reason is giving her far too much credit.
Just like saying Heidi cancelled Jared when it was mainly C&C, Heidi just got the ball rolling.
No. 883792
>>883785before you start daydreaming them having been living in one of
those states, keep in mind that the law there does not discriminate between "consenting adultery" (polyamorous relationships) and "non-consenting adultery" (cheating). Heidi having admitted in public that she had multiple sexual female partners since being married for Jared would have granted her in the same criminal trouble as him. Likely why they weren't living in
those states, or lived in the past, or got married in them.
No. 883814
>>883783Actually, in a lot of states, it does and would give Heidi grounds for an "alienation of affection" case. Unfortunately, Washington is a state that doesn't go by that.
>>883792You care to share where you heard she had "multiple sexual female" partners? As far as either of them has said, it was ONE partner and it was a long distance relationship that had no physical contact.
Jared with Holly was close, physical contact to the point that Holly moved to Washington from LA to be closer to him.
No. 883818
>>883777ngl it’s really stupid how some people on here are obsessed with the divorce being finalized.
what jared and holly did is shitty and lawyers can use how someone acts during separation before the divorce is finalized to leverage for their client to get a better deal but outside of that it doesn’t matter.
No. 883820
File: 1571864137305.png (102.33 KB, 594x454, Heidi_is_lucky.png)

>>883814"I've slept with
women since then."
Sorry, anon, but on this point it is clear that Heidi admitted repeatedly and way prior the scandal and the decline of their marriage, that she had other sexual relationships than Jared. Might not have been serious ones but the law doesn't differentiate that much. Also, "grounds for divorce" is not "criminal offense", but I guess you are one of the few here that doesn't have PhD in Law.
No. 883877
>>883819That he condoned. If he didn't want her to sleep with other women, he could have said so - but apparently didn't (I don't see Heidi as the type who would've continued to do so at the risk of her marriage).
Relationships that her husband okayed are NOT on the same playing field as Jared fucking the ONE PERSON that Heidi asked him not to.
>>883821I never said she needed grounds for divorce - I meant as a case against Holly. It wouldn't be the first time that a wife sued the mistress for being the cause of a relationship splitting up.
No. 883886
File: 1571870404947.jpg (402.93 KB, 1836x1836, IMG_20191023_174018.jpg)

>>883814pretty close contact
No. 883890
>>883886Wow, one person kissing another's cheek!
gaspThat's definitely on par with Jared fucking Holly, and exchanging texts talking about fucking each other (and in what positions) in their costumes! /s
You can go back to PJ2 now
No. 883892
File: 1571871235350.jpeg (187.89 KB, 750x1076, 5C098D4C-B647-4DA8-9D60-180053…)

Just for a non-pigeon related breather: Jon got married.
No. 883893
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>>883892Of course pigeon dick had something to say
No. 883906
>>883898It's called a conversation, pal. Sexual fantasies over a voice chat are different than MOVING SEVERAL STATES TO BE WITH YOUR FUCK BUDDY.
>>883905When did he ask her not to do so again?
No. 883908
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>>881371Also why is Scott the Woz not in the description?
He is the one behind everything don't you know
No. 883909
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>>883893Yeah gotta say hate Jared as much as the next guy, but "Congrats" isn't really a controversial statement….unless I guess it's to a controversial person like Jon. I don't know what the rules are anymore. Though that does make it seem like he probably wasn't invited. Were they even that close? I guess they're both "shitbrains who got kicked out of NormalBoots for being controversial fuckups"
>>883897Well, Suzy's mom did die recently, they could be traveling/busy with that. Or they coulda sent a card or something, I don't necessarily take this as a strike against them, especially considering Jon's history. (Also Suzy really looks like her mom huh)
No. 883911
>>883909Even if Jared was invited, he probably wouldn't go.
He would still have to pay his own travel expenses, which he probably can. But being there in the wedding environment, it would probably be too depressing for him after how his own marriage ended.
No. 883912
>>883911"Too depressing for him"
Yeah, how dare these people (one of whom he tried to cancel) have a huge life event when ProDick's life is in shambles?
No. 883915
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>>883912>>883911It'd probably be too depressing for him because none of their mutual friends would want anything to do with him if forced to be in the same room. I mean, who cares they both suck. Jared already gave Jon the greatest wedding gift of his life by taking the "Most controversial member of NormalBoots" title over from him.
No. 883924
>>883920>>883922I doubt Arin would be upset about not being invited.
Especially since he said he can't be associate with him anymore. I am sure he'd probably go if he had the time and interest and was invited of course.
No. 883933
>>883916Don't think they are completely enemies since Jon doesn't have him blocked.
Jared was just showing support to an old friend, I don't think he really expects anything in return.
No. 883940
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>>883922>>883920Well, someone made a thread with this pic in /pt/, but if this was a real tweet it's gone now. But I also don't really trust this level of autism
>>>/pt/721749>>883926Calm down, Jon's still a racist cow, at least learn to sage your whiteknighting.
No. 883941
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>>883940Not hard to fake at all
No. 883950
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>>883941>>883944Yeah, unclear but I also don't really understand why Arin would care? Are they even on good terms? Even if he did care, would he really care enough to be publicly butthurt on Twitter?
>>883933>Jared was just showing support to an old friend, I don't think he really expects anything in return.>an old friendI mean, he didn't show support to an "old friend" when he was the one in the hot seat, because it benefitted Jared to immediately disavow Jon so he could keep his
uwu woke status. Don't get me wrong, that was the right thing to do, they're both awful but I can't imagine they'd be "friends" after that. If you look at Jon's twitter likes he's liked numerous tweets of people congratulating him, but not Jared's. Their fans are just as delusional apparently though.
Also how does Jon have 3.5 M followers on Twitter? Arin has 1.1 M, did I miss something where Jon became insanely popular and everyone forgot about the racism?
>>883944>but I do think it's suspect he didn't bother wishing Jon wellWhy is this suspect though? Not everything has to be a public declaration, who's to say he didn't just call him or something.
No. 883975
>>883950They're on cordial terms and follow each other on social media.
>>883962Damn, what'd his wife do to you anon?
No. 883978
>>883906Bro it was sarcasm.
There is a clear and distinct difference that the PJtard didn’t understand. Consensual vs boundary-breaking conversations.
No. 883980
>>883974I mean, fucking a wrinkly and jaundiced bird hag is
I GUESS interesting to some niche people.
No. 883989
>>883933Again, you can't really say "He's an old friend!" when Jared tried as hard to burn him as he did.
> "More interesting sex life"Dipping your dick in the endless well of crazy that is Holly Conrad isn't "interesting" - It's career suicide.
No. 884010
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>>883989Well Jared is a bit of a nutcase himself.
Heidi, Jared and Holly all have mental problems. Heidi is just the most physically attractive of the holy trinity.
No. 884015
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>>884002here's another one
No. 884022
>>883893Good that Jared being in the replies will give Jon incentive for what
not to do in a marriage.
No. 884026
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No. 884030
>PhD in LawTopkek anon, thanks! Not that you're wrong about your actual point.
>>883892Disgusting. Interesting to see Jared feeling comfortable rearing his ugly head, though.
and basic ethics, thank you anon!
No. 884042
>>884039he's not, at all. he's just jerking himself off to the fact that he can now openly ask people to send him tit pics because the internet seems to have given him a free pass for it
>>884027oh fuck off. i was just wondering what jared did this time around (if he did anything).
some anons in here jfc
No. 884055
>>884048i mean, i think of it too, but then i recall just how much dirt heidi has spilled on this douchebag and he
still managed to twist the narrative into "poor tortured man cannibalized by demon bitch wife". i wonder just how much of a chance holly will have standing against him…
then again this time more than half his battle was fought by this dickblinded moron, he might feel the lack of such singleminded devotion very sorely when they have that falling out
No. 884064
>>884042Anon's just being a turd, don't worry about it.
>>884046And when that inevitably happens, the milk and karma will be good.
No. 884099
>>884094If you read most recent kiwiframs thread, they took a break on shit talking Heidi and started shitting on Holly again (also finding out she scammed cancer patients).
From their own posts, Jared is just a poor beta who can't say no to these evil manipulative harpies known as women. So they will definitely come to defend him again
PJ2 on the other hand, seems to consist of projared incels and autistic Strix fans. So if Holly starts shitting on him, it's probably gonna cause a civil war on there too.
No. 884180
>>884134Heidi wouldn't give Holly the time of day beyond a "See? I fuckin' told you he was awful", especially after Holly spent the better part of a year screaming about what an
abusive whore Heidi apparently is.
No. 884443
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>>884099>>884108>>884110They are complete creeps as well.
No. 884446
>>884443KiwiFarms being full of raging incels who are pissed at the world with literally nothing being off limits is nothing new, Anon.
You think we're bad here? This place is a fucking kindergarten classroom at naptime compared to KF.
Regardless, they need to leave Nulyu the fuck alone. Harassing him isn't going to magically make him release some secret side to the story.
No. 884451
>>884046I'm banking on this eventuality hitting sooner rather than later, seeing as it doesn't look like DCA is ever gonna come back with jared, which would also be the end of strix and diath. Without diath, jared is just… jared.
Suddenly his abnormally large head and elongated fourth grader body won't seem so magical in her eyes.
No. 884497
>>884483Supposedly Jared saw PJThrowAway23 in March 2018 during EGLX.
and supposedly Heidi approved of an encounter.
No. 884535
>>884508Jared said "homewrecker" is an antiquated term. Okay fair enough maybe.
Still makes you a fucking shitty person. Unless they are your family just stay out other people's relationships,
abusive or not.
No. 884634
but Jared and Holly saw each other another time before October 2018 Heidi saw Nulyu again aswell No. 884669
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Also the closest thing to Holly and Ross having any sort of non-platonic contact, even then I think kissing is as far as it went
No. 884705
>>8846906 years of marriage and he was basically friend-zoned for the entirety of it.
I can see why Ross is being more stubborn in their divorce proceedings.
No. 884724
>>884462>>884464Stop trying to equate the two, it's not that difficult to comprehend.
>Bad looks, Good personality = fine>Bad looks, Bad personality = fair game for ridicule because you have no redeeming qualitiesHolly's the clown here because when Heidi and Jared got together, as far as she knew she was marrying a good dude with a good personality. When Holly and Jared got together it was because she chose to be a terrible person with another person who was choosing to be terrible. It's the same reason we mock Holly's looks, but we don't mock Ross for being with her because again as far as he knew he chose someone with redeeming qualities.
No. 884735
>>884690PJ2 stans seem to believe Ross encouraged Holly+Jared.
I don't believe this is true, but IF it is then…
I would imagine Ross really just wanted Holly to be with anyone else but him, just to get rid of her.
No. 884777
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I love that her bio says "maker of @trashcoven", once again her taking credit for something that she did MINIMAL work on (Kayla does the vast majority of the marketing and shit)
No. 884781
>>884462Do you know where you are, anon? It's nothing new. We talk about cows' appearances all the time. Cows are cows, but it's especially more funny when they're ugly cows who think they're the best looking things to ever grace the planet.
>>884517This. They're both ugly as hell but love the smell of their own shit which is why people bring up their looks so much.
>>884777>medievalistDidn't this bitch complain when she went to Ireland or some shit because they weren't playing the stereotypical medieval music?
No. 884815
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>>884634I thought Holly took a shower but apparently this is someone else. :/
No. 884914
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Heidi and Ross should have totally should have got together really and left their rat faced backstabbing spouses behind.
No. 884917
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>>884692>>884690this bird has probably got more action with Holly than Ross ever did.
No. 885033
>" I believe it was just when in-character or related to the D&D stuff"
So, when Hoelly was texting Jared about all of the sexual positions she wanted while in their costumes, that was just them "in-character"?
That still doesn't make it okay to say/do when you're both married to other people and your spouse has specifically asked you NOT to do it with that person.
>"Holly was trying to help a friend out of abuse, sure"
Again, this is bullshit. Holly admitted to Heidi that she called her abusive because she was mad that Heidi yelled at her, not because she actually thought she WAS abusive.
>"Understandably angry, but also a pointless thing to say."
How is it pointless for a wife to tell her husband's mistress to knock off her pursuit of a relationship because she wanted her husband to think of HER, not the mistress, while she was having sex with him?
>"Holly and Jared see each other a few times between February and October for DCA games."
And all of the "after therapy fuck sessions" that Heidi mentioned - but hey, let's pretend Hoelly and Jared's sweet and innocent, amirite?
>" Jared "makes several attempts to leave"
Then he should have left - no "attempts". If he's as miserable as he claims he was, you pack your shit and you leave - You don't ask for your wife's permission first.
>" Heidi gave him, stress, paranoia, and headaches"
Yes, how dare she ask her husband to be faithful and bang literally ANYONE but Hoelly Conrad? WHAT A BITCH, CAUSING HIM NOTHING BUT STRESS!!! /s
No. 885107
>>885033"Jared should have just left"
Okay Heidi probably should have "just left" all the times Jared mistreated her too then.
No. 885115
>>885107This is the dumbest pissing contest istg. You're comparing two people who were at different points mentally and emotionally. It just doesn't work and I would like to remind you that marriage is not a long term relationship where you can just call it quits once your partner pisses you off enough. It is legally binding and even with a dissolution costs a pretty penny. I wish people would start to actually register that (Jared included).
Jared would of been the one out of the two who should of picked his balls up and left if he was so unhappy. He is the one proclaiming that he supposedly wanted to leave in October but wouldn't because he was going to be outed for being a cheat, etc. Heidi even with how uncomfortable she was being made still wanted to work things out in October. If Jared was genuinely serious and unhappy with his marriage he shouldn't of cheated first, and he shouldn't have sat around giving his wife mixed signals like sleeping next to her, kissing her on New Years and promising the following year would be better, etc.
In Heidi's case she has stated that marriage was important and something to be worked on. She wasn't completely unwilling to work on things and try to better their relationship until it became clear Jared was not going to try and was doing anything he could to call it quits. In her case as well she was being gaslit. The thing about being gaslit is that you don't know how bad you have it until it all basically gets put on the table. So it doesn't make sense why she who actually values marriage and was willing to work on it would be the one to just be like "lol kthxbai".
No. 885118
>>885107Doesn't work that way, Heidi was the helpless
victim mindlessly in love, she had no free will. - Some whiteknight probably.
You're right though.
No. 885143
>>885107Here's the difference:
Jared was abused by Heidi saying "Don't fuck that one specific person, I don't care if you fuck other women though"
Heidi was abused when Jared spent MONTHS gaslighting her ("You accusing me hurts ME that you don't trust me!" while he was actively cheating on her) and fucking other women while keeping her financially dependent on him and threatening her (including the classic "If you go to that con, I'll divorce you")
Heidi wasn't perfect in all of this by any stretch of the word, but you're comparing apples and oranges.
No. 885177
>>885118lol I am not a white knight.
the whiteknights are the beta neckbeards who are always commenting under Heidi's photos calling her the most "beautiful and pretty woman in the world" who act sympathetic thinking that defending her on social media is a one way ticket to her pussy.
I certainly have no sexual interest in men, and wouldn't go anywhere near Holly even if I was paid
No. 885205
Heidi would not accept the break-up from Jared.
But Jared was also too weak to put his foot down, sign the divorce papers and kick Heidi out.
My guess, too much sympathy on part of Jared. The hardest choices require the strongest wills, and his will wasn't very strong.
He was giving Heidi time to find a career, build stable income and move out on her own.
But with the lingering emotions they had for each other, this ended up not being practical.
No. 885218
>"It sounds like she didn't want to accept what he was saying"Or maybe she thought "I swore 'through good times and bad' and I meant it". After all, if Jared wanted a divorce so fucking bad, he could have filed back when he first started saying "I want a divorce".
A divorce does not require the husband AND wife to agree before filing - Heidi could NOT force him to stay in a marriage if he wanted out that badly. Instead of spending months agreeing to try counseling and trying to make it work, he could have just as easily went down to the courthouse and filed the fucking papers himself (or gotten a lawyer to do it for him).
>"Heidi would not accept the break-up from Jared"Because he blustered on about wanting a divorce, and then would agree to try and make things work. If he TRULY wanted to break up, why did he wait until May 2019 to file? And before yall throw up the "She threatened to ruin his career!", I'd say the whole "running 7 porn blogs and receiving nudes from minors and fucking other fans at cons" is what ruined his career, not Heidi pointing out that he can't keep his weird worm dick in his pants.
No. 885251
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>>885143-Jared wouldn't let Heidi go to Twitch Con
No. 885253
>>885201Then why didn't he just leave? I don't understand this narrative you're spinning at all.
>>885205anon that's not how marriage works lmao. But yeah Jared is just too much of a nice boi that was the problem. It wasn't that he was fucking a married woman behind her back. Heidi is just too mean.
No. 885260
>>885253fucking another woman who was and I believe still is legally married to Ross O'Donovan, but at the very least were legally seperated and for all intents and purposes, no longer a romantic couple.
Jared and Heidi are in seperate houses, but definitely are no longer a romantic couple or even friends in any sort of capacity, so I don't think it's possible for them to cheat on each other at this point.
No. 885273
>>885251Exactly. Anyone who says "If you go to this con, I'll divorce you" and actually means it, is an asshole. She's not property - She should've been able to go to something she was interested in (where he would also be, btw) without fear of losing her marriage over it.
>"were legally seperated and for all intents and purposes, no longer a romantic couple"It literally does not matter if Hoelly was separated from Ross or not. Heidi was NOT separated from Jared and she said "I'm not comfortable with you fucking Holly", Jared said "I won't" and then proceeded to pursue a relationship anyway.
>"I don't think it's possible for them to cheat on each other at this point"Until that divorce is finalized, that shit is cheating. It doesn't matter since Washington is a no-fault state, but it's still a skeezy thing for a guy who said "I never cheated on my wife!" to so openly flaunt the fact that he's still technically cheating on his legal wife.
No. 885295
>>885273It's tasteless but at this point everyone knows about his affair and it'd be even stupider for him to bother and hide it (also Holly would probably sperg out about being a secret still). It's not like Heidi wants his sorry ass back, anyway. They may not be divorced but they're officially separated with divorce proceedings underway. Their relationship is over and it'd be dumb for either of them to keep up pretenses while waiting for it to be finalized.
Besides, Ross has been openly dating his new gf for months and he won't even sign his divorce papers kek.
No. 885297
>>885295Friend, Ross' divorce was finalized last month finally.
Also, I'm not suggesting that they pretend like they're still a couple, but Jared could at least not publicly rub his relationship with his mistress in everyone's face until their shitshow is finalized (and chances are, by then, he'll be bored and fucking the next unogirl and have ditched Holly)
No. 885300
>>884462Nah she was high key out of his league; but (without the knowledge that he would someday be a cheating pedo skeezebag) he might have had some redeeming personality qualities that evened the field for her.
Holly on the other hand has seen all the ugly personality traits first hand, the cheating, and the pedo shenanigans and STILL wants that worm d. But then again, she ISN'T out of his league. They're both in the same league at the mid-bottom tier of the barrel. (One slightly elevated from bottom tier by money, the other by popularity)
No. 885377
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>>885300Earliest photo together I believe.
Still way out of his league.
My guess how it wrong.
2011-They meet and begin dating
2014-They get married
2015-Just one year later, Jared starts trading nudes with fans. He was starting to get bored of Heidi.
2017-Heidi is the one who initiates polyamory, as for exact reason why, that is unclear, neither side really explained why.
2018-Holly happened
2019-Broken Marriage out of ten
My personal theory is that Jared snorts crack. It's how he able to keep up that "ProJared" energy for so long at con panels, but it also made him stupid enough to take a huge downgrade with Holly.
Heidi may have not be perfect, but Holly is way worse.
My guess, Holly was and is just easy sex and is willing to do the more crazy moves.
No. 885383
>>885377>2015-Just one year later, Jared starts trading nudes with fans. He was starting to get bored of Heidi.You almost had a good timeline going, almost. People don't trade nudes because of boredom just like most (normal) people don't send them outta boredom.
>My guess, Holly was and is just easy sex and is willing to do the more crazy moves.This is why a lot of women leave/cheat on men too, generally a guy willing to do more. So this sounds like the main reason.
No. 885445
>>885440This is usually the case, especially if you open things up/consent to it. Like there's LITERALLY a definition for people "spicing things up" with outside people lol.
Which some people like:
>>885410 anon clearly doesn't understand.
I personally don't see it right, but I just find it odd "boredom" would be the
trigger, especially barely a year later? Nudes is literally a social thing at this point (especially around the height of snap's popularity) it's just something people do and trading nudes was clearly agreed to by both of them. Even Heidi admits it, so her white knights can't try to deny Jared was alone in the decision making.
No. 885449
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Arin so so fucking insufferable
No. 885453
>>885445>>885440Jared said it was an
"unhealthy attempt to solve deeper issues that developed within our marriage".
and that "whether to make her own actions feel justified or because she genuinely believed it would help me build self-esteem, Heidi suggested that I engage with other women".
Heidi in a text log with one her friends said that Jared did have some self-esteem issues, after all he had a toothpick body figure so I can see why. But that's his fault, use your youtube money to get a gym membership or some weights. Ross makes time to work out don't see why Jared can't.
I do feel like Jared was also insecure about Heidi being out of his league. Jared was paranoid about any interactions she had with other men.
But unlike Heidi who also seemed to be insecure, tried to micromanage and dictate Jared's interactions. While Jared just proceeded to get more and more distant "stone-walling" as Heidi calls it, as she proceeded to date other guys during the time they were polyamorous. Distant from Heidi while getting closer to Holly, which is when the Feb'18 disaster happened.
Then between Feb18-Oct18 is kind of a vacuum and we don't have much insight to.
Heidi says Jared wouldn't talk to Heidi about problems they were having.
Jared said she "continued to have relationships with other partners".
Did she though? No tangible proof, but that might just be Jared's insecurities and that's what he believed.
No. 885457
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>>885449this author contradicts himself all the damn time. He complains about gameplay, but then that games shouldn't have story and only have gameplay. Well what do you fucking want, then? Stop playing videogames.
And of course Arin defends the nitpicker who is never satisfied because it probably mirrors how he's so grumpy all the time about games, because he's also bad at them.
UGG is this harmless, well priced indie game that's made everyone genuinely have fun and be happy for the short duration of it. For myself, other youtubers and personal friends, it didn't shove instructions down your throat, it gave you creative ways to do tasks, and it's aesthetically pleasant with clean visuals and nice music.
I mean yes Arin is entitled to an opinion but we are also entitled to ignore it.
No. 885460
>>885453Well, we know Jared fucked unogirl at a con in March 2018 and apparently Heidi was unaware though Jared insists Heidi was aware of and encourage all interactions he had with other women.
I just find it hilarious that this happened after his feelings talk with Holly so he clearly doesn’t give a shit and will get his dick wet at any opportunity.
Jared is nothing but a user. He used Heidi, he used the fans he solicited for nudes and sex, and it’s likely he’s using Holly and already has someone on the back burner.
No. 885461
>>885449Shitty Gamer Takes is a cow on her own, but holy fuck Arin… Why do you even play video games? Or have a YouTube based on playing video games? Sure, it's a chore for
you because you chose to rely on playing games as your primary source of income, but for everyone else it's not lol. Get a job, Arin.
No. 885462
>>885461Holly abused Ross for years so any emotional harm she receives now is karma.
and dating isn't committment though. Being married and sharing a house is different.
No. 885463
>>885460Also I am fairly certain that UnoGirl or PJThrowAway23 doesn't even exist.
Jared never mentioned her in YBLT.
Heidi never mentioned unogirl in her stream.
No. 885464
>>885445lol you're obviously a man because of
>>885383 post. anon saying jared was bored refers to heidi, not that he was bored on his day off or something and decided to take up nudes as a hobby. then you said right after that he was fucking holly cause he was bored with heidi sexually.
No. 885466
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>>885463Heidi acknowledged the reddit thread so it’s not something that was made up during the height of the drama. This was also discussed months ago.
There were also a bunch of gross, but thankfully censored Jared nudes that uno girl released when she spoke out against Jared.
Unogirl wasn’t mentioned in the video or stream because she’s irrelevant in the scheme of things.
No. 885491
>>885440Heidi directed friends at first when she thought it was just consenting adults - not when she thought he was having sexual conversations with those who apparently piqued his sexual interest.
>"Trading nudes was clearly agreed to….can't try to deny Jared was alone in the decision making"There's a difference between running a body positivity blog, and soliciting nudes for your own personal use and then carrying on into sexual-based conversations with your fans.
>"Jared said…"Let me stop you there. Anything Jared says can't really be trusted at this point, since he's shown that he will lie whenever necessary to cover his own ass - be it to his wife, to Holly, to his fans.
>"Whether to make her own actions feel justified"Or maybe she knew Jared was already fucking around and thought that if she reframed it as poly and that she was okaying it, it would be easier to tolerate and less likely that Jared would bail on their marriage.
>"Jared was paranoid about any….with other men"Then he should've been more understanding about Heidi's suspicions with him and Holly (after all, her suspicions turned out to be true).
>"Unlike Heidi….who tried to micromanage and dictate Jared's interactions"You mean like ProDick did when he told Heidi that if she went to TwitchCon he'd divorce her?
No. 885670
>"That's how Jared flipped her to change her story"That or he slapped her with a lawsuit like everyone in the free world knows he did with all of the smaller youtubers who made videos against him (that were all "mysteriously" taken down with a roughly 48 hours time period)
>"When Heidi commented about Uno's clarification she just said "I don't owe her my story" and didn't deny it."Nor should she have to 'deny' rumors of her husband being unable to keep it in his fucking pants. I think Heidi may have given him the go ahead to sleep with unogirl - but the sheer amount of fans he was sexting with over snapchat and on tumblr went way above and beyond what she thought.
No. 885683
>>885670Well, 48 hours after he posted his own video to be fair. Their videos were up for 3 months. And Uno girl said herself the reason she turned around is because Heidi left her to think he cheated with her and then Jared showed her some proof so she went all reverse on Heidi (yeah, sorry for the terrible pun there) and was like defending him on PJ2 and all every time someone will bring her up.
Also, again for all the fellow PhDs in Law - you shouldn't be afraid of a lawsuit if you have said the truth cause that's the ultimate protection vs slander and libel.
No. 885685
>"Their videos were up for 3 months"Exactly. Videos that were up for 3 months all suddenly came down within 48 hours of each other? Is that NOT suspicious to you?
>-insert your mention of unogirl here-Unogirl mentioned in her first post that she was head-over-heels that he would pay attention to her in the first place and that it hurt when he cut off contact (which Heidi said he did to her, and was doing to holly). He could have told her that Santa Clause approved the relationship and unogirl probably would've bought it.
>"You shouldn't be afraid of a lawsuit if you have said the truth cause that's the ultimate protection"Yeah? Is it going to protect the person from the THOUSANDS of dollars that it takes to fight a court case? Hell, when it cossts a few hundred dollars for a 60 minute consultation, that money racks up fast.
No. 885688
>>885685Keep in mind Jared at the time had no income and 50% of his assets are going to Heidi and she said it will last her
only for a year, I seriously doubt that he is that loaded. If you file a lawsuit against someone, you have to pay the original fee to the court entirely on your own, right. And again, why not in the previous months. I'm tinfoiling here, fam, but seems way more likely most of these youtubers were shamed for not reaching out to him (that's what he accused them of, right) in first place. Like Franco's fans started doing by asking for a response? He was easy pickings when he wasn't replying and was mute to the world.
No. 885693
>>885688Jared might not be loaded, but his new dumber-than-a-box-of-rocks mistress is flush with her grandpa's inheritance. Seeing how as she sacrificed her reputation for wormdick, I don't doubt for a second that she'd pay for a lawyer/lawsuits in Jared's defense.
>"seems way more likely most of these youtubers were shamed for not reaching out to him"Nah, the only ones he accused of not reaching out were H3H3 and Philly D, ironically both of whom still have their videos on Jared on their channels - mayhaps because they're bigger channels that Jared can't scare into submission?
>"He was easy pickings when he wasn't replying and was mute"Dude was easy pickings because he's a fucking idiot and because his mistress can't leave her mouth shut for more than two seconds at a time.
No. 885709
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>>885670>>885685first amendment is a thing, Jared can't force anyone to take down shit
>>885693um the biggest YouTuber of them all did not take down his videos about ProJared and kind of defended him but was mostly nuetral about it. No. 885729
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>>885693Bowblax, a relatively small drama channel but still gets raised eyebrows from the likes of Keemstar, has not taken his ProJared videos down, and he was pretty aggressive to him
No. 885903
>"Jared can't force anyone to take down shit"Yeah, he can actually. Like other anon said, first amendment just means that you can say whatever you want (within reason) - It doesn't mean that there won't be ramifications for it.
>"The biggest YouTuber of them all did not take down"You can't use a dude who regularly caters to his white supremacist fanbase as a good example. PewDiePie is a shit example of "WELL THIS GUY DIDN'T TAKE HIS VIDEO DOWN AND HE DEFENDED JARED!"
Someone who is essentially a nazi isn't exactly a great reference.
>"Still gets raised eyebrows from the likes of Keemstar"You mean the dude who has been pro-projared since the beginning, calling Heidi a whore repeatedly? Of course Jared didn't go after the dude who's on his side.
>>885741You're right - 48 hours was an exaggeration, but they DID all start coming down insanely fast and all within roughly the same time frame.
No. 885951
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Holly's been plotting to destroy their marriage for the past 6 years, talk about persistence.
No. 885975
>>885951I wouldn't necessarily say she was plotting, but I think she's been a legitimately terrible human being for a long time.
>"he met Holly like twice and that he doesn't believe she'd be capable of this"I mean, in all fairness, Heidi straight up lived with Holly for awhile (iirc) and didn't think she was capable of this.
No. 885976
>>885962everyone hid something at first.
Holly was stupid to draw any attention to herself, trying to use her clout to shut up Heidi before things got big. Thinking fame would be on her side, when Heidi has the power of beauty charisma as well as thousands of thirsty whiteknight betas on her side.
Heidi hid polyamory at first because she knew people would not be as sympathetic if they knew she was dating other men during the time of her marriage. To the general non-tumblr types, polyamory is just cheating with permission. But I have my opinions on poly, you can have yours, personally I have no interest in it.
Jared hid the details of why they were divorcing, but at the end of the day marriage is the number#1 cause of divorce.
He could have been honest from the start "We are getting divorced because I cheated on my wife and she found out", then it'd seem like he is bragging about it.
I think everyone made mistakes here, the biggest was any of them making any sort of public posts. Sure they may have good intentions, but when you start a war, there will be destruction.
No. 885980
>"Heidi hid polyamory at first because she knew people would not be as sympathetic if they knew she was dating other men during the time of her marriage."No, Heidi hid the poly because that has no baring on the fact that Jared went and fucked someone that he explicitly told Heidi that he wouldn't….oh, and that someone happened to be married to someone else herself who ran in the same social circles.
>"Polyamory is just cheating with permission"Except it's not, and that successful poly relationships are a lot more complicated and are NOT the get-out-of-jail bang-who-you-want card that Jared and his stans are trying to make them out to be.
>"Jared hid the details of why they were divorcing"And straight up made it out to be a mutual parting, when it is anything but. It doesn't help that within minutes of him posting it on twitter, his mistress went and publicly put her two cents "I'm here if you need me, I'm sorry you're going through this even though I've been wanting yall to split since at least December" post.
>"I think everyone made mistakes here, the biggest was any of them making any sort of public posts"I don't know, I think Jared's TRUE downfall was the shit he tried to get away with in private i.e. the seven nudes blogs and fucking fans at cons.
No. 885982
Asking your partner to be polyamorous is this.
"You aren't good enough, you can only fulfill some of my needs and I need someone else to fulfill the rest of my needs".
Isn't that the reason people cheat, because their primary partner just isn't enough?
No. 885995
>>885975>I wouldn't necessarily say she was plotting, but I think she's been a legitimately terrible human being for a long time.If Holly goes to prison for all the sick and twisted shit she did (both related and unrelated to marriages) that would be bittersweet.
Either that or wrapped in rubber and locked in a padded cell.
Just lock her up.
No. 886032
>>886022That may be true.
But Heidi's own lack of transparency throughout the scandal, omitting information that would put more blame on herself, never talking about her own extramartial relationships during her stream, contradicting herself multiple times, and being caught lying makes me doubt that communication and transparency was a courtesy she always provided Jared with during their marriage.
That is speculation though! We have proof Jared did in fact lie to and gaslit Heidi for months. Did Heidi ever extend that courtesy to Jared at some point? We don't know for sure.
In any case it's best for both of them that the relationship is over now.
Although I do miss the good old days seeing them in photos and videos together where they looked so happy together. But usually when couples make out their relationship to be that way on social media it's because behind closed doors it's usually the opposite.
No. 886065
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last social media interaction, welp
No. 886075
>"Heidi's own lack of transparency"What lack? The fact that she didn't mention that they were poly which is no one's business because what Jared was doing in fucking Holly was NOT poly?
>"Never talking about her own extramarital relationships"Maybe because it doesn't matter. Jared clearly condoned her having a LDR with this other person, which is what happens in a poly situation. Fucking someone your wife has explicitly said "Hey, please don't" isn't the same as having a relationship with someone that your husband is apparently okay with.
>>886062Probably because, at first, it was a harmless in character relationship. When they made it a real life deal, that crossed several lines.
>>886065Ironic. ProPedo is the epitome of Small Dick Energy™
No. 886087
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>>886075Everything that happened between Jared and Holly
Whatever happened between Heidi and her partners
-Doesn't matter not relevant, she can take as many Ds from other guys as she wants as long as Jared approves (which is fault on him as well)
>>886075I accidently deleted.
So she supported it at first. in her own stream she says she was [[trying]] to be supportive, but was actually uncomfortable with it. Maybe don't pretend to support something you are against?
Then she gives them space to talk in private and then flips shit the next day because she doesn't know what happened.
Hindsight is 2020 of course. But maybe she should have just, talked with them? She also mentions in her stream that Holly was like
maybe violating Ross's boundaries.
I feel like the conversation that happened that night should have been the three of them together, or maybe wait until all FOUR of them got together to talk.
Transparency and Privacy are opposites, don't offer complete privacy and then expect complete transparency.
Why didn't Heidi ever speak to Ross once? She doesn't confirm or deny directly speaking to him about this. She complains in her stream about "They aren't clearing this with all parties", even though she didn't even communicate to Holly's spouse. Maybe she felt it wasn't her responsibility, though it would be curteous nonetheless.
My guess is that she thought if she did tell Ross herself then Holly and Ross would break up and then it would bring Holly closer to Jared, which is what eventually happened.
So who is at fault?
All of them, except Ross.
Open Relationships and love triangles almost always end in disaster, monogamy is the best way to go, Heidi said it herself., whatever the intention may be, will always consequences. The only one who basically did nothing was Ross. He won the game by just not playing. In that same spirit, so will I.
No. 886092
>>886075>>886087Don't get me wrong. Hoelly Cuntrad is pretty at fault here too, mental health doesn't excuse her shitty actions. People try to say mass shooters are "just mentally ill" and "need help", yeah they might just have mental problems but they are still a menace to society, just like Holly Conrad. I hope she does gets life in prison for scamming cancer patients and then rots in the lowest depths of hell.
What I would
probably done differently in the situation.
-If I was Heidi, demand Jared leave DCA or I leave the marriage. If Jared choses DCA over Heidi then it should be obvious where his priorities are.
-If I was Jared, leave DCA and cut off Holly for good, that is if my wife happened to be my priority over my career.
Sigh what could have been.
-Holly, I don't do love triangles and honestly couldn't care less about other people's relationships, especially if they are just friends and not family. I can't be bothered to play "Captain Save-a-Hoe", call me selfish I guess.
Easiest way to get friend out of
abusive relationship: Don't be there friend
((As if telling the fucking married side-hoe to stay away from her husband is
If Holly stayed clear from Jared's marriage then we wouldn't have the May 2019 shitshow, DCA would still be around, Jared would be in Normal Boots and this thread wouldn't exist!
So basically this shitshow happened because Jared wasn't committed to his wife, and Holly couldn't stay out of their marriage.
But additionally because Jared wasn't satisfied with being married that he had to run porn blogs and trade nudes with dozens if not hundreds of fans, of course at least one underage liar was bound to crawl in. But he did apologize about the power imbalance, of course, as if his 500k+ sub count at the time the blogs started wasn't a good enough indicator.
No. 886095
>"-THE WORLD MUST KNOW"It's not that people give a fuck, it's that hoelly can't leave her mouth shut for two seconds and constantly waves their relationship around like she won a prize for anything other than #1 Supreme Dumbass of 2019.
>"But maybe she should have just, talked with them?"Right, because it had gone so well thus far when Jared told her he would break it off with Holly and then proceeded to meet up with/fuck her after each of his therapy sessions.
>"She also mentions in her stream that Holly was like maybe violating Ross's boundaries."I think in her texts with Holly where Holly specifically says "I'm going to tell Ross everything", implying that she had been hiding it from him, it proves that it wasn't "maybe" but that she was definitely violating Ross's boundaries.
>"Why didn't Heidi ever speak to Ross once?"Because Jared had convinced her that Ross was mad at her for preventing the Jared/Holly relationship from going forward.
No. 886101
>>886087nice effortpost, wk.
the marriage has ended and this has no point but keep digging digging digging for that tidbit that proves Heidi somehow did or didn't do something.
Jared had complete agency over flashing his dick around btw.
No. 886135
>>886118>I don’t buy it. I don’t care WHO the party was for, but if I suddenly discovered I harbored sexual feelings towards someone that was NOT my husband, telling him would probably take priority over a fucking party.Probably because that sounds like a conversation best had in person
>maybe jared wanting to pork her was a surprise, but it's practically a given she was emotionally cheating on ross long before that.Wanting to, and intention to do so are so different. And Heidi in her stream admits Jared wasn't going to make a move on Holly because "she's not in an open relationship"
>Because Jared had convinced her that Ross was mad at her for preventing the Jared/Holly relationship from going forward.She was just taking Holly and Jared's word for it, and by extension would also be hiding their relationship from Ross if they did pursue something. Which Jared didn't want to pursue until Heidi suggested they escalate.
No. 886137
>>886121I mean if they intended to have sex without permission of their spouses, wouldn't they have just… done it sooner?
Assuming they didn't of course.
No. 886148
>>886118>>886121>>886113Okay so it goes like
mid to late 2017:
Jared and Heidi go polyamorous.
Diath/Strix ship becomes a thing. Heidi supports it, Jared keeps doing it because she thinks his wife is okay with it.
February 2018
1) Heidi tells them "You have permission to do whatever you want to", that this means is entirely up to interpretation.
2) Jared and Holly go on a walk. Holly tells Jared she is madly in love with him.
3) Awkward breakfast next morning
4) Holly goes to Anna's party
5) Jared and Holly supposedly start sexting about the ways they'd bang each other, which If they were both just scumbag cheaters they would have did with or without permission anyway. Strange this wasn't mentioned in the chat logs between Holly and Heidi. don't get me wrong Heidi was free to pull the plug for any reason, especially after finding out Holly loved Jared more than she loved Ross (p.s. she didn't).
6) Heidi says "No" because they supposedly started sexting while pending permission from Ross, understandable.
Heidi - Well she made some wrong choices maybe, she watched it happened, wasn't sure what to do. But she was just on the sideline.
Holly - Loving someone that isn't your married spouse is always pretty shitty. She is going to get karma for all the bullshit she put Ross through I hope, that 3 month intermission period wasn't enough she deserves worse.
Jared-Kinda seems like he was just undecided and uncommitted to either of the two, Heidi even says this in her stream.
Ross-Didn't deserve this BS.
No. 886292
>>886286I am sure Jared still thinks about her too.
The amount of time they spent together.
The minimal but memorable contribution she had to his career.
On YouTube he seemed most productive 2014 and 2015, the first year they were married.
His own hesistance to just do the divorce much sooner.
He was hurt too I am sure, he just had different coping methods (one of them was Holly), and does a better job hiding it.
But Heidi admits the last time they were in the house together he was in tears.
But well, it just wasn't meant to last forever.
No. 886350
>"I'm sure Jared still thinks about her too"Probably about the way his career wouldn't be in tatters if he'd just listened to his wife and (A) quit doing the nude blogs after a certain point like she asked and (B) refrained from fucking Holly.
>"He was hurt too I am sure"The dude's downfall came by his own actions. He doesn't get to claim that he's "hurt" when he caused so much harm to others.
>"Heidi admits the last time they were together he was in tears"A lot of emotionally
abusive people use tears as a manipulation tactic, as a "You can't be mad at me for hurting you - Look how sad I am!" kind of thing.
No. 886444
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thats where she'll be tommorow
No. 886462
>>886448how about she not be a worthless, lying manipulative
abusive whore.
No. 886464
>>886442And? She's a shit person, but she should still be able to go out and do things without someone like you displaying borderline stalkerish behavior.
>>886462Fucking yikes.
No. 886482
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>>886477sorry I was just trying to be edgy
No. 886527
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>>886524>cow producing milkDamn so you are saying the best we can do is just watch?
Lame but good point I guess. I have been trying to follow other internet dramas but this particular one has
plot twists
character development
excellent storytelling.
So far the holy trinity has provided months of entertainment, but sadly the story is done. Enjoying 2019's drama while it lasts until 2020 comes back and the only thing trending is politics and the election.
No. 886551
>>886527>>Damn so you are saying the best we can do is just watch?Yes. Don't cowtip is the first rule of lolcow. That means observe from the sidelines without getting involved.
Trying to get anons to run to a cow's location to stalk and harass for a drop of milk is not only against the rules, but also pathetic.
On another note, I personally find Heidi's sperging the most enjoyable in this cow hat-trick. Her relevancy is fading and she can't help but "feel the need to vent" to try and stay in the limelight for a bit longer. Jared acting like nothing has happened / is annoyingly smug and deluded as if he's gotten away with it and everyone's forgotten and he's some kind of hero for "beating cancel culture". What a shit show kek.
They're all so self-important thinking theyre all the underdog hero of the situation, but at the end of the day are just a bunch of ugly nerds airing their flaws and mental issues online to try and get people to like them, when really they are all sealing their own fates on the same sinking ship of being known online as "that person who cheated on / that person who got cheated on / that homewrecker" for ever.
No. 886553
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Okay I will make a different version with links and citations, for now I made one with just graphics.
Soon I will discover the truth!
Soon I will find out why the 2 relationships with these 4 individuals who don't even know I exist broke apart and then my life will be complete!!
Fuck trying to find the cure to cancer, I will spend the rest of my life trying to get to the bottom of this cheating scandal!
No. 886583
>>886559Sure, that's the reason to explode the scandal in May. But now it's October and they have been in divorce proceedings for at least 5 months now, closing to 6 and she mocked and laughed at her husband and his public career for cheap likes already in June (or July) when she didn't think he can pull off a return. At this point he ain't flaunting, he is just living
without Heidi's permission or approval. Remember how he blocked her in May? She should stop checking in on him with her alts and possibly block Holly (if she is still unblocked) too.
You know things are getting wrong for her when she is doing the exact thing we were laughing at Holly for 3 months and saying "She should stop tweeting and get off the internet and stop looking for hateful messages"
No. 886638
>>886627She was being aggressive because her husband who she loved had been emotional manipulating and lying to her for months. Then when she thinks he is out of her life for good he comes back and finds out as soon as she gets off a plane while on vacation.
>But she threatened his career!-Yes neither are blameless here. Jared could have possibly found a way to formally break up with her first but unfortunately he simply couldn't wait to put his dick into something, I don't even think it had to be Holly specifically.
No. 886661
>>886655That may be.
The thing is everyone in the holy trinity plays the
Always pointing out what the other person did, not enough taking responsibility for what they did.
Heidi hid the fact she was used blackmail and was dating a black male.
Holly initially denied even being involved when she knew damn well she played quite a role (But I think Jared lied to her about what Heidi knew). "Heidi doesn't want me to have sex with her husband - yikes she is so
Jared denies being a cheater even though he is for all intents and purposes and denies the emotional abuse he put Heidi through.
No. 886714
>>886706She might have been reffering to her local therapist.
If she is using a long distance therapist for very close distance problems, I wouldn't reccomend that. She probably can't afford a local one though.
No. 886743
>>8867382 hour long stream giving information about her relationship with Jared, Jared's relationship with Holly.
Then basically zero about her own extramarital partners.
Or who's idea it was to go polyamorous.
I just think it's really bias.
But Jared is worse for manipulating all the normal boots fangirls tricked into thinking he is attractive from playing asagao academy
No. 886746
>They're all so self-important thinking theyre all the underdog hero of the situationThat'll happen when you're even
slightly "e-famous"
No. 886750
>>886743None of Heidi's extramarital partners
begged her to put an end to her marriage to be with them & only them. (From what we know)
No. 886760
>>886750Not to mention Heidi clearly tried to include Jared in her poly stuff.
The texts that Holly tried to "gotcha" her with.
Meanwhile Jared just went and fucked whatever girl he wanted and didn't want Heidi involved in anyway other than a solemn "okay you can"
No. 886763
>>886750Good point. We do know her anonymous friend is the one who encouraged her to leave Jared's bedroom.
But not like Holly were she was hell-bent on making it happen. She had a personal interest in Jared's cock.
anyway a bit offtopic from that
Jared, I just don't think he had or even still has strong feelings for Holly. If he did they didn't superceed his feelings for Heidi and ending his marriage and relationship much sooner. Heidi said Jared "treats her as badly as he treats me".
No. 886796
>"Heidi hid the fact she was used blackmail and was dating a black male."An emotionally manipulated and abused person lashing out isn't blackmail - and what the fuck does the race of her poly partner have to do with anything?
>>886706Releasing her first name isn't doxxing. What anon did up there with releasing Holly's exact whereabouts? THAT was borderline doxxing.
>>886743Because it doesn't matter whose idea it was to go poly. When Heidi said "don't fuck this one specific person" and Jared did it anyway, it crossed the line from poly into just straight cheating.
>>886750Or moved from another state just to hit that worm dick.
No. 886971
>>886965I don't think anybody thought he WAS ghosting her - just that, like Heidi said he did to her, he might withhold attention from Holly when she says/does something he doesn't like
Besides, at this point - having blown up his marriage, his career, and what little reputation he had to start with - it'd be an idiot move to already drop the mistress who you did all of that for after just a couple of months.
No. 887018
>>887007So it’s Heidis fault that the internet is full of creeps who want to pretend to be amateur sleuths?
You can’t accuse someone of doxxing when all she did was list Sara’s name. It’s not on her that the internet doesn’t know when to stop.
No. 887026
>"Pretending she didn't do it on purpose"Again, all she published was the lady's first name - and it's a super common first name, at that.
>"It's obvious inconsistency"She finally starts publishing names because everyone was on her about hiding shit - and now she's getting shit for showing too much?
People like you just aren't going to be happy with Heidi, no matter what she does - but will praise Holly for publishing private sexts between Jared and Heidi.
No. 887050
>"Inconsistency in the texts released"It literally does not matter. She released the texts that had anything to do with the shitstorm. What - do y'all want her to release conversations she had about lunch that day or her issues with her parents or something?
>"She censored other names there but not this one"For all we know, "Sara" okayed the release of her name.
No. 887054
>>887050Heidi didn't even say what text therapy app she used. Someone else did.
Heidi didn't doxx anyone. That's like saying you doxx yourself by posting selfies with 1 floor tile showing
No. 887100
She didn't even give her therapist's last name. Plus, it's not like Sara is
such an uncommon name…
No. 887171
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>honk honk wait no don't tweet clown emojis at me uwu
No. 887271
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No. 887295
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>>887171>>887271I mean….it's a character that terrorizes everyone around them and feels entitled to what's not theirs and just causes general destruction so I guess it's accurate? That fascinator looks awful though.
No. 887299
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How did we get here folks…..Suzy the goose dressed like a swan and Holly dressed like a goose? And Suzy is the one I look at and go "haha, cute, good for her" (obviously I know she's dressed as Bjork but I'm trying to make it like, poetic or something). I wonder if Holly's mad because only SHE'S allowed to do a bird thing!!!
No. 887303
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Ugh, Wizards of the Coast actually plugged Hoelly's brand in the interview with her skincrawler in the new D&D Dragon+ mag, complete with that cringe Cancelled shirt.
Nice to see how desperate Kayla is for Holly's approval that she'll just draw up whatever she even so much as ponders openly about. Hopefully one day she realizes just how much she's being used.
No. 887304
>"No-one was making the kinds of clothes they wanted to wear"Yeah, because the rest of us actually give a fuck what we look like and would rather not wear a softer version of a literal trash bag if at all possible.
>"Here you go, I made it, let's put it on a shirt"Well, when you have gamer girls selling their bath water, I guess Hoelly could be doing worse…
No. 887411
>>887303No one was making the clothes they wanted to wear because they’re just random ideas slapdashed together on typical clothingwear.
Kayla’s such an idiot. These designs and concepts are typical of every white girl who adopted a hot topic witch aesthetic in their early teens. It’s just LOLRANDUM11!!1 but instead of cookies it’s birds.
No. 887412
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>>887334>A bit far fetched to say obsessed with cosplay, since she hasn't really worked at cosplaying characters that aren't hers in a very long timeThat's….still cosplay though? She's wearing the costume of a character, why would it being "hers" not make it cosplay? She's was literally the focus of a documentary about cosplay and appeared multiple times on a TV show about cosplay, she had a cosplay production company, the reason she got famous was for cosplay, and her only ""job"" for the past decade was basically being a cosplayer (until she was then able to leech off Ross and do nothing). It's extremely far fetched to say she's NOT obsessed with cosplay.
>>887343Yes, it's been discussed to death already, this is literally ancient milk. Go read the PULL thread synopsis if you need to be spoonfed her history.
>>887299So I went to try and look at Suzy's twitter (I don't follow her and I couldn't remember what it was) and when you search "Suzy Berhow" on twitter the first thing that comes up is this twitter account that's all shooped nudes of Suzy? I wonder if she's uhhhh aware
No. 887413
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>>887412The account
>(not real Suzy) No. 887448
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From Jareds infamous D&December 2019 video.
Most of the background was designed by Heidi, you can see the progress on her instagram probably more on twitter with enough digging.
Yet he was balls deep in Holly at this point.
No. 887450
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So I was curious about Suzy's locked account and apparently Katie caught wind and thinks any criticism of her obsession with Arin is from Snooze. I'm not sure if anybody posted this another thread so I'm saging.
No. 887451
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>>887448Heidi still credits Jared for the photos he took.
Jared didn't even acknowledge Heidi's work here.
No. 887459
>>887103>Holly's done plenty of favors for him that she'll be more than happy to hold over him the very moment he starts to lose interest in her.Like what?
Holly published info that made people question Heidi's narrative.
But many drama channels did cover the polyamory and it was generally accepted both partners had some blame in it. But nobody was willing to go anywhere near the pedophilia allegations except for the Truth Blog (CupcakeValkyrie) and bernietxt(because they are edgy kids who welcome death threats), she shared the video thats about it.
Heidi made Jared's Diath costume yet he was still wearing it past October when he was fucking Holly.
Plus unlike when he was done with Heidi, Jared had to go through the process of divorce and moving her out.
When he breaks up with Holly all he has to do is block her number (oh and block her on Twitter!) and that's it.
No. 887536
>>887520Not an expert personally, but my guess is it's neither Jared or Heidi's priority to escalate the divorce proccess.
Heidi settled down and married Jared at a young age so she doesn't have much serious adulting experience.
Jared while more experienced, probably doesn't have the interest in speeding it up (I'm guessing). He wasn't in a rush to get it started back in October 2018 so I'd imagine even now he isn't in a rush to finish it.
No. 887638
>>887421No one said Heidi wasn't obsessed with cosplay? We literally weren't even talking about Heidi? You whiteknights will really take any discussion of Holly's flaws and try and turn it into
>BUT HEIDI!!!!!!stop being so obsessed with her, it won't make Jared love you more
No. 887679
>>887638Heidi has a good amount of white knignts too.
Like Treesicle who blindly defended her in his first two videos.
Or the more low-scale ones like someone named SwordOfHeidi who was spamming revenge porn
Her WKs are just as bad and would likely act rashly if rejected by her
No. 887696
>>887679Christ, you're literally doing it again. No one said Heidi didn't have whiteknights, no one was talking about Heidi
>Holly's cosplay is >YEAH BUT HEIDI'S COSPLAY>Holly's whiteknights are>YEAH BUT HEIDI'S WHITEKNIGHTS>No one's talking about Heidi>YEAH BUT HEIDI>>887574Right, because no one can lie about anything in their fake twitter bio where they're pretending to be someone they're not, using fake photos. We should definitely believe it when they say they're a mother of two. You should call CPS with your evidence anon.
No. 887715
File: 1572666932981.jpg (1.1 MB, 1497x998, couplephotos.jpg)

Even though their relationship was very unstable, toxic and miserable behind closed doors, Jared and Heidi sure did a good job at making it look like the opposite was true when showing their relationship to the public. They knew they were like a king and queen and had to set a good example for their fans.
Jared and Holly's couple photos will never look this cute. They haven't even posted a photo of them kissing each other yet, and I feel like that may never happen at least not for awhile. Not that they are under an obligation too. I don't even show off my relationships to social media personally, because it's well personal.
No. 887737
File: 1572676079930.jpg (614.17 KB, 1080x1920, MOV_0081_000008.jpg)

Sorry for the cryptid tier pic, but they are hanging in the Marriott lobby at Blizzcon. I about had a heart attack when they walked in.
No. 887872
>Even though their relationship was very unstable, toxic and miserable behind closed doors, Jared and Heidi sure did a good job at making it look like the opposite was true when showing their relationship to the public.Or maybe it wasn't
toxic and miserable when these pictures were taken. The cute photos stopped around the time Holly entered the picture
>>887820Oh sure, let's just brush aside abuse and trauma because hey, new relationship! Let's double date!
No. 887901
File: 1572717027165.png (292.79 KB, 718x450, dontbotherross.png)

>>887737This is in such poor taste, they really have no shame? This feels like when your ex shows up to a wedding that you guys RSVP'd to back when you were still together and you thought they would have the common sense to not show up and know they're not wanted, but they do and even worse they brought the homewrecker with them.
>>887820>but you can't have bad blood foreverWhy not? Why can't Ross have bad blood forever? There's no conceivable reason why he ever has to be ok with this, she's earned a life time supply of vitriol and then some for what she put him through, she deserves no forgiveness. It doesn't even seem like Holly has tried to make amends? She's never apologized for what she did, she's just denied she did anything wrong and then whined when people haven't forgiven her because "muh mental illness I deserve it im queer". Holly gets to be traumatized by her ~sooo tragic past~ her entire life and use it as an excuse to be a terrible person, but Ross is supposed to have gotten over this trauma in 5 months? Absolutely fuck off with this.
>>887880>And the most autistic post award goes to yet another Holly and Jared fan.seconding this nomination
>>887715God, Holly could never, she doesn't have the range. This just made me realize that Holly "#1 master professional cosplayer" can literally do like….2 looks and that's it
>space bitch>trash gothHeidi is literally cosplaying a character that looks like Holly, and looks better than Holly ever could lmao, what a mindfuck.
No. 887915
File: 1572718373506.jpeg (80.87 KB, 640x665, 358BD438-2531-44B4-ABA8-55AC32…)

So what happened to Holly’s photographers original account?
No. 887949
>>887901Not even just the trauma of the events leading up to the divorce, but the trauma of being married to Holly in itself. She even admitted she was
abusive to him and Ross has alluded that she suicidebaited him constantly. You don't just leave a relationship like that unscathed.
No. 887993
>>887737>>887748Probably looking to get a photo-op with him to go "See? We good!" so that they're fans can spam it to anyone who's concerned about him.
(Sage for tinfoil)
No. 888009
File: 1572726526411.jpg (202.55 KB, 1080x739, Screenshot_20191102-152852_Twi…)

>>887996>>887949She might be abusing Jared now as well
No. 888149
>>881951I cannot, for the life of me, understand how you could be sexually attracted to this man, but not Ross.
>>887820are you retarded, or just autistic?
No. 888158
File: 1572744693234.jpg (92.92 KB, 1080x311, Screenshot_20191102-203051_Twi…)

and he started streaming hours ago.
Unless they were checking out around this time instead of in.
No. 888299
>>888154optimistic for what? an abuse
victim ""forgiving"" their abuser? are you ok?
No. 888538
File: 1572831834421.jpg (231.93 KB, 810x1012, IMG_20191103_194329.jpg)

Heidi updated her profile picture, same costume she had in previous one except the photo was taken by herself and not Jared.
No. 888549
File: 1572834795864.jpg (658.14 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191103-212810_You…)

Sage for minor stuff.
Ghoul grumps has been a fan favourite for years. Last year they just plain old forgot to do it, so they did "nightmare before xmas" to try to make up for it which comprised of scary christmas/winter themed games. This year they phoned it in completely. It started on a later date than usual, they reused their backwards messages, and they even used the nightmare before xmas heads in the thumbnail instead of ghoul grumps heads. They were completely lazy with it this year and it feels like they only did it because of the outcry last year.
No. 888570
>>888549they didn't even forget last year, Arin straight up said (in an episode that came out well before Halloween-time) that they could have done it but didn't feel like it. he said it wouldn't matter. He didn't realize other people actually did care, a lot. just another example of how out of touch they are with their fans… so many people love ghoul grumps.
They also said they don't like to play scary games so they don't enjoy it, but like, SkiFree and fucking Tungulus are not scary games. It's not like people want to watch them play P.T. every year. Even the Blair Witch game they played this year was pretty boring, mostly because Arin is so
amazingly bad at anything other than Yoshi's Cookie.
Ghoul Grumps is a lot of fans' favorite time of year, and it seems like they do the absolute bare minimum, just enough so they don't have to directly communicate with their subscribers. I unsubscribed and am only returning every week or so to watch Phoenix Wright. They're lucky that game has a following they can take advantage of
No. 888578
File: 1572841778183.jpg (58.4 KB, 1080x684, 0_facebook_1572841459566.jpg)

Correction this is actually the first photo of Jared & Heidi together [Oni-Con 2012]. There may be some earlier ones out there but this is what I found.
Sage since not relevant to current events.
No. 888678
File: 1572883691057.png (497.66 KB, 600x1394, holly and jared sitting in a t…)

nice to take a break from this shitshow, return to it and see the BiRd CoUpLe still being total cunts.
all is well with the world
(apologies for the size. just wanted to fit it all in one ss)
No. 888703
>>888678I love that she says disproven, when the only thing that was disproven was him blatantly asking for nudes from minors. He might not have asked, but he still received them from at least Chai/Charlie and god knows how many others - and all because PedoDick wanted to run a porn blog with his fucking username attached.
also just crazy big fan of the "THATS SEXIST" thing. Like it or not Hoelly, you fucked a married man - That makes you his mistress. Would you prefer side-piece? Side-ho? Adultress?
>"Oh shit, he's tweeting from prison"Fam, I wouldn't be too keen on bragging that your Man got away with jacking it to nudes of minors.
No. 888712
>>888678When do you think Hoelly is going to realize that at 35+ years old, she's borderline boomer herself?
She's like the literal Baby Boomer who hears a new younger catch phrase and manages to ruin it.
No. 888742
>>888678Nice to see they embraced being openly shitty.
Gotta play it up for their new GG/CG fanbase after all.
No. 888767
>>888762so… like holly?
what i love most is she's acting like a boomer meme herself when she keeps calling other boomers for legitimately no reason kek
it'd be innocent if she wasn't so hatefully smug
No. 888783
File: 1572891056492.png (166.13 KB, 800x840, Screenshot_2019-11-04-13-08-40…)

It's ridiculous how many people are still citing Jared's video as proof of his "innocence".
No. 888951
>>888935I won't really defend his actions but
1) Trading nuded with fans is an abuse of power, but this was intended for consenting adults. It's questionable, but not illegal. If NB/GG/WoTC want to not work with him again for that reason I can't blame them.
2) He technically kind of sort of in a way but not neccesarily I guess you could say cheated on his wife. It happens, nothing to be proud of but it happens.
3) Holly isn't mentally ill, she's just a dumbass. I don't defend any of her actions in this.
I don't have the time or interest to WK for them on Twitter. But I will be sure to watch Jared's FF5 review when it comes out. Idk about Holly, she's never been a particularly interesting content creator, before she piggybacked on Ross's fame and now it's Jared.
No. 888978
>>881951Haven’t been up to date since ages on this but holy shit, Jared looks like way too skinny and dead inside after all this.
I still don’t get it how he and Holly still continue to take on the role of the
victims while Heidi still has to suck it all up and gets totally treated like the only crazy Person of this whole group.
No. 888985
>>888961I’m not the first anon, but thanks, I’m good
Anyway. Less FaceTiming, more getting back to off-brand generic witch shit.
(emoji) No. 889012
File: 1572914121261.jpg (205.17 KB, 1080x818, Screenshot_20191104-182732_Twi…)

>>888978Heidi is a
victim of Jared's cheating but also polyamory, much like communism its an utopian idea that involves sharing, but humans by nature are not made to do such.
Holly is a
victim of her own stupidity, she would have saved herself alot of trouble by just not meddling in Jared's relationship, and just staying quiet on social media throughout everything. I doubt any reasonable person is going to sending Jared death threats over cheating, but for pedophilia…
Jared, is a
victim of his own horniness but also lies. C&C in different instances either lied or bent the truth for their personal (and financial) gain.
also pic related: Holly gave birth to the rats
No. 889030
>>889012Jared ain’t a
victim of fucking anything. He made his own potential-pedophile bed, pissed in it, and is now having to deal with the fall out.
No. 889122
>>889120That's what I wish someone would knock them upside the heads and yell at them.
Like, okay - go ahead and be a fucking smartass about the fact your boytoy jacked it to nudes of minors, Holly. That is NOT going to help your cause of bringing DCA back, and is in fact just proving that they did the right thing by distancing themselves from you and your probably-pedo-boytoy.
No. 889138
>>889120You'd think that, but given just how fucking many people officially involved with D&D still follow Holly on Twitter and interact with her, I'd almost say the only reason SHE isn't back is because she's refusing to do so without Jared.
(side note why does Penny Arcade even need a Patreon? Is their Megacorp still just not making them rich enough?)
No. 889160
>>889159If the giddiness was going to wear off, I expect it would have been when she was actively getting death threats (not that I condone them) early on, when she realized "Oh shit, the public isn't as head-over-heels for our uwu feelings as we are!"
When you look up "clingy psycho female", you'd see her picture.
No. 889211
>>888783>>888792>>888859what i don't understand is how quickly everyone dismisses the fact that even if jared did not
send dick pics to minors, he still encouraged pictures from
what i also don't understand is why everyone forgets that even if you leave aside the whole minor-creeping bullshit (since it's welcomed some conflicting information), this jackass literally admitted to creeping on fans VIA USE OF TUMBLR PORN BLOGS (plural)
why is this acceptable and forgiven. the predatory degeneracy on display jesus and everyone is just brushing it off like "what do you want the man to do? starve?"
No. 889220
>>889211The only ones who've forgiven him are the nerdy incel fanboys who WISH they were in Jared's position before the scandal (making money from playing video games, married to a good looking woman who says "Hey, if you want to fuck other people? Go for it!", getting essentially unlimited nudes from his fans, fucking random fans at cons)
Anyone with two working brain cells doesn't want fuck all to do with ProPedo
No. 889222
>>889220I know it is unpopular opinion but maybe the 900k+ people still subbing to Jared fall into the following categories, which is why they are okay with still subbing and (some of them) defending him on Twitter:
1/ The exact fans that asked him to send him nudes. They don't see any problem with what happened except the "THEY LIED" chorus when someone mentions the minors. Personally I find it moronic that the same people yelling on twitter "stop defending him he won't fuck you" also don't forget to say "he fucked fans". Stop reminding them, ffs! Just gives them hope!
2/ Fans who didn't care enough for his personal life as long as he didn't get into "real" trouble - meaning actual law enforcement or courts got involved. Half a year after the fact it is quite difficult to argue that there is an investigation when there is no shred of any document that there is and the only other big youtube celebrity that faced similar scandal was arrested within the month when the first
victim spoke to authorities.
3/ Assholes that are like "I separate content from creator and don't fucking give a shit"
There ain't no way to make sense to these people if they didn't find it in May-July.
No. 889224
File: 1572946191971.png (43.49 KB, 709x463, Screenshot_359.png)

>"900k+ people still subbing"You realize the vast majority of those are probably bots and/or people who sub to boost numbers and then never again watch a video, right? If he was getting even a fraction of those 900k subscribers to watch his videos, he'd be making more than $60 a day (spoiler alert: he's getting on average, less than 20k views a day)
>"The exact fans that asked him to send him nudes"Not to sound like a parent here, but if they asked him to shove Holly off of the brooklyn bridge, would that somehow make it okay for him to do so? He's a 30+ year old adult who should've known better than to send pictures of his weird dick to some randoms on the internet, especially when he has a modicum of fame attached to his name.
>"it is quite difficult to argue that there is an investigation when there is no shred of any document that there is"Gee, I wonder why the police/feds might not be spreading the word that they're investigating someone, which would give them a way of deleting and/or hiding evidence and/or manipulating his accusers. Strange….
No. 889293
>>889238Well alot of people were "fans by extension". Like people who are fans of the Game Grumps and Ross may have seen him on Grumpcade and subbed to him because they were like a friend of a friend.
The allegations might be cleared but the GG fans are not going to resub because of the cheating scandal/Jared is probably never going to work with the Grumps again.
Not that its a problem for Jared, JonTron is fully independent now and is doing great.
No. 889298
>>889233Right, but it's made more complicated by the fact that the minors are in another state - Plus, cyber crimes like that (esp. that cross state lines) tend to go through federal agencies, not state (Plus, didn't at least one of the minors live in a whole ass different country?).
I'm not saying that there ARE any charges, but it's a bit ridiculous to assume that we, the general public, would know 100% about an investigation that is ongoing.
No. 889319
>>889317Right, because nothing screams "WE SHOULD LISTEN TO THIS PERSON!" quite like a good ole' fashioned doxxing.
Also, y'all are just being naive if you think a dude with SEVEN porn blogs stopped at lewd conversations with just the two more-vocal accusers.
No. 889322
>>889317>>889319i don't remember where i saw the caps (most likely on KF. i can look for it) but charlie OR chai did say they're preparing a case and are in talks with a lawyer. i'm not saying they can't be lying, just that if things haven't gone down yet it doesn't mean they won't in the future.
question – is it possible that the reason a federal investigation isn't taking place, or is slower than expected, is that chai/charlie (don't remember which) is no longer a minor? i mean, the point of concern
was sexual behavior being directed towards minors. if they're no longer a minor then the government kind of sees them not as much in "danger" anymore?
No. 889330
>>889322both of them are not minors anymore, but this is totally not a reason why there wouldn't be an investigation, especially if there is a threat that the influencer would do it again. Which was the case with that other dude that got arrested, investigated and sentenced.
I find it funny that it is so easy to believe that Jared made all those other youtubers take down their videos with legal threats and he wouldn't do that with the CC team. Especially when he had THE RECEIPTS. CC got their 15 minutes of fame and paypal donations, their favorite GG stars tweeted at them, all dreams come true, now they are both privated, deleted conversations and accusations and at least one of them has repeatedly created fake accounts to drop the trail of people following him for the drama. But sure, they are totally gonna sue the shit out of Jared. In 20 years when it no longer will mean a shit.
No. 889337
>>889322It depends on statute of limitations, which runs anywhere from 1 to 5 years, typically. It doesn't matter that the person in question is no longer a minor.
>"if they're no longer a minor then the government kind of sees them not as much in "danger" anymore?"But the crime still took place when they WERE a minor - again, it all boils down to evidence and statute of limitations.
>"Jared made all those other youtubers take down their videos with legal threats and he wouldn't do that with the CC team."Because most of the youtubers who took down their videos were relative nobodies.
>"CC got their 15 minutes of fame and paypal donations"Right, because a couple of hundred of dollars in donations (IF there were any, which you do not know one way or another) is really worth the death threats that came their way.
>"now they are both privated, deleted conversations and accusations"You mean like your lord and savior PedoDick deleted the porn blogs?
No. 889534
File: 1573004775643.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1383x1398, 8BB1A35A-9768-4116-8202-C8351F…)

Back on that “why are you doing this to us?!?” Bullshit
No. 889549
File: 1573006961271.png (18.82 KB, 589x143, Screenshot_361.png)

Is this where we're supposed to feel bad for her?
"I don't believe in compassion from others anymore"
Bitch, you fucked a married man while being married yourself. You are wholy undeserving of compassion, you ignorant sow.
No. 889570
File: 1573013168275.png (2.52 MB, 1234x1372, original art.png)

>>889549sooooo. in this thread where people are just tripping over themselves trying to lick holly's taint, there's one fan who's talking about how super excited she is to receive art from holly's top patreon tier, and…
it's a print of the same shit holly gifted kayla kek
>>872922it's an actual fucking print, everything lines up completely.
what's wrong with that though? it's completely fine with sending your 50$ patreons prints if you so wish and if they're fine with it and if –
>>872371>>872404… if it was promised.
uh oh, get fucked, i guess?
No. 889582
>>889534Things worked better for them when they played the
victim after all
(They actually didn't but maybe Holly's just working a cycle at this point)
No. 889588
>>889549There's an easy solution to this.
Bite the bullet & admit that you -maybe-
might have cheated. Will you looks 100% 'pure & wholesome uwu' after admitting it to your fans? Of course not, but we've already seen that you could probably livestream yourself laughing at a freshly-dead corpse & your fans would be
more than willing to forgive & forget all of that
just for the sake of keeping you happy & feeling secure.
No. 889589
>>889583It's like she grew balls for an hour, realized that smartass didn't fit her "I'M THE
VICTIM!" mentality and reverted back to "UWU BE NICE TO ME, THE MENTALLY ILL BIRD MOM!"
>>889588Hell, at this point, admitting that "Yeah, we cheated" wouldn't solve it for her. She's spent WAY too fucking long playing the
victim card that any sympathy she MIGHT have been able to milk expired a long ass time ago.
No. 889591
>>889589Yeah, but you know her & Jared's fans. They'd be willing to forgive her for A N Y T H I N G.
They could film themselves taking a dump on someone's grave & their stans would be cheering them on & defending them all the way.
No. 889594
>>889534Whenever she doesn't have a snappy retort she just retreats back to
victim mode lmao. In this case she can't refute this person's post because she already admitted herself that Jared abused his power so she can only snivel "wuh-why are you doing this to ussss???"
No. 889612
File: 1573018876567.png (19.01 KB, 591x141, Screenshot_363.png)

Maybe that's because you used your character as a cover for you fucking one of your group members behind both your husband and his wife's backs?
No. 889614
File: 1573018952720.png (33.73 KB, 595x327, Screenshot_364.png)

Fuck me sideways
"Circumstances you have no control over"
You had literally all of the control over not fucking PedoDick until both yours and his divorces were final, you ignorant fuck
No. 889631
File: 1573021966459.png (123.17 KB, 1071x551, pwease gibe cards.png)

You can literally buy cards yourself, Arin, instead of asking for your fans to scrounge up shipping costs for you to get them for free.
No. 889632
>>889631They could legitimately buy a lot with any number of cards in them on ebay and pay like….idk, $5 shipping.
Dude is essentially pulling a "Oh, you want content? Well, you'll have to provide the materials then while we grace you with our presence"
No. 889633
>>889631i mean… i guess it's a way of generating engagement? kinda like "we'll feature YOUR cards in our video, be interested!" maybe. if it is, it just looks a bit desperate - just make better content people actually wanna watch.
if it isn't it looks scummy as shit
No. 889634
File: 1573023113960.png (134.05 KB, 1080x554, Screenshot_20191106-005016(1).…)

>>889631Also more confirmation it's more of a
me thing than a
we thing. Arin just wants some free cards, kek.
No. 889658
>>889612lol “muh anxiety! I feel unwelcome! T^T Compassion doesn’t exist anymore!” Wow, maybe should have thought about that sooner.
This girl betrayed the trust of her husband, her friend, and slept with said friend’s husband, and has the audacity to rant about compassion. Sorry, those crocodile tears won’t garner any sympathy over here. That shit doesn’t work anymore.
No. 889679
File: 1573029809088.jpeg (233.54 KB, 1374x485, 0B319EB5-8405-4942-87B9-BEF047…)

Oh, the irony in Hoelly liking this tweet
No. 889680
File: 1573030053361.jpeg (307.68 KB, 1536x546, 6D260335-3467-49B3-B17C-74432F…)

Shit, they all really view him as some sad innocent dude in need of protection from the big, mean world dont they?
No. 889690
>>889679That's like the exact opposite of what she does.
>>889623>no one would've found out and she could've kept playing everyone's geek darlingI don't think this is true because as soon as she made her relationship with Jared public, after they both recently were divorced, people would be suspicious and do some digging. Also, Heidi's freak out was inevitable imo, regardless of how Jared handled the divorce announcement.
No. 889701
File: 1573038201199.jpg (383.57 KB, 1080x1554, wofp163x5rw31.jpg)

>house party is a porn game
No. 889734
>>889534Because calling out cows is funny?
>>889701An extremely misogynistic porn game, yes. No idea why they thought it would be an appropriate lets play, but they went ahead with it anyway - and then underaged fans voted for them to be in the next update.
No. 890023
File: 1573097601006.jpg (497.98 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20191106_123309.jpg)

Here is Jared, Pamela Horton as well as some of the Grumps.
Wonder how Pamela had a bad experience with Jared?
Maybe it really was someone else and she forgot, cons can be mentally taxing sometimes.
No. 890348
>>890023I think Pamela came out publicly saying she mixed Jared up
Jared is too smarmy and "clever" to do what she described so publicly. He's more into doing it via tumblr/snap. Altho I don't doubt someone did, obviously it did happen with someone.
No. 890398
>>890381Depending on when this was recorded, it might be about Suzy's mother passing away in October. She battled cancer for a long time, and it seemed like she and Suzy had a complicated relationship (When Suzy was younger she portrayed her mother online as pretty
abusive and alluded to that in a number of ways, but as she's gotten older the posts about mom have been mostly positive.) so I would imagine that makes losing her even harder.
No. 890475
File: 1573182780696.png (469.91 KB, 1440x1397, Screenshot_20191107-210531~01.…)

This man is infuriating.
Causes all his own problems and he acts all "this song is so me I was cancelled remember that? RIGHT IN MY FEELS"
No. 890482
File: 1573183858662.png (66.06 KB, 774x386, image (78)_1.png)

>>890475He is just being supportive of a friend.
>>890478>But remember kids, HEIDI THE WHORE WONT STOP BRINGING IT UP - Jared and Hoelly never do that!! /sOh I don't card who releases more information, tea is tea and I'll drink it. But Heidi hasn't even alluded to the time she was with Jared in weeks. She might say one more thing when the divorce is finalized I'm guessing.
But damn I would have pay good money to see how Heidi would have responded directly to Jared if he never blocked her, why'd you have to rob us of that Jared?
No. 890748
File: 1573238718606.jpeg (985.51 KB, 1668x1920, D1D185C4-4A5A-4004-B2C7-15AEA6…)

The video has been taken down for now, but someone on Kiwifarms said they will be reuploading it later.
We’ve been known with Dan being a creeper though, had my own little experience with him way back in 2015 when I was a late teen so no surprises here.
No. 890755
lol i fucking knew it, someone so obsessed with sex while also trying to be an harmless teddy bear ought to be a scumbag. He's the classic case of the nerd who got "hotter" later in life and wants to squeeze any opportunity of getting his dick wet.
Wouldnt be surprised if he's an open relationship with the 24 year old he's with
>>890748would you mind sharing the experience? should we be having a countdown for when Dan is inevitably exposed for the teen-fucker that he surely is? (not saying he's a pedophile, just that I'm sure that we'll have a "sir she told me she was 18 i swear!!!" moment in the near future FOR SURE)
No. 890829
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on the one hand I hope we get some milk out of this situation, on the other hand the bullet points sound so comically exaggerated I can't believe anyone wouldn't put two and two together.
Anyone who is familiar with Dan knows the plaid shirt, he loves Rush and prog rock, he is (or used to be? idk he's mentioned in recent videos about a change of heart especially since dating Ashley) a womanizer who has lots of casual relationships, like you would have to be legit 0% fan of GG to not connect those dots.
Power to Kati if those incidents are true and she basically just switched up the names for the sake of "anonymity" but I personally would not want to have risked that especially on a small play nobody really cares about, it's one thing to write about shit in a blog or whatever but this is her job, her career, not a side blog. Either she is a TERRIBLE scriptwriter who can't make up stuff to save her life or she is straight-up playing with fire hoping somebody pulls a pepe silvia.
Not gonna lie, I'm not defending Dan because I find it hard to imagine he's simply so drama free for over a decade. I've just been hoping that he's been a decent dude. If you sleep around with consenting adults and don't treat them like trash then that's not my business, you know? Of course he would get so much more attention now, no doubt about it, but he wasn't married ((coughjaredhollycough)) or invested in anyone.
No. 890846
>>890792 is saying he's been hooking up with fans (especially ones half his age) at shows that's the same kind of grossness Jared was pulling with his "I am funny internet man, send nudez plz" tumblrs. Yeah it's not illegal if it's between consenting adults but it's still a kind of fucked abuse of power situation.
Honestly I don't know what to think. I stopped watching GG years ago when it became just constant "poopy peepee dick farts" but back in high school I was definitely one of dan's teenage fangirls. I think the pedestal fans have put him on as "uwu sensitive sexy singer" means his popularity has always been a trainwreck waiting to happen. Anything that comes out and proves he's not the perfect guy they thought he was will cause a riot.
No. 890861
>>890853>rockstar>sings about boners to fans young enough to be his kidskek
you're right tho, unlike jared he doesn't look like a foot and has a nice voice, which helped when gg was just commentary on games. now that he's even older and gg are doing more visual stuff like 10 minute power hour his popularity might be running out
No. 890868
>>890846I absolutely agree with you. Especially the position of power. Dan's got an immense reach and teen fangirls would faint at the idea of banging Danny Sexbang. IRL they wouldn't give a shit about Dan Avidan.
I mean you hear rumors here and there about the teenage fans but there was never even a removed tumblr blog, or an anon confession, anything to grasp. I hadn't seen any personal accounts (even if it was fiction) saying he treated them like trash or abused them or whatever, so I thought "ah well it's probably just fabricated nonsense". So I just hoped that he would have common sense and decency to act like a mature person and he would avoid very young girls. Wasn't it that he had some weird mathematical rule about the limit of age he'd date/sleep with?
I did think Ashley's age was weird especially when I found out I'm older than her, significantly. My headcanon was that Dan is reaching a stage where he finally found the value of a serious healthy relationship and wanted to settle down and he found Ashley.
But not gonna lie he does make very intense jokes and/or comments here and there. From the Sexbang persona you could say fine it's a character, he's meant to be a sex crazed loser who can't get women, but even Dan once said the line between Sexbang and Avidan is beginning to blur. I honestly feel like all those years of smoking weed 24/7 and playing Morrowind fried his brain.
Coincidentally Kati deleted her twitter and instagram. I read it on the rantgrumps post. Not surprised.
>>890860it can backfire, being friends, but if you're gonna spend hours of your day solely talking to one person, it should better be a friend. Bad example = super best friends play.
No. 890873
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For the love of it, Hoelly, get the fuck over yourself. The only thing you lost was the ability to have a live action cheered-on version of your fucked up affair - and if losing that means you lost yourself, that’s on you for whoring it up with a married man
No. 890881
>>890868dan sounds makes my nose vibrate when he sings, i have no idea what note he hits but sure, even screeching goose JonTron is better than that lol.
…brian is 100% DILF material and I'm going to hell for admitting it
No. 890891
>>890878Dan is more my type because I like the skinny long haired rock guys with leather jackets etc, but I would have needed the patience of a saint to deal with Brian. Imagine being in such a well regarded career like science etc and being respected by your peers just to give it up playing a mute ninja assassin in a sex-themed comedy band. I can get NSP being a side project for fun and letting off steam sure, but he had to gamble a huge risk. Not to mention he couldn't just jump back in the field if he changed his mind. He is basically locked in now as Ninja from NSP.
I've said it before, I prefer NSP in its early days, when the budget was shit, the cast were their friends, and it truly did come off as someone with zero dollars trying to seem better than he truly was. Now that they have the budget for fancy music videos and do whatever they want, he's stuck in this solo harmony vocal vibe that sounds fake. The clips are meant to be cringy but now it's genuinely cringy. The budget means they can hire Suicide Girls to dress scantily instead of just bringing normally dressed friends and having fun with it. Sorry Dan, but you can't be Steel Panther. But he's not even got the lyrical wit of Tenacious D, either.
Kati apparently lied about Holly AND Dan though, so I wonder what gossip she has about Holly. Saying that Dan is a sleazy womanizer while initially shocking is like "yeah… and water is probably wet". Even with his uwu cinnamon roll persona the fans shoved on him (though he never really asked for it), he was always sexual and crude. Holly though tried her hardest to be uwu. And now she looks like a garbage bag.
No. 890893
>>890891off topic, but i wouldnt say Brian risks not being able to go back to his science carreer if SNP goes south: where i'm from there's this talented architect who's pretty famous in his field (he has a tower in the middle of the city named after him) and up until a couple years back (the band has disbanded) used to tour and guest star in a super huge comedy-rock band as his super-hero persona in green spandex lol
brian is fine, expecially if he's as talented a scientist as it seems to be. i know no one cares but i thought it was an interesting tid bit.
No. 890899
>>890892reading more into the thread itself, lemme just link it people have seen the show already, and some say that the play itself is a collection of stories from her life, not necessarily ONE person being John. That WOULD make more sense, although after that you have to figure out which parts are about Dan and which aren't
Apparently she monologues word for word a post from her old blog all of this is just making me scratch my head in confusion. Your two friends help fund your play to become reality. You (allegedly) talk shit behind their back and flee the state, running off and talking about being a bad person (her words). Then you go and write a play/stage a play where the main "villain" is one person whose traits, likes, and experiences completely match up to the one friend who also helped fund you. I'm just. I can't even.
Look I get that we don't all want to do "calling out posts" and maybe this play was really her way of processing what happened and helping her heal and find a voice, but I honestly could find so many better ways to get your story out. Her deletion of social media is a common tactic now in 2019 but damn Kati, if you ARE right, stand your ground. If you have the balls to stage a play insinuating Dan walks around with his dick out all the time ready to bone every vagina out there, have the balls to stand by your play and your statements, even if they aren't directly from your mouth and they are fictional characters on a stage.
"The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred." lmao do you need this disclaimer before your show, Kati? cause otherwise you may end up with a spicy legal action from Dan.
Like Kati if this is true then respect to you, I can understand it would be hard to speak out against Game Grumps Dan. And who would believe you? But you'd have gone about it in the weirdest way possible. I can finally say in 2k19 that there is a theater play that's shade AND tea about an online personality lol.
No. 890908
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>>890873well Jared did a good job at verbally manipulating Heidi into thinking there wasn't cheating (though she suspected it).
He should have done a better job at hiding it, maybe deleted the text messages and nudes would've been a good idea. Tinfoiling, maybe he wanted to get caught(??).
Also isn't Ross somewhat in the D&D scene? It would be poetic justice if he got huge in WoTC surpassing Holly in fame and ruining her chances of ever returning.
No. 890969
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pic related: Even though the day Heidi confronted Jared about the cheating was effectively their last day as a couple in any sort of capacity and probably as traumatizing as the day she found out, I think this exchange was the comedic saving grace.
Anyway going over this again don't know if any of this is true, but if it is…
-Jared lied to Heidi for almost a year about this, okay.
-Jared was lying to Holly, of course.
I think Jared created different personas, one he had around Heidi, just himself, Jared. When he was with Holly, Jared was no more, he was the human rogue Diath Woodrow who could do anything.
No. 890972
>>890969Additionally, what I personally find interesting is that Heidi doesn't state whether or not she read Jared's journal?
She went through his phone, and his computer (where she discovered the allegations), but not the journal?
My guess is she did but there wasn't any information of value to her, maybe to Jared but not her.
No. 890974
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>>890935The last page of the divorce form Jared could have filled out and filed at any time. He wasn't under any obligation to get Heidi to sign it, it's optional to do so.
No. 890975
>>890974Exactly. Divorces move smoother when both parties agree, but it is not mandatory (otherwise, abused people would have no hope in escaping their
abusive spouses)
No. 890977
>>890975Sometimes the abuser is the one who does try to end the relationship first though, even if they were the more controlling partner during the duration of it.
Like, Holly leaving to Washington and continuously sending Ross the divorce papers (you made him wait 5+ years for sex that never happened, so you can wait for that divorce).
Jared, if we are to believe he abused Heidi (personally I don't think he did but I won't discredit Heidi's words either), is the one who tried to end the relationship in October, did end in February, and filed for divorce in May.
No. 890981
>>890978He was hiding because of C&C/Pedophilia allegations.
He was prepared to address the cheating situation, because he would be addressing the truth.
Addressing a lie, especially one that was spread so far and out of proportion? Not as easy.
No. 890982
>>890977>you made him wait 5+ years for sex that never happenedWait what? Did they really never have sex their entire relationship? Is this confirmed somewhere? I thought the whole asexual uwu shit was only in recent years.
>>890980Because he's a coward. He was definitely trying to figure out how he could get rid of Heidi with the least amount of resistance. When she told him she wanted to work on their marriage instead of agreeing to a divorce the first time he brought it up, he wussed out. Agreeing to try to fix things gave him a cover while he went back to the drawing board to figure out another angle.
No. 890997
>>890981The minors lied about their age (which, shockingly, is common when a minor thinks they’ll get one on one attention from their favorite celeb) - but rather than admit that he put himself in a position where this had a likelihood of happening, Jared went on the offensive.
“You can’t believe them, they have memory issues. But I don’t REMEMBER x,y,z - trust me!”
Double standards,much?
This could have been avoided if he didn’t show his dick to everything with a pulse
No. 891020
>>890997that's what drives me crazy about this assumed innocence he's managed to convince his stans of. 2 vocal accusers lied about their age (which like you said, shocker) and JAred, Holly, & their wk's have somehow turned that into "COMPLETELY ABSOLVED OF ALL WRONG DOING, EVERYTHING PROVEN FALSE! POOR JARED IS A
Hell, I think it's been mentioned before, but them saying they were 18 doesn't even prove that Jared believed it. He knows his age demographic and still used his name as a platform and means to obtain nudes and engage with fans in a sexual way. He's an adult and knew what he was doing the entire time. The quick "oh btw, u 18 rite?" always reads like a fast attempt to cover his ass without any other effort.
No. 891068
>>890982They had sex. Her asexual stint didn't happen until later in the marriage. And they talk about sex stuff in some let's plays
I think Holly "became" asexual when she was over the relationship. Then Jared's magic dick cured her
No. 891097
>>891083Dan indirectly manipulated me to "look like his dream wife" for years, when I barely spoke English and sure as fuck wasn't legal. He also kept pressuring me into "trying things out with a woman" and do some weird mommy-daddy shit with me.
I can't wait till his ship sinks one day, been hoping for that since 2016
No. 891116
>>891097Wait wait wait.
Please elaborate on the mommy/daddy shit. Does he have a little fetish? Does he pretend to be the adult? That would explain why he so often refers to himself as daddy
No. 891128
>>891097can you imagine the pr nightmare that would ensue for the gg
I dont hate arin but his current B R A N D is one of wokeness for sure, how can you justify basing the success of your show on such a scumbag? he HAS to know about all this shit
No. 891137
>>891116Threesome, I was the youngest involved and he and the other girl played "my parents".
He really does prey on damaged woman. I've had issues with my real parents at the time, which he knew and he kinda turned it into a weird fucked up sex thing for some reason.
He has some weird shit going on in his brain
No. 891139
>>891137ahahah what the fuck that's lame as shit. can you imagine calling lanky, tired and wrinkly faced danny avidan "DADDY" and mean it.
I know kinkshaming is bad but damn. Hope you're doing better now anon, and i mean, fucking better people
No. 891149
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>>890997>This could have been avoided if he didn't show his dick to everything with a pulseIf I'm not mistaken isn't there only like one existing photo of Jared's reproductive organs? And the one person he sent it to is one of Heidi's close friends and by extension someone Jared thought he could trust.
No. 891156
>>891149This is true, he only received nudes (some from minors) and didn't send his own to mostly anyone he interacted with. But when I think of Holly and Jareds' retorts like
>>888678 it's wild cause it's as though they believe him putting himself in a position to easily view illegal nudes due to his unquenchable thirst for his fans is any better. It still makes him gross and pathetically irresponsible at the very best.
No. 891277
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So if Jared and Holly get married, do you think he will be bragging about her the same way he used to brag about having Heidi?
No. 891334
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Quick, someone with access to Slate, listen to this and tell me if it gives you the cringe projared vibes that the headline gave me
No. 891343
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>>891335Yes, and they stopped in June last year. As for why we don't have an answer.
Sometime the spark just dies out.
No. 891432
>>890891Someone above said it best - he was a late bloomer who's making up for all the tail he never scored in high school. No one should be at all surprised but, DLS, my old Dan lady boner is still disappointed. He plays the part of the ~nice guy~ so beautifully, even after describing getting sucked off by a hooker in a Walmart parking lot. Call me a prude but in hind sight anyone who's as fixated on sex to that degree (even for the lawlz) is probably some tier of deviant.
Personal opinion; he's a fake ass fuckboi taking advantage of his position to solicit sex. The most I'm willing to believe for the time being is that he's manipulative but everything sounds like… regretful consent? If the predator/grooming angle is to be played further it's going to need something concrete. Regardless of his slimy ways, those are some serious allegations that should not be tossed around.
Genuinely curious if this Dan The Van Man Avidan narrative will gain traction or just be swept under the rug by the fandom like literally everything.
No. 891525
>>891432Yeah unless someone has concrete proof, which like another anon said hard to obtain/doesn't necessarily exist in this scenario, I kind of think making public accusations is a bad idea. Only if because GG fans are fucking insane and whoever the
victim(s) would get harassed so, so badly. All the pieces of shit you saw crawling out of the woodwork to bat for Jared would be 100x worse for Dan, in far greater numbers.
I am also iffy on the grooming thing, mostly because why would Dan have to? I think he's scummy for being a sexpest and pursuing younger women (and even scummier if it's true he sleeps with fans) but it seems like he gets puss thrown at him constantly cuz he's a "rockstar" so I guess I can't imagine him needing to take the time to groom anyone.
Also what did Kati lie about Holly?
No. 891538
>>891523Oh yeah duh, it has to be Holly. I thought Sharon was Suzy at first too, but that's likely it. Ellen = Holly, Sharon = Suzy
Kati said that Ellen had a multitude of insecurities that made Ellen interpret what Kati did as so hurtful, but I didn't catch what Kati actually said/lied about. Was that stated?
No. 891569
>>891538In the play Kati tells Sharon that Ellen said she "wanted Kati to disappear" which Ellen reacts poorly too. I think that was the lie.
To tinfoil a little further maybe Kati kind of threw "Ellen" under the bus to give an excuse to why she was distancing herself from the group. Like she didn't expect Ellen to ever hear that but was just trying to give Sharon a reason as to why she wasn't around as much??
No. 891610
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>>891569this exact incident is mentioned in her blogpost. Same names and all. In the blogpost it was the domino that started her emotional distress where she drove off to a tulip farm etc.
>>891523the head slamming against a wall MUST be Holly because wasn't it Holly mentioning in a tweet how she'd punish herself as a child by slamming her head on the floor when her parents were still together?
>>875873 here it was, also adding in the picture to spare anyone going back a thread
No. 891618
>>891612in the reddit post someone claims that it's not quite 1 character = 1 real life person, but it's more of a collection of stories from her life that are heavily inspired by people she knew. This muddles things a bit but she's definitely added enough signifies to Jo(h)n's character that you can guess Dan is at least an inspiration. Making John a mix of people and stories from her life makes things not only muddy but also very murky as far as accusations go. It's pretty obvious Dan is part of John. But if he was 100% from Dan that could potentially get her in trouble? Maybe her mixing it up is a way to say "look, dan didn't do THIS, therefore it's not about dan"
this is assuming that comment on reddit is true. I honestly have no clue, haven't seen the play yet. I'm STILL perplexed as to why she would choose to include those people in her play when it's those people that made her well known in the first place. Dan and Holly gave you the grumps fans who liked her and followed her, she'd have been just another actor otherwise. She's either got balls of fucking steel or she's an idiot who thought she could get away with it.
No. 891633
>>891632I don't want to downplay how terrifying it is to speak up about someone who has treated you like shit. I've been there. I just feel a theater show where (let's be real) most of the audience will be GG fans who kept tabs on her, especially with her deleting instagram and twitter pretty damn quickly, it just seems weird. I'm not implying she's lying about it, but I feel like she maybe lacked self awareness about how this situation would go down. After all she is indirectly accusing a very popular well loved youtube personality of being a sex creep. Especially in this climate it's a heavy accusation, even if it is probably true.
It's also now a talking point. Bad buzz or good buzz, she deleted the social media where someone could harass her, and she's got a show now to perform and no doubt people will either pay for tickets, or watch it online somehow.
I guess what I'm tryna say is conviction of her self is lacking. If she is not ready to handle the tsunami of troglodytes (as another anon pointed out, Jared got an army of idiots and he's not even CLOSE to the level Dan is on the popularity scale), maybe a play wasn't the right outlet for her right now /shrug
No. 891683
>>891083pastebin OP here, friends alerted me that this was spread to reddit and they asking for "proof" so here you go fuckos (sorry I can't figure out how to embed an album, newfag problems): this is him inviting me to his hotel room at a convention where we would sleep together for the first time, I was a fresh 21 years old (apparent by my bragging about drinking, wow so cool)
looking back at this now it skeeves me the fuck out that he knew I had been drinking and still chose to invite me up to his room with obviously some kind of sexual plans in mind. he also did order room service to get me
another drink once I was up there so. the whole thing is a big yikes. not accusing him of anything rapey, I definitely consented it's just……power dynamics, ya know?
No. 891695
Right, I don't have a story to tell in terms of the others that have come forward, but I have spoken with Dan. He called me a friend, but seeing the other receipts from pastebin OP and on Reddit, I am starting to believe that he may have intended to do similar things if I didn't live so far away (I like in Europe).
I started speaking to Dan in Nov 2013 after he openly talked about his OCD in a GG episode. Of course I was lowkey crushing on him and this was what motivated me to message him/add him on Facebook. I was 17 and incredibly naive. I shared my mental health story with him. On his birthday in 2014, I made a little gift for him and sent it online. In 2015, I flew out to MAGFest and when I met him, he recognised me. We messaged a few more times about random stuff. RTX 2015 comes around, I fly back out there, I say hi to him on the Friday at the autograph session, then we messaged during the con. Saturday is when he invited me to hangout with him. I brought my friends along. Again, I don't know his intentions but looking back it was obvious I was enamoured with him and with every glare he would give you, every gentle touch of your shoulder, every close hug, every pet name like 'my dear', 'lady', 'peach', if you were a sucker you fell for it. He knows the power he has.
Again, nothing happened, but when I was back at home and said I wouldn't be out in the US again for a bit, communication halted.
The blocked out names are people that also knew Dan. We'd bonded over the fact he'd messaged us so I brought them along so I wasn't nervous. (Yes, those people were both young women and were 18-21 years old iirc?)
My screenshots: No. 891706
>>891643Dan isn't obviously creepy unless you really pay attention, so if he is guilty of pedo shit/grooming it's going to be so difficult to get people to believe it. Unlike our resident pedo sexpests Jared and Onion, he's relatively good looking, a musician, an extremely popular youtube gamer man, and he puts on that wholesome teddy bear persona all the time that people go nuts for. Hell, even in pastebin anon's screenshots he's STILL doing the wholesome uwu thing even though he was literally inviting someone half his age to bang in a hotel room. Also the whole complacency in general around old famous men having sex with 20 year olds doesn't help.
If these allegations DO gain traction, I can already hear the jealous hoard of pickmes who will scramble to defend him. "But she was legal!" "She wanted it!" "He's h0t and famous who wouldn't wanna bang him???" etc. Just ignoring the fact that, best case, he's abusing his power to fuck women young enough to be his kid.
No. 891718
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>>891713>>891714Well, since you asked nicely…
Also, most of these people seem to be at least 20. That's insane.
No. 891719
>>891683>>891695Holy shit arent u guys afraid youre gonna get recognized by dan himself? Dont think it's legal to disclose private conversations without the consent of both parties. You guys have balls of steel.
>> "Arin would have put his foot down if anything was happening!!!!!!"Oh sweet child… GG is being kept alive by the "chemistry" between arin AND dan, have you seen arin's soll episodes? They're a struggle to go through. Do you think it'd be so easy to let go of your golden egg goose?
No. 891724
>>891721That's nice to hear. Fuck him up girls!
Just stay safe though, internet sleuths are ruthless and can deduce a full name from a pixel
No. 891731
>>891719It can be legal, depending on where they are. Some states only require the consent of one of the involved parties.
Creeps who act like pervs in private but super sweet to the public should absolute be exposed for that shit. Go get ‘em, y’all.
No. 891782
>>891695 OP here
I've tried to tell people what he's like in the past, and the tweets in
>>891718 were exactly the responses I got from my friends. Fan culture is scary dude.
No. 891850
>>891695>>891782Sorry if the tweets made you upset, just know that there was never a way to make them go "hmm, Dan is a bad guy, I can't stan him anymore!!" because these fuckers are too dedicated to a guy who probably wouldn't blink if they disappeared.
Okay, exaggeration, but still. It eventually gets to a point where you have too many fans to give a single shit about.
No. 891949
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wow the Dan stuff really isn't surprising. it's pretty cringey considering how old Dan was at the time of these allegations. he really should've known better (a running theme)
this is a bit of a reach, and i'm a big Leighton fan, but i always thought it was concerning that she was a Dan stan before she got involved with the Grumps. i think she was around 17 in 2014. tbh these are perfectly innocent tweets, and there are much crazier/thirstier fangirls out there… just a bit heavier with this stuff coming out now
No. 892026
>>892015Well and Dan didn't set up a tumblr seeking out his fan's nudes
Not to defend him but he wasn't as manipulative or scummy as Jared. Not to his scale at least.
No. 892208
>>892156Dan's responses include two spaces after the period, whereas OP's have just one. Anyone who took computer or typing classes in the 80s or 90s will understand the significance of that.
The Facebook messages from the other user show the same pattern.
That is a consistent and unnecessary level of detail; they could have created fake messages with one space after the sentence, and everyone would have been none the wiser. When you consider the average age of GG fans, most of whom are too young to even be aware of this anachronism… it pushes these accusations more to the side of legitimacy.
No. 892333
>>892330id say those years were the heights of GG, and dan was taking off with nsp and doing 2 shows, both GG and steam train, right?
alsoyou know how nerd fans are, even if they were like 5, it would still feel like a mob being assaulted by overweight smelly dudes shouting "GODDAMIT ROSS!!!!" at you
No. 892413
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This is the most embarrassing attempt at damage control I've ever seen in my life.
Hey Danny boy does Ash know that until around mid summer '18 you were fucking at least two other girls plus her?
No. 892433
>>892431correct me if I'm wrong but didn't she meet him through connections? my own assumption was because she's an animator she probs came through ross or allie or other background GG people, and she became a fan later? I don't know much about her actually
I've seen her instagram and it seems kinda vapid and shallow but I guess I shouldn't judge by someone's insta because she may only upload boring pics
No. 892435
>>892431oh, for SURE. their age gap is creepy as fuck and, wow, a man proudly dating a girl half his age turns out to be a scumbag?? N O W A Y!!!
I hope she's ok though. I can't care less about Dan, probably wont get cancelled over this, but at least I hope that she doesnt go through what the other anons have.
>>892433I went to her insta as well to see her work but it's just… pics of her being cute. Eh, that's what insta is for i guess? kinda disappointed cus i always take for granted that artists use instagram as a art sharing platform lol
No. 892471
>>892469I hope she at least get some few advantage out of it: arin has good connection in the animation industry and dan HAS to be rich (if he was wlling to shill 10k for a girl just to get her off his case lol), i'd run his wallet dry and let him have his gross threesomes in the meantime lol.
Gotta wonder if this whole relationship is kind of a pr agreement to begin with? for a dude who was VERY vocal about strongly disliking seeing the same person for more than 2 months, this relationship has been apparently going on for a while
No. 892476
>>892471I don't know if his infamous aversion to commitment is a byproduct of other things. In the playthrough of A Link Between Worlds, where he played, they actually stopped the series midpoint because at that time dan was going through a rough breakup and he couldn't handle playing the game and acting cheery. It sounded like it'd really affected him, so I assume he's had serious relationships mixed into casual hookups
but he'd never really expressed desire to settle down until recently as he's dating ashley
No. 892479
>>892476ah, i didnt know. fair enough. always wondered why that playthrough died down, the game is pretty easy and very enjoyable.
where was it stated there was a break up? just curious
No. 892482
>>892479during the playthrough itself he never mentioned the breakup; he just was kinda… dull. Not making a lot of jokes, distracted, and the series just stopped. Everyone was like ???
It was only a long time later during another playthrough that he mentioned that period of his life and he oftens mentions the game since he played it during that time, so it's ingrained in his memory. He's mentioned that he wasn't happy when playing the game due to a breakup, and he said he kinda wanted to replay it to do the game justice, but that he also has such strong connotations he doesn't know if he can.
Apologies for not remembering exactly when he mentioned this! I watch a lot of GG. I'm afraid I can't provide receipts because their library is huge and I couldn't even begin trying to find it.
No. 892487
>>892476He's said he wanted to settle down with other women. There was a woman he wanted to marry in New York who dumped him and the serious breakup mentioned above. Ash is his third or fourth serious relationship.
>>892435She just turned 25. They've been dating since late 2017 at the latest.
No. 892736
>>892568>>892575Oh wow it doesnt read to me like a joke at all ahaha it sounds like he was too tired to realize maybe it wasnt the most pg13 thing to say.
Also i used to think his obsession with threesomes was a joke too and, well, weve seen how it turned out.
However, t's pretty easy to forget GG is an edited show and SOMEONE would have removed the bit if it was completely truthful. However however, in the past they didnt edit out stuff like slurs and nudity so i wouldnt past them to just do the SLOPPIEST of jobs lol.
Tl;dr: sounds really earnest actually
No. 892829
>>892783There's a difference between BEING youthful and ACTING like a juvenile douche. These people screaming about him being "youthful" clearly can't tell the difference.
>>892827That's giving him too much credit - More than a handful of people with stomach issues still eat a diet of pure bullshit.
No. 892837
>>892736What makes me disbelieve this story is because Dan is open (if not a little ashamed) about how he didn't lose his virginity until he was 22 or something. And it was with a friend.
If Dan was the type to hire a hooker he probably wouldn't have stayed a virgin that long. Also Dan never had trouble getting girls after that.
I understand he's a gross old man with a gf young enough to be his daughter. But the tinfoil about a Walmart blowjob is ridiculous.
All this being said, I haven't been able to watch GG since reading the stuff against Dan. It feels gross to see him being "innocent" and goofy while this is looming over.
No. 892885
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Big, hearty “fuck you”, Holly
No. 893236
>>892903It was hyperbole, but he would have been 15
Which isn't a stretch for some small towns but that's neither here nor there.
>>892885It's amazing that she doesn't realize this can be turned right back at her and Jared
No. 893305
However I would like to believe Jared wouldn't throw away a perfectly good stable marriage with a great woman just to hook up with Holly while wearing DnD costumes.
Unless of course, their marriage wasn't very stable, and far from perfectly good.
Still! Unless you are [[blood]] family there is no reason to interfere with someone's relationship too that extent. It's not in your place to do that, if someone choses to remain in an unhappy relationship then that is their choice and you have to respect it. And we know how cold and distant Jared was with both H&H, so it's not like Jared was the one chasing after Holly. To get any sort of insight to their relationship in private we would need to see some texts, but from what Heidi describes Jared was the more distant one.
Though it's not like Jared could have simply quit DCA, sigh if only he never joined. Even after the Feb'18 event, WoTC was a huge mint for not just himself but supporting Heidi as well. And Youtube on its own gives creators (even larger than him) a hard time with cash. A whole different topic but you get my point.
Anyone is prone to cheating and having dysfunctional relationships, from burger flippers to A-List actors. People have emotions.
No. 893417
>>893378Yeah, it's crazy how it "doesn't matter" until it's time to fit a narrative of some kind.
>>893399You're about to rile up her white knights with this statement since you said something even SLIGHTLY negative about the infallible goddess, be prepared.
No. 893467
>>893417>>893399Lol hate on heidi as much as yoh want dude, its ok. The issue this thread is with jared having sex with fans (gross) and exchanging nudes with at least 2 teenagers (yeah sure he didnt know yadda yadda hby dont fucking exchange nudes with fans to begin with).
>>893378Doing what? Using and discarding women, or actively going with jailbaits 17 year olds? Do you have receipts?
No. 893486
>>891083This is definitively Maureen.
>Talks about eating disorder like in this video>Got that star in her profile picture tattoo'ed because Dan drew it for her>Used to hang out with Dan at cons, used to have a NSP fan tumblr at the timeAnd after Dan dumped her ass, she weaseled her way into the Vinesauce community. She's currently on kiwifarms in the Vinesauce thread and is trying to shit talk former Vinny e-girlfriend sgtfgt
I always hated your guts Maureen No. 893495
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Her star tattoo that Dan drew for her
No. 893560
>>893557I think the point is it's one of the many antiquated laws that makes no logical sense because there's LITERALLY no difference between age 17 and 18, especially in women.
So for people from other countries it can be confusing. It's like drinking, smoking, military enlistment and driving laws. You can be mature enough to kill someone at 18 but god forbid you want to drink before 21! lol.
No. 893597
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I'm guessing Jared is BFFs with everyone in Normal Boots again, but they won't re-hire him for PR purposes…
No. 893606
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>"Shit you went through…"
-cracks up-
No. 893610
>>893609Yeah, nope. The Jared/Holly stans constantly pull this when Heidi does something like that.
And when Jared and Holly do it, the response is just as overwhelmingly positive from bootlickers compared to the insults.
But hey. Good that you PJ2 twerps finally learned to fucking sage.
No. 893641
>>893606>shit you went through. least i could doWhy do men like Jared always receive sympathy? he's a lying, cheating scumbag who was caught, but… now he's a poor
victim?? he didnt lose anything. He brought this on himself.
No. 893643
They're all in the same tone, like his mother died or something, but nah, he just fucked up & narrowly avoided the consequences.
No. 893693
>"To the point unless their name is Heidi, they get attacked for literally just existing even if Heidi does"My guy, quit being an incel for two seconds. Heidi still gets an INSANE amount of shit from Jared stans who accuse her on the daily of ruining Jared's life, even though it's his inability to keep his dick in his pants and out of crazy homewrecking whores that ruined his life.
>>893614PJ2, otherwise known as the home to the bootlicking idiots who see nothing wrong with a grown ass man running seven porn blogs and soliciting nudes from his fans.
>"Important to her mental health"Because they know that that's the one sure-fire way to get attention and get what you want. Nobody wants to be responsible for another person's breakdown and/or suicide, so they pull the "BUT MY MENTAL HEALTH!" card knowing that people will cave.
No. 893700
>>893614the subreddit called r/projared2 which actually was responsible for amassing most of the "evidence" projared "revealed" against the sex-maniac allegations in that shitshow of his video.
when they're not calling heidi a cunt they're trying to buy real estate deep in jared's ass
however it's become more of an "ok boomer" thing for this thread, i guess? i mean, it's clear projared was a lying, baiting sex creep and if the world was fair he'd be in prison away from all the delicious internet fawning.
it's not fair to assume everyone knows about the creepy things he's done though; the average decent human
will look at a guy who very nearly lost his livelihood, got divorced, and months later is still trying to deal with the "trauma" visited upon him by the power of the clown emoji – they'll look at him and say "dang, he must have it bad".
never mind that he's the one who fucked things up for himself and then neatly got away with it, just like dan is now being excused for preying on young vulnerable girls because "it legal tho"
No. 893701
>"It's not fair to assume everyone knows about the creepy things he's done though"It's literally in the OP of every single GG thread for the past six months, though. There's no excuse to NOT know.
>"who very nearly lost his livelihood….is still trying to eal with the "trauma""Boo fucking hoo. Dude fucked the well of crazy, fucked his fans, solicited nudes from fans and is now paying the price for it. He gets not one bit of sympathy from anyone with an IQ over 12.
No. 893707
>>893701sure. you do realize loads of people come here from twitter and stuff? complete newfags who can't be arsed to read the thread summaries.
plus people tend to be kinder than your average lolcow frequenter – is that your crusade, to set right every idiot whose heart bleeds for jared?
regardless if it's bait or it's sincere sympathy towards an undeserving moron, it's irritating to see everyone unconditionally branded as a PJ2 spy every time someone goes "this is a shitshow on all counts and not only jared's"
No. 893710
>"It's irritating to see everyone unconditionally branded as a PJ2 spy"It's a joke, bud. Jared's a walking dumpster fire that has shot himself in the foot and should be used as a cautionary tale to all future youtuber nerds.
If anyone comes here and is dumb enough to try and defend his actions, they should go over to PJ2 with the other fucking morons that shouldn't be allowed to mingle with the rest of society
No. 893713
File: 1573802794813.jpg (887.53 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20191115-011909_You…) seem so happy together in this video
and around the 1:43:00 mark they briefly discuss how Jared proposed to her, a tear slightly came out of my eye honestly.
For those who don't want to watch they said it was at a convention, sometime in spring 2014.
Damn you Holly for ruining this marriage for your own selfish reasons, though I don't think she is entirely to blame she did still contribute. They probably would have broken up sooner or later or maybe they would have made it work, guess we'll never know.
(emoji) No. 893719
>>893713>>893715Exactly this. As much as I'd love to blame Hoelly Cumrag for ruining their image (and she DID play a part), the blame lies solely on the people IN the marriage - Heidi and Jared, primarily Jared IMO (because it wasn't the sleeping with another woman that Heidi had a problem with; It was the fucking of HOLLY that she had a problem with)
I don't honestly think the marriage would've lasted much longer one way or another (both Heidi and Jared admitted that the marriage was in trouble before Holly), but Holly's constant insistence that Heidi was abusing Jared would have broken it down sooner or later. You can only be bashed over the head with something for so long before you finally snap and say "Fuck it, she's
abusive, fine!"
No. 893726
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>>893719>>893715He just wanted to do a "tap tap" on Holly"This is why Jared isn't allowed in here"
No. 893897
File: 1573842343548.jpg (54.19 KB, 422x234, 20191115_121618.jpg) the livestreams are a straight goldmine
Jared says: "Lemme smash" in the chat, while Heidi and Holly are on the camera.
Like who are you talking to Jared??
full video: I will try to add some insightful critique.
Holly told Jared that Heidi was abusing him since they temporarily lived at their house in LA.
Then Heidi called her out, Holly was like "uwu I am sorry".
But was still secretly telling Jared he thought Heidi was
So Holly can't even own up to her own words, and still acts this way publicly. Yet Jared still picked her anyway.
>>893732even when she does its just empty words like when Logan Paul apologized for the suicide forest thing.
No. 893945
>>893942I will never have a fun, exciting, adventerous life like these internet personalities get the luxury of. The Normal Boots guys, Game Grumps, DCA, Scott, etc. Their lives are infinitely more thrilling then mine. They have a fascinating story to tell, and I just do not.
Even then, we recently learned that behind closed doors they had their own dark secrets and their life was not what it seemed.
I don't see the point in living anymore.
No. 893972
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>>893969Jesus you're right. A lot of these guys don't even make decent content anymore. Are the nb dudes even relevant at this point besides dykg?
No. 893975
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>>893969>ride off Jirards name.He is not even the most popular NB member.
And Jared had more of a personality charm with his audience than Jirard since he wasn't afraid to use edgy jokes occasionaly.
And they kind of ride of JonTrons name since he was the most popular at first.
No. 893992
>>893972>>893969I wouldn't say that is entirely true.
Jirard did comment under Treesicle's first ProJared video and said something like that it was totally accurate.
I think his out of state friends were quick to throw him under the bus while the local ones who Jared knew better and would have talked with about his relationship problems. Though not sure if he told them about the pedophilia stuff since he never told Heidi either. Less you know the better kind of thing.
No. 894091
>>894087It's sad seeing how Treesicle's video was deemed 'accurate' by one of Jared's friends, yet Jared's 'return' shut them down almost instantly.
That alone tells me that it wasn't because they 'learned the truth' like Jared's stans claim, they just didn't want to deal with any legal threats.
This is also why there's little to no proof now, because Jared & friends are on a little deleting-spree (Despite him constantly conflating 'deletion' with 'dishonesty' in his video)
No. 894094
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>>894087Old milk, but it's no surprise Jared's bosom buddies will flip for whoever leads the current narrative.
No. 894162
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For the love of god, just… stop.
Shows/programs/podcasts-etc. get cancelled all the time, regardless of how big their audience/fanbase is.
Why are DCA fans so fucking childish? It's like they don't understand how the world works at all.
No. 894164
>>894162Gods, they never fucking stop.
So many of these weirdos act like this thing was their drinking water. So many of them act like it taught them all the life lessons.
It's so sad.
And nevermind shows/programs/podcasts getting cancelled all the time, 99% of D&D campaigns just end without any semblance of a conclusion, often because of causes exactly like what went down with DCA: a couple of players fucked things up for everybody else.
No. 894166
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>>894164Yup, and just like the children they are, they blame it all on someone else, someone who
isn't one of their precious, infallible players who are 100% the same 'heroes' irl as the ones they are during the campaign.
No. 894168
>>894164Really they all fucked it up for themselves, it's just that the Jared and Holly took the brunt of it because they are the most terrible out of the DCA crew. So it was easier to let Nate and Anna have a pass because, while they both screwed around with each other and ruined their relationships, they both decided to lay low to let the storm roll by.
Still doesn't excuse them for taking part in the porn commission account, but then again what is the DnD community without extreme undertones of sexual awkwardness?
No. 894170
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>"How hard would it be to make an announcement?"Judging by the fact that y'all went absolute APE SHIT on Jared's ex wife the
very second she mentioned DCA, coupled with people practically staking their emotional well-being on it's continuation, I'm guessing it would be
pretty hard for them to make an official announcement on whether it's cancelled or going to continue.
No. 894179
>-Jared never meets Holly Conrad.It was inevitable. Rich kids are
massive clout-chasers
No. 894183
>-Jared and Heidi have a babyGiven the issues they had &
were keeping private, this would have made things much,
much worse.
No. 894189
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>>894181Possibly but if so it's very discrete.
Does Ross have bad blood over Jared taking his wife?
-Not sure, though he has a new girlfriend who seems to be way better match than Holly. She is even helping him make his upcoming animation. Besides it seems more of a case of Holly crushing on Jared while it wasn't neccesarily returned on his part, until things got rocky with him and Heidi and Holly seemed like a decent rebound girl. So it's not like Jared intentionally sabatoged Ross/Holly's marriage in the same way Holly did to Jared&Heidis.
The Grumps might have a policy or something where since they took down his videos and don't want to be associated with him, Ross can't publicly interact and especially not defend him in any way. If he left the Grumps then I am sure he'd probably interact with him again. As long as there's no bad blood.
No. 894194
>>894189Or maybe he's just uncomfortable when it comes to Jared, knowing what we all know now.
Plus, he's been steadily getting better this year. We've all had those moments during a period of healing/improvement & shit comes back to haunt us, but we're just like "Not today, Satan!" - That was most likely the point he was at back in May.
No. 894206
>>894203People loved Holly+Ross as a couple, hell people even loved Jared+Heidi as a couple
>>894175But truth is stranger than fiction, my friend.
No. 894210
>>894205nah they are getting soft in their old age.
Internet popularity heavily favors charisma and charm, and when it fades the audience will notice. Internet citizens will find someone else to entertain them.
Not to say they aren't "cool guys", they are, but are they still good entertainers?
I feel the landscape now favors people like Scott the Woz and JonTron who add more to their videos with comedy and creativity.
Game Grumps has the 10 minute power hour but I honestly find it hard to even pretend to laugh watching them.
No. 894214
>>894210Scott Waz is a bad meme and I wish I didn't see him shilled everywhere
The age of nerdy white dudes doing lackluster reviews of games and shows needs to end.
No. 894234
>"Every table has its dramas"I really doubt every table's "dramas" involved fucking your friend's wife (while being married yourself) and soliciting nudes from your fans, some of whom were underage.
>"Heidi didn't mudsling all over Jared and Holly"Right, because she forced Jared to fuck at least one fan, his buddy's wife, AND to jack it to minor's nudes.
>"Jared and Heidi have a baby"No, no no. Their relationship was shitty before any of this, and it wouldn't be fair to stick a kid in the middle of the absolute mindfuck that is emotionally
abusive PedoDick.
>>894181I really, really doubt that Ross is going to be on speaking terms with the dude who fucked his wife repeatedly.
>"So it's not like Jared intentionally sabatoged Ross/Holly's marriage in the same way"He fucked another man's wife. Regardless of if his intent was to end their marriage or not, he knew Hoelly caught feelings and indulged that rather that shutting that shit down.
No. 894248
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>>894200>>894199they were also at PRGE together.
not to mention jared talked about jeff coming over with a "cheese platter so generous" to celebrate his birthday in one of his streams.
it's a pity, i really liked jeff's stuff although he's inconsistent as hell. it's becoming easier and easier to unfollow the NB guys since it's not like there's much content being produced anymore anyway. the only ones i'm happy following now are caddicarus and brutalmoose lol
No. 894250
>>891301Kek I've had a bad day but this post got to me
Godspeed anon
No. 894257
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Sonic has been through enough already. Don't drag him into this.
No. 894260
>>894257Let's see: A shittily designed character VS a grown man who masturbated to nudes of minors that he used his fame to solicit (be it purposefully of minors or not) while simultaneously banging his friend's wife
How you even going to
try to compare the two?
No. 894308
>>894175>-Jared and Heidi have a baby and grow old together.Only someone unfamiliar with Heidi would think she wants to have a baby. Ffs, at least read some information about the person you are idolizing, she has said repeatedly she doesn't want kids, she doesn't like kids and doesn't plant to have kids. And that was including during the time when her marriage was pretty young and happy.
Get over the idea that people need kids to be in a happy and stable relationship. Or that women need kids to be fulfilled.
No. 894334
>>894329well, if they have proof that the REALLY terrible thing, the underage stuff, was false, they have the right to choose to forgive their friend for doing a shitty, shitty thing. We don't know the full story.
Adults can keep friends with multiple people even if they don't get along, i see on twitter PUR, who publicly said Jared was as slimey dick, still being friends with PBG who in turn, seems to have forgiven Jared.
Maybe the pedo allegations are actually false.
No. 894388
>>894382He showed his
Youtube demographics from 2018/2019
His nude blogs
on Tumblr were around as early as 2015.
No. 894393
>>894382huh, really? i gotta say, i pulled those number outta my ass cus i just assumed based on other stats.
I'm over 30 but i thought i was the exception and not the rule, demographics wise. Still hard to believe that the majority of his audience isnt teenagers, though.
>>894390probably rolling in the cash she makes for soft-porn "ARTISTIC" photoshoots until she files for emancipation
No. 894404
>what's so alluring about young pussyVulnerability.
Becoming a 'safe-space' for an inexperienced, confused, & insecure waif gives them a sense of power. Plus, it makes them look & feel less pathetic.
No. 894405
>>894402They did. They opened a podcast with his intro and made their animal crossing town tune his opening
Then Jared threatened them and got those videos demonetized. They mentioned it on a podcast or 2
No. 894421
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Saw this in the SuperMega subreddit
>"You guys are the first to say "oh no I'm so dumb i jumped in a bandwagon again" but don't realise you just jumped on the bandwagon going on the opposite way…"
Very true. Especially when it comes to the 'Drama' channels that criticized Jared & did a 180 once he found out how to sway the public opinion in his favor.
No. 894424
>>894395it's never my first impulse to blindly believe this kinda stuff simply based on hearsay, but jesus fuck there's one TOO many of the exact same allegations coming out against an unnerving number of people. if there's anything more than
>>894307 i would be interested in this milk
>>894412oh come on anon. only the worst most heinous bastard would ever LIE on the internet to creep on someone else!
>lies about body positivity and wife's consent to literally thousands of people to wrest tit pics from fans No. 894435
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>>894421This person brings up a good point.
No. 894439
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>>894435>>894421Also, some more posts.
No. 894440
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>>894439>>894435>>894421Forgive me for the slight derail, it was just nice to see some sanity regarding this shit show , & that people are actually paying attention to his little 'performance'.
No. 894448
>>894424 All I have is thirdhand hearsay.
I have friends who have friends who were friends with him on snapchat who were brought backstage to NSP and Grump shows by him to meet Dan and Arin after he manipulated nudes out of them. They were all barely legal teens but there were rumors that he wasn't really checking ids with other girls he did favors for. When they tried to complain to Arin he knew everything but supposedly didn't care. Can't verify the milk anymore because we lost touch.
No. 894474
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>>894308Maybe, but being merely a couple vs. being a family, priorities change.
I'd like to believe Jared and Heidi would be great parents, I mean they both took care of Aries very well. Of course a pet is way different from a child, there is still the principle of loving and caring for it. But then again they were always on the go, a convention this weekend and a flight across the country the next. But I guess we are free to imagine what could have been.
So they met in 2011, broke up this year in 2019. That is about 9 seasons of television, welp I stopped watching in season 8 when Jared started to try and break up with her.
I don't care for season 9 onwards, to me it's non-canon.
(autism) No. 894481
>"being merely a couple vs. being a family, priorities change."For the record, not having kids doesn't mean they aren't a family. The idea that a couple has to bring unwanted children into the universe to be a legitimate 'family' is bullshit. If these two were
toxic as a couple, the last thing they needed to do was bring a child into that.
>"I'd like to believe they'd be great parents, I meant they both took care of Aries very well"A fucking cat is infinitely easier than a crying, screaming, shit-covered child.
>"to me it's non-canon"These are living, breathing humans. I think it's time you log off the internet when you start referring to real life relationships as being "non-canon"
No. 894577
>>894392Probably on the other side of the camera taking the picture.
>>894474What's wrong with you and this weird fanfiction…
No. 894721
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>>894411>him threatening SuperMegaThey can afford Finn Wolfhard, so I think they can afford a legal defense as well. Besides doesnt he lipread "ProJared is innocent" in his parody video?
>>894482The future that could have been.
No. 894827
>>894721Finn did that video because he's a fan. They didn't (and could not) hire him. The boys only recently started doing well thanks to Patreon.
>>894796This whole incident has certainly proven that Jared doesn't have as thick a skin as he let on
No. 894913
>"This whole incident has certainly proven that Jared doesn't have as thick a skin as he let on"Jared is pussy who had to let his mistress fight his public battle for MONTHS before popping up, declaring himself some kind of champion over "cancel culture" and then making a mockery out of his abuse of power.
Any man who sits back and lets the woman he claims to care about be a punching bag for him instead of eating his just desserts is a giant tool.
No. 895015
>Jared is pussy who had to let his mistress fight his public battle for MONTHS before popping up, declaring himself some kind of champion over "cancel culture" and then making a mockery out of his abuse of power.THIS.
Everything he brought up in his video was already posted by Holly & his fans. He fled while his mistress & their stans cobbled together some loose ends, & it wasn't until they settled on a particular route when he suddenly became all smug & self-assured again, which leads me to believe he might not be as innocent as he lets on.
No. 895032
>>895015To be fair, Jared is just another youtube gamer guy. Not some Ace attorney lawyer or jessica jones private investigator.
Same with PBG, that's why his initial response was "This ain't it chief", instead of "I understand your pain and frustration and why you feel the need to vent, however twitter is not the place to do it. This will give you instant gratification now but have serious reprecussions for yourself and all parties involved in the long-run. So I wouldn't reccomend doing this".
They are held up too high of a standard and expectation sometimes.
That's why Heidi, a talented award-winning artist and bachelors degree holder, also played the part of the typical angry ex-wife (rightfully so) on twitter for like almost 3 months. She along with the others involved, or really any person really, present herself however need be at the time. That's why she sounds outrageous and vindictive in her tweets, while in her 2hr stream she is soft-spoken and articulated.
Everyone has a strongsuit.
I have more to say but I think you get my point.
No. 895033
>"They are held up too high of a standard and expectation sometimes"I'm sorry that I expected a grown-ass man to not fuck his friend's wife before divorcing his OWN wife while simultaneously running SEVEN porn blogs, jacking it to nudes of minors, and fucking random fans at cons where he was supposed to be working.
I guess I had unrealistic expectations about the behavior of adults.
No. 895034
>That's why Heidi…..played the part of the typical angry ex-wife…..That's why she sounds outrageous and vindictive in her tweets, while in her 2hr stream she is soft-spoken and articulatedOr it could be that she was initially heated and angry, and by the time she did the stream, she had had time to accept what had happened and compose herself?
This isn't like your "woe is me, I'm abused and cancelled!" Jared apology video where the very next time he was magically all better at Hoelly's house.
No. 895035
>>895034>Or it could be that she was initially heated and angry, and by the time she did the stream, she had had time to accept what had happened and compose herself?"Heidi can never do anything wrong."
You people are as bad as the ones constantly hating on jared and holly (and now Dan.)
No. 895040
>>895036That, and her stream came
after Jared's big comeback video.
It probably gave her at least
some closure, especially after nearly 3 months of radio silence.
No. 895049
>>895035The amount of people who come in here and find one line that is positive towards Heidi and scream "stop stanning! She's a cow too" is disgusting.
We've all made it clear Heidi fucked up a bit during this but at the end of the day she was a
victim in this.
No. 895065
>>895036>>895049I literally cringed every time Heidi took the bait, but I can still understand where she's coming from.
It's so
painfully textbook cheating too, especially Jared, Holly & their lackeys jumping back & forth between "He wouldn't have done it if she hadn't
enabled him in the first place!" & "She kept him from going to see his friends! She wouldn't let him do
No. 895111
>>895035"there is no difference between good and bad things"
an adulterous predator, his unapologetic mistress, and a sex pest are all morally equivalent to a
victim of adultery
literally who fucking cares if heidi isn't perfect; she's the
victim, she can act however the fuck she wants
No. 895269
>>894173jfc, this is so gross already. Heidi didnt wreck the marriage, Jared and Holly did. why is Heidi always being brought up as some witch who ruined everything when she was a
victim of cheating?
No. 895272
>>895269The same reason that girls have to follow a dress code in HS because god forbid dudes be expected to control themselves.
Jared is the poor, mistreated gamer dude - and his wife is the evil, adulterous whore who wouldn't let him fuck his mistress
No. 895472
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>>894581>>894577>>894485dont she minds to be fair
No. 895568
>>895472There's a difference between someone saying "Hey, can I write this fiction story about you?" from what I'm assuming is well over a year ago and someone popping onto a board and talking about her having babies (which she's, from what I understand, already said she has no interest in) with her emotionally
abusive husband just a few months after everything that came out.
No. 895575
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>>895568Correct, she said it before multiple times.
I always thought it would be neat to see what their legacy would have been. But still, a good parent doesn't always entail good spouse.
That's just not the lifestyle Heidi or Jared had wanted. And it would have just overcomplicated things once they got tired of each other.
Their kid: "How did you and mommy meet?"
Jared: Oh we met at some place when I was competing in a video game tournament.
"Oh, why did you and mommy break up?"
Jared: Because I wanted to bang my D&D co-star. But we were also in a poly…, you know what shit happens, you'll figure that in life.
No. 895636
>>893486fun fact.
maureen also fucked vinny from vinesauce when she had a bf and he told multiple people lol
No. 895672
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>>895576>>895575Lol they wouldn't even adopt.
Also I just love Heidi's sense of humor, not sure if it's a natural quirk of hers or if she picked it up from being around Jared.
No. 895676
>>895675nta but whhhhhaatt?? He's friends with Mike tho
>>895672hopefully not tbh
No. 895682
>>895680A good rule of thumb is to remember that anyone online is still just a regular person with faults and negative things about them, just like everyone else.
Remember that and you'll be alright.
A lot of these gamer bros let their little bit of internet fame go to their head - and look how poorly it's going for them. Entirely too many of the Normal Boots / DCA team are be revealed to be super creepy people.
No. 895708
>>893486Seeing that Maureen deleted the video, I have a backup and could reupload it if anyone cares?
Wasnt really milky anyways but if theres interest just tell me a video hosting site where she can’t copyright claim it and I’ll do it
No. 895718
>>895708Maureen here! anon your weird internet obsession with me is getting really sad lmao. everything you’ve posted on here is directly out of your ass, none of your timelines line up with the truth, and I’ve never cheated on anyone in my life. CLEARLY nobody else wants to talk about me on this thread except you samefagging all over the place
my Twitter is unprivated if you want to work this out in my DMs but don’t force all these nice people to sit through your one person hate campaign for fucks sake
No. 895766
>>895708why would anyone care?? are you this intent on revealing personal info about all of the
victims of d-list e-celebrity sex pests, or do you just have some weird obsession with this one girl
No. 895769
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I know they won’t, but it’d be fucking hilarious if the people holding copyrights on D&d and the logos and shit nailed her with a trademark violation or something for her shitty merch
Yknow, like she did with that girl who took her “cancelled” design, edited it, and was going to use the proceeds to benefit domestic violence charities.
No. 895805
>"The heroes try to slay the dragons"Are….are you really insinuating that Hoelly is a hero trying to slay a dragon? What fucking dragon? Cancel culture? The dragon of not being a fucking idiot?
>"Is obviously making depression the big bad of the game"Exactly. It's turning depression a.k.a. a mental illness that can and does fuck up a persons actual life into more weird fodder for D&D.
A shitty ass design that she'll charge a fuckton of upcharge on isn't "trying to slay the dragon of depression". It's an alleged mental health advocate trying to profit off of a mental illness.
It's fucking ignorant ass bullshit, my guy.
No. 895811
>>895804Have you ever even played D&D? Cause that's one hell of a reach and the most simplified, ignorant definition I've ever seen for it.
I don't even find the concept that bad but coming from Holly, it's a fucking joke. And her trash aesthetic doesn't even make sense with it.
No. 895812
>>895811That's just it. I'm not a huge fan of the design, but from literally any other human on Earth, it'd just another design that you see and forget about five minutes later.
The irony in it coming from Miss "mental health advocate except when I'm being called out for being a whore and then I might kill myself, I'm sorry I'm mentally ill" is intense and just plain insulting.
No. 895841
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>>895718Maybe don’t announce that nobody care about you in thread because people suddenly do care. Also I followed your accounts and I know you cried about being “ outed” before deleting the tweets and unlocking your twitter so don’t be so bold
No. 895905
>>895769someone made a Dungeons and Depression pin YEARS ago it was part of a set with a D20 that said Critical Depression.
Holly just wants to bank off her mental illness and not actually fix herself.
She's so lothesome.
No. 895934
>>895905See, now that's fine. It was someone making a kitschy little pin that was in iffy taste, but generally harmless.
With Holly, it's just another instance of her trying to profit off of her mental illness. This is a woman who thought it was good idea to host "mental health mondays" while still trying to use her own shit mental health as a get-out-of-jail free card ("I'm doing so much better you guys! Wait….I'm being held responsible for fucking a married man? I'LL KILL MYSELF AND IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT! I'M SORRY I'M MENTALLY ILL!!")
No. 896028
>>896017I don't think Anon literally meant that Holly had to fix herself - but rather than sit in her consistently miserable life of "oh woe is me", she's not taking any steps to make shit better for herself.
She can talk about all of the therapy she's going to and mental hospitals, but she clearly hasn't learned shit from any of them IF she's even going and not just using it as one more "look how unique and not like other girls I am!" badge.
No. 896148
There's no standard to mental illness. I'm not saying this to defend holly or 'blog post', so any autist that wanna get butthurt or claim 'stan' may wanna save the energy, but:
If you're mentally ill, you could be getting all the help and medicine in the world and it doesn't immediately rewire your brain. There's very obviously something off about holly, which is why things like:
>always claiming to be on the same tiny starter dose of prozac for many years despite admitting no improvement/still severely symptomatic
Is a thing, people could be on medicine for a lifetime and there's no changes, also your body can (and does) build up a tolerance, some faster than others. Changing meds/dosages or treatments isn't always the option because as you said a half-way decent one would immediately recognize if a different course would work or not, rather than continue to try and push drugs.
So holly is shady as fuck, but when it comes to mental illness, the mentally ill doesn't always realize what's going on in the sense they legitimately may think they're not doing/saying anything wrong.
No. 896149
>>896118>>896118theres no hard and fast "proof" (as in holly straight up saying "I don't do therapy lol") but it's been inferred from what shes said or done, spread across multiple threads and screencapped tweets. some examples of the top of my head:
>always claiming to be on the same tiny starter dose of prozac for many years despite admitting no improvement/still severely symptomatic (a halfway decent shrink would've adjusted her dose or tried different medication at some point, unless shes lying to them and saying she feels fine)>acting like it's completely normal/believable for a therapist to divulge personal info about a patient completely unrelated to her and not a gross violation of HIPPA>also thought it was normal/believable for a therapist to tell her an unrelated patient is "unfixable" and will never improve>claimed to be a mental health advocate yet said people with bpd are untreatable (when dbt has been known as the most effective treatment for ages)>claimed to have gone to couples therapy because she used to abuse Ross and "got better" (she didn't, obviously, Ross has alluded in a VR chat video to the ways she used to abuse him until the end, such as suicide baiting and using her mental disorder as a weapon)>claimed to have been locked up in a mental hospital for suicidal ideation after the cheating drama broke on Twitter, yet had her phone and was deleting tweets the whole time>thought the reasonable response to help a "friend" in a supposedly abusive relationship was to fuck them and then suicide bait publically when it didnt workjust hard to believe someone who was in therapy trying really hard to make things work - even if they were failing to cope - would do or say any of this shit. unless shes seeing the same therapist that Jared and Heidi did, in which case it explains a lot…
(sorry had to delete/repost to fix typos)
No. 896154
>"it doesn't immediately rewire the brain"Nobody is saying that it is. Holly, however, has claimed to be in therapy for YEARS. There's no excuse that after years of seeing a mental health professional, she still says shit like "I'm sorry, I'm mentally ill" as if that's an excuse to be an adulterous whore who tried to make someone else's suicide to be all about her.
>"People could be on medicine for a lifetime and there's no changes"Then you go to your doctor and tell him as much. You don't stay on a non-working medication for years, that's not how that works, bud. If Holly is on prozac (esp. a starter dose) and not seeing improvement after 6 weeks, that's on her to say "Doc, I still feel fucked". the only reason she'd stay on that dose is like another anon said, she's telling the doctor that she feels fine.
Either way, Holly is failing as a fucking mental health advocate by trying to profit off of this quirky little "dungeons and depression" shirts when she clearly doesn't have her own shit at least under control.
No. 896157
>>896148>Changing meds/dosages or treatments isn't always the option because as you said a half-way decent one would immediately recognize if a different course would work or not, rather than continue to try and push drugs.That's not true at all. Psychiatrists will frequently push other medications for treatment of depression symptoms if the first one doesn't work. No antidepressant is a one size fits all and I've never heard of a doctor not trying several different ones until they either find the right one or conclude that antidepressants aren't the correct mode of treatment. There are so many different kinds that affect your brain chemistry in completely different ways that you couldn't possibly tell if they would work or not. Prozac is literally babby's first antidepressant and an SSRI. There are still SNRIs, NRIs, RIMAs, MAOIs, tetracyclics, the list goes on, and no doctor would be able to tell if NONE of these were going to work by only giving someone 20mg of an SSRI. And that's only in the antidepressant family. Branching out to mood stabilizers and antipsychotics is pretty common in treatment-resistant depression.
And like
>>896154 said, this isn't a recent development, she's claimed to be in treatment on the same dose of Prozac for like 5 years. She is aware that it's not relieving her symptoms in any way, yet she remains on this tiny dose that does absolutely nothing for her. She directly contradicts all the advice she has ever given. Hell, the fact that she doesnt seem to know or care about HIPAA is suspect as fuck, when therapists make a huge deal about your privacy rights from session 1.
No. 896170
>>896166Side effects of 40mg prozac include a chronic fear of clown emojis and a strong aversion to responsibility.
Kidding, but I guess the real problem is that no amount of antidepressants will make you a good person. All the medication in the world won't fix the fact that she is an unrepentant,
abusive asshole who thinks it's fine to openly mock Jared's
victims and make jokes about him not being in jail. If she devoted herself to CBT she might learn a little self-reflection but I don't see it happening.
No. 896183
>>896179Yeah, from cosplaying and abuse that she sometimes pretends happened and sometimes her mom was her best friend?
I don’t really trust that diagnosis either way
No. 896184
>unless shes seeing the same therapist that Jared and Heidi did, …OR:
1) Jared either shared this info with Holly
2) Holly was in posession of Jared's phone & read the convos between Jared & his therapist.
No. 896194
>"Holly just freaked out & felt embarassed"As she fucking should. She was indulging in a - at the very least - romantic relationship with a married man while she was still married herself. She also went batshit crazy and started screaming about abuse because Heidi said "Hey, please don't fuck my husband"
>"She wanted to cut Heidi off because Heidi saw her 'bad' side"No, she wanted to cut Heidi off because Heidi was the one thing standing between her and her weird roleplay-come-to-life fantasy life with ProPedo.
No. 896324
>>896301>>896296encouraging any sort of relationship between your own husband and someone's elses wife sounds like a recipe for disaster, regardless if it was just a small crush on Holly's end, i'd imagine it would not end well regardless.
If I were Heidi I would say Jared can only fuck nameless fans (18+ of course), and definitely not the public figure wife of a public figure husband (with a
toxic fanbase).
Polyamory certainly can work in certain cases and circumstances, or it can be a complete shitshow like what Jared & co. had.
No. 896340
>>896324I think the biggest downfall with Jared & Heidi's attempt at poly wasn't that they went poly in the first place, but that Jared was straight up lying to Heidi about his conduct and wasn't just being honest with her from the jump.
Like, dude had it made - His wife was chill with him fucking just about any other woman on the planet than Holly Conrad, and that is the ONE person he chose to fuck.
No. 896410
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No. 896425
>>896417>>896410Wouldn't say Jared has fully moved on either.
I was watching him stream recently and it seemed like he did kind of allude to Heidi, but it was extremely subtle.
No. 896555
>>896296polyamory can work lol, you just have to be mature and not a lying cunt
i went poly with my boyfriend for like a year and we both mutually agreed to it and mutually agreed to going back to being exclusive, it's not like heidi and jared couldn't have made it work, they were just fucking terrible at it
No. 896565
>>896555Who's gonna tell Anon? Anon is Heidi. Heidi thought they went monogamous too.
Maybe install a tracker or something on your bfs phone just to be sure, because doubt.jpg
No. 896596
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And yet she STILL flips the fuck out about trying to get DCA back…..
No. 896603
>>896506I don't even think Heidi necessarily had a problem with him developing feelings for others - but when the person he develops feelings for says "I am sexually attracted to you for the first time in my life, oh and I want a romantic relationship with you and only you - No, that doesn't include my husband or your wife", that becomes
problematic. That's the kind of situation that leads to you coming home to your pet boiling in a pot of water.
>"because she thought he would be turned down"Or maybe because she was sick of them trying to play these naive little "I had no idea she felt that way!" games and wanted to just get it out and over with.
>"It took literally 3 hours of no texts after she told him it was alright to go fuck Holly and he didn't reply. That ain't chill."Fam, how chill did you expect her to be? 6 hours? 12? 24? A week? The day ProPedo decides to marry Hoelly?
>"You just have to be mature and not a lying cunt"Bingo. Jared hid shit from Heidi from day one - THAT is what sunk the whole poly thing before it even got started.
>"Maybe install a tracker or something on your bfs phone just to be sure, because doubt.jpg"Because nothing screams 'healthy relationship' quite like installing a tracker program onto your significant other's phone.
>>896595Heidi didn't necessarily say "hell no" altogether, just to ProDick banging Holly. There are literally MILLIONS of other women on the planet he could have banged, but no, he wanted the ONE person his wife expressed discomfort with.
No. 896650
>>896603>>896506Heidi was okay with it until Holly revealed that
she wanted Jared to herself, & once Heidi said no, that's when Holly went scorched-earth & was
going to convince Jared that he was in an
abusive relationship, whether he liked it or not. Jared didn't mind it, because he got that sweet sweet sympathy, & he didn't even have to do that much to get it from momma-Holly!
No. 896666
>>896662That's the problem - There IS no real Holly to work on. She's done so much fuckery in creating Strix that she has literally become Strix herself.
Without it, Holly's back at square one with zero idea as to who she is without it.
Guess that's the price you pay for being a dumb fuck who cherishes curved dick more than the career you spent years working on…
No. 896680
Holly became the biggest she ever was with Strix; it was her chance to really shine as an individual, & what did her self-relying, asexual-representing character do? Start chasing dick, of course.
What would Holly have done?
is Holly? We only know Strix! Better go chase that dick with Strix!
No. 896766
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>"I'm sure others have said this. How about a DCA live action movie?"
No. 896770
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>>896596Looks like we'll find out DCA's fate soon enough…
No. 896785
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Also Looks like Anna's been visiting Holly.
Nothing from Nate though…
No. 896792
>>896770Most people have never heard about DCA until this fiasco honestly. It was never as big as TAZ or CritRole and now it’s just going to always be associated with Jared’s dick and Holly sperging about cancel culture and making Etika’s suicide about herself.
WotC is better off keeping it dead and buried. Jared may not be a pedophile but he’s a pervert who shouldn’t have a fanbase to exploit.
No. 896794
>>896774>>896792I'm just throwing this out here, I'd wager either DCA is done but they might let Holly and/or Jared weasel their way into one of their other shows/programs…
will make a comeback, all 4 players will return, grinning awkwardly, trying to relive their former glory, & it'll be really painful & uncomfortable for
everyone except Holly & the fans.
(Sage for tinfoiling)
No. 896799
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are these people helping…?
No. 896802
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Heidi spittin truth right here
No. 896803
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>>896802…Even if it's about something else… we know.
No. 896805
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>>896800because they are either still mentioning Jared's name or referencing him.
Not that we can do anything about it, Heidi was at least a semi-public figure in her own right before the divorce and moreso infamously will retain that status going forward. So its inevitable people are still going to be in her mentions talking about it.
No. 896807
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>>896802Shit like this is why I don't understand how anyone could see her as 'the REAL bad guy' in her situation.
The 'fake-positivity' crap that Holly (& sometimes Jared) keep pulling just gets
too obvious.
No. 896828
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Keep drinking in that fake/toxic positivity! ~uwu!
No. 896832
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By the way, she recently addressed the whole 'scamming a cancer victim' thing.
Her response is the same; "No I didn't, & you should forgive me because… I didn't do it!"
No. 896845
>>896832God, all of her wording screams "I'm the
victim! feel bad for me! I would feel nothing but guilt if that were true! but since it isn't I'm the only
victim here!"
No. 896854
>>896832You know she loves the hate, likes that it makes her feel relevant when she truly isn’t, or she wouldn’t keep responding.
This whole thing reeks of a Hoelly pity party.
No. 896857
>"But it's not fun to send memes and hate on someone who admits they were wrong."You have to
admit it in the first place Holly.
You keep swerving around it whilst lobbing excuses & guilt-tactics at everyone who notices.
This is why I
don't believe her when she says she "never cheated"; because she just hurls this word-salad at anyone who genuinely asks & doesn't give a straight answer.
Plus she's got her WKs running around telling people how "Marriage is antiquated/overrated/sexist/etc anyway!" as if to desensitize onlookers. And finally, there's the whole "I totally didn't do ANYTHING wrong, but you need to FORGIVE me, because WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES!"
So what is it, Holly? Did you make a mistake? Or did you 'do nothing wrong'???
No. 896864
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Judging by their behavior alone, DCA fans don't even deserve to have their show back.
No. 896869
>>896666This is shit you see in RP communities everywhere. The character is an idealized version of themselves, a vehicle where they can live out their fantasies. The player's unhealthy as fuck so they start conflating themselves with the character. Sometimes they commission hundreds of dollars of art / porn of their character. At that point there's so much emotional, financial, and (sometimes) creative investment involved that if something happens that removes them from their character it's a full on meltdown.
It's funny seeing the cycle play out IRL with Holly - she's ticked off a few of the boxes. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts losing it again if DCA is confirmed dead. I also wouldn't be surprised if she found her way into a new campaign in the future and latched onto a new fantasy boyfriend.
No. 896883
>"WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES"Yeah, but most of the time, our mistakes don't destroy marriages, lead to the cancellation of an entire 'show', or involve the potential pedophilia allegations that ProDick has faced.
>"So give him his game back"Wasn't there already rumors swirling that Chris was just about done DM'ing DCA anyway? Why are they acting like it's killing Chris? Maybe dude has already moved on to other projects instead of wallowing over what he lost.
>"turned off her ability to empathize"Isn't that sociopath 101? turning off the ability to empathize with other humans?
>>896880I doubt it - Not because I think she's anything less than a full on bitch (because I do), but because they'd have ground to call the cops and have her admitted to the psych ward on a 51/50.
No. 896928
>>896924Sadly he’s a mediocre white geek guy and Holly’s a rich legacy kid with dead grandpa’s cash.
Those kind of people always get their way.
No. 896948
>>896895Most DMs would be pissed that their game was used as a conduit for an affair and soliciting porn art of their characters.
But ever since his Between The Sheets interview, Perkins really showed himself to be a
problematic person at best, so….
Wouldn't put it past him to be okay with that.
No. 896956
>" Heidi was fantasizing about killing DCA for a year and threatening Jared about it"Saying something that you know will hurt your significant other is not the same as actively plotting out an attempt to ruin. Besides, Heidi didn't ruin DCA - PedoDick's SEVEN porn accounts and allegations of jacking it to nudes of minors is what ruined it.
Though, tbh, fucking his coworker didn't help.
>"It could be that this was his silent approval."Or maybe he thought they'd be adult enough to keep fantasy and real life separate.
No. 896958
>" where Heidi is literally threatening him and saying stuff like "i am gonna be okay with burning it to the ground as long as i don't have to suffer anymore"."Right, because I'm sure you've never said anything awful out of a place of anger that you would never actually follow through on.
I'm not giving Heidi a pass for some of the shit she's done, but jesus christ dude, that's like seeing someone say "I'd love to fucking kill that guy" in a fit of road rage and calling the cops to report a death threat. They aren't actually going to follow through.
>"people involved in the business that was ruined thanks to this"Again, this wasn't 'ruined' because of Heidi pointing out that PedoDick cheated. It was ruined because Jared couldn't keep it in his fucking pants and surf pornhub like everyone else. He ran numerous porn blogs and received nudes of minors. THAT is what ended DCA - not him being a fucking bum to his wife.
No. 896967
>"Heidi was fantasizing about killing DCA for a year and threatening Jared about it. "Slow down there, kiddo. Y'all act like she was gonna literally
murder people.
Nate & Anna seem to be moving on just fine
without DCA. Seems like the only ones actually shook about it are Holly & DCA stans.
No. 896976
>>896957Who wants to bet Jared & his coworkers initially didn't even take Heidi's 'threats' seriously?
Jared probably scoffed when he first read it. Then he showed it to his coworkers like "You see this shit my crazy wife's been saying lately? lmao THIS is what I come home to every day! lol"
Then, shit got real & Holly threw it up as "dire evidence of some
serious abuse! Yes guys, she IS
that bad!"
No. 896978
>"didn't even take Heidi's 'threats' seriously?"I mean, Jared still kept fucking Hoelly, so you know that dude wasn't taking it seriously.
>"Holly threw it up"Holly's claims of abuse lose any and all validity when she texted with Heidi, saying shit like "I know you're not
abusive, I was just upset because you yelled at me"
No. 896982
>Holly's claims of abuse lose any and all validity when she texted with Heidi, saying shit like "I know you're not abusive, I was just upset because you yelled at me"But she was ScArEd anon! She was just
acting submissive to appease the CrUeL & vInDiCtIvE Heidi! /s
Yeah, that's what bothers me. Holly
knows it wasn't 'abuse', but she ended up calling it that anyway to suit her narrative.
No. 896986
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>>896864Bunch of crybullies, the lot of them!
No. 896999
>>896990Yeah, but don't count on it.
There's enough people kicking & screaming about 'saving' DCA that they have to be VERY careful about mentioning it.
No. 897016
>>897013I mean, he pretty much
built DCA, so he's probably proud of it.
No. 897025
File: 1574545437867.jpeg (137.66 KB, 640x591, 24EECC88-F546-4470-B7CC-B9B050…)

Look who’s vague posting again. Looks like the suspicions were correct and Hoelly and Jared got the call that DCA isn’t happening. Now she’s trying to gauge interest in a continuation of her fanfic.
No. 897026
>>897025Goddamn, Holly - Everyone with a pulse already knows you're talking about Strix (though, apparently WoTC owns the rights to her now so lmao), just fucking come out and say it and stop the vague bullshit.
Like, she honestly knows she has nothing to offer besides her half-baked self insert (because, let's face it, her art is okay, but it aint' gonna pay the bills) and is going to milk every last penny out of it
No. 897098
>>897030I mean. she literally decorated her house around the character. She's so obsessed with identifying as strix, it's really no wonder she's latched onto jared so desperately. She's really romanticized the whole thing to bizarre levels.
>>897025Do you think she's petty enough to introduce Heidi as a villain? kek.
No. 897100
>>897098Yeah. It's extremely creepy and gross.
On the plus side, releasing their awful self-insert fanfiction is going to be extremely embarrassing for them
No. 897162
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Uh-oh… Heidi mentioned 'recovery' again, better get out those pitchforks & start screaming at her to "Get over it already!" /s
No. 897195
>”when they saw what she did”Which was what? Snap on her husband who was fucking a married woman and then gaslighting his wife about it? HOW DARE SHE SHOW EMOTION! /s
Get outta here, prodick Stan
No. 897233
>>897231because she told them a story of what happened with Jared that didn't fit with what she told the public or with what the texts shown by all sides (including her) showed.
You can find a lot of contradictions between the stories that her not-local friends said about what they have observed and the story she was telling on twitter originally, and the more texts came out to contradict her statements, the less her friends were talking about it. And her whole "mean girls" attitude didn't fit with the "I forgive him, he is still my best friend, I want him to just get better" lines she was selling at the start. It's easy for people to empathize and support a
victim that is showing compassion and desire to start new life. Not so easy to support ongoing vendetta and pity party.
No. 897235
>"because she told them a story of what happened with Jared that didn't fit with what she told the public"Yeah, maybe she told them he was a sweet guy so they wouldn't be alarmed. That kind of thing is actually pretty common in abuse
victims - telling everyone that every thing is great and fine when it's anything but. She was still trying to protect his image.
>" the stories that her not-local friends said about what they have observed and the story she was telling"I'm inclined to believe the person involved (Heidi) over some randoms who weren't living with Jared 24/7.
>"And her whole "mean girls" attitude"What mean girls attitude? The shit where she said Hoelly seemed insecure with her body? Considering Hoelly spent the better part of 3 months screaming that Heidi was abusing her husband by saying "Hey, don't fuck my married friend", I think she's entitled to a couple of below-the-belt insults.
>"Not so easy to support ongoing vendetta and pity party."Pity party? Bro, Hoelly is selling shirts that profit directly from the drama and constantly pulling the "woe is me WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ME" card while Jared is too busy screaming about how he beat cancel culture.
I think you've gotten the ones pulling the pity party mixed up.
No. 897242
>>897235I seriously doubt that Heidi's friends keep tabs on Holly and Jared like we do here and say "oh, if they are still doing it, it's okay for her to do it too."
Also you are saying you are believing Heidi more than randos, but those randos as you call them came forward in the first days to support her. It's just that the more she was tweeting and the more information about her marriage came out, their stories (of what she had told them about her problems) diverged from what Heidi was saying. Like that dude that "wanted to have words" with Jared when Heidi told him why they were having marital problems and Jared didn't want to reconciliate back in November….. while few days/weeks later Heidi was trying to sell the story that she didn't know what is the reason for their problems and that Jared was giving her the impression that he was working to fix the marriage… while giving texts between her and the therapist explaining how on their first couple's therapy session Jared said he didn't want to work on it (which supports what that friend of hers said she told him).
No. 897253
>>897242You can go back to PJ2 now, though you will have to fight Hoelly for the privilege of riding that weird ProPedo dick.
The rest of us will be here trying to figure out how you’re willing to turn an emotionally abused person into the villain rather than the dude who couldn’t keep it in his pants and his evil, “I’ll kill myself and it will be your fault for not letting me fuck your husband” sidekick
No. 897272
>>897266Friend, she compared the shit she was going through to Etika killing himself and implied that we should all be more careful what we say to her because she might do the same.
As far as Heidi, she said she had suicidal thoughts and told her therapist which is what you’re supposed to do - not hop onto twitter and insulate that if you follow through, it’s someone else’s fault. She sure as shit didn’t use her suicidal thoughts as a bargaining chip to get others to behave in a certain manner or to get them to leave her alone like Holly has.
But yas trash bitch, I guess?
No. 897277
>>897274Ok Boomer, go back to sucking Jared’s dick now, you’ve made your point.
Heidi = evil whore
Holly and Jared = saints, wholly misunderstood, innocent
No. 897279
>>897223Why assume she wouldn't? Maybe she lives off the sympathy now? None of us know her personally.
Let's put it this way: Everyone assumes Holly or Jared (and even now Dan and anyone related to them) are just trying to have ulterior motives even when they post something extremely innocent. Why is heidi exempt? She's human also.
Double standards is the one thing that needs to die. Also people love to jump to '
victim blaming!' Do you know how many
victims have been caught bending the truth before? It's not blaming, it's being unbiased.
No. 897324
A bit OT, but I saw this interesting post about 'other women': much describes Holly's behavior to a T
No. 897330
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No. 897338
>>897331That's mob-mentality for ya.
"Popular people said it's all good, so it's all good!"
No. 897339
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>>897331The only thing he proved is that he did the bare minimum of “hey, you’re 18+ right?”. The thing is he asked after already engaging in sexually explicit conversation with the person.
That’s not even touching on the fact that he put himself into a position where it was EXCEEDINGLY Likely that he was going to get nudes of minors.
No. 897340
>>897335How long until he or his new fanbase blame
that on Heidi too?
No. 897341
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>was still married
No. 897342
>>897340They already do.
Heidi: -breathes-
No. 897344
>>897324Thought infidelity was the sub that all cheaters go to to feel sorry for themselves because their ap is totally honest and stuck in a awful relationship with a DB uwu? Or is that adultery?
>>897342Best thing for Heidi is just heal and flourish elsewhere with good people and happiness. Hope she just starts traveling or something
No. 897353
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Someone on PULL brought up a good point; Holly wasn't always this "smol bean birb mom ~uwu" No. 897371
File: 1574631135943.png (677.6 KB, 800x965, hoellyprojared1.png)

May they live….ever after and leave everyone else in the universe the fuck alone.
No. 897437
>>897381I've never heard about Ash being an e-girl. Have any more info on that?
>>897030She's in two other games that she attends streams for but no one gives a damn abou the characters she plays there.
No. 897440
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Apparently, WotC teased a new show that Chris Perkins will be DMing
No. 897443
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>>897440Don't know if it's official, but this person seems pretty pissed about it
No. 897444
File: 1574643955152.jpeg (147.14 KB, 828x601, B7F3B1D4-9D31-42F3-87BF-9277BB…)

Its all over folks. What will hoelly do now that her ship has officially sunk?
No. 897448
File: 1574644364948.png (71.2 KB, 440x614, lmao1.png)

>"Then I would like them, and everyone, to see how disappointed The #WaffleFam would be with that."By all means, go ahead! Harass people
even more, because all that
clearly worked out for y-…. oh wait!
No. 897451
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Nice threat there, also wrong @ genius
No. 897453
File: 1574644906815.png (70.58 KB, 596x614, dcaisdead.png)

Confirmed by Holly. It's gone.
No. 897458
At least Anna & Nate
waited until they broke up/divorced with their significant others to bone.
(If that's actually true, of course)
No. 897468
>>897461I hope for Heidi’s sake that none of these freaks start harassing her on twitter to blame her for its cancellation.
Let’s be real though, DCA wasn’t that good and it’s not like it’s the only dungeons and dragons livestream out there. There’s better alternatives available with players that don’t use the show as a conduit to cheat on their spouses or solicit nudes from minors.
No. 897471
File: 1574645905979.jpg (26.53 KB, 554x1200, EKLkohAXUAAPL9o.jpg)

Next thread pic, perhaps?
No. 897477
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>>897468Only attacks I've seen so far today - just a couple of chuds.
I fear that when word spreads about DCA's cancellation, it'll increase tenfold.
Hopefully by then, Heidi can just walk away from all this shit. It's not her problem anymore.
No. 897496
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>>897477Nah they're swarming here and there. Here's six others from Heidi's first tweet today.
No. 897500
At least most of these are drowned out by overwhelmingly positive & relatable responses.
Jared stans can choke.
No. 897506
File: 1574649756441.jpg (276.61 KB, 1400x1805, Acquisitions Incorporated spla…)

>>897453there's nothing stopping them from doing D&D streams without any support or promotion from WotC, if they want to continue to "tell the story" of how Strix and Diath are each others one true wuv forever and ever. they'll just have to accept having a DM who isn't also part of running D&D itself.
Strix can even still be an AcqInc employee!
No. 897513
>>897512Damn, now I kinda want someone else to play Strix.
But then I'd feel bad for that person, because Holly's entitled & immature 'tweethearts' would be screeching "#NotMyStrix"
No. 897526
>>897512I think that might indeed be the case. That's probably the real reason she's so pressed about it, because now she can't tell the story of her hoe trash witch because it wouldn't be canon anymore kek.
She really thought she was going to get away with being a lying, cheating scumbag and continue to be everyone's uwu birbmum huh. Losing rights to the shitty self insert she used to play out her affair is a very fitting punishment.
No. 897531
>>897526They just couldn't wait, could they?
Was it
really worth it?
No. 897533
>>897512>>897526the most I can find at the moment is from this interview with a guy who used to be in Acquisitions Incorporated (skip to about 31 minutes):
>one of the things that we made clear to WotC with that first podcast was that we would maintain ownership of our own characters and I don't think I don't think that's changed for anybody.they probably can't use the DCA name, though. maybe not "waffle crew" either, and they definitely aren't going to be able to stream through the official D&D twitch channel or be featured on anymore. and Perkins won't be their DM.
so they'd be kicked down to "unofficial fan production" but they should still have the rights to their generic-ass characters. (as funny as it would be if they started playing "Styxra, a half-devil witch" and "D'ath Wormwood, a human thief" or something.)
No. 897535
>>897512I doubt this is the case since she sells the strix staff shirt and the such and even though that's just the design of her staff if she wasnt allowed to do anything with the character going forward they probably would have made her take that down
Also there's a big difference
Jennifer Lawrence has no claim to the character as she is literally simply paid to play a character that is pre-written, and she's being directed to play the character a certain way whereas in DnD they're allowed to play their characters as they see fit.
Also I think if WotC was trying to claim her uwu self-insert kin character as theirs she would 100% cry about how 'a piece of her has been stolen by the big bad corporation'
This is just her being butthurt as always that she's not number one. It used to be femshep and then it was not winning every costume contest ever and now it's that she cant be 'the uwu precious mentally ill pigeon lady who FOUGHT LONG AND HARD to be accepted into the MANS WORLD of DnD and be one of their big cool kids under the official company.
No. 897557
>>897443That. That's why, random twitter. You're fucking sense of entitlement and irrational anger is why WoTC kept mum.
>"I'm done with Twitch now completely!"Right, because it's the platform's fault that Jared couldn't not fuck his coworker.
>"a real kick in the face to Jared and Holly"Jared and Holly are why the show was cancelled in the first place. Nate and Anna fucked around on their spouses and managed to keep it from getting plastered all over - which could have been ProPedo if he had put Holly on a leash and not tried to pass it off as mutual.
>>897506From the sounds of it, WoTC has some sort of ownership over Strix and Diath now - I could be wrong, though.
No. 897559
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>>897557I'm sure by tomorrow there will be
plenty of salt sprinkled around when you search "Wizards_DnD"
No. 897560
Going to start the new thread in a minute before we lock this one up - What do y'all think of this:
Last Time on the "Karma's a Bitch" Challenge…
> Holly tried to market a series of ultra generic mushroom art pieces as "custom art" at $30-$50 a pop
> Jared posted a photo wearing Holly's merch, leaving everyone to wonder if it was photoshopped or if he truly is a stick figure come to life
> Jared proclaimed that he beat cancel culture….and proceeded to lose 1000 subscribers on YouTube again
> Holly brought her emotional support pigeon onto a plane; Everyone in coach simultaneously contempalted hurling her out of the plane at 30,000 feet
> JonTron got married, Jared told him 'Congrats' and everyone speculated that Arin was upset at not getting invited (there's no proof of this, though)
> Arin, the guy who makes a living from playing video games, literally called video games a "chore at their core", making him nearly insufferable
> Holly lost her shit, started slapping people with the "Ok Boomer" memes and insisted that "mistress" is a sexist term that shouldn't be applied to her
> Arin tried to make a public appeal to have his fans send him their pokemon cards under the guise of it being for a video, instead of just buying his own - the tweet coming after he openly talks about a renewed interested in "the Pokemon cards"
> Dan emerges as a competitor in the "Who Can Be the Sleeziest Guy to Bang a Fan?" competition
> ProJared stans continue to attack WoTC, Anna, Nate, and others about the fate of DCA
> WoTC bitch slaps them back into reality as Holly finally admits that DCA has been officially cancelled and begins seeking other avenues to "tell their story"
No. 897564
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Please. Let a grown-ass man handle his own career.