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No. 487756
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>482844Facebook: Twitter: & Snapchat: mariahmallad
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>”body positive”, but photoshops her body. Resorted to getting liposuction to keep some semblance of figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >so laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon>Spends chunks of her Patreon income on food, drugs, alcohol, etc. rather than on actual cosplay>pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the sameRecent Events
>Anons and the internet a like rush to MyOppa's aid.>Anons' Twitter post exposing Moo still making it's rounds:>Tenderbroembrace and DGNphotography decide to enter, claiming ~muh cosplay and shitty photography~ was not to be used as fuel in burning this pig of a human. No1curr>Mariah goes to ALA and horrors are exposed as she wears her Roadho[g]. Anon at registration booth apparently overheard Moo asking the registration staff if she can get a free professional badge for being the literal obviously best Mei you can ever buy with US dollars.>Mei coat and Roadho bra hold onto dear life as Mariah's bingo arms and shoulder fat try to free themselves from their hidden slumber. >Moofag posts upclose shot of her amazing charms and they're already peeling. No. 487764
>>482863>>482890As per Admin's recent decisions, please keep using sage in your posts (as warranted) until further notice. Discuss any complaints in /meta/ here
Be as constructive as you'd like. It's confusing for everyone.
(mini-modding) No. 487770
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No. 487897
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No. 487932
>>487897She’s got the eyes of someone who’s been to war and back. Does she still smoke cigarettes? Or maybe she quit and gained the quitter’s 15.
God she looks like death regurgitated.
No. 487934
>>487932I mean you know it's the quitter's 50 with her
but she def still vapes and smokes weed at least, not sure if she adds regular cigs to that or not
No. 487956
>>487881I think she's taking roadhog to Katsu and likely a Mei so that's why she's not doing shit right now.
And I swear she would have been better off not cosplaying Sunday of ALA but she's trying to get any bit of attention she can. She can't possibly walk around and not be noticed (even though that's pretty much what happened, making her look more pathetic in the process)
No. 488083
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So…they didn’t come with a chain?? Wasn’t she selling these as “keychains”….?
No. 488104
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No. 488105
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No. 488106
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No. 488200
>>488013What are you talking about? Anon’s post makes perfect sense to me.
tl;dr the wind was bad
No. 488252
>>488205That's what she does. She's nice to people in small interactions like at cons because she has to keep up appearances. But as we have seen time and time again, when people interact with her for a longer amount of time, they realize how toxic she is. Take Thornechan for example. She was riding Mariah's clit very hard for a long time until Mariah started copying her and treated her badly. Even look at BunnyAyu and SSS. Both of them used to be buddy buddy with Mariah on social media and suddenly both of them unfollowed her. BunnyAyu even retweeted the tweet going around. Best part is SSS hasn't even come out to deny that Mariah stole her catchphrase!!!
What I'm trying to say is she probably has a way of suckering people in with her "niceness" in the beginning, but eventually she shows her true colors.
No. 488278
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@ohnips just retweeted this after she made concept arts that momo cosplayed in the past and they were all buddy buddy.
No. 488292
>>488289*Not wanting her to get
No. 488338
>>488200sorry, i meant to reply to
>>487956. my b.
No. 488388
File: 1517426873614.png (121.45 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180131-132600.png)

Do you think moo's dress costed more because she rushed her?
No. 488410
>>488311I remember the relatively recent drama where Liui accused Reika of being a bully. Many notable cosplayers that are friends with Reika spoke out against Liui. There's no such support for Moo, some that were friends with her before even did the opposite and retweeted the callout. You reap what you sow Mariah.
>>488392If you want to do something just do it, don't ask an anonymous board for approval, you're basically cowtipping. No one can control your actions but the farmhands are anal about shit like this.
No. 488445
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gamergirlmomokun is going to be on some gaming podcast talking about all the gaming she does
No. 488454
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>>488445what hot gaming topics will momo talk about? how fate was hentai? how she loves to punch in dbfz??? her pro overwatch picks?
No. 488460
>>488454>>488445oh wow
I can't wait to hear this
why would she agree to this? lmao
No. 488498
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She has no right to speak about this subject. She doesn't represent us plus sized people. Someone needs to call her out on the show about her lipo. I wonder what the other girl would feel about Mooriah getting lipo.
No. 488510
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No. 488514
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No. 488517
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>>488026Found her smoking cigs at Fanime last year
No. 488531
File: 1517433022652.jpeg (Spoiler Image,141.7 KB, 893x820, 16F4B7E7-1C15-4DFB-AE20-A7C007…)

This is legit on pornhub as an ad.
No. 488535
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>>488498This is how she really feels about plus size people.
She can keep saying "that was me when I was young and immature lol" but with her current actions it's obvious she's only embracing her plus size identity because she needs to feel validated and too lazy to stick to a diet/work out.
No. 488584
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She finally added the artist credit
No. 488589
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Everyone else has a high def camera and is looking at the screen in the eyes and our favorite cow is just staring off into space in 4fps
No. 488597
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Momokun staring off into nothing of course
No. 488601
>>488597She only has to keep appearances up for this from the waist up, you’re telling me she couldn’t slap on
anythjng better than a stretched out neck wolverine T-shirt? The woman in the middle seems like she’s sitting on a bed but at least she put on a blazer and lipstick
No. 488618
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No. 488626
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Even the channels twitter with screenshots have her looking off to the side ughhhhh
No. 488659
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No. 488747
>>488659haha what. she has no reason to be confident since the lipo literally made her into a character and now her entire body is just fucked
also lets not forget that according to her lipo actually made her fatter!
No. 488755
>>488747The thing about lipo is that it eliminates cells on a certain part of the body while other body parts gain fat cells and expand as usual with weight gain.
Moo feels lipo made her fatter because the truth is she never lost weight. It's like cutting off pieces of putty on a sculpture while someone else is going around and adding putty to other parts.
If she wants a permanent weight loss alternative then she should just get bariatric surgery. It would be cheaper than lipo.
No. 488820
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No. 488824
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still liking nips posts after nips retweeted the tweet eh?
No. 488837
>>488824maybe she didnt notice since shes probably blocked the original poster l m a o
>>488826she's already gained back from at least one procedure
No. 488855
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No. 488864
>>488855I was about to just post that.
Clearly Ohnips has a problem with Mariah. It might be because she's an artist and knows how it feels to have credit stolen or have someone else claiming her art is theirs.
No. 488867
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No. 488889
>>488873Ah yes those super unique not overdone ideas like 'beach episode' and 'school AU' that has existed forever were totally stolen from one out of hundreds of artists drawing the same thing.
Maybe her and moo have more in common than i thought. They both do generic shit and then get pissy when they assume they've been copied.
No. 488919
>>488626I didn't realize it for a sec… But I'm pretty sure the reason why she is looking to the side the entire time if because she can't stop looking at herself.. yikes.
Sage no new milk
No. 488933
>>488873do you have a link for these? i never found any design for pool party from lol that looked like something previously done
sage for ot
No. 488947
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Not sure how old these screen shots are exactly but her argument is near exact for just about everything. Literally looking for reasons to act upset
No. 488950
>>488933The only ones that I can think that would similar are her BeatSeeker Sona vs. League’s HeartSeeker Sona
But any decent artist can take pre-existing design elements and slap them on another character so it would be an odd thing to complain about
No. 489127
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I’m actually heartbroken. Fuck.
No. 489179
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No. 489180
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No. 489181
File: 1517486464695.jpg (688.37 KB, 763x1574, helpmemomoplznobully.jpg)

Moo gives advice to a dude who bought his Organization 13 coat from csddlink, a cosplay shop. He tried to enter a costume contest and the judges obviously rejected him.
No. 489184
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No. 489199
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>>489198She either self invited herself or they took pity on a fatty. Both are equally pathetic.
No. 489200
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No. 489201
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No. 489203
>>489201Eww this is gross furry territory now.
Like what’s next, a cow nose? Hooves for hands?
No. 489217
File: 1517493091502.png (460.93 KB, 750x1334, 0BB26764-B511-4FF5-AC81-03CC03…)

Oh wow, asking permission for things now?????? Totally just a coincidence my dudes
No. 489247
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>>489241Waiting warmly for the block.
No. 489249
>>489247yees i'm so excited.
nice fumo fumo btw.
No. 489252
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Boring response and she’ll probably steal one of the sheeps designs anyways.
No. 489282
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No. 489293
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I’ve never met a living personaification of the “ouo what’s this?” Meme until today.
No. 489303
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wtf is this makeup
No. 489314
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Mariah would've ripped them off regardless
No. 489324
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>>489321twitter audit only shows her account as of 2 months ago, nothing recent so hard to say
No. 489331
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>>489324>989 real>30k followersI don't know how Twitter audit really works but is that accounting for all of her followers?
No. 489338
>>489314She isn’t wrong tbh. Mariah even admitted that if the artist said no she was just going to switch up the design and do it anyway. And judging from her milk party OC that means adding a strap of fabric somewhere.
Although I can’t believe the balls of this chick for ordering the hooves in OCTOBER and just now asking for permission so publicly. Just more proof she gives no shits about the creators. Also that she’s a legitmatebl retard.
No. 489377
>>489338funfact: this is blatant bullshit. If she had ordered them in October she would have gotten them before now but i also doubt she ordered them in October since chaos costume's entire etsy was closed for MOST of october because of how many people ordered things for halloween.
More proof is their shipping policy says
>Ordered product will be shipped within 2-10 weeks of received payment, pending on size and complexity of the product; also is variable on my order queue's length.
>Shipping is handled by the USPS. If you prefer a certain carrier, please contact me for a shipping quote. and i'm pretty sure that '10 weeks' is only put there to be for custom orders so there is no way she'd only be getting it now because it's a company in Wisconsin, not some other country even. Moo couldnt wait even a full month for a response from a designer, why the fuck would she then magically wait 4 months for something she PAID for? If she hadnt gotten it now she would have put that company on blast. EVen looking through the reviews the latest their October order arrived seemed to be '2.5 weeks after delivery window' but I'm pretty sure those orders were specifically supposed to arrive in time for Halloween and that was a late review made over a week ago.
MORE believable is that she bought them for Oberon from Magus Bride since she was saying she would cosplay him with her new lackeys but she once again HAD to lie and say she bought them back in October. Or to be more honest she decided she wanted to crawl into Jessica's skin again and since her Fawn was a hit she's magically going to do something similar but either way this is the STUPIDEST thing to lie about when simply looking at the reviews for the account they dont send out things that late.
No. 489402
>>489377i don't think that's really the problem. it wouldn't matter when she ordered them, but she's showing them off for this
before asking the artist.
No. 489420
>>489402I think both are problems.
Mariah lying about when she bought it just adds onto the pile of evidence that she is a habitual liar. All she does is lie. It's basically second nature for her. Her defense and offense is always to lie. She clearly could not have ordered in October yet she tried to say that to cover her ass. I've noticed that's usually her go to excuse. Like she did with My Oppa. The whole "guyz I bought/planned this months ago!!!"
Her asking the artist is clearly an after thought. If the recent scandal never happened she would have never asked. She would've just done it and said "my new OC my dudez."
No. 489422
>>489282I think she decided to cosplay the art without permission of the artist, and then when that timeline of her theivery went semi viral, she had to save face and find out who the artist was and ask them publicly.
Otherwise she had full intention of stealing the design.
No. 489431
>>489422tbh you don't actually
need an artist's permission to do cosplay, you just need to credit and take the cosplay down if they request it. for instance, sakizou is fine with cosplays but hates when fat girls cosplay her designs and has spoken out about it.
but obviously moo was just going to claim OC.
No. 489438
>>489252Sees original art online and starts planning to rip it off. Calls friend to help rip it off.
People call her out for art theft so she has to pretend to ask for permission but makes an underhanded threat stating "Well even if you don't give me permission I will still do it but 'alter' the design"
She already bought parts of this cosplay, asked who she wanted to shoot with, and probably already has a date she wants to shoot this. What permission Momo?
No. 489443
>>489252>>489377i believe this tbh. the timeline fits with doing Oberon and ordering in October, but she probably just recently saw
>>489217 and wanted to use them for that.
No. 489450
>>489422I really think this is her mindset. She's never once apologized or fessed up to any of her past wrong doings. This is just a lot of show to cover her ass the next time someone calls her out.
This is what truly makes Moo a cow. She acts like everyone around her is brutally retarded and if she produces any shred of "evidence" it will magically erase all her past wrong doings and the world will magically forget every shitty thing she ever did. This is why her lies are so outrageous and consistant. She did this before the lipo was confirmed to be true. She coughed up gym selfies and repeatedly mentioned working out thinking we would all be stupid enough to think we were wrong about all the drastic weight loss over an extremely short time, the lipo marks, and caps of her wearing what was clearly post lipo shape wear. "I showed you all a snap of me in a gym bathroom so everything I say is true. Don't look at this mountain of evidence against me, my dudes. They're all made up rumors." She's doing it again now with this artist. I'm sure she's hoping that if people see her asking for permission she will try to pass it off as something she's ALWAYS done. Like she has never ripped off anyone or anything in her entire life. Never mind the dozens of screen caps that prove otherwise. She's condradicted herself so many times in the past and hasn't learned yet, so I'm betting she's going to do just this. She probably thinks she's being clever here, but she's only going to be digging another hole for herself.
No. 489453
>>489450>She acts like everyone around her is brutally retardedThat's because
she is brutally retarded. Stupid people always act like this when they think they're being clever.
No. 489465
>>489453Exactly. She thought she was being very discreet with her lipo. She probably thought she was a business genius because she was using fit tea as a way to hide her lipo and still get money for advertising it. She not once thought of the harm she would be doing to others and possibly the company itself. She just cared about covering her ass. That's all she's about. HERSELF. She's selfish. Being selfish isn't necessarily bad, but she takes it to an extreme. It's even worse when she tries so hard to deny that she is selfish and pretends like she's some perfect saint.
News flash Mariah you're a manipulative, pathological liar and I hope it'll all come back to bite you, if it hasn't already.
No. 489508
File: 1517512993092.jpeg (834.91 KB, 1242x2019, 7D272DDD-F294-4282-8040-5BF277…)

How does this bitch take adderall and still get that fat?
No. 489513
>>489453She is without a doubt. That's what makes it so ironic.
But it also says a lot about how lowly she views everyone around her. If she was actually half as intelligent as she claims to be she wouldn't be pulling the shit she does. It's because she thinks she is so smart and everyone else is so dumb that she keeps spinning the same lies thinking no one is smart enough to catch on to her. The fact that she's called out in record time every single time is fucking hilarious.
No. 489541
>>489536sage this shit.
also i totally believe her, people go off and on adhd meds all the time. most people who have adhd diag either don't believe it or they don't really care and are just in it for the adderall. i used to be a pharmacy fag and people literally don't give a fuck about fucking with adderall.
No. 489553
File: 1517514758190.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1242x1874, 0E12F4E7-D4A0-4361-B85D-225324…)

I thought I was having a stroke because I swear the first thing I saw in this pic was Mariah holding her tit and I can’t unsee it.
No. 489604
>>489594> can't wait until there is solid proofthere
is solid proof though. i just think people are giving her too much credit because schooling is such an embarrassing thing to lie about.
No. 489627
>>489615even that's like a 'why would she lie about this' situation.
she took tons of selfies near the gym despite not going, pretended it was fitea, pretended her scars were moles, only came out after she was outted, and even lied after all that about going to the gym despite more obvious lipo. she's got lying issues.
No. 489687
File: 1517519742547.png (1.94 MB, 750x1334, 99FB60B5-090B-4AC6-AF03-24EF1C…)

>went to the dermatologist yesterday
>got something done to deal with the acne around her chin/mouth area
>says it made her break out worse, picked at it until it bled earlier etc
yeah Mariah this break out on the bottom half of your face has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you were wearing caked on makeup sweating under that roadhog mask all day…nope all the doctors fault
No. 489688
File: 1517519767285.png (50.68 KB, 578x282, arab.PNG)

>so ~*~*~*~arab~*~*~*~ my dudes
No. 489696
File: 1517520058956.png (3.09 MB, 750x1334, 790C4764-ABF4-4562-B797-D96556…)

can someone please give her an actual hair color again
No. 489707
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No. 489716
>>489508 because Adderall only makes you skinny when you're not smoking weed on top of that lol. Even Adderall doesn't get rid of munchies.
It makes a lot of sense why she has weird sleeping patterns and doesn't get fuck all done though. You have to take that stuff religiously, same time everyday, take it too late in the day you aren't sleeping for the night, forget to take it for a few days and you're literally sleeping for like 2 days. I'm not a stranger to Adderall psychosis, lol. Obviously with how disorganized she is she can't even take her medication properly.
Then again, if she really was on Adderall her house wouldn't be as disgusting as it always is. Wondering if she really does have a problem and she just keeps forgetting or doesn't like taking the medication that could help turn her life completely around.
No. 489756
>>489179>I like small businesses so much I rip off their designs to create a shitty replica I can claim it as my own! lmao! >>489181What the fuck does this guy think cosplay competitions are for?
>>489252Jesus, she never learns does she. She's essentially saying "Yeah I was gonna rip them off as early as last October but didn't get around to it and then got blasted for being a stealing hoe, so I guess I have to ask for a permission now ugh"
>>489314Wouldn't be surprised if she just did something similar to the original design and called it her totally original OC. I guess she's starting to be on her toes as the compilation image gained a ton of traction but like we've seen so many times already, she never learns her lesson.
Also has anyone noticed that after KBBQ and other prop slaves hightailed out she's been making an awful lot of these "OC design" cosplays instead of actual characters? She can't be bothered to learn how to sew or make props herself, so she learned that the easiest way to take a ton of cheap, lewd shoots for every week is to throw on store-brought clothes and a crusty wig from her previous cosplay.
>>489490This reply gives me hope - people around her truly can see how awful of a person she is. It's no wonder her friend circles keep changing every month, nobody can tolerate her bullshit.
No. 489829
>>489824you can quick reply by clicking on the post No. for example yours is 489824, if you're on mobile you scroll all the way to the top
saging for possible backseat modding
No. 489833
>>489829OH!!! That was easy. Thanks!
I’m out of town atm and my internet is pretty bad so I apologize. Give me a sec while I finish up something here.
No. 489855
>>489837as long as you have proof, no one will say anything. we were getting a lot of "inner circle" people coming into the threads and talking about how awful she is, but not providing an y proof of it. So at that point its just gossip. We like to have evidence so we can throw it back at her face tbh
hopefully the site maintenance didn't scare the anon away
No. 489861
>>489857Well that link didn't work thanks mobile
It's on UltraSoh 's twitter though!
No. 489864
>>489837from this post i'm going to assume you're ohnips. I'm personally not a fan but if you came out as ACTUALLY being against momo it would honestly work in your favor I feel.
Realize that there are tens to hundreds of people in this thread and not everyone's opinions are the same. Pretty much anyone brought up in lolcow threads is trashed by someone.
No. 489876
>>489864Correction: anyone associated with Moo.
It's because it's assumed that people who stick to Moo are generally no better than her. But when we see people breaking away from her, we praise it because they are standing up to a bully and because they are proving that they are decent enough human beings to not be stuck with trash like her.
No. 489883
>>489841 I tweeted on the callous post.
>>489855I don’t really have “evidence” of anything cause we don’t talk much and I always delete my convos due to inbox anxiety. I’m now regretting I didn’t keep em. All I have is the caps previously mentioned which I uploaded here:>>489876I don’t believe in this. It’s stupid to assume that people need to keep tabs on their friends or know everything and call someone trash on association. Which is one of the reasons a lot of people dislike me because I associate with people they don’t like. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise; which is what’s happening now as I’ve read these threads and briefly spoken with her.
No. 489888
File: 1517531026188.gif (1.9 MB, 245x276, nFoY9MU.gif)

>>489883>you can't copyright fashionIs this bitch for real?
Thank you for the screencaps!
No. 489898
>>489883Basically this confirms Mariah is only doing costumes for Moomoo to cover up that she's copying Milk Party. She admitted right here that Milk Party was the intention. And Nips is right about the alterations not being enough to call it original or an inspiration because it's not. It's the equivalent of someone copying another person's homework and saying they didn't copy it because they chose to change the words or numbers around a bit.
The whole "fashion isn't copyrighted" bullshit sounds like something she heard from Castle Corsetry and just regurgitating it to sound like she knows something. She doesn't know shit.
No. 489901
>>489876>>489883I definitely agree with "It’s stupid to assume that people need to keep tabs on their friends or know everything and call someone trash on association" Friends aren't responsible for friends. Especially when both parties are grown ass adults.
>>489883After reading these caps I just feel like momo is delusional. She clearly knows what she did was wrong, but she chooses to do mental gymnastics to justify herself. Very shitty. I had all creative friends on FB and twitter block her. Don't mess with peoples original works. We don't work hard to have someone be "inspired" by them aka copy and steal.
No. 489906
>>489883honestly i didn’t like you before ohnips, thought you were selling your pal down the river to stay popular at first. there’s a lot of that surrounding momo.
but having read your screenshots, i really respect you for how you handled things. it’s hard to be frank like that with a friend. gg. thanks for sharing!
No. 489914
>>489900She already knows I disagree with her and will not defend her there so she shouldn’t be surprised at the RT tbh.
>>489907To be honest, I get called out for this a lot and, while I look outgoing and not hermit-like, I actually don’t talk to anyone lol. I have like 2 friends I regularly talk to and the rest is streaming & work. So I don’t actually know much about my online friends sometimes other than they’re nice to me. Which is pretty naive I understand but it’s the truth. Then when I see or hear stuff like this it’s almost impossible not to dig.
>>489903Haha people already hate me and I’ve dealt with harassment etc. I’m not scared of much. I also like to think I’ve gotten better at not letting my spice impulsively blow up on the internet (which is why I’m here).
No. 489922
>>489883Thank you for sharing these, it's hard to come forward about someone like that.
Please don't let her use any scare tactics against you. I know it's bad to judge people based on friends, but the main reason were suspicious of all her friends is because she has manipulated them by threatening to drop and slander them if they don't act how she likes.
But the fact that you're coming forward really says a lot about you, and I really respect and appreciate you standing up against her for other artists!
Thank you for not letting Mariah manipulate you like the rest, we will definitely stand by your side on this.
No. 489925
>>489883Did you read the replies that people left on the ultrasuh tweet? One shared screencaps of Mariah threatening to remove them as a friend simply because of who she hung out with. Mariah is guilty of the same thing.
With that said, I agree with you. It's really silly to immediately assume that anyone who talks to Mariah is a bag of shit.
No. 489937
Well I hope I can do this as properly as I can. While what I believe in/say/do and what I draw tends to be “
problematic”, I actually don’t like drama so I’m trying to do this as honestly as possible.
She seems to be liking all my recent tweets so she might already be keeping tabs on me.
>>489925I have to make a memo (memoo lol) of all the note worthy things like this. Maybe a Twitlonger will be best.
No. 489940
In one message she openly admits her MooMoo~ started out as a Milk Party cosplay and just hours, HOURS, later says the Milk Party cosplay was after she decided to do an OC. WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS BITCH?
Also I love how it goes from "I asked Castle Corsetry if we could just change somethings" to "I ASKED A SLEW OF FASHION DESIGNERS IF YOU COULD DO IT AND THEY ALL GAVE ME THE GO AHEAD" Perfect example if somehow exaggerating to make a lie seem more believable. When we all know she only asked CC and CC said yes because she wanted that cow money.
I honestly didn't really know you were before ohnips, but u ok in my books.
Would you be okay if I reposted these on the tumblr?
No. 489952
>>489950I had the same issue
don't direct straight from lolcow, rather copy and paste the link into your browser directly, that fixed it for me
No. 489973
>>489970The worst part is her autumn witch wasn't even something she designed herself. She just bought the costume from someone on etsy and put on Halloween costume props.
If she made a concept art from scratch then I'd understand. But a generic witch made up of things she bought is far from original.
No. 489988
>>489431Sauce for the sakizou vs fat girls, anon?
>not trying to disprove just a dramawhoreSaged for ot
No. 489992
File: 1517536377728.jpeg (89.9 KB, 750x378, 6CBA9665-D693-41FC-86DE-C67AD5…)

okay so according to her instastory she hasn’t slept right? so she played dbfz all night, ran all these errands, showed off her mail, and is now cleaning her house? bb you manic and you need to lay off the energy drinks no expensive eye cream is going to help you
No. 490000
>>489966 That's legit what I just said to myself lol. Like just because you don't read the disclaimer doesn't mean it isn't valid? Or doesn't exist? Or that is doesn't apply to you? Lmfao. If anything that just shows how oblivious she is.
The more I read these messages I wonder if she has just mentally decided to fucking go down with this lie no matter the costs. She thinks she's in the right 100%, I mean if you've got an ARTIST telling you what you're doing is ART THEFT, and you're still like hmmmmm not exactly!! Then she's never going to address any call out posts or anything. She will die with her "OC Moomoo" before she releases an apology. Pathetic.
No. 490004
>>489996She's been drinking the white monster ones which are sugar free. But unless you're a hardcore student (like her) or a gym bunny (also like her) you really don't need them.
She brings her messed up sleep schedule onto herself.
No. 490014
>>490000Personally, I don’t believe that because you “are something”, means you get to throw an accusation at someone and be automatically correct. Ie a trans person calling you transphobic etc.
Which is why when I debate, I try not to use identity labels because they don’t actually add anything objective to the conversation. If something is objectively wrong, it doesn’t matter who says it.
I used my profession in this situation mostly for sympathy points hoping she’d be more willing to understand but not because I thought it made my arguement more valid.
Don’t know if any of this makes sense lol.
No. 490015
>>490011tbh i think moo told that to castle, her shitty copypasta was water thin and moo's the one who is doing this continually. i doubt castle came up with that logic since moo has pulled it on literally everything.
>>490004>>490013they also have fake sugar which is known to stimulate appetite.
No. 490029
File: 1517538682071.jpg (170.07 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20180201_183056.jpg)

Don't remember these shots but she posted these today
No. 490042
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she's def trying to damage control
No. 490044
File: 1517539468691.png (938 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-02-01-18-36-52…)

>went to USPS, said some old dude was losing his shit
>posted a bunch of POBox items including shirts/pins from Viscious Kill and dimension USA "sponsoring" her their D.VA gun
>called Viscious Kill's Samurai Pizza Cats pin "something from Voltron"
No. 490048
>>490035lol, i see it too
her posting these feels like
>remember when i was thin?only she was still fat then and it wasnt even a year ago jesus fucking christ
No. 490051
File: 1517539819031.jpg (98.77 KB, 780x780, SPC_SitePre_Sale.jpg)

>>490044>>called Viscious Kill's Samurai Pizza Cats pin "something from Voltron"just kill me
shes retarded and its ugly af
No. 490062
File: 1517540780254.jpeg (372.95 KB, 750x861, D2A4C2D6-C3E7-4E74-BE34-30952F…)

at least she’s finally being honest? kek
No. 490068
>>490065ON is that u
moo documents her entire life on instagram. quite literally.
No. 490081
>>490074Dude that conversation ended an hour or two ago, chill the fuck out.
>>490065Mariah brgs about literally everything and documents all things that go on in her life, down to her brazilian wax. Yet she never shows anything related to school but is "in school" and taking classes that aren't even offered at the school that she claimed to be enrolled in.
No. 490087
>>490074Get some fucking glasses retard. ohnips convo ended a while ago
>>490065for someone who got called out for NOT going to school, don't you think i'd be in her best interest to show she actually goes? This is someone who LOVES to gloat all over social media about what she's doing. Yet not a peep about school
No. 490109
>>490099What are you talking about? She talked about school on Twitter.
She is the one who brought it up and then started fighting people when they mentioned how impossible it would be on her schedule. She can post whatever she wants but we can also say that it's bullshit when things don't add up.
No. 490115
>>490099nothing to do with anything. she can post whatever she wants, but she needs to learn if she posts lies then she'll end up having to own up.
>>490074lol stfu anon it's obviously not her or the convo would be backwards.
No. 490155
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>>490138Literally Mariah everyone hates you. We know it’s you because you’re the only one who still tolerates you because you have no damn choice. Kys cunt
No. 490171
>>490169sage, but yeah
>>490170me too. i'm on probation tho so…
No. 490185
>>490169It's in the early threads. Someone reposted it maybe 10 or so threads ago but I can't recall for sure. Not sure if it was on lolcow or another website but her "sister" came to defend her as well. But it was more than likely her. Also everytime someone makes a comment on here she then publicly address it.
Examples: Talked about her eyebags, suddenly started buying eye cream - that whole swallowing gum fiasco, then showed that she keeps all her chewed gum on something at her desk - talked about her butt hairs few days later got a she Brazilian wax - etc. Read throught threads, you'll find tons more
No. 490195
>>490137No one cares if she goes to school. The reality is, we KNOW she isn't going to school. The point is that she's lying about it, and it adds to the evidence of her being a pathological liar. And, it's upsetting for people who ACTUALLY are double majoring, graduating in four years with a 3.8 (all that she claimed) or are even doing any one of those things alone. It's insulting cause "oh school is so easy I can do it while also doing cosplay!" where as in my first hand experience advising college students, most students with 3.8 or higher GPA's don't have jobs, and all their extra curricular are related directly to their major. They also usually don't have much free time, ESPECIALLY if you were double majoring. They can barely catch a movie where as Mariah apparently has enough time to travel out of state every month.
sage for school ranting.
No. 490200
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No. 490211
>>490200Momo, removing a button from pants doesn't mean you made them. The armor pieces were made by someone else, just because you stitched them on shitty fabric does not mean you made them
You destroyed a wig so bad that you couldn't even put it in an updo without breaking it making you look like Immortan Joe, and you just stitched on patches you bought online to another bra you butchered
Just because you tear up pre-made pieces does not mean you made them
No. 490224
No. 490229
>>490222ot but i fucking hate that movie it's stupid as hell.
>>490200lol taken out of context. yea moo, no one fucking gives a shit that you didn't make the wig and contacts but you should tell people where you got them.
No. 490266
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No. 490270
>>490267And none of it made by her! What a surprise!
Also it's funny how she just grabbed other people's images to copy. What an unimaginative turd.
No. 490293
>>490290lol i noticed it after posting and got more mad
i think its just on the picture and not the pin
No. 490294
>>490281It's so true though. Just comparing this
>>490062 to this
>>489184 you can definitely see some weight gain, even if only 10-15 lbs. Not to mention more lipo, as always.
No. 490299
>>489181If it's store bought, there's no cosplay competition in their right mind that would let them enter this. Moo's just giving this dude an ego boost. Everyone knows that he's also lying a bit, too, trying to embellish what happened like Moo does since she's an awful person to look up to.
Rules would probably be lax, though, if he were to enter a masquerade type competition that involves a skit, like what she's talking about. I know that Otakon does those as I've been in them and won some awards in the past with my former group. But, all depending on the con, they can also have an additional category to judge your craftsmanship for costumes and props.
No. 490304
>>489883thank you for the milk nips!
damn i missed a lot while i was at work today. Onips caps, possibly moomoo herself on a shitposting spree and plenty of newfags learning the way.
>>490266fuck me i can't wait to see this shitshow of a month
No. 490309
>>490266>>490267>>490268Okay but when it is not the month of lewds for you?
This cow gets to go hop around Katsucon like she's somebody while around 70% of her costumes are all made by someone else.
I'm jealous of your life Moo.
No. 490327
>>489883>Wehhh you can't copyright clothes it's not copyright infringement!!!This dense bitch really thinks that if it's borderline legal, it's morally acceptable. Why doesn't she just apologize and learn from her mistakes? And yes, you absolutely can fucking copyright designs and fashion. What the fuck is she smoking?
>Public domainRed Riding Hood is public domain and can't be copyrighted, sure, but that only concerns the original tale. If you make an adaptation of it, you can copyright it because it's no longer the original source. My Oppa's design was an adaptation and an original take on the tale. It can be copyrighted. It's not that fucking hard to understand. She fucking ADMITTED to ripping off her design yet still has the nerve to claim that she somehow has the right to do that because it's totally legal my dudes!!!!.
She always has to have the last word so she keeps going even when she knows she fucked up. That's why she starts lying and later trips over her lies trying to keep them straight after being called out for her bullshit.
No. 490329
File: 1517562526718.jpg (2.14 MB, 1320x4055, 1473957238632.jpg)

>>490065Because the only time she talks about school is when someone is doubting her going to uni at all. Last time she started suddenly tweeting about ~how hard she's working for classes~ just because she had a twitter fight with a med student and felt inferior due to her nonexistent school background.
>>490216She'll be making more "OC designs" with storebought clothes. She doesn't have an asian fuccboi making her props at the moment either and she won't learn how to do costumes herself, plus she's a cheapskate and commissions are too expensive.
>>490169Here you go my anon (and anyone else wondering about the same thing), compilation from the first thread
No. 490340
File: 1517564882320.png (95.79 KB, 633x676, Screenshot 2018-02-02 at 1.47.…)

How come Vamp explicitly said she was getting an apartment before but Moo is set on this mysterious house fib?
No. 490369
File: 1517568468923.jpg (131 KB, 427x640, 26107025618_2a981b7c9c_z.jpg)

No. 490370
File: 1517568542229.jpg (515.52 KB, 1067x1600, 39979188661_0f0336a795_h.jpg)

No. 490378
File: 1517570930258.jpg (461.67 KB, 2048x1536, PicsArt_02-02-03.26.28.jpg)

Tenderbroembrace statement
No. 490456
>>490445This. Most photographers don't know shit about posing. And hell, even moo's photographers are notorious for not telling her to fix shit, like her clothes or wigs.
Also I had a dream that moo crashed a jet ski.
No. 490499
File: 1517585156001.png (527.91 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180202-092431.png)

I don't think she got permission, I couldn't find anything on Twitter either but it's possible she asked via dm but knowing our cow she asked the wrong artist or some other dumb excuse
No. 490519
>>490378honestly i do think in this instance its not completely moo's fault for the chunk li shoot. it really does seem like the photog is a hack and clearly has no idea what he's doing.
if i was either mariah or tender, i'd be so pissed if i found out my photographer was staging the same exact same pictures between models. it shows poorly on the model first, and shit like this happens. instead of trying to disprove mariah's "copying" tender needs to put the photographer on blast for being a lazy, uncreative, POS and putting them both in this situation.
between this photog and the shit CC pulled, it just shows mariah has really bad judgement when it comes to picking people to work with
No. 490529
>>490527Who has the time for research when you're a double major who is taking online theater classes and being a successful business women?!
I'm thinking it is because one of her betas or buddies started liking those artists so Moo, lacking a creative bone in her lard body, decided to do ~lewds~ based on it.
No. 490539
File: 1517587972547.jpeg (433.89 KB, 1241x1802, 4047AF1F-E35B-4BFA-94A2-AE778C…)

Just showed up on my timeline, so it's still making the rounds. I'm guessing this isn't the only post on Facebook about it too. There's neckbeards in the comments but also a lot of people giving out correct information and actually being listened to.
No. 490562
File: 1517589000598.jpg (80.91 KB, 573x652, IMG_8065.JPG)

>>490552I know, it makes me so mad because I never see higurashi cosplays. And when I do it's fuckin moomoo. The only character she looks like and should cosplay is Oishi. She can even do a swimsuit version.
No. 490572
File: 1517589402830.png (116.25 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8068.PNG)

Messaged Castle Corsetry to see what she'd say.
Oh no a 4.8 out of 5??? You poor soul, can't imagine how that affects your business.
It's not like she's hurting other businesses or anything! /sarcasm
No. 490592
Not to brag but I'm a pretty prolific cosplayer, just not in her region and I posted her rude DMs from when that all went down, a few of my followers made warning posts on tumblr about her. Feelds good.
No. 490635
>>490378Tenderbroembrace stop holding onto this cow! You are way more beautiful than her and you can do so much better than her!
Also notice that Riansynth still hasn't said a word about the Mei bikini ordeal. Looks like they aren't friends anymore??
No. 490666
>>490640You forgot anon, she lets her friends cosplay things before her so she can "give them a chance".
No. 490667
File: 1517595148204.jpg (328.87 KB, 700x700, borderlands_2_ellie.jpg)

>>489982Honestly I still don't think she has the proper weight distribution. Ellie is more proportional overall. Moo has that linebacker-ish shape from all the lipo.
>>490552>>490562Hate to break it to you but she already did a video as Shion a while ago. Here's the vid on her insta No. 490687
File: 1517596544473.jpeg (88.92 KB, 750x389, DCC7ED40-B2CF-43E3-98C1-A2BF2B…)

No. 490697
File: 1517597055509.jpg (121.09 KB, 1394x855, 894546.jpg)

>>490499>>490501i think it's actually pretty good even more because she is self taught. anyway that's not the point, i found the imagem se used on her post but it's just the face?? what does she mean inspired by THIS? is because she will make hearts on her face but she is so nice she is giving credit?
No. 490701
File: 1517597196202.jpeg (1002.41 KB, 1242x1854, F69CEC69-3810-4607-8FBB-BEB4E0…)

I n t e r c e p t e d
No. 490709
File: 1517597747431.jpeg (653.77 KB, 1242x1415, 8BCBF896-CDEB-4423-BB7C-4BD3E9…)

>>490701Wow, a responsible answer. It’s almost like I’m so used to Momo’s shit I forget that anyone has decency around here anymore.
No. 490717
File: 1517598099425.jpeg (310.71 KB, 1242x1561, 8AFCAAEB-AC9E-4B0C-A1DC-9C9DE0…)

>>490712Referred to her to bunny cause I like her and she supports the downfall of Mariah, and vamp since it would be a terrible jab to go to her over Mariah (when Mariah was the first choice)
No. 490720
File: 1517598275139.png (382.27 KB, 582x473, kimono.PNG)

could someone ask her who made the headpiece and who the other cosplayer is? i'm blocked so can't.
i mean we all know the answer but she needs to own up to these things
No. 490786
>>490765Only reverse psychology works with her. Like how she will cosplay or lewd characters we tell her not to.
Please Mariah never do porn. No one wants to see that. Never ever do it. It will hurt us.
No. 490802
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No. 490805
File: 1517603765695.png (2.07 MB, 750x1334, 01D9EF1F-F11F-43D8-9AD6-A99BEC…)

No. 490811
>>490802>>490805There's no way she isn't sucking it in and/or badly shopping these
With how far her right (our left) thigh comes out in the first picture, and even just the difference in her right calf between the two… Plus stomachs arent super flat then jut in like that at the hip/pelvis area
No. 490814
>>490687>>490709This is actually a very good demonstration of how harmful these thots are to cosplay. Lazy reporters just type in "cosplayer" on google and come up with toxic, money-hungry cunts because they have the most FB likes and highest Patreon stats. And they are picked to represent the whole hobby with their cheap softcore porn. Farough's reaction to the image showcases how important it is to call these bitches out because journalists can't risk having people taking their article down and exposing the subject before they do.
>>490802She's sucking it in so hard. You can see how tense her shoulders and whole body is.
No. 490817
>>490811You can actually see that she's sucking in where her diaphragm is.
>>490802She shows everything that she eats but a smoothie.
No. 490819
File: 1517604647793.png (2.85 MB, 750x1334, DD0E5F57-EEBD-4510-BA2E-ECCC32…)

but guys! she goes to this place and gets “custom made” smoothies!!
No. 490835
>>490824I went back to listen to what’s in it from what she can remember
>spinach >kale>celery>almond milk>beets>gingershe might have also said lemon but idr either way that sounds not terrible? I think she’s just being yucky!! vegetables!!
No. 490848
>>490847Oops I meant to tag this
>>490802 instead.
No. 490850
>>490378>>490379so maybe moo isnt trash, but youre fucking photog is. "creative" aka using the same fucking poses in the same areas of his place
get fucked
i think when she steals that girls shit for those shoes she bought "months ago" a new info should be made and circulated
twitter anon how many followers do you have? we can probably gain groundswell again over it
and just add a note about this photog, so theyll shut up (lol yeah right)
No. 490852
File: 1517606605052.jpeg (361.49 KB, 750x1023, 6C8140BB-F1DF-496D-8A65-1DD672…)

>when you don’t want everyone to remind you again about how you bought a genji mask
No. 490859
File: 1517606859485.png (646.65 KB, 736x736, shion.png)

>>490552lol, joke's on you. she's already ruined higurashi multiple times.
No. 490860
>>490852This incident was just… so …. stupid..
She plays overwatch (or so she says). She should know what Oni Genji looks like! Especially after people told her it shouldn't be hard to google Oni Genji and compare. This was one of the moments I realized she would rather die lying then admit she is wrong. This wasn't even something worth lying about!!!
What. A. Dumbass.
No. 490864
>>490816lol i noticed that with roadhag
thank god she made it easier for us to study her post lipo body eh
No. 490866
>>490821shes too busy to even make a smoothie herself my dude!
>>490835maybe shes like snooze when she was all excited to try like a bell pepper or whatever basic af veg everyone in the world eats
No. 490903
>>490900i googled cause i suspected it was a jojo thing, but here u go
Urban Dictionary: mada mada 22, 2017 - (まだまだ) A Japanese phrase that means "not yet" or "not good enough". (though the words can be used in almost any context as a joke.) The phrase was popularized as a meme by Genji. (A Character in the video game "Overwatch".)
No. 490917
>>490896I honestly have no idea why she's getting herself caught up in Moo's drama when she's just going to toss to the side. I get correcting the OP and bringing in the photographer to tell his side but they both made the situation worse. The photog got aggressive and cringy while this chick is trying to make this one thing wipe the slate that
Mariah created.
>>490378No bitch, it doesn't "prove" the rest of the claims, it's only one copy in a large amount of copies. It only disproves your part. That's it.
No. 490996
>>490266That cheap looking cow apron that she probably got off Amazon. this is sad that this bitch makes money legit buying things off people or commissioning and never making anything herself.
There's no way she's making that Saber armor.
No. 490999
File: 1517614967027.jpeg (345.29 KB, 1242x1904, 8522C806-6533-43C8-9BA9-DCF44F…)

>>490996Looked into it, and it was Etsy. For $54 she could have fucking made it herself for cheaper. Who spends $50+ on a cheap shitty looking apron?
No. 491000
File: 1517614986184.png (6.08 MB, 1242x2208, D2D8AAE2-58B4-4085-B429-79CB16…)

I can’t believe how dirty she always looks.. especially her hair
No. 491019
>>491017BUT THEN THE QUALITY IS LOW SO SHE CANT RE-SELL lol jk never forget the dirty rag of a "punk mei" shirt
im sure she'll wreck it by the end of the week she obtains it. what a waste of money…
No. 491043
File: 1517618615437.jpeg (175.18 KB, 1199x800, 0772EA2B-DFE0-4FF6-A363-EEDCEB…)

I tried to think of something to say about momo but I can’t get over roxy and her face hiding skills i
No. 491054
>>491051oh the married dude or whatever
ty anon
No. 491083
File: 1517621097174.png (719.5 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-02-02-16-11-59…)

>be Mariah
>be pissed about Devilman autists "pUsHiNg aN AgEnDa" a d ships despite canon gay plot
>""""proves"""" Lancer x Rin ship by posting clips of Lancer saving Rin from being not raped by Shinji.
>attempting to push a ship like she hates. Does it without context.
>screams autism that Archer didn't give a shit about Rin "being raped and turned into a Grail"
>this happens AFTER the Saber-is-kidnapped-by-Caster church scene where Archer announced his true motives to kill Shirou "as a free man" so to speak. He makes a pact with Medea Caster when he sees Saber contained and "goes to the winning side".
The "Shinji not rape scene" happens before the pending Archer/Shirou fight. After Caster's defeat Archer baits Shirou with Rin because he knows he's passionate about her. Shirou declares they fight in a abandoned castle. Archer agreed but said after 1 day he might kill Run as a hostage. He later barters with Shinji (WHO WALKS DA FUCK IN OUT OF NOWHERE AND HAD MATERIALIZED GIRUGAMESH RIGHT FUCKING THERE) that if Shirou loses he can have Rin. Archer has proven he's only for the winning side so he places his bets the smart way. Lancer helped during the Caster incident and he helped now because Shinji is a compulsive CREEPER who couldn't wait.
Seriously sorry for the autism but she doesn't comprehend shit. I don't get how dense she is even after watching the exact episodes she's clipping from???
No. 491089
File: 1517621455020.png (758.06 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-02-02-17-27-34…)

>>491085The clip was dubbed. Only the best for business women.
Also Patreon caps? 2 new costumes of what??? She just announced her new ones didn't she?
No. 491091
File: 1517621575104.png (671.93 KB, 720x940, Screenshot_2018-02-02-17-28-07…)

No. 491111
File: 1517622818142.png (240.11 KB, 625x700, Screenshot 2018-02-02 at 5.52.…)

>>491108Justin Rojas.
Also, we know you're just waiting for your suit printer or etsy to have a suit in your size, Moo, you don't have to act like you put work into it lol
No. 491127
>>491091she cant even clean up the background for one fucking photo
triggered No. 491220
>>491148i know its just gossip but i really do think they hooked up. just goes hard for her, and mariah always brags about how close they are and its fucking weird.
i remember at the lvl up expo when she was asking the dbz VAs a question and she had to throw it in that she was out to dinner with him. she made it seem like it was just them but the actors actually pressed her and were going to text justin about it until she quickly fired back "oh no we were out with everyone!!" and made some weird comment how he has his eyes on another lady. its bizarre
No. 491232
>>491220This wouldn't be the first time Momo went for a taken guy. She was also taking out the guy who did the milk party photos with her and was acting like they were dating even though he had a GF. YOu don't see them together anymore. I'm sure the GF wasn't okay with it
For her new Asian prop maker, he wont stay for long if the wife finds out. But Momo seems to like "forbidden fruit" just like how she likes to use artists who don't want their work copied.
No. 491239
File: 1517629624175.png (18.07 KB, 588x181, parkingticket.PNG)

whining about something that was in her control to prevent
No. 491279
>>491274>>491229I got chu. Sage for repost.
No. 491282
>>491232milk party man was going along with it too
super gross
No. 491362
>>491292Will you ever actually post caps or are you just gonna keep throwing that out there every few threads. There's always a ton of people like you that claim thugs but never post receipts.
>inb4 hi mooNo, I'm not Mariah. It's just annoying when you keep bringing it up but don't show any actually proof.
No. 491374
File: 1517637845210.jpeg (459.61 KB, 509x910, A3BE8592-5C02-41FB-8621-8588E3…)

Vamp is borrowing momos rin Cosplay and wig
No. 491375
File: 1517637938899.jpeg (485.39 KB, 506x906, 76ABA609-A6CD-4EBC-924F-8AC3B0…)

>that stretched out neck
I truly wanna see how this fits on her I always thought this one fit momo better than usual
No. 491402
>>491399>Plus it was over Twitter DMs and my Twitter was deleted.So you have nothing to offer us but an allegation without evidence that is THREADS old. No phone convos, no FB convos, no nothing?
I agree with anon, when are you going to drop it?
No. 491409
>>491405not necessarily condoning 'rumours' being spammed in the thread but I had a friend who also got nudes from moo completely unsolicited but he didnt want to give them to me because he's an internet personality/voice actor with a pretty squeaky clean rep and he didnt want moo to accuse him of anything so there are situations where some of us have legitimate stories but no actual evidence to back it up.
A LOT of the stories we have about moo are 'hearsay' if we're going to be honest it's just that down the line we get proof of it.
I dont think it should be a big fiasco unless it's completely unfounded but if moo is willing to leak her own nudes years ago why is it so hard to believe she sends nudes to random dudes?
No. 491439
>>491438Oops meant to quote
>>491093The tears in my eyes from laughing are fuckin me up
No. 491451
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No. 491453
File: 1517649744361.png (134.39 KB, 462x348, Screenshot 2018-02-03 at 1.22.…)

what is this
No. 491467
File: 1517652129410.png (128.12 KB, 199x353, Screenshot_2018-02-03-01-59-44…)

Her back fat are another pair of tits
No. 491470
File: 1517652358196.png (274 KB, 477x580, Screenshot 2018-02-03 at 2.05.…)

No. 491501
File: 1517655788930.png (203.13 KB, 442x364, 739.PNG)

>>490802Even the ghost in her room doesn't believe her bullshit.
No. 491509
File: 1517656217312.gif (490.94 KB, 260x146, 1486086996614.gif)

>>491501Fucking dead hahaha
No. 491525
>>491083What canon gay plot besides ep 6 with two guys having sex, unless you are talking about Satan’s one side love towards Akira.
Though claiming something is canon just because person A talked to person B is just as autistic unless done unironically.
Seeing Mariah sperging over her ships isn’t new and even that pic alone makes me think she is posting anime screenshots out of context and saying it’s (her head)canon.
No. 491557
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No. 491563
File: 1517665695859.png (166.73 KB, 568x587, flute.PNG)

this bitch doesn't know how to play the flute and watching her flap her fat fingers around pretending that she does is one of the funniest things i've ever seen: haven't played the flute since i was in band class at 12 years old but i'm pretty sure you don't practice fingering while looking off into space, correct me if i'm wrong
No. 491566
File: 1517666370485.jpeg (394.1 KB, 750x1281, 79583A19-464C-4EEB-8398-5C1414…)

>>491563Haven’t played the flute since elementary lol but I don’t think that’s how you practice sheets of music if you were a flutist tbh you usually try to play it right? Anyways here’s a weirdo tweet by her weirdo fans, funny how she completely ignores support and gives attention to weird ones
No. 491575
File: 1517667257049.jpg (449.08 KB, 607x1080, DVFkDCpUMAA6mvA_mr151766699518…)

>>491375Not gonna lie, if vamplettes DOES get a nose job, she should drop moo moo immediately cause there would be no need to coat tail off her
No. 491612
>>491607she either:
a) has sheet music pulled up on screen and is looking at her monitor or
b) watching a youtube video (music in the background) and os just copying what the person is doing
No. 491615
>>491405i dont want to scare off potential milk, i personally love reading stories like these even if its unfounded, but coming here claiming something without anything to back it up is frowned upon. thats just how it is. we like evidence because mariah is a grade a liar and will spin anything to play the victim.
also asking for proof is not attacking you lol
No. 491616
File: 1517672013185.png (1.13 MB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-02-03-07-28-52…)

Her "process"
No. 491656
>>491501Oh my god I didn't notice from the original pic, what is that? It's really creepy
>>491575True. Even with that nose sometimes she manages to look at least a league above Moo
No. 491715
File: 1517676618843.jpeg (16.09 KB, 275x183, 0DD97A7B-5FDF-4D00-B55B-FAC735…)

>>491712idk personally I think it looks like a sad putin
No. 491799
File: 1517682072726.png (882.17 KB, 590x587, 322.PNG)

I feel like this is every Asian male's expression when MooMoo sets her sights on them.
No. 491854
>>491616>>491618>>491619>>491622She really can't do anything without showing it off huh. If she's actually that talented at flute, she'd just learn it in a couple days and put out a video without showing off her "process" (because her process isn't interesting/professional/helpful in any way).
And it really does prove that she can't be in fucken school. There's no way she's taking a dozen pictures of sheet music, devoting her entire Instagram story to every time she signs prints or ships off her overpriced used costumes in boxes, close ups of her pho and pizza binges, an hour's worth of Fate ramblings, but wouldn't take one picture of her doing homework because she doesn't think people will care.
No. 491890
>>491622Not a musically inclined person but is it normal to have sheet music in MS Paint?
Sorry if it doesn't contribute but that's odd.
No. 491945
>>491622Oh my god writing notes in like that is for beginners who can't actually read music
If you were good and knew how to read rhythms, you could sightread this without "knowing which notes switch fast"
Christ just wait until she uploads a selfie and we can see her horrible embouchure
No. 491947
>>491945This. I haven’t played cello in probably ten years, but played from 4th-12th grade and even when I see sheet music now I STILL know what the notes are and how to play them. Some may be a bit fuzzy but I would NOT need to write the notes down like she is.
Sage for sperg
No. 491955
>>491919because she is dumb
you cant edit her fatass enough with just a phone app
No. 492035
>haven't used that note frequentlyThe fuck? I was in orchestra throughout middle school and high school and unless she's been playing nothing but "Mary had a little lamb" or some easy shit there's no way she hasn't used that note ~frequently~.
I wouldn't be so
triggered by this if she wasn't always trying to brag about everything. She was bragging about being able to play the flute and I get she hasn't played in years but she clearly wasn't any good before she stopped playing. I was a trombone player for most of my time in orchestra but I played flute for a year in middle school before changing and I still remember how to play it. I'm not trying to show off. I'm just saying, for someone who showed off saying she used to play flute for years before stopping, she sure sucks.
No. 492083
File: 1517700458481.png (763.3 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180203-152605.png)

She said she writes the notes out then memorizes the piece.
Her fingerings in this are also clunky and inaccurate, it must be from how double jointed she is!!!
She's just fingering along just because she doesn't actually know how to properly play it….
No. 492104
File: 1517701383888.png (3.08 MB, 750x1334, B2994947-21CE-4D21-8961-D8C764…)

she’s posting some throwbacks on her instastory including the much forgotten yuri genderbend. anyway look how stained this dumbass was after her first shion shoot
No. 492119
File: 1517702214925.jpeg (325.65 KB, 640x877, E5107074-DB1C-4798-B108-6CD0F4…)

I can‘t with this editing
No. 492137
File: 1517702853134.jpeg (292.19 KB, 640x915, AFC38DCE-8F8D-4B1D-9E1C-D204F4…)

I‘m just speechless about how she can keep posting these photos thinking they look good …
It‘s just so bad, there‘s literally nothing to save here why even bother editing anyway
No. 492161
File: 1517703940602.png (2.22 MB, 750x1334, 2F34AFBF-00F8-43D6-952B-293CD0…)

>>492157She watched yuri on ice, went ice skating and said this was a genderbend yuri kek. it didn’t fly with the neckbeards because…dudes I guess
No. 492194
File: 1517705861265.png (961.86 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-02-03-16-50-10…)

I shouldve know this would happen. She's making hooves
No. 492195
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No. 492223
>>491220Whens the last time moon has had a boyfriend?
She seems super fucking lonely and pathetic as the years have gone by.
No. 492229
File: 1517707309592.jpg (400.08 KB, 2048x1536, PicsArt_02-03-05.16.43.jpg)

No. 492233
File: 1517707406668.jpg (392.1 KB, 2048x1536, PicsArt_02-03-05.22.40.jpg)

No. 492248
>>491575she could trick people into believing shes an asian with surgery imo
from this pic anyway, she looks like the koreans who overshop/filter their pics.
No. 492258
>>491619i bet shell remember two rows and then give up
lol "i just play it from memory". what a weird humble brag of a lie
No. 492264
>>491712have you ever seen a cat lmfao
>>491854yup, she makes it super easy to tell shes a huge fucking liar
No. 492268
>>491919she probably only knows how to edit photos in shop, and nothing else lol
aka bitch couldnt find the pencil tool
No. 492275
>>492161that looks like someone elses arms
god this chick should join the circus
No. 492279
>>492229it looks ok, im sure it will look garbage painted
but its too small, her arm fat is sticking out :/
No. 492284
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No. 492317
File: 1517711439394.jpeg (506.33 KB, 750x1091, 2CE7B9A6-3D60-4ACF-BF47-0354DD…)

whoever said she was making hooves was wrong, she’s making sabers mitten armor
No. 492320
File: 1517711553937.jpeg (661.05 KB, 750x1099, 4FBA6F7F-5A62-4643-9F16-F191E7…)

>>492317also I’m tired of her saying Nani the fuck?! like we get it we all know Nani?!? is what and that’s the meme but she has to make it more cringe
No. 492321
>>492317…why did she make a whole glove THEN staps over it???? Not a mitt??
Only said hooves because of the shoes she got the other day…this is worse…
No. 492338
File: 1517712336560.jpeg (141.6 KB, 750x1334, 413D10D9-AADA-4DD6-971C-A8118B…)

caught this in the back of her new story (her and vamp going to Lowes) and lightened it…
this bitch still has her Christmas tree up in February get it Together.
No. 492361
File: 1517713816538.jpeg (366.96 KB, 635x800, B5A6123C-D82D-4228-9206-611C59…)

>>492350Sorry this is a figure (obviously) but most most of the pictures show saber wearing normal armored gloves, I had to hunt for one that showed the “mitten”
No. 492370
File: 1517714900738.jpg (251.08 KB, 630x420, b910bfcba65d74fa7d5a632b08a2f6…)

>>492317Is she going to teach one of her Asian fuckbois the "French flipper trick"?
No. 492371
File: 1517715113715.png (529.39 KB, 1024x650, SaberArtGOStage3.png)

>>492350There are two different types of gloves for Artoria. She might be aiming for the older version, because newer ones have seperate fingers. This is a card art from Grand Order.
No. 492376
File: 1517715281193.jpg (416.8 KB, 1280x1579, 027.jpg)

>>492371without the cape and adornments, so you can see the arms
No. 492427
File: 1517719049608.png (667.32 KB, 720x1041, Screenshot_2018-02-03-20-34-39…)

It begins
No. 492428
File: 1517719129353.png (2.81 MB, 750x1334, 3C18DAF5-EBEE-4FF2-B25C-9625C5…)

our cosplay queen is now at Lowes giving out cosplay tips for everyone. I’m not a cosplayer so I don’t know how legit the tip would be but if you want great cosplays like momokun she suggests using these for the edges
No. 492431
File: 1517719205447.png (1.9 MB, 750x1334, 940C3391-CF8D-4AFF-AFF1-73B63D…)

>>492428“You could use this stuff for edges on cosplay! like bend it over the foam?
gasp I’m totally doing that”
No. 492441
File: 1517719593453.png (248.81 KB, 500x295, 4EF1DC36-92EB-464D-AFE9-2B8E0E…)

>>492434it’s not a horses ass it’s the dog on the left.
No. 492514
File: 1517728803757.png (1.12 MB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2018-02-03-23-17-55…)

Food trash?!?
No. 492515
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No. 492561
File: 1517739318834.png (243.16 KB, 629x549, Screenshot 2018-02-04 at 2.15.…)

Really needs that laptop for school my dudes
No. 492566
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No. 492570
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No. 492572
File: 1517742693127.png (735.89 KB, 420x893, Screenshot_2018-02-04-03-03-35…)

>>492568>>492567My question is: if she hated her last trip to the emergency vet why go again? She complained about the bill and how she'd never go to anyone except her vet?
No. 492574
File: 1517743326678.png (393.07 KB, 720x1042, Screenshot_2018-02-04-03-20-17…)

No. 492590
>>492587that's probably her old account, the current one is up and fine for me
No. 492654
File: 1517757536417.jpg (80.89 KB, 700x700, product-image_3ff5c85c-54ac-4f…)

>>492628I think there are articulated pieces under the mittens.
No. 492655
>>492317that thumb on the glove is
triggering me
No. 492705
File: 1517763387172.png (3.93 MB, 1242x2208, A482D702-6425-4E2D-B827-CC3724…)

Cat update:
>linguistics major couldn’t pronounce or remember the word “abscess”
>jaeda had a wound near her butt from Guzma and her fighting, it got infected and abscessed
> jaeda has come and meds for ~7 days, complains about guzma screaming outside her door
No. 492708
File: 1517763565959.png (4.8 MB, 1242x2208, 2FEA4879-8384-4F4F-BBCC-C977AA…)

>>492705Sage for cat sperg but this was on her main Instagram so who cares.
First vamp using guzma as an excuse for why she has to move out, now months and months later guzma is STILL hurting and attacking jaeda. If she’s getting cuts, they’re not play fighting.
No. 492710
>>492708it also shows proof that now that she has Guzma she's neglecting Jaeda because if one of my animals had hurt themselves to the point of it being infected? I would know.
Then again I guess moo is just SO busy with her double major, flute playing, professional cosplaying, fitness guru, clothing designer life that a mere cat just doesnt fit into her oh so busy schedule
No. 492837
>>492705I normally try to ignore the whole cat debate because it's nitpicking most of the time but this is bullshit. Cat fights can happen and all but this is not okay.
I never had to discipline my cats but Mariah should definitely do that with Guzma.
It just shows her horrible personality.
No. 492851
>>492747I was thinking that too, why did it take that long for her to notice there was an issue? Like, my cat (a good tempered ragdoll, nothing like the little shit Guzma is) had an issue with his eye recently and we noticed it that day.
So she's obviously not paying enough attention to Jaeda, and too much attention to Guzma. She's turned a typically good natured breed of cat into a little terror.
No. 492958
>>492908Guzma is a cute kitten, that already makes him more "instagram worthy" than an older cat.
Sage for cat sperging but someone get Jackson Galaxy on this shit, she's ruining both her cats.
No. 492977
>>492842Jaeda will die first
Still no word on the parasyte guzma gave the cats huh
I still don't think she helped vamp pay to cure her cats
No. 493021
>>491799I don't remember if she ever had her hair dyed red of if this was a wig but she looks so much better here.
And I just realized that I own that exact beanie
No. 493036
>>492911She claims to be SUPER BUSY with "school", patreon, cosplayer, and being a business woman, yet she gets a new pet????! This is why it's unbelievable she's even all that busy. Anyone who loves animals and knows about taking care of them knows even ONE takes up a lot of time.
Either she's really doing school and shit and just incompetent as fuck or she is lying about doing anything with her life.
Your pick Mariah.
No. 493064
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No. 493066
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No. 493075
>>493069You read my thoughts
Within this year I think I've only seen one photo about Jaeda, it's always about Guzma
No. 493081
File: 1517784745876.png (291.33 KB, 500x477, tumblr_oodssm3VeN1t9vw0vo1_500…)

also ive had cats for over 20 years and have never had this happen to them.
No. 493090
>>493078She HERSELF said it was from Guzma here
>>492705 Note that she ALREADY had taken Jaeda to the vet at that point and she already had the cone at that point so she was probably told from the VET that it was caused by a cat scratch rather than butt glands.
She's probably just switching up the story because so many people called her out on this. BUt it's BS that it would get abscessed with some major infection within 24 hours so the timeline doesnt make any sense. Along with her lying about going to the vet so often why are you gonna believe the other obvious lie. She probably just had one of her lackeys that has experience with cats give her an excuse to make her look less shitty
No. 493094
>>493090Just relax. When a cat gets taken in for something like a enlarged anal gland abscess, the vet usually gives you a generic reason why it could happen. Usually they say it's from another cat, not being able to clean themselves properly, an infection that could have happened due to some feces being left on there fur. It's not uncommon at all. I'm not saying it couldn't have been from another cat, but those kind of abscesses even without another cat involved are common. Some get so bad and turn cystic that they need to do surgery and not just Express the abscess.
Imma stop there with my two cents.
No. 493098
>>492561what a cute kitten
too bad hes a demon that needs to be exorcised
No. 493117
>>493094if you saw her original post Jaeda was already home and in a cone since she clearly said Guzma was yelling from the other room meaning that she was already long done with the vet at that point. Moo is clearly just trying to cover her ass. I'm pretty sure a scratch that got infected and an infected gland look different.
I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just saying moo is being a liar as she usually is.
No. 493136
>>493117Plus she was JUST with Jaeda
She was not concerned at all.
No. 493192
File: 1517790753291.png (2 MB, 750x1334, 99FCD0C7-8441-4517-ABFA-60B6BA…)

wiggling to show off her ~weight loss
No. 493195
File: 1517790941802.png (1.97 MB, 750x1334, 1EB9CE15-DD39-4BE8-BCD0-CEFD5F…)

No. 493247
File: 1517792983285.png (2.99 MB, 750x1334, B3FDDC71-4CEA-418E-810D-F69411…)

When people say you don’t know her life!!!!!! I don’t get it. First snap she’s getting dressed, second one she’s showing her “ass” but fully dressed and then she snaps herself going out the door for a “foamies” run. She snaps/instastories pretty much everything truly. pic related face she saw a bee
No. 493250
File: 1517793118354.jpeg (490.38 KB, 750x891, 1AF87F8A-E81C-4E01-A2E2-CC0F9A…)

it’s papakuns birthday!
No. 493263
>>493250"I wasn't allowed to be spoiled"
But you bitched how your mom got you the wrong car?
No. 493276
File: 1517794190365.jpeg (567.05 KB, 750x920, 9DFB2E13-311B-4718-B57A-7BE6C7…)

bonus momo and popo
No. 493280
File: 1517794357900.jpeg (40.47 KB, 750x120, CC953D1E-0617-4C8E-90FA-0AA0D3…)

race reference because muh poc
No. 493294
>>493276I think it's kind of nice she's hanging out with her family.
She seems like such a lonely, desperate, and pathetic individual through and through. Good on her for getting interaction that isn't the obnoxious cosplaying community.
No. 493306
File: 1517795484645.png (397.63 KB, 500x1178, 1516172969658.png)

Here in 2016 she says she's been in "business school" for two years which is what she claims she's doing now
No. 493470
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No. 493471
File: 1517803866253.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, 10645D5C-2924-4293-8491-13A2B4…)

>>493470idk she was moving so I tried to cap both angles, veinchain is 3D
No. 493551
>>493247>>493195Oh.. so we're stealing the Nigri hairstyle now too, MooMoo? Christ almighty.. do you have an original bone in your body?
If Nigri ever goes a day without posting to social media I'm just going to point the police to Mariah so that they can search her house for the Nigri fleshsuit she's so thirsty to make.
No. 493577
File: 1517810521386.jpg (90.67 KB, 852x852, u md.jpg)

>>493555like mother like daughter
No. 493598
File: 1517812667976.png (761.92 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-02-04-22-34-09…)

>took cone off, said vet told her it was ok as long as she's watching her. Had to put it back on cause Jaeda was licking
>said she cant work on cosplay because she'd have to leave Jaeda in the room and sad by herself
No. 493599
File: 1517812725547.png (1005.33 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2018-02-04-22-33-32…)

No. 493626
File: 1517815782595.png (664.28 KB, 840x562, nigri_hair.png)

>>493607I'm not talking about the color. I'm talking about the style. That is literally the STANDARD style for Nigri.
No. 493648
>>493280“Both of my parents are Arabs, but I’m also Italian”
Bitch how. It’s either one or the other, I don’t care for ancestors.
She’s american, right? Like born in America. Then she’s american of Arab descendants at most.
Why are people so obsessed with ethnicity, Jesus.
No. 493686
>>493683the fat cells she does have will just make her more lumpy cuz it isn't even and smooth. So will become cottage cheese
>>493684isn't there a cap where she admitted she was wearing one as a kid but had to stop cuz kids were making fun of her?
No. 493744
>>493725…they literally said it wasn't about the color you dimwit lol
She's copying pulling down both sides of her hair and ponytailing the rest like a sloppy tard
Not a typical hairstyle, typical would be top bun or some shit
This is Nigri skinwalking shit
No. 493836
>>493799Not true at all.
> removes fat cells permanently. The fat cells that are removed by liposuction can never come back, however, if the patient gains a significant amount of weight, then new fat cell can develop. With a small weight gain, existing fat cells simply get bigger by accumulating more fat within the existing cell. However, with an increase of more than 10% of body weight, one can expect new fat cell development in all areas of the body, including areas previously treated by liposuction.
You guys need to actually understand biology before you go spouting off bs.
No. 493839
>>493203And what's even more peculiar she dressed quite normally, even stylishly in high school and now it's just… sweatpants and a mismatched top with a cheap cap all the time. She legitimately looks like a homeless person, especially with that grey messy hair which doesn't suit her complex at all. What happened to her? She went from a basic bitch guidette to a bum.
>>493684She claimed to wear a hijab as a kid and "stopped wearing it because baww bullies". It's a load of bullshit as her mother or sister definitely doesn't wear one.
As for the cat situation, didn't she mention she got Guzma from a cat breeder that claimed to be legit but turned to be bogus to some degree? It could explain Guzma's behavioral issues, actual breeders that give a shit don't select aggressive cats to be bred.
>>493809Yeah, I don't think she got another one during the last few weeks. I'm guessing that her swelling from the last round of lipo (before the roadhog) must be going down so she's showing her money all she can now.
No. 493842
>>493841Another article.
> who are obese tend to have more fat cells than those who are not, and several studies have found an increase in fat cell number with weight regain following weight loss.
No. 493865
>>493744She worships Nigri. I bet she got lipo trying to get a body just like her but obviously that didn't work out. Next thing you know, she will get a nose job and breast lift and other surgeries until she looks closer to Nigri.
If I was Jnig I would stay away from her at all costs. Bitch is psycho.
>>493809Are you guys forgetting long before she confessed to lipo and we started seeing proof, anons here began making speculations. The speculations started when she started showing off her stomach in photos more (it was very obnoxious) and she started promoting Fit Tea and she started posting more "work out" selfies. I think it's safe to say people have the right to speculate at this point because it always ends up true when it comes to Mariah.
No. 493958
>>493839>It's a load of bullshit as her mother or sister definitely doesn't wear oneexactly. disclaimer bc I'm not Muslim, but I can't believe she even tried to lie about that. if they really were that devout, then wouldn't working at a casino be off limits too, like her dad was? though I know not all practicing Muslims follow Islamic teachings exactly, I just figured it'd be kind of a strange place for a devout Muslim to work.
sorry, I know even talking about this is pointless bc moo is obviously lying about her/her family being devout, but I was just curious
No. 493995
>>493958This is what I was thinking too. If her family was so devout then both parents would be practicing muslims, so why isn't her mom wearing some form of the hijab? And since children learn from EXAMPLE wtf would young Moo even want to wear a hijab if her female relatives (mom and sis) didn't wear one?
Never forget the old instagram pics of her wearing Jesus shirts and the cross.
No. 494142
File: 1517862138802.png (57.4 KB, 624x678, eab20a6865629f88f76fa52c335741…)

>>494057I'm laughing cause D Piddy did her dirty. Look how low her credits are in the description.
Also cause she looks terrible in every single scene.
No. 494219
File: 1517864749463.jpg (43.28 KB, 468x363, 4565464.jpg)

>>494057quality boots guys
No. 494302
File: 1517868941105.jpeg (309.12 KB, 1242x2208, 487EF9AF-3002-4FFB-9224-5D33C4…)

ouch lol
No. 494309
File: 1517869334876.jpg (197.82 KB, 1393x753, momokunt.jpg)

I wonder how thirsty she was for this asian dude
No. 494324
File: 1517869946715.jpeg (93.7 KB, 749x541, C21D77DF-F010-405D-B9D9-6459E4…)

No one on his page cares about this video at all lmao
No. 494329
File: 1517870026229.jpg (149.97 KB, 731x939, moomoo.jpg)

>>494219She is all about detail and quality
No. 494340
>>494329I'd love it if he was literally showcasing how trash she was instead of trying to give her props but we know the universe isn't ever that good
Cause God she's falling apart and looking like garbage for a cosplay famous
No. 494398
>>494057I have the worst secondhand embarrassment from watching this. Like, all the cosplayers agreed to be in the video yet half of them are stiff and uncomfortable as he'll. I wonder if they were aware moo moo was in it.
Also LOL at roxychan not being able to hide her real face beneath those glasses and hair
No. 494449
File: 1517875878753.png (191.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180205-181022.png)

No. 494498
>>494247Mariah and DPiddy are not dating. He probably used her for the video because he knew she would help get it views since people who don't like her would watch it to see how bad it is. DPiddy seems like the kind of guy who just cares about the outcome of a product than who works with. He also seems to distance himself from the cosplay community as a person so he probably doesn't know all the bad shit about Mariah.
Loving the negative comments and dislikes though. It shows that everyone knows she's toxic now.
No. 494523
>>494057I don’t get it
He used to work with some cute cosplayers in his video collabs but now….. this? Why not use those girls again?
No. 494686
File: 1517887120727.png (243.84 KB, 624x686, Screenshot 2018-02-05 at 7.18.…)

No. 494688
File: 1517887144102.png (296.38 KB, 590x479, Screenshot 2018-02-05 at 7.18.…)

No. 494697
File: 1517887656791.png (524.23 KB, 720x1181, Screenshot_2018-02-05-19-21-37…)

Guess who is sweatshopping at Moo's again? She was fitting Vamp in this
No. 494729
File: 1517890249870.png (270.64 KB, 255x595, Screenshot 2018-02-05 at 8.10.…)

No. 494797
File: 1517894735235.jpeg (286.19 KB, 750x904, A558FEE0-92DA-4C45-AB25-0E08E7…)

wow you don’t say huh? that’s what you get with momo
No. 494804
>>494797“where’s my ring?”
bitch where’s ur muzzle
also no doubt in my mind moo went crazy for that hot bakugou. she’s looked like an idiot the whole time time
No. 494810
File: 1517895858329.png (2.95 MB, 750x1334, E6057CC2-3E88-4A61-B71B-E0A9A7…)

and she’s on time for her weekly sushi binge
No. 494811
File: 1517896095120.jpeg (454.65 KB, 750x1044, 6362E05A-1D97-43D1-B987-A16CDF…)

>tfw you’re chilling out working on some cosplay with friends and then suddenly obnoxiouskun blows an airhorn for no reason
hold on vamp, you’ll be free soon
No. 494966
File: 1517918359423.png (6.63 KB, 768x720, cow.png)

>>491438Anon, why do you make me do this shit?
No. 494986
File: 1517922030687.png (158.39 KB, 1439x541, Capture _2018-02-06-07-59-27.p…)

Well u just hope nips has no issues with the fan Boys or momo. I'm so proud of them though for being so upfront and saying they will not be friends with her we need more people to do this honestly.
No. 494991
>>494986link to the twitlonger for the lazy anons honestly so happy for her, and i'm glad she did it publicly too. I hope a lot of momos "friends"/leeches start dropping her too. Shes not worth it.
No. 495003
>>494997I mean better yet, where is Momokun's supposed statement she has ready??
ohnips is protecting herself professionally, outside of mentioning lolcow, so Moo can't say ohnips is a blood traitor who went on a witch hunt or w/e she does these days to people who break ties with them.
No. 495006
File: 1517925163259.png (83.64 KB, 585x595, Screenshot 2018-02-06 at 5.52.…)

Obviously bothered Mariah lmao
No. 495007
File: 1517925218419.png (231.87 KB, 620x485, Screenshot 2018-02-06 at 5.53.…)

No. 495008
File: 1517925284240.png (69.83 KB, 204x429, Screenshot 2018-02-06 at 5.54.…)

No. 495030
>>494986Gotta love how pissy Moomoo is that she didn’t get to give her statement first. No doubt she would have done what she always does when someone abandons her toxic ass: Drag her through the mud publicly, try to play the victim putting on her best “I’m just a sweet, innocent girl who just wants everyone to love each other/it’s so sad when people take advantage of my kindness”, whining about about all the “lies” and “rumors” being spread about her yet trying to appear to laugh it all off and vague posting about feeling “betrayed” and “learning who my real friends are”.
This is how you do it. Don’t let her get the first word in. Because she’ll always try to play the victim and look for sympathy while simultaneously trying to ruin you publicly.
No. 495038
>>495030I love how Mariah was definitely afraid in the those texts. She was afraid of Ohnips leaking damaging information. It's so hilarious because we have seen that Mariah herself isn't above doing that. She's made very public posts about people and incited many witch hunts.
Can't handle what you dish out Mariah?
You're a weak ass bitch. You just think you're tough because neckbeards are always rubbing your clit. But you're nothing but an insecure, weak, bully.
No. 495050
File: 1517929024039.png (747.95 KB, 720x1167, Screenshot_2018-02-06-06-55-08…)

No. 495061
>>494991Agreeing with ohnips it not, all it takes is one peso to speak up for the dam to break. This is the first time anyone has publicly denounced her, and although it’s sugarcoated I’m happy to see it.
Also lol at momo saying she has a statement to put out… I thought the fb post Was your statement Mariah!
No. 495115
>>495106i never had any issue with her. she's just kind of a run of the mill tumblr-geared artist, she's not bad tho.
tbh i think her calling moo out is a great thing since she's an artist and the twitter post mainly focused on art theft.
>>495113it looks so stupid.
No. 495185
>uncomfortable about people posting screenshots of private conversations Oh boohoo Mariah. So it's okay for you to do the same when you think it'll save your ass? Such a hypocrite. I'm glad Ohnips did this.
>I prefer you not to say anything I told you until I've told mineWhat? So you can doxx Ohnips before Ohnips could've said anything? She is so weak and pathetic. She always wants to cover her ass. Mariah just take a loss for once you egotistical cow. This is the beginning of the end hopefully.
No. 495219
File: 1517938994262.jpg (9.54 KB, 265x329, C5c8a1NUsAA0qs6.jpg)

>>494991>>494986They're both dumb fucking dumpster bins who manipulate their followers. What did ohnips' DMs even prove besides shit we didn't already know? Wow, more excuses from Mariah, what new, novel revelations. I think you're all giving her way too much credit because the threads have been slow, there's nothing impressive in the slightest about what she leaked here.
No. 495291
File: 1517942608220.jpg (56.56 KB, 720x1197, FB_IMG_1517942237230.jpg)

No. 495292
>>495040She is always crying about omg I love cosplay u guyzzzz when shit happens
She's so predictable zzz
And she was probably drunk or high af when she posted that shit
No. 495324
>>495219 seriously, get over it. everyone has been begging for someone to call out Moo for ages, now you're upset because she didn't do it the right way? Please grow up. Even if Onips isn't that great of a person (which I don't know I haven't done my own research) that's hardly a problem. They have a following and proof of DMs from Mariah so they can say they got it straight from the horses mouth and there was no manipulation.
Also sorry Moo, if you wanted to spin this story in your favor should have responded to it right away. Opps, forgot it's all truth so you have no way of defending yourself. She never had any intention of making a statement, now she wants to because she knows ppl aren't waiting around for her to get her act together.
No. 495339
File: 1517944999676.jpeg (215.07 KB, 1419x945, 5BD8E321-6011-487F-ACBA-050ED3…)

waiting on that meltdown like….
No. 495394
>>495219>What did ohnips' DMs even prove besides shit we didn't already know? no one cares what we know, dumbass.
it may not be much, but having a friend come forth and be like nah im out is bound to catch the attention of the unsure.
No. 495395
>>495259i only clicked the first link but its vid of them yelling that thot shit at a con
i assume second is the same basically
give some context next time anon or no one gonna click
No. 495398
>>495305>>495312>>495323I didn't know, but that just makes iot even more obnoxious. You could write a wall calling her a cunt or something and it'll be like OMG THX FOR TEH LUV :-
just fuck off moo youre so far up your own ass
No. 495399
>>495339iz good oc
who's notvamp?
No. 495421
File: 1517949502583.png (114.44 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1842.PNG)

Didn't she buy bootleg figures already though?
No. 495432
File: 1517949959652.jpeg (83.22 KB, 599x900, CFF21681-6D5A-4569-80EE-96B027…)

>>495421I couldn’t find her pictures and I know they’re in a past thread for sure though. It was this figure she bought a bootleg of which is a shame because look at now nice the original is.
No. 495433
>>495432thats technically a bootleg
e2046 recasts stuff, they are unofficial
im not going to get in to it further lol
No. 495442
>>495439mfc banned e2046
i think it might be one they custom made, but in terms of copyright yes its bootleg
theyre kind of weird since they make recasts and originals lol
or recasts of originals
i hate garage kits lol
No. 495447
File: 1517950906471.jpeg (138.85 KB, 749x992, 1509226728962.jpeg)

>>495443Found it! lord only knows where she got this from
No. 495465
File: 1517951625950.jpg (9.11 KB, 189x292, 1508543485708.jpg)

>>495432 is better than the trash she bought and it's also a bootleg.
No. 495474
File: 1517951896623.jpeg (1.89 MB, 3504x2336, Bellsproot1482233310.jpeg)

>>495447I know you guys hate figfags, but lol
OK, so looking at MFC this is a garage kit (do it yourself build) made by a doujin circle (so like… the equivalent to my opa in figure world let's say)
She either bought the copy prepainted which was probably double the original artists price, or Chinese version (lol this term just means bootleg) exists.
tldr she basically stole money from another independent artist by getting it from another source
pic is bootleg face via mfc, but unsure if the e2046 ver or other.
Shit's fake.
No. 495481
>>495465that’s totally what mariah is though
A bootleg of a bootleg
No. 495525
File: 1517954818202.jpeg (140.06 KB, 640x768, image.jpeg)

>>494219OT but that D.Va cosplayer is so cringe. She's "basically D.Va" and rushed her palanquin and officer cosplays just to be first~~!
No. 495542
>>495535It's the doomsday clock. Midnight means nuclear annihilation.
So basically they're making a joke about how Moo is about to have another meltdown.
No. 495614
>>495572Mariah had no plans to say anything besides that first fb post. But she panicked when ohnips told her she had plans to do a public statement and cane up with some BS that she had a statement too.
Too bad for her this whole situation is just picking up more and more steam, so pretending it doesn’t exist isn’t going to cut ut anymore
No. 495621
>>495579indeed it's really interesting, thanks again for the info anon!
i will stop derailing
No. 495638
>>495614A lot of her problems stem from the fact that she keeps lying. It's like she fears being wrong or accepting that she was wrong will ruin her. Ironically, not admitting fault and continuous lies to cover her ass are what ruin her image.
I don't mind though. It's fun catching her in her lies and finding evidence, making her look like an idiot.
No. 495640
File: 1517963778270.png (432.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180206-163433.png)

No. 495643
>>495642the legs, the arms, everything lmaoooo
bitch is donkey kong with sausage stumps in reality
No. 495646
File: 1517964101234.jpg (686.24 KB, 1080x1744, Screenshot_20180206-163936.jpg)

No. 495648
>getting called out left and right for copying someone else's art as her "OC" for months and finally changes the design once someone with a following calls her out on itLet's be real. If Ohnips and BunnyAyu didn't call her out on this shit, she would've not changed the design. She should've done this from the beginning but her lazy/ unoriginal cuntish self couldn't even put in the effort. It's too late Mariah.
This looks nothing like her. The arms are too tiny, the waist is too thin and toned, and this drawing actually has an ass….. This art is a great way for us to see how she actually views herself lol. So delusional.
I'll bet $1000 that she is going to try and make figures of this character so she can copy SSS like she always does.
No. 495655
File: 1517964986325.png (96.69 KB, 750x836, IMG_7128.PNG)

Looks like mommy doesn't care about your feelings Mooriah
No. 495670
>>495641>>495648she HAD to go to the same artist that did SSS and bunny designs right?
also i don't think the proportions is her fault to be honest, if you look this artist jus doesn't understand human anatomy at all
No. 495681
File: 1517966542733.jpg (544.94 KB, 1048x1865, 18-02-06-17-22-18-737_deco.jpg)

Seeing a whole lot of people linking lolcow on her recent posts about her stealing designs.
No. 495683
>>495673This doesn’t surprise me at all. She clings to whatever other cosplayers are doing because she needs to stay relevant. Why do you think she went to Zach Fischer for her armored Moana??? Because doing armored cosplays was in and Jessica and other corplayers were getting designs by him.
And here she is doing the same shit. OCs are the in thing to do and she goes to another artist that all the other cool kids are going to. Her entire existence is her copying other people just do she can fit in and be cool. That’s sad huh?
And the only reason she’s doing now and not before is because she’s getting so much heat for the OC. I’m interested to know if it’ll still have pink hair.
No. 495699
File: 1517967375694.jpg (581.98 KB, 1079x754, Screenshot_20180206-173451.jpg)

>>495691>>495687Here I got the designs since the link anon posted doesn't work for everyone. They are basic and anyone could make them to be honest. Don't see why it's so special. Kind of derailing though.
No. 495711
>>495693>>495699Thanks for the pics, fam.
Cat's designs are actually different from Mami Tomoe's though and they definitely fit the definition of inspired where you can see where the basis are from but where you depart from it. But when you put Mariah's Red Riding Hood next to My Oppas there are only very minor differences and the base design is almost the same. Like Mariah is a perfect example of that "just change a few things so it doesn't look like you copied me" meme.
No. 495716
File: 1517968036392.png (455.56 KB, 813x800, Mami_magical_outfit_1.png)

>>495699I mean, the color schemes are similar, and they both have a corset, but besides that they are really different? How can she compare this to the carbon copy Mariah and Castle did of My Oppa's design?
No. 495718
>>495640so she paid money for "her oc" to put her hair up in a ponytail and the typical farm girl get up?
i'm calling it now, the shirt is gonna be plaid
No. 495731
>>495670>>495673Bokuman didnt design susu or bunny's mascots dont give that hack credit.
Susu's mascot has designs between DoxyOnta (the game susu and the design she uses for her youtube) and doghateburger who designed her figure based on a swimsuit she shot in. Bunny's mascot was designed by slugbox. Doxy and Slug are two of the biggest artists in the nsfw/lewd weeb crew.
Moo is too cheap so she went to someone who obviously craves attention and exposure so he's probably working for free
No. 495736
File: 1517969450309.jpg (555.24 KB, 1289x2134, 18-02-06-18-09-09-190_deco.jpg)

I want whatever they are smoking. This is on her most recent post on Instagram. "Hard work must be paying off" kek gag me.
No. 495761
File: 1517970701810.jpeg (414.29 KB, 1818x1818, 4B931AB2-31AC-4911-97F7-2F6F5E…)

>>495683I think moo is mostly copying hidori rose. She used to RT her (she was the one with the cosplay porn moo kept complimenting last year) a few days ago bokuman announced a doujinshi hentai story and character design for her.
No. 495784
File: 1517971417834.jpg (296.04 KB, 960x550, SNK_heroines_cast.jpg)

kek this redesign looks like the new Mai Shiranui design from the new SNK Heroines
No. 495787
File: 1517971487080.png (151.5 KB, 510x434, Screenshot 2018-02-06 at 6.07.…)

Also, she added this to her Etsy list
No. 495794
File: 1517971660690.jpg (54.64 KB, 624x960, 27459264_1256305681181045_8587…)

No. 495799
File: 1517972015448.png (121.7 KB, 738x919, IMG_7130.PNG)

It's official. BunnyAyu and SSS aren't her "calves". Did they all have a falling out or something?
No. 495812
File: 1517972391310.png (465.77 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180206-185919.png)

There it is boys
No. 495816
File: 1517972418614.png (1.46 MB, 750x1334, 5AAD08A5-A466-4BC6-9C60-82F0AF…)

she’s shaking around some new lenses in her instastory, can anyone figure out what this says?
Hi Mariah
Thanks for your (trust?)
Enjoy your new look
Keep (?? I kee reading it as failing but kek)
No. 495827
>>495816Hi Mariah
Thanks for your trust!
Enjoy your new look.
Keep sailing!
- Marielle (?)
No. 495830
File: 1517972654375.jpg (403.1 KB, 1056x1194, Screenshot_20180206-220320.jpg)

No. 495850
>>495816Hi Mariah
Thank you for your [trust]
Enjoy your new look
Keep smiling!
No. 495855
File: 1517973444554.jpeg (71.17 KB, 750x431, CF6C6857-4272-4313-B6E7-74E354…)

No. 495918
File: 1517976312691.png (1.57 MB, 1628x1080, badshoop.png)

hope you guys don't mind my shitty idea to merge these photos
No. 495924
File: 1517976702601.jpeg (34.94 KB, 500x313, 9BAEC167-2110-4584-812F-9744ED…)

Is this momokun
No. 495937
File: 1517977845456.png (58.22 KB, 588x351, Screenshot 2018-02-06 at 8.30.…)

No. 495944
File: 1517978240567.jpeg (449.65 KB, 750x991, D6E2094D-5489-44C5-B569-257A41…)

No. 495952
File: 1517978520376.jpeg (301.86 KB, 750x743, E9C99456-745F-49BE-9F8F-21438F…)

I’m so pleased she’s finally in the comments on the twitter post. The screenshot of text is literally just what’s shown so I didn’t bother expanding it.
No. 495957
>>495944Biiiitch stawp. Yes the term ~lewds~ has become a meme, but there was no reason for you to come up with a slogan. And if yuh wanted something for the shirts then come up with something more original! You saw susu’s slogan and wanted something similar because once again you need to be a cool kid. Too bad there isn’t a creative vibe in your body.
Good for bunny and susu for finally
Stepping up.
No. 495960
>>495956Sss basically brushed off the slogan thing like mariah was a speck of dust saying it “wouldn’t hurt her business” which was a huge roast. Essentially saying mariah ain’t shit, lmao. Of course that’s gonna
trigger the cow.
No. 495966
File: 1517979414792.jpeg (309.01 KB, 750x968, 13094E20-DD1F-4758-B0AA-017A04…)

whoops meant to reply not make a thread anyway go bunny!
No. 495975
File: 1517980226687.jpeg (356.45 KB, 750x973, 738F9BC8-5F73-4A48-9FC3-CFE048…)

No. 495982
File: 1517980476350.jpeg (352.54 KB, 750x1041, 54F36A55-022B-4465-96D2-5772BD…)

No. 495984
File: 1517980498136.jpeg (41.03 KB, 300x290, 71C3F95F-DBBB-4036-B965-D6A22E…)

>>495966Holy shit this is amazing.
No. 495989
>>495982what the fuck is she even trying to say
It’s a garbled mess of her not being able to admit she’s wrong
No. 495994
File: 1517980974022.jpeg (372.46 KB, 527x938, 27566322-2FE5-4F56-B47C-623487…)

No. 495997
File: 1517981020368.jpg (241.59 KB, 1080x693, Screenshot_20180206-212233.jpg)

When even your best friend admits you stole a hentai character
No. 496000
File: 1517981043777.gif (903.12 KB, 352x352, 8F62B15C-CD14-40B2-A84A-032D6B…)

>>495987please use caution it’s getting hot
No. 496005
File: 1517981287967.jpeg (306.84 KB, 750x874, 6C2B7FA5-2876-45CB-8CF7-061E31…)

I’m fucking screaming guys this is great
No. 496006
File: 1517981297631.png (543.04 KB, 768x630, gluttonmoo.png)

No. 496009
>>496005Classic manipulation tactic - I’m going to avoid all of the true statements you said about me but I’m going to FOCUS on this ONE that I can twist into you being wrong - now admit you were wrong!!!!
Why am I going to bed when this shit storm is just starting
No. 496010
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No. 496011
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She literally just said in any case she's wrong if susu didn't feel like it was stolen but ok
No. 496013
No. 496014
>>495937why post this in public? i understand why susu did, everyone wanted a statement from her, but this reply is just HEY SUSU PLS DONT DO THIS I DIDNT STEAL FROM YOU and its sad to read
>>496009same anon. i dont wanna go, this is delicious as fuck
No. 496021
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No. 496023
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No. 496024
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No. 496028
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No. 496029
>>496024sorry Momo no matter how much you try you are only
literally the bigger person in this situation
No. 496031
>>496024God, she is so stuck on the "no, I did not steal from su"
And then ignores the rest of accusations. What a cunt
No. 496040
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>>496021Susu makes mariah look like a babbling idiot, jesus fucking christ
No. 496045
>>496024Biiiiiiiitch. Just because susu wants to take the high road doesn’t mean what you did wasn’t theft. It’s clear the similarities are bothering others, and that’s all it takes.
You can tell she’s quaking, but her trying to act superior is fuvking annoying
No. 496051
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No. 496059
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I know we need a new thread but ugh it’s all too good to not post anymore until then
No. 496060
>>496051Nonono. See. It's like them. but unique and EGL. So she couldn't settle for those ones. Oh. And since CC made it. It's unique to the designer. But. Also. Like ALL THESE OTHER DESIGNS. But My Oppa's isn't unique at all! Momo just liked the unique EGL My Oppa had. but it's not the same! It's like ALL THE OTHERS….
She keeps talking in circles. it's funny.
No. 496077
>>496072No Instagram shit yet, either! She must be LIVID.
Also please choose any image and just make this new thread happen, whoever here does that!
No. 496089
>>496059lmao "my statement"
Funny, you originally said you already said it!