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No. 1126099
Last time on the "Waaah, cancel culture" Edition…
>Jared pondered aloud why his Instagram explore tab is always full of hot girls, unaware that Explore picks out recommendation based on your own browsing/follows/likes. He's still horny on main.>Jared also gave more attention to a streamer who looks suspiciously like Heidi on her birthday than he did for Holly's birthday… or any other happening of hers.>And then he shared posts about abusers to try and throw shade at Heidi, but it just as easily applies to him.>Meanwhile, Holly posted about asexual people sometimes agreeing to be sexual even though they want to because they're people-pleasers. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.>Holly also claims she was just "caught in the crossfire" of the drama as if she didn't actively push for Jared to leave Heidi, excused his nudes blogs and spent his entire self-imposed exile digging her own grave defending him.>Holly also whined about her bird hoard getting sick and how the drama ruined her, as if she's not still a homeowner in Seattle who can afford enough real estate for a bird hoard in her backyard. She also tried to suggest that it was haters who poisoned the birds.>SadOldMagician kept sidestepping his "Heidi and Ross deserve each other" comment.>Ross hit like on some comments pointing out "cancel" is sometimes just people not able to deal with accountability.>Despite complaining about her dire financial situation, mere days later Holly was adding an injured pigeon to her hoard.>Jared e-begged for Gamecube games because all he had was shitty shovelware.>After starting his own Tumblr specifically to cash in on drama attention, SadOldMagician whined about drama talk.>And despite Holly and Jared's careers being so hurt by the mean old dwama, they still managed to afford/get donated a PS5 on launch.>Jared whined about missing cons, as if any reputable con will risk having his sex pest on the guest list from now on. Made even funnier, he accompanied this post with a pic of himself from a con it's known he slept with a fan at.>Holly posted a horribly jaundiced selfie, then quickly deleted it.>Jared continues to think he's some sort of supermodel and not some gangly weirdo slowly turning into a fishman. Including showing off a shitty women's bracelet off of Wish and claiming it's men's jewelry.>Holly whined again about lost followers, as if it's still the drama's fault and not that she fails to post anything of value.>Holly then posted more woe-is-me about cancel culture and how it's "traumatizing".>Jared alluded that Heidi once posted a selfie of them together then got angry everyone just talked about him (r/theneveryoneclapped)>Holly went back on long pityposts about cancel culture, her loss of followers, the loss of DCA (which she called her JOB)>CallMeCarson got outed as a pedo. Jared had ONE thing to do right in this case: keep his mouth shut and keep his presence away from the drama. He still went and drew attention to himself.>Holly kicked off 2021 by bringing new merch with Boundaries branding, because of course.>Way too much focus on Hored simps in the thread. Dial that stuff back.Quick Synopsis of PigeonGate:
>Jared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer was a semi prominent personality on the gaming side of youtube. He was involved in many communities such as NormalBoots, Game Grumps and Dice Camera Action as a member of the D&D campaign "Waffle Crew". >In May 2019 he released a tweet saying he and his wife were separating and to give them space…except he hadn't told his wife and had her blocked the entire time.>His then wife Heidi O'Ferrall proceeded to reveal to the public he had been gaslighting and abusing her for years, and in the twist no one saw coming, was cheating on her with his DCA co-star, previous cosplay juggernaut Holly Conrad.>It was revealed through internet sleuthing she had also been cheating on her husband Ross O'Donovan of Game Grumps fame before their divorce. Although it was at first amicable, the joint tweet discussing their separation has since been deleted and Ross refuses to hardly utter her name. >Holly checked herself into a mental hospital from being cancelled too hard>Fans came out of the woodwork revealing Jared to be a sexpest who had been soliciting nudes for years, some of which were underage.>Holly came back to throw herself to the wolves by trying to equate her suffering at being cancelled as to Etikas suicide (didn't work, she got dragged harder). Jared went into hiding to try to salvage his image. >Jared released a video, "You've Been Lied To", to youtube detailing the "true events" and successfully manipulated his way back into his fans good graces. >Heidi spoke her truth on a regular basis and stuck to her guns, and Holly tried to mental gymnastics her way into everyone loving her again.>Jared and Holly moved in together and continue to this day to baww about Heidi being an evil witch and being cancelled including releasing a shirt saying ~CANCELLED~For More On Holly Conrad's Dubious Past:
>A History of Holly: >>838840 (Source: PULL) Links to the Clowns Involved in this Circus:
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly: O’Donovan
Do Not Bother Ross O’Donovan
>Game Grump and animator You May Support and Subscribe at:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: Credit:
>>1038655Thread Credit:
Previous Threads (The ProJared Saga Begins):
>>841369 11:
>>1078014Reminder from Mods:
>Subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include Holly's 15 year old friend’s face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.>Keep whiteknight posting to when they actually spill milk. No. 1126163
>>1126149Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental disorder where a caregiver makes up medical problems with the person under their care. It's a way to get attention (look at my poor child/grandparent doctor! oh community please donate money for these expensive medical bills!) and afaik always
abusive to the dependent individual. Look up the case of Gypsy Rose.
So if it's still ambiguous, the joke is that Holly uses the condition of her birds to get money and attention
No. 1126167
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>>1126099The pigeon is wearing a 'bird diaper' in this pic. It's basically what people put on pet birds when traveling so they don't shit everywhere.
No. 1126174
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blaming internet boolies again for why she can't get off her privileged ass and make content
No. 1126181
>>1126163Ah, I see, thank you.
I was familiar with Munchausen Syndrome but not by proxy, now it makes sense.
>>1126174Jeez, she wasted no time giving this thread some milk.
No. 1126187
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Hey Holly, why don't you Quote Tweet this person & give them a piece of your mind about "Cancel Culture", go ahead!
No. 1126491
>>1126174What is creative streaming?
Is it crafting? I know a lot of craft streams will just have the camera set up so their hands and worstation are the focus. No facecam to worry about.
Or is "creative streaming" like "mental health monday" and it's just her playing video games and complaining about how her neighbors have anti-cock bias?
Swear to god, she both really wants the spotlight but can't handle anything that comes with it except the praise.
No. 1126611
>>1126601You mean the threads that she wouldn't have seen if she didn't regularly peruse them LOOKING for negatiave shit being said about herself?
Let's also not act like half of the posts going after her appearance were people poking at her, KNOWING she comes here and not because they actually think she's unbearably hideous or something.
No. 1126845
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Flashbacks to the reaction to his tweets about Spoony
All the super antiSJW anticancelculture folks that have been drooling over Jared for the past 2 years have finally realised that -gasp- he is super liberal, a fact he never kept concealed
No. 1126846
>>1126845I'll admit, this is kinda hilarious. I
knew this would happen eventually.
This is what happens when you stan someone for just one reason.
Let the in-fighting begin!
No. 1126853
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>>1126845tbh, it's on his right-wing followers for not looking into his views
before deciding to support him & put him up on a pedestal.
No. 1126862
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Isn't "Targeted Harassment" against Twitter's TOS?
No. 1126867
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>>1126865I know right?
God, look at her! She just
will not shut-up about it!!!!
No. 1126870
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>when ProDick finally bails on Hoelly…Oh no! That would break their lil' heart! They cry every tiem they think about these star-crossed lovers & how they've been
so wronged!
No. 1126876
>>1126845Hahaha, oh this is just rich. I remember when some crazed right wing nutbag was standing up for Hoelly too, and she was just letting him even though both her and ProDick are liberals. After the Leafy thing, is anyone surprised? They shouldn’t be.
>>1126862It is, and it should be reported.
>>1126870It’s amazing that this person thinks that Hoelly and ProDick have lost followers just because of the cheating/divorce thing. It must be nice to be that blissfully ignorant to not realize that he’s also a sexual predator.
No. 1126882
>>1126851Ah shit I meant leafy, my bad
>>1126862A) Heidi barely ever tweets at all and very rarely does about the drama. Maybe he has her confused with Holly
B) there are people on twitter who genuinely believe the earth is flat, there is no convincing everyone on that platform of anything- especially something that's objectively wrong like Jared being 1000% innocent
No. 1126893
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>"…just like, oh yeah! AMBER HEARD."When all else fails, just keep bringing up a current
abusive celebrity to hammer your point in, still ain't gonna do shit though.
>>1126876They're probably one of those people that think that Heidi was behind
everything, including the pedophilia accusations.
No. 1126899
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This person is so goddamn late to the scene, they don't realize that Hored's stans have already changed the narrative in their favor more than a year ago.
They are actually hurting Jared & Holly with their efforts. Hell, if they keep going down this road, they might end up getting into legal trouble. I'm sure their mom will regret giving them her account when she receives a cease and desist in the mail.
No. 1126904
>>1126893The judge ruled in Amber Heard's favor because Depp was an
abusive twat too.
No. 1126928
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I think I remember this person vehemently defending Holly before
No. 1126934
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>>1126928>>1126930Holly is trying to be civil with them.
No. 1126940
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>"It is REALLY DANGEROUS to allow anyone to be become the arbiter or what is "misinformation"."Looks like they REALLY want Holly to completely agree with them on this despite "Agreeing to disagree"
No. 1126952
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…And this is why you don't get on your soap-box to preach about 'Cancel Culture'…
No. 1126958
>>1126934>"He was…shaming others, being a bully"Trump likes you and is your best friend…until you no longer serve a purpose and then he'll slander you to anyone who will listen.
Sound familiar, Hoelly?
No. 1126988
>>1126958>>1126934One tweet:
>"Slandering and shaming him is not ok"The following tweet:
>"He was…shaming others, being a bully"Make it make sense!
No. 1126996
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Imagine existing solely for the purpose of trying to convince people of something they're never going to believe anyway…
Good god, their bio alone is beyond pathetic.
No. 1127016
>>1126928Oh yeah, that was the MAGA who was defending Hoelly when everything went down. Guess they’re back!!
>>1126996Ingram Idiot is just an embarrassment. That account he’s trying to convince always calls out Pedodick, nothing he says is going to change his mind.
No. 1127085
>>1126934I will never get over how Holly routinely calls Trump a
bully. He's the fucking president of the USA, he's not some jock who's mean to you but doesn't ultimately have much power other than being a bit higher on the social ladder of your school. He's so many things that are 100 times worse than being a bully. Calling him one is so juvenile and shows how stuck she is in her schoolyard drama mindset.
No. 1127188
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>>1126996This guy must load up that "truth blog" every day and jack off to it, it's his only response to anything saying mean things about hored.
No. 1127275
>>1127220>>1127260>>1127266I think hored stans prefer linking the truth blog because at least HOF had the decency to say the nudes exchange was wrong for Jared to do. But that doesn't fit in with Ingram/fruityass/SOM insisting Jared did nothing wrong, so they link the truth blog instead. The truth blog twisted facts and jumped through hoops to either hide what Jared did wrong, excuse his actions as something okay for him to do, or find some other way to make Jared look like such an innocent
victim of evil Heidi's lies.
No. 1127293
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>>1127188Ingram and his 30 alt accounts will post that truth blog like it's such a great gotcha, but he doesn't realize the only people paying attention to what it says is him and fruityass. That blog was set up by a hored stan to make hored look innocent, but they're the only ones stupid enough to fall for it.
No. 1127615
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Holly says most of the DnD community has blocked her
No. 1127641
>>1127615I mean they all saw and listened to her slander someone for months and months behind the scenes for daring to be married to who she wanted and they saw how she took that slander public and tried to smear Heidi's mental health- I don't blame them for not wanting to be her next target
Not to mention all the pity me bullshit like when Etika killed himself, god forbid that out of the hundreds and hundreds of DnD content creators they want to associate the ones who arent proven to be shitty people
Even then, let's say they all believe her and think that Heidi is an evil slut and that her and Jared are innocent smol beans: even then, what she did was unprofessional. She was actively sleeping with her cowoker/cohost during their show and using the plot of the show to further her romance with the man behind the scenes. They were using cons and events to meet up and fuck (not to mention Jared using these events to fuck fans but this is about holly) that is SO UNPROFESSIONAL. Why would these companies want to employ someone who did all that and got busted for it publicly? Why employ someone who took advantage of their last gig to sleep with a married man and turn the plot of the show to be about her affair?
There are so many people deserving of a role like DCA. Holly had her fucking chance, she had a show for 130ish episodes and a huge fandom and years in the spotlight. Then her actions took it away. Why should she be immediately rewarded with more opportunities when there are smaller, more deserving content creators desperate for a break out role(roll lol)?
DCA is gone directly because of her and Jared's actions. They can blame Heidi all they want, but that's like blaming a
victim of assault for the assailant having to spend the rest of their life in jail. You cant blame the whistleblower for someone else's mistakes, even if she is an evil elf whore who dared to marry someone you love uwu
No. 1127644
>>1127615Does she think if she whines about it publicly, the community will be shamed into letting her back in? The way she constantly mentions her drama is why professional contacts cut ties with her. If she hadn't overshared about the drama and her feelings, she probably would be working by now. She's the one who always reminds people that she's unstable and dramatic.
I don't think she understands that in business you get one shot. If you screw up, there's a line of younger and more talented people who will eagerly fill your position. She expects the community to just take her back and give her back her old job. It doesn't work that way in real life.
No. 1127672
>>1127644I think that's exactly what she's counting on - If she guilts them, she'll eventually find someone dumb enough to feel bad for her that gives her a chance (that she immediately jeopardizes like that YT thing she lasted all of….idk, 1 episode of before spazzing out about being on her phone).
She could absolutely still make a comeback if she'd just shut the fuck up with the "woe-is-me, my career is over because I'm an adulturous whore who is defending a sex pest!" bullshit.
No. 1127679
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This is her saying WOTC has ghosted her when a fan asked if she would be making a new show DnD show.
"Emails" plural, how many times has she emailed WOTC?? She makes it sound like wayyyy too many times. I would fucking LOVE to read those emails. They must be insane.
No. 1127682
>>1127679Even if it was just a couple of emails, she CANNOT possibly be surprised that they want fuck all to do with her when (A) she used the show they hired her for to fuck her coworker behind both of their spouses back, (B) she spergs on a regular basis, and (C) didn't Jared burn the bridge with WOTC like six months ago with a freakout of his own?
When is it finally going to sink in that her continuous twitter meltdowns are doing more harm than good?
Also love the "just trying to survive" bit. Bitch, you live in the expensive ass PNW with your horde of animals and have worked just sporadicly for about a year and are still getting by. Spare me the bitching until you're standing in a line at the food bank like half of your fanbase probably is at this point.
No. 1127690
>>1127687Not a humiliating fetish as such, but she def post dumb shit both hoping her stans pat her ass and that people criticize her so she can keep playing
No. 1127702
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Maybe the company didn't email you because not only did you lose them time and money, but you embarrassed them? Just a thought?
No. 1127703
>>1127685Shane Dawson and his :,) vibes
She is still stuck in 2016 with her uwu pastel witchy internet lingo
No. 1127776
>>1127702> "It was because of the drama"And who exactly caused the drama, Holly? Who was the source of that drama? Who, while married, slept with another married person? Who used WoTC's official D&D livestream to flaunt their cheating and exploit artists into drawing them together? Who constantly brings it up, going so far as to attempt to make a profit off it with merchandise?
Who was that again?
No. 1127899
>>1127682(D) TTRPGs are booming in popularity and any company like WotC has their pick of funny, charismatic, and much less predatory players/hosts. People are clamoring to become RPG influencers.
Especially for a company that is trying to shake it's former
problematic image. Why would they keep giving opportunities to the same two shitty white people over and over again? Make room for some new voices that don't abuse their power.
>>1127707She's clearly well off, she's just too fucking spoiled to admit that.
No. 1127926
>>1127899Never mind that companies are probably looking to diversify their base. Holly may say she’s pansexual ace or whatever color queer she wants to be for the day, but she’s still just some basic white woman with a witch aesthetic who’s a former trustfund kid.
Holly is nothing special besides the connections she had and only got lucky with her fanbase the same way Jared did: right place and the right time. Holly could have easily played smart and stayed off Twitter and not respond to Heidi calling her out as the other woman, but she didn’t, doubled down, and is now paying the price for making a PR nightmare for herself.
Her failing career as an Internet personality is all on her and she’ll never own up and take responsibility for anything other than her birds.
No. 1127949
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Lucas from Canada must not be very smart to send so many games for free to a sex predator. I do love how ProDick says “games that were taken from me.” They weren’t his to begin with.
No. 1127951
>>1127949"Games that I lost or were taken from me
crying emoji"
How dare Heidi take her own possessions with her in a messy divorce when poor Jared wanted to use them as props :((((
No. 1127988
>>1127949Is it necessary for iNfLuEnCeRs to show part of their face in EVERY photo they take? Call me nitpicky if it is, but when I take photos of additions to my retro game collection, I only show the games. Because that's the subject matter. I would never pose like that.
Also, I can't get over how creepy his forehead and nose wrinkles look. Why? Why was that necessary?
>>1127951He was whining on twitter a few days ago about how working at gamestop suckered him into trading in his gamecube, ps2, I don't remember what else, collections. And iirc Heidi has been selling her collection and it's been mostly sega console games, ps1 games, and handheld console games (gamegear, gb, gbc, gba). So maybe he just means gamestop? I dunno. Credit where it's due?
No. 1127996
>>1127988Then he's a fucking idiot. Anyone with any experience in 'gaming' knows that gamestop blatantly rips people off and gives them a fraction of what their stuff is worth; Mr. ProPedo should have known better.
If he DOES mean Heidi, that just means that he's back to milking the drama for sympathy and for more free shit from suckers like Lucas who paid at least $30 in shipping alone.
No. 1128037
>>1127988Nah, if he meant that he wouldn't say taken, he would say games that he sold. "Heidi stole my property" has been part of Holly and his defences from the start ("she stole the dolls I made him!" - Holly)
If anything him saying this taken thing is just sympathy bait to encourage more people to send in games, aka "I had so many games taken from me in my divorce, please send me more"
But the gamestop selling point you brought up makes me wonder if he is angry about Heidi selling all of her property she got back from him, because we know if not him then that Holly stalks Heidi's socials like crazy and would know she is selling it all
No. 1128056
>>1128051He sees you when you in your cosplay, He made Sailor Moon obscene - He'll ask you if you are 18 so he has deniability
Just like overused Christmas carols, ProPedo will never fully go away, will he?>>1128051
No. 1128538
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>>1127615> I'm not welcome, and blocked by a huge part of the communityAww, is widdle Holly Conrad upset that the community set some BOUNDARIES and decided not to let abusers and enablers exploit their power anymore?
No. 1128580
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>>1128538And here she was, so damned proud of being CANCELLED…Yet now it's
problematic when it actually has real world ramifications.
No. 1128625
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It brings me great joy to see Ingram called out for what he does. Dude made a bunch of alts to attack "the haters" but didn't think anyone would ever call him out on it.
No. 1128813
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She is really on a roll lately
No. 1128845
>>1128813Because responding to trolls by specifically telling them how much they bother you is the best way to make them go away!
It's almost as if people are forgetting about her…and she's begging for negative attention and uwu pity me points because (to her) it's better than no attention. That never goes wrong!
Reminder: Holly is almost 35 and is completely fine working a career as a professional
victim on the internet.
No. 1128853
>>1128845This post reads to me more like her trying to hype herself up and scare off her internet bullies. She is trying to throw it back and say that the trolls are the true pathetic ones and that she knows they are losers etc. She just is really bad at sounding tough and scaring trolls off lmao
>>1128844I think one of the main reasons she isn't growing and is doing so bad is that the fans that weren't scared off by the drama were by her new content. She completely has stopped with gaming and DnD stuff (except the very rare stream, and not everyone prefers their content live on twitch) and has been pretty focused on Spooky Saturday and posting nature hike/videos. She can post whatever the hell she wants, but she can't be suprised when people who subscribed to her for one type of content arent into the other.
No. 1128855
>>1128853Self replying because rereading her post I see her talking about "
toxic-shame" which sounds EXACTLY like what she was doing to Heidi the minute she said no and revoked consent. All she did was shit talk a woman to her husband and start a whole abuse narrative because she was insecure and upset that she couldn't have what she wanted
No. 1128860
>>1128855It also reads as her trying to convince HERSELF that she's blameless. An innocent person doesn't spend years writing tweet after tweet about how "the bullies have
toxic shame, not me!"
No. 1128864
>>1128860Not to mention the second to last tweet implying that her trolls have an unhealthy parasocial connection with Heidi and are defending her without all the correct information.
She has been on the "you dont know her! You know me, guys" train literally from the start: we get it, Holly, you have more clout than your boyfriends ex-wife. We should believe you because we KNoW YoU and she is a STRANGER, unlike you uwu
No. 1128880
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>>1128813She gets that she can remove all of the comments she wants, but that she'll never truly be free of that "scarlet letter" as long as she keeps bringing it up, right? Even if she DID manage to pull in new viewers, she's continuously alienating them every time she brings up the drama all over again.
No. 1128900
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When you're so bad at youtube that the Rewired Soul is giving you advice, it's time to find a new job
No. 1129008
>>1128813Loving that nice big “you deserve worse but this will do” as if to suggest that the person didn’t mean the worst she deserves is being deplatformed.
Also that parasocial comment, heidis following is nothing in comparison. Not to mention her and Jared leveraged their parasocial connections to harass Heidi (sadold?). And Jared literally used he’s parasocial relationships to get nudes and fuck fans but yep, you’re the
victim holly.
No. 1129037
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>>1127293Possible new Ingram account? You decide!
No. 1129038
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>>1129037…My money's on 'Yes'!
No. 1129041
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…Because he kept stringing her along & continued leading her to believe that they could still work things out.
No. 1129045
File: 1610417092897.png (38.87 KB, 442x434, trustme2.png)

>Source - "Bro trust me, ignore the evidence that proves the exact opposite, she said this so it MUST be true"Yeah, it's not like you say anything like that- OH WAIT:
>>1121847 No. 1129090
>>1129037That new Ingram account is projecting hardcore. This is like what, the sixth account that popped out of nowhere to name search Jared and harass random people for the crime of not liking him. That over the anger limit person seems to be the most sane of the bunch, they don't tweet at Hored they just say the truth about Jared and the white knights come running to them after they show up in a name search.
Good on them to try to mitigate their harassment to others, my only criticism is that they hyper focus on Heidi too much which takes away from the real fucked shit Jared is unapologetic about.
No. 1129099
>>1126174Literally just stream without facecam? People do it all the time? It's pretty obvious she's just looking for an excuse to pity party and try to jump on the vtuber bandwagon all in one go.
Also, I'm sorry, but isn't she in her 30s? Some strangers on the internet think you are ugly. Who cares?
>>1126845>>1126853>>1126928>>1126952Can't wait for them both to bleed more followers. They could only court the incel/far-right crowd for so long.
>>1127615Imagine throwing it all away for some mediocre wormdick that hardly acknowledges you publicly. It's no wonder she constantly laments about it and is so desperate to hold onto him. Literally a consolation "prize". kek
No. 1129242
>>1129207Idc about jared but heidi is fucking annoying. You can either be a pure, innocent
victim or you can be mean, petty bitch: pick one. I don't feel bad for her.
No. 1129276
>>1129242You make it sound like
victims of abuse need to be completely free of guilt to be
valid? Not a good look.
No. 1129342
>>1128819Who would have thought that Heidi fucking up with the relationship but then learning to move on and leave the drama behind instead of constantly victimizing herself and just blocking trolls instead of encouraging them would result in less direct hate comments?
But yeah she still gets shit on from time to time. There is definitely a constant stream of people shitting on her that don't at her (and I know the Holly stan's latest cry now is that "if they don't at her it doesn't count" but it's still bullying in Holly's book since she was so bent out of shape over lolcow when it was all on a separate site and not even on the same platform as her).
No. 1129350
>>1128813> complains about parasocial relationships> "you guys know me"holly really knows how to keep the milk coming
>>1128883kinda grinds my gears that Anna got so much sympathy when her ex passed considering she cheated on him after she rode his coat tails into ttrpg content.
No. 1129413
The stans vehemently defending this shit is NOT a good look for them.
Tbh, I have a feeling that if it weren't for the pandemic, lockdowns, etc, there would be a LOT less white-knighting from either side, but oh well…
No. 1129421
>>1129414It seems like no one really understood
exactly how damaging these kinds of parasocial relationships could be until this year, when there was a metric
ton of cases being brought to light.
I can understand Jared & Holly's fans not really understanding it because they've now conflated this subject with 'cancel-culture', unfortunately…
No. 1129430
File: 1610467937525.jpg (239.7 KB, 1060x2162, Cope.jpg)

Tinfoil: Jared told Holly he was far too traumatized from his last marriage to ever marry her and he needs to be his true polyamorous self, and this is pure cope. I believe she would marry him in a heartbeat.
No. 1129635
>>1129434except holly WAS married??? she got married just fine to Ross, and was always open about not wanting kids, that never changed
like let's not pretend holly is a paragon of unorthodox procedures unless you count getting your new boy from fucking your friend's husband and ditching your own, kek
No. 1129692
>>1129434Don't forget that Holly is so self centered that she only talks about things that link back to her in some way. It always comes back to how she feels or how she's affected by it.
She's been with Jared for a few years now, which is the typical timeline where people start to expect adults will get married. She doesn't have the type of parents or extended family that would push for it like you described. Her mom's dead and her dad is a distant alcoholic – it's not them pressuring her lol.
It's not uncommon for stans to overstep boundaries by asking "when are you getting married" or "when are you having babies". She has a rabid fanbase that ships her and Jared, who were both conspicuously married to other people. So it's not unlikely that some of them are expecting their faves to make their relationship more "real" or official than the previous ones.
Or maybe she's just projecting her insecurities, as usual. After all, she's usually trying to convince
herself when she preaches.
>[sob] it's okay that he won't marry me! Others don't understand us! No. 1130009
>>1129829As far as I can tell other anons empathize more with Heidi but have no actual attachment to her, if there was milk she would be absolutely torn to shreds in a moment on here.
There’s a bias but it’s something that can be shattered like it was with Holly who was generally well-liked before.
There’s no rule about posting or criticizing Heidi and since everyone’s anonymous what does it matter. Anons who want to post about Heidi should be less emotional when anons react to it negatively or say they don’t care.
No. 1130077
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>if there was milk she would be absolutely torn to shreds in a moment on here.This.
For example, if she kept making sassy 'clap-backs' to anything Jared or Holly posted or grandstanding by now, I probably would have lost all sympathy for her. The last time she brought it up was late summer I think…
I might be biased, but she seems a lot more direct & down-to-earth compared to the other two. No bullshit.
No. 1130124
>>1130077You'll be hard pressed to find anyone here who won't admit that Heidi has also fucked up during this whole shitshow, but the thing here is that she admits it and has apologized - no "I'm sorry you took it that way", just "I'm sorry". Hoelly and Jared are stuck in this perpetual cycle of "I'm a
victim PSYCH I beat cancel culture" and it's just exhausting.
No. 1130125
>The last time she brought it up was late summer I think…Last time she brought it up was literally last month when she complained that the games she's selling reminded her of her marriage. Y'all just excused it and every other time she brought it up because she's the
victim so she can bring it up wherever and however she wants.
Let's face it, Heidi could tweet about Hored all day every day and this board will lap it up. Just because she brings it up leagues less frequently than Holly doesn't mean that (A) It doesn't count when she does because "Holly talks about it more" (B) It's okay for her to bring it up but not Holly or (C) Heidi will never bring it up again.
I can guarantee Heidi's gonna bring it up in some variety in the future but you'll excuse it because she's "not as bad as Hored". Y'all give Heidi a free pass for whatever she does while throwing Hored into a fire for doing similar because "Hored is bad so everything Hored does is bad". So Heidi isn't milky like Hored but as much as y'all claim she's not perfect y'all gonna keep ignoring and making excuses for her and excuse yourselves for doing it with bitching about Hored being worse so it's okay. Go ahead and ban me I'm fucking done with the Heidi whiteknighting.
No. 1130129
>>1130125>"So she can bring it up wherever and however she wants"I mean, her husband did carry on a very public affair under her nose while his mistress spent many months screaming that she was an
abusive psychopath to anyone who would listen. I would think that, if anyone gets to bring up the scandal, it would be the one most directly affected.
>"It's okay for her to bring it up but not Holly"Holly caused 75% of this (the other 25% was PedoDick's inability to keep said PedoDick in his pants and away from his fans). She doesn't get to make herself into a
victim when she's literally the one who caused most of it and then actively seeks it out when she wants to self-harm.
>"Y'all give Heidi a free pass for whatever she does while throwing Hored into a fire"First of all, no the fuck we do not. She fucks up, she rightfully gets called out. Her posting about selling her own video games isn't milky. Also chill with the fucking melodramatics, Holly. Noone is throwing them into a fire, unless it's Hot Bench the next time they do something legally iffy.
No. 1130135
>>1130125Ntayrt but if you’re that bothered by a thread that has literally nothing to do with you maybe it’s time to take a step back, I don’t even mean that in a catty way. It shouldn’t elicit a response like this that people have a negative response to Heidi posts. I get it, the commitment some anons have had to Holly’s ex has been abrasive at times but it shouldn’t…genuinely bother you.
Anons are telling you, myself included, that we don’t really care if there’s Heidi milk. 1-3 people might reply to WK Heidi, but the rest are lurking or have nothing worthwhile to add on to what has been posted. Even when anything Hored is posted.
No. 1130136
>First of all, no the fuck we do not. She fucks up, she rightfully gets called out. Point out one time these threads have "rightfully" called out Heidi that didn't immediately deflect to "but Hored".
>Her posting about selling her own video games isn't milky.The post I was responding to talked about the last time Heidi brought up the divorce. I didn't say it was milk I was saying she brought it up more recently than what
>>1130077 said. But back when Heidi brought up the divorce/drama several times a week for almost a year after Jared came back out of hiding, y'all were eating that shit up. And don't act like y'all won't praise her for being "down-to-earth" next time she does bring it up.
No. 1130154
>>1130143Last year was the aftermath, so of course the wounds were still fresh.
I personally don't give a shit how much any of them brings it up, since it affected
all three of them the most.
Also, this is an anonymous imageboard. Some of us have been here the whole time. Some have left. Some are new here.
No. 1130156
>>1130154>"It affected all three of them the most"Again, Jared and Holly brought this on themselves - Jared with the running of the nude blog while fucking anything with a pulse, and Holly with her inability to not fuck married men outside of her own marriage. Heidi fucked up in opening an already uneasy marriage to a poly situation, but she was trying to keep her marriage together while Jared strung her along on lies.
Jared and Holly don't get to bitch about being affected when they are the reason it all went to hell in the first place. That's like lighting yourself on fire and then complaining that you got burned - Of course you did, dumbass, have some foresight.
No. 1130455
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No. 1130460
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Holly: we first slept together in October 2018
Jared: got divorced in spring 2019
Holly honey you can deny the groomer part but you cant say you didnt sleep with a married man. If you weren't the other woman then why did he have to keep you a secret and sneak to see you after therapy sessions? Why did he have to have a whole separate phone for you?
Oh wait! Because heidi was an abusive monster! I forgot you two planned your get out of jail free card ahead of time, my bad
No. 1130478
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>>1130455My thoughts exactly.
No. 1130485
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>>1130460Hm… maybe she's saying she herself didn't cheat, but Jared possibly did?
No. 1130488
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This person makes several good points.
No. 1130490
File: 1610563808433.jpg (299.84 KB, 720x1038, Screenshot_20210113-134656_Chr…)

She sure is feeding us this week. Everytime this thread slows down she starts sperging like clockwork.
Nobody wants you to be completely silent, Holly, they just realise that whenever you talk about it you make things worse.
Doesnt she have a boyfriend she can talk about this with? And a therapist? And a bunch of friends???
No. 1130502
File: 1610564780950.jpg (211.01 KB, 718x767, Private.jpg)

Bye bye, birdie
I just dont get why she tries to come across as so tough and above her trolls when she always folds for them anyway.
"Criticize me so you dont attack others" goes private
No. 1130528
>>1130523>after she literally just posted telling people to call her whatever they want and shame her all they want What is this referring to?
It really seems like she's getting worse. We're years past the original scandal and she's having
more tantrums now than she did six months ago. I wonder if her relationship is falling apart and she's looking for someone to blame.
No. 1130529
>>1130502>>1130455I mean… she quote RT'd someone with a blue checkmark & 826.6K Followers…
iirc, last week she quote RT'd someone with like 1,900 followers, so there was much less of a pushback…
No. 1130532
>>1130528I would show you the tweet but she is privated lol
Basically she ended her tantrum with something along the lines of "call me a cheating whore all you want" before she went private. again, can't find the exact wording
No. 1130534
>"Maybe he realised that being friends with Jared while still buddying up with Ross is weird and disrespectful as hell"Jared @'s & name-drops
a lot. He did it even more after his comeback, but it seems like his friends don't want their relationship with him to be public.
No. 1130543
>>1130490I love that she says to hold people accountable, but when people have tried to hold her and Jared accountable, she FLIPS out every. single. time.
>"I'm tired of being silent"Bitch, when - since this has started - have you EVER been silent? The fuck?
No. 1130544
>>1130532she locked before I screen capped
transcript: Call me an ugly cheating whore, shame me, use my tweets against me where I say I’m mentally ill. I have nothing to hide and nothing to lose anymore. Have fun.
No. 1130545
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>>1130502I’ve got you, anon
No. 1130550
>>1130545Post the whole tantrum, please!
I also really want to see responses to her "marginalized creator" claim. Pity she went private before that got traction in actual marginalized communities.
No. 1130559
>"There were too many coming after me." That'll happen when you quote-retweet a blue checkmark. Or anyone with a following.
Live & learn I guess…
No. 1130560
>>1130545The whiplash from her posting to trolls saying call her what they want and that she would rather take it instead of others having to and then this is outstanding
That second tweet…. ugh. I hate how she infantizes herself
No. 1130568
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Last I heard Pewds was on Holly's side.
Guess no one told these two…
No. 1130570
>>1130562Meanwhile im sure Jared is locked up in her basement on his computer "working" instead of comforting or helping her through this mini crisis
What are the odds that she let's him live there rent free and that's why she is so impoverished? I doubt he helps pay for the bills or anything, maybe that's why she is so stressed about finances
No. 1130581
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New banner
No. 1130596
>>1130589Anon, your grasp on money is broken. No one has Jeff Bezos money what the fuck kind of comparison is that?
As an amerifag let me clear something up; owning your own home, being able to fund the vet bills of a flock of birds and randomly being able to check yourself into a mental health facility on a whim are a good hint that money probably isn’t a big deal for her. Of course she can’t buy a plane on a whim but she does own a home in what, Seattle?
No one owes her their support financial or otherwise. Her throwing tantrums about suffering financially are laughable because, well everyone is and they don’t own homes in Seattle. So yeah, anons are going to be over it when she complains about the financial hit, especially when she’s the one that stopped creating content? Her problems are her own and she needs to stop looking to blame someone else.
No. 1130602
>>1130579She doesn't seem to ever do much, but always seems to be able to buy whatever she wants and do whatever she wants, including running a floundering cosplay business that didn't even take a guillermo del toro job seriously, dedicate huge chunks of her space to DnD or crafting or pigeons, despite living in expensive cities, and change her hobbies on a whim and go all out on supplies. I used to be a fan and I remember once she bought a vacuum chamber and a bunch of other expensive resin casting supplies on whim saying she was going to start selling toys, and only stocked a handful before moving on. The rate of her spending doesn't really match what she's done over the years, pre DCA her youtube channel wasn't even that big and was a handful a cosplay videos with decent views and a bunch of lets plays with abyssal views.
I don't think she's from generational wealth, but she's definitively well off enough that this isn't ruining her financially like she claims.
No. 1130608
>>1130602In her head, I think it is. Like you said, she's used to spending money on whatever she wanted whenever she wanted and she might now finally be at the point where she has to ration it a bit (still far better off than most people, if she can afford the damned birds).
>>1130605That's what I've been saying. If hoelly just shut the fuck up, we'd all have gotten bored and moved on months ago, but like clockwork, this thread dies down, she cries about being cancelled and it starts it all back up again. She thrives off of this shit
No. 1130610
>>1130602She has been so well off for so long that she thinks what she is now is poor when it's still way more well off than most Americans right now
Imagine how much money she would have if she put effort into her job and actually made some content instead of using the "I cant be motivated to work because of the DrAmA" excuse almost 2 years later. Fucking grind, record let's plays or crafts or witch shit and post more often and fucking work, that excuse wore off a long time ago.
You'd think someone whose job is being an online personality would be going all out during a pandemic where everyone is online consuming content all day
No. 1130627
File: 1610571985752.png (73.54 KB, 594x708, Screenshot_180.png)

Holly: -sits on twitter, liking posts that give her nothing but compliments while crying about being 'harassed'-
No. 1130639
File: 1610572554085.png (11.64 KB, 565x102, Screenshot_181.png)

Guys, she's doing it again. She's literally tweeting to see how long it takes to get hate comments or for someone to post the tweet elsewhere.
Y'all stans want to tell me again how Hoelly isn't asking for this shit??
No. 1130644
>>1130643You mean like it was when she took a post Heidi made on her PRIVATE facebook and released it to the public of THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of her followers in an effort to slander her?
Those in glass whorehouses shouldn't throw stones, Hoelly.
No. 1130648
File: 1610573228222.png (14.85 KB, 607x149, Screenshot_182.png)

>>1130647She should start with whoever the fuck this is. If this person means Jared, no worries - we've all already seen his dick, hard pass on that one. If this person means Heidi, why do they think Hoelly would care?
No. 1130649
>>1130502>she/theyGod how embarrassing. I can't imagine being a 34 year old she/they.
>>1130545I love how she started typing like a tumblr dom and having her YA hero moment with her liberal use of dramatic periods and ZERO heart emojis or deflective, self deprecating language and then the minute somebody criticized her it was right back to bleating and crying. Fucking hilarious.
>>1130639Kek didn't she get clowned super hard for this last time?
No. 1130654
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>>1130532I got it. I think she deleted this one though.
No. 1130667
>>1130654Is she even anyone’s favorite cow? She’s not even the only cow.
Holly you’re not a martyr, please stop.
No. 1130674
>>1130663You forget the best part!!! She tried to paint herself as a
victim and martyr and then
immediately went private
No. 1130678
>cancel culture jesusFucking hilarious, anon, well done
Think it annoys Jared when she gets this way when they both know damn well he had it way worse than she ever did?
No. 1130700
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No. 1130702
File: 1610576223845.png (205.76 KB, 596x511, 0559b1e8-6d0e-473c-921d-dc1e61…)

From Tumblr LMFAOO
No. 1130732
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>>1130704And now that TWC blog is posting that Holly reached out and they cleared the air… throwback to holly reaching out to creepshow art
No. 1130781
File: 1610579561707.png (44.22 KB, 741x300, iamtopkek.png)

"you're the top kek"
No. 1130803
>>1130781she really doesn't see the irony in obsessively visiting this thread, does she?
where did the anons crying about heidi go? they seemed to evaporate as soon as her break down started. maybe she doesn't just obsessively lurk, but posts as one of her many methods of self harm, and getting told off
triggered her hard.
No. 1130804
>>1130798How can you be as online as Holly and not understand the context of
top kek which is basically
>You're the lmao No. 1130814
File: 1610581039718.png (150.27 KB, 1202x810, lol.png)

>>1130798and where is her partner during her break down? oh yeah, tweeting at that streamer that looks uncomfortably similar to his ex wife
No. 1130820
>>1130781What a coward. "bu…bu…buuut I can't show myself on cam!" Yeah, and you never will if you insulate yourself.
Super ironic someone is whining about Heidi and a salty tweet about her selling her shit to remove bad memories about her marriage and we have this meltdown. It goes to show the people who hate Heidi here are not farmers, but Hoelly friends. "Y'all ready to say Heidi is soooo down to earth." By comparison - yes. Holly is a fucking freak. She's an emotional vampire that feeds off of pity from others. She's
toxic af. Imagine a person complaining about cancelculture because the man she cheated with traded nudes and jacked it to minors, while trying to victimize herself. Imagine this same person, having free money from her Grandpa, sure she may not be mega rich, call herself marginalized. A white woman with inheritance, social media presence and does NOT WORK A JOB. What the fuck are we supposed to relate to when she whines about a god damn show that involved her sexual fetish live and gaming?! Whine about Heidi all you want. It's boring. It will always be nitpicking, but tell me we're not getting a milkmas here with this white trust fund baby that was able to, at least, spend half a mil on a house on Seattle. If you're not an amerifag, then you certainly don't know how much houses go for in Seattle compared to average incomes in the US. Holly is more definitely well off to not have a job, have tons of birds, and afford a house in one of the most expensive cities in the US. I've never known a person to move Seattle without having inheritance.
No. 1130822
>>1130798At this point she probably just gets off on the drama she stirs. Playing the perpetual
victim is the ultimate roleplay for her.
No. 1130824
>>1130781What’d she do, block all her followers? What does this even mean? She really has lost her fucking mind this time.
>>1130814lmao, ProDick doing what ProDick does best, ignoring Hoelly for egirls.
No. 1130831
>>1130589Idk if it’s anything that can be looked up or if she’s hinted at it before, but besides the actual money passed down-wouldn’t she also come into custody of Disney stocks? Maybe other stocks, too?
It would explain how she lives. Utilities, day-to-day living costs, bird costs (I’m sure she hired someone to make the enclosure as well), it would make the most sense if she had a stable and secure income.
>>1130798I can’t wait for the day mods expose her post history.
Side note-Has anyone ever even called Holly a “whore” or “slut” besides herself?
No. 1130833
>>1130822jared is probably stonewalling her so she needs to turn somewhere else to fulfill her incredibly unhealthy emotional needs.
>>1130824>ProDick doing what ProDick does best, ignoring Hoelly for egirls.this is the man you risked it all for, holly, you could have made out like nate and anna had you kept your mouth shut. cheating isn't a good luck but also something that could have easily been overlooked in a couple a months, yet you decided to go to town setting yourself on fire for a sexpest and making your ties to an abuser very, very public
No. 1130836
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>>1130798this is a nitpick but i follow the person who called her a cuck and one of the people arguing in the comments called holly a ghoul, i’ve never seen her use that insult before so she was definitely lurking
i also find it weird that the user said “anonymously” when the other persons face is clearly visible
No. 1130862
>>1130854she wants to latch onto the sexist and easy to dismiss insults so that she doesn't have to address people who discuss her actual actions and hold herself accountable
it's easier to maintain her narrative if all her ex-fans are just 'bullies' rather than people disgusted with her actions
No. 1130866
>>1130854It's almost like Holly interprets everyone pointing out how she cheated with a cheater as slut-shaming
>>1130860Incoming "ghoul" merch in five… four… three…
No. 1130879
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>>1130648Ew, as if. Her “fans” are just as bad as her “haters” for making shit up like this.
>>1130833Jared is under the desk crying to another girl about how Holly is
abusive and scaring him.
>>1130836This is amusing because besides the hair, at least in the icons both users look the same.
>>1130847>>1130854Yeah, there’s a huge difference IMO. She seems to be the one calling herself a cheating whore, etc. It’s so frequent that it seems more that she’s hoping it will be something that catches on in this thread.
She thinks so highly of herself despite not even having her own thread in Snow, she’s hardly relevant even on this site but feels it’s on par with being Kanye West or a mistress of the previous President Clinton.
I was being nice before ITT but she must be upset that nobody wants to defend her here, besides herself. Any time I feel neutral about her she slips into this agressive “IDC I’m not going to be a silent
victim” mode, followed by her prostrating
victim tweets.
At her big age she’s here screenshotting LC like how other anons screenshot her tweets.
No. 1130897
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This is from her patreon. I went to look at it when anons were talking about her money. I didn't snip it then, but it was $14_1. I think $1471? I don't remember. Immense regret now. Look who lost patrons in the past ~4 hours. She's so pooooor you guys we should pity her :,((((
No. 1130903
>>1130899It's not that the idiots here doesn't understand money, they're just so hung up on harassing people.
>>1130902This is an imageboard, show receipts.
No. 1130917
File: 1610585590953.jpeg (122.68 KB, 1080x1080, 64AEC650-438A-4DB3-8FA6-88BADE…)

>>1130897Googled the Min wage for Seattle and she’s making twice as much from Patreon than a person working 40 hr weeks makes despite hardly doing anything at all. That’s not even including her shop, anything extra when she streams, etc.
What a terrible life, she must really be struggling after losing everything to cancel culture. I mean, it wasn’t her that got “cancelled” because that was Jared-but less people like her now! Strangers are mean to her! She can’t help but keep up with this thread because it’s how she hurts herself!
No. 1130921
>>1130917Seattle minimum wage is 16.69
40 hours a week is 160 hours a month.
That's $2670.40 a month. I'm not saying she's poor as fuck or anything.
But she certainly isn't pulling in "rich people money" like the cows here are implying.
No. 1130923
>>1130921Does she own a home in a notoriously high cost of living area? Yes. Does she own NUMEROUS animals and manage to get them all veterinary care? Yes. Can she get on a plane when she pleases a take a trip somewhere? Barring covid, yes.
In the state of the country today? That's "rich people money". And yet she has the absolute gall to call herself a marginalized creator as an upper-middle class white woman. That is why people are pissed.
No. 1130927
>>1130921My bad, thought Patreon was weekly.
Regardless pic related in reply was for Holly.
I think it would depend because we don’t know how much money she had to spend from her inheritance (especially if she was working before and didn’t have to use much), what her actual income is besides Patreon, her shop sales, etc. Did she own a house when she married Ross?
Considering he was staying with friends he might have just moved in with her. If she had been the owner of that house, she most likely would have made enough from that to buy a house in Seattle-right?
I’m a Canada-fag, so I’m just assuming the area she lived before would be similar if not more to what she bought.
>>1130910This as well, Jared moved in with her so it makes sense that he’s helping with general living costs.
No. 1130933
>>1130905>>1130910Her channel's views are terrible and she hemmorages subs with every upload, but twitch and her overpriced Cult of Personality store are what adds to her Patreon.
>>1130909She was getting paid as a performer very likely, as well as payment for con appearances.
The miniatures got cancelled despite someone saying they were going to 100% come out last fall.
>>1130927Grandpa Lanpher died in 2011 and Holly married Ross in 2012, so she already had that sweet inherited expensive California home.
No. 1130935
>>1130923That is nowhere near "upper" middle class, anon. Again, you folks clearly have no grasp of money and it's laughable. 29% of her age group in Seattle metro area own a home. This only proves that she at one point had more money than average people. Owning in Seattle is also saving you money. So while she spent a lot to get there, that means she has a far lower daily/monthly cost of living.
She also has only traveled once since the drama that I'm aware of, and she had plenty of opportunity in the 10 months before COVID, so you're tacking on completely useless data.
Just admit "we don't know if she has money or not, beyond $1500 a month", that's not much to ask. There is nothing indicating she even has a stable lifestyle.
No. 1130940
>>1130936For which videos? Is this really a sticking point for you? Does she have to be wealthy for it to be okay to make fun of her antics?
The average youtuber makes $0.002 per view, you do the math for her 12,000 views in the last 30 days.
No. 1130943
>>1130933> Grandpa Lanpher died in 2011 and Holly married Ross in 2012, so she already had that sweet inherited expensive California home.No shit? Damn.
I had no idea it was so recent, so most likely he funded her schooling abroad while he was alive (unless her parents did) and she’s lived an extremely cushy life then is pretty fair to say?
No. 1130955
File: 1610588859098.png (9.64 KB, 586x174, marginalizeduwu.png)

Okay, this was kinda funny
No. 1130973
File: 1610591032696.png (223.32 KB, 594x496, tweet1.png)

Okay, but some of these reactions are gold.
No. 1130986
>>1130545too bad most of the hate she encounters happens when she name searches herself or obsessively stalks this thread, locking isn't going to do jack shit when the haters aren't the problem
>>1130935if she wasn't sitting on a good savings/inheritance then she is a dumb ass for buying in a hcol city and having so many expensive hobbies including hoarding animals. who cares if it's 'cheaper' to rent in seattle (ignoring that it's still a privileged to be able to cover the upfront costs and buy in a competitive market). newsflash: she doesn't have to live in seattle there are plenty of cheaper places to live with tress.
plus sad old simp and guac probably are gifting them money hand over fist to stay friends.
No. 1130997
File: 1610592778460.png (5.74 KB, 456x150, -marginalized-.png)

This showed up when I searched her name. Oof.
No. 1130999
File: 1610592952132.png (34.62 KB, 584x288, margerinized.png)

>>1130997I guess
this was what she meant by "Marginalized"…?
No. 1131000
>>1130939tbf he also does twitch where som donates hundreds of dollars regularly
>>1130997too bad her good friend and sjw extraordinaire adam kobel isn't here to condescendingly explain how a white woman who owns a house in seattle is actually marginalized
No. 1131008
File: 1610593785144.png (35.8 KB, 732x261, rulesfortheenotme.png)

whining about somehow being gaslighted despite thinking it perfectly fine and acceptable for her and jared to repeatedly gaslight heidi for months
No. 1131009
File: 1610593812732.png (43.61 KB, 588x398, nuthinwrong.png)

"Everyone makes mistakes, & what happened is none of my business, so…"
My god… her fanbase will truly be her downfall.
No. 1131010
File: 1610593854886.png (1.03 MB, 1190x872, pouroneout.png)

Reupload. He's not longer Diath Woodrow. RIP, pour one out for the homeboy
No. 1131011
>>1130999Did this person miss when holly was dragging Heidi through the mud for her mental illnesses?
Also is it her mental illness getting her marginalized or her actions? Because pretty sure mental illness isn’t a get out of jail free card for when you sleep with your friends husband while being married yourself.
No. 1131024
>>1131022I know it’s been brought up often by anons in old threads but what was the post where Ross explicitly mentioned Holly used to be
abusive but then she worked on herself? Great load of good that did her in the long run.
No. 1131025
>>1131024IIRC it was Holly herself mentioning this for herself (within context of being with Ross), like "I used to be
abusive and got help for it" but it would be so long ago in a past thread I wouldn't even know where to start looking
No. 1131032
>>1131025>>1131029iirc jared also mentioned it at some point (said holly know about heidi's
abusive behavior because holly 'used' to be abuse and therefore was an expert but also blameless)
in all of her mental health blabbering she hasn't even hinted once at working on holding herself accountable, it's is ALL about minimizing 'anxiety' (which is the vague label she places on all her bad feelings including rage and being too horny to stop herself from throwing herself at a married man.
my guess is she just told ross that she was getting help for her anxiety, and that her anxiety made her a bitch, but didn't do any real work and ross was too in love to call her on it.
No. 1131033
>>1131025well damn she used to be self aware. I’m willing to believe that at one point she had been actually trying to get better and keep her mental health and
abusive behavior in check, but I there’s not an actual off switch to stop yourself from having
abusive tendencies. it’s like being an alcoholic, where you don’t get better you just stay sober.
Holly’s clearly stopped putting in any effort or work and for the past two years she’s been publicly spiraling.
No. 1131037
File: 1610595799955.jpeg (566.85 KB, 828x1527, 8A71E9E7-AAA2-4FC7-9565-C0A90B…)

>>1130997I haven’t ever searched or even googled Holly Conrad before now but was curious if this was true and it is. The tweets under the search are great also kek
Also while searching her on Google after I saw pic related under recent mentions on tumblr and I am blown away that everyone has conveniently forgotten Holly posted screenshots of Heidi’s private account. How absolutely convenient.
Her using abuse buzzwords is also disgusting, she has no shame at all and I doubt she has much empathy for people. It’s only wrong if it’s people doing it to her, she’s even made Jared’s exposing as something that victimized her more than anyone. She doesn’t even let her own boyfriend have the “
victim” spotlight during the fall from grace.
No. 1131039
>>1131031oh word thanks anon. I take back what I said about self awareness. it seems like she only ever frames things around how she feels and her feelings and only includes how it effects others as an afterthought. funny she’s no longer friends with anyone who apparently supported her back then.
big surprise.
No. 1131043
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tbh, this is pretty much what Heidi did.
No. 1131047
File: 1610596500493.jpeg (66.21 KB, 850x827, 1606032232185.jpeg)

>>1131037her "private" tweets, bitch this wasn't a separate private twitter that got leaked (hey remember Suzy's private twitter account that got leaked?! hold on I gotta grab my old tinfoil hat out of the closet that it was actually Holly that leaked that shit back then, I bet Holly still fucking hates Suzy)
this was her public twitter that she just shut down to stop non-followers talking to her. I would agree about leaking/sharing if this was a separate, intended
private account, but this ain't it.
They are so pressed. And it wasn't just locking to take a break. Step away from the phone/computer, take up a hobby. Learn to knit. Get therapy. It was specifically put on lockdown to weed out "spies" like she's got some fucking government intel to protect.
No. 1131050
File: 1610596570265.png (141.22 KB, 605x603, 1578279766518.png)

I remembered Holly having a similar meltdown roughly one year ago, where she admitted to reading lolcow. So I went back to old threads and found the source…This is January 5, 2020
Girl has literally made 0 progress in the past year.
No. 1131052
>>1130125Nah. If Heidi produced milk, I'd be all for it. The video game thing was a lil sip and seems to be her final interaction with Jared? She's straight up boring at this point and it feels like people are just grasping at straws to "but HEIDI" us in the threads. She's becoming irrelevant now that the divorce is finalized.
>>1130455>>1130460>>1130485>>1130488>>1130490She just never quits does she? You think she'd realize these fits never get the reaction she wants and learn from it? Instead it's the same cycle over and over again. Can't wait to see her ask her followers what she's doing wrong and how she can stop losing followers for the umpteenth time.
>>1130545>>1130546>>1130654It's honestly like she's desperate to be the
victim. The martyr complex is strong with this one.
>>1130781>>1130798Congrats on being topkek anon!
This shit is too fucking funny at this point.
>>1131008And here we are again. "topkek"
No. 1131058
File: 1610597611540.png (21.15 KB, 585x278, harassingpoc.png)

Reminder that all that person did was call her a 'cuck'…
No. 1131068
File: 1610598578850.jpeg (458.35 KB, 828x957, E7D69202-D786-4B11-8CFD-4134FF…)

Re-posting because it only registered to me after that her unnecessary general “plural” before she talked about her drama but the original could be applied to Heidi who people make multiple alts to reply to any comment that talks about J/H/H saying everything was made up and Heidi fabricated every single thing about it.
She also said cheating scandal, not “cheating” scandal or false cheating scandal-interesting.
No. 1131074
File: 1610599117280.jpg (159.04 KB, 400x540, itsallcomingtogether.jpg)

>>1131058she really makes it too easy for us, sorry for poor job
No. 1131081
>>1131074Strong contender for next thread pic.
For title, "Call me an Ugly Cheating Whore Edition"
No. 1131082
>>1131074Haha, this is amazing anon.
Wasn’t Hoelly recently crying about losing followers? Looks like after her latest sperg fest she’s down 6k. But yet she still wonders why people leave.
No. 1131273
>>1131037Holly was the one to bring up accountability in the first place, they sure love reaching to paint this thread as some kind of violent conspiracy with their elementary school reading comprehension
>>1131008Despite saying "I'm sorry" every other tweet, she never uses the words with any meaning. When she says "I'm sorry" all she's ever really saying is "have pity for me" to her asslickers.
No. 1131279
>>1131151That's the thing. After the initial hit of lost followers from "THE DRAMA" she could have recovered easily if she just handled it like an adult? Go ahead take some time off, block the trolls, move on and go back to creating content? She would likely be moving back into an upwards swing by now instead of constantly bleeding thousands of followers every month.
No one except maybe a half dozen of the worst jared stans want to see you dredge up the same old shit week after week.
Anyone else get similar vibes between Heather Sparkles and Holly?
No. 1131307
>>1130814I actually feel a little bad for Holly if this is how Jared treats her. She fucked up big time yesterday. But she obviously has a lot of unresolved issues and she's getting worse because she doesn't have a stabilizing presence in her life anymore. Ross and the Grumps seem to have kept her from going off the deep end. Jared obviously ignores her so she turns to twitter as an outlet for her pain.
Holly will justify him ignoring her/tweeting at the Heidi lookalike during her breakdown to herself as: "I was bad so I deserve to be ignored". I bet he freezes her out a lot and she just takes it because she has no self-esteem.
I'm probably letting Holly off the hook too much. I know she choose him and it's what she deserves, but he comes across as such a scummy, manipulative piece of shit and she's clearly blind to it. Their relationship feels pretty gross.
No. 1131324
>>1131260It was never against Twitter ToS. It's against branding/celebrities from doing so though. Since you can be verified for numerous reasons.
>>1131307It's just a post, literally nothing is happening in it or shadiness going on. You see people do this all the time to the point it ends up being a meme.
No. 1131326
>>1131112Nothing I can prove without saying who I am, but I want her to know when she reads this board that it’s not all strangers like she wants to pretend it is.
I’m just yet another person she won’t talk to anymore out of “fear” even though she should at least try to be accountable. She’s “afraid” of whoever won’t kiss her ass. It’s pathetic.
No. 1131333
>>1131050> I talk about RPGs and CHICKENSno you don't you tweet about the drama and how victimized you are, that's what people follow for.
i've followed her throughout this whole thing but she doesn't tweet about rpgs outside of crying about losing Strix/DCA/her Baulders Gate cameo. she never posts just general rpg content by itself. sometimes she posts some nice bird content (but it's mostly her munchausen by paultry where she begs for pity bc of a sick bird she horded).
No. 1131343
>>1131052> She's becoming irrelevant now that the divorce is finalized.exactly. ask yourself if anything heidi did now would be relevant had she not been married to jared. NO. she slipped a few times (and those times were talked about) but for the most part her participation in the drama is over. holly on the other hand has a milky history that spans back way before DCA, and actively keeps the drama alive and will not address her enabling and
abusive behavior. ppl follow her because she keeps tweeting self victimizing bullshit.
>>1131068there's been a lot of talk on bipoc art twitter about not cancelling smaller creators because the power dynamics are different, i bet she read about it and just inserted herself as a white woman like she always does
>>1131074>>1131081amazing, it's really early in this thread but i'll still vote this for the next thread pic and title
No. 1131381
File: 1610638554655.jpeg (791.06 KB, 1125x1621, B4C5D390-E1AF-431C-8719-609A28…)

I think the closest we’ll get to accountability from her is this weird ass hypothetical
No. 1131395
>>1131013Every single thing Ross mentioned in his "recognizing abuse" talk in the vrchat checks out with Holly. She displays these symptoms daily on twitter. It's so sad and pathetic.
How ironic that this was way more helpful than Holly's mental health monday shit
No. 1131408
>>1131307>>1131395>Ross and the Grumps seem to have kept her from going off the deep end. I don't feel bad for her. She hated being seen as Ross's wife and she was extremely
abusive to him too. I'm glad people are seeing this unhinged manipulative behavior publicly.
No. 1131410
>>1131395Yeah, it's almost funny how she outs herself. To quote oldsad "they deserve each other". Wonder if we'll ever see Jared pull the same "she was abusing me" narrative in regards to Holly once the pandemic is over and he can actively pursue new pussy at cons again.
>>1131402Remember when Suzy was all the talk of the old Game Grumps threads and people actually seemed to like poor uwu smollbean Holly? My, how the times have changed. kek
No. 1131423
>>1131408Can’t say I feel bad for her either. I wonder if ProDick is treating her the same way he treated Heidi, ignoring her and just trotting off to do whatever he wants. If I was her, I’d feel pretty dumb begging people to watch his videos when he seems to have no problem @‘ing egirls. She should have known that if he treated Heidi one way, what would make her special to be treated any differently?
>>1131410Oh he probably will. It worked once, why wouldn’t it work again? But yeah, they’re both garbage humans who deserve each other for sure.
No. 1131426
File: 1610643210057.jpg (28.28 KB, 275x231, lol.jpg)

>>1131324sorry you've not familiar with healthy relationships, anon, but normally when someone has a supportive partner and they are also having such a bad break down that they are destroying their own career very publicly, they could also count on having their partner's full attention and not have to share with rando egirls.
>>1131408> She hated being seen as Ross's wifenow someday in the future she'll be the
abusive ex jared vague posts about being mad that all their instagram comments were about jared.
No. 1131433
>>1131423he definitely treats her the same top kek
> what would make her special to be treated any differently? her delusions of grandeur and narcissism. at least that's why she thinks she's so special
No. 1131495
>>1131441idk, i agree he's not likely to change but i also think holly was more responsible for the the start of the abuse narrative and he jumped on after he realized that heidi wasn't going to be a doormat anymore.
he seems mostly like a super avoidant and passive boyfriend who gets annoyed when asked to consider his girlfriend's feelings, and more likely to tune out/ignore/hit on other girls until she calms down. but it didn't sound like he really wanted to leave or completely tank the relationship until he had no choice to
but who knows, maybe he's been paying attention and studying, and will take a play out of the holly conrad play book for his next break up. they really deserve each other
No. 1131496
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No. 1131513
>>1131496Demisexual people have a very different experience being "marginalized" than most LGBT+ people, especially Demisexual people in heterosexual relationships. Like, it just is weird to me for her to lump herself in with people marginalized over sexuality when her sexuality has nothing to do with her drama or anything? If she says "I am only sexually attracted to people I am emotionally attached to" nobody would commit a hate crime or attack her for that, I'd even argue a very large percent of the population feels that way but doesnt feel the need to attach an oh so special term to it in order to feel like a special part of the LGBT+ community
Has she ever recieved hate for her sexuality? Has she ever been denied business or harassed or physically attacked for being publicly
checks notes attracted to people she is close with? Fuck no
This reminds me of how Heidi implied that Jared tried to use polyamory as a sexual identity, like he and Holly are unhappy being "boring" cis white people so they feel the need to label themselves as something more special
Women she can argue for, sure. But she has to realise that she is on the top of the pyramid for that: white, cis, skinny, above average wealth. Relatively compared to most women she would be on the "least marginalized" end of the scale
The one thing she could pretend to be marginalized for is mental health, so why she threw up demisexuality and femininity as her defences for calling herself marginalized is beyond me
"Women are marginalized" so you identify as a woman, not they/them. Got it. Might wanna fix your bio, hun.
No. 1131526
>>1131513Exactly. No, people aren’t coming at her because she’s demisexual, they’re coming at her because she’s crying about cancel culture again, over her own personal choices. She didn’t have to cheat on her husband and be the mistress to an emotionally
abusive sex pest as they bonded over their weird RP together. That is not a good look. But here we are, about two years later and she’s still whining and crying about it all over social media and even has the audacity to blame it on marginalization and not that she made some extremely shitty life choices which in turn ended up damaging her career. No wonder people are talking.
No. 1131533
File: 1610652182701.jpg (11.14 KB, 180x280, hollysfinances.jpg)

>>1130935> Owning in Seattle is also saving you money.statements this stupid make me believe that it must be holly or someone who knows her irl defending her here. i could totally see her being so out of touch to say something like this while defending her wealth and then som eating it up without question
anyways, sure economics anon, the problem with the economy is that millenials choose to rent instead of buy and not that shit is fucked such that only the rich can buy a house in a city like seattle anymore.
No. 1131537
>>1131533My lord you people are dense:
Having money at one point to buy a house does not guarantee having money now. She ain't fucking rich. She's just crazy.
(stop) No. 1131542
File: 1610653829705.jpeg (109.36 KB, 828x893, 60EC814C-9AF3-4E5A-8C55-AC2577…)

Privating to avoid those big meanies on lolcow! How’s that working for you, Holly?
No. 1131546
>>1131537People know this, they just want to trash on her, which is fine. People who use a computer or phone to post here I guarantee aren't swimming in riches just because they bought a computer at one point/leasing a phone now.
>>1131542Funnily enough this is pretty much harassment now given the reasoning she went private and people continue to try to milk her, it's not even milk at this point, wait til she says/does something actually stupid.
No. 1131559
>>1131557She can't aside keeping an eye on who tweets to her/then immediately comes here. Otherwise she's using the same logic as people here who think you're defending holly/jared when you don't say anything bad about them 24/7.
For example:
>>1130781This screenshot popped up immediately after she posts this and only a handful of people replied, she can put two and two together if she's not completely stupid.
No. 1131569
>>1131557she can't, this is all for theatrics and not to actually move on
>>1131564>>1131568top kek
No. 1131573
>>1131559You don't have to interact with her to get screen shots. So there's no way for her to get rid of her anon followers. She's firing in the dark.
>>1131260Idk about TOS, but she can lose her verified status on Twitter if she stays private. Apparently one can also lose verified status just by not tweeting, because the whole point is that they want verified accounts to be more highly visible than others.
No. 1131574
>>1131570Bullies huh?
Hi holly. if you changed and grew as a person this thread would die. but you won't change, so the tread stays.
No. 1131585
>>1131568omg lol.
>>1131574Yep. If she learned self restraint she could just not come here and blissfully live her life doing whatever it is that her career is now.
No. 1131591
>>1131570Good work not saging and putting more eyes on the thread by bumping it to the front, top kek
>>1131584She's putting on a show for attention and to look like a
victim. She knows perfectly well she can't get them all.
No. 1131592
>>1131496>queer women>I'm demisexualIs she being serious? She's queer and marginalized because she's a heterosexual with extra steps?
>>1131542Just stop checking the thread and ask your simps not to tell you about it so you can ignore it, it's that easy Holly
No. 1131600
>>1131584She mentions it to her audience intentionally, because people will swarm here and make posts like
>>1131570, she's desperate for people to come here and defend her because she can't handle a space that doesn't praise her in some way existing
No. 1131611
>>1131604Exactly, there's no more "end goal" here than any other place of gossip. Do these angry twitter people go into stores and lose their shit over tabloids existing? As long as public figures have existed, people have gossiped about them. If Holly truly can't handle that, can't handle any gossip or critique of what she airs publicly, then she shouldn't be a public figure. Nothing here stops her from creating or living her life, it's her choice to stop her life over it. She doesn't get special privileges no other public figure has. If this is the life she wants, she needs to be able to stop giving a shit, cause if you are famous people will
publicly discuss what you make public, and it won't always be praise and asspats. That's the business, that's life.
No. 1131631
>>1131496So much tone deafness. Holly you responded to a tweet made by a
WOC calling yourself marginalized. Peak Karen moment.
No. 1131635
File: 1610658802053.jpg (15.73 KB, 723x279, 22228295_10214817193049159_123…)

>>1131631it's because she associates the word marginalized with "shunned" which are two different things
she is not marginalized because she is not in a group that faces discrimination. While "demisexual" may not be as common, nobody would argue with you if you said you preferred an emotional connection before doing anything sexual with someone. She's mentally ill clearly but her actions reap their own consequences and she has resources as well as a support system to get help and is not lower class, unable to afford therapy or medicine. She lives in her own house with her own hobbies, interests and passions that she makes money off from, is with an affluent youtube, has an absurd amount of birds which only empties her wallet (which makes her whine), and she's a white female with a following who will support her and give her asspats
There is nothing marginalized about her
No. 1131637
>>1131596Holly is a public persona and this is a place where we discuss public personas so of course we are going to talk about her and post caps of her public social media. If she can’t handle criticism when she is in the public eyes with several thousands of followers then she has the option to step down from being an “influencer”. If she is so emotionally unstable that the thought of having people discuss her public meltdowns then she should simply not have social media, and that goes for anyone and not just Holly.
We are not responsible for her health, she is a 30+ woman, she is responsible for herself and there is no reason to coddle her.
No. 1131638
File: 1610658881985.png (21.1 KB, 592x236, conradcrusader.png)

Guess her younger fans are gonna start throwing themselves at us…
No. 1131654
File: 1610659645032.png (40.22 KB, 605x264, Holly.png)

>>1131637>>1131611Besides, I along with I'm sure most other anons have and will never tweet at or interact with Holly. Ever. I gossip about her here and that's it, it's not my fault she obsessively reads this thread. She is a huge fan of contrapoints's video on cancelling and I know in that video Natalie gave tons of links and information on ways to block yourself from visiting certain websites. She can stop reading here if she wants, surely she must know that She will never be able to guilt everyone into never speaking ill of her again, especially on fucking tabloid gossipy sites like this.
>>1131638Surely Holly must understand that fans like this and SadOldSimp are the reasons she will never take the steps needed to move on. She and her new close friends- friends she made after they worked hard to defend her online incessiently- are constantly in this thread monitoring what us gossipy bitches are chirping about and all it does is expose her to shit that's bad for her. Maybe having friends who feel the need to text you every bad thing strangers say about you is not the best way to cope.
Holly, dude, you gotta drop your
toxic ass friends like SOM. He has a whole blog dedicated to his responses to this thread, corresponding with drama blogs, and answering questions with insider info he has from knowing you personally. Isnt that fucking weird? I dont know man, I just like it when my friends treat me like a normal person instead of a perfect idol. There is alot she could do to improve her current situation and she just… refuses.
No. 1131667
File: 1610660271213.png (50.31 KB, 557x577, Screenshot_193.png)

looks like hoelly's back in damage control mode
No. 1131671
>>1131638that’s exactly the response she’s been hoping for, she’s been obsessively namedropping this forum so that people will search it up
i said in the last thread she was furious that she couldn’t send her brigade of morons to suppress the people calling her out, and now she’s pointing them to the thread to fight her battles for her, unfortunately no one here gives a fuck if a bunch of idiots start sperging about mental health and we’ll continue calling her and her cretin boyfriend out either way
imagine being in your mid thirties whining on twitter about online gossip forums you actively seek out and read through so that a bunch of kids/other mid thirty year olds will “troll” it for you lmao
No. 1131676
Big Karen Energy right there.
No. 1131688
>>1131677the fucked up part is that from what I can tell, twc was trying to give hobag a pass by saying that the matter was settled and she still went full
victim mode
No. 1131731
File: 1610663637993.png (208.03 KB, 2048x1078, Screenshot_20210114-173146.png)

>>1131542It's pretty pathetic how obsessive she is about living in a bubble. Imagine spending an entire night blocking followers you think are from this site.
No. 1131821
>>1131496A serious wtf to white women. What is it about well-off liberal white women that has them fucking over POCs?
>>1131497 Holly is the reason why academics can't articulate the injustices that happen to groups who face discrimination without being laughed at. A dumbass like her comes in and says "well I had to google it, but yeah! I am!" Maybe she's 1/15 Cherokee.
And isn't Demisexual just a Christian ideal of no sex without love? She's not queer! She's never dated a trans person and doesn't know the taste of pussy either.
No. 1131842
File: 1610668730329.png (59.73 KB, 450x630, DavesWasHere.png)

>"HOWEVER the level to which she has gotten shit over this compared to the almost creepy amount of support the other female party is downright miserable."
>"The even weirder part, …is that the male party seems to get little to no crap anymore."
No. 1131845
File: 1610668815107.png (139.68 KB, 644x706, Screenshot_201.png)

shit I think twc snapped. cue incoming lawsuit in 5…4….3…
No. 1131846
File: 1610668897867.jpeg (179.76 KB, 750x501, AF5DC4B6-4845-41D1-9A34-4437E4…)

yes holly, the big scary anons on a gossip forum are LITERALLY stalking you by screenshotting and discussing tweets you post publicly onto your twitter account with over 200k followers
she constantly throws around big words with negative connotations and her followers are so desensitised to her manic bullshit that they automatically flood her with mindless enabling no matter how stupid and delusional the shit she’s saying is
No. 1131856
File: 1610669418190.jpeg (226.28 KB, 750x433, 61B671BA-EE2C-4A9D-9E24-BCD35A…)

samefag but even one of holly’s dedicated whiteknights has told her to stop lurking on here, i wonder if the people who have enabled her from the start are getting sick of seeing the same shit over and over again
No. 1131866
>>1131845Holy shit, TWC better be careful. I get the vibe that Holly thought she would back down and delete her blog the minute she messaged her because of her clout alone.
Not suprised she stalks the tumblr blogs too, even if she didnt I'm sure SOM sends her every little post
No. 1131868
File: 1610669768422.png (19.79 KB, 300x250, A1695F48-7516-477B-A4A1-FC115D…)

>>1131546Are you ok anon? Do you think holly shares your understanding of money? Owning a house is a mark of wealth especially when that home is in Seattle, one of the most expensive cities in the US with a median house value of 800k.
It’s milky when she bitches about losing funding from fans when she’s practically stopped creating content for them and isn’t owed that financial support in the first place. If she was really hurting for funds you’d think she’d sell up and buy a house somewhere cheaper and start re-homing her multitude of birds or creating content again. The fact she’s not makes her financial comments disingenuous to a lot of people here.
Also thank you for the spit take of a laugh I had when I read your comment comparing buying a cell phone or laptop to purchasing a house.
No. 1131877
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There is some absolute gold in Holly's replies. I'm dying
No. 1131878
>>1131074absolute genius
anon, you are the top kek
No. 1131891
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the girls are fightiiiing. How stupid is hoelly, truly? She did this shit using her business page, too
No. 1131913
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Aww, they're threatening the TWC blog!
No. 1131923
>>1131921she has no 'real' friends, thats the problem. She has morons who were manipulated into being her staunchest defenders that think she does no wrong, but she has no one who will bitch smack her and tell her she's being an idiot.
she's just bored. everyone's focus has been on the capitol and we all know she thirsts for the attention to be on her - good, bad, and everything in between.
No. 1131943
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Holly when someone runs a blog with proof of her being shitty: JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
Holly when her fans threaten to doxx said blog: whats up Im jared, 19, never learned to fukkin read
No. 1131972
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>Poor girl She’s not a girl, she’s not poor, she’s not a
victim to anything but her own shitty actions that go beyond being a mistress~ into things like scamming cancer patients and being
abusive to her ex-husband.
I hardly care about the scandal or even sticking up for Heidi. That’s probably not even the biggest factor why people continue to dislike her anymore.
I have a strong feeling that people are just disgusted by the person she revealed herself to be publicly. Just a manipulative, self-centered, 30-something woman who is constantly
toxic to her followers.
She doesn’t care about exposing her fans to drama, she doesn’t care about protecting them from Lolcow (especially the younger ones who could be exposed to
triggering content of other threads). She just does what she thinks will benefit her. Literally, anything she does is to benefit her. Financially, socially, you name it.
She breaks down and acts out to worry her followers. They comfort her instead of finding a healthy way to cope. She could be working on things in therapy, spending her days peacefully with her pets, living happily day-to-day offline with Jared, indulging in her hobbies, and streaming with mods who weed out the negativity.
She is a grown woman who is fully capable of making informed, proper choices. She just refuses to. Which is why you’re here, because you’re a bleeding heart type who got manipulated by a stranger online.
I live happily without worry. I sleep well at night knowing I don’t have the callousness that’s needed for the narcissistic and exploitive way Holly lives.
She can put the blame on “bullies” all she wants, but she will always be the true source of her own misery. If it wasn’t LC, or Twitter, or YouTube comments-it would be more cantered again on be the people in her life. Doing her “friends” dirty, triangulating everyone around her, abusing her partners, the list (unfortunately) goes on.
No. 1132065
>there's still lolcow people in herethe moo is coming from inside of the house
>>1131877>copyright infringementsomewhere in the world, a lawyer just died of laughter
No. 1132068
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>>1131731I wanted to see how many followers in total she has lost since the scandal broke. Her quote of 45k is actually much closer to 60k at the moment. Her account had peaked at 270.6k just the month before. At this point I wonder if she's ever actually going to recover.
Also, found this while looking up her twitter stats and got a good kek. Notice ANXIETY, ill, sorry, shame, shaming, etc. all being major keywords for her.
No. 1132085
>>1132068>At this point I wonder if she's ever actually going to recover.If you mean solely in terms of followers, I sincerely doubt it. Those are wife-of-a-Game-Grump numbers, not professional
victim numbers. Not even DnD Star numbers.
>>1132065>the moo is coming from inside of the houseOmg anon I'm dying
>>1131921>what is going on in Holly's personal life that she felt the need to start fights w/ twitter, tumblr, and lolcow all at the same time?I'd bet money that Jared is neglecting her. They live together, so she's crying and having breakdowns while he actively ignores her in the same space.
Her most recent "I'm marginalized" tantrum doesn't even apply to Jared. If she's so intent on proving that cancel culture is real for "marginalized" creators "like her" she's not even remotely thinking of her own straight white cis male partner who has lots of wealth and clout on his own. Kinda sad. Someone else recently mentioned this, but I bet it's super annoying to him that she makes the worst experience of his life into her own story of victimhood where she is the main character and the one suffering the most.
No. 1132090
>>1132085At least now she's defending
herself instead of just throwing herself into the line of fire for a guy who
definitely wouldn't do the same for her when given the chance…
No. 1132102
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Back to thinking she’s some kind of badass for blocking people, rather than too much of a coward to face the reality that she did a shitty thing
No. 1132116
>>1132102Imagine Holly being all "All of D&D betray me I fed up with this world" when the writer of the official D&D comics tweets at her still.
Her victimization fetish is eternal and infinite.
No. 1132278
>>1131596since she clearly doesn't have the control to stop coming here and reading about herself she oughta just leave all social media. Threads get real quiet when there's no insane "boo hoo I'm such a
victim" posting every few days. But obviously she can't do that either.
No. 1132334
>>1132278The reason why she won’t quit social media is because she has become so used to getting money from being an internet celebrity and not doing any actual work. She doesn’t want to be a normal person with a regular non-media industry job. The only way to survive as a public figure is to have a social media presence, and Holly still clings to her Twitter account because there are crumbs from her days of actual relevancy which have long since passed entirely by her fault.
I hope she’s reading this because honestly it is so sad she takes 0 responsibility in fucking over her career opportunities in DnD. Jared was the weaker of the two of them in terms of creativity, Strix may have been annoying and lazy and Holly a weak role player, but at least she had an aesthetic. Diath was a boring as sin character made by the most milquetoast commonplace white boy you can find ten of in the TTRPG community within one foot of a convention table.
Holly joins the echelons of white women who simp for the basic white boy they’ve been fucking who ruin their career for no reason. She’s no doubt a horrible gaslighting chronic
victim but had she at least acted like a mature adult and didn’t spend months following the cheating scandal falling on a sword over and over for Jared she’d still have had a career with WOTC. She’s had ample opportunity to move on and ignore and mute the hate she’s gotten from the fallout, but just keeps going back to self harm and ruin herself even further.
At this point she’s better off trying to find a admin job in Seattle or working at a coffee shop to put money into her hobbies.
No. 1132378
>>1132337The problem is that she doesn't want one. It's not that she CAN'T avoid negativity, she actively goes out of her way to find and create it. She will never give up control of her accounts this way because she's not trying to be practical about growing a brand or business. (Related - have you noticed that her business accounts basically never post? She uses them to contact her haters like TWC, but only advertises a product maybe once or twice a month. She's not even trying.)
She will never distance herself from the haters. It's not good enough to block them out and never see them. She can't stand the idea that they exist, and that they're out there somewhere talking about her. Until she fixes herself internally, she'll never have any amount of peace online.
Tl;dr: it's not everyone else, it's her.
No. 1132382
>>1132337She really is trapping herself in a negative life when she doesn't have to. She's still talking to Jared, still whingeing about the drama over a year after it happened, still posting about anti-bullying/anti-cancel culture shit every day. She clearly keeps her social media because its the only way she can get a torrent of pity and ~virtual hugz~ every time she has a little cry about the bullies, when if she'd just left it be she could have completely moved on and gotten actual therapy, not Twitter therapy.
Plenty of large internet personalities have been faced with scandals and successfully rebranded/recuperated their careers. She should take a page from their books and get the fuck off social media until she's put in the effort to relaunch her shit/get someone to manage it if she's so keen on schmoozing off her dwindling fanbase.
No. 1132419
>>1132259Jared is marginalised and kweer because he’s ~polyamorous~. It also wouldn’t surprise me if he comes out as nonbinary or genderfluid at some point citing his interest in fashion and that one time he crossplayed as a Sailor Scout for gags.
>>1132402My personal tinfoil is that she used to lurk (or even post) here before the drama and remembers a time when GG threads liked her. Maybe she thinks we ought to be on her side and feels betrayed that we aren’t.
No. 1132422
>>1132402Her obsession with lolcow is pretty strange. The hate she got yesterday was from followers of the larger creator she attacked on twitter. But apparently, in her mind, the hundreds of people calling her out on twitter are also all users on lolcow…somehow.
Maybe she doesn't know there are many other places on the internet that talk about her?
>>1132419I think most people agree that she lurked here back in the day. I remember she mentioned that she read internet "hate" sites about her in an interview wayyy back before the drama even happened
No. 1132424
>" hell, she could probably get someone to do it for free like a twitch mod."Unfortunately, it looks like most of her close friends just
have to reply to
every single bit of negative feedback, & none of them seem capable of just quietly weeding out & deleting that shit. SadOld
might have been considered for it, but him constantly relaying all the hate to her & his bragging & flexing says otherwise.
What she needs is a '
silent protector' of sorts; someone who can manage her Social Media
without adding in their two-cents or posturing ridiculously.
…Or she could just make a private 'venting' account like Heidi apparently did. - This seems like the quicker, easier option, imo.
No. 1132434
>>1132426Meanwhile besides her mom's death (which was a shame), Suzy is thriving and minding her own business, even if she is not QUITE as involved with creating her jewelry since she outsources the creation, but whatever, she's got holographic stickers and merch and she's doing her own thing
not gonna lie sometimes I miss her mortemer makeup channel lol. She could have been a very sweet bubbly personality on Youtube if her past behaviors weren't so insufferable
also Holly kept a lot of her
victim complaints on tumblr at the time. Holly was also active and doing her own thing. I saw a random pic on google if you search "holly conrad" where she was out of the pool and her hair looked boyish short, it actually suited her more. I think she could pull off that edgy androgynous haircut
No. 1132463
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>>1132434I thought Holly's hair was cute before she went jet black. This was one of my favorite looks she did: the color really suits her and the cut was flattering.
No. 1132542
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I was wondering what those 'Cancelled' t-shirts reminded me of, then I finally remembered…
No. 1132544
>>1131496Glad someone screengrabbed this so we have some history of her scrounging around for marginalized points after getting called out by
POC for the millionth time.
She may have deleted it on her Twitter but her white feminism is never getting forgotten.
No. 1132546
>>1132465She used to be super cute in like 2014-2016 with her short pastel hair looks but now she has committed herself to skin walking as Strix which doesnt suit her well, unfortunately. Her light pink hair was her best look imo
>>1132334I wonder what offends her more: us talking ill of her, of Jared, or of Strix/DCA. I'm sure reading that some people found Strix's shrieking and crying annoying hurts her more than any Shadman art or Hoelly nickname
No. 1132551
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>>1132544Her fans tell her that she is as well.
No. 1132561
>>1132556That's why she latches onto the current "trendy" sexuality - first, asexual and now demisexual. She calls herself 'queer' just because she has to have emotions for someone before she gets wet - you know, like a solid 80% of every sexually active person.
She is 110% not some kind of icon of the queer community. We don't want her faux ally bullshit, trying to co-opt our struggles.
No. 1132573
>>1132546Strix is a Holly self insert that she apparently themed her entire house around, so talking ill about Strix is in the same category as talking shit about her tbh.
>>1132551white women in the games and TTRPG industry are marginalized on paper, but in recent years more and more white women are making a name for themselves in the scene and
POC creators are still on the outskirts.
She has to know why people gave her shit for referring to herself as marginalized because she has 0 friends who aren't also white like her. But she can never admit to being wrong and needs her supporters to handhold her whenever she gets called out for saying stupid white feminism shit.
Girl we all remember what you did when Etika died. That's not something people are going to forget.
No. 1132588
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>>1132556but she's not marginalized because of her sexuality….. nor did she lose her job from the big capitalist company……
she literally did everything herself to herself
No. 1132592
>>1132551The word "marginalized" always has a specific context. There are some situations in which a white woman could be called marginalized, for instance if you're talking about the job market and only taking gender (not race etc) into account.
Holly called herself marginalized in a specific context as well: she's supposedly a "marginalized creator". This implies that she's at a disadvantage in YouTube/social media in general.
This is absolutely NOT TRUE even if other situations exist where she might accurately be called marginalized. Context matters.
No. 1132668
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I realise this is nitpick but I just am surprised she didn't give some people the art they paid for at that show
No. 1132684
>>1132607"She | they" in the bio is the calling card for cis women who don't want to appear cis for clout, but still comfortably identify as women in society.
Same with "demisexual." It's a preference, not an orientation: you're either asexual or you're not. Either you want to have sex with people or you don't. You can call yourself whatever you want but considering yourself "queer" because you have a low libido and an otherwise completely normally and socially acceptable level of attraction to others is gross and exploitative of the LGBT movement.
She's an ordinary straight white girl. Idk why that's so difficult for her to accept.
No. 1132750
>>1132684Not trying to white knight, but there are definitely non-cis "she/they" users out there. Holly calls herself a woman on the reg though, so I doubt the included "they" has anything to do with her gender identity.
Definitely agree on the demisexuality front. She isn't marginalized for not being attracted to random strangers. I mean, I could certainly feel pity toward her for, by her own admission, only ever being sexually attracted to Jared–but not for the reasons she'd like.
No. 1132757
>>1132684I wouldn't go that far with the pronouns in the bio thing, but the "I'm asexual until it gives me license to fuck my married coworker, then I'm demisexual!" is absolutely her attempt at being LGBT+ because she thinks it adds something to her uwu not like other girls personality. She knew she'd get shit for fucking jared when she claimed to be asexual the entire time she was married to Ross, so suddenly "I'm demisexual and queer, which makes me as marginalized as this
POC that I'm trying to speak over"
youd think after black twitter came for her over the Etika mess she'd have learned, but guess you can't teach old bitches new tricks.
No. 1132831
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No. 1132832
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I think holly went after the wrong person this time holy fork
No. 1132855
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>>1132556Oh god these people…
No. 1132856
>>1132855>"You can have white privilege and still be marginalized"Yeah, except most of us are smart enough to not find a post by a
POC and trying to speak over them about how marginalized we are.
No. 1132871
>>1132855>actually, you're a victim of people telling you you're not a victimHolly will always perform whatever mental gymnastics required to land back on her
victim status
No. 1132881
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$75 for a torn up leather bag? the fuck?
I guess I can't say much since hobags fans are actually shelling out that kind of cash mid-pandemic for something they probably could have found for a quarter the price elsewhere.
No. 1132907
>>1132904So, in the last three years, she's been asexual, pansexual, and demisexual. She's either sexually attracted to everyone, no one, or just certain someones.
All of that
toxic bird shit must have corroded her last brain cell.
No. 1133096
>>1133066"Demisexual" aka massively insecure to the point that she can't get outside of her own fear long enough to feel confident having sex. The role play allowed her to feel special and confident because they were "Diath and Strix meant 2 B uwu" and she could pretend to not be herself long enough to get off.
She latched onto Jared because she needed the role play to believe that they had a special bond she couldn't have with anyone else. That's why she felt so entitled to him. She "needed" him because he was the "only one" who turned her on by playing pretend with her. Nevermind that she had already dated and married Ross for years. He wasn't a DnD influencer that would pretend to be their characters 24/7 with her.
I wonder if/when her delusion around this will wear off. Like if it will ever occur to her that Jared will fuck whoever makes him feel special and powerful too, even if it's a random egirl. You're not some special treasure to him, Holly, he's just going along with what you say because you're unstable and terrifying.
No. 1133156
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This whole reaching out to the tumblr blogs is such a bad look for her. She thinks everytime she reaches out (aka attempts to intimidate) her critics that they will immediately back down and delete their criticism and it's so gross. I'm so glad TWC didnt bend over like creepshow. Not to mention that she is once again using her brand accounts for the drama instead of keeping it professional.
ALSO if she doesnt understand tumblr messages all that well she should ask her basement dwelling boyfriend, I'm pretty sure he knows his way around the tumblr message system
No. 1133160
>>1133156Didn't she post on tumblr regularly for years? And we're supposed to believe she still doesn't know how to use it?
Also, why is she using her business account to participate in drama?
No. 1133189
>>1133165This, for real. It is absolutely mindboggling that Holly thought it was appropriate to become close friends with former hardcore DCA stans. Look what happened with SOM: the guy created a public blog where he talks about HER LIFE and reveals personal information about her past marriages and current relationships.
SOM's blog gets mentioned here in passing, but every single time it blows my fucking mind that she thinks this is a normal 'friendship' thing to do. "Yeah, my friend blogs about my divorce and how he doesn't like my ex. No big deal." This is the wildest fucking thing to me and it shows she's become so detached from the real world she's mistaken fans as friends. Leaving the internet, getting a normal job and regular friends would help her immensely. Despite her past history, I still find myself rooting for her to dump all her gross orbiters and get her life together.
No. 1133260
>>1133156what is this boomer talk of "tumble" she used the platform for years! she used to talk about her past and her life there. she used to post about her fucked up parents, and her grandpa being in a home, and how her channel revenue goes towards his care, and how her dad wanted her to be a blonde surfer chick and how she hated being associated with just game grumps instead of her own thing
why is she acting like she's never seen this platform before? I'll give her that she maybe doesn't visit often enough to see a notification but I don't get why she's acting like she never saw it bc she doesn't know how it works. Just say you have been avoiding the website and didn't see it, that's at least a legitimate reason.
No. 1133271
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>>1133260The blog that posted the screenshot on the left seems to think it is Kayla doing damage control
No. 1133277
Asking out of pure curiosity:
How many people that post/lurk these threads were fans of Holly before they found they found lolcow?
Since nothing came out of this
>>1131638 (except that one poster that may or may not be Kayla or Holly herself) I wonder how many attempted attack dogs actually took a further look instead of "trolling" our dumb lil forum.
No. 1133282
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Saw this & thought of ProJared
No. 1133445
>>1133277“You know me” was the thing that had me unsub from all her socials and is also how I found lolcow
She’s her own worst enemy in all this honestly
No. 1133450
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New tweets incoming. She seems embarrassed of her actions lately
No. 1133451
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No. 1133538
>>1133451Cool Holly so if you’re not a narc you’re going to someday take back what you said about Heidi while you were gaslighting her and then later making people hate her for no reason other than acting like a hurt and upset human being, or no she had it coming?
I’m never going to be over her apologizing for what she said about people with BPD being unfixable but not apologizing for saying Heidi is unfixable.
No. 1133560
Holly's week:
>I'm a victim of cancel culture in pro DnD >>1126174Monday
>I'm a victim of cancel culture via YouTube comments >>1128813Wednesday
>I'm a marginalized creator >>1130455>and an ugly cheating whore>>1130654Thursday
>I'm a victim of lolcow and TWC >>1131542Friday
>I'm a victim of being told that I'm not really a victim >>1132855Saturday
>I'm a victim of my parents and that's why I act out >>1133450This is what she chooses to spotlight on her massive public platform. No matter how many times she claims it's just rpgs and chickens. She is obsessed with her perceived victimhood and can't stop broadcasting it to the world. She needs EVERYONE to know and agree with her, and she'll obsessively seek out those who don't. Even if some of this stuff is genuinely a struggle, she's completely focused on it and wants everyone else to pay attention to her woes as well.
This must be exhausting. At least she took Tuesday off.
No. 1133569
>>1133451>>1133450These really just feel like a blatant grab off of twc to be honest. She goes off on twc, twc responds to an ask bringing up how she struggles with her own childhood issues, and now magically hoelly finds a loophole to talk about HER childhood trauama?
That or a bs attempt at once again playing the sad
No. 1133591
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TL;DR at the top because I’m just talking about married men in general cheating but playing the women off each other so he comes across helpless or responsible for what’s going on. Don’t waste your time reading it because the long short of it is Holly is as stupid as she is narcissistic and we all know that.
To be fair this is absolutely worst case for any scenario so it’s gonna sound extreme but bear with me that I’m not tinfoiling that anyone was in danger kek
Situations like J/H/H remind me of Chris Watts (Less Scott Peterson because of personality type, I guess), because Jared was acting/texting the exact same way Chris Watts was. Shanann was as exasperated, emotional, and confused as Heidi was via texts. I hate to compare the two because a pregnant woman and her two very young children were murdered in one case while nothing like that happened to Heidi so it could be read as if I’m saying Heidi was or could have had her life at risk cause of some stickbug, beak-nosed nerd in a SHEIN hoodie and matching SHEIN empowerment bracelet-but the similarity of the texts is specifically what I mean since it’s a publicly accessible example of both sides-when usually in every other occurrence we get to see only one maybe or cherry-picked pieces of bigger convos.
Again-not saying or implying Jared is capable of murder, but I wish “the other woman” like Holly would read shit like that. How far married men go to continue cheating so they begin to lie, triangulate, manipulate, do a stonewall then love-bomb cycle, and say a different story to both women he's seeing so that they both think it’s the fault of the other woman. Not only with texts as examples sent from Chris to Nichol vs Chris to Shanann, and how Shanann was confiding in people-but if Holly read more than forums or cancel-culture books she might be able to get a couple of brain cells together to realize she was messed with emotionally and mentally as Heidi was.
Like, even in the bits of convos J/H/H put out of texts shared between both parties it was obvious Jared was telling each woman respectfully that the other was crazy.
Telling Heidi that Holly was saying she was emotionally unstable, pushy, misunderstanding everything (Including boundaries), crazy.
Telling Holly that Heidi was emotionally abusive, mean, crazy.
This is nearly every cheating story where the guy is married but he wants to have his cake and eat it too.
Holly just thinks she won, or that she saved poor Jared. If he’d said no to Holly on the other hand and kept dragging his marriage out as long as possible, Holly would still be saying she’d want to an hero or otherwise hurt herself while also drinking wine alone tweeting about wanting to help her abused friend.
It’s frustrating because it’s always the same old story, I bet before she turns 40 Holly is going to want to be checking Jared’s texts and DMs in the DL.
No. 1133598
>>1133591>"checking Jared's texts"You know she already is, though she will always publicly play it cool. "See? Heidi wouldn't let him explorer his feelings for other women and I will therefor I am the better partner but also please love me forever those other women are all manipulative and
No. 1133614
>>1133451I doubt she's spoken to a therapist in literal ages. If she was actually getting help from a therapist, she wouldn't have lost her god damn mind and acted like a psycho obsessed with being a professional
You're a narcissist, Holly. It's the one thing that you and Jared have in common and why neither of you genuinely care about the other. You're both too busy smelling your own farts.
No. 1133623
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>>1133598You’ve got a good point, she’s his Hillary Clinton but she thinks she’s his Monica Lewinsky
Wonder how she really feels when any number of PYTs are giving him a good brain day in one place while she goes off to another place alone to have a bad brain day
No. 1133880
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what Holly hasn't realized is that she threw herself into the flames for a guy who would never do the same for her
Jared is Jared, and if it wasn't Holly, it'd be someone else. I think deep down she knows this and this is why she's making such a fuss, otherwise all this was for nothing. Jared is not Holly's soulmate, and he would never act like she did for him. Jared could replace Holly in a heartbeat
And that's pretty sad. I've been in that situation before, bleeding out for someone who wouldn't give a shit for you. It ain't worth it. Jared has no redeeming qualities. I'm not even talking about appearance, like if Jared was a good person through and through nobody would care. Even before his big boom he wronged other youtube creators in the past who got left behind now while he skyrocketed. He hypocritically judged Jontron while not able to accept the same heat himself
Not only did he stay quiet during the worst of it, he has picked up all her terms, idioms and behavioral quirks like victimhood and sudden emotional "enlightenment" which you bet he NEVER used before, because he never needed it! He lives in her house, she takes all the heat and he just shuts up and then sometimes waxes philosophical about his "victimhood"
Girl he ain't worth it, Jareds are a dime a dozen. You mean to say it's worth all this for a sex obsessed guy who juggled two chicks while married to one, slept with other fans, send his dick pics everywhere and had multiple tumblr NSFW blogs?
No. 1133885
>>1133880Same person just adding that while married to Ross she NEVER used her sexuality as a victimhood thing because she never WAS marginalized for her sexuality! She didn't have jobs denied to her, she was not socially shunned from her friend circle, she was never assaulted, kicked out from home or abused because of her sexuality. And she knew that Ross was loving and supportive
She simply mentioned her sexualities in passing but it was never a cause to be singled out. Because she wasn't. She talked about her past on tumblr like it was a diary, and she attributed her traumas to everywhere else; cosplay communities, her parents, an
abusive ex she had in the past before Ross (she mentioned this on tumblr somewhere sorry I have no idea where to find that)
Now when all she has is this naked chicken of a man she has to take up shield against everything because everyone is against her. She was still shitty back then but she didn't have excuses, only herself. Now she will find excuses everywhere to justify and rationalize her decisions that clearly backfired
No. 1133958
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>>1133880You know hes trash when even the gossip forum dedicated to bitching about you is telling you to dump him
No. 1133968
>>1133958it’s true. if we do take Holly at her word about seeing a therapist and the fact that worrying about being a narcissist is a sign you’re not a narc, then she’s gotten herself emotionally involved with another narcissist like Jared.
Jared clearly shows no remorse and manipulates his emotions to best appeal to who he wants to manipulate. it’s why he was able to string both Heidi and Holly along, and how he was able to bring his pump and dump Uno Girl back on his side. it’s also how he’s able to get his remaining fans to send him shit. Jared’s as smart as a lump on a log but I do believe he has a sort of charisma about him that manipulates women to fall for his bullshit. he took advantage of Tumblr’s body positivity movement to get nudes from fans and he took advantage of his fame to fuck fans at conventions. he’s slimey.
Holly is a chronic
victim and being with a guy like Jared probably fills the same hole her pigeon hoarding does. except pigeons are actually defenseless creatures who need someone to help and care for them and are hated and misunderstood by a lot of people because they’re pretty filthy and overpopulated. Jared is a grown ass man who was financially responsible for himself at his then-wife. but Holly sees Jared as someone just as vulnerable and needy as her pigeons so she wants to take care of and defend the integrity of a guy who does not deserve it.
I’m sperging but Holly if you’re reading this: Jared is playing you and using you, just like he did with Heidi. Get him out of your life if you actually want to try improving yourself, otherwise if you’re not a narc you’ve decided to become emotionally and romantically invested in a narcissist.
No. 1133973
I still believe that the only reason Jared left Heidi for Holly is because Heidi (finally) stopped taking his bullshit without question, & Holly still (willingly) does.
No. 1133988
>>1133976Holly, panicking:
"I've made an ass of myself for the thousandth time online in front of my followers. Here's another excuse. Please don't unfollow me. Please. Wait … where is everyone going … ?"
No. 1133995
>>1133973Jared has obviously been a negative influence on her and is a
toxic person on top of being a sexpest. Heidi seems to be doing a lot better with him out of her life, even if she’s had to relearn living independently post-divorce. She even mentioned having a better relationship with her parents post-divorce. Holly is also a shitty person based on her past and current behavior, but if she actually is committed to being better she needs to drop him.
If she is actually seeing a worthwhile therapist I hope she sees the light eventually that Jared has done nothing but bring more negativity into her life. But it’s up to Holly to acknowledge she made huge mistakes and fell for the guy through roleplay and manipulation.
No. 1134013
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>>1133995At this point she has left her marriage, her friend group, her grandfather's home, her DnD career, her career and her mental health behind for Jared. She even moved him into her house and dedicated a huge part of her space to be his for his channel and collection. She has given up so much for him that I think she feels that if she left him she would have nothing. Which of heartbreaking since he likes his anime witch waifu Strix way more than he ever truly loved her.
The worst bit is that she has Heidi boxed as a psycho ex who only spreads
toxic lies when she should be looking at what Jared did to Heidi critically. She has all the warning signs right in front of her but refuses to recognize them because she refuses to recognize Heidi as a human with trauma who went through some shit. Once she views Heidi as a human (like she presumably did when they were literally BFFs before Holly decided to fuck Diath) she will begin to see the signs, but she never will because Heidi is an evil
abusive slut who stands up for herself and expresses anger in frustrating situations
No. 1134074
>>1134013meanwhile she truly could have just told Jared "if you are unhappy in your marriage you should communicate and/or leave", you know, like the friend she claimed to be at the start "I'm there for you"
Instead she did what she does best: she taught him how to be a
victim. Jared had no trouble sleeping with fans, flirting with fans online, asking for nudes or flexing the boundaries of his polyamory with Heidi. He never saw himself as a
victim because he clearly wasn't one. She never considered Heidi might be upset that her husband and friend are being dishonest with her
Then lo and behold Holly comes along and suddenly what is a conflict within a marriage not only becomes her business by involving herself with the husband, but she also twists the narrative so that she is "saving" the person she cares for as opposed to butting in to something, a relationship, that existed long before she came along
And Jared, the madlad that he is, when he commented on twitter something like "we are with you Holly, you do you", or some milquetoast encouragement like that, what he's REALLY saying is "yes, keep getting all the heat for sacrificing everything for me, really appreciate it!"
No. 1134108
>>1134074To be fair, the general consensus of the public is "Cheating is
unforgivable… UNLESS you are in an
abusive situation."
Unfortunately, claiming that your spouse was
abusive/controlling has become a sort of 'Get Out of Jail Free card' when trying to justify cheating on them.
If anyone asks for 'proof' you could just show the texts from when tensions escalated during the breakup - which they did.
The claims of Heidi's apparent
abusive behavior go as far back as the breakup - specifically when things (predictably) got ugly. And… that's it.
No. 1134156
>"To be fair, the general consensus of the public is "Cheating is unforgivable… UNLESS you are in an abusive situation." "This is why Holly refuses to see the red flags with Jared or take accountability for all the fucked up things she said about and did to Heidi. She genuinely believes that Heidi is an
abusive monster because she has built it up so much in her head as a defences mechanism. She straight up refuses to see the truth of the situation because then she would have to come to terms with the horrible shit she has done these past few years when it comes to slandering Heidi and manipulating Jared.
It's like how she is always posting mental health guru shit about Guilt on her insta stories: I think she deep down does feel guilty about what she did, but she refuses to allow herself to validate and analyze that feeling because she refuses to view herself as a bad person or even just someone who did something really shitty.
The times she does say she feels shame and apologizes are for things that came from the fallout of the drama like the Etika stuff or the marginalized thing, etc. She apologizes for that and feels shame for that, but not for the other stuff she did to Jared, Heidi, and Ross.
No. 1134194
>>1133968the 'if you worry about being a bad person then you're a good person' advice is trash and honesty the sign of a really bad and dangerous therapist. i believe she does go to therapy like she says, but i don't believe she's self aware enough to find a good therapist that will challenge her and actually address her real issue instead of letting her victimize herself further without question.
bad therapists will absolutely enable bad behavior and make it worse.
No. 1134253
>>1134108Tension started specifically when Jared and Holly went on "the walk" for hours through the night apparently without their phones while Heidi waited around for some basic honesty and then both proceeded to lie to her and gaslight her than nothing is going on
That was a clear point in which it went from "eh but okay" to "this is not okay" and neither Holly nor Jared were willing to include Heidi in this
because it specifically crossed the boundaries she had set No. 1134256
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>>1133885>>1133968Funny enough I went looking for her Psychology Today article and it showed me shit like pic related.
I figured that if her relationship sours At any point, she’ll have all this foundation over time to explain why she ended up with Jared and how that made her the
victim again
No. 1134321
>>1133880>Even before his big boom he wronged other youtube creators in the past who got left behind now while he skyrocketed.I heard murmurs of this when the affair came to light. Was this pre YouTube and Normal Boots?
Besides Jared being a narc, Holly still is did pretty terrible things recently without Jared's influence. If she wants a redemption arc it's going to take more than just leaving Jared. Like right now, she still didn't apologize for trying to speak over an Asian woman. The only reason why she's seems apologetic is because her bullying and manipulation didn't work this time and she didn't have Jared or his fans to back her up this time.
No. 1134452
>>1134321yeah it was pre normalboots era, this is a podcast video talking about projared at the time of the scandal coming to light but they also mention how they were partners/friends with jared before his big boom
tl;dr he was salty when someone else was funny and he basically ditched them when it became convenient to him, but i would recommend a watch if you want a third party account of jared that isn't normalboots
No. 1134594
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Who knew that antique stores were essential in the middle of a pandemic? This goes right along with ProPedo going to garage sales - Do the stans want to insist the antique store was outside too?
No. 1134598
>>1134597Jonathan Fast is Molly’s father; Howard was her grandfather.
Allan Jong, Erica’s ex-husband and no relation to Molly, is Chinese-American.
No. 1134650
>>1134321>she still didn't apologize for trying to speak over an Asian woman.>>1134599Still talking over an ethnic minority
This is ridiculous. Holly is a terrible person and said something very dumb, but she is allowed to disagree with somebody on Twitter without it being a race issue. I'm not defending her awful take at all, and she's not a marginalized creator, but please don't pretend that it's inherently wrong for white people to quote tweet and disagree with an ethnic minority. This is a huge reach when there's already so much to critique about Holly in general.
No. 1134664
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>>1134591Not to mention the rare time someone speaks against hored on twitter, they get people like Ingram running over to screech "HEIDI BAD" in their face hoping to make them back down.
No. 1134673
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>>1134521Ethan is the top kek for this
Summary for anons who don’t want to watch
>E: “This makes me think of the ProJared thing where everyone’s like ‘ProJared is innocent~’ even though he had a forum called SINJARED where he exchanged nudes with fans! I mean wrap your brain around how sick THAT is. That makes Callmecarson look like..“>Offscreen person: “Yeah, comparison..”>E: “..Dude, ProJared is the R. Kelly of fan sexting” No. 1134894
>>1134673Ethan’s got a
valid point though, why did Jared get forgiven and why the fuck does he still have a platform? Just because so many people are insistant that he’s innocent? But it’s not true, he’s not innocent. It’s so gross that people have just let this shit slide.
No. 1134932
>Hila: "I did find it super weird that people just… let him off the hook on that. I don't know…"
>Ethan: "Because all these shit-tier commentary channels were like 'He raped a girl!' they latched on to this ridiculous drama story that ended up not being true."
>Offscreen: "Right. And then it all kind of got conflated…"Yeah, Ethan is actually right on this one.
The sensationalism of most drama/commentary channels went in
hard & talked like Jared had a bunch of teens locked in his basement or something, & when
that turned out not to be true, they turned around & blamed it on his accusers as if they themselves weren't 'hyping' up the story like it was some kind of True Crime shit.
It doesn't help that you've got Hored stans lurking around on Twitter & Reddit & hammering into anyone who doubts Jared that "
Every single part of this controversy was LIES & Jared is 100% innocent & the
whole thing - pedo accusations & all - was
deliberately orchestrated by his whorecunt ex-wife because she's just jealous of him, his fame & success!"
No. 1135061
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The Hobag Defense Squad is once again on HOF, trying to defend her.
Notice that these people always go after to HOF to talk shit about TWC and never to TWC herself?
No. 1135101
>>1135061Of course she is still communicating with SOM and using him as a mouthpiece.
Even the people in this thread that can't stand her beg her to drop Jared and SOM. Kind of sad, she doesnt have any real friends to tell her and she wont listen to us (obviously)
Cant pretend I dont feel a little bad for, she dumped her supportive friend group that were willing to call her out and help her improve and now has a bunch of
toxic wannabes who use her for clout and money and clearly are keeping her in the drama instead of helping her move on. I would rant more about how fucking creepy SOM's behavior on tumblr is but I'm preaching to the choir, yall already know he is an obsessive
toxic mess.
No. 1135280
>>1135126Anyone else notice that Holly hasn't mentioned Heidi by name?
She always says 'That person" when referring to Heidi now…
No. 1135284
>>1134894>why did Jared get forgivenConsidering how the dude can't even go to starbucks without people here calling him the worst person in the world and any thing he does that basic people do (including you) people constantly remind he "solicited nudes from fans! cheated on his wife! etc." proves the opposite is true lol.
>>1135114Funnily enough in the eyes of the law this does actually matter, just like if someone underage sends nudes they ARE in fact distributing childporn.
>>1135280No point in doing so since it's the equivalent of a dog whistle to rally her white knights if you do.
No. 1135317
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No. 1135347
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Aren’t these the same people who scream that Holly doing something like Heidi is purely coincidental, but when Heidi talks about ANYTHING (even when she doesn’t mention Holly or Jared, even vaguely), it’s a big conspiracy again?
No. 1135360
>>1135347You know, any normal person would see Heidi's post are coming more from a place of sympathy and/or introspection, but of course these people are…
No. 1135369
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>>1135347>>1135362Yep! She's
definitely talking about Holly! These posts have
nothing to do with the fact that she hasn't uploaded on Youtube or Twitch in nearly
a year!/s
No. 1135380
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The last part may be the single greatest backhanded sentiment that I have read in my entire life. Take notes, HOF
No. 1135578
>>1135541anon you know that Holly is not the only person on the internet, right? especially NOT the only person who gets into drama
holly isn't an "influencer"
this "enemies" thing is giving me too much draco malfoy energy
No. 1135627
>>1135595Its stupid for anons and HOF to pretend that Heidi's tweets are about Holly. Like insanely stupid. Heidi was with Jared for 5 years which spanned his career. She was with him before he blew up and while he was on the rise. She was with him in LA doing the influencer rat race. She was there in the background for all sorts of youtuber shit, of course she is going to have opinions, especially now that she has left the scene.
Besides, I'm sure she was getting questions about streams or blogs often, so this seems to be her response to that. She is just keeping her followers informed. Out of the 2 ladies in this drama it's hilarious to me that people think Heidi is the obsessed stalker one
What next? Heidi is tweeting pictures of her cat to spite Holly because her cat is cuter than Mojo? She is selling black clothes in her store because she is obsessed with Strix? It's been 2 years and in case some people forgot Heidi is the one that is alone and out of the relationship. I doubt she sits there all day plotting ways to subtweet Holly and win Jared back
No. 1135646
>>1134594I’d say it’s good that they go out to do things offline (Safely and within reason, obviously) that fill up their time. Who truly cares they went to an antique store? Sometimes when I see these kinds of things posted I wonder if it’s their own lil buddies doing it so they can bond over the more trivial shit posted ITT. Maybe use it to cozy up to Holly and Jared when the free subs just aren’t doing it as well as they used to. Like how people who steal your shit are the first ones that jump up to help you search for it.
>>1135388>>1135541Who needs enemies when you have friends like SOM who dedicate free time to staying all over LC replies (Whether directly or via HOF), reading whatever is posted on drama blogs on both “sides“, and with such intense commitment. There’s no way these people are that fucking dense that they would think they’re doing something that is benefitting Hored. We could be watching Holly, and maybe Jared, get Single White Femaled in real time.
HOF and SOM are consuming everything for the same reason anyone is-for entertainment. Though I’ll be honest it makes it some SICK shit to do that to people you claim you like. Enjoying the gossip so much that you’d create or contribute to drama blogs without even attempting to hide it. No matter if they we’re to swear to be biased in favour of Hored the very existence of HOF is to gossip about drama surrounding Jared, Holly, and Heidi.
>>1135414Despite the milk I often wish Holly would put on her big girl pants, or have Jared dust off his sailor scout skirt for one more mission, and would ask people “defending” them to politely stop the constant interactions that only help further drag it out. Even when forums have pretty much lost interest. Should probably start with the obsessive psycho with the several alts.
Imagine thinking you’re supportive or helpful but are literally unable to stop bringing up things as Holly says that the entire ordeal has and is hurting her? They see her boundaries and stroll right over the line without any hesitation, but want to act like they have moral superiority to LC anons. Absolutely beautiful.
No. 1136022
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Slightly off-topic, but sometimes we need to realize that outside of Jared's protective bubble of loud mouth sycophants, that he's still a joke and pariah. Here's the top rated comment on a reddit thread about the NY Mets general manager harassing a report with 60 unanswered messages and a dick pic.
No. 1136338
>>1135806To be fair she might be telling the therapists the truth, since she lets strangers do the lying for her and Jared. If anything she just leaves out the shitty shit she did and just talks about what actually happened to her, regardless of her viewing herself as an innocent
victim a good therapist is likely to encourage Holly removing herself as much as possible and to do No Contact with LC.
On the other hand, the therapist could suck and prompt Holly to only talk about how she feels as a reaction to what happens during her average day so she can be empowered that she is multi-dimensional while writing her some k-pins.
No. 1137739
>>1137604Going by the definition of what demisexual is, it’s like an accurate-ish term coined in light of the Ace/Aro discussions getting the spotlight in the past decade. It does seem to describe how a sizeable chunk (not necessarily majority) of the population actually experience their sexual attraction towards other people, gender identities aside.
TL;DR: Demi is real. Marginalized, it is not.
Sage for discourse but kinda nitpicky, anon.
Altho, I’m glad there hasn’t been new milk from the Birb Witch. Too soon to say, but
maybe she’s actually doing something helpful for herself for once.
No. 1137750
>>1137739It’s been less than a full week since she went after TWC and us “top kek”, Anon. Let’s not jump onto the SHES ALL BETTER bandwagon just yet.
She’s just in the portion of her cycling where she’s trying to pretend she didn’t just lose her shit on her business account again.
No. 1137781
>>1137739Holly usually has a period when she keeps calm after sperging out (sometimes just a week, sometimes an entire month), idk if it's because she's embarrassed or because she just got her anger/frustration that
triggered her out of her system but she is most likely going to be milky again in the foreseeable future.
No. 1137863
>>1137750>>1137781Sorry for the delete, haha, my question abt the average duration of the dips and peaks in her observed cycling was answered.
Will read first next time.
No. 1138702
>>1134194Agreed, anon. First of all, narcs can play the
victim extremely well as we've seen. That, and just because she's saying this doesn't mean she actually loses sleep at night wondering if she's the asshole after all. Chances are this is, if anything, another attempt to deflect criticism.
No. 1139073
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Really Holly? Even though you or Jared haven’t admitted that you’ve made any mistakes, and you keep crying over cancel culture and say that all of this is part of “drama that I was dragged into” even though you were very much part of the drama? I find it very hard to believe that you’re working on anything other than getting people to pity you.
No. 1139253
>>1139109Not to totally defend the anon in
>>1138800 but the post they were replying to looks like they were taking an obvious bait post and using it to say all hored stans think Heidi isn't human. Saying "the 3 ppl who wk haggy and hagred" seems to say that at least.
No. 1139675
>>1139656I mean, she literally was the one that made the drama public, so she
does share some brunt of what happened. Jared made a statement they were divorcing, she opened the flood gates, he literally said nothing or did nothing after his statement and then people started passing around HIS nudes in the chaos. No matter how you feel about the dude it wasn't 100% him.
No. 1139706
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>>1137750She always seems to lay a bit low after public discourse. I give it til after the weekend since she's in her element right now based on this tweet so she has no reason to garner sympathy.
No. 1139707
>>1139699Love how whenever someone points out Heidi had agency in the drama anons get so antsy to defend her they just assume it must be shitting on her and defending Jared.
>>1139675 didn't say anything about Jared being worth defending they literally just pointed out Heidi was the one who made it public knowledge.
No. 1139806
>>1139800Are you actually delusional? Nobody in this entire argument has defended propest. The anon in
>>1139656 pointed out that Heidi went public about cheating, literally said in the post that she's better off for doing it, but illiterate dumbshits like you can't comprehend that stating a common fact isn't defending a sex obsessed abuser. Go back to kindergarten and learn what words mean.
No. 1139853
>>1139806Exactly. People think her posting first and then not posting her sadthoughts as often nowadays makes her totally not a
victim, when she was. Try applying this logic to women that come out against celebrities that abuse them: it’s not traumatic because you brought the negative attention on yourself or you weren’t traumatized because your public social media profile shows you doing pretty well.
No. 1140116
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No Holly, you don’t want people to be happy that you’ve made unhappy, you want to silence anyone who says anything negative about you. There’s a big difference.
No. 1140184
>>1140116she truly cannot help herself from oversharing her life with complete strangers
she also spends most of her time online trying to get others to make her happy by not criticizing or "canceling" her or whatever. she will never grow as a person if she can't own up to the fact that she requires approval from others.
No. 1140186
>>1140116This entire paragraph is a window into her delusional defense mechanisms.
In situations where she's been genuinely out of line, stomped other people's boundaries, and spead poisonous lies, she can say "oh I'm a good person who wants others to be happy, but it's not my responsibility to make them happy" to deflect blame from her actual terrible behavior.
"I want to make everyone happy" is her way of re-phrasing "no one is allowed to be mad at me for any reason." Because we've seen how obsessed she is with hunting down dissenters. She wants to "correct" everyone's opinions if they don't like her, because she's so convinced she's "good" and they must be "bad" or listening to lies to not see it.
In reality, people are neither wholly good or bad, and we make judgements about each other all the time based on the behavior we actually see. Plenty of people have watched her selfish, delusional behavior and come to the conclusion that she's not that well-intentioned, no matter what she tells herself. But Holly will never stop publicly insisting that she's the pinnacle of goodness, and anyone who disagrees is abusing her. It's insanity wrapped in a pillow of mental health speak, and the fact that she has a wide audience that falls for it is genuinely disgusting.
No. 1140374
>>1139441I was referring to that one lesbian Jared was stringing along. Someone posted screenshots of her tweets in a previous thread. The way hored still
victim blames her is disgusting.
No. 1140588
>>1140560Let’s not forget, “cancel culture = bad” can’t apply to Holly’s case bc she is repeating the exact same
toxic behavior from her past. No lessons learned yet.
>>1140186Agreed. I really, really, really want her to see this should be applied to her relationship with Jared bc it’s textbook. It’s RIGHT THERE. But her lie is as plain as the nose on her face. I’m highly doubting she actually does her inner work beyond recognising. I know everyone has their own pace when it comes to processing and owning up their own toxicity, therapist or none, but with a walking red flag in her private life, I can only imagine prolonged suffering before she gains actual empathy again.
No. 1140658
>>1140638Just report those posts or ignore them completely.
Over and over again someone comes to say “Heidi blah blah blah” and then 3 anons minimum take the bait, replying the same things that have been said during the last time.
It just…keeps happening.
Bait, hook, rinse and repeat.
No. 1140816
>>1140186Yep. You hit the nail on the head here.
>>1140588I wonder if she even knows empathy in the first place? She seems to only know me, me, me.
No. 1140900
>>1140658Well if you consider stating a fact and not even shitting on her "bait" then that's a problem more with the bent out of shape whiteknights that try to defend her at every turn.
>>1140186Pretty much kek
No. 1141166
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…Since when is Holly non-binary?
No. 1141394
>>1141204This is exactly why nonbinary as an identity has so many problems (aside from the obvious). There's no one definition or description, and I've seen the term apply to anyone from a gender conforming 'demi-girl' with she/they pronouns, to drag queens, GNC bulldykes, and binary transgender people who like multiple pronouns or kooky fashion. It's impossible to be oppressed just for
being nonbinary because there's no meaningful definition or people group associated with it. Ostensibly, Holly is a straight cis white woman, and is treated as such. She's not exactly someone who would be denied a job based on creed.
>>1141391This too lol.
No. 1141406
>>1141391I always took Holly's inclusion of "they" in her profile as having nothing to do with her actual gender and everything to do with her being okay with having the singular "they" pronoun used for her.
Which… most people are; that doesn't exactly make her special.
No. 1141588
>>1141154She should tho. Especially between her and Jared, and also between herself and her public Twitter, lol.
Girl should get a private journal instead reduce chances of milk- oh wait, carry on then.
>>1141166Also, checked on HOF and trashwitchcoven tumblrs and I gotta say, it’s surreal but amusing that anons on here, posting or just lurking, also ask those blogs for input of the discourse here.
No. 1141620
>>1141394This exactly. The prevailing discourse on twitter right now is that pronouns aren't inherently connected to gender presentation/identity so, going by their logic, Holly identifying as she/they doesn't even mean she's inherently nonbinary. Calling Holly nonbinary unless she's explicitly stated she's okay with that label is actually misgendering her! /s
The whole thing is an ouroboros at this point, much like Holly's career: she just keeps eating her own tail, but she never learns from it.
No. 1141677
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This guy is literally making things up at this point.
No. 1141724
>>1141612Also pansexual at some point iirc. Funny how often certain marginalised sexual minorities keep finding themselves in conventional heterosexual relationships.
>>1141677It takes some especially douchey mental gymnastics to turn
>stop pretending there’s nothing going on between the two of you when there clearly is, I deserve transparencyinto
>please fuck each otherThat’s what you get for trying to be lenient and understanding in a relationship with a sexpest, I guess.
No. 1142022
>>1141588>>1141612Gotta love the spergs feigening outrage at HOF over the LGBT discourse happening here. These are the same people that gaslit a lesbian woman who felt she was sexually exploited and lied to by Jared, now all of a sudden they care about the feelings of LGBT people. They could have let that one go and said Jared was wrong for that, but anything to protect their beloved sexual predator. These are the same people that for months attacked and in their words "stalked" twc and other blogs run by queer women who were understandably upset/
triggered at someone making a blog to defend a cishet sexual predator whose
victims were mostly women and or lgbt.
But real talk though there's no need to devolve into biphobia to roast Holly. The hate she got for that "I'm marginalized" tweet had everything to do with the fact that she was using her "identity" to deflect addressing the criticism she received for making a racially tone deaf tweet to someone with thousands of more followers than her. She could have easily apologized to the lady, deleted the tweet and had been done with it, but she didn't because she always has to be the
victim, even when she goes out of her way to start shit with other people.
No. 1142129
File: 1611619870445.png (105.61 KB, 720x434, 20210125_190013.png)

No. 1142134
>>1142022See, comments like this are why it's hard to take anyone seriously that even shit talks hored.
>>1142054Anons like that seem to make shit up because if something even
looks like a defense of hored they get absolutely butthurt even though they probably only ever heard of these two because lolcow.
>>1142129Kinda yes and no? Cancel culture is considered a thing because 1 person could call a chick ugly and you suddenly have tumblr and twitter trying to "cancel" them or you have a group of people decide a person needs to be "cancelled" because they said a slur 60 years ago. Its lost its impact and meaning ages ago which is why some people legit view it as a targeted attack whether they deserve it or not.
No. 1142160
>>1142151Hoelly trying to play the Cancel Culture = bad card is almost as annoying as the people who say we should let the insurrection go because trying to hold people responsible is just going to keep us from unity. Holly doesn't get to say some bullshit with her whole chest (ie: "HEIDI IS AN UNFIXABLE ABUSER!"), realize that actions have consequences, and then pretend like we're all the bad guys for trying to hold her responsible for her words/actions.
If she was really as cancelled as she likes to pretend, she wouldn't even have a platform on which to bitch and moan about being cancelled to her 209,000 followers.
No. 1142163
File: 1611622112025.png (440.18 KB, 565x658, Screenshot_225.png)

wig. snatched.
No. 1142170
>>1142054>>1142134Expect all that shit did happen, y'all are clearly new.
>>1142134Also cancel culture isn't a thing its called being an adult and understanding there are consequences for your words and actions. If people don't like you for the things you did or said in the past just deal with it and move the fuck on. Don't try to gulit your critics into silence or publicly shame your employers into hiring you again. These are things that Hored has done.
No. 1142196
>>1142192Yeah - what a flex to show that there's over 200k trashy ass moronic people who throw their support behind someone who defended a dude who abused his fame to solicit nudes and then, within a year, supported a DM who forced a sexual assault
victim to roleplay a sexual assault live.
She's sure showing us plebes /s
No. 1142208
>>1142196>within a year, supported a DM who forced a sexual assault victim to roleplay a sexual assault live. I don't think she ever even reached out to the girl either she just defended the guy and told him to never stop making art. Cancel culture >
victims of sexual harassment according to Holly.
No. 1143032
File: 1611712856218.png (147.54 KB, 584x626, Screenshot_228.png)

cue the Holly stans, screaming about Heidi coming for her brand
No. 1143063
File: 1611717576333.jpeg (82.53 KB, 827x1020, 529DB12D-7F73-4F19-B3B2-E654E6…)

>>1143040Here’s the final product.
No. 1143159
>>1143153I never saw anyone "freaking out" over it, but I saw a debate over it because Heidi seemed to suddenly be into a similar thing as Holly (IMO it was a bullshit debate, big deal Heidi made witch hats on fucking Halloween) My problem with
>>1143032 is the implication that Heidi is "stealing a brand" just because she drew a thing that everyone knows both H's are into. It's not like Heidi is drawing chickens and pidgons along with the mushrooms, she's clearly not copying anything.
No. 1143614
File: 1611779714868.png (69.18 KB, 791x605, hofheidihat.png)

>>1143408I did look at hof, this is the closest anybody got to "freaking out", and it reads like a bait post someone sent in so they can screenshot it over here and complain about hored stans using it as proof. In fact there's a fucking lot of obviously troll/bait posts over there that are obviously sent in just so people like you can cry "hof is a hate blog!" Most I see there is people disagreeing with hored being shit people which who cares about that?
No. 1143630
File: 1611780807907.png (528.1 KB, 2048x1078, Screenshot_20210127-205249.png)

sage for irrelevant but this could literally be a tweet about Holly
No. 1143685
File: 1611783925422.jpg (40.08 KB, 720x255, Screenshot_20210127-164532_Tum…)

>>1143614Isnt this the same ask that SOM replied to? Maybe it was him doing his fake anon asks/submissions that are clearly him
No. 1145149
File: 1611930672888.jpeg (51.37 KB, 827x225, 996A1FFE-36FD-4BD1-9EEB-071329…)

Nobody’s worrying.
No. 1145328
Last I heard he had teeth extracted, so it's not like this is out of nowhere or anything…
No. 1145635
File: 1611972201067.png (10.25 KB, 272x193, Screenshot_229.png)

>>1145328It was his wisdom teeth, which tbh, I'm surprised his dentist let slide into his 30's. Mine started hinting about yanking 'em when I was barely 20.
Also, here's why he was in the hospital. He was going above the recommended dose on Tylenol and made himself sick from it. It wasn't a medical emergency that came out of left field - He ran out of the prescribed pain meds (which means he likely took more than recommended of that too or was too much of a chicken to call the dentist and say "I need a few more") and damn near overdosed on tylenol, of all things.
You don't get sympathy for a health issues THAT YOU CREATED, ProDick
No. 1145653
File: 1611974121652.png (177.5 KB, 1077x704, dentistreccomended.png)

>It wasn't a medical emergency that came out of left field - He ran out of the prescribed pain meds (which means he likely took more than recommended of that too or was too much of a chicken to call the dentist and say "I need a few more")His dentist told him to take the Tylenol, which means they were expecting the pain to outlast the prescription he got. Call me an empathetic asshole, but I kinda understand why that happened. If your face hurts to the point you can't even function, you get desperate to do something to make it go away. I've taken over the recommended dose of Tylenol for severe migraines, not to the point of needing an er trip, but not something very smart of me to do looking back on it.
No. 1145693
>>1145653Tsk. Shame on dentist for not explaining the every 4 to 6 hr rule for Tylenol intake if pain persists. Or better yet, shoulda started him over to a stronger pain killer for the first few days post-procedure before stepping him down to Tylenol.
But also semi-shame on Jared. Shoulda followed up with his dentist if he had questions, but here we are.
No. 1145799
>>1145653sage because not american but what kind of barbaric methods are they doing over there that you require prescription medication and it was SO bad that he went over the recommended dosage???
I've gotten my teeth taken out and all I got was a pat in the back, cotton wool and I took garden variety painkillers nobody would blink an eye at and you can buy at a pharmacy. I mean sure it's not a comfortable feeling but I lived.
Not in a sense of pain competition but that's kinda messed up. Why is this man allowed to take so many pills so frequently? Why is there no recommended dosage written by the pharmacist or on the box? Why was he left unsupervised with pain meds?
No. 1145852
>>1145653Nah, you’re cool. Pain and pain meds aren’t to be taken lightly. In light of this, I want to point out that this anon (>>1145635) is kinda bait-y in this sense, not at all milky.
>>1145683>>1145799Tylenol is an over-the-counter anti-pain/anti-fever medication (it literally IS acetaminophen). Walgreens and every other mega mart with a SUPPLEMENTS SECTION has them by the 500s-1000s pc bottles. We don’t know the first pain meds Jared was taking, and Tylenol is a decent step down but having no other instructions on how to take Tylenol responsibly leads to patient oopsies like these. I don’t wish liver failure on the guy.
No. 1145883
>>1145852I agree, I'm all for calling the guy out for legit behavior, but
>>1145635 made a point of cropping out the important information of his dentist instructing him to take Tylenol just to say "he brought this on himself! no sympathy!" and that's not a good look. He's fucked up in enough ways that nobody needs to make things up about him, and acetaminophen overdose/potential liver failure is no joke.
No. 1145887
>>1145883Agreed, this is why:
>>1145151Stated it couldn't be spun into a negative and:
>>1145634Is just being a butthurt bitch just because it's Jared.Yes you don't have to like him but it wasn't posted because what is he doing wrong other than making a medical oops? What did he do that's considered "milk" in that regard?
>>1145635>You don't get sympathy for a health issues THAT YOU CREATEDHe didn't create anything for sympathy. When you're in such pain not only do you sometimes not REALIZE what's happening but the dentist didn't give him clear instructions, whether you're 13 or 70 it's not always common sense because god forbid you want to drive your head through the wall in between those 3-4 hours of dosages.
No. 1145944
>>1145683The max dose is 4000mg/24 hours. Which is on the bottle if he had bothered to read it.
>>1145693This. I’m surprised that the doc didn’t push more for something like Ibuprofen because of the inflammation reduction, Tylenol doesn’t give you that. But if he wasn’t eating much then perhaps that’s why. I am surprised the doc didn’t just give more pain pills, but that’s likely due to the opioid crisis over here too.
And honestly if he was in the ER just for a couple of hours for OD’ing on Tylenol, then it wasn’t that serious. He was likely kept there more for the dehydration from not being able to keep water down. Tylenol is metabolized in the liver, so it would take more than just a couple of hours for it to “get through his system.” And it takes a lot of Tylenol to actually damage your liver, generally more than the 4000mg/24 hour recommendation. Going a little above that limit for a couple of days typically isn’t going to send you into liver failure. We don’t know how many he was taking a day, but if it was truly serious, he would have been admitted to the hospital and administered IV antidote.
No. 1146061
>>1145944An affluent 35-year-old put off dealing with his wisdom teeth for 10+ years, then overdosed on one of the most common pain relievers on the market. I don't think it's really "milky", just an example of him being very irresponsible on multiple levels. He refuses to deal with major issues until they become much bigger problems…pretty in character.
>>1145635>You don't get sympathy for a health issues THAT YOU CREATED, ProDickThis phrasing, "you don't get to [do something I don't like]" is something TWC says a lot, and it sounds SO immature and preachy. You don't get to dictate people's behavior, anon. Just critique or make fun of it, but stop acting like you're in control as a moral authority. It's weird.
No. 1146138
>>1146061Agreed not milky, but you’d be surprised at health-seeking behavior of a sizeable chunk of the population. “If it doesn’t bother me, I won’t address it just yet.” (kek, like the other thing iykwim). This, the cursed excuse heard by medical professionals everywhere, lol.
Not milky, just run-of-the-mill
problematic health-seeking behavior.
And also, you know, poor boundaries with your own body’s limits. Very in-character indeed, anon.
>>1145944Kek, he prolly didn’t. I’m not speaking for everyone but reading the tiny (but important!) text on the bottles and info sheet inserts is not as common sense as more health-responsible people like to think.
No. 1146262
>And honestly if he was in the ER just for a couple of hours for OD’ing on Tylenol, then it wasn’t that serious.He mentioned he puked a whole lot, possible that he swallowed enough that it could have caused permanent damage, but ended up puking it back out. If that's the case, he might have been in the hospital long enough to make sure the Tylenol didn't get too far through his system before sending him on his way. I agree they probably didn't give him more prescription pain pills because they'd be concerned about addiction to them.
>This phrasing, "you don't get to [do something I don't like]" is something TWC says a lot, and it sounds SO immature and preachy. I absolutely agree and I'm honestly getting tired of that preachy "I'm the one who gets to dictate what people are allowed to do and what they should feel about this!" attitude. It's really pathetic when HOF, a blog dedicated to talking shit on LC/Heidi, can sound more mature and less holier than thou than some of the anons on here.
>I’m not speaking for everyone but reading the tiny (but important!) text on the bottles and info sheet inserts is not as common sense as more health-responsible people like to think.And if someone's in enough pain they can't think straight, some people think "just a few more won't hurt". I've seen and heard about people doing that every so often without needing hospital intervention. If it was just a single extra dose it wouldn't be a big deal, but it sounds like he was in so much pain he wasn't actually keeping track of how many "just a few more"s he was taking, and ended up in the ER for it.
No. 1146356
> He mentioned he puked a whole lot, possible that he swallowed enough that it could have caused permanent damage, but ended up puking it back out. If that's the case, he might have been in the hospital long enough to make sure the Tylenol didn't get too far through his system before sending him on his way.This would only work if he had taken a bunch of tablets and puked them back up. If he was taking them more often than he should have, his body would have absorbed them unless he was puking those doses up as well. And in that case there would have been no OD. If he was only in the ER for a couple of hours, it wasn’t that serious. Period.
> It's really pathetic when HOF, a blog dedicated to talking shit on LC/Heidi, can sound more mature and less holier than thou than some of the anons on here.lmaooooooo. HOF mature? Sure Jan.
No. 1146362
>>1146356>And in that case there would have been no ODD..Do you even know what ODing means?
>If he was only in the ER for a couple of hours, it wasn’t that serious. Period.Just judging by what you wrote you clearly have no idea what you're talking about nor have you ever been in enough pain to even come close to dealing with this kind of issue. Once you hit your 20s and get your wisdom teeth removed come back and complaint if your dentist didn't properly help you with aftercare meds.
>lmaooooooo. HOF mature? Sure Jan.Proving their point with your post lol. If you didn't fail basic comprehension you would see they said "than some of the anons here" not in general.
No. 1146442
> D..Do you even know what ODing means?I do. Come back to me when you’ve got your pharmacy degree and several years in acute critical care under your belt.
> Just judging by what you wrote you clearly have no idea what you're talking about nor have you ever been in enough pain to even come close to dealing with this kind of issue. Once you hit your 20s and get your wisdom teeth removed come back and complaint if your dentist didn't properly help you with aftercare meds.And this has to do fuck all with knowing what’s serious and what is not. I have seen people OD in the ER, I have made meds for people who have OD’ed specifically on Tylenol in the ER and they typically get hospitalized if it’s legit serious. It’s metabolized in your liver and takes longer to get through system than stuff that gets metabolized through your kidneys. So a couple of hours in the ED? It’s not that serious, and the time was more likely for running a couple bags of fluids because you can’t push those too fast.
> Proving their point with your post lol. If you didn't fail basic comprehension you would see they said "than some of the anons here" not in general.That’s bait, mate.
No. 1146498
>>1146339>>1146351This is assuming they’re living together tho. Was it ever confirmed? I might not be lurking enough yet.
All I’ve see so far are IG caps of them hanging out together and the OP recap of the last 5 or so threads that included the bit where they moved in. Will deffo lurk more on my end.
Also, given that Jared IS Diath, he sounds like the type to push away unsolicited but well-intended offers of help bc “I’m fine. I can do this on my own.”
shrug>>1146262>>1146356Re: HOF can be mature. Kek, maybe sometimes. But generally, nah. Only the times when some LC anon succeeds in pulling off bait this
>>1145635 No. 1147470
File: 1612117363735.jpeg (142.49 KB, 768x1024, 73CE6C1A-79EF-4697-ADA3-ECAAA9…)

>>1146498Confirmed from them? No, of course not. Too many photos outside of his cave with Holly’s house in the background, though. Most recent one is this, peep his grey mask on the right and it’s getting dark out.
No. 1147687
File: 1612141310645.jpg (65.13 KB, 550x378, wisdom-tooth-problems.jpg)

>>1147654If by ridiculous you mean ridiculously common, yes. If your wisdom teeth didn't grow in straight (common), then they have to dig them out of your gum and jaw bone to prevent the other teeth from getting damaged. Cutting through bone causes significant pain. That's why anyone who can afford to, should get their wisdom teeth removed before age 25, while it's still comparatively easy and less painful. (though it can still be difficult and painful, just less so before your teeth get "set in place" by age)
No. 1147931
>>1147841Kek, this is lovely, anon.
Too bad current milk isn’t flowing.
The dental debate is getting tiresome, especially, when other anons on here don’t “/s” out of courtesy when they make jokes to avoid cycling the topic.
let’s not turn this into another Pigeon thread, thanksThen again, this is LC.
shrug No. 1148716
File: 1612228509616.png (11.84 KB, 287x186, Screenshot_230.png)

SOM: -defends someone who lashes out and calls their fuckbuddy's ex an 'unfixable abuser with bpd'
also SOM: "The people telling you to delete your blog CLEARLY have anger issues, I pity them"
No. 1148835
>>1148788Legitimately not one single person has ever tried to condone what the person telling HOF to delete is doing - but you have to admit there is an irony in SOM being totally okay with what Holly/Jared did, but having no problem telling someone against them that they have serious anger issues.
Also, no one mentioned TWC. Why is it that any time someone calls out HOF, everyone goes "But….but….TWC!!". We get it - Hored defenders are fine, but those calling out their shit are bad.
No. 1148966
>Sad old simp isn't even directly involved, why is he here again?SOM replied to a post on HOF's blog, and
>>1148716 thinks this is new and so posted and unsaged screenshot for nobody to care about.
No. 1149034
File: 1612254125012.jpg (208.1 KB, 1000x1000, 19-27-59-IMG_7369.jpg)

Holly seriously trying to sell literal junk at $25 each. Quarter of 100 bucks for a cheap tiny container with equally cheap shit inside. I can get better quality at a dollar store, this looks like it's gonna break apart in shipping.(shit baiting)
No. 1149040
>>1149037>>1149034The only way that's not winding up damaged in shipping is if she packs it incredibly well, which would likely wind up with INSANE shipping costs on top of the $25 she's charging in the first place.
I ain't going to knock her for trying to make money, but this is something you sell at a swap meet or flea market - not something you ship across the country
No. 1149073
>>1149064And we have proof people whiteknight for Heidi for without second thought or even first thought lol. is indeed from Heidi's store, so yes anons:
>>1149040>>1149037>>1149034Heidi does indeed want $24+shipping for it. Now watch the narrative 180s because you realize it was Heidi's merch and not Holly's.
No. 1149081
>>1149034I've seen worse shit being sold for a higher price on etsy. Doesn't matter whose store it is, they're half decent imo. I can see this in someone with a forest themed home have these on their shelf, or even use the right one as a cute christmas ornament (at least in my country some ornaments look like that).
They're still not worth $25 though.
No. 1149084
>>1149081Samefag, but before someone calls me a Heidi whiteknight - I thought "huh, they're ok I guess. I don't see the issue" before I even knew it was her store.
Good experiment though to see how people rage the moment they think it's Holly's shit, I love ragging on her too but not everything she does is trash (just lazy)
No. 1149089
>>1149073Nope. This is still some straight bullshit. $25 for a craft that looks like something a kid made at summer camp is ridiculous regardless.
WK harder.
No. 1149320
>>1149073>>1149034>>1149037>>1149040>>1149049>>1149059This whole thing reads like a few people aggressively role playing the type of posts they expect to see here, to prove their point.
Taste aside, this criticism is silly. You really think it's impossible to ship fragile items? You think felt will spontaneously fall apart? You think "quarter of a hundred dollars" is a huge amount? Are you five?
And this is just some random item that's not made by Heidi OR Holly, so you're not even insulting their skills. It's hand-felted by some artists in Nepal apparently, so it's already been shipped long distance. Do you get this angry walking into Home Goods or wherever and looking at decorative items you think are overpriced? You need to run to lolcow about it when you see a random object you don't like at Target?
>>1149064>Now watch the narrative 180s because you realize it was Heidi's merch and not Holly'sBaiting a few people into expressing ignorant opinions is not a "narrative" and it's literally not even Heidi's merch. It's the merch of some international fair trade group that she carries in her store. You can hate it and think it's overpriced and ugly or whatever, but it's completely irrelevant.
This whole farce isn't the galaxy brain move you think it is. Holly's art doesn't actually get made fun of this much on lolcow to begin with, and it's hard to believe that anyone genuinely believed that this was Holly's art. This whole thing seems staged by an anon or two who are desperate to prove that Holly doesn't deserve any criticism on lolcow and it's all a big conspiracy of Heidi-lovers attacking her for no reason. There is definitely a reason, and it has nothing to do with felt mushroom jars.
No. 1149392
>>1149320Looks like
>>1149073 was on the money.
No. 1149395
>>1149320Why are we shitting on anyone's art anyway? Art is subjective. It's the
actions of these people that are the problem.
No. 1149876
>>1149073 called it. If that was actually in Holly's store anons would have been completely trashing it and the price. See
>>1132881 for a recent legit example, to say nothing about the time almost half a previous thread was all about trashing her cardigans. But because
>>1149034 was actually from Heidi's shop now it doesn't look so bad and the price is reasonable. How about nobody should care what either of them are selling, unless either of them are caught literally dumpster diving and selling the results, it shouldn't matter what they sell or who buys it.
No. 1150012
>>1132881Lol it's THREE QUARTERS of a whole 100 bucks instead of one quarter. People defended Holly's sweaters as much as people defending Heidi's merch. Even I defended Holly's shit so quit trying to make Holly such a
victim of lolcow Heidi Chads. "wah wah, you're just mean to Holly!" It's dead in here, SOM. We're reduced to talking about Jared's Tylenol OD.
No. 1150360
You'd think that they'd stay out of it for her sake…
No. 1150868
File: 1612375201284.jpg (765.75 KB, 1067x1706, MaxLandis.jpg)

Max Landis (well known film director accused of abusing and choking out multiple women) wearing one of Holly's canceled shirts! What the fuck!
No. 1151179
>>1151015Pretty sure you're deliberately misreading anon's reply.
>>1150868God, who could have predicted, some gross asshole is wearing the shirt that was designed for a gross asshole. Wonder if Holly is nervously preparing an apology tweet.
No. 1151272
>>1151233Yes she does.
And just like with Jared and Koebel I'm sure if she's called out about this she'll also try to frame Landis as a poor bean victimized by Cancel Culture meanies.
No. 1151377
>>1151272I'm all for Hoelly facing consequences, but what exactly is she getting called out for here? Selling the shirts? She's long been called out for that, that milk is so old it's turned to cottage cheese. The situations with Jared and Koebel had direct correlation, she willingly defended them and was rightfully called out on it, even if she did cry
victim afterwards. But this is someone who is also a sexual predator who decided to buy her shirt. What is her wrongdoing here, failing to do background checks on every customer to be sure all of them are just her stans buying shirts "for the irony lol"?
No. 1151581
>>1151395She has a history of defending
abusive men. She bent over and went out of her way to defend a guy who forced a girl to rp rape. She made several Instagram posts about how its wrong to "cancel" someone regardless of what they did. So yeah it's safe to say that she meant for people like that to wear it, anti cancel culture spergs hate accountability, nice try though.
No. 1151976
File: 1612451012649.jpeg (1.33 MB, 2222x1348, 38EB80AE-6760-432A-A1C3-4F54C4…)

Sage for non-milk but holy lolcows, this is cheap for an art print! Based on the art quality alone, Heidi can definitely sell these for a lil bit higher, like 15-18 USD!
No. 1152348
>>1150868Holly and Landis know each other in one way or another. At the very least they were running in the same circles in California.
A while ago Ross mentioned in a Tweet, that Landis was the biggest jerk he ever met.
No. 1152431
>>1152231Same anon.
Is it bc it’s digital art? Compared to a tradwork that’s made into a print?
I think it could be sold in the range of 15 USD at least.
But, nonmilk. Just found it when looking for the felt art jar.
No. 1152444
File: 1612485657766.jpeg (150.76 KB, 827x951, 2EF337E4-7DEB-4896-B6B9-00264F…)

Oh god, please no.
No. 1152872
>>1152833Hard same (pun
not intended)
No. 1152971
File: 1612530286534.png (709.55 KB, 1242x2208, EF50A2F2-9984-4497-9C9A-386EA2…)

Looks like he took this down pretty fast. He’s obsessed with this low level streamer who looks way too much like Heidi..
No. 1152984
>>1152971Like most people who utilize twitter/FB for announcement, it ended so it was deleted. Pretty much every streamer (with an actual following) does this unless they absolutely do not care around tons of dead posts.
>>1152977Most likely, so it's not an 'obsession' since it's just literal networking and just..hanging with people in a friend circle.
No. 1153127
>>1153096Raerae is not dating his friend. PBG is married, so anon probably meant that they have been "talking" as in they are publicly friends.
Idk if Jared is "obsessed" with her or not, but it is interesting that he constantly interacts with and promotes younger, prettier girls while ignoring his own live-in girlfriend. It really seems like he's working on an escape route. If he lets some more time pass and then trades Holly in for RaeRae or another pretty streamer girl, he can get back on track to having his desired "internet power couple" dynamic without the stigma attached to Holly and Striath. It seems like that ideal is what he really wants, not Holly in particular.
No. 1153198
File: 1612548659003.png (196.39 KB, 1076x693, raeaus.png)

>It really seems like he's working on an escape route.Raerae lives in Australia. If he's looking for an "out" from Holly, he's going to at least look for someone from the same country as he is. I think you're looking a little too hard at this, bigger streamers promote smaller streamers all the time, especially when they're in a friend group like she seems to be.
No. 1153201
>>1153096>it’s a little sus that he uses his platform to help support smaller streamersIronically Jared is one of the FEW "bigger names" that actually support smaller streamers.
>>1153127Tinfoiling is fine but an "escape route" wouldn't be heavily publicized because even in regards to ending up with Holly it wasn't poised as an "escape route."
No. 1153372
>>1152833SAME. I really wish I could unsee it.
>>1153096Agreed, definitely a little sus. Probably tinfoil, but I feel like it’s a way for him to take advantage of people again, using whatever streamer clout he has.
No. 1153814
File: 1612599156320.png (12.77 KB, 437x104, Screenshot_236.png)

>>1152444Why am I getting the jest that ProPedo, Hoebag, and their fleet of braindead defenders would be perfectly happy to be in some weird, communal sex thing in the woods? It just gives off alot of ick vibes.
No. 1154235
>>1127949This is old but considering he didn't plug the sender's username for some free clout, this probably came from a kid.
How shitty of a person do you have to be to take advantage of a kid. Wow.
No. 1154318
>>1154235The person who sent the games replied in that insta post, and although there’s nothing on their IG profile, there’s a link to their YouTube where they’re playing piano. You can tell that they are young. Maybe not a “kid” per se, but they look either like a teenager or somewhere around 18. Either way, no matter the age, Jared taking advantage of people for his own gain is shitty.
>>1153470 He can clearly afford to buy old games himself.
No. 1154319
>>1154308>>1154318>Somewhere around 18>take advantage of a kidPick one, because if you're around 18 and lack comprehension and common sense, you have bigger issues in life lol. Btw other youtubers and streamers have kids 18 and younger sending them stuff all the time. Asking for donations of
UNWANTED GAMES especially if they're on a list he's looking for isn't taking advantage.
No. 1154667
>>1154355The duration of behaving thus far is impressive vs. what the threads of last year talked about.
Of course, Holly’s last sperg-out abt LC was just in Dec 2020. Only time will tell.
No. 1154680
>>1154667I mean, 14 days she brought up cancel culture on her stories though, so it's just likely nothing has happened to
trigger her into a public outburst.
No. 1155329
File: 1612743958232.png (188.87 KB, 720x880, 20210207_191928.png)

…Of course the replies to this last tweet contain "dId YoU wAtCh HiS rEsPoNsE vIdEo???"
No. 1155348
File: 1612744932257.png (379.29 KB, 720x822, 20210207_192530.png)

>>1152971He did this to himself, loyal 'stan'.
No. 1155520
>>1155375You're not going to survive on selling games, especially if you're not responsible for a house etc because the particular donations he gave him wouldn't pay a month's rent at current prices let alone other bills, no need to be that dramatic lol.
>>1155519It's almost 4 days old would have happened by now.
No. 1155563
>Of course the replies to this last tweet contain "dId YoU wAtCh HiS rEsPoNsE vIdEo???"One reply said that. Out of a total of three. And the second of those three agreed with that last tweet.
I get that Jared is a complete shithead and he's an idiot for making jokes like this, but "conveniently" cropping out how many replies there are to that tweet while phrasing a sentence to make it sound like the "hored stan army" descended upon this poor individual en masse doesn't help. This is far from the first time I've seen incomplete/out of context screenshots posted to make him look worse than with full context(like when someone posted Jared's insta about the Tylenol OD but left out the part about his dentist telling him to take it). It makes it sound like we're manipulating screenshots to make Jared/his stans look bad and convinces people that he really is the "innocent
victim of cancel culture". That's why HOF got as much traction as he did, because people have pointed out how often out of context and/or carefully cropped screenshots are posted here, and now more people believe HOF's narrative. I want to see Jared and Holly called out for their behavior as much as everyone else here, but posts like this ironically boost the "
victim of cancel culture" story they push.
No. 1155600
>>1155563Nta but wtf? If 1 of 3 replies said that, it means the replies contain that phrase, like anon said. No one manipulated shit, and lolcow does not have a reputation to defend.
Drink some water and go outside.
No. 1155858
>>1155600Take your own advice because you literally twisted what
>>1155563 stated lol.
>>1155519>Hof really needs to shut down that blog, it just gives these crazies an outlet to say "Jared did nothing wrong and lolcow is evil".This is worded as if the "joke" received tons of replies to come to this conclusion. Shit like this always happens when hoelly is behaving people try to twist everything to produce milk that isn't there. Oh no jared joked about onlyfans that every one and LITERALLY their mother has so milky! At this point if anyone posts, shares pics with him/them or pays for his/their (if hoelly involved) onlyfans you support what he did. If you don' don't and it's time to move on because we all know Jared is a shitstain after 2 years now.
No. 1155904
> while phrasing a sentence to make it sound like the "hored stan army" descended upon this poor individual en masselmao holy shit anon, it's not that deep. Why does everything have to be some kind of fucking conspiracy?
It's like everyone forgot that trolls exist.
No. 1155909
> That's why HOF got as much traction as he did>…and now more people believe HOF's narrative.No anon. Back in 2019, people ultimately sided with Jared because he made sure
he got the last word in. This all happened
before the HOF blog even existed.
No. 1155912
>>1155904Because the intention is clear, anon.
>>1155909Mm..I'm pretty sure ultimately more sided with Jared not because of "getting the last word" when Heidi's white knights seem to continually "remind everyone" what Jared and Holly did on a daily basis if all they do is post a picture drinking a drink, showing off ugly fashion or just wishing people have a good day. Hell the dude was in the hospital and they tried to spin it as a huge conspiracy and he's trying to diddle kids. Shit like
that is why people likely ultimately sided with Jared and HOF came to existence, no one is ignorant to what he did but it's 2 years later what evil has he done or is doing? It's like trying to bring up Heidi's short external relationship serves no purpose to the current narrative especially when the milk is dry.
No. 1155946
>>1155912This is an anonymous board. Some people here are fucking stupid. I wish some of them didn't care so goddamn much about the trivial shit, but I'm not in charge here.
>…it's 2 years later what evil has he done or is doing?I cannot speak for everyone here, I'm just morbidly fascinated with the whole situation. The shitty takes, the rabid fanbases, etc. Sometimes I even feel bad for Holly and/or Jared. Some people here don't feel that way. Not everyone here is
exactly the same.
How is it so hard to make this distinction?
No. 1156427
> but it's 2 years later what evil has he done or is doing?idk still refused to accept the gravity of his behavior and push off the responsibility onto minors?
he's a public persona and no one is required to like him or look past what he did. i prefer to just watch the drama from the sidelines, but if someone wants to throw their commentary into the ring, who cares?
No. 1159795
File: 1613131425256.png (383.94 KB, 1007x588, mushroomforest.png)

Hored stans are seething at Heidi "stealing" Hoelly's entire personality lol. Because obviously Hoelly holds all copyrights on mushrooms and anything forest related.
No. 1159840
>>1159805This. It's always hilarious when the thread does get revived it's usually false claims to try to defend Heidi in some way even when
>>1159795We get you want to talk shit about Holly and Jared, just do so you don't need to drag fake narratives, especially one that hasn't been true for over a year.
No. 1163246
File: 1613513067007.png (39.45 KB, 596x556, anotheralt.png)

>"And i'm totally open to people telling me I'm wrong, that's why i'm hiding behind the reply settings."
Dude, it's over. No one is going to fight with some anon/alt account. Go home. Find a new hobby.
No. 1163283
File: 1613517779396.png (34.94 KB, 391x586, shootmyshot.png)

>He's literally abusing the twitter reply settings to make an unfounded attack against Heidi and anyone who thinks she's an alright personYeah, I'm starting to see that now.
I can't stand those who have nothing to offer but bad-faith arguments & think that their target blocking them 'proves' anything other than they were just being loud, annoying, & ultimately pointless.
…And for the record, I don't like when people do it to Holly or Jared either. That's when you
know these kind of people don't really care about the people involved or how any of this affects them, they just want an audience to watch them jump onto the dogpile.
>" Also, if any of your lolcow herd is reading this: Hi! <3 Fuck You"Welp, at least now I know who keeps repping HOF on here…
No. 1163294
File: 1613518706696.png (173.11 KB, 1031x911, multitwitter.png)

>>1163246>>1163283This person has a really unhealthy and creepy fixation on Heidi and Jared. And is spreading total lies about her based on some fantasy that Jared is some poor, beaten
victim of that "evil bitch Heidi".
No. 1163318
>>1163283…I also want to add how hilarious it is when Hored stans get so unusually pissed at people for not spitting on Heidi whenever she says anything. It's because even after all this,
she was never as popular as her ex, & she never will be. So yeah, miss me with that "She totally has a GIGANTIC fanbase of simps waiting at her beck-and-call!" bullshit.
…And just so we're clear; some zoomer and/or tumblr-pilgrims tweeting "Ur trash kys lmaoooooo" at Jared and/or Holly could probably care less about Heidi.
>>1163294Unless if Akumizu24 outs themself (with enough evidence to back it up) that they're like… a family member of Jared's who has actually witnessed everything
as it was happening, then their tweets are nothing more than conjectures. End of story.
No. 1163460
File: 1613535987384.jpg (609.5 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210216-212500_Twi…)

>>1163454Samefag but I think I've confirmed it.
No. 1163522
>>1163416That's just it though. Almost two years after the fact, it's NOT going to hurt Heidi - It's hurting PedoDick and Hoebag way more than it's hurting Heidi, by prolonging their
victim status and reminding any new viewers about it.
You'd think they would eventually get that they are hurting the careers of those they think they're defending
No. 1163777
>>1163416I mean, their lack of a profile pic alone shows that they're not really
that dedicated to "Speak the truth."
>anger limit is the one that started thatMost of the shitty exchanges throughout this drama happened because "He/She said it FIRST!"
No. 1163783
>It's pretty clear what that post was getting at.Just being realistic anon. Heidi will
never have the reach that Jared had (&
still has).
If anything it's the fanbases are easily the worst part in all this.
No. 1163784
>>1163773TBH I think the only irony is the latest activity isn't even about Holly/Jared despite both still being active.
>>1163783>If anything it's the fanbases are easily the worst part in all this.Exactly this.
No. 1163791
someone gets it!
imo, All 3 of them seem to be making good progress recently, but the fans?
Nothing has changed for them. Even here, it's just "Look at that bitch eating crackers like she/he owns the place" kind of shit.
No. 1163806
>…the latest activity isn't even about Holly/Jared despite both still being active.…I mean… isn't that supposed to be a
good thing?
No. 1163809
File: 1613577858122.png (35.02 KB, 592x432, lolcowpls.png)

Sure, Akumizu. People like you are the only ones keeping this thread alive!
No. 1163829
File: 1613579676493.jpg (61.9 KB, 762x466, meanies.JPG)

>>1163809This is just more attempts at pissing off that anger limit guy, lol.
Why are we posting about one crazy trolling another crazy again?
No. 1163833
>>1163819Nevermind, we're back to conspiracy theories.
>>1163829Because the topic was dead and someone had to find a way to revive it with "enormous amounts of hored stans always shitting on heidi and get pissed when no one shits on her for a day!"
No. 1163838
>Why are we posting about one crazy trolling another crazy again?Well I'll be damned!
Never thought I'd be looking at a perfect example of unrequited love on lolcow of all places…
No. 1163847
>"Nevermind, we're back to conspiracy theories."TIL typing errors are 'conspicary theories'.
All I'm saying is they would've gotten the point across better
without the obvious error.
No. 1163860
>one crazy trolling another crazyI must've thought it was something worse, because they introduced themselves last summer with some loaded words:
>>1163283…Only to end up intensely engaged in a slap-fight with someone just like them.
This show is getting weird…
No. 1163870
File: 1613582134312.png (160.98 KB, 624x832, akumoros.png)

@Akumizu24 = @MorosSilverwing
Why does it always come back to Jared & Holly's very close circle of friends?
No. 1163890
>>1163881They're also the
only Hored fan(s) bothering to engage with that Angerlimit person, around the same time, so idk.
No. 1168254
>>1168245I don't see any "baitposting", the only things I see get called "bait" is when something neutral or factual gets posted that doesn't fit with calling out holly and/or jared in every post.
This was the only bait post in this topic in a very long time:
>>1149034And was rightfully called out. You just have people so ready to jump on a white knight wagon that causes derailing and shitposting to happen.
No. 1171455
File: 1614383328703.png (224.91 KB, 1079x933, streamstalker.png)

Propredator not even being subtle about assembling a new list of female streamers to stalk…I mean "support".
No. 1171953
>>1171942>that people still want ProDick to be held accountable for his disgusting behavior?Except he isn't doing "disgusting" hence why the topic has been dead. Hoelly has also been behaving. You have a vendetta against him because I guess he fucked your girlfriend at a convention which is fine to seethe but you can't consider everything he does worth posting about.
When he actually does something disgusting then post.
No. 1172386
File: 1614484170434.png (34.21 KB, 948x604, doesfollow1.png)

>>1171455Uhh… might want to back off a bit there, Jared.
No. 1172627
>>1172613Looks like
>>1172386 is implying that Jared is stalking Heidi's followers, even though he probably found that person's tweet from Heidi/Jared having similar networking circles, especially because Heidi used to be a streamer and probably followed other streamers like Jared does. Jared doesn't follow Tina Narvaez either, so most likely he found it retweeted by someone he does follow and didn't realize she's part of Heidi's follower circle.
No. 1172667
>>1172627Ah, so another anon just tinfoiling in a way (or same one as
>>1171455 constantly posting non milk because the thread died)
No. 1173875
sorry i've been on a crappy lent phone while i'm in the hospital and can't even screencap shit, but going to recap stuff and hope that some angel will grab caps before things are deleted.
that other creep holly defended, male feminist adam kobel/skinnyghost, just tried to make a comeback and got destroyed over it. his twitter is now deactivated (it's been up continuously since the original drama) and the fanzine he was participating in was canceled (despite being almost 200% funded on kickstarter in less than a day).
the cherry on top is that bluejay (another holly orbiter who rode adam's coattails and dick into ttrpg fame) is now saying the whole experience made her break up with him, and after adamantly defending him before and decrying 'cancel culture' she is now saying "This is not someone who deserves an audience or influence."
holly is also uncharacteristacly client, I'm guessing because she also changed her stance on cancel culture all of a sudden.
also another ex-rollplay dm is now dunking on him and outing his sleezy business practices, no not kaibo again, but silent0siris this time. silent0sirus had also backed kaitly_n up when she was making much more serious public accusations against JP (adam's bestie). his statement then was only a couple of sentences but he wrote a whole thread trashing adam
kickstarter cancelled: statement: best friend airing dirty laundry: No. 1174075
>>1173956No that was something else. She actively defended Adam Koebel. You should be able to find the Tweets in either a previous thread or on her Twitter.
Wonder if Holly will learn something out of this… she should be able to see the parallels. Isn’t she like best friends with BlueJay?
No. 1174157
>>1173956no, she went on another cancel culture tirade defending him. a separate ttrpg thread would be great but never made an op before so i don't want to shit it up
>>1174075yeah but holly wasn't trying to fuck the same guy as her so bluejay's statement is automatically
valid /s
bluejay and holly are cut from the same cloth. bluejay's statement says very little. it doesn't name adam's public fuck ups, just vaguely says that he was a controlling bf and uses that to justify her call to cancel him, and yet she silences other women who speak out about her friends because they're not "believable".
No. 1174253
>>1174157I feel like bluejay just put her statement out now to avoid new backlash, to distance herself from Adam.
She and Holly both seem like the type to save their own skins first and foremost. Both didn’t give a shit about about Elspeth (the player that got assaulted by Adam on stream).
Now bluejay is like “oh but I’m a
victim too, Adam was
abusive” and so many people run up to her to show support as if she didn’t put down the sexual assault
victim back then. It just doesn’t sit right with me.
No. 1174497
>>1174157Wow. What the fuck was the point of Bluejay's dumbass post? "I was changing!" "Red flags!" You had a shit relationship, no one cares. BOUNDARIES! Looks like they had normal disagreements. I mean her big breaking point is that she was whining about him not flying during a pandemic? And that he wanted to go camping with friends first? I mean that might be a good reason to break up, but definitely not anything worth speaking out about in the midst of a woman having been sexually assaulted on stream. These women are insufferable and emotionally vain.
>>1174253Exactly. I'm not even saying that Adam didn't treat her like shit, but her lack of empathy for the role player that clearly looked in pain with a rape faced Adam ignoring human emotions isn't washed off with a "oh yeah, guess me." I swear these women have never been able to genuinely apologize in their life. It's always "I'm sorry I'm so VULNERABLE!"
No. 1174559
File: 1614719854816.jpg (1.55 MB, 1080x8484, bluejay koebel.jpg)

Here is the full bluejay statement since no one else has posted it.
>I also lived in fear of him coming back to social media. Attempting to find another foothold in the TTRPG community.
So basically, she wants him canceled and gone from his community. That's not very "good people make mistakes, cancel culture is wrong" of you.
She talks about how she was "afraid of losing everything" during the initial scandal when she chose to defend him. But the trauma of all of it made her realize things she'd been "willfully blind to". Okay, so other people calling him out helped her figure out that he wasn't so great after all. But she doesn't actually speak about Elspeth AT ALL or apologize for previously supporting Koebel, she just talks about how she's his victim.
This whole thing reads as, "I could excuse him hurting others, but I draw the line at him hurting ME."
None of this needed to be shared. The breakup story was a reasonable explanation for breaking up with someone, but it really doesn't add anything to the public opinion of Koebel. Like, ah yes, his public and private behavior match up, what a shocker. It's not any more impactful than what people have already witnessed firsthand. But it's what she wants to focus on in her statement about him. She vaguely mentions her "bad decisions" but doesn't name anything or apologize. She just wants to add her name to the list of his victims without acknowledging how she enabled him and worked against others he had hurt.
No. 1174598
>>1174559So she dated an asshole who she publicly protected and defended even after his real
victims came forward with their trauma? Boohoo. Maybe she should be apologizing instead of looking for sympathy.
No. 1174708
>>1173875>"I'm guessing because she also changed her stance on cancel culture all of a sudden"But - HE MAKES SUCH GREAT ART! /s Fuck that. You don't get to walk back telling the guy he's great friend after forcing someone to act out a rape just because your buddy is no longer banging him.
>"Afraid of losing everything during the initial scandal when she chose to defend him"As she should. You defended a predator who forced a sexual assault
victim to act out a rape scene; IMO, defending that is nearly as bad as being the one to put her into that situation in the first place.
No. 1174712
>>1174559>"I couldn’t believe the viciousness of some of the people that harassed him or turned their backs on him."Wait. You were chill with him forcing the rape, but NOT with people calling him out and deciding they wanted to turn their backs on him? The fuck?
>"because it was so clear that his needs were more important than my boundaries."No wonder she's friends with Hoelly - that is the exact same behavior Hoelly pulled with Heidi (IE: Her need to bang PedoDick was more important that Heidi's boundaries)
No. 1174896
File: 1614748534127.png (41.7 KB, 444x554, startwithenablers.png)

>"You can't just get rid of abusers. You have to shove their enablers in the airlock, too."
You love to see it.
No. 1174898
File: 1614748642352.png (18.09 KB, 442x280, bye.png)

>>1174896Sounds awfully familiar…
No. 1175321
File: 1614793956523.jpg (405.17 KB, 1080x1272, Screenshot_20210303-093245_Twi…)

>I was a good person the whole time!
People are allowed to judge you based on your public behavior, doofus. You supported an abuser in public, then quietly retracted your support, but you're mad that your fans can also make their own decisions about supporting you, based on what they see you doing.
Emotionally vain is 100% right.
No. 1175358
>>1175252Get a grip, anon.
We're allowed to discuss shit even if it isn't 'new milk' as long as it saged.
No. 1175652
>>1175321>"Private relationships are not always for public consumptions"See, I don't understand this logic. If you live your life in the public eye, put your relationship out there, you can't then be surprised that people are going to ask questions and draw their own conclusions. The fact of the matter here is that BlueJay publicly supported someone in a position of power who forced a sexual assault
victim to relive their trauma through a non-consentual rape roleplay and we're supposed to NOT draw conclusions off of that public support?
Trash birds of a feather flock together, no wonder she and holly are such close friends.
No. 1175973
>>1174559no comments on elspeth or bluejay's former defense of adam but justifies her new position on wanting to cancel adam with "i asked him to fly during a pandemic, he wanted to go camping with his roommates first so i broke up with him and he said he'd fly out anyways to patch things over, so NOW he doesn't deserve a platform or influence".
i don't doubt kobel was a shitty bf in ways she didn't describe in detail (remember his other ex that posted about him?) but it's honestly not even a bad break up story (his other ex had it much worse during the break up) and really does nothing but garner some pity in the middle of a situation that is not about her. if he just accepted the break up without trying to persuade her she would have used that to paint him as callous and uncaring.
>>1175321you didn't need to air your private trauma, you just needed to address the thing you did wrong (defend adam) you chose to air your trauma for pity instead of taking responsibility for your actions.
No. 1176386
File: 1614900161771.jpeg (94.93 KB, 827x380, 98408688-ABF1-4608-9FAA-8526F0…)

lmao, Hoelly must have lost a lot of followers again.
No. 1176410
File: 1614903822738.png (108.58 KB, 720x976, hollysocialblade.png)

>>1176386She's losing followers at the same rate she's always been. Pretty sure she's used to dropping followers like that by now, plus Jared and Heidi are losing them at the same average, so it's not like she's losing more than the other two. This tweet seems brought on by something else.
No. 1176456
>>1176386>>1176410It's probably from BlueJay's post where she mentioned followers and her own drama. Holly seems to be supportive of
victims if they are her friends, but everyone else needs to just stfu and move on.
No. 1184805
File: 1615781204393.jpeg (109.22 KB, 827x496, 02EB59C7-1B23-41C2-9767-394DF8…)

Sounds like ProDick’s defenders are still doing what they do best… clipped out the username so that they don’t get harassed, but there’s a long thread on Twitter for those inclined to read it.
No. 1184849
>>1184834There's not liking hored and then there's going to their discord, calling them manipulative, and then being surprised when you get kicked.
Goddamn, I know the thread has been dead for a couple weeks but this desperate attempt to poke the hornets nest is depressing.
No. 1184858
>>1184852Did someone delete some tweets? I don't see anyone saying this happened in a hored server. Guarantee that
>>1184849 is one of promanipulator's fans making up the part of it being in his server to deflect away from them harassing someone for having the "wrong opinion".
No. 1184958
>>1184805Ah..right on time, thread has been dead for about a week so someone has to start the usual "hored defenders! Even though I'm the one trying to start shit!" lol.
>>1184852It doesn't prove shit, anon.
>>1184869It's because there is no thread to share, this happens every week or two when none of them have done absolutely
nothing to warrant post or even dare I say
No. 1185351
>>1184805>>1184869I don't see any (recent) tweets like this one anon.
>>1184852Okay cool, can you provide us with some screenshots or are we just supposed to take your word for it?
>>1184958>"Ah..right on time"Seems like you're the only one keeping track, tbh
No. 1185358
>>1184805>>1184852So… you just posted a vague screenshot, said "I'm totally reading the
whole thing rn guys!" & dipped?
has to be a troll…
No. 1185420
>Anyone can search the text in twitter and see that's a fake post, so when new milk eventually does come out of the horeds, people view this thread as being lies and exaggerations, so they'll start taking hored's side.Yep.
It's quite obvious for a while now that some anon has been going back-&-forth between here & that HOF blog to stir some shit.
No. 1186070
File: 1615926764074.jpeg (222.06 KB, 827x993, 9B8136AD-FF26-409E-8392-DFBAFF…)

lmao, I knew that this idiot has been the one lurking here in order to convince everyone that ProDick has never done any wrong. All the tweets about that discord server have been deleted now. Wow. The disinformation campaign to “prove Jared’s innocence” is sure fucking real.
No. 1186093
File: 1615927462245.jpeg (164.29 KB, 827x735, BE964253-FD87-47FC-89BD-59A094…)

>>1186070Oh, well this fucking explains everything. Of course SadOldSimp is going to jump in to defend his good ‘ol sexpest buddy PedoDick.
No. 1186463
File: 1615968786246.png (103.31 KB, 1003x539, casualreminder.png)

>>1186093Another one of the people attacking that guy for the crime of not liking prodick is fucking out of their mind. Not only running to defend him, but openly posting hate comments at Heidi. That's not unhinged behavior at all /s
No. 1186883
File: 1616013290210.png (192.16 KB, 1003x742, goodpoint.png)

>>1186811Anger limit might talk about hored alot, but at least they can make a
valid argument. Akumizu not only proves how obsessively delusional they are with stalking a Heidi supporter, but switching the names in anger limit's tweets to be an attack on Heidi must makes the tweets not make any sense.
No. 1186919
>>1186883Correction, they don't just talk about hored "alot" they exclusively tweet about it. At least the other weirdo talks about something else occasionally.
Both are obsessive and strange, just because you agree with one's opinions doesn't change that.
No. 1187175
>>1186883>>1186919That account makes a lot of tweets about harassment, especially harassment from the Propeen fans. Tinfoil but I wonder if they made that account in response to SOM and his buddies harassing them on main? It's not a good way to handle it but I can understand someone wanting to lash out when the Hored fans have a track record of nonstop harassment and doxxing anyone that says anything bad about Hored. They don't stop until they control the narrative, just look at
>>1186070 and
>>1186093 for another example of them browbeating someone into having a sudden 180 in opinion.
No. 1187901
File: 1616125871905.png (53.18 KB, 464x564, crazyseandx.png)

>All the tweets about that discord server have been deleted now.Next time take screenshots of the
entire thread & censor the username if it exists, because this is just a waste of time.
>"Faked evidence">"She spent months dating other guys and had to outright insist he try being with 1 other person…"Once again Ingram; Citation. Needed.
The only way I can see people who so adamantly opposed Hored do such a 180 is if 1) they were shown some private information, or 2) they were threatened by Jared and/or Holly themselves.
No. 1187905
>>1187175The fact alone that their username is "Over The Anger Limit" is pretty evident that they don't want to post any of this on their main account.
HOWEVER… I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a troll or a sockpuppet.
I would also like to point out that back in 2019, there was
another pair of feuding accounts; "SwordOfHeidi" & "ShieldOfHeidi". "Sword" would relentlessly tweet in defense of Heidi, & "Shield" would do the opposite & mock them.
This shit just feels manufactured at this point.
No. 1187925
>>1187920Here's what I got from the transcript:
>"My partner had numerous extramarital extra relationship instances like since we started dating, yeah, um, and we were together for a long time like I was aware of a lot of them and like again even though there were times it was incredibly hurtful I was trying to be supportive and helpful and not deny anything that they they were desiring or are wanting…"
>"There were times where I would literally be like hanging out with a friend of ours in the other room, uh, and like his girlfriend would be like hanging out with them or whatever, um, and we would be playing, like, final fantasy tactics or something, probably & getting drunk. It was awesome, but then, like, we would like look for them later and uh I'm… I'm gonna… I'm gonna cut off this line of thinking because I really don't feel like I need to go into details…" No. 1187941
>>1187901What makes Ingram and other Hored stans so pathetic is their only "proof" they have is "Hored told us this is true". They'll ignore all evidence that says anything other than Hored's total and absolute innocence and then say "there's no proof they did anything bad" while plugging their ears and yelling "lalalala" until people give up and agree with them out of frustration.
>>1187920>>1187925I didn't watch this yet, but it looks like "you got lied to v2.0". Two hours of drivel just to quickly handwave the parts anyone actually wants to hear about.
No. 1187946
>>1187925About his response video:
>"The hardest part was just putting myself out there again, and that gets still difficult. I would have done it much sooner but I was, like, just in the middle of a of a [ __ ] storm, like I was trying to move out of a house, like, I was trying to split assets I was trying to, like, get things figured out."
>"One of the main complaints I remember about my resurgence video was people saying like 'oh why did it take him so long to do this?' it's because I was literally trying to find somewhere to live still"He also brings up Ross
again :
>"I think it should be very very clear and I stated that Ross was very well aware of everything & supportive of everything."
>"I think it was wonderful at the time and, there was a time where one of the numerous times where I more or less had to run away from home.">"He had actually flown up to Seattle to see me. To, like, actually help and, like, talk me through things."
>"He (Ross) was there for a few days."
>"We went and hung out at this hotel for one evening and we were trying to talk through things. I brought one of my journals with me to just talk about different things um there's another night where we like got dinner with another friend of mine who was also painfully aware of the situation in a much more closer way"Here's the thing; Ross has
very publicly defended his other friends before AND after this incident without giving a shit what 'the mob' thinks.
Why didn't he stand up for Jared & Holly when this shit happened? They make it sound like he supported them wholeheartedly & enthusiastically, yet
his actions say otherwise…
Why would Ross just throw his hands up & go "I'm out!" the moment things got
really ugly?
No. 1187983
>>1187946I forgot to add that before he goes on about how supportive & unbothered Ross was of everything, he says something to the effect of being tired of the "Poor Ross!" sentiment that everyone had. As if he's
annoyed that people felt bad for Ross instead of him.
Between this & SOM saying Ross & Heidi would've 'deserved each other' it's like they're trying to find a way to drag Ross down with them. Especially with this whole "Don't pity him! He was in on the whole thing!" kind of attitude.
No. 1188008
>>1187984That's the tell-tale.
If Jared won't respect Ross's boundaries even now, simple as they are ("leave me out of this, please"), how are we to believe he EVER respected Heidi's or anyone else's?
No. 1188135
>>1188079Holy shit, I didn't even know about that part.
That's a tell right there. Heidi doesn't even blame Jared or her failing marriage for her own shortcomings.
Like, people do dumb shit to cope but trying to
justify it almost 2 years later???
No. 1188138
>>1187985Remember when Heidi said that she was under the impression that Ross didn't like her?
Sounds like she was being pitted against his friends.
No. 1188144
for the sake of fairness i went back to listen to the thing because i don't like spreading misinformation and yeah, it's even worse.
"you had to apologize for doing something that made you feel better", fuck him
No. 1188152
>>1187946re: ross not supporting jared: remember that at the start of the whole thing Jared was accused of pedophilia, like, even the people who actually wanted to stand by Jared's side (PBG, completionist, etc) had to withdraw their support because of how shitty the whole thing was.
I mean, who know, maybe ross did support holly's love for Jared and hoped that could become a thing on the side and not lose her. Maybe he let her go in a very romantic "i just want you to be happy" and that's why he didnt like Heidi, because in his eyes she was a bitch in the way of true love (Especially if he knew that she was fucking other people and Jared, truthfully or pretending, was not ok with it). That we don't know.
Maybe he knows how the internet works and didn't want to become the laughingstock of a very
toxic fanbase (gamers) by admitting he was openly and gladly giving his wife permission to cuck him, especially cus he was trying to rebrand himself as a solo act from the grumps.
…as you pointed out what we do know was that he absolutely did not want to be associated with any of this and for jared to say his name out loud 2 years after… he's really the worst lol
No. 1188159
>>1188152>…as you pointed out what we do know was that he absolutely did not want to be associated with any of this and for jared to say his name out loud 2 years after… he's really the worst lolI wouldn't say "he's the worst" because how do
we know Ross is completely innocent and had zero involvement? We are going absolutely on "he said she said", Ross isn't a terrible person but many abusers and pedos and groomers aren't always terrible people you can spot off the bat. I'm not saying Ross is terrible but many people who fight the hardest or loudest to be "left out/alone" usually have something to hide. We don't know anything other than what Heidi and Hored have stated, we technically never even heard Ross's side of the entire story because he said "leave me out of this" so ironically enough he may have crucial information for or further against hored and we'll never know. Similarly to how Heidi has info she won't give out (despite being full within her right to) that may also paint her in a different light.
And before you autistic idiots jump on this as a "defense" of jared, no him bringing up Ross and such isn't to try to throw him under a bus but it's to say that we do not know the full story because we NEVER have gotten his side of it because he distanced himself immediately.
Remember the game grumps shit, everyone hopped on Jontron while defending arin despite arin turning out to be a bigger piece of shit lol.
No. 1188163
>>1188159nah don't worry, i think i know what you mean. I feel the same. I have no emotional connection to Ross, I don't pretend to know what he would or wouldnt do in certain situations. He could be on par with Jared for all i know (and considering how many girls in this threads were absolutely simping for him, I wouldnt be surprised if he did fuck a fan or two), but as for now that hasnt come out.
My personal grievance with Jared is he came off as extremely manipulative back in the day, with the whole nude blog to screen the fuckable girls to book at cons, and from this interview it doesnt look like he changed much.
Jontron is a piece of work all right, but at least he's a very talented and funny comedian lol. Arin looks like he became a master of damage control, do you remember when the Dan Avidan sex scandal almost happened for a hot second? that shit got shut down fast lol, i wonder if that was due to the grumps' managment team ability to contain leaks or their fanbase gigantic boner for the 40 year olds writing songs about jerking off in the shower or whatever the fuck
No. 1188170
>>1187920Hey Jared, is it possible Ross was being supportive because you and his wife were lying to him and saying you were being abused? You fucking retard. I kind of doubt Ross was going "hey bud, it's okay to fuck and steal my wife!" and instead was thinking "hey my buddy is in an
abusive marriage and I really should go show him some support."
Also what an absolute piece of shit even bringing Ross up again. His mom is quite literally on her deathbed and I'm sure some crazies are going to be bothering him.
No. 1188223
>we're legit missing that 3rd party account from someone not directly in-bed with jared…Or Heidi.
I think the (alleged) pedo scandal was what made him 'nope' out initially. Then there's the realization that they probably
didn't tell him everything like they said…
No. 1188241
>>1188231I get your thoughts, but it is an actual thing not being able to control so his comparison is correct. Ignore the medium and focus on the reasoning. You think drug addicts are addicted to
powder and not the stimuli? You think drug addicts are addicted to
needles and not the drug itself? Nudes are another part of the sex world and he enjoyed the naked/sexy shit in it which yes sex addiction
is a real thing.
It's not an excuse obviously but it's something
a lot of people deal with. It's similar to people say they have a "sweet tooth" which is why they're addicted to sweets, I guarantee someone will be able to say "yes that's actually a thing!"
>>1188230Because in the world of social media, "sexy and body positivity" literally means posting NSFW/Nudes/Lewds 99% of the time and "Me posting naked isn't the point! The point is I'm comfortable with my body!" Meanwhile person viewing blogs: "Okay cool, imma keep fapping to your nudes." I agree we should all be comfy with who we are but I'm not naive enough to pretend it isn't just an excuse to post nudes without judgement.
>>1188224I definitely can see why he'd stay out of it even though it'd help shed
a lot of light on some stuff everyone seems to be confused/conflicted about still.
No. 1188247
>>1188139>>1188144Having multiple nude blogs where you exploit your parasocial relationship with your fans is
self care, anons! He needed that for his mental health! Don’t you care about this poor man’s mental health??
No. 1188263
>>1188256>If Jared or Holly genuinely had proof of Ross' approval they wouldn't hesitate to show it. They certainly didn't back down from showing other thingsSimilarly, how Heidi says she has more proof and evidence of things that people say she's lying about (as she didn't show it) but says she won't and "can't" show it (she legally can if Jared can.) Ironically that's more them respecting Ross's wishes, you can name drop etc but showing related content from someone who wanted to stay out of it is when you're
actually throwing someone into the situation.
>but had Heidi not spoken up about being blocked, fans would not have come forward with posting nudes and selfies from his snapchat and blogs Which is funny, because everyone was fine with it until Heidi decided to open her mouth. Not saying Jared is right for what he did but that
shows that the only reason the nudes shit was even relevant is because of the narrative being hazy…hence, we need to hear from unrelated people directly as anything else is highly biased one way or another. The best part is, all the people posting Jared's nudes, if he sought charges he'd actually be in the right considering that constitutes as revenge porn.
>He was clearly over the moon for Holly and what's to say he didn't consult a therapist when it all got revealed and was advised to keep his distance for his mental health?That's not how it works, unfortunately. That's almost the excuse of the people accusing celebrities 30-50+ years later of bs that so far has only been true in 2 regards and false in the majority. He probably just wanted to see the shit blow over on its own and not prolong it to the point he'd HAVE to come out with his own statements directly relating to the hored situation.
No. 1188278
>"Which is funny, because everyone was fine with it until Heidi decided to open her mouth."Except nobody said they were shocked to find nudes of Jared? The nude blogs were common knowledge as belonging to him and so was his snapchat, even if it wasn't common knowledge for a lot of the fandom, especially the fans who weren't attractive women. Jared had told Heidi he shut down his snapchat IIRC, so it's not like they revealed some super big secret.
You've got your wires crossed. The fact he requested nudes was a big meme for the people within that circle. The fact it was SO MUCH was shocking + within context of his interpersonal relationships. The tumblr messages with chai/charlie were the "surprise". Sure it seems Keemstar and other Youtubers probably didn't know or care but I think you're confusing the fact that they existed with the assumption that it was the
problematic part. Next you're gonna tell me RT Ryan was a poor soul who got carried away his his uncontrollable feelings and Cryaotic is a misunderstood soul who only wanted to be loved.
His nudes and blogs were news for those who didn't know. There were plenty who did, and he didn't try to hide it either. It was literally called sinjared for crying out loud. Are you trying to rewrite history in the one website with arguably one of the best archives of the whole drama?
>"That's not how it works, unfortunately."Lmao please, tell me how it "does" work, then. What are you, some sort of Youtuber blind gossip blogger? I don't think you understand how fucking exhausting it is to put something behind you that was hurtful and tiring only to have it dug up again ages later when you feel like you're finally getting your life together again. There is no one way things work.
No. 1188387
File: 1616183964641.png (23.72 KB, 259x135, 20613860_10212322512631874_112…)

>>1188367Please point to where I explicitly said or implied what he did was okay. I'll wait, but won't hold my breath
I said it was an open secret because of "everyone was fine with it until Heidi decided to open her mouth" which is implying that it's Heidi's fault the nudes scandal happened. Which is incorrect on a factual level as not "everyone" was fine with it, since not "everyone" knew about it, and it's also incorrect from a tinfoil perspective as Heidi speaking up about how he treated her is not "deciding to open her mouth"
All this shit happened because of Jared. Neither Heidi nor Holly for that matter forced him or made him do anything from all this mess.
If you feel unloved in your relationship you talk it out with your partner, get therapy or break up, or maybe all three. Creating MULTIPLE nsfw tumblr blogs, a nsfw snapchat, flirting/fucking fans at conventions and also sleeping with your married dnd friend while you're also married, is a very unorthodox way of dealing with feeling unloved and seeking validation.
Let's see what would have happened had Jared never participated in these blogs/nudes exchange:
Gets divorced from Heidi and/or cheats on Heidi with Holly
Both are banal things in the grand scheme of YT dramas but the difference is that the shit is between those three people and not involving tons of irrelevant fans while abusing his position of power.
Like, the audacity of anyone in this thread actually trying to throw a crumb to Jared for what he did. HE did. Holly could have flung herself naked on him and he still could have said "no" at least until his divorce was final. The blogs aren't even about Holly OR Heidi. He could have at least supported someone financially for their sex work if he wanted that kind of contact so much but naaaaaah he preferred asking his fans, his FANS, for free nudes. And then cherrypicking the ones he liked more.
I wouldn't have cared if he financially supported online sex workers as long as he did so respectfully and gracefully. But he didn't. He chose to look towards people who adored him for an endless supply of ego juice, while now moaning and whining about his poor uwu life with his unloving wife.
No. 1188407
>All this shit happened because of Jared. Neither Heidi nor Holly for that matter forced him or made him do anything from all this mess. THIS.
It doesn't matter how and/or why he did what he did.
He still did it. No. 1188463
File: 1616189220690.png (587.73 KB, 1078x1391, hofbitching.png)

Right on cue, whenever the thread is active, HOF and the Hored defense brigade feel entitled to a shitty opinion. Protip, HOF, if someone jerks their dick to little kids or fucks a married dude while they're married themselves, they actually deserve being called out publicly for it! That dirt doesn't wash off just because it's been 2 years, it just gets a stronger stench.
No. 1188519
>>1188463These people
do know what trolls are, right?
No. 1188543
>>1188463anon it's not even that it's been 2 years, they are pulling pages right out of the holly guidebook
"THAT is not suffering, THIS is! I know this more than you because I'm better, trust me on this one"
"I and I alone can judge what is truly evil and
abusive in this world, and it's never me"
No. 1188622
>>1188605Where did they say this harassment came from lolcow. They're saying that Hored are directly being tweeted harassment which is not the same as
>>1186463 and
>>1186883 No. 1188625
File: 1616203131795.png (29.54 KB, 988x232, wheresthelolcow.png)

>Where did they say this harassment came from lolcow.Here
No. 1188743
File: 1616217968436.gif (279.39 KB, 220x147, jj.gif)

I guess HOF is just as desperate for material as some of the folks in this thread were weeks ago.
Gotta keep grasping at those straws!
No. 1188997
>>1188980ikr? If they've come to the conclusion that this thread is dead & pointless, then why do they keep coming back?
Why don't they just write it off & move on with their lives?
No. 1189045
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Nah, it’s more like the ProDick defense brigade harasses the shit out of people so hard that when these victims come out with their stories they end up having to delete. Not that the allegations aren’t true. Imagine defending a predator this hard.
No. 1189048
File: 1616265562942.jpeg (300.72 KB, 827x1334, E5038824-A2D0-450F-A99D-E52B38…)

Anyway, this has got to suck…
No. 1189056
>>1188997It's almost like both parties need to do that instead of trolling each other which shits up this thread.
>>1189052Yes, FB is notoriously shitty about actually doing the right thing. Celebrity/influencer/etc or not.
No. 1189722
File: 1616356477864.jpeg (129.36 KB, 827x625, 504EBCC8-EA61-453C-82D9-46A8F9…)

Hmm, so why hasn’t Jared been banned from Twitch yet? He had that Snapchat where he would mass send snaps of lewds/nudes to the fans that he deemed hot enough in hopes of getting nudes in return. I’d say that and the Tumblr blog would be examples of adult sexual exploitation.
No. 1189774
File: 1616361223279.jpeg (205.43 KB, 828x1792, ExBh6HqWgAIjNF1.jpeg)

Well, would you look at this, it appears Dan had been up to the same grooming of minors as Jared. Just lovely.
No. 1189810
>>1189722Probably because this situation is related to Twitch and through Twitch communications? Why would Twitch ban someone because of what they did on an unrelated platform? Think anon.
>>1189766Sad part is, girls are still gonna swoon over this manchild.
No. 1189830
File: 1616365341676.jpg (22.49 KB, 593x214, kek.JPG) Jontron's tweeted about it so maybe this round of accusations are actually going to get attention.
No. 1189840
>>1189830This might actually get serious holy shit
It was about fucking time though. Dan’s current gf is like 20 and that was such a huge red flag.
No. 1189843
>>1187925> poly bullshitso he's still dodging the issue, huh? it's clear the marriage was shit but it's not really what cancelled him so much as the fans coming out afterwards.
>>1187946part of me is still hoping jared or holly will drag up ross's name one too many times and piss him off so ross will dump his side of the story. i don't think it's likely but i can still dream.
>>1189722twitch is garbage at keeping sex pests off the platform, i mean it's not exactly news that grossgore is a huge creep. and as disgusting as jared was he at least kept it off his main platforms unlike grossgore
No. 1189903
File: 1616371318930.jpeg (166.81 KB, 1080x1183, ExCbtw3XEAIW6Yb.jpeg)

Not gonna necro the suzie thread for this but I thought this was funny.
No. 1189908
>>1189888eh this isn't really fair; i don't think it's a weird perfectionist fantasy to hope that people meet bare minimum standards of decency.
sad that men apparently just can't do that but it's not like you're asking a lot of somebody to not be like dan or jared.
No. 1189914
File: 1616372549516.jpeg (35.28 KB, 677x134, F356FD51-B239-4CE6-8AFE-2636D9…)

Glad to see that not everyone is crowing that ProDick is innocent when he absolutely is not.
No. 1189968
File: 1616377245982.png (56.16 KB, 593x505, fdsf.PNG)

~no reason~
No. 1189975
>>1189968Oh… oh no.
People still remember what she did & said. This is an
incredibly stupid move on her part.
No. 1189995
File: 1616379488147.jpeg (333.35 KB, 1319x960, 4BC981D6-EA4B-4B6C-BD5A-97CA05…)

>>1189968Deleted that and then put this up lmao
No. 1190004
>>1189995"Well I tried LOL"
God, she's just the worst.
No. 1190005
>>1189903He also said the Dan thing isn't bad bc she wasn't a minor, he just deleted that part
Ricky IS disgusting and it's not because of his disability.
I have his ass muted because his whole schtick is "look at how gross I am bc I'm not able-bodied"
No. 1190008
File: 1616380432077.png (96.84 KB, 1772x364, holly.PNG)

But you brought it up first??
No. 1190013
>>1190008damn, i was hoping for a cow crossover
i guess jared is leaning on her a bit more lately for narc supply while he dug up old shit on his interview or whatever so the milk has been dry lately
No. 1190017
>>1190011I was gonna say the exact same thing. Jared was never the same level as Danny, but he abused his position of power the exact same way, pumping and dumping fans at cons and exchanging sexts with girls way younger than him.
I’m sure Holly knows some shit about Danny and I am willing to believe whatever stories she may have about him, but she can’t act all snide about this when Jared was on a similar level of fucking and sexting girls of dubious age and she stood by his side when that all came to light.
No. 1190019
>>1190008I saw the replies to her initial tweet(s). It was mostly "What do you mean?" "Do you know something? Tell us!" and other comments calling her out for vague tweeting. It was INCREDIBLY tame.
She knew it would come back to bite her in the ass, so she said people were ATTACKING HER and deleted it.
She needs to take a good, hard look at herself and how she acts. She is so pathetic.
No. 1190024
>>1190019You dont say something that vague without wanting people to rush to you with "what??" "tell us!" and fawning you with attention. If you didnt want to talk about it, you wouldnt have said anything at all.
but noooo why won't the internet just leave her alone??
No. 1190029
>>1189968You could say the exact same shit to her though.
Also lol, I
knew she was a nosy gossip!
No. 1190033
File: 1616382542195.jpg (83.97 KB, 615x730, SHETRIED.JPG)

>>1190028Here is another one.
No. 1190034
Something something… stones… something glass houses… etc
No. 1190068
>>1189830sage for asking for spoonfeeding, but can someone please explain why/how this is a dig at Dan? I'm less familiar with Jontron's departure from the grumps.
I've been digging through the twitter comments hoping someone asked/explained but no luck lol
No. 1190075
>>1190033this right here is the reason none of the stench from
two years ago is ever going away
not HOF, not hored stans, not twitter trolls – it's holly in all her venomous, self sabotaging glory. i bet you anything that interview went exactly like this anon says
>>1188256 kek
No. 1190089
File: 1616391840300.png (139.29 KB, 981x599, simpharderdude.png)

>>1190075I mean there's people like this, so desperate for Hoelly's trash vag that he didn't even post this as a reply, he just tagged her in a regular tweet for his page.
People like this do nothing but encourage her to keep making these meltdown freakout tweets. It's an endless cycle, Hoelly tweets about drama, regrets it and deletes it, and just as she's starting to rethink her behavior, her simp brigade will tell her "no, you were right to tweet that", Hoelly thinks she actually did something good so she does it all over again. It's actually sad that her own fans who are supposed to be supporting her are actually gaslighting her into never taking accountability for her actions and learning from the consequences.
No. 1190107
>>1190033Aw, well look who broke her streak of behaving for almost 2 months.
The peace was fun while it lasted.
popcorn to watch the trash witch fireAlso, Jesus H Christ, she’s milking herself!
No. 1190121
File: 1616397112179.jpeg (716.81 KB, 1125x1553, 7D9D45BF-B88D-4BB2-9EEB-5FCD4A…)

GameGrump stans already trying to protect Dan and this shit made me lol. Apparently lolcow is an alt right forum now?
No. 1190304
>>1190033not that it would excuse her defense of pedodick, but shining a light on predators actually would be one of the better things she could do with her fame.
too bad she legitimately only care about money and their online reputation and will do anything, ANYTHING, to not lose either of those things. There's a patter of bodies left behind her, friends who had crooked crowns and were cast out for not being enough of a doormat to let her fuck their husbands.
No. 1190306
>>1190294that's not true, the only two underage people were charlie and chai and one flat out lied while the other can't actually recall if it happened or not.
I really wish people would stop throwing around the pedo label at these things as it doesnt help anyone: it's an easily disproven fact when it's about a guy talking once to a 17 year old and fucking her when they reconnect when she's 22, and it only serves to perpetuate the idea that
victims lie.
For the record: not Jared nor Danny are pedos, or ephebophile if you really want to go there, but they're for sure sleezy and don't deserve the platform they're given since they have proven to not be responsible with it
No. 1190364
>>1190352He literally has no reason to. The funny thing though is people were far more willing to look at Danny's situation logically whereas people immediately attacked Jared, Holly and Heidi. That shows just how much the mask you wear affects how you get treated.
>>1190294And even in this regard it isn't Jared's fault, the allegations from the women toward Danny are
now adults, but not at the time of meeting Danny. The ones accusing Jared lied about their ages (shocker) and even fabricated a story. Both instances are equally disgusting.
No. 1190408
>>1189968>"were cast out for not being loyal enough"You and PedoWorm were cast out for being tryhard trash who wanted to crow about cancel culture.
>"They do that out of selfishness and fear"Like you, labelling Heidi as an abuser so you wouldn't look like the bad guy?
Goddamnit holly, you just had to open your fucking maw again?
No. 1190410
>>1190008This is her fucking pattern. She talks shit, gets blowback, and then pulls the "Woe is me! I can't say anything! It's my mental health!"
Guess she got bored keeping her mouth shut
No. 1190424
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>>1189980Deleted tweet from last night
No. 1190436
File: 1616432275937.png (63.64 KB, 464x650, k0sherpls.png)

Even her fans are terrible at PR
No. 1190443
File: 1616432527148.png (24.51 KB, 584x344, platoon.png)

>"Because she has a small platoon of yes men that will coddle her like she's a baby."
No. 1190448
File: 1616432942133.jpeg (175.43 KB, 827x719, 6A3C2B9F-2B9C-4283-972B-9E3E45…)

The ProDick defense brigade has tried so hard to push the narrative that he would age check on Tumblr when he was running that blog, but we all knew he didn’t. “Everyone he engaged with for NSFW was of age.” Bullshit. Glad to see that stuff like this is finally coming out, even though we all knew.
No. 1190455
File: 1616433612126.png (29.29 KB, 476x540, hollycansaywhatevershewantsdam…)

You know what's also bad for Holly's mental health?
Her fans.
No. 1190469
File: 1616434626425.png (43.56 KB, 704x312, rantgrumps1.png)

Good to see some people are beginning to clap back again
No. 1190480
File: 1616436074402.png (149.27 KB, 396x660, notpolybychoiceuwu.png)

>"He didn’t want to be poly though? His wife basically forced him to…"
No. 1190481
>>1190480His wife
forced him to fuck his coworker! And also to fuck that fan, and to exchange nudes with all those other fans…
No. 1190485
File: 1616436775606.png (16.01 KB, 404x264, HiCupcakeValkyrie.png)

I see you trying to change the narrative, CupcakeValkyrie!
No. 1190493
>>1190480yeah he was forced to pump and dump his fans at cons, obviously!
strange that jared suddenly cares about consent in a poly relationship. thinking back to how heidi said jared started 'identifying' as poly towards the end of the relationship this sudden change to "i never ever wanted it" smells like holly has been badgering him to be monogamous for real and he's taking the opportunity to try and being the
victim and appease her at the same time.
No. 1190494
>>1190493To be fair, it's mostly the fans pushing the narrative that he was
forced into polyamory.
No. 1190498
>>1189857A real groomer would fuck the girl shortly after they turned 18. They wouldn't wait until 4 years later to fuck them.
All this means is that Dan is a sleazeball who likes to smooth-talk starry-eyed female fans stupid enough to believe they're special, and then ghost them because he thinks of himself as a rock star.
>>1190424Yeah, I'd really be scared of… Arin and Dan lol
What the fuck can they do? Holly is such an eternal
victim No. 1190501
>>1190296I was talking about level of fame. In terms of being a sexpest abusing e-fame to get sexual favors from young impressionable fans even if they're 18+, Jared and Danny are one in the same.
Danny is more famous. Between Grumps and NSP he has a wider berth of a fanbase compared to Jared who besides his one stint with Nickelodeon was middle of the road e-famous.
No. 1190519
File: 1616441843739.png (165.17 KB, 509x854, 5a6becc52c5ac329a54f511f251920…)

Kati coming out to support the girls coming forward and apparently doubled down on her play being about Dan
No. 1190536
>>1190517yes of course, don't blame him at all, just wanted to give anons a heads up that there could be some secondhand milk there. he doesn't deserve any harassment. it's not his problem to deal with, though he will have to say something eventually
>>1190519wow has she ever come out and said her play is about him? I know it was obvious but I didn't think she'd confirmed it before
No. 1190556
>>1190494Yep. This is exactly what the Jared defense force has been pushing. Anything to make “poor” Jared look like he’s a
>>1190481Don’t forget the lesbian fan that Jared was trying to entice into a threesome with him and Heidi, but Heidi wasn’t interested and he was still trying to lead her on even though Heidi had already said no. Can’t forget that one!!
No. 1190560
>>1190556But he was just
coping with Heidi's abuse Anon!
No. 1190600
File: 1616448473423.png (41.85 KB, 700x332, rosssaiditbecauseisaidso.png)

From r/rantgrumps:
>"There may have been "emotional cheating" beforehand, but the way Ross told it, everything was as honest and amicable as it needed to be."
Where did Ross himself say any of this?
No. 1190606
>>1190600considering that ross went out of his way to completely separate himself from that dumpster fire from the get-go, i have significant doubts he ever had a raw conversation with his chat about his divorce. i also refuse to believe that neither jared nor holly would use this in their favor if it were true.
i'm guessing this person is taking serious liberties in (mis)interpreting the tweet ross posted when he announced their breakup as amicable, which was well before anyone knew about the stuff going on with projared.
this is why i avoid ever reading the comments on r/rantgrumps; it's a recipe for losing brain cells.
No. 1190636
File: 1616451162037.png (38.62 KB, 466x532, ingram.png)

God, being a ProJared + Holly Conrad fan must be exhausting.
No. 1190641
>"he (Ross) got mad at Jared after he backed down from the relationship when his ex-wife tried to play at being the victim"I don't remember this part. Care to share with the rest of the class Ingram?
…And please, provide evidence if you do.
No. 1190730
File: 1616456487208.png (33.38 KB, 468x626, nothingvaluable.png)

God, her stans are pathetic.
No. 1191013
>>1191010i can totally believe we was trying to be supportive of his ex-wife and best friend fucking trying to save face, in a "i'd like you to be happy" kind of deal. Especially if he was convinced Heidi was the
abusive one (and hey, maybe she was, who knows these people lol). But the fact that he was so openly distraught about the divorce and people around him were extra defensive about him during that time.. yeah it makes me wonder how truly not bothered by it he was
No. 1191059
>>1191029for the record, it was more like three months. Dude sat silent for three months while Hoelly proclaimed his innocence to any and every one who would listen, doing everything short of lighting herself on fire in the middle of times square.
His stans claim his age check of "real quick, 18+ right?" absolves him of all wrong doing which, even if that WAS enough (it's not), it's still super fucking creepy for a 30+ year old married man's only requirements for cyber fucking his fans to be that they're legal age. I'm Jared's age and 18-19 year olds look like fucking toddlers to me; Can't imagine trying to fuck some of them.
No. 1191067
File: 1616502136862.jpeg (978.82 KB, 1296x1402, 441C40E0-9FBE-4022-A282-4A4F00…)

>>1190840Adding this gem to the pile.
Geez, go stan something less
problematic and entitled cisMale gamer, maybe?
No. 1191075
>>1190411 anymore tho ahahaha. The cow deleted it, said “I Tried” and then FOLLOWED UP WITH THE SCREENSHOT OF THE VERY VAGUETWEET SHE DELETED.
If that doesn’t scream, “hey! I was part of this shitshow! lemme just flex that for all y’all!” I don’t know what does, kek.
>>1190428OMG this the new dance craze sweeping OL influencers, “vaguing”
No. 1191089
File: 1616504347034.png (933.7 KB, 1312x1488, 016725B1-14A6-419D-B131-010EAB…)

>>1190636Cheeseballs, saged bc not sure if proven before, but is Ingram and Crazel the same person?
I know the latter takes the coddle approach when supporting Holly, based off older threads. Could this be an alt of theirs that’s aggressive and actively counters anti-Jared tweets?
No. 1191093
File: 1616504937981.jpeg (943.16 KB, 1239x1865, screamingholly.jpeg)

Just wanted to drop this older pic as a potential for new thread pic
No. 1191141
File: 1616511899732.png (823.54 KB, 720x715, Screenshot_20210323-105742.png)

If we're voting on thread pics, I nominate this one with the thread name "It was Holly all Along", since she claims to want the Agatha Harkness vibes so bad
No. 1191285
>>1191257I mean, Dan Avidan's been outed before as a weirdo with a habit of ghosting fans half his age and people didn't care then, so I'm not exactly surprised.
>>1189968 >>1190840
So Holly tweets about Dan being guilty, and then Jared likes something about Dan being innocent. Interesting.
No. 1191292
>>1191285i mean can you blame them, it must be truly fucking with them: holly with her
victim complex and jared being against cancel culture for exactly the same shit dan pulled (i mean, dan isnt married, just is in an -apparently- committed relationship with his child bride to be). It's really hard to pick a side to stand on the issue! Bc of course they have to weigh in
No. 1191872
>>1191863This is why I'll never understand how people immediately attacked Jared/Holly/Heidi without hesitation and after the fact still continue to even when they do nothing wrong, but immediately forgive Dan despite CLEARLY being garbage just because his stage persona is wholesome and "hot"? It's so sad to read the "I'm so relieved he's not a pedo!" and "I'm so so happy my cinnamonroll sexbang is innocent <3" responses when this isn't his first rodeo getting accused. Can't even fully say the story was fabricated because that would mean this person made up the same story as another person years ago, they probably got spooked into not pursuing it further.
This is why these assholes get away with what they do..