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No. 107994
>>107992well that was pretty autistic
rocking back and forth on the escalator
No. 107995
>>107992someone who knows japanese pls educate me
why is tokyo written in hiragana instead of kanji
No. 108004
File: 1446372375578.jpg (84.66 KB, 425x450, nofun.jpg)

>>107992I feel like I'm overreacting, but jesus they seem so obnoxious and rude. Why do they need to scream every other fucking sentence?
I can understand you'd be excited going to Disney but fuuuuck, other people are trying to enjoy it too, they shouldn't have to put up with screeching weebs
No. 108015
>>108009Damn Yuka is cringy as fuck now…
She needs to realize she isn't kawaii. And her loli days are gone. She needs to do something with her life. She will end as a third rate singer in akihabara streets wearing cat ears at age 45
No. 108016
File: 1446410063969.png (51.13 KB, 301x413, brokendreamsaidoru.PNG)

>>108015>She will end as a third rate singer in akihabara streets wearing cat ears at age 45you inspired me to do something horrible
No. 108017
>filming random girls on the train(poor girls are embarassed)
>screaming in public>barking at a guy>following a girl she doesn't on the street calling her "onee chan" several times>asking a random guy working if she is cute>singing to a random woman several timewhat the hell is this girl doing, is she still taking drugs? Also oh my gosh she looks so old and sunken in some of these the kawaii spark in her eyes from the loli days is gone.
No. 108018
Welp she posted a new video is so skinny but that's all she got really…Even with makeup caked on her dark circles/eyebags are still there.
Some of these aren't even costumes what the hell, there are regular ""outfits""/streetstyle stuff
I like her hair at the kindergarten thing and when she wears the pinkly ever after dot dress,otherwise…
No. 108023
>>108019she seriously looks ill
shes probably on drugs and thats why shes stick skinny shes skinnier than she was in her loli phase
No. 108024
>>108022No I feels ya. It's why I don't get the whole thigh gap thing anyway, since you often need to have legs so slim to get it and that they look bowed as a result, like Yuka's. That's not attractive.
Worst part is, if she did squats it'd lift and curve her butt out a bit. She's starting to get well past 'naturally slim' to 'cocaine model' which was a thing in the 90s and that might be one of the few things from the 90s that doesn't need a comeback.
No. 108027
File: 1446415239820.png (1.4 MB, 1288x717, yukapee.png)

>>108018I thought this outfit and the last one were pretty cute on her… I like how she's styling her hair lately.
No. 108029
>>108024> She's starting to get well past 'naturally slim' to 'cocaine model'You take the words out of my mouth/keyboard
It's just…not pretty
>>108027HOLY SHIT the skirt is the one she wore during her performance there sad to see what she became… i give it a few years more and if she doesn't get better it'll end up in some Baby Jane shit. What is she doing for a living in Japan anyway? Does she have a sugar daddy?
>>108016Holy shit i can see her actually ending up this way it's depressing. Also taking drugs.
No. 108030
>>108022skinny is pretty when you have curves, like ashe maree or sabrina nellie for example
when you're just straight rectangle down, you look like a 9 year old boy and it aint cute lol
No. 108035
>>108018Her limbs are so rectangular and noodly. Like from straight on, her thighs don't widen from past the knee.
She looks like she's been doing some hard drugs or has been chained up in someones basement for a week, or both.
Is she okay?
No. 108036
>>108029She works in a clothing store of some sort according to this Vine pitch change in her voice from English to Japanese… My god, she doesn't seem to realize she's not in an anime. It's painful to hear.
No. 108038
>>108017I may be wrong, but isn't it normal for younger girls to call another girl onee-chan? Kind of like "miss"?
I mean, it's cringy because she's kinda acting like a loli, but it's not as bad as the others.
No. 108046
>>108003Holyshit, is she 13 years old?w hat a child.
>>108004She definitely wants attention for being a 'kawaii japanese speaking foreigner.'
No. 108048
>>108036It does definitely grate, but to be fair, a LOT of girls in 109 do that fake cutesy voice as
>>108043 said. Whenever I go, they essentially try and loudly out cute each other's greetings to get customers. Or something. I don't know, I personally hate it. It hurts my ears and it sounds just as forced coming out of the Japanese girls…
>>108045There was a video of her going around (waist-up so you don't see anything. It's not at all really depraved, just… weird.) where she sits down on a toilet, pees and looks really embarrassed but giddy about it. That's it. I think it was like a 10 to 15 second clip. If rumors are to be believed, Margo is the one who released them against her.
No. 108049
>>108032Sounds like bs, not to mention she's still in her very early 20s.
I think it's mostly due to her drug use and party lifestyle.
No. 108053
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>>108051>>108052definitely not lmao
No. 108054
File: 1446582231475.jpg (Spoiler Image,111.26 KB, 853x462, guilty of romance 2.jpg)

>>108053the average japanese woman is sorta pear shaped from what i've seen (which is rly cute imho).
No. 108055
>>108053because one photo represents ALL japanese young women
ok so its true, not every japanese girl is stick thin. go to japan, find many very average girls. but honestly, the 109 crowd, the kind yuka wants to be, they are tiny.
No. 108059
>>108055Anon you're making out ALL japanese women are these tiny delicate little ripe peaches.
Majority aren't kawaii, they're average and that's about it.
But there is fatties there, you can't say those don't exist.
No. 108070
>>108069Yeah but adorable looks aren't gonna save her when people research her a bit more
Some of the shitty stuff she did as Yukapon will not be hidden by a cute face and different name.
(Though I seriously don't blame her for using her actual name now. She can't exactly go back to Yukapon)
No. 108071
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>>108018Everything looks so baggy and ill fitted. It's like the clothes are wearing her.
No. 108075
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Idk, she just looks naturally skinny to me.
No. 108076
>>108054Aw. Cute.
>>108069>youngNot with all dem bags under her eyes and her sagging jowls though…
No. 108082
>>108068she might have tourette's or something
but she's probably just naturally annoying
No. 108086
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>>108083"i have made a serious mistake"
ok but in all hoenstly, not all nanpa is guys randomly yelling and handing out fliers to clubs. and not all nanpa is guys cat-calling or something like that. tbh its what american guys wish they could achieve, instead of their gross "hey sexy~ damn babyyy~" they do
No. 108087
>>108086Nanpa can be anything from "So I saw you sitting across the park, can I get your number?" to "Hey babii,wan sum fuc 2nite??" Not sure what the guy was saying to her before hand, but the bit she recorded was saying something like "They've got an all you can drink place blahblahblah" A guy approaching you for drinks or whatever is not exactly harassment.
Barking is so attention seeking though. A simple "Yeah, thanks but no thanks" like a normal grown ass woman would have done the job.
No. 108095
>>107999i disagree. i dont think japan is creepy and i dont get what's creepy about wearing cute outfits?
it's a fashion
No. 108096
>>108059true, but very skinny or hourglass figure is in.
Chubby is NOT considered attractive in japan like it is in america.
and you need to remember most japanese women dont have big tits or big butts so skinny bodies are very loved there (although hourglass are seen as exotic)
they like very skinny like yuka.
No. 108097
>>108079because people will harass her and send her a shit ton of hatemail because of a stupid "pee" video and because of akira.
simple as that
No. 108102
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>>108101Daily reminder that yukapee is dumb feminist nazi that has rape fantasies and stalks her rapists. This was from the last two threads.
Have we forgotten about that?
No. 108106
File: 1447104171003.png (348 KB, 437x425, oh no.png)

>>107991So she has a new video out on a new Japanese trend, "Wide-leg pants", and a friend and I screenshotted this from it.
No. 108110
>>108106Am I the only one who thinks she looks like a 30 year old camwhore here? Or air least a soccer mom?
Then again, whenever I do find her cute, the thread finds her unappealing or ugly, when I actually find her ugly, the thread finds her cute. Lol
No. 108112
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Damn, she's so unoriginal…
>Tsuji Nozomi
>Himeko Sakuragawa
>Shiina Hikari/Pikarin
And now…
No. 108114
>>108100Because you have to be roided up to have a great body.
Some of us actually prefer "scrawny". And a large number of Japanese dudes are ripped and chiseled.
No. 108117
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So yuka is a model in Japan now? Oh God what if she tries to get on that kotakoti level.
No. 108118
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No. 108119
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No. 108122
>>108118wtf is with that wig holy shit
it looks like she dragged it across her carpet for a good 15 minutes before smashing it on her head
No. 108128
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No. 108130
>>108038onee-chan is a term used for an older sister, just like onii-chan is for an older brother.
otouto is little brother and imouto is younger sister.
you get the point
its pretty cringy to go up to someone and start yelling "onee-chan".
No. 108135
>>108130it's not cringe-worthy.
people use onee-chan or onee-san in public. lol
No. 108136
>>108118she looks cute.
i love this makeup.
pale skin + pink cheeks + rosy lips = hnnng
No. 108142
>>108141It kind of is? I've never really heard many people using "onee-chan" to get someone's attention unless they were inviting some chick to their amateur porn shoot or sketchy bar. If she wanted to get this girl's attention she should've said "sumimasen" or something like that.
But let's not forget that she was screaming it at some random person with a camera in her hand like an idiot. It's creepy regardless of word meaning, but she most likely was trying to pretend she was her "long lost sister" or some shit
No. 108143
>>108142I've heard it used but most of the time, it's by younger kids (like grade school young) or when it's in the presence of younger kids by their parents/handlers, but I get what you mean.
And yeah, there are definitely better ways to get the other girl's attention. Yuka was just being a weirdo.
No. 108146
>>108145By crying oniichan and other. Rken japanese on niconico douga and dancing in loli clothing
Its cringey and i feel dirty watching it
No. 108147
>>108146*broken japanese
Damn mobile
No. 108148
>>108145She's not even famous she just put on a disgusting loli pedobait act to please pedos, talked in japanese, made super suggestive bullshit and voilà, she was a net aidoru. But she was a slut and opened her legs to guys and stuff so she lost everything and now tic toc the clock is turning, and she's aging, and she's desperately trying to stay relevant since she can't be a kawaii imouto aidoru. She will probably age badly by trying hard to stay young and loli forever. And probably end up as a third rate "idol" on the streets of akihabara if she's lucky at most. She tried to become a harajewkew model and had a "milky pop" brand for some time but it failed again and now she's working at a clothing store and trying hard to stay relevant by being weird and obnoxious and trying to stay a kawaii loli.
Please wake up Yuka you are aging. it's ridiculous and not healthy to want to be a loli anyway. Get help.
Also on another notes thank god she did something for her caterpillar eyebrows.
No. 108150
The time where she was working with Penus and then with Pinku Project was my fave. Also 2011-2012 was a good time overall with lolcows now they're all dying. Meh.
No. 108151
>>108148This sounds pretty salty lol.
Yuka might be aging awfully but shes modelling for baby the stars shine bright and thats a very popular brand. She's skinny and white and has a relatively cute face (albeit those disgusting eyebags). Magazine editors can photoshop the ugly away and voila, they have a perfectly usable gaijin model. I know you want to see her fail but it doesn't seem like it will happen anytime soon. You'd best accept it anon
No. 108152
>>108151Nah i'm not salty anon, just pointing out the truth.
Yeah she's aging terribly at least in some pics. She was skinny in a cute way and had some softness but now it's bordering on the drug addict skinny type. not kawaii.
>you want to see her failIt's already done whether i want to or not look at all the loli scandal disaster that happened. I must accord her that she fell back on her feet (working at Fig&Viper and modeling for lolita burando) though. But for how long? I wonder if she still do raves and drugs? But anyway we shall see anon dear.
No. 108155
>>108148Are you one of those girls who defend akira?
Yuka was blackmailed by filthy old men. they uploaded some video of her and she lost everything.
Yukapon wasnt that bad. you just sound jealous or mad. She was very popular when she was a net idol and her japanese fans loved her a lot. And people liked her videos lol
>disgusting loli pedobaitShe was into lolicon but idols usually try to look younger and innocent because youth and innocence is valued in japan. why so mad?
No. 108156
>>108149Tons of popular seiyuus and idols use the forever ___ shit so lol
Yukari Tamura is a VERY popular seiyuu and she pretends she's 17 even though she's 39
No. 108159
>>108158Yes, it's 25 hours a week, and a minimum pay in tokyo is 930 yen.
Lets say she works for around 1000 yen per hour, that's still only around 125,000 yen per month. But since apartments in Tokyo cost minimum around 60,000 yen, it doesn't leave her with a lot of spending money unless she has a scholarship, which I doubt.
No. 108161
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>>108155boohoo poor ユカぽん!
She's just a drug addicted mentally disturbed ana whore who loves japanese CP stuff and false raping accuses!
It's everyone else's fault if she tried to milk her loli-look for money!!! Damn sugardaddies!!!
She was suffering so much while taking sexy selfies in loli outfits for tumblr…
Stop being so cruel with her, she's just trying to move on with her life while pandering to pedos like she always did!
No. 108166
>>108162she has been learning Japanese for at least 5 years and i think she is still studying it at school (right, she is on a student visa?)
i actually think she is decent at japanese, better than dakota maybe. she is just a bit annoying
No. 108167
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>>108155not even this anon but…what should we be jealous of anon?
>she WAS very popular>WAS net idol and loved a lotyeah, was. now she is well…nothing? i mean she DOES model for BTSSB but yeah that's it. she is sad, anorexic,obviously mentally disturbed,.. and in fact she was pandering to pedos not just being youthful and cute and it was pretty embarassing to watch sometimes. still less worse than venus. but both of them don't seem to have a bright future anyway.
while akira is a gross pedo she is no innocent angel and is…gross herself to be honest. the whole loli nyan thing and peeing in a cup and all is just plain embarassing and disgusting. i used to like her quite a lot but not at all anymore
No. 108168
>>108161Bruh is she still taking drugs? She really has sunken.
>that selfie in that outfitHer body is perfect but still, please no. I feel second hand embarassment looking at it.
No. 108169
>>108165Anon you're replying to here. Hm, if you don't already you should try meeting up with people on hellotalk. Basically all my chill open minded friends are from there. The average Japanese person does as you say and treats you as a token gaijin and it's shit.
Sage for OT, but it seems crappy living there without meeting anyone cool. I will admit I've met my fair share of bumbling idiots before crossing paths with someone worthwhile though.
No. 108173
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ah i found keeki hime.
natalia mentioned her 'accidentally' in a video.
she goes by saroche on twitter. she is cosplaying a lot in austria and probably trying to get back to japan
No. 108177
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She posed for BTSSB again.
No. 108178
>>108173>she is cosplaying a lot in austria and probably trying to get back to japanJust because somebody cosplays it doesn't mean they want to go to Japan, she can do that whenever she wants as she got an actual job different than Yuka.
It's not like if Japan was some secret place you can only access with an invitation.
No. 108185
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she looks so bad
No. 108189
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>>108185I think the main reason for her looking bad is her cheeks having sunken down to her jaw, it makes her head look like if it was wider at the bottom than the top.
No. 108190
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>>108189And yes, this is her too but the lowress quality makes her face look less bad.
No. 108196
>>108195She looks like a mom that makes videos while her kids are at school to entertaing her bored self.
I was watching some nico namas with keeki and Yuka at her prime just yesterday. Ah, miss those days.
No. 108198
>>108197Anon, think about what you just said.
Hint: Large amounts of vomit are involved
No. 108199
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>>108195>>108197Part of the issue is that she's not doing quite enough to correct the wide angle of the webcam, and it's making her face look wider and nose look pointier. This could also be aided by lighting. Dakota was always immaculate about that shit
Pic related is my favorite yuka era
No. 108201
even in this video
>>108196she looks sooo different than now
though its a little too cutesy, idk she seemed to dress herself better than. and style her hair for her face.
she looks even more ridiculous now than she ever did doing the onee-chan~~~ gig
No. 108204
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Old yukapee from the golden Years
found on a friends fb
No. 108206
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>>108205she was cute back then
No. 108209
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>>108207i think she looks fine. the video themes and her japanese are just dumb tho
No. 108210
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btw her little brother could practically be her twin.
No. 108215
>>108210the weight loss makes her look so old oh god
She looked so much better in her loli phase body-wise and face-wise it was cute,youthful,…she was "skinny" but on the soft side
The loli shtick and retarded loli clothing was just no but it was so much better
No. 108219
>>108210Has she ever admitted to an eating disorder? I'm really naturally twiggy and I don't have those weird concave things around the collarbone and know she should have more chest than that.
>those mom pantswhy
No. 108222
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Oh, she is becoming popular again? Just watch those nudes and videos drop this year as she grows. Going to be funny.
No. 108226
She looks so old. That granny chest,low jawls and that haircut doesn't help. Seriously she needs to gain weight or else she'll age terribly, she's not even "cute" skinny side anymore, she's on the "crack addict" skinny side
>>108223He looks like a titan. She was so cute back then…>>221013
No. 108229
>>108227What that anon said could come true sooner than you think. I want to be around when her nudes drop and see the look on your face. "OMG GUISE SHE WAS STUPID. DONT BLAME HER"
She is legitimately a ana cunt whore. Bitch needs to put on some weight.
No. 108235
>>108233How is she a terrible human being?
Besides the "oh she played with old guys before"
No. 108236
>>108233never met her and I've been following her during her Yukapee days. I love her singing and I doubt she knows editing well enough to be faking it.
I love how anyone who doesnt just wanna see a dumb mistake punished forever needs to gtfo. Also how is she a horrible human? I've been around for years and I've never heard about anything that would make her a 'horrible human' so maybe you should gtfo vendetta-chan.
No. 108240
>>108112whats wrong with himeko and shiina tho
theyre both awesome
No. 108241
>>108146You mean by putting efforts in her videos.
She looked cute, had a decent japanese, her sketches were funny and her songs were good.
she fit the entire aidoru package back then imo
she was an akihabara idol. tons of other aki idol do the oniichan thing. it's not uncommon and i think her loli clothing was cute as fuck
No. 108246
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such model desuu
No. 108247
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No. 108248
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No. 108257
>>108225Akira is hot.
(looks at his unedited pic) ohfuck why isn't anyone ripping on this guy for editing himself to oblivion? why do ppl target only females who edit themselves to that point lol
No. 108260
>>108257um anon i hate to break it to you but
in the few pictures of him that we have, he looks like a serial killer hovering over her
No. 108261
>>108247I think this one looks best out of the three.
The other two I don't fancy the color coord or the fact that they're shirts with huge collars and cuffs. Her hair looks cute kinda wish she had a little more lash.
No. 108265
>>108264tbf Anon it's not like blonde hair belongs to Venus, and Venus isn't even naturally blonde.
I honestly think it suits her.
No. 108266
>>108264 man she looks dreadful
>those browswha the fuck
No. 108273
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No. 108274
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No. 108275
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No. 108276
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No. 108277
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No. 108278
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No. 108281
>>108264Her makeup skills aren't good but they're a little better than Venus'.
For god's sake girl, get some makeup brushes! Even some e.l.f brushes would look more professional than applying eyeshadow your fingers.
No. 108284
>>107991wait who even is she?
how is she relevant?
like what is she
No. 108290
File: 1453415801111.jpg (106.85 KB, 720x919, IMG_20160121_220726.jpg)

I saw pic related on instagram and thought of Yukas imouto years. I'm so glad I didn't know how to buy a randoseru from abroad as a teen
>>108016>>108031So pretty much azunyan in the K-On! doujin "requiem 5 a dream"? If you haven't read those three comics, they're horrible and miserable and
tw non-con scenes, but they did make me think about Yuka and the like.
I'm really glad Yuka is sticking to fashion rather that sexually pandering, I just hope her body is ok at that tiny size. She looks so fragile.
No. 108291
>>108290omg i thought it was her for a second
yea basically a yuka clone
No. 108292
>>108290What do girls like this hope to achieve? It honestly really worries me because I have an ex-friend into stuff like this now.
Cam whores are one thing, but girls who pander with this loli overtones are going to get the creepiest guys on the planet.
No. 108294
>>108293That and if you just can't compete with the 'mature and sexy' sort of girls at that age, it's easy to develop an affinity for the 'loli' kinds of characters and look up to them as an alternative beauty ideal.
I definitely saw myself as a kawaii tsusndere imouto-chan, but I was just a spotty flat chested weeb.
No. 108296
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No. 108297
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No. 108299
>>108084Seems like a strange breed of PUA and dandyism. I guess only Japan is open enough for straight guys to be OK with dressing up.
I'd bang one of those in a heartbeat, I have a huge ladyboner for dandies but they're always gay.
Sage for unrelated post
No. 108306
>>108301its sad when these sparse over-plucked brows are the best she's ever had
recently, they are either caterpillars or 'sad clown'
No. 108313
>>108312It's a shortened version of Ohayou Gozaimasu.
It's colloquial, Japanese youth usually uses it.
No. 108317
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So qt
No. 108318
>>108315Kek of the naivetie
There are drugs in the club scene
But really strict penalty if you get caught especially for foreigners
No. 108326
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No. 108327
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No. 108328
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No. 108329
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No. 108340
>>108336jrcatch gtfo
>>108326She looks pretty good here imo. This is like, standard fashion model body.
No. 108348
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>>108336Real life Boku no Pico.
No. 108356
>>108290What's her name? She's pretty cute.
>>108292I think most girls who are into loli aidoru shit have been abused as a child and are very damaged (cope with ED or other illnesses, are suicidal, etc) so i think they see it as a form of escapism.
at least that's how i see it so i truly feel bad for them
No. 108359
File: 1455717260110.jpg (222.26 KB, 1356x759, youku.jpg)

>>108354On Youku you can find some videos of the loli days, including the (censored) pee video and her "secret" live as Emily Haze "Daddy's little girl". Just type Yukapon or ユカぽん or try out this channel.
No. 108360
File: 1455730866165.jpg (103.96 KB, 960x640, 12376159_1706952329549156_3151…)

SageU got fat another weeb who was a bad impersonation of Yuka
No. 108361
File: 1455730945560.jpg (78.08 KB, 540x960, 12191886_1691953154382407_1139…)

That sage girl is a snow shes some girl who tried really hard to be like yukapon and it failed miserably and she turned into some alien weeaboo skank
No. 108366
>>108363This girl used to be friends with Yuka her name is Sageykinz
No. 108368
>>108367this chick is a bigger snowflake
scrolled thru her page says shes a model and dancer stripper probably ahahahahahahahhaa weeb trash everywhere
No. 108375
Ana chan pls leave.
Her body isnt fat at all but she looks gross and trashy
No. 108378
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>>108375Shes fat and this is also photoshopped
No. 108379
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>>108373all her wannabes have that same shit
like wtf is wrong with these weebs
THIS IS NOT CUTE but I think this girl is challenged so we probably shouldnt be making fun of her
No. 108382
File: 1456237527560.png (Spoiler Image,670.51 KB, 697x481, Capture.PNG)

>>108380I literally just puked up some milk from previous posts after seeing this. Can anyone give me more info on this SAGEU chick? I scrolled through her instagram and can not stop.
No. 108384
>>108383i kekd out loud at work
No. 108385
>>108382spoiler next time please
who the fuck would post this on instagram
dude looks like hes checking himself out and that girls split ends
im so done with attention whores
No. 108386
File: 1456553769265.png (408.78 KB, 500x506, Screenshot 2016-02-27 at 3.14.…)

No. 108397
>>108394You can tell she finally started eating like a normal person. She looks a lot better at this weight, and was getting pretty spoopy back in Japan. She goes back to Tokyo in march, so only time will tell if she decides to crash diet again.
>>108396Anybody know what exactly she's going to do in Japan? She doesn't have a degree and I highly doubt she can enroll in a Japanese uni.Is she just going to keep applying to language school until she becomes a ~super top model~?
No. 108398
>>108397You can only get a student visa for going to a language school for two years maximum. She's already done her two years at a language school.
So if she's going back in March she's making mommy and daddy pay for her to go to college or university or she's found a company willing to sponsor her for an entertainment visa.
That, or she found an old guy to marry.
No. 108399
>>108397> finally started eating like a normal persontbh i think she looks basically the same. she claims omg gained so much weight from the holidays, and shes dieting as much as usual so…
but yea her face is always huge
No. 108400
>>108396meh i dont think you need 20,000 in the bank. i think you need to prove you have sufficient funds to cover the tuition and living arrangements.
language school is wayyy cheaper than university, and even if she were in uni, its WAY cheaper than in america. i'm sure they could prove the income if they've sent her there so many times before
No. 108401
>>108382sage cause it's off topic, but that picture is so gross
it looks like a dad about to give his downs syndrome kid a bath
No. 108402
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No. 108403
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No. 108405
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No. 108406
File: 1456870318948.gif (209.65 KB, 302x102, loll.gif)

No. 108408
File: 1456979254268.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Nice freudian slip
No. 108411
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>>108408what is happening
No. 108413
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>>108411her stepdad used to beat her or smth and cause permanent damage to her leg iirc
No. 108415
>>108413Really?? That's horrible. No one deserves that.
>>108414Sure you're not the only one, but no need to derail the thread with your pointless "Am I the only one??" bullshit.
No. 108416
File: 1457123798195.jpg (54.86 KB, 445x960, 11813309_469088759935295_16520…)

>>108401After doing digging into this Sageykinz girl I think shes the new lolcow. Yuka isnt doing shit anymore and is basically just a normal weeb so all people can do is post old fucking shit about her and all her new shit is cute af to tbh
on the other end of this is what yukapon shit out of her ass during her fame days and this sage bitch is literally like a yuka shit baby in 2016
No. 108418
File: 1457189399608.jpg (Spoiler Image,102.04 KB, 1080x720, FB_IMG_1457031322242.jpg)

Nothing says edgy yet kawaii like you vagina fat hanging out
No. 108423
>>108418OMFG barfs
What is she even doing?
No. 108424
>>108418okay, i'll be the first one to say it.
that's hot.
No. 108426
Chubby pussy is cute af, I'm kind of jealous.
No. 108428
>>108382>>108408>>108416>>108418jesus christ stop trying to derail the thread, make a new post or fuck off.
Half the people here are calling her cute so obviously there's no fucking point in posting her in lolcow. You don't even have any milk you're just posting pictures and saying how ugly she is.
No. 108432
File: 1457349400945.jpg (89.05 KB, 720x1080, FB_IMG_1457349127396.jpg)

Lets get this thread rolling again. I recently saw her at a convention in some lawlzy loli attire that wasn't as cute as the pictures she posted seemed. She lost her cute. Got grossly skinny.
>this pic looks like shes on the toilet wondering when shes going to drink the pee.
No. 108436
>>108435Sorry we don't have extreme daddy issues, drink our pee, catch stds, have an ed, and take pictures with our muff flopping out. Gosh, we are just no fun!
White knights belong on pull.
No. 108442
File: 1457396704797.png (205.22 KB, 415x416, Screenshot 2016-03-08 at 9.24.…)

>>108438Yeah, she seems like a pretty nice person to me. It's just lolzy how she keeps trying to create her own stage name (Natalia Nacchan), make it big on Youtube, doing random modeling gigs, etc. And it just never sticks for her. The girl just wants to be the next Kooter lol
No. 108444
File: 1457401899988.jpg (1.14 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160307_194348.jpg)

Totally went full creeper because I used to really like her and compaired her weightloss right when she got to Japan and weightloss now. She lost weight before Japan but i thought it was just her getting older and losing baby fat but now im actually concerned there might be a real problem. I think her chubby face hides her thinness but with the right picture you can tell she is not ok. Thats not a body of a healthy person.
No. 108450
File: 1457411965233.jpg (1.27 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160307_223644.jpg)

Taking a note from above anon and making my own collage. But a few months ago she was posting all kinds of cringey bone pictures and it was creeping me out. Too spoopy for me.
No. 108457
>>108450Shit she is way too skinny. I'm actually worried for her now. I thought people were just saying that she got too skinny to pick her apart but look at her legs…
If she didn't have such full cheeks she would be on the pro-ana thread.
No. 108461
>>108460Shes still relatively young. She wasn't ever huge so her skin wasnt stretched so i bet it was springy enough to conform to her bones.
She looks like she lost 20+ lbs which is scary when she was already around 100lbs
No. 108467
>>108444Wouldn't surprise me if she's got an eating disorder, girls I know who have gone Japan (small girls) all came back saying they felt too fat and ugly.
Jesus… what does Japan do to you?
No. 108471
File: 1457541207185.jpg (8.09 KB, 259x195, imgres.jpg)

>>108468right. or skinny fat. a nice soft woman.
i mean thats not so bad for tiny japanese women, but on pasty pale big boned foreigners….
No. 108472
>>108467Ok i know Japan has quiiite a skewed view when it comes to skinny/beauty like most societies in general but
your friends sound like they need more self confidence there. I am average weight and height for an european girl (France) and while i saw lots of skinnier girls with cute faces i didnt felt terrible. I would lie to say i never compared myself and felt bad but it was nothing too bad. Maybe because i was complimented a lot (mainly young girls and nice old people. I dont really take shopkeepers compliments seriously they just want your money it seems) and empty or not, these compliments made me kinda happy. I might not be as skinny and small and that's kinda sad thinking about it but i also have my own beauty i guess? Plus,they are build differently bone structure-wise. I went to Morocco a year ago and i was much skinnier than most of the girls i saw. So really anyone shouldnt feel sad or bad ovee it.
>inb4 "blogpost"Sorry about it.
No. 108474
File: 1457561014216.jpg (124.78 KB, 721x482, DSC_0049.jpg)

>>108473Pfft. I don't even know why people rave about them so much, I follow the cute models who's job is to be cute and attractive. But the everyday Japanese, they're just basic normal everyday people.
No. 108475
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No. 108476
File: 1457561129992.jpeg (20.01 KB, 400x288, an-american-model-and-actress-…)

got your mixed
No. 108477
File: 1457561235480.jpg (229.53 KB, 1000x1503, DSC_0049.jpg)

plastics (looks like manaki in a wig)
No. 108478
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No. 108482
>>108404That's actually not true. If she has the JLPT to a certain level and passes the EJU she can go to university in Japan at some point. She could easily be planning that atm.
Language schools are even geared to have courses for people who don't have high school diplomas (usually a 2 year uni prep course) esp those from certain asian countries where their high school diplomas aren't equivalent to Japanese high school diplomas.
I doubt that natalia is gonna be out of Japan too long tbh.. Esp seeing as she is trying to become famous again.
No. 108483
>>108482doesnt EJU test other stuff like science and math?
also on her newest IG she whines about cyberbullies
No. 108484
>>108482She said she is going back this month
>>108483They test all subject iirc. It's a really difficult exam, and I highly doubt Yuka is the type to sit down and study something that isn't moonspeak/something that gets her famous.
No. 108490
>>108487If she wants to go to a beauty school, I hope she's going to attend an American one because in Japan you'll learn how to deal with only one hair type and very limited face and eye shapes. She'd be so fucked at a Japanese school unless she somehow gets sponsored for a work visa over there which is kinda doubtful. Anyway, I don't think she'll do too well. She's horrible at makeup (anyone remember her applying everything with her
fingers like it was face paint?) and the porosity of her hair looks fucked. It probably takes 3x the time to dry her hair with it being that fried.
No. 108493
>>108490>>108492Ermm you sound salty and arrogant. Are you saying that working in beauty isn't a real job? It can be hard to establish yourself in it but if you work hard it can definitely be a real job.
>>108487She's probably doing beauty for the easy visa tbh. I'm guessing it will be equal to a two year associates course so she can get a work visa after. Plus the language and entrance requirements are a lot lower. It won't be intensive either so she can do her modelling and music stuff as a priority.
Sounds like a smart idea to me..
No. 108496
>>108492You have to go to school or get a degree in Cosmetology, You also have to get your license and maintain it. You actually have to be good at your job to make money rather then relying on someone else and it pays well if you're good enough.
Unlike modeling, which I assume you think is a real job.
No. 108499
>>108497We are two different people, dumbass.
And in response to your
>>108496 post, are you even aware of how basic being a cosmetologist is? First of all, it's not a degree, it's a license. And unless you work at chain, it's really hard to make money unless you are amazing at what you do. Being a hair stylist or nail artist is one of the worst paying jobs there is unless you are one of the godly few.
And I never said modeling requires institutionalized education. I said she is successful at it and therefore should keep on it while she is young. I think it's pretty apparent her modelling career would be a lot more successful than becoming a cosmetologist.
No. 108502
>>108501No anon you see
they dont want her to improve. They want to complain about her makeup forever even though it's pretty common for models to take cosmetology classes.
They want to complain about her 'never doing anything with her life' and 'omg her eyebrows r terribul
Welcome to lolcow where no one is allowed to succeed other than Pixy (because she never will)
No. 108504
>>108502>>108503Exactly. Natalia has made a pretty okay come back. She isn't even a lolcow anymore. She's pretty calm, never complains, speaks Japanese and has an okay decent personality. She's isn't trying to be some weeb akiba aidoru anymore.
You guys just want her to be yukapon peepon lolikonbanpeepee urinatiopon ponpeepon yukapee w/e the fuck other stupid names you have for her.
No. 108505
>>108500Even if her and dakota have become besties in the modelling world and "better people". They'll forever be seen as asses in the west due to their past.
why is it every one of these e-fame japan weebs have drama tho?
No. 108506
>>108505Because they're mentally ill dude, how dense are you? These aren't sound, happy people.
How many normal white girls do you know want to move to Japan, marry an Asian guy and make this shit a priority in their lives to the point of ignoring everything else? White women of this kind are a tiny but extremely loud and obnoxious minority.
No. 108507
>>108506Christ I was only saying, don't get your knickers in a twist anon.
Idk…. weebs? :^)
No. 108508
>>108502I knew her when she was in Japan. I found this thread after she went back. And it explains a lot about her history.
TBH, she complains about every damn thing. She's had bad things happen to her here. She's just smart enough to keep that shit offline now, and only uploads things that contribute to her ~perfect life in Japan~. Which she doesn't have.
She's just a spoiled 20-year-old. She can be annoying. But after reading this thread and old threads, if what I gleaned from them is true, she was sexually manipulated by old guys and severely beaten by her dad as a child/teen. If she wants to keep living the dream in Japan, she should go for it. Seems to be the only thing she has going for her.
No. 108509
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>>108508>TBH, she complains about every damn thing. She's had bad things happen to her here. She's just smart enough to keep that shit offline now, and only uploads things that contribute to her ~perfect life in Japan~. Which she doesn't have. You can't just leave us hanging anon, we need details
No. 108510
File: 1457809817063.jpg (315.89 KB, 472x960, 1457809796760.jpg)

This girl LITERALLY is old Yuka. Pee play time
No. 108516
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No. 108518
File: 1457851010969.jpg (310.64 KB, 960x960, 1457850938613.jpg)

>>108515This cow needs a thread. Apparently she's also a white girl rapper with a mix tape
No. 108519
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"When your squad on point af"
No. 108520
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>>108516Who tf gets a tattoo like this. This is just bad art and so autistic
No. 108523
>>108521For real. Yeah this girl is a bit cringy but Yukapee is trying so hard to derail this thread its stupid. She most really hate her.
Nonone knows who this other girl is and is so not on topic.
Fuck off
No. 108533
>>108532No she really doesn't. She only had a couple hundred instagram followers and a dried up Facebook page.
This is obviously someone Yuka hates andand is trying to take the attention off herself.
No. 108536
File: 1457896177904.png (2.37 MB, 1440x2253, Screenshot_2016-03-13-14-05-26…)

Cyberbullying is only fun when its me doing it guys cries herpes tears
No. 108543
>>108539you really think having an abusive parent would somehow "save anyone the trouble" if anything the worse lolcows are here are the one that are abused.
>>108540I don't have any desire to, because I don't have a personal vendetta
No. 108550
File: 1457956907184.png (2.85 MB, 1440x1929, Screenshot_2016-03-14-06-39-25…)

Jesus christ! Have you seen the manly beast Yuka is bffs with now days? I guess shes another Yuka wana be. Idk why girls aspire to be like her when shes such trash.
I wish lolcows would stop pretending they have amazing lives so dumb bitches would stop blindly following them.
No. 108551
>>108550Yukas been hanging out with this girl for a while now. Apparently she is quite old. 35 or something. Not kidding. Even old ladies are worshipping this girl. I don't get it.
Why do you think cows have so many followers when they are obviously not good people? I've never understood. Thoughts?
No. 108557
File: 1457979504320.jpg (67.09 KB, 236x313, 1457979420401.jpg)

>>108556Melanie Martinez is super age play but it's like a joke. All her songs have kid titles like tag you're it
No. 108558
File: 1457980121935.jpg (324.92 KB, 1198x1564, babygirl.jpg)

This whole ~*~daddy's little girl~*~* ageplay thing is so wrong. I feel like the girls into it are getting younger and younger. tumblr is full of them.
No. 108559
>>108558It is actually a popular subculture | fetish and seriously if nobody is hurting anyone else people can do whatever they want as adults. Marketing to young girls is wrong tbh but Yukas an adult now and not even a lolcow
I only come here to see if theres real milk but there never is just jealous die hard haters who post pictures where she looks mostly cute imo
No. 108560
>>108559 >>108559
"if nobody is hurting anyone else people can do whatever they want as adults." Tired of this dumb comment. If you can see in this photo.
>>108558The girl has a sever mental illness. She's hurting herself and in danger of men who take this ROLE play to serious. It is dangerous and stupid.
No. 108561
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>>108559i kind of agree only because people just post her pictures but nobody has had anything to say about her for years and its just rumors probably started by girls that are honestly just mad that they cant live in japan and do all the things she does. people should just let it go already but im just as bad because i come here waiting for some real drama to happen
>>108519sage for off topic but that girl people were posting earlier is named sage which is kind of awesome but i did look up her profile and this modeling company named NerdGirlsInc and I think they like cater to autistic or mentally challenged people so maybe lighten up. There is even a guy in the "company"
No. 108574
File: 1457981842609.png (186.09 KB, 393x329, image.png)

>>108558It looks like everyone who follows yuka ends up with this age play fetish. I looked at this sage girls tumblr and she has tons of posts related to it too. Also posting giveaways for dildos like her tumblr is so gross I can't stop
No. 108576
>>108565anyone who has been coming here for years knows that if you say anything about yuka not being yukapee anymore or that she isnt a lolcow you are automatically yuka posting
all people do here is post photos of her and when the thread dies the same girls post all her old photos that are from years ago
if there isnt any new milk then whats the point…..either post some new milk or find some….there has got to be some real milk on her but no one knows so obviously this is pointless now shes just getting what she wants which is more attention proving people are obsessed with her so she can still get sympathy from her friends and look like a victim
No. 108579
>>108574Jfc stop trying to make this bitch a thing. No one cares.
This is a yuka thread. Fuck off
No. 108591
File: 1457988259912.jpg (56.53 KB, 873x600, ageplay-trash.jpg)

She tagged this shit with lolita. I'm not a lolita, but isn't lolita not ageplay stuff?
No. 108600
>>108589well we will know soon enough.
after the korea trip, if we dont see any selfies for a few weeks, we'll know whats up
No. 108601
>>108600Im sure she has some stored up. If she were smart she would.
But i support it. I think it might elevate her in japans fashion ranks.
No. 108603
>>108561>started by girls that are honestly just mad that they cant live in japan and do all the things she does.This is like 90% of lolcow these days.
It's why the site is so shit. It's not people making fun of weebs anymore, just being passive aggressive and bitchy because they can't be the top weeb in Japan prostituing herself out to handsome j-dudes like that guy with wacky hair Yuka dated.
No. 108604
File: 1457992795923.png (451.92 KB, 855x566, Screenshot 2016-03-15 at 6.58.…)

>>108561>started by girls that are honestly just mad that they cant live in japan and do all the things she does.Does she even really do anything though? She managed to win one modeling competition because she was the token white girl, and only won a small photoshoot. And she sometimes does BTSSB, but it's not like she gets booked a lot or anything.
She just like to pretend she is famous, which is why she has that stupid "Natalia Natchan" stage name that she promotes herself as, as if people really cared.
No. 108608
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No. 108613
File: 1457998850295.jpg (28.62 KB, 456x305, GabrielByrne_TMN.jpg)

>>108610>Older men are hot.Nice troll. People mean pic related when they say older men are hot, not literal Japanese manchildren who dress like they're 15 year olds and have blue hair.
No. 108618
>>108616There were tons of pictures like a year or so ago on 4chan and pretty ugly little liars. Just because you didn't see them doesn't mean they aren't out there. If you want proof, hunt them down. And there are even pictures from last week of Yuka at raves she posted herself all over her social media.
Its not speculation when it had been proven time and again.
No. 108621
>>108620not the same anon but there's not a scale of disturbing. what you describe is disturbing, even horrifying. we can always find something worse but it doesn't make it any less horrifying.
ageplay is something I personally find disturbing as well but my perspective is coloured by my life experiences. I personally think ageplay is a toxic game to get into.
No. 108623
File: 1458218669294.png (761.73 KB, 1255x772, 1403900525611.png)

Can admin remove this image it was an accident I mis clicked. This was the image.
Stupid it was right next to this.(are you kidding me)
No. 108624
>>108623>>108622honestly the right looks like cigarette burns or some shit.
hers look like mosquito bites
No. 108627
>>108623Those marks look a lot like they could be just about anything to me. What are you trying to prove? That she had red marks on her arm at some point.
If it was really something to be ashamed of I can promise you she would not have had her arms out on cam.
No. 108629
File: 1458248078384.jpg (22.78 KB, 375x500, wpid-20130125_152843.jpg)

>>108623Trackmarks aren't bright red/pink like that. They're usually purple/black and the ones that are red are only red in the center (pic related)
That looks like a rash or something, I don't it's anything.
No. 108630
>>108623>>108622Fyi you seem like youve never done drugs.
Intravenous is the last resort, reserved only for the hardcore heroin fiends. I can assure you yuka wasnt injecting.
No. 108632
>>108631>>108623>>108622Jesus, can someone get PULL out of here. You guys are reaching so hard.
This whole thread is shit, it should be in /snow/
No. 109558
File: 1458731602420.jpg (116.49 KB, 962x537, preasekillme.jpg)

I think this Korea vlog is the first time I've seen her subtitle something. is she just lazy? the youtube subtitles are hilarious though.
No. 110840
File: 1458985180553.png (322.72 KB, 516x576, Screenshot 2016-03-26 at 6.34.…)

anachan does mukbang
No. 111152
>>110840I see a salad and a giant water
No. 111334
>>110840That room is so childish looking. It really bothers me.
And that's way too little food for a proper mukbang
No. 111368
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nice fried hair
No. 112545
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No. 113177
>>113169keeki goes on a japan trip once a year i think. she works for her own money. she is working at a hotel, thinking somehow she will increase her rank and be transferred to the japan branch office. she is also doing some kind of patreon thing and cosplay.
meh at least she has goals, even if they are skewed.
No. 119928
File: 1460729805554.png (339.28 KB, 654x377, cake.png)

dat caking tho
No. 120994
>>120904lmfao this is fucking great
plz make more anon
No. 121432
File: 1460945938789.png (906.23 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Is this goblin Gaya?
No. 132370
>>132324i think she is trying to fade out of everything for a bit
she dyed her hair and stopped being so ana
her face got mad chubby but otherwise nothing exciting
No. 132399
File: 1463683254068.png (295.34 KB, 575x581, Screenshot 2016-05-20 at 3.31.…)

she livin dat club lyfe
No. 132425
File: 1463685344309.png (422.75 KB, 590x587, nothelping.png)

No. 132504
>>132501Are you even following whats going on here
Shes going to vantan
No. 206213
>>206206Wow. That was totally obnoxious.
What a pair of overrated weebs.
Unpopular opinion but I can't stand Aminyan.
No. 206214
>>206213Agreed, I don't get the whole "lul nice try Himeka" if you don't have anything good to say about her.
What a bad picture to use too.
No. 206223
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No. 206256
>>206223why do they look like failing repressed scene kids?
its not 2006 anymore
No. 206392
>>206217Amina's Facebook stream was obviously a joke. Are you autistic
they've been friends for years and ami has been in her videos before. you guys are retards. I also thought talking about ami was banned on here due to no milk.
No. 206673
>>206392Chill ami, I wasn't criticizing your vid, I thought it was hilarious. Keep being your messy af self
>they've been friends for years and ami has been in her videos beforeexcuse me for not stalking you or your friends as hard as you'd like
No. 207059
>>206223In the video, Natalia "becomes" an Idol…
Is she trying to pretend the whole Yukapon thing never happened?!
No. 489654
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Sometimes I watch her Youtube videos and wonder if her creepy pedo ex boyfriend/manager still keeps tabs on her lol