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No. 971736
Last time on the "#BeKind" Edition…
> Legitimately nothing has changed - Not a single thing.
> Katie / K.T. is still fucking crazy
> ProJared is STILL trying to paint himself as the victim, begging for views on his FFVII video because he was "in such a dark place last year"
> He attempted to call out Joe Exotic apparently for saying "That bitch Carole Baskin" and then claiming to be anti-bullying.
> Holly is STILL playing the "woe is me, not like the other girls, uwu bird mom" card. Her "Mental Health Mondays" are now essentially just her streaming Animal Crossing.
> She also supported the DM of Far Verona during his scandal in which he essentially forced a sexual encounter on another player's character and was rightfully called out. Holly declared "You're a good friend and a good person" and then when called out for that, declared "I was literally molested as a child" as if that made her supporting a predator okay.
> Holly made some masks for people to use against COVID-19 and when called out for them not being effective, her Ass Kissers attacked the person because, in Holly's words, "It sucks trying to do something to help" and "At least applaud us for not taking the masks from first responders", implying that we should thank her for doing the bare minimum in not being a selfish twat.Image Credit: >> 969117
Thread Credit:
>>971734Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>945131Character Descriptions and Stats:
Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)>Heidi accuses Jared of threatening legal action if she speaks up. Unfortunately Heidi casts “Absorb Elements” just like she did for his initial divorce statement. Jared takes an extra 1d6 damage on her next melee attack. Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 10
Luck: none
Charisma: send noOds
Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (current power-level):
>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Claims to have not cheated on her ex-husband despite his refusal to make one comment about the situation in her defense>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread though>Compared Etika’s suicide, a popular black YouTuber, to her own suicidal ideation by showcasing they both received clown emojis as “bullying.” >Suffers backlash from the black community, Etika’s fans and Twitter>After being called out for taking advantage of a person’s suicide, Holly infamously deflects criticism by tweeting, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”Strength: uwu
Dexterity: uwu
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 100
Luck: ran out
Charisma: clown emoji
Holly Conrad’s Previous Stats:
>Holly is a “talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community”, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to her grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingFor More On Holly Conrad:
>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL)Strength: uwu
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 17
Stamina: 22
Luck: 100
Charisma: Not Suzy
Heidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>Non-lewd cosplayer, talented craftsman and elf >Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth>Has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all time>Married to Jared Pedodick Knobslob>Was in a poly relationship with Jared>Claims Holly was the reason it didn’t work out >Outed Jared’s infidelity and set twitter ablaze>Working on her current divorce and perhaps a defamation against Holly Conrad for trying to claim she had BPD and that psychologists have deemed her “unfixable” >Has started to become more vocal on that drama since Holly’s Etika sperg>Claims emotional abuse by Jared and gas lighting, and also seems to insinuate her enjoyment of sex has decreased>Blocks overtly sexual cosplays because of the ProJared controversy >Currently living alone in a new home and trying to start up her business and craft in a way to support herself>Accuses Holly of being vindictive enough to have done everything in her power to end her marriage and happiness Strength: 90
Dexterity: 71
Intellect: 82
Stamina: 64
Luck: 20
Charisma: Zinfandel
Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth>In direct contact with Holly Conrad Flying Monkey Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Normal Boots: Expanded Universe:
**Game Grumps
Previous GG Threads:**
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTSuzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being her BEST FRIEND despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.Game Grumps:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: Dice, Camera, Action:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action: Under “Other”:
Ross O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: from Mods:
>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 971761
>>971755Perkins has been hitting the Like button on a lot of em too.
He's totally okay with all this skeeviness, what happened to Heidi doesn't affect him personally.
No. 971763
>>>/snow/971725>Jared moved them to Seattle (where Heidi had no family or friends) Seattle, Washington is not such a bad place, it's the same city where wholesome souls such as Leafyishere and Onision live!… hmm okay but!,
Still the previous city they lived in (Los Angeles, California) is known to destroy people's mental health. Take example Bobby Burns
>>>/snow/735087 who like Jared moved to LA so he could be closer to his online career, but being there was damaging to his mental health so makes sense he would leave. There's many horror stories of people moving to LA in pursuit of fame and the red carpet only to end up with a drug addiction and manic depression.
Since they would have probably broken up sooner or later, it was probs best for Heidi they moved to Seattle, a much more tame city.
No. 971855
>>971784Arin made a post calling out "
problematic behaviour" (aka any humour whatsoever) in animation, especially newgrounds, and it pissed a lot of animators off since that's where his fame, fans, ect. first came from as well as himself acting the same way not too long ago. People pointed out he was being hypocritical and a massive up-his-own arse douche.
No. 971869
>>971782Honestly, I'm
kinda proud of them for refraining from any grandstanding on the 1-year anniversary of their fucked-up actions being exposed - People seem to forget the important detail that this shit had been happening an entire year
before Heidi came out about it last May.
People also seem to forget that Jared blocking Heidi
before posting his divorce statement; where he spoke on
her behalf, was what kicked this drama off in the first place.
No. 971870
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If true, this is pretty fucking disturbing.
Also Heidi wasn't even the one who leaked Jared's nudes in the first place, wtf?
No. 971910
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>>971870>>971873I have access to this discord and searched "Heidi" "Nudes" "onlyfans" "Atelier" and "revenge" and couldn't find anything that looks like this, also tried to figure out if there was some kind of code being used to make it hard to search but there's a lot and my desire to read those people chatting is not very high.
I couldn't find this stuff in there. Maybe she's in some secret chat that's not even in the verified channels.
They talk about Heidi a couple times a month and adamantly defend Wormdick's masturbation addiction, but no mention of doing anything to her, mostly just pretending they don't hate her and acting like they "wish her the best".
pic showing one of the search results
No. 971912
>>971910Is the discord text only? Because I could imagine they may have been talking about it rather than typing it out.
If not, it seems like the whole revenge porn was more of a shitpost that just got taken too serious.
No. 971923
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>>971915The search function checks every channel at once, no need to be in a specific channel, example:
No. 971930
>>971923The person on the right reminds me of the person on Twitter last May who said that when they sent Jared a nude on that tumblr all they got was a "Good job!" and they had no idea other submitters were getting sexted/sent nudes/fucked at cons
Like, honey… maybe you're just not his type
No. 972011
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Apparently, one of the mods contacted 'Procancelled' on tumblr
No. 972026
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>>972004My understanding of discord is that in order to have channels show up only for certain people is through rolls. The only people who have multiple rolls on there are the admins it looks like, here are the rolls I could find after looking through about 20 people on there. Turns out I only really needed to look at two. Given that, it looks like the only special rolls are for mods. Searching mod doesn't show anyone being recruited as a mod in months. I don't see how this theory holds water.
No. 972033
>>972026You can edit a text channel by role and by user. Same with Voice.
You can autosync the channels/categories to only show for certain roles/members, also.
No. 972083
>>971930Jared's type seems to be anything with a pulse that is willing to sacrifice any and all self respect to tell him his dick isn't actually as curvy and weird as it seems.
>>972004Was in the discord back in august - can confirm that they are skeevy as fuck about potential trolls coming in if they say anything positive about Heidi and negative about PedoWorm/Hoelly.
No. 972092
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Good god, the DCA stans are so fucking overdramatic aren't there?
The question was "Do you think DCA will come back or is it gone forever?"
No. 972094
>>972092Neither "SinJared" nor "Etika's suicide is the same as me getting clown emojiiiiiiis" are lies.
It's time these dimwits started realizing.
No. 972098
>>972090Exactly, for Jared "body positivity" was a way to filter out women he did want to fuck
That's another reason the blog really bothered me, it was supposed to be a body positive space so of course the majority of people submitting were insecure and probably excepted just a generic comment on a good feature of their body and general positivity and instead got a youtuber they obviously were a fan of aggressively flirting and sexting them. The whole body positivity thing was a complete lie, 100%, yet his stans make it out like he was a hero for encouraging positivity uWu
On tumblr you can submit to another's blog which just means they can post (with or without their own comments) what you sent in, be it text or a photo. So these people submitted it there then would be DMed by him, it's not even like they were dming him nudes
It just frustrates me that he didn't just make a blog for nudes but also marketed it as place for insecure people to submit their bodies anonymously and have others complement and build them up, because that's not what it was. It was literally just a place for Jared to find fangirls he deemed fuckable
No. 972171
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After realizing that the only way SadOldMagician would be able to submitted on tumblr is to have his own blog, I found out that he actually does. With his own face as the icon
Ladies and Gentlemen, the mod of the PJ2 discord.
No. 972172
>>971870umm, am i the only one who doesn't find this "disturbing" or even half real? i'm sure that troll felt really fucking smart when he asked heidi to make an onlyfans but the fact remains that
1. heidi isn't stupid lol
2. the PJ2 squad legit don't have the balls to pull something like this off. KF, maybe, i could see that. the best the PJ2 morons have done is scare two minors off the internet and made fools of themselves in heidi's tweet threads. mostly they're content jacking jared/holly off and generally being pathetic in their hugbox.
it just looks far more likely that instead of someone "hearing about this on a super private discord that a select few have access to where they do sex magic rituals and baby sacrifices" the troll just made it up/wanted to goad heidi because onlyfans is somehow a hot topic nowadays.
it's also notable how vocally feminist heidi is and how she generally speaks about stuff like dressing for herself and being disgusted by the male gaze etc. i'm sure whoever made that tweet thought it was the smartest/quickest way to get a rise out of her. disgusting, yes, but not necessarily dangerous
No. 972247
>>971870>>971873being petty here, but ..
>trying to wreck Heidi's career>ruin her crafting careerwhat career?
No. 972376
>>972365lol anon i think the other one meant that's exactly how holly's going to take it.
"it wasn't the fact that i got caught with my pants down"
"and it wasn't the fact that jared LITERALLY got caught with his pants down"
"the pretty people always win!"
No. 972419
>>972356>>972365I think Anna probably feels partially responsible, considering her & Nate divorcing/breaking up with their respective partners to be together most likely inspired Holly (and possibly Jared) to do the same.
Anna probably feels like she set the bar for Holly, but Holly fucked it up, so Anna sticks around out of sympathy for Holly & Jared.
Nate, on the other hand, always seems to be preoccupied with his own career. He probably also feels partially responsible for this shit too, but doesn't want to burn any bridges, so he stays quiet about everthing.
No. 972787
>>972419Both couples' characters on DCA had relationships and honestly after listening to Heidi's stream it seems like all 4 of them got WAY too caught up in DCA and the fictional relationships on it.
I think that both couples started one after another and definitely encouraged each other. And we all know how above and beyond Holly went to tell every single mutual friend she had with Heidi that Heidi was an
abusive monster hurting poor little Jared and that the only way to save him was to fuck her at cons and after his therapy sessions.
I'm sure Nate and Anna both thought Heidi was Strahd or whatever the DCA villain of the week was and that Jared/Holly were Diath/Strix fighting for their love uwu.
Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if all 4 of them threw out the "my partner is
abusive" or "my partner who obviously isnt okay with this totally is okay with this guys" excuse.
DCA fans always go on about DCA being special for the story and roleplaying the cast did and it's like yeah I'm not surprised considering all 4 players were unhealthy obsessed and living
vicariously through their characters
No. 972856
>>972806Heidi never threatened to leak nudes.
She (briefly) mentioned them, but she never posted them online, because she knows that's illegal.
No. 973167
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Someone over at Kiwifarms is really interested in Heidi's income…
No. 973336
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holly rebranded her "trash bitch" line.
AND made sure to grab the tumblr before anyone else could use it to broadcast holly's sins lol (just checked)
what's the point if everything's going to look the same as your previous """brand"""? oh right, burying your sins like you've done a million times before
No. 973359
>>973336I think she knew the trash witch coven, in addition to being associated with schemes like being shittily made and ripping people off, was now associated with that tumblr that keeps nailing her ass to the wall.
>>973355Why would she do that? Unlike Hoelly, she's moved forward from the drama and is now doing her own thing.
No. 973385
>>973380I seriously read it as "growing hens" and I had to squint and REALLY read it to figure out she meant crowing.
What also irritates me is how sloppy that logo is. She could have at least cleaned it up or made it a vector, the lines are not connected smoothly, the white outline in the beak only barely fills in the area and it looks sloppy to see little triangle gaps, ugh
It's just like holly, sloppy and no effort
No. 973450
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>>973183Yeah, last I checked, Ko-fi wasn't about collecting large sums of money. Then again, it probably changed since I last heard about it.
But hey, anything to make it look like desperate 'e-begging', right?
No. 973468
>>973413The grammar is correct in contemporary English. I can't understand why it would "drive you up a wall".
Other examples of the structure:
We the people
We select few
I'm genuinely curious what you think the "correct" grammar would be
No. 973476
>>973336Grammar discourse aside. The new name is interesting to say the least. Hens rarely crow and only do if in an all female flock. Is she trying to amp up the feminist angle again?
Definitely sounds more like a podcast on modern day feminism ran by a bunch of "old hens" rather than a hipster clothing line.
No. 973489
>>973468It "drives me up a wall" because it sounds fucking stupid. Doesn't really require further justification.
>>973476I think it's just her newest obsession. When she was going with the Strix 'trash witchy' theme, it was "trash coven". Now, Strix is gone and she's just left with her pigeons and chickens, so now it's "We Crowing Hens".
No. 973491
>>973489That's not the grammar driving you up the wall, then. That's the style driving you up the wall.
You claiming it was the grammar
does require justification, as grammar has defined rules. You claiming the style is annoying does not.
Thanks for the clarification.
(stahp) No. 973643
>>973630The difference here is there's a point of vain pride in them staying together, as well as the fact that a bad breakup could lead to mutually-assured destruction.
So they'll likely stick together even as they become more and more miserable. Jared will cheat, Holly will break down and suicide-bait, but they'll never split.
No. 973729
>>973643They might hold out for a couple years in sheer spite, but eventually both of them will move on to new people. We already know neither of them have any qualms with cheating. Jared will start another body positive porn blog and Holly will find a new autistic roleplay fetish to act out with some other unsuspecting sucker. It might take awhile, but their relationship definitely has an expiration date.
Also, Holly could 100% throw Jared under the bus to ascend to an even higher victimhood and probably even get away with it. Jared couldn't, but he'd be propped up by the MGTOW/redpill crowd even harder than he already is. Their dumbest, most damaging mistake was ACTUALLY staying together after the allegations came out last year.
No. 973730
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>>973476lol anon i was wondering about the "crowing" thing too. i kept asking myself if it should be clucking.
of course everything holly does comes with its own pathetic peal of irony
No. 973732
>>973727I'm not 100% on the "younger"… Heidi is two years younger than Holly is.
The "newer" and "more-willing-to-do-whatever", though? Totes.
No. 973742
>Their dumbest, most damaging mistake was ACTUALLY staying together after the allegations came out last year.Pretty much.
I mean, she already gets weirdly hostile when she announces where she & Jared photograph each other.
No. 973963
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Jesus, these puss babies really can’t handle anyone criticizing Jared and Hoelly can they?
So much for #bekind, eh?
No. 973987
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One of the big Holly flying monkeys is out in force
No. 974013
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>>973987Something to think about…
No. 974019
>>973987Why do I get the feeling that SadOldMagician & the rest of these flying monkeys know little-to-nothing about who Jared was
before DCA?
No. 974032
>>973987"People who were ACTUALLY cheated on"
Jesus christ what's with Jared and Holly's community going above and beyond to gaslight Heidi about her own relationship?? I'm sure Mr. Magician thinks that he is an expert because Holly DMed him once or twice to congratulate him for being such a good white knight.
Even if you 100% believe Heidi was an insane
abusive person you cant sit there and say she wasnt cheated on (or Ross for that matter). She literally closed their marriage and Jared continued to fuck not only Holly but fans too. And before some stan says he never fucked Holly until October 2018 (when by the way he was still telling Heidi he would work on their marriage, October was when HOLLY was divorced, not Jared) like she said, he still sexted her and fans constantly and obviously carried on an emotional affair.
You can forgive them for cheating, fine, plenty of celebs have been caught and forgiven, but you dont get to say that Heidi was never cheated on. Jared did NOT dump her the minute she revoked consent and closed theirrelationship, he left her over a year after that, a year that consisted of him fucking anything that moved and telling Heidi that he was working on their marriage and that she was abusing him for even being a little suspicious of his behavior.
That's another thing, Heidi spent that year being gaslighted like crazy. She was constantly being told by her own husband that she was abusing him and she was desperately trying to change and fix whatever he said she was doing wrong. She was being told that even attending the same con as him and his mistress would result in divorce and was being completely ghosted by all her and Jolly's mutual friends because of all the stuff Holly said behind her back.
I just genuinely dont understand how someone can look at ALL the facts of the situation from ALL parties and still think that Jolly were the abused ones.
No. 974033
Try "Hored" instead.
No. 974040
>>974032I must have missed like 98% of what you claim here. I know about Hored telling her that she was abusing him and her trying to fix it, but when has anyone said he threatened divorce if she ever went to a con with them?
Where do you get the idea he was constantly fucking around? Heidi only ever claimed he cheated with Holly.
No. 974048
File: 1589486130891.jpg (76.3 KB, 752x501, breakup.JPG)

>>974042I'm sure you could name one of them, then, I know of a couple before "The walk" but none after.
>>974041Ah, you're talking about this tweet. Threw me off because she wasn't talking about a divorce threat, because she was saying he never asked for/threatened divorce until February.
No. 974050
>>974048I'm sorry, how exactly is someone "demanding I not go" NOT them being a giant fucking tool? How is Jared demanding Heidi NOT go to something that could have furthered her career NOT a form of manipulation?
"She wasn't talking about a divorce threat"
So you think it's possible for Jared to say "I'll break up with you" and for it to mean something OTHER than divorce? Sorry to break it to you, but married couples don't just get to 'break up' and stay married, fam.
No. 974053
>>974040>>974041The convention was actually Twitch Con in October 2018, which Heidi and Jared were both planning to attend for their own work. One week before the con, he told her he'd divorce her if she went. She stayed home, Jared went to Twitch Con and fucked Holly there for the "first time" if their story is to be believed. Supposedly Holly believed that Jared and Heidi were "broken up" while Heidi waited at home heartbroken, afraid, and unable to attend a con she'd announced months before.
So basically, even if Jared had lied to Holly, she was totally cool banging a guy who "broke up" with his wife a few days before while the wife was still fully dependent on him, sharing a home and a bed.
No. 974070
>>974060yeah, it's almost like he knew he was fucking up by parading his mistress around in public where his wife could have easily had confirmation for her suspicions.
Huh. How 'bout that…
No. 974072
>>974070Was there a DCA event at this con? Maybe one where they were in costume?
I just know that Heidi said in her stream that Holly and Jared had been planning for months to fuck in costume even before "the walk", I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked in character the first time to make it extra special uwu
Maybe that's why Holly doesnt consider it cheating, it was Strix and Diath boning, not her and Jared
No. 974074
>>974060It's fucking insane to hear holly tell her own version of this, where it "wasn't cheating" because they "broke up" days before. Fam, how do you get to the point that you're fucking a
legally married man DAYS after a supposed breakup, and that's supposed to be both true love and not cheating? It's not like they had a one night stand, it was supposedly the culmination of a deeply meaningful connection that had been developing for nearly a year. That's emotional cheating at the VERY least, and physical cheating if you're not stupid enough to believe Jared.
No. 974078
>>974074Because in Holly's eyes Heidi had been abusing him since the minute she closed their relationship, so Jared "breaking up with" Heidi days before Twitchcon was a huge success and breakthrough for him, he had been trying to escape for months. Remember, Heidi was a terrifying force controlling and being evil to Jared every single day of his life (in Hollyland)
I just wonder how after twitchcon he broke it to her that he didn't actually break up with Heidi like he said he did at the start of the weekend.
No. 974082
File: 1589488401883.jpg (167.53 KB, 744x1008, 786f9c02-1fdc-4b41-8b15-e3b5eb…)

>>974080Dont forget what she said in the tweet right before that one
No. 974084
>>974082I still can't get over the distinct lack of self awareness in posting those two tweet within minutes of each other. Either it's hard for an abuse
victim to leave or they should run away screaming and never look back - You don't get to have it both ways, Hoelly.
No. 974085
>>974084Also looking back at the second one its hilarious that while talking about a supposed abuse
victim she has to throw herself in there too, cant forget how Holly felt!
No. 974089
>>974086"I worried about my boyfriends marriage constantly, it was so painful for ME. I was so powerless, I couldn't even text him all day every day"
And is it just me or is she trying to claim Heidi abused her as well as jared at the end of that first tweet?
No. 974091
>>974082>>974081>>974080Yeah, I just responding to this post:
>I just wonder how after twitchcon he broke it to her that he didn't actually break up with Heidi like he said he did at the start of the weekend.She was most likely convincing herself that Jared was attempting to "Leave for good" but somehow ended up 'back in Heidi's
abusive clutches'
No. 974095
yelled at her & it hurted her feelings. So yes. 100% Abuse. Electric chair. /s
No. 974097
>>974048Jared also didn't want Heidi going to Twitch con because that's where his friends were, you know, the ones he's been feeding this 'abuse' story to…
If Heidi went, she probably would've seen them giving her the stink-eye or quickly pulling Jared aside the moment he stepped away from her.
No. 974247
File: 1589506866524.png (12 KB, 468x158, sadmag.png)

>>973987This anon brings up a good point…
No. 974251
File: 1589507347417.png (72.28 KB, 498x1176, SadOldMagicianTumblr.png)

Looks like SadOldMagician wants to be the antithesis of trashwitchcoven
No. 974258
File: 1589508740529.png (11.22 KB, 506x283, SadOldVirgin.png)

>>974251Kinda funny how he let himself open to that self-own.
No. 974307
>>974258His tumblr kind of seems like a grab at some clout/fame. "Ask the projared2 mod anything! ask me stuff! Be interested in ME for being a projared fan!"
Also seems weird that he feels the need to make his own blog and AMA a year+ later after the drama, so much for moving on. Youd think anyone on Jared's side would stay far away from the website Jared used for his nude farm
No. 974308
>>974307the sad thing is, he's holly's IRL friend
so it's very likely he actually believes he's important enough to be the authority on this trashfire
to think this dumbfuck has the balls to call chris-chan sad lmao
No. 974497
>>974469>>974465lol fuck off
bring milk or stfu
No. 974507
>>974503He isn't a cow. Doesn't meet the criteria of this website.
Also cowtipping requires harassment or brigading. There's an open invitation to ask any question you want.
So… Cowtipping is not this.
No. 974518
File: 1589568686837.png (95.09 KB, 450x608, pj2roles.png)

No. 974525
>>974507Low quality bait. "Why not go there and ask him yourselves" okay pjstan why don't YOU go and ask? What's that, you don't want to?
Sadmagician may have statcounter on their blog which will track public IP, browser, device, OS version and what pages the person clicked. No thanks.
No. 974529
>>974527Anon with all due respect, I repeat my question: why don't YOU ask them? If you've browsed this thread you can guess what we'd want to ask.
I don't have any questions, personally. I don't really have anything to ask from them, I really don't know what I could ask them that could benefit this situation or provide clarity.
I don't interact with any of these figures on social media. And even if they did have secret servers (which I am POSITIVE they will, maybe not on discord, but somewhere) they sure as hell wouldn't tell us the truth.
Sadmagician is just trying to play the honest politician by being all "ask me anything, I'll be transparent with you" and I would guarantee he will never be truthful. To an extent? Yeah, what's safe or palatable to say. but never honest.
No. 974531
>>974529My whole thing is, what's there to even ask him? He's a literal no one and holly basically broadcasts her entire pathetic love life via twitch or twitter. Jared is by now completely irrelevant and his videos struggle to break even 200k views. What can this sadoldmagician guy tell us that we're desperately missing in this picture lol
No. 974538
>>974529That's the problem with conspiracy theories like this, anon. And why they serve no real purpose other than to claim someone is bad without evidence of them being bad:
There is no evidence that would ever convince these people otherwise. This theory presented is the some tinfoil helmet levels of conspiracy theory.
Even if you know the answers will be completely disingenuous that's still an opportunity to learn something. For example: how are they dodging the question? What kind of proof are they using? What aren't they answering?
Here's what I can derive from what is discussed here that people are going on about:
- Are there hidden channels?
- Do people there plot against Heidi?
- How many people are in there?
- How do they keep a lid on it, given there's no screenshots of them talking about it, and it would be very easy to sneak in a mole?
Even if he were to give 100% honest answers it would just circle back to "well we can't trust
And the cycle continues, pointlessly.
Until this shit is actually shown with even a little bit of proof that what is theorized is what's happening, why do you even buy into it?
No. 974543
>>974538I do not trust them, anon. Simple as that. The screenshot itself says that to unlock additional servers, you need to show your reddit username and have a "good standing in the community", I can guess what that means.
I do not trust people who would scurry off to a private discord and have additional servers hidden behind a trustwall. Say what you want about this thread, but at least they are public and anonymous.
No. 974546
>"Without evidence of them being bad"They're still supporting a dude who solicited nudes from his fans and cheated on his wife while actively gaslighting her. That's evidence enough for me.
>>974543Like TrashWitchCoven said in that post though, things might have changed - but if so, you'd think they'd have changed the rules or at least updated that page, no?
No. 974549
>>974546I'm the anon you replied to with the changed rules etc
My issue is that the discord server didn't happen organically. This was not a place that was once a fandom or it was a natural gathering of fans; this was made with a specific purpose in mind. And as such it has a specific way of handling things. And it's led by specific people, who have specific opinions. And it's using public profiles on reddit as proof of your beliefs. It's not "hey we see that you are saying things here so you seem legit", it's "I want to see that you are REALLY who you say you are, I want to see your public profile that wasn't created 10 minutes ago", get outta here with that 1984 bs
If they had nothing to hide then they wouldn't have those rules in place. End of story. No additional servers, no REASON to require verification. Is someone harassing a user? Kick them out of the discord. Handle the situation like any online mod would.
This place is public and open. If there are any offspring private groups from this thread I am not in them and they are not advertised, either. Anyone is welcome to browse this thread and the old ones to check.
You don't give trust out freely just bc someone is taking questions. You earn that trust, and it's not being earned by being shady.
No. 974550
File: 1589572365824.jpg (38.96 KB, 1024x340, Rules.JPG)

>>974546Here's the start of that rules post, there's no edit indicator on the post, so it hasn't been changed since August of last year. It's probably just not something they have thought to change.
>>They're still supporting a dude who solicited nudes from his fans and cheated on his wife while actively gaslighting her. That's evidence enough for me.You know for a fact they don't believe this, they think they are defending someone who doesn't deserve it. There's no reason to believe they would outright lie, or even try to hide it.
>>974543>>you need to show your reddit username and have a "good standing in the community"I mean, unless you know someone who was rejected, it's impossible to tell if it's just a "you haven't been a dick" rule. It's not hard to create a burner reddit account and pretend to support their shit for like a week.
No. 974568
File: 1589574096825.jpg (507.07 KB, 1079x2032, Screenshot_20200515-131918_Chr…)

So instead of trash witches, they're forest witches. How about that.
Holly wrote a lengthy blog post about "forest bathing", as well as this incredibly try-hard "about" entry where she talks about living without "common shame".
No. 974573
>>974568She's also been setting up a desk for sewing/crafting streams….
No. 974578
>>974573There's also an empty section on the site called Courses. What kind of classes do you think Holly will teach?
How to be Completely Shameless
How to Forget Your Guilt by Slamming Your Head Into a Wall
Victimhood 101
Victimhood 201
Victimhood 301…
No. 974581
>>974575She might be trying to get into the same hobbies as Heidi so that she can keep tabs on her from afar.
Either that, or she wants to
completely replace Heidi in Jared's life.
No. 974582
>"A hen crowing is seen as bad luck, but a rooster failing to crow at dawn is an omen of death."In other words; "Give me
one good reason why you haven't called me back yet, Jared!!!"
No. 974613
>>974595Is that all "Mental Health Mondays" is???
Just a generic gaming stream?
No. 974624
File: 1589579470974.jpg (15.58 KB, 532x320, 35429611_10216407273401582_351…)

>>974581watch her get over her "PTSD" of cosplay so she can impress Jared..
oh wait, she WAS cosplaying for over a year, as Strix, but she didn't have PTSD for that, hmm
No. 974650
>>974575Recent forest obsession? Check
Recent mushroom obsession? Check
Setting up a sewing/crafting area? Check
Making masks? Check (though Heidi is actually capable of making functioning masks, Holly just makes half assed edgy ones and loses her shit whenever someone points it out)
She absolutely is trying to become Heidi, it's insane. My guess is that shes trying to emulate her because Jared has become more and more distant/detatched and she thinks that acting like the woman he loved enough to marry may inspire him to care more. It's weird to me that she is so OBSESSED with being Heidi while she simultaneously tries so hard to portray her as an unfixable abuser. If Heidi abused Jared so much and made his life miserable why do you want to be her so bad, Holly?
Heidi literally has a costume she made called "Forest Witch" a year+ ago and now here comes Holly trying to claim that title for herself.
Didnt she announce on stream MONTHS ago that she was planning a DnD stream with Jared? Who wants to bet that her new character will be a forest witch uWu
No. 974668
File: 1589587529042.jpg (694.58 KB, 545x657, VsWrrGy.jpg)

Heroes of Cosplay anon here figured ya'll get a kick out of this. Apparently Holly always looked old and frumpy. It's been a trip and a half watching this shit.This was definitely during her Mass Effect phase. According to her she always watched Apollo 13, MIB, and Galaxy Quest on repeat as a kid. Can an anon clarify for me whether or not Holly can actually sew, or rather could back in '13? Because she was claiming she sewed a bodysuit for a contest, but I was sure I heard she couldn't sew worth a damn.
No. 974670
>>974668Yeesh. I think Holly is a clinically narcissistic asshole but stooping to digging up kid photos and calling a picture of a little kid ugly and frumpy is pretty low…Especially knowing that she was probably being abused around this age. You do sound like the type of person who would be on HOC though, so I buy it.
And wow., she watched mainstream sci-fi as a kid? Got her!
>>974650That said she is definitely trying to absorb Heidiisms and make it seem like it was always her brand (+chickens). The woman isn't capable of a single original thing that isn't based on some derivative hyperfixation.
No. 974671
>>974568Kek. This whole thing sounds so painfully pretentious.
>>974573>>974575>>974581>>974650Ngl, I thought you tinfoiling anons were reaching, but it definitely reeks of Holly trying to do what Heidi does, but BETTER. It's not quite on the level of that one Emalee/littlefawn girl at least, she's a little more subtle. She must really feel like she's still competing with Heidi even though she "won".
No. 974674
>If Heidi abused Jared so much and made his life miserable why do you want to be her so bad, Holly?Exactly.
You'd think that she would
avoid reminding him of his ex-wife who (allegedly) put him through absolute
hell, right?
No. 974683
>>974670I mean, "digging up" might be a stretch, it's possible this is a photo she presented for Heroes of Cosplay, and anon just screenshotted it. Haven't watched the show to confirm but Syfy competitions like that often used older photos of participants, I remember that was a thing for their Face-Off show.
That being said it looks like a normal dorky kid's photo. I'm about Holly's age and my parents have plenty such bad photographs of me from Sears photo sessions and the likes.
>>974674Super-duper-tinfoil but what if Jared made some off-hand comment about how "sometimes it was relaxing just watching Heidi craft and sew" and Holly went into panic mode?
No. 974685
File: 1589590521729.png (31.04 KB, 518x572, som-sanswers.png)

>"My experience with talking to Holly is that she is honest to a fault, and has only ever been a sweetheart to me and everyone I’ve seen her talk to. "
So you're biased. Why can't you just admit that?
>"She has never wished harm on anyone, even the most hateful people to her, and just hopes they get their anger under control some day. "
Sounds pretty detached & condescending, tbh.
>"She wouldn’t be able to manipulate someone out of a wet paper bag."
No comment.
>"She goes out of her way to attempt to please more people than deserve it…"
Like when she slept with Jared?
>"…at the expense of her own mental health."
Then she needs actual help. Not a gaggle of yes-men that behave like the fucking flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz.
No. 974691
File: 1589591003384.png (30.33 KB, 596x294, druidslikeitdirty.png)

FYI: SadOldMagician & GeraldoGuacamol are husband & wife. They met through Holly/DCA, so of course they're obsessed with DCA/Striath to the point in which they've become personal human-step stools for Holly & Jared.
No. 974697
>>9746681: Are you describing a kid as frumpy? 2: She doesn't even look frumpy. She's wearing a comfortable looking sweater, her hair looks clean and combed and she's happily smiling. Go back to watching HOC and don't post here.
>>974650Maybe Jared misses Heidi. Can't say that he loved her with the way he treated her, but I doubt he's finding girls within the same league as Heidi.
No. 974700
>>974545A lot of discord servers have gender and/or pronoun roles for their users so you can just click someone's name and check so there's no confusion over misgendering or whatever. The roles can be color coded as well so you can find out someone's gender/pronouns at a glance.
However in a pj2 server… lmao
No. 974711
>>974668Yeah, and I'm sure you were the pinnacle of cool at age twelve with your anime dragon flame shirts and convertible cargo pants.
Childhood photos, dorky or otherwise, aren't milky.
No. 974724
>>974700Okay, that makes sense. I think it just threw me off since I read it not as being able to see their pronouns but as if they certain roles, like being a mod, based on that person's gender.
You're right thought I find it a little hypocritical that they want to make users' pronouns visible yet they attacked Chai and Charlie with transphobic comments.
If I remember correctly, the stans made comments saying that "oh you can't trust them since they have they/them pronouns in their Twitter bio" yet Hoelly has they/them pronouns in her Twitter bio.
No. 974812
>>974685this right here is why there's no point to asking the loser anything. either he's obsessed with holly to the extent of making shit up, or holly presents a completely fake face to him.
i reiterate. the PJ2 morons don't have the balls to go as far as anons here are thinking lmao
No. 974827
>"Honest to a fault"Excuse me while I laugh myself into oblivion. Honest? Are you fucking kidding me? She lied to her husband for MONTHS and Heidi for YEARS (since she still hasn't admitted the truth). Yeah, that's one honest queen y'all pj2 crowd are stanning.
>>974691Well, that shit makes more sense, if that's true
No. 974838
>>974685>"she goes out of her way to attempt to please more people than deserve it"Because she's a narc. She can't handle not being adored. This isn't out of pragmatism or unrequited kindness, it's because her ego needs everyone to think good of her.
Emotionally stunted sadfaces like Sad and Gerald won't realize that, though.
No. 974923
File: 1589641292647.jpg (235.96 KB, 828x1154, 5d068bb4-34fe-452f-ac50-55ffed…)

See guys!!! Look! Jared and I ARE together! He lets my chickens roam free near his games and piss and shit on them. It's twue wuv uwu!
No. 974930
>>974923I'm sure she's just posing the bird. Looks like it's flapping trying to get away, but that dander and feathers can't be good.
I'm more impressed at Holly subtlety trying to tell people she still has Jared. Frankly they're gross unapologetic assholes and deserve the abuse they give each other. I hope they stay together for a long time. Enjoy losing out to pretty girls on twitter alone, Holly, when Jared likes photos of girls that are more attractive than you. Maybe you can suicide bait him into likes?
No. 974956
>>974935I wouldn't put it past him to move in with her after selling his house (if he did sell?) since buying a new house on your own is rather expensive when your youtube career is failing.
But it is possible they both have their own houses, which is pretty odd after their narratives throughout the entire situation. And for someone who wanted the flaunt her relationship so much, she sure is quiet about the state of things. I imagine if they immediately moved in together she would be bragging left and right.
No. 974970
definitely seems like the kind of friend who shows up at your house, unannounced.
No. 974976
>>974932completely agreed lmfao
i don't think this would have made jared very happy. sadbaiting on stream in 3… 2… 1…
No. 974999
File: 1589651444403.png (44.29 KB, 730x190, archaic.png)

Kind of OT, but this post from chumplady reminded me of Holly when she cries "Misogyny!" any time someone calls her a 'mistress'…Also friendly reminder that 'Side-piece' is gender-neutral
No. 975013
>>975004Wait, what? He couldn't even buy his own house in WA? Didn't he try to present as being well off/rich?
Holly, you fucked up going after him. Especially after Heidi took her share lol.
No. 975036
>>974923The kicker is that some of those games are probably worth some money now, and Hoelly and is just letting her little cocks peck around on them.
>>974931I think you're forgetting that Hoelly once bought an extra plane ticket so she could sit her pigeon next to her on a flight. Her stupidity knows no bounds
No. 975037
>>975032If that were the case, he could have told her to shut the fuck up back in May/June of last year and saved themselves a lot of time, trouble, and potentially even saved DCA. I dont' think he'd suddenly start to care about her going off the rails a year later.
>"Build his dead career back up without the affair baggage"Good fucking luck when every time you turn around, he's begging for views because he's been so depressed over the last year.
No. 975107
>he's begging for views because he's been so depressed over the last year.I mean… he
barely submitted anything the year prior…
No. 975119
>>975107From what I remember pretty much all of late 2017/2018 was him making community posts on YouTube about how he was in a super dark place and was struggling to make content. I remember I unsubbed then because he didn't make any videos and was just another inactive account on my subscription list (just like the commanderholly channel) seems like they both abandoned YouTube once DCA got going
I guess having your wife be suspicious of your fuckery and your mistress spamming you all day every day about how abused you are really takes a mental toll
No. 975218
>>975119If he was in such a "dark place" why were ProJared Plays so consistant? He'd either film them exclusively for that channel (paying an editor to focus on the highlights), or just post a full stream from his Twitch onto it.
I'm pretty sure he was just content to coast on Twitch subs and ad revenue from his LP channel and all the adoration from DCA, since it meant he didn't have to script, film and edit anything, but now that DCA is dead, he has no choice but to go back to it, but the boost in subs he got after his "redemption" are just "WOMZ ARE EVIL" types who won't actually watch his content.
No. 975244
>>975238I never thought of DCA as a paid gig… but it suddenly makes sense.
Nate wasn't there out of love for D&D, he was there for the pay, explains why he always did the token minimum and skipped on so many shows.
No. 975705
>>975704I love how Jared made like Chai/Charlie drawing GG porn was something to be
frowned upon, when he
encouraged his own fanbase to make shit like this.
No. 975765
>>975744 I always assumed he was fed the "Heidi is
abusive and I'm saving Jared" narrative from Holly and didnt doubt it since he was really close with Holly especially out of the group
No. 975788
>>975766I doubt the players are employees, I would suspect they're contractors. I imagine the contract does have termination clauses related to external conduct but I seriously doubt there would be a relationship clause.
I also doubt they get/got any profit sharing or merch shares. Most likely it was a flat rate contract for X number of episodes on Y schedule. Easily terminable, flexible, and probably really "poorly" paying. 30 ~1 hour appearances over the course of a year from people with no broad recognition? Probably made them less than $20k a year. A good chunk of money for most people, but you're going to need other work to get above the poverty line.
Chris is the only one that's a straight up employee of Wizards. He does a daily job and probably got the additional contract to run the games.
In short I seriously doubt relationships were in breach of their contracts. I would guess the only one who actually had their contract ended was wormboy because he had the nudes thing which was bad press.
No. 976153
>>975830If she was cut off, it was definitely more amicable than Jared since Strix was not taken out of Idle Champions and Jeremy Crawford got to drop references to the character in Acq Inc games.
I'm also leaning towards the theory that she just refused to return without Jared.
No. 976200
>>975687Oh I'm sure it was awkward as shit for him. Even if he is only involved with these people professionally and nothing else it would still be really fucking weidd to see the entire cast use his roleplay game as an avenue to cheat on literally all their spouses.
Just imagine if 4 of your seemingly likable coworkers got to know each other at your monthly book club or some shit and started banging. No it's none of your business but it's still uncomfortable.
No. 976408
File: 1589931321100.jpg (46.25 KB, 593x559, bensucks.jpg)

The current Game Grumps editor has been up to some shit.
No. 976526
File: 1589958404307.png (200.17 KB, 550x309, Blog_Mar20_OldChampion.png)

>>976153>her poor hygiene abilityI forgot about their characters being in Idle Champions and this is funny all over again.
No. 976529
File: 1589958580678.png (312.21 KB, 500x492, dcaidlestrix.png)

>>976526Also enjoy that one of the other first results is an official gif of Strix heavily crying?
No. 976798
File: 1590013971054.png (22.73 KB, 595x346, 2020-05-20_18h31_40.png)

>>976526Between her presence still in that game and tweets from the PA/AcqInc wad like this one, it's pretty clear the door is really wide open for Holly to be welcomed back in the WOTC ring, and either she hasn't yet out of some loyalty to Jared or because everyone's waiting until the drama's more forgotten.
No. 976907
>>976798I wonder how often she passive aggressively reminds Jared she threw away her life for him. Every time he needs a bit of space I'm sure she goes into full suicide baiting mode.
Of course he deserves it though. He can find out what it's like to really be in an
abusive relationship.
No. 977023
>>976907I absolutely think that's what happens; I think anytime Jared finds himself thinking about leaving, Hoelly pulls the "B-but I gave it all up for you! Do you want me dead? Is that it?" card and Jared being the spineless turd that he is, caves every time.
A wife that simply asked you not to bang a coworker isn't looking so bad now, is she PedoDick?
No. 977405
>>977402Again, Jared was aware of the guys/gals/nb pals that Heidi was involved with. He demonstrated that he wasn't willing to extend her that same courtesy, so she asked for mono and dropped all other partners. He continued to fuck at least Hoelly, if not other fans, behind Heidi's back.
Yeah, I can def see how she's the bad guy here /s
No. 977427
>>977407>3-4 years being poly she never had anything other than long distance "platonic">being polyThat's the point. It doesnt matter.
We're only aware of the one and nothing other than some randos obsessed about her totally sleeping with a black dude which there was no proof of.
No. 977645
File: 1590153496308.jpeg (665.96 KB, 828x926, EC8C992E-8728-4FE4-A34B-C15E93…)

Girl, you already skinny. Quit that dishonesty shit.
No. 977679
File: 1590159529176.jpg (60.46 KB, 769x481, Petty.JPG)

>>977645Anon, that's the curve of a chair behind her. You already petty, quit trying so hard to find things to criticize
No. 977704
>>977696I noticed that too. They were all so mad. She was acting like it's cute and quirky but why are they all so mad?
I'm dying over her making her triumphant return to youtube on her birthday with a video of her birds attacking her.
No. 977723
>>977711Stood out to me that she says she now looks down on influencers/YouTube culture and also kind of LA? Maybe I'm reaching but that whole bit to me seemed to be her shading her old Grumps/L.A. friend group
And like, if she wanted to change her channel name to something more genuine why not make it her name? Naming it after your merch brand while also saying you changed it to be more authentic just seems funny to me
Shes super special guys, shes AUTHENTIC unlike other online personalities uwu
Also funny that she took a page out of Jared's book and made a comeback on her birthday
No. 977724
File: 1590166190402.jpg (113.91 KB, 1080x416, 20200522_124954.jpg)

And they say love is dead
No. 977738
File: 1590167922425.jpg (559.16 KB, 1080x1081, 20200522_131914.jpg)

>>977735Holly's post for him for comparison
No. 977747
>>977746Oh, so "The editor for grumps might have sexually interacted with a minor" isn't milk, but "Holly's birds are acting like birds" is.
No. 977754
>>977752Okay, not extremely informative as to the extent of his "bad joke", who exactly is the minor, what was said, why is he targeting this person for these shitty jokes? I don't know that shit, and it's far more interesting than what's been talked about after that:
- Hoelly's birds are acting "angry", which all bird pets do frequently.
- Lol they send each other minimal messages over social media, bad relationship
- She plays ukulele, what a hipster.
No. 977800
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Wonder if Diath will be back too
No. 977852
File: 1590186024394.png (332.38 KB, 2048x1056, Screenshot_20200522-181605.png)

>>977711Her comeback seems to be doing as well as anything else she does.
No. 977885
>>976408As much as I love watching you guys burn Holly and Jared, this actually peaked my interest when it was posted ITT.
Does he do anything except editing the Grumps' videos? No surprise if it never escalated if he kept himself behind the scenes before and after this.
No. 977936
File: 1590198848569.png (7.15 KB, 685x27, Screenshot at May 22 20-54-25.…)

>>977934Yeah, because those extra 11k views are really keeping Hoelly afloat /s
No. 977972
>>977696ot but i have birds and can't wear nailpolish because it scares them
probably the first thing she hasn't lied about
No. 978070
>>978006A start to what? Hoelly isn't producing any truly new or unique content that couldn't be found elsewhere, and outside of the core fanbase she already has, TBH she's not really interesting enough or lively enough (for lack of better term) to draw in a new crowd.
Whatever income she's making now is pretty much the extent of what it'll be, if she still plans on riding the "uwu not like other girls, dark and spooky bird lady" aesthetic.
No. 978157
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No. 978168
File: 1590262719137.png (44.87 KB, 596x476, 1043533852044.png)

>>978157Kind of an interesting contrast with Holly and her "Someone took the charging station I wanted, people are so cruel!"
victim laments.
No. 978234
>>978168But she's such an evil, unfixable,
abusive, and vindictive person./s
No. 978271
>>978266Why would
anyone be this obsessed with their boyfriend's ex wife? It makes no sense
No. 978274
>>978271Right? The tweet I liked was just a picture of Aries, too. It wasn't anything insidious. This happened right as I was starting to come around on Holly and now I'm here.
She's so fragile.
No. 978276
>>978266blocking people that follow her and at the same time interact with Heidi might be the most healthy choice she has made in her entire twitter timeline.
but allow me to doubt the "i've followed her on twitter for a while and just this week i liked a photo and she blocked me and now suddenly A YEAR AFTER ALL THE GARBAGE PILE THAT EXPLODED I'm starting to come around on my opinion about her just because she blocked me and I immediately ended up on lolcows" kek, no need to make up the story anon. We all know why we are here.
No. 978287
>>978276It's true.
My stance a year ago was that Jared was the only asshole. Then Holly threw all her tantrums and I soured on her as well but I never unfollowed. She's had the good sense to be silent for a while now and I was thinking that maybe she's growing and she might be ok after all. She proved me wrong. Most of my time on this site is spent looking at Selena Gomez's drunk business. I hopped over to this thread after.
I don't think stalking Heidi's likes is healthy at all.
No. 978290
>>978289It could be, and that did occur to be BUT I am not convinced it was a bot/script is because I found out I was blocked because I noticed I didn't see a Mental Healthy Monday is live post and went to go check and saw "holly has blocked you." and it turned out the stream was postponed and when she streamed on Tuesday she said "some mental health stuff happened and it was just really hard."
Your other point is 100% fair though.
No. 978645
File: 1590361730455.jpg (172.7 KB, 717x733, 20200525_110607.jpg)

St. Jared who blessed us with wormdick has totally moved on guys!! It's only that evil bitch Heidi who always brings up old drama!!!!!
No. 978674
>>978643That's been her schtick this far - relying way too much on the "uwu I'm still here despite the people pointing out how much I fucked up! Aren't I just so tough and brave?? Please??" card.
>>978649Considering how many times Jared accused people like H3H3 and PhillyD who spoke against him of being one-sided and drama mongers? Yeah, I'd say Jared meant that reply in EXACTLY in reference to Heidi.
No. 978676
>>978645I'm actually kinda glad Jared didn't link arms with Keemstar just because Keem sided with him & Holly
after Heidi declined an interview with him…
No. 978681
>>978679No, no, this is good.
Let them fight.
No. 978754
>>978643>>978683that's it! she just looks so damn uncomfortable facing the internet that i have NO clue why she forces herself to make appearances this often. she could just as easily have gone the heidi route where she doesn't always stream her face, doesn't force herself to stream on a schedule, doesn't need to be the face of her own brand. holly seems to be desperate to still be called a youtuber? i don't get it lol cut yourself some slack you stupid fuck.
also probably completely OT/unnecessary but there's so much else that holly could be doing. she has different skills (admittedly she's left them way in the past) and a certain aesthetic sense. with the correct marketing and sensible production, people will follow anyone. so many faceless/unknown people actually manage to develop a brand and following without sacrificing on reputation, and their mental health seems to be far more stable lol. what good is a "persona" if it doesn't let you function?
No. 978790
File: 1590396280699.png (412.26 KB, 640x1136, 01C5DE96-8824-402B-ACEF-E2C426…)

Wormdick still having a pity party on insta.
Bet this will have his army frothing at the mouth
No. 978793
>>978790>Throwback to that time I visited an actual castle that was part of a wine vineyard. They had one of those massive, long dining tables with the fanciest chairs at the head for the kings, queens and lords!
>In April 2018, I went on a week long "internet break", which in actuality was me going to a therapy retreat called The Hoffman Process, located in Nappa Valley, California. The process was incredible, changed my life, and helped me identify so many things about myself and who I am, while also learning to be more in touch with my emotional self and what my emotional truths are. I was cut off from the world during the week, no phone, no internet, no electronics, etc. I emerged a better person, being, and had more self-love than I ever did before. It helped me learn how to stand up for my self, my truths, and to not let myself be abused, manipulated or taken advantage of. It changed my life for the better.
>At the end of the retreat, they encouraged us to take the weekend for ourselves and do something for our self. I always wanted to go to a castle, so I went to a wine castle. It was awesome! Full on underground dungeon, castle walls, and actual pieces of castle imported from Europe because the owner was crazy rich. I ended the adventure by purchasing a celebratory wine for my self, though that was sadly taken from me. Still, I cherished the growth j went through and choosing to better my self, and I'm proud of me for doing something for myself for once!Oh sweet Pelor this is so hilarious considering what a complete weenie he actually is.
April 2018. Over a year before the divorce and drama, and he's saying he came out of it ready to "not let himself get abused, manipulated or taken advantage of". Yet it still took him a year to choose his qwiwky uwu sidepiece over his wife and file for divorce proper.
"Proud of me for doing something for myself for once", WOW, considering how often he values his own gratification above all else…
No. 978809
File: 1590399951813.png (50.79 KB, 910x708, 2020-05-25_05h39_18.png)

>>977936A Spooky Saturday podcast episode went up the next day, leading to another 1K sub drop.
And she decided to purge a bunch of videos judging by that drop in views.
No. 978811
>>978793The Hoffman retreat is a scam and a half, too. 4000+ dollars to sit around and have ministers with no training/experience in mental health tell you how your parents fucked you up. It's almost a cult.
Which is even more absurd considering her took his ex to a free trial psych because he is too much of a coward to handle anything. Nobody should even feel the slightest bit bad about her taking his 20 dollar bottle of wine.
No. 978853
>>978793>>978811Ultimate lol. This guy is using his fans for nudes under the guise of body positivity while dismissing those that actually need positive comments and fucking the ones he finds attractive. He jerks off to minors and is having an affair with a married women while cheating on his wife and HE NEEDS TO LEARN TO LOVE HIMSELF MORE. Whoa. If Jared could be any more delusional and worm dick-ish I'd explode.
And a bottle of wine he deserved when things "got better." When he finally had the balls to divorce his wife after lying to her and refusing to communicate and carry on with the one person she did not want him with. He's crying about not being able to have a stupid bottle of wine. He still has more income than Heidi and he's crying about that?! His mistress majored in castle shit. Just go there again.
No. 978863
>>978853Both him and Holly are like this. They have no empathy for the people their actions have hurt and the only “fault” they’ll admit to is being too uwu hard on
themselves uwu. Self-absorbed people championing “self-love” like it’s a revolutionary development instead of their default state of being.
No. 978902
>>978793Him and Holly both have such massive
victim complexes. Their arguments must be something to behold!
"I paid a lot of money to see some fake therapists that my mistress recommended out in wine country. What I took from this is I get a free pass to be a piece of shit and carry out an emotional and then physical affair because my wife won't let fuck my coworker. I take zero responsibility for any of my actions because I'm mentally ill"
No. 978910
>>978892I can't imagine the hell of being married to such a pretentious prick that he comes home from his expensive Napa Valley self-masturbatory retreat with a bottle of wine and proclaims "this is my special feel better wine!"
I'm convinced the only reason he is with Holly is because he is allowed to treat her like shit and walk all over her, then use her as a cock sleeve when he is horny.
No. 978916
>>978913I can only imagined how it felt for her to see her private Facebook posts shared publicly by the woman who did everything she could to destroy her marriage. It must be so nerve racking and upsetting to know that one of your friends screenshotted your posts and sent them to Holly.
Question is did they see the posts and send it to Holly because they were one of the friends of Heidi's that Holly obsessively convinced to think she was evil and
abusive OR was Holly asking everyone she could that had Heidi on Facebook to send her any and all status updates. Knowing how insane Holly is when it comes to stalking Heidi (literally going through the list of people who like Heidi's posts to block them) I wouldn't at all be surprised if she has eyes on ALL of Heidi's social media
No. 978970
>>978948Wow, a whole 300+? Man, after having a joke told at his expense, Jared must really know how Heidi felt when he let his mistress call her an
abusive whore to her THOUSANDS of random ass fans! /s
No. 978991
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Jared opens up about his 'internet break' back in April, 2018
No. 978992
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>>978991(Description continued 1/2)
No. 978994
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>>978992>>978991(Description continued 2/2)
No. 978999
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Trashwitchcoven on tumblr had this to say about it
No. 979005
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> "I think the only reason Jared is bringing it up now is because he’s once again seeing a decline in followers on twitch, twitter, and instagram"Good point.
Trying to make Heidi out to be a thief, I see. Maybe he didn't get what he wanted from the divorce.
I also noticed that this ties in with Holly's whole "she TRIED TO STEAL HIS GOLD PLAY BUTTON." hysteria.
No. 979013
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>>979010It's from one of his photos.
No. 979017
>>978995He could have shared his whole self fellating story without bringing up the wine he claims was stolen from him, but he needed to make sure to paint himself a
victim once again. He didn't come out of that retreat a better person. He continued to run porn blogs, solicit fans, and cheat on his wife. I'm sure he didn't divulge that stuff to his fake therapist though.
No. 979019
>>978994>>978995Lol I have been to the winery he is talking about. It's a known tourist trap and their "celebratory" wine is like $50 I think their most expensive is $200 iirc. It's not even the companies main winery it's just a place for napa tourists they made.
Everyone from the area knows it's novelty wine. its so hilariously sad that he's making such a big deal about it.
No. 979021
>>979017Yup, his bitch whore abuser ex STOLE the
one thing that he brought home from his monumental life-changing trip. It was SYMBOLIC!
…And it was
then that he knew, that he must escape her Eeeevil clutches! /s
Fucking hell, did Holly write this?
No. 979074
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>>979070Wonder if she recommended it to him?
iirc, She
was still living in California at this time…
No. 979085
>>979074I can only imagine how that conversation went with Heidi
"I'm going to go to a midevil castle place that's only a few hours away from my mistress you are suspicious of and I also will be completely off the grid so you can not talk to me. If you have any problems with this AT ALL you're an
abusive monster. Forget the fact that Holly is a midevilist and recommended this to me"
No. 979097
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>>979017>>979019I love how even the positive commenters are telling him that he can just get another bottle of wine.
No. 979166
>>979153Because he's full of shit. If it truly meant THAT much to him, he could have stated that he wanted it in the divorce or during the court mediation. Instead, he waited and mentioned it to his thousands of instagram followers so that he could publicly play the
No. 979168
>>979085Medieval, anon.
>>979153I doubt he really cares that much about the wine itself. Being able to paint himself as a
victim of an evil thieving ex is more valuable. What else does he have to cry about? Boohoo my ex wife wouldn’t let me fuck my married coworker. Boohoo my ex wife publicly corrected my equally public lie about our breakup and then a bunch of unrelated people outed me as a sex pest and I lost my main gig. Her taking a bottle of sentimental grape juice allows him to get sympathy from people without immediately raising uncomfortable questions, and “bitch ex wife taking my stuff in the divorce” is a popular trope with misogynistic men anyway. This is not about the wine.
No. 979184
>>979153they divorced and split assets, dude. So cute of you to think that wine is still in the bottle though. LOL
It sounds as if he knows the wine is not expensive and it was very symbolic and that's why Heidi took it. Cause she knew it's just gonna hurt but he won't be able to complain cause everyone and their mother would say "Just get another bottle".
No. 979209
>>979184Or more than likely it wasn't that meaningful after all but he just wants another thing to whine about muh bitch ex wife stealing from him.
He blocked her on twitter where he revealed the divorce, splitting assets is far from unreasonable. Go back to PJ2.
No. 979232
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>>977711all her birds hate her except the one in the cage inside the house kek. it was so painful watching her interact with them and they all pecked the shit out of her. then it looks like she has no attachments to her chickens cause she trades them around like nothing. holy shit hoelly you are a mess
No. 979344
>>979278I think she's doing okay. Yeah, finding shit on your doorstep isn't great, but someone offering to mow her lawn sounds kinda generous.
With people still quarantining, it's pretty common to see a few overgrown lawns, which I assume is what's wrong with her's. Some of my neighbors have be offering to mow lawns for anyone that might need help.
Unless I'm wrong and it's a completely dried up and gross, I feel like Heidi's getting by okay.
No. 979397
>>979278Her shop is doing well and she is getting back into making cosplays so she seems to be doing pretty good. Also, no longer being married to an philandering ass who looks like a cross between Ellen DeGeneres and Earthworm Jim is the definition of living well to me.
The fact that Heidi gets to sleep every night not having to worry about Jared cheating on her is probably a massive relief. I'm sure the end of the marriage was extremely painful but after a while you realize you are better off. Holly on the other hand probably lays awake at night wondering who Jared is texting.
No. 979414
>Holly on the other hand probably lays awake at night wondering who Jared is texting.I don't think they've reached that point… yet.
Wait until she starts telling him 'no' (which she probably hasn't done yet).
Then he'll start looking for 'a way out'.
No. 979543
>>979501I meant it more as to explain than to excuse. The quarantine has been proven to effect people to either use this time to be productive or to fall into a bad depression state. I've definitely had moments of feeling little to no motivation during all of this.
I think the whole thing about Heidi's lawn make me feel like we're trying to deep dive into a pool that's only knee deep. Not saying anyone actually is, but I don't think it's really a big topic that needs to be discussed.
No. 979589
Even the bait is boring here…
No. 979611
>>979577More likely a couple anons would comment and potentially nitpick her lawn, and then those posts would be buried in a day or two. It ain't that serious. She is the primary subject of this thread after all.
The only thing I can think of that is maybe somewhat comparable is the whole Holly letting a chicken shit around her house? I can't think of anything else that seemed terribly questionable about her home keeping otherwise, but I could be wrong.
No. 979737
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Well, well, well, how the turntables…
No. 979854
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>>979762enough with the fucking white knighting the woman is saying she didn't tend it or didn't have the tools to, stop fucking trying to twist it into something. She's ONLY lived in that house for a year. If she wanted to take care of that lawn, she would have. Jesus.
No. 979911
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jared's probably sucking off turkey tom's dick right about now. No. 979952
>>979911I'm sure Jared & his fans just
love being reminded of this incident…
Also, wasn't Keemstar's little "Drama Nation" a factor in spreading this shit in the first place?
No. 980206
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>>974568>>974650>So instead of trash witches, they're forest witches. How about that.kek.
No. 980294
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>>980206Jesus. When you see her haircut actually drawn there's no denying what a Ramona Flowers wannabe she is.
No. 980296
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>>980206I wouldn't be surprised if Holly thought Heidi copied HER. Holly seems like the type to think that because of Strix she is the owner of all witch things under the sun
Does anyone know when she changed her Twitter description? It stood out to me since she used to never want associated with Heroes of Cosplay (the show she claims gave her PTSD) or her costuming past and now shes advertising it.
No. 980310
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>>980296Uh….I'm not sure when Holly changed her Twitter bio, but Heidi has had this on Instagram for a long time.
No. 980311
>>980296That's recent - within the last month. Probably figured she couldn't keep leaning on DCA since it was officially cancelled. I like that she brings up the emmy like she personally won it all by herself and that it wasn't a team effort that she happened to be a part of (that she hasn't really acknowledged in a good long while).
Also just a huge fan of her bringing up the "I'm a secular witch" bit when 99% of her actions are pretty much the polar opposite of what most people believe (Ex: The whole "You get the energy you give" thing that would invalidate her being a perpetual
No. 980315
>>980313Maybe she thinks that if she can become Heidi 2.0 for Jared that he will love her as much as he USED to love Heidi (it seems like at the beginning of their marriage Jared and Heidi were really solid)- maybe even enough to marry her
It's just insane to me that she constantly pushes this narrative that Heidi abused not only Jared but her too (hilarious, btw) and that Heidi is a monster who Holly and Jared are TERRIFIED of… yet she is constantly trying to become her
reading how she throws some crafting credentials in her new description proves it even more. She has spent like the past 5 years being done with cosplay and crafting yet suddenly now she is embracing it again. "You think you are crafty and artistic, Heidi?!? I won an Emmy! I was on TV! I AM THE BETTER CHOICE, RIGHT JARED?"
No. 980432
>>980315The funny thing about her Emmy claim is that she was an intern on the show Titan Maximum for Adult Swim, which ran for a month. For the episode that won the Emmy, she contributed a grand total on 1 design for a background character.
They gave her a contribution "award" and she calls it an Emmy.
No. 980434
>>980432Was just going to comment that.
It's hilarious she has to grasp at such a claim to fluff her IG bio. The fact that she really has nothing else to brag about on there really highlights how low value she is.
Holly, I thought you hated liars and dishonesty?
No. 980549
>>980310kek. good catch anon. I'm starting to wonder if it's subconscious from her lurking on heidi or if she's really doing it on purpose at this point.
>>980315Now that you mention it, she has kept so quiet about the cosplay/costumer thing for a while now. Her lording her "emmy" for costume design, rebranding herself as a forest witch, the sudden interest in embroidery, etc. Down to the incredibly similar quote in her bio to Heidi's, it's all very bizarre. She's become like a watered down version of the littlefawn/emmalee girl skinwalking her partner's ex to become a "better version".
My favorite part about the whole thing is that Heidi was the one who told him that she wouldn't take him back when he was whining about how he "didn't know which one of them was manipulating him". She didn't want him anymore and Jared was dragging out the whole process of leaving Heidi for a long time. It's really no wonder Holly must feel like she's still competing with Jared's memory of Heidi. He never actually made the call to "choose Holly" himself rather than Heidi got so sick of his shit that Holly was the one left over after the dust settled. What a prize Jared is.
>>980432>>980434Really just the cherry on top tbh.
No. 980572
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>>980549Heidi did say she wouldn't take Jared back. But they had been broken up for 2 months at that point and Jared was the one who ended the relationship.
And in the breakup stream from Heidi, she said Jared agreed very readily in helping her move out.
Besides Heidi was cheating on Jared with multiple black guys at a time anyway
No. 980574
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>>980572Nice rewrite, still couldn't resist the urge to utter falsehoods nobody is buying, could ya.
No. 980575
>>980572Oh good, you reposted. What happened to your "heidi is pregnant with a black baby" claim? Even you realized no one would buy that literal nonsense here?
>>980574Beautiful, anon. Thank you.
No. 980579
>>980572B-but Jared broke up with Heidi in OCTOBER, that's why it was totally okay for him to bang Holly all across the country and after his weekly therapy sessions uWu
How Holly believed him and still does now that she can compare her story to Heidi's I'll never know. I think shes just willfully ignorant to his lies and probably writes off anything Heidi says as
abusive and lies. Compare notes, Holly, he lied to you just as much as you had him lie to her
No. 980581
>>980574I always love that they throw the "oh well it's obvious Heidi was seeing other men/cheating on Jared" and yet they have no context or evidence that may prove their claims.
The reason we know Jared was using his blog to get nudes from his fans is because we have actually proof that it happened. We didn't believe it was true because Heidi said so, we got other people backing up Heidi's claim with proper proof showing she's right.
No. 980585
>>980581It wasn't even Heidi that brought it up to begin with! Her announcement just made all of Jared's other transgressions blow wide open.
And also it's hardly ever just "seeing other men", it's always "fucking multiple black men".
No. 980769
>>980676all hilarious considering how we have a timeline of the one boyfriend we know who’s staying in her life (romantically or not) for the duration of this. if she was hopping boyfriends like they claim, would he stick around?
Welll I guess holly did..
No. 980787
>>980296Anyone else getting the vibe that they might be close to a breakup? It's like Holly is trying to be more… real lolololol… but she isn't pushing her identify towards being the side ho with the happily ever after ending anymore. Not only that but Jarad's posts seem to be focused more toward gaining back a relationship with his viewers on Twitch and other social media platforms.
I say the honeymoon phase has hit it. I didn't notice any gushy or sappy posts between the two when it was Holly's birthday, more focus on hug box fan art. She's TRYING to sound more mature in her updated Twitter bio but… keep trying girl you'll get there lol
No. 980824
>>980787Come on, he publically posted a generic happy birthday to her on Twitter, they're clearly close to tying the knot!
>>980814They were pretty touchy-feely at her art show.
No. 980855
>>980824Were THEY touchy feely or was SHE touchy feely
I wouldn't be surprised if she amped it up for the fans and friends there
No. 980892
>>980206>>980296>>980310I feel bad for Heidi, this is classic narc skinwalking, which is grating enough on it's own but is probably going to be 100 times worse when Holly's fanbase will come around and accuse Heidi of copying Holly in the future.
>>980432Holly's craftsmanship has always been shitty, even in the HoC days. If you watch the Pacific Rim short behind the scenes the costumes were falling apart almost instantly, and any costume that did have some good work done on it she got help on, like the Blathers and Brewster ones where Evil Ted basically made the foundations for each.
I'd love to see her try to make a Diath costume for them to have roll play sex in, pieces would be popping off it and her shitty Strix costume left and right and it would really set the mood for their garbage pile of a relationship.
No. 981096
>>981094i think heidi's "forest girl/magical" fascination started around the time she was trying to set her mori shop up, which happened some time in 2018. So it definitely
has been at least 2+ years.
No. 981189
>>981150Probably because it's been a year+ since she has produced any Strix content and people are forgetting about her
Shes always saying how much she misses strix and that she will be back but… it's been a year. Even if she does bring her back she missed the golden time to do it. I'm sure some stans will cream their pants when Holly and Jared start a DnD stream in 2022 but at this point even the fans of moved on
No. 981199
>>981131Oddly enough, I think Jared is probably more delusional about the future prospects of Diath than Holly is with Strix. Holly doesn't think very highly of herself. She probably realizes that she "hit the wall" and is considered old by "female on the internet" standards as fucked up as it is. She is trying to find new things to make her special but I think she probably realizes she'll never experience growth as a creator again.
Jared on the other hand has a massive ego and has a reputation as being an arrogant prick. The fact that he tried to tell WotC that this scandal where he took advantage of fans could help DCA somehow just further proves that. His channel is dead and his future in DnD is over but he most likely thinks he can bounce back.
No. 981225
>>981217holly has always taken a specific aesthetic she's "into" at that point and it encapsulates her. she had that space/sci-fi vibe in the early days, and then in her pastel years (which were arguably where she became most well known at least from the GG perspective) she was all soft colours and flower crowns and pastel pink hair, and now she's into the dark witchy/forest aesthetic, to nobody's surprise. Even her intro changed: in the past it used to be a more edgy intro with the chains and metal music, and then it changed to her playing ukelele with her chibi-esque avatar and she sings "commander holly plays! with friends"
I don't think she only JUST started copying heidi, I think her entire "witchy"/nature phase was inspired by heidi, just subconsciously.
Suzy also likes the witchy/coven vibe so there you go, that's two women in close proximity to Holly that she compared herself to. In the beginning Suzy was the dark goff queen and Holly was the pastel uwu soft girl, and Suzy's jewelry (dear god, remember when THAT was the hot tea of these threads?) was all death-themed.
Also remember that video where Ross/Holly are playing and Suzy is there too and Holly and Suzy get into a pity party match over who had it worse in school and who got bullied more, but everyone hated Suzy because "poor holly was a REAL
victim! Suzy just faked it for attention!" Oh how the turn tables
No. 981228
>>981225To be fair, all of these aesthetic styles have been widely popular. It's not like any of these girls invented them or pioneered the styles. So it's not unreasonable that they each just like what they like, and tastes can change over time.
However, I agree that Holly in particular seems to base her entire personality off of her current aesthetic, to the point that it seems really forced. Like she latches onto certain motifs (birds, d&d, witchy shit) or catchphrases and then makes a BIG DEAL about how it's "her thing". She has to obsessively flaunt it like she's different and quirky for being into "her thing" even when it's relatively popular. It's hard to explain, but she's very very aggressive with her branding.
The other two have had a little more consistent style evolution over time. And even if it's deliberate, it doesn't seem as forced. Idk if that makes sense.
No. 981231
>>981228oh definitely, neither of the 3 invented or popularized it. Although now you mention branding, we used to mock Suzy for doing exactly the same thing, latching on to motifs and making it "her thing" (remember those godawful Jeffrey Campbell boots she kept wearing, black milk clothing, when she used to hawk herself as an artist but never showed anything for it, buying nerdy clothes and either not caring about the series - zelda, or being so ignorant you wear it backwards - bioshock)
Holly was too loner and weird and saw that her nerdy interests that are "uncool" as a kid are now super hot when you get into fandom/nerdy spaces so she had to make it her entire identity, and Suzy was an identical twin in a family of like.. what, five? six siblings? and wanted desperately to be an alt model and her mother told her she'd never make it, and used her "uniqueness" even in school (that old photo floating around of suzy wearing full lolita, the fact her winged eyeliner was a staple even THEN), and it's eventually how she snagged Arin way back in the day
For a hot minute Suzy kinda cooled off (when she let her hair be brown and she only wore casual clothes and barely no makeup), but she's back at her dark goff queen vibes. No shade to that, you do you. I just don't think Holly ever had a cooldown period where she stopped trying to be a persona
No. 981257
>>981199>Holly doesnt think very highly of herselfNo Hoelly thinks VERY highly of herself. Sure it's an artificial front she puts forward but she has a gigantic ego with nothing to back it up. That's why she's clinging to her 'Emmy' and being featured on 'syfy' and not that she was on the train wreck that was HoC.
Holly thinks she's great and any time she makes something that's also great and unique and special.
Someone who doesnt think highly of themselves wouldnt brag about basically stealing a married man nor would they sell the chicken scratch doodles she was doing for such a premium. Holly's actions says that she definitely thinks very highly of herself and the only reason she isnt 'where she's really supposed to be in life' is because of her 'mental health and people abusing her and mysoginists that dont think she can get places cause she's not an stereotypical attractive woman'
It's a different flavor than Jared's blatant pride and ego but she definitely thinks highly of herself.
No. 981351
>"After hurling insults at them"Hoelly deserved every bit of what Heidi said about her. Don't want someone to talk about your nudes? Maybe don't send them and then continue fucking their husband.
>"Getting a mob of random anons going on the attack"You mean like Hoelly does every single time she gets upset? You mean like Jared does by saying shit like Heidi "Stole" his bottle of wine?
No. 981416
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Just checked Socialblade out of curiousity, Holly put up an Animal Crossing LP on her channel on Wednesday and it led to yet another 1K drop.
And her views don't get much of a boost from new videos.
No. 981428
>>981416kek at this
however, this just cements that holly has genuinely nothing to offer to a mas audience. she's not winning over anyone with cutesy animal crossing LPs because everyone's playing animal crossing on their own. she's not crafting anymore, she's not even creating art on a consistent basis anymore. what exactly does she want people to watch her channel for? making a "public comeback yayy!" video was probably the stupidest thing she could have done because the people who followed the drama were reminded about how awful a person she's been, and the people who didn't give a shit were reminded about how completely flavorless her "content" is
No. 981517
>>981338I really think if Holly was better educated about abuse, though, she would have bailed on Jared the second people started coming out in waves to talk about their experiences. Maybe she wouldn't have sided with Heidi, but she for sure shouldn't have kept backing Jared.
Sure, men are abused, too, but when you have dozens of people chiming in with
different experiences that
aren't his "crazy" ex-wife, then maybe… I don't know. He's the problem? And not everyone else?
That's not even deep diving into his public rhetoric that's out there for everyone to see. She doesn't see it right now, but she will someday. I actually just feel sad for her that she's stuck with someone so blatantly
abusive, especially considering she has a history of abuse in her family.
But considering the kind of weak defenses she expects everyone else to believe from her, I guess it's not too unexpected that she believes those same weak arguments from Jared.
They're stuck in a bubble of delusion with one another, and someday it's going to burst and they'll have to deal with the consequences.
No. 981531
>>981389Yeah I think people who think this way and wonder why Holly and Heidi didnt team up against Jared dont know the whole story.
Holly wasnt just the other woman Jared was sleeping with, she was actively doing anything she could to ruin Heidi's life. She was spending months/years telling Jared to leave Heidi for her and she had told literally every mutual friend she had with her that Heidi was an insane abuser who should not be trusted. She went out of her way to slowly cut off Heidi from her own community simply for… yelling at her over the phone one time? Telling Jared she wanted a closed relationship?
Holly clearly had an unhealthy obsession with both Jared and DCA. To her, the scariest thing in the world was everything she and Jared did coming out and ending DCA. She knew Heidi had the power to do so (Heidi knew too) so she did everything she could to discredit Heidi instead of just stepping back and realizing it was her and Jared's actions that would cause the end of the show, not the whistleblower who called them out.
Heidi and Holly HATE each other. Heidi because Holly went out of her way to destroy her marriage, constantly manipulate her husband into thinking hes abused and letting her save him, and for constantly slandering Heidi. Holly because… Heidi was married to who she wanted and said no. Sure, now the drama has added more reasons for her to hate Heidi, but that was initially all it took. Someone told Holly no for once and she lost her shit.
I dont even feel a little bit bad for Holly for Heidi's biting back and calling her out at the beginning of all this. It's like Holly thought that she could get away with all her fuckery because she did it behind closed doors and then once Heidi said something publicly it was "too far"
Not blaming that Anon, alot of people havent really looked into it that deep (especially when it comes to Heidi's side of the story, you know, because woman are evil) and usually I also lean towards the "scorned wife and other woman team up against douche cheater" narrative in cheating scenarios but that could and would never happen in this situation
No. 981587
>>981531I think the bitterest part of it is that Holly and Heidi hating each other is
exactly what Jared wanted. He somehow managed to manipulate them into fighting each other publicly, and that made everyone focus on both Holly and Heidi's negatives while mostly ignoring him after the major drama died down.
No. 981610
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>>981416>>981428Another of her Spooky Saturdays podcast went up late last night and like clockwork…..
No. 981641
>>981621I'm a fan of pro wrestling and all, but mostly it's a bunch of oiled up failed footballers doing a combo of pretend-slap, live stunt show, improv and choreographed dance.
I can't fathom how it'd feature on a "spooky" show unless it focuses on some of the scary gimmicks like Kane, Undertaker, Boogeyman and the likes.
No. 981731
>>981641Exactly. She started the show during her whole spooky alien I wanna be Suzy phase and now shes already phasing out when the show is starting to take off/be pushed on to other platforms
You think all the horror fans who are willing to look past the drama to watch this (very shitty) show wanna hear about fucking wrestling and mushrooms? Instead of Spooky Saturday it should be Holly Saturday
I understand constantly going through fixations, trust me I do, but maybe dont change your whole output and personality every time you find a new obsession
No. 981798
>>981731And that's what's ruining her chances at staying relevant or popular online. If they had called their podcast something more generic, then they'd be able to talk about whatever they want. But because it's called "Spooky Saturday", the listeners expected to hear talk about horror/spooky stuff, not wrestling or mushroom.
Though I kinda hope Holly gets into wrestling. Don't really know why, just think it might be funny
No. 981836
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Heidi is only subscribed to a handful of channels on youtube and one of them is The Right Opinion.
Shows that she has class. sips tea
No. 981854
>>981802iirc, LadyPelvic recently did a collab video with PBG, you can
guess who set them up together…
No. 981855
>>981853Not neccesarily, he just said he was wrong about him. and talked about it a bit here
No. 981888
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>>981847The absolute irony in her liking this post kek.
Headups holly, you're fucking someone elses abuser.
No. 981946
>>981843What does this have to do with anything?
One big thing about Epstein and Jared is that they can both manipulate their way out of even crowds of people coming out with evidence against them.
In Jared's case, the evidence was a bit more nebulous, so all it takes is him saying "well, I never did that and I can't remember this person" for them to believe him.
If you watch the episodes with Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz, you can see that they use the
exact same "I can't remember this girl" excuse that Jared did.
Yet, there are multiple witnesses and photo evidence to suggest otherwise.
These kinds of men are all full of bullshit, and it's honestly depressing that so many people believe them.
No. 982005
>>981855>>981861TRO is a coward. For someone who claims to be analytical and looks at all the information to make an informed opinion, he kowtowed to criticism and never bothered trying to re-examine everything, particularly with Jared's bullshit video.
"A lot of people asked if I'd make a new version of the video, but in the end, I just didn't feel happy trying to redo it. I have very conflicted feelings on the whole situation and his video; it wouldn't feel right to me picking through the topic with distance and a level of superiority, knowing that I could have done better myself. I didn't feel comfortable putting myself in that position at that point. So I think sometimes you have to take the L and move on and take it as a learning experience."
Basically, he messed up once and doesn't feel it's right to try again with an air of "distance and superiority," even though that's his whole channel in a nutshell.
No. 982906
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Game Grumps are a top trend on twitter right now after these tweets
No. 982909
>>982906I wonder why people aren’t doing a pokimane and post the video of arin and suzy happily saying the n-word with a hard R in the comments.
The fact neither of them address this makes them forever sketch
No. 982912
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meanwhile, Jon's stance…
No. 982930
>>982825Has she yet, though?
I'd like to think even Holly is smart enough to keep her harpy ass out of this one.
No. 982972
>>982909except arin has addressed it multiple times + in writing (pretty sure he alluded to it again during his sr pelo spergout?) I genuinely believe people are capable growing up and understanding the racist jokes they told in their ignorant youth are not ok.
These posts are still weak as fuck though. either make a pro BLM statement or don't, but this attempt at wishy washy crowd pleasing is fucking stupid. Racists already hate GG for being SJW cucks or whatever and aren't worth pandering to like this.
SUZY on the otherhand….I won't pretend to know for certain but I don't think she has every properly apologized for the times she dropped the N-bomb and got caught.
>>982912no surprise here since he's married to a white supremacist! He's worse than the others and doesn't even try to pretend not to be.
No. 983022
>>982909idk anon it's not that deep. GG IS a brand, at this point. It stopped being about two guys on a couch a long time ago.
When brands make statements, people will call it clout chasing. When brands make donations, people will call it tax evasion. When brands take an action, people will say "but where were you when X?"
Simple solution is that GG twitter specifically says "all the people here at Game Grumps […]" IF they all agree to it, or they make individual statements on their personal twitters.
For once I actually understood what he meant. He wanted to make sure that what he said was heard and not considered a hollow brand support post that will get drowned out the next day in memes. So he asked how best to approach it. Isn't that what we're told when we're unsure how to proceed, to ask?
What difference would it make if every single person in the company supported BLM personally as opposed to as the brand? It's the people that make the brand.
>>982912correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the strainer on the head just the pastafarian thing? Is there something insidious about this insta post or was it just an irrelevant pic during a chaotic time?
No. 983248
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No. 983251
>>982906Aren’t these bitches aware that game grumps is full of racist rats who say the n word?
They are so blind until shit blows up like this.
No. 983273
>>983262Nice bait anon. Holly was definitely the SJW type before the Jared scandal broke. Now that her fanbase is made up of an awful lot of
>>980572 types, she's less vocal about it. It actually is pretty telling tbh. kek.
No. 983306
>>983232Supermega is another reason I don't buy Jared and Holly's story. They both were friends with Holly before everything and even talked about having her on the podcast a million years ago on an episode Ross was on. Yet now they still joke about Jared, which clearly they wouldn't if their close friend Ross said not to or that it was all lies, nor would they if they were still close with Holly. They know more about it than any of us ever will and they STILL shit on Jared
Holly straight up burned every single bridge she could of on her way to Seattle
No. 983320
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>>983255You don't have to lie to sell them as the bad people here, anon, you're preaching to the choir. They all have their most recent Tweet/retweet either talking about police brutality against black people (Hoelly), decrying "All lives matter" (Wormy), or boosting a black person's business (Heidi). If anything, Heidi is the least active because the pictured tweet reply is from today but the retweet of the original thread was on the 31st
Reposted - messed up attachment
No. 983353
I mean, that is peak Boomer bullshit, right down to the crappy clipart.
No. 983402
>>983241>>983298Couldn't find it saved, but if you go on Matt's private Twitch (mhwatson2) and go on his clips, the clip "projared donated", "Add a title (required)", "Projared traitor to America" , and probably more have them talking about it. "Projared traitor to America" is where they mainly mention being blocked, reference what happened, SinJared, and his penis.
>>983306Agreed, Supermega has the luxury of being close enough but still not the main group to be able to joke about it and give an insight on the ordeal. And they're response to all this is pretty damming
No. 983438
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>>980296Update: she changed it so it's not copying Heidi anymore and instead is her shitty Strix catchphrase
Will she ever stop browsing this thread?
No. 983528
>>983320>I called my dad>I askedHer message reads super weird tbh. Was it in response to something and I'm missing additional context or is she really virtue signaling through her dad's work with inmates while low key making it about her?
No. 983568
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>>983528It's missing context, since it was first in a series. Here's the next two, so it makes a bit more sense.
No. 983594
>>983572They probably don't want to be accused to picking on a mentally ill suicidal woman. Jared on the other hand is just a plain narc prick who very little people feel sympathy for outside of MRAs. Jared and Holly can't even act like
victims about it right now since they'll be accused of bitching about something so petty and small compared to what is going on in the country right now.
No. 983656
>>983594Shes too busy martyring herself by posting pictures of the forest and her chickens "for all those who need this right now uwu" like shes doing everyone a favor. She lives in Seattle, she could protest. She could go support. If she doesnt want to fine, nobody has to, but posting pictures of the magical forest walk with your two biggest stans (Guacamole and OldMagician) you took a couple miles away from huge history making protests is a lil tacky imo
Honestly surprised she hasnt whipped out the old "I stand with BLM because I also faced oppression when I got caught last year uwu"
No. 983665
>Shes too busy martyring herself by posting pictures of the forest and her chickens "for all those who need this right now uwu" like shes doing everyone a favor. I hate Holly as much as anyone else here, but seriously, anon? She's NOT playing a
victim for once, and you still have a problem? If she's not playing the "uwu
victim of all the hate", let her stans drool over some chicken pics. Maybe she'll finally learn to want positive attention for a change.
No. 983692
>>983689To be fair, they are fans of her, too. Still really sad and weird. I guess it just seems like shes rewarding their insane white knight behavior when the drama happened with special one on one time. It kind of sets a precedent for all her other stans to follow: worship and defend me enough and we might become actual friends.
But hey, atleast shes only chilling with her fans and not soliciting nudes/fucking them like her sex addicted boy toy
No. 983724
>>983665Agreed. I think she at least learned a bit from the whole "Let's make a black creator's tragic suicide about me & my haterz!" incident from last year.
She's also a classic hipster at heart; protesting, like encouraging donations/charity for Australian bushfire-relief back in winter, is "too mainstream" for her at this time.
No. 983732
>>983464Did you forget Jon's racist discourse from a while ago?
He hates immigrants yet his parents were immigrants, it's weird.
He lost fans for it iirc.
No. 983753
>>983689I'm not surprised Holly has no boundaries and also uses her fans as some sort of emotional cum rag like Jared used his as literal cum rags. Those people probably go home and talk about how cool and amazing it is to hang out with Strix! Then they go on Twitter and name search Jared and Holly to defend them both. Holly is basically offering them the privilege of being friends with her in exchange for them being her internet defense squad.
I wouldn't be surprised if OldMagician had some hard-on/crush on Holly and is living out his weird scrote fantasy by getting his wife in on it.
No. 983873
>>983704>>983869I see no baby in any of either Guacamole's and OldMagician's posts anywhere.
…Unless if you consider Holly to be their baby.
No. 983880
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I don't know what this asshole at trashwitchcoven was trying to pull, but I'm laughing at whatever it was.
No. 983884
>>983568Is this the same dad that abandoned her?
Why do I get the feeling he only said those things to get her off his back?
No. 984318
> this reads like everybody claps at the endKinda like those "This morning, my 2-year-old just asked me this
very poignant, eloquent, & thought-provoking question about today's society…" anecdotes that are usually written by family-blogger types…
No. 985018
>>985015I love how he equates people being
abusive to the reason that all of his shows/upcoming projects were cancelled. You know, it wasn't because his actions were repugnant and traumatizing for the people involved.
Like, yes, receiving death threats over the incident is bullshit, but his message isn't at all apologetic or repentant about what happened. Not once does he say he's sorry for what he did.
Makes sense for Holly to defend someone like this. Right up her alley for creating
victim status.
No. 985029
>>985018not to mention anytime someone else was '
toxic' in the rpg community he'd call for them to be deplatformed via unsubscribing or cancelling their shows (aka exactly what happened to him).
not milk but related, jp is also canceling rollplay as a result: No. 985133
File: 1591709275096.png (1.78 MB, 1188x1182, sadold.png)

Not exactly milky but I don't think it's been mentioned that SadOldMagician white knited Holly enough to enter her circle of real life friends.
I guess Denica and other actually DO have a reason so try so hard. If they yes man enough online they might just get the chance to do it in person too.
No. 985143
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one of adam's old cast mates might be hinting at another table top person sexually assaulting them
No. 985144
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can't find the youtube video she referred to, so she either didn't make it or deleted it
i always wondered why she never did another rp show after swan song, i assumed it was because she got shit on so much for being a conventionally pretty skinny blue eyed blonde by all the fan boys but now I see that might have made her adam's type to pick on
No. 985152
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>>985148Kinda funny she was so ride or die for Holly but didn't want to speak up to protect her sex pest boyfriend after riding his coat tails. Probably because she had more knowledge his past antics this time around.
Don't worry even through all of the current events she still found the time to make an announcement about her lewd photos.
No. 985154
File: 1591714101846.png (145.59 KB, 1170x838, cancel.png)

>>985153Wow, missed that part. I assumed she'd get off scott free like Anna and Nate. She must have really been causing a fuss behind the scenes to get booted too. Hope she wasn't harassing poor Elspeth seeing as she treats
victims so poorly if her boyfriend is the abuser.
No. 985168
>>985144Jesus christ this is
SO fucked up. What is with this niche of quirky DnD ladies who are die hard for creepy sexual abusers? That whole group/community seems disgusting, good to know Holly is friends with someone who treats
victims like that.
No. 985172
>>985014Wow…I have so much to say, but I'm almost speechless. He doesn't even attempt to be sorry. He uses this experience to feel sorry for himself and play
victim. He excitedly rapes a character and traumatizes a D&D player as everyone watches in horror, yet he spends every word in this man-child exposition to discuss his hardships as a creator. It's really eerie how similar in thinking he is to Holly.
No. 985177
>>985168considering roll20 has bent over backwards to appear inclusive to the point of telling the top 5 ttrpg youtubers that they won't partner with them because they don't need more white men, it seems unlikely to me that they'd fire a woman for a man's actions unless that woman was actively enabling the abuse/harassing
victims into silence
tin foiling here but i think she's worse than she appears
No. 985211
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Insert Jared n Holly stans yelling "She just can't let it go!"
This tweet did make me chuckle though.
No. 985220
>>985133Holly and Jared both have no boundaries with their fans. They use them sexually and emotionally for their own pleasure. No wonder they ended up together.
>>985152Why don't you get a job? So many people like her think they are too unique and special to work a conventional job. If you are hurting so bad financially maybe your dreams of being a boudoir model aren't gonna happen. Yeah yeah, getting a job during a pandemic sucks ass but lets not pretend she would be trying to get a real job if covid didn't exist.
No. 985255
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>>985143While we are on the subject of this douche again, here was Heidi's take on his whole situation. Honestly I'm all for Heidi going full out against the shitty DnD community that SkinnyGhost and Jared/Holly are part of, from what I can tell that whole group fucking sucks and seems way to eager to play the
No. 985282
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>>985014Fascinating parallels in imagery between Jared's "you've been lied to" and this.
No. 985297
>>985172's already given a pretty thorough attempt at an apology. Of course, plenty of people are/were quick to dismiss it.
So he apologized, and then in order to avoid doing it again stepped down from doing public things. This is exactly what people asked of him but it's never enough, is it?
No. 985307
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>>985297And yet by the time he got to writing his "moving on" blog he wasn't even willing to specify what he did wrong. He just makes vague statements glossing it over while asking for sympathy.
The lengthy apology includes a lot of promises of things he will do in the future. How has he actually shown these changes to his audience between then and now? That's a hard thing to do, sure, but he needs to figure it out to win back any trust. It's not gonna be accomplished in 1-2 months laying low on the internet. Quitting doesn't give him the opportunity to do it over time either.
If he wants to quit that's absolutely fine, of course. It's just coming off like a complaint that he wasn't instantly forgiven and reinstated.
No. 985309
>>985307Well, given all of his jobs were taken away, how exactly was he supposed to show that he has changed?
>>985308How can you draw these conclusions? Why does another apology belong on a post about his plans to stop doing anything public in the future? Especially when you don't believe his first apology. He realizes you won't believe any apology he gives, even him deciding he doesn't belong in the public eye. And guess what? He was right, because here you are, STILL giving him shit.
No. 985311
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Double post but here's the main part of his apology. He recognizes that it's gonna take a long time and lots of work for him to become a safe DM. He says he'll be working on this for the rest of his life.
Two months later he's like, "since you all haven't gotten over this yet, I'm out"
No. 985315
No. 985317
File: 1591738475628.png (850.71 KB, 677x2048, Apology.png)

>>985310Point out to me how this ISN'T him telling others he's sorry for his actions. Please, tell me what an apology even IS to you if this isn't. Of course he's going to talk about himself. That's called framing.
>>985311Things can't happen outside the public eye. If it's not public it doesn't happen.
>>985313What exactly is he quitting? Streaming, looking for new jobs as a public DM. That's it. He's already lost every other opportunity to do things publicly. How the fuck is that "running away" to you. To me that's "accepting defeat".
No. 985329
>>973468>>973491>>973489So I realize this is neither here nor there, but that is not the same structure. Your two examples aren't even the same thing (in the former case "the people" is an appositive phrase clarifying which "we" is being referred to, and in the latter "we select" is describing which "few" are being referred to.)
The omission of the verb "are" in that sentence is a corrupted grammar, though yes it is used in contemporary American English, notably in AAVE (African American Vernacular English.) This omission is also quite prevalent in the American teenage population, and on the Internet, particularly in adults attempting to maintain a facade of being With It, and/or Hip.
No. 985334
>>985317There's "framing" and then there's "OMG I HAVE ALREADY SUFFERED!!! Fuck the sexual assault
victim that I retraumatized by raping her character!". He did and is still doing the latter.
To me, he is still running away by quitting streaming. Rather than sticking around, maybe streaming a different game or starting a new DND campaign with new people, he is instead choosing to leave the internet while making sure that we all know that this is our fault rather than a cowardly act by a man who refuses to face up to the ramifications of his own actions.
Also, he didn't "lost every other opportunity to do things publicly". A handful of projects got cancelled because they want nothing to do with the scandal. There's literally nothing stopping him from starting over again on his own - except for the fact that it wouldn't benefit him to not play the
No. 985335
>>985334>>>I'm sorry that I hurt the castI figured you wouldn't actually define what would constitute an actual apology for you, then you wouldn't be able to move those goalposts infinitely.
>>>he didn't "lost every other opportunity to do things publicly"Please, tell me a single project he's still going to be a public face for.
No. 985337
>>985335Oh god forbid that the industry doesn't immediately move on and continue using Adam as a public face - How dare they expect him to have a waiting period where he actually works on himself! These things take time. The fact that he put in MAYBE a couple of months of waiting before deciding it was pointless and leaving the internet in a huff speaks volumes about how much guilt he REALLY felt over his actions (Let me spoil it for you: He didn't feel any and his apologies have been bullshit ass-covering from day one).
Also, "I'm sorry I hurt the cast" isn't an apology for doing the awful thing in the first place. It's a "whoops, I hurt your feelings with the hurtful thing. I'm sorry your feelings were hurt - not that I did the hurtful thing"
No. 985338
>>985337"I'm sorry I hurt the cast" is telling the viewers he is. He probably apologized to the cast privately. Do you see them calling him out for it? No. It's just you and Twitter demanding your pound of flesh. Because you… deserve it for some reason.
Also, what to you constitutes appropriate reconciliation for him? He's leaving the public eye. He has extricated himself from even having the opportunity to do this again. If he wants to run away, why the fuck do you care? You got what you want, the piece of shit is gone. But you can't resist the urge to get that one last dig in. Fuck being consistent. Fuck being honest about what you want. You still have yet to explain what exactly it is that you want. What would be appropriate recompense. Because you just. want. to. hate.
No. 985343
>>985338BlueJay, when are you going to get around to replying to Kaitlyn about you silencing
Man, Jared and Adam get to sit by the mentally ill pick mes fight their battles. Must be nice.
(hi cow) No. 985359
>>985343So, no answer on what would constitute a "real" apology. And now a "Hi cow". Why am I not surprised you are afraid of accountability?
Speaking to that callout of Bluejay: why did Kaitlyn post dm's but leave out Bluejay's response?
No. 985376
>>985297this was discussed earlier in that thread already, it's a better sorry than anything from holly and jared, but if you considered it in context (his video apology with jp was crappy. he spent his time responding to tweets that ass patted him instead of accepting real criticism or focusing on bettering himself both before and after this apology, and this apology was in a thread that addressed the far verona cancellation first, and in the past he specifically frames himself not as just a good DM and ttrpg reference but also a moral anchor that was wise enough to preach to to others about crating safe tables and also host his own relationship advice show) makes it sound less sincere.
that being said had he actually done the work (which his blog post does not address AT ALL) i'd still welcome him back, but he hasn't so who cares if he quits
>>985313he still had his own twitch and yt channel (but good god don't continue hot for teacher, just do table top stuff) and based on jp's post it honestly sounds like he could have kept going with rollplay if he wanted to, but he didn't so jp called it quits
>>985359kaitlyn said she stopped talking to her, so it can be assumed that she didn't reply
No. 985380
File: 1591748322942.png (166.99 KB, 1178x794, jp.png)

fuck i hope dodger didn't know, she was on the same show as kait and jp
No. 985386
>Well, given all of his jobs were taken away, how exactly was he supposed to show that he has changed?He could be writing blog posts about the work he is doing behind the scenes to educate himself. He could go into more detail about what he's doing with this accountability partner, whatever that means. He could use his platform to share his journey to becoming a more understanding and safe DM, if that's something he's really taking seriously.
Instead he wrote a blog post about how everyone is mean to him and it's not fair. That's why people aren't taking his "moving on" blog seriously. He's showing his priorities.
No. 985400
File: 1591751548411.png (34.7 KB, 442x348, mustdefentdjared.png)

>>985211Aaaand there it is.
No. 985404
File: 1591752068577.png (129.93 KB, 1186x604, asdasd.png)

>>985380so i guess jp wasn't the one who assaulted her at pax but he did abuse her and then cover up her assault with a cd
No. 985407
File: 1591752307294.jpg (711.68 KB, 2411x1853, zaiembegstatement.jpg)

So there's this document going around by a man named Zaiem Beg, talking in detail about how "Wizards of the Coast purports to be inclusive and diverse when in reality they have a long history of racially discriminatory behavior, avoiding accountability through a culture of secrecy and fear."
His statement is centered around racism, but this section about content creators rocking the boat really stood out. (1/2)
Full document: No. 985408
File: 1591752532726.jpg (437.25 KB, 1080x1060, Zaiembeg2.jpg)

Within the statement, he basically said that Wizard's content creator partners will not speak out against racism, or share his article, out of fear of being blacklisted.
A lot of big name DnD people have been tagged and challenged to share, so it's obviously getting around.
I'm curious if someone like Jared is butthurt enough to share the article to spite Wizards, knowing the bridge there is already burned.
No. 985409
File: 1591752585255.png (88.84 KB, 581x302, Screenshot at Jun 09 20-29-41.…)

Adam: I'm quitting the internet since they won't forget that I allowed rape in a session where I was DM
Holly: Never Quit Making Art!
Seriously - fuck both of them with a rusty spoon.
No. 985418
File: 1591753620052.png (36 KB, 580x386, fuckup.png)

>>985409Take notes, Adam, Holly, & Jared.
No. 985438
File: 1591756682864.jpg (632.49 KB, 1080x1118, 20200609_193648.jpg)

From Bluejay's Patreon. She totally cares about consent, guys, which is why sexy pictures are more expensive. I don't think I've ever seen a sex worker reach for this justification.
No. 985446
File: 1591757562837.jpg (Spoiler Image,346.93 KB, 1080x3058, bloojass.jpg)

>>985441Bluejay: "I won't show you my ass unless you CONSENT! (with money)"
Also Bluejay: [publicly posts entire ass for all followers]
No. 985463
File: 1591761358507.png (16.07 KB, 594x180, elspethkilledadam.png)

Of course Adam's stans are responding to this news in a predictable manner…
No. 985474
>>985463Right - because it's the
victims fault, not the man who forced the rape on her character in the first place. How dare she /s
No. 985482
>>985463Harassing abuse
victims? This person must also be a Jared and Holly fan!
No. 985536
>>985463she did absolutely NOTHING except leave the show quietly and make ONE concise, well spoken video on why only after a huge influx of people asked her why
if she didn't leave people would also use that against her "well she didn't leave so it wasn't that bad, if it was REALLY bad she'd leave so fans need to stfu about it"
you just can't win with holly fans oops i meant jared fans OOPS i mean adam fans
No. 985555
>>985412i'm sure there'd be interest, maybe just sage to be on the safe side? gotta love that this shitty "muh tAbLeToP" community has moved beyond producing milk to just being straight up balls-out predators
>>985329not to derail but anon what the fuck?
No. 985565
File: 1591795382135.jpg (286.65 KB, 1079x967, Responseletter.jpg)

Elspeth retweeted a link to a very well-written response letter by this guy Jaron. Tl;dr he breaks down why Adam's statements are full of deflecting bullshit. Link to the full thing:>>985555Maybe this thread could evolve into DnD cows over time. It seems like there's some real trends among shitty people in this community.
I went digging for Bluejay milk yesterday and there's some funny/ oblivious stuff out there if anyone's interested
No. 985574
File: 1591797830712.jpg (296.18 KB, 1080x1634, numberonebluejay.jpg)

Here she is pretending to be more popular than the bluejay bird, but actually telling on herself for name searching. The clock icon means those are past search terms she's used, not the natural top results for bluejay.
She was responding to someone else showing actual autofill searches for their screenname.
No. 985595
>>985584That last bit SCREAMS Holly. Constantly hounding after another guy because you're bored and want him to fill whatever void you have… no wonder these two are best friends. They can dismiss
victims and go after other men together, bestie goals!
No. 985601
File: 1591804312751.jpg (469.41 KB, 1702x1610, bj.jpg)

There's this running theme in her recent posts about being self-conscious of posting lewds. A lot of creators have expressed a similar sentiment, but she's hammering it home so hard by constantly reminding people of how they could better spend their money instead of sending it to her. I understand feeling conflicted, but it's something she needs to work out internally instead of projecting this guilt onto her audience and asking them to make her feel better about it.
>if you popped a boner to my lewds you should also sign a petition about an unjust death
is not what anyone wants to see when they're trying to jerk it. Most likely they're looking to take a break from the news.
She can still share the petition without tacking it onto her sexy picture like it's relevant. The only connection there is the guilt she feels for asking for support when others need it more. So she's putting the responsibility on the viewer to prioritize other things over her content. It just feels really half-assed and guilt-tripping in this context, alongside complaints that she's been losing income due to global events. Idk, if it's this much of a problem for her then she should work out a way to find alternate income instead of posting all about it like someone else will swoop in with the solution.
No. 985607
>>985601I doubt she feels that bad or self conscious about posting her patreon. I feel like it's just a built in defense if someone was to accuse her of being insensitive at a time like this.
>>985584She seems disgusted with her boyfriend so her solution is to go pester someone else for affection? Is she another one of these poly people with extreme boundary issues? Maybe Holly picked up some tips from her. They are roommates, correct?
No. 985612
>>985607>>985599No, Bluejay and Holly are not roommates. That was misinfo in an earlier thread. Beej lives in her own place which is featured in her recent self photography.
Her photo skills are actually pretty good and the lewds are above average. She should just own her boudoir content with confidence instead of this weird apologetic insecurity.
Anyway, I originally went looking to see if she's responded to these kaitlyn tweets at all, and she's been off twitter since those accusations came out.
No. 985721
File: 1591827459263.jpeg (259.66 KB, 435x1394, EDF2A490-3F97-4A2B-B1E9-A14231…)

Hoelly is legitimately charging $10 a month for updates on her fucking birds.
No. 985722
File: 1591827556715.jpeg (234.59 KB, 469x1212, DA699BE5-B001-4517-84BB-2487BB…)

I was wrong, it gets worse, she’s charging $50 for a fucking sketch/piece of art. Just one a month. I know way more talented artists who will draw something besides mushrooms and crazy eyes for $20-30 - and it will be what you want, not whatever trash witch feels like throwing together
No. 985759
>>985722Think that's bad? She used to have a 30$ tier that just gave you a postcard with a doodle or a "mental health tip".
She did away with it shortly after it was discussed on here.
No. 985770
>>985766It's pathetic, but she's nurtured enough of a cult of personality that they eat it up.
TEN PEOPLE sending her fifty bucks a month each.
And I'm sure Geraldo and Sad are both paying members, despite being her IRL friends now.
No. 985863
>>985309why does he have to write anything at all? being an internet personality is an unstable path to success and fortune. he knew the risks and still forced his rape fantasy on his audience and an unconsenting person. he fucked up an opportunity most people would dream to have because he's a creepy weirdo with no boundaries and now he has to go out and get a real job like normal people. boohoo. no one is obligated to forgive him or accept his apology or like him or feel pity that he now he has to participate in society like a regular person like 99% of the people reading his apology.
>>985601that BLM tweet is so tacky "i know there's social unrest but what about me, my needs" like bitch just post your work, no one cares; your audience shouldn't feel obligated to perform the emotional labor of patting you on the hand and telling you you're still a good white person. it's not up to other people to decide your ethics for you; put up your work or don't, but don't push the responsibility onto OTHER people to make you feel okay about what should be your own decision.
No. 986109
>>986092I think part of the issue is internalized misogyny and shame for doing sex work in a male-dominated tabletop geek community. She's not very forthcoming about what it actually is. Sure, the photos are more artsy than the average butt pics but that's still exactly what they are. She's commodified her body as her job, which most of the internet takes in stride, but not her niche nerdy community. So she's coy and acts like it's high art instead of just selling boners to horny nerds.
It seems like she's kinda not-like-other-girls about it instead of embracing the fact that she's a sex worker and doing it with confidence. So her insecurities are compounded by constant worry of how she'll be received.
Related, I'm 100% positive Holly judges her for it but pretends to agree that it's cool because she's not like other boudoir models.
No. 986200
>>985412I'd definitely be interested.
>>985555I realized only afterward that it was "crowing," not "crowning," and it totally can be read the way the first guy was suggesting lol.
>>986028>>985863>>986109It's virtue signaling. I would bet any amount of money that she's making no effort to contribute, aside from letting everyone know that she just "desperatly wishes she could :,("
No. 986282
>>985665She's back but just posting selfies and ignoring the fact she helped silenced a rape
victim, you know, like the true feminist that she is. It a shame that the girl who called her out has a smaller following, these bitches only respond to whoever can get them more clout for their mediocre patreons.
No. 986840
File: 1592061321532.png (86.68 KB, 1280x693, tumblr_2ba8fbc9c9d76b0799bedea…)

From Procancelled on tumblr:
>"I think the best way to stay out of a sex scandal involving fans is to not have any kinds of sexual relations with fans but that’s just my take Jared.
>Also this is just hilarious given everything."
Also, note the date this screenshot was taken: December 12, 2018
No. 986856
>>986840Haha says the man who had sex with fans at conventions at least a year prior to that and started soliciting nudes well before that.
For someone who was concerned about getting neck deep in a scandal he sure did nothing to prevent that.
No. 986867
>>986856He posted stuff like this multiple times. In one, he said something about how it wouldn't be a big deal if news of his exchanging lewds got out because he'd take it in stride, or something like that. It was in a previous thread.
Kinda shows that he felt invincible even when it should have been obvious he was playing with fire. This is delusional to pretend he was totally in the clear, and everybody else is just "misinterpreting" it.
>>986447C&Ds are typically confidential. Her mentioning that she received one in a Twitter response to someone else is iffy, but unlikely to get her in trouble. Posting the full thing with info of the sender and the lawyer they used would be a MUCH bigger problem and almost definitely lead to trouble.
It's not that there's no skepticism, people are unsure what to believe. But your proposed "solution" is naive.
No. 986915
>he said something about how it wouldn't be a big deal if news of his exchanging lewds got out because he'd take it in stride, or something like that.…And now, he goes on & on about how pretty much everyone & anyone who questioned his behavior is 'bullying'…
He probably thought that the whole scandal wouldn't get that much attention, then bailed when he realized he was wrong about that.
His flip-flopping between wrongfully-treated hero who just
barely survived marital-abuse AND cancel-culture & an invincible untouchable bad ass that could care less, because "haters make me famous!" - is very telling. He was going to 'take it in stride', but then everyone RUINED his plans by… reacting to his actions.
No. 987130
File: 1592110263763.png (579.65 KB, 673x823, anna-perkins.png)

Both Chris Perkins and Anna are going to be on this charity live with a lineup of various B and C list actors.
Ngl, it's funny seeing all the other DCA people move on and keep career building. Was wormdick really worth it Holly?
No. 987184
>>987183don't forget Shaggy anon!
this is amazing lmao. i wish this would
trigger a public meltdown from jared/holly about losing their whole fucking careers over con sex, it'd make my week
No. 987449
File: 1592179227826.png (51.49 KB, 1334x931, 7e179a80-7dc9-46af-a425-017037…)

From Jared's old blog via ProCancelled on tumblr
It's crazy to me that he didnt end all this nude stuff because he realized it was wrong but just because of tumblr's whole "no more NSFW" deal
Also, this was totally when he was "with" Holly. The only way this doesn't bother her is if she just never saw it and only heard his (lies) weak explanations
Heidi mentioned that she saw evidence of Jared and Holly discussing the blog and potential scandal on his old phone, I cant help but wonder if they were preparing for it to blow up, maybe this was after Holly and all his coworkers recieved the email from Chai?
No. 987810
File: 1592253007224.jpg (49.42 KB, 620x419, ironic.JPG)

Wasn't Holly the one unfollowing a huge list of people who liked a post made by her boyfriend's ex-wife? Yeah, who has that kind of time?
No. 987860
problematic people and not calling them out condones their behavior holly and gives them a platform when they really shouldn’t have one. but we all know she loves to be different and quirky so why wouldn’t she support a shitbag when everyone else openly hates them, that’s ultimate “not like other girls” moves!
No. 987894
File: 1592263586154.png (12.21 KB, 396x57, Screenshot at Jun 15 18-26-06.…)

>>987810Also, Holly, you don't have to sift through someone's follow list. If you follow person A who happens to follow Person B, then you'd see as much when you visit Person B's profile. Exhibit A in the attached screenshot.
No. 988339
File: 1592399493720.jpg (115.11 KB, 1080x378, Screenshot_20200617-091027_Chr…)

"Pay attention to how mean your whore wife is after you tell her no, you will not stop cheating on her"
The irony of this retweet… oof
No. 988342
File: 1592400449102.png (1.67 MB, 1834x1212, projared mgbullshit.png)

So… anyone else aware ProSexpest has been playing some weird sex "tycoon" game which is clean for the most part but clearly shows tons of dicks/boobs, features long read-out portions where this ugly worm puts on a sexy voice and reads smut for minutes, and has ads running on most of the videos in the series?
not to mention this game is again, made by some youtuber, whose self-insert features in this game to come up and sell said smut to the player character. i wonder how many youtubers are predators in "it's all cool, it's supposed to be a super long, unfunny, serious joke!" disguise
No. 988354
>>988339And of course Holly liked it.
>>988342Ew. He really can't help himself, can he?
No. 988356
>>988342I saw that some fans on /r/PJ2 were worried about him playing a sexual game but they all told each other that it's okay because he has always been so sex positive and why should he have to change uWu
You know… as if he wasnt involved in a HUGE sex scandal or anything… a sex scandal revolving around his sexual interactions with fans… who he is now playing a sex game for
No. 988358
>>988356and you wouldn't guess the warning he's put in his video description:
>NSFW CONTENT WARNING – Do not watch if you are not comfortable with adult themes, nudity, or some premium A+ smut.just as good as his "18+ only!" """screening""" process on tumblr. christ, this loser.
No. 988360
>>988356Even if the game is relatively innocuous he's proving how not-sorry he is. What a terrible choice, completely lacking in remorse or self-awareness, when he could literally choose to play anything. He's leaning into the portion of his audience that still wants to talk about sex with him.
This will just get him more comfortable pushing boundaries again until his next scandal in a few years.
>>988339He should have tweeted, "find a girl who will never tell you 'no'"
No. 988406
File: 1592413276092.png (97.96 KB, 720x419, 20200617_125913.png)

>>988339I like what Heidi retweeted better…
No. 988407
File: 1592413601467.png (219.19 KB, 720x942, 20200617_130506.png)

Uh-oh, she said the H-word…
No. 988420
>>988368Especially now that he knows he can get away with soliticing nudes with an army of incels behind him saying "its sex positivity uwu its the teenagers fault for sending in the nudes!"
Jared managed to skate by without the vitriol directed at Holly because he wasn't having public meltdown pity partys and incels love defending their funny man gamer youtubers not trash hags. Imo Jared is worse than Holly. He's calculated, manipulative and a sex obsessed pest. You wouldn't be able to scrub him off the internet if you wanted to because he's addicted to the ego it gives him and addicted to the attention. Jared is like onision with self control. Say what you want about Holly but she's obviously mentally ill and Jared definitely uses her
toxic codependency to his advantage.
Jared will return back to his old ways soon enough and no one will bat an eye. Perverts have a knack for throwing away literally everything for underage nudes. Id say they can't help themselves but in reality its just because they get off on the power dynamic. I bet Holly will be team Heidi in a few years when she's been rung out to dry for the next doormat who will excuse his abuse of power.
No. 988544
>>988477This. Even if she does turn on Jared, she’s never going to take back her accusations against Heidi. If she ever speaks out against Jared I fully expect her to pull out the old “people who’ve been abused often turn
abusive themselves” and blame Heidi for Jared’s behaviour towards her. She’ll never apologise or admit to any wrongdoing herself except maybe being too trusting or too uwu scawed to step in and “save“ him earlier.
No. 988565
>>988544Its gonna be 2025 and Holly will still be blaming Heidi for her problems
You "won" Holly, you successfully gaslit and manipulated a married man into thinking he was abused and successfully slandered his (ex)wife to anyone who would listen. You even were able to hold your self harm over peoples heads until they retracted anything bad they ever said about you or your boytoy. Jared and Heidi are officially over, so why are you still so obsessed with her?
It's been over a year yet she still stalks her Twitter likes and does everything she can to copy her style. What's the goal, exactly? Break them up even more?
No. 988779
File: 1592453807536.png (Spoiler Image,696.64 KB, 870x766, cantstopwontstop.png)

>>988342Is he really posting cartoon cocks on youtube publicly, uncensored? How very onision of him.
No. 988810
>>988779It's a dead subject but I still find it hard to believe he went full face cam.
There's no way he sees the same thing looking back at him in a mirror that others have to cope with.
No. 988890
File: 1592489531791.jpg (97.93 KB, 1280x367, tumblr_643a0ed644ba40d12b9c9c0…)

Looks like Ross (sort of) snapped…
No. 988977
File: 1592499998342.jpg (413.22 KB, 1044x846, 74726161.jpg)

>>988890>>988919Ross doesn't really shy too far from drama really.
No. 989026
>>988977(Same anon)
Oh no, definitely not the drama of others. I mean his own drama of dealing with his former colleague and ex-wife. He made a point to not even bother being a part of it all last year.
Though in his streams he does bring up the subject of how he dealt with emotional abuse in his former relationships. It can refer to Holly since he's never mentioned her ever again since the divorce and has his loving GF now, but it's only speculation on my part since he himself said he doesn't want to go back to that.
No. 989037
>>988890I know he never ever will, but I want him to go off. If I were him I would be so fucking pissed that Jared and Holly casually threw his name out saying he supported them and all that.
Say what you want about Heidi but atleast she doesnt proudly say that the person who is staying out of everything is on her side.
Jared just knew that Ross wouldn't want to watch his video or correct him so he threw his name out as a "gotcha"
No. 989087
File: 1592511195672.jpg (108.7 KB, 1080x492, 20200618_160836.jpg)

Okay but this may seem nitpicky but this is not the first time shes done this. For reference, the post had nothing to do with her nor was she mentioned/tagged, she just felt the need to reply this. She has done this quite a few times, just replying to posts completely irrelevant to her to whine that she is blocked. Does anyone else find it… pathetic? Like who fucking cares? Its not like shes anti blocking, she has blocked plenty of people, so why does she feel the need to victimize herself? It just bothers me, she tries so fucking hard to be a victim
Part of me thinks its because she thinks no one has any valid reason to not see her terrible jokes, gross selfies, and cringey bird posts. That she thinks blocking her is a crime because shes a perfect specimen
No. 989101
>>989087Replying to myself because after reading more, it turns out the original post is a guy venting that one of Holly's friends was harassing him during his livestream because he didnt "get" the book he was talking about, and Holly is replying to her friends bitchy response to him. So… Holly's friend was being a gatekeeping asshole and was called out, and suprise suprise Holly is defensive
Yes holly, you're a very good person, #bekind, also make sure to support your bully friend! Jesus fucking christ
No. 989151
>>989128It might not be the most exciting milk, but it proves that Hoelly is once again playing a mistreated
victim and hasn't actually moved on to be a good person like she likes to constantly pretend to be.
No. 989279
>>989233Did creepshow ever explain why she took her vids down for Holly?
I wonder what made her feel the need to announce that in the first place?
No. 989285
>>989279Yes, because Holly reached out to her and told her the video was causing her mental anguish.
She discussed it on one of her videos about deranged wannabe-Keemstar/"online mental health specialist" Chris Boutté.
No. 989386
File: 1592552956427.png (38.33 KB, 558x286, Screenshot_33.png)

Either she knows something or this dumb bitch is still holding out hope that her Diath/Strix truelove story could still come back again.
No. 989387
File: 1592552992819.png (27.67 KB, 592x217, Screenshot_34.png)

She's hinting HARD
No. 989391
File: 1592554527145.png (24.26 KB, 599x395, 2020-06-19_04h14_25.png)

>>989386>>989387Oh no, the Penny Arcade twits are fully intending to bring her in to Acquisitions Inc., that's been blatantly established by the one that I THINK isn't the rampaging transphobe a while back.
No. 989410
>>989405Honestly, this shit sometimes doesn't matter. I have a friend that works with PR and social media and she saw no issue with working with Logan Paul despite the suicide forest drama. What they see is a product, the same way you look at a tv-show.
Her only reaction to the drama was "they are just faking it to stay relevant"
No. 989434
>>989393My guess is that these people knew Jared and Holly really well, but didn't know Heidi at all. These are all the people that Holly spent years telling that Heidi was an
abusive monster to Jared even before last May happened, so when the drama dropped they were conditioned to believe Jared/Holly without even looking at Heidi's side of the story.
Either that or their thoughts are "well, she never did anything bad to ME, so I don't care"
No. 989669
File: 1592600729728.jpg (225.17 KB, 1080x668, 20200619_170305.jpg)

He reallllllllly wants to be an abuse survivor and advocate, huh?
What do you guys think, does he genuinely think that he WAS abused and thinks that all his behavior was justified because of it OR does he know it's all bullshit and knows that being a Male abuse survivor will get him tons of support and white knights?
No. 989675
>>989669He probably thinks he was abused because he was told no and not in total control of his marriage despite being the bread winner. Egomaniac scrotes can't handle being told no. He also has Holly constantly reinforcing the idea that he is an abuse
victim. It helps to have yes men around you constantly egging you on about your delusions.
Jared, it's absolutely your fault that your career is in a downward spiral where your videos make almost no money and no one wants to work with you. Your own porn sick disgusting mind did all of this.
No. 989678
File: 1592601634052.png (29.35 KB, 592x313, hijared.png)

You hear that, Jared? They're onto you! Cloaking yourself behind your sex positive, male feminist bullshit.
No. 989681
File: 1592601948619.jpg (57.57 KB, 631x644, nathanpyle.jpg)

>>989675I think if Holly wasn't in the picture his porn habits would have gone on the lowdown, considering not many fans would have spoken up. I think eventually Heidi and Jared may have gotten divorced, but it would not have had the same trajectory.
Holly basically gave him an angle he hadn't considered: that he was actually abused, which in his case is code for "being held accountable". I think Holly was basically the creature whispering in his ear that he was actually a
victim and she got rewarded for it with his own sexuality and time.
It's almost laughable HOW MANY TIMES Holly has defended the perpetrator of abuse while at the same time claiming to believe and support
victims. And even pewdiepie said the same for her: she never did anything to me, so she can't be bad.
I don't know if he actually believes it deep down; I do think he's aware that it benefits him to believe it, though.
No. 989694
>>989669I dont know any of them personally so take my opinions with a grain of salt, but if someone is constantly telling you you're a
victim you begin to believe it.
And from what i've seen, Heidi seems more based in reality and more level headed than these two, and something tells me her assertiveness comes off as
abusive to them.
No. 989703
File: 1592604369779.png (664.29 KB, 1164x720, Screenshot (1).png)

Jared's having a strop.
Wonder what's set this off?.
No. 989706
>>989703Why use Juneteenth as a day to spit out your girlfriends "bad brain" rhetoric and milk those sweet sweet comments? These two are so tone death, its insane
"Pwease feel bad for me guys… again. It's been a couple days, I need to remind yall of my abuse :("
No. 989710
>>989703god it's like holly is ghost writing for his account. How out of your mind do you have to be to have your photography device set up at an angle on your surface, put your elbows at JUST the right angle so it's framed perfectly, crumple up your face so you seem tormented, take that photo, crop it, edit it, go to instagram, upload it, write a whole bunch of waffle, and then post it
like how does nobody see how much effort you have to put between the concept and the execution, not to mention all the time you have to rethink whether this was a good idea or not? jeez
No. 989717
>>989703Not that I'd ever sympathise with the weasel, but how hard is it to flip it so it's correct…
>It's okay to have regrets as long as you want to be a better person. Sometimes you can't control the guilt that washes over you whenever you think of the mistakes you've made. Sometimes you can't help but hate yourself for the manipulative things you've said for your own agenda. But what's important that you change for the better every day, and make amends with the people you've hurt.Yada ayda. Anybody worth their salt wouldn't believe tiny worm dick's sentiment, but at least it wouldn't be a
victim party and could maybe sway some of the brain dead fans to feel sympathy. Then again, Holly was his cursed partner in crime - self accountability was never an option.
No. 989738
>>989703The whole "having bad brain day" bit is straight out of Hoelly's "I can't be held responsible, I'm mentally ill" bag of tricks. His views and subs must've gone back down, since that's when he LOVES to remind people of his '
abusive' ex.
No. 989741
File: 1592607775087.png (55.74 KB, 605x517, Screenshot at Jun 19 18-01-30.…)

Yep. He lost another 1k subs on youtube, a few dozen of followers on twitch, and took a hit on Instagram too. Time to trot out the story about HIM being a mentally ill victim to garner those sympathy asspats.
No. 989757
>>989703Lmao this picture is a straight up manipulation tactic. This dude is incredibly calculated. I guess you were having bad brain days for the YEARS you ran your porn blog, too? This the perfect example of the "soft boi" persona that men use to try and lull people into feeling safe with them before they violate boundaries.
He probably sees Holly getting invited back into the D&D club and knows he has nowhere to go but down so he is looking for pity.
No. 989760
>>989703I sure hope that Heidi looks at these pathetic posts, relaxing with a glass of wine. Any dude you break up with acting like a pissant about it must at least be entertaining.
Also I thought Jared said that he 'beat' cancel culture, why is he still harping on his drama from over a year ago?
No. 989794
File: 1592612719264.png (682.13 KB, 937x541, 0390-548.png)

>>989787I think that is just how the shirt is. He has a terrible sense of style. This one is great. XS female nurse chic.
No. 989826
>>989703Just a guess: all of the renewed interest in abuse of power re: Chris D'Elia is making him try to win more sympathy points to get ahead of people catching onto the fact that Jared's actions were super similar to Chris's.
Also, sage for side tangent, but if you have ever read "Why Does He Do That?" it explains why guys like Jared go out of their way to pretend they're the ones being abused.
(There's also an example in the book that is
exactly what happened with Jared, Holly and Heidi.)
"Abusers thrive on creating confusion, including confusion about the abuse itself."
Basically, if people are confused about who is the real
victim, they'll be less likely to just take Heidi's side. All of it is smoke signalling to avoid blame.
So far, the only indications of the 'abuse' Jared suffered from Heidi have either been him reblogging/liking someone else's posts about abuse or, in this case, Holly writing it for him. I don't see anything that Jared
himself has said about what Heidi did to him.
I might be willing to believe he's been abused if he can talk about exactly what that abuse entailed. But until then, this just screams manipulation to me.
No. 989831
>>989826It seems like he considers it
abusive that she threatened to expose his affair with Holly and take down DCA. Meanwhile the texts actually show a woman who is insanely upset and a husband who is basically icing her out and ignoring her for hours on end. It seems very weird for a
victim of abuse to be the one who controls the conversation flow and dictates when he feels like responding. If he was so terrified of Heidi why was he ignoring her constantly and only answering her when he felt like DCA was being threatened? He left the house on trips constantly. He went to stay in hotels whenever he wanted. He controls their finances. He was allowed to go on fancy mental health retreats at vineyards while he had Heidi talking to some quack on Better Health. Really sounds like he was the
No. 989835
>>989831I agree. It's the classic "I've ignored you until you snapped, and now I'm going to use this one instance of you snapping to characterize our entire relationship together" move.
I just don't get why so many people buy into his bullshit.
No. 989842
File: 1592619018469.jpg (837.79 KB, 1080x1473, Screenshot_20200619-200843_Twi…)

This might explain wormdick's meltdown
No. 989870
>>989831I agree completely 100%, I just want to add that at the time of her sending him those texts he was away on a DCA trip with Holly. He was away with the woman she knew he was cheating on her with and was completely icing her out and ignoring her.
Also I love how her "threats" were just… her saying she was going to tell the truth of what's going on behind the scenes. If the truth of your behavior will get your precious affair roleplay show cancelled then your first thought shouldn't be "the person threatening to whistleblower is the one in the wrong here"
No. 989877
>>989865It seems like he is trying to pretend like the finalization of their divorce is
triggering his trauma but in reality it's probably hurting his wallet. He ruined his career and marriage for some free amateur porn and pussy from a psycho.
He wants to keep the problems with his marriage in the spotlight because it is a lot more palatable than the thing that really got him in trouble. Even if he was abused it's no excuse for him using his platform to engage sexually with fans.
No. 989882
He's taking the 'abused' narrative & running with it because it's the only thing that works for these kind of fuck-ups.
No. 989911
File: 1592629719092.jpeg (173.43 KB, 864x455, F4F69369-1647-4032-ACE2-9F82B1…)

And now we know.
No. 989917
>>989914No, I meant that now we know why all of a sudden he's back on his "woe is me, I'm the
victim, I'm having a sad day" bullshit
No. 989921
File: 1592631172792.jpg (48.49 KB, 583x509, index.jpg)

>>989911Get that money honey
No. 989924
>>989842heidi: had to move out of the house she lovingly built, on a limited income, cut off from friends/acquaintances, romantic life in the shitter, in a city where she hardly knows people
heidi: i'm glad i have the chance to be moving on
jared: publicly flaunts his mistress, thousands of sympathizers, little to no repercussions faced for literally endangering minors sexually, earned thousands in cash out of his "ordeal"
jared: uwu bad brain i'm soooo hurt
next time some KF scrote comes in accusing this thread of being heidi-positive i'm going to start punching
No. 989931
>>989929Thankfully they're done the divorce and now Jared can cry in his
victim corner with hoelly while Heidi lives her best life.
No. 990028
File: 1592663743261.jpg (318.99 KB, 540x1679, Screenshot_20200621-023504_Twi…)

He and a simp also teaming up on someone who called him a sex pest in a previous tweet lmao. Heidi is celebrating the divorce and he's fighting on twitter and sad posting on instagram. I thought he 'won' against cancel culture by plugging those cancelled shirts?
No. 990030
>>990028Weird how he's the one who's still miserable and is just choosing to double down on the "uwu I am a fragile sensitive
victim" instead of taking a look at himself and why he needs to fight random people online with his incels to get validation.
No. 990051
>>989922Which explains why Holly was happily baking a cake while he was sad-posting on insta.
She's got him right where she wants him.
No. 990060
>>990028It amazes me how low IQ some of his simps are. Just because he says he didn't do something doesn't mean he is telling the truth. You can't even find that video on his channel anymore, either. You'd think someone who proudly vindicated himself would leave the evidence of it up.
Nothing is going to change the fact that Jared engaged sexually with his fans for years while hiding behind a guise of "sex positivity". In that time he got nudes from minors. They may have lied about it, but anyone with half a brain could have guessed he'd be interacting with teenagers on Tumblr. Teenagers lie, especially for attention from "celebs". It's up to adults to make wise decisions and not put themselves in positions like that. Jared isn't sorry for what he did. He would still be doing it today if he wasn't exposed for it. In fact, he might still be doing it with some of his fans that he groomed into thinking they were his friends. Remember, he didn't only have a Tumblr. He had a Snapchat and exchanged nudes with his mods from Twitch.
Now him and Holly are rewarding their WKs with "friendship". They have learned nothing about boundaries from this experience. They don't realize they have massive influence and power over these people who have spent months defending them and years watching their content. If it hasn't happened already, Jared will cross that line again. He just has less opportunity now since half the internet knows what a creep and porn sick sex pest he really is.
No. 990166
>>990028I hate how smug he is. He knows that his bullshit video worked on most people and its so annoying, and the fact that most people eat it up and support him or atleast think he was innocent is super frustrating. Like, anytime you search him on Twitter it's just people using him as an example of a
victim of cancel culture or an example of someone who was falsely accused
No. 990191
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No. 990200
File: 1592686899090.png (48.7 KB, 594x436, posted lewds.png)

This person might be talking about Nick Robinson, but I found this interesting…
No. 990359
>pyrrhic victoryWell, he
did get to celebrate for a bit last August when he posted his video & has been doing victory-laps around the internet since then, but now? Seems like the tables have turned…
No. 990505
File: 1592731615823.jpg (350.57 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20200621-211352_Ins…)

Think he's mad just because its a guy sending lewds, I mean he was okay with women doing this to him for years.
No. 990610
>>990585It's crazy for to me that he wouldn't sign them or that that is the reason he was upset the other day. Him being upset about having to pay alimony I get, but I cant imagine hes sad about the divorce being final considering he has been with another woman since before it even began and he loves perpetuating the idea that Heidi abused him and that he spent months trying to escape. Shouldn't he be celebrating just as much as Heidi?
That girl must have got some well deserved coin for him to be this mopey
>>989811I get the impression that that comment made Holly as happy as can be. Gag.
No. 990613
>>990610I was going more along the lines that Jared doesn't want to sign them because "he's a
victim" and doesn't feel like he should have to pay Heidi anything. Not that he doesn't want to actually be divorced. Although, now that he's stuck with Holly, I can see him having regrets…
No. 990692
File: 1592762200893.png (377.48 KB, 588x586, gottem.png)

Looks like Jared's Insta post worked on at least one person…
No. 990719
>>990715He wanted her to fall apart without him. Instead she is probably doing better than she has in years. Her shop seems like it's doing pretty well. She is crafting and making cosplay again. She goes to sleep every night not wondering if her husband is cheating on her.
Meanwhile Jared is setting up his cell phone to pose for a photo of him crying because of his uwu bad brain. It's fucking pathetic.
No. 990813
File: 1592771503031.jpg (64.54 KB, 608x577, doublethink.JPG)

I just don't get this level of cognitive dissonance.
Is he really trying to make people think that him coming forward about Heidi (as a 30+ yo guy with a large and adoring and sometimes irrationally loyal fanbase; and also a girlfriend willing to do all the talking for him) was just as hard as it is for a young girl to come forward about being abused and then have her ex label her as crazy?
This, on top of him being the person who used this tactic on the few kids who did come forward with their stories about him.
He's really reaching here.
No. 990815
>>990813This motherfucker is trying to gaslight the entire of the internet audience to think that HE is the true
victim and that Heidi is the one being manipulative, despite the fact that, outside of a few minor digs, HE is the one who keeps bringing it all up. Also, just LOVE that Jared's trying to make out like Heidi unfairly labelled him as crazy, when his mistress is the one who tried to label Heidi "an unfixable abuser with bpd"
No. 990944
File: 1592779426531.png (59.37 KB, 586x596, support.png)

>>990813It's not that deep anon.
Jared's just showing everyone that he supports ALL women who come forward about their abuse!
…All except his own (ex)wife of course…
No. 990946
File: 1592779688318.png (407.65 KB, 588x690, proraerae.png)

>>990944Also, Jared & this Rae Rae chick are friends.
You know how Jared loves his women; broken & vulnerable.
I believe Heidi said something alluding to that in her stream…
No. 990956
>>990944I saw this and it was infuriating. It's like a person who committed a crime trying to casually hide out at the scene of the crime to make it seem like they didn't do it.
It would be funny if so many people didn't fall for it.
No. 991009
File: 1592782769867.png (18.71 KB, 992x300, doesfollow.png)

>>990996Then again, she's also retweeted Arin Hanson
Also, see picture;
>Does @hollyconrad follow @raeraesenpai? nope No. 991029
>>990996It's astonishing, and kind of sickening, that these people continue to support Jared despite claiming to have been
victims of abuse and claiming to be opposed to abuse.
No. 991078
File: 1592786358171.jpg (1.2 MB, 1080x1524, 20200621_203247.jpg)

Would it be petty if I said this looks like absolute shit?
Dont get me wrong, I'm all for BLM, but the craftsmanship… oof. Maybe she was ~intentionally~ making it look terrible to match her whole forest trash witch thing?
Not to white knight but comparing her "art" to Heidi's is hilarious. You can tell which one of them wants to be an artist and which wants to be an influencer
Also it goes without mentioning that this is more of her "uwu forest magic" aesthetic that she ripped from Heidi, who has a store literally called Forest Girl Clothing
This lady "won" a design Emmy yall
Former DCA anons, was Strix ever even a forest witch? I only watched season 1 and there was never any hint at that, I'm curious if we can blame the recent woodsy obsession on Strix or if its all just her trying to be Heidi 2.0 (tho considering how insanely obsessed she is with Heidi it would make sense if she based Strix's forest stuff on her…)
No. 991086
>>991078I'm black and I think it looks like shit. I've made stuff better looking than that in elementary school.
And to think I used to like her art and cosplay smh…
No. 991187
File: 1592796160041.png (21.25 KB, 591x266, 9258.png)

Somewhat related: There is a lot of talk right now in the Twitch community about streamers abusing power dynamics. Some of the biggest Twitch streamers are speaking out about the kind of shit Jared got busted for last year. I'm not holding my breath, but it's kind of a sham that Jared is even allowed on the platform anymore after knowing he solicits fans and does a piss poor job at weeding out/protecting minors at that.
No. 991190
>>991187I see a lot of people saying things like "this guy seems like a creep, but let's make sure we don't make another projared mistake".
They're so close to the mark there. So close.
No. 991204
>>991195The number of people who just watched his video and took everything he said at face value is insane.
They think that "oh, this person's memory might be messed up from that time period" and "this other person lied once about their age" = Jared never sexted
any underage people
ever and that the other side made it all up to get attention and/or spite him.
For people who demand concrete evidence all the time, that is such a flimsy foundation of so-called "evidence" to build a case on.
He just proved that it
might not have happened, but only with those two people.
But everyone's acting like he showed a video of the kids saying "we made it all up and Jared never had any porn blogs, sorry".
No. 991208
>>991204People will fall all over themselves to find a reason to believe a man didn't take advantage of a woman.
Also, if his video was such a crowning victory and major trump card, why did he de-list it? Why hide the "facts", Jared?
No. 991211
>>990944If some dude who was called out for grooming his fans heart reacted me tweeting that I had been sexually assaulted at 16, I'd be creeped the fuck out tbh.
>>991078Strix's background had her growing up as an orphan in some city slums. She spent a couple years in the feywild living with baba yaga because it's Holly, so of course she did. But otherwise Strix grew up in and around cities and held jobs like corpse collection and for whatever reason, pastry chef. Y'know, cause snicketty snooks or whatever. Holly never ran with a forest witch vibe, it was always trash witch until Holly moved to Seattle for Jared, oh wait I mean, "for the trees!". lmao
No. 991409
>>991400I think it's not that much about their dumb fans, since there is not a lot of them.
When divorce drama blew up, it reached a lot of people (including me) who didn't know who tf Jared was. But it was super juicy at the beginning, seeing how Holly was caught replying "uwu im so sowwy hope it gets better" and then they both went on lockdown while Heidi exposed them. There was even news about it in tabloids so it did reach a lot of people, including incels.
Then Holly started what she does the best, which is emotional manipulation, got her fans on the side but also got incels on her side too because she revealed Jared and Heidi were poly and Heidi had someone on the side. This was enough for bunch of MGTOWs and incels to start their woman revenge fantasy, ProJared2 sub was made where they tried their best to fabricate and manipulate the story, so their incel hero can make a return.
It sort of did work but not as "glorious" as they expected it to be. Holly and Jared still lost their main jobs, Holly sperged on Twitter numerous times, Jared is sadposting and losing subs while Heidi is getting her alimony and her online store seems to be doing well.
No. 991607
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>>991546This is pretty much the current public opinion on the Jared drama. People think that Heidi made up the cheating, emotional abuse, AND the pedophilia accusations. Somehow Jared and his fans were able to steer the narrative to being that Heidi knowingly lied about everything and that she was the one who came forward about the nudes blog, no acknowledgment of the dozen fans who did.
I think it's mostly just men who didn't look into the situation and just read "woman bad, man good, false accusations" and ran away with it
Fuck, I've even seen multiple tweets claiming that Heidi falsely accused Jared of rape! When did rape EVER come up in the drama? NEVER. But certain men on the internet are OBSESSED with false rape accusations and how they are worse than the actual thing, so they decided that Jared was their new idol of the ultimate
victim of evil feminism and false accusations and his "whore" exwife
That's what fucking frustrates so so much with Jared's pity party posts, he has the public on his side! A majority of people are drowning in fake news on his drama and think that Jared is the face of the unjustly cancelled. What the fuck does he have to be sad about? A lolcow thread? God knows if you say anything bad about him anywhere else you get responses within minutes proudly "correcting" you about how Heidi is cartoon villain levels of evil. He won, so why does he bitch all. The. Time.
No. 991614
File: 1592844868401.png (52.68 KB, 589x384, heidi.png)

No. 991629
File: 1592845657948.png (38.49 KB, 590x460, misogynywhat.png)

>>991614>>991621..also kudos to Holly for reinforcing a
very misogynistic view on women who come out about their abuse/stand up for themselves! /s
No. 991632
>>991614This is one of the main reasons Jared's story of abuse just seems wrong to me. If Jared was abused why would Holly find it appropriate to start a relationship with a vulnerable abuse
victim? Why would Jared feel so comfortable to immediately dive into a new relationship with a woman who has admitted to him that she has a history of being an abuser herself? It's been shown that Holly believes that being told "no" is a form of bullying and abuse. Neither of them have shown they truly understand what abuse really means.
No. 991645
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>>991632That still puzzles me as well. Their stans tried to rebute that with "It was the
only thing that could make him feel better at the time, so she slept with him!"
I can just imagine Holly asking sadboy-Jared if there's
anything she can do to make him feel better & Jared's like "AAAANYTHING?"
No. 991654
File: 1592846588257.jpeg (171.79 KB, 1274x325, 93EBF397-0936-45E7-BD62-0BC0D8…)

Another reason ProDick is all sad and weepy?
No. 991678
>>991614I love this! I think a big part of why I'm still following this is that Heidi always stands up for herself and says all the things that I wish I was brave enough to say myself.
I'm so glad she isn't letting him just control the narrative, cause fuck that. Women have put up with that shit for way too long.
No. 991744
>>991614Between this and Ross mentioning on how he dealt with emotional abuse in some of his relationships (most likely Holly tbh), Jared and Holly having utter gall to claim that they're the "
victims" in this is laughable.
And yes I know the situation may be more complicated, but Jared and Holly constantly act guilty alongside victimizing themselves as opposed to Heidi who admitted her flaws and mistakes throughout this whole thing.
No. 991747
>>991654That Heidi is living her life and not even giving Jared the satisfaction of pretending that she can't live without him?
Yeah maybe.
No. 991763
>>991632This exactly. If we do entertain the idea that Jared was a
victim in his marriage then that means Holly took advantage of a
victim who was not in the right mental or emotional state to be in a romantic and sexual relationship.
No. 991798
File: 1592859730755.png (168.78 KB, 1206x838, Untitledd.png)

stupid question but I don't know shit about twitter, did they stop showing when a tweet was deleted? I looked at this earlier and saw that there were two deleted tweets that they were originally responding to, but now they're gone and so are the tags to the user they were responding to.
sorry for the dumb question, but I'm trying to cap the rollplay drama kaitlyn and annemunition are going on about today and came across this and I'm really curious what the fuck ubisoft has to do with it, when I google ubisoft no recent drama comes up
No. 991818
>>991799to be fair, kaitlyn is not doing herself much service with the way she's handled the whole thing; i believe her that JP abused her, but i also see someone who might be an abuser herself.
i think it's extremely inappropriate to force involvement from someone who doesn't trust you and doesn't want to be involved, and then parade that person's expectation of privacy in front of your viewers and openly cry on stream because of boundaries that person established. she created an environment that invited her own mod to say anne wouldn't understand sexual abuse because she's ugly and gay, and then instead of apologizing, she gets mad at anne for being upset about it. that's extremely manipulative on kaitlyn's part and honestly sounds like something holly would do, to be frank.
i don't think anne is completely innocent either, but kaitlyn does not come off as a good person to me. that doesn't mean i think she's lying, that doesn't mean i think she deserved her abuse, that doesn't mean that she shouldn't tell her story. but from what i'm seeing, i doubt i would want to have anything to do with her either.
these gaming industry "friendships" just seems to be riddled with toxicity and abuse; i guess that's what happens when you put together lots of people with abysmal social skills and give them a platform.
No. 991824
>>991818totally get where you're coming from, her going live for a brief bit today to just highlight anne's responses was definitely not a good look for her.
I was in her stream yesterday, and I think the reason she's blowing up so much and coming after Anne so hard is that she was told by a bunch of people that she should talk to Anne and that Anne would help her somehow, so Anne being cold and distant is a huge shock to Kait's expectations when she approached her.
No. 991825
File: 1592863304844.jpg (155.86 KB, 1080x392, Screenshot_20200622-180028_Chr…)

Dont worry guys, Holly is glad people are speaking out about men just like her boytoy. Also she is a TOTAL hero, dont forget it! Such a badass uwu
No. 991828
>>991763And if Jared says he was fine with his sexual relationship with Holly should be really believe that? He was in such mental anguish from his abuse that he couldn't have possibly but in the right mind space to consent to sex with Holly. It's super irresponsible of Holly, a mental health advocate, to accept consent from a distressed abuse
victim. Lol, such absurdity.
I wonder if Jared has the guts to show his face on Twitch today with all the sexual misconduct allegations out today. Some of these guys are being accused of the exact same shit he did.
No. 991844
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>>991828He is too tired uwu that's totally the only reason why
No. 991874
File: 1592866466737.jpg (204.31 KB, 713x712, 20200623_105058.jpg)

Didn't she participate in trying to cancel JK Rowling on Twitter for saying that sex is real? She's so hypocritical, didn't Jared victims email his boss and then they got ran off the internet by his fanbase? I can't believe she's saying twitter activism doesn't matter when that's all she did for the blm movement.
No. 991876
>>991874Given how good she is at deluding herself, it's not surprising that she'll dig in her heels to defend Jared.
He's the exception to the norm, obviously. /s
No. 991886
>>991825Saving a friend from drunk game dev "getting handsy"?
So that's not OK, but her friend GM can enact a rape scene with his player against her wishes, and that's just making a mistake.
(emoji) No. 991908
>>991818I agree, it seems very possible what kaitlyn says is true, but she seems very unstable and is going about things in a really terrible way. It feels like she expects random people to fix this issue for her and is putting pressure on them instead of putting pressure in JP (it makes sense she avoided him for so long if she truly felt she had no legal recourse, JP has a lot of power even if he's not a house hold name, but does not excuse her getting mad at unrelated people for not fixing things for her).
Anne also just doesn't even seem to understand what kaitlyn is talking about. She is talking about her abuse which partly consisted of JP using her as an emotional dump/manipulating her via talking a ton of shit in private, and Anne took kaitlyn saying "JP said this about Anne in private as a way to manipulate me/while using me emotionally" as kaitlyn saying "JP did this thing to Anne that Anne is aware of and is reflective of Anne's experience with JP".
I feel kinda bad for kaitlyn, but she's the one setting fire to her own career. Unless she ponies up receipts and focuses on JP (instead of badgering others to support her) this will only hurt her.
>>991824Any interesting tidbits? Looks like the vods were deleted already.
No. 991914
>>991908nothing really. Kait got a DM (I missed this part but this is partially why vods got deleted, because it apparently contained personal info). and it led to her receiving a reply from Anne after reaching out in which Anne essentially confirmed that she believed the ppl in the R6 community calling her manipulative and
abusive. The thing is, the JP angle is only one facet, and the latest two streams and the current heat on Anne have nothing to do with JP, because JP isn't part of Ubisoft and R6. She showed some parts of the report she had compiled of a ubisoft individual sexually harassing her, as well as giving some of the story of why there is an individual out to get her in that community. she's really heartbroken over the fact that she thought Anne would have her back because through most of the JP manipulation and drama that pitted the two against each other, Kait had always tried to be supportive of Anne, giving her shout outs and whatnot. This seems to be why she's taking Anne's responses so badly and getting really upset over it.
No. 991922
>>991896Her problem with this issue is that she is one of those people who think "well he never did it to me or around me so I believe him"
I garuentee she didnt see the extent of Jared's pervyness on tumblr
She wasnt in the game where skinnyghost did that so she doesnt care
Her problem is that she can not separate her feelings for people from other peoples accusations. She never once even considered Jared's accusers, she just immediately sent their personal info to Jared and jumped into helping him covering it up.
Can you imagine if Strix would have been sexually assaulted in a game? she would FREAK THE FUCK OUT. But because it happened to another woman [who she probably resents for being attractive] she doesnt care.
She stands by any abuser as long as they aren't hers. She says believe women unless they come forward about her friends. She says it's never the
victim's fault unless they were married to her boyfriend.
She has admitted multiple times that her mental illness makes it almost impossible to empathize with people yet she goes out of her way to act as though she does and pretend she is a mental health advocate
She is such a piece of shit its disgusting
No. 991927
File: 1592870484081.jpg (205.03 KB, 1080x682, Screenshot_20200622-200041_Chr…)

She is right and she should say it
No. 991948
File: 1592872133526.png (121.6 KB, 720x704, 20200622_202402.png)

No. 991953
>>991874man, holly truly just does not give a shit about
victims. her tweet is essentially "don't tell people your story and don't warn others." the whole #metoo movement is an anathema to her.
No. 991962
>>991957It's extremely telling that Heidi speaks up but not Jared or Holly (I dont count her "I was badass and saved my friend from being touched at a con once" as speaking up)
Now would be the perfect time for Jared to make a statement about what he did and why it was wrong and how he has reflected on it and regrets it, but instead he will stay silent. He apologized once for .5 seconds in his come back video and now thinks he should never feel bad about it again
Heidi on the other hand knows she fucked up. She could easily say she didnt know the full extent of what Jared did and slide off the blame but instead she is straight up admitting that she encouraged something wrong and regrets it.
THIS is why we believe Heidi. She actually acknowledges her wrong doings and will striatht up admit to it. Jared and Holly might vaguely say they feel guilt and have made "mistakes" but Heidi doesnt beat around the bush, she gives no fucks
No. 991986
File: 1592874344509.png (70.86 KB, 720x396, 20200622_210201.png)

Also note how Jared keeps liking/sharing tweets that are all "It's NEVER your fault uwu" While Heidi shares tweets about
how to tell if you're in an abusive relationship: No. 991999
>>991986The reason Jared is a bad abuse
victim advocate is because he himself knows he isn't one, deep down. Is there anything
abusive they accused Heidi of doing apart from being mad about his cheating and closing their relationship? The only
abusive thing they claimed she did was yell and send angry texts… in response to being neglected and pushed into it. Like that thread she retweeted said, abusers (ESPECIALLY emotional abusers) will push and push and push you and then use your reaction as evidence against you.
Almost everything in that thread applys to Heidi's situation, and it fucking breaks my heart to know that Jared and Holly were successful at all of it at the end of the day.
And I know some anons get mad when we say good things about Heidi but fuck it, what did she even do wrong that she hadn't admitted to and apologized for? In my eyes the only thing she truly did wrong was approve of Jared's fan fucking.
No. 992021
>>991621>>991621Can I just point out how manipulative it was for Holly to tell Jared this? See, if Heidi was fixable, then the marriage was fixable. Since that gets in the way of Holly attaining her obsession, she basically discounts the value of therapy for her own gain.
If Heidi is unfixable, then Jared must leave her and…checks notes… immediately enter a relationship with another mentally unstable abuser. One who would get drunk and whine on Twitter about Jared not leaving Heidi fast enough and harass him in texts instead of giving him space to work out his feelings and marriage.
Jared torpedoed his career and reputation and marriage for a codependent ticking time bomb of crazy. Hope it was worth it.
No. 992031
>>991986This kind of thing is why I believe Heidi more than Jared and Holly.
Holly's accounts are always either vague comments like "be kind" that no one disagrees with but that also aren't relevant to the topic at hand, or they're self-inserts like hijacking etika's suicide to be about herself being canceled or making herself into the hero of sexual assault
victims, OR they're blindly supporting her friends and saying things like "people make mistakes, just do better next time" as if abusers ever 'do better' when they don't have any pressure on them to change.
Jared's posts are just generic self-pitying nonsense that doesn't name anything specific that Heidi did to him that he would consider
They both do a lot of virtue signaling. "I donated to this charity, look at how good I am", while Heidi is blunt about not pretending to be good and wanting to highlight other people's voices rather than make the situation about herself.
And then Heidi's posts are actually detailed, self-reflective, and most importantly, honest… even at the expense of herself. She's not putting on a mask to pretend she's just some
victim that never did anything wrong.
No. 992098
File: 1592880970790.png (1.17 MB, 1782x724, 2020-06-22_22h53_59.png)

Has anyone visited Holly's site lately? She took down the shop (apparently the sweaters were just "pre-orders"?), but now she's going to start offering up COURSES?
I hope those won't be mental health courses because yikes.
Hopefully it's more like Kayla offering art classes, at least she's got the skills of a low-rent Tony DiTerlizzi.
No. 992107
File: 1592881680359.jpg (163.04 KB, 1080x560, 20200622_230112.jpg)

>>991927Two thoughts on this
1. Guacamole gets SO mad and defensive when anyone replies shit to Jared/Holly's tweets and immediately tears into them… and yet she replies to Heidi's with stuff like that, literally doing the thing she condemns.
2. Holly and Jared have become FRIENDS with this person because of this behavior. Before the cancelling event they were just another fan, but since the drama hit and they became a rabid defender she has been rewarded for her behavior (such as harassing anyone who dare criticize her idols or harassing Heidi herself) and she is now friends with them and is even appearing in Holly's content! She has basically been conditioned to reply to Heidi this way and act more and more defensive.
No. 992130
>>992126Because that's why anyone would do anything according to these kind of people.
"She's just doing it for attention!" is a classic line from abusers
and their enablers.
No. 992134
>>992124Lmao Guacamole wants to go off
so badly, but they gotta keep that fake-positivity flowin'!
No. 992147
>>992134Her and her husband have an incredibly unhealthy obsession with Holly. The fact that she searches out Holly's name on Twitter daily to go into defense mode is weird as hell.
Also her husband is liking tweets where people are calling out Twitch abusers and saying how you shouldn't hero worship. Pretty rich coming from the couple that heavily moderates anyone who dares to make a joke about Jared and Holly.
No. 992157
>>991825"I'm glad people are talking about it, but don't worry, as long as you're my friend and generally an okay person - looking at you, Adam Koebel and ProJared - then it's totally fine to be an
abusive piece of trash"
No. 992200
>>992107>literal bullying>bullying is not healingwhere was this moron's saintly ass literally two days ago when people were trying to drag heidi for something as small/personal as celebrating her freedom?
>>992098come on, anon. holly may be a major cunt but she's got some serious chops and expert skill, i have no doubt in my mind she's going to do a banger of a job. i'm especially looking forward to these courses:
- gaslight
victims of abuse 101
- getting picked guaranteed
- blindfolded handcrafting
- self-sabotage in the guise of self-care
- farming videogame lessons for people who have never seen an actual gadget before
No. 992448
File: 1592922627963.jpg (662.48 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200623-102929_Chr…)

Might as well say "I never let the drama end"
No. 992451
>>992448He's a fucking drama queen. Bitch made ass dude. The drama never ended because:
A. He never let it end?
B. He's scared shitless that his dirty laundry will be brought back up to his new teenage fanbase?
Can he leave his ex alone and stop trying to drag her into his bitch fit because he's pissed she's moving on and glad they're divorced.
No. 992473
>>992448very glad to see Heidi is living her best single life with a thriving business and not being stuck in a codependent rebound that enables her
victim mentality.
No. 992594
File: 1592931010406.png (608.65 KB, 588x586, MansHeadonChildsBody.png)

>>992448Gee, I wonder why the drama never ended Jared? Could it be because you never actually apologized and took responsibility for what you did and instead blamed it on your mental state and supposed abused? Or maybe because you tried to profit financially off of the fact that you abused your power over your fans and got called out for it? Or maybe it hasn't ended because you are making pity posts on Instagram talking about the wine your wife stole from you? Or setting up your camera to snap pictures of you pathetically hiding your face in your hands and talking about your bad brain? You absolutely manipulative tool.
(sorry forgot to sage initially)
No. 992650
>>992594nooo, it's absolutely because cheating white male neckbeard gamers are a persecuted dying breed! have some sympathy, cancel culture is ruining the world!
(MAN those noodle arms. every TIME kek)
No. 992768
>>992448Aw, he should follow GeraldoGuacamole's advice at
>>992107And get over it, it's been over a year.
>>992594That pic is still so fucking creepy. He looks like a goddamn creeper.
No. 992778
File: 1592941842344.jpg (454.48 KB, 2277x1444, bluechair.jpg)

>>992594Someone brought attention to this blue chair behind Holly earlier itt. Here's proof they've been living together all this time.
No. 992787
>>974923See also: holly's chickens roaming in front of Jared's videogame collection.
Why do anons keep shooting down the idea that Jared would immediately move in with her? Yes it would be a stupid move. They are this stupid.
Holly faking it by moving her own furniture AND chickens to his place is way more farfetched imo. Especially the furniture thing, since it's barely noticeable in the background. It's unreasonable to believe Holly planted that in order to MAYBE tip off internet sleuths that are just gonna criticize her for it anyway.
A far more reasonable explanation is that they did move in together and are too chickenshit to just say it outright, because they know it will make them look bad. Holly wanted to hint at it with the chicken pic because she's frustrated with having to hide, but Jared won't budge. Occam's razor.
No. 992801
>>992786who brings a wholeass chair to someone's house and then takes it home again?
I'd believe it if it was a shitty foldable chair or even those plastic porch chairs.
i can see them living together cause he had to find a place short term and stuff his shit somewhere. also hoelly is clingy as fuck and im pretty sure she'd manipulate him into living with her.
also jared's youtube and twitch dont seem to be doing so well, and Seattle is not a cheap town to live in.
No. 992805
>>992801I just dont think there is room in Holly's house for all his shit, such as a huge video game room/collection and stream set up. We saw her whole entire place in that apartment website interview she did and it's not that big at all
Also I totally can see Holly bringing her chicken with her to visit Jared because shes so quirky uwu
I think they are dating but not living together, at least not yet.
No. 992819
File: 1592946151718.png (986.81 KB, 2048x2042, Screenshot_20200623-170151.png)

No. 992831
File: 1592947112185.png (74.03 KB, 586x702, butpolyamory.png)

No. 992843
File: 1592947520418.png (34.67 KB, 586x298, mixertho.png)

Well, that's telling…
No. 992854
File: 1592948388835.png (33.63 KB, 582x346, noselfreflection.png)

>"I feel like so many people online want to forget that you knew him better than most"
No. 992859
File: 1592948641376.png (34.13 KB, 590x260, stonewalling.png)

>>992857God, I can just imagine wormboy just standing there staring at the wall whenever she tried talking to him.
No. 992866
File: 1592949031502.png (33.32 KB, 586x286, jonstealingmyfriends.png)

>>992864>he seemed rather quick to lash out at anyone trying to get close to his friends. Interesting…
No. 992869
File: 1592949440150.png (29.58 KB, 584x348, op.png)

Another example would be Holly's over-the-top claims about Heidi; "She
SCREAMED at me 'I want him to think of ME not you during sex!!!'"
No. 992874
File: 1592949933236.png (34.54 KB, 588x292, toolatetho.png)

>"Please don't harass him."…A bit too late for that…
No. 992879
File: 1592950279560.png (32.23 KB, 580x256, damnitheidi.png)

Heidi has proven to be more 'real' that
both of those twits…
No. 992895
>>992883And why it's impossible for her to be a cow. Not that she would ever be half way considered, but to the holly wks in here who say "HEIDI IS BAD TOO. SHE BRINGS IT UP!" It's not that Holly or Jared bring it up, but their level of delusion and victimhood.
And I'd never harass Jared on Heidi's behalf. Shitty relationships happen. Divorce and cheating happen. The fact that he's a sexual predator and abuses his fan base is horrifying.
No. 992937
File: 1592954712849.png (64.87 KB, 412x230, bruhmoment.png)

I wonder who this person on Kiwifarms is…
Probably Jessica/CupcakeValkyrie, considering they're always so unnecessarily agressive towards anyone who disagrees with Holly or Jared. If it isn't a flying monkey, then it's just a very dedicated incel fanboy…
No. 992953
>>992948>>992950This user suddenly showed up a little more than a month ago to shit on Heidi. They don't seem to talk about Jared or Holly.
Now it seems they've returned to their "Man Good-Woman Bad!" shtick, especially now, they're on that "Woman take money from Man in divorce! Women bad!!!" kick
No. 992974
File: 1592957765998.png (35.28 KB, 586x346, getoverit1.png)

Good news @metroidism, geraldo does have a husband lol
No. 993010
File: 1592960447619.png (40.7 KB, 586x388, merch.png)

I'm so glad people still remember this shit
No. 993018
File: 1592961032452.png (35.44 KB, 590x316, screaming.png)

No. 993032
File: 1592962545094.png (55.42 KB, 590x492, praise.png)

No. 993060
>>993059But remember what Holly always says anon, "Intent is IMPORTANT!" As long as she never
intended to hurt anyone it's all good! /s
No. 993076
File: 1592965527235.jpeg (107.42 KB, 821x695, tamashii.jpeg)

For anyone who doesn't know, Tamashii was in some NormalBoots videos and follows Jared back on Twitter. Her last sentence reeks of some bullshit. Makes me wonder how the other members of NB are reacting to accusations.
No. 993092
>>993076Ohhh Tamashii, you are, most certainly
not in good hands.
No. 993178
>>993076"have not proven to be bad people….to me", fixed it for you, Tamashii. Just because YOU haven't been targeted by a shitty person doesn't mean they aren't shitty. Even if you doubt that Jared abused Heidi, he STILL abused his fame to both fuck fans and get nudes that he could jack off to. It's still wrong and
No. 993325
File: 1592983193212.jpeg (452.6 KB, 1335x659, 4A4731E7-BECC-4501-B757-2284FC…)

And another example of Heidi being better about mental health than the self proclaimed “mental health Monday” host Hoelly
No. 993510
File: 1593003294960.jpg (147.17 KB, 1048x574, Screenshot_20200624-084158_Chr…)

Lol how many times has she been caught by bots now searching her own name?
No. 993521
File: 1593004229303.png (87.09 KB, 720x488, 20200624_090926.png)

[Citation needed]
No. 993541
File: 1593006085477.png (113.25 KB, 720x645, 20200624_093927.png)

Why do these people even bother to comment?
It takes literally 2 clicks to block/mute someone.
No. 993615
>>993605Also people don't even bother to realize that Heidi stayed quiet about it for an ENTIRE YEAR
before coming out publicly about it.
No. 993618
>>993615…Meaning she
kept it private for everyone's convenience, all
that did was make her suicidal.
No. 993623
File: 1593010046818.png (24.63 KB, 597x314, Hollydril.png)

I couldn't help myself…
No. 993624
>>993623 lol
inb4 she actually posts this
No. 993639
>>993623See, while I thought Heidi's response to the original tweet would devalue the thread(s) she wrote shortly afterwards, those threads can explain why she would write such a thing in the first place.
Miss 'Mental Health Mondays' had
no right to assert that Heidi was "unfixable" even though she apologized (to
someone else) for it.
that presumptuous & unstable has
no business literally selling themselves as a 'Mental Health Expert/Advocate'of
any kind, let alone deem who's
really being abused in a relationship after hearing only one side while
refusing to hear the other.
No. 993640
trigger her into shitting up her tweets again anon
No. 993647
>>993639…Then again, Heidi could
also be bluntly suggesting that Holly is the type who would tweet shit like that.
No. 993657
File: 1593012220923.png (50.99 KB, 1064x350, kf2.png)

Gotta love how people keep asserting that Heidi's story "keeps changing" even though it never did, y'all just didn't bother to read anything else she wrote when she first went public about it.
No. 993660
File: 1593012376054.png (127.84 KB, 1070x450, kf3.png)

>"It's gonna hurt more once the whole thing passes and her income is clipped like cancer ridden flesh sections. Jared's investment in better lawyers is going to pay off in the end."And they're saying
she's delusional…
No. 993667
File: 1593012704589.png (63.42 KB, 1074x214, projaredjr.png)

>>993660>>993657Yeah, expressing sympathy over something that
didn't even happen makes you guys look totally sane!
Don't worry guys! Jared's gonna win the divorce THIS time! /s
No. 993682
>>993670Jared is just an example of incel indignation. I mean look at the last line in this.
>>993657 Chasing Holly for real? So by their logic, Heidi decided to pull away from poly because Jared wanted to chase a woman going through a divorce for him? WTF? That's like saying, "oh the wife wanted to end it once her husband wanted to leave her for another woman." That's a whole different level of idiocy. But lol at Heidi getting alimony. It's not as common anymore and the jobless posters are afraid it'll happen to them despite not having money or a woman.
No. 993688
>>993682They are just gonna ram that line of reasoning into the ground aren't they?
I'm sure it's because they feel better that THOT-Whore-wife got
jealous of her poor abused husband who didn't even ask for any of this!
That's right! Her 'pain' was all self-inflicted! Don't respect her too much! She's nothing but a cartoon-villain! /s
No. 993726
File: 1593017053986.png (66.7 KB, 582x556, Namesearcher.png)

>>993510Oh my god…
(btw, I think June 17th is when people started talking about predators in the industry again)
No. 993772
File: 1593020106162.png (386.63 KB, 576x1376, secondaccount.png)

>" Good thing I have a second account"
So you're admitting to harassing someone? Great!
No. 993780
File: 1593020827588.png (50.82 KB, 588x432, blockingforasking.png)

>>993772Aaand there he is!
Also fuck outta here with that fake "I was a fan of yours!" "I was only asking you a question" BS that trolls love to throw around.
Your initial tweet at her (The FIRST thing you
ever tweeted at her) was dismissive, she had
every right to block you & move your ass out of the way.
No. 993863
File: 1593025704369.jpg (141.66 KB, 1080x643, Screenshot_20200624-150753_Chr…)

>>993726Same bot that she blocked
No. 993924
File: 1593029760726.png (125.54 KB, 546x356, ycvQvOD.png)

No. 993935
>>993924lol glad im not the only one keeping up with these two threads.
Maybe Holly can be blessed with a breakup too.
No. 993989
>>993657People really have zero understanding of what polyamory is. I know it's uncommon, but they really should do some research before just assuming the worst.
Also, it wouldn't be a plot twist if people gave her a chance from the very start, but oh well.
No. 994025
>>994018The fact that she had a LDR says a lot about her lack of enthusiasm for the idea, and wasn't it with a fakeboi? I don't get the impression she was ever keen to fuck anyone else and did the bare minimum to make it seem equal.
Of course, misogynistic Jared fanboys are absolutely convinced she's an evil whore who wanted an open marriage so she could fuck a tonne of black guys.
No. 994057
>>993935A breakup would
greatly benefit both Holly & Jared
No. 994803
File: 1593081911892.png (890.67 KB, 801x461, Screenshot_52.png)

In case anyone cares, I joined the Spooky Saturday discord server and someone had posted pic of the Patreon Reward thing that Hoelly was selling. It's literally just a handful of crystalas, a pencil pouch and a bookmark (if you count a piece of construction paper with some kind of little sketch on it to be a bookmark). From looking at the patreon, this looks like the $50 tier.
No. 994821
>>994803Personally, I love the bit in that letter where Hoelly said "Words and are are excellent weapons against cruelty and ignorance". This is coming from the person who called Heidi
abusive for using her words and then turned around and called her an unfixable abuser. The irony is intense.
No. 994972
>>994803I appreciate how she writes "Thank you so much for all your support" twice, with only a small change with an "of" in the second. The blatant repetition emphasizes its fakeness to me. Thanking the people giving you money is important, but when your note is mostly telling people what you sent them, maybe be a little more original or personal than repeating the same "thank you" message twice.
Yes, I realize this is a petty gripe, but for someone who thinks that creating a handwritten letter of apology is the height of contrition, the least she could do is not sound like she has no idea what to say when not talking about her accomplishments.
Oh wait.
No. 994992
File: 1593096265236.jpg (140.04 KB, 1080x676, 20200625_104014.jpg)

Here is Holly once again interacting with Danika, the person who last week was harassing and leading a brigade against a podcast and who Holly replied "this person has be blocked so 🤷🏻♀️"
This just bothers me because I know for a fact multiple people replied to Holly last week explaining the situation and how Dankika was literally cyber bullying that person and leading a huge brigade against them just because they were covering a book in their book club that Danika's club had already discussed. Holly cant plead ignorance, people TOLD her, yet obviously she didn't care.
I know this is super petty and minor but it just goes to show that she is all "dont bully" and "be kind" but will support people who actively and proudly bully and harass people.
I'm pretty sure its only considered bullying in her eyes if it's against her or Jared, if anyone else is getting harassed she doesnt care
No. 994996
File: 1593096566208.png (69.71 KB, 536x849, 2020-06-25_10h47_29.png)

>>994992On that note, here's D&D's social media manager/freelance adventure designer tweeting some gross hypocritical bullshit even as she continues to support enablers of abusers like Holly Conrad.
No. 995009
File: 1593097646524.png (35.55 KB, 582x370, everyonebutthevictim.png)

>"It’s always about the best interests of everyone else involved except the victim."I MEAN… (Looks at Jared & Holly)
No. 995010
File: 1593097902768.png (589.9 KB, 396x682, bekind1000000000.png)

Nothing new on Holly's end, just the usual "#BeKind" tweet
No. 995016
File: 1593098317712.png (12.75 KB, 601x133, LysaBelieve.png)

>>995009Fucking hell, she's even worse….
No. 995019
>>995015It's the 'Live, Laugh, Love!' smile. You know, the kind you see in stock photos…
>>995017Just a screenshot,
not a shop.
No. 995023
>>995020It's probably just youth + makeup. It's probably the dark hair too; when her hair was lighter, it softened her features a bit.
Also her eyes have looked more puffy for the past year or two.
No. 995025
File: 1593099122992.png (25.25 KB, 582x280, elspethbam.png)

>>995016Elspeth (The woman Holly's buddy creeped on in his game) weighs in.
No. 995028
File: 1593099278835.png (54.25 KB, 596x492, buttheyremyfriend.png)

>>995016I hope Heidi finds this tweet because this woman is going IN
No. 995039
>>995028Jared's advantage over these other gamers getting exposed is that A. He had a head start to the drama and B. He had Holly up to bat for him
He knew that emails were going around from the minors so he was able to start gathering evidence early as well as start damage control with his friends who recieved the emails. at that point those people didnt have the public pressure to drop Jared so they were a lot more open and accepting to his (imo weak) explanation. And the reason most of his friends didn't care about Heidi's abuse/coming forward leads us to:
B. Holly had been working behind the scenes for over a year convincing people that she was saving Jared from Heidi and that Heidi was a horrible
abusive monster, and because Holly is such an uwu mental health guru a lot of her DnD friends that never even knew Heidi believed her, so when Heidi did come forward they were inclined to believe it. Holly also was working hard on countering the nudes scandal even before it came out, Heidi even said that when she found the texts on Jared's old phone him and Holly were talking about the nudes and minor emails and how to stop them from going viral.
These DND creators who are still supportive of Holly and Jared had been fed bullshit for months and months before it happened because Holly obsessively hated Heidi to the point of slandering her everywhere.
No. 995052
File: 1593101519866.png (378 KB, 588x492, Feb-17-2018.png)

Old post, but check the date
>February 17, 2018
No. 995056
>>995052Tbh sometimes I think the reason Jared is so gloomy every once and a while like that bad brain day insta post is because he DID love Heidi and still does. I think sometimes he regrets everything and especially now that he is with Holly full time he realizes how fuck she fucking sucks and that he misses the woman he loved enough to marry. Didnt Heidi even said that in one of their last conversations he has said "I just dont know who is manipulating me" and she said "I will never take you back but she definetly is and I hope you get away from her and get help" or something like that?
Maybe Holly manipulated him into ending a relationship he never wanted to, he just wanted to cheat and have fun on the side but she kept telling him to leave his "abuser" or she would kill herself.
Of course this doesnt excuse Jared's AWFUL behavior to Heidi at all, but it does seem like Holly wore him down. Especially since at the start it pissed him off when she said Heidi was
abusive, and maybe since he DID care about Holly and couldn't have gotten away from her because DCA that her constant insane nagging and pressuring got to him
(Sorry, deleted and reposted because I mixed up Heidi and Holly's name at a bad time)
No. 995058
>>995056Jared seems like a dead-eyed sociopath so I doubt he loved Heidi in the way normal humans love people.
But he definitely liked having a trophy wife who was also a pushover.
No. 995061
>>995052These "crusty boys talking about their 'waifus'" are now your biggest fans, Jared. Hope it was worth it.
>>995060Keep telling yourself that, crusty boy.
No. 995062
>>995056Heidi stopped taking his bullshit & put her foot down.
That was when Jared decided to humor Holly.
I think Heidi signing the final papers was what made it finally sink in for Jared that he lost her & is never getting her back.
Him missing Heidi would make sense considering Holly starting to low-key mimic Heidi.
No. 995064
>But he definitely liked having a trophy wife who was also a pushover.Also this.
He liked her better when she didn't speak up for herself.
No. 995065
>>995056also learn to sage your fucking essays if you insist on posting them.
>>995010she looks like she needs a fulltime carer.
No. 995067
>>995039Even then, after the Adam Koebel debacle, and the Dannika thing, people would realize how much of a fucking enabler Holly is.
But that ain't happening, because she never did anything wrong to them.
No. 995069
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>>995010She looks like Aggy, gross
No. 995079
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>>995074Meanwhile Heidi's making important business decisions…
No. 995092
>>995010god she really is just a shallow person through and through.
it's so telling that holly and jared aren't commenting on what's going on with all these people coming out with sexual abuse/general sexpest accusations because they know they're guilty of either aiding sexpests or being one themselve.
No. 995252
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>>995245Fucking hell, she is.
It's like I said, Jared may be blacklisted by the higher-ups but Holly is always welcome back with open arms, facing absolutely zero consequence.
No. 995261
>>995252Consequences for what, anon?
Not liking someone?
Being a hypocrite?
What exactly should this person be meting out consequences for, do you feel?
I get nobody here likes her. I get why. But I don't get why you feel it would be appropriate to blacklist her. Lots of people here harp on about how she needs to work and stop focusing on her uwu sad gorl persona. Well this is her working.
No. 995263
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>>995245>>995252This is the lead organizer's take on this.
That this is about taking a stand against the abuse.
And they allow Holly Conrad to slap her brand on this, and have one hour to stream crafts.
This community fucking sucks.
No. 995268
>>995265I'm sure that's one of the interview questions: "Have you ever, or do you ever interact with or support abusers?"
They aren't going to look at every one of every presenter's friends to make sure they're pure.
No. 995271
>>995270And? Do you REALLY think they're combing every tweet by these people to find out where they stand?
If you feel they really need to look into it, go tell them that. They aren't going to waste their time looking for every controversy.
No. 995278
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>>995271When the organizers have been following Holly Conrad for years, though?
No. 995324
>>995300Yeah, this to me shows that she doesn't understand what it's like to be on the receiving end of this kind of behavior.
If the institutions that are supposed to protect women actually worked, then there would be no need for people to start up whisper networks in the first place.
No. 995657
>>995497Pretty sure that Anna and Jared were each approached directly (with Jared already doing a lot of DnD content and Anna already being a cast member of a different show) and then Jared recommended Holly and Nate to fill out the cast.
Holly's character became the most popular and she rose through the ranks faster than the others. Tbh Jared would probably not have paid as much attention to her if Strix didn't become the golden child of the show.
No. 995669
>>995657Baffling because Strix was half the reason I quit watching. Her character was 1000% pure criiiiiiiinge, and Holly's constant mouth-gaping whenever ANYTHING happened just made it worst.
Evelyn was the best character.
No. 995725
>>992822>The nightmare never ended. I just learned to cope with it more quietlyThis actually breaks my heart. So many women who suffer
abusive do this as a way to not stir anything up. Women get dogpiled when they speak up. Look at what happened to Heidi through out all of this vs Jared. I honestly hope she is able to heal from this. She isnt 100 percent innocent but she isnt a shit stain like Holly or Jared.
No. 995783
>>995657That's hilarious considering Jared is now blacklisted & Holly can still participate in events & such. She's rather thrilled about this upcoming one too.
I wonder if that's why she tried to trash her own reputation last year? Because deep inside she knows that she contributed to ruining his career?
No. 995796
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Thought maybe he would actually take the chance to look at his behaviors, but it seems like he's just doubling down on the story of being a victim.
That and his very obvious silence regarding sexual abuse are not doing him any favors.
No. 995823
>>995796I mean, why not? It seems to still be benefiting him…
…For now.
No. 995834
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>>995796Kind of difficult to take this person seriously when this is their icon and their entire twitter revolves around massive anime tiddies tbh. Who even is this person. kek
No. 995840
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>>995834Sorry for samefag, but just tried to answer my own question and what the fuck. Of course Jared is palling around with whatever the fuck this is.
No. 995871
>>995261>she needs to work and stop focusing on her uwu sad gorl personano, anon, she needs to acknowledge the damage she has done. you're confused about what holly needs to face consequences for? how about
- ignoring/talking over a
victim of marital abuse in favor of publicly supporting a rapey creep just because he happened to be her fucktoy
- ignoring/talking over a
victim of sexual assault in favor of publicly supporting a rapey creep just because he happened to be her friend
publicly supporting rapey creeps just because they happened to be her friendsi will ignore every other part of her shitty personality because on her own, holly is an ineffectual piece of shit, she hasn't done crimes, but she HAS endorsed them. this is something that has affected other people. she's gone out of her way to affirm, VERY publicly, that she supports rapey dudes regardless of the things SO many other people have accused them of. she's to this day successfully getting away without having to apologize for it. to this day she's doubling down on supporting said creeps.
gtfo of here with that "well this is her working" crap. this is her benefitting, just like she benefitted with the "cancelled" fiasco. she does not deserve a platform and she does not deserve representation.
>>995268>>995271no, they're not going to, because holly did not do this privately. she made sure everyone was listening. they don't NEED to waste any time looking for incriminating shit because none of this is hidden or secret
are you dense or are you one of her flying monkeys? i'm finding it legitimately hard to understand
>>995840>if i do not drain my bosom(is this a fucking troon? what!?)
anon i'm sorry you put yourself (and us) through this
No. 995973
Potential new thread - Also, we need a thread pic yall.
> Trash Witch Coven, move over! Holly rebranded her company to "We Crowing Hens", once again changing everything based on her latest fixation. A section of the website mentions 'Courses' that she's apparently going to offer in the future; Educators everywhere wept.
> Holly still attempts to brand herself as "Forest Witch" until people draw similarities in her attempting to turn into Heidi; She backtracks within just a few hours.
> SadOldMagician, one of Holly's biggest supporters and husband of another supporter GeraldoGuacamole, took to tumblr in an attempt to defend Holly - but really just came off looking like a huge simp. Since the three regularly go on nature hikes, we can only assume it's a matter of time before Holly moves in to wreck another marriage.
> Holly posts a picture of her chickens in front of Jared's wall of NES games, once again trying to publicly stake her claim and make clear that they're still together (spoiler alert: no one cares)
> ProJared brings up a bottle of wine from a retreat that he was "saving for a better day", claiming that Heidi allegedly stole it, despite the fact that it was marital property and therefor part hers as well.
> Adam Koebel decides to temporarily quit streaming, but not before writing lengthy post about how hard this has been ON HIM with next to no consideration for anyone else. Internet loses their shit - but fear not, Holly was right there to tell him "Never stop making art!".
> Another day, another "Woe is me, I have a bad brain" pitiful picture from ProJared via Instagram. Said post coincides with what WOULD have been his anniversary with Heidi and with Heidi signing the last document in their divorce.
> Heidi is focusing primarily on her business while both Jared and Holly seemingly struggle to do anything that doesn't circle back to them being victims of Cancel Culture(tm)
> Ope, it turns out Jared learned nothing as he is now streaming a sex-based game on his twitch that he now KNOWS is viewed by minors. He is also sent nudes by a fan and rather than saying "Please don't do this", he just mentions that that's not what his BUSINESS email is for (y'know, after screenshotting it)