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No. 80680[Reply]

Opinions on Amber the Activist?

>Claimed to be raped when she agreed to get into a guy's shower who she refused advances from more than once because she had no hot water

>Claims every trace of DNA went down the shower drain
>Live blogged her rape minutes after it happened and posted it to Instagram
>Anyone who questions the legitimacy of said rape gets the stick
>Uses her new found internet attention to sell shitty jewelry and post pictures of her pit hair

Link: https://www.instagram.com/ambertheactivist
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No. 81332

I can't stop myself from judging her. Feminazis can say all they want that women are not reponsible, if you've been raped that many time and you're not in a war zone, it's going to be at least a little on you. Either you're displaying that you're weak or you've been putting yourself in dangerous situations knowingly.

No. 81337

No dont blame her she is just mentally ill/weak/black environment doesnt do her good either (thats the warzone tbh)

No. 81339


No. 81806

What the fuck are you talking about…

No. 463520

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She just said right here people didn't get their orders because she no longer has access to her supplier but then she was telling everyone they didn't receive their orders because of the "rape"??? And another thing she lived in California when people placed the orders so how did she lose contact with her supplier when she hadn't moved yet when people placed the orders lmao I know people that confronted her about their orders and she immediately attacked them and blamed it all on her supposed "rape"(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 454756[Reply]

-sighs- This thread is gonna suck ass but here it is…

A 2edgy4u fat fuck from Boston, Massachusetts who once had high-quality “creepy and funny content” on YouTube with multiple series such as Seriously Strange, Why Would You Put That On The Internet (or something), Twisted Tens and Serial Killer Files. Other series came and went due to laziness or boredom but others stayed the same.

Once the adpocalypse came and somewhat affected his channel, Rob started bitching about earning little to no money on his channel in multiple videos. Soon he uploads less and less over time while the “ muh content is demonetized” spiel remains the same in said videos. His last video was uploaded almost a month ago.

Fans soon realize that Rob is becoming greedy as the days go by when the fatass earns more than enough to get back on YouTube but decides to continue begging (comments on his last video) for more shekels.

So before poor wittle Roberto pulls an Onion on his fans (he already has), this thread shall come to life!

It should be noted that Rob quit his job as a private investigator/detective to pursue the jewtube money-pot. From what I’ve read, he makes $110,000 a month from Patreon (yeah), Youtube and merch.


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No. 462850

There is a thread for Youtubers in general, please discuss Rob there.

No. 462879

Rob himself says he is no longer a youtuber and plasters it on his Twitter and Facebook page he just uploads the occasional videos because patreons request it. Would he still be considered a youtuber?

No. 462987

Please let us keep and continue with his thread, he’s a cow in his own right for a long time. Some of us are starting to realize that.

No. 462989

Is Rob even a decent gamer anyway? I just don’t get that vibe from him at all other than ~mysterious creepy goffick boi~

No. 463003

On his zombie horse channel that he used to play on it was just try hard comedy and sarcasm and yelling and stuff with his friend along with reading "shit pastas" so I don't see twitch working out for him since it will no longer be a realm for him and his kiss ass fans but also other users who will end up trolling his chats

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No. 260800[Reply]

This thread is for any YouTubers that do lulzy things but don't have enough milk to warrant an entire thread
PewDiePie - Nazi Drama
Markiplier - Dating young girls
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No. 460214

>intro of him talking about how totally fucked up and freaky this vlog is going to be
>then he's in a car talking about the forest and making some unfunny jokes
>they arrive, fuck around in the in a parking lot with two other fuckboys and a girl
>he yells a lot
>he puts on the toy story alien hat
>shitty drone shot
>they walk into the forest and see the body and he's like "dude, is that a body?? :O"
>a guy appears and says something like "yeah, probably. my classmate in jr. high killed himself too." and logan screams "NO," like a todler
>they go up to the body, film it
>"this just got super real, bro," que sad piano music "guys, suicide is the wrong answer and we're always going to be here 4u ;o; we totally didn't plan to see a body here btw, we just wanted to see da ghosts!"
>they leave the forrest and continue to be obnoxious as fuck (i.e. yelling "there's a dead guy in your forest!!" at the people there to pick up the body)
>more yelling in the parking lot
>they do shots, make some shitty jokes, talk about what an experience that was, and go back to their hotel
he never took that dumb hat off… his jacket (looked like some sort of homemade migos/YRN gay pride thing) was horrible too.

No. 460234

New thread for you guys


No. 675465

sounds like ur just retarded fag whos upset that jontron is 100% right tbh

No. 736048

that whole group of people is just a fucking tumor

No. 736052

tumblerites, dude.
>claims super aware of sexual assault/harassment and tries to be a "support group"

>gets mad and accuses people of being homophobes or whatever when they don't like being sexually harassed

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No. 439990[Reply]

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No. 458377

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No. 458380

wow getting married to a fat, disgusting, sexist weeb. i would cry too

No. 459023

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I love the fact that his dude panicked because things started going south and she was becoming increasingly miserable baring witness to him losing interest in her and liking pictures of other chicks, so he threw her the "fiance" bone to keep her pacified and strung along like the stupid codependent baby she is. He has no intention of marrying her, this is just a "whatever" last ditch effort to keep her tied down because he likes bilking her of her audience.

She's a better debater and vlogger than he could ever hope to be, and he likes bilking her fanbase which is much greater than his own. He's riding hair0nHead into the ground for all she's worth, and when her usefulness has run out he'll move on to some other downgrade slag he can pretend to "manage."

I used to be a fan of her, but that embarrassing 'speech' they gave on-stage had me turn the corner completely. Clutching a script, burying your face in it, and reading aloud like you're an unenthusiastic pupil in class giving a book report.

There is so much more milk to be had here. The downfall will bring many nutrients and lolz.

No. 459026

>She's a better debater and vlogger than he could ever hope to be

shes a better vlogger, but debater? LMFAO
armored thiccboi is better than her at that, give him atleast that

but i agree, he'll never marry her.

No. 459027

>better debater

How though? Her videos are literally just screaming ad hominem at the camera or responding via meme. Her opinions aren't even her own as she just regurgitates things said by other key figures in the skeptic/alt-right community. Digging has shown that prior to this, June never gave a fuck about politics and only on two occasions (when she was working at a department store makeup counter) did she remotely show any interest in being a "homemaker"; One was just wearing a rockabilly dress and the other was a photo of some vintage shit with the caption 'god i wish i lived in the 1950s'.

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No. 452841[Reply]

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No. 455966

I hope someone buys something and posts about how rank it smells. That would be funny.

No. 456150

Pretty sure she will want to cospöay mami now.
Big fan of the show so excited to see this shit feast.
All of the girls are.super cute so she will look ridiculous doing it kek.

No. 456216

Tinfoil but I’d guess to pay for her addiction. If she’s bipolar and taking stims, then she might get manic and impulsive with purchases. That, and alcohol is expensive.

Another reason could be her saving up for another surgery.

No. 458426

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no, no, no, no(seriously)

No. 462934

for what it's worth, the body armor blocks out their usual nametapes, and the walkie-talkie devices block out their other name tapes. The soldier on the right has neither of his pockets visible which is where unit stuff would be, and the one on the left has never deployed or elects not to wear a patch so no info on him either.

It would be relatively difficult to trace this back to the unit if it were offensive, but generally the only stuff that gets you in trouble is something that could be construed as disrespectful (I recall some national guard unit doing poses next to a casket of a fallen soldier that got a lot of this sort of attention) or stolen valor type stuff, which you usually see crop up around big sale dates for vet discounts (though most people wised up and began asking for military ID).

This should probably be fine, might even class under "winning hearts and minds."

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No. 445432[Reply]

previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxz0QVfggik [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy])
>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety
>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos
>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight' (Who broke up with her)
>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'
>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei
>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design
>was basically a two week shopping spree
>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos
>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan
>still lying about making 'enough money to pay rent' (while asking Louise for $$) and about being supportive to her followers
>interviewed by cbc.ca about internet popularity in her basement room
>"would call herself lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick"
>started streaming on younow for money
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No. 455125

New thread for when this one hits post-limit: >>>>>/snow/455122

No. 455126

No. 455132

So I guess she’s using the yellow unit for her room now? Her background is way too busy and cramped, I can’t imagine how dusty it all is.

No. 455272

I hate to contribute to this argument in a dead thread but I'm 20 and still get quite a bit of gifts. Except most of it is just socks, underwear, and candy. A lot of gifts doesn't mean a lot of money was spent. It just looks like a lot. My parents will even wrap toilet paper, and tooth brushes to make it look like more under the tree. Of course this doesn't apply to Jill because she's a spoiled shit.

No. 455350

Pixie got access to this tune when she was working for disney(?) I thought? everyone would ask about it and she couldn't tell em what it was cuz she just got it in the pack of bkgd music for working for them. she no longer works for them tho and idk anything about kelly's job either

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No. 438560[Reply]

(and her boyfriend Jonny Craig, if they last that long)

- 20 year old animal youtuber with 1m subscribers
- is currently dating a 31 year old abuser, rapist, and addict
- has health issues so doesn't have a normal job (EDS, celiac disease, chronic pain, depression and anxiety)
- hoards animals, now has around ~26
- frequently advocates "adopt don't shop" but has spent thousands on exotic and designer pets
- didn't notice for weeks that her fish jumped out of it's tank and it died
- almost killed her axolotl by not feeding or noticing it had a fungus for 6 weeks
- hedgehog died, swore she'd never get another one, got two more anyway
- blames a lot of her pets health issues on where she got them, not her own negligence
- has a service dog, but left her behind when she moved out
- supports bad animal practices
- manhandles animals for "cute" photos and videos

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No. 546878

Did any of you heard about the fiasco about the impulse bought monitor she has?

No. 552181

lol half of the stuff you said is out of context nice try

No. 560879

I must say I never knew any of this drama. However, I have and will have many reptiles and animals once my father and I buy land. However, I will never impulse buy an animal that's the difference between hoarding animals and loving them. Impulse buyers like her are hoarders while people who plan out what kind of animal and have pre-set the tank and pre-buy the supplies are true animals lovers yes they may have a lot of animals but they truly love them. I hate seeing who she handles all her animals is sickens me she manhandles them just for the aesthetic in her photos. I also just found out her and Jonny we're smoking in the same room as her satanic leaf geckos. Satanic's are very sensitive and can die very easily in captivity I don't even want to get started on the monitor situation. Taylor doesn't care or love her animals she just uses them for profit and views if you want to watch a true animal lover I would recommend Emzotic.

No. 575443

I've been reading this thread for a while; it's interesting to see what's happening. I'm very late on this, lol, I know… But yesterday I discovered Taylor's channel and subscribed, because I don't see many female reptile handlers on youtube… Then I started reading the comments on her "Watch my orphaned kitten! Also, some sad news" and realised her boyfriend was a rapist, druggo junkie. I found this thread, and I've already taken 3 hours to read it… lol! But I agree. She accessorises her animals for views and $$$, which is pretty crappy. Also, on her "Feeding my pets!" video, the thumbnail shocked me. On other youtube's "Feeding my pets!" videos, their whole screen is different pictures of their animals, with maybe a tiny picture of them in the middle… With Taylor's, not even a quarter of her screen is of her animals, (tiny pictures, too) and the rest is of her basically looking like she's in the middle of a photoshoot. I've found that most of her other thumbnails are basically the same, too…. I unsubscribed, of course, lol, but I'd love to know if she's still doing drugs? Is she still even with that junkie fuck? I'm so sorry I'm outdated, I don't have a tendency to be quick to find about things like this…..

No. 647948

You hate her, so you wrote all the bad things that you can think of and that's mean you even watch her videos. If you dont likeher why dont you just stop watching??? And if you watch her video, you heard a lot of knowledge there(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 450408[Reply]

(and her boyfriend Jonny Craig, if they last that long)

- 20 year old animal youtuber with 1m subscribers
- is currently dating a 31 year old abuser, rapist, and addict
- has health issues so doesn't have a normal job (EDS, celiac disease, chronic pain, depression and anxiety)
- hoards animals, now has around ~26
- frequently advocates "adopt don't shop" but has spent thousands on exotic and designer pets
- didn't notice for weeks that her fish jumped out of it's tank and it died
- almost killed her axolotl by not feeding or noticing it had a fungus for 6 weeks
- hedgehog died, swore she'd never get another one, got two more anyway
- blames a lot of her pets health issues on where she got them, not her own negligence
- has a service dog, but left her behind when she moved out
- supports bad animal practices
- manhandles animals for "cute" photos and videos

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No. 461205

Is this a weird reference to the Facebook posts where she was bagging on bi girls trying to impress guys???

Also, has anyone recreated a new thread?

No. 461212

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This was incredibly stupid to post. She’s trying to create drama. With less than 5 minutes of searching i found her parents address where THEY STILL LIVE. She straight just doxxed her own parents and brother. What a cunt.

No. 461304

She made a video about the dangers and cons of wild caught fish as pets, but when people call her out on it, "Well I'll only get it wild caught if I can't get it anywhere else".

But she went on a whole rant video demonizing people who don't mind buying wild caught fish, but then half if not majority of her exotic pets are all wild caught.

With everything she stated in that video she made, she made it seem she was totally against it, but it seems she changes her mind when it seems to benefit her and what she wants. Fucking selfish hypocrite.

No. 461326

She says she gets them done

No. 462019

NEW THREAD >>460352

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No. 393335[Reply]

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No. 439955


It's not edited. There are two versions on Ask.fm, the main feed which doesn't show the username under each ask, and then the direct link version which does.

No. 439956


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 439992

new thread, I tried my best: >>439990

No. 440003

Yeah sorry guys, I'm retarded. Should have clarified that was Greg, not June. The thread kind of seemed to have devolved into making fun of both of them, so I thought it was relevant.

No. 1012461

Jesus fucking Christ, you faggots will complain about anything.

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No. 422534[Reply]

Jaquie Blake Beckwith, AKA chronically_jaquie, is one of the general Munchausen's/OTT thread (>>>/snow/387658) Munchie Queens.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chronically_jaquie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helper_dog_harlow
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaX0dQwEUgTafzCZ2yEjUQ

- She has a Patreon for people to pay her to be "sick".
- She appears to have a few genuine illnesses, but overall contradicts herself 99% of the time.
- She has a button tube but shoves crap food into her pie hole most of the day. Claims she cannot tolerate her formula, and has to get a special type, but can eat fried crap.
- She has a service dog (Harlow) who does tasks that she is quite capable of doing (like grabbing a blanket across the room).
- Her service dog does not get worked the way a service dog should.
- She will not respond to messages online (except on her Patreon) because of "safety issues" (though we're pretty sure it's because she wants money to talk to her).
- She will not allow people to send her mail because she is too sick.
- Refers to herself as a "genetic anomaly".
- Claims to have EDS, POTS, narcolepsy, cataplexy, autism, unspecified immune problems, a mutated mitochondria, and too many other things. Surprisingly, Factitious Disorder is not on her list.
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No. 439707

>>The most disturbing thing about her vlog today (12/5) was that she is already scheduling joint injections every 4 weeks just so her pain management "team" can give her a therapeutic dose of ketamine along with the Toradol joint injections. That is the only way her insurance will qualify the ketamine anesthetic. No mention of waiting to see the results of this injection—just schedule the next one–and how does she now which joint to choose? It is highly unethical of the doctor to authorize the higher dose and to randomly inject a joint just so she can qualify for the ketamine.

I agree 100%. It's completely nuts. The first thing I thought when she had her first i.a. injection/ketamine combo was how stupid it is to do two things at the same time because that makes it impossible to evaluate the effect properly. But now it has gone even further. Intraarticular injections are not without risk and they are usually reserved for either incidental use for a specific injury, OR serial injections in a joint for patients who have one, maybe two joints that are damaged by e.g. OA who do not react well to oral meds and who are too young for joint replacement surgery. For patients with pain in multiple joints they should be used VERY sparringly. That is because an ethical doctor would not subject a patient to intraarticular injections every few weeks in multiple joints. If that was an ethical, effective, save and sensible treatment, almost every patient with arthritis, EDS or other joint conditions would have it done.

I could somewhat understand the injections in her neck and maybe her 'worst' hip because she can't take narcotics. But NOT 'whichever joint we choose in four weeks'. That's not practicing medicine. That's the injecting equivalent of a pill mill. She's a paying patient (well, her insurance and/or daddy is), so she gets whatever she wants.

I'm also pretty sure that most, if not ALL other pain specialists would not continue a treatment like ketamine infusion if a patient only experienced relief 'one week for joint pain, three weeks for muscular pain, and four weeks for headache' from it. Also funny how she decided that that's how it works for her after only one infusion, while most of the time ketamine for pain will continue to work for longer with each subsequent treatment. Or at least the firPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 439723

She's never mentioned any other pain medications outside of the toradol she used to take through her feeding tube; only repeating she can't take narcotics.

It's not surprising to me that she's getting the pain meds she wants how she wants them. I live in the Tampa area as well, and the region is I think one of the worst nationally for prescription pain medication abuse. Pain management centers get shut down here all the time for illegal/unethical practices. The drs. don't care, they're in it for that sweet sweet insurance $$.

No. 439749

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Today the magical Harlow "alerted" to a Supar Dangeross 130 heart rate y'all! (I'm sure her bothering Jaquie had nothing to do with the fact that there was food all over the counter and as a dog, she wanted some?)

Soooo many POTS patients would be thrilled to have a hr of 130 after exertion! (Exertion for Jaq being standing up for once.)

No. 439755

We get a shot of her freezer today. The fresh fruit is for Harlows fruit pops because it's on the "Harlow shelf" but in the people shelf there is Ben & Jerrys (Phish Food, I think), frozen chicken breasts (no surprise there), dinosaur chicken nuggets, crinkle fries from Ore Ida, and some peas. It's just wild to me what she eats and how almost nothing she does seems age appropriate.

No. 439931

New thread >>>/snow/439930

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