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No. 897566
Last Time on the "Karma's a Bitch" Challenge…
> Holly tried to market a series of ultra generic mushroom art pieces as "custom art" at $30-$50 a pop
> Jared posted a photo wearing Holly's merch, leaving everyone to wonder if it was photoshopped or if he truly is a stick figure come to life
> Jared proclaimed that he beat cancel culture….and proceeded to lose 1000 subscribers on YouTube again
> Holly brought her emotional support pigeon onto a plane; Everyone in coach simultaneously contempalted hurling her out of the plane at 30,000 feet
> JonTron got married, Jared told him 'Congrats' and everyone speculated that Arin was upset at not getting invited (there's no proof of this, though)
> Arin, the guy who makes a living from playing video games, literally called video games a "chore at their core", making him nearly insufferable
> Holly lost her shit, started slapping people with the "Ok Boomer" memes and insisted that "mistress" is a sexist term that shouldn't be applied to her
> Arin tried to make a public appeal to have his fans send him their pokemon cards under the guise of it being for a video, instead of just buying his own - the tweet coming after he openly talks about a renewed interested in "the Pokemon cards"
> Dan emerges as a competitor in the "Who Can Be the Sleeziest Guy to Bang a Fan?" competition
> ProJared stans continue to attack WoTC, Anna, Nate, and others about the fate of DCA
> WoTC bitch slaps them back into reality as Holly finally admits that DCA has been officially cancelled and begins seeking other avenues to "tell their story"Image Credit:
>>897471Thread Credit:
>>897560Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>881371Character Descriptions and Stats:
Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)>Heidi accuses Jared of threatening legal action if she speaks up. Unfortunately Heidi casts “Absorb Elements” just like she did for his initial divorce statement. Jared takes an extra 1d6 damage on her next melee attack. Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 10
Luck: none
Charisma: send noOds
Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (current power-level):
>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Claims to have not cheated on her ex-husband despite his refusal to make one comment about the situation in her defense>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread though>Compared Etika’s suicide, a popular black YouTuber, to her own suicidal ideation by showcasing they both received clown emojis as “bullying.” >Suffers backlash from the black community, Etika’s fans and Twitter>After being called out for taking advantage of a person’s suicide, Holly infamously deflects criticism by tweeting, “I’m sorry. I’m mentally ill.”Strength: uwu
Dexterity: uwu
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 100
Luck: ran out
Charisma: clown emoji
Holly Conrad’s Previous Stats:
>Holly is a “talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community”, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to her grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingFor More On Holly Conrad:
>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL)Strength: uwu
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 17
Stamina: 22
Luck: 100
Charisma: Not Suzy
Heidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>Non-lewd cosplayer, talented craftsman and elf >Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth>Has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all time>Married to Jared Pedodick Knobslob>Was in a poly relationship with Jared>Claims Holly was the reason it didn’t work out >Outed Jared’s infidelity and set twitter ablaze>Working on her current divorce and perhaps a defamation against Holly Conrad for trying to claim she had BPD and that psychologists have deemed her “unfixable” >Has started to become more vocal on that drama since Holly’s Etika sperg>Claims emotional abuse by Jared and gas lighting, and also seems to insinuate her enjoyment of sex has decreased>Blocks overtly sexual cosplays because of the ProJared controversy >Currently living alone in a new home and trying to start up her business and craft in a way to support herself>Accuses Holly of being vindictive enough to have done everything in her power to end her marriage and happiness Strength: 90
Dexterity: 71
Intellect: 82
Stamina: 64
Luck: 20
Charisma: Zinfandel
Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth>In direct contact with Holly Conrad Flying Monkey Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Normal Boots: Expanded Universe:
**Game Grumps
Previous GG Threads:**
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTSuzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being her BEST FRIEND despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.Game Grumps:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: Dice, Camera, Action:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action: Under “Other”:
Ross O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: from Mods:
>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 897568
>>897564I'm just glad that Heidi is finally clapping back to the people blaming her for PedoDick's career going to shit.
I'm just willing to bet that Holly pulled the "There's no official word yet" thing in an effort to rally her flying monkeys into harassing WoTC, as if that will somehow convince them to give the overgrown children DCA again.
No. 897569
>I'm just willing to bet that Holly pulled the "There's no official word yet" thing in an effort to rally her flying monkeys into harassing WoTC…Because that's worked
so well up to now.
No. 897598
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so apparently there are DCA tea blends:
jared:>This warm, homey tea evokes the strong, steady, protective presence of Diath, the rogue who would do anything for his friends. It includes Spiced Apple Chai (a timeless duo of apples and spice; juicy and pleasantly sweet, like warm applesauce, with a clean, refreshing texture); Chestnut (a comforting reminder of the season of giving, perfect to share with a few close friends); Chamomile (a beloved herb from Egypt's Nile River Valley; aroma of freshly cut apples, calming floral-sweet flavor); and Cloves (one of the strongest spices, pungent and sweet).holly:>This black tea has elements of sweetness and spice, which is very on-brand for everyone's favorite dark-clad, flame-wielding trash-witch. It includes Earl Grey Moonlight, a nod to Strix's crescent-staff (the comforting flavors of vanilla and cream combine to soften the citrus notes of traditional earl grey); Forest Berries, a nod to her time in Barovia (a comforting, sweet, earthy aroma; deeply fruity flavor); Blackberry, a nod to her baking skills (floral-fruity and bakey aroma, like fresh berry scones); and Cinnamon, a nod to her fireball (warm and spicy). both of which note that:
>this blend is in a 'ship>Diath Woodrow has hooked up with Strix.>Let their love steep in your cupboard and get 10% off when you purchase both 3oz pouches. No. 897599
>>897598Eesh. Good thing it's fan-made.
WOTC might C&D this stuff since it uses their logos and stuff without permission.
No. 897606
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>the bitterness of Ku Ding Cha evokes infidelity and gaslighting
or something
No. 897651
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>DCA finally canned for real.
ding dong the witch is dead
Imagine your own house constantly reminding you of your failure lol
No. 897663
>>897659And Jared and Holly planned to have sex in their cosplay.
oh my god
No. 897671
>>897651Waiting for the actual confirmation from WotC, but this would honestly be the sweetest gift for both of those cheating bastards. Can you imagine Holly and Jared's narc rages if other players played their self-inserts since they're owned by WotC? They were so smug in all of their retarded replies and WotC was probably watching it all.
>>897659Her house looks like it smells of stale air, moth balls, fart, and filthy animals.
No. 897687
>>897683I still think Holly will try to sell the "UWU I'M SUPPORTIVE OF JARED SLEEPING WITH OTHER WOMEN" bit in public, but secretly be seething and go back to posting some vague "How do I live when my heart is torn out" bullshit tweets.
>>897685That's even worse then. There's literally NO excuse now that Hoelly and PedoWorm can't just take Diath and Strix to another show instead of harassing WoTC to keep DCA
No. 897702
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Ahh the sweet sound of trying too hard in the morning.
I love that he picked the ugliest picture of them together to for this. She looks like his child bride and he's the only one who's smiling.
He's been trying so fucking hard since the scandal broke it's almost embarrassing. Sure, this will shut us and rantgrumps up about how weird your relationship looks and quell your new rep as a pump and dump king.
That's why you're in New Jersey going to Tool concerts while stashing her in a hotel so she doesn't contaminate your fun times with her girly shit.
No. 897720
>>897705That's Dan to the nth degree, but Ash worships the 70s.
I wouldn't call him out on this shit if he hadn't gone 0 to I want to talk about how much I love my girlfriend in obvious connection with the scandal. In summer her said her best quality was that she wasn't using him, now all of a sudden he wants to be one of those guys who struts around with his girlfriend's picture on a homemade teeshirt?
No. 897764
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I'm guessing this is why WotC waited to let everyone know. It's been 6 months - should be long enough for the tantrums to blow over. Now, there's only 2 or so people bitching at them.
(Of course I could be wrong later…)
No. 897782
>>897764Unfortunately, not. There's still plenty of people on twitter and on Heidi's instagram, still blaming her for ruining Jared's career (I'm assuming due to the cancellation of DCA)
>>897767Exactly. Even with the allegations proven false to some degree, Jared's a liability with his reputation and Holly continuously running her mouth and threatening suicide is an even bigger risk to carry around.
No. 897802
>>897800PRUDES! Cowards! How DARE you refuse to put your
entire company at risk for some gamer-dude!
No. 897818
>>897791WOTC will never allow them back. They are VERY adverse to drama. No amount of screeching from DCA autists will change that. Jared and Holly should've thought about that instead of banking on the goodwill of a massive corporation that doesn't actually care how pretend suicidal Holly will be if she doesnt get her way.
Any way you cut it, Holly and Jared's conduct was 100% unprofessional and WOTC has every right to let them go. People have been fired for FAR less than what they did.
No. 897819
>>897803gotta love the way he proved it too
"i didnt do it"
ah well sorry i didnt consider it from that angle
No. 897822
>>897819Correction: He said "I don't
see myself doing that…" & several "I don't remember"'s - FLAWLESS! TOTAL VINDICATION!!!
No. 897835
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No. 897839
>>897837Add in the fact that she straight up accused underage
victims of lying and her scamming a cancer survivor out of money… Who would want their name attached to that? It's easier and less messy to cut ties.
No. 897844
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No. 897862
Looks like Jared's got his work cut out for him here.
No. 897887
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>>897884She doesn't deserve Ross
No. 897897
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Nice to see some people waking up to that bullshit video.
No. 897921
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>"Heidi basically admitted in the end she made it all up to get back at Jared for divorcing him."
Fucking where did she say that?
No. 897928
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I'm fucking dying laughing at these tweets!
No. 897937
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>"My son is a close friend of Jared's">"My son has seen the messages between Holly & Jared">"He's told me there is zero evidence that Jared abused anybody."Your 'son' also apparently shits himself & you believe a vaccine made him autistic. He either does not exist, or you're a
really terrible parent.
(Sorry for the derail, but holy shit THIS is the type of people Jared/Holly are showing their convos to???)
No. 897983
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I guess this tweet aged poorly…
No. 898012
>>897921She didn't say that - These tryhards are just scraping the barrel for some sort of vindication for defending a fucking emotionally
abusive pedophile.
>>897928Drop the proof or gtfo, Mom.
>"They can say vaccine injury isn't real"Literally no one says that - They just say it's not as common as anti-vaxxers make it out to be.
>>897983Yeah, he sure won alright. Now he's stuck with the well of insanity that is Hoelly Cumrag, forever stuck under her thumb lest she either (A) off herself or (B) drop the receipts that ProDick is in fact as creepy as everyone over 12 years old thinks he is.
No. 898105
>>898093Not to mention even Jared didn't say she threatened suicide to him.
Her shitty 1-800 therapist said it to Jared in hopes of making him be gentle with her.
If Heidi told Jared she was suicidal, it was only to make him aware she wasn't okay. Not as a threat.
No. 898137
>>898113Heidi quietly institutionalizing herself for suicidal thoughts vs Holly’s huge twitter spectacle isn’t comparable. If you’re having suicidal thoughts you absolutely should seek help, which Heidi did, unlike Holly who couldn’t do so without immediately posting about it on twitter. We wouldn’t have known about Heidi’s situation had Jared not started it, forcing her to show texts that proved her side.
Holly claims to be a mental health advocate but no amount of therapy helps her because instead of working on her shit, she continues being an awful person. Either her therapist sucks or she’s not listening. Therapy only works if you let it.
No. 898172
>"Heidi said she was institutionalized before for suicidal tendencies"Pal, there's a difference between the two. Heidi did it at the urging of her therapist because she was having legitimately thoughts of suicide. Holly did it to avoid the ramifications of being a cheating-ass piece of trash.
Heidi told her therapist, a mental health professional. Holly told the internet, and only when it gained her sympathy - not because she wanted to be open and honest with her fanbase.
No. 898203
>>898137That's the thing. She didn't announce it like Jared & Holly did, because she was still (privately) going through all this shit a year ago. She stayed quiet about it like a good little separating-wifey until she found out
why Jared was being so distant.
>>898105Also THIS.
No. 898207
>These tryhards are just scraping the barrel for some sort of vindication for defending a fucking emotionally abusive pedophile.The same kind of people have been
insisting that "Holly & Heidi were NEVER friends" It's ridiculous.
Then again, I see what they're trying to do; they're trying to keep everyone from
actually looking into it & coming to their own conclusions. - You know, like Jared & his stans keep insisting.
No. 898210
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Yeah, it's all Tumblr's fault he's losing subscribers on Youtube! /s
Even before the drama hit, the guy was barely uploading to Youtube.
He polished it up for that 'return' video, then he uploaded like, one or two more videos & skipped right back on over to Twitch, which seems to be his new 'home' now.
Plus, Youtube probably flushed the bots out of his subs.
No. 898213
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>>898210Speaking of Tumblr…
This person couldn't be more right.
A couple years ago I
tried to watch one of his reviews, & it was just so…
dull & uninteresting. I guess I just don't see the appeal.
No. 898214
The PAX Unplugged event with Nate and Anna got updated, Perkins confirmed as DM. conclusion but it's nice to have confirmation.
No. 898225
>>898210I'm on tumblr regularly - There is only ONE active blog against Jared. Contrary to whatever narrative he's selling, tumblr is not full to the brim of Jared Hate (at least not in the easily searchable tags)
>>898213His content used to have a twinge of that funny gamer dude mentality (I use Until Dawn as an example since it's really the only vids of his that I watched) - but now that you know the shit he was doing behind the scenes, it's just sad and pathetic.
No. 898242
>>898137>Holly claims to be a mental health advocate At this point it's pretty obvious it's nothing more than a brand for her.
She's a spoiled heiress trying to be Ally Sheedy's character from The Breakfast Club.
No. 898245
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>"Holly's infamous reply to his announcement was them setting the foundations, so that around now or maybe a few months from now they could come public like "she helped me after my divorce and I realized we were meant to be""
Yeah, they would totally go for the twee "He/she was there for me when no one else was!" crap.
Holly had it all planned out & then Heidi suddenly 'awakened' & threw it back in her face. She really thought Heidi was gonna suffer in silence & 'keep it private!' like she had been doing for a year.
They both took advantage of Heidi. Full stop.
No. 898246
>>898226>because they knew how to keep their fucking mouths shut.That's exactly why. WotC
hates drama and will avoid it at all costs.
No. 898290
>>897982No links, but he said it at the Game Grumps Live I went to. The second compliment he gave was that she was her 'own person'. Then he finished with 'plus, I love her and she loves me.'
Arin ended up comparing Suzy to a statue of a goddess.
No. 898291
>>898285I wouldn't be shocked if she knows what's going on or someone tattled to her that he was flying at least two other girls in and out of LA along with Ash on alternate weekends during the early stages of their relationship.
It might be that or he might be panicking because the last Ninja Sex Party album just failed.
No. 898433
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I'm living for Ross being friends with/doing things with people who are openly friends with and support Heidi yet maintaining radio silence about Holly and her hijinks
No. 898680
>>898596Even beyond the inheritance, her grandfather's house in LA she and Ross stayed at sold for a million dollars IIRC. She can currently afford a house in Seattle, afford the care for a fuckton of birds, and afford to pay 100$ to take a pidgeon on a plane.
Her bank account is definitely in the seven figures.
No. 898722
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cinematic parallels
No. 898726
>>898723It's like
>>898245 said, that was totally the setup to "I was there for him when no one else was and now Striath is canon IRL be happy for us and shower us with adoration and approval you guys uwu".
No. 898736
>>898723Because CommanderHolly, ProJared, and even AtelierHeidi to an extent, are internet personalities.
The image you see in their videos, photos, or who you may see in person speaking at a convention panel, is not who they really are.
It's their brand, a character, their public persona, not their true identity.
No. 898760
No doubt Jared & Holly are going to end up subconsciously contradicting one-another in the future when it comes to drama.
No. 898762
btw, the stans are
still going with their "Maybe if enough people talk about how much DCA means to them, then WotC will bring it back! ~uwu" crap:'s also kinda funny because most of the replies are by people saying they just miss the DM but cannot wait to see him do something else.
No. 898763
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Hey ProJared2, you got another shit-stirrer among your kind
If you wanna 'Stay Positive!" & "Don't Attack People!" then maaaaaybe you should do something about the people dwelling on Heidi & dragging her up every few milliseconds, no?
No. 898765
>>898763Honestly, they should just make a rule that
no one mention or pay any attention to Heidi if they
really want her to fade into obscurity.
No. 898766
>>898762God, how emotionally stunted are these people? "DCA saved my life!", "DCA turned me from an introvert to a person with friends!", "Everything about DCA has become inspiration in my own life!", "Such a big part of my life died when DCA stopped!"
No. 898769
>>898763>>898765The funny thing is that the OP was just making a positive post about watching Jared's content again & actually feeling unbothered by the drama, but this Aeolys person just HAD to unload
all their current grievances about Heidi onto them specifically.
Good job staying 'positive' /r/ProJared2!
No. 898776
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>>898762>>898766These people really need to get a clue
No. 898791
I think the best part is they were baiting fans about the ~*phone call*~ Jared got and putting the cart before the horse, because it never dawned on them that their oh so important selves could ACTUALLY be cancelled.
No. 898927
>>898925Pretty sure Heidi said they wanted do have roleplay sex in their costumes.
Wouldn't surprise me if they'd done it already.
What's likely causing issues is the lack of fan adoration here, there is no DCA for the fans to tune in and stan hard for the IRL Striath.
No. 899006
>>898973Oh shit, you might be on to something.
>>899004>a fuckboi loving anything but his dicktopkek
No. 899012
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I have never seen such an immature fanbase, and I've seen the Voltron fandom…
No. 899017
>>899012As soon as Jared brought up the call with Greg Tito, Greg's account was flooded with @'s whining about the show.
Emotionally stunted pissbabies.
No. 899104
>>898680>>898589>>898596Sometimes I think people here don't know how money work to make such stupid statements. She inherited a house, which they sold while she was still married. There hasn't been a sign that she has any more money than that and she likely used most of them to buy a new house. But even if ahe was rich, she was working every fucking week up until the May fiasco - multiple streams a week, convention appearances, promotional work and cosplay. Unlike fucking entitled Heidi who thought job was something you do only if your husband is not rich enough to support you, Holly was working all the fucking time and that barista statement was said as "I will go back to being barista if I have to, I actually liked it a lot" not as a putmedown. Heidi has a degree in theatrical costume design that was paid for with Jared's money, but refuses to work for someone because she finds it beneath her to follow the orders of someone she thinks is not as good as her. And that is almost everyone. Even now she is trying to sell trifted clothes that she brags she finds at Goodwill for 30$ or more a piece and fucking teacup candles that she hasn't even tested if they will break when the candle burns for longer (they will). Not to mention the hobby faery houses that is the most niche entitled thing one can be collecting or depending on people to be buying - that has no practical purpose or function, pure decoration. She whined to her therapist that her lawyers let her down and her divorce money would last her only for a year! ONLY FOR A YEAR, anons, then she would have to find a job?? And you are pissing against Holly for being sad that she can't work when she actually want to? You are as fucking entitled little spoiled bitches as Heidi is.
>>899128What i mean to say is: why are you deciding one is bad and one is good? They both make money through unconventional means (streaming and terible diy projects etsy shops).
Heidi did rely on Jared's finances, sure, but apparently that was because Jared's encouraged it. Im not saying that wasnt careless but i recognize i wasnt in her mind to see what was the thought process behind that decision.
Holly has definitely more of a narcissistic character so i guess performance and streams were more on her wavelenght and ended up making money out of it. But if she didnt like being front and center dispensing "mental health tips", can you honestly believe she'd be a barista? Working retail, the most "eat shit and like it" job out there?
No. 899140
>>899134Heidi literally said that she didn't work when Jared's channel started making enough money "because the money I would bring home wouldn't change the level of comfort we live in". Not even to support her own hobby interests. You say Jared encouraged it, but if your spouse says something like that you are either supportive or not supportive and guess which one would have been
abusive at the time? He was signal boosting her super niche and boring streams (crafting is a boring stream, interesting only at timelapse video or for very few people interested in it professionally) up until October 2018 even though she was barely streaming and for large period of 2018 he wasn't even boosting his own DCA show. You are making it as if giving her the opportunity to not work was abuse? She could have still worked and put the money away in her own bank account… oh wait, one of the things said to the therapist was that Jared would have had to help her open a bank account?! Cause a 30-year old person without one or not knowing how to open one is definitely not spoiled off living from their shared account.
No. 899147
>>899140Oh no no, i never said that supporting her financially was
abusive. Im saying i dont know then personally to say "she was content with leeching off his finances" nor "he was starting to plant the seed to control her emotionally and financially". I think that was careless on her part but there are people who are content tending to their house and shared spaces and be dependant to others, im not going to look down on her because things ended badly for her. I dont hate holly either, btw, but PERSONALLY the fact that she worked looks like more a byproduct of her personality (liking being adored and revered and performing) rather than a sensible decision to be indipendent.
No. 899149
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>>898973Super old, but yeah she used to. It's actually pretty sad that she only made a connection with Ross because he wore that costume. He deserved a lot better than to be emotionally/physically tossed to the side once Holly got into DnD.
No. 899180
>"Even if she was rich, she was working every fucking week up until the May fiasco"And? That doesn't mean she's not a spoiled fucking rich girl. That just means she knew she couldn't live off of Grandpa's money forever and that the chances of making money off of her college degree in medieval what-the-fuck-ever didn't stand a real big chance of earning her a lot of money in the future. Not to mention that the very fact of her majoring in something like that means she had enough money to blow.
>"Unlike fucking entitled Heidi who thought job was something you do only if your husband is not rich enough to support you"You clearly don't understand that financial control is something an
abusive person LOVES to assert over their partner. Jared worked, Jared controlled the money because he knew a financially dependent Heidi would be a lot more likely to not question the stunts he pulled.
>"Even now she is trying to sell trifted clothes that she brags she finds at Goodwill for 30$ or more a piece"You mean like Hoelly's no-effort "cursed" t-shirts that required .5 seconds of design work that she's selling for $20 - $50?
>"Not to mention the hobby faery houses that is the most niche entitled thing one can be collecting"Again, Hoelly tends to Pigeons and Chickens. You want to talk about niche hipster bullshit? Look no further than Hoelly Cumrag.
>"would last her only for a year! ONLY FOR A YEAR, anons, then she would have to find a job??"You mean like Holly's rants that her income has been halved which will force her to be a
gasp barista?
No. 899201
>>899180Nice try. Grandpa left her house, not money and she and Ross were living in it until they divorced. Why was she working before that if she was so rich? She in fact put her medieval degree into use in her tabletop/cosplay career and was making money with it, unlike Heidi who can actually make very decent living designing and sewing costumes for theater or tv/movie productions but she would be earning too little to compare to her rich and working husband.
> You clearly don't understand that financial control is something an abusive person LOVES to assert over their partner. Except she was working before and she stopped working the more money Jared brought home. She was offered jobs too, the only one she accepted was for Nintendo, everything else was below her. Even cosplay competitions she complained that she doesn't do anymore because they don't allow her in the amateur ones anymore.
Holly might be selling stamped shirts (like million other places on the internet) but at least the shirts are new and good quality. The clothes Heidi sells are literally from good will and salvation army, she even shows photos when she scavenges there. Not saying that makes them bad clothing, but it makes it used and discarded and then up-cycled. But buying something for 3$, washing it and trying to sell it for 40$ as part of your mori style selection is the worst sort of business out there.
Holly tends to Pigeons and Chickens and doesn't sell them as a business or attempts to make a living out of it. If anything she gets some donations for "keeping pants on pigeons" but I seriously doubt that it covers the food, time to clean and medical care her pets get. She is taking care of them, not trying to make money to live out of it. Heidi on another hand is trying to market the fairy houses and she spends huge amount of her time on it, which shows in the price tag too.
Holly is trying to work and said she will keep on working, even if she has to go back being barista, which she liked but had nothing to do with her career. Heidi on the other hand is complaining that she will have to find a job (or another rich spouse) within the year or SHE WILL BE FINISHED. If you don't see the difference, no wonder you are white knighting her so hard.
No. 899212
>>897598i think this is one of the most egotistical and retarded things i've ever seen. tea. for your oc. that you sell to other people.
No. 899237
>>899201Oh no, she sells upcycled clothes personally curated to the aesthetic she markets.
Holly was up til recently selling "mental health tips" on a postcard for 30$ a month.
Now she's selling tacky mushroom sketches with blotches of watercolor for 50$ a month.
No. 899238
>>899233Dude, Holly has worked as barista before multiple times and all the times saying how she loves it, what the fuck are you talking about? Look in her twitter ffs, stop taking stuff out of your ass. Even at the height of DCA she was still saying how much she loved doing that.
Even Heidi admits she wouldn't have been able to have been full-time artist for the past years if it wasn't for her "famous rich patron" to provide for "all her needs". What are you even trying to spin this into?
She was happy to not have to work and indulge her hobbies and did not consider it for a moment egoistical or financially stupid. Now that she finally has to make the monthly budget herself and she is realizing how expensive her hobby it is (and it is a hobby, because she is not making money out of it) she might come into the grown-up world of not having a sugar daddy, where you got to work for a living.
>>899237Patreon is not a store, anon. The benefits you get from different level are entirely optional reward for you giving patronage to someone.
No. 899241
>>899240Patreon is donation service intended to give patronage to artists or creators you like. The rewards they give back are optional, can change and subject to the artist.
Store is where you pay for a specific thing you order and you get it in the way you ordered it. And Heidi's store isn't wrong, but she is doing exactly what you are accusing Holly of doing except WORSE. The irony is totally lost here that she is the one selling old clothes for a huge known mark-up without changing them one bit and for prices higher than the original and new clothing of the other store, but you guys all drool over how Holly is trying to make a buck.
No. 899243
>>899238I really dont see why you're arguing opinions anon.
You think Heidi is bad for doing what she does (despite it being a niche that a lot of people are into and seems to sell just fine) and you think Holly is a hardworker.
Others in the thread see it a different way.
It is undeniable that there are thousands of couples where one person is the 'bread winner' and the other tends to the house and their hobbies. If Jared didnt like it he could have easily withheld the monetary support from her. Just because you're married doesnt mean your spouse automatically gets access to your money
It's also undeniable that Heidi did get professional jobs and to this day has a high standing of craftsmanship in the cosplay community which Holly simply doesnt have despite what you think.
People like and buy Holly's stuff and people like and buy Heidi's stuff. Get over it.
But just because you dont like Heidi's stuff doesnt make it dumb or not worth the money people spend. If you look on etsy similar items sell for similar prices and there is a big enough market for it that people are obviously buying her things.
>>899241The same way you can 'choose' to put things on patreon you 'choose' to put things on a store. If you dont give people the patreon rewards that you have on your tiers and people complain you can lose your patreon, same way how many stores work.
People are giving someone money to get a specific item. If the person doesnt want that item you can back someone through patreon at any price and simply click that you do not want the rewards.
If someone is backing Holly's patreon to get one of her mushroom paintings? they're paying for that item. Same as in any store.
Upthrifting has also been a thing for decades. Just because you dont know about/understand something doesnt mean it's bad.
No. 899249
>>899243Check etsy, anon. All of the things Heidi is offering that are there are there at at least half the price. And I am perfectly okay with her selling her things and people buying them. I hope she can make her shop successful and moves on. But she says herself it is not the case and what she is doing is not enough and her store is not sustainable.
Heidi has excellent craftsmanship. But she doesn't do commissions. People were asking her in the height of the drama so they can support her in some way and she flat out refused. Where do you think she will be getting those money to live with? Store that is unsustainable (her words) full of items that take a lot of her time to make, her old costume photos? She said she ain't doing competitions, she ain't doing commissions, she doesn't want to work a proper job, what is left?
No. 899266
>"Grandpa left her house, not money"And how the fuck do you know? If the dude left her an entire goddamned house, he probably left her cash, too.
>"Why was she working before that if she was so rich?"Because she wanted to pretend that she wasn't that rich so she wouldn't catch flack for being a spoiled rich bitch.
>"would be earning too little to compare to her rich and working husband."Exactly how much money do you think Jared was earning? I don't doubt they were comfortable, but they were likely not even close to "rich"
>"She was offered jobs too"Again, how the fuck do you know? If this is you Holly, you're doing a really poor job of not showing your bias.
>"at least the shirts are new and good quality"Ha. Good quality? Then why was there at least one incident of someone demanding a refund because their shit fell apart after washing it once?
>"doesn't sell them as a business or attempts to make a living out of it"Her entire career is based off of being the bird woman. Nice try.
>"all the times saying how much she loves it"If she loved it, she wouldn't have spit it out as a "Look, I'll have to go back to being a barista!", she'd have said something like "Hey, I'll get to go back to being a barista, which is fine"
>"Patreon is not a store"It is exactly a store. You "donate" money to someone and receive a benefit/reward in return. Is that not the exact definition of a store - You giving money, them giving product?
>"All of the things Heidi is offering that are there are there at at least half the price"Okay, and? I could go to or whatever and make the same bullshit 'cursed' tshirt of Holly's for a fraction of the price, too.
No. 899270
>>899251>>899255Holly's tweet about going back to being a barista is super overdramatic. She talks like barista would be the only option for a 30-something with a degree and relevant skills in the entertainment industry. It's intentionally infantilizing, like she's being thrown out on the street for telling her "truth". Realistically, she could find work in her field with her connections if she wanted a job that's not in the public eye. The barista thing is an intentional overexaggeration of how dire her situation supposedly is, with a hint of "but I'm okay with it" for extra martyrdom.
The same girl just tweeted "money scares me" a few days ago. She doesn't know how to handle taking care of herself and regularly plays that card for sympathy.
But go off I guess.
No. 899278
>>899201>Why was she working before that if she was so rich?Because it's something she enjoys? Elaine from Seinfeld is a literal billionaire and even she still works.
>She in fact put her medieval degree into use in her tabletop/cosplay careerYes. Because she already had money. Those that work paycheck to paycheck because they're not wealthy heiresses don't even dream about doing anything so risky.
>Holly tends to Pigeons and Chickens and doesn't sell them as a business or attempts to make a living out of it. Which again, is an indication that she has money to burn.
No. 899286
>>899270holly knows perfectly well how to take care of herself, she just plays up the
victim card for the audience.
she sold her house, moved to another state, purchased property, decorated her house, and lives alone taking care of 50 pigeons. she clearly knows how money works and how to manage it, but now all of a sudden she's a 30 year-old woman who is """scared""" of money. if she was as incompetent as she portrays herself, she'd need a carer.
having watched that video of her and ross getting taco bell and excerpts of her in "heroes of cosplay" paints a completely different picture of the sort of person she actually is. she isn't some kind of delicate, wilting flower who struggles to stand up on her own two legs; she's a perfectly capable person who has rewritten the script so that she doesn't have to own her shit.
No. 899309
>>899307I mean, she
has the money to do it…
No. 899312
>>899310Not even just buying a house, but buying a house in LA and then one in the Seattle area which is notoriously expensive when it comes to real estate.
She can afford to tend to 50 birds (and their subsequent vet care, because I don't know the laws in Washington, but around here, pets have to be licensed or Animal Control comes after you with fines out the ass), god knows how many chickens, a cat, etc.
No. 899332
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Oh look, infighting.
No. 899405
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>>899125To be fair to Dan, he will fuck women who aren't blonde. My friend had bright pink hair and she was one of his weekend things.
Speaking of Dan Dan the Pump and Dump Man, notice how Ashley's only wonderful and lovely when she's doing something that he likes or wants to do. If she went to Jersey with him for Thanksgiving, he didn't think that was worth acknowledging. But following his dumb, childish whim? That makes her a goddess.
No. 899412
>>899405Ok that reminded me I always had the weird vibe the Dragonslayer collab with comicbookgirl19 was 100% because Dan had a thing for her. I get that they were acting but the way he looked at her always gave me a weird vibe.
sorry if this is too tinfoily or has been said before. I'm curious if she's ever said anything about him though I haven't looked into it.
No. 899417
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Kati, you fucking fruit loop, no one made you delete all the shit about your play and go into hiding. What the hell did you "survive", people making fun of Dan or Rantgrumps dragging you a little?
No. 899481
>>899421I have always wondered why he wouldn't try to keep that business relationship alive. She's pretty legit (as far as I know) and does a lot of things Dan probably wishes he could do. Her content is really well produced for not having an insane amount of followers and she seems to have some great industry connections.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he fucked where he ate and ruined some opportunities for himself.
I doubt we will get any proof unless the allegations escalates or shit hits the fan for him.
No. 899496
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>>899405He's trying way too hard and I've noticed that he's only started playing it on thick since those allegations have come out. I guess he doesn't really know how to talk about a woman in a genuine or romantic way since he spent most of his adult life being a manwhore so every post about her sounds like it was written by her dad, not her long term boyfriend.
Also off topic but is their new "office" someone's house or something??? Could they not afford the lease on the old office anymore or what? I noticed it in their more recent Grumps videos like 10MPH and it's kind of distracting.
No. 899504
>>899481He did promote her athleisure clothing the other day, but they definitely aren't buddy buddy anymore on their social media.
>>899493He's gone from weird nonchalance about their relationship to bringing her up to tease her or complain about something he had to do with her to babbling about "the lovely Ashley" like he's been paid to by the Ashley Corporation.
No. 899509
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>>899504I mean this is how he used to talk about her just a few months ago. He's never really been romantic or mushy, which wouldn't be that weird on it's own but the 180 he's done in the last few weeks makes it especially jarring.
No. 899512
>>899505The Grumps are still close with Ross - They refuse to re-upload any videos featuring Jared.
Matt & Ryan were also friends with Ross - They currently aren't fond of Jared.
Ross also worked with Jirard on Mario Maker up until Jirard started publicly supporting Jared again…
No. 899513
>>899496LMAO he once literally compared her to his sister, he's undeniably terrible about it and sounds insincere every single time. It's like he wants to say "Ash is a warm, young, convenient hole who doesn't get mad when I leave her behind at home for weeks if I take her to Disney Land every once in awhile because she's starry eyed over landing Danny Sexbang."
That's Brent's house; they're "waiting for the permit to their new office to come through" and have been for months.
No. 899516
>>899509Kek in September even he was like "I'm so lucky to have this person in my life!" Now he's running around his comments taking about how she's a keeper. The only change in the situation was everyone finding out about his pumping and dumping.
He'll probably propose at Christmas and proceed to have a hilariously short marriage and a very long divorce.
No. 899517
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They're putting out NSP kid's shirts.
No. 899519
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No. 899605
>>899509Reminds me of Onision’s “my spouse is an awesome human”.
>>899523Jared created seven porn blogs to collect fan nudes and slept with his fans because he’s a sexpest, not because his wife “stopped trying to win his heart”. Don’t blame his fuckery on her not trying hard enough.
No. 899703
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If Kati actually knows that Dan did something I wish she'd come out and say so. This wishy-washy nonsense is fucking ridiculous.
No. 899705
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The bottom of the post.
No. 899709
>>899493I wonder if he's being tepid because he's afraid of riling up his fans? It might be a
valid fear to think if you come on too strong about your gf, she might get harassed. I agree it seems super weird and impersonal but maybe he thinks he's being careful by acting neutral
No. 899771
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So Jared released a new video on his channel and Holly has retweeted it. I really hope the video fails but knowing his newfound fan base of MRAs and Incels it probably won’t.
No. 899783
>>899771He keeps reviewing older games and trying to profit, not realizing that (A) anyone who played older games either likes them or hates them and gives zero fucks about his opinion or (B) are too young to be into that specific genre.
Also, of course Hoelly retweeted it. She’s desperate for the world to know she still has something to do with him. Spoiler alert: no one else wanted him, Holly. He’s not a prize. He’s the consolation trophy that is given to the person who loses.
No. 899816
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Ash just buried this under a solo pic like she used to do when Dan was lying to the world about them being together. No wonder why when they both look tired and strained.
No. 899821
>>899814I mean you could easily tell that was the case when Jared started liking tweets bashing h3h3 for standing by his statements about Jared being a creep, knowing that h3h3 is a bigger Youtuber, so Jared can't scare him into submission.
Many of his stans suggested that he take legal action against Ethan, but Jared shut right up soon after…
No. 899841
>>899814If they truly didn't care about the haters, Holly wouldn't sperg out every couple of weeks when someone says something she doesn't like (like her recent freakout over the allegations she scammed the cancer patient with the cosplay)
>"Suggested he take legal action against Ethan"For fucking what? Pointing out that Jared the eternal creep wildly abused his fame by jacking it to nudes his fans sent in?
No. 899893
>>899872>>899861His hair's been receding severely over the last year
>>899860She has major horse teeth and seems to be self-conscious about them.
No. 899896
>>899783>>899885>>899884He's always been in the retro community, and this video is the 5th in sequence where he reviews every main final fantasy game. It's not a publicity stunt, it's perfectly on brand for him.
Whether or not it's enough to sustain him into the future remains to be seen. His reputation has suffered with long time fans and who knows if his knew MRA fans actually give a shit about his content. But his videos aren't what makes him a cow, just his behavior with women.
No. 899898
I was just making fun of how his stans insist that he doesn't have any underage viewers
at all because he reviews old/retro games.
No. 899907
>>899884The retro gaming community is still relatively small - and Jared's reputation as a creep who preys on vulnerable fans precedes him.
>>899898That got me too. It's like they're ignoring the fact that his creepy behavior took place on tumblr, where the average age is the 13-18 age range.
No. 899919
>>899908And that retro reviews don't only attract old audiences.
Seriously, he's in that similar boat to people like AVGN and Nostalgia Critic, despite a focus on older games, their format still appeals to a younger crowd.
No. 899940
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>>899771sage for tinfoil but jared mentioned filming in a new room. did him and Holly move in together? I don't see why he'd move his filming room to a different room in own house, seems like a lot of work for no reason.
Also kek at him bragging about beating cancel culture and not being bothered by the haters but still changing his branding and intro song. sm teasing him with his song probably really got under his skin and now it
triggers him like the clown emoji
triggers holly.
No. 899947
>>899940No he moved out of the house he lived with Heidi in.
Into Holly's house?
I don't think so, unless he was struggling with money and needed to.
Though if that wasn't the reason I feel like Jared probably wouldn't move in with Holly if they were just bf/gf, since him and Heidi didn't move in together until getting married.
No. 899954
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No wonder Jared's stans scream at everyone to "Stay away from Tumblr!" Looks like it's one of the few places that makes people think…
No. 899955
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>"When she snapped back, they were shocked because she had kept her mouth shut for so long."THIS
No. 899958
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>"…but all the replies insisted that Jared was a married, good man and that he would never cheat on his wife"THIS is why he stayed with Heidi for so long. She was a prop used to boost his image.
No. 899966
>>899958Heidi didn't cosplay before meeting Jared, IIRC.
So maybe he encouraged her to cosplay so Heidi could be his trophy wife.
Likewise, Heidi seemed to be okay with this. Validation, self-esteem, in addition to her actually wanting to cosplay.
Being able to publicly show pride in your spouse is always healthy for a relationship, as long as its genuine and mutual not forced
cough Dan
cough No. 900011
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Remember that time Dan said he hates musicals?
No. 900102
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>Ash: Dan let me share this important musical that means a lot to me with you.
No. 900109
>>900096He's mentioned it on Grumps a couple of times. He doesn't like any music that doesn't have 'a guitar' in it.
The problem with that is that every single time he's participated in something that's important to her but means nothing to him - like watching every Disney movie in release order - he's bitched about it on Grumps in a passive aggressive way.
No. 900362
>>900335At one point she showed him a short and he said that the animators drew in an animal that wouldn't have existed in that period of time in that place and she told him to be quiet because he was ruining the movie for her.
I can't blame him for his sarcasm, but this is deadly serious shit for her.
No. 900394
>>900362in her defense, it is the basis of her career, and i can absolutely see dan talking down to her and being a passive-aggressive ass about it.
he's pulling all this "my love uwu" bullshit on instagram since his recent scandal, but half the time he mentions her on game grumps it sounds like he doesn't even like her. girl needs to stop being dan's child bride and find an age-appropriate boyfriend who will find her antics cute and quirky. their relationship is just made creepier by the fact that ash comes off as some dewy-eyed ingenue; i high-key bet this is one of those relationships she's going to look back on in her 30s and cringe.
No. 900434
>>900394Between his passive aggression and her know it all tendencies, they are lowkey messy.
I thought I was the only one who picked up on that. He was a dick about her on that podcast they had, too.
No. 900472
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All you low lives are just mad he recovered from his fiasco. Hes ugly, a pedo and fucking a clown and yet hes still a better person than the lot of you.
This forum is poison for the mind, yall should hope you get cancer so you can die early and happy in your own little fake drama world where people are once a shit, always a shit. Part of growing up and maturing is learning to accept that things and people can change for the better even at their worst.
You will never ammount to anything of revelvance and you are all jealous, sad idiots who need a fucking hobby.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 900768
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Looks like it's time for 'Round 2' I guess…
No. 900772
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DCA has such nice fans…/s
No. 900897
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With Heidi vs. without
No. 900913
>>900897She took the
fake potion bottles… (shakes fist) Damn that gold-digging WHORE!!! /s
No. 900936
>>900916He does have a wasting disease, it's called Holly Conrad.
>>900927The lighting is definitely much worse and doing him no favors but his hairline has receded a good inch.
No. 900966
>>900934I'd say maybe back in the day he wasn't he wasn't such a prick.
But maybe the difference is that Jared was her prick.
No. 901059
File: 1575402545677.png (75.74 KB, 584x718, no sex positivity.png)

>"Seems like pretty bad practice to preach inclusion but shun sex positivity."
>"What I do understand is that without fans, without our money, your business isn't viable."
Just take your ball & go home already.
No. 901067
File: 1575403557313.png (72.22 KB, 408x684, maturedcafans.png)

It's nice to see some more mature DCA fans on the subreddit
No. 901070
>>901059Yeah, Satine Phoenix is polyamorous and is still a D&D brand ambassador. Jeremy Crawford is gay, they just hired DC as a narrative designer. Their officials and hosted streams feature NB folx. WOTC is fine at promoting sex positivity.
Cheating on spouses, soliciting nudes from fans and banging some at cons behind your wife's back, that's not sex positivity.
I can't tell anymore of they're just that developmentally stunted or if they're outright deluded now…
No. 901071
>>901070B-but… soliciting nudes from & sleeping with fans & coworkers is a 'special' kind of
sex positivity!
No. 901072
File: 1575404030870.jpg (349.04 KB, 1080x1481, Screenshot_20191203-141226_Red…)

Damn there was a heated arguement in the Scott the Woz subreddit over a lighthearted joke about ProJared. the PJ-stans and haters have to vent somewhere else since PJ2 subreddit doesn't allow it anymore.
No. 901073
>>901072They should just get banned for 'brigading' at this point.
Every time someone on reddit says "I personally don't think Jared isn't 100% innocent…" literally
the same handful of users suddenly come crawling in to 'educate' them on why they're 'wrong' & to stop resisting the allure of ProJared the Untouchable.
No. 901077
File: 1575404972901.png (394.8 KB, 560x422, ProScott.png)

>>901072Also Scott the Woz is, for whatever reason, doomed to forever be associated with Jared
No. 901098
>"Seems like pretty bad practice to preach inclusion but shun sex positivity"Inclusion is for POC, LGBT+, disabled people - not ignorant cuntwaffles who think it's appropriate to fuck a married man while being married themselves.
>"for products that only became popular through the players you turned your back on"Jared and Hoelly did not single handedly make D&D famous and popular - nice fucking try.
>"Without our money, your business isn't viable"JFC, again you handful of rabid fans do not single handedly make up the entirety of the D&D fanbase.
>>901072To be fair, it is an overused joke - a funny one, but still overused.
>>901077That poor soul (tbh I don't know who Scott the Woz is)
>>901081Right up there with being called a mistress for fucking a married dude. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT THEY'RE THE MOST OPPRESSED PEOPLE EVER, ANON?? /s
No. 901112
>>901108Possibly, I will research when I have time.
But isn't Arin like super clingly? When they "broke up" as teens or something, he sent Suzy a written letter like everyday.
Suzy, likewise seems to cling to his fame, doesn't really have her own notariaty outside of the GG. She just sells goth merch and stuff like that.
If there is problems then those are likely well behind closed doors.
No. 901114
>"those are likely well behind closed doors"It seems like everyone else in the GG/DCA circle seemed to have enough common sense to not air their dirty laundry publicly or - if they're going to cheat on their respective spouses - to mostly keep their head down and power forward.
ProDouche and Holly are the only two who publicly air their dirty laundry on the regular.
No. 901118
File: 1575410069221.png (1.15 MB, 844x560, ring.png)

>>901108He isn't wearing his ring in these pictures either and they do look very much like a married couple, so I wouldn't read too much into it.
No. 901127
File: 1575410921741.jpg (493.03 KB, 1080x1309, Screenshot_20191204-090819_Ins…)

>>901118Agree, if they were staging pics you think they'd very deliberately make sure rings were present. Maybe he is getting it resized because his finger got too fat or something, although I've noticed Suzy hasn't been wearing hers either so maybe they're getting new ones? Who knows.
No. 901129
>>901114>ProDouche and Holly are the only two who publicly air their dirty laundry on the regular.So did Heidi, however…
She did say multiple times that she did not consider herself a public figure before the scandal and didn't care to be one.
In her case, like she said in those texts about DCA
"I'm ready to go down this ship tbh!"-along those lines
Knowing that exposing the cheating would ruin their reputations, but her own actions during the marriage could ruin hers as well. But she was prepared for it.
Besides like she said when she had jobs as a Cosplay Guests they didn't even pay very much. So it's extra income but not income she will miss.
No. 901141
>>901127I feel like, ideally, when you are 30+ the priority of both partners is probably stability rather than intimacy.
You can have an unhappy yet stable marriage, which I'd imagine is tolerable at a certain age and level of maturity. But in the case of Jared+Heidi, Holly+Ross, it was both unhappy and unstable.
Unless Arin+Suzy is unstable and dysfunctional behind closed doors, I think they'll learn to live with it.
No. 901168
File: 1575414187913.jpeg (22.68 KB, 554x554, images (35).jpeg)

>>901108I literally can't remember the last time Suzy wore her ring, so if theres trouble in paradise then they've been larping as a happy couple for years. But I think it's probably not that deep and they just don't want to wear them every day. (Also I always thought her ring set was kind of clunky and very un-Suzy, surprised she didn't go with a black or salt/pepper diamond like Safiya did.)
No. 901172
>>901129Heidi made it public to defend herself and her image - also so that ProDick couldn't put forth this "It was mutual!" when it so clearly was not. I'm not saying that make it right, but Heidi had a reason whereas Jared just wanted to be able to fuck his side piece with no strings attach (and Holly just couldn't keep her fucking mouth shut).
>"Knowing that exposing the cheating would ruin their reputations"Exposing the cheating didn't ruin shit. The cheating is what ruined it. It would have came out sooner or later anyway.
>"but her own actions during the marriage could ruin hers as well."What actions? The actions of being in an LDR with someone her husband approved of - or the actions where she was so desperate to save her marriage, she told her husband he could generally fuck anyone on Earth but Holly (and then he went and fucked her anyway)?
No. 901178
File: 1575415485459.gif (11.01 MB, 640x392, tenor(2).gif)

>>901172>"It was mutual!" Jared told Heidi he wanted to break up with her in October '18
Jared then did break up with Heidi in February '19
Heidi "broke up" with Jared in April '19
Jared filed to divorce Heidi in May '19
No. 901196
File: 1575417886468.png (414.96 KB, 605x623, OverFinished.png)

And there we have it.
No. 901213
File: 1575419748009.gif (881.49 KB, 220x166, tenor (2).gif)

>>901196Welp I guess I have my entertainment for tonight.
No. 901220
File: 1575420250280.jpg (331.56 KB, 1080x1031, Screenshot_20191204-114305_Twi…)

>>901217At least Holly isn't acting like WOTC killed her whole family with this announcement, but her fanbase sure is.
No. 901222
File: 1575420355142.jpg (438.8 KB, 1080x1458, Screenshot_20191204-113927_Twi…)

>>901220Double post but case in point. (Twitter isn't loading profile pics for me.)
No. 901226
>>901222I have watched the DCA on-stage shows and found them [[mildy]] entertaining. Most entertaining was Twitch Con 2018 but obviously they had a very high budget for that particular show.
Still for DnD in general, I don't see how anyone can be entertained by watching 4 or 5 people talk to each other on webcams for 2 hours.
No. 901228
>>901196I guess it makes sense that they waited
until they had something to replace DCA with to announce it's ending.
No. 901229
>>901220I hope Holly Cumrag is crying in a face of chicken feathers.
>>901221They deserve it too.
>>901222>I will not stand for thisThen have a seat, dumbass. It's hilarious that these retarded stans think they can actually change anything.
No. 901232
File: 1575421730546.png (291.13 KB, 600x600, dcablackmail1.png)

Let us bring in the salt…
No. 901234
File: 1575421781333.png (121.66 KB, 592x548, dcablackmail2.png)

Denica makes a very fitting response considering her past behavior
No. 901236
File: 1575421927409.png (21.3 KB, 572x168, empathy.png)

>"Empathy is what makes humans greater than just animals.
Show some compassion."
How about you guys show some compassion for the people affected by Jared & Holly's swarm of rabid stans?
Or were you too busy celebrating your hubris?
No. 901240
File: 1575422031344.png (26.49 KB, 576x204, notenough.png)

They wanted 'closure', but of course it wasn't enough for them.
No. 901242
File: 1575422240106.png (307.01 KB, 590x558, borkbawws.png)

No. 901243
File: 1575422267418.png (11.21 KB, 572x112, closure.png)

You harassed WotC for an announcement. Now you have it.
No. 901245
File: 1575422463563.png (63.32 KB, 596x404, spittintruth.png)

Shut tf down
No. 901246
File: 1575422541441.png (17.15 KB, 604x201, ObjectiveValkyrie.png)

More totally objective commentary from the totally objective owner of the totally objective truth blog (ignore the fact that she's also a personal friend of Holly's).
No. 901251
File: 1575422775738.jpg (72.06 KB, 437x500, Screenshot_20191203_191936.thu…)

This is like his divorce announcement all over again…
No. 901252
File: 1575422783250.png (16.45 KB, 601x204, MaddestRads.png)

Dan Pirro is also big mad.
(I really hope that amount was like, over a lifetime, because if that's how much he spent during the three years of the show's run, YIKES)
No. 901256
File: 1575423066579.png (24.11 KB, 498x178, dcareddit1.png)

>"More people are mad at them that currently support the brand"
Gonna need you to back that up, chief.
No. 901258
File: 1575423184885.png (16.17 KB, 494x128, brave.png)

God bless this lone brave soul on the DCA subreddit
No. 901265
>>901252>they're just a brand Yeah no shit. How many times do retarded fanboys need to learn this lesson? Corporations don't give a fuck about you feelings if it doesn't turn a profit. Just because it's a nerd brand doesn't mean it's any different from any other business.
>>901256Official D&D merch is ridiculously expensive, wouldn't surprise me at all that a neckbeard would drop thousands on it without blinking.
No. 901267
And he just
had to add that "Wizards wasn't interested" in there.
No. 901268
>>901256>More people are mad at them that currently support the brand than there are non-supporters that threatened to boycott them.Oh yeah, that's why D&D's tweet is totally getting ratio'd.
(it's not)
No. 901269
>Oh yeah, that's why D&D's tweet is totally getting ratio'd.(it's not)
Watch Dan-the-Mad-Rad here try to rally together a mob of angry 'fans' to make damn sure of it…
No. 901274
>>901251Compare his response to Holly's
>>901220He chose to act like a huge cunt about it and closed the door to WotC completely. Holly gave a fake but professional response which leaves the door open for possible chances with WotC in the future Jared's response has always been "blame the other person for my shitty actions".
No. 901275
File: 1575424482230.png (20.14 KB, 578x170, boobaaw.png)

>"Disappointed that the company is taking a “safe” alternative without considering what good the continuation of the game would be in terms of fighting cancel culture."
Fuck your agenda, Caitlyn. People have families to feed.
No. 901276
He hasn't learned shit from this whole debacle. Holly should just dump him. She's
trying to be careful & he just doesn't give a shit & just blames everyone else.
No. 901277
>>901274ProJared doesn't disappoint. and if only he could have shared how a guy who is completely guilty of having sex with fans and using his fame for nudes would have made the show "more successful" Jared's ego is so big he had to throw in that it's Wizard's loss. Shit like this is why we empathize with Heidi despite her pitfalls. Living with
that must have been agony. How can someone so ugly have an even uglier personality?
No. 901285
>>901280Oh fuck! Holly is learning how to stfu and act like an adult and it's Jared who can't control his uwu's. Please burn more bridges with professional outlets that you used to love, Jared.
support doesn't need to include insults to the creators, you sex addicted parasite.
No. 901289
>>901258The mod removed their comment - wow, great way of showing respect to all the fans. The DCA community seems just as
toxic as Holly and Jared.
No. 901292
File: 1575425310058.png (57.71 KB, 622x459, BlueAsInSadJay.png)

So wait, that Jared was using his fame to solicit nudes from fans and hooking up with them at cons was also a false allegation?
Because that's enough for any public/entertainment company to axe somebody.
No. 901296
File: 1575425474805.jpg (343.88 KB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_20191204-131003_Twi…)

found this in the comments lmao
No. 901297
>>901289Regardless of how you feel about the decision to cancel #DiceCameraAction, seeing DCA subreddit actively delete and suppress
support of Wizards and their other shows is frustrating and infuriating.
No. 901298
>>901292Keep it up WKs! I'm sure any companies looking in your direction are gonna
love to see these tweets!
No. 901299
>>901296Diath was the most forgettable character. You could change his name to anything else and he would still be Great Value Adventurer™.
>>901297It's a support group that gets by on adult tantrums.
No. 901300
>>901296>Jared IS DiathHolly has entered the chat
>they could lose Strix though Holly has left the chat
No. 901301
>>901297We'll see… the lead mod on the DCA subreddit also started the D&D Presents subreddit, so he might remain supportive.
Would suck if that subreddit turned into a "you can't even say it's better than DCA" crap-hole.
No. 901303
>>901292Exactly, this is how any big corporation would reward two employees who disregarded their professional boundaries and brought the company into disrepute by making terrible decisions. Hardly loyal, are they?
Actions actually have consequences in the real world, evidently Jared and Holly thought this would not apply to them.
No. 901308
>>901303I think it was mentioned before. But Jared could have simply deleted the sexts and nudes he had with Holly from his old phone.
Next time you cheat, maybe do a better job hiding it.
No. 901311
>>901267It's because he wants to blame literally everyone for the ending of DCA but himself. Hell, he'd even throw Holly under the bus if he thought it'd help his image.
>>901274That's just it. Even if WoTC wanted to extend another show to him in the future, he done blew the shit out of that bridge.
>>901280"Suppress support"
It's because it isn't support of the show - It's a rabid attack YOU induced by riling up your fanbase. Support is "I'm sad it's over, but I support the cast", not "I tried to save it YOU GUYS REFUSED!"
>>901286Other companies would never want to work with him anyway - The scandal of using your fanbase for nude fap material is something that literally NO decent company can afford to have attached to them.
>>901289Of course they did - The PJ2 subreddit is just one big circle jerk of Pro-ProJared bullshit. The mods can deny it all they want, but when shit like this happens? Yeah, we all know better.
>>901292"two of your loyal cast members"
That were fucking each other off-camera. Yeah, how dare the show not continue to be their weird softcore porn material!
>"he would still be Great Value Adventurer™.I fucking love this, Anon - especially since Holly (or Heidi? Idk) said it was a character that Jared had been working on since childhood and he STILL never managed to make it interesting.
>>901310Jared literally can't do shit, as long as WoTC never comes out and says "We cancelled it because he cheated on his wife".
No. 901325
>>901304I know, anon.
>>901311>he done blew the shit out of that bridge.I'm glad that he did. He's constantly showing his true colors and gave a "I'm better now" after his fake apology. Lo' and behold, he's right back to being an egotistical cunt just like before because he didn't get what he wanted. What could he have possibly brought to the table that would entice WotC after that scandal that he and Cumrag caused?
>That were fucking each other off-camera.Indeed. They also got their fans involved in a nasty attack on someone one of those "loyal" cast members was supposed to be loyal to.
He even played his character generically. There was nothing noteworthy about his character. The character's outfit had no personality just like Jared himself, but it is a self-insert after all. His ego is far too big for what he was working with.
No. 901327
File: 1575427536543.png (18.66 KB, 578x166, Screenshot_402.png)

Jesus christ, they're now comparing cancelling DCA to apparently strangling a human baby to death.
Just…..what the fuck
No. 901333
>>901331It only took a few hours for the "THIS IS ALL THAT WHORE HEIDIS FAULT!" to begin.
It couldn't possibly have been jared's unique inability to keep his tiny curved dick in his pants. Nah, it's definitely Heidi's fault
No. 901334
File: 1575428249145.png (44.63 KB, 588x342, flaseinfo.png)

>>901331Maybe you should follow
your own damn advice Mearmar
No. 901335
File: 1575428339603.png (83.05 KB, 572x598, dcastans1.png)

No. 901338
>"Jared is in the right here"To publicly slander the company that gave him his start?
Yeah, real genius move, bud.
>"This will probably become a PR nightmare"Yeah, as would employing a dude who abused his fame and solicited nudes from his fanbase.
No. 901343
File: 1575429119913.png (44.66 KB, 580x360, clickit.png)

Everybody acting like Holly & Jared are Jesus or something…
No. 901346
File: 1575429256531.png (39.33 KB, 578x300, nate.png)

Meanwhile, Nate just wants to move the hell on…
No. 901358
File: 1575430241743.png (55.65 KB, 598x516, dcaornothing.png)

>"DCA is what started snowballing interest in DND shows"
That's a pretty bold claim there, Dan. Got any proof to back that up?
No. 901364
File: 1575431139513.png (53.58 KB, 584x596, jsyk1.png)

No. 901368
File: 1575431300136.png (39.78 KB, 580x530, jsyk2.png)

No. 901369
File: 1575431512480.png (362.13 KB, 596x630, bam.png)

Shots fired
No. 901371
File: 1575431736378.png (61.55 KB, 586x652, jesse.png)

I love how the reply literally proves their point here.
No. 901380
File: 1575432877002.png (100.93 KB, 578x618, straws1.png)

Time to start dogpiling Greg Tito I guess…
No. 901382
>>901380Here's the clip title:
>"Lol funny cancelled joke in a stream that he cancelled the most popular streamed game they have" No. 901384
>>901280Well Jared now has the choice to either
1) Become a powerful one-man army like JonTron
2) Become another Boogie2988
Guess we'll see where he goes from here
No. 901388
File: 1575433484781.png (324.14 KB, 572x568, juststop.png)

Good lord, I've never seen anyone put this much energy into being upset over a fucking show being cancelled.
No. 901398
File: 1575434259190.jpg (90.38 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[2].jpg)

>>901385Except Jared is a non-virgin incel.
H3H3 explains it in the first podcast he did about Jared forgot which one
"This dude is smashing the incel movement, this gollum looking dude is out here breaking marriages. The problem is you, not the girls" -Paraphrasing.
Also since I mentioned H3, why is he the same age as Jared but looks 15+ years older?
No. 901399
File: 1575434290918.png (74.9 KB, 584x720, nobad.png)

Some of these fans are rock-stupid, I swear…
No. 901401
File: 1575434357948.png (58.72 KB, 598x604, notlikepewdz.png)

>>901399Still, it's nice to see people clap-back at these dumbasses
No. 901408
>>901199Oh he's definitely not being jokey. This is the same guy who replied to a picture of his girlfriend sitting on a bike at Madame Tussards by saying that "two of his favorite things" were in the picture. People roasted his ass for calling her a "thing."
The way he acts towards her makes no sense.
No. 901410
>>901388Literally no one cares. Wizard and Hasbro isn't going to give a shit about a random stan's incel rage.
>>901398H3H3 is probably laughing his ass off right now.
>>901399Yeah the first dozen screencaps proved that.
No. 901416
File: 1575437427555.png (54.25 KB, 588x412, shut up jessica.png)

>"He also stopped doing it of his own accord because he realized it wasn't healthy, "
No, he stopped doing it because he got caught.
No. 901418
File: 1575437730371.png (543.67 KB, 539x258, clip Screenshot 2019-12-03 23-…)

>>901416Cupcake has pronouns in the bio, which basically removes all the credibility of him and his truth blog.
No. 901424
File: 1575439114731.png (50.19 KB, 522x412, nateisdone.png)

Nate is just done with this fanbase's shit.
No. 901428
File: 1575440087026.png (23.22 KB, 532x390, lmao2.png)

The replies are staring to get spicy!
No. 901452
>>901433He also went public with the divorce and blocked his wife. Hoelly's tweets on that announcement was the last straw pretty much. It was a milky three month sperg and now Jared is doing it because for once, he didn't get what he wanted.
>>901434Indeed. I imagine they did their own internal investigation but not a huge one. Soliciting nudes from fans, especially at conventions is a huge no for a company that wants to keep a clean image.
>>901448>Jared on the other hand doesn't have a professional bone in his bodyOr a creative one.
No. 901460
File: 1575445492274.png (75.33 KB, 534x684, k0sherpicklegetsowned.png)

Looks like logic has finally stepped in
No. 901462
File: 1575445762103.png (46.2 KB, 588x564, Cuocaketantrum.png)

The best response to Jessica's tantrums yet!
No. 901468
>>901448Getting fired from WOTC was probably a big wakeup call for Holly, she has been pretty subdued for the last couple days so it's obvious that the official decision was handed down just recently. That is a pretty big stain to have on your record. It is in everyone's best interest to forget the petty grudges and move on, but Jared is too fucking dumb to realize it. Holly might be able to salvage her career from this mess but Jared is a lost cause. He will never be more than a small time youtuber and he's never going to be sponsored or employed by anyone in the industry again.
>>901457Exactly. In the eyes of the law and the parents it looks like an employee preying on kids, it's a lawsuit waiting to happen and one WOTC/Jared would never win in a million years. He is a walking liability to any company.
>>901462Aren't Holly and Jared still using the DND ruleset for their own game? lmao
No. 901469
>>901466Cus cheating is shitty, but it's personal.
It doesnt require a galaxy brain that a big corporation is not going to give you platform to exploit the fans. That's the type of behaviour they're willing to put up with if you bring more money and prestige even after this type of shitstorm.
So the DCA fans should really be miffed with Jared for being a mediocre showman, really. Lol.
No. 901566
>>901475Doubt it. I can see her or Jared an hero'ing at any moment. As much as I'd like to see that happen, it'd be much more satisfying to see them grow old and miserable.
>>901533>dirty laundry1. Heidi on Facebook (To her popular friends on FaceBook and those close to Jared): My husband had a sexual relationship with someone else during our marriage and we're getting a divorce.
2. Jared on Twitter: My wife and I have filed for divorce
3. Heidi on Twitter: My husband had a sexual relations with someone else during our marriage
4. Jared: My wife had sexual relations with someone else during our marriage
5. Heidi: Yes but!!!
6. Holly: Well uhhh
Anything you say or hide can be used against you in the court of public opinion.
It just went on and on from there
No. 901569
>>901566where is the part with jared blocking heidi before announcing their "amicable" divorce and holly commenting on his tweet telling him she's there for him
if you don't want to be accused of airing your dirty laundry, you probably shouldn't block your wife to lie to your fans and then have your mistress comment on the tweet about your divorce
No. 901579
>>901569let's not forget Holly immediately deleting her tweet of support when she realized she wouldn't be able to push her "HEIDI WAS BEING
ABUSIVE!" narrative if she said "I'm sorry you're going through this" about them finally splitting up.
No. 901592
>>901579I was covering the basics, not the specifics.
I think all 3 of them made mistakes, not neccesarily in private persay, but in trying to win the court of public opinion and the narrative.
Like in Treesicle's ProJared part 2 it ended with something like
[[Yeah well if Heidi and Holly go at it again we aren't going to cover it… it's just juicy gossip… the pedophilia is what matters]].
Like I said before. Whatever you say, do, or even hide will be used against you.
Because unless you right a 400-page novel or autobiography, it more and room for speculation, which comes from personal judgement.
Clout helps, but facts always win.
Initially, Jared announced the divorce and didn't give us the specifics. It begs the question of why.
Until his wife came out and revealed it, with one reason behind it being Jared having an external sexual relationship. We are led to believe at this point, that Heidi herself did not have another sexual partner. She didn't confirm or deny it granted. Though the leaked snapchat texts do show Jared talking about them being poly and Heidi's [then] boyfriend.
Holly of course, jumped ship. So much for "Here if you need me!"
Jared comes back. Revealing that Heidi also had an external sexual relationship. If we have the right to know that Jared another sexual relationship, then surely that means we also have the right to know that Heidi had one as well. Right? Heidi hid this fact, it begs the question of why.
Yes she said "It wasn't relevant because we were poly and it was agreed upon". But I understand that personally, but to everyone else it begs the question of why someone would hide this and only explain it retroactively. Which is what all 3 of them had a bad habit of.
Part of me thinks that Holly did ask Ross to come along to Seattle but he knew what was going to happen and was "Yeah that's gonna be a no from me dawg"
No. 901596
>"but in trying to win the court of public opinion and the narrative"That's the thing, though. Heidi was never trying to win the court of public opinion - She just wanted to clarify that shit wasn't as hunky-dory and amicable as Jared was making it out to be. This wasn't a dude who was concerned with his wife's mental state - this is a dude who wanted to fuck another woman with no strings attached.
>"Initially, Jared announced the divorce and didn't give us the specifics. It begs the question of why."Because he wanted to maintain his public image, to be seen as a decent guy and not a guy who was fucking a married woman behind both his wife's and the other woman's husbands backs (not to mention that he was friends with his fuck buddy's husband)
>"We are led to believe at this point, that Heidi herself did not have another sexual partner."We weren't led to believe shit. Heidi having another sexual partner was never the issue. Jared fucking someone that Heidi explicitly said "hey, please don't fuck her" was the issue.
>"If we have the right to know that Jared another sexual relationship, then surely that means we also have the right to know that Heidi had one as well. Right?"No, because again, Heidi having a LDR wasn't the problem. Jared fucking the ONE SPECIFIC WOMAN he was told not to and then that woman up and moving to the same state and leaving her husband WAS the problem.
>"to everyone else it begs the question of why someone would hide this and only explain it retroactively"Because it literally did not matter. Jared never displayed a problem with Heidi having another partner. He never said "Hey, dont' fuck that person" or "Hey, I don't like this, please stop". Heidi DID express her discomfort of Jared/Holly to Jared and he told her pretty much to get fucked and continued seeing Holly anyway.
>"Part of me thinks that Holly did ask Ross to come along to Seattle"I doubt it. Bringing her husband would've definitely interferred with her plans to have a relationship with the only dude who apparently ever gave her sexual feelings (and ONLY with him)
No. 901601
>>901599Exactly. Heidi's initial twitter burst was NEVER to come out on top, but to clarify things. Sure, she fucked up along the way - but I find it a lot easier to side with her since her reactions line up with those of someone who has been in an emotionally
abusive relationship but is finally free.
Jared has from day 1 been in it to make himself look good, like the poor wounded dude who just got shat on at every turn. It didn't feel right from day one and his "You've been lied to!" video and reaction to DCA being cancelled just confirmed that he's a piece of shit.
No. 901605
>>901601Jared was also manipulating people from the sidelines during the months he disappeared to make statements for him. He said he didn’t want to further stoke the flames of the fire by posting evidence, so he sends screenshots of texts to hoelly so she can do it for him.
At least Heidi put all her own stuff out there rather than have anyone do it for her. All she did was ask for evidence of her husband being inappropriate with fans and was met with overwhelming response. Then Jared use’s that to get people to change or take down statements against him, likely with the threat of a lawsuit. He’s a coward.
No. 901608
File: 1575479271767.jpg (222.87 KB, 1080x1385, Screenshot_20191204-110611_Twi…)

>>901596>She just wanted to clarify that shit wasn't as hunky-dory and amicable as Jared was making it out to be. And then Jared revealed they were at once polyamorous and that it wasn't as simple as Heidi made it out to be.
>>901599>>901601Yes. But again.
Being polyamorous, boundaries, agreements, those are all just words, it's he-said/she-said.
Having an external sexual relationship, is an action.
Heidi having sex with someone else (even with Jared's approval) is an action.
Jared having sex with someone else (with or without Heidi's approval) is an action.
SOME may argue that their actions are more relevant than their words.
Which is why we got reactions like this.
No. 901627
>>901608All you are proving is that you don't understand poly relationships - or maybe even relationships in general.
Words set boundaries and state what actions are and are not acceptable.
Jared stated that it was acceptable for Heidi to have an LDR with her cosplay buddy, she even included him in it and he at no point said that it had to end, so it's clear that it did not cross his boundaries.
Heidi stated that it was acceptable for Jared to have sex with other people so long as there were no feelings involved and she was made aware. Holly made it very clear that she had feelings for Jared and they did not involve Heidi enough to make her comfortable, so she called it out and made her boundaries clear: no sex or emotional affairs with Holly. Jared and Holly went ahead anyway on both respects, stomping all over Heidi's clearly marked stipulations.
Jared, in being married to Heidi for nearly a decade, had a duty to her to try and make her comfortable as she had to him, and they would communicate verbally on how to achieve this.
And despite all the clear communication, Heidi's actions demonstrated a clear respect and understanding for Jared, while his actions showed quite the opposite. Words mean a lot when you actually understand and listen, and you show that you have done this by acting accordingly.
No. 901632
>>901623We HAVE been over this so many times, right?
It seems like the Jared and Holly stans keep coming here trying to turn the tide back to supporting them - just a heads up: it ain't gonna happen. We've seen it all and been through it a billion times by now and most people here agree: it was cheating, Holly shouldn't have tried to use mental health as a weapon/shield and Jared shouldn't have been using his fans as a personal spank bank.
It's important to share differing opinions but when the general consensus in a given place doesn't match your own thinking, and all you want to do is have everyone agree with you, you gotta read the room and move on. There's always ProJared2 if you want to meet likeminded fans of the gruesome twosome.
No. 901633
>>901627>>901623I wasn't talking about my opinions. I honestly don't give a shit about the three stooges, they are basically fictional characters as far as I am concerned and their debacle was an excellently written tragic love story.
Anyway I was talking about public opinion.
Extramarital sex is still sex, polyamorous or not. So when you are have had extramarital sex during your marriage and chose to withold that fact, you can't be too shocked when it's weaponized against you.
The kiwis would not have had an incentive to doxx Lover boy had Heidi mentioned that and him from the start. Granted Heidi's narrative would not have been nearly as strong or would have garnered the same sympathy, but then she couldn't be called out for hiding it.
No. 901637
>"That it wasn't as simple as Heidi made it out to be"Yes, it was. Jared never objected to Heidi having another partner - If he had, I'd be calling her an asshole for not cutting it off. Heidi DID object to just that one specific partner of Jared's and that is the ONE person he fucked.
In poly, if both partners don't consent to a specific other partner, it becomes cheating (and by consent, I mean "I'm okay with you two banging", not jared's "Well, she said no, but I wanted to so I did it anyway - but she was fucking someone else too!")
>"an excellently written tragic love story."It wasn't even excellently written fiction. It's a grown man who decided he didn't care about his wife's comfort, who wanted to fuck his side piece with no strings and got pissed when the entirety of the world got bothered by that.
>"So when you are have had extramarital sex during your marriage and chose to withold that fact"She didn't withhold it and was actually quite open when people started digging (which just resulted in her ldr getting harassed and forced into locking social media down). She just didn't publicly state something that wasn't relevant to the matter at hand.
>"The kiwis would not have had an incentive to doxx Lover boy had Heidi mentioned that and him from the start."Yes, they fucking would. That's the KiwiFarms M.O. - doxx fucking everyone.
>"but then she couldn't be called out for hiding it."Yes, because Heidi not publicly talking about her LDR that her husband approved of is even KIND OF similar to her husband's mistress leaving her husband and moving nearby so that they could fuck whenever they wanted.
Nice troll attempt, PJ2 stan.
No. 901649
>>901644Um nope dude, he's still a shekel trading pedophile.
And I wasn't even attacking Heidi, just criticizing.
No. 901667
How has it been half a year since the drama spilled and people STILL refuse to understand how poly relationships work.
>>901643Dendy stunt? What did they do?
No. 901678
>>901643Ahahahahha people are such assholes!
What did arin do wrong though? Is it illegal to own stuff like the dendy cus it's all pirated roms?
No. 901679
>>901649H3H3 is a merchant as well, that's probably why he went easy on Jared the first time around but showed no sympathy after his response video where H3 is one of the channels he called out.
So is Dan, wouldn't surprise me if he prefered the younger side but more research would be needed on that, but is he definitely a sleazy perv.
No. 901685
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>>901462>>901418CupcakeValkyrie contesting the end of DCA (2019 colorized)
No. 901692
>>901686>>901684Well that and, people cheat, it's a shitty thing to do but it's normal.
Pedophilia, taking advantage of your fans and getting them to trade nudes with you, is way different.
>>901290>spank bankI accidentally read as sperm bank, what a plot twist it would be if it turns out Jared has a bastard kid out there, he doesn't seem like the type to take precautions.
No. 901701
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Oof Katie
At least she seems to have made up with her ex-California clique?
No. 901702
has to be tongue-in-cheek
No. 901716
>>901684>it was just an area for people to have affairs publiclymost TTRPG groups are, sadly. seen it happen in a bunch of tables I've played over the years.
>>901706lol homegirl is gonna need all the help she can get. she is actively tanking her career and reputation by virtue of staying with Jared. getting booted from WOTC is the first real tangible consequence she's had and unless she distances herself from that retarded sexpest she can expect more of the same.
No. 901718
>>901706I can see her trying to garner sympathy coming out and saying
"Jared abused me!", assuming that isn't already true. Or trying to form the Anti-Jared club with Heidi, but the latter has probably long apathetic at this point.
Holly "The Alleged Side Ho" Conrad may be a homewrecker but I am assuming she isn't a pedophile and won't have nearly as hard of a time finding work.
No. 901774
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>>901608>Which is why we got reactions like this.Heidi refused an interview with Keem and THAT is exactly why he posted this reaction.
As for the rest of your points, pic related. Their divorce has nothing to do with why he lost his DCA job, and continual efforts to marry his own independent actions with his fans to his divorce with Heidi are disingenuous, at best.
No. 901782
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>>901778He wasn't black, don't think Heidi is into that sort of thing.
But nulyu is the only confirmed poly partner.
No. 901783
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More salt
No. 901787
File: 1575506008068.png (39.37 KB, 582x296, Nateexcite.png)

I actually feel bad for Nate. He clearly wants the community to welcome this new show with open arms & to feel his excitement, while Jared keeps grasping for more shit for the fans to be mad about.
No. 901789
>>901783He's really trying hard to make that hashtag work…
>>901787>I've put a lot of thought and heart into a character that I can't wait for you all to meet.Meanwhile the newest hot take from the Jared/Holly crybabies is that this show is doomed to fail because it's a rushed replacement instead of being beautifully curated from the perfect diamond like DCA was.
Like… WOTC had six fucking months to prep shit up… and considering how completely non-involved Nate was in the narrative during the first arc, DCA started out just as unplanned if not more than D&D Presents is.
No. 901793
>>901783I love tweets like these. Jared admitted that he ran at least the one blog and receieved nudes of his fans. Regardless of if they were minor or not, that's still some seriously sketchy behavior.
>"He's really trying hard to make that hashtag work"Yeah, too bad he can't even spell 'boycott' right.
No. 901794
>>901778Like clockwork, there’s the /pol/(probable)scrote who keeps making a big deal out of having heard Heidi had a black partner. You alright? Why would it even matter and what would that imply to you?
>>901782>don’t think Heidi is into that sort of thingIIRC going by tweets in which she indicates/comments in passing about being attracted to someone, she has expressed interest in people pretty much all over the racial/gender spectrum.
No. 901802
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Tumblr pretty lit right now
No. 901803
>>901778>>901794>Heidi had a black partner […] what would that imply to you?Lol not even surprised the PJ2-stans are racist as well.
But skinny white guy gets cucked by big black guy generally makes for an entertaining story, let's be honest lol. I'm not racist but it's still funny to me.
But I couldn't care less about who Heidi or Jared were dating, certainly care less about their skin color.
No. 901805
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>>901802Also this is fucking hilarious
No. 901806
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>>901251>>901511>I beat cancel culture!!!! >show gets cancelled>b-b-but :(((((Time to update the shirt line I guess. Not as cutesy and ironic when it's for real, is it Jared? I'm not the best at shoop but I tried my best to help them update the design in this trying time.
You could look at the whole situation as a neutral stance from Wizards honestly. They're not saying "we support Jared" and they're not saying "We disavow Jared" they're literally just saying "nah, n'thanks" to the whole situation, which is a perfectly reasonable response. Jared is the one trying to frame it as a personal attack on him. I would LOVE to hear actually hear his explanation for "
how it could be far more successful than it ever was", because he for sure doesn't actually have one unless his pitch was "The Gang beats Cancel Culture lmao!!". You know he's talking out his ass here to try and make it seem like they're the idiots for missing out on this once in a lifetime fantastic investment opportunity! It's not a bad tactic, I just don't think he's smart enough to actually strategize in that way. I think he's just stupid enough to believe his own bullshit. He's very Trump-like in that way where he seems to honestly believe saying you did something is actually the same as doing it. It's probably inconceivable to him that maybe his "success plan" was shit or that maybe Nate and Anna want nothing to do with them now, therefore it MUST be Wizards taking a stand against him personally, there's no other explanation!
No. 901809
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>I would LOVE to hear actually hear his explanation for "how it could be far more successful than it ever was"Someone on Tumblr already took a guess
No. 901810
File: 1575509065010.png (115.02 KB, 822x695, 2019-12-04_20h22_55.png)

>>901807Anna is still 100% behind DCA. She popped into their Discord server and was playing up the crowd.
Someone on the DCA subreddit summed her up.
(part 1)
No. 901814
>"Scared to be open about anything on the internet"Fam, just don't solicit nudes from your fanbase and you'll be fine.
>"Anna and Nate had not been vocal about how this process has affected them"GASP - You mean they acted like adults rather than putting their every thought on the internet?
>"reminding people that we don't know the whole story"Nor do we need to. Jared ran a nudes blog where he used his name 'SinJared' to get fans to send in naked photos of themselves. Period, full goddamned stop, it's creep behavior.
>"While I admire Nate for taking the high road, it seems a little too passive for my tastes"God forbid he not want to make a public shitshow and risk his new show to defend a potential pedophile. Fuck that guy, amirite?
>"If the petition's final numbers are to be believed"They're not. You know damned well that it's the same handful of fans making new accounts so that they can sign repeatedly to boost numbers.
No. 901824
>>901810>>901811So Jared and Holly's RP romance is defunct.
DCA is done.
The DCA fans probably won't tune into the new series, but how many hardcore DCA fans are out there, like a few dozen?
Compared to the thousands of casual audienced who will watch it simply because it's D&D.
No. 901834
>>901814Yeah I went to look at the petition and was shocked to see it was over 30k or something. I'd never even heard of it before all this and I'm a huge CR fan and have played D&D for years.
>>901824This shit is a blip on the radar for WotC. Even if the new show flops, it doesn't matter. D&D is extremely popular right now, regardless of whether 2 adulterers are playing it or not.
No. 901843
>>901841Nothing to assume there, it is REMARKABLY easy to pad out petitions.
It's part of why they're so ineffective.
No. 901846
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It was ALL Heidi! /s
No. 901852

>>901807Fair, though considering the whole backstabbing lot, I wouldn't be surprised if Anna was the type to tweet "omg sooo pretty i miss u let's hang out!!" and then turn around and to Wizards and say "Keep her the fuck away from me", you know….like girls do.
>>901810>>901811Honestly, what reason would Anna possibly have for publicly supporting DCA continuing other than keeping in the good graces of the remaining DCA fans (aka Jared whiteknights)? They're starting their own show where the setup is exactly the same except Jared and Holly have been kicked out so they don't need DCA anymore, and there's no way they've forgiven Jared and Holly. It's completely their fault that their dirty laundry got pulled out as well. Think about it, if it wasn't for Jared and Holly's shenanigans Nate and Anna probably would have gotten away with it. Anna and Nate had both publicly separated from their partners months apart, if they just laid low for a couple of months they could easily have pulled a bullshit "I wasn't looking for love…but one day I woke up and realized….it was right next to me all along" storyline that DCA fans would cream their pants over. Without Heidi setting the stage, who knows if Cristina would have ever felt confident enough to tell her side of the story. Their merch store only opened a few months after Pigeongate, and it would have had to have been in the works for months before that. They were really all lined up to be a beloved internet couple right in time to debut their merch….and they would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for Jared and Holly! Why on
earth would she want anything to do with either of them?
Clearly fans were already starting to doubt/turn on her just from the mere implication that she was distancing herself
>I hope people won't boycott our new show :( that would add a lot of pain to the already painis proof enough of her real priorities (and how easily DCA fans are manipulated apparently). That doesn't say "100% behind DCA" to me, that just says that she has basic common sense for business. WotC probably sent her in to try and steady the boat and do some damage control, which was clearly a smart move because all she has to do is post a frowny face and the pitchforks get lowered. If Anna and Nate took an anti-drama stance and distanced themselves, the Jared/Holly stans would attack them for not being supportive or believing the "lies". If they tried to take a morality stance, they would get attacked for being giant hypocrites and just bring more attention to their dirty laundry. They're birds of a feather handcuffed together at this point (which is the least they deserve). There's no safe way they could possibly walk away from them, this is the only option that makes sense.
No. 901864
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>>901846Honestly though? What a huge compliment to Heidi, they really think that she went and Gone Girl'd Jared huh? She set out to do this? Planned every detail out over the course of months? She's that cunning and forward-thinking? God, if that were true I'd only applaud her more.
>>901847>I hope she's fucking happyThis is so funny cause like….yeah, she probably is? Is she supposed to feel bad that her cheating scumbag ex got fired for cheating on her? What does this person expect lmao like
>well you got your wish the man who killed your son is going to jail for killing your son because YOU called the police on him I hope you're fucking happyYes, that's the appropriate outcome actually? What's there to feel bad about?
No. 901878
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Wait, so was the whole petition also a grift? Thousands of dollars donated towards…. what, exactly?
The ISWV parallels just keep on piling on, jfc.
No. 901888
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>>901327Ah yes, the Brain Trust of Jared's current fanbase…
No. 901904
>>901842I read through some of the comments left on it once and there was a ridiculous amount of "Well, so-and-so told me to sign!" or "Because Cancel Culture needs to be stopped!"
>>901878The main petition did allow for people to donate money, but who the fuck thought throwing money at a petition that had literally NO connection to WoTC was a good idea? They deserve to get scammed out of their money if they're that fucking dumb.
>>901888First talk of "Well you could kill a baby too!" and now comparing an attempted assassination of a US President to Jared getting called out for preying on his fans.
A+ comparisons, PJ2 stans. Just well done.
No. 901926
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Jared's YT: -drops 4k subscribers in a five day time span-
No. 901936
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>>901888Just when I thought BorkScorpion, Jessica Slater, Denica & Dan were batshit insane enough… a challenger approaches!
No. 901937
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So much for Jared's detractors being the hysterical & oversensitive ones…
No. 901938
>>901936I just can't get over them screaming that the evidence was fake and Jared was proved innocent.
The dude fucking admitted that he ran the porn blog. Even taking the pedo allegations out of the equation, he was still up to some seriously shady shit.
No. 901940
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>>901936This person is a fucking riot
No. 901943
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Good to know their stans are still rubbing one out on this '''power-couple'''
No. 901944
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lmao at MattLawson here failing to reel in another member of the ProConrad army
No. 901951
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I guess I'll never understand the appeal…
No. 901952
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Look at all this positivity!~uwu
No. 901960
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No. 901967
forced him to make all those porn blogs and tell his fans to send him nudes! She’s an evil manipulative mastermind sorceress who started planning all this out years ago! She’s DCA’s final boss and WotC is letting her win!!1
No. 901972
>>901971Because it was her friends, people she and Jared could trust, and people they knew for a fact were over 18.
And Jared only sent a dick pick to one of them, which still was a bad idea on his end. Poor horny bastard
No. 902056
>>901398In my opinion H3 looks younger and better than Jared.
He’s a father so I guess that has something to do with you seeing his as looking older.
No. 902060
>>901938these are the same fans who still use "he tried to leave heidi but she wouldn't let him!!!" as an excuse for his infidelity. even though both heidi and holly posted texts showing that their emotional affair has been going on well before october 2018, going as far back as february 2018.
so he decided to leave her after 6 months of having an emotional affair with someone else, but that doesn't count, because reasons.
No. 902095
>>902063he was having an affair another woman BEFORE he decided he wanted to leave. what the fuck is the perspective to gain here except to further cement that pedojared is a liar and a creep???
he didn't have an affair because she "stopped him from leaving"; he was having an affair well before he told her he wanted to break up. just because you brainlets from pj2 can't comprehend the concept of time elapsing between february 2018 and october 2018 doesn't mean that the rest of us are obligated to ignore it.
No. 902123
>>902118Heidi "demanded" he talk with Holly because she was sick of them pretending that there were no feelings and making her feel like she was crazy for seeing the tension between the pair. That's a reasonable thing for a wife to say "Let's get it out in the open instead of pretending this isn't happening"
When Heidi said "Don't fuck her" and he fucked her anyway, he crossed the line into cheating - full goddamned stop.
No. 902150
>>902118why do people (aka anon, pedojared stans, etc) who clearly have no business being in a committed relationship act like their opinions are insightful or intelligent
in the real world where people have basic decency, there are two acceptable ways in which that could have gone:
(1) jared: "holly i have feelings for you but i'm married and i'm dedicated to my wife. i'm sorry, but we can't talk anymore."
(2) jared: "holly i realize i have feelings for you and i want to pursue them, and therefore i am leaving my wife," at which point he files for divorce, like RIGHT AFTER, not after a fucking year passes.
instead he hemmed and hawed for 6 to 8 months playing both women because he's manipulative trash. holly regularly begged him to leave her. he wasn't committed to holly; in fact, he told heidi what holly was saying about her behind her back and then yelled at holly for saying mean things about heidi. holly is not "end game" for jared. he did not want to end up with her. he just wanted to have his cake and fuck it too.
jared is a terrible, terrible person and there is no excuse for his behavior.
No. 902275
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I think he's trying to appeal to the older generations that look back on things like ms-dos with a sense of nostalgia, but he's going to have even worse luck - since the people that are old enough to remember ms-dos didn't believe in shit like poly relationships or fucking other women while you're both still married.
Dude needs to quit trying to make a comeback and accept that his career is effectively over - and that he blew it all for a cheap and easy lay.
No. 902276
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Because if anyone knows about 'classy', it would be Jared "I fucked my wife's friend / friend's wife and jacked it to nudes of minors" Knabenbauer
No. 902306
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(Pretending to be shocked)
No. 902311
>>902310Jared vs. Holly, the race downhill, who will get there first?
Both are shit out of a career, but Holly still loaded with inheritance. So definitely Jared.
No. 902312
>"Heidi's narrative is flimsy"Heidi's narrative the entire time has been "My husband fucked Holly Conrad while we were married after I explicitly asked him not to". She has provided text evidence between her and Holly, showing that Holly engaged in - at the very least - an emotional relationship with Jared before she had divorced Ross.
How is that flimsy?
>>902311Jared attached himself to the most mentally unstable woman, put her in a position for her to literally destroy him with proof of their affair should he try to walk away
Yeah, Jared shot himself in the foot.
No. 902665
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They just started streaming the new DnD show today
No. 902669
>>902665I mean, to be fair, it pretty much IS DCA without being officially DCA - they just got rid of the
problematic shitstains that are Hoelly and ProPedo.
The others shouldn't have to suffer or lose out just because those two idiots couldn't keep their fucking mouths shut.
No. 902670
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I'm guessing #DnDPresents-salt is gonna become a new thing now..
No. 902675
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Now there's TWO tieflings in the cast.
No. 902678
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Never thought I'd say this, but props to Holly for taking the high-road here.
She's still liking the tweets bitching at WotC, but at least she's not being a passive-aggressive twit about it like ProDiddler
No. 902691
>>902686>Being a witch-obsessed nerd with a (partial?) degree in medieval studies and then losing out on your job with WoTCAnd decorating her entire house based on it. It's a shame that she didn't believe in karma enough to be cautious before losing her job when she was running her mouth on Twitter, but as this anon said
>>902689 she definitely got that wake-up call now. Her chances of getting back into WotC's good graces are higher than Jared being faithful to her.
No. 902710
>>902701>Holly went full retard in public. That looks bad on a companySo is the general consensus that it's Holly's online behavior that got her booted from Wizards? She seems to think it's the cheating scandal, which she's absolved herself of.
There's a million reasons to boot Jared, for every part of his conduct since the divorce announcement. It also looks absolutely ridiculous for them to still claim that they didn't cheat, so maybe Wizards really doesn't want to promote characters whose story will forever be regarded as a cheating scandal.
No. 902716
>>902710It's what I think. She used a person's suicide to make herself look like the
victim. To make matters worse, that person was well-loved and very popular.
On top of that, she wouldn't shut the fuck up about Heidi being the greatest evil to touch the galaxy since Hitler. To make matters worse, she used her fans who are also WotC fans, to attack Heidi. I'd say that her online behavior caused her to lose her job a lot more than her "helping" someone with her vagina. Jared most likely lost his job for soliciting nudes from fans, those fans being WotC ones and they absolutely cannot have someone with pedo accusations being a part of their team. A lot of underage kids go to conventions to see them play.
No. 902726
>"which she's absolved herself of"No, the hell she has not. Absolved would imply that she had proven her innocence, and if anything, she's just focused on the fact that mistress is misogynistic rather than on proving her innocence after the texts between her and Heidi came out.
>"she doesn't believe she or Jared were cheating on their spouses"She could believe that Santa Clause is real - It doesn't make it so.
No. 902730
>>902675I am glad Holly the cancer patient(s) scamming homewrecker/wrecker is out, still I wish were replacement was someone more attractive than her and not even less.
Though Penguin seems like a step up from Jared so that's good at least.
I can't help but think there was more qualified candidates out there for this, maybe Wizards doesn't have the budget
No. 902735
>>901951i think it's because they view him of was of their own. It's their friend or it's them if you will.
They see it as they themseleves have succeded ie get the "girl" and make a living playing games
That's why they take the attacks as personal or don't want to belive the horrible things he did
No. 902755
>>902730>more attractive than her and not even lessPretty sure there is no existing woman less attractive than Holly Conrad.
Only someone just as trashy as her inside&out could tolerate being with her, like Jared.
No. 902768
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Jared's been hunting for sponsors
No. 902772
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>>902768Potential pedophilic tendencies aside, he's dressed like a total serial killer.
No. 902776
>>902665Oh my, I missed the opening like 10 or so minutes so I'm catching the VOD.
Anna assumes people here are DCA fans, Chris asks "Are you?" and there's some piping up, but it really wasn't much compared to the cheers they continue to get throughout the panel.
"Honest and true" DCA fans are a minority compared to people just interested in a flagship D&D stream run by Perkins.
No. 902778
>>902776>DCA fans are a minority compared to people just interested in a flagship D&D stream run by Perkins.Not to get off-topic but that goes for almost any fandom really.
Like every Disney Star Wars film so far has had calls to boycott since TFA, yet they all do exceptionally well financially.
Yes the hardcores will go to twitter and other social media sites to vent their frustration, but the majority of [casual] audiences don't care.
No. 902786
>>902768Chipotle has enough of a problem trying to shake the bit from a couple years ago where they kept having Salmonella outbreaks or whatever. They don't need to take an alleged pedophile on too.
>>902772He's dressed like your stereotypical Seattle hipset. Maybe Holly really is rubbing off on him…
No. 902791
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It's nice seeing them being told to "Get over it already"
No. 902815
>>902814Or, fuck, go to Chaturbate or Streamate or something and pay someone for some anonymous one on one cam-fap.
But that's not enough of a power trip for ol' Jared.
No. 902819
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>>902774Holyshit, you're freakin spot on, anon.
No. 902824
>>902681Agreed. She's proven on Twitter to be a two-faced bitch and a PR nightmare. The fact that she's liking Tweets bitching about DCA's cancellation shows she's not going to move on any time soon.
She no doubt regrets freaking out all over Twitter, but the girl is a classic narc incapable of being a genuine person outside of doing things that only benefit her. The only thing she's learned is that she's got to do a better job of hiding her true colors.
No. 902834
>>902833The only one who said anything about Heidi being
abusive was Holly - who even told Heidi in texts that she made it up because she didn't like that Heidi yelled at her.
Even if she hadn't told Heidi she made it up, you can't really take the word of the mistress who is currently trying to fuck the woman's husband as gospel. She has everything to gain by making Heidi look as crazy and awful as possible.
No. 902972
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I have no idea what the fuck Arin is doing but Jesus, this fanbase is dumber than a box of fucking rocks.
No. 903000
>>902972I feel like the Game Grumps fanbase is just infatuated with Arin and Dan themselves, rather than the [boring] content they make.
Which baffles me since Arin is a douchebag, and we now know Dan is a pervert who bangs fans.
No. 903001
>>903000It's this weird thing nowadays when no matter how mediocre or horrible a person's content becomes, fans remain deluded that they make the greatest things ever.
Pewdiepie, Game Grumps, Nostalgia Critic….
No. 903128
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>>903097Pretty sure it’s just a joke considering that the amazon description says it’s a game grumps book. It’s probably just a marketing ploy or some shit
No. 903134
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Just got this anonymous message on tumblr and honestly, they have a point. Jared just wants to keep bringing Jared up in the hopes that WOTC caves, like a petulant toddler
No. 903161
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>>903134WoTC owns Diath Woodrow, but he's still Jared's baby.
This is very common in the entertainment industry where an actor is recast or character killed off, but they take a sense of pride and personal ownership of the character, likewise there is fans who see it as so.
I would compare it to Samuel L Jackson, who despite his character definitely being killed(?) on-screen, insists he is still alive. because because he thinks "I am Mace Windu". WKing for Jared, but I can see why he leaves it in his bio.
No. 903172
>>903161Jared himself has claimed the DCA performers get to keep all rights to their characters proper. sense. Nobody would want to create a character to get personally invested in only to hand complete ownership over to WOTC. Wizards probably needed to offer this up to even get participants for their streamed shows.
No. 903212
>>903203Gg fans are so dense, lmao
Arin is a marketing genius in having TWO deceiving marketing ploy in a row though, i guess "well if they have to be pissed at me, at least they'll be in the same timeframe and they will forget in 1 week"
No. 903218
>>903217I swear some anons are just as stupid as the GG fans who think the Uncle joke is real
Arin posted a video saying "my uncle keeps leaving voicemails about promoting his book" and it's him doing a joke voicemail as "uncle"
There's no milk, just another subpar GG product.
No. 903229
>>903225>Gamer funnymenNot even. Arin was actually pretty funny funny back in the day as an animator, not being afraid to use dark or edgy humor. And not a great lets play commentator, we were at least hearing the thoughts of someone we knew was a talented artist.
He was deserving of our time, now he hardly is.
I would compare him to Jared where he is not that entertaining on his own, but has good chemistry with the people he usually works with.
No. 903232
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I dislike how creators like Holly and Suzy retweet the people who buy their lame shit.
It kind of creates a false sense of connection between the consumer and seller. The seller being a famous content creator, which in their case I don't even think you can necessarily call them that but that's besides the point.
"They noticed me for 2 seconds out of their day!!!"
No. 903241
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>>903238repost of 903236 with some additional context added in case the photo is shared.
No. 903253
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Also I could have sworn there was some text floating around where Heidi says Jared has like multipersonality disorder or something like that, if it was on the imgur it must've been taken down.
No. 903257
>>903254It seems like every time he tried to dump her, she begged him to stay and he agreed, then just did whatever he wanted because he had already mentally and emotionally checked out. It wasn't until February that he actually managed to nut up and end it for real, instead of giving in to Heidi's histrionics.
The Twitchcon story doesn't add up though, for sure. Either she's remembering a different instance where Jared kissed her goodbye and went to fuck Holly or she made it up.
No. 903259
>>903257Or the February story. Didn't she also say to the therapist that he broke up with her when she tried to pressure him that he was abusing her with his lack of attention and interest and she was actually shocked because it wasn't the outcome she was looking for when she said that to him. And in the texts that she sent in August 2019, not the earlier ones, to the therapist she described all the different ways he was trying to break up with her before that but she wouldn't let it happen? Like with the couple's counceling?
It's like she said "We ain't over until I say we are over" and just wouldn't take any other thing for an answer for half a year. Wasn't discernment therapy also mentioned?
No. 903260
>>903257Yes. The only thing that could make Heidi want to leave was to do something that she wouldn't be able to forgive, which was cheating. Jared's trump card was to just let himself get caught.
He could have just been blunt "I am fucking Holly and don't care what you think", which would be him dumping her for another girl, which would upset her of course, but at least it's honesty.
But hiding it from her and letting her find out on her own accord, that Jared was cheating and hiding it from her, would make Heidi want nothing to do with him.
Probably not, it's not like Jared is some mastermind. This is the guy who attached his brand+name to several porn blogs and took word at face value to confirm ages. And even now shows his "style and grace" attitude by burning bridges with WoTC. So ehhhh
No. 903289
>>903283The truth leads to and changes nothing here, doesn't matter.
Though think he may have been more affectionate when Aries was sick because it was an issue that made them work together.
No. 903302
>>903296This. Like the Johnny Dep/Amber Heard situation, I am not sure exactly who was guilty in that situation but still both of them are doing fine with their careers.
Or Slazo/ImAllexx situation where Slazo proved himself innocent against damning accussations.
It was just an adult/adult situation, and Slazo was minor/minor.
Jared put himself into that position to have a adult/minor sexual interaction and is unfortunately facing the consequences.
No. 903308
>>903305No, she confronted him about the abuse in February and was shocked that he would decide to break up their
abusive relationship. But even knowing he was abusing her, she still didn't divorce or leave for the next 3 months. So following the logic, there was no abuse?
No. 903330
>>903281he was having an emotional affair with holly well before he decided to break up with heidi in october. who cares what heidi's story is; the evidence is out there from that both holly and jared unwittingly supplied that jared is a liar and a cheater.
why is this even being debated anymore? he sucks. no amount of nitpicking heidi's story is going to exonerate him.
No. 903335
>>903333she demanded that jared address his feelings because he was having an inappropriate relationship with holly already. how does that help him at all?
if your partner says they're uncomfortable with your relationship with someone else, you end that relationship. full stop. i get it anon, you're fine with crossing boundaries in your relationship and cheating as long as you can rationalize reasons to excuse it, but other people with a basic concept of morality know that there's no excuse for having an emotional affair with someone.
if he wanted to be with holly so much, why didn't he leave heidi back in february, when his emotional affair started? so it was fine for him to play both women at the same time and downplay his relationship with holly secret from heidi when he knew she was uncomfortable, but also not break up with heidi when he knew holly wanted to be exclusive? unbelievable anyone can defend this crap. is there any better way to announce to everyone that you think it's okay to use people for your own benefit than by defending jared's actions?
No. 903341
>>903337why else would you tell your partner to address their feelings with another person if there were no signs of unaddressed feelings between them???? this is basic common sense, anon
pretty sure they were already fawning over fanart of the two of them by this point, and no one with a brain actually takes holly's "i'm 30 and having a ~sexual awakening~ for the first time!!!!" bullshit seriously, especially when there is plenty of evidence from her own tweet's and ross's own comments that this is completely not true
No. 903349
>>903339lmao Heidi isn't even the reason why Jared got fired so I dont know why his sped fans insist on demonizing her about it. they didnt fire Jared for cheating/divorcing, they fired him because he was a walking lawsuit waiting to happen with his 7 porn blogs where he clearly advertised it was him, a known employee of WOTC, and interacting with minors/dnd fans.
regarding the timeline of their breakup we will never know what happened behind closed doors beyond cherrypicked texts. maybe jared was telling her he wanted to stay and was affectionate to her or maybe heidi made it all up. it's irrelevant either way, everyone in this scenario sucks.
No. 903364
Regardless of the cheating Jared publicly solicited nudes from fans and had sex with them at conventions where he was supposed to be working. Would you really want someone like that representing you?
No. 903370
>>903349>>903364It would have made WotC look bad if they let him stay. They rarely ever let
problematic people stick around, especially when pedo allegations are involved. Just the rumor could hurt their reputation, but Jared had also gotten nudes and sex from their fans so there was no way they'd be able to let him stay with or without the pedo stuff.
No. 903378
>"Heidi's histrionics"Jesus Christ, a wife saying "This isn't fucking cool, you need to quit fucking this other woman" isn't 'histrionics'
Holly threatening suicide over some clown emojis? THAT was histrionics.
>"just wouldn't take any other thing for an answer"You realize divorce doesn't require the consent of both parties right? Jared could have put his big boy pants on and filed MONTHS sooner than he did if he was that fucking miserable.
>>903274It's not his place to worry about how she was going to pay for it. If you are THAT miserable in your marriage, you get the fuck out and figure the details out later.
>"The "serving papers" is last thing to do, when you can't agree with the other person on the terms of the divorce"You are incredibly misguided. If a person wants a divorce, they go and file the paperwork to get the ball rolling and have their significant other served. It doesn't require previous sit down conversations.
>>903374I've thought the same thing before, Anon - just the similarity in wording and sperging was very "BUT BUT BUT HEIDI DID THIS SO YOU CAN'T BE MAD AT ME!"
No. 903382
I don't want to contribute to this nonsense, but Holly spends her time taking care of birds, not spending time online. And Projared didn't care about his wife like many others. Most people get married casually and don't do it because Love
>>903382Learn to sage
>Holly spends her time taking care of birds, not onlineTake a look at this idiot
No. 903388
>>903382Writing sage in your post doesn’t sage it pj2fag.
Jared and Hoelly are pathetic. There’s no reason Jared couldn’t have left. Heidi was “threatening” him? What was she threatening him with if he didn’t do anything wrong? Instead of leaving he continued an affair and was too dumb to not only keep sexts and nudes with his mistress, he kept an old phone where these were all stored in a place where Heidi could find them. He did this to himself. Cheating aside he abused his power to get insecure fans to send him nudes to get attention from their fave and some of those fans were minors whether they lied or not and that makes him scum.
No. 903403
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Repost of >>903398, I was going to add more but couldn't think of anything useful.
This is a pointless discussion but I'll give my input anyway.
1. Jared took along time to file for divorce out of laziness
2. Heidi didn't file because she didn't have the life experience.
Another reason why he didn't file as soon is probably because he figured if Heidi had more time to withdrawal from him emotionally/romantically then it would be more easier on her mentally.
-Which also is similar to thinking that's why he let himself get caught cheating, because it would make her feel "empowered" (but also vindictive) and want to leave on her own accord.
Another reason I think he let himself get caught cheating, is that even if he wanted to hold on to the nudes and sexts he could have simply just renamed Holly's contact name. But it begs more questions like, did he even have a password on his phone?
Speculation is all we have to fill in the unanswered questions, with answers that CHANGE NOTHING!
They divorced like 7 months ago, I am sure they are long moved on from each other at this point. We should too.
>Right, because nothing says "I give a fuck about my wife's mental state" quite like fucking another woman behind her back for months and then gaslighting her into thinking she's crazy by denying that anything is happening.
Yeah bad move on his part I agree. Jared has never really prided himself in being a smart man.
No. 903406
>1. Jared took along time to file for divorce out of laziness
Wishful thinking. Jared most likely didn't file for divorce sooner because he's not emotionally mature enough to understand how to handle the situation tactfully.
There were numerous steps he could have taken that would have resulted in far less suffering for both parties, but he didn't, not the least of which is simply just not getting married in the first place, but that goes without saying.
When Heidi made it clear she was not going to be okay with him having an emotional relationship with someone he was also sleeping with, he could have filed for divorce then and there, but he was too much of a coward to do so. He was also too much of a coward to end the relationship with Holly, and instead chose to lie to both of them in the vain hopes that something would eventually work out.
He could have been done with the divorce process way before he made his twitter post about separating, but instead he blocked his wife and then tried to speak for her in an attempt to protect his public image, while still being legally married and while still being in a sexual and emotional relationship with another woman. These are not the actions of someone who is "lazy" or who is genuinely concerned about someone else's well-being over their own. These are the actions of someone who is selfish and misguided and extremely emotionally immature.
Also, regardless of anything else, he's still a disgusting creep for running porn blogs ostensibly for "body positivity" but actually using it as a way to satisfy his sexual urges and occasionally hook up with fans and such for sex, especially with a community mostly comprised of under-aged individuals.
>2. Heidi didn't file because she didn't have the life experience.
Sure, maybe, but she also clearly actually wanted a happy marriage and wanted to keep living the dream of the "perfect" life, whatever that was to her at the time. Regardless of anything, Heidi made it very clear that she really wanted the marriage to work, and made every effort to do so short of complete polyamory, which she wasn't comfortable with and made clear wasn't okay with her.
No. 903416
>>903413Dude, they can't even understand the difference between being a sex worker (pro or amateur) and a semi-famous person using their fame to get fans to send them their nudes for free.
"Vivid Vidka was a guest on DCA and there's no difference between her adult sex work and Jared soliciting fans for nudes!"
No. 903423
>"he still was in possession of child pornography right?"That's what's cracking me up because they're defense is "Well, if you get in trouble for unknowingly having it, someone could hack our computers, put kiddie porn on there and we'd get in trouble!"
Like yeah - I'd fucking hope that if someone had child porn on their computer, they'd get busted for it. We could figure out the semantics in court or whatever - but I wouldn't want the cops to go "Oh shit, our bad - you didn't KNOWINGLY have the kiddie porn". Possessing it is fucked up - full stop.
>>903416Their big thing on that front is the whole "They were consenting adults!" argument. Like, sure they consented - but there is still a wild power imbalance between a nobody showing their tits to a grown ass man with a relative amount of e-fame attached to his name.
No. 903438
>>903423>>903413Reporting child pornography that was sent to you requires turning in your device (phone, computer, etc.) to keep from tampering/destroying the evidence for your case.
If Jared had reported it to the authorities, he would probably get some kind of punishment, considering his porn blogs were more-or-less about sharing nudes, cancelling out 'random' or 'unsolicited' nudes being sent to him.
No. 903444
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I love watching these crybullies get told-off
No. 903447
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It's nice seeing some people make sense
No. 903476
>>902118> Heidi herself clarified there was no physical affair before October.sauce? i recall when things came out that heidi mentioned having concrete proof of physical stuff dating back to october (because of the texts on jared's phone only went back to october and the rest were deleted) so heidi wasn't clear on when it started because of the lack of hard evidence that she's seen herself (which is not the same as it never happening at all before october).
>>902311>>902684i'm shocked to say i think holly might actually recover her career. i think she's the craziest of the three, and i expected her to set her own career on fire, but truthfully most of her crap has been contained to twitter and mostly involving random small accounts (with a few exceptions), not major companies or major influencers so it can easily be forgotten and she can quietly delete her tweets once she moves past this. Most of the articles on major sites only had jared's name in the title, and many sites were, understandably, focused on the pedo allegations. jared will have a much harder time scrubbing this form his search results and public image than holly, and i guess they both realized that considering how much more gracious holly was towards wizards verus jared. so much for beating cancel culture.
>>902716some people who were close friends with desmond and blasted boogie and others milking ekita's suicide for attention still follow holly. it just goes to show how easy it is for her shit on twitter to fly under the radar, it was flakey and cringey, but just not the kind of stuff to make headlines.
No. 903489
>"He would probably get some kind of punishment"As he fucking should. He still put himself in a position where there was an EXTREMELY high likelihood of receiving nudes of minors.
>"I expected her to set her own career on fire"She pretty much did when she threw her weight behind Jared. She could make a comeback, but not with that 100-lbs of useless curved dick weight attached to her.
>>903476Following doesn't really mean anything. Hell, Ross still follows her. A fuck ton still follow her just so that when she inevitably loses her shit and goes private again, they can still see her tweets.
No. 903546
>>903542Didn't Arin just sperg out on twitter awhile back, talking about how playing games was a chore?
My guy, you picked the wrong career field if that's how you feel…
No. 903580
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Arin and Suzy are the last line of defense of the OG married couples, don't let us down.
No. 903638
>”why propose it”Because she was desperate and trying to save her marriage. Also, she said she was open to it, realized Jared wasn’t willing to give her the things she needed to make it work (honesty and transparency), and then cut that shit off.
She stopped supporting it when she realized her husband had no plans on respecting her boundaries. That means he crossed the line into cheating, like a fucking moron.
No. 903674
>>903660Again, though, poly relationships can work - but when one side of things refuses to be open and honest with the other, it's doomed to fail.
Jared & Heidi's attempt failed because WormDick refused to quit seeing Hoelly, even though Heidi had pretty much told him he could've fucked any other woman on earth BUT her.
No. 903678
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What was that about letting shit go, PJ2 stans?
"Do better than our exes"
Heidi has moved on. You're stuck with Hoelly, Jared - I think we all know who's coming out on top of that one.
No. 903680
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"I've been a bit in the sads because my actions are finally starting to have ramifications - HOW DARE THEY!"
No. 903685
>>903683Or, genius, you could take two seconds and realize that the "what was that, pj2 stans?" was a sarcastic comment, not me saying that Ukulele_Punk was a PJ2 stan, though tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if they're also a stan since they clearly support Jared and Holly's bullshit.
But hey, that's just me throwing my weight around.
No. 903694
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>>903678Liking a tweet means nothing. And he could literraly be reffering to like anyone, Holly, assuming they broke up. UnoGirl, whoever he dated before Heidi if he did date anyone before. Or even Nulyu since he is technically Jared's ex as well.
Put with that topic, will Jared do better than Heidi? Maybe not sure. How will Heidi fare going forward?
She once tweeted this, so she probably won't use her learned skills in her career. Guess we will see.
Not taking sides I hope they can both do well doing what they are passionate about.
No. 903695
>"And he could literraly be reffering to like anyone"Right - because it's such a stretch to think that the guy who has spent the last seven months in the middle of scandal that popped off when his wife stopped biting her tongue would actually be talking about her specifically.
Some galaxy brain takes you got there, Anon.
>"Holly, assuming they broke up."She would have said something if that were the case. She has an inability when it comes to keeping her mouth shut.
>"UnoGirl,"As far as I can tell, UnoGirl was a quick fuck - not an ex.
>"so she probably won't use her learned skills in her career."People make sarcastic comments about their college degrees being useless all of the time - That doesn't mean anything. Hell, I know people with two college degrees working at mcdonalds - Maybe Heidi was just expressing frustration at the current job market.
No. 903735
>"Ukulele has a job and a life, and judging by his appearance, probably not an incel"Prior to May, we all generally thought the same about Jared, so…
Besides, he's still someone who openly supports Jared and Holly - maybe not to the degree that a stan would - but no one who is at all decent still supports either of those two.
No. 903747
>>903660Wasn't this cow Pro-Holly when this all happened in May?
>>903701The last milk was Jared's tantrum about being officially fired and to make themselves feel better, stans come here to bitch about Heidi. It's not going to get Jared rehired because his reaction towards the announcement put a nail in that coffin (throwing WotC under the bus) so all they can do now is graps at straws for comfort.
No. 903758
>"We're all just out here trying to do better than our exs."Jeez, Heidi
finally starts posting about her store & he
immediately thinks she's doing 'better' than him?
Guess he's
really trying to sell the idea that Heidi took SOOOOOO much money from him!
Just call up your new sugar-mama if you need a couple bucks, dude.
No. 903759
>>903660Yeah, I ain't watching that.
Someone else here wanna give a rundown?
No. 903780
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>Wasn't this cow Pro-Holly when this all happened in May?This probably isn't a pro-Heidi video anyway, he agrees with a guy who continues to berate Heidi.
His tweet of the video says
"I watched the 2-hour @AtelierHeidi live stream about @ProJared and @HollyConrad so you don't have to."
…No one asked, Chris.
No. 903793
>>903780He's a drama-chaser and armchair psychologist who faced backlash when the subjects of his videos clapped back at him, and he decided he was unfairly target by "cancel culture".
Little wonder, then, that he latched on to Holly and Jared's side so firmly.
No. 903873
>>903827>unlike Ross and Holly where Holly always seemed like she was just barely tolerating his presence.Was it always that way? Holly doesn't seem like the type to stay with a guy just because she feels sorry for them.
And I heard rumors that Holly suicide bated Ross? For what reason would that be if she did, if she didn't care for him then she probably wouldn't feel emotional enough to self-harm over him.
No. 903880
>"Holly doesn't seem like the type to stay….because she feels sorry"Nah, she's definitely the type to stick around for as long as the person has a use (Ross is more or less the only reason people knew who she was for awhile, plus he cosplayed Garrus who she was seriously into; Now, she's ditched him and moved on to Jared, who is her DCA love interest)
>"For what reason would that be if she did"Narcissists frequently lash out in whatever way they think will hurt the other person - If Ross genuinely cared for Holly, the thought of her killing herself would be enough to get him to cave and do whatever it was she wanted him to do.
>"if she didn't care for him then she probably wouldn't feel emotional enough to self-harm over him."She would self-harm if she thought it'd hurt him, though. It's Emotional/Mental Abuse 101
No. 903881
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Any more I should add to this?
No. 903885
>>903882I'd rather not put in Anna, for obvious reasons.
And was more referring to the people more in the gamer circle. Normal Boots, Grumps, Hidden Block. Maybe I'll throw in the people loosely connected to them like MatPat.
No. 904342
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No. 904448
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No. 904458
>>904448>>904455This video is about Jared but also his relationship with Heidi and Holly.
He explains how he was able to get a girl like Heidi and still have multiple women chasing after him.
In a nutshell: Fame and Status.
Personality sure, any guy can have a charming personality or "spit game" if they learn, but looks and confidence not mutually exclusive can only get you so far. Social status can also help a bunch too.
Which isn't a bad thing, it's not like Heidi is a "gold-digger" for going for a relatively succesful man.
No. 904464
>>904461Learn to sage.
And he was moderately popular.
She first was in the same place as him at SGC 2010 where he hosted the cosplay contest. And in another video with Jared he explains it from his perspective as well.
They made eye contact and became facebook friends, so Jared was at least aware of her existence.
And shortly after SGC-2010 is when he started his YouTube channel, though he was also doing Hard News on ScrewAttack as well.
So not super famous but not a complete nobody either.
No. 904545
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>>904540>>903838Didn't Heidi keep the Diath costume?
If so I wonder what she'll do with it. Ideally she shouldn't keep it, not only because it belonged to Jared but its also the same costume he wore when he had his affair with Holly and contributed to her divorce.
Burn it on livestream? Roast marshmallows on it? It would be emotionally satisfying but also hard to see a piece of art she takes pride in be reduced to ash.
Sell it to Jared? She said in the texts from April she is only willing to talk to Jared if it's business related, so she may not be above selling it back to him. She's gonna charge a fee for sure.
Unless Jared kept it, but we don't know. Pic semirelated
No. 904552
>>904545His shoulders are so fucking narrow and his head is so massive.
Holly probably forbids him from wearing the Diath costume Heidi made now. Not that he has a use for it outside of their weird sex rp anymore.
No. 904623
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>>904603Either that or have her new guy wear it, have sex with him on tape, and send it to Jared.
He may or not may not be jealous of Heidi having a new dude but will definitely not be very happy that someone besides him is wearing it. Pic semirelated
No. 904690
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>>904545>>904552God he looks so bad here. Like, I know that she's wearing heels here but he's so disproportionate and weasely that he makes her look giant even though she's obviously not.
This sent me down a weird rabbit hole. Jared said he's 6 ft, but that doesn't make sense. Reggie and Jon's heights look correct, Anna throws me a bit. For more confusion, Ross and Jared appear to be the same height in videos. Google says Ross is 5'9", Ross on twitter says he's 5'11". Holly on twitter says she's 5'6", but also said she and Ross are basically the same height. Heidi says on twitter that she's 5'7", for context. I know this is all nitpicking/speculation but is the answer just…men are insecure and lie about their height?
No. 904703
>>904690Men are wildly insecure about their height. They'll lie and fudge it to as close to 6ft as possible. When it's very obvious when someone isn't 6ft
I'd wager Jared and Ross are 5'8" or around there, since that's averagey. Jared just looks taller because he's a glove pulled over a bird skeleton
No. 904825
File: 1576172345821.png (77.09 KB, 653x688, height.png)

>>904773Sorry anon but…..none of that tracks really based on what I've seen, and I've scoured the internet for pics. At 5'4", for your head to be barely breaching shoulder height, Ross would have to be well over 6', closer to 6'5" and he's for sure not that.
Also, Jared claiming he's 6' and Ross claiming he's 5'11" would be a 1 inch difference, and yet I cannot tell who's taller between the two of them in videos/photos. However, Jared's claimed height and Reggie would also be a 1 in difference, and that height difference is obvious and significant.
>>904690>>904703>Jared just looks taller because he's a glove pulled over a bird skeletonA+++ anon. And you're right, I do think that has something to do with it, because truly his proportions are just so odd and make no sense.
No. 904826
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>>904773Heidi in a Q&A once said she is 5"7
Jared is probably like 5"10. Taller than 5"7 but under 6".
No. 904827
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>>904773>Holly is shorter and WAY shorter than ross.I mean, this is just not true clearly from pictures of them together. They seem a couple of inches difference at most. In my scouring I will also say this: Anna and Holly are hard to use as context, because I cannot find a single picture of Holly in a group setting where she's not hunched over or just posing in a weird way, and Anna (being tall-ish) is often sorority squatting in group pics. I don't doubt Holly is 5'6" standing up straight, I just think she never stands up straight.
If Barry is 5'9" and Ross is 5'11", their height difference should be almost the same as Arin at 6'2" and Ross at 5'11". But it's clearly not. Men saying their height is
About X'X" or
X'X"-ish means they're rounding up, so I'd put Barry at rounding up from 5'8" and Ross closer to 5'9". (To his credit in the Reddit thread where Barry gives his height, Ross says he's 5'10". It's just on Twitter later he says 5'11". C'mon bud). I'm not trying to pick on Ross at all, I swear, he and Jared just appear to be the same-ish height and it's easier to find clear pictures of Ross than it is Jared.
No. 904829
File: 1576172543806.png (340.89 KB, 589x1824, sauce.png)

>>904773>Heidi is about 5’8” or 9”.I don't believe this either. In the tweet where she said she was 5'7", the context was she was saying how she had no problem being taller than guys and enjoyed it. If she was really 5'9", it would make no sense for her to downplay herself/lie in that context. I think if you go by the notion that Jared is 6', see he's a few inches taller than Heidi, you could assume then Heidi must be 5'9". But if you go by the notion that Heidi is 5'7", see Jared a few inches taller, Jared being 5'9" makes sense. I believe Heidi's word over Jared's in this case.
>Conclusion: Jared is probably closer to 5'9" than 6'0", like he claims. I think Ross and Jared are both exaggerating (because men), but Jared is probably exaggerating by like, 3" which is not insignificant. Also I wouldn't go through all this trouble if I didn't know for sure Jared's delicate man ego would be bruised by not being 6 ft.
Anyways, here's sauce on everything.
No. 904959
>>904825Probably should have clarified what I meant by bracing shoulder height. I’m probably about eye level with his shoulders.
>>904826>>904829She’s much taller than me, so unless my doctor lied to me last week, she’s taller than she thinks, she wants to be shorter (many tall girls do) or she wears shoes with hidden heels. But even then, she‘s shorter than Jared by at least an inch or two.
>>904827Ross also took a pic with a 5’8” friend of mine (who wishes she was shorter, so she’s not rounding up) and he was at least two inches taller.
No. 905018
>>904979I mean y’all don’t have to believe me, but I’m sure as hell not posting pics that are on my social media (censored or not) on lolcow.
I’m just weighing in here, as I’ve seen them in person quite a few times. But I’ve got no horse in this race; I’d love for Jared to be a manlet on top of everything else, but I just remember him being a long, lanky cretin.
No. 905046
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>>905041>his near-feminine slendernessYeah, and that seems to be something Heidi fancies in her men.
Though I think it's also in addition to what was said here
>>904458 since Jared's social status is how Heidi discovered him, but she was likely also attracted to him (somehow) and his on-stage confidence.
No. 905052
>>905045Child's Play is owned by Penny Arcade, isn't it?
In that case, creeped out but not surprised. Jerry Holkins likes her, and charities aside PA is pretty garbage. I fully expect the wangrods who treated Scott Kurtz like shit to be a-okay with a person like Holly.
No. 905076
File: 1576220001623.jpeg (112.56 KB, 614x674, 5F211162-523B-4403-80DC-56A9EA…)

Huh Jared’s there too. I wonder if he and Holly went together and are all over each other like at the art show.
No. 905079
File: 1576221575542.png (1.54 MB, 1420x2048, Screenshot_20191213-021633.png)

>>905076Yeah they definitely went together. Like another anon said, it isn't surprising the PA guys are supporting garbage people.
No. 905090
>>905079kek CP charity. that's such a great coincidence. of course he'd show up to a CP charity.
(i know what the charity actually is it's just funny because he's a known pedo)
No. 905100
>>905079You just know some sad thirsty autistic fan messaged him after he posted that pic with "you look soooo good in that suit" and he replied with "are you in seattle?"
gg holly
No. 905173
>>905154>>905100If Holly gets cheated on and abused it's karma really.
And while nobody is totally blameless in the holy trinity, only one of them scammed a cancer patient so…
No. 905199
>>905045>>905052>>905079Not trying to defending PA, but you just buy a ticket to get in, it's not an invite only thing. Any nerd can pay to get a seat. It's not something they would ban them from any sooner than they would ban them from PAX (not saying PAX doesn't ban people, just that they're probably not going to ban Holly and Jared in this specific case).
I'd be interested in a PA/garbage webcomics people thread if one starts up though.
No. 905220
File: 1576262293538.jpg (477.75 KB, 1080x1702, Screenshot_20191212-201104_Twi…)

Far from relevant but still classic
No. 905229
File: 1576264371110.png (226.82 KB, 617x694, 20191213_135722.png)

What is wrong with these people? I get being a fan but this level is outright scary.
No. 905356
>>905220>you ruined Jared's life by sleeping with a bunch of dudes reeeee"I haven't had sex in a year"
"its ok Heidi ignore the haters"
>BRO SHES NOT GOING TO SLEEP WITH YOUprojared stans are amazing
No. 905383
>>905076>>905079"They went together"
…Yet there are no photos of them together?
No. 905385
>>905079>>905076…Also gotta love how they're 'hurting for money' & all Jared wants to do is "Do better than our exes", yet they're both attending a
Charity Auction?
No. 905389
File: 1576283976972.png (331.96 KB, 528x746, heyheidi.png)

"Ugh! Why does Heidi keep bringing it up?!?"
No. 905427
File: 1576292074027.jpg (74 KB, 2272x1080, sketch-1576292070325.jpg)

>>905356>"its ok Heidi ignore the haters"Because those types, not saying that user specifically but ones who try to "Protect women!" are secretly mysoginist and just act that way because they fully expect sex in return.
>>905389I think, or hope that she has the word Jared and ProJared muted. But you know Heidi loves a good tweef so she wouldn't do that.
pic related:
like in this interaction here you can tell by Heidi's response she is actually laughing at this person for being an obvious "nice guy"
No. 905475
>"Why do their fans think Holly and jared are enemies?"So that they can continue to paint Heidi as some evil, villainous whore who kept the two soulmates apart by asking her husband to NOT fuck her married friend.
>"Will sperg as soon as she finds out"Bingo. She'll pretend to the public eye that it's okay while posting vague "How do I help someone I love so dearly from being manipulated by his underage fans? Clearly, it's their fault, not my grown ass boyfriend"
>>905220Those are the same dudes crawling up Hoelly's vag, hoping to dive into that well of crazy, so it's ironic that they're calling all of Heidi's supporters "dudebros" who just want to bang her.
>>905229The kicker is that Geraldo is a whole ass grown adult, a married one at that IIRC. The fact that her happiness is solely based off of her pedo adoring PedoDick? Yikes to infinity and beyond.
>>905377They don't seem to realize that Hoelly and PedoWorm will throw them under the bus at first chance, if it helps them look better.
>>905389At least they're not spamming the bullshit truth blog as much anymore. It's a change of pace.
No. 905493
>>905475>>905229They're orbiters.
They want to be a character in the story when in actuality they always just be in the audience.
No. 905601
>>905588I really love how most of this thread is just about how
toxic Holly and Jared are but then theres always gotta be one anon trying to steer the direction towards Heidi hate.
No one gives a fuck if you dont like Heidi. The only reason why we even give a shit about Holly and Jared is because one is a
toxic milky nutcase and the other is a predator in training. Heidi has zero milk the nitpicking is almost laughable at this point.
Is it just the same three anons coming back here over and over again to claim how "everyone's at fault here…. but Heidi's the worst!" No ones here for your vendetta sperging.
No. 905607
>>905588Neither do I? She's an ordinary citizen now (so are Jared & Holly but, less ordinary than she is with their line of work) and probably doesn't have the excess funds.
>>905601>Is it just the same three anons coming back here over and over again to claim how "everyone's at fault here…. but Heidi's the worst!"Holly is the worst IMO.
Jared and Heidi aren't free of blame, but it was an unhappy relationship and it's best for both them it's over now.
Jared at least shut the blogs/sc when a minor got in, it was just really dumb to put himself in that position, not ill-intended just dumb.
Holly is the only one who scammed a cancer patient out of thousands, she should be behind bars.
No. 905619
>>905607It's not "dumb"
The blog was called "sinjared" and he met the age demographic that were his fanbase multiple times at cons. He knew how young they could be and still solicited nudes from his fanbase when he could have been like any other dude and watched porn/buy nudes. What's the reason he specifically needed them from his audience?
It's not dumb, its fucking predatory.
I find it hilarious how you seem to think Holly is this vile person and "Heidi also was to blame" but give Jared a free pass because "uwu he shut down the blogs so its okay!!" Kek
No. 905622
>>905617Not to get off-topic but they lived in Los Angeles.
Which umm, has nice parts but alot of unfriendly areas as well.
But Washington was practical for Jared to move to, it's where most of his Normal Boots & Hidden Block colleagues live, as well as where the headquarters for WoTC is located.
No. 905660
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>>905204No, they asked her to either cover up or stay inside the school bus photo set so people outside the booth wouldn't see her. There was some more drama after that, but they never considered banning Nigri (even if they did want to punish someone, she was working for a booth so the company that hired her that would at fault).
>>905206I'm not arguing against that, I'm just saying that they probably don't thoroughly research each and every attendee and plus one. That's not how most events are run.
>>905588This is such a bad read of what she said that I'm just going to post the original tweet so people can see for themselves. Pj2 stans are really stinking up this thread.
No. 905708
File: 1576364072412.png (113.33 KB, 772x372, HeidiFacebookCharity.png)

>>905599>>905601>>905607>>905633>>905660The thing I am talking about took some digging, since it's been 5 months since the stuff was posted online. Not sure who dug it up or leaked it, it's obviously from her facebook, although she says she is "writing it publicly" so maybe at the time when it was taken it wasn't "just a private account of 500+ friends and colleagues and industry professionals". Maybe it was KW, maybe those twitter WKs, because it finally ended on PJ2 reddit where I saw it. Here it is, the queen of "doing charity work would be only for my ego" as if the people she would be helping don't count at all.
No. 905717
>"the queen of "doing charity work would be only for my ego" as if the people she would be helping don't count at all."A person has to help themselves before they can help anyone else - If Heidi's mental health was in the shitter at the time and she had a mentality of "This wouldn't be helping you guys, it would just be me stroking my own ego", it's better that she didn't help. Those in need are in need of help, not judgement, and she was smart enough to realize that her true feelings would show through at the time and help no one.
Also, spare me the "SHE HATES CHARITY!" line of thought, PJ2 stan. Holly offered to donate funds from the 'cancelled' t-shirt to a charity (I think the Trevor Project but I could be wrong) when she got called out on her bullshit, and immediately walked that offer back and deleted all evidence once the public fury died down. She used the talk of "Helping others!" to help her own public image, and then never followed through.
I'd rather support the person who knows their own limits, than the two-faced piece of trash who only even talks about helping others when it will help her own public image.
No. 905726
>>905717This was a post from way before the drama, wk. No need to get pissed about putting her on podium, it's your own fault.
She literally says she judges up the poor or needy and that's why she won't do stuff to help them. Not sure why you go for "whatabout"-ism here, but sure. Go ahead. Holly being a trash (witchLOL) doesn't make Heidi non-trash, you realize that?
No. 905753
>>905708"If they walked into my workplace"
How old is this? Talking about feeling bitter toward the human race because of working retail??
No. 905754
>>905717No, it was a charity for
victims of child sexual abuse, Holly said "I'll do it but only if it's a charity about adult abuse because that applies to me too", then deleted everything like an hour later.
No. 905758
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>>905717>>905754Found the screenshots thanks to PULL. It was about child bullying, but she went "how about adult bullying too because uwu clown emojis at me" and then deleted it all less than a day later.
No. 905770
>>905708Yeaaah, heidi is definitely flakey for being angsty and talking about being "too bitter" to feel sincere doing charity work and feeling rotten inside on her fb instead of whining to her therapist about it, but holly is way worse for being a narc who leverages a charitable self image to purely feed her own supply while harming people and styling her self as a mental health guru who charged for advice on patreon.
Also old, stale ass posts from someone's private fb don't count as milk unless someone is being a cow right now. Sorry anon, but heidi not doing charity work doesn't make her a bad person, and jared and holly buying a $125 dinner doesn't erase their bad behavior.
Imagine if holly wrote this post. All her stans would focus on the part where she calls herself rotten and talks about not knowing how to fix the problem, and would flood her with compliments over her doing nothing but moping around. They'd celebrate her honesty and bravery to recognizing her mental health issues and blabber on about how her she's doing gods work just by inspiring them with her shit art and god awful mental health monday streams.
No. 905773
>>905770Like I said way back, Heidi comes off as more of a
realist while Jared & Holly seem more like
No. 905777
File: 1576374230790.jpg (508.16 KB, 1092x1555, tumblr_c54f5f34d6f0610e2796108…)

A DCA fan speaks out on why Jared shouldn't be allowed back
No. 905779
File: 1576374567204.png (18.48 KB, 448x256, lmao-tumblr.png)

Also laughed at this.
No. 905978
>>905906Arin seems kind of lazy/idle and unlikely to leave Suzy if he's comfortable, but I always felt they would be the first of that group to divorce.
Looking back over the past six months is wild.
No. 906059
>>898213>>898245>>899954>>899955>>899958>>901802>>901960>>901809>>905779>>901805Are these just all self-posts from your own tumblr or something? Like, they're clearly all the same poster because you've named them all like "tumblr1 - tumblr9" and cut your actual username out. I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying in these, but it's just weird to post what are clearly your own replies with
>This person couldn't be more right.>THIS>Tumblr pretty lit right now>Someone on Tumblr already took a guess>>901428>>901369Same with these
>The replies are staring to get spicy!>Shots firedThey're clearly your own replies because you've only blocked out your own info
>>901364>>901368And these. Again, not disagreeing with the sentiment, but it's just cringey.
No. 906082
>>905978They both seem kind of lazy so I guess it's perfect that they have a steady income without having to work too hard.
I'm sure if Arin's success wasn't a thing it'd be completely different for them.
No. 906251
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Lol I am nuetral on the marriage+cheating drama thing. I don't think Jared or Heidi are blameless but don't think that they need to have it held against them indefinitely.
Think, have you ever cheated?
Do you have friends or family members who have cheated?
It's nothing to be proud of but shit happens.
No. 906259
>>906251I love when projared dick suckers love to claim objectivity just because they see issues on "all sides!!" but then proceed to defend Jared for cheating/soliciting his fans nudes. At this point I feel like anyone saying "all sides are to blame!!" Is just trying to get their foot in the door to start shitting on Heidi for random unmilky nonsense.
Yeah we all know cheaters and guess what? They're universally shitty people. You're not talking about someone in a teenage relationship you're talking about a dude who was married for years and put their spouse through emotional trauma to get their dick wet. Most of the world can see the type of person that would do that kind of thing isn't a stand up dude. Not everyone cheats and if you think that you're as smooth brained as Jared kek.
And since jared stans love to claim that Heidi "did wrong too uwu" - what did she do? What specifically did she do to Jared or Holly that any normal woman wouldn't do after seeing her ex husband who cheated on her try and get asspats from his teenage fans while his mistress gaslights her, calls her an abuser publically and has the nerve to COMMENT ON THE BREAKUP POST.
No. 906314
>"I don't think Jared or HEidi are blameless"You care to share how Heidi is blameless for her husband's lack of ability to keep it in his fucking pants? She didn't care if he slept with another woman as long as it wasn't Holly - and that is the ONE person he went and fucked.
But yeah, I can see how that's Heidi's fault….?
>"Think, have you ever cheated?"No. That's not as common as you think.
>"Do you have friends or family who have cheated?"Yeah, and their asses don't get coddled and reassured that they did nothing wrong. They fuck up and they are made aware of how fucked that is.
>"Are you using degenerate unironically? lol"Dude solicited nudes from fans, some of whom were minors. I'd say he falls under the 'degenerate' category.
No. 906331
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>>906314>You care to share how Heidi is blameless Heidi even said she isn't blameless.
And personally I am oldschool and not a fan of polyamory, don't understand it and don't care to. I'm monogamous and monotone.
Heidi was still dicks from other dudes while married, with Jared's permission no less but still.
Jared was out there banging relatively young (but of age) impressionable fans, whilst married, plus fucking with another married woman. Without Heidi's permission, there is that.
No. 906349
>"Heidi even said she isn't blameless"She meant she played a roll in their marriage not being 100% successful, not as in "It's my fault my dickless wonder of a husband fucked the well of crazy that is Hoelly Cumrag".
>"I'm not a fan of poly, don't understand it"Good thing that literally no other person on the planet needs your permission to live their lives how they see fit.
>"Heidi was still dicks from other dudes while married"She was in ONE other relationship - a LDR Jared approved of. Jared fucked NUMEROUS other women, including the one that Heidi specifically asked him not to.
No. 906361
>"Didn't unogirl confirm…"Right, because the person accused of fucking a married man would have no reason to lie to cover her fuckbuddy's ass - especially when, initially, unogirl was firmly AGAINST jared?
>" i always found really coincidental how both the pedo alligations and the pedobomb went off at more or less the same time"Because there's no conspiracy theory to build. When one thing is revealed about a person, people start digging and feeling more comfortable coming out with their own experiences (Ex: one person says "I was abused", it helps another feel comfortable saying "I'm not alone - he did it to me too")
No. 906372
>>906361>>906351I don't think UnoGirl matters, about as relevant as Geraldo, BorkScorp, etc.
If she mattered Heidi would have mentioned her on the stream.
No. 906389
>>906372Exactly. She went on about how Jared abused his power to fuck her and then ghosted her
But the second he reached out (after the drama happened) he's a good guy and "well actually Heidi is bad"
Unogirl is a stupid girl who got ghosted and then breadcrumbed by Earthworm Jared
No. 906428
>"around the same time…"Because once Heidi spoke out about his cheating/abuse, people were like "Good thing I never liked that Jared-guy, he was always a bit of a creep…" & then they'd add their account of him being a creep to the pile.
It was like a chain-reaction.
No. 906459
>>906391Did any of these partners move from several states away to be with her and then say (essentially) "Fuck my husband AND yours - I want to be with you and only you"?
Then it's still not even close to being on the same playing field as the shit that Hoelly and PedoWorm did with each other.
No. 906533
>>906335“fakeboi” dude is there any reason to casually disrespect a
victim in this situation?
No. 906582
>"I always found it odd….hit at about the same time"Maybe because when Heidi came forward and said "Hey, shit with PedoWorm is not as appears", Chai & Charlie felt comfortable in coming forward.
It's almost as if two things can be occurring simultaneously.
No. 906642
>>906582Like I said, it was more like a chain-reaction.
It happens every time someone exposes someone for something.
Heidi speaking out may have
lead people to start talking about how Jared's a creep, but it was not her intention.
If you look at her texts from after May 9th, she says something like "A lot of people are telling me about him potentially being inappropriate with minors"
She had also
just found out about his 'secret' Snapchat & all that.
She wanted to know what
else he was hiding from her while telling everyone she was 'okay' with it.
She probably was also scared of the possibility of being charged as an accomplice or whatever.
I find pretty hilarious considering the WKs keep trying to pin that on her by saying "Heidi KNEW & was OKAY with it!" because that would mean that Jared actually did something
wrong, wouldn't it?
No. 906644
>>906628I'm almost certain he tried the same thing with Chai (his 'apology' text - which was pretty personal with the "How are you?" & "I haven't been mentally well for a
long time")
I mean the whole thing sounds more like Holly wrote it. But I digress, it goes right along with Holly railing on about how "You absolutely MUST completely forgive someone & work to clear
their name once they apologize to you!"
No. 906731
>"his 'apology' text - which was pretty personal with the "How are you?" & "I haven't been mentally well for a long time")"Yeah, that whole thing came off as extremely manipulative and an attempt to shift the blame away from himself
"I haven't been well" as if being depressed or whatever is an excuse to convince your fanbase to send nudes.
No. 906799
File: 1576621637707.png (32.53 KB, 625x191, allegations.png)

>>906576>>906351>but i always found really coincidental how both the pedo alligations and the pedobomb went off at more or less the same time. Weird how no one built a conspiracy theory around that>I always found odd that that particular shitstorm hit at about the same time as Heidi'sI feel like this is so idiotic I'm struggling to understand what you're even trying to say here. Are you really saying
>i always found it really coincidental how both people came forward accusing him of being a pedophile and proof that he was a pedophile came out at more of less the same time. Weird how no one built a conspiracy theory around that>I always found it odd that people coming out with proof that Jared was a terrible person hit at about the same time as Heidi publicly outing her husband as being a terrible personbecause….???? are you that fucking stupid? This is like saying "Pretty suspicious how once that man was on trial for murder people just happened to come forward with proof that he tried to stab them."
>alligationsNot only is this misspelled, but it's the incorrect word to use. We have proof, we've seen proof.
No. 906847
>>906841"No evidence of him being a pedophile"
Nah, just a skeezy grown ass adult who admitted to jacking it to nudes of minors. (before anyone asks, I was told he admitted this in one of his first twitch streams back)
No. 906882
>>906847I don't think he's a pedophile, but I'm 100% sure he would jerk off to underaged nudes as long as he was told they were "totes 18"
He's a gross sex-addict who will wank it to whatever is placed in front of him and fuck it if given the opportunity. If Chai or Charlie ever went to a con with him there, he would have fucked them without asking for ID
No. 907131
File: 1576697314561.png (305.19 KB, 387x296, cowjuice13.png)

>Dan: I'm going to give $100 a week to a charity because I don't need any more material things, man.
>Also Dan: Blows $2k plus on courtside basketball tickets for his manager, Bent "wanna see my cock little girl? It'll getcha backstage!" Lilley.
Also could Ash look less like she wants to be there?
No. 907244
>>907131I'm still not over Dan flaunting his gf at every oppurtunity like "im totally not a literal sex addict and pump and dump king who fucks fans at conventions. I'm totally comitted to this cutesy relationship now".
Like this is so funny to me. He definitely still fucks girls on the side and his gf probably knows. He literally said it himself on several occassions that he can't commmit to one person. Ofc his autistic stans are eating it all up.
No. 907267
>>907213I have multiple friends who were Snapchat friends with him. He used to send dick pics around and if a girl was young/pretty enough and dumb enough to send him pics of her naked, he'd trade that for stuff like backstage passes to Grumps Live shows. He actually gave Dan's phone number to several of them and used it as bait to manipulate shit out of them, and would get really paranoid if he thought they were texting him.
>>907244If he's fucking around on Ash (and I've heard rumors too) then my respect for her is even lower than it was. She has to have no self-respect or she's blatantly using him for his money/house. But yeah, every time he says he "won the girlfriend lottery" and is "so excited for the future" I think of my friend, who he fucked during the last UK tour.
No. 907343
>>907319Despite how spending all of your time on twitter would suggest, people at large arent as welcoming to an """"alternate lifestyle"""" such as polyamory. Especially regressive troglodite gamer gate gg fans. My guess is that's ash is a beard of sort, just that instead of posing as the doting girlfriend of a man oppressed for his homosexuality, she's vouching for a sex obsessed fiend who abuses his influence to get easy lays.
Being an artist in LA also probably means you pass as incredibly lame if you're "just" straight and monogamous, wouldnt be surprised if she ends up coming out as graysexual monoromantic trigender or shit like that lol
No. 907440
>>901713So I'm gonna say either the Ellen character in the play isn't based off Holly, or the uwu trash witch is trying to take advantage of the scandal, so she's willing to overlook Kati daring to cast her in a poor light.
I'm guessing Holly is trying to be ahead of the curve and position herself with Kati in the hopes of the scandal around Dan further blowing up.
Just tinfoiling. It doesn't seem out of character for her, she always has to be the
victim. I don't think it's too out there that she'd try to use someone else's story to find a new way to paint herself as a
No. 907525
File: 1576770985846.jpg (144.55 KB, 750x1334, brentevidence.jpg)

>>907417>>907356They didn't take pictures of the Snapchats because Snapchat notifies users when you screenshot a message.
But please enjoy this public example from Brent's Twitter.
No. 907544
File: 1576775817676.png (2.21 MB, 1188x1195, Screen Shot 2019-12-19 at 10.1…)

>>907507She really seems like a normie to me tbh. She looks like a 'head empty no thoughts' kind of gal and really doesn't seem to be interested in anything around her. She doesn't seem very artistic or creative, like the rare times she posts some work it's average looking Disney fanart or portraits of the most well known shit. I'm pretty sure her 'animator' job has to do more with rigging and movement of the models, which while that does take a lot of skill she doesn't really have anything to do with actually being creative. She's a blank slate Danny can walk over and manipulate.
No. 907550
>>907544Ash fell down the slope from animating for Dreamworks to animating for Netflix to working for a company that does local commercials. She either has no real ambition to succeed in the field or has an attitude that's keeping her from getting anywhere.
Her art's always come off as really mid-tier to me, and you can tell how heavily she uses references.
No. 907551
>>907544I'm not an art fag but….aren't those eyes pretty wonky? They make me feel uneasy
Otherwise I have no opinions of the girl, I don't expect it to last very long though. The thrill of having a young girlfriend will wear off for Danny just as the novelty of dating the popular gamer dude will for her
No. 907552
>>907544Ash went to Ringling College, you'd think she'd have more accomplishments or talent to show for it at 25.
Then again Dan has a hard-on for her being her "own person" but also doesn't really care about anything she's accomplished. Bet you he'd be jealous if she was working for Disney.
No. 907573
>>907550I wouldnt say they are wonky, as another anon said, they're mostly just heavily referenced: it's a matter of technique over creativity, which is not a lack of talent imo.
>>907525Ah gotcha, i could never understand Snapchat. Pity no one took a photo of the dick pics, i would love to see the fallout of that shitstorm
No. 907579
File: 1576781029766.jpeg (165.99 KB, 640x720, 41CBEB44-AA73-4484-87A3-F3D073…)

Did anyone get screenshots of Holly tone deaf as fuck post. She almost instantly deleted it and replaced it.
No. 907587
>>907579Wow she really tried to turn this around to "remember when I was bullied? Don't do that to JK guys!!"
Guess she's learning since she deleted it
No. 907590
>>907484Hi I'm the same anon
It's not about anime, it's just most people marry high school sweethearts or family friends. It's a fact
I just think no one has a good reason to marry or date unless they feel lonely, its beyond lolcow culture
(derailing) No. 907614
File: 1576787384574.png (42.56 KB, 578x412, HollysNewFanbase.png)

>>907579Oof, looks like Holly's new fanbase has a bit to say…
No. 907636
>>907614Inb4 Holly troons out or becomes an uwu enby to gain even more
victim points
No. 907643
File: 1576791758341.png (56.26 KB, 588x484, virtuesignaling.png)

>>907579Wasn't "virtue signaling" a buzzword that Jared used in his "YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO" video?
No. 907649
File: 1576792881227.png (105.7 KB, 633x500, hollyareyouserious.thumb.PNG.7…)

>>907579Even her apology is tone deaf as fuck.
Just "sorry you were offended."
No. 907704
>>907636>Inb4 Holly troons out or becomes an uwu enbyNah, troons out no way, nb maaaaybe. She's literally your run of the mill cishet white bread, If she "troons out" it'll be in the same way she's "lqbtq+"….she'll continue acting/looking/dressing like a standard cishet white girl in no actual danger of persecution in any way (for those things), and she'll somehow twist that into a way for her to feel oppressed. It'll be "i'm not like other girls ://// she wears short skirts wear t-shirts = non-binary???" The same way she thinks dating two identical white guys means she's queer and opressed because she calls it "demisexual panromantic uwu"
>>907579I'm a little confused by this, is there context to this I'm missing? This seems like the most boring, vanilla, mildest thing you could say about current gender politics (the first half at least). Is it that her incel wks are mad because it's "too liberal" and her and her "uwu yas witch kween" fans are mad she's trying to pull "guise ALL lives matter" bullshit?
No. 907722
>>907717calling out people who parade their opinions as factual when they're wrong and uninformed makes someone a "bitter artist who's lacking in success." ok.
why is her artistic ability even being talked about when it's not relevant to literally fucking anything then? so dan is dating an average, unaccomplished artist, clap. we definitely need several posts whining about it from people who don't know anything about art.
No. 907727
>>907614Considering this is the same fanbase that regularly refers to Chai/Charlie by the wrong pronouns or as "fake boi", I'm not surprised.
>"Thank you for teaching me"Bitch, it's common goddamned sense.
>"I can show my support without fear of misunderstand"How about you don't? On behalf of the rest of the LGBT+ community, we don't want your two-faced support, Hoelly.
No. 907728
>>907722From my perspective, it has very little to do with attacking her art style "just because." It's more that the work she shows off in her portfolio and on social media lends itself to the argument that she has very little going on to her own personal identity.
While I understand where you're coming from when you say that artists do fan art to make money and "not starve," most artists don't limit themselves to that kind of work because their passions usually strive for more. Use of photo references doesn't make her a bad artist on its own, but when the art becomes nothing but a one-to-one representation of the reference, you aren't looking at the work of an artist who has fully discovered their style and learned to own it. It lacks confidence and naturalness.
Once again, it's a suggestion of her greenness in more than one sense. That's not an attack on her, or even so much of a criticism - not on her, anyway. She's young. She hasn't completely figured out who she is. It makes her an easy target for the kind of man who might be looking to groom her into something specific for his own needs/desires, which is the majority of what this thread has discussed regarding the relationship between her and Dan.
No. 907745
File: 1576814258621.jpg (404.43 KB, 1080x1112, 1576814134976.jpg)

From the charity event a few days ago
No. 907752
>>907745Is that Hoelly? She fucking looks like she aged 20 years and Jared just realized it.
This picture doesn't do any of them favors.
No. 907767
>>907708No one's bitter on rantgrumps or here, we're just in it for the point and laugh. And Dan dating a fan half his age who has replaced "having a personality" with "likes Disney shit" is fucking funny.
Also Ash is a professional animation artist whose work is in Hotel Transylvania 3 and wants to work for Disney. If she wants to be a high level pro people have the right to critique her work. If she didn't want the relationship to be public, they could've kept it private.
>>907728Just what I wanted to say.
>>907745Wow I get that they're joking but they both look like hot dogshit.
No. 907770
>>907745I don't understand how they flaunt their relationship. If I was either a sleaze who may-or-may-not have traded nudes with minors and cheated on my wife or a homewrecker who cheated on my husband I'd be ashamed to be seen together with my partner in crime. But nope, these two narcissists see themselves as
victims who beat the unwarranted cancel culture.
No. 907790
>>907780That's likely deliberate.
The exaggerated hover-hand almost seems like a winknod at his newly acquired sex-pest reputation. Kinda like how Vic Mignogna recently figured out the hover hand himself. The parallels between the two just keep on piling up.
No. 907820
>"I don't understand how they flaunt their relationship"Because they're legitimate fucking morons who don't see anything wrong with what they did. They honestly still think of themselves as everyone's OTP
>"Holly would ever attempt to baby trap him"Good god, I'd hope that isn't a possibility. No fetus deserves that. Hoelly honestly strikes me as the type who'd go full Andrea Yates, drive her kids into a river somewhere, and then claim "Sorry, I'm mentally ill"
No. 907821
>>907745I get that they're probably playing it up for the camera - but christ on a cracker, Hoelly looks like a cancer patient that is super fucking sick but still puts on a wig and tries to go out anyway.
PedoWorm just very much gives me the vibes of a predatory high school teacher that tries to pretend he isn't predatory and gross.
No. 907837
>>907822this is hysterical.
>>907544save for a couple of these, these are kind of terrible? like, they're fine, but to be a disney animator, i'd expect more solid chops, no? am i the only one seeing this? darth maul, dude at the top, and harrison ford are pretty okay, but the rest? she seems super normie to me too. like suzy. suzy, at heart, is a normie with very few thoughts or creativity, she just tries to cover it up with mallgoth accessories. not a 'grumps' person at all, just making the case that these women are bland. luckily for suzy, arin isn't as manipulative, just a degenerate that isn't apparently as willing to act on his desires. someone who seems as impressionable and normie tier as ashley will definitely get walked all over and pounded into the dust by an opportunistic and duplicitous middle aged creep. it's even more of a certainty when he's a self important sex obsessed middle aged man WITH a thirsty young female fanbase. she needs to be with a christian theater kid turned junior animator originally from omaha, not a middle aged sex pest.
No. 907848
File: 1576829704076.jpg (43.83 KB, 640x640, 1483154401921.jpg)

>>907745why haven't these clowns made a new d&d campaign with their all new characters "trix and baith"? like imagine how milky it would be to see them painstakingly maintain their clown fiesta of a relationship just to save face with the internet. a double narc relationship never lasts and especially when it started with infidelity, but they'll drag it on for as long it they can and it will be a wonderful garbage fire.
No. 907883
>>907848They still own their shitty characters, so they wouldn't even need to make Xeroxes like that.
>>907875Four players is ideal but you can run for two players (Jared did it for his buddies, and of course he threw in Diath as a DMPC), you can even run solo D&D.
The reason they haven't is that they wouldn't have the other players, the full DCA fanbase always there to stan them hard, Superstar DM Chris Perkins running things for them OR the validation of having it all happen on an official WOTC stream.
No. 907901
>" imagine how milky it would be to see them painstakingly maintain their clown fiesta of a relationship just to save face with the internet."We don't have to imagine - I very much think that's the actual case of what's going on, if they're even still together in a relationship (I'm assuming they are, since Holly "I'm mentally ill!" Conrad doesn't have the ability to leave her mouth shut if she thinks it'd make her look like the wounded party)
I think the idea of being "real life Diath/Strix!" lost some of its allure when it started to have real life ramifications with WOTC kicking them to the curb.
The stans like to say that Heidi apparently had all of this planned when, in reality, Jared and Hoelly were on self destruct mode anyway.
No. 907917
>>907770When you're with someone..chances are if you're not cheating on them/trying to keep it off social, you'll flaunt your relationship.
The people involved aside, there's literally nothing strange about 2 people in a relationship..making it known they're in a relationship.
>>907783It's on purpose, anon.
No. 907926
File: 1576866703771.jpg (190.12 KB, 957x1200, ELo8iqmVUAIneNR.jpg)

>It's on purpose, anon.…But why?
She looked like
this at the beginning of the night…
No. 907934
File: 1576867422432.png (186.2 KB, 451x280, 79540660_2678024482264904_3036…)

>>907883Googled to see if there was such a thing as a garbage fire D&D monster and found this oddly familiar beast. Trash Golem
Highlights include:
"This… creation takes the aphorism “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” to an entirely different level."
"The trash golem is created from the cast off remnants and detritus of civilization."
"Though notably weaker than golems created from other forms… it [has] many of the same advantages including… the ability to absorb blows that would destroy a living creature."
Like Cancel Culture perhaps?
No. 907936
File: 1576867512145.png (63.13 KB, 250x250, 250px-569Garbodor.png)

>"The Trash Golem"That's just a Garbodor, anon.
No. 907939
>>907745I get that this photo is
supposed to look awkward & uncomfortable. If their expressions were more exaggerated, then it would actually
look like a silly, intentionally-awkward couple photo, & they both love 'making faces' so much, but the only thing those faces are showing here is
genuine regret.
No. 907941
File: 1576868716143.png (472.52 KB, 424x557, Untitledcomp.png)

>That's just a Garbodor, anon.Potato, Po-thot-ho
No. 907949
>>907941omfg anon if the unedited couple pic doesn't become thread pic then this should.
>>907939exactly. Holly looks fucking miserable and Jared looks like he knows she's gonna have a meltdown later, but he's trying to pretend she looks uncomfortable on purpose just for the photo. not because she's a miserable person.
No. 908080
File: 1576886026548.jpg (33.88 KB, 728x412, XFqHtXEg.jpg)

>>907941why did you post the same picture 4 times?
No. 908151
File: 1576895576401.png (24.71 KB, 601x224, Screenshot_10.png)

Who's taking bets on how long it takes Hoelly to compare herself to JK Rowling because they were both cancelled for comments taken out of context or some such bullshit?
No. 908207
File: 1576902159047.jpg (122.05 KB, 750x439, jk-rowling-transphobic-tweet-c…)

>>908138>>908135Really, the 40 year old man who wears his underwear on stage is going to try and apply critical thinking to animated dinosaur movies? This is such a shitty "dude with a superiority complex needs to prove he's smarter than women by not letting them enjoy things" move
>>908151You're a little late on all accounts my dude, she already did
>>907579>because they were both cancelled for comments taken out of context or some such bullshit?I mean….there's nothing to take out of context with Rowling? It's pretty clear. Maya Forstater got fired for transphobic tweets, and then lost her court case against her previous employer this week and JK blatantly said she supports Maya and she shouldn't have been fired. The only debatable "context" is wether or not you agree with Maya in the first place.
No. 908227
>>908207I really meant more of Hoelly's "I didn't mean to make Etika about me - it was taken out of context" or what-the-fuck-ever. JK Rowling is transphobic as fuck, no way around that one.
As far as Holly goes, any time some serious shit goes down that multiple people are tweeting about, someone should just revoke her internet privileges so she doesn't try to tweet out her support a.k.a. make it about her.
No. 908240
File: 1576910466604.png (613.05 KB, 634x710, cat.png)

Not brand new shiny milk by any means but….this pic was so alarming to me. I mean, I know Suzy only buys the cutest most genetically fucked up cats but this just feels so proportionally uncomfortable.
….or am I just losing my mind?
No. 908249
>>908240It's one of those expensive overly bred cats, but the fur is also incredibly long and making the cat look even more disproportionate.
So many cats are in need of homes and I always find it sad when I see people who are well off spending their money on designer cats.
No. 908331
>>908138>>908207This links into my theory that the reason why Dan dates young women is that he has such a weak sense of self esteem he can't stand the idea of someone materially disagreeing with one of his opinions.
I did like that she basically told him to shut up.
No. 908343
File: 1576950391182.png (87.52 KB, 1231x189, wiki.png)

>>908280I mean, I get what you're trying to say here but
>It's not like pure bred cats need homes too, right?those cats need homes because they were bred into existence specifically to need homes (for profit). If you want to spend your hard earned cash on a designer cat that's your prerogative, but don't act like buying one is "giving a cat a home uwu"
>>908274>>908280>how are munchkin cats any different from corgis?>They're not, but people are used to corgis, weiner dogs, basset hounds etc but no the same on catsPeople are "used" to those breeds because they've been around for hundreds of years, have had extensive testing done to determine health issues, and those breeds DO have health concerns. Those dogs exist for specific jobs (herding, burrowing, hunting, etc). Munchkin cats as we know them today have been around for less than 50 years, the entire line can be directly traced back to 2 inbred cats, and are bred specifically for the purpose of profit. There is zero benefit to the cat itself for being bred that way as opposed to having normal legs. From what I can tell from googling around, I can't find any actual documented studies confirming Munchkin cats aren't genetic nightmares. Everything that says that they have zero health issues seems to come from breeders saying "no dude trust us we did the tests" or just a copy and paste of the same unsourced claims word for word. Note even Wikipedia doesn't have actual sources for their "guise they're fine don't worry" claims.
Again, if you want to spend thousands of dollars on a designer cat, you do you, but let's call a spade a spade. Sage for ot (but not really because Suzy's the spade here)
No. 908564
File: 1577000587964.png (485.14 KB, 828x550, image1.png)

along with the awkward prom photo there is this one too
No. 908604
File: 1577016739898.jpg (331.37 KB, 1078x1360, 1577016467708.jpg)

Holly liked this exceptional fan art posted on IG of a Strix/Diath version of the awkward charity event photos. She still sees their relationship as roleplay
No. 908641
>>908604Or she just liked a fan art image of what was their DND characters, like Heidi still likes things relating to her hobbies?
The milk definitely is dry when we're trying to make our own now.
No. 908649
>>908641When this entire fucking affair started because they decided to cross over their cheating into their D&D roleplay (you KNOW they fucked in character at varied points) and were banking on crossover stanning for "IRL Striax", yes, fan art that portrays their D&D inserts in their formal clothes counts as milk.
>>908604When the fuck has Jared ever had this prominent a chin? That's a horrible likeness.
No. 908732
>"And even after everything… You're still here…"They forgot to add the "uwu"
What a good & completely contrived love-story!
No. 908783
File: 1577059335248.png (449.42 KB, 778x498, laurawantstobtl.png)

>>907745>>908564OF COURSE these photos came from
a fan's Instagram & not their own.
No. 908790
File: 1577059654751.png (11.2 KB, 202x232, laurawantstobtl1.png)

>>908783…Well, they actually came from flickr.
Still, Their fans are so creepy…
No. 908835
File: 1577066634459.png (211.98 KB, 468x718, keem.png)

I wonder what Holly & Jared think about their new bff Keemstar's little shit show?
No. 908837
>>908835Not like Keem's an unknown factor, his rep as a massive shitstain of a person precedes him.
They knew who they were getting in bed with.
They don't care, because he's on their side.
No. 908844
>>908435She's pretty much Dan's wet dream of a woman. Blonde, big eyes, decent looking enough, tits small enough that he can pretend she's from one of his favorite "college sluts do anal" porn flicks, but "innocent" enough so he can pretend he's the only one she's ever fucked. Plus she likes geeky things and, if Kati's play is anything to go on, he doesn't think that women like "nerdy shit," and the fact that she does must send him to nirvana.
As for Ash, she looks half as happy with him as she does with her ex. The lure for her definitely used to be fucking Danny Sexbang. God knows what it is now.
>>908783Jesus Christ he could at least pretend he's happy to be with her. I almost feel bad for Hoelly there, she's trying twice as hard as he is.
No. 908911
File: 1577075483689.png (282.03 KB, 614x756, twitter.png)

>>908852>Don't twist shit. Nothing was said on twitter.God you're fucking stupid.
(derailing) No. 908945
>>908844because her ex was an age-appropriate artist who supported her artwork and interests and seemed like her actual friend.
i saw recently anthony padilla make this gushing, OTT post on instagram about his new girlfriend and it made me lol in comparison to dan's "happy birthday to a very good person." not that anthony's relationship is the epitome of true love, just that dan and ash are supposed to be in the honeymoon stage too; meanwhile dan acts lukewarm at best and makes passive aggressive remarks about her
No. 908965
>>908945When someone is being passive-aggressive towards their partner in public I always wonder what their relationship is like in private.
I am NOT going to claim Dan is
abusive, I'm just tinfoiling like the rest that he might be a pretty shitty boyfriend.
No. 909033
>>908945Kek they haven't been in the honeymoon phase since they were in Hawaii last February awkwardly avoiding spending any time with Arin and Brian and their wives.
>>908965Judging from every story I've ever heard about him, he really shouldn't be trying for a long term relationship. He should accept that he likes to fuck around and actual mature behavior scares him before he ends up married to this woman with kids neither of them seem to actually want but his madonna/whore complex probably tells him that he deserves a "good" "pure" girl who doesn't have extreme sexual agency because "good" "inexperienced" girls won't cheat on him and hurt his feelings.
He probably wants to "modelize" her into a lady in the streets/demon in the sheets type who also likes his interests but gets "punished" for being "mean" to him via comments on Game Grumps, but is also her "own person" and doesn't get upset when he leaves her alone to cheat on her rampantly I mean tour Europe alone with his parents for month. Dan seems to want to share things with her that he likes, and everything she likes (Disney, Phantom, ABBA) either never get mentioned by him as things they did or come off as burdensome things he was dragged to.
Then again, she turned their house into a Christmas wonderland without even a bit of a concession to her "culturally Jewish" boyfriend, so I hope she's playing the game right back. Maybe that's why she's lasted this long.
No. 909184
File: 1577137662532.jpg (319.84 KB, 1080x1185, Screenshot_20191223-154744_Twi…)

>>908835Wasn't Keemstar more or less on Heidi's side at first and went to Holly & Jared after Heidi refused to cooperate with him?
Also ironic how Heidi ended up taking Keems advice from this tweet lel.
No. 909207
>"She apologized after and said she would use preferred pronouns."It's since came out that said person REPEATEDLY made transphobic comments, offended people in the workplace, was quietly asked by her bosses to knock that shit off, and when she didn't, THEN they chose not to renew her contract.
That's big different from "I said sorry! I still got fired!"
(derailing) No. 909279
File: 1577152657893.png (21.79 KB, 589x228, Screenshot_11.png)

They are all about shoving their continuing relationship in people's faces, aren't they?
Next up: A surprise quickie wedding in vegas where Holly wears a black dress and Jared wears fifteen layers of regret and axe body spray
No. 909282
File: 1577153271036.png (18.94 KB, 597x183, Screenshot_12.png)

Ah, the sweet irony of ProPedoDick liking a post that shit talks JK Rowling for being transphobic when like 99% of his new fanbase is even worse than anything that this maya dipshit said.
No. 909283
File: 1577153360569.png (23.84 KB, 600x215, Screenshot_13.png)

tinfoil: Maybe starting to think that he didn't think of the ramifications of his actions?
No. 909296
File: 1577156043112.png (87.24 KB, 582x558, gamer.png)

>>909282Yeah pretty much. Guess he'll just stick to 'liking' tweets because it's 'safer' than actually protecting his original fanbase from his 'new' fanbase
No. 909323
File: 1577161389411.jpg (74.58 KB, 750x888, bc0l5euc6o621.jpg)

>have you ever cheated?No.
>Do you have friends or family members who have cheated? I had one. We weren't very close at all– "friends" is a stretch– and I gave him shit for it constantly.
People make themselves look so bad when they assume their own bad behaviors are universal. Pic related
>>906572Topkek, anon!
>>907544Are you saying that she's empty-headed because she works below-the-line? Not accusing, genuinely asking.
>>907579She really feels like she can be an ally to every oppressed group, without getting any education or training. Paid mental health tips all over again.
>>907614Her TERF bangs hath deceived them
No. 909327
>>907745Thread pic!
>>907783And melting.
would have a real-life Renaissance baby.
>>907848Dear god, make it happen.
>>908641You're not fooling anyone.
>>909184>Wasn't Keemstar more or less on Heidi's side at first Maybe, but that's not how the tweet comes off at all. He's fickle, anyway.
No. 909332
>"She really feels like she can be an ally to every oppressed group, without getting any education or training.""Being accused of something you DID NOT DO, is
the ultimate oppression! ~uwu"
No. 909395
File: 1577194568379.jpg (277.57 KB, 712x746, 1577193014718.jpg)

The hell is happening with Holly's appearance lately? She said on stream she was growing her bangs out because too many people made fun of her for them. But the way she's styling herself in her latest pics has been…rough. I'm probably the exception because I thought her hair was fine before. Better than whatever is happening now, anyway
No. 909396
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No. 909565
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I hate how she has no tough with reality. Sure, your DM “emotionally traumatized” you by running a fantasy game and that is totally depression. Mental health advocate my ass. Also, more begging and using the scandal for profit.
No. 909598
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No. 909652
>>909395You can only dye and bleach your hair so many times before it says "Fuck you, we out" and starts to dry out and eventually fall out. That is what this picture of Holly looks like - Her hair can't handle the trashiness and is jumping ship.
>>909396If Holly is telling the truth about her mental illness and medication, the last fucking thing she should be doing is drinking on anti-depressants.
>"They emotionally traumatize you"Fam, most of us realize that it's make believe. You and PedoDick are the only ones ignorant enough to try and make it reality.
No. 909678
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UkulelePunk is now officially a Hoelly stan in case people are still denying that.
No. 909687
>>909653…Hell, if he had his way, he'd
still be married to Heidi -if she kept her pretty little mouth shut & resigned to taking a backseat on his little 'adventures', would
only speak when spoken to, &
never ever question
anything he does ever again!
No. 909708
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and then there's katie
No. 909809
>>909708Ross didn't want to get dragged into the drama involving
his own ex-wife. He's not gonna humor drama involving his friends.
No. 909814
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>>909809Wow, Katie has no life AND no tact. Jesus Christ. Not only does the guy's mom have cancer, he has his own relationship and life that has nothing to do with
Sidenote: I don't know what's so viscerally uncomfortable about Ash and Dan when they try to do cozy cute domestic shit. Maybe it's the dog moping at the bottom of the picture with that side-eye, or the fact that it looks like her mother put them at the kiddie table and crammed them into a single chair (Dan "I don't like PDA" Avidan eating Christmas breakfast in the same chair as his girlfriend? Really?), the fact that they look like they're jammed in this weird little claustrophobic Carrie White prayer closet, or that it looks like she just crammed herself into the chair while he was mid bite. Or that Ash just now acknowledged the fact that Hanukkah is happening. I don't know what it is but it never gets an "aww look how cute" reaction from me.
No. 909834
>>909826I say viscerally uncomfortable, you say midwestern gothic. Potato, po-tah-to.
Also Washington D.C. isn't the midwest.
No. 909870
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>>909687I mean you can keep the homewreckers at bay but it will only delay, when it's time for a relationship to end, just try to leave room for amends.
I am sure there is more unanswered questions as to why Jared & Heidi broke up, but the other woman/man is generally least to blame even if they did contribute.
No. 909946
>"the other woman/man is generally least to blame even if they did contribute."Hoelly openly launched allegations of abuse to both destroy their marriage and convince the general public that Heidi was an abuser when she wasn't.
I think that puts her firmly in the "to blame" category.
No. 909949
>>909946kek i don't know why there's so much moralizing going on about the "other woman" in this case. holly literally pushed jared towards the divorce
>uwuwuwu… i'm going to commit suicide because i want to help an abused friend>jared why the fuck aren't you divorcing your bitch wife (admittedly the source of this is heidi but i don't see any reason to not believe her)there's legitimately no reason anyone wouldn't blame holly. she might not have
caused the divorce but she definitely gave her all to expediate it lmao
No. 910031
>>909987Tinfoiling, but I assume that, aside from that time Holly was talking shit about Heidi & Jared told on her, Heidi's suspicions about her were put on the backburner.
Then, about a year later, Heidi found all the sexts that were written while she & Jared were supposedly
still working on their marriage.
Holly's initial response to Heidi speaking out definitely reads like someone who was caught red-handed.
No. 910063
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>>909708God, does anyone else feel like….genuine pity for Katie? Like it's fun to point and laugh but the girl is obviously not in her right mind. I was a deviantART kid too back in the day, so maybe I have more of a soft spot. I honestly wonder what happened in her life in those like what….10 years where she just disappeared off the internet entirely and somehow didn’t mature or grow or change in any way in that time? Like her marriage had to have been fucked up for this to be the shape she’s in coming out of it. Like, it goes beyond just “the one that got away” regrets, she still seems to literally be living in ~2006. I mean, she goes after Jenna Marbles too? I don’t even keep up with her content but if you watch 2 seconds of it it’s clear they’re hamming up their personalities/relationship for the camera.
No. 910078
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>>910066>I feel the opposite.Interesting, like I said it must just be because I was a deviantART kid of that era too. Like, I see the milk but I also find some nostalgic value in her clear break from reality. Reminds me of the good ol' days.
>gamegrumps whistleblowershe's really tryna push this "I'm a
victim of abuse because Game Grumps!" narrative, huh.
>>901806This one has my vote for new thread picture. Anyone been cooking up that updated OP info?
No. 910168
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Dan's first Christmas vs Dan's second Christmas. Look at that body language and hand placement. What a difference a year makes.
No. 910216
>>910214If you've ever played DnD you'd know we've ALL been in situations that left us like that because of a bad roll (on our end) or the DM just going absolute apeshit on what gets tossed at the party lol.
Sorry to say but no, not EVERYTHING Jared, Dan, Holly or anyone not heidi says has malicious intent or double meaning.
No. 910250
>>910216People here worship Heidi, don't know why.
If you are a man, hate to the bearer of bad news but she won't have sex with you.
If you are a woman, Heidi is the worst role model, she even said not to idolize her and that she isn't blameless.
And I don't think Heidi even has a horse in this race anymore, she is no longer part of the internet gaming community the same way she was when with Jared.
No. 910332
>>910064I bet it's the same racist sperg who also insists that Ross' gf is black too. Pure autism.
>>910078She's a
victim of uhhh…confused timeline?
No. 910531
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>>910332Ross isn't a racist, and he does have black friends, so it wouldn't be inconceivable. But then who the heck cares if he's dating a black girl or not? We'd mostly just be happy that he's moved on from dating Holly.
No. 910787
>>910730are you being willfully ignorant to the fact that Heidi had suspicions (and eventually messages between both Holly and Jared confirming) that they were fucking around LONG before any of this got to the level of announcing divorces?
I would hardly call leaving your home to avoid contact with your ex "moving on".
No. 910832
>>910169Good point. Probably the same butthurt Normal Boots fans who think it was unfair for Jon to be kicked out for being blatantly racist. (I know he stepped down, but you know what I mean).
>>910183That would mean acknowledging her though, which they're probably better off not doing. Besides, they live in different states right? I mean unless she goes all Lisa Nowak on them, is there anything they could actually do about some crazy girl on twitter?
>>910250Go back to PJ2, no one here is idolizing Heidi. The bar for being a decent human being is just set so tremendously low in this situation that Heidi still ends up leaps and bounds above Jared and Holly even with her faults.
>And I don't think Heidi even has a horse in this race anymore, she is no longer part of the internet gaming community the same way she was when with Jared.Jared isn't a part of the internet gaming community the same way he was before he fucked around behind his wife's back, Holly isn't a part of the internet gaming community the way she was before she fucked Jared. Jared and Holly were both literally kicked out and deleted from their "internet gaming communities" and then their "internet gaming community" show was cancelled due directly to their own actions. Heidi was a cosplayer before all of this and is a cosplayer after all of this. Cosplay is part of the gaming community. If that's you're metric for success then Heidi's the ONLY one left in the race.
No. 910928
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Now she's doing Twitch streams so if you want "old Arin" check out Crazy McBitter's stream.
No. 910930
>>910863That doesn't mean it wasn't happening, though. It's not as if Holly was some poor, innocent angel that didn't dare overstep boundaries until Heidi left Jared.
Heidi primarily left Jared BECAUSE Holly was overstepping boundaries and doing things that she had no business doing with a married man (at least with one whose wife said "Fuck anyone EXCEPT that one specific person")
So, sure - You're right in that Holly left her mouth mostly shut until this all came public, but she was still whoring it up and attempting to literally steal someone else's husband while she and her manboy were both married to other people.
No. 910932
>"Whatever Holly did openly and public was after their marriage was ruined"Yeah, after their marriage was ruined BECAUSE OF HER. Sure, they had issues before hand which didn't help, but when you have a married woman saying "I want to be with you and only you - not with my husband or your wife" and randomly calling someone
abusive because she was asked not to fuck a married man, that more or less sealed the deal.
No. 911064
>>910930>Heidi primarily left JaredJared had already suggested (according to Heidi) breaking up in October, then he broke up with her in February.
And then in April/May, Heidi moved out because Jared payed for all her moving costs, and Jared filed for divorce.
Yes she was finally willing to leave after discovering the affair but it was Jared who took the practical measures in them seperating.
No. 911089
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Gotta love how Holly & Jared's WKs always use Heidi threatening Jared's career as 'proof' that she is the abuser - because NO victims of abuse have ever done anything like that before, amirite???
No. 911114
>"Jared had suggested breaking up"Then he could have left. You don't wield ending your marriage like some sort of threat over your wife while agreeing to work on it with her.
>"Heidi moved out because Jared payed for all her moving costs"Because he was the one with the income. It is customary for the one who is the primary breadwinner to provide some sort of transitional support to the partner who doesn't have the means to leave.
>"it was Jared who took the practical measures in them seperating."Considering it was Jared that talked of wanting the divorce, the onus for moving forward on that SHOULD be his responsibility. You don't get to say "I hate this marriage, I want a divorce…..but you're going to have to do the leg work because fuck you".
No. 911310
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"I'm a good person! A good person! GOOD PERSON!"
Danny, you had a profile on OtakuBooty that expressed your interest as being GIRLS, in all caps and italics. Get over yourself and accept that your shitty behavior has tarnished your rep. Only bringing it up because he's become ridiculously tryhard about this shit since the scandal.
No. 911321
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>>911310Otakubooty account for reference.
Before anyone thinks I’m a stalker, I don’t know why it says I visited 1000 times, I literally just googled this No. 911336
File: 1577645989858.jpg (239.52 KB, 900x1200, DFmgFcBXYAclAua.jpg)

>>902031>>902058It's the same with the sonic shit. People cried that Arin was on the thank you slip that came with the game because of his history of shitting on sonic games. People will cry regardless
>>902972>>903000The GG fanbase is full of autists and literal children at this point so I'm not surprised. What I am surprised is that they are still considered big and relevant to many people.
No. 911784
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Looks like Holly and Jared are back to feeling comfortable @ing each other and flaunting their relationship. What a shame I loved how milky holly got when she @ed him or showed up in his streams and he ignored her.
No. 911790
>>911784Well, at least this way we'll know when they've been fighting because Holly will just mysteriously disappear from his streams again
I'm willing to bet that it'll only last until March when the new Final Fantasy comes out and Jared tries to stream it without the distraction of Hoelly's bs.
She's going to wind up "gone girl"-ing his ass one day
No. 911828
>>911797This is the most likely outcome. No one but Holly is allowed to say that Holly made a bad choice.
Even though the thrill of their affair is all but gone at this point, you just
know they're gonna drag it out.
No. 911872
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God she just keeps going with this. Looks like she back with the “hungry trash goblin” phase. For a while there she almost seemed sane.
No. 911880
>>911875Ah, so she wants to play the goofy-doofy airhead gf to Professional-Jared the career-man.
Yeah, this ain't gonna last.
No. 911960
>>911872The way she infantilizes herself around him is weird as hell. It's as if she thinks if she makes herself small and helpless he'll want to stick around longer.
Compare that to her brass balls with Ross and her "I'm a strong independent witch" facade and it's interesting to behold.
No. 911965
>>911960If by "interesting", you actually mean sad and incredibly regressive, then yeah, she ticks that box. She's acting like a teenager girl in their first relationship - not a 30+ year old divorcee who is only with this guy because she convinced him to ditch his wife.
>>911964Holly very much let Strix take over to the point that there isn't a Holly anymore - just Strix
No. 912015
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Holly's asking the internet for advice instead of a therapist. It's like she's looking to get hate. Maybe the attention around her has died down to the point where she misses it.
No. 912018
>>912009It's like she decided to reverse the dynamic from her previous marriage - Ross was 'the big goof' & she was 'the mom'.
Now, she wants to be 'the goof'
No. 912084
>>912015IDK, this very much feels like peak drama shitshow when she was timing how long it took between her making a post until she got the first hate tweet. It comes off less like her seeking advice, and more like she WANTS someone to send her hate messages so she can play the
victim again.
>>912018There isn't a maternal bone anywhere in Holly's body. It was less of her mothering Ross, and more of him being a convenient way into the community she wanted to be a part of.
>>912020Right because if Holly's doing it CLEARLY Heidi must've been the same. /s
No. 912103
>>912084Heidi admits she was more often than the opposite, the one to buy him gifts and be the one to charm him. At least early on.
Then after October 2018 trying to in her words "fix myself so he would love me", up until the point of discovering the cheating.
No. 912272
>>912186She looks like "young-old" which I think is partly because her hair isn't flattering and you always look Shit in pics other people take of you.
Either way, next to Dan she definitely looks young
No. 912452
>>912416That's what I thought, too. Doing shit like buying someone an extra value meal and expecting that to just smooth over the fact that you fucked someone your wife specifically asked you not to fuck is just…..sad.
No. 912745
>>912524The sad thing is she used to be a natural blonde but instead of rolling with it when it started to darken with age she's going the bleaching route. Girl's gonna be wearing a wig by the time she's 35.
>>912727He's tried to keep shit on the DL but he's not been very subtle about the women he has dated - Katie (the fantasy artist who photographed him as John Snow) and a few no-name cosplay types. If he named them in the liner notes of an NSP album and they weren't related to him or fall into the Kati "close friend" category he was probably fucking them seriously at the time. He's been infamous in Instagram cosplay circles for trying to slide into DMs and pick women up if they pose in a blonde wig and have their tits out in a pic - even post-Ash.
No. 912929
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How ironic. I too see a therapist and yet their recommendations have never been "Go fuck your coworker/friend's wife behind both his and your own wife's back"
No. 912930
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Also Holly: "You can change yourself at any time, guys"
No. 913692
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I don't know if I find this one less or more creepy than him comparing her to E.T.
It would be touching that she's as important to him as his favorite things but whenever he does this it feels like he's saying that Rush and dinosaurs are as important as his live-in girlfriend.
No. 913851
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This woman is 25 years old.
No. 913947
>>913884Remember when someone accused Dan of having a dd/lg fetish on here? Her coming out with that out of the blue made me think of that. He seems to fetishize her blatant immaturity and this is an example.
>>913925There's a thick line between having goofy fun and actually posting infantspeak baby babble on your story like you're a toddler and not a grown-ass adult because you're closet cosplaying an infant. She uses that Instagram to get attention on her career; do you think people who work for major studios are going to look at that shit and think "yes, this is the new lead animator for my multi-million dollar project?" It reminds me of Holly and ProJared and her shrinking herself down into a "daddy I want a snack" type for him.
No. 914047
>>913884It's literally a meme for anything baby Yoda related like "gummy fuit" and it just so happens to be popular amongst mid 20 somethings
>>913947It will be deleted in 24 hours, I doubt recruiters will turn her away over an image that was up for a day. This isn't even milk and you're getting heated over it
No. 914102
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>>914100"I'm happy right now and if you don't like it, whatever. But also, leave me alone you lolcow jerks! I'm sweet and innocent and only talk about birds and board games, wah!"
No. 914109
>>914102Well, as the song goes Holly… you can't always get what you want, and when you're a cheater of both cancer patients AND spouses, people are going to talk about what a garbage person you are, regardless of what you want.
Chris Brown doesn't want people to talk about his womabeating, Harvey Weinstein doesn't want to talk to people about his sexual abuse…
If you don't want people to talk about that, maybe either a) don't try and become a celebrity or b) don't do these bad things.
No. 914117
>>914114She needs to call it out by name otherwise she can't post the screenshots and go "SEE!".
If only she talked to her therapists about the things she says and does that DON'T make her look good… maybe she'd make actual progress, rather than regressing in maturity as time passes.
No. 914124
>"HOw happy she is"People who are happy typically don't have to constantly screech about how happy they are - they just go about their days, being happy.
>"If you don't want me to be, that's okay"I don't when your happiness comes at the expense of others, mainly your ex-husband and your fuck buddy's soon-to-be-ex wife. Also, if that happiness comes from a grown man who abused his fame to get nudes from vulnerable fans? Fuck that, you shouldn't get to be happy from that either.
> "I talk about RPGs and CHICKENS"Well, you certainly DO seem fascinated with cocks, Hoelly…
> "If you're so happy…trolling hate sites"She's not happy. She wouldn't be begging the internet to send hate (via that whole "What advice do you have for me?" insta thing the other day) or be constantly screaming that she's happy.
>>914118I don't think she ever stopped. There have been some anons on here that just scream of being Hoelly Cumrag self posts.