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No. 492964
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No. 492965
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>I don't care pussy is pussy
No. 492967
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No. 492985
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No. 493000
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No. 493001
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No. 493003
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No. 493004
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No. 493005
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No. 493007
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No. 493009
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No. 493017
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Glad we have one here. Like I said in the gender critical thread, the kiwi thread got locked immediately.
No. 493019
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No. 493024
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He had a meltdown on twitter yesterday, his manipulation, lies, and victim complex are intense. (1/5)
No. 493026
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No. 493042
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>>493038>sheDon't even start with that. I don't believe in that "true trans" bullshit, but even if you do, Andi is clearly not one. He is nothing but a disgusting man with a sissification fetish. Don't pander to this rapist's fetish.
No. 493068
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>>493063This guy is for sure an autogynephile
No. 493100
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An interview from March 2014.
>It’s difficult to pinpoint when I started transitioning. I’ve only started dressing 24/7 a week after I lost my job in the beginning of September. That’s when things started snowballing for me. But I’ve been on hormones for 19 months now. And I’ve been femme long before that. No. 493104
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>>493100The accusations of assault against teen girls makes the caption of this photo all the more chilling.
No. 493145
>>492967Disgusting. Last I heard, NiteFlirt didn't allow the PUBLIC PROFILES to have pictures of things like uncensored genitals (balls should fall into this category wtf) as well as stuff like nipples. But people still do it. They should be reported though if that is still in their policy.
(And by they I mean people who do that, I'm not dignifying this scumbag man with a gender-neutral pronoun)
No. 493158
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No. 493213
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Fact of the day: white MTTs are a lot less likely to be murdered, raped, or assaulted than white women, but don't tell Andi that or he'll chimp out again.
No. 493226
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Archive of his of a bunch of posts from his blog and some sexual assault allegations from as far back as 2011: No. 493240
>>4932206’ 1”
And they’re crying on twitter that it was the girls who intimidated and sexually assaulted him, not the other way around…Glad to see everyone dogpiling this sicko.
No. 493340
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Nvm guys he's cool, he's too much of a bottom to rape! Clearly just a bunch of transphobic propaganda from the Terves™
Ah, I love it when men blame women for all their problems. No. 493370
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"Age is just a fucking number"
No. 493373
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>>493370Yes, because young girls/boys being pressured into sex by older people preying upon them isn't real rape.
Saging for double post
No. 493378
>>493368but anon, that's like half of the trans community. andi is far from the first trans activist to be outed as a rapist.
how about we separate the trans community from the lgb community, because it's full of sick fucks with agp/aap.
No. 493428
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No. 493593
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This just reads as, "Those dang dirty dykes won't touch my girldick!!! They're all transphobes and TERFs!"
Some info I got through his deviantart account-
He apparently was an admin for some forum called van buren skits: an AIM with the user name "chronosofankoku" so there might be other accounts of his with this name or ones similar to it.
Use to have a website, but nothing is really there on the wayback machine:*/ also has some bad poetry and literature on his deviantart if anyone wants a good laugh.
No. 493701
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>>493378lmao half is conservative tbh
but youre so right. look at cherno biko. he raped a 'transman' and they still fucking stan his ass and had him speak on behalf of women at the DC women's march. AS A RAPIST.
this shit is a free pass for LITERAL murderers that specifically targeted and raped female hookers, or just females in general ('donna perry', 'synthia china blast', etc). male rapist and murderer feefees come before the integrity of females and incarcerated female safety to these whackjobs
No. 493703
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so surprisingly potental rapist riley has deleted his tweet supporting andi in favour of this one, i imagine hoping people woud forget how scummy he is and deflect rightfu hate thrown his way.
This dogpiling of Rose is disgusting, it seems like they are trying to change tactic because they know people are seeing this for what they really are, narcissists defending a pedo.
on an OT note if any farmer could tell me where andi got that stag pendant from, been searching the net but cant find it, would really appreciate it thanks!
No. 493706
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>>493701I remember Eli Elrick and one other TIM also raped FTMs. Funny how these men like to deny sex based oppression while they continue to rape females. Allison Woolbert, Ruby Markwell, Ben Hopkins, and countless others… No wonder they all hate "TERFs," the women who depose male violence the most.
No. 493708
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>>493706*detest, not depose fuck
No. 493715
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>>493706ofc they hate radfems and 'terfs', they're the only ones with any sense who won't flour their balls and praise them while these skirt-donning dudes assault females
No. 493742
>>493711TY for replying but thats the first place i looked, they dont have that one on there
>>493715Yeah I noticed now andi has been outed they are changing tactics and screaming white feminism on twitter but as someone said up thread this is gonna be a peak trans moment for a lot of people, im sad that rose had to endure that but i hope it will end in this creep getting locked up.
No. 493991
"Why do I get down voted so much???"
"Because you sound whiny"
"IT'S CAUSE IM FUCKING AFRAID!!!"*some guy says something at a bar that might be rude
"I was attacked by the Irish!!!" other threads where he shills his shitty callout twitter. ironic he's the one getting called out now."You're the hottest Native American ever/the only hot Native American I've ever seen. Holy fuck, marry me. And all I want to see is your presumably beautiful face. <3"
(can't get this computer to screenshot it)'s a lot of bitching and acting above others on his reddit, as you can see.
No. 494030
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Why is he convinced that TERFs and alt-righters are the only ones calling him out or "trolling" him? Does he not think anyone else is against rape?
No. 494042
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>>494033He's just denying everything and making himself out to be the victim. I can't believe people are falling for this, there are allegations against him going back over half a decade. Not to mention the cp, scat porn, irl beastiality, and rape porn on his tumblr smh.
No. 494068
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>>494056I guess fucking so…
>>494055So they think 13 a thirteen year old girl is a woman? Love the implications behind that btw, "pedophilia is fucked up, but it's not that bad if you rape a woman."
No. 494168
>>494092It's super illogical to side with someone
just because they're trans, when in this instance he's a rreeaaally bad example of a trans person. Blindly supporting someone who is
making you look bad is quite the own-goal.
No. 494210
>>494107that whole thing with McGowan seemed really weird, not surprised this asshole turned out to be so exceptional.
>>494112this is some really odd rambling tbqh
No. 494249
>>494210it's not odd rambling. if you can't see that the concept of 'ladybrain' and the sexist tropes (that are also usually sexualized) they try to advance aren't just rehashed 19th century neurosexism, you're oblivious. this case isn't actually exceptional, bc as other anons have pointed out, there are actually countless trans offenders that are considered 'activists' and legitimately propped up by LGBT orgs and lefty + liberal orgs. it's no shock that men that engage in this kind of blatant chauvinism, that also get demand that females accommodate their fantastical 'real woman' nonsense, also target females.
is it also somehow exceptional when chauvinist incels are violent toward women despite making their misogyny known? there are plenty of others like andi.
No. 494409
>>494210>>494253It's really fucking obvious you're here from Kiwifarms (using words like exceptional and troons) and because I know this post was linked there. Why don't you just stay over there instead of coming over here to insult the posts?
>>494348>>494267>>494249Don't waste your time replying to this person, every thing you're saying is just going to go over their head.
No. 494537
Here's a tumblr post made by an FTM he suicide baited. It has more links and stuff:'s part of her post adressing the idiots who doubt Dier actually did anything:
"Addressing Common Statements:
1. “This is all so convenient. Of course after she draws attention while calling out a survivor people accuse her of being a predator.”
These allegations actually go back all the way to as far as 2010. They have largely been ignored. I myself attempted to call her out at one point and it got almost no attention. [Link]
2. “Andi’s a victim herself. She wouldn’t do that.”
It’s pretty much common knowledge many abusers and rapists themselves were abused.Even more interesting, some will use this to their advantage to gain sympathy and try to avoid taking responsibility. Right now she’s using emotional manipulation and suggesting it’s a terf smear campaign to get people to ignore the evidence entirely, not even validate it, and get people to believe her. Andi is an abuser, she knows what she’s doing.
3. The proof is only on TERF websites. This is a TERF smear campaign.
This is not a smear campaign. Again, these accusations go way back. They’re done by several, unconnected women who do not seem to have any history with radical feminism or overt transphobia, and there’s plenty of trans people calling her out and sharing this evidence they gathered on their own as well. You not seeing it prior and Radfems taking part does not make this not true.
This is about the community holding her accountable. There’s more than enough evidence to show she’s an abuser, she s attracted to minors, she does not find it immoral to have sex with minors, and she has unsupervised contact with minors. Even if we can’t prove sexual assault, we have more than enough reason to call her out for being an abuser and pedophile who’s putting others at risk.
Please don’t fall for her bullshit. Hold her accountable."
is lc a "terf" website now?? uwu
No. 494568
>>494537The accusations of assaults date back to 2010.
Andi didn't start hormones until mid-2012 and didn't start presenting until September 2013
No. 494595
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andi’s myspace vimeo. many of the people defending him seem insane and/or willfully ignorant. Especially the guy at the bottom of the pic. There’s all this evidence of Andi’s behavior and yet they put their head in the sand just because they don’t like who found the proof. He could even search twitter and see all the victims of Andi’s, which includes transgendered individuals, calling him out for abuse. Those sites could say the Earth is round and he’ll say it’s flat because there is no way these sites could ever have anything factually right on them.
No. 494696
>>494568I'm finding it a bit hard to see your point. Do you mean that it doesn't matter because Andi was still presenting as male?
If I start binding my chest and wearing baggy clothes, do I get absolved of all my sins?
This is the same person. Whether he has breasts or not does not matter in the slightest when it comes to past transgressions.
No. 494705
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>>494698it's far worse than that anon, misgendering a rapist means you're just as bad as him!
No. 494750
>>494696No point, just presenting the timeline with information from both posts.
The timeline shows that any attempts to excuse his behavior based on his transition status will not hold.
No. 494754
>>493706HOLY SHIT. I knew Eli Erlick. She gave me the creeps and really tried to encourage me with my disordered eating? She would tell me I was too fat and to eat 500 cals a day and complain if she ate too much. I also struggled with self harm and she told me people only did that for attention. She would like try to make me watch like shock-horror films (ok not a big deal but I was a couple years younger than her.) I was closer friends with a FTM she dated. She invited me to have sex with them when they were 18 and I was underage. He was kind of creepy to me too. Any other info on this?
This is some real deep trauma shit sorry. Saged for being a bit too much.
No. 494771
>>494055so he's a violent autogynephiliac fetishist pedophile with a long list of child victims who doesn't think statutory rape is a thing, and actual real women are stanning him? and all because wearing his sisters clothing gave him a boner when he was young?
wew lad
if believing his many, many victims makes me a terf and a bigot, so be it. this repulsive degenerate is not welcome to claim my sex. BTFO, pedo scum.
No. 494772
>>494754So sorry that happened to you anon, he was outed as a manipulative creep and a rapist a while ago.
>Any other info on this? Do you mean the SA? Here are a few posts on that if so: can probably find more by just searching his name on tumblr. I think he confessed to all of it, I could look for that post later if you want.
No. 494994
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hes into scat and beastiality as well
No. 495544
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>>494595He dressed up in his friend's bikini at a party and one thing just led to another.
From his Myspace page.
No. 496064
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More proof of his birthdate. From his DeviantArt.
No. 496893
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No. 497176
>>496995Probably because it sounds like the same kind of excuse other pedos use to defend themselves. They try and deflect by saying that it's everyone else that is wrong and closed minded in order to defend their disgusting behavior towards young children.
He said that when he was 19 or 20 y/o, too (thinking 20 because of that 2 yr age difference comment).
No. 497364
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Of course he would downvote a story where a pedo got caught.
No. 497691
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>>496172 is no fucking way this Polargirl account is not Andi. The account was made recently, only commented on the Rose article, is saying that it can’t be real unless they publish the accusers names, and the only people this account replied to were 2 other comments saying Dier is a piece of shit. No. 497913
>>497691The writing style seems exactly like his as well, especially the second comment
good spot
No. 498395

other youtube channel of his deviant art favorites. Kinda creepy when you know he has a scat fetish. newgrounds account
https://korgone.newgrounds.comhe made an urban dictionary definition for his username't access his profile, but I believe all the posts he made on his profile for this site are all in this one thread. He states he failed 7th grade english. site linked in that thread, but you have to be a member to see most of the site’s features, like the forums and arcade, and member’s profiles game intro is embedded. I can’t find the game anywhere unfortunately. It’s apparently made in rpg maker xp and called “korgone rpg,” with a main character called wolf slayer from what I've found.
No. 498424
>>498395Sorry for double posting, missed a few things concerning that one forum.
Some other posts came back to that forum to tell everyone he’s a girl now. Apparently was a mod there at one point. No. 498532
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>MFW reading this thread and having no fucking idea whats going on
>thinking a lesbian girl assaulted pre teens
>slowly realizing that person is transgender and assaulted them pre-trans
>and even telling trans people to die
No. 498588
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Funny, I literally just in the past few minutes read this thread and got caught up on it and then went back to pinterest and was greeted with this.
As sick as this guy makes Me, the fact there are people, multiple people, vehemently backing him up, depresses me