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No. 836081
Last time on the Curse of O’Ferrall Campaign:
>Holly is still (unsurprisingly) playing the victim card.>Holly is also blocking people who dare to even compliment Heidi on Heidi's twitter posts.>Heidi comes out and states that Holly has been manipulating Jared all along. >>830160>Jared is still lurking in the shadows, refusing to speak publicly but is still talking to Uno Girl. >A Holly whiteknight (Dan Pirro/SweetestRads) is claiming to have 64 screenshots that allegedly prove Jared's innocence/abuse and that Ross was never cheated on.>Dan also states that Ross was mad Heidi didn't want Holly fucking Jared.>Dan later backtracks and states that Holly did not want him to post the screenshots yet after receiving backlash for bringing Ross in the drama.>Turns out some random twitter user (@BrianSirk) called out Jared for being a pedo a month before it was revealed (and a few days before Heidi found his old phone with containing the nudes of his mistress). About DCA:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser >All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagementsJared "the Wormdick" Knabenbauer
>Known for having a gaming youtube channel where he reviewed games>Formed "Waffle crew", the D&D group that would soon turn out to be a dumpster fire>All hell broke lose when his ex-wife revealed he has been manipulating, abusing and cheating on her>Soon after, other victims of his started leaking chat logs and nudes>Turns out he was soliciting underage porn >Went into hiding>Throughout DCA, his D&D character, Diath, was having an on-going romance with Strix, his co-player Holly Conrad's character>Turns out they were also involved IRL, cheating on their spouses>Holly is currently whiteknighting him on twitter, while he is trying to manipulate his side-pieces from the shadows>One of his side-pieces fell for it and now is changing her initial statement, trying to get on his good side (even though he ghosted her before)Holly "Manic Pixie Butterface" Conrad (updated from last thread; see old milk for past history):
>Got into D&D, started thinking she's literally Strix - her character>Cheated on Ross with Jared the Wormdick while trying to manipulate both Jared and his wife>Once Heidi (Jared's wife) revealed her as a side hoe, she locked down everything and checked into the tumblr hospital>After getting back on the net, she started autistically defending herself and Jared, claiming she never cheated and Heidi is literally Hitler>Professional victim, her NPD can be seen from space>Emotionally abused Ross, claimed she never felt love until she met Jared>Can't stand even tiny criticism about herself, reads her lolcow thread thoughAnna Prosser and Nathan Sharp
>Remaining members of the waffle crew>Their D&D characters also had an on-going romance>Meanwhile Anna was married to Geoff Robinson>Nathan was engaged to a well-known voice actress Cristina Vee>Nathan's engagement got suddenly called off at the same time as Anna stated she is divorcing>Cristina Vee tweeted (and deleted) few tweets that revealed that Nathan was cheating on her with Anna and also became instantly friendly with Heidi after she tweeted about Jared's infidelity. >All in all, these people who are in their 30s decided to ruin their marriages/engagement because of a D&D game romancePrevious thread
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Ross O'Donovan/RubberNinja: usual suspects:
>Suzy Berhow/Mortemer:
>Arin Hanson/Egoraptor:
>Dan Avidan:
>Game Grumps:
>Normal Boots:
>Minor cow Katie, rejected Arin way back when and regrets it now that he's famous: of the old milk (cheese?), courtesy of anon:
Suzy "the Goose" Berhow:
>Has a history of scamming fans by buying cheap jewelry from China and the likes and reselling it to fans with an absurd markup as her jewelry line or as one anon put it: "creating a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part". Arin has to come to her defense when people find out.>Previous threads over the years were mostly about Suzy's "thyroid-related" weight gain and absurd styling choices, scamming, and how she's a ~rEaL gAmEr GuRl~ >No one seems to really have complaints about her current styling choices since she lost weight and the skunk stripe and adopted a more natural look (it's much closer to her twin sister Jean's)>Suzy was a "model" when younger, and will still constantly repost the same pictures from her past over and over again, in case anyone forgot>There sometimes seemed to be some unspoken tension between Suzy and Holly. Suzy seemed to give off the vibe of being uncomfortable not being the only cool gamer gurl in the GG group, especially when up against a girl that seemed to prefer and respect.>Seems plausible that she prefers being the female center of attention given the theory that JonTron's swift and dramatic departure from GG was due in part to some beef between Suzy and Jon's girlfriend at the time. IIRC this is still all just speculation. (Jon's too big of a topic, read that one on your own for the full backstory)>A/N: I would be kind of surprised if she showed any support for Holly at all, but maybe that's just meHolly "Manic Pixie Nightmare Girl" Conrad (Backstory/Pre-Divorce):
>Holly is a talented cosplayer/craftsman/special effects artist and well respected in the community, even appearing on Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay">Was one of the main focuses of the 2011 Documentary "Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope" (directed by Morgan Spurlock)>Originally gained notoriety for her Commander Shepard/FemShep cosplay>Married to Ross O'Donovan, beloved animator and member of the GG Family, from 2012 to 2018>When it came to Arin/Suzy vs Ross/Holly most people preferred Ross and Holly, because they felt less fake and Holly was famous separate of Ross, not riding her husband's coattails like Suzy.>Was best buds with Jared's wife Heidi, another talented and respected cosplayer/craftsman>Apparent tragic backstory = quirky anxiety uwu. I don't really know the whole backstory on this one, not sure if it really matters. >But was apparently close to ger grandfather and inherited his house(?) in Washington(?) when he passed away which was in theory part of the reason she and Ross amicably split. Jared and Heidi just also happened to live in Washington.>Other speculated factors included Holly being asexual (lmao), the toxic GG fan-community, "having codependency issues", and wanting to leave LA while Ross wanted to stay>Publicly their divorce was mutual, amicable, and came as somewhat of a shock….OR WAS IT?>Basically all this drama is so juicy because Holly "quirky manic pixie dream bird gurl, asexual anxiety, luvs animals so obviously wouldn't hurt anyone uwu" Conrad was the surprise plot twist villain we never saw comingHeidi of the House O'Ferrall, Hell Hath No Fury, Giver of Zero Fucks, Destroyer of Careers
>I've followed Heidi for years for cosplay stuff, so I can only speak from that perspective but I don't think there's really much else to say about her>I think some people in the cosplay community found her kind of cocky, but she didn't seem to really rock the boat too much>She's a much more detail oriented and talented craftsman than your average costhot. Produces tutorials and shows her work in progress pretty in depth (not as common with cosplayers these days, so I think she's appreciated for that)>IIRC she has a degree in Theatre/Costume Design, so if she's cocky her work quality at least backs it up>Personally I followed her for a long time for cosplay stuff without ever even knowing who she was married to or who ProJared was. Can't speak for others, though I'm sure it didn't hurt her popularity>"She had sex with my husband", top 10 anime deaths of all timeJared "Pigeondick" Knabenbauer
>I've actually never really known or cared about ProJared or NormalBoots before this, I just wanted to call him a Pigeondick.>Maybe someone more informed can give a backstory, though again I'm not sure if it really matters>big yikes >>804556Previous GG Threads:
>Jon vs Dan speculations, are the Suzy nudes real or fake, blah blah blah, old news. Seriously, don't ask to be spoonfed this old dried up milk. Go read about it on your own. >There is a whole subreddit dedicated to GG Rule 34 where they sexualize the girlfriends/wives as well as the grumps called r/polygrumps. Suzy once long ago tweeted in support of polygrumps, but it seems like an especially toxic corner of their already toxic fanbase. I doubt she would confirm that support today.>GG sells a merch line called Game Gyaru "based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively". It's a blatant tracing of the characters from "Dirty Pair" that they did not initially acknowledge.>GG release body pillows of Dan and Arin. They sell out very quickly. It's gross: >>792883>Guess what Jon's an even worse blatantly sexist/racist person than we ever could have imagined>Katie/Suzy/deviantARTKatie (Most recent GG drama unrelated to PigeonGate 2019 ):
>Suzy claims she and Arin have been together since 2002. Arin's mysterious deviantART ex Katie shows up from an apparent cryogenic sleep after 10+ years and throws an insane hissy-fit about how Arin was pursuing HER during that time and she turned HIM down. >Thinks Suzy poisoned Arin against being BEST FRIEND her despite the fact that she was married, disappeared from the internet, lived across the country, and was definitely leading Arin on for some time. Arin seems to have bought her some gifts in this time.>Claims any of this is important at all because she was Arin's inspiration for a character "a woman being beaten and raped but wanting Egoraptor to be her knight in shining armor even though she's an ex-assassin">Now obsessed with Arin/Suzy/GG, obsessed with the notion that Suzy is somehow copying her every move and personality trait (again, despite the fact that she just now reemerged and Suzy was probably ~13 when all of this started)>Consensus: Arin was a dumb teenage boy who was probably involved with both of them, the situation makes Suzy look incredibly sane. Also it's been 17 years who gives a shit. (Guess what: Katie does)>Obviously overshadowed by current milk, but I just feel like we haven't seen the last of Katie. Probably in like 5 years she'll catch up on the current drama and have a real hot take. No. 836084
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Uno Girl continues to be a dumb fangirl.
No. 836088
Great summary of new events, OP! I had one I was working on, but I like your summary better. I also edited a bit of the introductions, I'll make the next thread since this one took awhile to get going. Let's see if we move as quickly as we did with the previous threads. Things have slowed down if it hadn't been for Pirro.
>>836084YOU WERE FUCKED THEN GHOSTED. This girl. She seemed so sad when she told her story of how much she was infatuated with Jared and how he ignored her and all he needed to do was send her a quickie and she's balls deep again.
No. 836096
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great thread anon! thanks a bunch
meanwhile holly is planning to return to streaming? i'm kinda certain this is a ploy to cry harassment again while mostly she's going to be ignored
No. 836105
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>>836084oh my god, this woman is a massive bitch just
not ready to let go of her 5 seconds of fame
No. 836109
>>836105oh ho ho now she's an expert on all things jared. what a sad sack hanging on this guy's every word when all he's done is fuck you and ghost you. there's nothing in here about him telling holly anything, how delusional.
>>836107again, jared cannot claim he's innocent based on this.
No. 836112
>>836107There is no doubt in my mind she is exchanging flirtatious messages and possibly nudes again with Jared. She even admitted they don't talk about Holly. Jared is letting Holly take the heat in public while he lines up other girls in the background.
Also pj2 has a Discord where they bash Heidi and "investigate" constantly. Unogirl is in there, too.
No. 836124
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pic related from her "clarification" post about jared reaching out to her and her wanting to correct misinformation out of the goodness of her heart. this is the reason she gives to not want to post screenshots
but i don't think she and the dan pirro dude are the same, maybe most of these insane WKs do 'collaborate' on the best way to clear our heroes' names uwu but just look at the language this moron uses in today's caps:
>it was actually me he said it to
>I am the one who slept with him
>I have such and such messages
>I don't believe he did this
>did you look at my post here
more likely for it to be holly kek
No. 836126
>>836122dangit lol
>>836124 is for you
>If you can dismiss Chai & Charlie for not showing any more proof, then you'd better keep that same energy with Unogirl.keep up, anon, we only disbelieve and ridicule actual
victims in this house
No. 836128
>>836112I'm not surprised at all that she's there. He ghosted her ass after hitting it and quitting it now she's throwing herself into the fire and will end up making things worse for him. All over some dick. She must be hella desperate cause she sure comes off that way. She seriously believes that Jared is going to finally give her her moment to shine and be his girlfriend but that's not his style.
The desperate cumrags are the ones throwing themselves under the bus for a guy that looks like someone squeezed his head with a machine press, made his eyes bug out, and now he's stuck that way.
No. 836131
>>836127anon… so was i
when in doubt, just read it with a /s
>>836128i think "All Over Some Dick" should be the official caption of this entire clusterfuck lmfao
No. 836133
> He ghosted her ass after hitting it and quitting it now she's throwing herself into the fire…
>She seriously believes that Jared is going to finally give her her moment to shineJust like he did with Holly. Anyone else see the pattern?
I bet he promises a
lot of great things to string them along, probably slips them some money, or pulls some strings to get them into conventions or exclusive events.
Then he'll fuck them over, literally
and figuratively.
No. 836139
>>836133I don't believe he promised unogirl anything. She is a desperate groupie who just wanted to fuck her favorite Youtuber. The second encounter was describe as him basically going to her room, fucking her, and immediately leaving. Yet she still believes he is a good person.
Never trust male feminists btw.
No. 836145
>>836139Either he's paying her, promising her something big, or she just has
incredibly low self-esteem & he's buttering her up to cover his tracks.
No. 836152
>isn't that giving consentNo, consent is "Yes, you may go fuck unogirl at EGLX", not "Should the opportunity arise, let me know" and then not letting her know, you ignorant hag (not you, Anon - unogirl)
>>836096It'll definitely be a cry of harassment when her stream is equal measures "we love you bird mom" and clown emojis out the ass.
No. 836153
>>836105At the very core of it, they don’t believe in the concept of Jared being in a position of power above his fans because somehow the young fans have equal power just because they were willing (it’s consent!!!!) to partake in his disgusting nude blogs. They think he’s the
victim if he has underage nudes because the 14 year old tricked him, the thirty year old.
>But then he totally apologized what more does the mob of haters want!!Like it means anything.
And god that uno girl. Hi. You’re a clown emoji.
No. 836156
>jared reached out to me to apologizeSo that makes his wild abuse of power okay? My bad - I'll get right on explaining to the governor of every death row inmate that they should be pardoned because most of them have said they were sorry.
>>836110ANd I don't get it. His curvy dick can't be that good. You could get a good sex toy that has to be on par or better - and has less of a chance of ruining your reputation when the guy you bragged about banging is eventually locked up for Child Porn.
No. 836161
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How long will it take for Holly to ree about Heidi potentially selling the Squid Kid sculpt she made for her?
I'm giving it a day.
No. 836166
>>836161watch holly say something stupidly hypocritical like "i considered her such a good friend and now she's selling off something i did
for her! what a bitch!" and get absolutely ripped apart lol
No. 836169
>>836157Considering Jared encouraged someone into modding a 'Body Positivity' Blog that he ended up using as a spank-bank (See
>>835050 ) It's fairly obvious by now that he preys on people who are insecure & have little to no self-esteem.
uses people.
No. 836174
>>836156No anon, you don't understand. He placated her by saying some meaningless words about how he knows he abused his power despite only being upset that he got caught. He is an angel!!
These people are so delusional. Jared is not a
victim. He cheated on his wife. He made unwanted advances at PushingUpRoses. He looked up nudes of Pamela Horton immediately after meeting her at a gaming event and randomly showed them to other men without warning. He then never apologized after he found out she knew about it. He ran several porn blogs cloaked as body positivity spaces when they were really fap collections. He did this on Tumblr despite Tumblr being a site full of teens who often lie about their age. He sent people unsolicited dick pics on Snapchat.
I've watched these wks try to discredit Heidi, Pamela Horton, Pushinguproses, Cristina Vee, Jessie Pridemore, and every
victim of Jared's degeneracy. I've seen them use the fact that Heidi and Jessie spoke out against Vic Mignogna as a knock against them despite Vic having a reputation that spans over a decade of him sexually harassing women at conventions. They'll do anything to bring down strong women unafraid of a man. They love weak willed women who "stand by their man" no matter what. It fulfills some weird power fantasy for them. It's just so fucking old.
Sorry for the rant.
No. 836191
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Homewrecker changed her bio again to include a bit about aliens…..because nothing screams "I'm of sound mind!" quite like Homewrecking Holly's declarations that it's either the fault of her being mentally ill or aliens!
No. 836248
>The fact that the Ross update on his petition still exists despite Holly knowing Ross wants to be left off speaks volumes about how shitty she is.The kicker is when Dan was on twitter yesterday asking that other WK to delete the post in which Ross was tagged. Like, making posts including him - regardless of if he is directly tagged or not - when you know he wants left alone is super shitty.
Holly could speak out at any time and tell them to quit it and leave him alone, but hasn't. (hi homewrecker, lets assume your wk buddy is still roaming here)
No. 836268
>>836084If she asked for him to tell her beforehand then no, that's not consent lol. If he asked and then THEN she said yes, that would be consent, which she could withdraw at any time before the act occurred.
Why are sidehoes always so braindead.
No. 836273
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I went through old GG threads looking for Holly milk (cow-ish shit that she might've posted but deleted in the past) and while I haven't found anything interesting, I stumbled upon rampant Holly white knighting instead.
There were posts that were positive about Holly (compared to Suzy back then) but then there is also this. Looking back at it, some of these really feel like self-posting (or it could be a rampant WK).
Seeing that Holly revealed that she reads lolcow, I'll always wonder if she used to self-post to portray herself in a more positive light.
No. 836278
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>>836275what the fuck is wrong with you, go elsewhere
No. 836281
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Also Holly is "birbitarian" and doesn't have problem eating meat other than pwecious birb meat….so why was she making a scene at the sushi restaurant again?
>>836275reported for obvious scroteposting
No. 836285
>>836281i'm guessing someone told her something like "yeah right you'll be dating jared when fish can fly" and she took it too literally
i kid, i kid. but is it only me who cackles in glee every time another part of this bitch's uwu perfect mask chips off and falls down?
>>836273yiiiiikes. some of this is definitely holly herself, a lot of these read so similarly. jesus christ i wish whoever it is goes on another rampage upon wormdick's imprisonment and gets outed by the mods lmfao
No. 836354
>>836295I live in the PNW. Aliens are definitely a thing up here. There is a whole building in Seattle shaped like one, even…
So yeah. Edgy PNW bullshit.
No. 836357
>>836354I definitely think she's doing it to seem more edgy - like fucking her supposed best friend's husband while being married to someone else herself wasn't "edgy" enough.
Homewrecker Holly is about as "edgy" as that kid we all knew in high school who wore black hoodies and thought that made them unique.
No. 836389
>>836327I honestly feel like these WKs could be Jared socks, at least unogirl. It just seems all too convenient, and what better does he have to do with his time?
I’d compare writing styles properly if I had the time, but you can definitely draw comparisons.
No. 836404
>>836389I don’t really think so tbh
Though dan is convinced that chai is a Heidi sock kek
No. 836516
>>836389What better does he have to do with his time? How about pumping and dumping all the braindead bitches like unogirl who worship him, under the guise of 'feels bad, want to make it up to you'?
Of course it's convenient, he's trying to shore up his defences for the shit that is coming his way and muddy the waters publicly.
No. 836530
>>836481Yeah, I wouldn't say I stanned for her but I did really think she was sweet and likable at one point. Even after the cheating allegations originally came out I wasn't firmly against her. It wasn't until she revealed all those private texts between Heidi and Jared and tried to paint Heidi as
abusive that I really turned on her. The messages where Heidi "threatened" to expose Jared's affair and end DCA were very clearly not from a place of malice. Heidi was a woman at the end of her rope who had spent months being gaslit by her husband her former friend. As someone who has been in that situation between I recognized it all so well. Someone like Holly who is so unwilling to take any blame or admit any wrongdoing in a situation is always suspect to me. Her actions throughout this whole thing are so classic narc. I'm sad I was blinded by it before.
I wonder how she'd feel if private messages between her and Ross got out? Especially since she abused him. Imagine what a monster she'd look like.
No. 836545
>>836530Same here. When the scandal first came out, I suspected that Jared just talked Holly into sleeping with him & she gave in.
Then she came out with this ludicrous story of trying to 'save' Jared from his '
abusive' wife… by helping him cheat on her.
…Not to mention "I only wanted to
save this poor, downtrodden man from his controlling bitch of a wife!" is
such a classic-adulterer saying - confirming that he
lied to
both women just to string them along.
No. 836571
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Take with a grain of salt, but someone at PULL claims to have spotted Jared & (possibly) Holly at a restaurant together.
No. 836579
>>836571Honestly, I'd believe it. Everyone says Jared has moved on to his next side ho while simultaneously wondering how he got so much action. I think most of his action was of the internet kind, and the number of girls he got with IRL is pretty small. Only UnoGirl has come forward, so I doubt there are hundreds more keeping quiet. Plenty of people came forward about sexting him, but those people aren't available to him anymore. So, really all he has now is Holly. This is a guy who tried to keep both Heidi and Holly for as long as he could. I really doubt he's such a player he's got tons more in line. Manipulative, yes. But a chick magnet? Hardly.
Given that though, I'm surprised they haven't just decided to own it and tell everyone "it's true love bitches."
No. 836586
>>836571The kind of person Holly is, you'd think she would talk about or even reference hanging out/going on a date with Jared on her twitter.
I doubt it was her.
No. 836587
>>836586She didn't mention hanging out with Jared when she was in Las Vegas.
She's purposely not mentioning much about him since, you know, he's an alleged pedophile.
No. 836590
>>836579Well, Holly more or less has. She tanked her career for him and stood with him against the kids who came out against him. If that's not a declaration of devotion I dont know what is. Too bad Jared is a pedo maggot who would not and has not exonerated or defended any woman he has taken advantage of.
I feel bad that Uno chick hasn't realized she's been utterly used (twice) and jared only reached out to get more people to to wk him. Bet holly secretly resents her too, knowing the worm would fuck anything willing that came his way, even now.
No. 836593
>>836586Nah. I think she knows her relationship with him is forever tainted.
>She's purposely not mentioning much about him since, you know, he's an alleged pedophile.Yep. She's definitely keeping him around by pulling some strings legally. I mean she gets away with a LOT just by who she's related to/other connections.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's got Jared in the palm of her hand right now due to promising she'd find ways to get rid of those pesky pedo allegations…
No. 836618
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Keep spamming Dan, you look real credible & not desperate in the slightest!
No. 836620
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>>836618Dan out here
totally not creating more drama for the people that he wants to 'help'
No. 836625
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No. 836633
>I kept wanting to give her the benefit of the doubtYou lose the right to "benefit of the doubt" when you start threatening suicide as a means to control people. Even mentally ill, that shit is not okay, full stop.
>>836530Yeah, here's the difference though: Ross isn't a braindead, soulless piece of trash. He'd never let those messages get out.
No. 836649
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When the clap-backs are even hotter…
No. 836650
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I need to shake this man's hand.
The replies are….fucking golden. This is what we all needed today, I think.
No. 836651
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>>836571>>836577>>836579If they are together then it makes this situation even more hilarious.
No. 836655
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>The replies are….fucking golden.That they are!
No. 836659
>>836625Now that's the fiery elf ex-wife capable of destroying careers.
I, at first, talked about how Heidi shouldn't bring it up, but anons had good points.
>>836655 I'm with this person. "Hey this is just a lowblow…nevermind fuck Projared."
No. 836663
>>836651>when they only met in person ONCE to fuck and he immediately ghosted her"remember that time i jacked it to your nudes, fucked you one time and never spoke to you again because i didn't think you would be relevant? haha fun"
Is holly actually this delusional or is she just accepting any help she can get (even from a fan who would obviously stab her in the back to fuck jared again)
No. 836665
>>836625Do you think that something happened? She's tweeting at Jared out of the blue, I think she knows that something's up.
Yes please, new milk come soon. The Holly whiteknights are just boring.
No. 836672
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NExt up in Dan's portfolio: Sly comments that indicates he's also in contact with PedoWormDick
No. 836677
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Hi Dan!
No. 836681
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No. 836684
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Fuck him up!
No. 836686
>>836680If Dan is sitting on SO MUCH
vital evidence, then why doesn't he just post it already?
Fuck what everyone else says! (It's not like these people know what consent is anyway)
You wanna 'save lives' or not, Dan?
No. 836690
>>836686Remember in UnoGirl and the WKs eyes, consent means somebody said "yeah that's fine" once, which Homewrecker Holly apparently told Dan was okay since he got the evidence in the first place.
Post the shit out of all of that "evidence"
After all, one can't revoke consent on something they're no longer comfortable with, right?
No. 836692
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>>836681Remember, we shouldn't be holding Jared accountable for his abuse of power, but we SHOULD hold Heidi accountable for trying something, then backing out! /s
…Also you got the wrong woman,
Holly is the 'eternal
victim'. Try to keep up!
No. 836695
>>836692Man, those words probably hurt Heidi SO.MUCH. what, with it coming from a twitter user who calls themselves "tick-Tock man" who doesn't even have a profile image.
God, how will she ever go on!
No. 836696
File: 1562967938505.png (163.26 KB, 588x572, MaddimanDr.png)

Here come the WKs to accuse her of'playing the victim' despite Holly doing so every other day for 2 months straight…
No. 836698
>>836696Yeah, she's being such a
victim, with the whole "i've mentioned it once or twice in weeks, while Homewrecker Whore Edition mentions it on average of every 2 days"
How fucking dare she keep bringing up that her husband both solicited nudes from minors and fucked someone while completing disregarding his wife!
No. 836700
File: 1562968248626.png (141.49 KB, 592x779, Screenshot_88.png)

This poor ignorant incel of a WK is trying so hard to make Heidi the bad guy without realizing that literally every thing he's saying could also be applied to Homewrecker Barbie.
No. 836702
File: 1562968359783.png (34.63 KB, 595x256, Screenshot_89.png)

This guy is running to be the new Dan
No. 836704
File: 1562968410548.png (15.01 KB, 575x141, Screenshot_90.png)

She went full feral mode today and I am living for this.
No. 836706
File: 1562968502982.png (16.7 KB, 575x148, Screenshot_91.png)

So that's why she's going off, PedoWormDick is still pulling shit offline.
Fuck that dude and his weird dick and apparent fetish for ignorant homewrecking whores (who have bird fetishes)
No. 836709
>>836677I don’t get his logic
You’re not a
victim anymore once you throw shade? Like there’s a clause somewhere that says
victims can’t insult the abuser?
Not sure who said it but it’s a bit hypocritial that Heidi is expected to remain silent and mature all the while holly gets to say whatever she wants
No. 836718
File: 1562968955453.png (64.58 KB, 759x259, mentallyill1.png)

>>836709Because she has her automatic get-out-of-jail free card, remember?
No. 836719
>>836718Oh I forgot about this, silly me
Here I thought her card was “my mom abused me”
No. 836720
>>836716Don't send him back to the midwest, we don't want him either.
People 'round here don't take too kindly to pedophiles who cheat on their wives.
No. 836722
File: 1562969079212.png (40.98 KB, 576x356, asagao.png)

No. 836725
File: 1562969282566.png (59.32 KB, 580x564, mentallydraining.png)

No. 836728
File: 1562969307088.png (63.49 KB, 576x416, noonecares.png)

No. 836733
>>836730You can't use words like "apologist" or "Misogynist" - They're too damned dumb to understand words over five letters long.
Y'all are some idiotic incels who are taking your weird "revenge against pretty women" bullshit out on Heidi. It's old, it's tired - and Homewrecker Barbie ain't going to suck your dick when all is said and done. Move on, chads.
No. 836740
File: 1562970033125.png (72.47 KB, 576x696, moralwinning.png)

People seem to forget that continuing to be complicit with Jared's behavior would have benifitted Heidi greatly.
She gave it all up to tell the truth.
No. 836743
File: 1562970576010.png (65.02 KB, 584x444, scam.png)

Ummm did Heidi scam people?
I know Holly has…
No. 836748
Also, she doesn't pull the "I'm mentally ill" card
No. 836749
>>836744It's clear we've picked a side. Just your run of the mill non pedophile side. Plus being assaulted by Jared's dick picks that were in every position he could think of were a clear indicator this place wouldn't think kindly of him. It's really /Antijared/
>>836706Fairly fascinating. Looks like Jared is "healing" by using his lawyers to take it out on his soon to be ex-wife. Let's see how much side piece Holly can keep her cool under Heidi's uwu abuse.
No. 836750
File: 1562970921027.png (27.68 KB, 580x312, besttake.png)

I applaud this person here!
No. 836753
File: 1562971032294.png (52.69 KB, 584x436, cheating2.png)

No. 836755
File: 1562971190648.png (78.22 KB, 584x684, dectective.png)

More evidence that Dan is working for Holly
No. 836756
File: 1562971580303.png (305.9 KB, 600x724, niceonecupcake.png)

>>836740'Defending the innocent' by making passive threats at people. Nice one, Cupcake!
No. 836760
File: 1562971927342.png (60.32 KB, 580x576, moregoodtakes1.png)

The clap-backs continue to be golden
No. 836761
File: 1562972053349.png (67.5 KB, 584x468, healingclown.png)

Of course the WKs added clowns
No. 836781
>>836768Small tip to yall so you don't lose credibility: If you're not seeing how fucking wrong Homewrecker Barbie and PedoWormDick are in all of this, there's no hope.
I take it back, you've already lost all credibility.
No. 836788
File: 1562973555960.png (73.23 KB, 590x680, neverforget.png)

No. 836793
File: 1562973904931.png (47.66 KB, 588x380, MaddimanDr1.png)

>>836696Take a god damn seat MaddimanDr
No. 836795
File: 1562974084088.png (49.98 KB, 592x436, cupcakelies.png)

I hope Heidi responds to this fucker to shut their shit down.
No. 836804
>>836793The only "evidence" is Homewrecker Barbie claiming that Heidi screamed in Jared's face - which, let's be honest, if I found out that not only was my husband fucking my best friend but that he was also soliciting nude photos from minors?
I'd do a whole lot worse than just screaming.
No. 836814
>>836698>mentions it on average of every 2 daysIt was pretty much every single day for a month while Heidi shut up about it for a month and just recently started talking about it again.
The fact that the whiteknights think that she should shut up about things that
HER husband did to others and to her is appalling. His actions make her look bad too since she was the one married to him. He publicly humiliated her a month and some weeks ago. Her own husband. Who the hell wouldn't still be angry? It was a marriage not a freshly made relationship. Secondly, there are many child porn cases where the unknowing spouse shares the blame too. I'd be more surprised and suspicious if Heidi wasn't angry. The way people are acting towards her grieving is fucking ridiculous but they want to pat Homewrecker Holly on her flat ass for going crazy for the amount of time over the same issue as Heidi for…being sad? But the wife of the relationship in question can't be upset? What fucking nerve.
>>836795>Heidi was still fucking in an LDRYou see, Heidi constantly mailed her pussy to her boyfriend.
No. 836818
>they want to pat Homewrecker Holly on her flat ass for going crazy for the amount of time over the same issue as Heidi for…being sad?That's the part I don't get. They're telling Homewrecker Barbie that it's okay to be sad, to need time, to move on - but will look at Heidi who is legally married to that assclown and be all "tough tits, man up and move on, you whore"
>Heidi constantly mailed her pussy to her boyfriendSee, that's why she had to be with PedoWormDick for so long. She needed all of his money because shipping pussy across state lines is fucking expensive. /s
No. 836820
File: 1562975559524.png (15.12 KB, 594x110, Screenshot_93.png)

Over an hour later and still golden…
No. 836822
File: 1562975921861.png (33.61 KB, 592x272, stahp.png)

Heidi: (Finally has enough confidence to tell her abusive ex to go fuck himself after years of abuse)
Twitter Randos: "oMG wHy Do U kEeP dRaGgInG tHiS oN???"
No. 836824
File: 1562976011052.png (15.9 KB, 580x172, TheFakeSteven.png)

…And there it is!
No. 836828
File: 1562976753805.png (59.63 KB, 588x420, healing.png)

Get fucked White Knight
No. 836832
File: 1562977131490.png (59.35 KB, 576x540, MaddimanDr2.png)

>>836793I love how this one WK keeps getting owned by someone new every time I look
No. 836835
File: 1562977419758.png (199.37 KB, 588x432, Screenshot_94.png)

I'm calling it now - Homewrecker Holly will spend no less than 20 consecutive minutes bitching and moaning about how awful the internet is, how she can't even find any joy in the stream, and about how abusive Heidi is being and why she just can't understand why Heidi hates her so much (spoiler alert: it's because you're the whore who fucked her husband and then labeled her abusive)
No. 836838
>>836837I just want to know why the petition was created in the first place - What's it's purpose other than screaming "WE SUPPORT A POTENTIAL PEDOPHILE!"? What, if they get enough signatures, the feds won't be able to investigate the allegations?
They aren't honestly THAT stupid, are they?
No. 836839
File: 1562977776478.png (79.39 KB, 580x640, MaddimanDr3.png)

>"yes but holly gave evidence before holly did"lmao
No. 836841
>>836839Everyone's getting fed up with this "read the tumblr! it proves it!" shit.
The only thing that bullshit projared tumblr proves is that there are people out there with entirely too much time on their hands that couldn't cut it with the actual police department.
No. 836849
File: 1562978523234.png (42.55 KB, 580x356, christina.png)

Christina Vee has spoken!
No. 836851
File: 1562978918328.png (55.71 KB, 584x428, KeonHaywood.png)

>"But what about your proven lies and manipulation?"
What "proven lies" Oh, you mean Unogirl, who refuses to show screenshots?
No. 836870
File: 1562979509997.jpg (277.18 KB, 1629x1623, jared-vegas.jpg)

>>836605I don't remember us having that here at the time so caps
No. 836879
File: 1562979870654.png (57.16 KB, 584x460, StefanMolyneux.png)

Yes Heidi, be jealous that you cut that abusive trash out of your life!
No. 836881
File: 1562979934650.png (87.58 KB, 618x833, 2019-07-12_21h05_10.png)

Oh shit Heidi is done taking crap from these WKs.
No. 836895
>>836881>>836886Wreck them! This is why we like Heidi. She doesn't do this shrinking violet manipulation act saying "you are free to think what you want!" then go on a tirade of how horrible a human being another person is then say "peace and love."
Gotta love the fucking bombs Heidi is going to be dropping because of dumbass Jared's attempts to save face. Because he blocked Heidi and attempted to announce their divorce without her she shat all over Jared and called Holly and pathetic nudes out.
Now is round two where he pissed her off and she's letting everyone know what kind of texts and manipulation Holly went through to get pedo dick. She's a grade a fucking homewrecker. At the start of this I thought Holly was just delusional with her D&D pairing, but this runs deeper.
>>836890Fucking beautiful.
Go ahead WK, let's get more milk and drag Holly.
No. 836907
File: 1562980811573.png (91.1 KB, 580x636, KeonHaywood1.png)

>>836851Y'all WKs are putting a little
too much faith in this anonymous 'mistress'
No. 836910
File: 1562980885732.png (57.38 KB, 580x360, KeonHaywood2.png)

>>836851>>836907Aaaand now we're getting more invasive!
No. 836912
File: 1562980923469.png (56.31 KB, 599x538, 2019-07-12_21h21_57.png)

>>836910She's telling him off too.
No. 836913
>>836881I could absolutely hear Homewrecking Holly shout "WHY ISN'T THIS RELATIONSHIP OVER YET?" in a very foot-stomping tantrum kind of way. That wouldn't surprise me in the least.
>>836905Heidi's done fucking around. I support her 110%.
>consent to the affairI was unaware that a onetime pump-and-dump constituted an affair.
>you admittedly had two affairsShe had ONE ldr that ended the minute that it became uncomfortable and when she requested monogamy rather than poly.
No. 836915
>were you afraid that Holly and jared were connecting a lot more emotionally?I mean, considering the homewrecking whore told a married man "I was asexual but you make me not asexual anymore. I don't even have these feelings for my own husband"?
>you keep blaming her when you helped facilitateAnd she asked for basic fucking decency that neither Homewrecker Barbie or PedoWormDick could bother to extend her. Game over.
No. 836916
File: 1562981049112.png (15.79 KB, 547x131, Screenshot_95.png)

SHIT - take no prisoners, Heidi
No. 836920
File: 1562981168537.png (20.38 KB, 598x173, Screenshot_96.png)

It's like she took a break for dinner and is back with more salt - I'm fucking living for this.
See, Homewrecker Barbie? This is how adults have conversations and arguments - no mention of "this is gonna make me kill myself and its all your fault!"
No. 836927
File: 1562981391322.png (328.26 KB, 595x612, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 7.29…)

No. 836932
File: 1562981658191.png (81.95 KB, 604x564, HeidiStrikesBack.png)

No. 836934
File: 1562981712495.jpg (213.17 KB, 1067x635, Imsorry.jpg)

>>836881Timeline checks out. Love that emotional manipulation she's shoveling at Jared for not breaking up with Heidi yet! She has a pattern apparently No. 836935
File: 1562981801120.jpg (219.04 KB, 1073x742, AndIOop.jpg)

>>836934Also from December
No. 836937
>>836890>Go put that in your truth blogpowerful words, I wonder will she flip-flop and go back on her word and fake-apologize like our mysterious, dark, sensitive witch queen?
>>836916>>836920Oh snap
No. 836944
File: 1562982092102.png (15.89 KB, 564x126, Screenshot_98.png)

Exactly. Just because you know what the words mean doesn't mean you're qualified to apply them to others, Homewrecker.
No. 836946
>>836934>>836935good addition
peep that woe-is-me-attitude and vague, manipulative narrative
No. 836948
File: 1562982357404.png (41.3 KB, 564x160, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 7.45…)

No. 836950
File: 1562982388458.jpg (703.27 KB, 1564x1564, Immentallyill.jpg)

I wonder if nighttime was hard for her back then because she knew that Jared was at home,possibly in bed with his wife
No. 836951
>>836948A new era of milk has begun in the projared saga! I'm definitely going to start making the next thread!
The farm is abundant these days, fellow farmers. Let us toast this bounty.
No. 836953
>>836951By "start" I mean I'll just save the text. I'll wait till this one properly gets autosaged.
>>836935Imagine asking an internet rando "you seem kind" to help you with serious domestic abuse questions. It was just Holly trying to vague harass Heidi. She was playing with fire back then.
No. 836954
>>836910none of this is going to get Jared off the hook for underaged noodz, my dude.
tinfoil: they're all pedos themselves
No. 836960
>>836944>>836948Heidi dropping the truth bombs
>>836950it's eery because you know she was miserable just because she didn't get her way all of the time
No. 836964
>>836961Hell, we all knew he was talking about the Homewrecker. The only ones blind to it are her WKs who think she's going to suck them off in gratitude (and judging by her choice in dudes
cough it might actually be a possibility)
No. 836965
File: 1562982935996.png (32.9 KB, 580x256, shutupdenica.png)

>>836948Brilliant tweet (bonus of Denica lying)
No. 836966
>>836965Today. Today she was tweeting about birds.
And on July 8th, she was openly asking why people hated her and what she had done - Y'know the same spiel from the last month.
No. 836967
File: 1562983153453.png (25.14 KB, 606x224, Screenshot_99.png)

I feel like that "fatality!" scene of the Mortal Combat games
No. 836968
File: 1562983383854.png (47.12 KB, 618x421, 2019-07-12_22h02_54.png)

>>836965Oh dang, that is some good call-out.
No. 836975
File: 1562984043077.jpg (88.96 KB, 1023x852, depositphotos_5562284-stock-ph…)

Fuck, I've been waiting for Heidi to start standing up to these losers. Holly has to be fuming.
No. 836976
File: 1562984145851.png (86.31 KB, 616x779, 2019-07-12_22h15_34.png)

Gets even better when Cristina joins in on the fun.
No. 836979
File: 1562984333130.png (49.14 KB, 588x372, ItsAllSoUgly.png)

>>836967You really gonna try that, huh?
No. 836983
File: 1562984585246.png (34.72 KB, 576x264, SALT2.png)

No. 836987
File: 1562984794304.jpg (213.11 KB, 1077x572, Bed.jpg)

>>836950I verified my tinfoil.
No. 836990
File: 1562985125432.png (94.79 KB, 584x700, KingLoxx.png)

>"She’s the only one keeping this going at this point."
>"She really needs to just let it go she “won” just leave lol"
No. 836992
File: 1562985273935.png (64.98 KB, 580x588, KeonHaywood3.png)

No. 836995
File: 1562986052815.png (74.53 KB, 592x560, shutupdan5.png)

No Dan, PBG & Furst did NOT retract their statements because Jared 'called them off'. They retracted their statements because NB put out the official announcement that they fired Jared after receiving evidence the he did indeed exchange nudes with minors.
No. 837001
File: 1562986417427.png (81.7 KB, 712x580, troofblogg.png)

Looks like Jessica is BIG MAD
No. 837003
>>836837If you go to the petition these days, the number of signatures is slowly rising, but the comments on it are all still from a month ago.
Is it possible Dan is using bots to get to the required number of signatures?
No. 837004
>>837003Would that surprise
anyone at this point?
No. 837013
File: 1562987370891.png (30.31 KB, 576x264, Denicastupid.png)

…And Denica continues to be an ignorant moron.
No. 837025
File: 1562988191820.jpg (36.82 KB, 360x480, lovestory.jpg)

>>837007The world ends, Heidi turns to dust! Strix and Diath live happily ever after with 1000 pigeons… until Strix tragically contracts Bird Fancier's Lung, and she wastes away with Diath at her side.
No. 837028
>>836954Maybe this is old tinfoil but I actually think the loudest WKs are people who were actively participating in the blogs and Snapchat. Maybe some of them
victims. Maybe some of them fucking MINORS. Or pedos like you said. Instead of admitting how fucking gross and weird it all was, they refuse to admit their part and double down on how “ok” it all was. Sound like someone else we know?
No. 837030
File: 1562988974489.png (91.36 KB, 580x664, KeonHaywood4.png)

This guy needs to just stop sticking his nose where it shouldn't be.
No. 837032
File: 1562989163777.png (40.8 KB, 606x147, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 9.37…)

Not sure if this was posted yet, but it's pretty great. Heidi realizing how scared they were of her because of how guilty they were. No wonder they worked so hard to break Heidi.
No. 837033
File: 1562989189181.png (26.25 KB, 580x272, KeonHaywood5.png)

>>837030I think we found Dan & Denica's equally creepy successor…
No. 837039
File: 1562989852468.png (36.88 KB, 608x448, heychrisfox1.png)

>>836968So we're just gonna ignore the fact that Holly has been deleting tweets like crazy for the past few months?
No. 837041
File: 1562990008337.png (16.97 KB, 576x140, heychrisfox3.png)

>>837040Thanks chris, no one asked.
No. 837052
>>837031I've been on high enough doses of Prozac to drop a horse - and one of the first things that a doctor and the pharmacist who fills the script will tell you is that you DO NOT drink while on the anti depressant. The same as a tweet someone posted from Homewrecker earlier from december where she mentions being suicidal, but "it's okay I took my meds"
Prozac (and most other antidepressants) takes 4-6 weeks to build to therapeutic levels in the system. Taking one pill when you're feeling bad isn't going to do shit - unless she means a fast acting drug like Ativan or Xanax, in which case she REALLY should not be drinking as those drugs mixed with alcohol can fuck with respiratory function.
No. 837062
File: 1562992156070.png (1.09 MB, 1080x757, Screenshot_5.png)

Spechie's boyfriend intervenes with his shitty take.
No. 837074
>>837062Let's evaluate everything that their queen Homewrecker has going on:
*Fucking PedoWormDick
No. 837075
File: 1562993305672.jpg (148.73 KB, 1080x527, 39e39b65aa4633f8f905a4b848001d…)

>>837073no anon didn't you know? she had 2 affairs? and she fucked a man _all the while up until yesterday? there is proof that everyone who visits the "truth tumblr" can see, also which the projared2 hivemind automatically becomes aware of upon typing the words "uwu holly did nothing wrong"
No. 837076
>>837073Because it makes her sound like a promiscuous whore if they use the plural version.
They'd rather lie about Heidi being a whore than acknowledging that Homewrecking Holly is the one true whore in this situation.
No. 837090
File: 1562994563345.png (379.39 KB, 1110x1286, Screenshot 2019-07-13 at 10.38…)

No. 837093
>>837090First of all, I need to shake that person's hand. Well timed slam, my good dude.
Second, I love that when confronted with how fucking wrong he is, the WK starts using words like "ad hominen", "methodology", "reticent" as if the use of the words makes him sound smarter and not like an absolute tool.
No. 837096
File: 1562996014300.png (1.16 MB, 1024x768, dLnBnZY.png)

>>837062 Spechie fucking drove a girl to attempt suicide and told people she self diagnosed herself with depression but most people just have "angst" and not real depression. While also claiming other's shit as her own.
But Tim "can't get views without clickbait" Hatten thinks Heidi is the fucked up one here.
No. 837101
File: 1562996852229.png (98.51 KB, 580x724, WKpearlclutching.png)

Cry harder incels
No. 837103
File: 1562997366655.png (91.92 KB, 463x534, Capture _2019-07-13-00-51-31.p…)

>>837101Ah yes, Jared posting his dick all over the internet is Heidi's fault now. His Snapchat and possible 7 open blogs were all Heidi's revenge porn.
Also guys this thread is all wrong. Apparently Holly's fans
haven't been going to Heidi's Twitter and mocking her.
No. 837105
>engaging in revenge pornHow the fuck do you get revenge porn out of what Heidi did? She's not the one who waved Jared's dick all over the internet (I'd really like to slap whatever genius did that - Nobody needed to see WormDick) or solicited nudes from minors or abused his public image to get fans to be his -insert convention here- pump-and-dump skank.
>she NEEDS him to make an admission to have any hope to not end up in jailWhat would Heidi go to jail for? Slander? The same could be said about Homewrecker Whore who has been slandering Heidi and calling her
abusive since LONG before this blew up (and even admitted in texts to Heidi that it was a mistake to call her that).
PedoWormDick is the one who should worry about jail. I hear Pedophiles aren't treated so nice in jail.
No. 837107
File: 1562997674161.png (14.77 KB, 525x117, Screenshot_100.png)

WK know assuming that Heidi's lawyer dropped her, even though zero has been said about lawyers
They're almost as delusional as Homewrecker Barbie when she buys into PedoWormDick's "only you, baby - you my one and only side whore"
No. 837108
File: 1562997687517.jpeg (79.91 KB, 919x492, E2D9CC0A-5950-4CA8-AB42-3C0EA1…)

>>837101>engaging in revenge pornHeidi never posted anyone’s nudes but okay.
No. 837110
File: 1562997909332.png (18.67 KB, 1314x131, loser2.png)

>>837107He is bragging about it on pj2 also.
No. 837111
File: 1562997970720.png (20.78 KB, 587x166, Screenshot_101.png)

This dude is just a winner all around
No. 837112
>validation thotHoly shit, the lack of self awareness is burning my eyes.
He is the real life version of "If she breathes, she a thot" meme
No. 837115
File: 1562998115735.png (5.06 KB, 657x57, Screenshot_103.png)

I'd love to meet a judge who sees a dude who used his fame to get unassuming fans into bed, and also solicit nudes from minors - and thinks "Y'know what? This is such a chill guy, fuck that dude's wife. She should've let that wormdick roam to his heart's content!"
No. 837117
File: 1562998164096.png (15.45 KB, 743x188, Screenshot_104.png)

She posted maybe two pictures of Aries after this afternoon and yet to the WKs, that's "as many as possible"
No. 837121
File: 1562998356518.png (11.25 KB, 879x118, Screenshot_105.png)

These dumb motherfuckers need a reality check
For a split second, I legitimately could not figure out if they got Holly and Heidi mixed up since this all applies to that Homewrecking Idiot.
No. 837125
>>837117"cat pictures generate the most likes and validation!!! blatant crowd manipulation!!"
>likes on the wormdick callout: 31k>likes on aries' pics: 1k and 1.4kok stay salty
No. 837127
>>837123They do however go for possession of child porn (and guess what incels? Even if he deleted it, the cops are going to be able to trace his interactions with underage fans considering the apology tour he's apparently been going on)
>>837125I love personally that they're knocking Heidi for apparently wanting validation - but what the fuck would they call it when the whore shared her art a few days ago and repeatedly pointed out "This isn't for praise!" (which means it was most definitely done for praise)
No. 837132
>>837131That's just it - They all push this "HEIDI IS A WHORE" shit because it deflects the attention away from the fact that PedoWormDick is most likely going to have to register as a fucking pedophile if this goes to court (There's just too much evidence piling up for him to walk away with no ramifications - and no, wk's, the "I was mentally not great!" is not a
valid defense)
No. 837133
>>837131Oh if only Heidi had kept her mouth shut & continued to be
complicit ! Then everyone wouldn't be all sad & we wouldn't be hearing from these stupid 'minors' &
most importantly, DCA wouldn't be on 'permanent Hiatus'… (sobs)
No. 837140
File: 1563001845980.jpeg (528.4 KB, 1065x1643, gluv446bby931.jpeg)

No. 837141
>>836983>Wow, woman who is justifiably mad about getting cheated on, you act just like my insane exImagine telling on yourself like this.
>>837063> I don’t want to insist I’m close enough to know the full workings of their marriage.Well that already makes you more credible than 90% of the "heidi-truthers".
No. 837144
File: 1563002484381.jpg (437.53 KB, 1071x1408, 2947723.jpg)

Ross just liked the tweet that Heidi retweeted that started all this.
No. 837145
File: 1563002496914.png (5.07 KB, 548x80, Screenshot_106.png)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you are married in Washington, everything is 50/50 - There's no such thing as "this isn't community property!" since everything is 50/50
No. 837146
>>837144There's the confirmation we've all been waiting for. Short of coming out and saying "My whore of an ex wife is an
abusive piece of trash who doesn't understand apologies", this might be the best thing we're going to get from Ross.
Wonder how long it'll take before Homewrecker Holly's WK Brigade goes after Ross now….
No. 837147
File: 1563002926895.png (643.96 KB, 1020x296, Screenshot_107.png)

I know I'm late to the party (I have no idea how to sage idk), but does anyone else find it kind of funny that Ross is sitting next to Holly who is essentially the antichrist satan-looking sumbitch in his header? lmao
No. 837150
>>837144it could just be a coincidence, he doesn't follow heidi, right?
>>837147here: No. 837193
File: 1563019894250.png (43.54 KB, 540x208, Capture d’écran 2019-07-13 à…)

>>837033OT but the thumbnails are going crazy right now
No. 837227
>>837213Inb4 Jared and Holly hits the user with a copyright strike. I wouldn’t be surprised since Jared’s down to threaten people legally.
Speaking of which, I’m pretty sure that’s why Chai and Charlie deleted their statements. Heidi
did say others were getting legal threats.
No. 837242
>>837147Vanity is a dragon girl, not a demon, and has nothing to do with Holly
I'm sure Ross wants nothing to do with any of this. He has a girlfriend and is touring with Scribble Showdown soon. While Holly cries into her Prozac and wine cocktail
No. 837244
File: 1563028459754.png (13.1 KB, 1308x95, seething.png)

PJ2 is absolutely seething. Violent thoughts? Some of these people are seriously fucked in the head.
No. 837248
File: 1563028789225.jpeg (80.16 KB, 720x536, F7FDB3C0-A41B-483D-ABAC-A3A902…)

>>837244What a bunch of piss babies. Getting this mad about someone you’ve never even mets relationship? Calm down sperglord
No. 837280
>>837073Plus these are the type of alt right incels who would usually argue "sex with a transman doesn't count as sex with a real man". But in this case pretending to be woke is convenient because she was fucking so many other men anons!
>>837107The lawyer thing was a post on PJ2. I looked into it, and as far as I could tell their idea of evidence was a negative review from a year ago that the lawyer responded to. She said she dropped the client for frequently changing how she wanted the case handled, and accused the client of lying in the review. PJ2 interpreted this as "this lawyer will drop you if you lie to her" and tinfoiled that into "Heidi's lawyer severed the relationship because Heidi is lying about being abused." Just more proof of how they make leaping speculations on the thinnest crumb of evidence, then run all over the internet proclaiming it as truth.
Not gonna cap it because it is long and unrelated but here's a link to the review: No. 837288
>>837287Probably blame it on conspiracy and how fucked up the law is because in Holly words "I'M SORRY THEY LIED." Then try to say Heidi was responsible to and drove him to engage in pORn blogs.
>>837144This has been blowing up. I got several people sending it to me because it's genius. Probably a coincidence.
>>837117That cat is beautiful and hilarious. Heidi is probably taking sips of zin, laughing at her cat's antics then posting salt. It's a life to live.
No. 837295
File: 1563035786636.jpg (426.47 KB, 1080x2018, 20190713_112734.jpg)

>>837270This is about the only thing I can come up with from the deleted thread. Thinking back now it could have just likely been him as one of those "Everything about the relationship and each party is messed up" mentality. Only really thought of it relating due to minor connections from mutuals
No. 837304
File: 1563037387190.jpg (183.13 KB, 1080x1168, IMG_20190713_120246.jpg)

I'm genuinely so proud of Heidi
No. 837319
File: 1563039437852.png (76.1 KB, 1169x414, ohdenica.png)

That's an interesting take, Denica
No. 837335
>>837330Plenty of morons get their Ph.Ds. They just have to work at it and know their field. When it comes to everything else they can be completely retarded.
>>837304Who is "they?" Couldn't be the lawyers because that's incredibly unethical and could result in their State Bar getting involved. Must be Holly and Jared. Sounds like they've been doing that. Jared hit Unogirl up and Holly has been saying that she's in personal contact with therapists who claim Heidi is unfixable. It's absolutely consistent. Maybe Heidi's new lawyer
>>837307 is hitting back and why Heidi is suddenly speaking up and Holly shutting the fuck up?
No. 837336
>>837330If by PHD, you mean, "prefers Holly's dialogue."
Denica's whole stance is "it's everyone's fault but Holly's." It's almost insane what lengths she goes to support her headcanon.
No. 837351
>>837347My question is what the fuck does Holly have that Heidi is allegedly jealous of. She's tolerable in appearance, her personality is shit and manages to alienate just about everyone who comes around her, she's sank her career into the mud for guy who is allegedly soliciting inappropriate photos from minors and will, in all likelihood, end up prosecuted if not in jail because of it.
I guess the only thing she could be jealous of is the fact that Holly could live off of her grandpa's money and never have to work a day in her life, while Heidi has to still bust her ass to earn a living.
No. 837359
>>837351Denica should just say what she really thinks. Holly "won" Jared and she thinks this is a massive blow to Heidi's ego. Meanwhile Heidi is going to have half of Jared's money, new opportunities at love and life, and she won't have to go to bed at night with the nagging thought in the back of her mind wondering if the man she is laying next to is a child predator or philanderer.
Holly will be remembered as the woman who cheated on her beloved husband with a child predator. She'll be remembered as the woman who turned a black man's suicide into a pity party for herself. Those stains won't be wiped away easily. Even if Jared didn't knowingly solicit nudes from minors it's what people will remember.
No. 837385
>>837319>more known cosplayerFalse. First of all it's pretty obvious that Holly hated cosplaying now. That's why she only dresses up like her self insert and even dressed someone else in that costume. Holly is a sham of a cosplayer. Also you can be 'more known' and be a 'cosplayer' without being more known for that cosplay. Meanwhile Heidi is known for her craftsmanship and her ability to go above and beyond for her cosplays and make truly impressive pieces.
>larger fanbaseNot everyone cares about that. Heidi gets hired by Nintendo to cosplay for them and the only connections Holly was able to get before this was DnD because she constantly was around more famous people (her now exhusband, her DnD mates, etc)
>fanbase that barely got a dent Tons of nobodies doesnt matter if all of your professional partners and connections wont be seen near you.
Also the current -5,611 on socialblade over the past month says otherwise. She's losing more followers almost every day.
No. 837533
File: 1563058120462.jpg (106.06 KB, 417x583, don't probe the aliens, holly.…)

>>837522doesn't seem like she's looking at the chat, so pointing out that she's already done more than just
see them aliens is probably not worth trying to naruto-run past her WKs.
No. 837547
File: 1563058942153.png (46.87 KB, 576x340, QweenieBae.png)

>>836976How cute, a little WK wants to play!
No. 837560
File: 1563059410219.png (9.83 KB, 420x76, QweenieBae1.png)

>"that she pretty much rammed down his throat in the first place tho" Qweenie, are you implying that Jared didn't really like Holly to begin with & had to be 'pushed' into liking her by his whore-wife?
No. 837566
>>837563It was likely discussed at length by both of them, but put out into the world as Heidi's idea
I've seen this a lot in marriages where the woman feels like she needs to allow poly to keep her husband happy. And WK at twisting it into "Heidi already had a gf and forced Jared into Holly's snatch"
No. 837577
File: 1563061411197.png (463.88 KB, 475x518, 4gD0yED.png)

jesus her friend kayncli's eyebrows are done just like holly's but even worse.
No. 837583
File: 1563061738741.jpg (297.74 KB, 1242x1654, il_fullxfull.1804411866_39z8.j…)

>>837577at least she changed her hair color, so it's easier to tell them apart on Holly's etsy store.
No. 837599
>>837594Nope. It's a lot of Homewrecker's WKs claiming that Heidi had another partner (outside of the one LDR that she mentioned), but so far, I haven't seen any proof of that.
>>837597Yep, pretty much. Like, I don't know how she missed that part of the disclaimer in the front of every book that says something along the lines of "You are not to publish or reproduce this work without the written consent of the author", but if she actually DOES post it on Patreon, that's straight up illegal, even if it WAS just some random nutjob in the middle of the desert that wrote it in the first place.
No. 837639
File: 1563066989527.png (18.07 KB, 778x174, Screenshot_111.png)

Apparently, Heidi only calls PedoWormDick her "husband" for notoriety and not because they're still legally married or anything.
No. 837643
File: 1563067213557.png (7.38 KB, 703x97, Screenshot_112.png)

>the information will be embellished a bit
So is Dan finally admitting that he's essentially a lying sack of shit who is "embellishing" a.k.a. lying in order to create more drama?
No. 837686
>>837650That was my first thought - I expected people in the chat to say SOMETHING about it, maybe "PedoWormDick is already facing potential jail time, do you really want to risk legal issues on your end too?" but the mods must have been on top of it.
>>837668He'd be pretty fucking stupid to try and push legal action against Heidi since all she has to do is go "Oh yeah? Well, in addition to allowing his mistress to release private messages while slandering me all over the internet to millions of people, he also received nude photographs of minors and ran blogs where he posted said photos"
Whatever Homewrecker's WK's think Heidi did pales in comparison to what Homewrecker Barbie and PedoWormDick are doing and have done.
No. 837691
File: 1563071773886.png (11.63 KB, 737x143, Screenshot_113.png)

I love that the WKs think saying "Well, he didn't KNOWINGLY solicit nudes from minors" like that makes it okay.
Possessing inappropriate pornographic images of those under the age of 18 (potentially STILL possessing?) is just as illegal as soliciting them in the first place - and on that, you can't possibly say he is innocent.
No. 837692
File: 1563072136403.png (36.53 KB, 591x389, Screenshot_114.png)

Well, random WK is now claiming to be a journalist and Dan "I don't want to involve Ross" Pirro continues to bring him up regularly.
No. 837704
File: 1563072996548.png (97.4 KB, 528x752, Journalist.png)

>>837692I love that this 'Journalist' keeps @-ing Ross
No. 837708
>>837692Did you really think he was actually sincere with his apology for involving him on Twitter? They all model their behavior after holly after all. Oh noes I’m sowwy I did something byadd but let me continue doing said thing anyway because fuck you
>probably scarlet moth Kek I like this random guy
No. 837733
File: 1563074858508.jpg (686.2 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190713-232450.jpg)

>>837704It's Scarlet Moth. Same phrasing as the DMs Dan shared. "Asexual but sex positive"
No. 837735
>"Asexual but sex positive">"Asexual"Of course!
is it about Jared that makes these Asexual girls go 'sexual'?
No. 837737
File: 1563075363640.png (32.25 KB, 528x324, ThatScarletMoth.png)

>>837733Flashback to when Heidi announced what was happening.
I guess they were expecting Heidi to keep her mouth shut & roll with it.
>>837704Looks like Jared was building himself a little DnD-harem eh?
No. 837740
>>837739Based on her tweets, she treats Ross just like any Game Grumps fan does, so I don't see why she'd be more credible than… oh I don't know,
Ross himself?
No. 837745
File: 1563076075811.jpeg (516.8 KB, 1243x788, 84616BF9-7E45-47B0-B75F-45D956…)

>>837740Well Ross does follow her. Hm
No. 837747
File: 1563076127530.jpg (319.73 KB, 1080x1548, 14827.jpg)

>>837708When I Google "scarlet moth projared", this interesting exchange came up. I wonder if Holly was the original post and she deleted it for some reason.
No. 837751
>>837733Not to mention the way she includes the whole "I'm a professional sad person" bit.
PedoWormDick has a thing for the sad, insecure ones, doesn't he?
No. 837752
>>837744>>837747…Oh, but it was HEIDI who
forced the concept of Polyamory onto their marriage…
No. 837754
File: 1563076506325.png (51.51 KB, 608x467, Capture.PNG)

No clue who this guy is but I'm into it. I hope he doesn't turn out to be some incel who sides with Holly in the end.
No. 837755
>>837751It makes sense she is defending Jared and Holly. Her modding Jared's twitch gave her attention and relevancy. It made her feel important.
As an aside her craftsmanship on cosplay absolutely sucks.
No. 837756
>>837750No, he is still following her.
For all we know it could be true that he went along with the polyamory and resented Heidi, all while holly was still making him miserable
No. 837762
File: 1563077071985.png (106.42 KB, 803x480, 121218.png)

>>836934>>836935Holy shit. Not sure if this cap has been posted yet in terms of the December timeline
>>836881 but I was looking through an older Costhot thread trying to find a specific post and found this one instead. 12/12/18, Same fucking day as these tweets. (not sure about the time difference, but close enough)
No. 837766
>For all we know it could be true that he went along with the polyamory and resented HeidiTrue. He could have also been frustrated with how obsessed his
wife was with ending someone else's marriage, but wasn't able to express it without Holly spiraling & threatening suicide.
No. 837768
>>837762I remember this person posting and trying to get the thread to rip on Heidi and all that came of it was "she can be kinda short with people and uppity but that's it"
I wouldn't doubt it was Holly trying to feel better about her affair, but that's tinfoil at best
No. 837774
File: 1563078110617.jpg (487.71 KB, 1072x1600, 484i93.jpg)

Look at the date on this tweet.
Heidi was bottling in her feelings whenever fans asked questions or commented on her marriage for a long time. It fits with the texts Holly released where Heidi was ready for Jared to make a choice and he kept stalling over and over. Seems like Holly, the sexting, and the fan shit were what broke the camel's back. No wonder she came to this point of not giving a fuck.
No. 837778
File: 1563078563937.jpg (246.38 KB, 1074x806, 20190713_212910.jpg)

No. 837779
File: 1563078600323.png (18 KB, 787x172, D_AsfdSWkAY4KbF.png)

>>837691I would like to point out that Charlie never stated that they lied about their age, only that Jared never asked and they never told him because it was implied they were underage. Every argument they have is weak.
No. 837783
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No. 837785
File: 1563080268743.png (191.88 KB, 1118x1047, Screenshot_7.png)

>>837737Heidi and Scarlet Moth interacted several times.
To think that a girl who was her friend ended up making lies up about her and Ross to feel important.
>>837745>PAXWestIs she going to pull an unogirl and fuck Jared too?
No. 837789
File: 1563080565842.png (261.53 KB, 1108x1128, wew.png)

This tweet did not age well.
No. 837804
File: 1563083488952.jpg (204.22 KB, 1310x1172, scarletmoth.jpg)

jk guys!! no really
No. 837805
File: 1563083585250.jpg (141.05 KB, 1204x912, scarletmoth.jpg)

>>837747part of this thread
No. 837807
File: 1563083722025.jpg (196.14 KB, 1302x1016, scarletmoth.jpg)

10/10 would stab in the back with bogus screenshots
No. 837815
File: 1563085494018.png (403.02 KB, 1620x893, Screenshot_8.png)

yeah, she's the "source" lol
No. 837816
>>837639oh so the reddit went to shit? i tried to get on it a few days ago and it's private. When that flimsy, "hey guys Heidi was
abusive too" post came out, I stopped visiting the reddit.
So now they hate Heidi? Wow.
No. 837820
File: 1563086187955.png (138.83 KB, 1200x1101, Screenshot_9.png)

>>837819no, no they do not
No. 837821
File: 1563086270602.jpg (120.21 KB, 584x721, BEKIND.jpg)

"She asked to be left out of it. bE kInD."
This dumbass is even acknowledging Ross doesn't want to be involved but doesn't tell his buddy Dan to delete his shitty blog post.
No. 837823
File: 1563086389431.jpg (207.94 KB, 1312x988, scarletmoth.jpg)

>>837815a bit fucking rich, miss Moth
No. 837827
File: 1563086578527.jpg (128.15 KB, 1242x870, scarletmoth.jpg)

>>837823>>837825and one month ago…
No. 837832
File: 1563086940635.jpg (154.73 KB, 1294x838, scarletmoth.jpg)

>>837829cancel culture needs to stop guys, you can't just be treating people's lives like dramas you know
No. 837833
>>837821Please, Geraldo couldn't be further up Homewrecking Whore's ass if they actually took a shovel and dug a little further.
>>837829They just figure they've gotten away with this shit this long, why not push it a little further?
Luckily, Heidi has had entirely too much of their shit and is starting to call it out - as are numerous other cosplayers/gaming youtubers in the industry who've had encounters with PedoWormDick and Homewrecker.
No. 837834
>I believe it is an open documentSo? Just because the information is out there, it doesn't make it less fucking creepy that somehow you ALL know about Heidi's lawyer when it has fuck all to do with any of you.
Also, Dan, c'mon: "Some ambulance chaser"? You think you'd be jumping for joy that Heidi allegedly got a terrible lawyer. It makes for a chance that your hero ProPedo might get away with possessing child porn.
No. 837835
>>837834this is a good example of her jumping in on Dan's bullshit for no reason at all. she's probably doing a lot behind the scenes.
my tinfoil: crush on Jared / mixd with jealous of Heidi in a number of ways.
No. 837841
>>837835I just don't see how anyone can stand by PedoWormDick at this point and not feel their skin crawling. Regardless of if he got the minor porn intentionally or not, he still got it and rather than shutting that shit down, HE KEPT SOLICITING NUDES, only checking in on the minors weeks later when he tried to make his bullshit public statement (if I have the timeline correct).
I couldn't fucking care less if he cheated on Heidi or not at this point (I think he did and I think he's a fucking slime ball) - I care that there are SO. MANY. ADULTS. siding with someone who possessed child porn and didn't immediately shut that shit down while continuing to encourage a situation with a high likelihood of it happening again.
No. 837842
File: 1563087890394.png (12.41 KB, 891x128, Screenshot_115.png)

Apparently July 9th is "as of late" - a whole five days! What a record of not talking shit on your fuckbuddy's wife, Homewrecker! Well done!
No. 837844
File: 1563088063004.png (27.08 KB, 749x250, Screenshot_116.png)

If y'all want a chuckle, go check out ProProJared on reddit. It's so blissfully ignorant of things
"Prayers for Jared!"
Fuck off. Prayers for the underage fans or insecure adult fans that he preyed on.
No. 837845
>>837842"Youtuber with minor viewers ran a tumblr and it's gross and is a very unhealthy relationship with fans. Gives the taste of, "Hey maybe if I send him some nudes ProCheating will notice me!"
Reddit guy- "But Heidi…"
No. 837846
File: 1563088243324.jpg (258.63 KB, 1080x713, Asexual-uwu.jpg)

And there it is.
No. 837848
I know this is a total (Heidi-related) blogpost, but I've been running this scene back over and over ever since this situation blew up, and I've never been able to get it out of my head.
I saw Heidi walk by me in the Dealer's Room at Momocon years ago (must have been 2015 or 2016) and I turned around to tap her on the shoulder and tell her I was a fan of her work. I remembered the guy she was holding hands with looking me up and down and sneering to the point that I thought I must have been MAJORLY inconveniencing them and basically ended up saying "Hey love your work, bye!". I felt really guilty afterwards and thought "Oh, they must have been trying to get somewhere and her boyfriend must have been really annoyed that I stopped them. She was just being too nice to tell me". It wasn't until some time later I even found out who he was and I remember realizing "OH he probably wasn't annoyed that I stopped them, he was probably annoyed that I stopped HER and didn't acknowledge him at all". I didn't even know who Jared was at the time and he didn't say one word to me, but I can't remember what Heidi said to me because his terrible attitude is what stuck with me from that interaction. There's no way I would have ever even remembered he was there if it wasn't for how strikingly unsupportive he seemed in the 2 seconds I interacted with Heidi. She wasn't even in cosplay at the time and I'm not some gross neckbeard dude trying to harass his wife. I was a girl at an anime convention who was just trying to say something nice to his wife, he had literally no reason to seem as threatened/annoyed by me complimenting her as he did.
Any time I saw him in one of her posts or saw him getting attention online after that I would always remember that fucking face he made at me for trying to say something nice to Heidi and think "That dude? Man, he seemed like such an asshole. I guess I must have caught him on a bad day". Now I feel guilty that I didn't try and engage with her more. Maybe I was inconveniencing them, but also maybe it would have been a change of pace for someone to talk to her and not give a shit about Jared for once.
(Just to clarify how it's possible to know her and not know Jared – Heidi majored in Theatre Design/Tech in college, and so did I. I was a fan of hers because it was exciting to see someone else in the cosplay community actually studying and posting about the higher level technical aspects of sewing and garment construction, and taking it seriously as a job prospect. I wouldn't say it's the most common major, so she stuck out to me)
No. 837849
File: 1563088548523.jpg (117.51 KB, 1188x580, scarletmoth.jpg)

BPD crew sticks together, no wonder she's malleable for Jared and so glommed onto Holly.
Did anything big Heidi-related happen around the time of this tweet?
No. 837850
>>837848Eh, I wouldn't be too bothered. PedoWormDick seems to have two settings: Hit on 'em until they let you pump-and-dump them, or glare at them until they go away. That plus you were probably out of his ideal age range of less than 18.
Take it as a compliment, Anon, and a perfectly dodged bullet.
No. 837856
>>837855She was probably also saying the insulting shit about mental illness was fine because SHE personally wasn't offended which is why it caught Holly off guard when people spoke up against it.
This girl is so sad. You can feel how important she sees herself. Its embarrassing.
No. 837858
>>837857Tinfoil: It's either that or Holly lied to Moth and didn't want that lie to get back to Ross. And that's why they all are trying to be hush hush about the source. The real source is probably Holly but is making Moth the messenger.
Since a) he didn't want to be involved and b) it's probably not truthful information
No. 837863
File: 1563091406393.png (80.09 KB, 468x449, Capture _2019-07-14-02-54-00.p…)

>>837858The more I look at it, the more it seems like Moth was just desperate to be one of the "cool" kids, so they used her as the messenger. Pretty much all her interaction with Ross over Twitter is just her replying to his tweets. Sometimes he replies to her. Most of the time, no. She seemed like a fan more than anything.
Late 2017 seemed to be when they were likely friends, if ever. Since that's where most of her responses to him are. She definitely seems closer to Holly though, and VERY involved in Dan's scheme.
No. 837869
File: 1563092189297.png (137.48 KB, 465x647, Capture _2019-07-14-03-11-02.p…)

>>837867100%. And the more old tweets you look at, the more depressing it is.
No. 837874
>>837869It just gets creepier the more you think about it.
end of August 2018, Homewrecker goes to another state, coincidentally where PedoDick was, without her husband (before anyone says it was for PAX, why wouldn't Ross have went if he was in that same industry, even if just to network?).
October 2018, Homewrecker and Ross announce that they're splitting. You don't go from "Sure, I'll watch your pets while you go have a pow-wow with #teamholly in another state" to "I want a divorce" in less than two months unless something happened.
No. 837878
File: 1563093294617.jpg (442.96 KB, 1080x1441, Abuse.jpg)

More on Ross speaking on possibly (probably) Holly being abusive
No. 837884
>>837878I 100% believe that he's talking about Homewrecker Holly and her childhood trauma being a cause for why she's a fucking idiot who wildly labels people
abusive today.
To be clear, I don't necessarily doubt her mother was
abusive, but that doesn't give you a free pass to call the wife of the man you've been fucking "
abusive" for being angry that you and her husband continually ignore her boundaries.
No. 837886
>>837878God I feel so bad for Ross, no wonder he's in therapy. I hope he's ignoring all these psychotic wks including him in their delusions on twitter and that it doesn't get to him.
And while he's right that some are probably doing it due to childhood trauma, Holly is just being a spoiled brat at an age that it's just pathetic. You should move past temper tantrums in the single digits not carry it into your 30s.
No. 837890
>>837888Indeed. Holly throws a tantrum about it and the only real responses you'll ever get are, "I didn't do it, it was her!" a million times or "Okay but she made me do it so really it's her fault." She never takes responsibility for her actions, but will gladly give a fake apology when the fire under her ass starts burning her and expects for you to get over it and move on immediately after she pretends to be sorry.
I still don't think that she was actually abused simply because her story keeps changing about it.
No. 837893
>>837891I won't judge what she did or did not go through as a kid, since none of us will EVER know one way or the other
I will, however, judge the shit out of how she's choosing to deal with it as a grown adult who has apparently seen numerous mental health professionals and spent time in an in-patient mental health facility.
At 30-something years old, surely she would have developed some kind of healthy coping mechanism. Instead, it's like she's permanently stuck with the mentality of 10 year old throwing a temper tantrum when she doesn't immediately get her way.
Heidi snapped after MONTHS of being told one thing by her husband and receiving something different.
Homewrecker Holly snaps when you don't immediately do as she wants. It's honestly pretty pathetic for someone her age to be acting like this, regardless of childhood trauma.
No. 837899
File: 1563099235109.jpeg (365.84 KB, 1242x1790, 1EF19793-77AE-4A4D-8E2B-00E6A0…)

It’s like these people have never moved before. If she took any large furniture, as a slim, single woman, she would have been physically incapable of transporting it on her own. I think her tweet (obviously referring to the accusation that she trashed his house) is that she packed up her whole life on her own and in a rush. Movers barely help with shit aside from heavy lifting, in my experience.
No. 837902
>>837899are they being purposely dense? is this supposed to frustrate/enrage heidi or her supporters? movers or even close friends won't go through your stuff and sort/pack it for you, especially if you're living in a shared space with someone else's stuff that they're not supposed to touch.
unless you're a neckbeard spitting on reddit you usually have years and years of accumulated things, knick knacks, not to mention all of heidi's crafting stuff, machines, body forms all of which is going to take multiple trips even if you employ movers to do it for you.
>and jared is paying for it.half the time they make an issue out of heidi taking jared's
(their common) money, and the other half they tout it as a huge factor of redemption in jared's favor. i swear at this point this isn't mental gymnastics, it's contortionism lol
No. 837904
>>837902I think they're legitimately just that stupid.
>movers….won't go through your stuff and pack it for youSome do, but they cost way more (and even then, it's a very general idea like you point to a room and say "all of that gets packed and is coming with us")
No. 837922
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These WKs think they're being supportive, but in doing so, they're coming off so fucking creepy. This one in particular writes Homewrecker and/or ProPedo AT LEAST every other day.
No. 837943
>>837857She tweets at him often enough: sure if anything in there backs up any kind of friendly relationship between the two
No. 837944
File: 1563110052273.png (63.31 KB, 598x356, Capture d’écran 2019-07-14 à…)

>>837943>>837857On the other hand, he's only tweeted at her twice, so I don't think she knows him personally at all.
No. 837957
>>837943soooo she's yet another pick-me unogirl who just can't help herself but keep bugging her "idols" so they'll tweet back at her. i wonder how hard she sperged when jared made her a twitch mod kek
also now i wonder what came first. did she show him her tits first, or did he make her a mod before then? because that's going to explain a
lot about their dynamic
No. 837965
>>837928When will these WKs understand that Heidi being the one to suggest polyamory doesn’t mean she harassed Jared into it.
It’s obvious at this point that Jared has some kind of sex addiction, so what started with a nudes blog probably developed into polyamory because Heidi wanted to keep around someone she loved who was clearly emotionally alienating and sex obsessed.
Her relationship with other people was probably to fill an emotional void Jared caused. She was probably feeling unfulfilled too, but by no fault of her own besides probably expecting more from a scummy guy.
No. 838001
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>>837762This is almost definitely the anon. She covered her sn in her question but not in the reply.
>you know magicHolly's phrase
She also asked the "Did you make Diath's costume?" question on an unrelated post… it was bait. What an asshole.
No. 838003
>>837899Calling the movers and having them move stuff funded by a joint account is
alone, they think without help means without anyone assisting with labor and not a lonely, friendless experience. Are these people capable of putting themselves in someone else’s shoes at all?
No. 838034
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>>838030She admitted that she lurks, I wouldn't be surprised if she's posted a few times.
No. 838040
>>838038The only problem with this is that Holly doesn’t fucking know how to pose for a picture without looking like an idiot.
I know people who have close friends whose kids call them “aunt.” Holly just doesn’t deserve to be an aunt, blood related or not.
No. 838045
>>838038i'm cackling at the thought that because of her insane defense of wormdick, holly will forever have the question "are you grooming kids for your lover" tossed at her lmao
also, how insecure does someone have to be to make this absolutely retarded face in every single pic with more than one person in the frame? she has got to be the largest pain in the ass to the people around her
No. 838058
>>838038What's wrong with Holly's face?
She looks really weird.
No. 838062
>>838043Holly looks like a 46 year old mom with three kids.
>>838038Just a young kid posing with her wannabe hip grandma. I'm sorry (not really) but with her lover facing child porn allegations, it's really tasteless to go on and on about your 14/15 year old friend while you're a 33 year old. It's even worse because her lover is facing the music for child porn. That's Onision tier and she should know better. But it's even disrespectful towards Jared so I'll give her credit for rubbing it in his face even if she's retarded about it.
>>838048It's funny how obsessed and stalkerish Holly has become over a guy who's moved on to the next cumrag.
No. 838075
>>838069Thing is besides the lazy eye if she knew how to cut her hair where she doesn’t look like a TERF wearing a poorly styled wig, she’s not ugly. She’s average.
On that note, hilarious how Holly poses in pictures vs Heidi who actually knows how to pose.
No. 838099
>>838095Take it to gender-crit, spazz
It's a reference to "TERF bangs"
No. 838116
>>838106They allow her to be friends with a 33 year old woman so I doubt they're involved in their daughter's life much.
>>838110I'm glad that someone said it. That excuse didn't fly for Lainey and Onision when they groomed a 14 year old and it shouldn't be flying with Holly and Jared. Holly called the underage
victims liars and supported PedoJared so I really wouldn't put it past her to groom a kid.
No. 838120
File: 1563138079632.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x1736, 6B614356-C663-4BF3-B0B7-58E158…)

Here’s Holly’s “puppet” of Strix
No. 838139
>>838133I think it was Holly causing problems for him. The last time he spoke to Heidi he said that he was feeling manipulated but not sure by who. We know for a fact that Holly manipulates people with mental health and that she was harassing him into ending his marriage and checking for a ring. It could be that Holly's behavior and wanting to keep his trophy wife was starting to take a toll on him like it was during his conversation with Heidi.
It's his own fault though for putting himself in a situation like that by thinking with his dick.
No. 838164
>>838110those people are assholes
don’t hassle a kid because her parents let her hang out with their shady friend
No. 838178
>involved explicitlyThat, or the others are and right and this is absolutely someone that PedoDick groomed/did inappropriate shit with and Homewrecker is keeping her close on the off chance that she flips and decides to go to the authorities.
Homewrecker Barbie knows that if PedoDick is charged/forced to register as a pedophile, she won't be able to bring her 15 year old pal around anymore, right?
>>838085Yeah, it doesn't really help PedoDick's case to have his whore continuously bring minors around - especially when there is a VAST age and maturity difference between a 32-33 year old and a 15 year old.
>>838106No one thought Ted Bundy or Ed Gein was a threat either and look how that worked out.
>>838120It looks like a Voodoo Doll gone wrong.
>Trash witch is learning self loveApparently self love means fucking someone else's husband while still being married yourself. Who knew?
No. 838181
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Some of Heidi's most recently liked tweets
No. 838210
>Does she have a program for young kidsYes, it's called "The Pro Plan: Providing ProJared with more potential
How anyone could get a whiff of that scandal and still let their children anywhere near either ProPedo or Homewrecker Holly is someone who doesn't deserve to have children. Their safety needs to come first over some bullshit "he said, she said" drama.
>>838197Exactly. There's plenty of people who are great with adults, but particularly dangerous to be around children.
No. 838243
>>838241I mean, what's so wrong about bringing your 15 year old "niece" around a man that is currently accused of possessing pornographic images of not just one, but SEVERAL minors?
Nothing bad could POSSIBLY come from that.
No. 838247
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How? What can she possibly do to help?
No. 838251
>>838247Well, didn't you know how this one random homewrecking thot in an entirely different country could single handedly stop crime involving the bird trade in another country??
>>838248Pasty faced white girls shouldn't go with that dark of black hair, especially when the hair is already in shit shape from constant bleaching and redying; You're going to wind up looking like a washed up meth addict - but maybe that's the sad "I'm sorry, I'm mentally ill" look that she was going for…
>>838249But…but…the drama and THAT EVIL FUCKING BITCH OF A WIFE HEIDI have ruined her income source!!!
No. 838282
>>838276She also acknowledges that her "odd question" is off topic and there's no reason to bring it up. Then suddenly the response ends up on lolcow?
There were plenty of Diath/Strix shippers back in December 2018 who wanted Jared and Holly to be together before this mess went public. She identifies as a Holly fan in her bio. It just seems extremely coincidental.
No. 838305
>>838292Bringing up the fact that Holly seems closer to a 15 year old than the supposed adult parent she'd be closer in age to is creepy. If it was at least equal, I'd kinda get it, but I've never seen her bring up the parents directly. We only know they're in the picture at all because of Holly's one post defense.
>>838281I agree with this. If we truly gotta talk about them, it should at least be censored. They're a kid who doesn't deserve to be dragged into this more than Holly has done already. Any "talk of them" should be focused on Holly or her parents, not herself.
No. 838319
>>838318"uwu i have to go back to being a barista"
it's really no one's fault holly has no marketable skillset lmao.
i mean her "crafts" literally look
>>838120 like she's trying to scare someone out of their house, she's proved she sure as shit can't give mental health
advice so her streams are half dead, her teeshirts have
literal holes in them – i'm not even sure what she can be asking people for money for
No. 838346
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So the "journalist" who suspected Scarlet Moth as being Ross' anon friend got their account restricted and is trying to poke at Jessie now. These people are really trying to involve themselves any way they can.
No. 838349
>when people like Heidi are trying to silence or shame othersExcept Heidi hasn't shamed shit, she has actively supported those who spoke out against PedoDick. Homewrecker Holly and her merry band of idiots are the ones who have blantantly tried to silence PedoDick's accusers by calling them unverifiable, untrustworthy, etc. She's the one who tried to label Heidi as a whore for daring to have other sexual partners (Ironic considering Little Miss Homewrecker was fucking another woman's husband while telling her own husband that she was actually asexual..)
As far as Jessie Pridemore, the only thing I know is that she has expressed verbal support for Heidi and for those who spoke out against Vic.
No. 838363
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>>838247I'm sure this is a very noble cause, but that wording just makes me laugh
>crime against birds>bird crime>>838319Ok but she DOES have marketable skills/assets, that's what's even more infuriating. She's got a house. Not sure if it's actually in Seattle or somewhere more rural but either way that's a HUGE advantage. WA housing is wildly expensive, if she rented it out and just fucked off to some apartment somewhere cheaper, she would basically have a consistent source of income while sitting on her ass. She could even buy another cheaper house while renting out her first, and use the rent from that one to pay off the mortgage on the second. Maybe the house needs some fixing up before it could be rented, but that would just give her a distracting project to work on away from the internet.
OR she could use the rent or money from selling the house and go to bird school or whatever so she could get a real non-internet job in something she actually claims to care about sooo much. She's got a BA from UCSB in Medieval Studies (admittedly, a very stupid major but still and advantage). She could go to school to be a Vet Tech (A what….2 year associates degree? Probably even less with a previous degree, can probably be done online even), specialize in Avian medicine or whatever. She could probably do that all either without student loans, or without having to work throughout or both.
Even if she didn't sell or rent out the house, then she has somewhere to live rent-free. She would just need to work for spending money really. She could work as a seamstress or some other production related job. The money's not great, but she's probably still got her Grandpa's connections (god forbid they google her though). She's got everything she could possibly need to succeed away from the internet and more (more than Heidi or Jared or most of the population). But she's choosing to fail, because if she fails then she can blame it on her mental health and cry on the internet instead of just accepting that she's lazy and spoiled and being a mpdg isn't an actual job (though a barista's about as close as you can get).
>>838318If her mental health uwu is really THAT bad and she can't be held accountable for her actions, then maybe she needs to be placed in a conservatorship before selling her house. Sure doesn't seem like she's mentally healthy uwu enough to be responsibly in control of a massive amount of money. And there's statements from her own mouth all over the internet claiming she's not mentally healthy enough to function at all really.
No. 838366
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Saged since I don't know if this was covered in a previous thread
But I looked up their public court records and apparently on the same day the divorce was filed, either Jared or Heidi got a temporary restraining order against the other.
No. 838368
>>838363very well put about the things holly could be doing, but i think the focus is that she's had ages since she graduated college (almost a decade i think) and she's never thought of applying herself. vet tech is an actual job, "birb mom" is just idiocy. just like art director/consultant is an actual job, DnD nutjob is taking your neckbeardism too far. internet points are only cashable insofar as you don't make an absolute ass of your entire personality over some worm dick lol
holly could definitely use your advice though, get off twitter and apply herself instead of painting her internet persona 50 shades of moron everytime she opens her mouth
>>838366it's been covered, it's a common thing usually done to prevent fraudulent movement of bank accounts/assets etc
(dunno if i'm wording it right)
No. 838374
>>838372It happens all of the time. You get dudebros who get a little bit of fame under their belt and get way too greedy. Like in PedoDick's case, he got one fan to sleep with him at a con, why stop there? Heidi let him have discussions with the Homewrecking Skank, why stop at just a walk?
Homewrecker must have a vag made of pure gold or something, because most people wouldn't implode their career AND marriage for a quick lay.
>>838373The Homewrecker didn't have any drive to do anything BEFORE all of this if it didn't directly interest her or benefit her in some way.
>I feel like if there was a natural history museum around she could volunteer thereThere are plenty of museums around natural history in the PNW - but why would this "genius" do that? She wouldn't gain any notoriety or recognition for volunteering, beyond the occasional passerby who might say "Hey, aren't you that idiot that PedoDick ruined his career for?"
>believe she doesn't really want to be a waste of spaceThen she would actively be doing SOMETHING other than the occasional bitch fest on twitter or twitch stream where she talks about aliens. She'd be working on a website or that stupid trash witch clothing line or something.
No. 838380
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>>838368>vet tech is an actual job, "birb mom" is just idiocyI think you're confused anon, she has "bird lover" listed as her title on linkedin, so OBVIOUSLY it's a real job
>>838373>>838374Snoozy would be better at that than Holly, at least she's got some taxidermy experience. Hilarious to think she has a degree in Medieval Studies (I assume that means history) and probably the best she could do at a history museum would be volunteer to cry over dead birds. Not sure what you'd do with that degree even if you had ambitions though tbh, especially in America. Teach? Pursue post grad in England/Europe?
No. 838390
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>>838380Apparently, they study a little bit of everything for that degree.
The only degree programs I can find for University of Edinburgh (where Homewrecker's went to school) are master's degrees and doctorate-level.
No. 838399
>>838363I thought it was in California somewhere, the house she and Ross lived in before she buggered off to Seattle to be with the pedo. Am I off?
(Still, California rent's probably applicable to everything else described?)
No. 838440
>>838380>>838390yeah this rather cements my thought that holly could combine her inclination for crafts and the knowledge she earned in her degree course, and just work as art director or consultant for cosplay groups/DnD gamers/photographers/smaller webseries until she makes it large enough to go pro with bigger projects.
she could have the kind of cool job most artists hope for, and instead she chose to let her husband earn while she herself stagnated. if i had the kind of flimsy income source she has, i'd have treated my internet face with a lot more care kek
however this is probably enough derailing on this topic, apologies. it's just hilarious to see someone waste all - ALL - of their potential for a roleplay game and some noodle dick.
No. 838442
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meanwhile, jared is still deleting tweets - it was 9001 a few days ago, then 8999, and it's gone down again today. saging because it's not really milky but is there a way to see what he erased?
No. 838449
>>838373Happens all the time, predators get a bit of power and they use it to exploit people. Plenty of them get away with it, Jared almost did, but he was sloppy in covering his tracks and messed with the wrong woman. Predators of higher status have people who help them fly under the radar and silence
victims in exchange for continuing to make them money. It's easy to control someone when you have all the evidence to ruin their career.
No. 838480
>>838380Oh my god she really doesn’t know how to pose for pictures like a normal, sane person.
Sorry I just can’t get over how dumbass is her default pose when she’s not trying to fish for pity.
No. 838516
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>>838363>she can't be held accountable for her actionsGOD I can only hear this as the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 2 opening. Applicable to everything in Holly's situation though, so it fits. This is probably how she thinks of herself too.
No. 838549
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Imagine thinking Heidi “criminally trespassed” to…. continue moving out. These people also keep bringing up the Suikoden games as though anything game-adjacent was definitely Jared’s property, even though she’s actually loved the series for years. They were probably her games.
No. 838552
>>838518I didn’t notice the fact she hides her bottom teeth while gaping and you’re right. She looks like a grandma. Now I’m going to be even more bothered by that one stupid face she makes than I already was.
Can’t believe she was known for her cosplay when knowing how to pose for photos is part of the hobby. Maybe once they made redhead Shep default she gave up.
No. 838571
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Yes, talking about incendiary internet assholes like Ben Shapiro is the same as venting about your own abusive ex and his mistress that are STILL trying to shape a narrative against you.
Heidi is not telling people to harass or keep talking about it, she’s responding to baseless accusations and being legitimately funny by poking fun at the situation.
No. 838613
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Lmao of this dogpiling on this r/projared mod for calling out the obvious cult like bias in projared2. Bunch of clowns
No. 838682
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You mean the way that Homewrecker Holly continues to allow her WKs to bring up and tag Ross even though he's repeatedly said "Leave me out of this"?
Also, why the fuck would DCA welcome ProPedo and the Homewrecking SideHo back? Anyone with a shred of IQ left in their brains is going to create a wide berth between them and any source of potential drama.
No. 838700
>>838695Don't worry anon, that'll be safe since there weren't any clown emoji to
trigger Holly.
No. 838713
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Okay and what about the other porn blogs he ran after that? And the fact that he openly admitted to fapping to the photos? And the blog you are talking about was run by dorku who was completely unaware and disgusted he used the photos for masturbating? Jared abandoned it quite awhile before it officially disappeared and left dorku to run it herself because he knew too many people knew about his association with it and he went on to make secret ones.
Also as an aside, that person's post history is a trip. Another insane person who is entirely too aggressive.
No. 838741
>>838721I’m pretty sure this is sarcasm
He did have at least one other though
No. 838743
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>>838717I wouldn’t put it past dorku chan to switch back over to Jared’s side, honestly. Holly’s wks most likely got to her, and seeing as she’s posting nudes in a shadbase discord I’m inclined to believe she’s uh, not the best judge of character.
No. 838760
>>838748A Shadbase community discord, anon.
Shadman has made loli porn of real children. He’s disgusting.
No. 838835
>>838830we've seen this too many times before. fans will go to any length to justify their idol, meanwhile there could be a hundred women accusing him of predatory behavior and the fans would brand every last one as liar.
sending dick pics over the internet is
so looked down upon that it's practically a meme at this point, and yet when someone semi-famous does it suddenly it's all "this was between consensual adults". the defense of jared about how "at least there's no written explicit signed-sealed proof that he viewed minors in a predatory way" while ignoring that there is in fact tons of evidence of sexual interaction with minors, which is plenty bad in itself and needs no qualifiers or conditions to excuse it, is probably the worst take i've seen yet. it's just equal parts frustrating and hilarious that the WKs take it even further and call everyone -
every last person - accusing jared of misconduct as crazy/liars/
abusive/a weird concoction of all three.
No. 838837
>>838835That's pretty much my line of thought too. It doesn't matter if PedoDick went into it, knowing they were minors or not; The point is that he possessed the child pornography and instead of deleting it and having NO further contact with said minors, he continued to contact them under the guise of "I hope you're alright, I'm sorry, I'm mentally ill" as if a justification of mental illness somehow makes it less fucking creepy for an adult to have sent a minor his dick pics.
>everyone….as crazy/liars/abusiveThat's just a classic gaslighting / emotional abuser move. "People can't possibly think I'm bad if I convince them that the accusers are just crazy/bad/liars themselves!"
All he and Homewrecker SideHo are doing when they pull that shit is proving Heidi right, that they ARE manipulative abusers who will gaslight others if it means they get their way.
No. 838840
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So, I know we're all supposed to hate PULL or whatever, but the summary they compiled of Holly is too good and in-depth to not utilize. I capped the whole thing (g'bless "Full Page Screen Capture") for posterity, but it'd be too big to post all at once. Here's up until the scandal. I'll try and break up the rest of the summary and post if it seems helpful (might save some text space in the next thread at least)
sauce: tried to make the caps as readable as possible)
No. 838948
>>838881No lol
A lot of Farmers also use PULL and vice versa
>>838840The Pull thread has been mentioned here before, btw.
No. 838950
>>837768As someone that has worked with both Heidi and Holly, yes, Heidi’s short, but she’s also super clear and very concerned with being professional and not catty, which is refreshing in the cosplay community. Holly is as described here. Super whiny and hard to be around, “nice” to everyone’s face, then complains in private, usually about them being “mean.” Also I hate her voice.
Holly does not need to work in entertainment. She has no concept of building and maintaining relationships and contacts. Once all of her family’s and Ross’s contacts abandon her, she’s done for.
No. 838982
>>838959She’s one of those people that acts shy and then never shuts up. She showed up, but didn’t understand getting things done and would interrupt a lot. She was also hard to get ahold of for updates. Lacked accountability.
When trying to just hang out, because I figured “she’s frustrating me because I’m stressed, surely she’s a fun person,” she was just awful. Never seemed like she was listening, just waiting for her turn to speak. You could be having a good conversation going, but if she didn’t feel like enough attention was on her, she’d get screech and interject to derail. Or she’d get sad and mopey, and we barely knew each other.
She’d really passive aggressively “warn” you about other people in the community, by vaguely telling you how awful they were. Then, she was magically friends with them. I kept my distance, but the handful of times we worked together was over a span of a few years, and her behavior never improved.
Worst I can say about Heidi is that she would snip a little when busy, but she was awesome to hang out with privately. I am also a bitch when I’m focused, so it never bothered me. Interesting note, the only time she ever seemed unfriendly was with Jared. He’d be really quiet and standoffish, and she was way quieter when he was around.
No. 839034
>>839032it was the other way round, anon. Kati talked shit about dan and holly. We still aren't sure what it was about, and her only account of it is behind a paywall (a mini online book she wrote and part of it was about this incident)
although seeing how holly is now, makes more sense kek.
No. 839037
>>839034lmao Holly was probably talking shit about Katie & when she found out Katie was doing the same, she was like "Hey, wait a minute…
I'm the only one allowed to do that!!!"
No. 839039
>>838982She sounds like exactly the kind of person whose personality never got past her middle school years.
I can see how Heidi finally speaking up against her and Jared’s arrangement made her snap. She probably cringes the moment you directly confront her about anything.
No. 839050
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>"She was upset because her husband didn't text her for the three hours when he was on a date that she encouraged"
Way to make Heidi sound reasonable, Denica.
No. 839097
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Get a load of these Jared stans. You’d think this is a cult with how much they worship the wormdick thinking they all know him intimately as a person. The guy was a fucking unfunny video game youtuber. No. 839102
>>839097I love that the PedoDick Stan’s are now holding Heidi personally responsible not just for the mental health of her
abusive, cheating pedophile of an ex and his Homewrecking SideHo - but for all of mankind, apparently.
Next up in the delusional nut job accusation pile: Heidi did 9/11
No. 839104
>>839059This was beautiful haha.
>>839069That's asking too much, anon.
No. 839107
>>839050Christ holly that’s fucked up to admit on Twitter cause….of course heidi isn’t going to forgive or hear you out with gifts and words
Like out of the illogical things holly could admit this is high up there
Are her usual WKs going with “see! Heidi is being unreasonable! There were gifts!”?
No. 839109
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Projared2 consensus: he dindu nuffin
No. 839111
>>839109"uncomftable"…sorry, I know I am nitpicking but come on.
What is even the point of having a poll like that and posting it on the only positive Jared space on the net? Once again, screaming into their own echo chamber.
No. 839136
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There’s so much proselytizing being shoved in so many peoples faces
No. 839177
>>839109Because the problem has never been that an adult ran an adult-only blog. The problem is that (A) he did NOTHING to ensure that minors didn't send in images beyond a "18+ only!" as if that has ever stopped a minor and (B) kept the blogs going after knowing that at least one minor had sent him nudes.
>>839136The kicker is that a bunch of the people on r/projared2 and on the tumblr have started telling their WKs to stop mindlessly linking people to the blog because it's apparently affecting the credibility when the blog is spammed (Like, you run a "truth" blog on people you've never met and will never know the full details of; There was no credibility to begin with)
No. 839199
>>839097This makes me yearn for PSAs to be popular again, but with internet safety in mind. Parasocial relationships arent something you should be putting all your eggs in the basket of. You shouldn't see these people as your friends or vice versa.
Which reminds me, Holly following WKs just for the sake of rewarding them still grosses me out because she's blurring the line of the parasocial relationship. Is she actually friends with these people? Hell no. Will she try to let them think they are? I could only assume so, yes.
Jared also blurred those lines, in much worse ways. And apparently continues to do so, under the guise of apologizing.
The only person who doesn't abuse her power is Heidi. And she has the least "power" out of all 3. I'd expect the underdog (for lack of a better term) to cling onto and encourage fans and WKs moreso than those who already have rabid, longterm fanbases. But its the other way around here. Just pretty interesting.
No. 839226
>This is also why Holly's WKs think it's plausible that Heidi talked the minors into coming forwardWhat a fucking bitch, telling minors that they should absolutely call out an adult who preyed on their youth and naivety. How dare she!
For the record, I don't know if she talked them into coming forward or not - but I think they were definitely emboldened by seeing PedoDick's wife come forward and say "Look, he's not the great guy front he puts forward" and slowly seeing more mature, more recognized members of the gaming and cosplay communities saying "We agree, we've also had shit experiences with him."
>Holly is asking them to do her biddingShe's not so much asking so much as emotionally manipulating them with constant talk of depression and her feelings of self harm or suicide. That's some bullshit manipulation tactics if I've ever seen them, Homewrecking SideHo!
No. 839259
>>838948ntayrt but
>No lolI mean there's literally a whole thread in active use in /ot/ dedicated to shittalking PULL but go off I guess.
>The Pull thread has been mentioned here before, one said it wasn't? PULL barely works half the time anyways, having a backup of all the caps just makes it that much harder for holly to sweep all this under the rug when PULL dies.
>>838840honestly I've been following the GG threads since day 1 and didn't know about half of this shit. We we all so young back then, so blinded by our hate for Snooze, we couldn't see what was right in front of us all along….
No. 839263
>>839259Just because there is a PULL thread in /ot/ doesn’t mean everyone here hates PULL. There’s no reason to get so defensive over something so small. Calm down.
>>839163Holly’s whiteknight’s obviously are grown adults with too much free time or they’re kids who believe everything that proves that their birb mom isn’t a shitty person. Or they’re incels trying to get attention from her.
No. 839268
File: 1563332112016.png (85.89 KB, 580x444, gudguyjared.png)

>>839136"See? Jared's a
good guy!"
No. 839271
File: 1563332278809.jpg (25.5 KB, 583x438, 63fb9bc8cb1080551a38c4c3bc3de2…)

>>838840>It was alleged that she was taking credit for her cosplays from other people who had helped her (one rumor being she commissioned someone to help make FemShep and she didn't credit them) and she buys her parts from others, disproving her claims of "making all of her cosplays from scratch".GOD this makes me miss /cgl/'s heydey. Remember when this was the most offensive crime you could commit in the cosplay community? Like "they're not in it for the art, they just want attention!" was the hot goss?
>>838948>>839263calm down PULLtard lmao no one cares
No. 839274
>>839136Also I love how everyone on Projared2 was telling everyone
not to spam the tumblr blog, but this genius just continues to do it.
No. 839300
File: 1563336805171.jpeg (36.35 KB, 1125x180, 3BE50F4C-09BA-47D4-AD27-C2D911…)

Has anyone pointed out the date Jared deleted his tumblr? April 13th, 2019.
Close to the dates Chai and Charlie e-mailed NormalBoots and close to the date Heidi found out Jared was messing around with Holly.
No. 839308
>>839306Homewrecking SideHo's idea of calling PedoDick out is by saying "I don't approve of the way he used his status" (essentially, I don't remember exact wording). Outside of that, she's still standing by his side and will dodge comments about him having nudes of minors.
If she TRULY hated the way he used his status to get people to send nudes, she'd openly and loudly condemn that shit on a regular basis.
Words don't mean shit, it's actions that count - and Homewrecker's actions have pretty much proved that she's fine with PedoDick being a creepy motherfucker.
No. 839311
File: 1563338665743.jpeg (310.61 KB, 1668x743, 019275D0-6947-43E6-AD79-126B1C…)

>>839274No, they meant that the blog shouldn’t be spammed outside of any context. Before, a couple of them would post the same link on some of heidi’s tweets that had nothing to do with drama. They have since changed their strategy. Make no mistake, their aim is to spread the “truth” as much as possible. Otherwise their projared2 subreddit and discord wouldn’t even be open to the public. They’re just trying to play nicely to those who are neither pro or anti, but in the middle or out of the loop, in hopes of gaining numbers.
No. 839321
>>839318Also if you go to their shitty Reddit and disagree with someone they will pile you with downvotes and start an argument with you.
Right now there is a post up calling Heidi a liar for saying she only dated one person during their open relationship. They posted a tweet of her talking about sleeping with women and how Jared was supportive of it. Sleeping with someone is not the same as dating them. They both slept with other people when their relationship was OPEN. Those are relationships. That's sex. Jared doesn't call the cum dumpster he ghosted a relationship either, I'm sure. They are also posting all these old tweets/facebook posts from 2013-2017 of what they consider bitchy things Heidi has said. Uh, Jared was in a relationship with her during that time? He had no issue with her shared thoughts and probably cosigned a lot of the things you are shitting on her for. Not to mention none of it is even bad and just another excuse for them to shit on her.
No. 839335
>They posted a tweet of her talking about sleeping with women and how Jared was supportive of itWhat's their point? That, at some point, Jared wasn't a flaming pedophile? That he, much like Heidi when she encouraged him to talk with Homewrecking SideHo (before PedoDick demonstrated that he couldn't respect his wife's limits), encouraged something that made his partner happy?
Knowing PedoDick, he was just using Heidi being into women as premium fap material.
Shit, I could see PedoDick's grand plan having been a threesome between him, Homewrecking SideHo, and Heidi.
No. 839356
>>839350When Holly said she tried to apologize to Heidi but it was never "enough" I thought oh I guess that kind of sucks, but no one is required to accept an apology. And then we saw over and over on Twitter Holly's version of "apologies" and I thought holy shit, if someone tried to "apologize" like that to me there's no way I'd ever accept their apologies either.
Also, reading through the Projared2 subreddit and genuinely they should just rename to AntiHeidi. They're trying to slut shame her for tweets from 2017, saying that she's only going to start streaming again because Holly did, saying Wotc is participating in cancel culture if they get rid of diath and strix - also it's all Heidi's fault and not pedodick's, someone making a super long post saying Heidi reminds them of all the bad people in their life (some SERIOUS projecting). They hate her so much it's absolutely unreal.
No. 839358
>>839350It wasn't even a
valid apology - It reeks of "I said the words 'I'm sorry' so you HAVE to forgive me!" rather than apologizing because you're actually sorry or because you actually feel bad. Heidi probably didn't accept the "apology" because she could smell that guilt-tripping bullshit a mile away and knew better.
>saying that she's only going to start streaming again because Holly didHolly has streamed once - and it wasn't even on her own. She relied on the other girl for the vast majority of the boring ass stream (and tried to pull the "uwu aliens I'm so deep and unique because aliens" shit the rest of the time).
>saying that she's only going to start streaming again because Holly didThis is one case where I will absolutely support cancel culture. If they were to keep those two around, it would literally be like a smack to the face of every underage person who has ever been taken advantage of.
>someone making a super long post saying Heidi reminds them of all the bad people in their lifeThat is absolutely projecting.
No. 839359
File: 1563357142010.png (50.04 KB, 591x356, Screenshot_125.png)

Apparently, Homewrecker's latest steam is now available on twitch. I didn't think it was all that interesting, outside of her potentially admitting to violating copyright laws (I refuse to pay for that shit on patreon) and saying "I SEENT IT" about a thousand times.
No. 839360
File: 1563357268518.png (15.78 KB, 576x127, Screenshot_126.png)

One of Heidi's recently liked posts - Amen, Heidi.
You can talk someone's ear off, but if they aren't listening, it won't do you a bit of good.
No. 839467
>>839460I should say incels instead of a lot of men. They're just so persistent you think it's a large group.
I remember the Connor O'Burst drama (not a fan of btw). Some tumblr girl claimed he raped her, she soon deleted everything, was doxxed then admitted she lied. Well he was pursuing a lawsuit until the incels came out of the wood work to show him support. He saw himself as a men's rights symbol and dropped the suit because they disgusted him. I think incels often show up in any situation to make themselves seem like fans or supporters.
No. 839475
>>839471not just one, either! (copypasta from reddit because there's no additional value to a screenshot)
>> Answer: Caff, a content creator at Yogs, was outed as having used his position to gain sexual favours/exploit members of his community. Following this revelation Lewis, one of the founders of Yogs, called in an independent HR company to investigate other allegations. The allegations centred around Turps, the CEO, as well as historic claims against Sjin, another Yogs creator. Today Turps announced his resignation in the thread you linked due to him sending sexually suggestive as well as explicit messages to fans who may have been underage at the time of the messages. Lewis also announced today that Sjin will be taking a step back from the main channel whilst the historic claims against him are investigated further.TLDR; content creators abusing their position to sexually exploit their fans
No. 839477
File: 1563382807883.jpg (51.24 KB, 750x534, D_rZuuGXkAAqyhr.jpg large.jpg)

>>839475Saw this on Twitter. From the Yogscast subreddit. People defending Turps the way they defend Jared. It's sickening. These type of responses alone show the power creators wield over their fans. They don't want to believe their hero is a total sleazeball so they excuse anything.
No. 839479
File: 1563383117208.jpeg (178.32 KB, 1339x593, F0857232-A195-484D-886E-731954…)

>>839471Yeah. The Jared holly stans would say something like,
> caffcast was coercive while Jared was polite and all parties consented! Or,
>no receipts, no proof. Those victims are chasing clout! No. 839505
>>839488I don't really think so. Ross' girlfriend lives with him and the way she talks about her makes it seem like she isn't part of GG at all. I think Allie lives somewhere else and has dogs.
Also Ross said since his Twitch is going so well he is going to get a house and him and his girlfriend are going to adopt a rescue cat. A new friend for Orph. He seems so happy lately.
No. 839681
File: 1563416789520.png (21.75 KB, 474x161, Screenshot_127.png)

"Your actions are fire. Be careful not to get burned"
There's never been a more ironic post for Homewrecker to share.
No. 839682
File: 1563416864215.png (492.57 KB, 576x552, Screenshot_128.png)

Holly "I'm Fucking Insecure about how ugly I am compared to everyone else" Conrad proudly describes her look as 'goblin'
and then wonders why other people critique her appearance too…
No. 839683
File: 1563416990066.png (24.82 KB, 476x275, Screenshot_129.png)

Fucking yikes, y'all couldn't be creepier/thirstier if you tried, could you?
No. 839684
File: 1563417083511.png (41.21 KB, 582x344, Screenshot_130.png)

Heidi: -expresses positive thoughts about herself moving forward-
Homewrecker's Band of WKs:
No. 839685
File: 1563417176300.png (12.33 KB, 588x138, Screenshot_131.png)

Also, Heidi apparently "used and discarded" PedoDick.
No. 839687
File: 1563417300139.png (372.53 KB, 896x537, Screenshot_132.png)

That's okay - Maybe Homewrecker's just worried about getting her D&D fix with ProPedo when he finally gets locked up on the whole child porn thing.
No. 839689
File: 1563417919176.png (292.79 KB, 718x450, dontbotherross.png)

>>839649>on the dlStop, leave that boy alone. Keeping your current partner/relationship at a safe distance from the internet to prevent it from being dragged into the giant public shitfire your ex started =/= being shady. After what he's been put through here if I were him I would keep EVERY aspect of my life on the dl, aka as far from the internet as possible.
Besides, Sep 2018 is just when they publicly announced their breakup, who knows how long before that they had actually split up. That's a tough/humiliating thing to have to announce, you wouldn't put yourself through that if you thought there was a chance it could still work out. It was probably dead and buried by that point.
>>839684>heidi should be allowed to be happy>THIS IS AN ATTACK ON JARED! STOP BEING SO OBSESSED WITH JARED!!SICK opposite day burn tho
No. 839690
>>839685Wait, so did she cling to him far too long because she didn't believe in divorce, or did she use and discard him?
I'm too confused
No. 839702
>>839689Didn't mean to seem like I want to know Ross' entire life, my b. I'm glad he has someone that makes him happy through all this garbage.
On another note, has Holly been quiet about the drama since Heidi exploded recently? I wonder if she realized Heidi was telling the truth when she mentioned Holly was still crying about them being together in December and didn't have a comeback for it, so she opted to intelligently shut up for once?
No. 839718
File: 1563421120656.png (62.51 KB, 1220x212, Screenshot 2019-07-18 at 9.04.…)

>>839684can't be said enough - holly's WKs are ghastly
>>839702you know anon, this actually makes the most sense. holly hasn't
once said "you don't know what happeneeeed stop believing her she's lyiiiinngg" since heidi clapped back for good. but i do see that ever since then her WKs have started harassing heidi with worse words. i think she went back to her private hugbox of minions and told them she can't keep doing the heidi-is-a-liar circus in public so she needs
them to do it for her.
sounds just like something this bitch would do.
No. 839722
>>839702>>839718Didn't she go full quiet right after unlocking her Twitter after she tried to make the tragedy with Etika all about her problems?
That probably has more to do with it.
No. 839727
>>839722no iirc she was still going on about "why do you think this" "why do you believe that" for a solid while.
i think
>>839726 is correct and she probably wanted to damage heidi's credibility even more with the screenshots (if there ever were. otherwise the threat of them), but nothing really went her way and since then she's just been quietly uwuing in her corner.
No. 839752
>>839751Yeah, there was no way for those screenshots to come out and have it NOT link directly back to Homewrecker (especially since PedoDick is still in hiding and Heidi has no qualms about just saying what she wants on her own without having her minions speak for her)
>She probably caught wind that Ross was incredibly happy with his life now and felt the urge to abuse him again tooThat's more like it. Heidi isn't falling for her shit, PedoDick is keeping mum if he hasn't ditched her altogether - The only targets left are her 1-2 remaining friends or Ross.
No. 839761
>>839753I almost want her to go full in
If only because people love Ross and they will not tolerate any bs done to him by holly but Ross doesn’t deserve to be bought back in to her messes
No. 839781
>until Jared ends up in prisonI don't necessarily know if he'll go to prison - I'd be satisfied with him being forced to add himself to the sex offender registry, though. You don't just get nudes of minors and get to walk away with zero ramifications.
>puts her on the backburnerI feel like he already has. I honestly don't think PedoDick expected this whole thing to blow up the way it has - thought either (A) Heidi wouldn't see his post since he blocked her or (B) that she'd meekly let it slide like she had before.
>so he can keep fucking his fansI think he's going to keep fucking his fans regardless. I could see Homewrecker SideHo justify it with "Well, he's with me the rest of the time, so suck it, other sidehos"
No. 839792
>>839791I don't know if he thinks he's being sneaky by doing that, but remaining silent on his own twitter - or what he's doing.
Sorry, PedoDick. You lost the privilege to fly under the radar when you got nudes from minors and then tried to paint your wife out to be an
abusive nutjob for not wanting you to fuck a dear friend's wife.
No. 839821
File: 1563457244129.jpeg (22.57 KB, 640x480, images (24).jpeg)

>>839793>Area 51Are they sure it was Jared? I mean, I can understand the confusion.
No. 839870
>>839793Adding info to anon's tinfoil…
Las Vegas is only a 4 hour drive from LA, where Holly has a house. And in the American SW 4 hours is fairly close. Close enough for spontaneous day or weekend trips.
No. 840008
>>840007Shit like this makes me wonder what kind of things Heidi has seen regarding the texts that
uwu wholesome birb-mom sent PeenJared
…Also reminds me of the fact that Heidi never posted them publicly while Holly immediately got revenge by publicly posting lewd texts from Heidi.
No. 840009
>>840007You can tell that they're talking about this as a group on Discord cause
>>839718 said the same thing.
>>840008Honestly, Heidi has shown more respect to Holly than Holly has shown to her. I really wish she would release some of the lewd messages that Holly sent to Jared since Holly clearly didn't give a damn about releasing Heidi's text messages that had nothing to do with her.
No. 840012
>>840009Holly already threatened to take legal action if Heidi dared to show any nudes/sexting from her (Oddly enough, she brought up 'revenge porn' in the
very same thread as the one where she posted screencaps of Heidi's lewd texts…)
No. 840040
File: 1563489279644.png (33.78 KB, 584x340, HeidiResponds3.png)

>>840007Who's 'slut-shaming' now eh?
No. 840044
File: 1563489575146.gif (866.27 KB, 247x174, beautiful.gif)

>>840040This is actually want she needed to say. I'm getting so tired of Jared/Holly Wk's
No. 840045
File: 1563489702455.png (39.08 KB, 584x328, WKidiot.png)

And here's a silly WK describing exactly why Heidi hasn't shared the nudes/sexts in the first place.
No. 840046
File: 1563489859464.png (20.36 KB, 572x164, Response1.png)

>>840040Another great response
No. 840076
File: 1563495609824.png (144.74 KB, 576x720, pussy.png)

> "Someone threatening legal action against someone else who broke the law"
> someone else who broke the law
> broke the law
When did Heidi break the law?
No. 840092
>>840045Here's the thing that WK needs to understand, though: ProPedo can consent to them being shared all he wants - but he isn't the one who shared them. Homewrecking SideWhore is the one who posted them and she didn't have anyone's consent to share them, nor was she a participant in the conversations.
Little Miss Holly Hindsight just put herself on the line for a Class B felony, should Heidi want to pursue it.
No. 840093
File: 1563496798098.jpeg (777.99 KB, 1125x1648, 68D97DA9-7A73-4D45-8F6F-5574F3…)

No. 840097
>>840093This is just more of her "LOOK IM A GOOD PERSON WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ME? HEIDIS THE WHORE HERE - NOT ME!" bullshit.
Homewrecking Whores don't get to preach "be nice!" when they're the cause for all of the shitshow and drama in the first place.
She made her bed - and now she gets to lay with a pedophile in it.
No. 840099
>"I found answers there but not peace."Because you're guilty.
No. 840102
>>840099Someone who wildly launches accusations of abuse, negating the very real abuse that people face, doesn't deserve peace.
>>840100ANd you open the book to find just one page with just one very bold printed word on it "No."
No. 840105
>It wasn't as simple as they suddenly started "fucking behind your back" as was initially presentedWho the fuck even is this douchebag? If he isn't one of the lawyers and he isn't the judge, it's none of his goddamned business if it was "as simple as initially presented"
WKs are fucking wild, man.
No. 840106
>>840093Holly is a bully, she the one that posted the texts that didn't even show Heidi as
abusive. It just showed Heidi as normal scorn wife with a weasel husband. Holly has contact with her WKs, and Holly's flying monkeys still pester Heidi. The majority of people who "side" with Heidi are not even her fans. I've seen mostly Ross's fans occasionally shit on Holly if anything.
No. 840108
>>840106Exactly. Prior to the ProJared tag trending on twitter, I had never heard of any of these people - but when you start looking at the shit that the Homewrecking Whore and PedoDick were pulling, I didn't really see how anyone could NOT want to be on Heidi's side.
Did she handle it great? No, of course not - but when you are pushed and pushed, have boundaries continuously broken and not respected, you eventually just snap.
No. 840109
>>840105Again, just more idiots who are mad that Heidi isn't letting Jared get away with this anymore.
>>840106Yep. Ross's fans know what's up & they're not gonna let Holly's sycophants talk over them.
No. 840113
File: 1563498595286.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1204x2134, C670145F-5ACF-4E2E-8FAA-936F31…)

The angry wk army is dogpiling on the Diath removal. Stay mad lol
No. 840114
>He's basically been proven innocentHarassing a trans minor into deleting their story and staying silent does NOT equal ProPedo being proven innocent, Dan.
>The minor allegations were disprovenThis just in: If you harass a minor into walking back their story, that means it was disproven! The constant harassment hg ad nothing to do with it - Nope, it was all the kid being a lying shithead. Apparently, it's more feasible to attack the minor, rather than the grown ass adult who should have known better.
No. 840115
File: 1563498908926.png (148.79 KB, 240x359, ss.png)

>>840040>The fact that I used to enjoy sex didn't turn me into an object>used to enjoyOof, that's like a punch to the stomach. This makes me so sad, has she said this before? I hope she gets to heal and enjoy it again, but I'd imagine it'd take quite some time. Imagine being publicly traumatized into asexuality by a woman who was pretending to be the patron saint of asexuality. I'm sure that concept alone is
triggering enough, since it was Holly's entire personality.
>traumatized by sex>traumatized by not sex because the woman who fucked your husband claimed to not have sex>>840036Sorry dumb question, is the H for Holly or Heidi here?
No. 840116
>>840097>>840106Not just that, but not once has she told them to stop harassing Heidi. She wants to talk about shaming, bullying, and being kind but only if it applies to her. She's such an ugly cunt inside and out.
>>840103I don't know why we bother giving these retarded whiteknights as much attention as we do. It's only entertaining if they're put in their place.
No. 840117
>>840113Here's the thing Dan, just because you & your little group of friends rationalized that Jared is innocent, doesn't mean that he actually
is innocent.
No. 840124
>>840117More importantly the general public have already written projared off so this narrative of somehow him being innocent is only on dans creepy circle
I mean heck the times Jared shows up in public have been met with “oh he’s here! Maybe he should leave…”
No. 840126
File: 1563499312199.png (96.91 KB, 588x740, IdlechampionsSALT1.png)

>>840113Crybullies at their finest
No. 840129
> "I cant believe that people are reporting you for posting this"Because they're pretty much
spamming it at this point, Dan.
No. 840135
>>840133Fucking LOL.
I'm willing to bet none of them ever actually played it.
No. 840137
File: 1563499708344.jpg (312.41 KB, 1292x1052, bye-diath.jpg)

>>840134To memorialise it
No. 840141
>Give back Diath this is complete BS on your partYeah, how dare a group of people decide they want nothing to do with someone who had nudes of minors and allowed his sidewhore to publicly shame his wife, the one who is allegedly an
abusive slut!
>after we paid money FOR HIMYou didn't pay for shit - You paid to watch a grown man create a character that he essentially used to start fucking his wife's best friend, but in an 'under-the-radar' kind of way.
>I can't believe that people are reporting you for posting thisAnd I can't believe that y'all wks were reporting people for sending Homewrecking SideHo clown emojis, and yet here we are, Dan!
No. 840142
File: 1563500094748.png (38.88 KB, 584x332, getfuckedmatt.png)

No. 840146
>Were the Diath changes made based on legal discussions with or without jaredContrary to popular belief, Guy LeDouche, companies can absolutely decide to get rid of someone/their character without it being a legal shit show. It's just like you allegedly being a VO actor - A project you're working on can decide to not use you anymore for being an idiot, and they don't have to clear it with you and your legal team first (It gets a little murkier with a contract, but I'd be willing to bet that if ProPedo had a contact, the company would've been more than happy to buy out the remainder so as to get away from him)
>very 'Guilty until proven innocent'This isn't a court of law, asshat.
No. 840149
File: 1563500458476.png (42.93 KB, 592x364, WKSALT1.png)

No. 840152
File: 1563500582390.png (38.38 KB, 580x328, Dan1.png)

Aaand we've reached the reason Dan even got involved in this shit in the first place.
No. 840153
>>840149They're acting like someone held them down and forced them to buy the items.
Like, what would they do if the entire thing shut down? Would they still demand refunds if EVERYONE was gone - or just because their weird fetish with Diath is now over?
No. 840159
File: 1563500863193.png (84.03 KB, 576x500, getfuckedgeraldo.png)

more salt
No. 840167
File: 1563501112578.jpeg (422.26 KB, 1201x829, 83715417-E6CA-46BA-80E9-AD103A…)

Well that’s rich
No. 840169
File: 1563501149301.png (52.98 KB, 580x492, nojontronpls.png)

>>840161From what I've seen, these WKs dislike Jontron
No. 840176
>"Apologizing is just an empty way to placate people and it's not sincere or kind."…And that's
exactly why Heidi wouldn't accept your apology, Holly.
No. 840181
File: 1563501834922.png (238.09 KB, 534x800, DanTheHypocrite.png)

Sure Dan
No. 840183
File: 1563502006886.png (73.03 KB, 548x628, peaceorWAR.png)

>"Am I going to practice peace, or am I going to practice war?"Must be the new "Are you
healing or
No. 840185
>>840167This woman is a Buddhist nun who runs a large monestary and is in her 70's. Don't drag her into this.
Sperg- In the same book she talks about being grateful for everything that
triggers or upsets you, because those things/people show exactly where you need to grow. And to have loving kindness for all people, particularly those that you feel have hurt you.
Obviously Holly has some reading comprehension problems.
No. 840187
File: 1563502149309.png (56.45 KB, 524x588, DanIsACreep.png)

Good job outing yourself as a total creep, Dan.
No. 840188
>If they haven't, apologizing is just an empty way to placate people and it's not sincere or kindYou mean like when you admitted that you tried repeatedly to apologize to Heidi, bought her gifts, etc. and you just couldn't understand why she didn't accept it?
You're fake as fuck, Homewrecker. Please retreat back under whatever bridge your troll self crawled forth from.
>tearing each other down for half truthsSays the man running a truth blog full of half truths and creating a petition.
No. 840190
>>840187That's just fucking creepy. So it's apparently okay that ProPedo sent pics of his dick to minors because "He didn't know!!!".
>I literally just searched the term projaredImagine having so little to do in your actual offline life that you spend your time searching the tag of a pedophile, just to tell everyone how wrong they are about him.
No. 840191
File: 1563502322080.png (16.94 KB, 581x134, Screenshot_133.png)

I knew her ignorant ass couldn't stay quiet for long about how uwu innocent she is.
No. 840196
File: 1563502528241.gif (147.88 KB, 500x285, f0a44560-ab99-4605-b057-77017d…)

>>840167She's so convinced she did nothing wrong and is completely innocent. Imagine being this deluded.
No. 840197
>>840196She's not just trying to convince everyone she hasn't done anything wrong, she also trying to convince
herself that she hasn't done anything wrong.
No. 840198
>>840196I don't even know how she can still play the worn out "I didn't do it, how can I apologize?" card - especially when her OWN WORDS said that she had tried repeatedly to apologize to Heidi.
If you weren't doing anything wrong, Dumbass, why would you apologize repeatedly to the woman whose husband you were fucking??
No. 840204
File: 1563503176227.png (31.96 KB, 536x296, Boom.png)

No. 840209
>>840204Silly Anon - You can't ask someone with as low of an IQ or as little self awareness as the Homewrecking SideHo to do those things.
Hell, she probably couldn't find a rational thought if it jumped up and bit her ass
No. 840218
File: 1563503957888.png (16.31 KB, 520x148, baw.png)

No. 840223
>>840215The thing about projared/holly stans is that they forget that most people feel like all parties involved are scummy (some not as much as others) or they don't want to support an alleged pedophile and the cross-eyed mistress that called his
victims liars.
No one sane wants to defend people like Holly and Jared, they've made it apparent to many people that they're shitty people despite how hard they try to "disprove" the allegations.
No. 840224
File: 1563504994028.jpeg (632.29 KB, 1175x1212, 8E47DC7E-318A-4EEE-B498-6B7F84…)

Oh boy
No. 840230
>>840224Haaaa, the comments are basically the same WKs who went on Treesicle and The Right Opinion to whine.
>>840229Some dude with like 300 subscribers. He won't change diddly squat.
No. 840245
if you're a man pray it doesn't happen to you why exactly? because you're so sex-crazed you'll ask anything that walks for nudes?
because you think that the burden of proof is on children (come on, they were
fifteen when this went down, i'm going to call them children) when some creepy bastard twice their age asks them to show their tits?
that's what you're praying for - that being a creep gets excused and overlooked, and your idiotic fans harass companies to reinstate your status, sitting from where you can continue to abuse your power? to ask sexual favors from people who love you so much they'll be happy to send you pics?
i'm going to sage my autism, sit in a corner, and wait for every last one of jared's and holly's insane fans to be outed as a creep or legal offender, thanks
No. 840248
File: 1563507755135.png (43.56 KB, 528x220, spam.png)

>>840224I hope this guy knows that people are spamming Heidi with his shit now…
…Also lmao at "canel culture"
No. 840252
File: 1563508266309.png (185.84 KB, 1456x814, Screenshot 2019-07-19 at 9.20.…)

"bla bla bla removal of character = theft!"
i'm dead this whole subreddit is made up of geniuses
No. 840255
>>840247>If you think that she should try to control her followers, then you have to admit Heidi needs to do the same ten-foldExcept Heidi doesn't message her followers. Heidi doesn't give her followers private information and hint to them that they should spread it (one on one or in a discord group.) Heidi doesn't follow her whiteknights that she never would have paid attention to before this scandal, just for the ego boost and to reward them.
Heidi doesn't encourage it. Holly does.
>>840248Getting tired of the fact that everyone is latching onto the idea of this thing having a twist like its some story, like its a plot. Yes, that'd make it delicious, that's why we do like it in our stories.
But closing a previous polyamorous relationship because people didn't respect the rules and boundaries of said relationship isn't a twist.
Minors being bullied into deleting their statements isn't a twist.
The blatant biased ableism toward Heidi and the minors both isn't a twist.
"Jared didn't know they were underage #confirmed!!!!" isn't a twist. Its still illegal. Just morally less awful in some degree.
A wife that had gotten upset at [being ignored 2-5 in the morning, saying Heidi was
abusive when even Jared didn't agree, Jared playing "baby u the 1 for me" to both girls for half a year or more, fill in the blank with your own] is not a twist.
>>840247Are all these animal-random noun usernames the same guy? BorkScorpion, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum? They're very formulaic.
No. 840260
>>840172would it be fair to say it's partially taken on a new meaning? if it wasn't a big deal, why would Dan have to stop himself from finishing the phrase?
not tryna infight just don't know anything about lanky kong and if it's normal to say "oh don't finish that sentence!" it seemed like it was more than just the words.
No. 840266
>>840234Did those "geniuses" really just try to pull the "WOMENZ ARE OUT TO GET ALL MEN!!!" while comparing what PedoDick is going through to the fucking nazis??
>>840263Well, we'll know soon enough since someone (Holly the Whore maybe?) peruses this board. If they all come up deleted or coincidentally posting at the same time, we'll have our answer.
No. 840267
File: 1563509683070.png (20.99 KB, 596x182, Screenshot_134.png)

Remember, kids: Apparently it's only Heidi bringing up her trauma repeatedly. We all just know about Holly the Homewrecker's feelings of worthless and despair by osmosis because she never, EVER mentions it and especially not on a regular basis!
No. 840270
>>840267Holly continuously tells us about how bad she feels & her 'self-help' & has told us all about how
abusive her parents were & how that somehow correlates to Heidi.
…But it's Heidi who
constantly brings up her trauma & 'recovery'…
No. 840274
File: 1563510332733.png (86.8 KB, 584x448, estebanstephano.png)

> "I know it must be difficult, but you're trying and I respect it! -<3"~The same fucking guy
No. 840279
File: 1563510667905.png (186.12 KB, 592x490, Screenshot_135.png)

Taryion, quit tipping the cow, man. It's way more fun to watch this psycho self destruct on her own.
No. 840285
File: 1563511163489.jpeg (286.64 KB, 1668x532, C79E6758-C2AB-495A-8F8E-1BA5B3…)

Bernie actually consulted the projared2 discord circlejerk for this video. Yeah totally unbiased
No. 840287
>>840284If it were about anyone else, I'd agree - but since we all know that Homewrecker does nothing to discourage the randoms behavior and has encouraged others, I'd say the randoms reflect pretty heavily on Holly Hindsight's mindset.
>>840285Because nothing screams "I'm unbiased!" like going to a blog that is pretty exclusively only listening to one person's side and active harasses those who disagree.
No. 840295
>>840284I agree. If we did this for other cows (without dedicating a thread to them), we'd barely be able to find the actual milk in the sea of stupidity. It's to the point where the milk is mostly coming from the whiteknights. I understand if the main three and/or the inner circle is replying to them, though.
>>840285If they didn't bother looking at multiple sources instead of a biased single one, then they are bias.
No. 840321
File: 1563521160204.jpg (129.67 KB, 1080x1020, IMG_20190719_012230.jpg)

Got on Twitter and saw this, when will this dumb broad stop?
No. 840327
>>840321she's more insidious and bitchier than all her WKs put together, i feel. if she didn't keep adding this kind of fuel to the fire while also constantly harping about the necessity of truth and bla bla bla, the situation wouldn't have got to the point it has. the worst part is she does these things while pretending to be the softest sweetheart who needs everyone in the world to be kind or she will sudoku herself.
at least when heidi's bitchy, she doesn't hide it behind the guise of "kindness uwuwu"
and as expected (not posting caps because i agree with the above anons on not giving these WKs as much attention as we have), all the comments in the thread are along the lines of:
>People to Heidi: "yes queen, keep it coming">People to Holly: "you need to move on"is this a shared delusion at this point? is it normal to flip reality to this extent in an imaginative fantasy??
No. 840329
>It's not right to let someone burnBitch, this ain't the Salem Witch Trials
>when it's just mob mentality and liesAnd yet you're totally fine doing that to Heidi when your only evidence of her "lying" or being
abusive is your word a.k.a. LIES and SPECULATION. Your word is not evidence!
No. 840331
>>840327I will say that I am vaguely proud of all of the people calling out Homewrecker's shit in the replies of that post.
Part of me, though, feels like this is just once again her using the internet to self harm. She had to know she'd get backlash from it and is using it in her "SEE? WHY DOES THE INTERNET HATE ME????" line of thought.
No. 840332
File: 1563525678291.jpg (381.69 KB, 1254x2170, IMG_20190719_104105.jpg)

lol these people
might as well call them a cult
No. 840337
File: 1563527764168.png (209.86 KB, 896x485, Screenshot_136.png)

Nothing says "I've moved on and am spreading kindness!" quite like sharing an incredibly biased video and then liking several tweets that are going after Heidi.
So much for spreading positivity, eh Holly Hindsight?
No. 840338
>>840337I mean, Heidi is allowed to make tweets about her husband.
Holly the homewrecking side whore has no horse in that race and needs to shut the fuck up before she makes an even bigger fool out of herself and her pedophile boyfriend.
No. 840368
File: 1563533189897.png (59.24 KB, 595x476, Screenshot_137.png)

Holy fuck me, Denica is so goddamned dumb that it makes me wonder how she got a degree
>Three of the four arguments that have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt in the cases of CP include very specific text as to that it has to have been done "knowingly" of the age of the other side.
Bullshit. All it takes to get a conviction of possession of child pornography is the possession of child pornography - which Jared admitted to having received when he reached out to "make sure you're okay".
>And the fourth one is about proving that the Cap was transported over computer or over state border.
Well, considering Chai hadn't personally physically handed Jared the naked pictures, it's pretty safe to say that the pictures were transmitted via the internet - which crosses the line into federal jurisdiction.
No. 840402
File: 1563544459281.jpeg (102.67 KB, 717x421, 941C9913-1B8F-4E21-AEBA-4E8393…)

>>840321GO FOR THE NECK!!! Tear that bitch apart
No. 840405
File: 1563544638599.jpeg (446.1 KB, 750x945, FD3CE93B-CF99-4B6D-AF5F-5EF2A2…)

No. 840412
>>840411i know i'm doing it lmao
>>840410i think heidi had enough of that, seeing as she's decided to come face to face to holly
she's also blocking all the sockpuppet/troll accounts demanding her to "back down you liar, we know the truth" instead of engaging with them this time. oh the gloves are off
No. 840413
im absolutely invigorated by this
No. 840427
File: 1563547516686.jpg (683.31 KB, 1080x2446, Screenshot_2019-07-19-09-37-45…)

Remember how Holly wks were saying the "tides are turning" ? Well Holly's retweet has been up for 7hrs and has half the amount of likes that Heidi's reply does even though Heidi only replied an hour ago and has a fraction of the audience Holly does lmao
No. 840432
File: 1563548102789.png (28.19 KB, 595x92, Capture d’écran 2019-07-19 à…)

It's on
No. 840435
File: 1563548328849.png (58.63 KB, 594x248, Capture d’écran 2019-07-19 à…)

>>840432Holly is not responding but she liked a reply to Heidi's tweets so she's definitely online and seeing this
No. 840437
File: 1563548348459.gif (924.97 KB, 498x286, 3C9E7BC0-69A0-476E-A990-874567…)

Take no prisoners, Heidi!
Holly Hindsight should have kept her fucking mouth shut about shit that didn’t involve her
No. 840450
File: 1563549767044.gif (1.03 MB, 245x225, bitchmetoo1.gif)

>>840447If that isn't the mood for July 2019….
No. 840451
File: 1563549843361.jpg (131.87 KB, 1297x1155, 4e5d7a729c322c52df1c766f166935…)

>inb4 Denica, Dan & co get new orders from Holly.
No. 840457
>>840453Because they think the same of Heidi fans, sadly.
God I just wanna see Heidi release those texts so badly. If holly got to share private conversations then why shouldn’t she?
No. 840462
File: 1563551589707.png (981.52 KB, 1279x2101, IMG_4754.PNG)

I came across Chai’s old twitter. It’s deactivated, and there’s nothing interesting enough worth bringing up the name and subjecting his mutuals to wks creeping on them, but they do refer to Jared as shitty/manipulative in conversation with Chai a few times.
No. 840465
>>840463I’m not disputing that.
wks claim there because there is no proof Chai’s account is completely not creditable, so even a bit of evidence that they didn’t make up the accusation this year was interesting enough to me. that's all.
No. 840470
>>840469I think they're just talking about shit that she's added in - like the fact that she didn't initially mention the poly arrangement (Because it wasn't relevant to the initial discussion, since she had revoked her consent, effectively ending the poly and going back to monogamy) but added it in later.
They're scraping the bottom of the barrel to make Hoelly seem like she isn't a complete fucking moron - but all they're doing is making her look even worse.
No. 840473
File: 1563553683692.png (15.45 KB, 592x128, Screenshot_140.png)

I know we all want to stop giving the WKs a platform, but this person actually has a point.
From the wording of Heidi's tweet, she had been blocked by Holly - but was apparently just unblocked, which reads like Hoelly WANTING Heidi to see that she had reblogged the "truth" video.
It absolutely reeks for Hoelly trying to stir the pot and emotionally manipulate Heidi.
No. 840476
>>840402I didn't think she was gonna do it. Fuck. Heidi Gohardington slaying that bitch lmao
>>840469It's an attempt at gaslighting, sort of. It helps cause confusion and creates a sense of needing to explain / correct stuff, so that if she does respond in any form, they can twist to say that's different to what you said before! and then act like that means everything is just one big lie.
No. 840480
File: 1563554858719.jpg (20.43 KB, 468x286, article-1340274-019169F9000005…)

>>840402Goddamn, I am living for this. Holly is going to regret pushing Heidi this hard, I bet she's going to try to angle this as a "What do you mean? What did I do? :( :( Poor me!! I'm being attacked!!"
No. 840490
>>840481I think, unlike Jared and Holly, she also had some desire to respect her ex partner’s privacy. Sure he had public accounts, but only like several hundred followers. The mere mention that she had a boyfriend launched the internet investigators, and spergs on KF posted his doxx immediately.
On top of that, now Heidi’s a cum guzzling whore to a few thousand internet tards.
She had a laundry list of reasons not to mention it.
No. 840516
>>840511umm they do duh. they bought the game. now they own the company. clearly this is
theft!i love when incels try to rub their collective two brain cells together to form arguments on twitter
No. 840521
File: 1563559216862.png (32.72 KB, 589x342, Screenshot_141.png)

God, if it wasn't so depressing, I'd suggest making Denica a lolcow
"I'm not interacting with the people on those sites - except when I post images to lolcow myself!"
Fuck off, Denica. You're nearly as braindead as Hoelly at this point.
No. 840534
>>840521She never self-posted. An anon posted a few threads back that the anon just grabbed them from her twitter. I have no doubt she’s lurking but I doubt she’s posted.
Let’s stop focusing on the whiteknights and focus on the milk. We already know the whiteknights are retarded.
No. 840558
>>840546Again, this is typical abuser-behavior when they don't get their way; they bounce back & forth between "They
enabled me in the first place" (bringing up that they tried polyamory) & "They wouldn't let me do what I want!" (Heidi supposedly not letting him play DnD)
No. 840566
File: 1563561629532.png (55.53 KB, 605x380, Capture.PNG)

sage for slightly offtopic rant: jesus christ, Holly keeps proving herself to be more insufferable with each day.
i followed GG since the beginning and have mutual friends with her (or USED to, seeing how everyone dropped her like a hot tamale) so i always assumed that she had to be at least a little bit okay, that the internet was just being the internet, etc.
but nah, she runs away to the PNW to chase after a mediocre white guy and uwu about birbs and veganism. classic white woman move: using their platform to care for random animals over actual human beings.
i'm used to the fake advocacy hippie shit since i'm from California, but i can't stand how obnoxious of a stereotype Holly is. (or maybe she's just incredibly bad at social media? and needs to take an EXTENDED break? gosh i dunno) SO much digital ink spilled over this nobody lmao
No. 840572
>>840457it is likely Heidi doesn't have access to the messages anymore. She probably saw them on Jared's phone and never sent them to herself. Not likely he will send them to her now.
All the messages holly shared were sent to her by jared.
Which is why its so frustrating to hear the Holly WKs use the "but holly actually showed PROOF" argument. They aren't being logical.
No. 840576
File: 1563562030418.gif (1.68 MB, 412x246, tenor.gif)

>>840404>I've never seen such abject wickedness in person before. fuck that's good
No. 840581
File: 1563562407565.png (62.48 KB, 576x596, DenicaTakesTheBait.png)

>>840578Oh Denica, you never fail to deliver…
No. 840582
File: 1563562429273.png (998.62 KB, 630x1743, tearthebitchapart.png)

>>840402>>840404>>840405>>840409Here's the whole thread in one image for easier reading/archiving. (I love we've all clearly liked Heidi's tweets in all of the caps we're posting lmao)
No. 840584
File: 1563562539854.png (43.77 KB, 600x308, WK.png)

Looks like they're gonna try a new angle now…
No. 840586
>I'm sad Dan didn't deliver and release those textsHell, I could see Hoelly give him the go ahead after Heidi when armageddon on her ass this morning.
>in the last ten daysWow, a whole 10 days of leaving her mouth shut after leading to the breakup of a five year long marriage. What a champ, Hoelly.
>saying that she will "make fun of him"NOT MAKE FUN OF HIM! Say it isn't so!!
>>840584Who says she knew about the underage people? She knew about the blog - not about the minors.
>>840585She admits that she had been on lolcow and posted things herself
No. 840589
>>840584Soooo their new….plan is to be okay with Jared being a pedo cause heidi knew but kept it a secret?
Not the brightest plan
No. 840591
>I'm sad Dan didn't deliver and release those texts
> Hell, I could see Hoelly give him the go ahead after Heidi when armageddon on her ass this morning.Unfortunately, those texts were already dismissed after it was revealed that
1) All they were going to accomplish was dragging an unwilling party (Ross) into it when he asked to be left out of it.
2) The person writing them was basically acting as a mouthpiece for Holly
No. 840593
File: 1563563114286.png (37.24 KB, 625x263, noprisoners.png)

Here's my vote for the new thread image, kek.
Also whoever makes the new thread, may be helpful to include this list (following the threads can be a lil confusing since everyone kept trying to change the topic to whatever they wanted instead of just keeping it general).
Previous Threads:
>>836081 No. 840595
File: 1563563288235.png (100.05 KB, 592x756, getrektdenica.png)

God bless this person for attempting to educate Denica on the subject. Of course Dumbica isn't gonna accept it, but thank you for trying to spell it out anyway random person!
No. 840598
File: 1563563559534.png (78.97 KB, 592x428, healinguwu.png)

Ah, so when Holly talks about her 'recovery' & 'self-care' for weeks on end, it's much-needed healing & okay, but when Heidi dares to even mention that she's been hurt in any way, she's 'stirring the pot'. Got it!
No. 840601
>You have to do this "knowingly" of the person's age in order for it to be a crimeThis is just so wrong. I don't even know where to begin with how fucking wrong this is.
>She keeps bringing it up and not in replies to othersMaybe because that specific post wasn't about Jared at all. Contrary to popular belief, Denica, the world doesn't revolve around ProPedo.
No. 840602
File: 1563564049485.png (14.87 KB, 580x148, Tyroie.png)

> "If Heidi had said nothing, nobody would be harassed. Period."
Because fuck victims amirite?
No. 840604
File: 1563564223582.png (19.69 KB, 584x186, RealsOverFeels.png)

Fucking THANK YOU, man!
No. 840607
File: 1563564902687.png (96.29 KB, 584x756, ThreadPart1.png)

>>840606He's from the Treesicle team, so of course the WK's deemed the Treesicle video a 'Hit Job' on Holly & are trying to browbeat him into taking the video down…
No. 840633
File: 1563566633998.png (77.71 KB, 588x580, MusumeShi.png)

> "Jared, who OBVIOUSLY is too submissive…"
Thank you for your input, person who doesn't know Jared personally.
No. 840646
File: 1563567419468.png (103.71 KB, 592x756, victim-blaming101.png)

> "An ‘abuser’ bought his ‘victim’ a car, paid for her apartment and filed for divorce."
"He bought you all that expensive shit OF COURSE he cares about you & would NEVER abuse you!"
Is there a bingo-card for this shit?
No. 840647
>>840633“Submissive” people can be horrifically emotionally
abusive. I’m not going to blogpost, but it’s obvious these incels only see abuse, even emotional abuse, as aggressive. Probably the same reason they think they’re “nice guys.”
No. 840650
File: 1563567770906.png (95.91 KB, 588x684, Unicorn.png)

No. 840656
>>840467You know who else says, "That didn't happen because you had memory issues/brain damage"? Onision. A lot of this situation reminds me of him and his drama.
>>840482The same could have been said about Holly releasing Heidi's texts too but she did it anyway.
No. 840657
>>840620Their logic is probably that Heidi needed to sit Jared down like a child and explain that he needs to be careful who exchanges nudes with. His bad judgment is her fault! The shrewd bitch! /s
Funny how Heidi managed to avoid having sexual encounters with people who were underage.
No. 840659
File: 1563568638375.png (93.79 KB, 588x656, BothSidesTM.png)

Okay, this was pretty lmao|
Even though Jared is easily the worst of the three, tbh
No. 840661
>>840657You joke but I shouldnt be surprised if that’s the next goal post
Perhaps holly needs to give Jared a book called “should you send naked pics of yourself to a minor?”
No. 840674
>>840611>>840660God bless, I was trying to re-organize/clean up the thread info as well, but it's still SO much, and if you've already been working on it, I'll leave it in your hands. I'll give you what I was working on if it's helpful to consolidate. I was thinking to keep it shorter we could post some of the old info in separate posts here, just to link to them instead of including them in the OP. Like:
>A History of Holly: >>838840>GG Main Players: >> [Post with all links from "The Usual Suspects" + Move Ross here so he's not associated with this shit]>A History of GG Drama: >> [Post with the "Summary of Old Milk"]>Dice, Camera, Action/Wafflecrew: >> [Post with "Anna Prosser and Nathan Sharp" + "About DCA"]This is what I had in mind organization-wise:
ProJared/Holly Conrad/ GG General #10 "No Prisoners" Edition
Last time on the Curse of O’Ferrall Campaign:>Heidi takes no prisoners: >>840582>[All the Holly WK bullshit I didn't get very far on writing up]>[Milk Milk Milk]>Idle Champions replaces Diath (Jared's DCA Character) with a new character "Xander". Evelyn (Anna Prosser's DCA Character) remains. >Ross & Holly's Divorce will be final 7/22: >>840621>Radio silence from Jared continues as of 5/17The Main Players:>Holly Conrad/Commander Holly:
>Jared Knabenbauer/ProJared:
>Heidi O'Ferrall/AtelierHeidi:
>Holly's Whiteknights in Shining Twitter Armor:Dan Pirro:[the rest of them]
The Expanded Universe:
>Game Grumps:>GG Main Players: >> [Post with all links from "The Usual Suspects" + Move Ross here so he's not associated with this shit]>A History of GG Drama: >> [Post with the "Summary of Old Milk"]>Perception of Holly in Previous GG Threads: >>836273
>Wafflecrew/Dice, Camera, Action:>Dice, Cheating, Action! >> [Post with "Anna Prosser and Nathan Sharp" + "About DCA"]
>Normal Boots: from Mods regarding Holly's young friend:>Reminder that subjects have to be 16+ to be discussed on lolcow. Do not include her face or social media posts here. >This is also a reminder that cowtipping is also against the rules, do not contact the girl or her parents because of her relation to Holly.Previous Threads:1:
Not sure if this makes any sense, feel free to ignore/rearrange if you've got something better cooking.
No. 840680
File: 1563571164910.png (414.56 KB, 290x898, ConradTheClown.png)

Never Forget…
No. 840687
>>840566Same energy (but Holly's is fake as hell).
It's so laughable when she pretends to be a sweet, positive person
No. 840696
>>840659When and how had Heidi lied though? I don't get why people who are supposedly neutral and hate Holly too keep saying that. Heidi not mentioning them being poly before they were monogamous again and he cheated was not lying, no matter how she is accused of it. They were monogamous when he cheated, so the poly wasn't relevant. Trying an open relationship once doesn't mean your partners all have a free pass to cheat on you for life.
If they mean she's "lying" about the messages between Holly and Jared or what Jared said to her, how the hell would they know? Do they live inside her brain and know everything in her life? Did they bug the house? How else can they define those events as lies?
No. 840738
File: 1563576098119.png (101.76 KB, 584x652, MistakesWereMade.png)

> "I’ve definitely made mistakes during all of this."
I thought you did nothing wrong tho???
No. 840753
>>it’s not right to let someone burn when it’s just mob mentality and lies. We need to be better than thatGreat advice holly though it would be great if she followed
Im actually surprised she’s not at comic con right now though
No. 840755
>>840674Maybe you can work in the
"Am I going to practice peace, or am I going to practice war?" quote somewhere?
No. 840766
> Holly should be happy she has Jared, that's what she wanted right? Holly has the money to take care of and control Jared until she loses interest in him like Ross.But you see anon, the thrill of the chase is gone, plus this new relationship has been
permanently stained by what he did. She'll never admit it, but she can never wash it out.
No. 840769
File: 1563578284686.png (13.12 KB, 592x168, AbuserHolly.png)

A damn good response
No. 840773
>>840769She'll ignore it. She can't refute or carefully word a response to that without lying.
Also I noticed she posted a vegan cupcake recipe almost immediately after it was pointed out here that she wasn't actually a vegan or vegetarian but just didn't eat birds.
No. 840775
>>840766She also doesn't
have him. They've never stated anywhere that they're dating and it's clear that he's still prowling for pussy (sorry, ~reminiscing about good memories~ with people he had an exclusively sexual relationship with). Her behavior on twitter reeks of a desperate side ho, not a supportive partner in a romantic relationship.
No. 840787
Hell, she could've just claimed ignorance or that she forgot that Jared was having some marriage issues or whatever & she would've been
much more forgivable now.
…But she wanted to play Jesus-nailed-to-the-cross & made like she was 'helping' him by complicating his life further.
No. 840790
>>840778I used to be a Holly fan as well. Unfortunately through this situation she has shown what an ugly person she is. I wouldn't be able to support her again unless she sought out some real therapy, recognized her own wrongdoings in this situation, and apologized to Jared's
victims for sweeping their abuse under the rug. It's absurd to me how she doesn't believe her and Jared had an affair. Affairs don't begin with sex. They carried on an emotional affair at the very least for months behind Heidi's back.
No. 840825
File: 1563585661538.png (106.38 KB, 750x790, IMG_2515.PNG)

Are these WKs seriously going to harassing every youtuber to change their stance on Jared? (Tinfoiling here, or maybe Jared is legally threaten some youtubers to change their stance?)
No. 840836
>>840829Let's be honest here, unless you LITERALLY look like a 10 year old still at 15, there is very little difference between 15-18, especially these days. For example, there's some 16 year olds I've seen with 4 sizes bigger boobs than I have at 25. I've also met people who at more like a 15 year old at 30+ than 15 year olds do.
It's like how American laws dictate there's a HUGE difference between being able to consent at 18 vs not being able to at 17.
(nah bro) No. 840843
>>840836You sound creepy af. Incel or just fucked in the head?
Anyhow, probably an unpopular suggestion but just putting it out there: can we please split the WKs into a separate thread? It makes the actual milk harder to track and just fills the thread with shit. Dan is still literally retarded, Denica is still Holly's buttplug and a bunch of randoms are still having bad takes constantly. It's gotten really stale.
No. 840845
>>840825Jared quite happily threw Ethan's buddy JonTron under the bus when he had controversy. You
really think Ethan is gonna change his tune?
No. 840846
>>840836Your brain doesnt fully develop until you're in your 20s. Not to mention, no matter how 'mature' a minor pretends to be, it's always obvious they're young
>big boobswtf.. since when does big size = AGE?? Fuck off
>>840593>>840674Looks great, anons!!
No. 840848
>>840836This is only true in very rare situations. If you see a normal 13-16 year old, you can see how young they are. Sure, some wear a lot of make up and look older but in general it's pretty easy
But regardless of this, PedoJared opened his (previously all ages) blog to nudes and did nothing to stop minors from submitting. As Anons mentioned before, if he didn't wanna abuse his power for jerk-off material, he coulda started a random porn blog with no name connection. But he didn't
No. 840854
>>840836I was with you for the first couple words, then not so much lmao.
23 now, body is about the same since I was 15. Being overweight adds to it, its aging in itself. However, my face has changed a ton as you'd expect, but I personally can't imagine I'd include my face in with nudes. If i were to find a picture of my body alone, I'm not sure I could place my age on it.
None of this is an excuse for Jared though. Pedo's constantly use the excuse "but they LOOKED like they were legal!!!" which is beyond gross. There are more indicators to someone's age than their titties, or their hips, or whatever. And honestly the fact is, you shouldn't have this kind of relationship with fans, and you shouldn't trade nudes in a space that would likely have underage users (such as a youtuber's fan community) without knowing them quite well beforehand.
Jared has no excuses, he should have known better. He's fucking 30.
(no1curr) No. 840898
>>840674oh anon how we love you!
i think the milk flowed so fast and so hard that the threadmakers couldn't catch up to it well enough lmao
>>840843not sure we should do that. no point feeding the trolls. i agree with the other anons who said we could try giving them less of a limelight here too, instead of documenting every last stupid thing they say.
i don't want to be minimodding but the WKs are too many and too trivial lol
No. 840900
>>840843It's not that much of an unpopular opinion. I hope we can split them up into two different threads cause it was hard to find the milk buried in the shit that Holly's fanatics say.
>>840680Also kek, voting for this one
No. 840932
>>840898I agree about the wks being too many and too trivial. All they do is rephrase Dan and Denica anyways.
I say we don’t split the threads and limit wk discussion to the Terrible Two unless any of the Formula Names get outed as sockpuppets.
No. 840935
>>840932At this point I bet they'd do
anything to take the heat off Holly & Jared.
No. 840942
>>840913>>840940Thread anon here:
NPCs:>Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon:>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth
>Denica >Don’t care enough to post her info. This is all I got…if you want to add, feel free, but I don't keep up with wks.
No. 840946
>>840942do you think there should be an addition of
>BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignoredit's up to you though lol
No. 840951
>>840946I'm torn. The wks bore me, but there's reasonable suspicion that they're getting fattened by Holly with info and slander. I can just do an honorable mention. I'll leave Dan's info because he's in direct contact with Holly and seems like lead knight.
Cupcakedouche I can add a link to her truth blog for curious anons.
No. 840953
>>840949>>840951i like the idea of adding CupcakeValkyrie, i'd forgotten all about his HJH (lmao) Tumblr dedicated to exposing the
troofcan't thank you enough for the compilation work!
No. 840957
>>840951I think it is a lot more than suspicion after the '64 texts!' thing. That is the issue, though. Something like that is milk and interesting. The stream of bad takes and sperging by the usual suspects is the boring bits.
tbh I only suggested a separate thread because I was thinking of other times it has happened - Onion, Moo, JSBS. The extra thread chugs along for a little while then dies off, and the main thread is left better off than it was before. Whatever cuts down on having to see Denica's potato-head works for me.
No. 840961
>>840956>>840959That's another Jessica
Jessica Merizan is Holly's partner-in-crime
Jessica Slater goes by CupcakeValkyrie
No. 840965
NPCs:Dan Pirro from the Honorable House Pigeon
>Dedicated white knight of Jared and Holly’s that created a campaign to prove #heidingthetruth Slater from the Honorable House Pigeon>Holly stan and dedicated “sister” >Runs a clearly objective truth blog on tumblr while putting down Heidi on twitterhttps://jaredhollyheiditruth.tumblr.comParticipation Trophies go to the following for their dedication:
>Denica >BorkScorpion, RainbowTressym, TigerNightmare, UnicornHoodlum and others>May or may not be sockpuppet accounts>Tier 3 WKs, to be mostly ignored>Autism awareness is sometimes being aware of who to avoid No. 840981
Alright anons. I'm going to bed. When I wake up tomorrow, I'll check the thread for new info and post the new one.
If it sucks I'll delete it, but I put entirely too much effort. I want honorable mention too. Maybe I'll feed a pigeon tomorrow.
Also - if you guys spam an image you like I'll use that as the OP image
No. 840996
File: 1563608544329.png (86.31 KB, 895x470, Screenshot_143.png)

Just in case anyone actually bought into Homewrecking Hoelly's "UWU VEGAN PURENESS SUNSHINE AND LIGHT!" bullshit, here's a couple of tweets that she liked today:
I'm really glad that you're all about spreadin positivity and talking your truth, Hoelly. Nope - not a negative thing on your twitter at all, you ignorant bobble-headed bimbo.
No. 841004
>>840995Even if I didn't know who these people were, I would find it cringy as fuck. I can't believe people were fans of this shit.
Can you imagine that Holly actually got horny listening to that cheap telenovela crap? LMAO
No. 841006
File: 1563612207771.jpg (126.61 KB, 871x605, 78.JPG)

No. 841013
>>841008You have to remember that Holly and Jared were pushing the
Heidi is abusive! narrative to isolate her from others. DCA wouldn’t have helped her regardless. They’re too invested in their campaign to care about Heidi.
No. 841014
>>841013I know. I just wish that even one of them had been smart enough to use their critical thinking skills that maybe the two people who are trying to cheat on their spouses aren't exactly the moral authority here and them saying that their ACTUAL legal spouse is
abusive is maybe just a way to justify an affair.
No. 841020
>>841018I wasn't aware of the shitshow between any of them before ProJared was trending on twitter.
Y'all nerds got the world fooled. They're thinking these D&D nerds are over here, being goblins and shit and really, they're fucking anything with a pulse.
No. 841056
>>841008Jared was constantly pushing the "open marriage" narrative even when the facts changed.
But yeah, if you see your coworkers also simultaneously indulging in an affair, it becomes more normalized. They were all in it together in that regard.
No. 841057
File: 1563632858476.png (438.6 KB, 589x502, Screenshot_144.png)

Compared to sharing that bullshit video, yeah, Hoelly - saving bird memes is the smartest decision you've made in recent history
No. 841137
File: 1563645173103.jpg (25.08 KB, 275x206, 1533105959439.jpg)

>>840995Ngl, never watched DCA before and I thought it was more of simply shooting the shit while playing dnd, not this pathetic actually becoming your character cringe fest. I don't know how anyone can stand watching this without immense secondhand embarrassment.
No. 841141
File: 1563645541562.jpg (245.64 KB, 1080x1070, 20190720_185850.jpg)

Fixed this meme for you Holly
No. 841155
>>840995Actually cringe! ………. Jesus, … Jared's overdramatic line delivery and Evelyn laughing while talking. I want to KILL MYSELF.
>>841152Yeah, but this resulted in real life god damn affairs instead of fucking around (not literally) which is dorky and fun. "It's better if you not…" When it's not serious and it's just you playing at being dramatic it's light hearted. When you start having an actual relationship with this acting it puts it into a new level of cringe context.
No. 841165
>>841057"Ugh, That bitch Heidi/Holly is SO typical! She stirs the pot AGAIN, then just goes back to posting cat/bird pics!"
> If both people in a marriage cheated on their past partners before getting with their current one, the marriage has a 95% failure rate.Yep, & the new relationship tends to fail
twice as quickly as the previous one.
No. 841178
>>841174She looks really bad because she keeps replying to the people who accuse Jared and her of cheating and saying it's not true, meanwhile she won't even touch the accusations of her being an
abusive wife or suicide baiting. She can't find a way to twist those things without flat out lying.
No. 841184
File: 1563652832592.png (45.6 KB, 591x455, 9814989).png)

Won't respond to Heidi but still going through the comments looking for people defending her. Typical.
No. 841194
File: 1563653847800.png (91.18 KB, 578x361, 1558411207669.png)

>"I never pretended to be blameless." Heidi wrote that like, two fucking months ago…
No. 841203
File: 1563655720402.jpeg (94.5 KB, 1242x687, F658F277-2974-4A64-B6D4-1E7795…)

So who’s gonna join the discord? Do you guys think it’s “the” discord?
No. 841204
File: 1563655841388.png (63.63 KB, 580x572, takeittocourt.png)

The worst part about the WKs is that I don't know who is in the PJ2 Discord (Where Dan revealed he & other WKs are in direct contact with Holly), because so many of them speak with so much certainty, like they know exactly what's going on, & unlike Dan, we know all of them can't possibly keep their big mouths shut on those matters…
No. 841205
>>841203I bet those legendary "64 texts!" are on display there…
Also who knows what other possibly illegal shit they're doing in there…
No. 841206
>>841204It's not revenge porn if it wasn't sent to anyone. It's not like she expected to see Holly's sad tits on the screen when she went on her husband's phone.
These airheads are so aggravating.
No. 841221
File: 1563657248198.png (17.71 KB, 612x208, shitonHolly.png)

> "…Cuz the vid shits on Holly"I know he's trying to push that it's 'objective enough' but damn Dan, that's not very 'positive'of you…
No. 841224
File: 1563657675152.png (51.17 KB, 612x412, HungrySquirtle.png)

I love when they try to elbow their way into discussions all "Akshully…" only to get snubbed.
Like, no one asked you, dude.
No. 841227
File: 1563657875092.jpeg (58.61 KB, 1668x173, A81A5015-F1A5-4D7A-AD8E-5BCEE0…)

Lmao sure jan